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017975: Santayana, George; Forster, E.M., et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. December 1948
015297: Santayana, George - Egotism in German Philosophy
007595: Santley, Sir Charles - The Art of Singing and Vocal Declamation
017264: Sapp, William Robinson - Military Road to the Frontier of California. 34th Congress, 1st Session. Report No. 355. House of Representatives
011003: Sargent, Aaron A. - Record of the Democratic Party. Speech of Hon. Aaron A. Sargent, of California, Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 5, 1870
015623: Saroyan, Aram; Brainard, Joe; Padgett, Ron; Berrigan, Ted; Dawson, Fielding; Caldwell, Jenni, et al. - Lines. No. 2. December, 1964
002761: Sarton, May - The Small Room. A Novel
018396: Sartre, Jean-Paul; Proust, Marcel; Jarrell, Randall, et al. - Partisan Review. January, 1948
003077: Sasaguchi, Rei - Nakamura Jakuemon IV. The Art of Onnagata Acting
013708: Saunderson, Alex; Turner, Peter; van Kempen, Wink; Plevinski; Wojtech (photographers) - Creative Camera. March 1970
003278: Savage, Albert Wilcox - Descendants of Seth Savage of Berlin, Connecticut
002071: Savage, Richard Henry - Lost Countess Falka. A Story of the Orient
003500: Savage, Albert Wilcox - Descendants of Elisha Bacon Wilcox of Middletown, Connecticut
003530: Savage, M.J. - Sermons of M.J. Savage. Count Tolstoi Vs. Evolution or the Sermon of the Mount and to-Day. Unity Pulpit Boston. Vol. 8 May 20, 1887. No. 35
013487: Saville, Marshall - A Sculptured Vase from Guatemala. Leaflets of the Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation. Number 1, September, 1919
018499: Scales, John (editor) - Piscataqua Pioneers 1623-1775. Register of Members and Ancestors
016620: Scalia, Philip - Firing
010585: Scarron, Paul - Le Roman Comique. Three Volumes
008330: Schantz, Michael W. - Pennsylvania Artistry: A Celebration. An Exhibition at the Woodmere Art Gallery to Commemorate the Three Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Pennsylvania. 16 May-27 June, 1982
009016: Schappes, Morris U. - Problems of Jewish Culture
020042: Schele, Linda - Maya Glyphs. The Verbs
020031: Scherer, Andrew K. - Mortuary Landscapes of the Classic Maya. Rituals of Body and Soul
013800: Scherf, Margaret - The Banker's Bones. A Crime Club Selection
019330: Schiele, Egon (artist); Sabarsky, Serge - Egon Schiele
016050: Schiele, Egon (artist) - Egon Schiele: Gemalde
010565: Schioll, Nic. (artist) - Famous Norwegians. A Brief Description of the Sculptor Nic. Schioll's Work of Art
018027: Schizophrenia, et al., authors - The Wasteland. Vol. 1 November (1977)
014768: Schmidt, Rudolph; Burke, Joseph - Diagnosis of the Malignant Tumors of the Abdominal Viscera
006805: Schmitt, Gustav - A Plea Before the Committee on State Affairs at Madison, Wis. For the Erection of a State Sanatorium for Persons Suffering with Tuberculosis
012906: Schneider, Gary (photographer) - Genetic Self-Portrait
002469: Schoffler, Herbert - Die Leiden Des Jungen Werther. Ihr Geistesgeschichtlicher Hintergrund
016269: Schooley, John S. - The Petroleum Region of America
020373: Schroeder, Susan - Tlacaelel Remembered. Mastermind of the Aztec Empire
015433: Schubert, Franz (composer) - Franz Schubert's Sammtliche Lieder, Gesange U. Balladen Fur Eine Singstimme Mit Pianofortebegleitung. Band VIII
018645: Schubert, Camille (composer) - Le Mardi Gras Aux Enfers. Quadrille Fantastique. Op. 79
002974: Schultz, James Willard - The White Beaver
016707: Schultz, James Willard - Questers of the Desert
011794: Schulyer, Eugene - Revolt in the Turkish Provinces. Message from the President of the United States, Communicating, in Answer to a Senate Resolution of January 16, 1877, Correspondence with Diplomatic Officers of the United States in Turkey(... )
019797: Schumann, Peter - A Lecture to Art Students at Suny/Purchase New York. Bread and Puppet Theater 1987
013018: Schuyler, James - Shopping and Waiting. A Dramatic Pause
015546: Scott, Peter - Adam and the Ants Catalogue
016647: Scott, Sir Walter - The Lady of the Lake
008713: Fitzgerald, F. Scott et al. - Esquire. The Magazine for Men. February, 1940
019822: Scott, Richard J. - Galway Hookers. Sailing Work Boats of Galway Bay
012790: Scott, Winfield; Marcy, William L. - Message from the President, Communicating a Report from the Secretary of War, in Answer to a Resolution of the Senate Calling for Information in Relation to General Orders, No. 376, Issued by General Scott. 30th Congress, 1st Session. Executive, No. 19
008079: An Old Scout - Wild West Weekly. No. 890. November 7, 1919. Young Wild West and the Rival Scouts; or the Raid of the Cowboy Gang, and Other Stories
008178: An Old Scout - Wild West Weekly. No. 1076. June 1, 1923. Young Wild West Staking a Tenderfoot, and Other Stories
008179: An Old Scout - Wild West Weekly. No. 1075. May 25, 1923. Young Wild West and the Silent Scout, and Other Stories
008176: An Old Scout - Wild West Weekly. No. 1078. June 15, 1923. Young Wild West Capturing a Claim, and Other Stories
019963: Scriver, Bob - The Blackfeet. Artists of the Northern Plains. The Scriver Collection of Blackfeet Indian Artifacts and Related Objects, 1894-1990
020258: Harvard SDS - Structural Reform and Concrete Dreams
020095: Harvard SDS, presumed author - The Time to Fight Is Now! Student Statement Handbill/Flier
018290: Columbia (University) SDS - Open Forums. Public Awareness Leaflet
020109: Case Western Reserve University Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) - A Brief Guide to the Buildings of Cwru, Ca 1969/70 Map and Guide
003709: Seaver, J. Montgomery - Nelson Family Records
003420: Secker, Thomas - Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England: With a Discourse on Confirmation
019383: Secomb, Daniel F. - History of the Town of Amherst, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
019286: Secomb, Daniel F. - History of the Town of Amherst, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire [... ] with Genealogies of Amherst Families
006725: Segeral, Philippe (artist) - Paysages Et Mythologies. Philippe Segeral. Exposition Du 23 Mars Au 24 Avril 2010
019047: Segneri, Paolo - IL Parroco Istruito Opera. In Cui Dimostra a Qualisisia Curato Novello IL Debito Che Lo Strigne, E la Via Da Tenersi Nell' Adempirlo
002497: Comtesse De Segur - Un Bon Petit Diable
013602: Seichrist, Tony - Meat Salt Time. Salumi Master Cristiano Creminelli
006969: Seidman, Joel; Teper, Lazare - Shall Strikes Be Outlawed? Arbitration and the I.L. G.W. U. Industrial Democracy. Periodical Studies in Economics and Politics. January, 1938. Volume 5, Number 10
020058: Sekaquaptewa, Emory; Hill, Kenneth C.; Washburn, Dorothy K. - Hopi Katsina Songs
008863: Sendak, Maurice - Alligators All Around. An Alphabet
019315: Seneca - L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi Opera Omnia; Ex Ult. I Lipsii Emendationae Et M. Annaei Senecae Rhetoris Quae Exstant; Ex and. Schotti Recens
004804: Senturia, Joseph J. - Strikes
012336: Serette, David - The Story of O'
012075: Serette, David - Story without Words. With the Yellow Kid
017059: Aiken, Conrad; White, Kenneth; Eisenstein, Sergei et al. - The Hound and Horn. April-June 1931. Vol. IV No. 3. Spring, 1931
005979: Serrano, Antonio - Observaciones Sobre El Kakan El Extinguido Idioma de Los Diaguitas. Del Boletin de la Academia Argentina de Letras. Tomo IV, No. 14. Abril-Junio de 1936
006313: Seward, William H. - Speech of William H. Seward, on the Claims of American Merchants for Indemnities for French Spoliations. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 21, 1851
007537: MacDonald, John D.; Cummings, Ray; Collins, Shad et al. - New Detective Magazine. January, 1948
018650: Shakespeare, William; Rackham, Arthur (artist) - A Midsummer Night's Dream
018855: Shakespeare, William - Love's Labour's Lost
006914: Shaler, N.S. - On the Occurence of Fossils of the Cretaceous Age on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College. Whole Series, Vol. XVI, No. 5. (Geological Series, Vol. II)
011081: Shapiro, Barbara Stern; Havinga, Anne E. - Pleasures of Paris: Daumier to Picasso
013878: Sharma, L.T.; Sharma, Ravi (editors) - Major Dams-a Second Look. Development without Destruction
014005: Sharpe, Tom - Riotous Assembly
018281: Shaw, Ros Byam - English Eccentric. A Celebration of Imaginative, Intriguing and Stylish Interiors
017984: Shaw, Bernard - The Art of Rehearsal
019128: Shaw, (George) Bernard - The Author's Apology from Mrs. Warren's Profession
006385: Sheffield, W.P. - Conduct of the War. Speech of Hon. W.P. Sheffield, of Rhode Island. Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1862
020362: Bass, Madeline; Mandel, Charlotte; Hellman, Sheila et al. - Half-Tones
012531: General Chiang Kai-Shek; Madame Chiang Kai-Shek - General Chiang Kai-Shek on the Communist Crisis. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek on the New Life Movement
017520: Shelland, Henry E. - After the Ball. Vaudeville Sketch in One Act
010659: Shepard, E.V. - Scientific Auction Bridge
011448: Shepherd, George R. - Essays on the Value of Raw Food Extracts, Read Before the American Medical Association, at Richmond, Va, May 6, 1881
002308: Shepley, Raymond Sr - Some Descendants of John Shepley Salem, Massachusetts, Immigrant. 1635
017887: Sheppard, John H. - An Address Delivered at Wiscasset, Before Lincoln Lodge; on the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist, A.L. 5815
010205: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals
016765: Sherman, Eleazer - The Narrative of Eleazer Sherman, Giving an Account of His Life, Experience, Call to the Ministry of the Gospel, and Travels As Such to the Present Time. Volume 1
013331: Sherrill, M. David - The American Ancestry of Julia Hutchinson
012993: Peter L. Shillingsburg - Pegasus in Harness. Victorian Publishing and W.M. Thackeray. (Victorian Literature and Culture Series)
