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122716: Richard of Devizes, Joseph Stevenson, editor - Chronicon de Rebus Gestis Ricardi Primi
207156: Philip E. DeVol - Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin'-by World: Building Your Resources for a Better Life
102274: Samuel Devons, ed - High-Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure
192281: Bernard DeVoto - The Year of Decision 1846
203074: Bernard DeVoto - The Course of Empire
195134: Bernard DeVoto - The Year of Decision 1846
141348: Simon Devoyon - Discours Sur le Denombrement Des Docteurs de L'Eglise de Dieu, a Savoir Tant de Ceux Qui Ont Este Des le Commencement Du Monde (Contenus Aux Sainctes Ecritures), Que de Plusieurs Qui Ont Puis Apres Succede Par Ordre Jusques Aujourd'Huy
166618: William A. deVries - Reality, Knowledge, and the Good Life: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy
187719: Diana Dewar - Saint of Auschwitz: The Story of Maximilian Kolbe
24874: J.P. Brissot DeWarville; Marquis de Chastellux - New Travels in the United States of America Together with Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781, & 1782
144992: H.A. DeWeerd - Great Soldiers of the First World War
167915: Arthur J. Dewey - The Word in Time: A Gospel Commentary for Sundays and Major Feast Days; Complete Three-Year Cycle
61824: John Dewey and James H. Tufts - Ethics
190375: John Dewey and James H. Tufts - Ethics
174612: John Dewey - A Common Faith
174973: Orville Dewey - Discourses on the Nature of Religion; and on Commerce and Business; with Some Occasional Discourses
173929: Melvil Dewey; Jacqulyn Anderson - 200 (Religion) Class: Reprinted from Edition 19 Unabridged Dewey Decimal Classification by Melvil Dewey with Index Prepared by Jacqulyn Anderson
162806: Horace W. Dewey and John Mersereau, Jr. - Reading and Translating Contemporary Russian
168191: Arthur J. Dewey - The Word in Time (Revised Edition): A Gospel Commentary for Sundays and Major Feast Days; Complete Three-Year Cycle
203512: Richard Lloyd Dewey - Rockwell: A Novel
198453: John Dewey - Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding. A Critical Exposition
191907: Thomas B. Dewey; Thomas B. Reagan; Richard Martin Stern - The Taurus Trip / Blood Money / Manuscript for Murder
14869: Brigadier C.H. Dewhurst - Close Contact
66040: Rev. Max George DeWitt - The Cessation of Delegated Power: A Canonical Commentary with Historical Notes
174408: Norman W. DeWitt and Norman J. DeWitt - Demosthenes, Volume VII
126823: David Miller Dewitt - The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson Seventeenth President of the United States: A History
187114: Ann Hark; C.H. DeWitt, lithographs - The Story of the Pennsylvania Dutch
206769: L. Harold DeWolf - Responsible Freedom
200725: Maurice DeWulf - Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages
176902: Walter Dexter, ed - The Unpublished Letters of Charles Dickens to Mark Lemon
91044: Dr. Joseph Dey - Ein Beitrag Zur Klarung Der Religions-Geschichtlichen Bedeutung Von Tit 3 5
193481: Anthony H. Deye - Archbishop John Baptist Purcell of Cincinnati: Pre-CIVIL War Years
193606: Anthony H. Deye - Archbishop John Baptist Purcell and the CIVIL War
310477: Edouard Dhanis - Miracula Et Resurrectio Iesu
206955: Bishop's Committee on the Permanent Diaconate, National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Foundations for the Renewal of the Diaconate
195507: United Methodist-Roman Catholic Dialogue, United States of America - Methodist-Catholic Dialogues: Thirty Years of Mission and Witness
207378: Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples - Dialogue and Proclamation: Reflections and Orientations on Interreligious Dialogue and the Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
192919: Sara Diamond - Facing the Wrath: Confronting the Right in Dangerous Times
107352: Michael Diamond - Lesser Breeds: Racial Attitudes in Popular British Culture 1890-1940
205589: Sara Diamond - Roads to Dominion: Right Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States
205591: Sara Diamond - Not by Politics Alone: The Enduring Influence of the Christian Right
181778: Barbaralee Diamonstein - Inside the Art World: Conversations with Barbaralee Diamonstein
182085: Barbaralee Diamonstein - Interior Design: The New Freedom
144652: Diana and George Spear - Circus Down Under
7566: Diana and Meir Gillon - The Sand and the Stars: The Story of the Jewish People
206091: Diane Tolomeo, Pearl Gervais, and Remi J. De Roo - Biblical Characters and the Enneagram
198646: Ernesto Julia Diaz - La Agonia de Cristo: Sufrimiento En El Huerto de Los Olivos
206116: Jose Luis Sicre Diaz - Hasta Los Confines de la Tierra I. La Fuerza Del Espiritu
66292: Fr. Petrus Diaz - De Resistentia Tyrannidi: Excerpta E Thesi Quam
206117: Jose Luis Sicre Diaz - Hasta Los Confines de la Tierra III. La Profecia
207225: Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and Fernando F. Segovia, eds - Hispanic / Latino Theology: Challenge and Promise
310074: Martin Dibelius - James: A Commentary on the Epistle of James
67056: Martin Dibelius - Geschichtliche Und Ubergeschichtliche Religion IM Christenthum
170172: Martin Dibelius and Hans Conzelmann - The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles
163544: Zelda Dick, comp - Jewish Family Living Sukkot Manual
149780: William B. Dick, ed - Dick's Games of Patience; or, Solitaire with Cards
197234: Michael B. Dick - Reading the Old Testament: An Inductive Introduction
310910: Thomas Dick - The Works of Thomas Dick, LL. D.
310844: Thomas Dick - The Works of Thomas Dick, LL. D.
188607: E.W. Trueman Dicken - The Crucible of Love: A Study of the Mysticism of St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross
174613: Charles Dickens - The Life of Our Lord Written During the Years 1846-1849
167506: Charles Dickens - Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son: Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation (2 Volumes)
175172: Charles Dickens - Bleak House
175752: Mamie Dickens - My Father As I Recall Him
176022: Charles Dickens - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
126879: Charles Dickens - Selections from Household Words, Conducted by Charles Dickens
205913: Charles Dickens - The Personal History of David Copperfield
1267267: Charles Dickens - 19 Works Bound in 11 Volumes - Chapman & Hall 19th Century Edition
175758: Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist
175755: Charles Dickens - Hard Times. A Novel
190997: Charles Dickens - The Old Curiosity Shop
176971: Charles Dickens - Our Mutual Friend, Volumes I-II
206404: W.T. Dickens - Hans Urs Von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics: A Model for Post-Critical Biblical Interpretation
171318: Charles Dickens - My Early Times
175810: Charles Dickens - Miscellaneous Papers, Parts I-II
186317: Charles Dickens - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
206825: A.G. Dickens - Reformation and Society in Sixteenth-Century Europe
206539: E.W. Trueman Dickens - The Crucible of Love
104852: Charles Dickens - David Copperfield
175738: Charles Dickens - American Notes for General Circulation
1246036: Charles Dickens - Great Expectations and Hard Times
124791: A.G. Dickens - Lollards and the Protestants in the Diocese of York 1509-1558
1247230: Charles Dickens - Master Humphrey's Clock Volumes I-III
102049: Charles Dickens - The Life of Our Lord
183792: Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
205907: Charles Dickens - The Cricket on the Hearth: A Fairy Tale of Home
172817: Charles Dickens - The Old Curiosity Shop
190068: Oliver Morton Dickerson - American Colonial Government 1696-1765: A Study of the British Board of Trade in Its Relation to the American Colonies, Political, Industrial, Administrative
174998: Debra J. Dickerson - An American Story
202632: Ian Dickie, Martin J. Dougherty, Phyllis J. Jestice, Christopher Jorgensen, Rob S. Rice - Fighting Techniques of Naval Warfare 1190 Bc - Present: Strategy, Weapons, Commanders, and Ships
200145: Marquis F. Dickinson, ed - John Marshall: The Tribute of Massachusetts; Being the Address Delivered at Boston and Cambridge, February 4, 1901, in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of His Elevation to the Bench As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
198246: [Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson] - Letters from a Chinese Official: Being an Eastern View of Western Civilization
191825: Peter Dickinson - The Last Houseparty
166306: Helen A. Dickinson - A Treasury of Worship: Hymns, Prayers, and Meditations; Nine Services of Worship from Great Periods in the History of the Christian Church
174012: Marie Dickore - Census for Cincinnati, Ohio, 1817 and Hamilton County, Ohio, Voters' Lists 1798 and 1799
178317: Marie Dickore, ed - General Joseph Kerr of Chillicothe, Ohio: "Ohio's Lost Senator
203744: Gordon R. Dickson - The Dragon and the George
195685: Carter Dickson - Ojet Kan Bedrage
175868: E.L. Didier - The Life and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (a New Memoir by E.L. Didier. ) and Additional Poems
125144: Georges Didier - Desinteressement Du Chretien: La Retribution Dans la Morale de Saint Paul
184933: Joan Didion - Blue Nights
204326: Joan Didion - The Year of Magical Thinking
68204: Henri Didon - Jesus Christus [Vols. I-II]
1275769: Michael Ferdinand Diederichs - The Jurisdiction of the Latin Ordinaries over Their Oriental Subjects
