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187640: Denise Nowakowski Baker - Julian of Norwich's Showings: From Vision to Book
171384: Arthur Baker - New Calligraphic Ornaments & Flourishes
178372: Mona Baker with Kirsten Malmkjaer, eds - Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
181054: Robert J. Baker, tr - Propertius I.
194938: Gladys Baker - I Had to Know
178542: Kage Baker - Rude Mechanicals
1225950: [Robert Frost]. George P. Baker - The Pilgrim Spirit: A Pageant in Celebration of the Tercentenary of the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts December 21, 1620
98715: Dean Baker - Globalization and Progressive Economic Policy
192136: Leonard Baker - John Marshall: A Life in Law
300202: Paul Bakewell, Jr. - What Are We Using for Money
191186: Laleh Bakhtiar - Sufi: Expressions of the Mystic Quest
178746: Michael E. Bakich - The Cambridge Guide to the Constellations
80682: Tadeusz Balaban - On the Mixed Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation
208095: Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer - Es Christo Que Pasa: Homilias
94127: A.V. Balakrishnan, ed - Advances in Communication Systems: Theory and Applications, Volume 2
94128: A.V. Balakrishnan, ed - Advances in Communication Systems: Theory and Applications, Volume 1
203288: Etienne Balazas - Chinese Civilization and Bureaucracy
120177: Vasco Nunez de Balboa - El Descumbrimiento Del Oceano Pacifico Y la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia Y Estadistica
206834: David L. Balch - Let Wives Be Submissive: The Domestic Code in I Peter
187976: R.C. Bald - Bibliographical Studies in the Beaumont & Fletcher Folio of 1647
122699: Luis C. Balderrama - El Clero Y El Gobierno de Mexico: Vol. One
208119: Francisco E. Balderrama - In Defense of la Raza: The Los Angeles Mexican Consulate and the Mexican Community, 1929 to 1936
176843: Philip Baldi - The Foundations of Latin
183337: [Paschal Baldi] - The Question of the Holy Places
181628: Umberto Baldini and Ornella Casazza - Le Crucifix de Cimabue
164347: John Baldock - The Alternative Gospel: The Hidden Teaching of Jesus
198720: John F. Baldovin - Reforming the Liturgy: A Response to the Critics
201388: John F. Baldovin - Worship: City, Church and Renewal
149178: Ernesto Balducci - John: "the Transitional Pope
204329: James Baldwin - Giovanni's Room
200176: C.C. Baldwin - Early Indian Migration in Ohio
200173: C.C. Baldwin - Geographical History of Ohio. An Address Delivered at the Annual Reunion of the Pioneers of the Mahoning Valley, at Youngstown, September 10th, 1880
192228: Marshall Whithed Baldwin - Raymond III of Tripolis and the Fall of Jerusalem (1140-1887)
185377: Billy Baldwin with Michael Gardine - Billy Baldwin: An Autobiography
141722: Lou Baldwin - Saint Katharine Drexel: Apostle to the Oppressed
204383: James Baldwin - Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son
204227: Christina Baldwin - Life's Companion: Journal Writing As a Spiritual Quest
181963: Billy Baldwin - Billy Baldwin Remembers
67849: Summerfield Baldwin - The Organization of Medieval Christianity
166250: Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour - The Foundations of Belief Being Notes Introductory to the Study of Theology
195070: Charles Balic, ed - Tractatus de Immortalitate Beatae Virginis Mariae
1274078: P. Carlo Balic and P. Lorenzo di Fonzo, preface - S. Antonio: Dottore Della Chiesa
195068: Bartolomeo Beverini; Charles Balic, ed - De Corporali Morte Deiparae
98909: P. Carolus Balic - Testimonia de Assumptione Beatae Virginbis Mariae Ex Omnibus Saeculis: Pars Altera: Ex Aetate Post Concilium Tridentinum
130360: P. Carlo Balic and P. Lorenzo di Fonzo, preface - S. Antonio: Dottore Della Chiesa
195069: Charles Balic - De Definibilitate Assumptionis B. Virginis Mariae in Caelum
148053: Ann Ball - Catholic Traditions in Crafts
202516: Ann Ball - The How-to Book of Sacramentals: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You
199336: Ann Ball - Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices
188912: Katharine Ball - Notre-Dame de Paris
170404: Ann Ball - A Handbook of Catholic Sacramentals
170375: Pamela J. Ball - Natural Magic: Spells, Enchantments and Self-Development
1222269: Ann Ball - Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces, Book One
106707: Francis Kingsley Ball - The Elements of Greek
202945: Ann Ball - Faces of Holiness: Modern Saints in Photos and Words
202844: Philip Ball - Stories of the Invisible: A Guided Tour of Molecules
205861: R.M. Ballantyne - Life in the Red Brigade: A Fiery Tale and Fort Desolation or Solitude in the Wilderness
205856: R.M. Ballantyne - Deep Down: A Tale of the Cornish Mines
205849: R.M. Ballantyne - The Settler and the Savage: A Tale of Peace and War in South Africa
193792: M. Russell Ballard - Our Search for Happiness: An Invitation to Understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
184799: Virgil; Harlan Hoge Ballard, tr - The Aeneid of Virgil
197782: Lee Ballenger - The Final Crucible: U.S. Marines in Korea, Volume II: 1953
310850: Albion F. Ballenger - Power for Witnessing
189215: F.W. Baller - A Mandarin Primer
198613: Raymond A. Ballinger - Lettering Art in Modern Use
106461: Bill S. Ballinger - Rafferty
49495: Rev. Milton A. Ballor, C.PP.S. - Saint Gaspar Del Bufalo in the Arts
188072: Patricia K. Ballou - Women: A Bibliography of Bibliographies
197868: Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte; Dennis D. Martin, tr - Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte
169290: Menander; Maurice Balme, trans - The Plays and Fragments
146728: Rev. J. Balmes - Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe
180986: Luigi Balsamo - Bibliography: History of a Tradition
173216: J.P.V.D. Balsdon - Life and Leisure in Ancient Rome
176837: Dacre Balsdon - Oxford Life
182159: Thomas Balston - Staffordshire Portrait Figures
1248679: Thomas Balston - Illustrated Series of the 'Nineties
182497: Han Urs von Balthasar - You Have Words of Eternal Life: Scripture Meditations
196603: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Bernanos: An Ecclesial Existence
300125: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Prayer
196954: Hans Urs von Balthasar - The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics, Volumes I-VII
196234: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Therese de Lisieux: Histoire D'Une Mission
188602: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Dare We Hope "That All Men Be Saved"? with a Short Discourse on Hell
188415: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Cordula Ou L'Epreuve Decisive
188416: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Who Is a Christian
145728: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Was Geht Mein Glaube Die Kirche an? Ein Dialog
188421: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Elizabeth of Dijon: An Interpretation of Her Spiritual Mission
188207: Hans Urs von Balthasar - The Christian State of Life
187711: Hans Urs von Balthasar - New Elucidations
1281935: Hans Urs Von Balthasar - Prayer
188757: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Science, Religion and Christianity
197252: Hans Urs von Balthasar - The Office of Peter and the Structure of the Church
207095: Hans Urs Von Balthasar - Convergences to the Source of Christian Mystery
196125: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Razing the Bastions: On the Church in This Age
207015: Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) - Two Say Why: Why I Am Still a Christian by Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Why I Am Still in the Church by Joseph Ratzinger
206229: Hans Urs Von Balthasar - A Theology of History
206237: Hans Urs von Balthasar - A Theology of History
197266: Hans Urs von Balthasar - Engagement with God: The Drama of Christian Discipleship
197475: Hans Urs von Balthasar - A Theological Anthropology
300260: Hans Urs von Balthasar - A Theological Anthropology
60121: N. Balthasar - La Methode En Metaphysique
60398: N.-J.-J. Balthasar - Mon Moi Dans L'Etre
186573: Linda M. Baltikas and Robert W. Piercy - Give Your Gifts: The Prayer Services
310583: Revs. Isaiah Baltzell and E.S. Lorenz - Heavenly Carols: For the Sabbath-School, Praise-Service, Prayer-Meeting, &C
199674: Martha Pickman Baltzell - Bridging Diversity: Confessions of a Yankee Catholic
197378: Klaus Baltzer - Deutero-Isaiah: A Commentary on Isaiah 40-55
193233: Stefan Starba Baluk - Poles on the Frontlines of World War II 1939-1945
171706: Honre de Balzac - Old Goriot
186558: Honore de Balzac - Old Goriot
198272: Honore de Balzac - Droll Stories
198070: Thomas Bamat and Jean-Paul Wiest, eds - Popular Catholicism in a World Church: Seven Case Studies in Inculturation
86423: C.H. Bamford et al. - Synthetic Polypeptides
195213: Rev. John S. Banahan - Instructions for Mixed Marriages
147668: Rev. John S. Banahan - Instructions for Mixed Marriages
193926: Caroline Bancroft with Daniel K. Peterson - Unique Ghost Towns and Mountain Spots
1235505: James W. Bancroft - Deeds of Valour: A Victorian Military and Naval History Trilogy
206450: Therese of Lisieux; Alan Bancroft, tr - Collected Poems of St Therese of Lisieux
197109: Nahman of Bratslav; Arnold J. Band, tr - The Tales
1255144: Msgr. Rudolph G. Bandas - The Cathedral Daily Missal: The Roman Missal Adapted to Everyday Life
147549: Edward J. Bander - Mr. Dooley and Mr. Dunne: The Literary Life of a Chicago Catholic
179129: Jill Todd Banfield - Draw Near Unto Me: Getting Closer to God Through Prayer and Personal Reflection
15001: J. P. Bang - Hurrah and Hallelujah: The Teaching of Germany's Poets, Prophets, Professors and Preachers: A Documentation
188297: William V. Bangert - A History of the Society of Jesus
167556: John Kendrick Bangs - R. Holmes & Co. Being the Remarkable Adventures of Raffles Holmes, Esq. , Detective and Amateur Cracksman by Birth
