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194420: Roger Courts, ed.; Stephen C. Doyle, meditations - Where Jesus Walked
169144: V. Cousin - Fragments Philosophiques, Tome Second
310282: Geoffrey Cousins - Golfers at Law: The Rules of Golf, How They Were Evolved by Pioneers, Developed by Events and the Habits of Golfers, Influenced by National and International Forces, and Modified by Official Decisions
197215: St. Bonaventure; Ewert Cousins, tr - Bonaventure: The Soul's Journey Into God / the Tree of Life / the Life of St. Francis
179468: St. Bonaventure; Ewert Cousins, tr - Bonaventure: The Soul's Journey Into God, the Tree of Life, the Life of St. Francis
96004: Acacius Coussa - Epitome Praelectionum de Iure Ecclesiastico Orientali, Volume III: De Matrimonio
193292: Penrhyn W. Coussens, arr - A Child's Book of Stories
197163: St. Francis de Sales; E. Le Coutourier, ed - Lettres de Direction Et Spiritualite
141217: Louis Couturat - Die Philosophischen Prinzipien Der Mathematik
206852: Pamela D. Couture and Rodney J. Hunter, eds - Pastoral Care and Social Conflict
70693: Charles Couturier, S.J. - The Mission of the Church
145842: Charles Couturier - The Mission of the Church
84895: Charles Couturier - The Mission of the Church
199791: David B. Couturier - Franciscans and Their Finances: Economics in a Disenchanted World
60510: S. Coval - Scepticism and the First Person
207275: Ralph Covell - Mission Impossible: The Unreached Nosu on China's Frontier
184524: Brenda Coven - American Women Dramatists of the Twentieth Century: A Bibliography
162891: William Chalmers Covert and Calvin Weiss Laufer, eds - A Handbook to the Hymnal
199750: Paul Covino, ed - Celebrating Marriage: Preparing the Roman Catholic Wedding Liturgy; a Workbook for Engaged Couples
199749: Paul Covino, ed - Celebrating Marriage: Preparing the Wedding Liturgy; a Workbook for Engaged Couples
162264: Sam K. Cowan - Sergeant York and His People
151059: Tom Cowan - The Way of the Saints: Prayers, Practices, and Meditations
36190: Wayne Cowan, ed - Facing Protestant-Roman Catholic Tensions
80396: Jack D. Cowan, ed - Some Mathematical Questions in Biology. IV
143667: Tom Cowan - The Way of the Saints: Prayers, Practices, and Meditations
131608: Minnie R. Cowan, ed - The Spalding Year-Book: Quotations from the Writing of Bishop Spalding for Each Day of the Year
183439: Thomas Cowan - Gay Men & Women Who Enriched the World
186027: Noel Coward - Nude with Violin
204095: Noel Coward - The Collected Stories of Noel Coward
199288: Harold Coward, ed - Hindu-Christian Dialogue: Perspectives and Encounters
183827: Noel Coward - The Collected Short Stories of Noel Coward
1277667: Noel Coward - I'LL Leave It to You
167178: Courtney Cowart - An American Awakening: From Ground Zero to Katrina; the People We Are Free to Be
193763: Benjamin Cowell - Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island: Or, Sketches of the Efforts of the Government and People in the War of the Revolution. Together with the Names of Those Who Belonged to Rhode Island Regiments in the Army. With Biographical Notices, Reminiscences, &C, &C
165834: Painton Cowen - Rose Windows
198311: Virginia Cowles - The Great Swindle: The Story of the South Sea Bubble
189396: Robert Cowley, ed - Mhq: The Quarterly Journal of Military History (Autumn 1988)
167163: Robert Cowley, ed - What If? the World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
163828: Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman, comp - Mountain Trailways for Youth
196240: Des Cowman and Donald Brady, eds - The Famine in Waterford 1845-1850: Teacht Na Bpratai Dubha
176961: William Cowper; Robert Southey - The Works of William Cowper, Esq. Comprising His Poems, Correspondence, and Translations. With a Life of the Author, by the Editor, Robert Southey, Esq. LL. D. Poet Laureate, Etc. , Volumes I-XV
130972: William Cowper - The Task: A Poem
179803: Richard Cowper - Clone
174635: William Cowper - Minor Poems / Table Talk, and Other Poems / the Task (3 Volumes)
132159: J. Charles Cox - Bench-Ends in English Churches
198331: James M. Cox - Journey Through My Years
171564: George Cox and Eustace Jones - Arthurian Legends of the Middle Ages
193632: Michael J. Cox - Rain for These Roots: The Mother of Grace and the Modern World
310549: W.R. Cox - Hello, Test Animals... Chinchillas or You and Your Grandchildren
188039: Martha Cox - Maxwell Anderson Bibliography
187196: Ronald Knox; Ronald Cox, arr - It Is Paul Who Writes: Based on the Translation of the Epistles of Saint Paul & of the Acts of the Apostles by Ronald Knox, Arranged in a Continuous Narrative with Explanations by Ronald Cox, C.M. , S.T. L. , S.S. L.
207840: James W. Cox - A Guide to Biblical Preaching
1276670: James M. Cox - Journey Through My Years
97531: Igantius W. Cox - Is Sexual Abstinence Harmful
167103: R. David Cox - Priesthood in a New Millennium: Toward an Understanding of Anglican Presbyterate in the Twenty-First Century
179027: Simon Cox - Illuminating Angels & Demons: The Unauthorized Guide to the Facts Behind Dan Brown's Bestselling Novel
199656: Harvey Cox - The Silencing of Leonardo Boff: The Vatican and the Future of World Christianity
171104: J. Charles Cox - English Church Fittings, Furniture and Accessories
198829: Dermot Cox - Proverbs with an Introduction to Sapiential Books
203414: James B. Cox - How to Qualify for the Celestial Kingdom Today
143134: James Cox - My Native Land: The United States; Its Wonders, Its Beauties, and Its People; with Descriptive Notes, Character Sketches, Folk Lore, Traditions, Legends and History, for the Amusement of the Old and the Instruction of the Young
126853: Samuel S. Cox - Eight Years in Congress, from 1857-1865. Memoir and Speeches
104561: [Peter Coxe] - The Expose or Napoleon Buonaparte Unmasked
192095: George Harmon Coxe - Man on a Rope
189191: E.W. Coy - Latin Lessons for Beginners
170600: Coy W. Waller, Jacqueline J. Johnson, Judy Buelke, Carlton E. Turner, Rashmi S. Nair, Ann F. McAllister, and Beverly Urbanek - Marihuana: An Annotated Bibliography, Volumes I-II
1247552: William Coyle - Ohio Authors and Their Books 1796-1950
1244500: William Coyle - Ohio Authors and Their Books 1796-1950
1213619: William Coyle - Ohio Authors and Their Books 1796-1950
191976: Donald B. Cozzens, ed - The Spirituality of the Diocesan Priest
35903: Donald B. Cozzens - The Changing Face of the Priesthood
193674: Donald Cozzens - Freeing Celibacy
143010: Donald B. Cozzens - The Changing Face of the Priesthood: A Reflection on the Priest's Crisis of Soul
300203: Buster Crabbe - Energistics
310678: Ernest G. Crabill - Meeting Jesus: Selected Sermons of Ernest G. Crabill, Evangelist
186917: Basil E. Cracknell - The West Indians: How They Live and Work
203283: Richard H. Cracoft, Neal E. Lambert - A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-Day Saints
179388: R. Paul Cracroft - A Certain Testimony: A Mormon Epic in Twelve Books
203923: Patricia B. Craddock - Edward Gibbon: A Reference Guide
171481: Fred B. Craddock - Preaching
62348: William Rex Crafrod - A Century of Latin-American Thought
168108: Barbara Cawthorne Crafton - Meditations on the Book of Psalms: A Guide to the Care and Feeding of the Spirit
206260: Gerald R. Cragg - The Church and the Age of Reason 1648-1789
199508: Kenneth Cragg - The Qur'an and the West
170546: Gerald R. Cragg - Freedom and Authority: A Study of English Thought in the Early Seventeenth Century
198011: John F. Craghan - The Psalms: Prayers for the Ups, Downs and in-Betweens of Life; a Literary-Experiential Approach
203172: Carol Davidson Cragoe - How to Read Buildings: A Crash Course in Architectural Styles
194128: Craig D. Atwood, Frank S. Mead, and Samuel S. Hill - Handbook of Denominations in the United States
185390: Helen Craig and Katharine Holabird - Angelina Ballerina
203312: David Craig - On Singing Onstage
125662: Patricia Craig - The Oxford Book of Travel Stories
126702: David Craig and Janet Mc Cann, ed - Place of Passage: Contemporary Catholic Poetry
113126: Patricia Craig, ed - The Oxford Book of Ireland
172993: Gordon A. Craig - The Politics of the Prussian Army 1640-1945
124268: Patricia Craig - Brian Moore: A Biography
1210742: W.A. Craigie - The Maitland Quarto Manuscript: Containing Poems by Sir Richard Maitland, Arbuthnot, and Others
105251: Alex D.D. Craik - Mr. Hopkins' Men: Cambridge Reform and British Mathematics in the 19th Century
105335: Jill Y. Crainshaw - Wise and Discerning Hearts: An Introduction to Wisdom Liturgical Theology
150541: D. Craisson - Elementa Juris Canonici Ad Usum Galliae Seminariorum
183325: Ralph Adams Cram, ed - Christian Art, Volumes 3-4
191613: C.H. Cramer - Royal Bob: The Life of Robert G. Ingersoll
204176: C. Ward Crampton - The Boy's Book of Strength
183085: C. Ward Crampton - The Boy's Book of Strength
310665: J. Townley Crane - An Essay on Dancing
185520: Cheryl Crane with Cliff Jahr - Detour: A Hollywood Story
171543: Stephen Crane - Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
148517: Thomas Frederick Crane, ed - The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones Vulgares of Jacques de Vitry
172905: Sarah Schenck Crane - The Crane Family History
67759: Titus Cranny, S.A. - John 17: As We Are One
67761: Titus Cranny, S.A., ed - The Episcopate and Christian Unity: A Symposium Conducted by the Graymoor Friars Saint Pius X Seminary, September 1-4, 1964
