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Mare Booksellers 92 Court St. Dover, NH 03820 USA. Tel.: +1 603-742-1229 Email: marebooksellers@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
018093: Kournakoff, Sergei - School for Riding. A Primer of Modern Horsemanship
006272: Kramer, Frederick A. - Twilight on the Narrow Gauge. Rio Grande Scenes of the Fifties. Quadrent Press Review 5
012397: Kramer, Mrs. H.E. - Entertainments for Church Socials, Women's Social and Charitable Organizations, Juvenile and Young People's Societies. And Private Parties
008493: Krassner, Paul (editor). Various Authors - The Realist. No. 47. February, 1964
014619: Krassner, Paul (editor) - The Realist. Freethought, Criticism and Satire. March-April, 1961. No. 24-35
011721: Krassner, Paul (editor). Wilson, S. Clay (artist). Various Authors - The Realist. No. 95. December, 1972
008492: Krassner, Paul (editor). Various Authors - The Realist. No. 59. May, 1965
008613: Krassner, Paul (editor). Various Authors - The Realist. No. 62. September, 1965
014079: Krassner, Paul; Nader, Ralph, et al. - Los Angeles Free Press. June 7, 1974
004246: Krauss, Ruth. Sendak, Maurice (illustrator) - A Hole Is to Dig. A First Book of First Definitions
015106: Krivine, David - Housing in Israel. Israel Today No. 17
008029: Kugel, Bernard (editor) - Big Star No. 1. May, 1977
017015: Kugel, Bernard (editor) - Big Star No. 3. Spring, 1978
014931: Kuhn, Franz - Jugendlicher Muth. Die Rettung : Zwei Erzahlungen Fur Die Jugend. Mit Einem Titelkupfer
012456: Kuehnemann (Kuhnemann), Eugen - Germany, America and the War. Issues and Events Booklets No. 12
002675: Kumin, Maxine W. - A Winter Friend
003792: Kummer, Frederic Arnold - Love's Greatest Mistake
019400: Kuniyoshi, Yasuo (artist); Goodrich, Lloyd (author) - Yasuo Kuniyoshi
019030: Kupferberg, Tuli; Merriam, Eve; Sanders, Ed; Thomases, Martha; Paley, Grace; Krassner, Paul, et al. - Win Magazine. January 17, 1980
020331: Kupferberg, Tuli, et al (authors); Deitch, Kim; Rodriguez, Spain(artists) - The East Village Other. Sept. 1-15. Vol. 2. , No. 20
008371: Kupperman, Mark (editor) - The Atlantic Weekly. July 3-9. Vol. 1 No. 1
014810: Kuretsky, Susan Donahue - Time and Transformation in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art
006647: Kuspit, Donald (notes). Dinkin, Larry (artist) - Larry Dinkin. Painting to Silkscreen and Interpretive Process
020029: Graves, Franklin L. et al. - The Impulse. An Aid to Effective Activity. November, 1929
019925: Graves, Franklin L. et al. - The Impulse. An Aid to Effective Activity. August, 1929. Vol. 1. , No. 5
019921: Graves, Franklin L. et al. - The Impulse. An Aid to Effective Activity. June-July, 1929. Vol. 1. , No. 3
020010: Graves, Franklin L. et al. - The Impulse. Promoting Efficiency in Daily Life. October, 1929
010899: Johnson, Rossiter; Ridpath, John Clark; Kilmer, George L. et al. - The American Soldier and Sailor... In War... A Pictorial History of the Campaigns and Conflicts of the War between the States, from the First Bloodshed in the Streets of Baltimore to Our Country's War with Spain
017705: Bowles, Paul; Sartre, Jean-Paul; McCarthy, Mary; Mencken, H.L. et al. - Partisan Review. March, 1948
019993: Graves, Franklin L. et al. - The Impulse. Promoting Efficiency in Daily Life. September, 1929
020400: Tom of Finland (Laaksonen, Touko) - Tom of Finland Foundation Dispatch. Winter 1998
020263: Tom of Finland (Laaksonen, Touko) - Tom of Finland Foundation Dispatch. Spring 1994
020200: Tom of Finland (Laaksonen, Touko) - Tom of Finland Foundation Dispatch. Summer 1990. Vol. II. No. 3
020237: Tom of Finland (Laaksonen, Touko) - Tom of Finland Foundation Dispatch. Fall/Winter 1996/97
010470: Labe, Louise - Debat de Folie Et D'Amour. Elegies. Sonnets
005662: Lachouque, Henry. Brown, Anne S.K. (adaptor) - The Anatomy of Glory. Napoleon and His Guard. A Study in Leadership
018062: Laderman, Gabriel (artist) - Gabriel Laderman. Unconventional Realist
013129: Monahan, Michael (editor);Hearn, Lafcadio et al. - The Papyrus. A Magazine of Individuality. August, 1911
005287: Lahikainen, Dean (curator) - In the American Spirit: Folk Art from the Collections. Peabody Essex Museum
014485: Laighton, Oscar - Songs and Sonnets from Appledore (Cover Title)
019934: Laighton, Oscar - Ninety Years at the Isles of Shoals
020006: Lamb, Weldon - The Maya Calendar. A Book of Months, 400-2000 Ce
011119: Lambert, John W. - Atlantic Air War: Sub Hunters Vs. U-Boats. Air Combat Photo History Series, Volume 4
007467: Lambrick, George; Woods, Humphrey - Excavations on the Second Site of the Dominican Priory, Oxford
011228: Lamprey, F.G. (Compiler) - A Descriptive Tour of the World
006518: Kapp, Colin; Rayer, Francis G.;Wright, Lan et al. - New Worlds Science Fiction. May 1960. Vol 1. No. 3
017996: Walker, Alice; Jeffers, Lance et al. - The Black Scholar. Summer 1977. Report from Cuba
017965: Jeffers, Lance et al. - The Black Scholar. July/August 1978
009038: Lane, Myrtle - Vermont News. November 5, 1962
009039: Lane, Myrtle (editor); Collins, Marjory (contributing editor) - Peace Concern, Incorporating Vermont Peace Letter. Vol. 1 No. 13. November 2, 1962
019365: Hughes, Langston et al. - One Act Play Magazine. July, 1937
007210: Cox, Florence L.; Snow, Alice M.; Ainsworth, Lillian M.; Ingalls, Naomi; Bergman, Harold; Porter, Marjorie Lansing et al. - Hill Trails. September-October 1937. Volume II, Number 5
019619: Lanyon, Peter (artist); Causey, Andrew; Gabo, Haum - Peter Lanyon. His Paintings
008730: Lanzendorf, Scott - New Hampshire Militia Officers, 1820-1850: Division, Brigade, and Regimental Field and Staff Officers
009402: Lapauze, Henry - Ingres. Sa Vie and Son Oeuvre (1780-1867) D'Apres Des Documents Inedits
011952: Mayakovsky, Vladimir; Pasternak, Boris; Reisner, Larisa et al. Van Hecke, Paul Gustave (editor) - Varietes. Revue Mensuelle Illustree de L'Esprit Contemporain. 15 Mars 1930. 2e Annee No. 11
014478: Larkin, Landy - Dairy Fortunes
020300: Larkin, Tanya - My Scarlet Ways
019155: Larkin, Susan G. - The Cob Cos Art Colony. Impressionists on the Connecticut Shore
020169: Duncan, Robert; Silliman, Ron; Howe, Susan; Eigner, Larry et al. - Sulfur 3. A Literary Tri-Quarterly of the Whole Art
018976: Levine, Jack; Rabinowitz, Larry et al (undersigners) - Nixon Attacks Vietnam Veterans. Lawyers' Statement and Resolution
020061: Genetic, Larry et al. - Genetic Disorder #15
014754: Larsson, Carl (artist) - Carl Larsson. Fifty Paintings
010994: Lartigue, Jacques-Henri (photographer) - Jacques-Henri Lartigue Album
012300: Latch, Edward B. - Application of the Mosaic System of Chronology in the Elucidation of Mysteries Pertaining to the "Bible in Stone," Known As the Great Pyramid of Egypt
014139: Fantin-Latour, Henri (artist) - Fantin-Latour Loan Exhibition January-February 1932
014218: Lauber, John - The Inventions of Mark Twain
018876: Lauritsen, John - A Freethinker's Primer of Male Love
019584: Lauritsen, John - Back-Burner Poems
015834: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri (artist). Coquiot, Gustave (author) - Toulouse-Lautrec
018224: Lavedan, Henri; Sarment, Jean; Socorri, Claude; Sandy Isabelle; Noe, Yvan; Amiel, Denys; Delaquys, Georges; Bisson, Andre; Villars, Meg; Slobodskoi, Sokol; Arrault, Albert; Anouilh, Jean; Dutheil, Marcel - La Petite Illustration. Bound Volume Containing 13 Intermittent Weekly Issues from October 17, 1936 to April 17, 1937
020151: Ferree, Barr; Eden, Lawrence et al. - American Homes and Gardens. September, 1909. Volume VI. , No. 9
012262: Lawrence, George Alfred - Breaking a Butterfly; or, Blanche Ellerslie's Ending
016862: Lawrence, D.H. - Pornography and Obscenity. Criterion Miscellany No. 5
008041: White Jr. Lawrence et al. - Brave and Bold Weekly. Gordon Keith, Lumber Jack or Wild Life in the Great Northwest. February 22, 1908. No. 270
011921: Lawson, James - Van Dyck. Paintings and Drawings
019567: Lay, Kenneth - The Enron Story
013055: Lazarus, A.L. - Some Light. New and Selected Verse
014794: No author given (Bay Area Spartacist League) - Revolutionary Union and Members of Committee for Better Working Conditions Assault Female Trade Unionists for Supporting Era
020288: Lear, Edward (author); Brooke, Leslie (artist) - Nonsense Songs
020287: Lear, Edward (author); Brooke, Leslie (artist) - The Jumblies and Other Nonsense Verses
015253: Leary, Timothy - The Berkeley Barb. May 24-30, 1969
020149: Leary, Timothy (interview) - Drug Survival News. September-October 1981. Vol. 10. , No. 2
003796: Leavitt, W.J.D. - (Six Four-Part Songs, for Male Voices. ) One Song Only: In the Woods
013677: Ledogar, Edwin Richard - Pelletier's of Danielson, Killingly Windham Co. Ct. Eloi Pelletier of Bresolettes, Tourouvre, France. His Descendants 1598-1992
005020: Ledyard, L.W. - A Long Lost Point in History. An Address, Delivered Before the Oneida Historical Society, Utica, N.Y. , by L.W. Ledyard, Esq. , of Cazenovia, N.Y. January 9, 1883
012684: Lee, C.P. - (Christopher Paul). Kill It No. 1. For Snuffing Glue Freaks
017131: Lee, Douglas K. (compiler) - The Christian Henry Bohndel Rigging Notebooks
019173: Leech, Samuel - Lectures. Recognition and Love in the Celestial Life. Immortality the Crowning Endowment of Man
019868: Byrne, David; McNeil, Legs et al. - Travelers Digest. Winter, 1977. Volume 1, Number 2
013117: Leigh - Typed Letter to the Editor of the Rat Subterranean News. (Down with "Up with People")
006520: Leinster, Murray; Gunn, James E.; Clarkson, Helen - Satellite Science Fiction. April 1958. Vol. 2, No. 4
019639: Leitch, R.P. (Richard Principal) - A Course of Painting in Neutral Tint. With Twenty-Four Plates, from Designs by R.P. Leitch
010143: Lengyel, Cornel - El Dorado Forest. Selected Poems 1935-1985
011354: Lenin, Vladimir - Ein Brief an Die Amerikanischen Arbeiter
008687: Lenski, Lois - On a Summer Day
010626: Bruder Chamaleon (foreword). Lenz, Ludwig; Brennglas, Ad. (Adolf Glassbrenner) - Champagner-Schaum. Geschopft Und Auf Flaschen Gezogen Fur Freunde Des Scherzes Und Der Ungeheuren Heiterkeit. In III Abtheilungen. Bound with: Das Kunst Kabinet. Komische Scene Mit Gesang. Bound with: Buntes Berlin
006299: Tolstoy, Leo et al. - The Christian Doctrine of Non-Resistance in the Arena. December 1890. Vol 3. No. 1
017944: Leonard, Mary H. - The Story of Portus and Songs of the Southland
007091: Leonard, Delavan L. (editor) - Papers of the Ohio Church History Society. Volume IX. Reports and Papers Read at the Ninth Annual Meeting Held at Medina, May 17, 1898
010589: Leonard, Sarah A. (editor) - Templar Tidings. May, 1903. Vol. 1, No. 1
015630: Leonard, Michael; Naylor James - Voice of Buddha Issue 2
017549: Leong, Sharon (preparer) - Johnny Strike Natal Horoscope/Astrological Chart
006544: Brown, Frederic; Barnes, Arthur K.; Northern, Leslie et al. - Thrilling Wonder Stories. Winter 1945
017459: Lessing, Joseph; Adult, Adonis (editors?) - Boomtown Reality. Issue #1
008052: Smith, Patti; Bangs, Lester et al. - New Wave. August, 1977
015403: Lever, Charles - The Daltons or Three Roads in Life. Volume 1 Only
017566: Levertov, Denise; Creeley, Robert (interview) - West End. A Volume of Poetry and Politics. Spring 1973. Vol. 1 No. 4
011445: Levertov, Denise - The Jacob's Ladder
017833: Levine, Jeff - Snapshot. Issue One
018156: Levy, Ian Hideo (Translator) - The Ten Thousand Leaves. A Translation of the Man Yoshu, Japan's Premier Anthology of Classical Poetry. Volume 1
012515: Lew, Young Ick - Early Korean Encounters with the United States and Japan. Six Essays on Late Nineteenth Century Korea
014425: Lewis, Frederic T. - Stohr's Histology Arranged Upon and Embryological Basis. From the Twelfth German Edition
007720: Lewis, Alfred Baker - Labor, Machines and Depressions. Industrial Democracy. Vol. VI, No. 6. December, 1938
010109: Lewis, Mrs. M.L.B. Ewell (editor) - Beckwith's Almanac. Fifty-Fifth Year. 1902. Old and Original
020078: Lewis, G. Malcolm (editor) - Cartographic Encounters. Perspectives on Native American Mapmaking and Map Use
012879: Lewis, C. Day - A Time to Dance
011503: Lewisohn, Sam A. - Sensationalism in Art
014174: Lex - Handwritten Letter from Potter Valley, Care of Fraser's MILL, 1912
014689: Leyland, John (editor). Rackham, Arthur (illustrator) - Gardens Old and New. The Country House and Its Garden Environment. Volume Two Only (of Two Volumes)
019123: [Women's Liberation, Feminism] No author Given - Women's Liberation Program. Radcliffe Counter-Orientation. Photomechanically Reproduced Typescript
