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70618: Neumann A., - Il romanzo di un colpo di stato
69977: Neumayr M., - Ueber einige tertiäre Süsswaserschnecken aus dem Orient
70142: Neumayr M., - Ueber Paludina diluviana Kunth
72304: Neuweger D., White P. & Ponder W.F., - Land snails from Norfolk Island sites
506: Neves H.C., - Analysis of the vegetation of the Ilhéu de Fora - Selvagens Islands
64175: Newcomb C.F., - Report on the marine shells of British Columbia
59047: Newell R.C., & Kofoed LH.., - The energetics of suspension-feeding in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata L
53428: Newell P.F. & Brown A.C., - The fine structure of the osphradium of Bullia digitalis Meuschen (Gasropods, Prosobranchia)
18208: Newell R.C. & Pye V.I., - Variations in the relationship between oxygen consumption body size and summated tissue metabolism un the winkle Littorina littorea
73636: Newell N.D., - Classification of the Bivalvia
63462: Newman W.A., - Two new deep-sea Cirripedia (Ascothoracica and Acrothoracica) from the Atlantic
63463: Newman W.A. & Ladd H.S., - Origin of Coral-inhabiting Balanids (Cirripedia, Thoracica)
17184: Newport G., - On the formation and use of the air-sacs and dilated tracheae in insects
70273: Newton R.B., - Notes on some fossil non-marine Mollusca and a bivalved crustacean (Estheriella) from Nyasaland
73449: Newton R.B., - Systematic list of the Frederick E
28147: Nguyen T.X.T., Phuc H.N., Tran T.N., - Salinity tolerance of larvae and adults of the gastropod Babylonia areolata
63597: Nguyen Duy-Jacquemi M., - Étude de la variabilité des caractères de deux espèces du genre Polyxenus, P
58022: Niccoli O., - I sacerdoti, i guerrieri, i contadini - Storia di un'immagine della società
63779: Niccoli V. & Fanti A., - Prontuario Dell'Agricoltore E Del Tecnico Agrario
20569: Nichols D., Bishop G.M. & Sime A.A., - Reproductive and nutritional periodicities in populations of the European seaÏurchin, Echinus esculentus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from the English Channel
62690: Nicklés M., - Mollusques testacés marins de la côte occidentale d'Afrique
62597: Nicodemi G., - Testimonianze per la vita inimitabile di Gabriele d'Annunzio
16083: Nicol D., - Nomenclatural review of genera and subgenera of Chamidae
16081: Nicol D., - The genotype of the Isoarca + Tropical American species of Glycymeris from the Tertiary of California, and a new species from Panama
70934: Nicol D., - Restudy of some Miocene species of Glycymeris from central America and Colombia
70382: Nicol D., - Revision of the pelecypod genus Echinochama
22711: NICOL D., - Cope's rule and Precambrian and Cambrian invertebrates
60252: Nicol J.A., - Observations on the luminescence of Pennatula phosphorea, with a note on the luminescence of Virgularia mirabilis
16085: Nicol D., - Trends and problems in pelecypod classification (the genus and subgenus)
16084: Nicol D., - The pelecypod Euloxa: Observations on new localities
60331: Nicol J.A., - Observations on the luminescence in pelagic animals
70623: Nicol D., - Genera and subgenera of pelecypod family Glycymeridae
70654: Nicol D., - A survey of inequivalve pelecypods
23887: Nicol D., - Some characteristics of extinct major groups of animals
22757: Nicol D., - Geographic relationship of benthic marine molluscs of Florida
70836: Nicol D., - Origin of the pelecypod family Glycymeridae
22765: Nicol D., - Size trends in living pelecypods and gastropods with calcareous shells
22762: Nicol D., - The number of living animal species likely to be fossilized
22763: Nicol D., - Shell-cemented pelecypods
22760: Nicol D., - Human population and biomass
23892: Nicol D., - The fate of pelecypod families, subfamilies, and tribes during and after the Cretaceous period
10548: Nicol D., - Nomenclatural review of genera and subgenera of Cucullaeidae
60236: Nicol J.A., - Digestion in sea anemones
23878: Nicol D., - Two differences of the valves of brachiopods and pelecypods
22710: Nicol D., - Are pelecypods primarily infaunal animals? In 8vo, offp
10546: Nicol D., - Growth and decline of populations and the distribution of marine pelecypods
10547: Nicol D., - Trends and problems in pelecypod classification (the supergeneric categories)
70655: Nicol D., - Systematic position of the pelecypod Pliocardia
22928: Nicol D., - Mode of life of Conocardium, a paleozoic pelecypod
22948: Nicol D. & Eggert D.A., - Taxonomic summary of inorganic protective or supporting structures precipitated by animals and plants
22926: Nicol D., - Ecologic implications of living pelecypods with calcareous spines
22709: Nicol D., - Size of pelecypods in recent marine faunas
22708: Nicol D., - Some characteristics of cold-water marine pelecypods
47741: Nicol D., - The number of living species of molluscs
70653: Nicol D., - Systematic position of the pelecypod Euloxa
60978: NICOL J.A.C., - Histology of the light organs of Pholas dactylus (Lamellibranchia)
16086: Nicol D., - An essay on size of marine pelecypods
23895: Nicol D. & Jones D.S., - Litharca lithodomus and adaptive radiation in arcacean pelecypods
23893: Nicol D. & Jones D.S., - Bellaxinaea, a new subgenus of gycymeridids from the Western Hemisphere
72512: Nicol D., - A new Meiocardia (Pelecypoda, Glossidae) from the Eocene of Florida
72514: Nicol D., - Recent species of the lucinoid pelecypod Fimbria
72517: Nicol D., - Recent species of the cyrenoid pelecypod Glossus
72792: Nicol D., - A survey of suspension-feeding animals
72793: Nicol D., - The scientific role of the amateur malacologist
72794: Nicol D., - An analysis of the arctic marine pelecypod fauna
72795: Nicol D. & Jones D.S., - Chione (Chione) craspedonia Dall in the Crystal River formation (Eocene) in peninsular Florida
72796: Nicol D., - The shallow-water marine pelecypods of Bermuda: an example of a sweepstakes route
72797: Nicol D., - The comparative size of deposit-feeding animals
9100: Nicol D., - Geologic history of deposit-feeding pelecypods
577: Nicolas J.P., - Essais sur deux nouveaux indices climatiques saisonniers pour la zone intertropicale
55667: Nicolicchia G., - Breve storia di Sicilia
63275: Nicotina M. & Solazzo F., - Primi dati sulla presenza e sulla bioetologia dell' Eobania vermiculata (Muller) (Pulmonasta, Helicidae) in Camapnia
73890: Niell F.X., - Resultados previos de la campa–a para el estudio de las algas bentónicas de las costas peninsulares
65245: Nielsen S.V., - Exilia alanbeui, a new species from the Neogene of central Chile: the first record of Exilia (Gastropoda: Ptychatractidae) from South America
75056: Nielsen S.N. & Devries T.J., - Tertiary Xenophoridae (Gastropoda) of western South America
72386: Nielsen B.J., - Studies on the genus Katelysia Romer, 1857 (Mollusca, Lamellibranchiata)
72681: Nielsen B.J., - The marine and estaurine molluscs of French Island [Victoria]
75234: Nienhuis J.A.J.H., - The rediscovery of Spengler's freshwater pearlmussel Pseudunio auricularius (Spengler, 1793) (Bivalvia, Unionoidea, Margaritiferidae) in two river systems in France, with an analysis of some factors causing its decline
75569: Nierstrasz H.F., - Die Chitonen der Siboga-Expedition
69410: Nierstrasz H.F. & Stork H.A, 1902- - Nierstrasz, H
66763: Nietzki A., - Elementa pathologiae universae Tomus I
60415: Nietzsche F., - Il crepuscolo degli idoli
69289: Nijssen-Meyer J., - Propeleda platessa, a nut clam new for the coastal waters of Surinam (Nuculanidae)
38367: Nijssen-Meyer J., - Propeleda platessa, a nut clam new for the coastal waters of Surinam (Nuculanidae)
21045: Nijssen-Meyer J., - Notes on a few opisthobranch mollusca from Surinam (Guianas)
24119: Nijssen-Mayer J., - On the occurrence of Haliotis pourtalesii, off Surinam (South America)
20247: Nijssen-Meyer J., - Additional notes on Propeleda platessa and designation of its lectotype (Nuculanidae)
34742: Nipher F. E., - The frictional effect of railway trains upon the air
64259: Niven L., - Un dono dalla Terra
59526: Niven L. & Pournelle J., - Questo è l'inferno
69676: Niven L., - Reliquia dell'impero
58094: Niven L., - Mondo senza tempo
72147: Nivewn L., - Il popolo dell'anello
58057: Nixon M., - The time and frequency of responses by Octopus vulgaris to an automatic food dispenser
58785: Nobeourt J., - Il colpo di coda di Hitler
65888: Noda H., - Fossil homing scar of gastropod Hipponix (Malluvium) lissus from the Pliocene Shinzato Formation in Okinawa Prefecture, southwestern Japan
72513: Noda H. & Amano K. - Preliminary report on the geology and paleontology of the environs of Teshio, Hokkaido
74055: Nofroni I., Renda W. & Vannozzi A., - Similar shells in different seas: the case of Atlantic Brachystomia carrozzai (van Aartsen, 1987) and two allied Mediterranean species (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae)
74319: Nofroni I., Oliverio M., Renda W. & Vannozzi A., - Let bygones be bygones: The troubled chronicle of Odostomia unidentata (Montagu, 1803) (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae)
76462: Nofroni I., Renda W. & Vannozzi A., - A glance at the Middle East: Notes on the genus Megastomia from the Arabian Peninsula, with the description of three new species (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae)
74995: Nofroni I. & Schander C., - Description of three new species of Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from West Africa
74822: Nofroni I., Pizzini M. & Oliverio M., - Contribution to the knowledge of the family Caecidae
74405: Nofroni I., Renda W. & Vannozzi A., - Mingled in the crowd: A new Megastomia from eastern Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae)
28670: Noguchi Y., - Studien über die Entwicklung der Infloreszenzen und der Blüten bei Getreidepflanzen
68584: Nolan W.F., - Il mondo di Logan
29504: Nolla J.A.B., - The damping-off of tobacco and its control in Puerto Rico
70633: Nomland J.O., - Fauna from the lower Pliocene at Jacalitos Creek and Waltham Canyon, Fresno County, California
71700: Nomura S., - On some fossils from Akita Prefecture, Northeast Honsyû, Japan
71703: Nomura S. & Hatai K., - Fossil Mollusca from the Neogene of Izumo
75001: Nomura S. & Hatai K., 1936) - The Geologic Significance of the Recent Mollusca from the Vicinity of Isinomaki, Rikuzen
71727: Nomura S. & Hatai K., - A Note on Some Fossil Mollusca from Tugaru Peninsula, Northeast Japan
71697: Nomura S., - Notes on some Opisthobranchiata based upon the collection of the Saitô Hô-on Kai Museum, chiefly collected from Northeast Honsyû, Japan
72740: Nomura S. & Hatai K., - A Note on the zoological provinces in the Japanese seas
72931: Nomura S. & Zinbo N., - Two new species of Acila from the Neogene of Northeast Honsyû, Japan
72932: Nomura S., - A new species of the genus Septifer from Japana (S
73102: Nomura S. & Hatai K., - On some fossils from Akita prefecture, northeast Honsyu, Japan
73103: Nomura S. & Hatai K., - On some species of the genus Arca from the Neogene of Northeast Honshyû, Japan
73104: Nomura S., - Miocene Mollusca from Yamaguti, Kozai-mura, Igu-gun, Miyagi-ken, Northeast Honsyû, Japan
26210: Noodt W. & Galhano M.H., - Studien an Crustacea Subterranea (Isopoda, Syncarida, Copepoda) aus dem Norden Portugals
70269: Nordenskiöld E., - Östersjöns nutida Sötvattensmolluskfauna jämförd med Ancylussjöns
30972: Nordhausen M., - Zur Kenntnis der Saugkraft und der Wasserversorgung transpirierender Sprosse
71147: Nordmann V., - Anomia squamula L
58426: Nordmann H., - Die Frühgeschichte der Eisenbahnen
70059: Nordsieck F., - Die europäischen Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken (Prosobranchia) vom Eismeer bis Kapverden und Mittelmeer
64998: Nordsieck F., - The turridae of European Seas
68404: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XV
64343: Nordsieck H., - The "Cepaea" group species (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae) from late Oligocene and early Miocene of the Rhine-Main region
68537: Nordsieck H., - Fossile Clausilien, IV: Neue Taxa neogener europäischer Clausilien, I
68536: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XX: Die rezenten Arten der Serrulininae und der Gattung Caspiophaedusa
53179: NORDSIECK, H., - Ergänzungen zum System der rezenten europäischen Clausilien, I (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae)
66639: Nordsieck F., - Meeresschnecken
53286: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XII - Phaedusinae, I: Phaedusen aus Nepal und ihre systematische Stellung innerhalb der Unterfamilie
76487: Nordsieck H., - Grundzüge zur vergleichenden Morphologie des Genital- systems der Schnecken, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stylommatophora
73988: Nordsieck H., - European Door Snails (Clausiliidae), I: taxonomy, species concept, phylogeny
53781: Nordsieck H., - Fossile Clausilien, VI: Die posteozänen tertiären Clausilien Mittel- und West Europas
68402: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XL Neue Formen und taxonomische Revision einiger Gruppen der Alopiinae
76018: Nordsieck H., - European Door Snails (Clausiliidae), II: special extant and fossil groups
