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193670: - The Inclusive Psalms
177545: - Letters and Memoranda of Elwood Dean
310215: - The Directory and Calendar of Prayer, October 1960 - September 1961
181617: - Manet 1832-1883
141386: - Officia Propria Sanctorum S.R. E. Summorum Pontificum Et Aliorum Romano Clero Saeculari Ac Regulari Qui Kalendario Utitur Romano Per Novissima Decreta Concessa a Sacr. Rituum Congreg. Juxta Sancitas Leges Revisa Pro Commodiori Psallentium Usu
199425: - L'Institutum Carmelitanum: Attivita Scientifica, Divulgativa Ed Editoriale Dal 1951 Al 2001
167434: - Psalter Hymnal: Including the Psalms, Bible Songs, Hymns, Ecumenical Creeds, Doctrinal Standards, and Liturgical Forms of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
199317: - Illustrated New Testament
166746: - Songs of Hope: A Collection of Gospel Songs, Standard Hymns, and Scripture Readings, for Use in the Bible School, Youth Gatherings, Missionary Meetings, and All Informal Services; the Noble Hymns of the Decades Especially Fitting It to Serve the Needs of Sunday Morning Worship
166747: - Greatest and Lasting Hymns: A Collection of the World's Best Songs and Photographs of the Immortals Specially Designed for Every Department of Worship and Suitable for All the Services of the Churches
190262: - Weekday Lectionary: The Jerusalem Bible Text of the Supplementary Readings for Weekday Masses; Includes Readings for Wedding Masses, Votive Masses of the Sacred Heart, Requiem Masses and Masses for Children and Young People
180568: - Lyra Innocentium: Thoughts in Verse on Christian Children, Their Ways, and Their Privileges
179639: - Holocaust
168155: - To Love and to Cherish (for Engaged Couples): The Marriage Manual of the United Methodist Church
147821: - The Apprentice, Holy Week in Havre, and Other Sketches
143762: - The Mirror. In Two Volumes
205757: - Walt Disney Presents No. 5 (September-November 1960)
24950: - Der Grosse Herder: Nachschlagewerk Fur Wissen Und Leben [Complete Set]
193791: - True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference
140905: - Report of the Nineteenth Eucharistic Congress, Held at Westminster from 9th to 13th September 1908
190966: - Pair of Programs for Hannah & Abraham Yakin Art Exhibitions
207736: - Great Twentieth Century Jewish Philosophers: Shestov - Rosenzweig - Buber - with Selections from Their Writings
191118: - Fatima and the Seven Sorrows
192286: - The Brethren's Tune and Hymn Book: Being a Compilation of Sacred Music Adapted to All the Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs in the Brethren's Hymn Book. Carefully Revised, Rearranged and Otherwise Improved
168454: - Names: The Key to Sales; Where to Get the Right Names and How to Use Them
195866: - Marilyn Monroe: Book of 30 Postcards
187854: - The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden
193703: - Collectio Rituum Ad Instar Appendicis Ritualis Romani Ad Usum Dioecesium Et Paroeciarum Liguae Hungaricae a Sancta Sede Approbata
184441: - Soviet Geography: A Bibliography, Part I; U.S. S.R. Geography by Subject
184489: - A Bibliography for Students of Politics
184536: - The Key of Heaven: A Selection of Prayers and Devotional Exercises for the Use of Catholics in Accordance with All Recent Pontifical Decrees
184619: - Genealogies Catalogued by the Library of Congress Since 1986 with a List of Established Forms of Family Names and a List of Genealogies Converted to Microform Since 1983
185139: - A Tebaldi Festival [Liner Notes]
185296: - Massime Eterne: Preghiere E Meditazioni
185315: - The Ordinary of the Mass in 8 Languages
185334: - Pray the Requiem Mass: A Prayer Book for Catholics
62119: - Jacques Maritain
186264: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume XXI
186266: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume III
186267: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume XXIV
205792: - Science. New Series. Volume XVI, July-December, 1902
205793: - Science. New Series. Volume XVIII, July-December, 1903
182186: - French Paintings from the Collections of Mr. And Mrs. Paul Mellon and Mrs. Mellon Bruce: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Exhibition 1941-1966; March 17 - May 1, 1966
191140: - The Lutheran Hymnal Authorized by the Synods Constituting the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America
168521: - Reader's Digest: July 1976 (Bicentennial Issue)
168530: - Worship: A Hymnal and Service Book for Roman Catholics
168540: - Hymn Book
185007: - Watson's New and Complete Illustrated Atlas of the World
161128: - The Bouquet: Consisting of the Pleasures of Hope, the Pleasures of Memory, the Pains of Memory, Collin's Oriental Eclogues, an Ode to the Passions, and Other Poems
208098: - Rethinking the Church's Mission: Pastoral Theology Volume 13
187894: - U.S. S. Saratoga Cva-60: Mediterranean Cruise 1958
1241607: - Officium Festorum Nativitatis Et Epipaniae Domini Aliaque Omnia Officia a Vigilia Nativitatis Usque Ad Diem Octavam Epiphaniae Occurrentia Ex Breviario Romano Pro Majori Recitantium Commoditate Digesta
204217: - Fodor's Guide to the Da Vinci Code
167431: - My Confirmation: A Guide for Confirmation Instruction
207772: - Study Text VII the Liturgy of the Hours
190291: - Oremus
198068: - Eight Translation New Testament
310450: - Student Map Manual: Historical Geography of the Bible Lands
167325: - Worship Handbook
170412: - The Papacy
184739: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Volume VI
183971: - Red, White, Blue & Gold: The U.S. Olympic Team at the Games of the XXVII Olympiad
190202: - Saint Mary Church: Lancaster, Ohio 1864-1964
200140: - George Edgar Vincent 1864-1941
1270944: - Catholic Churches of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
30195: - Historical Relics Unearthed in New China
201131: - Soviet Badges and Jetons: Catalogue for Collectors
181257: - Forget It Not: A Book Consisting of the Initiatory and the Three Subordinate Lodge Degrees, the Ceremony of Admission by Card, the Form of Installation for Subordinate Lodge Officers, and the Charges for Instituting Subordinate Lodges
193597: - Acts Et Decreta Quatuor Conciliorum Provincialium Cincinnatensium 1855-1882. Adjectis Pluribus Decretis, Rescriptis Aliisque Documentis
193598: - Concilium Cincinnatense Provinciale V Habitum Anno 1889 a de 19 Ad Diem 26 Maii
193599: - Decreta Et Acta Concilii Provincialis VI Cincinnatensis Solemnitate Paschatis Die 27 Martii 1932 Celebrati
193600: - Synodus Dioecesana Cincinnatensis Tertia, Habita Die 9a Novembris, 1898 in Ecclesia Metropolitana St. Petri in Vinculis
193601: - Synodus Dioecesana Cincinnatensis Quarta Habita Die 14 Decembris 1920 in Ecclesia Metropolitana S. Petri in Vinculis
184295: - Scribner's Magazine: October 1932
184299: - Fortune: January 1941
184372: - Bibliography: Corporate Responsibility for Social Problems; Budgets, Costs, and Expenditures
184374: - Bibliography on the Communist Problem in the United States
161594: - The French Language: Speaking and Pronouncing Manual
64180: - The Gospels Reconsidered: A Selection of Papers Read at the International Congress on the Four Gospels in 1957
170576: - International Children's Version: New Testament
195820: - Read the Picture, Know the Word: 30 Flash Postcards
197586: - The Navarre Bible: Saint Matthew's Gospel
187978: - Bound to Last: A Compilation of Data Published for Those Who Are Interested in Better Bookbinding
188000: - Webster's Geographical Dictionary: A Dictionary of Names of Places with Geographical and Historical Information and Pronunciations
172333: - Chan-Ly Binh-an Hy-Vong: Kinh-Thanh Tan-Uoc Cua Duc Chua Jesus-Christ
201597: - Awards of the President of Ukraine: Orders, Medals, the Presentational Fire-Arm
185342: - Roget's International Thesaurus
