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C2572: F, M - Educational Ideals and a Valiant Woman:
A14210: Famous Warplanes Video Volume 26, - Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk: Northrop B-2 Spirit
A11431: Purnu 71, - Purnu 71:
C385: Abbott, Pamela, & Sapsford, Roger - Women and Social Class: a Social Science Paperback
A13700: Abbs, Peter - Autobiography in Education:
A10265: Abraham, Katharine and McKersie, Robert, eds - New Developments in the Labor Market: Toward a New Institutional Paradigm
C13061: Abramovitz, Mimi - Regulating the Lives of Women: Social Welfare Policy from Colonial Times to the Present
C13214: Abrams, Lynn & Harvey, Elizabeth, eds - Gender Relations in German History: Power, Agency and Experience from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century
A15642: Abrams, Fran - Freedom's Cause: The Lives of the Suffragettes
A15090: Abrams, Lynn & Harvey, Elizabeth, eds - Gender Relations in German History: Power, Agency and Experience from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century
A8971: Adair, Ian - Conjuring as a Craft:
C5958: Adams, Kathleen - George Eliot: A Brief Biography
C5220: Adams, Elmer C. & Foster, Warren Dunham - Heroines of Modern Progress:
C15108: Adams, Carol; Bartley, P; Lown, J.; Loxton C - Under Control: Life in a Nineteenth-Century Silk Factory
A9900: Adams, W.S - Edwardian Portraits:
A15112: Adams, W. H. Davenport - Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century:
A14323: Adams, Gerry - Before the Dawn: An Autobiography
C12430: Addis, E., Russo, V. E. and Sebesta, L - Women Soldiers: Images and Realities
A14546: Addy, John and McNiven, Peter, eds - The Diary of Henry Prescott, LLB., Deputy Registrar of Chester Diocese: Volume 2, 25 March 1711 - 24 May 1719
A10989: Addy, John, ed - The Diary of Henry Prescott, LLB., Deputy Registrar of Chester Diocese: Volume 1, 28 March 1704 - 24 March 1711
C8707: Adelson, Leslie A - Making Bodies, Making History: Feminism and German History
A10622: Ades, Dawn - Dali:
A7873: Adnett, Nick - Labour Market Policy:
C15620: Afshar, Haleh - The Dynamics of Race and Gender: Some Feminist Interventions
C10958: Afshar, Haleh and Maynard, Mary, eds - The Dynamics of Race and Gender:
C10276: Afshar, Haleh, ed - Women, Development & Survival in the Third World:
C6503: Aiken, Lucy - Epistles on Women: Exemplifying Their Character and Condition in Various Ages and Nations, With Miscellaneous Poems
C349: Aikin, Dr, & Barbauld, Mrs - Evenings at Home: Consisting of a Variety of Miscellaneous Pieces, for the Instruction and Amusement of Youth
A14008: Ainsworth, Jim - Accrington 1926: a Comprehensive History of the General Strike as it Affected Accrington and District
C12761: Aisenberg, Nadya and Harrington, Mona - Women of Academe: Outsiders in the Sacred Grove
C7054: Aitken-Swan, Jean - Widows in Australia: A Survey of the Economic and Social Condition of Widows with Dependent Children
C7217: Alberti, Johanna - Eleanor Rathbone:
C12319: Albin, Mel and Cavallo, Dominick, eds - Family Life in America, 1620-2000:
C13058: Albright, Madeleine - Madam Secretary: A Memoir
A7276: Aldcroft, Derek H - British Transport Since 1914: an Economic History
A10076: Alden, Carella - From Early American Paintbrushes: Colony to New Nation
A7173: Alexander, Robin - Policy and Practice in Primary Education:
A14850: Allan, Graham and Skinner, Chris, eds - Handbook for Research Students in the Social Sciences:
A6687: Allaun, Frank - No Place Like Home: Britain's Housing Tragedy (from the Victim's View) and How to Overcome It
C4496: Allen, Vivien - Lady Trader: A Biography of Mrs Sarah Heckford
C15362: Allen, Judith A. - Rose Scott: Vision and Revision in Feminism
A8666: Allen, Sheila and Wolkowitz, Carol - Homeworking: Myths and Realities
A3152: Allen, A. J. - The English Voter:
A15489: Allen, Graham - The Last Prime Minister: Being Honest About the UK Presidency
A13510: Allen, J.A. and McLure, W. Chester S - Theory and Practice of Fox Ranching:
A13392: Allen, Rick - The Moving Pageant: Literary Sourcebook on London Street Life, 1700 - 1914
A12263: Allen, Oliver E - Decorating with Plants:
A11957: Allen, G.C - Japan's Economic Expansion:
A10075: Allen, G.C - The Structure of Industry in Britain: A Study in Economic Change
A2532: Allibone, Finch - In Pursuit of the Robber Baron: Recreating the Journeys of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and "The Terror of the World"
A14991: Allison, J. Murray - Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War: Volume I: The First Twelve Months of the War
C14871: Allsop, Gladys - Reminiscences: Reminiscences of a Manchester Woman
C2646: Alonso, Harriet Hyman - The Women's Peace Union and the Outlawry of War, 1921-1942:
A13899: Alschuler, Rose H. and Hattwick, La Berta Weiss - Painting and Personality: a Study of Young Children. Volume II
J13781: Amann, Per - Vincent Van Gogh:
A11675: Ambrose, Susan A., et al - Journeys of Women in Science and Engineering:
A1772: Ames, Hugo - The Red God: Being a Literary Survey of Socialism and of Peace
A15766: Amis, Martin - Koba the Dread:
C9735: Anderson, Bonnie S. and Zinsser, Judith P - A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Pre-history to the Present Vol II
C2810: Anderson, Janet A - Women in the Fine Arts: A Bibliography and Illustration Guide
C13629: Anderson, Bonnie S - Joyous Greetings: The First International Women's Movement, 1830-1860
A9310: Anderson, B. L. and Stoney, P. J. M., eds - Commerce, Industry and Transport: Studies in Economic Change on Merseyside
A9309: Anderson, James and Ricci, Marilyn, eds - Society and Social Science: A Reader
A7186: Anderson, Michael - Approaches to the History of the Western Family, 1500-1914:
A5355: Anderson, Christopher - The Domestic Constitution or the Family Circle: the Source and Test of National Stability
A14241: Anderson, Madge - The Heroes of the Puppet Stage:
A13638: Anderson, Mosa - Henry Joseph Wilson: Fighter for Freedom, 1833 - 1914
A11863: Andrade, E. N. Da C - A Brief History of the Royal Society, 1660-1960:
A7871: Andrewes, Elizabeth - A Manual for Drawing and Painting:
A14147: Ang-Lygate, Magdalene; Corrin, Chris and Henry, M. S - Desperately Seeking Sisterhood: Still Challenging and Building
A13965: Angell, Norman - The Policy Behind Armaments:
A10582: The Girl's Own Annual, - The Girl's Own Annual: Volume for 1891 - 1892
C3900: Anon, - Life at the Cape A Hundred Years Ago:
C2727: Anon, - The Royal Masonic Institution for Girls:
C13375: Anon, - Every Woman's Book of Home-making Home Making:
A5892: Anon, - The First Casualty: The German Underground Hospital and Jersey's Occupation Experience
A5186: Anon, - A Survey of the History, Commerce and Manufactures of Lancashire: Together With Extracts, Reproduced by Request, From "The Home Trade of Manchester" and a Biographical Sketch of Reuben Spencer
A3053: Anon, - The Journal of the National Playing Fields Association:
A2869: Anon, - Beauties and Wonders of Vegetable Life: Or, Rambles in Parks, Forests, Conservatories, Orchards, Gardens, Fields and Heaths
A2685: Anon, - Cricket: Coaching and Practice
A15054: Anon, - Sir Charles Holmes:
A11924: Anon, - Morley Scrap Album:
A11784: Anon, - Enumeration and Parish Registers, 1811: Abstract of the Answers and Returns made Pursuant to an Act, Passed in the Fifty-first Year of His Majesty King George III. An Act for Taking Into Account of the Population of Great Britain, and of the Increase or Diminution Thereof
Z15243: Anon, - The Times: Past, Present and Future. To Celebrate Two Hundred Years of Publication
A3244: Arac, Jonathan - Commissioned Spirits: The Shaping of Social Motion in Dickens, Carlyle, Melville, and Hawthorne
A8490: Archer, R. L - Secondary Education in the Nineteenth Century:
C15643: Ardener, Shirley, ed - Defining Females: the Nature of Women in Society
A10434: Arlott, John - Island Camera: The Isles of Scilly in the photography of the Gibson Family
C13758: Armstrong, Nancy and Tennenhouse, Lennard - The Ideology of Conduct: Essays in Literature and the History of Sexuality
A3753: Armstrong, Richard - Powered Ships: the Beginnings
A10432: Armstrong, Robin - The Painted Stream: A River Warden's Life
A10789: Armytage, W. H. G - A Social History of Engineering:
C11859: Arnold, Eleanor, ed - Voices of American Homemakers:
A14399: Arnold-Forster, Frances - Studies in Church Dedications: or England's Patron Saints
A14391: Arnold-Forster, Frances - Studies in Church Dedications or England's Patron Saints:
A12552: Arnold, Guy - The Unions:
C14109: Arnot, Madeleine, ed - Race and Gender: Equal Opportunities Policies in Education. A Reader
A13844: Aronson, Hugh - Our Village Homes: Present Conditions and Suggested Remedies
A10717: Artemis, - Artemis, 79-80:
C2894: Arthur, T.S - Anna Lee: Or the Maiden, the Wife and the Mother: Stories for My Young Countrywomen
A8376: Artis, M. J., ed - Prest and Coppock's The UK Economy: A Manual of Applied Economics
A10641: Royal Academy of Arts, - Paintings by the Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Churchill: Honorary Academician Extraordinary
A13572: Ashplant, Tim and Smyth, Gerry, eds - Explorations in Cultural History:
A3661: Ashton, Owen; Fyson, Robert & Roberts, S., eds - The Chartist Legacy:
A10759: Ashton, Robert - The English Civil War: Conservatism and Revolution, 1603-1649
A12969: Askwith, Betty - Two Victorian Families:
A14138: Aslet, Clive - Landmarks of Britain: the Five Hundred Places that Made Our History
A7116: Aspin, Chris - Mr Pilling's Short Cut to China and Other Stories of Rossendale Enterprise:
A7293: St John Ambulance Association, - First Aid: the Authorised Manual of the St. John Ambulance Association
A7231: St. John Ambulance Association, - First Aid to the Injured: the Authorised Textbook of the St. John Ambulance Association
