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33169: Edited by: WEST, Shearer. - Italian Culture in Northern Europe in the Eighteenth Century.
27584: Edited by, ROGERSON, Margaret, and JOHNSTONE, Alexandra F. - Records of Early English Drama: York. (Two Volumes). I: Introduction; the Records. II: Appendixes; Translations; End-Notes; Glossaries; Indexes.
37832: Edited by, EBRECHT, Ronald. - Maurice Durufle, 1902-1986. The Last Impressionist.
34091: Edited by: CAVALLO, Sandra; WARNER, Lyndan. - Widowhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.
33216: [CHAUCER.] Edited by POLLAND, Alfred W. - Shakespeare Head Press Chaucer. [Set of Eight Volumes: ] Volumes I. -III. The Canterbury Tales; Volume IV. The Parson&Rsquo;S Tale and Minor Poems; Volume V. Boece de Consolac: Philosophie; Volume VI. Troilus and Criseyde; Volume VII. The House of Fame and Minor Poems; Volume VIII. The Romaunt of the Rose
36467: Edited by: STEELE, Robert; DAY, Mabel. - The English Poems of Charles of Orleans.
38098: Edited by: KELLY, James; POWELL, Martyn J. - Clubs and Societies in Eighteenth-Century Ireland.
36117: Edited by, KENNEDY, Edward Donald; WALDRON, Ronald; WITTIG, Joseph S. - Medieval English Studies Presented to George Kane.
37981: Edited by: BENNETT, J.A.W. Contributors: OAKESHOTT, Walter; LEWIS, C.S.; VINAVER, Eugene; BREWER, D.S.; TUCKER, P.E.; WHITEHEAD, F.; SHAW, Sally. - Essays on Malory.
35926: Edited by, ELLIS, Roger; TIXIER, Rene. - The Medieval Translator; Traduire Au Moyen Age. Volume 5. Proceedings of the International Conference of Conques (26-29 July 1993); Actes Du Colloque International de Conques (26-29 Juillet 1993)
35903: Edited and translated by: BARTLETT, John R. - Burchard of Mount Sion, Op. Descriptio Terrae Sanctae.
34934: [NAPIER, C.] Edited by: EARP, G. Butler. - The History of the Baltic Campaign of 1854. From Documents and Other Materials Furnished by Vice-Admiral Sir C. Napier, K.C. B.
37428: Edited by: BERGLUND, Edward P. With an Introduction by Robert Bloch. - The Disciples of Cthulhu. Second Revised Edition.
34571: Edited by: ROACH, Andrew P.; SIMPSON, James R. [Editor’s presentation copy]. - Heresy and the Making of European Culture. Medieval and Modern Perspectives.
32586: Edited by QUILLEY, Geoff; BONEHILL, John. Various contributors. Foreword by Sir David Attenborough. - William Hodges, 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration.
37132: Edited by, EMERY, Jr., Kent; COURTENAY, William J; METZGER, Stephen M. - Philosophy and Theology in the Studia of the Religious Orders and Papal and Royal Courts. Acts of the Xvth Annual Colloquium of the Societe Internationale Pour L&Rsquo;Etude de la Philosophie Medievale University of Notre Dame, 8-10 October 2008.
37134: Edited by, BROWN, Stephen F. - Meeting of the Minds: The Relations between Medieval and Classical Modern European Philosophy. Acts of the International Colloquium Held at Boston College June 14-16, 1996, Organized by the Societe Internationale Pour L&Rsquo;Etude de la Philosophie Medievale.
37136: Edited by, BAYLY, C.A; BIAGINI, Eugenio F. - Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalisation of Democratic Nationalism 1830-1920. Proceedings of the British Academy, 152.
37143: Edited by: BASSETT, Steven. - The Origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. Studies in the Early History of Britain.
37144: Edited by KELLY, S.E. - Anglo-Saxon Charters IV. Charters of St Augustine&Rsquo;S Abbey, Canterbury and Minster-in-Thanet.
37158: Edited by: CONNER, Patrick W. - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. A Collaborative Edition. Volume 10. The Abingdon Chronicle, A.D. 956-1066 (Ms. C. , with Reference to Bde). A Reconstructed Edition with Introduction and Indices.
37487: Edited by, HORDEN, Peregrine. - Freedom of Movement in the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the 2003 Harlaxton Symposium. Harlaxton Medieval Studies, XV.
34539: Edited by: GOODWAY, David. - Herbert Read Reassessed.
34928: Edited with English translation by: FALCONER, Sheila. - Lorgaireacht an Tsoidhigh Naomhtha. An Early Modern Irish Translation of the Quest of the Holy Grail.
33727: Edited by: SCHABEL, Christopher; RICHARD, Jean; PERRAT, Charles. - Cyprus Research Centre Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus LXIV: Bullarium Cyprium. [Set of Three Volumes: ] Volume I. Papal Letters Concerning Cyprus, 1196-1261; Volume II. Papal Letters Concerning Cyprus, 1261-1314; Volume III. Lettres Papales Relatives a Chypre, 1316-1378.
37267: Edited and translated by: LAWRENCE, C.H. - The Letters of Adam Marsh, Volumes I and II.
36629: Edited by: SCHOFIELD, John. - Great Excavations: Shaping the Archaeological Profession.
13413: [BOSWELL, James.] Edited by: BAKER, Peter S.; COPELAND, Thomas W.; KAHRL, George M.; McCLELLAN, Rachel; and OSBORN, James. - The Correspondence of James Boswell with David Garrick, Edmund Burke, and Edmund Malone. [Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell, Research Edition. Correspondence: Volume 4. ]
34288: Edited by: HALLETT, Mark; RENDALL, Jane. - Eighteenth-Century York: Culture, Space and Society. Borthwick Text and Calendar 30.
36068: Edited by: COONEY, Helen. - Nation, Court and Culture. New Essays on 15th Century English Poetry.
38185: Edited by DE RIDDER SYMOENS, H. General Editor: Walter Ruegg. - A History of the University in Europe. Volume I. Universities in the Middle Ages.
36167: Edited by, WATSON, W.J. - Bardachd Albannach: Scottish Verse from the Book of the Dean of Lismore.
37961: Edited by, FRANKLIN, Michael J. - Romantic Representations of British India.
37759: Edited by, JUPP, Peter; MAGENNIS, Eoin. - Crowds in Ireland, C. 1720-1920.
34703: Edited by: GLAZE, Florence Eliza; NANCE, Brian K. - Between Text and Patient. The Medieval Enterprise in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.
36115: Edited by, TAVORMINA, M. Teresa. - The Dome of Uryne. A Reading Edition of Nine Middle English Uroscopies.
36116: Edited by, PHILLIPS, Helen. - Langland, the Mystics and the Medieval English Religious Tradition. Essays in Honour of S.S. Hussey.
34630: Edited by: LACY, Norris J. Introduction by: BURNS, E. Jane. Translations by: CHASE, Carol J.; PICKENS, Rupert T.; ROSENBERG, Samuel N.; CARROLL, Carleton W. - Lancelot-Grail: The Old French Arthurian Vulgate and Post-Vulgate Translation, Volumes I and II. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities Volume 941. Volume I. Introduction; the History of the Holy Grail; the Story of Merlin; Volume II. Lancelot, Parts I-III.
37238: Edited by: KLEEBLATT, Norman L. Various contributors. - Action / Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976.
30335: Edited by, BROOKE, C.N.L; STEWART, B.H.I.H; POLLARD, J.G; VOLK, T.R. - Studies in Numismatic Method. Presented to Philip Grierson.
34749: Edited by: WAGNER, David L. - The Seven Liberal Arts in the Middle Ages.
31668: Edited by: MENJOT, Denis; SANCHEZ MARTINEZ, Manuel. - La Fiscalite Des Villes Au Moyen Age (Occident Mediterraneen), 4. La Gestion de L&Rsquo;Impot. (Histoire Et Archeologie Des Mondes Chretiens Et Musulmans Medievaux - Umr 5648 - Lyon/Institucion Mila Y Fontanals - Csic Barcelona).
38151: Edited by, MERISALO, O. With the collaboration of, PHATA, P. - Frontiers in the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the Third European Congress of Medieval Studies (Jyvaskyla, 10-14 June 2003). Textes Et Etudes Du Moyen Age, 35.
31009: Edited by, HAYTON, D.H. - The Parliamentary Diary of Sir Richard Cocks, 1698-1702.
32885: Edited by: SHEPARD, Mary B.; PILOSI, Lisa; STROBL, Sebastian. - The Art of Collaboration: Stained-Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century. L&Rsquo;Art de Travailler Ensemble / Die Kunst Der Zussamenarbeit. Papers Presented at the Forum for the Conservation [of] Stained Glass, the International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum for the Conservation of Stained Glass, Held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1-3 June 2009.
34970: Edited by: BATES, Don. - Knowledge, and the Scholarly Medical Traditions.
33481: Edited by: BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKI, Renate; PETKOV, Kiril. - Philippe de Mezieres and His Age. Piety and Politics in the Fourteenth Century.
37320: Edited by: BARNWELL, P.S.; PALMER, Marilyn; AIRS, Malcolm. - The Vernacular Workshop. From Craft to Industry, 1400-1900.
34362: Edited by: CARR, Gillian; STODDART, Simon. - Celts from Antiquity. Antiquity Papers 2.
35388: Edited by: CHIAPPINI, Rudy. - Bacon.
34814: Edited by: DE VRIEND, Hubert Jan. - The Old English Herbarium and Medicina de Quadrupedibus.
31508: Edited by: KEDAR, Benjamin Z.; PHILLIPS, Jonathan; NICHOLSON, Helen J. - Crusades, Volume 1, 2002.
38267: Edited by BAK, Janos M. - Coronations: Medieval and Early Modern Monarchic Ritual.
35691: Edited by, JACKSON, Anna; JAFFER, Amin. - Encounters: The Meeting of Asia and Europe, 1500-1800.
31858: Edites par: GENET, Jean-Philippe; LOTTES, Gunther. - L&Rsquo;Etat Moderne Et Les Elites Xiiie-Xviiie Siecles. Apports Et Limites de la Methode Prosopographique. Actes Du Colloque International Cnrs-Paris I, 16-19 Octobre 1991.
34098: EDLICH-MUTH, Miriam. - Malory and His European Contemporaries. Adapting Late Arthurian Romance Collections.
36601: Translated by: EDMONDS, J.M. Edited by: PAGE, T.E. - Loeb Classical Library: Lyra Graeca [in 3 Volumes]. Loeb Library No. S 142,143 and 144.
37935: EDSALL, Nicholas C. - The Anti-Poor Law Movement, 1834-44.
33011: EDWARDS, Robert W. - The Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia. Dumbarton Oaks Studies Twenty-Three.
36352: EDWARDS, Rhoda. - The Itinerary of King Richard III 1483-1485.
33249: EDWARDS, Mark. - Catholicity and Heresy in the Early Church.
33551: EDWARDS, Robert W. - The Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia. Dumbarton Oaks Studies Twenty-Three.
37974: EDWARDS, A.S.G. - Stephen Hawes Twayne&Rsquo;S English Authors Series 354
36414: EGERER, J.W. - A Bibliography of Robert Burns.
33561: Eidted by: FOURACRE, Paul; GANZ, David. - Frankland: The Franks and the World of the Early Middle Ages. Essays in Honour of Dame Jinty Nelson.
37024: Eight studies collected by, CAMERON, Kenneth. Introduction by, GELLING, Margaret. - Place-Name Evidence for the Anglo-Saxon Invasion and Scandinavian Settlements.
35167: EINSTEIN, Albert; INFELD, Leopold. - Relativity the Special &Amp; the General Theory, a Popular Exposition. Authorised Translation by Robert W. Lawson. With Five Diagrams and a Portrait of the Author.
35427: EISENHOWER, General DWIGHT D. - Crusade in Europe.
36560: EKSERDJIAN, David. - Italian Renaissance Altarpiece: Between Icon and Narrative.
36795: ELIADE, Mircea. - From Primitives to Zen. A Thematic Sourcebook on the History of Religions.
25938: ELIASON, Norman E. - The Pyle and Scop in Beowulf. An Offprint from Speculum, a Journal of Mediaeval Studies, Vol. XXXVIII, April 1963.
35233: ELIOT, T.S. - Four Quartets.
33185: ELIOT, T.S. - Murder in the Cathedral.
21012: ELIOT, T.S. Foreword by REVELL, Stanley. - &Lsquo;Not in Gallup&Rsquo;.
37626: ELJENHOLM NICHOLS, Ann. - Seeable Signs: The Iconography of the Seven Sacraments 1350-1544.
36295: ELLIOT, Walter. - Selkirkshire and the Borders. A Personal View of the Archaeology and History As Seen by Walter Elliot. [Two Volumes]
36719: ELLIOTT, Simon. - Septimius Severus in Scotland. The Northern Campaigns of the First Hammer of the Scots.
34986: Translated by: ELLIS, G.M. Introduction by: MUNZ, Peter. - Boso&Rsquo;S Life of Alexander III.
37232: ELMER, Peter. - The Miraculous Conformist. Valentine Greatrakes, the Body Politic, and the Politics of Healing in Restoration Britain.
35279: ELPHINSTONE, Captain H.C.JONES, Major General Sir Harry D. - Siege of Sebastopol, 1854-5. Journal of the Operations Conducted by the Corps of the Royal Engineers. Published by Order of State for War. [in Two Volumes: ] Part I. From the Invasion of the Crimea to the Close of the Winter Campaign 1854-55. Part II. From February 1855 to the Fall of Sebastopol, September 1855.
37942: ELVIN, Laurence. [Author’s signed presentation copy] - Bishop and Son Organ Builders. The Story of J.C. Bishop and His Successors.
38156: ELVIN, Laurence; Foreword by, MASSEY, Roy; And a Message by, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. - Pipes and Actions: Some Organ Builders in the Midlands and Beyond.
24441: ELVY, James. - Tracery 1150-1350 A.D.
31896: ELWES, Robert. - W.S. W. A Voyage in That Direction to the West Indies.
37476: EMDEN, A.B. - A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500 (in Three Volumes). With: A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford, A.D. 1501 to 1540. [Four Volumes] Volume I. A-E; Volume II. F-O; Volume III. P-Z; Volume IV. 1501-1540.
37446: EMDEN, A.B. - Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500
37121: EMERY, Anthony - Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300-1500. [Set of Three Volumes: ] Volume I. Northern England; Volume II. East Anglia, Central England and Wales; Volume III. Southern England.
37611: EMMERSON, Richard Kenneth. - Antichrist in the Middle Ages: A Study of Medieval Apocalypticism, Art, and Literature.
35557: ENRIGHT, D.J. - The Year of the Monkey. A Farewell Edition Privately Printed for the Author by the Board of Directors of Konan University, Kobe, Japan.
37924: EPSTEIN, James A. - Radical Expression Political Language, Ritual, and Symbol in England, 1790-1850.
34826: EPSTEIN, Steven. - Wills and Wealth in Medieval Genoa, 1150-1250. Harvard Historical Studies.
33263: ERB, Peter C. - Pietists, Protestants, and Mysticism: The Use of Late Medieval Spiritual Texts in the Work of Gottfried Arnold (1666-1714). (Pietist and Wesleyan Studies, No. 2)
35839: ESAM, John; HOLLO, Anselm; RAWORTH, Tom. - Haiku. John Esam - a Strange Life; Anselm Hollo - 17 X 17; Tom Raworth - My Son the Haiku Writer.
36801: ESHELMAN, Byron. With Frank Riley. - Death Row Chaplain.
37914: Essays by FUCHS, Rudi; GROVIER, Kelly; LONG, Declan. - Sean Scully: Landlines and Other Recent Works.
36883: EVANS, G. R. - Anselm and Talking About God.
36885: EVANS, G. R. - The Mind of St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
37091: EVERARD, J.A. - Brittany and the Angevins. Province and Empire 1158-1203.
37116: EVERETT, Nicholas. - Literacy in Lombard Italy, C. 568-774.
36980: EVERSLEY, Lord. - The Turkish Empire. Its Growth and Decay.
37582: EVERSON, Paul; STOCKER, David. With contributions by, HIGGITT, John; PARSONS, D.N; WORSSAM, Bernard C. - Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, Volume V: Lincolnshire.
35711: EVERSON, Paul; STOCKER, David. - Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, Volume XII. Nottinghamshire.
32207: Exhibition arranged by: STANDING, Juliet, from whom this is a presentation copy. - The Private Press Today. 17th Kings Lynn Festival.
5773: EYTON, The Rev. Robert W. - Domesday Studies: An Analysis and Digest of the Staffordshire Survey, Treating of the Mensuration, Technicalities, Phraseology, and Method of Domesday, in Its Relation to Staffordshire, and to Other Counties of the Same Circuit. With Tables and Notes Re-Producing the Main Features of the Domesday Survey of the County, and Comparing the Same with Existing Conditions.
32762: FAIRCLOUGH, Mary. - The Romantic Crowd: Sympathy, Controversy and Print Culture.
30183: FALLS, Cyril. - War Books. A Critical Guide.
27605: FARNHAM, George F.; THOMPSON, A. Hamilton. - The Manor and Advowson of Medbourne, 1086-1550. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological Society, Part I, Volume XIII. , 1923.
