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017301: Davis, Jefferson, R.M.T. Hunter, and John H. Clarke - "Enlargement of the Capitol" in The Southern Press (November 19, 1850)
z1534: Davison, Carolina V. - "Maximilliam Godefroy" in Maryland Historical Magazine (September 1934)
b23371: Davison, Peter - A Voice in the Mountain
016199: Davison, John. - The Brontes of Haworth Parsonage. A Chronicle Play of a Famous Family
b5916: Davydov, Joseph - God Exists: New Light on Science and Creation
b12509: Dawes, Rufus - "The Elf-King" [poem] in New-York Mirror (February 24, 1838)
b12514: Dawes, Rufus - "The Deluge" [poem] in New-York Mirror (February 10, 1838)
b36375: (Springsteen, Bruce) Dawidoff, Bruce - "The Pop Populist" [profile of Bruce Spingsteen) in New York Times Magazine (January 26, 1997)
b44646: Dawson, Mitchell - "The Supreme Court and the New Deal" in Harper's (November, 1933)
b34064: Dawson, Elmer A. - Garry Grayson's Winning Kick, or Battling for Honor
b25228: Dawson, Elmer A. - Garry Grayson's Double Signals or Vanquishing the Football Plotters
b15537: Dawson, Fielding - Two Early Stories
z1665: Day, Clarence - "Father Isn't Much Help" [short story] in New Yorker (Dec. 2, 1933)
b21579: Day, A. Grove - Modern Australian Prose, 1901-1975
b10811: Day, Heather F. - Protestant Theological Education in America: A Bibliography (Atla Bibliography Series)
022530: (Mussolini, Benito) Dayton, Kathryn - "Benito Mussolini at Close Range" in North American Review (December, 1928)
b29208: Dean, Spencer - Murder on Delivery
b25029: Dean, Dizzy - "Dizzy Dean Shuts Out His Old Pals of the Gashouse Gang" in Life (March 9, 1938)
b40995: Dean, Catherine E. - The John Marshall House
b18468: Ann S. Dean - Burne-Jones and Williams Morris in Oxford and the Surrounding Area
b5867: (Stoker, Bram) Deane, Hamilton and John Balderston - Dracula: The Vampire Play in Three Acts
b6511: DeBris, Bob - 20 Years of Debris: A Wrecktrospective. The Photography of Bob DeBris
b35034: Debs, Eugene - "The Social Democracy" in The New Time, volume 1, no. 2(August, 1897)
b31647: (Apollinaire, Guilluame) Decaudin, Michel, edtudes and informations reunies - Guillaume Apollinaire 5. Echoes de Stavelot
b31646: (Apollinaire, Guilluame) Decaudin, Michel, edtudes and informations reunies - Guillaume Apollinaire. Les Mamelles de Tiresias [and] L' Heresiarque et Cie
b31645: (Apollinaire, Guilluame) Decaudin, Michel, edtudes and informations reunies - Guillaume Appolinaire. Apollinaire et les Surrealistes [and] Lettres a Tristan Tzara et a Andre Breton
b16482: The author of "The Masked Dective" - Bill Dane, The Detective (Old Cap. Collier Library, No. 11)
dn287: (Wallace, David Foster) Dee, Jonathan - "Tome Travel" (review of "Infinite Jest") in Voice Literary Supplement (March 1996)
b23372: (Updike, John) Dee, Jonathan - The Lover of History
b16058: Dee, Elaine Evans, David Revere McFadden, Alan Tait, and Henry Hope Reed, essays - City Dwellings and Country Houses. Robert Adam and His Style
b34612: Deems, Taylor - "Three Poor Devils" in New Republic (January 6, 1917)
b24599: Defazio, Christine, Karl Fugelso, and Philip Mezzatesta - Houdon. An Exhibition of Sculpture from the Collection of Michael Hall, Esq.
T657: Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
ag172: Defoe, Daniel - A tour through the whole island of Great Britain
b34676: DeForest, J.H. - American Ignorance of Oriental Languages
b44562: Degas, Cezanne, Renoir, Pissaro, Morisot, Monet, Manet, Gauguin, etc. Michael Howard, editor - The Impressionists by Themselves
b26113: Scottish Rite (Masonic Order) Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degr - Valley of the Craftsmen: A Pictoral History. Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America's Southern Jurisdiction, 1801-2001
b22439: Deharpporte, Dean - South and Southeast Wind Atlas
b21524: Dehler, Katharine B. - The Thomas Jenck Gladding House
b40729: Dehn, Paul and William Walton - The Bear
b16894: Dehn, Paul, libretto. Lennox Berkeley, music - Castaway: A One-Act Opera Designed as a Companion-piece to "A Dinner Engagement"
b23382: Deighton, Len - Winter
b34943: Deimling, Hermann and Dr. Matthews - The Chester Plays
ag166: Deimling, Barbara - Botticelli
b41011: deKay, Charles - "Early Heroes of Ireland" in Century (June, 1889)
x1766: Thomas J DeKornfeld - Selected papers in inhalation therapy;: A compilation of current published articles related to inhalation therapy
b40131: DeKoven, Reginald - "Poet's Dream Waltzes" (musical score) in Ladies' Home Journal (November, 1897)
b18490: Delacroix, Eugene ; Jean Stewart (Editor and Translator) - Eugene Delacroix: Selected Letters, 1813-1863
b44770: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Delahaye, J[ohn] - "Colonel Roosevelt in Cuba -- The Taking of San Juan Hill", full-page illustration in Harper's Weekly (August 30, 1902)
6501: Delancey, Mark W. and Terry M. Mays - Historical Dictionary of International Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa
b7796: Deland, Margaret - "The Awkening" [serialization part] in Harper's (February, 1906)
b11862: Delaney, Robert Finley - The Literature of Communism in America (First edition)
022034: Delaney, John - "The Archives of Charles Scribner's Sons" in Princeton University Library Chronicle (Winter, 1985)
b19450: (Smith, Patti) Delano, Sharon - "The Torch Singer" (profile of Patti Smith) in New Yorker (March 11, 2002)
b36332: (Key, Francis Scott) Delaplaine, Edward S. F. Regis Noel, foreword - Francis Scott Key and the National Anthem
b7203: Carolyn E. Delatte - Lucy Audubon: A Biography (Southern Biography Series)
b24481: Delbanco, Andrew - Melville's World
b40998: DeLeon, Edwin - "The New South: I It's Agricultural Aspect" in Harper's (January, 1874)
014768: Delf, Eliza and Ernest W. Leighton - "A Question of Ideals" (letter to editor) in Nation (May 15, 1909)
b43771: Delillo, Don - The Body Artist: A Novel
b15934: DeLillo, Don - "A Day in the Life of the Present" [interview] in Inside Borders (April, 2003)
b36727: DeLillo, Don - Underworld
b37553: DeLillo, Don - "The Power of History" in New York Times Magazine (September 7, 1997)
z1559: DeLillo, Don - "Shooting Bill Gray" in Esquire (January 1991)
b33468: DeLillo, Don - "The Lone Gunman Theory" in Esquire (September, 1988)
b40681: DeLillo, Don - Mansei. From Mao II beginning, "Master leads the chant. . . ."
b30779: DeLillo, Don - "Strange and Dangerous Times" and "Human Moments in World War III" in PEN America 13
b30566: DeLillo, Don - "In the Ruins of the Future" in Harper's (December, 2001)
b23377: DeLillo, Don - The Day Room: A Play
b23236: DeLillo, Don - "Sputnik" in New Yorker (September 8, 1997)
b21970: DeLillo, Don - The Day Room
b21991: DeLillo, Don - "That Day in Rome" in New Yorker (October 20, 2003)
b19598: DeLillo, Don - "Showdown at Great Hole" in Esquire (June, 1976)
dn678: Don Delillo - Valparaiso: A Play
b17541: DeLillo, Don - "Still-Life" in New Yorker (April 9, 2007)
b17255: DeLillo, Don - "Players" in Esquire (April, 1977)
b16495: DeLillo, Don - "Woman in the Distance" in Black Clock 4
020892: DeLillo, Don - "Baader-Meinhof" in New Yorker (April 1, 2002)
b33126: DellaPergola, Sergio, Ian S. Lustick, Admiel Kosman, Zeev Lerer, Sarit Amram-Katz, Orna Sasson-Levy, Hizky Shoham, Amira Schiff, and other contributors - Israel Studies Review (Winter, 2011)
021767: Dellinger, David - "North Vietnam: Eyewitness Report" in Liberation (December, 1966)
b31732: Delteil, Loys, Emil H. Richter, William Aspenwall Bradley, and Cleveland Palmer - Essays: "Honore Daumier", "The Tarocchi Prints", "The Goncourts and Their Circle" and "The Recent Etchings of Donald Shaw MacLaughlan" in Print-Collector's Quarterly, volume six, number one (February, 1916)
b44445: Demarsest, Phyllis Gordon, Nikki Stevens, Shelby Steger, Lucinda Baker, Dee Campbell, and other contributors - New Love, volume 43, number 3 (January, 1954)
8430: Peter Demetz - After the Fires: Recent Writing in the Germanies, Austria, and Switzerland
b31764: Demi - Demi's Secret Garden
b33692: Dempsey, Jack - "Champ or Chump?" in Liberty (August 30, 1941)
b44099: Dempsey, Jack - "Girls Go for Massacres in Collier's (November 12, 1938)
b29495: Dempsey, Jack - "How to Box" in Focus, volume 1, number 5 (October, 1938)
b23137: (Mead, Margaret) Dempsey, David - "The Mead and Her Message" [profile of Margaret Mead] in New York Times Magazine (1970)
b21715: Dempsey, Jack, Lowell Thomas, Robert RIpley, J. Edgard Hoover, Deems Taylor, George Jean Nathan, Lowell Thomas, Thomas Craven, Walter Winchell, and other contributors - The Experts' Quiz Book: Twenty-eight quizzes Prepared by Outstanding Authorities
b33471: (Conrad, Joseph) Denby, David - "Jungle Fever" in New Yorker (November 6, 1995)
b33020: Deniro, Robert - "Dialogue on Film" in American Film (March, 1981)
b33684: Dennis, Carl - "Point of View in the Lyric: Some Notes on the Craft of Emily Dickinson" in Denver Quarterly (Winter, 1994)
b32511: Dennis, George W. - 'Shellshocked and Sherlocked" in Chicago Ledger (October 29, 1921)
b44455: Dennis, Robert C., T.T. Flynn, Merle Constiner, Leslie T. White, K. Webster, and other contributors - Dime Detective Magazine, volume 48, number 1 (April, 1945)
Q73: Denny, Reuel - "For a Late Asian Friend" (poem) in New Republic (7/3/71)
b44514: Dent, Lester, Frederick C. Davis, Norvell Page, Paul Chadwick, David Nowinson, Joe Archibald, Hapsburg Liebe, Ralph Andre, G. Fleming Roberts, and other contributors - Ten Detective Aces, volume 13, number 2 (September, 1933)
b36424: Derleth, August - "Buck in the Bottoms" in Yale Review (Autumn, 1938)
b17576: Derleth, August - "Autumn Evening: Train" in Driftwind (August, 1948)
b17450: Derleth, August - "Twice Around the Pond" in Household Magazine (April, 1942)
9010: Derleth, August. - "Happiness Is a Gift" in Redbook (February, 1948).
10441: Derleth, August. - "Silence to the Harborers of Past Illusions" in New Yorker (October 11, 1941).
021104: Derleth, August - "Late Summer Song" in Lyrical Poetry (Spring, 1940)
b30505: Derrida, Jacques, Michael Ryan, Eugenio Donato, Jean-Luc Nancy, Alicia Borinsky, and other contributors - Glyph 2
b22324: Derrida, Jacques. Cecile Lindsay, Jonathan Culler, Eduardo Cadava, and Peggy Kamuf, translators - Memoires for Paul De Man. Revised edition
b16721: Derrida, Jacques - "Adieu" in Critical Inquiry (Autumn, 1996)
b26031: Derry, T.K. - The Campaign in Norway (History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series)
b2547: Derschowtiz - Devils Advocate
b22405: Descartes, Rene. Lawrence J. Lafleur, translator with introduction - Philosophical Essays: Discourse on Method; Meditations; Rules for the Direction of the Mind
b43542: (Morgan, Barbara) Deschin, Jacob (other contributors: Alfred Forsberg, Jack Manning, Susan McCartney, Lilo Raymond, Michael Gold, Klaus Warwas, Ken Heyman, Peter Turner, Al Lieberman, W. Eugene Smith, Arthur Tress, and others) - "Barbara Morgan: PermanenceThrough Perseverance" in Photography Annual 1971
b11063: McCarthy. Desmond - "The Worm Will Turn" in New Statesman and Nation (July 15, 1939)
b11151: Deutsch, Babette - "Poems: 'Old Women' [and] 'Leningrad'" in Nation (August 27, 1924)
b5955: Deutsch, Babette - "History Come Alive" and "An Enchanting Poem" [reviews] in New York Herald Tribune (March 15, 1931)
b33804: Deutsch, David - The Happy Museum
b20246: Deutsch, Babette - "Words for a Lullaby" in Nation (December 17, 1938)
b20242: Deutsch, Babette - "Poet in a Barrel" [review of William Carlos Williams Collected Poems] in Nation (November 19, 1938)
b11821: Deutsch, Babette - "Ballet School" [poem] in Nation (February 4, 1925)
10443: Deutsch, Babette. - "City View" in New Yorker (September 27, 1941).
b24739: DeVall, Bill, editor - Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry
dn530: The White Devil (2 record set, BBC World Theatre, 116) - Webster, John
b32767: Devine, Mr. I.H. - George Mayfield Daniel Family in Texas
b44948: (Robert Frost) DeVoto, Bernard - "The Critics and Robert Frost" in Satirday Review of Literature, volume 17, number 10 (January 1, 1938)
b17670: DeVoto, Bernard - "Doctors Along the Boardwalk" in Harper's (September, 1947)
021550: DeVoto, Bernard. - "The College, The Government and Freedom" in American Association of University Professors Bulletin (AAUP) (Autumn, 1949)
022648: Dewey, John. - "Subject Matter in Art" [review] in New Republic (April 21, 1937).