75895: Nordsieck H., - New and Unknown Species Taxa of Western Palaearctic Clausiliidae (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)
75743: Nordsieck H., - Die Chondrinen der Südalpen
65765: Nordsieck H., - The door snail from the banana tree in Laos (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae, Phaedusinae)
65766: Nordsieck H., - A new genus of Helicidae (Stylommatophora, Gastropoda) from Early Pleistocene of Lower Austria, with information on the microsculpture of some Plio- and Pleistocene Helicoidea from central Europe
74871: Nordsieck F., - Die europäischen Meeresmuscheln (Bivalvia) Vom Eismeer bis Kapverden, Mittelmeer & Schwarzes Meer
66219: Nordsieck F., - Die europäischen Meeresmuscheln (Bivalvia) Vom Eismeer bis Kapverden, Mittelmeer & Schwarzes Meer
68518: Nordsieck H., - Die Evolution des Verschlusspparats der Schliessmundschnecken (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae)
75225: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XIV - Phaedusinae, II: Phaedusa bhutanensis n
75214: Nordsieck H., - Critical revision of some Peruvian Neniinae treated by Loosjes & Loosjes-van Bemmel (1966, 1984, 1989), with the descriptions of new taxa (Clausiliidae)
75213: Nordsieck H., - Symptychiella annae n sp, an extraordinary clausiliid from northern Peru
68828: Nordsieck H., - Description of the first right-coiled taxon of Garnieriinae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae), with a synopsis of the Tropidauchenia group
68540: Nordsieck H., - Fossile Clausilien, III
66654: Nordsieck H., - Pulmonata, Stylommatophora, Helicoidea: Systematics with Comments
40980: NORDSIECK H., - Eine neue Albinaria-Art von Kefallinia
53327: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XXI: Das System der Clausilien, II: Die rezenten europäischen Clausilien
53323: Nordsieck H., - Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien, XIX: Das System der Clausilien, I : Taxonomische Merkmale und Gliederung in Unterfamilien
72088: Nordsieck H., - Taxonomic important shell characters of Asiatic Phaedusinae (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae)
73257: Nordsieck F., 1968- - Die europäischen Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken (Prosobranchia) vom Eismeer bis Kapverden und Mittelmeer
73542: Nordsieck F., - Die europaischen Meeres-Gehauseschnecken (Prosobranchia)
73657: Nordsieck H., - Worldwide door snails (Clausiliidae), Recent and Fossil
59466: Noris F. (ed.), - Dizionario Biografico dei Pittori Bergamaschi
74023: Norris A., Paul C.R. & Riedel A., - The genus Vitrea in Ibiza
59549: Norton A., - L'anno dell'unicorno
39150: Norton P. E. P., - Neogene mollusca of the Tjörnes sequence, Iceland: paleoecology, zonation, correlation
60280: Norton A., - La gemma aliena
71879: Norton A.H., - Jesse Wedgwood Mighels--pioneer conchologist
59660: Norton A., - I figli di Yurth
11495: Notenboom J. & De Winter A.J., - Avenionia brevis roberti Boeters (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae) in the Netherlands, with notes on its habitat
18463: Nott J.A., Bebianno M., Langston W.J. & Ryan K.P., - Cadmium in the gastropod Littorina littorea
18459: Nott J.A. & Langston W.J., - Cadmium and the phosphate granules in Littorina littorea
66006: Nottbohm, G., - Zur Landgastropodenfauna zweier Gehölzstandorte im nördlichen Leinebergland
72094: Nourse A., - Medicorriere
66199: Nouvel H., - Une mysidacé de la Nouvelle-Caledonie : Anisomysis thurneysseni n
69446: Novaretti A., - Studio biostratigrafico dell'area di raccordo fra la collina di Torino e il Monferrato
58273: Nowack E., - Das Werden der Landschaft
76035: Nowell-Usticke G.W., - A check list of the marine shells of St
37481: Nu–ez H., Schulte J. A. & Garin C., - Liolaemus josephorum, nueva especie de la lagartija para el norte de Chile
62155: Nuccio G.E., - Turi
65046: Numanami H. & Okutani T., - A new and two known species of the genus Anatoma collected by the Icebreaker Shirase from Breid Bay and Günnerus Bank, Antarctica (Gastropoda: Scissurellidae)
31994: Nuwayhid M.A., Spencer Davies P. & Elder H.Y., - Changes in the ultrastructure of the gill epithelium of Patella vulgata after exposure to north sea crude oil and dispersants
57136: Nybakken J.W., - Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach
61996: Nybakken J., - The Conidae of the Pillsbury expedition to the Gulf of Panama
11170: Nybakken J., - Radular anatomy and systematics of the west American Conidae
098: Nyman C.F., 1854- - Sylloge Florae Europaeae seu plantarum vascularium Europae indigenarum enumeratio adjectis synonymis gravioribus et indicata singularum distributione geographica
70894: Nyst H., - Description succincte d'un nouveau mollusque marin des rives de l'Escaut
75576: Nyst H.-P., - Tableau synoptique et synonymique des espèces vivantes et fosslles de la famille des Arcacées
62414: Nyst E., - Simon van Montfort en de oorsprong van het Huis der Gemeenten in Engeland, Gent, Hoste
71639: Nyst H., - Notice sur deux coquilles colombiennes du genre Bulimus
54498: Nörgaard V.A., - Cattle dipping, experimental and practical
39137: O'Neill J.J., - The geology of the Arctic coast of Canada West of the Kent Peninsula
51225: O. Abel - Untersuchungen über die Fossilen Platanistiden des Wiener Beckens 36 pages with 4 plates and 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
41748: O'Keeffe M., - Some aspects of the history of Stradbroke Island
33203: O'Hagan J.E., - Recent chemical studies concerning the origin of life
70717: O'Donoghue C.H., - A list of the nudibranchiate Mollusca recorded from the Pacific coast of North America, with notes on their distribution
51464: O. Ampferer - Geologische Untersuchungen über die exotischen Gerölle und die Tektonik niederösterreichischer Gosauablagerungen 56 pages with 81 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 18
69665: O'Toole G., - Un agente dall'aldilà
64650: O'Donoghue C.H., - Notes on the taxonomy of Nudibranchiate Mollusca from the Pacific Coast of North America
59973: O'HARA J., - L'ossessione dei Lockwood
31584: O'Roke E.C., - The morphology, transmission, and life-history of Haemoproteus lophortyx O'Roke, a blood parasite of the California valley Quail
51316: O. Abel - Die Morphologie der Hüftbeinrudimente der Cetaceen 58 pages with 56 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 6
51396: O. Abel - Die Vorfahren der Bartenwale
40508: O'Doherty W.A., (1862?) - Water for domestic use evils attending the use of impure water, to health, to purse, and to morals; metropolitan water supply, the water companies, wells, pumps, cisterns; purification of water, &c, &c, &c; tables of analasyses of London and other waters, being a collection of hte opinions and evidence of the leading scientific authorities of the day, extracted from parliamentary and official reporta and other publications; with an analytical inde also, a description, and illustration, of the apparatus proposed to be used by thr Metropolitan Water Purifying Company
73727: O'Brien H.S., - Shell album
71105: Oberling J.J. & Boss K.J., - Observations on the shell structure of Calyptogena (Vesicomyidae; Bivalvia; Mollusca)
61037: Oberprieler C., - The Systematics of Anthemis L
62931: Occhipinti Ambrogi A., - Segnalazione di spiaggiamento di Cymbulia peronii De Blainville (Gastropoda Pseudothecosomata) sul litorale di Laigueglia (Prov
76496: Ochoterena H., - Amonitas del Jurasico medio y del Calloviano de Mexico I
30903: OCKELMANN K.W., 1964. - Turtonia minuta, a neotenous veneracean bivalve
61467: Ockelmann K. & Warén A., - Taxonomy of and biological notes on the bivalve genus Microgloma, with comments on protobranch nomenclature
31764: Odiete W.O., - Electrophysiological recordings from the adductor nerves of Scrobicularia plana (Da Costa)
31765: Odiete W.O., - The adductor rhythm of Scrobicularia plana (Da Costa)and its fanglionic control
70701: Ogaswara K., Fujimoto E., Noda Y. & Shimamoto M., - Paleobiogeographic significance of Mizuhopecten slodkewitschi Sinelnikova from the Miocene Shibiutan Formation, northernFogli chiusi (still uncut)
28353: Okada Y., - Report on the Hexactinellid sponges collected by the United States Fisheries steamer "Albatross" in the Nortwestern Pacific during the summer of 1906
15478: Okamoto M. & Habe T., - A new species of the genus Zafra from Japan (Pyrenidae)
28988: Oken L., - Allgemeine Naturgeschichte Für Alle Stände
53422: Okutani T., Hashimoto J. & Sasaki T., - New gastropod taxa from a hydrothermal vent (Kairei Field) in the central Indian Ocean
74073: Okutani T. & Fujiwara Y., - Gastropod fauna of a thermal vents site on the north knoll of Iheya Ridge, Okinawa Trough
74092: Okutani T., - A new genus and five new species of gastropods trawled from off Surinam
75024: Okutani T. & Ohta S.. - A new gastropod mollusk associated with hydrothermal vents in the Mariana Back-Arc Basin, Western Pacific
74093: Okutani T., - Four new species of bivalves and a new gastropod trawled from off Surinam
75453: Okutani T. & Fujikura K., - Abyssal gastropods and bivalves collected by Shinkai 6500 on slope of Japan trench
74182: Okutani T., - A new pleurotomariid gastropod for the Pacific waters off Hondhu, Japan
70096: Okutani T., - Archibenthal and Abyssal Mollusca Collected by the R
74095: Okutani T.,Tsuchida E. & Fujikura K., - Five bathyal gastropods living within or near the Calyptogena Community of the Hatsushima Islet, Sagami Bay
74097: Okutani T., Kojima S., & Iwasaki N., - New and known vesicomyid bivalves recently collected from the western and central Nankai Trough off Shikoku and Honshu, by Deep Sea research systems of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
74098: Okutani T. & Kawmura R., - Abyssal bivalves collected from beyond 3,000 m in the Northwest Pacific and Shikoku Basins by the R/V Soyo-Maru, 1977-1981
74072: Okutani T., Fujikura T. & Kojima S., - New taxa and review of vesicomyid bivalves collected from the Northwest Pacific by Deep Sea research systems of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
75451: Okutani T., Sasaki T. & Tsuchida S., - Two additional new species to gastropod fauna [Trochidae] of chemosynthetic site on north knoll of Iheya Ridge, Okinawa Trough
74172: Okutani T., - A new Volutid Gastropod, Lyria habei n
33571: Okutani T., - Studies on early life history of decapodan Mollusca I
70090: Okutani T., - Deep-sea Bivalves and Scaphopoda Collected from Deeper than 2,000 m in the Northwestern Pacific by R/V Soyo-Maru and the R/V Kaiyo-Maru During the Years 1969-1974
67181: Okutani T., - Molluscan fauna on the submarine banks Zenisu, Hyotanse, and Takasee, near the Izu-Shitchito Islands
62511: Olabarria C., Urgorri V., Troncoso J.S., - Trophic structure of the molluscan fauna in the inlet of Bano (NW Spain): distribution, ordination and relationship to environmental parameters
74089: Old W.E. Jr., - A remarkable new cancellariid fromthe Philippines with comments on other taxa
14946: Old W.E., - On the identity of Conus pastinaca
70421: Oldroyd T.S., - The fossils of the lower San Pedro fauna of the Nob Hill Cut, San Pedro, California
71038: Oleinik A.E., - The genus Fulgoraria (Gastropoda: Volutidae) of the northeastern Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island, with notes on the paleoecology and distribution of the subfamily Fulgurariinae in the Oligocene of the northern Pacific
73785: Oleinik A. et al., - Magnitude of Middle Miocene warming in North Pacific high latitudes: stable isotope evidence from Kaneharaia (Bivalvia, Dosiniinae)
66672: Oliva G., - I Savoia
46278: Olive P. J. W., - Control of the reproductive cycle in female Eulalia viridis (Polychaeta: Phyllodocidae)
60348: Olive P.J.W. & Garwood P.R., - Gametogenic cycle and population structure of Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor and Nereis (Nereis) pelagica from North East England
33798: Olive P. J. & Garwood P. R., - Gametogenic cycle and population structure of Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor and Nereis (Nereis) pelagica from North-East England
59049: Olive J.W., - The life-history and population structure of the polychaetes Nephtys caeca and Nephtys hombergii with special reference to the growth rings in the teeth
30076: Oliveira, M.P. de, - As Conchas (Introduçao ao seu estudo)
67296: Oliver J.D., Rolán E. & Templado J., - The littoral species of the genus Crisilla Monterosato, 1971 (Caenogastropoda, Rissoidae) in Azores, Madeira, Selvagens and Canary Islands with notest on West African taxa and the description of four new species
73700: Oliver A.P., - The Hamlyn guide to shells of the world
75653: Oliver J.D. et al., - Skeneid gastropods (Vetigastropoda, Trochoidea) from the continental shelf and slope off Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula)
69385: Oliver G. & Von Cosel R., - Taxonomy of Tropical West African Bivalves 4: Arcidae
64790: Oliver P.G., - A new lucinid bivalve from the Niger Delta and an appraisal of the Loripes group (Bivalvia, Lucinacea)
62804: Oliver J.D. & Rolan E., - A new species of the genus Benthonellania (Gastropoda Rissooidea) del archipiélago de Cabo Verde
