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Click on booknumber for full information
94915: MARTíN-CHIVELET, JAVIER - Sequence stratigraphy of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic patforms developed in a tectonically active setting, Upper Cretaceous, Betic continental margin (Spain).
77927: MARTIN, M.D. & J. TATE - The skeleton of Baptornis advenus (Aves: Hesperornithiformes). [Late Cretaceous]
67547: MARTIN J SIEGERT - Glacial-interglacial variations in central East Antarctic ice accumulation rates.
28515: MARTíN SUáREZ, E. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Catromys, a new genus of Muridae (Rodentia) from the Late Miocene of Spain.
81975: MARTIN, K. - Mollusken aus dem Obereocän von Nanggulan.
55258: MARTIN, J. - Diluvuialstudien VII (Schluss) Über die Stromrichtungen des nordeuropäischen Inlandeises.
55254: MARTIN, J. - Diluvialstudien III. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über das Diluvium im Westen der Weser. 2. Gliederung des Diluviums.
55255: MARTIN, J. - Diluvialstudien III. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über das Diluvium im Westen der Weser. 3. Vertikalgliederung des niederländischen Diluviums. 4. Classification der glacialen Höhen. Ein Wort zur Entgegnung.
55256: MARTIN, J. - Diluvialstudien III. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über das Diluvium im Westen der Weser. 5. Alter des Diluviums.
506361: MARTIN, M. & S. WENZ - Découverte d''un nouveau coelacanthidé Garnbergia ommata n.g., n.sp., dans le Muschelkalk supérieur du Baden-Württemberg.
55252: MARTIN, J. - Diluvialstudien I. Alter und Gliederung des Diluviums im Herzogthum Oldenburg.
55253: MARTIN, J. - Diluvialstudien II. Das Haupteis ein baltischer Strom.
87462: MARTIN, FRANCINE - Les acritarches de l'Ordovicien et du Silurien belges. Détermination et valeur stratigraphique.
87463: MARTIN, GEORGE C. - The Upper Cretaceous floras of Alaska with a description of the plant-bearing beds.
67432: MARTIN J. SIEGERT, ISABELLE MARSIAT - Numerical reconstructions of LGM climate across the Eurasian Arctic.
98709: MARTIN, K. - Niederlaendische und Nordwestdeutsche Sedimentaergeschiebe. Ihre Uebereinstimmung, gemeinschaftliche Herkunft und Petrefacten.
101579: MARTIN, GERALD P.R. - Ostracoden des norddeutschen Purbeck und Wealden.
74406: MARTIN, H.A. - Middle Tertiary dinoflagellate and spore/pollen biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Mallee Cliffs bore, central Murray Basin.
1440255: MARTIN, R. - Les mammifères fossiles du gisement quaternaire de Villereversure. Étude des carnivores, des cervidés et des équidés.
1440257: MARTÍN SUÁREZ, E. ET AL. - Muridae (Rodentia) from the lower Turolian of Crevillente (Alicante, Spain). plus 10 other papers on small Tertiary mammals of Spain.
84905: MARTIN, R. - Les mammifères fossiles du gisement quaternaire de Villereversure (Ain). Étude des carnivores, des cervidés et des équidés.
1060514: MARTIN, J. - Zur Klärung der Senkungsfrage. Entgegnung und Schlusswort.
67237: MARTIN R. BATES, SIMON A. PARFITT, MARK B. ROBERTS - The chronology, palaeogeography and archaeological significance of the marine quaternary record of the West Sussex coastal plain, Southern England, U.K.
94917: MARTíN-CLOSAS, CARLES, ALBERT PERMANYER & MARIA-JESúS VILA - Palynofacies distribution in a lacustrine basin. [Miocene basin of La Cerdanya, NE Spain]
1340311: MARTIN, F. - Acritarches du Frasnien supérieur et du Famennien inférieur du bord méridional du Bassin de Dinant (Ardenne belge).
1340312: MARTIN, F. & W.T. DEAN - Middle and Upper cambrian acritarchs from Random Island, eastern Newfoundland.
1340315: MARTIN, F. - Acritarches et chitinozoaires de la partie supérieure du Frasnien dans un affleurement au nord immédiat de Frasnes (Belgique).
1340317: MARTIN, L. - Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Foraminifera from Fresno County, California.
90307: MARTIN, M. - Revision of Ceratodus concinnus Plieninger.
90308: MARTIN, MICHEL - Révision des Arganodontidés et des Néocératodontidés (Dipnoi, Ceratodontiformes) du Crétacé africain.
90309: MARTIN, M. & S. WENZ - Découverte d''un nouveau coelacanthidé Garnbergia ommata n.g., n.sp., dans le Muschelkalk supérieur du Baden-Württemberg.
91651: MARTIN, G.P.R. & W. WEILER - Fisch-Otolithen aus dem deutschen Mesozoikum (Dogger bis Wealden).
91866: MARTIN, R. - Les affinités de Nyctereutes megamastoides (Pomel), canidé du gisement villafranchien de Saint-Vallier (Drôme, France).
67042: MARTINE ROSSIGNOL-STRICK, NADINE PLANCHAIS, MARTINE PATERNE, DANIELE DUZER - Vegetation dynamics and climate during the deglaciation in the south Adriatic basin from a marine record.
81657: MARTINEZ-DELCLOS, X. & A. NEL - Découverte de trois insectes fossiles dans l'Oligocène inférieur du bassin de l'Ebre (Espagne) (Odonata, Lestidae, Aeshnidae).
56775: MARTINEZ-CHACON, M.L. - New Carboniferous stenoscismatacean brachiopods from Oviedo and Leon, Spain.
77018: MARTINEZ CHACóN, M.L. ET AL. - Brachiopod and fusulinid assemblages of Kasimovian (Pennsylvanian) age from the Ándara Massif (Picos de Europa, northern Spain).
94921: MARTINEZ, FRANCISCO J. - Estudio petrológico de la parte occidental de la provincia de Salamanca.
94920: MARTíNEZ, ALBERT ET AL. - La formació dels Pirineus. Interpretació a partir d'un tall geològic als Pirineus centrals.
87245: MARTíNEZ CHACóN, M.L. & C.F. WINKLER PRINS - A Namurian brachiopod fauna from Meré (Province of Oviedo, Spain).
24186: MARTINEZ CHACON M.L. ET DELVOLVé J.J. - Une faune de Rhynchonellidés du carbonifère antévarisque des Pyrénées Centrales françaises.
23108: MARTíNEZ-DELCLòS, X. - Insectos del Cretácico inferior de Santa Maria de Meià (Lleida): colección Lluis Marià Vidal i Carreras.
94922: MARTINEZ BELTRAN, J. - Drainage and reclamation of salt-affected soils, Bardenas area, Spain.
94923: MARTINEZ-CHACON, M.L. - New Carboniferous stenoscismatacean brachiopods from Oviedo and Leon, Spain.
94924: MARTINEZ CHACóN, M.L. ET AL. - Brachiopod and fusulinid assemblages of Kasimovian (Pennsylvanian) age from the Ándara Massif (Picos de Europa, northern Spain).
94925: MARTíNEZ CHACóN, M.L. & C.F. WINKLER PRINS - A Namurian brachiopod fauna from Meré (Province of Oviedo, Spain).
99316: MARTINEZ NAVARRO, B. - Presence of the African Machairodont Megantereon whitei (Broom, 1937) (Felidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) in the Lower Pleistocene Site of Venta Micena (Orce, Granada, Spain), with some Considerations on the Origin, Evolution and Dispersal of the Genus.
90704: MARTíNEZ, G. ET AL. - A new toxodont (Mammalia, Panperissodactyla, Notoungulata) from the Oligocene of Patagonia, Argentina, and systematic considerations on the paraphyletic 'Notohippidae'.
20627: MARTINI, E. - Nannoplankton aus dem Tertiär und der obersten Kreide von SW-Frankreich.
83283: MARTINI, J. - Étude pétrographique des Grès de Taveyanne entre Arve et Giffre (Haute-Savoie, France).
93707: MARTINI, JACQUES - Étude pétrographique des Grès de Taveyanne entre Arve et Giffre (Haute-Savaie, France).
93708: MARTINI, J. - Contribution à l'étude de l'Eocène supérieur et de l'Oligocène subalpin de la Savoie.
100000: MARTINI, I.P. (ED.) - Carboniferous-Permian Late Glacial and Postglacial Environments.
99586: MARTINI, E. & P. ROTHE (EDS.) - Die altttertiäre Fossillagerstätte Sieblos an der Wasserkuppe / Rhön.
75228: MARTINI, I.P. - The Hudson Bay Lowland: major geologic features and assets.
99084: MARTINI, E. & P. ROTHE (EDS.) - Die altttertiäre Fossillagerstätte Sieblos an der Wasserkuppe / Rhön.
8050133: MARTINI, E. - Discoasteriden und verwandte Formen im NW-deutschen Eozän (Coccolithophorida). 1. Taxionomische Untersuchungen, 2.Stratigraphische Verwertung.
82556: MARTINI, J. - Etude de l'Eocène inférieur et moyen des Chaînes subalpines savoyardes.
18059: MARTINI, E. - Braarudosphaeriden, Discoasteriden und verwandte Formen aus dem Rupelton des Mainzer Beckens.
87704: MARTINI, E. (ED.) - Fossilgemeinschaften der Doline Oberleichtersbach (Oligozän).
82209: MARTINI, J. - Contribution à l'étude de l'Eocène supérieur et de l'Oligocène subalpin de la Savoie.
94172: MARTINI, JACQUES - Recherches de retombées volcaniques quaternaires dans le S.E. de la France et la Suisse occidentale.
86952: MARTINI, E. (ED.) - Fossilgemeinschaften der Doline Oberleichtersbach (Oligozän).
80914: MARTINI, R. & L. ZANINETTI - Répertoire des microfossiles du Pays de Genève et des régions voisines: I. Formanifères; II. Algues; III. Microfossiles divers.
21062: MARTINI, E. - Die Fischfauna von Sieblos/Rhön (Oligozän). 1: Smerdis-Skelette mit Otolithen in situ, 2: Fischreste aus Koprolithen.
102898: MARTINI, I.P., H.M. FRENCH AND A. PéREZ ALBERTI (EDS.) - Ice-marginal and periglacial processes and sediments.
102899: MARTINI, I.P. AND H.R. WANLESS (EDS.) - Sedimentary Coastal Zones from High to Low Latitudes: Similarities and Differences.
1340318: MARTINI, R. & L. ZANINETTI - Répertoire des microfossiles du pays de Genève et des régions voisines: I. foraminifères; II. algues; III. microfossiles divers.
89743: MARTINI, E. - Nannoplankton aus dem Tertiär und der obersten Kreide von SW-Frankreich.
89891: MARTINI, ERLEND - Die Gattung Eosphaeroma (Isopoda) im europäischen Alttertiär.
90310: MARTINI, E. - Die Fischfauna von Sieblos/Rhön (Oligozän). 1: Smerdis-Skelette mit Otolithen in situ, 2: Fischreste aus Koprolithen.
8050300: MARTINIUS, A.W. - Macrofauna associations and formation of shell concentrations in the Early Eocene Roda Formation (southern Pyrenees, Spain).
98760: MARTINIUS, A.W. - Macrofauna associations and formation of shell concentrations in the Early Eocene Roda Formation (southern Pyrenees, Spain).
98466: MARTINIUS, A.W. - Macrofauna associations and formation of shell concentrations in the Early Eocene Roda Formation (southern Pyrenees, Spain).
47813: MARTINIUS, A.W. - Macrofauna associations and formation of shell concentrations in the Early Eocene Roda Formation (southern Pyrenees, Spain).
94927: MARTINIUS, A.W. - Macrofauna associations and formation of shell concentrations in the Early Eocene Roda Formation (southern Pyrenees, Spain).
94928: MARTINIUS, A.W. - The sedimentological characterisation of labyrinthine fluvial reservoir analogues. [incl. case studies on the Loranca and Huesca Tertiary fluvial systems].
98455: DI MARTINO, E. & P.D. TAYLOR - Miocene Bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part I. Cyclostomata and 'Anascan' Cheilostomata. Part II. 'Ascophoran' Cheilostomata.
77487: DI MARTINO, E. & P.D. TAYLOR - Miocene Bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part II: 'Ascophoran' Cheilostomata.
98456: DI MARTINO, E. & P.D. TAYLOR - Miocene Bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part II. 'Ascophoran' Cheilostomata.
83846: MARTINOTTI, A. - Foraminiferi della Molassa di Varano (Varesotto).
42719: MARTINS-NETO, R.G. - Sistemática dos ensifera (Insecta, Orthopteroida) da Formação Santana, Cretáceo inferior do nordete do Brasil.
87464: MARTINS D'ALTE, J.A. - Análise polínica de algumas amostras de mel.
96451: MARTINSSON, ANDERS - Studies on the ostracode family Primitiopsidae.
96452: MARTINSSON, ANDERS - Ostracodes of the family Beyrichiidae from the Silurian of Gotland.
97618: MARTINSSON, ANDERS - Studies on the ostracode family Primitiopsidae.
83151: MARTINSSON, A. & LEIF STöRMER (EDS.) - Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy and correlations.
10990034: MARTINSSON, A. (ED.) - The Silurian-Devonian Boundary.
49578: MARTIUS, S. - Beiträge zur Frage nach der Ursprungsstelle der weissen Bimssteintuffe, dem Ursprungsort und der Entstehungsweise der Trasses unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Nettetaler Trasses im Laacher-See-Gebiet.
81228: MARTONNE, EMM. DE & A. CHOLLEY - Excursion géographique dans les Alpes du Dauphiné (Vercors et Oisans).
83284: MARTY, P. ET AL. - Stratigraphie du gisement fossilifère du Pont-de-Gail, près de Saint-Clément (Cantal).
88183: MARTY, P. - Études sur les végétaux fossiles du Trieu de Leval (Hainaut). avec une Note préliminaire sur la résine fossile de ce gisement par M. Langeron.
88182: MARTY, P. - Études sur les végétaux fossiles du Trieu de Leval (Hainaut). avec une Note préliminaire sur la résine fossile de ce gisement par M. Langeron.
18652: MARTY, P. - Florule stampienne de Ravel et de Lezoux (Puy-de-Dôme).
79504: MARTY, PIERRE - Sur l'age des plus anciens basaltes de l'Aubrac (note de paléontologie végétale). [Late Tertiary]
84876: MARYANSKA, T. & H. OSMóLKA - Aspects of hadrosaurian cranial anatomy.
6100185: MARYANSKA, T. - Ankylosauridae (Dinosauria) from Mongolia.
44154: MARYANSKA, TERESA AND HALSZKA OSMóLSKA - First lambeosaurine dinosaur from the Nemegt Formation, Mongolia.
60898: MARYANSKA, T. - New data on the skull of Pinacosaurus grangeri (Ankylosauria).
60897: MARYANSKA, T. - Remains of armoured dinosaurs from the uppermost Cretaceous in Nemegt Basin, Gobi Desert.
82441: MARYANSKA, T. & H. OSMOLSKA - Cranial morphology of Saurolophus angustirostris with comments on the Asian Hadrosauridae (Dinosauria).
82337: MARYANSKA, T. - Remains of armoured dinosaurs from the uppermost Cretaceous in Nemegt Basin, Gobi Desert.
60477: MARYANSKA, T. - Ankylosauridae (Dinosauria) from Mongolia.
67709: MARZIA BREDA, MARCO MARCHETTI - Systematical and biochronological review of Plio-Pleistocene Alceini (Cervidae; Mammalia) from Eurasia.
92074: MARZLOFF, DENISE ET AL. - Etude sur la faune du Bajocien supérieur du Mont d'Or Lyonnais (Ciret). Gastéropodes, Lamellibranches, Brachiopodes, Echinoderme, Anthozoaires, Spongaires (Suite et fin).
94929: MARZO, M. & R.J. STEEL (EDS.) - High-resolution sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology of syntectonic clastic wedges (SE Ebro basin, NE Spain).
17251: MARZOUK, A.M. & S. LüNING 1998. - Comparative biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera in the Paleocene of the eastern Sinai, Egypts.
91159: MARZOUK, A.M. & S. LüNING - Comparative biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera in the Paleocene of the eastern Sinai, Egypts.
87893: MARZUKI, Y. & F.D. AWUY - Namo Buddhaya. Het monument van eenbetoon aan Buddha, de Borobudur / The monument of hommage to Buddha, Chandi Borubudur.
6120275: MARZUKI, Y. & F.D. AWUY, N.D., CA. - Namo Buddhaya. het monument van eerbetoon aan Buddha, de Borobudur - The monument of homage to Buddha, Chandi Borobudur.