35527: FARRAR, James. Edited and Introduced by: WILLIAMSON, Henry. - The Unreturning Spring. Being the Poems, Sketches, Stories, and Letters of James Farrar.
37499: FAWCETT, Bill. - A History of the North Eastern Railway Architecture. Three Volumes. Voume I: The Pioneers. Volume II: A Mature Art. Volume III: Bell and Beyond.
37958: FAY, Mary Ann. - Unveiling the Harem. Elite Women and the Paradox of Seclusion in Eighteenth-Century Cairo.
33098: FEASEY, Henry John. - Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial.
31377: FEDERICO, Sylvia. [Author’s presentation copy]. - The Classicist Writings of Thomas Walsingham. &Lsquo;Worldly Cares&Rsquo; at St Albans Abbey in the Fourteenth Century.
31350: FELLOWS, Sir Charles. - Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, More Particularly in the Province of Lycia.
29614: FEREDAY, R.P. - The Orkney Balfours, 1747-99. Trenaby and Elwick.
32775: FERRUA, Antonio. Introduction by NARDINI, Bruno. Translated by INGLIS, Iain. - The Unknown Catacomb. A Unique Discovery of Early Christian Art.
37955: FIELD, Ron. HOOK, Richard. - The Confederate Army 1861-65 (4): Virginia &Amp; Arkansas. Men-at-Arms, 435.
37874: FINLAYSON, Geoffrey. - Citizen, State, and Social Welfare in Britain 1830-1990.
36773: FINLAYSON, Rhona. - Medieval Metalworking and Urban Life at St. Andrewgate, York.
36434: FIRMIN, Peter; POSTGATE, Oliver. - Clangers Pop-Up Book. Based on the Bbc Tv Series &Lsquo;Clangers&Rsquo;.
34792: FISH, Margery. [Signed copy] - Cottage Garden Flowers.
37682: FISHER, Michael. - Hardman of Birmingham Goldsmith and Glasspainter.
38175: FISHER, Michael. - A Clash of Cultures. Awadh, the British and the Mughals.
36504: FISSEL, Mark Charles. - English Warfare, 1511-1642.
35568: FITZGERALD, Major D.J.L. With a Foreword by Field-Marshal the Viscount Alexander of Tunis. - History of the Irish Guards in the Second World War.
35231: FITZGERALD, Penelope. - The Bookshop.
37366: FLANAGAN, Marie Therese. - Irish Society, Anglo-Norman Settlers, Angevin Kingship. Interactions in Ireland in the Late Twelfth Century.
38011: FLEGG, Columba Graham. - Gathered Under Apostles. A Study of the Catholic Apostolic Church.
37026: FLEMING, J.S. Illustrated by the author. - The Town-Wall Fortifications of Ireland.
35498: FLENLEY, John R. - The Equatorial Rain Forest: Geological History.
32417: FLINDERS PETRIE, W.M. - Prehistoric Egypt. Illustrated by over 1,000 Objects in University College, Dublin. British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account Twenty-Third Year, 1917.
35858: FLINT, Sir William Russell. - In Pursuit.
38092: FOLZ, Robert. Translated by, OGILVIE, Sheila Ann. - The Concept of Empire in Western Europe: From the Fifth to the Fourteenth Century.
35533: LA FONTAINE. - Le la Fontaine Des Enfans, Ou Choix de Fables de la Fontaine, Les Plus Simples Et Les Plus Morales, Avec Des Explications a la Portee de L&Rsquo;Enfance, Orne de Six Gravures.
37989: FORBES, Rev. Robert, Bishop of Ross and Caithness, 1746-1775. Edited from his manuscript and with a preface by PATON, Henry. - The Lyon in Mourning, or a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals Etc. Relative to the Affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. [in Three Volumes].
37661: FORD, Richard. - [Murray&Rsquo;S] the Hand-Book for Travellers in Spain. Ninth Edition, Revised and Corrected. Part I. Madrid and the Castiles; the Basque Provinces; Leon; Asturias and Galicia. With Index and Directory for 1908. Part II. Estremadura, Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia, Catalonia, Aragon, Navarre, and the Balearic Islands. With Maps and Plans. With Index and Directory for 1907.
37214: FORD, Ford Madox. Illustrated by NASH, Paul. - Mister Bosphorus and the Muses. Or, a Short History of Poetry in Britain: Variety Entertainment in Four Acts. With Harlequinade, Transformation Scene, Cinematograph Effects, and Many Other Novelties, As Well As Old and Tried Favourites.
35936: Foreword by: COXSON, James. - Alan Davie, 1950-2000: Schilderijen / Paintings.
37335: Foreword by,. Lt-Col. The Rt. Hon. Viscount Massereene & Ferrard, D.S.O.,J.P. - Centenary of the Opening of the Belfast and Ballymena Railway.
36841: Foreword by, PEYTON-JONES, Julia. - Brice Marden.
37659: Foreword by PHELAN, Brian. Essay by Margaret Garlake. With A.L.S. from the artist] - Frank Phelan.
29588: Foreword by, JAMES, Philip. - Henri Gaudier-Brzeska 1891-1915: An Exhibition of Sculpture, Pastels and Drawings.
26573: Foreword by, WAINWRIGHT, Professor Geoffrey; GRIMSHAW, Sir Nicholas. - Making History: Antiquaries in Britian 1707-2007.
36097: Foreword by MARR, Andrew. Texts by, GAYFORD, Martin; CLEATON-ROBERTS, David. - Gillian Ayres.
35780: FOREY, Alan. - The Military Orders and Crusades.
37716: FORREST, G.W. - A History of the Indian Mutiny Reviewed and Illustrated from Original Documents. [Set of Three Volumes: ] Volume I. Siege of Delhi - Defence of the Residency at Lucknow - the Story of Cawnpore - Havelock&Rsquo;S Campaign. Volume II. Havelock&Rsquo;S Succour of the Lucknow Residency - the Second Defence - Relief by Sir Colin Campbell - Outram&Rsquo;S Defence of the Alum Bagh - Siege and Capture of Lucknow. Volume III. The Campaign in Central India - the Rebellion in Rohilcund - Mutiny in Western Behar - Siege and Relief of Arrah - Suppression of Mutiny in Behar - the Final Campaign in Oudh - Pursuit of Tantia Topee.
34276: FORSETT, Edward. Prepared with an Introduction by: TUCKER, E.F.J. - Pedantius. Renaissance Latin Drama in England, Second Series, 9.
35790: FOSTER, Stephen (ed.). - British North America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
10043: FOURQUET, Jean. - Wolfram D&Rsquo;Eschenbach Et le Conte Del Graal.
36050: FOWLER, Elizabeth. [Author’s Presentation Copy] - Literary Character: The Human Figure in Early English Writing.
37513: FOX, Yaniv. - Power and Religion in Merovingian Gaul. Columbanian Monasticism and the Frankish Elites.
10216: FOX, Right Hon. Charles James. - A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second; with an Introductory Chapter. To Which Is Added an Appendix.
37720: FOXCROFT, Louise. - The Making of Addiction. The &Lsquo;Use and Abuse&Rsquo; of Opium in Nineteenth-Century Britain.
35041: FOXE, John; BERNARD, Samuel. Prepared with Introductions by: SMITH, John Hazel; KLAUSE, John L. - Titus Et Gesippus (Acted 1544-1545); Andronicus Comnenus (Acted 1617/8). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series: 6.
34728: FRAME, Janet. Illustrated by: JACQUES, Robin. - Mona Minim and the Smell of the Sun.
37512: FRANCE, James. - The Cistercians in Scandinavia.
35924: FRANCE, James. - The Cistercians in Scandinavia. Cistercian Studies Series: Numner One Hundred Thirty-One.
8837: FRANSES, Jack. - Tapestries and Their Mythology.
36520: FRANTZEN, Allen J. - Bloody Good. Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War.
37196: FRASER, Hilary. - The Victorians and Renaissance Italy.
31453: FRAZER, J.G. - The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. [in Three Volumes].
37440: FRAZIER, James E. - Maurice Durufle the Man and His Music
35465: FREEDMAN, Paul. - Out of the East. Spices and the Medieval Imagination.
35987: Freely adapted and translated by: TYDEMAN, William. - Bawdy Plays of Bygone Days. Seven Early Dramas.
36370: FRENCH, Roger. - Dissection and Vivisection in the European Renaissance.
35663: FRENCH, Thomas; O’CONNOR, David. - York Minster: A Catalogue of Medieval Stained Glass. Fascicule 1. The West Windows of the Nave (Wi, Wii, Nxxx, Sxxxvi). (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi - Great Britain, Volume III. )
20677: FREND, W.H.C. - Archaeology and History in the Study of Early Christianity.
33456: FREND, W.H.C. - Archaeology and History in the Study of Early Christianity.
36361: VON FRIEDEBURG, Robert. [Author’s presentation copy] - Luther's Legacy. The Thirty Years War and the Modern Notion of &Lsquo;State&Rsquo; in the Empire, 1530s to 1790s.
34579: FRIEDMAN, Yvonne. - Encounter between Enemies: Ransom and Captivity in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions: Medieval and Early Modern Peoples, Volume 10.
34754: FRIEDMAN, John B. - John de Foxton&Rsquo;S Liber Cosmographiae (1408). An Edition and Codicological Study.
35904: FRIEDMANN, Herbert. - Animal Symbolism in Human Religious Art.
37536: FROIDE, Amy M. - Never Married. Singlewomen in Early Modern England.
35032: From the French of Manuel. Illustrated by: DORE, Gustave. - The Authentic History of Captain Castagnette, Nephew of the &Lsquo;Man with the Wooden Head&Rsquo;.
20551: Translated from the Original Russ, Slavonic, and French, with notes, NEALE, The Rev. J. M. - Voices from the East. Documents on the Present State and Working of the Oriental Church.
37969: [BROTHERS GRIMM]. Translated from the German by CRANE, Lucy, and done into pictures by Walter Crane. - Household Stories from the Collection of the Brothers Grimm.
36225: From the Original Edition of CAWOOD, John. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by WHITE, Beatrice. - The Eclogues of Alexander Barclay. Early English Text Society Original Series No. 175.
36224: Translated from the original Icelandic of Ari the Learned by: ELLWOOD, Rev. T. - The Book of the Settlement of Iceland.
20511: Translated from the Slavono-Russian originals, by BLACKMORE, Rev. R.W. - The Doctrine of the Russian Church. Being the Primer or Spelling Book, the Shorter and Longer Catechisms, and a Treatise on the Duty of Parish Priests.
36870: Translated from the Latin with an Introduction and Notes by: TAYLOR, Jerome. - The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor. A Medieval Guide to the Arts.
37970: Translated from the Arabic by: BURTON, Captain Sir R.F. Reprinted from the original edition and edited by Leonard C. Smithers. Illustrated by Albert Letchford. - The Library Edition of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, Illustrated. [Set of Twelve Volumes]
34228: Translated from various languages by MONTALBA, Anthony R. Illustrated by: DOYLE, Richard. - The Doyle Fairy Book. With a Memoir of Doyle, and an Introduction.
35050: From PERRAULT. Illustrated by: SOUTHALL, E. - The Story of Blue Beard.
37268: From the German of Heinrich Heine, by SCHEFFAUER with an Introduction by Dr Oscar Levy and some Pen-and-Ink sketches by Willy Pogany. - Atta Troll.
35934: Translated from the Catalan of Ramon Lull by: PEERS, E. Allison. - Blanquerna: A Thirteenth Century Romance.
36884: FRUHAUF, Tina. - The Organ and Its Music in German-Jewish Culture.
38227: FRY, Rosalie. Illustrated by the author. - The Wind Call.
20652: FRYER, Alfred C. - Wooden Monumental Effigies in England and Wales.
36105: FUDGE, Thomas A. - Heresy and Hussites in Late Medieval Europe.
34413: FUDGE, Thomas - The Crusade Against Heretics in Bohemia, 1418-1437
36410: FUKUDA, Arihiro. - Sovereignity and the Sword: Harrington, Hobbes, and Mixed Government in the English CIVIL Wars.
33381: FULLER, Jean Overton. - Sir Francis Bacon. A Biography.
25116: FULTHORPE, J., ed. - Volumes 1-12: North Eastern Railway Magazine 1911-1922; Volumes 13-37: London and North Eastern Railway Magazine, 1923-1947. Plus Volumes I and II of British Railways Magazine North Easter Division, for 1948 and 1949.
37350: FURDELL, Elizabeth Lane. - Publishing and Medicine in Early Modern England.
35521: FURNEAUX, Holly. - Military Men of Feeling. Emotion, Touch, and Masculinity in the Crimean War.
26886: GABORIEAU, Marc. - Ni Brahmanes Ni Ancetres: Colporteurs Musulmans Du Nepal.
34270: GAGER, William. Prepared with an Introduction by: BINNS, J.W. - Meleager (Printed 1592); Ulysses Redux (Printed 1591); Panniculus Hippolyto Assutus (Printed 1591). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series, 2.
34272: GAGER, William. Prepared with an Introduction by: BINNS, J.W. - Oedipus (Acted 1577-1592); Dido (Acted 1583). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series, 1.
13654: GAINSFORD, Thomas. - Vox Spiritus. Or, Sir Walter Rawleigh`S Ghost.
35769: GAIR, Reavley. - The Children of Paul's: The Story of a Theatre Company, 1553-1608.
36415: GALLATIN, A.E.; OLIVER, L.M. - A Bibliography of the Works of Max Beerbohm. The Soho Bibliographies Series.
37731: GALLOIS, William. - A History of Violence in the Early Algerian Colony.
36428: GALSWORTHY, John. - The White Monkey.
34808: GARCIA-BALLESTER, Luis; MCVAUGH, Michael R.; RUBIO-VELA, Agustin. - Medical Licensing and Learning in Fourteenth-Century Valencia. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge, Volume 79, Part 6, 1989.
35636: GARD, Joyce. Illustrated by Ronald Benham. - Woorroo.
35234: GARDINER, Alan H.; WEIGALL, Arthur E.P. - A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes.
37949: GARDNER, Phil. - The Lost Elementary Schools of Victorian England. The People&Rsquo;S Education.
37050: GARDNER, Julian. - The Tomb and the Tiara: Curial Tomb Sculpture in Rome and Avignon in the Later Middle Ages. Clarendon Studies in the History of Art.
34898: GARLAND, Robert. - The Eye of the Beholder. Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-Roman World.
36155: GARNETT, David. - A Rabbit in the Air. Notes from a Diary Kept While Learning to Handle an Aeroplane.
37442: GARRETT, Christina. - The Marian Exiles 1553-1559. A Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism
14355: GASKELL, Elizabeth C. - Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life. Bound with: Peregrine Scramble by Captain Sir H V Huntley. Published in Paris 1849
35369: GASKELL, Mrs. [Elizabeth]. - My Lady Ludlow, and Other Tales; Included in &Lsquo;Round the Sofa&Rsquo;.
35196: GASMAN, Daniel. - The Scientific Origins of National Socialism. Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League.
34601: GAUL, Simon. Illustrated by: CASSON, Hugh. [Signed by author and artist]. - Pushkin the Polar Bear.
37843: GAUNT, William. - The Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy.
32932: GAUVARD, Claude, et al. - L&Rsquo;Ile-de-France Medievale. Tome I. La Vie de Tous Les Jours; Drole de Moyen Age!; Du Producteur Au Consommateur. Tome II. L&Rsquo;Amour de Dieu; la Vie de Chateau; Images de la Ville.
37454: GEANAKOPLOS, Deno John. - Greek Scholars in Venice. Studies in the Dissemination of Greek Learning from Byzantium to Western Europe.
30352: GEANAKOPLOS, Deno John. - Interaction of the &Ldquo;Sibling&Rdquo; Byzantine and Western Cultures in the Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance (330-1600).
37555: GEDDES, Jane. - St. Albans Psalter. A Book for Christina of Markyate.
37369: GEE, Sergeant A.E.; SHAW, Corporal A.E. - A Record of D245 Battery, 1914-1919.
36178: GEIST, Valerius. - Mountain Sheep: A Study in Behaviour and Evolution.
36559: General Editor, BROWN, Sarah. Edited by, KEEN, Laurence; SCARFF, Eileen. - Windsor: Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture of the Thames Valley.
32012: General Staff, War Office. - Military Engineering (Part V. ): Miscellaneous.
31776: GENET, Jean-Philippe. - La Legitimite Implicite. [in Two Volumes]. Le Pouvoir Symbolique En Occident (1300-1640), I. Actes Des Conferences Organisees a Rome En 2010 Et En 2011 Par Sas En Collaboration Avec L&Rsquo;Ecole Francaise de Rome.
36244: GEORGE, Wilma; YAPP, Brunsdon. - The Naming of the Beasts: Natural History in the Medieval Bestiary.
36184: George, KANE. - The Piers Plowman Glossary: Will's Visions of Piers Plowman, Do-Well, Do-Better and Do-Best. A Glossary of the English Vocabulary of the a, B and C Versions As Presented in the Athlone Editions.
37929: GERSON, Paula; SHAVER-CRANDELL, Annie; STONES, Alison; KROCHALIS, Jeanne. - The Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela. Critical Edition. Volume II: The Text.
32621: GHAZARIAN, Jacob G. - The Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia During the Crusades. The Integration of Cilician Armenians with the Latins, 1080-1393.
18925: van den GHEYN, J. - L&Rsquo;Ystoire de Helayne. Reproduction Des 26 Miniatures.
