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78115: MüLLER-BECK, H. - Die Grabungen des Jahres 1970 in der pre-Dorset-Station Umingmak auf Banks Island (Arktisches Kanada).
101815: MüLLER, KLAUS J. - Ostracoda (Bradorina) mit phosphatischen Gehäusen aus dem Oberkambrium von Schweden.
98506: MüLLER-STOLL, W.R. & E. MäDEL - Betulaceen-Hölzer aus dem Tertiär des pannonschen Beckens.
86232: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III. Vertebraten, Teil 2. Reptilien und Vögel. 2. Aufl.
60779: MüLLER, K.J. & I. HINZ-SCHALLREUTER - Palaeoscolecid worms from the Middle Cambrian of Australia.
48401: MüLLER, F. - Geologische Karte des Allgäu 1:25 000 Buchenberg 800.
87707: MüLLER, P. & G. HAHN - Die Trilobiten der Erdbach-Kalke von Erdbach (Hessen) und die der Phillipsien-Bank im Raum Warstein (Nordrhein-Westfalen), sowie eine Revision der Cystispininae (mittleres Mississippium).
48309: MüLLER, K.W. - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 6233 Ebermannstadt. [Erläut. mit Karte]
48310: MüLLER, K.W. - Geologischen Kart von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 6233 Ebermannstadt.
96471: MüLLER, K.J. - Phosphatocopine ostracodes with preserved appendages from the Upper Cambrian of Sweden.
94215: MüLLER, ALB. - Geognostische Skizze des Kantons Basel und der angrenzenden Gebiete, nebst geognostischer Karte in Farbendruck.
83591: MüLLER, W. - Beobachtungen an der hexactinelliden Juraspongie Casearia articulata (Schmidel).
86097: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch de Paläozoologie, Band III. Vertebraten. [ in 3 vols.]
101299: MüLLER, A.H. - Über Ichnia vom Typ Ophiomorpha und Thalassinoides (Vestigia invertebratorum, Crustacea).
101298: MüLLER, A.H. - Neue Lebensspuren (Vestigia invertebratorum) aus dem Karbon und der Trias Mitteldeutschlands.
86096: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch de Paläozoologie, Band II. Invertebraten. [ in 3 vols., 1. u. 2. Aufl.].
86095: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch de Paläozoologie, Band I Allgemeine Grundlagen. 2. Aufl.
86094: MüLLER, A.H. - Grossabläufe der Stammesgeschichte. Erscheinungen und Probleme.
51044: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III. Vertebraten, Teil 2. Reptilien und Vögel.
64189: MüLLER, H. - Zur spät- und nacheiszeitlichen Vegetationsgeschichte des mitteldeutschen Trockengebietes.
8110004: MULLER, S.W. - Standard of the Jurassic system.
47120: MüLLER-DEILE, G. - Geologische Karte der Alpenrandzone beiderseits vom Kochel-See in Oberbayern.
7080045: MÜLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band II. Invertebraten.
67416: B.U MüLLER, C SCHLüCHTER - Influence of the glacier bed lithology on the formation of a subglacial till sequence - ring-shear experiments as a tool for the classification of subglacial tills.
81824: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III Vertebraten, Teil I. Fische im weiteren Sinne und Amphibien.
81810: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III. Vertebraten, Teil 3. Mammalia.
80023: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III. Vertebraten, Teil 3. Mammalia.
7050723: MÜLLER-BECK, H. & G. ALBRECHT (EDS.) - Die Anfänge der Kunst vor 30000 Jahre.
94967: MüLLER, W. - Die Fauna des Frasnes-Stufe bei Almadén (Sierra Morena, Spanien).
64946: MüLLER-STOLL, W.R. - Bemerkenswerte Stamm- und Samenreste aus dem Lias a von Schwäbisch Gmünd (SW-Deutschland).
10210025: MÜLLER, A.H. - Über die Fastigatus-Anomalie der Ceratiten (Ammonoidea, Cephalopoda) des germanischen Oberen Muschelkalkes.
57123: MüLLER, H. - Pollenanalytische Untersuchung eines Quartärprofild durch die spät- und nacheizeitlichen Ablagerungen des Schleinsees (Südwestdeutschland).
1560335: MÜLLER, H. - Zur spät- und nacheiszeitlichen Vegetationsgeschichte des mitteldeutschen Trockengebietes.
50711: MüLLER, A.H. - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band II. Invertebraten.
90045: MüLLER, W. - Beobachtungen an der hexactinelliden Juraspongie Pachyteichisma lamellosum (Goldf.).
90049: MüLLER, WALTER - Revision der Gattung Cnemidiastrum (Desmospongia, Rhizomorina) nach Material aus dem Weissen Jura der Schwäbischen Alb.
90050: MüLLER, WALTER - Revision der Gattungen Hyalotragos und Pyrgochonia (Desmospongia, Rhizomorina) nach Material aus dem Weissen Jura der Schwäbischen Alb.
90265: MüLLER, ARNO HERMANN - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III. Vertebraten, Teil 1. Fische im weiteren Sinne und Amphibien. 2. neubearb. u. erweit. Aufl.
90266: MüLLER, ARNO HERMANN - Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band III. Vertebraten, Teil 2. Reptilien und Vögel. 2. neubearb. u. erweit. Aufl.
90315: MüLLER, ARNOLD - Selachier (Pisces, Neoselachii) aus dem höheren Campanium (Oberkreide) Westfalens (NRW, NW-Deutschland).
90316: MüLLER, ARNOLD - Selachier (Pisces, Chondrichthyes) aus dem Cenomanium von Ascheloh am Teutoburger Wald (Nordrhein-Westfalen, NW-Deutschland).
90317: MüLLER, ARNOLD - Eine Ichthyofauna aus dem Neogen einer Bohrung in der nördlichen Nordsee.
90838: MüLLER-STOLL, W.R. & E. MäDEL - Über tertiäre Eichenhölzer aus dem pannonischen Becken.
98383: MüLLER-STOLL, W.R. & E. MäDEL - Betulaceen-Hölzer aus dem Tertiär des pannonschen Beckens.
98387: MüLLER-STEFFEN, K. - Das Oberdevon des nördlichen Oberharzes im Lichte der Ostracoden-Chronologie.
91584: MüLLER, K.J. - Cephalopodenfauna und Stratigraphie des Oberdevons von Schleiz und Zeulenroda in Thüringen.
91748: MüLLER, RODRIGO TEMP - Craniomandibular osteology of Macrocollum itaquii (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil.
10991920: MULLINEAUX, D.R. & D.R. CRANDELL - Recent lahars from Mount St. Helens, Washington.
1133111: MULLINEAUX, D.R. - Pre-1980 tephra-fall deposits erupted from Mount St. Helens, Washington.
44276: MULLINS, G.L. & D.K. LOYDELL - Integrated Silurian chitinozoan and graptolite biostratigraphy of the Banwy River section, Wales.
44275: MULLINS, G.L. AND R.J. ALDRIDGE - Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the basal Wenlock Series (Silurian) Global Stratotype Section and Point.
44274: MULLINS, G.L. 2001. - Acritarchs and prasinophyte algae of the Elton Group, Ludlow Series, of the type area.
96193: MULLINS, G.L. - Acritarchs and prasinophyte algae of the Elton Group, Ludlow Series, of the type area.
10990818: MULLINS, G.L. & D.K. LOYDELL - Integrated Silurian Chitinozoan and Graptolite Biostratigraphy of the Banwy River Section, Wales.
96194: MULLINS, G.L. & R.J. ALDRIDGE - Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the basal Wenlock Series (Silurian) Global Stratotype Section and Point.
96195: MULLINS, G.L. & D.K. LOYDELL - Integrated Silurian chitinozoan and graptolite biostratigraphy of the Banwy River section, Wales.
10990236: MULLINS, G.L. & D.K. LOYDELL - Integrated Silurian chitinozoan and graptolite biostratigraphy of the Banwy River section, Wales.
10990235: MULLINS, G.L. AND R.J. ALDRIDGE - Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the basal Wenlock Series (Silurian) Global Stratotype Section and Point.
99842: MULVANEY, D.J. ET AL. - Archaeological excavations at Fromm's Landing on the Lower Murray River, South Australia.
99843: MULVANEY, D.J. ET AL. - Archaeological excavation of rock shelter No. 6 Fromm's Landing, South Australia.
5100596: MULVANEY, D.J. - The prehistory of Australia.
5100595: MULVANEY, D.J. ET AL. - Archaeological excavation of rock shelter No. 6 Fromm's Landing, South Australia.
5100594: MULVANEY, D.J. ET AL. - Archaeological excavations at Fromm's Landing on the Lower Murray River, South Australia.
64862: MUNAUT, A.V. - Etude paléo-écologique d'un gisement tourbeux situé à Terneuzen (Pays-Bas).
64116: MUNAUT, A.V. - Recherches paléo-écologiques en Basse et Moyen Belgique.
75065: MUNAUT, A.V. & E. PAULISSEN - Évolution et paléo-écologie de la vallée de la Pitite Nèthe au cours su post-Würm (Belgique).
57511: MUNAUT, A.V. & W.A. CASPARIE - Étude dendrochronologique des Pinus sylvestris L. subfossiles provenant de la tourbière d’Emmen (Drenthe, Pays-Bas).
57124: MUNAUT, A.V. - Recherches paléo-écologiques en Basse et Moyen Belgique.
64873: MUNAUT, A.V. - Etude paléo-écologique d'un gisement tourbeux situé à Terneuzen (Pays-Bas).
1523023: MUNCK, V.C. DE - Geologische kaart van Suriname 1:100.000. C8 Blad Java.
1523024: MUNCK, V.C. DE - Geologische kaart van Suriname 1:100.000. C9 Blad Bigiston.
96974: MUNCK, V.C.E.A. DE - Geology and petrology of the northwestern Artfjäll, Swedish Lapland.
96975: MUNCK, V.C.E.A. DE - Geology and petrology of the northwestern Artfjäll, Swedish Lapland.
98036: MUNHA, J. ET AL. - Petrology of ultramafic xenoliths from Madeira island.
93737: MüNICHSDORFER, FRIEDRICH - Geschichte des Hüttenberger Erzberges.
73441: MUNIER-CHALMAS, & CH. SCHLUMBERGER - Note sur les Miliolidées trématophorées.
5100254: MUNIER-CHALMAS, M. - Étude critique sur les Rudistes, Paragr. 2-8. /&/ Revue critique de quelques espèces du genre Trigonia.
101300: MUñIZ, F. & E. MAYORAL - Macanopsis plataniformis nov. ichnosp. from the Lower Cretaceous and Upper Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula.
59527: MUNK, WOLFGANG & HANS-DIETER SUES - Gut contents of Parasaurus (Pareiasauria) and Protorosaurus (Archosauromorpha) from the Kupferschiefer (Upper Permian) of Hessen, Germany.
1340337: MUNK, C. - Feinstratigraphische und mikropalaontologische Untersuchungen an Foraminiferen-Faunen im Mittleren und Oberen Dogger (Bajocien -Callovien) der Frankenalb.
10990237: MUNNECKE, A. ET AL. - A new family of calcareous microfossils from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden.
94972: MUñOZ, J.A. ET AL. (EDS.) - Symposium Pyrénées et Chaine Bétique, Barcelone 1988. (hommage J.M. Fontboté).
94970: MUñOZ BARRAGáN, P. - Los troncos fósiles del Albiense de El Barranquillo (Castellote, Teruel). Identicación asistida por ordenador del xilema de coníferas mesozoicas: la aplicación XYLODATA.
100560: MUñOZ, N.G. - Sedimentary geology of the Eocene flysch of Isla de Margarita (Venezuela).
94969: MUñOZ, A. ET AL. - Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain.
96472: MUNSEY, GORDON C. - A Paleocene ostracode fauna from the Coal Bluff marl member of the Naheola formation of Alabama.
83020: MüNSTER, GEORGE DE - Mémoire sur les Clymènes et les goniatites du calcaire de transition du Fichtelgebirge. [traduit de l'allemand]
6500042: MUNSTERMAN, D.K. & H. BRINKHUIS - A southern North Sea Miocene dinoflagellate cyst zonation.
59611: MUNTHE, H. - Några fågelfund från senglaciala lager.
96976: MUNTHE, H. ET AL. - Beskrivning till kartbladet Sövdeborg.
90718: MUNTHE, J. & M. C. COOMBS - Miocene dome-skulled chalicotheres (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the western United States; a preliminary discussion of a bizarre structure.
91996: MUNTHE, HENR. - Om Nordens, främst Baltikums, senkvartära Utveckling och Stenåldersbebyggelse.
85830: MüNZING, KLAUS - Quartäre Molluskenfaunen aus dem Kaiserstuhl.
48840: MURA, A. (RED.) - Archäologie in den Dolomiten. Forschungen und Funde in den ladinischen Tälern: von der Steinzeit bis zur Römerzeit.
1133112: MURATA, K.J., D.H. RICHTER, ET AL. - The 1959-60 eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. [in 5 parts].
3369: MURATA, K.J., D.H. RICHTER, ET AL. - The 1959-60 eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. [in 5 parts].
78263: MURAWSKI, H. - Tierfährten aus dem Pleistozän von Holstein.
101759: MURCK, B.W. & B.J. SKINNER - Geology today. Understanding our planet.
92725: MURELAGA BEREIKUA, X - Primeros restos de tortugas del Cretácico inferior (Barremiense superior) de Vallipón (Castellote, Teruel).
97809: MURIE, JAMES - On the systematic position of the Sivatherium giganteum of Falconer and Cautley.
78392: MURIE, JAMES - On the systematic position of the Sivatherium giganteum of Falconer and Cautley.
94973: MURILLO, J.M. & J. CARRERA (EDS.) - Gestión, Modelación y Recuperación de Acuíferos Costeros.
83862: MURPHY, M.A. ET AL. - Biostratigraphy and evolution of the Ozarkodina remschneidensis-Eognathodus sulcatus lineage (Lower Devonian) in Germany and Central Nevada.
24250: MURPHY, M.A. - Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Lower Chickabally Mudstone (Barremian-Aptian) in the Ono Quadrangle, northern California.
53213: MURPHY, M.A. & P.U. RODDA - The Albian-Cenomanian boundary in northern California.
67159: A.S. MURRAY, J.M. OLLEY, G.G. CAITCHEON - Measurement of equivalent doses in quartz from contemporary water-lain sediments using optically stimulated luminescence.
93147: MURRAY-HUGHES, ROBERT - The Geology of Part of North-Western Rhodesia.
98212: MURRAY-HUGHES, ROBERT - The Geology of Part of North-Western Rhodesia.
67084: MURRAY, D. & J. OVERPECK (EDS.) - Decadal to millennial-scale variability in the climate system.
10991406: MURRAY,. A.M. - Late Eocene and early Oligocene teleost and associated ichthyofauna of the Jebel Qatrani Formation, Fayum, Egypt.
67463: C.V. MURRAY-WALLACE, D. BANERJEE, R.P. BOURMAN, J.M. OLLEY, B.P. BROOKE - Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Holocene relict foredunes, Guichen Bay, South Australia.
67352: C.V. MURRAY-WALLACE, A.G. BEU, G.W. KENDRICK, L.J. BROWN, A.P. BELPERIO, J.E. SHERWOOD - Palaeoclimatic implications of the occurrence of the arcoid bivalve Anadara trapezia (Deshayes) in the Quaternary of Australasia.
64619: MURRAY, J.W. - Distribution and ecology of living benthic foraminiferids.
67228: MURRAY, T. (ED.) - The glaciological basis of Quaternary science.
96977: MURRIS, R.J. - Geology and petrology of the Gieravardo-Jofjället region, Västerbotten, Sweden.
67706: J.B. MURTON, C.A. WHITEMAN, R.I. WALLER, W.H. POLLARD, I.D. CLARK, S.R. DALLIMORE - Basal ice facies and supraglacial melt-out till of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands, western Arctic Canada
58704: MURTY, T.S. - Seismic sea waves. Tsunamis.
96473: MUSACCHIO, E.A. & A.H. ABRAHAMOVICH - Early Cetaceous Platycopina (marine ostracods) from the Andean Neuquén Basin, Argentina.