A6772: St. John Ambulance Association, - Home Nursing: the Authorized Textbook of the St. John Ambulance Association
A15059: British Astronomical Association, - Edmond Halley, 1656 - 1742: Papers to Commemorate the Tercentenary of his Birth
C4509: Atkinson, Kate - Human Croquet:
C15563: Atkinson, Diane - Elsie and Mairi Go to War: Two Extraordinary Women on the Western Front
C15289: Atkinson, Diane - The Criminal Conversation of Mrs Norton:
Z14720: Atkinson, Rev Canon - British Birds' Eggs and Nests: Popularly Described
F4595: Audubon, John James - Peintre Naturaliste Americain 1785 - 1851: Centre Culturel Americain, Paris: Octobre - Novembre 1960
A14651: Austin, Guy - Contemporary French Cinema: An Introduction
A13814: Austin, Frances, ed - The Clift Family Correspondence, 1792-1846:
A15160: Various Authors, - The Reign of Terror: A Collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors Committed By the Revolutionary Government of France Under Marat and Robespierre Written by Eye-Witnesses of the Scenes
A14918: Various Authors, - Titus of Salts:
A15806: Avineri, Shlomo - The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx:
C15624: Ayers, Pat - Women at War: Liverpool Women, 1939 - 45
A11935: Backhouse, Janet - The Lindisfarne Gospels:
C15413: Reproduction Suffragette Badge, - Modern Replica Suffragette Badge / Brooch - Clarion Angel: Votes for Women
C15292: Reproduction Suffragette Badge, - Votes for Women Fellowship: To Spread the Light
C8753: Three Modern Pankhurst Badges, - The Pankhursts: Photographic Images of Emmeline, Christabel and Sylvia Pankhurst on Three Attractive Plated Badges
A9677: Bagwell, Philip S - Industrial Relations:
A12364: Bagwell, Philip S - Doncaster: Town of Train Makers, 1853-1990
A7399: Bailey, Brian - Britain's Industrial Past:
A14691: Bailey, Hamilton and Bishop, W. J - Notable Names in Medicine and Surgery:
A13168: Bailey, Victor - Delinquency and Citizenship: Reclaiming the Young Offender, 1914-48
A6861: Baines, Thomas - History of the Town and Commerce of Liverpool: and of the Rise of Manufacturing Industry in the Adjoining Counties
A13297: Bairoch, Paul - Economic Development of the Third World Since 1900:
A6031: Baker, Kenneth - The Turbulent Years: My Life in Politics
A14239: Baker, Jack - Walks in West Cheshire:
A14192: Baker, Jack and Hanmer, Jack - Walking in Cheshire:
A12053: Baker, Michael H - Railways to the Coast: Britain's Seaside Lines Past and Present
A11196: Baker, Barbara - The Joyful Way:
A12183: Baldwin, Nick - An Old Motor Kaleidoscope of Farm Tractors:
A9077: Balfour, Michael - The Adversaries: America, Russia and the Open World 1941-1962
A13074: Balfour, Campbell, ed - Participation in Industry:
C15604: Ballantyne, Tony and Burton, Antoinette, eds - Moving Subjects: Gender, Mobility, and Intimacy in an Age of Global Empire
C15611: Baly, Monica ed - As Miss Nightingale Said: Florence Nightingale Through Her Sayings - a Victorian Perspective
C15495: Baly, Monica E. - Florence Nightingale and the Nursing Legacy:
A814: Bamford, Samuel - Passages in the Life of a Radical:
A15684: Bamford, Andrew - Gallantry and Discipline: The 12th Light Dragoons at War with Wellington
A13747: Bancks, - Bancks's Manchester and Salford Directory: or Alphabetical list of the Merchants, Manufacturers and Principal Inhabitants With the Numbers as Affixed to Their Houses
C7998: Banks, J. A - Victorian Values: Secularism and the Size of Families
C15773: Banks, Olive - The Sociology of Education:
C11929: Barker-Benfield, G.J. and Clinton, Catherine - Portraits of American Women: From the Civil War to the Present
C11928: Barker-Benfield, G.J and Clinton, Catherine - Portraits of American Women: From Settlement to the Civil War
A4113: Barker, A.J - Redcoats:
A3435: Barker, Felix - Laurence Olivier:
A14390: Barker, Rodney - Political Ideas in Modern Britain:
A12279: Barker, Nicholas - Stanley Morison:
C9137: Barker, Diana Leonard and Allen, Sheila, eds - Sexual Divisions and Society: Process and Change
A12201: Barlow, Amy - Seventh Child: The Autobiography of a Headmistress
C10352: Barnard, Mary - Diary of an Optimist:
A3368: Barnard, R. W - A Century of Service: The Story of the Prudential, 1848-1948
A13826: Barnard, H. C - Madame de Maintenon and Saint-Cyr:
A13882: Barnes, H. Gorell and Montmorency, J. E. G. de - The Divorce Commission: The Majority and Minority Reports Summarised, with Appendices on the History of Divorce; Foreign and Colonial Divorce Laws; Proposed Divorce Circuits in England and Wales; Names of Women after Divorce
A15635: Barnett, Henrietta - Canon Barnett: His Life, Work and Friends
A15765: Barnett, Correlli - The Great War:
A12028: Barnett, Anthony - Iron Britannia: Why Parliament Waged Its Falklands War
A13184: Barnhardt, John D - Valley of Democracy: The Frontier Versus the Plantation in the Ohio Valley, 1775-1818
C11086: O'Barr, Jean and Wyer, Mary - Engaging Feminism: Students Speak Up and Speak Out
C12765: Barratt, Alexandra, ed - Women's Writing in Middle English:
A15344: Barratt, Nick - Lost Voices From the Titanic: The Definitive Oral History
A325: Barrett, B., Rhodes, E. & Beishon, J - Industrial Relations and the Wider Society:
A11657: Barrie, J.M - Margaret Ogilvy:
A12559: Barron, Hal S - Mixed Harvest: The Second Great Transformation in the Rural North, 1870-1930
A14061: Barros, Mauricio Rands - Labour Relations and the New Unionism in Contemporary Brazil:
C2373: Barrow, Margaret - Women, 1870-1928: A Select Guide to Printed and Archival Sources in the United Kingdom
A13519: Barry, Tom - Roots of Rebellion: Land and Hunger in Central America
A7611: Bartlett, Des and Jen - The Flight of the Snow Geese:
C4627: Basch, Francoise - Relative Creatures: Victorian Women in Society and the Novel, 1837-1867
C8550: Bass, R. C. M - Chumleigh Girls' School: later the Primary School
C13243: Bataille, Gretchen M - American Indian Women: Telling Their Lives
C6395: Batchelor, Mary - Catherine Bramwell-Booth:
C2281: Battiscombe, Georgina - Charlotte Mary Yonge: the Story of an Uneventful Life
H13767: Bawden, Nina - In My Own Time: Almost an Autobiography
A14423: Bax, Clifford, ed - The Silver Casket: Being Love-Letters and Love-Poems Attributed to Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots
C13065: Baxter, Annette K and Stevenson, Louise L - Women's History: Selected Reading lists and Course Outlines from American Colleges and Universities
C13735: Bayley, John - Iris and her Friends: A Memoir of Memory and Desire
A9961: Bazin, Germain - Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre:
J13432: BBC, - Dutch Painting:
C7835: Beale, Irene A - Genesee Valley Women, 1743-1985:
A13754: Beamont, William - Annals of the Lords of Warrington and Bewsey from 1587 to 1833: When Warrington Became a Parliamentary Borough. In Two Parts. Part I: Warrington. Part II: Bewsey. With Notices of Historical and Local Events
C13102: Beaney, Jan - Embroidery: New Approaches
Z14727: Beard, Geoffrey - The Work of Christopher Wren:
C11079: Beasley, Chris - What is Feminism?: An Introduction to Feminist Theory
C12343: Beau, Bryan F Le - Currier and Ives: America Imagined
C15509: Beauchamp, Joan - Women Who Work:
C15420: Beaumont, Caitriona - Housewives and Citizens: Domesticity and the Women's Movement in England, 1928-64
G10508: Beck, Thomasina - The Embroiderer's Garden:
A14883: Becke, A. F - History of the Great War: Order of Battle of Divisions: The Regular British Divisions Part 1
A10121: Beckerman, Wilfred - Slow Growth in Britain: Causes and Consequences
A15580: Beckett, Lorna C - The Second I Saw You: The True Love Story of Rupert Brooke and Phyllis Gardner
C1062: Beddoe, Deirdre - Discovering Women's History: a Practical Manual
C14159: Beechey, Veronica and Perkins, Tessa - A Matter of Hours: Women, Part-time Work and the Labour Market
A13832: Beer, Cedric de - The South African Disease: Apartheid Health and Health Services
A10148: Beer, Gillian, ed - Charles Darwin and T. H. Huxley: Autobiographies
C15740: Beiergrosslein, Katharina et al - Die Reise der Frau Lotter aus Herrenberg nach America: in den Jahren 1786 bis 1787
A10290: Beik, Mildred Allen - The Miners of Windber: The Struggles of New Immigrants for Unionization
C8705: Beilharz, Peter, Nyland, Chris, eds - The Webbs, Fabianism and Feminism:
C187: Bell, E. Moberly - Josephine Butler: Flame of Fire
A9297: Bell, Colin, ed - National Government, 1931: Extracts from the Times January to October 1931
A14363: Bell, Ken, et al - An Ordinary Lot: Recollections of the Thirties and World War II
A11589: Bell, Martin - An Accidental MP:
A14822: Bellaigue, Christina de - Educating Women: Schooling and Identity in England and France, 1800 - 1867
A5981: Beller, Steven - Herzl:
A1890: Bellringer, Alan W. & Jones C.B - The Victorian Sages: an Anthology of Prose
C8565: Belsey, Catherine and Moore, Jane, eds - The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism
A11462: Bendix, Reinhard - Max Weber:
G12270: Beningfield, Gordon - Beningfield's English Landscape:
A7321: Benjamin, E Alwyn - Penarth, 1841-71: A Glimpse of the Past
C15506: Benn, Melissa - What Should We Tell Our Daughters: The Pleasures and Pressures of Growing Up Female
C733: Bennett, Daphne - Emily Davies and the Liberation of Women, 1830-1921:
A14344: Bennett, Nicholas - A Chatham Story: A Short History of Christchurch School
A12136: Bennett, H.S - The Pastons and Their England: Studies in an Age of Transition
A10182: Bennett, Arthur - Songs in the Darkness:
A14289: Benson, Allan L - The New Henry Ford:
A13739: Benson, Gerard, Chernaik, J and Herbert, C - Poems on the Underground:
A12892: Benson, Larry D., ed - The Learned and the Lewd: Studies in Chaucer and Medieval Literature
A7591: Bentley, Eric - Bernard Shaw:
A6608: Bentwich, Joseph S - Education in Israel:
A4939: Berg, Maxine, ed - Technology and Toil in Nineteenth Century Britain: Documents