187127: Gabriel Diefenbach - Common Mystic Prayer
182643: Gabriel Diefenbach - Common Mystic Prayer
172001: Charles Diehl - Byzantium: Greatness and Decline
206521: Bernadette Dieker and Jonathan Montaldo, eds - Merton & Hesychasm: The Prayer of the Heart - the Eastern Church
182600: Godfrey Diekmann - Personal Prayer and the Liturgy
202086: Lucretius; Hermann Diels, ed - T. Lucreti Cari: De Rerum Natura / Lukrez: Von Der Natur (2v)
195878: Andre de Dienes - Marilyn Mon Amour: The Private Album of Andre de Dienes, Her Preferred Photographer
188941: Brian J. Dietmeyer with Rob Kaplan - Strategic Negotiation: A Breakthrough 4-Step Process for Effective Business Negotiation
147941: John J. Dietzen - The New Question Box: Catholic Life in a New Century
191069: James DiEugenio - The Jfk Assassination
189546: John Digby - Miss Liberty? 71 Collages by John Digby
24317: The Reader's Digest - America the Beautiful
169185: Reader's Digest - Life Beyond Death
82216: Sister Laurentia Digges - Adam's Haunted Sons
102221: James DiGiacomo - Mission Possible: Where We'Ve Been, Where We'Re Going in High School Religious Education, 1950-2003
98101: Jan van Dijk - The Network Society: Social Aspects of New Media
189783: Maurice Dilasser - The Symbols of the Church
66477: Jean Dilbert - Etat de L'Eglise Catholique Ou Diocese Des Etats-Unis de L'Amerique Septentrionale
111649: Jean Dilhet - Etat de L'Eglise Catholique Ou Diocese Ses Etats-Unis de L'Amerique Septentrionale
195302: Dudley Dillard - The Economics of John Maynard Keynes: The Theory of a Monetary Economy
181241: Earl K. Dille, ed - The Masonic Review of Bruce H. Hunt: A Selection of Material Published in the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M. 1962-1977
94764: J. Dillersberger - Le Mystere de la Virginite
310911: Elizabeth Dilling - The Roosevelt Red Record and Its Background
37479: F.W. Dillistone - Dramas of Salvation
113554: F.W. Dillistone, G.W.H. Lampe (editor), F.H. Maycock, H.E. Symonds, and F.J. Taylor - The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
90062: Eilis Dillon - Rome Under the Emperors
178684: Michael Dillon, ed - China: A Cultural and Historical Dictionary
207541: Catherine Dimier - The Old Testament Apocrypha
149903: Ernest Dimnet - My New World
142441: Ernest Dimnet - My New World
300396: Ernest Dimnet - What We Live by
179640: Max I. Dimont - The Indestructible Jews: An Action-Packed Journey Through 4,000 Years of History
166947: Thomas D. Dinackus - Order of Battle: Allied Ground Forces of Operation Desert Storm
198224: Hilaire Belloc; John Edward Dineen, ed - Selected Essays by Hilaire Belloc
191558: Isak Dinesen - Ehrengard
167269: Flora Dinkines - Introduction to Mathematical Logic: Part II of Elementary Concepts of Modern Mathematics
207239: J.A. Dinoia, O.P. - The Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective
199030: J.A. DiNoia and Romanus Cessario, eds - Veritatis Splendor and the Renewal of Moral Theology
300206: Carolyn Dinshaw and David Wallace - The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Women's Writing
199639: Philip E. Dion - Basic Spiritual Means
1272082: Philip E. Dion - Sister's Vow of Chastity
144930: The Automobile Trade Directory - The Automobile Trade Directory
187041: Aloys Dirksen - A Life of Christ Together with the Four Gospels
66924: Cletus Dirksen - Economic Factors of Delinquency
300235: Aloys Dirksen - Elementary Patrology: The Writings of the Fathers of the Church
193457: Aloys Dirksen - A Life of Christ Together with the Four Gospels
175063: H. Kenneth Dirlam - John Chapman: By Occupation a Gatherer and Planter of Appleseeds
200628: Denis Dirscherl - Dostoevsky and the Catholic Church
51172: Joseph I. Dirvin - Mrs. Seton: Foundress of the American Sisters of Charity
1267080: Joseph I. Dirvin - Mrs. Seton: Foundress of the American Sisters of Charity
147954: Joseph I. Dirvin - Mrs. Seton: Foundress of the American Sisters of Charity
190720: Joseph I. Dirvin - Saint Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal
1230606: Walt Disney - Mickey Mouse and Mother Goose
185270: Paul F. Distler - Vergil and Vergiliana
310947: William T. Ditewig - The Emerging Diaconate: Servant Leaders in a Servant Church
206953: William T. Ditewig with Michael J. Tkacik, eds - Forming Deacons: Ministers of Soul & Leaven
90580: Ditson and Co - Minstel Songs Old and New: A Collection of World-Wide Famous Minstel and Plantation Songs
177430: Howard Dittrack, comp - Pioneer Medicine in the Western Reserve
199300: Parmananda R. Divarkar - Monsoon of the Spirit: Three Decades of Renewal (1965-1995) As Experienced by Parmananda R. Divarkar S.J.
8227: Maud Diver - Lonely Furrow
192174: David Divine - The Nine Days of Dunkirk
179543: The Ohio Historical Records Survey Project Service Division, Work Projects Administration - Parishes of the Catholic Church, Diocese of Cleveland: History and Records
141706: R. R. Diwakar - Satyagraha: The Power of Truth
140751: Dom Gregory Dix - The Shape of the Liturgy
185089: Jeane Dixon - Yesterday, Today, and Forever
198636: Andrew Graham-Dixon - Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel
310824: Thomas Dixon - The Black Hood
310825: Thomas Dixon, Jr. - The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan
310826: Thomas Dixon - The Fall of a Nation: A Sequel to the Birth of a Nation
310827: Thomas Dixon - The Traitor: A Story of the Fall of the Invisible Empire
185733: Pierson Dixon - Farewell, Catullus
190452: Thomas Dixon - The Root of Evil
189899: Suzanne Dixon - Reading Roman Women: Sources, Genres and Real Life
160542: Peter Dixon - Canning: Politician and Statesman
1249911: Franklin W. Dixon - The Shore Road Mystery: Hardy Boys #6
169904: A.C. Dixon - The Bright Side of Life
131135: W. Macneile Dixon - In the Republic of Letters
183174: Rev. Joseph Dixon - General Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures; in a Series of Dissertations, Critical, Hermeneutical, and Historical
185940: John Dizikes - Opera in America: A Cultural History
195131: Milovan Djilas - Njegos: Poet, Prince, Bishop
66004: Maur J. Dlouhy - The Ordination of Exempt Religious: A History and a Commentary
1275814: Maur J. Dlouhy - The Ordination of Exempt Religious
30486: John F. Dobbs - From Bunker Hill to Manila Bay: A Record of Battles
143617: J. Frank Dobie - Tongues of the Monte
174345: J. Frank Dobie - Prefaces
145409: Ernst Doblhofer - Voices in Stone: The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts and Writings
1227788: Louisa Emily Dobrée - Per Parcel Post
97127: John H. Dobson - A Guide to the Book of Exodus
17180: Clive Dobson - Feeding Wild Birds in Winter
207989: Andre Vauchez with Barrie Dobson and Michael Lapidge - Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages I-II
188324: John Berchmans Dockery - They That Build: The Life of Mother Clare of Brentwood
195078: Elizabeth Dockman - The Lady and the Sun
37614: The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - The New Testament
206201: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Proceedings of the Eleventh National and Fourth Inter-American Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Dallas, Texas November 28, 29, 30; December 1, 1961
170861: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - The Confraternity Comes of Age: A Historical Symposium
149315: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - A Catechism of Christian Doctrine: Revised Edition of the Baltimore Catechism No. 2
180646: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible
141871: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - New Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible
1249204: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Proceedings of the National Catechetical Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 1938
70408: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Proceedings of the National Catechetical Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Cincinnati, Oh, November 4-7, 1939
165239: The National Center Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Manual of the Parish Confraternity of Christian Doctrine: Organization and Promotion of Ccd Activity for Priests, Religious, Seminarians, and the Laity
172511: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Translated from the Latin Vulgate
178252: Gyorgy Doczi - The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture
206747: C.H. Dodd - More New Testament Studies
207372: C.H. Dodd - The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments: Three Lectures with an Appendix on Eschatology and History
310150: C.H. Dodd - The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments: Three Lectures with an Appendix on Eschatology and History
196358: William E. Dodd - The Cotton Kingdom (Chronicles of America #27)
189995: A.H. Dodd - Life in Elizabethan England
198191: C.H. Dodd - The Old Testament in the New
81308: C.H. Dodd - The Meaning of Paul for Today
187709: Monroe Dodd - Kansas City: Crime Central; 150 Years of Outlaws, Kidnappers, Mobsters and Their Victims
310804: Philip Doddridge - Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul; Illustrated in a Course of Series and Practical Addresses, Suited to Persons of Every Character and Circumstance with a Devout Meditation, or Prayer, Subjoined to Each Chapter
176755: Harold W. Dodds - Out of This Nettle, Danger. .
