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144489: John Buchan - The Clearing House: A Survey of One Man's Mind
202692: John Buchan - The Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy
193317: John Buchan - The Man from the Norlands
1221806: John Buchan - Homilies and Recreations
121181: John Buchan - Sir Walter Scott
107513: John Buchan - The Massacre of Glencoe
107516: John Buchan - Sir Walter Scott
121843: John Buchan - Sir Walter Scott
1226474: John Buchan - The Last Secrets: The Final Mysteries of Exploration
1221798: John Buchan - The Three Hostages
107452: John Buchan - These for Remembrance: Memoirs of 6 Friends Killed in the Great War
107670: John Buchan - Prester John
1237165: John Buchan - The Thirty-Nine Steps
108293: John Buchan - Salute to Adventurers
107672: John Buchan - John Burnet of Barns
107665: John Buchan - Men and Deeds
107663: John Buchan - Adventurers All
149766: Susan Buchan - The Sword of State: Wellington After Waterloo
160665: William Buchan - John Buchan: A Memoir
140298: John Buchan - The King's Grace 1910-1935
176713: Lamont Buchanan - Ballot for Americans: A Pictorial History of American Elections and Electioneering with the Top Political Personalities 1789-1956
194456: David Buchanan - Roman Sport and Entertainment
180051: David Buchanan - The Treasure of Auchinleck: The Story of the Boswell Papers
205658: Colin O. Buchanan, ed - Modern Anglican Liturgies 1958-1968
195934: Dougal Buchanan; RLS Ltd - Gaelic-English, English-Gaelic Dictionary
203798: Keith Buchanan - The Transformation of the Chinese Earth
112555: Edna Buchanan - The Ice Maiden
179626: A. Russell Buchanan - The United States and World War II, Volume II
146366: Tim Bucher - Stick and Tissue Modeler's Album: Construction Projects for Free Flight Aeromodelers Volume 1
192699: Paul Buchheit, ed - American Wars: Illusions and Realities
145723: Peter Buchholz - Bibliographie Zur Alteuropaischen Religionsgeschichte 1954-1964
46749: Herbert Buchholz - Die Konfluente Hypergeometrische Funktion
191842: Paul H. Buck - The Road to Reunion 1865-1900
175679: Pearl S. Buck - The Good Earth
131413: Gertrude Buck - The Social Criticism of Literature
126803: Charles Buck - Anecdotes: Religious, Moral, and Entertaining
173007: Pearl S. Buck - A Silk Road Journey Including the Good Earth
175529: Pearl S. Buck - This Proud Heart
175533: Pearl S. Buck - Fighting Angel: Portrait of a Soul
189152: Claire Buck, ed - Guide to Women's Literature Throughout the World
178691: John Lossing Buck, Owen L. Dawson, Yuan-Li Wu - Food and Agriculture in Communist China
190938: Pearl S. Buck - Pavilion of Women
205662: Emory Stevens Bucke, ed - Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Church 1964
202707: Tobias S. Buckell - Sly Mongoose
175500: James Buckham - Where Town and Country Meet
177524: J.S. Buckingham - America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive, Volumes I-III
188064: Willis J. Buckingham, ed - Emily Dickinson: An Annotated Bibliography; Writings, Scholarship, Criticism, and Ana 1850-1968
183345: Raymond Buckland - Practical Candleburning Rituals
183346: Ray Buckland - Advanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose
204240: Raymond Buckland - The Magick of Chant-O-Matics
170438: Raymond Buckland - Wicca for Life: The Way of the Craft - from Birth to Summerland
169189: Raymond Buckland - Wicca for Life: The Way of the Craft -- from Birth to Summerland
1242024: Raymond Buckland - The Fortune-Telling Book: The Encyclopedia of Divination and Soothsaying
181534: Richard Buckle - Nijinsky
203473: William E. Buckler, ed - Prose of the Victorian Period
191290: Msgr. Michael Buckley - The Catholic Prayer Book
196793: James J. Buckley and David S. Yeago, eds - Knowing the Triune God: The Work of the Spirit in the Practices of the Church
185476: Theodore Alois Buckley, rev - The Works of Virgil Literally Translated Into English Prose, with Notes, by Davidson
185720: Homer; Theodore Alois Buckley, tr - The Odyssey of Homer: Literally Translated with Explanatory Notes
146502: Fr. Pat Buckley - A Thorn in the Side
206341: Thomas W. Buckley - Seventy Times Seven: Sin, Judgement, and Forgiveness in Matthew
195207: Joseph Buckley - Christian Design for Sex: Principles and Attitudes for Parents and Teachers
1243839: Theodore Alois Buckley - The Tragedies of Euripides, Vol. II
1243863: Theodore Alois Buckley, ed - The Tragedies of Euripides, Vol. I.
1243864: Theodore Alois Buckley, ed - The Tragedies of Sophocles
184614: Mary Buckley and David Baum - Color Theory: A Guide to Information Sources
184830: Aeschylus; Theodore Alois Buckley, tr - The Tragedies of Aeschylus. Literally Translated. With Critical and Illustrative Notes, and an Introduction
181492: Peter Buckley - Bullfight
149403: J.M. Buckley - A Hereditary Consumptive's Successful Battle for Life
98037: Rev. Christopher M. Buckner - One Flock One Shepherd: The Teachings of the Catholic Church: Course One: Doctrine - Part C.
204263: Zsuzsanna E. Budapest - The Grandmother of Time: A Woman's Book of Celebrations, Spells, and Sacred Objects for Every Month of the Year
184670: John Budd, comp - Henry James: A Bibliography of Criticism, 1975-1981
151058: Michael L. Budde - The Two Churches: Catholicism & Capitalism in the World System
185375: Julian Budden - The Operas of Verdi: From Oberto to Rigoletto
179710: J. Buddeus and J.K. Eccard - Dissertatio Historico-Theologica de Pontificibus Romanis Qui Reformationem Ecclesiae Frustra Tentarunt Quam in Memoriam Secundi Evangelicae Ecclesiae Iubilae Rectore Magnificentissimo Serenissimo Principe Ac Domino Domino Guilielmo Henrico Duce Saxoniae, Iuliaci, Cliviae, Montium, Angariae Item Westphaliaeque, Reliqua
125944: Charles Francis Buddy - Going, Therefore, Teach...
192037: Charles Francis Buddy - Going Therefore, Teach...
189431: Louis Francis Budenz - This Is My Story
203728: E. A. Wallis Budge - The Mummy
183351: E.A. Wallis Budge - The Mummy: A History of the Extraordinary Practices of Ancient Egypt
1250858: Sir E.A. Wallis Budge - Egyptian Language
176646: Sir Wallis Budge - Egyptian Magic
183487: Ernest A. Wallis Budge - The Mummy: Funereal Rites & Customs in Ancient Egypt
174694: Stephen Budiansky - Perilous Fight: America's Intrepid War with Britain on the High Seas, 1812-1815
36602: Francesco Lo Bue, ed - The Turin Fragment of Tyconius' Commentary on Revelation
189386: Thomas S. Buechner - Norman Rockwell: A Sixty Year Retrospective
180179: Marie Cecilia Buehrle - Saint Maria Goretti
188570: Marie Cecilia Buehrle - The Cardinal Stritch Story
1271542: Marie C. Buehrle - I Am on Fire: Blessed Mary of Providence
196451: Thomas B. Buell - The Warrior Generals: Combat Leadership in the CIVIL War
165788: David John Buerger - The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship
177228: Johann Carl Buettner - Narrative of Johann Carl Buettner in the American Revolution
182158: Remo Bufano - Magic Strings: Marionette Plays with Production Notes
145679: Anne Vincent-Buffault - Une Historire de L'Amitie
194876: Francis P. Le Buffe - Thinking with God: Series One
194801: Francis P. Le Buffe - My Changeless Friend: Twelfth Series
166690: Walbert Buhlmann - The Missions on Trial: Addis Ababa 1980; a Moral for the Future from the Archives of Today
43748: L. Buijs - Facultates Religiosorum Concessae Rescripto Pontificio Diei 6 Novembris 1964
180297: Lois McMaster Bujold - Borders of Infinity
169068: Emir Bukhari - Napoleon's Cavalry
172052: Thomas Bulfinch - The Age of Fable or Stories of Gods and Heroes
150535: Thomas Bulfinch - Charlemagne: Or, Romance of the Middle Ages
180383: James E. Bulger - Louis Martin's Daughter
162316: Reuven P. Bulka, ed - Dimensions of Orthodox Judaism
203828: Malcolm Bull - The Mirror of the Gods: How Renaissance Artists Rediscovered the Pagan Gods
132495: Henry Bull - Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations: As Well for Private As Public Exercise
192682: Robert D. Bullard - Confronting Environmental Racism: Voices from the Grassroots
173630: Rev. Peter Bullions - The Principles of Latin Grammar; Comprising the Substance of the Most Approved Grammars Extant, with an Appendix, for the Use of Schools and Colleges
191909: Alan Bulllock and Maurice Shock, eds - The Liberal Tradition: From Fox to Keynes
12883: Helen Bullock - The Williamsburg Art of Cookery
177697: Rudolf Bultmann - Essays Philosophical and Theological
124949: T. Francis Bumpus - Summer Holidays Among the Glories of France: Her Cathedrals and Churches
183467: Frances Buning and Paul Hambly - Herbalism
191142: Dorothy T. Bunker - The Boy Jesus
196487: M.N. Bunker - Handwriting Analysis: The Science of Determining Personality by Graphoanalysis
194116: Matthew Bunson - Osv's Encyclopedia of Catholic History
193120: Matthew Bunson - Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Catholic History
202839: Margaret Bunson - The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt: Over 1,500 Entries on an Extraordinary Historical Civilization
202896: Matthew E. Bunson - Saint Pope Paul VI: Celebrating the 262nd Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
113449: Margaret Bunson - The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
1236167: Margaret R. Bunson - Signposts for Pilgrims: An Inspirational Collection of Papal Quotes
196175: Jacques Bur - Pour Comprendre la Vierge Marie Dans le Mystere Du Christ Et de L'Eglise
193016: Roger Burbach and Ben Clarke, eds - September 11 and the U.S. War: Beyond the Curtain of Smoke
183858: S.C. Burchell - Imperial Masquerade: The Paris of Napoleon III
182083: Monica Burckhardt - Mobilier Louis XVI
173909: Donna Burckle - Cincinnati without Fears or Tears
173898: Donna Burckle - Greater Cincinnati Close-Up
200342: Van Akin Burd, ed - The Ruskin Family Letters: The Correspondence of John James Ruskin, His Wife, and Their Son, John, 1801-1843, Volumes I-II
1265154: Shirley Burden; Thomas Merton - God Is My Life: The Story of Our Lady of Gethsemani
143321: Shirley Burden; Thomas Merton - God Is My Life: The Story of Our Lady of Gethsemani