193192: John Kendrick Bangs - The Bicyclers and Three Other Farces
206528: Marie Sarrafian Banker - St. Vartan: Hero of Armenia - the Story of Armenia's Early Struggle for Freedom to Worship Christ
185514: Tallulah Bankhead - Tallulah: My Autobiography
168923: Rev. Joseph Banna - Striving After Perfection. A Treatise Addressed Especially to Religious
175139: Walter Darby Bannard and Henry Geldzahler - Chihuly: Form from Fire
187115: Helen Bannerman - The Story of Little Black Sambo
163919: Kendall Banning - The Fleet Today
113493: John Francis Bannon and Peter Masten Dunne - Latin America: An Historical Survey
191226: Henry T. Bannon - Scioto Sketches: An Account of Discovery and Settlement of Scioto County, Ohio
184627: R.E. Banta, comp - Indiana Authors and Their Books 1816-1916: Biographical Sketches of Authors Who Published During the First Century of Indiana Statehood with Lists of Their Books
66226: Rev. Pedro N. Bantigue - The Provincial Council of Manila of 1771 (Its Text Followed by a Commentary on Actio II, de Episcopis)
183166: R.P. Joannis Baptistae and R.P. Michaele Cuvelier - Lux Veritatibus Fidei Accensa, Sive Meditationes de Praecipuis & Gravissimus Veritatibus Fidei, Accommodate Ad Tres Vitas Purgativam, Illuminativam & Unitivam
201182: Borna Barac - Reference Catalogue: Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World Instituted Until 1945, Parts I-II
80694: Lotty V. Baranow - Tochter-Aussteuer-Versicherung
199375: The Friars Minor of the Franciscan Province of Saint Barbara, Oakland, California - Early Franciscan Classics
175890: Barbara and Michael Foster - The Secret Lives of Alexandra David-Neel: A Biography of the Explorer of Tibet and Its Forbidden Practices
180373: The Friars Minor of the Franciscan Province of Saint Barbara, tr - Early Franciscan Classics
204319: Barbara Aland, Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger, eds - The Greek New Testament: Fourth Revised Edition
202042: Fr. Slavko Barbaric - Fasting
187858: Fr. Slavko Barbaric - Pray with the Heart! Medjugorje Manual of Prayer
65137: Rocco Barbariga - Educazione E Confessione
174290: Merius Barbeau - Alaska Beckons
177161: Rowland Barber - The Midnighters: A Documentary Novel
179091: David W. Barber - When the Fat Lady Sings: Opera History As It Ought to Be Taught
186062: Lynn Barber - An Education
196772: Michael Barber - Coming Soon: Unlocking the Book of Revelation and Applying Its Lessons Today
203580: Richard Barber - The Black Prince
173556: E.A. Barber - Sexti Properti: Carmina
150576: Mme de Barberey - Elizabeth Seton Et Les Commencements de L'Eglise Catholique
1250832: Alessandro Barbero - The Day of the Barbarians
1234469: Pierre Barbet - A Doctor at Calvary: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ As Described by a Surgeon
198878: Edmond Barbotin - The Humanity of God
201712: Job Barbour - Forty-Eight Days Adrift: The Voyage of the "Neptune II" from Newfoundland to Scotland
143437: J. Murray Barbour - Trumpets, Horns and Music
63094: Hugh Barbour - Reading and Understanding the Old Testament
97008: Rabbi Aaron haLevi of Barcelona - Sefer Hahinnuch: The Book of [Mitzvah] Education [5-Volume Boxed Set]
120244: Jose Maria Roa Barcena - Datos Y Apuntamientos Para la Biografia de D. Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza
172341: Robert Barclay - A Catechism and Confession of Faith
191354: William Barclay - The Lord's Supper
174554: Robert Barclay - An Apology for the True Christian Divinity: Being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People Called Quakers
199967: William Barclay - Ambassador for Christ: The Life and Teaching of Paul
41703: William Barclay - The Gospel of Mark
200244: Robert Barclay - A Catechism and Confession of Faith, Approved of and Agreed Unto by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, Christ Himself Chief Speaker in and Among Them
37978: Otto Bardenhewer - Polychronius, Bruder Theodors Von Mopsuestia Und Bischof Von Apamea
46773: Wilhelm Bardorff - Bezaubernde Natur in Deutschen Naturschutzlandschaften
68088: M. l'Abbe G. Bardy and M. l'Abbe A. Tricot - Le Christ: Encyclopedie Populaire Des Connaissances Christologiques
202212: Gustave Bardy - La Conversione Au Christianisme Durant Les Premiers Siecles
64374: G. Bardy - Litterature Grecque Chretienne
181840: Juliet Wilson-Bareau, ed - Manet by Himself: Correspondence & Conversation; Paintings, Pastels, Prints & Drawings
204337: Daniel Barenboim - A Life in Music
204357: Daniel Barenboim and Edward W. Said - Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society
144456: Bessie Myers Barga - The Glory of Being Myself: The Distinguishing Characteristics of Bessie Myers Barga
192695: Judi Bari - Timber Wars
168996: Renato Barilli - Rhetoric
141072: Maurice Baring - Diminutive Dramas
151139: Maurice Baring - Comfortless Memory
141060: Maurice Baring - Sarah Bernhardt
191784: Loren Baritz - City on a Hill: A History of Ideas and Myths in America
145762: Louis Barjon - Le Jeu de Celle Qui Fit la Porte S'Ouvrir: Mystere En Un Prologue Et Quatre Tableaux
207730: Sir Ernest Barker - Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors
130331: Burt Brown Barker - The Mcloughlin Empire and Its Rules: Doctor John Mcloughlin; Doctor David Mcloughlin; Marie Louise ( Sister St. Henry)
174597: Dan Barker - Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist
310389: Kenneth Barker, ed - The Niv Study Bible
186331: Dudley Barker - G.K. Chesterton: A Biography
195404: Juliet Barker - Agincourt: Henry V and the Battle That Made England
188943: Joel A. Barker and Scott W. Erickson - Five Regions of the Future: Preparing Your Business for Tomorrow's Technology Revolution
1274802: Sr. Elizabeth Ann Barkett - Heroic Catholics of the Twentieth Century
206990: Deacon Roy Barkley - The Mysteries of the Rosary: Mirror of Scripture and Gateway to Prayer
171918: Coleman Barks and Michael Green - The Illuminated Prayer: The Five-Times Prayer of the Sufis As Revealed by Jellaludin Rumi & Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
144923: Janet Crane Barley - Winter in July: Visits with Children's Authors Down Under
192554: Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke - Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water
192562: Maude Barlow - Parcel of Rogues: How Free Trade Is Failing Canada
192434: Maude Barlow and Heather-Jane Robertson - Class Warfare: The Assault on Canada's Schools
165784: Philip L. Barlow - Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-Day Saints in American Religion
192561: Maude Barlow and Bruce Campbell - Take Back the Nation
178865: Frank Barlow - The Godwins: The Rise and Fall of a Noble Dynasty
126032: John S. Barlow - A Pocket Chinese-Russian-English Dictionary Arranged by the Rosenberg Graphical System
192555: Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke - Global Showdown: How the New Activists Are Fighting Global Corporate Rule
192556: Maude Barlow and Bruce Campbell - Straight Through the Heart: How the Liberals Abandoned the Just Society
193551: Frank Barlow - Thomas Becket
172296: Frank Barlow - The Feudal Kingdom of England 1042-1216
187012: John Henry Newman; Lawrence F. Barmann, ed - Newman at St. Mary's: A Selection of the Parochial and Plain Sermons
160008: Lawrence F. Barmann, ed - The Letters of Baron Friedrich Von Hugel and Professor Norman Kemp Smith
191191: Tom Barnard - Starting Calligraphy
194837: Chester I. Barnard - The Functions of the Executive
46568: A. Barneck - Die Grundlagen Unserer Zeitrechnung
183950: Hazel E. Barnes - The University As the New Church
83741: Warner Barnes, comp - Catalogue of the Browning Collection
189382: Ian Barnes - The Historical Atlas of Native Americans
203223: Dr. Ian Barnes - The Historical Atlas of Knights and Castles
182242: Trevor Barnes - La Biblia Ilustrada Para Ninos
1213616: John K. Barnes - The Vindication of Squier and Deeds
125772: John Barnes - Ahead of His Age: Bishop Barnes of Birmingham
183825: Eric Wollencott Barnes - The Lady of Fashion: The Life and the Theatre of Anna Cora Mowatt
194788: Clive Barnes and John Gassner - 50 Best Plays of the American Theatre
192652: Richard J. Barnet and John Cavanagh - Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order
197880: Paul Barnett - Paul: Missionary of Jesus
310707: M.J. Barnett - The Five Redeemers
184766: S.A. Barnett - Instinct and Intelligence: Behavior of Animals and Man
178042: Randy E. Barnett - Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty
172971: Correlli Barnett - The Desert Generals
192949: Erik Barnouw - The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate
174267: H.L. Barnum - The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, Alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of Mr. Cooper's Tale of the Neutral Ground: Being an Authentic Account of the Secret Services Which He Rendered His Country During the Revolutionary War. (Taken from His Own Lips, in Short-Hand. ) Comprising Many Interesting Facts and Anecdotes Never Before Published
191031: Michael Barone - Our Country: The Shaping of America from Roosevelt to Reagan
206736: James Barr - Biblical Words for Time
206163: James Barr - The Concept of Biblical Theology: An Old Testament Perspective
205967: Cristian Parker; Robert R. Barr, trans - Popular Religion and Modernization in Latin America: A Different Logic
194054: Martin K. Barrack - Second Exodus
142409: Geoffrey Barraclough, ed - The Christian World: A Social and Cultural History of Christianity
206784: Lloyd M. Barre - The Rhetoric of Political Persuasion: The Narrative Artistry and Political Intentions of 2 Kings 9-11
207973: Julio Trebolle Barrera - La Biblia Judia Y la Biblia Cristiana
110018: Julio Trebolle Barrera - The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible
198074: Albino Barrera - Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy
194914: Oliver Barres - One Shepherd, One Flock