C15679: Berger, Anne Emmanuelle - The Queer Turn in Feminism: Identities, Sexualities, and the Theater of Gender
A5669: Bernbaum, Gerald - Social Change and the Schools, 1918-1944:
Z14712: Bernstein, David J - The Mystery of the Bayeux Tapestry:
C6126: Berry, Mary Frances - Why ERA Failed: Politics, Women's Rights, and the Amending Process of the Constitution
A15649: Berthezene, Clarisse - Training Minds for the War of Ideas: Ashridge College, the Conservative Party and the Cultural Politics of Britain, 1929 - 54
C4079: Besant, Annie - London Lectures of 1907:
C15764: Besant, Annie - An Autobiography:
D15452: Besant, Annie - Selection of the Social and Political Pamphlets of Annie Besant:
A13928: Best, Muriel and Lugg, Vicky - Design Sources for Embroidery:
A12115: Best, R. H and Ogden, C.K - The Problem of the Continuation School: And its Successful Solution in Germany. A Consecutive Policy
A11698: Best, G. A - Shaftesbury:
A8113: Bet-El, Ilana R - Conscripts: Lost Legions of the Great War
A7538: Bhagat, M.G - The Farmer: his Welfare and Wealth
A14634: Bieler, Andreas - The Struggle for a Social Europe: Trade Unions and EMU in Times of Global Restructuring
C2525: Biggs, Mary - Women's Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
A13289: Biggs, Barry J - Ellen Gretton and her Circle: Lincolnshire Friends of John Wesley
C2090: Bigland, Eileen - The Indomitable Mrs Trollope:
C14639: Bigwood, Rosemary - The Scottish Family Tree Detective: Tracing Your Ancestors in Scotland
A14611: Bigwood, Rosemary - The Scottish Family Tree Detective: Tracing Your Ancestors in Scotland
A13960: Billiere, General Sir Peter de la - Storm Command: A Personal Account of the Gulf War
A4557: Binder, F. M., and Reimers, D. M - The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History
C13962: Binns, Stewart and Wood, Adrian - The Second World War in Colour:
A2482: Birch, Lionel, ed - The History of the T.U.C., 1868-1968: a Pictorial Survey of a Social Revolution
C2825: Birchall, Emily - Wedding Tour: January-June 1873 and Visit to the Vienna Exhibition, Emily Birchall
A7530: Bird, Anthony - Roads and Vehicles:
C14393: Birke, Lynda; Himmelweit, Susan and Vines, Gail - Tomorrow's Child: Reproductive Technologies in the 90s
C10539: Birke, Lynda - Women, Feminism and Biology: The Feminist Challenge
C1183: Birkett, Dea - Spinsters Abroad: Victorian Lady Explorers
C2495: Bishop, John, ed - Wise, Wanton, Womanly: a Verse Anthology About Woman
A15685: Bishop, Patrick - Battle of Britain: A Day-to-day Chronicle, 10 July - 31 October 1940
A15732: Bishop, Patrick - Fighter Boys: Saving Britain 1940
A15746: Bishop, Patrick - Bomber Boys:
A14679: Bishop, Alan - Chronicle of Friendship: Diaries of the Thirties, 1932 - 39
C8212: Black, Naomi and Brandt, Gail Cuthbert - Feminist Politics on the Farm: Rural Catholic Women in Southern Quebec and Southwestern France
C7548: Black, Clementina - A New Way of Housekeeping:
C4960: Black, Clementina - A New Way of Housekeeping:
C15617: Black, Clementina ed - Married Women's Work: Being the Report of an Enquiry Undertaken by the Women's Industrial Council
A8467: Black, George F - A Gypsy Bibliography:
A5336: Black, Jeremy - The Collapse of the Anglo-French Alliance, 1727-1731:
C15607: Blackburn, Melissa, Humphries, Steve et al - Hope and Glory: Epic Stories of Empire and Commonwealth
C1076: Blackburn, Helen - Women's Suffrage: a Record of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the British Isles with Biographical Sketches of Miss Becker
A6256: Blackmore, Stanley - Reflections of a Country Magistrate:
G11395: Blackmore, Betsy L - The A B C of Needlework:
A2068: Blackwell, Trevor & Seabrook, Jeremy - A World Still to Win: the Reconstruction of the Post-War Working Class
C3170: Blair, Anna, ed - Miss Cranston's Omnibus: Recollections of Glasgow Life
A14054: Blair, Maud and Holland, Janet, eds - Identity and Diversity: Gender and the Experience of Education
A10631: Blake, Wendon - Oil Painting:
A11860: Blanke, David - Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the American Mid-West
A8958: Blatchford, Robert - Spangles of Existence:
A5491: Blatchford, Robert - Not Guilty: a Defence of the Bottom Dog
A13185: Blatchford, Robert - God and my Neighbour:
C10518: Blaxall, Martha and Reagan, Barbara, eds - Women and the Workplace: The Implications of Occupational Segregation
A14413: Blinkhorn, Martin - Mussolini and Fascist Italy:
A8639: Bliss, Trudy - Thomas Carlyle: Letters to his Wife
A13416: Bliss, Robert M - Revolution and Empire: English Politics and the American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century
C1161: Blixen, Karen - Out of Africa:
C15625: Bloom, Clive - Victoria's Madmen: Revolution and Alienation
A9101: Blyth, John A - English University Adult Education, 1908-1958: A Unique Tradition
A13967: Blyton, Enid - Nature Readers: No 3
C15717: Boak, Helen - Women in the Weimar Republic:
A10815: University of Wales Press Board, - They Look at Wales:
A15174: Boardman, Philip - In Strangest Norway: or, Adventures of the Yank Family Doggson
A13988: Boardman, John; Griffin, Jasper; Murray, Oswyn, ed - The Roman World:
A11890: Boardman, John, Griffin, Jasper and Murray, Oswyn - Greece and the Hellenistic World:
A5887: Boase, Roger - The Troubadour Revival: A Study of Social Change and Traditionalism in Late Medieval Spain
C2061: Bock, Gisela & Thane, Pat, eds - Maternity and Gender Policies: Women and the Rise of the European Welfare States, 1880s - 1950s
A1480: Boegner, Marc - The Long Road to Unity: Memories and Anticipations
C5096: Boguet, Henri - An Examen of Witches: Discours Execrable Des Sourciers
J13908: Bohm-Duchen, Monica - Arnold Daghani:
A9304: Bolos, Jordi and Busqueta, Joan J - Territori i Societat a l'Edat Mitjana: Història, Arqueologia, Doumentació
C1500: Bolt, Christine - Feminist Ferment: "The Woman Question" in the USA and England, 1870-1940
A3955: Bolton, W. F - The English Language: Essays by English and American Men of Letters, 1490-1839
A14001: Bonar, A - Lawns: Picture books, no.13
A4555: Bone, T. R - School Inspection in Scotland, 1840-1966:
A13909: Bonhams, - Education: The Book Collection of John and Monica Lawson. Tuesday 1st April and Wednesday 2nd April 2008, London
A12544: Bonnard, Georges A - Edward Gibbon: Memoirs of My Life
A10080: Bonnard, Pierre - Pierre Bonnard, 1867-1947:
C2692: Bonner, Elena - Mothers and Daughters:
A4993: Booth, Michael R - Prefaces to English Nineteenth-Century Theatre:
J13862: Borbely, Alexander - Secrets of Sleep: New Light on Sleep, Dreams and Sleep Disorders
A9752: Borge, Ignacio Alvarez - Poder y Relaciones Sociales en Castilla en la Edad Media: Los Territorios Entre el Arlanzón y el Duero en los Siglos X al XIV (Estudios de Historia)
A14128: Borgstrom, Georg - Japan's World Success in Fishing:
A1865: Borowitz, Albert - The Thurtell-Hunt Murder Case:
A9141: Borrow, George - The Romany Rye:
C4097: Bott, Alan & Clephane, Irene, eds - Our Mothers: a Calvacade in Pictures, Quotation and Description of Late Victorian Women, 1870-1900
C8160: Bottomley, G., Lepervanche, M. de, and Martin, J - Intersexions: Gender, Class, Culture, Ethnicity
G12229: Bottrell, Julia - How to Paint on Glass:
A10756: Bouch, C. M. L and Jones, G. P - A Short Economic and Social History of the Lake Counties, 1500-1830:
A10636: Boumphrey, Ian and Marilyn - Yesterday's Wirral: Neston, Parkgate and Heswall
A57: Bowen, Ian - Population:
A14383: Bower, Tom - Gordon Brown:
A3936: Bowman, Gerald - The Lamp and the Book: The Story of the Rcn, 1916-1966
A15030: Bowman, Hank Wieand - Antique Guns:
C11265: Boxer, Marilyn Jacoby - When Women Ask the Questions: Creating Women's Studies in America
C7747: Boyd, Carole - Lynda Snell's Heritage of Ambridge:
C2139: Boyd, Margaret - Lacrosse: Playing and Coaching
A14052: Boyd, A. W - The Country Diary of a Cheshire Man:
A11476: Boyd, Kenneth M - Scottish Attitudes to Sex, Marriage and the Family, 1850-1914:
C3727: Boyle, Kay - My Next Bride:
C9204: Bradbury, Bettina - Working Families: Age, Gender, and Daily Survival in Industrialising Montreal
C6945: Braddon, Russell - Woman in Arms:
A14844: Bradley, Katherine and Sweet, Helen - Women in the Professions: Politics and Philanthropy, 1840 - 1940
A10527: Bradley, Helen - Miss Carter Came With Us:
A10528: Bradley, Helen - And Miss Carter Wore Pink: Scenes from an Edwardian Childhood
A10322: Bradley, James, ed - Newman, 1845-1852: The Honeymoon Years: An Anthology
C9413: Bradley, Harriet - Men's Work: Women's Work:
A11633: Bragg, Melvyn - Laurence Olivier:
C3843: Brahms, Caryl - A Seat at the Ballet:
C5268: Braithwaite, B.; Walsh N.; and Davies, G, eds - Ragtime to Wartime: The Best of Good Housekeeping, 1922-1939
A12608: Braithwaite, Brian and Walsh, Noelle, eds - Home Sweet Home: The Best of Good Housekeeping, 1922-1939
C15696: Brammer, Leila R - Excluded from Suffrage History: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Nineteenth-century American Feminist
C15314: Branca, Patricia - Women in Europe Since 1750:
C11703: Branca, Patricia - Silent Sisterhood:
A4769: Brander, Michael - The Making of the Highlands:
C1182: Brandon, Ruth - The New Women and the Old Men: Love, Sex and the Woman Question
A13304: Brannen, P; Batstone, E.; Fatchett, D.; White, P - The Worker Directors: a Sociology of Participation
A5569: Brash, J. I., ed - Papers on Scottish Electoral Politics, 1832-1854:
C5036: Braun, Walter - Lesbian Love: Women in Love Throughout the Ages
A6230: Bray, Maurice I - Railway Picture Postcards:
K14265: Brazil, Angela - The School on the Moor:
C2710: Brecht, Elizabeth - Motherhood:
A15683: Brendon, Vyvyen - The First World War, 1914 - 1918:
A9767: Brenner, Reuven - Rivalry: In Business, Science, Among Nations
A7977: Brenner, Y. S - Capitalism, Competition and Economic Crisis: Structured Changes in Advanced Industrialised Countries