47857: MUSIL, R. - Paleobiography of terrestrial communities in Europe during the Last Glacial.
90719: MUSIL, R. & V. VáVRA (EDS.) - Proceedings of the 13th International Cave bear Symposium, September 20-24, 2007, Brno, Czech Republic.
101190: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Geologische kaart van Sumatra schaal 1:200.000. Toelichting bij blad 15 (Praboemoelih).
101191: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Geologische kaart van Sumatra schaal 1:200.000. Toelichting bij blad 16 (Lahat).
101195: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Geologische kaart van Sumatra schaal 1:200.000. Toelichting bij blad 15 (Praboemoelih). [ without the map]
101196: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Geologische kaart van Sumatra schaal 1:200.000. Toelichting bij blad 16 (Lahat). [ without the map]
100936: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Beknopt verslag over de uitkomsten van nieuwe geologiche onderzoekingen in de Padangse Bovenlanden.
100937: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Een bezoek aan de grot Soeroeman Besar in het Goemaigebergte, Palembang, Zuid-Sumatra.
100938: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Kritische Betrachtungen über Herkunft und genaueres Alter der aus dem Tertiär Niederländisch-Indiens beschriebenen Hölzer.
506373: MUSPER, K.A.F.R. - Die fischführende Breccien- und Mergelschieferabteilung des Tertiärs der Padanger Hochlande (Mittel-Sumatra).
60744: MUSTEIKIS, PETRAS AND TATYANA L. MODZALEVSKAYA - Some Silurian Brachiopods from Lithuania and Their Palaeobiogeographical Significance.
44162: MUSTOE, G.E. ET AL. - Giant Eocene bird footprints from Northwest Washington, USA.
78264: MUTSCHLECHNER, GEORG - Die geologischen grundlagen der Gasteiner Heilmittel (Thermalwasser und Thermalstollen).
80857: MUTTERLOSE, JöRG - Einführung in die Paläobiologie Teil 1. Allgemeine Paläontologie, begründet von bernhard Ziegler. 6. neu bearb. u. erg. Aufl.
87941: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Die Floren- und Faunenführung des Ober-Valangin (Unter-Kreide) in NW Deutschland.
64523: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Die Floren- und Faunenführung des Ober-Valangin (Unter-Kreide) in NW Deutschland.
64512: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Die Floren- und Faunenführung des Ober-Valangin (Unter-Kreide) in NW Deutschland.
78195: MUTTERLOSE, JöRG - The Barremian-Aptian turnover of biota in northwestern Europe: evidence from belemnites.
64192: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Floren- und faunaverteilung in rhythmisch gebankten Serien des Hauterive (Unterkreide) NW-Deutschlands.
64190: MUTTERLOSE, J. & B. BöCKEL - The Barremian-Aptian interval in NW Germany: a review.
6500017: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Die Floren- und Faunenführung des Ober-Valangin (Unter-Kreide) in NW Deutschland.
89695: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Die Floren- und Faunenführung des Ober-Valangin (Unter-Kreide) in NW Deutschland.
90215: MUTTERLOSE, JöRG - Die Unterkreide-Aufschlüsse (Berrias-Hauterive) im nördlichen Wiehengebirgsvorland (N-Deutschland).
90216: MUTTERLOSE, JöRG - Die Unterkreide-Aufschlüsse des Osning-Sandsteins (NW-Deutschland) -- Ihre Fauna und Lithofazies.
9050115: MUTTERLOSE, J. - Die Unterkreide-Aufschlüsse des Osning-Sandsteins (NW-Deutschland) – Ihre Fauna und Lithofazies.
90970: MUTTERLOSE, JöRG - Die Unterkreide-Aufschlüsse des Osning-Sandsteins (NW-Deutschland) -- Ihre Fauna und Lithofazies.
90971: MUTTERLOSE, J. ET AL. - Die Floren- und Faunenführung des Ober-Valangin (Unter-Kreide) in NW Deutschland.
91161: MUTTERLOSE, JöRG (INTRO) - Marine plankton -- a proxy for the understanding of Recent and fossil environments.
98037: MUTTI, E. ET AL. - Schema stratigrafico e lineamenti di facies del Paleogene marino della zona centrale sudpirenaica tra Tremp (catalogna) e Pamplona (Navarra).
44127: MUTVEI, HARRY - Siphuncular structure in Ordovician endocerid cephalopods
77233: MUTVEI, H. - Exoskeletal structure in the Ordovician trilobite Flexicalymene.
52078: MUTVEI, H. - On the relations of the principal muscles to the shell in Nautilus and some fossil nautiloids. With a taxonomic appendix.
10991343: MUTVEI, H. & R.A. REYMENT - Buoyancy control and siphuncle function in ammonoids.
20976: MUTVEI, H. ET AL. - Muscles and attachment of the body to the shell in embryos and adults of Nautilus belauensis (Cephalopoda).
92235: MYCZYNSKI, R. ET AL. - Revised biostratigraphy and correlations of the Middle-Upper Oxfordian in the Americas (Southern USA, Mexico, Cuba, and northern Chile).
94974: MYERS, T.S. ET AL. - Palaeoclimate of the Late Jurassic of Portugal: comparison with the Western United States.
89604: MYERS, D.A. ET AL. - Geology of the Late Paleozoic Horseshoe Atoll in West Texas.
95861: MYKURA, W. & J. PHEMISTER - The geology of Western Shetland. Memoir for sheet 127 and parts of 125, 126 and 128.
95802: MYKURA, W. & B. OWENS - The Old Red Sandstone of the Mealfuarvonie Outlier, west of Loch Ness, Inverness-shire.
93740: MYLIUS, H. - Die geologischen Verhältnisse des Hinteren Bregenzer Waldes in den Quellengebieten der Breitach und der Bregenzer Ach bis südlich zum Lech.
93741: MYLIUS, H. - Ein geologischer Profil vom Säntis zu den Bergamasker Alpen.
93742: MYLIUS, H. - Ein geologischer Profil vom Säntis zu den Bergamasker Alpen.
85065: MYRLAND, R. - Velfjord. Beskrivelse til de berggrunnsgeologiske gradteigskart I 18, 1:100.000.
9090186: MYRRHOLIN - Myrrholin Welt-Panorama. Album I. Europa.
6100584: MYTHEN, S. - After the ice. A global human history 20,000 - 5000 BC.
6120280: NACHTIGALL, H. - Tierradentro. Archäologie und Ethnographie einer kolumbianischen Landschaft.
81895: NAEF, ADOLF - Die fossile Tintenfische. Eine paläozoologische Monographie.
90217: NAEF, ADOLF - Fossil dibranchiate cephalopods. A paleozoological monograph.
8090014: NAEREBOUT, G.J.F. - Zwervers op zee.
8090013: NAEREBOUT, G.J.F. - Oceaanreuzen. 3de druk.
82712: NAGAO, T. - Two Tertiary and one Cretaceous Crustacea from Hokkaido, Japan.
6120039: NAGAO, T. - Some molluscan fossils from the Cretaceous deposits of Hokkaido and Japanese Saghalien. Part I. Lamellibranchiata and Scaphopoda, Part II. Gastropoda.
6120041: NAGAO, T. & K. OTATUME - The fossil Corbiculids from the Palaeogene Isikari Series in the Isikari coal-field, Hokkaido //&// On two fossil Corbiculids from the Palaeogene coal-bearing Tertiary of Obirasibé, Tesio Province, Hokkaido //&// Three new species of fossil Corbiculids f
58531: NAGAO, T. - Aturia yokoyamai, nov. nom., from the Palaeogene of Kyûshû.
99213: NAGAO, TAKUMI - On some Cretaceous fossils from the islands of Amakusa, Kyushu, Japan.
77190: NAGEL, D. ET AL. - Functional morphology and fur patterns in recent and fossil Panthera species.
93743: NAGEL , K.H. - Der Bau der Thiersee- und Karwendelmulde (tirol) interpretiert mit Hilfe statistischer Verfahren.
97314: NAGEL , KARL-HEINZ - Der Bau der Thiersee- und Karwendelmulde (tirol) interpretiert mit Hilfe statistischer Verfahren.
101956: NAGEL, JOACHIM - Zur Tektonik geschieferter Faltengebirge.
101957: NAGEL, U. & H.G. WUNDERLICH - Geologisches Blockbild der Umgebung von Göttingen.
21325: NAGELKERKEN, W.P. - The groupers and snappers of the Netherlands Antilles.
91585: NAGM, EMAD & MARKUS WILMSEN - Late Cenomanian-Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from Wadi Qena, central Eastern Desert, Egypt: taxonomy, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeographic implications.
94976: NAGTEGAAL, P.J.C., A. VAN VLIET & J. BROUWER - Syntectonic coastal offlap and concurrent turbidite deposition: The Upper Cretaceous Aren sandstone in the South-Central Pyrenees, Spain.
94975: NAGTEGAAL, P.J.C. - Sedimentology, paleoclimatology, and diagenesis of post-Hercynian continental deposits in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain.
7050295: NAGY, E. - Palynological evidence for Neogene climatic change in Hungary.
101415: NAGY, ESZTER - A comprehensive study of Neogene sporomorphs in Hungary.
76721: NAGY, E. - A comprehensive study of Neogene sporomorphs in Hungary.
1560341: NAGY, E. - A comprehensive study of Neogene sporomorphs in Hungary.
87472: NAIR, P.K.K. (ED.) - Advances in pollen-spore research.
96884: NAIRN, A.E.M. (ED.) - Descriptive palaeoclimatology.
59528: NAISH, D. - Theropod dinosaur diversity and palaeobiology in the Wealden Group (Early Cretaceous) of England: evidnce from a previously undescribed tibia.
10991845: NAIZHENG DU - Fossil wood from the Late Tertiary of Burma.
73301: NAJI, F. - Kalkiges Nannoplankton aus der Oberkreide und dem Alttertiär Nord-Jordaniens (Mittel-Santon bis Mittel-Eozän).
7525: NAKAMORI, T. - Community structures of recent and Pleistocene hermatypic corals in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
18328: NAKAMURA, K. - Dictoclostus derived from the middle Permian Kanokura series and the lower Permian Sakamotozawa series of the Kitakami Mountains, Japan.
18327: NAKAMURA, K. - Some Lower Permian Sakamotozawa brachiopods.
86193: NAKAMURA, MANZIRO - On some Pectinidae fossils from the Miocene deposits of the Tomiya Block, Miyagi-ken, northeast Honsyû, Japan.
21692: NAKAMURA, K. - Anidanthus and Megousia (Brachiopoda) from the Permian of Japan and Cambodia.
21691: NAKAMURA, K. - Isogramma from the Permian Kanokura series of the Kitakami Mountains, Japan.
7120115: NAKAMURA, K. & F. GOLSHANI - Notes on the Permian brachiopod genus Cryptospirifer.
7120114: NAKAMURA, K. - Permian Davidsoniacea from the southern Kitakami Mountains, Japan.
51103: NAKAYA, H. & M. WATABE - Hipparion from the upper Miocene Namurungule Formation, Samburu Hills, Kenya: phylogenetic significance of newly discovered skull.
87857: NAKAZAWA, K. & H.M. KAPOOR - The Upper Permian and Lower Triassic faunas of Kashmir.
87106: NAKAZAWA, K. & H.M. KAPOOR - The Upper Permian and Lower Triassic faunas of Kashmir.
1060178: NAKREM, H.A. - Middle Carboniferous to Early Permian bryozoans from Spitsbergen.
84303: NAM - Nederland Olieland.
93173: NANDA, A.C. & G. CORVINUS - Skull characteristics of two proboscideans from the Upper Siwalik Subgroup of Nepal.
92784: NANDA, A.C. & G. CORVINUS - Skull characteristics of two proboscideans from the Upper Siwalik Subgroup of Nepal.
93744: NäNNY, PAUL - Zur Geologie der Prätigauschiefer zwischen Rhätikon und Plessur.
97315: NäNNY, P. - Zur Geologie der Prätigauschiefer zwischen Rhätikon und Plessur.
80930: NANSEN, FRIDTJOF - The waters of the North-eastern North Atlantic. Investigations made during the Cruise of the Frithjof, of the Royal Norwegian Navy, in July 1910.
80929: NANSEN, FRIDTJOF - Some oceanographical results of the expedition with the Michael Sars in the summer of 1900. Perliminary report.
64932: NAPIER, J.R. - Fossil metacarpals from Swartkrans.
101786: NAPPI, GIOVANNI - Sull' eruzione del vulcano Komagataké (Hokkaido) del 1929.
73760: NARBONNE G.M. AND O.A. DIXON - Upper Silurian lithistid sponge reefs on Somerset Island, Arctic Canada.
60780: NARBONNE, G.M. & H.J. HOFMANN - Ediacaran biota of the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon, Canada.
17292: NARBONNE, G.M. AND J.D. AITKEN - Ediacaran fossils from the Sekwi Brook area, Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada.
67037: B. NARCISI, B. ANSELMI, F. CATALANO, G. DAI PRA, G. MAGRI - Lithostratigraphy of the 250,000 year record of lacustrine sediments from the Valle di Castiglione crater, Roma.
102367: NASA - Earth photographs from Gemini VI through XII.
57340: NASA - Earth photographs from Gemini VI through XII.
93745: NASH, J.M.W. - De geologie van de Grande-Chartreuseketens.
67520: J.O. NäSLUND, L. RODHE, J.L. FASTOOK, P. HOLMLUND - New ways of studying ice sheet flow directions and glacial erosion by computer modelling-examples from Fennoscandia.
24252: NASSICHUK, W.W. - Carboniferous ammonoids and stratigraphy in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
24253: NASSICHUK, W W. - Carboniferous Ammonoids and Stratigraphy in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
49078: NASSICHUK, W.W. - Permian ammonoids from Devon and Melville islands, Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
50975: NASSICHUK, W.W. - Permian ammonoids from Devon and Melville islands, Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
91586: NASSICHUK, W.W. - Permian ammonoids and nautiloids, southern Eagle Plain, Yukon Territory.
91587: NASSICHUK, W.W. - Carboniferous ammonoids and stratigraphy in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
67099: NAT RUTTER, Z. DING - Paleoclimates and monsoon variations interpreted from micromorphogenic features of the Baoji paleosols, China.
67032: NAT RUTTER - Presidential address, XIII INQUA congress 1991: Chinese loess and global change.
67018: NAT RUTTER, DING ZHONGLI, M.E. EVANS, LIU TUNGSHENG - Baoji-type pedostratigraphic section, Loess Plateau, north-central China.
67025: NATHALIE COMBOURIEU NEBOUT, COLETTE VERGNAUD GRAZZINI - Late Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciations: The continental and marine responses in the central Mediterranean.
87708: NATHAN, H. - Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries: Das Gebiet des Blattes Ederheim.
83133: NATHO, G. ET AL. - Wörterbücher der Biologie. Morphologie und Systematik der Pflanzen.
99487: NATHORST, A.G. - Beiträge zur Geologie der Bären-Insel, Spitzbergens und des König-Karl-Landes.
7050254: NATURMUSEUM ENSCHEDE - Saurier zwischen Ems und IJssel. Eine Retrospektive der Saurier dieser Gegend.
88854: NAUMANN, EDMUND - Ueber die Vulcaninsel Ooshima und ihre jüngste Eruption.
24987: NAUMANN, E. - Erläuterungen zur geologischen Karte von Preussen und benachbarten Bundesstaaten, Lief. 2. Blatt Jena. Gradabteilung 71, Blatt No. 2. 4. Aufl. [Erläuterungen ohne Karte].
88566: NAUMANN, EDMUND - Ueber die Vulcaninsel Ooshima und ihre jüngste Eruption.
99441: NAUMIENKO, T. (ED.) - Lodowiec Werenskiøldbreen strefa czolowa.
95520: NAVIDAD, M. &M. ALVARO - El vulcanismo alcalino del Triásico Superior de Mallorca.
95633: NAYLOR, D. - The Upper Devonian and Carboniferous geology of the Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork.
91162: NAZAROV, B.B. & A.R. ORMISTON - Evolution of Radiolaria in the Paleozoic and its correlation with the development of other marine fossil groups.
