Michael S. Kemp - Bookseller 19 Adelaide Gardens, Minster-on-Sea, ME12 3HN, Sheerness, Kent, Great Britain. Tel: +44 (0) 1795 663675 Email: mike@kempbooksellers.co.uk | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
44033: [MUSIC] [GLASGOW] - Family Ticket. Series of Grand Vocal & Orchestral Concerts. This ticket will admit three members of a Family residing under one roof and is transferable to Ladies only.
44854: AIRSHIP R.101 - In Sacred Memory of the Officers, Crew and Passengers of the British Airship R. 101 which crashed in France on Sunday Morning Oct. 5th 1930. with a loss of 48 lives including Lord Thompson, Air Ministerand Sir Sefton Brancker, Air Vice Marshal
44000: [MUSIC] - The Caledonian Laddy. A Favorite Scotch Song. Sung by Mrs Franklin at Vauxhall Gardens, Composed by Mr. Hook. The Words by Mr. Upton.
32702: [HAMILTON, John] - The Ms. in a Red Box. With an introduction by Derrick French, Editor of the Epworth Bells.
23028: - The Village Atlas: The Growth of North and West Yorkshire 1840 - 1910.
45799: [ERNEST GRISET?] - The Leicester Square Statue.
44973: [JOHN FOTHERGILL] - A Brief Account of the People called Quakers. Their Doctrines and Discipline> Taken from a Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences, lately published at Edinburgh.
45161: [J. SMITH] - England at One View.
45536: [REPARATIONS] - Payement de l'Allemagne.
45048: [BENSON, E.F.] - Who was the Original of Lucia?
44034: [MUSIC] [GLASGOW] - Ball in the Music Hall. Monday Evening 6th March, 1848. Dancing to Commence at Nine.
44027: [MUSIC] [GLASGOW] - Benefit Night. Grand Evening Concert. Reserved Seats. [Signed Julian Adams]
44029: [MUSIC] [GLASGOW] - City Hall. Admit... to the Vocal & Orchestral Subscription Concert On Monday Evening.
44494: [JEMMY WOOD] - Rewards. £2000!! Will of James Wood, Esq. Deceased... signed by Henry H. Wilton, Town Clerk. [with] The Life and Anecdotes of Jemmy Wood, the Eccentric Banker, Merchant, & Draper, or Gloucester. Also an Account of the Remarkable Trial with Reference to his Will.
45398: [CHARLES LAMB] - The King and Queen of Hearts> with the Rougerie of the Knave who Stole the Queen's Pies. Illustrated with fifteen elegant engravings.
26335: [COMBE, Thomas] - Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts. With an introducton by F.A. Paley.
45783: J.S.L. [?] - Side View of Crosby Hall Showing Outside Staircase. [inscription verso]
44334: C.G.H. [MRS C.G. HAMILTON] - Margaret Waldegrave> the Power of Truth.
45408: [SAMUEL ARNOLD] - Poor Robin, Juvenile Amusement. [song arrangement for voice and piano]
44325: [GLASGOW] - Assembly Rooms. Admission Ticket to Mr. R.B. Hardy's Public Lecture, and Illustrations. Front Seats.
44324: [GLASGOW] - Assembly, 16th. March, 1852, Baronial Hall. No....
44322: [GLASGOW] - Mr. James Thomson requests the honor of....... Company at a Conversazione & Réunion of the Glasgiow Philiosophical Society, on Wednesday Evening, 21st December, at half past 7 o'clock. 46 Claremont place, Great Clyde Street.
24622: - The Register of Persons Entitled to Vote at any Election for the Southern Division of The West Riding of the County of York between the 30th November 1861 and the 1st December 1862 within the Thorne Polling District.
44497: [after MARTIN ENGELBRECHT and others] - Rococo Scraps.
32385: [GIBBONS [née TRELAWNY], A[nne] S.] - An Itinerary of Launceston, Cornwall: containing some account of its antiquities, compiled from various sources. With a glance at its prospects and commercial advantages, as connected with the opening of the railway.
32161: [PEAKE, Mervyn] - Who Goes Home, by Maurice Edelman.
19199: [COLES, Edward] - Resolutions, Rules, Orders, and Regulations, of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, of the County of Somerset, with an Appendix.
25826: J., J.C. - Notices of the Helstone Furry-Day.
32326: [SANDWITH, Lincoln] - The Sandwiths of Helmsley, Co. York. A Short Preliminary Pedigree by L.S.
28121: [FISHER, George Thomas] - Smokers and Smoking> Also, Snuff and Snuff-Takers.
43863: [FABRIC LABEL] - Wrap-around label with coastal scene.
43869: [FABRIC LABEL] - Swiss Mull.
43870: [FABRIC LABEL] - [For Silk? with Middle Eastern scene]
45770: B.B. - No. 1. Palace Gardens.
43871: [FABRIC LABEL] - [For silk? camel scene]
26951: [BAILEY, John Eglington, editor] - The Palatine Notebook for 1881 - 1885. For the Intercommunication of Antiquaries, Bibliophiles, and Other Investigators into the History and Literature of the Counties of Lancaster, Chester, &c. Volume 1 - 4, parts 1 - 48> and 5, part 49 [all published]
43559: [ROBERT MERRY and CHARLES BONNER] - Airs, Duetts, and Chorusses, Arrangement and Scenery, and Sketch of the Pantomime, Entitled The Picture of Paris. Taken in the Year 1790. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden.
34784: - The Cryes of London: The Collection in the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. With an Introduction by Richard Luckett, Pepys Librarian.
34912: [CREASEY, James and YERBURGH, Richard] - Sketches, Illustrative of the Topography and History of New and Old Sleaford, in the County of Lincoln, and of Several Places in the Surrounding Neighbourhood.
34984: - Lincolnshire in 1836: Displayed in a Series of Nearly One Hundred Engravings on Steel and Wood> and With Accompanying Descriptions, Statistical and Other Important Information, Maps, &c.
35013: - The Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records [23 February 1871.] [bound with] The Mortman Act, 1736.[bound with] An Act to Restrain the Disposition of Lands, 1873. [bound with] An Act for Facilitating the Acquisition and Enjoyment of Sites for Buildings for Religious, Educational, Scientific and Other Charitable Purposes, 1868.
44841: [MOURNING DRESS] - Costumes de Deuil.
37030: - The Whole Proceedings on the Trial Between Mrs Rebecca Minifie, and W.D. Best, Esq. Sergeant at Law, and Member of Parliament, Charged With an Assault Upon Rebecca, the Wife of James Minifie, in His Chambers, Where She, at his request, concerning a reversionary property, in which he acted for her as Counsel, which was tried at the Court of Kin's-Bench, Guildhall, on Thursday, July 12, 1804 Before Lord Ellenborough, and a Special Jury.
37690: [ROBERT SWEETING] - Abbotsbury and Its Monastic Remains.
44811: [FILM POSTER] - Baby Doll. La Poupée de Chair.
44809: [WORLD CUP] - Berlin 1936: Argentina 1978. "In den sport soll man die Politik nicht reinziehen." [You shouldn't drag politics into sport.]
44808: OLYMPICS 2000 - Demo Olympia 18.9.93...
38336: [ELLIS, William Smith] - A History of Hurstperpoint, by a Native, a Minor.
38478: [SMITH] - A Cruise in the Mediterranean. [Cover title: Smith's Wanderings> Mediterranean].
38770: [HERBERT, William] - Illustrations of the Site and Neighbourhood of the New Post Office, Comprehending Antiquarian Notices of St. Martin's-le-Grand, and its Liberty, and the Adjoining Parishes of St. Anne, St. Agnes, and St. John, Zachary, with an Appendix, Containing an Account of the Ancient Mourning Bush Tavern, &c. Aldersgate. And various taverns, its contemporaries.
44786: OLYMPIC GAMES MUNICH 1972. - [Boxer]
44787: - The All British Standard.
44784: OLYMPIC GAMES MUNICH 1972 - Deutschland erwartet Sie in München '72.
44785: OLYMPIC GAMES MOSCOW 1980 [H. MÜLLER] - Sport du Bist Frieden. Der Film über die Olympiade Moskau 1980.
39527: [COGGES CHARITIES?] - The Poor Man's Petition. [a poem]
39557: [EDWARD AUGUSTUS KENDALL] - The Sparrow.
44781: [JOHN TOWNLEY] - Part I. A Catalogue of the Collection of Drawings, Prints and Books of Prints of the Late John Townley... which will be sold by Auction by
39738: [WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION] - An Account of the Action Between the Allied Army and That of France, near Tournay, the 11th of May, N.S. 1745. With the Names of the General and Other Officers, and a Number of private Men and Horses, that were killed, wounded and missing in each regiment.
39797: [ELECTRICAL MACHINE NOTICE] - This is to give Notice, to all Gentlemen, Ladies and Others, That there is to be Seen, at the...The Electrical Machine, which shows the surprising power of Electricity, by a series of Experiments more than ever were exhibited to Publick, by any apparatus yet extant...
44520: [CAPTAIN PHILIP BROKE] - [Prospectus] To be Published, (By Subscription) a Highly-finished Engraving of the Superb Silver Plateau, Commemorative of the Skill and Courage Displayed by Captain Sir P.B.V. Broke, Bart. of His Majesty's Frigate The Shannon, in the Boarding and Capture of the American Frigate, The Chesapeake.
39862: - Puzzle Map of the World for the Teaching of the Elements of Geography.
39867: [ANSON, George] - Anson's Voyage Round the World, Chart with 6 engraved views: a chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 39½.
39897: [CARY, John] - The Names and Situations of the Constellations: to which is added the Names of the Principal Stars therein, as laid down by Cary's New Celestial Globes: also an explanation of the equation table given on his terrestrial globe.
39899: [LUTTRELL, J.F.] - The Blessings of Boroughmongering. A Sketch of the Borough of Minehead.
39971: T.F. - Sleeping Girl. Etching.
39973: [ROXBURGHE CLUB & ZAMORANO CLUB] - There Can't Be Good Living Where There is Not Good Drinking, by Benjamin Franklin 1745.
39986: J.H. - A, B and C.
44524: [AFTER JOHN PIPER] - Original Watercolour of a Ruined Church or Abbey.
40142: [WITTS, G.B.] - Map of Gloucestershire Showing Its Ancient Camps, Roman Villas, Barrows and Roads.
45606: TUN LI-CH'EN - Annual Customs and Festivals in Peking, as Recorded in the Yen-ching Sui-shih-Chi, translated by Derk Bodde.
40355: - London Bulletin no. 3
45393: - Sleeping Beauty. [Pleasing Picture Book]
40580: [BOWLES, John?] - The Inside of St. Peter's [Westminster]
40590: S.R. - [A Manuscript Cumulative Poem] Norlington Cottage. To the Four Nieces at Windermere, this book is dedicated by their Aunt Spin's Affte. Friend.
40768: - Miscellanea Biographica. Oswinus, Rex Northumbriae. Cuthbertus, Episcopus Lindisfarnensis. Eata, Episcopus Haugustaldensis.
40827: [PHOTOGRAPHY] - More Hall and the Dragon of Wantley.
45430: [GAME] - Englische Park. English Park. Parc Anglais.
44542: [HORATIO NELSON] - Nelson's Flag Ship The "Foudroyant," 1789 - 1897.
40965: - The Wonderful Magazine, and Marvellous Chronicle> or New Weekly Entertainer. A work recording authentic accounts of the most extraordinary productions, events, and occurrences, in providence, nature and art. Consisting entirely of such curious matters as come under the denominations of Miraculous! Queer! Odd! Strange! Supernatural! Whimsical! Absurd! Out of the Way! and Unaacountable!
45434: [DISSECTED PUZZLE] - Events From English History.
44545: [GEORGE III and GEORGE IV] - A Diary of the Royal Tour in June, July, August, and September, 1789. Interspersed with anecdotes, poetry, and descriptions, historical, typographical, &c. &c. To which is added That of Their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and Duke of York, &c. &c. with Characters of the King, Prince of Wales, and the Dukes of York and Clarence. By an Observer of the Times.
41150: [PIERRE JOUHAUD] - Paris dans le Dix-neuvième Siècle, ou Réflections d'un Observateur sue les nouvelles Institutions, les Embellissemens, ''Esprit public, la Societé, les Femmes, les Journaux, le Théâtre, la Littérature, etc.
41438: [Charles SMITH?] - John Hobbs, John Hobbs. Sung by Mr Lovegrove, with unbounded Applause, in "Any Thing New," at the Lyceum Theatre, Strand.
41448: B.M.C. [BALLAD] - West of England Agricultural Show.
44549: [W. COMBE] - The Royal Interview: a Fragment. By the author of a Letter from a Country Gentleman to a Member of Parliament.
45543: I.V.W. [IRVING VAN WART Illustrated by AMES VAN WART] - Fannie. A Recollection of Wondrous Wanderings.
41886: U.S.A. - Prescott's Garage, Wilton, Maine.
41682: [ALMSHOUSES] - Providence Place, Chippenham, Associated with the British Medical Benevolent Fund, for the Retirement of Six Aged Medical Men, or Their Widows. By Charles Bailey, Esq.
41719: W.T.D. - Eau Américaine Contre les taches de Rousseurs. La Seule Efficace connue jusqu'à ce jour.
41808: [JAMES CRAIG] - Financial Position of the River Tyne Commission. Important Meeting of Due payers.
41836: [THOMAS COOK] - Cook's Nile Services. List of Passengers by the P.S. "Egypt" Leaving Cairo March 12th 1913.
41887: U.S.A. - Western Publishing House. Booksellers, Publishers, Printers, Manufacturers. L.W. Yaggy. James West.
41888: U.S.A. - Union Chapter No 180, Royal Arch Masons.
41889: U.S.A. - Scotia Lodge No. 634.
41893: U.S.A. - American Civil War. List of Quartermaster's Stores, &c. transferred by Capt.Chas. H. Tompkins, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S. Army, to Capt. A.J. Brooker, Battery "B" 1st Com Arty. at Washington D.C.
42011: [JAMES ROBERTS after] - An Essay on Woman. Illustrated with Notes from Various Authors.
42012: [FRANCIS HAYMAN after] - The Good Man at the Hour of Death [and] The Bad Man at the Hour of Death.
42013: [FRANCIS HAYMAN after] - The Bad Man at the Hour of Death.
42048: [REEDHAM ORPHANAGE] - London Orphan Asylum. Rules for the Children Seeing Their Friends.
43314: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1862 - Season Ticket and Notepaper.
42164: WORKMEN'S INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1870 - A Public Meeting will be held in Exeter Hall, Strand, to Promote the objects of the above Exhibition... Professor Huxley will occupy the Chair if the President, the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., should he be unable to attend.
44655: [HENRY ROBERTS] - A General Chart: Exhibiting the Discoveries made by Captn. James Cook in his two preceeding Voyages> with Tracks of the Ships under his Command.
42370: E. H. - Album of Watercolours and Pencil Drawings.
42392: - The Chief Magistrates of England and Wales. A Momento of the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria of Britain, and Empress of India. Containing a loyal address with autographs and portraits of Lord Mayors and Mayors of the Principal Cities and Towns together with Biographical Sketches.
45387: [LEWIS CARROLL] - [Programme] Mr. Edgar Bruce's Matinées of Alice in Wonderland.
42539: BRISTOL ELECTION 1865 - Church Militant. Captain Blasphemy, a Dem Foine Fellah! (i.e. in his own opinion)
42553: [HENRY BLACHFORD SHILLIBEER] - Extract from a New Farce, Lately come out, and Played with the greatest possible Success, among the Western Potwallers, called "Gaining a Footing."
42579: [THOMAS KITSON CROMWELL] - Excursions in the County of Norfolk: comprising a brief historical and topographical delineation of every town and village> together with descriptions of the residences of the nobility and gentry...a complete guide for the traveller and tourist.
45581: C.H. - Album of Watercolours and Drawings.
42614: [THOMAS WARTON?] - The History and Antiquities of Winchester, setting forth its original constitution, government...together with charters, laws, customs, rights, liberties and privileges of that ancient city.
42657: - A Hand-book of Travel Round the Southern Coast of England, a Picturesque, Antiquarian, and Topographical Description of the Scenery, Towns, and Ancient Remains on That Part of the Coast.
45573: [MOORE, Thomas?] - Inscription for the National Cenotaph. by T.M.
45574: [MOORE, Thomas?] - Inscription for the National Cenotaph. by T.M.
42692: [JOHN BULLAR] - A Companion in a Tour Round Southampton: comprehending various particulars, ancient and modern, of New-Forest, Lymington, Christchurch, Romsey, Bishop's Waltham, Titchfield, &, and a Tour of the Isle of Wight...
42708: W.C.A.S. - Winchester: Its History, Buildings and People.
42871: [NOEL HUMPHREYS] - The Illuminator> containing all the Parts of the Illuminator's Magazine & Completing the Subject.
44594: [JOHN FRANCIS] - Trial of John Francis, for High Treason! With the Evidence of All the Witnesses.
42937: [WILLIAM CASSON] - The History and Antiquities of Thorne, With Some Account of the Drainage of Hatfield Chase.
42948: [CHARLES MAYO] - A History of Wimborne Minster> the Collegiate Church of Saint Cuthberga and King's Free Chapel at Wimborne.
