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169972: Rachel Biale - Women and Jewish Law: An Exploration of Women's Issues in Halakhic Sources
1251039: CAI NING LI TONG BIAN - China Badge
187527: Eugene C. Bianchi and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds - A Democratic Catholic Church: The Reconstruction of Roman Catholicism
207451: Eugene C. Bianchi and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds - A Democratic Catholic Church: The Reconstruction of Roman Catholicism
208113: Paolo Bianchi - Cuando Es Nulo El Matrimonio? Guia Practica de Causas de Nulidad Para El Asesoramiento Juridico de Matrimonios En Crisis
194099: Frank Bianco - Voices of Silence: Lives of the Trappists Today
144731: Enzo Bianco and Assunta Maraldi - First Centenary of Don Bosco's Missions: Salesians 1875, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians 1877
181610: La Princesse Bibesco - Au Bal Avec Marcel Proust
310584: [Holy Bible] - Biblia Sau Sfinta Scriptura a Vechiului Si Noului Testament Cu Trimeteri
165998: KJV Bible - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command; Authorized King James Version with Explanatory Notes and Cross References to the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
166000: KJV Bible - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command; Authorized King James Version with Explanatory Notes and Cross References to the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
310334: Luther Bible - Die Bibel Oder Die Ganze Heilige Schrift Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments Nach Der Deutschen Ubersetzung Martin Luthers
207926: Holy Bible - The Jerusalem Bible
206325: Douay-Rheims Bible - The Holy Bible Translated from the Latin Vulgate Diligently Compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and Other Editions in Divers Languages
198886: The Living Bible - The Way: Catholic Edition
207437: Holy Bible - The Complete Parallel Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books: New Revised Standard Version - Revised English Bible - New American Bible - New Jerusalem Bible
207933: Holy Bible - La Santa Biblia Traducida de Los Textos Originales En Equipo Bajo la Direccion Del Dr. Evaristo Martin Nieto
207816: Holy Bible - Christian Community Bible: Translated, Presented and Commented for the Christian Communities of the Philippines and the Third World; and for Those Who Seek God
310391: New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE) - Break Through! the Bible for Young Catholics
188238: Confraternity Bible - The Holy Bible
310332: [Holy Bible] - Biblia de Navarra: Edicion Popular
207922: Holy Bible, New International Version - Zondervan Niv Study Bible Fully Revised
1271129: Vulgate Latin Bible - Biblia Sacra Iuxta Vulgatam Clementinam: Nova Editio
196551: Douay-Rheims Bible - The Holy Bible Translated from the Latin Vulgate
310328: [Jerusalem Bible] - La Sainte Bible Traduite En Francais Sous la Direction de L'Ecole Biblique de Jerusalem
310803: Geneva Bible - The Bible: Geneva Version
195346: Douay-Rheims Bible - The Holy Bible Translated from the Latin Vulgate and Diligently Compared with the Hebrew, Greek and Other Editions
170592: Holy Bible - The Reader's Digest Bible: Illustrated Edition; Condensed from the Revised Standard Version Old and New Testaments
163900: Holy Bible - The Book
201996: Holy Bible - New American Bible
207769: Ignatius Catholic Study Bible - Daniel: With Introduction, Commentary, and Notes by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch and with Study Questions by Dennis Walters
189626: Confraternity Bible - The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament in the Confraternity-Douay Texts and the Entire New Testament in the Confraternity Translation
207934: Holy Bible - Niv Archaeological Study Bible: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture
198521: Douay-Rheims Bible - Douay-Rheims New Testament
206326: Douay-Rheims Bible - The Holy Bible Translated from the Latin Vulgate and Diligently Compared with the Hebrew, Greek and Other Editions in Divers Languages
146462: Catholic Bible - La Sacra Bibbia: Traduzione Dai Testi Originali
194094: Douay-Rheims Bible - The Holy Bible
162124: Catholic Bible - The New American Bible
146978: Philadelphia School of the Bible - 1944 Philadelphia School of the Bible Yearbook
162537: Holy Bible - The Holy Bible (Kjv)
207916: Holy Bible - The Harpercollins Study Bible New Revised Standard Version with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books
310390: [Jerusalem Bible] - Biblia de Jerusalen Latinoamericana En Ltre Grande
206353: The Bible and Culture Collective: George Aichele, Fred W. Burnett, et.al - The Postmodern Bible
310331: Holy Bible - Biblia de America
123769: NRSV Bible - The Catholic Prayer Bible: Lectio Divina Edition, New Revised Standard Version
163561: Catholic Bible - The New American Bible
164180: RSV Bible - Young Readers Bible: The Holy Bible; Revised Standard Version
162794: KJV Gideon Bible - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments
165057: Catholic Bible - Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible
164918: The New Standard Alphabetical Indexed Bible - Holy Bible (Authorized or King James Version): School and Library Reference Edition; Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with All Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised; to Which Are Added Many Unique Features of the Bible
310337: [Study Bible] - Biblia Para la Iniciacion Cristiana, Volumes 1-3
207930: Holy Bible - The New Jesusalem Bible
207931: Holy Bible - Biblia de Jerusalen Nueva Edicion Revisada Y Aumentada
207932: Holy Bible - Biblia de Jerusalen Nueva Edicion Revisada Y Aumentada
200674: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania - Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace
174452: Freund's Schueler Bibliothek - Praparation Zu Vergil's Aeneis and Praparation Zu Vergil's Bucolica (2 Volumes)
174457: Freund's Schueler Bibliothek - Praparation Zu Ovid's Metamorphosen and Praparation Zu Ovid's Werken (2 Volumes)
174458: Freund's Schueler Bibliothek - Praparation Zu Livius Rom Geschichte (8 Volumes)
174451: Freund's Schueler Bibliothek - Praparation Zu Cornelius Nepos
121322: Benigno Bibolotti - Moseteno Vocabulary and Treatises
187213: George Bichlmair - The Man Jesus
200155: Alexander M. Bickel - The Least Dangerous Branch: The Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics
178588: E.J. Bickerman - Chronology of the Ancient World
199430: E.J. Bicknell - A Theological Introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England
166791: Perry H. Biddle, Jr. - Abingdon Marriage Manual
191259: Perry H. Biddle, Jr., rev - Abingdon Funeral Manual
191260: Perry H. Biddle, Jr. - Abingdon Funeral Manual
191268: Perry H. Biddle, Jr. - Abingdon Hospital Visitation Manual
166347: Perry H. Biddle, Jr. - A Funeral Manual
166348: Perry H. Biddle, Jr. - A Marriage Manual
103845: J. Bidez - Vie de Porphyre: Le Philosophe Neo-Platonicien
46517: Ludwig Bieberbach - Galilei Und Die Inquisition
310276: William Edward Biederwolf - The Evangelistic Situation
203832: William E. Biederwolf - The Prophecy Handbook
42481: Valeria Bielak - The Servant of God, Mary Theresa Countess Ledochowska
172706: Valeria Bielak - Maria Teresa, Countess Ledochowska: Foundress of the Sodality of St. Peter Claver
187284: Christabel Bielenberg - The Past Is Myself
142956: Ludwig Bieler - The Life and Legend of St. Patrick: Problems of Modern Scholarship
197599: Andre Bieler - Architecture in Worship: The Christian Place of Worship
310469: Piotr Bienkowski and Alan Millard, eds - Dictionary of the Ancient Near East
202603: Lee Bienkowski - Admirals in the Age of Nelson
187733: William C. Bier, ed - Privacy: A Vanishing Value
1274909: R.P. Bierberg - Word and Spirit: How God Reveals Himself to Every Person According to the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
1280805: Ambrose Bierce - The Cynic's Word Book
168325: A.K. Bierman - Logic: A Dialogue
71816: Andreas Bigelmair - Die Beteiligung Der Christen Am Offentlichen Leben in Vorconstantinishcer Zeit
165852: Christopher Kimball Bigelow - The Timeline History of Mormonism from Premortality to the Present
1210692: Charles Curtis Bigelow and Temple Scott, ed - The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson: Vols. I-X
189600: Sabina H. Bigelow and Sabina Susan Bytheway - Bright Impressions Book of Super Terrific Sharing Times, Volume 1
300211: Earl Derr Biggers - Keeper of the Keys: A Charlie Chan Story
203532: Lloyd Biggle, Jr. - Watchers of the Dark
189547: Barry Biggles - The Copy Catalogue
43958: Wilfred W. Biggs - Introduction to the History of the Christian Church
300276: Rev. Wilhelm P. Bigot - Annals of St. Michael's Parish in Loramie (Berlin), Shelby County, Ohio in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati from 1838 to 1903
190854: Michael C. Bilder with James G. Bilder - A Foot Soldier for Patton: The Story of a "Red Diamond" Infantryman with the U.S. Third Army
168784: P.P. Bilhorn, rev - Choice Songs from Crowning Glory
181806: Jeffrey Bilhuber with Annette Tapert - Jeffrey Bilhuber's Design Basics: Expert Solutions for Designing the House of Your Dreams
202308: Jodi Bilinkoff - Related Lives: Confessors and Their Female Penitents, 1450-1750
192830: James A. Bill - The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations
199383: Count G. Ahlefeldt-Bille - Tandalla: A Danish Game Warden's Study of Native and Wild Life in Kenya and Tanganyika
106086: Matt Bille and Erika Lishock - The First Space Race
178827: George Athan Billias, ed - George Washington's Generals and Opponents: Their Exploits and Leadership
178822: Peter de la Billiere - Supreme Courage: Heroic Stories from 150 Years of the Victoria Cross
105058: Robert William Billings - Architectural Illustrations, History and Description of Carlisle Cathedral
191947: Ray Allen Billington - The Far Western Frontier 1830-1860
70063: J. Billot - Prones: Reduits En Pratique Pour Les Dimanches Et Les Principales Fetes de L'Annee [Two Volumes in One]
180940: Richard A. Billows - Marathon: How One Battle Changed Western Civilization
169309: Richard A. Billows - Marathon: How One Battle Changed Western Civilization
300097: Thomas a Kempis; Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. - The Imitation of Christ: A Spiritual Commentary and Reader's Guide
310744: Thomas A Kempis; Dennis Billy, ed - The Imitation of Christ
1275752: Bertrand van Bilsen - The Changing Church
147530: Bertrand van Bilsen - The Changing Church
190556: Otto O. Binder and Max H. Flindt - We Are the Children of the Stars
185061: Sir Rudolf Bing - A Knight at the Opera
183421: Peter Bing and Rip Cohen, eds - Games of Venus: An Anthology of Greek and Roman Erotic Verse from Sappho to Ovid
197902: Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer - Simone Weil: La Fuerza Y la Debilidad Del Amor
1277722: St. Hildegard of Bingen - The Book of Divine Works: The Fathers of the Church Mediaeval Continuation #18
125170: Helen E. Bingham - An Irish Saint: The Life Story of Ann Preston, Known Also As "Holy Ann
168045: Margaret Bingman - Encyclopedia of the Book of Mormon
60953: Luther J. Binkley - Contemporary Ethical Theories
61052: Luther J. Binkley - Contemporary Ethical Theories
191269: Amos Binney - The Theological Compend: Containing a System of Divitnity, or a Brief View of the Evidences, Doctrines, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity. Designed for the Benefit of Families, Bible Classes, and Sunday Schools