62827: Oliver W.A., - Presidential address; biogeography of Devonian rugose corals
75480: Oliver J.D. & Rolan E., - The genus Ammonicera (Heterobranchia, Omalogyridae) in the Eastern Atlantic 1: the species of the Iberian Peninsula
68406: Oliver Baldoví J.D., - Catálogo de los Gasterópodes testáceos marinos de la parte Sur del Golfo de Valencia
76656: Oliver P.G., Groh K. & Audibert C. [eds], - Type specimens of land snails described by R
75872: Oliver G.P., - Bivalved seashells of the Red Sea
75092: Oliver J.D. et al., - Contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of the family Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) on the islands of Saint Helena and Ascension
67824: Oliver J.D. & Rolan E., - Las especies de Chauvetia Monterosato, 1884 (Mollusca, Neogastropoda) de Canarias y el area oeste africana de Mauritania y Sahara
67812: Oliver J.D. & Templado J., - Dos neuvas especies del género Alvania (Caenogastropoda: Rissoidae) de las islas Baleares
67396: Oliver P.G. & Killen I.J., - Biomôr 3
72978: Oliver P., - Der Kosmos Muschelführer
65414: Oliveria Arruda J. & Thomé J.W., - Revalidation of Omalonyx convexus (Heynemann, 1868) and emendation of the type locality of Omalonyx unguis (Orbigny, 1837)
64411: Oliverio M., - Stato delle conoscenze sulla malacofauna marina italiana
63049: Oliverio M. & Tringali L., - The types of marine molluscan species described by Monterosato, in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma
20997: Oliverio M. & Tringali L., - Two sibling species of Nassariinae in the Mediterranean Sea
62908: Oliverio M. & Villa R., - Notes on the Ovulidae of Canary Islands
64410: Oliverio M., - A new prosobranch from the Mediterranean sea, Alvania dianiensis n
68623: Oliverio M., - Global biodiversity and life-history evolution in the prosobranch gastropods
19408: Oliverio M., Buzzurro G. & Villa R., - A new eulimid gastropod from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
64424: Oliverio M.,Taviani M. & Chemello R., - A coral-associated epitoniid, new to the Red Sea (Prosobranchia, Ptenoglossa)
64423: Oliverio M. & Vega-Luz R., - Host relationship of Chrysallida canariensis (Heterostropha, Pyramidellidae) epizoic on Bursa scrobilator (Caenogastropoda, Bursidae) at Canary Islands
15283: Oliverio M., Gerosa G. & Cocco M., - First record of Pinctada radiata (Bivalvia) epibiont on the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta
64422: Oliverio M., Chemello R. & Taviani M., - Host association and external morphology of Dentiovula dorsuosa from the Red Sea (Prosobranchia, Caenogastropoda, Ovulidae)
64433: Oliverio M. & Mariottini P., - A molecular framework for the phylogeny of Coralliophila and related muricoid
66279: Oliverio M. & Amati B., - Una nuova specie del gruppo di Alvania subcrenulata
49637: Oliverio M., De Matthaeis E. & Hallgass A., - Genetic divergence between Italian populations of Marmorana (Ambigua) (Pulmonata, Helicidae)
24010: Oliverio M., - Biogeographical patterns in developmental strategies of gastropods from Mediterranean Posidonia beds
8502: Oliverio M., - Life-histories, speciation, and biodiversity in Mediterranean prosobranch gastropods
8504: Oliverio M., Taviani M. & Chemello R., - A coral-associated epitoniid, new to the Red Sea (Prosobranchia, Ptenoglossa)
72693: Olivero E.B., - Early Campanian heteromorph ammonites from James Ross Island, Antarctica
57664: Olivier J.P., - Les Scribes de Cnossos
58309: Olivier L., - Annali del real convento di S
42927: Olivieri R. & Serpagli E., - Latest Silurian - early Devonian conodonts from the Mason Porcus Section near Fluminimaggiore, southwestern Sardinia
31413: Oliviero M. & Buzzurro G., - A new mediterranean species of the genus Homalopoma, with notes on the Genus-group (Trochoidea, Turbinidae, Colloniinae)
67804: Olmi M., - New species of Dryinidae, with description of a new subfamily from Florida and a new species from Dominica amber (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea)
66011: Olsen A.M., - Underwater Studies on the Tasmanian Commercial Scallop, Notovola meridionalis (Tate) (Lamellibranchiata: Pectinidae)
11706: Olsen Y.H. & Merriman D., - Studies on the marine resources of Southern New England
62870: Olson E.C., - Aspects of the biology of Trimerorhachis (Amphibia, Temnospondyli)
69584: Olson O.P., - The genus Baryspira (Mollusca) in New Zealand
75574: Olsson A., - Mollusks of the Tropical Eastern Pacific particularly from the Southern half of the Panamic-Pacific faunal province (Panama to Peru) - Panamic Pacific Pelecypoda
70322: Olsson A.A., - The cancellariid radula and its interpretation
74266: Olsson A.A. & Harbison A., - Pliocene mollusca of Southern Florida with special reference to those from North Saint Petersburg with special chapters on Turridae by William G Fargo and Vitrinellidae and fresh-water mollusks by Henry A Pilsbry
63856: Olsson A.A., - A review of the genus Voluta and the description of a new species [Voluta demarcoi]
70358: Olsson A.A. & Richards H.G., - Some Tertiary fossils form the Goajira Peninsula of Colombia
60894: Olverio M., Amati B. & Nofroni I., - Revision of the Alvania testae group of species
64238: Omodeo A., - Figure e passioni del Risorgimento Italiano
30182: Omodeo P., - Opere di Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
19190: Ona E., - Physiological factors causing natural variations in acoustic target strenght of fish
71086: Oostingh C.H., - Mollusken als Gidsfossielen voor Het Neogeen in Nederlandsch-Indie
71199: Oostingh C.H., - Eenige opmerkingen over A
71200: Oostingh C.H., - Die Purpurinen aus dem Pliocän des Tjidjoerej in Cheribon, Java
71201: Oostingh C.H., - Neue Mollusken aus dem Pliozän von Süd-Bantam (Java)
71202: Oostingh C.H., - Neue Mollusken aus dem Pliozän von Java
47731: Opdam P. & Muskens G., - Use of shed feathers in population studies of Accipiter hawks
58825: Opitz, W. - Descriptions of new species of the New World genus Perilypus Spinola (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae)
51065: Opitz, Weston, - Classification, natural history and evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera, Cleridae)
60343: Opitz W., - Revision of the new world genus Parapelonides Barr (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Enopliinae)
57292: Opitz, W. - Classification, natural history, and evolution of Neorthopleurinae subfam
58826: Opitz W., - Classification, natural history, and evolution of Neorthopleurinae Opitz (Coleoptera, Cleridae)
60342: Opitz W., - Classification, natural history, and evolution of Neorthopleurinae Opitz (Coleoptera, Cleridae) Part II: The Dermestoides genus group
57657: Opitz W., - Classification, natural history, and evolution of Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera, Cleridae) part X - The genus Madoniella Pic, 1935
57658: Opitz, W. - Classification, natural history, phylogeny, and subfamily composition of the Cleridae and generic content of the subfamilies
57659: Opitz, W. - Classification, natural history, and evolution of Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera, Cleridae) Part IX: The genus Megaphloeus Opitz, 2010
57289: Opitz W., - Classification and evolution of the genus Phymatophaea Pascoe from New Zealand and New Caledonia (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Enopliinae)
57297: Opitz, W. - Classification, natural history, and evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae)- Part III: The genera Parvochaetus, n
57290: Opitz W., - Arawakis poinari Opitz, New Genus, New Species, A New Fossil Checkered Beetle in Dominican Amber (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) and Review of the Historical References of Fossil Cleridae
57286: Opitz W., - Classification, natural history and evolution of Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera, Cleridae)
57284: Opitz, W., - The classification and evolution of Apolopha Spinola (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Enopliinae)
57654: Opitz W., - Classification, natural history and evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera, Cleridae) - Part 2, The genera Chaetophloeus Opitz and Plocamocera Spinola
57655: Opitz W., - Barriella Opitz: a New Genus of Cleridae from Brazil (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae)
58109: Opitz W., - Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Genus Aphelocerus Kirsch: Cleridae
57295: Opitz, W. - Classification, natural history, and evolution of Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera, Cleridae)
58824: Opitz, W. - Morphologic studies of the alimentary canal and internal reproductive organs of the Chaetosomatidae and the Cleridae /Coleoptera: Cleroidea) with comparatve morphology and taxonomic analyses
57651: Opitz, W. - Classification, natural history, and evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae) Part I: The genera of Epiphloeinae
57650: Opitz, W. - Revision of the New World genus Neorthopleura Barr (Coleoptera: Cleridae)In 4to, offp
57653: Opitz W., - Revision of the Checkered Beetle Genus Placopterus Wolcott (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae)
57652: Opitz, W. - Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of Tarsosteninae (Coleoptera: Cleridae) - Part I: Generic Composition of the Subfamily and Key and Phylogeny of Genera
60312: Orcutt C.R., - Molluscan world volume I
65750: Orengo N., - La curva del latte
67215: Orengo V. & Positano S.L., - Singles
73302: Orilia E., - La madreperla e il suo uso nell'industria e nelle arti
37329: Orlandi T., - La filologia al calcolatore
40523: Orlov J., - Ueberr die Reste der fossilen Cameliden aus dem Gouv
56278: Ormiston A.R., - Monorakos (Trilobita) from the Ordovician of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
72630: Orr V.M., - A bionomic shell study of Monetaria annulus
59446: Orsenna E., - L'esposizione coloniale
63713: Orsi Relini L., - Note di anatomia e di biologia di Oculospinus brevis Koefoed 1927 (Osteichthyes Brotulidae)
63712: Orsi Relini L., - Segnalazione di Physiculus dalwigkii Kaup 1858 (Osteichthyes Moridae) nel golfo di Genova
43519: Orsi Relini L. & Massi D., - The butterfly squid Stoloteuthis leucoptera in the Mediterranean
71865: Ortea J. & Moro L., - Marginella (Volvarina) verdensis E
26113: Ortea J. & Llera E.M., - Une nueva especie de Janolus dedicada a la memoria de Fausto Gonzalez
26126: Ortea J., - Descripcion de una segunda especie de Tambja de las islas de Cabo Verde
43584: Ortea J., Quero A., Rodriguez G. & Valdes A., - Redescripcion de Trapania tartanella (Ihering, 1886) (Mollusca: Nudibranchia)
63233: Ortea, J. and J. Espinosa, - Estudio de nueve especies del género Flabellina Voight, 1834 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) colectadas en Angola, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba y Portugal, con la descripción de tres especies nuevas
63234: Ortea J. & Moro L., - Descripción de tres Moluscos Opistobranquios nuevos de las islas de Cabo Verde
71869: Ortea J. & Moro L., - Descripción de una nueva especie de Gastropteridae Swainson, 1840 (Mollusca: Cephalaspidea) colectada en la isla de Santiago, archipiélago de Cabo Verde
15637: Ortea J., - Una nueva especie de Doto (Dendronotacea) de las islas Comores
71867: Ortea J. & Moro L., - Descripción de siete nuevas especies del Orden Runcinacea Burn, 1963 (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) de la isla de Sao Vicente, Cabo Verde, dedicadas a siete investigadores distinguidos con el premio Canarias
71866: Ortea J. & Moro L., - Marginella (Volvarina) mediocincta E
69924: Ortea J. & Espinosa J., - Two species and a subgenus of the marine prosobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) news of the Gulf of Mexico
56629: Ortea J.,Bacallado J.J.., & Perez Sanchez J.M., - Aplysiopsis formosa Pruvot-Fol, 1953 (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia, Ascoglossa) in the Canary Islands
63230: Ortea, J. and J. Espinosa, - Dos nuevas especies de Moluscos marinos (Mollusca: Gastropoda) recolectadas en los subarchipiélagos Jardines del Rey y Jardines de la Reina, descritas en honor de los Reyes de Espa–a por su primera visita a Cuba
69738: Ortega J.R. & Gofas S., - The unknown bathyal of the Canaries: new species and new records of deep-sea Mollusca
65156: Ortiz J.C., 1974 (1973) - Etude sur le statut taxinomique de Tachymenis peruviana Wiegmann et Tachymenis chilensis (Schlegel) (Serpentes: Colubridae)
75881: Ortmann A.E. & Walker B., - On the nomenclature of certain north american naiades
27725: Osawa I., - Cytological and Experimental Studies in Citrus
27998: Osawa I., - On the development of the pollen-grain and embryo-sac of Daphne, with special reference to the sterility of Daphne odora
51277: Oscar Frankl - Das Runde Mutterband
67025: Osella G., Mammoli W. & Zuppa A., - Ricerche zoologiche della Nave Oceanografica ' Minerva ' (C
69468: Osella G., Di Marco C., Marotta O. & Zuppa A.M., - Il popolamento di Curculionoidea del Gran Sasso
21372: Oshima M., - Fauna Simalurensis [Sumatra] - Termitidae
47074: Osmond C.B., Foyer C.H. & Bock G. (Eds.), - Photoprotection of the photosynthetic apparatus - Papers of a discussion meeting