172348: Linda Dodds and Carolyn Buan - Portland Then and Now
196203: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume VIII, Part II (May - October 1881)
172274: Christine Huda Dodge - The Everything Understanding Islam Book: A Complete and Easy-to-Read Guide to Muslim Beliefs, Practices, Traditions, and Culture
192064: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXXI, Part II (May-October 1904)
192022: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume VIII (May-October 1881)
196018: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXIII, Part I (November 1895 - April 1896)
196019: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXIII, Part II (May-October 1896)
196017: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXIV, Part I (November 1896 - April 1897)
196204: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XVI, Part I (November 1888 - April 1889)
196205: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXVI, Part I (November 1898 - April 1899)
165943: David O. Dodge and Stephen E. Kyriss - Seamanship: Fundamentals for the Deck Officer
169806: Mary Mapes Dodge - St Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XVI, Part II: May-October 1889
196015: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXV, Part I (November 1897 - April 1898)
196016: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXII, Part I (November 1894 - April 1895)
192061: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXXI, Part I (November 1903 - April 1904)
192029: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXVII, Part II May-October 1900)
176274: Richard Irving Dodge - The Plains of the Great West and Their Inhabitants: Being a Description of the Plains, Game, Indians, &C of the Great North American Desert
192024: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXVI, Part II (May-October 1899)
1235198: J.R. Dodge - Red Men of the Ohio Valley: An Aboriginal History of the Period Commencing A.D. 1650 and Ending at the Treaty of Greenville A.D. 1795
192053: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXIX, Part I (November 1901 - April 1902)
192243: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXXIV, Part I (November 1906 - April 1907)
192244: Mary Mapes Dodge - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XXXIV, Part II (May-October 1907)
172919: Robert J. Dodge - Isolated Splendor: Put-in-Bay and South Bass Island
202807: Aidan Dodson - Monarchs of the Nile
198491: Carrie Doehring - Taking Care: Monitoring Power Dynamics and Relational Boundaries in Pastoral Care and Counseling
146620: Bernard E. Doering - Jacques Maritain and the French Catholic Intellectuals
46776: Gustav Doetsch - Theorie Und Anwendung Der Laplace-Transformation
201227: Maria Dogaru - Aspiratia Poporului Roman Spre Unitate Si Independenta Oglindita in Simbol: Album Heraldic
180134: Dorothy Dohen - Journey to Bethlehem
203016: William J. Doherty, Ph.D. - The Intentional Family: How to Build Family Ties in Our Modern World
189888: Rev. E.F. O'Doherty - Religion and Personality Problems
188517: Eddie Doherty - Matt Talbot
68035: Rev. E.F. O'Doherty - Religion and Personality Problems
198578: Eddie Doherty - I Cover God
207748: Catherine de Hueck Doherty - Poustina: Christian Spirituality of the East for Western Man
162360: Jim Borgman; J. Dennis Doherty, ed - My 25 Years at the Cincinnati Enquirer
198253: Eddie Doherty - My Hay Ain't in
1250010: Eddie Doherty - King of Sinners
182338: Catharine de Hueck Doherty - Strannik: The Call to Pilgrimage for Western Man
182339: Catharine de Hueck Doherty - To Live on an Island
182340: Catharine de Hueck Doherty - Fragments of My Life
182341: Catharine de Hueck Doherty - The Gospel without Compromise
182343: Eddie Doherty - I Cover God
143007: Catherine de Hueck Doherty - Dear Father: A Message of Love to Priests
182342: Catharine de Hueck Doherty - Not without Parables: Stories of Yesterday, Today and Eternity
188399: Catherine de Hueck Doherty - Where Love Is, God Is
194932: Desmond Doig - Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work
182362: Desmond Doig - Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work
206951: Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan - Priests for the Third Millennium
199504: Desiderius Erasmus; John P. Dolan, tr - Handbook of the Miltant Christian
194085: Jay P. Dolan - In Search of an American Catholicism: A History of Religion and Culture in Tension
67680: Rev. Thomas S. Dolan - The See of Peter and the Voice of Antiquity: Critical Notes on Bishop Coxe's Ante-Nicene Fathers
206549: Rev. Albert H. Dolan, O.Carm - Collected Little Flower Works
172439: Jay P. Dolan, ed - The American Catholic Parish: A History from 1850 to the Present, Volume II; Pacific States - Intermountain West - Midwest
174347: J.R. Dolan - The Yankee Peddlers of Early America
172163: Jay P. Dolan - Catholic Revivalism: The American Experience 1830-1900
206823: John P. Dolan - History of the Reformation: A Conciliatory Assessment of Opposite Views
1249900: August Franzen & John P. Dolan - A History of the Church
124295: Jay P. Dolan - The American Catholic Experience: A History from Colonial Times to the Present
198364: Fr. Leo A. Dolan - The Twelve Steps and Catholic Spirituality
207420: Jay P. Dolan and Allan Figueroa Deck, S.J. - Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S. : Issues and Concerns
172531: Jay P. Dolan, ed - The American Catholic Parish: A History from 1850 to the Present, Volume I; Northeast, Southeast, South Central
80673: Bl. Dolaptschiew - Bemerkungen Uber Die Stabilitatsuntersuchungen Der Wirbelstrassen
8202: Nathan Haskell Dole - Famous Composers
168250: G.F. Dole - An Introduction to Swedenborg's Theological Latin
188465: Senator Bob Dole, foreword - An Illustrated History of World War II: Crisis and Courage; Humanity on the Brink
183560: Dolfyn - Crystal Wisdom: Spiritual Properties of Crystals and Gemstones
195875: Susan Doll - Marilyn: Her Life & Legend
150661: James B. Dollard - Poems
1252033: Msgr. Charles Dollen - My Rosary: Its Power and Mystery; a Book of Readings
198151: Rev. Charles Dollin, ed - Prayer Book of the Saints
71819: John J.I. von Dollinger - Christenthum Und Kirche in Der Zeit Der Grundlegung
113438: Hans Dollinger - The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan: A Pictorial History of the Final Days of World War II
199530: Sr. Marian Dolores - Creative Personality in Religious Life
180315: Sister M. Dolorita - Wisdom for Welfare
180530: Oliver Dolphin, tr - The Secrets of the Religious Life Revealed to a Fervent Novice by Her Spiritual Father, a Member of the Society of Jesus
1275136: Dom Bernard Orchard, Rev. Edmund F. Sutcliffe, Rev. Reginald C. Fuller, and Dom Ralph Russell, eds - A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture
310042: Fr. Jerzy M. Domanski - For the Life of the World: : St. Maximilian and the Eucharist
145710: Friedrich Domay - Formenlehre Der Bibliographischen Ermittlung: Eine Einfuhrung in Die Praxis Der Literaturerschliessung
124802: Jean-Marie Domenach and Robert de Montvalon - The Catholic Avant-Garde: French Catholicism Since World War II
204398: Christa Ludwig; Regina Domeraski, trans - In My Own Voice: Memoirs
192670: G. William Domhoff - Who Rules America? Power and Politics in the Year 2000
185154: Placido Domingo - My First Forty Years
193809: Richard H. Dominguez and Robert S. Gajda - Total Body Training
64844: J. Dominian - Christian Marriage: The Challenge of Change
150080: Jack Dominian - Being Jack Dominian: Reflections on Marriage, Sex, and Love
195167: J. Dominian - Psychiatry and the Christian
195063: Jack Dominian - Marital Breakdown
300249: Helen G. Dominian - Apostle of Brazil: The Biography of Padre Jose de Anchieta, S.J. (1534-1597)
70428: Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic - Heralds of the Good News: An Initial Course for the Formation of Christian Catechists
178453: Don Barrett, Trevor Bryce, and Max Kanowski - A Map History of the Ancient World
149106: Don Hossler, John P. Bean, and Associates - The Strategic Management of College Enrollments
206399: Daniel Joseph Donahoe - Early Christian Hymns: Translations of the Verses of the Most Notable Latin Writers of the Early and Middle Ages
196863: John R. Donahue, ed - Life in Abundance: Studies of John's Gospel in Tribute to Raymond E. Brown, S.S.
14640: Jackson Donahue - Divorce American Style
184481: Donald and Idella Gallagher - The Achievement of Jacques and Raissa Maritain: A Bibliography 1906-1961
175039: Donald C. Dickonson, W. David Laird, and Margaret F. Maxwell, comps - Voices from the Southwest: A Gathering in Honor of Lawrence Clark Powell
179775: Donald W. Pary, Jeanette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne - A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography
310817: Donald Senior, et al, eds - The Catholic Study Bible
190840: Donald Senior, et al., eds - The Catholic Study Bible
194251: Donald E. Miller, Graydon F. Snyder, and Robert W. Neff - Using Biblical Simulations
173589: Donald Blumberg, Charles Gill, Robert Heinecken, Ray K. Metzker, Jerry N. Uelsmann, and John Wood; Nathan Lyons, ed - Contemporary Photographers: The Persistence of Vision
140624: Stephen R. Donaldson - The Power That Preserves
181199: Lee A. Donaldson, comp - History of the Order of Elks 1868-1967
162043: Bruce Donaldson - Dutch: A Comprehensive Grammar
63357: Joannes Guilelmus Donaldson - Jashar: Fragmenta Archetypa
187336: Roberto Donati - Die Dolomiten
1275751: J.F. Donceel - Philosophiocal Psychology
199533: Austin Dondero - No Borrowed Light: Mental Health for Religious
190371: Joseph G. Donders - Beyond Jesus: Reflections on the Gospels for the B-Cycle
190368: Joseph G. Donders - The Jesus Community: Reflections on the Gospel for the B-Cycle
190369: Joseph G. Donders - Jesus, the Way: Reflections on the Gospel of Luke
132359: Joseph G. Donders - With Hearts on Fire: Reflections on the Weekday Readings of the Liturgical Year
190370: Joseph G. Donders - Jesus, Heaven on Earth: Reflections on the Gospel for the a-Cycle
190367: Joseph G. Donders - The Jesus Option: Reflections on the Gospel for the C-Cycle
190365: Joseph G. Donders - The Peace of Jesus: Reflections on the Gospel for the a-Cycle
190366: Joseph G. Donders - Jesus, Hope Drawing Near: Reflections on the Gospels for the C-Cycle
1251197: Greg Donegan - Atlantis
35751: D. Doney - Institutionum Philosophicarum Ad Usum Juventutis Praesertimque Seminariorum
196653: Karl Paul Donfried - Paul, Thessalonica, and Early Christianity
188986: Li Dong - Beginner's Chinese Dictionary: Han-Ying Rumen Cidian
203767: Li Dong - Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary
43610: P. Ludwinus van Dongen - De Potestate a Romanis Pontificibus in Constitutionibus Canonis 1125 Exhibita
185001: Gaetano Donizatti - Don Pasquale: An Opera in Three Acts with Italian-English Text
185644: Gaetano Donizetti - Lucia Di Lammermoor
185888: Gaetano Donizetti - L'Elisir D'Amore (the Elixir of Love)
198438: J.P. Donleavy - Fairy Tales of New York
191409: J.P. Donleavy - The Ginger Man
195546: Donna Krier Ioppolo, Marie Breitenbeck, Elissa A. Rinere, and Ronald P. Stake - Confidentiality in the United States: A Legal and Canonical Study
208116: Donna Krier Ioppolo, Marie Breitenbeck, Elissa A. Rinere, and Ronald P. Stake - Confidentiality in the United States: A Legal and Canonical Study
1272671: John Donne - Love Poems Including "Songs and Sonets" and "Elegies
199834: Timothy Terrance O'Donnell - Heart of the Redeemer: An Apologia for the Contemporary and Perennial Value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
65632: Thomas J. O'Donnell - Morals in Medicine
188110: James J. O'Donnell - Augustine
64463: J. Reginald O'Donnell, ed - Nine Mediaeval Thinkers: A Collection of Hitherto Unedited Texts
186813: Julius Caesar; James J. O'Donnell, tr - The War for Gaul: A New Translation
167448: Michael J. O'Donnell - Lift Up Your Hearts: Eucharistic Prayers Based on the Common Lectionary, Years a, B, and C.
142590: James J. O'Donnell - Augustine: A New Biography
95036: Elliott O'Donnell - Eliot O'Donnell's Great Ghost Stories
199835: Timothy Terrance O'Donnell - Heart of the Redeemer: An Apologia for the Contemporary and Perennial Value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
1242864: Peter O'Donnell - Last Day in Limbo
1242866: Peter O'Donnell - Dead Man's Handle
1242867: Peter O'Donnell - The Silver Mistress
1242861: Peter O'Donnell - Cobra Trap
1242862: Peter O'Donnell - Pieces of Modesty
1242863: Peter O'Donnell - The Night of Morningstar
1237162: Peter O'Donnell - The Night of Morningstar: Uncorrected Page Proofs
173188: James J. O'Donnell - The Ruin of the Roman Empire
71670: Charles P. O'Donnell, ed - The Church in the World
1246335: R.R. Donnelley - The Lakeside Classics 1903-2019: Complete 117-Volume Set
176756: RR Donnelley - The Printer: Fall 1989 (125th Anniversary Issue)
144756: Francis P. Donnelly - Mustard Seed: Some Pungent Paragraphs
197201: Robert Bellarmine; John Patrick Donnelly and Roland J. Teske, tr - Spiritual Writings
188526: Joseph P. Donnelly - Jacques Marquette, S.J. 1637-1675
105907: Joseph P. Donnelly - Pierre Gibault Missionary 1737-1802
197426: Nicholas Point; Joseph P. Donnelly, tr - Wilderness Kingdom: Indian Life in the Rocky Mountains: 1840-1847; the Journals and Paintings of Nicolas Point, S.J.