015989: Shimizu, Fumio; Palterer, David (editors) - The Italian Furniture
004833: Shipman, Margaret - Mexico's Struggle Towards Democracy. The Mexican Revolutions of 1857 and 1910
010288: Shirley, William - Edward the Black Prince; or, the Battle of Poictiers. An Historical Tragedy, in Five Acts
017886: Shodall, Reuben Sam - The Enlightened Ones Beyond the Icebergs. Descendants of Atlantis Speak to Our Age
010098: Sholl, Betsy - Appalachian Winter
010099: Sholl, Betsy - Changing Faces
009547: Sholl, Betsy - Rooms Overhead
015322: Sholl, Betsy - The Red Line
009689: Short, Jim - Short Newz. Late May/Early June 1982
007655: Short, Vincent; Sears, Edwin - Sail and Steam Along the Maine Coast
012750: Short, Jim; Breslow, Nancy - Jim Short's Short Newz. Last Two Weeks Feb. 1982
007494: Shostakovich, Dmitri - Symphony No. 6. Op. 53 Study Score
012393: Shoten, Kadokawa (editor) - A Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Oriental Arts. China. Two Volumes in Slipcase
010956: Showell, Jak P. Mallmann - Hitler's Naval Bases. Kriegsmarine Bases During the Second World War
013702: Sibson, Francis H. - Tales of the Backveld
002931: Sidgwick, Ethel - Four Plays for Children: The Rose and the Ring; the Goody-Witch; the Goosegirl; Boots and the North Wind
018340: MacNeice, Louis; Janis, Sidney et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. January 1944
020035: Sidney, Margaret; Johnson, Margaret (illustrator) - Polly and the Children
014343: Siegel, Robert - The Waters Under the Earth
010060: Sieveking, Lancelot de Giberne - The Cud. Being the Experimental Poems of Lancelot de Giberne Sieveking
020375: Sigler, L.E. - Fibonacci's Liber Abaci. A Translation Into Modern English of Leonardo Pisano's Book of Calculation
019766: Silko, Leslie Marmon - Gardens in the Dunes
015197: Silver, R. Norman (Knight, George) - The Golden Dwarf. A Sensational Romance of Today
012269: Simcox, Betty Blake - Greene Line Steamers Inc, Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary
008686: Simochatov, Nikolai - Power and Electrical Workers' Union
019461: Perchik, Simon et al. - Elizabeth No. IV. October 1962
016276: Sims, Lowery Stokes. Davis, Stuart (artist) - Stuart Davis. American Painter
009701: Sinclair, Catharine - Modern Accomplishments, or the March of Intellect
018097: Singh, Madanjeet - Himalayan Art. Wall-Painting and Sculpture in Ladakh, Lahaul and Spiti, the Siwalik Ranges, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan
013576: Sinsabaugh, Art (photographer) - University of Oregon 1964 Summer Academy of Contemporary Arts and Summer Session Presents Art Sinsabaugh Photographer
009469: Siren, Osvald; Schenk, Frederic (translator) - Giotto and Some of His Followers. Volume 1 Only
015851: Sivan, Reuben; Levin, Ruth - It's Good to Learn Hebrew. With Supplement
005480: No author given. Skinner, J.S. (editor) - American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine. Vol IV. No. 8. April 1833
005479: No author given. Skinner, J.S. (editor) - American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine. Vol IV. No. 9. May 1833
010775: Slade, Bernard - Same Time, Next Year. A Play
014731: Slafter, Carlos - Epitaphs in the Old Burial Place, Dedham, Mass
019526: Sloan, Michael - Professor Nimbus and the Amazing Spectacles
018640: Rembrandt (artist). Sluijter, Eric Jan (author) - Rembrandt and the Female Nude
019590: Small, Judith; Zizza, Nancy (artist) - Before My Birthday. Poems
004606: Smith, David R.; Guenther, Liz - Realism and Invention in the Prints of Albrecht Durer
013841: Smith, Marjorie (editor) - Ohio Marriages. Extracted from the Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly
008603: Smith, Jessica - Negotiations the Way to Peace. The Berlin Conference and What It Means to You
005079: Smith, Geoffrey G. - This Is the Story of Ticonderoga and Ocean Racing 1937-1952
006688: Smith, Watson; Roberts, John M. - Zuni Law. A Field of Values. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 43-No. 1 Reports of the Rimrock Project Values Series No. 4
002502: Smith, Hamilton - Annals of Science, Being a Record of the Inventions and Improvements in Applied Science. No. 1 October 15, 1852
003212: Smith, Hilda Worthington - Castle of Dream
006785: Smith, Nora A. - The Home-Made Kindergarten
013225: Dorothy E. Smith - The Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge (Northeastern Series on Feminist Theory)
003762: Smith, Gertrude - The Queen of Little Barrymore Street
011914: Smith, Bob - Sour Notes. Number Six. July, 1945
004708: Smith, Stephen (editor) - The New York Journal of Medicine. Whole Number, 91. Vol V. No. 1. July 1858
007120: Smith, William H.; Peters, Thomas M.; White, Alex - Correspondence. (Caption Title)
003954: Smith, Alfred Russell - A Catalogue of Rare, Curious and Valuable Old Books on Sale by Alfred Russell Smith
010670: Smith, Seba (editor) - Eastern Argus. Bound Volume. 9 Weekly Issues. September 16-November 11, 1823
009267: Smithies, Michael (editor) - Early Accounts of Phetchaburi
017160: Snell, Roy J. - White Fire. A Mystery Story for Boys
015762: Snell, Roy J. - Lost in the Air
017286: Snell, Roy J. - The Thirteenth Ring. Mystery Stories for Girls
004364: Sniffen, M.K. - The "Citizenship Expedition. " No. 92-Second Series-5,000
019906: Snyder, Gary - This Present Moment. New Poems
017974: Saigyo. Snyder, Gary (foreword) - Mirror for the Moon. A Selection of Poems by Saigyo
016479: Students for a Democratic Society - Stop the Festival of Thieves. Sept. 15-19 Event Poster, Booklet
018963: Students for a Democratic Society - Anti-Racism Bill. Sds Petition/Flier
020294: Sollberger, Eva - Treasure Trove #2
020145: Robinson, Solon et al. - New York Weekly Tribune, Wednesday, December 12, 1866
007887: Bordanowicz, Jurgen; Glasmacher, Dieter; Heber, Peter; Koch, Susanne; Ro, Eun Nim; Rose, Rolf; Song, Hyun-Sook et al (artists) - Farbauftrag. Made in Hamburg. 5 Bis 24 Oktober 1993
017823: Sormani, Marino (artist) - Marino Sormani. Galerie Spectrum April 1975. Galerie Academica Mai-Juni 1975
017879: Sotriffer, Kristian; Decleva, Mario; Fruhmann, Johann; Hauer, Christa (artists) - Decleva Fruhmann Hauer. 8-21 Maggio 1963
018986: Soule, Caroline A. (editor) - The Guiding Star. Vol. VIII, No. 17
008454: No author given (South, Robert) - Animadversions Upon Dr. Sherlock's Book, Entituled a Vindication of the Holy and Everblessed Trinity, Etc. Together with a More Necessary Vindication of That Sacred, and Prime Article of the Christian Faith from His New Notions, and False Explications
015324: A Southern - Clavers. The Despot's Champion. A Scot's Biography
007976: Spaeth, Sigmund. Lardner, Ring (introduction) - Barber Shop Ballads and How to Sing Them
019700: Spaulding, Helen C.; Plummer, Evelyn M. - The 4-H Clothing Manual. Bulletin No. 241. December, 1937
017644: Spear, Burton W. - Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630. Volume 6 Hannum Thru Ludlow
016567: Spear, Charles - Incidents of the Hon. Daniel Webster in Relation to the Late Mission to England
019445: Speck, Frank G. - Symbolism in Penobscot Art. Offprint from the Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Volume XXIX, Part II
019004: Spencer, Lilly Martin (artist) - Lilly Martin Spencer 1822-1902. The Joys of Sentiment
015707: Spencer, Dorothy - Found Object Art
016864: Spencer, Robert (artist) - The Cities, the Towns, the Crowds: The Paintings of Robert Spencer
018442: Miller, Vassar; Brown, Spencer et al. - Elizabeth No. 2. October 1961
011832: Spencer, Anna Garlin - Intemperance in Its Relation to Social Ills. No. 7
015256: Spicer, William A. - Beacon Lights of Prophecy
005660: Spies, Werner; Frei, Georg; Amman, Doris - Verboten
005864: Spiess, Arthur;Wilson, Deborah B. - Michaud: A Paleoindian Site in the New England Maritimes Region
017248: Spitzer, Hannah G. (editor). Various Authors - Punk Rock. February 1978. Vol. 2. No. 1
006397: Asimov, Isaac; Pohl, Frederik; de Camp, L. Sprague et al. - Future Science Fiction. No. 30
006677: Sprague, Philo W. - The Influence of Christianity on Fundamental Human Institutions. The Bohlen Lectures, 1924
006279: Sprague, Charles - An Oration, Delivered on Monday, Fourth of July, 1825, in Commemoration of American Independence, Before the Supreme Executive of the Commonwealth, and the City Council and Inhabitants of the City of Boston
010425: Spring, Agnes Wright - Seventy Years. A Panoramic History of the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association; Interwoven with Data Relative to the Cattle Industry in Wyoming
008864: No author given (Sproat, Nancy) - Poetic Tales, for Children
004860: Sprowls, G.M. - Improving Motor Coach Tire Service and Mileage by Reducing Effect of Brake Drum Heat
016779: Stabb, John - Critical List, Issue Two
016665: Stahrlite, Lia; Stafford, Norma; Levine, Carole - The Realist. April, 1973. No. 96-B
010527: Stalin, Joseph - The Road to Power
006268: Stamey, Emily - Fisch Haus 21. An Artist's Collaborative Comes of Age
013655: Stampar, Andrija - Serving the Cause of Public Health. Selected Papers of Andrija Stampar
006411: Ginsberg, Allen; Mac Low, Jackson; Dawson, Fielding; Brakhage, Stan et al. - Caterpillar 13. October 1970
020279: Ginsberg, Allen; Brakhage, Stan et al. (authors); Bode, Vaughn (artist) - The East Village Other. March 14, 1969. Vol. 4. , No. 15
005190: Standish, Burt L. - Frank Merriwell's Fire. Or, the Last Stroke of Milton Sukes. Tip Top Weekly No. 408
003653: Standish, Burt L. - Frank Merriwell's Double Play; or Winning His Own Game. In the Tip Top Weekly. No. 232. September 22, 1900
007354: Stanley, Robert C. - Narrow Gauge. The Story of the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad
019166: Gardner, Erle Stanley et al. - Federal Probation, a Journal of Correctional Philosophy and Practice. March, 1959
