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44280: EXETER - Theatre Royal Exeter. Under the Management of Mr. Robert Dolman, 10, Paris Street, Exeter. Extra Night. Grand Amateur Performance.
43340: 1862 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION - The Industrial Palace - 1862. South Kensington.
41945: EXHIBITION - Fountain, Circular Railway and Canal at the Exhibition of Works of Art &c. New Music Hall.
42145: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION - Season Ticket for the International Exhibition, 1862. No. 22203 in the name of A.S. Meyer.
43474: SUB-WEALDEN EXPLORATION - Please Admit John Scott Peyton Esq to Inspect the Boring Operations. [signed] Henry Willett.
45041: WILLIAM FADEN - A Plan of His Majesty's Forest, called The New Forest in the County of Southampton, laid down from surveys taken by Thos. Richardson, Wm. King and Abm. and Wm. Driver, by order of the Commissioners of the Land Revenue appointed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 26th year of King George III.
38778: BARNET FAIR - The Defence Committee are glad to announce that the Home Secretary has refused to order the abolition of the fair which therefore will be held annually on 4th, 5th, & 6th September as heretofore... [with] To the Right Honourable Sir Henry Matthews Q.C., M.P., Her Majesty's Secretary of State, Home Department. The Humble Memorial...by way of Objection to the proposal...to abolish Barnet Fair...
42961: FAIRHOLT, F.W. - Gog and Magog. The Giants in Guildhall> Their Real and Legendary History. With an Account of Other Civic Giants, at Home and Abroad.
44153: [SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER] WILLIAMS & FAIRWEATHER - Saddler & Harness Maker, Brechin.
44154: [SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER] WILLIAMS & FAIRWEATHER - Saddler & Harness Maker, Brechin.
44155: [SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER] WILLIAMS & FAIRWEATHER - Saddler & Harness Maker, Brechin.
44156: [SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER] WILLIAMS & FAIRWEATHER - Saddler & Harness Maker, Brechin.
43942: [BOX MAKER] J.F. FALLSHAW - Manufacturer of Boxes in Leather, Wood or Paper. For Stationers, Packers & Warehousemen. Writing Desks. Pocket Books & Paper Portfolios. Captains, Merchants & Jewellers Supplied. French scale & mill'd board boxes of every decsription. 7a, Lilly Pot Lane, Noble Street, New Post Office, London.
39685: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - The Madresfield Muniments with an Account of the Family and Their Estates.
40955: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - Catalogue of the Miniatures in Enamel at Madresfield Court.
40956: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - Catalogue of the Miniatures in Oil at Madresfield Court.
40957: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - Catalogue of the Miniatures in Water Colour at Madresfield Court.
40969: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - Catalogue of the Snuff Boxes at Madresfield Court.
40970: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - Catalogue of the Plate at Madresfield Court.
40987: LYGON FAMILY [Earls of Beauchamp] - A List of the Sevres and Other China in the Front Drawing Room at 13, Belgrave Square, London.
43317: TURNER FAMILY - Patronised by the Queen and the Royal Family. By Desire, Nature's Own Musicians will appear for one night only, Assembly Rooms, Cross Inn, Kingswinford. The Celebrated Minstrel Fairies from the London National Concerts.
42349: HOLDING FAMILY - 6 Small Sketchbooks.
42350: HOLDING FAMILY - Three Fine Pastel Portraits.
42796: SADLEIR FAMILY [IRISH] - 12 Book Labels and Tickets.
43244: ROYAL FAMILY - Prince Albert [and] Victoria 1st. [and] Princess Royal [and] Prince of Wales.
42493: ROYAL FAMILY - Prince Albert [and] Victoria 1st. [and] Princess Royal [and] Prince of Wales.
44974: JOHN FARLEY - The London Art of Cookery, and Housekeeper's Complete Assistant. On a New Plan. Made Plain and Easy to the Understanding of every Housekeeper, Cook, and Servant, in the Kingdom.
37477: HINCHNOWLE FARM. - Cultivation of Hincknole Oates Farm [Hinchnole Farm, Netherbury] on Mr. Ackerman's Entry. [Dorset]
45318: FARRER, Rev. Edmund - A Lilst of Monumental Brasses Remaining in the County of Suffolk.
40742: FARRER, William and CLAY, Charles Travis - Early Yorkshire Charters. Volumes 1 - 12 plus index volume to Vols 1 - 3.
38499: FAULKNER, William - The Mansion.
42949: ALAN FEA - Secret Chambers and Hiding Places> the historic, romantic & legendary stories & traditions about hiding holes, secret chambers, &c.
37331: INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS - The Lectures Used by the Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Sanctioned and Approved by the Bristol A.M.C. June, 1846.
37332: INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS - Supplement to the Lecture-Book, of the Manchester Unity, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1834.
42509: MALCOLM FERGUSON - Rambles in Skye, with a Sketch of a Trip to St. Kilda.
42691: BENJAMIN FERREY - The Antiquities of the Priory of Christ-Church, Hampshire: consisting of plans, elevations, details, and perspective views of the present church. Accompanied by Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Same by Edw. Wedlake Brayley. Second Edition. Revised by John Britton.
43810: J.P. FERRIER - Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan> with Historical Notices of the Countries Lying Between Russia and India.
42007: WILLIAM FETTIS - ...he intends to Commence Business as an Architect, in Market Street, (Mr. Kinnear's House,) Brechin, on the First of May...
41824: KING'S LYNN. TYPHOID FEVER - Important Notice to the Public...
30292: FIELD, Thomas Edwin - The Family Tree of John Field of Skelmanthorpe [Nr. Huddersfield] and Elizabeth Field.
37892: FIELDING, John - Fielding's Hackney Coach Rates> Containing Near Twenty Thousand Fares, (From Actual Measurement) With the Distance and Price> Agreeable to the Last Act of Parliament. Also the Rates of Hackney Chairs, and Fares of Watermen, as Regulated by Authority.
45376: ARTICULATED FIGURES - The Dandy and the Gymnast. A Pair of Hand Made Articulated Figures.
41819: FIRE! - Hitchin Fire Establishment Annual Subscription Request.
41234: JOHN ANSTER "FAIRY" FITZGERALD - The Committee of the Sweny Mahlstick Relief Fund Invite Sir James Bacon to the Private View of Pictures & Sculptures Contributed to the Fund.
44800: FLAGGE - Länderspiel - Deutschland Oesterreich. Berlin 17 Sept 1953.
45381: LIFT THE FLAP - An Apt Scholar.
45380: LIFT THE FLAP - An Unexpected Visitor.
45379: LIFT THE FLAP - Toujours déranger le Vendredi. From Rosa Jan 1, 1854.
40062: LIFT-THE-FLAP - England's Glory.
43384: LIFT THE FLAP - Communion Card [French]
43383: LIFT THE FLAP - Economies Pour le Ciel. Employes vos Richesse a Vous Faire des Amis Aupres de Dieu.
43364: TRANSFORMATION/LIFT THE FLAP - Country House Through Driveway Gates.
43365: TRANSFORMATION/LIFT THE FLAP - Flower Seller at the Front Door.
41571: LIFT THE FLAP - Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria Crowned June 28 1838.
43164: PHILIP FLEISCHER - Great National Panorama of the Battle of Waterloo, Ashley Place, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Pained by Chevalier Philip Fleischer. Description with Plan of the Panorama.
33187: FLETCHER, Thomas C. editor - Read's History of the Isle of Axholme: Its Manor and Parishes With Biographical Notices of Eminent Men.
24286: FLETCHER, J.S. - When Charles the First Was King.
43896: [COAL MERCHANT] ISAAC & WILLIAM FLETCHER - Fletchers' Main Coals. Proprietors Isaac & William Fletcher, Crossbarrow and Greysouthern Collieries near Workington, Cumberland. John Lamb & Son beg leave to intimate that they have been appointed Agents for Belfast promoting the sale of the above coals...
34985: FLETCHER, Thomas C. editor - Read's History of the Isle of Axholme: Its Manor and Parishes With Biographical Notices of Eminent Men.
36347: FLETCHER, J.S. - Memorials of a Yorkshire Parish> an Historical Sketch of the Parish of Darrington.
41692: DUNCAN FLOCKHART - Duncan Flockart & Company, Chemists and Druggists to Her Majesty.
44797: ALAN FLOOD - [Exhibition Poster] Paintings, Etchings and Drawings.
40486: FLOOD, Alan illustrates - A Beckett Metamorphosis> A Set of Six Original Drypoints of the Dramatist and Novelist Samuel Beckett.
45168: LADY FLORIST - Harley Park, Callan, Ireland.
44593: [EDWARD OXFORD] THE FLY - Memoir of Edward Oxford (with portrait). The Fly, 79. Supplementary Number.
44592: [EDWARD OXFORD] THE FLY - Particulars of the Attempt to Assassinate the Queen. The Fly, 78. Supplementary Number.
43646: FOOD - W. Castle, Grocer & Cheesemonger, No. i, Great College Street North, (Corner of Jeffreys Street,) Camden Town.
43647: FOOD - Hill, Evans & Williams, Patent Vinegar Makers, Worcester.
43661: FOOD - [Confectioner] Robert Blair, Confectioner and Italian Warehouseman, No. 37 George Street, Edinburgh.
43668: FOOD - [Fishmonger] Jos. Johnston & Sons, fish-curers, Waterside, Montrose.
43681: FOOD - [Fishmonger] Robert Orman, Wholesale and retail. Fish Merchant, Poulterer, & Game Dealer, Fish Daily from Eden and Esk Fisheries. St. Alban's Row, Carlisle.
43669: FOOD - [Fishmonger] Jos. Johnston & Sons, fish-curers, Waterside, Montrose.
43673: FOOD - [Confectioner] William Strachan, Confectioner & Grocer. Fancy Pastry, Jellies, Creams, &c. &c. High Street, Montrose.
43674: FOOD - [Confectioner] William Strachan, Confectioner & Grocer. Fancy Pastry, Jellies, Creams, &c. &c. High Street, Montrose.