199428: - Carmel 2000: Documents of the General Chapter of the Order of Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel -- the Carmelites -- Sassone, Italy, 1989
194828: - Sans Bornes French 3 Testing Program (Teacher's Edition)
183913: - A Token for Friends: Being a Memoir of Edgar Osborne; an Appreciation of the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books and a Facsimile of His Catalogue 'from Morality & Instruction to Beatrix Potter'
1292: - Proceedings of the General Court Martial on Capt. Wathen 15th Kings Hussars
184267: - Leonardo Da Vinci
180851: - The Galaxy. An Illustrated Magazine of Entertaining Reading. (Volume III, January-March 1867)
203895: - The Golden Book Magazine Vol. VII No. 37
203896: - The Golden Book Magazine Vol. I No. 4
208005: - Tomorrow's Parish: Choosing Your Future - Guide for Planning
205628: - Seafarers Prayer Book
179220: - St Joseph Complete Missal Set
207792: - Guide to Religious Communities for Women
203984: - 8 Automobiles: An Exhibit Concerned with the Esthetics of Motorcar Design
184786: - The Greek Elements: Designed to Complement the Concordant Literal New Testament, the Concordant Greek Text and Keyword Concordance and Consisting of Tables of the Grammatical Forms and Their English Standards with a Reverse Index; a Complete Analysis of the Vocabulary with English Equivalents and a Short Greek Course
207847: - The Catholic Laity Today: New Roles in the Church New Challenges in Society - Proceedings of a Symposium
193124: - Glory & Praise
203964: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XVII Nos. 1-6
189485: - Transfiguration Church: A Church of Immigrants 1827-1977
68702: - My Clerical Friends and Their Relations to Modern Thought
182545: - The Liturgy of the Hours in Song
178309: - St. Paul's Cathedral Record Containing an Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Cathedral from the Beginning of the First Parish in the City of Pittsburg to May Tenth, Anno Domini Nineteen Hundred and Three
206051: - The Navarre Bible: Saint Mark's Gospel in the Revised Standard Version and New Vulgate with a Commentary by Members of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarre
190269: - Lutheran Book of Prayer
184543: - America Goes to the Polls: Highlights of the Presidential Campaigns 1789-1960
184545: - Life Magazine: September 15, 1967
184546: - Life Magazine: August 8, 1969
181089: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XIX (December 1866 - March 1867)
202512: - In Testimony: Priestly Reflections on Medjugorje
62617: - Proceedings of the Catholic Biblical Association of America
172012: - Decorum: A Practical Trestise on Etiquette & Dress of the Best American Society 1879
172014: - America: An Affirmation of Faith
310531: - Installation of Most Rev. Manuel D. Moreno, Fifth Bishop of Tucson
181260: - Ritual of a Subordinate Encampment Under the Jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
205813: - The Demand for Money in Malaysia: A Study of M2
172025: - Mt. Auburn: Prospect Hill Historic Conservation Plan
199554: - The Perpetual Help Story
310534: - The King's Highway: El Camino Real Y Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles
191714: - A Grammar of Plainsong by a Benedictine of Stanbrook
27286: - The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
190292: - Lutheran Book of Prayer
169736: - Hogmassa Med Nattvard Enligt Gudstjanstordning for Svenska Kyrkan: 1976 Ars Alternativ Till Den Svenska Kyrkohandboken / Service of Holy Communion According to the Order of the Church of Sweden: Alternative Order of 1976
195373: - The Book of Amazing History
203867: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VII Number 38
179740: - The Memorial Volume: A History of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, November 9 - December 7, 1884
201184: - Orden Und Ehrenzeichen Aus Aller Welt U.A. Die Sammlung Franz Hannesschlager - Orden, Ehrenzeichen Und Urkunden Des Grossherzogtums Baden
203381: - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Harold B. Lee
170629: - Torah Readings and Haftarah Readings for the Three Festivals
171001: - The Pilgrim's Prayer Book: Holy Year Edition
61815: - La Situation Actuelle de la Philosophie Parmi Les Catholiques Dans Divers Pays
170698: - Youth Worship and Sing: A Complete Youth Hymnal for the Sunday School, Junior and Children's Church, All Youth Meetings, Christian Day Schools, Bible Clubs, and the Home
170708: - Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayerbook for the Days of Awe
148548: - The Dublin Review Vol. XIX: September & December 1845
175661: - Manuscript Leaf from a Medieval Bible in the Latin Vulgate
175662: - Illuminated Manuscript Page from a Medieval Breviary
132453: - Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Third Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress
203875: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VI Number 32
203876: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VIII Number 44
203877: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume I Number 6
203878: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume II Number 8
203879: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VI Number 34
177580: - The Firelands Pioneer: New Series, Volume XVI (May 1, 1907)
198998: - The Rite for Confirmation: A People's Booklet with Official Text and Biblical/Liturgical Commentary
97479: - What Is a Parish Youth Council
176615: - Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book with a New Translation, Supplementary Readings and Notes
168010: - 1996 General Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church
195937: - Dictionary Coetzee Woordboek: Afrikaans-Engels, Engels-Afrikaans
167716: - Cincinnati Selections: An Omnibus; Three Local Classics of the 1870's
194639: - New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal and Hymnal
205674: - Gospel Doctrine Vols. 1-2 Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith Sixth President of the Church - a Course of Study for the Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
191584: - The Rosary My Treasure
202468: - China: The Land and the People
177549: - Commemoration Ceremony in Honor of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Continental Congress
190225: - Maria Congres. 15-18 Aug. 1912 Verslagboek
165977: - Family Home Evening Number 2: The Law
165980: - Family Home Evening 1982: Delight in the Law of the Lord
165981: - Family Home Evening 1980-81: Heaven in Our Home
149358: - Fortune: February 1966
203810: - The Most Common Chinese Radicals: New Approaches to Learning Chinese
171894: - Favorite Welsh and English Hymns: "Deuwch, Canwn I'r Arglwydd
190564: - Missionary Servants of Holy Love: Daily Offering
168906: - The Catholic's Guide: A Manual of Devotions for the Use of Catholics; Revised by a Jesuit Father in Accordance with Recent Pontifical Decrees
163472: - Bombay Handbook
172270: - Service of the Synagogue: Pentecost, Day of Atonement, New Year (3 Volumes)
199208: - All India Seminar on the Church in India Today: Bangalore, May 15-25, 1969 [3-Volume Set]
195333: - Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal
189684: - Die Hethiter Und Ihr Reich: Das Volk Der 1000 Gotter
193377: - Liturgical Arts: November 1959 - August 1962 (Volumes 28-30)
191214: - David Jones: Paintings - Drawings - Inscriptions - Prints
175660: - Illuminated Latin Manuscript Leaf from the 15th Century Taken from a Book of Hours
191169: - Letters/Lines/Images: An International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition
170999: - Day by Day: Short Prayers for Daily Use
170028: - Torah Readings and Haftarah Readings for the Three Festivals
64759: - Tractatus de Indulgentiis
176632: - Complete Book of Fortune Telling
184723: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Volume IV
184724: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Volume I.
