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Click on booknumber for full information
176161: Kunsthandel Jörg Maass - Max Beckmann: Ausgewahlte Druckgraphik
181937: Künstlervereinigung Augsburg Die Ecke - Augsburg - Kunst Und Architektur Nach 1945 : 85 Jahre Künstlervereinigung "Die Ecke
137187: Kunstmuseum Basel - Donald Judd: Zeichnungen / Drawings, 1956-1976
182493: Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf - Treibhaus 123456: Eine Fotodokumentation Von Erika Kiffl
181065: Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle - Pressespiegel: Lyonel Feininger, Zuruck in Amerika, 1937-1956
182524: Kunstverein Tübingen - Meister Des Japanischen Farb-Holzschnittes
182525: Kunstverein - Andre Ficus Aquarelle Und Handzeichnungen
182526: Kunstverein Ulm - Peter Grau, Der Einsame Hof, Federzeichnungen
186907: Kupfer, Marcia A. - Art and Optics in the Hereford Map : An English Mappa Mundi, C. 1300
177157: Kuretsky, Susan Donahue - The Paintings of Jacob Ochtervelt, 1634-1682
137415: Kurtz, Charles M. - Catalogue of Works of Art in the Art Building of the Southern Exposition, Louisville, Ky, Aug. 16 to Oct. 25, 1884
136205: Kusenberg, Kurt - Le Rosso
200284: Kushner, Robert and Shirley Jaffe, et al. - Shirley Jaffe
173603: Kuspit, Donald - Karel Appel: Recent Paintings and Sculpture
191385: Kuspit, Donald - The Rebirth of Painting in the Late Twentieth Century
181455: Kuspit, Donald - Sam Messer: Paintings 1983-1986
191093: Kusserow, Karl (editor) - Picture Ecology: Art and Ecocriticism in Planetary Perspective
186687: Kuster, Ulf; Erika Doss; David M Lubin; Katharina Rüppell - Edward Hopper a Fresh Look at Landscape
181521: Kuwayama, George - Ancient Ritual Bronzes of China
184253: Kuykendall, Ralph S. - The Hawaiian Kingdom: Volume II, 1854-1874, Twenty Criticial Exams and Volume III, 1874-1893, the Kalakaua Dynasty
175379: Kuznecov, J and T.A Ceskovskaja - Hollandse En Vlaamse Tekeningen Uit de Zeventiende Eeuw: Verzameling Van de Hermitage, Leningrad En Het Museum Poesjkin, Moskou
187963: Ky sh Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan - Jomon Kingdom, Yamanashi
185483: Ky to Shoin - Paisley Textile Patterns: 18th Century Europe
191758: Kylloe, Ralph R. - Ralph Kylloe's Rustic Living
180945: Kyoto Kokuritsu Kindai Bijutsukan - Surrealism = Shururearisumu Ten: Tokyo, Sep. 27 - Nov. 16, 1975, the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Kyoto, Nov. 26, 1975 - Jan. 11, 1976, the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
171748: Kyriazi, Jean Melas - Van Dongen Et le Fauvisme
176024: Kysel'ova, N.M and Natal'ia Nikitovna Popenko - Handicrafts in the Ukraine
182324: L.A. Louver Gallery - Therese Oulton: Paintings and Works on Paper
201399: L I Iovleva - Natalia Goncharova between East and West
182961: La Farge, John - Considerations on Painting: Lectures Given in the Year 1893 at the Metropolitan Museum of New York
178842: La Bars, Fabienne; Bernard Clavreuil and Stephane Clavreuil - Jean Grolier: 50 Reliures de la Reserve Des Livres Rares
181505: La Farge, John - Considerations on Painting; Lectures Given in the Year 1893 at the Metropolitan Museum of New York
165276: La Fontaine, Jean de - Contes Et Nouvelles Extra-Illustrated
189671: La Fontiane, Jean de and Charles-Emile Carlegle - Contes Et Nouvelles (le Premier Livre)
191416: La Neziere, Joseph de and Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey - Les Monuments Mauresques Du Maroc: Texte Et Notices
191673: La Fontaine, Jean de and Paul Vera - Le Songe de Vaux
188915: La Tremoille, Louis duc de - Chartrier de Thouars: Documents Historiques Et Genealogiques
191346: La Neziere, Joseph de and Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey - Les Monuments Mauresques Du Maroc: Texte Et Notices
190464: La Fontaine, Jean de; Edward Howard Marsh and Stephen Gooden - The Fables of Jean de la Fontaine (2 Volumes)
188178: La Farge, John and August Jaccaci - Noteworthy Paintings in American Private Collections
187849: La Farge, John and August F. Jaccaci - Concerning Noteworthy Paintings in American Private Collections
185461: La Fontaine, Jean de - Fables de la Fontaine: Avec de Nouvelles Gravures Exécutées En Relief. 2 Volume Set
187683: La Fontaine, Jean de - Contes Et Nouvelles En Vers (2 Volumes)
191127: La Mesangère, Pierre Antoine Leboux de; E. Doistau and Leon Moussinac - Le Bon Genre: Observations Sur Les Modes Et Les Usages de Paris
185539: Labbe, Jacqueline M. - The Romatic Paradox: Love, Violence, and the Uses of Romance, 1760-1830
191204: Labo, Mario - Architettura Arredamento Del Negozio
145441: Laborde, Alexandre Louis Joseph - Voyage Pittoresque Et Historique de L'Espagne: Tome Second (Incomplete)
188066: Laborde, A. Comte De - La Bible Moralisee Conservee a Oxford, Paris Et Londres: Reproduction Integrale Du Manuscrit Du Xiiie Siecle: Tome III
185057: Laborde, M. - Choix de Chansons Mises En Musique, Tome I.
190097: Lachouque, Henry and Anne S Kinsolving Brown - The Anatomy of Glory: Napoleon and His Guard, a Study in Leadership
178302: Laclotte, Michel and Elisabeth Mognetti - Avignon, Musee Du Petit Palais: Peinture Italienne
190062: Lacroix, Paul M and M. Ferdinand Sere - Le Moyen Age Et la Renaissance: Histoire Et Description Des Moeurs Et Usages, Du Commerce Et de L'Industrie, Des Sciences, Des Arts, Des Littératures Et Des Beaux Arts En Europe (Tome Quatrieme)
190050: Lacroix, Paul - Les Arts Au Moyen Age (Two Volumes)
178565: Lader, Melvin P. - Arshile Gorky
182890: Ladies' Aid Society of Olivet M.E. Church (Coatesville, Pa.) - The Home Adviser : Dedicated to the Sunday School Building Fund
186117: Ladis, Andrew - Taddeo Gaddi: Critical Reappraisal and Catalogue Raisonne
163341: Lafant-Couturier, Helene - Gérôme & Goupil: Art and Enterprise
163793: Lafant-Couturier, Helene - Gérôme & Goupil: Art and Enterprise
183370: Lafayette Parke Gallery - The Expressionist Figure: Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Prints
147928: Lafo, Rachel Rosenfield et al. (editor) - Painting in Boston: 1950-2000
170883: Lafo, Rachel Rosenfield - 10 Artists/10 Visions: 1989
189583: Lagier de Vaugelas, M. and Francois Louis Couche - Soixante Vuew Des Plus Beaux Palais, Monuments Et Eglises de Paris, Cathedrales Et Chateaux de la France
190830: Lago, Bia Correa do; Victorino Coutinho Chermont de Miranda - Saudades for an Old Brazil; Photography in the Postcards of the Oliveira Lima Library
178968: LaGorce, John Oliver - Lands of the Bible Today with Historical Notes
188332: Lahti, Juhana and Harri Kalha, et al. - Modern Life! Finnish Modernism and the International Dimension
191086: Lahuerta Jose, Juan - Gaudi Universe
189962: Lair-Dubreuil, Fernand and Georges Petit - Catalogue Des Tableaux Modernes, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins Par Barye, Bonvin, E. Boudin, Boulard, Jules Breton, Caillebotte, Cezanne, Charlet, Gustave Colin, Courbet, Daubigny, Decamps, Eug. Delacroix, Fantin-Latour, Gauguin, Hervier, Jongkind, le Sidaner, Loiseau, Ed. Manet, J.F. Millet, CL. Monet, Moreau-Nelaton, Pissarro, P. -a Renoir, Th. Rousseau, Sisley, Tassaert, Vuillefroy, Etc. Nombreuses Oeuvres de Cals, Corot, Daumier, Guillaumin, S. Lepine, Vignon Composant la Collection de M. Hazard. Premiere Partie
188455: Lair-Dubreuil, F; Henri Baudoin; Jules Féral; Marcel Nicolle; Cristoforo Benigno Crespi - Catalogue Des Tableaux Anciens Des écoles Italienne, Espagnole, Allemande, Flamande Et Hollandaise
191073: Lair, Dubreuil, Fernand and Henri Baudoin - Catalogue Des Tableaux Anciens Ecoles Anglaise Et Francaise Du Xviiie Siecle, Objets D'Art Et D'Ameublement Par Suite Du Deces de M. Eugene Kraemer
189935: Lake, Kirsopp and Silva Kirsopp - Dated Greek Miniscule Manuscripts to the Year 1200. Volume III: Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mount Athos and in Milan
176730: Lal, Kanwar - Immortal Khajuraho
181838: Lal, Kanwar - Immortal Khajuraho
201076: Lalumia, Matthew Paul - Realism and Politics in Victorian Art of the Crimean War
170902: Lamarche-Vadel, Bernard et al. - Artistes
174607: Lamarche, Bernard, Amelie Giguere, Jim Drobnick, et al. - Installations: A Grande Echelle/on a Large Scale
178352: Lamb, Charles; Lamb, Mary; Shakespeare, William - Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare
183591: Lamb, Martha J. - The Washington Inauguration, 1789-1889: With Program of Ceremonies
178153: Lamb, Mary and Charles Lamb - Tales from Shakespeare
181171: Lamb, Charles - New Year's Eve
185339: Lamb, Charles - Essays of Elia (Signed)
179525: Lambert, Johann Heinrich and Max Steck - Schriften Zur Perspektive
200262: Lambert, Elie - Etudes Medievales: Vols. II, III and IV
186424: Lambert, William - Library of the Late Major William H. Lambert of Philadelphia
187930: Lambert, Andre and Eduard Stahl - Architektur Von 1750-1850
177273: Lambotte, Paul - Memling Exhibition
185827: Lamia, Stephen and Elizabeth Valdez del Alamo - Decoration for the Holy Dead: Visual Embellisments on Tombs and Shrines of Saints
183051: Lammert Furniture Company - Seven Centuries
120916: Lampard, Marie Turbow and John E. Bowlt and Wendy R. Salmond (editors) - The Uncommon Vision of Sergei Konenkov 1874-1971: A Russian Sculptor and His Times
177076: Lampe, George - Psychopolis de Vrije Academie: 2e Bericht Uit Psychopolis
189723: Lamperez y Romea, Vicente - Historia de la Arquitectura Cristiana Espanola En la Edad Media Segun El Estudio de Los Elementos Y Los Monumentos. Tomo Primero & Tomo Segundo
179881: Lampert, Catherine - Lucian Freud: Recent Work
181344: Lancaster, Clay - The Japanese Influence in America
186840: Lancioni, Deniela; Jim Dine - Jim Dine
14871: Lancour, Harold - American Art Auction Catalogues, 1785-1942. A Union List
178852: Land, William Goodfellow - Harvard University Handbook, an Official Guide to the Grounds, Buildings, Libraries, Museums, and Laboratories, with Notes on the History, Development and Activites of All Departments of the University
200350: Landau, Ellen G. and Mercedes Matter - Mercedes Matter
177671: Landau, Suzanne - Other Rooms, Other Voices: Contemporary Art from the Frac Collections
148681: Landau, Dr. David; Parshall, Professor Peter - The Renaissance Print: 1470-1550
31126: Landman, Hedy B. (editor) - American Ceramic Circle Bulletin, Number 3
179973: Landon, H. C. Robbins 1926-2009 - Mozart and the Masons : New Light on the Lodge "Crowned Hope
189316: Lane, Richard - L'Estampe Japonaise: Images Du Monde Flottant
187545: Lane, Arthur - Later Islamic Pottery: Persia, Syria, Egypt, Turkey
177462: Lane Wilder, Rose - Give Me Liberty
186779: Lane, Charles - The Fraser Family
175024: Lane, John R., Charles Wylie, Yve-Alain Bois, et al. - Ellsworth Kelly in Dallas
176893: Lane, Barbara Miller - Architecture and Politics in Germany, 1918-1945
186087: Lang, Robert (editor) - The Birth of a Nation
200933: Lang, Carl and Karl Benjamin Schwarz - Romantische Gemahlde Von Leipzig: Eine Folge Von Vier Und Zwanzig Prospecten
177881: Lang, Andrew - Oxford: Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes
178460: Langa, Helen - Radical Art: Printmaking and the Left in 1930s New York
177464: Langaard, Johan H. and Reidar Revold - The Drawings of Edvard Munch
695: Langdale, Cecily - Monotypes by Maurice Prendergast in the Terra Museum of American Art
178759: Langdon, John E. - American Silversmiths in British North America, 1776-1800
179127: Lange, Justus and Christine Van Mulders - Pan & Syrinx, Eine Erotische Jagd: Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Brueghel Und Ihre Zeitgenossen
190666: Langley, Batty; T Langley - Gothick Architecture; a Reprint of the Original 1742 Treatise
172277: Langner, Johannes and Andreas Vowinckel - Das Grossplakat in Aquarellen/Tag Um Tag Ist Guter Tag, 2 Volume Set
190249: Langsdorff, Alexander - Verzeichnis Und Karte Der Durch Den Bevollmachtigten General Der Deutschen Wehrmacht in Italien Geschutzten Baudenkmaler