61210: Osnato A, - Stella polare
64954: Osorio C. & Arnaud P.M., - Gaimardia bahamondei, spec
25180: Osorio Ruiz C., Ramirez Casali M., Mora A.M. & Vega Petokvic M., - Plaxiphora mercatoris (Mopaliidae) de Isla de Pascua, Chile
73346: Osorio Ruiz C., Ramirez Casali M., Mora A.M. & Vega Petokvic M., - Plaxiphora mercatoris (Mopaliidae) de Isla de Pascua, Chile
25242: Ostergaard J.M., - Reports on fossil Mollusca of Molokai and Maui
54966: Ostrander G.E., - New early Oligocene (Chadronian) mammals from the Raben Ranch local fauna, Northwest Nebraska In 8vo, offp
54999: Ostrom J.H., - Leptoceratops gracilis from the "Lance" Formation of Wyoming
57468: Ostrovsky A.N. & Taylor P.D., - Systematics of Upper Cretaceous calloporid bryozoans with primitive spinose ovicells
57469: Ostrovsky A.N. & Taylor P.D., - Systematics of some Antarctic Idmidronea and Exidmonea (Bryozoa: Cyclostomata)
51546: Oswald Richter - Neue Beiträge zur Photosynthese und Photolyse vornehmlich an der lebenden Pflanze
51344: Oswald Richter - Zur Physiologie der Diatomeen (2
51528: Oswald Richter - Natrium
29518: Otero J.I., Cook M.T., - First supplement to Partial bibliography of virus diseases of plants
26886: Otero J.L. & Cook M.T., - Partial bibliography of virus diseases of plant
39064: Ottman F. & Picard J., - Contributions a l'étude du Quaternaire des régions de Palerme et de Milazzo (Sicile)
39223: Ottmann F. & Picard J., - Contributions a l'étude du Quaternaire des région de Palerme et de Milazzo (Sicile)
51441: Otto von Wettstein - II
51489: Otto Ampferer und Wilhelm Hammer - Ergebnisse der geologischen Forschungsreisen in Westserbien
51524: Otto Sickenberg - Eine Sirene aus dem Leithakalk des Burgenlandes 29 pages with 6 illustrations and 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51334: Otto Pesta - Beiträge zur Kenntnis parasitischer Copepoden 12 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 2
51515: Otto Lehmann - Otto Lehmann Die Verheerungen in der Sandlinggruppe (Salzkammergut) durch die im Frühherbst 1920 entfesselten Naturgewalten (Absitzung, Bergsturz und Gesteinsstrom) 20 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
51531: Otto Ampferer - Zur Tektonik und Morphologie des Zlatibormassivs 64 pages with 78 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
59418: Ottone P., - La guerra della rosa
60677: Ottone P., - Il gioco dei potenti
33454: Oudemans, - Contributions to the knowledge of some undescribed or imperfectly known Fungi
58865: Ovenden D. & Barrett J., - Collins handguide to the sea coast
76650: Owen B., Hanavan. S. & Hall S., - A new species of abalone (Haliotis) from Greece
15466: Owen G. & Steedman H.F., - Preservation of molluscs
15712: Owen G., Trueman E.R. & Yonge C.M., - The ligament in the Lamellibranchiata
55041: Owen G., - Observations on the stomach and digestive diverticula of the Lamellibranchia II: The Nuculidae
47849: OWEN G., - A note on the habits and nutrition of Solemya parkinsoni (Protobranchia: Bivalvia)
60897: Owens D.W. (Ed.), - Behavioral and Reproductive Biology of Sea Turtles
63073: Oxfrod G.S., - The nature and distribution of food-induced esterases in helicid snails
74035: Ozaki H., Fukuta O. & Ando Y., - List of Fossil Mollusks from the Tokumaru Shell Bed of the Pleistocene Tokyo Formation
73571: Ozaki H., - Some new and interesting molluscs from Miocene Nobori formation in the Eastern Kôti Prefecture, Japan
51274: P. Schwab - Über das photochemische Klima von Kremsmünster 78 pages with 4 plates, 10 Diagrammen und 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
31109: Paàl A., - Über phototropische Reizleitung
68494: Pab off M. & Perrin M., - Dizionario di etnologia
66474: Pacaud J.M., - Mcleaniella, a new genus of Liotiidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from Paleocene of the Paris basin (France)
21225: Pacaud J.M., - Un nouveau genre de Pholadidae (Bivalvia) du Paléogène infèrieur du nord de l'Atlantique
75545: Pacaud J.M. & Pouwer R., - Rediscovery of the syntype series of Astarte omalii de la Jonkaire, 1823 and Astarte basterotii de la Jonkaire, 1823 (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Astartidae)
67936: Pacaud J.M., - Les Cypraeoidea (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) du Priabonien (Eocène supérieur) de Dnipro (Oblast de Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) - Partie 3: Ovulidae (suite) er Eratoidae
66382: Pacaud J.M. & Merle D., - Note taxonomique sur des Carditidae (Bivalvia: Carditoidea) du Maastrichtien et du Danien du bassin de Paris introduits par alcide d'Orbigny en 1850
72151: Pacaud J.M., - Révision des mollusques du Danien (Paléocène inférieur) du Bassin de Paris
72152: Pacaud J.M., - First fossil records of the Recent Ovulid genus Pseudocypraea Schilder, 1927 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) with description of a new species
67865: Pace R., - Anotylus lemurianus, nuova specie attera del Madagascar (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae)
67864: Pace R., - Nuove specie cinesi del genere Leptusa - Monografia del genere Leptusa: Supplemento XII
67329: Pace R., - Aleocharinae raccolte in Grecia da P
72025: Pace R. - Aleocharinae del Madagascar
67524: Pace R., - Descrizione di tre nuove specie di Mayetia della Liguria (Coleoptera Pselaphidae) In 8vo, offp
67213: Pace R., - Aleocharinae della Thailandia (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (14° Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae)
67285: Pace R., - Aleocharinae del Cile, nuove o poco note (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (157° Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae)
4605: Packard E.L. & Jones D.L., - Cretaceous pelecypods of the genus Pinna from the West coast of North America
70630: Packard E.L., - An aberrant oyster from the Oregon Eocene
32000: Packard A., Bone Q. & Hignette M., - Breathing and swimming movements in a captive Nautilus
73226: Padovani A. & Tampieri R., - Ricerche sui Molluschi plio-pleistocenici della Valle del Santerno (Appennino romagnolo)
21898: Paffenhofer G.A. & Harris R.P., - Feeding, growth and reproduction of the marine planktonic copepod Pseudocalanus elongatus
64468: Pafort-Van Iersel T., - Variation in Diacria trispinosa (De Blainville, 1821) and Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 (Pteropoda, Mollusca) of the Amsterdam Mid north Atlantic Plankton Expedition 1980
64665: Pafort-Van Iersel T., - Distribution and variation of Carinariidae and Pterotracheidae (Heteropoda, Gastropoda) of the Amsterdam Mid north Atlantic Plankton Expedition 1980
64863: Paganetti-Hummler G., - Beitrag zur Invertebratenfauna von Korfu [land snails]
71739: Paget O., - Schnecken unserer Alpen
69112: Pagliano G. & Scaramozzino P.L., - Gasteruptiidae italiani (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea)
69449: Pagliano G., - Catalogo degli Imenotteri italiani II: Sphecidae
68052: Pagliano G., - Nyssoninae italiani (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Part I
67031: Pagliano G., - Philanthinae italiani (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) parte II
67801: Pagliano G., - Philanthinae italiani (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) - parte I
34510: Pagnini P., - Sulle ipotesi che servono di fondamento alla teoria ondulatoria - parte XI Osservazioni sull'atomo ondulatorio
34514: Pagnini P., - Sulle ipotesi che servono di fondamento alla teoria ondulatoria - parte VII-VIII-IX e X
34513: Pagnini P., - Sulle ipotesi che servono di fondamento alla teoria ondulatoria - parte XII: I paramenti dinamici dell'atomo ondulatorio
66138: Pahlen K., - Storia della musica
75002: Pain T. & Beatty D., - A new species of freshwater gastropod mollusc of the genus Saulea from the Miocene of Kenya
75020: Paine R.T., - Ecological diversification in sympatric gastropods of the genus Busycon
57830: Palamidese D., - Le due redazioni del " Philodoxus " : da commedia umanistica a dialogo filosofico-morale,
61203: Palazzi S. & Stradi M.A., - Riscoperta di Renea elegantissima (Acme) nel Modenese
31406: Palazzi S., - Note sugli Omalogyridae mediterranei e maderensi, aggiunte
62992: Palazzi S., - Nota sugli Omalogyridae mediterranei e maderensi
9528: Palazzi S., - Una nuova Alvania del Miocene superiore italiano
20900: Palazzi S., - Qualche parola sulle specie mediterranee del genere Gregariella Monterosato, 1893
55582: Palazzi S. & Villari A., - Molluschi e Brachiopodi delle grotte sottomarine del taorminese - Mollusks and Brachiopods from the submarine caves of Taormina
58525: Palazzi F., - Le allegre avventure di Til Ulenspighel illustrate da Gustavino
70144: Paleologue M., - La Russia degli Zar durante la Grande Guerra
68202: Palestrini C. & Barbero E., - Contributo alla conoscenza degli stadi preimaginali nei Canthonina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) : il terzo stadio larvale e la pupa di Canthon edentulus Harold, 1868
69228: Palestrini C., - Note sistematiche e zoogeografiche su un sottogenere indoafricano di Onthophagus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea: Onthophagini)
62121: Paliotti V., - Storia della camorra
76586: Páll-Gergely B., Auffenberg K. & Gojsina V., - A review of the Diapheridae of the Philippines (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora: Streptaxoidea)
69794: Páll-Gergely B. et al., - Systematics of the family Plectopylidae in Vietnam with additional information on Chinese taxa (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Stylommatophora)
69154: Pallary P., - Histoire de l'Helix vermiculosa Morelet
70857: Pallary P.M., - Les Calcarina du Nord-Ouest de l'Afrique
63719: Palm E. & Dell'Angelo B., - Lembulus forlii n
54517: Palmer T.S., - The danger of introducing noxious animals and birds
61767: Palmer M., - Misure estreme
75076: Palmer K., - A new nautiloid, Eutrephoceras eyerdami, new species from the Cowlitz formation upper Eocene of Washington
31827: Palmer A.R., - Do carbonate skeletons limit the rate of body growth? In 8°, offp
7125: Palmer A.R., - Genetic basis of shell variation in Thais emarginata (Prosobranchia, Muricacea)
15288: Palmer C.P., - An introduction to the Cephalopoda - Paper for students no
72588: Palmer C.P., - A new Jurassic scaphopod from the Oxford Clay of Buckingamshire
72852: Palmer C.P., - The British Lower Jurassic Species Of The Bivalve Genus Cardinia
73569: Palmer K.V.W. & Brann, D.C. (1965) - Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the southern and eastern United States
73870: Palmer C.P., - A new genus of Jurassic bivalve mollusc ancestral to Globocardium
20909: Palmeri A., - Contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna del Golfo di Carini (parte I - Gastropoda)
61005: Palombo M. R., - I grandi mammiferi pleistocenici delle isole del Mediterraneo: tempi e vie di migrazione
64668: Pálsson S., Magnoesdóttir H., Reynisdóttir S., Jónsson Z.O. & Örnólfsdóttir E.B., - Divergence and molecular variation in common whelk Buccinum undatum (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) in Iceland: a trans-Atlantic comparison
54958: Paltauf A., - Die lebend farbung von Zellkernen
59636: Palumbo D., - Guerra tra le metropoli
56939: Palumbo E., - Norme generali per la legatura dei periodici nelle pubbliche biblioteche
64131: Panahi Nejad N., - Eugenio Bronzetti: Il fotografo
61756: Panarello S., - Il libro delle superstizioni
51604: Pandolfo A., Chemello R. & Riggio S., - Prime note sui popolamenti associati ai
62575: Paneth L., - Anime senza bussola
3928: Panetta P. & Imperatrice M., - Analisi dei molluschi del banco dell'Amendolara
63211: Panetta P., D'Onghia G., Tursi A., Matarrese A., - Rinvenimento di Octopus defilippi Verany, 1851 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) nel Golfo di Taranto (Mar Jonio)
66852: Panetta P., - Molluschi del golfo di Taranto raccolti durante le crociere dell' "Albatros"
58085: Pangborn E., - La compagnia della gloria
69663: Pangborn E., - Dentelungo e altri estranei
61012: Pangborn E., - Davy l'eretico
69514: Panha S. & Burch J.B., - Two new species of Diplommatina from Thailand (Prosobranchia: Diplommatinidae)
10581: Panigrahi A., Mahata S.K. & Raut S.H., - Effect of temeperature on noradrenaline and adrenaline content in the brain of a terrestrial slug Levicaulis alte (Férussac) (Gastropoda: Soleolifera)
72379: Pannetta W., - La vita fra terra e mare
100: Pantaleo M.C., - Tavole sulle razze umane
59453: Pantaleone M., - Antimafia occasione mancata
64154: Pantanelli E., - Agronomia generale
73431: Panteleev G.S., - The Danian and Paleocene stratigraphy and bivalves of transcaspian region
58596: Pantina A., - Vetrate siciliane
2349: Pantoli D. & Ruggieri G., - La Cheilea del Pliocene Italiano
73212: Pantoli D. & Raffi S., - Presenza del genere Tugonia (Myidae, Bivalvia) nel Pliocene Mediterraneo
57785: Paoletti M.G., - Il genere Spelaeonethes Verhoeff in Italia (Isopoda Terrestria)
60599: Paolini C., - Eldest - L'eredità: 2
60598: Paolini C., - Eragon - L'eredità: 1
69990: Papp A., - Untersuchungen an der sarmatischen Fauna von Wiesen