44589: [EDWARD OXFORD] - Attempt to Assassinate the Queen and Prince Albert.
44587: [EDWARD OXFORD] - Oxford's Attempt to Assassinate the Queen and Prince Albert on Constitution Hill, Wednesday Evening June 10, 1840.
44586: [EDWARD OXFORD] - A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God> for His late merciful Preservation of The Queen from the atrocious and treasonable Attempt against Her Sacred Person, on Wednesday the 10th of June 1840. To be used at Morning and Evening Service, After General Thanksgiving, in all Churches and Chapels... on Sunday 21st of June... and to be continued for Thirty Days afterwards.
44257: [PHOTOGRAPHY] - The Duthie Park: a Descriptive and Historical Sketch.
43194: [PHOTOGRAPHY] - Photography.
39559: - [The Little Geographer] The Voyage Round the World, or a picturesque survey of the different nations that inhabit the world. Volume I. Europe> Volume II. Asia> Volume III. Africa.
45003: MR. D'ANVILLE - A Map of South American Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, Newe Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. With several improvements and additions, and the newest discoveries.
42536: GEORGE F. M'DOUGALL - The Eventful Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ship "Resolute" to the Arctic Regions in Search of Sir John Franklin and the Missing Crews of H.M. Discovery Ships "Erebus" and "Terror," 1852, 1853, 1854. To which is added an account of her being fallen in with by an American Whaler after her abandonment in Barrow Straits and of her presentation to Queen Victoria by the government of the United States.
43485: J. O'SHAUGHNESSY - Map of the Geographical Distribution of the Cerealla [sic] with the Isotheral [sic] and Isocheimonal Lines. And the Principal European Corn Ports, altered from Berghaus.
44981: KIRKSTALL ABBEY - Kirkstall, near Leeds. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale of important freehold historical estates embracing the ancient ruins of Kirkstall Abbey unequalled in magnificence, and said to be the most interesting and perfect specimen of any of the monastic edifices of this country, presenting a gem of architectural beauty... which will be sold by auction. [Particulars no. 3-lots 70 to 73. The Cardigan estates, Yorkshire first portion.]
45611: ABEEL, David - Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighbouring Countries from 1830 to 1833. Revised from the American Edition, with an Introductory Essay by the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Wriothesley Noel.
37026: ABERNATHY, James - Description of Works at the Ports of Swansea, Silloth, and Blyth. With an Abstract of the Discussion upon the Paper Edited by Charles Manby and James Forrest.
44887: ACCIDENT - Terrible Accident on the Ice in Regent's Park, and Loss of 40 Lives.
41340: SCHOOL ACCOUNTS - The Rev. J.T.C. Fawcett, M.A. in Account with St. Matthias' District National Schools.
45747: RUDOLF ACKERMANN - Soho Square [Looking West].
45791: RUDOLPH ACKERMANN - St. James's Square.
44333: GEORGE HOLLAND ACKERS - Universal Yacht Signals.
41105: IRISH ACTS - An Act for better Observation of the Lord's-Day, Commonly Called Sunday. 1803. [with] An Act Relating to Servants and Apprentices, Artificers, and Day-Labourers. 1831. [with] An Act to Repeal the Several Laws for Recovery of Small Sums Due for Wages, in Ireland> and to Make Other Provisions for Recovery of Such Wages. 1830. [with] A Collection of Acts Relating to the Burning of Land. 1828. [with] Ac Act to Amend the 10 Charles !. For Impounding Distress in Ireland. 1829. [with] An Act for Preventing the Vexatious Impounding of Cattle for Trespass or Damage Feasant. 1829. [with] Two Acts Passed in the 37th and 40th Years of George III. To Prevent the Vexatious Impounding of Cattle for Trespass or Damage-Feasant, and for the More Effective Preserving of Mears and Fences. 1832. [with] An Act for the Relief of Persons Aggrieved by Unlawful or Excessive Distress in Ireland. 1830.
44805: [OLYMPICS] VALERIO ADAMI - Olympische Spiel München 1972.
45855: DOUGLAS ADAMS - Signed Publicity Poster.
45534: ADAMS, W.G.S. - International Control. (Reprinted from the February Number of The Political Quarterly)
19293: ADAMS, Herbert Baxter - History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families of Amherst, Massachusetts.
45212: LACE & ADDISON - Illustrated Description of the Stupendous Steam Ship "Great Britain," 3500 Tons Burthen, 1000 Horse Power.
45514: ADDULLAH, Quazi - The Crying Need of the Age Fulfilled. The Ahmadia Movement, Its Need and Object.
45372: KING WILLIAM IV and QUEEN ADELAIDE - A Windsor Pair Pear. Daily Seen at the Royal Table.
43257: QUEEN ADELAIDE - Biblical quotation and initials.
43255: QUEEN ADELAIDE - Ceremonial for the Private Interment of Her Late Most Excellent Majesty Adelaide the Queen Dowager, in the Royal Chapel of St. George, at Windsor, on Thursday the 13th of December, 1849.
43256: QUEEN ADELAIDE - Note and signature.
42468: THE LYNN ADVERTISER - Advertising Copy Receipt.
41289: LUTON ADVERTISING - Large advertising sheet for trades in Luton, Bedfordshire.
42002: AESOP [after] - The Man and His 2 Wives.
44602: AFGHANISTAN - Afghanistan and Its Surroundings, Showing the Frontiers of Russia and British India.
44687: MARCELLUS LAROON after - Buy My Four Ropes of Onions.
44686: MARCELLUS LAROON after - London Gazette Here.
44685: MARCELLUS LAROON after - Buy a White Line, a Jack Line or a Clothes Line.
44684: MARCELLUS LAROON after - Buy My Dutch Biscuits.
42401: SHIPPING AGENT - John Pond. Shipping & General Agent. 11, Water Lane, Tower Street, London.
44464: AGRICULTURE - Turnip Management, by Woldsman.
36355: AHIER, Philip - Stories of Jersey Seas of Jersey's Coast and of Jersey Fishermen. [Part I] with Part II and Part III [complete]
42717: GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY - Essays on The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar> The Invasion of Britain by Plautius, and by Claudius Caesar> The Early Military Policy of the Romans in Britain> the Battle of Hastings. With Correspondence. Collected and printed for private distribution.
43545: W. M. AKHURST - Gulliver on His travels> or, Harlequin Robinson Crusoe, His Man Friday, and The Wonderful Spirit of Romance. As produced at Sanger's National Ampitheatre (Late Astley's). [Book of Words]
42122: J. ALBERT - Tailor & Draper, King William Street, London Bridge.
42234: ALBERT PALACE, BATTERSEA PARK - Programme Tuesday, April 20th. [1886]
42491: PRINCE ALBERT - Victoria. In Four Acrostics. [On the death of Prince Albert]
44582: PRINCE ALBERT - The Dinner to His Royal Highness Prince Albert, at the Town Hall July 30th. 1846.
41398: PRINCE ALBERT - Signature [Albert] addressed to His Excellency Chevalier Bunsen.
44953: MEMORIAL ALBUM - Alla Cara Memoria di Maria Busoni Tutti I Suoi Cari Offrrono Preci.
45301: ALDRED, Henry W. editor - New History of Soffolk, entitled The Suffolk Records. Collected from Collection of Deeds, Wills, Pedigrees, Abstracts of Title, Court & Rent Rolls. &c., of, and edited by Henry W. Aldred.
41010: PRINCESS ALICE - Stevengraph Portrait of Her Royal Highness, The Princess Alice.
42103: MR ALLEN - Furniture Designer and Calico Printer to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, has become the patentee of the various ornaments in this work applicable to that purpose> of which specimens will be submitted to the inspection of the Nobility and Gentry, in the Month of April.
42693: LAKE ALLEN - The History of Portsmouth> containing a full and enlarged account of its ancient and present state> with a particular description of the dock-yard, gun-wharf, Haslar hospital, the towns of Portsea and Gosport, Porchester Castle, the Isle of Wight...an appendix containing many of the Charters granted to the town, &c.
45217: ALLISON, K.J. - The East Riding of Yorkshire Landscape.
8802: ALLISON, K.J. - The East Riding of Yorkshire Landscape.
33640: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1946.
33647: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1955.
33643: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1949.
33646: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1952.
33645: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1951.
33642: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1948.
45151: ALMANACK - The Old Original Paddy's Watch For the Year of Our Lord 1825, being the first after Bissextile, or Leap Year.
33644: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1950.
33641: GREEN'S BEVERLEY ALMANACK - Green's Household Almanack & Diary for 1947.
45450: ALPHABET - Menagerie Grand Parade> 26 Animals from A to Z.
45736: H. ALTHAMARY - [Arabic Title] Map of the Yemeni Arab Republic.
42427: JOSEPH AMESBURY - To be Sold by Private Contract, Licences to use, in various limited Districts in the Counties of England, Wales, and Scotland, the Patented Inventions of Mr. Joseph Amesbury, Surgeon of 12, Devonshire Street, Portland Place.
42231: ASTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE - The Siege of Badajoz having been received with universal applause will be repeated every evening.
42240: SANGER'S GRAND NATIONAL AMPHITHEATRE - Programme. [Christmas 1882]
42241: SANGER'S GRAND NATIONAL AMPHITHEATRE - Programme. [Christmas 1883]
32666: AMPHLETT, John - A Short History of Clent. [Staffordshire]
42136: GEORGE AMSINCK - A Retrospective View of the Quantity of Strong Beer Brewed by the Undermentioned Porter Houses in London, from 5th July, 1800, to the 5th. July, 1830.
43823: SCOTT & ANDERSON - Silk Mercers. Family accounts rendered every four months.
43950: [FURNISHINGS] DAVID ANDERSON - Manufacturer of Table Linen, Coloured Damask & Dunfermline. Agent in Glasgow. Thomas Stevenson, 78, Miller Street. A large assorted Stock always on hand.
40979: JAMES ANDERSON [attributed to] - Trajan's Column, Rome.
41938: PROF. CARL M. ANDRE - Two Last Concerts in Oldham! By Professor Andre's Alpine Choir. Thursday, April 13th...Farewell Concert. Friday, April 14th...A Farewell Temperance Demonstration.
45472: ANDREIEV, Leonid - Russia's Call to Humanity. "Save Our Souls" an appeal to the allies. Introduction by Prof. P.N. Miliukov. Cover by Frank Brangwyn.
44087: GEORGE ANDREWS - Memories of Murston [Kent].
23285: ANDREWS, William editor - The Derbyshire Gatherer of Archaeological, Historical, Biographical Facts, Folk Lore Etc.
45243: ANNUITIES. - Reduced £3 per cent. Annuities.
41652: ANNUITIES - Annuities 1706. Received by Lord Winterton...the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Pounds...for twenty one months annuity...payable for the term of Ninety-nine Years from 25th March, 1706, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament...for Continuing an Additional Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage, and certain Duties upon Coals, Culm and Cinder, and Additional Duties of Excise...
41653: ANNUITIES - Annuities 1707. Received by me Elizabeth Countess Dowager of Winchelsea...Twenty Pounds...by Virtue of an Act of Parliament...for contiunuing Duties on Low Wines, and Spirits of First Extraction, and Duties Payable by Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty Chapmen, and Part of Duties on Stamp Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and the late Duty on Sweets...
41654: ANNUITIES - Annuities, 80000 l. per Annum, 1708. Received by me Fra E. of Godolphin, Ass. of Wm. Thomas Esq...the Sum of Fifty Pounds... by Vertue of an Act of Parliament...for continuing one half part of the Subsidies of Tonnage and Poundage and other Duties upon Wines, Goods, and Merchandizes imported...
41657: ANNUITIES - Annuities, 14 per Cent...Received by me Francis Lord Godolphin Attorney to the Mayor & Commonalty of Helston in Cornwall Assignees of Charles Godolphin...the Sum of Twenty Eight pounds...for twenty four months Annuity by Virtue of...An Act for Granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors...[and] for purchasing Reversions of the said Annuities.
41661: ANNUITIES - Consolidated £3 per Cent Annuties. Received...of James Sutton the Sum of Sixteen Hundred Eighty Pounds being the Consideration for Two Thousand Pounds Interest or Share in the Joint Stock...An Act for converting several Annuities...into several Joint Stock of Annuities, transferable at the Bank of England, to be charged on the Sinking Fund.
41663: ANNUITIES - £3: 5s. per Cent Annuities. Received...of Miss Fanny Toogood the Sum of One Hundred Ninety Seven pounds 10s being the Consideration for Two Hundred Pounds Interest or Share in the Capital or Joint Stock...
41664: ANNUITIES - £3: 5s. per Cent Annuities. Received...of Miss Fanny Toogood the Sum of Ninety Eight pounds 15s being the Consideration for One Hundred Pounds Interest or Share in the Capital or Joint Stock...
41665: ANNUITIES - £3: 5s. per Cent Annuities. Received...of Miss Fanny Toogood the Sum of Ninety two pounds 15s being the Consideration for One Hundred Pounds Interest or Share in the Capital or Joint Stock...
41666: ANNUITIES - £3: 5s. per Cent Annuities. Received...of Miss Fanny Toogood the Sum of forty pounds 13/9 being the Consideration for fifty Pounds Interest or Share in the Capital or Joint Stock...
41667: ANNUITIES - £3: 5s. per Cent Annuities. Received...of Messrs James Toogood & Thomas Pulton the Sum of five shillings being the Consideration for Four hundred & fifty Pounds Interest or Share in the Capital or Joint Stock...
22208: ANON. - Hull Trams> the Early Days.
44957: ANON. - Hull Trams> the Early Days.
39900: ANON - The Banker's Clerk b(u)y One of Them. First Series.
37693: ANTHOINE-LEGRAIN, Jacques [Binder] - Candide, by Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet]. Illustrated by Gus Bofa.
43422: ANTHOLOGY. - Frontier Crossings> a Souvenir of the 45th World Science Fiction Convention, Conspiracy '87, held in Brighton, Great Britain, from August 27th to September 1st 1987.
45602: ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES - Architectural Remains in Yorkshire, with a Short Historical Account of Each.
42022: MARIE ANTOINETTE - Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre...
38732: APPERT, M. - The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for Several Years. A Work published by the French Minister of the Interior, on the Report of the Board of Arts and Manufacturers. Translated from the French.
42197: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Professor Leon, the Celebrated Mexican Horse Tamer.
42199: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Programme for Week Ending March 25, 1893.
42203: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Description of the Grand Ballet "Champagne," by Madame Kitti Lanner.
42204: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, Full Chorus of Ladies and Gentlemen, under the Direction of Herr Immanuel Liebich. [St. Stephen's Hall]
42205: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Programme and Complete Arrangements for the Day. Wednesday, October 10th, 1883.
42207: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Programme and Complete Arrangements for the Day. Friday, March 13th, 1885.
42214: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Royal Aquarium and Summer and Winter Garden. Pass Two. [with] Reserved Seat Check.
42217: ROYAL AQUARIUM - [Programme] Week Ending March 19th. 1887. Afternoon and Evening.
42218: ROYAL AQUARIUM - [Programme] Week Ending April 27th, 1889. Afternoon and Evening.
42227: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Programme for Week Ending December 2, 1893.
42228: ROYAL AQUARIUM - The World's Greatest Show...
42229: ROYAL AQUARIUM - Gigantic Christmas Carnival. Six Weeks' Stupendous Programme Dec. 24 to Feb. 2, 1895.
45797: J.L. BOND architect - Phoenix Fire-Engine House, Cockspur Street.
45761: PERRY & REED Architects - Designs for Peter Jones' Premises King's Road, Chelsea.
42363: ARCHITECTURE - Architectural Detail [Tomb?]
36947: ARDIZZONE, Edward - Bronze Figure: Seated Girl Laughing.
39638: ARDIZZONE, Edward illustrates - The Local by Maurice Gorham.
43342: EDWARD ARDIZZONE - The Monotype Recorder. Vol. XXXVIII No. I.
43343: EDWARD ARDIZZONE - The Tale of Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves. Being literally translated from the Arabic into French by J.C. Mardrus> and then translated into English by E. `Powys Mathers.
45664: JOSIAS ARELEBOUT - A True and Perfect Plott of Every Particular Cauellor Closs in the Several Counties of Yorke, Lincolne, and Nottingham. In the Level of Hattefield Chass. Surveyed in the Year 1639. Drawne by Thomas Smith, Mariner.
43897: [FRENCH POLISHER] W. ARIS - French Polisher, No. 3, Chapel Street, Somers Town. Pianofortes, Shop Fronts, Hand Rails, and all kinds of Cabinet Work, done on the most reasonable terms. Country Orders executed.
41460: TERRITORIAL ARMY - Notice to Join for Training in Camp.
45177: W. ARNELL - The Bell, W. Arnell, Wine & Spirit Merchant, 249, Pentonville Road, King's cross.
44817: ABSTRACT ART - Untitled.
44796: POP ART - Pete Brown and Piblokto.
43400: PAPER ART - Vase of Flowers.
41084: LEAF SKELETON ART - Portrait of Garibaldi Mounted on a Horse.
40977: ARTHUR SIDEY, FREDDIE REED, JOHN DOIDGE and others - Chimpanzees at Twycross Zoo.
45764: H. ISHAM artist - A View of St. James's Church, Clerkenwell, from the West, Looking Towards the East Window, as the same appered whilst taking down, in order to be rebuilt. [with] A View of the Tower...
