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62963: Richardson C. A., Crisp D. J. & Runham N. W., - Factors influencing shell deposition during tidal cycle in the intertidal bivalve Cerastoderma edule
25125: Richardson Kuntz P., - La producción de nuevas variedades de ca–a y sus resultados experimentales
25121: Richardson Kuntz P., - Censo de las variedades de ca–a de azucar sembradas en Puerto Rico correspondiente a la cosecha de 1931-32
64913: Richling I., - New species of Helicinidae form Costarica (Mollusca: Neritopsina)
74643: Richling I., - Classification of the Helicinidae: Review of morphological characteristics based on a revision of the Costa Rican species and application to the arrangement of the Central American mainland taxa (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neritopsina)
65764: Richling I. & Groh K., - Weichtier des Jahres 2017 - Die Schöne Landdeckelschnecke Pomatias elegans (O
68543: Richter G., - Zur Frage der Verwandtschaftbeziehungen von Limacinidae und Cavolinidae (Pteropoda: Thecosomata)
54116: Richter O., - Zur Frage der horizontalen Nutation
68910: Richter G., - Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Atlanta (Heteropoda: Atlantidae)
53362: Richter G., - Creseis chierchiae Boas, eigene Art oder Jugendstadium von Hyalocylis striata (Rang)?
54836: Richter, O. , - Zur Physiologie Der Diatomeen (I Mitteilung)
68509: Richter G., - Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Atlanta (IV)
68520: Richter G., - Die Gehäuseentwicklung bei den Larven der Cymatiiden (Prosobranchia: Tonnacea)
68808: Richter A.E., - Handbuch des Fossiliensammlers, Ein Wegweiser für die Praxis
40983: Richter G., - Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Atlanta (V)
65902: Richter G., - Zur Stammesgeschichte pelagischer Gastropoden
41704: Ricordi P., - Prima segnalazione di Narrimania concinna (Sykes, 1925) per il mar Tirreno meridionale
31238: Ricordi P., - Una nuova Opalia (Ptenoglossa, Epitoniidae) per il Pliocene Siciliano
64066: Ridet J.M., Diagne M., Bauchot R. & Platel R, - Etude quantitative de la variabilité intraspécifique des principales subdivisions encéphaliques de la truite arc-en-ciel Salmo gairdneri Richardson (Pisces, Teleostei, Salmonidae)
33199: Ridley W.F., - Vegetal distribution relative to geology in a complex part of South-East Queensland
57495: Ridley, S.O., 1881. - Account of the zoological collections made during the survey of HMS Alert in the straits of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia
34802: Ridolfi B., - Sul guasto de' limoni nell'invernata
70344: Riedel A., - Pseudopolita Germain, Allogenes Gude und ihre Verwandten (Gastropoda, Zonitidae)
70342: Riedel A., - Zur Kenntnis der Zonitidae (Gastropoda) Spaniens
70290: Riedel A., - Die von Dr
70291: Riedel A., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Zonitidae (Gastropoda) der französischen Pyrenäen
70347: Riedel A., - Eine Zonitiden-Ausbeute (Gastropoda) von den griechischen Inseln
64671: Riedel A., - Kritische Bemerkungen und Ergänzungen zur Kenntnis der Subfamilie Daudebardiinae (Gastropoda, Zonitidae) mit Verzeichnis aller akzeptierten Arten
70687: Riedel A., - Zwei neue Zonitiden (Gastropoda) aus Albanien
64794: Riedel A., - Die Zonitiden-Fauna Bulgariens, (Gastropoda) ihre Herkunft und Verbreitung
53393: Riedel A., - Jaroslaw Urbanski (1909-1981)
65390: Riedel A. & Velkovrh F., - Drei neue balkanische Zonitiden (Gastropoda) und neue Funde einiger seltener Arten
68424: Riedel A., - Zonitidae Kretas
71232: Riedel A., - Über Oxychilus oppressus (Fischer et Studer in Shuttleworth, 1877) (Gastropoda, Zonitidae)
71892: , 1967Riedel A. - Zonitidae (Gastropoda) aus Korea
70292: Riedel A., - Endemische Zonitidae (Gastropoda) der Balearen
66113: Riedel F., - An outline of Cassoidean phylogeny
70784: Riedel A., - Die Gattung Lindbergia Riedel (Gastropoda, Zonitidae) nebst Angaben über Vitrea illyrica (A
68517: Riedel A. & Subai P., - Beschreibung einer neuer Oxychilus-Art aus Kreta nebst neuen Angaben über Oxychilus ionicus (Gastropoda: Zonitidae)
11504: Riedel A. & Maassen W.J., - Berichtigung zur Frage der Identität von Hyalina moussoni Kobelt, 1878 (Zonitidae)
70938: Riedel A., - Oxychilus (Oxychilus disciformis sp
70343: Riedel A., - Die Untergattung Schistophallus A
68713: Riedel A., - Über einige Zonitidae aus dem Iran
71295: Riedel A., Vilella M., - Zur Kenntnis der Zonitidae (Gastropoda) Spaniens
70736: Riedel A., - Über drei Zonitiden-Arten aus den Höhlen der Türkey
71122: Riedel A., - Kaukasische Schnecke Oxychilus (Ortizius) komarowi (O
72573: Riedel A., - Materialen zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Zonitidae (Gastropoda) III-IV
72993: Riedel A., - Revision der Gattung Zonites Montfort (Gastropoda, Zonitidae): griechische Arten
18389: Riemann F., - The deep-sea nematode Thalassomonhystera bathisnadica sp nov and microhabitat of nematodes in flocculent surface sediments
70026: Riezler H., - Die Molluskenfauna Tirols
55359: RIGAMONTI A., - Inusuali fenomeni cooperativi in assemblee di dipoli elettrici
52252: Rigby J.E., - Succinea putris: a terrestrial opisthobranch mollusc
55576: Riggio G., - Alcune notizie sui progressi attuali dell'entomologia in Sicilia - Considerazioni sull'ordine deli Ortotteri e scoperta di alquante specie novelle di quest'ordine in Sicilia
51622: Riggio, S. - Le barriere artificiali e 1'uso conservativo della fascia costiera: risultati dei 'reefs' nella Sicilia N/O
39815: Riggio S. & Milazzo M., - Ricchezza specifica e biodiversità marina nell'isola di Ustica
66090: Righi G., - Sobre Tegula viridula (Gmelin, 1791)
60434: Rigoni Stern M., - Sentieri sotto la neve
57839: Rigoni M.A., - Illuminismo e negazione - Nota su Leopardi e La Mettrie
11704: Riley G.A., - Physiological aspects of spring diatom flowerings
31378: Rinaldi E., - Alcune considerazioni sulla validità del genere Scapharca Gray, 1847
31379: Rinaldi A.C., - Frequenza e distribuzione di Vitreolina philippi (De Rayneval & Ponzi, 1854) (Prosobranchia, Eulimidae) su due specie di Echinoidei regolari lungo le coste meridionali della Sardegna
65911: Rinaldi A., - Atlante della fauna e flora marina dell'Adriatico nord-occidentale
67082: Rinaldi R., - Australia
57053: Rinaudo C., - Il risorgimento italiano, con appendice bibliografica
61301: RINDONE V. & VAZZANA A., - Alcune specie di molluschi delle argille batiali del piano siciliano (Pleistocene inf) della cava di Archi (Reggio Calabria)
58700: Rintelen F. von, - La mia guerra segreta negli Stati Uniti 1915
60975: RIO D., SPROVIERI R., RAFFI I. & VALLERI G., - Biostratigrafia e paleoecologia della sezione stratotipica del Piacenziano
26076: Riod P.G., - Cultivo del banano en Puerto Rico
74047: Ríos P. & Gofas S. - Nueva cita de Coralliophila monterosatoi (Locard, 1897) (Gastropoda, Muricidae) en el ca–ón de Avilés (golfo de Vizcaya)
13110: Rios E.C. & Leal J.H., - Volvarina pontesi, a new bathyal marginellid from off Brazil
73575: Rios E.C., - Coastal Brazilian seashells
66365: Ripellino A.M., - Praga magica
74389: Rippingale O.H. & McMichael D.F., - Queensland and Great Barrier Reef shells
15165: Ripplinger J. & Herold J.P., - Évaluation de la consommation d'oxygène du coeur d'escargot par technique polarographique et comparaison aved les techniques manométriques classiques
15138: Ripplinger J., Joly M., Bride M. & Herold J.P., - Influence de la tension sur le tonus, la fréquence et l'amplitude des contractioons du ventricule d'escargot isolé et placé dans différentes conditions ioniques
11846: Risso Dominguez C.J., - The use of alkylene polyamines to isolate radulae
66833: Risso-Dominguez C.J., - Notes on Facelinacea I: Introduction
71512: Ritter Von Frauenfeld G., - Zoologische Miscellen III
71656: Ritter von Hauer F., - Ueber die Fossilien von Korod in Siebenbürgen
51176: Ritter von Hauer F., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cephalopoden aus der Trias von Bosnien II
36037: Ritter W.E., - The simple ascidians from the northeastern Pacific in the collection of the United States National Museum
72062: Ritter Von Frauenfeld G., - Kurzer Bericht der Ergebnisse meines Ausfluges von Heiligenblut über Agram an den Plattensee Mit Beschreibung einiger Metamorphosen und einer neuen Clausilia
63029: Rittschof D., Kratt C.M. & Clare A.S., - Gastropod predation sites: the role of predator and prey in chemical attraction of the hermit crabs Clibanarius vittatus
73321: Rittweger H., - Zur rezenten Mollusken-Fauna bei Breitscheid-Erdbach im Westerwald (Hessen) und ihr Zeigerwert für die ökologischen Bedingungen am Standort
57836: Riva F., - Aggiornamenti aleardiani (nel centenario della morte)
67778: Rivas L.R., - A review of the tuna fishes of the subgenera Parathunnus and Neothunnus (Genus Thunnus)
26811: Rivera A., - Aborto contagioso del ganado vacuno
70468: Riveros-Zuniga F., - Catalogo descriptivo de fisurelidos chilenos
60017: Rivoire M., - La vita e il tempo di Luigi XIV il Re Sole
60019: Rizzatti M.L., - La vita e il tempo di George Washington
60018: Rizzatti M.L., - La vita e il tempo di Lorenzo il Magnifico
57835: Rizzi A., - Patere e formelle veneto-bizantine in Friuli ed Istria
60043: Rizzo S. & Stells G.A., - La casta - Cos" i politici italiani sono diventati intoccabili
69905: Rizzo S. & Stella G.A., - La casta - Cos" i politici italiani sono diventati intoccabili
11859: Roach D.K., - Analysis of the haemolymph of Arion ater L
73908: Robba E., - Studio biometrico di "Gemmula (Gemmula) rotata (Brocchi)"
60845: Robbins H., - Gli eredi
61788: Robbins H., - L'incantatore
59976: Robbins H., - Gli eredi
51538: Robert Mayer - Morphologie des mittleren Burgenlandes 44 pages with 4 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51265: Robert Klein - Über den täglichen Gang der meteorologischen Elemente bei Nordföhn 114 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
51549: Robert Ritter von Srbik - Die Margarita Philosophica des Gregor Reisch
51381: Robert von Lendenfeld - Untersuchungen über die Skelettbildungen der Kieselschwämme
51460: Robert Daublebsky von Sterneck - Die Gezeitenerscheinungen in der Adria
51412: Robert Eberstaller - Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Narcisseae 20 pages with 3 plates and 12 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
60211: Roberts C.D. & Stewart A.L., - First record of yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis (Günther) (Teleostei: Sparidae) in New Zealand waters
69513: Roberts D. & Wells F.E., - The marine ed estuarine molluscs of the Albany area of Western Australia
61151: Roberts J.A.G., - Storia dell'Antica Cina - La politica, la realtà sociale, la cultura, l'economia dall'antichità alla fine del '700
70841: Robertson R., - The subgenus Halopsephus Rehder, with notes on the Western Atlantic species of Turbo and the subfamily Bothropomatinae Thiele
61386: ROBERTSON R., - Review of the predators and parasites of stony corals, with special reference to symbiotic prosobranch gastropods
61330: Robertson R., - Archaeogastropod biology and the systematic of the genus Tricolia in the Indo-West-Pacific
19051: Robertson R., - Spermatophores of aquatic non-stylommatophoran gastropods: A review with new data on Heliacus (Architectonicidae)
24110: ROBERTSON R., - Sexually dimorphic archaeogastropods and radulae
25452: Robertson R., - The biology of the Architectonicidae, gastropods combining prosobranch and opisthobranchs traits
11874: Robertson J.D.., - Ionic regulaton in some marine invertebrates
11872: Robertson R., - Philippia (Psilaxis) radiata: Another Indo-West-Pacific architectonicid newly found in the Eastern Pacific (Colombia)
18279: Robertson A., - Effects of a toxic bloom of Chrysochromulina polylepis on the common dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus, on the Swedish west coast
11868: Robertson R., - Observations on the life history of th wentletrap Epitonium albidum in the West Indies
64326: Robertson R., - C-Type protoconchs and planktotrophy in small eastern North American Fargoa (Pyramidellidae)
509: Robertson K.R., Weeden N.F. & Roher J.R., - The current status of Chamaemeles (Rosaceae: Maloideae), a Madeiran endemic
67832: Robertson R., - Virginia Orr Maes (1920-86): Biography and Malacological Bibliography
11866: Robertson R., - Observations on the life history of the wentletrap Epitonium echinaticostum in the Bahamas
11867: Robertson R., - Extraordinary rapid postlarval growth of a tropical wentletrap (Epitonium albidum)