71980: Papp A., - Paläontologische Beobachtungen im Pannon von Podsused bei Zagreb (Kroatien)
70689: Papp A., - Bemerkungen über Vorkommen und Variabilität der Bivalvengattung Oncophora [Veneroida - Miocene]
62598: Pappalettera V., - Nei lager c'ero anch'io
74378: Parc National Port-Cros, - Poissons et espèces marines de Méditerranée
67854: Pardi L., - Recenti ricerche sulla divisione di lavoro negli Imenotteri sociali
63214: Paredes F. & Acuna J.D., - Consideraciones sobre los caracteres biometricos usados para la distincion de las especies del genero Patella en Europa occidental
63243: Paredes C. & Cardoso F., - Nuevas adiciones de bivalvos a la malacofauna marina peruana
69881: Parenti U., - Nuove specie di Elachistidi paleartici (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae)
67318: Parenti U. & Varalda P.G., - Gli Elachistidi (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) e le loro piante ospiti
72749: Parenti U. (cur.), - Conoscere e collezionare le farfalle
74025: Parenzan P., 1970- - Carta d'identità delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo
7127: Parenzan P., - Malacologia dei fondali a Cladophora prolifera Kütz ed a Peyssonnelia polymorpha (Zan
67886: Parenzan P., - Revisione delle specie mediterranee del genere Astropecten
72909: Parenzan P., 1970- - Carta d'identità delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo
73722: Parenzan P., 1970- - Carta d'identità delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo
63881: Paresce Marconi D., - Marconi, mio padre
564: Paris-Teynac E.J., - Contribution à la connaissance des fleuves d'Afrique tropicale et en particulier du Nil
21386: Parke M. & Dixon P.S., - Check-list of British Marine Algae - Third revision
63523: Parke M., - Check-list of British marine algae - Second revision
38065: Parke M., - A revised check-list of British Marine Algae
74064: Parker G.H., - The mechanism of locomotion in gastropods
18104: Parker S.J., - Homing ability and home range of yellow-phase American eels in a tridfally dominated estuary
29765: Parkin J., - The Glossy Petal of Ranunculus
8791: Parkinson B. , Hemmen J. & Groh K., - Tropical landshells of the world
38137: Parmalee P. W. & Bogan A. E., - Molluscan remains from aborginal middens at the Clinch River breeder reactor plant site, Roane County, Tennessee
71005: Parodfiz J.J. & Hennings L., - The Neocorbicula (Mollusca, Pelecypoda) of the Parana-Uruguay basin, South America
71277: Parodiz J.J., - New records of freshwatr gastropods from the Bahama Islands
71612: Parodiz J.J., 1954- - 3 short papers: Aracaunia twomeyi n
61085: Parodiz J.J., - The concept of species
75448: Parodiz J.J., - New and little-known species of South and Central American land snails (Bulimulidae)
34765: Parodiz J.J. & Tripp J.J., - Types of Mollusca in the collection of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History
66404: Parona C.F., - Trattato di Geologia
63320: Parr A.E., - The Fishes of the Family Searsidae
71833: Parth M., - Metula kilburni, spec
75993: Parth M., - Beschreibung einer neuen Burside von den Philippinen sowie Bemerkungen zur Systematik in der Familie Bursidae (Mollusca, Gastrpoda, Bursidae), In 8vo, offp
70351: Parth M. - Arthur A., 1990- - 6 short (2-4 pages) papers on Ranellidae (1 on Cassidae) published on Spixiana with the descriptions of 5 new species
71236: Parth M., - Spondylus pratii, spec
8511: Parth M., - Some notes on the genus Colubraria Schumacher, 1817 with description of Colubraria brinkae, spec
64370: Pascal B., - Pensieri
43484: Pasini M., - Due antichi fusulinidi <> (Foraminiferi) nel Permo-Carbonifero delle Alpi Carniche (Alpi sud-orientali)
65921: Pasini M., - Nota preliminare su una fauna ad Ostracodi dei livelli superiori della Formazione a Bellerophon delle Dolomiti
73724: Pasqui N. & Verroca M., - Molluschi marini nella provincia di Roma
39982: Pasquini P., - L'uomo e il mondo animale sulla terra
41579: Pasquini P., - Problemi urgenti dell'organizzazione degli studi in riferimento alle Scienze naturali
67177: Passerin d'Entrèves P., - Revisione degli Scitrididi (Lepidoptera, Scythrididae) paleartici
64239: Passerini A., - I condottieri romani
65786: Pasternak B., - Il dotto Zivago
63218: Pasternak B., - Il dottor Zivago
74851: Pasteur G. & Blanc C.P., - Un lézard parthénogénétique à Madagascar? Description de Lygodactylus pauliani sp
69765: Pastiels A., - Les Lamellibranches non marins de la zone a Similis-pulchra partie inferieure (Westphalien B superieur) de la Belgique
62446: Pastiels, A. - Les lamellibranches non marins de la zone à Modiolaris (Westphalien A supérieur et B inférieur) de la Belgique
50819: Pastore A., - Sillogismo e proporzione
58530: Pastore H. & Manzoli G., - Il Messale di Barbara
74082: Pastorino G., - Two new Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from Antarctic waters
74071: Pastorino G. & Scarabino F., - Two deep-sea muricids (Gastropoda) from Argentina
71348: Pastorino G., - Recent Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Patagonian Coast
76630: Pastorino G., - Recent Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Patagonian Coast
66535: Pata O., - Su di una nuova forma di Spondylus rinvenuta nelle formazioni del pliocene antico di Musalà (Reggio Calabria)
67698: Paton J., - Viaggio Al Centro Della Galassia
22971: Patroni G. (ed.), - La preistoria; Milano, Vallardi
19047: Patterson M.A., Parker B.C. & Neves R.J., - Glycogen concentration in the mantle tissue of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) during stravation and controlled feeding
12461: Patterson C.M., - Chromosome numbers of some Japanese freshwater snails
12463: Patterson C.M., - Chromosomes of molluscs
12423: Patterson C.M., - The chromosomes of Tulotoma angulata (Streptoneura: Viviparidae)
12486: Patterson C.M. & Burch J.B., - The chromosome cycle in the land snail Catinella vermeta (Succineidae)
12702: Patterson C.M., - The reproductive anatomy and chromosome number of Quickia spurca (Gould) (Stylommatophora: Heterourethra: Succineidae)
12460: Patterson C.M., - Chromosome numbers and systematics in streptoneuran snails
70305: Paul K.M., - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Congerien-Schichten Westslavoniens und deren Lignitführung
51272: Paul Czermak - Experimente zum Föhn 4 pages and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 23
51275: Paul Czermak - Über Elektricitätszerstreuung in der Atmosphäre 34 pages with 2 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 22
76198: Paul C.R.C., - Pleistocene non-marine molluscs from Cova de Ca Na Reia, Eivissa
29394: Paulech C., Paulechova K., Herrera S., - Estudio de la infeccion primaria del chicharo de vaca (Vigna sinensis Savi) por el hongo Oidium erysiphoides, Fries
30195: Paulech C., Herrera S., - Influencia del hongo Capnodium citri Berkeley et Desmaziers sobre la fotosintesis y la traspiracion de las hojas de la naranja agria (Citrus aurantium L
31746: Paulech C., Paulechova K. & Herrera S., - Estudo de la antracnosis del limon criollo (Citrus aurantifolia swingle var
29391: Paulechova K., Paulech C., Herrera S., - La psorosin viral en los citrocos de Cuba
66321: Paulian R., Blanc C., Guillaumet J.L., Betsch J.M., Griveaud P. & Peyrieras A., - Etude des écosystèmes montagnards dans la région malgache
63030: Paulij W.P., Herman P.M., Van Hannen E.J. & Denuce J.M., - The impact of photoperiodicity on hatching of Loligo vulgaris and Loligo forbesi
43541: Paulij W. P., et al., - The influence of photoperiodicity on hatching of Sepia officinalis
25194: Paulo L.F., - Contribution à l'étude des ostracodes du Portugal - Note sur une nouvelle espèces du genre Herpetocypris
69475: Paulucci M., - Escursione scientifica nella Calabria 1877-78
64070: Paulucci M., - Etude critique sur quelques Hyalina de Sardaigne et description d'une nouvelle espèce
70604: Paulus M., - Etude sur la faunue malacologque de l'embouchure du petit Rhône
54332: PAUWELS L. - BERGIER J., - L'Uomo eterno
61797: Pavese C., - La bella estate
67357: Pavese C., - La casa in collina
55360: PAVESI L. & SAMOGGIA G., - Analysis of the magneto-optical activity in paramagnetic KMnF3 around the structural phase transition
62718: Pavia, G. & E. Robba, - La località messiniana di Borelli (Collina di Torino) e la sua fauna a Pteropodi
2042: PAVIA G., - Gli opercoli calcarei delle Naticidae nel Pliocene nord italiano
71206: Pavia G., - Lissoceras monachum (Gemmellaro), a ghost Ammonitida of the Tethyan Bathonian
73210: Pavia G., - Molluschi del Tabianiano del Basso Monferrato (Alba, Italia NW)
59159: Pavlovec R., - Paleoecology of Nummulitines
62772: Pawlik, J.R., J.B. O'Sullivan & M.G. Harasewych, 1988. - The Egg capsules, embryos, and larvae of Cancellaria cooperi (Gastropoda: Cancellariidae)
63361: Pax F., - Les Zoanthaires des côtes de l'Angola
63493: Pax F. & I. Muller, - Zoantharien aus Französisch Westafrika
63409: Payen, G. - Morphogenese sexuelle de quelques Brachyoures (Cyclométopes) au cours du developement embryonnaire, larvaire et postlarvaire
69940: Pe–as A., Rolan E. & Sabelli B., - The family Pyramidellidae in the Red Sea I
76159: Pe–a Mu–oz M.J., - Amonitas de Jurasico Superior y del Cretacico Ibferior del extremo oriental del estado de Durango, Mexico, In 8vo
11525: Pe–a J., Yagüe M.J. & Iba–ez M., - Ciclos reproductores y variaciones del coeficiente radular de Patella rustica y P
75063: Pe–as A. & Micali P., - Eulimella carminae spec
68376: Pe–as A., Rolán E. & Schander C., - The family Pyramidellidae (Heterostropha) in West Africa 5: Afroturbonilla hattenbergeriana
11522: Pe–a J.B., - Influencia de la tasa de alimentacion sobre el crecimiento y la maduracion de las gonadas de Haliotis coccinea canariensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
11067: Pe–a J.B., Mestre S. & Alagarda A., - Evaluacion de nueve dietas fitoplanctonicas en el crecimiento de la almeja Venerupis semidecussata Reeve y Adams
11068: Pe–a J.B. Mestre S., - Estudio comparativo del crecimiento de la almeja Venerupis semidecussata Reeve y Adams bajo dos condiciones diferentes
65701: Pe–as A. & Rolan E., - La familia Pyramidellidae en Africa Occidental 2: Los generos Turbonilla y Eulimella
67880: Pe–as A. & Rolán E., - La familia Pyramidellidae en Africa Occidental 6: El género Pseudoscilla
52174: Peake J.F., - Patterns in the distribution of Melanesian land Mollusca
11722: Pearcy W.G., - Ecology of an estuarine population of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum)
63782: Pearl M., - Il circolo Dante
34492: Pearson R.A., - Market milk: A plan for its improvement
61095: Pechar P., Prior C. & Parkinson B., - Mitre shells from the Pacific and Indian Oceans
60201: Peck L. & Culley M.B., - Structure and density of Haliotis tuberculata populations around the coasts of Jersey Channel Isles
69789: Pedler K. & Davis G., - Dynostar
33175: Pedley L., - Notes on Acacia chiefly from Queensland, I
33679: Pedley L. & Isbell R. F., - Plant communities of Cape York peninsula
68102: Pedroni G., - Aspetti ecologici e biogeografici dei Coleotteri Elateridi nel comprensorio del Monte Matajur - Prealpi Giulie (Italia orientale) (Coleoptera Elateridae)
19090: Pedrotti M.L., - Spatial and temporal distribution and recruitment of echinoderm larvae in the Ligurian Sea
62365: Pellissier M., - Piccoli Robinson
29759: Pelluet D., - Observations on the Cytoplasm of Normal and Pathological Plant Cells: the Effect of Parasitism on the Chondriome of certain Members of the Ericaceae, with a Brief Description of their Ecology
57919: Pelorce J., Horst D. & Hoarau A., - Une nouvelle espèce de la famille Aglajidae (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) des côtes de Méditerranée française
74244: Pelosio G., Raffi S. & Rio D., - The Plio-Pleistocene boundary controversy - Status in 1979 at the light of International Stratigraphic Guide
73750: Pelosio G., - Ammoniti del Lias Superiore (Toarciano) dell'Alpe Turati (Erba, Como)
65922: Peloso G.F. & Vercesi P.L., - Note su alcuni livelli del Trias superiore della Valle Manéz (Trentino occidentale)
7133: Pelseener P., - Sur l'épipodium des mollusques (Deuxième note)
67996: Pelseener P., - Les variations et leur hérédité chez les mollusques
7134: Pelseener P., - Sur l'épipodium des mollusques (Troisième note)
27048: PELSENEER P., - La surface respiratoire des mollusques amphibies
52957: Penas A. & Giribet G., - Adiciones a la fauna malacologica del litoral del Garraf (NE de la Pen"nsula Ibérica)
69737: Penas A. & Rolán E., - Deep Water Pyramidelloidea from the Central and South Pacific
67879: Penas, A. & E. Rolan, - La familia Pyramidellidae en Africa Occidental 3
74867: Penas A. & Rolan E., - La familia Pyramidellidae en Africa Occidental 1: El género Sayella Dall, 1885
73325: Penas A. & Giribet G., - Adiciones a la fauna malacologica del litoral del Garraf (NE de la Pen"nsula Ibérica)
51199: Penecke K.A,., - Marine Tertiär-Fossilien aus Nordgriechenland und dessen türkischen Grenzländern
73309: Peng S. & R. A. Robinson R.A., - Agnostid(a) biostratigraphy across the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary in Hunan, China
33572: Penn G.H., - Percy Viosca, jr