43678: FOOD - [Fishmonger] Robert Orman, Wholesale and retail. Fish Merchant, Poulterer, & Game Dealer, Fish Daily from Eden and Esk Fisheries. St. Alban's Row, Carlisle.
43679: FOOD - [Fishmonger] Robert Orman, Wholesale and retail. Fish Merchant, Poulterer, & Game Dealer, Fish Daily from Eden and Esk Fisheries. St. Alban's Row, Carlisle.
43680: FOOD - [Fishmonger] Robert Orman, Wholesale and retail. Fish Merchant, Poulterer, & Game Dealer, Fish Daily from Eden and Esk Fisheries. St. Alban's Row, Carlisle.
43642: FOOD - Thomas Ward, Meat Salesman, Newgate Market.
43645: FOOD - F. Dewhurst, Fruiterer & Greengrocer, Waiter, &c. No. 11, Albany Place, Kentish Town.
43672: FOOD - James Boyd, 3 Sugar-House Wynd, Dundee.
22731: FOREMAN, Michael illustrates - The Arabian Nights or Tales Told by Sheherezade During a Thousand Nights and One Night, rendered into English by Brian Alderson.
45178: CHARLES FORMBY - Delivery Dockets for Medway Wharf, Thames Bank, Pimlico
38289: FORREST, C. - The History and Antiquities of Knottingley in the Parish of Pontefract. With Historical Notices of the Neighbouring Villages of Birkin, Brotherton, Fryston & Ferrybridge.
34461: FORSHAW, Chas. F. - Yorkshire Notes and Queries, Being the Antiquarian History of Yorkshire. Volumes 1 - 5 [all published].
41691: JAMES FORTUNE - James Fortune, Artificial Limb, Truss & Bandage Maker. To the Royal Infirmary. The late Dr. Hamilton's Belts made the same for the last Twenty Years.
30803: FOSTER, Joseph - Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire.
38750: FOSTER, Birket illustrations - Hyperion: a Romance, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
44343: GEORGE A. FOTHERGILL - Bookplates.
45076: NANNY FOULDS - Verses Composed by Nanny Foulds, of Great Harwood, Near Blackburn, on the Conference of Manchester.
45075: NANNY FOULDS - Verses Composed by Nanny Foulds, or Great Harwood, Near Blackburn, on the Death of a Young Woman, Named Hannah Corbridge, who, being pregnant, was murdered by her Sweetheart: after promising to take her to Scotland and marry her, he desperately cut her throat, and buried her in a ditch at Barnside, near Colne, the place of their residence. He was convicted of the Crime, and executed at Lancaster.
42333: H. WILSON FOX - The British South Africa Company. Memorandum containing Notes concerning the Development of Estates and Industries by the Company with Accompanying Papers and Maps.
39834: GENERAL FOY - History of the War in the Peninsula[r], under Napoleon> to which is prefixed a view of the political and military state of the four belligerent powers. Translated from the French.
42873: ALEXANDRE FRANCINE - Livre D'Architecture Contenant Plusieurs Portiques de Differentes Inventions, sur les cinq ordres de Colomnes.
44327: FRANCIS FRANCIS - A Book of Angling, Being a Complete Treatise on the Art of Angling in Every Branch, with explanatory plates, Etc.
43814: WILLIAM FRANCKLIN - Observations Made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in the Years 1786 - 7. With a short account of the remains of the celebrated palace of Persopolis> and other interesting events. The secoindf edition.
39563: ELIZABETH FRANK - True Stories> or, Interesting Anecdotes of Children: designed through the medium of example, to inculcate principles of virtue and piety.
37712: CAPT. CHARLES COLVILLE FRANKLAND - Travels to and from Constantinople, in the years 1827 and 1828> or a personal narrative of a journey from Vienna, through Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, Bulgaria, and Roumelia, to Constantinople> and from that city to the capital of Austria, by the Dardanelles.....Styria.
44128: [AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE] FINLAY FRASER - Nurseryman, Seedsman & Ground Workman.
37076: FREEDMAN, Barnett - Lyons Tea Rooms Coronation Designs.
42514: WILLIAM BASIL JONES and EDWARD AUGUSTUS FREEMAN - The History and Antiquities of Saint David's.
42957: EDWARD A. FREEMAN - Remarks on the Architecture of Llandaff Cathedral> with an essay towards a history of the fabric.
43440: FREEMASONRY - A Full Dress Masonic Ball. [at the] County Assembly Rooms, Lincoln.
40858: FREEMASONRY - West Yorkshire List. No. 2. Revised. Aged Freemasons and Widows Annuity Fund Annual Festival, 13th February, 1878> Girls' 90th Annual Festival, Wednesday, 8th May, 1878> Boys' Annual festival, Wednesday June of July, 1878.
41427: FREEMASONRY - Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire. Certificate to Arthur Lewis...appointed to rank of Director of Ceremonies.
41432: FREEMASONRY - [Letter] I beg to inform you that the Most Honourable the Marquess of Zealand, K.T., Right Worshipful Provincial Grand master, intends to consecrate the New Masonic Hall...in Rutland Street Filey [North Yorkshire].
41435: FREEMASONRY - By-Laws of Ansdell Lodge No 3607.
43851: [BOOT & SHOE MAKER] GLASSFORD & FRENCH - Boot & Shoe Makers, 26½ Stevenson Street, Calton.
41860: FRIBOURG - Terrasse de l'Hotel de Zähinguen à Frebourg en Suisse.
44444: SOCIETY OF FRIENDS - Having declared their Intentions of taking each other in Marriage...
44443: SOCIETY OF FRIENDS - Declaration to be made and subscribed by virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the 1st of Victoria, cap. 5 by Quakers, Moravians and Separatists...
39498: FRANCIS FRITH - Canterbury, photographed by F. Frith.
41810: FROME SELWOOD, SOMERSET - Frome Selwood Charitable Society. Receipt for subscription.
41924: FRY, Roger - Ten Architectural Lithographs.
43183: FRY, Roger - Portraits by Roger Fry.
37475: FRYER, John - Survey of the Several Farms in the Township of Kibblesworth in the Chapelry of Lamesley and County of Durham Belonging to the Right Honourable Lord Ravensworth.
44932: FUNERAL - An Interment.
43260: FUNERALS - Royal Funerals &c. 1817 - 1818 [sic].
41248: HARRY FURNESS - Mr Harry Furness Requests the Honour of Your Company at a Private View of his Drawigs Political and Pictorial.
41306: FURNITURE - International Health Exhibition. Upholders [upholsterers] represented by G.S. Lucraft & Son.
44806: FURTH - Yale Glee Club. Concertgebouw. [Director: Marshall Bartholemew]
41817: GRAND YORKSHIRE FLOWER SHOW AND GALA - Programme of Events.
43907: [CARPENTER] C. GALE - Carpenter, Upholster, & Undertaker, Writing Desk, Dressing-Case and Work Box Manufacturer, 1 Monte Video Place, Kentish Town. Venetian and Roller Blind Maker. Funerals performed in Town or Country. Goods carefully packed and removed. Old Blinds repaired and painted. [verso] Brush, French Clog, and Patten Manufacturer.
41228: PICCADILLY ART GALLERIES - Conversazione...Admit...President Henry Moore. A.R.A.
44228: [COMMISSION MERCHANT] G.V. GAMBLE - Commission Merchant.
43408: GAME - Schimmel, or the Bell and Hammer.
43394: GEOGRAPHICAL GAME - [Rules] The Tar of All Weathers> or, the British Colonies. A Geographical Game.
43330: PARLOUR GAME - A New Game for Christmas, 1878. The Royal Mail, after the style of "The Family Coach."
42932: CARTOGRAPHIC GAME - [Place the County in the Country]
38725: OLYMPIC GAMES - Souvenir of the Great Olympic Games to be Opened by His Most Gracious Majesty the King at the Franco-British Exhibition, Shepherd's Bush, from July 13 to 25, 1908.
44783: OLYMPIC GAMES - 1936. Die Olympischen Spiel und der Nationalsozialismus. The Olympic Games and National Socialism> Austellung vom 24 May bis 18 August 1996.
34415: ANDREW JERVISE and JAMES GAMMACK - Memorials of Angus and Mearns> an Account Historical, Antiquarian & Traditionary.
22272: GANT, Roland - Stubble Burning. Poems. With five wood-engravings by Howard Phipps.
43884: [OIL & COLOURMAN] HARTNELL & GARRETT - Oil & Vitriol Manufacturers, Battersea, and 5 Woodstock St., Oxford St. London.
38324: GASCOYNE, David - A Short Survey of Surrealism.
41124: GASCOYNE, David - Man's Life is This Meat.
45128: WILLIAM GASPEY - Petition to Frederick Tallis
37688: GASTINEAU, H. - Views of Swanwich Bay.
37689: GASTINEAU, H. - Views of Swanwich Bay.
41866: GENEVA - Hotel des Bergues. Wachter, propriétaire.
43166: LAKE GENEVA - Panorama du Lac de Genève Pris de la Jettée [sic] d'Ouchy.
38744: MADAME [FÉLICITÉ] DE GENLIS - The Children's Isle.
44994: GEORGE BICKHAM, MONS. B. PICART and WILLIAM LEEKEY - The Young Clerk's Assistant> or, Penmanship made easy, instructive and entertaining: being a compleat pocket-copy-book, neatly engrav'd for the practice of youth in the art of writing [by Geroge Bickham]. [bound with] A New Drawing Book of Modes, by Mons. B. Picart [engraved by George Bickham]. [bound with] A Discourse on the Use of the Pen... by William Leekey.
41400: GEORGE V - The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by Their Majesties to summon Mrs. F.G.L. Lucas to a Court at Buckingham Palace...
32964: GERAGHTY, T. - A North-East Coast Town. Ordeal and Triumph. The Story of Kingston Upon Hull in the 1939 - 1945 Great War.
44930: WILLIAM II OF GERMANY - Les nations amies et alliées ainsi que tous les peuples civilisés de la terre vous prient d'assister aux Convoi, Service et Dépècement de la personne et de l'Empire de Son Ex-Majesté Guyillaume II.
45062: BISWANATH GHOSH - British Policy Towards the Pathans and the Pindaris in Central india, 1805 - 1818. A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of London.