179711: Samuel Burder - Oriental Customs; or an Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, by an Explanatory Application of the Customs and Manners of the Eastern Nations, and Especially the Jews Therein Alluded to, Collected from the Most Celebrated Travellers, and the Most Eminent Critics
131322: Osbert Burdett - William Blake
204201: Japan Travel Bureau - Festivals of Japan
204202: Japan Travel Bureau - Who's Who of Japan: 100 Historical Personages
204203: Japan Travel Bureau - Today's Japan
204200: Japan Travel Bureau - Eating in Japan
204204: Japan Travel Bureau - Japanese Characters
204198: Japan Travel Bureau - Living Japanese Style
146267: Inter-Parliamentary Bureau - The Inter-Parliamentary Union from 1889 to 1939: A Publication Issued by the Inter-Parliamentary Bureau to Commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Union
204205: Japan Travel Bureau - Say It in Japanese
204206: Japan Travel Bureau - Japanese Family and Culture
1271269: Martin Van Buren - Original Presidential Land Grant Dated May 10, 1838
1245576: Martin Van Buren - Original Presidential Land Grant Dated September 20, 1839
1245575: Martin Van Buren - Original Presidential Land Grant Dated August 2, 1838
178595: Goran Burenhult - People of the Past: The Epic Story of Human Origins and Development
42959: Rev. Charles Burgard - La Bible Dans la Liturgie
206079: Ted Burge - Science and the Bible: Evidence-Based Christian Belief
1245756: James Burge - Heloise and Abelard: A New Biography
192850: Julian Burger - Report from the Frontier: The State of the World's Indigenous Peoples
203523: Allan K. Burgess - Becoming a Celestial Person in a Telestial World
205895: Anthony Burgess - A Dead Man in Deptford
46962: Thornton W. Burgess - Betty Bear's Lesson
112695: Robert E. Park & Ernest W. Burgess - Introduction to the Science of Sociology
194719: Francis Burgess, ed - The English Gradual, Part I: The Plainchant of the Ordinary
105479: Eric Burgess - Assault on the Moon
172949: Thornton W. Burgess - Peter Rabbit Proves a Friend
189576: Allan K. Burgess and Max H. Molgard - My Baptism: Activity & Memory Book
110835: Jutta Burggraf - Teresa Von Avila: Humanitat Und Glaubensleben
80039: Father David de Burgh - The Path to Glory
201190: Walter J. Burghardt - Short Sermons for Preachers on the Run
65065: Anton Burghardt - Eigentumsethik Und Eigentumsrevisionismus
184051: Walter J. Burghardt - Saints and Sanctity
165306: Walter J. Burghardt and William F. Lynch, eds - The Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to the Thought and Worship of the Church
187768: Walter J. Burghardt - The Testimony of the Patristic Age Concerning Mary's Death
147235: Walter J. Burghardt and William F. Lynch, eds - The Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to the Thought and Worship of the Church
74158: Walter J. Burghardt, S.J. - Saints and Sanctity
166651: Walter J. Burghardt and William F. Lynch, eds - The Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to the Thought and Worship of the Church
44070: J.C. Burgler - Gescichte Der Kathol. Kirche Chicago's
100385: Scott Ferson & Mark Burgman - Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology
8927: Paul Burgund - IM Joche Der Fremdenlegion: Erlebnisse Eines Jungen Oberschlesiers in Africa Und Ostasien
142618: Guilielmo Burio - Romanorum Pontificum Brevis Notitia Ritus Ecclesiasticos a Singulis Institutos Praecipue Declarans Accedit Onomasticon Vocum Obscuriorum, Quoe in Missali, Breviario, Martyrologio Romano, & Hac Notitia Continentur
190200: John N. Burk - The Life and Works of Beethoven
189819: Gina Burkart - Finding Purpose in Narnia: A Journey with Prince Caspian
183340: Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene - The Mythic Tarot: A New Approach to Tarot Cards
195202: Louis H. Burke with the Gordons - With This Ring
183800: John Burke - Roman England
150981: Edmund Burke et al. - The Annual Register: Complete Run from 1758-1849
150774: Kevin F. Burke, ed & Robert Lassalle-Klein, ed - Love That Produces Hope: The Thought of Ignacio Ellacuria
180194: Thomas J.M. Burke, ed - Beyond All Horizons: Jesuits and the Missions
196728: Alexander J. Burke, Jr. - John the Baptist: Prophet and Disciple
195987: John J. Burke - Christ in Us: Meditations
188708: James Burke - Twin Tracks: The Unexpected Origins of the Modern World
69974: John Burke, O.P., ed - The Sunday Homily: Scriptural and Liturgical Renewal
178090: Redmond A. Burke - What Is the Index
189070: Rev. William P. Burke - The Irish Priests in the Penal Times (1660-1760). From the State Papers in H.M. Record Offices, Dublin and London, the Bodleian Library, and the British Museum
125374: Kevin F. Burke - The Ground Beneath the Cross: The Theology of Ignacio Ellacuria
113366: W.J. Burke and Will D. Howe - American Authors and Books 1640-1940
196313: T. Patrick Burke, ed - The Word in History: The St. Xavier Symposium
166213: Thomas J.M. Burke, ed - Mary and the Popes: Five Great Marian Letters
172720: James Wakefield Burke - Missions of Old Texas
163788: Oscar C. Burkhard - Sprechen Sie Deutsch!
203778: V. R. Burkhardt - Chinese Creeds and Customs: Three Volumes Combined
163833: Mark A. Burkholder and Lyman L. Johnson - Colonial Latin America
202224: F.C. Burkitt, H.E. Goad, and A.G. Little - Franciscan Essays II
81119: Arthur W. Burks, ed - Essays on Celluar Automata
172108: Arthur J. Burks - Bells Above the Amazon
162564: Aubrey Burl - Rings of Stone: The Prehistoric Stone Circles of Britain and Ireland
194151: Sr. Philip Marie Burle - Praying the Scriptures of the Rosary and Way of the Cross
197463: St. Augustine; John H.S. Burleigh, tr - Augustine: Earlier Writings
190047: St. Augustine; Joh n H.S. Burleigh, ed - Augustine: Earlier Writings
195035: C. Charles Burlingame, introduction - Mark Twain
174832: James Dawson Burn - Three Years Among the Working-Classes in the United States During the War
126329: John Burnaby, ed - Augustine: Later Works
141022: F.C. Burnand - The Catholic Who's Who & Year-Book 1912
132006: F. C. Burnand - The Catholic Who's Who & Year-Book 1913
181792: Joyce Burnard - Chintz and Cotton: India's Textile Gift to the World
142677: R.V.H. Burne - The Monks of Chester: The History of St. Werburgh's Abbey
148604: Gilbert Burnet - Lives, Characters, and a Sermon Preached at the Funeral of the Hon. Robert Boyle
193289: Plato; John Burnet, ed - Platonis Opera, Tomus III: Tetralogias V-VII Continens
23931: John Burnet - An Essay on the Education of the Eye with Reference to Painting
193290: Plato; John Burnet, ed - Platonis Res Publica
130201: Bishop Burnet - An Abridgement of Bishop Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of England
185037: Frances Hodgson Burnett - Racketty-Packetty House As Told by Queen Crosspatch
162179: Frances Hodgson Burnett - Giovanni and the Other: Children Who Have Made Stories
205716: Frances Hodgson Burnett - Little Lord Fauntleroy
201818: Whit Burnett, ed - 105 Greatest Living Authors Present the World's Best: Stories, Humor, Drama, Biography, History, Essays, Poetry
181756: Ivy Compton-Burnett - A House and Its Head
196368: Peter H. Burnett - Reasons Why We Should Believe in God, Love God, and Obey God
203316: Jerry Burnett and Charles Pope, eds - Nauvoo Classics
181858: T.A.J. Burnett - The Rise and Fall of a Regency Dandy: The Life and Times of Scrope Berdmore Davies
195139: Peter H. Burnett - The Path Which Led a Protestant Lawyer to the Catholic Church
181827: Ivy Compton-Burnett - Manservant and Maidservant
148613: Frank Burnett - Through Polynesia and Papua
205847: Frances Hodgson Burnett - Editha's Burglar: A Story for Children
193561: Peter H. Burnett - The Path Which Led a Protestant Lawyer to the Catholic Church
184404: R.A. Burnett, Rob Coppock, J.N. Hartley, and John McLeod - World Modelling, Part II: An Annotated Bibliography
194760: Fanny Burney - Evelina or a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
180436: Alvena Burnite - Your Teen-Agers: How to Survive Them
184616: Richard Dean Burns, ed - A Guide to American Foreign Relations Since 1700
171731: Robert Burns - Songs & Poems
174755: Robert Burns - The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Reprinted from the Best Editions, with Explanatory Glossorial Notes, Memoir, &C
166881: John Burns - An Historical and Chronological Remembrancer of All Remarkable Occurrences, from the Creation to This Present Year of Our Lord, 1775. The Lives and Actions of the Greatest Patriarchs, Philosophers, Heroes, Heriones, Monarchs, &C. Amongst the Jews, Greeks, Romans, Saxons, Danes, Britons, Scots and Irish. With an Alphabetical Index
176379: Robert Burns - The Cotter's Saturday Night
190070: Paul Burns - Butler's Saint for the Day
193341: Robert E. Burns - Being Catholic, Being American: The Notre Dame Story, Volumes I-II
177097: Robert Burns; Allan Cunningham - The Works of Robert Burns, with His Life, by Allan Cunningham, Volumes I-VIII
124125: Paul Burns, ed - Butler's Lives of the Saints: January
124126: Paul Burns, ed - Butler's Lives of the Saints: February
1269229: Paul Burns, rev - Butler's Lives of the Saints: New Full Edition, Vols. 1-12
67533: Patrick J. Burns, S.J. ed - Mission and Witness: The Life of the Church
130452: Robert Burns - The Cotter's Saturday Night
125512: Thomas Burns - Old Scottish Communion Plate
13968: Thomas Burns - A History of the Ostrogoths
1262446: Paul Burns, rev - Butler's Lives of the Saints: New Full Edition
178681: James MacGregor Burns - The Power to Lead: The Crisis of the American Democracy
203667: James MacGregor Burns - The Vineyard of Liberty
202335: J. Patout Burns, ed - Theological Anthropology
202832: William H. Burnside, John W. Barrett, William T. Walker, David Crowe, Donald H. Norton - The Essentials of European History Volumes 1-5
1217979: Myles Burnyeat - The Theaetetus of Plato
151206: Lawrence J. Burpee - The Discovery of Canada
147486: Anna Robeson Burr - Religious Confessions and Confessants with a Chapter on the History of Introspection
196259: David B. Burrell and Bernard McGinn, eds - God and Creation: An Ecumenical Symposium