91163: NAZAROV, B.B. & A.R. ORMISTON - Evolution of Radiolaria in the Paleozoic and its correlation with the development of other marine fossil groups.
97914: NEALE, J.W. - Biofacies and lithofacies of the Speeton Clay D Beds, E. Yorkshire.
96474: NEALE, J.W. - Ostracoda from the type Speeton clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Yorkshire.
96475: NEALE, JOHN W. (ED.) - The taxonomy, morphology and ecology of Recent Ostracoda.
87030: NEALE, J.W. & M.D. BRASIER (EDS.) - Microfossils from recent and fossil shelf seas.
82108: NEALE, J.W. - The ostracod fauna from the Santonian chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of Gingin, Western Australia.
96476: NEALE, J.W. - The ostracod fauna from the Santonian chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of Gingin, Western Australia.
96477: NEALE, J.W. & P. SINGH - Ostracoda from the Middle Eocene of Assam.
20977: NEALE, J.W. - Ammonoidea from the Lower D beds (Berriasian) of the Speeton Clay.
54486: NEBELSICK, J.H. ET AL. - The encrustation of fossil and recent sea-urchin tests: ecological and taphonomic significance.
89019: NEBELSICK, J.H. ET AL. - The encrustation of fossil and recent sea-urchin tests: ecological and taphonomic significance.
88233: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer Geschiebe./&/ Fossilien ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe. /&/ Fossilien kambrischer, ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe.
73240: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe.
1530313: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER. - Fossilien kambrischer, ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe.
73142: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer Geschiebe./&/ Fossilien ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe. /&/ Fossilien kambrischer, ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe.
73143: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer Geschiebe./&/ Fossilien ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe. /&/ Fossilien kambrischer, ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe.
73138: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer Geschiebe./&/ Fossilien ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe. /&/ Fossilien kambrischer, ordovicischer und silurischer Geschiebe.
87548: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer Geschiebe.
87549: NEBEN, W. & H.H. KRUEGER - Fossilien ordovicischer Geschiebe.
59742: NEDERLANDSE GEOLOGISCHE VERENIGING AFD. LIMBURG. - Jaarboek 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 & 1965. [6 deeltjes]
94979: NEDERLOF, M.H. - Structure and sedimentology of the Upper Carboniferous of the upper Pisuerga valleys, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain.
94978: NEDERLOF, M.H. - Structure and sedimentology of the Upper Carboniferous of the upper Pisuerga valleys, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain.
94977: NEDERLOF, M.H. - Structure and sedimentology of the Upper Carboniferous of the upper Pisuerga valleys, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain.
1340338: NEEDHAM, C.E. - Some New Mexico Fusulinidae.
81424: VAN NEER, WIM & GAYET, MIREILLE - Étude des poissons en provenance des sites holocènes du bassin de Taoudenni-Araouane (Mali).
65128: VAN NEER, W. & M. GERMONPRé - Le gisement pléistocène à grands mammifères de Rotselaar (Brabant; Belgique).
73970: NEER, W. VAN & M. GERMONPRé - Le gisement pléistocène à grand mammifères de Rotselaar (Brabant; Belgique).
58566: NEER, W. VAN & M. GAYET - Étude des poissons en provenance des sites holocènes du bassin de Taoudenni-Araouane (Mali).
98937: NEEV, D. - A pre-Neogene erosion channel in the southern coastal plain of Israel.
80489: NEGENDANK, J.F.W. - Zur Känozoischen Geschichte von Eifel und Hunsrück. Sedimetpetrographische Untersuchungen im Moselbereich.
101958: NEGENDANK, J.F.W. - Zur Känozoischen Geschichte von Eifel und Hunsrück. Sedimetpetrographische Untersuchungen im Moselbereich.
76445: NEGEV, A. - The archaeological encyclopedia of the holy land. 3rd ed.
76444: NEGEV, A. - Schatten uit bijbelse bodem.
63679: NEIGE, P. & I. ROUGET - Les ammonites du Toarcien de Chantonnay (Vendée, France): analyse paléontologique, biostratigraphie et réflexion sur les Hildoceratinae.
55752: NEIGE, P. ET AL. - Heterochronic differentiation of sexual dimorphs among Jurassic ammonite species.
96478: NEIL J.V. - Variation in surface morphology of a Miocene hemicytherid ostracode.
98876: O'NEILL, J.J. ET AL. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 Volume XI: Geology and Geography, Part A: The geology of the Arctic coast of Canada, West of the Kent Peninsula. /&/ Part B: Geographical notes on the Arctic coast of Canada. [Southern party 1913-16]
82885: O'NEILL, J.J. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 Volume XI: Geology and Geography, Part A: The geology of the Arctic coast of Canada, West of the Kent Peninsula. /&/ K.G. Chipman & J.R. Cox: Part B: Geographical notes on the Arctic coast of Canada. [Southern party 1913-16]
85951: O'NEILL, F.M. ET AL. - Akanthosuchus lanstoni, a new crocodilian from the Nacimiento Formation (Paleocene, Torrejonian) of New Mexico.
89606: O'NEILL, J.M. ET AL. - Geologic investigations in the Lake Valley area, Sierra County, New Mexico.
94980: NEIVA, J.M. COTELO - Geología dos minérios de ferro portugueses. Seu interesse para a siderurgía.
77794: NEKHOROSHEV, B. - Die Fauna des deutschen Unterkarbons. Die Brachiopoden, 3. Teil. Die Bryozoen des deutschen Unterkarbons.
77791: NEKHOROSHEV, B. - Die Fauna des deutschen Unterkarbons. Die Brachiopoden, 3. Teil. Die Bryozoen des deutschen Unterkarbons.
6030760: NEL, A. ET AL. - Essai de révision des Aeschnidioidea [Insecta, Odonata, Anisoptera]. Les Isoptera fossiles [Insecta, Dyctyoptera].
79659: NEL, A. ET AL. - The first recorded protozygopteran insects from the Upper Permian of France.
79344: NEL, A. ET AL. - A revision of the Eurasian fossil species of the bee Apis.
92380: NEL, ANDRé ET AL. - New Rhachiberothidae (Insecta: Neuroptera) in Early Cretaceous and Early Eocene ambers from France and Lebanon.
92379: NEL, ANDRé ET AL. - Les Aeshnidae fossiles: état actuel des connaissances (Odonata, Anisoptera).
62647: NEL, ANDRé & JULIáN F. PETRULEVICIUS - New Palaeogene bees from Europe and Asia.
59292: NEL, A. - Essai de révision des Berytidae fossiles (Heteroptera, Pentatomorpha).
61964: NEL, A. ET AL. - New fossil Odonata (Insecta) from the Upper Miocene of France and Spain (Anisoptera and Zygoptera).
94981: NEL, A. ET AL. - New fossil Odonata (Insecta) from the Upper Miocene of France and Spain (Anisoptera and Zygoptera).
1630061: NEL, A. - Rèvision du genre cénozoique Stenolestes Scudder, 1895; description de deux espèces nouvelles (Insecta, Odonata, Lestidae).
58395: NEL, A. - Nouveau insectes neuroptéroïdes fossiles de l’Oligocène de France (Neuroptera et Megaloptera).
50733: NEL, A. ET AL. - Phylogenetic analysis of the Cenozoic family Sieblosiidae (Insecta: Odonata), with description of new taxa from Russia, Italy and France.
89892: NEL, ANDRé ET AL. - New fossil spongilla-flies from the lowermost Eocene amber of France (Insecta, Neuroptera, Sisyridae) .
89893: NEL, ANDRé ET AL. - New fossil earwigs from the lowermost Eocene amber of Paris basin (France) (Insecta, Dermaptera, family incertae sedis).
91271: NEL, PATRICIA ET AL. - Redefining the Thripida (Insecta: Paraneoptera).
83939: NELDON, S.J. & C.E. JOHNSON - Permo-Pennsylvanian brachythyrid and horridonid brachiopods from the Yukon Territory, Canada.
83882: NELSON, SAMUEL J. - Mississippian faunas of Western Canada.
10991184: NELSON, R.M. - A contribution to the paleontology of the Martinez Eocene of California.
100544: NELSON, H.W. - Contribution to the geology of the central and western Cordillera of Columbia in the sector between Ibagué and Cali.
82587: NELSON, H.W. & T. VAN DER HAMMEN - Een Kwartair-geologisch onderzoek van het SW-deel van Noord-Brabant.
54907: NELSON, H.W. & T. VAN DER HAMMEN - Een Kwartair-geologisch onderzoek van het SW-deel van Noord-Brabant.
84649: NELSON, SAMUEL J. - Mississippian faunas of Western Canada.
83498: NELSON, GARETH - Notes on the structure and relationships of ceryain Cretaceous and Eocene teleostean fishes.
91273: NELSON, C.A. - Cambrian trilobites from the St. Croix Valley.
79855: NELTNER, L. & N. POCTEY - Quelques faunes géorgiennes du Maroc.
87795: NELTNER, L. - Études géologiques dans le sud marocain. (Haut-Atlas et Anti-Atlas).
84117: NEMEJC, F. - Odontopterides and Mixonearae of the Permocarboniferous of Bohemia (a preliminary study).
84118: NEMEJC, F. - Taxonomical studies on the strobili of the Lepidodendraceae of the coal district of central Bohemia.
84116: NEMEJC, F. - The Lepidodendraceae of the coaldistricts of central Bohemia.
64368: NEMETH, DAVID J. - The architecture of ideology. Neo-confucian imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea.
90858: NéMETH, K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Monogenetic volcanism.
83863: NEMYROVSKA, T.I. ET AL. - Conodont faunas across the mid-Carboniferous boundary from the Barcaliente Formation at La Lastra (Palentian Zone, Cantabrian Mountains, northwest Spain); geological setting, sedimentological characters and faunal descriptions.
94982: NEMYROVSKA, T.J. - Late Viséan/early Serpuhovian conodont succession from the Triollo section, Palencia (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain).
94983: NEMYROVSKA, T.I. ET AL. - Conodont faunas across the mid-Carboniferous boundary from the Barcaliente Formation at La Lastra (Palentian Zone, Cantabrian Mountains, northwest Spain); geological setting, sedimentological characters and faunal descriptions.
76982: NEMYROVSKA, T.I. ET AL. - Conodont faunas across the mid-Carboniferous boundary from the Barcaliente Formation at La Lastra (Palentian Zone, Cantabrian Mountains, northwest Spain); geological setting, sedimentological characters and faunal descriptions.
79822: NEMYROVSKA, T.J. - Late Viséan/early Serpuhovian conodont succession from the Triollo section, Palencia (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain).
91185: NEMYROVSKA, T.I. - Bashkirian conodonts of the Donets basin, Ukraine.
7121098: NENQUIN, J. (ED.) - Inventaria Archaeologica Africana: Tanzania: TA 1: Ivuna.
7121097: NENQUIN, J. (ED.) - Inventaria Archaeologica Africana: Zambia. Z 5: Finds from Kapwirimbwe, Lusaka.
7121096: NENQUIN, J. (ED.) - Inventaria Archaeologica Africana: Zambia. Z 1 : Isamu Pati, Z 2: Ingombe Ilede, Z 3: Kangila, Z 4: Kalunda.
7121095: NENQUIN, J. (ED.) - Inventaria Archaeologica Africana: Republic of South Africa. SA 1 - SA 5: Excavations at Gordon's Bay.
7121094: NENQUIN, J. (ED.) - Inventaria Archaeologica Africana: Congo (Lòpoldville). CL 1-5: Kisale ware from Sanga, Cl 6-9: Mulongo ware from Sanga, CL 10-11: Red slip from Sanga.
85180: NEPPER, D.M. - Die landwirtschaftliche Benutzung des Grund und Bodens in dem Grossherzogtum Luxemburg.
50761: NéRAUDEAU, D. & G. BRETON - Astérides du Cénomanien de Charente-Maritime (SW France).
75680: NESBITT, S.J., J.B. DESOJO & R.B. IRMIS (EDS.) - Anatomy, phylogeny and palaeobiology of early archosaurs and their kin.
62194: NESIN, V.A. & STORCH, G. - Neogene Murinae of Ukraine (Mammalia, Rodentia).
62161: NESIN, V. A. & STORCH, G. - Neogene Murinae of Ukraine (Mammalia, Rodentia).
67022: NESJE, A. ET AL. - Holocene glacial and climate history of the Jostedalsbreen region, Western Norway; evidence from lake sediments and terrestrial deposits.
61013: NESSOV, LEV A. - Late Mesozoic amphibians and lizards of Soviet Middle Asia.
28169: NESTLER, H. - Echiniden aus dem Unter-Maastricht der Insel Rügen V. Die postlarvale Entwicklung der Cidariden.
85801: NESTLER, H. - Echiniden aus dem Unter-Maastricht der Insel Rügen III. Gauthieria radiata (Sorignet, 1850).
85865: NESTLER, H. - Echiniden aus dem Unter-Maastricht der Insel Rügen II. Pedicellarien.
97123: NETELBEEK, TH.A.E. - Géologie et pétrologie de la région entre Vezzani et Lugo di Naza, Corse.
6500045: NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY 28-1, - Diatomededelingen Nr. 16. In commemoration of Albert van der werff (1903-1991).
76446: NETZER, E. ET AL. - Greater Herodium.
102147: NEUBAUER, WALTER H. - Geologie der Goldlagerstätte von El Sid in Oberägypten mit einem Beitrag zur Geologie der zentralen Arabischen Wüste.
46611: NEUBAUER, T.A. ET AL. - A new miocene lacustrine mollusc fauna of the Dinaride Lake System and its palaeobiogeographic, palaeoecologic and taxonomic implications.
92595: NEUFFER, FR. OTTO - Die Bivalven des Unteren Meeressandes (Rupelium) im Mainzer Becken.
93081: NEUFFER, FR. OTTO - Die Bivalven des Unteren Meeressandes (Rupelium) im Mainzer Becken.
90972: NEUFFER, F.O. ET AL. (EDS.) - Fossillagerstätte Eckfelder Maar, Schlüssel zur eozänen Entwicklungsgeschichte der Eifel.
98782: NEUMAIER, F. & H. WIESENEDER - Geologische und sediment-petrographische Untersuchungen im niederbayerischen Tertiär.
42807: NEUMAN, B.E. - Some aspects of life strategies of Early Palaeozoic rugose corals.
92431: NEUMAN, R.B. - Some silicified Middle Ordovician brachiopods from Kentucky.
18360: NEUMAN, B. - New Lower Palaeozoic streprelasmatid corals from Scandinavia.
77964: NEUMAN, R.B. & D.E.B. BATES - Reassessment of Arenig and Llanvirn age (Early Ordovician) brachiopods from Anglesey, north-west Wales.
79086: NEUMANN, GOTTHARD - Die Gliederung der Glockenbecherkultur in Mitteldeutschland. /&/ Die Entwicklung der Aunjetitzer Kermik in Mitteldeutschland.
77084: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - History of the volcanology in the former Netherlands East Indies.
92818: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - Haben bei den Ausbrüchen des Slamet-Vulkans Eruptionsregen stattgefunden?
92819: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - History of the volcanology in the former Netherlands East Indies.
79578: NEUMANN, M. - Description des Orthofragmines contenues dans les marnes à Xanthopsis dufourii (Lutétien inf.) de la chalosse de Montfort (Landes).
76810: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - History of the volcanology in the former Netherlands East Indies.
100939: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - Obsidian of Goenoeng Kiamis.
100940: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - Mount Goentoer and hot springs of Tjipanas.
100942: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - Haben bei den Ausbrüchen des Slamet-Vulkans Eruptionsregen stattgefunden?
100941: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - Goenoeng Papandajan.
52455: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M. - Over eenige vulkanische uitbarstingen in Nederlandsch Indië.
62388: NEUMANN, P. ET AL. - Die stratigraphische und sedimentologische Entwicklung der Olonos-Pindos-Serie zwischen Koroni und Finikounda (SW-Messenien, Griechenland).
88401: NEUMANN, MADELEINE - Révision des orbitoïdidés du Crétacé et de l'Éocène en Aquitaine occidentale.