A7244: Brereton, Geoffrey - French Comic Drama from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century:
A5210: Brereton, J.M - The British Soldier: a Social History from 1661 to the Present Day
C15418: Bressey, Caroline - Empire, Race and the Politics of Anti-Caste:
A9578: Brett, Michael, ed - Things a Lady Would Like to Know Concerning Domestic Management:
A15260: Brewer, Rev Dr - A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar:
A13011: Brewster, Margaret Maria - Work, or Plenty to Do and How to Do It:
C15677: Bridger, Anne and Jordan, Ellen - Timely Assistance: The Work of the Society for Promoting the Training of Women 1859 - 2009
A1889: O'Brien, P - Warrington Academy, 1757-86: its Predecessors & Successors
A10258: Brierley, William, ed - Trade Unions and the Economic Crisis of the 1980s:
H13776: Briggs, Asa - Marks and Spencer, 1884-1984: A Centenary History
A5776: Briggs, Susan - Keep Smiling Through: The Home Front, 1939-45
A13292: Briggs, John and Sellers, Ian - Victorian Nonconformity: Documents of Modern History
C12833: Bristow, Joseph - Sexuality: The New Critical Idiom
A5589: About Britain, - Chilterns to Black Country:
A10651: Arts Council of Great Britain, - Modigliani:
A13045: British Museum, Department of Greek & Roman Antiquities - A Guide to the Exhibition Illustrating Greek and Roman Life:
C6260: Brittain, Vera - Envoy Extraordinary: A Study of Vijaya Pandit and her Contribution to Modern India
C5942: Brittain, Vera - Born 1925: A Novel of Youth
C355: Brittain, Vera - Search After Sunrise:
C10125: Brittan, Arthur and Maynard, Mary - Sexism, Racism and Oppression:
A14191: Brittan, Arthur - Masculinity and Power:
A10134: Brivati, Brian and Cockett, Richard, eds - Anatomy of Decline: The Political Journalism of Peter Jenkins
C15671: Reproduction Suffragette Badge / Brooch, - Replica Suffragette Badge Streamer Design:
C15557: Reproduction Suffragette Badge / Brooch, - The Portcullis: The WSPU Holloway Badge / Brooch
C15415: Reproduction Suffragette Badge / Brooch, - Votes for Women Suffragette Chains - Modern Replica Suffragette Badge / Brooch: WSPU
C15414: Suffragette Reproduction Badge / Brooch, - Scottish University Women's Suffrage Union:
A1595: Brooke, Stopford A., ed - Life and Letters of Fred W. Robertson: Incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1847-53
A13480: Brooke, David - The Railway Navvy: That Despicable Race of Men
J11331: Brooke, Iris - English Costume in the Age of Elizabeth: The Sixteenth Century
A10718: Brookes, John - Planting the Country Way: A Hands-on Approach
C4157: Brookner, Anita - Family and Friends:
C4391: Brooks, Van Wyck - Helen Keller: Sketch for a Portrait
C12637: Brooks, Ann - Academic Women:
A11969: Brooks, J. Barlow - Lancashire Bred: An Autobiography
A4572: Brose, Eric Dorne - Christian Labor and the Politics of Frustration in Imperial Germany:
C3077: Broughton, Trev Lynn & Anderson, Linda - Women's Lives / Women's Times: New Essays on Auto/biography
H13763: Brown, Rosellen - Before and After:
J14179: Brown, Ralph - Sculpture and Drawings:
C14371: Brown, Heloise - The Truest Form of Patriotism: Pacifist Feminism in Britain, 1870 - 1902
A9730: Brown, Philip and Sparks, Richard, eds - Beyond Thatcherism: Social Policy, Politics and Society
A9356: Brown, George - In My Way: The Political Memoirs of Lord George-Brown
A7972: Brown, Jonathan - The English Market Town:
A5885: Brown, T. Nigel L - The History of the Manchester Geographical Society, 1884-1950:
A5130: Brown, Ivor - Theatre: 1955-6
A15559: Brown, Sally - Diary of a People's Marcher: Account of the People's March Against the Poll Tax
A1539: Brown, Kenneth D - Labour and Unemployment, 1900-1914:
A14343: Brown, David - Blip: A Personal History of Huntingdon Town Council 1995-1999
A14097: Brown, Phillip and Scase, Richard, eds - Poor Work: Disadvantage and the Division of Labour
A12789: Brown, Richard and Daniels, Christopher - The Chartists:
A11571: Brown, Kenneth D - The English Labour Movement, 1700-1951:
A10083: Brown, G. Sutton - A Preliminary Plan for Lancashire:
A9380: Bruce, Colin John - War on the Ground: 1939-1945
A12723: Bruce, Robert V - 1877: Year of Violence:
A10036: Bruce, Marie Louise - The Making of Henry VIII:
C15572: Bruley, Susan - Leninism, Stalinism, and the Women's Movement in Britain,1920 - 1939:
C15189: Bruley, Sue, ed - Working for Victory: A Diary of Life in a Second World War Factory
A15263: Bruley, Sue - The Women and Men of 1926: A Gender and Social History of the General Strike and Miners' Lockout in South Wales
A2797: Bryant, Arthur - Protestant Island:
C6810: Brydon, Lynne & Chant, Sylvia - Women in the Third World: Gender Issues in Rural and Urban Areas
C2340: Bryson, Valerie - Feminist Political Theory: an Introduction
A3508: Buchan, Ursula & Colborn, Nigel - The Classic Horticulturist:
A15235: Buchan, John - The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (1678 - 1918):
A6625: Buchanan, Mary - The Children's Village: The Village of Peace
A12437: Buck, Solon Justus - The Granger Movement: A Study of Agricultural Organization and Its Political, Economic and Social Manifestations, 1870-1880
A5740: Buckley, V. C - Good Times: At Home and Abroad Between the Wars
A2689: Buckley, V. C - The Good Life: Between the Two World Wars with a Candid Camera
C13648: Buikema, Rosemarie and Smelik, Anneke, eds - Women's Studies and Culture: A Feminist Introduction
C15542: Bullough, Vern, L. and Bullough, Bonnie - Cross Dressing, Sex, and Gender:
A7722: Bulmer, Martin, ed - Social Research and Royal Commissions:
A10838: Bulmer, T - Bulmer's History and Directory of Westmorland:
C4894: Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, ed - Woman's Mission: a Series of Congress Papers on the Philanthropic Work of Women by Eminent Writers
A15115: Burgess, Robert G., ed - Issues in Educational Research: Qualitative Methods
A1331: Burgess, Keith - The Origins of British Industrial Relations: the Nineteenth Century Experience
A12837: Burgess, Glyn S., ed - Court and Poet: Selected Proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society (Liverpool 1980)
A11500: Burgess, Keith - The Challenge of Labour:
A10592: Burgess, Robert G., ed - Investigating Society:
B4326: Burke, Peter - Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe:
B3288: Burke, Peter, ed - Economy and Society in Early Modern Europe: Essays from Annales
A9485: Burke, Peter - Sociology and History:
A12372: Burke, Peter - Sociology and History:
C15463: Burkhasuer, Jude, ed - Glasgow Girls: Women in Art and Design, 1880-1920
A2992: Burn, James Dawson - The Autobiography of a Beggar Boy:
A7533: Burnett, John, ed - Destiny Obscure: Autobiographies of Childhood, Education and Family from the 1820s to the 1920s
A2267: Burnett, John, ed - Useful Toil: Autobiographies of Working People from the 1820s to the 1920s
A1481: Burnett, John, ed - Destiny Obscure: Autobiographies of Childhood, Education and Family from the 1820s to the 1920s
A11840: Burrows, John - University Adult Education in London: 1876-1976. A Century of Achievement
C1250: Burton, Hester - Barbara Bodichon, 1827-1891:
A3172: Burton, Anthony - Remains of a Revolution:
A13817: Burton, Anthony - William Cobbett: Englishman, a Biography
A6635: Bushby, D. W - Elementary Education in Bedford, 1868-1903:
A6227: Buss, F. Harold & Burnett, R. G - A Goodly Fellowship: A History of the Hundred Years of the Methodist Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association, 1849-1949
A11243: Buswell, Carol - Women in Contemporary Society:
A12131: Butcher, J. Williams - Boys' Brigade and other Talks:
C74: Butler, Rupert - As They Saw Her: Emmeline Pankhurst
C6502: Butler, Josephine E - Truth Before Everything:
C6304: Butler, Josephine E - Some Thoughts on the Present Aspect of the Crusade: Against the State Regulation Of Vice
C6303: Butler, Josephine E - Social Purity:
C581: Butler, Josephine E - Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade:
C15465: Butler, Josephine E - Truth Before Everything:
A9373: Butler, Lord - The Art of the Possible: The Memoirs of Lord Butler
A5503: Butler, Josephine E - The Education and Employment of Women:
A12673: Butler, W. C - The Modern Practical Confectioner: A Boon to the Trade for the Master, Improver, Apprentice and the Trade Generally
A12649: Butler, R.F and Prichard, M. H., eds - The Society of Oxford Home-Students: Retrospects and Recollections (1879-1921)
A13449: Butt, J. and Clarke, I.F. eds - The Victorians and Social Protest: A Symposium
A4395: Butterworth, Neil - Haydn: His Life and Times
A7676: Buxton, Charles Roden - Peace This Winter: a Reply to Mr Lloyd George
A7274: Buxton, St. J. D - British Red Cross Society: First-Aid Manual. No. 1
A4478: Buxton, Anthony - Fisherman Naturalist:
A13415: Buxton, Neil K - The Economic Development of the British Coal Industry: From Industrial Revolution to the Present Day
C12428: Bystydzienski, Jill M and Bird, Sharon R., eds - Removing Barriers: Women in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
A15275: Cage, R. A. ed - The Working Class in Glasgow, 1750 - 1914:
A5806: Cailliet, Emile - The Themes of Magic in Nineteenth Century French Fiction:
A1344: Cain, Leonard F - The Irish Labor Movement Under the Free State and the Republic:
A11513: Caird, James - English Agriculture in 1850-1851:
C3894: Calder-Marshall, Arthur - The Two Duchesses:
C3742: Calder, Jenni - The Victorian Home:
C11834: Calder, Jenni, ed - The Enterprising Scot: Scottish Adventure and Achievement
A10268: Calmfors, Lars and Horn, Henrik, eds - Trade Unions, Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Stability:
A11148: Calthrop, Dion Clayton and Barker, Granville - The Harlequinade: An Excursion
A1007: Calvert, Peter - Revolution:
A10806: Calvocoressi, Peter - Resilient Europe:
C3471: Campbell, Beatrix - The Iron Ladies: Why Do Women Vote Tory?