43171: GIBSON, William - Mona Lisa Overdrive.
43172: GIBSON, William - Virtual Light.
34556: GIFFARD, Walter - The Register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York 1266 - 1279.
26548: GILL, Harry - The Village Church in the Olden Time.
44371: ERIC GILL - Perpetua, a Notable Type Face. Cut for Progressive Book and General Printers in Eight Sizes, 10pt to 48 pt.
43905: [CABINET MAKER] J. GILL - Cabinet Maker & undertaker. 102, High Petergate, York. Dealer in all kinds of furniture, antique, &c. Fret Saws, Patterns, Files, &c.
38326: GILL, Eric - Art-nonsense and Other Essays.
44798: GILL - There's Always Something Going on at the Troubadour.
41147: GILL, Eric - The Engravings of Eric Gill.
45016: GLASGOW - Plans & Elevations of the Proposed Restoration and Additions to the Cathedral of Glasgow. With an Explanatory Address by the Local Committee.
44521: GLASGOW - The Lord Provost and Other Trustees of the Glasgow Bridges Request the Honor of.... Company to Dinner... after Laying the Foundation Stone of Victoria Bridge.
35143: GLASSCOCK, Robin E. - The Lay Subsidy of 1334.
43860: [HATTER] ALEXANDER B. GLEN - Cap Manufacturer & Warehouseman. 33 & 45 Candleriggs, Glasgow.
45311: GLYDE, John - The New Suffolk Garland: a miscellany of anecdotes, romantic ballads descriptive poems and songs, historical and biographical notices, and statistical returns relating to the County of Suffolk. With an appendix containing the history of the reform struggle in Ipswich in 1820> or celebrated election of Lennard and Haldimand.
42895: GODALMING - Map of Godalming and Its Vicinity.
44296: MR GODELUCK - (From Germany) Begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in General, or his arrival in London, with Two Extraordinary Individuals. John Hauptmann [36 inches high] and Little Nanette [Nannette Stocker, 33 inches high].
42711: REV. G.N. GODWIN - The Civil War in Hampshire, (1642-45) and the Story of Basing House.
40875: CALLIGRAPHY - GOLD [E. PILCHER] - Whether a life is noble or ignoble depends not on the calling which is adopted but in the spirit in which it is followed."
40112: GOLDING, William - Autograph Letter, signed.
44401: OLIVER GOLDSMITH - The History of Rome from the Foundation of the City of Rome to the Destruction of the Western Empire.
43566: PLAYBILL - MOTHER GOOSE - The Celebrated Comic Pantomime of Mother Goose or, Harlequin and the Golden Egg. Merchant of Venice.
36894: GORDON, John - History of the Congregational Churches of Sheerness, Queenborough, Minster, and the Isle of Grain, From the Year 1725 to 1898. Illustrated with portraits of representative men, and views of the chapels.
42699: REV. H.D. GORDON - The History of Harting. With a Chapter on the Geology of the District by the late Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, and Some Notice of Its Fauna and Flora by J. Weaver.
44050: [EDUCATION] MR W.A. GORDON'S ACADEMY - Wellington Place, 71, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow.
37577: GORE - Gore's Directory of Liverpool and Its Environs.
37580: GORE - Gore's Directory of Liverpool and Its Environs.
39664: GOSSETT, Isaac [Vicar] - Report of the Committee for Rebuilding the Parish Church of New Windsor Made to a General Vestry, on Tuesday, February 24, 1824, with resolutions of the Vestry.
43105: S. BARING-GOULD - Devonshire Characters and Strange Events.
43977: [PERFUMER] LEATHART & GRAFFTEY - Perfumers, Wholesale and for Exportation, 26, Warwick Street, Regent Street, London. The Proprietors of Orfila's Tinturia Pompeiana, or Pompeian Hair Dye.
44239: [SHIP BROKER] GRAINGER, BRISTOW & JOHNSON - Printed Partnership Declaration for customers.
42224: MARQUIS OF GRANBY - Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire.
45250: W.H. GRANT - International Inventions Exhibition. Ye Views of Olde London. Woven in Pure Silk.
44848: CHARLES JAMESON GRANT - Sancho Screwemdown, Undertaker.
40464: GRÜN, Jules-Alexandre - Jeanne d'Arc a Rouen. Ve Centenaire du 23 au 30 May 1931
44847: GRAVE - Little Jane's Grave. [died 1799]
44846: GRAVE - [Elizabeth Wallbridge, died 1801] Dairyman's Daughter's Grave.
19126: GRAVES, Rev. John - The History of Cleveland, in the North Riding of the County of York> comprehending an historical and descriptive view of the ancient and present state of each parish within the Wapontake of Langbargh> the soil, produce, and natural curiosities> with the origin and genealogy of the principal families within the district.
41979: GRAZEBROOK, Geo. - Thirty-Nine Children of One Father and One Mother (Seven Sons and Thirty-Two Daughters) Amply Proved.
45156: BETHNAL GREEN - A List of the Churchwardens, Overseers, Select-Vestrymen-Governors, and other Officers of the Parish of Saint Matthew, Bethnal Green, in the County of Middlesex, for the Year 1826. Robert Brutton, Vestry-Clerk.
45320: GREEN, R. - The History, Topography, and Antiquities of Framlingham and Saxsted, in the County of Suffolk, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time> With a Full Account of the Castle and Churches, Including Also, a Series of Memoirs of the Ancient Illustrious Possessors of the Domain...
44208: [PHOTOGRAPHER] RICHARD VALLANCE GREEN - Photographer, White Street, Coventry. Cartes de Visite... Children taken in the morning only.
41731: RICHARD VALLANCE GREEN - Photographer.
40719: GREENHILL, Elizabeth - Elizabeth Greenhill, Bookbinder> a Catalogue Raisonné.
45092: GREENWOOD, J. - Greenwood's Picture of Hull, With Seventy Illustrations.
40601: C. J. GREENWOOD - Trintity Church, Yeovil. [Exterior and Interior Views]
43275: C.C. GREVILLE - At the Court at St. James's, the 21st June 1837, Present, The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council...
41706: [GUN MAKER] C. GRIERSON - Gun-Maker. New Invented Breech and Lock for Single Barrel...
44407: GEORGE GRIFFITH - In an Unknown Prison Land> an Account of Convicts and Colonists in New Caledonia with Jottings Out and Home.
42075: REV. ALEXANDER B. GROSART [editor] - Occasional Issues of Unique or Very Rare Books. Edited, with introduction and notes and illustrations by Rev. Alexander B. Grosart.
42905: ALEXANDER GROSS - Daily Telegraph War Map No. 14 of the Western Front> Arras to Nancy.
42225: RICHARD C. GROSVENOR - To The Honourable Richard C. Grosvenor...the Brockenurst Charitable Association.
44857: AZTEC BURIAL GROUND - Cimitero de Messicani.
34786: GUALTIERI, Nicolai - Index Testarum Conchyliorum Quae Adservantur in Museo...
38242: C.J. GUERARD - Promenades au Petit Trianon, Choix de Vues Prises dans ce Parc Royal en Lithographiees.
41828: GUILDFORD - Programme of Celebrations. Coronation of King George VI.
42861: DOCTOR GUILLIÉ - An Essay on the Instruction and Amusements of the Blind.
45232: GUINNESS [S.R.] - My Goodness, My Guinness.
42368: William GUNTON - Fonthill Abbey - Wiltshire. Situated in the South Western part of the County in the Hundred of Dunworth. Near to the great Western road from London. And stands nearly due West from Salisbury Spire.
26403: GURNEY, Norah K.M. - A Handlist of Parish Register Transcripts in the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research.
33325: GUTCH, John Mathew - The Present Mode of Election of Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of Bristol Considered> Extracted from Felix Farley's Bristol Journal.
40092: GUTHRIE, James Editor - Root and Branch> a Seasonal of the Arts. Number 1, Volume 3.
39568: GUY'S HOSPITAL - Guy's Hospital Medical School [Yearbook 1880-81].
42404: HABERDASHER - Peter Robinson, Haberdasher, Hosier, Laceman & Glover. 103 Oxford Street, London.
44053: [MEDICINE] HAIGH - importer of Leeches, and Dealer in Plasters and Boxes, 36, St. John Street Road, Clerkenwell.
38198: HAITE, J.J. - The Principles of Natural Harmony, being a perfect system founded upon the discovery of the Semitonic Scale.
43904: [CARPENTER] E. HALFORD - Carpenter, Builder and Shop Fitter, 46 Cross Streeet, Upper Street, Islington.
41751: E. HALFORD - Carpenter, Builder, and Shop Fitter.
44523: COLLINS MUSIC HALL - Strip for Action" & Strike a Nude Noter. [with] The Flying Renoes, The Naughty Saucy Girls, Nudes in their posing parade, etc.
42268: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL HALL - The World's Fair. Official Programme [held at] Royal Agricultural Hall. 1885 - 6.
42285: ROYAL AGRICULTURAL HALL - The World's Fair. Official Catalogue and Programme [held at] Royal Agricultural Hall. Season 1888-89.
42288: SURREY GARDENS AND MUSIC HALL - Grand Concert & Fete, in Aid of the Cheesemongers' Benevolent Institution.
44546: THOS. HALLACK - Origin and Progress of the Proceedings which ultimately led to the Coronation Dinner on Parker's Piece, Cambridge, June the 28th, 1838, on which occasion upwards of Fourteen Thousand Persons Dined Together> with copious details and a plan of the tables, &c.
37489: HAM, Thomas - Reference to the Map of the Town of Yeovil, in the County of Somerset.
43903: [WOOD TURNER] THOMAS HAMILTON - Wood Turner, 56 Sydney Street, Second Street, east from the Barracks, Glasgow. Power Loom Drivers, &c. Heddle Shafts, Rods, &c. made to order on the shortest notice.
42232: HARRY H. HAMILTON - Harry H. Hamilton's [Original] Excursions, 120,000 Miles in 120 Minutes. At the Albert Palace, Battersea Park.
42233: HARRY H. HAMILTON - Harry H. Hamilton's Passing Events. Sudan Incidents, and Entire Campaign of the Late War in Egypt. At St. James's Hall, the Great Hall, Piccadilly and Regent Street.