b35070: Dewey, John - "Shantung, As Seen from Within" in New Republic (March 3, 1920)
b34657: Dewey, John - "The New Paternalism" in New Republic (December 21, 1918)
b34649: Dewey, John - "The Cult of Irrationality" in New Republic (November 9, 1918)
b34635: Dewey, John - "Morals and the Conduct of States" in New Republic (March 23, 1918)
b34591: Dewey, John - "The Tragedy of the German Soul" (review) in New Republic (December 9, 1916)
b33713: Dewey, John - "A Sick World" in New Republic (January 24, 1922)
b30325: Dewey, John. Fredson Bowers, consulting textual editor. Jo Ann Boydston, textual editor. Lewis E. Hahn, introduction - The Early Works, 1882-1898. Volume 1: 1882-1888, Early Essays and Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding
b30314: Dewey, John. Jo Ann Boydston, editor. Lewis E. Hahn, introduction - John Dewey: The Middle Works, 1899-1924. Volume 10, 1916-1917
b30312: Dewey, John. Jo Ann Boydston, editor. Sidney Hook, introduction - John Dewey: The Middle Works, 1899-1924. Volume 2, 1902-1903
b30310: Dewey, John. Jo Ann Boydston, editor. Darnell Rucker, introduction - John Dewey: The Middle Works, 1899-1924. Volume 3, 1903-1906
b22321: Dewey, John. Jo Ann Boydston, editor. Darnell Rucker, introduction - John Dewey: The Middle Works, 1899-1924. Volume 3, 1903-1906
b22034: Dewey, John and S.J. Woolf - "John Dewey Surveys the Nations Ills" [interview] in New York Times Magazine (July 10, 1932)
b21817: Dewey, John and Arthur O. Lovejoy - "Shall We Join the League of Nations?" AND "A Reply from Mr. Dewey" in New Republic (March 28, 1923)
b21288: Dewey, Thomas E. - Cover color photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey and "How to Elect a Republican President" in Look (September 19, 1944)
b19978: (Russell, Bertrand) Dewey, John - "The Case for Bertrand Russell" in Nation (June 15, 1940)
b16524: Dewey, John - "If War Were Outlawed" in New Republic (April 25, 1923)
9613: Dewey, John. - "China and the West" in Dial (February, 1923).
b10616: Dexter, George W. - A History of Grace Methodist Church 1868-1957
b23232: Dexter, Colin, Nevada Barr, Faye Kellerman, Sue Grafton, and other contributors - Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine (Spring, 1997)
b19086: Barbaralee (ed) Diamonstein - The Art world: A seventy-five-year treasury of ARTnews
b30513: Diaz, Junot - This Is How You Lose Her
b29531: Diaz, Junot - Front cover photograph of Diaz and "Love Stories" [review of This Is How You Lose Her] in New York Times Book Review (September 23, 2012)
b23363: Dibdin, Michael - Dead Lagoon: An Aurelio Zen Mystery
b23359: Dibdin, Michael - Dark Specter
b21572: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Victor E. Neuburg, editor - Thomas Frognall Dibdin: Selections
b23873: Dibner, Bern - The Victoria and the Triton
b31119: Dick, Bruce Allen, editor - The Critical Response to Ishmael Reed
b16680: Dick, Philip K. - "Olivier and The Beggar" [letter to editor] in Nation (October 3, 1953)
b21797: Dicken, Charles - "A White Band and a Black Thumb" (Chps. 5 and 6) in Harper's Weekly (February 13, 1864)
b21796: Dicken, Charles - "A White Band and a Black Thumb" (Chps. 5 and 6) in Harper's Weekly (February 13, 1864)
b19230: Dicken, Charles. - "Master Humphrey's Clock," parts XXXVIII and XXXIX, chapters LX, LXI, LXII, and LXIII in New-Yorker (January 23, 1841)
b19231: Dicken, Charles. - "Master Humphrey's Clock," parts XL, chapters LXIV and LXV in New-Yorker (February 6, 1841)
b16515: Dicken, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop Parts XX, XXI, XXII" and "Life of Boz" in The New World (September 26, 1840)
b11909: Dicken, Charles. - Paul Dombey. From Dombey & Son
b42366: Dickens, Charles - Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words. Second Series
b12516: Boz [Charles Dickens] - Letter of Charles Dickens to Serjeant Talfourd and the "Preface" to The Pickwick Papers in New-York Mirror (January 27, 1838)
b12527: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "A Madman's Manuscript" in New-York Mirror (August 5, 1837)
b12556: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "The True Legend of Prince Bladud" in New-York Mirror (October 21, 1837)
b12557: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "My First Song" in New-York Mirror (October 21, 1837)
b40077: Dickens, Charles - Letter to "J.M.M." on Religion and His Works in New York Tribune (June 24, 1879) complete issue
b3718: Dickens, Charles - Household Words. Volume XVI. From July 4, 1857, to December 12, 1857
b34969: Dickens, Charles, editor - Household Words Monthly Magazine, No XIX (November, 1854)
b34140: Dickens, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop" Chapters 26-28 in The Albion (September 26, 1840)
dn380: Dickens, Charles - "The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices" Chp 5 in Harper's Weekly (November 25, 1857)
b30977: Dickens, Charles - "Familiar Epistle from a Parent to a Child, Aged Two Years and Two Months" AND The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" (chapter 36) in The Albion (April 6, 1839)
b40747: Dickens, Charles - Dombey and Son
b21806: Dickens, Charles - "The White Band and the Black Thumb" (Chps. 7 and 8) in Harper's Weekly (February 20, 1864)
b19228: Dickens, Charles - "Master Humphrey's Clock," Part XLV, and "The Old Curiosity Shop. Chapter the Last" in New-Yorker (March 13, 1841)
b18527: Dickens, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop" (lengthy portion; no chapters noted) in The Albion (September 5, 1840)
b18517: Dickens, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop" Chapters 33-35 in The Albion (October 10, 1840)
b18520: Dickens, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop" Chapters 23-25 in The Albion (September 19, 1840)
b18521: Dickens, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop" (lengthy portion; no chapters noted) in The Albion (September 19, 1840)
b18512: Dickens, Charles - "The Old Curiosity Shop" Chapters 37 and 39 in The Albion (October 24, 1840)
b18309: Dickens, Charles - "Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" Chapter 59 in The Albion (November 9, 1839)
b18303: Dickens, Charles - "Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" Chapters 57-58 in The Albion (October 12, 1839)
b18311: Dickens, Charles - "Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" Chapter 62 in The Albion (November 23, 1839)
b18314: Dickens, Charles - "Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" Chapter 64 in The Albion (November 30, 1839)
b17366: Dickens, Charles - "Master Humphrey's Clock, Parts XXXIV-XXXV. The Old Curiosity Shop, Chapter LII" in New-Yorker (January 2, 1841)
b17365: Dickens, Charles - "Master Humphrey's Clock, Part XXXIII. The Old Curiosity Shop, Chapter L" in New-Yorker (December 26, 1840)
b17361: Dickens, Charles - "Master Humphrey's Clock, Part XXXII. The Old Curiosity Shop, Chapter XLVIII" in New-Yorker (December 5, 1840)
b17358: Dickens, Charles - "Master Humphrey's Clock, Part XXXI. The Old Curiosity Shop, Chapter XLVI" in New-Yorker (November 28, 1840)
b17354: Dickens, Charles - "Master Humphrey's Clock, Part XXVII. The Old Curiosity Shop, Chapter XXXVIII" in New-Yorker (October 24, 1840)
b16939: Dickens, Charles - "A Tale of Two Cities" (Book 3, Chapter 1 of serialization) in Harper's Weekly (September 24, 1859)
b11837: Dickens, Charles - "Barnaby Rudge" the American serialization, first 51 chapters in New-Yorker, XI (March 20, 1841 to September 11, 1841)
b11930: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "The Old Curiosity Shop" [chapters XLII and XLIII] in Albion (November 24, 1840)
b11936: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "The Old Curiosity Shop" [chapters XLVIIIand XLIX] in Albion (December 5, 1840)
b11938: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "The Old Curiosity Shop" [chapters XLVI and XLVII] in Albion (November 28, 1840)
b11941: Boz [Charles Dickens] - "The Old Curiosity Shop" [chapters XLIV and XLV] in Albion (November 21, 1840)
022713: Dickens, Charles - "Dickens New Christmas Story. Somebody's Luggage" in Harper's Weekly (December 20, 1862)
022714: Dickens, Charles. - "Mr. Charles Dickens Will" in The Globe (July 21, 1870)
b43606: Dickens, Charles - The Mystery of Edwin Drood, complete serialization in six parts issued as supplements to Appleton's Journal
C5050: Dickey, James - "Pursuit from Under" and "Faces Seen Once" in Hudson Review (Autumn, 1964)
C5057: Dickey, James - "Turning Away" in Hudson Review (Autumn, 1966)
015488: Dickey, William - "A Wild Thing" in ZYZZYVA (Summer, 1988)
b42303: Dickey, James - The Whole Motion: Collected Poems, 1945-1992 (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
b4813: Dickey, James - Veteran Birth
b33088: Dickey, James (interview), Charles Bukowski, M.L. Rosenthal, Linda Pastan, Erica Jong, Ken Smith, and other c - New York Quarterly (Spring, 1972)
d204: Dickey, James - "Sun" in New Yorker (January 28, 1967)
d231: Dickey, James - "The Captains" in Esquire (April 1987)
b3180: Dickey, William - "Hopes for Explosions" [review essay] in Hudson Review (Summer, 1963)
x1579: James Dickey - The Zodiac
x1580: James Dickey - The Strength of Fields
9006: Dickey, James. - "In the Mountain Tent" in New Yorker (October 28, 1961).
9003: Dickey, James. - "The Movement of Fish" in New Yorker (October 7, 1961).
12315: Dickey, James. - "Three Poems" ["The Walls," "Wall and Cloud," and "A Poem About Bird-Catching by One Who Has Never Caught a Bird"] in New World Writing 21.
12090: Dickey, James. - False Youth: Four Seasons
dn515: Dickey, James - Head-Deep in Strange Sounds
020117: Dickey, James - The Drift-Spell
020733: Dickey, James - The Enemy from Eden (First edition, SIGNED)
018532: Dickey, James - "The Captains" in Esquire (April, 1987)
018498: Dickey, James - "Why I Live Where I Live" in Esquire (April, 1981)
b10579: Dickinson, Emily - Emily Dickinson: Letter to the World
x1722: Dickinson, Thomas H. (Editor) - Chief Contempoary Dramatists
b33847: Dickinson, Donald C., Richard Newman, Stephen O. Saxe, Matthew J. Bruccoli, W. Bruce Frye, and other contributors - The 1994-95 Bookman's Yearbook
b7254: Dickinson, Peter - "Chelsea" in Punch (November 2, 1953)
b7281: Dickinson, Peter - "For This Relief" in Punch (November 25, 1953)
b31171: Dickinson, Emily - "Two Unpublished Poems" in Yale Review (Autumn, 1935)
b29424: Dickinson, Emily - "Glory" first publication of this poem in Atlantic (June, 1935)
b29423: Dickinson, Emily - "If I Should Be Queen" first publication of this poem in Atlantic (November, 1935)
b16966: Dickinson, Emily. Mabel Loomis Todd and Millicent Todd Bingham, editors. Mark Van Doren, foreword - Bolts of Melody: New Poems of Emily Dickinson
12173: (Oates, Joyce Carol) Dickinson, Donald C. - "Joyce Carol Oates: A Bibliograqphical Checklist" in American Book Collector(November/December, 1981 and January/February, 1982).
b33424: Dickson, Harris, Winston Churchill, Louis Untermeyer, Mark Sullivan, Kate Jordan, Raymond S. Spears, Vingle E. Roe, and other contributors - Collier's (August 11, 1917)
b12189: (Barthelme, Donald) Dickstein, Morris - "Fantasy and Fable in which Our Experimental Fiction Comes of Age" [front-page review of City Life] in New York Times Book Review (1970)
b23214: Diderot, Denis - Oeuvres romanesques (Les Bijoux Indiscrets, La Religieuse, Le Neveu De Rameau, Jaques Le Fataliste)
b29211: Didier, Eugene L. - "American Authors and Artists in Rome" in Lippincott's (November, 1884)
b31563: (Hemingway, Ernest) Didion, Joan - "Last Words: Those Hemingway Wrote, and Those He Didn't" in New Yorker (November 9, 1998)
b31571: (Hemingway, Ernest) Didion, Joan - "Last Words: Those Hemingway Wrote, and Those He Didn't" in New Yorker (November 9, 1998)
b40799: Didion, Joan and John Gregory Dunne - "The Seacoast of Despair" in Saturday Evening Post (July 29, 1967)
b23239: Didion, Joan - "The Lion KIng" [on Ronald Reagan] in New York Review of Books (December 18, 1997)
b21292: Didion, Joan, Agatha Christie, Russell Baker, and other contributors - Saturday Evening Post (March 9, 1968)
022712: Didion, Joan - "After Life" in New York Times Magazine (September 25, 2005)
b31158: Diebold, William - "Four Great Sequences of Hudson River Prints" in Imprint: Journal of American Historical Print Collectors Society (Autumn, 1995)
b15335: Dietrich, Marlene - "Dietrich Debunks Herself" in Look Magazine (April 9, 1940)
b33099: Dietzgen, Joseph. Eugene Dietzgen and Joseph Dietzgen, Jr., editors. M. Beer and Thomas Rothstein, translators - Some of the Philosophical Essays on Socialism and Science, Religion, Ethics, Critique-of-Reason and the World-at-large
b24735: Difei, Jia, preface - Contemporary American Oil Painting
b23351: Digges, Deborah - Rough Music
b6102: James E. Dilisio - Maryland: A Geography (Geographies of the United States)
C5123: Dillard, Annie - "The Man Who Wishes to Feed on Mahogany" in American Scholar (Spring, 1973)
b17228: Dillard, Annie - "A Christmas Story" in Harper's (January, 1976)
b17222: Dillard, Annie - "On a Hill Far Away" in Harper's (October, 1975)
b15751: Dillard, Annie. - "The Stunt Pilot" in Esquire (January, 1989).
