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43326: Culver Bernardo Alford - Jus Matrimoniale Comparatum
164960: Alfred L. Nelson, Karl W. Folley, and Max Coral - Differential Equations
177112: Alfred H. Kelly, Winfred A. Harbison, and Herman Belz - The American Constitution: Its Origins and Development
205853: Horatio Alger - Tom Thatcher's Fortune
195034: William Rounseville Alger - The Sword, the Pen, and the Pulpit: With a Trubute to the Christian Genius and Memory of Charles Dickens. A Discourse Delivered in Boston Music Hall, on Sunday, June 19, 1870
179739: Rev. Konrad Algermissen - Christian Denominations
192819: Tariq Ali - Masters of the Universe? Nato's Balkan Crusade
192817: Tariq Ali with David Barsamian - Speaking of Empire and Resistance: Conversations with Tariq Ali
171966: Torick Ameer-Ali, trans - Memoirs of Sir Andrew Melvill Translated from the French, and the Wars of the Seventeenth Century
207250: Michael Nazir-Ali - Citizens and Exiles: Christian Faith in a Plural World
192821: Tariq Ali - Street Fighting Years: The Autobiography of the Sixties
1240448: 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali - The Holy Qur'an
172326: Abdullah Yusuf Ali - The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings of the Qur'an with Notes
195914: Hygino Aliandro - Dicionario Ingles-Portugues
207832: Alice Frazer Evans, Robert A. Evans, and David A. Roozen - The Globalization of Theological Education
191405: Saul D. Alinsky - Reveille for Radicals
191406: Saul D. Alinsky - Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals
188983: Tony Allan and Sara Maitland - Titans and Olympians: Greek & Roman Myth
174060: Allan Nevins, James I. Robertson, Jr., and Bell I. Wiley, eds - CIVIL War Books: A Critical Bibliography
189577: Allan and Jean Burgess; Max and Bette Molgard - A Child's Book of Mormon Activity Book
189587: Allan and Jean Burgess; Max and Bette Molgard - A Child's Book of Mormon Activity Book, Book Two
170418: Paul Allard - Ten Lectures on the Martyrs
71844: Paul Allard - Histoire Des Persecutions Pendant Les Deux Premiers Siecles [Vols. I-III]
183566: Pamela Allardice - Aphrodisiacs and Love Magic: The Mystic Lure of Love Charms
310017: Ali A. Allawi - The Crisis of Islamic Civilization
1246828: Arthur Allchin - An Illustrator of Dickens: Hablot Knight Browne (Phiz)
103958: A.H. Allcroft - Caesar: CIVIL War Book I.
123965: Keith Alldritt - David Jones: Writer and Artist
149822: Marjorie Hill Allee - Judith Lankester
184551: Harold B. Allen, comp - Linguistics and English Linguistics
196642: O. Wesley Allen, Jr. - Reading the Synoptic Gospels: Basic Methods for Interpreting Matthew, Mark, and Luke
202991: Pierre Riche; Michael Idomir Allen, tr - The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europe
163176: Alexander V.G. Allen - Phillips Brooks 1835-1893: Memories of His Life with Extracts from His Letters and Note-Books
193246: Homer; Thomas W. Allen, ed - Homeri: Opera, Tomus III; Odysseae Libros I-XII Continens
193247: Homer; Thomas W. Allen, ed - Homeri: Opera, Tomus IV; Odysseae Libros XIII-XXIV Continens
175443: Col. Ethan Allen - Reason, the Only Oracle of Man; or a Compendious System of Natural Religion
173085: Bruce Ware Allen - Tiber: Eternal River of Rome
201907: John L. Allen, Jr. - All the Pope's Men: An Inside Story of How the Vatican Really Thinks
176173: Joe Logan Allen - Passage Through the Garden: Lewis and Clark and the Image of the American Northwest
169993: Charles L. Allen - Prayer Changes Things
310382: Conde P. Allen and John J. Wynne, eds - The New Catholic Dictionary: A Complete Work of Reference on Every Subject in the Life, Belief, Tradition, Rites, Symbolism, Devotions, History, Biography, Laws, Dioceses, Missions, Centers, Institutions, Organizations, Statistics of the Church and Her Part in Promoting Science, Art, Education, Social Welfare, Morals and Civilization
172314: Charlotte Allen - The Human Christ: The Search for the Historical Jesus
15402: Troy Allen - Disaster
201490: John L. Allen, Jr. - The Francis Miracle: Inside the Transformation of the Pope and the Church
198627: Grace Barton Allen - Water Color Painting: A Book of Elementary Instruction for Beginners and Amateurs
160145: Brigid Allen - Peter Levi: Oxford Romantic
191204: Douglas Allen and Douglas Allen, Jr. - N.C. Wyeth: The Collected Paintings, Illustrations and Murals
195579: John L. Allen, Jr. - Pope Benedict XVI: A Biography of Joseph Ratzinger
197560: James Turney Allen - The First Year of Greek
176090: Robert F. Allen - A Rugged Man's Life
181325: Hervey Allen - Action at Aquila
183794: Joan Allen - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
197100: Roger Allen and Shawkat M. Toorawa, eds - Islam: A Short Guide to the Faith
198324: Thomas W. Allen - Homer: The Origins and the Transmission
177180: Ethan Allen - A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity Containing His Voyages & Travels
207733: Reginald E. Allen - Greek Philosophy: Thales to Aristotle
124115: John L. Allen, Jr. - The Rise of Benedict XVI: The Inside Story of How the Pope Was Elected and Where He Will Take the Catholic Church
113041: James Turney Allen - Stage Antiquities of the Greeks and Romans and Their Influence
169953: Clifton J. Allen - The Gospel According to Paul: A Study of the Letter to the Romans
167156: Frederick Allen, ed - Battles and Leaders: The Captains Who Gave the Orders - and the Men Who Carried Them out
179657: James B. Allen and Richard O. Cowan - Mormonism in the Twentieth Century
83802: Reginald Allen - W.S. Gilbert: An Anniversary Survey and Exhibition Checklist with Thirty-Five Illustrations
177220: W.A. Allen - The Sheep Eaters
204433: Donald Allen, ed - The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara
182777: P.S. Allen and H.M. Allen - Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, Tomes I-XI
145287: George H. Allen - Complete Book of Winning Football Drills
190010: Paul J. Allen - Christ Beyond Christianity: Christianity and Other Religions
147706: James Lane Allen - Flute and Violin and Other Kentucky Tales and Romances
197882: Colin Allen and Michael Hand - Logic Primer
166860: Tom & Patsy Allen - Rainbow Treasure
191447: Isabel Allende - The House of the Spirits
180504: Rudolf Allers - The Psychology of Character
191311: Rudolf Allers - Self Improvement
204306: Elizabeth Rice Allgeier and Albert Richard Allgeier - Sexual Interactions
147745: The Scottish Protestant Alliance - The Papacy of Modern Times: Report of the National Convention of Protestants Held in Glasgow, December, 1886
183545: Thomas William Allies - The See of St. Peter: The Rock of the Church, the Source of Jurisdiction, and the Centre of Unity
175663: Lewis Alliger - A Facsimile Page of the Gutenberg Bible
96511: William Allingham - The Diaries
173345: William Allingham; H. Allingham and D. Radford, eds - William Allingham: The Diaries
113039: Francis G. Allinson - Lucian Satirist and Artist
206655: Dale C. Allison, Jr. - The Jesus Tradition in Q.
310780: David P. Allison - Greater Love Hath No Man
175334: Robert J. Allison, ed - Narratives of Barbary Captivity: Recollections of James Leander Cathcart, Jonathan Cowdery, and William Ray
185167: Ronald Allison and Sarah Riddell, eds - The Royal Encyclopedia
62531: J.-J. Von Allmen, ed - A Companion to the Bible
201289: J.-J. von Allmen - Worship: Its Theology and Practice
197907: Gordon W. Allport - The Nature of Prejudice
43324: Vincent C. Allred - The Legal Status of the Ante-Nuptial Promise Before Mixed Marriage
206696: Michael E. Allsopp and John J. O'Keefe, eds - Veritatis Splendor: American Responses
181321: Rev. Emilio S. Allue and Kathleen Keefe - The Image of Mercy
185518: June Allyson with Frances Spatz Leighton - June Allyson
144770: Sister Maria Alma - Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with Life and Letters of Our Founder Reverend Louis Florent Gillet
143188: Edward Almack - The History of the Second Dragoons 'Royals Scots Greys'
148151: Frank D. Almade - Just Wages for Church Employees
199314: Cardinal John J. Wright; R. Stephen Almagno, ed - Resonare Christum, Volume I, 1939-1959: A Selection from the Sermons, Addresses, Interviews, and Papers of Cardinal John J. Wright
207870: Antonio Jose de Almeida - Un Solo Cuerpo Y Un Solo Espiritu
176547: Linda Stevens Almond - Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy
176552: Linda Stevens Almond - Peter Rabbit and the Two Terrible Foxes
176545: Linda Stevens Almond - When Peter Rabbit Went to School
176553: Linda Stevens Almond - Peter Rabbit's Holiday
176556: Linda Stevens Almond - Peter Rabbit Goes a-Visiting
168233: Jocelyn Almond and Keith Seddon - The Book of Egyptian Ritual: Simple Rites and Blessings for Everyday
176544: Linda Stevens Almond - Peter Rabbit's Birthday
176543: Linda Stevens Almond - Peter Rabbit and Little White Rabbit
1275833: Arthur Alonso - Catholic Action and the Laity
203830: Matthew Alper - The "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpreatation of Human Spirituality and God
196403: Henry Alpern - The March of Philosophy
60065: Henry Alpern - The March of Philosophy
192133: R.L. Alsaker - Outwitting Old Age
178947: Susan Mary Alsop - The Yankees at Court: The First Americans in Paris
198464: William P. Alston and George Nakhnikian, eds - Readings in Twentieth-Century Philosophy
198503: Albrecht Alt - Essays on Old Testament History and Religion
43323: Vigilius Alt - De Potestate Magistri Spiritus Ad Normam Canonis 588
310086: Berthold Altaner - Patrologia
1276539: Berthold Altaner - Patrology
44082: Archbishop Karl Alter - Fifth Synod of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1954
206336: Robert Alter - The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel
1246268: Archbishop Karl J. Alter - The Mind of an Archbishop: A Study of Man in the Writings of the Most Reverend Karl J. Alter
1258608: Archbishop Karl J. Alter - The Mind of an Archbishop: A Study of Man in the Writings of the Most Reverend Karl J. Alter
97514: Bishop Karl J. Alter - 25 Questions and 25 Answers on State Support for Religious Free Schools
97513: Bishop Karl J. Alter - A Catechism on the School Problem
193509: Josef L. Altholz - The Churches in the Nineteenth Century
123062: Josef L. Altholz - The Liberal Catholic Movement in England: The "Rambler" and Its Contributors , 1848-1864
200095: Richard D. Altick - The Scholar Adventurers
104265: Jerome L. Altman - Microwave Circuits
161579: James David Altman - Three Hundred Important Dates of the War between the States
171591: Jack Altman - Discover Greece
176636: Nathaniel Altman - The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Palmistry
196504: Gerard T. Altoff - Oliver Hazard Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie
189725: Gerard T. Altoff - Oliver Hazard Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie
196511: Joseph A. Altsheler - The Horsemen of the Plains: A Story of the Great Cheyenne War
109719: Jospeh A. Altsheler - In Hostile Red: A Romance of the Monmouth Campaign
18543: Joseph A. Altsheler - The Free Rangers
198395: Joseph A. Altsheler - The Young Trailers: A Story of Early Kentucky