176923: J.W. Binns, ed - Latin Literature of the Fourth Century
207819: L. Elliott Binns - Innocent III
150716: Stephane Binon - Documents Grecs Inedits Relatifs a S. Mercure de Cesaree
66913: Edmund L. Binsfeld - Church Archives in the United States and Canada: A Bibliography
196792: Stephen J. Binz - Lectio Divina Bible Study: Learning to Pray in Scripture
97690: Stephen J. Binz - The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of Jesus: A Commentary
186365: Stephen J. Binz - Saint Peter: Flawed, Forgiven, and Faithful; Walking with Peter from Galilee to Rome
86348: Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology - The Effects of Pressure on Organisms
204021: Rene Biot and Pierre Galimard - Medical Guide to Vocations
198157: Bruce C. Birch and Larry L. Rasmussen - Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life
206284: Phyllis A. Bird - Missing Persons and Mistaken Identities: Women and Gender in Ancient Israel
64829: Joseph W. Bird and Lois F. Bird - The Freedom of Sexual Love
196434: Harrison Bird - War for the West 1790-1813
171349: Clifford W. Bird - Balik: June 1976 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
39429: Thomas E. Bird, ed - Modern Theologians: Christians and Jews
197886: Ray L. Birdwhistell - Kinesics and Context: Essays on Body Motion Communication
141607: The Earl of Birkenhead, ed - John Betjeman: Collected Poems
186603: Rev. J.A. Birkhaeuser - History of the Church, from Its First Establishment to Our Own Times. Designed for the Use of Ecclesiastical Seminaries and Colleges
192316: Mary Birmingham - Year-Round Catechumenate
147237: William Birmingham and Joseph E. Cunneen, eds - Cross Currents of Psychiatry and Catholic Morality
203346: John Birmingham - Designated Targets: A Novel of the Axis of Time
113121: Stephen Birmingham - The Grandes Dames
170681: Philip Birnbaum - The Birnbaum Haggadah
206421: Hoffman Birney - Vigilantes: A Chronicle of the Rise and Fall of the Plummer Gang of Outlaws in and About Virginia City Montana in the Early '60s
24903: Theodor Birt - Alexander Der Grosse Und Sas Weltgriedhentum Bis Zum Erscheinen Jesu
183957: Philip J. Birtles - De Havilland
69589: Eugen Biser - The Light of the Lamb
161751: Chris Bishop - Firepower: Sea Warfare
193914: Tom Bishop - Gold! the Way to Roadside Riches
204112: Joseph Bucklin Bishop, ed - Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children
206824: Claire Huchet Bishop - France Alive
184224: Chris Bishop, ed - The Encyclopedia of World Sea Power
180945: Moris Bishop, ed - A Treasury of British Humor
195286: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Program of Priestly Formation
310532: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
195727: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal: Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, Essential Norms, Statement of Episcopal Commitment
148627: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Pastoral Letter of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on War and Peace, Third Draft: The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and Our Response
197620: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, Volume I: Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and the Saints
195715: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal: Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, Essential Norms, Statement of Episcopal Commitment; Revised June 2005
310393: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States Including the Secondary Documents Basic Standards for Readiness and Visit of Consultation Teams to Diocesan Permanent Diaconate Formation Programs
68623: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Study on Priestly Life and Ministry
187021: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Third General Conference of Latin American Bishops: Evangelization at Present and in the Future of Latin America - Conclusions
207993: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - National Directory for Catechesis
1275713: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops - A Book of Blessings
207986: Committee on the Liturgy National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Lectionary for Masses with Children Approved for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
172245: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist
190069: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - The Program of Priestly Formation
168647: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Behold Your Mother: Woman of Faith; Pastoral Letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary
195547: Conference des Eveques Catholiques du Canada / Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops - Normes Complementaires Au Code de Droit Canonique de 1983 / Complementary Norms to the 1983 Code of Canon Law
201991: National Conference of Catholic Bishops, International Commission on English in the Liturgy - The Rite of Marriage
195541: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Procedures for Resolving Conflict
195330: Sacred Congregation for Bishops - Directory on the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops
179116: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Shorter Christian Prayer: The Four-Week Psalter of the Liturgy of the Hours Containing Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer with Selections for the Entire Year
300188: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - The Ministerial Priesthood - Justice in the World
300189: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Studies on Priestly Life and Minstry
1235268: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - General Instruction of the Roman Missal
199309: Synod of Bishops, Special Assembly for Africa - The Church in Africa and Her Evangelising Mission Towards the Year 2000: "You Shall Be My Witness" (Acts 1: 8); Lineamenta
194063: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Implementation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law: Complementary Norms
190149: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy
97502: National Conference of Catholic Bishops - Documentation on Abortion and the Right to Life II
198415: Lafcadio Hearn; Elizabeth Bisland, ed - The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn
71705: A. Bisping, ed - Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini: Paulo III, Julio III, Pio IV Pp. MM. Celebrati Canones Et Decreta
143303: Richard E. Bissell and Curt Gasteyger, eds - The Missing Link: West European Neutrals and Regional Security
176748: James H. Bissland - Blood, Tears, and Glory: How Ohioans Won the CIVIL War
132529: James Bissland - Blood, Tears, & Glory: How Ohioans Won the CIVIL War
202768: Terry Bisson - Planet of Mystery
180559: Rev. Georges Bissonnette - Moscow Was My Parish
183207: G. Bitekhtina, D. Davidson, T. Dorofeyeva, and N. Fedyanina - Russian, Stage One: Exercises
197133: Lisa M. Bitel - Landscape with Two Saints: How Genovefa of Paris and Brigit of Kildare Built Christianity in Barbarian Europe
202164: Lisa M. Bitel - Land of Women: Tales of Sex and Gender from Early Ireland
173334: Lisa M. Bitel - Isle of the Saints: Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland
94790: Louis-Joseph Biton - Chants Des Saluts Et Des Processions / Cantus Ad Processiones Et Benedictiones
193768: Maria Teresa of St. Joseph; Rev. Berchmans Bittle, tr - The Servant of God Mother Mary Teresa of St. Joseph (Anna Maria Tauscher Van Den Bosch) Foundress of the Carmel of the Divine Heart of Jesus: An Autobiography
123407: Celestine N. Bittle - The Science of Correct Thinking: Logic
184198: Chris Bittler and Dave Markov - The Bad Idea Catalog: 10 to 100% Off Everything You'LL Never Want and Never Need!
177033: Julius Seelye Bixler - Religion in the Philosophy of William James
174611: Julius Seelye Bixler - Religion for Free Minds
46554: W.A. Bizadse - Zum Problem Der Gleichungen Vom Gemischten Typus
160138: Daniel W. Bjork - William James: The Center of His Vision
204338: Anna-Lisa Bjorling and Andrew Farkas - Jussi
163420: Anton Bjorson - Norwegian Self-Taught
106675: J.R. Blachere and F.S. Pettit - High Temperature Corrosion of Ceramics
199192: Morris J. Blachman and Ronald G. Hellman - Terms of Conflict: Ideology in Latin American Politics
197682: Fiona C. Black, ed - The Recycled Bible: Autobiography, Culture, and the Space between
310320: James Black - The Mystery of Preaching
192362: Clinton L. Black - Why All Black People Are Coming to an End: A Suigenocide in Progress; Disturbing Proof of How the White Man and the Black Man Are Still Destroying the Black Race
141975: M.H. Black - Cambridge University Press 1584-1984
202649: Jeremy Black - War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of Constituents
180048: Benjamin Black - Wolf on a String
207921: Matthew Black - Nehemiah's Mission and Its Background
207920: Matthew Black - The Patristic Accounts of Jewish Sectarianism
182307: Mary Black and Jean Lipman - American Folk Painting
175511: Robert L. Black - The Little Miami Railroad
179442: Susan Easton Black and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds - Joseph Smith: The Prophet, the Man
190921: Jeremy Black - The Battle of Waterloo
181708: Stephen A. Black - Eugene O'Neill: Beyond Mourning and Tragedy
177698: Simon Blackburn - The Big Questions: Philosophy
310874: W.M. Blackburn - History of the Christian Church from Its Origin to the Present Time
310238: Irwin R. Blacker, ed - Prescott's Histories: The Rise and Decline of the Spanish Empire
160793: Monica Blackett - The Mark of the Maker: A Portrait of Helen Waddell
166660: H.J. Blackham - Six Existentialist Thinkers
108297: Terry Blackhawk - The Light between
108298: Terry Blackhawk - The Dropped Hand
6533: Patrolman Craven as told to W.J. Blackledge - Hell Riders
120762: Raymond V.B. Blackman - Jane's Fighting Ships 1967-68
62628: E.C. Blackman - Biblical Interpretation
145204: R.D. Blackmore - The Remarkable History of Sir Thomas Upmore, Bart. , M.P. : Formerly Known As "Tommy Upmore
195141: Simon Augustine Blackmore - Spiritism: Facts and Frauds
184251: R.D. Blackmore - Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor
191377: R.P. Blackmur - Form and Value in Modern Poetry
131239: Bernard Blackstone - English Blake
131207: Bernard Blackstone - English Blake
131390: Bernard Blackstone - The Consecrated Urn: An Interpretation of Keats in Terms of Growth and Form
165540: B.H. Blackwell, ed - J.A. Nairn's Classical Hand-List
166313: Andrew Watterson Blackwood - Pastoral Work: A Source Book for Ministers
165497: Carolyn P. Blackwood - How to Be an Effective Church Woman
1247223: John Blaeu; R.V. Tooley - Blaeu's Atlas of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
174317: Alexander Blaikie - A History of Presbyterianism in New England. Its Introduction, Growth, Decay, Revival and Present Mission
186707: Br. Ugolino da Monte Santa Maria; E.M. Blaiklock and A.C. Keys, tr - The Little Flowers of Saint Francis: The Acts of Saint Francis and His Companions
180805: Jean-Baptiste Blain - The Mind and Heart of John Baptist de la Salle
175605: James G. Blaine - Political Discussions: Legislative, Diplomatic, and Popular 1856-1886
205768: John Blaine - The Rocket's Shadow
130015: John Blaine - Sea Gold
169180: John Blaine - The Rocket's Shadow
178696: Blaine and Brenton Yorgason - Brother Brigham's Gold
183024: John Blaine - Danger Below!