018808: Lichtenstein, Roy (artist) - Roy Lichtenstein. Exhibitions of Paintings and Sculpture, December 7th, 1967
018293: Lichtenstein, Roy (artist). Various Authors - Roy Lichtenstein: Interiors
000159: Lifshin, Lyn - Before It's Light. New Poems
009471: Lignell, Kathleen - The White Buffalo
018649: Lilja, Saara - Homosexuality in Republican and Augustan Rome
003432: Lilly, Lemuel D. - Bench Vs. Bar or Judicial Answers to Saloon Arguments
009803: Lincoln, Abraham; Various Authors - The Detroit Free Press. Sunday, May 5 and Monday, May 6, 1861. With a Printing of the May 3rd Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln and CIVIL War Content
017458: Applebaum, Bill (William?); Dini, Linda et al. - Probe
017257: Princess Der Ling - Kowtow
007767: Linhardt, Traude (artist) - Traude Linhardt
018020: Link, Arthur S. - Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Area 1910-1917
005200: Linkola, K. - Edvard August Vainio 1853-1929. Acta Societatis Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica, 57, N: O 3
012226: Linton, Eliza Lynn - The World Well Lost. A Novel
020292: Alexander (Lipman), Pearl (artist/designer) - Andre Studios Fashion Sketch Reproductions (Small Archive of 14)
012657: Morris, Bob; Fancher Lisa et al. - Records. December (1976)
019149: Counsell, Steven E.; Greenleaf, Lisa et al. - Santa Fe Literary Review. Volume 1, Number 1
015085: Robinson, Lisa et al. - Hit Parader. January, 1975
016521: Liska, Albie - Nervous System and Other Human Anatomy/Physiology Related Commonplace Book
017972: Lister, Raymond; Palmer, Samuel (artist) - Samuel Palmer and His Etchings
018952: Little, Nina Fletcher - Itinerant Painting in America 1750-1850
015457: Littlefield, George E. - A Catalogue of Old, Rare, and Curious Books, Comprising Early American History, Genealogy, Travels, Etc. Selected from the Stock of George E. Littlefield. No. XXXVII, Oct. 1895
012052: Littlefield, Ethel F. (editor) - Nature's Gazette. Bound Volume. Volume 1, Numbers 1-12. April 1894-March 1895
020020: Liu, Bao-Lin; Fiala, Alan D. - Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1500 Bc-Ad 3000. Lunar Eclipses Spanning 4,500 Years
017931: Livermore, Thomas L. - History of the Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteers 1864-5
013977: Llosa, Mario Vargas - Aunt Julia and the Script Writer
004590: Lloyd, H. Alan - The English Domestic Clock. Its Evolution and History. A Brief Guide to the Essential Details for Dating a Clock
011529: Loar, Peggy; Snyder, Ruth (artist) - Ruth Snyder
019960: Lockhart, James - Nahuatl As Written. Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts
010028: Lockwood, Margo - Left-Handed Happiness
010167: Lodge, George Cabot - Poems (1899-1902)
001059: Logan, James - The Clans Under the Patronage of the Highland Society of London [Clans of the Scottish Highlands]. Parts XI and XII
018547: Logue, Kathei (editor). Various Authors - Killer Children. 6 Issues. Complete Run. Issues Include #-2 (December, 1978); #-1 (January, 1979); Vol. 0 #0 (Summer, 1979); #1 (Fall, 1979); #2 (Winter, 1979); Vol 3. No. 3 (Fall/Winter 1980)
013612: London, Louis S. - Dynamic Psychiatry. Transvestism-Desire for Crippled Women. Volume Two Only
017355: Long, Captain James T. - Gettysburg: How the Battle Was Fought
017686: Longhi, Betty Helen; Eid, Cynthia - Creative Metal Forming
007005: Loomis, Noel; Myers, Charles F. - Imagination. Stories of Science and Fantasy. July, 1952. Volume 3, Number 4
019164: Lord, John King - A History of the Town of Hanover, Nh. With an Appendix on Hanover Roads
009666: Loring, Laurie - Stella and the Priest; or the Star of Rockburn
011855: Williams, Loring et al. - American Weave. A Quarterly Magazine of Poetry and Light Verse. Winter 1947
016800: Aragon, Louis et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. December, 1942
014802: Mauclair, Camille; Pilon, Edmond; Pize, Louis et al. - L'Oeuvre de Gabriel Faure
018265: Orwell, George; MacNeice, Louis et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. January 1943
003514: Louys, Pierre - Les Adventures Du Roi Pausole. 28 Boix Originaux de Foujita
019786: Love, Bruce - The Paris Codex. Handbook for a Maya Priest
018526: Lovell, Paul - The S.O. B. Newslitter. Volume 1 Number 3
019081: Low, Nathanael - Astronomical Diary; or Almanack, for the Year of Christian Era 1802
003718: Low, Nathanael - An Astronomical Diary; or Almanack, for the Year of Christian Era 1809
002525: Lowell, Harriet D. - The Stroud Family History. Descendants of Captain Richard Stroud of New London, Connecticut
013476: Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Trowbridge, J.T.; Hale, Lucretia et al. - Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. December, 1866. Number 24
011261: O'Connor, William; Prentiss, Lucretia et al. - Odeon. 1947
009641: Lucy, Mark (compiler) - Cemeteries and Graveyards of Madison, New Hampshire
016034: Ludman, Joan; Porter, Fairfield (artist) - Fairfield Porter: A Catalogue Raisonne of His Prints, Including Illustrations, Bookjackets and Exhibition Posters
006448: Ricci, Luigi and Federico (composers) - Crispino E la Comare. The Cobbler and the Fairy; an Opera in Three Acts, As Represented at St. James Theatre, London and at the Academy of Music, New York
020137: Borges, Jorge Luis et al. - Encounter. January, 1963
010509: Lukas, Elisabeth S. - Meaningful Living: Logotherapeutic Guide to Health
005709: Lukovich, Istan - Fencing
019099: Lust, Scarlatina; et al. - Smegma the Magazine. A Supple Mintwo
013150: Luther, Mark Lee - The Sovereign Power
010051: Luttrell, Steve - Conditions. A Book of Poems
012989: Lyman, Mel; et al. - The Avatar. No. 14. Dec. 8-Dec. 21
019053: Lyman, Mel; et al. - The Avatar. No. 10. Oct. , 13-Oct. 27
012990: Lyman, Mel; et al. - The Avatar. No. 16. Jan. 5-Jan. 18
012991: Lyman, Mel; et al. - The Avatar. No. 17. Jan. 19-Feb. 1
019436: Lyman, Mel - Avatar. Supplement Only, to Issue #23. April 12-25, 1968
007611: Lifshin, Lyn et al. - December. A Magazine of the Arts and Opinion. Volume 18, Number 2-3. 1976
017880: Tunstall, Virginia Lyne et al. - The Lyric. June 1922. Vol. 2 No. 6
020017: Lyons, Lisa (artist) - Permanent Revolution. Leon Trotsky Pinback
011848: Bulwer-Lytton, Edward - Falkland
006717: Leinster, Murray; Clinton, E.M. et al. - Startling Stories. October 1953
012934: Lyman, Mel; Hansen, Wayne M. et al. - The Avatar. July 21-Aug 4, 1967. Vol. 1. , No. 4
011493: Smith, Judson; Kincaid, William; Bowen, Emily M. et al. - Oberlin Students' Monthly. A Religious, Political and Literary Magazine. March, 1861
019705: Chapman, Franklin M. et al. - Twenty Stunners with a Nail Writer
006204: Hughes, Thomas P.; Watson, Thomas E.; Harberton, Lady; Bates, Octavia W.; Greenwood, Grace; King, E.M. et al. - The Arena. October 1892. Vol. 6 No. 5
012376: Delehanty, T.X.; Tifft, Ellen; Joyce, Kevin; Kelly, David M. et al. - Dypstych-1. A Magazine of Prose
015767: Phillips, Loren; Rice, Alonzo; Chitwood, Mabelle et al. - The Hoosier Poetry Magazine. Summer, 1936. Volume 1, Number 2
017318: Macalister, Terry; Taylor, Mark; Smyth, Tony - Bored Stiff No. 2 Till' 77
017288: Macalister, Terry; Taylor, Mark; Smyth, Tony - Bored Stiff No. 2 Till' 77
016802: MacDonald, Philip - Something to Hide
019184: MacDonald, George - There and Back
015405: De Machaut, Guillaume (composer) - Guillaume de Machaut. Mass of Notre Dame and Lays. Kalmus Study Scores No. 700
000165: Machiz, Herbert. O'Hara, John. Ashbery, John. Merrill, James. Abel, Lionel - Artists' Theatre: New York. Four Plays
017785: MacIver, H. Ian - Amateurs Afloat
005177: MacKaye, Marion Morse - Emma. A Play. Founded on Jane Austen's Novel
007757: Maclay, Elise (author). Doolittle, Bev (illustrator) - New Magic
000744: Maclean, L. - The History of the Celtic Language. Wherein It Is Shown to Be Based Upon Natural Principles, and, Elementarily Considered, Contemporaneous with the Infancy of the Human Family
019060: Macmillan, Miriam - Green Seas and White Ice. Far North with Captain Mac
020082: Macoy, Robert - Adoptive Rite Ritual. A Book of Instruction in the Organization, Government and Ceremonies of Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star
004577: Macquoid, Percy - A History of English Furniture. In Four Volumes. Volume One: The Age of Oak 1500-1660. Volume Two: The Age of Walnut 1660-1720. Volume 3: The Age of Mahogany 1720-1770. Volume 4: The Age of Satinwood 1770-1820
019571: Macro - The Scotiad, or Wise Men of the North!!! a Serio-Comic and Satiric Poem. In Three Cantos
011417: Macrobius, Ambrosius, Theodosius - V. CL. And Inlustris Opera. Accedunt Integrae Isacii Pontani, Joh. Meursii, Jacobi Gronovii Notae and Animadversiones. Editio Novissima, Cum Indice Rerum and Vocum Locupletissimo
012090: Madeleine (Maddy) - Tight Pants #10
018883: [Little Magazines, Poetry] Trantino, Tommy; Stettner, Irving; Cirillo, Jeanine ; Lipman, Joel; Lifshin, Lyn; Whiting, Allen; Brandi, John - The Great Blafigria Is! Issue #1. March, 1976
007123: Magil, A.B. - The People's Message to Congress
015473: A Citizen of Maine - A Review of Some of the Doings of the Legislature of Maine, During the Session of 1841
017197: Newton, Lucia; Berry, John; Inez, Colette; Mac Innes, Mairi et al. - The Noble Savage Number 4
002424: The "Major - The Chess Primer
002935: DeBlois, Bruce M., Major and Others - Eps Electric Power Simulation. Dropping the Grid. An Option for the Military Planner
015466: Maloney, Martin - Fractionals
012235: Malus, Michael - Night Is a Flaming City
020043: Kemp, Harry; Pollock-Watson, Dorothy; Robinson, James Manchester et al. - Identity. Poetry. Number One
014141: Mandell, D.J. - The Adventures of Search for Life, a Bunyanic Narrative, As Detailed by Himself
017306: Mann, Thomas - An Exchange of Letters
018404: Mann, Eric - Comrade George. An Investigation Into the Official Story of His Assassination. His Work for the People and Their Response to His Death
007828: Mansfield, Reverend D.H. - The American Vocalist. A Selection of Tunes, Anthems, Sentences, and Hymns, Old and New, Designed for the Church, the Vestry or the Parlor [... ]
009314: No author given (Mant, Alicia Catherine) - A Boat to Richmond, or the Excursion
012860: Various authors. Mapplethorpe, Robert (photographer) - Andy Warhol's Interview. May, 1976. Vol. VI, No. 5
019773: Hex, Celina; Boob, Betty (Stoller, Debbie; Karp, Marcelle) et al. - Bust. Summer/Fall 1994. Volume I. No. 4
009168: Marco, Angela - Faust in Spring. Poems
018616: Sward, Robert; Abbott, Keith; Berge, Carol; Atwood, Margaret et al. - New American and Canadian Poetry. Number 20. January 1973
020259: Piercy, Marge et al. - Leviathan. June 1969. Vol. 1, No. 3
017895: Martyn, Cyrus; Mead, Jane Maria et al. - The Genius of the West. A Monthly Magazine of Western Literature. March, 1856. Vol. 5. No. 3
017950: Fuller, Metta V.; Gallagher, William D.; Maccloy, D. Carlyle; Mead, Jane Maria et al. - The Genius of the West. A Monthly Magazine of Western Literature. April, 1855. Vol. 4. No. 4
007195: Mariani, Paul. Moser, Barry (illustrator) - Deaths and Transfigurations. Poems
019947: Provost, Marie et al. - Infiltrator #3
012641: Marin, John (artist) - John Marin in Miniature
016592: Roosevelt, Theodore; Twain, Mark et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. April, 1896
017990: Eshleman, Clayton; Karlins, Mark et al. - Text Issue 6. June, 1976
014177: Whitman, Walt; Twain, Mark et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Volume LXXXIV. December, 1891 to May, 1892
016191: Strangled, Mark et al. - Emetick. January 1980
013060: Twain, Mark et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. March, 1896
014766: Pfeifer, Marko et al. - Pta (Pittsburgh's Top Alternative). Issue No. 7
012726: Markun, Leo - Mistresses of Today. Little Blue Book No. 730
019372: Marlock, Dennis M. - Aw Enforcement Officer's American Gypsy Language Guide
003829: Marmontel, M. - The Incas: Or, the Destruction of the Empire of Peru. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 Only
014318: Marmontel, Jean-Francois - Tales Translated from the French of M. Marmontel. Consisting of the Village Breakfasts, the Lesson of Misfortune, the Error of a Good Father, Palaemon, a Pastoral, and the Solitary Fugitives of Murica. Volume II Only
007914: Marriner, Ernest C. - The Land and Sea of Five Maine Artists
017930: Marsh, Laura - Toyahzine Issue 4
015998: K. Marsh and H. (Getsladt or Gutladt or some variation, last name is illegible) Artists - (Peace) Now