179359: Rafael Alvarez - First & Forever: The Archdiocese of Baltimore; a People's History
176738: Alvin and Heidi Toffler - War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century
200344: Alvin and Heidi Toffler - War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century
176730: John W. Alvord and Charles B. Burdick - Relief from Floods: The Fundamentals of Flood Prevention, Flood Protection and the Means for Determining Proper Remedies
165957: Charles P. Alvord and Eugene H. Hughey - Practical Spelling Lessons: Book One
175734: Bower Aly, ed - Alexander Hamilton: Selections Representing His Life, His Thought, and His Style
182180: Aviva Bar-Am - Beyond the Walls: Churches of Jerusalem
207379: D.S. Amalorpavadass - Purpose and Motivation of Missionary Activity
207380: D.S. Amalorpavadass - Theology of Development (a Lecture Delivered at the Second Missionary Zonal Consultation Held in Bombay from the 20th to 23rd September, 1969)
204229: Geraldine Amaral and Nancy Brady Cunningham - Tarot Celebrations: Honoring the Inner Voice
88008: Anthony Amaral - Will James: The Last Cowboy Legend
194652: Sister Mary Amatora - The Queen's Heart of Gold: The Complete Story of Our Lady of Beauraing
206968: Sister Mary Amatora - The Queen's Portrait: The Story of Guadalupe
191317: Eric Ambler - Eric Ambler's Double Decker
177518: Charles Henry Ambler - A History of Transportation in the Ohio Valley with Special Reference to Its Waterways, Trade, and Commerce from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
191415: Eric Ambler - Intrigue: Four Great Spy Novels of Eric Ambler
113241: H.R. Haldeman; Stephen E. Ambrose, intro - The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House
104001: St. Ambrose - Qua Continentur Libri
192217: Marcellino D'Ambrosio - Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
187226: Victor G. Ambrus - Brave Soldier Janosh
194722: St. Ignatius Loyola; Aloysius Ambruzzi, ed - The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius with a Commentary
166752: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) - The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 1992
187888: Carol Ameche - As We Wait in Joyful Hope for the Second Coming of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Spiritual Preparation for the Purification, Tribulation, Chastisement and Triumph of the Two Hearts
66299: Ernest P. Ament - Industrial Recovery Legistlation in the Light of Catholic Principles
184409: The Committee on Latin America - Latin American Economic & Social Serials
163317: The United Lutheran Church in America - Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church
1256988: Canon Law Society of America - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition
188615: Canon Law Society of America - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition
50020: Catholic Biblical Association of America - Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1959 Complete)
172470: The Collie Club of America - The Complete Collie
169943: German Evangelical Synod of North America - Christian Hymns for the Use of Young People's Societies, Sunday Schools and Church Services
164276: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America - Manual for Church Officers and Members of the Government, Discipline, and Worship of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America [1952]
164277: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America - Manual for Church Officers and Members of the Government, Discipline, and Worship of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America [1951]
207894: The Franciscan OFM Conference of North America - The Rule and the General Constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor: Our Plan for Franciscan Living
198610: Joint Commission on the Revision of the Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America - The Hymnal 1940 Companion
112630: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. LXXXVI 1968
112631: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. LXXXVII 1969
112632: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. LXXXIV 1966
164366: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America - Manual for Church Officers and Members of the Government, Discipline, and Worship of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America [1927]
44043: Catholic University of America - The Inaugeration of the Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Joseph Mccormick, Ph. D. As Rector of the University
44044: Catholic University of America - The Inaugeration of the Right Reverend Monsignor William Joseph Mcdonald, Ph. D. , LL. D. As Rector of the University
142157: Catholic Biblical Association of America - Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible Translated from the Original Languages with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources
195535: Canon Law Society of America - Protection of Rights of Persons in the Church: Revised Report of the Canon Law Society of America on the Subject of Due Process
193726: Canon Law Society of America - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition
195417: Canon Law Society of America - Proceedings of the Seventy-Seventh Annual Convention: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12-15, 2015
87956: Catholic University of America - The Saint Andrew Bible Missal
171419: The Western Writers of America - Water Trails West
163311: The United Lutheran Church in America - Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church
146378: Boy Scouts of America - Merit Badge Series, 7 Vols. ; Photography; Basketry; Reptile Study; Nature; Camping; Seamanship; and Cooking
206556: The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America - Working Together Through the National Council of Churches
182273: Association of the Monasteries of Nuns of the Order of Preachers of the United States of America - Vocation in Black and White: Dominican Contemplative Nuns Tell How God Called Them
164279: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America - Manual for Church Officers and Members of the Government, Discipline, and Worship of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America [1928]
164278: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America - Manual for Church Officers and Members of the Government, Discipline, and Worship of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America [1950]
170421: The Catholic University of America - Inauguration of the Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Joseph Mccormick, Ph. D. , As Rector of the University; Tuesday, November Ninth MCMXLIII
169648: The United Lutheran Church in America - Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church
163224: Catholic Biblical Association of America - The New American Bible
122755: Hispanic Society of America - Notes Hispanic: Vol. III-V
112637: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. XCIV 1976
112638: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. XCV 1977
195572: Canon Law Society of America - Proceedings of the Seventy-Seventh Annual Convention: Houston, Texas, October 10-135, 2016
194770: The United Lutheran Church in America - Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church
110687: The Mariological Society of America - The Marian Dimension of the Christian Life: I - the Early Period
110682: The Mariological Society of America - With the Mother of the Lord
112636: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. XCII 1974
112633: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. LXXXV 1967
112634: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. XC 1972
112635: The Dante Society of America - Dante Studies: Vol. XCI 1973
195719: Canon Law Society of America - Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Convention: San Diego, California, October 6-9, 1975
39071: The Catholic Theological Society of America - Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Convention
310292: General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America - Church Book. For the Use of Evangelical Lutheran Congregations
186185: Catholic Theological Societry of America - Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought
1264071: Canon Law Society of America - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition
146559: The Home Missioners of America - A Call to Battle for Christ and Souls
1259476: Canon Law Society of America - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition
189627: The Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America - Bishop Walsh and Maryknoll [the Field Afar, May-June 1936]
1265151: [Black Americana] - An Original Family Photo Album of a Black American Family's Vacations, 1950s/1960s
205657: Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - Praying in the Spirit of Catherine Mcauley: A Collection of Prayers Written or Compiled by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
195759: Heather Amery and Katrina Kirilenko - The First Thousand Words in Russian with Easy Pronunciation Guide
189457: Carl Amery - Capitulation: The Lesson of German Catholicism
195760: Heather Amery and Yaffa Haron - The First Thousand Words in Hebrew with Easy Pronunciation Guide
177417: Julius R. Ames, comp - Anti-Slavery Writings: Collection of Seven Bound Pamphlets
177748: Seth Ames, ed - Works of Fisher Ames. With a Selection from His Speeches and Correspondence. (Volumes I-II)
181777: Felix Guirands; Delano Ames, tr - Greek Mythology
162720: Mustafa El-Amin - The Religion of Islam and the Nation of Islam: What's the Difference
62811: Francois Amiot - Lectio Divina 24: Les Idees Maitresses de Saint Paul
186923: Francois Amiot - The Key Concepts of St. Paul
148033: Francois Amiot - How to Read St. Paul
192788: Amir Cheshin, Bill Hutman, and Avi Melamed - Separate and Unequal: The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in East Jerusalem
185063: John Amis - My Music in London 1945-2000
185091: John Amis - A Miscellany: My Life, My Music
185698: John Amis and Michael Rose - Words About Music: A Treasury of Writings
206392: Yairah Amit - Reading Biblical Narratives: Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible
188483: Jost Amman - Pictorial Archive of Decorative Renaissance Woodcuts (Kunstbuchlin)
94747: Rudolf Ammann - Sicht-Kontakt Mit Maria IM Gesprach
188934: Pamela Ammondson - Clarity Quest: How to Take a Sabbatical without Taking More Than a Week Off
310043: Fr. Gabriele Amorth - An Exorcist Tells His Story
181557: Mark Amory - Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric
192270: Louis L'Amour - The Tall Stranger
1281038: Louis L'Amour - Sackett's Land
192793: Nachum Amsel - The Jewish Encyclopedia of Moral and Ethical Issues
142781: John de Amundesham - An Account of the Altars, Monuments, & Tombs, Existing A.D. 1428 in Saint Alban's Abbey
196757: Amy-Jill Levine, ed., with Maria Mayo Robbins - A Feminist Companion to the New Testament Apocrypha
188988: Wang Guo'an - A Handbook for 1,000 Basic Chinese Characters
207066: Ana Flora Anderson, Fray Gilberto Gorgulho, Rafael Rodrigues Da Silva, and Pedro Lima Vasconcellos - La Historia de la Palabra I.