182673: Sr. Gertrude Joseph Donnelly - The Sister Apostle
32273: Eleanor C. Donnnelly - Poems
194856: William E. Donoghue - William E. Donoghue's Mutual Fund Superstars: Invest in the Best, Forget About the Rest
207879: The Rev. Monsignor Robert J. Donohoe - Monsignor Donohoe: A Memoir
188584: James A. O'Donohoe - Tridentine Seminary Legislation: Its Sources and Its Formation
199130: John R. Donohue and Daniel J. Harrington - Sacra Pagina: The Gospel of Mark
207191: John O'Donohue - Benedictus: A Book of Blessings
32259: James J. Donohue - Exile in the Stars
208087: Patrick J. Donovan - Using the Remote to Channel Jesus: 50 Movie Clips for Ministry
167074: Mary S. Donovan - Women Priests in the Episcopal Church: The Experience of the First Decade
189475: John F. Donovan - The Pagoda and the Cross: The Life of Bishop Ford of Maryknoll
178904: Claire Donovan - The Winchester Bible
189062: John F. Donovan - The Pagoda and the Cross: The Life of Bishop Ford of Maryknoll
172249: Leo J. O'Donovan, ed - A World of Grace: An Introduction to the Themes and Foundations of Karl Rahner's Theology
65995: Rev. John Thomas Donovan - The Clerical Obligations of Canons 138 and 140: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary
197132: Mary Ann Donovan - One Right Reading? a Guide to Irenaeus
182587: Leo J. O'Donovan and T. Howland Sanks, eds - Faithful Witness: Foundations of Theology for Today's Church
199079: Daniel Donovan - Preparing for Worship: Sundays and Feast Days, Cycles a, B, and C.
1275768: John Thomas Donovan - The Clerical Obligations of Canons 138 and 140
188284: John F. Donovan - The Pagoda and the Cross: The Life of Bishop Ford of Maryknoll
165132: Mary Sudman Donovan - A Different Call: Women's Ministries in the Episcopal Church, 1850-1920
189493: John F. Donovan - The Pagoda and the Cross: The Life of Bishop Ford of Maryknoll
148280: Mary Terese Donze - Teresa of Avila
145657: Marc Donze - La Pauvrete Comme Don de Soi: Essais Sur Maurice Zundel
193819: Leonard W. Doob - Social Psychology: An Analysis of Human Behavior
179602: Alton F. Doody, Jr. - Reinventing Funeral Service, Volume I. Product Merchandising
310167: Helen Leonard Doohan - Prayer in the New Testament: Make Your Requests Known to God
310191: Leonard Doohan - Laity's Mission in the Local Church: Setting a New Direction
199157: Fr. Aegidius Doolan - Philosophy for the Layman
178794: Rev. L.M. Dooley - That Motherly Mother of Guadalupe
187167: Thomas A. Dooley - The Night They Burned the Mountain
126313: Reverend L.M. Dooley, ed - Further Discourses on the Holy Ghost
102113: Father Dooley - It Is I.
195079: Lester M. Dooley - Fatima and You
203437: Dennis J. Doolin and Robert C. North - The Chinese People's Republic
203438: Dennis J. Doolin - Territorial Claims in the Sino-Soviet Conflict: Documents & Analysis
197937: William J. Doorly - Prophet of Justice: Understanding the Book of Amos
205955: William J. Doorly - The Religion of Israel: A Short History
193962: William J. Doorly - Isaiah of Jerusalem: An Introduction
67174: Dr. N.G.M. van Doornik - The Meeting with Christ: A Layman's Guide to Catholic Faith Today
186269: N.G.M. van Doornik, Rev. S. Jelsma, and Rev. A. van de Lisdonk - A Handbook of the Catholic Faith: The Triptych of the Kingdom
141847: Robert M. Doran - Object and Psyche: Ricoeur, Jung, and the Search for Foundations
1241179: Amanda Jane Doran, ed - More Pick of Punch
199056: Robert Doran - Temple Propaganda: The Purpose and Character of 2 Maccabees
187714: Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy - Saint Dominic's Family: Lives and Legends
205932: Howard Fast; Carl Van Doren, intro - Citizen Tom Paine
16541: Carl Van Doren - James Branch Cabell
183783: Carl Van Doren - The Great Rehearsal: The Story of the Making and Ratifying of the Constitution of the United States
149228: Mark Van Doren, comp - The Night of the Summer Solstice & Other Stories of the Russian War
180061: T.A. Dorey, ed - Erasmus
182728: T.A. Dorey, ed - Latin Historians
180972: T.A. Dorey, ed - Livy
173493: T.A. Dorey, ed - Latin Historians
205508: Doris Bryant, Judy Kessler, and Lynda Shirar - The Family Inside: Working with the Multiple
62749: Pierre Dornier, ed - La Sainte Bible: A Timothee Et a Tite
196876: Loretta Dornisch - A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke
207595: Donal Dorr - Option for the Poor: A Hundred Years of Vatican Social Teaching
199708: Donal Dorr - Faith at Work: A Spirituality of Leadership
207588: Donald Dorr - Option for the Poor and for the Earth Catholic Social Teaching
207587: Donald Dorr - Option for the Poor and for the Earth from Leo XIII to Pope Francis
195651: Paul Dorris - Irish Phrase Book
189704: Robert W. Dorsey, ed - Architecture and Construction in Cincinnati: A Guide to Buildings, Designers and Builders, Volume One
179005: David A. Dorsey - The Roads and Highways of Ancient Israel
164337: Stephen P. Dorsey - Early English Churches in America 1607-1807
67388: Theodore H. Dorsey - From a Far Country: The Conversion Story of a Campaigner for Christ
195133: Richard M. Dorson, ed - America Rebels: Narratives of the Patriots
196379: Helen Doss - The Family Nobody Wanted
193415: P.A. de Doss - The Pearl Among the Virtues or Words of Advice to Christian Youth
194538: Leon Dostert with Jacqueline Lindenfeld - Francais, Cours Moyen: Civilisation
1268914: Fedor Dostoiewski (Fyodor Dostoevsky) - Los Hermanos Karamazov [Spanish Translation of the Brothers Karamazov]
198308: Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
206857: William L. Doty - Encountering Christian Crises
180313: Rev. William L. Doty - Pathways to Personal Peace
125404: William L. Doty - Trends and Counter-Trends Among American Catholics
199636: Rev. William L. Doty - Pathways to Personal Peace
113423: Anne Frank; B.M. Mooyaart-Doubleday, trans - Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
207188: Lyn Holley Doucet - Healing Troubled Hearts: Daily Spiritual Exercises
206523: Bishop Stephen Hector Doueihi, S.T.D. - The Maronite Pontifical
195338: Stephen Hector Doueihi - Eastern Catholics: In the Land of Their Origins and of Migration
203855: Alastair Dougall, ed - The Dc Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the Dc Universe
198724: Rev. John M. Dougherty - Unto the Altar of God: A Spiritual Commentary on the Pontifical
188744: Rev. John M. Dougherty - Reflections on the Liturgy of the Sunday Masses
125408: John M. Dougherty - Unto the Altar of God: A Spiritual Commentary on the Pontifical
66188: Ioanne Whelan Iosepho Doughterty - De Inquisitione Speciali
32235: Paul Doughty - Huaylas: An Andean District in Search of Progress
310258: Norman Douglas - South Wind
145430: Norman Douglas - South Wind
131617: James Douglas - Theodore Watts-Dunton: Poet, Novelist, Critic
206268: Mary Douglas - Leviticus As Literature
189338: David Douglas - The Mayan Prophecy 2012: The Mayan Calendar and the End of Time
194378: J.D. Douglas, et al., eds - The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Parts 1-3
132413: William O. Douglas - Exploring the Himalaya
310535: J.D. Douglas, et al., eds - The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Volumes 1-3
205501: Ann Douglas - Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s
185675: Murray Douglas and Chippy Irvine - Brunschwig & Fils Style
179780: Kyan Douglas - Beautified: Secrets for Women to Look Great and Feel Fabulous
108482: General Sir Howard Douglas - A Treatise on Naval Gunnery
194003: Alfred Douglas - How to Consult the I Ching
18429: John Douglas - A Letter Addressed to Two Great Men on the Prospect of Peace
169541: Norman Douglas - Birds and Beasts of the Greek Anthology
169774: Philip Douglas - Saint of Philadelphia: The Life of Bishop John Neumann (1811-1860)
190038: Winfred Douglas - Church Music in History and Practice: Studies in the Praise of God
300384: Paul F. Douglass - The Story of German Methodism: Biography of an Immigrant Soul
126103: Jane Dempsey Douglass - Women, Freedom, and Calvin
195153: Jacques Douillet - What Is a Saint
140929: Henry Doulcet - Essai Sur Les Rapports de L'Eglise Chretienne Avec L'Etat Romain Pendant Les Trois Premiers Siecles
94736: Joachim M. Dourche - La Vierge Toute Sainte
187440: John P. Dourley - The Illness That We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity
187444: John P. Dourley - The Psyche As Sacrament: A Comparative Study of C.G. Jung and Paul Tillich
1275732: John P. Dourley - Love, Celibacy and the Inner Marriage
177710: Mary Douthit - 1982... And All That
203804: Meir Ben-Dov - In the Shadow of the Temple: The Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem
197127: Alexis James Doval - Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagogue: The Authorship of the Mystagogic Catecheses
182722: K.J. Dover - Thucydides, Book VI
200031: K. J. Dover - Greek and the Greeks: Collected Papers Volume I: Language, Poetry, Drama
182721: K.J. Dover - Thucydides, Book VII
192066: Grove Samuel Dow with Edgar B. Wesley - Social Problems of Today
200216: George Francis Dow - Slave Ships and Slaving
186405: Anthony S. Mercatante; James R. Dow, rev - The Facts on File Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Volumes I-II
183469: Carol L. Dow - Sarava! Afro-Brazilian Magick
192560: Douglas Dowd - Capitalism and Its Economics: A Critical History
192551: Douglas Dowd - Against the Conventional Wisdom: A Primer for Current Economic Controversies and Proposals
192559: Douglas F. Dowd - The Broken Promises of America at Home and Abroad, Past and Present, Volumes 1-2
300191: William A. Dowd, S.J. - The Gospel Guide: A Practical Introduction to the Gospels
192549: Douglas F. Dowd - Modern Economic Problems in Historical Perspective
192550: Douglas Dowd - Inequality and the Global Economic Crisis
66422: Sister M. Amadeus Dowd - Changes in Moral Reasoning Through the High School Years
192558: Doug Dowd - At the Cliff's Edge: World Problems and U.S. Power
192998: Douglas F. Dowd - The Twisted Dream: Capitalist Development in the United States Since 1776
192999: Doug Dowd - Blues for America: A Critique, a Lament, and Some Memories
192552: Douglas Dowd - The Waste of Nations: Dysfunction in the World Economy
310677: Launcelot D. Dowdall - Pithy Thoughts for Pulpit Teaching: Selected from Old Divines and Other Writers
165665: John Dowden - The Workmanship of the Prayer Book in Its Literary and Liturgical Aspects
171972: Clifford Dowdey - Lee's Last Campaign: The Story of Lee and His Men Against Grant - 1864
130698: Jan S. Dower - Last Tiger out: The True Story of Dan Maukar - Ace Pilot in the Indonesian Air Force
194445: Tim Dowley, ed - Introduction to the History of Christianity
178353: Jack Vance; Terry Dowling and Jonathan Strahan, eds - The Jack Vance Reader: Emphyrio, the Languages of Pao, the Domains of Koryphon
186737: Sr. Dolores Dowling - In Your Midst: The Story of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
186668: Sr. Dolores Dowling - In Your Midst: The Story of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
175972: Keith Dowman and Sonam Paljor, trans - The Divine Madman: The Sublime Life and Songs of Drupka Kunley
189343: Larry Downes and Chunka Mui - Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance
149488: David A. Downes - Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Study of His Ignatian Spirit
180040: Glanville Downey - Justinian and the Imperial Office
201530: Michael Downey - Clothed in Christ: The Sacraments and Christian Living
201567: Michael Downey and Richard Fragomeni, eds - A Promise of Presence
182385: Michael Downey - Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality
147754: Glanville Downey - Constantinople in the Age of Justinian
199946: Michael Downey and Richard Fragomeni, eds - A Promise of Presence: Studies in Honor of David N. Power, O.M. I.