C11063: Campbell, Beatrix - Unofficial Secrets: Child Sexual Abuse: The Cleveland Case
A14254: Campbell, Rod - Henry's Ball:
A10577: Campbell, R. H and Wilson, R. G - Entrepreneurship in Britain, 1750-1939:
C9005: Campbell, Kate, ed - Critical Feminism: Argument in the Disciplines
A6147: Cannadine, David - Class in Britain:
A12187: Cannadine, David - In Churchill's Shadow: Confronting the Past in Modern Britain
A12061: Cannadine, David - History in Our Time:
A3913: Capper, W. Bently, ed - Licensed Houses and Their Management: A Practical Work for Hotel-Keepers, Innkeepers, Licensed Victuallers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Off-Licence Holders, Club Secretaries, Club Stewards, Caterers, etc
F6551: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - The Suffragette: 1d Weekly
F6550: Pack of 6 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - The Suffragette: 1d Weekly
C7227: Pack of 8 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Assorted Designs, Suffragette Themes:
C6628: Pack of 6 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Assorted Designs, Suffragette Themes:
C14819: Pack of 10 Suffragette Christmas Cards, - Santa Claus. Votes for Women: Shan't We Give the Girls Some This Time?
C14486: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Votes for Workers:
C14485: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Torturing Women in Prison: Vote Against the Government
C14484: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - John Bull and his Wife: Franchise Villa
C14483: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Miss Mary Gawthorpe: Mary Eleanor Gawthorpe, 1881 - 1973
C14482: Pack of 10 Suffragette Christmas Cards, - A Merry Christmas and Votes for Women in 1910: Suffragette Drummer Girl
C14452: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Woman Warrior. Advert for the Suffragette, Edited by Christabel Pankhurst: WSPU. 1d Weekly
C14451: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greeting Cards, - Handicapped: Votes
C14450: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - Votes for Women: Wanted Everywhere
C14449: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greeting Cards, - Convicts, Lunatics and Women: Have No Vote for Parliament!
C14447: Pack of 10 Suffragette Greetings Cards, - What a Woman May Be, and Yet Not Have the Vote: What a Man May Be, and Yet Not Lose the Vote
F7654: Magic Poster Greeting Cards, - An Assorted Selection of 10 Attractive Magic Poster Greetings Cards: Pack 1:
F10730: Magic Poster Greeting Cards, - Magic Poster Greeting Cards: Pack 2: Assorted Pack of 13 Historic Magic Posters Reproduced as Greetings Cards
A7025: Carey, Frances and Griffiths, Anthony - From Manet to Toulouse-Lautrec: French Lithographs 1860-1900
A14437: Carlton, Grace - Spade-Work: the Story of Thomas Greenwood
A13081: Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Tenfelsdrockh
A15184: Carman, W. Y - Headdress of the British Army: Yeomanry
C13605: Carpenter, Mary - Reformatory Schools: For the Children of the Perishing and Dangerous Classes and for Juvenile Offenders
A13865: Carpenter, J. Estlin - The Life and Work of Mary Carpenter:
C5234: Carr, Monica - Monica Carr's Country Diary:
C3647: Carr, Jean - Another Story: Women and the Falklands War
A64: Carr-Saunders, A.M.; Jones D. Caradog & Moser, C.A. - A Survey of Social Conditions in England & Wales: as Illustrated by Statistics
G13969: Carroll, Mary - Making Needlecraft Landscapes:
C12987: Carter, Mark Bonham and Pottle, Mark - Lantern Slides: The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter
A15800: Carter, Alan - John Osborne:
A14112: Carter, Ruth and Kirkup, Gill - Women in Engineering: a Good Place to Be?
A13745: Carter, G.A - A History of Latchford from the Bronze Age to the Nineteenth Century:
A4272: Carver, Vida and Liddiard, Penny, eds - An Ageing Population:
A9305: Casalini, Maria - Le Donne Della Sinistra: 1944 - 1948
A15021: Cashmore, E. Ellis and Troyna, Barry - Introduction to Race Relations:
C15662: Caslin, Samantha - Save the Womanhood!: Vice, Urban Immorality and Social Control in Liverpool, c. 1900 - 1976
A14175: Cassatt, Mary, illustrator - A Child's Book of Lullabies:
A13329: Caulton, T. J., ed - Children of the Industrial Revolution in Sheffield:
A14234: Caunter, C. F - The History and Development of Light Cars:
A13588: Caunter, C.F - Motor Cycles: a Technical History. A Historical Survey as Illustrated by the Collection of Motor Cycles in the Science Museum
C1527: Cavan, Ruth Shonle - The American Family:
A13073: Cawelti, John G - Apostles of the Self-Made Man: Changing Concepts of Success in America
C15778: Caws, Mary Ann - Dora Maar: Bataille, Picasso et les Surréalistes
A14173: Celsi, Theresa - The Beatles:
C13653: Ceplair, Larry,ed - Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Nonfiction Reader
A15747: Cet, Mirco de and Kent, Alan - The Complete Encyclopedia of Locomotives:
A14163: Chadwick, Ruth F. ed - Ethics, Reproduction and Genetic Control:
A9802: Chamberlain, M. E - The New Imperialism:
A7542: Chamberlain, Trevor - Oils:
A11260: Chambers, E.K - The Mediaeval Stage:
A10735: Chambers, J. D - Population, Economy, and Society in Pre-Industrial England:
A8907: Chancellor, Valerie E., ed - Master and Artisan in Victorian England: the Diary of William Andrews and the Autobiography of Joseph Gutteridge
A2653: Chancellor, Valerie E - History for their Masters: Opinion in the English History Textbook, 1800-1914
A15022: Chanda, Ramaprasad - Medieval Indian Sculpture in the British Museum:
C15468: Chandrasekhar, S - A Dirty, Filthy Book: The Writings of Charles Knowlton and Annie Besant on Reproductive Physiology and Birth Control and an Acount of the Bradlaugh-Besant Trial
A9741: Chapkis, Wendy - Beauty and Secrets: Women and the Politics of Appearance
A14916: Chaplin, Sid - The Watchers and the Watched:
C2422: Chapman, Pauline - Madame Tussaud in England:
A8600: Chapman, Guy - The Dreyfus Case: a Reassessment
A14178: Chapman, J. Vincent - Your Secondary Modern Schools: An Account of Their Work in the Late 1950s
A9674: Chapple, J. A. V - Documentary and Imaginative Literature: 1880-1920
H11580: Chapple, Fred J - The Heather Garden:
A12241: Charnley, Alan H - Research in Adult Education in the British Isles:
C9673: Charvet, John - Feminism:
C15517: Chateauvert, Melinda - Sex Workers Unite: A History of the Movement from Stonewall to SlutWalk
C7332: Chawla, Navin - Mother Teresa: The Authorized Biography
A13886: Chazal, E. L. de - Guide Elementaire D'Hygiene Infantile: a L'Usage des Infirmieres et des Meres de Famille
A5681: Checkland, S. G - The Rise of Industrial Society in England, 1815-1885:
A11613: Checkland, Sydney - British Public Policy, 1776-1939:
A15058: Chen, Jack - The Chinese Theatre:
C15472: Cheney, Ednah, D - Louisa May Alcott: Her Life, Letters and Journals
G12278: Cherrett, Pauline, ed - Introduction to Chinese Brush Painting:
A7715: Cherry, Steven - Medical Services and the Hospitals in Britain, 1860-1939:
A10653: Historic Society of Lancashire and Ches, - Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire:
C10143: Chester, Gail and Nielsen, Sigrid, eds - In Other Words: Writing as a Feminist
Z15451: Chesterton, Gilbert - Greybeards at Play: Literature and Art for Old Gentlemen Rhymes and Sketches
C1225: Chetwynd, Jane & Oonagh, Hartnett, eds - The Sex Role System: Psychological and Sociological Perspectives
A11417: Childhood, - Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research
A9772: Childs, David - Britain Since 1945: A Political History
A15085: Chinn, Carl - They Worked All Their Lives: Women of the Urban Poor in England, 1880-1939
A10544: Chiplin, Brian and Sloane, Peter - Sex Discrimination in the Labour Market:
C2834: Chisholm, Kate - Fanny Burney: her Life, 1752 - 1849
A13467: Chitty, Clive, ed - Redefining the Comprehensive Experience:
A6984: Cho, George - Trade, Aid and Global Independence:
A13211: Chrisp, Peter - Evacuation:
A13031: Chrisp, Peter - The Blitz:
A13313: Christian, Roy - Well-Dressing in Derbyshire:
A12289: Christie's, - Christies: Fine Irish Paintings and Drawings:
A11186: Christie's, - Impressionist and Modern Paintings: Drawings, Sculpture and Editions Picasso. South Kensington Monday 27th June 1994
A10637: Christies, - Seven Cezanne Paintings from the Auguste Pellerin Collection:
A13504: Christophers, Ann - An Index to Nineteenth Century British Educational Biography:
A7728: Church, R. A - The Great Victorian Boom, 1850 - 1873:
A15237: Church, W. E - W. M. Thackeray as an Artist and Art Critic: an Essay
C2183: Churchill, P. & Mitchell, J - Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill
C11581: CIS, Special Report - Crisis:
A15199: Clapson, Mark - A Bit of a Flutter: Popular Gambling in England, c.1820 - 1961
C8062: Clark, V.; Joeres, B. & Sprengnether, M., eds - Revising the Word and the World: Essays in Feminist Literary Criticism