205519: Kevin Barrett - Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters
310755: C.K. Barrett - Luke the Historian in Recent Study
203131: C. K. Barrett - The New Testament Background: Selected Documents
174859: Joseph H. Barrett - Abraham Lincoln and His Presidency, Volumes I-II
310708: Charles Raymond Barrett - Short Story Writing: A Practical Treatise on the Art of the Short Story
310704: E. Boyd Barrett - Man: His Making and Unmaking
206037: C.K. Barrett - Acts: A Shorter Commentary
185848: Anthony A. Barrett - Caligula: The Corruption of Power
171903: Paul M. Barrett - American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion
177652: Oliver R. Barrett, introduction - Lincoln's Last Speech in Springfield in the Campaign of 1858
310517: Lee C. Barrett, tr - The Heidelberg Catechism: A New Translation for the Twenty-First Century
195211: James Francis Barrett - The Loyalist: A Story of the American Revolution
1275239: William E. Barrett - Shepherd of Mankind: A Biography of Pope Paul VI
202873: Laurence I. Barrett - Gambling with History: Reagan in the White House
203951: Anthony A. Barrett - Agrippina: Sex, Power, and Politics in the Early Empire
203451: Ivan J. Barrett - Ephraim Hanks: Fearless Mormon Scout
205642: Kevin Barrett, ed - Another French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino
179952: E. Boyd Barrett - The Quest of Honor
73010: William E. Barrett - The First War Planes
199188: William E. Barrett - The Red Lacquered Gate
176319: James M. Barrie - Tommy and Grizel
131021: J.M. Barrie - George Meredith
9578: J.M. Barrie - The Little Minister
144812: J.M. Barrie - The Little Minister
174542: J.M. Barrie - Alice Sit-by-the-Fire
181421: J.M. Barrie - The Little Minister
173544: Sir Jonah Barrington - Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation
207718: L. Adams Beck (E. Barrington) - The Story of Oriental Philosophy
195249: L. Adams Beck (E. Barrington) - The Story of Oriental Philosophy
1211024: E. Barrington - The Chaste Diana
166296: Georges Barrois - Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship
206724: Georges Barrois - Jesus Christ and the Temple
197001: Georges Barrois - Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship
90433: Neil Barron - Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction
190644: Leo Barron and Don Cygan - No Silent Night: The Christmas Battle for Bastogne
195362: Robert Barron - Catholicism: The Pivotal Players; on Location with Bishop Robert Barron
148092: Caroline M. Barron and Christopher Harper-Bill, eds - The Church in Pre-Reformation Society: Essays in Honour of F.R. H. Du Boulay
146792: Edward Barron - The Lost Goddess
187358: Robert Barron - Eucharist
172518: Robert Barron - The Priority of Christ: Toward a Postliberal Catholicism
188658: John D. Barrow - The Constants of Nature: From Alpha to Omega
178843: Clayton R. Barrow, Jr., ed - America Spreads Her Sails: U.S. Seapower in the 19th Century
175496: [William Barrows] - The General; or, Twelve Nights in the Hunters' Camp. A Narrative of Real Life
20067: Winifred Barrows; illustrated by Joan McConnell - Meanderings of a Mole
310537: Cliff Barrows, comp - Singing Evangelism: The Billy Graham Campaign Book
160472: William Barry - Cardinal Newman
160615: F.R. Barry - Period of My Life
66061: Rev. Garrett Francis Barry - Violation of the Cloister: An Historical Synopsis and Commentary
168356: Vincent Barry - Personal and Social Ethics: Moral Problems with Integrated Theory
124981: William Barry - Ernest Renan
183427: Joseph Barry - French Lovers: From Heloise and Abelard to Beauvoir and Sartre
125058: William Barry - Roma Sacra: Essays on Christian Rome
199625: William A. Barry - Paying Attention to God: Discernment in Prayer
187886: Robert F. Barry, ed - Power Pack: 82nd Airborne Division 1965-1966
188114: Peter James Barry - A Brief History of the Maryknoll Missions in China
98054: C. Barry Cox, Ian N. Healey, and Peter D. Moore - Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
195154: Henry Bars - Faith, Hope and Charity
108183: Henry Bars - Regina Pacis
192397: David Barsamian with Noam Chomsky - Propaganda and the Public Mind: Conversations with Noam Chomsky
192632: David Barsamian - Louder Than Bombs: Interviews from the Progressive Magazine
192616: David Barsamian - The Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting
192611: David Barsamian - Stenographers to Power: Media and Propaganda
310706: Robbins Wolcott Barstow - Getting Acquainted with God: A Book of Devotions for Use in Homes Where There Are Children
174549: Anne Llewellyn Barstow - Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts
207490: Sir Edwyn Hoskyns, Bart. and Noel Davey - The Riddle of the New Testament
176118: Frank Bartel - Auszeichnungen Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Von Den Anfangen Bis Zur Gegenwart; Aufnahmen Von Jurgen Karpinski
201255: Frank Bartel - Auszeichnungen Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Von Den Anfangen Bis Zur Gegenwart
148520: Erminnie Hollis Bartelmez - The "Expositio in Cantica Canticorum" of Williram Abbot of Ebersberg 1048-1085: A Critical Edition
148878: Lewis M. Barth - An Analysis of Vatican 30
198142: Karl Barth - Selected Prayers
193168: Karl Barth - Ethics
130837: Pius Joseph Barth - Franciscan Education and the Social Order in Spanish North America 1502-1821
198608: J. Robert Barth - Coleridge and Christian Doctrine
141323: Markus Barth and Helmut Blanke - Colossians (the Anchor Bible, Vol. 34b)
206826: Karl Barth - The German Church Conflict
189525: Karl Barth - The Holy Ghost and the Christian Life
207035: Karl Barth - The Faith of the Church: A Commentary on the Apostle's Creed According to Calvin's Catechism
196488: Manfred Barthel - The Jesuits: History & Legend of the Society of Jesus
175561: Edward E. Barthell, Jr. - The Mystery of the Merrimack
67818: Most Rev. Peter W. Bartholome, ed - Christians in Conversation
126376: His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - Encountering the Mystery: Understanding Orthodox Christianity Today
178492: Michael Barthorp - Slogging over Africa: The Boer Wars 1815-1902
1254030: Michael Barthorp - Indian Infantry Regiments 1860-1914
178469: Michael Barthorp - The Zulu War: Isandhlwana to Ulundi
199488: Renee Bartkowski - With This Ring: A Practical Guide for Newlyweds
39031: Joh. Straubinger & Jos. Bartle - Praktisches Bibelhandbuch
310261: Dana W. Bartlett - The Better City: A Sociological Study of a Modern City
65945: Chester Joseph Bartlett - The Tenure of Parochial Property in the United States of America
188885: Sarah Bartlett - The Tarot Bible: The Definitive Guide to the Cards and Spreads
197375: David L. Bartlett - Between the Bible and the Church: New Methods for Biblical Preaching
1275021: J.V. Bartlett - The Popes: A Papal History
1242542: Sarah Bartlett - The Love Tarot
64899: Bernhard Bartmann - Das Fegfeuer
187684: Bernhard Bartmann - Lehrbuch Der Dogmatik, Bands I-II
205971: John Barton - Understanding Old Testament Ethics: Approaches and Explorations
197673: John Barton, ed - The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation
197680: John Barton - The Nature of Biblical Criticism
125025: By Pierre Barton - The Comfortable Pew
168067: F. Whitfield Barton - Calvin and the Duchess
164842: Donald W. Bartow and Clair B. King - The Healing Service
145672: A. Barucq, et. al - Ecrits de L'Orient Ancien Et Sources Bibliques
62722: A. Barucq, ed - La Sainte Bible: Judith, Esther
151386: Carl Barus - Experiments with Ionized Air
151384: Carl Barus - A Continuous Record of Atmospheric Nucleation
170062: Wm. Theodore de Bary, ed - Sources of Indian Tradition, Volumes I-II
175161: Nicholas A. Basbanes - Patience and Fortitude: A Roving Chronicle of Book People, Book Places, and Book Culture
185810: Nicholas A. Basbanes - Every Book Its Reader: The Power of the Printed Word to Stir the World
185811: Nicholas A. Basbanes - A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books
185812: Nicholas A. Basbanes - A Splendor of Letters: The Permanence of Book in an Impermanent World
64107: Ewald Bash - Visit to Five Brothers and Othe Double Exposures
191299: [Henry Howart Bashford] - Augustus Carp, Esq. By Himself: A Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man
182122: Henry Howarth Bashford - Augustus Carp, Esq. , by Himself: Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man
172305: M. Basil Pennington, Alan Jones, and Mark Booth - The Living Testament: The Essential Writings of Christianity Since the Bible
1270499: John Baskin - New Burlington: The Life and Death of an American Village
102697: N.G. Basov, ed - Lasers and Their Applications
183108: Clarence Bass - The Lean Advantage 2: The Second Four Years
177152: Eben E. Bass - Aldous Huxley: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism
183102: Clarence Bass - Ripped 3: The Recipes, the Routines & the Reasons
195492: Gary J. Bass - The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide
183104: Clarence Bass - Ripped: The Sensible Way to Achieve Ultimate Muscularity
183107: Clarence Bass - Lean for Life: Stay Motivated and Lean Forever
189616: Bernard Basset - Priest in Paradise: With God to Illinois
196217: Bernard Basset - Let's Start Praying Again: Field Work in Meditation
143285: Bernard Basset - The Good Life Guide: Saints, Snobs and Sanity
183871: Bernard Basset - And Would You Believe It! Thoughts About the Creed
193188: Sara Ware Bassett - The Story of Silk
206043: Jouette M. Bassler - 1 Timothy - 2 Timothy - Titus
198501: Georges Bataille - Theory of Religion
145564: Samuel Batchelder, Jr., comp - Poetry of the Bells
188726: John Batchelor and Christopher Chant - The Complete Encyclopedia of Warships: 1798 to the Present
203917: Jonathan Bate - Soul of the Age: A Biography of the Mind of William Shakespeare
144606: Newton Bateman and Paul Selby, eds - Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, Vol. I.