106558: Lansing, Amy Kurtz - Historical Fictions: Edward Lamson Henry's Paintings of Past and Present
178323: Lanz, Hanspeter; Meier, Jurg A.; Senn, Matthias - Barocker Luxus: Das Werk Des Zürcher Goldschmieds Hans Peter Oeri, 1637-1692
183045: Lapauze, Henry (founder) - La Renaissance de L'Art Revue Mensuelle - Octobre 1928
186503: Larbaud, Valery - Caderno, Cahier Orne de Huit Pointes Seches Hors Texte Gravees
184475: Lardner,Dionysius - The Steam Engine, Steam Navigation, Roads, and Railways, Explained and Illustrated
177732: Laroche, Colette - Saint-Romain-En-Gal: Un Quartier de Vienne Antique Sur la Rive Droite Du Rhone
177672: Larraz, Julio - Julio Larraz: Recent Painting
185590: Larroumet, Gustave - Salon of 1892
201427: Larry Towell - The Mennonites
180515: Larson, Orville K. - Scene Design in the American Theatre from 1915 to 1960
175028: Larsson, Olof Lars - European Bronzes 1450-1700
180157: Lartigue, Jacques-Henri and David Bailey - Lartigue: Photographs 1970-1982
177721: Lascelles, Helen - Sir W.B. Richmond: The Christmas Art Annual
191397: Laszlo, Fulop; Robert de Montesquiou and Oakley Williams - Selections from the Work of P.A. De Laszlo
183864: Laszlo, Mravik - Pulszky Karoly in Memoriam
200771: Latouche, Robert - Histoire de Nice
176592: Latourette, Kenneth Scott - The Chinese, Their History and Culture (Two Volumes in One)
183108: Latrobe, John H.B. - The Christian Civilization of Africa. An Address Delivered Before the American Colonization Society
201325: Lau, Georg - Bernstein: Kostbarkeiten Europaischer Kunstkammern = Amber: Treasuries for European Kunstkammer
180721: Laue, Georg, et al. - Scientifica
177274: Laughlin, James (publisher) - Perspectives Magazine: Number 12, Summer 1955
177275: Laughlin, James (publisher) - Perspectives Magazine: Number 10
180024: Laughlin, Clarence John; John H. Lawrence; Patricia Brady and Jon Kukla - Haunter of Ruins: The Photography of Clarence John Laughlin
201602: Laura García Sánchez; Anna Vallugera - Cicles Pictòrics I Arquitectura Obliqua Al Set-Cents : Barcelona I la Mediterrània
201431: Laure de Margerie; Antoinette Le Normand-Romain; Elisabeth Lyman; Miriam Rosen; Cole Swensen; Susan Wise - French Sculpture an American Passion
201400: Lauren O'Neil Butler - Kamrooz Aram
132058: Laurence Kanter; Pia Palladino; et al. - Fra Angelico
182816: Laurent, Paul Mathieu and Horace Vernet - Histoire de L'Empereur Napoleon
188630: Laurent y Minier, Jean and Marie Loup Sougez - Ciudades Del XIX: La Espana de Laurent
178178: Lauritzen, Peter and Alexander Zielcke - Venezianische Palaste
171775: Lauson, Cliff, Dawna L. Schuld, and Lynn Zelevansky - Space Shifters
177512: Lauter, Marlene and Beate Reese - Konkrete Kunst in Europa Nach 1945, Concrete Art in Europe After 1945
184015: Lavater Caspar, Johann - Aphorisms on Man
174216: Laveissiere, Sylvain - Pierre-Paul Prud'Hon
171903: Laveissiere, Sylvain - Pierre-Paul Prud'Hon
174363: Laver, James - Portraits in Oil and Vinegar
192456: Laverchery, Henri A. - Les Petroglyphes de L'Ile de Paques. Ouvrage Publie Avec le Concours de la Fondation Universitaire de Belgique. Volume I Only
200286: Lavin, Maud and Hanna Hoch - Cut with the Kitchen Knife: The Weimar Photomontages of Hannah Hoch
191978: Law, Ernest - Vandyck's Pictures at Windsor Castle, Historically and Critically Described
180435: Lawford, Valentine - Horst: His Work and His World (Signed)
164925: Lawford, Valentine - Horst: His Work and His World
181723: Lawrence, D. H. - The Mery Go Round
187734: Lawrence, Ruth - Genealogical Histories of Crane-Starkey and Allied Families
188169: Lawrence, Ruth (ed.) - Colonial Families of America, Issued Under the Editorial Supervision of Ruth Lawrence
187785: Lawrence, Ruth - Genealogical Histories of Prentiss and Allied Families
187801: Lawrence. Ruth - Genealogical Histories of Rollins and Allied Families
175580: Lawrence, D.H. - My Skirmish with Jolly Roger
177279: Lawrence Rubin and Greenberg Van Doren Fine Art - Fausto Melotti
200869: Lawrence, D.H. - England, My England: And Other Stories
187783: Lawrence, Ruth - Genealogical History of the Smith Family
180020: Lawrence, A.W. - Greek and Roman Sculpture
190007: Lawrie and Company - Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Pictures Principally of the French School of 1830
182002: Lawton, Lancelot - Empires of the Far East: A Study of Japan and of Her Colonial Possessions, of China and Manchuria and of the Political Questions of Eastern Asia and the Pacific (Volume 2)
184773: Lay, S. Houston - The Law Relating to Activities of Man in Space
189849: Lazarev, Viktor - Andrej Rublev
187504: Lazzaro di San, G. - Chagall: Monumental Works
187503: Lazzaro di San, G. - Homage to Marino Marini
187502: Lazzaro, di San G. - Homage to Joan Miro: Special Issue of the Xxe Siecle Review
21086: Lazzell, Blanche - Blanche Lazzell: American Modernist
174433: Le Stum, Philippe; David Tovey; Alison Bevan - Another Cornwall: Gens de(S) Cornouaille(S)
190594: Le Brun, Jean Baptiste Pierre - Galerie Des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais Et Allemands; Ouvrage Enrichi de Deux Cent Une Planches Gravees D'Apres Les Meilleurs Tableaux de Ces Maitres, Par Les Plus Habiles Artistes de France, de Hollande Et D'Allemagne. Tome Second & Tome Troisieme
189417: Le Sage, Alain René; Jean Gigoux ; Charles Nodier - History of Gil Blas de Santillane
182569: Le Coq, Albert Von and Otto Von Falke - Volkskundliches Aus Ost-Turkistan
201296: Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, et al. - Oeuvres Complete de 1938-1946
177937: Le Prieur, Pierre-Sébastien - Petite Encyclopedie Des Enfans, Ou Notions Des Principales Sciences Qu'Ils Doivent Etudier: Par Demandes Et Par Reponses: A L'Usage Des Ecoles Et Pensions Et Ornee de Huit Planches Gravees En Taille-Douce
188955: Le Men, Ségolène; Luce Abélès; Nathalie Preiss - Les Français Peints Par Eux-Mêmes
178576: Le Roy, Pierre - Status Et Privileges Du Corps Des Marchands Orfebres-Joyailliers de la Ville de Paris: An 18th Century Compendium of the Laws Governing Silversmithing in Paris
198344: LE ROUGE, Georges-Louis (editor) and Chambers, William - Traité Des édifices, Meubles, Habits, Machines Et Ustensiles Des Chinois, Gravés Sur Les Originaux Dessinés à la Chine [... ]. Compris Une Description de Leurs Temples, Maisons, Jardins, Etc.
201297: Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, et al. - Oeuvres Complete de 1938-1946
196809: Le Turc, Monsieur - Description Du Camion Prysmatique de Mr. De Perronet: Premier Ingenieur Des Ponts & Chaussees de France, Suivie de la Description D'Un Chariot Circulaire, Propose Par Mr. Le Turc. .
175618: Le Claire, Gianna and Thomas Le Claire - Deutsche Romantik: Handzeichnungen Und Aquarelle Aus Der Ehemaligen Hamburger Sammlung Arnold Otto Meyer Und Aus Verszchiedenem Besitz: Le Claire Kunst No. 22/II
185251: Le Roy, Arthur and George - Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens, Tableaux Modernes, Objets D'Art, Instruments de Musique Dependant de la Succesion de M. Ephrem de Malander
182015: Le Fauconnier, Henri - Le Fauconnier
28160: Le Corbeiller, Clare - China Trade Porcelain: Patterns of Exchange -- Additions to the Helena Woolworth Mccann Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
188747: Le Pelley Fonteny, Monique - Adolphe & Georges Giraudon
201294: Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, et al. - Oeuvres Complete de 1910-1929
201295: Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, et al. - Oeuvres Complete de 1929-1934
175464: Le Masne de Chermont, Isabelle and Laurence Sigal-Klagsbad - A Qui Appartenaient Ces Tableaux?: La Politique Francaise de Recherche de Provenance, de Garde Et de Restitution Des Oeuvres D'Art Pillees Duratn la Seconde Guerre Mondiale/Looking for Owners: French Policy for Provenance Research, Restitution and Custody of Art Stolen in France During World War Two
178614: Le Normand-Romain, Antoinette and Auguste Rodin - Rodin: Les Marbres de la Collection Thyssen
178646: Le Normand-Romain, Antoinette; Buley-Uribe, Christina - Auguste Rodin: Drawings & Watercolors
183488: Le Breton, Gaston - Histoire Du Tissu Ancien Extrait de Les Arts Du Bois, Des Tissus Et Du Papier a la 7e Exposition de L'Union Centrale Des Arts Decoratifs
148627: Le Coultre, Martijn F. - Wendingen: A Journal for the Arts, 1918-1932
127700: Le Claire, Thomas and Gianna - Goethezeit & Romantik: Zeichnungen, Aquarelle Und Gouachen Von 1778 Bis 1893
201628: Lea Ritter-Santini - Eine Reise Der Aufklärung : Lessing in Italien Volumes 1+2
177729: Leach York, Linda - Indian Miniature Paintings and Drawings: The Cleveland Museum of Art Catalogue of Oriental Art, Part One
174580: Leach, Neil and Reinhold Misselbeck - Surface Tension
178971: Leachman J. - Leachman's Engelsk-Norsk Lomme-Ordbog; English Norwegian Pocket Dictionary. And Manual of Useful Information
102330: Leal, Esteban Paloma - Juan Gris: Paintings and Drawings 1910-1927, Volumes 1 and 2 English Edition
176045: Leal, Esteban Paloma - Juan Gris: Paintings and Drawings 1910-1927 Volume II
124703: Leal, Brigitte et al. - Mondrian
200764: Lean, Martin - Sense-Perception and Matter
185562: Lebard-Ledoux, Denise - Les Ebenistes Parisiens Du Xixe Siecle, 1795-1870
201057: Lebeck, Robert and Tete Bottger - Vis-a-Vis
200561: Lebel, Robert and Marcel Duchamp, et al. - Marcel Duchamp
170645: Leberruyer, Pierre - Le Peintre Graveur Aquafortiste FéLIX Buhot: 1847-1898
178483: Leblanc, Frederique; Patricia Sorel and Jean-Francois Loisy - Histoire de la Librairie Francaise
170746: Leblond, Thierry Crepin, Nicolas Courtin, Dominique Dendrael, et al. - Bulletin de la Societe de L'Histoire de L'Art Francais: Annee 1995
170745: Leblond, Thierry Crepin, Nicolas Courtin, Dominique Dendrael, et al. - Bulletin de la Societe de L'Histoire de L'Art Francais: Annee 1993
175970: Lebouc, Yves - Oeuvres Sur Papier, Estampes, Livres
177739: Lebovic, Josef - Masterpieces of Australian Printmaking
173630: Leclercq, Catherine; Bozo, Dominique - Atelier Calder: Atelier D' Accueil International
182601: Lecomte, Georges ; Camille Pissarro - Camille Pissarro [Bernheim-Jeune 1922]
189870: Leconte, Emile - Ornements Gothiques de Toutes Les Epoques Et Choix D'Ornemen la Renaissance Et Des Differents Siecles
183239: Lederer, Herbert and Frederick Den Broeder - A Selection of Prints by Kathe Kollwitz from the Landauer Collection of the William Benton Musuem of Art
174233: Ledoux, Louis V. - Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Volume 49, Number 11: Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
178043: Ledoux, Louis - Japanese Prints of the Primitive Period in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux
183450: Ledoux, Louis - Japanese Prints in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux
174383: Lee Gwi'-young (Museum director) - Jongmyo, the Royal Ancestral Shrine
178496: Lee, Ivy - Ussr (Union of Socialist Soviet Republic): A World Enigma
181839: Lee, Sherman E and Wai-Kam Ho - Chinese Art Under the Mongols: The Yuan Dynasty (1279 - 1368)
9599: Lee Johnson, (Foreword) Philippe De Montebello, (Essays) Lee Johnson - Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863): Paintings, Drawings, and Prints from North American Collections
199918: Lee, June Yong and Tina Takemote - Skin
178889: Lee, Sherman E. - The Genius of Japanese Design
180792: Lee, Sarah - American Fashion: The Life and Lines of Adrian, Mainbocher, Mccardell, Norell, and Trigere
179475: Lee, Sherman E. - Chinese Landscape Painting
176070: Lee, Pamela M. - Fred Sandback
180016: Lee, Daniel (editor) - The Genesee Farmer: A Monthly Journal Devoted to Agriculture & Horticulture, Domestic and Rural Economy. Illustrated with Engravings of Farm Buildings, Domestic Animals, Improved Implements, Fruits, & C.