37358: GIBSON, Wilfrid. Illustrated by John Nash. - The Early Whistler. No. 6 of the Ariel Poems.
18892: GIBSON, Walter S. - The Franklin D. Murphy Lectures XI. Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Two Studies.
35621: GIBSON, John G. - Traditional Gaelic Bagpiping, 1745-1945.
38213: GIBSON, Ralph; BLINKHORN, Martin. - Land Ownership and Power in Modern Europe.
35569: GIBSON, John G. - Traditional Gaelic Bagpiping 1745-1945.
16644: GILBERT SCOTT, George. - Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. With Appendices, Supplying Further Particulars, and Completing the History of the Abbey Buildings, by, W. Burges; J. Burtt; G. Corner; W.H. Hart; J.J. Howard; Rev. T. Hugo; J. Hunter; H. Mogford; J.H. Parker; Rev. M. Walcott; Rev. T.W. Weare; Rev. Professor Willis.
11779: GILBERT, Christopher. - Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall (a Catalogue of the Leeds Collection in Two Volumes).
35946: GILCHRIST, Roberta; OLIVA, Marilyn. - Religious Women in Medieval East Anglia. History and Archaeology C. 1100 - 1540.
35933: GILES, J. A. - Joannis Saresberiensis Postea Episcopi Carnotensis [the Works of John of Salisbury]. Opera Omnia, Nunc Primum in Unum Collegit Et Cum Codicibus Manuscriptis. Set of Three Volumes: Volume I. Epistolae; Volume II. Epistolae; Volume III. Polycratici Libri I. -V.
37532: GILL, Eric. - Sculpture. An Essay on Stone-Cutting, with a Preface About God.
37090: GILLETT, Andrew. - Envoys and Political Communication in the Late Antique West, 411-533.
38088: GIRARDOT, N.J. - Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism. The Theme of Chaos (Hun-Tun).
31346: GIRAUD-LABALTE, Claire. - Les Angevins Et Leurs Monuments 1800-1840. L&Rsquo;Invention Du Partrimoine.
11759: GIRDLESTONE, Charles. - Number: A Link between Divine Intelligence and Human. An Argument.
34566: GIVEN, James B. - Inquisition and Medieval Society. Power, Discipline, and Resistance in Languedoc.
36537: GIVEN-WILSON, Chris. - The Royal Household and the King&Rsquo;S Affinity. Service, Politics and Finance in England 1360-1413.
36394: GLAISYER, Natasha. [Author’s presentation copy] - The Culture of Commerce in England, 1660-1720.
32402: GLENNERSTER, Howard; HILLS, John; PIACHAUD, David; WEBB, Jo. - One Hundred Years of Poverty and Policy.
27470: GLEYROSE, Paul. - Petrucia-Peyrusse: Histoire Politique, Administrative, Economique Et Sociale D&Rsquo;Une Commune Francaise.
36701: GODDARD, Richard. - Lordship and Medieval Urbanisation: Coventry, 1043-1355.
36497: GOEBEL, Stefan. - The Great War and Medieval Memory. War, Remembrance and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914-1940.
37297: GOERING, Joseph. - William de Montibus (C. 1140-1213): The Schools and the Literature of Pastoral Care. Studies and Texts 108.
34617: LE GOFF, Jacques. Translated from the French by: FAGAN, Teresa Lavender. - Intellectuals in the Middle Ages.
37013: GOFFEN, Rona. - Spirituality in Conflict. Saint Francis and Giotto&Rsquo;S Bardi Chapel.
26861: GOLB, Norman. - The Jews in Medieval Normandy. A Social and Intellectual History.
37540: GOLD, Thomas. - Power from the Earth. Deep Earth Gas - Energy for the Future.
34715: GOLDENBERG, David M. - The Curse of Ham. Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
34216: GOLL, Claire. Drawings by: CHAGALL, Marc. - Diary of a Horse.
28866: GONZALEZ, Julian. - The Lex Irnitana: A New Flavian Municipal Law. Reprinted from the Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. LXXVI, 1986.
35856: GOODEN, Arthir Henry. - The Shadowed Trail.
37853: GOODING, Ralph. - A Manual of Domestic Medicine, Describing the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of the Most Common Medical and Surgical Affections; the Whole Intended As a Family Guide in All Cases of Accident and Emergency, and to Give Directions As to the Proper Method of Proceeding in Those Cases Where the Surgeon&Rsquo;S Aid Is Obtained After Difficulty and Much Delay.
38107: GOOSE, Nigel; HONEYMAN, Katrina. - Childhood and Child Labour in Industrial England. Diversity and Agency, 1750-1914.
32725: GORING, Paul. - The Rhetoric of Sensibility in Eighteenth-Century Culture.
36649: GORLACH, Manfred. [Author’s presentation copy] - Studies in Middle English Saints' Legends.
35316: GORMAN, Peter. - Pythagoras: A Life.
18977: GORMAN, Herbert S. [Signed by author]. - The Procession of Masks.
37324: GOSLING, Frieda; ASHBY, Ateven P.; MCCLAIN, Aleksandra, et al. - Torpel Manor: The Biography of a Landscape.
34003: GOSLING, J.C.B.; TAYLOR, C.C.W. - The Greeks on Pleasure.
35069: GOSSE, Philip Henry. - Creation (Omphalos): An Attempt to Untie the Genealogical Knot.
34654: GOTTFRIED, Robert S. - Doctors and Medicine in Medieval England, 1340-1530.
33585: GOUILLARD, Jean. - La Vie Religieuse a Byzance.
34658: GRAHAM, Thomas F. - Medieval Minds. Mental Health in the Middle Ages.
37429: GRAHAME, Kenneth. Compiled by Roger A. Oakes. - Christmas Trees. A Book of Poems.
38051: GRAHAME, Kenneth. - The Wind in the Willows. With a Frontispiece by Graham Robertson.
36413: GRAINGE, William. - Nidderdale; or, an Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive Sketch of the Valley of the Nidd, Including Pateley Bridge, Bishopside, Dacre Banks, Hartwith, Brimham Rocks, Stonebeck Down, Ramsgill, Stonebeck Up, Middlesmoor, Fountains Earth, Greenhow Hill, and the Stump Cross Caverns.
35309: GRANSDEN, Antonia. - Legends, Traditions and History in Medieval England.
34331: GRANSDEN, Antonia. - Historical Writing in England C. 550- C. 1307.
36423: GRANT, Ruth W. - John Locke&Rsquo;S Liberalism.
37043: GRANT, Lindy. - Abbot Sugar of St-Denis: Church and State in Early Twelfth-Century France.
32962: GRANT, Robert M. - Early Christians and Animals.
34515: GRANT, Edward. - Planets, Stars, and Orbs: The Medieval Cosmos, 1200-1687.
35641: GRAVES, Robert. - The Real David Copperfield.
36867: GRAVES, Robert. - On English Poetry. Being an Irregular Approach to the Psychology of This Art, from Evidence Mainly Subjective.
37201: GRAY, Peter. - Famine, Land and Politics. British Government and Irish Society 1843-50.
38095: GRAY, George J. - The Earlier Cambridge Stationers &Amp; Bookbinders and the First Cambridge Printer. Illustrated Monographs Issued by the Bibliographical Society, No. XIII.
37130: GRAY, Peter. - The Making of the Irish Poor Law, 1815-43.
38207: GREEN, Judith A. - Forging the Kingdom: Power in English Society, 973-1189.
34181: GREGORY, J.W. Appendices by: CATHCART, E.P.; BERRY, R.A.; NEWTON, R.B.; NEILSON, Agnes; HOLLES, A.C. - The Rift Valleys and Geology of East Africa. An Account of the Origin and History of the Rift Valleys of East Africa and Their Relation to the Contemporary Earth-Movements Which Transformed the Geography of the World. With Some Account of the Prehistoric Stone Implements, Soils, Water Supply, and Mineral Resources of the Kenya Colony. With Appendices on the Edible Earths, Soils, Fossils, Rocks, and Masai Place-Names.
34819: GREILSAMMER, Myriam. Preface e Jacques Le Goff. - L&Rsquo;Envers Du Tableau. Marriage and Maternite En Flandre Medievale.
34550: GRICE, Paul. Introduction by: BAKER, Judith. - The Conception of Value.
36302: GRIFFITH, Sidney H. - Arabic Christianity in the Monasteries of Ninth-Century Palestine.
34087: GRINSELL, L.V. - The Ancient Burial-Mounds of England.
37220: GROB-FITZGIBBON, Benjamin. - Turning Points of the Irish Revolution. The British Government, Intelligence, and the Cost of Indifference, 1912-1921.
31819: DE GROOT, Joanna. - Religion, Culture and Politics in Iran. From the Qajars to Khomeini.
37461: GROSSETESTE, Robert. Edited by, DALES, Richard C; GIEBEN, Servus. - Hexaemeron. Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, VI.
32646: GROSSINGER, Christa. - The World Upside-Down. English Misericords.
36741: Osbaldwick History Group. - Osbaldwick. The History of a Suburban Village.
31758: GUARDIA, Milangros; CAMPS, Jordi; LORES, Immaculada. - El Descubrimiento de la Pintura Mural Rominca Catalana. La Coleccion de Reproducciones Del Mnac.
31327: GUILLEN, Fernando Arias. [Author’s presentation copy]. - Guerra Y Fortalecimiento Del Poder Regio En Castilla El Reinado de Alfonso XI (1312-1350).
33007: GUILLOU, Andre. - Les Archives de Saint-Jean-Prodrome Sur le Mont Menecee.
36304: DE GUINGAND, Major-General Sir Frances. - Operation Victory.
38109: GUISE, Barry; BROOK, Pam. - The Midland Hotel. Morecambe&Rsquo;S White Hope.
37431: GUNTHER, Karl. - Reformation Unbound. Protestant Visions of Reform in England, 1525-1590.
38110: GUREVICH, Aron. Translated by: BAK, Janos M.; HOLLINGSWORTH, Paul A. - Medieval Popular Culture. Problems of Belief and Perception. Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture 14.
34219: GUTTMANN, Oscar. - Manufacture of Explosives: Twenty Years&Rsquo; Progress. Four Cantor Lectures Lectures Delivered at the Royal Society of Arts in November and December 1908.
35044: GWINNE, Matthew. Prepared with an Introduction by: LEIDIG, Heinz-Dieter. - Nero. Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series: 13.
35039: GWINNE, Matthew. Prepared, with an Introduction, by: CIZEK, Alexander. - Vertumnus Sive Annus Recurrens (Printed 1607); Tres Sibyllae (Printed 1607). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series: 5.
37163: GWYNN, Denis. - The O'Gorman Mahon: Duellist, Adventurer and Politician.
37310: HACHISUKA, Masa U. - A Comparative Hand List of the Birds of Japan and the British Isles. In This Hand List the Author Has Attempted to Supply the Materials for a Complete Comparison between the Birds of the Island of Japan and the Birds Found in Great Britain and Ireland.
37918: HAJDAMACH, Charles R. - 20th Century British Glass.
34876: HAKSAR, Vinit. - Equality, Liberty, and Perfectionism. Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy.
35079: HALE, Kathleen. - Manda.
34746: HALE, Kathleen. - A Slender Reputation. An Autobiography.
34305: HALE, Kathleen. - Orlando and the Three Graces.
33495: Translated by: HALL, Martin; PHILLIPS, Jonathan. - Caffaro, Genoa and the Twelfth-Century Crusades. Crusade Texts in Translation 24.
36657: HALL, A. Rupert. - Philosophers at War: The Quarrel between Newton and Leibniz.
38183: HALLIER, Amedee. Translated by Columban Heaney, with a special introduction by Thomas Merton. Translations from Aelred’s works by Hugh McCaffery. - The Monastic Theology of Aelred of Rievaulx. An Experiential Theology. Cistercian Studies Series, Number Two.
38154: HAMANN, Brigitte. Translated from the German by, HEIN, Ruth. - The Reluctant Empress.
37917: HAMBLING, Maggi. [Artist’s signed presentation copy] With contributions by George Melly and Dr Judith Collins. - Towards Laughter: Maggi Hambling.
36037: HAMILTON, Bernard. - Crusaders, Cathars and the Holy Places. Variorum Collected Studies Series.
36120: HAMILTON, Bernard. - The Latin Church in the Crusader States. The Secular Church.
36102: HAMILTON, Bernard. - Monastic Reform, Catharism and the Crusades, 900-1300.
34396: HAMILTON, Sarah. - The Practice of Penance, 900-1050.
29653: HAMMERICH, L.L. - Personalendungen Und Verbalsystem IM Eskimoischen. Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-Filologiske Meddelelser, XXIII,2.
38158: HAMMERSLEY, Rachel. - French Revolutionaries and English Republicans: The Cordeliers Club, 1790-1794.
37825: HAMMOND, Norman. - The Maya.
36710: HANCOCK, F. - Minehead in the County of Somerset. A History of the Parish, the Manor, and the Port.
38027: HANDLER, Jerome S. - The Unappropriated People: Freedman in the Slave Society of Barbados.
36257: HANHAM, Alison. - Richard III and His Early Historians, 1483-1535.
36150: HANLEY, James. - Grey Children. A Study in Humbug and Misery in South Wales.
36151: HANLEY, James. - Boy. A Novel.
36149: HANLEY, James. Preface by John Cowper Powys. - Men in Darkness. Five Stories.
36528: HANLEY, Sarah. - The Lit de Justice of the Kings of France: Constitutional Ideology in Legend, Ritual, and Discourse.
36205: HANNA, Ralph; LAWTON, David. - The Siege of Jerusalem.
35834: HANNAH, Walton. - Darkness Visible. A Revelation and Interpretation of Freemasonry.
36183: HARDYNG, John [and] GRAFTON, Richard - The Chronicle of John Hardyng, Containing an Account of Public Transactions from the Earliest Period of English History to the Beginning of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth. Together with the Continuation by Richard Grafton, to the Thirty Fourth Year of King Henry the Eighth to Which Are Added a Biographical and Literary Preface and an Index by Henry Ellis.
17249: HARE, Augustus J,G, - Wanderings in Spain.
31309: HAREN, Michael. - Sin and Society in Fourteenth-Century England: A Study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum. Oxford Historical Monographs.
35129: HARGRAVE, John. - The Suvla Bay Landing.
37591: HARLEY, John. - Orlando Gibbons and the Gibbons Family of Musicians.
38160: HARLEY, John. - William Byrd. Gentleman of the Chapel Royal.
35194: HARLEY, R.D. - Artists&Rsquo; Pigments C. 1600-1835. A Study in English Documentary Sources. Second Edition.
37271: HARLING, Robert. - Edward Bawden.
37846: HARRILL, J. Albert. - Paul the Apostle. His Life and Legacy in Their Roman Context.
38181: HARRIS, John. - Moving Rooms. The Trade in Architectural Settings.
35112: HARRIS, Mary Dormer. Illustrated by: CHANLER, Albert. - Mediaeval Towns: The Story of Coventry.
37323: HARRIS, Edward C. - Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy.
22932: HARRIS, John; HEWLINGS, Richard; SMITH, Pete; BERRY, Sue; COWELL, Ben; GARNIER, Richard; BRADBURY, Oliver; FAIR, Alastair; LEACH, Peter; PEARS, Richard; KENWORTHY-BROWNE, John; HEWLINGS, Richard. - The Georgian Group Journal: Volume XVI, 2008.
34956: HARRIS, Alexandra; HOLLINGHURST, Alan; SMITH, Ali. - Tacita Dean: Landscape - Portrait - Still Life.
37696: HARRISON, Robert T. - Gladstone's Imperialism in Egypt. Techniques of Domination.
37755: HARRISON CAVINESS, Madeline. - Paintings on Glass: Studies in Romanesque and Gothic Monumental Art.
36523: HARRISON, Carol. - Augustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity.
35866: HARRISON, Michael. - Alan Reynolds: The Making of a Concretist Artist.
35494: HARRISON, Mark. - Public Health in British India. Anglo-Indian Preventative Medicine, 1859-1914.
36323: HARTLEY, Craig. - Frank Auerbach Etchings and Drypoints 1954-2006.
38270: HARTLEY, L.P. - The Go-between.
38039: SCHEDEL. Hartmann. - The Nuremberg Chronicle. A Facsimile of Hartmann Schedel&Rsquo;S Buch Der Chroniken, Printed by Anton Koberger in 1493.
37374: HARTY, Kevin J. - Cinema Arthuriana. Twenty Essays.
37055: HARVEY, John. With contributions by, OSWALD, Arthur. - English Mediaeval Architects: A Biographical Dictionary Down to 1550. Including Master Masons, Carpenters, Carvers, Building Contractors and Others Responsible for Design.
36780: HARVEY, Margaret. - The English in Rome 1362-1420. Portrait of an Expatriate Community.
37542: HARVEY, Barbara. - Westminster Abbey and Its Estates in the Middle Ages.
37895: HARVEY, John H. - William Worcestre: Itineraries. Edited from the Unique Ms. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 210.
37389: HARVEY, John. With contributions by Arthur Oswald. - English Mediaeval Architects. A Biographical Dictionary Down to 1550. Including Master Masons, Carpenters, Carvers, Building Contractors and Other Responsible for Design. With Supplement to the Revised Edition of 1984.