207067: Ana Flora Anderson, Fray Gilberto Gorgulho, Rafael Rodrigues Da Silva, and Pedro Lima Vasconcellos - La Historia de la Palabra II
204286: Margo Anand - The Art of Sexual Magic
67657: Paul Anciaux - The Episcopate in the Church
120364: Crescencio Carrillo y Ancona - Historia Antigua de Yucatan
191655: O. Fritiof Ander, ed - In the Trek of the Immigrants: Essays Presented to Carl Wittke
113230: Curt Anders - Disaster in Damp Sand: The Red River Expedition
199121: Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman - Amos: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
204411: Christopher Andersen - An Affair to Remember: The Remarkable Love Story of Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy
203486: Andersen - Hc: Human Capital
205693: H.C. Andersen; Eva Le Gallienne - Seven Tales
199877: Jon W. Anderson and William B. Friend, eds - The Culture of Bible Belt Catholics
190098: Bernhard W. Anderson - Understanding the Old Testament
61951: Robert Fendel Anderson - Hume's First Principles
199457: Joseph Henry Beale; Robert Bowie Anderson, supplement - A Bibliography of Early English Law Books
130574: Charles L. G. Anderson - Life and Letter of Vasco Nunez de Balboa
193045: Jack Anderson - Washington Money-Go-Round
197235: Bernhard W. Anderson with Steven Bishop - Contours of Old Testament Theology
171607: Roy Anderson - The Markets and Fairs of England and Wales: A Buyer's and Browser's Guide
189990: William J. Anderson - The Architecture of Ancient Rome: An Account of Its Historic Development; Being the Second Part of the Architecture of Greece and Rome
310297: Zoda Elizabeth Anderson - Stoney Batter: A Novel of the Nineteenth-Century Pennsylvania Dutch and the Discovery of Oil
310476: Joy Anderson, ed - The American Catholic Who's Who 1978-1979
186728: Kevin Anderson - Echoes of the Jurassic
201083: James B. Anderson - A Pneumatology of the Paschal Mystery: Ad Gentes I, 2-5
202715: Poul Anderson - The Boat of a Million Years
197247: Bernhard W. Anderson - Understanding the Old Testament
196853: P. William A. Anderson and Pia Septien - Los Evangelios de Lucas Y Juan; Los Hechos de Los Apostoles: Proclamacion Universal de la Buena Noticia; El Verbo Se Hizo Carne
177797: Frank W. Anderson, Jr. - Orders of Magnitude: A History of Naca and Nasa, 1915-1976
190228: Arthur E. Anderson - The Dynamic Life of John Knox
168049: James D. Anderson - To Come Alive! New Proposal for Revitalizing the Local Church
177302: Florence Bennett Anderson - The Black Sail
191162: Donald M. Anderson - Calligraphy: The Art of Written Forms
185820: Margaret Anderson - The Unknowable Gurdjieff
91135: G.W. Anderson - The History and Religion of Israel
1255832: Robin Anderson - Between Two Wars: The Story of Pope Pius XI (Achille Ratti) 1922-1939
147453: George M. Anderson - With Christ in Prison: Jesuits in Jail from St. Ignatius to the Present
208112: Gerald H. Anderson and Thomas F. Stransky - Mission Trends No. 2: Evangelization
206009: E. Byron Anderson - Worship and Christian Identity: Practicing Ourselves
203304: C. Alan Anderson, Ph.D. - The Problem Is God: The Selection and Care of Your Personal God
190860: Judith Icke Anderson - William Howard Taft: An Intimate History
173307: Janice Anderson - Illuminated Manuscripts
198037: G.W. Anderson - The History and Religion of Israel
207115: George W. Anderson - A Critical Introduction to the Old Testament
196328: Sparky Anderson and Si Burick - The Main Spark: Sparky Anderson and the Cincinnati Reds
207071: Robert T. Anderson and Terry Giles - Tradition Kept: The Literature of the Samaritans
310474: Joy Anderson, ed - The American Catholic Who's Who 1980-81
198158: Bernhard W. Anderson, ed - The Old Testament and Christian Faith: A Theological Discussion
206801: George Christian Anderson - Your Religion: Neurotic or Healthy
206603: Rev. William A. Anderson - Paul's Early and Prison Letters
206604: Rev. William A. Anderson - The Pastoral Letters
1241160: William T. Anderson, ed - A Little House Sampler: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane
122952: Daniel E. Anderson - The Masks of Dionysos: A Commentary on Plato's Symposium
123277: Robert Fendel Anderson - Hume's First Principles
207584: Carl Anderson - A Civilization of Love: Wht Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World
1210856: William James Anderson - A History of the Catholic Parish of St. Mary's, Chelsea
180448: Mark R. Anderson - The Battle for the Fourteenth Colony: America's War of Liberation in Canada
202986: Douglas A. Anderson, ed - The Dream of X and Other Fantastic Visions: Being the Fifth Volume of the Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson
195879: Janice Anderson - Marilyn Monroe
185601: C. Colt Anderson - The Great Catholic Reformers: From Gregory the Great to Dorothy Day
207362: Gerald H. Anderson - The Theology of the Christian Mission
191176: Donald M. Anderson - The Art of Written Forms: The Theory and Practice of Calligraphy
199025: Rev. William A. Anderson - Introduction to New Testament Studies
120017: Theodore M. Andersson - Early Epic Scenery: Homer; Virgil and the Medieval Legacy
98639: Albert Ando et al. - Saving and the Accumulation of Wealth
146934: Publications de Saint-Andre - Missel de L'Assemblee Dominicale
170516: Andre and Lynette Singer - Divine Magic: The World of the Supernatural
161981: Lotte Meyer-Andreae - Sualafeld: Bilder Um Wolfram Von Eschenbach
172408: A.T. Andreas - History of Chicago. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. (3 Volumes)
198030: Niels-Erik A. Andreasen - The Old Testament Sabbath: A Tradition-Historical Investigation
207982: Rafael De Andres - Diccionario Del Judaismo
179957: Margarita Diaz-Andreu and Timothy Champion, eds - Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe
187025: Andrew M. Greeley, William C. McCready, and Kathleen McCourt - Catholic Schools in a Declining Church
310779: Samuel J. Andrews - Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict
192620: Charles Andrews - Profit Fever: The Drive to Corporatize Health Care and How to Stop It
173708: Ted Andrews - More Simplified Magic: Pathworking and the Tree of Life
168468: Bishop Andrews, ed - The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1900 with an Appendix
172161: Edward Deming Andrews - The People Called Shakers: A Search for the Perfect Society
195959: Israel Ward Andrews - Manual of the Constitution of the United States
1268911: Matthew Andrews - Let's Make Love
182208: Thomas G. Andrews - The Jericho Road: The Philosophy of Odd Fellowship
183378: Lynn V. Andrews - Teachings Around the Sacred Wheel: Finding the Soul of the Dreamtime
131112: Matthew Page Andrews, ed - The Poems of James Ryder Randall
196053: Thomas G. Andrews - The Jericho Road: The Philosophy of Odd Fellowship
188077: Theodora Andrews - A Bibliography of Drug Abuse, Including Alcohol and Tobacco
183468: Ted Andrews - Enchantment of the Faerie Realm: Communicate with Nature Spirits & Elementals
207247: E.A. Andrews - A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon Founded on the Larger Latin-German Lexicon of Dr. William Freund: With Additions and Corrections from the Lexicons of Gesner, Facciolati, Scheller, Georges, Etc.
184603: Theodora Andrews - A Bibliography on Herbs, Herbal Medicine, "Natural" Foods, and Unconventional Medical Treatment
124538: William Elliott Andrews - Imagine My Surprise: A Travel-Diary of a Flapper-Philosopher
104456: Edward L. Andrews - Napoleon and America: An Outline of the Relations of the United States to the Career and Downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte
183349: Lynn V. Andrews - Dark Sister: A Sorcerer's Love Story
203168: Stephen E. Andrews and Nick Rennison - 100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
183459: Ted Andrews - Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls: Tools for Ancient Scrying & Modern Seership
187428: Ted Andrews - How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides
204268: Ted Andrews - Magickal Dance: Your Body As an Instrument of Power
146040: Ralph W. Andrews - Indian Primitive
165122: C.W. Andrews - Hymns and Devotional Poetry
310781: C.F. Andrews - Christ in the Silence
172793: Ted Andrews - The Occult Christ: Angelic Mysteries, Seasonal Rituals, the Divine Feminine
195849: Victoria Andreyeva - 1000 Russian Verbs
199730: Dan Andriacco - Taming the Media Monster: A Family Guide to Television, Internet and All the Rest
199729: Dan Andriacco - Screen Saved: Peril and Promise of Media in Ministry
168729: Stephen Andrilli and David Hecker - Elementary Linear Algebra
192258: Ralph K. Andrist - The Long Death: The Last Days of the Plains Indians
179666: Hyrum L. Andrus and Richard E. Bennett, eds - Mormon Manuscripts to 1846: A Guide to the Holdings of the Harold B. Lee Library
179663: Hyrum L. Andrus - Mormonism and the Rise of Western Civilization and the Second American Revolution: Era of Preparation
198392: Rosa Evangeline Angel - This Side and That: Poems
191170: Marie Angel - Painting for Calligraphers
205621: Peter A. Angeles - The Problem of God: A Short Introduction
170713: Ly de Angeles - Witchcraft: Theory and Practice
44251: Seraphinus de Angelis - De Fidelium Associationibus, Vols. I-II
43637: Seraphinus de Angelis - De Indulgentiis: Tractatus Quoad Earum Naturam Et Usum
181328: Sister Mary Angelita - Starshine and Candlelight
178184: Angelo Forte, Richard Oram, and Frederik Pederson - Viking Empires
177340: Maya Angelou - Now Sheba Sings the Song
80536: G. Angenheister - Geophysik, Vol. I.
192006: Frere Francois de Marie des Anges - Fatima: Mary's Immaculate Heart and Your Salvation
172340: Nahid Angha - Principles of Sufism
14786: C.B. Colby & Bradford Angier - The Art and Science of Taking to the Woods
191187: Paul M. Angle and Earl Schenck Miers, comp - American Culture: Some Beginnings
123145: Jay Pascal Anglin - The Third University: A Survey of Schools and Schoolmasters in the Elizabethan Diocese of London
173128: Michael Angold - Byzantium: The Bridge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
205: Anice and Albert Payson Terhune - Typed Manuscript: "Were These the Ten Greatest?
166754: John Ankerberg and John Weldon - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mormonism
148031: Fr. Louis Anler - The Pastoral Companion
197938: Ann MacPherson, Joseph Rhymer, and John Challenor - Prophets I.
195734: Ann-Mari Beite, Gertrud Englund, Siv Higelin, and Nils-Gustav Hildeman - Basic Swedish Grammar
189032: Ann Elwood, Carol Orsag, and Sidney Solomon - Macmillan Illustrated Almanac for Kids
177923: T.K. Ann - Cracking Chinese Puzzles: Ann's Integrated Method of Learning the Chinese Language by Conceptualizing and Philosophizing Approach, Volumes 1-5
145883: Ann Macpherson, et. al - Prophets I.