1239595: Michael Downey - Trappist: Living in the Land of Desire
207220: Michael Downey - The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality
200815: Fairfax Downey - Portrait of an Era As Drawn by C.D. Gibson
198909: Tom Downs - A Journey to Self Through Dialogue
168196: Patrick Downs and Debra Weiss - So You Think You'Re Good at Trivia
165785: Roy W. Doxey - The Doctrine and Covenants and the Future
192885: Jack Doyle - Altered Harvest: Agriculture, Genetics, and the Fate of the World's Food Supply
205924: A. Conan Doyle - The Doings of Raffles Haw and Other Stories
192976: Rodger P. Doyle and James L. Redding - The Complete Food Handbook
192498: Jack Doyle - Trespass Against Us: Dow Chemical & the Toxic Century
194835: Francis X. Doyle - The Home World: Friendly Counsels for Home-Keeping Hearts
207756: Fletcher Doyle - Natural Family Planning Blessed Our Marriage: Nineteen True Stories
187060: Charles Hugo Doyle - Guidance in Spiritual Direction
197840: Stephen C. Doyle - Apocalypse: A Catholic Perspective on the Book of Revelation
195383: A. Conan Doyle - Micah Clarke, His Statement As Made to His Three Grandchildren, Joseph, Gervas and Reuben, During the Hard Winter of 1734
201542: Dennis M. Doyle - The Church Emerging from Vatican II: A Popular Approach to Contemporary Catholicism
189979: Charles Hugo Doyle - The Life of Pope Pius XII
207311: Stephen C. Doyle - The Acts of Jesus' Apostles
149483: A. Conan Doyle - Rodney Stone
169167: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Volumes I-II
195220: Charles Hugo Doyle - Sins of Parents: Counsels on Marriage and Youth Guidance
191155: A. Conan Doyle - The Return of Sherlock Holmes
194301: Stephen Doyle - The Pilgrim's New Guide to the Holy Land
198294: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Micah Clarke
195964: Charles Hugo Doyle - Blame No One But Yourself! Marriage Counsels to Teen-Agers and to All Those Contemplating Wedlock
194593: Thomas P. Doyle, ed - Marriage Studies: Reflections in Canon Law and Theology, Volume III
194536: Thomas P. Doyle, ed - Marriage Studies: Reflections in Canon Law and Theology, Volume I.
183136: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The White Company
189490: Fr. Alan Doyle, comp - The Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers, Taiwan 1951-2010: A Collection of 53 Papers
1249135: Sister St. Ignatius Doyle - Marguerite Bourgeoys and Her Congregation
188778: Yves L. Doz and Gary Hamel - Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value Through Partnering
1232879: Gardner Dozois, ed - The Year's Best Science Fiction 2006
183788: Henry Sinclair Drago - The Steamboaters: From the Early Side-Wheelers to the Big Packets
199303: Antonio Dragon - Miguel Augustin Pro of the Society of Jesus, Martyr of Christ the King: Executed in Mexico November 23, 1927
189424: Antonio Dragon - Miguel Augustin Pro of the Society of Jesus: Martyr of Christ the King, Executed in Mexico November 23, 1927
184474: Dana B. Drake - Don Quixote (1894-1970): A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Volume One
193596: B. Drake and E.D. Mansfield - Cincinnati in 1826
1253305: Benjamin Drake and E.B. Mansfield - Cincinnati in 1826
175087: Benjamin Drake - The Life and Adventures of Black Hawk: With Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the Late Black Hawk War
185673: Jamie Drake - Jamie Drake's New American Glamour
1233660: David Drake - A Collection of 52 Items, All Personally Inscribed by Drake
204399: James A. Drake - Rosa Ponselle: A Centenary Biography
204415: James A. Drake and Kristin Beall Ludecke, eds - Lily Pons: A Centennial Portrait
184851: James A. Drake - Richard Tucker: A Biography
203357: Terrance S. Drake, M.D., Marvia Brown Drake - Teaching Your Child About Sex
194361: John Drane - Wind and Fire: Spreading the Message of Jesus
198204: [Sr. Augusta Theodosia Drane] - Songs in the Night and Other Poems
199464: Brian Draper - La Inteligencia Espiritual: Un Muevo Modo de Ser
206841: James T. Draper, Jr. - Hebrews: The Life That Pleases God
1250843: Elizabeth F. Draper - Widows and Wives and Girls of Affairs
66246: Rev. Victor Drees - The Effects of Practice on Memory Performance
184151: Victor Drees - A Pictorial Explanation of the Seven Sacraments
177552: Daniel L. Dreisbach, ed - Religion and Politics in the Early Republic: Jasper Adams and the Church-State Debate
205922: Theodore Dreiser - The Titan
190344: Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie
170826: Thodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie
34356: Theodore Dreiser - The Haunts of Bayard Taylor" in Munsey's Magazine, 1897-1898
310842: Theodore Dreiser - The Color of a Great City
171468: Lou Drendel - Tac: A Pictorial History of the Usaf Tactical Air Forces 1970-1977
173792: Lou Drendel - F-14 Tomcat in Action
15030: Jasmine Stone Van Dresser - The Little Pink Pig and the Big Road: And Other Exciting Adventures
141064: F.M. Dreves - Spreading the Faith
54418: Guido Maria Dreves - Ein Wort Zur Gesangbuch-Frage
202108: Katherine Fischer Drew, tr - The Burgundian Code: Book of Constitutions or Law of Gundobad; Additional Enactments
170757: A.J. Drew - Wicca for Men: A Handbook for Male Pagans Seeking a Spiritual Path
196806: Elizabeth A. Dreyer - Holy Power, Holy Presence: Rediscovering Medieval Methaphors for the Holy Spirit
198235: Alfred Dreyfus - Five Years of My Life 1894-1899
199067: Patricia Morrison Driedger - Our Sacramental Life: Living and Worshiping in Christ (Textbook & Teacher's Manual)
200195: Howard R. Driggs - Westward America
203949: Jan Willem Drijvers and David Hunt, eds - The Late Roman World and Its Historian: Interpreting Ammianus Marcellinus
198040: Pius Drijvers - The Psalms: Their Structure and Meaning
113224: Frederick Drimmer - Until You Are Dead... The Book of Executions in America
197808: Robert F. Drinan - The Mobilization of Shame: A World View of Human Rights
193775: Francis H. Drinkwater - Telling the Good News: Reflections on Religion and Education
195985: Rev. F.H. Drinkwater - Readings & Addresses for the Holy Hour and Other Occasions
207370: F.H. Drinkwater - Another Two Hundred Sermon Notes
193048: Richard Drinnon - Rebel in Paradise: A Biography of Emma Goldman
125537: Proinsias O Drisceoil - Culture in Ireland- Regions: Identity and Power
166761: Herbert O'Driscoll - Prayers for the Breaking of Bread: Meditations on the Collects of the Church Year
196724: Martha E. Driscoll - Reading between the Lines: The Hidden Wisdom of Women in the Gospels
196596: Mary O'Driscoll - Catherine of Siena
196096: Jeremy Driscoll - What Happens at Mass
184649: Edwin D. Driver - The Sociology and Anthropology of Mental Illness: A Reference Guide
184351: Edwin D. Driver - The Sociology and Anthropology of Mental Illness: A Reference Guide
199012: S.R. Driver - An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament
162821: S.R. Driver - A Treatise on the Use of Tenses in Hebrew and Some Other Syntactical Questions
189341: Jack M. Driver - The Vatican: Conspiracies, Codes, and the Catholic Church
163308: John Driver - Radical Faith: An Alternative History of the Christian Church
183348: Tom F. Driver - The Magic of Ritual: Our Need for Liberating Rites That Transform Our Lives and Our Communities
199483: William Droel - Full-Time Christians: The Real Challenge from Vatican II
124317: Marc Drogin - Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique
103928: Peter Dronke - Fabula: Explorations Into the Use of Myth in Medieval Platonism
150565: Brother Edmond G. Drouin - The School Question: A Bibliography on Church-State Relationships in American Education 1940-1960
199633: Francis M. Drouin - The Sounding Solitude: Meditations for Religious Women
187729: Michael D.C. Drout, ed - J.R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment
206148: Henri de Lubac; Alexander Dru, tr - The Discovery of God
162864: Malka Drucker - Celebrating Life: Jewish Rites of Passage
195902: Johanna Drucker - The Alphabetic Labyrinth: The Letters in History and Imagination
205564: Gilbert Achcar; Peter Drucker, trans - The Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder
185611: Douglas W. Druick and Peter Kort Zegers with Britt Salvesen - Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South
66068: William Martin Drumm - Hospital Chaplains: An Historical Synopsis and Commentary
177163: Emma Drummond - Some Far Elusive Dawn
200263: James Drummond - The Life and Letters of James Martineau, Volumes I-II
300393: Henry Drummond - The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses
168763: Nevill Drury - The History of Magic in the Modern Age: A Quest for Personal Transformation
81241: Ronan Drury, ed - Preaching
183307: Nevill Drury - The Occult Experience: Magic in the New Age
177663: Rev. A.W. Drury - The Life of Rev. Philip William Otterbein: Founder of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ
131244: John Drury - Old Illinois Houses
200843: Clifford Merrill Drury - Presbyterian Panorama: One Hundred and Fifty Years of National Missions History
181754: Janet Flanner; Irving Drutman, ed - Janet Flanner's World: Uncollected Writings 1932-1975
205568: Lee Drutman and Charlie Cray - The People's Business: Controlling Corporations and Restoring Democracy
126057: John D. Drysdale - The Price of Revival
204406: David Dubal - Evenings with Horowitz: A Personal Portrait
207965: A.M. Dubarle - The Biblical Doctrine of Original Sin
62808: A-M. Dubarle - Lectio Divina 20: Le Peche Originel Dans L'Ecripture
62792: A.-M. Dubarle - Lectio Divina 1: Les Sages D'Israel
64919: A.M. Dubarle - Love and Fruitfulness in the Bible
182644: Thomas Dubay - Authenticity: A Biblical Theology of Discernment
198780: Musa W. Dube - Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible
192690: Martin Duberman - Left out: The Politics of Exclusion; Essays 1964-2002
185399: Martin Bauml Duberman - Paul Robeson
185511: Rotislav Dubinsky - Stormy Applause: Making Music in a Worker's State
173635: F. Dubner - C. Julii Caesaris Commentarii: De Bellis Gallico Et CIVILI, Aliorum de Bellis Alexandrino, Africano Et Hispaniensi. (Tomus Primus)
300302: Rev. Alain-Marie Duboin - The Life and Message of Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity, Poor Clare of Jerusalem (1901-1942)
183990: Theodora McCormick DuBois - Captive of Rome
94766: Albert Dubois - Notre-Dame de la Providence: Son Histoire Et Son Culte
194280: Marguerite-Marie Dubois - Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais / English-French Dictionary
108151: Marguerite-Marie Dubois - La Chronique D'Ingulf: Haut Faits Et Mefaits Des Vikings En Angleterre Medievale
207164: Rene Dubos - A God Within
199659: Jean-Guy Dubuc - Brother Andre: Friend of the Suffering, Apostle of Saint Joseph
1251919: Georges Duby - The Age of the Cathedrals: Art and Society 980-1420
110854: Georges Duby - Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages
69549: Most Rev. Francis Borgongini-Duca - The Word of God: A Series of Short Meditations on the Sunday Gospels
198114: Rev. F. Borgongini Duca - Messianic Chronology in Daniel
40990: Msgr. Francis Borgongini-Duca, S.T.D. - The Word of God: Short Meditations on the Gospel
180199: Rev. Francis Borgongini-Duca - The Word of God: A Series of Short Meditations on the Sunday Gospels
1249134: Rev. P. Duchaussois - Mid Snow and Ice: The Apostles of the North-West
185125: Peter Duchin with Charles Michener - Ghost of a Chance: A Memoir
62898: Walter Duckat - Beggar to King: All the Occupations of Biblical Times
151199: Walter Duckat - Beggar to King: All the Occupations of Biblical Times
197758: Eleanor Shipley Duckett - Saint Dunstan of Canterbury: A Study of Monastic Reform in the Tenth Century
189998: Eleanor Shipley Duckett - Carolingian Portraits: A Study in the Ninth Century
198419: Eleanor Shipley Duckett - Carolingian Portraits: A Study in the Ninth Century
183050: Ian Duckett - Short & Sharp: The Guide to Natural Bodybuilding
72530: Eleanor Shipley Duckett - The Gateway to the Middle Ages: Monasticism
145593: Louis Timbal-Duclaux - L'Expression Ecrite: Ecrire Pour Communiquer
1249896: Sr. M. Frederica Dudine - The Castle on the Hill: Centennial History of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand Indiana 1867-1967
179931: Jon Dudlak - Project Gotham Racing: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
90107: Paul Dudon - Lamennais Et le Saint-Siege 1820-1854
207802: William J. La Due, J.C.D. - The Chair of Saint Peter: A History of the Papacy
142271: William J. La Due - The Trinity Guide to the Trinity
206096: Nan Duerling - The Word & You a Lectionary-Based Exploration of the Bible Volume 1 (from Proper 18, Year B, to Proper 16, Year C)
24949: Jacques Duesberg - Les Juridictions Scabinales En Flandre Et En Lotharingie Au Moyen-Age
62726: Hilaire Duesberg and Paul Auvray, eds - La Sainte Bible: Le Livre Des Proverbes
62730: Hilaire Duesberg and Paul Auvray, eds - La Sainte Bible: Le Livre de L'Ecclesiastique
199274: Wilfrid J. Dufault - The Spiritual Legacy of Emmanuel D'Alzon
160398: James H. Duff - Not for Publication: Landscapes, Still Lifes, and Portraits by N.C. Wyeth
1249228: Frank Duff - Miracles on Tap
201655: Felix D. Duffey, ed - The Ave Maria Catholic Home Weekly, Vol. 79
150672: Felix D. Duffey - With Anxious Care
201611: Felix D. Duffey, ed - The Ave Maria Catholic Home Weekly Vol. 78
207566: Michael K. Duffey - Sowing Justice, Reaping Peace: Case Studies of Racial, Religious, and Ethnic Healing Around the World
201654: Felix D. Duffey, ed - The Ave Maria Catholic Home Weekly, Vol. 80
201610: Felix D. Duffey, ed - The Ave Maria Catholic Home Weekly Vol. 77
149353: Eamon Duffy - Marking the Hours: English People and Their Prayers 1240-1570
188108: Eamon Duffy - The Voices of Morebath: Reformation and Rebellion in an English Village
201563: Regis A. Duffy, ed - Aleternative Futures for Worship, Vol. 1: General Introduction
142403: Eamon Duffy - Marking the Hours: English People and Their Prayers 1240-1570
1279589: Eamon Duffy - The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England C. 1400-C. 1580
310436: Stephen J. Duffy - The Graced Horizon: Nature and Grace in Modern Catholic Thought
199218: T. Gavan Duffy - Mission Tours -- Africa: Let's Go!
184094: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Resurrection and the Message of Easter
48: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Dictionary of the New Testament
202483: Xavier Leon-Dufour, ed - Dictionary of Biblical Theology
169463: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Resurrection and the Message of Easter
310157: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Life and Death in the New Testament: The Teachings of Jesus and Paul
186982: Xavier Leon-Dufour - The Gospels and the Jesus of History
197736: Xavier Leon-Dufour - To Act According to the Gospel
1214921: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Dictionary of the New Testament
198859: Xavier Leon-Dufour, ed - Dictionary of Biblical Theology
310511: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Vocabulario de Teologia Biblica
1275838: Xavier Leon-Dufour - Dictionary of Biblical Theology
199469: Pierre Dufoyer - Building a Happy Marriage
199884: Kate Dugan and Jennifer Owens, ed - From the Pews in the Back: Young Women and Catholicism
126659: Ellen Dugan - Elements of Witchcraft: Natural Magick for Teens
1227349: Sir William Dugdale - A Short View of the Late Troubles in England
197196: Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan and Tina Pippin, eds - Mother Goose, Mother Jones, Mommie Dearest: Biblical Mothers and Their Children
199516: Michael W. Duggan - The Consuming Fire: A Christian Guide to the Old Testament
207113: Rev. Michael Duggan - The Consuming Fire: A Christian Introduction to the Old Testament
4575: Alfred Duggan - God and My Right
192119: Alfred Duggan - The Right Line of Cerdic
7781: Alfred Duggan - The Lady for Ransom
7782: Alfred Duggan - The King of Athelney
7805: Alfred Duggan - Founding Fathers
1241857: Alfred Duggan - My Life for My Sheep
1243641: Alfred Duggan - The Cunning of the Dove
160825: Alfred Duggan - My Life for My Sheep
188691: Pat Duggins - Final Countdown: Nasa and the End of the Space Shuttle Program
145760: Genevieve Duhamelet - Benie Entre Toutes Les Femmes
193637: Joseph Duhr - The Glorious Assumption of the Mother of God
187762: Joseph Duhr - The Glorious Assumption of the Mother of God
144413: William J. Duiker - Cultures in Collision: The Boxer Rebellion
176124: Rick Duiven and Dan-San Abbott - Schlactflieger! Germany and the Origins of Air/Ground Support 1916-1918
175751: Paul M. Duke, ed - Nobs: The First Ten Years; a Special Keepsake Edition of Nobs Newsletter
207858: Robert W. Duke - The Sermon As God's Word: Theologies for Preaching
184369: Sam Duker - Listening Bibliography
197806: Burton Dulce and Edward J. Richter - Religion and the Presidency: A Recurring American Problem
203695: Stephen Van Dulken - Inventing the 20th Century: 100 Inventions That Changed the World, from the Airplane to the Zipper
194673: Avery Dulles - A Testimonial to Grace
201362: Avery Dulles - Models of the Church
150673: Avery Dulles - The Survival of Dogma