b25110: Dillon, E.J. - Sakhalin: A Mystery of the Pacific" in Saturday Evening Post (September 16, 1905)
b17655: Dillon, E.J. - The Eclipse of Russia
b22437: Dilorenzo, Thomas - How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History Of Our Country, From The Pilgrims To The Present
b30136: Dilts, James D. and Catharine F. Black, editors - Baltimore's Cast-Iron Buildings and Architectural Ironwork
b19470: Dilts, James D. and Catharine F. Black, editors - Baltimore's Cast-Iron Buildings and Architectural Ironwork
b23005: Dimier, Louis - Maitre Pierre Pathelin. Comédie à cinq personnages, en vers du XVe siècle
b6887: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Scarab Murder Case" (part five of serialization) in American Magazine (April, 1930)
b6884: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Scarab Murder Case" (part three of serialization) in American Magazine (February, 1930)
b6886: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Bishop Murder Case" (part three of serialization) in American Magazine (December, 1928)
b6901: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Bishop Murder Case" (part five of serialization) in American Magazine (February, 1929)
b45029: Van Dine, S.S. - The Greene Murder Case: A Philo Vance Story" in Scribner's, volume 83, numbers 1-4 (January-April, 1928). The complete serialization
b33050: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Man in the Blue Overcoat" in Cosmopolitan (May, 1929)
b33059: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Kennel Murder Case" [serialization part] in Cosmopolitan (January, 1933).
b32071: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Dragon Murder Case" (serial conclusion) in Pictorial Review (November, 1933)
dn266: Van Dine, S.S. - "The 'Canary' Murder Case" (Chapters 1 - 8) in Scribner's (May 1937)
dn267: Van Dine, S.S. - "The 'Canary' Murder Case" (Chapters 9 - 15) in Scribner's (June 1937)
b30678: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Scarab Murder Case" (part two of serialization) in American Magazine (January, 1930)
b18198: Dine, Jim. Ann Shafer, text - Front Room: Jim Dine
b16499: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Bishop Murder Case" (part one of serialization) in American Magazine (October, 1928)
021107: Van Dine, S.S. - "The Scarab Murder Case" in American Magazine (December, 1929)
b20850: Dingle, Derek T. - First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson
b4979: (Schaefer, Jack) Dingman, Larry and Robin H. Smiley - "Collecting Jack Schaefer" in Firsts (May, 1993)
z685: Dingwall, Eric John - The American Woman
b15819: (Steadman, Ralph) Dinsmore, John - "From Alice to Animal Farm: An Introduction to Ralph Steadman" and "Ralph Steadman: A Selected Checklist" in Firsts (April, 1998)
b19677: Brian W. Dippie - Remington and Russell: The Sid Richardson Collection
ag169: Dippie, Brian W - Remington & Russell: The Sid Richardson Collection
b40944: DiPrima, Diane, John Nichols, Walter Chappell, Nathaniel Tarn, Robert Creeley, Tom Clark, Deborah Salazar, Frank Waters (interview), and other contributors - "Another Part of LOBA" in Taos Review, volume 1, no. 1 (1989)
b34062: Diski, Jenny, T.J. Clark, Jeremy Harding, Charles Hope, Rivka Galchen, John Ashbery, and other contributors - London Review of Books (December 4, 2014)
b34058: Diski, Jenny, Jorie, Graham, August Kleinzahler, Mary-Kay Wilmers, Laura Jacobs, James Meek, Nick Richardson, Tim Parks, and other contributors - London Review of Books (October 9, 2014)
b34056: Diski, Jenny, Frederick Seidel, John Lanchester, Jean McNicol, Theo Tait, John Burnside, and other contributors - London Review of Books (September 11, 2014)
b34049: Diski, Jenny, Michael Wood, Stephen Sharp, Fredinand Mount, Stephen Burt, Martha Sprackland, and other contributors - London Review of Books (May 8, 2014)
b30021: Disney, Walt - "What I Have Learned from Animals" in American Magazine (February, 1953)
b44439: Disney, Walt - "Food Will Win the War" in Look (August 25, 1942)
b20409: Disney, Walt - Christmas of '87 [Exhibition of original watercolors published in Good Housekeeping Magazine from 1938 to 1944 by Disney Studios as publicity for newly released animated cartoons]
12971: Disney, Walt. - "Animations and Cartoons" with original drawings by Disney and other animators in Complete Photographer, volume 1, number 4 (1941).
b36408: Disraeli, Isaac. Benjamin Disraeli, editor - The Literary Character; or the History of Men of Genius
b17550: Distel, Anne - Seurat
b23481: Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee - The Unknown Errors of Our Lives: Stories
b44517: Dix, Edwin Asa and John Nowry MacGonigle - "The Everglades of Florida" in Century (February, 1905)
b30599: Dixon, Stephen - "City" in Speak (Winter, 2000)
T316: Dixon, Thomas, Jr. - "The Clansman': Its Author...Replies with Spirit and Good Humor to Some of His Critics" in New York Times, Part II: Saturday Review of Books (February 25, 1905)
b21050: Dixon, Stephen - "Frog in Prague" in Quarterly West (Spring/Summer, 1986)
b23507: Doane, Michael - Bullet Heart
b23480: Doane, Michael - City of Light:
b43843: Dobbins, Dick - The Grand Minor League: An Oral History of the Old Pacific Coast League
b24723: Dobbs, J.B. - Drawings of a Draftee
d212: Dobie, J. Frank - "Hell-for-Leather Horse" in True (March, 1956)
016983: Dobie, J. Frank - Cover portrait of Dobie and "My Horse Buck" in Atlantic (June, 1952)
b11187: Dobie, J. Frank - "Paul Bunyan" [review] in Nation (August 26, 1925)
b11290: Dobie, J. Frank - "'The Kid' and 'Calamity'" [review] in Nation (February 15, 1928)
b33349: Dobie, J. Frank - "The Lonest Wolf" in Outdoor Life (April, 1952)
b31628: Dobie, J. Frank. Lon Tinkle, foreword - Frontier Tales of the White Mustang
b30382: Dobie, J. Frank - "'How the Scoundrel Lied" in Saturday Evening Post (September 30, 1944)
b21599: Dobie, J. Frank - "One of the Best-Known Stories from America's Past" [review of The Alamo] in New York Times Book Review (February 15, 1948)
b17694: Dobie, J. Frank - "How Low-Down Is the Mangy Coyote?" in True (September, 1948)
017460: Dobie, J. Frank - "Midas on a Goatskin" American Mercury (November, 1929)
b22360: (Goldsmith, Oliver) Dobson, Austin - Life of Oliver Goldsmith
b41087: (Bewick, Thomas) Dobson, Austin - "The Pupils of Thomas Bewick" in Century (October, 1883)
b20760: Dobson, Austin - "Alexander Pope" and "A Dialogue to the Memory of Mr. Pope" in Scribner's (May, 1888)
b15850: Dobson, Austin - "For a Copy of 'The Compleat Angler'" [poem] in Literature: An International Gazette of Criticism (April 21, 1899)
b23502: Dobyns, Stephen. Stephen King, letter - The Church of Dead Girls
b6715: Doctorow, E.L. - "An Interview with E.L. Doctorow" in A Shout in the Street, II, nos 1 & 2 (1979)
b4996: Doctorow, E.L. - "In Search of the Lost Pemberton" in At Random (Summer, 1994)
b21992: Doctorow, E.L. - "In the Eighth Circle of Thieves" in Nation (August 1/14, 2000)
b20969: Doctorow, E.L. and Jason Epstein - "The Sage of New Rochelle" [interview] in Interview (February, 1989)
b42633: Doctorow, E. L. - Loon Lake
4755: Doctorow, E.L. - "Standards" in Harper's (November, 1991)
b9978: Doddridge, P. - The Family Expositor: or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament: with Critical Notes; and a Practical Improvement of Each Section. Volume III
b9979: Doddridge, P. - The Family Expositor: or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament: with Critical Notes; and a Practical Improvement of Each Section. Volume IV
b32151: Dodge, Bertha S. - The Story of Inscrption Rock
b41165: Dodge, David - The Poor Man's Guide to the Orient
b16147: (Durer, Albrecht) Dodgson, Campbell - "A Newly Discovered Durer" in Old Master Drawings (December, 1934)
b7337: Doe, Donald and Lesley Wright, co-curators - Patient Process
b9000: Doherty, Robert Remington and Henry D. Meyer - The Illustrative Lesson Notes for 1905: A Guide to the Study of International Sunday School Lessons
b31770: Doherty, Willie. Martin McLoone and Maite Lores, essays - Willie Doherty - Dark Stains
b40667: Doig, Ivan - From Ride with Me, Mariah Montana, broadside excerpt beginning, " Natural advantages have a habit of eroding away under. . . ."
b22197: Doig, Ivan - Heart Earth
b20551: Doig, Ivan - Ride With Me, Mariah Montana
b25123: (Dicken, Charles) Dolman, Frederick - "Clever Daughters of Clever Men: Charles Dickens' Daughter" in Ladies' Home Journal (July, 1893)
b24083: (Doyle, Arthur Conan and J.M. Barrie) Dolman, Frederick - "Two English Authors of Repute" [two photographs of Doyle and Barrie] in Ladies' Home Journal (October, 1894)
b16691: Domenach, J.-M. - "Camus-Sartre Debate: Rebellion vs. Revolution" in Nation (March 7, 1953)
b7329: Donachie, Jacqueline - Somewhere to Stand: Selected Projects
b36743: (Kureishi, Haniif) Donadio, Rachel - "My Beautiful London" (profile of Hanif Kureishi) in New York Times Magazine (August 10, 2008)
b16837: (Kureishi, Hanif) Donadio, Rachel - "My Beautiful London" in New York Times Magazine (August 10, 2008)
b42304: Donleavy, J. P. - The Plays of J.P. Donleavy with a Preface by the Author
b37454: Donleavy, J. P. - The History of the Ginger Man
b29990: Donleavy, J. P. - "Franz F" in New Yorker (September 24, 1960)
b23357: Donleavy, James Patrick - The Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman
b23365: Donleavy, J. P. - De Alfonce Tennis: The Superlative Game of Eccentric Champions; Its History, Accoutrements, Rules, Conduct and Regimen
b40247: O'Donoghue, Bernard, Alison Brackenbury, Martha Kapos, Hugo Williams, Mary Beard, and other contributors - The Times Literary Supplement (TLS) (May 8, 1998)
b22258: Donoghue, Denis - Walter Pater: Lover of Strange Souls
b22194: Donoso, Jose - Boom in Spanish-American Literature: A Personal History
r47: (Karan, Donna) Donovan, Carrie - "Designer Donna Karan: How a Fashion Star Is Born" in New York Times Magazine (May 4, 1986)
b44395: Donovan, William J. - "Stop Russia's Subversive War" in Atlantic (May, 1948)
b44752: Donovan, Robert J. - "A Demonstration at Blair House" (on the attempted assassination of Harry S. Truman) in New Yorker (July 19, 1952)
b24966: Donovan, Robert J. - Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1943
b16064: Donson, Theodore B., text. Marvel Griepp, essay - Rembrandt: The Portraits. (Uncommon Prints 3)
001138: Jerome Doolittle - Body Scissors: A Tom Bethany Mystery
b33175: Dor, Moshe and Barbara Goldberg, editors - After the First Rain: Israeli Poems on War and Peace
b15412: Van Doren, Mark - "Political Sonnets" [six sonnets] in Nation (January 14, 1950)
b5965: Van Doren, Mark - "Announcing a Poetic Trilogy" in New York Herald Tribune Books (December 28, 1930)
b20485: Van Doren, Mark - "War Poems" [4 poems] in Nation (April 25, 1942)
b43689: Dorman, Richard L. - The Rio Grande Southern: An Ultimate Pictorial Study
b20634: Dorn, Edward, Joel Marrant, Raymond Oliver, Eric Partridge, and other contributors - Vital Statistics, 1 (Fall, 1978)
b15500: Dorn, Ed - "The Cosmology of Finding Your Spot" in Caterpillar 10 (January, 1970)
015388: Dorris, Michael - "Refugee Camp" in Left Bank 5 (December. 1993)
b4020: Dorris, Michael - Cloud Chamber
b508: Dorris, Michael and Louise Erdrich - Crown of Columbus
b23640: Dorris, Michael and Louise Erdrich - The Crown of Columbus
b23383: Dorris, Michael - The Benchmark
b23380: Dorris, Michael - Cloud Chamber
b23376: Dorris, Michael - Paper Trail
x1779: Ruth Rosenfeld; Thomas Dorsett - Beyond These Shores: Poems and Diary of a Jewish Girl Who Escaped from Nazi Germany
b32957: Dorsey, John - Mount Vernon Place: An Anecdotal Essay with 66 Illustrations (First Edition)
b30750: Dorsey, John and James D. Dilts - A Guide to Baltimore Architecture
b32023: Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Tatyana Kovalenko, translator. Joseph Frank, note. - "Reflections on Love and Immortality" in Quarterly Review of Literature, XIV, 3/4 (1967)
b40623: Dostoevsky, Anna Gregorevna. S.S. Koteliansky, translator - Dostoevsky Portrayed by His Wife: The Diary and Reminiscences of Mme. Dostoevsky
b23399: Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Avrahm Yarmolingsky, introduction. Ethel Colburn Mayne, translator - Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky to His Family and Friends
b33490: Dothard, Robert L., Paul A. Bennett, Edmund Thompson, Rudolph Ruzicka, Stanley William Hayter, and other contributors - Print: A Quarterly Journal of the Graphic Arts, volume 1, number 4
014887: Doty, Mark - "Coastal" in New Yorker (January 23, 1995)
b31513: Doty, Robert. Beaumont Newhall, foreword - Photo-Secession: Stieglitz and the Fine-Art Movement in Photography
b22499: Doubleday, Nelson and John F. Baker - "A Frank Talk with Nelson Doubleday" in Publishers Weekly (January 28, 1983)
b31394: Doudney, Sarah and Charles Follen Adams - "The Water Mill" (Doudney) and "Der Vater-Mill" (Adams)
C1815: Douglas, William O. - "Justice Douglas Gets His Lion" in Argosy (July, 1954)
C5071: Douglas, William O. - "Tibet in Political Perspective" (review of The Government and Politics of Tibet) in American Scholar (Summer, 1970)
C5126: Douglas, William O. - "New Books on China and Asia" in American Scholar (Summer, 1974)
b34668: Douglas, James - The United States and Mexico
b32760: Douglas, Stephen A. - Speech of Hon. S. A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the United States Senate, March 3, 1854. On Nebraska and Kansas
b16783: Douglas, William O. - "Quiet Revolutionist" (review) in Saturday Review (June 2, 1956)
b7754: Douglass, Frederick - Two Letters of Frederick Douglass in Journal of Negro History (October, 1948)
dn441: Douglass, Frederick - "Letter from Frederick Douglass" (about John Brown and Harper's Ferry) in New York Midweek Tribune (November 4, 1859)
b40536: (John Brown) Douglass, Frederick - "John Brown's Invasion. Arrest of Judgment Denied. Bsrown to be Hung December 2nd" AND "Letter from Frederick Douglass" in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (November 4, 1859)
b40538: (John Brown) Douglass, Frederick - Full-page of later events related to John Brown's Harpers Ferry insurrection, including a letter from Frderick Douglass in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (November 11, 1859)
b11778: Douglass, Fredeick. - "Address of Frederick Douglass at the Inauguration of the Douglass Institute, Baltimore, October 1, 1865" in The Journal of Negro History (April, 1969)
021494: Douglass, Frederick. Coretta Scott King, foreword - Escape from Slavery: The Boyhood of Frederick Douglass in His Own Words
020830: Douglass, Frederick. - "An American Slave in Great Britain" in New-York Weekly Tribune (February 7, 1846).