31469: HARVIE-BROWN, J.A; BUCKLEY, Thomas E. - A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides.
37584: HASS, Jeffrey D. - Medieval Selby: A New Study of the Abbey and Town, 1069-1408. Yorkshire Archaeological Society Occasional Paper No. 4.
34229: HAUGHTON, Rosemary. - Tales from Eternity. The World of Faerie and the Spiritual Search.
34048: HAWARD, Birkin. - Suffolk Medieval Church Roof Carvings. A Photographic Survey of Carvings on Hammerbeam Roofs.
37007: HAWARD, Birkin. - Master Mason Hawes of Occold, Suffolk &Amp; John Hore Master Carpenter of Diss: A Tribute to Two Fifteenth Century Master Craftsmen.
37217: HAWTHORNE, Linden (Editor-in-chief) - Northern Pomona Apples for Cool Climates.
33544: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. - Mosses from an Old Manse. [First Edition].
34220: HAYASHIYA, Tatsusaburo; NAKAMURA, Masao; HAYASHIYA, Seizo. Translated and adapted by: MACADAM, Joseph P. - Japanese Arts and the Tea Ceremony. The Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art, Volume 15.
20441: HAYWARD, Ida M.; CLARIDGE DRUCE, George. - The Adventive Flora of Tweedside.
37286: HAYWARDEN, Richard T. - Pilate's Wife. A Tale of the Time of Christ.
34143: HEAL, Felicity. - Hospitality in Early Modern England.
32611: HEARNE, T.; BYRNE, W. - Antiquities of Great Britain, a Series of Illustrations.
37382: HEDLEY, W. Percy. - Northumberland Families, Volume I.
34589: HEGEL. Translated with notes by: KNOX, T.M. - Hegel&Rsquo;S Philosophy of Right.
34588: HEGEL. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by: BAILLIE, J.B. - The Phenomenology of Mind.
34028: HEIDEGGER, Martin. Translated by STAMBAUGH, Joan. - The End of Philosophy.
36654: VON HEIDENSTAM, Verner. - The Tree of the Folkungs. [in Two Volumes: ] I. Folke Filbyter; II. The Bellbo Heritage.
34505: HEISSEG, Walther. Translated from the German edition by: SAMUEL, Geoffrey. - The Religions of Mongolia.
38172: HENDERSON, John. - A Directory of Composers for Organ. Second Revised and Enlarged Edition.
36319: HENDERSON, John. - Piety and Charity in Late Medieval Florence.
27866: HENDERSON, John. - Pliny&Rsquo;S Statue: The Letters, Self-Portraiture &Amp; Classical Art.
34459: HENISCH, Bridget Ann. - The Medieval Calendar Year.
36669: HENNESSY, Marlene Villalobos. - Tributes to Kathleen L. Scott. English Medieval Manuscripts: Readers, Makers and Illuminators.
33569: Herausgegeben von: MAYER, Hans Eberhardt. Mitarbeit von: MULLER-LUCKNER, Elisabeth. - Die Kreuzfahrerstaaten Als Multikulturelle Gesellschaft. Einwanderer Und Minderheiten IM 12. Und 13. Jahnrhundert. Schriften Des Historischen Kollegs Kolloquien 37.
36454: KILCHURN HERITAGE. - The Black Book of Taymouth. With Other Papers from the Breadalbane Charter-Room.
35175: HERITY, Michael. - Irish Passage Graves. Neolithic Tomb-Builders in Ireland and Britain 2500 B.C.
34436: HERRMANN, Georgina - Monuments of Merv Traditional Buildings of the Karakum.
34533: HESS, Andrew C. - The Forgotten Frontier. A History of the Sixteenth-Century Ibero-African Border.
38118: HETOUM. Edited by, BURGER, Glenn. - A Lytell Cronycle: Richard Pynson&Rsquo;S Translation (C1520) of la Fleur Des Histoires de la Terre D&Rsquo;Orient (C1307).
25989: HEWITT, A.R. - The Lily Chapter of Richmond, No. 820. A Centenary History, 1860-1960.
38167: HEWITT, Martin, ed. - An Age of Equipoise? Reassessing Mid-Victorian Britain.
36248: HICKS, Michael. - Richard III and His Rivals: Magnates and Their Motives in the War of the Roses.
35695: HILL, David. - Turner and Leeds. Image of Industry.
32563: HILL, Brian. - Julia Margaret Cameron: A Victorian Family Portrait.
37632: HILL, David; MORRIS, Susan. Foreword by, HAIGH, Arthur. - Tom Wood: Yorkshire Artists III.
34280: HILL, Ordelle G. - The Manor, the Plowman, and the Shepherd. Agrarian Themes and Imagery in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance English Literature.
38150: HILLEN, John Sean. - Digging for Dracula.
36342: HILLERMAN, Tony. - The First Eagle.
37367: HILLGARTH, J.N. - The Spanish Kingdoms, 1250-1516. [in Two Volumes: ] I. 1250-1410. Precarious Balance; II. 1410-1516. Castilian Hegemony.
35981: HILMO, Maidie. [Author’s presentation copy] - Medieval Images, Icons, and Illustrated English Literary Texts, from the Ruthwell Cross to the Ellesmere Chaucer.
34267: HILTON, R.H. - A Medieval Society. The West Midlands at the End of the Thirteenth Century.
36152: HILTON, James. - Knight without Armour. A Novel.
36828: HINDE, Thomas. - Ninety Double Martinis.
31725: HINNEBUSCH, William A. - The Early English Friars Preachers.
35992: HINTIKKA, Jaakko. - Time and Necessity. Studies in Aristotle&Rsquo;S Theory of Modality.
37031: HIRATA, Yoko. - Collected Papers on John of Salisbury and His Correspondents.
35454: HIRSCH, John C. - The Revelations of Margery Kempe. Paramystical Practices in Late Medieval England.
35814: HIRST, Damien. Edited by: VIOLETTE, Robert. - I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life Everywhere, with Everyone, One to One, Always, Forever, Now.
34516: HISCOCK, Nigel. - The Symbol at Your Door. Number and Geometry in Religious Architecture of the Greek and Latin Middle Ages.
36501: HODGES, Kenneth. - Forging Chivalric Communities in Malory's le Morte Darthur.
14325: HOFER. - The Tyrolese: By the Author of &Lsquo;Claudine&Rsquo; - &Lsquo;Always Happy,&Rsquo; &Amp;C. &Amp;C.
37023: HOFMANN, Armin. - Graphic Design Manual.
35551: VON HOFMANNSTHAL, Hugo. Edited and Introduced by: HAMBURGER, Michael. - Selected Plays and Libretti.
38087: HOGARTH, David George. - The British Academy. Kings of the Hittites. The Schweich Lectures 1924.
35660: HOGG, James. Illustrated by Jessie M. King. - The Songs of the Ettrick Shepherd.
19868: HOLLANDER, Robert. - Boccaccio&Rsquo;S Last Fiction &Ldquo;IL Corbaccio&Rdquo;.
37864: HOLLIS, Patricia. - The Pauper Press. A Study in Working-Class Radicalism of the 1830s.
32852: HOLLOWAY, R. Ross. - Constantine and Rome.
37997: HOLROYD, Arthur. [Signed by the author] - Reassuring Eighteenth Century Protestants - the Librettist&Rsquo;S Intended Message for Handel&Rsquo;S Messiah, Explored Within the Context of Eighteenth Century Belief.
28918: HOLTOM, D.C. - The Japanese Enthronement Ceremonies. With an Account of the Imperial Regalia.
37863: HONE, J. Ann - For the Cause of Truth Radicalism in London, 1796-1821.
35970: HONKAPOHJA, Alpo. - Alchemy, Medicine, and Commercial Book Production. A Codicological and Linguistic Study of the Voigts-Sloane Manuscript Group. Texts and Transitions, 9.
37347: HOOPER, Glenn. - Travel Writing and Ireland, 1760-1860. Culture, History, Politics.
37631: HOPE, Thomas (1769-1831). - Pictures from 18th Century Greece.
35817: HOPPS, Walter; DAVIDSON, Susan. Various contributors. - Robert Rauschenberg: A Retrospective.
3114: HORGAN, A. D. - The Grail in Wolfram&Rsquo;S Parzival: Mediaeval Studies Volume XXXVI.
33013: HORNE, Alastair. - The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916.
37668: HORNER, Libby. Preface by, STRONG, Roy. Introduction by, SPALDING, Frances. After thought by, REYNTIENS, Patrick. - Patrick Reyntiens: Catalogue of Stained Glass.
30418: HORNER, Libby; HUNTER, Gill. Foreword by, WEDGWOOD, Alexandra. - A Flint Seaside Church: St Augustine&Rsquo;S Abbey Church, Ramsgate.
36064: HOROBIN, Simon. - Chaucer Studies XXXII: The Language of the Chaucer Tradition.
31662: HORROX, Rosemary. - The de la Poles of Hull. East Yorkshire Local History Series: No. 38.
26961: HORROX, Rosemary. - The Changing Plan of Hull 1290-1650: A Guide to Documentary Sources for the Early Topography of Hull.
38225: HOSKINS, Edgar. - Horae Beate Mariae Virginis, or Sarum and York Primers with Kindred Books and Primers of the Reformed Roman Use, Together with an Introduction.
37574: HOURIHANE, Colum. - The Processional Cross in Late Medieval England: The Dallye Cross.
35872: HOURTOULLE, F.-G. Translation from the French by Alan McKay With colour plates by Andre Jouineau. - 1807: From Eylau to Friedland. The Polish Campaign.
34450: HOUSLEY, Norman. - Religious Warfare in Europe, 1400-1536.
15202: HOWARD, Deborah. - Jacopo Sansovino: Architecture and Patronage in Renaissance Venice.
36326: HOWARD, Dr. Martin R. - Napoleon's Doctors. The Medical Services of the Grande Armee.
38025: HOWARD, Douglas A. - A History of the Ottoman Empire.
32729: HOWARD, F.E.; CROSSLEY, F.H. - English Church Woodwork. A Study in Craftsmanship During the Medieval Period A.D. 1250-1550.
35080: HOWARD, Jeremy. - The Union of Youth. An Artists&Rsquo; Society of the Russian Avant-Garde.
37996: HOWE, Emily; MCBURNEY, Henrietta; PARK, David; RICKERBY, Stephen; SHEKEDE, Lisa. Preface by Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. - Wall Paintings of Eton.
35322: HOWELL, Martha C. - The Marriage Exchange. Property, Social Place, and Gender in Cities of the Low Countries, 1300-1550.
13449: HOWELLS, Trevor. - Allen Jack + Cottier 1952-2002.
35007: HOWGATE, Sarah. With: AUPING, Michael; RICHARDSON, John. - Lucian Freud Portraits.
36259: HOWITT, William. - The Rural Life of England. [in Two Volumes]
23927: HROZNY, Bedrich. - Les Inscriptions Cretoises II. Reprinted from Archiv Orientalni, Vol. 15. (1946), No. 3-4.
36147: HUDSON, Thomas. Edited by: CRAIGIE, James. - Thomas Hudson's Historie of Judith. With Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Glossary.
36085: HUDSON, Anne. - Lollards and Their Books.
32412: HUGHES, Joan; RAMSON, W.S. - Poetry of the Stewart Court.
35582: HUGHES, Ann. - Politics, Society and CIVIL War in Warwickshire, 1620-1660.
37208: HUGHES, Ted. Illustrated by Andrew Davidson. - The Iron Man.
38200: HUGHES, Ted. With photographs by Fay Godwin. [Signed and inscribed by Ted Hughes] - Remains of Elmet: A Pennine Sequence.
35534: HUISH, Robert. - Edwin and Henry; or the Week&Rsquo;S Holidays: Containing Original Tales for the Improvement of Youth.
37085: HUMMER, Hans J. - Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000.
25715: HUNSDON, Lord Hunsdon of Hunsdon. - History of Gibbs of Fenton in Dartington County Devon.
36193: HUNT, John Dixon. - Greater Pefections: The Practice of Garden Theory.
34753: HUNT, Tony. - Anglo-Norman Medicine. [in Two Volumes: ] Volume I. Roger Frugard&Rsquo;S Chirurgia and the Practica Brevis of Platearius; Volume II. Shorter Treatises.
36926: HUNTER, James. - On the Other Side of Sorrow. Nature and People in the Scottish Highlands.
33130: HUPCJICK, Dennis P. - The Bulgarians in the Seventeenth Century. Slavic Orthodox Society and Culture Under Ottoman Rule.
35593: By: A HUSBAND. [SCOTT, Cyril] - The Art of Making a Perfect Husband.
37317: HUSSEY, Samuel M. - Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent.
35994: HUTCHINSON, D.S. - The Virtues of Aristotle.
34682: HUTTON, J.E. - A History of the Moravian Missions.
35043: HUTTON, Leonard (?); SNELLING, Thomas. Prepared with Introduction by: CERNY, Lothar. - Bellum Grammaticale Sive Nominum Verborumque Discordia Civilis (Printed 1635); Thibaldus Sive Vindictae Ingenium (Printed 1640). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series: 12.
35611: HUXLEY, Aldous. - Ends and Means. An Enquiry Into the Nature of Ideals and Into the Methods Employed for Their Realization.
35615: HUXLEY, Aldous. - Eyeless in Gaza.
35609: HUXLEY, Aldous. [Signed copy] - Brave New World. A Novel.
35426: HUXLEY, Aldous. - Point Counter Point.
33741: HUYGENS, R.B.C. - Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis CXCIV. Petri Blesensis Tractatus Duo. Passio Raginaldi Principis Antiochie Conquestio de Dilatione Vie Ierosolimitane.
34950: HYDE, J.K. - Padua in the Age of Dante. A Social History of an Italian City State.
36335: Illustrations by, ECKERSLEY, Thomas. Words by, CABRELLY, E.A. - Animals on Parade.
35243: Imperial War Museum. Compiled, by arrangement with the Government of India, under the direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence by MOBERLY, Brig.-Gen. F.J. Introduction by BAYLISS, Dr G.M. - Operations in Persia, 1914-1919. Facsimile Edition.
34829: Translated and introduced by: COOPLAND, G.W. - The Tree of Battles of Honore Bonet. An English Version. With a Hitherto Unpublished Historical Interpolation.
35694: Translated and introduced by: DICKINSON, John. - The Statesman's Book of John of Salisbury. Being the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Books, and Selections from the Seventh and Eighth Books, of the Policraticus.
37912: Introduced by PRESCOTT, Andrew. - The Benedictional of St Aethelwold. A Masterpiece of Anglo-Saxon Art: A Facsimile.
35938: Translated and Introduced by: SILVAS, Anna. - Jutta and Hildegaard: The Biographical Sources. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts. , I.
37881: Introduction by SMEE, Sebastian. - Lucian Freud: On Paper.
36047: Introduction by: EDWARDS, A.S.G. [Author’s presentation copy] - The Life of St. Edmund, King and Martyr. John Lydgate&Rsquo;S Illustrated Verse Life, Presented to Henry VI. A Facsimile of British Library Ms Harley 2278.
36280: Introduction by, HUGHES, Robert. - New Generation: 1966. The Peter Stuyvesant Foundation. Whitechapel Gallery: London June-July, 1966.
33838: Introduction, Notes et Edition Critique par: NIELEN, Marie-Adelaide. - Lignages D&Rsquo;Outremer. Documents Relatifs a L&Rsquo;Histoire Des Croisades, Publies Par L&Rsquo;Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles-Lettres, XVIII.
29587: Introduction by, COLE, Roger. Foreword by, HALL, Douglas. - Henri Gaudier-Brzeska (1891-1915): Sculptures. With a Selection of Drawings from Kettle&Rsquo;S Yard, Cambridge.
30566: Introduction by, HUNT, Robert. - Francis Picabia. Published by the Department of Fine Art, the University of Newcastel Upon Tyne, on the Occasion of an Exhibition in the Hatton Gallery, March 1964 and at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, April 1964.
35218: Introduction by: READ, Herbert. - Ben Nicholson - Paintings, Reliefs, Drawings. Volume I.
15507: Introduction by BARTLETT, W.P. - Present Remedies Against the Plague, Etc. [Shakespearean Association Facsimiles, No. 7].
34468: Introduction by: ROUSSEAU, Dom Olivier. Various contributors. - Le Millenaire Du Mont Athos, 963-1963. Etudes Et Melanges. [in Two Volumes].
31759: Introduction by: BURCKHARD, Francois. - Repertoire Des Abbayes Et Prieures de Seine-Maritime.
37819: Introduction by, HEWITT, Geof. Drawings by, VAN AVER, Philip; KALISHER, Simpson. - The Poems of Alfred Starr Hamilton.
31070: IRONSIDE, Robin. - The Penguin Modern Painters: David Jones.
33998: IRWIN, Terence H. - Aristotle&Rsquo;S First Principles.
34390: ISHERWOOD, Christopher. - Sally Bowles.
38232: IZBICKI, Thomas M. - The Eucharist in Medieval Canon Law.
37496: JACKSON, Francis. [Signed by author]. - Blessed City: The Life and Works of Edward C. Bairstow, 1874-1946.
36999: JACKSON, Francis. - Music for a Long While.
34407: JACKSON, Peter, (Translator) - The Seventh Crusade 1244-1254 Sources and Documents.
38041: JACKSON, Kurt. - Wheat: From Plough to Plate.