94512: MAS, G. & G. FIOL - Ictiofauna del jaciment Burdigaliá de Cala Sant Vicenc (Pollenca, Illes Balears) una aproximació paleoecològica.
93709: MASALIMOVA, L.U., D.R. LOWE ET AL. - Interplay between an axial channel belt, slope gullies and overbank deposition in the Puchkirchen Formation in the Molasse Basin, Austria.
67717: MASAO NAKADA, HIROSHI INOUE - Rates and causes of recent global sea-level rise inferred from long tide gauge data records
99952: MASCHENKO, EVGENY N. - Individual development, biology and evolution of the woolly mammoth.
75997: MASCHHAUPT, J.G. - Bodemkundige onderzoekingen in het dollardgebied.
88470: MASCKE, H. - Clinoceras n. g., ein silurischer Nautilide mit gelappten Scheidewänden.
81536: MASCLE, G.H. & G. TERMIER - Nouvelles données paléontologiques sur le Permo-carbonifère de Lercara Friddi (Sicile). [Productacea]
86651: MASCLE, A. (ED.) - Hydrocarbon and petroleum geology of France.
21827: MASCLE, G.H. & G. TERMIER - Nouvelles données paléontologiques sur le Permo-carbonifère de Lercara Friddi (Sicile).
67255: MASLIN, M.A. ET AL. - The contribution of orbital forcing to the progressive intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation.
101290: MASON, T.R. ET AL. - Spiral trace fossils from the Permian Ecca Group of Zululand.
55508: MASON, R.J. - The Paleo-Indian tradition in eastern North America.
102184: MASON, JOHN F. - Geology of the Tecopa area, southeastern California.
84954: MASON, R. - Petrology of the metamorphic rocks.
74807: MASSA, D. & A. MOREAU-BENOIT - Apport de nouvelles données palynologiques à la biostratigraphie et à la paléogéographie du Dévonien de Libye (Sud du Bassin de Rhadamès).
76707: MASSA, RENATO - Evolutie. De fascinerende ontwikkeling van het leven op aard.
84139: MASSARD, J.A. (ED.) - L'homme et la terre / Mens en aarde / Mensch und Erde.
102017: MASSARI, F. ET AL. - The environment of Venice area in the past two million years.
63540: MASSE, JEAN-PIERRE, MüKERREM FENERCI-MASSE & SACIT ÖZER - Late Aptian rudist faunas from the Zonguldak region, western Black Sea, Turkey (taxonomy, biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironment and palaeobiogeography).
21741: MASSE, J.-P. & B. WALTER - Les bryozoaires du Crétacé inférieur provencal. Biostratigraphie et paléoécologie.
58460: MASSE, JEAN-PIERRE AND MUKERREM FENERCI-MASSE - Evolution of the rudist bivalve Agriopleura Kühn (Radiolitidae, Hippuritida) from the Mediterranean region.
67718: MASSIMO PRESTI, LAURA DE SANTIS, GIULIANO BRANCOLINI, PETER T. HARRIS - Continental shelf record of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution: seismo-stratigraphic evidence from the George V Basin
45372: MASTRORILLI, V.I. - Lithophyllum contii: nuova specie di Corallinacea diffusa nella formazione Oligocenica di Bric Mazzapiede, presso Prasco (Acqui).
45373: MASTRORILLI, V.I. & S. GIAMMARINO - Prima segnalazione del genere Teutloporella nell'Oligocene.
45371: MASTRORILLI, V.I. - Corallinacee fossili mioceniche delle arenarie di cui sono constituite le antiche mura dell'orto botanico di Pavia.
28220: MASUDA, K. & C-Y. HUANG - Tertiary and Quaternary Pectinidae from northern Taiwan.
21828: MASUDA, K. & C-Y. HUANG - Pliocene shallow marine mollusks of the Chinsui Choulan formations in the Miaoli area, northern Taiwan.
80010: MATEER, N.J. - Osteology of the Jurassic lizard Ardeosaurus brevipes (Meyer).
55871: MATEER, N.J. - A statistical study of the genus Pterodactylus.
101458: MATEJKA, A., O. KODYM & M. ANDRUSOV - Carte géologique de la Malá Fatra, Partie orientale / Carte géologique de la zone des Klippes de la vallée de l'Orava, partie occidentale, Échelle 1:25.000.
83053: MATERN, H. - Das Oberdevon der Dill-Mulde.
83019: MATERN, H. - Das Oberdevon der Dill-Mulde.
83766: MATERN, HANS - Mitteilungen über die Oberdevon-Fauna der Dill-Mulde. I. Die oberdevonischen Trilobiten des Scheldetals.
75642: MATERN, HANS - Die Goniatiten-Fauna der Schistes de Matagne in Belgien.
64366: MATEUS, J.E. ET AL. (EDS.) - Paleoecologia Humana e Arqueociências. Um programa multidisciplinar para a arqueologia sob a tutela da cultura.
99318: MATHEUS, PAUL E. - Locomotor adaptations and ecomorphology of short-faced bears (Arctodus simus) in eastern beringia.
44212: MATHEWS, R.W. & M. KING - Holocene vegetation, climate, and lake-level changes in the Interior Douglas-fir Biogeoclimatic Zone, British Columbia.
18653: MATHEWS, J.V. - Plant macrofossils from the Neogene Beaufort Formation on Banks and Meighen islands, District of Franklin.
1560320: MATHIESEN, F.J. - On two specimens of fossil wood with adhering bark from the Nûgssuaq peninsula.
96968: MATHIESEN, FR.J. - Palaeobotanical investigations into some cormophytic macrofossils from the Neogene Tertiary lignites of central Jutland. Part II: Gymnosperms.
96856: MATHIESEN, FR.J. - Palaeobotanical investigations into some cormophytic macrofossils from the Neogene Tertiary lignites of central Jutland. Part II: Gymnosperms.
87465: MATHIESEN, FR.J. - Palaeobotanical investigations into some cormophytic macrofossils from the Neogene Tertiary lignites of central Jutland. Part II: Gymnosperms.
82649: MATHIEU, GILBERT - Le gisement et la faune des marbres givétiens de la Ville-Dé-d'Ardin (Deux-Sèvres).
47881: MATHIEU, G. - Notes sur les empreintes du terrain houiller de la Vendée conservées dans les collections géologique de Poitiers de de Niort. Remarque sur la transgression du Stéphanien.
87467: MATHIEU, F.-F. / F. STOCKMANS & F.-F. MATHIEU - Contribution à la connaissance de la stratigraphie et de la tectonique de Jurrassique à couches de houille dans la Chine septentrionale. /&/ Contribution à l'étude de Flore Jurassique de la Chine septentrionale.
87466: MATHIEU, F.-F. / F. STOCKMANS & F.-F. MATHIEU - La stratigraphie du bassin houiller de Kaiping (Chine) /&/ La flore paléozoïque du bassin houiller de Kaiping (Chine).
59636: MATHIS, C. - Précisions sur le genre Paramiacis Mathis (Carnivora, Miacidae).
58619: MATHIS, CHR. - Précision sur le genre Paramiacis Mathis (Carnivora, Miacidae).
100125: MATIN, PIERRE - Ces risques que l'on dit naturels.
97913: MATLEY, CHARLES ALFRED - The geology of Bardsey Island; with an appendix on the petrography by John Smith Flett.
101828: MATLEY, C.A. - The geology of the country around Pwllheli, Llandborough and Madryn, southwest Carnarvonshire.?
95793: MATLEY, CHARLES ALFRED - The Geology of Bardsey Island.
95794: MATLEY, C.A. & A. HEARD - The geology of the country around Bodfean (south-western Carnarvonshire).
95795: MATLEY, C.A. & A. VAUGHAN - The Carboniferous Rocks at Loughshinny (County Dublin).
20515: MATOS MOCTEZUMA, ED. - The Aztecs.
100914: MATRAIS, I. B. ET AL. - Hydrogeology of the island of Lombok (Indonesia).
87468: MATSON, G.C. & E.W. BERRY - The Pliocene Citronelle Formation of the Gulf coastal plain /&/ The flora of the Citronelle Formation /&/ The Catahoula Sandstone /&/ The flora of the Catahoula Sandstone.
9120509: MATSON, G.C. & E.W. BERRY - The Pliocene Citronelle Formation of the Gulf coastal plain /&/ The flora of the Citronelle Formation /&/ The Catahoula Sandstone /&/ The flora of the Catahoula Sandstone.
18422: MATSUI, M. - On some Oligocene molluscan fossils from Hokkaido, Japan.
99211: MATSUI, M. - On some Oligocene molluscan fossils from Hokkaido, Japan.
18524: MATSUKAWA, M. & I,. OBATA - Dinosaur footprints and other identation in the Cretaceous Sebayashi Foprmation, Sebayashi, Japan.
15089: MATSUKAWA, M. AND I. OBATA. - The ammonites Crioceratites (Paracrioceras) and Shasticrioceras from the Barremian of southwest Japan.
7515: MATSUMOTO, T. & H. SAKAI - On some Jurassic ammonites from Muktinath, Nepal.
89112: MATSUMOTO, T. & H.W. MILLER - Cretaceous ammonites from the spillway excavation of Cedar Bluff Dam, Trego County, Kansas.
97759: MATSUMOTO, TATSURO - Late Cretaceous ammonites from the Izumi Mountains, Soutwest Japan.
86225: MATSUMOTO, T. & R. SAITO - A nearly smooth Pachydiscid from Hokkaido, Japan.
86223: MATSUMOTO, T. - The ontogeny of Metaplacenticeras subtilistriatum (Jimbo).
86224: MATSUMOTO, T. - Contributions to the Cretaceous palaeontology of Japan I. Preliminary notes on the so-called Parapachydiscus egertoni (Forbes) from Japan.
86222: MATSUMOTO, TATSURO, ET AL. - The mid-Cretaceous ammonites of the family Kossmaticeratidae from Japan.
67761: MATSUMOTO, T. - Notes on two Cretaceous ammonites from the Tomochi Formation of Kyushu.
1133104: MATSUMOTO, H. - Petrological study on rocks of Aso Volcano.
58620: MATSUMOTO, H. - The Hipparion Richthofeni Koken.
81850: MATSUMOTO, H. - On some fossil mammals from Sze-chuan, China. /&/ On some fossil mammals from Ho-nan, China. /&/ On some fossil mammals from Tsukinoki, China.
81847: MATSUMOTO, H. - On some fossil mammals from Sze-chuan, China. /&/ On some fossil mammals from Ho-nan, China. /&/ On some fossil mammals from Tsukinoki, China.
62152: MATSUMOTO, HIKOSHICHIRô - On the type-material of Sus nipponicus sendai. /&/ On a new race of Sus from the type-site of Atsutean.
62151: MATSUMOTO, HIKOSHICHIRô - Report of the mammalian remains obtained from the sites at Aoshima and Hibiku, Province of Rikuzen. [fossil to sub-fossil]
64948: MATSUMURA, WILLIAN M. K., NAIRA M. BALZARETTI AND ROBERTO IANNUZZI - Fourier transform infrared characterization of the Middle Devonian non-vascular plant Spongiophyton.
50648: MATSUOKA, A. - Middle and Late Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Sakawa and adjacent regions, southwest Japan.
6500040: MATSUOKA, A. - Middle Triasic to Early Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy in the sakawa and adjacent areas, Shikoku, Southwest Japan.
99079: MATSUURA, ANNE-MARGREET - Dino's over de vloer.
67750: MATT D. ANDERS, JOEL L. PEDERSON, TAMMY M. RITTENOUR, WARREN D. SHARP, JOHN C. GOSSE, KARL E. KARLSTROM, LAURA J. CROSSEY, RONALD J. GOBLE, LISA STOCKLI, GUANG YANG - Pleistocene geomorphology and geochronology of eastern Grand Canyon: linkages of landscape components during climate changes
81074: MATTEI, J. - Définition et interprétation de Pseudopolyplectus, nov. gen. (Harpoceratinae, Ammonoidea) du Toarcien d'après un matériel des Causses et du Bas-Languedoc. Application de la notion d'ensembles à l'étude de populations fossiles.
93710: MATTER, A. & T. PETERS (EDS.) - Symposium Geologie der Nordschweiz, Bern 9 Oktober 1986.
100297: MATTHES, H.W. - Neue Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts Halle im Eozän des Geiseltales.
73299: MATTHES, H.W. - Einführung in die Mikropaläontologie.
56259: MATTHES, H.W. - Neue Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts Halle im Eozän des Geiseltales.
47639: MATTHES, H.W. - Die Lagenen des deutschen Tertiärs.
1060059: MATTHES, H.W. - Einführung in die Mikropaläontologie.
91076: MATTHES, F.E. - Sequoia National Park. A geological album.
82947: MATTHEW, W.D. & C. DE PAULA COUTO - The Cuban Edentates.
66952: MATTHEW R. BENNETT, DAVID HUDDART, RICHARD I. WALLER - Diamict fans in subglacial water-filled cavities-a new glacial environment
88846: MATTHEW, W.D. - Third contribution to the Snake Creek fauna.
64498: MATTHEW, W. D. - Climate and evolution. 2nd enlarged ed.
88514: MATTHEW, W.D. - Third contribution to the Snake Creek fauna.
61102: MATTHEW, W.D. & C.C. MOOK 1933. - New fossil mammals from the Deep River Beds of Montana.
61101: MATTHEW, WILLIAM DILLER 1932. - New fossil mammals from the Snake Creek quarries.
60471: MATTHEW, W.D. - Third contribution to the Snake Creek fauna.
99319: MATTHEW, W.D. - A review of the Rhinoceroses with a description of Aphelops material from the Pliocene of Texas.
9120361: MATTHEW, W.D. & J.R. MACDONALD - Two new species of Oxydactylus from the middle Miocene Rosebud Formation in western South Dakota.
50598: MATTHEWS, S.C. & V.V. MISSARZHEVSKY - Small shelly fossils of late Precambrian and early Cambrian age: a review of recent work.
78879: MATTHEWS, S.C. - Lapworthellids from the lower Cambrian limestone at Comley, Shropshire. [Tommotiida]
20970: MATTHEWS, S.C. - A new cephalopod fauna from the Lower Carboniferous of east Cornwall.
102444: MATTHEWS, S.C. & D. NAYLOR - Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from south-west Ireland.
102443: MATTHEWS, S.C. - A Lower Carboniferous conodont fauna from east Cornwall. & Two conodont faunas from the Lower Carboniferous of Chudleigh, south Devon.
95621: MATTHEWS, S.C. & D. NAYLOR - Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from south-west Ireland.
63910: MATTHEY, F. - Contribution à l'étude de l'évolution tardi- et postglaciaire de la végétation dans le Jura central.
94173: MATTHEY, F. - Contribution à l'étude de l'évolution tardi- et postglaciaire de la végétation dans le Jura central.
67604: MATTHIAS PRANGE, GERRIT LOHMANN, VANYA ROMANOVA, MARTIN BUTZIN - Modelling tempo-spatial signatures of Heinrich Events: influence of the climatic background state
67028: MATTI E. RäSäNEN, JUKKA S. SALO, HöGNE JUNGNER - Holocene floodplain lake sediments in the Amazon: 14C dating and palaeoecological use.
88596: MATTSON, ÅKE - Morphologische Studien in Südschweden und auf Bornholm über die nichtglaziale Formenwelt der Felsenskulptur.
94398: MATURA, A. ET AL. - Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000. Blatt 37 Mautern.
94399: MATURA, A. ET AL. - Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000. Blatt 38 Krems.
84495: MATZ, OTTO - Krystallinische Leitgeschiebe aus dem mecklenburgischen Diluvium. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bewegungsrichtung des diluvialen Inlandeises.
84205: MATZ, OTTO - Krystallinische Leitgeschiebe aus dem mecklenburgischen Diluvium. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bewegungsrichtung des diluvialen Inlandeises.
15639: MATZKE, A.T. & W.M. MAISCH 2004. - New information and specimens of Wuguia hutubeiensis (Reptilia: Testudines) from the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of the southern Junggar Basin (NW China).
15640: MATZKE, A.T. ET AL. 2004. - A new basal sinenydid turtle (Reptilia: Testudines) from the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of the Junggar Basin (NW China).
24717: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - La constitution géologique profonde du Synclinal de Luxembourg à la lumière des récents forages pétroliers.
6100121: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - Études stratigraphiques et paléontologiques sur la « Marne sableuse de Hondelange » (Lias inférieur et moyen) dans la province de Luxembourg. Avec une étude des Eoderoceratidae Lotharingiens et de deux formes du Lias moyen.
93711: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - Les ammonites aaléniennes, bajociennes et bathoniennes du Jura suisse septentrional. Ire Partie.