64173: Penna-Neme L. & Leme J.L.M., - Novas especies e novas ocorrencias de gastropodos marinhos na costa Brasileira (Prosobranchia, Neogastropoda)
66087: Penna-Neme L., - Consideraç›es sobre od Scaphopoda (Mollusca) da costa brasileira, com descriçao de uma nova espécie
76634: Penna L., - Moluscos de Baía da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil I - Scaphopoda (Dentallidae)
75815: Penna L., - Novas espécies e registros de Limidae e Carditidae
76512: Penna-Neme L., - Os Glycymerididae da costa brasileira (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
76521: Penna-Neme L. & Natali M.L.C., - Phacoides (Parvilucina) Coupoisi Klein, 1967, novo sinônimo de Codakia (Ctena) Pectinella (c
58414: Pennesi G., Grasso G. & Musone, s.d. (1910 circa) - I popoli del mondo - usi e costumi - Oceania
75083: Penrith M.L. & Kensley B., - The constitution of the intertidal fauna of rocky shores of South West Africa part III Part 3
75080: Penrith M.L. & Kensley B., - The constitution of the intertidal fauna of rocky shores of South West Africa part II Rocky Point
75082: Penrith M.L. & Kensley B., - The constitution of the intertidal fauna of rocky shores of South West Africa part I Lüderitzbucht
64240: Pepe G., - Italiani del medioevo in Estremo Oriente
37518: Pereira F., - Aspectos problematicos del muestreo de prosobranquios
57855: Pereira de Sousa E., - Contribuicoes para o Conhecimento da Flora da Guiné Portuguesa [part V]
66769: Pereira L.A. & Demange, J.-M., - Nouvelle contribution à la connaissance du genre Ctenophilus Cook, 1896, à répartition géographique disjointe (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha, Schendylidae)
57743: Pereira de Sousa E., - Contribuicoes para o Conhecimento da Flora da Guiné Portuguesa
41571: Pereira J. T. M., - Notas bio-bibliograficas sobre alguns colectores do antigo ultramar portugues
39036: Pérès J. M. & Picard J., - Faunes 'froides' et faunes 'chaudes'de la Méditerranée Quaternaire
26710: Pereyra J.A., - Contribucion al estudio y observaciones ornitologicas de la zona norte de la gobrenacion de la Pampa [Argentina]
67810: Perez-Quintero J.C., - Moluscos dulceacuicolas de la Reserva de la Biosfera "Dehesas de Sierra Morena", SO de la Peninsula Ibérica
66932: Perez-Santos C. & Moreno A.G., - Addenda y corrigenda al libro "Ofidios de Colombia"
66933: Perez-Santos C. & Moreno A.G., - Una nueva especie de Thamnodynastes (Serpentes: Colubridae) en el norte de Columbia
63616: Perez, R., Couespel Du Mesnil, J., Colin, Y., Le Fur, L. and Didou, H., - Etude sur l'opportunité d'introduire l'algue Macrocystis sur le littoral francais
40790: Perez A. M., Sotelo M. & Arana I., - Altitudinal variation of diversity in landsnail communities from Maderas Volcano, Ometepe Island, Nicaragua
56628: Perez Sanchez J.M., Ortea J. & Bacallado J.J.., - Doridaceos, Dendronotaceos y Aeolidaceos (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) del Archipileago Canario
68800: Pérez A.M. & López A., - Nuevos datos sobre la morfologia y la distribución de Praticolella griseola (Polygyridae) en Nicaragua
71363: Pérez Farfante I., - The genera Zeidora, Nesta, Emarginula, Rimula and Puncturella in the Western Atlantic
73525: Perez d'A. E. & Reyes B. R., - Catalogo analitico de los tipos de Trigoniae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) descritos por R
63147: Pereze K., Ruiz E., Martinez Cruz M. & Minton R.L., - A new species of South Texas scrubsnail, Praticolella (von Martes, 1892) (Gastropoda: Polygyridae)
72352: Pereze d'A. E. & Reyes R., - Buchotrigonia (Buchotrigonia) topocalmensis sp
73440: Pergament M.A., - Inoceramids and Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Pacific Region
57786: Péricart J., - Hémiptères Collectés per Margherita et Giuseppe Osella dans le bassin Méditerranéen oriental et en Anatolie Berytidae, Tingidae, Anthocoridae et Microphysidae
64528: Perini M.A., - First report of syntopic occurrence of Oliva oliva Linnaeus, 1758 with an Oliva sp
11707: Perlmutter A., - The blackback flounder and its fishery in New England and New York
31788: Pernersdorfen M., - Undersuchungen uber die Futterpflanzen einheimischer Chrysomeliden unter ausschlub der Halticinen
65080: Pernet B. & Kohn A., - Size-Related Obligate and Facultative Parasitism in the Marine Gastropod Trichotropis cancellata
69407: Perotti P., - Innervazione nella cute dei batraci
28249: Perovic D., - Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des ductus endolymphaticus beim Menschen
59103: perpagli E. & Gnoli M., - Upper Silurian cephalopods from Southwestern Sardinia
67154: Perret J.L., - Une nouvelle espèce du genre Ptychadena (Anura, Ranidae) du Kenya
59116: Perri M. C. & Spalletta C., - Conodonti e biozonatura del Frasniano (Devoniano sup
59023: Perri M. C., - A Spathiian conodont fauna from the Cencenighe Member of the Werfen Formation (Scythian), Southeaestern Dolomites, Italy
63888: Perrier R., - La faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques illustrés
63441: Perrier E., - Traité de zoologie - Fascicule I - Zoologie Générale
63439: Perrier E., - Traité de zoologie - Fascicule VI - Poissons
63906: Perrier R., - La faune de la France illustrée
20396: Perrier R., - La faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques illustrés
75941: Perrilliat M.C., - Monografia de los moluscos del Miocene Medio de Santa Rosa, Veracruz, Mexico parte 3 (Gasterópodos: Pyramidellidae a Siphonariidae) + parte 4 (Escafópodos: Dentallidae, Siphonodentaliidae)
75773: Perrilliat Montoya M.C., - Moluscos del Terciario Inferior del Noreste de Mexico
75949: Perrilliat M.C., - Monografia de los moluscos del Miocene Medio de Santa Rosa, Veracruz, Mexico part 6 (Pelecípodos: Lucinidae a Solecurtidae)
75948: Perrilliat M.C., - Monografia de los moluscos del Miocene Medio de Santa Rosa, Veracruz, Mexico part 5 (Pelecípodos: Nuculanidae a Limidae)
53203: PERRONCITO, EDOARDO, - Osservazioni Elmintologiche Relative Alla Malattia Sviluppatasi Endemica Negli Operai Del Gottardo
24754: Perrone A.S., - Una nuova specie di Aglajidae dal fondale batiale del golfo di Taranto: Chelidonura orchidaea nov
67461: Perrone A. S., - Una nuova specie di Elysiidae, Elysia hetta nov
61292: Perrone A., 1992. - Una specie di Nudibranchi nuova per le coste italiane: ridescrizione di Geitodoris (Verrilia) bonosi Ortea & Ballesteros, 1981 (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
13205: Perrone A.S. & Sammut C., - Opisthobranchia of the genus Chelidonura Adams, 1850 (Cephalaspidea) from the Isle of Malta
31382: Perrone A.S., - Morfologia di una forma papillosa di Elysiidae dal golfo di Taranto: Elysia sp
31395: Perrone A., - Il genere Doriopsilla Bergh, 1880 in Mediterraneo: descrizione di Doriopsilla rarispinosa Pruvot-Fol, 1951 (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
2047: PERRONE A., - The tropical genus Sclerodoris Eliot, 1904 from the Mediterranean
61191: Perrone A., - Recenti acquisizioni faunistiche relative agli opistobranch (Aplysiomorpha, Pleurobrancomorpha, Sacoglossa, Nudibranchia) del Mediterraneo
41878: Perrone A. S. & Doneddu M. - Pattern convergence in Nudibranchia of the genus Chromodoris Alder & Hancock, 1855 (Opisthobranchia) from the Red Sea and Polycladida (Platyhelminthes) from Mediterranean Sea
61190: Perrone A.S., - Primo rinvenimento di Elysia flava Verrill per le coste italiane (Opisthobranchia Sacoglossa)
67460: Perrone A. S., - Studio comparato su due taxa simpatrici di Chromodorididae fenotipicamente simili: Hypselodoris webbi (D'Orbigny, 1839) e Hypselodoris elegans (Cantraine, 1835) (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
75248: Perrone A.S., - A new species of Nudibranchia of the genus Phyllidia Cuvier (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) from the Maldive Islands
31386: Perrone A.S., - Nudibranchi del genere Taringa Marcus, 1955 dal golfo di Taranto (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
66591: Perrone A.S., - Primo rinvenimento di una rara specie di nudibranchi Chromodorididae (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) per le coste italiane: Hypselodoris webbi (D'Orbigny, 1839)
7143: Perrone A.S., - Nudibranchi del genere Chromodoris Alder & Hancock, 1855 dall'isola di Malta (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
66348: Perrone A., - Il genere Baptodoris in Mediterraneo: nuovi dati sulla morfologia di Baptodoris perezi Llera & Ortea, 1982 dal Golfo di Taranto (Opisthobranchia Nudibranchia)
48422: Perrone A., - Una nuova specie di nudibranchi doridiani, Peltodoris sordii n sp dalla biocenosi a Anadiomene stellata, Geodia cydonium e Holothuria impatiens
48419: Perrone A., - Contributo alla conoscenza di Geitodoris (Carryodoris) portmanni
48421: Perrone A., - Riscoperta di una rara specie di nudibranchi doridiani del Mediterraneo: Paradoris granulata Bergh, 1884
48420: Perrone A., - Descrizione di un raro nudibranco mediterraneo: Atagema rugosa
48423: Perrone A., - Una nuova specie di nudibranchi del Golfo di Taranto: Rostanga anthelia nov sp
61924: Perrone A.S. & Doneddu M., - Una specie di nudibranchi del genere Carminodoris Bergh, 1889 nuova per le coste italiane: Carminodoris boucheti Ortea, 1979 (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
31667: Perrone A., - Il genere Baptodoris in Mediterraneo: contributo alla conoscenza di Baptodoris cinnabarina Bergh, 1884 (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia)
68125: Pesarini C. & Sabbadini A., - Ricerche sui Dorcadionini di Grecia I: Le specie del Peloponneso (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
68146: Pesarini C. & Sabbadini A., - Delagrangeus liviae, specie nuova dell'isola di Rodi (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
67250: Pesarini C., - The Amaurobiidae of Northern Italy
66987: Pesarini C. & Sabbadini A., - Ricerche sui Dorcadionini di Grecia IV: Le specie della Macedonia e della Tracia (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
54858: PESCIO A., - Domina maris
73098: Pessagno jr. E.A., - The Neosciadiocapsidae, a new family of Upper Cretaceous Radiolaria
64133: Pessoa F., - Una cena molto oriignale
50674: Peter ZWETKO, - Die Rostpilze Österreichs - Supplement und Wirt-Parasit- Verzeichnis zur 2
34378: Peters E.T., - Influence of rye on the price of wheat
66177: Peters D., - Tikal
61381: Petit R.E. & Bieler R., - On the new names introduced in the various printings of "Shells of the world in colour" [Vol
61131: Petit R.E. & Harasewych M.G., - Catalogue of the superfamily Cancellarioidea Forbes and Hanley, 1851 (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
66429: Petit C. & Prévost G., - Génétique et évolution
63130: Petit, R.E. - The Mozambique Cancellariidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
65251: Petit R.E., - The Mozambique Cancellariidae
46671: Petit R.E., - A new Thracia from South Carolina
63135: Petit R.E., - Notes on Japanese Cancellariidae
65162: Petit R.E. & Schmelz G.W., - Notes on the fauna of the Chipola formation XXXIV: New species of Cancellarioidea
9688: Petit R.E. & Boss K.J., - Searles V
68228: Petoia E., - Miti e leggende del Medioevo
39902: Petrarca, Francesco - Le Rime
65710: Petrarca F., - Canzoniere
71994: Petrbok J., - Zur Kenntnis der pleistozänen Mollusken aus Mähren, Tschechoslowakei
70388: Petrbok J., - A contribution to the knowledge of the post-Teriary molluscs of Bulgaria
66072: Petrbok J., - Kvarterní mekk si Trencína, Trenciansk ch Teplic a okolí
51910: Petrik C., - Dudovac i njegovo suzbijanje
73643: Petru, Zahradnikek & Palka, - Zahrady a zamek v Krom í (Gardens and castle in Krom í )
57717: Petrucci C.A., - Catalogo generale delle Stampe Tratte dai rami incisi posseduti dalla Calcografia Nazionale
56689: PETRUCCI S., - L'industria litica e la ceramica di un riparo sotto roccia a Tamanrasset (Algeria
63502: Petter A.J., - Deux nouvelles especes de Cucullanidae parasites de Poissons en Guyane + Essai de classification de la famille des Cucullanidae
56848: Pettersen, K., - In anstehenden Fels eingeschnittene Strandlinien
35000: Pettibone M., - Scaled polychaetes (Polynoidae) associated with ophiuroids and other invertebrates and review of species referred to Malmgrenia McIntosh and replaced by Malmgreniella Hartman, with descriptions of new taxa
27192: Pettibone M.H., - Additions to the familiy Eulepethidae (Polychaeta: Aphroditacea)
61915: Pettinelli R., - New data on Pauluccinella minima (Paulucci, 1881) (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae): distribution in Italy
24293: Pettitt C., - A review of the predators of Littorina, especially those of L saxatilis
24092: PETTITT C., - A proposed new method of scoring the colour morphs of Littorina saxatilis
69949: Petuch E.J. & Berschauer D.P., - Tropical Marine Mollusks - An Illustrated Biogeographical Guide
74898: Petuch E.J. & Berschauer D.P., - The Ecphoras - iconic fossils of Eastern North America
69161: Petuch E.J. & Myers R.F., - Molluscan Communities of the Florida Keys and Adjacent Areas : Their Ecology and Biodiversity
69160: Petuch E.J., - Biogeography and Biodiversity of Western Atlantic Mollusks