11871: Robertson R., - Heliacus trochoides: An Indo-West-Pacifc architectonicid newly found in the Eastern Pacific (mainland Ecuador)
61684: Robertson R., - Fargoa bartschi (Winkley, 1909): a little known Atlantic and Gulf coast American odostomian (Pyramidellidae) and its generic relationship
59930: Robertson R.N., - Gli elettroliti nei tessuti vegetali
65698: Robertson R., - The feeding of Strombus and related herbivorous marine gastropods
52179: Robertson R. & Mau-Lastovicka T., - The ectoparasitism of Boonea and Fargoa (Pyramidellidae)
70492: Robertson R., - Marine Prosobranch gastropods: larval studies and systematics
62750: Robertson R., - Epitonium millecostatum and Coralliophila clathrata: two prosobranch gastropod symbiotic with Indo-Pacific Polythoa (Coelenterata: Zoanthidae)
8537: Robertson R., 1957 - - Study of Cantharus multiangulus (Philippi) with notes on Cantharus and Pseudoneptunea
8539: Robertson R., - Dispersal and wastage of larval Philippia krebsii (Gastropoda: Architectonicidae) in the North Atlantic
8540: ROBERTSON R., - Systematics of Indo-pacific Philippia (Psilaxis), architectonicid gastropods with eggs and young in the umbilicus
8544: ROBERTSON R. , SCHELTEMA R.S. & ADAMS F.W., - The feeding, larval dispersal, and metamorphosis of Philippia (Gastropoda: Architectonicidae)
8666: Robertson R., 1962 - - Supplementary notes on the Rissoellidae
257: Roberty G., - Les régions naturelles de l'Afrique tropicale occidentale
71915: Robin A., - Compendium of Marine Gastropods
67173: Robin A. & Martin J.C., - Mitridae - Costellariidae
66917: Robin A., - Encyclopedia of marine bivalves including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods
66907: Robin A., - Shells of the Hawaiian Islands: The Sea Shells and The Land Shells
57870: Robin South G., - A check-list of marine algae of eastern Canada - first revision
69443: Robinson E.A., - Some Middle Cambrian agnostoid trilobites from western North America
58402: Robinson, A.H.A., - Les industries minerales du Canadà
49577: Robinson J.L., - Development of fluctuations in thermal convection: a model interpretation
67822: Robles F., & Martinez-Orti A., - Moluscos continentales de los alrededores de Molina de Aragon (Guadalajara, Espa–a), con notas sobre Orculella bulgarica (Hesse, 1915) 8Gastropoda, Orculidae)
20592: Robles F., - Gasteropodos terrestres de la provincia de Valencia - Revision bibliografica y lista de especies
37346: Robson, W. A., - The British System Of Government
67104: Robson N.K.B., - A new species of saw-scaled viper of the Echis coloratus complex (Ophidia: Studies in the genus Hypericum L
62670: Rocchini R., - Cocculina viminensis n
65369: Roch G.F., - Über ein jugendliches Exemplar von Teredo arenaria und die systematische Stellung dieser Art
73192: Roch F., - Die Teredinen des Mittelmeers
68804: Rocha F., Fuentes L., Guerra A. & S ainza M.C., - Cefalópodos of Somalia
70855: Rochebrune A.T. de, - Étude monographique sur la famille des Loligopsidae
53113: Rockel D., - Conus sertacinctus n sp von den Salomonen
19379: Rodgers W.A. & Homewood K.M., - Species richness and endemism in the Usmabara mountain forests, Tanzania
60346: Rodhouse, P.G., Ottway, B., & Burnell, G.M. - Bivalve production and food chain efficiency in an experimental nursery system
33796: Rodhouse P. G., Ottway B. & Burnell G. M., - Bivalve production and food chain efficiency in an experimental nursery system
7209: Rodhouse P.G. & Hatfield E.M., - Production of soma and gonad in maturing male Illex argentinus (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
71469: Roding G.M., - Molluskenfunde während zwei Fahrten in Jugoslavien, insbesondere in Mazedonien
28171: Rodr"guez A.G., - Influence of smoke and ethylene on the fruiting of the pineapple (Ananas sativus Shult)
507: Rodrigues A.M., Santos M.C., Santana F.J. & Sobral P., - Phytoplankton and eutrophication of Furnas Lake (S Miguel Islands/Azores)
65838: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I passeriformi dei campi
65841: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Le aquile
65839: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I roditori - 1
65837: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Gli orsi
65833: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Gli aironi
65831: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Nibbi e albanella
65828: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Pesci di fiume
65842: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Le piccole aquile
65845: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I passeriformi di città
65843: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I passeriformi del fiume
65834: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I gallinacei di montagna
65835: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I passeriformi di palude
65820: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Le pernici e le quaglie
68460: Rodriguez M., Barquin J. & Pérez-Dionis G., - Eulimid gastropods of the Canary Islands part 1: Species parasiting sea urchins + part 2: Species parasiting the crinoid Antedon bifida
25122: Rodriguez D.A., - Problema apícolas de Puerto Rico
58751: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I pesci del mare
58747: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Uccelli della steppa
58748: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Gli svassi
58742: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Uccelli pelagici e strolaghe
58740: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Uccelli migratori - 2
58736: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - L'avvoltoio monaco e il grifone
58737: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Uccelli marini coloniali
58732: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I gruiformi
58730: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Le cicogne
58729: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I piccoli carnivori - 2
58727: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I roditori - 2
58726: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - Cigni ed oche
58725: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I mammiferi insettivori
58722: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - I piccoli carnivori - 1
58719: Rodriguez de la Fuente F., - GLI INVERTEBRATI MARINI[ Milano, L'Airone, 1984
11838: Roebuck W.D., - Census of the Distribution of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca
68775: Roeckel D., Richard G. & Moolenbeek R.G., - Deep-water Cones (Gastropoda: Conidae) from the New Caledonia region
30617: Roeleveld M.A. & Liltved W.R., - A new species of Sepia (Cephalopoda, Sepiidae) from South Africa
67233: Roewer C.F., - Opilioniden aus Süd-Amerika
19087: Rogers S.I., - Seasonal variation in fecundity and egg size of the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps
73090: Rogers M.E., - S new Gulf of California Periploma
73390: Rogers J.E. - The Shell Book, a popular guide to a knowledge of the families of living mollusks, and an aid to the identification of shells native and foreign
68076: Rohá ek J., - Typhamyza gen
60655: Rohá ek J., - Taxonomy and distribution of West Palaearctic Anthomyzidae (Diptera), with special regard to the Mediterranean and Macaronensian faunas
66849: Rohá ek I. & Marshall S.A., - The genus Trachyopella Duda (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) of the Holoarctic Region
60874: Roisin Y. & J.M. Pasteels, - The nasute termites (Isoptera : Nasutitermitinae) of Papua New Guinea
65482: Rolan E., - Descripcion de nuevas especies y subespecies del genero Conus para el archipelago de Cabo Verde
61672: Rolan E. & Espinosa J., - El complejo Brachycythara biconica (C
74795: Rolan E., - Columbellidae (Gastropoda, Neogastropoda) of the gulf of Guinea with the description of eight new species
75420: Rolan E. & Gori S., - New species of neogastropods from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa
62093: Rolan E. & Gori S., - Five new Barleeia species (Caenogastropoda, Rissooidea) from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea (West Africa)
74534: Rolan E. & Fernandes F., - Tres nueva especies del genero Manzonia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) para la costa occidental de Africa
74497: Rolan E., - El genero Manzonia Brusina, 1870 en el archipelago de Cabo Verde
26116: Rolan E., - Aportaciones al conocimiento de Belgrandiella rolani (Hydrobiidae)
75427: Rolan E. & Rubio F., - A new species and range extension of Ponderinella (Gastropoda, Tornidae) in West Africa
65246: Rolan E. & Luque A.A., - Una nueva especie de Sinezona (Gastropoda, Scissurellidae) del Caribe
31377: Rolan E. & Templado J., - Una especie nueva del genero Tropidorissoia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Barleeidae) para la costa Oesteafricana
16302: Rolan E. & Rubio F., - New information on the malacological fauna of the Cape Verde Archipelago, with the description of five new species
31411: Rolàn E., - Description de una nueva especie del genero Hinia leach in Gray, 1847 (Mollusca, Gatropoda) precedente del archipelago de Cabo Verde
18085: Rolan E., - Estudio de la radula de Conus ermineus Born, 1778 desde el periodo juvenil al adulto
68810: Rolan E. & Luque A., - Nassarius reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) y Nassarius nitidus (Jeffreys, 1867) (Gastropoda, Nassariidae), dos especies validas de los mares de Europa
67676: Rolan E. & Espinosa J., - The family Cerithiopsidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Cuba 3
71901: Rolán E. & Templado J., - A peculiar high-tidal molluscan assemblage from a Madeiran boulder beach
65496: Rolan E. & Sellanes J., - Una nueva especie del género Vitrinella de Chile (Gastropoda, Vitrinellidae)
52189: Rolán E. & Rubio F., - The genera Megalomphalus and Macromphalina (Vanikoridae) in the Caribbean area, with the description of thirteen new species
75184: Rolan E. & Hernandez J.M., - New records and new species of marine molluscs (Gastropoda; Caenogastropoda: Rissoidae: Cingulopsidae; Barleeidae; Tjaernoeiidae) from Mauritania and Senegal
68629: Rolan E. & Zettler M., - A new species of Gibbula (Archaeogastropoda) from Namibia
33277: Rolán E. & Rubio F., - New species of the genera Elachisina and Rissoella from the Cape Verde Archipelago
68459: Rolan E. & Boyer F., - The genus Mitrolumna in West Africa
20901: Rolan Mosquera E., - Aportaciones al conoscimiento de Conus ermineus Born, 1778 (Gastropoda Conidae) estudio de los estadios juveniles
65497: Rolan E. & Hernandez J. M., - Descripcion de una nueva especie de Onoba (Mollusca, Rissooidea) de las Islas Canarias, con comentarios sobre otras especies proximas
61249: Rolan E., Otero-Schmitt J. & Fernandes F., - El genero Bactrocythara (Gastropoda: Turridae: Mangeliinae) en Africa occidental, con descripcion de una nueva especie
26138: Rolan E., - Belgrandia lusitanica, especie endemica de Portugal, en riesgo de extincion
75040: Rolan E., - Aportaciones al estudio de los risoaceos de las Islas Canarias: I Descripcion de tres especies nuevas
68589: Rolan E. & Cruz-Abrego F. M., - A new triphorid species (Gastropoda, Triphoridae) from Nichupté lagoon, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
11499: Rolan E. & Templado J., - The family Cingulopsidae (Prosobranchia: Rissoidea) in the Cape Verde Islands, with the description of one new species
34028: Rolan E., - Descripcion de tres nuevas especies del genero Conus (Gastropoda) del Archipielago de Cabo Verde
56744: Rolan E. (Ed.), - Moluscos y conchas marinas de Canarias
74817: Rolan E. & Luque A., - Two new species of Columbellidae (Buccinoidea) from the Cape Verde Archipelago
74818: Rolan E. & Rubio F., - The genus Cinysca Kilburn, 1970 in West Africa with the description of two new species
64533: Rolan E., Ardconada B. & Boeters H.D., - A new species of Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984 (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Hydrobiida) from northern Spain
74423: Rolan E. & Fernadez-Garcés R., - New data on the Caribbean Triphoridae (Caenogastropoda) with the description of 26 new species
74424: Rolan E., Ryall P. & Horro J., - Notes on West African Perrona (Clavatulidae) with the description of a new species
75223: Rolan E. & Hernandez J.M., - Three new species of Alvania from S‹o Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa)
68462: Rolan E., - A new species of Alvania from Annobón (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa)