018726: Stanley, William Ford (inventor) - Dividing Engines. Letters Patent to William Ford Stanley [... ] for the Invention of "Improvements in Straight-Line Dividing Engines and Tools for Regulating Distances. " A.D. 1865, 4th May No. 1245
009665: Stansell, Alec - 54 Years
020171: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et al. - The Revolution. November 26, 1868. Vol. II. No. 21
020366: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et al. - The Revolution. November 12, 1868. Vol. II. No. 19
020221: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et al. - The Revolution. November 19, 1868. Vol. II. No. 20
020422: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et al. - The Revolution. December 24, 1868. Vol. II. No. 25
020339: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et al. - The Revolution. December 10, 1868. Vol. II. No. 23
020395: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et al. - The Revolution. December 31, 1868. Vol. II. No. 26
005654: Stanwood, James Rindge - The Province Seal of New Hampshire Under William and Mary 1692-1694
004567: Starbuck, David R.; Smith, Margaret Supplee - Historical Survey of Canterbury Shaker Village
013918: Starr, George Ross - Decoys of the Atlantic Flyway
012173: Steadman, W.C. - Overcrowding in London and Its Remedy. Fabian Tract No. 103
019736: Steadman, Ralph (artist); Levy, Ceri (text) - Ralph Steadman's Nextinction
018750: Steakley, James D. - The Homosexual Emancipation Movement in Germany
008878: Stearns, Robert E.C. - Remarks on Fossil Shells from the Colorado Desert. Offprint from the American Naturalist, March 1879
005008: Stecha, Pavel (photographer) - Praha. Prague
017716: Stecker, Ann Page - Our Voices, Our Town. A History of New London, New Hampshire 1950-2000
010938: Stedman, Michael - Battleground Europe. Guillemont
009388: Steel, Tony (editor); Stark, James (photography) - No Exit. The Fanzine for the Other Wave
018971: Steele, Richard (editor); Harrison Lady Mary Wray (alleged author) - The Ladies Library. Volume I Only (of Three)
003538: Steele, Richard - The Tender Husband; or the Accomplish'd Fools
015348: Steiger, John - Climber's Guide to Sabino Canyon and Mount Lemon Highway, Tucson, Arizona
015907: Stein, Charles - Parts and Other Parts
013096: Stein, Jack M. - Poem and Music in the German Lied from Gluck to Hugo Wolf
020161: Stein, Gertrude - Picasso
019464: Steinberg, Saul (artist) - Exhibition Drawings by Saul Steinberg Opening Wednesday 4-7 November 5-29, 1969
001069: Steiner, Rudolf - Grundlinien Einer Erkenntnistheorie Der Goetheschen Weltanschauung. [Baselines of a Theory of Knowledge of Goethe's World View]
007487: Steingesser, Martin - Brothers of Morning
002641: Stekel, Wilhelm - Der Fetischismus. Dargestellt Fur Arzte Und Kriminalogen
018702: Kramer, Stella et al. - Stelazine. Vol. 1. No. 2. Aug. 1978
018703: Kramer, Stella et al. - Stelazine. Vol. 2. No. 2
019254: Kramer, Stella et al. - Stelazine. Vol. 2. No. 1
017586: Stephan, Sharon Paiva - One Woman's Work. The Visual Art of Celia Laighton Thaxter
001507: Wante, Stephen and Walter De Block, Compilers - V Disc Catalogue. Volume 1 Number 1 to 500
013639: Madison, James; Decatur, Stephen et al. - The Weekly Register. Extracts from 1812 and 1813
018853: [Punk, Zines] Zepeda, Stephen et al. - The L.A. Beat Number Two. July 1978. Superfluous Polka-Dot Issue
007955: Camus, Albert; Moore, Marianne; Spender, Stephen et al. - Encounter. Literature, Arts, Politics. March 1954. Vol. II No. 3
018635: MacNeice, Louis; Spender, Stephen et al. - Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. June 1944
010306: Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Thaxter, Celia; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; James, Henry; Powers, Stephen et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and Politics. Volume XXVI. July-December 1870
008847: Crane, Stephen et al. - The New England Home Magazine. Supplement to the Boston Sunday Journal. February 11, 1900
015525: Douglas, Stephen et al. - In the Senate of the United States [... ] Mr. Green Made the Following Report. The Committee on Territories [... ]Communicating a Constitution for Kansas As a State, Adopted by the Convention Which Met at Lecompton, on Monday, the 4th of Sept, 1857
007427: Phillips, Rog; Fairman, Paul W.; Marlowe, Stephen et al. - Fantastic Adventures. November 1951. Volume 13, Number 11
006538: Piercy, Marge; Dunn, Stephen et al. - Red Weather. Vol 1. No. 2. Winter 1977
017252: Association for Voluntary Sterilization - The Two Child Family Means Survival in the 1970s. Stop at Two. Voluntary Sterilization/Population Control Poster
009011: Stern, Harold P. - Freer Gallery of Art Fiftieth Anniversary Exhibition. I. Ukiyo-E Painting
011622: Stettinius, Edward R. Jr. - The United Nations Charter As Declaration and As Constitution. A Letter. Department of State Publication 2355
007627: Steuart, W.M. - Street and Electric Railways 1902. Department of Commerce and Labor Bureau of the Census Special Reports
015524: Steuart, Adam D. - Document Relating to Blankets for the Indian Trade; Being Questions to, and Answers by, Adam D. Stewart, Collector of the Port of Mackinaw. 21st Congress, 2d Session. February 3, 1831
010320: Leary, Timothy; Levy, Steven et al. - Anonym Quarterly Fall 1968. With 'Declaration of Evolution. '
009107: Stevens, Andrew - New Opportunities in the Fight for Peace and Democracy
015584: Stevens, R.N.; Stimmel, Smith; Wyard, J. Wiley, undersigners - Memorial of Committee Appointed at a Convention Held in the City of Jamestown, Dak. On the 5th Day of December, 1888, for the Purpose of Considering the Question of Division of Said Territory and the Admission Into the Union of the Northern Portion (... )
019900: Stevens, Alfred (artist). Beattie, Susan (author) - Alfred Stevens 1817-75
019899: Stevenson, Robert Louis; Henry, O. - The Suicide Club. And, the Exact Science of Matrimony. No. 7 of the Sunday American Summer Library Gems of Short Fiction
006445: Stevenson, Robert Louis; Holley, Marietta (Josiah Allen's Wife) - The Treasure of Franchard. The Suprize Party. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol III. No. 208
010966: Stevenson, Sara - The Personal Art of David Octavius Hill
008942: Stewart, J.S. - Steveville Oil and Gas Field, Alberta (Summary Account). Geological Survey Paper 41-10. Canada Department of Mines and Resources Mines and Geology Branch
006713: Stewart, (Andrew) - Speech of Mr. Stewart, of Pennsylvania, in Favor of Western Improvements. Delivered in the House of Representatives U.S. , January 16, 1844
020423: [African American] Stewart, H.A. - Join the Moose! Protect Your Children in Sickness and Distress. Paramount Progressive Order of Moose Promotional Handbill
020097: [African American] Stewart, H.A. - The Paramount Progressive Order of Moose Promotional Handbill/Flier
018435: Stierli, Martino - Las Vegas in the Rear View Mirror. The City in Theory, Photography and Film
013993: Stojkov, Sava (artist). Boskovic, Miroslava (essay) - Sava Stojkov
013886: Stojkov, Sava (artist) - Caba Ctojkob. Sava Stojkov
018619: Stokes, I.N. Phelps; Haskell, Daniel C. - American Historical Prints Early Views of American Cities, Etc. From the Phelps Stokes and Other Collections
019962: Storey, G.T. - Krimo Crime Card Game
008632: Stoudt, John Joseph - The Decorated Barns of Eastern Pennsylvania
008745: Stover and Tucker, Messrs - Poems by Representatives Stover of Brunswick and Tucker of Wiscasset. House of Representatives 1907
005800: Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Onkel Tom's Stuga. En Skildring Af de Fortrycktes Lif (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
018365: Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Dred; a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Two Volumes
011525: Stowell, Hugh; Pengilly, R. - The Life of William Kelly or the Happy Christian; on Spiritual Declension; the Two Lambs; the End of Time; the Young Cottager; Life and Death of Eliza Thornton; the Scripture Guide to Baptism. Bound Volume of American Tract Society Pamphlets
014242: Strachey, Lytton - Queen Victoria
015774: Stratman, Carl J. - American Theatrical Periodicals, 1798-1967. A Bibliographical Guide
010695: Street, Alfred B. - The Pilgrim Spirit. A Poem Delivered Before the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Yale College, New Haven, July 30, 1851
007012: Streitberg, Wilhelm; Michels, Victor - Geschichte Der Indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft Seit Ihrer Begrundung Durch Franz Bopp. Volume II. Die Erforschung Der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Band 2. Germanisch. 1. Lieferung
011253: Stretton, Hesba (Smith, Sarah) - David Lloyd's Last Will
016736: Struminskyj; Bohdan (compiler) - Kievan, Galician, Volhynian and Transcarpathian Old Cyrillic Printed Books from the Collections of Paul M. Fekula
013960: Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart et al. - The Independent. May, 1873
020346: Stutchkoff, N. - Yiddish Rhyming Lexicon
017771: Suares, J.C. (artist) - All the Way with Lbj!... Meanwhile Read the New York Free Press Poster
004158: Sue, Eugene - The Wandering Jew
018009: Suffern, Richard Winslow - From Graces to Gargoyles: A Social Essay on the Theater in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1762-1850
002293: Sullivan, Eddie; Schmidt, Charlie - Outwitting the Gang Chief
012299: Sullivan, Michael - Art and Artists of Twentieth Century China
020410: Sullivan, Thelma D.; Stiles, Neville (translators) - Thelma Sullivan's Compendium of Nahuatl Grammar
002787: [Sumner, Charles] - The Landmark of Freedom. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, Against the Repeal of the Missouri Prohibition of Slavery North of 36° 30'. In the Senate, February 21, 1854
011513: Sumner, Charles - Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the Nights of the Passage of the Kansas and Nebraska Bill. Final Protest for Himself and the Clergy of New England Against Slavery in Kansas and Nebraska. In the Senate of the United States, May 25, 1854