35466: JACKSON, Peter. - The Delhi Sultanate: A Political and Military History.
37654: JACKSON, Kurt. [Signed copy] - Franchman's Creek.
36449: JACOB, James R. - Henry Stubbe, Radical Protestantism and the Early Enlightenment.
35311: JACOBS, Joseph. - The Jews of Angevin England. Documents and Records from Latin and Hebrew Sources Printed and Manuscript for the First Time Collected and Translated.
34474: JACQUART, Danielle; THOMASSET, Claude. Translated by: ADAMSON, Matthew. - Sexuality and Medicine in the Middle Ages.
34822: JACQUART, Danielle. - La Medecine Medievale Dans le Cadre Parisien Xive-Xve Siecle.
34817: JACQUART, Danielle; THOMASSET, Claude. Translated by: ADAMSON, Matthew. - Sexuality and Medicine in the Middle Ages.
36011: JAMES, Felicity; NORTH, Julian. - Writing Lives Together. Romantic and Victorian Auto/Biography.
32587: JAMES, William. - Naval History of Great Britain. [Set of Seven Volumes: Six Volumes + Index Volume]. From the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV. New Edition, with Additions and Notes Bringing the Work Down to 1827.
32558: JAMES, Heather. Various contributors. - Roman Carmarthen. Excavations 1978-1993. Britannia Monograph Series No. 20.
37527: JASPERS. Karl. Translated with an Introduction by Jean T. Wilde, William Kluback and William Kimmel. - Truth and Symbol.
34442: JEFFREYS, Elizabeth (Editor) - Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies London 21-26 August 2006. Volume 1 Plenary Papers; Volume II Abstracts of Panel Papers; Volume III Abstracts of Communications.
35327: JENKINS, Melissa Shields. - Fatherhood, Authority, and British Reading Culture, 1831-1907.
37707: JENKINS, Eugenia Zuroski. - A Taste for China. English Subjectivity and the Prehistory of Orientalism.
35883: JENKINSON, Jacqueline; MOSS, Michael; RUSSELL, Iain. - The Royal: The History of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 1794-1994.
37563: JENSEN, Kristian. - Revolution and the Antiquarian Book. Reshaping the Past, 1780-1815.
20445: JESSOP, J.P.; TOELKEN, H.R. - Flora of Southern Australia. [in Four Volumes]. I: Lycopodiaceae-Rosaceae; II: Leguminosae-Rubiceae; III: Polemoniaceae-Compositae; IV: Alismataceae-Orchidaceae.
35729: JISI, Lumir. Translated by Iris Urwin. - Swords of the Samurai. The Splendours of Japanese Sword Furniture.
36542: JOHANNESSON, Kurt. Edited by: LARSON, James. - The Renaissance of the Goths in Sixteenth-Century Sweden.
38234: John of Paris. Translated with and Introduction by, WATT, J.A. - On Royal and Papal Power.
36242: JOHNS, Susan M. - Noblewomen, Aristocracy and Power in the Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Realm.
37904: JOHNSON, L.G. - General T. Perronet Thompson, 1783-1869. His Military, Literary and Political Campaigns.
36845: JOHNSON, Bernard. - The Acts and Ordinances of the Company of Merchant Taylors in the City of York.
37556: JOHNSON, Sherri Franks. - Monastic Women and Religious Orders in Late Medieval Bologna.
35440: JOHNSON, Julian. - Mahler's Voices. Expression and Irony in the Songs and Symphonies.
37397: JOHNSON, George W. (editor) - The Fairfax Correspondence: Memoirs of the Reign of Charles the First.
34530: JOLLY, Karen Louise. - Popular Religion in Late Saxon England. Elf Charms in Context,
37658: JONES, Michael J.; GEM, Richard; KIDSON, Peter; LAXTON, R.R., et al. - VIII. Medieval Art and Architecture at Lincoln Cathedral. The British Archaeological Association, Conference Transactions for the Year 1982.
34721: JONES, John. - The History and Antiquities of Harewood, in the County of York, with Topographical Notices of Its Parish and Neighbourhood.
20467: JONES, David; PEPLER, H.D.C. - Libellus Lapidum: Tempus Spargendi Lapides Et Tempus Colligendi Tempus Amplexandi Et Tempus Longe Fieri Ab Amplexibus. The First Part of a Collection of Verses and Wood-Engravings Made by H.P. And D.J. Who Having No Windows Left in Their Own Dwelling Take a Mean Advantage of Their Neighbours, the Result Can Be Shared by the Public for One Shilling &Amp; Six Pence.
9393: JONES, Sir William. Verbally translated from the original by,. - Institutes of Hindu Law; or, the Ordinances of Menu, According to the Gloss of CullÚCa: Comprising the Indian System of Duties, Religious and CIVIL.
34512: DE JONG, Mayke. - The Penitential State. Authority and Atonement in the Age of Louis the Pious, 814-840.
33715: JORDAN, Karl. Translated by: FALLA, P.S. - Henry the Lion: A Biography.
19595: JOSEPH, Adrian M. - Chinese and Annamese Ceramics Found in the Philippines and Indonesia.
37618: JOSEPHSON, David S. - John Taverner, Tudor Composer.
34701: JOTISCHKY, Andrew. - The Perfection of Solitude. Hermits and Monks in the Crusader States.
35490: JOUFFROY, Alain. English translation by Bernard Frechtman, - Bellmer.
36608: JUNG, C. G. Translated by R. F. C. Hull. - The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10: Civilization in Transition.
38004: DEMOCRITUS JUNIOR [BURTON, Robert] - The Anatomy of Melancholy, What It Is, with All the Kinds, Symptomes, Prognostics, and Several Cures of It. In Three Partitions. With Their Several Sections, Members, and Subsections, Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically Opened and Cut Up. With a Satyricall Preface Conducing to the Following Discourse. The Eighth Edition, Corrected and Augmented by the Author
31347: JUSTICE, Steven. - Writing and Rebellion: England in 1381.
31116: KAARTINEN, Marjo. - Religious Life and English Culture in the Reformation.
33303: KAARTINEN, Marjo. - Religious Life and English Culture in the Reformation.
27222: KACZYNSKI, Bernice M. - Greek in the Carolingian Age the St. Gall Manuscripts. [Speculum Anniversary Monographs, No. 13. ]
28099: KAISER, Alan. - The Urban Dialogue. An Analysis of the Use of Space in the Roman City of EmpÚRies, Spain. Bar International Series 901.
35815: KALLIR, Jane. - Egon Schiele's Women.
37243: KANTER, Douglas. - The Making of British Unionism, 1740-1848. Politics, Government and the Anglo-Irish Constitutional Relationship.
35323: KARRAS, Ruth Mazo. - Common Women: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England.
36284: KAY, Peter; COE, Derek. Maps and Photographs by, ALLEN, David; Ireland sections in association with, MANTO, Ken. - Signalling Atlas and Signal Box Directory Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition. Network Rail: London Underground and Other Uk Systems: Northern Ireland Railways: Iarnrod Eireann: Heritage Railways: All Other Preseved and Disused Boxes in the Uk and Ireland.
34761: KAYE, Joel. - Economy and Nature in the Fourteenth Century. Money, Market Exchange, and the Emergence of Scientific Thought.
37844: KEATS, John. Edited by John Barnard, with Introduction by Andrew Motion and illustrated with engravings by Simon Brett. - John Keats: Selected Poems.
35673: KEATS, John. Illustrated by Jessie M. King. - Isabella, or the Pot of Basil.
32553: KEAY, Simon; CREIGHTON, John; REMESAL RODRIGUEZ, Jose. - Celti Penaflor. The Archaeology of a Hispano-Roman Town in Baetica.
33512: KEDAR, Benjamin Z. - Crusade and Mission: European Approaches Toward the Muslims.
37629: KEIGWIN, R.P. Illustrated with woodcuts bym RAVERAT, Gwen. - Four Tales from Hans Andersen: A New Version of the First Four.
19991: KEITH, W. J. - The Jefferies Canon. Notes on Essays Attributed to Richard Jefferies without Full Documentary Evidence.
36992: A KEMPIS, Thomas. Illustrated by HOUSMAN, Laurence. - Of the Imitation of Christ. In Four Books.
38082: KEMPSHALL, M.S. - The Common Good in Late Medieval Political Thought.
37017: KENDRICK, Walter. - The Secret Museum: Pornography in Modern Culture.
34300: KENNEDY, Alexander W.M. Clark. - The Birds of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. A Contribution to the Natural History of the Two Counties.
35999: KENNY, Anthony. - The Aristotelian Ethics. A Study of the Relationship between the Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle.
37402: KEOHANE, Nigel. - The Party of Patriotism. The Conservative Party and the First World War.
36127: KERBY-FULTON, Kathryn. - The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry.
36080: KERBY-FULTON, Kathryn; DESPRES, Denise L. - Iconography and the Professional Reader. The Politics of Book Production in the Douce Piers Plowman. Medieval Cultures Volume 15.
36041: KERBY-FULTON, Kathryn. [Author’s presentation copy] - Books Under Suspicion. Censorship and Tolerance of Revelatory Writing in Late Medieval England.
36227: KERR, W.A. - Peat and Its Products. An Illustrated Treatise on Peat and Its Products As a National Source of Wealth.
37576: KERR, Bernice M. - Religious Life for Women C. 1100-1350 Fontevraud in England.
37230: KERR, Donal A. - Peel, Priests and Politics. Sir Robert Peel&Rsquo;S Administration and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, 1841-1846.
32411: KESSLER, Edward. - Jews, Christians and Muslims in Encounter.
37254: KEYNES, Simon. - The Diplomas of King Aethelred the Unready, 978-1016. A Study in Their Use As Historical Evidence.
38148: KEYWORTH, David. - Troublesome Corpes: Vampires &Amp; Revenants from Antiquity to the Present.
29438: KHOROCHE, Peter. - Ivon Hitchens.
33376: KING, N.Q. - The Emperor Theodosius and the Establishment of Christianity.
31756: KING, Stefan; DENDLER, Regine. - Fensterlaibungen Aus Stuckmortel IM Mittelalterlichen Rottweil. Arbeitskreis Fur Hausforschung, Regionalgruppe Baden-Wurttemberg Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Wurttemberg. Sudwestdeutsche Beitrage Zur Historischen Bauforschung, Band 4.
36882: KINGDON-WARD, Frank. With Biographical Introduction and Bibliography by William T. Stearn. - Pilgrimage for Plants.
33355: KINGSFORD, Charles Lethbridge. - The Story of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment (Formerly the Sixth Foot).
37162: KINZER, Bruce L. [Author’s presentation copy] - Englands Disgrace. J.S. MILL and the Irish Question.
38018: KIRBY, R.G; MUSSON, A.E. - The Voice of the People: John Doherty, 1798-1854 Trade Unionist, Radical and Factory Reformer.
37572: KITTON, Frederic G. With Reminiscences contributed by pupils, friends, and contemporaries, and an Introduction by W.T. Bensly. - Zechariah Buck, Mus. D. , Cantaur. Organist and Master of the Choristers at Norwich Cathedral, 1817-1877. A Centenary Memoir.
32512: KIVY, Peter. - The Seventh Sense: Francis Hutcheson and Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics.
36567: KLINE, Naomi Reed. - Maps of Medieval Thought. The Hereford Paradigm.
37262: KLINGSHIRN, William E. - Caesarius of Arles: The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul.
31379: KNAPP, Ethan. - The Bureaucratic Muse. Thomas Hoccleve and the Literature of Late Medieval England.
37597: KNEALE, William; KNEALE, Martha. - The Development of Logic.
37375: KNECHT, R. J. - Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I.
36590: KNECHT, Robert J. - The Valois. Kings of France 1328-1589.
35868: KNEFFEL, Karin. Text by ZWEITE, Armin. - Karin Kneffel: Endlich. [Two Volumes in Slipcase] 2010 to 2015. Part 01: Catalogue; Part 02: Behind the Scenes.
36320: KNOWLES, David. - The Episcopal Colleagues of Archbishop Thomas Becket.
37621: KNOWLES, David; HADCOCK, R. Neville. - Medieval Religious Houses: England and Wales.
36458: KOLBING, E; DAY, Mabel. - The Siege of Jerusalem. Edited from Ms. Laud. Misc. 656 with Variants from All Other Extant Mss.
37685: KOOPMANS, Rachel. - Wonderful to Relate. Miracle Stories and Miracle Collecting in High Medieval England.
32498: KOPF, David. - The Brahmo Samaj and the Shaping of the Modern Indian Mind.
37114: KOSTO, Adam J. - Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia, Power, Order, and the Written Word, 1000-1200.
37481: KRAMER, D.; STEPHANI, H.; MACCALLUM, M.; HERLT, E. Edited by E. Schmutzer. - Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations.
35382: KRETZMANN, Norman. - The Metaphysics of Creation. Aquinas&Rsquo;S Natural Theology in Summa Contra Gentiles II.
34649: KRIZ, Kay Dian. - The Idea of the English Landscape Painter. Genius As Alibi in the Early Nineteenth Century.
35687: LAJER-BURCHARTH, Ewa. - Necklines: The Art of Jacques-Louis David After the Terror.
38163: LAMBERT, David; LESTER, Alan. - Colonial Lives Across the British Empire. Imperial Careering in the Long Nineteenth Century.
37691: LANE, Edward William. Edited and with an Introduction by Jason Thompson. - Description of Egypt. Notes and Views in Egypt and Nubia, Made During the Years 1825, -26, -27, and -28: Chiefly Consisting of a Series of Descriptions and Delineations of the Monuments, Scenery, &Amp;C. Of Those Countries; the Views, with Few Exceptions, Made with the Camera-Lucida.
33846: LANG, Andrew, - Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy.
33850: [ALDHELM]. Translated by: LAPIDGE, Michael; ROSIER, James. Appendix by WRIGHT, Neil. - Aldhelm: The Poetic Works.
37192: LAPIDGE, Michael - Anglo-Latin Literature 600-899.
37193: LAPIDGE, Michael - Anglo-Latin Literature 900-1066.
33853: [ALDHELM]. Translated by: LAPIDGE, Michael; HERREN, Michael. - Aldhelm: The Prose Works.
34225: LARGE, John. - Secrets of Farming.
26010: LASENBY LIBERTY, Arthur. With illustrations by, LIBERTY, Emma, and others. - Springtime in the Basque Mountains.
36030: LAURITIS, Joseph A.; KLINEFELTER, Ralph A.; GALLAGHER, Vernon F. - A Critical Edition of John Lydgate's Life of Our Lady. Duquesne Studies, Philological Series 2.
37360: LAW, R.J. - Henry Hindley of York, 1701-1771. Reprinted from Two Quarterly Issues, June 1971 and September 1972, of Antiquarian Horology, the Official Journal of the Antiquarian Horological Society.
35264: LAWLESS, Emily. - A Garden Diary, September 1899-September 1900.
36373: LAYNESMITH, J.L. - The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship, 1445-1503.
33053: By “MARION” [GEMMELL, Marion]. Illustrated by: KING, Jessie M. - Mummy&Rsquo;S Bedtime Story Book.
35789: LEACH, Bernard. With introductions by Soyetsu Yanagi and Michael Cardew. - A Potter&Rsquo;S Book.
34344: LEAF, Munro. - Gordon the Goat.
36231: THE CHRONICLER OF LEALHOLM. - The Manor, Lordship and Castle of Danby.
35051: LEAR, Edward. Illustrated by: FOSTER, William. - Nonsense Drolleries: The Owl &Amp; the Pussy-Cat - the Duck &Amp; the Kangaroo.
3354: LEBRUN, Henri. - Conquete Du Perou Et Histoire de Pizarre. Bibliotheque de la Jeunesse Chretienne.
19835: LECHEVALIER, J.B. [ATLAS VOLUME] - Recueil Des Cartes, Plans, Vues Et Medailles, Pour Servir Au Voyage de la Troade.
36437: LECLERC, Ivor. - The Nature of Physical Existence. Muirhead Library of Philosophy.
34556: LECLERQ, Jean. - Monks and Love in Twelfth-Century France. Psycho-Historical Essays.
37042: LEE, Paul. - Nunneries, Learning and Spirituality in Late Medieval English Society. The Dominican Priory of Dartford.
35645: LEE, Ying S. - Masculinity and the English Working Class. Studies in Victorian Autobiography and Fiction.
36956: LEE, JR., Maurice. - The Road to Revolution: Scotland Under Charles I, 1625-37.
38069: LEE, Sung-Il. Foreword by Robert D. Stevick. [Author’s presentation copy] - Beowulf and Four Related Old English Poems. A Verse Translation with Explanatory Notes.
37606: LEEDY, Walter C. Jr. - Fan Vaulting: A Study of Form, Technology, and Meaning.
17694: LEFEVRE, Leon. Preface by FORMIGE, M. J.-C. Translated from the French by BIRD, K.H. and BINNS, W. Moore. - Architectural Pottery. Bricks, Tiles, Pipes, Enamelled Terra-Cottas, Ordinary and Incrusted Quarries, Stoneware Mosaics, Faiences, and Architectural Stoneware.
37248: LEFF, Gordon. - Gregory of Rimini. Tradition and Innovation in Fourteenth Century Thought.
34573: LEFF, Gordon. - Paris and Oxford Universities in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. An Institutional and Intellectual History.