1231561: Geoffrey Blainey - A Short History of Christianity
175354: Mark Twain; Walter Blair, ed - Mark Twain's West
193754: Todd Blair and Karen Garvey, eds - Outside Privies and Dinner Pails: Tales from the Good Old Days in Southwest Iowa
102665: Herve Blais - La Vierge Immaculee: Histoire Et Doctrine
171850: Peter Blake and Paul S. Blezard - The Arcadian Cipher: The Quest to Crack the Code of Christianity's Greatest Secret
131496: William Blake - Ideas of Good and Evil
164275: Eugene Carson Blake, ed - Presbyterian Law for the Local Church: A Handbook for Church Officers and Members
188001: Rev. J.L. Blake - A General Biographical Dictionary, Comprising a Summary Account of the Most Distinguished Persons of All Ages Nations and Professions. Including More Than One Thousand Articles of American Biography
188539: Steve Blake and Scott Lloyd with John Baldock - The Keys to Avalon: The Compelling Journey to the Real Kingdom of Arthur
164253: Eugene Carson Blake, ed - Presbyterian Law for the Local Church: A Handbook for Church Officers and Members
131625: William Blake - Poetical Sketches
131626: William Blake - America: A Prophecy
166454: William D. Blake - An Almanac of the Christian Church
203033: Steve Blake and Scott Lloyd - Pendragon: The Definitive Account of the Origins of Arthur
164274: Eugene Carson Blake, ed - Presbyterian Law for the Local Church: A Handbook for Church Officers and Members
148265: Robert Blake and Wm. Roger Louis, eds - Churchill
62218: Thomas J. Blakeley - Soviet Scholasticism
187288: Meister Eckhart; Raymond Bernard Blakely, tr - Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation
1251949: Alcuin Blamires - The Case for Women in Medieval Culture
181094: P.S. Blanc - Cours D'Histoire Ecclesiastique, Volumes I-V
189506: Elie Blanc - Dictionnaire de Philosophie: Ancienne, Moderne Et Contemporaine
186541: Thomas Le Blanc - Commentaria in Psalmorum Davidicorum Analysim, Volumes I-VI
310260: Charles A. Blanchard - Light on the Last Days: Being Familiar Talks on the Book of Revelation
184405: Carroll H. Blanchard, Jr. - Korean War Bibliography and Maps of Korea
310016: Raoul Blanchard and M. Du Buit - The Promised Land
1210861: Jean Blanchard - The Church in Contemporary Ireland
110648: Rae Blanchard - Tracts and Pamphlets by Richard Steele
174638: Laman Blanchard, ed - George Cruikshank's Omnibus
200324: Rufus Blanchard - The Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest Including the Early History of Chicago, Detroit, Vincennes, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Prairie Du Chien, Marietta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Etc. Etc. And Incidents of Pioneer Life in the Region of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley
200167: Jacob Blanck, rev - Merle Johnson's American First Editions
196324: P. Cyprian Blank - Geistliches Manna Fur Ordensfrauden
148871: Joost de Blank - Members of Christ
196262: Fabien Blanquart - Le Premier Jour (Jn 20)
188507: Margaret Gray Blanton - The Miracle of Bernadette
1249887: Margaret Gray Blanton - The Miracle of Bernadette
189612: Margaret Gray Blanton - The Miracle of Bernadette
144664: Georgette Blaquiere - L'Evangile de Marie
198786: Alonso de Blas - Barren Earth to New Growth
176617: Marlena de Blasi - A Thousand Days in Tuscany: A Bittersweet Adventure
197166: Fulvio Di Blasi - God and the Natural Law: A Rereading of Thomas Aquinas
1247943: F. Blass and A. Debrunner - A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
181478: Bill Blass - Bare Blass
310492: F. Blass and A. Debrunner - A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
187958: [Wyatt Blassingame] - The Body in the Bayou: Promotional Poster
164832: W.S. Blatchley - Heteroptera or True Bugs of Eastern North America with Especial Reference to the Faunas of Indiana and Florida
170255: Surgeon Commander John Blatherwick - Canadian Orders, Decorations and Medals
202771: William Peter Blatty - Elsewhere
182231: Srs. Imogene Blatz and Alard Zimmer - Threads from Our Tapestry: Benedictine Women in Central Minnesota
191319: Albert P. Blaustein and Robert L. Zangrando, eds - CIVIL Rights and the Black American: A Documentary History
178357: James P. Blaylock and Tim Powers - The Devils in the Details
310487: Feliciano Blazquez - Diccionario de Las Ciencias Humanas
189333: Benjamin Blech and Roy Doliner - The Sistine Secrets: Michelangelo's Forbidden Messages in the Heart of the Vatican
195223: Robert A. Blees and Staff of First Community Church, Columbus, Ohio - Counseling with Teen-Agers
123707: Vincent Ferrer Blehl, S.J., ed - Realizations: Newman's Selection of His Parochial and Plain Sermons
206731: Joseph Blenkinsopp - Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins
207703: Joseph Blenkinsopp - David Remembered: Kingship and National Identity in Ancient Israel
71555: Joseph Blenkinsopp - Celibacy, Ministry, Church: An Enquiry Into the Possibility of Reform in the Present Self-Understanding of the Roman Catholic Church and Its Practice of Ministry
197954: Joseph Blenkinsopp and John Challenor - Pentateuch
199984: Joseph Blenkinsopp - Jesus Is Lord: Paul's Life in Christ
199477: Joseph Blenkinsopp - Sexuality and the Christian Tradition
196576: Joseph Blenkinsopp - Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament: The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism
197384: Joseph Blenkinsopp - Opening the Sealed Book: Interpretations of the Book of Isaiah in Late Antiquity
181463: Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis - They All Played Ragtime: The True Story of an American Music
199784: Pierre Blet - Pius XII and the Second World War According to the Archives of the Vatican
187652: Pierre Blet - Pius XII and the Second World War According to the Archives of the Vatican
6330: Hans Peter Bleul - Sex and Society in Nazi Germany
206761: John Bligh - Historical Information for New Testament Students
22416: Edith Blincoe - Nature Walks with Edith Blincoe
91040: Dr. Joseph Blinzler - Die Neutestamentlichen Berichte Uber Die Verklarung Jesu
105819: James Blish - Anywhen
170148: Edward Bliss, Jr., ed - In Search of Light: The Broadcasts of Edward R. Murrow 1938-1961
176796: Carey S. Bliss - Julius Firmicus Maternus and the Aldine Edition of the Scriptores Astronomici Veteres
176797: Carey S. Bliss, essay - A Leaf from the 1583 Rembert Dodoens Herbal Printed by Christopher Plantin
190061: Jan H. Blits - The End of the Ancient Republic: Essays on Julius Caesar
87470: J. Blitz - Fundamentals of Ultrasonics
184763: Charles Blitzer, ed - The Political Writings of James Harrington: Representative Selections
201940: Edmond Bliven - Book of Catholic Prayer
202154: R. Howard Bloch - Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love
162028: Leon Bryce Bloch and Charles Angoff, eds - The World over in 1939
197780: Dr. Iwan Bloch - The Sexual Extremities of the World
183443: Ivan Bloch - Sexual Life in England: Past and Present
168836: Lillian R. Block, ed - The Challenge of Vatican II: Ten Years Later
167561: Lawrence Block - The Burglar in the Closet
199646: Ed Block, Jr., ed - Glory, Grace, and Culture: The Work of Hans Urs Von Balthasar
178546: Lawrence Block - Random Walk
38668: Wim Blockmans, ed - Oorlog Door de Eeuwen Heen: De Wording Van Europa
189368: R.D. Blockmore - Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor
177602: Charles L. Blockson - Hippocrene Guide to the Underground Railroad
185906: Claire Blom - Limelight and After: The Education of an Actress
68593: Most Rev. Joseph J. Blomjous - Priesthood in Crisis
193142: Georges Blond - Verdun
82749: A Sister of the Precious Blood - Not with Silver or Gold: A History of the Sisters of the Congregation of the Precious Blood
97430: Sisters of the Precious Blood - The Story of a Pious Mother
186268: Sisters of the Precious Blood - Manual of Hymns and Prayers
1271016: A Sister of the Precious Blood - Not with Silver or Gold: A History of the Sisters of the Congregation of the Precious Blood
198345: Sisters of the Precious Blood, Salem Heights, Dayton, Ohio - Praying Hands: A Brief Account of the Life and Work of Mother Brunner
1272429: A Sister of the Precious Blood - Not with Silver or Gold: A History of the Sisters of the Congregation of the Precious Blood
1268150: A Sister of the Precious Blood - Not with Silver or Gold: A History of the Sisters of the Congregation of the Precious Blood
1270483: Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood - Flowers from the Garden of the Precious Blood
39224: The Society of the Precious Blood - Our Community Prays
184087: Ken Bloom - American Song: The Complete Musical Theatre Companion, Volumes 1-2
190752: Howard Bloom - The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmos Creates
185908: Claire Bloom - Leaving a Doll's House: A Memoir
124098: Harold Bloom, ed - Walker Percy
176817: Robert Bloomfield - Poems of Robert Bloomfield, the Farmer's Boy
184359: Valerie Bloomfield - Commonwealth Elections 1945-1970: A Bibliography
150875: David Bloor - Wittgenstein, Rules and Institutions
187935: Pierre Blot - Hand-Book of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional Cooks. Containing the Whole Science and Art of Preparing Human Food
207990: Francis X. Blouin, Jr. - Vatican Archives: An Inventory and Guide to Historical Documents of the Holy See
197857: Brian K. Blount - Cultural Interpretation: Reorienting New Testament Criticism
178680: Roy Blount, Jr. - Now, Where Were We
196703: Brian K. Blount - Go Preach! Mark's Kingdom Message and the Black Church Today
205985: Brian K. Blount - Then the Whisper Put on Flesh: New Testament Ethics in an African American Context
185654: Richard Blow - American Son: A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, Jr.
