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170791: Christie's - The Einstein Family Correspondence Including the Albert Einstein-Mileva Maric Love Letters
172874: Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn, Marcell Cossu - Fabio Mauri: Opere E Azioni, 1954-1994
188243: Chroust, Anton (editor) - Monumenta Palaeographica: Denkmaler Der Schreibkunst Des Mittelalters: Erste Abetilung: Schrifttafeln in Lateinischer Und Deutscher Sprache; II Serie, Lieferung I - XXIV
180053: Chrzanowski, Tadeusz - Oltarz Mariacki Wita Stwosza
176272: Chu, Chia-Chien; James A. Graham and Alexandre Jacovleff - The Chinese Theatre
191965: Chu, Wei - Zhu Wei: The Story of Beijing
174137: Chumbley, Ann, Ian Warrell - Turner and the Human Figure: Studies of Contemporary Life
160447: Chung, Youn Sang - Black Shelled Jade Sculptures = H Kp'Iok
175693: Churchill, William Algernon - Watermarks in Paper in Holland, England, France, Etc. In the 17th and 18th Centuries and Their Interconnection
177125: Churchill-Spencer, Henrietta - Blenheim and the Churchill Family: A Personal Portrait
178312: Churella, Albert J. - The Pennsylvania Railroad Volume I: Building an Empire, 1846-1917
179277: Ciaroni, Andrea (Editor) - Altomani 2004
175048: Ciaroni, Andrea (Editor) - Altomani
174784: Ciarrocchi, Arnoldo and Ermanno Mori - Italian Votive Tablets
174420: Ciatti, Marco, Ciro Castelli, Andrea Santacesaria - Dipinti Su Tavola: La Tecnica E la Conservazione Dei Supporti
192754: Ciatti, Marco and Max Seidel - Giotto, the Santa Maria Novella Crucifix
192661: Ciatti, Marco - Per la Conservazione Dei Dipinti: Esperienze E Progetti Del Laboratorio Dell'Opd (2002-2012); Atti Della Giornata Di Studi in Occasione Degli 80 Anni Del Laboratorio Di Restauro Dei Dipinti Mobili, 1932-2012 Del 5 Dicembre 2012 (Firenze, Auditorium Di Sant'Apollonia)
185926: Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Traite de la Divination Traduit Du Latin de Ciceron
200181: Cidzikaite, Dalia and Victoria Kasuba Matranga, et al. - Giedre
173942: Cincinnati Art Museum - The Forty-Sixth Annual Exhibition of American Art October 7 Through November 5, 1939
173941: Cincinnati Art Museum - The Forty-Fifth Annual Exhibition of American Art October 1 Through October 30, 1938
173939: Cincinnati Art Museum - The Forty-Third Annual Exhibition of American Art April 15 Through May 17, 1936
173938: Cincinnati Art Museum - The Forty-Second Annual Exhibition of American Art May 9 Through June 9, 1935
183520: Cincinnati Art Museum - Pictures for Peace: A Retrospective Exhibition Organized from the Armory Show of 1913
173812: Ciolina, Tonio - Tonio Ciolina: Gemalde Und Zeichnungen, 1920-1967
184494: Ciranna, Alfonso and Cesare Vivaldi - Giorgio de Chirico: Catalogo Delle Opere Grafiche [Incisioni E Litografie], 1921-1969
177296: Cirici-Pellicer, Alexandre - Picasso Avant Picasso
189147: Ciry, Michel and Georges Charensol - Arlequins: Carnet de Dessins
178675: Cisari, Giulio - La Xilografia: Trattato Teorico Pratico
185543: Cizek, Franz - Children's Coloured Paper Work
178211: Cladel, Judith; Lemonnier, Camille; Steichen, Edward; Buschman, J.E. - Auguste Rodin: L'Oeuvre Et L'Homme
181947: Clair, Jean (editor) - Cahiers: Du Musee National D'Art Moderne, Avril/Juin 1980, No. 4
197805: Clare Leighton - The Farmer's Year : A Calendar of English Husbandry
189179: Claret Rubira , Jose; Juan de Contreras and López de Ayala Lozoya , Marquis of - English-Style Furniture and Its Influence Abroad
178850: Clark, L. Pierce - Lincoln: A Psycho-Biography
176924: Clark, Thomas A and Waldemar Januszczak - Yuko Shiraishi
181912: Clark, Hartley - Bokhara, Turkoman and Afghan Rugs
177463: Clark, Colin - The Conditions of Economic Progress
185813: Clark, Stephen L. - C.P. E. Bach Studies
200300: Clark, Robin and Anne Reeve - John Mccracken: Works from 1963-2011
180276: Clark, Kenneth, 1903-1983; Crook, J. Mordaunt - The Gothic Revival : An Essay on the History of Taste
200302: Clarke, Jay A. and Marilyn McCully, et al. - Picasso: Encounters
186093: Clarke, Howard - Vergil's Aeneid and Fourth (Messianic) Eclogue: In the Dryden Translation
178446: Clarke, Duncan - The Art of African Textiles
186310: Clarke, H.G. - Baxter Colour Prints: Pictorially Presented (12 Volumes)
185253: Clarke, Edward Daniel - Travels in Various Countries of Europe Asia and Africa
177228: Clarke, Stephen - The Strawberry Hill Press & Its Printing House
172760: Clarkin, William, Marijo Dougherty, Charles J. Semowich - Dorothy P. Lathrop: A Centenary Celebration
184480: Clarkson, L.; John Green Leaf Whittier - The Gathering of the Lilies
177736: Claudel, Paul - Verlaine
178218: Claudel; Camille; Rodin, Auguste - Camille Claudel & Rodin: Fateful Encounter
190574: Claudin, Anatold - Histoire de L'Imprimerie En France Au Xve Et Au Xvie Siecle; Tome Deuxieme
184611: Clawson, Robert W. and Alireza Alavi - East-West Rivalry in the Third World: Security Issues and Regional Perspectives
174047: Clay, Rotha Mary - Julius Caesar Ibbeston (1759-1817)
192477: Clay, Enid - Sonnets and Verses
180250: Clayton, Martin - Leonardo Da Vinci: The Divine and the Grotesque: Drawings from the Royal Collection
174244: Clearwater, Bonnie - Definining the Nineties: Consensus-Making in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles
177930: Cleef, Isaac Van and Jan Jacob Stuerman - Le Jardin Des Enfans, Ou Bouquets de Famille, Et Complimens: Propres à Exprimer L'Amour Et le Respect Des Enfans Envers Leurs Parens, Dans Différentes Circonstances, Telles Que Fêtes, Anniversaires, Premiers Jours de L'an, Etc. Suivis de Quelques Modèles de Lettres Convenables à Cet âge
188945: Clemen, Paul - Die Romanische Wandmalereien Der Rheinlande: Tafelband
179494: Clemen, Paul - Kunstschutz IM Kriege: Berichte über Den Zustand Der Kunstdenkmäler Auf Den Verschiedenen Kriegsschauplätzen Und über Die Deutschen Und österreichischen Massnahmen Zu Ihrer Erhaltung, Rettung, Erforschung (2 Volume)
189329: Clement, Felix; Pierre Larousse - Lyric Dictionary; History of the Operas Containing the Analysis and the Nomenclature of All the Operas and Comedy Operas Represented in France and Abroad Since the Origin of This Kind of Works Until Today
190165: Clement-Janin - La Curieuse Vie de Marcellin Desboutin. Peintre, Graveur, Poete
175389: Clemente, Francesco - Francesco Clemente
188139: Clements Bartel, Sharon - Warrior Women Torso Project
188538: Clements Bartel, Sharon - Warrior Women Torso Project
188607: Clercq, M. de; Rolf Mayer - Louis de Clercq
176125: Clifford, Derek - Chinese Carved Lacquer
182180: Clinch, George - Marylebone and St. Pancras: Their History, Celebrities, Buildings, and Institutions
192245: Cline, Ray - Secrets, Spies, and Scholars: Blueprint of the Essential Cia (Signed)
200163: Cloepfil, Brad and Fernando Aranda Navarro, et al. - Allied Works Architecture: Arquitectura 2003-2022
187379: Cloke, Richard (editor) - San Fernando Poetry Journal, Volume II, No. 3; Volume III, No. 1; Volume III, No. 2
173560: Close, Chuck - Chuck Close: Daguerreotypien
173616: Close, Chuck - Chuck Close
192178: Clothier, Peter and Betye Saar - Betye Saar
186741: Clouzot, Henri and Charles Follot - Histoire Du Papier Peint En France
181849: Clouzot, Henri - Cuirs Decores (2 Volumes) I. Cuirs Exotiques; II. Cuirs de Cordoue
191006: Clouzot, Henri - La Ferronnerie Moderne
183267: Clute, Eugene - The Practical Requirements of Modern Buildings
190645: Cobb, Hubbard H.; Betsy Cobb - Your Barn House. Uncorrected Proof
200419: Cobbett, William - Democratic Principles Illustrated by Example: Part the First
189522: Cobbett, William - A History of the Protestant "Reformation," in England and Ireland: Showing How That Event Has Impoverished and Degraded the Main Body of the People in Those Countries. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to All Sensible and Just Englishmen
185434: Cobbin, Ingram - The Child's Commentator on the Bible, for the Home Circle
187360: Coburn, Kathleen - The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Two Volumes)
187359: Coburn, Kathleen - The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Three Volumes)
179064: Cocchi, Maurizio - Vetri Di Murano Del '900: 50 Capolavori
184746: Cochran, Bert - Labor and Communism: The Conflict That Shaped American Unions
188409: Cochran Dimling, Rebecca - Homeward: Selections from the Wieland Collection
182923: Cocteau, Jean; Mac Ramo and George Waldemar - Maria Lani
198815: Cocteau, Jean (text) and Man Ray (Rayograph) - Ange Heurtebise Poème Avec Une Photographie de L'Ange Par Man Ray
171379: Codognato, Mario - He: The Hergott Shepard Photography Collection
186620: Coeln, Peter and Achim Heine, et al. - Magnum's First
172172: Coen, Ester - Metafisica
200250: Cogeval, Guy and Kimberly A. Jones, et al. - Edouard Vuillard
172115: Coggeshall, John M. and Jo Anne Nast - Vernacular Architecture in Southern Illinois: The Ethnic Heritage
189842: Cohausen, Johann Heinrich - Hermippus Redivivus, or, the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave: Wherein a Method Is Laid Down for Prolonging the Life and Vigour of Man: Including a Commentary Upon an Antient Inscription, in Which This Great Secret Is Revealed, Supported by Numerous Authorities: The Whole Interspersed with a Great Variety of Remarkable and Well Attested Relations
176356: Cohen, Mark, Marvin Heiferman et al. - Five Minutes in Mexico: Photographs by Mark Cohen
176875: Cohen, M. - Wanderlieder: Edelijk Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Amsterdam 8-12-1991 - 9-2-1991
179540: Cohen, Arthur A. - The Avant-Garde in Print: Futurism, Lissitzky, Dada, Typography/Master Designers in Print 1, Typography/Master Designers in Print 2
140136: Cohn, William - Chinese Painting
192130: Coke, Desmond - Confessions of an Incurable Collector
177499: Coke, David and Alan Borg - Vauxhall Gardens: A History
185776: Colange, Leo de - Voyages and Travels; or Scenes in Many Lands Vol II, III, & IV
186557: Colasanti, Arduino; Corrado Ricci and Charles Eggimann - L'Arte Bisantina in Italia
186361: Colasanti, Arduino; Corrado Ricci and Charles Eggimann - L'Art Byzantin En Italie
187920: Colasanti, Arduino; Corrado Ricci and Charles Eggimann - L'Arte Bisantina in Italia
187918: Colasanti, Arduino; Corrado Ricci and Charles Eggimann - L'Arte Bisantina in Italia
183062: Colbow, Gudrun - Zur Rundplastik Des Gudea Von Lagaå¡
183620: Colden, Cadwallader - The Life of Robert Fulton
174704: Coldstream, J.N. L.J. Eiring; G. Forster - Knossos Pottery Handbook: Greek and Roman
191140: Cole, Sylvan and Jacob Kainen - Raphael Soyer: Fifty Years of Printmaking 1917 - 1967 (Signed)
172934: Cole, Lori - Surveying the Avant-Garde: Questions on Modernism, Art, and the Americas in Transatlantic Magazines
179852: Cole, Teju - Blind Spot
184884: Coleman, Jules L. and Scott Shapiro - The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law
174205: Coleman, Patrick (editor); et al. - El Arte de la Musica
185787: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge with Life of the Author
187287: Coleridge, Taylor Samuel and John Shawcross - Biographia Literaria or Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions (Two Volumes)
173832: Colin, Gustave - Gustave Colin, 1828-1910: First London Exhibition
172933: Coliva, Anna, Olivier Berggruen, Clemente Marconi, et al. - Picasso: The Sculpture
186889: Collareta, Marco and Antonella Gioli, et al. - Vestire le Statue: Arte, Devozione E Committenza Nella Toscana Nord-Occidentale
177543: Collection Edmond de Rothschild; Musée du Louvre; Réunion des musées nationaux - Ornemanistes Du Xve Au Xviie Siècle: Gravures Et Dessins: Xive Exposition de la Collection Edmond de Rothschild
188399: Collective - Le Bibliophile Français . Gazette Illustrée Des Amateurs de Livres , D'Estampes Et de Haute Curiosité (3 Volumes)
157740: Colledge, Malcolm A.R. - The Art of Palmyra
188532: Collet, Paul-Georges - Correspondance Jacques-Emile Blanche Maurice Denis: 1901-1939
188557: Collijn, Isak - Katalog Der Ornamentstichsammlung Des Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie in Der Kgl. Bibliothek Zu Stockholm
189825: Colling, James Kellaway - Examples of English Medieval Foliage and Coloured Decoration; Taken from Buildings of the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century: With Descriptive Letterpress
185435: Collinge, Walter - The Conchologist / a Journal of Malacology; Volume 1-5
139759: Collins, Jeffrey - Papacy and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Rome: Pius VI and the Arts
181308: Collins, Brad - Antoine Predock 3: Houses
184520: Collinson, Patrick - Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
189687: Collodi, Carlo - Jim Dine: Pinocchio (Signed)
191795: Collombat, Jacques - Calendrier de la Cour, Tire Des Ephemerides, Pour L'Annee Milseptcent-Soixante-Quatorze: Contenant le Lieu, le Lever, le Coucher & la Declinaison Du Soleil, le Lever & le Coucher de la Lune, & C. : Avec la Naissance Des Rois, Reines, Princes & Princessies de L'Europe/ Etrennes Mignones, Curieuses Et Utiles
177131: Collon-Gevaert, Suzanne with Jean Lejeune and Jacques Stiennon - Art Roman Dans la Vallée de la Meuse Aux Xie, Xiie Et Xiiie Siecles
185331: Colman, Pamela Chandler - The Carrier Pigeon, and Other Tales: Illustrating the Rewards of Virtue and the Punishment of Vice
191548: Colonna, Vittoria - Ausgewahlte Sonette Der Vittoria Colonna
174740: Colonnello, Nataline - Wang Xingwei: Large Rowboat
187271: Colonnello, Nataline - Anatoly Shuravlev: China Connection
178358: Colum, Padraic - My Irish Year
175573: Combescot, Pierre and Donald B. Kuspit - Pierre Marie Brisson: Le Chemin Des Gestes
181266: Comini, Alessandra - Egon Schiele