65161: Rolan E. & Rubio F., - Un nuevo vitrinelido (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Vitrinellidae) de la isla de S‹o Tomé (Africa occidental)
70447: Rolan E. & Swinnen F., - Two new species of the genus Jujubinus (Mollusca, Trochidae) from the Canary Archipelago
65521: Rolan E. & De Oliveira A., - A new species of Rissoa (Prosobranchia, Rissoidae) from the Cape Verde Archipelago
66282: Rolan E. & Ferdandez-Garces R., - La famiglia Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) en la isla de Cuba 1: El genero Metaxia Monterosato, 1884
74168: Rolan E., - The genus Calyptraea (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Calyptraeidae) in the East Atlantic
68474: Rolan Mosquera E. et al., 1984- - Moluscos de la Ria de Vigo
65520: Rolan E. & De Oliveira A., - A new species of Anachis (Prosobranchia, Columbellidae) from the Cape Verde Archipelago
69749: Rolan E., - Malacological Fauna from the Cape Verde Arcipelago
69541: Rolán E., Rubio F. & Letourneux J., - Some considerations on the genera Boschitestella and Orbitestella (Heterobranchia, Orbitestellidae) with the description of three new species
75388: Rolán E. , - A new species of Dizoniopsis (Prosobranchia, Cerithiopsidae) from the Gulf of Guinea Islands
75389: Rolán E. & Fernández-Garcés R., - A new species of Cerithiopsis from Florida, USA (Prosobranchia, Cerithiopsidae)
74477: Rolan E. & Rubio F., - The family Tornidae (Gastropoda, Rissooidea) in the East Atlantic
74866: Rolan E., Fernandez-Garces R. & Rubio F., - Una nueva especie de Anticlimax (Gastropoda: Vitrinellidae) de Cuba
73326: Rolan E. & Martinez-Orti A., - Nuevas especies de la familia Hydrobiidae (Mollusca, Orthogastropoda) de la Comunidad Valenciana (Espana)
73335: Rolan E. & Ryall P., - The genus Pelycidion (Mollusca: Archaegastropoda) in West Africa
73336: Rolan E., Monteiro A. & Fraussen K., - Four new Euthria (Mollusca, Buccinidae) from the Cape Verde archipelago, with comments on the validity of the genus
73364: Rolan E. & Penas A., - Two new species of the genus Monophorus (Gastropoda, Triphoridae) in the east Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
73365: Rolan E. & Rockel D., - The endemic species of Conus from Angola
73790: Rolan E. & Ryall P., - Checklist of the Angolan marine molluscs - Lista de los moluscos marinos de Angola
51384: Roland Weitzenböck - Über Drehungsinvarianten 24 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 24
8809: Roldan C. & Garcia-Corrales P., - Anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the snail Theba pisana (Gastr
69871: Rollinson D. & Wright C.A., - Population studie on Bulinus cernicus from Mauritius
7997: Rollo D., - A quantitative analysis of food consumption for the terrestrial mollusca: allometry, food hydration and temperature
61274: Romagna-Manoja E., - Indice analitico ventennale de "La Conchiglia"
66044: Roman M.L., - Contribution à l'étude des isopodes marins littoraux de Méditerranée
70017: Roman F., 1899 (1970?) - Monographie de la Faune Lacustre de l'Eocène moyen
54327: ROMANELLI Pietro e BERNARDINI Mario, - Il museo Castromediano di Lecce
65098: Romani L., Bogi C. & Giusti F, - Nota su alcuni Nuculanida batiali (Bivalvia: Protobranchia) rinvenuti nell'Arcipelago Toscano e zone limitrofe
74133: Romani J. & Prki J., - New data on Monophorus alboranensis Rolán & Pe–as, 2001 (Gastropoda: Triphoridae)
74154: Romani L. et al., - Remarks on the Mediterranean marine Valvatoidea (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia)
74155: Romani L. & Prki J., - New data on Monophorus alboranensis Rolán & Pe–as, 2001 (Gastropoda: Triphoridae)
71234: Romani L. et al., - I dubbi nel cassetto, secondo contributo: le conchiglie fossili
61218: Romani L. & Sbrana C., - A new Mediterranean species of Cornirostridae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), with notes on the genus Tomura
61219: Romani L. & Bogi C., - Moelleriopsis messanensis (Seguenza, 1876) its radula and taxonomic position (Vetigastropoda, Trochoidea, Skeneidae)
61938: Romani L., Bogi C. & Bartolini S., - A new Skenea species from Mediterranean Sea, with notes on Skenea serpuloides (Montagu, 1808) (Gastropoda, Vetigastropoda, Skeneidae)
65096: Romani L., Siragusa F. & Bogi C., - Su di una peculiare forma di Alvania Risso, 1826 del Mar Mediterraneo (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissoidae)
51615: Romanin E., - Cenni storici intorno ad alcuni prodotti agricoli figuranti nella Esposizione di Verona
62190: Romano L., - Vita di Pantalisea
58867: Romano B., 1846 (1984) - Degl'insetti che danneggiano gli ulivi in Sicilia
67368: Romano L., - Le parole tra noi leggere
60808: Romano G., - Introduzione all'astronomia: Esercitazioni e problemi
72409: Romashko S., - The shell book - Florida, Gulf, and Caribbean
72419: Romashko S., - The coral book
67794: Ronchetti G. & Fargion A., - La gelatina reale di Apis mellifera L
59859: Rondelli D., - Storia delle discipline mediche
68263: Rondelli M., - Ricerche sula variazione strutturale nelle penne di gallinacei e di anserini
60828: Rondelli D., - Storia delle discipline mediche
66909: Ronkay G. & Ronkay L., - Taxonomic studies on the Palearctic Cuculliae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) part III: the chamomilae group
25783: ROPER C.F., - Observations on bioluminescence in Ommastrephes pteropus, with notes on its occurence in the family Ommastrephidae
31325: Roper C.F., - Preliminary descriptions of two new species of the bathypelagic squid Bathyteuthis
5592: Roper C.F. & Young R.E., - A review of the Valbyteuthidae and a evaluation of its relationship with the Chiroteuthidae
52168: Roper C.F. & Brundage W.L., - Cirrate octopods with associated deep-sea organisms: New biological data based on deep benthic photographs (Cephalopoda)
9245: Roper C.F.E., - Systematics and zoogeography of the worldwide bathypelagic squid Bathyteuthis (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida)
9247: Roper C.F. & Sweeney M.J., - A catalog of the type-specimens of recent Cephalopoda in the National Museum of Natural History
9249: Roper C.F. & Young R.E., - Vertical distribution of pelagic cephalopods
69551: Ropolo P., - Implications of variation in coiling in some Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) heteromorph ammonites from the Vocontian basin, France
61193: Ros i Aragones J., - Compètencia i evolució en espècies veïnes de gaster˜podes marins
68305: Rosa P., - Chrysis schmideggeri n
56495: Rosario Mascara, - Uccelli di Sicilia - I rapaci della provincia di Caltanissetta - Aves: Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, StrigiformesI In 8vo, pictorial card stiff, pp
34482: Roscoe H.E., - Th life-work of a chemist
21288: Rose R.A., - Direct development in Rostanga arbutus (Nudibranchia) and the effects of temperature and salinity on embryos reared in the laboratory
19547: Rose J.N., - Two umbelliferous plants from the coastal plain of Georgia
19706: Rose R.A., - The spawn and embryonic development of colour variants of Dendrodoris nigra (Nudibranchia)
62673: Rose H., - Your guide to Malta
19545: Rose J.N. & House H.D., - Descriptions of three Mexican violets
64064: Rose M., - Contribution à l'étude de la biologie du plankton; le problème des migrations journalières
39118: Rosenberg G., - Aposematism evolves by individual selection: evidence from marine gastropods with pelagic larvae
64524: Rosenberg G. & Salisbury R., - Two new species of Vexillum from the Western Pacific
52781: Rosenberg, G. & R. E. Petit, - Ryckholt's Mélanges Paléontologiques, 1851-1862, with a new name for Tudicola H
75452: Rosenberg G., - Lunovula, a new genus of the Ovulidae (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
71045: Rosenberg G. & Petit R.E., - Kaicher's Card Catalogue of World-Wide Shells: a collation, with discussion of species named therein
11926: Rosenberg G. & Ludyanskiy M.L., - A nomenclatural review of Dreissena (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) with identification of the quagga mussel as Dreissena bugensis
58409: Rosenfeld A.H., - The BH10(12) and SC 12(4) canes - some observations on these two promising varieties in the West Indies
58335: Rosenfeld A.H., - The Java P
25986: Rosenfeld A.H., - A monograph of sugar-cane varieties
61733: Rosewater J., - The family Littorinidae in the Indo-Pacific
5595: Rosewater J., - Itinerary of the voyage of HMS Blossom, 1825 to 1828
70702: Rosewater J., - Malacological collections - development and management
5598: Rosewater J., - Subspecies of the gastropod, Littorina scabra
5601: Rosewater J., - A new species of the genus Echininus (Mollusca: Littorinidae: Echininae) with a review of the subfamily
11864: Rosewater J., - A new species of Hippopus (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae)
61715: Rosewater J., - The family Littorinidae in tropical West Africa
71790: Rosewater J., - A bibliography and list of the taxa of Mollusca introduced by Joseph P
60291: Ross, J.P.. - Distribution, paleoecology, and correlation of Champlainian Ectoprocta (Bryozoa), New York State, Part III
59073: Ross D.M., - A behaviour pattern in Pagurus bernhardus L
58113: Rossana Bossaglia, - SCULTURA ITALIANA
34292: Rossi L., - Spedizione subacquea italiana nel Mar Rosso
35470: Rossi B., - Astronomia in raggi X
64082: Rossi P., - Speranze
58702: Rossi E. (cur.), - Una spia del regime
66948: Rossi L., - Celenterati del Golfo di Rapallo (Riviera Ligure) In 8vo, offp
67637: Rossi L., - Il coralligeno di Punta Mesco (La Spezia)
59913: Rossi B., - Le grandi famiglie d'Europa: Gli Estensi
66518: Rossi L., - Le specie di Eunicella (Gorgonaria) del Golfo di Genova
66830: Rossi L., - Gorgonarii americani raccolti dal Dr
57882: Rossitto M., - Saggio bibliografico sul contributo dei siciliani alla cultura scientifica dell' 800
57465: Rosso A, & Taylor P.D., - A new anascan cheilostome bryozoan from Icelandic deep waters and its uniserial colony growth pattern
65407: Rosso di San Secondo, - Teatro 1911-1925
15073: Rosso J.C., - Sur une collection de mollusques quaternaires de la région de Saint-Louis (Sénégal)
15081: Rosso J.C. & Saubade A.M., - Peuplements malacologiques du plateau continental sénégalais au nord de la presqu'"le du Cap-Vert: préliminaires à une étude écologique
7732: Rosso J.C., - Description d'un Olividae nouveau du Quaternaire terminal Gabonais (Afrique Equatoriale): Oliva weyderdi
7733: Rosso J.C., Saubaude A.M., - Sur deux Ringicula nouveaux ( Opisthobranchia: Pleurocoela) des depots quaternaires immerges du plateau continental Senegalais au sud de la presqu'ile du Cap Vert
66645: Rossoni P., - Contributo alla petrografia del Monte Pisano
31717: Rost Martins H., - Biological studies of the exploited stock of Loligo forbesi (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Azores
71265: Rost H., - Studies on Cepaea hortensis /Müll
71090: Rost H. & Soot-Ryen T., - Notes on a small collection of [marine] Pelecypods from Madagascar
58912: Rostand J., - Piccola Storia Della Biologia
29310: Rota F., - Flora spontanea e vegetazione nel Roero
64884: Rotarides M., - Zur Kenntnis der Fussmuskulatur von Nassa mutabilis L
70880: Rotarides M. 1933. - Systematische aufzählung der Molluskenfauna Ungarns
75408: Roth B., - The systematic position of Helminthoglypta traskii fieldi Pilsbry, 1930 (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora)
59718: Roth J., - La cripta dei Cappuccini
66369: Roth J., - La cripta dei cappuccini
63195: Roth P., - Zuckerman scatenato
64812: Roth P., - Ho sposato un comunista
35131: Roth F., - The uses of wood
7240: Roth B., - Description of a new species of pectinid bivalve from the Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile
72921: Roth S., Kurtz F. & Burckhardt C., - Le Lias de la Piedra Pintada (Neuquen)
73874: Roth B. & Talmadge R.R., - Description of a new cockle (Bivalvia) from the Pliocene of northern California
58388: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1919 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
58389: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1921 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
58390: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1922 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
58391: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1924 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