167151: Brian Burrell - The Words We Live by: The Creeds, Mottoes, and Pledges That Have Shaped America
203531: Edgar Rice Burroughs - At the Earth's Core
55249: Edgar Rice Burroughs - Three Martian Novels: Thuvia Maid of Mars; the Chessmen of Mars; the Master Mind of Mars
176287: Jean M. Burroughs - On the Trail: The Life and Tales of "Lead Steer" Potter
1248808: [John Burroughs] - Snapshots of John Burroughs
191416: William S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch
18556: Edgar Rice Burroughs - Escape on Venus
145571: J.F. Burrowes - Burrowes' Piano Primer Containing the Rudiments of Music for Private Tuition or Classes
177796: William E. Burrows - The New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age
191055: Millar Burrows - The Dead Sea Scrolls
63027: Millar Burrows - What Mean These Stones? the Significance of Archeology for Biblical Studies
63046: Millar Burrows - An Outline of Biblical Theology
184197: William Burrows - Textbook of Microbiology
177766: Daniel Burrus with Roger Gittines - Technotrends: How to Use Technology to Go Beyond Your Competition
178884: Andrew Burstein - The Passions of Andrew Jackson
184017: Katharine Newlin Burt - Close Pursuit
113487: Struthers Burt - Philadelphia: Holy Experiment
183609: Mary E. Burt - The Story of the German Iliad: A School Reader for the Sixth and Seventh Grades
186186: James Tunstead Burtchaell - Rachel Weeping: The Case Against Abortion
200146: Gideon Burton - Reminiscences of Gideon Burton
206294: Doris Burton - Daring to Live: Heroic Christians of Our Day
141104: Edwin H. Burton and Edmond Nolan (editors) - Catholic Record Society: The Douay College Diaries, the Sevent Diary 1715-1778, Volume #
184079: Katherine Burton - Chaminade: Apostle of Mary; Founder of the Society of Mary
189654: Katherine Burton - The Golden Door: The Life of Katharine Drexel
167417: Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr., and Arthur G. Clyde - The New Century Psalter
42499: Katherine Burton - According to the Pattern: The Story of Dr. Agnes Mclaren and the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries
182549: Katherine Burton - His Dear Persuasion: The Life of Elizabeth Ann Seton
48478: Katherine Burton - Make the Way Known: The History of the Dominican Congregation of St. Mary of the Springs, 1822-1957
178754: Rosemary Burton and Richard Cavendish - Wonders of the World
192019: Doris Burton - Heroic Brothers: Ten Great Religious
146967: Katherine Burton - Chaminade: Apostle of Mary; Founder of the Society of Mary
300171: Katherine Burton - Faith Is the Substance: The Life of Mother Theodore Guerin
145546: John Burton - The Path of the Wind
167758: Elizabeth Burton - The Georgians at Home 1714-1830
130528: Rev. R. L. Burtsell - The Canonical Status of Priests in the United States
174177: J.O. Burtt - Minor Attic Orators, Volume II
174397: R.G. Bury - Plato, Volume VII
205701: Wilhelm Busch - Das Neue Wilhelm Busch Album in Farbe: Die 81 Beliebtesten Geschichten Mit Uber 1600 Abbildungen
15679: Niven Busch - Duel in the Sun
126773: William Busch - The Mass-Drama: An Outline of Its Structure
189105: Harald Busch and Bernd Lohse - Romanesque Europe
68888: Wilfrid Busenbender, O.F.M. - An Opportunity for Faith
174541: W.F. Bushell - School Memories
203213: Claudia L. Bushman and Caroline Kline, ed - Mormon Women Have Their Say: Essays from the Claremont Oral History Collection
1265568: George D. Bushnell - Wilmette: A History
1242576: National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs - Independent Woman: A Magazine for Business and Professional Women; 1928
189131: Kate Buss - Studies in the Chinese Drama
197191: Martin J. Buss - Biblical Form Criticism in Its Context
94765: Vicomte de Bussierre - Culte Et Pelerinages de la Tres-Sainte Vierge En Alsace
19842: Gun Buster - Battle Dress
195528: Homer; Samuel Butcher and Andrew Lang, tr - The Odyssey of Homer Done Into English Prose
162006: Mark Butcher and Paul Abraham - Learn to Play Cricket
190534: Daniel Allen Butler - Unsinkable": The Full Story of Rms Titanic
183914: Samuel Butler - The Way of All Flesh
188530: Alan Butler - The Goddess, the Grail & the Lodge
177406: Samuel Butler - The Way of All Flesh
131511: F.W. Roberton Butler - Puritanism in the Poetical Work of Milton
206008: Rex D. Butler - The New Prophecy & "New Visions": Evidence of Montanism in the Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas
183925: Rupert Butler - An Illustrated History of the Gestapo
174898: Samuel Butler - Butleriana
146697: Charles Butler - The Book of the Roman Catholic Church: In a Series of Letters Addressed to Robert Southey, Esq. LL. D. On His "Book of the Church.
170662: Jean-Baptiste Antoine Marcelin Marbot; Arthur John Butler, trans - The Memoirs of Baron de Marbot, Late Lieutenant-General in the French Army
195054: William Frederick Butler, comp - Blessed Art Thou Among Women": The Life of the Virgin Mother Illustrated by One Hundred and Fifty Masterpieces of the World's Greatest Painters with Inspired Writings Telling the Story of the Saviour, Prophecies of the Felicities Attending His Coming, His Birth and Childhood, His Victory over Satan in the Wilderness
202168: Dom Cuthbert Butler - Western Mysticism: The Teaching of Augustine, Gregory and Bernard on Contemplation and the Contemplative Life
195703: Rev. Alban Butler - Lives of the Saints with Reflections for Every Day in the Year
71151: Richard Butler, O.P. - God on the Secular Campus
102468: S.T. Butler - Nuclear Stripping Reactions
172688: Charles Butler - The Book of the Roman Catholic Church: In a Series of Letters Addressed to Robert Southey, Esq. , LL. D. On His "Book of the Church.
174195: Consul Willshire Butterfield - History of the Girtys: Being a Concise Account of the Girty Brothers -- Thomas, Simon, James and George, and of Their Half-Brother, John Turner -- Also of the Part Taken by Them in Lord Dumore's War, in the Western Border War of the Revolution, and in the Indian War of 1790-95 with a Recital of the Principal Events in the West During These Wars, Drawn from Authentic Sources, Largely Original
177831: Fox Butterfield - China: Alive in the Bitter Sea
201189: David Buttrick - Preaching the New and the Now
197086: David Buttrick - Preaching the New and the Now
184123: George Arthur Buttrick, ed - The Interpreter's Bible, Volume XI
1235520: David Buttrick - Speaking Parables: A Homiletic Guide
1235521: David Buttrick - Speaking Conflict: Stories of a Controversial Jesus
202198: George Arthur Buttrick, ed - The Interpreter's Dictoionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
112005: I.R. Butts - The Tinman's Manual and Builder's and Mechanic's Handbook
179184: Nicola Bux - Con I Sacramenti Non Si Scherza
189993: Shyam D. Buxani - Salam: Divine Revelations from the Actual God
67179: P. Buysse - Vers la Foi Catholique
67180: P. Buysse - Vers la Croyance
179603: Tony Buzan - The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential
205928: George Eliot; A.S. Byatt, intro - Middlemarch
172492: David M. Byers, ed - Justice in the Marketplace: Collected Statements of the Vatican and the United States Catholic Bishops on Economic Policy, 1891-1984
187184: Henry Harrison Byers - The Byers Family History, Plus Some Early Day History of Glenwood and Mills County, Iowa
130571: Milred Stapley Byne - Forgotten Shrines of Spain
200921: Cornelius Van Bynkershoek - De Dominio Maris Dissertatio
200922: Cornelius Van Bynkershoek - De Foro Legatorum Liber Singularis: A Monograph on the Jurisdiction over Ambassadors in Both CIVIL and Criminal Cases
200923: Cornelius Van Bynkershoek - Quaestionum Juris Publici Libro Duo, Volumes I-II
185860: Euripides; Witter Bynner, tr - Iphigenia in Tauris
189991: Caroline Walker Bynum - The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, 200-1336
203347: Max Byrd - Grant: A Novel
203348: Max Byrd - Jackson: A Novel
203349: Max Byrd - Jefferson: A Novel
206028: Brendan Byrne, SJ - Galatians and Romans
201235: Daniel M. Byrne - Identification of the More Common Medals of Belgium
142442: Lavinia Byrne - Woman at the Altar: The Ordination of Women in the Roman Catholic Church
201428: Brendan Byrne - A Costly Freedom: A Theological Reading of Mark's Gospel
201430: Brendan Byrne - The Hospitality of God: A Reading of Luke's Gospel
1275779: Henry J. Byrne - Investment of Church Funds
1250046: Sister Mary of the Incarnation Byrne - The Tradition of the Nun in Medieval England
148605: James Byrne, trans - The Sermons of the Right Rev. Dr. Gallagher
188855: [Patrick J. Byrne, tr.] - The Catholic Church in Korea
195896: Christopher Byrnes and Eva Nyimas - Teach Yourself Complete Indonesian
181502: Sean M. Byrnes, ed - Scavullo: Francesco Scavullo Photographs 1948-1984
205844: Mary Byron and others - The Little Small Red Hen and Other Bedtime Stories
188700: Christopher Byron - Testosterone Inc. : Tales of Ceos Gone Wild
1247825: Lord Byron] - English Bards and Scottish Reviewers
146468: William J. Byron - Quadrangle Considerations
188889: Michael Bywater - Lost Worlds: What Have We Lost, & Where Did It Go
193314: Aristotle; I. Bywater, ed - Aristotelis: Ethica Nicomachea
180514: S.M.C. - Brother Petroc's Return
202782: C, Thomas Cairney - Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland: An Ethnography of the Gael, A.D. 500-1750
300069: Fr. Edward D. O'Connor C.S.C. - Marian Apparitions Today: Why So Many
196627: S.A.C., comp.; H.E. Cardinal Gasquet, intro - Ancient Devotions for Holy Communion from Eastern & Western Liturgical Sources
1249730: Cornelius Hagerty C.S.C. - The Authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures
146314: M. L'Abe C, Martin - Calendrier Des Predicateurs
202202: Allen Cabaniss, tr - Charlemagne's Cousins: Contemporary Lives of Adalard and Wala
181655: Pierre Cabanne - Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp
189296: Leslie Cabarga, ed - Advertising Spot Illustrations of the Twenties and Thirties: 1,593 Cuts
189295: Leslie Cabarga and Marcie McKinnon, eds - Lively Advertising Cuts of the Twenties and Thirties: 1,102 Illustrations of Animals, Food and Dining, Children, Etc.