44562: WILLIAM ROWAN HAMILTON - Sonnets to the Queen on Her Accession.
43894: [COAL MERCHANT] S. HAMMOND - Successor to Wiles & Wooler, Coal Merchant, Dartford.
40336: HAMMOND, W.F. - Valuation of the Five Freehold Houses Situate and Being No. 30 Holborn, No. 82 Fetter Lane as No. 77 Hatton Garden in the Parish of St. Andrew in the City of London and Nos. 30 & 42 Upper Street in the Parish of St. Mary Islington. Valued for Distribution, the Property of the Late Samuel Jones, Esq.
40591: HAMMOND, W.F. - Valuation of the Freehold Property Situate and Being in the Parishes of St. Peters, St. Michaels and The Abbey in the Liberty and Borough of St. Albans in the County of Hertford, the Property of the late Saml. Jones Esq. and Valued for Division among the Family.
34527: HAMPDEN - A Genealogical Table of the Noble Family of Hampden, Viscount Hamden.
42554: HAMPSHIRE - To The Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Southampton... John Russell and J.C. Jervoise.
42700: HAMPSHIRE - The Hampshire Repository> or, Historical, Economical, and Literary Miscellany> a Provincial Work, of Entirely Original Materials, comprising all Matters relative to the County, including the Isle of Wight, &c... Volume I and II [all published].
42056: HAMPSTEAD - Dance Card. Programme, West Hampstead Town Hall.
41735: [CARVER & GILDER] J.W. HANCOX - Carver & Gilder. The Holloway Art Gallery. The Most Complete Art Stores in North London...
37058: LOTTERY HANDBILL - New Scheme. 4,000 Numbers. 5 Prizes of £20,000. Tickets and Shares are Selling by J. Hutchins, Ticehurst, Agent to Swift and Co...To be drawn the 19th October, 1810.
42541: SATIRICAL HANDBILL - Priory Park. Military Donkey Steeple Chase. April 1st, 1854. The Moustache Stakes.
44571: ANTI-CATHOLIC HANDBILL - Speech of his Late H.H. the Duke of York in the House of Lords, April 25th. 1825.
41934: GEORGE FREDERICK HANDEL - Handel Commemoration, Westminster Abbey. Subscriber's Ticket.
44984: JAMES HANLEY - Boy.
39552: HANNINGTON, Wal - The Problem of the Distressed Areas.
8829: HANSON, T.W. - The Story of Old Halifax.
36294: HARBIN, S.W. Bates - Members of Parliament for the County of Somerset.
45150: RAMSGATE HARBOUR - The State of Facts Relating to Ramsgate Harbour.
42251: JAMES DUFFIELD HARDING - Lithographs.
40131: GUY HARLING - [Manuscript Poem] Confessions of a Married Man.
44045: [EDUCATION] R.B HARRADEN - Drawing Master, Cambridge.
44474: HARRIS, Alan - The Rural Landscape of the East Riding of Yorkshire 1700 - 1850> a Study in Historical Geography.
45216: HARRIS, Alan - The Rural Landscape of the East Riding of Yorkshire 1700 - 1850> a Study in Historical Geography.
43793: JOHN HARRIS - The History of Kent. In Five Parts. Containing, I. An Exact Topography or Description of the County. II. The Civil History of Kent. III. The Ecclesiastical History of Kent. IV. The History of the Royal Navy of England. V. The Natural History of Kent. Volume I. [all published]
45064: GEORGE W. HARRIS - George W. Harris.
25194: HARRISON, John - An Exact and Perfect Survey and View of the Manor of Sheffield with Other Lands by John Harrison, 1637. Transcribed and Edited by James George Ronksley> with Introduction by R.E. Leader.
38093: HARROD, J.G. - J. G. Harrod & Co.'s postal and Commercial Directory of Norfolk and Norwich, including Lowestoft, in the County of Suffolk. Containing a Brief Descriptive Account of the Towns, Parishes and Villages. Followed by a Directory.
44997: HARROGATE, KNARESBOROUGH, ETC. - A Bound volume of pamphlets and local ephemera.
45338: HARTING, J.E. and ROBERT, L.P. - Glimpses of Bird LIfe portrayed with Pen and Pencil.
45245: HARTLEY'S - I'm 'Mr Jellyman' Fridge Magnet.
42457: W.P. HARTLEY - W.P. Hartley's New Works at Aintree, Liverpool.
42463: DAVID HARTLEY - Books Sold by J. Leake and W. Frederick, Booksellers, of Bath.
44210: [CLOTHING] JOHN HARTMANN - Pattern Collector, & Patentee of Hydro-Extractor, Paris. Agent for Scotland, Robert Walker, Junr., 104 Virginia Place, Glasgow.
43021: RICHARD SUTTON HARVEY - To the Citizens of Lincoln. A Serious Riot broke out last Evening in our City, and the destruction of considerable property followed...
33174: HASLEMERE, SURREY - The Registers of Haslemere, Co. Surrey. Baptisms 1594 - 1812. Marriages 1573 - 1812. Burials 1573 - 1812. Transcribed and Edited by John Wornham Penfold.
38843: HASLEWOOD, Frances Catherine - Two Letters on Serious Subjects by F.C.H. [with] Past, Present and Future [a poem].
44941: PAUL N. HASLUCK - Coffin-Making and Undertaking: special appliances> Lancashire coffins> Southern Counties and other coffins> children's coffins> adults' covered coffins> polishing coffins> inscription plates> coffin furniture> trimming or lining> ornamental and panelled coffins> shells and outer coffins> lead coffins> undertaking.
43816: FREDERICK HASSELQUIST - Voyages and Travels in the Levant> in the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52. Containing Observations in Natural History Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce: Particularly on the Holy Land, and the Natural History of the Scriptures.
36340: HATFIELD, Charles William - Historical Notices of Doncaster. Second Series.
34216: HAWKINS, B.W. lithographer - Black Cobra Capello. Naia Tripudian S. var Nigra.
44258: G.L. HAWKINS - Pigment Printing> the Bromoil Process from the Negative to the Transfer.
38197: HAYDN, Joseph - VIII Pieces Favorites pour le Clavecin ou Piano-Frte avec accompagnements d'un Violin et Violencelle ad Libitum Tirées des Nouvelles Simphonies. Oeuvre 84.
41900: HAYDON BRIDGE, NORTHUMBERLAND - Francis Wilkinson, Anchor Inn.
37821: HAYFIELD, Colin and SLATER, Terry - The Medieval Town of Hedon> Excavations 1975 - 1976.
45233: BILL HEADS - 69 Royal Georgian and Regency Bill Heads. Prince of Wales and Princess Charlotte.
43912: [IRONMONGER] HARDMEAT & HEALY - Furnishing & General Ironmongers, No. 3, High Street, Wisbech. Smiths, Braziers, Zinc & Tin Plate Workers.
40822: HEATH ROBINSON, William - Behind the Scenes at Moss Bros.
43116: ROBERT HEATH - A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly... and lastly, a General Account of Cornwall.
44261: FRANCIS GEORGE HEATH - The Fern Paradise: a Plea for the Culture of Ferns. Illustrated Edition (being the fifth).
43015: H.K. HEBB, Clerk to the Local Board - £100 REWARD! Whereas some evil disposed person has sent or caused to be delivered to Mr. Alderman Harvey, an anonymous Letter, threatening to kill or murder him...
40528: HECKEL, A[ugustin] - A Perspective View of Hampton Court Bridge Cross the River Thames. Open'd Decr. 13th 1753.
36370: HEDON. CRAVEN, Martin T. - A New and Complete History of the Borough of Hedon.
43959: [FANCY GOODS] HEELAS, SONS & COMPANY - Have received a large collection of Chinese, Japanese, & Indian Novelties, Comprising Trays, Cabinets, Fans, Screens, &c.
44326: J.B. HEGGIE - Social Party of the Friends and Acquaintances of J.B. Heggie, to be held in his Temperance Coffee House, Cathcart Street, on the Evening of Wednesday 14th. June 1854. Tea on the table at 8 o'clock precisely. Admit a Lady and a Gentleman.
42518: HENRY PAGET, 1st MARQUIS OF ANGLESEY - Forget Me Not>" a Birth Day Offering, on 17th May, 1830...by E.T.G.
43899: [DECORATOR] WM. HEPBURN - Plain & Decorative Painter, Paperhanger, &c. 11 Oxford Street, Laurieston, Glasgow.
44353: DIOCESE OF HEREFORD. - Registers of Diddlebury. Munslow.
44352: DIOCESE OF HEREFORD. - Register of Alberbury. Part II. 1733 - 1812.
44351: DIOCESE OF HEREFORD. - Registers of Lydham. Edgton. Monk Hopton. Chelmarsh. Neenton. Billingsley.
41235: PROFESSOR HUBERT VON HERKOMER - The Fine Art Society requests the honour of a visit from Hon Sir J. Bacon and friends to a private view of works by Professor Herkomer R.A. and his pupils on Saturday the 30th April, 1892.
44137: [COACH & HARNESS MAKER] HERRING - Coach and Harness Maker. Carriages, construction of every description, repaired and painted, finished on the lowest terms.
43070: SIR JOHN F.W. HERSCHEL - On the Chemical Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Preparations of Silver and Other Substances, both Metallic and Non-metallic, and on some Photographic Processes. [with] On the Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Vegetable Colours, and on some New Photographic Processes.
44164: [SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER] W. HEYWOOD - Saddle, Collar & harness Maker. Horses carefully Measured and neatly fitted. Every article in the above branches executed in the first style of fashion.
41781: HIGHWAYS - Notice is Hereby Given...That on the eighth day of July next application will be made...for an order for stopping up entirely, and as unnecessary, a certain Highway or Footpath...
41713: G. R. & J. HILDITCH - Availing ourselves of the recent alterations to Post Office Regulations, we have arranged to send Patterns of our Silks to any part of the Country and Colonies...
25773: HILL, Samuel - Bygone Stalybridge. Traditional, Historical, Biographical.
24132: HILL, Samuel - Bygone Stalybridge. Traditional, Historical, Biographical.