003452: Sumner, Charles - The War System of the Commonwealth of Nations: An Address Before the American Peace Society, at Its Anniversary in Boston, May 28th, 1849
000613: Sunderland, Jabez T. - Evolution and Religion. With an Introduction by David Starr Jordan
007502: Suokko, Glenn (artist) - Glenn Suokko
010276: Von Suppe, Franz - Boccaccio. Comic Opera in Three Acts
020177: Surette, David R. - Malden. Poems
017853: Lowell, Robert; Spender, Stephen; Sontag, Susan et al. - Partisan Review. Summer 1962
016909: [African-American] Tanner, Benjamin T.; Miller, Joaquin; Coolidge, Susan et al. - The Independent. Thursday, May 10, 1883
004715: Suter, W.E. - Sarah's Young Man. A Farce in One Act. Spencer's Universal Stage. No. 30
014380: Swanberg, W.A. - Luce and His Empire
002543: Mr. Swanson, Presenter - The Story of the Campaign and Siege of Yorktown
014664: Sward, Keith - The Legend of Henry Ford
016011: Swedenborg, Emanuel - Miscellaneous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg
014982: Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem, from the Commandments of the Decalogue
016182: Swedenborg, Emanuel - The True Christian Religion: Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church, Foretolds by the Lord in Daniel VII. 13, 14; and in Revelation XXI. 1, 2
019771: Neff, Elayne; Clyte, William; Omarr, Sydney et al. - This Trend. Contemporary Review. Winter 1948. Vol. 1, No. 1
013927: Sylvester, Janet - That Mulberry Wine
006247: Symonds, Joseph W. - Nathaniel Hawthorne. An Oration Delivered Before the Alumni of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, July 10, 1878
018049: Syski, Aleksander (Alexander) - The Poles and the War. Address at the Polish Mass Meeting Faneuil Hall, September 6, 1914
019755: Szabo, Albert; Barfield, Thomas J. - Afghanistan. An Atlas of Indigenous Domestic Architecture
004682: Stern-Szana, Bernhard - Bibliotheca Curiosa Et Erotica
013611: Craven, Thomas T. et al. - Record of the Testimony Taken in the Trial of Commodore T.T. Craven, United States Navy, Before a Court-Martial Held in Washington, D.C. , in November, 1865
017850: Sherman, William T. et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. March, 1893
015035: Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Whittier, John G.; Canby, Margaret T. et al. - Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. June, 1866. Number 18
006468: Taft, J.; Watt, G. (editors) - The Dental Register. February, 1870. Vol. XXIV No. 2
004809: Taft, William H. - Our World Relationships. Address by Former President William H. Taft in the Fortnightly Lecture Course at Potsdam, N.Y. , Oct. 21, 1915
011216: De La Taille, Anne - La Nuit
010076: Tait, Gilbert (translator) - The Hymns of Denmark
013082: Takahashi, Keiko - The Path of Prayer. For a Supreme Dialogue
018993: Talbot, Dave; Talbot, Cindy; Pernell, Gary - A Guided Tour of the Death Culture Development in Santa Cruz. A Loaded Supplement. February, 1972
007726: Talfourd, Thomas Noon; Stephen, James - The Modern British Essayists. Vol. VII. Talfourd and Stephen. Critical Miscellaneous Writings of T. Noon Talfourd; Critical Miscellaneous Essays of James Stephen
004039: Talmon, Thrace - Signing the Pledge. No. 8
018949: Tamayo, Rufino (artist). Goldwater, Robert (author) - Rufino Tamayo
014287: No author given (Tarbox, Increase N.) - Winnie and Walter; or, Story-Telling at Thanksgiving
015027: Tardiff, Olive - They Paved the Way. A History of N.H. Women
019740: Tarn, Nathaniel - Atlantis, an Autoanthropology
003369: [Taverner, Henry Thomas] - Charles Dickens. The Story of His Life
020186: Taylor, Marilyn - The Seven Very Liberal Arts
007289: Taylor, Bayard - The Ballad of Abraham Lincoln
004810: Taylor, Judson R. (Halsey, Harlan Page) - Gipsy Blair the Western Detective
009664: Taylor, Thomas House; Bedell, G. Thurston; Spencer, J.C.; Sandford, Lewis H. (undersigners) - Narrative of Certain Occurrences at the Late Special Convention of the Diocese of New York
004194: Sherman, William Tecumseh et al. - Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting a Petition of Col. G.W. Getty, Fourth Artillery, Brevet Major-General, United States Army, Praying for the Passage of an Act Authorizing His Retirement. Senate. 47th Congress, 2d Session. Ex. Doc. No. 54
019677: Twain, Mark; Kipling, Rudyard; Sherman, William Tecumseh et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. November 1892 to May 1893
019749: Bynner, Witter; Rawson, Norma; Kloski, Ted et al. - Occident. Winter, 1953
005238: Teegan, Thomas Henry - General Bonaparte. A Drama: In Four Acts
008223: Teetor, Henry B. - The Past and Present of MILL Creek Valley Hamilton County Ohio
020407: Tefferteller, Ruth S. - Henry Street Settlement Studies. Pre-Delinquent Gang Project Annual Report-Feb. 1958
017423: Telles, Sergio (artist) - Sergio Telles. 1980 Exhibition Catalog
004741: Terapiano, Yuri - Earthly Journey (Transliteration)
007493: Tetrazzini, Luisa - How to Sing
012013: Hillary, Sir Edmund (introduction); Toynbee, Arnold (preface); Fukada, Kyuya; Shirakawa, Yoshikazu (text and photography) - Himalayas
009390: Thacher, George H. - A Key to the "Trustee's Statement" Letters to the Majority of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory, Showing the Misrepresentations, Garblings, and Perversions of Their Mis-Statement
001225: Thacksen, Millard - Jack Higgins of the Racket Squad
015693: Thaxter, Celia - Idyls and Pastorals
004455: Thaxter, Celia - Poems
019910: Thaxter, Celia. Edited by Oscar Laighton - The Heavenly Guest. With Other Unpublished Writings. With Reprints of Essays by Friends and Contemporaries
012247: Thaxter, Celia - Idyls and Pastorals
019929: Thayer, Abbott Handerson (artist). Anderson, Ross (author) - Abbott Handerson Thayer
007044: Thayer, William M. Reverend - Review of Ex-Gov. Andrew on License. No. 30
008342: Roosevelt, Theodore et al. - New York's Tribute to Maine's Senator, Honorable William P. Frye. Eloquent Address by the Guest of Honor-Speeches by Governor Roosevelt, Senator Platt and Others
018349: Ignatow, David; Enslin, Theodore et al. - Elizabeth No. VII. March 1964
006834: Berge, Carol; Enslin, Theodore et al. - Measure
019186: Washington, Booker T.; Twain, Mark; Dunbar, Paul Laurence; Roosevelt, Theodore et al (authors). Parrish, Maxfield; Remington, Frederic et al (artists) - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. November 1899 to April 1900
016590: Malraux, Andre; Nabokov, Vladimir; Roethke, Theodore et al. - Partisan Review. Fall 1955
018380: Crews, Judson; Derleth, August; Enslin, Theodore et al. - Elizabeth No. V. March 1963
018402: Whitman, Walt; Roosevelt, Theodore et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. February, 1890
008637: Theriault, Florence - For the Love of Dolls. The Legendary Collection of Mildred Seeley
019727: Thesiger, Wilfred - Arabian Sands
011734: Thiewes, George; Leighton, Clare; Brink, Guido; Danz, Doug; Field, Sabra Johnson; Bonnell III, Wilburn; Woodward, Joan; Woolf, Susan; Houser, Allan; Miller, Nancy; Brinley, William (artists) - Lancaster House Prospectus Portfolio
010592: Thoa, Duong - The Revolutionary Morality of President Ho Chi Minh
013640: Twain, Mark; Remington, Frederic; Hardy, Thomas et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. November, 1895
019501: Nast, Thomas et al (artist). Various authors - Mrs. Grundy. For the Week Ending Saturday, July 29, 1865. Vol. 1. No. 4
014028: Twain, Mark; Hardy, Thomas et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. April, 1895
018056: Thomas, Dylan - A Child's Christmas in Wales
008335: Thomas, Robert B. - The Farmer's Almanack Calculated on a New and Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord, 1826
007841: Mr. Thomas - Speech of Mr. Thomas, of Massachusetts, on Confiscation. Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 24, 1862. Bound with: Speech of Hon. Charles R. Train, of Massachusetts, on the Heresy of the Doctrine of State Rights. Delivered in the House of Repre
012506: Thomas, Robert - The (Old) Farmer's Almanack, Calculated on a New and Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord 1835
006190: Thomas, S. Evelyn - A Practical Guide to the A.R. P, for the Householder and Air-Raid Warden
012637: Thomas, Robert - The Farmer's Almanack, Calculated on a New and Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord 1845
016162: Thomas, P.N. - British Figurehead and Ship Carvers
017037: Thomas, Robert B. - The (Old) Farmer's Almanack, Calculated on a New and Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord 1852. Maine Edition
017263: Thomas, Robert B. - The Farmer's Almanack, Calculated on a New and Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord 1845
012445: Thomas, Robert - The Farmer's Almanack, Calculated on a New and Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord 1839
019578: Thomas, Dylan - A Child's Christmas in Wales
004650: Thomas, Frederick; Moore, Jerry J. - Socioeconomic Differentiation of Late Nineteenth-Century Lower Class Households in the Little Piasa Valley, Alton, Illinois
006578: Thomas, M. Carey. Butler, Nicholas Murray (editor) - Education of Women. Monographs on Education in the United States. No. 7
006230: Thomas, J.J. - The Illustrated Annual Register of Rural Affairs and Cultivator Almanac, for the Year 1859. Number Five
002741: Thomas, Robert B. - The Farmer's Almanack for 1827
017888: Thompson, John - The Talking Girl and Other Poems
005168: Thompson, S. Millett - Thirteenth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion 1861-1865. A Diary Covering Three Years and a Day
010326: No author given (Thompson, A.C.) - Songs in the Night: Or Hymns for the Sick and Suffering
005377: Thompson, Jacob - Cherokee Indians. June 2, 1846. Rep. No. 683. 29th Congress, 1st Session. House of Reps