198737: - The Glenstal Book of Prayer: A Benedictine Prayer Book
170601: - Service of the Synagogue: Day of Atonement; a New Edition of the Festival Prayers with an English Translation in Prose and Verse
65537: - Verhandlungen Der 53 Generalversammlung Der Katholiken Deutschlands
181283: - Why Odd Fellowship
197636: - Codex Iuris Canonici: Pii X Pontificis Maximi Iussu Digestus Benedicti Papae XV Auctoritate Promulgatus Praefatione Emi Petri Card. Gasparr Et Indice Analytico-Alphabetico Auctus
207392: - Worship: Fourth Edition
195352: - 100 Years: The History of the Church of the Holy Name; the Chapel That Became a Cathedral and the Story of Catholicism in Chicago
207459: - Manual Liturgico
207461: - Alcoholics Anonymous the Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism
171784: - High Holyday Prayer Book: Rosh Hashanah
186663: - St. Francis of Assisi Prayers
168631: - Mass Prayers Manual: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
168634: - Catholic's Pocket Manual Compiled from Approved Sources
168654: - Worship II: A Hymnal for Roman Catholic Parishes
168681: - Patron Saints for Boys
190820: - Manna: The Young Folks' Own Magazine [November 1931]
190821: - Manna: The Young Folks' Own Magazine [January 1932]
190822: - Manna: The Young Folks' Own Magazine [October 1926]
190823: - The Young Catholic Messenger: September 12, 1930
190824: - The Victorian: For Our Mother Mary [March 1933]
190825: - The Victorian: For Our Mother Mary [August 1931]
190826: - The Victorian: For Our Mother Mary [October 1930]
190827: - The Victorian: For Our Mother Mary [February 1931]
192553: - Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1956: Fiftienth Anniversary Report
168351: - Deus Et Homo Ad Mentem I. Duns Scoti: Acta Tertii Congressus Scotistici Internationalis Vindebonae, 28 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1970
193305: - Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress; Highlights from the Rose Rare Book Collection
177468: - Letter of the Secretary of War, Transmitting Report on the Organization of the Army of the Potomac, and of Its Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, Under the Command of Maj. Gen. George C. Mcclellan, from July 26, 1861, to November 7, 1862
207906: - Problems of the Church Today: Reprint of a Series of Twelve Articles by Eminent Theologians and Churchmen Originally Appearing in L'Osservatore Romano
172396: - Souvenir Volume of the Centennial Celebration and Catholic Congress 1789-1889
179974: - The Illustrated London News, Volume XXXV: September-December 1859
141094: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea III, Volume 3
173883: - The Parish of Calvary Church in the Village of Clifton, Hamilton County, State of Ohio 1844-1938
173884: - Cincinnati in Bronze
189124: - Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist
207928: - Holy Bible: The New King James Version Containing the Old and New Testaments
174790: - The Illustrated London News, Volume 66: January-June 1875
189264: - Culbertson Mansion State Historic Site
310233: - Bellbrook High School Alumni Directory 1998
198247: - The Passion Play at Ober Ammergau 1910
198217: - The Literary Club of Cincinnati 1849-1924
173846: - Kyriale Seu Ordinarium Missae: Missa Pro Defunctis, Toni Communes Missae Et Varii Cantus Usitati Ad Processionem Et Benedictionem Ss Sacramenti According to the Vatican Version
198872: [Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius X, Pope Benedict XV, Pope Pius XII, Pope Paul VI, et al.] - Rome and the Study of Scripture: A Collection of Papal Enactments on the Study of Holy Scripture Together with the Decisions of the Biblical Commission
199780: - Priest, Where Is Thy Mass? Mass, Where Is Thy Priest? the Seminary Interviews
162204: - Albanian Phrasebook
196425: - Album Del IV Centenario Guadalupano
180570: - The Occasional Services from the Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church
164498: - The Sunny Side; or, the Country Minister's Wife
164502: - The Treatment of the Offender: The Sixty-Seventh Annual Report of the Prison Association of New York 1911
186237: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume VII
194642: - Revised Rites of Holy Week: Passion Sunday, Chrism Mass, and the Easter Triduum, Including the Order of Mass and the Masses for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Easter Sunday
310365: - Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus Juxta Editionem Typicam
188913: - St Petersburg at a Glance
182315: - The Georges Lurcy Collection, Volume II: French XVIII Century Furniture, Objets D'Art, French Modern Paintings and Drawings
204445: - The Opera Quarterly Volume 21 Number 2 Spring 2005
65074: - Fondazione Della Morale
171746: - The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration Containing Scriptures from the King James Version of the Holy Bible
180767: - Gerard Raymond (1912-1932): A Knightly Soul
186325: - The Reader's Digest: November 1928
186328: - The Reader's Digest: May 1928
201749: - The Ave Maria Vol. 68
190324: - Public Morality... Our Common Concern
180550: - Words from Our Lord: Sacred Heart Church
173894: - Greek-English Phrase Book / English-Greek Phrase Book
196044: - Kittens and Puppies A.B. C.
201623: - Medalhas E Condecoracoes
199550: - The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Teaching of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI, William Joseph Chaminade
126845: - Taylor and His Generals. A Biography of Major-General Zachary Taylor; and Sketches of the Lives of Generals Worth, Wool, and Twiggs; with a Fill Account of the Various Actions of Their Divisions in Mexico Up to the Present Time; Together with a Sketch of the Life of Major-General Winfield Scott, and an Account of the Operations of His Divisions in Mexico
171162: - The Sacrifice of the Mass Compiled from Approved Sources by a Priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago
199262: - XXIX Domenica Del Tempo Ordinario: Rito Della Canonizzazione E Celebrazione Eucaristica Praesieduit Dal Santo Padre Benedetto XVI
178905: - Hever Castle: Where History Comes to Life
207257: - Annuario Pontificio Per L'Anno 1982
207596: - Devotio Moderna: Basic Writings
1276844: - Archive of Material on the 1962 Battle of Oxford, Mississippi - Including an Unpublished Account of the Riots by an Ole Miss Professor
177269: - The Illustrated London News, Volume 32, January-June 1858
165904: - Via Franciscana Ad Coelestum Hierusalem, Continens S. Regulam Et Testamentum Seraphici Patris S. Francisci, Una Cum Selectissimis Precibus, Litaniis Et Appendice Diversorum Franciscanis Viatoribus Pro Quotidiano Usu Ac Devotione Accommodata. Cum Licentia Superiorum. Novissima Editio Ampliata
171195: - Geschichteliche Notiz Uber Den Ursrung Und Die Wirtungen Der Zur Ehre Der Unbesleckten Empfangnisz Maria Gepragten Medaille, Mit Beigefugten Undachten Und Gebeten
171196: - Indirizzo Per Recitare Con Frutto la Divina Orazione Del Pater Noster Coll'Aggiunta Di Un Metodo Facile Per Udire la S. Messa Con Frutto Oltre la Corona Del Signore, Ed I Cinque Salmi, Che Compongono IL Nome Santissimo Di Maria
170622: - Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayerbook for the Days of Awe
191008: - Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: A Short History and Guide
191009: - 1990 Directory of Concord United Methodist Church
164503: - Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting a Report from the Register of the Treasury of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the Year Ending June 30, 1851
165074: - Is One Religion As Good As Another
200275: - The Kentucky-Virginia Resolutions and Mr. Madison's Report of 1799
199184: - The Role of the Church in China's Modernization Drive 94-95
169847: - The New English Bible: New Testament
195886: - Collins Australian Pocket Dictionary
193080: - St. Anthony's Treasury: A Manual of Devotions in Honor of St. Anthony, Compiled from Approved Sources
196323: - Ehre Sei Gott: Gebet Und Gesangbuch Fur Das Bistum Berlin
180121: - Classical Studies in Honor of William Abbott Oldfather
195566: - Parish Mass Book and Hymnal: People's Parts of Holy Mass for Every Day of the Year
183964: - In Your Hands: A Practical Guide for Parents in the Use of My Book House Plan of Child Development
184035: - Notice Bibliographique Sur Francois de Laval de Montmorency, 1er Eveque de Quebec, Suivie de Quarante-Une Lettres Et de Notes Historiques Sur le Chapitre de la Cathedrale
184056: - Der Dom Du St. Jakob: Festschrift
184063: - Model Planes
184080: - Uncle Frank's Animal Stories
184099: - Summertime / Vacation Fun (June-August 1962)
184137: - Diurnale Cisterciense Auctoritate Rr. Domini Sebastiani, Abbatis Generalis Cisterciensium Reformatorum B.M. V. De Trappa Editum
184138: - Antiphonale Monasticum Pro Diurnis Horis Juxta Vota Rr. Dd. Abbatum Congregationum Confoederatarum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti a Solesmensibus Monachis Restitutum
184154: - Enduring Memory: In Stone, in Metal, in Beauty
184159: - Souvenir Album of Yellowstone National Park
190306: - Kyriale Seu Ordinarium Missae Juxta Editionem Vaticanam a Ss. Pp. Pio X Evulgatam
183262: - Hymns III: Church Hymnal Series III
310384: - The Sunday Pocket Lectionary for Sundays and Major Feast Days: Complete 3-Year Cycle
310385: - A Short Breviary Abridged and Simplified by the Monks of St. John's Abbey from the Liturgia Horarum
193505: - Priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [2007]
187171: - Album Von Coblenz: 10 Der Bedeutensten Ansichten in Seinster Ausfuhrung
198355: - A Trappist Gives Whispers from the Wings: A Sequel to "Doubling for the Mother of God
201791: - The Donor Club Cook Book
207940: - John Baptist Salpointe: Soldier of the Cross and Shepherds in the Desert: A Sequel to Salpointe
193519: - The Memorial Volume: A History of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, November 9 - December 7, 1884
170849: - Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life
168044: - God's Little Instruction Book Volumes I, II & III
190432: - The Catholic Devotional: A Collection of Prayers and Inspiration for Every Catholic
171034: - Catholic's Pocket Manual Compiled from Approved Sources
193504: - Priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [2003]
191349: - Katholisches Gesang- Und Gebetbuch Fur Die Alt-Katholiken Des Deutschen Reiches
172465: - Historical Records and Studies, Volume XXX
186765: - The Devotional Bible, Volumes I-II
177735: - Memorial Sketch. Zephaniah Moore Humphrey and Five Selected Sermons
188173: - Women Studies Abstracts: Winter 2008
207002: - Jesus Recordado - El Cristianismo En Sus Comienzos Tomo I.