28962: HILL, J.W.F. - Tudor and Stuart Lincoln. With an introductory essay by Perry Gauci.
39926: [FURRIER] MRS. HILL - Wholesale & Retail Fur Manufacturer, Holloway Street, Exeter.
40025: HILL, John - The Construction of Timber, from its Early Growth> Explained by the Microscope, and proved from experiments...
42544: MATTHEW DAVENPORT HILL - Speech of M.D. Hill, Esq., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, June 12, 1833, on the Dwelling House Robbery Bill. [Extracted from the Mirror of Parliament, Part CCXXI]
39821: HINTON, I. - The Art of Limning.
44337: A.L. HIRSCHFELD - Manhattan Oases. New York's 1932 Speak-easies, with a Gentleman's Guide to Bars and Beverages by Gordon Kahn. With an introduction by Heywood Broun.
41749: JOHN R. HISTED - [Sardine Specialist, Canned Goods & Dried Fruits.]
27322: VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of the County of York: East Riding Volume V, edited by K.J. Allison.
27324: VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of the County of York: East Riding Volume VI: the Borough and Liberties of Beverley, edited by K.J. Allison.
27321: VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of the County of York: East Riding Volume III, edited by K.J. Allison.
26603: VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of the County of York: East Riding Volume IV, edited by K.J. Allison.
36608: HULL. VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of the County of York: East Riding, Volume 1, The City of Kingston Upon Hull, edited by K.J. Allison.
36700: HULL. VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of the County of York: East Riding, Volume 1, The City of Kingston Upon Hull, edited by K.J. Allison.
44528: NEWSPAPER HISTORY - Reprints of The Times and Other Early English Newspapers and Historical Documents.
41172: POSTAL HISTORY - Telegram designed by McDonald Gill.
41173: POSTAL HISTORY - Telegram designed by Claudia Freedman.
41174: POSTAL HISTORY - Telegram designed by Alan Sorrell.
41175: POSTAL HISTORY - Mulready Letter Sheet A 54.
41176: POSTAL HISTORY - Letter Sheet, cover only, Mulready caricature, by Frederick Froom.
41177: POSTAL HISTORY - Letter Sheet, cover only, Mulready caricature, by Madeley.
41178: POSTAL HISTORY - Ocean Penny Postage envelope cover.
42243: VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY. - A History of Yorkshire: The City of York, edited by P.M. Tillott.
42792: POSTAL HISTORY - Specimen of Postage Charges in 1839. To be Preserved among the Curiosities of any Museum, &c.
44929: MADEMOISELLE ANNIE-CONSTANCE HOARE - Death Certificate [in French], depositions, instructions and orders.
33971: HODGSON, John - A History of Northumberland. Volume 4. Roman Wall, Haydon Bridge, Haltwhistle.
34528: HODSKINSON, Joseph - The County of Suffolk. Edited with an introduction by D.P. Dymond.
44341: MAJOR W.S.R. HODSON - Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India: being extracts from the letters of the late Major W.S.R. Hodson... including a personal narrative of the Siege of Delhi and capture of the King and Princes. Edited by his brother, the Rev. George H. Hodson.
45335: WILLIAM HOGARTH - Hogarth's Frolic. The Five Day's Peregrination Around the Isle of Sheppey of William Hogarth and His Fellow Pilgrims, Scott, Tothall, Thornhill, and Forrest. With sketches in sepia from the original illustrations of the tour by W. Hogarth and Sam. Scott.
37485: HOGG, Thomas surveyor - Plan of Estates> the Property of Thomas Chinnall Porter Esq. [In Essex and Worcestershire]
42263: LUDVIG HOLBERGS - Jubeludgave af Ludvig Holbergs samtlige Comoedier ved F.L. Liebenberg.
42065: HOLBORN - Parishes of St. Andrew Holborn, and St. George the Martyr, Middlesex. Resolutions for a Loyal Address to the King, At a Meeting held Dec, 15, 1820.
41747: [ARTIST] ROBERT E. HOLDING - Artist in Zoology: Anatomy: Pathology.
43949: [CARVER & GILDER] J. HOLLOWAY - Carver, Gilder, Looking Glass & Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 44, North Street, Wolverhampton. Gold cornices, mouldings & borders for rooms & glasses. Gold enamel names, borders and ornaments on glass. N.B. Old Frames Repaired, and Gilt equal to New.
41722: J. HOLLOWAY - Carver, Gilder, Looking Glass & Picture Frame Manufacturer.
42626: WILLIAM HOLLOWAY - The History and Antiquities of the Ancient Port of Rye, in the County of Sussex. With incidental notes on the Cinque Ports.
42630: E. CARLETON HOLMES - Lyminster Parish and Church, by an old Churchwarden, on the Advent of a new Vicar...additions...of archaeological interest, on the same and other subjects, in the adjoining parish of Arundel.
8836: HOLMES, Robert - Keighley, Past and Present> or, An Historical, Topographical, and Statistical Sketch of the Town, Parish and Environs of Keighley, Including Riddlesden, Marley, Hainworth, and Some Other Places in the Contiguous Parish of Bingley.
8837: HOLMES, Robert - Keighley, Past and Present> or, An Historical, Topographical, and Statistical Sketch of the Town, Parish and Environs of Keighley, Including Riddlesden, Marley, Hainworth, and Some Other Places in the Contiguous Parish of Bingley.
40346: HOLTBY, Winifred - Virginia Woolf.
41693: J. C. HOMER - J.C. Homer, Chemist and Druggist.
44174: [SHOP FRONT MANUFACTURER] MITCHELL & HONEYCHURCH - Shop Front Manufacturers, and Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Shop & Counting-House Fixtures. 39, Seymour Street, Euston Square. Sashes, Counter-Glass Cases, Counter Drawers, Tobacco and Snuff Jars, Publicans' Bar Fittings and Bottles, Desks, and Counting-House Fixtures... Fixtures bought or taken in for exchange. Every description of carpenter's work executed.
43569: PLAYBILL - RED RIDING HOOD. - Red Riding Hood: or, the Wolf of the Forest of Arden. Douglas. Etc.
41790: ROBIN HOOD - Scene- Knavesmire, York.
45409: JAMES HOOK - This is the House that Jack Built. A Favorite Glee with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte.
45406: JAMES HOOK - A Christmas Box Containing the Following Bagatelles: Goosy Goosy Gander, See Saw Margery Daw, Little Jack Horner..., Hey Diddle Diddle..., Tell Tale Tit, How Does My Ladies Garden Grow, Hot Cross Buns, Three Children Sliding on the Ice, Hush a by Baby, Who Goes Here a Grenadier, See Saw Saccaradaw, Make a Cake Make a Cake Baker's Man.
45407: JAMES HOOK - Second Volume of Christmas Box Containing the Following Bagatelles for Juvenile Amusement: High Ding a Ding, Christmas Comes butu Once a Year, Little Tom Tucker, Little Robin Red-breast, I'll Sing a Song of Sixpence, Little Boy Blue, Gooseberrys Grow on an Angry Tree, When I was a Little Boy, Robin a Bobin a Billberry Hen, There was an Old Woman Liv'd Under a Hill, There Were Two Blackbirds.
43059: JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER - Himalayan Journal. Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, &c. A new edition, carefully revised and condensed.
45331: HOPPER, Edward [LEWIN, Gail] - Edward Hopper. A Catalogue Raisonne. 4 volumes in slip case. CD-Rom. Volume I. Edward Hopper: Perspective on His Life and Work. Volume II: Watercolors. Volume III: Oils. Volume IV: CD-Rom.
44780: JOHN HOPPNER - A Catalogue of the Select Works by the Late John Hoppner, Esq. R.A. Consisting of Fine Drawings in Chalks, Framed and Glazed, and in Portfolio> exhibiting masterly specimens of his talents in Landscape, Portraiture & Animals> and Portraits in Oil, of Several eminently distinguished Persons> also a Few Pictures by Old Masters, Including The Bagpiper by Van Dyk, the Adoration of the Magi by Bassano... About 150 pounces of Ultramarine, colour boxes, etc. To be Sold by Auction by...
44457: HORNCASTLE - Election of Guardians. To the Ratepayers of Horncastle... J.Walter 4th April, 1870. [with] Election of Guardians. To the Rate-payers of Horncastle... Reuben Roberts [5th or 6th April 1870]. [with] Apology... Joseph Walter 7th April, 1870.
45180: WILLIAM HORNE - Golden Cross, Charing Cross, Whence Passengers and parcels are conveyed by mail, telegraph, and other coaches to the principal sea ports, cities, commercial towns,a nd most fashionable watering places in the kingdom, also Paris Diligences Morning and Evening...
42991: SAMUEL HORSEY - Aged 55. A singular Beggar in the Streets of London.
42407: HOSIER, GLOVER, &. - Banister, Hosier, Glover, &. Flannel Draper, No. 98 Strand (two doors from Beaufort Buildings)
39801: BATH HOSPITAL - Conditions of Admission into the General Hospital at Bath.
41683: HOSPITAL - West Cornwall Dispensary and Infirmary.
42038: FOUNDLING HOSPITAL - [List of Governors and Guardians]
42049: SMALL POX AND VACCINATION HOSPITAL - [Report] The Small Pox and Vaccination Hospital, at Battle Bridge, St. Pancras, Middlesex. Instituted September 23, 1746.
42050: SMALL POX AND VACCINATION HOSPITAL - Small Pox and Vaccination Hospital. St. Pancras. Report of Dr. Gregory, Physician.
42051: FOUNDLING HOSPITAL - Instructions To the Mothers of Such Children as are fit objects to receive the advantages of this Institution.
43611: HOTEL - White Swan Inn, Wisbech. Edward Foley, respectfully informs his Friends and the Inhabitants of Wisbech and its Vicinity, that he has taken and entered upon the above Inn, which he has neatly fitted up, and trusts by strict attention to merit a share of public patronage and support.
43607: HOTEL - James Whitley, Wine Commercial Inn, Brewer, Porter Merchant, Dealer in Malt, Hops, &c., Old Market, Wisbech. [Lincolnshire House and Commercial Inn]
43597: HOTEL - R. Adams, White Hart Commercial Inn. Family Inn & posting House, Wisbech.