58392: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1925 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
58393: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1920 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
58394: Rothé E. (Ed.), - Annuaire de l'Institut de Physique du Globe 1926 - Premeir partie - Meteorologie
34080: Rotondi M., - Nidi
63734: Rotschi H. & Wauthy B., - Hydrologie et dynamique dans le Pacifique occidental tropical en relation avec les mecanismes de fertilisation
59945: Rotsler W., - Zandra
63698: Rouch J., - Traité d'océanographie physique - Sondages
66705: Rouch J., - Les régions polaires
18842: Rouch J., - Rites de pluie chez les Songhay (West Africa)
63617: Rouche J., - Traité d'Océanographie Physique *** - Les Mouvements de la Mer
66154: Roule L., - Fishes: Their Journeys and Migrations
63388: Roule L., - Formes larvaires tiluriennes de poissons apodes, recueillies par le "Thor"
65462: Rounault J., - Il terzo cielo
64101: Rousseau J.J., - Il contratto sociale o Principi di diritto politico
63433: Roux-Estève R., - Etude comparée de Meizodon coronatus (Schleglel) et de Meizodon regularus (Fischer) (Colubridae - Serpentes)
69444: Rowell A.J., Robinson E.A. & Strickland D.K., - Aspects of Cambrian agnostoid phylogeny and chronocorrelation
69445: Rowell A.J., Robinson E.A. & Strickland D.K., - A short limbed lizard from the Lystrosaurus Zone (Lower Triassic) of South Africa
75121: Rowson B., - Gulella (Juventigulella) ngerezae spec
60898: Roy A., - Il dio delle piccole cose
70776: Royo Gómez J., - Nuevos moluscos del pontiense del Vallés-Panadés (Barcelona)
57390: Roze, J. A., - Contribución al conocimiento de los ofidios de las familias Typhlopidae y Leptotyphlopidae en Venezuela
66911: Roze J.A. & Bernal-Carlo A., 1988 [1987] - Las serpientes corales venenosas del género Leptomicrurus (Serpentes, Elapidae) de Suramérica con descripción de una nueva subespecie
29014: Rubens J.F., - Winzerbuch
58399: Ruberg M., - The Deciduous woods on the Näset Peninsula at Tullgarn, province of Södermanland - the woody species and their distribution - the natural history of Näset during the last few centuries
63591: Rubinstenn J., - La musculature peaucière péri-buccale des Primates
75481: Rubio F., Rolan E. & Fernandez-Garcés R., - Revision of the genera Parviturbo and Pseudorbis (Gastropoda, Skeneidae)
62028: Rubio F., Rolan E. & Fernandes F., - Nueva especie de Hyalogyra (Archaeogastropoda: Skeneidae) procedente de la costa occidental Africana
62803: Rubio F. & Rolan E., - Circuitus, a new genus of the family Tornidae (Gastropoda, Truncatelloidea) with the description of six new species
68626: Rubio F. & Rolan E., - Una nueva especies de Tomura (Heterobranchia, Cornirostridae) del Caribe
64602: Rubio F. & Rolan E., - Vanikoridae de la costa occidental africana (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
62906: Rubio F., Rolan E. & Redfern C., - The genus Lodderena Iredale, 1924 (Archaeogastropoda, Skeneidae) in the Caribbean
27608: Rubio F. & Rolán E., - Revision of the genus Clanculus (Gastropoda: Trochidae) in the Eastern Atlantic
75432: Rubio F., Fernandez-Garces R. & Rolan E., - The genus Haplocochlias (Gastropoda, Skeneidae)
64614: Rubio F. & Rolan E., - Una nueva especie de Lirularia (Trochidae) de la islas de S‹o Tomé y Príncipe, Africa Occidental
73224: Rubio F. & Rolan E., - The family Tornidae in the tropical Southwest Pacific: the genus Anticlimax Pilsbry & McGinty, 1946 (Gastropoda, Truncatelloidea) with the description of 42 new species
68522: Rubio F. & Rolán E., - Nine new molluscs (Gastropoda: Truncaelloidea: Tornidae: Vitrinellidae) from the Tropical Indo-Pacific
69545: Rubio F. & Rolán E., - A new species of the genus Helicopelta Marshall, 1996 (Gastropoda: Addisoniidae) from the Norfolk Ridge (SW Pacific Ocean)
7241: Rubio M.R., Tineo P., Díaz-Mayans J. & Tapia G., - Estudio histologico del hepatopancreas de Thais haemastoma (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
7242: Rubio M.R., Tineo P. & Pujante A., - Estudio histologico del hepatopancreas de Melanopsis dufouri
73775: Rubio F. & Rolan E., - New Species of Vitrinellidae (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea) from the Indo-Pacific
67240: Rubzov J.A., - Simuliidae d'Italia
62742: Rudman W.B., - The ecology and anatomy of a new species of aeolid opisthobranch molluscs ; a predator of the scleractinian coral Porites
62741: Rudman W.B., - Further studies on the anatomy and ecology of opisthobranch molluscs feeding on the scleractinian coral Porites
62480: Rudman W.B., - On a new genus for "Tornatina" murdochi (Retusidae)
62490: Rudman W.B., - Chelidonura inornata and C electra sp nov from the Solomon Islands (Opisthobranchia, Aglaijdae)
51306: Rudolf Klug - Definitive Bahnbestimmung des Kometen 1826IV 66 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51232: Rudolf Sturany, - Lamellibranchiaten des Rothen Meeres
51184: Rudolf Sturany - Zoologische Ergebnisse VIII
71269: Rudolph P., - A prostate pouch in Pseudosuccinea columella (Basommatophora: Lymnaeidae)
72611: Rudolph F., - Strandfunde: Sammeln & Bestimmen von Tieren und Pflanzen an Nord- und Ostseeküste
58918: Ruffo S., - Farfalle184
67782: Ruggeri G., - Alcuni ostracodi del Neogene italiano
31374: Ruggieri G., - Due parole su Caecum decurtatum Monterosato
62156: Ruggieri G., - Nuovi reperti di Cryptoplax (Acanthochitonidae, Amphineura) nel Miocene italiano
59338: Ruggieri G., - Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Aurila (Ostracoda, Podocopa) con particolare riguardo ai suoi rappresentanti nel Pleistocene italiano
59017: Ruggieri G., - Due ostracofaune dell'Emiliano (Pleistocene inferiore) argilloso del subappennino di Faenza
59089: Ruggieri G., - La ostracofauna pleistocenica della falesia di Cinisi ( Sicilia)
59086: Ruggieri G., - Ostracofauna tortoniana di Camporosso (Perticara, Appennino romagnolo)
4629: Ruggieri G., - Un raro lamellibranco nordico nel Quaternario (Siciliano) di Gela
4632: Ruggieri G., - Il problema dei microfossili inseriti in una microfauna in seguito a trasporto
17213: RUGGIERI G., - Aspetti della trasgressione langhiana nella zona del Monte Pispisa (Segesta)
6193: Ruggieri G., - Gli ostracodi del Pleistocene Inferiore di Rizzolo studiati da Seguenza
62001: Ruggieri G., - La protoconca del Dentalium rectum
50504: Ruggieri G. & Sprovieri R., - Recenti progressi nella statigrafia del Pleistocene inferiore
73207: Ruggieri G. & Milone G., - La macrofauna del Tirreniano di Tommaso Natale (Palermo)
73213: Ruggieri G. , - La malacofauna del Pliocene inferiore di Casa Schifo presso Gela (Sicilia)
73229: Ruggieri G. & Greco A., - Studi geologici e paleontologici su Capo Milazzo con particolare riguardo al Milazziano
73871: Ruggieri G. & Unti M., - Una malacofauna del Tirreniano (Pleistocene Superiore) di Birgi Nuovo (Trapani)
73872: Ruggieri G. & Milone G., - Segnalazione di Tirreniano a 50 metri di quota presso Palermo
25946: Ruggiero P., - La sistemazione idraulica del Platano (Sele) mediante serbatoi
15431: Ruhoff F.A., - Bibliography and zoological taxa of Paul Bartsch
69597: Ruiz Mignone S., - il cavalier vampiro
62017: Rule A., - Non te ne andrai
64289: Rundell R.J., - Snails on an evolutionary tree: Gulick, speciation, and isolation
73896: Rundle A.J., - Further notes on the molluscs from the Holocene peat at Tuxford, Nottinghamshire
63074: Runham N.W., - Reproduction and its control in Deroceras reticulatum
7999: Runham N.W., Isarankura K. & Smith B.J., - Methods for narcotizing and anaesthetizing gastropods
71772: Runnegar B. et al., - Biology of Hyolitha
61433: Runnegar, B. & J. Pojeta, Jr., 1974. - Molluscan phylogeny; the paleontological viewpoint
72213: Runnegar B., - Molluscan phylogeny revisited
72580: Runnegar B., - Preserved ligaments in Australian Permian bivalves
62873: Ruppel S.C., - Conodonts from the Lower Mississippian Fort Payne and Tuscumbia formations of northern Alabama
60531: Ruschka, F., - Chalcididenstudien I Teil
60996: Rusconi M., - Amati amanti
61901: Rusmore-Villaume M.L., - Seashells of the Egyptian Red Sea: The Illustrated Handbook
71453: Russell L.S., - Molluscan fauna of the Kishenehn Formation, Southeastern British Columbia
52240: Russell-Hunter W.D., - Ecology of freshwater pulmonates
14896: Russell Hunter W., - Biology in the Clyde and its associated waters with a note on land animals in the Clyde area
33970: Russell B. C., - Nelabrichthys, a new genus of labrid fish (Perciformes: Labridae) from the Southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans
13790: Russell Hunter W. & ASlack H.D., - Pisidium conventus Clessin in Loch Lomond
52924: Russell I., - The geology of Hudson County, New Jersey
12327: Russell Hunter W., - On migrations of Lymnaea peregra (Müller) on the shores of Loch Lomond
12328: Russell Hunter W., - On the growth of the fresh-water limpet, Ancylus fluviatilis Müller
73956: Russell I.G., - A geological reconnaissance in Southern Oregon
12322: Russell Hunter W., - New and newly-confirmed distribution records of non-marine molluscs in the West of Scotland (IIIrd paper)
71542: Russell L.S., - Molluscan fauna of the Kishenehn Formation, Southeastern British Columbia
12356: Russell Hunter W., - New and newly-confirmed distribution records of non-marine molluscs in the West of Scotland (IVth paper)
15679: Russell Hunter W. & Hamilton J.D., - Pisidium from Hirta, St
15678: Russell Hunter W., - Mollusca from limestone in Skye, with special reference to Pyramidula rupestris (Draparnaud)
12341: Russell Hunter W. & Warwick T., - Records of "Potamopyrgus jenkinsi" (Smith) in Scottish fresh waters over fifty years (1906-1956)
15682: Russell Hunter W. , - A note on the amphibious snail Succinea pfeifferi in a previously undescribed habitat
12324: Russell Hunter W., - Notes on the Mollusca of the Garvelloch Islands [Scotland]
12325: Russell Hunter W., - Further new and newly-confirmes records of the distribution of fresh-water snails in the West of Scotland
12326: Russell Hunter W., - The condition of the mantle cavity in two pulmonate snails living in Loch Lomond
42429: Russell G., - Laminariocolax tomentosoides on the Isle of Man
12504: Russell Hunter W. & Grant D.C., - Mechanics of the ligament in the bivalve Spisula solidissima in relation to mode of life
69780: Russell F., - Galassia che vai Mondadori, Urania n
10658: RUSSELL HUNTER W., - Life cycles of four freshwater snails in limited populations in Loch Lomond with a discussion of infraspecific variation
10659: RUSSELL HUNTER W., - Annual variations in growth and density in natural populations of freshwater snails in the West of Scotland
10660: RUSSELL HUNTER W., MAITLAND P.S. & YEOH P.K.H., - Potamopyrgus jenkinsi in the Loch Lomond Area, and an authentic case of passive dispersal
10661: RUSSELL HUNTER W. & RUSSELL HUNTER M., - On a population of Hydrobia ulvae in the Clyde Estuary
5606: Russell H.D., 1971 - - Index Nudibranchia, a catalog of the literature 1554-1965
16494: Russell H.D., - Index Nudibranchia Supplement I, 1966-1975
12379: Russell Hunter W.D. & Brown S.C., - Keys to marine invertebrates of the Woods Hole region
12335: Russell Hunter W., - The structure and behaviour of "Hiatella gallicana" (Lamarck) and "H
59004: Russell B., - Perche' non sono cristiano
15681: Russell Hunter W. , - Valvata piscinalis used by Phryganea in Loch Lomond
15680: Russell Hunter W. & Slack H.D., - Pisidium conventus Clessin in Loch Lomond
61570: Russert Kraemer L., - Aspects of the functional morphology of some fresh-water bivalve nervous systems: effects on reproductive processes and adptation of sensory mechanisms in the Sphaeriacea and Unionacea
69592: Russini V., Giannuzzi-Savelli R. et al., - Candidate cases of poecilogony in Neogastropoda: implications for the systematics of the genus Raphitoma Bellardi, 1847
63796: Russo P. & Quaggiotto E., - Il genere Cerithium Bruguière, 1789 (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae) nel Mare Mediterraneo, 2a parte: Cerithium alucastrum (Brocchi, 1814)
67078: Russo P., - Fusinus insularis (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae), new species of the South West Thyrrenian Sea
63787: Russo P. & Quaggiotto E., - Il genere Cerithium Bruguière, 1789 (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae) nel Mare Mediterraneo, 1a parte: Cerithium vulgatum Bruguière, 1792
62815: Russo L., - Problemi di metodo critico
31425: Russo G.F., Fasulo G., Toscano A. & Toscano T., - On the presence of triton species (Charonia spp