b24496: Doumato, Larnia - Text as Inspiration: Artists' Books and Literature
b16205: Dow, Neal - The Reminiscences of Neal Dow: Recollections of Eighty Years
b40256: Dowden, Edward - "In the Cathedral Close" (poem) in New-York Tribune (April 8, 1879)
016015: Dowden, Edward - "Studies in Poetry" [review] in Nation (November 30, 1907)
016012: Dowden, Edward - "Wordsworth Once More" [review] in Nation (November 9, 1907)
b19189: (Garrett, John Work) Dowell, Susan Stiles - Ever Beautiful [essay with photographs on the Evergreen House in Baltimore]
022349: (Reese, Lizette Woodworth) Dowling, Albert Warner - "Lizette Woodworth Reese: An Appreciation" in Southern Literary Messenger (February, 1940)
021755: Down, Edward and Stephen Fredman - Documents for New Poetry I. Roadtesting the Language: An Interview with Edward Dorn
b44186: Downes, William Howe - "Boston Painters and Paintings. V" in Atlantic (November, 1888)
b44185: Downes, William Howe - "Boston Painters and Paintings. IV" in Atlantic (October, 1888)
b44184: Downes, William Howe - "Boston Painters and Paintings. III" in Atlantic (September, 1888)
b44183: Downes, William Howe - "Boston Painters and Paintings. II" in Atlantic (August, 1888)
b44182: Downes, William Howe - "Boston Painters and Paintings. I" in Atlantic (July, 1888)
b32719: Downs, Jacques - The Cities on the Saco
b22428: Downs, Robert B. - Books That Changed the South
b19467: Downs, Buck - An improvisation: rooster, fair dismantling clear affection
b24878: Dows, Olin - Franklin Roosevelt at Hyde Park
b20458: Dows, Olin - Franklin Roosevelt at Hyde Park
b44165: Doxiadis, Apostolos - Alfred Hoos' Shadow Play. The Tragical History of Jackson Pollock, Abstract Expressionist as Performed in Athens, in 1999, by His Disciple Yannis Philaretos
014153: Doyle, Roddy - "Yeats Is Dead!" in Sunday Independent (June 3, 2001)
b10663: Doyle, Arthur Conan - "Sir Nigel" [serialization part] in Sunday Magazine of the St. Louis Republic
b12559: Doyle, Richard - The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown ,Jones, & Robinson. Being A History of What They Saw and Did In Belgium , Germany , Switzerland & Italy
b40024: Doyle, Adrian Conan - "The Adventure of the Deptford Horror (Another Sherlock Holmes Story)" in Collier's (September 18, 1953).
b44193: Doyle, A. Conan - "Tempted by the Devil" in Cosmopolitan (September, 1895)
b34562: Doyle, Camilla - "The Bargee" in Spectator (April 15, 1922)
b33587: Doyle, A. Conan - "The Retirement of Signor Lambert" in Cosmopolitan (December, 1898)
b40529: Doyle, A. Conan - "Through the Mists: Part 2, The First Cargo" in Scribner's (December, 1910)
b43999: Doyle, Adrian Conan - "The Adventure of Two Women (Another Sherlock Holmes Story)" in Collier's (September 4, 1953).
dn231: Doyle, A. Conan - "The Horror of the Heights" in Famous Fantastic Mysteries (December 1947)
b24905: Doyle, A. Conan - "Recollections of Captain Wilkie" in McClure's (April, 1895)
b21079: Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sidney Paget, Alexander Cargill, and others contribute. George Newnes, editor - Strand, Volume 8, July-December, 1894
b22195: Doyle, Roddy - A Star Called Henry
b42301: Doyle, Roddy - The Woman Who Walked Into Doors
ag115: Doyle, A. Conan - The Complete Sherlock Holmes
4062: Doyle, Roddy. - "Thank you, Paul" The Irish Times (May 16, 1998).
T413: Drabble, Margaret; Osborne, Charles - New stories: An anthology
dn507: Drabble, Margaret (Editor) - The Oxford Companion to English Literature (Fifth Edition)
b33506: Drabble, Margaret, Louis de Bernieres, Michael Dorris, and other contributors - Islands (October, 1997)
b30842: Drabble, Margaret - "The Ice Age" in Ms. (November, 1977)
b30821: Drabble, Margaret - "How Not to Be Afraid of Virginia Woolf" in Ms. (November, 1972)
b30841: Drabble, Margaret - "Jane Fonda: Her Own Womanv . . . At Last" in Ms. (October, 1977)
b30843: Drabble, Margaret - "Novelists as Inspired Gossips" in Ms. (April, 1983)
b25156: Drabble, Margaret - The Realms of Gold: A Novel
b23397: Drabble, Margaret - A Natural Curiosity
b23395: Drabble, Margaret - Safe as Houses: A Examination of Home Ownership and Mortgage Tax Relief
b23398: Drabble, Margaret - The Middle Ground
b16135: Drabble, Margaret - "A Place Immune to Tourists and Purple Prose: Letter from Amalfi" in European Travel & Life (June, 1988)
b16104: Margaret Drabble - A Writer's Britain
b15575: Drabble, Margaret - "Maurice Cockrill's Seasons" in Modern Painters (Spring, 1992)
4674: Margaret Drabble - The Needle's Eye
018776: Drabble, Margaret - "A Beastly Century" in American Scholar (Winter, 2001)
017864: (Austen, Jane) Drabble, Margaret - "The Dower House at Kellynch: A Somerset Romance" in Persuasions, issue 15 (1993)
b32976: Drabelle, Dennis - Mile-High Fever: Silver Mines, Boom Towns, and High Living on the Comstock Lode
b33453: Dragone, Francesca Romana - Electica. Art and Fairytales / Arte e Favole
b15794: Drake, Milton and Fred Jay - The Message Got Through. Dedicated to the U.S. Army Signal Corps
C5343: Drake, Joseph Rodman - "Bronx" in New York Mirror (February 20, 1836)
dn579: Dreiser, Theodore (with additional contributions by Mark Twain, Wm Dean Howells, and Hamlin Garland - "Christmas in the Tenements" (story) in Harper's Weekly (Dec 6, 1902)
b35250: Dreiser, Theodore - "Scenes in a Cartridge Factory" in Cosmopolitan (July, 1898)
b35245: Dreiser, Theodore - "The Harp" in Cosmopolitan (April, 1898)
dn412: Dreiser, Theodore; Eugene O"Neill; George Jean Nathan; Ernest Boyd; James Branch Cabell, editors and contributors - The American Spectator: A Literary Newspaper, Volume 1, Numbers 1-12 (Oct 1932 through Sep 1933)
b21894: Dreiser, Theodore, John Dos Passos, Kay Boyle, and other contributors - American Mercury (March, 1934)
dn357: Drew, William A. - Glimpses and Gatherings in London and the Great Exhibition in the Summer of 1851
b22440: Drew, S. Nelson - NATO: From Berlin to Bosnia: Trans-Atlantic Security in Transition
b45136: Drew, William A. - Glimpses and Gatherings, During a Voyage and Visit to London and the Great Exhibition, in the Summer of 1851
b22763: Dreyfus, Alfred - Souvenirs et correspondance publiés par son fils
b18031: Lee C. Drickamer - Fort Lyon to Harper's Ferry on the Border of North and South With Rambling Jour a Civil War Soldier
b23427: Driggers, Stephen G. and Robert J. Dunn with Sarah Gordon - The Manuscripts of Flannery O'Connor at Georgia College
b31530: Drinkwater, John - The Pilgrim of Eternity: Byron -- A Conflict
020200: Drinkwater, John - "Religion and Conduct" [long letter to editor] in Nation (June 26, 1909)
b23662: O'Driscoll, Robert, editor - Theatre and Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Ireland
b42352: Driver, Tom F - The Sense of History in Greek and Shakespearean Drama
ag72: Frantisek Drtikol - Frantisek Drtikol: Photographs from the Period Between 1901-1914 and the Album from Large and Little Courtyards of Old Prague
b33446: Drucker, Marcia J., editor - A Bicentennial History: Jefferson County, West Virginia 1801-2001
b22403: Drucker, Peter - Technology, Management, and Society
b19559: Drucker, Peter F. - "The American Political Tradition" in Cambridge Journal (August, 1948)
b18479: Johanna Drucker - The Century of Artists' Books
b17674: Drucker, Peter F. - "Henry Ford: Success and Failure" in Harper's (July, 1947)
b31678: Drummond, John Peter, Wyndham Martyn, Armand Brigaud, Clyde Irving, Captain Hugh Thomason, Wilbur S. Peacock and other contributors - Jungle Stories, vol. 1, number 12 (Winter, 1941)
b31676: Drummond, John Peter, Paul Selonke, William H. Arvin, Duane Rimel, Ray Vicker, D.D. Sharp, Stuart Friedman, and other contributors - Jungle Stories, vol. 3, number 1 (Winter, 1944)
b31675: Drummond, John Peter, Captin Hugh Thomason, Armand Brigaud, Clyde Irving, Paul Selonke, Arthur J. Burks, and Francis Gerard and other contributors - Jungle Stories, vol. 1, number 11 (Fall, 1941)
11014: Drury, Tom. - "Change in Louise" in New Yorker (August 3, 1992).
b21929: (Mencken, H.L.) Duberman, Jason D. - "H.L. Mencken and the Wowsers" in American Book Collector (May, 1986)
014059: Duberstein, Helen - The Human Dimension (Review copy)
b36719: (King, Stephen) Dubner, Stephen J. - "What Is Stephen King Trying to Prove" (profile of Stephen King) in New York Times Magazine (August 13, 2000)
b43654: (Spielberg, Steven) Dubner, Stephen J. - "Steven the Good" in New York Times Magazine (February14, 1999)
b11180: DuBois, W.E.B. - "The Primitive Black Man" in Nation (December 17, 1924)
b33386: DuBois, W.E.B. - "Behold the Land" (speech delivered on October 20, 1946, in Columbia, S.C. at the closing session of the Southern Youth Legislature) in Southern Exposure (Spring, 1981)
b23896: Dubois, Edmond - Vu pendant la libération de Paris, journal d'un témoin
b6767: Dubus, Andre - "Killings" in Zoetrope (Winter, 2002)
b31166: Dubus, Andre - Three stories from Dancing After Hours ["All the Time in the World", "The TIming of Sin" and "Out of the Snow"]
b21049: Dubus, Andre - "Deaths at Sea" [novella] in Quarterly West (Spring/Summer, 1986)
6104: Dubus, Andre. - "The Shooting" in Carleton Miscellany (Fall/Winter, 1973-74).
5614: Dubus, Andre. - "Dancing After Hours" in Epcoh, 45, no. 1 (1996).
3733: Dubus, Andre - Dancing After Hours: Stories
018435: Dubus, Andre - "The Timing of Sin" in Esquire (March, 1996)
b22972: Abbé Duchaine - Les trois frères écossais
C1328: Marcel Duchamp - Affectionately, Marcel
b31716: Duchamp, Marcel and Pierre Cabanne. Ron Padgett, translator - Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp
b18484: Marcel Duchamp - Affectionately, Marcel
10498: Duchamp, Marcel. - "Speculations" in Art in America (March-April, 1966).
b21795: Ducornet, Rikki - The Fan-Maker's Inquisition: A Novel of the Marquis De Sade
014067: H.C. Artmann; Michael Bullock; Rikki Ducornet - Contemporary Surrealist Prose Volume 1
b21659: Dudley, Andrew - Film in the Aura of Art
b10751: Dudley, Thomas - Gov. Thomas Dudley's Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, March, 1631. With Explanatory Notes, by Dr. John Farmer, Corresponding Secretary of the New Hampshire Historical Society
b8959: (Baker, Josephine) Dudziak, Mary L. - Cover photograph of Baker and "Josephine Baker, Racial Protest and the Cold War" in Journal of American History (September, 1994)
b41201: Duell, R.H. - "Position of Parties: Speech of R.H. Duell, of New York. Delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, April 12, 1860
b40503: Duer, Caroline - "Land of Promise" in Burr McIntosh Monthly (March, 1906)
x1590: Greg Dues - Catholic customs & traditions : a popular guide
b34396: Duffy, Brucem David Burnett, Rodger Morrow, John Rothchild, Sue Allison, Raymond F. DeVoe, Jr., and other contributors - "The Big Board: An Inside Look at the New York Stock Exchange in Its Bicentennial Year". Special issue of Life (Spring, 1992)
b40757: Duffy, Carol Ann - The Bees
014051: Duffy, Carol Ann - Thrown Voices
000988: Duffy, Carol Ann - Close
b40656: Dufresne, John. - Fluellen
3219: Dufresne, John. - Louisiana Power & Light.
b32532: Dufy, Raoul - "Paris" (cover illustration) in France Illustration, No. 288 (Avril 21, 1951)
b10090: Dugdale, Thomas - Curiosities of Great Britain. England & Wales Delineated, Historical, Entertaining & Commercial, Alphabetically arranged By Thomas Dugdale, Antiquarian. Assisted By William Burnett, Civil Engineer
b34786: Duggan, Stephen Pierce - The Conference on the Foreign Relations of the United States: An Experiment in Education
b22748: (Claudel, Paul) Duhamel, Georges - Paul Claudel, le philosophe, le poète, l'écrivain, le dramaturge.