014013: Marsh, Reginald (artist) - Reginald Marsh. Paintings in Tempera and Watercolor. December 12, 1946 to January 5, 1947
017385: Marshall, Kerry James (artist); Gaines, Charles; Tate, Greg; Rassel, Laurence - Kerry James Marshall
016895: Marshall, John - The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, During the War Which Established the Independence of His Country and First President of the United States. Volume 2 Only
015522: Du Maurier, George; Remington, Frederic; Bowker, R.R.; McCulloch-Williams, Martha et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. October 1896
017959: Martin, author publisher, etc. etc. etc. - Alternative Sounds 5
018246: Marvel, William - Race to the Soil. The Ninth New Hampshire Regiment in the CIVIL War
018066: Blackburn, Paul; Howard, Mary et al. - Pequod. Spring 1974. Volume 1 Number 1
006491: Austin, Mary et al. - Deer-Star, a Paiute Legend, in St. Nicholas for Young Folks. February 1901
013837: Maskell, Henry Parr - Hints on Building a Church
006437: Mason, Mary - Delicious Quick Desserts
019314: Masten, April F. - Art Work. Women Artists and Democracy in Mid-Nineteenth Century New York
017077: Mathews, R.G. - Sailing Craft
007917: Matisse, Henri (artist). Various Authors - Paper Cut-Outs
014351: Matisse, Henri (artist) - Henri Matisse. Sculpture, Drawings. November 25-December 20, 1958
008280: Mauclair, Camille; Boucher, J.-F - Verone Et le Lac de Garde. Trente Planches En Couleur D'Apres Les Tableaux Du Peintre
012459: Maugham, W. Somerset - The Summing Up. Armed Services Edition #N-14
013937: De Maupassant, Guy - Pierre and Jean
019065: Lowell, Robert; Sarton, May; Kumin, Maxine; Houghton, Firman; Williams, William Carlos; Cavanagh, Maura et al. Baskin, Leonard (artist) - Audience. A Quarterly Review of the Arts. Volume V, Number 3. Summer 1958
018214: Forster, E.M.; Macneice, Louis; Pons Maurice et al. - The London Magazine. A Monthly Review of Literature. April 1956
010900: Mauriello, Christopher E.; Regan, Roland J. - From Boston to Berlin. A Journey Through World War II in Images and Words
007651: Maw, Nicholas; Cross, Beverly (Libretto) - The Rising of the Moon
019221: Max, Peter (artist) - March of Dimes Poster
008980: Brand, Max et al. - Liberty. December 15, 1934
018540: Carruth, Hayden; Bly, Robert; Atwood, Margaret; Simic, Charles; Rexroth, Kenneth; Kumin, Maxine et al. - Field. Contemporary Poetry and Poetics. Number 2. Spring 1970
019725: Maxwell, Judith; Hill, Robert (translators) - Kaqchikel Chronicles. The Definitive Edition
014617: Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William - The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. Volume 5 of the Works of Sir William Stirling-Maxwell
006267: Alcott, Louisa May et al. - St. Nicholas. Scribner's Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys. Vol III. No. 5. March, 1876
005425: May, Ralph - Among Old Portsmouth Houses
016180: Thomas, Dylan; Sarton, May et al. - Poetry. A Magazine of Verse. February 1945
012664: Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Alcott, Louisa May et al. - The Youth's Companion. Bound Volume for the Years 1882 and 1883
017751: Mayes, J.B.; Adair, John L.; Bushyhead, D.W. - Memorial of the Chief and Delegates of the Cherokee Nation, Remonstrating Against the Amendments of the House of Representatives to Bill (S. 895) Proposing to Organize a Territorial Government for Oklahoma Which Includes with the Boundaries [... ]
019429: Maynard, Alice (editor) - What to Knit and Crochet and How to Do It. The Lion Yarn Book
012676: Maynard, C.J. - The Butterflies of New England; with Original Descriptions of One Hundred and Six Species, Accompanied by Ten Lithographic Plates, in Which Are Given at Least Two Hand-Colored Figures of Each Species
013417: Hamilton, Gail; Trowbridge, J.T.; Reid, Mayne et al. - Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. February, 1866. Number 14
012422: Mayo, Amory Dwight - Last Words from the South
014466: Mayor, Archer - The Ragman's Memory
015278: Mazur, Michael (artist). Hansen, Trudy V. - The Prints of Michael Mazur. With a Catalogue Raisonne 1956-1999
018521: McAlpine, Bobby - The Home Within Us. Romantic Houses, Evocative Rooms
010050: McBride, Mekeel - Red Letter Days
019738: McBride, Mekeel - Dog Star Delicatessen. New and Selected Poems 1979-2006
009085: McCabe, James D. - Our Young Folks in Africa. The Adventures of a Party of Young Americans in Algeria, and in South Central Africa
005622: McCaffery, Ann; McCaffery, Patrick James - The Knolls of Korea
012253: McCann, Kevin D. - Jackson Diamonds. Professional Baseball in Jackson, Tennessee
015172: Spink, Bernice McCarthy et al. - Happy Daze. Number 9. April 1950
015924: McCartney, Singerly - A Short Cut to Good Riding
011562: McClintock, James (artist) - Paintings by James Mcclintock. Catalogue of an Exhibition June 22 Through July 25, 1965
014320: McConnell, Donald - Economic Trends and the New Deal in the Caribbean
014052: McCorison, Marcus Allen - Amos Taylor, a Sketch and Bibliography
013589: McCorison, Marcus A. - Vermont Papermaking 1784-1820. Parts One and Two
016154: McCormick, Virginia Taylor - The Lyric. July 1922. Vol. 2 No. 7
018822: McCormick, Malachi - How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee
006742: McDonald, John - Australian Contemporary Art at Kiaf/11
012020: McDonald, Christopher - The Military History of New Bedford. Images of America Series
018904: McDuffee, Franklin - History of the Town of Rochester New Hampshire, from 1722 to 1890. In Two Volumes, Complete
016570: McEldowney, Ken (introduction) - Readings on Poverty
019134: McElroy, Guy C. - Facing History. The Black Image in American Art 1710-1940
016547: McEwan, Ian - The Daydreamer
003904: McFarland, N.C. Teller, H.M. - Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, Transmitting, in Response to Senate Resolution of February 5, 1883, a Report Concerning Depredations on the Public Timber in the Territory of Montana. Ex. Doc No. 66. 47th Congress, 2d Session. Senate
005770: McGregor, Charles - History of the Fifteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers 1862-1863
017848: McGregor, Charles - History of the Fifteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers 1862-1863
020026: McKee, Eric - Clenched Lap or Clinker. An Appreciation of a Boatbuilding Technique
012096: McKeithan, Daniel Morley - The Morgan Manuscript of Mark Twain's Pudd'Nhead Wilson. Essays and Studies on American Language and Literature XII
019148: McKinley, Ashley (Captain) - The South Pole Picture Book. Byrd Antarctic Expedition
013942: McMillin, Lucille Foster - The First Year. A Study of Women's Participation in Federal Defense Activities
020391: McMurtrie, Douglas C. - Pioneer Printing in Georgia
015753: McMurtrie, Douglas C.; Goudy, Frederic W. (introduction) - American Type Design in the Twentieth Century
007301: McMurtrie, Douglas C. - The Beginnings of Printing in New Hampshire
020389: Bullock, Rufus; Turner, Henry McNeal et al. - Condition of Affairs in Georgia. 40th Congress, 3d Session. Mis. Doc. No. 52. House of Representatives
003771: McNeil, Katherine, Compiler - Gary Snyder a Bibliography
008590: McNulty, J.H. - The Return of Mr. Pickwick
007774: McTammany, John - The Technical History of the Player
003892: Mead, Charles - Mississippian Scenery; a Poem, Descriptive of the Interior of North America
010140: Meader, J.W. - The Merrimack River. Its Source and Its Tributaries
013552: O'Meara, Barry E. - Napoleon in Exile: Or, a Voice from St. Helena. The Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on the Most Important Events of His Life and Government, in His Own Words. In Two Volumes
008253: Meckna, Michael - Virgil Thomson. A Bio-Bibliography
019262: [Patent Medicine, Quackery, Racist Advertising] No author Given - Brandreth's Pills : Purely Vegetable, Absolutely Harmless, Always Beneficial (Caption Title)
013821: Medrano, Humberto - Agresion Castro-Comunista En America. No Solo En Veneuela
011346: Meech, Julia - Frank Lloyd Wright and the Art of Japan. The Architect's Other Passion
014315: Meigs, Walter (artist). Meigs - Mountainscapes. New Oils by Walter Meigs
016755: Menck, Ric - Image (No Issue Number, Perhaps #4)
019849: Mendez, Mariano Lopez - Ja' Slo' IL Jun Vinik Chamula, K'Uxi Ch'i Tal
018536: Mendoza, Ryan (artist); Welsh, Irvine - Join Now for Instant Access. Career Opportunities and Fanny Licking
019015: Menzel, Adolph (artist); Various Authors - Adolph Menzel 1815-1905. Master Drawings from East Berlin
013734: Mercer, Mick - Panache #5
002069: Meredith, Gertrude Euphemia - The Descendants of Hugh Amory 1605-1815
010873: Merimee, Prosper - Colomba
020125: Merriam, Daniel (artist) - The Art of Daniel Merriam. The Impetus of Dreams
015439: Merrill, Nancy Carnegie - Exeter, New Hampshire 1888-1988
019401: Merton, Thomas (artist); Griffin, John Howard (text) - A Hidden Wholeness. The Visual World of Thomas Merton
004496: Messerli, Douglas - Along without. A Fiction in Film for Poetry. Part I of the Structure of Destruction
018393: Messina, Francesco (artist) - Francesco Messina Opera Grafica. Disegni, Pasteli E Litografie Dal 1930 Al 1973
004069: Metastasio, Pietro; Menzini, Benedetto; Rolli, Paolo; Frugoni, Carlo Innocenzo, et al. Cassano, DA G. B. (Compiler) - IL Fiore Della Poesia Italiana, Del Secolo XVIII. Preceduto Da Alcune Notizie Istoriche de' Poeti, Che Lo Compongono. Tomo I and II
009808: Methven, Cathcart W. (Artist) - Sketches of Greenock and Its Harbours in 1886
009462: Metzger, Ray K; Uelsmann, Jerry N; et al (photographers) - Photography 63. An Invitational Exhibition
010247: Metzger, Deena. Nin, Anais (preface) - Skin: Shadows Silence. A Love Letter in the Form of a Novel
018764: Meyerowitz, Joel (photographer) - Photography at Oregon Gallery. University of Oregon Museum of Art. Joel Meyerowitz Promotional Poster
017501: Miah, Malik - Ysa (Young Socialist Alliance) Letter to Organizers and at-Large Members
018096: Auden, W.H. Merrill, J.M.; Yates, J. Michael et al. - The Quest. Volume One, Number One. Winter 1965-1966
018253: Ferlinghetti, Lawrence; McClure, Michael et al. - Beatitude #22. November 1975
006270: Irving, John; Ferguson, William; Dawson, Robert; Mazur, Michael et al. - The Boston Review. Spring-Summer 1968. Volume 2, Number 1
011284: Michel, Sally (artist) - Sally Michel. First West Coast Exhibition of Paintings and Works on Paper. October 15, 1989
010556: Georges-Michel, Michel - Les Grandes Epoques de la Peinture "Moderne" de Delacroix a Nos Jours
008343: Michener, James A. (introduction) - Radius 5. Lafayette College. April 16 Through May 10, 1966
014967: (Turpin) Mick and Ray, Authors - Allied Propaganda. Issue 3
018549: Martin Ryan; Middles, Mick et al. - Ghast Up. Issue One-April '77
015892: Middlebrooks, D.B. - March to Mount Zion. History of Mount Zion United Methodist Church Ellenwood, Henry County, Georgia 1853-1993
019739: Middleton, John; Winter, E.H., editors - Witchcraft and Sorcery in East Africa
002204: Middleton, Thomas - Honourable Entertainments
005459: (Middleton, Thomas Fanshawe, editor) - The Country Spectator. Number II. Tuesday, 16 October, 1792
016453: Committee for Militant and Democratic Unionism - Don't Put Copper Tacks in Fruit Trees-It Will Kill Them! Call to Action Flier
020253: Millard, Travis M. - Fudge Factory Presents Lies an Expose
013983: Millares, Manolo (artist) - Homage to Manolo Millares. His Last Paintings 1969-1971
019520: Leininger-Miller, Theresa - New Negro Artists in Paris. African American Painters and Sculptors in the City of Light, 1922-1934
019370: Miller, Larry; Porter, Bern; Schneemann, Carolee - Performing Objects. January 23-March 14, 1993
016359: Miller, Jonathan (foreword) - The Paradox Box
011970: Miller, J. Keith - Tall Texans. Durham Chapbook Number VIII
011174: Millstein, Jeff - U.S. Marine Corps Aviation Unit Insignia. 1941-1946
006634: Milne, J.M. - Bi-Metallism As Social Evolution at the Tri-Millenial 1900
012199: Wei Yi-Min, Henry; Coutanceau, Suzanne - Wine for the Gods. An Account of the Religious Traditions and Beliefs of Taiwan
018475: Minch, Stephen - Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus
010299: Minutes of the Forty-First Anniversary of the Columbus Baptist Association, held with the Baptist Church in Alexandria, Licking County, Ohio, September 10, 11 and 12, 1859. With a History of the Columbus Baptist Association - Drake, Jacob; Randall, D.A. Et Al.