63655: Russo G.F., Fresi E., Buia M.C. & Vinci D., - Malacofauna delle praterie a Posidonia oceanica della zona di Capo Passero (Sicilia sud-orientale): analisi comparativa con i popolamenti dell'isola di Ischia
74051: Russo P., - Calliostoma zizyphinum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Calliostomatidae), la sua storia tassonomica
69790: Russo R.P., - Cyberblues la missione di Carlucci
21638: Russo G.F., Fresi E., Vinci D. & Chessa L.A., - Malacofauna di strato foliare nelle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L
68870: Russo P., - Sulla sistematica e sulle varie forme di Hexaplex trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Muricidae) nel Mare Mediterraneo
63672: Russo P., - New genus Aegeofusinus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) to include small endemic species of the Aegean Sea
68072: Russo P. & Pagli A., - Fusinus fioritae n
66148: Russo P. & Quaggiotto E., - Il Genere Cerithium Bruguière, 1789 (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae) nel Mare Mediterraneo
63671: Russo P., - Lagoon malacofauna: results of malacological research in the Venice Lagoon
59115: Russo F., - Nuove spugne calcaree triassiche di Campo (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Belluno)
59090: Russo A., - Microstructure septale de quelques generes de madreporaires eocenes
63657: Russo G.F., Fresi E. & Scardi M., - Il popolamento a molluschi dei fondi mobili del Golfo di Salerno: Analisi strutturale in rapporto al trofismo
72674: Russo P., - La famiglia dei Nassariidae Iredale, 1916 (1835) nel Mare Mediterraneo con alcune considerazione sulla Tritia corniculum f
67062: Russo P., - Recent Mediterranean Fusinus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) in the Monterosato collection of the Museo Civico di Zoologia of Rome
8034: Russo G.F., Fresi E., Vinci D. & Scardi M., - Problemi e proposte sul campionamento della malacofauna di strato foliare nelle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L
24531: Rutheford E., - Discussion on the electrical state of the upper atmosphere - opened by Sir Ernest Rutheford
61676: Ruthensteiner B., - Nervous system development of a primitive pulmonate (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and its bearing on comparative embryology of the gastropod nervous system
66182: Ruthven M., - Islam
11902: Rutkowski R.B. & Davis G.M., - Trypsin inhibitors in mesogastropod foot-muscle extracts
70359: Rutsch R., - Die Gattung Tubulostium im Eocaen der Antillen
72008: Rutsch R., - Die fazielle Bedeutung der Crassostreen (Ostreidae, Mollusca) im Helvétien der Umgebung von
71996: Rutsch R., - Ein Fall von Einregelung bei Mollusken aus dem Vindobonien des bernischen Seelandes
71971: Rutsch R., - Die paläogeographische Bedeutung der Fauna von Iquitos im oberen Amazonasbecken
70310: Rutsch B., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis tropisch-amerikanischer 'Tertiärmollusken
70277: Rutsch B., - Beitrage zur Kenntnis tropisch-amerikanischer Tertiarmollusken
30196: Ruzicka Z., - Estudo de la bionomia de Diatrea saccharalis Fabricius
53141: Ryall P., Horro J. & Rolán E., - Two new species of Crassispira (Gastropoda, Conoidea) from West Africa with a taxonomic note on Crassispira tripter von Maltzan, 1883
57918: Ryall P., Horro J. & Rolan E., - A revision of the genus Genota H and A Adams, 1853 (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Borsonidae) from West Africa
60127: Ryan A., - Il treno di Deacons Kill
63684: Ryan A., - La cosa dei monti Catskill
74015: Ryanskiy A. & Ivanov Y., - Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle
29151: Rüger L., - Die Entstehung des Neckar-Mündungstrichters bei Heidelberg
42431: Ryland J. S., - The identity of some cyphonautes larvae (Polyzoa)
31554: Rysavy B., - Ciclo evolutivo del Helminto pulmonar Müllerius Capillaris Müller 1889, en Cuba
72009: Rzheak A., - Über einige neue Fossilienfundorte im mährischen Miocän
53190: Rähle W., - Zur Kenntnis zyprischer Deroceras-Arten (Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae)
54063: Rähle W., - Deroceras kasium n sp, eine neue Nacktschnecke von der Insel Kasos (Dodekanes, Griechland)
68510: Röckel D. & Korn W., - Conus tuticorinensis n
65791: Röckel D., - Conus flavus, eine neue Conus-Art vom westlichen Pazifik (Gastropoda: Conidae)
65614: Röckel D., - Schönheitspreis für Conus pennaceus - Eine Huldigung
65742: Röckel D., - Eine neue Conus - Art von der Ostküste Indiens (Prosobranchia: Conidae)
65792: Röckel D., - Anmerkungen zum Conus stramineus-Komplex mith Beschreibung von Conud zapatosensius spec
61757: S., - Come coltivare le piante in casa, in terrazzo, in giardino
33373: S.P. çVILA & A. ALBERGARIA , - The Shallow-Water Polyplacophora of the Azores and some comments on the biogeographical relationships of the Azorean malacofauna
51418: S. Wellisch - Neue Methode der sphärischen Netzausgleichung und deren Anwendung auf die Berechnung der geographischen Lage des St
63025: Sabates A., Demestre M. & Sanchez P., - Revision of the family Ammodytidae (Perciformes) in the Mediterranean with the first record of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus
67624: Sabatinelli G., - Catalogue of the Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae from Himalaya and North India: Macrodactylini, Hopliini, Diplotaxini, Melolonthini and Sericini
33528: Sabelli B. & Tommasini S., - Osservazioni sul genere Muricopsis nel Mediterraneo
46464: Sabelli B., - Origine e distribuzione dei Polyplacophora viventi in Mediterraneo
31240: Sabelli B. & Tommasini S., - Osservazioni sulla radula e sulla protoconca di Ocenebra erinaceus (L
31375: Sabelli B. & Speranza S., - Rinvenimento di Xenostrobus sp
31409: Sabelli B. & Tommasini S., - Contributo alla conoscenza sistematica di "Murex" fusulus Brocchi, 1814
22007: SABELLI B., TOMMASINI S., - Tecniche di preparazione per l'osservazione della radula dei molluschi
74311: Sabelli B., - A semicritical list of shelled Gastropoda cited from the Red Sea
29318: Sabelli B., Taviani M., - The genus Nodilittorina von Martens, 1897, in the Red Sea: new data
39819: Sabelli B. & Tommasini S., - Osservazioni sulla radula di alcuni muricacea delle Galapagos
31247: Sabelli B. & Tommasini S., - Osservazioni sulla radula e sulla protoconca di Bolinus brandaris (L
74823: Sabelli B., - Conchiglie
7249: Sabelli B. & Taviani M., - Red Sea record of a Fungia-associated Epitonid
73211: Sabelli B. & Taviani M., - I Polyplacophora del Pleistocene Inferiore del T
62947: Sacc M., - Sur la Marmotte des Alpes (Arctomys marmotta)
67472: Sacchi C.F., - Ecologie et polymorphisme chez "Cepaea nemoralis" (L
31843: Sacchi C.F., - Points de vue d'un écologiste sur la physiologie de l'estivation chez l'hélicidé dunicole Euparypha pisana (Müller)
71150: Sacchi C. & Rastelli M.,. - Littorina mariae nov
33457: Sacchi C.F., - Cycle biotique et polymorphisme de la coquille en Theba pisana (Müll
67419: Sacchi C.F. & Voltolina D., - Recherches sur l'ecologie comparée des Littorines (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) dans l'Ile de Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
31483: Sacchi C.F., - Observations sur le cycle biotique de Theba pisana (Müller) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) en Europe et en Australie
67439: Sacchi C.F., - La morphe testudinea (Monts
31841: Sacchi C.F., - Littorina nigrolineata (Gray) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
67458: Sacchi C., - Recherches sur l'ecologie comparée de Littorina obtusata (L) et de L mariae Sacchi et Rast
5610: Sacchi C., - Contributo alla demoecologia di Cepaea nemoralis apennina Stabile
5609: Sacchi C., - Frequenze di fenotipi cromatici in Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) della Ria di Vigo (Spagna nordoccidentale) e loro significato ecologico
50017: Sacchi C.F., - Variabilità ed ambiente nella coppia di specie intertidali Littorina obtusata e Littorina mariae a Concarneau (Bretagna meridionale)
66991: Sacchi C., - Recherches sur l'ecologie comparée de Littorina obtusata (L) et de L mariae Sacchi et Rast
66895: Sacchi C., - I molluschi delle dune fossili nelle isole Ponziane nei rapporti con la malacofauna vivente
7252: Sacchi C., - Saggio eco-etologico sui gasteropodi delle dune di Castelfusano (Lido di Roma)
7253: Sacchi C., - Theba pisana (Müller) en Afrique du Sud: la revanche des 'cadets' (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae)
7254: Sacchi C.F. & Violani C., - Ricerche ecologiche sulle elicidi dunicole della Ria di Vigo (Spagna)
71341: Sacco F., - Novità malacologiche
57452: Sacco F., - Note illustrative della carta geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:100
54037: Sachs J., - Über einige neue mikroskopisch-chemische Reactionsmethoden, In 8vo, offp
70153: Sackville-West V., - L'aquila e la colomba
57049: Sade, Marquis De, (1880?) - La Philosophie Dans Le Boudoir
30601: Saenz B.A., - El Ostion antillano
7255: Safriel U.N., Felsenburg T. & Gilboa A., - The distribution of Brachidontes variabilis (Krauss) along the Red Sea coasts of Sinai
32282: Sah S.C., - Palynology of an Upper Neogene profile from Rusizi Valley (Burundi)
74507: Saito H., - Phylogenetic significance of the radula in chitons, with special reference to the Cryptoplacoidea
74522: Saito H., - A New Species of Ferreiraella Sirenko, 1988 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Philippine Basin
57711: Saja G., - Omaggio a Vincenzo Consolo
9142: SAKURAI K. & HABE T., - Three new bivalves from Amami Islands south of Kyushu, Japan
43485: Sala B., Ungaro S. & Vincenzi L., - Tapirus arvernensis Croizet & Jobert del Villafranchiano inferiore di Vignola (Modena)
74744: Salas C. & Gofas S., - Brooding and non-brooding Dacrydium (Bivalvia: Mytilidae): a review of Atlantic species
67503: Salas C., - Marine bivalves from off the Southern Iberian Peninsula collected by the Balgim and Fauna 1 expeditions
72639: Salas C., - Notolimea clandestina a new species of neotenous bivalve (Bivalvia: Limidae) endemic to Strait of Gibraltar
60014: Salavatorelli L., - Il pensiero politico italiano dal 1700 al 1870
63511: Saldanha L. & Blache J., - Contribution à la connaissance de Facciolella physonema (Facciola, 1914) (Pisces, Anguilliformi, Nettastomidae)
66296: Saldanha L., - La côte du Mozambique
57595: Saleh Ali M., - Arte Sublime nell'Antico Egitto
11886: Saleuddin A.S.M., - Isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase in Anodonta grandis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) during shell regeneration
60106: Saleuddin A.S., - Intranuclear elements in the Leydig cell of the snail Helix
60107: Saleuddin A.S., Miranda E., Losaada F. & Wilbur K.M., - Electrophoretic studies on blood and tissue proteins of normal and regenerating Ampullarius glaucus (Gastropoda)
39237: Saleuddin A. S. M., - The gonads and reproductive cycle of Astarte sulcata (Da Costa) and sexuality in A
10664: Saleuddin A.S.M., - The histochemistry of the mantle during the early stage of shell repair
49485: Saleuddin A.S., - Electron microscopic study of the mantle of normal and regenerating Helix
49487: Saleuddin A.S. & Hare P.E., - Amino acid composition of normal and regenerated shell of Helix
66386: Salgari E., - Sandokan alla riscossa
65601: Salgari E., - Capitan Tempesta
13775: Salisbury A.E., - A new species of Rhiostomia
13777: Salisbury A.E., - Two new species of marine gastropods [from Kermadec and Lord Howe Isls
75450: Salisbury R. & Rosenberg G., - Description of a new species of Pusia from Japan
13778: Salisbury A.E., - On Lepton squamosum (Montagu) and Montacuta ferruginosa (Montagu) and some other molluscs observed in the Salcombe Estuary, Devon
13779: Salisbury A.E., - A copse on the Cotswolds [Herefordshire, UK]
13802: Salisbury A.E., - A new species of Lucina
14131: Salisbury A.E., - Obituary - Ronal Winckworth, 1884-1950 (with bibliographic list)
13932: Salisbury A.E., - Obituary - J
13933: Salisbury A.E. & Adams L.E., - Obituary: Charles Oldham 1868-1942 In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
10665: Salisbury A.E., - Obituary: Hugh Watson
10666: Salisbury A.E. & Ricketts H.O., - Obituary
10667: Salisbury A.E., - Obituary
73891: Salisbury A.E., Curds P. & Bunney S.E., - The Zoological Record vol
24528: Salisbury E.J., - Ecological aspects of metereology
73018: Salisbury A.E., Curds P. & Bunney S.E., - The Zoological Record vol
7845: Salisbury A.E., - Charles Oldham as a conchologist