b34715: Dukore, Bernard F., editor. Stanley Weintraub, Joanne E. Gates, Christopher Newton, Katherine E. Kelly, Martin Esslin, Irving Wardle, Christopher Innes, Charles A. Berst, and other contributors - 1992: Shaw and the Last Hundred Years
b31629: Dulles, John W. F. - The Saga of the Larranaga
b44074: Dumas, Ann and David Brenneman - Degas and America: The Early Collectors
dn248: Alexandre Dumas, O. Henry, Aldous Huxley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Stephen Crane, Charles Dickens, - The Golden Book (April1930)
x1616: Dumas, W.C. - Belshazzar
b23567: Dumas, Alexander - The Mesmerist's Victim, or Andrea De Taverney
b23565: Dumas, Alexandre, Marcel Girard, introduction - The Three Musketeers
b42306: Dumas, Alexander (Charles H. Town, translator), Miss Ellen Pickering, G.P.R. James, Fredrika Bremer - The Regent's Daughter (Dumas), The Grumbler (Pickering), Arabella Stuart. A Romance from English History (James), H-- Family: Tralinnan; Axel and Anna; and Other Tales (Bremer). Four novels bound in one volume.
b11922: Dumas, Alexandre - Comtesse de Charny. Three volumes. Volumes 31-33 of the Marie Antoinette Edition of The Romances of Alexandre Dumas
b32529: (Dreyfus, Alfred) Dumay, Henri - "The Trial of Captain Dreyfus at Rennes" [photographs and text] in Collier's Weekly (September 2, 1899)
z1428: Dumond, Dwight L. - "Emancipation: History's Fantastic Reverie" in Journal of Negro History (January 1964)
z590: Dumont, Ninda, Editor. Linda Campbell Franklin, Artist - My Heart 2 Heart Girlfriends' book
b5006: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "Love" in Cosmopolitan (May, 1898)
b5005: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "Mr. Cornelius Johnson, Office-Seeker" in Cosmopolitan (February, 1899)
b44252: Dunbar, Laul Lawrence - "The Real Question" in Harper's Weekly (October 31, 1896)
b36493: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "The Mission of Mr. Scatters" in Collier's (March 30, 1901)
b35247: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "Love" in Cosmopolitan (May, 1898)
b35249: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "Waiting" in Cosmopolitan (July, 1898)
b35246: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "The Deliberation of Mr. Dunkin" in Cosmopolitan (April, 1898)
x1757: Dunbar, Charles F. (Compiler) - Laws of the United States relating to Currency, Finance, and Banking from 1789 to 1896
b40268: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - Howdy Honey Howdy
b24054: Dunbar, Paul Laurence - "My Thought -- and Hers" in Ladies' Home Journal (May, 1897)
b11783: Duncan, Robert - "Robert Duncan's Interview" in Unmuzzled Ox, 14(1976)
b7285: Duncan, Ronald - "It's My Delight . . . " in Punch (September 2, 1953)
b7291: Duncan, Ronald - "Badger at Bay" in Punch (September 30, 1953)
b33230: Duncan, David - Beyond Eden
b26116: (Picasso, Pablo) Duncan, David Douglas - "The World's Most famous Artist [Picasso]" in Saturday Evening Post (January 4, 1958)
b20848: Dunglison, Robley, M.D. - The Practice of Medicine; or, A Treatise on Special Pathology and Therapeutics. Second edition. Volume one
b40818: Dunlap, Loyd A. Carl Sandburg, Introductory Essay - Abraham Lincoln: An Exhibition at the Library of Congress in Honor of the 150th Anniversary of His Birth
b21279: Benjamin Dunlap, preface. Robert L. Stewart, Annie P. Quinsac, Luigi C. Borelli, Charles B. Weasmer, Wallace D. Dawson, David G. Phillips, and Eugene Thomas Long. - Victorian Revolutions
b31595: Dunlop, Ian - The Shock of the New: Seven Historic Exhibitions of Modern Art
b26115: Dunlop, Ian - Degas
b5807: Dunn, L.C. - Race and Biology (The Race Question In Modern Science)
Q53: Dunn, Stephen - "To the Upright" in New Republic (2/27/71)
b30368: Dunn, Richard S., John S. Murrin, Gary B. Nash, Judith Can Buskirk, William O'Reilly, Brendan McConville, Thomas J. Humphrey, Konstantin Dierks, Anita DeClue, Billy G. Smith, and other contributors - Explorations in Early American Culture
b30367: Dunn, Richard S., Philip Otterness, Jack D. Marietta, G.S. Rowe, Sara S. Gronim, Maurice Jackson, Heather Shaw Nathans, Brett Mizelle, Seth Rockman, Rodney Hessinger, and other contributors - Explorations in Early American Culture
b22404: Dunn, J.P. - Massacres of the Mountains: A History of the Indian Wars of the Far West 1815-1875
020628: Dunninger - "Reading Your Mind" in Atlantic (August, 1944)
b30218: Lord Dunsany, James Truslow Adams, Elmer Davis, and other contributors - Harper's (August, 1933)
b25002: Lord Dunsany - "The Great Scoop" in Tomorrow (July, 1949)
T225: (Chaplin, Charles) Dupee, F.W. - "The Romance of Charles Chaplin" (review of "My Autobiography" by Charles Chaplin) in "The New York Review of Books" (October 22, 1964)
b16252: Duprey, André - Itineraires Romans en Roussillon
b24988: Durant, Will, Heywood Broun, Marie Beynon Ray, Arthur Weigall, and other contributors - Mentor (April, 1930)
b24695: Durant, David N. - Bess of Hardwick: Portrait of an Elizabethan Dynast
021106: Durant, Will. - "100 Best Books" in American Magazine (December, 1929)
b11085: Duras, Marguerite - "Summer 1980" in Fiction, volume 8, numbers 2 & 3 (1987)
b23947: Durrell, Gerald - "Animals in Jeopardy" in Holiday (November, 1963)
b23788: Durrell, Lawrence - Livia or Buried Alive
b20441: Dussaud, L. - Lucille de Beaumont
b23778: (Washington, George) Dutcher, George Matthew - George Washington and Connecticut in War and Peace
b10109: Duychinck, E. (Evert) A. - National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans: Including Orators, Statesmen, Naval and Military Heroes, Jurists, and Authors
Q51: Van Duyn, Mona - "The Talker" (poem) in New Republic (2/20/71)
b30393: Van Duyn, Mona and Robin Tawney - "An Interview with Mona Van Duyn" in Cottonwood Review, 24 (Spring, 1981)
b29821: Van Duyn, Mona - Near Changes: Poems
b19216: Dvorak, Antonin - "Franz Shubert" in Century (July, 1894)
b16860: Dwight, John S. - "Song of the Night" [front-page poem] in Portland Transcript (July 24, 1852)
b32625: (Greeley, Horace) O'Dwyer, Walter M. - "Horace Greeley, The Editor" in Once A Week (October 7, 1890)
b23786: Dyak, Miriam - Fire Under Water
014888: Dybek, Stuart - "Lunch at the Loyola Arms" in New Yorker (November 10, 1997)
b17953: Dybek, Stuart - " Cartoon" (prose piece) in Not Guilty! Number 5 & 6: Absudist Texts & Documents
015376: Dyden, John. Beaurline, L.A. and Bowers, Fredson, editors - Four Tragedies
b22459: Dyer, Thomas G.;Johns Hopkins University Press - Secret Yankees: The Union Circle in Confederate Atlanta
b11914: (Washington, George) Van Dyke, Henry - The Americanism of Washington
b10507: Dykes, Jeff C. - "Buckskin Sam, Ranger and Writer; or, The Life and Sub-Literary Labors of Samuel Stone Hall" in American Book Collector (March, 1960)
b21576: Dykes, Jeff C. - 44 Range Country Books Topped out by J. Frank Dobie in 1941 & 44 More Range Country Books Topped out by Jeff Dykes in 1971
b30620: Dylan, Bob, Vladimir Nabokov, Ian Fleming, and other contributors - Playboy (March, 1966)
b23231: Dylan, Bob and David Gates, Richard Avedon, photographs - Cover photograph of Dylan and "Dylan Revisited" [interview-based profile] in Newsweek (October 6, 1997)
6540: Dylan, Bob. - "Bob Dylan" [interview with Kurt Loder] in Rollings Stone (November 6 - December 10, 1987).
6535: Dylan, Bob. - Cover portrait of Dylan and "Bob Dylan: The Rolling Stone Interview" in Rolling Stone (June 21, 1984).
b22407: Dym, Barry - Readiness and Change in Couple Therapy
b29207: Dyson, Freeman J. - "Science in Trouble" in American Scholar (Aurumn, 1993)
b939: Eagle, Dorothy and Hilary Carnell - The Oxford Literary Guide to the British Isles
b34059: Eagleton, Terry, Michael Wood, Gary Indiana, RXosemary Hill, John Lanchester, Andrew O'Hagan, Michael Hoffman, and other contributors - London Review of Books (October 25, 2014)
b18193: Eagleton, Terry, Houston Baker, and Richard Ohmann and others contribute. Paul Hernadi, editor - "Interpretation in Context in Science and Culture" special issue of Poetics Today, vol. 9, no. 2(1988)
b17810: Eagleton, Clyde - The Attempt to Define Agression
b36543: (Franzen, Jonathan) Eakin, Emily - "Jonathan Franzen's Big Book" (profile of Franzen) in New York Times Magazine (September 2, 2001)
b33046: Earhart, Amelia - "The Man Who Tells the Flier: 'Go!'" in Cosmopolitan (May, 1929)
b8953: Steve Earle - Doghouse Roses
b29799: Earle, Robert - "The Mohawk River in History" in American Historical Register (October-November, 1896)
b12268: Earle, Swepson - The Chesapeake Bay Country. Second edition, revised.
b23785: Earls, Michael - Ballads of Peace in War
b20605: Early, Gerald, Larry Woiwode, and other contributors - Antioch Review (Summer, 1986)
b20342: Early, General J. A. - "Causes of Lee's Repulse at Gettysburg: Review of the Whole Discussion" in Southern Historical Society Papers (December 1877)
b29661: Eason, Amanda - Eating My Way Home
T417: East, Charles, editor - The New Writers of the South: A Fiction Anthology
b30811: Eastlake, William - "Coyotes Love Me" in Ms. (September, 1974)
b30798: Eastlake, William - "Mrs. Gage in Her Bed of Pain with a Nice Cup of Gin" in Ms. (March, 1977)
b29770: Eastlake, William - "Man Trap" in Saturday Evening Post (March 29, 1958)
002624: Eastman, Max - "In a Spanish Dungeon" in Scribner's (August, 1932)
b11289: Eastman, Max - "The Lost Words of Adolph Joffe" in Nation (February 1, 1928)
b11698: Eastman, Max - "Two Poem" ['Lonely Bather' and 'A Modern Messiah'] in Nation (September 30, 1925)
6603: (Dewey, John) Eastman, Max - "John Dewey" in Atlantic (December, 1941)
014102: Eastman, Max - "Morning at My White Collie's Grave" in Saturday Review (April 18, 1964)
b23790: Eaton, Charles Edward - New and Selected Poems, 1942-1987
b20784: Eberhardt, David - Blue Running Lights
C1126: Eberhart, Richard. - "On a Squirrel" in London Magazine (December, 1954).
b40304: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "The Chiffon Scarf" (part five of serialization) in Ladies' Home Journal (May, 1939)
b40305: Eberhart, Mignon G., General George C. Marshall, Eleanor Roosevelt, and other contributors - Ladies' Home Journal (August, 1941)
b40314: Eberhart, Mignon G., Stephen Vincent Benet, Thelma Strabel, John Holmes, and other contributors - Ladies' Home Journal (May, 1939)
b40315: Eberhart, Mignon G., George Abbe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dorothy Black, Naomi Lane Babson, Al Capp, and other contributors - Ladies' Home Journal (June, 1940)
b40317: Eberhart, Mignon G., Eleanor Roosevelt, Burnham Carter, Dorothy Thompson, Walter de la Mare, Babette Deutsch, and other contributors - Ladies' Home Journal (June, 1941)
b32672: Eberhart, Richard - "A Ship Burning and a Comet All in One Day" in New Yorker (August 23, 1958)
b32295: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "Another Woman's House" [serialization part] in Ladies' Home Journal (September, 1946)
b32300: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "Another Woman's House" [serialization part] in Ladies' Home Journal (October, 1946)
b32307: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "Fair Warning" [serialization part] in Ladies' Home Journal (January, 1936)
b32308: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "Fair Warning" [serialization part] in Ladies' Home Journal (April, 1936)
b32309: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "The Pattern" [serialization part] in Ladies' Home Journal (March, 1937)
b32065: Eberhart, Mignon G. - Dead Yesterday" in Pictorial Review (September, 1936)
b31519: Eberhart, Richard. Robert Lowell, introductory statement on Richard Eberhart - "Ruby Daggett," "Death by Drowning," "The Gesture," "Kaire" and "Hardening into Truth" in Greensleveves: The Dartmouth Literary Magazine, volume VI, no. 1 (1963)
b31403: Eberhart, Richard, May Sarton, Donald Hall, George Abbe, and other contributors - American Weave (Fall-Winter, 1966)
b30421: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "Spider" in Delineator (May, 1934)
b30413: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "Introducing Miss Susan Dare: A Series of Short Mystery Novels" in Delineator (April, 1934)
z1752: Eberhart, Richard - "Poem in Construction" and from "The Human Being" (2 poems) in Furioso (Vol. 1, No. 1)
b21965: Eberhart, Nelle Richmond, libretto. Charles Wakefield Cadman, music - A Witch of Salem
b26105: Eberhart, Mignon G. - Hunt with the Hounds
b17023: Eberhart, Mignon G. - "The Crimson Paw" in American Magazine (October, 1952)
020707: Ebershoff, David - Pasadena: A Novel
b36385: (Pamuk, Orhan) Eberstadt, Fernanda - "The Best Seller of Byzantium" (profile of Orhan Pamuk) in New York Times Magazine (May 4, 1997)
b29932: Eckardt, Wolf Von and Sander L. Gilman - Bertolt Brecht's Berlin: A Scrapbook of the Twenties
b32223: Eckel, John C. - "Points for Book Collectors" in World's Work (July, 1929)
ag191: Sabine Eckmann - H.W. Janson and the Legacy of Modern Art at Washington University in St. Louis
b23616: Eckstein, Irma and Viola - A European year by two San Franciscans
r32: Eco, Umberto - "The Gorge" (fiction) in New Yorker (March 7, 2005)
b11464: Eco, Umberto - "Tolerance and the Intolerable" in Index on Censorship (May/June, 1994)
b12308: Eco, Umberto. - "The Birth of Ethics" in Index (June, 1997).