184337: Ann T. Phelps, Helen S. Farmer, and Thomas E. Backer - New Career Options for Women: A Selected Annotated Bibliography
1253919: Julia Annas - Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction
203116: Julia Annas - Plato: A Very Short Introduction
1251936: Anne M. Butler, Michael E. Engh, and Thomas W. Spalding, eds - The Frontiers and Catholic Identities
175131: Etta Shiber with Anne and Paul Dupre - Paris - Underground
148709: Anne M. Butler, Michael E. Engh, and Thomas W. Spalding, eds - The Frontiers and Catholic Identities
182029: Anne d'Harnoncourt, Ecke Bonk, Lynda Roscoe Hartigan, Walter Hopps, Don Quaintance, and Anne Temkin - Joseph Cornell/Marcel Duchamp... In Resonance
1249129: Sister Mary Annice - The Mission of Mary
103218: Richard J. Anobile - Hooray for Captain Spaulding! Verbal and Visual Gems from Animal Crackers
131076: Anon - Tragedy of Heretical Cruelties
43103: Anon - John Galsworthy: A Sketch of His Life and Works
1234476: Anon - Cardinal Mezzofanti: A Memoir of the Italian Cardinal Reputed to Be the Greatest Linguist in the World
108210: Anon - Bible Stories for Little Children
168576: Anonymous - Saint Louise de Marillac: Mademoiselle le Gras, Co-Foundress of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
130097: Anonymous - Among the Pimas: The Mission to the Pima and Maricopa Indians
148601: Anonymous - The Irish Sisters of Charity: Giving a Brief Sketch of the Foundations of the Congregation
140418: Anonymous - Walt Disney's Stormy
147847: Anonymous - The Eternal Kingdom
73146: Anonymous - The Wright Brothers
130680: Anonymous - La Conmemoracion Del Cuarto Centenario de Los Franciscanos En Colombia 1550-1950
95960: Anonymous - Adnotationes in Linguam Novi Testamenti
148513: Anonymous - France and Her Religious History; or, Sketches of Her Martyrs and Reformers
145617: Anonymous - Eine Gnadenquelle, Oder Gelchichte Der Erlcheinungen Und Wunder in Lourdes
121165: Anonymous - War Songs of the Blue and the Gray As Sung by the Brave Soldiers of the Union and Confederate Armies. .
120411: Anonymous - Tank Data
1259541: Anonymous - Mother Caroline and the School Sisters of Notre Dame in North America: 2 Volumes
145794: Anonymous - Historique Complet de L'Image de Notre-Dame de la Purite
124878: Anonymous - An Entertainment for Lady-Dayes
112511: Anonymous - The Story of the Fisherman from the Arabian Nights Entertainments
102898: Anonymous - A Life-Sketch of Charles Joseph Eugene de Mazenod Bishop of Marseilles and Founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate
102637: Anonymous - Como Amar Y Hacer Amar a Maria
1235316: Anonymous - An Ardent Schervier Daughter: Sister Mary Alacoque Kemper 1875-1956
147942: Anonymous - The Pope in Ireland: A Pictorial Record
130651: Anonymous - Franco Y la Cultura: Labor Del Estado Espanol 1939-1947
200501: Jean Anouilh - Becket or the Honor of God
202392: Tamim Ansary - Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes
97668: Rev. Harry J. Ansbury - May Anyone Marry a Divorcee
207720: G.E.M. Anscombe and P.T. Geach - Three Philosophers
199721: Leisa Anslinger and Victoria Shepp - Forming Generous Hearts: Stewardship Planning for Lifelong Faith Formation
194564: Harold Ansorge - How to Bent Press Correctly
177128: Christopher Anstey - The New Bath Guide; or Memoirs of the B-N-R-D Family, in a Series of Poetical Epistles
191282: Rev. Henry Anstice - What Every Warden and Vestryman Should Know
184992: Samuel Antek - This Was Toscanini
202636: Ruth Schuman-Antelme and Stephane Rossini - Illustrated Hieroglyphics Handbook
181451: Michel Anthonioz - Verve: The Ultimate Review of Art and Literature (1937-1960)
201070: Anthony S.G. Edwards, Katherine Gardiner Rogers, and Clarence H. Miller, eds - The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, Volume 1
178763: Piers Anthony - Demons Don't Dream
121757: Irvin Anthony - Decatur
187656: Anthony J. Blasi, Jean Duhaime, and Paul-Andre Turcotte, eds - Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches
191598: Mary Antin - The Promised Land
173530: Antiphon; Louis Gernet - Antiphon: Discours Suivis Des Fragments D'Antiphon le Sophiste
65068: A.R.P. Gabriele Antoine - Theologia Moralis Universa [Complete Set]
202069: Antoinette and Francis Pope - Antoinette Pope School Cook Book
170756: Anton and Mina Adams - The World of Wizards: Modern Magical Tools and Ancient Traditions
207568: Ricardo Antoncich - Christians in the Face of Injustice: A Latin American Reading of Catholic Social Teaching
131579: Sister Mary Antonia - Introductory Studies in Newman with Introduction, Notes, and Inductive Questions
190514: Michael D'Antonio - Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal
102746: F.J. Van Antwerpen - Heat Transfer: Research Studies for 1954
172273: Duaa Anwar - The Everything Koran Book: Understand the Origins and Influence of the Muslim Holy Book and the Teachings of Allah
188991: Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) - The Aots Nihongo Dictionary for Practical Use
183474: Ann Moura (Aoumiel) - Green Witchcraft III: The Manual
204225: Aoumiel - Dancing Shadows: The Roots of Western Religious Beliefs
187603: Willi Apel - Gregorian Chant
183671: Austin C. Apgar - Trees of the Northern United States: Their Study, Description and Determination for the Use of Schools and Private Students
102102: Fr. Apollinaris - Another Baby
199895: Mons. Julio Daniel Botia Aponte - Hacer Discipulos Y Misioneros Para Jesus: La Pastoral Misionera En la Evangelizacion
205667: Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle - New Missal for Holy Week
191459: John J. Appel, ed - The New Immigration
1258268: Benjamin Appel - Sweet Money Girl
195883: David Appell and Paul Balido, eds - Hot! International: Love and Sex in 7 Languages
310695: Hyman J. Appelman - Christ Is Our Strength
310696: Hyman Appelman - Formula for Revival: First Annual Lecture on Revival and Evangelism; Tennessee Temple Schools, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 1954
310876: Hyman Appelman - Ye Must Be Born Again" and Other Sermons
192631: Susan George, appendix and afterword - The Lugano Report: On Preserving Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century
142042: R. Scott Appleby - Church and Age Unite!" the Modernist Impulse in American Catholicism
149826: Victor Appleton - Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters or Battling with Flames from the Air
195359: George Appleyard - Light of the East: A Guide to Eastern Catholicism for Western Catholics
188393: Mar Aprem - Nestorian Missions
189179: Dianne Aprile - The Abbey of Gethsemani: Place of Peace and Paradox; 150 Years in the Life of America's Oldest Trappist Monastery
189180: Dianne Aprile - The Abbey of Gethsemani: Place of Peace and Paradox; 150 Years in the Life of America's Oldest Trappist Monastery
175482: Roger M. D'Aprix - Struggle for Identity: The Silent Revolution Against Corporate Conformity
205921: W.E.B. Du Bois; Herbert Aptheker, ed - Prayers for Dark People
191807: Herbert Aptheker, ed - A Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States
38536: Matthew of Aquasparta - Quaestiones Disputatae Selectae: Vol. II: Quaestiones de Christo
38538: Matthew of Aquasparta - Quaestiones Disputatae: De Anima XIII
177877: Fr. Matthaei Ab Aquasparta - Quaestiones Disputatae de Productione Rerum Et de Providentia Ad Fidem Codicum Nunc Primum Editae Cura P. Gedeonis Gal, O.F. M.
186442: Mike Aquilina and Fr. Kris D. Stubna - Take Five: Meditations with Pope Benedict XVI
192323: Mike Aquilina - Villains of the Early Church and How They Made Us Better Christians
207817: Mike Aquilina - Good Pope, Bad Pope: Their Lives, Our Lessons
192330: Mike Aquilina - The Church and the Roman Empire (301-490): Constantine, Councils, and the Fall of Rome
194416: Mike Aquilina - The Fathers of the Church: An Introduction to the First Christian Teachers
206654: Mike Aquilina - Sharing Christ's Priesthood: A Bible Study for Catholics
194325: Mike Aquilina - The Mass of the Early Christians
198750: Mike Aquilina - A Year with the Church Fathers: Patristic Wisdom for Daily Living
310500: St. Thomas Aquinas - Quaestiones Disputatae Et Quaestiones Duodecim Quodlibetales, Volumen III. De Veritate (I)
310489: St. Thomas Aquinas - In Omnes S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas: Commentaria, Volumen Secundum
196873: St. Thomas Aquinas - Commentary on the Gospel of John
207710: Saint Thomas Aquinas - Quaestiones Quodlibetales
181091: St. Thomas Aquinas - Summae Contra Gentiles, Libri Quatuor, Tomus Unicus
198532: St. Thomas Aquinas - Aquinas's Shorter Summa: St. Thomas Aquinas's Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologica
206457: Thomas Aquinas - Quaestiones Quodlibetales - Cura Et Studio P. Fr. Raymundi Spiazzi, O.P.
206139: Sister M. Aquinas, tr - The Sanctifier: A Translation by Sister M. Aquinas of the Work "El Espiritu Santo" by Luis M. Martinez
1274918: St. Thomas Aquinas - Light of Faith: The Compendium of Theology
197081: St. Thomas Aquinas - The Ways of God for Meditation and Prayer
188227: S. Thomae Aquinatis [Saint Thomas Aquinas] - Summa Theologica [6-Volume Set]
194139: St. Thomas Aquinas - Catena Aurea: Comentarios Al Evangelio, Tomos I-V
310501: St. Thomas Aquinas - Quaestiones Disputatae Et Quaestiones Duodecim Quodlibetales, Volumen V. Quaestiones Quodlibetales
201700: Saint Thomas Aquinas - The Religious State: The Episcopate and the Priestly Office
197791: St. Thomas Aquinas - Treatise on Law (Summa Theologica, Questions 90-97)
196190: St. Thomas Aquinas - Thomas D'Aquin: Somme Theologique, Tomes 1-4
206920: St. Thomas Aquinas - Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels Collected out of the Works of the Fathers Volumes I-IV
207945: S. Thomae Aquinatis (Saint Thomas Aquinas) - Opusculum de Ente Et Essentia Diiligentissime Recognitum
1266709: St. Thomas Aquinas - Opera Omnia: The Vives Edition Complete in 34 Volumes
64613: Thomas Aquinas, edited by John J. Paulson - De Principiis Naturae
94274: St. Thomas Aquinas - Physicorum Aristotelis Expositio
197715: St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Contra Gentiles
310439: St. THomas Aquinas - De Ente Et Essentia
207102: St. Thomas Aquinas - The Division and Methods of the Sciences
38295: St. Thomas Aquinas - In Aristotelis Libros: De Sensu Et Sensato de Memoria Et Reminiscentia
202261: St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Contra Gentiles Seu de Veritate Catholicae Fidei
1259479: Zsolt Aradi - Shrines to Our Lady Around the World
142574: Zsolt Aradi - Shrines to Our Lady Around the World
199760: Zsolt Aradi - Shrines to Our Lady Around the World
1250015: Zsolt Aradi - Pius XI: The Pope and the Man
87887: Louis Aragon - Holy Week
198846: Andres Ibanez Arana - Para Comprender El Libro Del Genesis
130948: Diego Barros Arana - Compendio de Historia de America: Vols. I-II
190119: Saint Augustine; Louis A. Arand, tr - St. Augustine: Faith, Hope and Charity
189759: St. Augustine; Rev. Louis A. Arand, tr - St. Augustine: Faith, Hope and Charity
198995: Jose Ramon Perez Aranguena - Curso Breve Sobre la Iglesia
188874: Pal Arato - Paulus Pp. VI 1963-1978: Elenchus Bibliographicus
161387: Roger Ascham; Edward Arber, ed - The Scholemaster
149602: Professor Edward Arber, ed - The Torments of Protestant Slaves in the French King's Galleys, and in the Dungeons of Marseilles 1686-1707 A.D.