197014: Nicholas Cabasilas - A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy
166879: Rev. Father Ventura; William Bernard Mac Cabe, trans.; Rev. John Miley - The Funeral Oration on Daniel O'Connell, Delivered at Rome on the 28th June, 1847, by the Rev. Father Ventura. / the Funeral Oration on Daniel O'Connell, Delievered in the Metropolitan Church, Marlborough-Street, Dublin, on the 4th August, 1847, by the Rev. John Miley, D.D.
193319: James Branch Cabell - The Way of Ecben: A Comedietta Involving a Gentleman
195865: Thomas Cable - A Companion to Baugh & Cable's History of the English Language
183363: Laurie Cabot with Jean Mills - Celebrate the Earth: A Year of Holidays in the Pagan Tradition
204252: Laurie Cabot with Tom Cowan - Love Magic
168696: Right Rev. Abbot Cabrol - The Books of the Latin Liturgy
203583: Deborah Cadbury - The Lost King of France: The Tragic Story of Marie Antoinette's Favourite Son
188230: Cecilia M. Caddell - Blind Agnese or the Little Spouse of the Blessed Sacrament
196934: Rene Cadiou - Origen: His Life at Alexandria
164109: W.H. Cadman - A History of the Church of Jesus Christ Organized at Green Oak, Pennsylvania, U.S. A. In the Year 1862, Present Headquarters at Monongahela, Pennsylvania. P.O. Box 72
187798: Cecil John Cadoux - The Early Church and the World: A History of the Christian Attitude to Pagan Society and the State Down to the Time of Constantinus
185612: Barbara Cady - Icons of the 20th Century: 200 Men and Women Who Have Made a Difference
195553: John Caecan - The Beginning of the Church: Acts Chapters 1 Through 6
185047: Sid Caesar with Bill Davidson - Where Have I Been? an Autobiography
173393: Julius Caesar; Alfred Holder - C. Iuli Caesaris: Belli Gallici Libri VII
186179: St. Joseph Cafasso - The Priest the Man of God
1235431: Kate Caffrey - Out in the Noonday Sun: Singapore 1941-45: The End of an Empire
192986: Joanna Cagan and Neil DeMause - Field of Schemes: How the Great Stadium Swindle Turns Public Money Into Private Profit
161710: Michael Cagno - Cortina's Italian in 20 Lessons
178516: Kevin Cahill with Rob McMahon - Who Owns the World: The Surprising Truth About Every Piece of Land on the Planet
181354: Marie Cahill - Marlene Dietrich: A Hollywood Portrait
165877: Thomas Cahill - How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe
193864: Helen Cahill, ed - Guffey: One Hundred Years of Memories
169217: Thomas Cahill - Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter
193863: Jack Cahill - West of the Peak: A Potpourri of Historical Fact, Nostalgia, Myth and Legend
150926: Thomas Cahill - Pope John XXIII
39497: Steven M. Cahn - Philosophy of Religion
80478: Wilhelm Cahn - IM Belagerten Paris 1870-1871
181651: Julien Cain, preface - Marcel Proust Et Son Temps
180857: James M. Cain - The Postman Always Rings Twice
178648: Trevor Cairns - The Romans and Their Empire
166813: Andre Cajun - Whiskey, Pistols and Religion
24020: H.A. Calahan - Sailing Technique
178808: Robert Calasso - The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
178816: Robert Calasso - The Ruin of Kasch
203802: Nigel Calder - Timescale: An Atlas of the Fourth Dimension
192536: Helen Caldicott - The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
192754: Helen Caldicott - If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth
192537: Helen Caldicott - The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
192730: Helen Caldicott - Nuclear Madness: What You Can Do
175464: Taylor Caldwell - Great Lion of God
196562: Taylor Caldwell - Captains and the Kings
190887: F.A. Hayek; Bruce Caldwell, ed - The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents; the Definitive Edition
192348: Taylor Caldwell - Tender Victory
107111: Edwatd N. Calisch - The Jew in English Literature
103343: Edward N. Calisch - The Jew in English Literature As Author and As Subject
194676: Maria Calisi - Trinitarian Perspectives in the Franciscan Theological Tradition
177396: Franklin Welles Calkins - My Host the Enemy and Other Tales: Sketches of Life and Adventure on the Border Line of the West
143783: Harvey Reeves Calkins - The Centenary at Old First
201088: Emily A. Callaghan, comp - Memoirs and Writings of the Very Reverend James F. Callaghan, D.D.
193582: Rev. James F. Callaghan; Emily A. Callaghan, comp - Memoirs and Writings of the Very Reverend James F. Callaghan, D.D.
125120: Denis O'Callaghan, ed - Sacraments: The Gestures of Christ
65520: Daniel Callahan - Honesty in the Church
193895: William R. Callahan - A Bad Case of the Good News
130657: James Morton Callahan - American Foreign Policy in Mexican Relations
67687: Daniel Callahan - The New Church: Essays in Catholic Reform
109912: Nelson J. Callahan - A Case for Due Process in the Church: Father Eugene O'Callaghan American Pioneer of Dissent
194862: Sidney Cornelia Callahan - Exiled to Eden: The Christian Experience of Sex
188296: Rev. Charles J. Callan - The Acts of the Apostles with a Practical Critical Commentary for Priests and Students
189080: Rev. Charles J. Callan - Illustrations for Sermons and Instructions
188159: Revs. Charles J. Callan and John A. McHugh - The Catholic Missal: Being a Translation of the New Missale Romanum Arranged for Daily Use
188963: Rev. C.J. Callan - Sermon Matter from St. Thomas Aquinas on the Epistles and Gospels of the Sundays and Feast Days (Advent to Easter)
183019: Rev. Charles J. Callan - The Psalms Translated from the Latin Psalter, in the Light of the Hebrew, of the Septuagint and Peshitta Versions, and of the Psalterium Juxta Hebraeos of St. Jerome with Introductions, Critical Notes and Spiritual Reflections
189823: Terrance Callan - Dying and Rising with Christ: The Theology of Paul the Apostle
187769: Charles J. Callan and John F. McConnell - Spiritual Riches of the Rosary Mysteries
176618: John D. Callaway - The Thing of It Is with Reflections on Chicago and the Problem of Society
106192: Mary A. Callaway - The Role of Sacred Art in Catholic Identity
195030: Tom Callender - Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds. CI-Devant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, Inspector-General of the Standing Armies Thereof, Counsellor at Law. &C. &C. &C. Being Intended As a Reply to a Scandalous Pamphlet Lately Published Under the Sanction, As It Is Presumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and Signed with the Signature of Junius Philaenus
130419: Paul L. Callens - Tata Vasco: A Great Reformer of the 16th Century
146397: Emma Callery - The New Rider's Companion
191372: C. Callewaert - Sacris Erudiri: Fragmenta Liturgica Collecta a Monachis Sancti Petri de Aldenburgo in Steenbrugge Ne Pereant
1245748: C.N. Callinicos - The Greek Orthodox Catechism: A Manual of Instruction on Faith, Morals, and Worship
204386: Simon Callow - Being an Actor
96744: Edward Callow - The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man
165686: Colin G. Calloway - The American Revolution in Indian Country: Crisis and Diversity in Native American Communities
195463: Donald H. Calloway - Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father
22988: Georg D.W. Callwey - Kampf in Deutscher Bilderfunst: Aus Der Deutschen Hausbilderei Des Kunstwarts
64172: Th. Calmes - L'Evangile Selon Saint Jean: Traduction Critique Introduction Et Commentaire
24134: Donald B. Calne - Therapeutics in Neurology
1233561: Jean Calvert, edited by William J. Doheny - Saint Vincent de Paul and His World
81142: Tzay Young & Thomas Calvert - Classification, Estimation, and Pattern Recognition
145618: J. Calvet - Le Renouveau Catholique Dans la Litterature Contemporaine
178095: Jean-Yves Calvez and Jacques Perrin - The Church and Social Justice: The Social Teaching of the Popes from Leo XIII to Pius XII (1878-1958)
149065: Samuel Calvin and James H. Lees - Iowa Geological Survey Volume XVIII: Annual Report, 1907 with Accompanying Papers
194324: Peter Calvocoressi - Who's Who in the Bible
130377: M. R. P. Fr. Ignacio de Cambrils - Cronicon de la Mision de Pp. Capuchinos En Centro America
194508: Louis J. Cameli - Mary's Journey
190401: Louis J. Cameli - Bread of Life: Exploring the Presence of Eucharist in Our Lives
195464: Louis J. Cameli - Church, Faith, Future: What We Face, What We Can Do
37550: Allen Camelli - Our Century in Music
121334: J.C. Camerbeek - The Plays of Sophocles: Commentaries Part I; the Ajax
195471: Fr. Peter John Cameron, ed - Praying with Saint Paul: Daily Reflections on the Letters of the Apostle Paul
180330: H.D. Cameron - Thucydides Book I: A Students' Grammatical Commentary
131289: Kenneth Neill Cameron, ed - Shelley and His Circle 1773-1822: 2 Volumes
195544: Pope Benedict XVI; Rev. Peter John Cameron, ed - Benedictus: Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVI
180967: Averil Cameron - The Later Roman Empire A.D. 284-430
197262: Peter John Cameron - Why Preach: Encountering Christ in God's Word
87905: Fr. Peter John Cameron - Praying with Saint Paul: Daily Reflections on the Letters of the Apostle Paul
195453: Fr. Peter John Cameron - Mysteries of the Virgin Mary: Living Our Lady's Graces
169053: Averil Cameron - The Later Roman Empire, Ad 284-430
1245016: Charles W. Cameron - Scottish Witches
113257: Robert Cameron and Alistair Cooke - Above London