008161: Mionnet, T.E. - De la Rarete Et Du Prix Des Medailles Romaines Ou Recueil Contenant Les Types Rares Et Inedits Des Medailles D'or, D'Argent Et de Bronze Frappees Pendant la Duree de la Republique Et de L'Empire Romain. Volume 1 Only
018131: Miro, Joan (artist) - Miro. Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld. Art Exhibition Poster, Untitled with Person
013751: Miro, Joan (artist). No author given - Sculpture in Ceramic by Miro and Artigas. December, 1956
020120: Miro, Joan (artist) - Miro. Fondation Maeght. 7 Juillet-30 Septembre 1979. 06570 Saint-Paul
003618: Mitchel, John; Ferguson, John - The History of the Great Irish Rebellion of 1798. From the Text of John Mitchel, with an Introductory and Concluding Chapters by John Ferguson
010078: Mitchell, Susan - Rapture
013789: Mitsch, Erwin - Egon Schiele 1890-1918
013672: Tomlinson, Zoe; White, Mo et al. - Smart Verbal. A Magazine for Modern Times. Issue 3
013676: Modica, Andrea (photographer) - Andrea Modica. At the Edge of Fiction. Contact Sheet Number 111
019167: Moliere - Les Oeuvres de Monsieur de Moliere. Nouvelle Edition. Tome (Volume) II Only
006530: Moll, Herman (engraver) - Denmark, Dania. Map from a System of Geography
018244: Molles, Andrew (artist) - Andrew Molles. Gemalde/Paintings 1958-1961
015180: Monahan, Michael (editor) - The Papyrus. A Magazine of Individuality. May, 1912
018438: Monath, Alfred - Contribution a L'Etude Des Taches de Sang Sur Les Lames D'Instruments Tranchants. These Presentee Pour le Doctorate En Medecine Par Alfred Monath Ne le 18 Novembre 1907
011569: Montague, John - Patriotic Suite
003919: Montgomerie, John, esq. Governor - The Charter of the City of New-York
010380: Montgomery, Robert - The Omnipresence of the Deity. A Poem
020370: Montgomery, John - Dictionary of Maya Hieroglyphs
017940: Montgomery, Walter (editor) - American Art and American Art Collections. Essays on Artistic Subjects [... ]. Two Volumes
018050: Montias, John Michael - Art at Auction in 17th Century Amsterdam
018815: Moon, Karl [Carl] (photographer). Moon, Karl [Carl] (photographer). The Burr McIntosh Monthly. November 1909 - The Burr Mcintosh Monthly. November 1909
016772: Moore, R. - Desolation Row Newsletter. Community Psychosis for the Miami Valley
005501: Moore, J. Hampton - With Speaker Cannon Through the Tropics. A Descriptive Story of a Voyage to the West Indies, Venezuela and Panama
019763: Moore, Lisa - Smoke
006054: Lieber, Fritz; Williams, Robert Moore et al. - Amazing Stories. April 1950, Volume 24, Number 4
010796: More, Hannah - Rural Tales; Portraying Social Life
010062: Moreau, Emile; Bernhardt, Sarah (presenter) - Le Proces de Jeanne D'Arc. The Trial of Joan of Arc. Sarah Bernhardt. The Last Visit to America
005044: Moree, Edward A. - The County Tuberculosis Hospital. Why Every County Needs One. Special Bulletin No. 5
016266: Morgan, Francis X. - Colonial Portsmouth in Pen and Ink
009709: Morgan, F.R. - Little Bo-Peep's New Bonnet
010912: Morgan, William (photographer) - Portals. Photographs by William Morgan
011915: Morice, Charles - Paul Gauguin
006069: Morinigo, Marcos A. - Hispanismos En El Guarani. Coleccion de Estudios Indigenistas I.
019537: Morison, George Abbot; Smith, Etta M. - History of Peterborough New Hampshire. Volume II, Books 1 and 2
012150: Morley, Christopher - The Tree That Didn't Get Trimmed
013566: De La Morliere - Angola
017304: Morrill, Frederic - The Medical Adviser and Guide to Health. Addressed to Sufferers of Both Sexes
006536: Morrill, Justin Smith - Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. J.S. Morrill of Vermont, on the Admission of Kansas As a Free State Into the Union. Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 28, 1856
005704: Morris, Charles - Historical Tales. The Romance of Reality. Japan and China
019509: Morris, Florence Ada - Destruction of the Battleship Maine. An Original Poem
019983: Morris, Walter F. - Luchetik. El Lenguaje Textil de Los Altos de Chiapas. The Woven Word from Highland Chiapas
006256: Morris, William - The Earthly Paradise. A Poem. Part III
015264: Morris, William - The Earthly Paradise. A Poem. Part III
017287: Zadkiel Tao Sze (Morrison, Richard James) - Zadkiel's Almanac for 1864 [... ] Containing Predictions of the Weather; Voice of the Stars; Numerous Useful Tables; a Hieroglyphic; the Year of Hope. Thirty-Fourth Yearly Edition
017595: Morse, Jedidiah - The American Gazetteer, Exhibiting, in Alphabetical Order, a Much More Full and Accurate Account, Than Has Been Given, of the States, Towns, [... ] Indian Tribes and New Discoveries on the American Continent, Also of the West India Islands [... ]
010621: Mortane, Jacques - Special Missions of the Air. An Exposition of Some of the Mysteries of Aerial Warfare
005240: Morton, O.P. - Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. O.P. Morton, in the U.S. Senate, January 24, 1868, on the Constitutionality of the Reconstruction Acts
008879: No author given. (Morton, John Ludlow) - Morton's Picture Book; with Entertaining Stories for Young Folks
013019: Morton, Thomas - Town and Country; a Comedy, in Five Acts
012836: Moskalenko, Viktor - The Wonderful Winaver. Strategic Ideas and Surprise Weapons for Dynamic Chess Players
011140: Motwani, Paul - C.O. O.L. Chess. Secrets from Scotland to Help You Find Creative Original Opening Lines (Batsford Chess Library Series)
018362: [Social Movements, Radical Movements] - Revolutionary Communist Youth Flier
016985: [Social Movements, Anti-War] Various authors - Pay Back. The Voice of the Mdm Orange County. September, 1971. Vol II. Number 1
016820: [Social Movements, Labor] No author given - Let's Go to Work on the System! Committee for a Labor Party Flier
016907: [Social Movements, Labor] - Urgent! Today!! Emergency Mobilization Flier
017397: [Social Movements] - Campus Independent Socialist Club. Madigan Vs. The Masses: Which Side Are You on? Public Awareness Leaflet/Flier
016932: [Social Movements, Labor] - On Strike... Close Standard Oil Down! Event Flier
018038: [Social Movements, Anti-War] Various Authors - Out Now. August, 1970. Vol I. Number IV
016893: [Social Movements, Radical Movements] Revolutionary Communist Youth - Student Council Excludes Communists! Flier
017091: [Social Movements] - East Bay Women for Peace. Now Is the Time. Anti-Nuclear Weapons Flier
009646: Browning, Elizabeth Barret; Tennyson, Alfred; Lytton, Edward; Crowe, Mrs. et al. - The International Monthly Magazine of Science, Literature and Art. Volume II. December to March 1850-51
006496: Emery, Kembe; Mouckounay, Simon; Prosper, Milambo; Leon, Kabwika; Tshitenge, Muana et al. - Malu Etu. Bulletin de Kabinda. December 1957. No. 12
014263: Mueck, Ron (artist) - Ron Mueck
007332: Mueller, Mike - The American Pickup Truck
017968: Muhlberger, Richard - American Folk Marquetry. Masterpieces in Wood
005305: Muhlenberg, Henry A. - The Life of Major-General Peter Muhlenberg of the Revolutionary Army
017688: Muir, John - Stickeen
004774: Mulholland, John; Smith, Milton - Magic in the Making. A First Book of Conjuring
006750: Muller, Heinrich (artist) - Heinrich Muller
015201: Abu-Jamal, Mumia et al. - It's About Time... Summer 2001. Volume 5 Number 3
015843: Munch, Edvard (artist) - Edvard Munch 1863-1944. Wiener Festwochen 1959
010027: JM (Mundy, Jeffery or Mundy, James) - Blue Prints
018233: Munhall, Edgar - Whistler and Montesquiou. The Butterfly and the Bat
016436: Munoz, Lucio (artist) - Lucio Munoz. Holzrelief-Bilder
010619: Munro, Wilfred H. - Picturesque Rhode Island. Pen and Pencil Sketches of the Scenery and History of Its Cities, Towns and Hamlets, and of Men Who Have Made Them Famous
011730: Muraro, Michelangelo - Venetian Villas. The History and Culture
014341: Murchison, Kenneth S. - Digest of Decisions Relating to Indian Affairs. Volume One Only (of Two). Judicial
010742: Murger, Henri - Scenes de la Vie de Boheme. Two Volumes
011851: Murphy, Anna Beatrice; Dent, Richard; Wilner, Isabel - Durham Chapbook Number One. Songs of Two Wars, Hero's Tower and Daily the Clay
017579: Murray, James; Tiffany, Nina Moore (editor) - Letters of James Murray Loyalist
006691: Fearn, John Russell; Flagg, Francis; Leinster, Murray et al. - Startling Stories. Fall 1945. Vol. 12. No. 3
010005: Murray, Joan - Tom Thomson. Trees
009883: Murray, Louise Welles - A History of Old Tioga Point and Early Athens Pennsylvania
005503: Murray, John - The Justification of Believers by Imputed Righteousness. Being the Substance of Three Sermons Preached in the Presbyterian Church in Newburyport, August, 1788, by John Murray, A.M. Pastor of Said Church
018805: [Industrial Music, Zines] Various Authors - Band-It 13. Industrial Part 1
010566: Count Basie (musician) - Blues by Basie
020333: Musleah, Rahel - Songs of the Jews of Calcutta
016566: Muspratt, Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical, As Applied and Relating to the Arts and Manufactures. Vol. II Only. Fuel-Zinc
011145: Myers, Peter Hamilton - The Miser's Heir; or the Young Millionaire
013743: Nagura, Hideji; Black, Judith; Alter, Robert (photographers) - Positive
014253: Nakada, Norio - Shinsen Kogo Jiten
008604: Nakamura, Joel (artist) - Joel Nakamura
017901: Nakov, Andrei - Russian Pioneers: At the Origins of Non-Objective Art
007403: Nall, Robert - The Dead of the Synod of Alabama: A Discourse
005624: Nason, Elias - A Gazetteer of the State of Massachusetts
007145: Rocklynne, Ross; Bates, Harry; Sturgeon, Theodore; Schachner, Nat et al. - Astounding Science Fiction. June 1941. Vol. XXVII. No. 4
019364: Hollo, Anselm; Tarn, Nathaniel et al. - New Measure 10. Late Final Issue 1969
015595: Nation, Opal Louis; Grimshaw, Peter - Galary 85 Magazine. Vol. I #2
017826: Nations, Opal L. - The Fat Wing Lung Company Poems
004423: Nazaroff, William; Ligocki, Mary; Salmon, Lynn; Cass, Glen; Fall, Theresa; Jones, Michael C.; Liu, Harvey I.H.; Ma, Timothy - Airborne Particles in Museums. Research in Conservation
015137: O'Neal, William (compiler) - Charles Smith. His Work in Book Design. A Checklist Compiled by William B. O'Neal
014726: Nearing, Scott; Seligman, Edward R. A. - A Public Debate "Capitalism Vs. Socialism. " (Cover Title)
010754: Nearing, Scott - British Labor Bids for Power. The Historic Scarboro Conference of the Trades Union Congress
006810: Nearing, Scott; Thomas, Norman; Lescohier, Don. D. - Which Offers More for the Future. Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
004882: Nearing, Scott; Flower, Don M.; Flower, J. Howard - The Free Soul. A Journal of Personal Liberation and Eternal Youth. Volume IV Number 1. April 1946
010854: Nearing, Scott - Russia Turns East. The Triumph of Soviet Diplomacy in Asia
010564: Nearing, Scott - Europe and the Next War
007202: Nearing, Scott - Europe-West and East
007465: Neary, Bernard - Lugs. The Life and Times of Jim Branigan
019720: Neas, Tom (editor) - More Mayonnaise Issue #7. Summer 84
018210: Needs, Kris; Banks, Robin (editors) - The Armagideon Times. Number 2
006507: Neil, Marion H. - Good Things to Eat Made with Bread Containing Tested Recipes Compiled for the Fleischmann Co
018868: Neilson, Heidi - Typography of the Period. A Brief Introduction
011771: Nelson, Aaron G.; Korzan, Gerald E. - Profits and Losses in Ranching, Western South Dakota, 1931-1940. Bulletin 352
007881: Cowell, Sidney; Page, Thomas Nelson et al. - The Cosmopolitan. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine. April, 1890. With the Story 'the Enchanted Baseball (Base Ball)'
020140: Nelson, Charles B. - History of Stratham, New Hampshire 1631-1900
006619: Remy-Neris, Andre - Poignees de Coeur
009806: Neumann, J.B. (editor) - Artlover. Devoted to the Neglected, Misprised and Little Known. Volume II
009479: Neumann, J.B. (editor) - Rodolphe Bresdin
016672: Nevill, Ralph - London Clubs. Their History and Treasures
014921: Neville, Pamela - The Printer's Copy of Commandino's Translation of Archimedes, 1558
012259: Nevius, John L. - China and the Chinese: A General Description of the Country and Its Inhabitants; Its Civilization and Its Form of Government; Its Religious and Social Institutions; Its Intercourse with Other Nations; and Its Present Condition and Prospects
012077: Newell, Benjamin Chase - Boundaries and Markers of Derry, New Hampshire
013105: Newman, John (artist) - John Newman Drawings
015448: Newton, Huey - Huey's Message to the Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention Plenary Session September 5, 1970 Philadelphia, Pa
013578: Pete Nic and Kally, authors - Confidential. Summer '77. (Issue 1)
020392: Nichols, John; Lance - The Hollywood Kids. Vol. 4 Issue 1
020276: Nichols, John; Lance - The Hollywood Kids. Vol. 3. Issue 39
020264: Nichols, John; Lance - The Hollywood Kids. Vol. Issue 35. Jan 26-Feb. 8
003266: Major Johns R.M.; Nichols, P.H. Lieut - The Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain or Calendar of Victory Being a Record of British Valour and Conquest by Sea and Land on Every Day of the Year. From the Reign of William the Conqueror to the Battle of Inkermann