197980: Gerald A. Arbuckle - Confronting the Demon: A Gospel Response to Adult Bullying
198671: Gerald A. Arbuckle - Change, Grief, and Renewal in the Church: A Spirituality for a New Era
197257: Gerald A. Arbuckle - Catholic Identity or Identities? Refounding Ministries in Chaotic Times
182399: Sister Jeanne d'Arc - Witness and Consecration
143446: Sr. Madeleine Arcand - A Century of Hope: The Story of the First Houses of the Society of Helpers, United States Province
204363: Hector Arce - The Secret Life of Tyrone Power
1251930: Paul J. Archambault, tr - A Monk's Confession: The Memoirs of Guibert of Nogent
69066: Joseph-Papin Archambault, S.J. - Silhouettes de Retraitants
199228: Sr. Marie-Michel-Archange - By This Sign You Will Live: History of the Congregation of the Little Franciscans of Mary 1889-1955
188265: William Archer - God and Mr. Wells: A Critical Examination of "God the Invisible King
188946: Jerome W. Archer and Joseph Schwartz, eds - A Reader for Writers: A Critical Anthology of Prose Readings
205804: Joe Archibald - Catcher's Choice
109198: E.H.H. Archibald - The Fighting Ship in the Royal Navy 897-1984
191482: Burnham Library of Architecture - The Plan of Chicago: 1909-1979
122648: Mexico's National Archive - La Administracion de D. Frey Antonio Maria de Bucareli Y Ursua: Cuadragesimo Sexto Virrey de Mexico, Vols. 1-2
193742: Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration - 1977/78 United States Government Manual
300267: Martin D'Arcy - No Absent God: The Relations between God and the Self
1249199: M.C. D'Arcy - Pain and the Providence of God
189175: John Ardagh with Colin Jones - Cultural Atlas of France
148110: Rev. John Roche Ardill - St. Patrick: Where Was He Born? a Paper Read Before the North Elphin Clerical Union
177287: Barbara Ardinger - A Woman's Book of Rituals & Celebrations
185911: John Ardoin - The Callas Legacy
185915: John Ardoin - Callas at Juilliard: The Master Classes
201225: Ernst E. Areen - De Nordiska Landernas Officiella Beloningsmedaljer: Hinders- Och Minnestecken Fran 1500-Talet Till Vara Dagar
192377: Yassin Aref - Son of Mountains: My Life As a Kurd and a Terror Suspect
187300: Hannah Arendt - On Violence
182664: J.P. Arendzen - Understanding the Trinity
194667: J.P. Arendzen - What Becomes of the Dead? a Study in Eschatology for Priests and Laymen
183632: Yetta Arenstein and Ethel Duncan, tr - Mary Mother of God
108929: Luis R. Gonzalez Argueso - Stolen Puero Rican Photographs: Forbidden Stories from the Family Album
185954: Josy Argy and Wendy Riches - Elizabeth II: The Woman and the Queen
81100: Michael Argyle - Religious Behaviour
160521: The Duke of Argyll - The Reign of Law
99102: Juan Arias - The Ultimate Dimension
65247: Francis Arias - The Charity of Jesus Christ
53145: A. Arias, R. Llaurado, M.A. Nalda, and J.N. Lunn, eds - Recent Progress in Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation: Proceedings of the IV European Congress of Anaesthesiology, Madrid, Spain, 5-11 September, 1974
199006: Rev. Chris Aridas - The Catholic Funeral: The Church's Ministry of Hope
194198: Rev. Chris Aridas - Discernment: Seeking God in Every Situation
197960: Philippe Aries - Western Attitudes Toward Death: From the Middle Ages to the Present
1274108: The Very Reverend John G. Arintero - The Mystical Evolution in the Development and Vitality of the Church
98866: Mario Lessi-Ariosto - Dio Volle Fece E Vinse: Giuseppe Migliavacca 1849-1909
173097: Aristophanes - The Frogs
173096: Aristophanes - Lysistrata
207760: Aristotle - Aristotle: Containing Selections from Seven of the Most Important Books of Aristotle - Natural Science, the Metaphysics, Zoology, Psychology, the Nicomachean Ethics, on Statecraft, and the Art of Poetry
185268: Aristotle; Lane Cooper - Aristotle on the Art of Poetry: An Amplified Version with Supplementary Illustrations
179179: Antoine Arjakovsky - Voyage de Saint-Petersbourg a Moscou: Anatomie de L'Ame Russe
193737: Herbert Arkin and Raymond R. Colton - Statistical Methods
96019: St. Caesarius of Arles; edited by Germain Morin - Sancti Caesarii Arelatensis Opera Varia: Vol. II - Epistulae Concilia; Reulae Monasticae; Opuscula Theologica Testamentum
124540: Paul I. Murphy w/ R. Rene Arlington - La Popessa: The Controversial Biography of Sister Pascalina, the Most Powerful Woman in Vatican History
176851: John Arlott, ed - John Speed's England: A Coloured Facsimile of the Maps and Text from the Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, First Edition, 1611 (Part II)
1241451: Mark Arman - A Legacy of Metal Types
88064: Jean-Baptiste Armbruster - The Chapel of the Madeleine
310877: J.S. Armentrout - Administering the Vacation Church School: A Study of the Aims, Organization, and Administration of the Vacation Church School
166836: Felipe Fernandez-Armesto and Derek Wilson - Reformations: A Radical Interpretation of Christianity and the World, 1500-2000
178589: Felipe Fernandez-Armesto - Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years
208159: Concepcion Cabrera de Armida - To My Priests: A Translation of a Mis Sacredotes
194107: Blaise Arminjon - The Cantata of Love: A Verse-by-Verse Reading of the Song of Songs
178536: Richard Armour - Light Armour: Playful Poems on Practically Everything
179906: Richard Armour - Going Around in Academic Circles: A Low View of Higher Education
178537: Richard Armour - American Lit Relit
203839: Richard Armour - Nights with Armous: Lighthearted Light Verse
182376: April Oursler Armstrong - The Tales Christ Told
140407: Samuel Armstrong and Tom Ray - Mgm's Tom and Jerry and the Toy Circus
176243: Moses K. Armstrong - History and Resources of Dakota, Montana and Idaho
202953: Dave Armstrong - The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants
195701: Zachary Armstrong - Zachary Armstrong: Paintings
171937: Joseph Armstrong; Margaret Williamson - The Mother Church: A History of the Building of the Original Edifice of the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts / the Mother Church Extension
194321: Dave Armstrong - A Biblical Defense of Catholicism
198712: Regis J. Armstrong, tr - The Lady: Clare of Assisi; Early Documents
199152: A.H. Armstrong - The Greek Philosophical Background of the Psychology of St Thomas
199154: A.H. Armstrong - The Real Meaning of Plotinus's Intelligible World
182298: Carol Armstrong - A Degas Sketchbook
113393: Karen Armstrong - Islam: A Short History
1249044: A. Hilary Armstrong - Expectations of Immortality in Late Antiquity
142584: Christopher J.R. Armstrong - Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941): An Introduction to Her Life and Writings
310220: Herbert W. Armstrong - The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy
170519: Karen Armstrong - Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet
207713: A.H. Armstrong - An Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
166901: A.H. Armstrong and E.J.B. Fry - Re-Discovering Eastern Christendom: Essays in Commemoration of Dom Bede Winslow
143909: Department of the Army - The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas
161926: United States Army - Infantry Drill Regulations: United States Army
164237: Salvation Army - The Salvation Army Youth Songbook
7972: Prussian Army - Die Uniformen Der Preubischen Garden Von Ihrer Entstehung 1704 Bis 1836
163633: The Salvation Army - Songs of Faith for Congregational Singing
206067: Henri De Lubac; Brother Richard Arnandez, tr - A Brief Catechesis on Nature and Grace
206680: Henri De Lubac; Brother Richard Arnandez, F.S.C., tr - The Christian Faith: An Essay on the Structure of the Apostle's Creed
163052: Johann Arndt - Wahren Christenthum Buch 1 Und 2
191872: Peter Arnett - Live from the Battlefield: From Vietnam to Baghdad; 35 Years in the World's War Zones
181749: Rudolf Arnheim - Film As Art
194989: Peter Arno - Peter Arno's Sizzling Platter
131595: Matthew Arnold - Irish Essays and Other
168451: F.X. Arnold - Woman and Man: Their Nature and Mission
189068: Sir Edwin Arnold - Japonica
161939: Matthew Arnold - Civilization in the United States
179615: Dieter Arnold - Building in Egypt: Pharaonic Stone Masonry
191762: Matthew Arnold - Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism
202959: Marilyn Arnold - Pure Love: Readings on Sixteen Enduring Virtues
191093: Elliott Arnold - First Comes Courage (the Commandos)
204292: Arnold and Patricia - The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft with the Witches Tarot
1275726: Duane W.H. Arnold, ed - Prayers of the Martyrs
160598: Matthew Arnold - Matthew Arnold: A Collection of Critical Essays
198757: Eberhard Arnold, ed - The Early Christians in Their Own Words
206018: Eberhard Arnold - The Early Christians
195881: Eve Arnold - Marilyn Monroe: An Appreciation
198205: Edwin Arnold - The Voyage of Ithobal
200366: William Harris Arnold - Ventures in Book Collecting
207881: Matthew Arnold - Confessions of a Traditional Catholic
198465: Magda B. Arnold - Emotion and Personality, Volumes I-II
193306: Duane W.H. Arnold and C. George Fry - Francis: A Call to Conversion
194352: Eberhard Arnold, ed - The Early Christians in Their Own Words
122829: Sir Edwin Arnold - The Book of Good Counsels: From the Sanskrit of the Hitopadesa
197476: Eberhard Arnold, ed - The Early Christians After the Death of the Apostles
86464: Matthew Arnold - Dissent and Dogma
131510: Julian B. Arnold - The School of Sympathy: Reminiscences in Essay and Verse
310871: Rev. William Arnot - Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs
204163: Josef Arnould - How You Can Be Stronger After 40: A Comprehensive Guide to Strength Training for Adults
68904: E.J.F. Arnould - The Melos Amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole
192987: Anthony Arnove, ed - Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War
182876: Robert Aron - The Jewish Jesus
202329: Marguerite Aron - Saint Dominic's Successor
198360: Rev. Paul Aronica - God's Teenager: Blessed Dominic Savio
192954: James Aronson - The Press and the Cold War
203846: Theo Aronson - Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story
189712: Julie Aronson, ed - The Cincinnati Wing: The Story of Art in the Queen City
198992: Neil J. Draves-Arpaia - Come Light Our Hearts: General Intercessions for Ritual Celebrations, Feast Days, and CIVIC Holidays
198993: Neil J. Draves-Arpaia - Graciously Hear Us: General Intercessions for Cycles a, B, & C.