b42636: Eco, Umberto - Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays
dn651: Eddy, Sherwood (Pearl S. Buck); Archibald MacLeish - Review of "The Exile"
b20754: Edel, Leon - Henry James: Literary Criticism French Writers Other European Writers the Prefaces to the New York Edition No 3
b23600: Edgerton, Clyde - Where Trouble Sleeps
b21934: Edgerton, Clyde, Mary Gabriel, Nanci Kincaid, Jack Butler, Dinty Moore, Ilene Beckerman, Will D. Campbell, and others - The Algonkian (June, 1997)
11613: Jean-Albert Bede; William Edgerton - The Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
b32693: Edgeworth, Maria - Novels and Tales by Maria Edgeworth, Volume VIII
008107: [Edison, Thomas and patent for his electric light]] - New York Tribune (March 4, 1879)
b31035: Edison, Thomas A. and Edward Marshall - "Machine-Made Freedom: An Authorized Interview" in Forum (October, 1926)
b30059: Edison, Thomas A. and Waldo P. Warren - "Edison on Invention and Inventors: An Interview" in Century (July, 1911)
b29195: Edison, Thomas A. - "The Scientific City of the Future" in Forum (December, 1926)
b24547: Edison, Thomas A. - "Has Man An Immortal Soul? An Authorized Interview" in Forum (November, 1926)
b31762: Edkins, Diana, editor. Diane Ackerman, introduction. Peter Beard, Virginia Chipurnoi, Kitty Hawks, and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz, essays - Animal Attractions
b25200: Edmonds, Robin - Pushkin: The Man and His Age
b11558: Edom, Clifton C. - Missouri Sketch Book: A Collection of Words and Pictures from the Civil War
b32539: [Edward, C.M.] - Ralph and Robbie: A Tale of Early Piety
b23780: Edwards, Ralph & Peter Ward-Jackson - Ham House: A Guide. 4th edition
b11777: Edwards, Joe, writer. Warren Kremer, penciler. - Heathcliff in the Cat-Napping Caper. Volume 1, No. 1 (April, 1985)
C5231: Efremoff, Jean - Peasant Conditions in Russia, 1925
b37564: (Alexie, Sherman) Egan, Timothy - "An Indian Without Reservations" (profile of Sherman Alexie) in New York Times Magazine (January 18, 1998)
b30177: Egan, Jennifer - "Why China?" in New Yorker (April 24, 1995)
b23603: Egan, Jennifer - Look at Me
b20506: (Eggars, Dave) Egan, Timothy - "After the Deluge" (review of "Zeitoun") in New York Times Book Review (August 16, 2009)
b30334: Egerer, J.W. - A Bibliography of Robert Burns
b44475: Egerton, Judy and Dudley Snelgrove - British Sporting and Animal Drawings, 1500-1850 (Sport in Art and Books)
b42361: Eggers, Dave - You Shall Know Our Velocity
b12209: Eggers, Dave. Fran Gordon - "And His Calculatingly Intuitive Response" [interview] in Poets and Writers (July/August, 2000)
b36487: Eggers, Dave, editor. Rick Moody, Jonathan Lethem, George Saunders, Denis Johnson, Lydia Davis, Haruki Murakami, Paul Collins, Lawrence Weschlet, and other contributors - McSweeney's No. 4
b37488: Eggers, Dave, editor - McSweeney's: Simple Red Cover For Issue 5
b34936: Eggers, Dave - This Bridge Will Not Be Gray
b25202: Eggers, Dave - "Sit. Fidget. Jump Up and Get Out in the World" in Washington Post Book World (December 12, 2010)
b23597: Eggers, Dave, editor - McSweeney's 8
b21649: Eggers, Dave - "Where We Were" in New Yorker (August 12, 2002)
b21160: Eggers, Dave - "After Wham! Pow! Shazam!" (review) in New York Times Book Review (November 26, 2000)
b21654: Eggers, Dave - "The Only Meaning of the Oil-Wet Water" in Zoetrope (Summer, 2003)
b17859: Eggers, Dave - "Portrait of Artist with Trunk" in Esquire (December, 1998)
b17648: Eggers, Dave - "Booby Trap" [review] in Bookforum (Spring, 1999)
b42189: Dave Eggers - A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius : A Memoir Based on a True Story
b17336: Eggers, Dave - "Like You, I Am Unhappy, Outraged Even, With the Decline of True Love in Society" in New York Times Magazine (May 7, 2000)
b17119: Eggers, Dave - "The Only Meaning of the Oil-Wet Water" in Zoetrope (March, 2003)
b15803: Eggers, Dave - "Commando" in New Yorker (June 11 & 18, 2007)
b11810: Eggers, Dave - "Women We Love: Madeleine Stowe" in Esquire (March, 1998)
b42634: Eggers, Dave; Smith, Zadie; Frasier, Ian; Weschler, Lawrence,; et al - McSweeney's Number 6: We Now Know Who
020570: Eggers, Dave, editor. Michael Chabon and Anne Cummins, contributors - McSweeney's 7
020580: Eggers, Dave, editor - McSweeney's No. 5
018426: Eggers, Dave - "Letter to the IRS" in Esquire (May, 1998)
018427: Eggers, Dave - "The End of Civilization" in Esquire (June, 1998)
018429: Eggers, Dave - "Long Live the Career Smoker" in Esquire (April, 1998)
b37466: Eggleston, William, Brigitte Lacombe, Donata Wenders, Larry Sultan, Martin Parr, Wim Wenders, Luc Sante, and other contributors - "The Pictures" (special issue). New York Times Magazine (November 12, 2000)
b36705: Eggleton, William - "In Country" (7 photographs) in New York Times Magazine (October 20, 2002)
b43658: Eglinton, John - A Memoir of AE: George William Russell
z1432: Ehrlich, Walter - "The Origins of the Dred Scott Case" in Journal of Negro History (April 1974)
b11163: Ehrsam, Theodore - Bibliography of Joseph Conrad
b30395: 'Alaajii Dah Shij'ii Haidiilaii Ei, Robert W. Young doo, William Morgan, and Paul Wilson Na'azhch'aa' - Tse Nikani Hoolyeegi Hoochi' Yee Baa Hane'
b43393: Eichberg, Joseph, E.L. Keyes, Henry Schweig, George Arthur, Grace Peckham, Henry Dwight Chapis, George L. Peabody, A.A. Smith, Egbert Grandin, James King Crook, J.R. Weist, Robert F. Weir, George M. Sternberg, Clarence Rice, A.B. Judson and other contribs - Essays on bacteriology and germ theory, nasal disease, cleft palate, mirror writing, rheumatism in early life, nephritis, ulcerative endocarditis, hagar's sign, pulmonary consumption, and other topics in 5 issues of The Medical Record published in 1886
014139: Eiffel, Gustavo and Eiffel Tower. - Front page portrait of Eiffel and Eiffel Tower and "M. Eiffel" in Scientific American (June 15, 1889)
001954: Einstein, Albert. - Einstein cover portrait accompanying "Crossroad" Time (July 1, 1946).
b44400: Einstein, Albert as told to Raymond Swing - "Einstein on the Atomic Bomb" in Atlantic (November, 1945)
C5119: Eiseley, Loren - "The Hawk" in American Scholar (Summer, 1965)
016316: Eiseley, Loren - "Leaving September" in American Mercury (September, 1936)
b8066: Eisenhower, Cathy - Que quieres?
013890: Eisenhower, Dwight David. Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., editor; Galambos, Louis, editor. Ambrose, Stephen, associate editor. - The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, 13 volumes
b17761: Eisenhower, Dwight D. - Cover photograph of Eisenhower and "Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe" in Life (December 13, 1948).
b25030: Eisenstaedt, Alfred - 2 photographs in Life, volume one, number 3 (December 7, 1936)
b25028: Eisenstaedt, Alfred - Cover photograph of Virginia Judd in Life (March 9, 1938)
b25027: Eisenstaedt, Alfred - 2 photographs in Life (March 10, 1941)
b40947: Eisner, Peter - MacArthur'e Spies
b23804: Elder, Dean - Pianists at Play. Interviews, Master Lessons, and Technical Regimes
b30471: Elderfield, John - The "Wild Beasts": Fauvism and Its Affinities
b10044: Eldersveld, Peter - Fundamentals of the Faith, Save Our Sunday! [and] The Folly of Our Faith
ag3: Eldredge, Niles - Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life
b19755: Eldridge, Courtney - The Former World Record Holder Settles
b24664: Elgar, Frank. Robert Maillard, biographical essay - Picasso
016669: (Wilson, Woodrow) Eliot, Charles William - "Woodrow Wilson" in Atlantic (June, 1924)
b45150: Eliot, T.S. (also Hugh Walpole, Norman Foerester, and others contribute to this issue) - "Arnold and Pater" in Bookman (September, 1930)
b15534: Eliot, T.S. - Harriet Weaver
b34016: Eliot, T.S. - "Private Truths. 'The Validity of Artificial Distinction': An Unpublished Essay by T.S. Eliot" in TLS The Times Literary Supplement (May 30, 2014)
b32705: Eliot, Edward C. - The Lawyer's Part in the War
b31926: Eliot, T.S., Ezra Pound, e.e. cummings, D.H. Lawrence, Hart Crane, George Santayana, Mina Loy, Padraic Colum, William Gropper, Amy Lowell and other contributors - The Dial (October, 1921)
b31395: Eliot, T.S. - "A Letter from T.S. Eliot" in Poetry (May, 1950)
b45065: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda" (serialization part, Book VII: The Mother and the Son) in Harperr's Monthly, Number 316 (September, 1876)
uh10: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book II: Meeting Streams" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 310 (March 1876)
uh11: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book II: Meeting Streams" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 310 (March 1876)
uh12: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book IV: Gwendolen Gets Her Choice" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 313 (June 1876)
uh13: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book VIII: Fruit and Seed" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 317 (October 1876)
uh14: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book VII: The Mother and the Son" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 316 (September 1876)
uh15: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book VI: Revelations" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 315 (August 1876)
uh22: Eliot, George - "Daniel Deronda. Book VII: The Mother and the Son" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 316 (September 1876)
b29824: Eliot, T.S. - "The Aims of Education. Part I" in Measure, volume two, number one (December, 1950)
b23634: Eliot, T.S. - Essays on Elizabethan Drama
dn505: Eliot, George; Matthew ArnoldM; Frances Hodgson Burnett; George Meredith; Walter Pater - Macmillan Magazine. Volume 38. May 1878 - October 1878.
b25635: Eliot, T.S. - "An Address to Members of the London Library" in The Book Collector (Autumn, 1952)
b16800: Eliot, T.S. - Cover portrait of Eliot and "Poetry and Drama" in Atlantic (February, 1951)
b16349: Eliot, T.S., Alex Guinness and Louis Untermeyer - The Cocktail Party
b15541: Eliot, T.S. Anthony Eden, foreword - The Literature of Politics
b15508: Eliot, T.S. - "The Frontiers of Criticism" in Sewanee Review (Autumn, 1956)
b11812: Eliot, T.S. - "Why Rural Verse" in Nation (April 15, 1925)
6621: Eliot, T.S. - Cover portrait and a biographical and critical article on Eliot (with illustrations) at the time of his Nobel Prize in Time (March 6, 1950)
3449: (Kipling, Rudyard) Eliot, T.S. - "In Praise of Kipling's Verse" Harper's (July, 1942)
018420: Eliot, T.S. - "The Three Voices of Poetry" in Atlantic (April, 1954)
b44890: Elkin, Stanley - The First George Mills
b23635: Elkin, Stanley - The Living End
b23624: Elkin, Stanley - The First George Mills
b40736: Elkus, Jonathan, music. Richard Franko Goldman, libretto - The Mandarin
b43467: (Bellow, Saul) Ellenberg, Al - "Saul Bellow Picks Another Fight" in Rlling Stone (March 4, 1982)
b23658: Ellenberger, Allan R. - Margaret O'Brien: A Career Chronicle And Biography
b22506: Ellet, Charles, Jr. - "Bull Run and the Civilians" in New York Times (January 22, 1862)
b19111: Ellet, Mrs. - The Queens of American Society
C5273: Elliott, George P. - "One of a King" in New Letters (June, 1979)
C5130: Elliott, George P. - "The Theater of Honesty" in American Scholar (Summer, 1975)
b34688: Elliott, John - A Sermon Delivered in New-Haven at the Ordination of the Rev. Eleazer Thompson Fitch, Professor of Divinity in Yale-College, November 5, 1817
b34347: Elliott, William C., foreword - "Breeding a Pack of Foxhounds"
b3174: Elliott, George P. - "A Defense of Fiction" in Hudson Review (Spring, 1963)
b30145: Elliott, Harley - The Fox Walks On My Heart
b18516: Elliott, Ebenezer - "Hymn -- The Poor Man's Day" in The Albion (October 10, 1840)
b35045: Williams-Ellis, Clough - "War Memorials" in Spectator (February 19, 1916)
b34573: Williams-Ellis, A - "The 'Art for Arts Sake' Dilemma" in Spectator (February 4, 1922)
b34542: Williams-Ellis, A. - "Mr. Hardy as a Poet" in Spectator (July 8, 1922)
b5947: Ellis, Edward S. - Wolf Ear: The Indian.
b40347: Ellis, Bret Easton and Christopher Bollen - "Bret Easton Ellis" [interview] in Interview (June/July, 2010)
b33527: Ellis, Edward S. - The Hunters of the Ozark
b9969: Mrs. Ellis ("late Sarah Stickney) - Women of England, Their Social Duties, and Domestic Habits
b40865: Ellis, Havelock - "What is Obscenity?" in Esquire (September, 1936)
b8957: (DuBois, W.E.B.) Ellis, Mark - "W.E.B. DuBois and the Formation of Black Opinion in World War I: A Commentary on the 'Damnable Dilemma'" in Journal of American History (March, 1995)
b17042: Ellis, Havelock - "Early Impressions of Paris" in Bookman (March, 1932)
b12375: Ellis, Joseph - Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
b44833: Ellison, Ralph. - "New York, 1936" in Esquire (July, 1986).
b35020: Ellison, Ralph - "Unpublished Ellison: 'Boy on a Train' and 'I Did Not Learn Their Names'" in New Yorker, (April 29-May 6, 1996)
b40252: Ellison, Harlan - "Ladybug, Ladybug" in Nugget (November, 1966)
b34388: Ellison, Ralph, Richard Hugo, William Stafford, Jerry Bumpus, Eugenio Montale, Rainer Maria Rilke, and other contributors - December, 2 (Winter, 1961)
b33710: Ellison, Ralph (interview), David Ignatow, Terry Gilliam (interview) - Pulp (Summer, 1976)
b24488: Ellison, Harlan - "Mad Bomber" in Caper (November, 1957)
b41208: Ellison, Ralph - Letter dated September 8, 1980 issued as a promotional piece for William J. Smith's Army Brat
b22800: Ellison, Ralph; Bellow, Saul (Editor) - "And Hickman Arrives" in "The Noble Savage"
b16990: Ellison, Ralph - "A Party Down at the Square" in Esquire (January, 1997)
b16660: Ellison, Ralph. Robert H. Moore, editor - "On Initiation Rites and Power: Ralph Ellison Speaks at West Point" in Contemporary Literature (Spring, 1974)
8225: Ellison, Ralph. - "The Booker T." [review of All Brave Soldiers: The Story of the S.S. Booker T. Washinton] in New Republic (February 18, 1946).