164584: Avery Dulles - Church Membership As a Catholic and Ecumenical Problem
189409: Avery Dulles - Revelation and the Quest for Unity
188564: Avery Dulles - The Reshaping of Catholicism: Current Challenges in the Theology of the Church
87945: Avery Dulles - Myth Bibical Revelation and Christ
199258: Avery Cardinal Dulles - Who Can Be Saved
182660: Avery Dulles - Models of the Church
194178: Avery Dulles - The Priestly Office: A Theological Reflection
196020: Alexandre Dumas - Twenty Years After: A Historical Romance
147038: Andre Dumas - Nommer Dieu
195384: Alexander Dumas - The Man in the Iron Mask
181717: Ann Dumas and David A. Brenneman - Degas and America: The Early Collectors
169776: Demetrius R. Dumm - A Mystical Portrait of Jesus: New Perspectives on John's Gospel
202083: Aelred de Rievaulx; Charles Dumont, ed - La Vie de Recluse / la Priere Pastorale
67745: C.J. Dumont, O.P. - Approaches to Christian Unity: Doctrine and Prayer
181384: E. Dumonthier - Bois de Siege
206807: Heinrich Dumoulin and John C. Maraldo, eds - Buddhism in the Modern World
123584: Heinrich Dumoulin - A History of Zen Buddhism
183317: Heinrich Dumoulin - Zen Buddhism: A History, Volume 2: Japan
202450: Charles MacKinnon of Dunakin - The Oberver's Book of Heraldry
187378: Marcel Dunan, ed - Larousse Encyclopedia of Ancient and Medieval History
187379: Marcel Dunan, ed - Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History
198502: Maurice Dunand - Byblos: Son Histoire, Ses Ruines, Ses Legendes
178209: Francoise Dunand and Rocher Lichtenberg - Mummies and Death in Egypt
37921: Nicolas Dunas - Connaissance de la Foi
174109: Paul Laurence Dunbar - W'En de Colo'Ed Ban' Comes Ma'Chin' Down de Street" in the Saturday Evening Post
1237064: Paul Laurence Dunbar - Majors and Minors
191041: Carl O. Dunbar - Historical Geology
161475: Rev. Henry Duncan - Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons; Illustrating the Perfections of God in the Phenomena of the Year. Summer
192125: Bob Duncan - If It Moves, Salute It
198138: A.S. Duncan, G.R. Dunstan, and R.B. Welbourn, eds - Dictionary of Medical Ethics
142603: Elmer H. Duncan - Soren Kierkegaard
145714: Alastair Duncan and Georges de Bartha - Art Nouveau and Art Deco Bookbinding: The French Masterpieces 1880-1940
144371: Duncan Macpherson, Nicholas Lash, and Bernard Robinson - Luke
1247985: Paul Duncan, ed - The James Bond Archives 007
188712: David Ewing Duncan - Calendar: Humanity's Epic Struggle to Determine a True and Accurate Year
27440: Petrus G. Duncker - Compendium Grammaticae Linguae Hebraicae Biblicae
102281: J.W. Dungey - Cosmic Electrodynamics
200452: Allison Dunham and Philip B. Kurland, eds - Mr. Justice
195231: Kymberly A. Dunlap - Saint Mary's College: Her Memories Beyond the Avenue
1919: William Dunlap - A Narrative of the Events Which Followed Bonaparte's Campaign in Russia
206376: Judith Dunlap - Bringing Home the Gospel: A Weekly Journal for Catholic Parents - the Year of Luke
197019: Olga Dunlop, tr - The Living God: A Catechism for the Christian Faith, Volume 2
1210679: John Colin Dunlop - History of Prose Fiction: Vols. I-II
203460: Paul H. Dunn - Win If You Will: Thirteen Winners Show How
203454: Paul H. Dunn, Richard M. Eyre - Life Planning
203112: Susan Dunn - 1940: Fdr, Wilkie, Lindbergh, Hitler - the Election and the Storm
203458: Paul H. Dunn, Cherie B. Parker - You Too Can Teach
203464: Paul H. Dunn, Richard M. Eyre - Goals
42590: Archibald J. Dunn - Frederic Ozanam and the Establishment of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
207266: James D.G. Dunn and John W. Rogerson - Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible
207905: Joseph Dunn - The Rest of Us Catholics: The Loyal Opposition
203461: Paul H. Dunn - Anxiously Engaged
203462: Paul H. Dunn - The Light of Liberty
203463: Paul H. Dunn - Success Is. .
184386: Richard J. Dunn - David Copperfield: An Annotated Bibliography
203466: Paul H. Dunn and Maurine Ward - Look at Your World
203455: Paul H. Dunn, Maurine Ward - Look at Your World
203467: Paul H. Dunn - No Greater Gift: Understanding the Atonement of Jesus Christ
189316: Sheila Dunn - Strange Tales of Hampton Court
163524: C.J. Dunn and S. Yanada - Japanese
145460: Esther Cloudman Dunn - The Literature of Shakespeare's England
187559: Ted Dunn - Graced Crossroads: Pathways to Deep Change & Transformation
203500: Loren C. Dunn - This I Know
198088: James D.G. Dunn - Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry Into the Character of Earliest Christianity
177601: J.P. Dunn - Massacres of the Mountains: A History of the Indian Wars of the Far West
203482: Paul H. Dunn - I Challenge You... I Promise You... . Volume II
203477: Paul H. Dunn, Maurine Ward - Dimensions of Life
203470: Paul H. Dunn - The Human Touch
203469: Paul H. Dunn - You and Your World
203459: Paul H. Dunn - Horizons
188839: George H. Dunne - Generation of Giants: The Story of the Jesuits in China in the Last Decades of the Ming Dynasty
130603: Peter Masten Dunne - Pioneer Black Robes on the West Coast
162976: Tad Dunne - Lonergan and Spirituality: Towards a Spiritual Integration
207458: Edmund Dunne - Religious Poverty in Practice
67304: Edmund M. Dunne - Polemic Chat
67195: Edmund M. Dunne, D.D. - Memoirs of Zi Pre
188203: Peter Masten Dunne - Pioneer Black Robes on the West Coast
196763: John S. Dunne - Deep Rhythm and the Riddle of Eternal Life
1249102: George H. Dunne - Generation of Giants: The Story of the Jesuits in China in the Last Decades of the Ming Dynasty
206224: Peter Masten Dunne, S.J. - Early Jesuit Missions in Tarahumara
191608: [Finley Peter Dunne] - Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War
196170: George H. Dunne - Generation of Giants: The Story of the Jesuits in China in the Last Decades of the Ming Dynasty
180521: Rev. Joseph A. Dunney - Mind the Mass: Eucharistic Meditations
1260349: Rev. Joseph A. Dunney - The Mass
187110: Rev. Joseph A. Dunney - Church History in the Light of the Saints
171261: Rev. Joseph A. Dunney - The Mass
65173: William Dunphy, ed - The New Morality: Continuity and Discontinuity
1237057: Lord Dunsany - The Chronicles of Rodriguez
183390: Gerina Dunwich - Wicca Craft: The Modern Witch's Book of Herbs, Magick, and Dreams
204239: Gerina Dunwich - The Wicca Garden: A Modern Witch's Book of Magickal and Enchanted Herbs and Plants
183370: Gerina Dunwich - The Wicca Source Book: A Complete Guide for the Modern Witch
204210: Gernia Dunwich - Everyday Wicca
1236644: Gerina Dunwich - The Secrets of Love Magick
1245018: Gerina Dunwich - The Wiccan's Dictionary of Prophesy and Omens
183367: Gerina Dunwich - The Wicca Source Book: A Complete Guide for the Modern Witch
172799: Gerina Dunwich - A Wiccan's Guide to Prophecy and Divination
186892: Georges Duplaix - Animal Stories
64137: Dom Jacques Dupont - Les Sources Du Livre Des Actes: Etat de la Question
189797: Louis Dupre and James A. Wiseman, eds - Light from Light: An Anthology of Christian Mysticism
187305: Louis Dupre and James A. Wiseman, eds - Light from Light: An Anthology of Christian Mysticism
196816: Louis Dupre - Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture
166929: Richard A. Duprey - Just Off the Aisle: The Ramblings of a Catholic Critic
27909: Richard A. Duprey - Just Off the Aisle: The Ramblings of a Catholic Critic
194172: Jacques Dupuis - Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism
310368: Jacques Dupuis - Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism
199579: Jacques Dupuis - Jesus Christ at the Encounter of World Religions
178802: Cols. R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy - An Outline History of the American Revolution
206940: Jacques Duquesne - A Church without Priests
197405: Jacques Duquesne and Francois Lebrette - The History of the Church Through 100 Masterpieces
173761: Lon Milo DuQuette - The Magick of Aleister Crowley: A Handbook of the Rituals of Thelema
146540: Christian Duquoc, ed - Spirituality in Church and World
197343: Christian Duquoc - Cristianismo: Memoria Para El Futuro
198672: Christian Duquoc, ed - The Gift of Joy
197269: Luis de Leon; Manuel Duran and William Kluback, tr - The Names of Christ
130343: El Padre Fray Diego Duran - Historia de Las Indias de Nueve-Espana Y Islas de Tierra Firme: Vols. I-III
15005: P. Alfred Durand, trans - Verbum Salutis I: Evangile Selon Saint Matthieu
199257: Leo H. Durand - The Apocalypse
1250864: Furio Durando - Ancient Greece: The Dawn of the Western World
143406: David N. Durant - Ralegh's Lost Colony
203457: George D. Durant - Get Ready! Get Called! Go!