194877: Leon Bloy - She Who Weeps: Our Lady of la Salette
175903: Thomas Blues - Mark Twain & the Community
192343: William Blum - West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir
125528: William Blum - Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire
204362: David Blum - Quintet: Five Journeys Toward Musical Fulfilment
205502: William Blum - Killing Hope: U.S. Military and Cia Interventions Since World War II
1270510: William Blum - The Cia: A Forgotten History
131077: Giles Blumenberg; August Reyling - History of the Holy Cross Province 1217-1870
150505: Gerry Blumenfeld - Cracks in the Steeple
185509: Laura Blumenfeld - Revenge: A Story of Hope
172186: Joseph Blumenthal - The Printed Book in America
28586: Gerda Blumenthal - The Poetic Imagination of Georges Bernanos: An Essay in Interpretation
42650: Dr. Rudolf Bluml - Pralat Dr. Ignaz Seipel
161169: James Blundell - Lectures on the Principle and Practice of Midwifery
132185: Agnes Blundell - Ancient Lights
189178: Caroline Blunden and Mark Elvin - The Cultural Atlas of the World: China
202514: Msgr. Hugh F. Blunt - Give This Man Place: Chapters on the Life and Character of Saint Joseph
195192: Rev. Hugh F. Blunt - The Quality of Mercy: Thoughts on the Works of Mercy
1275969: Rev. Hugh Francis Blunt - The Great Magdalens
125850: Sir Anthony Blunt, ed - Treasures from Chatsworth: The Devonshire Inheritance
69489: Rev. Hugh F. Blunt, LL.D. - Listen, Mother of God! Thoughts on the Litany of Loreto
166942: Rev. Mr. Francis Blyth - An Explanation of the Adoration of the Holy Cross
198836: Lawrence Boadt, ed - The Song of Solomon: Love Poetry of the Spirit
189880: Lawrence Boadt and Kevin di Camillo, eds - John Paul II in the Holy Land: In His Own Words with Christian and Jewish Perspectives by Yehezkel Landau and Michael Mcgarry, Csp
310463: Emanuele Boaga - Scritti Di P. Ludovico Saggi, O. Carm. (1921-1988)
184885: Marina Boagno with Gilberto Starone - Franco Corelli: A Man, a Voice
200258: Social Security Board - Social Security in America: The Factual Background of the Social Security Act As Summarized from Staff Reports to the Committee on Economic Security
1129: The Army Sport Control Board - Games and Sports in the Army
181915: Anne Cawley Boardman - Such Love Is Seldom: A Biography of Mother Mary Walsh, O.P.
189046: Eunice Boardman and Barbara Andress, eds - The Music Book
179321: Anne Cawley Boardman - Such Love Is Seldom: A Biography of Mother Mary Walsh, O.P.
191633: Franz Boas - Anthropology and Modern Life
1241244: Guy Boas, ed - An English Book of Light Verse
161757: Franz Boas; J.W. Powell - Introduction to Handbook of American Indian Languages / Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico
112476: George Boas - Never Go Back: A Novel without a Plot
182486: Leonard Boase - The Prayer of Faith
192224: T.S.R. Boase, ed - The Cilician Kingdom of Armenia
178406: Timothy Boatswain and Colin Nicolson - A Traveller's History of Greece
203908: Benson Bobrick - The Making of the English Bible
1245587: Donald Boccardi, ed - The Marianist Family Prayer Book
123795: Christine M. Bochen, ed - The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers
62221: J.M. Bochenski - The Dogmatic Principles of Soviet Philosophy [As of 1958]
61640: J.M. Bochenski - The Methods of Contemporary Thought
198945: Franz Bockle - Law and Conscience
198103: Franz Bockle and Jacques-Marie Pohier - Moral Formation and Christianity
195185: Franz Bockle, ed - War, Poverty, Freedom: The Christian Response (Moral Theology)
65315: Franz Bockle - Law and Conscience
195186: Franz Bockle and Theo Beemer, eds - Dilemmas of Tomorrow's World (Moral Theology)
195183: Franz Bockle, ed - Moral Problems and Christian Personalism (Moral Theology)
195184: Franz Bockle, ed - The Social Message of the Gospels (Moral Theology)
143011: Aquinata Bockmann - Perspectives on the Rule of St. Benedict: Expanding Our Hearts in Christ
196754: Marcus Bockmuehl and Michael B. Thompson, eds - A Vision for the Church: Studies in Early Christian Ecclesiology in Honour of J.P. M. Sweet
200654: Yossef Bodansky - The Secret History of the Iraq War
170155: Carl Bode, comp - The Young Mencken: The Best of His Work
310118: Clara M. Bode - Another Bouquet for You
172983: Maxwell Bodenheim - My Life and Loves in Greenwich Village
192879: Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould - Rollback! Right-Wing Power in U.S. Foreign Policy
32718: Julius Bodensieck - The Encyclopedia of the Lutheran Church [Complete Set]
147924: John Edward Courtenay Bodley - Cardinal Manning. The Decay of Idealism in France. The Insitute of France
205570: John H. Bodley - Victims of Progress
165358: Murray Bodo - Francis: The Journey and the Dream
199273: Fr. Berard Haile; Fr. Murray Bodo, ed - Tales of an Endishodi: Father Berard Haile and the Navajos, 1900-1961
184360: Alexander C. Body - Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographies on Selected Government Publications and Supplementary Guides to the Superintendent of Documents Classification System
173065: J. den Boeft, J.W. Drijvers, D. den Hengst, and H.C. Teitler - Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXII
103850: J. Den Boeft - Calcidius on Fate: His Doctrine and Sources
46748: C. Boehm, E. Rose, and P. Lorenz - Versicherungsmathematische Aufgabensammlung, Volumes I-II
55064: Dr. Karl Boehm - Elliptische Funktionen: Erster Teil
1275025: Jacob Boehme - The Way to Christ
206097: Roland Boer, ed - Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies
197028: Roland Boer - Last Stop Before Antarctica: The Bible and Postcolonialism in Australia
71457: Father Giuseppe Boero, S.J. - The Life of the Blessed Peter Favre of the Society of Jesus, First Companion of St. Ignatius Loyola
207667: Teresa M. Boersig - Companion to the Breviary: A Four-Week Psalter Featuring All-Inclusive Language
173874: Knut Boeser - Nostradamus
146793: Dom Fidelis Boeser - The Mass-Liturgy: Liturgical Lectures on the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Participation of the Laity
173914: Knut Boeser, ed - The Elixirs of Nostradamus: Nostradamus' Original Recipes for Elixirs, Scented Water, Beauty Potions and Sweetmeats
198670: Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy
199611: Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey - Jesus, King of Love
187760: Leonardo Boff - God's Witnesses in the Heart of the World
198147: Leonardo Boff - The Lord's Prayer: The Prayer of Integral Liberation
187007: Leonardo Boff - God's Witnesses in the Heart of the World
192664: Richard B. Du Boff - Accumulation & Power: An Economic History of the United States
148435: Father R.V. Bogan, trans - This Is Progress: A Creative New Translation of Pope Paul's Encyclical, Progress of Peoples
61675: Augustine Andrew Bogdanski - The Significance of Clemens Baeumker in Neo-Scholasic Philosophy
125932: Luciano Duran Boger - Sangre En la Esmeralda
200290: J. Stuart Bogg, arr - Gems of Heavenly Wisdom from the Writings of Swedenborg
182319: Jean Sutherland Boggs - Degas at the Races
181626: Jean Sutherland Boggs - Degas
146430: Harry Bohan and Gerard Kennedy, eds - Are We Forgetting Something
207464: Marian Bohen - The Mystery of Confirmation: A Theology of the Sacrament
80447: Hermann Muller-Bohn - Graf Moltke: Ein Bild Seines Lebens Und Seiner Zeit
43233: A. Bohnen, S.J. - Recueil de Notions D'Architecture Et D'Archeologie
186912: Nicholas Bohny - The New Picture Book: Being Pictorial Lessons on Form, Comparison, and Number, for Children Under Seven Years of Age
198851: Hector Bohorquez - Gotas de Motivacion
196621: David Bohr - Catholic Moral Tradition
194161: David Bohr - Catholic Moral Tradition
199277: James Montgomery Boice - Two Cities, Two Loves: Christian Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture
310632: James Montgomery Boice - The Minor Prophets, Volume 1: An Expositional Commentary, Hosea-Jonah
200226: W.E. Burghardt Du Bois - Black Reconstruction: An Essay Toward a History of the Part Which Black Folk Played in the Attempt to Reconstruct Democracy in America, 1860-1880
163600: Lauriston J. Du Bois - Life's Intimate Friendships
175194: W.E. Burghardt du Bois - The Souls of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches
203476: Marguerite Clement; William Pene Du Bois, ill - In France
1265150: W.E.B. Du Bois - Black Reconstruction in America
120624: Gaylord Du Bois - Buck Jones and the Night Riders
191537: W.E. Burghardt Du Bois - Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept
207664: Regina A. Boisclair - The Word of the Lord at Mass: Understanding the Lectionary
149111: M.-E. Boismard and A. Lamouille - La Vie Des Evangiles: Initiation a la Critique Des Textes
197500: M.-E. Boismard - Le Prologue de Saint Jean
176025: Gaston Boissier - Rome and Pompeii: Archaeological Rambles
186927: L. Boisvert, E. Boyce, L. Gaudette, et al. - New Trends in Religious Life
176317: Edward W. Bok - The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After
177177: Edward W. Bok - Two Persons: An Incident and an Epilogue
201547: Thomas Bokenkotter - Essential Catholicism: Dynamics of Faith and Belief
124291: Thomas Bokenkotter - A Concise History of the Catholic Church
193116: Thomas Bokenkotter - A Concise History of the Catholic Church
203151: Thomas Bokenkotter - A Concise History of the Catholic Church
193129: Thomas Bokenkotter - Dynamic Catholicism: A Historical Catechism
38359: Ben Zion Bokser - The Legacy of Maimonides
196982: Abraham Isaac Kook; Ben Zion Bokser, tr - The Lights of Penitence, the Moral Principles, Lights of Holiness, Essays, Letters, and Poems
206579: Donald Bolen, Nicholas Jesson & Donna Geernaert, SC, eds - Towards Unity: Ecumenical Dialogue 500 Years After the Reformation
33376: Hector Bolitho - Albert the Good and the Victorian Reign
123142: Lawrence Leo Boll - The Relation of Diu Krone of Heinrich Von Dem Turlin to la Mule Sanz Frain: A Study in Sources
183772: Jean Bolland; Godfrey Henschen - Acta Sanctorum: Quotquot Toto Orbe Coluntur, Vel a Catholicis Scriptoribus Celebrantur, Quae Ex Latinis Et Graecis, Aliarumque Gentium Antiquis Monumentis, Januarii Tomus Primus
183773: Jean Bolland; Godfrey Henschen - Acta Sanctorum: Quotquot Toto Orbe Coluntur, Vel a Catholicis Scriptoribus Celebrantur, Quae Ex Latinis Et Graecis, Aliarumque Gentium Antiquis Monumentis, Januarii Tomus Tertius
42708: Franz Bolle - Die Heilige Masse Und Das Breviergebet. .