179919: Comini, Alessandra - The Ronald S. Lauder Collection: Selections from the 3rd Century Bc to the 20th Century: Germany, Austria, and France
150425: Comini, Alessandra (editor); Ronald S. Lauder; Renee Price; et al. - Egon Schiele: Portraits
189143: Commission des Monuments Historiques - Archives de la Commission Des Monuments Historiques
190059: Commission des Monuments Historiques - Archives de la Commission Des Monuments Historiques. Volume 3, Moyen Age: Architecture Militaire
184633: Commons, John R. - History of Labour in the United States (3 Volumes)
185038: Commons, John R. - A Documentary History of American Industrial Society, 10 Volumes
180542: Compton, Ann (editor) - John Piper: Painting in Coloured Light, an Exhibition Oof Stained Glass and Related Works
178557: Comstock, Helen - 100 Most Beautiful Rooms in America
191398: Comte, Jules (Director) - La Revue de L'Art Ancien Et Moderne
177781: Comte, Hubert - Tools: Making Things Around the World
192835: Conder, Josiah (With Illustrations by Japanese Artists) - The Flowers of Japan and the Art of Floral Arrangement
189403: Conegliano, Charles Adrien Gustave Duchesne de Gillevoisin de, Duke - The Second Empire; the Emperor's House
192004: Conforth, John - English Interiors, 1790-1848: The Quest for Comfort
178488: Conihout, Isabelle de and Patrick Michel - Mazaring Les Lettres Et Les Arts
179447: Connecticut Magazine - The Connecticut Magazine, Number 2, Volume IX
179877: Connelly, Joan Breton - Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece
179618: Conner, Patrick - The China Trade, 1600-1860
190271: Connolly, Cyril - Enemies of Promise
186243: Conrad, Joseph; Marguerite Poradowska; John A Gee; Paul J Sturm - Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska, 1890-1920
182229: Consolas, Barbara - Bernard Simon
200228: Constable, John - Constable: A History of His Affections in England
188023: Constable, John; Graham Reynolds - John Constable's Sketch-Books of 1813 and 1814, Reproduced in Facsimile
181690: Constance-Weyer, Maurice - Un Homme Se Penche Sur Son Passe
177063: Constantine, Mildred - Tina Modotti: Una Vida Fragil
115340: Contag, Victoria and Wang Chi-Ch'ien - Seals of Chinese Painters and Collectors of the Ming and Ch'Ing Periods: Reproduced in Facsimile Size and Deciphered
188573: Contet, F. - Documents de Ferronnerie Ancienne; Epoques Louis XV Et Louis XVI, 1st Serie
187707: Conybeare, A.J. - Trees, Chests & Boxes of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
177683: Coo, Jozef De - Museum Mayer Van Den Bergh. Catalogus 2: Beeldhouwkunst, Plaketten, Antiek
190767: Cook-Russell, Myles - Bark Ladies: Eleven Artists from Yirrkala
183152: Cooke, Edmund Vance - Little Songs for Two
175366: Cooke, Gordon (editor) - Drawings and Prints by: Robert Austin
183970: Cooke, Charles - Cooke's Illustrations to Don Quixote, the Rambler and Hudibras
183839: Cools, H.B. and L. Denys, et al. - Les Fresques Mobiles Du Nord: Tapisseries Des Nos Regions, Xxvie - Xxe
200230: Cooper, Harry and Tetsuya Oshima - Barnett Newman, the Stations of the Cross: Lema Sabachthani = Banetto Nyuman, Jujika No Michiyuki: Rema Sabakutani
342: Cooper, Helen A. et al. - John Trumbull: The Hand and Spirit of a Painter
176768: Cooper, Douglas - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
187694: Cooper, Nicholas - Houses of the Gentry: 1480-1680
185606: Cooper, James Fenimore - The Oak Openings, or, the Bee-Hunter
183389: Cooper, Richard Watson and Hermann Cooper - The One Teacher School in Delaware: A Study in Attendance
189446: Copinger, Walter Arthur - Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum, or Collections Towards a New Edition of That Work in Two Parts
181284: Coplans, John - Andy Warhol
186725: Coppini, Romano Paolo; Alessandro Tosi - La Sapienza Di Pisa
173644: Coquiot, Gustave - Monticelli: Avec 32 Reproductions
185326: Coquiot, Gustave - Maurice Utrillo
175555: Corbella, Pilar Carreno - Eduardo Westerdahl: La Aventura de Mirar
185995: Corbett, Spencer, Frankl, Volfgango, Krautheimer, Richard - Corpus Basilicarum Christianarum Romae, Vol. 1 - No. 2
192089: Corcoran Gallery of Art.; Germany (West) Botschaft. U.S. - Sixteen German Artists : An Exhibition Organized Under the Sponsorship of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the United States of America, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. , November 27-December 30, 1962
184829: Corcoran Gallery of Art. ; Detroit Institute of Arts - Robert Morris
181248: Corcoran Gallery of Art - Haden, Whistler, and Pennell: Three Master Printmakers in the Corcoran Gallery of Art
176172: Cork, Richard - John Virtue: Green Haworth, 1978-88
185285: Corneille, Pierre - Oeuvres de P. Corneille: Theatre Complet
190447: Cornell, Henrik - The Bible for the Poor
175669: Cornet, Joseph Aurelien - Art de L'Afrique Noire, Au Pays Du Fleuve Zaïre
183399: Cornforth, John - London Interiors from the Archives of Country Life
187972: Coronel Rivera, Juan Rafael; Xavier Guerrero ; Monserrat Sánchez Soler ; James wechsler - Xavier Guerrero (1896-1974) : De Piedra Completa
173963: Corot, Jean Baptiste-Camille - Estampes Et Dessins de Corot: Exposition Organisée Avec le Concours Du Musée Du Louvre
174144: Corp, Edward - The King over the Water: Portraits of the Stuarts in Exhile After 1689
175670: Corris, Michael - Typographic Samples Pictures & Polemics
191836: Corte-Real, Manuel H. and Homem Cardoso - Necessidades Palace
188366: Cortes, Antonio - Valenciana (Guanajuato, Mexico)
197947: Cortissoz, Royal (introduction) - Contemporary American Prints: Etchings, Woodcuts, Lithographs, 1931 (Volume Two)
176044: Cosentino, Antonio, Nazim Dikbas, Marcus Graf, et al. - Cigra Viski Kolileri Denizlerde, Ferare Sevgilim/Boxes of Cigarettes and Whisky All over the Sea, Ferare My Love
178422: Cossa, Luigi; Dyer, Louis - An Introduction to the Study of Political Economy
179522: Cossar, Ranieri Mario - Gorizia D'Altri Tempi
190779: Cosson, André - Armorial of Current French Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops, Residential and Titular on January 1, 1917
188669: Costantini, Paolo and Italo Zannier - Venezia Nella Fotografia Dell'Ottocento
188667: Costantini, Paolo - I Dagherrotipi Della Collezione Ruskin
174570: Coster, de Charles - La Legende D'Ulenspiegel
183820: Cothren, Michael Watt - Picturing the Celestial City: The Medieval Stained Glass of Beauvais Cathedral
183205: Cotterell, Howard Herschel - Old Pewter; Its Makers and Marks in England Scotland and Ireland
190312: Cottet, Charles and Louis F. Aubert - Peintures de Charles Cottet
186541: Courboin, Francois - Exposition D'Oeuvres de Rembrandt: Dessins Et Gravures
188272: Courboin, Francois - Histoire Illustree de la Gravure En France - Premiere Partie, Des Origines a 1660 (+) Deuxieme Partie de 1660 a 1800 (+) Troiseme Partie Xixe Siecle
139154: Courboin, Francois with Marcel Roux and Joseph Guibert - La Gravure Francaise: Essai de Bibliographie; Vol. I, II Et III (Table)
188096: Courboin, Francois - Histoire Illustree de la Gravure En France; Deuxieme Partie, de 1660 a 1800 (Plate Volume)
182754: Courboin, Francois - Histoire Illustree de la Gravure En France - Troiseme Partie: Xixe Siecle
188249: Courboin, Francois - Histoire Illustree de la Gravure En France; Deuxieme Partie, de 1660 a 1800 (Plate Volume)
188276: Courboin, Francois - Histoire Illustree de la Gravure En France; Deuxieme Partie, de 1660 a 1800 (Plate Volume)
188355: Courboin, Francois - Histoire Illustree de la Gravure En France; Premiere Partie, Des Origines a 1660
175067: Cousins, Frank and Phil M. Riley - The Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia
170870: Cousins, Frank - Colonial Architecture Series 1: Fifty Salem Doorways
191469: Couvray de Louvet, Baptiste-Jean - The Amours of the Chevalier de Faublas (Volumes I, II and IV)
180323: Coveney, Michael - London Theatres
182314: Coventry Gallery - Ann Thomson, Instinct
188770: Cowan's Auctions, Inc - Historic Americana
182964: Cowan, Frank - Southwestern Pennsylvania in Song and Story: With Notes and Illustrations
178574: Cowart, Jack; Dominique Fourcade - Henri Matisse: The Early Years in Nice, 1916-1930
175879: Cowles, Ann Linn - An Index and Guide to an Autobiography, the 1943 Edition, by Frank Lloyd Wright
181180: Cowper, William; Henry Fitzcook; J.C. Whymper - The Diverting History of John Gilpin: Shewing How He Went Farther Than He Intended and Came Safe Home Again
189480: Cox, David - A Treatise on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colours; from the First Rudiments to the Finished Picture: With Examples in Outline, Effect, and Colouring
184653: Coyle, Adrian and Celia Kitzinger - Lesbian and Gay Psychology: New Perspectives
175301: Cozzolino, Robert and Samantha Baskind - Peter Blume: Nature and Metamorphosis
140961: Cozzolino, Robert (ed.) - The Female Gaze: Women Artists Making Their World
184740: Crane, Walter - A Floral Fantasy in an Old English Garden
181326: Crane, Sylvia E. - White Silence; Greenough, Powers, and Crawford, American Sculptors in Nineteenth-Century Italy
189734: Crane, Walter - Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New
181486: Craplet, Bernard - Auvergne Romane
180909: Cravan, Arthur - Maintenant
174003: Craven - Recreations in Shooting: With Some Account of the Game of the British Islands
5204: Craven, Thomas (editor) - A Treasury of American Prints: A Selection of One Hundred Etchings and Lithographs by the Foremost Living American Artists
184700: Crawford, Jack - The Poet Scout. A Book of Song and Story
175326: Crawford, Alan - C.R. Ashbee: Architect, Designer, and Romantic Socialist
175519: Craycroft, Anna - Developing Patterns
188420: Creeny, W.F. - A Book of Facsimiles of Monumental Brasses on the Continent of Europe
188454: Creeny, W.F. - A Book of Facsimiles of Monumental Brasses on the Continent of Europe
190546: Creeny, W.F. - A Book of Facsimiles of Monumental Brasses on the Continent of Europe
186007: Creevey, Caroline A Stickney - A Daughter of the Puritans, an Autobiography
186641: Cremades, Fernando Checa - El Renacimiento En Venezia: Triunfo de la Belleza Y Destrucción de la Pintura
191225: Cremers, Paul Joseph - Pfeifer & Grossman
174074: Cremoncini, Roberta; Hare, Harry; Adams, Christopher - Frozen in Time: The Mountain Photography of Vittorio Sella
189557: Crespelle, J.P. - Toulouse Lautrec: Feuilles D'Etudes
180939: Crettaz, Bernard, Christian Delecraz, Jean-Philippe Rapp, and Jean Mohr - Jean Mohr: Derriere le Miroir
186104: Crevel, Rene - Paul Klee
180670: Crickmay, Anthony. Harris, Dale - Antoinette Sibley
180666: Crickmay, Anthony. Rosen, Lillie F. - Anthony Dowell
179600: Crill, Rosemary and Ian Thomas - Chintz: Indian Textiles for the West
180751: Crimp, Douglas. Lawler, Louise - On the Museum's Ruins
135642: Crisp, Frederick Arthur (Introduiction by Bower Marsh) - Memorial Rings. Charles the Second to William the Fourth. In the Possession of Frederick Arthur Crisp
187724: Crispin, Thomas - The English Windsor Chair
189404: Crispolti, Enrico - IL Concilio Di Vacchi
180432: Crist, Steve (introduction) - The Contact Sheet
170579: Cristini, Mariacristina - Guido Razzi: L'Edonistico Metropolitano
185465: Croally, N.T. - Euripidean Polemic: The Trojan Women and the Function of Tragedy
173305: Crome, Nicholas - Elijah Pierce: Painted Carvings
185207: Cromwell Reed, George - America Scenic and Descriptive: From Alaska to the Gulf Coast of Mexico
189262: Crone, GCE - Dutch Yachts, Barges, Fishing Vessels, and Related Small Seagoing Vessels 1650-1900
174792: Crone, Rainer - Francesco Clemente: IL Viaggiatore Napoletano
144800: Crook, J. Mordaunt - William Burges and the High Victorian Dream
180246: Crook, J. Mordaunt - The Greek Revival : Neo-Classical Attitudes in British Architecture 1760-1870
178111: Crookshank, Anne O. (donor) and Denis Mahon (afterthoughts arising from the exhibition) - Gazette Des Beaux-Arts
187909: Crookshank, Anne and James White, et al. - Mainie Jellett, 1897-1944
187052: Cropper, Elizabeth et al. - Pietro Testa, 1612-1650. Prints and Drawings
117456: Cropper, Elizabeth - The Ideal of Painting: Pietro Testa's Dusseldorf Notebook
192703: Cropper, Elizabeth - The Diplomacy of Art: Artistic Creation and Politics in Seicento Italy: Papers from a Colloquium Held at the Villa Spelman, Florence, 1998
176957: Crosbie, Michael J. - Generating Context: The Practice of Perry Dean Rogers/Partners Architects
188295: Crosby, Summer Mck, Pamela Z Blum - The Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis : From Its Beginnings to the Death of Suger, 475-1151
172616: Crouch, Daniel, Noah Goldrach - The Middle Kingdom
173913: Crutchfield, Margo A. and Barbara Pollack - Beyond the Line: The Art of Diana Cooper
172792: Cruz, Amada, Russell Ferguson - David Shrigley
188997: Cuartas, Guillermo - Vida Pasion Y Gloria de Remedios, la Bella
176049: Cuevas, Jose Luis - Iturria: Sonar Con Los Ojos Abiertos
180494: Cui jun - Shi Jie Chuan Shi Feng Guang She Ying / Best Scenery Photos of the World Vol. 4
180676: Cullberg, Birgit - Ballet: Flight and Reality
181552: Cullen, Deborah and Miki Garcia, et al. - The Files 05: The Selected Files
180113: Cumella. Grau-Garriga - Cumella. Grau-Garriga
187294: Cummings, E. E.; George James Firmage - Complete Poems, 1910-1962 (2 Volumes)
141517: Cummings, Abbott Lowell (ed.) - Rural Household Inventories: Establishing the Names, Uses and Furnishings of Rooms in the Colonial New England Home 1675-1775
184590: Cummins, Mary Hornibrook - Renatus (a Man Reborn)
178832: Cummins, James - Catalogue 111: Bibles, Early Books & Fine Bindings
173625: Cundall, Joseph - A Brief History of Wood-Engraving from Its Invention
174533: Cundall, H.M. - Birket Foster R.W. S.