77270: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - Sur quelques ammonites rares ou nouvelles du Lias moyen de Belgique.
77250: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - Sur quelques ammonites du Lias de la Belgique, du Luxembourg et de la Lorraine septentrionale.
82856: MAUBEUGE, PIERRE L. - Oberservations géologiques dans l'est du Bassin de Paris (Terrains triassiques moyen, supérieur et jurassique inférieur, moyen).
1520297: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - Deux trouvailles de Cératites dans le « Calcaire coquillier » Lorrain.
6100373: MAUBEUGE, P.L. - Études stratigraphiques et paléontologiques sur la « Marne sableuse de Hondelange » (Lias inférieur et moyen) dans la province de Luxembourg. Avec une étude des Eoderoceratidae Lotharingiens et de deux formes du Lias moyen.
75643: MAUBEUGE, P.-L. - Sur quelques ammonites du Lias de la belgique, du Luxembourg et de la Lorraine septentrionale.
81023: MAUBEUGE, PIERRE L. - Les ammonites de la zone à Dactylioceras semicelatum-tenuicostatum dans l'est de la France et plus spécialement dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
7120108: MAUBEUGE, L. - Sur quelques ammonites de l' Aalénien ferrigineux du Luxembourg et sur l'échelle stratigraphique de la formation ferrifère franco-belge-luxembourgeoise.
24320: MAUL, L. ET AL. - Arvicola mosbachensis (Schmidtgen 1911) of Mosbach 2: a basic sample for the early evolution of the genus and a reference for further biostratigraphical studies.
1060688: MAULL, O. - Die bayerische Alpengrenze.
1540324: MAURENBRECHER, A.L.F.J. - Kolenpetrographische Studiën. Parallelisatie van de koollagen Grauweck, Senteweck, Rauschenwerk en Athwerk van het Nederl. mijngebied.
1530071: MAURENBRECHER, A.L.F.J. - Kolenpetrographische Studiën. Parallelisatie van de koollagen Grauweck, Senteweck, Rauschenwerk en Athwerk van het Nederlandsche Mijngebied.
87793: MAURER, G. - Les montagnes du Rif Central. Étude géomorphologique.
74152: MAURER, F. & R. RETTORI - Middle Triassic Formanifera from the Seceda core (Dolomites, Northern Italy).
85657: MAURER, FRIEDRICH - Die Fauna der Kalke von Waldgirmes bei Giessen. [atlas only]
82268: MAURETTE, LAURENT - Étude paléontologique du Rhinoceros leptorhinus du Pliocène inférieur de Millas (Pyrénées-Orientales) et des faunes du Pliocène en général.
19280: MAURIK, JAN VAN & P.-P. DE BAAR - Versch drinkwater voor de hoofdstad. Rapport over de onderscheidene middlen welke de stad Amsterdam ....
88686: MAURY, E. ET AL. - Réunion extraordinaire de las Société Géologique de France en Corse.
7050249: MÄUSER, M. ET AL. - Panzerfisch, Flugsaurier & Co. Ein Streifzug durch die Evolution der Wirbeltiere.
90705: MäUSER, MATTHIAS - Geologische und Paläontologische Untersuchungen an der altpleistozänen Säugetier-Fundstelle Würzburg-Schalksberg.
49579: MäUSSNEST, O. - Die Eruptionspunkte des Schwäbischen Vulkans.
90967: MäUSSNEST, OTTO - Der paläozäne Vulkanismus im Kraichgau.
94930: MAUTHE, F. - Das Subbetische Schollenland zwischen Olvera und Montellano (Prov. Cädiz und Sevilla, Südwestspanien).
93712: MAUVE, C. - Geologische Untersuchungen im Molésongebiet.
78738: MAUZ, J. - Zur Fauna der Unterkoblenz-Stufe.
83196: MAUZ, JOSEPH - Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Unterkoblenz- Stufe bei Oberstadtfeld und Koblenz.
103057: MAUZ, J. ET AL. - Die Mammut-Jagdstelle bei Polch, Kreis Mayen (Eifel).
103163: MAUZ, J. ET AL. - Die Mammut-Jagdstelle bei Polch, Kreis Mayen (Eifel).
67252: MAUZ, BARBARA - The onset of the Quaternary: a review of new findings in the Pliocene-Pleistocene chronostratigraphy.
102742: MAUZ, J. ET AL. - Die Mammut-Jagdstelle bei Polch, Kreis Mayen (Eifel).
23323: MAWSON, J. AND A. SMITH WOODWARD - On the Cretaceous Formation of Bahia (Brazil), and on Vertebrate Fossils collected therein.
21686: MAWSON, R. & J.A. TALENT - Silicified Early Devonian (Lochkovian) brachiopods from Windellama, southeastern Austyralia.
102445: MAWSON, RUTH - Early Devonian conodont faunas from the Buchan and Bindi, Victoria, Australia.
48909: MAXFIELD, E.B. - Foraminifera from the Mancos Shale of east central Utah. [Upper Cetaceous]
102049: MAXIA, C. - Geologia dei territori di Domusnovas e di Valermosa (Sardegna meridionale).
50931: MAXIA, C. - Geologia del dintorni di Castiglione (Rieti). I. Gasteropodi e le ammoniti del Malm superiore.
83935: MAXWELL, W.G.H. - An Upper Devonian brachiopod (Cyrtospirifer reidi sp. nov.) from the Mount Morgan District.
98892: MAXWELL, R.A. - The Big Bend of the Rio Grande.
98893: MAXWELL, R.A. - Geologic and historic guide to the state parks of Texas.
98894: MAXWELL, R.A. ET AL. - Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas.
10991168: MAXWELL, W.G.H. - Lower Carboniferous gastropods faunas from Old Cannindah, Queensland.
8110089: MAXWELL, W.G.H. - Tournaisian brachiopods from Baywulla, Queensland.
8110088: MAXWELL, W.G.H. - Upper Palaeozoic formations in the Mt. Morgan District - Stratigraphy and structure /&/ Faunas.
102185: MAXWELL, ROSS A. - The Big Bend of the Rio Grande. A guide to the rocks, geologic history, and settlers of the area of Big Bend National Park.
86903: MAXWELL, W.G.H. - Atlas of the Great Barrier Reef.
64829: MAY, ANDREAS - Der Massenkalk (Devon) nördlich von Brilon (Sauerland).
64562: MAY, ANDREAS - Stratigraphie, Stromatoporen-Fauna und Palökologie von Korallenkalken aus dem Ober-Eifelium und Unter-Givetium (Devon) des nordwestlichen Sauerlandes (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).
64561: MAY, ANDREAS - Stratigraphie, Stromatoporen-Fauna und Palökologie von Korallenkalken aus dem Ober-Eifelium und Unter-Givetium (Devon) des nordwestlichen Sauerlandes (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).
90857: MAY, ANDREAS - Verwitterungsbeständigkeit und Verwitterung von Naturbausteinen aus Kalkstein.
92174: MAY, ANDREAS - Der Massenkalk (Devon) nördlich Brilon (Sauerland).
103136: MAYALL, M.J. & M. COX - Deposition and diagenesis of Miocene limestones, Senkang Basin, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
94337: MAYERAT-DEMARNE, A.-M. - Analyse structurale de la zone frontale de la nappe du Tambo (Pennique, Grisons, Suisse).
85768: MAYHEW, D.F. ET AL. - Small mammal assemblages from the Quaternary succession at Moriaanshoofd (Zeeland, the Netherlands) and their significance for correlating the Oosterschelde fauna.
85755: MAYHEW, D.F. ET AL. - Small mammal assemblages from the Quaternary succession at Moriaanshoofd (Zeeland, the Netherlands) and their significance for correlating the Oosterschelde fauna.
10991676: MAYHEW, D.F. - The endemic Pleistocene murids of Crete.
22015: MAYHEW, D.F. - Revision of the fossil vole assemblage (Mammalia, Rodentia, Arvicolidae) from Pleistocene deposits at Kisláng, Hungary.
74538: MAYNARD SMITH, J. - On evolution.
98936: MAYNC, WOLF - Microbiostratigraphy of the Jurassic of Israel.
101553: MAYNC, WOLF - Microbiostratigraphy of the Jurassic of Israel.
56910: MAYO, N.A. - Das Problem der oberoligiozänen Nagetierart Archaeomys chinchilloides Gervais 1848 (Mammalia).
55955: MAYO, N.A. - Die Verschiedenaltrigkeit der fossilen Säugetierfaunen aus den Karstspalten des Quercy.
10991677: MAYO, N.A. - Revision of Neocnus minor, Arredondo, 1961 (Edentata, Megalonychidae) from the Pleistocene of Cuba.
99708: MAYOR, ADRIENNE - Fossil legends of the first Americans.
94931: MAYORAL, E. & S. CALDAZA - Reinterpretación deSpirographites ellipticus Astre, 1937 como una pista fósil de Artrópodos no marinos en el Cretácico superior (facies Garumn) del Prepirineo Catalán (NE. de España).
7348: MAYR, E. - Towards a new philosophy of biology. Observations of an evolutionist.
76523: MAYR, ERNST & RODOLPHE MEYER DE SCHAUENSEE - Zoological results of the Denison-Crockett South Pacific expedition 1937-1938. Part I. The birds of the island of Biak, Part IV. Birds from northwest New Guinea, Part V. Birds from the western Papuan Islands.
75410: MAYR, ERNST - Artbegriff und Evolution.
24296: MAYR, G. - A new basal galliform bird from the Middle Eocene of Messel (Hessen, Germany).
53250: MAYR, GERALD - The origins of crown group birds: molecules and fossils.
59610: MAYR, G. - Three-dimensionally preserved cranial remains of Elaphrocnemus (Aves, Cariamae) from the Paleogene Quercy fissure fillings in France.
59609: MAYR, G. - Phylogenetic affinities and composition of the Early Eocene Gracilitarsidae (Aves, ?Piciformes).
59608: MAYR, G. - A contribution to the osteology of the Middle Eocene ibis Rhynchaeites messelensis (Aves: Threskiornithidae: Rhynchaeitinae nov. subfam.).
51881: MAYR, F.X. - Paläobiologie und Stratinomie der Plattenkalk der Altmühlalb.
94174: MAYR, F. - Über den Beginn der Würnmeiszeit im Inntal bei Innsbruck.
51060: MAYR, G. - Coraciiforme und piciforme Kleinvögel aus dem Mittel-Eozän der Grube Messel (Hessen, Deutschland).
62110: MAYR, G. & M. DANIELS - Eocene parrots from Messel (Hessen, Germany) and the London Clay of Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex, England).
62111: MAYR, G. & D.S. PETERS - The mousebirds (Aves: Coliiformes) from the Middle Eocene of Grube Messel (Hessen, Germany).
21074: MAYR, G. & E. ZVONOK - Middle Eocene Pelagornithidae and Gaviiformes (Aves) from the Ukrainian Paratethys
90523: MAYR, GERALD - A remarkably complete skeleton from the London Clay provides insights into the morphology and diversity of early Eocene zygodactyl near-passerine birds.
9120011: MAYR, ERNST (ED.) - The problem of land connections across the south Atlantic, with special reference to the Mesozoic.
91787: MAYR, GERALD - The middle Eocene European ratite Palaeotis (Aves, Palaeognathae) restudied once more.
91788: MAYR, GERALD - The world's smallest owl, the earliest unambiguous charadriiform bird, and other avian remains from the early Eocene Nanjemoy Formation of Virginia (USA).
78822: MAZAK, V. & A.M. HUSSON - Einige Bemerkungen über den Kaplöwen, Panthera Leo melanochaitus (Ch.H. Smith, 1842).
99787: MAZáK, V. & Z. BURIAN - Der Urmensch und seine Vorfahren.
103181: MAZAR, B. ET AL. (EDS.) - The Holy Land. New light on the prehistory and early history of Israel.
76443: MAZAR, B. ET AL. - Archäologie auf dem Spuren des Christentums. Neue Ausgrabungen in Jerusalem.
76442: MAZAR, B. ET AL. - En-Gedi. The first and second seasons of excavations 1961-1962.
54555: MAZENOT, G. - Recherches malacologique sur le loess et les complexes loessique d’Alsace.
91746: MAZIN, JEAN MICHEL - Paleobiogeography of Triassic Ichthyopeterygian reptiles; some working hypotheses.
77054: MAZO, A.V. & P. MONTOYA - Proboscidea from the Upper Miocene of Crevillente (Alicante, Spain).
94932: MAZO, A.V. & P. MONTOYA - Proboscidea from the Upper Miocene of Crevillente (Alicante, Spain).
99320: MAZO, A.V. & P. MONTOYA - Proboscidea (Mammalia) from the Upper Miocene of Crevillente (Alicante, Spain).
90706: MAZO, A.V. & M.T. ALBERDI - Estudio descriptivo y taxonómico del mastodonte de Yuncos (Toledo).
91867: MAZO PEREZ, A.V. ET AL. - Le gisement à Anancus arvernensis d'Alcolea de Calatrava (Ciudad Real) dans le Ruscinien (Pliocène) de la Meseta espagnole.
101411: MAZUR, E. ET AL. (EDS.) - Geomorphological problems of Carpathians. I. Evolution of the relief in Tertiary.
93713: MAZURCZAK, L. - Zur Tektonik und Stratigraphie der Gruppe des Scheideggstockes bei Engelberg.
95026: MAZZA, P. & M. RUSTIONI - Neotype and phylogeny of the suid Eumaiochoerus etruscus (Michelotti) from Montebamboli (Grosseto, southern Tuscany).
90707: MAZZA, P. & M. RUSTIONI - Neotype and phylogeny of the suid Eumaiochoerus etruscus (Michelotti) from Montebamboli (Grosseto, southern Tuscany).
10991169: MCALESTER, A.L. - A new Devonian pelecypod from Alaska and its bearing on pterioid phylogeny. [Actinopteria taberi].
10991170: MCALESTER, A.L. - Revision of the type species of the Ordovician nuculoid pelecypod genus Tancrediopsis.
82615: MCALESTER, A. LEE - Systematics, affinities, and life habits of Babinka, a transitional Ordovician lucinoid bivalve.
5100238: MCALESTER, A. L. - Upper Devonian Pelecypods of the New York Chemung Stage.
91481: MCALESTER, A.L. - Pelecypods of the Snyder Creek Shale (Upper Devonian) of Missouri.
60279: MCBURNEY, C.B.M. - Archaeology and the Homo sapiens sapiens problem in northern Africa.
66993: A.M. MCCABE, G.F. DARDIS - A geological view of drumlins in Ireland.
66973: MCCABE, A.M. - Quaternary deposits and glacial stratigraphy in Ireland.
1520299: MCCALEB, J.A. ET AL. - Girtyoceratidae in the southern Midcontinent.
53377: MCCALL, G.J.H. - Froth flows in Kenya.
22103: MCCALL, G.J.H. - Tektites in the Geological Record: Showers of glass from the Sky.
95622: MCCALL, G.J.H. - The Dalradian geology of the Creeslough area, Co. Donegal.
99486: MCCANN, ANDREW J. & WINFRIED K. DALLMANN - Reactivation history of the long-lived Billefjorden Fault Zone in north central Spitsbergen, Svalbard
9050230: MCCARTAN, L. ET AL. - Studies related to the Charleston, South Carolina, earthquake of 1886. Neogene and Quaternary lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy.
9053020: MCCARTAN, L. ET AL. - Studies related to the Charleston, South Carolina, earthquake of 1886. Neogene and Quaternary lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy.
99840: MCCARTHY, F.D. - Rock engravings of the Sydney-Hawkesbury district. Pt. 1: Flat rock ridge: a Daruk ceremonial ground.
101291: MCCARTHY, B. - Trace fossils from a Permian shoreface-foreshore environment, eastern Australia.
5100593: MCCARTHY, F.D. - Rock engravings of the Sydney-Hawkesbury district. Pt. 1: Flat rock ridge: a Daruk ceremonial ground.
103954: MCCLELLAN, J.E. & H. DORN - Science and technology in world history, an introduction. 2nd ed.
97546: MCCLELLAN, WILLIAM A. - Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Waldron Shale (Niagaran) of southeast Indiana.
103095: MCCLENAGHAN, M.B. ET AL. (EDS.) - Drift exploration in glaciated terrain.
102900: MCCLENAGHAN, M.B. ET AL. (EDS.) - Drift exploration in glaciated terrain.
94282: MCCONNELL, R.B. - La nappe du Niesen et ses abords entre les Ormonts et la Sarine.
83248: MCCONNELL, R.G. & R.W. BROCK - Report on the great landslide at Frank, Alberta.
103518: MCCONNELL, B. ET AL. (COMP.) - Geology of Ireland 1:1.000.000 scale.