9147: Salisbury A.E., - On the nomenclature of Tellinidae, with descriptions of new species and some remarks on distribution
70620: Salminen S., - Katrina
70171: Salminen S., - Mariana
70172: Salminen S., - Sabbie mobili
34493: Salmon D.E., - Poultry raising on the farm
34494: Salmon D.E., - The work against sheep scab
34370: Salmon D.E., - Rabies: Its cause, frequency, and treatment
35137: Salmon D. E., - Foot-and-mouth disease
51793: Salvadori T., - Genera Avium : Psittaci Fam Cacatuidae
58970: Salvator L. - Panaria
59786: Salvatorelli L., - Pensiero e azione del Risorgimento
61420: Salvini-Plawen, L. - Antarktische und subantarktische Solenogastres
71876: Salvini-Plawen L., - Neue formen im marinen Mesopsammon Kamptozoa und Aculifera (nebst der für Adria neuen Sandfauna)
67823: Salvini-Plawen L., - Caudofoveata (Mollusca) from off the northern coast of the Iberian Peninsula
60893: Salvini-Plawen L., - The status of the Caudofoveata and the Solenogastres in the Mediterranean Sea
22101: Salvini-Plawen L. & Warén A., - Skandinavische Caudofoveata: Nachtrag
49121: Salvini-Plawen L.V., - Caudofoveata e Solenogastres del Mediterraneo
72621: Salvini-Plawen L., - Über einige Beobachtungen an Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aculifera)
58757: Salvo Barcellona G., - Il Palazzo Comitini sede dell' Amministrazione Provinciale di Palermo
57457: Salzmann P.E., - Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen über Süsswasser-Mollusken im Verlandungsgebiet am Südende des Ammersees
447: Sammartino F., - La stazione preistorica di superficie di Stagno (Livorno)
66560: Sammartino F., - La stazione mesolitica di Valle Benedetta (Livorno)
75107: Sammut C.R. & Perrone A.S., - A preliminary check-list of Opisthobranchia from the Maltese Islands
71702: Sampelayo P., & A., - Fauna carbonifera de Villablino (Leon)
60806: Sampoli F., - Le grandi donne di Roma antica
70815: Sampson F.A., - Preliminary list of the mollusca of Missouri (exclusive of the Unionidae)
70697: Sampson F.A., - A preliminary list of the Mollusca of Arkansas (Exclusive of the Unionidae)
51471: Samuel Oppenheim - Über die Eigenbewegung der Fixsterne
51476: Samuel Oppenheim - Statistische Unersuchungen über die Bewegung der kleinen Planeten 30 pages with 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 20
34027: Samuel Christian Schmucker, - Man's Life On Earth
51423: Samuel Oppenheim - Über die Eigenbewegungen der Fixsterne
20804: Sanchez P. & Guerra A., - Bathymetric distribution and aspects of the life history of the loliginid squid Loligo vulgaris in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean)
74821: Sanchez-Tocino L., Garcia F.J. & Oca–a A., - The genus Tambja in the Mediterranean Sea with remarks on the intraspecific variability
65879: Sanchez J., - L'antiquario
65485: Sanchez-Santos A., - Onchidoris neapolitana (Delle Chiaje, 1844) (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Onchidorididae): una nueva especie de molusco para la fauna andaluza
68374: Sanchez Tocino L., Oca–a A. & Cervera J., - Geitodoris pusae (Marcus, 1955) y Geitodoris bacalladoi Ortea, 1990, dos especies de Doridoidea (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) nuevas para el Mar Mediterraneo
12031: Sandberg L. & Warén A., - Molluscan taxa introduced by Nils Hjalmar Odhner
61484: Sanders, H.L. and J.A. Allen. - Studies on the deep sea Prosobranchia (Bivalvia); the Family Tindariidae and the genus Pseudotindaria
56714: Sandved, B.K. & Abbott, R.T., - Shells in Color
69965: Sangiorgi D., - Fauna degli strati a Congerie e dei terreni sovrastanti, nelle vicinanze d'Imola
70216: Sangiorgi D., - Fossili tortoniani dell'alta valle dell'Idice
69807: Sanguila M.B. et al., - The amphibians and reptiles of Mindanao Island, southern Philippines, II: the herpetofauna of northeast Mindanao and adjacent islands
61950: Sanjuan A., M. Losada-Perez, & E. Rolan, - Allozyme Evidence for Cryptic Speciation in Sympatric Populations of Nassarius spp
18754: Sansone G., Cotugno M. & Cosma I., - The effect of b-alanine on the concentration of taurine and other free amino acids during osmotic stress of Mytilus galloprovincialis
37319: Sansone G., - Studi sulle equazioni differenziali ordinarie nell'ultimo cinquantennio
31468: Santhakumaran L.N., - Settlement and boring activity of Xylophaga dorsalis in different species of timber exposed in Trondheimsfjorden (western Norway)
68799: Santos Rodrigues A., Gómez B.J., Trist‹o da Cunha R. & Frias Martins A., - Maturation diagnostic characters in Oxychilus (Drouetia) atlanticus (Zonitidae)
63335: Santucci R., - Lo stadio natante e la prima forma post-natante dell'Aragosta (Palinurus vulgaris Latr
63337: Santucci R., - Il primo stadio post-embrionale di Scyllarides latus Latr
63336: Santucci R., - Lo sviluppo e l'ecologia post-embrionali dello "Scampo" [Nephrops norvegicus (L
60793: Santucci R., - Contributo allo studio dello sviluppo post-embrionale degli "Scyllaridea" del Mediterraneo - II: Scyllarus arctus; III: Scyllarides latus
63338: Sanzo L., - Uova e stadi giovanili di Seriola dumerili Risso
63339: Sanzo L., - Stadi larvali di Bathophilus nigerrimus Gigl
63340: Sanzo L., - Uova e stadi larvali giovanili di Dactylopterus volitans L
63342: Sanzo L., - Contributo alla conoscenza dello sviluppo negli Scopelini (Saurus griseus, Chlorophtalmus agassizii ed Aulopus filamentosus)
64140: Sanzo L., - Reazione negativa del tonno alla luce e suo sfruttamento a beneficio delle nostre tonnare
11161: Sanzo L., - Colonia pelagica di uova di Chetognati (Spadella draco Krohn)
11378: Sanzo L., - Nuovo tipo di rete planktonica in serie ad apertura e chiusura a momenti voluti
63343: Sanzo L., - Uova e larve di Echeneis naucrates (Linn
63344: Sanzo L., - Uova, stadi embrionali e postembionali di Naucrates ductor L
7808: Sanzo L., - Stylophtahlmoides lobiancoi Mazzarelli e St
40075: Saponaro M., - Io e mia moglie
60444: Sarà M., - Ente Parco delle Madonie - La fauna del Parco: I piccoli mammiferi - Il toporagno di Sicilia
60445: Sarà M., - Ente Parco delle Madonie - La fauna del Parco: I piccoli mammiferi - Il moscardino
39931: Sarà M., Liaci L. & elone N., - Bispecific cell aggregation in sponges
59844: Saramago J., 2002 (Fernando Pessoa) - L'anno della morte di Ricardo Reis
70779: Sarasua H., - Teratología en Cypraea (Mesogastropoda: Cypraeidae)
70780: Sarasua H., - Una especie nueva del género Colubraria (Mollusca: Neogastropoda)
70818: Sarasua H. & Espinosa J., - Adiciones al género Murex (Mollusca: Neogastropoda)
70817: Sarasua H., - Dos nuevas formas cubanas del genero Conus [Conus arangoi & Conus granulatus espinosai]
63456: Sardou J., - Contribution a la connaissance de la faune ichthyologique de la Mediterranee - Les blenniidae de la region de Villefranche-sur-Mer
63378: Sardou J., - Sur un exemplaire anormal de Diplodus (Pisces, Sparidae)
49641: Saresini M. & Bedulli D., - Comportamento di homing in Helicigona cingulata Studer, 1820 (Pulmonata)
48547: Sarnelle, O., - Herbivore effects on phytoplankton succession in a eutrophic lake
58709: Sars G.O., - Bidrag til Kundskaben om Dyrelivet paa vore Havbanker [Contribution to the knowledge of wildlife on our Sea banks]
59026: Sarti C., - Fauna e biostratigrafia del Rosso Ammonitico del Trentino centrale (Kimmeridgiano - Titoniano)
59021: Sarti C., - Due nuove specie di Idoceratinae (Ammonoidea) del Kimmeridgiano delle Prealpi Venete (Nord Italia)
58837: Sarti C. & Venturi F., - Segnalazione di Hybopeltoceras (Ammonoidea) nel Giurassico superiore dell'Appennino Centrale (Italia)
50505: Sartoni S., - Problemi e risultati delle ricerche compiute per la definizione dello stratotipo del limite Plio/Pleistocene
72992: Sartoni G., - Le macroalghe delle coste italiane
69510: Sasaki, T. - The protoconch of two scaphopod species from Japan
69540: Sasaki T. & Toyohara T., - Rediscovery of Siphonacmea oblongata (Yokohama) from Otsuchi Bay, Iwata Prefecture (Siphonariidae, Pulmonata)
74094: Sasaki T., Okutani T. & Fujikura K., - New taxa and new records of patelliform gastropods associated with chemosynthesis-based communities in Japanese waters
52976: Sasaki, T. & Saito, H. - Feeding of Neomenia yamamotoi Baba, 1975 (Mollusca: Solenogastres) on a sea anemone
52974: Sasaki, T., Nishi, E., Muraoka, D. & Tamaki, H., - Occurrence of the rare boring bivalve Zachsia zenkewitschi (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) from Oshika, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
69875: Sasaki T. & Arima Y., - The first record of Murex tenuirostrum Lamarck, 1822 (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) from Japan
69523: Sasaki T., Watanabe H. & Okutani T., - Limpet fauna in Oga Peninsula, Northern Part of Sea of Japan
69529: Sasaki T. & Okutani T., - A new species of Lurifax (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Orbitestellidae) from Sumisu Caldera, Southern Japan
52815: Sasaki, T., Okutani, T., & Fujikura, K. - Anatomy of Shinkailepas myojinensis Sasaki, Okutani and Fujikura, 2003 (Gastropoda: Neritopsina)
52814: Sasaki, T. and Ueno, M., - Marine mollusks collected from Maizuru, Kyoto, Japan
69700: Sasaki T. & Ueno M., - Marine mollusks collected from Maizuri, Kyoto, Japan
57720: Sasso A. (Ed.), - La Passione di Cristo nei santini - Saggio icongorasfico dell'itinerario di Cristo dal Gethsemani alla Resurrezione
61741: Saul L.R. & R. Petit, - A new species of the aporrhaid gastropod genus Goniocheila Gabb, 1868, from the late Oligocene of North Carolina
74263: Saul L.R., Squires R.L. & Goedert J.L., - A new genus of cryptic lucinid? bivalve from Eocene cold seeps and turbidite-influenced mudstone, western Washington
73888: Saul L.R., - Type and referred specimens of fossil invertebrata in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, supplement 4 : specimens formerly conserved at the University of California, Los Angeles
73405: Saul M., - Shells
68003: Saunders W.B., Spinosa C., Teichert C., Banks R.C., - The jaw apparatus of recent Nautilus and its palaeontological implications
54514: Saunders W., - Pruning of trees and other plants
66041: Saunders W., - Studies of living Nautilus in Palau
63238: Saunders, G.D. - Spotter's Guide to Shells - An introductions to seashells of the world
34520: Sauve A., - Der Kugelförmige sternhaufen M92 im Hercules
34519: Sauve A., - Polilateri concentrici
63282: Savage N.M., - Lower Devonian conodonts from Kasaan Island, southeastern Alaska
29490: Savage J.M., - L'evoluzione
59156: Savazzi E., - Constructional morphology of cardiid bivalves: an overview
72638: Savazzi E., - Shell biomechanics in the bivalve Laternula
72640: Savazzi E., - Shell torsion and life habit in the Recent mytilid bivalve Modiolus philippinarum
29015: Savi G., - Istituzioni botaniche
69575: Saviane G., - Il terzo aspetto
60410: Saviane G., - L'inquisito
64448: Saviano R., - Gomorra
73815: Say T., 1819 (1981) - Conchology - A facsimile of an 1819 article in the Third American edition of Nicholson's British Encyclopedia
70259: Sayn G., - Les faunes malacologiques du quaternaire de la vallée de l'Ain
71431: Sayn G., - Sur la présence de l'Helix bidens, Chemnitz dans le Lehm de Mauves près Tournon (Ardèche)
62541: Scagnoli R., - L'ultima frontiera
34472: Scaife W.B., - Geographical Latitude
64089: Scalfari E., - Per l'alto mare aperto: La modernità e il pensiero danzante
62101: Scaperrotta M., Stefano Bartolini e Cesare Bogi, - Accrescimenti volume VIII - Stadi di accrescimento delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo
68439: Scaperrotta M., Stefano Bartolini S. & Bogi C., - Accrescimenti - Stadi di accrescimento delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo
65223: Scaperrotta M., Stefano Bartolini e Cesare Bogi, - Accrescimenti - Stadi di accrescimento delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo
59999: Scaperrotta M., Bartolini S. & Bogi C., - Accrescimenti vol
73080: Scaperrotta M., Stefano Bartolini e Cesare Bogi, - Accrescimenti - Stadi di accrescimento delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo - Stages of growth of marine molluscs of the Mediterranean Sea Volume 11
64214: Scarabino F. et al., - Cold, Warm, Temperate and Brackish: Bivalve Biodiversity in a Complex Oceanographic Scenario (Uruguay, Southwestern Atlantic)
66123: Scarabino V., - Scaphopoda of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, with descriptions of 3 new genera and 42 new species
58127: Scarambone L., - Dizionario internazionale degli insulti