C6631: Clark, Alice - Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century:
C2435: Clark, Malcolm H - The War on the Webfoot Saloon: and Other Tales of Feminine Adventures
C2179: Clark, Anna - The Struggle for the Breeches: Gender and the Making of the British Working Class
A5313: Clark, Peter, ed - The Early Modern Town: A Reader
A2702: Clark, Eugene Francis - A Son's Portrait of Francis E. Clark:
A15213: Clark, Samuel - Social Origins of the Irish Land War:
A15162: Clark, Cumberland - Shakespeare and the Supernatural:
A13378: Clark, David - Battlefield Walks North:
C4092: Clarke, Patricia - The Governesses: Letters from the Colonies, 1862-1882
C2135: Clarke, Isabel C - Elizabeth Barrett Browning: a Portrait
A13957: Clarke, Fred - John Quincy Adams:
A10211: Clarke, Deborah - Women at Work: The Essential Guide for the Working Woman
A10624: Clarkson, L.A. - The Pre-Industrial Economy in England, 1500-1750:
C6638: Clay, Trevor - Nurses: Power and Politics
A7184: Clay, Henry - The Post-War Unemployment Problem:
A11891: Clayton, Tim and Craig, Phil - Finest Hour:
A13056: Cleary, E.J. - The Building Society Movement:
C1403: Cleland, John - Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure: Fanny Hill
A4583: Cleugh, James - Love Locked Out: A Survey of Love Licence and Restriction in the Middle Ages
C7908: Clifford, Geraldine Joncich, ed - Lone Voyagers: Academic Women in Coeducational Institutions, 1870 - 1937
C15306: Clifford-Smith, J.L - Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science: Manchester Meeting, 1879
A10467: Clifford, James - Aspects of Economic Development, 1760 to 1960:
C15735: Cline, Sally - Radclyffe Hall: a Woman Called John
A10012: Clive, John - Not by Fact Alone: Essays on the Writing and Reading of History
C3221: Clough, Blanche Athena - A Memoir of Anne Jemima Clough: First Principal of Newnham College Cambridge
A7444: Yorkshire County Cricket Club, - Yorkshire County Cricket Club: Fifty-First Annual Report
A8073: Clulow, Derek A - No Tides to Stem: A History of the Manchester Pilot Service
A5739: Clutterbuck, Nesta, ed - William Wordsworth, 1770-1970: Essays of General Interest on Wordsworth and his Time
A5595: Clutterbuck, Charlie & Lang, Tim - More than We Can Chew: The Crazy World of Food and Farming
A11177: Supervisory Committee Warblington Cmtee, - The Warblington Experiment in Closed-Circuit Television, 1962-1965:
C4110: Coates, Tim, ed - Florence Nightingale and the Crimea, 1854-55:
A5154: Coates, Ken and Silburn, Richard - Poverty: The Forgotten Englishmen:
A14555: Coates, Ken and Topham, Anthony - Industrial Democracy in Great Britain: A Book of Readings and Witnesses for Workers' Control
A13050: Coates, Tim, ed - The Boer War: Ladysmith and Mafeking, 1900
A13049: Coates, Tim, ed - Bloody Sunday: Lord Widgery's Report
A13048: Coates, Tim, ed - The Irish Book of Death and Flying Ships: From the Chronicles of Ancient Ireland
A12724: Coates, Ken - The Crisis of British Socialism: Essays on the Rise Harold Wilson and the Fall of the Labour Party
A12551: Coates, Ken and Topham, Anthony - Industrial Democracy in Great Britain: A Book of Readings and Witnesses for Workers Control
A11172: Coates, Ken, et al - Eleventh Hour for Europe:
A15025: Coats, Alice M - Flowers and their Histories:
C6302: Cobbe, Frances Power - Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors: Is the Classification Sound? A Discussion on the Laws Concerning the Property of Married Women
C6301: Cobbe, Frances Power and Bryan, Benjamin - Vivisection in America: I: How it is Taught; II: How it is Practised
A15484: Cobbe, Frances Power - The Hopes of The Human Race: Hereafter and Here
A15395: Cobbe, Frances Power - Re-Echoes:
A6274: Cobbett, William - Cobbett's Country Book: An Anthology of William Cobbett's Writings on Country Matters
A4594: Cobbett, William - Journal of a Year's Residence in the United States of America:
A13089: Cobbett, William - Advice to Young Men: and (incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters Addressed to a Youth, A Bachelor, A Lover, A Husband, A Father, A Citizen, or a Subject
C15538: Cobble, Dorothy Sue - The Other Women's Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America
A14405: Cockaine, Thomas - A Short Treatise of Hunting, 1591: Shakespeare Association Facsimiles No 5
C15760: Cockburn, Cynthia and Dilic, R. F - Bringing Technology Home: Gender and Technology in a Changing Europe
A14575: Cockburn, Cynthia - In the Way of Women: Men's Resistance to Sex Equality in Organizations
A14364: Cockburn, John - The Hungry Heart: a Romantic Biography of James Keir Hardie
A14674: Cockshut, A. O. J - Anthony Trollope:
A10332: Cohen, Jon and Federico, Giovanni - The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1820-1960:
A6378: Colbeck, Maurice - Yorkshire:
A5444: Colborn, Nigel - The Container Garden:
A15401: Colby, C. B - Six-Shooter: Pistols, Revolvers and Automatics, Past and Present
C15547: Cole, Eve Browning, ed., & McQuin, S.Coultrap - Explorations in Feminist Ethics: Theory and Practice
C15774: Cole, Margaret - Marriage: Past and Present
C13316: Cole, Pauline - Transition to Arcady: A Story of Two Years Spent in the Women's Land Army - '47 to '49
C1014: Cole, Margaret - Beatrice Webb:
A258: Cole, G.D.H - A Short History of the British Working-Class Movement: Vol 3 only: 1900-1927
A2534: Cole, John - Conflict and Cooperation: Rochdale and the Pioneering Spirit, 1790-1844
A10331: Cole, G.D.H - The Life of William Cobbett:
C4338: Coleman, Deirdre, ed - Maiden Voyages and Infant Colonies: Two Women's Travel Narratives of the 1790s
A9904: Coleman, Anne - The Creative Sewing Machine:
C2060: Coleridge, Lady Georgina, ed - The Lady's Realm: a Selection from the Monthly Issues: November 1904 to April 1905
C15323: Collet, Miss - Report by Miss Collet on the Statistics of Employment of Women and Girls:
C15736: Colley, Linda - The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: a Woman in World History
A15397: Collins, William - Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects:
A13885: Collins, Desmond; Macdonald, Jean; et al - Archaeology of the London Area: Current Knowledge and Problems
F4104: Collins, Judith - Winifred Nicholson:
C1258: Collis, Maurice - Nancy Astor: an Informal Biography
A9238: Colloms, Brenda - Charles Kingsley: The Lion of Eversley
A13820: Colmer, John - E. M. Forster: The Personal Voice
A3243: Public Schools Commission, - Public Schools Commission: First Report. Vol I: Report
C15750: Poor Law Commissioners, - Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners: on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture, 1843
A14698: Manchester Ship Canal Company, - The Bridgewater Canal Handbook:
C12696: Conable, Charlotte Williams - Women at Cornell: The Myth of Equal Education
A13178: Concannon, Dale - Golf The Early Days: Royal and Ancient Game from its Origins to 1939
C15423: Connelly, Katherine - Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire
C14120: Constant, Timothy; Hart, Clive ed - An Essay to Prove Women Have No Souls - Compos'd of Several Arguments: Published by S. Clarke D.D. Rector of St. James's Westminster
A7418: Constantine, Stephen, ed - Dominions Diary: The Letters of E. J. Harding, 1913-1916
A2454: Constantine, Stephen, Kirby, M. W. & Rose M.B., eds - The First World War in British History:
A13925: Conway, Edward S - Post-war Employment:
A11456: Cook, Olive - The English Country House:
A10723: Cook, Christopher - Pleasure-Dome:
C10761: Cookson, Catherine - My Land of the North: Memories of a Northern Childhood
C1382: Coomes, David - Dorothy L. Sayers: a Careless Rage for Life
A8323: Cooper, Thomas - The Life of Thomas Cooper:
A14796: Cooper, Davina - Power in Struggle: Feminism, Sexuality and the State
A14605: Cooper, Douglas - Paul Klee:
A12792: Cooper, Thomas, ed - Cooper's Journal: or the Unfettered Thinker and Plain Speaker for Truth, Freedom and Progress (1850)
C13131: Coote, Anna and Campbell, Beatrix - Sweet Freedom: The Struggle for Women's Liberation
C14019: Coppock, Vicki, Haydon, D., and Richter, Ingrid - The Illusions of Post-Feminism: New Women, Old Myths
A3337: Coren, Michael - The Invisible Man: The Life and Liberties of H. G. Wells
Z15450: Coronation Street, Derek Meakin - The Coronation Street Wedding Souvenir: Elsie Tanner and Sergeant Steve Tanner
A14468: Corrie, Euan - Tales from the Old Inland Waterways:
A4278: Corrigan, John - The Prism of Piety: Catholick Congregational Clergy at the Beginning of the Enlightenment
A12620: Corrigan, Philip, ed - Capitalism, State Formation and Marxist Theory:
A10473: Corrigan, Paul - Schooling the Smash Street Kids:
A10897: Coser, Lewis A. and Rosenberg, Bernard - Sociological Theory:
A10811: Coser, Lewis - The Functions of Social Conflict:
C13148: Costello, Cynthia B - We're Worth It!: Women and Collective Action in the Insurance Workplace.