67608: Titus Cranny, S.A. ed - The Episcopate and Christian Unity: A Symposium Conducted by the Graymoor Friars Saint Pius X Seminary
187763: Titus Cranny - Is Mary Relevant? a Commentary on Chapter 8 of Lumen Gentium, the Constitution on the Church from Vatican Council II
102774: T.E. Cranshaw - Cosmic Rays
183662: Duncan Crary - The Kunstlercast: Conversations with James Howard Kunstler
186592: Thomas J. Craughwell - The Wisdom of the Popes
191843: Avery Craven - The Coming of the CIVIL War
190984: Thomas Craven, ed - A Treasury of American Prints: A Selection of One Hundred Etchings and Lithographs by the Foremost Living American Artists
175325: Michael Crawford, ed - Sources for Ancient History
203606: Steve Crawford - Battleships and Carriers
180681: Francis Marion Crawford - Ave Roma Immortalis: Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
131007: F. Marion Crawford - The White Sister
146358: F. Marion Crawford - Soprano: A Portrait
183877: Thelmar Wyche Crawford - Terror Wears a Feathered Cloak
181013: Jane W. Crawford - M. Tullius Cicero: The Fragmentary Speeches; an Edition with Commentary
122981: Oswald Crawfurd - The Revelations of Inspector Morgan
161193: Ernest Crawley - Oath, Curse, and Blessing and Other Studies in Origins
101346: S.M. Austin & G.M. Crawley - The Two-Body Force in Nuclei
131428: W.H. Crawshaw - The Interpretation of Literature
205975: Carlos Mesters y Equipo de la CRB - La Lectura Profetica de la Historia
196704: Jerome F.D. Creach - Psalms
151460: Harold L. Creager - Basic Hebrew: With Some Supplementary Studies
1232267: Sergt.Maj. Charles E. Creager - The Fourteenth Ohio National Guard - the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry
187700: John Creasey - The Trouble at Saxby's
177304: John Creasey - The Killing Strike
190793: Hubert Creekmore - Cotton Country
182934: Corey K. Creekmur and Alexander Doty, eds - Out in Culture: Gay, Lesbian, and Queer Essays on Popular Culture
183761: H.G. Creel - Chinese Thought from Confucius to Mao Tse-Tung
90956: Joseph Crehan - The Theology of St. John
110841: Stewart Crehan - Blake in Context
147218: Joseph Crehan - The Theology of St. John
166992: Vivian Crellin, comp - Tongues of Men
6543: Wilhelm Cremer - Verlorene Sohne: Aus Der Fremdenlegion
196541: John C. Cremony - Life Among the Apaches
142606: James L. Crenshaw - Gerhard Von Rad
198014: James L. Crenshaw, ed - Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom
207110: James L. Crenshaw - Old Testament Story and Faith: A Literary and Theological Introduction
310491: James L. Crenshaw - Education in Ancient Israel: Across the Deadening Silence
100217: Sallust - Daniel Crespin - Opera Omnia Quae Extant Interpretatione Et Notis
185997: Regine Crespin - On Stage, Off Stage: A Memoir
48091: Georges Crespy - From Science to Theology: The Evolutionary Design of Teilhard de Chardin
171373: Alfred M. Cressler - Vignettes of Writers and Artists
195652: John Cresswell and John Hartley - Teach Yourself Esperanto
1261493: David Cressy - Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, Religion and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England
1678: Dormer Creston - In Search of Two Characters: Some Intimate Aspects of Napoleon and His Son
43642: Joseph Creusen - Religieux Et Religieuses D'Apres le Droit Ecclesiastique
45173: Joseph Creusen, SJ - Religious Men and Women in the Code
180778: Joseph Creusen - Religious Men and Women in Church Law
178486: Martin van Creveld - The Transformation of War
196455: Martin Van Creveld - The Culture of War
195001: Martin Van Creveld - The Encyclopedia of Revolutions and Revolutionaries from Anarchism to Zhou Enlai
178519: Martin van Creveld - The Art of War: War and Military Thought
173669: Charles N. Crewdson - Tales of the Road
182377: Clyde F. Crews - Fundamental Things Apply: Reflecting on Christian Basics
1258938: Clyde F. Crews - Fundamental Things Apply: Reflecting on Christian Basics
206944: J.D. Crichton - Servants of the People: Today's Priest in the Light of the Second Vatican Council
207654: J.D. Crichton - Christian Celebration: The Prayer of the Church
187015: J.D. Crichton - The Church's Worship: Considerations on the Liturgical Constitution of the Second Vatican Council
194217: Oliver Crilly, ed - Penitential Services
190603: Jeremy Bentham; James E. Crimmins and Catherine Fuller, eds - Church-of-Englandism and Its Catechism Examined
191953: Cajetani Crisanti - Thesaurus S. Scripturae Et Ss. Patrum Hoc Est Sententiae Et Exempla Ex Scripturis Et Testimonia Ex Ecclesiae Patribus Collecta, Tomes I-II
177707: Forrest Crissey - Tattlings of a Retired Politician
142523: Forrest Crissey - Theodore E. Burton: American Statesman
165492: Mary Crist - My Journey of Living in the Lord: A Journal for Prayer and Reflection
165493: Mary Crist - Following the Lord's Call: A Journal for Prayer and Reflection
165494: Mary Crist - Becoming a Living Prayer: A Journal for Prayer and Reflection
190918: Msgr. Leon Cristiani - Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
207013: Msgr. Leon Cristiani - Heresies and Heretics
206813: Leon Cristiani - The Revolt Against the Church
198711: Msgr. Leon Cristiani - St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
310371: Pontificio Consejo para la Promocion de la Unidad de los Cristianos - Directorio Sobre El Ecumenismo Para la Aplicacion de Los Principios Y Normas
24119: E.M.R. Critchley - Neurological Emergencies
194268: Enzo Crocetti and Mario Giordano - A Crowd of Witnesses: Interviews with Famous Old Testament Men and Women
194338: Enzo Crocetti and Mario Giordano - A Crowd of Witnesses: Interviews with Famous New Testament Men and Women
194266: Mary E. Coffman Crocker - Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary
207174: A.Croegaert - The Mass: A Liturgical Commentary Volumes I-II
180183: Aloysius Croft, ed - The Mystery of Christmas
199837: Fr. John Croiset - The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion
186721: Fr. John Croiset - The Devotion to the Sacrd Heart: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion
199836: Fr. John Croiset - The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion
178640: Ralph C. Croizier - China's Cultural Legacy and Communism
1230760: James Boswell as edited by John Wilson Croker - The Life of Samuel Johnson with Johnsoniana: 10 Volumes
183139: William J. Cromie - Keeping Physically Fit: Common-Sense Exercises for the Whole Family
194786: Fr. Nathan Cromly, ed - Totus Tuus: A Contemplative Approach to Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary
196742: Richmal Crompton - Just William's Luck
181084: Rev. John F. Cronin - Catholic Social Principles: The Social Teaching of the Catholic Church Applied to American Economic Life
170213: Vincent Cronin - The Wise Man from the West
190859: Vincent Cronin - Catherine: Empress of All the Russias
191531: Edmund David Cronon - Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association
186117: John Crook - Law and Life of Rome, 90 B.C. - A.D. 212
163360: David Crook - A Chinese-English Dictionary
125762: J. Mordaunt Crook - John Carter and the Mind of the Gothic Revival
203320: James E. Crooks - Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought: A Complete Index, Volumes 1-42; 1966-2009
184981: Eugene H. Cropsey - Crosby's Opera House: Symbol of Chicago's Cultural Awakening
188369: Donald F. Crosby - Battlefield Chaplains: Catholic Priests in World War II
198152: Michael H. Crosby - Thy Will Be Done: Praying the Our Father As a Subversive Activity
189542: Alfred W. Crosby - The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society, 1250-1600
187480: Michael H. Crosby - The Dysfunctional Church: Addiction and Codependency in the Family of Catholicism
180386: Michael Crosby - The Call and the Answer
186674: Michael H. Crosby - Thy Will Be Done: Praying the Our Father As a Subversive Activity
196815: Michael H. Crosby - Do You Love Me?" Jesus Questions the Church
125147: Donald F. Crosby - God, Church, and Flag: Senator Joseph R. Mccarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957
101782: Ernest Crosby - Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable
151094: Jeremiah Crosby - Bearing Witness: The Place of the Franciscan Family in the Church
194126: Michael Crosby, ed - Solanus Casey: The Official Account of a Virtuous American Life
87350: Claire Cross - The Royal Supremacy in the Elizabethan Church
164265: Frank Moore Cross, Jr. - The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies
207412: Paolo della Croce (St. Paul of the Cross) - Scriitti Spirituali Volumes I-III Diario Spirituale - Lettere a Familiari E Laici - Lettere a Laici Ed Ecclesiastici - Lettere a Religiosi
168828: Claire Cross - The Royal Supremacy in the Elizabethan Church
310895: [J.H. Cross] - The Hive and Its Wonders
205825: Tom Cross - The Way of Wizards
205963: Frank Moore Cross - From Epic to Canon: History and Literature in Ancient Israel
189218: St. Paul of the Cross - The Letters of Saint Paul of the Cross, Volumes I-III
113441: Robin Cross - The Bombers: The Illustrated Story of Offensive Strategy and Tactics in the Twentieth Century
102160: A Daughter of the Cross - Life of Mere Marie Therese [Bound with] Good Shepherd Chronicles I.