192371: David Bollier - Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth
200868: Barclay M. Bollis, ed - Horizons: Summer 1967
200869: Barclay M. Bollis, ed - Horizons: Summer 1968
140090: Sarah K. Bolton - Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous
120997: Theodore Bolton - American Book Illustrators: Bibliographic Check Lists of 123 Artists
112515: Sarah K. Bolton - Lives of Girls Who Became Famous
200427: H.W. Bolton, ed - History of the Second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry from Organization to Muster-out
310094: Fr. Vitale M. Bommarco - Lettera Del Ministro Generale Ai Frati Minori Conventuali in Occasione Del LX Di Fondazione Della Milizia Di Maria Immacolata
191678: Joanne Bona - De Sacrificio Missae: Tractatus Asceticus Continens Praxim Attente, Devote Et Reverenter Celebrandi
207742: Mary Beth Bonacci - Real Love: Mary Beth Bonacci Answers Your Questions on Dating, Marriage, and the Real Meaning of Sex
195752: Maria Bonacina - Teach Yourself Italian Verbs
310617: Robert Murray M'Cheyne; Andrew A. Bonar, ed - Memoirs of Mccheyne Including His Letters and Messages
144153: G. Bonavenia, et. al., eds - Nuovo Bullettino Di Archeologia Cristiana
191664: Fr. Bonaventura - Gaat Tot Jezus: Een Gebedenboekje Voor Kinderen Met Korte Onderrichtingen over de H. Mis En de Biecht
182492: St. Bonaventure - Holiness of Life
122592: A Patribus Collegii S. Bonaventure, ed - Analecta Franciscana, Sive Chronica Aliaque Varia Documenta Ad Historiam Fratrum Minorum Spectantia, Volumes I-V
161931: The College of St. Bonaventure - De Humanae Cognitionis Ratione: Anecdota Quaedam Seraphici Doctoris Sancti Bonaventurae Et Nonnullorum Ipsius Discipulorum
1256086: St. Bonaventure - The Disciple and the Master: St. Bonaventure's Sermons on St. Francis of Assisi
122610: A Patribus Collegii S. Bonaventure, ed - Analecta Franciscana Sive Chronica Aliaque Varia Documenta Ad Historiam Fratrum Minorum Spectantia, Volumes I-X
38443: St. Bonaventure - The Virtues of a Religious Superior (de Sex Alis Seraphim)
1248044: St. Bonaventure - The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi
120152: Saint Bonaventure - Selecta Scripta
120122: St. Bonaventure - Decem Opuscula Ad Theologiam Mysticam Spectantia in Textu Correcta Et Notis Illustrata a Pp. Collegii S. Bonaventurae
120128: St. Bonaventure - Decem Opuscula Ad Theologiam Mysticam Spectantia in Textu Correcta Et Notis Illustrata a Pp. Collegii S. Bonaventurae
177954: David Bonavia, intro - Unknown China
189500: Marianna Boncek - Spooky Hudson Valley
201741: Brian Bond - The Pursuit of Victory: From Napoleon to Saddam Hussein
176966: Thomas Ingoldsby; Mrs. Edward A. Bond, ed - The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels, Volumes I-III
149549: Edward A. Bond, ed - Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, a Fundatione Usque Ad Annum 1396, Auctore Thoma de Burton, Abbate, Vols. I-III
180998: William H. Bond, ed - Records of a Bibliographer: Selected Papers of William Alexander Jackson
184947: Jules Bond, ed - The Metropolitan Opera Cookbook
175916: Michael Bond - Paddington Marches on
310205: Col. P.S. Bond, ed - Military Science and Tactics: A Text and Reference for the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Conforming to the War Department Program; Senior Division: Infantry Basic Course
197393: Helen K. Bond - Caiaphas: Friend of Rome and Judge of Jesus
1250853: Ron Bonewitz - Hieroglyphics
310759: Wm. Jerry Boney and Lawrence E. Molumby, eds - The New Day: Catholic Theologians of the Renewal
202326: Pseudo-Athanasius; Elizabeth Bryson Bongie, tr - The Life & Regimen of the Blessed & Holy Teacher Syncletica
177699: Dietrich Bonhoeffer - A Year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Daily Meditations from His Letters, Writings, and Sermons
196833: Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Reflections on the Bible: Human Word and Word of God
184118: Benediktinerstift St. Bonifaz - Der Schatz Vom Heiligen Berg Andechs
168391: Rev. Flavian Bonifazi - Yearning of a Soul: A Study of St. Vincent Pallotti's Spiritual Doctrine
168060: Jose Miguez Bonino, ed - Faces of Jesus: Latin American Christologies
207642: Normand Bonneau, OMI - Preparing the Table of the Word
207662: Normand Bonneau, O.M.I. - The Sunday Lectionary
310050: Jean-Francois Bonnefoy - The Immaculate Conception in the Divine Plan
184834: Robert J. Bonner - Greek Composition for Schools with Exercises Based on Anabasis I-III, College Entrance Papers, and Original Selections
1278343: Biren Bonnerjea - A Dictionary of Superstitions and Mythology
182594: Leon Bonnet - Our Lady Speaks: Thoughts on Her Litany
178753: Patrick Bonneville and Philippe Hemono - The World Heritage: Unesco's Classified Sites
300177: M. Therese Bonney - The Vatican
194424: Bonnie Pedrotti Kittel, Vicki Hoffer, and Rebecca Abts Wright - Biblical Hebrew: A Text and Workbook
150751: Louis de Bonnieres - Dans la Lumiere de Lourdes
143087: William R. Bonniwell - The Life of Blessed Margaret of Castello 1287-1320
142592: Rev. Bob (Bernard R.) Bonnot - Pope John XXIII: Model and Mentor for Leaders
188936: Edward de Bono - New Thinking for the New Millennium
203711: Edward De Bono - Future Positive
203712: Edward De Bono - Po: Beyond Yes and No
203713: Edward De Bono - The Happiness Purpose
147483: Mons. Geremia Bonomelli - Un Autunno in Oriente
191687: St. Aphonsus Liguori; Rev. P. Umberto Bonomo, ed - IL Nuovo Massime Eterne
1243994: Waldemar Bonsels - An Indian Journey
150522: P. Giuseppe Bonsirven - Teologia Del Nuovo Testamento
150747: Honoratus Bonzelet - Mixed Marriages and Prenuptial Instructions
64926: Honoratus Bonzelet - Mixed Marriages and Prenuptial Instructions
190227: J.W. Book - Mollie's Mistake or Mixed Marriages
55060: [Shirley Temple Cut Out Doll Book] - Shirley Temple: Her Movie Wardrobe
192530: Murray Bookchin and Dave Foreman; Steve Chase, ed - Defending the Earth: A Dialogue between Murray Bookchin and Dave Foreman
179608: Richard Booker and Earl Boysen - Nanotechnology for Dummies
200418: Edna Lee Booker - News Is My Job: A Correspondent in War-Torn China
1241452: The Editors of Time-Life Books - The American Indians: 23-Volume Set
126149: The Editors at Hippocrene Books, comp - Scottish Proverbs
170485: The Editors of Time-Life Books - Mysteries of the Unknown
180980: John Price Antiquarian Books - Edward Gibbon 1737-1794: A Collection of 102 Items by and About Gibbon, Printed 1761-1989
122582: Maggs Bros. Booksellers - A Selection of Books Manuscripts Engravings and Autograph Letters: Five Hundreth Catalogue
167164: Daniel J. Boorstin, ed - An American Primer
203198: Daniel J. Boorstin - The Americans: The National Experience
190681: Harold Simmons Booth and Vivian Richard Damerell - Quantitative Analysis
191833: George Booth - Omnibooth: The Best of George Booth
27680: Ernest S. Booth - Birds of the East
105177: Christopher C. Booth - Doctors in Science and Society: Essays of a Clinical Scientist
178473: Charlotte Booth - Ancient Egypt: Thebes and the Nile Valley
196922: John Donne; John Booty, ed - Selections from Divine Poems, Sermons, Devotions, and Prayers
166607: John Booty - The Episcopal Church in Crisis
125805: John Booty - Meditations on Four Quarters
167188: John E. Booty - The Book of Common Prayer in the Life of the Episcopal Church
167333: Lucius Boraks - Religions of the East
163131: Therese Johnson Borchard, ed - Woman, Why Are You Weeping? a Lenten Companion for Women
162502: Valerie Borchardt and Anthony Richter - Russian Phrasebook - Dictionary
195844: Valerie Borchardt and and Anthony Richter - Russian Phrasebook - Dictionary
146591: Michael Bordeaux - Faith on Trial in Russia
193834: Neil H. Borden - Advertising: Text and Cases
206012: Phillipe Bordeyne and Bruce T. Morrill - Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God
151083: Pierre Borel - Saint Francois D'Assise
179196: Jean Borella and Wolfgang Smith - Physique Et Metaphysique
178795: Antonio A. Borelli and John R. Spann - Our Lady at Fatima: Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope
169356: Henry C. boren - Roman Society: A Social, Economic, and Cultural History
198640: Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan - La Primera Navidad: Lo Que Los Evangelios Esenan Realmente Acerca Del Nacimiento de Jesus
191475: Jorge Luis Borges - The Gold of the Tigers: Selected Later Poems
181787: Griffith Borgeson and Eugene Jaderquist - Sports and Classic Cars
66814: Right Rev. C. H. Borgess - As the Bishop Saw It: From America to Rome
203857: Lincoln Borglum - My Father's Mountain: Mt. Rushmore National Memorial and How It Was Carved
197555: Paul Borgman - The Way According to Luke: Hearing the Whole Story of Luke-Acts
162558: Jim Borgman - Jim Borgman's Cincinnati
171528: Jim Borgman - My 25 Years at the Cincinnati Enquirer
206119: M. Eugene Boring - 1 Peter
112691: G.B. Borino - Studi Gregoriani Per la Storia Di Gregorio VII E Della Riforma Gregoriana: Vols. 1-7
66181: Aurelius L. Borkowski - De Confraternitatibus Ecclesiasticis
196456: Walter R. Borneman - The French and Indian War: Deciding the Fate of North America
167092: Heinrich Bornkamm - Luther's World of Thought
68184: Gunther Bornkamm - Jesus of Nazareth
310757: Heinrich Bornkamm - The Heart of Reformation Faith: The Fundamental Axioms of Evangelical Belief
202160: Daniel Bornstein and Roberto Rusconi, eds - Women and Religion in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
94931: George Borodin - Pillar of Fire
198655: Ladislaud Boros - God Is with Us
182487: Ladslaus Boros - Meeting God in Man
182904: Ladislaus Boros - Meditations: Reflections on the Incarnation
68257: Ladislaus Boros - In Time of Temptation
150967: J. Sleiman & L. Borriello - Edith Stein: Testimone Di Oggo Profeta Per Domani
131483: Marie Borroff - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Stylistic and Metrical Study
66893: Padre Carlos Borromeu - Contribuicao a Historia Das Paroquias Da Amazonia
143158: George Borrow - The Bible in Spain or, the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulates the Scriptures in the Peninsula
165295: Frederick Houk Borsch - Introducing the Lessons of the Church Year: A Guide for Lay Readers and Congregations
1243556: Giosue Borsi - A Soldier's Confidences with God: Spiritual Colloquies of Giosue Borsi
199612: Father J. Borst - A Method of Contemplative Prayer
169567: David Borthick and Jack Britton - Medals, Military and Civilian of the United States
169553: Lawrence H. Borts and Col. (Ret.) Frank C. Foster - United States Military Medals 1939-1994