164574: - Dayton and Montgomery County Pictorial and Biographical de Luxe Supplement
187959: - Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts: Poole Vol. 66
206227: - Hymnal for the Hours
166136: - Daily Watchwords: Being Scripture Texts with Appropriate Hymn-Verses and Prayers for Every Day in the Year 1962
168818: - Extensionist Manual: Approved Devotions and Prayers for All Occasions and Stations of Life Carefully Selected from the Prayers of the Church and Her Saints
167826: - The Lutheran Hymnal Authorized by the Synods Constituting the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America
164428: - A Guide to Washington Cathedral: The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
197617: - The Lectionary for Mass: Book of Gospels
189265: - Beautiful Kweilin
173005: - History of the First Presbyterian Church of Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Addresses Delivered at the Celebration of the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Reverend George L. Kalb, D.D.
194578: - Jowett Institute Course in Health, Muscle Building and Physical Perfection
166216: - The Book of Rites and Sacraments: Prepared for the Use of the New Church, by Order of the General Convention
184566: - Life Magazine: November 24, 1967
168708: - The Worshiping Church: A Hymnal
182540: - Sayings of Jeanne Jugan, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor
147968: - The Good Superior According to the Spirit of the Venerated Father Champagnat, Founder of the Institute of the Little Brothers of Mary
167315: - 1988 Directory of Religious Communities in the United States and Canada
196374: - The William Herbert Hunt Collection: Highly Important Byzantine Coins
167974: - Lot of 8 Facsimile Mcguffey Readers
175667: - The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition 1862
162354: - Official Consumer's Guide to Nutrition & Health
191126: - Queen of Heaven": A Book of Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, for Private and Congregational Use
165993: - Family Home Evening Number 6: Happiness Through Faith in Jesus Christ
206102: - The Chronological Guide to the Bible
310327: - Mother Goose's Complete Melodies: A Collection of Rhymes, Tales, Jingles and Alphabets
181284: - By-Laws of Mad River Lodge No. 243 I.O. O.F.
181157: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Countyr Readers, Volume LIV (September-December 1878)
163465: - Magil's Complete Linear Prayer Book with Services for Sabbath and Festivals
186840: - The Paris Review: Winter 1984
189110: - Proceedings of the Lima Methods Conference of the Maryknoll Fathers: Maryknoll House, Lima, Peru, August 23-28, 1954
205990: - Misticos Franciscanos Espanoles Tomo I-III
176378: - Helpless Christie; or, Ernest's Bible-Verse
164786: - Gates of Beauty: A Book of Daily Devotions for Youth
181501: - Matisse, His Art and His Textiles: The Fabric of Dreams
184990: - The Metropolitan Opera: The Radio and Television Legacy, September 19 - November 22, 1986
184991: - Lyric Opera of Chicago 1954-1963
207765: - Rito de la Iniciation Cristiana de Adultos Aprobado Por la Conferencia Nacional de Obispos Catolicos Y Confirmado Por la Sede Apostolica Para Uso En Las Diocesis de Los Estados Unidos de America
183171: - Sermons Delivered During the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, October, 1866, and Pasotral Letter of the Hierarchy of the United States, Together with the Papal Rescript and Letters of Convocation: A Complete List of Dignitaries and Officers of the Council; and an Introductory Notice
173926: - The Scottish Clans and Their Tartans
189932: - La Musique Sacree Au Iiieme Congres International de Musique Sacree -- Paris - Juillet 1957
188952: - The Little Gardener and Other Stories
190358: - Human Life Is Sacred: Pastoral Letter of the Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland to the Clergy, Religious and Faithful
1271203: - Kyriale Seu Ordinarium Missae: Missa Pro Defunctis Et Toni Communes Missae
176621: - Half-Hour Talks on Character Building by Self-Made Men and Women
186777: - Military History Library: Technology, Facts, History
191013: - The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo: 1926 and Beyond
207823: - The Pastoral Mission of the Church: Pastoral Theology Vol. 3
126340: - Culto Cristiano
1270548: - Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours: Morning Prayer- Daytime Prayer - Evening Prayer - Night Prayer - Office of Readings (Selections) - Edition with Music
171004: - Prayers to St. Anthony from Approved Sources
183628: - Biographical and Historical Record of Jay and Blackford Counties, Indiana. Containing Portraits of All the Presidents of the United States from Washington to Cleveland, Withaccompanying Biographies of Each; a Condensed History of the State of Indiana; Portraits and Biographies of Some of the Prominent Men of the State; Engravings of Prominent Citizens in Jay and Blackford Counties, with Personal Histories of Many of the Leading Families, and a Concise History of Jay and Blackford Counties and Their Cities and Villages
198347: - First Saturday Aid
198348: - Devotions to St. Anthony of Padua: The Novena of Nine Tuesdays and Prayers in His Honor
198349: - Novena and Prayers in Honor of Saint Ann
183720: - The Archdiocese of Chicago: Antecedents and Developments
162838: - Ich Kann Pennsylvania Deitsh Laysa (a Self-Teaching Primer)
177798: - Soviet Aerospace Handbook
194523: - The Hymnal Companion to the Book of Common Prayer, with Accompanying Tunes
188166: - The Milford Hymnal
207395: - The Diocese of Phoenix 1969-2009: Celebrating 40 Years - Encountering the Living Christ
183651: - The Hymnbook
141369: - Recueil de Vies de Quelques Saints
182783: - Quarterly Review of Literature: Volume VIII, Number 2
186884: - Mrs. Squirrel's Lovely Daughters
179592: - Comprehensive Concordance of Prophets, Apostles, and Church Leaders: A Ten Year, 20 Conference Talk Edition; April 1977 Through October 1986
25611: - British Historical Portraits
148555: - The Dublin Review Vol. XXIV: March and June 1848
148556: - The Dublin Review Vol. XLI: September and December 1856
170580: - Favorite Gospel Hymns
206563: - Consultation on Church Union: A Catholic Perspective
203894: - The Golden Book Magazine Vol. IV No. 22
168864: - The Catholic Liturgy Book: The People's Complete Service Book
187898: - Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts: Poole Vol. 63
198387: - The Gold Book of Prayers
195847: - Just Enough Scandinavian: Danish - Norwegian - Swedish
206961: - La Negrita
310582: - Bible Songs No. 4: A Selection of Psalms Set to Music for Use in Sabbath Schools, Adult Bible Classes, Young People's Societies, Prayer Meetings, Evangelistic Services, and Family Worship
164756: - Worship and Hymns for All Occasions
195623: - Diamond Jubilee of the Archdiocese of Chicago 1920
167021: - Offices for Special Occasions Compiled by Two Presbyters of the Church
164665: - Treasured Poems of America: Fall 1997
181870: - Collection Henriette Bouvier Leguee Au Musee Carnavalet: La Demeure Parisienne Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle
170880: - The Catholic Record. A Miscellany of Catholic Knowledge and General Literature. (Vols. X-XI)
191143: - Our Lady of Lourdes Hymn Book
199536: - Fleurs Franciscaines: Vies Des Saints Et Bienheureux Des Trois Ordres de Saint-Francois, Volumes I-III
177448: - The World's Edition of the Great Presbyterian Conflict: Patton Vs. Swing. Both Sides of the Question
207500: - Coming Home: Madonna House Reflects on the Gospel
186856: - Masonic Directory of Dayton, Ohio 1974
200180: - An Essays Towards an Indian Bibliography. Being a Catalogue of Books, Relating to the History, Antiquities, Languages, Customs, Religion, Wars, Literature, and Origin of the American Indians, in the Library of Thomas W. Field. With Bibliographical and Historical Notes, and Synopses of the Contents of Some of the Works Least Known
196029: - Pythian Sunshine Girls: Officer's Ritual
195569: - New Saint Joseph Weekday Missal: Complete Edition, Volumes I-II
170873: - Archdiocese of San Antonio 1874-1949: An Illustrated Record of the Foundation and Growth of Parishes, Missions, and Religious Institutions in That Part of Texas Under the Spiritual Jurisdiction of the See of San Antonio
186679: - Marian Shrines of Italy
189285: - Army Leadership: Be, Know, Do; August 1999
179460: - Soviet Military Power
165465: - The Book Annexed to the Report of the Joint Committee on the Book of Common Prayer As Modified by the Action of the General Convention of Mdccclxxxiii