60785: MCCORMICK, TIM AND RICHARD A. FORTEY - The Ordovician Trilobite Carolinites, A Test Case for Microevolution in A Macrofossil Lineage.
56660: MCCRACKEN, A.D. & T.E. BOLTON (EDS.) - Geology and paleontology of the southeast Arctic platform and southern Baffin Island, Nunavut.
86396: MCDONALD, D.A. & R.C. SURDAM (EDS.) - Clastic diagenesis.
86395: MCDONALD, I. ET AL. (EDS.) - Mineral deposits and earth evolution.
86356: MCDONALD, I. ET AL. (EDS.) - Mineral deposits and earth evolution.
101658: MCDONALD, A.I. & A.E. TRUEMAN - The evolution of certain Liassic gastropods, with special reference to their use in stratigraphy.
98522: MCDONALD, J.A. (ED.) - Silver vein deposits. Proc. GAC-MAC Ann. Meet. May 14, 1984.
90708: MCDONALD, H.G. ET AL. - First record of Meizonyx salvadorensis (Mammalia: Xenarthra: Pilosa) from the late Pleistocene of Mexico and its evolutionary implications.
1340321: MCDOUGALL, K. - Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifers of the HLA borehole series, Beaufort Sea shelf, Alaska.
1340322: MCDOUGALL, K. ET AL. - Micropaleontology and sedimentology of the PB borehole series, Prudoc Bay, Alaska.
86306: MCELHINNY, M.W. & D.A. VALENCIO (EDS.) - Paleoreconstructions of the continents.
99381: MCELHINNY, M.W. & D.A. VALENCIO (EDS.) - Paleoreconstructions of the continents.
57465: MCELROY, M.B. - The atmospheric environment. Effects of human activity.
73450: MCEWAN, E.D. - A study of the brachiopod genus Platystrophia.
50708: MCGHEE, G.R. - Late Devonian benthic marine communities of the central Appalachian Allegheny Front.
91370: MCGHEE, G.R. - Geometry of evolution in the biconvex Brachiopoda: morphological effects of mass extinction.
96453: MCGILL, PETER - Upper and Middle Devonian ostracodes from the Beaverhill Lake Formation, Alberta, Canada.
96454: MCGILL, PETER - Ostracods of probable Late Givetian age from Slave Point Formation, Alberta.
97619: MCGILL, PETER - Ostracods of probable Late Givetian age from Slave Point Formation, Alberta.
96127: MCGOWAN, C. - The cranial morphology of the Lower Liassic latipinnate ichthyosaurs of Engand.
96128: MCGOWAN, C. - A new species of large, long-snouted ichthyosaur from the English lower Lias.
88147: MCGOWAN, C. - The cranial morphology of the Lower Liassic latipinnate ichthyosaurs of Engand.
96129: MCGOWAN, C. AND A.C. MILNER - A new Pliensbachian icthyosaur from Dorset, England.
84055: MCGOWAN, C. - The description and phenetic relationships of a new Ichthyosaur from the Upper Jurassic of England.
86246: MCGOWAN, C. - The systematics of Cretaceous ichthyosaurs with particular reference to the material from North America.
10991337: MCGOWAN, A.J. & A.B. SMITH - Ammonoids across the Permian/Triassic boundary: a cladistic perspective.
15642: MCGOWAN, C. - The ichthyosaurian tail: sharks do not provide an appropriate analogue.
1450624: MCGOWAN, C. - Leptopterygius tenuirostris and other long-snouted ichthyosaurs from the English Lower Lias.
59247: MCGOWRAN, B. & A. BEECROFT - Guembelitria in the Early Tertiary of southern Australia and its palaeooceanographuic significance.
98873: MCGREGOR, D.C. ET AL. - Fossils of the Ordovician Red River formation (Cat Head Member), Manitoba.
96455: MCGREGOR, D.L. & R.V. KESLING - Copulatory adaptations in ostracods. Part I. Hemipenes of Candona, Part II. Adaptations in living ostracods, Part III. Adaptations in some extinct ostracods.
97620: MCGREGOR, D.L. & R.V. KESLING - Copulatory adaptations in ostracods. Part I. Hemipenes of Candona, Part II. Adaptations in living ostracods, Part III. Adaptations in some extinct ostracods.
63912: MCGREGOR, D.C. & M. CAMFIELD - Middle Devonian miospores from the Cape de Bray, Weatherall, and Hecla Bay formations of northeastern Melville Island, Canadian Arctic.
65087: MCGREGOR, D.C. - Devonian spores from Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
98415: MCGREGOR, D.C. ET AL. - Fossils of the Ordovician Red River formation (Cat Head Member), Manitoba.
92685: MCGREW, P.O. ET AL. - The geology and paleontology of the Elk Mountain and Tabernacle Butte area, Wyoming. [Eocene amphibians, reptiles and mammals].
93155: MCGREW, P.O. ET AL. - The geology and paleontology of the Elk Mountain and Tabernacle Butte area, Wyoming. [Eocene amphibians, reptiles and mammals].
103435: MCGUIRE, BILL - Waking the giant. How a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes.
103268: MCGUIRT, J.H. - Louisiana Tertiary bryozoa.
2367: MCGUIRT, J.H. - Louisiana Tertiary bryozoa.
95623: MCHENRY, A. & W.W. WATTS - Guide to the collections of rocks and fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland.
81630: MCINTOSH, JOHN S. AND DAVID S. BERMAN - Description of the Palate and Lower Jaw of the Sauropod Dinosaur Diplodocus (Reptilia: Saurischia) with Remarks on the Nature of the Skull of Apatosaurus.
48992: MCINTOSH, M.J. - Some Scottish Carboniferous davidsoniacean brachiopods.
55872: MCINTOSH, J.S. - Annotated catalogue of the dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosaurs) in the collections of Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
97672: MCINTOSH, G.C. & R.L. SCHREIBER - Morphology and taxonomy of the Middle Devonian crinoid Ancyrocrinus bulbosus Hall 1862.
83444: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. ET AL. - Notes on Eocene Mammalia and Mollusca from Tabernacle Butte, Wyoming.
83443: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. & J.D. LOVE - High-level strata containing early Miocene mammals on the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming.
60987: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. ET AL. 1986. - Prosarcodon lonanensis, a new Paleocene micropternodontid palaeoryctoid insectivore from Asia.
60986: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. 1961. - On the shoulder girdle of the mammalian subclass Allotheria.
83776: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. - Synopsis of Whitneyan and Arikareean camelid phylogeny.
60850: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. 1962. - Eupetaurus and the living petauristine sciurids.
83683: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. - Leptacodon, an American Paleocene nyctithere (Mammalia, Insectivora).
83619: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. - New evidence against tupaioid affinities of the mammalian family Anagalidae.
83522: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. - Primitive Paleocene and EoceneAapatemyidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) and the primate-insectivore boundary.
83521: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. - On the shoulder girdle of the mammalian subclass Allotheria.
61104: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. 1963. - New evidence against tupaioid affinities of the mammalian family Anagalidae.
61103: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. 1960. - A continental Paleocene vertebrate fauna from California.
1060304: MCKENNA, M.C. ET AL. - Earliest eutherian mammal skull from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian) of Uzbekistan.
9120368: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. - Leptacodon, an American Paleocene nyctithere (Mammalia, Insectivora).
9120369: MCKENNA, MALCOLM C. & HOLTON, CHARLOTTE P. - A new insectivore from the Oligocene of Mongolia and a new subfamily of hedgehogs.
59335: MCKENZIE, KEN G., CHEN PEI-JI & STEFAN MAJORAN - Almatium gusevi (Chernyshev 1940): Redescription, shield-shapes; and speculations on the reproductive mode (Branchiopoda, Kazacharthra).
20610: MCKERROW, W.S. ET AL. - Palaeoecological studies in the Great Oolite at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire.
1060170: MCKINNEY, F.K. & P.N. WYSE JACKSON - The tangled core at the heart of the bryozoan suborder Phylloporinina.
28199: MCKINNEY, F.K. ET AL. - Flow and polypide distribution in the cheilostome bryozoan Bugula and their inference in Archimedes.
42805: MCKINNEY, F.K. AND H.W. GAULT - Paleoenvironment of Late Mississippian fenestrate bryozoans, eastern United States.
79910: MCKINNEY, FRANK K. - The Devonian Fenestrate Bryozoan Utropora Pocta.
10991018: MCKINNEY, F.K. AND PAUL D. TAYLOR - Life histories of some Mesozoic encrusting cyclostome bryozoans.
62628: MCLAREN, D.J. ET AL. - Illustrations of Canadian fossils. Devonian of Western Canada. Invertebrates.
10991559: MCLAREN, I.A. - On the origin of the Caspian and Baikal Seals and the paleoclimatological implication.
21687: MCLAREN, D.J. - Middle and Early Upper Devonian rhynchonelloid brachiopods from western Canada.
99147: MCLEAN, JAMES D. - The foraminifera of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated mollusks. [Miocene]
78852: MCLEAN, R.A. - Chonophyllinid corals from the Silurian of New South Wales.
95796: MCLEAN, A.C. & C.E. DEEGAN (EDS.) - The solid geology of the Clyde Sheet (55oN/6oW).
2371: MCLEAN, R.A. - Eary Silurian (Late Llandovery) rugose corals from western North Greenland.
2370: MCLEAN, R.A. - Middle Devonian Cystiphyllid Corals from the Hume Formation, northwestern Canada.
23194: MCLEAN, R.A. - The rugose coral Pachyphyllum Edwards and Haime in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of Western Canada.
10990966: MCLEAN, R.A. - Chonophyllinid corals from the Silurian of New South Wales.
97545: MCLEAN, JAMES D. - The foraminifera of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated mollusks. [Miocene].
1340324: MCLEAN, J.D. - The foraminifera of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated mollusks.
99165: MCLEAN, JAMES D. - The Ostracoda of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia. [Miocene].
102912: MCLELLAN, H.J. - Elements of physical oceanography.
62943: MCLOUGHHLIN, S. & K. MCNAMARA - Ancient floras of Western Australia.
63790: MCLOUGHLIN, J. - Archosauria. A new look at the old dinosaur. [popular].
91114: MCLOUGHLIN, S. & B.P. KEAR (INTRO) - Australian Cretaceous biota.
92270: MCLOUGHLIN, S. (INTRO) - Special studies in Austral Cenozoic palaeontology.
92271: MCLOUGHLIN, S. (INTRO) - Austral Cretaceous-Paleogene palaeontology.
92272: MCLOUGHLIN, S. & B.P. KEAR (INTRO) - Australian Cretaceous biota.
81310: MCMAHON, C.A. & W.H. HUDLESTON - Fossils from the Hindu Khoosh. Part I & II. [Devonian]
58461: MCMICHAEL, D.F. - Non-marine Mollusca from tertiary rocks in Northern Territory.
62945: MCMINN, ANDREW ET AL. - Diatom analysis of late Holocene sediment cores from Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania.
1060171: MCNAIR, A.H. - Cryptostomatous Bryozoa from the Middle Devonian Traverse Group of Michigan.
96720: MCNAIR, ANDREW H. - Cryptostomatous Bryozoa from the Middle Devonian Traverse Group of Michigan.
101612: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Taxonomy, evolution, and functional morphology of southern Australian Tertiary hemiasterid echinoids.
101611: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Taxonomy and evolution of the Cainozoic spantangoid echinoid Protenaster.
60862: MCNAMARA, K.J. ET AL. - Ontogeny and heterochrony in the Early Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobites Changaspis, Duyunaspis and Balangia from China.
42721: MCNAMARA, K.J. & D.M. RUDKIN - Techniques of trilobite exuviation.
42720: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Evolutionary trends and their functional significance in chasmopine trilobites.
59317: MCNAMARA, K.J. ET AL. - Tertiary brissid echionoids of Southern Australia.
65176: MCNAMARA, MARIA E. BART E. VAN DONGEN, ET AL. - Fossilization of melanosomes via sulfurization.
11339: MCNAMARA, K. - Paedomorphosis in Scottish olenellid trilobites (early Cambrian).
11340: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Trilobites from the Coniston Limestone Group (Ashgill Series) of the Lake District, England.
11341: MCNAMARA, K.J. AND N.H. TREWIN. - A euthycarcinoid arthropod from the Silurian of Western Australia.
10990765: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Taxonomy and evolution of the Cainozoic spantangoid echinoid Protenaster.
10990766: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Taxonomy, evolution, and functional morphology of southern Australian Tertiary hemiasterid echinoids.
95625: MCNAMARA, K.J. - Trilobites from the Coniston Limestone Group (Ashgill Series) of the Lake District, England.
95624: MCNAMARA, K. - Paedomorphosis in Scottish olenellid trilobites (early Cambrian).
82664: MCNEILL ALEXANDER, R. - All-time giants: the largest animals and their problems.
83672: MCNEILL ALEXANDER, R. - All-time giants: the largest animals and their problems.
103105: MCPHEE, JOHN - Rising from the plains.
103797: MCPHEE, JOHN - Annals of a former world.
91747: MCPHEE, BLAIR W. ET AL. - Reassessment of Unaysaurus tolentinoi (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic (early Norian) of Brazil, with a consideration of the evidence for monophyly within non-sauropodan sauropodomorphs.
100022: MCRAE, S.G. - Glauconite.
91482: MCROBERTS, CHRISTOPHER A. - A silicified Late Triassic (Norian) bivalve molluscan fauna from the Alexander Terrane, southeastern Alaska.
98559: MCSWEEN, HARRY Y. - Stardust to planets. A geological tour of the solar system.
66998: MCTAINSH, G.H. - Quaternary aeolian dust processes and sediments in the Australian region.
95797: MEADOWS, N.S. ET AL (ERDS.) - Petroleum geology of the Irish Sea and adjacent areas.
95626: MEADOWS, N.S. ET AL (ERDS.) - Petroleum geology of the Irish Sea and adjacent areas.
67743: MEBUS A. GEYH, HELMUT MüLLER - Numerical 230Th/U dating and a palynological review of the Holsteinian/Hoxnian Interglacial
10990967: MEDD, A.W. - Dionella gen. nov. (superfamily Membraniporacea) from the Upper cretaceous of Europe.
1540008: MEDEDELINGEN RIJKS GEOLOGISCHE DIENST (NIEUWE SERIE) 19, - Geological bibliography of the Netherlands, period 1949-1964.
94784: MEDINA, ALíA ET AL. - Guadarrama, Massif de Penaalara et variation El Escorial-Manzanares el Real.
94933: MEDINA-VAREA, P. ET AL. - Early Serpukhovian conodonts from the Guadiato area (Córdoba, Spain).
89744: MEDIOLI, F.S. & D.B. SCOTT - Holocene Arcellacea (Thecamoebians) from Eastern Canada.
103753: MEDIZZA, F. - I generi Bolivinoides, Aragonia e Neoflabellina (Foraminifera) nelle formazioni Cretaceo-Eoceniche del Veneto.
103752: MEDIZZA, FABIO - Ricerche micropaleontologico-stratigrafiche sulle formazioni al limite tra Cretaceo e Terziario nell'alta valle del Chiampo (Lessini orientali).
103229: MEDIZZA, FABIO - Ricerche micropaleontologico-stratigrafiche sulle formazioni al limite tra Cretaceo e Terziario nell'alta valle del Chiampo (Lessini orientali).
103230: MEDIZZA, F. - I generi Bolivinoides, Aragonia e Neoflabellina (Foraminifera) nelle formazioni Cretaceo-Eoceniche del Veneto.
76455: MEDLEY, M. - T'ang pottery.
44358: MéDUS, J. ET AL. - Sedimentology, pollen, spores and diatoms of a 148 m deep miocene drill hole from Oku Lake, east central Nigeria.
22058: MEDUS J. - Palynostratigraphie des zones à Alveolina primaeva, A. levis et A. cucumiformis dans les Pyrénées.
1060363: MÉDUS, J. - Des palynoflores de l'Infralias de Normandie (France).
18654: MEDWELL, L.M. - A review and revision of the flora of the Victorian Lower Jurassic.
93714: MEDWENITSCH, WALTER - Die Geologie der Salzlagerstätten Bad Ischl und Alt-Aussee (Salzkammergut).
9050231: MEDWENITSCH, W. - Zur Geologie der süditalienischen Vulkane. Exkursionsführer.
45725: MEEKES, J.A.C. ET AL. - Geofysische technieken voor grondonderzoek.
56192: MEENE, A.E. VAN DE - Geology and geomorphology of a fossil aeolian landschape in the Liemers (Eastern Netherlands).
1530184: MEENE, E.A. VAN DE. - Toelichting bij de Geologische Kaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad Arnhem Oost (40 O).