57455: Scarlato O.A, - Fauna of the East Siberian Sea part III [Mollusca]
20379: Scarlato O.A., - Bivalve molluscs of Far-Eastern Seas of USSR - Order Dysodonta
62498: Scarlatti A., - Et ab hic et ab hoc VIII: Mondo femminile ignoto
66506: Scaroni S., - Battaglie nel cielo
55384: Scarponi D. & Della Bella G., - Molluschi marini del Plio-Pleistocene dell'Emilia Romagna e della Toscana, Superfamiglia Conoidea - vol
56983: Schafer E., - Die Aufsaugung und Ausscheidung der gebräuchlichsten officinellen Jodpräparate
70377: Schaffer F., - Eine sufossile Mikrotestenfauna aus dem Hafen von Messina
70363: Schaffer F., - Der marine Tegel von Theben-Neudorf in Ungarn + Pholadomya fuchsi ein neue charakteristiches fossil aus mediterranen Tiefsee bildung
26658: Schaffner J.H., - Catalog of Ohio vascular plants
58275: Schaffran, Emerich, - Der Radstädter Tauern
71097: Schalie H. van der, - Anodonta brooksiana, a new naiad from Newfoundland
62504: Schander C., van Aartsen J.J., Corgan J.X., - Families and genera of the Pyramidelloidea (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
22767: Schauenberg P. & Paris F., - Guía de las plantas medicinales
27546: Scheltema A., - New Eastern Atlantic neomenioid aplacophoran molluscs
52797: Scheltema A.H., - Position of the class Aplacophora in the phylum Mollusca
69903: Scheltema A.H., Buckland-Nicks J. & Chia F.S., - Chaetoderma argenteum Heat, a Northeastern Pacific Aplacophoran mollusk redescribed (Chaetodermomorpha: Chaetodermatidae)
64476: Scheltema A.H., - The aplacophoran family Prochaetodermatidae in the North American basin, including Chevroderma n
75043: Scheltema R., - Passive dispersal of planktonic larvae and the biogeography of tropical sublittoral invertebrate species
69805: Scheltema A.H., - Aplacophoran molluscs: Deep-sea analogs to polychaetes
69914: Scheltema A.H. & Jebb M., - Natural history of a solenogaster mollusc from Papua New Guinea, Epimenia australis (Thiele)
60297: Schembri P.J., - The biology of a populaton of Ebalia tuberosa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Leucosiidae) from the Clyde Sea area
43505: Schembri S., - An annotated catalogue of the heteropteran bugs of Maltese Islands
67566: Schembri S., - Attuali conoscenze del popolamento odonatologico della Sicilia e delle isole dipendenti
68008: Schenck H.G. & Reinhart P.W., - Oligocene arcid pelecypods of the genus Anadara
64546: Schenck H.G., - Beitrage zur Kenntnis tropisch-amerikanischer Tertiarmollusken
71513: Schenck H.G., - Geological application of biometrical analysis of molluscan assemblages
70341: Schenck H.G. & Keen M., - Marine molluscan provinces of Western North America
13921: Schepman M.M., - Original litograph from Descriptions of new Melanidae
71550: Schermer E., - Verzeichnis der Land- und Sü§wassermollusken von Schleswig-Holstein
71609: Schermer E., - Die Molluskenfauna des Dummersdorfer Ufers
48149: Schettini Piazza Enrica (a cura), - La Banca e il Libro catalogo delle pubblicazioni delle aziende e degli Istituti di credito italiani
62889: Schiaparelli S. (Ed.), - Proceedings of IV Congresso Internazionale delle Società Malacologiche Europee - Napoli 10-14 ottobre 2005
66843: Schiaparelli S. & Métivier B., - On the identity of "Vermetus" roussaei Vaillant, 1871 (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Vermetidae with the description of a new species
8555: Schiaparelli S., - Contribution to the knowledge of Vermetidae from the Ligurian Sea
54629: Schiappa Monteiro A., 1887- - Note sur le triangle isoscele
67640: Schiavone A., - Storia di Roma - vol 1: Roma in Italia
57907: Schiedere T., - Federico il Grande, Torino, Einaudi, 1989, In 8vo legatura editoriale cartonato telato con sovraccopertina illustrata a colori, pp
75336: Schilder F.A., - Studien zur Verbreitung der Meeresmollusken
16213: Schilder F.A., - Nachträge zum Katalog der Cypraecea von 1941
16212: Schilder F.A., - Zur Kenntnis der Cypraeidae
16163: Schilder F.A., Schilder M. & Benton R.S., - Studies on Erosaria lamarcki Gray (Gastropoda)
23227: Schilder F., - Zur Kenntnis der Cypraeidae
23223: Schilder F.A. & Schilder M., - Statistics in north-west American Pusula Jousseaume (Triviidae)
70166: Schilder F.A. & Schilder M., 1953- - Die Bänderschnecken
70068: Schilder F.A., - Fossilium Catalogus 1: Animalia
16061: Schilder F.A., - Zur Verwandschaft der Litoralfaunen
16059: Schilder F.A. & Schilder M., - Die Bestimmung der relativen Häufigkeit derein Art (Durchgezführt and den rezenten Cypraeidae)
74954: Schilder F.A., - Die Cypraeacea des Daniums von Dänemark und Schonen
16214: Schilder F.A. & Schilder M., - Zur Kenntnis der Cypraeidae
16216: Schilder F.A., - Repertorium der Radulae der Triviacea and Cypraeacea
7270: Schilder F.A., - Zu Variabilität von Blasicrura ursellus (Gmelin) In 8vo, offp
7279: Schilder F.A., - The type localities of living Cypraeidae
7290: Schilder F.A. & Schilder M., - Statistics of a population of Erosaria spurca (L
8561: Schilder F.A., - Zur Kenntnis der Cypraeidae
8564: Schilder F.A., - Provisional classification of the genus Notocypraea Schilder, 1927
8568: Schilder M., - Lenght, Breadth and dentition in living cowries
53371: Schileyko A.A., - Taxonomic status, phylogenetic relations and system of the Helicoidea sensu lato
68562: Schileyko A.A., 1998- - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, pts
74540: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on recent Terrestrial Pulmonate Molluscs Part 4 - Draparnaudiidae, Caryodidae, Macrocyclidae, Acavidae, Clavatoridae, Dorcasiidae, Sculptariidae, Corillidae, Plectopylidae, Megalobulimidae, Strophocheilidae, Cerionidae, Achatinidae, Subulinidae, Glessulidae, Micracteonidae, Ferrusaciidae
74542: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on recent Terrestrial Pulmonate Molluscs Part 5 - Clausiliidae
74584: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, Part 7: Endodontidae, Thyrophorellidae, Charopidae
74729: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, Part 8: Punctidae, Helicodiscidae, Discidae, Cystopeltidae, Euconulidae, Trochomorphidae, In 4to, paperback, pp
74730: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, Part 9: Helicarionidae, Gymnarionidae, Rhysotinidae, Ariophantidae
74731: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, Part 10: Ariophantidae, Ostracolethidae, Ryssotidae, Milacidae, Dyakiidae, Staffordiidae, Gastrodontidae, Zonitidae, Daudebardiidae, Parmacellidae
74905: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 13
74761: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 11
74564: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on recent Terrestrial Pulmonate Molluscs Part 6 - Rhytidae, Chalmydephoridae, Systrophidae, Haplotrematidae, Streptaxidae, Spiraxidae, Oleacinidae, Testacellidae
68559: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 13
68560: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 14
74767: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 12
68561: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 15
74960: Schileyko A.A., - Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs - 14
14721: Schileyko A.A., - Problems of the phylogeny of higher Pulmonata
57994: Schileyko A.A., - The system and the phylogeny of Vitrinidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata)
57993: Schileyko A.A., - Some data on the anatomy and the taxonomy of Dauderbardiidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata)
75266: Schilthuizen M. & Gittenberger E., - A new Albinaria species from Central Crete (Clausiliidae)
58251: Schir˜ C., - San Giuseppe Jato - Storia Memorie Tradizioni
72503: Schiøtte T. & Warén A., - An annotated and illustrated list of the types of Mollusca described by H
47399: Schlaf J. & Bersall A., - Die Nonne + Die Undere + Er Lebt von seiner frau + Der Sprung Novellen
14068: Schlesch H., - Bemerkungen über Geyer's "Unsere Land- und Sü§wassermollusken", 3 Ausgabe
4066: Schlesch H., - Kleine Mitteilungen X [Was ist Helix labiosa?, Uebersicht über die Veirbretung von Pomatias elegans und Helicodonta obvoluta in Norden, Ueber das Vorkommen von Helicella itala and Theba cartusiana am Charlottenlund-Fort b
51991: Schlesch H., - Vorläufige Mitteilung über ein interessantes Vorkommen von Lö§mollusken in der Umgebung von Szeged (Südungarn)
69351: Schlesch H., - Obituary: Carl Marinus Steenberg, 1882-1946
11918: Schlesch H., - Vertigo lilljeborgi Westerlund et autres Vertiginidae arctiques-alpins
2902: Schlesch H. & Jaeckel S.G., - Iphigena lineolata Held im Gebiet der Beltsee
52007: Schlesch H., - Die Land- und Sü§wassermollusken Lettlands mit Berücksichtigung der in den Nachbargebieten vorkommenden Arten
69261: Schlesch H. - Buttner K., - Paul Ehrmann (1868-1937)
65389: Schlesch H., - Om boremuslinger (Teredo)
14020: Schlesch H., - Ueber Abnormitäten der Färbung, der Windungsrichtung und der Gehäusebildung bei den Clausiliiden
70440: Schlesch H., - Ueber Xerophila caperata Montagu in Dänemark uns Norddeutschland + Zur Najadenfauna N
14762: Schlesch H., - Notes sur la distribution du Volutopsis norvegica Chemn
69352: Schlesch H., - Ernst Theodor Schmierer (1879-1953)
14955: Schlesch H., - Ein rejse gennem det Nordøstlige Island 1921
7294: Schlesch H., - Beiträge zur Fauna der Land- und Sü§wasser-mollusken Süd-Seelands
7295: Schlesch H., - Zur Land- und Sü§wasser-molluskenfauna der Inseln Bornholm und Christiansö
68454: Schlickum W.R., - Die in der pleistozänen Gemein- dekiesgrube von Zwiefaltendorf a
58017: Schlickum W.R. & Strauch F., - Der Aussü§ungs- und Verlandungsproze§ im Bereich der Brackwassermolasse Niederbayerns
34296: Schlickum W.R. & Strauch F., - Zur Systematik westeuropäischer neogener Zonitidae
53784: Schlickum W.R. & Geissert F., - Die pliozäne Land- und Süsswassermolluskenfauna vom Sessenheim/Krs Hagenau (Unterelsa§)
68993: Schlickum W.R., - Zur oberpannonen Molluskenfauna von Öcs, I
71749: Schlickum W.R., - Zur Gattung Euchilus Sandberger
71748: Schlickum W.R., - Die beiden miozänen Brackwasserbecken der süddeutschen Molasse und ihre Molluskenfauna
68531: Schlickum W. R. & Puissegur J.J., - Die Molluskenfauna der Schichten mit Viviparus burgundinus und Pyrgula nodotiana von Montagny-les-Beaune (Dep
68992: Schlickum W.R., - Die Gattung Tournouerina Schlickum
71747: Schlickum W.R., - Die Molluskenfauna der Sü§brackwassermolasse von Ober-und Unterkirchberg
69198: Schlickum W. R. & Puissegur J.J., - Die Molluskenfauna des Altpleistozans von St Bernard (Department Cote-d'Or)
68908: Schlickum W.R. & Strauch F., - Zwei neue Landschneckengattungen aus dem Neogen Europas
68909: Schlickum W.R. & Strauch F., - Zwei neue Landschneckengattungen aus dem Neogen Europas
53290: Schlickum W.R., - Helicodiscus (Hebetodiscus), ein altes europäisches Faunenelement
69181: Schlickum W.R. & Strauch F.. - Die neogene Gastropoden Gattung Mesodontopsis Pilsbry 1895
53350: Schlickum W.R., - Die oberpliozäne Molluskenfauna von Cessey-sur-Tille (Département Côte d'Or)
71746: Schlickum W.R., - Die Molluskenfauna der oberhelvetischen bis untertortonen brackischen und ausgesü§ten Teile der Kohlenbohrungen zwischen Trostberg a
71423: Schlickum W.R., - Die Gattung Nematurella Sandberger
71750: Schlickum W.R., - Die Gattung Limnopappia n
71751: Schlickum W.R., - Die Gattung Euchilus Sanberger
75227: Schlickum W.R., - Die Gattung Tanousia Servain
53325: Schlickum W.R., - Zur oberpannonen Molluskenfauna von Öcs II
40074: SCHMAUS H., - Grundriss der pathologischen Anatomie
4072: Schmekel L. & Wechsler W., - Elektronenmikroscopische Untersuchungen an Cerebro-Pleural-Ganglien von Nudibranchiern
4071: Schmekel L. & Kress A., - Die gattung Doto (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) im Mittelmeer und Armelkanal, mit beschreibung von Doto acuta n
34298: Schmid G., - Die Mützenschnecke Ferrissia wautieri in Deutschland
64691: Schmid G., - Mollusken aus dem Schwenninger Moss
69308: Schmid G., - Deroceras rodnae, eine neue Nacktschnecke in Südwestdeutschland
65465: Schmid C., - La Certosa
71860: Schmidt W.J., - Nähreier bei miozänen Vermetidae
71759: Schmidt, W.J. - Die Unterscheidung der Rohren von Scaphopoda, Vermetidae und
65790: Schmidt A., - Nuova enciclopedia sessuale
74293: Schmidt A., 1857 (1976) - Die kritischen Gruppen der Europäischen Clausilien
70810: Schmidt H.A., - Die Molluskenfauna einiger bei Rostock westlich der Warnow liegenden Wiesen und Torfstiche
22704: Schmidt R.R., - L'aurore de l'esprit humaine; Paris, Payot