80922: NEUMANN, JOH. - Die Oxfordfauna von Cetechowitz.
88567: NEUMANN VAN PADANG, M - De uitbarsting avn den Merapi (Midden Java) in de jaren 1930-1931.
89967: NEUMANN, C. ET AL. - Rare Campanian echinoids from Höver and Misburg (Hannover area, Lower Saxony, Germany).
79365: NEUMEISTER, HANS - Beiträge zum Auelehmproblem des Pleisse- und Elstergebietes.
97915: NEVES, R. ET AL. - Palynological correlations within the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland and northern England.
10991846: NEVES, R. - Namurian plant spores from the southern Pennines, England.
95803: NEVES, R. & C. DOWNIE - Geological excursions in the Sheffield region and the Peak District National Park.
97834: NEVES, R. ET AL. - Palynological correlations within the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland and northern England.
85772: NEVILLE GEORGE, T. - Studies in Avonian Brachiopoda. I. The genera Brachythyris and Martinia. II. The genus Camarophoria.
1450639: NEVO, E. - Pipid frogs from the early Cretaceous of Israel and Pipid evolution.
99004: NEW ZEALAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - Geological map of New Zealand sheet 10 Wanganui scal 1:250,000.
64417: NEWBERRY, J.S. (POSTHUME) - The later extinct floras of North America.
1560349: NEWBERRY, J.S. - The later extinct floras of North America.
86360: NEWCOMB, SALLY - The world in a crucible: Laboratory prectice and geological theory at the beginning of geology.
96630: NEWELL, N.D. ET AL. - Upper Paleozoic of Peru.
6100126: NEWELL, N.D. - Classification of the Bivalvia.
96076: NEWELL ARBER, E.A. - On the Fossil Plants of the Waldershare and Fredville Series of the Kent Coalfield.
85343: NEWELL, N.D. - Geological reconaissance of Raroia (Kon Tiki) Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago.
100590: NEWELL, N.D. ET AL. - Upper Paleozoic of Peru.
23367: NEWELL ARBER, E.A. - On the Fossil Plants of the Waldershare and Fredville Series of the Kent Coalfield.
96196: NEWELL ARBER, E.A. - The fossil flora of the Cumberland Coalfield, and the palaeobotanical evidence with regard to the age of the beds.
96197: NEWELL ARBER, E.A. - On the Fossil Plants of the Waldershare and Fredville Series of the Kent Coalfield.
21227: NEWHALL, C.G. & R.S. PUNONGBAYA (EDS.) - Fire and mud. Eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines.
86398: NEWHOUSE, W.H. - Ore deposits as related to structural features.
88847: NEWLAND, D.H. (ED.) - The Paleozoic stratigraphy of New York.
98481: NEWMAN, M.J. & J.L. DEN BLAAUWEN - A new dipnoan fish from the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) of Scotland.
53165: NEWMAN, R.B. - An early Middle Ordovician brachiopod assemblage from Maine, new Brunswick, and northern Newfoundland.
81689: NEWTON, E.T. - On the remains of a red-throated diver, Colymbus spetentrionalis Linn., from the Mundesley River Bed.
50602: NEWTON, E.T. - A catalogue of the Tertiary and post Tertiary fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology.
99919: NEWTON, RICHARD BULLEN - The Tertiary fossils of Somaliland, as represented in the British Museum (Natural History).
81216: NEWTON, R.B. - Pleistocene shells from the raised beach deposits of the Red Sea.
1530235: NEWTON, E.T. - On the remains of Ursus etruscus (=U. arvernensis) from the Pliocene deposits of Tegelen sur Meuse /&/ J. Lorié: Roode keileem en rood zand in Nederland.
96133: NEWTON, E.T. - Additional notes on the vertebrate fauna of the rock-fissure at Ightham (Kent).
96134: NEWTON, E.T. - The Elk (Alces machlis, Ogilby) in the Thames Valley.
86194: NEWTON, R.B. - Pleistocene shells from the raised beach deposits of the Red Sea.
22016: NEWTON, E.T. - The Elk (Alces machlis, Ogilby) in the Thames Valley.
79500: NEWTON, R. BULLEN - On the discovery of a secondary reptile in Madagascar, Steneosaurus Baroni (n. sp.), with a reference to some post-Tertiary vertebrate remains, from the same country recently acquired by the British Museum (Natural History).
21839: NEWTON, C.R. ET AL. - Systematics and paleoecology of Norian (Late Triassic) bivalves from a tropical island arc: Wallowa Terrane, Oregon.
6500617: NGONDO, I. - De la nuptialité et fécondité des polygames. Le cas des Yaka de Popokabaka (Zaire).
44364: NGUETSOP, VICTOR FRANçOIS, SIMONE SERVANT-VILDARY & MICHEL SERVANT - Late Holocene climatic changes in west Africa, a high resolution diatom record from equatorial Cameroon.
24381: NGUYEN TU, T.T. ET AL. - Leaf carbon isotope composition of fossil and extant oaks grown under differing atmospheric CO2 levels.
67004: NICHOLAS EYLES, A. MARSHALL MCCABE - The Late Devensian (<22,000 BP) Irish Sea Basin: The sedimentary record of a collapsed ice sheet margin.
73456: NICHOLS, D.J. & J.L. BROWN - Palynostratigraphy of the Tullock Member (lower Paleocene) of the Fort Union Formation in the Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming.
78807: NICHOLS, D. - The water-vascular system in living and fossil echinoderms.
88023: NICHOLS, D. - The water-vascular system in living and fossil echinoderms.
1560350: NICHOLS, D.J. - Palynostratigraphy in relation to sequence stratigraphy, Straight Cliffs Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah.
88197: [ NICHOLSON] BENTON, M.J. - H.A. Nicholson (1844-1899), invertebrate palaeontologist: bibliography and catalogue of his type and figured material.
77071: NICHOLSON, D.V. - The story of the Arawaks in Antiqua and Barbuda.
52022: NICHOLSON, H.A. - Description of species of Chaetetes from the Lower Suilurian rocks of North America.
6500618: NICHOLSON, D.V. - The story of the Arawaks in Antiqua and Barbuda.
88383: NICHOLSON, HENRY ALLEYNE - A manual of palaeontology for the use of students .... etc. Vols. I & II. 2nd ed.
57126: NICKEL, B. - Neue palynologische Untersuchungen am mittelmiozänen Ölschiefer von Eckfeld bei Manderscheid/Eifel – Erste Ergebnisse.
67692: NICOLAS LHOMME, GARRY K.C. CLARKE, SHAWN J. MARSHALL - Tracer transport in the Greenland Ice Sheet: constraints on ice cores and glacial history.
78435: NICOLAUS, HANS-JOACHIM - Zur Stratigraphie und Fauna der Crenistria-Zone im Kulm des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.
83071: NICOLAUS, HANS-JOACHIM - Zur Stratigraphie und Fauna der Crenistria-Zone im Kulm des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.
83069: NICOLAUS, HANS-JOACHIM - Zur Stratigraphie und Fauna der Crenistria-Zone im Kulm des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.
81537: NICOLLIN, J.-P. & D. BRICE - Systematics, biostratigraphy and biogeography of four Famennian spiriferid brachiopods from Morocco.
8110188: NICOLLS, O.W. ET AL. - Geobotany and geochemistry in mineral exploration in the Dugald River area, Cloncurry District, Australia.
97547: NICORA, ALDA - Biostratigrafia del limite Oligocene-Miocene nelle Langhe (Piemonte).
83990: NICOSIA, M.L. - La fauna miocenica di La Portella presso Roccapalumba (Sicilia).
87354: NICOSIA, U. ET AL. - The Late Cretaceous dinosaur tracksite near Altamura (Bari, southern Italy). 1. Geological framework, 2. Apulosauripus federicianus new ichnogen. and new ichnosp..
25349: NIEBUHR, B. (RED.) - Litho- und Biostratigraphie der außeralpinen Kreide von Bayern. Beitrag zur Stratigraphie von Deutschland
24961: NIEBUHR, B. - Geochemistry and time-series analyses of orbitally forced Upper Cretaceous marl–limestone rhythmites (Lehrte West Syncline, northern Germany).
92176: NIEBUHR, B. - Kreidesandsteine auf der Lausitz (Sachsen): Hinweise zur Paläogeographie und Inversionstektonik.
58582: NIED?WIEDZKI, GRZEGORZ, STEPHEN L. BRUSATTE, TOMASZ SULEJ AND RICHARD J. BUTLER - Basal dinosauriform and theropod dinosaurs from the mid–late Norian (Late Triassic) of Poland: implications for Triassic dinosaur evolution and distribution.
97203: NIEDERMAYER, JOSEF - Geologie der bayrischen Alpen zwischen Loisach, Isar und Walchensee.
81848: NIEDERMEYER, RALF-OTTO ET AL. - Die deutsche Ostseeküste. 2. völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage.
1060696: NIEHOFF, W. - Die primär gerichteten Sedimentstrukturen, insbesondere die Schrägschichtung im Koblenzquartzit am Mittelrhein.
10990242: O'NIELL, T.A. ET AL. - Pleistocene extinctions of deep-sea benthic Foraminifera: the South Atlantic record.
101660: NIELSEN, JAN K. ET AL. - Eemian marine mollusks and barnacles from Ristinge Klint, Denmark ? hydrodynamics and oxygen deficiency.
95521: NIELSEN, K.A., L.B. CLEMMENSEN & J.J. FORNóS - Middle Pleistocene magnetostratigraphy and susceptibility stratigraphy: data from a carbonate aeolian system, Mallorca, Western Mediterranean
92839: NIELSEN, O.B. (ED.) - Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Tertiary sequence from Harre borehole, Denmark.
83632: NIELSEN, P. ET AL. - Origin of Dinantian zebra dolomites south of the Brabant-Wales Massif, Belgium.
51969: NIELSEN, K.B. - Cirripedierne i Danmarks Danien-Aflejringer.
67644: NIELSEN, K.A., L.B. CLEMMENSEN & J.J. FORNóS - Middle Pleistocene magnetostratigraphy and susceptibility stratigraphy: data from a carbonate aeolian system, Mallorca, Western Mediterranean
90107: NIELSEN, JAN KRESTEN - Taphonomy in the light of intrinsic shell properties and life habits: Marine bivalves from the Eemian of northern Russia.
91483: NIELSEN, SVEN N. - A new Pliocene mollusk fauna from Mejillones, northern Chile.
85775: NIEMEIER, GEORG - Das Watt niedersachsens als geographische Landschaft.
46016: NIEMZ, H.-G. - Das Aschaffgebiet. Beitrag zur Morphologie des kristallinen Spessarts.
1530316: NIENHUYS, C.M. - Het Brabants vulkanisme.
100944: NIERMEYER, J.F. - Barrière-riffen en atollen in de Oost-Indische Archipel. /&/ Atollen en barrière-riffen in de Oost-Indische Archipel; een antwoord en een opwekking tot onderzoek.
100943: NIERMEYER, J.F. - De vulkaan Idjen in Besoeki.
97401: NIERMEYER, J.F. - Barrière-riffen en atollen in de Oost-Indische Archipel. /&/ Atollen en barrière-riffen in de Oost-Indische Archipel; een antwoord en een opwekking tot onderzoek.
80490: NIESLUCHOWSKI, P. - Das obere Westfal D im Saar-Lothringischen Becken..
58808: NIESSEN, A.C.H.M. - Kustwallen langs de voormalige Zuiderzee.
102288: NIETHAMMER, G. - Die Eruptivgesteine von Loh Oelo auf Java.
100945: NIETHAMMER, G. - Die Eruptivgesteine von Loh Oelo auf Java.
100946: NIETHAMMER, G. - Die Eruptivgesteine von Loh Oelo auf Java.
97402: NIETHAMMER, G. - Die Eruptivgesteine von Loh Oelo auf Java.
6500115: NIEULANDE, F.A.D. VAN - Descriptions of Eocene Marginellidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the Paris Basin.
72482: NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. - Soemba-weefsels.
72483: NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. - Een vijfdaagse tocht naar het binnenland van Soemba.
72481: NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. - Het kostuum van een Méo of koppensneller op Timor.
29422: NIEUWHOF, A. ET AL. - De Wierde Wierum (provincie Groningen), een archeologisch steilkantonderzoek.
93746: NIGGLI, P. & W. STAUB - Neue Beobachtungen aus dem Grenzgebiet zwischen Gotthard- und Aarmassiv.
78245: NIGGLI, E. - Der Meteorit von Kangean (Indonesien).
94346: NIGGLI, P. ET AL. - Chemismus schweizerischer Gesteine. /&/ 1. Nachtrag.
94229: NIGGLI, P. & W. STAUB - Neue Beobachtungen aus dem Grenzgebiet zwischen Gotthard- und Aarmassiv.
21228: NIIDA, K. ET AL. - The 1977-1978 eruption of Usu Volcano.
9120696: NIJENHUIS, G.H.W. - A paleomagnetic study of the Permian volcanics in the Nahe region (SW Germany).
20279: NIJHOFF, I.A. - De ambtman, rigter en dijkgraaf van Over-Betuwe.
99866: NIJHOFF, IS. AN. (VERZ. & UITG.) - Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. Eerste Deel.
99867: NIJHOFF, IS. AN. (VERZ. & UITG.) - Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. Tweede Deel, Tweede Stukje.
99868: NIJHOFF, IS. AN. (VERZ. & UITG.) - Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. Tweede Deel.
99869: NIJHOFF, IS. AN. (VERZ. & UITG.) - Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. Vierde Deel.
99870: NIJHOFF, IS. AN. (VERZ. & UITG.) - Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. Vijfde Deel.
99871: NIJHOFF, IS. AN. (VERZ. & UITG.) - Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. Vijfde Deel.
86917: NIJHOFF, I.A. - Het klooster Bethlehem of Bielheim bij Doetinchem.
94984: NIJHUIS, H.J. - Plurifacial alpine metamorphism in the south-eastern Sierra de los Filabres, south of Lubrín, SE Spain.
78084: NIJHUIS, C.J. ETAL. - Thin section petrography and chemostratigraphy: Integrated evaluation of an upper Mississippian mudstone dominated succession from the southern Netherlands.
88247: NIJLAND, T.G. ET AL. - Topographical mineralogy of the Bamble sector, south Norway.
73198: NIJLAND, T.G. ET AL. - De mineralen van Nederland.
17147: NIJLAND, G.J. 1933. - Mijn land: VII. Noord-Holland.
17144: NIJLAND, G.J. 1930. - Mijn land IV. Friesland.
17145: NIJLAND, G.J. 1931. - Mijn land V. Limburg.
17143: NIJLAND, G.J. 1929. - Mijn land III. Zuid-Holland.
17142: NIJLAND, G.J. 1928. - Mijn land: II. Gelderland.
17141: NIJLAND, G.J. 1927. - Mijn land: I. Overijsel.
96978: NIJLAND, T.G. ET AL. - Topographical mineralogy of the Bamble sector, south Norway.
56776: NIKIFOROVA,O.I. ET AL. - Review of the upper Silurian and lower Devonian articulate brachiopods of Podolia.
82541: NIKLAS, K.J. - Morphological and ontogenetic reconstructions of Parka decipiens Fleming and Pachytheca Hooker from the Lower Red Sandstone, Scotland.
62034: NIKOLAEVA, S.V. - Ammonoids from the Lower Carboniferous of the Southwest Darvaz (Central Asia) and their bearing on the interregional correlations.
59404: NIKOLAEVA, SVETLANA V. & JüRGEN KULLMANN - The Late Namurian genus Cancelloceras (Carboniferous Ammonoidea) and its distribution.
50976: NIKOLAEVA, SVETLANA V. - Ammonoids from the late Lower and early Upper Carboniferous of Central Asia.
8110093: NIKOLOV, T. & P. PARASHKEVANOV - Some fossil cephalopods from the Lovec Urgonian Group at the village of Pusevo, Veliko Tarnovo District (Lower Cretaceous, central Fore-Balkan).
91873: NIKOLOV, I. & K. HEISSIG - Fossile Säugetiere aus dem Obereozän und Unteroligozän Bulgariens und ihre Bedseurung für die Paläogeographie.