203173: Camilla de la Bedoyere, Ihor Holubizky, Dr. Julia Kelly, et. al - A Brief History of Art
182286: Alice Camille and Paul Boudreau - Fearless: Stories of the American Saints
151313: P. Camillo - Instructio Pro Tonsuram Et Ordines Recepturis
206289: The Rev. Dom Bede Camm - The English Martyrs Papers from the Summer School of Catholic Studies Held at Cambridge, July 28-August 6, 1928
186084: James Camner, ed - Stars of the Opera 1950-1985 in Photographs
147561: Roderic Ai Camp - Crossing Swords: Politics and Religion in Mexico
203082: L. Sprague de Camp - Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History, Science and Literature
192123: L. Sprague de Camp - The Great Monkey Trial
147092: Emile Campana - Marie Dans le Dogme Catholique Tomes I-II
203514: Eugene E. Campbell and Richard D. Poll - Hugh B. Brown: His Life and Thought
1252943: Ramsey Campbell - Scared Stiff: Tales of Sex and Death
206064: Stanislaus Campbell, F.S.C. - From Breviary to the Liturgy of the Hours: The Structural Reform of the Roman Office 1964-1971
160550: Thomas Campbell; Samuel Rogers - The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell / the Poetical Works of Samuel Rogers
176315: Thomas Campbell - The Pleasures of Hope, with Other Poems
194882: Kenneth R. Campbell - Maria de Guadalupe
180747: Judith Campbell - Queen Elizabeth II: A Biography
184181: Gordon Campbell, ed - The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture, Volume II: Macedonia to Zygouries
203562: Eugene E. Campbell, foreword - The Essential Brigham Young
173078: Duncan B. Campbell - Besieged: Siege Warfare in the Ancient World
176024: St. Augustine; James Marshall Campbell and Martin R.P. McGuire - The Confessions of St. Augustine, Books I-IX (Selections)
183154: Alexander Campbell and John B. Purcell - A Debate on the Roman Catholic Religion: Held in the Sycamore-Stret Meeting House, Cincinnati, from the 13th to the 21st of January, 1837. Between Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, Virginia, and the Rt. Rev. John B. Purcell, Bishop of Cincinnati
191453: Thomas F. Campbell - Daniel E. Morgan, 1877-1949: The Good Citizen in Politics
1257877: Romeo Martinez & Bryn Campbell - I Grandi Fotografi Josef Koudelka
160605: A.E. Campbell, P.A. Cornthwaite, and H.B.F. Dixon - A Register of Admissions to King's College Cambridge 1919-90 Compiled with Short Biographical Notes
171602: Georgina Campbell - Classic Irish Recipes
172204: Edward F. Campbell, Jr. - Ruth: A New Translation with Introduction, Notes, and Commentary
169090: Guy Campbell - The Charging Buffalo: A History of the Kenya Regiment
178345: Ramsey Campbell - Scared Stiff: Tales of Sex and Death
178346: Ramsey Campbell - Secret Story
168013: Stan Campbell - Jesus: God Undercover 5; Matthew Thru John
113017: James Marshall Campbell - The Greek Fathers
107779: Ramsey Campbell - Through the Walls
112003: Rev. Wm. M. Campbell - God's Way out
105376: Cathy C. Campbell - Stations of the Banquet: Faith Foundations for Food Justice
107778: Ramsey Campbell - Through the Walls
193583: Thomas J. Campbell - The Jesuits 1534-1921: A History of the Society of Jesus from Its Foundation to the Present Time, Volumes I-II
184269: Joseph Campbell - The Sacrifice
184271: Joseph Campbell - Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and Gatherers
184272: Joseph Campbell - Mythologies of the Great Hunt
48044: Sister Stephanie Campbell, O.S.B. - Chosen for Peace: The History of the Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth, New Jersey
205785: Julie Campbell - Rin Tin Tin's Rinty: An Original Story Featuring Rinty, Son of the Famous Movie Dog, Rin Tin Tin
202259: Hans Freihernn V. Campenhausen - Ambrosius Von Mailand Als Kirchenpolitiker
169922: Nardi Reeder Campion - Mother Ann Lee: Morning Star of the Shakers
122628: Armando de Maria y Campos - Ponciano: El Torero Con Bigotes
205896: Albert Camus - The Fall
68268: Le Camus - Leben Unseres Herrn Jesus Christus [Complete Set]
190396: Anglican Church of Canada - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Anglican Church of Canada, Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David
200539: Church of England in Canada - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Church of England in the Dominion of Canada Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David Pointed As They Are to Be Sung or Said in Churches and the Form or Manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons
200855: John Canaday - The Lives of the Painters, Volumes I-IV
124824: Salvador Canals - Secular Institutes and the State of Perfection - the Priesthood and the State of Perfection
185068: John Canarina - Pierre Monteux, Maitre
200254: Henry Seidel Canby - The Age of Confidence: Life in the Nineties
181664: Roland de Cande - Vivaldi
189807: Brother Jeffrey; Brother Joseph Candel, ed - A History of the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation 1868-1993
166675: Rev. Henry de Candole - The Sacraments and the Church: A Study in the Corporate Nature of Christianity
184774: John Canemaker - Winsor Mccay: His Life and Art
1245746: Daniel Caner - Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity
202899: Anita R. Canfield - A Perfect Brightness of Hope
143467: Dorothy Canfield - Home Fires in France
202957: Anita Canfield - Self-Esteem for the Latter-Day Saint Woman
203362: Anita Canfield - A Woman for All Seasons
72266: Innsbruck-Canisianum - Festschrift Zur Hunoertijahrfeier Oes Theologischen Konvikits Innsbruck, 1858-1958
187860: Judy Cannato - Radical Amazement: Contemplative Lessons from Black Holes, Supernovas, and Other Wonders of the Universe
188462: Devereaux D. Cannon, Jr. - The Flags of the Union: An Illustrated History
178937: Elaine Cannon - Life: One to a Customer
196565: Robert Cannon - Cambridge Introductions to Music: Opera
113356: John Cannon - The Oxford Companion to British History
203480: Elaine Cannon - Putting Life in Your Life Story
189590: Elaine Cannon; Candy Rideout - Believing the Articles of Faith
126321: Jesus Arango Cano - Las Dos Caras de Estados Unidos
172195: Margaret Canovan - G.K. Chesterton: Radical Populist
175597: Margaret Canovan - The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt
163920: Gilbert Cant - The War at Sea
169882: Gilbert Cant - America's Navy in World War II
194239: Raniero Cantalamessa - Remember Jesus Christ: Responding to the Challenges of Faith in Our Time
196796: Raniero Cantalamessa - Contemplando la Trinidad
197076: Raniero Cantalamessa - Contemplating the Trinity: The Path to the Abundant Christian Life
197079: Raniero Cantalamessa - Ven, Espiritu Creador: Meditaciones Sobre El Veni Creator
206347: Raniero Cantalamessa - Life in Christ: The Spiritual Message of the Letter to the Romans
169076: Eva Cantarella - Pandora's Daughters: The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity
179152: Louise B. Cantoni - Leaving Matters to God: The Life of St. Teresa of Avila
179750: Norman F. Cantor, ed - The Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
161638: Norman F. Cantor - Medieval History: The Life and Death of a Civilization
126639: American Conference of Cantors, ed - Songs and Hymns: A Musical Supplement to Gates of Prayer
174477: Gary Cantrell - Wiccan Beliefs & Practices with Rituals for Solitaries & Covens
178598: Lee G. Cantwell - Cross Currents
120317: Cesaire de Tours O.F.M.Cap - Franciscan Perfection
72565: Fr. Leo O.M.Cap - The Capuchin Mission in the Punjab
65: Battistina Capalbo - Praying with Saint Teresa
36196: Cardinal Alfonso Capecalatro - Christ, the Church, and Man
141015: Alfonso Cardinal Capecelatro - Christ, the Church, and Man: An Essay on New Methods in Ecclesiastical Studies & Worship
146178: Gerardo Capelluti - Vademecum de Teologia Morale
60068: W.H. Capitan and D.D. Merrill, eds - Metaphysics and Explanation: Proceedings of the 1964 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy
168099: Robert Farrar Capon - The Astonished Heart: Reclaiming the Good News from the Lost-and-Found of Church History
62346: A. Robert Caponigri, trans - Major Trends in Mexican Philosophy
62197: A. Robert Caponigri - History and Liberty: The Historical Writings of Benedetto Croce
181740: Truman Capote - Three by Truman Capote
194890: Rev. Alphonse Marie Cappa - Fatima: Cove of Wonders
196220: Gerardo Cappelluti - Vademecum Di Teologia Morale
109539: D.P. Capper - Moat Defensive: A History of the Waters of the Nore Command 55 Bc to 1961
81406: Samuel James Capper - Wanderings in War Time, Being Notes of Two Journeys Taken in France and Germany
187466: Fritjof Capra and David Steindl-Rast with Thomas Matus - Belonging to the Universe: Explorations on the Frontiers of Science and Spirituality
192357: Fritjof Capra - The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture
181745: Frank Capra - The Name Above the Title: An Autobiography
194254: Betsy Caprio - Experiments in Prayer
68136: And.-Car. Gigon, O.P. - De Modo Unionis Hypostaticae
168579: P. Teodorico Caracristi - Manualetto Del Terziario Francescano Con Norme Pei Direttori E Florilegio Di Preghiere
191586: Philip Caraman and James Walsh, eds - The Fulton J. Sheen Sunday Missal
188510: Philip Caraman, ed - The Other Face: Catholic Life Under Elizabeth I.