109272: Leeds, Valerie Ann - Harold Weston: A Retrospective
109306: Leeds, Valerie Ann - The Intimate Landscape of Charles Harold Davis, October 11 - November 10, 2007
17637: Leeds, Valerie Ann - Leon Kroll Revisited
191513: Leeke, Ferdinand and Franz Muncker - Richard Wagner Werk: Ein Bildercyklus
190008: Leemans, Conradus and Carel Frans Wilsen - Boro-Boedoer Op Het Eiland Java & Boro-Boedoer Dans L'Ile de Java
172624: Lees, Sarah and Richard R. Brettell - Innovative Impressions: Prints by Cassatt, Degas, and Pissarro
191998: Lees-Milne, James - English Country Houses: Baroque, 1685-1715
184510: Leeuwen, Thomas A.P. van - The Skyward Tred of Thought: The Metaphysics of the American Skyscraper
192672: Leeuwen, Thomas A. P. Van - The Magic Stove: Barry, Soyer and the Reform Club or How a Great Chef Helped to Create a Great Building
6520: Leff, Sandra - Thomas Anshutz: Paintings, Watercolors and Pastels
185885: Lefferts, Peter M. - The Motet in England in the Fourteenth Century
183369: Leffingwell, Edward G; Robin Bruch - About Place : Contemporary American Landscape
181319: Lefko, Linda Carter and Jane E. Radcliffe - Folk Art Murals of Rufus Porter School: New England Landscapes, 1825-1845
173130: Leger, Fernand - Fernand Leger: Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre, Son Reve
171100: Leger, Fernand - F. Leger: Gouaches Et Dessins de 1921 a 1938
179339: Leger, Fernand; Uwe M. schneede, Ernst-Gerhard Guse and Maurice Jardot - Fernand Leger: Gouachen Aquarelle Zeichnungen
189472: Legrand, Edy - Pentatoli 1
175162: Legrand, Catherine and Domitilla d'Ormesson-Peugeout - La Rome Baroque de Maratti a Piranese: Dessins Du Louvre Et Des Collections Publiques Francaises
182741: Legrand, Edy - Macao Et Cosmage, Ou, L'Experience Du Bonheur
181590: Legrand, Louis - Exposition Des Oeuvres de Louis Legrand : Galerie Georges Petit
176632: Lehigh University - The Eight and Contemporaries: Loan Exhibition from the Muriel and Philip Berman Collection
173892: Lehman, Arnold L. - The 1980 Maryland Biennial Exhibition
187029: Lehman, Antony L. and Paul Landacre (illustrator) - Paul Landacre, a Life and a Legacy
176624: Lehner, Ernst - Symbols, Signs & Signets
173036: Lehrer-Graiwer, Sarah - Sascha Braunig
186769: Lehrs, Max - Wenzel Von Olmutz
188475: Lehrs, Max - Geschichte Und Kritischer Katalog Des Deutschen, Niederlandischen Und Franzosischen Kupferstichs IM XV Jahrhundert: Funfter Tafelband
191371: Lehrs, Max - Geschichte Und Kritischer Katalog Des Deutschen, Niederlandischen Und Franzosischen Kupferstichs IM XV Jahrhundert: Dritter Tafelband, Tafeln 93-108
173186: Leiris, Michel - The Prints of Joan Miro
188469: Leisching, Julius - Das Erzherzog Rainer- Museum Fur Kunst Und Gewerbe in Brunn
188936: Leisching, Julius - Figurale Holzplastik Ausgewalt Und Herausgegeben; Zweiter Band, Aus Osterreichischen Museen Und Kirchen
200999: Leistl, Christof and Helmut Eckl, et al. - Fraunhofer: Mit Einem Ruckblick Auf 200 Jahre Geschichte Einer Alten Munchner Traditionsgaststatte
182454: Leiter, Levi Z. - Rare Americana from the Library of the Late Levi Z. Leiter
174742: Leithauser, Brad, Lawrence Rinder, et al. - Joan Perlman: Element/Frumkraftur
109797: Leithe-Jasper, Manfred and Patricia Wengraf - European Bronzes from the Quentin Collection
187114: Lemaire, Raymond - Les Origines Du Style Gothique En Brabant / Première Partie, L' Architecture Romane
186233: Lemaire, Lucien - Autissier, Miniaturiste, 17725-1830: Avec le Portrait Du Peintre Par Lui-Meme Et Un Autographe
189797: Leman, Henri - Colleection: Sigismond Bardac; 15th Century Italian Earthenware Objects of High Curiosity, Modern Age and Renaissance
190066: Lemberger, Ernst - Portrait Miniatures of Five Centuries
177780: Lemercier, Adrien - Les Marins CéLèbres de la France
191844: Lemerle, Frederique and Yves Pauwels - Baroque Architecture 1600-1750
185933: Lemesle, Charles - Le Chansonnier Du Gastronome
200890: Lengyel, Alfonz - Life and Art of Antoine Louis Barye
201013: Lennep, Jacques - Catalogue de la Sculpture: Artistes Nes Entre 1750 Et 1882
201261: Lennon, Patrick and Hugo van der Goes, et al. - Face to Face with Hugo Van Der Goes: Old Master, New Interpretation
182107: Lenoble, Emile and Leon Deshairs - Emile Lenoble (Les Albums D'Art Druet)
174620: Lenz, Christian; Klaus Gallwitz - Adam Elsheimer: Die Gemalde IM Stadel
191276: Leon, Paul - Encyclopedie Des Styles. Premiere Serie, L'Art Roman
189665: Leon, Paul - Encyclopedie Des Styles. Premiere Serie, L'Art Roman
104328: Leon, Profesor Francisco De P. - Los Esmaltes de Uruapan : Edición de Su Manuscrito Fechado En Morelia El Ano de 1922
173973: Leon, Profesor Francisco De P. - Los Esmaltes de Uruapan : Edición de Su Manuscrito Fechado En Morelia El Ano de 1922
189444: Leonard & Co./ Beacon Art Galleries - Catalogue of Paintings by John J. Enneking
189095: Leonardo da Vinci - I Manoscritti E I Disegni Di Leonardo Da Vinci: Disegni, Fascicolo VII
201370: Leoncillo, Leonardi; Marco Fabio Apolloni; Monica Cardarelli; Enrico Mascelloni - Leoncillo: Le Carte
201371: Leoncillo Leonardi; Monica Cardarelli; Marco Fabio Apolloni - Leoncillo le Ceramiche
181876: Leoshko, Janice - Bodhgaya, the Site of Enlightenment
188193: Lepage, P. -C - La Decoration Primitive Afrique: Afrique - Volume 1
179924: Lepie, Herta - The Cathedral Treasury of Aachen
175066: Leppanen-Guerra, Analisa - Children's Stories and "Child-Time" in the Works of Joseph Cornell and the Transatlantic Avant-Garde
184597: Lepper, Johannes Lambertus Maria De - De Rebus Gestis Bonifatii, Comitis Africae Et Magistri Militum
173810: Leppien, Helmut R. - Von Picass Bis Warhol: 100 Werke Aus Dem Museum of Modern Art in New York
188180: Lerche, Otto - Das Reichenauer Lektionar Der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Zu Wolfenbuttel
200531: Leroi-Gourhan, Andre - Gesture and Speech
200725: Leroquais, V. - Les Sacramentaires Et Les Missels Manuscrits Des Bibliotheques Publiques de France: Planches
183815: Leroy, Catherine et al. - Les Dominicaines D'Unterlinden. Tome 2, Catalogue Des Oeuvres
178735: Lescure, Jean - Des Crises Générales Et Périodiques de Surproduction
191478: Lescure, Alfred - Collection A. Lescure. Gestickte Kragen, Mitte Des Xixe Jahrhunderts
179265: Leslie, Robert L.; Seitlin, Percy (editors) - A-D June-July, 1941: Vol. VII, No. 5
188715: Lessing, Otto - Schloss Ansbach: Barock- Und Rokoko-Dekorationen Aus Dem XVIII Jahrhundert
191197: Lessing Ephraim, Gotthold - Nathan Der Weise
176516: Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim - Nathan Der Weife, Ein Dramatisches Gedicth, in Funf Aufzugen
188611: Lessing, Julius - Berliner Porzellan: Des XVIII Jahrhunderts; Heft 18-19
188541: Lessing, Julius - Rahmen: Heft 1, Lieferung, Italienische Renaissance. Heft 2, Lieferung, Italien Und Deutschland XVI Jahrhundert
189631: Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection - The Artist's Assitant, in the Study and Practice of Mechanical Sciences: Calculated for the Improvement of Genius. Illustrated with Copper Plates
478: Lester, C. Edwards - The Artists of America: A Series of Sketches of American Artists; with Portraits and Designs on Steel
179755: Lester, Valerie - Giambattista Bodoni: His Life and His World (Signed)
185841: Lesure, Francois and Roger Nichols - Debussy Letters
190939: Letarouilly, Paul Marie - Edifices de Rome Moderne, Ou Recueil Des Palais, Maisons, Eglises, Couvents, Et Autres Monuments Publics Et Particuliers Les Plus Remarquables de la Ville de Rome. Tome Troisieme
172108: Letinsky, Laura, Gregory G. Knight, Tseng Fangling, et al. - Crossings: 10 Artists from Chicago & Kaohsiung
191632: Lettenhove de Kervyn H, et al. - Les Chefs D'Oeuvre D'Art Ancien a L'Exposition de la Toison D'or a Bruges En 1907 (MIL Neuf Cent Sept)
188310: Lettenhove de Kervyn H, et al. - Les Chefs D'Oeuvre D'Art Ancien a L'Exposition de la Toison D'or a Bruges En 1907
201199: Leutwyler, Henry - Ballet: Photographs of the New York City Ballet
200378: LeValley, Paul - Art Follows Nature: A Worldwide History of the Nude
185992: Levé, A. - La Tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde Dite la Tapisserie de Bayeux
179967: Levey, Michael - The Painter Depicted : Painters As a Subject in Painting
179634: Levey, Michael - Painting at Court
178411: Levin, Kim - Temporanea: Le Realta Possibili Del Caffe Florian, Luca Buvoli "Not-a-Superhero, I Presume.
200651: Levin, Wayne - Preservations
181500: Levine, David - The Arts of David Levine
189146: Levinson-Lessing, V. F., et al. - Rembrandt Harmensz Van Rijn: Paiintings from Soviet Museums
200824: Levinthal, David - Blackface
177583: Levinthal, David; Roger Rosenblatt; James Edward Young and G.B. Trudeau - Mein Kampf
181427: Levis, Howard Coppuck - Baziliologia, a Booke of Kings; Notes on a Rare Series of Engraved English Royal Portraits from William the Conqueror to James I.
181372: Levis, Zoila - Requiem Para Una / Por Una Cultura: Instalacion Víctor Vazquez
175666: Levis, Howard Coppuck - Baziliologia, a Booke of Kings; Notes on a Rare Series of Engraved English Royal Portraits from William the Conqueror to James I.