203224: Elder Merrill J. Bateman - Truth and Righteousness Will Sweep the Earth
310240: Thomas Edward Bateman; John P. Maynard - Biographical Directory: General Assembly, Ohio 1929-1930
178712: Anya Bateman - Corker
310818: M. Searle Bates - Religious Liberty: An Inquiry
176577: Bess Royer Bates - Life of D.L. Miller
197401: Francis Turner Palgrave; Herbert Bates, ed - Palgrave's the Golden Treasury
182076: Elizabeth Bidwell Bates and Jonathan L. Fairbanks - American Furniture: 1620 to the Present
123239: William Nickerson Bates, ed - Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris
192481: Greg Bates, ed - Mobilizing Democracy: Changing the U.S. Role in the Middle East
179096: Mary Catherine Bateson - With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson
50871: Richard Batey, ed - New Testament Issues
1274152: Mgr. Pierre Batiffol - Primitive Catholicism
67677: Mgr. Pierre Batiffol - Catholicisme Et Papaute: Les Difficultes Anglicanes Et Russes
71777: Pierre Batiffol - L'Englise Naissante Et le Catholicisme [Vols. I-IV]
71778: Pierre Batiffol - Etudes D'Histoire Et de Theologie Positive
120839: Annie Jenkins Batson - Louis Manigault: Gentleman from South Carolina
200839: C. Daniel Batson and W. Larry Ventis - The Religious Experience: A Social-Psychological Perspective
180032: William W. Batstone and Cynthia Damon - Caesar's CIVIL War
189935: Alicia J. Batten - What Are They Saying About the Letter of James
206269: Roy W. Battenhouse - A Companion to the Study of St. Augustine
149613: W.J. Battersby - De la Salle: Saint and Spiritual Writer
203997: Martin Battersby - The Decorative Thirties
149127: W.J. Battersby - De la Salle: Saint and Spiritual Writer
165860: Jean Battini and Witold Zaniewicki - Guide Pratique Des Decorations Francaises Actuelles
203186: Matilde Battisini - Symbols and Allegories in Art
203912: Matthew Battles - Palimpsest: A History of the Written Word
198970: Bernard F. Batto - Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition
208155: Ignatius Bau - This Ground Is Holy: Church Sanctuary and Central American Refugees
196860: Richard Bauckham, ed - The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences
196718: Richard Bauckham - Gospel Women: Studies of the Named Women in the Gospels
187827: Richard Bauckham - Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels As Eyewitness Testimony
42841: Dom Jules L. Baudot - Le Breviaire
188867: Dom Baudot - The Breviary: Its History and Contents
162691: Cheryl Bauer and Rob Portman - Wisdom's Paradise: The Forgotten Shakers of Union Village
310486: Johannes B. Bauer - Bibeltheologisches Worterbuch, Volumes I-II
198789: Judy Bauer, ed - Advent and Christmas Wisdom with Fulton J. Sheen
178987: K. Jack Bauer - The Mexican War 1846-1848
161596: Camille Bauer - Panorama de la France Moderne
207865: Johannes B. Bauer - Sacramentum Verbi: An Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology Volumes I-III
123278: Clyde Max Bauer - The Story of Yellowstone Geysers
122884: Johannes B. Bauer, editor - Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology, Vols I-III
186362: Johannes B. Bauer - Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology: The Complete Sacramentum Verbi
184910: Oswald Georg Bauer - Richard Wagner: The Stage Designs and Productions from the Premieres to the Present
194110: Richard Bauerle - I, the Prophet: Dramatic Monologues for Today from Twelve Old Testament Prophets
40821: Peter Bauland - The Hooded Eagle: Modern German Drama on the New York Stage
49490: Gregory Baum - Decree on the Renewal of Religious Life of Vatican Council II
191072: L. Frank Baum - The Wizard of Oz
177930: Richard Baum - Burying Mao: Chinese Politics in the Age of Deng Xiaoping
149599: Gregory Baum - That They May Be One: A Study of Papal Doctrine (Leo XIII-Pius XII)
81679: Gregory Baum, ed - The Constitution on the Church of Vatican Council II
126199: Robert Baum with David T. Wieck - Logic
67757: Gregory Baum, O.S.A. - Progress and Perspectives: The Catholic Quest for Christian Unity
67183: Gregory Baum - The Credibility of the Church Today: A Reply to Charles Davis
205691: L. Frank Baum - The Wonderful World of Oz Containing Fcsimilie Editions of the Classic Tale of Magic and Adventure the Wizard of Oz and Its Sequel the Land of Oz
207828: J. Daniel Bauman - An Introduction to Contemporary Preaching
197292: Gerlinde Baumann - Love and Violence: Marriage As Metaphor for the Relationship between Yhwh and Israel in the Prophetic Books
196888: Gerard F. Baumbach - Experiencing Mystagogy: The Sacred Pause of Easter
142412: Jill Pelaez Baumgaertner - Flannery O'Connor: A Proper Scaring
188609: David Baumgardt - Great Western Mystics: Their Lasting Significance
183588: Alexander Baumgartner - Durch Skandinavien Nach St. Petersburg
172716: Apollinaris W. Baumgartner - Catholic Journalism: A Study of Its Development in the United States, 1789-1930
195360: Raymond Baumhart - I Remember It Clearly: Memoirs of Raymond Baumhart, Sj, to 1970
207234: Anton Baumstark - On the Historical Development of the Liturgy
201359: Anton Baumstark - Comparative Liturgy
196112: Dom Paschal Baumstein and Debra G. Estes - Blessing the Years to Come: Belmont Abbey - a Pictorial Perspective
181694: John I.H. Baur - The Sculpture and Drawings of Elie Nadelman 1882-1946
1272488: Benedict Baur - In Silence with God
206491: Rev. Chrysostomus Baur, O.S.B. - John Chrysostom and His Time: Vol. I Antioch and Vol. II Constantinople
197376: William J. Bausch - In the Beginning, There Were Stories: Thoughts About the Oral Tradition of the Bible
186640: William J. Bausch - In the Beginning There Were Stories: Thoughts About the Oral Tradition of the Bible
193128: William J. Bausch - Pilgrim Church: A Popular History of Catholic Christianity
206933: Rev. William J. Bausch - Take Heart, Father: A Hope-Filled Vision for Today's Priest
206311: William J. Bausch - An Anthology of Saints... Official, Unofficial, and Should-Be Saints
197195: William J. Bausch - The Yellow Brick Road: A Storyteller's Approach to the Spiritual Journey
199847: Esperanza Bautista - La Mujer En la Iglesia Primitiva
197071: Bruce Bawer - Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity
203579: Samuel Bawlf - The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake
188497: Kenneth William Baxendale - Charles Dickens' London 1812-1870
191824: George Baxt - The Dorothy Parker Murder Case
146716: Roger Baxter - The Alexandria Controversy: Or a Series of Letters between M.B. & Quaero, on the Tenets of Catholicity, Which Appeared in the Alexandria Newspapers
146736: Roger Baxter - The Controversy between M.B. And Quaero, Which Appeared in the Alexandria Newspapers in the Year 1817, on Some Points of Roman Catholicism: To Which Is Added an Appendix, Containing a Brief Notice of Luther... Of Indulgences... Of the Inquisition... And of the Order of the Jesuits
203856: Nicola Baxter - Discovering Europe: An Introduction to the European Community
181476: Jon Baxter - Von Sternberg
147991: John Wesley & Richard Baxter - The Saints' Everlasting Rest: Or, a Treatise of the Blessed State of the Saints, in Their Enjoyment of God in Glory
190472: Rev. Nathan D. Baxter - The Role of the Urban Cathedral in Twenty-First Century America
203398: Stephen Baxter - Voyage
310873: Rev. M. Baxter - Forty Coming Wonders
172695: Ralph Bayard - Lone-Star Vanguard: The Catholic Re-Occupation of Texas (1838-1848)
149460: Carl F. Bayerschmidt and Erik J. Friis, eds - Scandinavian Studies: Essays Presented to Dr. Henry Goddard Leach on the Occasion of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday
172479: Rev. J.R. Bayley - A Brief Sketch of the Early History of the Catholic Church on the Island of New York
193510: James Roosevelt Bayley - Frontier Bishop: The Life of Bishop Simon Brute
64543: Harry James Baylis - Minucius Felix and His Place Among the Early Fathers of the Latin Church
177982: Christopher Bayly, ed - Atlas of the British Empire
2446: John Baynes with John Laffin - Soldiers of Scotland
173860: Ronald H. Bayor and Timothy J. Meagher, eds - The New York Irish
165716: Alice Anderson Bays - Worship Programs for Intermediates
149904: Germain Bazin - The Baroque: Principles, Styles, Modes, Themes
190499: Augustin Cardinal Bea - The Unity of Christians
167872: Carl M. Beach, ed - The Students' Handbook of the University of Cincinnati 1933-1934
131157: Joseph Warren Beach - Meek Americans & Other European Trifles
22205: Barbara Houndt Beach - MX-5 Miata: The Five Year Retrospective of a Classic
198858: Waldo Beach and H. Richard Niebuhr - Christian Ethics: Sources of the Living Tradition
195668: Thomas Beachy - Pennsylvania Deitsch Dictionary: Deitsch to English - English to Deitsch
200209: E.R. Beadle - The Old and the New. 1743-1876. The Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. Its Beginning and Increase
207415: Deacon John Beagan - Passing the Faith Onto Loved Ones: How God Has Lit a Path for Catholics
165843: J. Robert Beagle - A Guide to Monastic Guest Houses
180764: John E. Beahn - A Rich Young Man: Saint Anthony of Padua
120488: John E. Beahn - A Man Born Again: Saint Thomas More
1261330: John P. Beal, James A. Coriden, & Thomas J. Green, eds - New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law
193558: Carleton Beals - Brass-Knuckle Crusade: The Great Know-Nothing Conspiracy; 1820-1860
202701: Greg Bear - The Collected Stories of Greg Bear
132464: Cecil Bear, ed - Rugby World 1964
192674: Charles Austin Beard, ed - America Faces the Future
207603: Rev. Charles Beard - The Reformation of the 16th Century in Its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge
195922: Henry Beard - X-Treme Latin: All the Latin You Need to Know for Surviving the 21st Century
121504: Henry Beard - Latin for All Occasions
175517: Charles A. Beard and William Beard - The American Leviathan: The Republic in the Machine Age
179776: C. Douglas Beardall and Jewel N. Beardall - The Missionary Kit
63128: William A. Beardslee - Human Achievement and Divine Vocation in the Message of Paul (Studies in Biblical Theology #31)
1264719: Helen Beardsley - Who Gets the Drumstick? the Story of the Beardsley Family
178797: Helen Beardsley - Who Gets the Drumstick? the Story of the Beardsley Family
80297: Monroe C. Beardsley - The European Philsophers from Descartes to Nietzsche
166546: E. Edwards Beardsley - Life and Correspondence of the Right Reverend Samuel Seabury, D.D. , First Bishop of Connecticut, and of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America
206842: Francis Wright Beare - The First Epistle of Peter: The Greek Text with Introduction and Notes
171796: Norman Beasley - Mary Baker Eddy
185517: Cecil Beaton - Cecil Beaton: Memoirs of the 40's
207096: Pier Franco Beatrice - Introduction to the Fathers of the Church: A Teaching Aid with Color Illustrations
151016: Major-General Alexander Beatson - Tracts Relative to the Island of St. Helena: Written During a Residence of Five Years
205882: Ann Beattie - My Life, Starring Dara Falcon: A Novel
176992: James Beattie - The Minstrel; or, the Progress of Genius: And Other Poems
184258: William Beattie - Scotland Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for This Work by Messrs. T. Allom, W.H. Bartlett, and H. M'Culloch, Volume II