A11113: Costello, Neil and Richardson, Michael, eds - Continuing Education for the Post-Industrial Society:
C8399: Cott, Nancy F., ed - A Woman Making History: Mary Ritter Beard Through her Letters
C2419: Cott, Nancy F.; Boydston, J.; Braude, A., eds - Root of Bitterness: Documents of the Social History of American Women
C15622: Cott, Nancy F - The Bonds of Womanhood: Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1780-1835
C15777: Cott, Nancy F - The Grounding of Modern Feminism:
C4382: Cottrell, Robert. D - The Grammar of Silence: A Reading of Marguerite de Navarre's Poetry
A10152: Cottrell, P.L - British Overseas Investment in the Nineteenth Century:
C9692: Kingston-upon-Hull City Council, - Silvered Wings: A Commemorative Brochure
A14140: National Research Council, - Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment
A13740: Halton Borough Council, - West Bank Promenade Conservation Area:
A15794: Courtauld, George - The Pocket Book of British Patriotism: the History of Great Britain and the World
A13145: Cousins, Geoffrey - Golf in Britain: A Social History from the Beginnings to the Present Day
A704: Cowie, Leonard & Evelyn - That One Idea: Nathaniel Woodward and his Schools
A10595: Cowie, H, Harlow, C. and Emerson, R - Rebuilding the Infrastructure: The Needs of English Cities and Towns
A11889: Cowles, Virginia - The Kaiser:
A5386: Cox, Jack - Take a Cold Tub, Sir!: The Story of the Boy's Own Paper
A12110: Cox, J. Charles and Ford, Charles Bradley - The Parish Churches of England:
A13821: Coxon, Anthony P.M. and Jones, Charles L - Class and Hierarchy: The Social Meaning of Occupations
C10208: Coyle, Angela - Redundant Women:
A13913: Coysh, Victor - Swastika Over Guernsey: an Outline of the German Occupation and the Liberation of the Island
A11443: Craig, Peter, ed - The Penguin Book of British Comic Writing:
F5498: Crane Kalman, Gallery - Winifred Nicholson b.1893: Paintings February 22 - March 11 1972
C8716: Crawford, Patricia ed - Exploring Women's Past:
C15548: Crawford, Mary and Gentry, Margaret, eds - Gender and Thought: Psychological Perspectives
J13429: Crawshaw, A., Garrard, P.J., and Blockley, J - Learn to Paint with Watercolours, Oils, Pastels and Acrylics:
C9384: Creedon, Pamela J., ed - Women in Mass Communication: Challenging Gender Values
C5553: Creighton, Mandell - Historical Essays and Reviews:
A5558: Creighton, Louise - Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton:
A14071: Creighton, John - Cheshire: a Portrait in Words and Pictures
A15523: Creve-coeur, J Hector St. John - Letters From an American Farmer:
A15212: Crompton, Rosemary; Gallie, Duncan & Purcell, Kate - Changing Forms of Employment: Organizations, Skills and Gender
A14574: Crompton, Rosemary and Mann, Michael, eds - Gender and Stratification:
C13859: Cronwright-Schreiner, S. C., ed - The Letters of Olive Schreiner, 1876 - 1929:
C197: Crosby, Christina - The Ends of History: Victorians and "the Woman Question"
A13577: Crosby, Alan G - A Society with No Equal: The Chetham Society, 1843-1993
A11499: Crosby, Travis L - English Farmers and the Politics of Protection, 1815-1852:
A10966: Cross, Robin - World at War:
C15647: Crossan, Rose-Marie - A Women's History of Guernsey, 1850s - 1950s:
A3294: Crouzet, Francois, ed - Capital Formation in the Industrial Revolution:
A1981: Crouzet, Francois - The Victorian Economy:
A11478: Crouzet, Francois - The Victorian Economy:
C5018: Crow, Duncan - The Edwardian Woman:
C1534: Crow, Duncan - The Victorian Woman:
C15713: Crowley, Helen and Himmelweit, Susan - Knowing Women: Feminism and Knowledge
A11533: Crowson, N. J - Fleet Street, Press Barons and Politics:
A6480: Cruickshank, Charles - The German Occupation of the Channel Islands: The Official History of the Occupation Years
C7273: Cruz, Vera da - Bailliere's Midwives' Dictionary:
C15016: Culley, Margo and Portuges, Catherine - Gendered Subjects: The Dynamics of Feminist Teaching
A13829: Cullingford, Benita - Chimneys and Chimney Sweeps:
A15521: Cumberlege, Geoffrey - The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Complete from 1833 to 1868
A3320: Cundall, H. M - The Life and Work of Birket Foster:
C4108: Cunningham, Anne; Irvine, Isobel; et al, eds - Lightyears: the First Collection of Merseyside Women's Writing
C14963: Cunningham, Hugh - Grace Darling: Victorian Heroine
C13667: Cunningham, W - True Womanhood:
A15125: Cupples, Mrs George - Hugh Wellwood's Success: or, Where There's a Will There's a Way. A Tale for the Young
A12737: Curran, James - The Future of the Left:
A12294: Cushing, P.H - University Extension in Southport, 1874-1974:
C1782: Daitch, Susan - L.C:
A11128: Dakin, Arthur - William Carey: Shoemaker, Linguist, Missionary
A1779: Dale, A.W.W - The Life of R.W. Dale of Birmingham:
C14586: Dally, Peter - Virginia Woolf: the Marriage of Heaven and Hell
A12536: Daniel, Cletus - Bitter Harvest: A History of California Farmworkers, 1870-1941
C14938: Daniels, Doris Groshen - Always a Sister: the Feminism of Lillian D. Wald
A1113: Darcy, C.P - The Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Lancashire, 1760-1860:
A15377: Darling, Jen - Portrait of Warrington:
A10180: Darling, Isabella F - Songs from Silence:
C8446: Dauber, Roslyn and Cain, Melinda L - Women and Technological Changes in Developing Countries:
C15665: David, Miriam E - Feminism, Gender and Universities: Politics, Passion and Pedagogies
A14751: David, Miriam E - Parents, Gender and Education Reform:
A11962: David, Joy - Plymouth: The Waterfront City
C13181: Davidson, Marilyn J. and Cooper, Cary, L., ed - Working Women: An International Survey
A9514: Davie, Donald - Selected Poems:
G10509: Davies, Ann and Tennant, Emma - Hooked Rugs:
C6300: Davies, Emily - The Higher Education of Women:
C15504: Davies, Margery W - Woman's Place Is At The Typewriter: Office Work and Office Workers 1870-1830
C15: Davies, Ross - Women and Work:
C14106: Davies, Sue; Lubelska, Cathy and Quinn, Jocey - Changing the Subject: Women in Higher Education
C11357: Davies, Miranda, ed - Third World: Second Sex
C10570: Davies, Laura - Laura Davies: Naturally:
A8857: Davies, D., Watkins, C., and Winter, M. - Church and Religion in Rural England:
A8529: Davies, A. J - To Build a New Jerusalem: The Labour Movement from the 1880s to the 1990s
A7881: Davies, Stuart - By the Gains of Industry: Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, 1885 - 1985
A6874: Davies, Martin, ed - Columbus in Italy: an Italian Versification of the Letter on the Discovery of the New World. With facsimiles of the Italian and Latin Editions of 1493
A3598: Davies, Jean A - The Mystery of Tinkers' Well:
A3363: Davies, R. G. & Denton, J. H., eds - The English Parliament in the Middle Ages:
A13047: Davies, William H - True Travellers: A Tramp's Opera in Three Acts
A10103: Davies, J. H and Thomas, J. E., eds - A Select Bibliography of Adult Continuing Education:
C15763: Davis, Jean - Straw Plait:
A8204: Davis, Edwin Adams and Hogan, William Ransom - The Barber of Natchez:
A5301: Davis, Terence - Tunbridge Wells: The Gentle Aspect
A5023: Davis-Mesman, Ellen - The Colourful Palette of Alfred Krenz:
A13554: Davis, Richard - The English Rothschilds:
A13196: Davis, Lance E and Cull, Robert J - International Capital Markets and American Economic Growth, 1820-1914:
A11117: Davy, M. J. B - Henson and Stringfellow: Their Work in Aeronautics: The History of a Stage in the Development of Mechanical Flight, 1840-1868
C7793: Dawley, Alan - Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn
H14307: Dawson, Keith and Wall, Peter - Public Health and Housing:
A15394: Day, Lewis F. - Enamelling: A Comparative Account of the Development and Practice of the Art
A14957: Day, C. J - Modern Oxford: a History of the City from 1771
A14215: Day, John - The Bosch Book of the Motor Car: its Evolution and Engineering Development
C7182: Dayus, Kathleen - All My Days:
A9468: Deacon, Bob, et al - The New Eastern Europe: Social Policy, Past, Present and Future
C11099: Dean, K. A., Conteh-Morgan M. and Bracken J.K - The Undergraduate Companion to Women Writers and their Websites:
A15636: Debenham, Clare - Life and Death in Higher Education: a Political and Social Analysis of British Colleges of Education
A2343: Debo, Angie - A History of the Indians of the United States:
A8684: Deedes, W. F - Dear Bill: W.F.Deedes Reports
A14154: Deem, Rosemary - Work, Unemployment and Leisure:
A14579: Minister of National Defence, - The Canadian Army at War: Canada's Battle in Normandy, 6th June - 1 September 1944
A3121: Deighton, K - Coverley Papers From The Spectator:
C7623: Delamont, Sara - The Sociology of Women: An Introduction
A12605: Delamont, Sara, ed - The Primary School Teacher:
A7434: Delisle, Francoise - The Return of Havelock Ellis: Or, Limbo or the Dove?
A14831: Demmin, Auguste - Weapons of War: Being a History of Arms and Armour From The Earliest Period To The Present Time
C4613: Demos, John & Boocock, Sarane Spence, eds - Turning Points: Historical and Sociological Essays on the Family
C9952: Dench, Geoff, ed - Grandmothers of the Revolution:
A5998: Denton, J. H. and Dooley, J. P - Representatives of the Lower Clergy in Parliament, 1295-1340:
A7169: Denvir, Bernard, ed - The Impressionists at First Hand:
C15728: Department of Education, Strathclyde Regional Council - Scottish Women and the Vote: Sources for the History of the Women's Suffrage Movement in Scotland
A7704: Cotton Board Recruitment & Training Dept, - Education and Training for the Cotton and Rayon Industry: Papers and Dicussions at a Conference in Manchester in September 1946 Organized by the Cotton Board With the Collaboration of the British Rayon Federation, the Textile Institute and the Textile Teachers' Association
A9773: Derry, T. K. and Jarman, T. L - Modern Britain: Life and Work through Two Centuries of Change
C15171: Despard, Annabelle, ed - A Woman's Place: Women, Domesticity and Private Life
C4577: Devas, Nicolette - Susannah's Nightingales:
A14157: DeVault, Ileen A - Sons and Daughters of Labor: Class and Clerical Work in Turn-of-the-Century Pittsburgh
C1335: Dex, Shirley & Shaw, Lois B - British and American Women at Work: Do Equal Opportunities Policies Matter?