185310: Cundall, Joseph - The Illustrated Poetical Gift Books
177468: Cunningham, Merce: Patricia Tarr: Nancy Dalva - Green World
191681: Cunningham, Peter - The Story of Nell Gwyn: And the Sayings of Charles the Second
174710: Cuno, James; John Elderfield: Ariel Jimenez - A Constructive Vision: Latin American Abstract Art from the Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
200304: Cuoghi, Vanni - Vanni Cuoghi: The Eye of the Storm
171841: Cuomo Grunauer, Veronica - Sand, Ice, Water: Photographs by Denise-Lira Ratinoff
191573: Curiel, Carlo; Giacomo Casanova - Trieste Settecentesca
171705: Curiger, Brice, Juri Steiner, et al. - Freie Sicht Aufs Mittelmeer: Junge Schweizer Kunst Mit Gasten
35977: Curiger, Bice and Carter Ratcliffe and Peter J. Schneemann - Georgia O'Keeffe
189772: Curnonsky - Deux Nocturnes
180998: Curran, Brian (ed.) - Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome: Volume LVIII
185828: Currie, Stuart - Drawing, 1400-1600: Invention and Innovation
176086: Currin, Mumtaz and George Michell (editors) - Dargahs: Abodes of the Saints
181662: Curry, Kathy and Esther Adler - American Modern: Hopper to O'Keeffe
172347: Curtis, William J.R. - Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms
192432: Curtis, Jack - Cool of Kansas: Poems and Pictures
179664: Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess, 1859-1925; King, Peter - Curzon's Persia
185069: Cuskey, Walter R. and Richard B. Wathey - Female Addiction: A Longitudinal Study
188916: Cuzin, Pierre-Jean - Le Louvre: La Peinture Francaise
191591: D'Achiardi, Pietro - La Collection Messinger
191846: D'Espouy, H. - Fragments D'Architecture Du Moyen Age Et de la Renaissance D'Apres Les Releves & Restaurations Des Anciens Pensionnaires de L'Academie de France a Rome
192505: D'Allemagne, Henry Rene - Ferronnerie Ancienne; Volume 1: Serrurerie Monumentale
200251: D'Allemagne, Henry Rene - Ferronnerie Ancienne, Volume 1 and 2
185744: d'Urville, J Dumont - Voyage Autour Du Monde
178408: D'Orey, Leonor - The Silver Service of the Portuguese Crown
188507: D'Angers, David and Henry Jouin - Les Tragiques Grecs
185571: D'Hulst, Adolf Roger - Tapisseries Flamandes Du Xive Au Xviiie Siecle
182743: D'Allemagne, Henry Rene - Ferronnerie Ancienne, Volume 1 and 2
190593: D'Espouy, H. - Fragments D'Architecture Du Moyen Age Et de la Renaissance D'Apres Les Releves & Restaurations Des Anciens Pensionnaires de L'Academie de France a Rome
187521: D'Alessandro, Robert - Glory
466: da Costa Nunes, Jadviga M. - Painting Progress: American Art and the Idea of Technology, 1800-1917
183670: Daanson, Edouard - Mythes & Légendes: étude Sur L'Origine & L'Evolution Des Croyances Religieuses Par la Comparaison Des Textes Originaux
187590: Daber, Jacques - Peinture, 1830-1940: Oeuvres de Delacroix a Maillol
200267: Dacier, Emile and Albert Vuaflart, et al. - Jean de Jullienne Et Les Graveurs de Watteau Au Xviiie Siecle
180642: Dagen, Philippe - Hodler, Monet, Munch: Peindre L'Impossible
176268: Dago, Ananias Leki and Mongane Wally Serote - Shebeen Blues: The Wheel Is Still in Spin
188586: Dagognet, Francois - Etienne-Jules Marey
186240: Dagron, Gilbert; Paul Lemerle - Naissance D'Une Capitale : Constantinople Et Ses Institutions de 330 à 451
180021: Daguerre, Mercedes - Latin American Houses
188570: Daguerreian Society - The Daguerreian Society Newsletter (82 Volumes from 1994-2009)
33265: Dahlback Lutteman, Helena - L'Art Deco En Europe
174926: Dahlberg, Caroline - Picturing the Public: Advertising Self-Regulation in Sweden and the Uk
172702: Dahlberg, Edward and Ben Shanh - The Sorrows of Priapus
177095: Dahlem, Franz and Arnulf Rainer - Arnulf Rainer: Young Cross
189411: Daingerfield, Elliott - Ralph Albert Blakelock
179928: Dal Poggetto, Paolo - Guide to the Galleria Nazionale Delle Marche in the Palazzo Ducale at Urbino
183189: Dali, Salvador - Salvado Dali
181953: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts - 19th Annual Texas Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, 1957
166596: Dallas, Alexander James - Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (4 Volumes)
183183: Dally, Ph - Belleville Histoire D'Une Localite Parisienne Pendant la Revolution
176284: Daloze, Marcel, Dominique Verhaegen, Marie Wabbes - Georges Carrey: Het Figuratieve Voorbij/Au Dela de la Figuration
189133: Daly, Cesar - Architecture Funeraire Contemporaine. Specimens de Tombeaux, Chapelles Funeraires, Mausolees, Sarcophages, Steles, Pierres Tombales, Croix, Etc.
191981: Daly, Cesar - L'Architecture Privee Au Xixe Siecle (Deuxieme Serie). Nouvelles Maisons de Paris Et Des Environs, (Volume 2 & 3)
191829: Daly, Cesar - Motifs Historiques D'Architecture Et de Sculpture D'Ornement. Decorations Exterieures Empruntees a Des Edifices Francais Du Commencement de la Renaissance a la Fin de Louis XVI. Volume Premier
191782: Daly, Gregory - Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War
191366: Daly, Cesar - L'Architecture Privee Au Xixe Siecle. (Deuxieme Serie) Nouvelles Maisons de Paris Et Des Environs. Second Volume. Villas- Chalets - Jardins
191360: Daly, Cesar - Motifs Historiques D'Architecture Et de Sculpture D'Ornement. Decorations Exterieures Empruntees a Des Edifices Francais Du Commencement de la Renaissance a la Fin de Louis XVI. Volume Second
191655: Daly, Cesar - Historical Motifs of Architecture and Sculpture in France: Volume 1, Interior Work, Epochs Francis I to Louis XVI
187974: Damian, Horia; Raphael Petrov - Horia Damian : Werke = Oeuvres = Works 2000-2005
181469: Damisch, Hubert - Jean Dubuffet: Del Paisaje Fisico Al Paisaje Mental
185156: Dana, Charles A; Rossiter Johnson - Fifty Perfect Poems
183257: Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. - To Cuba and Back: A Vacation Voyage
178816: Danby, John Kenneth - Select American Furniture and Decorations... A Group of English Furniture... American and British Paintings, Prints Silhouettes, Property of the Estate of the Late John Kenneth Danby... Part 2
190945: Dancyger, Ruth - Kubinyi and Hall: Cleveland's Partners in Art
180557: Dandre, Victor - Anna Pavlova in Art & Life
176429: Danelzik-Brüggemann, Christoph; Dieter Scholz; Oliver Zybok and Robert Hartmann - Robert Hartmann- Der Einzige Und Sein Eigentum
175106: Daneri, Anna, Angela Vettese, Giacinto Di Pietrantonio - John Armleder
179831: Daniel, Malcolm R. - Inventing a New Art : Early Photographs from the Rubel Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
179878: Daniel, Malcom R. - Stieglitz, Steichen, Strand: Masterworks from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
170885: Daniel Schwartz; Daniel W Dietrich - Daniel Schwartz a Portfolio of Drawings
179972: Daniel, Glyn, 1914-1986 - Megaliths in History
189177: Daniel, William Barker - Supplement to the Rural Sports
191518: Danielson, Henry; Arthur Machen - Arthur Machen : A Biography
189041: Danon, Enzo and Roberto Danon - IL Giardino Dei Melograni: Botanica E Kabbalah Nei Tappeti Samarkanda
188016: Dante Alighieri and Vittorio Alinari - La Divina Commedia: Novamente Illustrata Da Artisti Italiani
189659: Dante Alighieri; Henry Francis Cary and Gustave Dore - The Vision of Purgatory and Paradise
190150: Dante Alighieri: Henry Francis Cary (translator) and Gustave Dore - The Dore Dante: The Vision of Paradise. Volume 1 and Volume 2
186410: Dante Alighieri; Giovanni Boccaccio; Leigh Hunt and Katherine Reed - Paulo & Francesca
190126: Dante Alighieri; Henry Francis Cary and Gustave Dore - The Dore Dante: The Vision of Hell; Volume 1 & Volume 2
186069: Dante Alighieri, Alinari, Vittorio - La Divina Commedia: Novamente Illustr. Da Artisti Italiani
175760: Danto, Arthur C. and Nancy Princenthal - The Art of John Cederquist: Reality of Illusion
188544: Danzinger, James; Stephen Daiter - The American Century (2 Volumes)
171561: Danzker, Jo-Anne Birnie - Mark Tobey/Teng Baiye: Seattle/Shanghai
188973: Darboven, Hanne - Obession, No. 1: Stundenbuch, Hanne Darboven, Seite 4 / Obessesion Album Anonymus, Seite 9
181661: Darley, Carr Octavius Felix - Compositions in Outline from Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter
170920: Darley, Felix O C. - Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle Designed and Etched by Felix O C Darley
189879: Darmon, J.E. - Dictionnaire Des Gravures En Couleurs, En Bistre Et En Sanguine Du Xviiie Siecle, Des Ecoles Francaise Et Anglaise, En Circulation Dans le Commerce Des Estampes, Avec Leurs Prix
183581: Darmstaedter, Ludwig and Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld - Sammlung Darmstaedter Berlin: Europaisches Porzellan Des XVIII, Jahrhunderts
184038: Darnell, Elias - A Journal Containing an Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships, Sufferings, Battles, Defeat, and Captivity, of Those Heroic Kentucky Volunteers and Regulars, Commanded by General Winchester, in the Years 1812-13
191865: Darwin, Erasmus - The Poetical Works of Erasmus Darwin, Containing the Botanic Garden, in Two Parts; and the Temple of Nature with Philosophical Notes and Plates. Volume II. Containing the Loves of the Plants
187399: Darwin, Charles - The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin (Volume I and Volume II)
172080: Das, Asok Kumar and Stuart Cary Welch - Paintings of the Razmnama: The Book of War
188212: Dashu Qin, Du Shengxian, Jennifer Barry - Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society. Volume 65. 2000-2001
186364: Dashwood, Richard Lewes - Chiploquorgan, or, Life by the Camp Fire in Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland
186515: Daubler, Theodor - Bestrickungen: Novellen
190462: Daumier, Honore - Foreigners in Paris
191124: Daupias, Cte - Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens & Modernes Composant L'Importante Collection de M. Le Comte Daupias de Lisbonne
200234: Daur, Jorg and Rolph Hengesbach - Liquid Light: Joseph Marioni, Painter
187860: Davenport, Cyril - English Heraldic Book-Stamps
191294: Davenport, Bishop - A New Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, or North America and the West Indies
178775: Davey, Neil K. - Netsuke: A Comprehensive Study Based on the M.T. Hindson Collection
182305: Davey, Peter - Architecture of the Arts and Crafts Movement
183653: David, Yasha - Bunuel!: Auge Des Jahrhunderts
187449: David, Beverly R. - Mark Twain and His Illustrators (Vol 1)
170875: David Colby & Wilhelm Moser - The Manipulator Mockba Issue (Issue No. 20?)