310129: - The Great Pastoral Imperative of Our Time: To Practice, Teach, and Promote Eucharistic Self-Offering
310128: - Wrested Scriptures: A Christadelphian Handbook of Suggested Explanations to Difficult Passages
176583: - Songs Madrigals and Sonnets. A Gathering of Some of the Most Pleasant Flowers of Old English Poetry
188428: - The Romance of Nickel
163620: - Discipline of the Society of Friends, Indiana Yearly Meeting
142962: - Concilium Provinciae Avenionensis, Avenione Habitum Anno Domini Mdcccxlix Mense Decembri, IV Autem Pontificatus Pii Papae IX
194827: - Sans Bornes French 3 Writing Activities Workbook (Teacher's Edition)
191971: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: A Directory of Clergy and Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1821 to 1996
191972: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: A Directory of Clergy and Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1821 to 2012
191973: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: A Directory of Clergy and Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1821 to 2007
191978: - Athenaeum of Ohio: 2001 Alumni Directory
191979: - Athenaeum of Ohio: 2007 Alumni Directory
191983: - Athenaeum of Ohio Alumni Directory 1992
191985: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: Official Publication for the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [1954]
191986: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: Official Publication for the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [1977]
191987: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: Official Publication for the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [1971]
191988: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: Official Publication for the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [1960]
191989: - Clerus Cincinnatensis: A Directory of Clergy and Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati [1984]
70791: - Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Charities: August 6-9, 1939
172481: - Historical Records and Studies, Volume VI, Part I.
189871: - Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
180818: - The Overland Monthly, Volume XVIII (Second Series)
180820: - The Overland Monthly, Volume XIV (Second Series)
179892: - Parish Mass Book and Hymnal: People's Parts of Holy Mass for Every Day of the Year
169631: - The American Home: November 1935
191374: - Service Book and Hymnal
193867: - History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado
205791: - Science. New Series. Volume XIX, January-June 1904
1267402: - Morning and Evening Prayers of the Divine Office: Lauds, Vespers and Compline for the Entire Year from the Roman Breviary
186896: - 42nd Street [Musical Program]
171936: - The Russian Living New Testament
186857: - Masonic Directory of Dayton, Ohio 1968
310093: - Preparation for Total Consecration to the Immaculate According to Saint Maximilian M Kolbe
181021: - The Book of Occasional Services 2003: Conforming to General Convention 2003
186991: - Socialism: Its Economic Aspect
204028: - The Three Days: A Symposium on the Passion and Resurrection
186635: - The Vatican City
186636: - John Paul II: The Epic Life of a Pilgrim Pope
207258: - Annuario Pontificio Per L'Anno 1975
173728: - The West of Buffalo Bill: Frontier Art, Indian Crafts, Memorabilia from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center
141102: - Catholic Record Society: The English Franciscan Nuns 1619-1821 and the Friars Minor of the Same Province 1618-1761, Volume 24
194947: - Presbyterian Cook Book, Compiled by the Ladies of the First Presbyterian Church, Dayton, Ohio
194634: - Vintage Percy Ewing Supply House Catalogue
202444: - Mindpower: Expand Your Memory
62773: - The Word of Life: Essays on the Bible
50329: - Napoleon: La Republique, le Consulat, L'Empire, Sainte-Helene
193793: - Our Heritage: A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
205680: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XLIV, Part I (November 1916-April 1917)
187298: - The Illustrated London News, Volume XCI (July-December 1887)
163948: - The Messianic Passover Haggadah
5108: - The Historical Encyclopedia of World War Two
205740: - The Peter Pan Picture Book: The Picture Story Is Based on the Play of the Same Name
203888: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume I No. 3
203889: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume II No. 11
203890: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume II No. 7
203891: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume V No. 29
203892: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume II No. 9
203893: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume V No. 30
198366: - Thy Kingdom Come: Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Night Adoration at Home
172475: - Saint Vincent de Paul: A Tercentenary Commemoration of His Death 1660-1960
191375: - Worldwide Church of God Magazines & Pamphlets
184596: - Life Magazine: October 6, 1947
190485: - Young Women, Manuals 1-3
310100: - Annuarium Academicum 1956-1957, N. 27 (Facultatis Anno 53)
65234: - De Conscientia
310683: - Television Equipment Company Catalogue: Film-Editing, Lab and Studio Equipment
186277: - Souvenir of New Orleans
186278: - New Album of Richmond Views
186431: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXXVIII (January-June 1881)
186439: - Acceptance of the Statue of Charles M. Russell Presented by the State of Montana: Proceedings in the Congress and in the Rotunda, United States Capitol
186441: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXXXV (July-December 1884)
172153: - Strong's Concise Concordance & Vine's Concise Dictionary of the Bible: Two Bible Reference Classics in One Handy Volume
167421: - My Confirmation: Leader's Guide
207997: - Faith for the Future: An Illustrated Catechism of Catholic Belief in Words and Pictures
169606: - Orders, Decorations, Campaign Medals and Militaria
196689: - The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ / the Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints / the Pearl of Great Price
207763: - Order of Christian Funerals Approved for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See - Appendix: Cremation
194808: - The New Interpreter's Bible, Volume XII
199431: - Analecta Ordinis Carmelitarum: Volume 60, No. 1 (January-June 2009)
199432: - Analecta Ordinis Carmelitarum: Volume 66, Nos. 1-2 (January-December 2015)
199433: - Analecta Ordinis Carmelitarum: Volume 67, Nos. 1-2 (January-December 2016)
192266: - Hymnal: Church of the Brethren
190479: - Common Worship: Pastoral Services
183555: - The World's Columbian Catholic Congresses and Educational Exhibit
183571: - Illustrator's Figure Reference Manual
183572: - Illustrator's Reference Manual: Nudes
183577: - Vargas
199509: - The Crosses Still Stand in Basilan: A Journey with the Kidnap Victims
186650: - Prayers from the Heart: The Prayer Book of St. , Maximilian Kolbe's Militia of the Immaculata
173006: - Frigidaire Recipes
179648: - The Mormons
203897: - The Golden Book Magazine Vol. VII No. 42
203899: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine Volume XLIV Nos. 1-6
179591: - The Illustrated London News, Volume L: January-June 1867
191122: - Carrier Air Group 86
207638: - General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours
178913: - Living Truths from the Book of Mormon: Teacher's Supplement
198367: - Holy Week Manual: Being the Morning Offices of Holy Week with an Explanation of the Ceremonies
175585: - Christmas Interludes
193371: - Gather
184964: - Sacred Harmony or a Selection of Hymns Chosen from Old Hymnals by Edward L. Patridge for Use in the Church at the Farmers' Museum
190222: - Congregations de Notre Dame, Nos. 2-4 & 6
193611: - Harvard College Class of 1956: 55th Anniversary Report
177107: - Dayton [Collection of Pre-Flood Photographs]
206509: - Journeying with Carmel: Extracts from the 1995 Carmelite Constitutions
42871: - Officium Majoris Hebdomadae a Dominica in Palmis Usque Ad Sabbatum in Albis
42896: - Bulletin de Litterature Liturgique
43165: - Collectio Benedictionum, Instructionum Et Precum Sanctae Apostolicae Sedis Auctoritate
43601: - Praxis Synodalis: Manuale Synodi Diocesanae Ac Provincialis Celebrandae
43736: - Canonical Legislation Concerning Religious
43754: - Codex Pro Postulatoribus Causarum Beatificationis Et Canonizationis
44195: - Festschrift Zum Silbernen Jubilaum Des Leo-Hauses
44284: - Elenchus Facultatum Et Gratiarum Quibus Congregatio a Passione D.N. J.C.