44305: G. CIPRIANI artist - Rosina, a Comic Opera, as Performed at The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden> composed and selected by William Shield.
41229: ROYAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS. - Smoking Evening at Suffolk Street, Pall Mall East.
43446: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - List of the Members of the Royal Academy of Arts in London. 1815.
41233: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS - The President and Council request the honour of the company of Sir James Bacon at the Anniversary Dinner on Saturday May 2nd...
44298: SALOON OF ARTS - Change of Performance. New Grand Productions. A Beautiful Exhibition of Animated Scenery. A Village on the Banks of the Rhine... in the foreground will be seen the Emperor Napoleon and His Generals... the French Cavalry... to conclude with the antics of an Unruly Donkey.
44350: DIOCESE OF ST. ASAPH. - Register of Oswestry Volume II 1669 - 1727 and Volume III 1678 - 1750.
44349: DIOCESE OF ST. ASAPH. - Register of Oswestry Volumes IV, V and VI.
44603: ASIA - The British and Russian Frontiers in Central Asia.
45676: JEHOSOPHAT ASPIN - A Plane Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection. With the Tracks & Discoveries of the Principal and Most Recent Navigators> for the Elucidation of The Abbé Gaultier's Geographical Games.
41562: TAX ASSESSMENT - Assessed Taxes...Notice of Charge for the Year 1815, ending 5th April, 1816...To Revd. F. Baker, Coombe Bissett.
41563: PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT - Year 1814. Notice of First Assessment, under Property Acts. Wilts to wit To the Revd. Francis Baker of Coombe Bissett...To Duties granted by Schedule A. on Lands, Tenements, &c. in respect of Property £1.0s.0d.
41564: INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT - Notice of First Assessment under Property and Income Tax Acts, by Commissioners for General Purposes, Schedules A. & B. Division of London & Hatfield. To John Hodges...an Assessment...Under Schedule A. on Lands, Tenements, &c. in respect of Property £8 4s. 0d. Duty 4s. 9d. Under Schedule B. on Lands, Tenements, &c. in respect of the Occupation 2s. 2d. Duty 1d.
41565: INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT - Notice of First Assessment under Property and Income Tax Acts, by Commissioners for General Purposes, Schedules A. & B. Division of Wellington. To Mates, J,W, Esq...an Assessment...Under Schedule A. on Lands, Tenements, &c. in respect of Property £3 0s. 1d. Duty 1s. 9d. Under Schedule B. on Lands, Tenements, &c. in respect of the Occupation
41566: TAX ASSESSMENT - Assessed Taxes Repealed and Reduced. No. 2 A. 2nd Part for the Year 1823, ending 5th April 1824. Take Notice, that by an Act of the present Session of Parliament, the Duties herein described are wholly repealed. You are therefore not required to fill up the corresponding Lists in the For marked 2A. delivered to you with this Notice. The Duties on Shop or Warehouse Windows, not exceeding Three in the front, on the ground or basement stories of Dwelling Houses, are also repealed, and the Duties on Windows, Servants, carriages, and Horses are reduced one Moiety...
41582: SCOTTISH TAX ASSESSMENT - Forfarshire Assessed Taxes, Due March 25, 1832. No. 3 Parish of Aberlemno, Patrick Chalmers Esq of Auldbar. To Duty of 69 Windows...£20 19s 3d...
41630: INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT - Taxes Due From Wm Nicholls Esq.
44028: [MUSIC] GLASGOW LITHOGRAPHERS & ENGRAVERS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION - Soiree [Ticket] On Friday the 23rd. April 1851.
44040: [MUSIC] GLASGOW SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION - In connection with the Church of Scotland. The Second Annual Soiree will be held in the Merchants Hall, Hutcheson Street, on Wednesday Evening the 21st February, 1849. at Seven o'Clock.
41481: SHROPSHIRE RIFLE ASSOCIATION - Programme of the Annual Meeting for the Year 1877.
42084: ST. PANCRAS ASSOCIATION - Election of Vestrymen and Auditors.
42085: ST PANCRAS ASSOCIATION - Economy, Efficiency, Humanity. St Pancras Association. Ward No. 2. [Address] To the Ratepayers of Ward 2.
43294: CLAY BIRD ASSOCIATION - Championship, 1906. Held on the Middlesex Gun Club's Grounds, Welsh Harp, N.W.
44043: [EDUCATION] V. JAMES ASSOLARI - Professor of Modern languages in the Athenaeum &c. Graduate of the University of Pavia. Interpreter for the Sheriff Court, Glasgow. Translator of Commercial & Literary Correspondence &c. Instructions given Privately in Classes & Individually at Signor A's residence, & Publicly in French, Italian, German, Spanish & Portuguese. Class Rooms, 280 George St., Residence, 201 Sauchiehall St. Glasgow.
45631: ASTBURY, A.K. - The Black Fens.
44064: [MEDICINE] LICENSED VICTUALLERS' ASSOCIATION ASYLUM - Old Kent Road, Instituted 1827, Incorporated by Royal Charter 6th Victoria, 1842.
41680: ASYLUM - Haydock Lodge Asylum, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire. Edward Lister, Medical proprietor.
41681: ASYLUM - Oulton Retreat, near Stone, Staffordshire. For the recovery of persons afflicted with Nervous or Mental Complaints. Conducted by Saml. G. Bakewell, M.D. late of Springvale.
42052: WANSTEAD INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM - Hymn Sung on Laying the First Stone of the New Asylum, at Wanstead, and at the Anniversary Dinner at Christ's Hospital, by the Children of the Infant Orphan Asylum.
42148: INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM - A Selection of Glees, Etc. Performed at the Anniversary of the Infant Orphan Asylum, on Tuesday, July 27, 1841, in the Grand Hall of Christ's Hospital. The Vocal Department under the direction of Mr. Hawes.
43040: BEDFORD LUNATIC ASYLUM - Order for Bread to be supplied to the asylum by G. Ekins.
44086: H.D. CHAPLIN and C.T. ATKINSON - The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment. [1881 - 1950]
27650: ATKINSON, Harold Waring - The Families of Atkinson of Roxby (Lincs) and Thorne and Dearman and Braithwaite and Families Connected With Them> Especially Atkinson-Busfeild, Barnes, Beavington, Birchall, Edwards, Miller, Neave, Ransome, Rooke, Sessions, Sinclair, Somerford, Stanley, Waring, Wykeham.
45124: RICHARD ST. GEORGE MANSERGH attrib. - The Grub Street Macaroni.
40289: AUCTION - York. Market Street, Margaret Place and Charles Street, in the Parish of St. George. To Be Sold By Auction by Mr. W. Butler...Five Freehold Dwelling Houses and Joiners' Shop...Further Particulars from Mr. John Holtby, Solicitor, York.
41504: FOR SALE BY AUCTION - Conditions of Sale.
34547: D'AUNGERVILLE, Richard - Richard D'Aungerville, of Bury. Fragments of His Register, and Other Documents.
45460: JANE AUSTEN - The Novels. [Complete in 5 volumes] I. Sense and Sensibility. II. Emma. III. Mansfield Park. IV. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. V. Pride and Prejudice.
44522: AUSTRALIA - Australian Agricultural Company. Ninety-second Annual Report [with] Ninety-third Annual Report.
40837: AVIATION - The Twining Aeroplane Co. [Flier]
40838: AVIATION - Materials for Model Making.
40840: AVIATION - Brochure [with] Special Aero Show Supplement.
40841: AVIATION - Monoplane designed by A.S. Goodwin and O.G.C. Drury, Civil Engineers.
40853: AVIATION - Westminster Aeronautical Society Membership Card.
40854: AVIATION - Safety Landing Wheels.
44676: RIVER AVON - The Sluices and Weirs on the River Avon from Stratford to Tewksbury.
42253: AXHOLME. READ, William - Read's History of the Isle of Axholme: Its Manors and Parishes.
27090: AXON, William E.A. - Cheshire Gleanings.
40349: AYRTON, Michael [illustrator] and D.G. BRIDSON - The Quest for Gilgamesh> with an original lithograph by Michael Ayrton.
40350: AYRTON, Michael [illustrator] and D.G. BRIDSON - The Quest for Gilgamesh> with an original lithograph by Michael Ayrton.
40823: AYRTON, Michael - The Duchess of Malfi.
45711: BACON - [Central London at a scale of 9.4 inches to the mile]
45691: C.W. BACON - What Do They Talk About.
45669: G.W. BACON - Plan of St. Marylebone.
45323: BACON, Nathll. - The Annalls of Ipswyche. The Lawes Customes and Governmt of the same. Collected out of ye records bookes and writings of that towne. Edited by William H. Richardson.
41252: SIR JAMES BACON - Collection of ephemera: At Home at Compton Beauchamp, Menus for Sunday at Compton Beauchamp, Pen and Ink Drawing of a church [possibly for a wedding invitation] and an engraved at-home card addressed to Bacon.
45308: BADHAM, Rev. Charles - The History and Antiquities of All Saints Church, Sudbury, and of the Parish generally, derived from Harleian Mss. and other sources.
43493: BAINBRIDGE, Thomas - A Plan of the Parish of Croydon in the County of Surrey Shewing the Allotments in the Common and Common Fields as Divided by Act of Parliament in the Year 1800.
44404: JOHN BAIRD - Dissertations, chronological, historical, and critical : on all the books of the Old Testament > through which are interspersed, reflections, theological, and moral, arising from the various subjects. Vol.I.
26511: BAKER, John Brogden - The History of Scarborough, From the Earliest Date.
41843: BAKEWELL - Bridge House, Bakewell, Derbyshire.
45351: DIORAMA - BALAVAAR - A Dutch papercut diorama Bavalaar of a river scene with palm trees, figures gathering the harvest and tending sheep, with ships in the background.
45188: H.G. BALKAM - Apothecary, Hyde Park.
41928: [FOWLER, William] BALL, H.W. - Notes on William Fowler (of Winterton) and His Works.
42788: NAVAL BALLAD - The British Seaman. [slip song]
44273: BALLANTYNE, R.M. - Photographs of Edinburgh. With Descriptive Letterpress.
44765: JAMES BANDINEL - Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as Connected with Europe and America> from the introduction of the trade into modern Europe, down to the present time> especially with reference to the efforts made by the British Government for its extinction.
43854: [GLOVER] BANISTER - Hosier, Glover & Flannel Draper, No. 98, Strand (two doors from Beaufort Buildings.)
42094: LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK - Opened December 26, 1838. (From "The Atlas" Newspaper, December 29, 1838)
42096: THE LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK - Anniversary Dinner at the London Tavern, Bishopgate Street on the Day of the General Meeting.
41672: BANKER'S DRAFT - London & Westminster Bank Ltd. You will be pleased to hold at the disposal of Mr Steward Lander on his being identified, the sum of One hundred and forty Pounds...taking in reimbursement his Draft on this bank...
33974: BANKIER, Linda - Berwick-on-Tweed Illustrated 1894 - 1994.
39651: BANKS, Iain M. - Inversions.
44998: CAVr. MICHEL'ANGELO BARBERI - Alcuni Musaici Usciti Dallo Studio del Cavr. Michel'Angelo Barberi.
45364: HENRY ASTON BARKER - Description of the Procession on the Coronation of His Majesty George the Fourth: which took place lon Thursday, July 19, 1821. Now represented and exhibiting in the Great Rotunda of Henry Aston Barker's Panorama, Leicester Square.
43162: HENRY ASTON BARKER - A Short Description of the Island of Elba, and Town of Porto-Ferrajo> illustrative of the view now exhibiting in Henry Aston Barker's Panorama, Leicester Square.
43169: R.R. REINAGLE and THOMAS EDWARD BARKER - A View of the Beautiful City of Florence, Taken from the Top of ther Palace Feroni, (by Reinagle and Barker) is now Exhibiting in the Smaller Circle.
44025: [MUSIC] FREDERICK R. BARNBY - Teacher of the Organ, Piano Forte and Singing.
34217: BARRABAND, Jacques - Histoire Naturelle des Perroquets - Plate 110. Le Perroquet Aouro-courouy.
45641: GIRARD & BARRERE - Afrique Occidentale Française. Carte d'Ensemble Type Semi-Mural Politique et Administratve.
38462: BARRON, Oswald Editor - Northamptonshire Families.
39868: BARROW, T.T. - A Plan of Tunbridge Wells in the County of Kent, Showing the Situation of all the Lodging Houses, Publick Walks, Inns and every thing worthy of notice.
45554: BARRY, Canon William - The Turks, Cardinal Newman, and the Council of Ten.
42074: ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL - A Statement for the Consideration of the Inhabitants and Owners of Houses in the Parish of Christ Church, Newgate Street.
41224: W.H. BARTLETT, R.I. - Along the Tidal Seine. The honour of your company is requested on Saturday March 12th to view the collection of pictures.
42156: FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI - George Frederic Handel, after Giovanni Battista Cipriani.
42157: FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI - The Ball at the Mansion House April XVII, MDCCLXXV, the Right Hon. John Wilkes, Lord Mayor> after Giovanni Battista Cipriani.
44251: [HOTEL] HOTEL DES PAYS BAS. - Vve. A. J. Couvreur, Verviers.
45758: JAMES BASIRE - Entrée Royalle de la Reyne Mère du Roy Tres Chrestien dans la Ville de Londres.
44695: SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES IN BASLE - Ciba and Cibanone Colours for Calico Printing.
40980: C. BASSET - Tree in a landscape setting with elderly couple and daughter.
39715: BATCHELOR, Dr William - A Few Words on Nervousness.
44065: [SCIENCE] R.B. BATE - Mathematical Instrument Maker to the Honourable Board of Excise. Hydrometer Maker for the Revenue of the United Kingdom. Mathematical, Optical & Philosophical instruments, Wholesale, Retail & for Exportation. 21 Poultry, London.
42970: BATH - The Church Rambler> a series of articles on the churches in the neighbourhood of Bath.
39970: BAWDEN, Edward - [Prospectus] Edward Bawden: War Artist.
41335: BAYLIES'S CHARITY - An Extract from The "Report of the Commissioners, for enquiring concerning Charities," respecting Baylies's Charity School, in Dudley, at present in the possession of the Socinians.
38144: BAZALGETTE, Norman - Random Rhymes.
38564: BEAMONT, William - A History of the Castle of Halton and the Priory or Abbey of Norton, With an Account of the Barons of Halton, the Priors and Abbots of Norton and an Account of Rock Savage and Daresbury Church, With Notices of Historic Events of the Neighbourhood.
43532: BLUE BEARD - Collection of Pantomime programmes for various productions.
44279: PERMANE'S PERFORMING BEARS - The New Empire Variety Theatre, Newgate Street, Newcastle.
41954: BENJAMIN BEASLEY - [Advert] Stammerers Should Read a Book...Reminiscences of a Stammerer and Stammering: Its treatment.
44732: CECIL BEATON - 18 Unpublished Original Watercolours to illustrate "These Fine Adventures" by Donn Casey.
43554: SLEEPING BEAUTY - Collection of Programmes, posters, handbills and book of words.
44501: BERND & HILLA BECHER - Typologies, Edited and with an Introduction by Armin Zwerite.
45590: BEDDOME, Brittania - Album Amicorum presented to Britannia Beddome by John Charlesworth.
45179: DIXON AND BEEDLE - Druce's Landing Wharf, Queen's Road, Chelsea.
41309: CORNED BEEF - Novelty fold out advert.
45337: MAX BEERBOHM - Two Original Watercolour Cartoons relating to the affair between George Bernard Shaw and Mrs Patrick Campbell. Titled "Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Shaw as They Respectively Appeared to Themselves," and "Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Shaw as They Respectively Appear to Each Other."
42843: W. BELCH - W. Belch's Old English and Engrossing Copies Alphabetically Arranged. Showing the different characters on one line for General Use.
45117: J. BELL - The Popular Sunday Newspaper, Bell's Weekly Messenger [and] Another Edition of the Same Paper, Viz. - The Monday Edition.
38663: BELL, Adrian - Mother Moth> illustrated by Francesca Bell.
39792: BELL, John - The following is a List of Persons Cured of Maniacal Symptoms by John Bell, Carpenter at Bowsden, Northumberland & his late mother who was midwife in that village for thirty three years...
43181: BELL, Vanessa - Exhibition of Paintings by Vanessa Bell (1880 - 1961). 6th - 27th October, 1961.
43182: BELL, Vanessa - A Memorial Exhibition of Her Paintings.
40836: BELLAMY, John [EXHIBITION] - Positively for One Week Only. Extraordinary Novelty. Mr. Bellamy...Unrivalled Exhibition of Paragon Models...A Stupendous Model of Windsor Castle...modelling 1428 windows...
36756: BEMROSE, William Junior - The Runic and Other Crosses of Derbyshire.
39905: BENGAL - Bengal Military Fund.
45671: J.F. BENNET - Bennet's Illustrated London Plan of London. Plan Showing Theatres, Music Halls, Museums, &c. &c.
45487: BENSON, A.C. - The Happy Warrior> a Sight of General Smuts at Cambridge May 1917.
45254: BENSON, E.F. - Lovers and Friends.
36508: BENSON, George and JEFFERSON, J. England - Picturesque York.