194180: St. Cyril of Jerusalem; F.L. Cross, ed - Lectures on the Christian Sacraments: The Procatechesis and the Five Mystagogical Catecheses
196903: Saint John of the Cross - Ascent of Mount Carmel
197467: St. Cyril of Jerusalem; F.L. Cross, ed - St. Cyril of Jerusalem's Lectures on the Christian Sacraments: The Procatechesis and the Five Mystagogical Catecheses
207177: Richard Cross - Duns Scotus on God
172540: Lyman Beecher; Barbara M. Cross, ed - The Autobiography of Lyman Beecher, Volume II
162155: John Dominic Crossan - The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant
64058: Dominic Crossan - The Gospel of Eternal Life: Reflections on the Theology of St. John
201485: John Dominic Crossan - In Parables: The Challenge of the Historical Jesus
194294: Dominic Crossan - The Gospel of Eternal Life: Reflections on the Theology of St. John
194016: John Dominic Crossan - Sayings Parallels: A Workbook for the Jesus Tradition
147644: John Dominic Crossan - The Birth of Christianity: Discovering What Happened in the Years Immediately After the Execution of Jesus
206535: John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed; Jose Pedro Tosaus Abadia, tr - En Busca de Pablo: El Imperio de Roma Y El Reino de Dios Frente a Frente En Una Nueva Vision de Las Palabras Y El Mundo Del Apostol de Jesus
125416: Dominic M. Crossan - Scanning the Sunday Gospel
196585: John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed - Excavating Jesus: Beneath the Stones, Behind the Texts
187880: Capt. Edward C. Crossman - Military and Sporting Rifle Shooting: A Complete and Practical Treatise Covering the Use of Modern Military, Target and Sporting Rifles
191331: Hayes Baker-Crothers and Ruth Allison Hudnut - Problems of Citizenship
1275790: Matthew J. Crotty - The Recipient of First Holy Communion
197444: Denis Crouan - The History and the Future of the Roman Liturgy
105673: Tom D. Crouch and Alex M. Spencer - History of Rocketry and Astronautics
184772: Tom D. Crouch - A Dream of Wings: Americans and the Airplane 1875-1905
16769: David Crouthers - Flags of American History
191858: Carl Crow - China Takes Her Place
172777: W.B. Crow - A History of Magic, Witchcraft and Occultism
178361: Bernard Lonergan; F.E. Crowe, ed - Collection: Papers by Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
141850: Frederick E. Crowe - Theology of the Christian Word: A Study in History
205810: Felicity Crowe, Jolyon Goddard, Ben Hollingum, Sall MacEachern, Henry Russell, eds - Modern Muslim Societies - Muslim World
173491: E.P. Crowell - The Andria and Adelphoe of Terence. With Notes
183083: Grace Noll Crowell - Vital Possessions
104002: E.P. Crowell - M. Tulli Ciceronis: De Officiis
185822: John Crowley - Novelty
310024: Aleister Crowley, the Master Therion - The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians
164070: Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley - The Parochial School: A Curse to the Church, a Menace to the Nation
195772: Lawrence Crown - Marilyn at Twentieth Century Fox
206314: David Crowner and Gerald Christianson, ed., tr., and intro. Martin E. Marty, preface - The Spirituality of the German Awakening
202703: Peter Crowther - The Land at the End of the Working Day: Four Stories
189987: J.G. Crowther - Six Great Inventors
187973: Peter A. Crowther, comp - A Bibliography of Works in English on Early Russian History to 1800
1235396: Patricia Crowther - Lid Off the Cauldron: A Wicca Handbook
62318: T.H. Croxall - Kierkegaard Commentary
206650: N. Clayton Croy - The Mutilations of Mark's Gospel
181742: Francois Cruciani - Marcel Proust
163118: Alexander Cruden - Cruden's Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testaments
177130: [George Cruikshank, illustrations] - The Comic Almanack: An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, Containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips, and Oddities (First and Second Series)
176599: George Cruikshank, illus - Thomas's Burlesque Drama, Embellished with Sixty Two Engravings, from Original Designs, by George and Robert Cruikshank
177098: George Cruikshank, illustrations - Old 'Miscellany' Days. A Selection of Stories from 'Bentley's Miscellany. '
166575: Rolfe P. Crum - A Dictionary of the Episcopal Church with a Foreword by the Right Reverend Francis Marion Taitt, D.D. , S.T. D. Late Bishop of Pennsylvania
166577: Rolfe P. Crum - A Dictionary of the Episcopal Church Compiled from Various Authentic Sources
166578: Rolfe P. Crum - A Dictionary of the Episcopal Church Compiled from Various Authentic Sources
202843: Thomas Crump - A Brief History of Science: As Seen Through the Development of Scientific Instruments
197251: Eusebius; C.F. Cruse, tr - Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History: Complete and Unabridged
121346: Robert W. Cruttwell - Virgil's Mind at Work: An Analysis of the Symbolism of the Aeneid
126818: C.R.M.F. Cruttwell - A History of Peaceful Change in the Modern World
68007: Car. Cruysberghs - De Hominis Ultimo Fine Naturali
207425: Joan Carroll Cruz - Secular Saints: 250 Canonized and Beatified Lay Men, Women and
199774: Joan Carroll Cruz - Eucharistic Miracles and Eucharistic Phenomena in the Lives of the Saints
113206: David Crystal - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language
185228: Attila Csampai and Ingeborg Bachmann - Callas: Gesichter Eines Mediums
130941: Antonio Garcia Cubas - El Libro de Mis Recuerdos
208057: Vicente Botella Cubells - El Vaticano II En El Reto Del Tercer Milenio Hermeneutica Y Teologia
182602: Claude Cuenot - Teilhard de Chardin: A Biographical Study
199169: Rev. Joseph Cuenot - Kwangsi: Land of the Black Banners
173707: Kerr Cuhulain - Full Contact Magick: A Book of Shadows for the Wiccan Warrior
310790: R.A. Torrey; William Culbertson, introduction - Great Pulpit Masters, Volume III: R.A. Torrey
197034: Philip Culbertson and Elaine M. Wainwright, eds - The Bible in/and Popular Culture: A Creative Encounter
182827: Eugene K. Culhane, ed - American Catholic Horizons
126567: Rabbi Yaakov Culi - The Meam Lo'Ez Haggadah (Ashkenazic)
126577: Rabbi Yaakov Culi and Rabbi Yitzchak Bakhor Agruiti - The Story of Tisha B'Av: The Torah Anthology Meam Lo'Ez
149564: John H. Cullen - The Catholic Church in Tasmania
142577: Jim Cullen - Restless in the Promised Land: Catholics and the American Dream; Portraits of a Spiritual Quest from the Time of the Puritans to the Present
192621: Lisa Cullen - A Job to Die for: Why So Many Americans Are Killed, Injured or Made ILL at Work and What to Do About It
178881: Jim Cullen - Imperfect Presidents: Tales of Misadventure and Triumph
180186: Rev. Thomas F. Cullen - The Spirit of Serra
189609: A. Dwight Culler - The Imperial Intellect: A Study of Newman's Educational Ideal
188816: R. Gerald Culleton - The Prophets and Our Times
193030: Cormac Cullinan - Wild Law: A Manifesto for Earth Justice
310156: Oscar Cullman - The State in the New Testament
166787: Kendig Brubaker Cully - Sacraments: A Language of Faith
207038: Kendig Brubaker Cully - Does the Church Know How to Teach? an Ecumenical Inquiry
37330: Robert H. Culpepper - Interpreting the Atonement
123387: R. Alan Culpepper - 1 John, 2 John, 3 John
184938: John Culshaw - Ring Resounding: The Stirring Account of How Wagner's Der Ring Des Nibelungen Was Recorded for the First Time
206151: Cardinal Paul Poupard & Pontificum Consilium de Cultura - Where Is Your God? Responding to the Challenge of Unbelief and Indifference Today / Donde Esta Tu Dios? la Fe Cristiana Ante la Increencia Religiosa
102318: Charles A. Culver - Electricity and Magnetism: An Advanced Textbook for Colleges
192577: Bruce Cumings - Parallax Visions: Making Sense of American-East Asian Relations at the End of the Century
147660: John Cumming, ed - Letters from Saints to Sinners
310880: James Elder Cumming - The Book of Esther: Its Spiritual Teaching
310879: Rev. J. Elder Cumming - The Psalms: Their Spiritual Teaching, Volume III. Psalms XC-CL
199384: Byron Cummings - Kinishba: A Prehistoric Pueblo of the Great Pueblo Period
206546: Rev. John Hofer; Rev. Patrick Cummins, O.S.B. - St. John Capistran: Reformer
178870: W.A. Cummins - The Age of the Picts
184519: George Martin Cunha and Dorothy Grant Cunha with Suzanne Elizabeth Henderson - Library and Archives Conservation: 1980s and Beyond, Volume I.
191382: Marcus Cunliffe - George Washington: Man and Monument
178941: Barry Cunliffe - The Celtic World
92564: Joseph E. Cunneen - Looking Toward the Council
200055: Sally Cunneen - In Search of Mary: The Woman and the Symbol
148395: Lawrence S. Cunningham, ed - Ecumenism: Present Realities and Future Prospects
207060: Agnes Cunningham - The Bishop in the Church: Patristic Texts on the Role of the Episkopos
175007: Mary E. Cunningham, ed - James Fenimore Cooper: A Re-Appraisal
44286: James F. Cunningham, CSP - American Pastor in Rome
71735: Lawrence S. Cunningham - The Catholic Heritage: Martyrs, Ascetics, Pilgrims, Warriors, Mystics, Theologians, Artists, Humanists, Activists, Ousiders, and Saints
183400: Scott Cunningham - The Magic of Food: Legends, Lore, & Spellwork
143167: Lawrence S. Cunningham - Saint Francis of Assisi
205526: Walden Bello with Shea Cunningham and Bill Rau - Dark Victory: The United States, Structural Adjustment, and Global Poverty
182601: Agnes Cunningham - The Bishop in the Church: Patristic Texts on the Role of the Episkopos
204245: Scott Cunningham - Hawaiian Religion & Magic
190496: James F. Cunningham - American Pastor in Rome
94317: Lawrence Cunningham - Mother of God
202186: Agnes Cunningham, ed - The Early Church and the State
201689: Albert Benjamin Cunningham - The Manse at Barren Rocks
196789: Conor Cunningham - Darwin's Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong
183341: Scott Cunningham and David Harrington - Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects
207874: Lawrence S. Cunningham - An Introduction to Catholicism
169493: Lawrence Cunningham; Nicolas Sapieha - Mother of God
169488: Agnes Cunningham - The Significance of Mary
207683: Rev. Phillip J. Cunningham, C.S.P. - Exploring Scripture: How the Bible Came to Be
616: General Sir Athur Cunynghame - My Command in South Africa 1874-1878
186619: Vernon R. Cupps - Rethinking Radiometric Dating: Evidence for a Young Earth from a Nuclear Physicist
189722: Charles E. Curan and Leslie Griffin, eds - The Catholic Church, Morality and Politics
122541: Mark P. Curchak, ed - Other Duties As Assigned: Presidential Assistants in Higher Education
130400: Curia Prelaticia, with the Franiscans of Santarem - O Cinquentenario de Prelazia de Santarem 1903-1953
199502: Carmelite General Curia - Meeting God: Carmelite Reflections and Prayers
168251: Jesuit General Curia, ed - The Jesuits: Yearbook of the Society of Jesus 1990
186833: Eve Curie - Madame Curie
199101: Michael J. Curley - Bishop John Neumann, C. Ss. R. , Fourth Bishop of Philadelphia
195613: Marie Paul Curley - Life for the World: A Way of Eucharistic Adoration for Today
173744: Phyllis Curott - Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic
170378: Phyllis Curott - Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic
206759: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J., eds - Readings in Moral Theology No. 4: The Use of Scripture in Moral Theology