80236: NIKONOV, A.A. (ED.) - Seismotectonics and paleoseismicity.
97861: NILSEN, T.H. ET AL. - Relative slope stability and land-use planenning in the San Francisco Bay region, California.
98250: NILSEN, T.H. ET AL. - Relative slope stability and land-use planenning in the San Francisco Bay region, California.
88542: NILSSON, T. - Versuch einer Anknüpfung der postglazialen Entwicklung des nordwestdeutschen und niederländischen Flachlandes an die pollenfloristische Zonen-Gliederung Südskandinaviens.
81371: NILSSON, INGER - Upper Palaeozoic fusulinid assemblages, Wandel Sea Basin, North Greenland.
10991847: NILSSON, S. (ED.) - World Pollen and Spore flora 1-15.
6120083: NILSSON, T. - Über einige postkraniale Skelettreste der triassischen Stegocephalen Spitzbergens.
87565: NILSSON, TAGE - Die Pollenanalytische Zonengliederung der spät- und postglazialen Bildungen Schonens.
97204: NILSSON, TAGE - Versuch einer Anknüpfung der postglazialen Entwicklung des nordwestdeutschen und niederländischen Flachlandes an die pollenfloristische Zonen-Gliederung Südskandinaviens.
97076: NILSSON, TAGE - Versuch einer Anknüpfung der postglazialen Entwicklung des nordwestdeutschen und niederländischen Flachlandes an die pollenfloristische Zonen-Gliederung Südskandinaviens.
97891: NILSSON, TAGE - Pollenanalytische Datierung mesolithischer Siedlungen im Randgebiet des Ageröds Mosse im mittleren Schonen.
87473: NILSSON, TAGE - Die Pollenanalytische Zonengliederung der spät- und postglazialen Bildungen Schonens.
88487: NILSSON, TAGE - The Downtonian and Devonian Vertebrates of Spitzbergen. VII Order Antiarchi.
96979: NILSSON, TAGE - Versuch einer Anknüpfung der postglazialen Entwicklung des nordwestdeutschen und niederländischen Flachlandes an die pollenfloristische Zonen-Gliederung Südskandinaviens.
97835: NILSSON, TAGE - Pollenanalytische Datierung mesolithischer Siedlungen im Randgebiet des Ageröds Mosse im mittleren Schonen.
86574: NIO, S.-D. ET AL. (EDS.) - Holocene marine sedimentation in the North Sea Basin.
98938: NIR, DOV - Géomorphologie d'Israël.
87849: NIR, DOV - Géomorphologie d'Israel.
51147: NIREI, H. - A classification of fossil walnuts from Japan.
50603: NISBET, E.G. - Living earth. A short history of life and its home.
85069: NISSEN, A.L. - Mosjøen. Beskrivelse til de berggrunnsgeologiske gradteigskart I 17, 1:100.000.
1560355: NITECKI, M.H. - North American cyclocrinitid algae.
57130: NITECKI, M.H. & G.C. FORNEY - Ordovician Receptaculites camacho n. sp. from Argentina.
57131: NITECKI, M.H. & M.E. JOHNSON - Internal structures of Cyclocrinites dactioloides, a receptaculited alga from the Lower Silurian of Iowa.
57132: NITECKI, M.H. & A.F. DE LAPPARENT - Upper Devonian Receptaculites chardini n. sp. from central Afghanistan.
1560356: NITECKI, M.H. ET AL. - Literature of the receptaculitid algae: 1805-1980.
67704: J. NITYCHORUK, K. BINKA, J. HOEFS, H. RUPPERT, J. SCHNEIDER - Climate reconstruction for the Holsteinian Interglacial in eastern Poland and its comparison with isotopic data from Marine Isotope Stage 11
90973: NITZOPOULOS, G. - Faunistisch-ökologische, stratigraphische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen am Schwammstotzen-Komplex bei Spielberg am Hahnenkamm (Ob. Oxfordien, Südliche Frankenalb.
66849: NOAM GREENBAUM, NAOMI PORAT, ED RHODES, YEHOUDA ENZEL - Large floods during late Oxygen Isotope Stage 3, southern Negev desert, Israel
1061029: NOBLE, D.G. - Ancient ruins of the Southwest. An archaeological guide.
91484: NOBUHARA, TAKAMI ET AL. - Mass occurrence of the enigmatic gastropod Elmira in the Late Cretaceous Sada Limestone seep deposit in southwestern Shikoku, Japan.
92259: NOBUHARA, TAKAMI ET AL. - Mass occurrence of the enigmatic gastropod Elmira in the Late Cretaceous Sada Limestone seep deposit in southwestern Shikoku, Japan.
90720: NOCCHI, G. & B. SALA - Oryctolagus burgi n. sp. (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) from the Middle Pleistocene levels of Grotta Valdemino (Borgio, Verezzi, Savona, north-west Italy).
95804: NOCKOLDS, S.R. - The Grarabal Hill-Glen Fyne igneous complex.
101662: NODA, M. & K. MURAMOTO - A new species of Inoceramus (Bivalvia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido. [ I. obiraensis ]
101661: NODA, HIROSHI, ET AL. - Faunal characteristics of Japanese Cenozoic molluscs.
7535: NODA, Y. - Molluscan fauna from the Haboro coal-field, Hokkaido, Japan. [Neogene].
7534: NODA, H. ET AL. - Systematic and paleobiogeographic studies on the Japanese Miocene argonautid â€oeNautilusâ€izumoensis.
18423: NODA, M. & Y. KANIE - Campanian Inoceramus from the Menabe area, southwestern Madagascar. Part I & II.
65084: NODA, HIROSHI - Serripes (Mollusca) from Japan and Saghalien.
5100258: NODA, M. - Succession of Inoceramus in the Upper Cretaceous of southwest Japan.
50937: NODA, H. ET AL. - Middle Miocene molluscan fauna from the Tamagawa Formation in Ibaraki Prefecture, northern Kanto, Japan. Arcid-potamid fauna in the Tanakura Tectonic Zone.
90108: NODA, H. ET AL. - Pliocene marine molluscan fauna from the Hitachi Formation in the northeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
99214: NODA, HIROSHI - The Cenozoic Arcidae of Japan.
56641: NOE-NYGAARD, N. - Spur dog spines from prehistori and early historic Denmark. An unexpected raw material for precision tools.
55797: NOE-NYGAARD, N. - Spur dog spines from prehistori and early historic Denmark. An unexpected raw material for precision tools.
1133118: NOE-NYGAARD, A. - Sub-glacial volcanic activity in ancient and recent times.
84220: NOE-NYGAARD, A. - The geology of the Faroes.
99149: NOëL, DENISE - Nannofossiles calcaires de sédimentsjurassiques finement laminés.
87474: NOëL, DENISE - Sur les coccolithes du Jurassique européen et d'Afrique du Nord. Essai de classification des coccolithes fossiles.
88471: NOETLING, FRITZ - Ueber Lituites lituus Montfort.
7050151: NOETLING, F. - Die Entwicklung von Indoceras baluchistanense Noetling. Ein Beitrag zur Ontogenie der Ammoniten.
62768: NOETLING, F. - Ueber Lituites lituus Montfort.
79973: NOETLING, FRITZ - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Cephalopoden aus Silurgeschieben der Provinz Ost-Preussen.
86158: NOETLING, FRITZ - Ueber einige Brachyuren aus dem Senon von Mastricht und dem Tertiär Norddeutschlands.
47026: NOETLING, F. - Ueber das Vorkommen von Riesenkesseln im Muschelkalk von Rüdersdorf.
7120117: NOETLING, F. - Die Fauna der baltischen Cenoman-Geschiebe.
51908: NøHR-HANSEN, H. - Dinocyst stratigraphy of the Lower Kimmeridge Clay, Westbury, England.
7050152: NOLAN, H. - Note sur les crioceras du groupe du Crioceras duvali.
64857: NOLF, D. & S. BAJPAI - Marine middle Eocene fish otoliths from India and Java.
56852: NOLF, D. & G.L. STRINGER - Neogene plaleontology in the northern Dominican Republic 14. Otoliths of teleostean fishes.
56851: NOLF, D. & H. CAPPETTA - Otolithes de poissons pliocènes du Sud-Est de la France.
6100189: NOLF, D. - Les otolithes du calcaire grossier à Fercourt (Éocène du Bassin de Paris).
6100188: NOLF, D. - Sur la faune ichthyologique des formations du Panisel et de Den Hoorn (Éocène belge).
64576: NOLF, D. - Les otolithes de téléostéens éocènes d'Aquitaine (sud-ouest de la France) et leur intérêt stratigraphique.
78815: NOLF, D. & E. STEURBAUT - Description de la premiére faune ichthyologique exclusivement bathyale du Tertiaire d'Europe: otolithes de l'Oligocène inférieur du gisement de Pizzocorno, Italie septentrionale.
96799: NOLF, D. - Les otolithes de téléostéens éocènes d'Aquitaine (sud-ouest de la France) et leur intérêt stratigraphique.
63759: NOLF, D. & H. CAPPETTA - Otolithes de poissons pliocènes du Sud-Est de la France.
63758: NOLF, D. & R. BRZOBOHATY - Fish otoliths from the Late Oligocene (Eger and Kiscell Formations) in the Eger area (northeastern Hungary).
59428: NOLF, D. - Sur la faune ichthyologique d’un falun dans l’argile des Flandres, près de Courtrai (Belgique).
75665: NOLF, D. & B. REICHENBACHER - Fisch-Otolithen aus brackischen Faziesräumen aus dem Mittel-Eozän van Norditalien und Ungarn.
75664: NOLF, D. & O. AQUILERA - Fish otoliths from the Cantaure Formation (Early Miocene of Venezuela).
75663: NOLF, DIRK - Fish otoliths from the Santonian of the Pyrenean faunal province, and an overview of all otolith-documented North Atantic Late Cretaceous teleosts.
99556: NOLF, D. - ?Les otolithes des téléostéens du Plio-Pleistocène belge.
55798: NOLF, D. - Étude monographique des otolithes des ophidiiformes actuels et révision des espèces fossiles (Pisces, Teleostei).
84036: NOLF, D. ET AL. - Fish otoliths from the Ypresian (early Eocene) of Vastan, Gujarat, India.
1460862: NOLF, D. - Sur les otolithes des Sables de Grimmertingen (Oligocène Inférieur de Belgique).
6500172: NOLF, D. & E. STEURBAUT - Révision des otolithes de téléostéens du Tortonien stratotypique et de Montegibbio (Miocène supérieur d'Italie septemtrionale.
6500171: NOLF, D. - Étude monographique des otolithes des ophidiiformes actuels et révision des espèces fossiles (Pisces, Teleostei).
99234: NOLF, D. - ?Les otolithes des téléostéens du Plio-Pleistocène belge.
64434: NOLL, WALTER & ROBERT B. HEIMANN (EDS.) - Ancient Old World Pottery. Materials, Technology, and Decoration.
93082: NOLTE, JüRG - Die Stratigraphie und Palökologie des Unteren Hauptmuschelkalkes (mo1, Mittl. Trias) von Unterfranken.
6100129: NOMLAND, J.O. - The Etchegoin Pliocene of Middle California.
21842: NOMLAND, J.G. - The Etchegoin Pliocene of middle California.
81624: NOMURA, SITIHEI & KOTORA HATAI - On some species of the genus Arca from the Neogene of northeast Honsyû, Japan.
86200: NOMURA, S. & K. HATAI - Fossil Mollusca from the Neogene of Izumo.
86201: NOMURA, S. & H. ÔNISI - Neogene Mollusca from the Sennan District, Miyage Prefecture, Japan.
86197: NOMURA, SITIHEI - Notes on some Ophistobranchiata based upon the collection of the Saitô Hô-on Kai Museum, chiefly collected from northeast Hinsyû, Japan.
92596: NOMURA, SITIHEI - Molluscan fauna of the Moniwa shell bed exposed along the Natori-gawa in the vicinity of Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. [Lower Miocene]
92597: NOMURA, S. & N. ZINBô - Molluscan fossis from the Simarizi beds of Okinawa-zima, Ryûkyû islands. [Lower Pliocene]
93176: NOMURA, SITIHEI - Molluscan fauna of the Moniwa shell bed exposed along the Natori-gawa in the vicinity of Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. [Lower Miocene]
5100263: NOMURA, S. & K. HATAI - On some new species of the genus Arca from the Neogene of northeast Honsyu, Japan.
5100262: NOMURA, S. & K. HATAI - On two species of Phalium from the Neogene of Japan.
58462: NOMURA, S. & N. ZINBô - Molluscan fossils from the Simaziri beds of Okinawa-zima, Ryûkyû Islands. [Tertiary]
77628: NOOIJER, L. DE - Shallow-water benthic foraminifera as proxy for natural versus human-induced environmental change.
20280: NOORDEGRAAF, L. & G. VALK - De Gave Gods. De pest in Holland vanaf de late middeleeuwen.
88275: NOORDHOFF ATLASPRODUCTIES - De bosatlas van Fryslân.
86484: NOOREN, KEES - Holocene evolution of the Tabasco delta, Mexico. Impact of climate, volcanism and humans.
63148: NOORT, JAN VAN DEN - De hand in eigen boezem. Waterkwaliteit in het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland 1888-2003.
63791: NOPCSA, FRANZ - Eidolosaurus und Pachyophis. [Picture on website]
79501: NOPCSA, F. - Sur des nouveaux restes de Tortues du Danien du Midi de la France.
67158: NORBERT MERCIER, HéLèNE VALLADAS, GEORGES VALLADAS - Flint thermoluminescence dates from the CFR laboratory at Gif: Contributions to the study of the chronology of the middle palaeolithic.
85988: NORDENSKIöLD, E. ET AL. - Origin of the Indian Civilizatons in South America.
99488: NORDENSKIöLD, G. - Redogörelse för den Svenska expeditionen till Spetsbergen 1890.
80294: NORDKALOTT PROJECT - Geological maps of northern Fennoscandia.
98636: NORDMANN, V. - Beskrivelse til geologisk kort over Danmark (i Maalestock 1:100.000). Kortbladene Fredericia. A. Kvartaere aflejringer.
1440292: NORDMANN, V. - Danmarks Pattedyr i Fortiden.
46689: NORDMANN, V. - On remains of reindeer and beaver from the commencement of the postglacial forest period in Denmark.
92598: NORDSIECK, FRITZ - Meeresschnecken. Vom wunderlichen Treiben unbewusster Künstler.
92599: NORDSIECK, FRITZ - Die europäischen Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken. (Prosobranchia). Vom Eismeer bis Kapverden und Mittelmeer.
92600: NORDSIECK, FRITZ - Die europäischen Meeresmuscheln (Bivalvia). Vom Eismeer bis Kapverden, Mittelmeer und Schwarzes Meers.
92601: NORDSIECK, FRITZ - Die europäischen Meeresschnecken. Opisthobranchia mit Pyramidellidae, Rissoacea.
86483: NORDSTROM, KARL F. ET AL. (EDS.) - Coastal dunes. Form and process.
96934: NORDSTROM, K.F. - Beach and dune restauration.
98490: NORELL, MARK, ET AL. - Discovering dinosaurs. Evolution, extinction, and lessons of prehistory. expanded and updated edition.
91749: NORELL, M.A. ET AL. - Braincase and phylogenetic relationships of Estesia mongoliensis from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert and the recognition of a new clade of lizards.
81617: NORFORD, B.S. & H.M. STEELE - The Ordovician trimerellid brachiopod Eodinobolus from south-east Ontario.
84778: NORFORD, B.S. ET AL. - Advance formation: stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of a new ordovician formation from the Rocky Mountians, northeastern British Columbia.
97443: NORFORD, B.S. (INTRO) - Cambrian-Ordovician boundary.
89894: NORFORD, B.S. - The early Canadian (Tremadocian) trilobites Clelandia and Jujuyaspis from the southern Rocky Mountains of Canada.
9120156: NORFORD, B S - Illustrations of Canadian Fossils, Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian of the western Cordillera.
85036: NORIN, R. - Contributions to the geology of western Blekinge.
66976: NORIO FUJI - Palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate changes around Lake Biwa, Japan during the last CA. 3 million years.