019793: Nichols, John; Lance - Street Gossip. Vol. 1 #23
020194: Nicholson, H.B. - Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl. The Once and Future Lord of the Toltecs
019765: Nicholson, Paul C. (compiler) - Abstracts from a Journal Kept Aboard the Ship Sharon of Fairhaven on a Whaling Voyage in the South Pacific 1841-1845
017507: Nicholson, Ben (artist) - Ben Nicholson. Galerie Charles Lienhard Zurich 7.3. Januar Bis 7. Februar 1959
006308: Nickson, Graham (artist) - Graham Nickson 23 April- 18 May, 1983
020246: Nicolaisen, Johannes - Ecology and Culture of the Pastoral Tuareg. With Particular Reference to the Tuareg of Ahaggar and Ayr
009992: Niebuhr, B.G. - Lectures on Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the Taking of Alexandria by Octavianus. Comprising the History of the Asiatic Nations, the Egyptians, Greeks, Macedonians, and Carthaginians. Volume 1 and 3 Only
007992: Niemoeller, A.F. - The Right of the First Night and Other Essays of an Erotologist. Some Facts and Observations on the Fig, the Judicial Congress, and the Jus Primae Noctis
005772: Lurie, Aya; Goren, Nili et al. Hirst, Damien (artist) et al. - Depletion. Works from the Doron Sebbag Art Collection
012682: Junko Nishiguchi - Onna No Chikara: Kodai No Josei to Bukkyo (Heibonsha Sensho) (Japanese Edition)
007989: Nix, Patricia (artist) - Patricia Nix. Collages Et Constructions Peintes
018973: Nixon, Richard Milhous - The Inaugural Address of Richard Milhous Nixon, the President of the United States, Delivered at the Capitol, Washington, January 20, 1969
003182: No - Handwritten Ledger from the Town of Limerick Maine Spanning Years 1917 Through 1922
003285: No - Church Harmonies: A Collection of Hymns and Tunes for the Use of Congregations
006755: Bradbury, Ray; Leinster, Murray; Loomis, Noel et al. - Thrilling Wonder Stories. Spring 1946. Vol. XXVIII, No. 2
006606: Noland, Kenneth (artist) - Kenneth Noland. New Paintings November 1-19 1980
010922: Noodt, Gerhard - The Power of the Sovereign and the Right of Liberty of Conscience: In Two Discourses
013074: Norden, Heinz - How to Avoid Catching Venereal Diseases. Little Blue Book No. 1523
006221: North, Barclay (William C. Hudson) - The Dugdale Millions. Magnet Detective Library No. 131
007626: Norton, C.E. - Report of the Examination of the Eyes of the Pupils in the School of Lewiston (Maine)
018459: Belknap, Jeremy; Farmer, John (notes and additions) - The History of New Hampshire. From a Copy of the Original Edition, Having the Author's Last Corrections. Volume One Only
019233: Nourse, Elizabeth (artist). Burke, Mary Alice Heekin - Elizabeth Nourse, 1859-1938. A Salon Career
013291: Nouvel-Kammerer, Odile, et al. - Symbols of Power. Napoleon and the Art of the Empire Style 1800-1815
007461: Novak, Joe (artist) - Joe Novak. Colors. Paintings on Panel 2006-2008
005674: Noyes, John Humphrey (editor). Various Authors - The American Socialist. 104 Issues. Vols III and IV, Numbers 1-52. 1878-1879
012204: Noyes, George W. Editor. Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Noyes, John Humphrey - The Circular. New Series. Mount Tom, Monday, March 12, 1866. Vol. II. , No. 52
012401: Noyes, John Humphrey; H.H.S. - History of the Fever and Ague War in Wallingford, in Two Letters, Reprinted from the Correspondence of the American Socialist
006345: Noyes, John Humphrey - Salvation from Sin, the End of Christian Faith
003875: Noyes, John Humphrey - The Free Church Circular. Vol. IV. No. 6. Oneida Reserve, March 27, 1851
004001: Noyes, John Humphrey (editor). Various authors - The American Socialist
013635: Noyes, Harriette Eliza - A Memorial History of Hampstead, New Hampshire Congregational Church 1752-1902. Volume II, Parts 1 and 2 Only
018383: Nuechterlein, Jeanne - Translating Nature Into Art. Holbein, the Reformation and Renaissance Rhetoric
010171: Nunes, Maxine; White Deanna - The Lace Ghetto. New Woman Series: 3
016525: Nye, A.E.G. (compiler) - Dover, New Hampshire, Its History and Industries Issued As an Illustrated Souvenir in Commemoration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Foster's Daily Democrat. Descriptive of the City and Its Manufacturing and Business Interests
019915: Nye, Naomi Shihab - The Tiny Journalist. Poems
017889: Nystrom, Paul - Economics of Fashion
006489: MacDonald, John D.; Smith, George O. et al. - Super Science Stories. May 1950. Vol 6. No. 4
019434: Perkins, W.O. and H. S. - The Nightingale; a Choice Collection of Songs, Chants, and Hymns, Designed for the Use of Juvenile Classes, Public Schools, and Seminaries; Containing Also a Complete and Concise System of Elementary Instruction
006624: Leinster, Murray; Smith, George O. et al. - Astounding Science Fiction. June 1945. Vol. XXXV, No. 4
018045: Oates, Joyce Carol - Love and Its Derangements
014990: Oates, Joyce Carol - The Blessing. Sparrow 45. June 1976
011645: Obermann, Julian - Two Magic Bowls: New Incantation Texts from Mesopotamia. Offprint
003184: Obernon, Landa - Five Times One. A Quintuplet Story Book
016273: Ockun, Samuel - First Day and Early Use Boston Flag Cancellations. October-December 1894
019080: Ginsberg, Allen; Ferlinghetti, Lawrence; Paz, Octavio et al. - Evergreen Review May-June 1961. Vol. 5. No. 18
010396: Odom, Anne - Russian Enamels : Kievan Rus to Faberge
018416: Hall, Donald; Elytis, Odysseus et al. - Colonnade. Volume 1, Number 2. Winter 1952
008475: Oesterle, Louis (editor) - The Golden Treasury of Piano-Music. A Collection of Pieces Written for the Virginal, Spinet, Harpsichord and Clavichord by Composers of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries
009923: Ogawa, K. - Matsushima, (One of Three Most Famous Views of Japan. ) by K. Ogawa in Phototype and from Photographic Negatives Taken by Him
013649: Polly; Ogles, Hank; Holder, Vince; Hunter, Spike; Kew, Andy; Allgood, Joy; Oscar, Phil - Songsong. Probe Issue (First Issue?)
011891: Ohr, Wilhelm - Vom Kampf Der Jugend
015204: Coolidge, Clark; McClure, Michael; Hollo, Anselm; Wakoski, Diane; Oppen George; Wonodi, Okogbule et al. - Bricoleur. September 1969
020209: Okpaku, Joseph; Sadock, Verna (artist) - Verdict! the Exclusive Picture Story of the Trial of the Chicago 8
017178: Okpaku, Joseph; Sadock, Verna (artist) - Verdict! the Exclusive Picture Story of the Trial of the Chicago 8
007457: Miller, Errol; Dixon, Stephen; Cabral, Olga et al. - Gallimaufry No. 4. Spring, 1975
012083: Oliver, Hon. M. - Kansas Investigation. Minority Report of the Kansas Investigating Committee, of the House of Representatives, by Hon. M. Oliver, of Missouri
018067: Olson, Ruth; Chanin Abraham - Gabo-Pevsner
008812: Olson, Charles. Cernovich, Nicola - This. Broadside No. 1
018436: Olson, Charles; Snyder, Gary; Johnson, Ronald; Wakoski, Diane, et al. - Coyote's Journal #1
013887: Olson, Charles - Signature to Petition on Ten Pound Island Asked of Me by Mr. Vincent Ferrini
002569: Olszewski, Andrzej K. - Dzieje Sztuki Polskiej 1890-1980
017356: Ooka, Makoto - Beneath the Sleepless Tossing of the Planets. Selected Poems 1972-1989
018510: Oppen, George - 21 Poems. New Directions Poetry Pamphlet #21
018302: Oppenheim, E. Phillips - The Great Secret
017487: Oppenheim, E. Phillips - The Honourable Algernon Knox, Detective
017539: Oppenheim, E. Phillips - The Lion and the Lamb
009969: Orcutt, William Dana - Good Old Dorchester. A Narrative History of the Town 1630-1893
019156: Emerson, Ralph Waldo; James, Henry; Jewett, Sarah Orne et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and Politics. Volume LII. July-December, 1883
018722: Pyle, Howard; Jewett, Sarah Orne et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Volume LXIII. June to November, 1881
018141: Whitman, Walt; Jewett, Sarah Orne et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Volume LXX. December 1884 to May 1885
003515: Orth, Godlove, S. - The True Basis of Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. Godlove S. Orth, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, March 10, 1866
017038: Orton, Vrest - Dreiserana. A Book About His Books
004548: Osborne, Charles Francis - Historic Houses and Their Gardens. Palaces, Castles, Country Places and Gardens of the Old and New Worlds Described by Several Writers. Illustrated with Plans and Photographs
010909: Osborne, Brian D.; Armstrong, Ronald - Glasgow a City at War
008200: Crouch, Harry; Erskine, Frank; Griffiths, Mamie; Paddon, Eleanor; Thanet, Oskar et al. - The Poet Anthology 1937
009320: Ostriker, Alicia - A Dream of Springtime. Poems 1970-78
012705: Kazuo Osumi ;Junko Nishiguchi - Sukui to Oshie (Shirizu Josei to Bukkyo) (Japanese Edition)
020124: Otis, Bass (artist); Davis, Gainor; Craven, Wayne (authors) - Bass Otis: Painter, Portraitist and Engraver
013004: Osamu Otsuki - Ocho No Himegimi. Sekaishiso Seminar
009343: No author given. Ottenheimer, Fred (illustrator) - Playtime Speller
019307: Crowninshield, Frederic; Grundmann, Otto et al. - Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). School of Drawing and Painting. Fifth Annual Report of the Permanent Committee in Charge of the School
014789: Ovchinnikov, A.N. - Golden Gates in Suzdal
016004: Wister, Owen et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. October, 1894
016394: Wister, Owen et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. May, 1894
014267: Garrett, George P. et al (editors) - Film Scripts Four. A Hard Day's Night, the Best Man, and Darling
019861: Ilsley, Charles P. et al. - Portland Transcript. Saturday, June 2, 1849. With, "an Indian Tale. The Captive Maiden. A Tale of the Early Settlements in Maine.
010871: Pace, Stephen (artist) - The Abstract Expressionist Paintings of Stephen Pace
012058: Page, Elwin L. - Abraham Lincoln in New Hampshire
016489: Paine, Albert Bigelow - Mr. Turtle's Flying Adventure. Hollow Tree Stories
005736: Pak, chi-Young - Political Opposition in Korea, 1945-1960
007823: Paladino, Mimmo (artist) - Mimmo Paladino
017220: Paley, Grace, et al. - Women's Pentagon Action November 16 and 17 (1980) Event Handbill/Flier
017221: Paley, Grace - Grace Paley. War Resisters League Promotional Letter
018840: Palfrey, John Gorham - History of New England During the Stuart Dynasty. Volume I Only
012770: Palliser, Richard - How to Play Against 1d4
011685: Di Palma, Ray - Raik
019402: Field, Eugene; Cox, Palmer et al. - The Ladies' Home Journal. February, 1893
009602: Palmer, Lynde (Peebles, Mary Louise) - Two Blizzards and Other Stories
018134: Alcott, Louisa May; Cox, Palmer et al. - St. Nicholas for Young Folks. November, 1886
018758: Jewett, Sarah Orne; Cox, Palmer et al. - The Ladies' Home Journal. August, 1892. With Part III (of Three) of the Short Story "an Every-Day Girl.
010183: Alcott, Louisa May; Cox, Palmer et al. - St. Nicholas. An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. June 1884
012279: Kipling, Rudyard; Pyle, Howard; Cox, Palmer et al. - St. Nicholas for Young Folks. With the King's Ankus, a New Jungle Story. March 1895
010229: Panov, Vasily - The First Book of Chess
012109: Papini, Roberto - Arts in the '20s. Architecture and Decorative Arts in Europe
014271: Papus - Le Livre de la Chance Bonne Ou Mauvaise
009158: Paradise, Scott H. - A History of Printing in Andover, Massachusetts 1798-1931
011829: Parisot, Christian - Modigliani
013333: Parissien, Steven - Regency Style
004402: Park, Helen. Placzek, Adolf F. (introduction) - A List of Architectural Books Available in America Before the Revolution. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged
020102: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. September 10, 1868. Vol. II. No. 10
020098: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Anthony Susan B.; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. July 16, 1868. Vol. II. No. 2
012160: Parker, Arthur C. - The American Indian, the Government and the Country. A Plea for an Efficient Indian Service. Reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Society of American Indians, Vol IV, No. 1
017855: Parker, Robert B. - A Catskill Eagle. A Spenser Novel
003989: Parker, William Belmont (editor) - Argentines of to-Day. Two Volumes
020242: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Anthony Susan B.; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. July 23, 1868. Vol. II. No. 3
020317: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. September 24, 1868. Vol. II. No. 12
020196: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Anthony, Susan B.; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. September 17, 1868. Vol. II. No. 11
020147: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. October 1, 1868. Vol. II. No. 13
010443: Parker, Theodore - A Sermon of Merchants: Preached at the Melodeon, on Sunday, November 22d, 1846
020291: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady; Pillsbury, Parker et al. - The Revolution. October 15, 1868. Vol. II. No. 15
008293: Parkhurst, John G. - Recollections of Stone's River. A Paper Prepared and Read Before the Michigan Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S.