8008: Ellison, Ralph. - "Beating that Boy" [review] in New Republic (October 22, 1945).
b4640: (Joyce, James) Ellmann, Richard - "Bloomovie" (review of movie Ulysees) in New York Review of Books (June 15, 1967)
b32848: Ellmann, Richard, Howard Nemerov, Cleanth Brooks, Frederick Buechner, Anthony Hecht, Joseph Warren Beach, and other contributors - Furioso, III, 3 (Spring, 1948)
C5675: Ellmann, Richard - "Oxford in the Seventies" in American Scholar (Autumn, 1974)
dn140: Ellmann, Richard - Oscar Wilde at Oxford
b31079: (Joyce, James) Ellmann, Richard - "The Backgrounds of 'The Dead'" in Kenyon Review (Autumn, 1958)
z627: Ellmann, Richard - "Robartes and Aherne: Two Sides of a Penny"
b19358: James Ellroy - The Cold Six Thousand
12663: Ellroy, James. - "Hush, Hush" in GQ (September, 1998).
Q78: Ellsberg, Daniel - "Vietnam War Crimes: The Mylai Mentality" in New Republic (7/17/71)
b22048: COCKX -INDESTEGE Elly, A. CROISET VAN UCHELEN, H. de la FONTAINE VERWEY, G.W. OVINK, managing editors - Quaerendo: A Quarterly Journal from the Low Countries Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed Books, volume 7, number 2 (1977)
b43535: Elman, Richard, Jeremy Bernstein, Reinheard Kurenkel, Thomas Harper, Uwe George, Frances Fitzgerald, Joan Colebrook, and other contributors - Geo: A New View of Our World. Collector's Edition, first issue
b23628: Elmslie, Kenward, libretto. Jack Beeson, music - The Sweet Bye and Bye
b16915: Elmslie, Kenward, libretto. Ned Rorem, music - Miss Julie
b35124: Elmwndorf, Dwight L. - Yellowstone National Park. The Mentor (May 15, 1915)
b42280: Elsberg, John and George Cairncross, editors - Bogg 49
b42281: Elsberg, John and George Cairncross, editors - Bogg 48
b20026: Elsmith, Berta - Rumpelstiltzkin: A Song Play
022006: [William H. Elson and William S. Gray] - Elson Basic Readers, Pre-Primer Life-Reading Service ("See Dick. See Dick run.")
b16374: Max Allan Collins; Drake Elvgren - Elvgren: His Life & Art
AG35: Elvin, Charles Norton - Dictionary of Heraldry
b40470: Ely, Richard T. - "Pullman: A Social Study" in Harper's (February, 1885)
b4851: Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Fortune of the Republic: Lecture Delivered at the Old South Church, March 30, 1878
b44644: Emerson, Claudia - Late Wife (Signed)
b36425: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Other contributors to this issue include Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rebeccs Harding Davis, Louis Agassiz, James Russell Lowell, and others - "Old Age" in Atlantic (January, 1962)
b32560: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Emerson, Edwin, Jr. - "That Rough Riders 'Ambush'" in Collier's Weekly (September 3, 1898)
b32562: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Emerson, Edwin, Jr. - "The Rough Riders' Return" and "The Fighting on San Juan Hill" in Collier's Weekly (August 27, 1898)
b40564: Emerson, Ralph Waldo - "New Publication. Emerson's Conduct of Life" (long review) in the New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (December 25, 1860)
dn549: Emerson, Ralph Waldo - "The Titmouse" (poem) in The Atlantic Monthly (May 1862)
b31097: (Lincoln, Abraham) Emerson, Ralph Waldo - "Abraham Lincoln" in Journal of Historical Studies (Spring, 1968)
b30061: Emerson, Alice B. - Ruth Fielding at Golden Pass, or The Perils of An Artificial Avalanche
b29402: Emerson, Ralph Waldo - "The Superlative" in Century (February, 1882)
b29176: Emerson, Ralph Waldo, translator. Dante Alighieri. J. Chesley Mathews, editor - Dante's Vita Nuova
b25175: Emerson, Ralph Waldo - "The Snow Storm" poem on the front-page in the Essex County Freeman (January 2, 1850)
b25171: (Burns, Robert) Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Speech at The Burns Festival in Boston in the New York Times (January 27, 1859)
b22973: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Edgar Lee Masters, introduction - The Living Thoughts of Emerson
b21732: Emerson, Isabelle - Twentieth-Century American Music for the Dance: A Bibliography
b18606: (Burns, Robert) Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Russell Lowell - "The Burns Festival in Boston. Speech of Ralph Waldo Emerson" in New York Times (January 27, 1959)
z465: Emerson, Edwin and Marion Mills Miller - The Nineteenth Century and After: A History Year By Year from A.D. 1800
8287: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. - "The Anglo-American Race" in Portland Transcript (December 24, 1853).
8608: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. - "Power: Or Success in Life" in Portland Transcript (March 13, 1852).
018798: (Carlyle, Thomas) Emerson, Ralph Waldo - "Impressions of Thomas Carlyle in 1848" in Scribner's (May, 1881)
b7750: :emmon, Sarah M. - "Transportation Segregation in the Federal Courts Since 1865" in Journal of Negro History (April, 1953)
022025: Empson, William - "Dover Wilson on Macbeth" in Kenyon Review (Winter, 1952)
b33122: Engelberg, Ari, Tal Meier, Ofra Or, Sima Zalcberg Block, RXeina Rutlinger-Reiner, Dafna Halperin, Guy Abutbul Selinger, Sibylle Lustenberger, Gadi BenEzer, Nuzha Allassad Alhuzail, Hila Shamir, Anat Herbst, Yoav Mazrh, and other contributors - Israel Studies Review (Winter, 2013)
b21930: (Greenway, Kate) Engen, Rodney - "The Myth of Kate Greenway" in American Book Collector (July, 1986)
b15645: Department of Military Art and Engineering, United States Military Academy - The War in North Africa
b44285: (Blake, William) England, Martha Winburn / Morton D. Paley - Two essays on Melville: "Blake and the Hymns of Charles Wesley" (England) and "Method and Meaning in Blake's Book of Ahania" (Paley) in Bulletin of the New York Public Library (January, 1966)
b42360: Nathan Englander - For the Relief of Unbearable Urges: Stories
b20255: Englander, Nathan. - "Peep Show" in New Yorker (July 26, 1999)
b17512: Nathan Englander - For the Relief of Unbearable Urges: Stories
b34313: Roger Engle - Stories from a Small Town: Remembering My Childhood in Hedgesville, West Virginia
b31177: Engle, Stephen Douglas - Thunder in the Hills. Military Operations in Jefferson County, West Virginia, During the Civil War
022347: (Harris, Joel Chandler) English, Thomas H. Julia Collier Harris - "In Memory of Uncle Remus" in Southern Literary Messenger (February, 1940)
b3211: Enright, D.J. - "Singapore" in Encounter (March, 1964)
T219: Enright, D.J. (Boll, Heinrich) - "Artist into Beggar" (review of "The Clown") in "The New York Review of Books" (February 11, 1965)
b23625: Enright, D.J. - Daughters of Earth
b36643: Ensor, R.C.K. - "Wild -Rose Time" in Nation (July 17, 1909)
017023: Ensor, R.C.K. - "The Interview" in Nation (February 13, 1909)
014759: Ensor, R.C.K. - "The Picture" in Nation (September 25, 1909)
014417: Ensor, R.C.K. - "Two Sonnets" in Nation (January 7, 1911).
b16479: Enton - Mastonell, The Mysterious Detective (Old Cap. Collier Library, No. 20)
b16213: Eorsi, Anna - La Peinture de Style Gothique International
b31229: Ephron, Nora, Richard Goodwin, Michael Harrington, and other contributors - Rolling Stone, No. 162 (June 6, 1974)
b30031: Ephron, Nora - "Parallel Play" in Esquire (May, 1987)
ag127: Ephron, Nora - I Remember Nothing: and Other Reflections
AG31: Epps, Garrett - Wrong and Dangerous: Ten Right Wing Myths about Our Constitution
b21632: Erdman, David V. and Ephim G. Fogel (Editors) - Evidence for Authorship: Essays on Problems of Attribution
r113: Erdrich, Louise - "Not Your Grandmother's Head Cheese" (essay) in New York Times Magazine (March 10, 1996)
b42367: Erdrich, Louise - Jacklight
b10517: Erdrich, Louise - "Le Mooz" in New Yorker (January 24, 2000)
b15789: Louise Erdrich - Tales of Burning Love
b37547: Erdrich, Louise and Michael Dorris - "Who Owns the Land?" in New York Times Magazine (September 4, 1988)
b36358: Erdrich, Louise and Michael Dorris, Robert Stone, Anita Desai, Richard Reeve, Ronald Blythe, MacDonald Harris, Bobbie Ann Mason, Mary Lee Settle, Richard Condon, and other contributors - Essays in The Sophisticated Traveler (March 15, 1987)
b40665: Erdrich, Louise - The Lefavor Girls
b30839: Erdrich, Louise - "The Island" in Ms. (January/February, 1991)
b30804: Erdrich, Louise - "Sita Kozka" in Ms. (August, 1986)
b30825: Erdrich, Louise - "In the Midlands" in Ms. (September, 1979)
b23969: Erdrich, Louise;Lamarche, Jim - Grandmother's Pigeon
b23752: Erdrich, Louise - The Beet Queen
b23650: Erdrich, Louise - The Blue Jay's Dance
b23639: Erdrich, Louise and Michael Dorris - Route 2
b23632: Erdrich, Louise, editor - The Best American Short Stories 1993
b22056: Erdrich, Louise - Baptism of Desire
b21936: Erdrich, Louise - "Flight" in American Short Fiction, number 5 (Spring, 1992)
b21846: Erdrich, Louise - "The Painted Drum" in New Yorker (March 3, 2003)
b21843: Erdrich, Louise - "The Butcher's Wife" in New Yorker (October 15, 2001)
b19348: Erdrich, Louise, editor - The Best American Short Stories 1993
b17787: Erdrich, Louise. - "In the Midlands" in Ms. (September, 1979).
b43555: Erdrich, Louise - "The Flower" in New Yorker (June 29, 2015)
b6778: Ericken, Steve - "The End of the Earth" in New York Times Book Review (March 30, 2003)
b36717: (Young, Neil) Erickson, Steve - "Neil Young on a Good Day" (profile of Neil Young) in New York Times Magazine (July 30, 2000)
b6757: (Cain, James M.) Erickson, Steve`= - "California Scheming: The Noir Novels of James M. Cain" in Bookforum (Summer, 2003)
z1558: (Nicholson, Jack) Erickson, Steve - "The Myth That Jack Built" in Esquire (September 1990)
b31372: (Pissarro, Camille, Lucien, Georges, Felix, Ludovic-Rodo, Paulemile, Orovida, H. Claude, and Lelia) Erickson, Kristen, essay - Pissarro -- The Four Generations
b23130: Erickson, Steve - "Unhappy Endings" [on film adaptations of novels] in Bookforum (Summer, 2000)
b23063: Erickson, Steve. - "Whoopi Goldberg" in Rolling Stone (May 8, 1986).
b21398: Erickson, Steve - "Coitus Interdictus" [review] in Bookforum (Winter, 1998)
x1019: Stephanie Ericsson - Companion Through The Darkness: Inner Dialogues on Grief
015270: Erskine, John F., Ann Marie Pease, and George S. Robinson - Medical Operations in Combat
b32934: Erskine, John - "Flight from the Land" in McCall's (May, 1941)
b32281: (Walt Disney) Erskine, John - "Mickey Mouse Supported by Stokowski" [the making of Fantasia] in Liberty (October 28, 1939)
b20222: Erskine, John - "More Music for Small Towns" in Magazine of Art (May, 1938)
b11081: Ervine, St. John - "Ulster and the I.R.A." [letter to editor] in New Statesman and Nation (August 5, 1939)
014782: Ervine, St. John - "The Way of Life" in Nation (May 29, 1909)
b21813: Escher, Franklin - "Has the Sherman (Antitrust) Law Outlived Its Usefulness?" in Harper's Weekly (September 16, 1911)
b30441: Eshleman, Clayton, editor. Allen Ginsberg, Fielding Dawson, Norman O. Brown, Richard Grossinger, and other contributors - Caterpillar 13, volume 4, number 1 (1970)
b23664: Eshleman, Clayton - Coils
b21039: Eskesen, Hal - Virtue Can Take Shape as Anapaest
b6227: Esser, Grace Denton - Madame Impressario: A Personal Chronicle of an Epoch
b17089: Essex, Karen and James Swanson - "The Real Bettie Page" in Playboy (December, 1995)
b3216: Esslin, Martin - "The End of Socialist Realism'" in Encounter (June, 1965)
b23019: Estang, Luc - Présence de Bernanos précédé de 'Dans l'amitié de Léon Bloy' par Georges Bernanos.