113229: Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Len Sherman - America's Toughest Sheriff: How to Win the War Against Crime
168678: Antonio M. Arregui - Summarium Theologiae Moralis Ad Recentem Codicem Iuris Canonici Accommodatum
65033: Antonius M. Arregui - Summarium Theologiae Moralis
197494: Antonio M. Arregui - Summarium Theologiae Moralis Ad Recentem Codicem Iuris Canonici Accomodatum
65032: Antonius M. Arregui - Summarium Theologiae Moralis
126524: Angeles Arrien - The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols
179007: Angeles Arrien - Signs of Life: The Five Universal Shapes and How to Use Them
179661: Leonard J. Arrington - The Mormons in Nevada
185620: Lorenzo Arruga - La Scala
149605: J. D'Arsac - The Brothers of the Christian Schools During the War of 1870-71
160400: The Columbus Museum of Art - George Wesley Bellows: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints
176019: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Paul Clemen - Exhibition of Contemporary German Art
102177: Department of the History of Art - Ars Orientalis: The Arts of Islam and the East - Vol. 8 1970
102178: Department of the History of Art - Ars Orientalis: The Arts of Islam and the East - Vol. 9 1973
102179: Department of the History of Art - Ars Orientalis: The Arts of Islam and the East - Vol. 7 1968
181631: Claude Arthaud - Les Palais Du Reve
310881: William Arthur - The Tongue of Fire or, the True Power of Christianity
181365: Arthur and Barbara Gelb - O'Neill: Life with Monte Cristo
148201: Ingrid Arthur - Miracles Que Dieus Ha Mostratz Per Sant Frances Apres la Sua Fi: Version Occitane de la Legenda Maior Sancti Francisci, Miracula de Saint Bonaventure
192242: Arthur and Elizabeth Odell Sheehan - Pierre Toussaint: A Citizen of Old New York
198932: John Arthur, ed - Morality and Moral Controversies
200886: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., and Roger Bruns, eds - Congress Investigates 1792-1974
166818: Robert Arthure - A Priest of His Time: Patrick Fogarty (1791-1866)
149693: Bak Middle School of the Arts - 2010 Bak Middle School of the Arts Yearbook
199862: Arturo Perez, Consuelo Covarrubias, and Edward Foley, eds - Asi Es: Historias de Espiritualidad Hispana
191864: Frederick B. Artz - The Mind of the Middle Ages, A.D. 200-1500: An Historical Survey
191912: Frederick B. Artz - Reaction and Revolution 1814-1832
192968: Naseer Aruri, ed - Palestinian Refugees: The Right of Return
205545: Naseer Aruri and Muhammad A. Shuraydi, eds - Revising Culture Reinventing Peace: The Influence of Edward W. Said
206524: Fr. Zaven Arzoumanian - Studies in the Armenian Church: Origins - Doctrine - Worship
1275834: Santiago Arzubialde, S.J. - Ejercicios Espirituales de S. Ignacio: Historia Y Analisis
204048: Thomas Asbridge - The First Crusade: A New History
199747: Fr. Thomas Aschenbrener and Coleen Kelly Mast - One in Christ: Marriage Renewal; a Spiritual Workout to Strengthen Your Marriage
199746: Fr. Thomas Aschenbrener - One in Christ: Marriage Preparation; the Path to Heaven Through the Sacrament of Matrimony (Facilitator's Manual)
300122: George A. Aschenbrenner, S.J. - Stretched for Greater Glory: What to Expect from the Spiritual Exercises
181033: Helen Tann Aschmann - Connie Bell, M.D.
196655: Richard S. Ascough - Lydia: Paul's Cosmopolitan Hostess
198837: La TCasa de la Biblia; Victor Morla Asensio, commentary - Proverbios: Texto Y Comentario
207546: Victor Morla Asensio - Eclesiastico Texto Y Comentario
181495: Russell Ash - Toulouse-Lautrec: The Complete Posters
204439: William Ashbrok, ed - The Opera Quarterly Volume 13 Number 3 Spring 1997
204442: William Ashbrok, ed - The Opera Quarterly Volume 13 Number 4 Summer 1997
178189: Janet Ashby - Read Real Japanese
142608: Morris Ashcraft - Rudolf Bultmann
207622: Mary Ellen Ashcroft - Spirited Women: Encountering the First Women Believers
192407: Geoofrey Ashe - The Quest for Arthur's Britain
177241: Thomas Ashe - Travels in America, Performed in the Year 1806, for the Purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi, and Ascertaining the Produce and Condition of Their Banks and Vicinity
203031: Geoffrey Ashe - The Discovery of King Arthur
207072: Bachya Ben Asher - Encyclopedia of Torah Thoughts
203135: Michael Asheri - Living Jewish: The Lore and Law of Practicing Jew
170751: Arafat K. El-Ashi - Why We Embraced Islam 1-5
198939: Benedict M. Ashley - Living the Truth in Love: A Biblical Introduction to Moral Theology
207747: Benedict Ashley, O.P. - Theologies of the Body: Humanist and Christian
203065: Mike Ashley - A Brief History of British Kings Ang Queens
1235545: Leonard R.N. Ashley - The Wonderful World of Magic and Witchcraft
199647: Benedict Ashley - The Ashley Reader: Redeeming Reason
310777: W.B. Ashley, comp - Church Advertising: Its Why and How
200794: Chuck Ashman - The Gospel According to Billy
180037: Bernard Ashmole - The Classical Ideal in Greek Sculpture
183983: Harry S. Ashmore - An Epitaph for Dixie
145357: Sidney G. Ashmore - The Adelphoe of Terence with Introduction, Notes, and Critical Appendix
195903: Mohammad Ashraf - Your First 100 Words in Urdu: Beginner's Quick & Easy Guide to Demystifying Urdu Script
173173: John Ashton, ed - The Interpretation of John
203410: Marvin J. Ashton - What Is Your Destination
202841: Sally-Ann Ashton - The Last Queens of Egypt
173647: John Ashworth - Trials. Strange Tales from Humble Life
191519: Isaac Asimov - Murder at the Aba
202778: Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg, Joseph Olander, ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury
203826: Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg, Charles Waugh, eds - The Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction: Two Volumes in One
206756: Rudolf Schnackenburg; David Askew, tr - New Testament Theology Today
196427: Col. Charles Askins - Texans, Guns & History
98741: Nahid Aslanbeigui - Borderlands of Economics
126210: Hans Asmussen, Ernst Fincke, Max Lackman, Wolfgang Lehmann, & Richard Baumann - The Unfinished Reformation
192803: J.J. Asongu - Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Practice
203434: Vernon V. Aspaturian - The Soviet Union in the World Communist System
184156: M. Flugi d'Aspermont - Die Stanzen Raffaels
183584: Karl Aspern - Illustrierte Geschichte Des Europaischen Krieges, Bands I-V
150537: P.W.A. Asplin - Medieval Ireland 1170-1495: A Bibliography of Secondary Works
310228: Lady Cynthia Asquith, ed - The Treasure Cave: A Book of New Prose and Verse
165126: Glenn H. Asquith - Church Officers at Work
106595: Office of Technology Assessment - Space Science Research in the United States: A Technical Memorandum - September 1982
106596: Office of Technology Assessment - Remote Sensing and the Private Sector: Issues for Discussion
196890: St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare; Regis J. Armstrong and Ignatius C. Brady, tr - Francis and Clare: The Complete Works
199357: St. Francis of Assisi; Jose Antonio Guerra - San Francisco de Asis: Escritos - Biografias - Documentos de la Epoca
300214: Mother Francis d'Assisi - Saint Angela of the Ursulines
195712: Catholic Medical Association - To Protect and to Prevent: The Sexual Abuse of Children and Its Prevention
130990: National Educational Association - Denominational Schools: A Discussion at the National Educational Association Meeting in Nashville Tenn. July 1889
182731: Antiquarian Booksellers' Association - Books and the Man
36047: The Catholic Library Association - The Catholic Booklist 1964
191232: Ohio State University Association - Songs of Ohio State University
83583: National Aeronautic Association - The National Aeonautical Review 1930-1931
170333: Morton & Eden in association with Sotheby's - Medals, Orders and Decorations Including the Peter Maren Collection
36048: The Catholic Library Association - The Catholic Booklist 1965
109723: The Robert E. Howard United Press Association - 60th Rehupa - Parts One and Two
103920: D. Fridericus Astius - Lexicon Platonicum: Volume Two
103919: D. Fridericus Astius - Lexicon Platonicum: Volume Three
149162: Nigel Aston - The End of an Elite: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution 1786-1790
107101: Major-General Sir George Aston - Letters on Amphibious Wars
181294: Tellie F. Aston and Ben Weidle - An Odd Fellow's Handbook Including Sovereign Grand Lodge Program
113335: Gerald Astor - A Blood-Dimmed Tide: The Battle of the Bulge by the Men Who Fought It
191215: Adrienne Astrologo and Nancy Schiffer - High Fashion Handbags: Classic Vintage Designs
173704: Freya Aswynn - Northern Mysteries & Magick: Runes & Feminine Powers
207697: Naim Stifan Ateek - A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation
172322: Prof. Dr. Suleyman Ates - Kur'an-I Kerim Ve Yuce Meali
196753: St. Athanasius - On the Incarnation: The Treatise de Incarnatione Verbi Dei
197744: St. Athanasius - Select Treatises of S. Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, in Controversy with the Arians, Translated, with Notes and Indices
169047: Apostolos N. Athanassakis - The Homeric Hymns
165354: Athena Cologeras, David Flood, and Alice Trebatoski - Franciscan Women: The Dynamics of Christian Fidelity
202897: Gregory S. Athnos - The Easter Jesus and the Good Friday Church: Reclaiming the Centrality of the Resurrection
185975: Harold Atkins and Archie Newman, eds - Beecham Stories: Anecdotes, Sayings and Impressions of Sir Thomas Beecham
310785: Gaius Glenn Atkins - Modern Religious Cults and Movements
172637: Bishop Peter Atkins - Ascension Now: Implications of Christ's Ascension for Today's Church
188381: Hugh C. Atkinson - Theodore Dreiser: A Checklist
180257: Rick Atkinson - The Long Gray Line
3961: Hugh Atkinson - Theodore Dreiser: A Checklist