101301: NORLING, ERIK - On the genus Ichtyolaria Wedekind 1937.
101302: NORLING, E. - On the genus Ichtyolaria Wedekind 1937.
84880: NORMAN, D. - On the anatomy of Iguanodon atherfieldensis (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda).
87355: NORMAN, DAVID B. & TAMSIN FAIERS - On the first partial skull of an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight, southern England
88148: NORMAN, D. - The illustrated encyclopedia of dinosaurs.
99935: NORMAN, DAVID - De fantastische wereld van de dinosauriërs.
7122017: NORMAN, D. - De fantastische wereld van de prehistorie. De opkomst van de gewervelde dieren. [translation of: Prehistoric life: the rise of the vertebrates].
95805: NORMAN, MARK WM. - A popular guide to the geology of the Isle of Wight, with a note on its relation to that of the Isle of Purbeck.
96135: NORMAN, D.B. & T. FAIERS - On the first partial skull of an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight, southern England.
90466: NORMAN, D.B. & K.-H. HILPERT - Die Wirbeltierfauna von Nehden (Sauerland) Westdeutschland. [Iguanodon, and other reptiles].
18424: NøRREGAARD, E.M. - Mellem-Miocaene blokke fra Esbjerg.
92353: NORRIS, A.W. & T.T. UYENO - Middle Devonian brachiopods, conodonts, stratigraphy, and transgressive-regressive cycles, Pine Point area, south of Great Slave Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories.
98875: NORRIS, A.W. & T.T. UYENO - Biostratigraphy and paleontology of Middle-Upper Devonian boundary beds, Gypsum Cliffs area, northeastern Alberta.
92432: NORRIS, A.W. & T.T. UYENO - Middle Devonian brachiopods, conodonts, stratigraphy, and transgressive-regressive cycles, Pine Point area, south of Great Slave Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories.
98328: NORRIS, MICHELLE S. & ANTHONY HALLAM - Facies variations across the Middle-Upper Jurassic boundary in Western Europe and the relationship to sea-level changes.
98452: NORRIS, A.W. & T.T. UYENO - Biostratigraphy and paleontology of Middle-Upper Devonian boundary beds, Gypsum Cliffs area, northeastern Alberta.
88598: NORRMAN, J.O. - Lake Vättern. Investigations on shore and bottom morphology.
97548: NORTH, B.R. & W.G.E CALDWELL - Illustration of Canadian fossils. Cretaceous Foraminifera from Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
97712: NORTH, F.J. - On Syringothyris Winchell, and certain Carboniferous Brachiopoda referred to Spiriferina D'Orbigny.
98228: NORTH, B.R. & W.G.E CALDWELL - Illustration of Canadian fossils. Cretaceous Foraminifera from Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
59429: NORTHWOOD, C. - Actinopterygians from the Early Triassic Arcadia Formation, Queensland, Australia.
5100269: NORTON, P.E.P. - Marine molluscan assemblages in the early Pleistocene of Sidestrand, Bramerton and the Royal Society borehole at Ludham, Norfolk.
79296: NøRVANG, AKSEL - The zoology of Iceland. Formaninifera. [Recent]
43876: NøRVANG, A. - The Foraminifera of the Lias Series on Jutland, Denmark.
94985: NOSE, MARTIN, ET AL. - Profil 8. Iberien-Band.
90052: NOSE, MARTIN ET AL. (EDS.) - Korallen und Stromatoporen des Silur und Devon; Taxonomie und Faziesanalysem ausgewählter mitteleuropäischer Lokalitäten.
94986: NOSSIN, J.J. - Geomorphological aspects of the Pisuerga drainage area in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain).
94987: NOSSIN, J.J. - Geomorphological aspects of the Pisuerga drainage area in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain).
94988: NOSSIN, J.J. - Geomorphological aspects of the Pisuerga drainage area in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain).
75287: NOTA, D.J.G. - Sediments of the western Guiana shelf.
63178: NOTEBAERT, B. ET AL. - Fluvial architecture of Belgian river systems in contrasting environments: implications for reconstructing the sedimentation history.
1433045: NOTEN, F.L. VAN - The Uelian. A culture with a neolithic aspect, Uele-Basin (N.E. Congo Republic). An archaeological study.
93747: NOTH, R. - Foraminiferen aus Unter- und Oberkreide des österreichischen Anteils an Flysch, Helvetikum und Vorlandvorkommen.
86120: NOTH, R. - Foraminiferen aus Unter- und Oberkreide des österreichischen Anteils an Flysch, Helvetikum und Vorlandvorkommen.
63792: NOTHDURFT, W. & J. SMITH - The lost dinosaurs of Egypt.
6100409: NOTTMEYER, D. - Stratigraphische und tektonische Untersuchungen in der rheinischen Vorbergzone bei Siebeldingen-Frankweiler.
98753: NöTZOLD, T. - Fossile Pflanzenreste aus plio-pleistozänen Grenzschichten der Elsass.
52172: NöTZOLD, T. - Pleistozäne Pflanzenreste von Ockrilla bei Meissen.
74121: NöTZOLD, T. - Die Bestimmungsmöglichkeiten der Tecochara-Oogonien aus dem Pleistozän.
91164: NöTZOLD, TILO - Charophytenreste aus dem Neophytikum Mitteleuropas.
91956: NOTZOLD, TILO - Charophytenreste aus dem Neophytikum Mitteleuropas.
24024: NOUGIER, L.-R. & R. ROBERT - Rouffignac ou la guerre des mammouths.
72486: NOUHUIJS, J.W. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van het eiland Taliaboe der Soela-groep (Moluksche Zee).
72485: NOUHUIJS, J.W. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van het eiland Taliaboe der Soela-groep (Moluksche Zee).
59131: NOUWEN, ROBERT - Keizer Augustus en de Lage Landen.
99959: NOVACEK, MICHAEL J. - The skull of leptictid insectivorans and the higher-level classification of eutherian mammals.
84749: NOVACEK, M.J. & Q.D. WHEELER (EDS.) - Extinction and phylogeny.
49177: NOVACEK, M.J. - Diacodon alticuspis, an erinaceomorph insectivore from the early Eocene of northern New Mexico.
9120264: NOVACEK, M.J. ET AL. - Wasatchian (Early Eocene) mammals and other vertebrates from Baja California, Mexico: the Lomas las Tetas de Cabra fauna.
85662: NOVAS, F.E. - Phylogenetic relationships of the basal dinosaurs, the Herrerasauridae.
90467: NOVAS, F.A. & R.E. MOLNAR (EDS.) - Proceedings of the Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium.
94989: NOVO Y CHICARRO, PEDRO - Reseña geológica de la Provincia de Alicante.
73755: NOVOJILOV, N.I. - Crustacé bivalves de l'ordre des conchostracés du Crétacé inférieur chinois et africain.
89261: NOWACK, ERNST - Die diluvialen Vergletscherungsspuren in Albanien.
28429: NOWAK, J. ET AL. - The second wolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum.) from Starunia, Poland.
102104: NOWAK, E. - Geologische Karte der Malakastra. Massstab 1:100.000. [Northern Albania].
44045: NOWINSKI, ALEKSANDER AND ANDRZEJ PREJBISZ - Devonian tabulate corals from Western Pomerania, Poland.
2385: NOWINSKI, A. - Tabulata and Chaetetida from the Devonian and Carboniferous of southern Poland.
76717: NOWINSKI, A. - Late Carboniferous to Early Permian Tabulata from Spitsbergen.
23197: NOWINSKI, A. - Late Carboniferous to Early Permian Tabulata from Spitsbergen.
60572: NOWINSKI, A. - Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis n. gen., n. sp. (Sauropoda) from the uppermost Cretaceous of Mongolia.
60461: NOWINSKI, A. - Tabulata and Chaetetida from the Devonian and Carboniferous of southern Poland.
55620: NOWLAN, G.S. ET AL. - Small shelly fossils and trace fossils near the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in the Yukon Territory, Canada.
101303: NOWLAN, G.S. ET AL. - Small shelly fossils and trace fossils near the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in the Yukon Territory, Canada.
89780: NOWLAN, G.S. ET AL. - Conodonts from Ordovician-Silurian boundary strata, Whittaker Formation, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories.
5100270: NOZERAN PASQUIER, S. - Écologie des Mollusques des lagunes du Sud Dahomey.
42718: MåNSSON, K. & E.N.K. CLARKSON - Ontogeny of the Upper Cambrian (Furongian) olenid trilobite Protopeltura aciculata (Angelin 1854) from Skåne and Västergötland, Sweden.
15523: NUDDS, J.R. - The Carboniferous coral Palaeacis in Ireland.
89656: NUMAN, A.M. ET AL. - Opgravingen op het terrein van het voormalige Barbara Gasthuis.
46463: NUTTALL, W.L.F. - The stratigraphy of the Laki Series (Lower Eocene) of parts of Sind and Baluchistan (India); with a description of the larger Foraminifera contained in those beds.
5100272: NUTTALL, C.P. & J. COOPER - A review of some English Palaeogene Nassariidae, formerly referred to Cominella.
90109: NUTTALL, C.P. & J. COOPER - A review of some English Palaeogene Nassariidae, formerly referred to Cominella.
90110: NUTTALL, C.P. & J. COOPER - A review of some English Palaeogene Nassariidae, formerly referred to Cominella.
92602: NüTZEL, A. & K. BANDEL - Studies on the side-branch planorbids (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of the Miocene crater lake of Steinheim am Albuch (southern Germany.
74458: A. NüTZEL & A.G. COOK - Chlorozyga, a new caenogastropod from the Early Carboniferous of Australia.
90111: NüTZEL, ALEXANDER & DOUGLAS H. ERWIN - Late Triassic (Late Norian) gastropods from the Wallowa Terrane (Idaho, USA).
91485: NüTZEL, A. & J. GRüNDEL - Two new gastropod genera from the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) of Franconia (South Germany).
91486: NüTZEL, ALEXANDER & KEIJI NAKAZAWA - Permian (Capitanian) gastropods from the Akasaka Limestone (Gifu Prefecture, Japan).
74587: NUYTS, H. - Two species of Asciocythere Swain, 1952 (Ostracoda) from the uppermost Cretaceous in Belgium and The Netherlands.
96479: NUYTS, H. - Two species of Asciocythere Swain, 1952 (Ostracoda) from the uppermost Cretaceous in Belgium and The Netherlands.
83223: NYBELIN, ORVAR - Versuch einer taxonomischen Revision der Anaethalion-Arten des Weissjura Deutschlands.
83602: NYBELIN, O. - Leptolepis dubia aus den Torleiten-Schichten des Oberen Jura von Eichstätt.
96722: NYE, O.B. - Generic revision and skeletal morphology of some cerioporid cyclostomes (Bryozoa).
85579: NYST, P.-H. - Conchyliologie des terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique. Première Partie. Terrain Pliocène Scaldisien. [2 vols., text & Planches].
6100131: NYST, P.-H. - Description des coquilles et des polypiers fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la Belgique.
92603: NYST, P.-H. - Conchyliologie des terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique. Première Partie. Terrain Pliocène Scaldisien. [2 vols., text & planches].
8100118: NYST, P.-H. - Description des coquilles et des polypiers fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la Belgique.
85854: NYST, P.-H. - Conchyliologie des terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique. Première Partie. Terrain Pliocène Scaldisien. [2 vols., text & Planches].
98656: NYSTUEN, JOHAN P. - Facies and sedimentation of the Late Precambrian Moelv Tillite in the eastern part of the Sparagmite region, southern Norway.
96980: NYSTUEN, J.P. - Diatremes and volcanic rocks in the Hurdal area, Oslo region.
28430: OAKLEY, K.P. - Relative dating of fossil hominids of Europe.
56663: OAKLEY, K.P. & H.M. MUIR-WOOD - The succession of life through geological time. 7th ed.
1061030: OAKLEY, K. - Frameworks for dating fossil Man. 3rd ed.
62696: OAKLEY, K.P. - Some pearl-bearing Ceramoporidae (Polyzoa).
99789: OAKLEY, K.P. - Man the toolmaker. 6th ed.
86400: OAKMAN, C.D. ET AL. (EDS.) - Cores from the Northwest European Hydrocarbon Province. An illustration of geological applications from exploration to development.
1133120: OBA, Y. - Geology and petrology of Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan.
10990241: OBAIDALLA, N A - Planktic foraminifera, paleoenvironment and relative sea-level changes in the Cenomanian-Turonian of the Wadi Feiran, south-western Sinai, Egypt.
63680: OBATA, I. - Lower Cretaceous ammonites from the Miyako Group. 5. Diadochoceras.
18478: OBATA, I. ET AL. - Onogeny and variation in Subprionocyclus neptuni, an Upper Cretaceous collignoniceratid ammonite.
20981: OBATA, I. - Spirale de quelques ammonites.
85867: OBERBECK, GERHARD - Landschaft und ländliche Siedlungen der Färöer.
55565: OBERHAENSLI, HEDI ET AL. - Diagenetically and environmentally controlled changes across the K/T transition at Koshak, Mangyshlak (Kazakstan).
94329: OBERHäNSLI-LANGENEGGER, H. - Mikropaläontologische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen in der Amdener Formation (Oberkreide, Helvetische Decken der Schweizer Alpen).
93748: OBERHAUSER, R. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tektonik und der Paläogeographie während der Oberkreide und dem Paläogen im Ostalpenraum.
93749: OBERHAUSER, R. - Zur Kenntnis der Tektonik und der Paläogeographie des Ostalpenraumes zur Kreide-, Paleozän- und Eozänzeit.
93750: OBERHAUSER, R. ET AL. - Beiträge zur mikropaläontologie der Alpinen Trias.
98126: OBERHAUSER, RUDOLF - Die Kreide im Ostalpenraum Österreichs in mikropaläontologischer Sicht.
98127: OBERHAUSER, RUDOLF - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tektonik und der Paläogeographie während der Oberkreide und dem Paläogen im Ostalpenraum.
51909: OBERHAUSER, R. ET AL. - Beiträge zur mikropaläontologie der Alpinen Trias.
94670: OBERMAIER, H. & J. CARADELL - Sierra de Guadarrama.
6120281: OBERMAIER, H. ET AL. - Der Mensch aller Zeiten. Natur und Kultur der Völker der Erde. Bd. I. Der Mensch der Vorzeit, Bd. II. Die Rassen und Völker der Menschheit, Bd. III-1. Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft der Völker. [all published ?]
102148: OBERMULLER, A. - Carte géologique de la chaine métamorphique de la Haute Guinée française 1:250.000.
92225: OBERMULLER, A. - Carte géologique de la chaine métamorphique de la Haute Guinée française 1:250.000.
25312: OBERRHEIN. GEOL. VEREIN - Geologische Exkursionen in die Region um Greifswald und weitere wissenschaftliche Beiträge
1060698: OBERSTE-BRINK, K. - Die Entwicklung der Flöze Sonnenschein bis Dickebank im Ruhrgebiet.
57783: OBERT, D. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Bouloire (359).
1460870: OBREHLOVÁ, N. - Die Ostelogie der Vorläufer von Tinca tinca (Pisces) aus dem Süsswassertertiär der CSSR.
57134: OBRHEL, J. - Die Silur- und Devonflora des Barrandiums.
47841: OBRHELOVA, N. - [ Osteologie und Ökologie von zwei Arten der Gattung Prolebias Sauvage (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae) aus dem westböhmischen Untermiozän. ]
1640157: OCCHOTERENA, H. - Variacion intraspecifica en Parathyridina mexicana n.sp., terebratulido del Oxfordiano de Mexico.
48841: OCTOBON, COMM. - Enquête sur les figurations Néo- et Énéolithiques. Statues-menhirs, stèles gravées, dalles sculptées.
99489: ODELL, N.E. - Preliminary notes on the geology of the eastern parts of central Spitsbergen: with special reference to the problem of the Hecla Hoek Formation.
76416: ODGAARD, B.V. & H. ROSTHOLM - A single grave barrow at Harreskov, Jutland. Excavation and polen analysis of a fossil soil.