125891: Paul Bosch - Church Year Guide
194714: David J. Bosch - Witness to the World: The Christian Mission in Theological Perspective
68638: P. Alfredo Boschi, S.I. - La Castita: Nei Candidati Al Sacerdozio
179517: F.R. Boschvogel - Mary Is Our Mother: The Life of Our Dear Lord's Mother Told for Children
201535: Goffredo Boselli - The Spiritual Meaning of the Liturgy: School of Prayer, Source of Life
201126: Jean-Robert Schleich de Bosse - Les Distinctions Honorifiques Au Pays de Luxembourg 1430-1961
207192: Bossuet - Letters of Spiritual Direction
146307: Jacques Benigne Bossuet - Conference Avec M. Claude, Ministre de Charenton Sur la Matiere de L'Eglise
98930: Bossuet - Oeuvres Completes de Bossuet: Tome VII
171642: James Boswell - The Life of Samuel Johnson LL. D. , Volumes I-III
176153: James Boswell - The Life of Samuel Johnson
200210: Edward I. Bosworth - Studies in the Life of Jesus Christ
200211: Edward Increase Bosworth - The Life and Teaching of Jesus According to the First Three Gospels
172225: William Bosworth - Catholicism and Crisis in Modern France: French Catholic Groups at the Threshold of the Fifth Republic
185376: Patricia Bosworth - Montgomery Clift: A Biography
171813: Shmuel Boteach - Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge: Basic Concepts of Hasidic Thought
113122: B.A. Botkin - A CIVIL War Treasury of Tales, Legends and Folklore
197222: Alejandro F. Botta and Pablo R. Andinach, eds - The Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation
206193: G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, eds.; John T. Willis, tr - Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Volumes I-III
208054: G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren - Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Volumes 1-15
98127: Francis Botto - Dictionary of Multimedia and Internet Applications
181590: Paul Bottomer - Tango Argentino
171575: Frank Bottomley - An Explorer's Guide to the Abbeys, Monasteries and Churches of Great Britain
198041: Paschal Botz - Runways to God: The Psalms As Prayer
192820: Dan La Botz - Democracy in Mexico: Peasant Rebellion and Political Reform
199229: Ghislaine Boucher - In Dina's Footsteps... Dina Belanger 1897-1929
192205: Madeleine I. Boucher - The Parables
193698: Marie Evans Bouclin - Seeking Wholeness: Women Dealing with Abuse of Power in the Catholic Church
181666: Andre Boucourechliev - Schumann
176120: Heinrich Boucsein - Bomber, Jabos, Partisanen (Finale Furioso in Italien): Die Geschichte Der Letzen Nach Italien Verlegten Deutschen 232. Infanterie-Division 1944-1945
197534: Rev. Henri-Paul Bergeron; Rev. Real Boudreau, tr - Brother Andre, C.S. C. : The Apostle of Saint Joseph
182653: Edouard Boudreault, ed - In the Footsteps of St. John Eudes, Volumes 1-6
165102: P.J. Boudreaux - God Our Father
65959: Rev. Warren L. Boudreaux - The Ab Acatholicis Nati of Canon 1099, 2: A Historical Synopsis and Commentary
1275813: Warren L. Boudreaux - The "Ab Acatholicis Nati" of Canon 1099, 2
200951: Jean Boudriot - Le Vaisseau de 74 Canons: Traite Pratique D'Art Naval; Construction Du Vaisseau
200953: Jean Boudriot and Hubert Berti - 18-Pdr Frigate la Venus 1782: Monographie
200957: Jean Boudriot - Traite . Negrier L'Aurore: Navire de 280tx. 1784
300242: Rt.Rev. E. Bougaud - Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
196302: Henri Bouillard - Conversion Et Grace Chez Thomas D'Aquin: Etude Historique
20104: Louis de Villefosse & Janine Bouissounouse - The Scourge of the Eagle: Napoleon and the Liberal Opposition
179738: D. Bouix - Tractatus de Parocho: Ubi Et de Vicariis Parochialibus, Necnon Monialium, Militum, Et Xenodochiorum Cappellanis
94280: Marcel Bouix - Ouevres de Sainte Terese: Tome Deuxieme: Le Livre Des Fondations
94281: Marcel Bouix - Lettres de Sainte Terese: Tome Deuxieme
186250: Pierre Boulez - Notations I-IV Pour Orchestre (1945): Partition
182846: F. Bonaventure Amedeo de Coesare; Joseph A Boullan, tr - The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Being an Abridgment of the Mystical City of God by Mary Jesus of Agreda
98922: H. Pinard de la Boullaye - Marie: Chef-D'Ouevre de Dieu
1234559: Hugh Boulter - Letters Written by His Excellency Hugh Boulter, D.D. Lord Primate of All Ireland
1234443: D'Arcy Jonathan Dacre Boulton - The Knights of the Crown: The Monarchial Orders of Knighthood in Later Medieval Europe 1325-1520
300316: Alban Boultwood, O.S.B. - Into His Splendid Light
207645: Cornelius A. Bouman - Key to the Missal
181649: Camille Bouniquel - Chopin
69073: Rev. Charles Bount, S.J., ed - Magister Adest or, Who Is Like Unto God
199352: Gaetan Bourbonnais - Behold My Servant: A Study in Reading the Bible Thematically
142716: Pere Bourdaloue - Sermons Du Pere Bourdaloue, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Tomes I-II
189986: Pere [Louis] Bourdaloue - Sermons and Moral Discourses on the Important Duties of Christianity
64962: F. Bourdeau, A. Danet - Introduction to the Law of Christ
147474: Michael Bourdeaux - Religious Ferment in Russia: Protestant Opposition to Soviet Religious Policy
201593: Colette Bourdier - Les Orders Francais Et Les Recompenses Nationales
181475: Jean Bouret - Bonnard: Seductions
187347: Cynthia Bourgeault - Mystical Hope: Trusting in the Mercy of God
196146: Daniel Bourgeois - La Pastorale de L'Eglise
193721: Fr. Roy Bourgeois - My Journey from Silence to Solidarity
173533: Emile Bourguet - Les Ruines Des Delphes
140322: Vernon J. Bourke - Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: Life and Philosophy of the Bishop of Hippo
310022: St. THomas Aquinas; Vernon J. Bourke, ed - The Pocket Aquinas
64473: Vernon J. Bourke - Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: Life and Philosophy of the Bishop of Hippo
300216: Vernon J. Bourke - Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: Life and Philosophy of the Bishop of Hippo
168493: Cardinal Bourne, preface - A Daily Hymn Book: Voice Parts
167759: Kenneth Bourne - The Foreign Policy of Victorian England 1830-1902
6840: Peter Bourne - Twilight of the Dragon
185241: Clive Boursnell and Colin Thubron - The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
189445: T. Lincoln Bouscaren and Adam C. Ellis - Canon Law: A Text and Commentary
1276113: T. Lincoln Bouscaren; James I O'Connor; Edward G. Pfanusch; Arthur J. Espelage - The Canon Law Digest, Volumes 1-12
190505: T. Lincoln Bouscaren; James I O'Connor; Edward G. Pfanusch; Arthur J. Espelage - The Canon Law Digest, Volumes 1-12
1271274: T. Lincoln Bouscaren and Adam C. Ellis - Canon Law: A Text and Commentary
206228: Guido Gonella; Rev. T. Lincoln Bouscaren, tr - A World to Reconstruct: Pius XII on Peace and Reconstruction
162582: G. Boussagol - Cours D'Espagnol: Premier Volume
176812: Charles Boutell - A Manual of British Archaeology
93530: H.S. Boutell - First Editions of Today and How to Tell Them
310470: Vera Bouteneff, tr - Father Arseny, 1893-1973: Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father; Being the Narratives Compiled by the Servant of God Alexander Concerning His Spiritual Father
13250: Charles Boutflower - The Journal of an Army Surgeon During the Peninsular War
64222: Michel Bouttier - La Condition Chretienne Selon Saint Paul
145763: M. Claeys Bouuaert - Le Fait de Banneux
175963: A. Bouvet - Cesar: Guerre D'Afrique
68685: Pierre Bouvier, S.J. - Regles de la Perfection Sacerdotale
196213: Louis Bouyer - Le Sens de la Vie Sacerdotale
189466: Rev. Louis Bouyer - The Meaning of Sacred Scripture
1268319: Louis Bouyer - The Paschal Mystery: Meditations on the Last Three Days of Holy Week
187788: Louis Bouyer - Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer
206895: Louis Bouyer - The Church of God: Body of Christ and Temple of the Spirit
207910: Louis Bouyer - Dictionary of Theology
207471: Louis Bouyer - The Paschal Mystery: Meditations on the Last Three Days of Holy Week
123706: Louis Bouyer - Newman: His Life and Spirituality
197317: Louis Bouyer - Christian Initiation
187597: Rev. Louis Bouyer - Liturgical Piety
1254780: Louis Bouyer - Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer
1258863: Louis Bouyer - Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer
206124: Gerd Theissen; John Bowden, tr - The Religion of the Earliest Churches: Creating a Symbolic World
310524: John Bowden, ed - Encyclopedia of Christianity
149530: Dina Moore Bowden - Junipero Serra in His Native Isle (1713-1749)
1240719: Scott Bowden - Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813
175308: Henry Warner Bowden - American Indians and Christian Missions: Studies in Cultural Conflict
197026: John Edward Bowden - The Life and Letters of Frederick William Faber, D.D. , Priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri
71155: Henry Sebastian Bowden - Addresses
172813: Scott Bowden and Charles Tarbox - Armies on the Danube 1809
1275762: Thomas J. Bowe - Religious Superioresses
65992: Thomas J. Bowe - Religious Superioresses: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary
197033: Barbara E. Bowe - Biblical Foundations of Spirituality: Touching a Finger to the Flame
183958: John Bowen, ed - Scale Model Warships
195853: John T. Bowen and T.J. Rhys Jones - Teach Yourself Welsh
166336: Van S. Bowen - A Vestry Member's Guide
125733: Desmond Bowen - The Idea of the Victorian Church: A Study of the Church of England 1833-1889
166218: Peter C. Bower, ed - The Companion to the Book of Common Worship
160729: Peter Bower - Turner's Later Papers: A Study of the Manufacture, Selection and Use of His Drawing Papers 1820-1851
175515: Claude G. Bowers - Beveridge and the Progressive Era
101112: Michael Bowers - North American Fighting Uniforms: An Illustrated History Since 1756
199999: G.W. Bowersock, Peter Brown, and Oleg Grabar, eds - Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World
173038: G.W. Bowersock - Martyrdom and Rome
170381: Susan Bowes - The Wiccan Handbook: A Practical Guide to Creating Magic and Mystery
60126: Pratima Bowes - Is Metaphysics Possible
181768: Malcolm Bowie - Proust Among the Stars
179285: Walter Russell Bowie - The Bible Story for Boys and Girls: New Testament
187546: John Bowker - World Religions: The Great Faiths Explored & Explained
1632: John Bowle - Napoleon
181523: John E. Bowlt, ed - The Salon Album of Vera Sudeikin-Stravinsky
191355: Clarice M. Bowman - Resources for Worship
1245826: A.K. Bowman et al. - Oxyrhynchus: A City and Its Texts
1243368: A.K. Bowman, et al. - The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Volume L.