43264: C. Harry Atkinson - How to Get Your Church Built
195168: Sam. Atkinson - My Catholic Neighbors
190765: James Atkinson, ed - Luther: Early Theological Works
175579: Brooks Atkinson - Cleo for Short
166315: Clifford W. Atkinson - A Lay Minister's Guide to the Book of Common Prayer
188727: Rick Atkinson - An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943
166343: Clifford W. Atkinson - A Lay Reader's Guide to the Book of Common Prayer
199280: Charles Milner Atkinson - Jeremy Bentham: His Life and Work
191052: Rick Atkinson - The Day of Battle: The War in Socily and Italy, 1943-1944
123818: Clarissa W. Atkinson - Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe
186197: Gary Atkinson and Albert Moraczewski - A Moral Evaluation of Contraception and Sterilization: A Dialogical Study
186208: Gary M. Atkinson and Albert S. Moraczewski, eds - Genetic Counseling, the Church and the Law
130621: Thomas Dinham Atkinson - Cambrige Described and Illustrated: Being a Short History of the Town and University
195422: Clifford W. Atkinson - Study Guide for the Daily Office: Proposed Book of Common Prayer
200590: Henry David Thoreau; Brooks Atkinson, ed - Walden and Other Writings of Henry David Thoreau
194756: Liliane Atlan - The Passersby
190968: Franciscan Friars of the Atonement - Manual of Prayers for the Church Unity Octave
174849: Scott Atran - In Gods We Trust: The Evolutionary Landscape of Religion
175989: William Atson - Heart Whispers; or, a Peep Behind the Family Curtain, Interspersed with Sketches of a Tour Through Nine Southern States. Contained in a Series of Letters to His Wife
180288: A.A. Attanasio - The Last Legends of Earth
200851: Brian Attebery - The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: From Irving to le Guin
198575: Rachel Attwater - Adam Schall: A Jesuit at the Court of China 1592-1666
196995: Donald Attwater - Saints of the East
180602: Donald Attwater - The Avenel Dictionary of Saints
1275128: Donald Attwater - The Christian Churches of the East, Volumes I-II
1249719: Donald Attwater - The Dissident Eastern Churches
122791: Donald Attwater - Eric Gill: Workman
1242418: Donald Attwater - Martyrs from St Stephen to John Tung
179236: Donald Attwater, comp - A Dictionary of Saints
166900: Donald Attwater - Martyrs from St Stephen to John Tung
198525: Donald Attwater, ed - Modern Christian Revolutionaries: An Introduction to the Lives and Thought of Kierkegaard, Eric Gill, G.K. Chesterton, C.F. Andrews, Berdyaev
193747: Margaret Atwood - The Robber Bride
192519: Gilad Atzmon - Thwe Wandering Who? a Study of Jewish Identity Politics
192518: Gilad Atzmon - Thwe Wandering Who? a Study of Jewish Identity Politics
198163: Jean-Marie Aubert - A God for Science
149934: Edward St. Aubyn - Some Hope
160821: Louis Auchincloss - The Education of Oscar Fairfax
26179: Louis Auchincloss - Persons of Consequence: Queen Victoria and Her Circle
160677: Louis Auchincloss - Richelieu
191859: Louis Auchincloss - Life, Law and Letters: Essays and Sketches
174697: Louis Auchincloss - Persons of Consequence: Queen Victoria and Her Circle
206551: Mother Genevieve Gallois; Marcelle Auclair, foreword - The Life of Little Saint Placid
1276726: Marcelle Auclair - Saint Teresa of Avila
172704: Marcelle Auclair - Bernadette
181663: W.H. Auden; Christopher Isherwood - Two Great Plays by W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood: The Dog Beneath the Skin / the Ascent of F6
68802: Jean-Paul Audet - Mariage Et Celibat Dans le Service Pastoral de L'Eglise: Histoire Et Orientations
68547: Alfons Auer - Open to the World: An Analysis of Lay Spirituality
98708: Alan J. Auerbach, ed - Fiscal Policy: Lessons from Economic Research
185604: Erich Auerbach - Images of Music
206854: David W. Augsburger - Pastoral Counseling Across Cultures
206138: George Augustin, ed.; Walter Kasper - Kurt Koch - Karl Lehmann - Gerhard Ludwig Muller - Thomas Soding - El Problema de Dios, Hoy
207097: St. Augustine - The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope and Love
207084: Saint Augustine - On Christian Doctrine
180492: St. Augustine - The Happy Life
131375: St. Augustine - Against the Academicians (Contra Academicos)
177127: The Brothers Mayhew, ed. (Augustus and Henry Mayhew) - The Greatest Plague of Life: Or the Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Servant
164336: Ingri & Edgar Parin d'Aulaire - Benjamin Franklin
107511: Comte de Saint-Aulaire - Talleyrand
201387: Gustaf Aulen - Christus Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of Atonement
197665: Gustaf Aulen - The Faith of the Christian Church
190084: Jordan Aumann, ed - The World in the Church
145673: J. Auneau - Evangiles Synoptiques Et Actes Des Apotres
207160: John Auping - Religion and Social Justice: The Case of Christianity and the Abolition of Slavery in America
181878: Michael Auping, org. - Philip Guston Retrospective
40509: A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. - Quaint Idioms and Expression of the Pennsylvania Germans
141979: John R. Aurelio - Myth Man: A Storyteller's Jesus
186177: John R. Aurelio - Mosquitoes in Paradise: A New Look at Genesis, Jesus, and the Meaning of Life
64487: St. Augustine Aurelius - Sancti Auereli Augustini Tractatus Siue Sermones Inediti
177462: Barbey D'Aurevilly - What Never Dies
143478: Nellie Slayton Aurner - Caxton: Mirrour of Fifteenth-Century Letters; a Study of the Literature of the First English Press
193225: Marcel Aurousseau - Beyond the Pyrenees
207330: R.P. Serafin De Ausejo, O.F.M. Cap - Diccionario de la Biblia
300145: Margot Austin - Trumpet
186281: John Mather Austin - A Voice to the Married; Being a Compendium of Social, Moral and Religious Duties, Addressed to Husbands and Wives
201566: Gerard Austin, ed - Fountain of Life
201587: Gerard Austin - Anointing with the Spirit: The Rite of Confirmation; the Use of Oil and Chrism
126499: Carl C. Austin, ed - The Christian Bible: Integrated Version, Interpreted Edition
107128: Alicia Austin - Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
195115: The Anglican Church of Australia - A Prayer Book for Australia for Use Together with the Book of Common Prayer (1662) and an Australian Prayer Book (1978)
200816: John Authers and Richard Wolffe - The Victim's Fortune: Inside the Epic Battle over the Debts of the Holocaust
140936: Oliver Plunket (author), Patrick Francis Moran (editor) - Memoirs of the Most Rev. Oliver Plunket, Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of All Ireland
140840: Thomas Murphy (author), The XV Club (ediitor) - The Position of the Catholic Church in England and Wales During the Last Two Centuries: Retrospect and Forecast
141300: Idries Shah (author), Doris Lessing (intro) - Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way
141273: Bruce K. Martin (author), Kinley Roby (editor) - Philip Larkin (Twayne's English Author Series #234)
141186: Yves le Querdec (author), Mara Gordon-Holmes (translator) - Letters of a Country Vicar
1243753: Chicago Transit Authority - Cta 1987 Historical Calendar
144213: Various authors - The American Ecclesiastical Review 1966
142940: Multiple authors - Catholic Digest Omnibus
94762: Various authors - L'Immaculee Vierge Mere de Dieu
149324: Various authors - The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Catholics Today
149177: Various authors - Our Bishops Speak: National Pastorals and Annual Statements of the Hierarchy of the United States; Resolutions and Episcopal Committees and Communications of the Administrative Board of the National Catholic Welfare Conference 1919-1951
310383: [Various authors] - The Fountain of Catholic Knowledge: A Comprehensive Statement of All the Truths of Holy Religion
142929: Multiple authors - Contraception and Holiness: The Catholic Predicament
149330: Various authors - Moral Theology Today: Certitudes and Doubts
143997: Multiple authors - El Reloj Guadalupano
1224985: Various authors - History of the Order of Knights of Pythias for the Jurisdiction of Cleveland, Ohio
122038: Various authors - Church and State: Papers Read at the Summer School of Catholic Studies Held at Cambridge July 27th to August 6th 1935
147273: Various authors - History of the Order of Knights of Pythias for the Jurisdiction of Cleveland, Ohio
200267: Various American authors - American Esoterica
145604: Various authors - Methodes Quantitatives Et Informatiques Dans L'Etude Des Textes
1714: Edmund D'Auvergne - Godoy: The Queen's Favorite
39482: Paul Auvray - Les Langues Sacrees
62731: R.P.P. Auvray and J. Steinmann, eds - La Sainte Bible: Isaie
62733: P. Auvray, ed - La Sainte Bible: Ezechiel
62779: Georges Auzou - The Word of God: Approaches to the Mystery of the Sacred Scriptures
207672: Georges Auzou - The Formation of the Bible: History of the Sacred Writings of the People of God
69348: Nicola Avancini - Vita Et Doctrina Jesu Christi
131415: Mario L. D'Avanzo - Keat's Metaphors for the Poetic Imagination
193166: Steven M. Avella - Confidence and Crisis: A History of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee 1959-1977
1251937: Steven M. Avella and Elizabeth McKeown, eds - Public Voices: Catholics in the American Context
172563: Steven M. Avella - This Confident Church: Catholic Leadership and Life in Chicago, 1940-1965
199748: Carlos Avellaneda - La Danza Del Amor: La Fe Vivida "de a Dos"; Espiritualidad Matrimonial
188662: Anthony Aveni - Empires of Time: Calendars, Clocks, and Cultures
178872: Richard Avent - Cestyll Tywysogion Gwynedd / Castles of the Princes of Gwynedd
163407: Ralph Emmett Avery - America's Triumph at Panama: Panorama and Story of the Construction and Operation of the World's Giant Waterway from Ocean to Ocean
199624: St. Teresa of Avila - Santa Teresa de Jesus: Obras Completas