198101: Charles E. Curran, ed - Moral Theology: Challenges for the Future; Essays in Honor of Richard A. Mccormick
198099: Charles E. Curran - The Living Tradition of Catholic Moral Theology
198093: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds - The Historical Development of Fundamental Moral Theology in the United States
203273: Dr. Bob Curran, Ian Daniels, ill - Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms: Sunken Continents, Vanished Cities, and the Kingdoms That History Misplaced
206700: Charles E. Curran - Directions in Catholic Social Ethics
206707: Charles E. Curran - Catholic Moral Theology in the United States
172243: Charles E. Curran - Catholic Moral Theology in the United States: A History
193679: Charles E. Curran - Loyal Dissent: Memoir of a Catholic Theologian
194551: Fr. Edward Lodge Curran - Great Moments in Catholic History: 100 Memorable Events in Catholic History Told in Picture and Story
65701: Charles A. Curran - Counseling in Catholic Life and Education
201835: Francis X. Curran - Major Trends in American Church History
201982: Charles E. Curran - A New Look at Christian Morality
190255: Michael Curran - The Antiphonary of Bangor and the Early Irish Monastic Liturgy
207571: Charles E. Curran - American Catholic Social Ethics: Twentieth-Century Approaches
91189: Francis X. Curran - Major Trends in American Church History
141860: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds - Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching
132357: Charles E. Curran - Toward an American Catholic Moral Theology
132303: Charles E. Curran - History and the Contemporary Issues: Studies in Moral Theology
141861: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds - Readings in Moral Theology No. 6: Dissent in the Church
125238: Charles E. Curran - New Perspectives in Moral Theology
141857: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds - Readings in Moral Theology No. 1: Moral Norms and Catholic Tradition
199715: Charles E. Curran and George J. Dyer, eds - Shared Responsibility in the Local Church
202495: Charles A. Curran - Counseling in Catholic Life and Education
206698: Charles E. Curran - Critical Concerns in Moral Theology
65157: Charles E. Curran - A New Look at Christian Morality
123569: Charles E. Curran, ed & Richard A. McCormick, ed - John Paul II and Moral Theology
105327: Charles E. Curran - The Living Tradition of Catholic Moral Theology
198499: Charles A. Curran - Religious Values in Counseling and Psychotherapy
150658: Charles E. Curran - Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue
208064: Charles E. Curran - Readings in Moral Theology No. 3: The Magisterium and Morality
199023: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds - Readings in Moral Theology No. 2: The Distinctiveness of Christian Ethics
198089: Charles E. Curran and Lisa A. Fullam, eds - Ethics and Spirituality
198090: Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds - John Paul II and Moral Theology
198091: Charles E. Curran - The Moral Theology of Pope John Paul II
206775: Charles E. Curran, ed - Conscience: Readings in Moral Theology No. 14
198075: Charles E. Curran - Themes in Fundamental Moral Theology
198076: Charles E. Curran - Transition and Tradition in Moral Theology
207589: Charles E. Curran - Catholic Social Teaching 1891-Present: A Historical, Theological, and Ethical Analysis
191151: Cecil B. Currey - Reason and Revelation: John Duns Scotus on Natural Theology
176083: Cecil B. Currey - Code Number 72: Ben Franklin: Patriot or Spy
194309: David B. Currie - Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic
104605: Laurence Currie - The Baton in the Knapsack: New Light on Napoleon and His Marshals
188094: Thomas Franklin Currier - A Bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes
197022: Sr. Lois Curry - Women After His Own Heart: The Sisters of Saint Dominic of the American Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Caldwell, New Jersey 1881-1981
160416: Virginia Thornton Curry - Saga
189679: Florin Curta - The Long Sixth Century in Eastern Europe
189448: Alice Curtayne - Lough Derg: St. Patrick's Purgatory
198707: Alice Curtayne - Saint Catherine of Siena
197537: Alice Curtayne - The Trial of Oliver Plunkett
87376: William Thomas Curtin - The Plaint of Nullity Against the Sentence
195142: Georgina Pell Curtis - Some Roads to Rome in America: Being Personal Records of Conversions to the Catholic Church
163143: Donald Curtis - The Way of the Christ
169459: Georgina Pell Curtis, ed - Some Roads to Rome in America Being Personal Records of Conversions to the Catholic Church
131509: George William Curtis - Prue and I.
172123: Curtis Lewis, Richard E. Gribble, Linda R. Forsberg, Timothy J. Smith, and H. Alan Stewart - Sermons on the First Readings: Series I, Cycle B.
102455: L.F. Curtiss - Introduction to Neutron Physics
124826: H. Curtois - The Conversion of the English
19074: James Oliver Curwood - The Danger Trail
19078: James Oliver Curwood - The Country Beyond
103816: Nicholas de Cusa - De Concordantia Catholica: Liber Primus
196608: Nicholas of Cusa - The Vision of God
148382: Nicholas of Cusa - The Catholic Concordance
206290: Albert S. Foley; His Excellency Richard J. Cushing, foreword - God's Men of Color the Colored Catholic Priests of the United States 1854-1954
199227: Richard Cardinal Cushing - Meditations for Religious
1271483: Richard Cardinal Cushing - Blessed Mother Seton
199617: Rev. Richard J. Cushing - The Lepers of Tibet: An Account of Missionary Work Being Conducted Before Christendom's Final Barrier
193704: Rev. Richard J. Cushing - A Call to the Laity: Addresses on the Lay Apostolate
198926: Robert E. Cushman - Therapeia: Plato's Conception of Philosophy
175780: Dan Cushman - The Great North Trail: America's Route of the Ages
167136: Robert E. Cushman - John Wesley's Experimental Divinity: Studies in Methodist Doctrinal Standards
191770: Robert Eugene Cushman - Leading Constitutional Decisions
121133: E.J. Cuskelly - No Cowards in the Kingdom
196641: John S. Custer - The Holy Gospel: A Byzantine Perspective
177517: William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler - Life, Journals and Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL. D. , Volumes I-II
198560: Donald R. Cutler - The Religious Situation: 1969
176071: Manasseh Cutler - An Explanation of the Map of Federal Lands
125419: Donald R. Cutler, ed - The Religious Situation: 1968 - the First in a Series of Annual Volumes
177573: Julia Perkins Cutler - Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler Prepared from His Journals and Correspondence
184493: Scott M. Cutlip, comp - A Public Relations Bibliography
180411: Canon F. Cuttaz - Our Life of Grace
1249276: Francoise Cuttaz - Baptism: Divine Birth
182518: Canon F. Cuttaz - Our Life of Grace
1255914: Msgr. F. Cuttaz - Children of God or the Love of the Father
145468: Rev. Edward L. Cutts - A Dictionary of the Church of England
190086: Rev. Cornelius M. Cuyler - Minor Seminary Conference: Some Answers to Current Criticism of the Minor Seminary
160619: Viscount St. Cyres - Francois de Fenelon
69536: Wolfgang Czernin, O.S.B. - Ein Leib-Ein Brot
203530: William Harman. Ph.D. and Howard Rheingold - Higher Creativity: Liberating the Unconscious for Breakthrough Insights
145410: L.W. Wilhelm, Ph.D. and C.W. Woolford - History of Brantly Baptist Church of Baltimore, Md
1250021: Sr. Madeleine of St. Joseph O.C.D. - Within the Castle with St. Teresa of Avila
1241007: Frater U.D. - High Magic
144660: F.T.D. - Marie: Enseignee a la Jeunesse Ou Explication Du Petit Catechisme Sur la Sainte Vierge
203664: Sylvanus Stall D.D. - What a Young Man Ought to Know
205957: Walter Brueggemann; Patrick D, Miller, ed - Texts That Linger Words That Explode: Listening to Prophetic Voices
206512: Peter-Thomas Rohrbach O.C.D. - Journey to Carith: The Story of the Carmelite Order
199810: Alban J. Dachauer - The Sacred Heart: A Commentary on Haurietis Aquas
120340: Ernst Daenell - Die Spanier in Nordamerika Von 1513-1824
46659: Karl Daeves and August Beckel - Auswertung Durch Grosszahl-Forschung
172172: Thomas Merton; Robert E. Daggy, ed - The Road to Joy: The Letters of Thomas Merton to New and Old Friends
123979: Thomas Merton; Robert E. Daggy, ed - Monks Pond: Thomas Merton's Little Magazine
1256240: Robert E. Daggy, ed - The Road to Joy: The Letters of Thomas Merton to New and Old Friends
190085: Justus Dahinden - New Trends in Church Architecture
189634: Roald Dahl - The Gremlins from the Walt Disney Production
198113: Nils Astrup Dahl - Jesus in the Memory of the Early Church
183959: Francis W. Dahl - Dahl's Cartoons
178350: Gordon Dahlquist - The Dark Volume
207937: Charles W. Dahm - Parish Ministry in a Hispanic Community
310069: Dom Chrysostomus Dahm and Dom Ludger Benhard - Athos: Mountain of Light
185409: Philip Daileader - Saint Vincent Ferrer, His World and Life: Religion and Society in Late Medieval Europe
180167: Edward Vincent Dailey - Angels Under Wraps
190348: Peter Daino - Stabat Mater: Noble Icon of the Outcast and the Poor
105908: John Daintith and William Gould - The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy
1214709: A. Hazard Dakin, Jr. - Von Hugel and the Supernatural
83588: Erik Dal - Scandanavian Bookmaking in the Twentieth Century
197440: Roland Dalbiez - Psychoanalytical Method and the Doctrine of Freud, Volumes I-II
202011: Andrew Dalby - Dictionary of Languages: The Definitive Reference to More Than 400 Languages
207537: Alan T. Dale - New World: The Heart of the New Testament in Plain English
185469: Thucydides; Rev. Henry Dale, tr - The History of the Peloponnesian War, Volume II
199725: Robert D. Dale - Leadership for a Changing Church: Charting the Shape of the River
163728: George Irving Dale, ed - Artigos E Contos Portugueses
176907: T.F. Dale, ed - Polo at Home and Abroad
173473: Euripides; A.M. Dale, ed - Alcestis
130397: Daphne Dale - Living Thoughts in Words That Burn from Poet Sage and Humorist
178506: Rodney Dale, ed - The Book of Who? an Onomasticon of People and Characters Real and Imaginary
178507: Rodney Dale, ed - The Book of Where? a Gazetteer of Places Real and Imaginary
172596: Dale E. Jones, Sherri Doty, et al. - Religious Congregations & Membership in the United States 2000: An Enumeration by Region, State and County Based on Data Reported for 149 Religious Bodies
184620: Tore Dalenius - Information Privacy and Statistics: A Topical Bibliography
175397: John B. Dales and R.M. Patterson, eds - Report of Proceedings of the Second General Council of the Presbyterian Alliance, Convened at Philadelphia, September, 1880
147563: Douglas Dales - Living Through Dying: The Spiritual Experience of St Paul
204419: James McCracken & Sandra Warfield; Robert Daley, ed - A Star in the Family: An Autobiography in Diary Form
198591: J.B. Dalgairns - The Life of St. Stephen Harding: Abbot of Citeaux and Founder of the Cistercian Order
126737: John Bernard Dalgairns - The Devotion to the Heart of Jesus: With an Introduction on the History of Jansenism
179973: J.B. Dalgairns - The Life of St. Stephen Harding, Abbot of Citeaux and Founder of the Cistercian Order
196544: Salvador Dali, illustrations - The Jerusalem Bible
175793: Salvador Dali - Hidden Faces