187110: Davidson, Morris - Understanding Modern Art
182476: Davidson, Jo - Between Sittings: An Informal Autobiography
187518: Davies, Gerald Stanley - Hans Holbein, the Younger
191520: Davies, Gerald Stanley - Hans Holbein, the Younger
177009: Davies, Randall - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club, 1925-1926, Third Annual Volume
185575: Davies, C. M. - History of Holland, from the Beginning of the Tenth to the End of the Eighteenth Century
177008: Davies, Randall - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club, 1928-1929, Sixith Annual Volume
177007: Davies, Randall - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club, 1929-1930, Seventh Annual Volume
179861: Davies-Kevill, Sally - Yesterday's Children: The Antiques and History of Childcare
171532: Davies, Thomas - Collecting Stories: 400 Paintings, 400 Stories -- a Collection of American Paintings
177010: Davies, Randall - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club, 1924-1925, Second Annual Volume
178566: Davila, Mela - Macba Collection: Itinerary
181573: Davis, Kimberly and Noriko Gamblin - Shapes & Shadows: Still-Life Paintings, 1994-2003
174855: Davis, Stuart - Report from Rockport
176202: Davis, Kimberly - Tony Berlant: New Terrain
200186: Davis, Elliot Bostwick - Edward Hopper & Cape Ann: Illuminating an American Landscape
200185: Davis, Elliot Bostwick - Edward Hopper & Cape Ann: Illuminating an American Landscape
177594: Davis & Langdale Company, Inc - Robert Andrew Parker: Artist's Books (Signed)
182851: Davis, Charles, Thomas - The Manufacture of Leather: Being a Description of All of the Processes for the Tanning, Tawing, Currying, Finishing, and Dying of Every Kind of Leather
176829: Davis, Keith F and Michael Torosian - Frederick Sommer: Photography, Drawing, Collage
182375: Davison Art Center. ; Hopkins Center - Ilse Getz
179461: Davison, Nancy R. - American Sheet Music Illustration: Reflections of the Nineteenth Century
172351: Davvetas, Demosthenes - Donald Baechler: York House Suite: Drawings
187112: Dawei, Fei (editor) - Huang Yong Ping: Bat Project / Bat Project II
185152: Dawson, Henry - Records of the City of New Amsterdam, in New Netherland
180400: Day, Rick - Players Two
186535: De Vinne, Daniel - History of the Irish Primitive Church, Together with the Life of St. Patrick, and His Confession in Latin, with a Parallel Translation
171093: De Mejo, Oscar - My America: Paintings and Comments by Oscar de Mejo
176885: De Marchi, Andrea and Alberto Fiz - Gold. Gothic Masters and Lucio Fontano
174863: De Kock, Paul Charles and Jules Claretie (translator) - The Works of Charles Paul de Kock: Scenes of Parisian Life
178015: de Boisset, Pierre Louis Paul Randon; Remy, Pierre; Julliot, C.F. - Catalogue Des Tableaux & Desseins Précieux Des Maîtres Célebres Des Trois écoles: Figures de Marbes, de Bronze & de Terre Cuite, Estampes En Feuilles & Autres Objets Du Cabinet de Feu M. Randon de Boisset
198764: De Tanko, Boris and Horace Brodzky (Editors) - Rainbow (Vol. 1 No. 3)
6584: de Cruz, Adele - Frank Duveneck: The Gloucester Years, 1892-1917
172214: De Nolhac, Pierre - Versailles and the Trianons
186486: de Bayser, Catharine Ambroselli - George Desvallières Et la Grande Guerre
174682: De Postels, Theodore - Fundamentals of Perspective
181272: de Salverte, Francois - Les Ebenistes Du XVIII Siecle Leurs Oeuvres Et Leurs Marques
175569: De Boysson, Bernadette, Isabelle Bagdassarian, Maria Freulon, et al. - Autant En Porte le Vent: Eventails, Historie de Gout
178539: De Long, David G. and C. Ford Peatross - Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive
176363: De La Hire, Marie - Francis Picabia
186276: De la Mare, Walter et al. - Joy Street: A Medley of Prose & Verse for Boys and Girls
172757: De La Mare, Walter - Crossings: A Fairy Play
178558: De Niro, Robert Sr. and Peter Frank - Robert de Niro, Sr. : October 5 - 28, 2000
181551: De La Generalitat De Catalunya - Memoria D'Activitats Del Centre de Restauració de Bens Mobles de Catalunya, 1997-2002
174096: De Lamartine, A. - RaphaëL Pages de la Vingtième Année
171791: De Zegher, Catherine - Anna Maria Maiolino: Vida Afora/a Life Line
173775: De Plaza, Jose Antonio - Memorias Para la Historia de la Nueva Granada, Desde Su Descubrimento
172640: de Sanjose i Llongueras, Lourdes - Al Servei de L'Altar: Tresors D'Orfebreria de Les Esgelesies Catalanes, Segles IX-XIII
186440: De Forest, Emily Johnston; Jesse De Forest - A Walloon Family in America; Lockwood de Forest and His Forbears 1500-1848 Vol I & II
170613: De Baranano, Kosme, Teresa Millet, Enrique Juncosa, and Michael Craig-Martin - Michael Craig-Martin
180639: De Rethy, Esmeralda; Jean-Louis Perreau - Christian Dior: The Early Years 1947-1957
180645: De Vos, Dirk; Hans Memling - Hans Memling: The Complete Works
179326: De Chirico, Giorgio - G. De Chirico
185437: De Lolme, Jean Louis - The Constitution of England; or, an Account of the English Government; in Which It Is Compared, Both with the Republican Form of Government, and the Other Monarchies in Europe
190137: De Lasteyrie, R. - L'Architecture Religieuse En France a L'Epoque Romane, Seconde Edition
175770: De Maupassant, Guy - Claie de Lune
172308: De Marchi, Andrea, Matteo Mazzalupi, and Alessandro Delpriori - Pittori Ad Ancona Nel Quattrocento
182634: De Ricci, Seymour - French Signed Bindings in the Mortimer L. Schiff Collection. With: British and Miscellaneous Signed Bindings in the Mortimer L. Schiff Collection (4 Volume Set)
186991: De Vinne Press - Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts Belonging to Mr. Brayton Ives of New York
181166: De Vito, G. - Ricerche Sul '600 Napoletano
175596: De Nerval, Gerard - Les Chimeres
189433: De Nolhac, Pierre - J. -M. Nattier, Peintre de la Cour de Louis XV
183944: de Saint-Amand, Imbert; Thomas Sergeant Perry - The Wife of the First Consul
177058: De' Maffei, Fernanda and Henry A. La Farge - Michelangelo's Lost St. John: The Story of a Discovery
189428: De Nolhac, Pierre - J. -M. Nattier, Peintre de la Cour de Louis XV
183501: De La Mare, Walter - Alone
184034: De Puy, Henry Walter - Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes of '76
191625: De Micheli, Mario - Jorn Scultore
187784: de Forest, Louis Effingham - American Colonial Families
173196: De Cossio, Jose Maria - Los Toros: Tratado Tecnico E Historico, Three Volumes
188118: Dean, Tacita; Massimiliano Gioni; Margot Norton - Tacita Dean : Five Americans
180947: Dean, Tacita - Tacita Dean (Boots)
185683: Dean, Winton - Handel's Dramatic Oratorios and Masques
175358: Debray, Cecile, Dominique Stella, Andres Pardey, et al. - Le Nouveau Realisme
172675: Debray, Cecile - Les Contes Cruels de Paula Rego
174783: Debroise, Olivier, Elisabeth Sussman and Matthew Teitelbaum - El Corazon Sangrante/the Bleeding Heart
190006: Dechelette, Joseph; Eleuthere Brassart: Charles Beauverie; Gabriel Trevoux - Les Peintures Murales Du Moyen Age & de la Renaissance En Forez
181610: Decorative Arts Gallery, Lausanne - Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen : Huiles, Pastels, Dessins, Estampes, Affiches, Sculptures
188639: Dedaux - Chambre de Marie de Medicis Au Palais Du Luxembourg, Ou, Recueil D'Arabesques, Peintures Et Ornements Qui la Decorent
172737: DeFeo, Jay; Galvez, Paul - Object Lessons: Jay Defeo Works on Paper from the 1970's
182298: Defoe, Daniel and Reginald Marsh - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
178902: Defoe, Daniel and James Plumptre - The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: With an Account of His Travels Round Three Parts of the Globe
190191: Degas, Edgar and Albert Andre - Degas
191242: Degas, Edgar;Reff, Theodore - The Notebooks of Edgar Degas, a Catalogue of the Thirty-Eight Notebooks in the Bibliotheque Nationale and Other Collections
179530: Dehejia, Vidya - The Legend of Rama: Artistic Visions
191348: Dehio, Georg and Gustav Von Bezold - Die Kirchliche Baukunst Des Abendlandes: Historisch Und Systematisch Dargestellt. Dritte Lieferung
191349: Dehio, Georg and Gustav Von Bezold - Die Kirchliche Baukunst Des Abendlandes: Historisch Und Systematisch Dargestellt. Siebente Lieferung. Atlas Funfter Band, Tafel 446-601
191347: Dehio, Georg and Gustav Von Bezold - Die Kirchliche Baukunst Des Abendlandes: Historisch Und Systematisch Dargestellt. Zweite Lieferung. Atlas Zweiter Band, Tafel 117-210
191075: Dehio, Georg and Gustav Von Bezold - Die Kirchliche Baukunst Des Abendlandes: Historisch Und Systematisch Dargestellt. Achte (Schluss-) Lieferung. Atlas Funfter Band, Tafel 495-601
190725: Deitch, Jeffrey and Nikki Columbus - The Painting Factory: Abstraction After Warhol
191355: Delabarre, Edouard and Marcel Boulanger - Vieux Hotels de Rouen Des Xviie Et Xviiie Siecles
188370: Delacroix, Eugene - Eugene Delacroix: Trente Et Un Dessins Et Aquarelles Du Maroc
188419: Delacroix, Eugene - Eugene Delacroix: Vingt Aquarelles Et Onze Dessins Reproduisant En Fac-Simile L'Album Du Maroc
188371: Delacroix, Eugene - Eugene Delacroix: Trente Et Un Dessins Et Aquarelles Du Maroc
174891: Delahache, Georges - La Cathedrale de Strasbourg: Notice Historique Et Archeologique
128089: Delaisse, L. M. J. - A Century of Dutch Manuscript Illumination
185136: Delaplaine, Edward S. - The Life of Thomas Johnson, Member of the Continental Congress, First Governor of the State of Maryland, and Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
181189: Delaunay, Robert, Apollinaire, Guillaume - R. Delaunay, Paris
173259: Delaunay, Robert; Delaunay, Sonia - The New Art of Color: The Writings of Robert and Sonia Delaunay
182358: Delevoy, Robert L.; Maurice Culot and Yvonne Brunhammer - Pionniers Du Xxe Siecle: Guimard, Horta, Van de Velde
200200: Delfiner, Judith and Jay DeFeo - Jay Defeo: Etudes Xerographiques
178863: Delieb, Eric and Michael Roberts - The Great Silver Manufactory: Matthew Boulton & the Birmingham Silversmiths, 1760-1790
178492: Delteil, Loys - Paul Huet: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre Volume XV, Volume II
187456: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXII
187457: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXIII
187461: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXV
187462: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXVI
187463: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXVIII
187464: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXVII
187455: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XXIX
187433: Delteil, Loys - Honore Daumier: Le Peintre-Graveur Illustre, Volume XX
188828: Demachy, Robert; Emile Joachim Constant Puyo - Art Processes in Photography
191216: Demaree, Albert Lowther - The American Agricultural Press, 1819-1860
187099: Demay, Germain - Le Costume Au Moyen âge, D'Après Les Sceaux
176143: Demelo, Sarah; Joanne Harwood and David Andreas Montenegro Rosero - Connecting Through Collecting: 20 Years of Art from Latin America at the University of Essex
192055: Demetrion, James - Clyfford Still: Paintings, 1944-1960
191850: Demidenko, Julia - Interior Design in Russia: Traditions, Fashions and Styles
186068: deMille, William C. - Hollywood Saga
188694: Demmani, Jean; Leo Haks; Paul Zach - Indonesia : Images from the Past
174870: Demonts, Louis - Inventaire General Des Dessins Des Ecoles Du Nord: Ecoles Allemande Et Suisse Tome I; Ecoles Allemande Et Suisse Par Louis Demonts, Premiere Periode Maitres Nes Avant 1550 a -- P.