C15804: Dex, Shirley - Life and Work History Analyses: Qualitative and Quantitative Developments
C15718: Diamond, Hanna - Women and the Second World War in France, 1939 - 1948: Choices and Constraints
A15807: Dickens, Charles - Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dickens: His Letters To Her. Edited With Notes By Walter Dexter. With A Foreword By Their Daughter, Kate Perugini
A15767: Dickinson, Susan - Women in Society:
A14618: Digby, George Wingfield - French Tapestries from the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries:
A14220: Dillon, T., ed - British Historical Documents, 1815 - 70:
A14185: Dimbleby, David - A Picture of Britain:
A12953: Dimbleby, David and Reynolds, David - Oceans Apart: The Relationship Between Britain and America in the Twentieth Century
A10425: Dinwiddy, J. R - Chartism:
A6992: Dittmer, Lowell - China Under Reform:
C6840: Diver, Maud - Candles in the Wind:
A13411: Dix, Bernard and Williams, Stephen - Serving the Public: Building the Union: The History of the National Union of Public Employees. Volume 1: The Forerunners 1889-1928
C1291: Dixon, Ruth B - Rural Women at Work: Strategies for Development in South Asia
A14238: Dixon, Charles - British Sea Birds:
A14168: Dodge, Mary Mapes - Hans Brinker: or, the Silver Skates
Z15244: Doherty, W. T - Liverpool Constitutional Assocation: Centenary Souvenir, 1848 - 1948
A11220: Centre d'Investigacio Historica Dona, - Duoda: Papers de Treball
A13330: Donald, Joyce - The Letters of Thomas Hayton: Vicar of Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire. 1821 - 1887
A11959: Donaldson, Frances - Freddy Lonsdale:
J11986: Donaldson, Christine - Patchwork Baby: Original Patchwork and Quilted Designs
A10937: Dooley, Dolores - Equality in Community:
C2588: Dorr, Rheta Childe - What Eight Million Women Want:
A12213: Douglas, M. A. and Ash, C. R - The Godophin School, 1726-1926:
A6204: Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass:
A13943: Doust, L. A - How To Sketch From Life:
A11943: Dow, J.C.R - The Management of the British Economy, 1945-60:
C15655: O'Dowd, Mary and Purvis, June, eds - A History of the Girl: Formation, Education and Identity
A5841: Down, Michael - Archie: A Biography of A. C. MacLaren
A13786: Down, Arthur, editor - A Short Biography of Thomas John Down:
A12341: Downes, David Anthony - Ruskin's Landscape of Beatitude:
C393: Drake, Barbara - Women in Trade Unions:
A533: Drake, Michael, ed - Applied Historical Studies: an Introductory Reader
C15497: Drew, Eileen, Emerek, Ruth, Mahon, Evelyn - Women, Work and the Family in Europe:
C15742: Drifte, Collette - Women in the Second World War:
C11304: Driver, Emily and Droisen, Audrey, eds - Child Sexual Abuse: Feminist Perspectives
A13110: Drummond, James - Upstairs to Downstairs: Advice to Servant Girls and Weary Mothers. Extracts from the Magazine of the Onward and Upward Association
C10028: Drysdale, Ann - A Pig in a Passage:
A12566: Dubofsky, Melvyn - Industrialism and the American Worker, 1865-1920:
C5579: Dubois, Ellen Carol - Harriot Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Woman Suffrage:
C9280: Dubois, Ellen Carol and Ruiz, Vicki L., eds - Unequal Sisters: A Multi-Cultural Reader in US Women's History
C12763: Duby, Georges - Women of the Twelfth Century: Volume Three: Eve and the Church
A14327: Duby, Georges - The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France
C15680: Dudink, Stefan; Hagemann, Karen and Tosh, John - Masculinities in Politics and War: Gendering Modern History
A13191: Duff, David - Punch on Children: A Panorama, 1845-1865
A12872: Duggan, Joseph J - A Guide to Studies on the Chanson du Roland:
C12604: Dunbar, Janet - The Early Victorian Woman: Some Aspects of her Life (1837-57)
C2184: Duncker, Patricia - Sisters and Strangers: an Introduction to Contemporary Feminist Fiction
H13029: Duncker, Patricia - Miss Webster and Cherif:
A14280: Dunn, Henry Treffry - Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his Circle: Cheyne Walk Life
A14249: Mini Masterminds DVD, - Mini Masterminds DVD: Discover Dolphins
A14246: Dwyer, Bernard - But That's Another Story: Collected Writings of Roscommon Man
A8683: Dyer, Colin - Population and Society in Twentieth Century France:
C5789: Dyhouse, Carol - Feminism and the Family in England, 1880-1939:
C15089: Dyhouse, Carol - Glamour: Women, History, Feminism
A4710: Dyment, Clifford - The Railway Game: an Early Autobiography
A266: Dyos, H.J., ed - The Study of Urban History: The Proceedings of an International Round Table Conference of the Urban History Group at Gilbert Murray Hall, University of Leicester, Sept. 1966
A687: Dyson, A.E. & Lovelock, Julian, eds - Education and Democracy:
A11671: Eade, Charles, ed - Churchill:
C3928: Eales, Jacqueline - Women in Early Modern England, 1500-1700:
A11266: Earle, Peter - The World of Defoe:
A10700: Earle, Alice Morse - The Sabbath in Puritan New England:
A14561: East, Harry - Cricket is For Fun: A Second Innings from Yorkshire's Golden Age
C6262: Eastwood, G. F - Queen Elizabeth's: A New History of the Ancient Grammar School of Blackburn
A11853: Eckford, E. Stoddart and Fitzgerald, M. S - Household Management: A Handbook of Domestic Economy and Hygiene
A6786: Bulletin Conference Socialist Economists, - Capital and Class:
A11312: Agricultural Economists, - Proceedings of the First International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Held at Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, England, August 26 to September 6 1929
A13850: Eden, Frederic Morton - The State of the Poor: or, an History of the Labouring Classes in England from the Conquest to the Present Period
C8622: Edgeworth, Maria - Popular Tales:
C15097: Committee of Council on Education, - Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education, With Appendices. 1840 - 41:
A1520: Ministry of Education, - Health Education: A Handbook of Suggestions for the Consideration of Teachers and Others Concerned in the Health and Education of Children and Young People
C15332: Edwards, Louise and Roces Mina eds - Women's Suffrage in Asia:
C15080: Edwards, Elizabeth - Women in Teacher Training Colleges, 1900 - 1960: a Culture of Femininity
A15024: Edwards, Ralph - A History of the English Chair:
A14783: Edwards, Aaron - A History of the Northern Ireland Labour Party: Democratic Socialism and Sectarianism
A14165: Edwards, Owen Dudley - Eamon De Valera:
A14087: Edwards, Rosalind - Mature Women Students: Separating or Connecting Family and Education
A11867: Edwards, H. J - The Evening Institute: Its Place in the Educational System of England and Wales
F4606: Egan, Felim - The Contemporary Hieroglyph: Exhibition at Kerlin Gallery, Dublin 27th April to 15th May 1990
C15095: Eger, Elizabeth and Peltz, Lucy - Brilliant Women: 18th-Century Bluestockings
C14978: Eggins, Heather, ed - Women as Leaders and Managers in Higher Education:
A12630: Eggleston, John, ed - Teacher Decision-Making in the Classroom: A Collection of Papers
C13265: Ehrenreich, Barbara, Hess, E., and Jacobs, Gloria - Re-Making Love: The Feminization of Sex
C13215: Ehrenreich, Barbara and English, Deirdre - Complaints and Disorders: the Sexual Politics of Sickness
A14357: Einhorn, Barbara - Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and Women's Movements in East Central Europe
C8571: Eisenstein, Hester - Gender Shock: Practising Feminism on Two Continents
A12665: Eissler, M - The Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold: And Its Practical Application on the Witwatersrand Gold Fields in South Africa
C5103: Elizabeth, Charlotte - The Works of Charlotte Elizabeth: Passing Thoughts; Falsehood and Truth
C15365: Elizabeth, Charlotte - The Works of Charlotte Elizabeth. Vol I: With an Introduction by Mrs H. B. Stowe
C15364: Elizabeth, Charlotte - The Works of Charlotte Elizabeth. Vol II: With an introduction by Mrs H. B. Stowe
A14129: Ellacott, S.E - The Seaman: Book 1: Illustrated by the Author
C9678: Elliot, Faith Robertson - The Family: Change or Continuity:
C15462: Ellis, Alice Thomas - A Welsh Childhood:
A14920: Ellis, Chris - Practical Model Trains:
A13063: Ellis, Monica, ed - Water and Wind Mills in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight:
A14501: Ellison, Norman - The Wirral Peninsula:
A12303: Elston, Frank - Organized Games: For the School, The Hall, or the Playground
C6755: Elwes, Richard - First Poems:
A10601: The Embroiderers' Guild, - Canvas Work:
J14558: Emery, Jane - Rose Macaulay: a Writer's Life
A14182: Department of Employment, - Time Rates of Wages and Hours of Work: 1st April 1971
A829: Emsley, Clive - Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900:
A7854: Emsley, Clive and Walvin, James, eds - Artisans, Peasants and Proletarians, 1760 - 1860:
A3946: Emsley, Clive; Marwick, Arthur; & Simpson, Wendy - War, Peace and Social Change in Twentieth-Century Europe:
C8508: Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, WSPU Intertwined Insignia - Women's Social and Political Union, Modern Replica Badge: Intertwined Insignia in White Green and Gold
C8952: Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, WSPU Shield [Chevron] - Women's Social and Political Union, Modern Replica Badge: WSPU Shield [Chevron] in Purple, Green and White
C8954: Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, WSPU Loyal Service 1913 - Women's Social and Political Union, Modern Replica Badge: Loyal Service, WSPU, 1913. Deeds Not Words
C8168: Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, Clover Design - N.U.W.S.S. Badge. Clover Design: Modern Replica:
C8167: Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, Waving Flag Design - Votes For Women Modern Replica Badge, W.S.P.U:
C15672: Enamel Badge, Women's Rights - International Women's Day Ribbon-Style Badge: March 8th
C8942: Enamel Reproduction Suffragette Badge, Organisers & Organising Secretaries - NUWSS (National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies): Women's Suffrage
A14197: England, Joe, editor - Changing Lives: Workers' Education in Wales, 1907 - 2007
A8355: English Tourist Board, Planning and Research Services Branch - Scarborough District Tourism Study:
A10079: Ennis, George Pearse - Making a Water-Colour:
C5721: Enock, Esther E - Frances Ridley Havergal: The Christian Poetess
A11832: Ereira, Alan - The People's England:
A15067: Esher, Reginald Viscount - The Tragedy of Lord Kitchener:
A8522: L'Esperance, Jeanne - The Widening Sphere: Women in Canada 1870-1940
C9139: Evans, Mary and Ungerson, Clare, eds - Sexual Divisions: Patterns and Processes
C8818: Evans, Judith - Feminist Theory Today: An Introduction to Second-Wave Feminism
C15592: Evans, Mary - Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought:
C130: Evans, Mary, ed - The Woman Question:
A9538: Evans, George Ewart - Spoken History:
A5628: Evans, W. Gareth - Educational Development in a Victorian Community: A Case Study of Camarthenshire's Response to the Welsh Intermediate Education Act, 1889
C11116: Evelyn, John - The Life of Margaret Godolphin:
A13892: Everett-Heath, E. J.; Moss, G. M.; Mowat, A.; Reid, K - Military Helicopters:
C14018: Van Every, Jo - Heterosexual Women Changing the Family: Refusing to Be a Wife
A5011: Exley, Richard and Helen - Grandmas and Grandpas: A Gift Book Written by Grandchildren for their Grandparents
A13452: Exwood, Maurice and Lehmann, H. L., eds - The Journal of William Shellinks' Travels in England, 1661-1663:
A2554: Eyken, Willem van der, ed - Education, the Child and Society: a Documentary History, 1900 - 1973
F5353: Fairbairn, W.A - Some Game Birds of West Africa:
C486: Fairfax-Lucy, Alice - Mistress of Charlecote: The Memoirs of Mary Elizabeth Lucy, 1803-1889
G14297: Fairfield, Helen - Patchwork: Over 20 New and Original Projects for You to Make
C3628: Fairless, Michael - The Grey Brethren:
A11509: Faith, Nicholas - The World The Railways Made:
C15770: Faithfull, Lilian M - In The House Of My Pilgrimage:
C9721: Faludi, Susan - Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Women
A11524: Fang, Hsien-T'ing - The Triumph of the Factory System in England:
A1311: Farman, Christopher - The General Strike, May 1926:
A13907: Farwell, Byron - The Great Boer War:
H11713: Fastnedge, Ralph - English Furniture Styles, from 1500-1830:
A10174: Faulks, Sebastian - The Fatal Englishman: Three Short Lives
C1846: Faure, Christine - Democracy Without Women: Feminism and the Rise of Liberal Individualism in France
C7544: Fawcett, Henry and Millicent Garrett - The Works of Henry and Millicent Fawcett, 1863-1924:
C6951: Fawcett, Millicent Garrett - Political Economy for Beginners:
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