018169: Thompson, R.W. - Speech of Mr. R.W. Thompson, of Indiana, on the Reference of the President's Annual Message. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, January 27, 1848
014211: Thomte, Theodore - The Battleship Massachusetts. Fall River, Massachusetts
015864: Thony, Wilhelm (artist) - Wilhelm Thony 1888-1949. Zeichnungen Und Aquarelle
017111: Thoreau, Henry David; Daugherty, James (artist) - Henry David Thoreau. A Man for Our Time
015608: Thurston, David - A Sermon Delivered in Saco, June 26, 1816, Before the Maine Missionary Society, at Their Ninth Annual Meeting
017087: Thwing, Eugene - The League of Nations As a Moral Issue
017680: Wei, Tien En; Wright, Dave - Earth Defense Fortress Devastator. Wright/Wei Comics 2. January, 1988
017597: Wei, Tien En; Wright, Dave - Earth Defense Fortress Devastator. Wright/Wei Comics 1. August, 1987
020371: Tiffany, Nelson B; Storms, Dale C.; Evans, Patricia E. - History of Woods Corners Town of Norwich, Chenango County, Ny
013643: Tillotson, Alan Keith; Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya - The Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicine. Science of Life
014393: Timmis, Major R.S. - Conformation and Appointments of the Horse. Purchasing, Telling the Age, Breeding
015076: Cleaver, Eldridge; Leary, Timothy et al. - Los Angeles Free Press. February 5-11, 1971
019858: Leary, Timothy et al. - The East Village Other. September 3, 1969. Vol. 4. , No. 43
019980: Lapotko, Judith; Hacker, Tina et al. - The Brass Ring. Winter 1967. Vol. 1 No. 4
015109: Tiwoni, Habib - Attacking the Moncada of the Mind
010944: Uncle Toby - Thoughts and Stories on Tobacco for American Lads; or Uncle Toby's Anti-Tobacco Advice to His Nephew, Billy Bruce
017405: Uncle Toby - Thoughts and Stories on Tobacco for American Lads; or Uncle Toby's Anti-Tobacco Advice to His Nephew, Billy Bruce
008538: Tolstoy, Leo; Lagerlof, Selma; Vendov, D.; Bezrodny, Yu.; Nazhivin, I.; Pushkin, A.S. - The First Distiller; Inequality; a Girl of the World; Zorakh and Bulanka, the Honk (Whistle); the Magnanimous Goliath, the Death of Sharik; in Captivity and Neighbors, Two Stories; the Gypsies; Brother on Brother. Bound Volume of Russian Literature
019612: Abernathy, Ralph; Hayden, Tom et al. - Real Press. October 16-30, 1968. Vol. 2, No. 1
017834: Skinner, Tom et al. - The Message Magazine. May-June 1972
008555: Tomes, Robert - The War with the South. A History of the Great American Rebellion. The War for the Union!! Division 10
013720: Tomes, Robert; Smith, Benjamin G. - The Great CIVIL War. A History of the Late Rebellion with Biographical Sketches of Leading Statesmen and Distinguished Naval and Military Commanders, Etc. Three Volumes
017227: Tomlinson, Paul G. - Bob Cook and the German Spy
004159: Tomlinson, Joseph - An Address by Joseph Tomlinson of the Firm of James, Santee and Co
017708: Tomshinsky, Stanley (artist) - Tomshinsky. Symbolische Abstraktionen
008519: Topalovich, Zivko - Tito Et Kominform. Yougoslavie de 1941-1949
019972: Tosches, Nick - Slant. Issue Nine. Spring, 1997
016823: Toshihiko, Isao - Kuniyoshi's 100 Images of Ghosts and Demons
008167: Tosi, Pier Francesco; Pilkington, Michael;Galliard, Mr - Observations on the Florid Song
018613: Totten, Jos. G. - Letter from Jos. G. Totten, Brevet Brigadier General and Colonel of Engineers, with Estimates for Continuing the Operations at Fort Point, and for Continuing the Operation on the Defensive Works at Alcatraz in the State of California
015382: Townley, Hugh; Barron, Harris; Von Schlegell, David (artists) - Hugh Townley, Harris Barron, David Von Schlegell
017545: Townsend, Luther Tracy - History of the Sixteenth New Hampshire Volunteers
007725: Locke, Matthew (composer); Hurray, Peter (transcriber and editor) - Musica Britannica. A National Collection of Music XXXVIII. Matthew Locke Anthems and Motets
020213: Matt, Daniel C. (translation and commentary) - The Zohar. Volume Five Only. Pritzker Edition
020224: Matt, Daniel C. (translation and commentary) - The Zohar. Volume Four Only. Pritzker Edition
020144: Rogers, Bertha (translator and artist) - Uncommon Creatures. The Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Poems from the Exeter Book
020379: Da Bergamo, Ilarione; Orr, William J. (translator and editor); Miller, Robert Ryal (editor) - Daily Life in Colonial Mexico. The Journey of Friar Ilarione Da Bergamo 1781-1768
012250: Chia-yu, Wang; T'ang, T.C. (translator and adapter) - Loves and Lives of Chinese Emperors. Intimate Glimpses of Chinese Court Life and Intrigues Through the Ages
019789: Khatun, Jahan Malek; Smith, Paul (translator and introduction) - Divan of Jahan Malek Khatun. Persia's Great Female Sufi Poet
020334: Various authors, translators and editors - Annals of His Time. Don Domingo de San Anton Munon Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin
011661: Trant, William - Trade Unions. Their Origin and Objects, Influence and Efficacy. With an Appendix Showing the History and Aims of the American Federation of Labor. Nineteenth Edition
011298: Trombley, Daniel T. - Adventures of Batiste
017580: Truair, John - The Alarm Trumpet. A Discourse, Delivered at Berkshire, Sept. 9, 1813. The Day of the National Fast, Appointed by the President, on Account of the War
006508: Trupin, Bennett W. - Elias Pelletreau 1726-1810. Goldsmith of Southhampton Long Island, New York
006779: Trusler, Wendy (artist) - Into the Living
009378: Tryon, George W. (arranger) - Operatic Gems. A New Collection of Beautiful Melodies for the Most Popular Operas. First Series: For Soprano and Tenor Voices
020376: Tucker, A.N. - Primitive Tribal Music and Dancing in the Southern Sudan (Africa) at Social and Ceremonial Gatherings
012108: Tucker, Paul Hayes - Monet in the 20th Century
019867: Tucker, Toba Pato - Haudenosaunee. Portraits of the Firekeepers of the Onondaga Nation
013455: Tuckerman, Arthur Lyman - A Short History of Architecture
004087: Tufts, Lucy Harris - The Younger Sister
020382: Tuke, Henry Scott (artist); Cooper, Emmanuel (author) - The Life and Work of Henry Scott Tuke 1858-1929
013786: Tukesbury, T.F. - The Book of Essays
014881: Kupferberg, Tuli et al. - The Berkeley Barb. July 28-August 3 (1967)
007263: Kupferberg, Tuli et al. - Newsart. The New York Smith. Volume 1, Number 1. April 15, 1975
020100: Tse-Tung, Mao - On Contradiction. A Philosophical Essay on Dialectics, Directed Against Dogmatism
015824: Tung, Wu - Tales from the Land of Dragons: 1,000 Years of Chinese Paintings
010475: Tupper, Martin Farquhar - The Crock of Gold: A Rural Novel. Volume 23 of Wiley and Putnam's Library of Choice Reading
018040: Turano, Anthony M. - A Reno Lawyer Looks at Marriage and Divorce. Little Blue Book No. 1461
014770: Turgenev, Ivan - Dream Tales and Prose Poems. Volume X of the Novels of Ivan Turgenev Series
016989: Turgeniev (Turgenev), Ivan; Rudzinsky, B.A. - Russian Reader. Turgeniev's Poetry in Prose. With Accent, Notes and Vocabularies
015270: Turgenev, Ivan; Viereck, George Sylvester; Merrick; Leonard; Henley, William Ernest; Monahan, Michael (editor) - The Papyrus. A Magazine of Individuality. April, 1912
015500: Turner, Nicole - The Night Moses Died
018502: Van Tuyl, Francis M.; Smallwood, J. William - Oil Securities
008346: Tyler, August - The United Front
011776: Tzara, Tristan; Grosz, George; Magritte, Rene; Ernst, Max (artists); Feininger, Lux (photography). Van Hecke, Paul Gustave (editor) - Varietes. Revue Mensuelle Illustree de L'Esprit Contemporain. 15 Decembre 1929. 2e Annee No. 8
014430: Uelsmann, Jerry N.; Davidson, Bruce; NASA (photographers) - Three Views of the North American Landscape
015552: Uhr, Horst - Lovis Corinth
010401: Ullmann, S.O.A. - Rossetti, Stillman and the Union College "Willowwood" Manuscripts
009886: Umbreit, Friedrich Wilhelm Carl - Grundtone Des Alten Testaments
019518: Author Unsure - Yomi Kata (Yomikata) 1
014963: Updike, John - The Poorhouse Fair
010981: Updike, John - On Meeting Authors
012480: Ordway, Nico (Stephen Schwartz); Vale, V. et al. - Search and Destroy. New Cultural Research. Number 6. 1978
007615: Vale, V. et al. - Search and Destroy. Future History. Vol 2. No. 11
007619: Ordway, Nico (Stephen Schwartz); Vale, V. et al. - Search and Destroy. New Cultural Research. Number 7. 1978
012551: Ordway, Nico (Stephen Schwartz); Vale, V. et al. - Search and Destroy. New Cultural Research. Number 9. 1978
019970: Vail, Gabrielle; Hernandez, Christine (editors) - Astronomers, Scribes, and Priests. Intellectual Interchange between the Northern Maya Lowlands and Highland Mexico in the Late Postclassic Period
020203: Vairo, Carlos Pedro - The Yamana Canoe. The Marine Tradition of the Aborigines of Tierra Del Fuego
018561: Valdes, Manolo (artist); Santolaya, Andrea (photographer); Lucas, Antonio - Manolo Valdes. Sculptures in New York
016699: Vancalys, Marie; Maeterlinck, Maurice (introduction); Crommelynck, d'Albert (artist) - Mon Beau Sabot Dore
014676: Various - The Lyric. October 1923. Vol. 3 No. 10
019108: Vasarely, Victor (artist) - Vasarely. New Paintings and Sculpture. October 6-November 1, 1969
020090: Vaughan, E.M.C. - Pinafore Pictures and Rhymes
019530: Bode, Vaughn et al(artists); Bradley, Marion Zimmer (author) - The East Village Other. January 31, 1969. Vol. 4. , No. 9
014190: Vaux, Trina - Type in Context. An Investigation of Typography, Type Designers, and the Times in Which They Lived
002802: Vazan, Bill - Bill Vazan. Recent Land and Photoworks
009907: Veasey, Jack - Tourist Season
006022: Venn, Diggory (Editor) - Armando Reveron
014372: Venturi, Robert; Brown, Denise Scott - A View from the Campidoglio. Selected Essays 1953-1984
010952: Venturi, Lionello - Santomaso. 24 September-11 November 1960
003830: Verdi, Guiseppe - Ernani. A Lyrical Drama, in Four Parts. The Music by Guiseppe Verdi. As Represented at the Astor Place, Italian Opera House, N.Y.