1060515: MEENE, E.A. VAN DE, ET AL. - Toelichting bij de Geologische Kaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad Utrecht Oost (31 O).
28988: MEENE, J.W.H. VAN DE - The shoreface-connected ridges along the central Dutch coast.
67088: MEER, J.J.M. VAN DER - Microscopic evidence of subglacial deformation.
54175: MEER, P. VAN DER - The chronology of ancient western Asia and Egypt. 2nd rev. ed.
99953: MEER, RAYMOND VAN DER - De Neushoorn.
1530156: MEER, J.J.M. VAN DER, ET AL. - Sedimentology and genesis of glacial deposits in the Goudsberg, central Netherlands.
101659: MEER MOHR, J.C. V.D. - Ethno-conchyliologische aanteekeningen.
100915: MEER MOHR, J.C. V.D. - Ethno-conchyliologische aanteekeningen.
94934: MEER MOHR, C.G. VAN DER - The stratigraphy of the Cambrian Lancara Formation between the Luna River and the Esla River in the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain.
9051036: MEER, P. VAN DER - The ancient chronology of western Asia and Egypt.
103436: MEERBEECK, CéDRIC VAN - Modelling abrupt glacial climate change. On the expression of millennial-scale events over Europe and the North Atlantic region during Marine Isotope Stage 3.
84302: MEESSEN, J.H.M. E.A. - Wiek en rad. Mozoïek van molens in Limburg.
93715: MéGARD-GALLI, J. - Étude stratigraphique et tectonique de Monte Boulliagna (haut Val d'Acceglio, Italie).
76414: MEGAW, J.V.S. - Art of the European Iron Age. A study of the elusive image.
86652: MéGNIEN, C. (ED.) - Synthèse géologique du Bassin de Paris. Vol. I. Stratigraphie et paléogéographie, Vol. II. Atlas, Vol. III. Lexique des noms de formation. [3 vols.].
57776: MéGNIEN, F. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Fère-Champenoise (224/XXVIII-15).
96456: MéHES, GY. - [ Die eozänen Ostracoden der Umgebung von Budapest ]
97621: MéHES, GY. - [ Die eozänen Ostracoden der Umgebung von Budapest ]
50847: MEHL, D., J.K. RIGBY & S. HOLMES - Hexactinellid sponges from the Silurian-Devonian Roberts Mountains Formation in Nevada and hypotheses of hexactine-stauractine origin.
90040: MEHL, DORTE & NORBERT HAUSCHKE - Hyalonema cretacea n. sp., erste körperlich erhaltene Amphidiscophora (Porifera, Hexactinellida) aus dem Mesozoikum.
24374: MEHROTA N.C. AND SARJEANT W.A.S. - Early to Middle Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts from the Periyavadavadi shallow Well-1, Cauvery Basin, India.
24113: MEHROTA N.C. AND SARJEANT W.A.S. - Early to Middle Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts from the Periyavadavadi shallow Well-1, Cauvery Basin, India.
1060060: MEHROTRA, N.C. & W.A.S. SARJEANT - Early to Middle Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts from the Periyavadavadi shallow well-1, Cauvery Basin, India.
9540023: MEIER, M.F. - Mode of flow of Saskatchewan Glacier, Alberta, Canada.
89093: MEIJER, T. - Notes on Quaternary freshwater Mollusca of The Netherlands, with descriptions of some new species.
1540635: MEIJER, T. & R.C. PREECE - Malacological evidence relating to the stratigraphical position of the Cromerian.
1540634: MEIJER, T. - Aantekeningen over de Bithyniidae (Gastropoda, Streptoneura) in het Nederlandse Kwartair.
89376: MEIJER, T. - Notes on Quaternary freshwater Mollusca of The Netherlands, with descriptions of some new species.
1540494: MEIJER, R. - Een palynologisch onderzoek van twee geologische profielen uit de omgeving van Bergharen (Gld.).
6100123: MEIJER, T. & R.C. PREECE - Malacological evidence relating to the stratigraphical position of the Cromerian.
96073: MEIJER, T. & R.C. PREECE - Malacological evidence relating to the insularity of the British Isles during the Quaternary.
10991172: MEIJER, T. - De land- en zoetwatermollusken van de opgespoten terreinen in het Noordzeekanaalgebied en de Zaanstreek (Nederland, Provincie Noord-Holland).
10991174: MEIJER, T. & R.C. PREECE - A review of the occurrence of Corbicula in the Pleistocene of North-West Europe.
56193: MEIJER, T. - De molluskenfauna van enkele jong-holocene afzettingen in de IJ-Polders bij Amsterdam.
54904: MEIJER, T. - References of relevant publications about Pliocene and Early Pleistocene deposits in the Netherlands.
55716: MEIJER, T. - De molluskenfauna van enkele jong-holocene afzettingen in de IJ-Polders bij Amsterdam.
79495: MEIJER, T. - Aantekeningen over de Bithyniidae (Gastropa, Streptoneura) in het Nederlandse Kwartair.
21832: MEIJER, T. - Holocene molluskenfauna's uit de Stevenshofjespolder in Leiden.
103029: MEIJER, J.J. DE - Carbonate petrology of algal limestones (Lois-Ciquera Formation, Upper Carboniferous, León, Spain).
94935: MEIJER, J.J. DE - Carbonate petrology of algal limestones (Lois-Ciquera Formation, Upper Carboniferous, León, Spain).
46721: MEIJER, R. - Een palynologisch onderzoek van twee geologische profielen uit de omgeving van Bergharen (Gld.).
10992003: MEIJER, T. - De land- en zoetwatermollusken van de opgespoten terreinen in het Noordzeekanaalgebied en de Zaanstreek (Nederland, Provincie Noord-Holland).
10992004: MEIJER, T. - Holocene molluskenfauna's uit de Stevenshofjespolder in Leiden.
10992005: MEIJER, T. & R.C. PREECE - A review of the occurrence of Corbicula in the Pleistocene of North-West Europe.
1540325: MEIJERING, J.J. & P. V.D. PLOEG - Landschapsbeeld in de provincie Groningen.
56662: MEIJKNECHT, J.G. - Gregor Mendel, de ontdekker der erfelijkheidswetten.
63177: MEIJS, E.P.M. - The Veldwezelt site (province of Limburg, Belgium): environmental and stratigraphical interpretations.
83438: MEIN, P. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Une nouvelle classification des Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Tertiaire de l'Europe.
88167: MEIN, P. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Les Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Néogène Moyen de Vieux-Collognes, Partie 1: Le genre Cricetodon Lartet, 1851.
84390: MEIN, P. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Les Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Néogène Moyen de Vieux-Collognes, Partie 1: Le genre Cricetodon Lartet, 1851.
88515: MEIN, P. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Les Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Néogène Moyen de Vieux-Collognes, Partie 1: Le genre Cricetodon Lartet, 1851.
28516: MEIN, P. ET AL. - Progonomys Schaub, 1938 and Huerzelerimys gen. nov. (Rodentia); their evolution in Western Europe.
1440267: MEIN, P. & L. GINSBURG - Les mammifères du gisement miocène inférieur de Li Mae Long, Thailande: systématrique, biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnement.
21120: MEIN, P. - Les sciuroptères (Mammalia, Rodentia) néogènes d’Europe occidentale.
84091: MEIN, P. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Les Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Néogène Moyen de Vieux-Collognes, Partie 1: Le genre Cricetodon Lartet, 1851.
91868: MEIN, P. & M. FREUDENTHAL, - Les Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Néogène Moyen de Vieux-Collonges. Partie 2: Cricetodontinae incertae sedis, Melissiodontinae, Platacanthomyinae, et Anomalomyinae.
102145: MEINHOLD, K.-D. - Petrographie, Metamorphose, Tektonik und stratigraphische Stellung der Konse-Serie in Zentral-Tanzania (Ostafrika).
10992094: MEINHOLD, G ET AL. - Geochemistry and palynology of metasediments from the phyllite complex in the Greiz area (Saxo-Thuringia, Germany).
60280: MEIRING, A.J.D. - The macrolithic culture of Florisbad.
1440268: MEIRING, A.J.D. - Fossil proboscidian teeth and ulna from Virginia, O.F.S.
85413: MEISCHKE, R. ET AL. - Thuis in de middeleeuwen. Het Nederlands burgerinterieur 1400-1535.
56742: MEISCHNER, DIETER - Reedops Rud. & E. Richter 1925 aus dem Rheinischen Schiefergebirge (Kellerwald) und Harz (Trilobitae, Unter- bis Mitteldevon.
91160: MEISCHNER, T. & O. ELICKI - Fazielle Analyse einer oberkretazischen Foraminiferen-Mikrofauna im Profil Hoppenstedt (Subhercynes Becken).
78450: MEISEL, F. - Wandlungen des Weltbildes und des Wissens von der Erde.
102061: MEISSNER, BERND - Das Neogen von Ost-Samos. Sedimentationsgeschichte und Korrelation.
76853: MEISTER, C. ET AL. - Ammonites des Terres Noires et des Grands Causses. T. III. Carixien-Toarcien supérieur, Lias du Massif central (Aveyron-Lozère-Hérault).
75644: MEISTER, ERNST - Zur Kenntnis der Ammonitenfauna der portugiesischen Lias.
52075: MEISTER, CHRISTIAN, VU KHUC, DANG TRAN HUYEN & PETER DOYLE - Les ammonites et les bélemnites du Jurassique inférieur de Huu Niên, province de Quang Nam, Viêt Nam Central.
94175: MEISTER, J. - Das Schaffhauser Diluvium.
99225: MEISTER, CHRISTIAN - L'évolution parallèle des Juraphyllitidae euroboréaux et téthysiens au Pliensbachien: le rôle des contraintes internes et externes.
57339: MEKEL, J.F.M. - The geological interpretation of radar images.
57338: MEKEL, J.F.M. - The use of aerial photographs and other images in geological mapping. [2 vols., 2nd rev. ed.].
51399: MEKKINK, P. - De bodemgesteldheid van bosreservaten. Deel 1. Bosreservaat De Heul.
88047: MELCHIN, M.J. - Morphology and phylogeny of some Early Silurian 'diplograptid' genera from Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada.
47475: MELCHIOR, A. - We hebben een mammoet. De eerste mensen in het land van Dordogne.
84933: MELCHOR, RICARDO NESTOR & SILVIA NéLIDA CéSARI - Permian floras from Carapacha Basin, central Argentina. Description and importance.
21833: MELDAHL, K.H. AND K.W. FLESSA - Taphonomic pathways and comparative biofacies and taphofacies in a Recent intertidal/shallow shelf environment. [molluscs].
7120004: MELÉNDEZ, G. (ED.) - Tafonomá y fosilizaciòn - Taphonomy and fossilization.
94625: MELéNDEZ, G. (INTRO) - Taphonomy and fossilization.
94626: MELéNDEZ, G. (ED.) - Jurassic stratigraphy and paleogeography.
94936: MELENDEZ MELENDEZ, BERMUDO - Los terrenos cambricos de la Peninsula Hispanica.
103693: MELENDEZ HEVIA, F. ET AL. - Excursiones geologicas por la region central de España.
101292: MELéNDEZ HEVIA, G. ET AL. (EDS.) - Il Reunion de Tafonomía y Fosilización.
93135: MELENTIS, J.K. - Die pleistozänen Cerviden des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Griechenland).
93136: MELENTIS, J.K. - Studien über fossile Vertebraten Griechelands 4-7. [Nashörner, Hippopotamus, Sus scrofa, Boviden]
55956: MELENTIS, J.K. - Studien über fossile Vertebraten Griechenlands 10-18.
506362: MELENTIS, J.K. - Die pleistozänen Cerviden des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Griechenland).
506365: MELENTIS, J.K. - Studien über fossile Vertebraten Griechenlands. 20. Orthogonoceros verticornis aus dem altpleistozän des Beckens von Haliakmon (Griechenland).
92782: MELENTIS, J.K. - Studien über fossile Vertebraten Griechelands 4-7. [Nashörner, Hippopotamus, Sus scrofa, Boviden]
92781: MELENTIS, J.K. - Die pleistozänen Cerviden des Beckens von Megalopolis im Peloponnes (Griechenland).
92783: MELENTIS, J.K. - Die Pikermifauna von Halmyropotamos (Euböa, Griechenland). 1. Teil. Odontologie und Kraniologie, 2. T. Osteologie.
48834: MéLIDA, J.R. - Arqueología Española. 2nd ed., reimpr.
100463: MELLARS, PAUL - The Neanderthal legacy. An archaeological perspective from Western Europe.
99788: MELLARS, P. & C. STRINGER (EDS.) - The human revolution. Behavioural and biological perspectives in the origins of modern humans.
11342: MELLER, B. ET AL. - First beetle Elytra, abdomen (Coleoptera) and a mine tracé from Lunz (Carnian, Late Triassic, Lunz-am-See, Austria) and their taphonomical and evolutionary aspects.
9120374: MELLETT, JAMES SILVAN & SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - Kennatherium shirensis (Mammalia, Palaeoryctoidea), a new didymoconid from the Eocene of Asia.
7050861: MELLINK, A. - Het leven der zee.
1340328: MELLO, J.F. - Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the upper part of the Pierre Shale and lower part of the Fox Hills Sandstone (Cretaceous), north-central South Dakota.
44042: MELNIKOVA, GALINA K. AND EWA RONIEWICZ - Contribution to the systematics and phylogeny of Amphiastraeina (Scleractinia).
88559: MéLON, J. - Description des chlorites et clintonites belges.
88661: MéLON, J. - Description des chlorites et clintonites belges.
84808: MELOU M. - Isorthidae (Brachiopoda) du Dévonien inférieur du Massif Armoricain.
53164: MéLOU, MICHEL, LHACèNE OULEBSIR & FLORENTIN PARIS - Brachiopodes et chitinozoaires ordoviciens dans le NE du Sahara algérien: Implications stratigraphiques et paléogéographiques.
48993: MELOU, M. - Le genre Aegiromena (Brachiopode, Dtrophomenida) dans l’Ordovicien du Massif armoricain (France).
21688: MéLOU, M. - Le genre Heterorthina (Brachiopoda, Orthida) dans la formation des schistes de Postolonnec (Ordovicien), Finistère, France.
75533: MELVILLE, R.V. - Dentition and relationships of the echinoid genus Pygaster Agassiz 1836.
83767: MELVILLE, R.V. - Dentition and relationships of the echinoid genus Pygaster J.L.R. Agassiz, 1836.
97075: MELZEN, G.D. VAN - Zwerfstenen .... Stenen met een verleden!
24077: MEMBERS OF THE UNION PACIFIC EXPEDITION - The fossil fields of Wyoming [cover title: Fossil discoveries in Wyoming].
82823: MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. - Figures and descriptions of British organic remains Decade IV. [Echinoidea]
6081: MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM - Figures and descriptions illustrative of British organic remains. Decade V;
49580: MEMPEL, G. - Die Gliederung des Kulms in der Sösemulde und die Kulmkonglomerate im Oberharz.
22370: MEMPEL, G. - Die marsische Phase der bretonischen Faltung in der Attendorn-Elsper Mulde.
47021: MEMPEL, G. - Stratigraphie und Tektonik des flözführenden Unterkarbons von Dobrilugk-Kirchhain (Niederlausitz).
102019: MENARDI NOGUERA, A. & G. REA - Deep structure of the Campanian-Lucanian Arc (Southern Apennine, Italy).
100559: MENCHER, E. ET AL. - Geology of Venezuela and its oil fields.
73498: MENCKE, E. - Zur Altersfrage des Capsien.
60523: [ MENDEL ] MEIJKNECHT, J.G. - Gregor Mendel, de ontdekker der erfelijkheidswetten.
103694: MENDEZ-BEDIA, I. - Biofacies y litofacies de la formacion Moniello-Santa Lucia (Devonico de la Cordillera Cantabrica, NW de España).
48835: MENéNDEZ, J.F. - La necrópolisdolménica de la Sierra Plana de Vidiago.
94937: MENENDEZ AMOR, J. & W.J. JONGMANS - Contribución al conocimiento de la flora carbonifera de Asturias.
6083: MENESINI, E. - Gli echinidi mioceniciu delle Arenarie di Ponsano (Volterra Prov. di Pisa).
28425: MENG, J. ET AL. - The osteology of Rhombomylus (Mammalia, Glires): implications for phylogeny and evolution of Glires.
83539: MENGEL, OCTAVE - Observations géologique sur la partie Sud-Est des Corbières (région de Maury et Estagel).
57777: MéNILLET, F. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Chartres (255/XXI-16).
57775: MéNILLET, F. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Nogent-le-Roi (217/XXI-15).
88184: MENKE, B. - Pliozäne und ältestquartäre Sporen- und Pollenflora von Schleswig-Holstein.