168248: Philip Caraman - Ignatius Loyola: A Biography of the Founder of the Jesuits
1210962: Philip Caraman, trans - John Gerard: The Autobiography of an Elizabethan
1210877: Ronald A. Knox; Philip Caraman, editor - University and Anglican Sermons of Ronald A. Knox
1254778: Ronald A. Knox; Philip Caraman, editor - The Occasional Sermons of Ronald A. Knox
162449: The Gospel Singing Caravan - Gospel Singing Caravan Tv Favorites
140447: David Carb - The Voice of the People: A Play in Three Acts
202704: Orson Scott Card - Stonefather
164520: Orson Scott Card and David Dollahite, eds - Turning Hearts: Short Stories on Family Life
164954: John Carden - A Procession of Prayers: Prayers and Meditations from Around the World
175317: Maren Lockwood Carden - Oneida: Utopian Community to Modern Corporation
123151: John Carden, ed - A World at Prayer: The New Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
175316: Maren Lockwood Carden - Oneida: Utopian Community to Modern Corporation
167442: Kenneth L. Carder - Doctrinal Standards and Our Theological Task: The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, Part II (Leader's Guide)
160004: Roger Cardinal - The Landscape Vision of Paul Nash
84252: Player's Cigarette Cards - The Coronation of H.M. George VI and H.M. Queen Elizabeth 1937
1242536: Italian Tarot Cards - Ancient Minchiate Etruria
1242537: Italian Tarot Cards - Ancient Tarots of Lombardy
169673: Edward Cardwell - A History of Conferences and Other Proceedings Connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer; from the Year 1558 to the Year 1690
190114: [Henry Care] - An Answer to a Paper Importing a Petition of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Six Other Bishops, to His Majesty, Touching Their Not Distributing and Publishing the Late Declaration for Liberty of Conscience
172954: Paul Carell - The Foxes of the Desert
28576: James F. Carens - The Satiric Art of Evelyn Waugh
183278: Graham Carey, ed - Good Work: Autumn 1962
183305: Graham Carey, ed - Good Work: Easter 1960
151060: Hilary Carey - Truly Feminine Truly Catholic: A History of the Catholic Women's League in the Archdiocese of Sydney 1913-1987
248: John Carey - Eyewitness to Science
183319: Graham Carey, ed - Good Work, Volumes 25-26
183320: Graham Carey, ed - Good Work, Volumes 27-29
146733: Mathew Carey - Review of the Evidence of the Pretended General Conspiracy of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, to Massacre All the Protestants That Would Not Join Them, on the Twenty-Third of October, 1641
167487: Arch Carey - The War Years at Shanghai 1941-45-48
169204: Chris Carey, trans - Aeschines
146732: Mathew Carey - A Roland for an Oliver. Letters on Religious Persecution: Proving, That That Most Heinous of Crimes, Has Not Been Peculiar to Roman Catholics: But That When They Had the Power, Protestants of Almost Every Denomination Have Been Equally Guilty
192541: Roane Carey and Jonathan Shainin, eds - The Other Israel: Voices of Refusal and Dissent
192582: Alex Carey - Taking the Risk out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda Versus Freedom and Liberty
177247: [Matthew Carey] - The Olive Branch: Or, Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Democratic. A Serious Appeal on the Necessity of Mutual Forgiveness and Harmony, to Save Our Common Country from Ruin
196743: Graham Carey - The Tails Book: A Modern Bestiary
183254: Graham Carey, ed - Good Work: Autumn 1963
183277: Graham Carey, ed - Good Work: Spring 1963
151081: Harry James Cargas, ed - Holocaust Scholars Write to the Vatican
181809: Katrin Cargill - Creating the Look: Swedish Style
186169: Thad Carhart - The Piano Shop on the Left Bank: Discovering a Forgotten Passion in a Paris Atelier
203428: Pam Carity and Marsha Nawrocki - Ps: Primary Songs We Love to Sing Volume IV
1246872: Eric Carle - Aesop's Fables for Modern Readers
205894: Will Carleton - City Ballads
194960: Will Carleton - Songs of Two Centuries
59430: William Carleton - Rody the Rover or the Ribbonman
205892: Will Carleton - Farm Festivals
174571: Will Carleton - City Festivals
174572: Will Carleton - City Legends
130354: Will Carleton - Farm Ballads
205893: Will Carleton - Farm Legends
177326: Will Carleton - Farm Ballads
63172: Keith W. Carley - Ezekiel Among the Prophets (Studies in Biblical Theology, Second Series-31)
181772: Enzo Carli - Michelangelo
176601: Richard Carlile - Manual of Freemasonry
172521: John C. Carlisle - A Simple and Vital Design: The Story of the Indiana Post Office Murals
43490: Camillus de Carlo - Jus Religiosorum
176838: Jacqueline M. Carlon - Pliny's Women: Constructing Virtue and Creating Identity in the Roman World
145595: David R. Carlson - English Humanist Books: Writers and Patrons, Manuscript and Print, 1475-1525
189055: David Carlson - Ready-to-Use Outdoor Recreations Spot Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
202452: Richard Carlson and Bruce Goldman - 2020 Visions: Long View of a Changing World
165792: Dan Carlson - The Ins and Outs of Mormonism
189057: David Carlson - Ready-to-Use Sports Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
168205: Kathie Carlson - Life's Daughter / Death's Bride: Inner Transformations Through the Goddess Demeter/Persephone
196992: Clark Carlton - The Life: The Orthodox Doctrine of Salvation
197003: Clark Carlton - The Faith: Understanding Orthodox Christianity; an Orthodox Catechism
183690: Thomas Carlyle - Heroes and Hero Worship
182978: Thomas Carlyle - Reminiscences
194680: Thomas Carlyle - Past and Present
191896: Thomas Carlyle - Past and Present
175556: Thomas Carlyle - Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh
203166: Richard Carlyon, comp - A Guide to the Gods: An Essential Guide to World Mythology
70195: Sac. Prof. Albino Carmagnola - Quaresimale [Vols. I-II]
178500: W.Y. Carman - Indian Army Uniforms Under the British from the 18th Century to 1947: Artillery, Engineers and Infantry
165532: Calum M. Carmichael - The Story of Creation: Its Origin and Its Interpretation in Philo and the Fourth Gospel
168378: Orton H. Carmichael - The Shadow on the Dial: Intimations of the Great Survival
126053: Joel Carmichael - The Death of Jesus with "a New View," Constituting a Fundamental Revision of the History of the Origins of Christianity
180303: Maurice Carmody - The Leonine Union of the Order of Friars Minor 1897
125365: Denise Lardner Carmody - The Good Alliance: Feminism, Religion, and Education
1250845: Denise Lardner Carmody & John Tully Carmody - Serene Compassion: A Christian Appreciation of Buddhist Holiness
142021: Denise Lardner Carmody and John Carmody - The Story of World Religions
1227743: Donald F. Carmony - A Brief History of Indiana
190522: Burrus M. Carnahan - Act of Justice: Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the Law of War
181200: James R. Carnahan - Pythian Knighthood: Its History and Literature
161572: J.E. Carnahan - U.S. History in My First 93 Years, Vols. I-III
202446: Mark C. Carnes and John A. Garraty with Patrick Williams - Mapping America's Past: A Historical Atlas
167267: James D. Carney and Richard K. Scheer - Fundamentals of Logic
197298: James L. Carney - Mystery Stories: A Journey Through the Rosary
204041: W.B. Carnochan - Gibbon's Solitude: The Inward World of the Historian
1250090: Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M., ed - Mariology: 3v Set
113176: Carol Berkin, Christopher L. Miller, Robert W. Cherny, and James L. Gormly, eds - Making America: A History of the United States, Volume I: To 1877
185505: Dorle Soria; Leslie C. Carola, ed - The Metropolitan Opera
130314: An Ursuline of Trois-Rivieres; M. le Chanoine N. Caron, introduction - Mgr de Saint-Vallier: Sa Vie Abregee Par Une Ursuline Des Trois-Rivieres
168147: Edward Carpenter - The Origins of Pagan and Christian Beliefs
185144: Rev. E.F. Carpenter, foreword - Westminster Abbey
190986: Mrs. Matilda Gilruth Carpenter, comp - The Crusade; Its Origin and Development at Washington Court House and Its Results
184945: Humphrey Carpenter - Benjamin Britten: A Biography
179435: Yvonne Gibson Carpenter - Preparing Leader-Servants: A Portrait of Southern Virginia University
190253: S.C. Carpenter - Church and People, 1789-1889: A History of the Church of England from William Wilberforce to "Lux Mundi
180983: Edwin H. Carpenter, Jr. - Some Libraries We Have Not Visited: A Paper Read at the Rounce & Coffin Club, August 26, 1947
131144: George Rice Carpenter - English Men of Letters: Walt Whitman
1245706: Edward Carpenter, ed - A House of Kings: The Official History of Westminster Abbey
150644: Ed Carpenter - A Closer Walk: Encouragement for Daily Living
181480: Humphrey Carpenter - W.H. Auden: A Biography
204212: Humphrey Carpenter - Secret Gardens: A Study of the Golden Age of Children's Literature
184662: Wilbert Lester Carr and Harry E. Wedeck - Latin Poetry
184663: Wilbert Lester Carr and Harry E. Wedeck - Latin Poetry
203216: William Carr - The Origins of the Wars of German Unification
181644: Virginia Spencer Carr - Paul Bowles: A Life
1274079: John Dickson Carr - The Corpse in the Wax Works
175188: Clark E. Carr - My Day and Generation
200285: Clark E. Carr - Lincoln at Gettsburg: An Address
150331: Anne E. Carr - A Search for Wisdom & Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self
181228: Robin L. Carr - The Mystic Tie and Men of Letters
162798: John Carr and John Libis - 100 Briefe Englisch Fur Export Und Import
176463: John Dickson Carr - To Wake the Dead
194632: M.-B. Carra de Vaux Saint-Cyr, et al. - The Sacrament of Penance
184160: David Carrasco, ed - The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, Volume 2
184161: David Carrasco, ed - The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, Volume 3
193870: John Le Carre - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
143993: Alberto Maria Carreno - Problemas Indigenas: Coleccion de Obras Diversas Vol. I.
130254: Alberto Maria Carreno - El P. Miguel Agustin Pro
130614: Alberto Maria Carreno - Cartas de Viaje
143994: Alberto Maria Carreno - Nuestros Vecinos Del Norte: Coleccion de Obras Diversas Volumen IV
122589: Alberto Maria Carreno, ed - Archivo Del General Porfirio Diaz, Volumes I-XVII
182078: Jose Suarez Carreno - The Final Hours
185372: Jose Carreras - Singing from the Soul: An Autobiography
201177: Augustin Gomez Carrillo - Historia de la America Central, Tomos III-V
194097: EJ Carrion - Accelerate Your Success: How to Create a Future and Stand out When College Is Not Enough
1273932: Warren H. Carroll - The Guillotine and the Cross
195877: Jock Carroll - Falling for Marilyn: The Lost Niagara Collection
205713: Lewis Carroll - The Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
205714: Lewis Carroll - More Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
190963: Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland
196153: Anne W. Carroll - Christ the King: Lord of History
186684: Anne W. Carroll - Christ and the Americas
187600: Joseph Robert Carroll, tr - An Applied Course in Gregorian Chant
201494: James Carroll - Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews; a History
187717: Thomas K. Carroll - Preaching the Word
185976: Paul Carroll - The Beaver Dam Road Poems
186685: Warren H. Carroll and Anne Carroll - The Revolution Against Christendom
187867: Msgr. Richard L. Carroll - The Remnant Church
205720: Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky
141936: Michael O'Carroll - Trinitas: A Theological Encyclopedia of the Holy Trinity
181062: Patrick J. Carroll - Heart Hermitage and Other Poems
186159: Paul Carroll - The Luke Poems
186456: Warren H. Carroll - Isabel of Spain: The Catholic Queen
188234: Malachy Gerard Carroll - The Charred Wood: The Story of Blessed Julie Billiart, Foundress of the Congregation of Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur
1273026: Michael O'Carroll - Theotokos: A Theological Encyclopedia of the Blesed Virgin Mary
195447: Warren H. Carroll - The Founding of Christendom
206279: Malachy Gerard Carroll - The Charred Wood: The Story of Blessed Julie Billiart - Foundress of the Congegation of Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur
1249766: Michael O'Carroll - Edward Leen, C.S. Sp
205891: Lewis Carroll - The Wasp in a Wig: A "Suppressed" Episode of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
205507: James Carroll - Crusade: Chronicles of an Unjust War
196938: Alice Carroll - Complete Guide to Modern Knitting and Crocheting
200409: Anne W. Carroll - Christ the King: Lord of History
185402: Paul Carroll - Chicago Tales
185403: Paul Carroll - The Garden of Earthly Delights
172528: Lewis Carroll - The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony, in Eight Fits
148467: Frances Weston Carruth - Fictional Rambles in & About Boston
126710: Shawn Carruth and Albrecht Garsky - The Database of the International Q Project: Q 11: 2b-4
188529: Rachel Carson - The Rocky Coast
192437: Rachel L. Carson - The Sea Around Us
203214: Cheryl Carson - Forgiveness the Healing Gift We Give Ourselves: The Passage to Inner Peace Through Forgiving Others
192534: Rachel Carson - Silent Spring
176244: James E. Carstarphen - My Trip to California in 1849
182481: Edward Carter - The Spirit Is Present: Themes on Christian Spirituality
71905: Charles H. Carter, ed - From the Renaissance to the Counter-Reformation: Essays in Honor of Garrett Mattingly
191881: Paul A. Carter - The Twenties in America
187864: Edward Carter - Mother at Our Side: Mary's Role in the Spiritual Life
184705: Jane B. Carter and Sarah P. Morris, eds - The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule
145905: Edward Carter - Response to God's Love: A View of the Spiritual Life
196870: Warren Carter - John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist
178715: Ron Carter - The Case of the Deadly Counterfeiters
183004: Paul Emory Carter, ed - The World's Fair Anthology of Verse, Volume Four
205993: Warren Carter - Pontius Pilate: Portraits of a Roman Governor
182496: Edward Carter - Spirituality for Modern Man
162225: Miranda Carter - Anthony Blunt: His Lives
149224: Russell Gordon Carter - Good Luck, Lieutenant!