151414: John Beattie - Bunyoro: An African Kingdom
172310: Antonia Beattie - Spells Dictionary: Everything You Need to Know About Spells and Enchantments to Bring Magic Into Your Life; Comprehensive Explanations of Spell Craft, from Magical Powders and Potions to Talismans and Charms
163016: K.J. Beatty - Human Leopards: An Account of the Trials of Human Leopards Before the Special Commission Court; with a Note on Sierra Leone, Past and Present
7035: David Beaty - The Wind Off the Sea
199090: Richer-Marie Beaubien - Your Mass and Your Life
194438: Evode Beaucamp - Man's Destiny in the Books of Wisdom
207677: Evode Beaucamp, O.F.M. - The Bible and the Universe: Israel and the Theology of History
194597: Evode Beaucamp - Prophetic Intervention in the History of Man
201292: Dom Lambert Beauduin - Liturgy the Life of the Church
98355: Cyril W. Beaumont - A Bibliography of Dancing
187964: Christophe de Beaumont - L'Eglise, Son Autorite, Ses Institutions, Et L'Ordre Des Jesuites, Defendus Contre Les Attaques Et Les Calomnies de Leurs Ennemis
190451: Cyrial W. Beaumont - Complete Book of Ballets: A Guide to the Principal Ballets of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
201298: Madeleine Beaumont, tr - Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year, Volume 2. Lent
131030: Fray Pable de Beaumont - Cronica de la Provincia de Los Santos Apostoles S. Pedro Y S. Pablo de Michoacan: 5 Volumes
201683: Elaine de Beauport with Aura Sofia Diaz - The Three Faces of Mind: Developing Your Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Intelligences
188693: Jack Beauregard - The Power of Balance: A New Process for Personal Transformation in the 21st Century
175458: Simone de Beauvoir - The Mandarins
199287: R. Pierce Beaver, ed - American Missions in Bicentennial Perspective
201837: Charlotta M. Bebenroth - Meriwether Lewis: Boy Explorer
300075: Father William Bebie - The Warning: To Be Read As Though the Warning Had Just Come
108185: Dr. R. Le Bec - Raisons Medicales de Croire Au Miracle
98645: Richard J. Becherer and Christian Werner, eds - Lidar for Remote Sensing
197875: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; Regina Bechtle and Judith Metz, eds - Elizebeth Bayley Seton: Collected Writings, Volume I; Correspondence and Journals 1793-1808
197876: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; Regina Bechtle and Judith Metz, eds - Elizebeth Bayley Seton: Collected Writings, Volume II; Correspondence and Journals 1808-1820
168386: David Beck - Flames of Wisdom: Patristic Counsels for Contemporary Life
176774: Hans Beck and Uwe Walter - Die Fruhen Romischen Historiker, Bands I-II
207147: Peggy V. Beck and Anna L. Walters - The Sacred: Ways of Knowledge Sources of Life
310281: Fred Beck - To H. -* with Golf
147360: Jonathan Beck, ed - Le Concil de Basle (1434): Les Origines Du Theatre Reformiste Et Partisan En France
206796: Lewis White Beck - Eighteenth-Century Philosophy
199876: George Andrew Beck, ed - The English Catholics 1850-1950: Essays to Commemorate the Centenary of the Restoration of the Hierarchy of England and Wales
170532: William F. Beck - The New Testament in the Language of Today
207777: Norman A. Beck - Mature Christianity in the 21st Century: The Recognition and Repudiation of the Anti-Jewish Polemic of the New Testament
177056: Robert H. Becker, ed - The Plains & the Rockies: A Critical Bibliography of Exploration, Adventure and Travel in the American West 1800-1865
188470: Robert O. Becker - Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of Electropollution
180217: Carl M. Becker and Patrick B. Nolan - Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial History of the Miami Conservancy District
72215: C. Becker - IM Stromtal Des Brahmaputra
43322: Julius de Becker - De Matrimonio: Praelectiones Canonicae
102763: Robert A. Becker - Space Physics at the Aerospace Corporation
172462: Martin Joseph Becker - A History of Catholic Life in the Diocese of Albany, 1609-1864
191499: Carl Lotus Becker - Beginnings of the American People
199965: Jurgen Becker - Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles
177926: Jasper Becker - Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine
173641: W.A. Becker - Gallus or Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus. With Notes and Excursuses Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans
191802: Stephen Becker - Marshall Field III
207941: Lawrence C. Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, eds - Encyclopedia of Ethics Volumes I-III
201160: Ian F.W. Beckett - Discovering British Regimental Traditions
201145: I.F.W. Beckett - Victoria's Wars
204379: Sister Wendy Beckett, comp - Speaking to the Heart: Favorite Poems Chosen and Introduced by Sister Wendy Beckett
197282: Bob Becking - Between Fear and Freedom: Essays on the Interpretation of Jeremiah 30-31
196892: Bob Becking and Marjo C.A. Korpel, eds - The Crisis of Israelite Religion: Transformation of Religious Tradition in Exilic and Post-Exilic Times
310341: Kathleen Beckman - Praying for Priests: A Mission for the New Evangelization; Reflections, Testimonies, and Rosaries
198481: David Beckmann and Arthur Simon - Grace at the Table: Ending Hunger in God's World
67305: Rev. Clement Beckmeyer - A Silver Crown: Twenty-Five Subjects of Interest and Instruction in Defence of the Church
1224329: Rev. Clement Beckmeyer - A Silver Crown: Twenty-Five Subjects of Interest and Instruction in Defence of the Church
163181: Madge Beckon - On His Heart: Our High Priest's Loving Care
194930: Maurice Becque and Louis Becque - Life After Death
142614: Roger Bede - Pius IX and the Revolution: A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Sydney
201029: Bede K. Lackner, John R. Sommerfeldt, et al. - Studies in Medieval Cistercian History Presented to Jeremiah F. O'Sullivan
191712: Clyde Bedell - The Seven Keys to Retail Profits
185369: Madelon Bedell - The Alcotts: Biography of a Family
121600: Frederick Bedell - Direct and Alternating Current Testing
205567: Sharon Beder - Power Play: The Fight for Control of the World's Electricity
206180: Kwame Bediako - Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of a Non-Western Religion
206169: Kwame Bediako - Jesus and the Gospel in Africa: History and Experience
198698: Guy Bedouelle - La Fuerza de la Palabra: Domingo de Guzman
168452: Michael de la Bedoyere, ed - Objections to Roman Catholicism
150518: Michael de la Bedoyere - The Cardijn Story: A Study of the Life of Mgr. Joseph Cardijn and the Young Christian Workers' Movement Which He Founded
1210853: Michael de la Bedoyere - Cardinal Bernard Griffin, Archbishop of Westminster
69034: Michael del al Bedoyere - Francois de Sales
182452: Michael de la Bedoyere - The Greatest Catherine: The Life of Catherine Benincasa, Saint of Siena
67689: Michael de la Bedoyere, ed - The Future of Catholic Christianity
300224: Michael de la Bedoyere - Christianity in the Market-Place
300334: Michael de la Bedoyere - The Archbishop and the Lady: The Story of Fenelon and Madame Guyon
1210864: Michael de la Bedoyere - The Meddlesome Friar: The Story of Conflict between Savonarola and Alexander VI
140679: William Beebe - Exploring with Beebe: Selections for Younger Readers from the Writings of William Beebe
195310: Catherine Beebe - Saint Christopher for Boys and Girls
207109: H. Keith Beebe - The Old Testament
186156: Sir Thomas Beecham - A Mingled Chime
310811: [Henry Ward Beecher] - Life Thoughts, Gathered from the Extemporaneous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher by One of His Congregation
310810: Henry Ward Beecher - Yale Lectures on Preaching. [First Series]
147740: Paul Q. Beeching - The Education of an American Catholic
201549: Frans Jozef van Beeck - Christ Proclaimed: Christology As Rhetoric
310762: Frans Jozef van Beeck - God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology
150931: Frans Jozef van Beeck - God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology - Volume 1
62344: M.A. Beek and J. Sperna Weiland - Martin Buber: Personalist & Prophet
310376: Huibert van Beek - A Handbook of Churches and Councils: Profiles of Ecumenical Relationships
126788: John Beeler - Warfare in England: 1066-1189
106350: Arthur Beer and Peter Beer - Vistas in Astronomy Volume 22
186821: Sir Gavin de Beer - Gibbon and His World
180321: Sir Gavin de Beer - Alps and Elephants: Hannibal's March
126813: Henry A. Beers - Initial Studies in American Letters
188829: Charles H. Beeson - A Primer of Medieval Latin: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry
185124: Ludwig van Beethoven - Songs (Complete) with German-English Text
185576: Ludwig van Beethoven - Complete Piano Concertos in Full Score
185575: Ludwig van Beethoven - Fidelio: Partitur
185572: Ludwig van Beethoven - Cadenzas to the Piano Concerti
186006: Ludwig van Beethoven - The Ruins of Athens and Other Overtures in Full Score
186009: Ludwig van Beethoven - Six Great Overtures in Full Score
185073: Ludwig von Beethoven - Quintett Fur Oboe, 3 Horner in Es Und Fagott
186040: Ludwig van Beethoven - Complete String Quartets and Grosse Fuge
194966: [Isabella Beeton] - Mrs. Beeton's English Cookery
188439: Kirk H. Beetz - Algernon Charles Swinburne: A Bibliography of Secondary Works, 1861-1980
1274798: John Beevers, trans - The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux
188305: John Beevers - A Man for Now: The Life of Damien de Veuster, Friend of Lepers
169494: John Beevers - The Sun Her Mantle
43069: Rev. J.J. Begel - Last Journey and Memorials of the Redeemer or Via Crucis As It Is Seen in Jerusalem
190106: Christopher T. Begg, ed - Old Testament Abstracts, Volume 35
190058: Christopher T. Begg, ed - Old Testament Abstracts, Volume 19
190036: Christopher T. Begg, ed - Old Testament Abstracts, Volume 24
184810: Rev. Walter Begley - Breviarium Anagrammaticum
192198: Philippe Beguerie and Claude Duchesneau - How to Understand the Sacraments
180808: Sister Helen Marie Beha - Living Community
198382: Rev. James J. Behan - The Holy Hour of Adoration for Congregational Use
190718: George Behe - Titanic: Psychic Forewarnings of a Tragedy
64157: G.-M. Behler - The Last Discourse of Jesus
207958: John Behr - Becoming Human: Meditations on Christian Anthropology in Word and Image
196766: John Behr - Formation of Christian Theology, Volume 1 and Volume 2, Parts 1-2
196767: John Behr - The Mystery of Life: Life in Death
174441: Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo - He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys
66424: Leo Behrendt - The Ethical Teaching of Hugo of Trimberg
178792: William Behringer - Mary and the Beatitudes
191007: Rev. E.H. Behrmann - The Story of the Old Cathedral: Parish of St. Louis IX, King of France
189096: Edna Beilenson - Simple New England Cookery
94682: Wolfgang Beinert - Maria Heute Ehren
208175: L. Beirnaert, C. Darmstadter, A. Godin, et. al - La Relation Pastorale
1226301: Rev. George Beirnes - Pyramid Symbolism and Prophesy
167992: Cynthia Kuhn Beischel - Discover the Past: A Tale of Cincinnati's Living History
69787: Russell J. Bekcer - Family Pastoral Care
204075: George Latura Beke - Digging Up the Dog: The Greek Roots of Gurdjieff's Esoteric Ideas
195800: Olena Bekh and James Dingley - Teach Yourself Ukrainian: A Complete Course for Beginners