010664: De la Vergne, Gabriel-Joseph - Lettres Portugaises
012333: Tressan (Louis-Élisabeth de la Vergne, comte de Tressan) - Histoires Du Petit Jehan de Saintre, Et de Gerard de Nevers. Part of Bibliotheque Portative Du Voyageur Series
016250: Vernon, Dai; Crimmins, John J. (editor) - Dai Vernon's Select Secrets. A Varied Assortment
015551: Vickers, Daniel; Walsh, Vince - Young Men and the Sea. Yankee Seafarers in the Age of Sail
014387: Victor, Ralph - Boy Scouts on the Yukon
017138: Vilder, Anthony - James Frazier Stirling. Notes from the Archive
019386: Chaplin, Charlie; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Dreiser, Theodore; Buck, Pearl S.; Oppenheim, E. Phillips; Millay, Edna St. Vincent et al. Rockwell, Norman (artist) - Woman's Home Companion. November, 1933
005412: Vincent, Thomas M. - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the District of Columbia. War Papers. 58. The Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861
012097: Vincent, Margaret - May Useful Arts Employ My Youth. " the Hope R. Hacker Sampler Collection in the Allentown Art Museum
011172: Benet, Stephen Vincent et al. - The Yale Literary Magazine. November, 1916
009529: Woolf, Virginia et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. October 1933
003149: Vitet, M.L. - Histoire Des Anciennes Villes de France. Recherches Sur Leurs Origines, Sur Leurs Monumens, Sur le Role Qu'Elles Ont Joue Dans Les Annales de Nos Provinces. Premiere Serie. Haute-Normandie. Dieppe. Tome Second
006860: Voechting, Fritz - Uber Den Amerikanischen Frauenkult
012878: Voigt, Rudolf - Berauschte Nachte. Novellen
017530: Volk, Joyce Geary (editor) - The Warner House: A Rich and Colorful History
019637: Various artists; Volker, Andrea (author) - Textilkunst Aus Osterreich 1900-1979
017748: Vollbehr, Dr. Otto H.F. - [Fascism, Far Right] Is Pacifism Possible? a Reply
008788: Voltaire - The History of Charles XII. King of Sweden
015098: Voorhees, Daniel W. - Speech of D.W. Voorhees, of Indiana, Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 9. 1864
020250: McKenty, Bob; Garrett, George; Dillard, R.H.W. et al. - Little Big Form. A Comic Poetry Chapbook
018663: Twain, Mark; Stowe, Harriet Beecher; James, Henry; Longfellow Henry W. et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and Politics. Volume XLIII. January to June 1879
016175: Chickering, John W. et al. - The Christian's Debt to His Country. A Sermon Delivered in Augusta, June 24, 1846, Before the Maine Missionary Society, at Its Thirty-Ninth Anniversary
003625: Longfellow, H.W. et al. - The Aldine. Volume 5, Number 6
019856: Banks, Ellen; Harlow, Rick; Kizik, Roger; Loughran, Joyce; Sandman, Jo; Kelly, Robert W. et al (artists) - Boston Now: Abstract Painting
019196: Braithwaite, W. and James (editors) - The Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery, Being a Half- Yearly Journal, Containing a Retrospective View of Every Discovery and Practical Improvement in the Medical Sciences. Part LVI, January, 1868 and Part LVII, July 1868
018560: Various authors. Pennell, Joseph; Benson, Frank W. et al, Artists - The Print Connoisseur. A Fine Art Quarterly for the Print Collector. January, 1927. Vol. 7, No. 1
009484: Wood, Charles W. et al. - The Argosy. January to June 1895. Volume LV
018700: Twain, Mark; Thoreau, Henry David; James, Henry; Longfellow Henry W. et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and Politics. Volume XLI. January to June 1878
007948: Stowe, Harriet Beecher; James, Henry; Rosetti, W.M. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and Politics. Volume XVII. January to June 1866
017027: Wagner, Richard; Lawrence, Robert (adapter) - Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung IV. The Twilight of the Gods. Die Gotterdammerung
002568: Wagner, Otto Richard - La Suisse Et la Savoie Guide de L'Automobiliste 7ieme Edition/Siebente Ausgabe. Fuhrer Fur Automobilfahrer Die Schweiz Und Savoyen [Automobile Guide to Switzerland and Savoy Regions in Europe]
002726: Wait, John Turner - A Sketch of the Life of Hon. Henry Matson Waite. Late Chief Justice of Connecticut
017043: Wakoski, Diane - Variations on a Theme (an Essay on Revision). Sparrow 50. November, 1976
014909: Wakoski, Diane - The Fable of the Lion and the Scorpion
006031: Wakoski, Diane - Greed Parts 3 and 4
014613: Wakoski, Diane - On Barbara's Shore
018441: Wakoski, Diane - Pachelbel's Canon. Sparrow 71. August, 1978
007279: Walchii, Georg (Walch, Johann Georg) - Miscellanea Sacra. Sive Commentationum Ad Historiam Ecclesiasticam Sanctioresque Disciplinas Pertinentium Collectio
014612: Wald, Carol (artist) - Carol Wald. Arrivals/Departures: Lives in Transition
018432: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. November, 1893
018918: Twain, Mark; Emerson, Ralph Waldo et al. - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. November 1881 to April 1882
010011: Waldrop, Rosemarie - The Road Is Everywhere or Stop This Body
016260: Walenta, Hermann; Walenta Edeltraud (artists) - Hermann Walenta Edeltraud Walenta Plastik Graphik Malerei. Am Deinstag 21. April 1964
012792: Walett, Francis G. - Patriots, Loyalists and Printers. Bicentennial Articles on the American Revolution
016458: Walker, Patricia Stilwell - Baltimore: Postal History from 1773 Until the Upu
018752: De La Torre, Lillian; Del Rio, Pablo Martinez; Winslow, Walker et al. - Arizona Quarterly. Autumn 1949. Volume 5 Number 3
003416: Walker, Alexander - Beauty; Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman. Edited by an American Physician
002327: Walker, Benj - Sketch of the James Tweed Family, Wilmington Mass. Read at a Family Reunion, Foster's Pond, Andover, Mass. , June 17, 1887
018315: Wall, William Allen (artist). Kugler, Richard C. (author) - William Allen Wall. An Artist of New Bedford
019641: Stevens, Wallace et al. - Origin. A Quarterly for the Creative. No. 5. Spring 1952
014831: Wallace, Alfred R. - A Defence of Modern Spiritualism
019560: Vee, Ling Nyi; Goldsmith, Wallace et al. - The Flamingo. April, 1929. Vol. III. , No. 4
015342: Waller, Johnny - Kingdom Come No. 10. June, 1978
015316: Waller, Johnny - Kingdom Come No. 9. May, 1978
015366: Waller, Johnny - Kingdom Come No. 16. May, 1979
012328: Walpole, Hugh - Fortitude. The Education of an Adventurer. Armed Services Edition #928
011840: Walsh, Mike (Michael), artist - Mike Walsh Fiber Sculpture. Exhibition Broadside Advertisement
005578: Whitman, Walt et al. - Brother of All, with Generous Hand. In the Galaxy. January 1870. Vol 9. No. 1
008741: Whitman, Walt et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. April, 1892
019916: Camp, Walter et al. - St. Nicholas May, 1890
015706: Walters, Samuel (artist). Davidson, A.S. - Samuel Walters. Marine Artist. Fifty Years of Sea, Sail and Steam
008024: Warburton, William - Letters from a Late Eminent Prelate to One of His Friends
010178: Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Hamilton, Gail; Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward et al. - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Art and Politics. January-June, 1863. Volume XI
006573: Abernathy, Robert; Hickey, H.B.; Moore, Ward et al. - Amazing Stories. March 1950. Volume 24, No. 3
011837: Ward, Jonathan; Bodwell, Joshua - Turning Leaves. String of Words
005516: Warden, William - Letters Written on Board His Majesty's Ship the Northumberland, and Saint Helena; in Which the Conduct and Conversations of Napoleon Buonaparte. Bound with: Military Character of the Different European Armies
020208: Warhol, Andy (artist) - Andy Warhol. Work and Play
018662: Warncke, Carsten-Peter - The Ideal As Art. De Stijl 1917-1931
005018: Warner, A.J. - Protection and the Gold Standard Impossible. Protection Possible Only Under Bimetallism. An Exposition. Two Papers, Reprinted from the New York Sun. June, 1894
017012: Warren, Margaret Thomas - Taking Off
018934: Beckwith, Matha Warren et al. - The Journal of American Folklore. Oct. -Dec. , 1930
011792: Bonfante-Warren, Alexandra - The Pitti Palace Collections
020238: Warshawsky, Abel G. (artist) - Paris Unconquered
014108: Washington, George; Murray, Thomas Hamilton - The Irish Washingtons at Home and Abroad, Together with Some Mention of the Ancestry of the American Pater Patriae
002030: Wasson, George S. - Home from Sea
004842: Waterston, Robert C. - Tribute to William Cullen Bryant at the Meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, June 13, 1878. With an Appendix
020344: Watson, Henry C. - Six Nights in a Block-House; or, Sketches of Border Life: Embracing Adventures Among the Indians, Feats of the Wild Hunters, and Exploits of Boone, Brady, Kenton, Whetzel, Fleehart, and Other Border Heroes of the West
007555: Watt, James C.Y. - The Sumptuous Basket. Chinese Lacquer with Basketry Panels
019808: Wilcox, Ella Wheeler; Saltus, Edgar; Mumford, Ethel Watts et al. - Ainslee's. A Magazine of Clever Fiction. November, 1902
013710: Wayland, Francis - The Affairs of Rhode-Island. A Discourse Delivered in the Meeting-House of the First Baptist Church, Providence, May 22, 1842
016871: [Anti-Nuclear Weapons, Social Movements] - American Society to Defend Children Fundraising Flier
010594: Webb, John L. - Then Came the Motor Truck. The Story of Trucking on the Pennsylvania Railroad
019269: Weber, John (artist) - The Hand (Peace Symbol). Blacklight Psychedelic Poster
004185: Webster, Daniel - Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster at the National Republican Convention, in Worcester, Oct. 12, 1832
019040: [Miniature books] Webster, John - A Werewolf Fragment. From the Duchess of Malfi
004771: Webster, Daniel - The Rhode Island Question. Mr. Webster's Argument in the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of Martin Luther Vs. Luther M. Borden and Others, January 27th, 1848
003738: Webster, Daniel - Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, Upon the Subject of Slavery; Delivered in the United States Senate on Thursday, March 7, 1850
005344: Webster, Daniel - The Austro-Hungarian Question. Correspondence between Mr. Hulsemann, Austrian Charge D'Affaires, and Mr. Webster, Secretary of State of the United States
010725: De Weck, Rene - Amiel Ou la Noix Creuse. Les Cahiers Romands Deuxieme Serie. No. 2
016035: Wedekind, Frank - The Awakening of Spring. A Tragedy of Childhood
013087: Weeks, Kent R. - The Classic Christian Townsite at Arminna West. Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt. Number 3
014705: Da-Wei, Kwo - Chinese Brushwork. Its History, Aesthetics, and Techniques
006858: Weiner, Dorothy; Mills, Clark; Johnson, J.W.; Sager, Gordon; Crocker, Joseph - The Eliot. November 1933. Vol 1. No. 1
019805: Weismantel, Mary - Playing with Things. Engaging the Moche Sex Pots
008581: Weiss, Max - What Price Profits