203710: Robert Dallek - Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President
201456: James Dallen - The Reconciling Community: The Rite of Penance
147860: I.H. Dalmais - Introduction to the Liturgy
199978: Gustaf Dalman - Jesus--Jeshua: Studies in the Gospels
194547: Kingsley E. Dalpadado - Reading the Acts, Epistles and Revelation: A Guide to Readers and Teachers
182645: John Dalrymple - The Christian Affirmation
178597: Lee Dalton - The Feather of the Owl
206735: Robert J. Daly, S.J. - The Origins of the Christian Doctrine of Sacrifice
182380: Patrick J. Daly, Jr. - A Campus Ministry: Monsignor Edward J. Duncan and the Newman Foundation at the University of Illinois in the Twentieth Century
64197: Sister Emily Joseph Daly, ed - Paul, Trumpet of the Spirit: An Anthology
189439: Robert J. Daly - Christian Sacrifice: The Judaeo-Christian Background Before Origen
82209: Sister Emily Joseph Daly - Paul- Trumpet of the Spirit
198334: Lowrie J. Daly - The Medieval University 1200-1400
40628: Rev. Joseph A. Daly - Religion and Human Nature
190126: Origen; Robert J. Daly, tr - Origen: Treatise on the Passover and Dialogue of Origen with Heraclides and His Fellow Bishops on the Father, the Son, and the Soul
207052: Robert J. Daly, S.J. - In All Things: Religious Faith and American Culture - Papers of the Inaugural Conference of the Jesuit Institute at Boston College
162243: Lowrie J. Daly, ed - Manuscripta October 1961
162242: Lowrie J. Daly, ed - Manuscripta March 1968
199973: Sr. Emily Joseph Daly, comp - Paul, the Trumpet of the Spirit: An Anthology
208056: Bernard Daly, Mae Daly and Bishop Remi J. DeRoo - Even Greater Things: Hope and Challenge After Vatican II
300354: Lowrie Daly and Sr. Mary Virgene Daly - Meditations from Advent to Lent
1272466: Robert J. Daly - The Origins of the Christian Doctrine of Sacrifice
203104: Nigel Dalziel - The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire
94757: Les Cures de L'eglise de Tongre-Notre-Dame - Histoire de Notre-Dame de Tongre Et Des Principaux Miracles
144145: A Sister of Notre Dame - First Communion Days
125421: A Sister of Notre Dame - The Message of Francis Thompson
186569: Sisters of Notre Dame, comp - Sunday School Hymn Book
97325: University of Notre Dame - Report of the Prefect of Religion
125372: George W. Dameron - Episcopal Power and Florentine Society 1000-1320
186829: Cynthia Damon - Studies on the Text of Caesar's Bellum Civile
131288: S. Foster Damon - A Blake Dictionary: The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake
32975: Sir William Cecil Dampier - A History of Science and Its Relation with Philosophy and Religion
182088: Florence de Dampiere - The Best of Painted Furniture
185985: Walter Damrosch - My Musical Life
202415: Joseph Dan, ed - The Christian Kabbalah: Jewish Mystical Books & Their Christian Interpreters
192671: Dan Fagin, Marianne Lavelle, and the Center for Public Integrity - Toxic Deception: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law, and Endangers Your Health
200219: Mary S.B. Dana - Letters Addressed to Relatives and Friends, Chiefly in Reply to Arguments in Support of the Doctrine of the Trinity
183802: R.H. Dana, Jr. - Two Years Before the Mast and Twenty-Four Years After
197565: H.E. Dana and Julius R. Mantey - A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament
205616: Kevin Danaher and Jason Mark - Insurrection: Citizen Challenges to Corporate Power
192767: Kevin Danaher and Michael Shellenberger, eds - Fighting for the Soul of Brazil
205646: Kevin Danaher and Roger Burbach - Globalize This! the Battle Against the World Trade Organization and Corporate Rule
207975: Herbert Danby - The Mishnah: Translated from the Hebrew with Introduction and Brief Explanatory Notes
126159: Jonathan Dancy - Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology
177085: Renato Danese - American Images: New Work by Twenty Contemporary Photographers
163827: William H. Danforth - I Dare You!
183084: William H. Danforth - I Dare You!
179630: George Dangerfield - The Awakening of American Nationalism 1815-1828
120117: Paul Thureau-Dangin - The Life of St. Bernardino of Siena
192441: Benjamin Dangl - The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia
185092: Oliver Daniel - Stokowski: A Counterpoint of View
1214925: V. F. O'Daniel - The Right Rev. Edward Dominic Fenwick: Pioneer Missionary in Kentucky, Apostle of Ohio, First Bishop of Cincinnati
142715: R.P. Daniel - Conferences Theologiques Et Morales Par Demandes Et Reponses Sur L'Oraison Dominicale
206230: William L. Daniel - The Art of Good Governance a Guide to the Administrative Procedure for Just Decision-Making in the Catholic Church
199276: Rev. V.F. O'Daniel - A Light of the Church in Kentucky or the Life, Labors, and Character of the Very Rev. Samuel Thomas Wilson, O.P. , S.T. M. , Pioneer Educator and the First Provincial of a Religious Order in the United States
15208: Rev. William B. Daniel - Rural Sports
123288: Daniel and Samuel Lysons - Magna Britannia Cambridgeshire
181850: Malcolm Daniel - Edgar Degas, Photographer
197470: Rev. V.F. O'Daniel - Very Rev. Charles Hyacinth Mckenna, O.P. , P.G. , Missionary and Apostle of the Holy Name Society
91464: Daniel and Aline Patte - Structural Exegesis: From Theory to Practice
104652: Walter V. Daniell - Collectanea Napoleonica
201848: Jean Danielou - The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity
189464: Jean Danielou - From Shadows to Reality: Studies in the Biblical Typology of the Fathers
164264: Jean Danielou - The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity
68461: Madeleine Danielou - How to Pray
1249053: Jean Cardinal Danielou - The Faith Eternal and the Man of Today
178961: Les Daniels - Yellow Fog
188670: John D. Daniels and Lee H. Radebaugh - International Business: Environments and Operations
177140: Ben Daniels - Undercover Job
7317: R. Balfour Daniels - Some 17th Century Worthies in a 20th Century Window
1269224: [Jane Addams] John Daniels - America Via the Neighborhood
199295: Jim Daniels - Lives of Service: Stories from Maryknoll
190555: Erich von Daniken - The Gods Never Left Us
206837: Frederick W. Danker - Invitation to the New Testament Epistles IV: A Commentary on Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1,2 and 3 John and Jude with Complete Text from the Jerusalem Bible
178260: Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois, eds - Wizards: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy
177712: John C. Dann, ed - The Nagle Journal: A Diary of the Life of Jacob Nagle, Sailor, from the Year 1775 to 1841
186435: Lawrence Dannemiller - Reading the Word of God
206114: Victor Danner and Wheeler M. Thackston, intro, tr., and notes; Annemarie Schimmel, preface - Ibn 'Ata' Illah: The Book of Wisdom - Kwaja Abdullah Ansari: Intimate Conversations
181952: Sylvia G.L. Dannett and Frank R. Rachel - Down Memory Lane: Arthur Murray's Picture Story of Social Dancing
130262: J.T. Danson - The Wealth of Households
197887: Arthur C. Danto - Nietzsche As Philosopher
193997: Jerry Windley-Daoust - Living Justice and Peace: Catholic Social Teaching in Practice
197987: Jerry Windley-Daoust - Primary Source Readings in Catholic Social Justice
207466: Sister Rose Darham, O.S.B. - Letters to Ann
175674: Larry Dark, ed - The Literary Ghost: Great Contemporary Ghost Stories
13277: Sidney Dark; illustrated by Joseph Pennell - London
178960: Arthur Darknell - Loveless / Murder Was My Alibi
43609: P. Augustinus M. Darmanin - De Promissione Matrimoniali Ad Can. 1017 CIC
175135: Clarence S. Darrow - Resist Not Evil
175128: Clarence S. Darrow - An Eye for an Eye
80348: Dr. Karl K. Darrow - Elementare Einfuhrung in Physikalische Statistik: Insbesondere in Die Theorie Des Metallischen Zustandes
203669: Diane W. Darst, Ph.D. - Western Civilization to 1648
112974: F.J. Harvey Darton - Vincent Crummles: His Theatre and His Times
162507: Lixi Darvall - The Illustrated International Phrasebook: How to Get What You Want in Eight Languages
181515: Charles Darwent - Josef Albers: Life and Work
202172: Francis D.S. Darwin - The English Mediaeval Recluse
191021: Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life / the Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
1245998: Charles Darwin - On the Origin of Species
310730: Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life / the Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
204040: Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche; Lama Surya Das, trans - Natural Great Perfection: Dzogchen Teachings and Vajra Songs
196837: A. Andrew Das and Frank J. Matera, eds - The Forgotten God: Perspectives in Biblical Theology
203725: S. N. Dasgupta, Ph.D. - Hindu Mysticism
142745: Ernst Dassmann, ed - Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Christentum
165836: Linda Dastrup - Young Women: Handouts and Object Lessons for Manual 1 (Vols. I-II)
189593: Linda Dastrup - Family Home Evening Ideas
194774: W.H.T. Dau, ed - Four Hundred Years. Commemorative Essays on the Reformation of Dr. Martin Luther and Its Blessed Results. In the Year of the Four-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reformation
50682: Alphonse Daudet - Tartarin de Tarascon
310429: Jean Daujat - The Theology of Grace
112358: J.M.S. Daurignac - Histoire de Saint Ignace de Loyola Fondatuer de la Compagnie de Jesus
25318: David and Judy Steel - Mary Stuart's Scotland
192535: David N. Ulrich, Donald R. Booz, and Paul R. Lawrence - Management Behavior and Foreman Attitude: A Case Study
178465: Rosalie David - Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt
167504: David Remnick, ed., with Susan Choi - Wonderful Town: New York Stories from the New Yorker
197877: David B. Capes, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards - Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters and Theology
176778: David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, and Aldo Corcella - A Commentary on Herodotus, Books I-IV
192504: Stuart David - How to Become a Professional Calligrapher
192209: David Noel Fredman, Allen C. Myers, and Astrid B. Beck, eds - Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
179045: Eliyahu ben David - Announcing: Judgment Day
179884: Bishop David - Method of Mental Prayer
186240: David and Iris Duke - Army National Guard Hq Starc and Military Academy Patches
195628: Mladen Davidovic - Serbian-English, English-Serbian Concise Dictionary
178354: Mary Janice Davidson - Undead and Unwelcome
93140: Louis B. Davidson and Eddie Doherty - Strange Crimes at Sea
101216: J.P. Davidson - Collective Models of the Nucleus
196721: Sean Davidson - Saint Mary Magdalene: Prophetess of Eucharistic Love
186804: Peter Davidson - Four Latin Poems Imitated by Peter Davidson
196707: Robert Davidson - The Vitality of Worship: A Commentary on the Book of Psalms
310906: D. Davidson and H. Aldersmith - The Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message; an Original Co-Ordination of Historical Documents and Archaeological Evidences, Volume I: Pyramid Records
1210681: Davidson, trans - The Works of Virgil: Literally Translated Into English Prose, with Notes
194646: Benjamin Davidson - The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon
176830: J.L. Strachan-Davidson, ed - Appian: CIVIL Wars, Book I.