41204: BENZAQUEN - 12 Snapshots Gibraltar.
41825: BERKSHIRE - List of Subscriptions to the South Berkshire Hunt, for the Season 1892 - 3.
44650: BERMONDSEY - The Sanitary Acts. Local Government Boards. Specimen Plan for Town Sewerage. Part of Bermondsey in the County of Surrey.
37236: BERRY, William - County Genealogies. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Hants: Collected from Heraldic Visitations...
42444: JOHN BETTS - [Game] A Voyage Round the World. The World on Mercator's Projection.
24623: BEVERLEY. WILDRIDGE, T. Tindall - The Misereres of Beverley Minster: a Complete Series of Drawings of the Seat Carvings in the Choir of St. John's, Beverley, Yorkshire> With Notes on the Plates and Subject.
45299: BEVERLEY OLIVER, George - The History and Antiquities of the Town and Minster of Beverley, in the County of York, from the Most Early Period> With Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Abbeys of Watton and Meaux, the Convent of Haltemprise, the Villages of Cottingham, Leckonfield, Bishop and Cherry Burton, Walkington, Risby, Scorburgh, and the Hamlets Comprised Within the Liberties of Beverley.
38442: BIGGS, Michael - A Gaelic Alphabet.
41364: VETO BILL - Three handbills against the bill, two signed by G.B.H.B. [with] 'Anent John Bull and Matters That Concern Him.'
41787: PARLIAMENT BILL - An Act to make provision with respect to the powers of the House of Lords in relation to those of the House of Commons, and to limit the duration of Parliament.
42542: REFORM BILL - Programme of the Grand Jubilee Procession, to take place in Edinburgh on Friday 10th August, 1832, in Honour of the Passing of the Reform Bills.
42570: MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BILL - List of the Majority and Minority, in the Division on Thursday, the 16th of July, 1835, on Mr. Winthrop Praed's Motion to save the Political Rights of the Freemen of England and Wales> Rights solemnly recognised and reserved by the Reform Act.
39600: BAYNTUN BINDING - Poems of Christina Rossetti, chosen by William Rossetti.
39603: FAZAKERLEY BINDING - [Blank Visitor's Book?]
42909: W.G. BLACKIE - The Imperial Atlas of Modern Geography> an extensive series of maps, embracing the most recent discoveries and the latest political divisions of territory in all parts of the world.
36783: BLACKWELL, John - The Sheffield Directory and Guide> Containing a History of the Town, an Alphabetical List & Classification of the Merchants, Manufacturers, and Principal Inhabitants, Including the Neighbouring Towns & Villages> With Commercial Information, &c. &c.
42416: CROSSE & BLACKWELL - Salad Oil and Vinegar.
45081: CLAUDE BLAIR - The Crown Jewels: The History of the Coronation Regalia in the Jewel House of the Tower of London. In Two Volumes. Volume I. The History. Volume II. The Catalogues.
31059: BLAKE, William - Watercolour Designs for the Poems of Thomas Gray.
43533: E.L. BLANCHARD - Cinderella> or, Harlequin and Fairy Slipper. Grand Comic Christmas Pantomime. [Book of Words]
43534: E.L. BLANCHARD - Book of Words of Cinderella, the Drury Lane Pantomime, 1833 - 4. Music by Oscar Barrett. With Illustrative Designs by Frederick Waddy.
43543: E.L. BLANCHARD - Grimalkin the Great> or, Harlequin Puss in Boots, and the Miller's Sons. [Book of Words]
43542: E.L. BLANCHARD - Grimalkin the Great> or, Harlequin Puss in Boots, and the Miller's Sons. [Book of Words]
45420: SCHOOL PIECE - WRITING BLANK - The Death of Wat Tyler.
45421: SCHOOL PIECE - WRITING BLANK - Coronation. The King's Champion Giving the Challenge...
41679: ASYLUM FOR THE BLIND - Glasgow Asylum for the Blind. Souvenir of Laying the Foundation Stone by Col. W. Montgomerie Neison, of Queenshill, Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow...
41684: INDIGENT BLIND - A Report of the State of the School and Hospital for the Indigent Blind at Norwich.
45313: BLOOM, J. Harvey - Early Suffolk Tracts, pamphlets and printed sheets: a bibliography. Vol. I. 1473 - 1650. [complete]
43561: PLAYBILL - BLUEBEARD - Bluebeard, or Female Curiosity. [and] Harlequin and the Miser> or, the Golden Dream... etc.
44331: J.C. BLUETT - Duelling and the Laws of Honour Examined, upon Principles of Common Sense and Revealed Truth.
40110: BLUNDEN, Edward - Autograph Letter, signed.
44983: BOKHARA - Account of the Wreck of the S.S. "Bokhara," on Sand Island, in the China Sea. ON 10th October, 1892.
43312: LUCY M. BOLDERS - Whist.
45567: BOLSHEVISM - A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia. Abridged Edition of Parliamentary Paer, Russia No. 1.
45375: BLOW BOOK - Bilder Zaubereien.
43361: DRAWING BOOK - Easy Cottages, &c. For Young Beginners.
43358: FRENCH SCHOOL WORD BOOK - Plaisirs de L'Enfance.
43355: THE BOYS OWN BOOK - Little Scenes for Good Boys, in Words Not Exceeding Two Syllables. Embellished with beautiful engravings.
40031: MINIATURE BOOK - A History of the Bible.
43712: BOOKBINDER - Thomas Neil, Bookbinder, 175 Buchanan Street & 94 West Nile Street, Glasgow. Orders in Binding Executed in every style & taste at the most moderate charges.
44862: BOOKPLATE - Martin Battersby.
44863: BOOKPLATE - Soc Ros in Anglia. [The Rosicrucion Society of England]
44864: BOOKPLATE - Bruno Buchenbacher.
43729: BOOKSELLER - Henry Deighton, Bookseller, Stationer & Binder. Engraving and Printing, General Circulating Library, Music & Patent Medicine Warehouse. Stamp Office, Worcester.
43730: BOOKSELLER - Henry Deighton, Bookseller, Stationer & Binder. Engraving and Printing, General Circulating Library, Music & Patent Medicine Warehouse. Stamp Office, Worcester.
43731: BOOKSELLER - Henry Deighton, Bookseller, Stationer & Binder. Engraving and Printing, General Circulating Library, Music & Patent Medicine Warehouse. Stamp Office, Worcester.
43732: BOOKSELLER - Richard Child (Late assistant to Mr Ridge.) (Bookseller, Printer & Stationer) Bookbinding, Printing & Engraving neatly executed. Reading Societies and Schools supplied on liberal Terms. (Libraries Purchased, Arranged & Valued.)
43734: BOOKSELLER - Edmonston & Douglas, English & Foreign Booksellers and Stationers, Successors to the late Charles Smith. 88 Princes Street, Next door to the New Club, Edinburgh.
43735: BOOKSELLER - Thomas Stevenson, successor to the late John Stevenson, Bookseller & Bookbinder, 87 Princes Street, Edinburgh.
43736: BOOKSELLER - G.W. Laird Bookseller, Stationer and Bookbinder. Fancy Stationery, Drawing Materials, Lithographic Printing and Engraving, General Newspaper Agent. 15 High Street, Montrose.
43737: BOOKSELLER - G.W. Laird Bookseller, Stationer and Bookbinder. Fancy Stationery, Drawing Materials, Lithographic Printing and Engraving, General Newspaper Agent. 15 High Street, Montrose.
43738: BOOKSELLER - G.W. Laird Bookseller, Stationer and Bookbinder. Fancy Stationery, Drawing Materials, Lithographic Printing and Engraving, General Newspaper Agent. 15 High Street, Montrose.
43739: BOOKSELLER - Smith & Co. Booksellers & Stationers, High Street, Montrose. Mathematical Instruments. Drawing and Writing Materials, Merchants Accounts, Books, Sea Charts, Navigation Books, Fancy Coloured Papers, Sealing Wax, Pencils, &c. Books Neatly Bnd. Country Merchants Supplied, Newspapers & Magazines, Reviews & other New Publications, Bibles, Psalms & Prayer Books...
43740: BOOKSELLER - Smith & Co. Booksellers & Stationers, High Street, Montrose. Mathematical Instruments. Drawing and Writing Materials, Merchants Accounts, Books, Sea Charts, Navigation Books, Fancy Coloured Papers, Sealing Wax, Pencils, &c. Books Neatly Bnd. Country Merchants Supplied, Newspapers & Magazines, Reviews & other New Publications, Bibles, Psalms & Prayer Books...
43741: BOOKSELLER - Smith & Co. Booksellers & Stationers, High Street, Montrose. Mathematical Instruments. Drawing and Writing Materials, Merchants Accounts, Books, Sea Charts, Navigation Books, Fancy Coloured Papers, Sealing Wax, Pencils, &c. Books Neatly Bnd. Country Merchants Supplied, Newspapers & Magazines, Reviews & other New Publications, Bibles, Psalms & Prayer Books...
43742: BOOKSELLER - Black & Johnston, Booksellers, Stationers, Musicsellers. Printing Engraving and Bookbinding. General Newspapers and Advertising Agents. 40 High Street, Brechin.
43746: BOOKSELLER - Henry Deighton, Bookseller, Stationer & Binder. Engraving and Printing, General Circulating Library, Music & Patent Medicine Warehouse. Stamp Office, Worcester.
43753: BOOKSELLER - Fletcher, Forbes & Fletcher, Printers, Booksellers & Stationers, Southampton.
42415: BOOKSELLER - John Binns, (Late Hazard & Binns) Bookseller, Cheap Street, Bath. Libraries purchased.
42450: BOOKSELLER - Thomas Murray, Bookseller and Stationer.
42339: B. BOOTHROYD - The History of the Ancient Borough of Pontefract, Containing an Interesting Account of the Castle, and the three different sieges it sustained during the Civil War, with notes and pedigrees...
45495: BORSA, Mario - L'Angleterre et ses Critiques.
26450: BOSTON SPA. BLAKESTON, Sarah - The Gem of the YorkshireValleys> or a Brief Description of Boston Spa, and Other Places of Interest in the Neighbourhood.
42917: BOSTON - Great Boston Fire. Map of the Burned District.
42918: BOSTON - Great Boston Fire. Map of the Burned District.
31167: BOULENGER, G.A. - The Tailless Batrachians of Europe.
38456: MICHEL BOUQUET - An Artist's Ramble in the North of Scotland.
40886: BOWDEN, Richard Bayly - First Rate Man of War 120 guns.
45080: JOHN BOWEN - Missionary Incitement, and Hindoo Demoralization: Including Some Observations on the Political Tendency of the Means to Evangelize Hindoostan.
40575: JOHN BOWLES - Several Prospects of the Most Noted Publick Buildings in and about the City of London with a Short Historical Account Relating to the Same.
42779: BOWLING GREEN, HACKNEY - The Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, Governours of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Hospitals of Edward VI late King of England, of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Apostle, Appellants. Evan Pugh, and Mary his Wife, Respondents. The Appellants Case. [with]... The Respondents Case.
41851: BOWNESS, WINDERMERE - Crown Hotel.
45009: JOHN BOWRA - A Survey and Mapp of a Messuage, Farm and Lands, formerly called Stone Riddon Coppens, Collens and Andrews, but now more generally called West Wood Farm Lying in the Parishes of Seven Oaks & Leigh in the County of Kent. Belonging to Jno. Children Esq.
44300: BOXING - The Great Fight Between Sullivan and Kilrain.
41948: BOXING - Jack Smith Will Present Weekly Displays With a Constant Change of Talent. Free Trade Hall [Manchester]. Special Night. Jack Casey versus Fred Shaw.
44575: LIONEL THE POET BOY - Kensal Green Cemetery. Lines on the Death of His Late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex.
40563: THOMAS BOYDELL - Temple Church [Interior View].
40566: THOMAS BOYDELL - St. Stephen Walbrook [Interior View].
40567: THOMAS BOYDELL - St. Clement Danes [Interior View].
41338: ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS - List of Candidates. Election, Monday, 19th April, 1882.
42187: WILLIAM BOYS - Collections for an History of Sandwich in Kent. With Notices of the Other Cinque Ports and Members of Richborough.
42634: JOHN BOYS - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Kent, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Impovement.
41946: PAUL BOYTON - Primo Esperimento del Capitano Paolo Boyton Che Dara in Firenze Nel Giardino Reale di Boboli.
42928: JOSEPH BOZE - Archive of Manuscript and Printed Documents including an important letter from Marc-Antoine Jullien.
28002: BRADBURY, Joseph - Saddleworth Sketches.
36778: BRADBURY, Frederick - History of Old Sheffield Plate, Being an Account of the Origin, Growth and Decay of the Industry and of the Antique Silver and White or Britannia Metal Trade With Chronological Lists of Makers' Marks and Numerous Illustrations of Specimens.
36779: BRADBURY, Frederick - History of Old Sheffield Plate, Being an Account of the Origin, Growth and Decay of the Industry and of the Antique Silver and White or Britannia Metal Trade With Chronological Lists of Makers' Marks and Numerous Illustrations of Specimens.
44869: T. BRADSHAW - Views in the Mauritius, or Isle of France, drawn from Nature, by T. Bradshaw, Esq. late of His Majesty's Civil Service in that Island> and on Stone by William Rider...with a Memoir of the Island, and a Description of Each View.
40136: BRAMAH, PRESTAGE & BALL - Manufacturers of Patent Locks and Pens to the Queen and H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent.
41897: BRAMPTON, CUMBRIA - M. & M. Hudspith, Conveyance and Post Horses at Short Notice.
41898: BRAMPTON, CUMBRIA - M. & M. Hudspith, Conveyance and Post Horses at Short Notice.
41899: BRAMPTON, CUMBRIA - M. & M. Hudspith, Conveyance and Post Horses at Short Notice.
44832: FRANK BRANGWYN - Men on the March.
45322: BRANSBY, J. - The Ipswich Magazine, for the Year 1799.
44606: BRAZIL - Carta Geral do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul> organizada pela Diretoria de Terras e Colkonização Secretaria da Agricultura, Industria e Commercio.
41904: BRECHIN - James Knowles, Crown Hotel. Carriages, Post, and Job Horses.
41905: BRECHIN - James Knowles, Crown Hotel. Carriages, Post, and Job Horses.
41906: BRECHIN - James Knowles, Crown Hotel. Carriages, Post, and Job Horses.
41907: BRECHIN - The Brechin Inn & Commercial Hotel. Mrs. McBain. Clerk Street, Head of Panmure Street.
41908: BRECHIN - The Brechin Inn & Commercial Hotel. Mrs. McBain. Clerk Street, Head of Panmure Street.
41909: BRECHIN - The Brechin Inn & Commercial Hotel. James Keddie. Clerk Street, Head of Panmure Street.
41910: BRECHIN - The Brechin Inn & Commercial Hotel. James Keddie. Clerk Street, Head of Panmure Street.
45550: BRETON, Captain Willy - The Belgian Front and Its Notable Features.
45551: BRETON, Captain Willy - The Belgian Front and Its Notable Features.
45549: BRETON, Captain Willy - The Belgian Front and Its Notable Features.
43479: GEORGE BREWER - The Juvenile Lavater> or a Familiar Explanation of the Passions of Le Brun, calculated for the Instruction & Entertainment of Young Persons> interspersed with moral and amusing tales, illustrating the benefit and happiness attendant on the good passions, and the misfortunes which ensue the bad, in the circumstances of life.
44919: BRIDLINGTON. PRICKETT, Rev Marmaduke - An Historical and Architectural Description of the Priory Church of Bridlington, in the East Riding of the County of York.
43188: BRIDLINGTON. PRICKETT, Rev. Marmaduke - An Historical and Architectural Description of the Priory Church of Bridlington, in the East Riding of the County of York.
40413: O'BRIEN, Kate - Without My Cloak.
42009: THEATRE ROYAL BRIGHTON - [Playbill] Tom & Jerry> or, Life in London. [and] Professor Lupino and His Infant Pupil. etc.
33324: BRISTOL - Port of Bristol. Accommodation for the Largest Class of Steamers at the Mouth of the River Avon, Kingroad. Minutes and Proceedings of a Joint Committee, consisting of the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Isaac Allan Cooke, Esq.> Deputations of Behalf of the Docks' Committee of the Town Council> the Society of Merchant Venturers> and the Bristol Chamber of Commerce> with Plans and Estimates, and an Introduction by the Committee of the Chamber> Published in Accordance With the Resolution of the Joint Committee, passed on the 24th June, 1858.
38591: BRISTOL - The Bristol Charities: From the Farther Report of the Commissioners for Enquiring Concerning Charities: Ordered to be printed by the House of Commons, Feb. 12, 1822. With Introductions and Notes, by A Barrister. Part I to Part III.
40245: BRISTOL - Bristol Election Ephemera 1812 - 1880.
40300: BRISTOL - The Victoria Rooms.
40828: ELECTION CARD - BRISTOL - Slade for Ever.
43976: [PERFUMER] HARRISON & BRITTEN - Manufacturing Perfumes & Fine Soap Makers, No. 16, Bulstrode Street, Cavendish Square. Importers of Eau-de-Cologne. Essential Oils & all Foreign Perfumes. Inventors of the Spermaceti Soap.
42593: JOHN BRITTON - The History and Antiquities of Bath Abbey Church: including biographical anecdotes of the most interesting persons interred in that edifice...