132205: Levkoff, Mary L.; Los Angels County Museum of Art - Hearst: The Collector
177078: Levoce, Pavel Z. - Meister Paul Von Leutschau: Der Spätgotische Alter Zu St. Jakob
174251: Levy, Sophie. Kenneth Wayne, Jeanne-Bathilde Lacourt, et al. - Amedeo Modigliani: L'Oeil Interieur
181763: Levy, Rochelle - Rochelle Levy: Figures in Motion
148094: Levy, Dominique - Roman Opalka: Painting [Infinity]
182199: Levy, Benjamin and Leo Vroman - Benjamin Levy: Works on Paper
183170: Levy, Alexander O. - Alex O. Levy : American Artist, Art Deco Painter
185490: Levy, Saul - IL Mobile Veneziano Del Settecento. Testo Con Note Di G. Morazzoni - 2 Volumes
185260: Levy, Saul - Maioliche Settecentesche: Piemontesi, Liguri, Romagnole, Marchigiane, Toscane E Abruzzesi
193427: Levy, Matthew L. - Robert Mangold: Paintings, 2017-2019
182197: Levyathan, Shifra and Emmanuel Bar-Kadma - The Third Eye Is My Inner Eye: The Book of Reflections
177083: Lewinski, Jorge - The Naked and the Nude: A History of the Nude in Photographs, 1839 to the Present
200153: Lewis, Cara Megan and Linnea Spransy, et al. - Phillip K. Smith III: 10 Columns
173370: Lewis, Wyndham (Editor) - The Tyro. A Review of the Arts of Painting, Sculpture and Design. No. 2 (of 2 Issued)
178581: Lewis, Jack - The Bay and River Delaware
200190: Lewis, Cara Megan and Linnea Gabriella Spransy, et al. - Here After
181232: Lewis, Waverly P. - U.S. Military Headgear, 1770-1880
197870: Lewis, N. Lawson - The Sculpture of Max Kalish
200433: Lewis, Sarah Elizabeth - Carrie Mae Weems
190093: Lewis, Oscar - Hearn and His Biographers: The Record of a Literary Controversy
195794: Lewis, Cara Megan (editor) and Linnea Gabriellea Spransy Neuss (editor), et al. - To Bough and to Bend
181806: Lewis, Wyndham - The Enemy: A Review of Art and Literature, No. 2, September 1927
463: Lewisburg, Pa.: Center Gallery at Bucknell University, June 4 to September 11, 1988 - Two Pennsylvania Painters: J. Wesley Little and Blanchard Gummo
189795: Lewisohn, Ludwig - The Case of Mr. Crump
189796: Lewisohn, Ludwig - The Case of Mr. Crump
171108: Lewison, Jeremy and Kosme De Baranano - Ben Nicholson
180474: Leymarie, Jean - Chanel
176423: Li, Zhanyang - LI Zhanyang: Scenes
175436: Li, Zhanyang - 'Rent'- Rent Collection Yard
172260: Li, Jicheng, et al. - The Realm of Tibetan Buddhism
192678: Li, Weifen and Bainian Chen, et al. - Da Qian XI: Lu Mingde = Great Migrations : Lu Ming-Te
174874: Li Dafang and Karen Smith - LI Dafang 1997-2007
179809: Liakhov Nikolaevich, Volia - Sovetskii Reklamnyi Plakat I Reklamnaia Grafika, 1933-1973 / Soviet Advertisement Poster and Advertisement Graphic, 1933-1973
181467: Liang, Rensheng - Chinese Modern Folk Pottery
188158: Liao, BiLan - Diary of the Dragon's Daughter: Painting As a Window Into Chinese History (Signed)
192682: Liao, Qiyu - Xin Shen Chu You: Liao Qi Yu = Way out Beyond: Liao Chi Yu
183614: Libbey, M Lawrence; Samuel G Goodrich; P; George Washington Appleton; George Loring Brown; John C Crossman; John Downes - A Book of Ornithology, : For Youth. : Embracing Descriptions of the Most Interesting and Remarkable Birds in All Countries, with Particular Notices of American Birds. : Illustrated by Numerous Engravings
201228: Libby, Gary Russell - Celebrating Florida: Works of Art from the Vickers Collection
181665: Liberman, Alexander and Eva Lachner - Kunstler IM Atelier
182292: Librairie Damascene Morgand - Bulletin de la Librairie Damascene Morgand. Tome Troisieme, Nos 7881 a 11725
182294: Librairie Damascene Morgand - Bulletin de la Librairie Damascene Morgand, Nos 31-36
178509: Librairie Thomas-Scheler - Livres Precieux Du Xve Au Xixe Siecle
186406: Libreria Antiquaria Hoepli - Libri Insigni: XIV-XVI Secolo
192865: Libri, Guillaume; C C Lacaita - Monuments inédits Ou Peu Connus, : Faisant Partie Du Cabinet de Guillaume Libri, Et Qui Se Rapportent à L'Histoire de L'Ornementation Chez Différents Peuples
184097: Licht, Fred (text) and David Finn (Photographs) - Canova
108366: Licht, Fred et al. - Josef Albers: Glass, Color, and Light
171416: Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, Arthur Wensinger, and W.B. Coley - Hogarth on High Life: The Marriage a la Mode Series from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg's Commentaries
179268: Lichtenstein, Claude - Schöne Möblierung: Möbelstücke Aus 4 Sammlungen
177517: Lichtenstein, Isaac and Henech Kon - Niggun: Melody
200335: Lichtenstein, Roy - Roy Lichtenstein: Greene Street Mural
190437: Lichtwark, Alfred - Das Bildnis in Hamburg. I. Band, II. Band
187073: Lichtwark, Alfred - Die Wiedererweckung Der Medaille
177352: Lidner, Richard - Richard Lindner: Grossstadtzirkus / Big City Circus / le Cirque de la Grande Ville
182343: Lieb, John W. - Leonardo Da Vinci, Natural Philosopher and Engineer
173271: Lieberman, William S. and Virginia Allen - Tamarind: Homage to Lithography
177782: Liebermann, Max and Hans Wolfgang Singer - Zeichnungen Von Max Liebermann; Funfzig Tafeln Mit Lichtdrucken Nach Des Meisters Originalen
188536: Liepmann, Jakob - Der Oelgemalde-Druck
201616: Liesbeth Heenk - Rembrandt and His Influence on Eighteenth-Century German and Austrian Printmakers
187090: Lieure, Jules - Jacques Callot. Deuxième Partie Catalogue de L'Oeuvre Grave (Volumes I, II, III)
180503: Lifar, Serge and James Holman Mason - Ma Vie: From Kiev to Kiev
180597: Lifar, Serge - Serge Diaghilev: His Life, His Work, His Legend
180441: Lifar, Serge and Arnold Haskell - A History of Russian Ballet: From Its Origins to the Present Day
184874: Light, Paul Charles - Vice-Presidential Power: Advice and Influence in the White House
180043: Lightbown, R.W. - Carlo Crivelli
200294: Ligon, Glenn and Michaela Unterdorfer - Glenn Ligon - Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work
184745: Lilienfeld, Robert - The Rise of Systems Theory: An Ideological Analysis
179914: Lillie, Sophie; Gaugusch, Georg - Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer
191257: Lilly, John - A Collection of Modern Entries, or, Select Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Please, and Exchequer: To Which Is Added a Collection of Writs in Most Cases Now in Practice: With Two Tables, One of the Names of the Cases, and the Other of the Pleadings and Writs. Volume 2
175273: Lilyquist, Christine - Egyptian Stone Vessels: Khian Through Tuthmosis IV
191699: Lilyquist, Christine - Ancient Egyptian Mirrors: From the Earliest Times Through the Middle Kingdom
176425: Limena, Angelo (preface) - Celebrazioni Centenarie in Onore Dello Scultore Estense Antonio Corradini (1668-1752)
191494: Lin, Ch'iu-sheng - Meisterwerke Chinesischer Malerei 12. Bis 18. Jahrhundert
191493: Lin, Ch'iu-sheng - Meisterwerke Chinesischer Malerei 12. Bis 18. Jahrhundert
190703: Lin, Ping and Takamori Nobuo - The Secret South: From Cold War Perspective to Global South in Museum Collection
187157: Linari, Gabriel Peluffo; Carlos Washington - Carlos Washington: Aliseris
178327: Lincoln, Edmund E. - Applied Business Finance
182829: Lincoln, Abraham and Temple Scott - The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln
184964: Lincoln, Edward J. - Japan : Facing Economic Maturity
180204: Lindecrantz, Bengt.; Halling, Mats - Sverige : Flygbilder Från Skåne Till Lappland
187126: Lindley, Augustus F. - Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh; the History of the Ti-Ping Revolution - Volume 2
24140: Lindquist-Cock, Elizabeth - The Influence of Photography on American Landscape Painting, 1839-1880
187829: Lindroth, Sten - Gruvbrytning Och Kopparhantering Vid Stora Kopparberget Intill 1800-Talets Början. Mit Deutscher Zusammenfassung (2 Volumes)
197963: Lindsay, Lionel (Introduction) - A.J. Munnings, R.A. Pictures of Horses and English Life
162976: Lindsay, Suzanne G. - Monuments for a Steel King
187452: Lindsay, Vachel; Dennis Camp - Poetry of Vachel Lindsay (2 Volumes)
201192: Ling, Elaine and William W. Fitzhugh, et al. - Mongolia: Land of the Deer Stone
186657: ling-Tsun, Liao - Taipei Fine Arts Museum Modern Art Quarterly, 193
172422: Linhart, Eva, Alain Weill, Ulrich Schneider, et al. - Gunter Rambow: Plakate Posters
200314: Linscheid, Petra - Haarnetten En Andere Hoofddeksels: Het Hoofd Getooid Van de Late Oudheid Tot Islamitisch Egypte (400-1500)
180955: Lionel-Marie, Annick - Paul Eluard Et Ses Amis Peintres
173173: Liore, Aimee, Cailler, Pierre - Catalogue de L'Oeuvre Grave de Dunoyer de Segonzac. Tome III 1930-1932
173176: Liore, Aimee (Liore), Cailler, Pierre - Catalogue de L'Oeuvre Grave de Dunoyer de Segonzac. Tome VIII
102026: Lipman, Jean (Foreword By Gerard Piel) - Rufus Porter Rediscovered: Artist-Inventor-Journalist. 1792-1884
176785: Lippard, Lucy - Eva Hesse
173878: Lippard, Lucy R. and Abram Lermer - The Graphic Work of Philip Evergood: Selected Drawings and Complete Prints
137157: Lippard, Lucy R. - Ad Reinhardt
176186: Lippe, Marieke Van Der - Marieke Van Der Lippe
201331: Lippert, Wolfgang and Petr Tausk - Josef Sudek
27228: Lippincott, Louise - Selling Art in Georgian London: The Rise of Arthur Pond
183212: Lipsey, Roger - An Art of Our Own: The Spiritual in Twentieth Century Art
119386: Lisa M. Peters - Abraham Bogdanove (1886-1946): The Lure of Maine
201563: Lisbeth Marfurt-Elmiger - Der Schweizerische Kunstverein 1806-1981 - Ein Beitrag Zur Schweizerischen Kulturgeschichte
170698: Liscombe, R.W. - The Church Architecture of Robert Mills
177825: Lislegaard, Ann and Matthew Buckingham - Moderna Museet Projekt: Ann Lislegaard: 3. 6-15. 8 1999
190347: Litchfield, Frederick - Illustrated History of Furniture: From the Earliest to the Present Time
185748: Littell, Eliakim, ed - The Museum of Foreign Literature and Science Vol 7,8,9
184099: Little, Lester K. - Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Mediaeval Europe
30582: Little, Nina Fletcher - Floor Coverings in New England Before 1850
188234: Little-Brooke, John and John Mollo - Knights of the Middle Ages: Their Armour and Coats of Arms
185178: Little, Brown and Company - The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster in Eighteen Volumes
188132: Littlefield, William H. - La Boxe / the Boxers (Suite de Six Lithographies Originales)
175563: Littlefield, Angie, Dorothy C. Price, Sabine Kriebel - Angelika Hoerle: The Comet of Cologne Dada
188171: Littlefield, William H. - La Boxe (Suite de Six Lithographies Originales)
188172: Littlefield, William H. - La Boxe (Suite de Six Lithographies Originales)
182440: Littlejohn Contemporary Art, Inc - Julie Heffernan: Paintings
181529: Littlejohns, J. - Art for All: Pastel Series, Common Objects
186511: Littre, Emile and Nicolas de Damas - La Verite Sur la Mort D'Alexandre le Grand. La Mort de Jules Cesar
179015: Litzenburg, Thomas V. Jr. and Ann Bailey - Chinese Export Porcelain in the Reeves Center Collection at Washington and Lee University
183054: Liu Hongliang - Zhongguo Tulufan = Turpan China
179485: Liu, Cary Y and Michael Nylan, et al. - Recarving China's Past: Art, Archaeology, and Architecture of the "Wu Family Shrines
182959: Livermore, Mary A. - The Lily of the Valley for 1851
523: Livingston, Valerie - W. Elmer Schofield: Proud Painter of Modest Lands
176608: Livingston, Luther Samuel - A Bibliography of the First Editions N Book Form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
193050: Livingston, Jane and Richard Diebenkorn - The Art of Richard Diebenkorn
171758: Livingstone, Marco and Jim Dine - Jim Dine: The Alchemy of Images
171762: Livingstone, Marco - Double Vision: The Poetic Focus of Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen
172482: Livingstone, Marco - Paula Rego
200497: Livres Anciens et Modernes Jean Pierre Scialom - Moderne Illustrierte Bucher, Architektur, Fotografie, Bucher Des 16. Bis 19. Jh. , Helvetica, Graphik, Kunstkataloge
201245: Llewellyn, Laura and John Witty - Paolo Veneziano: Art and Devotion in 14th-Century Venice
175422: Llorens, Tomas - Miro: Earth
186111: Lloyd, Stephen - Portrait Miniatures from the Dumas Egerton Collection
160822: Lloyd, Jill; Reinhold Heller; Ronald S. Lauder; et al. - Munch and Expressionism
125067: Lloyd, Ann Wilson and Leslie Scalapino - Petah Coyne: Vermilion Fog
28226: Lloyd, Nathaniel - A History of the English House
186555: Lobb, Richard - The Contemplative Philosopher : Or, Short Essays on the Various Objects of Nature Throughout the Year ; with Poetical Illus. , and Moral Reflections on Each Subject. (Vol II)
176499: Locher, J.L. - Westerik: Tekeningen, Aquarellen, Grafiek
185983: Lock, Graham - Forces in Motion: The Music and Thoughts of Anthony Braxton
136003: Lockhart, J.G. - Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic, Translated with Notes by. .