76195: Petuch E.J., - An unusual molluscan assemblage from
64669: Petuch E.J., - A new Terebra from the coral reef areas off North Carolina
64491: Petuch E., - New South American gastropods in the genera Conus (Conidae) and Latirus (Fasciolariidae)
73012: Petuch E.J. & Sargent D.M., - Rare and Unusual Shells of Southern Florida (Mainland, Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas)
29395: Peyrellade J., Gale V.E., - Experimento de destete temprano con terneros Holstein
50934: Peyritsche J., - Über Pelorienbildungen
31842: Pezzoli E., - Segnalazione del genere Hadziella nelle prealpi orientali italiane
5508: Pezzoli E. & Giusti F., - Primo contributo alla revisione del genere Belgrandiella in Italia (Prosobranchia, Hydrobioidea)
5507: Pezzoli E. & Girod A., - Fraunfeldia lacheineri (Küster) e Bythinella schmidti (Küster) in Lombardia
51014: Pezzoli E. & Giusti F., - Nuovi contributi allo studio biogeografico e sistematico di Paladilhiopsis cornucopia (De Stefani)
56624: Pezzoli E., - Nuove stazioni di Paladilhiopsis concii (Allegretti) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) delle Prealpi Lombarde con particolare riguardo ad una notevole località di "rifugio" in Valle Seriana (Bergamo)
75308: Pezzoli E. & Toffoletto F., - Una nuova specie di Paladilhia nelle Prealpi lombarde
7152: Pezzoli E. & Giusti F., - 'Lartetia' concii Allegretti, 1944 e 'Paludestrina' forumjuliana Pollonera, 1886, due specie sinonime dell'arco prealpino centro-orientale da ascrivere al genere Paladilhiopsis Pavlovic, 1913 ed il problema del genere Iglica in Italia (Prosobranchia, Hydrobioidea)
47885: Pezzoli E. & Giusti F., - Lartetia cornucopia De Stefani e Lartetia virei Locard, due specie sinonime dell'Italia centro-settentrionale, da ascrivere al genere Paladilhiopsis Pavlovic (Prosobranchia; Hydrobioidea)
7153: Pezzoli E., Pagotto S. & Paoletti M., - Fauna malacologica delle sorgenti e delle acque sotterranee (Ipogee, freatiche) della vallata trevigiana e zone limitrofe (Montello, Consiglio e F
70352: Pfannenstiel M., - Die Fauna Der Kirchberger Schichten Von Lohn Am Randen
71327: Pfannenstiel M., - Ein Spülsaum von Anodonta piscinalis NILSSON f
67570: Pfannkuch H.O., - Elsevier's Dictionary of Hydrogeology, in Three Languages, English, French, and German
75630: Pfeffer G., 1993 (1912) - The Cephalopoda of the Plankton Expedition
76660: Pfeiffer K.L., - Die Murellen Westsizilen
67531: Pfeiffer C., - Systematische Anordnung und Beschreibung deutscher Land- und Wasser-Schnecken mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die bisher in Hessen gefundenen Arten
51303: Philipp Broch - Radiantenbestimmung und Höhenberechnung korrespondierender Meteore der Aprilperiode 1874 28 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
68047: Phillips A., - L'archeologo
59851: Phillips A., - L'archeologo
64829: Phillips A. & Watson H., - Milax gracilis (Leydig) in the British Isles
57985: Phillis J.W., - Regulation of rectal movements in Tapes watlingi
69798: Pholyotha Q. et al., - Integrative taxonomic revision of the land snail genus Sarika Godwin-Austen, 1907 in Thailand, with descriptions of nine new species (Eupulmonata, Ariophantidae)
46437: Phyllis Bentley, - E poi si ricomincia
64874: Piaget J., - Notes sur le mimétisme des mollusques marins littoraux de Binic (Bretagne)
31396: Piani P., - Risultato di ricerche bibliografiche su Jujubinus (Scrobiculinus) strigosus (Gmelin, 1790)
31399: Piani P., - Su Lepidochitona corrugata (Reeve, 1848) e Middendorffia caprearum (Scacchi, 1836) (Note di nomenclatura III)
31398: Piani P., - Rissoacea mediterranei
31397: Piani P., - Il genere "Eudolium" in Mediterraneo: alcuni problemi di sistematica generica e specifica
24848: Piani P., - Bibliografia cronologica degli scritti malacologici di Monterosato
10588: Piani P., - Revisione del genere Emarginula Lamarck, 1801 in Mediterraneo
16318: PIANI P. & TUROLLA G., - Johania retifera (Forbes, 1844), opistobranco "ritrovato" dopo cent'anni
7844: Piani P. & Giannuzzi-Savelli R., - Biografia e bibliografia di Tommaso De Maria marchese di Monterosato
59917: Piazza G., - Le grandi famiglie d'Europa: Gli Sforza
29653: Picado T.C., - Fusarium disease of coffee in Costa Rica
58933: Piccini S. - Gli squali
34800: Piccioli A., - Nuovo metodo per la riproduzione delle piante per margotto ritrovato e proposto
20823: Picco F. & Picco A., - Due specie interessanti per la flora del Piemonte
34793: Piccoli C., - L'Orto Agrario della I
71337: Piccoli G. & Massari Degasperi G., - I molluschi dello stratotipo del Priaboniano e il loro significato paloecologico
64108: Piccolo F., - Il desiderio di essere come tutti
58401: Picher R.H., - Graviers de voirie dans la province de Québec
67835: Pichon M., - Sur quelques caractèristiques morphologiques et écologiques des récifs coralliens de la région de Tuléar (Madagascar)
31585: Pickard E.A., - The neuromotor apparatus of Boveria teredinidi Nelson, a ciliate from the gills of Teredo navalis
29987: Pickavance J.R., - The ecology of Stylodrilus heringianus Claparede (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) in Newfoundland
29972: Pickavance J.R., - The ecology of Lumbriculus variegatus (Muller) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) in Newfoundland
75098: Pickery R., - Chronologica list of the reference to the original descriptions of recent subgenera and species belonging to the family Haliotidae
71794: Pickford G.E., - The distribution of the eggs of Vampyroteuthis infernalis Chun
71610: Pickford G.E., - A review of the littoral Octopoda from Central and Western Atlantic stations in the collections of the British Museum
61730: Pickford G.E., - Galathea Report Volume 1 Scientific Results of The Danish Deep-Sea Expedition Round the World 1950-52: Vampyromorpha
71264: Pickford G.E., - The Vampyromorpha (Cephalopoda) of the Bermuda Oceanographics Expeditions
70644: Pickford G.E., - A revision of the Octopodinae in the collections of the British Museum
51680: Picotti, Mario, - Refrattometria dell'acqua marina e tavole per la misura della salinità
11357: Picotti M., - La clorometria dell'acqua nelle indagini talassografiche
3959: Picton B.E. & Wilson K., - Cuthona genovae (O'Donoghue 1926), an aeolid nudibranch new to the fauna of the British Isles
74060: Piech B.J., - Ranellidae and Personidae: A classification of Recent Species
66071: Piechocki A., - Materialy do poznania mi czaków (Mollusca) rzeki Pas ki
58225: Piegai D., - Parola di alieno
72165: Piegai D., - Ballata per Lima - Il pianeta del riscatto
31453: Pierantoni U. - Azione delle luci visibili di bassa intensità sullo sviluppo di Aedes (Stegomya) fasciatus Fabricius
62860: Pierce R.W. & Lanhgenheim R.L., - Platform conodonts of the Monte Cristo Group, Mississippian, Arrow Canyon Range, Clark County, Nevada
35132: Pierce N. B., - Olive culture in the United States
69208: Pieri M., - L'alabastro di Volterra
64586: Piéron H., - Notes ethologiques sur les Gastéropodes perceurs et leur comportement
59989: Pierre B., - Storia del Nilo - Il padre dei fiumi dalle foreste africane alle Piramidi
64058: Pierre, J., - Polymorphisme et coupes infraspecifiques africaines dans I'espece Danaus chrysippus L
24431: Pieruccini R., - A proposito di certe strutture "fluidali"
35121: Pieters A. J., - Seed production and seed saving
62587: Pighini G., - Lo spirito che vince
73757: Pignatti S. & Giaccone G., - Flora sommersa del Golfo di Trieste
48032: Pignedoli A., - On certain analytical researches concerning the problem of the movement of a relativistic charged particle in an electromagnetic field
39263: Pigott M.E. & Pigott C.D., - Stratigraphy and pollen analysis of Malham Tarn and Tarn Moss
67348: Pilato G., - Su di un interessante Tardigrado esapodo delle dune costiere siciliane: Hexapodibius micronyx n
67349: Pilato G., - Osservazioni sui Tardigradi delle Alpi Apuane
67341: Pilato G., - Schema per una nuova sistemazione delle famiglie e dei generi degli Eutardigrada
67354: Pilato G., - Necopinatum mirabile n
67342: Pilato G., - Su alcuni Tardigradi muscicoli delle Alpi Apuane
67350: Pilato G., - Su una nuova specie di Doryphoribius (Eutardigrada, Hypsibiidae) e considerazioni sulla posizione filogenetica del genere
67340: Pilato G., - Evoluzione e nuova sistemazione dei Eutardigrada In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
30267: Pilger R., - Beiträge zur flora der Hylaea nach den Sammlungen von E
12424: Pilgrim L.R., - Osmotic relations in molluscan contractile tissues II - Isolated gill preparations from lamellibranchs (Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Anodonta cygnaea)
12711: Pilgrim L.C., - The action of acetylcholine on the hearts of lamellibranch molluscs
12726: Pilgrim L.R., - Osmotic relations in molluscan contractile tissues I - Isolated ventricle-strip preparations from lamellibranchs (Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Anodonta cygnaea)
66039: Pilkington M.C., - The veliger stage of Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant)
29861: Pilkington M.C., Fretter V., - Some factors affecting the growth of prosobranch veligers
72803: Pilkington M.C., - Descriptions of veliger larvae of monotocardian gastropods occurring in Otago plankton hauls
58803: Piloni L., - I francobolli dello Stato Italiano
76509: Pilsbry H. A., - Descriptions of Middle American land and freshwater Mollusca
76510: Pilsbry H.A. & Olsson A.A., - Tertiary fresh-water mollusks of the Magdalena Embayment, Colombia with Tertiart stratigraphy of the Middle Magadlena Valley by O
76129: Pilsbry H.A. & Olsson A.A., 1945- - Vitrinellidae of the Panamic Province
76523: Pilsbry H.A., - Type Specimens of C
69199: Pilsbry H.S., - New Australian mollusks
76236: Pilsbry H.A. & Olsson A.A., 1945- - Vitrinellidae of the Panamic Province
75832: Pilsbry H.A. & McGinty T.L., 1945-50 - Cyclostrematidae and Vitrinellidae of Florida, parts 1-5
74176: Pilsbry H.A., - Revision of W
76293: Pilsbry H.A., - Notes on the gastropod genus Liotia and its allies
70845: Pilsbry H. & Olsson A., - Systems of the Volutidae
76555: Pilsbry H.A., - Catalogue of the marine mollusks of Japan with descriptions of new species and notes on others collected by Frederick Stearns
74352: Pilsbry H.A. & Olsson A.A., - Tertiary fresh-water mollusks of the Magdalena Embayment, Colombia with Tertiart stratigraphy of the Middsle Magadlena Valley by O
74269: Pilsbry H.A., - A review of the Land Mollusks of the Belgian Congo chiefly based on the collections of the American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915)
65876: Pilsbry H.A., - Aplysia badistes, a peculiar Floridan sea-hare
76017: Pilsbry H.A., - Review of Japanese land mollusks II
71158: Pilsbry H.A., - The air-breathing mollusks of the Bermudas
62513: Pimenta A. D. & Absalao R. S., - Fifteen new species and ten new records of Turbonilla Risso, 1826 (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Pyramidellidae) from Brazil
27030: PIMENTA A.D., Absalao R.S. & Alencar A.S., - Odostomella carceralis n
76580: Pimenta A.D. & Absal‹o R.S., - Taxonomic revision of the species of Turbonilla (Gastrpoda, Heterobranchia, Pyramidellidae) with type localities in Brazil, and description of a new species, In 8vo, offp
76333: Pimenta A.D. & Absal‹o R.S., - On the taxonomy of Turbonilla puncta (C
74185: Pin M. & Leung Tack K.D., - Une nouvelle espece de gasteropode prosobranche des cotes du Sénégal: Conus belairensis n sp
74660: Pin M. & Leung Tack K.D., - I coni del Senegal
74170: Pin M., - Etude des canaux anaux des Conidae du Sénégal et leur importance dans la détermination des espèces
66853: Pinaroli A., - Ricerohe su la morfologia del cavo buccofaringeo degli Uccelli con particolare riguardo alle papille della mucosa
32649: Pincemin J.M., - Note préliminaire à l'étude écologique des Dinoflagellés de la baie d'Alger et comparaison avec les Diatomées
54506: Pinchot G., - Work of the Division of Forestry for the farmer
54512: Pinchot G., - Notes on some forest problems
76175: Ping C., - On some new gastropod from Anhui
61947: Pingree R.D., - The Eastern Subtropical Gyre (North Atlantic): Flow Rings Recirculations Structure and Subduction
67408: Pinna G. & Arduini P., - Osservazioni sulla crisi biologica del Cretacico terminale
59134: Pinna G. & Levi-Setti F.. - Note su uno studio delle Ammoniti Liassiche della sottofamiglia Phymatoceratinae Haytt 1900
61029: Pinna G., - Rinvenimento di un raro ceafalopode coleoideo nel giacimento sinemuriano di Osteno in Lombardia
61028: Pinna G., - Presenza di tracce di colore sul guscio di alcune ammoniti della famiglia Amaltheidae Hyatt, 1867
34804: Pino Mazzola, - "El fumm de râs", poesie milanesi
70346: Pintér L., - Die Vitrrea-Arten der Ägäischen Inseln (Gastropoda: Zonitidae)
74494: Pintér L. & Suara R., - Magyarországi puhatest ek katalógusa
70685: Pintér L., - Zwei neue Vitrea-Arten aus Südosteuropa (Gastropoda: Zonitidae)
71461: Pintér L. & Riedel A., - Eine neue Vitrea-Art aus Algerien (Gastropoda, Zonitidae)
71149: Pinto de Oliveira M. & al., - Comunicaç›es malacológicas n
8100: Pinto de Oliveira M. & Rodrigues M.H., - Dicionário conquílio malacológico