37176: LEGG, Marie-Louise. - Newspapers and Nationalism. The Irish Provincial Press, 1850-1892.
36397: LEGLER, Joseph. Translated by T.L. Westow. - Toleration and the Reformation. [Two Volumes]
37992: LELYVELD, David. - Aligarh's First Generation. Muslim Solidarity in British India.
34568: LERNER, Robert. - The Heresy of the Free Spirit in the Later Middle Ages.
29510: LETHABY, W.R. - Westminster Abbey and the Antiquities of the Coronation.
37943: LETHABY, W.R. - Philip Webb and His Work.
35669: LEVY, Muriel. Illustrated by Kiddell-Monroe. - The Adventures of Wonk: The Circus. (a Ladybird Book, Series 417)
36875: LEWIS, Michael John. - The Archaeological Authority of the Bayeux Tapestry. Bar British Series 404.
37995: LEWIS, C.S. - De Descriptione Temporum. An Inaugural Lecture, Delivered in Cambridge on 29 November 1954.
36084: LEWIS, C. S. - The Allegory of Love. A Study in Medieval Tradition.
36767: LEWISON, Jeremy. - Turner Monet Twombly: Later Paintings.
34656: LEYSER, K.J. - Medieval Germany and Its Neighbours, 900-1250.
37535: LICHNEROWICZ, A. Preface du Pr G. Darmois. - Theories Relativistes de la Gravitation Et de L'Ectromagnetisme. Relativite Generale Et Theories Unitaires.
37490: Text by, LIEBER, Lillian R; Drawings by, GRAY LIEBER, Hugh. - The Einstein Theory of Relativity.
36836: LILLEY, J.M; STROUD, G; BROTHWELL, D.R; WILLIAMSON, M.H. - The Jewish Burial Ground at Jewbury.
35015: LILLEY, Claire; COLLINS, Sarah; BARKER, Ian. - Caro at Longside: Sculpture and Sculpitecture.
37569: LILLIE, Arthur. - Croquet Up to Date. Containing the Ideas and Teachings of the Leading Players and Champions.
37822: LINDE, Cornelia. - How to Correct the Sacra Scriptura?: Textual Criticism of the Latin Bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century. Medium Aevum Monographs, XXIX.
33683: LINDER, Amnon. - Raising Arms: Liturgy in the Struggle to Liberate Jerusalem in the Late Middle Ages.
37459: LINDSAY, W.M. - Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi, Etymologiarvm Sive Originvm, Libri XX. Two Volumes. Tomvs I: Libros I-X Continens. Tomos II: Libros XI- XX Continens.
33648: LINK, Luther. - The Devil: A Mask without a Face.
37697: LINKLATER, Andro. - An Unhusbanded Life. Charlotte Despard: Suffragette, Socialist and Sinn Feiner.
11373: LINTON, William. - Colossal Vestiges of the Older Nations.
35066: LIONARONS, Joyce Tally. - The Medieval Dragon. The Nature of the Beast in Germanic Literature.
36707: LITCHFIELD, R. Burr. - Emergence of a Bureaucracy. The Florentine Patricians 1530-1790.
2024: LIVINGSTON, Charles H. (editor) - Gliglois. A French Arthurian Romance of the Thirteenth Century.
34962: LIVINGSTONE, Marco. - Patrick Caulfield.
37907: LLEWELLYN, Nigel. - Funeral Monuments in Post-Reformation England.
34232: LLOYD, Simon. - English Society and the Crusade, 1216-1307.
36526: LLOYD, T.H. - England and the German Hanse, 1157-1611. A Study of Their Trade and Commercial Diplomacy.
29490: LLOYD, Simon. - English Society and the Crusade 1216-1307.
36338: LOADES, David. - The Religious Culture of Marian England. Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World, Number 6.
34410: LOCK, Peter - Marino Sanudo Torsello, the Book of Secrets of the Faithful Cross Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis.
35761: LOCKLEY, R.M. - The Private Life of the Rabbit. An Account of the Life History and Social Behaviour of the Wild Rabbit.
37177: LOEBER, Rolf. - Irish Houses and Castles, 1400-1740.
33938: LOGAN, F. Donald. - A History of the Church in the Middle Ages.
29752: A cura di Mario Chiaudano e Antonino Lombardo. - Leonardo Marcello Notaio in Candia 1278-1281. Fonti Per la Storia Di Venezia, Sez. III: Archivi Notasrili. Comitato Per la Pubblicazione Delle Fonti Relative Alla Storia Di Venezia.
37125: LONG, A.A.; SEDLEY, D.N. - The Hellenistic Philosophers. [Two-Volume Set: ] Volume I. Translations of the Principal Sources, with Philosophical Commentary. Volume II. Greek and Latin Texts with Notes and Bibliography.
35923: LONG, A.A. - Hellenistic Philosophy: Stoics, Epicureans, Sceptics.
34730: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. - Hiawatha&Rsquo;S Childhood.
28451: LOOMES, BRIAN. - Painted Dial Clocks.
36067: LOONEY, J. Thomas. Introduction by William McFee. Afterwords by Charles Wisner Barrell. - 'Shakespeare' Identified in Edward de Vere, the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford.
35886: LOSTY, J.P.; ROY, Malini. - Mughal India. Art, Culture and Empire. Manuscripts and Paintings in the British Library.
37903: LOUD, G.A. - The Latin Church in Norman Italy.
33500: Translated by: LOUD, G.A. - The Crusade of Frederick Barbarossa. The History of the Expedition of the Emperor Frederick and Related Texts. Crusade Texts in Translation, 19.
35559: LOVE, Nicholas. Edited by: SARGENT, Michael G. - The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ. A Reading Text. A Revised Edition, Based on Cambridge University Library Additional Mss 6578 and 6686, with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies.
34321: ‘By the author of that much-admired little work, entitled The Daisy’. [TURNER, Elizabeth]. - The Cowslip, or, More Cautionary Stories in Verse.
35983: LUCAS, Peter J. - From Author to Audience. John Capgrave and Medieval Publication.
34914: LUDLOW, Morwenna. - Gregory of Nyssa, Ancient and (Post)Modern.
33957: LUKACS, Georg. - The Destruction of Reason.
35997: LULL, Ramón. Translated from the Catalan with an introduction by: PEERS, E.A. Edited with a chronology and bibliography by: IRWIN, Robert. - Blanquerna. Dedalus European Classics.
35399: LULL, Ramon. Translated from the Catalan with an Introduction by: PEERS, E.A. Edited with a Chronology and Bibliography by: IRWIN, Robert. - Blanquerna. Dedalus European Classics.
27524: Editor, LUNNON, Sarah. Design and Layout, McMANN, Michael. - Metric Survey Specifications for English Heritage. Section 1: General Conditions Applying to All Contracts for the Supply of Metric Survey to English Heritage. Section 2: Survey Control. Section 3: Format, Presentation and Provision of Survey Data. Section 4: Standard Specification for Image-Based Metric Survey. Section 5: Standard Specification for Architectural Survey (Large-Scale Non-Photogrammetric Survey). Section 6: Standard Specification for Topographic Survey.
37032: LYNCH, H.F.B. - Armenia: Travels and Studies. Two Volumes. Volume One: The Russian Provinces. Volume Two: The Turkish Provinces.
35954: LYNCH, Kathryn L. - Chaucer's Philosophical Visions. Chaucer Studies XXVII.
37953: LYNCH, Patricia. - The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910. Radicalism and Community.
35708: LYNCH, Andrew. - Malory's Book of Arms. The Narrative of Combat in le Morte Darthur.
35248: LYSONS, Sir Daniel. - The Crimean War from First to Last.
33164: MAAS, Michael. - John Lydus and the Roman Past. Antiquarianism and Politics in the Age of Justinian.
36465: MACDONALD, Norman H. - The Clan Ranald of Knoydart and Glengarty. A History of the Macdonalds or Macdonells of Glengaarry.
37354: MACDONALD-SMITH, Ian. - Arts and Crafts Master: The Houses and Gardens of M.H. Baillie Scott.
38252: MACDONALD, Iain S. - Glencoe and Beyond: The Sheep-Farming Years, 1780-1830.
35710: MACGREGOR, Alasdair Alpin. - The Peat-Fire Flame: Folk-Tales and Traditions of the Highlands and Islands.
38138: MACGREGOR, Amelia Murray. - The Highlanders of Scotland. The Complete Watercolours Commissioned by Queen Victoria from Kenneth Macleary of Her Scottish Retainers and Clansmen.
34679: MACHA, Karel Hynek. Translated by: PARGETER, Edith. Illustrated by: ZRZAVY, Jan. - May.
34406: DE MACHAUT, Guillaume. Translated into English by SHIRLEY, Janet. Introduction and Notes by EDBURY, Peter. - Guillaume de Machaut: The Capture of Alexandria. Crusade Texts in Translation, 8.
36471: MACKAY, J.G. With Appendix by Lieut.-Colonel Norman Macleod. - The Romantic Story of the Highland Garb and the Tartan. With Appendix Dealing with the Kilt in the Great War.
31372: MACKAY, Angus. - Money, Prices and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Castile.
35054: MACKENZIE, C. - Interesting and Remarkable Places; with Historical and Topographical Descriptions.
35102: MACKINNON, James; KIRKPATRICK, John; BEVERIDGE, Hugh, et al. Various contributors. - Scotia: The Journal of the St. Andrew Society, Volumes I and II.
27901: MACKINTOSH, Marjorie. - The Divine Rider in the Art of the Western Roman Empire. Bar International Series 607.
33630: MACKSEY, Kenneth. Foreword by: LIDDELL HART, Captain Sir Basil. - Armoured Crusader: Major-General Sir Percy Hobart.
36484: MACLEAN, Ian. - Logic, Signs and Nature in the Renaissance. The Case of Learned Medicine.
37711: MACLEAN, Gerald. - Looking East: English Writing and the Ottoman Empire Before 1800.
37087: MACLEAN, Simon. - Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century. Charles the Fat and the End of the Carolingian Empire.
36753: MACNEILL, Seumas; RICHARDSON, Frank. - Piobaireachd and Its Interpretation. Classical Music of the Highland Bagpipe.
37313: MACPHERSON, John. - Critical Dissertations on the Origin, Antiquities, Language, Government, Manners and Religion, of the Ancient Caledonians, Their Posterity the Picts, and the British and Irish Scots.
34291: MACQUARRIE, Alan. - Scotland and the Crusades, 1095-1560.
35473: MACQUEEN, Hector L. - Common Law and Feudal Society in Medieval Scotland.
30616: Made by, HEYWOOD, John. Under the Supervision of, FARMER, John S. - A Play of Love. The Tudor Facsimile Texts.
36202: MAGOUN, Francis Peabody. - The Gests of King Alexander of Macedon. Two Middle-English Alliterative Fragments, Alexander a and Alexander B. Edited with the Latin Sources Parallel (Orosius and the Historia de Preliis, J-Recension), with Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Index.
38173: MAIDMENT, Brian - Comedy, Caricature and the Social Order, 1820-50.
26724: MAJERUS, Michael E.N. - The Current Status of Ladybirds in Britain: Final Report of the Cambridge Ladybird Survey- 1984-1994.
33157: MAJESKA, George P. - Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Dumbarton Oaks Studies Nineteen.
23206: MAJOR-GENERAL SIR HENRY HALLAM PARR. Edited by, FORTESCUE-BRICKDALE, Sir Charles. - Major-General Sir Henry Hallam Parr. Recollections and Correspondence, with a Short Account of His Two Sons, Lieutenants A.H. H Parr and G.R. Parr
36346: MALAM, John. - Considerations on Railways, Proving Their Utility, with Explanatory Remarks, Demonstrating Great Advantage to the Agricultural, Commercial and Manufacturing Interests, from the Projected Line between Hull and Selby.
34234: MALCOLM, John. - Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms. Early and Middle Dialogues.
37336: MALIM, Tim; HINES, John. With DUHIG, Corinne. - The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Edix Hill (Barrington a), Cambridgeshire. Excavations 1989-1991 and a Summary Catalogue of Material from 19th Century Interventions.
36140: MANN, Jill. Edited with an Introduction by Mark David Rasmussen. - Life in Words. Essays on Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet, and Malory.
34252: MANN, Alastair J. - The Scottish Book Trade 1500-1720. Print Commerce and Print Control in Early Modern Scotland.
37754: MANSON, Sir Patrick. - Tropical Diseases. A Manual of the Diseases of Warm Climates.
37675: Translated by F.A.C. MANTELLO and GOERING, Joseph. - The Letters of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln.
35937: O'MARA, V.M. - A Study and Edition of Selected Middle English Sermons. Richard Alkerton&Rsquo;S Easter Week Sermon Preached at St Mary Spital in 1406, a Sermon on Sunday Observance, and a Nunnery Sermon for the Feast of the Assumption. Leeds Texts and Monographs, New Series 13.
36766: DE LA MARE, Guillelmus. Herausgegeben von Hans Kraml. - Quaestiones in Tertium Et Quartum Librum Sententiarum.
37823: MARENBON, John. - Boethius.
38169: MARENBON, John, ed. - Aristotle in Britain During the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the International Conference at Cambridge 8-11 April Organized by the Societe Internationale Pour L&Rsquo;Etude de la Philosophie Medievale.
35746: MARGARY, I.D. - Roman Ways in the Weald.
37962: MARKOVITS, Claude. - Merchants, Traders, Entrepeneurs: Indian Business in the Colonial Era.
25904: MARKS, Richard. - The Medieval Stained Glass of Northamptonshire. Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Great Britain Summary Catalogue 4.
37836: MARKS, Richard. - Stained Glass in England During the Middle Ages.
37133: MARKUS, R.A. - End of Ancient Christianity.
38128: DE MARLY, Diana. - Working Dress. A History of Occupational Clothing.
34886: MARROW, James H. With a contribution by: AVRIL, Francois. - The Hours of Simon de Varie.
37561: MARSH, Christopher W. - The Family of Love in English Society, 1550-1630
38251: MARSHALL, Peter. - The Railways of Dundee.
35827: MARSHALL, P.J. - The Making and Unmaking of Empires. Britain, India, and America C. 1750-1783.
35460: MARX, Karl. Translated from the German by: JOLIN, Annette; O’MALLEY, Joseph. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by: O'MALLEY, Joseph. - Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'.
35458: MARX, Karl. Translated from the German by: BONNER, G.A.; BURNS, Emile. - Theories of Surplus Value. Selections.
34976: FAVRET. Mary A. - Romantic Correspondence. Women, Politics and the Fiction of Letters.
38029: MASSEY, Ian. - Patrick Procktor: Art and Life.
37294: MASTER RICHARD SOPHISTA. Edited by: SIRRIDGE, Mary; EBBESEN, Sten. With E. J. Ashworth. - Master Richard Sophista: Abstractiones. Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi 25.
27993: MASTERS, Jamie. - Poetry and CIVIL War in Lucan&Rsquo;S Bellum Civile.
34076: MATE, Mavis E. - Daughters, Wives and Widows After the Black Death: Women in Sussex, 1350-1535.
34311: MATHERS, E. Powys. - The Eastern Anthology. [Complete Set of Twelve Volumes in Four Volumes: ] Volume I.1. Kuttanimatatam of Damodaragupta; 2. Samayamatrika of Kshemendra; 3. Zenan-Nameb of Fazil-Bey and Ta&Rsquo;Dib Ul-Nisvan. Volume II. 4. The Young Wives&Rsquo; Tale (Kissat Al-&Rsquo;Ara&Rsquo;Is Al-Sabiya) and Tales of Fez; 5. The Loves of Raadha and Krishna and Amores; 6. Love Stories and Gallant Tales from the Chinese. Volume III. 7. Comrade Loves of the Samurai and Songs of the Geishas; 8. Ninety Short Tales of Love and Women from the Arabic; 9. The Loves of Dasin and Musa-Ag-Amastan from the Tamashek and Camel-Boy Rhythms from the Arabic. Volume IV. 10. Love Tales of Cambodia and Song of the Love Nights of Lao; 11. Anthology of Eastern Love; 12. Anthology of Eastern Love.
31049: MATHERS, E. Powys. Illustrated by GILL, Eric. - Procreant Hymn.
37751: MATTHEW, H.C.G. - The Gladstone Diaries with Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence. Volume Fourteen.
36139: MATTHEWS, David. - The Making of Middle English, 1765-1910.
31942: MATTHEWS, David. - Writing to the King. Nation, Kingship and Literature in England, 1250-1350.
37425: MAUREY, Yossi. - Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St. Martin. The Local Foundations of a Universal Saint.
38120: MAXWELL, Gavin. - Lords of the Atlas: The Rise and Fall of the House of Glaoua 1893-1956.
38026: MAY, Rollo. - Man's Search for Himself.
35782: MAYER, Hans Eberhard. - Kreuzzuge Und Lateinischer Osten.
35776: MAYER, Hans Eberhard. - Probleme Des Lateinischen Konigreichs Jeruslaem.
36975: MAYNE, Richard. - The Battle of Jersey.
37209: MCBRIDE, I.R. - Scripture Politics. Ulster Presbyterians and Irish Radicalism in the Late Eighteenth Century.
37932: MCCALMAN, Iain. [Author’s presentation copy] - Radical Underworld. Prophets, Revolutionaries and Pornographers in London, 1795-1840.
38024: McCLURE, Laura K. - Courtesans at Table. Gender and Greek Literary Culture in Athenaeus.