89895: ODIN, GILIANE P. ET AL. - On unreported historical specimens of marine arthropods from the Solnhofen and Nusplingen Lithographic Limestones (Late Jurassic, Germany) housed at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
46834: ÖDöN, R. - [ Aerophotographic interpretation and hydrological mapping of karstic areas. ]
43877: ODRZYWOLSKA-BIENKOWA, EWA, KRYSTYNA POZARYSKA AND ERLEND MARTINI - Middle Oligocene microfossils from the Polish lowlands: their stratigraphical and paleogeographical significance.
98657: ØDUM, HILMAR - Marint Interglacial paa Sjaelland, Hven, Møn og Rügen.
89281: ØDUM, HILMAR - The macrofossils of the Upper Cretaceous. [Geologiska Resultaten Borrningarna Höllviken V]
80296: ØDUM, HILMAR - Kvartaeret omkring Hobro.
80295: ØDUM, HILMAR - Marint Interglacial paa Sjaelland, Hven, Møn og Rügen.
85299: OEDAYRAJSINGH VARMA, F.H.R. - Van savannen tot natuurreservaten en hun betekenis voor het Surinaamse landschap. (Een geografische verhandeling). 2de druk.
20754: OEHLERT, D.P. - Sur le Silurien du Nord-Est du départent de la Mayenne.
75536: OEHLERT, D.P. - Crinoïdes nouveaux de la Sarthe et de la Mayenne.
75535: OEHLERT, D.P. - Crinoïdes nouveaux de la Sarthe et de la Mayenne.
54502: OEHLERT, D. - Note sur les chonetes Dévoniens de l’Ouest de la France.
54489: OEHLERT, D.P. - Sur le genre Spyridiocrinus.
54488: OEHLERT, D. - Description de deux nouveaux genres de crinoïdes du terrain dévonien de la Mayenne.
54487: OEHLERT & DAVOUST - Sur le Dévonien du département de la Sarthe.
94990: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Fossiles dévoniens de Santa Lucia (Espagne). 1e & 2e partie.
77517: OEHLERT, D. - Études sur quelques Brachiopodes dévoniens.
18236: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Résumé des derniers travaux sur l’organisation et le développement des trilobites.
74627: OEHLERT, D. - Crinoïdes nouveau du Dévonien de la Sarthe et de la Mayenne.
86168: OEHLERT, D. - Études sur quelques Brachiopodes dévoniens.
86165: OEHLERT, D. - Description de deux crinoïdes nouveaux du Dévonien de la Manche.
55621: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Fossiles dévoniens de Santa Lucia (Espagne). 1e & 2e partie.
97109: OEHLERT, D.P. - CGI, Paris. Excursion en France VI. Mayenne.
70789: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Fossiles dévoniens de Santa Lucia (Espagne). 1e & 2e partie.
5100274: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Note sur quelques Pélécypodes dévoniens.
1640159: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Sur le Dévonien d'Angers.
1630176: OEHLERT, D.-P. - Sur le Dévonien d'Angers.
21743: OEKENDORP, K. & D. BRüHL - Tabulatenn-Fauna im Grenzbereich Unter-/Mittel-Devon der Eifeler Richtschnitte (S-Eifel/Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).
50854: OEKENTORP-KüSTER, PETRA (ED.) - Proceedings of the VI. International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera held in Münster, Germany 9.-14. September 1991.
50855: OEKENTORP-KüSTER, PETRA (ED.) - Proceedings of the VI. International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera held in Münster, Germany 9.-14. September 1991. Volume 2.
20822: OEKENTORP, K. & D. BRüHL - Tabulaten-Fauna im Grenzbereich Unter-/Muittel-Devon der Eifeler Richtschnitte (S-Eifel/Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).
90053: OEKENTORP, K. & M. KAEVER - Permische Korallen aus SE-Afghanistan.
53491: OELE, E. & R.T.E. SCHüTTENHELM - Development of the North Sea after the Saalian glaciation.
1530296: OELE, E. (ED.). - Proceedings of the symposium on engineering geological aspects of deltaix areas (Renesse, 1979).
94991: OELE, E. - Sedimentological aspects of four Lower-Paleozoic formations in the northern part of the province of Léon (Spain).
54908: OELE, E. ET AL. - Surveying The Netherlands: sampling techniques, maps and their application.
23626: OELE, E. - The Quaternary geology of the Dutch part of the North Sea, north of the Frisian isles.
58809: OELE, A.P. - De ontsluiting van steenkool.
45742: OELE, E. & E.F.J. DE MULDER - Geologie van de provincie Noord-Holland.
1340354: OELSCHLAGER, J. - Die Ultrastruktur der nicht-mineralisierten Schalenbestandteile bei Foraminiferen unter besonderewr Berücksichtigung von Rotorbinella rosea (D'Orbigny) (Rotaliidae, Foraminifera).
79328: OELSNER, O. - Die pegmatisch-pneumatolytischen Lagerstätten des Erzgebirges mit Ausnahme der Kontaktlagerstätten.
94992: OEN ING SOEN - The geology, petrology and ore deposits of the Viseu region, northern Portugal.
94993: OEN Y.S. - The geology, petrology and ore deposits of the Vizeu region, northern Portugal.
94994: OEN ING SOEN - The intrusion mechanism of the late-Hercynian post-tectonic granite plutons of northern Portugal.
75016: OENEMA, O. - Distribution and cycling of fine-grained sediment in the Eastern Scheldt, Southwest Netherlands.
98578: OERLEMANS, J. (ED.) - Greenland ice margin experiment (GIMEx).
98858: OERLEMANS, J. (ED.) - Greenland ice margin experiment (GIMEx).
1060700: OERTEL, W. - Die geologischen Verhältnisse des Deister- und Süntelgebietes der Gegend von Lauenau.
96480: OERTLI, H.J. - Faunes d'ostracodes du Mésozoïque de France. / Mesozoic ostracod faunas of France.
506477: OESER, E. - Historische Erdbebentheorien von der Antike bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts.
73302: OESTERLE, H. - Foraminiferen der Typlokalität der Birmenstorfer Schichten, unteren Malm.
73545: OESTREICH, K., F. FLORSCHüTZ & I.M. VAN DER VLERK - La région glaciaire.
19306: OESTREICH, K. - Bodemreliëf en riviernet van België als gevolg van jonge tektoniek. Naar aanleiding van het werk van Ch. Stevens: Le relief de la Belgique.
60948: OESTREICH, K. - Geschiedenis van de physische aardrijkskunde.
73690: OESTREICH, K. - Excursion dans la région glaciaire néerlandaise.
79535: OESTREICH, K. - Die Entwicklung unserer Kenntnis von der Formenwelt des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.
74125: OESTREICH, K. - Ein glaziales Stauchungsprofil bei Arnheim.
60716: OESTREICH, K. - Geschiedenis van de physische aardrijkskunde.
9090179: OFFECIERS, P.W. ET AL. - Afrika deel 1 & 2.
29424: OFFENBERG, G.A.M. - Broekpolder. Een archeologisch monument op een VINEX-locatie.
9090178: OFFENBERG, L. & A. DE SOMER - De aardrijkskunde van Amerika. De Verenigde Staten. Eerste & Tweede Deel. [2 vols.].
80297: OFFERBERG, J. - Beskrivning till bergggrundskartbladen Kiruna NV, NO, SV, SO.
99003: OFFICERS NZ GEOL. SURV. (COMP.) - Geological map of New Zealand 1:1,000,000. North Island & South Island.
98658: OFTEDAHL, C. - Geology of Norway /&/ Wolff, F.C. (ed.): Excursions across part of the Trondheim region, central Norwegian Caledonides.
7536: OGASAWARA, K. - Paleontological analysis of the Omma fauna from Toyama-Ishikawa area, Hokuriki Province, Japan.
5100275: OGASAWARA, K. - Miocene Mollusca from Ishikawa-Toyama area, Japan.
102020: OGNIBEN, L. - Schemi paleotettonistici anzichè paleogeografici in regioni di corrugamento; l'esempio della Sicilia.
18657: OHANA, T. & T. KIMURA - Permineralized Brachyphyllum leafy branches fom the Upper Yezo Group (Coniacian-Santonian), Hokkaido, Japan.
98896: OHIO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - Collection of 20 Ohio Glacial geology maps and reports.
97549: OHM, UWE - Zur Kenntnis der Gattungen Reinholdella, Garantella und Epistomina (Foramin.).
92348: OHMERT, WOLF - Die Neofabellinen (Foraminifera) des bayerischen Coniac-Santons.
98472: OHMERT, W. & A. ZEISS - Ammoniten aus dem Hangenden Bankkalken (Unter-Tithon) der Schwäbischen Alb (Südwestdeutschland).
7120119: OHMERT, W. - Ammoniten-Faunen im tiefen Unter-Bajocium des Reutlinger Gebiets (Schäbische Alb) [Mit einem Anhang zur Ostracoden-Startigraphie].
15037: OHNO, T. - Palaeotidal characteristics determined by micro-growth patterns in bivalves.
61018: OHNO, T. ET AL. - The origin of algal-bivalve photo-symbiosis.
18658: ÔISHI, S. & K. HUZIOKA - Studies on the Cenozoic Plants of Hokkaidô and Karahuto. IV. On the Tertiary Tilia from Hokkaidô and Karahuto. V. Tertiary Acers from Hokkaidô and Karahuto. VI. On the Tertiary Platanus from Hokkaidô and Karahuto.
82542: OISHI, S. - Rhaetic plants from Province Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture), Japan.
7676: OISHI, S. - Notes on some fossil plants from the Tung-ning, Prov. Pinchiang, Manchoukuo.
7675: OISHI, S. - The Jurassic plants from Shikata (The Maizura Coal-field), prov. Tango (Kyoto Pref.), Japan.
7674: OISHI, S. - Mesozoic plants from Kita-Otari, Prov. Shinano, Japan.
6120100: OISHI, S. & K. YAMASITA - On the fossil Dipteridaceae.
83556: OISHI, S. - Rhaetic plants from the province Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture), Japan.
83529: OISHI, S. - Rhaetic plants from the province Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture), Japan.
97391: OKADA, H. ET AL. (EDS.) - Sedimentary and biological environments during the Late Mesozoic to Early Tertiary at the eastern margin of the Asian continent.
21843: OKADA, H. - Matsumotoa: a new prionodont pelecypod genus from the Cretaceous Mifuné Group, Kyushu, Japan.
99215: OKADA, H. - Matsumotoa: a new prionodont pelecypod genus from the Cretaceous Mifuné Group, Kyushu, Japan.
85990: OKKO, VEIKKO - Glacial drift in Iceland. Its origin and morphology.
49618: OKRUSCH, M. & W. WEINELT - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 5921 Schöllkrippen. [Erläut. mit Karte auf CD]
18659: OKUBO, A. & T. KIMURA - Cupressinocladus obatae, sp. nov., from the Lower Cretaceous Choshi Group, in the Outer Zone of Japan.
2388: OKULITCH, V.J. - North American Pleospongia.
101663: OKUMURA, K. & T. UEDA - Molluscan fossils from the Upper Pliocene Nakatsu Formation in the middle part of Sagami River, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
67397: OLAV B LIAN, PHILIP A SHANE - Optical dating of paleosols bracketing the widespread Rotoehu tephra, North Island, New Zealand.
67333: OLAV B. LIAN, D.J. HUNTLEY - Optical dating studies of postglacial aeolian deposits from the south-central interior of British Columbia, Canada..
80672: OLDALE, ROBERT N. - Cape Cod and the islands. The geologic story.
67007: R.N. OLDALE, R.S. WILLIAMS JR, S.M. COLMAN - Evidence against a late Wisconsinan ice shelf in the Gulf of Maine.
67524: F OLDFIELD, A ASIOLI, C.A ACCORSI, A.M MERCURI, S JUGGINS, L LANGONE, T ROLPH, F TRINCARDI, G WOLFF, Z GIBBS, L VIGLIOTTI, M FRIGNANI, K VAN DER POST, N BRANCH - A high resolution late Holocene palaeo environmental record from the central Adriatic Sea.
87475: OLDHAM, TIMOTHY C.B. - Flora of the Wealden plant debris beds of England.
67226: OLE BENNIKE - Quaternary vertebrates from Greenland: A review
45328: OLEMPSKA, EWA - Beyrichiacea from the Givetian of the Holy Cross Mts, Poland.
45301: OLEMPSKA, EWA - The genus Discocyclina (Foraminiferida) from the Eocene of the Tatra Mts, Poland.
96486: OLEMPSKA, EWA - Silicified shallow-water ostracodes from the Early Carboniferous of South China.
96487: OLEMPSKA, E. - The Late Devonian Upper Kellwasser Event and entomozoacean ostracods in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.
43879: OLEMPSKA, EWA - The uppermost Devonian foraminifers of the Swietokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mts., Poland.
96485: OLEMPSKA, EWA - Changes in benthic ostracod assemblages across the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland
96482: OLEMPSKA, E. - Gradual evolutionary transformations of ontogeny in an Ordovician ostracod lineage.
96481: OLEMPSKA, EWA - Lower Carboniferous ostracodes of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.
96483: OLEMPSKA, E. - Shell structure of the entomozoaceans: allegedly planktonic ostracodes of the Palaeozoic.
96484: OLEMPSKA, EWA - An ostracod assemblage from late Visean shales of the Cracow area
96622: OLEMPSKA, EWA - Silicified shallow-water ostracodes from the Early Carboniferous of South China.
91425: OLEMPSKA, EWA & LUKASZ RAKOWICZ - Affinities of Palaeozoic encrusting ascodictyid 'pseudobryozoans'.
81671: OLIVER, WILLIAM A. - Biogeography of Devonian Rugose Corals.
99005: OLIVER, R.L. - The Otaki Sandstone and its geological history.
99006: OLIVER, R.L. ET AL. - The geology of Campbell Island.
95522: OLIVER, MIQUEL - Carta de pesca de las Baleares. II. Norte de Mallorca y Menorca y este de Mallorca.
49015: OLIVER, W.A. - Bowenelasma (rugose coral) from the Emsian and early Eifelian (?) (Devonian) of New York.
49013: OLIVER, W.A. - Middle Devonian coral faunules from Illinois and their bearing on biogeography.
96723: OLIVER, WILLIAM A. - Rugose corals from reef limestones in the Lower Devoian of New York.
96724: OLIVER, W.A. - Devonian rugose corals from northern Maine.
96725: OLIVER, W.A. - The Siphonophrentidae (rugose corals, Devonian) of eastern North America.
78134: OLIVER, W.A. & J.E. SORAUF - Heliophyllum Hall and Charisphyllum n. gen. (Devonian rugose corals) of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain).
95807: OLIVER, R.L. - The Borrowdale volcanic and associated rocks of the Scafell area, English Lake District.
92460: OLIVER, W.A. & J.E. SORAUF - The genus Heliophyllum (Anthozoa, Rugosa) in the Upper Middle Devonian (Givetian) of New York.
92604: OLIVER, A.P.H. - Elseviers schelpengids.
5100869: OLIVER, W.A. ET AL. (EDS.) - Recent advances in the paleobiology and geology of the Cnidaria. [Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria (and Archaeocyathids and Stromatoporoids) held in Washington, DC, U.S.A., August, 1983.
101641: OLIVER, W.A. ET AL. (EDS.) - Recent advances in the paleobiology and geology of the Cnidaria. [Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria (and Archaeocyathids and Stromatoporoids) held in Washington, DC, U.S.A., August, 1983.
78458: OLL, A. - Der Salzstock von Mölme und seine Umgebung.
57409: OLLIER, COCHONAT, LéNAT AND LABAZUY - Deep-sea volcaniclastic sedimentary systems: an example from La Fournaise volcano, Réunion Island, Indian Ocean.
89896: OLMI, M. & G. BECHLI - New parasitic wasps from Baltic amber (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Dryinidae).
91274: OLMI, MASSIMO ET AL. - The first fossil Embolemidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Burmese amber (Myanmar) and Orapa Kimberlitic deposits (Botswana) and their phylogenetic significance.
54588: OLóRIZ, F. ET AL. - Factors controlling upper Jurassic ammonite assemblages in north-central Mexico.