24376: MENKE, B. - Vegetationsgeschichte und Florenstratigraphie Nordwestdeutschlands im Pliozän und Frühquartär. Mit einem Beitrag zur Biostratigraphie des Weichselfrühglazials.
1876: MENKE, B. - Geobotanische und geochemische Untersuchungen an einem Tropfprofil zur Frage natürlicher und anthropogener Elementverfrachtungen.
76179: MENKE, BUCHARD - Vegetationsgeschichte, und Florenstratigraphie in Norddeutschland im Pliozän und Frühquartär.
75740: MENKE, BUCHARD - Vegetationsgeschichte, und Florenstratigraphie in Norddeutschland im Pliozän und Frühquartär.
85227: MENKE, B. - Ergebnisse der Pollenanalyse zur Pleistozän-Stratigraphie und zur Pliozän-Pleistozän-Grenze in Schleswig-Holstein.
87705: MENKE, BUCHARD - Vegetationsgeschichte, und Florenstratigraphie in Norddeutschland im Pliozän und Frühquartär.
87469: MENKE, BUCHARD - Vegetationsgeschichte, und Florenstratigraphie in Norddeutschland im Pliozän und Frühquartär.
101952: MENKE, BURCHARD - Geobotanische und geochemische Untersuchungen an einem Tropfprofil zur Frage natürlicher und anthropogener Elementverfrachtungen.
101739: MENKE, BURCHARD - Geobotanische und geochemische Untersuchungen an einem Tropfprofil zur Frage natürlicher und anthropogener Elementverfrachtungen.
45346: LE MENN, J. - Un nouveau genre d’Hexacrinitidae (Crinoïdea, Camerata).
45345: LE MENN, J. - Le genre Thylacocrinus Oehlert, 1878 (Crinoidea, Camerata).
53141: MENN, JEAN LE & NILS SPJELDNAES - Un nouveau crinoïde Dimerocrinitidae (Camerata, Diplobathrida) de l'Ordovicien supérieur du Maroc: Rosfacrinus robustus nov. gen., nov. sp.
99185: LE MENN, J. - Nouveaux Échinodermes des schistes et calcaires du Dévonien inférieur du bassin de Laval (Massif Armoricain, France). /&/ Growth patterns and evolutionary trends of Devonian crinoid columns.
101799: MENNELL, F.P. - The geological structure of Southern Rhodesia.
93146: MENNELL, F.P. - The geological structure of Southern Rhodesia.
90709: MéNOURET, B. & P. MEIN - Les vertébrés du Miocène supérieur de Soblay (Ain, France).
20269: MENSCH, P.J.A. VAN ET AL. - Polonaise der pre- en protohistorie.
73512: MENSCHING, H. ET AL. - Flussmänder der Aller bei Rethem, südlich Verden.
73511: MENSCHING, H. ET AL. - Altmoränenlandschaft der Dammer Berge, nordwestlich des Dümmer.
94938: MENSINK, H. & D. MERTMANN - Die Geologie der Juragebiete um Olvega (Sierra del Madero, del Moncayo und de Toranzo).
8050373: MENZEL, H. & J.D. BECKER-PLATEN - Otolithen aus dem Tertiär der Türkei.
58918: MENZEL, HANS - Der Galgenberg und das Vorholz bei Hildesheim.
21970: MENZEL, H. - Die Otolithen einiger oligozäner Vorkommen, vorwiegend aus dem Kasseler Meeressand (Oberoligozän).
100126: MENZIES, J. - A review of the literature on the formation and location of drumlins.
1560324: MÉON-VILAIN, H. - Palynologie des formations miocènes supérieures et pliocènes du bassin du Rhône (France).
24377: MéON H. ET TAYECH B. - Etudes palynologiques dans le miocène du Cap Bon (Tunisie). Essai d'établissement d'écozones et de reconstitution paléogéographique.
93716: MERCANTON, C.H. - La bordure ultra-helvétique du massif des Diablerets.
94301: MERCANTON, C.H. - La bordure ultra-helvétique du massif des Diablerets.
97312: MERCANTON, C.H. - La bordure ultra-helvétique du massif des Diablerets.
58621: MERCERAT, A. - Étude comparée sur des molaires de Toxodon et d’autres repréesentants de la même famille. /&/Contributions à l’étude systématique des Toxodontia (Haplodontotheridae, Toxodontidae et Xotodontidae).
19581: MERCIER, J.L. ET AL. - Néotectonique de l’Arc Égéen.
74009: MERCIER, NORBERT, HéLèNE VALLADAS & GEORGES VALLADAS - Flint thermoluminescence dates from the CFR laboratory at Gif: Contributions to the study of the chronology of the middle palaeolithic.
1060761: MERCIER, J. - I. Étude géologique des zones internes des Hellénides en Macédoine centrale (Grèce). II. Contribution à l'étude du métamorphisme et de l'évolution magmatique des zones internes des Hellénides.
84391: MERCURY, JEAN-PIERRE - Volcanologie du Monte Cintu (Haute Corse).
48836: MERGELINA, C. DE - La necrópoli tartesia de Antequera.
21548: MERGL M. ET AL. - Devonian and Carboniferous brachiopods and bivalves of the Djado sub-basin (North Niger, SW Libya).
89997: MERGL, MICHAL - Lingulate brachiopods of the Silurian and Devonian of the Barrandian (Bohemia, Czech Republic).
23055: MERIC, E. & M. GöRMüS - The genus Loftusia.
92319: MERLE, DIDIER (ED.) - Stratotype Lutétien.
93000: MERLE, DIDIER (ED.) - Stratotype Lutétien.
90106: MERLE, DIDIER & JEAN-MICHEL PACAUD - New species of Eocithara Fischer, 1883 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Harpidae) from the Early Paleogene with phylogenetic analysis of the Harpidae.
82028: MERMIER, ÉLIE - Sur la découverte d'une nouvelle espèce d'Acerotherium dans la Mollasse burdigalienne du Royans. /&/ Étude complémentaire sur l'Acerotherium platyodon de la Mollasse burdigalienne supérieur des environs de Saint-Nazaire en Royans (Drôme).
91270: MEROI ARCERITO, F.R. ET AL. - Diversification of Asaphellus Callaway, 1877 (Asaphidae: Trilobita) during the Tremadocian in South West Gondwana (Cordillera Oriental, Argentina).
75412: MERRELL, D.J. - Evolution and genetics. The modern theory of evolution.
102522: MERRELL, D.J. - Evolution and genetics. The modern theory of evolution.
10991175: MERRIAM, C.W. & F.E. TURNER - The Capay Middle Eocene of northern California.
82773: MERRIAM, JOHN C. - Triassic Ichthyosauria, with special reference to the American forms.
28523: MERRIAM, J.C. - Mammalian remains from the Chanac Formation of the Tejon Hills, california. / Mammalian remains from a late Tertiary formation at Ironside, Oregon.
28521: MERRIAM, J.C. - New horses from the Miocene and Pliocene of California.
28520: MERRIAM, J.C. - Notes on the genus Desmostylus of Marsh.
28518: MERRIAM, J.C. - The occurrence of strepsicerine antelopes in the Tertiary of nothwestern Nevada.
9120256: MERRIAM, J.C. - Vertebrate fauna of the Orindan and Siestan beds in middle California.
9120258: MERRIAM, J.C. - New anchitheriine horses from Tertiary of the Great Basin area.
9120259: MERRIAM, J.C. - New protohippine horses from Tertiary beds on the western border of the Mohave Desert.
46687: MERRILEES, D. - Two species of the extinct genus Sthenurus Owen (Marsupilalia, Macropodidae) from south-eastern Australia, including Sthenurus gilli sp. nov.
102186: MERRILL, G.P. ET AL. - Maryland Geological Survey Volume Two.
67063: MERRITT, J.W. ET AL. - The high-level marine shell-bearing deposits of Clava, Inverness-shire, and their origin as glacial rafts. /&/ Appendix
101800: MERRITTS, DOROTHY ET AL. - Environmental geology. An earth system science approach.
85451: MERTENS, J. - Oudenburg en de Vlaamse kustvlakte tijdens de Romeinse periode.
98065: MERTENS, ERWIN - Zur Grenzziehung Alb/Cenoman in Nordwestdeutschland mit Hilfe von Ostracoden.
96457: MERTENS, ERWIN - Zur Grenzziehung Alb/Cenoman in Nordwestdeutschland mit Hilfe von Ostracoden.
18525: MERTENS, R. - Die rezenten Krokodile des Natur-Museums Senckenberg.
97622: MERTENS, ERWIN - Zur Grenzziehung Alb/Cenoman in Nordwestdeutschland mit Hilfe von Ostracoden.
56272: MERTES, H. - Aufbau und Genese des Westeifeler Vulkanfeldes.
103089: MERTIE, J.B. - The Nushagak District, Alaska.
64647: VAN DER MERWE, NIKOLAAS J. - The carbon-14 dating of iron.
102286: MESDAG, F.T. - De goudmijn Totok, te Totok, Noord-Celebes.
100917: MESDAG, F.T. - Over de werkzaamheid van den Sopoetan in den jaren 1911-1912.
100916: MESDAG, F.T. - Over de werkzaamheid van den Sopoetan in den jaren 1911-1912.
100918: MESDAG, F.T. - De goudmijn Totok, te Totok, Noord-Celebes.
84968: MESDAG, F.T. - Over de werkzaamheid van den Sopoetan in den jaren 1911-1912.
95298: MESEGUER PARDO, J. (ED.) - Mapa geológico de España Esc. 1 :50.000. Explicación de la Hoja No. 823 Jávea (Alicante). [without the map]
49581: MESTWERDT, A. - Die Bäder Oeynhausen ind Salzuflen.
97010: METCALFE, I. - Conodont zonation and correlation of the Dinantian and early Namurian strata of the Craven Lowlands of northern England.
102446: METCALFE, I. - Conodont zonation and correlation of the Dinantian and early Namurian strata of the Craven Lowlands of northern England.
78849: METJE, JöRGEN - Ein älterer (Gönnersdorfer) ostiolatus-Horizont im Eiflium der Eifel.
78191: METJE, J. - Ein älterer (Gönnersdorfer) ostiolatus-Horizont im Eiflium der Eifel.
90968: METJES, JöRGEN - Geologie des SW-Teiles der Dollendorfer Mulde (Devon, Eifel).
87470: METTE, WOLFGANG - Acritarchs from Lower Paleozoic rocks of the western Sierra Morena, SW-Spain and biostratigraphical results.
93717: METZ, K. - Die geologie der Grauwackenzone von Mautern bis Trieben.
93718: METZ, K. - Die stratigraphische und tektonische Baugeschichte der steirischen Grauwackenzone.
93719: METZ, K. - Gedanken zu baugeschichtlichen Fragen der steirisch-kärntnerischen Zentralalpen.
45616: METZ, J.M. ET AL. - Sulfate-rich eolian and wet interdune deposits, Erebus Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars.
93720: METZ, K. ET AL. - Beiträge zur Geologie der Rottenmanner und östlichen Wölzer Tauern.
93721: METZ, K. - Der geologische Bau der Seckauer und Rottenmanner Tauern.
76389: METZ, W.H. - Pre- en protohistorie in Veluws Museum Nairac te Barneveld.
98125: METZ, KARL - Die Geologie der Grauwackenzone von Mautern bis Trieben.
94408: METZ, KARL - Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000. Blatt 129 Donnersbach.
63352: METZ, TRACY - Nieuwe natuur. Reportages over veranderend landschap.
28427: MEULEN, A.J. VAN DER & W.H. ZAGWIJN - Microtus (Allophaiomys) pliocaenicus from the Lower Pleistocene near Brielle, The Netherlands.
103587: MEULEN, BAS VAN DER - River flood reconstruction in the Lower Rhine valley and delta. Water levels and discharges in past landscape contexts.
53490: MEULEN, M.J. VAN DER ET AL. - Silica sand resources in the Netherlands.
64771: MEULEN, A.J. VAN DER & H. DE BRUIJN - The mammals from the Lower Miocene of Aliveri (island of Evia, Greece). Part 2. Gliridae.
82643: MEULEN, A.J. VAN DER & W.H. ZAGWIJN - Microtus (Allophaiomys) pliocaenicus from the Lower Pleistocene near Brielle, The Netherlands.
45726: MEULEN, M.J. VAN DER, ET AL. - Clay resources in the Netherlands.
94939: MEULEN, S. VAN DER - Internal structure and environmental reconstruction of Eocene transitional fan-delta deposits, Monllobat-Castigaleu formations, southern Pyrenees, Spain.
94940: MEULEN, S. VAN DER - Eocene sheetflood systems and transitional fan-deltas, southern Pyrenees, Spain.
63146: MEULEN, B. VAN DER - Steenkolen, een goudmijn van kleuren.
102743: MEULEN, A.J. VAN DER & H. DE BRUIJN - The mammals of the Lower Miocene of Aliveri (Island of Evia, Greece). Part 2. The Gliridae.
102062: MEULENKAMP, J.E. ET AL. - An empirical approach to paleoenvironmental analysis. 1. Foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton and ostracodes from the Pliocene of section Prassá, Crete.
101554: MEULENKAMP, J.E. - Reconstruction of marine paleoenvironments.
74080: MEULENKAMP, J.E. & E.F.J. DE MULDER - Plectofrondicularia inaequalis from some Mediterranean Late Neogene sections.
101555: MEULENKAMP, J.E. ET AL. - An empirical approach to paleoenvironmental analysis. 1. Foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton and ostracodes from the Pliocene of section Prassá, Crete.
58334: MEULENKAMP, J.E. & E.F.J. DE MULDER - Plectofrondicularia inaequalis from some Mediterranean Late Neogene sections.
1340461: MEULENKAMP, J.E. - Reconstruction of marine paleoenvironments.
83423: MEUNIER, FERNAND - Révision de diptères fossiles type de Loew conservé au Musée Provincial de Koenigberg.
73370: MEUNIER, ALPHONSE - Microplankton de la Mer flamande. 4me partie. Les Tintinnides et Coetera.
42722: MEUNIER, F. - Nouvelles recherches sur quelques insectes du Sannoisien d’Aix-en-Provence.
94176: MEUNIER, S. - Études géologiques sur le terrain quaternaire du Canton de Vaud (Suisse).
5100241: MEUNIER-CHALMAS, M. - Études critiques sur les rudistes Par. 2-6/&/ Revue critique de quelques espèces du genre Trigonia.
58394: MEUNIER, F. - Über einige fossile Insekten aus den Braunkohlenschichten (Aquitanien) von Rott (Siebengebirge). 1., 2. und 3. Teil.
64115: MEUTER, FRANS DE - Benthonic Foraminifera from the Miocene of Belgium.
63405: MEUTER, FRANS DE - Benthonic Foraminifera from the Miocene of Belgium.
94942: MEY, P.H.W. - The geology of the upper Ribagorzana and Baliera valleys, central Pyrenees, Spai..
94941: MEY, P.H.W. - The geology of the upper Ribagorzana and Baliera valleys, central Pyrenees, Spain..
94943: MEY, P.H.W. - The geology of the upper Ribagorzana and Tor valleys, central Pyrenees, Spai..
85860: MEYEN, S.V. & Y. LEMOIGNE - Dicksonites pluckenetii (Schlotheim) Sterzel and its affinity with Callistophytales.
99592: MEYER, R. & H. SCHMIDT-KALER - Erdgeschichte sichtbar gemacht. Ein geologischer Führer durch die Altmühlalb.
44699: MEYER, K.-D. (ED.) - Quartärgeologische Übersichtskarte von Niedersachsen und Bremen 1:500 000.
44698: MEYER, K.-D. - Geologische Karte von Niedersachsen 1:25 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt Nr. 2524 Buxtehude.
54503: MEYER, O.E. - Brachiopoden des Perm und Untercarbon der Residentschaft Djambi (Sumatra).
76522: MEYER DE SCHAUENSEE, R. & S.D. RIPLEY - Zoological results of the George Vanderbilt Sumatran Expedition, 1936-1939. Part I. Birds from Atjeh, Part III. Birds from Nias.
20271: MEYER, G.M. DE & E.W.F. VAN VELZEN - Min en onmin. Mannen en vrouwen over hun samen leven aan het einde van de vijftiende eeuw.
46014: MEYER, K.-D. ET AL. - Neuere Untersuchungen an Interglazialen in Niedersachsen.
98779: MEYER, H.-H. - Untersuchungen zur Landschaftsentwicklung des Stauchendmoränenzuges Kellenberg-Hoher Sühn.
83024: MEYER, HERMANN DE - Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles du grès de Bigarré de Soultz-les-Bains (Bas-Rhin).