43598: HOTEL - Willm. Sloate, King's Head Inn, Old Market, Wisbech. Dealer in Foreign Wines, Spiritous Liquors, Ale, Cyder, &c.
43579: HOTEL - Lozey's Royal Yacht Club Hotel. Family and Commercial House, Pier, St. Helier's Jersey.
43602: HOTEL - Joseph Rutter, Swan Hotel Commercial Inn & Posting House, Chertsey. Excellent Wines and Sprits. Bottled Ales, Dublin Stout & Cider. Well Aired Beds. Lock up Coach House.
43603: HOTEL - Robt. Sneath. George Posting & Commercial Inn. Fenstanton. Best Wines & Spirits. Comfortable beds & good stabling. Loose boxes. Lock up coach houses.
43635: HOTEL - Opening Dinner in Honor of Mr. William Stimpson. Globe Hotel, 22 Great Clyde Street, & 101, Maxwell Street, on Wednesday, 16th June, 1852. Dinner on the Table at Half Past Five. William Campbell, Esq. Tillechewan, Chairman. David Bell, Esq. Blackhall, Croupier.
43600: HOTEL - The Ostrich Commercial Inn, Wells, Norfiolk, William Gibbs.
43599: HOTEL - James Glover, London Tavern & Hotel, Commercial Inn & Posting House. Queen Street, near the Water Side, Hull. Lock up coach houses, good stabling. Coaches & Steam Packets to all parts of the Kingdon.
6704: HOTTEN, John Camden collected by - Bibliographical Account of Nearly Fifteen Hundred Curious and Rare Books, Tracts, Mss and Engravings, Relating to the History and Topography of Yorkshire.
43883: [OIL & COLOURMAN[ JAMES HOUGHTON - Oil Merchant, 27, Bartholemew Close, London.
38410: HOUGHTON, Thomas Governor - A Calendar of the Prisoners Left in the House of Correction at Preston, in the County of Lancaster.
41839: HATFIELD HOUSE - Guide to Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, and Bishop Hatfield.
41962: ARSHAVIR TER HOVANNESSIAN - Raw Eating Bulletin No. 1 [and] No. 2 [and] brochure.
41784: J. HOWES - The Land Question and the Liberal Party.
39827: HOWITT, Mary - Mary Howitt's Illustrated Library for the Young. IX. China and the Chinese.
40941: HOWLETT, Bartholemew - View in Cuper's Gardens, Lambeth.
45132: HOYLE - New Daily Publication. The First Number will appear on Monday, June the 28th. Hoyle's Daily Guide to the Events of the Morrow, Published Every Afternoon at Four O'Clock.
44332: HOYLE - Hoyle's Games Improved. Being Practical Treatises on Whist, Quadrille, Piquet, Chess, Back-gammon, Draughts, Cricket, Tennis, Quinze, Hazard, Lansquenet, Billiards, Faro, Rouge & Noir, Cribbage, Matrimony, Cassino, Goff or Golf and Connexions. To which are considered the method of Betting at those Games upon equal or advantageous terms. Revised and corrected by Charles Jones. A New Edition Enlarged.
44202: [BRUSH MANUFACTURER] FREDERICK HOYLE - Brush Manufacturer. All kinds of brushes made to order. n.b. Mops, Floor Cloths, Furniture Paste, Black Lead, &c. 77, Kirkgate, Wakefield.
40847: HUDSON, T.H. - Chamois Hunting in the Jungfrau.
42269: JEFFERY HUDSON - The Queen's Dwarf.
45300: HULL. FROST, Charles - Notices Relative to the Early History of the Town and Port of Hull> Compiled From Original Records and Unpublished Manuscripts.
19209: HUMPHREYS, Arthur L. - Somersetshire Parishes, a Handbook of Historical Reference to All Places in the County.
43848: [BOOT & SHOE MAKER] D. HUMPHREYS - Boot & Shoe Maker, 2 Providence Place, Kentish Town Road.
44829: FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER - Olympische Spiel München 1972.
41957: BRIGHTON UNION HUNT - Report and Accounts From September 1836 to September 1837. John Hitchins, Hon. Sec.
42342: A. LEIGH HUNT - The Capital of the Ancient Kingdom of East Anglia "The Mighty City in the East" being a complete and authentic history of the Ancient Borough Town of Thetford and its Antiquities in Norfolk and Suffolk.
33566: HUNTER, Joseph - South Yorkshire: The History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster, in the Diocese and County of York.
44972: HUNTER, Joseph - South Yorkshire: The History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster, in the Diocese and County of York.
42710: REV. L.M. HUNTER - Memorials of the Hospital of St. Cross and Alms House of Noble Poevrty.
42797: THE HUSBAND'S COMMANDMENTS - I am thy Husband, thou shalt have no other Husband but me, whom thou did'st vow to oove, honour and obey> for I saved thee from old maidism and rescued thee from the terrors of single blessedness...
42676: REV. ARTHUR HUSSEY - Notes on the Churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, Mentioned in the Domesday Book, and those of more recent date. Including comparative lists of the churches, and some account of the sepulchral memorials and other antiquities.
42977: JOHN HUTCHINS - The History and Antiquities of Sherbourne in the County of Dorset. Augmented and continued to the present time by Richard Gough and John Bowyer Nichols. Adorned with a a plan of the town and other plates.
23194: HUTCHINSON, J. - The Stranger at Castleton. The Stranger at Buxton. The Romantic Beauties of Matlock. An Historical Account of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.
24849: HUTCHINSON, Frances - Selby Abbey, Selby. Colour Postcard.
24850: HUTCHINSON, Frances - The High Bridge, Howden. Colour Postcard.
42382: William Holden HUTTON - By Thames and Cotswold> Sketches of the Country.
41453: HYMN [JOHN POWELL] - Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, To Day and Forever
44605: WORLD WAR II - The War Against Japan. The War against Japan is being waged over an area one-quarter the size of the world...
44585: ELIZABETH II - The Royal Wedding. This Bridal Cake was Designed and Executed by Peek, Frean & Co. Ltd. from produce of the Empire given by Britons overseas and accepted by H.R.H. The Princess Elizabeth on the occasion of her marriage on 20th. Nov. 1947 to Lieut. Philip Mountbatten R.N.
44563: GEORGE III - The London Gazette Extraordinary. Published by Authority. Sunday, January 30, 1820.
34993: ILLINGWORTH, Rev. Cayley - A Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton, in the County of Lincoln, and of the Roman Antiquities Lately Discovered There> Together with Anecdotes of the Family of Bolle.
40871: CALLIGRAPHY & ILLUMINATION - [Prayer] Look thy last on all things lovely every hour...
40873: CALLIGRAPHY & ILLUMINATION - [Prayer] Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth.
43212: MERVYN PEAKE illustrates - The Book of Lyonne by Burgess Drake.
40834: INDIAN BOOK ILLUSTRATION? - Two printed illustrations probably for a book of Indian stories.
45453: MICHAEL FOREMAN illustrator - The Faithfull Bull by Ernest Hemingway.
39587: E. MCKNIGHT KAUFFER illustrator - Benito Cereno, by Herman Melville.
43489: IMMINGHAM [LINCOLNSHIRE] - Bird's Eye View of Immingham (Grimsby) Deep Water Dock.
41171: INDIA - Photograph of a [Reticulated?] Python.
43060: INDIA - Tiger Hunting. Plate 1.
44502: FEDERATION OF PROGRESSIVE SOCIETIES AND INDIVIDUALS - The Fight Against Fascism.... a Meeting at the Memorial Hall, Farrington Street... Speakers Dora Russell, Dorothy Woodman, Hannen Swaffer, Annabel Williams-Ellis, C.E.M. Joad.
44481: THOMAS INGOLDSBY - The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels. First Series.
44874: JENKYN INGRAM Editor - The Fireman. Volume I, no.1 - no. 12. [Complete Year]
44467: INHERITANCE - Moulding - Notice- If this should meet the eye of Frederick Moulding, formerly of the City of Lincoln.
37567: LIVERPOOL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION - Report of the Proceedings at the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Liverpool Collegiate Institution, Shaw Street, by the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, M.P. and at the Subsequent Dinner to His Lordship, in the Royal Amphitheatre, 22nd October, 1840.
42059: LONDON PROVIDENT INSTITUTION - Classification of the Trades, Occupations, Business, and Callings of the Depositors, as entered at the opening of the several Accounts and which remained open at the respective Dates...by order of the Superintending Committee, E.P. Jeanneret, sub-actuary.
42290: CROYDON LITERARY & SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION - Winter Course of Lectures and Entertainments. January to March, 1887.
42466: DEVON & EXETER INSTITUTION - Library Rules.
44527: GLASGOW BANKING & INSURANCE - Collection of Unused banking and insurance receipts and paying in slips.
41669: INSURANCE - Forfarshire and Perthshire Fire Office. Receipt from Patrick Chalmers Esquire of Auldbar...being premium and duty of £500 sterling, Insured at this Office...
41524: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Three Day Conference at Imperial College London.
44910: LEEDS INTELLIGENCER. - An Historical Account of the Late Election for the County of York, Containing an Authentic Exposition of the Origin and Progress of the Whole of the Proceedings Connected With That Event, by the Editor of the Leeds Intelligencer.
41859: INTERLAKEN - Grand Hotel Victoria. Proprietaire Ed. Ruchti.
41864: INTERLAKEN - Grand Hotel Victoria. Proprietaire Ed. Ruchti.
44928: FUNERAL INVITATION - For the Funeral of David Fairweather of Aberdeen.
41834: ITALY - Grand Hotel Feder à Turin (Palais Sonnaz) [and] Grand Hotel Brun à Bologne (Ancien Palais Malvasia)
44963: EDWARD IV - The Monument of King Edward IV in the Royal Chapel of Windsor.
41394: GEORGE IV - In pursuance of an Order of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council...Instructions...for access and return of Carriages conveying Persons to and from Westminster-Hall and Abbey on the occasion of His Majesty's Coronation on the 19th Instant...[by Viscount] Sidmouth.