45403: - Pedigree of Champions: Boeing Since 1916
4569: - A Series of Answers to Certain Popular Objections Against Separating from the Rebllious Colonies
46812: - Mitteilungen Aus Dem Max-Planck-Institut Fur Stromungsforschung
47358: - Home Almanac: A Souvenir 1893
47359: - Home Almanac: A Souvenir 1894
184749: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine, Volume XII
184750: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine, Volume XI
184751: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine, Volume X.
192274: - Ripley's Believe It or Not! 50th Anniversary Edition
175852: - The Illustrated London News, Vol. LXIV. January to June, 1874
175853: - The Illustrated London News, Vol. LIII: July-Decr. 1868
175897: - Dictionary of American History: Revised Edition, Volumes I-X
175928: - Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Huron and Lorain, Ohio, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, and of Many of the Early Settled Families
188985: - Auktionshaus Andreas Thies Ek, 49. Auktion: Bedeutende Orden Und Ehrenzeichen, Fliegertruppe 1. Weltkrieg; Orden Und Auszeichnungen, Geschichtliche Sammlungsgegenstande Und Militarhistorische Antiquitaten 1933-1945
197055: - The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament: Hebrew and English
188185: - The Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection: A Catalog of the Gifts of Lessing J. Rosenwald to the Library of Congress, 1943 to 1975
191165: - Die Schonsten Grimms Marchen
25915: - The Life and Times of King George VI: 1895-1952
25917: - Charles and Anne
26009: - The Life and Times of King George VI 1895-1952
207281: - The African Synod: Documents, Reflections, Perspectives
207291: - Christian Faith and the Chinese Experience: Papers and Reports from an Ecumenical Colloquium Held in Louvain, Belgium, September 9 to 14, 1974
207260: - Comentario Biblico "San Jeronimo" Volumes I-V
189670: - A History of the Diocese of Columbus, Volume II: 1918-1943
187081: - Aviation Book
1265438: - A Speech Day by Stammerers
190003: - Treasures for a Queen: A Millennium Gift to Cincinnati
185027: - The Methodist Pocket Hymn-Book, Revised and Improved: Designed As a Constant Companion for the Pious of All Denominations. Collected from Various Authors
180093: - The Chicago Manual of Style
201006: - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. (Volume V, January-June 1860)
201009: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXVII: July to December 1875
201010: - The Illustrated London News, Volume XLIX: July to December 1866
199823: - Bendicion Al Cumplir Quince Anos / Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday
130251: - Purcell's "Manning" Refuted: Life of Cardinal Manning with a Critical Examination of E.S. Purcell's Mistakes
130273: - English Music [1604 to 1904]: Being the Lectures Given at the Music Exhibition of the Worshipful Company O Musicians
161989: - Livres Anciens Et Modernes
187147: - The Girls of Dickens Retold
163648: - Favorite Stories and Songs
163691: - Turkish: A Guide to the Spoken Language
163707: - Matthias Lexers Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenworterbuch
163826: - A Minute of Prayer: A Prayer for Every Day in the Year Submitted by Protestant Ministers, Catholic Priests and Jewish Rabbis
163879: - Spanish Grammar
190224: - Compte Rendu Du Congres Marial, Tenu a Lyon Les 5, 6, 7, 8 Septembre 1900 Sous la Patronage de Son Eminence le Cardinal Archeveque de Lyon, Tome Second
208052: - The Illustrated Family Encyclopedia of the Living Bible: 14 Set
184719: - Temple Bar with Which Is Incorporated "Bentley's Miscellany. " a London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume 103
184721: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Volume III
184722: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Volume VII
193617: - Liturgical Arts, Volumes 10-12 (November 1941 - August 1944)
193618: - Liturgical Arts, Volumes 7-9 (October 1938 - August 1941)
191252: - A Prayer Book for the Armed Forces 1967
192272: - Ripley's Believe It or Not! 14th Series
191278: - A Spiritual Almanac for Service Men 1943-1944
191279: - The Ritual: A Reprint of Part X, Worship and Ritual from Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Church 1944
205698: - The Favourite Wonder Book
186910: - The History of Apple Pie
186914: - Can-Can [Souvenir Program]
194744: - The Constitution of the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Part I: Book of Confessions
194745: - The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S. A. ) Part I: Book of Confessions
196064: - Masonic Temple Philadelphia: Souvenir Album
181136: - La Revue Archeologique, Volume 26
181137: - La Revue Archeologique, Volume 33
200245: - Way-Marks for the Confirmed
200253: - Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly: July 1930
193337: - New Saint Joseph Weekday Missal: Complete Edition, Volume II -- Pentecost to Advent
202057: - The Illustrated London News Vol. LIV (January-June 1869)
202060: - The Illustrated London News Vol. 27 (July-December 1855)
202064: - The Illustrated London News Vol. LXIII (July-December 1873)
202074: - The Illustrated London News Vol. LIX (July-December 1871)
202132: - The Cartographic Satellite Atlas of the World
194969: - Choice Recipes Compiled by the Members of St. Katherine's Guild of Grace Church, Oak Park, Illinois
194265: - French Vocabulary Cards
190971: - The Nccs Prayerbook for Servicemen and Servicewomen
190977: - A Scriptural View of the Catholic Question, in Remarks Upon a Petition Presented to the House of Lords, Against Emancipation, in the Year 1825
190978: - Handbill for Command Performance of Bulwer-Lytton's "Money" Given for Queen Victoria
190980: - Original Invitation to the Cornonation of King Edward VII
190981: - A Tribute to Carl Purington Rollins 1880-1960
23693: - A Treatise on Photographic Optics As Applied to Scientific Process Negative Making
194133: - Virgin Mary's Bayside Prophecies, Volumes 1-6
183659: - See Your West
126292: - Vesperale Romanum: Exerptum Ex Antiphonali S.R. E. Jussu Ss. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi Restituto Et Edito
126602: - The Torah, the Five Books of Moses: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text, First Section
180928: - Everyday Life in Ancient Times: Highlights of the Beginnings of Western Civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome
186753: - Parish Mass Book and Hymnal: People's Parts of Holy Mass for Every Day of the Year Arranged for Congregational Recitation with Popular Hymns and Songs
195288: - To Proclaim the Gospel: Sundays and Holy Days for Cycles a, B and C.
195293: - Canon Law Society of America: Proceedings of the Eighty-First Annual Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey, October 14-17, 2019
195300: - St. Andrew Parish Centennial 1894-1994
169829: - Ha'Avoda She'Balev
169837: - Seventh-Day Adventists Believe... A Biblical Exposotion of 27 Fundamental Doctrines
169841: - Passover Haggadah: The New Union Haggadah (Russian-Hebrew Edition)
185460: - Morning and Evening Prayers of the Divine Office: Lauds, Vespers and Compline for the Entire Year from the Roman Breviary
185716: - The Navarre Bible: The Pentateuch
185746: - Companions in the Mission of Jesus: Texts for Prayer and Reflection in the Lenten and Easter Seasons
185824: - Talks with Gurdjieff
185873: - San Francisco Opera: The Adler Years 1954-1981
185925: - Spring and Summer 1895 Catalogue for Jordan, Marsh & Co
186001: - Lyric Season Companion 2006/2007, 52nd Season
186543: - Chambers's Journal, Sixth Series, Volume IX (December 1905 - November 1906)
186544: - Chambers's Journal, Sixth Series, Volume VIII (December 1904 - November 1905)
186550: - Chambers's Journal, Seventh Series, Volume I (December 1910 - November 1911)
186559: - Chambers's Journal, Sixth Series, Volume XIII (December 1909 - November 1910)
310336: - Youcat Bible: Youth Bible of the Catholic Church
199084: - Hagamonos Personas: Cartilla de Educacion Social Basica
166047: - The Akathist Hymn and Little Compline
186488: - Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts: Poole Vol. 64
186491: - Who Is Luisa? the Little Daughter of the Divine Will: April 23, 1865 - March 4, 1947
186524: - Miles Immaculatae: January-June 1995
186525: - Miles Immaculatae: January-June 2000
186526: - Miles Immaculatae: January-June 2001
186527: - Miles Immaculatae: January-June 1998
186528: - Miles Immaculatae: January-June 1999
186529: - Miles Immaculatae: July-December 1998
186530: - Miles Immaculatae: July-December 2001
186533: - Chambers's Journal: Sixth Series, Volume XI
126645: - Service of the Synagogue: New Year
181263: - Ritual of a Subordinate Encampment Under the Jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
189367: - Almanacs &C: A Collection of Early American Almanacs
195907: - A Pocket Guide to Spoken Turkish
195905: - Finnish-English Dictionary / Englanti-Suomi Sanakirja
171072: - The Basilean Vademecum: A Book of Prayers and Ceremonies for the Use of the Members of the Congregation of St. Basil
171091: - Missel Des Litanies de la Sainte Vierge
207397: - The Church Worships
202449: - Kings & Queens of England
167718: - Recipes by Members of the Woman's City Club of Cincinnati
195649: - Swedish-English Hippocrene Comprehensive Dictionary
197403: - American Ecclesiastical Review. A Monthly Publication for the Clergy. (Volume XVII)
207047: - The Order of Priesthood: Nine Commentaries on the Vatican Decree Inter Insigniores
194041: - Ecce Romani Language Activity Book I.