81187: MEYER, K.-D. - Stratigraphie und Tektonik des Allerzuges am Nordwestrand des Acker-Bruchberges bei Riefensbeek im Harz.
78363: MEYER, K.-D. - Geologische Karte von Niedersachsen 1:25 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt Nr. 2524 Buxtehude.
78364: MEYER, K.-D. ET AL. - Geologische Karte von Niedersachsen 1:25 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt Nr. 3609 Schüttorf.
92838: MEYER, K.-D. - Grosse Findlinge in Schweden.
76904: MEYER, THOMAS - Biostratigraphische und sedimenologische Untersuchungen in der Plänerfazies des Cenoman von Nordwestdeutschland.
100919: MEYER, O.E. - Brachiopoden des Perm und Untercarbon der Residentschaft Djambi (Sumatra).
99841: MEYER, A.P. 1995. OCEANIC ART - Ozeanische Kunst
80488: MEYER, K.-D. & N.W. ROLAND - Eiströme ? Dynamik und Sedimente an beispielen des Quartärs Norddeutschland.
100920: MEYER, O.E. - Brachiopoden des Perm und Untercarbon der Residentschaft Djambi (Sumatra).
78169: MEYER, K.-D. - Zur Geschiebeführung des Ostfriesisch-Oldenburgischen Geestrückens.
78168: MEYER, K.-D. - Zur Entstehung der westlichen Ostsee.
76182: MEYER, K.-D. ET AL. - Neuere Untersuchungen an Interglazialen in Niedersachsen.
85228: MEYER, WILHELM - Das Vulkangebiet des Laacher Sees. 3. Aufl.
85229: MEYER, WILHELM ET AL. - Gefüge und Entstehung der Ringdünen in den grauen Tuffen des Laacher Vulkans.
87706: MEYER, W. ET AL. - Gefüge und Entstehung der Ringdünen in den grauen Tuffen des Laacher Vulkans.
7080439: MEYER, R.K.F. & H. SCHMIDT-KALER - Wanderungen in die Erdgeschichte. (I) Treuchtlingen Solnhofen Mörnsheim Dollnstein.
58919: MEYER, K.-D. - Zur Entstehung der westlichen Ostsee.
93079: MEYER, KLAUS-JüRGEN (ED.) - Forschungsbohrung Nieder Ochtenhausen. Ein Beitrag zur Miozän-Stratigraphie in NW-Deutschland.
51503: MEYER, WILHELM - Geologie der Eifel. 4. völlig neu bearb. Auflage.
61019: MEYER-BERTHAUD, B. ET AL. - Petrified stems bearing Dicroidium leaves from the Triassic of Antarctica.
92830: MEYER, K.-D. - Grosse Findlinge in Schweden.
97208: MEYER, W. & J. STETS - Das Rheintal zwischen Bingen und Bonn.
85647: MEYER, DIRK - Bibliographie zur Geologie und Paläontologie von Helgoland.
80204: MEYER, K.-D. & N.W. ROLAND - Eiströme ? Dynamik und Sedimente an beispielen des Quartärs Norddeutschland.
1640143: MEYER, O.E. - Brachiopoden des Perm und Unter-Carbon der Residenzschaft Djambi (Sumatra).
85901: MEYER, H.-H. - Paläowind-Indikatoren. Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Probleme ihrer Anwendung am Beispiel des Weichsel-Hochlazials in Europa.
77851: MEYER, K.-D. - Stratigraphie und Tektonik des Allerzuges am Nordwestrand des Acker-Bruchberges bei Riefensbeek im Harz.
7050722: MEYER, A.P. - Oceanic Art - Ozeanische Kunst - Art Oceanien.
101953: MEYER, K.-D. - Stratigraphie und Tektonik des Allerzuges am Nordwestrand des Acker-Bruchberges bei Riefensbeek im Harz.
9050632: MEYER-HARRASSOWITZ, H.L.F. - Die Blockfelder im östlichen Vogelsberg.
92175: MEYER, WILHELM - Geologische Wanderführer: Eifel. Ein Reiseführer für Naturfreunde.
98514: MEYERS, P.A. & L.V. BENSON (EDS.) - Paleoclimates: the record from lakes, ocean and land.
103324: MEYERS, P.A. & A. NEGRI (EDS.) - Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic Records in Mediterranean Sapropels and Mesozoic Black Shales.
1450630: MEYLAN, P.A. - The phylogenetic relationships of soft-shelled turtles (Family Trionychidae).
60570: MEYLAN, P.A. - The phylogenetic relationships of soft-shelled turtles (Family Trionychidae).
99593: MEYN, HELEN & JüRGEN VESPERMANN - Taxonomische Revision von Foraminiferen der Unterkreide SE-Niedersachsens nach Roemer (1839, 1841, 1842), Koch (1851) und Reuss (1863).
99148: MEYN, HELEN & JüRGEN VESPERMANN - Taxonomische Revision von Foraminiferen der Unterkreide SE-Niedersachsens nach Roemer (1839, 1841, 1842), Koch (1851) und Reuss (1863).
103325: MIALL, ANDREW D. - Principles of sedimentary basin analysis.
103326: MIALL, ANDREW D. - The geology of stratigraphic sequences. 2nd ed.
83177: MIALL, L.C. - On the remains of Labyrinthodonta from the Keuper Sandstone of Warwick.
49129: MIALL, L.C. - On remains of Labyrinthodonta from the Keuper sandstone of Warwick, preserved in the Warwick Museum.
96130: MIALL, L.C. - On remains of Labyrinthodonta from the Keuper sandstone of Warwick, preserved in the Warwick Museum.
86357: MIALL, ANDREW D. - Principles of sedimentary basin analysis.
21971: MIALL, L.C. - On the composition and structure of the bony palate of Ctenodus.
102835: MIALL, ANDREW D. - Analysis of fluvial depositional systems.
102836: MIALL, ANDREW D. - The geology of fluvial deposits. Sedimentary facies, basin analysis, and petroleum geology.
102773: MIALL, ANDREW D. - The Geology of Stratigraphic Sequences.
67615: D MIALLIER, M CONDOMINES, T PILLEYRE, S SANZELLE, J GUITTET - Concordant thermoluminescence and 238U-230Th ages for a trachytic dome (Grand Sarcoui) from the Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central)
67542: L.MICAELA SMITH, GIFFORD H. MILLER, BETTE OTTO-BLIESNER, SANG-IK SHIN - Sensitivity of the Northern Hemisphere climate system to extreme changes in Holocene Arctic sea ice.
67152: MICHAEL F. THOMAS, MARTIN B. THORP - Geomorphic response to rapid climatic and hydrologic change during the late pleistocene and early holocene in the humid and sub-humid tropics.
77696: MICHAEL, F. - Paläobotanische und kohlenpetrographische Studien in der nordwestdeutschen Wealdenformation.
77665: MICHAEL, F. - Paläobotanische und kohlenpetrographische Studien in der nordwestdeutschen Wealdenformation.
78581: MICHAEL, E. - Zur Paläoökologie und Faunenführung im westlichen Bereich des norddeutschen Unterkreide-Meeres.
78546: MICHAEL, E. - Zur Paläoökologie und Faunenführung im westlichen Bereich des norddeutschen Unterkreide-Meeres.
67008: MICHAEL J.C. WALKER, J. JOHN LOWE - Reconstructing the environmental history of the last glacial-interglacial transition: Evidence from the Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides, Scotland.
77999: MICHAEL, R. & W. DIENEMANN - Die Rutschungen im Eisenbahneinschnitt Rosengarten.
67655: MICHAEL W. KERWIN, JONATHAN T. OVERPECK, ROBERT S. WEBB, KATHERINE H. ANDERSON - Pollen-based summer temperature reconstructions for the eastern Canadian boreal forest, subarctic, and Arctic
67624: MICHAEL D. CANNON - Geographic variability in North American mammal community richness during the terminal Pleistocene
67454: MICHAEL L. O'NEAL, SUSAN MCGEARY - Late Quaternary stratigraphy and sea-level history of the northern Delaware Bay margin, southern New Jersey, USA:: a ground penetrating radar analysis of composite Quaternary coastal terraces.
77809: MICHAEL, R. & W. DIENEMANN - Die Rutschungen im Eisenbahneinschnitt Rosengarten.
61088: MICHAEL, R. - Über Kreidefossilien von der Insel Sachalin.
78025: MICHALIK, J. - Systematics and ecology of Zeilleria Bayle and other brachiopods in the uppermost Triassic of the West Carpathians.
46562: MICHALIK, J. - Two representatives of Strophomenida (Brachiopoda) in the uppermost Triassic of the West Carpathians.
54176: MICHALOWSKI, K. - The art of ancient Egypt.
94945: MICHALZIK, D. - Sedimentationszyklen im Messinium (Tertiär, Ober-Miozän) SE-Spaniens.
94944: MICHALZIK, DIETER - Lithofacies, diagenetic spectra and sedimentary cycles of Messinian (Late Miocene) evaporites in SE Spain.
81560: MICHARD, J.-G. - La dentine d'Ouranosaurus nigeriensis (Ornithischia, Iguanodontidae) : étude en microscopie photonique et électronique.
93722: MICHARD, A. - Premières données paléontologiques et stratigraphiques sur le Trias du Massif Maira-Grana (Alpes Cottiennes méridionales).
58579: MICHARD, J.-G. - La dentine d’Ouranosaurus nigeriensis (Ornithischia, Iguanodontidae) : étude en microscopie photonique et électronique.
96458: MICHEL, M.P. - Polyzygia Guerich (Ostracoda) in the Devonian od Asturias and Leon (Spain).
100001: MICHEL, FRANCOIS - Roches et paysages ont une histoire.
93723: MICHEL, H. ET AL. - Festausgabe 50,ähr. Bestand der Wiener (seit 1946 Österreichischen) Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (Gastein-Heft).
81142: MICHEL-LéVY, CHR. - Étude comparative des chondrites carbonées d'Allende et de Léoville I. Minéralogie, pétrographie, chimie.
74869: MICHEL-LéVY, A. - Bombe de rhyolite à enclave de trachyte dans les projections de Lusclade (Mont-Dore).
96969: MICHEL, H. - Geology and petrology of the Borkafjäll region (southern Swedish Lapland).
66837: MICHEL MAGNY, GERARD AALBERSBERG, CAROLE BéGEOT, PASCALE BENOIT-RUFFALDI, GILLES BOSSUET, JEAN-ROBERT DISNAR, OLIVER HEIRI, FATIMA LAGGOUN-DEFARGE, FLORENCE MAZIER, LAURENT MILLET, ODILE PEYRON, BORIS VANNIèRE, ANNE-VéRONIQUE WALTER-SIMONNET - Environmental and climatic changes in the Jura mountains (eastern France) during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition: a multi-proxy record from Lake Lautrey
89426: MICHEL-LéVY, ALBERT - L'Esterel. Étude stratigraphique, pétrographique et tectonique.
103677: MICHEL-LéVY, ALBERT - L'Esterel. Étude stratigraphique, pétrographique et tectonique.
67577: MICHEL MAGNY, CAROLE BéGEOT, JOëL GUIOT, ODILE PEYRON - Contrasting patterns of hydrological changes in Europe in response to Holocene climate cooling phases.
97112: MICHEL-LéVY, ET AL. - CGI, Paris. Excursion en France X. Massif Central.
97115: MICHEL-LéVY, M.. - CGI, Paris. Excursion en France XIV. Mont-Doré, Chaine des Puys et Limagne.
94946: MICHEL, M.P - Polyzygia Guerich (Ostracoda) in the Devonian od Asturias and Leon (Spain).
98385: MICHEL, M.P - Polyzygia Guerich (Ostracoda) in the Devonian od Asturias and Leon (Spain).
100002: MICHEL, FRANCOIS - Krachten op de aarde.
101293: MICHELAU, PAUL - Belorhaphe kochi (Ludwig 1869), eine Wurmspur im europäischen Karbon.
85648: MICHELIN, C. ET AL. - Le crocodilien Steneosaurus (Mesosuchia, Teleosauridae) dans le Jurassique supérieur Franc-Comtois (Jura, France).
1060305: MICHELIN, C. ET AL. - Le crocodilien Steneosaurus (Mesosuchia, Teleosauridae) dans le Jurassique supérieur Franc-Comtois (Jura, France).
64593: MICHELIS, I., P.M. SANDER, R. METZDORF & H. BREITKREUZ - Die Vertebratenfauna des Calloviums (Mittlerer Jura) aus dem Steinbruch Störmer (Wallücke, Wiehengebirge). [Fishes and reptiles]
64575: MICHELIS, I., P.M. SANDER, R. METZDORF & H. BREITKREUZ - Die Vertebratenfauna des Calloviums (Mittlerer Jura) aus dem Steinbruch Störmer (Wallücke, Wiehengebirge). [Fishes and reptiles]
88131: MICHELIS, I. ET AL. - Die Vertebratenfauna des Calloviums (Mittlerer Jura) aus dem Steinbruch Störmer (Wallücke, Wiehengebirge). [Fishes and reptiles]
90264: MICHELIS, I., P.M. SANDER, R. METZDORF & H. BREITKREUZ - Die Vertebratenfauna des Calloviums (Mittlerer Jura) aus dem Steinbruch Störmer (Wallücke, Wiehengebirge). [Fishes and reptiles]
102366: MICHELS, F.W. & G.E.K. BRUMMER - Over Cartografie. Een vlucht over het terrein van vogelvlucht- en andere kaarten, .... etc,
96459: MICHELSEN, OLAF - Lower Jurassic biostratigraphy and ostracods of the Danish Embayment.
8110312: MICHELSEN, O. (ED.) - Proceedings of the 2nd symposium on: Marine geology. Geology of the North Sea and Skagerrak, Aarhus University, 1993.
87028: MICHELSEN, O. - Lower Carboniferous foraminiferal faunas of the boring Ørslev No. 1, island of Falster, Denmark.
1340329: MICHELSEN, O. - Lower Carboniferous foraminiferal faunas of the boring Ørslev No. 1, island of Falster, Denmark.
6100376: MICHOT, P. - La stratigraphie du Silurien de la bande de Sambre-et-Meuse.
6100375: MICHOT, J. - Les feldspaths dans les sédiments dévoniens et carbonifères de la Belgique.
57682: MICHOT, P. - Le segment tectogénique calédonien belge.
8110410: MICHOT, P. - Le segment tectogénique calédonien belge.
8110409: MICHOT, J. - Le massif complexe anorthosito-leuconoritique de Haaland-Helleren et la palingenèse basique.
92055: MICHOT, J. - Le massif complexe anorthosito-leuconoritique de Haaland-Helleren et la palingenèse basique.
90311: MICKLE, K.E. - The lower actinopterygian fauna from the Lower Carboniferous Albert shale formation of New Brunswick, Canada; a review of previously described taxa and a description of a new genus and species.
91652: MICKLE, KATHRYN E. ET AL. - Three new palaeoniscoid fishes from the Bear Gulch Limestone (Serpukhovian, Mississippian) of Montana (USA) and the relationships of lower actinopterygians.
83146: MICKLICH, NORBERT - Die Sammlung Behnke und der Ameisenbär Eurotamandua joresi, herausragende Fossilien-Funde der Grube Messel.
90312: MICKLICH, NORBERT - Palaeoperca proxima, ein neuer Knochenfisch aus dem Mittel-Eozän von Messel bei Darmstadt.
90313: MICKLICH, NORBERT - Ergänzungen zur Morphologie und Systematik der Gattung Bilinia Obrhelova 1971 (Pisces, Percoidei).
90314: MICKLICH, N. & B. ROSCHER - Neue Fischfunde aus der Baid-Formation (Oligozän; Tihamat Asir, SW Saudi-Arabien). [Characidae, Cichlidae]
91653: MICKLICH, NORBERT ET AL. - First record of ponyfishes (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) from the Oligocene of the Grube Unterfeld (Frauenweiler) clay pit.
76834: MIDDELBERG, E. - Geologische en technische aanteekeningen over de goudindustrie in Suriname.
48696: MIDDELBERG, E. - Geologische en technische aanteekeningen over de goudindustrie in Suriname.
100921: MIDDELBURG, J.B.M. - Early diagenesis and authigenic mineral formation in anoxic sediments of Kay Bay, Indonesia.
103588: MIDDELKOOP, HANS - Embanked floodplains in the Netherlands. Geomorphological evolution over various time scales.
23625: MIDDELKOOP, H. ET AL. (EDS.) - Geomorphology and climate. In honour of Prof. Dr. Eduard A. Koster.
80349: MIDDELKOOP, HANS - Embanked floodplaines in the Netherlands. Geomorphological evolution over various time scales.
99410: MIDDELKOOP, H. ET AL. (EDS.) - Geomorphology and climate. In honour of Prof. Dr. Eduard A. Koster.