181164: Lockwood, Rembrandt - A Descriptive Key to Lockwood's Cartoon of "the Last Judgment
201368: Lockwood, Lee - Castro's Cuba
181134: Lockwood, Luke Vincent - Colonial Furniture in America (2 Vol. Set)
180371: Lockwood, Stephen C. - Augustine Heard and Company, 1858-1862: American Merchants in China
185738: Lodge, Edmund - Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain
183323: Lodge, Edmund - Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners: In the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I - Volume 1 Only
185174: Lodge, Henry Cabot - A Short History of the English Colonies in America
190280: Loedel, Heinrich - Des Strassburger Malers Und Formschneiders Johann Wechtlin Genannt Pilgrim, Holzschnitte in Clairobscur in Holz Nachgeschnitten
190261: Loedel, Heinrich - Des Strassburger Malers Und Formschneiders Johann Wechtlin Genannt Pilgrim, Holzschnitte in Clairobscur in Holz Nachgeschnitten
182263: Loen van, Alfred and Stanley H. Barkan - ABC Bestiary
182260: Loen van, Alfred and Stanley H. Barkan - ABC Bestiary
182245: Loen van, Alfred and Bebe Barkan - Forever Eve
182248: Loen van, Alfred and Anthony Ostroff - The Endless Line
182250: Loen van, Alfred and Anthony Ostroff - The Endless Line
177989: Loeve-Veimars, Baron of Chamilly; Vanderburch, Emile - Scenes Contemporaines Laissees
180498: Loffler, Johann Friedrich - Der Alte Sergeant: Leben Des Schlesiens: Ein Beitrag Zur Gesschichte Der Zeitgenossen
181230: Loftie, W. J. - Windsor: A Description of the Castle, Park, Town and Neighbourhood
174975: Loftie, W.J. and E.J. Floris - Reynolds and Children's Portraiture in England: With Reproductions of Celebrated Pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, George Romney, Sir Thomas Lawrence, James Sant, and Sir J.E. Millais
181150: Logan, Herschel C. - Hand Cannon to Automatic: A Pictorial Parade of Hand Arms
188201: Loir, Maurice Eugene - La Marine Française. Illustrations de L. Coutourier Et F. Montenard
192845: Loir, J. - Theorie Du Tissage de Etoffes de Soie (Volumes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10)
181596: Lomax, Jenni and Mark Godfrey - Douglas Huebler
29316: Lomax, James - British Silver at Temple Newsam and Lotherton Hall: A Catalogue of the Leeds Collection
191859: Londesborough, Albert Denison; F.W. Fairholt and Thomas Wright - Miscellanea Graphica: Representations of Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Remains in the Possession of Lord Londesborough
176393: London, Hannah Ruth - Miniatures of Early American Jews
200552: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California. IX: Interior Design
191445: Long, Richard - Richard Long: Walking the Line
179157: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth and Arthur Ignatius Keller - The Hanging of the Crane
191438: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Longfellow's Evangeline, with Illustrations by F.O. C. Darley
190403: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Courtship of Miles Standish
187391: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth and Andrew R. Hilen - The Letters of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Volumes 1-4
189786: Longhi, Roberto - Lavori in Valpadana. Dal Trecento Al Primo Cinquecento, 1934-1964
200424: Longstreth, Richard W. - The Mall in Washington, 1791-1991
193981: Longus and George Thornley (translator) - Daphnis and Chloe: A Most Sweet and Pleasant Pastorall Romance for Young Ladies
183118: Longworth, David and Thomas Longworth - Longworth's American Almanac, New-York Register, and City Directory, for the Sixty-Seventh Year of American Independence
183120: Longworth, David and Thomas Longworth - Longworth's American Almanac, New-York Register, and City Directory, for the Fifty-Ninth Year of American Independence
176212: Loock, Ulrich - Hannah Villiger: Skulptural, 1995-1997
185111: Looney, Robert E. - Economic Policymaking in Mexico: Factors Underlying the 1982 Crisis
191593: Loosli, Carl Albert and Ferdinand Hodler - Ferdinand Hodler
161818: Lopate, Phillip and Vincent Katz - Rudy Burckhardt
177291: Lopes Vieira, Afonso - Animaes Nossos Amigos
180560: Lopez, Donald S. Jr. - A Study of Svatantrika
200207: Lopez Matas, Emiliano - Josep Lluis Sert Y Lo Superfluo: La Residencia de Estudiantes Casados En Harvard
182311: Lorac, E.C.R. - Murder by Matchlight ( a Chief-Inspector Macdonald Mystery)
163101: Loran, Erle - Cezanne's Composition: Analysis of His Form with Diagrams and Photographs of His Motifs
122267: Lorca, Federico Garcia and William Jay Smith (translator) - Songs of Childhood
183915: Lord, Carla - Royal French Patronage of Art in the Fourteenth Century: An Annotated Bibliography
173131: Loreau, Max - Jean Dubuffet: Délits, Déportements, Lieux de Haut Jeu
174809: Lorentz, Phillippe and Micheline Comblen-Sonkes - Corpus de la Peinture Des Anciens Pays-Bas Meridionaux Et de la Principaute de Liege Au Quinzieme Siecle 19: Musee Du Louvre Paris III, Corpus 19 Texte
174808: Lorentz, Phillippe and Micheline Comblen-Sonkes - Corpus de la Peinture Des Anciens Pays-Bas Meridionaux Et de la Principaute de Liege Au Quinzieme Siecle 19: Musee Du Louvre Paris III, Corpus 19 Illustrations
174267: Lorentz, H.A. - A View of Chinese Rugs from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
192062: Lorentz, Philippe - La Crucifixion Du Parlement de Paris
177036: Lorenzo, Soledad - New European Furniture Design, 2 Volumes
184522: Lorimer, Douglas A. - Colour, Class and the Victorians: English Attitudes to the Negro in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
200638: Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Art Institute of Chicago - Degenerate Art: The Fate of the Avant-Garde in Nazi Germany (Exhibition Catalog)
364.1: Los Angeles: L.A. County Museum of Art, Oct. 1 to Nov. 17, 1974 - American Narrative Painting
177521: Los LLanos, Jose de - L'Aquarelle de Durer a Kandinsky
172394: Loschner, Renate, Birgit Kirschstein-Gamber, Ingeborg Mathilde Hartl, et al. - Viagem Ao Brasil Do Príncipe Maximiliano de Wied-Neuwied: Bibioteca Brasiliana Da Robert Bosch Gmbh
189441: Lossing, Benson John - History of American Industries and Arts
184572: Lossing, Benson John - Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, or, the War of Independence; a History of the Anglo-Americans, from the Period of the Union of the Colonies Against the French, to the Inauguration of Washington, the First President of the United States of America
182822: Loth, Georges and Andre Collet - 12 Vielles Chansons Francaises
187916: Louandre, Charles; Claudius Ciappori - Les Arts Somptuaires Histoire Du Costume Et de L'Ameublement
175466: Loubeyre, Jean-Baptiste and Jean-Michel Wilmotte - Le Design Precieux de Jean Grisoni
188835: Loudmer Commissaires Priseurs - Bibliotheque Jacques Matarasso: Le Surrealisme
186934: Louis, Morris - Morris Louis: Spectrum
189305: Louis Chevigné, count of - The Reims Tales
201639: (Louis-François Cassas ). (Louis-François Cassas ). Annie Gilet; Maria Bohusz; Louis François Cassas - IM Banne Der Sphinx Louis-François Cassas
198825: Louis Sue and Andre Mare - 1921. Architectures : Recueil Publié Sous la Direction de Louis Süe & André Mare ; Comprenant Un Dialogue de Paul Valéry Et la Présentation D'Ouvrages D'Architecture, Décoration Intérieure, Peinture, Sculpture Et Gravure Contribuant Depuis MIL Neuf Cent Quatorze a Former le Style Français. First Edition
187195: Loukomski, G.K. - Les Villas Des Doges de Venise (Two Volumes)
173791: Louvre des Antiquaires - Sèvres, de 1850 à Nos Jours: Exposition Du 4 Février Au 10 Avril 1983
200453: Lovatt, Anna - Anne Truitt in Japan
171821: Love, Richard H. - Theodore Earl Butler: Emergence from Monet's Shadow
188385: Lovelace, Joyce and Henry Adams - The Sculpture of Robyn Horn
183992: Lovers Of Truth And Justice - History of the Westminster Election, Containing Every Material Occurrence
1167: Low, Will H. - A Chronicle of Friendships, 1873-1900
174895: Low, Will H. - A Chronicle of Friendships, 1873-1900
189412: Lowell, James Russel; William Belmont Parker; Bruce Rogers - The Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell (2 Volumes)
194015: Lowengard, Jules - Catalogue Des Tapisseries Des Flandres Des Xve Et Xvie Siecles Et Des Manufactures Royales Des Gobelins Et de Beauvais, Tapis de la Savonnerie Du Temps de la Regence, Anciens Tapis D'Orient & Polonais, Meuble de Salson En Tapisserie de la Manufacture Royale de Beauvaise Et Autre Du Xviiie Siecle: Etoffes Anciennes, Dont la Vente, Apres Deces de M. Lowengard, Aura Lieu A.
177911: Lowenthal, J. - Geschichte Der Stadt Triest
189455: Lowndes, William Thomas - The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature; Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing
187573: Lowrie, Walter - American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States for the Second Session of the Twenty-Fourth, and First and Second Sessions of the Twenty[Fifth Congress, Commencing March 1, 1837and Ending March 1, 1838
188668: Lowry, Bates and Isabel Lowry - The Silver Canvas: Daguerreotypes Masterpieces from the J. Paul Getty Museum
180208: Loyer, Francois - Paris Nineteenth Century: Architecture and Urbanism
191551: Loyrette, Henri - Degas at the Opera
201372: Lozano, Luis-Martín - Verfasser Herausgeber (Author) (Editor) - Frida Kahlo Samtliche Gemalde
201503: Lubaina Himid - Lubanina Himid Workshop Manual
200813: Lubben, Kristen and Erin Barnett - Amelia Earhart : Image and Icon
176627: Lubor, Kara and Rudolf Uher - Rudolf Uher: Sochy, Sculptures
191200: Lucas, Arthur - John Lucas, Portrait Painter, 1828-1874. A Memoir of His Life Mainly Deduced from the Correspondence of His Sitters
188233: Lucas, S.E. - The Catalogue of Sassoon Chinese Ivories: Prospectus
176763: Luce, Henry Robinson (editor) - Fortune Magazine, May 1941, Volume XXIII, Number 5
176761: Luce, Henry Robinson (editor) - Fortune Magazine, July 1931, Volume IV, Number 1
176644: Luce, Henry Robinson (editor) - Fortune Magazine, August 1931, Volume IV, Number 2
176649: Luce, Henry Robinson (editor) - Fortune Magazine, December 1931, Volume IV, Number 6
176650: Luce, Henry Robinson (editor) - Fortune Magazine, October 1941, Volume XXIV, Number 4
177534: Lucey, Conor - The Stapleton Collection: Designs for the Irish Neoclassical Interior
186509: Luchinat Acidini, Cristina - Grandi Restauri a Firenzze: L'Attivita Dell'Opificio Delle Pietre Dure, 1975-2000
200426: Lucidi, David and Antonio Natali, et al. - Alfonso Lombardi and the Salvator Mundi
186507: Ludman, Joan - Fairfield Porter: A Catalogue Raisonne of His Prints, Including Illustrations, Bookjackets, and Exhibition Posters
201573: Ludwig Richter; Gerd Spitzer; Ulrich Bischoff - Ludwig Richter : Der Maler
173152: Ludwig, Peter, Evelyn Weiss, et al. - Kunst Der Sechziger Jahre: Sammlung Ludwig IM Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
201380: Ludwig Emil Grimm ; Wilhelm Praesent - Ludwig Emil Grimm Erinnerungen Aus Meinem Leben
188984: Luecke, Hermann - Die Konigliche Gemalde-Galerie Zu Dresden; Teil II
182049: Lueg, Gabriele - Design IM 20. Jahrhundert
180703: Lugli, Adalgisa - Naturalia Et Mirabilia: Les Cabinets de Curiosites En Europe
192447: Lugt, Frits - Rembrandt, 1899: Eeen Biografie Door
185359: Lugt, Frits - Musee Du Louvre: Inventaire General Des Dessins Des Ecoles Du Nord, Ecole Hollandaise, Rembrandt, Tome III
185358: Lugt, Frits - Musee Du Louvre: Inventaire General Des Dessins Des Ecoles Du Nord, Ecole Hollandaise, Tome I.
164159: Luijten, Ger and Ariane can Suchtelen - Dawn of the Golden Age: Northern Netherlandish Art, 1580-1620
186578: Luijten, Ger and Florian Rodari - Palezieux: Oeuvres Sur Papier
180012: Luijten, Ger and Peter Schatborn, et al. - Drawings for Paintings in the Age of Rembrandt
181531: Lumley Cazalet Limited. ; David Carritt Limited - Jacques Villon: Master Prints
137257: Lumsdaine, Joycelyn Pang and Thomas O'Sullivan (compilers) - The Prints of Adolf Dehn: A Catalog Raisonne
179035: Lun-Ya, Wang and Wu Man-Jung - Days in Jiufen 1963-2006: Photo Exhibition by Wong Ting-Hua
177341: Lundberg, Erik - Arkitekturens Formsprak: Studier over Arkitekturens Konstnarliga Varden I Deras Historiska Utveckling. Den Yngre Antiken, II
178321: Lunsmann, Anke and Bernhard Heinrich Weyhe - Bernhard Heinrich Weyhe (1702-1782): Ein Augsburger Goldschmied Des Rokoko
183186: Luraghi, Giuseppe Eugenio - Israel Visto Por Portinari
183618: Lurker, Manfred - Bibliographie Zur Symbolkunde (Band I-III)
200477: Lust, Herbert C. - Giacometti: The Complete Graphics and 15 Drawings
180830: Lustenberger, Kurt - Adolf Loos
200600: Luther, Martin - Die Bibel: Oder Die Ganze Heilige Schrift Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments. Mit Zugabe Des Dritten Buchs Der Maccabaer Und Des Dritten Und Vierten Buchs Esra Nebst Einer Kurzen Uebersicht Des Inhalts Aller Bucher IM Alten Und Neuen Testament Und Einem Register Der Vornehmsten Hauptartikel Biblischer Lehre Mit Den Stellen Der Heiligen Schrift Worauf Solche Hauptartikel Gegrundet Sind
185920: Luther, Martin; Ludwig Hüffell; Ed Schuler; Overbeck; Expedition der Carlsruher Bibel; Carl Louis Hirschfeld - Die Bibel, Oder Die Ganze Heilige Schrift Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments
191900: Luther, Martin, Hermann Degering; Lucas Cranach; Kurt Siebert - Die Bibel Oder Die Ganze Heilige Schrift
191292: Luther, Martin (translator) - Das Neue Testament Unsers Herrn Und Heilandes Jesu Christi, Nach Der Deutschen Uebersetzung Martin Luthers: Mit Jeden Capitesl Neuen Summarien, Auserlesenen Richtigen Schriftstellen, Und Beygefugtem Register Der Sonn - Und Festaglichen Evangelien Und Episteln
186358: Luthmer, Ferdinand - Sammlung Von Innenraumen, Mobeln Und Gerathen IM Louis-Seize- Und Empire-Stil: Aus Schlossern Und Kirchen Zu Kassel, Wilhelmshohe Und Wurzburg
190838: Lutz, Gerhard and Rebecca Muller - Die Bronze, Der Tod Und Die Erinnerung: Das Grabmal Des Wolfhard Von Roth IM Augsburger Dom
178356: Lutz, Harley Leist - Public Finance
188054: Lutzow, Carl Von - Die Vervielfaltigende Kunst Der Gegenwart: II, Der Kupferstich Der Gegenwart in Europa
192758: Lutzow, Carl Von - Die Vervielfaltigende Kunst Der Gegenwart: II, Der Kupferstich Der Gegenwart in Europa
158433: Luxembourg & Dayan - Cesar in Context
179435: Ly Hoi Sang and Richard Alexander - Illustrious Prime Ministers of China: Their Ancient Manners, Customs and Philosophies; a Symphony of the Spheres
179810: Lyakhov, V. - Sovetskii Reklamnyi Plakat, 1917-1932 / Soviet Advertising Poster, 1917-1932
184047: Lydston, G. Frank - Panama and the Sierras: A Doctor's Wander Days
200653: Lynch, Dorthea and Eugene Richards, et al. - Exploding Into Life
176007: Lynch, Mary Ann, Roger Baldwin, Jack Sal - Jack Sal: Mark/Making
147729: Lynn, Richard John - Objects for the Scholar's Desk
184250: Lyon, WIlliam P. - Homo Versus Darwin: A Judicial Examination of Statements Recently Published by Mr. Darwin Regaring "the Descent of Man.