170489: - A Treasury of Stephen Foster
141099: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea XI, Volume 19
141100: - Catholic Record Society: The Ven. Philip Howard Earl of Arundel 1557-1595, Volume 21
201750: - The Ave Maria Vol. 71
201752: - The Ave Maria Vol. 72
199311: - Ka Euanelio I Kakuia'i Luka / Good News by a Man Named Luke
161582: - Diccionario Ingles-Espanol, Espanol-Ingles
175069: - In God We Trust: American Revolution Bicentennial Prayers Offered Sunday, July 4, 1976 Huron County Ohio - Churches
180854: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine. Volume XLVIII
173293: - Le Monde de Chartres
171940: - Faith and Practice (Book of Discipline) of Friends Church Southwest Yearly Meeting
204256: - Early Erotic Photos: 30 Postcards
189176: - Journey Into China
177583: - The Firelands Pioneer: New Series, Volume XIV (December 1, 1902)
310806: - Canton Official City Directory Including North Canton, Fairhope, Louisville and East Canton and a Comprehensive Classified Business Directory 1981
310807: - Canton Official City Directory Including North Canton, Fairhope, Louisville and East Canton and a Comprehensive Classified Business Directory 1952
165576: - The Episcopal Church Annual 2008
168876: - We Celebrate: Prayer Services for Special Occasions
168881: - The Catholic Liturgy Book: The People's Complete Service Book
195490: - North Riverside Golden Jubilee 1923-1973
192194: - The Sphere (May 14, 1960)
203901: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine Vol. L Nos. 1-6
203902: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine Vol. XLIX Nos. 1-6
203903: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine Vol. LV Nos. 1-4 and 6
203905: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine Volume XLV Nos. 1-6
193856: - Cantus Ad Processiones Et Benedictiones Ssmi Sacramenti
165577: - The Episcopal Church Annual 2007
203429: - The Lds Speaker's Sourcebook
193669: - The Inclusive New Testament
168689: - Preparing for Confirmation: The Worship and Teaching of the Church; the Teacher's Guide
207936: - The Classic Greek Dictionary Greek-English and English-Greek with an Appendix of Proper and Geographical Names Prepared by George Ricker Berry
8470: - The Sportsman's Annual
193322: - First Steps to Jesus
167669: - Uffizio Della Settimana Santa Fino Al Martedi Dopo Pasqua Secondo IL Rito Romano Con la Versione Di Monsignor Martini Con la Dichiarazione Del Testo Aggiuntevi le Preghiere Per Tutte le Funzioni E Pie Pratiche Proprie Di Questo Sacro Tempo
194750: - Episcopal Eucharistic Lectionary
206032: - Llamados a la Libertad: Guia Para Una Lectura Comunitaria de Romanos, Galatas, Filipenses Y Filemon - Participante
181808: - Eugene Atget 1857-1927: Interieurs Parisiens
191995: - 2010 Directory for St. Teresa of Avila Parish
1253930: - Japan As It Is
181261: - Ritual of a Subordinate Encampment Under the Jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
207841: - El Manual Del Ministro
191010: - St. Anthony's Church: 100 Year Commemorative Program
208006: - Tomorrow's Parish: Choosing Your Future - Ministerial Life Criteria - Parish Planning and Evaluation - Criteria for Planning
310394: - Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica
200273: - Battle Stations! Your Navy in Action
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191388: - The Ordinary of the Mass in 8 Languages
169706: - Sunday Compline: Latin and English Texts, Arranged for Congregational Singing or Recitation
169709: - The Divine Liturgy for Choir and Laity
190426: - Thoughts on the Mysteries of the Rosary
205685: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume LVI, Part I (November 1928 - April 1929)
188763: - Fuzambo's Comprehensive English-Japanese Dictionary
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199808: - Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers
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148552: - The Dublin Review Vol. XXI: September and December 1846
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203847: - One Hundred & One Famous Poems
190565: - The Way of the Cross According to the Franciscan Text
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310078: - Tengo Una Familia: Derechos de Los Ninos (Ninos)
168709: - The Hymnal Containing Complete Orders of Worship Authorized by the General Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church
197509: - Catechismus Ex Decreto Concilii Tridentini Ad Parochos Pii V. Pontificis Max. Et Deinde Clementis XIII. Iussu Editus Nunc Et Fidem Manutiani Textus Et Optimorum Exemplarium Iteratis Curis Castigate Impressus
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193486: - Liturgical Arts, Volumes 19-21 (November 1950 - August 1953)
199209: - Indian Theological Studies, Sept. -Dec. 1991: Special Issue on the Social Teaching of the Church in the Indian Context
188361: - Chicago's Big Snow: January, 1967
193487: - Liturgical Arts, Volumes 16-18 (November 1947 - August 1950)
194002: - New Bible Atlas
193615: - Harvard Class of 1956: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Report
193499: - Mount Saint Mary Seminary of the West: A Gateway to the Priesthood, 1829-1929
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193501: - Photo Directory of Archdiocese of Cincinnati Priests: Autumn 1990
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193503: - Fifth Synod of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Celebrated December 14, 1954 by His Grace the Most Reverend Karl J. Alter, D.D. , LL. D. , Archbishop of Cincinnati
205683: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXXVII, Part I (November 1909 - April 1910)
201639: - Prisma's Abridged English-Swedish and Swedish-English Dictionary
195317: - Rite of Baptism for One Child and for Several Children
208068: - Sources of Christian Theology: Volumes 1-3
192200: - The Revell Bible Dictionary
195750: - Maclaren's Gaelic Self-Taught: An Introduction to Gaelic for Beginners
203963: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XXXIII Nos. 1-6
204009: - Columba Marmion 1858-2008
165801: - Family Home Evening Resource Book
169748: - The Manual of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
169747: - Meditations and Considerations for a Retreat of One Day in Each Month. Compiled from the Writings of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus by a Religious
177584: - The Firelands Pioneer: New Series, Volume XIII (December 1, 1900)
201757: - The Ave Maria Vol. 70
207211: - Rite of Funerals English Translation Approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
207212: - The Rite of Penance Approved for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See with Complete Biblical Readings
193671: - The Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures, Volume III: The Writings
165480: - Lame Willie
180823: - The Overland Monthly, Volume XII (Second Series)
310245: - Ncr: Celebrating the Future, 1884-1984
191199: - Daviess County: 100 Years
310684: - Glamour Portraiture
203496: - Mormon Historical Studies: Special Double Issue on Global Mormonism
167670: - Recueil a L'Usage Des Freres-Xaveriens
71428: - Vie de Mme. D'Youville
310010: - The Sunday Pocket Lectionary for Sundays and Major Feast Days: Complete 3-Year Cycle
3794: - Verdun: An Illustrated Historical Guide
181869: - The Musee Carnavalet: Gifts to the Museum from the Society of the Friends of the Carnavalet; Personal Gifts and Bequests from the Committee and Members of the Society of the Friends of the Carnavalet 1941-1972
194800: - Lectionary of the Deaf: The Season of Easter to the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B)
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190473: - A Short Historical and Architectural Guide to Oxford Cathedral
177582: - The Firelands Pioneer: New Series, Volume XIII (December 1, 1900)
37727: - XXVIII International Eucharistic Congress: June 20-24, 1926, Chicago Illinois
37864: - Pax Vobis, Being a Popular Exposition of the Seven Sacraments
171350: - Epic: September 1977 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
191673: - Laudato Sii O MI Signore: Raccolta Di Canti Religiosi-Moderni
170947: - Fire-Side Piety, or the Duties and Enjoyments of Family Religion: Containing Part I. --Come to Prayer, Part II. --Home Made Happy
184748: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XIV-XV
195305: - The Penny Catechism: 370 Fundamental Questions and Answers on the Catholic Faith
194554: - New Testament, Parts 1-2
206510: - Constitutions of the Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel Approved by the General Chapter Celebrated in September 1995 and Published by Order of the Most Reverend Father Joseph Chalmers Prior General
189066: - First Synod of the Diocese of Honolulu
310667: - Wit and Humor of the American Pulpit
200282: - Old South Leaflets, Volumes I-VIII
200284: - Barnard's Lincoln: The Gift of Mr. And Mrs. Charles P. Taft to the City of Cincinnati
148554: - The Dublin Review Vol. XXVII: September and December 1849
178397: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXV: July-December 1874
141101: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea XII, Volume 22
190116: - Seven Papers, Viz. I. The Grounds and Reasons of the Laws Against Popery. .