71442: Schmidt H.A., - Zur Biologie, insbesondere der Fortpflanzung, von Opeas mauritianum (Pfeiffer)
71443: Schmidt H.A., - Zur Verträglichkeit von Oxychilus draparnaldi Beck mit Oxychilus cellarius Müller
27642: Schmitt W.L., - The Macruran, anomuran, and stomatopod crustaceans collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition 1900-1915
59737: Schmitz J.H., - Le streghe di Karres
28098: Schmölzer-Falkberg U., - Eine Verhaltensstudie an der Gabelschwanzraupe (Cerura vinula)
63753: Schnack, F. - Das Kleine Buch der Meereswunder: Muscheln Und Schnecken
54089: Schnarf K., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Samenentwicklung einiger europäischer Hypericum-Arten
74636: Schneider J.A., - Phylogeny of stem-group eucardiids (Bivalvia: Cardiidae) and the significance of the transitional fossil Perucardia
68687: Schneider B. & Morrison H.M., - A New Species of the Genus Bothriembryon (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora: Bothriembryontidae) from South Eastern Western Australia
60178: Schneider J.H., - Über den Kartoffel- Blattsauger, als Ursache der Kartoffelkrankheit
72552: Schneider J.A. & Carter J.G., - Evolution and phylogenetic significance of cardioidean shell microstructure (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
29013: Schneiter F., s.d. (1948?) - Alpwirtschaft
74901: Schnetler K.I., - The Selandian (Paleocene) mollusc fauna from Copenhagen, Denmark: the Poul Harder 1920 collection
73000: Schnetler K.I. & Palm E. / Schwarzhans W., - The molluscan fauna of the Late Oligocene Branden Clay, Denmark + Otoliths from the Late Oligocene Branden Clay, Denmark
73804: Schniepp H., - I fossili - Ricerca, raccolta, preparazione
74296: Schnitter H., - Die Najaden der Schweiz mit besondere Berücksichtigung der Umgebung Basels
68300: Schnitzler A., - La signorina Else
64627: Schnitzler A., - Doppio Sogno
47431: Schnitzler A. & Von Hofmannsthal H., - Die griechische Tänzerin + Das Marchen der 672 Nacht - Novellen
20977: Schoessler D.W., Smithee R.D., Longton G.D. & Kovalak W.P., - Zebra mussel induced mortality of unionids in firm substrata of western Lake Erie and a habitat for survival
71458: Schofield J.C., - Pliocene shell beds south of the Manukau Harbour
29885: Scholander P.F., De Oliveira Perez M., - Tensao da seiva em arvores e arbustos submersos do Amazonas
28114: Scholz J.B., - Die Pflanzengenossenschaften Westpreussens
60418: Schopenhauer A., - Saggio sulla visione degli spiriti
71575: Schopf T.J.M., - Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope of the United States - Nineteenth Century Exploration
58428: Schrader F.C. & Coe Spencer A., - The Geology and Mineral Resources of a Portion of the Copper River District, Alaska
65205: Schrieken N., Gittenberger A. & Lengkeek W., - First record of Xandarovula patula (Pennant, 1777) in the Dutch North Sea (Gastropoda, Ovulidae) In 4to, offp
65206: Schrieken N., Gittenberger A. & Lengkeek W., - Polycera faeroensis Lemche, 1929, and doto dunnei Lemche, 1976, new for the Dutch fauna and the central North Sea (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia) In 4to, offp
70183: Schröder H., - Diluviale Süsswasser-Conchylien auf primärer Lagerstätte in
70614: Schröder R., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der oberitalienischen Molluskenfauna
63058: Schrödl M., - South American Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) collected by Charles Darwin during the "Beagle" expedition in 1832-1835
74885: Schrödl M., - Glossodoris charlottae, a new chromodorid nudibranch from the Red Sea (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia)
57152: Schubring J., - Topografia storica di Panormus
72378: Schuhmacher E., - Gli Ultimi paradisi - sulle orme degli animali più rari
64902: Schultes W. & Wiese V., - Die Gattung Albinaria auf Kreta: IX
27967: Schultz A., - Form, Grö§e und Lage der Squama temporallis des Menschen
73031: Schultz P., - Fossile Trigonioida und Neotrigonia, die einzige überlebende Gattung in Australien (Lamellibranchiata, Trigoniacea), Teil 1
58181: Schulz C.M., - E' domani, Charlie Brown! Milano, Oscar Mondadori n
58161: Schulz C.M., - Doctor Linus
58139: Schulz C., - Parla Charlie Brown
58140: Schulz C., - Niente da fare Charlie Brown
58133: Schulz C., - L'aquilone e Charlie Brown
58159: Schulz C.M., - Una zucca per Snoopy
54580: Schur W., - Bestimmung der Masse des Planeten Jupiter aus Heliometer-Beobachtungen der Abstände seiner Satelliten
31642: Schurhoff P.N., - Über die bisher als Amitosen gedeuteten Kernbilder von Tradescantia virginica
53373: Schutt H. & R. Sesen, - Eine besondere Quellschnecke aus Ostanatolien (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae)
11501: Schutt H. & Sesen R., - Pseudamnicola species and other freshwater gastropods from East Anatolia (Turkey), the Ukraine and the Lebanon
75267: Schutt H., - A contribution to the knowledge of some inland water hydrobiid snails in Israel
64822: Schutt H. & Sesen R., - Theodoxus in South-eastern Anatolia, Turkey (Neritidae)
34077: Schutt H., - Die formen der Gattung Iglica A
65494: Schwabe E. & Sellanes J., - A new species of Lepidozona (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae), found on whale bones off the coast of Chile
58500: Schwalbe G. (ed.), - Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte - Neue Folge - Neunzehnter Band - Literature 1913 - Zweiter Teil
30966: Schwalbe G., - Über das Intermetatarseum
54520: Schwalbe G. (Ed.), - Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte - Literatur 1913 - Dritter Teil, Zweiter Abteilung
58311: Schwalbe G. (Ed.), - Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte - Literatur 1914 - Dritte Teil (erste abteilung)
58310: Schwalbe G. (Ed.), - Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte - Literatur 1914 - Zweiter Teil
69549: Schweigert G., - Die Ammonitenfauna des Nusplinger Plattenkalks (Ober-Kimmeridgium, Beckeri-Zone, Ulmense-Subzone, Baden-Württemberg)
65367: Schweimanns M., - Biodeterioration durch holzzestörende Organismen entlang der Küsten Schleswig-Holsteins (Mollusca: Pholadidae, Teredinidae; Crustacea: Isopoda)
72955: Schweitzer C.E. & Feldmann R.M., - Re-evaluation of the Cancridae Latreille, 1802 (Decapoda: Brachyura) including three new genera and three new species
72956: Schweitzer C.E., - Additions to the Tertiary Decapod Fauna of the Pacific Northwest of North America
72962: Schweitzer C.E. & Feldmann R.M., - New Cretaceous and Tertiary decapod crustaceans from western North America
72965: Schweitzer C.E. & Feldmann R.M., - First notice of the Chirostylidae (Decapoda) in the fossil record and new Tertiary Galatheidae (Decapoda) from the Americas
72967: Schweitzer Hopkins C., Salva E.W. & & Feldmann R.M., - Re-evaluation of the genus Xanthosia Bell, 1863 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Xanthidae) and description of two new species from the Cretaceous of Texas
27969: Schwerz F., - Schädel aus Langnau (Kt
31648: Schüepp O., - Untersuchungen über Wachstum und Formwechsel von Vegetationspunkten
68823: Schyleyko A.A. & Frank C., - Some terrestrial Mollusca of the Nepalesian fauna
68913: Schütt H., - Ikonographische Darstellung der unterirdisch lebenden Molluskengattung Plagigeyeria Tomlin (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae)
71557: Schütt H., - Neue Sü§wasser-Prosobranchier Griechenlands
53128: Schütt H. - Känozoische Landschnecken der Türkei (Känozoikum und Braunkohlen der Türkei, Nr 25)
68535: Schütt H., - Ein Fund von Cochlostoma aus der Türkey
53178: Schütt H. & Kavu an G., - Mollusken der miozaenen Süsswasserablagerungen in der Umgebung von Harmancik bei Kütahya-Bursa in Nordwestanatolien
68481: Schütt H., - Die Molluskenfauna der Süsswasser im Einzugsgebiet des Orontes unter Berucksichtigung benachbarter Flu§systeme
13023: Schütt H., - Verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen hölenbewohnender Rissoaceen Dalmatiens
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68476: Schütt H. - Ergänzungen zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna oberpliozäner Süsswasserkonglomerate Syriens
71824: Schütt H., - Das Genus Horatia Bourguignat
71171: Schütt H. & Besenecker H., - Eine Molluskenfauna aus dem Neogen von Chios (Ägäis)
71418: Schütt H., - Neue Formen hölenbewohnender Hydrobiiden des Balkan und ihre Beziehungen zu Paladilhiopsis Pavlovic 1913
71419: Schütt H., - Eine rezente gekielte Pseudamnicola
71420: Schütt H., - Über Pyrgula annulata (Linnaeus)
71421: Schütt H., - Die Molluskenfauna eines reliktären Quellsees der südlichen Türkei
75221: Schütt H., - Die Gattung Dreissena im Quartär Anatoliens
68455: Schütt H., - Zur Molluskenfauna der unterpliozänen Sü§wasserkalke von Attika
71467: Schütt H. & Bilgin F.H., - Recent Melanopsines of the Aegean
71382: Schütt H. & Velitzelos E., - Mollusken aus dem verkieselten Wald von Kerassia im Nordteil der Insel Euböa / Griechenland
69968: Schütze E., - Nerita costellata Münst
67227: Sciaky R., - Gli Anisodactylus italiani, con riferimento alIe altre specie mediterranee (III Contributo alla conoscenza dei Coleoptera Carabidae)
67512: Sciascia L., - Il consiglio d'Egitto
67641: Sciascia L., - Il contesto
68315: Sciascia L., - A ciascuno il suo
65598: Sciascia L., - Balle! E tutti i ballisti che ce le stanno raccontando
59982: Sciascia L., - Todo modo
63406: Sciascia L., - Il mare colore del vino
67533: Sciascia L., - Il consiglio d'Egitto
59766: Sciascia L., - Il giorno della civetta
57901: Sciascia L., - Dalle parti degli infedeli
57903: Sciascia L., - Atti relativi alla morte di Raymond Roussel - Con un saggio di Giovanni Macchia
67649: Scillitani G., - Sexual dimorphism in a scarcely dimorphic newt, Triturus italicus (Peracca, 1898) (Caudata: Salamandridae)
69479: Sciolla FG. (cur.), - La città ideale nel Rinascimento - con un saggio introduttivo di Luigi Firpo
60190: Scirocco A., - Giuseppe Garibaldi
69884: Scirocco A., - Giuseppe Garibaldi
51794: Sclater P.L., - Genera Avium : Picariae Fam Coliidae
29337: Scobel, A., - Geographisches Handbuch Zu A Politischen, Kommerziellen Und Statistischen Verhältnisse
66342: Sconosciuto, - Giochi di prestigio e illusionismo
113: Scortecci G., - Misteri di piante e fiori
72458: Scortecci G. (cur.), - Meraviglie Del Mondo Animale
73711: Scortecci G, - Recettori e zoogeografia
69787: Scott J.L., - Prova la tua intelligenza giocando - 5°
57055: Scott W., - Waverley
60814: Scotti G., - I molluschi delle coste siciliane ed i loro ambienti
64098: Scrittura industriale Collettiva, - In territorio nemico
69368: Scudder N.P. - Bibliographies of American Naturalists
61239: Scuderi D., 1995. - Il genere Dendropoma (Gastropoda: Vermetidae) nel Mediterraneo
74881: Scuderi D., - Gasteropodi vivi - 600 specie del Mediterraneo
73337: Scuderi D. & Criscione F., - Cima apicisbelli Rolan, 2003 (Gastrpoda: Cimidae): nuovo immigrante in Mediterraneo o specie autoctona? In 8vo, offp
58277: SCULLICA, L., - Studi sulI'angiotettonica della 'tunica vasculosa bulbi'
72069: Scupola A., - Revisione della tribu Cossyphini Latreille, 1802 Parte I Introduzione e genere Cossyphus Olivier, 1791 (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae) In 8vo, offp
62034: Seashell Treasures books, 1989- - Collection of 7 catalogues (nos 1, 3, 10, 13, 22, 41, 55) on new and antiquarian books on Mollusca issued by Wim Backhuys; stapled
71393: Sebastian de San Joaquin, - Collegii Salmanticensis FF
61897: Seddon, M.B. - Undescribed Quaternary land-snail species from SW Porto Santo (Madeiran Islands) (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
58058: Seed R., - he incidence of the Pea crab, Pinnotheres pisum in the two types of Mytilus ( Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Padstow, south-west England
9157: Seed R., - Factors influencing shell shape in the mussel Mytilus edulis
73801: Seeling J. & Bengtson P., - Cenomanian oysters from the Sergipe Basin, Brazil
34395: Seely F.A., - Time-keeping in Greece and Rome
58186: Segar E.C., - Diavoli e spinaci
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24941: Segerstedt P., - Studier öfver buskartade Stammars skyddsväfnader
40355: SegerstrOEle S.G., - Zur Fortpflnzungsbiologie des Amphipoden Pontoporeia femorata Kröyer
10684: SegerstrOEle S.G., - On the salinity conditions off the south coast of Finland since 1950, with comments on some remarkable hydrographical and biological phenomena in the Balthic area during this period
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