44551: GEORGE III & GEORGE IV. - A Sermon Preached in Tunstall Church, on Wednesday Evening, February 16th, on Occasion of The Death of His Majesty King George the Third, by the Rev. W. Carus Wilson. [with] A Sermon Preached at the Coronation of King George IV in the Abbey Church of Westminster, July XIX, MDCCCXXI, by Edward, Lord Archbishop of York/ [with] Lord Broghham! Letter to the Queen o the State of the Monarchy, by a Friend of the People. [with] A Sermon, intended to have been preached before the Queen, on the occasion of public thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral, on Wednesday, the 29th of November, 1820: with an introductory letter by The Lord Bishop of Llandaff, by Henry Bathurst. [with] A Sermon on the Death of Caroline, Queen of England, Delivered at Leicester, August 19th, 1821, by Charles Berry.
44552: WILLIAM IV. - The Ceremony of Opening of London Bridge, August 1st. 1831.
43261: GEORGE IV - The Ceremonies to be Observed at the Royal Coronation of His Most Excellent Majesty King George the Fourth on Thursday the Nineteenth Day of July, MDCCCXXI.
43245: FREDERICK WILLIAM IV - Portrait.
44596: GEORGE IV - The Life, Reign, & Lamented Death of His Majesty King George the Fourth.
41413: GEORGE IV - Plan of [Food for] the Grand Banquet given by the City of Edinburgh to His Majesty King George IV on Sunday 24th August 1822.
42837: MRS IVES, TOMBLAND - Engraved Label or Book Ticket.
45373: UNION JACK - Illustrated History of the Union Jack.
45374: UNION JACK - Illustrated History of the Union Jack.
41381: DURHAM COUNTY - 'RADICAL JACK' - Durham County Election. A few short questions to Mister Richard Wharton...[by] a Freeholder.
25834: JACKSON, John Edward - The History and Description of St.George's Church at Doncaster, Destroyed by Fire February 28, 1853.
24925: JACKSON, Rev. John Edward - History of the Ruined Church of St. Mary Magdalene [Doncaster].
22181: JACKSON, Rev. John Edward - History of the Ruined Church of St. Mary Magdalene [Doncaster].
22183: JACKSON, John Edward - The History and Description of St.George's Church at Doncaster, destroyed by Fire February 28, 1853.
34529: JACKSON, John Edward - The History and Description of St. George's Church at Doncaster, destroyed by Fire February 28, 1853.
40530: JACKSON, George Baptist - A Northeast Perspective View of the Cathedral Church and Close of Sarum.
8841: JACKSON, Rev. John Edward - History of the Ruined Church of St. Mary Magdalene [Doncaster].
42620: EDWARD JACOB - The History of the Town and Port of Faversham, in the County of Kent.
39506: MR JACOBS - Enters his Temple of Enchantment, attended by his Goblin Sprites and surrounded by his magnificent, costly and unique apparatus, will commence with his wonders of ancient necromancy...[and] M. Rousseau, the French equilibrist, will perform some of the most wonderful jeux de balance ever witnessed in this country...An improvisational effusion by Mr Jacobs, in which he will poetize on any subject given him by the audience, after the manner of the Italians. To be followed by The Classical Groupings of the Patagonian Wonders, Who will introduce their laughable and characteristic United Service Dance. To conclude with a new divertisement in Vetriloquism, Entitled Alderman Gobble and His Curious Family in which Mr Jacobs will imitate the extraordinary number of Twelve Persons.
43826: DR JAEGER - Dr Jaeger's Sanitary Woollen System. Dressmaking.
41715: DR JAEGER - Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woollen System. Dressmaking.
45086: JAMES, John - The History and Topography of Bradford, (in the County of York) with Topographical Notices of Its Parish.
45229: JAMES, Henry - French Poets and Novelists.
43811: F.L. JAMES - The Unknown Horn of Africa. An Exploration from Berbera to the Leopard River. With additions by J. Godfrey Thrupp.
40877: JAPAN - Japanese Colour Print.
42428: GRIFFITH JARRETT - Jarrett's Improved Embossing Press... adapted for Embossing Coats of Arms, Crests, Initials, Names and Addresses...&c.
43992: LEONARD JAY - A Tribute to the Work of George W. Jones, Master Printer on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday. May 1940.
36532: JEAYES, Isaac Herbert - Descriptive Catalogue of Derbyshire Charters in Public and Private Libraries and Muniment Rooms.
44985: RICHARD JEFFERIES - Bevis: The Story of a Boy. Illustrated by E.H. Shepard.
43954: [PLUMBER] JOHN JEFFREY - Plumber & Gas Fitter. 14 St. Mirren Street, Paisley. Gas Fittings neatly executed. Hot, Cold & Shower Baths, Water Cklosets, &c. Engine & Common Pumps, Wash hand Basins, &c.
44818: PAUL JENKINS - Sri Chinmoy. [portrait]
41644: JABEZ JENKINS - Jenkin's Vest-Pocket Lexicon. An English Dictionary of All Except Familiar Words> including the principal scientific and technical terms, and foreign moneys, weights, and measures. Omitting what everybody knows, And containing what everybody wants to know, And cannot readily find.
43115: D.E. JENKINS - Bedd Gelert> Its Facts, Fairies, and Folk-Lore. With translations of the poetry by Rev. H. Elvet Lewis.
43847: BUSBY & JENNINGS - Linen & Woollen Drapers and Linen Manufacturers. A Hearse to Let & Funerals completely Furnished with every article of family morning.
43174: REV. A. JESSEPP Editor - Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich, A.D. 1492 - 1532.
44978: LLEWELLYNN JEWITT [and S.C. HALL] - Chatsworth [and] Haddon Hall: an Illustrated Guyide and Companion to the Tourist and Visitor. With Notices of Buxton, Bakewell, Rowlsey, Matlock Bath, and other places in the Neighbourhood.
32489: JEWITT, Llewellynn - The Life of William Hutton, and the History of the Hutton Family.
44499: TIAN JIAQING - Classic Chinese Furniture of the Qing Dynasty.
43913: [IRONMONGER] JOHN CHAPMAN Jnr. - Wholesale & Retail Furnishing Ironmonger, Old Market Place, Wisbech. All kinds of Nails, Cutlery, Coffin Furniture, Grates, Ovens, Japan and Tind Goods.
44216: [COMMISSION MERCHANT] ALEXr. ROWAN Jnr - Merchant and Commission Agent. Dundee.
43337: JACQUES DE LA JOÜE - Recüeil Nouveau. De Differens Cartouche inventez par le Sr. de la Joüe Peintre ordinaire du roi en son Acadédemie Royal de Peintre & Sculpture.
43982: JOHN CURR, of Sheffield - The Coal Viewer and Engine Builder's Practical Companion.
38599: JOHN, W.D., COOMBES, G.J. and COOMBES, Katherine - The Nantgarw Porcelain Album.
42838: JOHN HARDY, NOTTINGHAM. - Engraved Label or Book Ticket.
42994: JOHN ELWES, Esq. - The Greatest Miser of His Time, died November 26, 1789.
42995: BROTHER JOHN AND I - The Polite Grocers of the Strand.
42078: SAINT JOHN'S WOOD - Particulars and Conditions of Sale of a Desirable Villa residence, Being Neville Lodge, at the Angle of Abbey Road and Grove End Road, St. John's Wood, with extensive grounds, gardens, green houses, coach house, stable, cottage and premises, held by leases at moderate rents. Which will be Sold by Auction.
45225: JOHNS, Captain W.E. - Champion of the Main. Illustrated by H. Gooderham.
44272: GEORGE LINDSAY JOHNSON - Photographic Optics and Colour Photography> including the camera, kinematograph, optical lantern, and the theory and practice of image formation.
44713: W. & A.K. JOHNSTON - The World-Wide Atlas. Second Edition, thoroughly revised to date.
42931: W. & A.K. JOHNSTON - Commonwealth of Australia, constructed and engraved by W. & A.K. Johnston.
8842: JOHNSTONE, John K. - The Isle of Axholme> Its Place-Names and River-Names.
43986: STEPHEN CHAPLIN JONES - Picturesque Views of the River Avon and Clifton.
38309: JONES, Harold - The Enchanted Night.
44801: [OLYMPICS] ALLEN JONES - Olympische Spiel München 1972.
8843: JONES, N.V. editor - A Dynamic Estuary: Man, Nature and the Humber.
42447: Margaret JORDAN - Album of Drawings and Watercolours.
41989: JOSEPH - Joseph Accused by His Mistress. And it came to pass as I lift up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me and fled out. [Genesis 39:18]
45074: JOSEPHSON, Ernst - Till Emelie Josephsons d. 12. Sept 1899.
41694: THOMAS JOSLIN - Thomas Joslin (from Savory, Moore & Co.) Chemists to their Majesties.
44726: JACQUES DE LA JOUE - Recüeil Nouveau de Different Cartouche Inventez par Sr. de la Joue Peintre ordinaire du Roi en Son Académie Royal de Peintre & Sculpture.
45121: FELIX FARLEY'S BRISTOL JOURNAL - Felix Farley's Newsman's Address for Christmas, 1836.
38777: LONDON - THE GRAND JUBILEE - View of the Grand Temple in Green Park and The Pagoda, or Chinese Bridge, St. James's Park. The whole completed under the Superintendance of Sir William Congreve M.P. Comptroller to the Royal Laboratory.
43313: PUNCH AND JUDY - Carte de Visite size Photograph of a Punch and Judy Booth.
43190: KAFKA, Franz - In the Penal Settlement. Tales and short prose works. Translated from the German by Willa and Edwin Muir.
13903: KANER, Jennifer and others - Goods and Chattells" 1552 - 1642. Wills, Farm and Household Inventories from the Parish of South Cave in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
44810: E. MCKNIGHT KAUFFER - A.R.P. Calling You. Air Raid Precautions. Get in Touch with your Local Council.
44265: RICHARD AND CHERRY KEARTON - Wild Nature's Ways.
38656: KEITH, Sir Arthur - The Religion of a Darwinist. [Conway Memorial Lecture]
44899: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire. 1926.
44900: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire. 1896.
45303: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Cumberland. 1938.