179155: St. John of Avila - Finding Confidence in Times of Trial: Letters of St. John of Avila
199417: Fernando Bastos de Avila - Pequena Enciclopedia de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia
149933: Paul Avis - Truth Beyond Words: Problems and Prospects for Anglican-Roman Catholic Unity
180994: Leila Avrin - Scribe, Script and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance
55296: Xavier J.R. Avula, ed - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Volume II: Operations Research, Decision Sciences and Biomedical Sciences
55299: Xavier J.R. Avula, ed - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Volume V: Socio-Economic Problems
191391: Nicholas Awde and Emanuela Losi - Armenian First Names
195852: Nicholas Awde and Asmatullah Sarwan - Pashto Dictionary & Phrasebook: Pashto-English, English-Pashto
195653: Nicholas Awde and Thea Khitarishvili - Georgian-English, English-Georgian Dictionary and Phrasebook
162207: Nicholas Awde and Peter Maghdashyan - Eastern Armenian: Armenian-English, English-Armenian Dictionary & Phrasebook
202792: Alan Axelford - Profiles in Audacity: Great Decisions and How They Were Made
32678: Victor Axelroad - Labor Law
188190: Steven Gould Axelrod and Helen Deese - Robert Lowell: A Reference Guide
203190: Alan Axelrod - America's Wars
145746: Fr. John Ayers - Mary Help of Christians: Patroness of Australia
172595: Robert Curtis Ayers - The Americanists and Franz Xaver Kraus: An Historical Analysis of an International Liberal Catholic Combination, 1897-1898
110711: G.E. Aylmer - The Interregnum: The Quest for Settlement 1646-1660
112365: L. Ayma - Vie Du Venerable J. -B. De la Salle Fondateur Des Ecoles Chretiennes
199796: Nicholas Ayo - The Hail Mary: A Verbal Icon of Mary
172149: Nicholas Ayo - Sacred Marriage: The Wisdom of the Song of Songs
195618: Fr. Harrison Ayre - Mysterion: The Revelatory Power of the Sacramental Worldview
149899: John Ayre - Northrop Frye: A Biography
200256: C.E. Ayres - Science: The False Messiah
176944: William Edmondstoune Aytoun, ed - The Ballads of Scotland, Volumes I-II
1250445: S.N. Azbelev - Tysi a Cha Let Russko Istorii V Predanii a Kh, Legendakh, Pesni a Kh (Russian Edition)
144495: A.C.M. Azoy - They Were Not Afraid to Die 1775-1781
60944: P. Gioacchino Azpiazu - L'Uomo D'Affari
300119: Abbot Gerald Benkert O.S.B. - Memoirs of the Founding Abbot of Marmion Abbey
300290: Henry Brenner O.S.B. - Our Loving Father
206434: An English Mystic of the Fourteenth Century; Father Augustine Baker O.S.B., Commentary on the Cloud; Abbot Justin McCann, ed - The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Treatises
95672: Rev. Henry Brenner O.S.B. - Examples: Practical Subjects Dealt with from the Viewpoint of the Lives of the Saints: 2v
179842: E.L.E.B., tr.; Charlotte M. Yonge, ed - Gold Dust: A Collection of Golden Counsels for the Sanctification of Daily Life
178613: Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard - Family Finances for the Flabbergasted
162788: Munir Baalbaki - Al-Mawrid Al-Muyassar: A Simplified English-Arabic Dictionary
203405: Frederick W. Babbel - Bring Forth Your Light
172038: Marcy Babbitt - Living Christian Science: Fourteen Lives
191271: Edmind Holt Babbitt - The Pastor's Pocket Manual for Hospital and Sickroom
310709: Arthur V. Babbs - The Law of the Tithe As Set Forth in the Old Testament: Illustrated, Explained and Enforced from Biblical and from Extra-Biblical Sources
180992: Robert G. Babcock and Mark L. Sosower - Learning from the Greeks: An Exhibition Commemorating the Five-Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the Aldine Press
199452: Havilah Babcock - Tales of Quails 'n Such
206212: Augustyn Babiak - Legitimacy of the Ukranian Patriarchate
202531: Pierre Babin - Methods: Approaches for the Catechesis of Adolescents
177860: Pierre Babin - Options: Approached for the Religious Education of Adolescents
102386: Pierre Babin - Language Et Culture Des Medias
188020: Percy L. Babington - Bibliography of the Writings of John Addington Symonds
146337: T. Babington - A Practical View of Christian Education in Its Earliest Stages
174593: Edward T. Babinski - Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists
197085: Marguerite Porete; Ellen L. Babinsky, tr - The Mirror of Simple Souls
168714: Rev. Bede Babo, ed - The Roman Breviary: An Approved English Translation Complete in One Volume from the Official Text of the Breviarium Romanum Authorized by the Holy See
310784: Roger W. Babson - The Future of the Churches: Historic and Economic Facts
310770: Roger W. Babson - Storing Up Triple Reserves: Success Is Secured by Developing Financial, Physical, and Spiritual Reserves
185516: Lauren Bacall - By Myself and Then Some
205520: Andrew J. Bacevich - American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
181581: Steven Bach - Marlene Dietrich: Life and Legend
185577: Johann Sebastian Bach - The Six Brandenburg Concertos and the Four Orchestral Suites in Full Score
185784: Johann Sebastian Bach - Magnificat for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra
190855: Steven Bach - Marlene Dietrich: Life and Legend
204397: Steven Bach - Dazzler: The Life and Times of Moss Hart
110750: Irving Bacheller - The Master of Chaos: A Romance of George Washington
71731: P. Augustinus Bachofen - Compendium Juris Regularium
165178: P. Augustinus Bachofen - Compendium Juris Regularium
189222: Leonard Bacigalupo - The American Franciscan Missions in Central America: Three Decades of Christian Service
207438: James J. Bacik - Contemporary Theologians
187296: James J. Bacik - Contemporary Theologians
149291: J. de Baciocchi - L'Eucharistie
169802: Frank Ver Back - Little Black Sambo and the Tiger Kitten
98830: Francis Bacon - The Essays or Counsels CIVIL and Moral of Francis Ld. Verulam
149335: Revs. L. Bacon and E.N. Kirk - Addresses of Rev. L. Bacon, D.D. , and Rev. E.N. Kirk, at the Annual Meeting of the Christian Alliance, Held in New York, May 8, 1845, with the Address of the Society and the Bull of the Pope Against It
186780: Maximilian Csicserics von Bacsany - Unser Neues Feldgeschutz. Seine Leistungsfahigkeit Und Verwendung IM Gefechte Erlautert an Taktischen Aufgaben. Ein Versuch Auf Grundlage Der Erfahrungen Bei Der Kaiserlich Russischen Armee in Der Mandschurei 1904/05
161207: M. Raza-Ul-Haq Badakhshani - Gem Pocket Twentieth Century Dictionary: English Into English & Urdu
185090: James Badal - Recording the Classics: Maestros, Music, and Technology
195666: Paquito B. Badayos - Filipino for Everyone: Mastering Filipino Through English
206983: Paul Badde - The True Icon: From the Shroud of Turin to the Veil of Manoppello
42635: Max Bader - Pater Peter Paul Rigler
174831: Rev. Joseph Badger - A Memoir of Rev. Joseph Badger; Containing an Autobiography, and Selections from His Private Journal and Correspondence
199616: Gratien Badin - I Know Christ: The Personality and Spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi
192815: Ben H. Bagdikian - Double Vision: Reflections on My Heritage, Life, and Profession
192570: Ben H. Bagdikian - The Media Monopoly
169108: Robert Bagg and James Scully - The Complete Plays of Sophocles: A New Translation
188728: Julian Baggini and Jeremy Stangroom, eds - Great Thinkers a-Z: 2,500 Years of Thought That Shaped the Western World
145875: Joseph Bagiackas - A Lay Person's Guide to Pope John Paul II's Teaching on the Family in His Letters to Families and Familiaris Consortio
194146: Matt Baglio - The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist
173062: Roger S. Bagnall and Dominic W. Rathbone - Egypt: From Alexander to the Early Christians; an Archaeological and Historical Guide
207148: Jean-Pierre Bagot - How to Understand Marriage
1235495: Archbishop Bagshawe - The Catholic Church in the Scriptures
97983: David Baguley - Fecondite D'Emile Zola
126413: Abdu'l-Baha; Laura Cliford Barney trans - Some Answered Questions Collected and Translated from the Persian
197427: Dan Bahat - The Carta Jerusalem Atlas
167057: Archie J. Bahm - Why Be Moral
203705: Howard M. Bahr, Bruce A. Chadwick, Darwin L. Thomas, eds - Population, Resources, and the Future: Non-Malthusian Perspectives
86388: Dr. Leo J. Baier - Contribution to the Physiology of the Stridulation and Hearing of Insects
177511: Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh - The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
179003: Michael Baigent - Racing Toward Armageddon: The Three Great Religions and the Plot to End the World
62515: John Amedee Bailey - The Traditions Common to the Gospels of Luke and John Supplements to Novum Testamentum, Vol. 7]
196331: Carolyn Sherwin Bailey - Hero Stories
190173: Alice Cooper Bailey - Kimo
180118: D.R. Shackleton Bailey - Cicero
102333: C.H. Bailey - The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Sound: 50 Modern Experiments
149255: Roy Rutherford Bailey - Sure Pop and the Safety Scouts
310791: Albert Edward Bailey - The Use of Art in Religious Education
199478: Derrick Sherwin Bailey - Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition
202961: Alice Morrey Bailey - Stellarian
179385: Jack S. Bailey - Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled: Answers to the Problems of Human Suffering
195051: Anthony Bailey - Along the Edge of the Forest: An Iron Curtain Journey
178623: Mari Vawn Bailey - Marita Missing in Mexico
184067: Bernadine Bailey - American Shrines in England
166549: Paul Bailey - The Armies of God
198781: Randall C. Bailey, ed - Yet with a Steady Beat: Contemporary U.S. Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation
186321: Carolyn Sherwin Bailey - Boys and Girls of Pioneer Days from Washington to Lincoln
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