200912: Lyon, Danny - Knave of Hearts
200563: Lyon, Danny and Billy McCune, et al. - Conversations with the Dead: Photographs of Prison Life, with the Letters and Drawings of Billy Mccune #122054
200586: Lyon, Danny - Pictures from the New World
172507: Lyons, Robert, Carol Schloss, and Joel Snyder - Gentlemen Photographers; the Work of Loring Underwood and Wm. Lyman Underwood
181720: M Paul Leon - Encyclopedie Des Arts Decoratifs Et Industriels Modernes Au Xxeme Siecle, Volume 3 Only Architectural Ornamentation and Sculpture
181731: M Paul Leon - Encyclopedie Des Arts Decoratifs Et Industriels Modernes Au Xxeme Siecle, Volume VI Only Textiles and Paper Products
181733: M Paul Leon - Encyclopedie Des Arts Decoratifs Et Industriels Modernes Au Xxeme Siecle, Volume IV Only Furniture
183321: M'Kinney, Mordecai - The Pennsylvania Justice of the Peace: Containing the Law, Practice, and Process, in Proceedings Before Justices of the Peace and Aldermen, in Criminal Cases, with Numerous Precedents Therein
183632: M. Auge - Lives of the Eminent Dead and Biographical Notices of Prominent Living Citizens of Montgomery County, Pa
188647: Mabot, Bernard - Objective Cipango: Old Photographs of Japan
177448: Mac Orlan, Pierre - Oeuvres Poetiques de Pierre Mac Orlan
177449: Mac Orlan, Pierre - Rue Saint-Vincent: Images Italiennes Et Francaises. Chronique de la Vie Sentimentale Contemporaine. Abecedaire. Etude D'Andre Billy
182653: Mac Orlan, Pierre; Anna Marsan and Llano-Florez - Courbet
181183: Mac Orlan, Pierre - Aux Lumieres de Paris
200517: MacAgy, Douglas - The Art That Broke the Looking-Glass. The Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, November 15 - December 31, 1961. The Past in Review, No. 1
175110: MacArthur, Meher - Gods and Goblins: Japanese Folk Paintings from Otsu
189223: Macartney, Mervyn E. - Standard Examples of Architectural Details
192480: Macartney, Mervyn E. - The Practical Exemplar of Architecture: Being Measured Drawings and Photographs of Fine Examples and Details for the Use of Those Who Desire to Study the Work of the Masters in Architectural Design and Construction (7 Vols)
177529: Maccarthy, Hamilton - The Aesthetic Unity of the Fine Arts More Especially in Relation to the Architecture. Paper Read by Hamilton Maccarthy, R.G. A. Sculptor at the Convention of the Ontario Association of Architects Held in Toronto, January, 1895, and Also at the Canadian Institute, Toronto, February 1895
186054: MacCary, Thomas W. - Childlike Achilles: Ontogeny and Phylogeny in the Iliad
174702: Macdonald, Colin F. and Carl Knappett - Knossos: Protopalatial Deposits in Early Magazine a and the South-West Houses
171412: MacDonald, Kevin - Lewes
180286: MacDonald, William L. - The Architecture of the Roman Empire: An Introductory Study, Vol. II
175696: Mace, Aurelia G. - The Aletheia: Spirit of Truth
177459: Mace, Rodney - British Trade Union Posters: An Illustrated History
178905: MacElree, Wilmer W. - Down the Eastern and Up the Black Brandywine
178236: Macgillavry, Caoline - Symmetry Aspects of M.C. Escher's Periodic Drawings
174739: MacGillivray, J.A. - Knossos: Pottery Groups of the Old Palace Period
180422: Machado, George - Four Men
190578: Machedon, Luminita and E.R. Scoffham - Romanian Modernism: The Architecture of Bucharest, 1920-1940
175151: Macheen, Arthur - Dog and Duck: A London Calendar Et Cetera
191882: Machen, Arthur - Precious Balms
189752: Machen, Arthur - The London Adventure; or, the Art of Wandering
190395: Machen, Arthur - The Canning Wonder
185978: Machlin, Paul S. - Stride: The Music of Fats Waller
152014: Machmer, Richard S. and Rosemarie B. - Just for Nice: Carving and Whittling Magic of Southeastern Pennsylvania
200380: Machotka, Pavel and Paul Cezanne - Cezanne: Landscape Into Art
175920: Macia, Montserrat, Joan J. Busqueta, Jordi Camps, Rosa Alcoy, et al. - Seu Vella: L'Esplendor Retrobada
171475: Macia, Teresa - Pierre Daura (1896-1976)
201320: Maciunas, George and Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt - Maciunas' Learning Machines: From Art History to a Chronology of Fluxus
175781: MacKaye, Percy - The Mystery of Hamlet, King of Denmark, or What We Will: A Tetralogy with Prelude and Postlude, in Prologue to the Tragicall History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke, by William Shakespeare
187293: MacKaye, Peter - Epoch; the Life of Steele Mackaye, Genius of the Theatre, in Relation to His Times & Contemporaries (2 Volumes)
179884: Macke, August; Ernst-Gerhard Guse and Petra Altmann - August Macke: Gemalde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen
184007: Mackenzie, Alexander - Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Laurence, Through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in the Years 1789 and 1793
200542: Mackey, Frank Joseph and Marcus Wilson Jernegan - Forward-March! (Two Volumes)
184883: Maclay, William; Kenneth R. Bowling and Helen E. Veit - The Diary of William Maclay and Other Notes on Senate Debates
179348: MacLean, John - John Maclean: Neighbourhood
175371: Macleish, Archibald - Figures of Dead Men by Leonard Baskin (Limited Edtion)
173794: MacLeish, Archibald, Chauncey B. Tinker, Christopher Morley, et al. - A Tribute to A. Edward Newton, Christmas 1940
168790: Maclure, William - Opinions on Various Subjects, Dedicated to the Industrious Producers
185853: Macmichael, William - Journey from Moscow to Constantinople, in the Years 1817, 1818
186304: MacMillan, H.F. - Tropical Planting and Gardening: With Special Reference to Ceylon
200863: MacRitchie, David - Scottish Gypsies Under the Stewarts
178676: Madame Wetzell - Les Petits Enfants: Premieres Lectures
170704: Madan, Falconer, E.W. Allfrey, and A.J. Butler - Brasenose College Quatercentenary Monographs, Volume I: General; Containing Monographs I-VIII
19442: Maddow, Ben et. al - Faces: A Narrative History of the Portrait in Photography
186704: Madill, Shirley - Ecotopia
184767: Madison, James and E.H. Scott - Journal of the Federal Convention
190174: Maes, J. - Fetischen of Tooverbaelden Uit Kongo
180472: Maeso, Luc-Jean - Three Centuries of the Paris Opera Ballet: Trois Siecles D'Histoire Du Ballet de L'Opera de Paris
178487: Maestro, Betsy and Giulio Maestro - A More Perfect Union; the Story of Our Constitution
200464: Maffioli, Monica - Fratelli Alinari: Photographers in Florence
176402: Magalhães, Luís de; Pinto Basto and João Theodoro Ferreira - A Fabrica Da Vista Alegre: Two Part Set, O Livro Do Seu Centenario; Apendice Ao Livro Do Seu Centenario; 1824-1924
200436: Magalhaes, Eduardo - A Musica Nas Colecoes Do Paco Dos Duques de Braganca
179316: Magani, Fabrizio - Officina Veneziana: Maestri E Botteghe Nella Venezia Del Settecento
185496: Magee, Elizabeth - Richard Wagner and the Nibelungs
180705: Maggia, Filippo and Victor Burgin - Victor Burgin: Components of a Practice
201299: Maggioni, Laura and Marguerite de Sabran, et al. - Art Precolombien: La Collection Barbier-Mueller = Pre-Columbian Art: The Barbier-Mueller Collection
200783: Maggs Bros - A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings and Autograph Letters Remarkable for Their Interest & Rarity: Being the Five Hundredth Catalogue
183756: Magistris, Simone de and Pietro Zampetti - Simone de Magistris: E I Pittori Di Caldarola
191569: Magne, Lucien - L'Oeuvre Des Peintres Verriers Francais. Montmorency-Ecouen-Chantilly. Texte
186633: Magniac, Hollingworth - Catalogue of the Renowned Collection of Works of Art, Chiefly Formed by the Late Hollingworth Magniac, Esq
176446: Magnin, Nicole S. and Galerie Maeght in Paris - Catalogue de L'Oeuvre de Georges Braque Peintures, 1942-1947
180661: Magritte, Rene; Timothy Baum - Margtitte; Dangerous Liasons
179480: Mahasandana, Choomsri and Tom Chuawiwat - The Life of the Lord Buddha from Thai Mural Painting
177088: Mahler, Jane Gaston - The Westerners Among the Figurines of the T'Ang Dynasty of China
180963: Mahoney, Olivia - Edward F. Worst: Craftsman and Educator
191281: Mahony, Patrick - Out of the Silence: A Book of Factual Fantasies (Signed Copy)
182971: Maiden, Rachel Bell - The Canape Book
181483: Mailfert-Labande, Yvonne - Poitou Roman
187847: Maillart, Ella K. - Forbidden Journey- from Peking to Kashmir
184107: Mair, Victo - The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
185252: Maison R. W. P. de Vries - Catalogue D'Une Belle Collection de Tableaux Anciens Collection de M- M.F. M.
175449: Maison, K.E. - Honoré Daumier: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Watercolours, and Drawings (2 Volumes)
186630: Maistre, Xavier de - Le Lepreux de la Cite D'Aoste
184891: Majer, Diemut - Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich: The Nazi Judicial and Administrative System in Germany Occupided Eastern Europe, with Special Regard to Occupied Poland, 1939-1945
134822: Major Serpa Pinto; Alfred Elwes (transl) - How I Crossed Africa: From the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, Through Unknown Countries; Discovery of the Great Zambesi Affluents, &C. In Two Volumes. Vol. I--the King's Rifle. Vol. II--the Coillard Family
179587: Mak, A. - Antiquites, Tableaux Anciens: Collections Francois Van Waegeningh, Antiquaire a la Haye
186334: Malalas, John; Hans Thurn - Ioannis Malalae Chronographia
175965: Malcolm, Henry Frederick - India and the Indian Mutiny: Comprising the Complete History of Hindostan, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day; with Full Particulars of the Recent Mutiny in India
187625: Malcolm, J.P. - An Historical Sketch of the Art of Caricaturing with Graphic Illustrations
172630: Maldonado, Tomas and Ana Espinosa - Manuel Espinosa
182929: Male, Emile - L'Art Religieux Du Xiiie Siecle En France: Etude Sur L'Iconographie Du Moyen Age Et Sur Ses Sources D'Inspiration
181448: Male, Emile - L'Art Religieux Du XII Siecle En France: Etude Sur Les Origines de L'Iconographie Du Moyen Age
185608: Male, Emile - L'Art Religieux Du Xiie Siecle En France
183803: Male, Emile - Religious Art in France: The Thirteenth Century, a Study of Medieval Iconography and Its Sources
183824: Male, Emile - L'Art Religieux de la Fin Du Moyen Age En France: Etude Sur L'Iconographie Du Moyen Age Et Sur Ses Sources D'Inspiration
184755: Malinowski, Bronislaw - A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term
186239: Mallarme, Stephane - Berthe Morisot (Madame Eugene Manet): Exposition de Son Oeuvre, Du 5 Au 23 Mars 1896
183980: Malle, Luigi - Figurative Art in Piedmont (2 Volume Set)
186012: Malm, William P. - Six Hidden Views of Japanese Music
183871: Malm, William P and Alan C Heyman, et al. - Essays on Asian Music and Theater (3 Volumes)
174448: Malme, Heikki; Helmi Kuusi - Helmi Kuusi: Taidegraafikko
191497: Malmsten, Carl - Schwedische Mobel. Swedish Furniture
200381: Maloon, Terence and Angela Gundert - Classic Cezanne
181616: Malraux, André - The Twilight of the Absolute: The Bollingen Series XXIV - Vol. III
200399: Malsch, Friedemann and Christiane Meyer-Stoll - Fred Sandback
13838: Man Ray - Man Ray Peintures Et Dessins Provenant de L'Atelier
186951: Man, Felix H. - Artists' Lithographs: A World History from Senefelder to the Present Day
200928: Manask, Arthur M. and Mitchell E. Schechter - The Complete Guide to Foodservice in Cltural Institutions: Keys to Success in Restaurants, Catering, and Special Events
178060: Manceau, Mme. Adelaide-Victoire-Antoinette de Lussault - Contes D'Une Grand'Maman
189339: Manchester Society of Architects - List of Engravings from the Frescoes in the Piccolomini Library at Siena
188897: Mandar, Charles Francois - Etudes D'Architecture Civile: Ou Plans, Elevations, Coupes Et Details Necessaires Pour Elever, Distribuer Et Decorer Une Maison Et Ses Dependances
180145: Mandas, Margarita and Josef Koudelka - Josef Koudelka: Periplanissis
184955: Mandelbaum, Irva - I Wanted to Fish Off the Penninsula
189268: Manesse, Daniel - The Mammon Madness
183093: Manet, Edouard and Florent Fels - E. Manet; 24 Phototypies
179046: Mangold, Burkhard; Batschmann, Oskar; Bolt, Thomas - Burkhard Mangold (1873-1950)
181468: Mangold, Robert - Robert Mangold: Recent Works / Recente Werken
181309: Manieri-Elia, Mario - Louis Henry Sullivan
181162: Manifesta - Mj - Manifesta Journal: Journal of Contemporary Curatorship
200272: Manly, Anna Louise (Editor) and Emilie Boe Bierlich, et al. - Ann Marie Carl-Nielsen
180233: Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil and Peter Sandberg - C.G. Mannerheimin Valokuvia Aasian-Matkalta 1906-1908
182780: Manners, Lady Victoria, et al. - Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. : Her Life and Her Works
171648: Manni, Marcella and Giuseppe Villirillo - Sol Lewitt: Wall Drawings Allo Studio G7
139581: Manning, Robert Lee - The "Purist" Movement in Mexican Art
150637: Mannini, Maria Pia et al. - IL Museo Di Palazzo Pretorio a Prato
186833: Mansberg, Richard Freiherr Von - Wafen Unde Wicgewaete Der Deutschen Ritter Des Mittelalters
187670: Mansberg, Richard Von - Daz Hohe Liet Von Der Maget: Symbolik Der Mittelalterlichen Sculpturen Der Goldenen Pforte an Der Marienkirche Zu Freiberg I.S.