43124: JOHN BRITTON - The History and Antiquities of the Abbey, and Cathedral Church of Bristol: illustrated with a series of engravings of views, elevations, plans, and details of that edifice> with biographical anecdotes of eminent persons connected with the establishment.
44187: [GAS] JOHN BROCKLEHURST - Late Partner with, and Successor to Charles Herring, No. 177, High Holborn. Gas Fitter and Manufacturer of every description of Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, &c., &c. Zinc and Brass Plates made and engraved. Prompt attention, superior workmanship, moderate charges.
40963: BROEK, Rev. John Y. - The Jaques Family. Descendants of Henry Jaques who settled in Newbury, Massachusetts 1638.
45716: G.W. BROMLEY - Atlas of the City of Boston. Boston Proper and Back Bay. From Actual Surveys and Official plans.
45772: BROMPTON - Brompton Chapel.
45684: WALTHAM BROS. - Pocket Map of London Showing Railways, Public Buildings, Theatres, &c. 1876.
44637: WALTHAM BROS - Waltham Bros. Pocket Map of London. Showing Railways, Public Buildings, Theatres, &c.
43832: ARMITAGE BROTHERS - Manufacturers of Plain and Fancy Woollens, Satinetts and Cassonetts, &c. New Street Huddersfield. Presented by Mr. Thomas Logan, Glasgow.
41310: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Lux Won't Shrink Wool. By W.O.
41312: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Lux Won't Shrink Woollens. "Why don't they use Lux.?"
41313: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Sunlight Soap, Makes Washing Play,
41314: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Equation:- Labour Light, Clothe White = Sunlight.
41315: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Where have you been to, my Sunlight Maid? To buy some "Sunlight Soap," she said.
41316: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Sunlight Soap. For rest & Leisure.
41317: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Sunlight Soap. "I'se middlin' proud" A Morning's Work.
41318: SHOW CARD - LEVER BROTHERS - Plantol Soap.
21647: BROWN, Cornelius - The Annals of Newark-Upon-Trent Comprising the History, Curiosites, and Antiquities of the Borough.
32333: BROWN, Cornelius - The Annals of Newark-Upon-Trent Comprising the History, Curiosites, and Antiquities of the Borough.
20566: BROWN, Cornelius - The Annals of Newark-Upon-Trent Comprising the History, Curiosites, and Antiquities of the Borough.
32983: BROWN, Philip - Old Beverley.
20229: BROWN, Cornelius - A History of Newark-on-Trent> Being the Life Story of an Ancient Town.
34980: BROWN, Robert - Notes on the Earlier History of Barton-on-Humber. Volume I. To the End of the Norman Period, A.D. 1154 [and] Volume II. A.D. 1154 - 1377.
41648: HENRY COLLINS BROWN - Old New York.
43051: MAJOR F.C.C. YEATS-BROWN - The Star and the Crescent, Being the Story of the 17th Cavalry from 1858 to 1822. [with] Indian Silver Regimental Salt Shaker.
44036: [MUSIC] S.C. BROWNE - Piano-Forte & Organ Tuner.
38318: G.F. BROWNE - On Some Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Dunecht House Aberdeenshire.
38319: G.F. BROWNE - On Some Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Dunecht House Aberdeenshire.
38341: G.F. BROWNE - On Some Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Dunecht House Aberdeenshire.
38342: BROWNE, Right Rev. G.F. - On Some Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Dunecht House Aberdeenshire.
41110: REV. J. CAVE-BROWNE - The Chôta Nagpore Mission to the Kôls.
43292: WM. R. BROWNE - The Ascent of the Nassau Balloon, with the Parachute attached, 24th July 1837. This Sketch exhibits the Parachute, with Mr. Cocking, in the three stages of its descent. Sketched on the spot.
42530: WILLIAM BROWNE - On The Crucifixion of Our Saviour and the Two Thieves. [Behold O God.]
43836: MALCOLM BRUCE - Tailor, 20 Garscube Place, Head of Buchanan St., Glasgow. Servants' Liveries of every description executed in the neatest manner & on the shortest notice. Gentlemen's Clothes reduced to Boys Tunics & Jackets, &c. on moderate terms.
44259: MICHAEL BRUCE - The Works of Michael Bruce. Edited, with Memoir and Notes, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart.
41870: BRUSSELS - Hotel de l'Europe.
43541: J. BURNS BRYSON - Burlesque on Puss in Boots> Being the Opening of the Grand Comic Pantomime, written and adapted for the Queen's Theatre and Opera-House, Edinburgh... and humorously illustrated by Keeley Halswelle.
40603: BUCK, Samuel and Nathaniel - The North-East View of Wardon Monastery in the County of Bedford.
40604: BUCK, Samuel - The North View of Temple Bruer in the Middle of the Great Heath on the South Side of the City of Lincoln.
40605: BUCK, Samuel - The East View of Lady's Chappel, near Osmotherley in Yorkshire.
40606: BUCK, Samuel and Nathaniel - The North-East View of Denny-Priory, near Cambridge.
41237: ERNEST PILE BUCKNALL - English Woods and Forests. A series of watercolour drawings...
43504: THE BUILDER - The Builder Map of the County of London> shewing the boundaries of the surveyors' districts under the Building Act.
45030: THE BUILDER - The Builder Map of the County of London> shewing the boundaries of the surveyors' districts under the Building Act.
42609: JOHN BULLAR - A Companion in a Tour Round Southampton: comprehending various particulars, ancient and modern, of New Forest, Lymington, Christchurch, Romsey, Bishop's Waltham, Titchfield, &c. [with] A Historical and Picturesque Guide to the Isle of Wight.
39577: BULLETT, Gerald [edited and with an introduction by] - The Phoenix and the Turtle by William Shakespeare.
41943: BULLFIGHTING - La Grande Corrida de Miura, avec Rafael Pedrosa, Marcos de Celis, Andrés Hernando.
44904: BULMER - History, Topography, and Directory of East Yorkshire (With Hull) Comprising Its Ancient and Modern History> a General View of Its Physical Features> Its Agricultural, Mining and Manufacturing Industries> Family History and Genealogical Descent> Myths, Legends, Biographical Sketches, &c.
37067: BUNBURY - A Day with "The Cheshire."
45366: ROBERT BURFORD - Description of a View of the Ruins of the City of Pompeii, and Surrounding Country, now Exhibiting in the Panorama, Strand> Painted from Drawings Taken on the Spot. [with] Description of a Second View of the Ruins of Pompeii, and Surrounding Country> Representing the Tragic Theatre, Covered Theatre, Temple of Isis, Small Forum, now Exhibiting in the Panorama, Leicester Square> Painted, from Drawings Taken on the Spot.
43160: ROBERT BURFORD - Explanation of a view of the City of Calcutta, exhibiting at the Panorama Leicester Square.
38829: BURGHERS, Michael - The Map of Oxfordshire.
44790: ALBERT BURKART (Photo by Willy Kobelt) - Bally Koflach. [Racing Ski Boots]
45624: BURMA - Ernest Pandorf Esq. Dunster House, E.C. Commemorative Address.
42527: BURMA - Strange customs and weird beliefs of the Padaung giraffe-neck women, by Howard Y. Bary. [Interesting Facts and Illustrations of the Royal Padaung Giraffe-Neck Women from Burma. Cover title]
45195: J.H. BURN - Bridewell Wharf, William Street, Blackfriars.
45066: JACOB HENRY BURN - A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern and Coffee-House Tokens current in the Seventeenth Century presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy.
44232: [SURVEYOR] WILLIAM BURNS - Architect, House Measurer, Land and Mine Surveyor, &c. Office, Kirk Road House, Saffron Hall, Hamilton.
43003: JAMES BURNS - Or Squeaking Tommy, a well known Ventriloquist through the County of Nottingham> died January 7th 1796.
44642: COLONEL S.G. BURRARD - India and Adjacent Countries.
44608: COLONEL S.G. BURRARD - Map of the Jute Growing Districts.
45033: ELIJAH H. BURRITT - Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens...
26452: BURTON, Thomas - The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hemingbrough in the County of York, edited and enlarged by James Raine.
8808: BURTON, Thomas - The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hemingbrough in the County of York, edited and enlarged by James Raine.
41844: BUXTON - Corbar Hill House, Buxton. Proprietor Mr. Thomas Dickson.
34906: BYGOTT, John - Two Soldier Brothers. "Bert" (Lieutenant Walter Bertram Wood, M.C. and Bar, Hampshire Regiment and R.F.C.) "Ted" (Second Lieutenant Edwin Leonard Wood, 1st. Royal Scots Fusiliers).
44766: OLIVER BYRNE - The First Six Book of the Elements of Euclid in which Coloured Diagrams and Symbols are used instead of Letters for the Greater Ease of Learners.
43882: [OIL & COLOURMAN] THOMAS CADD - Oil and Color Man, 67, Chiswell Street, Finsbury Square.
37678: GENTLEMEN CADETS - Twelve Sketches From Nature, Selected From the Sketch Books (1849) of the Gentlemen Cadets of the Royal Military College.
44525: CAIRO - Five o'clock at Groppi, Cairo.
41242: RANDOLPH CALDECOTT - Robert Dunthorne has the honour to invite Judge Bacon and friends, to inspect some Sketches and Bas-reliefs by the late Randolph Caldecott.
43414: PERPETUAL CALENDAR - A Substantial Hand-Made Perpetual Calendar.
41285: PERFUMED CALENDAR - Lack of Road Sense"
45603: D.C. BAXTER calligrapher - To the Honourable Richard Grosvenor
40865: CALLIGRAPHY [Anonymous] - Alphabet [A-Z] [and] Cleave the wood and there am I.
43288: CAMBRIDGE - Cambridge Grand Horticultural Fête. Open to All England. Under the Immediate Patronage of His Royal Highness the Prince Albert, Chancellor of the University... At the Grand Horticultural Fête in the Grounds of Downing College, on Tuesday the 6th July, 1847.
25803: CAMERON, Kenneth - The Place Names of Lincolnshire> Part Two: Yarborough Wapentake.
22893: CAMERON, Kenneth - The Place Names of Lincolnshire> Part Two: Yarborough Wapentake.
45505: CAMEROON - The Belgian Campaigns in the Cameroons and German East Africa.
45504: CAMEROON - The Belgian Campaigns in the Cameroons and German East Africa.
44399: WILLIAM WILFRED CAMPBELL - A batch of ALSs. The first from his wife Mary L. Campbell [8pp.], the other 12 from William Wilfred Campbell [over 60 pp.] and all addressed to Boyce McKenzie, or 'My Dear Cousin' from Mary. A number of the envelopes are present, some official civil service examples.
45647: LIUTENANT ROBERT CAMPBELL - A New and Correct Map of Scotland or North Britain with all the Post and Military Roads, Divisions &ca. Drawn from the Most Approved Surveys Illustrated with Many Additional Improvements, and Regulated by the Latest Astronomical Observations.
42756: THOS FRASER CAMPBELL - The Frasers of Ardachy.
41047: CANADA - View of West Bay, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
40598: CANALETTO, Antonio engraved by George BICKHAM - A View of the Monument Erected in Memory of the Dreadfull Fire in the Year 1666. It is 202 Feet High.
42131: THE MOTHER BLACK CAP - Bottled Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality and Lowest Prices.
44926: IN MEMORIAM DISPLAY CARD - Blank embossed and silver printed display card.
44922: IN MEMORIAM DISPLAY CARD - Blank embossed and silver printed display card.
44927: IN MEMORIAM DISPLAY CARD - Embossed and silver gilt printed display card.
40254: TRADE CARD - I. Shew behind the Shambles in the Market Place, Yeovil. Sells China, Glass and Staffordshire Ware. N.B. Wedgewoods Ornamental Improvements.
40258: ELECTION CARD - Wood for Home Rule.
40259: ELECTION CARD - Lowther for Ever.
43389: LIFT THE FLAP PUZZLE CARD - An intricate series of hand made paper puzzles.
41281: TRADE CARD - Linen Cambric Handkerchief and Linen Manufacturers, Embroiderers, &c.
41319: SHOW CARD - Vibrona, The Ideal Tonic Wine.
41324: SHOW CARD - Pair of large show cards for Byrrh.
41363: ELECTION CARD - For Russell Rea.
41367: ELECTION CARD - Mr George Packer your old member respectfully solicits your vote and interest.
41370: ELECTION CARD - East Cheshire Election 1868. Card of thanks for support at the General Election from William Egerton and William Leigh.
41371: ELECTION CARD - Stockport Boro' Election 1868. Card of thanks from the Conservative candidates, William Tipping and William Ambrose.
41372: ELECTION CARD - Your Vote and Interest are solicited for W. Keswick, the Conservative & Unionist Candidate. Epsom Division. [with] Election Card. [with] First Class to Westminster ticket.
44888: IN MEMORIUM CARDS. - 90 Printed Cards.
40129: ELECTION CARDS - Three Election Cards for Yorkshire Elections.
45442: PLAYING CARDS - Complete Miniature Deck of 52 Playing Cards.
42003: CIGARETTE CARDS - The London Cigarette Card Co., Ltd. Abridged Catalogue of Cigarette Cards, Albums and Accessories.
45589: CARICATURES - Political Donkeys.
43857: [HATTER] JOHN CARLIN - John Carlin, Clothier & Hatter, 36 Queen Street, (Late of Messrs. A. Greenshields & Co.) London & Paris Hats.
44142: [VETERINARY SURGEON] JOHN CARLISLE - Veterinary Sureon, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Veterinary Infirmary & Shoeing Forge.
44143: [VETERINARY SURGEON] JOHN CARLISLE - Veterinary Sureon, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Veterinary Infirmary & Shoeing Forge.
44186: [GAS] J. CARMAN - inspector, Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company, No. 1, Stanmore Place, Camden Town.
45153: QUEEN CAROLINE - The Trial of Queen Caroline
44548: QUEEN CAROLINE - The Royal Letter-bag> containing familiar epistles from Royal personages, Ministers of State, Bishops, Generals, Discarded Mistresses, Italian Witnesses, &c. &c. Relative to the Queen and other Important State Affairs.
23464: CARPENTER, David - Ilkley, the Victorian Era.
45552: CARPENTER, C.H. - War restrictions as They Affect Your Business> a Guide to Emergency Legislation and Regulations.
42588: J.W. COMYNS CARR - The Abbey Church of St. Albans. Illustrated with five etchings and numerous by Ernest George and R. Kent Thomas.
40342: EDWARD HEATH and PETER CARRINGTON - Large Pencil Portraits of Edward Heath and Lord Carington Signed on Concorde at Mach 2.0 by Brian Trubshaw, test pilot for the first passenger supersonic aircraft.
38234: CARROLL, Lewis [Charles Lutwidge DODGSON] - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. With forty-two illustrations by John Tenniel.
44828: MAURICE CARTER - Space Project.
44827: MAURICE CARTER - Space Station. Project 79.
40077: CASELLA, L. Scientific Instrument Maker to the Admiralty - An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Surveying, Philosophical, Mathematical, Optical, Photographic and Standard Meteorological Instruments.
43828: J. & J. CASH - Double Strand Cambric Perfectly Free From Dress. Patent Imperial Frilling.
44347: SADIE CASS - The Real Octaroon. The Smart Little Lady in Versatility. Comedienne, Clog, Buck and Sand Dancer and Novelty Baton Juggler.
8810: CASS, William Eden - The Journal of Surgeon Cass Aboard the Whaler 'Brunswick' of Hull, 1824, edited by A.G. Credland.
45765: SEVERNDROOG CASTLE - Watercolour.
44982: DEVIZES CASTLE - The Particulars of Devizes Castle Estate, at Devizes, Wiltshire, comprising the fine and exceedingly interesting Castle, Tenure Freehold, with the exception of about half an acre of leasehold (renewable in perpetuity) at a nominal rent. With the Stabling, Gardens, and beautifully-timbered Park-Like Lands and Pleasure Grounds, the whole in perfect condition, with the Caen Hill Farm, Together nearly 120 Acres...
43175: JOHN SIBREE and M. CASTON - Independency in Warwickshire> a brief history of the Independent or Congregational Churches in That Country> containing biographical notices of their pastors> with an illustrative map and vignette engravings.
44935: CATACOMBS - [Allocation of Catacombs at Christ Church, Birmingham.]
44943: TRADE CATALOGUE - Grave Stones and Monuments.
44939: TRADE CATALOGUE - Caskets and Coffins.
44944: TRADE CATALOGUE - Some Artistic Memorials. Complete Series Supplement.
38333: TRADE CATALOGUE - [Furniture Fittings]
38334: TRADE CATALOGUE - [Furniture Fittings]
41494: TRADE CATALOGUE - Couverts Christofle.
41519: AUCTION CATALOGUE - The West Butterwick Freehold Estate. (Trent Side Warp Land) Near Doncaster, Lincolnshire. Particulars of Sale of the Exceedingly Valuable Freehold Estates belonging to The Dennis Estates Limited.
41520: AUCTION CATALOGUE - The West Butterwick Freehold Estate. (Trent Side Warp Land) Near Doncaster, Lincolnshire. Particulars of Sale of the Exceedingly Valuable Freehold Estates situate in the Parishes of West Butterwick, Epworth and Owston.