188667: A.K. Davidson - The Art of Zen Gardens: A Guide to Their Creation and Enjoyment
186485: Sean Davidson - Saint Mary Magdalene: Prophetess of Eucharistic Love
60063: Robert F. Davidson, ed - The Search for Meaning in Life: Readings in Philosophy
172791: Marshall B. Davidson with Bernard McTigue - Treasures of the New York Public Library
198121: Eryl W. Davies - Prophecy and Ethics: Isaiah and the Ethical Traditions of Israel
125692: Philip Davies - Splendours of the Raj: British Architecture in India 1660-1947
191932: Robertson Davies - The Papers of Samuel Marchbanks
191332: Robertson Davies - World of Wonders
180063: Robertson Davies - The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks
173091: Horton Davies - Worship and Theology in England, Book II
61743: Hugh Sykes Davies and George Watson, eds - The English Mind: Studies in the English Moralists Presented to Basil Willey
181505: David Davies and John H. Elliott - El Greco
206994: W.D. Davies - The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount
132510: Sir Walford Davies, ed & Henry G. Ley, ed - The Church Anthem Book: One Hundred Anthems
178140: Arthur Charles Fox-Davies - A Complete Guide to Heraldry
16391: Howard Davies - British Parachute Forces 1940-45
186109: Sophocles; Malcolm Davies, ed - Trachiniae
180096: Robertson Davies - Samuel Marchbanks' Almanack
202143: Brian Davies and G.R. Evans, eds - Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works
185847: Robertson Davies - The Masque of Aesop
180058: Robertson Davies - An Introduction to the Twenty-First Toronto Antiquarian Book Fair
180001: Robertson Davies - The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks
189173: Gill Davies - The Timeline History of London: People, Places, Pageantry
198310: Valentine Davies - Miracle on 34th Street
204089: Robertson Davies - Discoveries: Early Letters 1938-1975
202545: Paul Davies and John Gribbin - The Matter Myth: Dramatic Discoveries That Challenge Our Understanding of Physical Reality
190463: Horton Davies - Worship and Theology in England, Books I-III
1250859: W.V. Davies - Egyptian Hieroglyphs
191772: Joseph E. Davies - Mission to Moscow
69948: Horton Davies - Varieties of English Preaching: 1900-1960
198443: Valentine Davies - Miracle on 34th Street
197027: Philip R. Davies - Scribes and Schools: The Canonization of the Hebrew Scriptures
60446: J. Davila - Critica
184413: Martha Davis - Understanding Body Movement: An Annotated Bibliography
193885: Adelle Davis - Let's Get Well
189072: Cyprian Davis - The History of Black Catholics in the United States
183954: Brian L. Davis - Luftwaffe Air Crews: Battle of Britain 1940
141567: James Davis, ed - Printed by Hague and Gill: A Checklist Prepared in Conjunction with the Exhibit a Responsible Workman Observing Eric Gill's Centenary
206147: Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall, Gerald O'Collins, eds - The Trinity: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Trinity
183229: Rabbi Menachem Davis - Siddur for Weekdays with Interlinear Translation: Nusach Ashkenaz
183230: Rabbi Menachem Davis - Siddur for the Sabbath and Festivals with Interlinear Translation: Nusach Ashkenaz
197546: Stephan K. Davis - The Antithesis of the Ages: Paul's Reconfiguration of Torah
92065: Richard Harding Davis - Real Soldiers of Fortune
196473: James E. Davis - Frontier Illinois
188673: Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer - Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy
6613: Maggie Davis - The Far Side of Home
98790: Beatrice Davis - The Illustrated Treasury of Australian Verse
191752: Rupert Hart Davis - The Girl from U.N. C.L. E. Magazine, April 1967: The Burning Air Affair
186770: Henry Davis - Moral and Pastoral Theology: A Summary
143503: William Stearns Davis - The Whirlwind: An Historical Romance
207600: Leo Donald Davis, S.J. - The First Seven Ecumenical Councils 9325-787) Their History and Theology
175028: Richard Harding Davis - The West from a Car-Window
197645: Ellen F. Davis and Richard B. Hays, eds - The Art of Reading Scripture
73139: Richard G. Davis - The 31 Initiatives: A Study in Air Force - Army Cooperation
130963: Harriet Riddle Davis - In Sight of the Goddess: A Tale of Washington Life
145361: Rev. Lewis Davis - The Life of Rev. David Edwards, D.D. , Late a Bishop of the United Brethren in Christ
177669: Harriet Eager Davis - Elmira: The Girl Who Loved Edgar Allan Poe
165768: Charles Davis - Liturgy and Doctrine: The Doctrinal Basis of the Liturgical Movement
193459: Charles Davis - Theology for Today
177771: Stanley M. Davis - Future Perfect
175851: William C. Davis and Bell I. Wiley, eds - The CIVIL War: The Compact Edition, Volumes I-II
179048: Adam Hart-Davis - What the Tudors & Stuarts Did for Us
124521: Robert Murray Davis - A Lower-Middle-Class Education
124543: Bruce Henry Davis - Nature's Window: Charles Frace
123276: Gavan Davis - Holy Man: Father Damien of Molokai
1236612: Robert G. Davis - Understanding Manhood in America: Freemasonry's Enduring Path to the Mature Masculine
1110: John Davis - Historical Records of the Second Royal Surrey or 11th Regiment of Militia
93679: Charles Davis - English Spiritual Writers
145040: George Davis - Recollections of a Sea-Wanderer's Life
206162: Kenneth G. Davis and Leopoldo Perez, eds - Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine
184896: Peter G. Davis - The American Opera Singer: The Lives and Adventures of America's Great Singers in Opera and Concert, from 1825 to the Present
178564: Adam Hart-Davis - What the Victorians Did for Us
182617: Charles Davis - Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism and Confirmation
203119: R. H. C. Davis - King Stephen 1135-1154
174248: Kenneth S. Davis; Frieda Kay Fall - The Eisenhower College Collection: The Paintings of Dwight D. Eisenhower
176333: Richard Harding Davis - Ranch Life in Texas
207699: John H. Davis - The Evasive Peace: A Study of the Zionist-Arab Problem
192304: Kenneth S. Davis - Experience of War: The United States in World War II
205578: Mike Davis - Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World
197925: Charles Davis - God's Grace in History
194351: Leo Donald Davis - The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and Theology
185924: Archibald T. Davison and Henry Wilder Foote, eds - The Second Concord Anthem Book: Forty Anthems for the Use of Mixed Voice Choirs in Protestant Churches
188170: Archibald T. Davison and Thomas Whitney Surette, eds - Concord Song Book for Women's Voices: Unison, Two-, Three-, and Four-Part; for Use by Colleges, Schools and Choral Societies
177076: Rev. Lawrence J. Davitt - A Re-Study of the Movement Toward American Independence, 1760-1778
208144: Thomas E. Davitt, S.J. - The Nature of Law
189214: Dr. L. Wieger; L. Davrout, tr - Chinese Characters: Their Origin, Etymology, History, Classification and Signification. A Thorough Study from Chinese Documents
131022: R.D. Dawe - Repertory of Conjectures of Aeschylus
207681: Gregory W. Dawes - Introduction to the Bible
192614: Kristin Dawkins - Global Governance: The Battle over Planetary Power
132566: Power Mills Dawley - John Whitgift and the English Reformation
166541: Powel Mills Dawley - Our Christian Heritage: Church History and the Episcopal Church
189370: Dawn and Peter Cope - Illustrators of Postcards from the Nursery
176011: Malcolm Dawson - Uniforms of the Royal Armoured Corps
21942: Carl Dawson - Prophets of Past Time: Seven British Autobiographers 1880-1914
207607: Christopher Dawson - Mediaeval Religion (the Forwood Lectures 1934) and Other Essays
3692: Conningsby Dawson - Carry on: Letters in Wartime
206865: Christopher Dawson - The Formation of Christendom
300227: Christopher Dawson - The Movement of World Revolution
109557: Captain Lionel Dawson - Mediterranean Medley
201868: Christopher Dawson - The Making of Europe
202909: Raymond Dawson - A New Introduction to Classical Chinese
199175: Christopher Dawson, ed - The Mongol Mission: Narratives and Letters of the Franciscan Missionaries in Mongolia and China in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
182493: Michael Day, ed - Christian Simplicity in St. Therese: The Place of St. Therese of Lisieux in Christian Spirituality
189289: Jo Anne C. Day - Decorative Silhouettes of the Twenties for Designers & Craftsmen
194674: Helen Caldwell Day - Color, Ebony
151294: David T. Day - Mineral Resources of the United States: Calendar Year 1888
162474: Archibald A. Day - The Origins of Latin Love-Elegy
206948: Maureen K. Day, ed - Young Adult American Catholics: Explaining Vocation in Their Own Words
207137: Dorothy Day - House of Hospitality
179392: Stacey B. Day, ed - Death and Attitudes Toward Death
1240843: Dorothy Day - The Long Loneliness
188853: Michael Day, ed - Christian Simplicity in St. Therese: The Place of St. Therese of Lisieux in Christian Spirituality
151346: David T. Day - Mineral Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1887
11420: William Day - William Day's Reminiscences of the Turf
195159: Henry C. Day - The New Morality: A Candid Criticism
179956: Helen Caldwell Day - Not without Tears
192009: Fr. Edward Day - The Catholic Church Story: Changing and Changeless
310349: Peter D. Day - The Liturgical Dictionary of Eastern Christianity
1276064: Dorothy Day - House of Hospitality
173340: Dorothy Day - From Union Square to Rome
145308: Richard Ellsworth Day - Bush Aglow: The Life Story of Dwight Lyman Moody, Commoner of Northfield
32216: Samuel Phillips Day - Life and Society in America: 1st and 2nd Series
176525: Dorothy Day - House of Hospitality
71161: Rev. Francis Day - The Community and the Criminal: A Guide to Catholic Service
179539: Afton Day - How to Be a Perfect Wife and Other Myths
175205: University of Dayton - 1960 University of Dayton Yearbook (Dayton, Oh)
199742: Edward R. Dayton and Ted W. Engstrom - Strategy for Leadership
175731: Fred Erving Dayton - Steamboat Days
207456: Thomas F. O'Dea - Alienation, Atheism and the Religious Crisis
1256924: Paulus Diakonos (Paul the Deacon) - Pauli Historia Langobardorum
176298: John Candee Dean - In the Days of Chesterfield
194987: Abner Dean - And on the Eighth Day
200444: Frederick E. Dean - Ships of the World
199724: Dean R. Hoge, Jackson W. Carroll, and Francis K. Scheets - Patterns of Parish Leadership: Cost and Effectiveness in Four Denominations
200621: William F. Dean with William L. Worden - General Dean's Story
202240: Margaret Deanesly - The Lollard Bible and Other Biblical Versions
206720: John Dear - Put Down Your Sword: Answering the Gospel Call to Creative Nonviolence
113194: I.C.B. Dear and M.R.D. Foot, eds - The Oxford Companion to World War II
174524: Dick DeBartolo - Good Days and Mad: A Hysterical Tour Behind the Scenes at Mad Magazine
120207: Por un Americano [Alfred Joseph Deberle] - Historia de la America Del Sur
194370: Edward P. DeBerri and James E. HUg with Peter J. Henriot and Michael J. Schultheis - Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret
197261: Guerric DeBona - Fulfilled in Our Hearing: History and Method of Christian Preaching
94676: Jacques Debout - La Femme Aux Douze Etoiles
208109: James J. Deboy Jr. - Getting Started in Adult Religious Education
123373: Regis Debray - The New Testament: Through 100 Masterpieces of Art
108253: Paul Debuchy - Le Petit Office de L'Immaculee Conception
186041: Claude Debussy - Pelleas Et Melisande in Full Score
186043: Claude Debussy - Cello Sonata, Violin Sonata and Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp
162356: Graydon DeCamp - The Grand Old Lady of Vine Street: A History of the Cincinnati Enquirer
166755: Ed Decker - What You Need to Know About Mormons
199224: Rev. Charles F. Decker, ed - A Mission Tour in the Southwest Pacific: From the Diary Account of Rev. Mother Mary Rose, S.M. S.M.