188699: James A. Belasco and Jerre Stead - Soaring with the Phoenix: Renewing the Vision, Reviving the Spirit, and Re-Creating the Success of Your Company
207146: The Bishops of Belgium - Belief and Belonging: Living and Celebrating the Faith
87089: Allen Belkind - Jean-Paul Sartre: Sartre and Existentialism in English - a Bibliographical Guide
67743: G.K.A. Bell, ed - Documents on Christian Unity: Fourth Series, 1948-57
1270907: Stephen Bell - Rebel, Priest and Prophet: A Biography of Dr. Edward Mcglynn
177351: William Gardner Bell - Commanding Generals and Chiefs of Staff 1775-1983: Portraits & Biographical Sketches of the United States Army's Senior Officer
183542: Shannon Bell - Reading, Writing, and Rewriting the Prostitute Body
188201: Stephen Bell - Rebel, Priest and Prophet: A Biography of Dr. Edward Mcglynn
161955: Aili Rytkonen-Bell and H. David Argoff - Conversational Finnish: Suomea Keskustellen
169269: Revs. William Bell and N.D. Emerson, eds - The Church of Ireland A.D. 432-1932. The Report of the Church of Ireland Conference Held in Dublin, 11th. -14th. October, 1932, to Which Is Appended an Account of the Commemoration by the Church of Ireland of the 1500th. Anniversary of the Landing of St. Patrick in Ireland
122564: Charles D. Bell - Some of Our English Poets
191074: Art Bell and Brad Steiger - The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained
206426: David N. Bell - Orthodoxy: Evolving Tradition
106609: Trudy E. Bell - Upward: Status Report and Directory of the American Space Interest Movement 1984-85
184895: Landon C. Bell - The Old Free State: A Contribution to the History of Lunenburg County and Southside Virginia, Volumes I-II
310218: Ernest A. Bell - Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls or War on the White Slave Trade
140544: James Warner Bellah - These Frantic Years
310123: Edward Bellamy - Looking Backward 2000-1887
198297: Edward Bellamy - Looking Backward 2000-1887
86264: L.J. Bellamy - The Infra-Red Spectra of Complex Molecules
97346: Rev. L.E. Bellanti - The Mystical Body of Christ
194335: St. Robert Bellarmine - A Commentary on the Book of Psalms
189806: St. Robert Bellarmine - The Art of Dying Well (or, How to Be a Saint, Now and Forever)
183161: R.P. Aloysii Bellecii - Virtutis Solidae Praecipua Impedimenta, Subsidia, Et Incitamenta: Commentationibus Illustrata, Omnium Usui Aptatis
1267330: Abbé Bellecour - The Academy of Play, Containing, a Full Description of, and the Laws of Play
41841: Sister Concetta Belleggia - God and the Problem of Evil
171311: Karen Bellenir, ed - Allergy Information for Teens, Second Edition: Health Tips About Allergic Reactions to Food, Pollen, Mold, and Other Substances; Including Facts About Diagnosing, Treating, and Preventing Allergic Responses and Compilcations
102570: Karen Bellenir, ed - Debt Information for Teens: Tips for a Successful Financial Life
205807: Karen Bellenir, ed - Tobacco Information for Teens: Health Tips About the Hazards of Using Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco, and Other Nicotine Products Including Facts About Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Delivery Systems, Secondhand Smoke, Health Consequences of Tobacco Use, Related Cancers, Smoking Cessation, and Tobacco Use Statistics
205977: Maurice Bellet - Comer Y Beber a Dios
198877: Alice Ogden Bellis - Helpmates, Harlots, and Heroes: Women's Stories in the Hebrew Bible
194329: Christopher M. Bellitto - The General Councils: A History of the Twenty-One Church Councils from Nicaea to Vatican II
187338: Christopher M. Bellitto - 101 Questions & Answers on Popes and the Papacy
194328: Christopher M. Bellitto - Renewing Christianity: A History of Church Reform from Day One to Vatican II
192911: Walden Bello - Dilemmas of Domination: The Unmaking of the American Empire
193038: Walden Bello - The Future in the Balance: Essays on Globalization and Resistance
205536: Walden Bello and Stephanie Rosenfeld - Dragons in Distress: Asia's Miracle Economies in Crisis
206658: Don Tonino Bello - Acoger Y Dar Vida: Reflexiones Sobre El Evangelio
205527: Walden Bello - Visions of a Warless World Perspectives on Peace from Divergent Traditions: The Hopes They Share, the Obstacles They Face
198594: Hilaire Belloc - Richelieu: A Study
131347: Hilaire Belloc - The Aftermath or, Gleanings from a Busy Life, Called Upon the Outer Cover for Purposes of Sale: Caliban's Guide to Letters: Lambkin's Remains
1276544: Hilaire Belloc - The Cruise of the "Nona" with an Author's Dedication to Maurice Baring and a New Introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley
140328: Hilaire Belloc - Wolsey
147516: Hilaire Belloc - Characters of the Reformation
1277669: Hilaire Belloc; edited by W.N. Roughed - On Sailing the Sea: A Collection of the Seagoing Writings of Hilaire Belloc
207602: Hilaire Belloc - How the Reformation Happened
182146: Hilaire Belloc - Napoleon
198574: Hilaire Belloc - The Contrast
188772: Hilaire Belloc - Economics for Helen
132217: Hilaire Belloc - An Essay on the Nature of Contemporary England
198597: Hilaire Belloc - The Crisis of Civilization
199744: Hilaire Belloc - Survivals and New Arrivals: The Old and New Enemies of the Catholic Church
100345: Hilaire Belloc - The Aftermath or Gleanings from a Busy Life Called Upon the Outer Cover for Purposes of Sale Caliban's Guide to Letters
1250044: Hilaire Belloc - Sonnets and Verse
1250043: Hilaire Belloc - The Silence of the Sea and Other Essays
193299: Hilaire Belloc - Milton
198585: Hilaire Belloc - Europe and the Faith
300243: Hilaire Belloc; edited by Anthony Forster - Belloc Essays
187217: Hilaire Belloc - The Great Heresies
16244: Saul Bellow - Mr. Sammler's Planet
187956: Claudia Cassidy; Saul Bellow, foreword; Carol Fox, recollections - Lyric Opera of Chicago
64289: Johannes Evang. Belser - Der Epheserbrief Des Apostels Paulus
68279: Dr. Johannes Belser - Die Geschichte Des Leidens Und Sterbens, Der Auferstehung Und Himmelfahrt Des Herrn
64158: Dr. Johannes Evangelist Belser - Die Apostelgeschichte
64272: Johannes Evang. Belser - Der Zweite Brief Des Apostels Paulus an Die Korinther
160181: Hugh Belsey - Gainsborough at Gainsborough's House
175710: Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline in London
175711: Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline and the Gypsies
190947: Ludwig Bemelmans - Dirty Eddie
187064: Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline's Rescue
1263499: Ludwig Bemelmans - Fifi
186153: Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline and the Bad Hat
1237027: Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline
191000: Katharine Isabel Bemis and Mathilde Edith Holtz with Henry Lester Smith - The Patriotic Reader for Seventh and Eighth Grades and Junior High Schools
188301: Ben C. Ollenburger, Elmer A. Martens, and Gerhard F. Hasel, eds - The Flowering of Old Testament Theology: A Reader in Twentieth-Century Old Testament Theology, 1930-1990
207533: Nuria Calduch-Benages - En El Crisol de la Prueba: Estudio Exegetico de Sir, 2,1-18
63567: Christine L. Benagh - Meditations on the Book of Job
161948: Avivah Benamy - Hebrew Roots and Fruits: A Guide to Jewish Concepts and Values Through Hebrew Root Words
169564: Mogens Bencard and Tage Kaarsted - Fra Korsridder Til Ridderkors: Elefantordenens Og Dannebrogordenens Historie
163388: Robert Benchley - The "Reel" Benchley: Robert Benchley at His Hilarious Best in Words and Pictures
193294: Robert Benchley - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or David Copperfield
193175: Robert Benchley - My Ten Years in a Quandary and How They Grew
176570: Robert Benchley - The Bedside Manner or No More Nightmares
191466: Robert Benchley - Inside Benchley
205878: Robert C. Benchley - Love Conquers All
191471: Robert Benchley - The Benchley Roundup: A Selection by Nathaniel Benchley of His Favorites
145088: Robert Benchley - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or David Copperfield
200635: Robert Benchley - Pluck and Luck
205618: Alejandro Bendana - Power Lines: U.S. Domination in the New Global Order
170851: Harold S. Bender and C. Henry Smith - Mennonites and Their Heritage: A Handbook of Mennonite History and Beliefs
101309: David Bender - Social Justice: Opposing Viewpoints
200422: The Sisters of St. Benedict, St. Scholastica's Convent - The Monastic Vesperal: A Companion to the Monastic Diurnal Edited by the Monks of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota; Adapted from the Chant of the Monasticum Antiphonale
198820: A Sister of Saint Benedict - Meditations on the O Antiphons, Third Antiphon: O Root of Jesse
168865: The Order of St. Benedict - Our Parish Prays and Sings: A Service Book for Liturgical Worship with Official Texts, Hymns, Psalms and Paraliturgies
143009: J. Brian Benestad and Francis J. Butler, eds - Quest for Justice: A Compendium of Statements of the United States Catholic Bishops on the Political and Social Order 1966-1980
172725: J. Brian Benestad and Francis J. Butler, eds - Quest for Justice: A Compendium of Statements of the United States Catholic Bishops on the Political and Social Order 1966-1980
141239: Gregory Benford and David Brin - Heart of the Comet
300128: A. Cornelius Benjamin - The Logical Structure of Science
189702: Benjamin and Eleanor Klein, eds - The Ohio River Handbook and Picture Album
197246: Don C. Benjamin - The Old Testament Story: An Introduction with Cd-Rom
197287: Don C. Benjamin - Stones and Stories: An Introduction to Archaeology and the Bible
38834: Stephen Benko - The Meaning of Sanctorum Communio
175882: Eduardo Benlloch - Chaminade's Message Today
160221: G.V. Bennet and J.D. Walsh, eds - Essays in Modern English Church History: In Memory of Norman Sykes
140144: Ivan L. Bennett, ed - Song and Service Book for Ship and Field: Army and Navy
172468: William Harper Bennett - Catholic Footsteps in Old New York: A Chronicle of Catholicity in the City of New York from 1524 to 1808
191108: Kate Bennett - Free, Melania: The Unauthorized Biography
43311: John C. Bennett, ed - Christian Social Ethics in a Changing World: An Ecumenical Theological Inquiry
168072: Rita Bennett - I'm Glad You Asked That: Timely Questions Women Ask About the Christian Life
185736: Tacitus; Charles Edwin Bennett, ed - Dialogus de Oratoribus
194945: Janice Bennett - Sacred Blood, Sacred Image: The Sudarium of Oviedo; New Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin
192321: Rod Bennett - Scripture Wars: Justin Martyr's Battle to Save the Old Testament for Christians
175378: James O'Donnell Bennett - Much Loved Books: Best Sellers of the Ages
310659: Cicero; Charles E. Bennett, ed - Cicero's Selected Orations
300137: Ivan L. Bennett, ed - Song and Service Book for Ship and Field: Army and Navy
171552: Paul Bennett - University of Cincinnati: The Campus Guide
197792: John Coleman Bennett - Foreign Policy in Christian Perspective
166584: Robert A. Bennett and O.C. Edwards; William F. Maxwell - The Bible for Today's Church with Use Guide (2 Volumes)
191433: Lerone Bennett, Jr. - Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America 1619-1964
125502: Nicholas Bennett, ed - The Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320-1342: I.