172300: - God's Little Devotional Book for Teachers
203962: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XXXIV Nos. 1-6
183218: - Congregational Music for Eucharist: Church Hymnal Series V.
207789: - Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Approved for Use in the Diocese of the United States of America by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Bilingual Edition
310538: - The Medical Herbalist: Herbal Medication for the People (Incorporating the "Herb Doctor and Home Physician"), Volume XI (August 1935 to July 1936-7)
187231: - Vintage Scrapbook of Early 20th Century Art & Fashion
190325: - The Catholic Religion and America
167746: - Missel Dominical: Messes Et Vepres Des Dimanches Et Des Fetes
183723: - The Marion Sentinel: Linn County Centennial Edition
141093: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea I, Volume 1
176106: - The Field Gray Uniform of the German Army (at the Beginning of W.W. I)
176107: - The Austro-Hungarian Army Ca. 1890
176108: - The German Schutzetruppe (Colonial Troops)
176109: - The Austro-Hungarian Army Ca. 1914
176110: - The German Army Ca. 1900
176111: - The Imperial German Army Ca. 1900 (Insignia and Rank Distinctions, Vol II)
176112: - The Imperial German Army Ca. 1900 (Uniform Schematics Vol. I)
171202: - Les Psaumes de David Mis En Vers Francais
191015: - The Dream Fulfilled: Precious Blood Church, Dayton, Ohio
189045: - Orden Aus Aller Welt: Sammlung Tammann; 80. Auktion
207660: - Shorter Christian Prayer: The Four-Week Psalter of the Liturgy of the Hours Containing Morning and Evening Prayer with Selections for the Entire Year
207475: - Documento Conclusivo
206337: - Shilo Prayer Book
161035: - Glossar Zu Schultz-Griesbach Deutsche Sprachlehre Fur Auslander Grundstufe: Deutsch-Englisch-Turkisch
201446: - Cappella Papale: Santa Messa Presieduta Dal Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo II in Occasione Della Visita Del Patriarca Della Chiesa Ortodossa Romena Teoctist
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205668: - Manual of Stillwater Lodge No. 616 Free and Accepted Masons Dayton, Ohio Dispensation Issued May 29, 1912 Charter Granted October 24, 1912, Constituted, October 28, 1912 Containing the by-Laws of the Lodge Adopted June 3, 1912 Approved by the Grand Lodge October 24, 1912 Amended January 13, 1913 Approved by the Grand Lodge October 22, 1913 Also the Charges of a Freemason; the Code of Masonic Jurisprudence Down to Close of 1914; the Monitorial Work of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason; and the Funeral Service
165782: - Remember Me: Relief Society Personal Study Guide 1
199341: - Introduction to the Order of Mass: A Pastoral Resource of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy
181280: - History of the Several Branches of the I.O. O.F. Of Germantown, Ohio
189384: - The Blue Max Souvenir Program
206033: - Llamados a la Libertad: Guia Para Una Lectura Comunitaria de Romanos, Galatas, Filipenses Y Filemon - Animador
193454: - Key of Heaven
199462: - Anish Kapoor
199463: - Bespoke Spaces for Wine: Bodegas Personalizadas / Caves a Vin Privees / Prive-Wijnruimtes
166326: - The Passion Week Manual: The History of the Sufferings, Death and Exaltation of the Saviour
166370: - The Book of Resolutions of the United Methodist Church 2012
166464: - Christian Praise
166509: - Order of the Dedication of a Church
166586: - Daily Messages from Heaven from the Florida Apparition Site, Book 1
194612: - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition
169988: - Service of the Synagogue: New Year; a New Edition of the Festival Prayers with an English Translation in Prose and Verse, Under the Sanction of the Late Dr. H. Adler
197062: - 2000 Point Pleasant, West Virginia, Polk City Directory
194686: - Lutheran Book of Prayer
181985: - Instructions Concerning Masonic Trials
181999: - Novena in Honor of St. Odilia
203969: - Walt Kuhn 1877-1949: A Memorial Exhibition
1280166: - Shorter Christian Prayer: The Four-Week Psalter of the Liturgy of the Hours Containing Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer with Selections for the Entire Year
310340: - Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue, Volume IV: Eucharist and Ministry
207075: - The Synagogue: Studies in Origins, Archaeology and Architecture
310361: - The Roman Missal in Latin and English for Sunday, Feast, Ferial and Votive Masses
167714: - Key to the City: Welcome to Cincinnati, Ohio, "the Queen City
168917: - Mass Prayers Manual: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; Compiled from Approved Sources for the Use of the Laity
165983: - Family Home Evening Number 3: Love Makes Our House a Home
171840: - Nelson's Quick Reference: Bible People & Places
177720: - The Inauguration of Washington (Excerpt from the Century Magazine, April 1889)
195525: - The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Ritual Cards for Use with Together for Life
148549: - The Dublin Review Vol. XVII: September & December 1844
148550: - The Dublin Review Vol. XXIII: September and December 1847
186020: - Curso Intensivo de Espanol, Libro 1
191669: - The Gems of Prayer: A Manual of Prayers and Devotional Exercises for the Use of Catholics
207788: - Code of Canon Law Annotated: Latin-English Edition of the Code of Canon Law and English-Language Translation of the 5th Spanish-Language Edition of the Commentary Prepared Under the Responsibility of the Instituto Martin de Azpilcueta
193901: - Sacred Heart Catholic Church Directory [Mccartyville, Ohio]
184125: - Selected Works from the Dayton Art Institute Permanent Collection
185463: - The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Three Seasons of the Year According to the Roman Breviary, Containing the Psalms from the New Version Authorized by Pope Pius XII
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181251: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XLIX (January-April 1877)
181252: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XLVII (May-August 1876)
71536: - Saint Vincent de Paul: A Tercentenary Commemoration of His Death, 1660-1960
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195005: - The New Englander, Volume X: New Series - Volume IV, 1852
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189402: - Say It Right: A Quick Guide to Mandarin, Cantonese & Shanghainese
193269: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 124: July-December 1878
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184736: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XLV
184737: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XI
184738: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume X.
207393: - Glory and Praise
189043: - The Gifts of Christmas: Essays, Stories, Poems, and Recipes
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196321: - Andachten Und Gesange Zum Besonderen Gebrauche Der St. Bonifacius Gemeinde Zu Philadelphia, Pa. Neu Herausgegeben Von Den Patres Redemptoristen
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186330: - The Reader's Digest: October 1928
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199145: - A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Prepared and Enjoined by Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore
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