013439: Parkinson, Thomas - Men, Women, Vines
019488: Parrish, Stephen (artist); Parrish, Maxfield (author) - Stephen Parrish (June 5, 1846-May 15, 1938)
006119: Parrish, Samuel - Colonization and CIVIL Government in the Tropics. Address Delivered by Samuel Parrish at the Annual Meeting of the Suffolk County Historical Society Held at Riverhead New York, February 17, 1903
015111: Parry, John; Waylett, Harriette; Musard, P.; Dickens, Charles; Russell, Henry (composer); Ransford, Mr.; Sporle, N.J. (composer); Cooper, Mr. H.; W. West; Rimbault, Edward F.; Phillips, Henry; Cornwall, Barry; Fitz-Ball, Edward; Bishop, Henry - Rise Gentle Moon; Wanted, a Governess, 3rd Edition; Coush la Machree; Musard's Sixty Third Et of Quadrilles, Entitled le Danois, 4th Edition; Norah, the Pride of Kildare, a Ballad; the Ivy Green; in the Days When We Went Gipsying, 6th Edition; [... ]
018321: Parsons, John L. - The Churches of Rye, New Hampshire 1725-1959
017678: Partridge, Anthony (Oppenheim, E. Phillips) - The Golden Web
016718: Campus Progressive Labor Party - Win the Strike Flier
016791: [Social Movements] Campus Progressive Labor Party - Fight Political Repression! Flier
018311: No author (Progressive Labor Party?) - Progressive Labor Anti-Harvard Handbill/Leaflet
011845: Dos Passos, John - First Encounter
020011: Pastra, Nausica (artist) - Nausica Pastra Skulptur. Skulpturen. Zeichnungen
017582: Patchin, Frank Gee - The Battleship Boys in the Tropics. Or Upholding the American Flag in a Honduras Revolution
015389: Bell, Sally; Gilbert, Susan; Sullivan, Patrick et al. - Kaleidoscope: Expressions in Culture. Spring 1974
008564: Patten, Gilbert - Clif Stirling. Captain of the Nine
014395: Patterson, William D. (compiler) - The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine. 1760 to 1800
017717: Kelly, Paul et al. - The Open Cell. Volume 1 Number 13
006874: Eigner, Larry; Sorrentino, Gilbert; Hollo, Anselm; Kelly, Robert; Eluard, Paul et al. - Friendly Local Press. Vol 1 No. 7
003789: Williams, William Carlos; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Eluard, Paul et al. - Quarterly Review of Literature. Volume IV, Number 4
018306: John, Augustus; Eluard, Paul et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. August 1943
017508: Belami, Paul et al. - Criminal File 79
013853: Paul, Elliot - Hugger-Mugger in the Louvre. A Homer Evans Murder Mystery
011553: Tyler, Anne; Berger, Rick; Morris, Paul et al. - Pyx. A Magazine for the Arts. Winter, 1972
013165: Eluard, Paul et al. - Ombres Et Soleil. Shadows and Sun. Selected Writings of 1913-1952
020340: Di Prima, Diane; Snyder, Gary; Olson, Charles; Ginsberg, Allen; Hughes, Langston; Creeley, Robert; McClure, Michael; Bukowski, Charles; Miller, Henry; Jones, LeRoi; Burroughs, William S.; Ogden; G.C.; Kupferberg, Tuli; Blackburn, Paul et al. - The Outsider. Number 1. Fall, 1961
016247: De Pauw, Cornelius; Pernety, Dom - Recherches Philosophiques Sur Les Americains, Ou Memoires Interessants Pour Fervir a L'Histoire Se L'Espece Humaine. Tome II. Bound with: Dissertation Sur L'Amerique Et Les Americains, Contre Les Recherches Philosophiques
007275: Pavitt, Bruce - Sub Pop 5
020385: Paxton, Meredith - The Cosmos of the Yucatec Maya. Cycles and Steps from the Madrid Codex
011007: Terhune, Albert Payson et al. - Syria from the Saddle
016327: Paz, Octavio; Blanchot, Maurice; Bacon, Francis (artist) - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. December 1949-January 1950
018689: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Wilpf). Delegates: Stop the War at Home and Abroad
019935: Cambridge Peace and Freedom Party - Harvard Students Are Fighting Bravely Against Harvard: They Need Your Help! Cambridge Peace and Freedom Party Meeting Flyer/Handbill
018652: Peace and Freedom Party - The Time to Act Is Now---Right Here in Our Own Area! Peace and Freedom Party Demonstration/Event Flier
010477: Peacock, Thomas Love - Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. Volume Nine of Wiley and Putnam's Library of Choice Reading
012479: Pearce, Michael - John Drinkwater. A Comprehensive Bibliography of His Works
011996: Pearlstein, Philip (artist); Auping, Michael (introduction) - Philip Pearlstein. Paintings and Watercolors
013752: Pearson, Gary (author of catalog) - 1966 Pacific Northwest Art Annual. (Sixth Pacific Northwest Art Annual April 25-May 21 1966, Cover Title)
014670: Peary, Robert - Snowland Folk. The Eskimos, the Bears, the Dogs, the Musk Oxen and Other Dwellers in the Frozen North
010975: Peckwell, Dr. Henry - Christ Is All: With a Recommendatory Preface. Crawford's Tracts. No. 5
010129: Peet, Stephen D. (editor) - The American Antiquarian. A Quarterly Journal Devoted to Early American History, Ethnology and Archaeology. April, May, June, 1879. Vol 1. No. 4
018016: Cali', Santo; Trantino; Tommy; Vermont, Skye; Hirschman, Jack; Brandi, John; Garrison, Peggy et al. Nations, Opal (artist) - The Stroker No. 3. Fall 1975
020159: Peladeau, Marius B. - Chansonetta. The Life and Photographs of Chansonetta Stanley Emmons, 1858-1937
019064: Coalition Against the Death Penalty - On the 50th Anniversary of the Wrongful Executions of Sacco and Vanzetti Protest the Death Penalty. Coalition Against the Death Penalty Flier
015682: Penrose, Margaret - The Motor Girls at Lookout Beach. Or in Quest of the Runaways
015695: Penrose, Margaret - The Motor Girls Through New England or Held by the Gypsies
009334: Perelman, Bob - The Future of Memory
020039: Perelman, Bob - A.K. A.
015026: Perier, Casimir Pierre - Derniere Reflexions Sur le Projet D'Emprunt; Ou Response a Un Article Anonyme Du Moniteur
016751: Perkins, James H.; Peck, J.M. - Annals of the West: Embracing a Concise Account of Principal Events, Which Have Occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty
018912: Perkins, James H.; Peck, J.M. - Annals of the West: Embracing a Concise Account of Principal Events, Which Have Occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Forty Five
016970: Perkins, James H. - Annals of the West: Embracing a Concise Account of Principal Events, Which Have Occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Forty Five
003110: No author given [Perrault, Charles] - The Story of Little Red Riding Hood. Miss Merryheart's Series
009950: Perry, Nora - Lyrics and Legends
016961: Pessl, Elke A.; Shinohara, Keiji (artist) - Keiji Shinohara: Interpretations in Woodcut
016461: Petagno, Joe (artist) - Little Opium Annie Black Light Poster
013557: Peter; G. Cousin - 2 Poets. Real Life 1
013863: Rosser, J. Barkley; Church, Alonzo; Tarski, A.; Vaught, R.L.; North, J.H.; Katz, C.; Yehling, C.; Collins, George E.; Feferman, Solomon; Butler, Jean W.; Ribeiro, Hugo; Sheridan, Peter et al. - Summaries of Talks Presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic. Cornell University 1957
010015: Peters, Robert; Ridland, John (editor) - The Little Square Review. Number 2. Fourteen Poems by Robert Peters
008257: Peters, Robert L. - Songs for a Son. Poems
011026: Peterson, Charles J. - The American Navy: Being an Authentic History of the United States Navy, and Biographical Sketches of American Naval Heroes, from the Formation of the Navy to the Close of the Mexican War
003449: [Rumball-Petre, Edwin A.R.] - Bibles of Yore. Rare Bible Catalogue No. 18. Winter 1938-1939
008985: Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart; Hassam, Childe (illustrator) - The Tenement House Fire
007642: Phenix, William - Redcoats in the Wilderness. The British Presence in Detroit 1776-1796
019381: De la Tour, Georges (artist); Conisbee, Philip et al (authors) - Georges de la Tour and His World
014854: Kingsolver, Barbara; Appleman, Philip et al. - Kentucky Poetry Review. Philip Appleman Issue. Spring 1989
013369: Uncle Philip - The Boy's Cabinet, of Instructive and Moral Stories. Franklin Toys. Fourth Series. (Boys and Girls Casket, Cover Title)
000816: [Philips, George] - Travels in North America. Bound with Travels in South America. Two Volumes in One
004875: Phillips, Wendell - Argument of Wendell Phillips, Esq. Before the Committee on Federal Relations, (of the Massachusetts Legislature) in Support of the Petitions for the Removal of Edward Greely Loring from the Office of Judge of Probate, February 20, 1855
018609: Phillips, James Duncan - East India Voyages of Salem Vessels Before 1800. Offprint from the Essex Institute Historical Collections April 1943
006760: Phillips, John Burton - Organization of Employers and Employees. Reprinted from the University of Colorado Studies, Vol. II, No. 3, February, 1905
016345: Phipson, T.L. - The Storm and Its Portents. Scenes from the Reign of Louis XVI
019813: Burroughs, William (photographer) et al. - Travelers Digest. Summer, 1977. Volume 1, Number 1
017720: Various Photographers - The Church, Race and Social Justice Poster
019981: [Vernacular Photography, African American] - Group of Six Black and White Photos of African Americans
006736: Picacio, John (artist) - Submission Portfolio for the 2005 World Fantasy Awards for Artist
004815: Picard, R.; Kerneis, J.P.; Bruneau, Y. - La Route de la Porcelaine Les Compagnies Des Indes Et Leurs Navires le Voyage a Canton Et a Ching-to-Chen. Two Volumes
016443: Various authors. Picasso, Pablo (artist) - The Hound and Horn. Winter 1930. January-March 1930. Vol. 3 No. 2
012281: Piceni, Enrico - Boldini. L'Uomo E L'Opera
019292: Pickering, Ellen - The Orphan Niece. A Novel. Three Voumes in One
007957: Pickett, Gertrude M. - Portsmouth's Heyday in Shipbuilding
019745: Pickett, Gertrude M. - Portsmouth's Heyday in Shipbuilding
014640: Pieck, Anton (illustrator) - Turkey. Woodcut Illustration on Tissue Paper
018484: Pierce, Patricia Jobe - The Ten
012804: Pierce, Sally; Smith, Temple D. - Citizens in Conflict. Prints and Photographs of the American CIVIL War
002401: Apraxine, Pierre et al. - La Contessa Di Castiglione E IL Suo Tempo
008715: Pignatti, Terisio - La Scuola Veneta. I Disegni Dei Maestri. (Venetian School of Art)
018399: Pike, Kermit J. - Guide to Shaker Manuscripts in the Library of the Western Reserve Historical Society. With an Inventory of Its Shaker Photographs
004466: Pillsbury, Richard; Kardos, Andrew - A Field Guide to the Folk Architecture of the Northeastern United States. Geography Publications at Dartmouth No. 8. Special Edition on Geographical Lore
019847: Piner, Helene Jawhara - Sephardi. Cooking the History. Recipes of the Jews of Spain and the Diaspora, from the 13th Century to Today
013422: Pines, Ayala; Aronson, Elliot - Polyfidelity. An Alternative Lifestyle without Jealousy. Offprint from Alternative Lifestyles, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 1981
018552: Pinto, Edward H. - Treen or Small Woodware Throughout the Ages
007752: Piper, John (artist) - John Piper. September-October 1975
018680: Pisano, Ronald G.; Chase, William Merritt (artist) - William Merritt Chase. The Paintings in Pastel, Monotypes, Painted Tiles and Ceramic Plates, Watercolors and Prints. Volme 1 Only of the Complete Catalogue of Known and Documented Work of William Merritt Chase (1849-1916)
018802: Pisano, Ronald G.; Chase, William Merritt (artist) - William Merritt Chase. Portraits in Oil. Volume 2 Only of the Complete Catalogue of Known and Documented Work of William Merritt Chase (1849-1916)
016774: De Pisis, Filippo (artist); Raimondi, Giuseppe (introduction) - Filippo de Pisis. Disegni
014037: Cuerlis, Pitt and Ernst F. Wiedemann - Apokalypse Interrogativ: Acht Holzschnitte Von Pitt Cuerlis Mit Texten Von Ernst F. Wiedemann
015738: Pageant Players - Vietnam. Anti-War Poem/Song
017784: Lord Dunsany (Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett) - A Dreamer's Tales
007154: Pobo, Kenneth - Evergreen
012428: Poe, Edgar Allan - The Literati: Some Honest Opinions About Autorial Merits and Demerits, with Occasional Words of Personality. Together with Marginalia, Suggestions and Essays. With a Sketch of the Author by Rufus Wilmot Griswold
014082: Pollock, Jackson; Francis, Sam; Reinhardt, Ad; Kline, Franz; Still, Clifford; Louis, Morris (artists) - Six American Painters. October 1-November 10
019894: Pomeroy, John Norton - The "CIVIL Code" in California
015115: Poole, William F. - The Ordinance of 1787. A Reply
018794: Poor, Henry Varnum (artist) - Henry Varnum Poor 1887-1970. A Retrospective Exhibition
018816: Pope, Alexander - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Volume III Only
020228: Porcellino, John - Spit and a Half Catalog. Spring 1998. No. 14
019833: Porter, Tom - Clanology. Clan System of the Iroquois
005206: Porter, John Ker - A Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, During the Year 1812
019069: Porter, Bern - Found Poems
008154: Porter, Bern; Gomringer, Eugen; Williams, William Carlos, et al (authors). Dunning, Stephen; Eaton, M. Joe; Glass, Malcolm (editors) - For Poets. Poetry 2. A Scholastic Literature Unit Series 4100
011374: Postel, M. L'Abbe (editor) - Memoires Du Marechal de Bassompierre. Two Volumes in One
004524: Potter, David - A History of the Class of '96 of Princeton
011548: Potter, Beatrix - Peter Rabbit's Painting Book
006364: Potter, Beatrix - Ginger and Pickles
007068: Potter, Clarkson N. - Argument Against the Power of Congress to Make United States Treasury Notes a Legal Tender. Supreme Court of the United States. December Term, 1870