31979: McCRAE, Hugh. Illustrated and decorated by: LINDSAY, Norman. With Introduction by EARP, Thomas. - Satyrs and Sunlight. Being the Collected Poetry of Hugh Mccrae.
36388: McCUAIG, William. - Carlo Sigonio: The Changing World of the Late Renaissance.
29196: MCDERMAID, Neil J. - Shipyard Practice As Applied to Warship Construction.
36527: MCDONNELL, Myles. - Roman Manliness: Virtus and the Roman Republic.
37768: McDOWELL, R.B. - Public Opinion and Government Policy in Ireland, 1801-1846.
6825: MCINTOSH, Angus. - Wulfstan&Rsquo;S Prose: Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, British Academy.
34465: MCINTYRE, Kenneth Gordon. - The Secret Discovery of Australia. Portuguese Ventures 200 Years Before Captain Cook.
36938: McKENZIE, Andrea. - Tyburn&Rsquo;S Martyrs: Execution in England 1675-1775.
36888: MCKITTERICK, David. With Introduction by Edward Bawden. [Signed by author and artist] - Wallpapers by Edward Bawden Printed at the Curwen Press.
37892: MCKITTERICK, David. - A History of Cambridge University Press. [Set of Three Volumes]. Volume I. Printing and the Book Trade in Cambridge, 1534-1698; Volume II. Scholarship and Commerce, 1698-1872; Volume III. New Worlds for Learning, 1873-1972.
35181: MCLEAN, Brenda. - George Forrest. Plant Hunter.
35000: MCNEILL, John T.; GAMER, Helena M. - Medieval Handbooks of Penance. A Translation of the Principal Libri Poenitentiales and Selections from Related Documents.
36974: McROBERTS, David, ed. - The Medieval Church of St. Andrews.
37072: DU MEDOC. - Album Des Grands Crus Classes.
32767: MEEK, Marion (ed.). - The Modern Traveller to Our Past. Festschrift in Honour of Ann Hamlin.
30455: MEGAW, A.H.S.; HAWKINS, E.J.W. - The Church of the Panagia Kanakaria at Lythrankomi in Cyprus. Its Mosaics and Frescoes.
25738: MEISS, Millard. - French Painting in the Time of Jean de Berry. In Five Volumes. The Late Fourteenth Century and the Patronage (Text Volume); the Late XIV Century and the Patronage of the Duke (Plate Volume); the Boucicaut Master (Plates and Text); the Limbourgs and Their Contemporaries (Text Volume); the Limbourgs and Their Contemporaries (Plate Volume).
37651: MELLY, George. Photography by WOODS, Michael. [Signed presentation copy from the author] - Paris and the Surrealists.
37300: MENACHE, Sophia. - Clement V.
36258: MENNIM, Eleanor/ - Anne Nevill 1456-1485, Queen of England.
35914: MENZIES, Lucy. - The Revelations of Mechthild of Magdeburg (1210-1297), or: The Flowing Light of the Godhead.
35455: MENZIES, Lucy. - The Revelations of Mechthild of Magdeburg (1210-1297), or: The Flowing Light of the Godhead.
36517: MERON, Theodor. - Bloody Constraint. War and Chivalry in Shakespeare.
37108: MERRILLS, A.H. - History and Geography in Late Antiquity.
38218: MEYER, John. [Signed by artist] - Distant Lives.
34559: MEYVAERT, Paul. - Benedict, Gregory, Bede and Others.
37507: MIDDLETON-STEWART, Judith. - Inward Purity and Outward Spendour. Death and Remembrance in the Deanery of Dunwich, Suffolk, 1370-1547.
36967: MILLAR, A. H. - The First History of Dundee, 1776.
21909: MILLARD, John. Foreword by BROWN, Julian. - Ralph Hedley, Tyneside Painter.
37928: MILLER, Henry. - Politics Personified. Portraiture, Caricature and Visual Culture in Britain, C. 1830-80.
36896: MILLER, Henry. - Quiet Days in Clichy. A Novel.
38070: MILLETT, Bella. - Ancrene Wisse. A Corrected Edition of the Text in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Ms 402 with Variants from Other Manuscripts. Volumes I and II.
34803: MILNE, A.A. Illustrated by: SHEPHERD, E.H. - Winnie-the-Pooh.
37594: MILNE, E.A. - Relativity Gravitation and World-Structure.
37612: MILNE, E.A. - Kinetic Relativity a Sequel to Relativity, Gravitation and World Structure
37489: MILNE, E.A. - Modern Cosmology and the Christian Idea of God. Being the Edward Cadbury Lectures in the University of Birmingham for 1950.
33370: MINASIAN, Caro Owen. Introduction by LOCKHART, Laurence. - Shah Diz of Isma&Rsquo;ILI Fame: Its Siege and Destruction.
36059: MINNIS, A.J. - Medieval Theory of Authorship. Scholastic Literary Attitudes in the Later Middle Ages.
36052: MINNIS, Alastair. [Author’s presentation copy]. - Magister Amoris. The Roman de la Rose and Vernacular Hermeneutics.
30215: MIOLA, Robert S. - Shakespeare and Classical Comedy.
37033: MITCHELL, L.G. - Lord Melbourne 1779-1848.
36347: MITCHELL, Adrian. - If You See Me Comin'
37424: MITCHELL, Piers D. - Medicine in the Crusades: Warfare, Wounds and the Medieval Surgeon.
35174: MITCHINSON, David. - Calling, Cards and Cases.
36438: MITTON, G.E. - North Eastern and Great Northern: Peeps at Great Railways.
3283: MOCKENHAUPT, Benedikt. - Die Frommigkeit IM Parzival Wolframs Von Eschenbach: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Religiosen Geistes in Der Laienwelt Des Deutschen Mittelalters.
9430: MOIR, Rev. J. - Sermons on Some of the Most Useful and Interesting Subjects in Religion and Life.
37068: MOLESWORTH, Mrs. Illustrated by Walter Crane. - The Cuckoo Clock.
36530: MOLL, Richard J. - Before Malory: Reading Arthur in Later Medieval England.
35501: COUNT POTOCKI of Montalk. [Signed by the author]. - Dogs&Rsquo; Eggs. A Study in Powysology. Part One.
27181: MONTGOMERY, E.S. - The Bull Terrier. A Comprehensive Treatise on the History, Management, Breeding, Training, Care, Showing and Judging.
37226: MOODY, T.W. - Davitt and Irish Revolution 1846-82.
37333: MOORE, R.F. - Paddy Waddells Railway.
36459: MOORE GOSLEE, Nancy. - Scott: The Rhymer.
35969: MOORE, Deborah L. - Medieval Anglo-Irish Troubles. A Cultural Study of Bl Ms Harley 913. Texts and Transitions, 8.
37909: MOORE, Kathryn Blair. - The Architecture of the Christian Holy Land. Reception from Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance.
34578: MOORE, R.I. - The Birth of Popular Heresy.
9101: MOORE, Steven and ROSS, Catherine. - Maling: The Trade Mark of Excellence!
33262: MOORHEAD, John. - Theoderic in Italy.
23924: MOORMAN, John R. H. - Early Franciscan Art and Literature. Reprinted from the &Ldquo;Bulletin of the John Rylands Library&Rdquo; Vol. 27, No. 2, June, 1943.
34653: MORES, Francesco. - Alle Origini Dell&Rsquo;Immagine Di Francesco D&Rsquo;Assisi. Fonti E Ricerche 18.
31939: MORETON, C.E. - The Townshends and Their World. Gentry, Law, and Land in Norfolk C. 1450-1551.
26309: MOREY, Dom Adrian; BROOKE, C.N.L. General Editor of the New Series, KNOWLES, Dom David. - Gilbert Foliot and His Letters. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life &Amp; Thought. New Series: Volume XI.
36645: MORGAN, W. Ll. - The Castle of Swansea.
33172: MORGAN, Nigel. - The Douce Apocalypse. Picturing the End of the World in the Middle Ages.
35822: MORGAN, M.R. - The Chronicle of Ernoul and the Continuations of William of Tyre. Oxford Historical Mongraphs.
37708: MORGAN, Gerald. With an Epilogue by Geoffrey Wheeler. - Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Central Asia, 1810-1895.
34531: MORILLO, Stephen; KORNGIEBEL, Diane. - Haskins Society Journal, Volume 15 - 2004. Studies in Medieval History.
35104: MORLEY, Henry. Illustrated by The Brothers DALZIEL. Foreword by: BRAITHWAITE, David. - Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair.
36200: MORRIN, Margaret J. - Studia Augustiniana Historica 2: John Waldeby, O.S. A. , C. 1315-C. 1372, English Augustinian Preacher and Writer.
37947: MORRIS, William. Edited and Introduced by, SALMON, Nicholas. - Political Writings: Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890.
33942: MORRIS, Michael. - The Good and the True.
38188: MORRIS, William. - A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and All the Kindreds of the Mark Written in Prose and in Verse.
29934: MORRIS, C.H; STRUCT, M.I. County Surveyor and Engineer, DRABBLE, G.M.W. - Report on Abandoned Mineral Workings and Possible Surface Instability Problems. County of Cleveland, Department of the County Surveyor and Engineer.
36889: MORRISON, Toni. - The Bluest Eye.
28967: MORROW, Commodore Anthony (editor) - H.M. Yacht Britannia 1954-1997.
23922: MORSON, Fr. John. - Some Manuscripts of the Life of St. Bernard. Reprinted from the &Ldquo;Bulletin of the John Rylands Library&Rdquo; Vol. 37, No. 2, March, 1955.
37619: MORT, Graham. Illustrated by Mary Sara. [Signed by author and artist]. - A Halifax Cider Jar. With an Appreciation of the Potter, Isaac Button, by Barry L. Sheridan, Keeper of Exhibitions, Calderdale Museums Service.
34798: MOSS, Keith; MARKHAM, David, et al. - A Century of Bradford League Cricket, 1903-2003.
30321: MOURIKI, Doula. Translated by BURGI, Richard. - The Mosaics of Nea Moni on Chios. [Two Volume Set in Slipcase]. Volume I. Text; Volume II. Plates.
32302: MUIR, Sir William. Edited by William Coldstream. - Records of the Intelligence Department of the Government of the North-West Provinces of India During the Mutiny of 1857. Including Correspondence with the Supreme Government of Delhi, Cawnpore, and Other Places.
35737: MULHOLLAND, Rosa. - The Little Flower Seekers, Being Adventures of Trot and Daisy in a Wonderful Garden, by Moonlight.
32722: MULLAN, John; REID, Christopher. - Eighteenth-Century Popular Culture: A Selection.
36843: MULLICAN, Matt. - More Details from an Imaginary Universe.
34664: MUNDILL, Robin R. - England&Rsquo;S Jewish Solution. Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290.
35832: MURPHY, Anthony. - Banks of Green Willow. The Life and Times of George Butterworth.
37687: MURPHY, William. - Political Imprisonment and the Irish, 1912-1921.
37504: MURRAY. - Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy. Comprising, Turin, Milan, Pavia, Cremona, the Italian Lakes, Bergamo, Brescia, Verona, Mantua, Vicenza, Padua, Venice, Ferrara, Bologna, Ravenna, Rimini, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Genoa, the Riviera, and the Intermediate Towns and Routes.
26739: MURRAY, Stephen. - Beauvais Cathedral. Architecture of Transcendence.
37260: MURRAY, Alexander. - Conscience and Authority in the Medieval Church.
37660: MURRAY. - Murray&Rsquo;S Hand-Book for Travellers in Central Italy, Including Florence, Lucca, Tuscany, Elba, Etc. , Umbria, the Marches, and Part of the Late Patrimony of St. Peter.
34873: MUSIL, Robert. Translated from the German by: WILKINS, Eithne; KAISER, Ernst. - The Man without Qualities. A Novel. [Set of Three Volumes]. Volume I. A Sort of Introduction; the Like of It Now Happens (I). Volume II. The Like of It Now Happens (II). Volume III. Into the Millennium (the Criminals).
37524: MYERS, A.R. Edited by, CLOUGH, Cecil H. Introduction by, DOBSON, R.B. - Crown, Household and Parliament in Fifteenth Century England.
32228: MYRIORAMA, (Alphabet/Paper Toys) - Alphabetisch Myriorama, Bestaande Uit Meer Dan 100 Voorwerpen, Vorgesteld Op 24 Gekleurde Kaarten, Waardoor Eene Ontelbare Menigte Landschappen Kunnen Zamengesteld Worden.
12030: (Edited by) NAPIER, Arthur. S. - Jacob and Josep: A Middle English Poem of the Thirteenth Century. +
36716: NARAYAN, R.K. (Suggested by the Tamil Version of Kamban). - The Ramayana. A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic.
35328: NASR, Seyyed Hossein. Edited by: RAZAVI, Mehdi Aman. - The Islamic Intellectual Tradition in Persia.
37718: NASSAR, Issam. - Photographing Jerusalem. The Image of the City in Nineteenth Century Photography.
36993: NEAVE, David; WATERSON, Edward. Foreword by, BINNEY, Marcus. - Lost Houses of East Yorkshire.
36356: NEEDHAM, Joseph. - The Grand Titration. Science and Society in East and West.
31882: NEHRMAN, David. Med en inledning und mit einer Einleitung in deutscher Sprache av MODEER, Kjell A. - Inledning Til Then Swenska Iurisprudentiam Civilem 1729. Then Swenska Jurisprudentia Civilis 1746. (Skrifter Utgivna Av Juridiska Foreningen I Lund Nr. 35. Acta Societatis Juridicae Lundensis).
37457: nequam, aLEXANDER. Edited by, THOMSON, Rodney M. - Speculum Speculationum. Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, XI.
37643: NEVILLE, Graham. - Coleridge and Liberal Religious Thought. Romanticism, Science and Theological Tradition.
38162: NEWBURY, Colin. - Patrons, Clients, and Empires. Chieftaincy and over-Rule in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific.
35889: NEWMAN, Mark. - The Wonder of the North: Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal.
38250: Edited by The Shoto Museum of Art; Nagoya City Art Museum; Kyodo News. - Nakaji Yasui, Photographer 1903-1942.
36733: NEWTON, Diana. - North-East England 1569-1625. Governance, Culture and Identity.
32842: NEWTON, Ernest, Architect. - Sketches for Country Residences. Designed to Be Constructed in the Patent Cement Slab System of W.H. Lascelles.
32457: NIALL, Ian. Illustrated by: WORMELL, Christopher. - English Country Traditions.
36787: NICHOLAS OF CUSA. Edited by: SIGMUND, Paul E. - The Catholic Concordance.
35897: Nicholas of Cusa. Edited and Translated by, SIGMUND, Paul E. - The Catholic Concordance. Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.
35016: NICHOLSON, Helen J. - The Chronicle of the Third Crusade. A Translation of the the Itinerarium Peregrinorum Et Gesta Regis Ricardi. Crusade Texts in Translation.
35778: NICHOLSON, Robert Lawrence. - Joscelyn III and the Fall of the Crusader States, 1134-1199.
33492: NICHOLSON, Helen. - Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights: Images of the Military Orders, 1128-1291.
34437: NICOL, Donald M. - Church and Society in the Last Centuries of Byzantium. The Birkbeck Lectures, 1977.
36991: NIELSEN, Lauge Olaf. - Theology and Philosophy in the Twelfth Century. A Study of Gilbert Porreta&Rsquo;S Thinking and the Theological Expositions of the Doctrine of the Incarnation During the Period 1130-1180.
20260: NIGGLI, Arthur, ed. - International Poster Annual 1954.
37096: NIJSTEN, Gerard. - In the Shadow of Burgundy. The Court of Guelders in the Late Middle Ages.
37587: NIJSTEN, Gerard. Translated by, GUEST, Tanis. - In the Shadow of Burgundy: The Court of Guelders in the Late Middle Ages.
37368: NILSON, Ben. [Author’s presenation copy]. - Cathedral Shrines of Medieval England.
37757: NOLD, Patrick. - Pope John XXII and His Franciscan Cardinal. Bertrand de la Tour and the Apostolic Poverty Controversy.
36161: DE NOLHAC, Pierre. Illustrated by: BINET, Rene. - Versailles and the Trianons.
30917: NORDGREN, Kenneth. - God As Problem and Possibility. A Critical Study of Gordon Kaufman&Rsquo;S Thought Toward a Spacious Theology. (Uppsala Studies in Faiths and Ideologies, 13).
35193: NORTH, John. - Cosmos: An Illustrated History of Astrology and Cosmology.
37002: NORTHROP MOORE, Jerrold. - Edward Elgar: Letters of a Lifetime.
27505: NORTON, Mary. Illustrated by STANLEY, Diana. - The Borrowers.
37911: NORTON, Christopher; PARK, David; BINSKI, Paul. - Dominican Painting in East Anglia the Thornham Parva Retable and the Musee de Cluny Frontal.
34801: NORTON, Mary. Illustrated by: FROUD, Brian. [Signed by author] - Are All the Giants Dead?
33236: NUGENT, Charles. With an essay by TWYMAN, Michael. - Edward Lear the Landscape Artist: Tours of Ireland and the English Lakes, 1835 and 1836.
33281: NUTTALL, Geoffrey F. - The Puritan Spirit. Essays and Addresses.