94996: OLóRIZ, FEDERICO, BEATRIZ MARQUES & JESúS E. CARACUEL - The Middle-Upper Oxfordian of Central Sierra Norte (Mallorca, Spain), and progressing ecostratigraphic approach in Western Tethys.
89115: OLóRIZ, F. ET AL. - Shell features, main colonized environments, and fractal analysis of sutures in Late Jurassic ammonites.
83715: OLORIZ, F. - Hybopeltoceras, ein neuer Hybonoticeratide (Ammonoidea) aus dem oberen Jura der Betischen Kordilleren (Subbetische Zone), Andalusien/Südspanien.
63681: OLóRIZ, F. ET AL. - Eine neue Art von Crussoliceras aus dem Kimmeridge Südspaniens: Crussoliceras almolaense n. sp. (Ammonoidea, Perisphinctidae).
55753: OLORIZ, FEDERICO, BERTHA VILLASENOR AND CELESTINA GONZALEZ-ARREOLA - Re-evaluation of Procraspedites Spath, 1930 (Ammonitina) from the upper Kimmeridgian of Mexico.
10991347: OLÓRIZ, F. & F.J. RODRIGUEZ-TOVAR - the ammonite Sutneria from the Upper Jurassic of southern Spain.
94995: OLORIZ, F. - Hybopeltoceras, ein neuer Hybonoticeratide (Ammonoidea) aus dem oberen Jura der Betischen Kordilleren (Subbetische Zone), Andalusien/Südspanien.
90218: OLORIZ, F. - Hybopeltoceras, ein neuer Hybonoticeratide (Ammonoidea) aus dem oberen Jura der Betischen Kordilleren (Subbetische Zone), Andalusien/Südspanien.
64535: OLSEN, STANLEY J. - Fish, amphibian and reptiles remains from Archaeological sites. Part I. Southeastern and southwestern United States, with appendix: The osteology of the wild turkey. [all published ?]
64513: OLSEN, STANLEY J. - Fish, amphibian and reptiles remains from Archaeological sites. Part I. Southeastern and southwestern United States, with appendix: The osteology of the wild turkey. [all published ?]
45160: OLSON, H.C. & R.M. LECKIE (EDS.) - Micropaleontologic proxies for sea-level change and stratigraphic discontinuities.
88154: OLSON, S.L. - Paleornithology of St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.
28260: OLSON, E.C. - The Arroyo Formation (Leonardian : Lower Permian) and its vertebrate fossils.
55917: OLSON, S.L. - A Lower Eocene frigatebird from the Green River Formation of Wyoming (Pelecaniformes: Frigatidae).
82630: OLSON E. C. - Aspects of the biology of Trimerorhachis (Amphibia, Temnospondyli). [Permian, Texas]
82340: OLSON, STORSS L. - Paleornithology of St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.
96817: OLSON, S.L. - Collected papers in avian paleontology, honoring the 90th birthday of Alexander Wetmore.
5100870: OLSON, A.A. - Tertiary and Quaternary fossils from the Burica Peninsula of Panama and Costa Rica.
1440296: OLSON, E.C. - Origin of mammals based upon cranial morphology of the therapsid suborders.
21076: OLSON, S.L. - Collected papers in avian paleontology, honoring the 90th birthday of Alexander Wetmore.
9120265: OLSON, E.C. - The food chain and the origin of mammals.
91750: OLSON, E.C. - The family Diadectidae and its bearing on the classification of reptiles.
91751: OLSON, E.C. - Fauna of Upper Vale and Choza: 1-5, 6, 11 & 12. [on fossil reptiles and amphibians, Permian]
91752: OLSON, E.C. - Diplocaulus. A study in growth and variation.
99490: OLSSON, I. & W. BLAKE - Problems of radiocarbon dating of raised beaches, based on experience in Spitsbergen.
44046: OLSZEWSKA-NEJBERT, D. & E. SWIERCZEWSKA-G?ADYSZ - Redescriptions of Cenomanian hexactinellid sponges from Podillia (South-West Ukraine) and designation of neotypes.
78548: OLSZEWSKA, B. - Microfossils of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous formations of the Lublin Upland (SE Poland) based on thin section studies.
78547: OLSZEWSKA, B. - Microfossils of the Cieszyn Beds (Silesian Unit, Polish Outer Carpathians, a thin section study. [Early Cretaceous]
8051450: OLYSLAGER, P. - De auto in de modern tijd.
8051449: OLYSLAGER, P. - Over auto's en auto-rensport.
7050849: OLYSLAGER, P. - De geschiedenis van de automobiel / Over auto's en auto-rensport / De auto in de modern tijd. [3 vols.].
53716: ONCKEN, O. - Geometrie und Kinematik der Taunuskammüberschiebung — Beitrag zur Diskussion des Deckenproblems im südlichen Schiefergebirge.
58923: ONCKEN, ONNO - Zusammenhänge in der Strukturgenese des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.
91487: ONDREJICKOVá, ANNA - Eggenburgian molluscs of Bánovská kotlina depression.
1630063: ONO, H. - Erstnachweis einer Krabbenspinne (Thomisidae) in Dominikanischem Bernstein (Stuttgarter Bernsteinsammlung: Arachnida, Araneae).
28567: ONOE, T. - A middle Miocene flora from Oguni-Machi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan.
100947: OOI JIN BEE - The petroleum resources of Indonesia.
85879: OORDT, G.J. VAN - In het ijsfjordgebied op Spitsbergen (Geomorfologische waarnemingen).
99491: OORDT, G.J. VAN - In het ijsfjordgebied op Spitsbergen (Geomorfologische waarnemingen).
89172: OORT, E.D. VAN - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Halitherium (Lendengegend, Becken und Zungenbeinkörper).
53492: OOST, A.P. - Dynamics and sedimentary development of the Dutch Wadden Sea with emphasis on the Frisian inlet.
53493: OOST, A.P. & J.H. BAAS - The development of small scale bedforms in tidal environments: an empirical model for unsteady flow and its applications.
84304: OOST, A.P. & H. DE HAAS - Het Friesche Zeegat. Morfologisch-Sedimentologische veranderingen in de periode 1927-1970. Cyclische veranderingen in een tidal inlet systeem & 1970-1987. Een getijde inlet uit evenwicht. [2x2 dln.].
45744: OOST, A.P. & H. DE HAAS - Het Friesche Zeegat. Morfologisch-Sedimentologische veranderingen in de periode 1927-1970. Cyclische veranderingen in een tidal inlet systeem & 1970-1987. Een getijde inlet uit evenwicht. [2x2 vols.].
98711: OOST, A.P. & K.S. DIJKEMA - Effecten van bodemdaling door gaswinning in de Waddenzee.
54909: OOSTEN, M.F. VAN - Bijdrage tot de Kwartair-geologie van westelijk Noordbrabant.
92873: OOSTEN, M.F. VAN ET AL. - Bodemkaart van Nederland schaal 1:50 000. Blad 50 West / Breda.
6500385: OOSTEN, M.F. VAN - Bijdrage tot de Kwartair-geologie van westelijk Noordbrabant.
1120118: OOSTEN, M.F. VAN - Bodemkaart van Nederland 1:50.000. De Waddeneilanden [blad 1,2,4 en 5 (ged.)]. Blad Vlieland [4 Oost]/Blad Terschelling [1 West-1 (ged.)-5 West (ged.)]/Blad Ameland [1 Oost (ged.) -2 West]/Blad Schiermonnikoog [2 Oost].
81025: OOSTER, W.A., & FISCHER-OOSTER, C. VON - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der miocänen Nashornreste der Engehalde bei Bern.
102052: OOSTERBAAN, A.M. - Etude geologique et paleontologique de la Nurra (Sardaigne) avec quelques notes sur le Permien et le Trias de la Sardaigne meridionale.
75485: OOSTERINK, HENK - Fossielen uit tijdelijke ontsluitingen in het Campanien van Coesfeld en omgeving.
88276: OOSTERINK, H. (ED). - Sauriërs uit de Onder-Muschelkalk van Winterswijk.
78251: OOSTERINK, H.W. & H. WINKELHORST - Probable remains of jellyfish (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the lower Middle Triassic (Anisian) of Winterswijk, eastern Netherlands.
76186: OOSTERINK, HENK - Fossielen uit tijdelijke ontsluitingen in het Campanien van Coesfeld en omgeving.
57512: OOSTERINK, H.W. & W. POPPE - Vissen en visresten uit de Onder-Muschelkalk van Winterswijk.
85139: OOSTERINK, H.W. - Winterswijk, Geologie Deel II. De Trias-periode (geologie, mineralen en fossielen).
1460873: OOSTERINK, H.W. & W. POPPE - Vissen en visresten uit de Onder-Muschelkalk van Winterswijk.
58584: OOSTERINK, H.W. - Fossiele voetstappen in de eerste Muschelkalk-groeve van Winterswijk.
98213: OOSTEROM, A.P. - The geomorphology of southeast Kenya.
96981: OOSTEROM, M.G. - The ultramafites and layered gabbro sequences in the granulite facies rocks on Stjernöy (Finnmark, Norway).
92226: OOSTEROM, A.P. - The geomorphology of southeast Kenya.
85140: OOSTING, W.A.J. - IJzeroer en beken in de kom van Barneveld.
63149: OOSTING, W.A.J. - Bodemkaartering en profielstudie in Nederland. /&/ Over de namen van grondsoorten in de praktijk. /&/ Een en ander over practische veldbodemkunde.
54910: OOSTINGH, C.H. - Bijdrage tot de kennis der zuidelijke zwerfsteenen in Nederland en omgeving.
97403: OOSTINGH, C.H. - Voorloopig overzicht van de gronden in het Tabaksgebied van Deli.
75416: OPARIN, A.I. - Das Leben. Seine Natur, Herkunft und Entwicklung.
89697: OPARIN, A.I. - The origin of life. 2nd. ed. with new introduction by translater.
1630179: ÖPIK, A.A. - Alimentary Caeca of agnostids and other trilobites.
58396: ÖPIK, A.A. - The Ordian stage of the Cambrian and its Australian Metadoxidae.
98430: ÖPIK, A.A. - Middle Cambrian agnostids: systematics and biostratigraphy. [2 vols., text & plates]
86169: OPPEL, A. - Ueber das Vorkommen von jurassischen Posidonomyen-Gesteinen in den Alpen.
75588: OPPENHEIM, P. - Über Porites polystyla Reuss und die Gattung Actinacis d'Orb.
100061: OPPENHEIMER, CLIVE - Eruptions that shook the world.
10991921: OPPENHEIMER, C. - Limited global change due to the largest known Quaternary eruption, Toba ~ 74 kyr BP ?.
87107: OPPENHEIMER, JOSEF - Der Malm der Schwedenschanze bei Brünn.
100473: OPPENOORTH, W.F.F. - Homo (Javanthropus) soloensis, een plistoceene mensch van Java. Voorloopige mededeeling.
100474: OPPENOORTH, W.F.F. - En prehistorisch cultuurcentrum langs de Solo-rivier.
100950: OPPENOORTH, W.F.F. - Foraminiferen van de noordkust van Atjeh.
100951: OPPENOORTH, W.F.F. - Foraminiferen van de noordkust van Atjeh.
100952: OPPENOORTH, W.F.F. & J. ZWIERZYCKI - Geomorfologische en tektonische waarnemingen als bijdrage to verklaring van de landschapsvormen van Noord-Sumatra.
85884: OPPENOORTH, W.F.F. - Een prehistorisch cultuurcentrum langs de Solo-rivier.
98783: OPPERMANN, HANS-UWE - Stratigraphische Untersuchungen im Mitteldevon des Harzes bei Goslar.
1340359: ORAVECZ-SCHEFFER, A. - Triassic foraminifers of the Transdanubian Central Range.
96857: ORBELL, G. - Palynology of the British Rhaeto-Liassic.
97013: ORBELL, G. - Palynology of the British Rhaeto-Liassic.
88917: D'ORBIGNY, ALCIDE - Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale. 5e partie: Foraminifères.
88916: D'ORBIGNY, ALCIDE - Foraminifères. (de Cuba)
24447: ORCEL, J. - Les météorites, messagères du cosmos.
16628059: ORCHARD, M.J. & A.D. MCCRACKEN (EDS.) - Ordovician to Triassic conodont paleontology of the Canadian Cordillera.
20281: ORDEN, R.G.J. VAN ET AL. - Vooronderzoek archeologie. Grootschalige locatie voor de berging van baggerspecie uit het benedenrivierengebied. [Slufter, Rijnmond].
20097: ORDNANCE SURVEY / PHILLIPS, C.W. (SUPERVISION) - Map of Roman Britain. 3rd rev. ed.
102368: ORDNANCE SURVEY - The second geodetic levelling of England & Wales 1912-1921.
57381: ORDNANCE SURVEY - The second geodetic levelling of England & Wales 1912-1921.
101304: ORLOWSKI, S. - Trace fossils in the Lower Cambrian sequence in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains, Central Poland.
101305: ORLOWSKI, S. & A. ZYLINSKA - Non-arthropod burrows from the Middle and Late Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland
102370: ORMELING, F.J. & M.J. KRAAK - Kartografie. Visualisatie van ruimtelijke gegevens.
102369: ORMELING, FERDINAND J. - Turbulent cartography.
86577: [ ORMELING ] ODDENS, R.P. & M. VAN EGMOND (RED.) - Ormelings atlassen. Catalogus van atlassen geschonken aan de Universiteit Utrecht door de hoogleraren F.J. Ormeling sr. en jr.
86576: [ ORMELING ] HEERE, E. & M. STORMS (EDS.) - Ormeling's cartography.
102372: [ ORMELING ] ODDENS, R.P. & M. VAN EGMOND (RED.) - Ormelings atlassen. Catalogus van atlassen geschonken aan de Universiteit Utrecht door de hoogleraren F.J. Ormeling sr. en jr.
57382: ORMELING, F.J. - Turbulent cartography.
100953: ORMELING, F.J. - Het visvijverlandschap langs Java's noordkust.
100954: ORMELING, F.J. - Het visvijverlandschap langs Java's noordkust.
102371: [ ORMELING ] HEERE, E. & M. STORMS (EDS.) - Ormeling's cartography.
81610: ORMISTON, ALLEN R. - New Middle Devonian Trilobites from Northwestern Canada.
78926: ORMISTON, A.R. - New species of Warburgella from the Silurian (Pridolian) and Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Distrct of Franklin and the definition of the Warburgella rugulosa zone.
77174: ORMISTON, A.R. - Lower Devonian Trilobites from the Michelle Formation, Yukon Territory.
84786: ORMISTON, A.R. - Monorakos (Trilobita) from the Ordovician of the Seward Peninsulas, Alaska.
1630181: ORMISTON, A R. - Lower and Middle Devonian Trilobites of the Canadian Arctic Islands.
76447: ORNAN, T. - A man and his land. Highlights from the Moshe Dayan collection.
80673: ORNDORFF, R.L. ET AL. - Geology underfoot in central Nevada.
100356: ORNDORFF, R.L. ET AL. - Geology underfoot in central Nevada.
80167: ORSI, G. ET AL. - The recent explosive volcanism at Pantelleria.
84426: ORSINI, J.B. - Carte géologique de la France à 1/50 000, 1105 Calvi.
84392: ORSINI, J. - Contribution à la connaissance des granitoïdes tardi-orogéniques du batholite corso-sarde. Les enclaves sombres de l'association plutonique calco-alcaline.
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94997: ORTEGA-BLANCO, J. ET AL. - False fairy wasps in early Cretaceous amber from Spain (Hymenoptera; Mymarommatoidea).
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58398: ORTEGA-HERNáNDEZ, J. ET AL. - A rare non-trilobite artiopodan from the Guzhangian (Cambrian series 3) Weeks Formation Konservat-Lagerstätte in Utah, USA.
94179: ORTH, G.C.F.A.G. - De dalontwikkeling van het Boven-Engadin.
94998: ORTí, FEDERICO, LAURA ROSELL AND PERE ANADóN - Deep to shallow lacustrine evaporites in the Libros Gypsum (southern Teruel Basin, Miocene, NE Spain): an occurrence of pelletal gypsum rhythmites.
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