003390: Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Peter Rabbit
006432: Anderson, Poul et al. - If. Worlds of Science Fiction. October 1956
006514: Anderson, Poul et al. - Fantastic. Stories of Imagination. December 1960. Vol. 9 No. 12
006401: Le Fanu, Sheridan; Clarke, Arthur C.; Carr, John Dickson, Anderson, Poul et al. - Fantasy and Science Fiction. January, 1957
006562: Dick, Philip K.; Anderson, Poul et al. - Startling Stories. Winter 1955
019425: Pound, Ezra; Fleming, Rudd. Reid, Richard (editor) - Elektra
019752: Pound, Ezra - A Lume Spento and Other Early Poems
019532: Pound, Ezra (translator) - The Translations of Ezra Pound
016591: Hesiod. Powell, Barry B. (translator) - The Poems of Hesiod. Theogony, Works and Days, and the Shield of Herakles
000771: Pratt, Mara L. - Australasia. Volume 1 of the Series People and Places Here and There
002371: Preaud, Tamara; Gauthier, Serge - Ceramics of the 20th Century
020252: Preston, Dick; Rodriguez, Spain (artists) - The East Village Other. March 8-14, 1968. Vol. 3. , No. 14
020005: Preston, Margaret J. - Aunt Dorothy. An Old Virginia Plantation Story
015681: Preston, Rupert (Colonel) - The Seventeenth Century Marine Painters of the Netherlands
016264: Prevost, Greg - Future No. 3. Spring, 1978
013459: Prevost, Abbe - Histoire Du Chevalier Des Grieux Et de Manon Lescaut
010689: Prevost, Abbe - Memoires Pour Servir a L'Histoire de Malte Ou Histoire de la Jeunesse Du Commandeur de. Two Volumes
016051: Price, Vincent (Narrator) - A Colorslide Tour of the Louvre Paris
020215: Price, William A., et al. - National Guardian. June 18, 1966. Vol. 18, No. 37
020308: Price, William A., et al. - National Guardian. July 16, 1966. Vol. 18, No. 41
008523: Price, M. Philips - The Soviet, the Terror and Intervention
016396: Price, Vincent (Narrator) - Wonders of the Pacific Shore Colorslide Nature and Science Program
020245: Price, William A., et al. - National Guardian. July 2, 1966. Vol. 18, No. 39
014737: Prior, Herman Ludolph - Expiated
008793: Procter, Adelaide; Dickens Charles - The Poetical Works of Adelaide A. Procter. Reprinted from the Latest Revised Edition. With an Introduction by Charles Dickens
018916: Pruchnicki, Suzanne Smith - The Passions, Pleasures and Genius of Thomas Jefferson
018933: Pruchnicki, Suzanne Smith - Jefferson and the Polygraph Machine
013302: McCookerybook, Helen (pseudonym) et al. - Shingles. Winter (1979). Issue 1
013600: No author or Publisher - Mental Mapping
019552: Pugh, Winfield Scott; Benjamin, Harry; Keller, David H. - How to Strengthen Sexual Powers. A Study of Scientific Ways to Renew Sexual Vigor
020071: Pulley, Adam - Young Socialist Alliance Ysa Prisoners' Fund Solicitation Letter
019995: Pushkin, Alexander; Aleksandrov, Rostislav - There All Exhales, Diffuses Europe... Fragments of Onegin's Journey
008187: No author given. Pyle, Howard (illustrator) - Yankee Doodle. An Old Friend in a New Dress. An Old Song
009710: Pynchon, John. Bridenbaugh, Carl (editor) - The Pynchon Papers Volume II. Selections from the Account Books of John Pynchon, 1651-1697
005262: Quaglia, Chanoine Lucien - La Maison Du Grand-Saint-Bernard Des Origines Aux Temps Actuels. Conclusions Du Reverendissime Prevot Angelin Lovey
010277: Quandt, Ludwig - Judaa in Die Nachbarschaft IM Jahrhundert Vor Und Nach Der Geburt Christi
010392: Quarles, Francis - Emblems, Divine and Moral; Together with Hieroglyphicks of the Life of Man
016016: Scofield, James R. et al. - Avant Garde Number Seven. March 1969
006971: High, Philip E.; Hawkins, Peter; James, E.R. et al. - New Worlds Science Fiction. April 1960. Vol. 1. No. 2
007280: Ross, R. (editor). Kelly, P. Ross, R. et al. - Blue Horse. The First Forty Nine Cantos
019320: Aesop; Dodsley, R. et al. - Select Fables of Aesop and Other Fabulists. In Three Books. New Edition
017980: Hurst, C.E.; Wheelahan, Kevin; Binns, Mervyn R. et al. - Question Mark? a Digest of Science Fiction, Fact, Fantasy. Number 3. November, 1953
020176: Raak, Bently - The Development of Printing Types. Offprint from the May 1967 Issue of the Am Varityper News
013382: Rabid, Jack - The Big Takeover #8. Volume 2 Issue 6. Late November, Early December 1981
016194: Rabinovitz, Rubin - Innovation in Samuel Beckett's Fiction
019528: [Racism, Blackface] Reed, Dave Jr. (Composer); Meacham, F.W. Meacham (arranger) - Leader of de Company B.
014684: Garcia Lorca, Federico; Alberti, Rafael et al. Castro, Julio (artist) - Las Horas Muertas
003893: Ragghianti, C.L. - Impressionisme. II Edition
010337: Rainbow, Bernarr - John Curwen, a Short Critical Biography
013222: Raine, Allison [Schnackenbeg, Allison] (editor). Various authors - Savage Pink. Vol. 2 No. 10 ½
015865: Rainer, Arnulf (artist) - Arnulf Rainer. Stirnstrandwand
015960: Rakow, Lana F.; Kramarae, Cheris (editors) - The Revolution in Words. Righting Women, 1868-1871. Women's Source Library. Volume IV
014893: Ramel, Mary Alice - Gabba Gabba Gazette #5. November 1977
013466: Ramsay, Andrew Michael - Histoire Du Vicomte de Turenne, Marechal General Des Armees Du Roy. Two Volumes
017154: Ramsey (Ramsay), Vienna G. - A Censer. Poems
012968: Randall, Peter; Burke, Maryellen (editors) - Gosport Remembered. The Last Village at the Isles of Shoals
020343: John, Augustus; Jarrell, Randall et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. April, 1945
019909: Randall, Peter; Burke, Maryellen (editors) - Gosport Remembered. The Last Village at the Isles of Shoals
019948: Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Blackmur, R.P.; Lowell, Robert; Jarrell, Randall et al. - Partisan Review. September-October, 1946
019762: Dee Ranged - Woof #4. 11/28/77
018907: No author given (David Raphael?) - Ca. Na. Da
018080: Rapid, Stephen; Price Pete - Black and White No. 2
014495: No author given (Raspe, Rudolf Erich) - The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
013989: No author given (Raspe, Rudolf Erich) - Aventures Du Baron de Munchhausen
012980: Ratcliff, R.A. - Delusions of Intelligence. Enigma, Ultra, and the End of Secure Ciphers
008069: Rathborne, St. George - My Hildegarde. A Strange Story of Adventure in the Land of Revolutions. Eagle Series No. 329
017861: Ratsch, Christian - Plants of Love. The History of Aphrodisiacs and a Guide to Their Identification and Use
019870: Rau, William H. (photographer) - Montana Crow Indian Lantern Slide (Titled As Written)
011887: Rawlence, Guy - The Highwayman. No. 59 Howell's Adventure Story Series
010324: Rawling, Winifred Mary - The Nativity. A Promise Fulfilled. Its Place in Adamic Dispensation
017670: No author given. Rawlings, Alfred (artist) - A Little Book of Sundial Mottoes
006756: Leinster, Murray; Mac Namara, Paul; Cummings, Ray et al. - Thrilling Wonder Stories. Fall 1944. Vol. XXVI, No. 2
014604: Frost, Robert; Sarton, May; Spender, Stephen; Patterson, Raymond et al. - Poetry Awards 1950. A Compilation of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English Speaking World in 1949
010824: Whitman 3rd, William - The Giant Sorcerer or the Extraordinary Adventures of Raphael and Cassandra
016683: Rea, Sara Weber - The Koreshan Story
004493: Reade, Charles - Put Yourself in His Place. A Novel
006902: Reaney, P.H. - The Place-Names of Walthamstow. Walthamstow Antiquarian Society. Official Publication No. 24
018041: Redfield, Nathan (surveyor) - A Plan of Ebenezer Fowler's Land, June 20th, 1800
012334: Redl, Harry - Macao
017236: Reed, George E.; Cummings, Charles L. - A Poetical Description of the Sixth Army Corps Campaign During the Year 1863. The Great War Relic (Cover Title)
008452: Reed, Donn - The Vermont Committee for the General Strike for Peace, Statement of Beliefs and Cover Letter
001831: Reed, William - The Phantom of the Poles
019737: Reents-Budet, Dorie, et al. - Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period
005554: Rees, Thomas - Our Travels in the Orient
007560: Reeve, F.D. - The Return of the Blue Cat
014508: Reeves, Ira L. - Military Education in the United States
014171: Reid, Whitelaw - Our New Interests. An Address at the University of California, on Charter Day March 23, 1900
014276: Reid, Lionel - Treasure Land
011966: Reid, Derek A. - Coloured Icones of Rare and Interesting Fungi. Part 1: Pages 1-32, 8 Coloured Plates, Text Figures 1-14, Supplement to Nova Hedwigia XI
007851: Reineccio, M. Christiano - Lexicon Hebraeo-Chaldaicum Biblicum, in Quo Omnes Radices Hebraeae Et Chaldaicae Linguae, Quae in Vet. Test. Libris Occurrunt, Cum Omnibus Suis Derivatis Exhibentur, Adjectis Ubique Genuinis Significatibus Latinis. With: Grammatica Hebraeo-Chaldaica (... )
004105: Reiter, Harriet G. - Ten Little Indians. Instructor Literature Series - No. 330
011260: Degas, Renoir, Da Vinci, Rembrandt et al (artists) - European Drawings Portfolio New Series from the Collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Flemish, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Italian and British Drawings
019624: Remington, Frederic; Hassam, Childe (illustrators) - Harper's Weekly. May 15, 1895
007934: Rendell, E.D. - The Intermediate State; or World of Spirits. The First Receptacle of the Souls of Deceased Persons, and the Scene of Final Judgment
011064: Rendell, Kenneth; Heywood, Samantha - The Power of Anti-Semitism; the March to the Holocaust 1919-1939. An Exhibition by the Museum of World War II
006939: Renwick, Jack - Rainbow Bridge. A Collection of Poems in English and Shetlandic
014234: Rewald, John - Maillol
017512: Addison, Joseph; Steele, Richard et al. - The Spectator. In Ten Volumes. Volume 1 Only
007201: Stafford, William; Ilke, Ben; Hall, Carol; Patterson, Elizabeth; Selig, Richard et al. - Experiment. A Quarterly of New Poetry. Vol. 7. No. 1. All Pacific Northwest Issue
006913: Bennett, John M.; The Exquisite Corpse; Lange, Gerald; Kallsen, T.J.; Kostelanetz, Richard et al. - Interstate 4
012019: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Neutra, Richard et al (architects) - Progressive Architecture. Pencil Points. October 1946
012943: Richards, Horace G. - Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Shorelines. Second Supplement 1970-1973
010010: Richey, Joseph; Ginsberg, Allen (introduction) - Riding the Big Earth. Poems 1980-86
016386: Richmond, Adam (artist) - Rat Hole Urinal, Bathroom Graffiti Poster
020353: Richter, Gerhard (artist); Storr, Robert (author) - Gerhard Richter October 18, 1977
014268: Mailer, Norman; Krassner, Paul; Rubin, Rick et al. - The Realist. December-January 1964
014125: Ricker, Marilla - The Four Gospels
019407: Ricketson, Oliver; Teeple, John E.; Ruppert, Karl; Stromsvik, Gustav - Contributions to American Archaeology. Volume I, Nos. 1 to 4
000667: Ridlon, G.T. - The Nason Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
007338: Ridlon, G.T. - The Bean Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000654: Ridlon, G.T. - The Clay Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
015216: Ridlon, G.T. - The Milliken Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
015813: Ridlon, G.T. - The Means Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
016222: Ridlon, G.T. - The Woodsum Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
015368: Ridlon, G.T. - The Frye Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000668: Ridlon, G.T. - The Newbegin Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000669: Ridlon, G.T. - The Norton Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000656: Ridlon, G.T. - The Dearborn Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements
000657: Ridlon, G.T. - The Deering Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000660: Ridlon, G.T. - The Gray Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000662: Ridlon, G.T. - The Martin Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000666: Ridlon, G.T. - The Moses Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000655: Ridlon, G.T. - The Coolbroth Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000683: Ridlon, G.T. - The Warren Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
008750: Ridlon, G.T. - The Messerbey and Meserve Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
013625: Ridlon, G.T. - The Tyler Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
015911: Ridlon, G.T. - The Carle and Carll Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
009632: Ridlon, G.T. - The Hubart-Hubbard Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000681: Ridlon, G.T. - The Vaughan Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000682: Ridlon, G.T. - The Walker Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
013620: Ridlon, G.T. - The Boothby Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
013621: Ridlon, G.T. - The Sands Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
013622: Ridlon, G.T. - The Boynton Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
015217: Ridlon, G.T. - The Tibbetts Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000674: Ridlon, G.T. - The Smith Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000675: Ridlon, G.T. - The Spring Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000680: Ridlon, G.T. - The Usher Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
000670: Ridlon, G.T. - The Patten Family. Extracted from Saco Valley Settlements and Families
010479: Rifkin, Lillian; Cooke, David C. (technical assistance) - When I Grow Up I'LL Be a Flyer