39077: David J. Bowman, SJ - The Word Made Flesh
131136: James Cloyd Bowman, ed - Contemporary American Criticism
206562: Reverend David J. Bowman, ed.; Archbishop William W. Baum, foreword - U.S. Catholic Ecumenism - Ten Years Later
126599: Samuel Bownas - A Description of the Qualifications Necessary to a Gospel Minister: Advice to Ministers and Elders Among the People Called Quakers
145163: C.C. Bowsfield - How Boys and Girls Can Earn Money
188383: T.H. Bowyer - A Bibliographical Examination of the Earliest Editions of the Letters of Junius
208110: Kenneth Boyack, C.S.P. - A Parish Guide to Adult Initiation
199601: James Boyce - Praising God in Carmel: Studies in Carmelite Liturgy
124558: Ben S. Boyce - Dear Dad Letters from New Guinea: With Illustrations
185183: Rosie Boycott - Batty, Bloomers and Boycott: A Little Etymology of Eponymous Words
310269: Rev. James R. Boyd, comp - Memoir of the Life, Character, and Writings of Philip Doddridge, D.D. With a Selection from His Correspondence
179113: Ian Boyd, ed - The Chesterton Review, Vol. XXI, No. 4 (November 1995)
203748: John Boyd - The Last Starship from Earth
173671: Catherine E. Boyd - A Cistercian Nunnery in Mediaevel Italy: The Story of Rifreddo in Saluzzo, 1220-1300
169281: Barbara Weiden Boyd - Vergil's Aeneid: Selections from Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, and 12
179111: Ian Boyd, ed - The Chesterton Review, Vol. XVIII, No. 1 (February 1992)
121776: Henry Keown-Boyd - The Boxer Rebellion
103462: A.F. Boyd - Aspects of the Russian Novel
181206: William L. Boyden - Classification of the Literature of Freemasonry and Related Societies
184429: Jo Ann Boydston and Kathleen Poulos - Checklist of Writings About John Dewey
199002: Mark G. Boyer - Baptized Into Christ's Death and Resurrection: Preparing to Celebrate a Christian Funeral, Volumes 1-2
192940: William H. Boyer - Myth America: Democracy Vs. Capitalism
198722: Mark G. Boyer - The Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say
198723: Mark G. Boyer - The Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say
168019: Paul Boyer, ed - Reagan As President: Contemporary Views of the Man, His Politics, and His Policies
179733: [Fr. Pierre Boyer] - Parallele de la Doctrine Des Payens Avec Celle Des Jesuites Et de la Bulle Unigenitus, Sur L'Etat de Pure Nature, & Sur Les Forces Naturelles Du Libre Arbitre de L'Homme
203307: John Boykin - Circumstances and the Role of God: How God Operates in Your Life
192358: Jules Boykoff - Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States
199162: Eugene Boylan - Partnership with Christ: A Cisercian Retreat
197823: M. Eugene Boylan - The Spiritual Life of the Priest
150946: Henry Boylan - A Dictionary of Irish Biography
186231: Fr. M. Eugene Boylan - This Tremendous Lover
188262: M. Eugene Boylan - This Tremendous Lover
141841: Nicholas Boyle - Sacred & Secular Scriptures: A Catholic Approach to Literature
192368: Francis A. Boyle - Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law
191604: Thomas Boyle - The Cold Stove League [Uncorrected Proof]
192370: Francis A. Boyle - United Ireland, Human Rights and International Law
120929: George Boyle - Father Tompkins of Nova Scotia
178820: David Boyle and Viv Croot - Troy: Homer's Iliad Retold
192369: Francis A. Boyle - Tackling America's Toughest Questions: Alternative Media Interviews
161799: Rene Boylesve - La Becquee
148451: Neil Kevin (Don Boyne) - I Remember Karrigeen
206086: Mary C. Boys, ed - Seeing Judaism Anew: Christianity's Sacred Obligation
184864: Atanas Bozhkoff - Boris Christoff: An Authorized Biography
206584: Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson - Church Unity and the Papal Office: An Ecumenical Dialogue on John Paul II's Encyclical Ut Unum Sint (That All May Be One)
189258: Luc de Brabandere - The Forgotten Half of Change: Achieving Greater Creativity Through Changes in Perception
121275: Charles Loring Brace - The Norse-Folk; or a Visit to the Homes of Norway and Sweden
174485: Charles Loring Brace - The New West: Or, California in 1867-1868
186774: Harold A. Brack - Effective Oral Interpretation for Religious Leaders
197067: Joseph A. Bracken - God: Three Who Are One
192604: Len Bracken - The Arch Conspirator
200143: Hugh Henry Brackenridge and Philip Freneau - Father Bombo's Pilgrimage to Mecca 1770
175422: H.M. Brackenridge - Journal of a Voyage Up the River Missouri; Performed in Eighteen Hundred and Eleven
207591: Dean Brackley - Divine Revolution: Salvation & Liberation in Catholic Thought
166262: William H. Brackney, ed - Baptist Life and Thought: 1600-1980; a Source Book
178749: Ray Bradbury, foreword - Space: The Once and Future Frontier [Collector's Issue of National Geographic]
174910: Malcolm Bradbury - Dangerous Pilgrimages: Transatlantic Mythologies and the Novel
179075: Ray Bradbury, introduction; Steve Baskerville, Del Barras, John Carnell, Lars Hokanson, Howard Simpson, Anthony Williams, Wally Wood - The Ray Bradbury Chronicles, Volume 7: Trilogy of Terror
179074: Ray Bradbury, introduction; Guy Davis, Jack Kamen, Michael Lark, Ross MacDonald, John J. Muth, P. Craig Rusell, John Van Fleet - The Ray Bradbury Chronicles, Volume 6
202998: Jim Bradbury - The Capetians: Kings of France, 987-1328
126835: Ray Bradbury - The Love Affair: A Short Story and Two Poems
130545: Charles S. Braden - Religious Aspects of the Conquest of Mexico
177612: Roark Bradford - John Henry
71208: Gamaliel Bradford - Daughters of Eve
1246829: George P. Bradford - Reminiscences of Brook Farm by a Member of the Community
203502: Mary Lythgoe Bradford, ed - Personal Voices: A Celebration of Dialogue
71207: Gamaliel Bradford - Damaged Souls
177603: Roark Bradford - Ol' Man Adam an' His Chillun: Being the Tales They Tell About the Time When the Lord Walked the Earth Like a Natural Man
142544: Amory H. Bradford - The Inward Light
175414: Ned Bradford - Battles and Leaders of the CIVIL War
185344: Quinn Bradlee with Jeff Himmelman - A Different Life: Growing Up Learning Disabled and Other Adventures; a Memoir
200466: Francis Bradley - The American Proposition: A New Type of Man
141555: Ian Bradley - William Morris and His World
191026: John Bradley - The Russian Revolution
182327: Ritamary Bradley - Praying with Julian of Norwich: Selections from "a Revelation of Love" with Commentary
208106: Ruth Bradley and Mary Ann Taeger - Keeping Records and Budgets
1225007: Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Maenads
107159: Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Necessity for Beauty
200543: Richard Bradley - The Country Housewife and Lady's Director
207237: Paul F. Bradshaw and Maxwell E. Johnson - The Eucharistic Liturgies: Their Evolution and Interpretation
201560: Paul F. Bradshaw - The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
201390: Paul F. Bradshaw - Early Christian Worship: A Basic Introduction to Ideas and Practice
148239: Paul F. Bradshaw, ed - Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers
202333: Paul F. Bradshaw - The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
174622: Edmund W. Bradwin - The Bunkhouse Man: A Study of Work and Pay in the Camps of Canada 1903-1914
310797: William Brady - An Eighty Year Old Doctor's Secrets of Positive Health
198760: St. Augustine; Jules M. Brady, ed - An Augustine Treasury: Religious Imagery Selections Taken from the Writings of Saint Augustine
143340: Kevin P. Brady, ed - Technology in Schools
191389: St. Francis of Assisi; Ignatius Brady, tr - The Prayers of Saint Francis
170208: Charles A. Brady - Stage of Fools
199869: Patricia C. Brady - Has Anything Really Changed? a Study: The Diocese of Victoria Since Vatican II
193365: Robert A. Brady - The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism
185741: St. Augustine; Jules M. Brady, ed - An Augustine Treasury: Religious Imagery Selections Taken from the Writings of Saint Augustine
171252: William O. Brady, arr - Practical Handbook of Rites, Blessings and Prayers
207590: Bernard V. Brady - Essential Catholic Thought
188379: Randolph L. Braham - Jews in the Communist World: A Bibliography 1945-1960
184175: Brahamajaharak - The Sinner, Translated from the Pali of Brahamajaharak
189405: Laurence J. Brahm - Zhu Rongji and the Transformation of Modern China
185135: Johannes Brahms - Complete Concerti in Full Score
185138: Johannes Brahms - Complete Sonatas for Solo Instrument and Piano: 3 Violin Sonatas, Scherzo for Violin and Piano, 2 Cello Sonatas, 2 Clarinet (Viola) Sonatas
185131: Johannes Brahms - Three Orchestral Works in Full Score: Academic Festival Overture, Tragic Overture and Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn
185132: Johannes Brahms - German Requiem in Full Score
185084: Johannes Brahms - Complete Chamber Music for Strings and Clarinet Quintet
185083: Johannes Brahms - Serenades Nos. 1 & 2 in Full Score
185536: Johannes Brahms - Complete Songs for Solo Voice and Piano, Series IV