016945: Fitzgerald, F. Scott; Kees, Weldon et al. Picasso, Pablo (artist) - Furioso-a Magazine of Verse. Vol. III No. 1. Fall 1947
017353: Wells, Samuel R. (editor) - American Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated. September, 1864
015887: Wells, Linton - Around the World in Twenty-Eight Days
020072: Wells, Henry P. - Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle. Suggestions As to Their Manufacture and Use
004097: Wells, Carolyn. Smith, Jessie Wilcox (illustrator) - Seven Ages of Childhood
009317: Wells, H.G. - The Undying Fire
007896: Welsh, James H. - State Bounties from City Levies, Favoring Politics As a Trade, the Root of the Municipal Evils. Communism in the City Government and Accidental Innovation, and a Tool of National Parties, Its Eradication Essential to Local Self Rule and the General Safety
003889: Welsh, Herbert - Early Moravian Indian Work. No. 41-Second Series-2500
011670: Welty, Eudora - The Bride of the Innisfallen and Other Stories
017654: Wentworth, Michael Justin; Tissot, James (artist) - James Tissot. Catalogue Raisonne of His Prints
008874: Werner, Jane; Williams, Garth (illustrator) - Animal Friends. A Little Golden Book #167
006723: West, Austin - I Am the Sea
014290: Sackville-West, V. Redgrave, Lynn (foreword) - Saint Joan of Arc
008932: Westbrook, Ellen E.; Lowance, Mason I. - The Stowe Debate: Rhetorical Strategies in Uncle Tom's Cabin
020018: Westermann, Diedrich - A Short Grammar of the Shilluk Language. With a Little English-Shilluk Dictionary
020015: Weston, Frank - The Black Slaves of Prussia. An Open Letter Addressed to General Smuts
018032: Van de Wetering, Ernst - Rembrandt. The Painter at Work
003947: Weymouth, Gorham N.; Bickford, Cora Belle - The City of Biddeford and Vicinity. Resources, Attractions, Commercial Relations, Transportation Facilities, Educational Opportunities, Social Features, Development and Progress. The Biddeford of Today. And Local Landmarks (... )
012377: Wheeler, Edward - Death-Face, the Detective. Or, Life and Love in New York. The Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 6
012567: Wheeler, Edward - Buffalo Ben, the Prince of the Pistol; or, Deadwood Dick in Disguise. The Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 4
009973: Wheeler, Edward - Bob Woolf, the Border Ruffian, or the Girl Dead-Shot. . the Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 9
004314: No author given. (Charlotte Bickersteth Wheeler) - Memoir of John Lang Bickersteth, Late of Rugby School
003142: Wheeler, John H. - Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians. May 1884-Section Three
011637: Wheeler, Edward - Wild Ivan, the Boy Claude Duval. The Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 5
009972: Wheeler, Edward - Omaha Oll, the Masked Terror; or, Deadwood Dick in Danger. The Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 1
017973: Wheeler, Helen Maude - An Up-to-Date Pauper
010227: Wheeler, Edward - Old Avalanche, the Great Annihilator: Or, Wild Edna, the Girl Brigand. The Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 8
010228: Wheeler, Edward - The Phantom Miner, or, Deadwood Dick's Bonanza. The Deadwood Dick Library. Vol. I. No. 7
002192: Wheeling, Kenneth Edward - Horse-Drawn Vehicles at the Shelburne Museum
016211: Whetzel, Herbert Hice - Herbert Hice Whetzel Typed Letter, Signed
014350: Whistler, James McNeill - James Mcneill Whistler. Etchings and Lithographs 1858 to 1896
019216: Whitcher, William F. - History of the Town of Haverhill, New Hampshire
013363: Various photographers. White, Minor (Compiler) - Octave of Prayer. An Exhibition on a Theme
006023: White, William D.; Hazard, Barbara (Curators) - What Is Not Forbidden Is Allowed. Contemporary Art from Soviet Leningrad
013296: White, Mimi - The World Disguised As This One. A Year in Tanka
009004: White; Hillhouse - Mr. White's Speech in Senate, January 7, 1809. With Mr. Hillhouse's Speech in Senate, January 7, 1809
019486: White, C.A. - The Dear Old Home We Loved So Well
019246: White, Stewart Edward (recorder) - The Betty Book. Excursions Into the World of Other-Consciousness Made by Betty between 1919 and 1936
019361: Whitehouse, Bion H. (photographer); Proper, David (text) - Central Square and Beyond . Historical Images of Keene and Cheshire County
011349: Whitlock, Weldon - Bel Canto for the Twentieth Century. Twentieth Century Masterworks on Singing. Volume III
005434: Whitney, Frederic A. - An Address Delivered at the Consecration of Evergreen Cemetery, Brighton, Wednesday, August 7, 1850
019860: Whittaker, Gordon - Deciphering Aztec Hieroglyphs. A Guide to Nahuatl Writing
007315: Whittlesey, Charles - Topographical and Historical Sketch of the State of Ohio
015833: Whittock, Martyn - Mayflower Lives. Pilgrims in the New World and the Early American Experience
019563: Wiggin, Kate Douglas; Smith, Nora A. (editors). Parrish, Maxfield (illustrator) - The Arabian Nights. Their Best-Known Tales
019426: Wiggin, Kate Douglas; Smith, Nora A. (editors). Parrish, Maxfield (illustrator) - The Arabian Nights. Their Best-Known Tales
020398: Wigmore, Ann - The Rising Sun. The Great Grass Family. Food for Survival
003180: Wiktor, Jan - Eros Na Podworzu
001078: Wilbur, Homer editor[Lowell, James Russell] - Meliboeus Hipponax. The Biglow Papers
011328: Wilcox, Timothy - A Day in the Sun: Outdoor Pursuits in the Art of the 1930s
007578: Wilde, Oscar - Salome and the Ballad of Reading Gaol
018139: Wilder, David - The History of Leominster, or the Northern Half of the Lancaster New or Additional Grant, from June 26, 1701, the Date of the Deed from George Tahanto, Indian Sagamore, to July 4, 1852
014610: Wilder, Burt G. - What Young People Should Know. The Reproductive Function in Man and the Lower Animals
020311: Nast, Thomas (artist); Collins, Wilkie et al (author) - Harper's Weekly. June 27, 1868
012033: Dickens, Charles; Collins, Wilkie et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. December 1864 to May 1865
013391: Wilkin, Karen - Edgar Degas: The Many Dimensions of a Master French Impressionist
019968: Wilkins, Roy - . Leadership Conference on CIVIL Rights Statement on School Desegregation and Busing
018406: Inman, Will et al. - Southern Poetry Review. Spring 1966. Vol. VI. No 2
017874: Crews, Judson; Malanga, Gerard; Keys, John; Schramm, Irene; Inman, Will et al. - Theo. Vol. 1 No. 1
019107: Willard, De Forest; Gill, A. Bruce - The Widener Memorial Industrial Training School for Crippled Children
000153: Willard, James F. - The Royal Authority and the Early English Universities. A Thesis Presented to the Philosophy Department at the University of Pennsylvania
008471: Uphaus, Willard et al. - Ephemera Relating to the Incarceration of Willard Uphaus in New Hampshire in 1960
005847: Poe, Edgar Allan;(Browning) Barrett, Elizabeth B.; Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Herbert, Henry William et al. Stephens, Ann S. (editor) - Ladies' National Magazine. Volume IV. July to December 1843 Inclusive. Bound with: Godey's Lady's Book March 1844; Graham's Magazine January 1844; Graham's Magazine November 1844; Godey's Lady's Book February, 1845 Thousand-and-Second Tale Scheherazade
015246: Stuart, Jesse; Giovanni, Nikki; Stafford, William et al. - Brushfire. Spring 1974
018636: Worthy, William et al. Krassner, Paul (editor) - The Realist. No. 50. May, 1964
019335: Vance, L.J.; James, William et al. - The Open Court. A Weekly Journal Devoted to the Work of Conciliating Religion with Science. May 22, 1890
006899: Sulzer, William et al. - Governor Sulzer, the Political Bosses and the Legislature
015478: Williams, George Huntington - Elements of Crystallography for Students of Chemistry, Physics and Mineralogy
003321: Williams, Jared W. - Address of His Excellency the Governor, to Both Branches of the General Court of New Hampshire, June Session, 1847
014535: Williams, Harry; Van Alstyne, Egbert - San Antonio Song
019758: Williams, Kayanesenh Paul - Kayanerenko: Wa. The Great Law of Peace
000840: Williams, Tennessee - A Streetcar Named Desire
004716: Williams, Thomas J. - A Cure for the Fidgets. A Farce, in One Act. French's Minor Drama. No. CCCVI
010502: Williams, Major George F. Brady, Matthew; Gardner, Alexander (photographers) - The Memorial War Book. As Drawn from Historical Records and Personal Narratives of the Men Who Served in the Great Struggle
013943: Williams, Leslita - Hidden in the Picture
013521: Williams, A.D. - Spanish Colonial Furniture
003883: Williamson, J.A. - Letter of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior Relative to the Condition of the Work in the General Land Office and the Necessity for Additional Clerical Assistance
005538: Williamson, R.S.; Davis, Jefferson (transmitter) - Report of the Secretary of War, Communicating Lieutenant Williamson's Report of His Surveys to Ascertain a Practicable Route for a Railroad to the Pacific Ocean. April 3, 1854. 33d Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Ex. Doc. No. 52
005886: Williamson, Jack; Kelly, Frank K.; Barnes, A.K.; Schachner, Nathan. Gernsback, Hugo (editor) - Wonder Stories Quarterly. Fall 1932. Vol. 4. No 1
018192: No author given. Maguire, Helena; Grey, Jane Willis et al (artists) - Scraps of Rhymes
014918: Willis, J, Murray - Bashfulness Cured: Ease and Elegance of Manner Gained
018777: Willison, John - The Afflicted Man's Companion: Or a Directory for Persons and Families, Afflicted with Sickness, or Any Other Distress. With Directions to the Sick, Both Under and After Affliction. [... ]
018981: Wilson, Jean C. - Painting in Bruges at the Close of the Middle Ages. Study in Society and Visual Culture
004944: Wilson, Sir Robert - Brief Remarks on the Character and Composition of the Russian Army, and a Sketch of the Campaigns in Poland in the Years 1806 and 1807
005133: Wilson, Margaret Oliphant. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey - The Second Son. A Novel
013381: Wilson, Clint - Advertisement for a Two Day Punk/New Wave Event at Uc Berkeley in October, 1979
019515: Wilson, Wes (artist) - Bill Graham Presents Otis Rush & His Chicago Blues Band, the Mothers, the Morning Glory at Fillmore Auditorium 1967 Concert Poster
010949: Wilson, G.H. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Season 1889-90 Programme. Ninth Season. Programme of the First Rehearsal and Concert
008478: Wilson, Henry - Northern Radicals and Southern Radicals. Speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, January 27, 1868
006076: Wiman, Erastus - The Cyclone Pulverizer Co. Of the United States of America. Annual Report of the President Erastus Wiman. New York, 1888
014727: Winner, Joseph (compiler) - Musical Gems Vocal and Instrumental Being a Choice Collection of Popular Melodies Comprising Songs for the Fireside, Social Gatherings, Concerts, Etc.