179870: Jimmy Carter - Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President
201146: Thomas Carter and W.H. Long - War Medals of the British Army 1650-1891
166995: Edward Carter - The Jesus Experience
183602: Russell Gordon Carter - His Own Star
166689: Edward Carter - The Pain and the Joy: Reflections on the Spiritual Life
120603: Hugh Carter with Frances Spatz Leighton - Cousin Beedie and Cousin Hot: My Life with the Carter Family of Plains Georgia
122510: Clarence Edwin Carter, ed - The Territory of Illinois, 1809-1814. Territorial Papers of the United States Volume XVI
122517: Clarence Edwin Carter, ed - The Territory of Florida, 1834-1839: Territorial Papers of the United States Volume XXV
122503: Clarence Edwin Carter - The Territory South of the River Ohio, 1790-1796. Territorial Papers of the United States Volume IV
1234470: John Ross Carter, ed - Of Human Bondage and Divine Grace: A Global Testimony
122520: Clarence Edwin Carter, ed - The Territory of Arkansas, 1829-1836: Territorial Papers of the United States Volume XXI
178711: Jefferson Carter - The Gift
189011: Philip Carter and Ken Russell - Power Puzzles
183292: Jimmy Carter - The Hornet's Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War
206077: Warren Carter - Seven Events That Shaped the New Testament World
192134: Clarence Edwin Carter, ed - The Territorial Papers of the United States, Volume IV: The Territory South of the River Ohio, 1790-1796
126231: Edward Carter - Response in Christ: A Study of the Christian Life
200597: John Carter - ABC for Book-Collectors
102693: Margaret Carthy - A Cathedral of Suitable Magnificence: St. Patrick's Cathedral New York
180941: Paul Cartledge - Thermopylae: The Battle That Changed the World
206255: Mark J. Cartledge - Encountering the Spirit: The Charismatic Tradition
201634: Massimo Cartone - Ordini Cavallereschi Del Regno D'Italia
193822: Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander, eds - Group Dynamics: Research and Theory
1259293: David W. Cartwright - Natural History of Western Wild Animals and Guide for Hunters, Trappers, and Sportsmen; Embracing Observations on the Art of Hunting and Trapping, a Description of the Physical Structure, Homes, and Habits of Fur-Bearing Animals and Others of North America, with General and Specific Rules for Their Capture; Also, Narratives of Personal Adventure
182943: Peter Cartwright - Autobiography of Peter Cartwright
300056: Rev. Charles M. Carty - Who Is Teresa Neumann
189743: Corrine L. Carvalho - The Book of Ezekiel: Question by Question
175120: Capt. Jonathan Carver - Three Years Travels Throughout the Interior Parts of North America, for More Than Five Thousand Miles, Containing an Account of the Great Lakes, and All the Lakes, Islands, and Rivers, Cataracts, Mountains, Minerals, Soil and Vegetable Productions of the North West Regions of That Vast Continent
111222: Newton Carver - The Complicated Form of Life: Essays on Wittgenstein
176860: Earnest Cary, trans - Dio's Roman History, Volume III
140389: James Cary - Tanks and Armor in Modern Warfare
185722: Plato; Henry Cary, tr - Apology, Crito and Phaedo of Socrates
197037: Dante Alighieri; Rev. H.F. Cary, tr - The Vision or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri
176816: Alexander Pope; Rev. H.F. Cary, ed - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope
142549: Elisabeth Luther Cary - The Rossettis: Dante Gabriel and Christina
131502: Elisabeth Luther Cary - William Morris: Poet, Craftman, Socialist
189606: Joyce Cary - Charley Is My Darling
110105: [John Caryll] - Sir Salomon or the Cautious Coxcomb
186157: Carlemaria Casanova - Renata Tebaldi: The Voice of an Angel
172574: Bartholomew de las Casas - The Spanish Colonie
185986: Giulio Gatti-Casazza - Memories of the Opera
196052: Jackson H. Case - The Text Book of Cryptic Masonry
181223: James Royal Case - The Case Collection: Biographies of Masonic Notables, Volumes I-II
33116: Lynn M. Case - Franco-Italian Relations 1860-1865: The Roman Question and the Convention of September
181017: Josephine Case and Anne Phipps, eds - Counterpoint: Spring 1954
151240: Richard Y. Case - Timing" Belt Drive Engineering Handbook
1257778: Rt.Rev. Msgr. Joseph Casella - Fatima and the Rosary
300101: Michael Casey - Sacred Reading: The Anceint Art of Lectio Divina
171851: P.M. Casey - From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God: The Origins and Development of New Testament Christology
162214: Robert J. Casey and W.A.S. Douglas - The Midwesterner: The Story of Dwight H. Green
189875: Thomas G. Casey and Justin Taylor, eds - Paul's Jewish Matrix
173992: Robert J. Casey - Baghdad & Points East
73089: Louis S. Casey - Smithsonian Annals of Flight: The First Nonstop Coast-to-Coast Flight and the Historic T-2 Airplane
146609: Michael Casey - What Are We at? Ministry and Priesthood for the Third Millenium
132428: Robert J. Casey - The Gentleman in Armor
62832: Francis J. Casey - Staging the Bible: Readings from Holy Scripture Arranged for Dramatic and Choral Recitation
190913: Robert J. Casey - Easter Island: Home of the Scornful Gods
149501: Robert J. Casey - Bob Casey's Grand Slam
174088: Robert E. Casey - An Irish Catholic Remembers and Reflects
182661: Michael Casey - Toward God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer
124550: Sean O'Casey - Collected Plays: Volume One
1243553: Robert J. Casey - More Interesting People
179436: Robert Casey and Margie McRae Brown - Nauvoo Restored: A Photographic Memorial to the Saints of Nauvoo
61746: John Casey - The Language of Criticism
191221: William T. Cash - History of the Democratic Party in Florida Including Biographical Sketches of Prominent Florida Democrats
190707: James B. Cash - Unsung Heroes: Ohioans in the White House; a Modern Appraisal
179704: Francis Casilly - Religion: Doctrine and Practice for Use in Catholic High Schools
86584: H.B.G. Casimir - On the Interaction between Atomic Nuclei and Electrons
177315: Clarence Cason - 90° in the Shade
145001: Virginia Cason - H.M. S. Richards: Man Alive!
131070: Erich Caspar - Das Register Gregors VII: 2 Volumes
149785: Vera Caspary - Bedelia
200897: Ernest Cassara, ed - Universalism in America: A Documentary History
167114: Emily Gardiner Neal; Anne Cassel, ed - The Reluctant Healer: One Woman's Journey of Faith
67058: J.V. Langmead Casserley - The Death of Man: A Critique of Christian Atheism
193316: Rev. Frank P. Cassidy - Molders of the Medieval Mind: The Influence of the Fathers of the Church on the Medieval Schoolmen
185962: Claudia Cassidy - Lyric Opera of Chicago
194883: Joseph L. Cassidy - Mexico: Land of Mary's Wonders
144330: Eoin G. Cassidy, ed - Community - Constitution - Ethos: Democratic Values and Citizenship in the Face of Globalization
185593: Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy - Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue: Unitatis Redintegratio, Nostra Aetate
1267403: Francis B. Cassilly - Religion: Doctrine and Practice for Use in Catholic High Schools
202862: Lionel Casson - Libraries in the Ancient World
196559: Jaime de J. Diaz Castaneda - Vamos a Misa
203982: Homer Casteel - The Running of the Bulls: A Description of the Bullfight
110885: D.A. Castel, tr - Meditations Et Prieres de Saint Anselme
194215: Francesco Castelli - Padre Pio Under Investigation: The Secret Vatican Files
142973: Jim Castelli and Joseph Gremillion - The Emerging Parish: The Notre Dame Study of Catholic Life Since Vatican II
101239: Manuel Castells - The Rise of the Network Society
1768: Andre Castelot - Queen of France
187507: John J. Castelot - Meet the Bible!
195148: John J. Castelot - Meet the Bible!