41568: HAIRDRESSING TRADE CATALOGUE - Parton, Son & Co.'s New Illustrated Catalogue of Hairdressers' Sundries.
41569: HAIRDRESSING TRADE CATALOGUE - Catalogue Containing a Full List of Hairdressers' Sundries.
42063: SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL - Order of Proceedings at the Re-opening of the Collegiate Church of St. Saviour (St. Marie Overie), Southwark, on Tuesday, February 16th, 1897, when there will be present H.R.H. The Prince of Wales.
42064: SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL - The Collegiate Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. List of Requirements to Complete the Restoration and the Fittings of the Church. Gifts Needed.
44500: BRIAN CATLEY - Art Deco and Other Figures.
40878: CATS - Photograph of a cat 'playing' the violin.
45201: ZERAH CAUDWELL - Practical Watch & Clock Maker, Jeweller, Silversmith & Optician.
45587: Captain CAUSTON - Two Watercolour Sketch Books.
39518: EAST RIDING YEOMANRY CAVALRY - Articles of Enrolment, for the Corps of Cavalry to be Raised in Holderness...to be called The East Riding Yeomanry Cavalry.
44248: [GAS MANTLE MANUFACTURER] DE BREYNE BRASSEUR & CE. - Filature et Tissage de Coton. Fabrique de Mèches à Lampes et à Chandelles. Plaine des chaudronniers près du palais de justice, à Gand.
44849: CEMETERIES - Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee of British Cemeteries Abroad.
44952: GENOA CEMETERY - Camposanto di Genova.
44845: CEMETERY - South View of St James' Cemetery, Liverpool.
45640: OBSERVATOIRE CENTRAL DE L'INDOCHINE. - Code de Signaux Sémaphoriques.
45612: CHAFFEE, Maj. Gen. Adna R. and others. - Reports on Military Operations in South Africa and China.
45326: CHAMBERLAIN, Herbert - Ipswich 200 Years Ago." Showing the extent and rateable value of the town at that period. Being a correct copy of an assessment made in the year 1689...
39804: NICOLAS MARIE JOSEPH CHAPUY - Port of Liverpool. Puerto de Liverpool. Port of Liverpool.
39805: NICOLAS MARIE JOSEPH CHAPUY - [London, view on the Thames] Londres, vue prise sur la Tamise. Londres, vista tomada sobre el Tamesis.
41650: PROPERTY & INCOME TAX - CHARITIES - Form for Claim for Allowances for the Duty Assessed and Paid on the Rents and Profits of Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, belonging to any Hospital, Public School, or Alms-house, or vested in Trustees for Charitable Purposes, for the Year ending 5th April, 1849.
42130: THOMAS CHARLES - Fish, Oyster, and Block Ice Warehouse. Bill of Fare. Purveyor to Her Majesty, The Queen, and H.R.H., The Prince of Wales.
43178: CHARLES, Nicholas - The Visitation of the County of Huntingdon, Under the Authority of William Camden, Clarenceux King of Arms, edited by Sir Henry Ellis.
44597: PRINCESS CHARLOTTE - Sacred to the Memory of Her Late Lamented Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Wales & of Saxe Cobourg Saalfeld.
45035: HENRY ABRAHAM CHATELAIN - Nouvelle carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe. Partie Sertontrionale.
45037: HENRY ABRAHAM CHATELAIN - Nouvelle carte de Moscovie où sont Retresentés les Diferents Etats de sa Majesté Czarienne en Europe et en Asie et les chemins d'un de ses Ambassadeurs a Peking Ville Capitasl de l'Empereur de la Chine et son Sejour Ordinaire.
45721: ANATOLE CHATELAIN - Planisphere Chatelain ou Carte des Voies de Communication Etablies dans le Monde Entier au Moyen de la Vapeur et de l'Electricite "World's Steam and Electric Map."
45036: HENRY ABRAHAM CHATELAIN - Nouvelle carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe. Partie Meriodonale.
40313: CHAUCER, Geoffrey - The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Compared with the Former Editions, and many valuable MSS. Out of which, Three Tales are added which were never before Printed> by John Urry, Student of Christ-Church, Oxon, Deceased: Together with a Glossary By a Student of the same College. To the Whole is prefixed The Author's Life, newly written, and a preface, giving an Account of this Edition.
45537: CHAUMIÉ, Emmanuel - German Industry and the Conduct of the War. As set forth in a document compiled by the German g.h.q. in 1916.
45752: CHELSEA - Panorama of the Thames at Chelsea with the Royal Hospital.
45751: CHELSEA - A View of Little Chelsea, Middlesex.
45759: CHELSEA - The Riverside at Old Chelsea.
41674: CHEMIST - Prescription. Prepared & Copied by T. Cook, Dispensing and Family Chemist.
41675: CHEMIST - Prescription. Prepared & Copied by T. Cook, Dispensing and Family Chemist.
41676: CHEMIST - The Prescription Copied & Dispensed by J. Prescott, Proprietor: William J. Latty, M.P.S., F.I.O. Dispensing Chemist and Optician.
41677: CHEMIST - The Prescription Prepared by Timothy White Co. Ltd. Dispensing Chemists...
44881: CHEQUERS - The Country Home of the Prime Minister. A collection of 4 albums from Chequers Court when in the possession of the Astley family prior to the donation of the estate for the use of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
43101: GEORGE CHESNEY - Indian Polity: a View of the System of Administration in India.
42919: CHICAGO - Map of the City of Chicago. The Black Portion shows the Burnt District...
45741: GEORGE CHILDS - The Back View From the Residence of Joseph Wilson, Esqre. Highbury Hill.
44471: NEWS FROM CHINA - An Imperial Edict of the Emperor of China... Extract from the Pekin Gazette of the 13th day of the 7th Moon, of the 26th of Kea-King, (1821).
42135: J. CHITTENDEN, HOP MERCHANT - The Quantity of Malt Consumed by the Undermentioned Brewers of London and Its Vicinity, from 10th October, 1831, to 10th October, 1837.
41701: CHOLERA - Board of Works to the Limehouse District. Comprising Limehouse, Ratcliff, Shadwell & Wapping. In consequence of the appearance of Cholera within this District, the Board have appointed the under-mentioned Medical Gentlemen who will give Advice, Medicine, and Assistance, Free of Charge, and Upon Application, at any hour of the day or night. By Order, Thos. W. Ratcliff, Clerk to the Board.
43837: G.D. CHOMARS - French & Ayrshire Needlework. Lace, Sewed Muslin, Millinery and Dressmaking Establishment, 146 Argyll Street, Glasgow. Mourning & Marriage orders punctually attended to.
45242: LOVELL & CHRISTMAS - Importers of American, Colonial & Continental Produce. Bacon, hams, lard, cheese, butter, eggs, &c.
39809: CHUBB, W. P. [compiler] - Black List! Being the Annual Amount of Pickings of the Peers and their Families, who voted against the Reform Bill, in the House of Lords, on Saturday, Oct 8, 1831.
44030: [MUSIC] JOHN ST. U.P CHURCH - Vocal Society. Members Ticket.
44031: [MUSIC] JOHN ST. U.P CHURCH - Performance of Sacred Music in John St. U.P. Church in aid of the Funds of the Dorcas Society on Thursday 18th. March, 1852.
42083: BATTERSEA CHURCH - St. Mary's Battersea [Descriptive handbill]
42364: BATHAMPTON CHURCH - Pencil Drawing.
45540: CHURCHILL, Winston S. and others - The National Policy. As set forth by Mr. Asquith, Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Bonar Law, Mr. Arthur Henderson, and others.
40914: CHURCHILL, Rt Hon Winston Spencer - What kind of a people do they think we are?" Two historic speeches... (1) To the members of both Houses of the United States Congress at Washington on December 26th, 1941 and (2) To the members of the Senate and House of Commons at Ottawa on December 30th, 1941.
43562: PLAYBILL - CINDERELLA - Cinderella! Or, the Fairy Slipper. Harlequin and Old Grammer Gurton or, the Lost Needle. [also] Journey of the Great Balloon Representing Views of the Following Places as seen therefrom in the Late Aerial Voyage! Etc.
43563: PLAYBILL - CINDERELLA - Grand Comic Pantomime... Harlequin and Cinderella> or the Little Fairy and the Large Glass Slipper. Etc.
43564: PLAYBILL - CINDERELLA - Cinderella! [and] Harlequin Jack A Lantern, or, The Witch of the dropping Well.
43304: EARLY CINEMA - Jules Verne's Immortal Epic Michael Strogoff, with Nathalie Kovanko and Ivan Mosjoukine.
43063: CINEMA - Souvenir Presented by the Palace Theatre to Commemorate the Third Anniversary of the Biograph.
43064: CINEMA - The Great Fight. Corbett v. Fitzsimmons for $50,000 and the Championship of the World. Reprinted from the Sportsman of March 18, 1897.
41986: CIRCUS - The Clown.
42239: WULFF'S GREAT CONTINENTAL CIRCUS. - Programme. At Hengler's, Argyll Street, Regent Street.
42277: HENGLER'S GRAND CIRQUE - Promenade Concerts (Preceded by Operetta). Programme.
42278: HENGLER'S GRAND CIRQUE - Programme.
42283: CIRQUE (LATE HENGLER'S) - Grand Military Chess Tournament With Living Pieces.
45661: G. CLARIDGE - Old and New Bombay> an Historical and Descriptive Account of Bombay and its Environs. With Illustrations.
42128: CLARIDGE'S HOTEL - Brochure. General Manager Renaud Piovanelli.
45185: CLARK - Clark's Annual Christmas Club, No. 135, Tottenham Court Road, One Door from New Road, Commences Saturday, August 29, 1857.
39898: CLARK, C. Publisher - A List of the Gentlemen Who Have Served the Office of High Sheriff, for the County Palatine of Lancaster, From the First Year of Henry the Second, 1154, to the Present Year. [1819]
45077: EDWARD M. CLARKE - List of Prices of Mathematical, Philosophical, Optical, and Chemical Instruments and Apparatus.
45501: CLARKE, George Herbert - Why the United States of America Entered the War.
45060: HYDE CLARKE editor - The Railway Register, and Record of Public Enterprise, for Railways, Mines, Patents, Inventions. Volume I. 1844 - 5.
41198: CLARKE, HENRY - Card for Preliminary Examination at the Royal College of Surgeons in the name of Henry Clarke, 1872. [and] letter by Clarke to his future father in law from Wakefield Prison, 1877.
42341: W.G. CLARKE - A Short Historical Guide to the Ancient Borough of Thetford, in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.
45763: NATHANIEL CLARKSON - St. Mary Islington.
44032: [MUSIC] ST ENOCH'S SACRED MUSIC CLASS - Mr. W.H. Lithgow, Teacher. Hall, 15 Bath Street, on Wednesday Evenings at ¼ pas 8 0'Clock. Lady's Ticket, 1/6.
44026: [MUSIC] FREE ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH MUSIC CLASS - Soiree. Will hold their first soiree on Tuesday evening, 20th inst. in St. Mary's Hall, Renfield Street. Lady's Ticket. 1/-
45685: ERNEST CLEGG - Somerset.
45686: ERNEST CLEGG - Derbyshire.
45489: CLEMENCEAU, M. - Europe's Liberation, Speech.
45796: CLERKENWELL - Election of a Minister. Two Broadsides and Portrait of The Reverend Robert Maguire.
45038: A.J. CLEVELY - Witwatersrand Goldfields.
41804: CLITHEROE [LANCASHIRE] - The Twelfth Annual Show will be held on Saturday, August 25th, 1883, at...The Commercial Inn, Russell Street.
41805: CLITHEROE [LANCASHIRE] - The Annual Report for the year 1884.
41818: CLITHEROE, LANCASHIRE - Clitheroe Polo Club. List of Fixtures, 1914.
45198: CLOCKMAKERS - The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers. Menu Card. Monday, October 19th, 1903.
45199: CLOCKMAKERS - The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers. Menu Card. Monday, October 17th, 1912.
45197: CLOCKMAKERS - The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers. Menu Card. Monday April 14, 1902.
43560: PLAYGOERS CLUB - Grand Dramatic Performance In Aid of the Playgoers' Club Pantomime Fund for Poor Children. [Programme]
44312: ROYAL NORTHERN YACHT CLUB - Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Northern Yacht Club.
43818: IRAQ TURF CLUB - Races Past. Volume Xv October, 20th, 1935, to May, 31st, 1936. And Registration of Licences Issued to Trainers, Jockeys, & Ridfing Boys, Horses Names, Etc. Etc.
38800: CLUTTON - Survey and Valuation of a Portion of the Estates Belonging to the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Gloucester.
44937: BAXENDALE & CO. - Catalogue of Funeral Furnishings.
45181: DUBLIN AND LONDON STEAM PACKET CO. - Invoice for 21 boxes of Lime.
45327: ROCK & CO. - 30 Views of Hasting.
45187: HENRY BRETT & CO. - Eau de Vie, Pure Pale Brandy, 18/- Per Gallon.
45328: ROCK & CO. - Views of Hastings, St. Leonards on Sea and Battle.
45231: FRITH & CO. - Frith's. Frith & Co. Ltd. Show Card.
45680: MUSGRAVE & CO. - Map of London, 1862. The Circles a Mile Apart indicate the distances from Charing Cross.
45111: MESSRS A. RICHTER & CO. - Foreign Booksellers to His Majesty beg to submit for the approbation of _______ the prospectus of a very important Work, entitled Geneuphony, by Messrs. De Virués & Le Camus, which they are about to publish.
44126: [AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE] DICKSONS & CO. - Nursery Seedsmen & Florists. 1, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh.
44127: [AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE] DICKSONS & CO. - Nursery Seedsmen & Florists. 1, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh.
44157: [SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER] HENRY BRAID & CO. - Saddlers & Harness Makers. Whips & Spurs.
44173: [MANUFACTURER] SAMUEL LIGG & CO. - Manufacturers, Bank Plane, Norwich.
44180: [IRONWORK] JOHN SMEATON & CO. - Smiths, Grate and Fender Makers. Fencing and Common Pumps made to order. Tin Plate Work for Cotton Weaving & Spinning Factories... Cooking Apparatus for Steam Vessels & Hot Air Stoves for Heating Lobbies & Churches. Bell hanging on the most improved principles... 24 Rope Work lane, off Stockwell Street, Glasgow. NB. J.S. was late Foreman to Wm. Lang & Co.
43943: [GLASS CUTTER] WILLIAM WHEELER & Co. - Glass Cutters and Mounters. 80, Leather Lane, London.
43838: JAMES STAVELY & CO. - Manufacturers of Muslins, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, &c. 12 Wilson Street, Glasgow.
43839: GEORGE YOUNG & Co. - Silk & Calico Printers, No. 17 George Square, Glasgow and 48 Friday Street, London.
43840: JAMES MUTRIE & Co. - Fancy Silk Manufacturers & Warehousemen. 48 Buchanan Street, Glasgow.
43841: ANDY TURNBULL & Co. - Sewed Muslin Manufacturers, 28 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow.
43845: ARCHd. GILCHRIST & Co. - Linen Draper & Furniture Printers. Gallery of Fashion. Family Mournings furnished on the Lowest Terms.
43846: ARCHd. GILCHRIST & Co. - Linen Draper & Furniture Printers. Gallery of Fashion. Family Mournings furnished on the Lowest Terms.
43956: [FURNISHINGS] JOHN ROME & Co. - General Upholstery Furnishers, and Paper Hanging Merchants, 4, Enoch Square, Glasgow. Manufacturers of Venetian Blinds. Downs and Feathers Purified by Steam. Feather Beds and Mattresses.
43861: [HATTER] ROBERT B. FINLAY & Co. - Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters, &c. 68 West Blackhall Street, Greenock.
44021: [FURRIER] P. LEVY & CO. - Fur Manufacturers, 56, New Buildings, North Bridge, Edinburgh.
44022: [FURRIER] P. LEVY & CO. - Fur Manufacturers, 56, New Buildings, North Bridge, Edinburgh.
39933: SORSBIE & Co. - Price List for English and Imported Grains.
44214: [COMMISSION MERCHANT] ROBERTS GRAY & CO. - Commission Merchants.
41297: [BOTTLES] GEORGE TAYLOR & Co. - Dispensing Bottles. Special Price List.
44217: [INSURANCE] JOHN GILKISON & CO. - Ship & Insurance Brokers, and Commission Merchants. 32, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow.
41727: WILLIAM BULLOCK & Co. - Iron Founders & Manufacturers of Improved Patent Kitchen Furniture in all its branches. Improved box, flanch & portable coffee mills, corn mills...scale weights, door scrapers...
41733: [PICTURE FRAME MAKERS] J. & S. FULLER & Co. - Decorative Picture Frame Makers, Gallery of Fine Arts.
41773: CLARK AND CO. - Manufacturers of the Perfect Camphine Lamp.
44718: ALEXANDER RIDDLE AND CO. - Stower's Lime Juice Cordial.
42137: JOHN WREFORD & CO - Price List of Hosiery, Gloves and Lace.
44691: MESSRS BARTON & CO. - Abbreviated List of Champagne and Claret for Ordinary Consumption.