011568: Winship, George Parker - The Vollbehr Incunabula at the National Arts Club of New York from August 23 to September 30 MCMXXVI
011604: Winship, George Parker - Introduction to a Collection of Book-Illustrations in the Possession of Dr. Otto H.F. Vollbehr. The Vollbehr Collections. Winter 1928
013358: Winslow, Hubbard - The Appropriate Sphere of Woman. A Discourse Delivered in the Bowdoin Street Church, July 9, 1837
007730: Winter, John Strange (Stannard, Henrietta Eliza Vaughan) - He Went for a Soldier
014374: Wise, Joe (composer) - Take All the Lost Home
019195: Wisner, Benjamin B. - The History of the Old South Church in Boston, in Four Sermons, Delivered May 9 and 16, 1830 [... ]
014089: Bynner, Witter et al. - The Lyric. August 1923. Vol. 3 No. 8
009876: Wojahn, David - Late Empire
009464: Wojahn, David - Mystery Train
015399: Wolfe, Robert; Aronson, Ronald - Imperialism: An Exchange. American Imperialism and the Peace Movement; Socialism-the Sustaining Menace
015132: Wolohojian, Stephan; Watt, Melinda; Gallagher, Michael - A Grand Tableaucharles le Brun's Portrait of the Jabach Family. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin Summer 2017
020112: Wonderley, Anthony - Oneida Iroquois Folklore, Myth, and History. New York Oral Narrative from the Notes of H.E. Allen and Others
010377: Wood, Frank - Rilke and the Time Factor
011396: Wood, Thomas D. (preparer) - Health Charts Proposed by the Joint Committee on Health Problems in Education of the National Council of the National Education Association and the Council on Health and Public Instruction of the American Medical Association
016978: Woodbury, Charles (artist). Loria, Joan; Seamans, Warren A. (authors) - Earth, Sea and Sky. Charles H. Woodbury Artist and Teacher 1864-1940
019845: Woodbury, Hanni - Onondaga-English English-Onondaga Dictionary
010878: Woodbury, David O. - What You Should Know About Submarine Warfare
012500: Twain, Mark; Wilson, Woodrow et al. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine. September, 1896. With Tom Sawyer, Detective (Conclusion)
011412: Woods, Margaret - Extracts from the Journal of the Late Margaret Woods, from the Year 1771 to 1821
012011: Woodward, T. Trask - The Veteran of 1812; or Kesiah and the Scout. A Romantic Military Drama in Five Acts
018869: Woolf, Virginia - The Waves
013338: Woolf, Benjamin Edward - The Doctor of Alcantara. Opera Bouffe. In Two Acts
001700: Woollacott, Angela;Pursell, Carroll;Myer, Chuck. Foreword by Kathryn Gualtieri - Gilroy's Old City Hall, 1906-1989. .
004116: Woollett, William (illustrator). Gebhard, David - Hoover Dam. Drawings Etchings Lithographs. 1931-1933
009434: Woolman, John - Memoir of John Woolman, Chiefly Extracted from a Journal of His Life and Travels
020093: Woolson, Gayle - Divine Symphony
020299: Worcester, G.R.G. - The Junkman Smiles
009336: Work, Milton C. - Lucky Strike Advertising Card with Bridge Playing Tabs
002939: Wormser, Baron - When
011387: Wright, Frank Lloyd - In the Cause of Architecture. Wright's Historic Essays for Architectural Record 1908-1952. With a Symposium on Wright and Architecture
009463: Wright, Samuel - A Bibliography of the Writings of Walter H. Pater
019392: Wright, Richard - Pagan Spain
012205: Wright, J.W. - No Gifts. The Doves of December. Some Verses and Remarks Upon the Planting of the Acorn
013866: Wright, Carroll D. - Some Ethical Phases of the Labor Question
013736: Wright, Stuart (editor) - George Garrett. A Bibliography, 1947-1988
013418: Wright, Charles - Appalachia
012296: Wringe, Colin - Moral Education. Beyond the Teaching of Right and Wrong
019834: Zendik, Wulf and Arol et al. - Zendik Arts. Issue #57
020050: Wyatt, H.G. - Crime in Canada and the War
017167: Wyeth, James - James Wyeth. Oil, Watercolors, Drawings
012179: Wylie, Margaret. Buck, Pearl S. (foreword) - Children of China
019718: Wysong, Jack P. - The World, Portsmouth and the 22nd Coast Artillery. The War Years 1938-1948
020036: Hsiu-Chuan (Xiuquan), Wu - People's China Stands for Peace
014202: Watt, James C.Y. et al. - China. Dawn of a Golden Age 200-750 Ad
018243: Yaltsev, P. - Wolf Pack. Part of the Children's Theater Series
019918: Yannakakis, Yanna - Since Time Immemorial. Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico
016387: Yarnall, James L. La Farge, John (artist) - John la Farge in Paradise. The Painter and His Muse
008380: Yaroslavsky, E. Foster, William Z. (introduction) - The Meaning of the Soviet Trials. Including the Official Text of the Indictment of the Bukharin-Trotskyite Bloc
014438: Ybarra, T.R. - Caruso. The Man of Naples. The Voice of Gold
019071: Tuttle, Stella; Laramore, Vivian Yeiser et al. - The Lantern. September-October 1939. Poems from Florida
003946: Yonge, Charlotte - The Trial: Or More Links of the Daisy Chain. Two Volumes in One
010110: Young, Louise Rider - Biographical Dictionary of the Youngs. (Born Circa 1625-1870) from the Towns Under the Jurisdiction of York County, Maine
009572: Young, Edward - The Complaint: Or Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality. Two Volumes in One, with a Paraphrase on the Book of Job
019876: Young, Edward - The Brothers. A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
008842: Young, Andrew W. - History of Chautauqua County New York, from Its First Settlement to the Present Time; with Numerous Biographical and Family Sketches. Two Volumes
019323: Young, John Richard - Arizona Cutting Horse
014847: Revolutionary Communist Youth - Reinstate Joanne Handler! for a Militant Union of All Campus Employees! Build a Revolutionary Communist Movement! Leaflet
017020: [Socialism] Spartacist League/Revolutionary Communist Youth - On Fools and Charlatans: The Class Nature of "Non-Exclusionism.
015899: Jacob, Max; Tourgueniev, Yvan et al. - The Living Arts. 1922. No. V.
016857: Rilke, Rainer Maria; cummings, e.e.; Winters, Yvor et al. - The Hound and Horn. July-September 1931. Vol. IV No. 4
009821: Various Authors. Zabel, Craig (editor) - American Public Architecture. European Roots and Native Expressions
003596: Zanelli, Domenico - Sulla Venturosa Invenzione Del Corpo S. Chiara Di Asisi Nel Settembre Del 1850 Relazione Storica Del Sacerdote Domenico Zanelli
006823: Zimmermann, Marc - The History of Dublin Cinemas
019994: Zimroth, Peter - Perversions of Justice. The Prosecution and Acquittal of the Panther 21
008998: Zola, Emile. Vizetelly, Alfred (translator) - Paris. Two Volumes
020234: Zoshchenko, Mikhail - Who Are You Laughing at?!
012163: Zschokke, Heinrich; Godwin, Parke (editor/translator) - Tales from the German of Zschokke. Part I Only
016135: Zweifel, Richard G. (Text). Cronkite, Walter (Narrator) - Reptiles and Amphibians of the United States
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