1244119: William J. Bennett - The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood
1262879: Clifford A. Bennett and Paul Hume, ed - Hymnal of Christian Unity
181246: Joseph E. Bennett - Music, Mason, Music
206485: Janice Bennett - St. Laurence & the Holy Grail: The Story of the Holy Chalice of Valencia
194382: Janice Bennett - St. Laurence & the Holy Grail: The Story of the Holy Chalice of Valencia
171906: Clinton Bennett - In Search of Muhammad
202361: R.F. Bennett - The Early Dominicans: Studies in Thirteenth-Century Dominican History
172933: John W. Wheeler-Bennett - Munich: Prologue to Tragedy
1275757: Rev. J. Clement Bennington - The Recipient of Confirmation: A Historical Synopsis and Commentary
192882: Phyllis Bennis - Before & After: Us Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis
192787: Phyllis Bennis and Michael Moushabeck, eds - Beyond the Storm: A Gulf Crisis Reader
192786: Phyllis Bennis - Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today's Un
164356: Lee J. Bennish - Continuity and Change: Xavier University 1831-1981
62740: P. Benoit, ed - La Sainte Bible: L'Evangile Selon Saint Matthieu
62748: P. Benoit, ed - La Sainte Bible: Aux Philippiens, a Philemon, Aux Colossiens, Aux Ephesiens
191747: D.R. Benson - Swashbuckler
161449: E.F. Benson - Queen Victoria
192653: Robert Benson - Challenging Corporate Rule: The Petition to Revoke Unocal's Charter As a Guide to Citizen Action
188840: George Willard Benson - The Cross: Its History & Symbolism; an Account of the Symbol More Universal in Its Use and More Important in Its Significance Than Any Other in the World
1235492: Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson - Infallibility and Tradition
107155: E.F. Benson - The Challoners
107156: E.F. Benson - The Angel of Pain
107154: E.F. Benson - Peter
189950: George Benson - Then Joy Breaks Through
204124: Douglas S. Benson - Pharaohs of the Bronze Age: War History from Dynasty 11 Thru Dynasty 20 Bc 2040 Thru Bc 1089 - Armed Conflict Under Egypt's Bronze Age Pharaohs from Menthuhotep I Thru Ramoses XI
194418: Robert Hugh Benson - Paradoxes of Catholicism
131252: S.L. Bensusan - Coleridge
98985: S.L. Bensusan - Reynolds [Masterpieces in Colour Series]
206557: Ans J. Van Der Bent - Willem Adolf Visser't Hooft 1900-1985
206320: El Reverendo Alban Butler; Rev. Dr. James Bentley, intro - Vidas de Los Santos
177664: Henry W. Bentley - The Jottings of a Journey and in Foreign Lands
131441: G.E. Bentley - Blake Records Supplement: Being New Materials Relating to the Life of William Blake Discovered Since the Publication of Blake Records 1969
184466: Hary C. Bentley and Ruth S. Leonard - Bibliography of Works on Accounting by American Authors, Volume II: 1901-1934
202421: John F. Benton, ed - Town Origins: The Evidence from Medieval England
106438: Sister Eveyn Benton - Bible Stories in the Language of Youth - Historia Sagrada En El Idioma de la Juventud
113326: J.H. Benton - The Book of Common Prayer: Its Origin and Growth
196003: Norman Bentwich - Solomon Schechter: A Biography
206728: Aage Bentzen; G.W. Anderson - King and Messiah
63336: Aage Bentzen - Daniel
195647: Olesj Benyukh and Raisa Galushko - Ukrainian-English, English-Ukrainian: Hippocrene Standard Dictionary
195899: Olesj P. Benyukh and Raisa L. Galushko - Ukrainian Phrasebook and Dictionary
195748: Ksenia Benyukh - Estonian-English, English-Estonian Dictionary & Phrasebook
198164: Arnold Benz - The Future of the Universe: Chance, Chaos, God
168419: Bernard Benziger, ed - The New American Sunday Missal with Introductions Written Under the Direction of the Murphy Center for Liturgical Research, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana
148832: Bernard Benziger, ed - The New American Sunday Missal
310400: Bernard Benziger, ed - The New American Sunday Missal
126214: Bernard Benziger, ed - The New American Sunday Missal
177147: Juliette Benzoni - Marianne
108018: Angelo di Berardino - Patrologia Vol. III: Dal Concilio Di Nicea (325) Al Concilio Di Calcedonia (451)
147356: Vincenzo Berardis - Italy and Ireland in the Middle Ages
197453: David W. Bercot, ed - A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More Than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers
92949: Alfred Bercovici - That Blackguard Burton!
191765: David J. Bercuson and J.L. Granatstein - The Collins Dictionary of Canadian History: 1867 to the Present
3133: Sir Ivan de la Bere - The Queen's Orders of Chivalry
170143: Bernard Berenson - Rumor and Reflection
184145: Daniel Beresniak - Symbols of Freemasonry
65064: Ludwig Berg - Sozialethik
181701: A. Scott Berg - Kate Remembered
206394: Sister M. Regina van den Berg, F.S.G.M.; Alice von Hildebrand, foreword - Communion with Christ According to Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
189227: Peter of Bergamo - In Opera Sancti Thomae Aquinatis: Index Seu Tabula Aurea Eximii Doctoris F. Petri de Bergomo
193655: Jacqueline Bergan and S. Marie Schwan - Birth: A Guide for Prayer
193656: Jacqueline Bergan and S. Marie Schwan - Love: A Guide for Prayer
186566: Jacqueline Syrup Bergan and Marie Schwan - Loved and Loving: Contemplation to Attain God's Love
199800: Jacqueline Syrup Bergan and S. Marie Schwan - Taste and See: Prayer Services for Gatherings of Faith
149959: Ronald Bergan - Beyond the Fringe... And Beyond: A Critical Biography of Alan Bennett, Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller and Dudley Moore
201192: Dianne Bergant with Richard Fragomeni - Preaching the New Lectionary: Year C.
194787: Dianne Bergant and Robert J. Karis, eds - The Collegeville Bible Commentary Based on the New American Bible with Revised New Testament
198745: Dianne Bergant - The Word for Every Season: Reflections on the Lectionary Readings, Cycles a, B, & C.
196594: Dianne Bergant - Lamentations
193964: Dianne Bergant - Lamentations
206331: Dianne Bergant, CSA - Genesis: In the Beginning
195555: Dianne Bergant and Robert J. Karris, eds - The Collegeville Bible Commentary Based on the New American Bible with Revised New Testament
196830: Dianne Bergant - People of the Covenant: An Invitation to the Old Testament
194030: Dianne Bergant - Song of Songs: The Love Poetry of Scripture; Spiritual Commentaries
194160: Dianne Bergant, ed - The Collegeville Bible Commentary Based on the New American Bible: Old Testament
207704: Dianne Bergant - Israel's Story: Parts One and Two
192527: Jennifer Van Bergen - The Twilight of Democracy: The Bush Plan for America
185525: Candice Bergen - Knock Wood
198741: Teresa Berger - Women's Ways of Worship: Gender Analysis and Liturgical History
189123: John A. Berger - The Franciscan Missions of California
959: Carl Berger - Broadsides and Bayonets
310758: Peter L. Berger - The Heretical Imperative: Contemporary Possibilities of Religious Affirmation
187518: Peter L. Berger, ed - The Other Side of God: A Polarity in World Religions
205608: Henry W. Berger, ed - A William Appleman Williams Reader: Selections from His Major Historical Writings
172746: Pamela Berger - The Goddess Obscured: Transformation of the Grain Protectress from Goddess to Saint
166322: Gary James Bergera, ed - Line Upon Line: Essays on Mormon Doctrine
199653: Henri-Paul Bergeron - Brother Andre, C.S. C. : The Wonder-Man of Mount Royal
205876: Emily Trafford Berges - The Flying Circus
201231: Arvid Berghman - Nordiska Riddareordnar Och Dekorationer
194692: G.F. Bergholtz, comp - The Lord's Prayer in the Principal Languages, Dialects and Versions of the World, Printed in Type and Vernaculars of the Different Nations
199190: Helen Bergin and Susan Smith, eds - He Kupu Whakawairua: Spirituality in Aotearoa New Zealand; Catholic Voices
55066: L. Bergmann and Cl. Schaefer - Lehrbuch Der Experimentalphysik I: Mechanik - Akustik Warmelehre
55318: L. Bergmann and Cl. Schaefer - Lehrbuch Der Experimentalphysik II Band: Elektrizitatslehre
207784: Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. (Pope Francis) - El Verdadero Poder Es El Servicio
199081: F.-M. Bergounoux and Joseph Goetz - Primitive and Prehistoric Religions
203640: Laurence Bergreen - Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe
161740: Gotthelf Bergstrasser - Introduction to the Semitic Languages: Text Specimens and Grammatical Sketches
199321: Daniel Berigan - Jeremiah: The World, the Wound of God
22414: S.M. Beringer - History of Dayton's Industries
120874: Abbe R. Beringer - Recueil Documentaire: Deuxieme Edition Volumes I-XX
140363: Abbe Berjat - Notre Dame Devalfleury: Notice Historique
123002: Abbe Berjat - Notre-Dame de Valfleury: Notice Historique
171253: Friars Michael Berkemeier and Lester Bowman, trans - Devotions in Honor of St. Anthony Based on the Liturgy and on the Sermons of St. Anthony
68807: Patrick J. Berkery, S.M.M., Ph.D. - Restructuring Religious Life: A Plan for Renewal
172494: Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr. - Salvation and the Savage: An Analysis of Protestant Missions and American Indian Response, 1787-1862
198544: Stanley Hauerwas; John Berkman and Michael Cartwright, eds - The Hauerwas Reader
193049: Alexander Berkman - Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist
196008: Max E. Berkowitz - The Beloved Rabbi: An Account of the Life and Works of Henry Berkowitz, D.D.