b22959: Estaunié, Edouard - L'Ascension de M. Baslévre
b23637: Estes, Winston M. - Another Part of the House
b32439: Estilow, Major Rex A. - U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Insurgent Infrastructures: Proscribed Failure?
b22436: Estleman, Loren D. - The Wister Trace: Classic Novels of the American Frontier
b44702: [L'Estrange,Roger] - The Observator, volume 3, number 21 (March 26, 1685)
b21438: (Reich, Steve) Eszterhas, Joe and other contributors - Rolling Stone, No. 135 (May 24, 1973)
b30465: Etienne, Luc - Polka des Gidouilles: Branle ombilical pour cornet a pistons
b32028: Etter, Eugene. Mary M. Etter and Janet W. Ray, editors - History of Lemasters, Pennsylvania: Local History In and Around Lemasters, Southern Franklin County on the Occasion of their Centennial Celebration
b5022: Eugenides, Jeffrey ("Jeff") - "Capricious Gardens" in Gettysburg Review (Winter, 1989)
b30543: Eugenides, Jeffrey, Ishmael Reed, Darcy Steinke, Rick Moody, Vikram Seth, and others - "Passion Play: Writers Confess Their Magnificent Obsessions" in VLS: Voice Literary Supplement (Summer, 1999)
b23155: (Wolfe, Tom) Eugenides, Jeffrey - "The White Stuff" (review of A Man in Full) in Village Voice (December 8, 1998)
b43447: Eugenides, Jeffrey, Walter Mosley, Edmund Morris, Lorrie Moore, Andrea Battett, and other contributors - New York Times Book Review (November 7, 1999)
uh21: Eustace, Grant - "Baker Street Addictions" in Sherlock Holmes the Detective Magazine Issue 37 (2000)
b29933: (Baker, Josephine) Eustis, Morton - "Double Feature in North Africa: Josephine Baker and an Air Raid" in Theatre Arts (October, 1943)
b10713: (Baseball) Evans, Billy - "Who Will Win the Pennant?" in Collier's (March 1, 1913)
b34539: Evans, Margaret - "The Dissecting Room" in Spectator (July 22, 1922)
b31377: (Rickey, Branch) Evans, Billy - "The Somewhat Different Manager" (on Branch Rickey when he was manager of the St. Louis team in the American League) in Harper's Weekly (August 22, 1914)
b24657: Evans, Walker. Maria Morris Hambourg, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Douglas Eklund, and Mia Fineman, essays - Walker Evans
b40985: Evans, Capt. Robley D., Capt. Henry C. Taylor, Lt.-Com. R. Wainwright, Capt. J.W. Philip, Capt. F.A. Cook, Lt. E.W. Eberle, Capt. F.E. Chadwick, Lt. H.P. Huse, Chap. W.G. Cassard, and T.M. Dieuaide - "The Story of the Captains: Personal Narratives of the Naval Engagement near Santiago de Cuba, July 3, 1898" in Century (May, 1899)
b21262: John Evans, photographer - 1971 Eskimo Art Calendar / Calendrier de 1971 D'Art Esquinau
b29365: Evelegh, Tessa - Essential Shaker Style
021489: Norma Evenson - Paris: A Century of Change, 1878-1978
b34975: (Josiah Sturgis) Everett, Edward - An Oration Delivered at Cambridge on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Declaration of the Independence of the United States of America
z1647: Everett, Walter Goodnow - Moral Values: A Study of the Principles of Conduct
b32724: [Everett, John] - An Oration on the Prospects of the Young Men of America. Delivered in the University Chapel, to the Senior Class [of Harvard College]. July 14, 1818
b30868: Everett, Edward - "Romance of History" in Portland Transcript (June 18, 1853)
b30862: Everett, Edward - "Africans Not Barbarians" in Portland Transcript (February 5, 1853)
b43421: Evers, Mrs, Medgar (Myrlie) - "Why I Left Mississippi" in Ebony (March, 1965)
b21277: Everson, William, Johanna Drucker, and others - The Poet as Printer: William Everson and The Fine Press Artists' Book. Quarry West 32
b10937: Everstine, Carl N. - History of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Maryland 1888-1950. Volume 1
b31577: Evert, Chris - Cover photograph of Evert and "Conquering Your Fear of the Net" in Tennis (July, 1977)
b16611: Chris Evert - Chris Evert cover. Sporting News (March 11, 1972)
b25199: Evleth, Donna - The Authorized Press in Vichy and German-Occupied France, 1940-1944: A Bibliography
b23665: Ewart, Gavin - The Gavin Ewart Show
b44172: Ewing, Thomas - "The Struggle for Freedom in Kansas" in Cosmopolitan (May, 1894)
b4826: Exley, Frederick - A Fan's Notes
021546: Exley, Frederick. - "The Laureate of Alexandria Bay" in Esquire (March, 1986).
dn582: Antoine de Saint Exupery - "Crash in the Desert" in Atlantic Monthly (July 1938)
b5879: Saint-Exupery, Antoine De - Le Petit Prince
b24568: Ezra, Kate - Royal Art of Benin: The Perls Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
b12029: Beirne Francis F. - St Paul's Parish Baltimore: A Chronicle of the Mother Church
b44949: Skinner B.F. - "Psychic Research" (review of The Psychic World by Hereward Carrington" in Satirday Review of Literature, volume 17, number 11 (January 8, 1938)
b40502: (French, Daniel Chester) Fabens, Hannah E. - "Daniel Chester French: A Short Sketch of His Life and Works " in Burr McIntosh Monthly (November, 1906)
b23895: Fabes, Gilbert - Modern First Editions: Points and Values
b32907: Fabian, Monroe H. - Joseph Wright American Artist, 1756-1793
b17491: Fabre, J. Henri - "The Stupidity of the Insect" in Youth's Companion (January 8, 1914)
b34132: Fague, John W. Ann Louise Fague and Peggy Jo Fague - Do You Remember?
b22765: Madame de Stael. Emile Faguet, introduction - Corinne, two volumes
b19130: Betsy Fahlman - Guy Pene Du Bois: Painter of Modern Life
dn440: Fainlight, Harry; Ruth Fainlight (introduction); Allen Ginsberg (memoir), Ted Hughes (poem) - Selected Poems
b44079: Fainlight, Ruth, poems. Leonard Baskin, illustrations - Seven Sibyls
b12080: Fainlight, Ruth and Alan Sillitoe - All Citizens Are Soldiers
b31597: Fainlight, Harry - April
B42637: Fainlight, Ruth. - On the Coast Road.
3842: Fainlight, Ruth. - To See the Matter Clearly.
021214: Fainlight, Ruth - Three Poems (MIR Poets Seven)
001384: Fainlight, Ruth and Alan Sillitoe. - All Citizens Are Soldiers.
001386: Fainlight, Ruth. - Twenty One Poems.
b9962: The New York Principal's Association and the New York World's Fair, Inc. - Going Places: A Social Studies Story Book About Transportation (The World of Tommrow Series)
b32123: Fairbanks, Douglas - "One Reel of Autobiographky" in Collier's (June 18, 1921)
b24517: Fairbanks, Jonathan L., introduction. Edward S. Cooke, Jr., Jeannine J. Falino, Linda L. Foss, Rachel J. Monfredo, Maria Pulsone, contributors - Collecting American Decorative Arts and Sculpture, 1971-1991
b44826: Fairbrother, Trevor - Beuys and Warhol: The Artist as Shaman and Star
b40353: Fairey, Shepard and Iggy Pop - "Shepard Fairey" [interview] in Interview (May, 2010)
b44286: (Barrie, J.M.) Douglas-Fairhurst, Douglas - "Still Whistling: How Peter Pan Grew Up" in TLS: Times Literary Supplement (September 6, 2019)
b44718: Fairman, Paul W., Stephen Marlowe, Chester S. Geier, Dallas Ross, Wallace Umphrey, Rog Phillips, Frederic Booth, Peter Dakin, and other contributors - Fantastic Adventures, volume 13, number 11 (November, 1951)
b32781: Falk, Thomas H., Lillian Vallee, Thomas Hollweek, Margaret Ziolkowski, W. Glyn Jones, Marilyn Jeanne Miller, John Cooke, Glauco Cambon, John L. Brown, John E. Rexine, Bettina L. Knapp, Kathleen Chase, and other contributors - "The Diary as Art: Form or Formlessness, Ephemeral or Timeless?", special section of World Literature Today (Spring, 1987)
b34801: Viscount Grey of Fallodon - The Anglo-French Project for Limitation of Armament
b11434: Liao-Fan - Liao-Fans Four Lessons
014743: (Fante, John) Fante, Joyce / Geoffrey Dunn - "Fante: Fact or Fiction" (Fante) AND "John Fante's Long Road to Fame" (Dunn) in The Stylus (1993)
b36303: Farago, Ladislas. - "Strategist of Terror [Hitler]" in New Republic (August 5, 1940).
b20736: Farina, Richard. - "Ringing Out the Old in Happy Havana" in Esquire (September, 1969)
b23769: Faris, John T. - The Alaskan Pathfinder: The Story of Sheldon Jackson for Boys
b33269: Farkas, Richard P. - Yugoslav Economic Development and Political Change: The Relationship Between Economic Managers and Policy-Making Elites
z1483: Farley, Ena L. - "Methodists and Baptists on the Issue of Black Equality on New York 1865 to 1868" In Journal of Negro History (October, 1976)
b15424: Farrell, James T. - "Four Case Histories" [review] in Nation (June 17, 1936)
b40058: Farrell, James T. - The Fate of Writing in America.
b40790: (Dostoyevsky, Fyodor) Farrell, James T. - "Dotoievsky and 'The Brothers Karamazov' Revalued" [essay] in New York Times Book Review (January 9, 1944)
b23758: Farrell, Henry - Death on the 6th Day
b20468: Farrell, James T. - "Tolstoy: Husband and Writer" [review] in New Republic (September 3, 1945)
b19973: Farrell, James T. - "A Note on Literary Criticism" in Nation (March 4, 1936)
b19971: Farrell, James T. - "The Pope Needs America" in Nation (October 17, 1936)
b19964: (Louis, Joe) Farrell, James T. - "The Fall of Joe Louis" in Nation (June 27, 1936)
b19961: Farrell, James T. - "Mr. Lunkhead the Banker" in Nation (May 20, 1936)
b20016: Farrell, James T. - "Notes for a New Literary Controversy" in New Republic (April 29, 1946)
b19211: (Monroe, Marilyn) Farrell, James T. - "Waif to Woman" [essay on Marilyn Monroe with 23 photographs) in Coronet (January, 1957)
b17325: Farrell, James T. - "A New Literary Controversy" in New Republic (May 13, 1946)
b32512: Farrington, Richard, Glenn Infield, Matyas Kodaly, Charles O'Connor, Leo Guild, Adm. William F. Halsey, A.A. Hoehling, and other contributors - For Men Only (October, 1962)
b24645: Fasanella, Ralph - Artist's file with various pieces signed by Fasanella or with a notation in his hand
b24644: Fasanella, Ralph. Patrick Wilson, text - Fasanella's City-The Paintings of Ralph Fasanella with the Story of His Life and Art
b43571: Fast, Howard (first published story), 'Eando Binder' (aka Earl Andrew Binder and Otto Binder), Edmond Hamilton, Leslie F. Stone, Donald Hinson, R.I. Melhorn, Charles Cloukey, and J. David Reid - Amazing Stories (October, 1932)
b42289: Faukner, William - "With Caution and Dispatch" in Esquire (September, 1979)
b11336: Faukner, William - "Evangeline" in Atlantic (November, 1979)
002170: Faulkner, William. - "Spotted Horses" Scribner's (June, 1931).
014445: Faulkner, William - "Folklore of the Air" in American Mercury (November, 1935).
016981: Faulkner, William. - "The Brooch" in Scribner's (January, 1936).
b42365: Faulkner, William - The Town
b40115: Faulkner, William - "One More Sound" in Adam Bedside Reader
b7231: Faulkner, William - "Pantaloon in Black" in Harper's (October, 1940)
b44935: Faulkner, William - "Shall Not Perish" in Story: The Magazine of the Short Story, volume 23, number 102 (June-August, 1943)
b33548: Faulkner, William - "Divorce in Naples" in The Gent, volume one, number five (June, 1957)
b33483: Faulkner, William - Pylon
b33359: Faulkner, William. Donald Kartiganer, "An Introduction to the Last Great Short Story" - "Rose of Lebanon" in Oxford American (May/June, 1995)
b32904: Faulkner, William - Go Down, Moses and Other Stories
b31063: Faulkner, William - "Vendee" in Saturday Evening Post (December 5, 1936)
b31062: Faulkner, William - "Hand Upon the Waters" in Saturday Evening Post (November 4, 1939)
b30279: Faulkner, William - "L'Apres - Midi d'un Faune" in New Republic (August 16, 1919)
b29808: Faulkner, William - Cover photograph of Faulkner and review of The Wild Palms in Sautrday Review of Literature (January 21, 1939)
b44894: Faulkner, William - "The Education of Lucius Priest" in Esquire (May, 1962)
b40933: Faulkner, William - "The Waifs" in Saturday Evening Post (May 4, 1957)
b23760: Faulkner, William - Novels, 1942-1954
b23649: Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury (Four Square, 116)
b23645: Faulkner, William - Requiem for a Nun
b23643: Faulkner, William - Sartoris
b23414: Faulkner, William - "A Letter from William Faulkner" in Brick (Winter, 2005)
b23234: Faulkner, William. M. Thomas Inge, introduction - "The Homesick Letters of William Faulkner" in Oxford American, Issue 18
b21890: Faulkner, William, Mark Van Doren, Edgar Lee Masters, and other contributors - American Mercury (July, 1935)
b18555: Faulkner, William; Herschel Brickell (Editor) - "The Old People" in O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1941
b17451: Faulkner, William - "Doctor Martino" Harper's (November, 1931).
b15732: Faulkner, William - "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" in Saturday Evening Post (February 27, 1932)
b10949: Faulkner, William - Intruder in the Dust
b10824: Faulkner, William - The Mansion
b10815: Faulkner, William - A Fable
b42639: Faulkner, William - "Once Aboard the Lugger" (short fiction) and 9 poems in "Contempo: A Review of Books and Personalities" (February 1, 1932)
6118: Faulkner, William. - "Centaur in Brass" in American Mercury (February, 1932).
021948: Faulkner, William - "Neige" in La Nouvelle Revue Francaise (Janvier, 1983)

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