196160: Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the Great Philosophers of the Western World
193608: Albrecht Durer - Die Kleine Passion: Siebenunddreissig Holzschnitte
43265: L'Abbe D. Duret - Notions Elementaires D'Architecture Religieuse
147127: Canon P. Durieux - The Eucharist (Law and Practice)
202440: Colin Duriez - Ad 33: The Year That Changed the World
207055: Gloria Durka and Joanmarie Smith - Emerging Issues in Religious Education
207520: Gloria Durka and Joanmarie Smith - Family Ministry
87989: Daniel Durken - Sin, Salvation and the Spirit
196212: Emile Durkheim - The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
300168: Jim Shebl & Mary-Cabrini Durkin - One in Christ: A Short History of the Diocese of Stockton 1962-2002
199397: Mary-Cabrini Durkin - St. Raphael Cathedral: Dubuque, Iowa
179559: Mary-Cabrini Durkin - America's First Cathedral: The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baltimore, Maryland
189514: Mary G. Durkin - Feast of Love: Pope John Paul II on Human Intimacy
207745: Mary G. Durkin - Feast of Love: Pope John Paul II on Human Intimacy
126547: Zolrack Durkon - The Tarot of the Orishas/El Tarot de Los Orishas
192354: Donald F. Durnbaugh, ed - Church of the Brethren: Yesterday and Today
201599: V.A. Durov - Russian Awards 18th-Beginning 20th Centuries
201166: V.A. Durov - Russian and Soviet Military Awards
203808: Stephane Duroy - Berlin: Portrait of a City
203456: Brad Wilcox; George D. Durrant, foreword - Watts Under Your Bushel
191827: Lawrence Durrell - Mountolive
185788: Lawrence Durrell - The Ikons and Other Poems
181041: Lawrence Durrell - On Seeming to Presume
1226808: Charles Norden aka Lawrence Durrell - Panic Spring
193484: Reuben T. Durrett - John Filson, the First Historian of Kentucky. An Account of His Life and Writings, Principally from Original Sources
142652: F.X. Durrwell - In the Redeeming of Christ: Toward a Theology of Spirituality
1250833: Erik Durschmied - From Armageddon to the Fall of Rome: How the Myth Makers Changed the World
177958: Erik Durschmied - From Armageddon to the Fall of Rome: How the Myth Makers Changed the World
177959: Erik Durschmied - The Hinges of Battle: How Chance and Incompetence Have Changed the Face of History
177960: Erik Durschmied - The Weather Factor: How Nature Has Changed History
202869: Erik Durschmied - The Hinge Factor: How Chance and Stupidity Have Changed History
177967: Erik Durschmied - Unsung Heroes: The Twentieth Century's Forgotten History-Makers
177957: Erik Durschmied - Whisper of the Blade: Revolution, Mayhem, Betrayal, Glory and Death
174621: Joseph F. Dush - The First Presbyterian Church: Willard, Ohio; a History
187613: Enrique Dussel, ed - The Church in Latin America 1492-1992
207347: Enrique Dussel - Ethics and Community
112957: Charles Petit-Dutaillis and George Lefebvre - Studies and Notes Supplementary to Stubbs' Constitutional History
93537: George Matthew Dutcher et al. - A Guide to Historical Literature
166848: Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson - Rabindranath Tagore: The Myriad-Minded Man
192382: Paul V. Dutton - Differential Diagnoses: A Comparative History of Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France
64854: Evelyn Millis Duvall - Why Wait Till Marriage
183540: Evelyn M. Duvall and Sylvanus M. Duvall, eds - Sex Ways - in Fact and Faith: Bases for Christian Family Policy
125040: Evelyn Millis Duvall - Why Wait Till Marriage? the Reasons for Premarital Chastity, Frank and Specific for Today's Youth
145759: Rene Duvillard - La Grande Nouvelle de la Salette
38195: Victor L. Dux, O.S.B. - What the World Needs
122754: Evert A. Duyckinck - History of the World from the Earliest Period to the Present Time: Vol. I [Incomplete]
188438: Henry Sayre van Duzer, comp - A Thackeray Library: First Editions and First Publications, Portraits, Water Colors, Etchings, Drawings and Manuscripts
185563: Antonin Dvorak - Stabat Mater in Full Score
186004: Antonin Dvorak - Symphonies Nos. 8 and 9 ("New World") in Full Score
186044: Antonin Dvorak - Symphonies Nos. 6 and 7 in Full Score
188650: David Dvorkin - Budspy
132452: Theodore Dwight, Jr. - The History of Connecticut: From the First Settlement to the Present Time
175122: Sereno Edwards Dwight - Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd; Missionary to the Indians on the Borders of New-York, New-Jersey, and Pennsylvania: Chiefly Taken from His Own Diary. By Rev. Jonathan Edwards, of Northampton. Including His Journal, Now for the First Time Incorporated with the Rest of His Diary, in a Regular Chronological Series
176696: Eleanor Dwight - Diana Vreeland
175992: Timothy Dwight - Travels; in New-England and New-York, Volumes I-IV
179920: Dwight H. Perkins, Steven Radelet, Donald R. Snodgrass, Malcolm Gillis, and Michael Roemer - Economics of Development
125049: C.A.S. Dwight - Cruising for the Cross
181443: Eleanor Dwight - Diana Vreeland
192655: Andrea Dworkin - Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Militant
207130: Judith A. Dwyer, S.S.J. - Questions of Special Urgency" the Church in the Modern World Two Decades After Vatican II
199415: Judith A. Dwyer, ed - The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought
103600: Richard A. Dwyer - Boethian Fictions
300012: Valentine Dyall - A Flood of Mutiny
112815: Alexander Dyce, ed - The Works of John Ford, with Notes Critical and Explanatory by William Gifford: Complete Set Vol. I-III
169781: William V. Dych - Karl Rahner
206135: Karl Rahner; William Dych, tr - Spirit in the World
186796: Andrew R. Dyck - A Commentary on Cicero, de Officiis
300095: Katherine Dyckman et al. - The Spiritual Exercises Reclaimed: Uncovering Liberating Possibilities for Women
195335: George J. Dyer, ed - Chicago Studies, Spring 1981: Sexuality and the Priesthood
180503: Ralph J. Dyer - The New Religious: An Authentic Image
192473: Joel Dyer - Harvest of Rage: Why Oklahoma City Is Only the Beginning
195439: George J. Dyer, ed - Chicago Studies, Fall 1976: The Pastoral Guide to Canon Law
195440: George J. Dyer, ed - Chicago Studies, Fall 1973: An American Catechism
1250824: Gwynne Dyer - War: The Lethal Custom
107867: Henry Dyer - Dai Nippon: A Study in National Evolution
190377: George J. Dyer, ed - An American Catholic Catechism
186146: Henry van Dyke - The Story of the Other Wise Man
197505: John C. van Dyke - The Meaning of Pictures: Six Lectures Given for Columbia University at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
66225: Rev. Henry J. Dziadosz - The Provisions of the Decree Spiritus Sancti Munera: The Law for the Extraordinary Minister of Confirmation
65982: Rev. Michael W. Dziob - The Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church
199497: Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz with Gian Franco Svidercoschim - Swiadectwo: W Rozmowie Z Gian Franco Svidercoschim
183167: R.P.S.C.E. - Methodus Tripartita, Sive Praxis Brevis Et Clara Adjuvandi Agonizantes, Ut Pie & Christianae Moriantur, Ex Variis Auctoribus, Ad Usum Confessariorum & Morientium Solatium Collecta, Latine, Gallice & Flandrice
186792: Peter McGregor Eadie, ed - The Bridge: Autumn 1997
186811: Festus; J.W. Eadie, ed - The Breviarium of Festus: A Critical Edition with Historical Commentary
184208: Dorothy Eagle and Hilary Carnell - The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Great Britain and Ireland
203195: Robin Eagles - The Rough Guide Chronicle: England
187020: John Eagleson and Philip Scharper, eds - Puebla and Beyond: Documentation and Commentary
1275793: Rev. George Eagleton - The Diocesan Quinquennial Faculties Formula IV
167503: Jesse Eaglin - The CC Cough-Fin Brand Cigarettes
172891: Pamela Eakins - Priestess: Woman As Sacred Celebrant
143347: A. Jonathan Eakle, ed - Curriculum and Instruction
185314: Donald Earl - The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome
208078: Earle and Elspeth Williams - Spiritually Aware Pastoral Care: An Introduction and Training Program
196800: Mary C. Earle - Broken Body, Healing Spirit: Lectio Divina and Living with Illness
195960: Michael Earls - Under College Towers: A Book of Essays
168765: Cassandra Eason - The Giant Book of Magic
193580: Rev. Frederick John Easterly - The Life of Rt. Rev. Joseph Rosati, C.M. , First Bishop of St. Louis, 1789-1843
194190: Committee on the Relationship Between Eastern and Latin Catholic Churches, National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Eastern Catholics in the United States of America
73048: James Eastman, Walter Hanak, Lawrence Paszek, eds - Aces & Aerial Victories: The United States Air Foce in Southeast Asia, 1965-1973
183674: Barrett Eastman and Frederic Mayer - Paris, 1900: The American Guide to the City and Exposition
175365: Max Eastman - Reflections on the Failure of Socialism
182022: Elizabeth Wynne Easton - The Intimate Interiors of Edouard Vuillard
166984: Burton Scott Easton and Howard Chandler Robbins - The Eternal Word in the Modern World: Expository Preaching on the Gospels and Epistles for the Church Year
167394: Burton Scott Easton and Howard Chandler Robbins - The Bond of Honour: A Marriage Handbook
185150: Quaintance Eaton - Opera Production II: A Handbook
206188: Evelyn Eaton and Edward Roberts Moore - Heart in Pilgrimage
162259: Elon Howard Eaton - Birds of New York, Parts I-II
310270: Walter Prichard Eaton - In Berkshire Fields
180670: Robert Eaton - The Sanctuary of Strength: Short Chapters on the Spiritual Life
185541: Quaintance Eaton - Opera Production I: A Handbook
113130: Abba Eban - My People: The Story of the Jews
171257: John S. Ebaugh - A Newly Opened Treasury of Heavenly Incense; or Christian's Companion, Containing Instructions, Hymns, and Prayers, Applicable to All Persons, Situations, and Circumstances in Life. Translated and Compiled Chiefly from the Celebrated Work on These Subjects of the Rev. John Zollikoffer, of Herisau in Europe. To Which Is Prefixed a Justly Celebrated Sermon, in Vindication of the Religious Spirit of the Present Age. By Alexander Mcclelland, D.D. Professor in the Theological Seminary of the Dutch Reformed Church in New Brunswick, N.J.
149098: Charles E. Ebeling - An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering
191636: William Ebenstein - Political Thought in Perspective
145776: K. Eberhard - Make Your Home a Little House of God
310029: Mignon G. Eberhardt - The Hangman's Whip
197208: Mary Eberstadt - How the West Really Lost God: A New Theory of Secularization
180651: Frederic Ebersweiler - The Three Holy Kings. An Historical Drama in Five Acts
1277389: Frederic Ebersweiler - The Three Holy Kings. An Historical Drama in Five Acts
104488: Pierre Paul Ebeyer - Revelations Concerning Napoleon's Escape from St. Helena
183528: Richard von Kraft-Ebing - Psychopathia Sexualis
175514: Eric Ebinger - 100 Days in the Life of Rutherford Hayes
184357: Walther Ebisch with Levin L. Schucking - A Shakespeare Bibliography
188179: Walther Ebisch with Levin L. Schucking - Supplement for the Years 1930-1935 to a Shakespeare Bibliography
203796: Martin Ebon - Lin Piao: The Life and Writings of China's New Ruler
148493: Rev. Walter Ebsworth - Pioneer Catholic Victoria
193143: Cecil Eby - Between the Bullet and the Lie: American Volunteers in the Spanish CIVIL War
203719: Gary Ecelbarger - The Great Comeback: How Abraham Lincoln Beat the Odds to Win the 1860 Republican Nomination
196647: Joaquin Gonzalez Echegaray - Los Hechos de Los Apostoles Y El Mundo Romano
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