44692: GEORGE FREDERICK URLING & Co. - By the King's Royal Letters Patent. Urling's Lace. [Trade Card]
44689: VIMULE & CO. - A List of Surgical Appliances, Manufacturers of Surgical Instruments & Appliances, Belts and Bandages, Elastic Hosiery, Trusses, Ear Trumpets, Etc., Etc.
44658: JAMES EPPS & CO. - An Illustrated List of Medicine Chests and Pocket Cases, sold by James Epps & Co. Homeopathic Chemists.
44659: F. MEEKS & CO. - Illustrated Price List of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electro-Plate, and the Celebrated Canadian Gold Jewellery. Merchants, Shippers, and the Trade Supplied.
42410: DE LA RUE & CO. - Elegant Extra Superfine Club House Cards. De L Rue & Co., Manufacturers and Patentees. 110 Bunhill Row, London.
42455: GEORGE FREDERICK URLING & Co. - By the King's Royal Letters Patent. Urling's Lace. [Trade Card]
42471: KELLY & CO. - Advertising Sheet for The Post Office Directory of Cambridge, Norfolk & Suffolk.
42483: GLOBE-WERNICKE CO. - Advertising Postcard [unused]
44226: [COMMISSION MERCHANT?] GLASSFORD & CO. - 36 Mark Lane & 21 Mincing Lane, London.
44229: [COMMISSION MERCHANT?] MR. W. HARDIE or MESSRS. ROBERTY TAYLOR JUNR. & CO - Cumberland Ciourt, 168, Gallowgate, Glasgow.
44231: [SHIP BROKER] ROBERT DOUGLAS & CO. - Ship Brokers. 4 Church Row, Fenchurch Street, London.
42824: [GUN MAKER] JOHN SMITH & CO. - Gun & Pistol Makers, Russell Street, Birmingham. Manufacturers of Every Description of Fire Arms, Fine Fowling Pieces, Blunderbussess, Pistols &c. for Home & for Exportation.
42830: THOMAS FOX & CO. - Decorators, Art Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers, English and Foreign Carpet Warehousemen, and Bedding Manufacturers.
42831: MESSRS LANHAM & CO. - Important Invention. "Facsimile Lace Patent."
42850: [LAQUER] WONG TAI MI & CO - Makers of Genuine Lacquer in Various Kinds with Fairly Priced Collection. Highly Recommended.
44245: [COMMISSION MERCHANT] E. VON BRANSCHWEIG & CO. - Commissionnaires à Londres. Répresentés par Bauvens De Brabander.
43464: COAL - The Romance of a Lump of Coal.
44201: [NAIL MANUFACTURER] JOSEPH COATES - Wholesale and retail Ironmonger, Tin Plate Worker, Brazier, Bell Hanger & Nail Manufacturer. Smiths Work in General. Powder, Shot and Flints. Oils & Colours. Iron & Copper Goods, Tinned with Pure Grade Tin. Market Place, Monmouth.
42449: Elizabeth COBBOLD [?] - 5 Fine Pen and Ink Drawings.
43065: CHARLES B. COCHRAN - Flashbacks, the Evolution of the Movies 1838 - 1938.
45784: ANNE M. COCK - J. Cock Esq.'s House at Tottenham. [manuscript title]
38166: COCKS, Robert [publisher] - The Eastern Hemisphere [cover illustration to The Great Globe, Quadrilles, by Stephen Glover.]
38565: COCKS, James - Memorials of Hatherlow and of the Old Chadkirk Chapel.
44247: [HABERDASHER] LEPRINCE COFFIN - Magasin de Tulles, Mousselines, &c. Rue des Grandes Carmes, Ser. 8, No. 29, près le Manneke pis, Bruxelles.
45500: COHN, August - Some Aspects of the War, as Viewed by Naturalized British Subjects.
41193: ROYAL COMMEMORATIVE COIN - The Queen's Golden Jubilee 1952 - 2002 Five Pound Coin.
41194: ROYAL COMMEMORATIVE COIN - The Coronation Anniversary 1953 2 June 2003 Five Pound Coin.
45088: COLE, John - The History and Antiquities of Filey in the County of York.
27836: COLE, R.E.G. - History of the Manor and Township of Doddington, Otherwise Doddington-Pigot, in the County of Lincoln, and Its Successive Owners, With Pedigrees.
40529: COLE, James - The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury.
45295: COLERIDGE, Hartley - The Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire> being Lives of the most distinguished persons that have been born in, or connected with, those provinces.
44503: ETON COLLEGE - Rules of J.H.L. Lambart's Esq. House Debating Society. Drawn up, 1928.
44504: ETON COLLEGE - Rules of J.H.L. Lambart's Esq. House Debating Society. Drawn up, 1928. Revised, 1932.
39932: COLLEY, Thomas - The Banbury Pedestrian - Thomas Colley.
44313: COLLIERS - Superior Hot + Buns, 66, Wardour Street, Soho.
43551: J. HICKORY WOOD & ARTHUR COLLINS - Children's Pantomime, Sinbad the Sailor. [Book of Words]
43557: J. HICKORY WOOD and ARTHUR COLLINS - The Children's Pantomime Humpty Dumpty. [Book of Words]
43552: J. HICKORY WOOD & ARTHUR COLLINS - Children's Pantomime, Sinbad the Sailor. [Book of Words]
34523: COLLINS, Arthur - Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments, on Claims and Controversies Concerning Baronies by Writ, and other Honours. With the Arguments of Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Henry Montagu...
45444: MRS. W. COLLINS - Magic Cards.
39553: COLLISON, William - The Apostle of Free Labour: the Life Story of William Collison, Founder and General Secretary of the National Free Labour Association, told by Himself.
45246: J.J. COLMAN - Oliver's Travels to the Mustardominions. Reduced war time edition
41725: [HATTER] COLMAN - Colman, Hatter, York.
45697: HAND COLOURED - East Sussex.
36046: COLYER, Christina and JONES, M.J. - Excavations at Lincoln Interim Reports.
44416: WAR ARTISTS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Photographic Catalogue of Paintings and Drawings. World War 2.
40829: ELECTION CARD - IMPERIAL TARIFF COMMITTEE - I.T.C. Election Series No. 10. Buy Corn from the British Farmer.
40255: TORRINGTON COMMON - Lines Touching on the Inclosure of Torrington Commons, Rejoicing Day 16th. of July, A.D. 1849.
45172: PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - [Trade Advert] Emblematical Figures in Artificial Stone over the Pelican Office Lombard Street. Children Endowed and Property Secured...
45173: PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - [Trade Advert] Children Endowed and Property Secured.
45174: PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - Children Endowed and Property Secured by the Pelican Life Insurance Company.
45241: BAMFORD & COMPANY - Price Lists.
45237: TRURO SHIPPING COMPANY - Now Loading at Topping Wharf, Southwark, the Good Schooner, Providence, John Henwood, Master.
45184: EAST INDIA COMPANY - The Old East India House in Leadenhall Street 1648 - 1726. from a Painting in the Possession of Mr. Fulham of the India House.
44178: [IRON TUBES] THE CALEDONIAN PATENT IRON TUBE COMPANY - Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of the Patent Lap-Welded Iron Tubes, and the Multi-Coated Iron Ones, for Locomotive, Marine & Other Boilers. Coatbridge, Near Glasgow.
44188: [GAS] LONDON GAS LIGHT COMPANY - Mr. E. Neighbour, No. 16, Brill Row, Somers Town, Inspector. Applications for lights to be made at the Office, 26 Southampton Street, Strand> at the Company's Works, Vauxhall> or to the Inspector, as above.
45149: RAMSGATE HARBOUR COMPANY - Directions for Ships Sailing into Ramsgate Harbour.
43827: HANNA & COMPANY - Linen Cambris Handkerchief and Linen Manufacturers, Embroiderers, &c.
39749: LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY - Photographs of London.
42097: EAST INDIA COMPANY - East India Company's Charter.
42276: COVENT GARDEN CIRCUS COMPANY - [Programme] Covent Garden Grand Circus. Theatre Royal, Covent Garden.
44236: [SAILCLOTH] SAILCLOTH COMPANY - Port Galsgow and Newark.
43556: WILLIAM CORRI composer - My Son Jack, or Harlequin Mother Goose and the Gaping Wide-Mouthed Frog. [Book of Words]
45235: GARDINER & COMPY. - Volunteer Uniform Contractors. Officers' Uniforms. Gunners' and Privates' Uniforms. New Regulation Dress Belts for Volunteer Rifles.
44698: THE LONDON & PROVINCIAL PRINTING INK COMPY. - The I X L Photographic Brown. Litho' 5/6 per lb. L'press 5/- per lb.
45788: ALFRED CONCANEN - Chelsea Pier. [Sheet music cover]
43331: CONCERT - Cams Hall, December 18th, 1908.
43285: LINCOLN CONCERT - Great Attraction. For One Day Only. In the Guild Hall Lincoln...a Grand Miscellaneous Morning Concert.
41053: CONDER, Thomas - A New Map of Huntingdonshire Drawn from the Latest Authorities.
26263: CONNOR, A.B. - Monumental Brasses in Somerset.
42069: CATO STREET CONSPIRACY - A Sketch of the Premises in Cato Street, where Thistlewood and his Associates assembled on the Night of Wednesday, the 23rd. Feby. 1820 for the purpose of Assassinating His Majesty's Ministers.
43938: [CARPETS] JOHN CONSTANCE - Bought of Lieut V. Luck. A Fine Turkey Carpet.
45819: CONSTANTINOPLE - The City of Constantinople.
43298: BRASS BAND CONTEST - Temple Gardens, Lincoln. Brass Band Contest. The Musical World, and the Public generally, are respectfully informed that the Second Annual Grand Brass Band Contest will take place in the above beautiful gardens, on Monday, the 6th of June, 1859.
45533: UNION OF DEMOCRATIC CONTROL - Towards an International Understanding.
45193: GODFREY & COOKE - Chemists, Southampton Street, Covent Garden and Conduit Street.
43332: WILLIAM COOKE - Royal Equestrian Circus.
44292: WILLIAM COOKE - Cooke's Royal Circus. The Last Week But Two. Grand Equestrian Gala!!! First Night of the Splendid Equestrian Piece, entitled Mazeppa & the Wild Horse of Tartary. The Duchess of Puddle Dock, etc.
43953: [FURNISHINGS] BLYTH SON & COOPER - Bed Feather, Horse Hair & Rugging Manufacturer. 24 Henry Street, Liverpool. Bed feathers purified on an entirely new principle and Warranted fit for immediate use. Carpets of all descriptions.
45598: COOPER, John M. - Sketch Book. "This Sketch-Book is Dedicated to "Buster" without who's untiring efforts, most, or if not all, these drawings could not be made."
45510: COPELAND, Fanny S. - The Women of Serbia> a Lecture. With a Preface by Lady (Ralph) Paget.
42191: CORDER, John Shewell - Christchurch or Withepole House, a brief memorial.
42192: CORDER, John Shewell - Christchurch or Withepole House, a brief memorial.
42193: CORDER, John Shewell - Christchurch or Withepole House, a brief memorial.
42194: CORDER, John Shewell - Christchurch or Withepole House, a brief memorial.
45186: J.C. CORDING - Nautical and Sporting Waterproofer & Taylor, 231, Strand... and 3, Royal Exchange... Manufacturer of The Dreadnought Coats... Cording's Sheet India Rubber Fishing Boots.
40884: CORNECK, Henry Warrington - H.M.S. Caledonia. Adm Sir Gramah Moore K.C.B. Com.in Chief.
43107: REV. SIDNEY W. CORNISH - Short Notes on the Church and Parish of Ottery St. Mary, Devon. New Edition, Revised by Rev. F.F. Cornish.
42026: CORNWALLIS, BONAPARTE, AZARA and SCHIMMELPENNINCK - Definitive Treaty of Peace. Between His Majesty of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the One Part, and the French Republic, His Majesty the King of Spain and the Indies, and the Batavian Republic, on the Other Part.
34405: CORRIE, J.E. - Records of the Corrie Family, A.D. 802 - 1899. [Part I] and Part II.
45476: COSBY, Dudley S.A. - I. German Kulktur: What is it? II. Towards Universal Peace.
41249: FREDERICK GEORGE COTMAN - Robt. Dunthorne has the honour to invite His Honour Judge Bacon & friends to view Mr. F.G. Cotman's Water Colour Drawings "On Devon Rivers"...
41251: FREDERICK GEORGE COTMAN - Robt. Dunthorne has the honour to invite His Honour Judge Bacon & friends to view Mr. Cotman's Drawings.
36310: COTTON, John - Chimes and Rhymes. Romantic Tales of Bromsgrove Bells and Bromsgrove Nails. With Other Verses on Local Themes.
40469: COUDERC, Gabriel - Cargo Ship in Sète.
41375: PRESTWICH URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL - To the Electors of North Ward. [From] William Dodson.
45467: COURNOS, John - London Under the Bolsheviks> A Londoner's Dream on Returning from Petrograd.
45170: D. COURT - West India Dock Eating-House, Limehouse Hole, Next Door to the Shipwright's Arms.
43113: LEONARD H. COURTNEY - A Week in the Isles of Scilly. With additions and corrections.
45821: COVENTRY - The Coventry Thespian Amateur Dramatic Club. A Complimentary Benefit. Love Wins...
45820: COVENTRY - The Coventry Thespian Amateur Dramatic Club. A Complimentary Benefit. Love Wins...
45823: COVENTRY - Theatre Royal, Coventry. Benefit of Miss Forrester. Mazeppa! or the Wild Horse of Tartary. Incidental Ballet by the Cruvelli & Devereux Troupe of Dancewrs...
41380: COVENTRY - To Mr. W. Rotherham, Printer, Coventry. From P. Moore [M.P.]
44051: [EDUCATION] MISS COVIL - [List of Fees]... in returning sincere thanks to her friends, begs to intimate, that she has removed to 106 Peel Terrace, Garnet Hill, where she intends to resume teaching, on Tuesday 1st August, the following branches with the assistance of Masters...
42460: W.S. COWELL - W.S. Cowell, Lithographers and Letterpress Printers.
43946: [BRASS FINISHER] W.J. COX - Brass Finisher and Gas Fitter, No. 70, John Street, Tottenham Court Road. Old work Cleaned and Laquered equal to new.
44779: DAVID COX - Catalogue of a Beautiful Collection of Drawings and Sketches by David Cox Sen,> comprising many of the artist's original out-door sketches, made during the years 1845 and 1846> and a numbver of his finest drawings, executed at his best period> the property of a Gentleman who purchased them direct from the artist: also the choice collection of sketches, drawings and cabinet pictures of W.B. Morgan, Esq., of Highgate.
42249: DAVID COX - A Treatise on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colours: from the first rudiments to the finished picture: with examples in Outline, Effect, and Colouring.
44679: PARTRIDGE & COZENS - List of Prices. Partridge & Cozens, Wholesale and Retail Stationers, and Steel Pen Manufacturers.
41261: CRACKERS - [Tom, Tom] the Piper's Son [picked up a pig and away he ran].
45321: NEIL WALKER and THOMAS CRADDOCK - The History of Wisbech, and the Fens.
42587: NEIL WALKER and THOMAS CRADDOCK - The History of Wisbech, and the Fens.
41950: CRICKET - Lord's Ground. Eton v. Harrow. Part Printed Scorecard.
41951: CRICKET - England v Australia at Surrey County Cricket Club, Kennington Oval. Fully Printed Scorecard.
45666: J.T. CRIER - Fiji Islands.
45665: J.T. CRIER - Fiji Islands.
43186: CRIME - A Calendar of Prisoners for Trial at the July Quarter & General Session of the Peace to be holden at the Session House, Clerkenwell, on Tuesday, the 12th day of July, 1904. Before William Robert McConnell, Richard Loveland-Loveland...
44850: CRIMEA - Report on the Crimean Cemeteries by Brigadier General J.M. Ayde and Colonel C.G. Gordon> together with Reports on the British Cemeteries on the Bosphorus and at Smyrna, by Brigadier General Ayde.
45633: CRIMEA - Sebastopol and Balaklava Shewing Position of the Allied Forces.
44354: CRISP, Frederick Arthur - Visitation of England and Wales. Volume 11.
44355: CRISP, Frederick Arthur - Visitation of England and Wales. Volume 13.
44356: CRISP, Frederick Arthur - Visitation of England and Wales. Volume 15.
44357: CRISP, Frederick Arthur - Visitation of England and Wales. Volume 16.
41952: OLIVER CROMWELL - In searching amongst some old papers, which had been in Cromwell's family, I found a writing which appears to me to be a copy of the very words which Oliver spoke to the members of the Long Parliament,... Spoken by O. C. when he put an end to the Long Parliament....preface signed T. Ireton.
45702: J. CROSS - Cross's New Plan of London.
45546: RED CROSS - Reports on British Prison Camps in India and Burma Visited by the International Red Cross Committee in February, March and April 1917.
27898: CROSSING, William - Folk Rhymes of Devon.
43122: WILLIAM CROSSING - Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies: Glimpses of Elfin Haunts and Antics.
45609: CROW, Carl - The Traveler's [sic] Handbook for China (Including Hong Kong).
43501: C.F. CRUCHLEY - Cruchley's New Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, showing the discoveries at the North Pole and the New Settlements in Australia, New Zealand, &c. [additions to 1858]
45811: GEORGE CRUIKSHANK - Bartholomew Fair.