191121: Demotte, G.J. and Salomon Reinach - La Tapisserie Gothique
188943: Demotte, G.J. and Salomon Reinach - La Tapisserie Gothique: Premiere Serie
191122: Demotte, G.J. and Salomon Reinach - La Tapisserie Gothique
191653: Demotte, G.J. and Salomon Reinach - La Tapisserie Gothique: Premiere Serie; 1ere Livraison, 2me Livraison & 3me Livraison
190969: Demotte, G.J. and Salomon Reinach - La Tapisserie Gothique
190920: Demotte, G.J. and Salomon Reinach - La Tapisserie Gothique: Premiere Serie
192740: Dempsey, Charles - IL Ritratto Dell'Amore: La Primavera Di Botticelli E la Cultura Umanistica Al Tempo Di Lorenzo IL Magnifico
192034: Denegri, Jesa - Radomir Damnjanovic Damnjan: Izlozba, 1958-1986
175275: Denison, Cara D. - French Master Drawings from the Pierpont Morgan Library
126666: Denker, Ellen - After the Chinese Taste: China's Influence in America, 1730-1930
172771: Dennis, James M., Kathleen M. Daniels, Stanely I. Grand, and Isabel Bishop - Between Heaven and Hell: Union Square in the 1930s
173980: Dennis, Mr. (John) - Original Letters, Familiar, Moral and Critical
177968: Denon, Dominique Vivant, Baron; Jean de Duchesne and Alexis Nicolas Perignon - Description Des Objets D'Arts Qui Composent le Cabinet de Feu M. Le Baron V. Denon, Tableaux, Dessins Et Miniatures
172118: Denoyelle, Martine, Sophie Descamps-Lequime, and Marc Etienne - The Eye of Josephine: The Antiquities Collection of the Empress in the Musee Du Louvre
181951: Denver Art Museum - 58th Annual Exhibition of Western Art: Denver Art Museum, June 2 to 31, 1952
200196: Denzler, Martina and Antonia Hoerschelmann, et al. - Ways of Freedom: Von Jackson Pollock Bis Maria Lassnig
190693: Dernie, David - The Villa D'Este at Tivoli
183097: Derrain, Andre and Adolphe Basler - Andre Derain, 24 Phototypies
189649: Derschau, Hans Albrect and Max J. Friedlander - Holzschnitte Alter Meister Gedruckt Von Den Originalstocken Der Sammlung Derschau IM Besitz Des Staatlichen Kupferstich-Kabinetts Zu Berlin (Dritter Tafel)
189648: Derschau, Hans Albrect and Max J. Friedlander - Holzschnitte Alter Meister Gedruckt Von Den Originalstocken Der Sammlung Derschau IM Besitz Des Staatlichen Kupferstich-Kabinetts Zu Berlin (Dritter Tafel)
189647: Derschau, Hans Albrect and Max J. Friedlander - Holzschnitte Alter Meister Gedruckt Von Den Originalstocken Der Sammlung Derschau IM Besitz Des Staatlichen Kupferstich-Kabinetts Zu Berlin (Zweiter Tafel)
189650: Derschau, Hans Albrect and Max J. Friedlander - Holzschnitte Alter Meister Gedruckt Von Den Originalstocken Der Sammlung Derschau IM Besitz Des Staatlichen Kupferstich-Kabinetts Zu Berlin (Erster Tafel)
189646: Derschau, Hans Albrect and Max J. Friedlander - Holzschnitte Alter Meister Gedruckt Von Den Originalstocken Der Sammlung Derschau IM Besitz Des Staatlichen Kupferstich-Kabinetts Zu Berlin (Zweiter Tafel)
189645: Derschau, Hans Albrect and Max J. Friedlander - Holzschnitte Alter Meister Gedruckt Von Den Originalstocken Der Sammlung Derschau IM Besitz Des Staatlichen Kupferstich-Kabinetts Zu Berlin (Erster, Zweiter, Dritter, & Vierter Tafel)
176019: Dervaux, Isabelle - Drawing Connections: Baselitz, Kelly, Penone, Rockburn and the Old Masters
186891: Des Moines Art Center - Iowa Artists 1993
200271: Des Cars, Laurence and Stephane Guegan, et al. - Manet-Degas
178066: Desargues, Gérard and Abraham Bosse (engraver) - La Manière Universelle de Mr. Desargues, Lyonnois: Pour Poser L'Essieu, & Placer Les Heures & Autres Choses Aux Cadrans Au Soleil
184429: Desborough, V.R. d'A - The Last Mycenaens and Their Successors: An Archaeological Survey, C. 1200- 1000 B.C.
187850: Descamps, Jean Baptiste - La Vie Des Peintres Flamands, Allemands Et Hollandois, Avec Des Portraits Graves En Taille-Douce, Une Indication de Leurs Principaux Ouvrages, & Des Reflexions Sur Leurs Differentes Manieres. Tome Second
189130: Descamps, Jean Baptiste - The Life of the Flemish, German and Dutch Painters (4 Volumes)
173170: Descargues, Pierre - Picasso
184204: Descargues, Pierre - Hartung
174263: Deschamps, Madeleine - Empire
181100: Deschamps, Francois - Memoire D'Un Voyage En Oceanie
188483: Desgoffe, Alexandre - Alexandre Desgoffe (1805-1882)
188971: Deshairs, Leon - Bordeaux, Architecture Et Decoration Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle
191841: Deshairs, Leon - Le Petit Trianon: Architecture, Decoration-Ameublement
189991: Deshairs, Leon - Bordeaux, Architecture Et Decoration Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle
188982: Deshairs, Leon - Dijon, Architecture Et Decoration Aux Dix-Septieme Et Dix-Huitieme Siecles: Part II
191109: Deshairs, Leon - Bordeaux, Architecture Et Decoration Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle
188636: Deshairs, Leon - Dijon, Architecture Et Decoration Aux Dix-Septieme Et Dix-Huitieme Siecles
182389: Desmarais, Charles; Segalove, Ilene - Ilene Segalove: Why I Got Into Tv and Other Stories
186884: Desmazieres, Erik; Patrick Mauries - Erik Desmazières, Paris à Grands Traits : Eaux-Fortes Et Dessins : [Exposition], Musée Carnavalet-Histoire de Paris, 18 Octobre 2006-25 Février 2007
183856: Detorak s, Theochar s Eustratiou - Hagia Sophia: The Church of the Holy Wisdom of God
189471: Detouche, Henry; Felicien Rops and Adolphe Willette - Les Peintres de la Femme Integrale: Felicien Rops Et A. Willette
174388: Detroit Institute of Arts - New Video and Performance Art in Detroit; Works in Progress V, the Detroit Institute of Arts, 1978
179961: Deuchler, Florens; Marcel Roethlisberger and Hans Luthy - La Peinture Suisse: Du Moyen Age a L'Aube Du Xxe Siecle
184262: Deutsch-Charnon, Lou - Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press
200282: Devaney, Edith and Erin Monroe, et al. - Milton Avery
178023: Deventer, Hendrik van - The Art of Midwifery Improv'd
181332: Devi, Ragini - Dance Dialects of India
190467: Devisse, Jean - The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume II: From the Early Christian Era to the "Age of Discovery", Part I, from the Demonic Threatto the Incarnation of Sainthood
181686: Dewachter, Lillian - Elly Strik: Muhka Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen
188851: Dewan, Janet; Linnaeus Tripe - The Photographs of Linnaeus Tripe
188826: Dewitz, Bodo von - The Journey to the Nile
183751: Dexel, Walther - Untersuchungen Uber Die Franzosischen Illuminierten Handschriften Der Jenaer Universitatsbibliothek
188451: Dezsö, Malonyay - A Magyar Nép MüVészete (Vol 1)
188449: Dezsö, Malonyay - A Magyar Nép MüVészete (Volume 3)
200420: Di Castro, Alessandra and Francesco Leone, et al. - Pittura in Mosaico
180596: Di Castro, Federica - Ofelia '86: Bona Cardinali, Giovanna de Sanctis, Isabella Ducrot, Anna Forcella, Elisa Montessori
174791: Diacono, Mario - Enzo Cucchi: Vitebsk / Harar
190869: Diamond, Debra and Catherine Ann Glynn - Garden and Cosmos: The Royal Paintings of Jodhpur
175421: Dias, Mauricio and Walter Riedweg - Dias & Riedweg
181640: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall and Bruce Rogers - Venetian Printers: A Conversation on the Fourth Day of the Bibliographical Decameron of Thomas Frognall Dibdin, with Annotations
187049: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall and Bruce Rogers - Venetian Printers: A Conversation on the Fourth Day of the Bibliographical Decameron of Thomas Frognall Dibdin, with Annotations
189754: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Tree
185875: Dickens, Mamie - New Year's Eve Frolic, Twelfth Night Festivities: Recollections of Charles Dickens
191184: Dickens, Charles - The Old Curiosity Shop
187363: Dickens, Charles - The Letters of Charles Dickens, Volumes One, Two and Three
174201: Dickerman, Leah; Witkovsky, Matthew S. - The Dada Seminars
190687: Dickerson, C.D. III and Mark P McDonald, et al. - Alonso Berruguete: First Sculptor of Renaissance
190656: Dickey, Stephanie and Jochen Sander - Rembrandt in Amsterdam: Creativity and Competition
174377: Dickinson, Helen A. - German Masters of Art
187178: Dickson, Robert and John Philip Edmond - Annals of Scottish Printing from the Introduction of the Art in 1507 to the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century
461: Dickson, Harold E. - Pennsylvania Painters: Centennial Exhibition
175600: Diderot, Denis and Sylvain Sauvage - Les Bijoux Indiscrets
191554: Didot, Ambroise Firmin; Drevet - Les Drevet
182011: Diemer, George W. and Claude Merton Wise - My Story Book of the Teachers Extensions. Book Five, the How and Why Library Series
200452: Dienst, Volker and Wojciech Czaja - Herzblut: Volume 01 and 02
187143: Diepraam, Willem - Willem Diepraam, Foto's
178867: Diesbach-Soultrait, Verene de - Six Siècles de Littérature Française: Xviiie Siècle
186844: Dietrich, Gerhard; Georg Grasegger - Welt Ins Bildhafte Zu Reissen : Georg Grasegger 1873-1927 : Ein Bayerischer Bildhauer in Köln - Leben Und Werk
178122: Dietruch, Dr.; Wray, Leopold (translator) - The German Emigrants, or, Frederick Wohlgemuth's Voyage to California
172012: Dietsch, Deborah and Mildred F. Schmertz - Zimmer Gunsul Frasca: Building Community
185103: Dietz, James L. - Economic History of Puerto Rico: Institutional Change and Capitalist Development
186050: DiGaetani Louis, John - A Companion to Pirandello Studies
175664: Digard, Marthe - Jacques Sarrazin: Son Oeuvre, Son Influence
181492: Dilke, Lady - French Engravers and Draughtsmen of the XVIII Century
190922: Dillard, Maud Esther - Old Dutch Houses of Brooklyn
177268: Dimier, Louis (commentator) - L'Art D'Enluminure Traite Du Xive Siecle Traduit Du Latin Avec Des Notes Tirees D'Autres Ouvrages Anciens
192145: Dine, Jim and William C. Lipke - Nancy and I at Ithaca
173573: Dine, Jim - Jim Dine Seven New Paintings
172724: Dini, Jane (editor) - Dance: American Art, 1830-1960
185383: Dinsmore & Co - Dinsmore's Railroad and Steam Navigation Guide and Route- Book, Volume VI, Number 1
180952: Dion, Mark - Theatrum Mundi
188674: Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos.; Nicander, of Colophon.; Eutecnius - Pedanii Dioscvridis Anazarbaei de Materia Medica Libri VII
184786: Dipchand, Cecil R.; Zhang Yichun and Ma Mingjia - The Chinese Financial System
200349: DiQuinzio, Aspara and Masha Tupitsyn - Adrian Ghenie: The Hooligans
177619: Distel, Anne and Italo Faldi - I Macchiaioli: Peintres En Toscane Apres 1850
179110: Dix, Otto: Eugen Keuerleber and Otto Conzelmann - Dix: Otto Dix, Peintures, Aquarelles, Gouaches, Dessins Et Gravures Du Cycle de "la Guerre
187097: Dixon, Peter Morris; Shannon Hohlbein - Robert A.M. Stern Architects : Buildings and Projects 2015-2019
178829: Doane, Robert R. - The Measurement of American Wealth
200407: Dobkins, Rebecca J. and Tasia D. Riley - Transformations: The George and Colleen Hoyt Collection of Northwest Coast Art
177254: Dobney, Stephen - Itsuko Hasegawa: Selected and Current Works
192413: Dobson, Frank and Neville Jason - Frank Dobson, Sculptor, 1886-1963
174239: Dockstader, Frederick J. - Inidan Art in Middle America: Pre-Columbian & Contemporary Arts and Crafts of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
174459: Doctorow, E.L. - Billy Bathgate
179745: Dodds, Jerrilyn D. - Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain
183842: Dodds, Jerrilynn D. (editor) - Gesta International Center of Medieval Art: Volumes XXV-XXVI, 1986-1987