1275738: Martin Berkowitz - Haggadah for the American Family
195998: Henry Berkowitz - Intimate Glimpses of the Rabbi's Career
192495: Chip Berlet, ed - Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
196590: Adele Berlin - Lamentations: A Commentary
202460: David Berlinski - The Advent of the Algorithm: The 300-Year Journey from an Idea to the Computer
185199: Hector Berlioz - Memoirs of Hector Berlioz from 1803 to 1865 Comprising His Travels in Germany, Italy, Russia, and England
185134: Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique and Harold in Italy in Full Score
185923: Hector Berlioz - Childhood of Christ: Sacred Trilogy
191463: Hector Berlioz - Evenings in the Orchestra
113225: M.D. Berlitz - Berlitz Method for Teaching Modern Languages: English Part; First and Second Books
188663: Charles Berlitz - Around the World with 80 Words
131424: Ronald Berman - Henry King & the Seventeenth Century
198816: Luis M. Bermejo - Body Broken and Blood Shed: The Eucharist of the Risen Christ
185500: Pierre Bernac - The Interpretation of French Song
180782: Mother M. Bernard - The Story of the Sisters of Mercy in Mississippi 1860-1930
199658: Jean Bernard - Priestblock 25487: A Memoir of Dachau
185446: Raymond E. Bernard - Ignatius Loyola: The Saint Who Understood People
180954: St. Gregory the Great / St. Bernard - De Cura Pastorali / de Consideratione / Epistola Seu Tractatus de Moribus Et Officio Episcoporum
194012: Pierre R. Bernard - The Mystery of Jesus, Volume I.
37804: Regis Bernard, S.J. - L'Esperance
37805: Regis Bernard, S.J. - L'Esperance
173140: Bernard A. Taylor, John A.L. Lee, Peter R. Burton, and Richard E. Whitaker, eds - Biblical Greek Language and Lexicography: Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Danker
120309: J.H. Bernard - The Cathedral Church of Saint Patrick
199402: Charles Andre Bernard - L'Aiuto Spirituale Personale
166059: Bernard Comrie, Stephen Matthews, and Maria Polinsky, eds - The Atlas of Languages: The Origin and Development of Languages Throughout the World
197909: Jack F. Bernard and John J. Delaney - A Guide to Catholic Reading
190899: G.W. Bernard - The King's Reformation: Henry VIII and the Remaking of the English Church
195713: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin - The Gift of Peace: Personal Reflections
195301: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin - The Journey to Peace: Reflections on Faith, Embracing Suffering, and Finding New Life
195472: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin - Christ Lives in Me: A Pastoral Reflection on Jesus and His Meaning for Christian Life
198862: Cardinal Joseph Bernardin - The Seamless Garment: Writings on the Consistent Ethic of Life
166320: J.B. Bernardin - An Introduction to the Episcopal Church
195602: Josdeph Cardinal Bernardin - A Sign of Hope: A Pastoral Letter on Healthcare
195605: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin - The Family Gathered Here Before You: Pastoral Letter on the Church
195607: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin - In Service of One Another: Pastoral Letter on Ministry
189024: Stefen Bernath - Ready-to-Use Floral Spot Illustrations: Copyright-Free Designs - Printed One Side - Hundreds of Uses
186054: Eric Berne - Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships
149928: Lord Berners - First Childhood
149929: Lord Berners - A Distant Prospect
203100: Oliver Bernier - The World in 1800
182318: Olivier Bernier - The Eighteenth-Century Woman
181135: Francois-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis - Oeuvres Du Cardinal de Bernis de L'Academie Francois
188945: Peter W. Bernstein and Annalyn Swan - All the Money in the World: How the Forbes 400 Make -- and Spend -- Their Fortunes
182170: Aline Bernstein - Masterpieces of Women's Costume of the 18th and 19th Centuries
178600: Jake Bernstein - Beat the Millennium Crash: How to Profit from the Coming Financial Crisis
180272: Carl Bernstein - Loyalties: A Son's Memoir
171814: Blanche L. Serwer-Bernstein - In the Tradition of Moses and Mohammed: Jewish and Arab Folktales
197244: Eleanor Bernstein and Martin F. Connell, eds - Traditions & Transitions
197245: Eleanor Bernstein and Martin F. Connell, eds - The Renewal That Awaits Us
197243: Eleanor Bernstein, ed - Liturgy and Spirituality in Context: Perspectives on Prayer and Culture
191658: Peter L. Bernstein - Economist on Wall Street: Notes on the Sanctity of Gold, the Value of Money, the Security of Investments, and Other Delusions
191899: Barton J. Bernstein, ed - Towards a New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History
174768: Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi - His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time
194967: Ruth Berolzheimer, ed - The United States Regional Cook Book
198649: Jon L. Berquist - Incarnation
198876: Jon L. Berquist - Reclaiming Her Story: The Witness of Women in the Old Testament
205964: Jon L. Berquist - Controlling Corporeality: The Body and the Household in Ancient Israel
111946: Luigi Berra - Pane Spezzato: Vol. II: Brevi Omelie Per Solemnita - Feste E Memorie Liturgiche
193839: F.K. Berrien - Practical Psychology
197294: Daniel Berrigan - Isaiah: Spirit of Courage, Gift of Tears
141482: Daniel Berrigan - Daniel: Under the Siege of the Divine
196714: Daniel Berrigan - Ezekiel: Vision in the Dust
199657: Daniel Berrigan and Robert Coles - The Geography of Faith: Conversations between Daniel Berrigan, When Underground, and Robert Coles
142399: Daniel Berrigan - And the Risen Bread: Selected Poems, 1957-1997
192984: Philip Berrigan with Fred A. Wilcox - Fighting the Lamb's War: Skirmishes with the American Empire
197694: Daniel Berrigan - Job: And Death No Dominion
1276020: Daniel Berrigan - The Bride: Essays in the Church
199686: Thomas Berry - The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future
162261: Frederick Forrest Berry - The Torch of Reason or Humanity's God
203576: Brian J. L. Berry - America's Utopian Experiments: Communal Havens from Long-Wave Crises
188825: Jason Berry - Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children
187118: Erick Berry - Humbo the Hippo
195483: Jason Berry - Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children
187390: Jason Berry - Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church
200881: Andrew Berry, ed - Infinite Tropics: An Alfred Russell Wallace Anthology
172397: John Bersey - Cyclopedia of Michigan: Historical and Biographical, Comprising a Synopsis of General History of the State, and Biographical Sketches of Men Who Have, in Their Various Spheres, Contributed Toward Its Development
63334: Alfred Bertholet - Hesekiel
120139: Ed. Robert J. Bertholf and Annette S. Levitt - William Blake and the Moderns
170370: Michael Bertiaux - The Voudon Gnostic Workbook: Expanded Edition
193772: Dominic V. Bertino - In the Presence of Angels: A History of the Diocese of Gary
178467: Stephen Bertman - Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia
198567: Stephen Bertman - Hyperculture: The Human Cost of Speed
187862: John Bertolucci with Fred Lilly - On Fire with the Spirit
178513: Pierre Berton - Why We Act Like Canadians: A Personal Exploration of Our National Character
161927: R. P. Alexandre Bertoni - Le Bienheureux Jean Duns Scot
69123: Adolf Kardinal Bertram - Charismen Priesterlicher Gesinnung Und Arbeit
131041: Jean Toussaint Bertrand - Histoire de L'Amerique Espagnole: Depuis Les Origines Jusqu'a Nos Jours: 2 Volumes
197336: Georges Bertrin - Lourdes: A History of Its Apparitions and Cures
207507: Francoise Darcy-Berube - Religious Education at a Crossroads: Moving on in the Freedom of the Spirit
191974: Fr. George Berwanger - Hear His Voice
183063: Mark H. Bery - Physical Training Simplified: The Complete Science of Muscular Development
113426: Michael R. Beschloss, introduction; Merrill McLoughlin, ed - The Impeachment and Trial of President Clinton: The Official Transcripts, from the House Judiciary Committee Hearings to the Senate Trial
163628: Rabbi Abraham R. Besdin - Reflections of the Rav: Lessons in Jewish Thought
181450: Basilius Besler - The Book of Plants: The Complete Plates
182913: A.M. Besnard - Take a Chance on God: A Guide to Christian Prayer
65304: A.M. Besnard - Faith: Its Life and Growth
107724: Henry Besnier - Contes de Grazzini
205877: Alvah Bessie - One for My Baby
54420: Julius Bessmer - Stoerungen IM Seelenleben
132051: Kenelm Digby Best - Letters from the Beloved City to S.B. From Philip
74139: Adm. R.P. Udalricus Beste - Introductio in Codicem
1216007: Henry Digby Beste - Poverty and the Baronet's Family: A Catholic Novel
179801: Alfred Bester - Starlight: The Great Short Fiction of Albert Bester
7328: Theodore Besterman - Family History: A Bibliography of Bibliography
169222: E.-A. Betant - Lexicon Thucydideum, Volumes I-II
182311: Kunstlerhaus Bethanien - Melancholie Der Vorstadt: Tango
112118: Albrecht Bethe - Allgemeine Anatomie Und Physiologie Des Nervensystems
167559: Jack Bethea - Bed Rock
200442: Jean Bethell - Hooray for Henry
199594: Eberhard Bethge - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Man of Vision - Man of Courage
145785: Rev. Edward M. Betowski - Why All Should Go to Mass: A Discussion Club Text with Outline
91025: Dr. Hermann Betrams - Das Wesen Des Geistes Nach Der Anschauung Des Apostels Paulus
46542: F. Betschler - Uber Integraldarstellungen Welche Aus Speziellen Randwertproblemen Bei Gewohnlichen Linearen Inhomogenen Differentialgleichungen Entspringen
198764: Henry Bettenson, ed - The Early Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings of the Fathers from St. Clement of Rome to St. Athanasius
198765: Henry Bettenson, ed - The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings of the Fathers from St. Cyril of Jerusalem to St. Leo the Great
195826: Gavin Betts and Alan Henry - Teach Yourself Ancient Greek
190059: Richard K. Betts - Soldiers, Statesmen, and Cold War Crises
206702: Hans Dieter Betz - Christology and a Modern Pilgrimage: A Discussion with Norman Perrin
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