125756: William Merrill Decker - The Literary Vocation of Henry Adams
189735: J. Declareuil - Rome the Law-Giver
107923: Didier Decoin - La Sainte Vierge a Les Yeux Bleus
196281: John F. Dedek - Titus and Bertha Ride Again: Contemporary Moral Cases
310768: John F. Dedek - Titius and Bertha Ride Again: Contemporary Moral Cases
189270: Tim Dedopulos - Kabbalah: An Illustrated Introduction to the Esoteric Heart of Jewish Mysticism
205826: Tim Dedopulos - The Book of Wizards: A Magical History
173735: Jonathan Dee - The Runes: An Illustrated Guide to Interpreting the Stones
194175: John Deedy - The Catholic Book of Days
180150: Arthur X. Deegan - The Priest As Manager
206871: Alfons Deeken, S.J. - Process and Permanence in Ethics: Max Scheler's Moral Philosophy
194092: Edith Deen - All of the Women of the Bible
131620: Leonard W. Deen - Conversing in Paradise: Poetic Genius and Identity-As-Community in Blake's Los
1245092: Warwick Deeping - Stories of Love, Courage and Compassion
1245093: Warwick Deeping - Sorrell and Son
1245094: Warwick Deeping - Doomsday
175636: Jesse Walter Dees, Jr. - Flophouse: An Authentic Undercover Study of "Flophouses," "Cage Hotels," Including Missions, Shelters and Institutions Serving Unattached (Homeless) Men
189230: Roy J. Deferrari and Sr. M. Inviolata Barry - A Complete Index of the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
194050: Henry Denzinger; Roy J. Deferrari, tr - The Sources of Catholic Dogma
197574: Roy J. Deferrari and Sr. Francis Joseph - First Year Latin
103723: Daniel Defoe - The History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Colonel Jack
172756: Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe and a Journal of the Plague Year
206883: Very Reverend James H. Defouri - Historical Sketch of the Catholic Church in New Mexico
195794: John DeFrancis - Beginning Chinese
195795: John DeFrancis with Teng Chia-yee - Intermediate Chinese
195739: John DeFrancis - Character Text for Beginning Chinese
208083: Sandra DeGidio, OSM - Sharing Faith in the Family: A Guide to Ritual and Catechesis
199751: Fr. Robert DeGrandis - The Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
199017: Msgr. Joseph DeGrocco - A Pastoral Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal
1279342: Joseph Deharbe - Deharbe's Large Catechism Trajnslated by a Father of the Society of Jesus of the Province of Missouri from the German Edition Prepared for the United States with the Approval and Co-Operation of the Author
70541: Joseph Deharbe - Kurzeres Handbuch Zum Religionsunterricht in Den Elementarschulen
70587: Joseph Deharbe - Deharbes Kurzeres Handbuch Zum Religionsunterricht in Den Elementarschulen
1280851: Rev. Jos. Deharbe - Catechism of Christian Doctrine
195076: Peter Thomas Dehau - Eve and Mary
176494: Elinor Tong Dehey - Religious Orders of Women in the United States: Catholic; Accounts of Their Origin, Works and Most Important Institutions Interwoven with Histories of Many Famous Foundresses
147696: Elinor Tong Dehey - Religious Orders of Women in the United States: Catholic; Accounts of Their Origin, Works and Most Important Institutions Interwoven with Histories of Many Famous Foundresses
182517: Leon Dehon - In His Own Words: Blessed Leo Dehon; Love, Prayer and Action
179401: Genevieve DeHoyos - Stewardship - the Divine Order
141179: Antonio Deimel - Veteris Testamenti Chronologia Monumentis Babylonico-Assyriis
37339: Salvaire y Ham Deimiles - Historia Popular Y Novena de Nstra. Sra. De Lujan
179641: Lucien Deiss, comp - Early Sources of the Liturgy
208102: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp - God's Word Is Our Joy Volume Seven: Feast Days and Holy Days
208103: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp - God's Word Is Our Joy: Homilies Prayers and Readings for Lent and Easter Cycle B.
197802: Fr. Lucien Deiss - Biblical Hymns and Psalms
147950: Lucien Deiss - God's Word and God's People
208101: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp - God's Word Is Our Joy Volume Three: Seasons of Advent and Christmas - Seasons of Lent and Easter - Cycle B.
208104: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp - God's Word Is Our Joy: Homilies Readings Prayers Music - Cycle C - 4 Volumes
199778: Lucien Deiss - Celebration of the Word
1249198: Lucien Deiss - Early Sources of the Liturgy
194201: Rev. Lucien Deiss - Mary, Daughter of Sion
183934: Meindert Dejong - The House of Sixty Fathers
174879: James Tertius deKay - The Rebel Raiders: The Astonishing History of the Confederacy's Secret Navy
202419: Eligius Dekkers and Aemilius Gaar - Clavis Patrum Latinorum
200956: Gerard Delacroix - Le Gros Ventre: French Naval Gabare 1766-1779
195656: Richard Delacy - Teach Yourself Beginner's Urdu Script
120740: D.A. Delafield - Rogue Elephant and Other Story Talks for Juniors
207429: John J. Delaney - Dictionary of Saints
144385: John J. Delaney, ed - The Best in Modern Catholic Reading Volume I [the Lilies of the Field, Mr. Blue]
300309: John J. Delaney - A Woman Clothed with the Sun
196116: Joseph J. Delaney, ed - A Woman Clothed with the Sun: Eight Great Appearances of Our Lady in Modern Times
1236166: John J. Delaney - Dictionary of American Catholic Biography
81553: John J. Delaney - Dictionary of Saints
125080: John J. Delaney, ed - The Best in Modern Catholic Reading: Volume II
1269230: John J. Delaney - A Woman Clothed with the Sun: Eight Great Appearances of Our Lady
180187: John J. Delaney; Daphne Barlay; Margaret T. Monro; Margaret Ahern - A Woman Clothed with the Sun / Amedeo / a Sign to Be Spoken Against: An Excerpt from a Book of Unlikely Saints / Presenting... Speck the Altar Boy
188070: Robert Finley Delaney - The Literature of Communism in America: A Selected Reference Guide
179838: John J. Delaney - Dictionary of Saints
130141: Jean Delanglez - Frontenanc and the Jesuits
130889: Jean Delanglez - Some Lasalle Journeys
130443: Jean Delanglez - El Rio Del Espiritu Santo: An Essay on the Cartography of the Gulf Coast and the Adjacent Territory During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
123022: Seldan Peabody Delany - Rome from Within
195163: Dr. Selden Peabody Delany - Rome from Within
206236: Jaques Delarue - The Holiness of Vincent de Paul
202289: E. Delaruelle, E.-R. Labande, and Paul Ourliac - L'Eglise Au Temps Du Grand Schisme Et de la Crise Conciliaire (1378-1449)
191370: Dom Paul Delatte - The Rule of Saint Benedict
208131: Robert Delavignette - Christianity and Colonialism
188181: R. Foulche-Delbosc and L. Barrau-Dihigo - Manuel de L'Hispanisant, Tome I.
188191: R. Foulche-Delbosc and L. Barrau-Dihigo - Manuel de L'Hispanisant, Tome II
98931: E.C. Delchambre - Entretiens Sur Les Apparitions de la Sainte Vierge
113351: Eric R. Delderfield - Kings & Queens of England & Great Britain
178932: R.F. Delderfield - The March of the Twenty-Six: The Story of Napoleon's Marshals
147810: Hippolyte Delehaye - The Legends of the Saints
64964: Hipployte Delehaye - The Work of the Bollandists Through Three Centuries, 1615-1915
1249216: Hippolyte Delehaye - The Legends of the Saints
201473: Pere H. Delehaye - The Legends of the Saints: An Introduction to Hagiography
98680: Nejdet Delener - Strategic Planning and Multinational Trading Blocs
145616: L'Abbe H. Delepine - Manuel Paroissial Des Fideles a L'Usage de Tous Les Dioceses
207154: Laurie Delgatto - Creating Safe and Sacred Places for Young Adolescents: Sexual Abuse Educational Sessions for 5th to 8th Graders
65310: P. Delhaye, et al. - Pastoral Treatment of Sin
190210: Ph. Delhaye - Recontre de Dieu Et de L'Homme
65572: Ph. Delhaye - Recontre de Dieu Et de L'Homme
65573: Ph. Delhaye and J. Boulange - Esperance Et Vie Chretienne
199234: Rev. Casimir A. Delimat - The Ladder of Jacob: Aids to Perfection for Religious Based on Alphonsus Rodriguez, S.J.