35235: Pio XII, - Discorsi agli intellettuali
65323: Piobb P., - Formulario di alta magia
74259: Pip E., - Ecological differentiation within the genus Helisoma (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Central Canada
69260: Pipeng Li and Ermi Zhao, - Amphibians and Reptiles of Tibet - Herpetological Series 17
24197: Pipitone C., Massari F. & Thomas M., - I pesci delle acque costiere italiane
31459: Piraino C., Di Bella C., Violani C. & Zava B., - Notes on the aerobic enteric microflora of Tadarida teniotis (Rafinesque, 1814) (Chiroptera, Molossidae)
31434: Piraino S., Morri C. & Boero F., - Plasticità intraspecifica nelle idromeduse (Cnidaria: Anthomedusae, Leptomedusae): risposte della fase polipoide a diverse condizioni ambientali
16600: Pirajno E., 1841 (1999) - Catalogo dei molluschi terrestri e fluviatili delle Madonie e luoghi adiacenti
10590: Pirogov V., Tarasov A.G. & Kazantseva S.Z., - Malacofauna of typical waterbodies of the middle and lower Ural river
74262: Pirrie D. & Marshall J.D., - Diagenesis of Inoceramus and Late Cretaceous paleoenvironmental geochemistry; a case study from James Ross Island, Antarctica, In 4to, offp
15883: Pirrone F. & Irrera L., - Sul dosaggio degli aldosi
25325: Pisani Burnay L., - Confirmaç‹o da occorrência em Portugal de Gibbula varia
64809: Pisani Burnay L. & Fernandes F., - Noticia da ocorréncia em Angola do género Eunaticina Fischer, 1885, com descriç‹o de uma nova espécie (Gastropoda, Natiicdae)
64808: Pisani Burnay L. & Lages C. C., - Primeira noticia da ocorrencia em Portugal de Jujubinus ruscurianus (Weinkauff, 1868)
66794: Pisor D., - Sea and Land Shells of the Don Pisor Collection - Color, Form, Shape
333: Pitot A., - Rhizopores et racines chez Rhizopora sp
66055: Pitrè G., - Proverbi siciliani
66080: Pitré G., s.d. - Proverbi siciliani - seconda raccolta
68874: Pitt W.D. & Pitt L.J., - Naticidae (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda) from the Neogene of Northwestern Ecuador
68839: Pitt W.D. & Pitt L.J., - A new species of Trichotropis (Gastropoda: Mesogastropoda) frm the Esmeraldas bed, Onzole Formation [Pliocene], Northwestern Ecuador
57518: Pitt L.J. & Taylor, P.D. - Cretaceous Bryozoa from the Faringdon Sponge Gravel (Aptian) of Oxfordshire
67655: Pittino R., - Revisione del genere Psammodius: 4
67369: Pitttarello R., - Il tempo segreto
66491: Piva E., - Nuove specie di Orostygia e Oryotus, con note sinonimiche (Coleoptera Cholevidae)
28385: Pizon A., - Anatomie et physiologie végétales suivies de l'étude élémentaire des principales familles, de la bactériologie et des fermentations
60016: Pizzinelli L.M., - La vita e il tempo di Robespierre
62503: Pizzini M., - Contribucion al conocimiento de la Familia Caecidae
62905: Pizzini M., - Contribution to the knowledge of the family Caecidae
60634: Pizzini M, Raines B. & Vannozzi A., - The family Caecidae in the South West Pacific (Gastropoda: Rissooidea)
10992: Pizzini M., Nofroni I. & Oliverio M., - Contribution to the knowledge of the family Caecidae
75222: Pizzini M., Raines B. & Nofroni I., - A new Caecum from the Pacific coast of Panama, with illustration of type specimen of Caecum reversum Carpenter, 1857
22698: Pizzini M., Nofroni I. & Oliverio M., - Contribution to the knowledge of the family Caecidae: 4 - The temporary septum formation of some caecid species
67480: Platia G. & Schimmel R., - Descrizione di nuovi Priopus Castelnau con note geonemiche e sinonimiche (Coleoptera, Elateridae)
67243: Platia G. & Schimmel R., - Revisione delle specie orientali (Giappone e Taiwan esclusi) del genere Melanotus Eschscholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Melanotinae) II Supplemento
59576: Platt C., - Crepuscolo sulla città
57911: Plauto, - Le commedie - A cura di Carlo Carena
71888: Plaziat J.C., - Les faunes malacologiques lacustres et le probleme du synchronisme de l'eocene inferieur des corbières et du bassin de Paris
71922: Plisnier C., - Morte d'Isabelle
12727: Plummer J.M., - Collagen formation in Achatinidae associated with a specific cell type
60565: Poe E.A., - Racconti
68975: Poe E.A., - Racconti - Il resoconto di Arturo Gordon Pym - I racconti del grottesco e dell'arabesco
63110: Poe E.A., - Tutti i racconti del mistero, dell'incubo e del terrore
62083: Poe E.A., - Racconti
50673: Poelt J., - Catalogus Florae Austriae - III Teil: Thallophyten (Algen und Pilze) Heft 1: Uredinales
50669: Poelt, Josef & Türk, Roman, - Bibliographie der Flechten und flechtenbewohnenden Pilze in Österreich - Bibliography of lichens and lichen inhabiting fungi in Austria
66598: Poggesi M. & Buracchi G., - Cataloghi del Museo Zoologico "La Specola" dell'università di Firenze - VII
43510: Poggi R., - In ricordo del Dr
67563: Poggi R., - In ricordo del dr
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67041: Poggi R., - Ricerche zoologiche della Nave Oceanografica ' Minerva ' (C
57564: Pogliano C.(Ed.), - Storia delle Scienze 5: Conoscenze scientifiche e trasferimento tecnologico
57563: Pogliano C.(Ed.), - Storia delle Scienze 4: Natura e vita - L'età moderna
68959: Pohl F. & Williamson J., - I cantori del tempo
58077: Pohl F., - Il passo dell'ubriaco
67717: Pohl F. (cur.), - Dodici mondi
58040: Pohl F., - Gli anni della città
59731: Pohl F., - L'invasione degli uguali
66023: Pohl F., - Il lungo ritorno
66028: Pohl F., - Assedio all'eternità
26158: Pohl, R. W., - Einführung in die Physik
60003: Pohl F., - Passi falsi nel futuro
65924: Pohl F., - Alpha aleph
68960: Pohl F. & Williamson J., - L'estate dell'ozono
65590: Pointier J.P. & Lamy D., - Guide des coquillages des Antilles
68278: Pointier J.-P., Yong M. & Gutiérrez A., - Guide to the Freshwater Molluscs of Cuba
25246: Poizat C., - Technique de concentration par élutriation des gastéropodes opisthobranches mesopsammiques
12710: Poizat C., - Gastéropodes mésopsammiques de la Mer du Nord (Robin Hood's Bay, U
12430: Poizat C., - Gastéropodes opisthobranches mésopsammiques du Skagerrak (Suède occidentale) - Distribution et dynamique de population
12429: Poizat C., - Méthodes d'élevage des gastéropodes opisthobranches de petites et moyennes dimensions - Mise au point d'un circuit fermé en eau de mer - premiers résultats
25247: Poizat C., - Recherches des paramètres écologiques favorables à l'existence du gastéropode opisthobranche Acochlidiacea Platyhedyle, dans des sédiments marins des evirons de Marseille (France)
15185: Poizat C., - Interstitial opisthobranch gastropods from the West European coasts: remarks about teratological specimens
39112: Poizat C., - Technique de concentration des gastéropodes opisthobranches mésopsamiques marins en vue d"études quantitatives
71797: Pojeta J. jr. & Runnegar B., - Fordilla troyensis and the Early History of Pelecypod Mollusks: Early Cambrian fossils from New York State provide important clues to the evolution of the class
70897: Pojeta, J., Jr. - Review of Ordovician pelecypods
71774: Pojeta J., - Geographic distribution of Cambrian and Ordovician Rostroconch mollusks
70829: Pojeta J. & Runnegar B., - Rhytiodentalium kentuckyensis, a new genus and new species of Ordovician scaphopod, and the early history of scaphopod mollusks
69169: Pojeta J. & Runnegar B., - Rhytiodentalium kentuckyensis, a new genus and new species of Ordovician scaphopod, and the early history of scaphopod mollusks
72428: Pojeta J. jr. & Runnegar B., - The paleontology of rostroconch mollusks and the early history of the phylum Mollusca
61449: Pojeta, J., Jr. 1962. - The pelecypod genus Byssonychia as it occurs in the Cincinnatian at Cincinnati, Ohio [Ordovician]
72692: Pojeta J. jr. & Sohl N.F., - Ascaulocardium armatum (Morton, 1833), New Genus (Late Cretaceous): The Ultimate Variation on the Bivalve Paradigm
53375: Pokryszko B., - Leiostyla adolfi n sp (Gastropoda:Pulmonata: Pupillidae)
52177: Pokryszko B.M. & Cameron R.A.D., - Geographical variation in the composition and richness of forest snail faunas in northern Europe
67805: Pokryzko B.M., - The Vertiginidae of Poland (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupilloidea) - A systematic monograph
70979: Poli ski W., - Contributions à l'étude systématique ey zoogéographique des mollusques et l'Albanie et des régions limitrophes
34982: Polifroni G., - L'istinto religioso
63613: Poll M., - Nombre et distribution geographique des poissons d'eau douce africains
59261: POLUZZI A., SABELLI B. & TAVIANI M., - Auto-sinecologia dei Molluschi dei fondi mobili del delta settentrionale del Po (Estate 1980)
58814: POLUZZI A.; MASINI F.; CAPOZZI R. , - I Briozoi eretti-articolati nello Spungone della Romagna (Pliocene inferiore, Nord-Italia)
59127: Poluzzi A., - Contributi per una revisione del genere Teuchopora Neviani 1895 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata)
73122: Poluzzi A., Sabelli B. & Taviani M., - Auto-sinecologia dei Molluschi dei fondi mobili del delta settentrionale del Po (Estate 1980)
58100: Pomini A., - Il ballo dei pescicani
30706: Pompa A.G., - Estudo del genero Aspidosperma para la flora de Misantla [Mexico], Ver
57692: Ponchiroli D. (Ed.), - Il Libro di Marco Polo detto Milione, nella versione trecentesca dell' ottimo
69130: Ponder W.F., - The family Eatoniellidae in New Zealand
70662: Ponder W.F., - Observations on the living animal and mode of life of some New Zealand erynacean bivalves
65041: Ponder W.F. - Nomenclatural notes on some New Zealand rachiglossan gastropods with descriptions of five new species
62568: Ponder W.F., - Notes on some Australian genera and species of the family Muricidae
70872: Ponder W. F., - Hydrobiidae of Lord Howe Island (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
73960: Ponder W.F. & Lindberg D.R., - Gastropods phylogeny - Challenges for the 90s
12472: Ponder W.F., - Three species of Littorinidae from Southern Australia
68790: Ponder W., Lindberg D.R. & Ponder J.M., 2019- - Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca, Volume 1-2
69129: Ponder W.F., - A revision of the New Zealand Species Previously Known as Notosetia Iredale, 1915 (Rissoidae, Gastropoda)
61565: Ponder W.F., Hersheler R. & Jenkins B., - An endemic radiation of hydrobiid snails from artesian springs in northern South Australia: Their taxonomy, physiology, distribution and anatomy
61509: Ponder W.F., (ed.), - Prosobranch phylogeny
65386: Ponder W., Colman P.H., Yonge C.M. & Colman M.H., - The taxonomic position of Hemidonax Morch, 1871 with a review of the genus (Bivalvia: Cardiacea)
12478: Ponder W.F., - A new species of Dendropoma from New Zealand (Moll
68855: Ponder W.F., - A new family of the Rissoacea from New Zealand
62485: Ponder W.F., - Some aspects of the morphology of four species of the neogastropod family Marginellidae with a discussion on the evolution of the toxoglossan poison gland
12701: Ponder W.F., - A new species of Galeodea (Cassidae) from Queensland, Australia
12691: Ponder W.F., - A review of the Australian species assigned to Rissopsis Garrett with a description of a new species of Rissopsetia (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
67601: Ponder W.F., - A review of the Australian species of Penion Fischer (Buccinidae)
67921: Ponder W.F. & Darragh T.A., - The genus Zemira (Neogastropoda)
71584: Ponder W. & Stanbury P.J., - Type specimens in the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney
64539: Ponder W.F., - A review of the New Zealand recent and fossil species of Buccinulum (Buccinidae)
62486: Ponder W.F., - A new aplacophoran from New Zealand
70502: Ponder W.F., - A revision of the New Zeland recent and fosill species of Estea Iredale, 1915
62475: Ponder W.F., - Notes on some Australian species and genera of the family Buccinidae
64405: Ponder W.F. & Vokes E.H., - A revision of the Indo-West Pacific fossil and recent species of Murex s
12474: Ponder W.F. & Wilson B.R., - A new species of Pterynotus (Muricidae) from Western Australia
72652: Ponder W.F., - Mediterranean Cingulopsidae: a relict eastern Tethyan fauna (Gastropoda: Cingulopsidae)
72677: Ponder W.F. & Clark G.A., - A Morphological and Electrophoretic Examination of 'Hydrobia buccinoides', a Variable Brackish-water Gastropod From Temperate Australia (Mollusca: Hydrobiidae)
72787: Ponder W.F., - A new archibenthal species of Fasciolariidae from New Zealand
73614: Ponder W.F., - Notes on the synonymy of four Australian tellinids (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
54782: Pongracic O., - Beiträge zur Anatomie der Gesneriaceen
69026: Pons A., - La flore de la chaine du Grand Luberion (Vaucluse)
75209: Ponte-Lira C.E., Alonso M.R. & Ibanez M., - Canariella (Simplicula) n
56547: Ponticelli P. & Simonetta J., - La fauna della grotta del Noglio (Marina di Camerota - Salerno) In 8vo, offp
66772: Poore G.C.B., - A review of the thalassinidean families Callianideidae Kossmann, Micheleidae Sakai, and Thomassiniidae de Saint Laurent (Crustacea, Decapoda) with descriptions of fifteen new species
75158: Poorten, J.J.T., - Notes on the identity of Cardium costatum Linnaeus, 1758, with the description of Cardium maxicostatum spec
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