174516: Dodgson, Campbell - Forain: Draughtsman, Lithographer, Etcher
186782: Dodgson, Campbell and Joseph Pennell - The Senefelder Club
188890: Dodgson, Campbell - Durer's Drawings in Colour, Line & Wash
173883: Dodgson, Campbell - Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
184002: Dodgson, Campbell - French Etching from Meryon to Lepere, Being a Lecture Delivered to the Print Collectors' Club
190736: Dodgson, Campbell - Fine Prints of the Year; an Annual Review of Contemporary Etching, Engraving and Lithography
188959: Dodgson, Campbell - Holzschnitte Zu Zwei Nurnberger Andachtsbuchern Aus Dem Anfange Des XVI Jahrhunders
177171: Dodgson, Campbell - Exposition Carl Vilhelm Stubbe, Gravures & Dessins
189108: Dodgson, Campbell - Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century in the John Rylands Library, Manchester
175058: Dodwell, Reginald - Engravings and Woodcuts by Albrecht Durer, 1471-1528
172671: Doe, Donald Bartlett, Suzanne Dryer Kaufmann - In Plain Sight: Photographs by Douglas Isaac Busch
178546: Doehler, Gerhard - Gerhard Doehler IM Arithmeum
187745: Doenges, Willy - Meissner Porzellan: Seine Geschichte Und Künstlerische Entwicklung
176890: Doering-Ubbelohde, Heinrich - El Arte En El Imperio de Los Incas
188393: Dogramaci, Burcu - Textile Moderne / Textile Modernism
172068: Doisneau, Robert - Drei /Sekunden Ewigkeit: Photographien Von Robert Doisneau
186838: Doll, Nikola; Horst Bredekamp ; Wolfgang Schäffner - + Ultra Design Creates Knowledge
142260: Doll, Nancy - Inner Natures: Four Contemporary Painters
189532: Dollfus, Charles and Henri Bouche - Histoire de L'Aeronautique
180533: Domett, Henry Williams - A History of the Bank of New York 1784-1884; Compiled from Official Records and Other Sources at the Request of the Directors
177124: Dommisse-Pijzel, Jet and Theo Deelder - Haags Goud En Zilver: Edelsmeedkunst Uit de Hofstad
178751: Donald, W.J.; Powell, Leona Margaret - Handbook of Business Administration
180174: Donald, Diana - The Age of Caricature: Satirical Prints in the Reign of George III
191683: Donati, Lazzaro - The First New York One Man Show of Lazzaro Donati of Florence
179499: Donnet, Fernand - Coup D'Oeil Sur L'Histoire Financiere D'Anvers Au Cours Des Siecles
200257: Donofrio, Cesare - La Villa Aldobrandini Di Frascati
172034: Donoso, Pedro - Gordon Matta-Clark: Experience Becomes the Object/la Experiencia Se Convierte En Objeto
173626: Donovan, Tara - Tara Donovan; May 7 - June 26, 2004
174707: Donovan, Terence - Terence Donovan: Glances
186178: Dooley, Tom J. - The Rockies: Border to Border (Signed)
171585: Doordan, Dennis P. - The Alliance of Art and Industry: Toledo Designs for a Modern America
187145: Doran, Anne - Marcel Storr: Reimagining Paris
191174: Dorat, Claude Joseph - Les Baisers: Precedes Du Mois de Mai
188727: Dore, Gustave - La Legende Du Juif Errant: Compositions Et Dessins
172443: Dorfman, Geoffrey - Out of the Picture: Milton Resnick and the New York School
166461: Dorfman, Geoffrey - Milton Resnick: Boards 1981-1984
174524: Dorgeles, Roland - Montmartre Mon Pays
175806: Dorgeles, Roland - Entre le Ciel Et L'Eau
186865: Doring, Annalena and Franz Hefele - Platz Da IM Pantheon! Kunstler in Gedruckten Portratserien Bis 1800
192423: Doris, Charles - Memoires Secrets Sur Napoleon Buonaparte; Ecrits Par Un Homme Qui Ne L'a Pas Quitte Depuis Quinze Ans
174900: Dorleac, Laurence Bertrand, Jacqueline Munck, Julian Jackson, Fabrice Hergott - Arte En Guerra: Francia, 1938-1947
187592: Dorling, Edward Earle - Leopards of England, and Other Papers on Heraldry
26176: Dorman, Charles G. - Delaware Cabinetmakers and Allied Artisans 1655 - 1855
182711: Dorra, Henri; Wildenstein, Georges; Rewald, John; Fénéon, Félix - Seurat
185064: Dorrien, Gary J. - The Democratic Socialist Vision
191269: Dorsey, John Syng - Elements of Surgery: For the Use of Students
179345: Doshi, Saryu and Jan Pieper, et al. - The Impulse to Adorn: Studies in Traditional Indian Architecture
181503: Doshi, Saryu - Tribal India: Ancestors, Gods, and Spirits
180587: Doshi, Saryu; Mostafa El-Abbadi - India and Egypt: Influences and Interactions
179545: Doshi, Saryu - Maharashtra
180810: Doty, Robert M. - Varujan Boghosian: A Retrospective
171420: Doty, Robert M. - Wil Barnet
29131: Doty, Robert M. - Artists at Large: Photogaphs by Rollie Mckenna
177180: Douglas, Andrea - Anne Chesnut: Art. I. Facts
184965: Dowlah, Abu F. - Soviet Political Economy in Transition: From Lenin to Gorbachev
327: Downes, William Howe - John S. Sargent, His Life and Work
172901: Downey, Anthony - Slavs and Tatars: Mirrors for Princes
180839: Downsbrough, Peter - Two Pipes, Fourteen Locations
187973: Doyle. Eamonn; Niall Sweeney - Eamonn Doyle
178036: Doyle, Martin - The Flower Garden, or Monthly Calendar of Practical Directions for the Culture of Flowers
183900: Dr. Jorn Gunther Rare Books - Between Scriptorium and Printing Press: A Selection of Illuminated Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, Brochure No. 15
172015: Dragut, Vasile and Petre Lupan - Moldavian Murals: From the 15th to the 16th Century
178500: Drake, Christopher - Ambroise Vollard Editeur Les Peintres Gravures 1895-1913
189833: Drake, William Richard - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Francis Seymour Haden
184848: Drake, Paul W. - Money Doctors, Foreign Debts, and Economic Reforms in Latin America from the 1890s to the Present
188560: Dreger, M. - Die Wiener Spitzenausstellung 1906; Teil II
182306: Dreiser, Theodore and Reginald Marsh - Sister Carrie
182737: Dreiser, Theodore and Reginal Marsh - An American Tragedy
184133: Dreishpoon, Douglas - Edwin Dickinson: Dreams and Realities
184363: Dresch, Paul - Tribes, Government, and History in Yemen
176903: Drew, Philip and Edward Suzuki - Edward Suzuki: Buildings and Projects
175548: Drew, Joanna - Bibliography of Arts Council Exhibition: Catalogues 1942-1980
185831: Drexel, Jeremias; Ralph Winterton - The Considerations of Drexelius Upon Eternity
173926: Driessen, Hendrik, Paul Depondt, et al. - A. Van Campenhout
178522: Drinkle, Ruth W. - Heritage of Architecture and Arts, Fairfield County, Ohio
187297: Driscoll, James P. - Identity in Shakespearean Drama
186295: Drisler, Henry; Henry George Liddell; Franz Passow; Robert Scott - A Greek-English Lexicon : Based on the German Work of Francis Passow. With Corrections and Additions and the Insertion in Alphabetical Order of the Proper Names Occurring in the Principal Greek Authors
184555: Dronke, Peter - A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy
174698: Droste, Magdalena - The Bauhuas-Light by Carl Jacob Jucker and Wilhelm Wagenfeld
179851: Drouot-Richelieu - Portraits de Musiciens: Collection Isabelle Prouvost
182357: Droz, Eugenie and Arthur Piaget - Le Jardin de Plaisance Et Fleur de Rhetorique. Tome II
174392: Druick, Douglas; Peter Zegers; Britt Salvesen; et al. - Van Gogh En Gauguin: Het Atelier Van Het Zuiden
191557: Drummond, William; Edward Phillips and Richard Tomlins - Poems
182813: Drury, John - Historic Midwest Houses
100871.1: Drutt, Matthew (Organizer) - Kazimir Malevich: Suprematism
174318: Dryden, John - A Collection of All the Dialogues Written by Mr. Thomas Brown: One of Them Entituled, Democratici Vapulantes, Being a Dialogue between Julian, and Others, Was Never Before Printed. To Which Are Added, His Translations and Imitations of Several Odes of Horace, of Martial's Epigrams, &C
176724: Du Tertre, Nancy - The Art of the Limoges Box
176754: Du Perac, Etienne; Antoine Lafrery and Franz Ehrle - Roma Prima Di Sisto V; la Pianta Di Roma Du Perac-Lafrery Del 1577 Riprodotta Dall'Esemplare Esistente Nel Museo Britannico
184357: Du Bois, W.E.B. - Color and Democracy: Colonies and Peace
176586: Du Gua, Pierre and George B. Dorr - Commissions Du Roy Et de Monseigneur L'Admiral Au Sieur de Monte, Pour L'Habitation és Terres de Lacadie Canada, & Autres Endroits En la Nouvelle France: Ensemble Les Defenses Premieres & Secondes à Tous Autres, de Trafiquer Avec Les Sauvages Desdites Terres
175937: Du, Huang - Wang Guofeng: News
171258: du Prey, Pierre de la Ruffiniere - Architects Books & Libraries: A Collection of Essays Published in Conjunction with the Exhibition of the Same Name
190728: Du Sartel, Octave - Le Porcelaine de Chine: Origines -Fabrication, Decors Et Marques - la Porcelaine de Chine En Europe - Classement Chronologique - Imitations, Contrefacons
189857: Du Moncel, Th - Le Microphone, le Radiophone Et le Phonographe
183721: Du Colombier, Pierre - Jean Goujon
185276: Du Pont, Samuel F. - Official Dispatches and Letters of Rear Admiral Du Pont, U.S. Navy 1846-48, 1861-63
140946: du Bourg, Alexis Merle - Jordaens, 1593-1678
174520: Dubansky, Mindell and Monica J. Strauss - Crossing Borders: The Kaldewey Press, New York
188236: Dubois, M.J. - Curtains and Draperies: A Survey of the Classic Periods
189482: DuBois, Pierre - Les Anciens Chateaux de France: La Picardie
189369: DuBois, Pierre - Les Anciens Chateaux de France: La Picardie
190234: Dubos, E. Constant - Les Fleurs, Idylles, Suivies de Poesies Diverses
184273: Dubow, Saul - Racial Segregation and the Origins of Apartheid in South Africa, 1919-36
175018: Dubufet, Jean (Editor) - L'Art Brut: Fasicule 1: Le Prisonnier de Bale, le Lambris de Clement, Dessins Mediumniques Du Facteur Lonne, Palance L'Ecrituriste
180423: Dubuffet, Jean - Jean Dubuffet: Recent Paintings, Paysages Castillans, Sites Tricolores
191178: Dubuisson, Pierre-Ulric; B.C. Du Buisson; Charles Eisen and Joseph de Longueil - Le Tableau de la Volupte, Ou, Les Quatre Parties Du Jour: Poeme En Vers Libres
172188: Dubus, Pascale - Domenico Beccafumi
171298: Ducati, Pericle, Augusto Campana, M.Corradi-Cervi, et al. - Emilia Romana
181810: Duchamp, Marcel; Moure, Gloria - Duchamp: Exposició Organitzada Per la Fundació Joan Miró I la Fundació Caixa de Pensions
190057: Duchesne, Georges - 18th Century Works of Art and Furnishings
182410: Ducker, Alexander - George Grosz: Das Druckgraphische Werk
187025: Ducrot, Vicky - A Garden for Roses
185097: Dudley, William S.; Michael J. Crawford and Christine F. Hughes - The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History, Volumes I, II, and III
177877: Duff, Archibald - History of Old Testament Criticism
174662: Dufour, Bernard - Bernard Dufour
174663: Dufour, Bernard - Bernard Dufour
179138: Dufresnoy, Charles-Alphonse: John Dryden and Richard Graham - De Arte Graphica / the Art of Painting
181187: Dufy, Raoul and Pierre Courthion - Raoul Dufy
176321: Duhamel, Georges and Raymond Thiolliere - Civilisation 1914-1917
174129: Dulwich Picture Gallery - A Nest of Nightingales: Thomas Gainsborough, the Linley Sisters
127511: Dumas, Ann, Howard Shaw, and Michael Armand Hammer - Renoir: Exhibition, November 1, 2010 - January 5, 2011
190213: Dumas, F. G. - Illustrated Booklet of the Salon; Containing Around 200 Reproductions from the Artists' Original Drawings: Supplement to the Illustrated Catalog of the Salon Published Under the Direction of F. -G. Dumas
190214: Dumas, F. G. - Illustrated Booklet of the Salon; Containing Around 300 Reproductions from the Artists' Original Drawings; Supplement to the Illustrated Catalog of the Salon; Published Under the Direction of F. -G. Dumas
177159: Dumas, F.G. - Catalogue Illustre Du Salon: 1882
177993: Dumas, Alexandre - Vingt Ans Apres: Vol. I.