45806: GEORGE CRUIKSHANK - Ladies Buy Your Leaf! [with two steel engravings of the Statue of Achilles.]
43439: ISAAK CRUIKSHANK - Stage Coach. [Eccentric Excursions]
41936: GEORGE CRUIKSHANK - Box [Ticket] Her Majesty's Theatre.
41965: GEORGE CRUIKSHANK - Workmen's Memorial. One Shilling Subscription Card. Shakespeare Tercentenary.
24115: CRUMP, W.B. - Huddersfield Highways Down the Ages.
43570: PLAYBILL - ROBINSON CRUSOE - Puck's Pantomime> or Harlequin and Robinson Crusoe. Daughter of St. Mark.
43571: PLAYBILL - ROBINSON CRUSOE - Robinson Crusoe: or, the Bold Buccaneers. Stranger. Horse & Foot! Or, the Lady and the Lancer.
44054: [MEDICINE] GEORGE CULLEN - (Late Pain & Cullen) Importer of Leeches. No. 7, Budge Row, Watling Street, London.
40467: CUNEO, Terence - ICI Billingham Chemical Works - South Grid Sidings. [Service to Industry]
45069: HAROLD CURWEN - Processes of Graphic Reproduction in Printing.
44921: CUTWORK - In Memory of the Late Francis Hicken Northen, of The Lea House, who died February 28th, 1859...
45251: WHITEWAYS CYDRAX - Large advertising sheet in the form of a Daily Mail broadsheet front page.
43469: DALKEITH - Dalkeith's Classic Poster Series: Postcard Set No. 26. Recruitment.
40999: DALLAWAY, James & CARTWRIGHT, Edmund - A History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex. Including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel, and Bramber, with the City and Diocese of Chichester.
42716: JAMES DALLAWAY - A History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex. Including the Rapes of Arundel and Bramber. Vol. II. Part the First. [The Rape of Arundel complete in itself]
42303: DALSTON, LONDON - A Valuable Archive containing a series of maps and documents charting the development of a particular London Estate.
42653: AUGUSTUS A. DALY - The History of the Isle of Sheppey from the Roman Occupation to the Reign of His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII.
40946: DANCE, JESSOP & WALKER - The Isle of Dogs.
39948: [PEAKE, Mervyn] DANIEL, Estelle - The Art of Gormenghast> the Making of a Television Fantasy. With illustrations by Mervyn Peake.
41696: JOHN DANSON - John Danson, Perfumer, &c.
38771: WILLIAM DARTON [publisher] - A Little Book of Maps, to be referred to when My Father or Mother talks with me about Geography. Part V. [China, Hindoostan, Turkey in Europe, Turkey in Asia.]
45443: WILLIAM DARTON - Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury.
44290: ZACHARIAS DASE - 100 Figures Multiplied by 100 Figures!!! Programme of Mr. Z. Dase's Extraordinary Performances with Numbers, on Thursday 18th July, 1850. And Friday and Saturday following... at the Wellington Rooms, 8, Wellington Street, North Strand.
43180: DAUMAS, Maurice - Scientific Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century and their Makers.
45513: DAUPRAT, Albert - The New Era and England's Place in It. [translated from the French]
45524: DAVIES, Alfred T. - Student Captives> an Account of the Work of the British Prisoners of War Book Scheme (Educational).
41698: W. DAVIES, M.R.C.S. - Receipt for Professional Advice, Attendance and Medicine.
42597: G. CHRISTOPHER DAVIES - Norfolk Broads and Rivers or Water-ways, Lagoons, and Decoys of East Anglia.
24136: DAVIS, Roger - Kendrew of York and His Chapbooks for Children. With a Checklist.
45577: DAVISON, G. - A History of British Earthquakes.
45306: DAVY, Henry - Views of the Seat of the Noblemen and Gentlemen in nSuffolk, from Drawings... Part First [all published].
42646: J.L. DEACON - Ancient Rye> an illustrated handbook. [New Series, Third Edition]
42705: J.L. DEACON - Ancient Rye> an illustrated historical handbook. [New Series, Fifth Edition]
43944: [CUTLERY] ROBERT DEAKIN - No. 83 Arundle Street, Sheffield. Manufacturer and Dealer in Cutlery of Every Description. Britannia metal goods & combs in great variety, improved trusses, and surgical instruments, files, saws, edge tools, spades, shovels, ropes, nails, and screws. Also steel, iron, &c. &c.
41730: [FURNISHINGS] DEANE'S - Furnish Your House with the Best Articles at Deane's. Established on Old London Bridge, A.D. 1700.
44858: DEATH - It is one thing to call for Death and another to see him coming."
42558: THE OXFORD DECLARATIONS - At a meeting of heads of houses and proctors in the Delegates' room, May 2, 1834. A Declaration... We, whose names are underwritten, declare it to be our deliberate and firm opinion, that a Bill, now before Parliament, "To remove certain Disabilities which prevent some Classes of His Majesty's Subjects from resorting to the Universities of England, and proceeding to Degrees therein," will, if it pass into a Law, violate our legal and prescriptive Rights> subvert the system of Religious Instruction and Discipline, so long and beneficially exercised by us> and, by dissolving the union between the University and the Church of England, will impair the efficiency, and endanger the security, of both.
37006: DEERY, Patsy - Irish Mayflies> a Fly-Fisher's Guide.
40710: DEIGHTON, Len [writing as Cyril Deighton] and BLAU, Fred F. - The Orient Flight LZ127-Graf Zeppelin.
44359: W. ALFRED DELAMOTTE - Views of the Colleges, Chapels & Gardens of Oxford, drawings by William Alfred Delamotte, executed in lithography by William Gauci: with historical and descriptive notices by Charles Ollier.
43208: W. ALFRED DELAMOTTE - Views of the Colleges, Chapels & Gardens of Oxford, drawings by William Alfred Delamotte, executed in lithography by William Gauci: with historical and descriptive notices by Charles Ollier.
41597: INCOME TAX - FIRST DEMAND - Tax Office...I do hereby give you Notice...granting certain Duties upon Income...you are charged as under: For One Year, ending the 5th April 1800...
45176: T. DEMBINSKI - Importer and Dealer in Havana Cigars, Snuff, &c. No. 22 Nassau Street.
42823: [FISHING TACKLE] E. DAVIS'S FISHING TACKLE DEPOT - The Skeleton Angler. By the author of "The Angler's Dream," "Isaac Walton's Ghost," "Giant Angler," and other Piscatorial Poems.
41382: SOUTHERN DERBYSHIRE - To The Independent Electors of the Southern Division of the County of Derby.
41383: SOUTHERN DERBYSHIRE - To The Electors of the Southern Division of the County of Derby.
44476: W. DERHAM - Astro-theology: or, a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a Survey of the Heavens.
42607: MAJOR M. TEICHMAN-DERVILLE - The Annals of the Town and Port of New Romsey, with some extracts from the records of the town. Paper read before the Kent Archaeological Society, July 25th, 1929.
44988: OWEN JONES designer - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church...
41111: DEVON [PRIOR, William Henry] - Descriptive Letterpress. Views of Plymouth and the Neighbourhood. [with] Torquay and the Neighbourhood. [with] Views in South Devon.
34555: DIARIES - Six North Country Diaries. [with] North Country Diaries [second series].
45427: CHARLES DICKENS - The Great International Walking-Match of February 29, 1868.
36444: DICKENS, Charles - The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.
42592: WILLIAM DICKINSON - The History and Antiquities of Newark, in the County of Nottingham, (The Sidnacester of the Romans,) Interspersed with Biographical Sketches and Embellished with Engravings.
42008: RICHARD DIGHTON - A View From Old South Sea House. [James Curtis]
41576: DIORAMA - The Thames at Lambeth.
42434: FUNERAL DIRECTOR - Thomas Bradley, Ricall.
39496: DIRECTORY. WHITE, William - History, Gazeteer and Directory of Lincolnshire, including the City and Diocese of Lincoln.
42255: DIRECTORY. - Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire With the City of Hull. 1922
44855: MINING DISASTER - In Memory of... who lost their lives at the Apedale Colliery Explosion. Wednesday, March 27th, 1878.
45140: WEEKLY DISPATCH - Cartoon.
42549: BENJAMIN DISRAELI - The People's Tribute to the Right Honourable the Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G. A Gold Laurel Wreath.
42057: ST. KATHERINE DOCKS - To the Gate-Keepers at the St. Katherine Docks. Permit 1 Lady to pass into the Docks and afterwards quit the same.
41538: EXCHEQUER DOCUMENT - The Right Honourable Spencer, Lord Wilmington, in Repayment of Loan...Order is taken this twenty ninth Day of May, 1728. by Virtue and in Pursuance of an Act lately passed in Partliament, (Entituled, An Act for Granting an Aid to His Majesty, by a Land-Tax, for the Service of the Year 1728.) That you deliver and pay of such His Majesty's Treasure as remains in your Charge....
41528: DODSLEY, J. - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1774 - 1787.
40569: DONAWELL, John - A Perspective View of the North West Front of ye Parish Church of St. Brides...
40599: DONAWELL, John - Ironmongers Hall with a View of Fenchurch Street.
45825: DONCASTER - Theatre Doncaster. Ivanhoe, of the Jew of York. Myheer Van Dunk. To Conclude with a Bagatelle called The Irish Tutor.
36341: DONCASTER. HATFIELD, Charles William - Historical Notices of Doncaster. Third Series.
42533: DONKEY - Dans Ma Tête d'Ane Cherchez? L'Intelligence, La Fidélité, La Légéreté.
45798: GEORGE DORRINGTON - The Grand Meeting of the Metropolitan Trades' Unions in Copenhagen Fields, on Monday, April 21, 1834.
37244: DORSET - The Standing Orders of the Dorset Quarter Sessions, With Appendices. Revised 1882 - 83.
40994: DOUGLAS, Keith DAVIES, W.H. BLUNDEN, Edmund and others - Springboard, the Barnardo Magazine for Schools, edited by Christopher Fry. Volume 1, numbers 1 - 6.
33975: DOXFORD - The Doxford Hall Estate Between Berwick and Alnwick, Northumberland. Auction Sale Catalogue.
44483: A. CONAN DOYLE - The Great Boer War, a Two Years' Record, 1899 - 1901.
45396: EZRA DOYLE - Polly's Gaon, or, Merriment in Dress and the Folly of Pride : James and Polly, or, The Very Funny Wedding > Buttery Dick, or, The Beautiful Sweating > The Bottle of Galker, or, Fun in Fermentation.
41850: DRESDEN - Gasthaus Zum Elglischen Hof. Friedrich Hirsch.
41645: CRISTOPHER DRESSER - Studies in Design: Dadoes, Borders, & Friezes.
41646: CRISTOPHER DRESSER - Studies in Design: Ceilings.
43650: DRINK - George Lowther Garrick, Successor to George Elliott. Wine and Spirit Merchant, Brampton.
43690: DRINK - Sparkling Hock.
43636: DRINK - Winstanley & Gouthwaite, Newcastle upon Tyne, Manor Chare. Sole Importer of Woodhouses superior Old Bionti Madeira Wine direct from their Establishment in Sicily and general Wine & Spirit Merchants. [Invoice to George Main, Esq. Kelso]
43583: DRINK - [Champagne] Ch. Farre, Successeur de la Maison Max Sutaie & Co., Reims en Champagne. Richard Baxter, agent, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
43586: DRINK - Botall & Donkin. Brewers & Spirit Merchants. Peterborough. Dealers in Malt, Hops and London Porter.
43628: DRINK - J. Goerg & Co. Proprietor of the Marqueterie Vineyard, Chalons sur Marne. Shipping Prices of Champagne Wines...Agent for Scotland, A.E. Swor, 57, Miller Street, Glasgow.
43638: DRINK - R.R. Garmston, Importer of Foreign Wines and Sprits. Porter in Cask or Bottle. 44, Foregate, Worcester.
43640: DRINK - Messers J. Cockburn & Campbell, 32 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, and 151, Piccadilly, London. List of the Wines.
43588: DRINK - Holme, Wilson, Sewell & Co. Distillers, Importers & dealers in Foreign Spirits & Wines. 28 Upper Thames Street, London.
43590: DRINK - William Walker, British Wine & Foreign & British Spirit Merchant. No. 5 Farringdon Street, London.
41737: DRINK - Earl Grey Tavern. 19, King-Street, Glasgow. Andrew Smith.
41894: DROITWICH - William Ellis, George Inn & Folen Arms. Itemised receipt on printed letterhead.
41895: DROITWICH - William Ellis, George Inn & Folen Arms.Receipt on printed letterhead for fly to Worcester and back.
41896: DROITWICH - William Ellis, George Inn & Folen Arms.Rreceipt on printed letterhead for fly to Worcester and back.
43039: DUBLIN - The Dublin Exhibition of 1872. Extract from "The Guardian."
40812: DUGDALE, William - The History of Imbanking and Draining of Divers Fens and Marshes, Both In Foreign Parts and in This Kingdom, and the Improvements Thereby. Extracted from records, manuscripts, and other authentic testimonies. The Second Edition, Revised and Corrected, by Charles Nalson Cole.
44721: J. DUGDALE - Photographic Publisher, 7 Corridor, Bath.
45133: W. & D. DUNCAN - Engravers, Steel, Copper and Lithographic Printers, Argyle Arcade, Glasgow.
43835: McKECHNIE & DUNCAN - Tailors and Clothiers, 154 Argyle Street, Glasgow.
39554: DUNN, Thomas [returning officer] - The Poll Book> Containing a Correct List of the Electors who Polled> Distinguishing the Candidates for Whom They Voted> also the names of the registered voters who did not poll in the first Election of Members for the Borough of Sheffield, December 13 and 14, 1832.
41822: DUNOON, ARGYLE & BUTE - Souvenir. [Opening] Dunoon Public Pavillion.
41378: COUNTY DURHAM - The Lost Manuscript Fully Deciphered.
41390: COUNTY DURHAM - Grand Dinner to the Great P.G.M. at Sunderland.
42798: COUNTY DURHAM - The Chronicles of the Palatinate of Durham.
45319: DUTT, William A. - Some Literary Associations of East Anglia.
39816: DUVAL, J. - Ameublements. Fournisseur de plusiers Cuirs Etrangèrs. 13 & 15, Boulevard de la Madelaine.
42297: CHARLES DUVAL - Charles DuVal in His Popular Entertainment "Odds and Ends." Programme.
42298: CHARLES DUVAL - Charles DuVal in His Popular Entertainment "Odds and Ends." Programme.
42299: CHARLES DUVAL - Charles DuVal in His Popular Entertainment "Odds and Ends." Programme.
42300: CHARLES DUVAL - Charles DuVal in His Popular Entertainment "Odds and Ends." Programme.
42677: W. DYDE - The History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury.
28353: DYSON, Brian - Yorkshire Maps and Plans in the Archives of the University of Hull.
41191: EADES, W.H. - Southwold Church, Suffolk. Lower Stages of Tower. [Watercolour]
44179: [IRONWORK] CRICHTON & EADIE - Smiths, Beam Makers, Gas Fitters, Bell Hangers, Manufacturers of Malleable Iron Tubes for Gas, Water or Steam. Core Bars for Iron Founders, Iron & Brass Stop Cocks, Gas Fittings, &c. Warehouse, 26, London SDtreet, Manufactory, London Lane, Glasgow.
45257: EAGLESON, Walter F. - Trick Photography, or Twenty-four Interesting Experiments with the Camera, the Dark Room and Mounting.
43979: [DIAMONDS] D. EARL - Importer of Diamond & Precious Stones. Manufacturers of Glaziers' Diamonds. Carbon for Mechanical Purposes. Writing Engravers and Microscopic Diamonds. Carbon Tools for Trueing Emery Wheels. Diamond Drills. Equitable Chambers, Pitt & Park Sts. Sydney.
41750: D. EARL - Importer of Diamonds & Precious Stones. Manufacturers of Glaziers' Diamonds...
44915: EARLE, Rev. A. - Essays Upon The History of Meaux Abbey and Some Principles of Mediæval Land Tenure. Based Upon a Consideration of the Latin Chronicles of Meaux (A.D. 1150 - 1400).
44223: [MARBLE MERCHANTS] GEO & THOs. EARLE - Marble Merchants, Hull. Manufacturer of Roman Cement, Paris White (air dried), Mustard Plaster, Ornamental Cement Chimney Tops, &c.
27981: EARNSHAW, J.R. & WATKINS, J.G. - An Excavation at Kirkgate Bridlington, 1980-81.
45107: CHARLES SKIPPER & EAST - Engravers & Printers of Bankers Notes and Checks for the effectual prevention of Forgery.
43895: [COAL MERCHANT] ROBERTSONS & EDDIE - Coal Masters, Kipbyre, and at Garnkirk Raiklway Depot, Head of Milton Street, Office, 32, St. Enoch Square, Glasgow.
41347: EDINBURGH - Mathematics by Mr Murray. Description of Summer Course.
41903: EDINBURGH - The Clarendon Hotel. 104 Princes Street, Edinburgh. Richard MacMahon, proprietor.
43293: EDINBURGH - Theatre Royal Edinburgh. Miss Love's Benefit, and Last Night of Her Engagement.
44411: JOHN HILTON & JOSEPH THORP editors - Change, The Beginning of a Chapter. Volume II.
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