150447: Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd - Our Little Old Lady
173416: C. Brakman - Annaeana Nova Velleiana Ad Scriptores Hist. Aug. Ad Panegyricos Latinos
310030: Ernest Bramah - The Celestial Omnibus
201240: Alessandro Brambilla - Le Medaglie Italiane Negli Ultimi 200 Anni, Parte Prima and Parte Seconda
167871: Allan K. Bramkamp, ed - The Students' Handbook of the University of Cincinnati 1931-1932
310239: Jim Bramlett - Ride for the High Points: The Real Story of Will James
175150: [Thomas Branagan] - The Excellency of the Female Character Vindicated; Being an Investigation Relative to the Cause and Effects of the Encroachments of Men Upon the Rights of Women, and the Too Frequent Degradation and Consequent Misfortunes of the Fair Sex
184419: Edgar Branch - A Bibliography of James T. Farrell's Writings 1921-1957
177656: Taylor Branch - Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65
123140: Jerome Branche, ed - Diversity Across the Curriculum: A Guide for Faculty in Higher Education
177134: Max Brand - Fightin' Fool
202197: Charles M. Brand, ed - Icon and Minaret: Sources of Byzantine and Islamic Civilization
184256: Madeline Brandeis - The Wee Scotch Piper
208153: Ernest Brandewie - In the Light of the Word: Divine Word Missionaries of North America
49547: Monica Moran Brandies - Bless You for the Gifts
145598: Alois Brandl - Anglica: Untersuchungen Zur Englischen Philologie, Vol. II
197482: S.G.F. Brandon - The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church: A Study of the Effects of the Jewish Overthrow of A.D. 70 on Christianity
150624: Henry R. T. Brandreth - Unity and Reunion: A Bibliography
191107: H.W. Brands - The Zealot and the Emancipator: John Brown, Abraham Lincoln and the Struggle for American Freedom
310345: Titus Brandsma - Carmelite Mysticism: Historical Sketches
194758: Leslie F. Brandt - Book of Christian Prayer
183796: Nat Brandt - The Town That Started the CIVIL War
310604: Johanna Brandt - The Grape Cure
310291: John L. Brandt - America or Rome, Christ or the Pope
169729: Leslie F. Brandt - Psalms/Now
66929: George Brandtl, ed - Catholicism
202453: Paul F. Brandwein - Memorandum: On Renewing Schooling and Education
195687: William Branford, ed - The South African Pocket Oxford Dictionary
197697: Vincent P. Branick - Understanding the Historical Books of the Old Testament
197386: Vincent P. Branick - Understanding the Prophets and Their Books
195891: Phylip Branke and Mair ap Myrddin - Welsh in Three Months
197624: Rev. Henry A. Brann - Most Reverend John Hughes, First Archbishop of New York
111148: Eva Brann - The Past-Present: Selected Writings of Eva Brann
207470: Reverend Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield - Meeting Jesus Christ: Meditations on the Word
1279489: Charles N. Bransom, Jr. - Ordinations of Us Catholic Bishops 1790-1989: A Chronological List
200239: Ann Branson - Journal of Ann Branson, a Minister of the Gospel in the Society of Friends
198344: Revs. Joseph E. Brasky and Bernard Felsecker, comps - Saints We Love
1263369: Gabriel M. Braso - Liturgy and Spirituality
37037: A. Brassac - Manuale Biblico Ossia Corso Di Sacra Scrittura Ad Uso Dei Seminari: Nuovo Testamento
184102: Raymond Brassard, ed - Killer Sharks: The Jaws of Death (Vol. 1, No. 1)
148121: Audrey Brassloff - Religion and Politics in Spain: The Spanish Church in Transition, 1962-96
184463: David Bratt - Tom Stoppard: A Reference Guide
176210: John Bratt - Trails of Yesterday
186245: Jacob M. Braude - Complete Speaker's and Toastmaster's Library
177970: Fernand Braudel - A History of Civilizations
191553: Fernand Braudel - The Wheels of Commerce
194115: Moshe A. Braun - The Jewish Holy Days: Their Spiritual Significance
68183: F.-M. Braun, O.P. - Jesus: Histoire Et Critique
168022: Denny Braun - The Rich Get Richer: The Rise of Income Inequality in the United States and the World
169103: Richard Emil Braun, trans - Sophocles: Antigone
183591: Joseph Braun - Handbuch Der Paramentik
178940: Braun and Schneider - Historic Costume in Pictures
100013: Lena Braverman - The Thirteen Colonies Resist the Hated Stamp Tax - October 19 1765
183393: Brett Bravo - Crystal Love Secrets
206917: Robert L. Brawley - Character Ethics and the New Testament: Moral Dimensions of Scripture
163493: Robert L. Brawley - Luke-Acts and the Jews: Conflict, Apology, and Conciliation
199865: Edward K. Braxton - The Wisdom Community
195516: Edward K. Braxton - The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. : What If He Were Still Alive Today
204114: Gerald Bray, ed - Romans: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Series, New Testament VI
179137: Gerald Bray, ed - Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament Vol. VII: 1-2 Corinthians
205857: S. Alice Bray, comp - The Baby's Journal
171504: Neville Braybrooke, arr - A Partridge in a Pear Tree: A Celebration for Christmas
188030: St. Jean de Brebeuf - A Canadian Christmas Carol: Jesous Ahatonhia; a Huron Indian Carol (Circa 1641)
205605: Jeremy Brecher - Strike!
163535: Rabbi Ch. M. Brecher - Grace, Hymns and Blessings
171826: Rabbi Ch. M. Brecher, arr - Tfillath Yesharim: Hebrew Prayer Book
192598: Gary Brechin - Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin
167055: Martin Brecht - Kirchenordnung Und Kirchenzucht in Wurttemberg Vom 16 Bis Zum 18. Jahrhundert
197520: John Breck - Scripture in Tradition: The Bible and Its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church
160707: Gerald Breckenridge - The Radio Boys Seek the Lost Atlantis
147939: Adriaan H. Bredero - Bernard of Clairvaux: Between Cult and History
181671: Germaine Bree - Marcel Proust and Deliverance from Time
191871: Germaine Bree, ed - Twentieth Century French Literature: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry
174600: Rev. W.P. Breed - Presbyterians and the Revolution
199349: Peter G. van Breemen - A Bread That Is Broken
187478: Peter van Breemen - The God Who Won't Let Go
190498: Peter G. van Breemen - Certain As the Dawn
187583: Peter van Breemen - The God Who Won't Let Go
187578: Peter van Breemen - The God of Our Deepest Longings: Seven Biblical Meditations
166915: A.E. Breen - A General and Critical Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture
190442: Stephen Breen - Recent Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
179878: A.E. Breen - A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture
130695: J.T. Breese - Pen Portraits of Distinguished Characters
183521: Jilliana Ranicar-Breese, introduction - Parisien Ladies
196529: Brian de Breffny - In the Steps of St. Patrick
192644: Peter R. Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin - The War Against Children of Color: Psychiatry Targets Inner-City Youth
26330: Katherine Bregy - Queen of Paradox: A Stuart Tragedy
1249113: Katherine Bregy - The Story of Saint Francis de Sales: Patron of Catholic Writers
104024: Plotin - edited by Emile Brehier - Enneades Vol. VI Part II
104026: Plotin - edited by Emile Brehier - Enneades Vol. V.
60112: Emile Brehier - The Hellenic Age
65666: Joseph A. Breig - My Pants When I Die
180619: Joseph A. Breig - God in Our House: Reflections on the Gospels or Epistles for Sundays and Some of the Feasts
194609: James Breig - Why Go to Mass? a Layperson Answers
146035: Joseph A. Breig - Life with My Mary
196698: Carl W. Breihan with Marion Ballert - Billy the Kid: A Date with Destiny
105930: A. Brekke and A. Egeland - The Northern Light
174748: Fredrika Bremer - The Homes of the New World; Impressions of America, Volumes I-II
202233: Henri Bremond - Histoire Litteraire Du Sentiment Religieux En France Depuis la Fin Des Guerres de Religion Jusqu'a Nos Jours, Volume III: La Conquete Mystique
161535: Henri Bremond - The Mystery of Newman
1243982: Georges Mathieu & Emile Bremond - Isocrate Discours, Tome II
123546: Henri Bremond - Prayer & Poetry: A Contribution to Poetical Theory
185539: Alfred Brendel - Musical Thoughts & Afterthoughts
1278847: Robert Edward Brennan - The Image of His Maker: A Study of the Nature of Man
183362: J.H. Brennan - Magick for Beginners: The Power to Change Your World
184016: Joe Brennan - Frog-Suited Fighters
208181: Patrick J. Brennan - Parishes That Excel: Models of Excellence in Education, Ministry, and Evangelization
186272: Rev. Gerald T. Brennan - Angel Food: Little Talks to Little Folks (Series One)
188899: Herbie Brennan - The Atlantis Enigma
179958: Rev. Gerald T. Brennan - Going His Way: Little Talks to Little Folks
193728: Margaret R. Brennan - What Was There for Me Once: A Memoir
300259: Rev. Martin Brennan - What Catholics Have Done for Science with Sketches of the Great Catholic Scientists
61685: Bernard P. Brennan - The Ethics of William James
149095: Susan W. Brenner - Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace
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