180444: Mantle, Max-Arthur - Beach Boys
173561: Manuel, Antonio, Frederico Morais, Helio Oiticica, Mario Pedrosa, Ronaldo Brito - Antonio Manuel
201397: Manuel Reyero - Pre Columbian Art Collection
179318: Mao, Chrisophe W. - Phosphorous Red Solo Exhibition, Ye Nan and a World of Yesterday and Tomorrow, Recent Works by Yuan Yuan
179691: Mapplethorpe, Robert and Susan Sontag - Robert Mapplethorpe: Certain People: A Book of Portraits
201007: Mapplethorpe, Robert - Pictures
178173: Marc, Franz - Botschaften an Den Prinzen Jussuff
201494: Marcel Broodthaers; Marge Goldwater; Michael Compton - Marcel Broodthaers
188048: Marcel Duchamp, Walter Hopps, Ulf Linde, Arturo Schwarz et al. - Marcel Duchamp: Ready-Mades, Etc. (1913-1964)
183322: Marceles, Eduardo - Colombia: Contemporary Images
173905: Marcelle, Peter J., Jane Livingston - Dan Rizzie
176293: March, Richard and Jonathan Herson - Romancing the Loneliness: A Collaboration
181829: March, Benjamin - Some Technical Terms of Chinese Painting
182710: Marchal, Henri; Miestchaninoff, Oscar - Sculptures Khmeres
185674: Marchant, Stuart - Exhibition of Chinese Ceramics Han to Song
126391: Marchesano, Louis; Christian Michel - Printing the Grand Manner: Charles Lebrun and Monumental Prints in the Age of Louis XIV
180747: Marchesseau, Daniel - Calder Intime (Collection Maitres D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'Hui) (French Edition)
201284: Marchetti, Elena and Stephane Paccoud, et al. - Hippolyte, Paul, Auguste: Les Flandrin, Artistes Et Freres
183131: Marchini, Giuseppe - Corpus Vitrearum, Medii Aevi: Italia L'Umbria
189904: Marcho, Vincenzo - IL Forestiere Informato Delle Cose Di Lucca
200372: Marchutz, Leo - Leo Marchutz, Peintre Et Lithographe, 1903-1976
172917: Marciari, John - Italian Spanish and French Paintings Before 1850 in the San Diego Museum of Art
190719: Marciari, John - Drawing in Tintoretto's Venice
177777: MARCK, Henrikus Adrianus van der - Bibliotheca Marckiana : Continens Theologicos, Juridicos, Politicos, Philosophicos, Medicos, Historiam Naturalem, Mathematicos, Geographicos, Chronologicos, Historicos, Genelaogicos, Heraldicos, Vita & Elogia, Oratores, Poëtas, Grammaticos, Philologicos, Criticos, Epistolographos, Antiquarios, Symbola, Emblemata, Insignia, Pompas, Ceremonias, Lexicographos, & Bibliothecarios. Quorum Omnium Publica Fiet Auctio. In Taberna Libraria Abrahami de Hondt, Bibliopolæ. Ad Diem 31 Octobr. & Sequent. 1712. In Aula Magna (Vulgo) de Grote Zaal Van 't Hof
190822: Marcle, Celine; Jean-Jacques Henner - Jean-Jacques Henner (1829-1905); the Flesh and the Ideal
201614: Marco Fabio Apolloni; Monica Cardarelli - Cartelloni E Copertine : Artisti Illustratori in Italia Per la Pubblicità E L'Editoria
171139: Marco de Santi, Pier and Raffaele Monti - Saggi E Documenti Sopra "IL Casa-Nova" Di Federico Fellini
176144: Marcoaldi, Franco, David Cohen, Marina Warner - Lino Mannocci: Cartoline a Olio
176707: Marcone Luigi, Gaspare - Diario: Piero Manzoni
175841: Marcovicz, Digne M. - IL Mio Joseph Beuys
175919: Marcoy, Paul - Travels in South America; from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, Volume 1 and 2
187128: Marden, Brice; Paul Hills - Brice Marden
191267: Maréchal, Claudine Huza; Christian Délu - Paris Et Ses Accroche-Cå“Urs
178388: Marechal, Dominique - Chefs-D'Oeuvre de L'Orfevrerie Brugeoise: Catalogue
188606: Marey, Etienne-Jules; Franck Gautherot - Marey
183905: Marga, Anatole (Commandant) - Military Geography - Volumes I and II
183904: Marga, Anatole (Commandant) - Military Geography - Volumes I, II and III
200603: Marge - Oh, Little Lulu!
175114: Margherini, Graziella, Antonio Natali, Antonio Paolucci, et al. - La Terrazza Del Mistero 2: L'Allegoria Sacra Di Giovanni Belin: Analisi Storica E Interpretazione Psicoanalitica Con Una Ri
177372: Margócsy, István and Andrea Czére - Piranezo: Piranesi Parafrazisok. Piranesinspired: Piranesi Paraphrases
181719: Margolis, Joseph - Interpretation Radical But Not Unruly: The New Puzzle of the Arts and History
200739: Margolis, Richard - Actual Unretouched Photographs
183981: Margolis, Adele P. - The Complete Book of Tailoring for Women Who Like to Sew
189635: Margolis, Larry and Otto Fried - We 3
201641: Margret Stuffmann; Hildegard Bauereisen; Martin Sonnabend - Correspondances : Festschrift Für Margret Stuffmann Zum 24. November 1996
200674: Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre and Arthur Machen, et al. - The Fortunate Lovers; Twenty-Seven Novels of the Queen of Navarre
201346: Maria and Walte Schnepel - Fluxus Und Freunde (Fluxus and Friends)
201500: María Lopez, Patrick Lenaghan - Sorolla : A Celebration of Life = Sorolla : Una Celebración de la Vida
185504: Mariacher, Giovanni - I Vetri Di Murano
189430: Mariacher, Giovanni - Matteo Raverti Nell'Arte Veneziana Del Primo Quattrocento
200794: Mariani, Anna and Jean Baudrillard, et al. - Facades: Maisons Populaires Du Nordeste
179260: Marianna, Mayer (editor) - Lugossy Maria
180917: Mariano, Fortuny; Luigi Sapelli - Fortuny E Caramba : La Moda a Teatro : Costumi Di Scena, 1906-1936
172166: Marie. Alfred and Jeanne Marie - Versailles Au Temps de Louis XIV: Troisieme Partie, Mansart Et Robert de Cotte
189137: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Onzieme & Douzieme Serie; Planches 457 a 562 Et Tables Generales
189139: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Neuvieme Serie; Planches 363 a 409
189141: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Deuxieme Serie; Planches 37 a 82
191280: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Tome Premier
189140: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Dixieme Serie; Planches 410 a 456
191272: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Troisieme Serie, Planches 363-409
189138: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Quatrieme Serie; Planches 128 a 170
188303: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Troisieme Serie, Planches 83 a 127
188305: Mariette, Pierre-Jean and Louis Hautecoeur - L'Architecture Francaise, Reimpression de L'Edition Originale de 1727; Sixieme Serie, Planches 219 a 269
121740: Marijnissen, Roger H. - Hieronymus Bosch: The Complete Works
179886: Marijnissen, R.H. and Peter Ruyffelaere - Hieronymus Bosch: The Complete Works
200680: Marillier, H.C. - Dante Gabriel Rossetti; an Illustrated Memorial of His Art and Life
182960: Marin, John and Herbert J. Seligmann (editor) - Letters of John Marin
186798: Marin, J-Y - Mah: The Collections of the Geneva Museum of Art and History
190630: Marins Garcez Cesar, Paulo et al. - The Roads from Rio to Juiz de Fora
201382: Mario Kramp; Michael Euler-Schmidt; Barbara Schock-Werner - Der Kolossale Geselle
201619: Mario Sironi; Fabio Benzi; Sanford Roth - Mario Sironi : Disegni E Tempere : Dal Futurismo Al Dopoguerra
191931: Marioni, Tom - Tom Marioni: The Italians, the Germans, the Japanese
173478: Mark, Francis and Peter Wollen - Komar & Meladmid
201339: Mark K Erdmann; Ry ji Hiraoka; Yukie Kamiya; Timothy Verdon - Hiroshi Sugimoto: Gates of Paradise
200704: Markerink, Cary - Memory Traces
178841: Markham, Sheila - A Book of Booksellers: Conversations with the Antiquarian Book Trade, 1991-2003
171505: Marko, Ksynia (Editor) - Textiles and Trust
171577: Markoe, Glenn - Petra Rediscovered: The Lost City of the Nabataeans
200275: Marks, Andreas and Haritsu Fukuda, et al. - The Art and Life of Fukuda Kodojin: Japan's Great Poet and Landscape Artist
4766: Marlborough Gallery, NY: May 3-21, 1990 - Larry Rivers: Works from the Sixties
173503: Marlborough Gallery - Jorge Castillo: Recent Paintings
173489: Marlborough Gallery - Avigdor Arikha: Paintings, Drawings and Pastel
4294: Marlborough-Gerson Gallery - Lee Krasner: March 1968
12312: Marlborough Fine Art , London: Apr. to May, 1970, two other dates - R.B. Kitaj: Pictures from an Exhibition Held at the Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hannover and the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam 1970
141918: Marlborough-Gerson Gallery - R.B. Kitaj
188400: Marle, Raimond van; Charlotte van Marle - The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting
171916: Marlene Siff, Franklin Westcott Robinson, Diane Mille, and Kim Levin - Marlene Siff: Catalogue Raisonne
178204: Marley, Anna O. - Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit
181624: Marlise R.A., Daniel - The Story of the Norman Conquest
184882: Marmor, Andrei - Law and Interpretation: Essays in Legal Philosophy
189750: Marnix, Philips Van - Het Boeck Der Psalmen Uutt Der Hebreisscher Sprake in Nederduytschen Dichte Overgeset
188948: Marot, Daniel and Peter Jessen - Das Ornamentwerk Des Daniel Marot
171063: Marot, Pierre - Jacques Callot Et Les Peintres Et Graveurs Lorrains Du Dix-Septieme Siecle: Guide Et Catalogue de L'Exposition Du Iiie Centenaire de la Mort de Callot
178398: Maroteaux, Vincent - Marly: L'Autre Palais Du Soleil
192068: Marrero, Meira - Toirac: Mediaciones / Mediations II
184259: Marrin, Albert - The Last Crusade; the Church of England in the First World War
185795: Marsh, Ozan and Anna Norvelle - The Pianist's Spectrum
184331: Marshall, Robert Lewis - The Compositional Porcess of J.S. Bach, a Study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal Works, Volume I and II
189475: Marshall, John - The Life of George Washington: Commander in Chief of the American Forces, During the War Which Established the Independence of His Country, and First President of the United States (Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
180513: Marshall Hayes, H.G. - Interior Decoration to-Day
179582: Marshall Field & Company - Exhibition of Twenty Important Works of Lazzaro Donati of Florence
200781: Marston, E. - After Work; Fragments from the Workshop of an Old Publisher
186674: Marta Herford - Haltung and Fall / Stance and Fall (Four Volumes)
174669: Martens, Maximiliaan P. J.; Paul Hevenne; Maryann Ainsworth - Bruges and the Renaissance; Memling to Pourbus
201290: Marter, Joan M. - Alexander Calder
200855: Martin, David F. and Nicole Bromberg - Shadows of a Fleeting World: Pictorial Photography and the Seattle Camera Club
191141: Martin, Leslie and Herbert Read - Gabo: Constructions, Sculpture, Paintings, Drawings, Engravings
174481: Martin, Mary-Anne - Gunther Gerzso: 80th Birthday Show
122077: Martin, John Rupert - The Farnese Gallery
188028: Martin, Camille - L'Art Roman En Italie: L'Architecture Et la Decoration; Premiere Serie
188037: Martin, Henry - Arman: Or Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie: Or Why Settle for Less When You Can Settle for More
181996: Martin, Henry - La Grammaire Des Styles (3 Volumes)
187862: Martin, Camille - L'Art Roman En Italie: L'Architecture Et la Decoration, Deuxieme Serie
191826: Martin, Camille - L'Art Gothique En France: L'Architecture Et la Decoration
189026: Martin, Wilhelm and E.W. Moes - Anciennes Peintures Dans Les Pays-Bas. Peintures de Maitres Hollandais Et Flamands Dans Les Hotels de Ville, Petites Galeries Municipales, Eglises, Hospices, Orphelinats, Chambres de Conseil Et Dans Des Collections Privees: Premiere Serie
176225: Martin, Simon and Marco Livingstone - Colin Self: Art in the Nuclear Age
201479: Martin Geck; John Hargraves - Johann Sebastian Bach Life and Work
174340: Martin, F.R. - The Miniature Paintings and Painters of Persia, India and Turkey (from the 8th to 18th Century)
180857: Martin, Richard - Fashion and Surrealism (Signed)
201608: Martin Donike - Altertumskundliches Wissen in Weimar
201432: Martin Parr; Gerry Badger - A Photobook a History Volume1
188924: Martin, Fredrik Robert - A History of Oriental Carpets Before 1800 : 1st Part and 2nd Part
177190: Martin Davies; Trustees of the National Gallery - National Gallery Catalogues: Earlier Italian Schools. Plates. (Volume I and Volume II)
191851: Martin, Camille - L'Art Gothique En France: L'Architecture Et la Decoration
173163: Martin, F.R. - Morgenlandische Stoffe in Der Sammlung F.R. Martin 15 Tafeln Nebst Text