191866: Dumbarton Oaks; Center for Byzantine Studies - Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Number Twenty-Five
179528: Dumersan, Tehophile Marion; Champfleury and J.B. Weckerlin - Chants Et Chansons Polulairs de la France; Chansons Populaires Des Provinces de France (4 Volumes)
184801: Dummett, Michael - Voting Procedures
188843: Dumonthier, Ernest - Bois de Sieges; Tome I, Tome II (le Mobilier National)
172107: Duncan, Michael and Francine Prose - Liza Lou
180674: Duncan, Irma - Follow Me; the Autobiography of Irma Duncan
174223: Duncan, David Douglas; et al. - Picasso Revaldo Por David Douglas Duncan
182055: Duncan, Alastair - Chefs-D'Oeuvre Fin de Siecle: Dans la Collection Silverman
182257: Duncan, Alaistair - A.A. Rateau
178344: Duncan, Alastair and Georges de Bartha - Galle Furniture
180153: Duncan, Alastair - Louis Majorelle: Master of Art Nouveau Design
180253: Dundes, Alan; Falassi, Alessandro - La Terra in Piazza : An Interpretation of the Palio of Siena
181045: Dunham, David - Disneyana: Including Cels, Toys, Posters and Original Art
184322: Dunlap, Orrin E. - Marconi: The Man and His Wireless
183579: Dunoyer de Segonzac, Andre and Claude Roger-Marx - L'Oeuvre Grave de Dunoyer de Segonzac
188254: Dunzhen, Liu - Classical Gardens of Suzhou
192513: Dupin, Charles - Memoires Sur la Marine Et Les Ponts Et Chaussees de France Et D'Angleterre
174033: Dupin, Charles - Voyages Dans la Grande Bretagne. Planches. (Atlas Vol)
184241: Dupin, Jacques and Joan Miro - Miro Engraver, Volume II 1961-1973
189764: Dupin, Charles - Voyages Dans la Grande-Bretagne, Entrepris Relativement Aux Services Publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, Et Des Ponts Et Chaussees, En 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, Et 1820. III. & IV Deuxieme Partie. Force Naval de la Grande-Bretagne
176894: Dupont, Maurice - Les Meubles de la Chine Cinquante-Quatre Plances Precedess D'Une Introduction Et D'Une Table Descriptive
189425: DuPont, Henry - Announcement Page for a Keepsake Page Printed by the Zellerback Paper Co, January 1, 1928. This Series Titled "the Morris Keepsake" a Series of Annual Tributres to the Supermen of Typography
189968: Durand, Mme. Sophie Cohondet and A.J.B. Defauconpret - Anecdotes Sur la Cour Et L'Interieur de la Famille de Napoleon Bonaparte
189366: Durand, Jean-Nicolas-Louis - Raccolta E Paralello Delle Fabbriche Classiche Di Tutti I Tempi, Di Ogni Popolo E Di Ciascun Stile/ Recuil Et Parallele Des Batiments Classiques de Tous Les Temps, de Tout Peuple, Et de Chaque Style; Texte & Details
189354: Durand-Gréville, Émile - Hubert Et Jean Van Eyck
174558: Durant, Stuart - Christopher Dresser
175020: Dureau, George and Edward Lucie-Smith - George Dureau: New Orleans, 50 Photographs
191566: Durer, Albrecht and Hans Rupprich (editor) - Schriftlicher Nachlass (Vol III)
189974: Durer, Albrecht and Zimmerman (director of the Germanisches Museum) - A Stained Glass Window After the Design of Albrecth Durer from the Year 1510
190023: Dürer, Albrecht - Written Inheritance; 2. The Beginnings of Theoretical Studies
188208: Durer, Albrecht and Campbell Dodgson - The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Durer
187941: Durer, Albrecht; Campbell Dodgson: Gustav Pauli and S. Montagu Peartree - The Durer Society: 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, and 1906 (First Series - Ninth Series)
192859: Durer, Albrecht - Albrecht Dürer's Randzeichnungen Zum Gebetbuche Des Kaiser Maximilian I.
190020: Durer, Albrecht - Aquarelle Und Zeichnungen Von Albrecht Durer Und Anderen Meistern
179822: Durer, Albrecht and Hans Rupprich (editor) - Schriftlicher Nachlass (3 Volumes)
186559: Durer, Albrecht and Willy Kurth - Samtliche Holzscnitte
173125: Duret, Theodore - Histoire de J. MC. N. Whistler Et de Son Oeuvre
151918: Duret, Théodore - Histoire de Edouard Manet Et de Son Oeuvre, Avec Un Catalogue Des Peintures Et Des Pastels
187673: Durrieu, Paul; Jean d'Espinay and Comte de A. Laborde - Le Terrier de Marcoussis; Ou, la Vie Dans Ses Domaines Ruraux D'Un Grand Seigneur Francais a la Fin Du Xve Siecle
190814: Dussart-Vezilier, Sandrine - Splendeurs Du Manierisme En Flandre, 1500-1575
173050: Dussler, Luitpold - Giovanni Bellini
189771: Dutton, Thomas - The Dramatic Censor; or, Weekly Theatrical Report: Comprising a Complete Chronicle of the British Stage, and a Regular Series of Theatrical Criticism, in Every Department of the Drama. Volume 1
183841: Dutuit, M. Eugene - Manuel de L'Amateur D'Estampes, Tome IV: Ecoles Flamande Et Hollandaise, Tome I.
191273: Duval, Amaury - Les Fontaines de Paris, Anciennes Et Nouvelles: Ouvrage Contenant Soixante-Six Planches Dessinees Et Gravees Au Trait
174486: Duval, Paul - Aba Bayefsky: Drawings of the Market
162313: Duval, Jean-Luc - James Ensor, Taurus 9
162311: Duval, Jean-Luc - James Ensor, Taurus 9
162312: Duval, Jean-Luc - James Ensor, Taurus 9
176453: Duve, Thierry De - Nominalisme Pictural, Marcel Duchamp, la Peinture Et la Modernite
175197: Duvernois, Henri (Pchoir color prints by LACOSTE) - Morte la Bete
151957: Duvivier, Christophe - Norbert Goeneutte, 1854-1894
171370: Duyckinck, E.A. - National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans, from Original Paintings by Alonzo Chappel [2-Volume Set]
190927: Dvorak, Max - Pierre Bruegel L'Ancien: Trente-Sept Chromophototypographies D'Apres Ses Principales Oeuvres a Vienne
190427: Dwiggins, W. A.; Frederic Gershom Melcher; Ray Bloemer - Fifty Books; Exhibited by the Institute, 1926
187977: Dwight, Timothy - Travels in New-England and New-York (4 Volumes)
357: Dwight, Edward H. - Worthington Whittredge (1820-1910), a Retrospective Exhibition of an American Artist
175243: Dye, Daniel Sheets - A Grammar of Chinese Lattice, Two Volumes
200340: Dyson, Torkwase - Torkwase Dyson: A Liquid Belonging
200387: Dyson, Torkwase - Torkwase Dyson: A Liquid Belonging
183529: Dyson, S. L.; F. Meaulle - The Stories of Trees
175571: Dziewior, Yilmaz - Richard Philips
178058: E. Butterick and Company - Catalogue of E. Butterick & Co's Patterns for Fall, 1870
186092: Eadie, J.W. - The Breviarium of Festus: A Critical Edition with Historical Commentary
192090: Eakins, Thomas - Memorial Exhibition of the Works of the Late Thomas Eakins, Beginning December 23, 1917 and Continuing Through January 13, 1918
187723: Eames, Penelope - Furniture in England, France and the Netherlands from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century
174166: Eaves, T.C. Duncan and Ben D. Gimpel - Samuel Richardson: A Biography
179581: Ebaj, Reed - Cezanne's Place in Art
188145: Ebbesen Vind, Lisette - Malerikatalog Skagens Museum
172200: Eberlein, Harold Donaldson - Villas of Florence and Tuscany
182963: Ebers, Georg - The Elixir and Other Tales
192600: Ebhardt, Bodo - Die Burgen Italiens: IM Allerhochsten Auftrage S.M. Des Deutschen Kaisers Und Konigs Von Preussen, Wilhelm II Band II
192601: Ebhardt, Bodo - Die Burgen Italiens: IM Allerhochsten Auftrage S.M. Des Deutschen Kaisers Und Konigs Von Preussen, Wilhelm II Band IIII
181601: Eccher, Danilo - Nahum Tevet
177116: Eckhardt, Joseph P. and William B.T. Trego - So Bravely and So Well; the Life and Art of William T. Trego
184627: Eckstein, Arthur M. - Senate and General: Individual Decision-Making and Roman Foreign Relations, 264-194 B.C.
190595: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts - Les Grands Prix de Rome D'Architecture de 1850 a 1900: Reproduction En Phototypie Des 1ers, 2mes, Et 2mes Seconds Grands Prix Avec Les Programmes Des Concours, Sujets Donnes Par L"Academie Des Beaux-Arts. Volume I: 1850-1867. Volume II: 1868-1880. Volume III: 1881-1890. Volume IV: 1891-1900
179195: Ecole Francaise de Rome - L'Art Decoratif a Rome: A la Fin de la Republique Et Au Debut Du Principat
187902: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts - Concours Rougevin & Godeboeuf
174988: Economakis, Richard and Demetri Porphyrios - Building Classical: A Vision of Europe and America
197998: Eddy, Arthur Jerome - Cubists and Post-Impressionism (1914 1st Edition)
181988: Edelman, Sharon (editior) - Artpark: The Program in Visual Arts
176296: Edelman, Robert G. - Julian Hatton
178747: Eden, Victoria and Michael - Slipware: Contemporary Approaches
186266: Eder, Josef Maria - Tabellen Und Practische Arbeitsvorschriften Fur Photographie Und Reproductionstechnik
181237: Edinburgh Festival Society. ; Royal Scottish Academy. ; Arts Council of Great Britain. ; Tate Gallery - Degas: An Exhibition Sponsored by the Edinburgh Festival Society and Arranged Jointly with the Royal Scottish Academy and the Arts Council of Great Britain at the Tate Gallery, London
188130: Editions d'Art et d'Histoire - Histoire de L'Industrie Et Du Commerce En France (Volume I-II and Volume III-IV)
182867: Editions Claude Givaudan, Geneva - Catalogue Sculpteurs
182123: Editions Pierre à Feu - Derrière le Miroir: Lithographies Originales à L'Occasion de Son 60ème Anniversaire Nos. 57-59 - Joan Miro
178273: Editura Academiei Romane - Studii Si Cercetari de Istoria Artei: Arte Plastica, Serie Noua, Tomul 1 (45) 2011
200318: [Edmondson, Simon] - Sprezzatura
200317: Edmondson, Simon - Hospital-Palace: Un Pintor Responde a Diego Velazquez = a Painter Responds to Diego Velazquez
173871: Edmund W. Gosse ; with illustrations by Hubert Herkomer, J.A. McN. Whistler, and Cecil Lawson - Cecil Lawson : A Memoir
173798: Edwards, Robert, Beverly Brandt, Jane Perkins Clancy - Tiller: A Bimonthly Devoted to the Arts and Crafts Movement, Volume II, Number I, September-October, 1983
182952: Edwards, A. Cecil - The Persian Carpet: A Survey of the Carpet-Weaving Industry of Persia
181646: Edwards, Lionel - My Scottish Sketch Book
183132: Edwards, Edward - Memoirs of Libraries: Including a Handbook of Library Economy, Volume II
175903: Effendy, Rifky - Face to Face: Identity in Indonesian Art, the Art Collection of Deddy Kusuma
175808: Egelmann, Charles F. - The United States Almanack, for the Year of Our Lord 1851; Being the Third After Bissextile, or Leap Year; Containing 365 Days: And After the 4th of July, the 75th of American Independence. Arranged After the System of the German Calendars. Containing the Rising, Setting, and Eclipses of the Sun and Moon; the Phases, Signs, and Southings of the Moon; the Aspects of the Planets, with the Rising, Setting, and Southing of the Most Conspicuous Planets and Fixed Stars; the Times of High Water at Philadelphia; the Equation of Time, and Other Miscellanies, &C.