006257: Righter, Rev. H. (editor) - The National Protestant Magazine. June, 1845. Vo1 2. No. 2
020001: United States Commission on Civil Rights - Law Enforcement. A Report on Equal Protection in the South
019678: Rilke, Rainer Maria - The Lay of Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke
018172: Ring, Betty - Girlhood Embroidery. American Samplers and Pictorial Needlework 1650-1850. Two Volumes in Slipcase
015317: Riordan, Kevin (editor). Various authors - Stare Magazine. Seventh Deadly Issue. September 1981
011462: Riordan, Kevin (editor). Various authors - Stare Magazine #6. November, 1980
019215: Ripley, George; Dana, Charles (editors) - The American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Volume VII (Only). Evesham-Glascock
005224: Ritchie, Anna Cora Mowatt - Italian Life and Legends
019855: Robbins, Maurice - An Archaic Ceremonial Complex at Assawompsett
017942: Eigner, Larry; Eshleman, Clayton; Kelly, Robert et al. - Text 8. October, 1978
015940: Corso, Gregory; Yu, Li; Coover, Robert et al. - Evergreen Review March-April 1962. Vol. 6. No. 23
013896: Lawrence, D.H.; Giono, Jean; Symmes, Robert et al. - The Phoenix. Autumn, 1940. Volume II No. 4
009790: Nin, Anais; Lowry, Robert et al. - The Widening Circle. Winter 1973. Vol. 1 No. 1
008249: Vance, Jack; Herbert, Frank; Silverberg, Robert et al. - Galaxy Science Fiction. April 1966. With the Last Castle
007034: Garrett, Randall; Chandler, A. Bertram; Silverberg, Robert et al. - Infinity Science Fiction. November, 1958. Volume 4, No. 2
006239: Koontz, Dean R.; Anthony, Piers; Bloch, Robert et al. - Fantastic Stories. February 1970. Vol. 19, No. 3
017266: Fancher, Lisa; Stremel, Robert et al. - Fancher, Lisa; Stremel, Robert Et Al. Tb Sheets. No. 9. April 1978
017803: Ferlinghetti, Lawrence; Hollo, Anselm; Kelly, Robert et al. - Tansy 2
011953: Gilman, Robert et al. Mullins, Patrick (editor) - Dreamtime Talkingmail. Issue 7. Spring 1995
017583: Rothenberg, Jerome; Corman, Cid; Joris, Pierre; Kelly, Robert et al. - Text 9/10
017979: Rothenberg, Jerome; Zukofsky, Louis; Tussman, Malka Heifetz; Brakhage, Stan; Kelly, Robert et al. - Tree: 1. Winter 1970
007634: Jolas, Maria; Arikha, Avigdor; Calder, John; Pinter, Harold; Pinget, Robert et al. - Beckett at Sixty. A Festschrift
020273: Romano, M.; Prybol, Jan; Kain, Robert et al. - Avant. Unnumbered Issue
017767: Eigner, Larry; Eshleman, Clayton; Kelly, Robert et al. - Text 11. June, 1979
006591: Roberton, Marion - Afterwards" a Play in One Act
011581: Roberts, John - Battlecruisers
015518: Roberts, Robert (editor). Various authors - Twisted. No. 3. March, 1978
011381: Roberts, W. - The Cries of London
010920: Roberts, Michael L. - United States Naval Aviation Patches. Fighter Squadrons, Strike-Fighter Squadrons, Reconnaissance Squadrons
019812: Robeson, Paul (performer) - The Horace Bushnell Memorial Hall Presents on the Occasion of Its First Anniversary Paul Robeson Negro Singer. Wednesday Evening January 14, 1930 (1931?) at 8: 15 O'Clock
007979: Robinson, James - The Scrapbook Series I. Triumph
020063: Robinson, Boardman (artist); Frost, Hunter (author) - Boardman Robinson
017237: Fancher, Lisa; Stremel, Robrt et al. - Tb Sheets. No. 6. December 1977
017212: Fancher, Lisa; Stremel, Robrt et al. - Tb Sheets. No. 5. September 1977
008853: Rocca, Alessandro - Natural Architecture
015151: Rockow, Karen (editor); Kirk, Tim (artist) - Unicorn. A Miscellaneous Journal. Fall 1970. Volume II Number 1
018791: Rockwell, Norman (Introduction) - The J.C. Leyenecker Poster Book
009441: Roditi, Edouard - Emperor of Midnight
019908: Rodriguez, Spain (artist) - The East Village Other. July 12, 1968. Vol. 3. , No. 31
019898: Rodriguez, Jeanette; Wakerahkats:teh, Iakoiane - A Clan Mother's Call. Reconstructing Haudenosaunee Cultural Memory
020349: Rodriguez, Spain; Bode, Vaughn; Deitch, Kim (artists) - The East Village Other. November 15-21, 1968. Vol. 3. , No. 50
006487: Lesser, Milton; Phillips, Rog et al. - Fantastic Adventures. August 1952
006788: Bloch, Robert; Phillips, Rog et al. - Fantastic Science Fiction. Volume 8, Number 5. May, 1959
006402: Ballard, J.G.; Phillips, Rog et al. - Strange Fantasy. Spring 1970
009169: Rogers, Robert W. - Outlines of the History of Early Babylonia
003551: Roiti, Antonio - Osservazioni Continue Della Elettricita Atmosferica. Istitute a Firenze Dal Prof. Antonio Roiti in Collaborazione Col Dott. Luigi Pasqualini. Pubblicazioni Del. R. Istituto Di Studi Superiori Pratici E Di Perfezionamento in Firenze
008233: Romanes, George John - Darwin, and After Darwin. An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions. I. The Darwinian Theory
019610: Romeo, Deborah "Darby. - Ben Is Dead. Monthly Issue #2, Volume 1. November 30, 1988
019574: Romer, Frank - The History of Harvey's
013538: Romney, Jon; Charlie; Shock, Wendy - Negative Reaction No. 3. Aug/Sept (1977)
013514: Romney, Jon; Charlie; Shock, Wendy - Negative Reaction No. 2. June '77
013558: Romney, Jon; Charlie; Shock, Wendy - Negative Reaction No. 4. Nov. '77
006633: Wolfe, Gene; Sirois, Al; Glazer, Ric; Rogers, Ron et al. - Empire Science Fiction. Issue 4. August, 1975
006350: Hubbard, L. Ron et al. - To the Stars in Astounding Science Fiction. February and March 1950
020174: Oppen, George; Coolidge, Clark; Mac Low, Jackson; Scalapino, Leslie; Ashbery, John; Johnson, Ronald et al. - Conjunctions 10. Fifth Anniversary Issue
016055: Gurr, Ronnie et al. - Hanging Around No. 6
017140: Rops, Felicien (artist) - Rops. The Graphic Work of Felicien Rops from the Brian Reade Collection. 1967 Poster
003320: Rorer, S.T. - Dainty Dishes for All the Year Round. Recipes for Ice Creams, Water Ices, Sherberts and Other Frozen Desserts
019704: Blake, William; Dickens, Charles, Donne, John; Dobell, Sydney; O'Neill, Rose et al. Boggs, Tom (editor) - Lyrics in Brief 1300-1938
009511: Rosen, Ken - Longfellow Square
013415: Rosenquist, James (artist). Various authors - James Rosenquist. The National Gallery of Canada 24 January-25 February 1968
013717: Rosenthal, Jacques - Einblattdrucke Von Den Anfangen Der Druckkunst Bis Zum Tode Maximilians I. 1455-1519. Katalog 92
017838: Rosher, Harold - With the Flying Squadron. Being the War Letters of the Late Harold Rosher to His Family
007153: Ross, Stephen - The Meaning of Education
020380: Ross, Kurt (commentaries) - Codex Mendoza. Aztec Manuscript
006654: Kuttner, Henry; Rocklynne, Ross et al. - Thrilling Wonder Stories. Spring, 1945
020009: Rossel, Greg - Building Small Boats
005251: Johnson, Rossiter et al. - Frank Leslie's Illustrations. The... American Soldier in the CIVIL War. A Pictorial History of the Campaigns and Conflicts of the War between the States, Profusely Illustrated with Battle Scenes, Naval Engagements and Portraits, from Sketches by Forbes, Etc.
018535: Rothenberg, Ellen - The Anne Frank Project. Installations by Ellen Rothenberg
019161: Roue, Paul (author) - Exposition Coloniale International Paris 1931. Guide Illustre
010599: de Rougemont, Denis - Le Paysan Du Danube. Les Cahiers Romands Deuxieme Serie. No. 9
010069: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman. Translated from the French of J.J. Rousseau
012123: Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin); Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Oeuvres Completes de Moliere, Edition Illustree de 140 Vignettes Par Janet-Lange. La Nouvelle Heloise; Les Confessions
019121: Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
019016: Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
018862: Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Deluxe Edition
016589: Wilkins, Roy et al. - The Crisis. June/July 1977
014880: Roy, Lillian E. - Little Indian Tales. Being the Story of the Gumdrop Tribe and Billee-Boy, the Big Chief by the Teeney-Weeney Squaw
009818: Ruboschov, Vladimir; Irwin, Maureen; Dennis, St. John; Mac Intyre, C.F.; Haamer, Jacc-Doyle; Dwyer, John T.; Desevres, Edmond; Pillet, Edgard; Hewitt, James R.; Ross-Smith - Id. No. 1
017898: Kipling, Rudyard. et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. March, 1892
013534: Kipling, Rudyard et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. July, 1892
013535: Sherman, William Tecumseh; Kipling, Rudyard et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. December, 1891. Christmas Number
019168: No author given (Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby) - The Complete Housekeeper's Assistant; or, Modern System of Economical Cookery, on a Familiar Plan: Particularly Adapted to the Finances of What Is Termed the Middle Class of Society
016538: Runser, Robert E. - Henry A. Shute. A Checklist
009628: Russell, Bertrand; Dewey, John; Cohen, Morris; Hook, Sidney; Eddy, Sherwood - The Meaning of Marx. A Symposium
008303: James, Henry; Thaxter, Celia; Lowell, James Russell et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. Volume XXII. July-December 1868
015544: Russian, Martin - Nmx. New Musical Excess. Issue 11
017116: Russian, Martin - Nmx. New Musical Excess. Issue 18
020066: Rustow, Marina - The Lost Archive. Traces of a Caliphate in a Cairo Synagogue
020091: Eggleston, Ruth et al. - Table Talk. June, 1895
010567: Chaix-Ruy, Jules - Du Derisoire Au Demoniaque. Two Volumes
011221: Chaix-Ruy, J. - Le Sens de la Terre
010122: Ryan, Margaret - Black Raspberries
019181: Pritchett, V.S. et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. May 1947
018373: Lowell, Robert; Merwin, W.S. et al. - Partisan Review. January-February 1961
008852: V.D.S., John; Merrill, Caroline - Sketches of Historic Bennington Vermont
016199: Russell, Bertrand; Gorky (Gorki), Maxim; Cowley, Malcolm; Stein, Gertrude; Eliot, T.S. et al (authors). Picasso; Laurencin, Marie; Marc, Franz; Bell, Vanessa (artists) - The Dial. September 1927
010225: Colyar, Pauline S. et al. - Musician's Mouthpiece. February and March 1895. Volume IV Number 1
008509: Scudder, Samuel Hubbard; Peale, Albert C.; Diller, J.S. et al. - Bulletins of the United States Geological Survey Vol. V. Department of the Interior. 49th Congress, 2d Session. Mis. Doc. No. 164. House of Representatives
008436: Grant, Ulysses S. et al. - Message from the President of the United States (... ) Relative to the Recent Affray at the Court-House in Going Snake, Indian Territory. 42d Congress, 2d Session. Ex. Doc. No. 70. Senate. Parts 1 and 2
015648: Sabin, Edwin L. - Kit Carson Days 1809-1868. Two Volumes
015831: Sachkov, Vladimir (artist) - Pobediteliam Slava! (Glory to the Victors!)
008122: Sachse, Julius Frederich; Tolzmann, Don Heinrich - Germany and America 1450-1700: Julius Friedrich Sachse's History of the German Role in the Discovery, Exploration, and Settlement of the New World
006158: Sack, A.J. - Democracy and Bolshevism. Publication 1306
002351: de Sade, Marquis [Donatien Alphonse francois] - Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade Powiedziec Wszystko
007926: Saikal, Amin (editor) - The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan
019471: Saint, Assotto - Stations
009938: Salaberry, Adela Garcia - Por Television Argentina. Segundo Cuaderno
012161: Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira - Salazar Says the West Faces Russia
013901: Salomonsky, Verna Cook - Masterpieces of Furniture Design
012672: Salter, William Tibbits - John Salter Mariner
013344: Samaras, Lucas (artist) - Lucas Samaras
016219: Samiof, Steven; Nissen, Melanie (editors). Various authors - Slash. September 1978. Volume Two Number One
012174: Samiof, Steven; Nissen, Melanie (editors). Various authors - Slash. July 1978. Volume 1 Number 11
017934: Sample, Paul (artist) - Paul Sample. Retrospective Exhibition July 15 to September 15, 1948
016429: Drake, Samuel et al. - The Indian Chronicle, Being a Collection of Exceeding Rare Tracts, Written and Published in the Time of King Philip's War, by Persons Residing in the Country. To Which Are Now Added an Introduction and Notes
009234: Meehan, Thomas; Miller, Samuel et al. - The Penn Monthly, Devoted to Literature, Science, Art, and Politics. June, 1877
004241: Samuelson, James - The Popular Science Review. A Quarterly Miscellany of Entertaining and Instructive Articles on Scientific Subjects. Volume 1
017789: Sander, August (photographer); Kemp, Wolfgang (essay) - August Sander. Landscapes. Photographs 1926-1946
019109: Scarborough, William Sanders et al. - The Independent. August 16, 1919
020290: Sanders, William T.; Kovar, Anton; Charlton, Thomas; Diehl, Richard - The Natural Environment, Contemporary Occupation and 16th Century Population of the Valley. The Teotihuacan Valley Project Final Report. Volume 1. Occasional Papers in Anthropology Number 3 1970
003419: Sanders, Dallas, Auditor - Common Pleas, No. 3, of Philadelphia County. In Re City Dancing Assembly Fund. No. 389. December Term, 1881
004591: Sanders, Daniel Clark - Publisher's Ad for: A History of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States to the Commencement of the Late War; (... ) with an Appendix, Not Before Added to This History, (... ) Interesting Accounts of the Battles Fought by Gen a Jackson
003891: Sanders, George Manning - Drum and Monkey
019781: Sandy, Stephen - Home Again, Looking Around
012899: Sanford, Myron R. - Temporibus Hominis Arpinatis
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