87246: MIDDLEMISS, F.A. - Lower Cretaceous Terebratulidae from south-western Morocco and their biogeography.
95798: MIDDLEMISS, F.A. - British stratigraphy.
102683: MIDDLEMISS, F.A. - English Aptian Terebratulidae.
81064: MIDDLEMISS, F.A. - Lower Cretaceous Terebratulidina of Northern England and Germany and their geological background.
15521: MIDDLEMISS, F.A. - Lower Cretaceous Terebratulidae from south-western Morocco and their biogeography.
20469: MIEDEMA, M. - A native Roman settlement at Ermelo.
85414: MIEDEMA, M. - A native roman settlement at Ermelo.
58805: MIEDEMA, R. - Soil formation, microstructure and physical behaviour of Late Weichselian and Holocene Rhine deposits in the Netherlands.
1540327: MIERLO, C.-J. VAN - La carte lithologique de la partie méridionale de la Mer du Nord.
1210115: MIERLO, C.-J. VAN - La carte lithologique de la partie méridionale de la Mer du Nord.
102447: MIERZEJEWSKA, GRAZYNA AND PIOTR MIERZEJEWSKI - Ultrastructure of the jaws of the fossil and Recent Eunicida (Polychaeta).
60510: MIERZEJEWSKI, P. - Ultrastructure, taxonomy and affinities of some Ordovician and Silurian organic microfossils.
102449: MIERZEJEWSKI, P. & G. MIERZEJEWSKA - Xenognath type of polychaete jaw apparatuses.
102448: MIERZEJEWSKI, PIOTR - Molting of the jaws of the Early Paleozoic Eunicida (Annelida, Polychaeta).
79953: MIETTO, PAOLO - La collezione paleontologica Dal Lago e le localita' fossilifere di Grola e Rivagra nell'Eocene vicentino.
52076: MIETTO, P. & S. MANFRIN - A high resolution Middle Triassic ammonoid standard scale in the Tethys realm. A preliminary report.
7633: MIGUET, R. - Observations nouvelles sur les chiroptères des phosphorites du Quercy.
102103: MIHAILA, N. ET AL. - Carte géologique 1:200.000 Craiova.
97161: MIHARA, S. - Étude géologique et pétrographique de la région du Nideck.
9053021: MIJKNECHT, J.G. - Gregor Mendel. De ontdekker der erfelijkheidswetten.
100209: MIJNSEN-DUTILH, MARGRIET - Amersfoort lag aan zee. Waterschapskroniek Vallei & Eem 777-1616. /&/ Een vallei vol water. Waterschapskroniek Vallei & Eem 1616-2011.
44133: MIKHAILOV, KONSTANTIN E. - Classification of fossil eggshells of amniotic vertebrates.
96970: MIKKELSEN, V.M. - Praestø Fjord. The development of the post-glacial vegetation and a contribution to the history of the Baltic Sea.
87563: MIKKELSEN, V.M. - Praestø Fjord. The development of the post-glacial vegetation and a contribution to the history of the Baltic Sea.
87471: MIKKELSEN, V.M. - Praestø Fjord. The development of the post-glacial vegetation and a contribution to the history of the Baltic Sea.
57118: MIKKELSEN, V.M. - Praestø Fjord. The development of the post-glacial vegetation and a contribution to the history of the Baltic Sea.
67173: MIKKO PUNKARI - Glacial flow systems in the zone of confluence between the Scandinavian and Novaja Zemlya Ice Sheets.
101517: MIKULáS, R. - Trace fossils from the Letná Formation (Ordovician, Czech Republic).
101518: MIKULáS, R. - Trace fossils from the Middle Cambrian of the Barrandian area (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic).
101294: MIKULAS, R. - Trace fossils from the Upper Ordovician pelitic sediments of Bohemia.
101295: MIKULáS, R. - Trace fossils from the Kosov Formation of the Bohemian Upper Ordovician.
101296: MIKULáS, R. - Trace fossils from the Letná Formation (Ordovician, Czech Republic).
102084: MIKULáS, R. - Trace fossils from the Letná Formation (Ordovician, Czech Republic).
102085: MIKULáS, R. - Trace fossils from the Middle Cambrian of the Barrandian area (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic).
101412: MIKULSKI, S.Z. - The late Variscan gold mineralization in the Kaczawa Mountains, Western Sudetes.
102086: MIKULSKI, S.Z. - The late Variscan gold mineralization in the Kaczawa Mountains, Western Sudetes.
98523: MIKULSKI, S.Z. - Late Variscan gold mineralization in the Kaczawa Mountains, western Sudetes.
89965: MIKUZ, VASJA - [ Middle Eocene sea urchins from environs of Copi in central Istria, Croatia. ]
89966: MIKUZ, VASJA - [ The Miocene konolampasi (Echinolampadoida) from Slovenia. ]
90710: MIKUZ, V. & A. HORVAT - [ Sarmatian mammal remains of geological profile Bela Cerkev, Slovenia. ]
10991505: MILÀN, J. - Variations in the morphology of emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) tracks reflecting differences in walking pattern and substrate consistency: ichnotaxonomic implications.
103290: MILàN, J. - Variations in the morphology of emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) tracks reflecting differences in walking pattern and substrate consistency: ichnotaxonomic implications.
88561: MILCH, L. - Über Adinolen und Adinolschiefer des Harzes.
88560: MILCH, L. - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der granitischen Gesteine des Riesengebirge, Erster und Zweiter Theil. [2 parts].
77697: MILCH, L. - Über Adinolen und Adinolschiefer des Harzes.
101413: MILCH, L. - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der granitischen Gesteine des Riesengebirge, Erster und Zweiter Theil. [2 parts]
100922: MILCH, L. - Ueber Gesteine von der Battak-Hochfläche (Central-Sumatra).
88770: MILCH, L. - Über Adinolen und Adinolschiefer des Harzes.
84857: MILES, R.S. - Articulated acanthodian fishes from the Old Red Sandstone of England, with a review of the structure and evolution of the acanthodian shoulder-girdle.
96131: MILES, R.S. - Articulated acanthodian fishes from the Old Red Sandstone of England, with a review of the structure and evolution of the acanthodian shoulder-girdle.
78034: MILES, ROGER S. - The placoderm fish Rhachiosteus pterygiatus Gross and its relationships.
76662: MILES, C. - Indian and eskimo artifacts of North America.
1434021: MILES, C. - Indian and eskimo artifacts of North America.
74870: MILESI, J.-P. - Dynamique des écoulements pyroclastiques du Cantal oriental sur l’exemple de ceux de la vallée de l’Alagnon.
96460: MILHAU B. - Valeur biostratigraphique et paléoécologique des ostracodes du givétien supérieur de la région-type (Ardenne).
96461: MILHAU B. - Nouveaux ostracodes du miocène inférieur de Nouvelle Zélande.
44359: MILLER, URVE - Diatom floras in the Quaternary of the Göta River valley (western Sweden).
87336: MILLER, A.K. ET AL. - The nautiloid cephalopods of the Pennsylvania system in the mid-continent region.
96074: MILLER, J. - Coignouina decora sp. nov. and Carbonocoryphe hahnorum sp. nov. (trilobita) from a VisÚan fissure deposit near Clitheroe, Lancs.
83770: MILLER, A.K. & W.M. FURNISH - Permian ammonoids from the Colorado Plateau. /&/ The goniatite genus Anthracoceras.
100370: MILLER, B.L. ET AL. - Geologic atlas of the United States. No. 204. Tolchester folio, Maryland..
28143: MILLER, J. - Coignouina decora sp. nov. and Carbonocoryphe hahnorum sp. nov. (trilobita) from a Viséan fissure deposit near Clitheroe, Lancs.
87210: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - New species of crinoids, cephalopods and other Palaeozoic fossils.
87209: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - New species of Echinodermata and a new crustacean from the Palaeozoic rocks.
87208: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - Description of new and remarkable fossils from the Palaeozoic rocks of the Mississippi Valley.
87207: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - New and interesting species of Palaeozoic fossils.
87206: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - Description of new species of Palaeozoic Echinodermata.
49176: MILLER, W.E. - A Rhynchotherium skull and mandible from southeastern Arizona.
87205: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - New genera and species of Echinodermata.
87204: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - Upper Devonian and Niagara crinoids.
87203: MILLER, S.A. & WM.F.E. GURLEY - Description of some new species of invertebrates from the Palaeozoic rocks of Illinois and adjacent states.
76862: MILLER, A.K. - The mixochoanitic cephalopods.
102719: MILLER, A.K. & H.R. DOWNS - Ammonoids of the Pennsylvanian Finis Shale of Texas.
49130: MILLER, W.E. ET AL. - The Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry, Emery County, Utah: A.U.S. national landmark (including history and quarry map). /&/R.E.H. Reid: Bone histology of the Clevaland-Lloyd dinosaurs and of dinosaurs in general. Part I. Introduction: Introduction to bone tissues. [all published ?]
1520311: MILLER, A.K. & W. YOUNGQUIST - American Permian nautiloids.
89113: MILLER, A.K. & W.M. FURNISH - Middle Pennsylvanian Schistoceratidae (Ammonoidea).
74694: MILLER, A.K. & A.G. UNKLESBAY - The cephalopod fauna of the Conemaugh Series in western Pennsylvania.
96462: MILLER, C.G. - Ostracode and conodont distribution across the Ludlow/Prídolí boundary of Wales and the Welsh Borderland.
10991019: MILLER, T.G. - Type specimen of the genus fenestella from the Lower carboniferous of Great Britain.
1133108: MILLER, C.D. - Potential hazards from future eruptions in the vicinity of Mount Shasta, northern California.
87564: MILLER, URVE - Diatom floras in the Quaternary of the Göta River valley (western Sweden).
82070: MILLER, W.J. - An introduction to historical geology with special reference to North America.
97371: MILLER, W.J. - Geology of the Remsen quadrangle, including Trenton Falls and vicinity in Oneida and Herkimer counties.
82022: MILLER, HUGH - Footprints of the creator or the asterolepis of Stromness, with memoir by Louis Agassiz. 12th ed.
7080042: MILLER, W. & L.M. ALVIS - Temporal change as an aspect of biogenic shell utilization and damge, Pleistocene of North Carolina, U.S.A.
85916: MILLER, WADE E. - The Late Pliocene Las Tunas Local Fauna from Southernmost Baja California, Mexico.
81857: MILLER, A.K. ET AL. - Ordovician cephalopod fauna of Baffin Island.
81856: MILLER, A.K. - Tertiary nautiloids of the Americas.
67338: G.H. MILLER, P.B. BEAUMONT, H.J. DEACON, A.S. BROOKS, P.E. HARE, A.J.T. JULL - Earliest modern humans in southern Africa dated by isoleucine epimerization in ostrich eggshell..
67300: MILLER, G.H. ET AL. - Stratified interglacial lacustrine sediments from Baffin Island, Arctic Canada: chronology and paleoenvironmental implications.
97011: MILLER, C.G. - Ostracode and conodont distribution across the Ludlow/Prídolí boundary of Wales and the Welsh Borderland.
10990229: MILLER, C.G. - Ostracode and conodont distribution across the Ludlow/Prídolí boundary of Wales and the Welsh Borderland.
57120: MILLER, C.N. - Silicified cones and vegetative remains of Pinus from the Eocene of British Columbia.
20975: MILLER, A.K. & A.G. UNKLESBAY - The siphuncle of Late Paleozoic ammonoids.
87403: MILLER, URVE - Diatom floras in the Quaternary of the Göta River valley (western Sweden).
96621: MILLER, C.G. - Ostracode and conodont distribution across the Ludlow/Prídolí boundary of Wales and the Welsh Borderland.
90213: MILLER, A.K. - Tertiary nautiloids of the Americas. Plus supplement
102450: MILLER, JAMES F. - Conodont fauna of the Notch Peak Limestone (Cambro-Ordovician), House Range, Utah. /&/ R.L. Ethington & D. Schumacher: Conodonts of the Copenhagen Formation (Middle Ordovican) in central Nevada.
95627: MILLER, A.AUSTIN - River development in southern Ireland.
91581: MILLER, A.K. & C. COLLINSON - Lower Mississippian ammonoids of Missouri.
103390: MILLIMAN, J.D. - Recent sedimentary carbonates Part 1: Marine carbonates.
62249: MILLMAN, P.M. & M.R. DENCE (EDS.) - Planetology.
59522: MILNER, A.R. & S.E.K. SEQUEIRA - The temnospondyl amphibians from the Viséan of East Kirkton, West Lothian, Scotland.
15646: MILNER, A.R. ET AL. - Vertebrates from the Middle Triassic Otter Sandstone Formation of Devon.
15645: MILNER, A.R. - Small temnospondyl amphibians from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois.
15643: MILNER, A.R. - A reappraisal of the early Permian amphibians Memonomenos dyscriton and Cricotillus brachydens.
15644: MILNER, A.R. - The temnospondyl amphibian Dendrerpeton from the Upper Carboniferous of Ireland.
102792: MILNER, HENRY B. ET AL. (EDS.) - Sedimentery petrography. Vol. I. Methods in sedimentary petrography. Vol. II.Principles and applications. 4th rev. ed.
100923: MILSOM, JOHN ET AL. - Structure and collision history of the Buton continental fragment, eastern Indonesia.
98632: MILTHERS, V. - Beskrivelse til geologisk kort over Danmark (i Maalestock 1:100.000). Kortbladet Brande.
98633: MILTHERS, V. - Beskrivelse til geologisk kort over Danmark (i Maalestock 1:100.000). Kortbladet Vissenbjaerg.
98635: MILTHERS, K. - Beskrivelse til geologisk kort over Danmark (i Målestock 1:100.000). Kortbladene Fåborg, Svendborg og Gulstav. A. Kvartaere aflejringer.
98653: MILTHERS, K. - Ledeblokke og landskabsformer i Danmark.
98654: MILTHERS, V. - Scandinavian indicator-boulders in the Quaternary deposits. Extension and distribution.
98655: MILTHERS, V. - Israndens Tilbagerykning fra Østjylland til Sjaelland-Fyn, belyst ved Ledeblokke (with German summary, pp. 60-70).
98597: MILTHERS, V. - Scandinavian indicator-boulders in the Quaternary deposits. Extension and distribution.
98598: MILTHERS, K. - Ledeblokke og landskabsformer i Danmark.
78399: MIN, E.J. DE - De geoide voor Nederland.
100472: MINATO, MASAO (ED.) - Japan and its nature.
100403: MINATO, MASAO (ED.) - Japan and its nature.
2380: MINATO, M. & M. KATO - Durhaminidae (Tetracoral).
2379: MINATO, M. & M. KATO - Waagenophyllidae.
2378: MINATO, M. & M. KATO - Upper Viséan corals from the Kirin Formation in the vicinity of Mincheng, Kirin Province, N.E. China.
7120111: MINATO, M. & M. KATO - Upper Carboniferous corals from the Nagaiwa Series, southern Kitakami Mountains, N.E. Japan.
50851: MINATO, M. & M. KATO - Geyerophyllidae Minato, 1955.
103269: MINATO, MASAO - Japanese Carboniferous and Permian corals.
103818: MINATO, MASAO - Japanese Carboniferous and Permian corals.
59172: MINDELL, DAVID P. - The evolving world. Evolution in everydays life.
66912: MING TAN, ANDY BAKER, DOMINIQUE GENTY, CLAIRE SMITH, JAN ESPER, BINGGUI CAI - Applications of stalagmite laminae to paleoclimate reconstructions: Comparison with dendrochronology/climatology
5101056: MING-MEI LIANG - Palynology, palaeoecology and palaeoclimate of the Miocene Shanwang Basin, Shandong Province, eastern China.
6500212: MINIGERODE, C. & J. KLEIN-REESINK - Das Dörentruper Braunkohleflöz als Zeuge eines fossilen Moores. Petrographische u. palynologische Untersuchungen zur Flözgenese.
78170: MINNEHERODE, C. & W. RIEGEL - Makropetrographische und palynologische Untersuchungen der Braunkohle von Borken (Bez. Kassel).
91955: MINNIGERODE, C. & J. KLEIN-REESINK - Das Dörentruper Braunkohleflöz als Zeuge eines fossilen Moores. Petrographische und palynologische Untersuchungen zur Flözgenese.
21581: MINOURA, N. - Lower Devonian crinoid Pernerocrinus from the southern Kitakami Mountains, N.E. Japan.
101297: MINTER, N.J. & S.J. BRADDY - Ichnology of an Early Permian intertidal flat: The Robledo Mountains Formation of southern New Mexico, USA.
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102050: MINUCCI, E. - La regione vulcanica del Cixerri in Sardegna.
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