186803: Egerton, Judy; Dudley Snelgrove - Paul Mellon Collection Vol I-IV
191358: Ehmcke, F H. - Geordnetes Und Gültiges; Gesammelte Aufsätze Und Arbeiten Aus Den Letzten 25 Jahren
191203: Ehrenstein, Albert - Pe-Lo-Thien
185842: Ehrlich, Cyril - The Music Profession in Britain Since the Eighteenth Century: A Social History
188154: Eich, Matt - Seasonal Blues. Volume III, Summer 2019
182469: Eichenberg, Fritz (Introduction) - Artist's Proof: The Annual of Prints and Printmaking, Volume XI
181920: Eichenberg, Fritz (editor) - Artist's Proof, a Journal of Printmaking, Volume VI, Numbers 9-10, 1966
190441: Eike Von Repgow and Karl Von Amira - Die Dresdener Bilderhandschrift Des Sachsenspiegels. Erster Band, Erste Halfte & Zweite Halfte: Facsimile Der Handschrift
170994: Eikelmann, Renate - Bella Figura: Europaische Bronzekunst in Suddeutschland Um 1600
186152: Einstein, Alfred - The Italian Madrigal, Volume 1-3
174336: Eisenstaedt, Alfred - Panoptikum: Menschen Unserer Jarzehnte
192504: Eisler, Max - Dagobert Peche
174716: Eisler, Colin T. - The Master of the Unicorn: The Life and Work of Jean Duvet
191212: Eisler, Max - Das Barocke Wien
174789: Ekkart, Rudolf E.O. - Nederlandse Portretten Uit de 17e Eeuw: Eigen Collection/Dutch Portraits from the Seventeenth Century: Own Collecion
177426: Ekserdjian, David - Casting Modernity: Bronze in the Xxth Century
186031: Ekserdjian, David - Correggio
180647: El-Salahi, Ibrahim, Nick Hackworth and Ulli Beier - Ibrahim El-Salahi: 9 October - 17 November
197803: El Lissitzky (Lisitsky), V Favorsky, P Vasiliev, D Moor, Kukryniksy - Ussr in Construction 1917-1937 #9-10-11-12 the Stalin Copnstitution XX Great Years of the October Socialist Revolution
195793: Elaine, James - A Composite Leviathan: An Exhibition Curated by James Elaine
200337: Elderfield, John and Martin Puryear - Martin Puryear
180793: Elderfield, John (editor) - The Museum of Modern Art at Mid-Century: Continuity and Change (Studies in Modern Art 5)
185801: Elders, Willem and Graham Dixon - Composers of the Low Countries
6223: Eldredge, Charles C., Richard S. Fiske, Elizabeth Nielsen, Katherine Manthorpe - Creation & Renewal: Views of Cotapaxi by Frederic Edwin Church
179901: Eleen, Luba - The Illustration of the Pauline Epistles in French and English Bibles of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
190641: Elgass, Peter - Metal Design International 2004
172246: Elger, Dietmar and Lucius Grisebach - Keith Sonnier: Werke/Works
192817: Elias, Julius - Handzeichnungen Deutscher Impressionisten
187566: Eliot, T.S. - Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
189104: Elisseeff, Serge; Louis Réau - Histoire Universelle Des Arts
180820: Elite Styles Company - Elite Styles, December 1914, Volume XVIII, No. 12
133568: Elizabeth Feld; Stuart P. Feld - The World of Duncan Phyfe: The Arts of New York, 1800-1847
174270: Elkann, Ginevra - A Passion for Jean Prouve: From Furniture to Architecture: The Laurence and Patrick Seguin Collection
176302: Elkon, Dorothea McKenna - Francoise Gilot: Portraits from a Life
190861: Elleh, Nnamdi - Architecture and Power in Africa
178942: Ellen, Mary and Laurence Blair - The Legacy of a Master Potter: Nampeyo and Her Descendants
183567: Elliott, C.B. - Travels in the Three Great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey (Volume II)
124249: Ellsworth, Robert Hatfield - Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early Ch'Ing Dynasties
183959: Ellsworth, Rodney Sydes - The Giant Sequoia: An Account of the History and Characteristics of the Big Trees of California
191258: Ellsworth, Robert Hatfield (introduction) - Chinese Furniture: One Hundred Examples from the MIMI and Raymond Hung Collection
176597: Ellyson, James Taylor and Thomas Fortune Ryan - The London Company of Virginia: A Brief Account of Its Transactions in Colonizing Virginia, with Photogravures of the More Prominent Leaders Reproduced from Collection of Historical Portraits at Oakridge, Nelson County, Virginia. Secured for Exhibition at the Jamestown Exposition by Thomas Fortune Ryan
187644: Elphick, Geroge P. - Sussex Bells and Belfries
178596: Elsen, Albert - Paul Jenkins
183335: Elsen, Albert - Casting : A Survey of Cast Metal Sculpture in the 80's : July 8-August 28, 1982
182676: Eluard, Paul - Anthologie Des Ecrits Sur L'Art
188057: Ema, Tsutomu - Kimono, One Hundred Masterpieces of Japanese Costumes, Volume II
183998: Emanuel, Frank L. - Charles Keene, Etcher, Draughtsman and Illustrator, 1823-1891
190138: Embden-Heine, Maria; Princess of the Rock - Modern Art in Italy; Studies, Biographies and Sketches
186468: Embree, Ainslie Thomas - Encyclopedia of Asian History, Volumes 1-4
137514: Embury, Stuart P. - The Art and Life of Luigi Lucioni: A Contribution Towards a Catalogue Raisonne
189081: Emerson, P. H.; Neil McWilliam; Veronica Sekules; Michael Brandon-Jones - Life and Landscape
191277: Emerson, William and Georges Gromort - Old Bridges of France: A Series of Historical Examples from Roman Times to the End of Xviiith Century
184013: Emerson Waldo, Ralph - Representative Men: Seven Lectures
187272: Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Stephen E Whicher; Robert Ernest Spiller; Wallace E Williams - Early Lectures
191285: Emett, Rowland - Emett's Domain: Trains, Trams and Englishmen. The Best of Rowland Emett (Signed)
192773: Emiliani, Andrea et al. - Ludovico Carracci
184984: Endleman, Robert - Love and Sex in Twelve Cultures
183825: Engel, Eva J.; Oliver Schutze and Michael Albrecht - Gedanck Und Empfindung: Ausgewahlte Schriften
186481: Engelbach, Barbara - Familienbande. Die Schenkung Schröder
184464: Engelhardt, Fr. Zephyrin - Mission Santa Ines, Virgen Y Martir, and Its Ecclesiastical Seminary
170804: Engels, Mathias T. Engels - Campendonk: Holzschnitte
174605: Engen, Rodney: Hilary Beck - Victorian Engravings
185526: Englisch, Paul - Geschichte Der Erotischen Literatur
178330: Enguita, Nuria - Actos de Edicion: Gilda Mantilla & Raimond Chaves, Pedro G. Romero, Azucena Vieites, Federico Guzman
188030: Enlart, Camille - L'Art Gothique En France: L'Architecture Et la Decoration; Deuxieme Serie
191827: Enlart, Camille - L'Art Gothique En France: L'Architecture Et la Decoration; Deuxieme Serie
190951: Enlart, Camille - L'Art Gothique En France: L'Architecture Et la Decoration; Deuxieme Serie
177966: Enschede, Charles - Fonderies de Caracteres Et Leur Materiel Dans Les Pays-Bas Du Xve Au Xixe Siecle. Notice Historique Principalement D'Après Les Données de la Collection Typographique de Joh. Enschedé En Zonen á Haarlem
174610: Ensor, James; Karl Egon-Vester; Xavier Tricot - James Ensor: Kunstverein in Hamburg, 6. Dezember 1986-8. Februar 1987
181869: Ente Fiuggi - Michelangelo, Stone and the Stone
186029: Epstein, Dena J. - Sinful Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the CIVIL War
187965: Erasmy, Roger Michel - The Dollar Apotheosis
174539: Erbstosser, Martin - Heretics in the Middle Ages
173091: Erens, Frans - Dansen En Rhytmen
200203: Ericsson, T.R. and Jeremy Sigler - T R Ericsson: Pale Fires
200410: Eriksson, Johan - The Condottiere Prince - a Visual Rhetoric: Leonello D'Este, Sigismondo Malatesta, Alessandro Sforza, Federico Da Montefeltro
187736: Erixon, Sigurd - Massing: Svenska Manufakturer Och Konsthantverksprodukter Under 400 Ar
182798: Erixon, Sven - Huset Sergelgatan No. 1
182433: Erla, Karen; Cohen, Ronny - Karen Erla: Works on Paper
184490: Erlande-Brandenburg, Alain - The Cathedral: The Social and Architectural Dynamics of Construction
175577: Erml, Georgem Lisa Tremper Barnes, Karen A. Lodge - Steve Tobin: Reconstructions
179247: Ernst, Max - Zweiundzwanzig Mikroben
180797: Ernst, Max - Max Ernst's Histoire Naturelle: Leaves Never Grow on Trees
187777: Ernst, K. S.; Sheila E Murphy - Permutoria : Visio-Textual Art
29814: Ernst, Max and Jurgen Pech - Max Ernst: A Natural History of the Mind
200342: Erntges, Matthias and Hanna Kuster - Hanna Kuster
200343: Erntges, Matthias and Philipp Naujoks - Philipp Naujoks
171131: Ernyey, Gyula - Made in Hungary: The Best of 150 Years in Industrial Design
190397: Errard, Charles and Albert Gayet - L'Art Byzantin D'Apres Les Monuments de L'Italie, de L'Istrie Et de la Dalmatie. III. Ravenne Et Pompose: Saint-Vital Et L'Abbaye Des Benedictins
190399: Errard, Charles and Al Gayet - L'Art Byzantin D'Apres Les Monuments de L'Italie, de L"Istrie Et de la Dalmatie. IV: Torcello Et la Dalmatie: L'Eglise Du Dome Et Zara Nona
186311: Errera, Isabelle - Collection D'Anciennes Etoffes: Reunies Et Decrites
177905: Errera, Isabelle - Collection D'Anciennes Etoffes: Reunies Et Decrites
188815: Erskine, Beatrice (Mrs. Steuart Erskine) - Beautiful Women in History & Art
176235: Erwitt, Elliott - Eighteen Flip Books About Italians in Movement
185269: Esarey, Logan; John B Stoll - History of Indiana from Its Exploration to 1922
181356: Escher, Konrad - Kunst Der Renaissance = Art of the Renaissance - Six Book Series
190223: Escherich, Mela - Einblattdrucke Des Funfzehnten Jahrhunderts: Einblattdrucke Des Grossherzoglich Hessischen Landesmuseums Zu Darmstadt: Band I.
190265: Escribe, Eugene - Tableaux Anciens, Dessins, Gravures, Objets D'Art Et de Haute Curiosite Du Moyen Age, de la Renaissance Et Des Temps Modernes. Medailles, Livresw Riche Mobilier Du Xviiie Siecle Composant Les Collections de Feu M. Le Comte de la Beraudiere
148393: Escudero de Teran, Ximena - America Y Espana En la Escultura Colonial Quitena : Historia de Un Sincretismo
175737: Escuela de Altamira (Group of artists) - Segunda Semana de Arte En Santillana Del Mar: Del 20 Al 26 de Septiembre 1950
170881: Esin, Emel - Mecca the Blessed, Madinah the Radiant
187159: Eskind, Andrew H.; Greg Drake; Kirsti Ringger; Lynne Rumney - Index to American Photographic Collections : Compiled at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House
184336: Eskridge, Robert Lee - Manga Reva: The Forgotten Islands
190957: Esparza, Roman and Nigel Warburton, et al. - Bill Brandt
124853: Esposito, Carla - Collection Du Docteur Gachet: Estampes Et Dessins Du Xve Siecle Aux Impressionistes
172227: Esquie, Pierre - The Five Orders of Architecture: The Casting of Shadows and the First Principles of Construction Based on the System of Vignola
171649: Esquinca, Bernardo - El Libro de Las Mascotas
181177: Essex Institute - Samuel Mcintire: A Bicentennial Symposium, 1757-1957
189246: Essling, Victor Massena: Charles Gerard - Etudes Sur L'Art de la Gravure Sur Bois a Venise. Les Livres a Figures Venitiens de la Fin Du Xve Siecle Et Du Commencement Du Xvie: Premiere Partie, Tome I, Tome II and Seconde Partie
189250: Essling, Victor Massena: Charles Gerard - Etudes Sur L'Art de la Gravure Sur Bois a Venise. Les Livres a Figures Venitiens de la Fin Du Xve Siecle Et Du Commencement Du Xvie: Premiere Partie, Tome I, Tome II and Tome II (2); Seconde Partie, Tome I and Tome II; Troisieme Partie, Tome I and Tome II
181981: Esswein, Hermann - Aubrey Beardsley
181453: Estienne, Charles - L'Art Abstrait Est-IL Un Academisme
162408: Etherege, George, Esq - She Wou'd If She Cou'd : A Comedy : Acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre
173133: Etlin, Richard A. - The Architecture of Death: The Transformation of the Cemetery in Eighteenth-Century Paris
125257: Ettinghausen, Richard and Ehsan Yarshater (editors) - Highlights of Persian Art
185661: Euripides - Trojan Women
185925: Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States - Evang. -Lutherisches Gesangbuch Fur Kirche, Schule Und Haus
181048: Evans, David Beecher - Leontius of Byzantium: An Origenist Christology
176972: Evans, Walker (photographer); John Szarkowski (writer of intro) - Walker Evans
186783: Evans, Mark - Renaissance Watercolours: From Durer to Van Dyck
189670: Evans, R.H. - A Catalogue of the Library of George Hibbert, Esq of Portland Place
117538: Evans, Helen C. (editor) - Byzantium: Faith and Power (1261 - 1557)
181392: Evans, Walker - Walker Evans in Print: An Illustrated Bibliography
186640: Evans, Joan - Pattern, a Study of Ornament in Western Europe from 1180 to 1900, Volume I and Volume II
180018: Evans, Joan - Taste and Temperament: A Brief Study of Psychological Types in Their Relations to the Visual Arts
180281: Evans, Joan, 1893-1977 - Art in Mediaeval France, 987-1498
180282: Evans, Joan, 1893-1977 - Monastic Architecture in France, from the Renaissance to the Revolution
189495: Everett, Edward - An Address Delivered Before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, 20th September, 1837, on Occasion of Their First Exhibition and Fair
189757: Evergood, Philip - 20 Years, Evergood
191723: Evergood, Philip - 20 Years, Evergood
190039: Ewald, Ernst - Decorations Polychromes
190037: Ewald, Ernst - Farbige Decorationen
178283: Ewald, Wendy and Thomas Keenan, et al. - The Transformation of This World Depends Upon You
171700: Ex, Sjarel, Adriaan Nuhn, Jan Brand, Pieter Singelenberg, Ghislain Kieft, Mariette Haveman, et al. - Neo
179276: Eyck, Hubert Van; Jan Van Eyck and Giorgio Faggin - The Complete Paintings of Van Eycks
133707: F. H. Andrews - One Hundred Carpet Designs from Various Parts of India
188653: Faber, Monika - The Eye and the Apparatus
175735: Fabre, Gladys, Peter Brooke, Pascal Rousseau, et al. - Albert Gleizes: El Cubismo En Majestat
148666: Fabre, Gladys C. et al. - Leger and the Modern Spirit (1918-1931) : An Avant-Garde Alternative to Non Objective Art = Leger Et L'Esprit Moderne (1918-1931) : Une Alternative D'Avant-Garde a L'Art Non-Objectif
174011: Fabricius - L'Opere Cirugiche Del Signor Girolamo Fabritio D'Aqvapendente
200239: Facchinetti, Simone and Arturo Galansino - Moroni 1521-1580: IL Ritratto Del Suo Tempo
183789: Faensen, Hubert; Wladmir Iwanow; Klaus G Beyer - Altrussische Baukunst
174085: Fagan, Louis - Collector's Marks
174084: Fagan, Louis - Collector's Marks
180050: Fagan, Gwen - Roses at the Cape of Good Hope
183821: Fage, Rene - La Cathedrale de Limoges
170912: Fagiolo, Maurizio et al. - Forma 1 (Roma 1946/1949)
197956: Fahy, Everett, et al. - The Wrightsman Collection, Volume V: Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture
179623: Fahy, Everett - The Legacy of Leonardo : Italian Renaissance Paintings from Leningrad
183745: Faider-Feytmans, G.M. - Les Nécropoles Mérovingiennes
174028: Fairbairn, Donald - Fairbairn's Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland, Compiled from the Best Authorities, Two Volumes in One
176984: Fairbanks, Theresa and Paul Sandby - Papermaking and the Art of Watercolor, in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Paul Sandby and the Whatman Paper MILL

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