183744: Martin, Henry - Les Joyaux de L'Enluminure a la Bibliotheque Nationale
190385: Martin, Camille - La Renaissance En France: L'Architecture Et la Decoration: Premiere Serie
186114: Martindale, Charles - The Cambridge Companion to Virgil
189625: Martineau, Harriet - Retrospect of Western Travel (2 Volumes)
180807: Martinell, Cesar - Gaudi: His Life, His Theories, His Work
174015: Martinet, Jan - Chassidische Legenden: Een Suite Van H.N. Werkman/Hasidic Legends: A Suite by H.N. Werkman
186682: Martinez, Jean-luc; Béatrice André-Salvini; Jannic Durand - La Recherche Au Musée Du Louvre : 2012
186497: Martinez, Alejandro; Luis Paret y Alcazar - Dibujos de Luis Paret Y Alcázar (1746-1799) : Catálogo Razonado
173039: Martinez, Julian - Catalogu de la Exposicion de Pintura de Ignacio Zuloaga, 1870-1945/Igacio Zuloaga, 1870-1945: Pintura, Erakustketaren Katalogoa
200861: Martinez Celaya, Enrique and David Chickey - Enrique Martinez Celaya: The Pearl
176325: Martini, Alberto and Mario Milani - Alberto Martini
186345: Marty, Andre and Paul Jamot - Le Tresor de L'Art Chretien
185616: Marty, Andre (editior) - Societe D'Iconographie Parisienne: Deuxieme Annee
175773: Marty, Marcelle - Moussa le Petit Noir
134049: Marucs B. Huish and Mrs. Head - Samplers and Tapestry Embroideries. Also the Stitchery of the Same
177698: Marussig, Piero - 12 Opere Di Piero Marussig
182700: Marvel, Ik - Reveries of a Bachelor, or, a Book of the Heart
178583: Marvil, James E. - Pilots of the Bay and River Delaware and Lewes Lore
184692: Marx, Karl and David McLellan - The Grundrisse
200797: Marx, Gerard - Gerard Marx: Cold Frames
175829: Marx-Roger, Claude - Anthologie Du Livre Illustré Par Les Peintres Et Sculpteurs de L'école de Paris
183673: Marx, Harald; Andreas Henning; Uta Neidhardt; Martin Roth - Man Könnte Vom Paradies Nicht Angenehmer Träumen" : Festschrift Für Prof. Dr. Harald Marx Zum 15. Februar 2009
168008: Mary Tregear - Song Ceramics
170721: Marylin M Rhie; Robert A F Thurman - Chibetto Mikkyo Bijutsuten : Tenku No Hiho (Wisdom and Compassion - the Sacred Art of Tibet)
174529: Marz, Roland - Thuringen Und Die See: Druckgrafik-Aquarelle
596: Marzio, Peter G. - The Democratic Art: Chromolithography 1840-1900; Pictures for a Nineteenth Century America
182527: Marzolff-List, Renate and Andreas Paul Weber - 100 Ausschnitte Aus Handzeichnungen Und Lithographien
200798: Masats, Ramon - Fotografia
183384: Masch Gottlieb, Andreas and Daniel Woge - Die Gottesdienstlichen Alterthuemer Der Obotriten Aus Dem Tempel Zu Rhetra Am Tollenzer-See
164340: Mascheck, Joseph, David Kaufmann, and Thomas Zummer - James Hyde
172509: Mascherpa, Giorgio - Piero Marussig: Dalla Provincia Mitteleuropea Al Novecento Italiano
178543: Masini, Lara-Vinca - Massimo Mariani: Progetti 1980-2005
173394: Masini, Lara-Vinca - Arteoggi: Firenze-Usa/Artoday: Usa-Florence
184734: Masitera, Lilian - Militant Shadow
176194: Maslenitsyn, S.I. - Jaroslavian Icon Paintings
183957: Maslowski, Maciej - Jozef Chelmonski
151980: Mason, Rainer M. et al. - Gegossenes Licht = Cast Light: Sculpture in Photography, 1845-1860 (Salt and Paper VII)
182121: Mason, Shena - Matthew Boulton: Selling What All the World Desires
201037: Mason, Harry Beckwith - Window Displays for Druggists... Third Edition... Edited by Harry B. Mason
174836: Mason, Rainer Michael - Un Dessin, Une Peinture- Un Dessin, Une Sculpture
192429: Mason Gregory, Daniel - Music in My Time and Other Reminiscences
200796: Maspons, Oriol and David Balsells - Oriol Maspons, L'Instant Perdut: Exposicio Organitzada Per la Fundacio "la Caixa
126690: Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants - The Mayflower Descendant, 1620-1937, Index of Persons, Volumes 1-34, a-Z
187040: Massari, Stefania - Incisori Mantovani Del '500: Giovan Battista, Adamo, Diana Scultori E Giorgio Ghisi : Dalle Collezioni Del Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe E Della Calcografia Nazionale
197510: Massengill, Reed - Brian: A Nine-Year Photographic Diary
188886: Massey, Stephen C. - 19th and 20th Century Photographs
189477: Masson, David (editor) - Macmillan's Magazine: Vol. VII, November 1862 - April 1863
189478: Masson, David (editor) - Macmillan's Magazine: Vol. VI, May- October 1862
186945: Masson, Frederic - Les Diplomates de la Revolution: Hugou de Bassville a Rome; Bernadotte a Vienne
173844: Masson, Loys - L'Illustre Thomas Wilson: Divertissement
181744: Masthanaiah, B. - The Temples of Mukhalingam: A Study on South Indian Temple Architecture
177068: Masucci, Vincent - Alivar Mvsevm: The Classics of Modern Furniture
175319: Masuda, Rei (ed.) with others - Photography Today 3: Resolution/Dissolution
183280: Matejcek, Anonin and Jaroslav Pesina - Czech Gothic Painting, 1350-1450
21667: Mather, Frank Jewett Jr. - Homer Martin: Poet in Landscape
177040: Mather, Frank Jewet, Jr. - Estimates in Art
885: Mather, Eleanore Price and Andrew J. Crispo - Edward Hicks: A Gentle Spirit
175801: Mathews, Mitford M. - A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles, Volume 1 and Volume 2
174594: Mathews, F. Schuyler - The Writing Table of the Twentieth Century: Being an Account of Heraldry, Art, Engraving & Established Form for the Correspondent
102556.1: Mathews, Nancy Mowll and Elizabeth Kennedy - Prendergast in Italy
175884: Mathey, Francois - Fernand Leger, 1881-1955
171560: Mathey, Francois - Mark Tobey: Pour Un Centenaire
188104: Mathieu, Pierre-Louis; Gustave Moreau; Geneviève Lacambre - Le Musée Gustave Moreau
187163: Mathieu, Alain; Sylviane Séraudie - Pierre-Jacques Pelletier
174264: Matile, Michael - Bruno Murer: Feldbucher
172111: Matile, Michael - Daniel Breu: Graphit Auf Papier
186546: Matisse, Henri; Elie Faure; Jules Romains: Charles Vildrac and Leon Werth - Henri-Matisse
182921: Matisse, Henri and Henry McBride - Matisse
177457: Matisse, Henri - Matisse: Ajaccio-Toulouse 1898-1899: Une Saison de Peinture
192202: Matisse, Henri - Henri Matisse: Sculpture, Drawings and Prints 1904-1952
201127: Matson, G. Eric - The Middle East in Pictures
186136: Matsubara, Saburo and Terukazu Terukazu - Arts of China: Buddhist Cave Temples, New Researches
177607: Matsumoto, Ikuko - Gunther Uecker: New Works, December 3, 2002 - March 29, 2003
131309: Matta, Roberto and Allan Frumkin - The Sculpture of Matta
170730: Matthaei, Rupprecht - Corpus Der Goethezeichnungen
172700: Matthew Marks Gallery - 100 Drawings and Photographs: Tenth Anniversary Exhibition
184748: Matthews, Richard K. - Virtue, Corruption, and Self-Interest: Political Values in the Eighteenth Century
201617: Matthias Mende - IM Namen Dürers : Druckgraphische Jahresblätter Des Albrecht-Dürer-Vereins in Nürnberg, 1833-1874
109118: Matthiesen, Patrick - Jacobello Del Fiore: His Oeuvre and a Sumptuous Crucifixion
183005: Matthiesen Fine Art Ltd - Symbolist and Art Nouveau Prints
200482: Matthiessen, Peter - Men's Lives: The Surfmen and Baymen of the South Fork
200632: Matthiessen, Peter and Helen Buttfield - Men's Lives: The Surfmen and Baymen of the South Fork
182192: Mattingly, John R and David Itchkawich - When Men Were Animals and Animals Were Men. A Study of the Graphic Work of David Itchkawich
182194: Mattingly, John R and David Itchkawich - When Men Were Animals and Animals Were Men. A Study of the Graphic Work of David Itchkawich
178669: Mattison, Robert S. - Arshile Gorky: Works, Writings
191206: Mattison, Thomas - A Practical Treatise on Coach-Body Making for Apprentices. (Atlas)
191708: Mattoso, Ernesto - Album Do Estado Do Para
172381: Mauchin, Isabelle - La Ville Magique
174451: Mauclair, Camille - Puvis de Chavannes (Les Maitres de L'Art)
177587: Mauclair, Camille - L'Impressionnisme: Son Histoire, Son Esthetique, Ses Maitres
178602: Mauclair, Camille - Auguste Rodin: The Man, His Ideas, His Work
178617: Mauclair, Camille - L'Oeuvre de Rodin: [Conference Prononcée Au Pavillon Rodin le 31 Juillet 1900]
175916: Mault, Natalie R., John Lowe, R.A. Lawson, et al. - The Visual Blues
185765: Maunder, Richard - Mozart's Requiem: On Preparing a New Edition
200383: Mauner, George - Manet: The Still-Life Paintings
175064: Maurer, Evan M. - Max Ernst
188492: Maurer, Renee and Hiroo Yasui - The Phillips Collection: A Modern Vision
172293: Maurer-Zilioli, Ellen, Wolfgang Prohaska, and Carl Bollmann - Helfried Kodre: Vedere L'Invisibile
175183: Mauri, Amedeo - La Villa Dei Misteri
172377: Mauries, Patrick - Barcelo
180493: Mauriès, Patrick - Jewelry by Chanel
176360: Maurois, Andre (engravings by J.-E. Laboureur) - Les Silences Du Colonel Bramble
201019: Mauskopf, Norman - Rodeo
173761: Mavilla, Anna - Le Maesta Dell'Alta Val Parma E Cedra
183208: Max J Friedländer; Nicole Veronee-Verhaegen - Early Netherlandish Painting, Volume IV: Hugo Van Der Goes
201507: Max J. Friedlander - Die Altniederländische Malerei : Quentin Massys
183207: Max J Friedländer; Nicole Veronee-Verhaegen - Early Netherlandish Painting, Volume II: Rogier Van Der Weyden and the Master of Flemalle
173398: Max von Recklinghausen - Block Prints, Drawn and Cut on Linoleum and Wood at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, During 1918 and 1919
200578: Max, John - Open Passport
201386: Maximiliaan P J Martens; Till Borchert; Jan Dumolyn; Johan de Smet; Frederica Van Dam - Van Eyck an Optical Revolution
189634: Maximus Tyrius; Cosimo Pazzi; Henri Estienne and Juliusz II - Maximi Tyrii Philosophi Platonici Sermones Siue Disputationes XLI
190281: Maxwell, W. B. - Time Gathered; Autobiography
173887: Maxwell, Herbert - The Story of the Tweed
189955: Mayer, August L. - Die Sevillaner Malerschule: Beiträge Zu Ihrer Geschichte
190706: Mayer, Marc - Thomas Nozkowski: The Last Paintings, a Tribute
186759: Mayer, Musa and Sally Radic - Philip Guston: Nixon Drawings 1971 and 1975
200439: Mayer, Christian - Christian Kosmas Mayer: First Monographs
192091: Mayhew, Henry; Augustus Mayhew; William McConnell - Living for Appearances. A Tale
194089: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 86 and 87
194088: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 84 and 85
194087: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 86 and 87
194086: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 88
194085: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 62 and 63
194084: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 58 and 59
194081: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 30 and 31
194080: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 22 and 23
194073: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 149
194072: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 187
194071: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 191
194070: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 145
194067: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 94
194065: Mayhew, Henry et al. - Punch, or the London Charivari: Volume 92
177491: Maylander, Alfred - Food Situation in Central Europe, 1917: Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
174564: Mayo, Marti; Michael Berryhill; Julian Schnabel - Joseph Glasco, 1948-1986; a Sesquicentennial Exhibition
162406: [Mayo, Henry (Editor)] - The London Magazine : Or Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer. Vol. XLIV for the Year 1775 [January - June]
180776: Mayor Gallery - British Surrealism- Fifty Years on: March - April 1986
182060: Maywald, Willy - Artistes Chez Eux
178933: Maze-Sencier, Alphonse - Les Fournisseurs de Napoleon Ier Et Des Deux Imperatrices D'Apres Des Documents Inedits
172236: Mazzariol, Giuseppe and Attilia Dorigato - Venetian Palazzi/Palaste in Venedig/Palais Venitiens
146014: McAlpine, Bobby - The Home Within Us: Romantic Houses, Evocative Rooms
200939: McAlpine, R.W. - The Life and Times of Col. James Fisk, Jr. , Being a Full and Impartial Account of the Remarkable Career of a Most Remarkable Man
179652: McBean, Angus, 1904-1990; Woodhouse, Adrian - Vivien : A Love Affair in Camera
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