187237: John J. Castelot - Meet the Bible! the New Testament
197066: Fr. Gary Caster - Inspired: The Powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit
147075: Marcel van Caster - Themes of Catechesis
189039: Susan P. Casteras - Victorian Childhood
124127: Eugene W. Castle - Billions Blunders and Baloney: The Fantastic Story of How Uncle Sam Is Squandering Your Money Overseas
181612: Charles Castle - Noel
181881: Riva Castleman and Wolfgang Wittrock - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Images of the 1890s
176340: Jan Garden Castro - The Art & Life of Georgia O'Keeffe
192779: Fidel Castro - Capitalism in Crisis: Globalization and World Politics Today
190447: Mari Castrovilla, ed - A Guide to Religious Ministries for Catholic Men and Women
162873: Piero Casucci and Tommaso Tommasi - La Storia Delle Ferrari Alfa Romeo Campioni Del Mondo
195287: Federico Catani - The Miracle of the Holy House of Loreto
164087: Catholic catechism - A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Prepared and Enjoined by Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (in Accordance with the New Canon Law) No. 3
103143: Mrs. Helen Cathcart - The Queen and the Cart
180519: Holy Name Cathedral - 100 Years: The History of the Church of the Holy Name; the Chapel That Became a Cathedral and the Story of Catholicism in Chicago
205901: Willa Cather - Sapphira and the Slave Girl
177323: Willa Cather - Shadows on the Rock
193183: Mary Hartwell Catherwood - The Story of Tonty
190506: Bruce L. Cathie - The Bridge to Infinity: Harmonic 371244
120308: National Federation of German American Catholics - Catholic Central-Verein of America: Official Report of the 80th General Convention... 1935
195724: Midwest Dialogue of Catholics and Muslims - Revelation: Catholic & Muslim Perspectives
60914: Victor Cathrein - Religion Und Moral: Oder Gibt Es Eine Moral Ohne Gott
201229: Catone Stefan, Serbanescu Neculae, and Bedivan Dumitrascu - Romania Decoratii 1859-1991
142834: P. Cattin and H. Th. Conus - Aux Sources de la Vie Spirituelle: Documents
170090: Bruce Catton - The Army of the Potomac: Glory Road
169451: Bruce Catton - America Goes to War
182948: Bruce Catton - Banners at Shenandoah: A Story of Sheridan's Fighting Cavalry
192355: Bruce Catton - The Army of the Potomac, Volumes I-III
166722: H. Edwin Caudill - An Episcopal Primer
165812: Irene Caudwell - Ceremonies of Holy Church: Simple Explanations
64651: Fr. Peter Cauley - Court of Conscience: A Brief Consideration of the Means Provided by Divine Love and Mercy for Reconstructing Moral Character and Developing the Virtues of the Immortal Soul
175651: Kenneth Cauthen - The Impact of American Religious Liberalism
142995: John C. Cavadini and Laura Holt, eds - Who Do You Say That I Am? Confessing the Mystery of Christ
176828: C.P. Cavafy - Collected Poems
194035: Giuliana Cavallini - St. Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity
195128: John R. Cavanagh and James B. McGoldrick - Fundamental Psychiatry
196998: Constantine Cavarnos and Mary-Barbara Zeldin - St. Seraphim of Sarov
180990: Roderick Cave and Sara Ayad - The History of the Book in 100 Books
186234: Hugh B. Cave - Four Paths to Paradise: A Book About Jamaica
141024: C.J.P. Cave - Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches: An Aspect of Gothic Architecture
1248630: Stanley Cavell - Philosophical Passages: Wittgenstein, Emerson, Austin, Derrida
111114: Stanley Cavell - The Claim to Community
143186: Brigadier-General A.E.J. Cavendish - An Reisimeid Chataich: The 93rd Sutherland Highlanders 1799-1927
188794: Richard Cavendish - Visions of Heaven and Hell
184932: Dick Cavett and Christopher Porterfield - Cavett
205583: Bob Cavnar - Disaster on the Horizon: High Stakes, High Risks, and the Story Behind the Deepwater Well Blowout
112411: Andres Cavo; Carlos Maria de Bustamante - Los Tres Siglos de Mexico Durante El Gobierno Espanol
203507: Suetonius; Joseph Cavorse, tr - The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
94560: Madison Cawein - Days and Dreams
202176: A.C. Cawley, ed - Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays
185465: A.C. Cawley, ed - Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays
181969: Mary Ann Caws - Picasso's Weeping Woman: The Life and Art of Dora Maar
173712: Nigel Cawthorne - Witches: History of a Persecution
178484: Nigel Cawthorne - Military Commanders: The 100 Greatest Throughout History
183436: Nigel Cawthorne - Secrets of Love: The Erotic Arts Through the Ages
183514: Hugh Lynn Cayce, ed - The Edgar Cayce Collection
184396: N. Joseph Cayer and Sherry S. Dickerson - Labor Management Relations in the Public Sector: An Annotated Bibliography
196537: Andrew R.L. Cayton - Frontier Indiana
196554: Manual Ricuarte Cayzedo - Misa Dialogada
196553: Manuel Ricaurte Cayzedo - Nueva Liturgia de la Santa Misa de Acuerdo Con Las Disposiciones Del Segundo Concilio Vaticano
20398: Robert E. Cazden - German Exile Literature in America 1933-1950
62712: H. Cazelles, ed - La Sainte Bible: Le Levitque
62714: H. Cazelles, ed - La Sainte Bible: Le Deuteronome
62719: H. Cazelles, ed - La Sainte Bible: Le Livres Des Chroniques
190096: Madame Cecilia - The Acts of the Apostles, Books I and II
1255829: Sister M. Cecilia - Companion to the Missal for Sundays and Principal Feasts
180686: Madame Cecilia - The Gospel According to St Mark
180687: Madame Cecilia, ed - Catholic Scripture Manual Atlas Specially Prepared with Reference to the Catholic Scripture Manuals
189942: Madame Cecilia - More Home Truths for Mary's Children
166013: Sister M. Cecilia - Companion to the Missal for Sundays and Principal Feasts
147526: Cecily Hastings, Fr. Vincent Rochford, and Fr. Alexander Jones - Pattern of Scripture
72217: Francis A. Cegielka, S.A.C., S.T.D. - Life on Rocks: Among the Natives of the Union of South Africa
68846: Francis A. Cegielka - All Things New: Radical Reform and the Religious Life
180465: Francis A. Cegielka - The Pierced Heart: The Life of Mother Mary Angela Truszkowska, Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix (Felician Sisters)
177769: Gerald Celente - Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century
102400: Sister Mary Celine - A Woman of Unity: A Biography of a Remarkable Woman - Mother Lurana of Graymoor
181936: Sister Mary Celine - A Woman of Unity
171628: Benvenuto Cellini - The Life of Benvenuto Cellini Written by Himself
187492: Religious of the Cenacle - Fulfillment: A Book of Verse
145680: Marie-Christine Ceruti-Cendrier - Les Evangiles Sont Des Reportages: N'En Deplaise a Certains
189018: Bob Censoni - Ready-to-Use Humorous Office Spot Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
189302: Bob Censoni - Ready-to-Use Silhouette Spot Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs, Printed One Side, Hundreds of Uses
189052: Bob Censoni - Ready-to-Use Humorous Seasonal and Holiday Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
189056: Bob Censoni - Ready-to-Use Humorous Sports Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
189023: Bob Censoni - Ready-to-Use Humorous Illustrations of Trades and Services: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
162206: The Hiroo Japanese Center - The Complete Japanese Verb Guide
190065: Fr. Virgil Cepari - Life of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
192696: Elio F. Cequea - Venezuela: What Dictatorship? What Dictator? a Pragmatic View to the Chavez's Controversy
196582: Anthony R. Ceresko - Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom: A Spirituality for Liberation
185145: Bennett Cerf - At Random: The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf
195912: Aleeza Cerf - Say It in Hebrew
192137: Bennett A. Cerf and Henry C. Moriarty, eds - The Bedside Book of Famous British Stories
200786: Bennett A. Cerf, ed - Great Modern Short Stories: An Anthology of Twelve Famous Stories and Novelettes
62796: L. Cerfaux - Lectio Divina 6: Le Christ Dans la Theologie de Saint Paul
1275837: Lucien Cerfaux - The Spiritual Journey of Saint Paul
187239: Msgr. Lucien Cerfaux - Apostle and Apostolate According to the Gospel of St. Matthew
68122: L. Cerfaux, et al. - L'Attente Du Messie
201888: L. Cerfaux - The Four Gospels: An Historical Introduction
195642: Iva Cerna and Jolann Machalek - Beginner's Czech
1254033: Dr. E. V. Cernenko - The Scynthians: 700-300 Bce
171101: Urbano Cerri - An Account of the State of the Roman-Catholick Religion Throughout the World
1267479: Lucius F. Cervantes - And God Made Man and Woman: A Factual Discussion of Sex Differences
196531: W.S. Cerve - Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific
185233: Laura Cerwinske - Russian Imperial Style
125214: R. de Cesare - Roma E Lo Stato Del Papa: Dal Ritorno Di Pio IX Al XX Settembre: 2 Volumes
143241: Romanus Cessario - The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics
164972: F.C. Ceulemans - Commentarius in Actus Apostolorum
62504: Rev. Joseph F.X. Cevetello - Getting to Know the Bible
178668: Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR and Terrence L. Weber - Thy Will Be Done: A Spiritual Portrait of Terence Cardinal Cooke
162868: Ta-Tuan Ch'en, Perry Link, Yih-Jian Tai, and Hai-Tao Tang - Chinese Primer: Lessons
195788: Ta-tuan Ch'en, Chih-p'ing Chou, and Der-lin Chao - Intermediate Chinese: Text / Vocabulary / Sentence Patterns
43847: Jacques Chabannes - Saint Augustine
1275237: Jacques Chabannes - St. Augustine
160701: James Chace - Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World
196545: Owen Chadwick - A History of Christianity
176888: John Chadwick - The Mycenaean World
167444: Owen Chadwick - A History of Christianity
166225: Priscilla Chadwick - Schools of Reconciliation: Issues in Joint Roman Catholic-Anglican Education
188241: Owen Chadwick - The Popes and European Revolution
189596: Valerie Ann Chadwick - Book of Mormon Story & Coloring Book
174319: Zechariah Chafee, Jr. - Freedom of Speech
191826: Zechariah Chafee, Jr., ed - Documents on Fundamental Human Rights: The Anglo-American Tradition, Volume 2
191298: Zechariah Chafee, Jr., ed - Documents on Fundamental Human Rights: The Anglo-American Tradition, Volume 1
1237146: Marc Chagall; Charles Sorlier - Chagall Lithographs IV: The Lithographs of Chagall 1969-1973
203777: Winberg Chai - The New Politics of Communist China: Modernization Process of a Developing Nation
164321: Miriam Chaikin - Make Noise, Make Merry: The Story and Meaning of Purim
188688: Andrew Chaikin - A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts
181338: Anjan Chakraverty - Indian Miniature Painting
192689: Gerard Chaliand - A People without a Country: The Kurds and Kurdistan
184860: Feodor Chaliapin - Man and Mask: Forty Years in the Life of a Singer
178661: Fr. Candide Chalippe and Fr. Hilarion Duerk, ed - The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
170949: Richard Challoner - The Catholic Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifice, Ceremonies, and Observances of the Church by Way of Question and Answer
184287: Bishop [Richard] Challoner - Memoirs of Missionary Priests, and Other Catholics of Both Sexes, That Have Suffered Death in England on Religious Accounts, from the Year 1577, to 1684
196732: Joseph Chalmers - Truly the Son of God: The Way of the Cross in the Gospel of Mark
171519: Margaret Piper Chalmers - Pollyanna's Protegee
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