8069: NYREN, John; LILLYWHITE; DENISON, W. - Chronicles of Cricket. Nyren &Lsquo;Cricketer&Rsquo;S Guide&Rsquo;, Lillywhite&Rsquo;S (1844) &Lsquo;Illustrated Hand-Book of Cricket&Rsquo; and Denison (1846) &Lsquo;Cricket: Sketches of the Players&Rsquo;.
37760: OAKESHOTT, Walter; LEWIS, C.S; VINAVER, Eugne; BREWER, D.S; TUCKER, P.E; WHITEHEAD, F; SHAW, Sally. Edited by, BENNETT, J.A.W. - Essays on Malory.
36602: OATES, J.C.T. - Cambridge University Library. A History, from the Beginnings to the Copyright Act of Queen Anne.
38239: OBERMAN, Heiko Augustinus. - The Harvest of Medieval Theology: Gabriel Biel and Late Medieval Nominalism.
38219: OFFENSTADT, Paul. - Jean Beraud, 1849-1935. The Belle Epoch: A Dream of Times Gone by. Catalogue Raisonne.
31183: The War Office. - Cavalry Training (Horsed) 1937.
21357: OGDEN, William Sharp. - Christian Grave Stones. Illustrated by 150 Examples in Which Suitability of Purpose and Expression Have Been Especially Considered.
38047: OGILVIE-THOMSON, S.J. - Richard Rolle: Prose and Verse.
34338: OLIVA, Marilyn. - The Convent and the Community in Late Medieval England. Female Monasteries in the Diocese of Norwich, 1350-1540.
31587: OLIVER, Rev. Geo. - An Account of the Religious Houses, Formerly Situated on the Eastern Side of the River Witham: Being the Substance of Certain Papers Read Before the Lincoln Topographical Society, in the Year 1842.
38076: OMAN, Charles. - English Church Plate 579-1830.
37378: ONEY, Gonul. - Ceramic Tiles in Islamic Architecture.
30404: ONG, Walter J. - Ramus and Talon Inventory. A Short-Title Inventory of the Published Works of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (Ca. 1510-1562) in Their Original and in Their Variously Altered Forms.
37073: ORME, Robert. - A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan from the Year Mdccxlv. To Which Is Prefixed a Dissertation O the Establishments Made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan. With: A Collection of Maps and Plans to Accompany the History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan from the Year Mdccxlv, Being Volume III of the New Edition of That Work, Now Republished Under the Patronage of the Supreme Government of India, and of the Governments of Madras and Bombay. .
35744: ORR, Clarissa Campbell, ed. - Women in the Victorian Art World.
3117: ORSTEN, Elisabeth M. - The Ambiguities in Langland&Rsquo;S Rat&Rsquo;S Parliament. Mediaeval Studies Volume XXIII.
34541: OSBORN, Eric. - The Beginning of Christian Philosophy.
36357: OSLER, Margaret J. - Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy. Gassendi and Descartes on Contingency and Necessity in the Created World.
36895: BÖHME, Jacob. Translated from the German by John Rolleston Earle. - The Election of Grace, Etc. ; or, de Electione Grati&Aelig; and Qu&Aelig;Stiones Theosophic&Aelig;: With a Biographical Sketch.
35979: OWEN, Charles A., Jr. [Author’s presentation copy] - Chaucer Studies XVII: The Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales.
32132: OZENFANT. - Foundations of Modern Art. Part I. The Balance Sheet: Writing; Painting; Sculpture; Architecture; Music; Science; Religion; Philosophy. Part II. Structures for a New Spirit.
36930: PACEY, Arnold. - Medieval Architectural Drawing: English Craftsmen&Rsquo;S Methods and Their Later Persistence (C. 1200-1700).
35274: PADEL, O.J. - Cornish Place-Name Elements. English Place-Name Society Volume LVI/LVII.
36964: PADGET, Martin. - Photographers of the Western Isles.
32327: PAGER, Harald. Foreword by DART, Professor Raymond A. With contributions by: MASON, Dr R.J.; WELBOURNE, R.G. - Ndedema: A Documentation of the Rock Paintings of the Ndedema Gorge.
28875: PAGES, Eduardo (ed.). - San Sebastian 1934.
36440: Painted and described by: WYLLIE, W.L.; WYLLIE, M.A. - London to the Nore.
38271: PALLISER, Charles. [Signed by the author] - Betrayals.
37211: PALMER, Stanley H. - Police and Protest in England and Ireland, 1780-1850.
30948: PAMUK, Sevket. - A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire. (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization).
37415: PANAGOPOULOS, E.P. - New Smyrna: An Eighteenth Century Greek Odyssey.
34370: PAREKH, Bhikhu (ed.). - Bentham&Rsquo;S Political Thought.
29545: PARET, Peter. - German Encounters with Modernism, 1840-1945.
37441: PARISH, Helen L. - Clerical Marriage and the English Reformation Precedent Policy and Practice
34820: PARK, Katharine. - Doctors and Medicine in Early Renaissance Florence.
37390: PARKER, Richard; PEART, Mike. - The History and Development of Railway Signalling in the British Isles, Volume III: Freight Marshalling Yard Operation, Control and Signalling.
27979: PARKINS, Helen M. (ed.) - Roman Urbanism. Beyond the Consumer City.
16087: PARRY, David. - A Grammar and Glossary of the Conservative Anglo-Welsh Dialects of Rural Wales.
34496: PARRY, Glyn - The Arch-Conjuror of England: John Dee
37991: PASETA, Senia. - Uncertain Futures Essays About the Irish Past, for Roy Foster.
24538: PASK, Brenda M. - Newark Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene.
34645: PATRIDES, C.A. - Premises and Motifs in Renaissance Thought and Literature.
37168: BEW, Paul. - Conflict and Conciliation in Ireland, 1890-1910. Parnellites and Radical Agrarians.
37400: BEW, Paul. - Land and the National Question in Ireland, 1858-82.
37403: PAULY, Daniel. - 5 Easy Pieces. The Impact of Fisheries on Marine Ecosystems.
35888: PAWLY, Thomas - Hitler's Chancellery. A Palace to Last a Thousand Years.
37678: PAZZELLI, Rafaele. - St. Francis and the Third Order. The Franciscan and Pre-Franciscan Penitential Movement.
23925: PEAR, T. H. - The Pscychology of Psychologists. Reprinted from the &Ldquo;Bulletin of the John Rylands Library&Rdquo;, Vol. 24, No. I, April, 1940.
36584: PEARSON, David. - Provenance Research in Book History.
34554: PEGG, Mark Gregory. - The Corruption of Angels. The Great Inquisition of 1245-1246.
34574: PELIKAN, Jaroslav. - The Christian Tradition - a History of the Development of Doctrine, 2. The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700).
38091: PENG YOKE, Ho. - LI, Qi and Shu: An Introduction to Science and Civilization in China.
36815: PENNER, Louise. - Victorian Medicine and Social Reform. Florence Nightingale Among the Novelists.
37869: PENTLAND, Gordon. - Radicalism, Reform and National Identity in Scotland, 1820-1833.
36502: PERCIVAL, Florence. - Chaucer's Legendary Good Women.
19346: PERCIVALL, William. - Lameness in the Horse: With Coloured Plates, Illustrative of the Different Species of Lameness. Being Part II, Vol. IV, of the Author&Rsquo;S &Ldquo;Hippopathology&Rdquo; or, &Ldquo;Treatise on the Diseases and Lameness of the Horse&Rdquo;, Now Complete in Four Volumes, with a Copious Index to the Entire Work.
31524: PERKINS, Nicholas. - Hoccleve&Rsquo;S Regiment of Princes: Counsel and Constraint.
35171: PERRAULT, Charles. Decorations by: AUSTEN, John. - Tales of Passed Times Written for Children.
38161: PERRY, Grayson. - Sketchbooks.
36276: PESENTI, Allegra, et al. - Rachel Whiteread Drawings.
7625: PETERS, Dr. Carl. - The Eldorado of the Ancients.
34802: PETO, Gladys. - Gladys Peto&Rsquo;S Holiday Stories.
35753: PETTIGREW, William A. - Freedom's Debt. The Royal African Company and the Politics of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1672-1752.
7440: PEZII, Bernardi. [PEZ, Bernhard] - Bibliotheca Ascetica Antiquo-Nova. [Twelve Volumes Bound in Three: ] Tomi I-IV; Tomi V-VIII; Tomi IX-XII.
38127: PFAFF, Richard W.. - The Liturgy in Medieval England. A History.
34304: PHELAN, Denis; CORR, Maurice, et al. - Supplementary Appendix to the Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, on the Medical Charities, Ireland, in Pursuance of the 46th Section of the Act 1 &Amp; 2 Victoria, C 56. (1841 and 1842). With Indexes.
36086: PHILLIPS, Susan E. [Author’s Presentation Copy] - Transforming Talk. The Problem with Gossip in Late Medieval England.
36254: PHILLPOTTS, Eden. Illustrated by; BRANGWYN, Frank. - The Girl and the Faun.
30354: Photographs by DAVIE, W. Galsworthy. Historical and descriptive notes, plus drawings and sketches, by TANNER, Henry. - Old English Doorways: A Series of Historical Examples from Tudor Times to the End of the XVIII Century. Illustrated on Seventy Plates.
35496: PHYSICK, John. - The Victoria and Albert Museum. The History of Its Building.
34624: PICKARD, William Bashyr. Illustrated by: DE BOSSCHERE, Jean. - The Adventures of Alcassim: An Iranian Entertainment.
38203: PICKERAL, Tamsin. - The Horse. 30,000 Years of the Horse in Art.
37870: PICKERING, Paul A.; TYRRELL, Alex. - The People's Bread. A History of the Anti-Corn Law League.
31085: PICON, Antoine. Translated by, THOM, Martin. - French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment.
35212: Pictured by: LOSSOW, Frederic. Rhymes by: TROJAN, J. Translated by: ROTHWELL, J.S.S. - The Little Roebuck.
38064: PIEPER, Thomas - Introduction to Thomas Aquinas.
38056: PINCH, Trevor. BOHME, G., ed. - Confronting Nature. The Sociology of Solar-Neutrino Detection.
36684: PININSKI, Peter. - The Stuarts' Last Secret: The Missing Heris of Bonnie Prince Charlie.
34090: DE PIZAN, Christine. Edited and translated by: WISMAN, Josette A. - The Epistle of the Prison of Human Life. With: An Epistle to the Queen of France, and Lament on the Evils of the CIVIL War. Volume 21, Series A. , Garland Library of Medieval Literature.
33960: PLANT, Raymond. - Modern Political Thought.
32421: PLAYFAIR, Major-General I.S.O. With: STITT, Commander G.M.S.; MOLONY, Brigadier C.J.C.; TOOMER, Air Vice-Marshall S.E. JACKSON, General Sir William. With: GLEAVE, Group Captain T.P. DAVIES, Major-General H.L. - History of the Second World War: The Mediterranean and Middle East. [Set of Nine Volumes: ] Volume I. The Early Successes Against Italy (to May 1941). Volume II. The Germans Come to the Help of Their Ally (1941). Volume III. British Fortunes Reach Their Lowest Ebb (September 1941 to September 1942). Volume IV. The Destruction of the Axis Forces in Africa. Volume V. The Campaign in Sicily 1943 and the Campaign in Italy, 3rd September 1943 to 31st March 1944. (in Two Volumes). Volume VI. Victory in the Mediterranean. Part I. 1st April to 4th June 1944. Part II. June to October 1944. Part III. November 1944 to May 1945.
34710: PLOTINUS. Translated by: MACKENNA, Stephen. Revised by: PAGE, B.S. Preface by: DODDS, E.R. Introduction by: HENRY, Paul, S.J. - Plotinus: The Enneads.
38045: PLOWMAN, Piers. With an introduction by, PEARSALL, Derek. And a catalogue of the illustrations by, SCOTT, Kathleen. - A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, Ms Douce 104.
30622: PLUMPTRE, Anne. Edited by MCLEOD, Deborah. - Something New.
35516: PLUNKETT, John. - Queen Victoria: First Media Monarch.
36686: A Poem attributed to Francis Beaumont. Edited by: JONES, Gwyn. Illustrated by John Buckland-Wright. - Salmacis and Hermaphroditus.
30658: Poems and Pictures by, BARKER, Cicely Mary. - Flower Fairies of the Summer.
30656: Poems and Pictures by, BARKER, Cicely Mary. - Flower Fairies of the Summer.
30659: Poems and Pictures by, BARKER, Cicely Mary. - Fairies of the Trees.
37075: POLLARD, Edward A. - The First Year of the War in America. Reprinted from the Last Corrected and Revised Richmond Edition.
34810: POMATA, Gianna. Translated by the author, withe the assistance of Rosemarie Foy and Anna Taraboletti-Segre. - Contracting a Cure. Patients, Healers, and the Law in Early Modern Bologna.
35532: By the Author of Dick the Little Poney. - The Dog of Knowledge; or, Memoirs of Bob, the Spotted Terrier: Supposed to Be Written by Himself.
38101: POOLE, Steve. - The Politics of Regicide in England 1760-1850. Troublesome Subjects.
36417: POPKIN, Richard H. Edited by: WATSON, Richard A.; FORCE, James E. - The High Road to Pyrrhonism. Studies in Hume and Scottish Philosophy 2.
37187: PORTER, Bernard. - The Absent-Minded Imperialists: Empire, Society, and Culture in Britain.
37741: PORTSMOUTH, Robert. - John Wilson Croker: Irish Ideas and the Invention of Modern Conservatism 1800-1835.
36386: PORTUONDO, Maria M. - Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World.
37282: POWELL, Martyn J. - The Politics of Consumption in Eighteenth-Century Ireland.
37630: POWELL, Martyn J. - Britain and Ireland in the Eighteenth-Century Crisis of Empire.
36736: POWELL, Anthony. - To Keep the Ball Rolling - the Memoirs of Anthony Powell, Volume Four: The Strangers Are All Gone.
35972: POWELL, Susan. - The Birgittines of Syon Abbey. Preaching and Print. Texts and Transitions, 11.
38060: POWELL, Susan. - John Mirk&Rsquo;S Festial. [in Two Volumes. ] Edited from British Library Ms. Cotton Claudius A. II. Early English Text Society O.S. 334.
37115: POWER, Daniel. - The Norman Frontier in the Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries.
37092: POWER, Amanda. - Roger Bacon and the Defence of Christendom.
35612: POWYS, John Cowper. - The Pleasures of Literature.
36499: PRATT, John H. - Chaucer and War.
38031: Preface by, BLOOM, Layla; GRINDLE, Nicholas. - George Morland: Art, Traffic and Society in Late Eighteenth Century England.
38192: Preface by, HOCKNEY, David. With contributions by, BARRINGER, Tim; DEVANEY, Edith; DRABBLE, margaret; GAYFORD, Martin; LIVINGSTONE, Marco; SOLOMON, Xavier F. - David Hockney: A Bigger Picture.
33709: Preface by: ROBERTSON, Bryan. - Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings, Drawings and Combines 1949-1964. February - March 1964, Whitechapel Gallery, London.
34271: Prepared with an Introduction by: RICHARDS, Earl Jeffrey. - The Christmas Prince (Acted 1607/8). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series, 11.
35040: Prepared with an Introduction by: BINNS, J.W. [Editor’s copy]. - Mercurius Rusticans (Written 1605-1618); Antoninus Bassianus Caracalla (Acted 1617-1619). Renaissance Latin Drama in England, First Series: 7.
37258: Prepared and edited by Order of a Committee of the House of Lords, in part by the Rev. John Strachey, and the Rev. John Pridden, and completed by Edward Upham. - Rotuli Parliamentorum; Ut Et Petitiones, Et Placita in Parliamento / the Rolls of Parliament, Comprising the Petitions, Pleas, and Proceedings of Parliament. From Ann. 6 Edw. I. To Ann. 19 Hen. VII. (A.D. 1278-A.D. 1503). [Set of Seven Volumes - Six Volumes + Index: ] Volume I. The Reigns of Edward the First and of Edward the Second; Volume II. The Reign of Edward the Third; Volume III. The Reigns of Richard the Second and of Henry the Fourth; Volume IV. The Reigns of Henry the Fifth and of Henry the Sixth; Volume V. The Reigns of Henry the Sixth (Continued) and of Edward the Fourth; Volume VI. The Reigns of Edward the Fourth (Continued) and of Henry the Seventh. With: Index to the Rolls of Parliament.
35111: PRESTON, Chloe. - The Peek-a-Boos in Winter.
36538: PRICE, David Hotchkiss. - Albrecht Durer's Renaissance. Humanism, Reformation and the Art of Faith.
38264: PRIESTLEY, Philip T. - British Watchcase Gold and Silver Marks 1670 to 1970. A History of Watchcase Makers and Registers of Their Marks from Original Assay Office Records in England, Ireland, and Scotland.
36256: PRITCHETT, J.P., Architect, Darlington. [Author’s presentation copy] - A Short Account of Middleham Castle and Church. From &Lsquo;a Paper on &Lsquo;the Works of the Nevilles Round Darlington&Rsquo;.
35259: PROCTOR, Richard A. - The Universe of Suns, and Other Science Gleanings. A New Edition.
34221: PROUD, P. - Bantams As a Hobby.
36532: The Public Record Office. Introduction by: ANDREW, Christopher. - The Security Service 1908-1945. The Official History.

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