193708: Ilia Delio - Birth of a Dancing Star: From Cradle Catholic to Cyborg Christian
187329: Ilia Delio - The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution, and the Power of Love
198705: Ilia Delio - Clare of Assisi: A Heart Full of Love
193675: Ilia Delio - Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, Consciousness
205936: Alain-Fournier; Francoise Delisle, trans.; Henri Peyre, intro - Le Grand Meaulnes: The Wanderer
179703: Joannes Delitzsch - De Inspiratione Scripturae Sacrae Quid Statuerint Patres Apostolici Et Apologetae Secundi Saeculi
141703: Lewis Delmage, trans - The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola
1275744: Dionysius Fernandez Zapico & Candidus de Delmases, eds - Fontes Narrativi de S. Ignatio de Loyola: 2v
86370: Dwight DeLong and Paul Freytag - Four Genera of the World Gyponinae: A Synopsis of the Genera Gypona - Gyponana - Rugosana and Reticana
166695: Jack R. DeLora and Joann S. DeLora, eds - Intimate Life Styles: Marriage and Its Alternatives
192573: Vine Deloria, Jr. - God Is Red: A Native View of Religion
195986: Alfred Delp - The Prison Meditations of Father Alfred Delp
179121: Charles F. Delzell, ed - The Papacy and Totalitarianism between the Two World Wars
197118: George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou, eds - Orthodox Readings of Augustine
185631: George E. Demacopoulos - Gregory the Great: Ascetic, Pastor, and First Man of Rome
124524: Thomas Deman - Into the Deep: A Journey Through Turbulent Times in Church and Society
193130: Gordon C. DeMarais and Daniel A. Keating - Called to Christian Joy and Maturity: Forming Missionary Disciples
188780: Tom DeMarco - Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency
71553: Angelus A. DeMarco, O.F.M. - A Key to the New Liturgical Constitution: An Alphabetical Analysis
194881: Donald Demarest and Coley Taylor, eds - The Dark Virgin: The Book of Our Lady of Guadalupe
197187: Donald Demarest and Coley Taylor, eds - The Dark Virgin: The Book of Our Lady of Guadalupe
191863: Ovid Demaris - Captive City
1258275: Ovid Demaris - Candyleg
86570: M. Demerec, Zlata Hartman, et al. - Genetic Studies with Bacteria
181700: Peter Demetz, ed - Brecht: A Collection of Critical Essays
172869: Richard Deming - The Mod Squad: Assignment: The Arranger
198098: Klaus Demmer - Shaping the Moral Life: An Approach to Moral Theology
199506: Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes - Muslim Institutions
113141: John Putnam Demos - Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England
149172: Rev. Martin Dempsey - From an Old Monk's Diary
180812: Martin Dempsey - John Baptist de la Salle: His Life and His Institute
196845: Carol J. Dempsey - Jeremiah: Preacher of Grace, Poet of Truth
1270511: James X. Dempsey and David Cole - Terrorism & the Constitution: Sacrificing CIVIL Liberties in the Name of National Security
1249734: Martin Dempsey - John Baptist de la Salle: His Life and His Institute
196593: Carol J. Dempsey - Hope Amid the Ruins: The Ethics of Israel's Prophets
183963: M.W. Dempsye, comp - The Daily Telegraph Atlas of the Arab World
169595: Kenyeres Denes - Katonai Kituntetesek a Magyar Tortenelemben (Rendjelek, Erdemrendek, Erdemermek, Emlekermek, Erdemjelek, Szolgalati Jelek, Kitunteto Cimek)
1249580: Mother Dolores Hart & Richard DeNeut - The Ear of the Heart: An Actress' Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows
148692: Don DeNevi and Noel Francis Moholy - Junipero Serra: The Illustrated Story of the Franciscan Founder of California's Missions
204294: Sarah Dening - The Mythology of Sex
39182: Henri Denis - Where Is Theology Going
1250398: Ayten Denisenko - Askeri Muze Osmanli Ve Cumhuriyet Donemi Madayla Ve Nisanlar Katalogu
200114: Corrie Denison - Glimpses
98271: Arnaud Denjoy - Lecons Sur le Calcul Des Coefficients
192706: Charlotte Dennett - The People V. Bush: One Lawyer's Campaign to Bring the President to Justice and the National Grassroots Movement She Encounters Along the Way
173549: Aeschylus; John Dewar Denninston and Denys Page, eds - Agamemnon
1280520: C.E. Dennis - Dennis Water Cress
208118: Dennis J. Horan, Edward R. Grant, and Paige C. Cunningham, eds - Abortion and the Constitution: Reversing Roe V. Wade Through the Courts
310108: Clyde H. Dennis, ed - These Live on: The Best of True Stories Unveiling the Power and Presence of God in World War II
197089: Dennis and Rita Bennett - The Holy Spirit and You: A Study Guide to the Spirit-Filled Life
186916: Colin Dennis - The Road Not Taken: Memoirs of a Reluctant Guerilla
183544: Patrick Dennis - Little Me: The Intimate Memoirs of That Great Star of Stage, Screen and Television, Belle Poitrine
203331: Ronald D. Dennis - The Call of Zion: The Story of the First Welsh Mormon Emigration
184936: Sam Denov - Symphonic Paradox: The Misadventures of a Wayward Musician
195052: P. Dens - Tractatus de Sponsalibus Et Matrimonio
196066: William R. Denslow, Jr., ed - Ray V. Denslow's Masonic Journey, Volume 1: Traveling the World with One of History's Most Prolific Masonic Authors
190152: W.W. Denslow - Denslow's Humpty Dumpty
112881: Frances Densmore - Papago Music
109613: Barbara Dent - The Cleansing of the Heart
172628: Robert C. Dentan - The Knowledge of God in Ancient Israel
149653: Ohio State University College of Dentistry - 1957 Ohio State University College of Dentistry Yearbook
149654: Ohio State University College of Dentistry - 1958 Ohio State University College of Dentistry Yearbook
149652: Ohio State University College of Dentistry - 1967 Ohio State University College of Dentistry Yearbook
172013: Daniel Denton - A Brief Description of New York: Formerly Called New Netherlands
189884: Heinrich Denzinger - Enchiridion Symbolorum Et Definitionum, Quae de Rebus Fidei Et Morum a Conciliis Oecumenicis Et Summis Pontificibus Emanarunt
189883: Heinrich Denzinger - Enchiridion Symbolorum Et Definitionum, Quae de Rebus Fidei Et Morum a Conciliis Oecumenicis Et Summis Pontificibus Emanarunt
194693: Heinrich Denzinger - Enchiridion Symbolorum: Definitionum Et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei Et Morum
195593: Heinrich Denzinger - Enchiridion Symbolorum: Definitionum Et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei Et Morum
310374: Henry Denzinger - The Sources of Catholic Dogma
208075: Henrici Denzinger - Enchridion Symblorum Definitionum Et Declaratonum de Rebus Fidei Et Morum
196282: Heinrich Denzinger - Enchiridion Symbolorum: Definitionum Et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei Et Morum
208076: Henricus Denzinger and Adolfus Schonmetzer - Enchridion Symblorum Definitionum Et Declaratonum de Rebus Fidei Et Morum
204389: Fr. John De Deo - The Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant
161952: United States War Department - Dictionary of Spoken Chinese: Chinese-English, English-Chinese
108679: Intelligence Branch of the Quartermaster General's Department - British Minor Expeditions Part IV: Walcheren 1809
167635: Werner Deppert - Mit Dampfmaschine Und Schaufelrad: Die Dampfschiffahrt Auf Dem Bodensee 1817-1967
192844: Charles Derber - People Before Profit: The New Globalization in an Age of Terror, Big Money, and Economic Crisis
192829: Charles Derber - Regime Change Begins at Home: Freeing America from Corporate Rule
192840: Charles Derber - Hidden Power: What You Need to Know to Save Our Democracy
192846: Charles Derber - The Wilding of America: How Greed and Violence Are Eroding Our Nation's Character
170479: Derek and Julia Parker - The Power of Magic: Secrets and Mysteries Ancient and Modern
208021: J. Deretz and A. Nocent, O.S.B. - Dictionary of the Council
310510: J. Deretz and A. Nocent, eds - Dictionary of the Council
149888: M. Ugur Derman - Sabanci University, Sakip Sabanci Museum: Selected Works from the Calligraphy Collection
96714: Emile Dermenghem - Muhammad and the Isalmic Tradition
189163: Emile Dermenghem - Muhammad and the Islamic Tradition
165456: Rev. William Dern - A Parson Takes a Gander: A Compilation of My Favorite Humorous and Inspirational Yarns
175471: Camille DeRose - The Camille Derose Story
101554: Louis Derr - Heat: Instruction Paper
203333: Jill Mulvay Derr, ed - Lives of the Saints: Writing Mormon Biography and Autobiography
150962: Christopher Derrick - Honest Love & Human Life: Is the Pope Right About Contraception
183318: Christopher Derrick, ed - Good Work, Volume 30
1249045: Christopher Derrick - Church Authority and Intellectual Freedom
188480: Charles Derriey - Borders, Frames and Decorative Motifs from the 1862 Derriey Typographic Catalog
187067: Frank Desaix - Hilary & the Lions
183415: John DeSalvo - The Lost Art of Enochian Magic: Angels, Invocations, and the Secrets Revealed to Dr. John Dee
148610: J. Desandre and W.-H. Freeman - Fables de J. De la Fontaine
182056: Pierre Descargues - Cranach
184034: Melchior Paul von Deschwanden; Gall Morel - Gallerie Religioser Bilder in Stahlstichen
162844: R.S. Deshpande and G.E. Salpekar - Teach Yourself Marathi
206025: David A. DeSilva - The Letter to the Galatians
192972: Cosmas Desmond - The Discarded People: An Account of African Resettlement in South Africa
43608: Humphrey J. Desmond - The Church and the Law with Special Reference to Ecclesiastical Law in the United States
162025: Alice Curtis Desmond - Your Flag and Mine
182581: F. Desplanques - Living the Mass: The Ordinary of the Mass and... The Ordinary of Life
190077: Horace; Ludovico Desprez, ed - Quinti Horati Flacci: Opera
198590: Charles Stephen Dessain - John Henry Newman
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