44905: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire With the City of York, [and Hull]. 1889.
44901: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire with the Town of Hull and Neighbourhood. 1889.
44902: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire. 1905.
44903: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire with the City of Hull. 1937.
40468: KELLY, Felix - Drifter and Paddle Steamers.
39836: KELLY - Kelly's Camden and Kentish Towns Directory (Buff Book) for 1896.
39838: KELLY - Kelly's Kingston, Norbiton, Surbiton and District Directory (Buff Book) for 1898.
39840: KELLY - Kelly's Brixton, Clapham & South Lambeth Directory (Buff Book) for 1892-3.
39841: KELLY - Kelly's Camden and Kentish Towns Directory (Buff Book) for 1894-5.
39842: KELLY - Kelly's Ealing, Acton, Hanwell, Gunnersbury & Chiswick Directory (Buff Book) for 1891-2.
39843: KELLY - Kelly's Stratford, West Ham, Forest Gate and Plaistow Directory (Buff Book) for 1894-5.
39845: KELLY - Kelly's Map of Kensington, Notting Hill, Brompton, Knightsbridge, Paddington, Bayswater, Kensal Green and Battersea.
39846: KELLY - Kelly's Map of Richmond, Teddington, Norbiton, Kingston, Surbiton, East Molesey and Hampton.
44771: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Suffolk. 1908.
44770: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk. 1904.
44769: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk. 1916.
44768: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk. 1912.
40672: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland. 1897.
40688: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of the County of Somerset with coloured map. 1927.
40689: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Hertfordshire with coloured map. 1937.
40690: KELLY - Kelly's Directory of Leicestershire and Rutland with coloured map. 1941.
40026: KENDALL, Edward - Designs for Schools and School Houses Parochial and National.
44177: [BOILER MAKER] KERR, NEILSON & CO. - Boiler Makers, Iron Boat Builders, and Manufacturers of Marine, Land and Locomotive Engines, Dredging Machines, Sugar Mills, Fire Engines...
44833: IMAM [AYATOLLAH RUHOLLAH] KHOMEINI - Anti-U.S.A. and Israel Propaganda Poster.
45034: HEINRICH KIEPERT - Carte Générale de L'Empire Ottoman en Europe et en Asie.
44622: HEINRICH KIEPERT - General-karte von der Europäischen Türkei. [with] Explanatory booklet on the map.
42720: REVD. T. KILBY - Views in Wakefield.
44057: [MEDICINE] KINDT - Le Medecin Kindt.
43900: [DECORATOR] PETRIE & KING - Painters & paper Hangers, 1, North Street, Anderston, Glasgow. Imitation of Woods & Marbles.
42870: EDWARD KING - The Richmond District Directory and Almanack for 1888.
40607: KIP, John - Wollaton Hall in the County of Nottingham the Seat of the Honble. Sr. Thomas Willoughby.
40508: KIPLING, Rudyard - Poems 1886 - 1929.
42293: BOLOSSY KIRALFY - Stupendous Spectacular Production Constantinople> or, The Revels of the East. Programme.
45312: KIRBY, John - The Suffolk Traveller, by Mr. John Kirby, of Wickham Market, who took and actual survey of the whole County in the Years 1732, 1733 and 1734. To which is added an appendix> forming a complete topographical and statistical description of the County of Suffolk.
27427: KIRKBY MALHAMDALE. MORKILL, John William - The Parish of Kirkby Malhamdale.
44802: [OLYMPICS] R.B. KITAJ - Olympische Spiel München 1972.
39720: KNAPP, Oswald Greenwaye - A History of the Chief English Families Bearing the Name of Knapp.
38305: KNIGHT, Charles Brunton - A History of the City of York From the Foundation of the Roman Fortress of Eboracum A.D. 71 to the Close of the Reign of Queen Victoria A.D. 1901.
41062: HENRY GALLY KNIGHT - Saracenic and Norman Remains to Illustrate the Normans in Sicily.
44639: E.R. KNIGHT - Map of the Borough of Fulham.
43120: FRANCIS A. KNIGHT - The Sea-board of Mendip. With additional illustrations.
42045: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE - Form of Recommendation of Members.
42508: JOHN KNOX - A Tour Through the Highlands of Scotland and the Hebride Isles in MDCCLXXXVI
26611: KORTHALS-ALTES, J. - The Life of Cornelius Vermuyden: The Lifework of a Great Anglo-Dutchman in Land Reclamation and Drainage in England and a Resume of the Drainage Legislation in Holland.
34991: KORTHALS-ALTES, J. - The Life of Cornelius Vermuyden: The Lifework of a Great Anglo-Dutchman in Land Reclamation and Drainage in England and a Résumé of the Drainage Legislation in Holland.
36640: KORTHALS-ALTES, J. - The Life of Cornelius Vermuyden: The Lifework of a Great Anglo-Dutchman in Land Reclamation and Drainage in England and a Résumé of the Drainage Legislation in Holland.
8844: KORTHALS-ALTES, J. - The Life of Cornelius Vermuyden: The Lifework of a Great Anglo-Dutchman in Land Reclamation and Drainage in England and a Resume of the Drainage Legislation in Holland.
42563: JOHANN KRAFT - Pomona Austriaca, ou Arbres Fruitiers d'Autriche, Représentés en Figures, Dessinées et Peintes d'Apres Nature. [Fruit Trees of Austria Represented by figures, drawn and painted from Nature.] Abhandlung von den Obstaumen worinn ihre Gestalt, Erziehung und Pflege angezeigt und beschreiben wird mit 100 sehr feinen Abbildungen in Kupfer gestochen und nach der Natur in Farben dargestellt. [Treatise on Fruit Trees wherein their form, growth and tending will be shown and described, with 100 very fine illustrations engraved in copper, and depicted in their natural colours.]
44794: RUSSIAN SATIRE - KUKRYNIKSY - [A Familiar Insect]
44792: RUSSIAN SATIRE - KUKRYNIKSY - The Dragonfly.
44793: RUSSIAN SATIRE - KUKRYNIKSY - [The Thief - a Particularly Harmful Person]
44791: RUSSIAN SATIRE - KUKRYNIKSY - [Chair Man/Bureaucrat - He is in the thick of things but was not efficient. Who is this leader now? In front of us is furniture.]
41274: FRUIT LABEL - Produttore Esportatore Agrumi - Frutta Secca - Ortaglie.
42437: LIBRARY LABEL - Worcester Library. Instituted 1790.
42439: BOOK LABEL - [---] St. George's Place, Canterbury.
40983: LAFAYETTE - Miss W. Mellor.
40984: LAFAYETTE - The Countess of Cramagel.
40985: LAFAYETTE - Miss J. Merman.
40986: LAFAYETTE - Mrs Hugh Kindersley.
42627: JOHN LAKER - History of Deal.
38212: LAMB, Lynton - Original Artwork for Ivor Brown's Summer in Scotland.
38214: LAMB, Lynton - Original Dust Wrapper Design for Hubert van Zeller's The Family Case-Book.
38215: LAMB, Lynton - Original Artwork for Dust Wrapper to Helen Ashton's Letty Landon.
44442: LAMBETH - To The Working Men of Lambeth.
44657: WM. LANCASTER - Bell Maker, &c., for Sheep and Cattle.
43307: THEODORE L. DE LAND - De Land's Phantom Cards. Directions for Deland's Phantom Card Trick.
44931: MARIA MAGDALENA LANGHANS - The Tomb of Madame Langhans.
45259: LARKIN, Philip - Collected Poems.
10103: LARKIN, Philip and BRENNAN, Maeve - 'A Lifted Study-Storehouse' The Brynmor Jones Library 1929-1979, updated to 1985 with an appreciation of Philip Larkin as Librarian by Maeve Brennan
38621: LARKIN, Philip - Reference Back: Philip Larkin's Uncollected Jazz Writings 1940 - 84, edited by Richard Palmer and John White, with a foreword by Alan Plater.
6926: LARKIN, Philip - Bridge for the Living. Poems. A work for chorus and orchestra with music by Anthony Hedges. LP Record.
43981: WILLIAM LARKINS - Steeplejacks and Steeplejacking.
36776: LAROM, Charles - Townhead. The History of the Baptist Church, Assembling in Townhead Street, Sheffield, From Its Commencement to the Close of Its Third Pastorate.
41712: [LUGGAGE] JOSEPH LAST - Trunk & Portmanteau Manufacturer.
42986: THOMAS LAUGHER - Aged 111 Years, known by the name of Old Tommy.
40137: LAUNDER, V.J. - ABC Guide to the Battle of Libya W/E From Nov 1941 and until Further Notice, translated from German, Italian and 8th Army by 70th Infantry Div. H.Q.
42889: C. LAURENT - A Topographical Plan of Manchester and Salford, with the Adjacent Parts> Showing also the Different Allotments of Land Proposed to be Built on, as communicated to the Surveyor by the Respective Proprietors.
43069: JEAN LAURENT - Bullfighters. Photographic Fan.
45063: NORA LAVRIN - Jugoslav Scenes. Dry Points
40281: LAW - Yorkshire Spring Assizes, 1827 before The Honourable Sir John Bayley, Knight and The Honourable Sir John Hullock, Knight, on Saturday, the 24th Day of March.
41392: CORN LAW - Copy of the Speech of the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor of London, on the Corn Bill! With Resolutions of the Common Hall, Passed 23rd February, 1815. [by Samuel Birch]
42572: TURNPIKE LAW - Answer to Summon by William King [Somerset].
44402: HANNAH LAWRANCE - Historical Memoirs of the Queens of England, from the Commencement of the Twelfth Century.
34042: LAWRENCE, Simon - 45 Wood-Engravers> with an introduction by John Lawrence.
40830: LAWRENCE, John illustrator - Original dust wrapper design for The Year of the Pigeons by John Moore.
45082: LAWTON, George - Collecto Rerum Ecclesiasticarum de Dioecesi Eboracensi> or, Collections Relative to Churches and Chapels Within the Diocese of York. To Which are Added Collections Relative to Churches and Chapels Within the Diocese of Ripon.
36328: LAWTON, George - The Religious Houses of Yorkshire.
44487: AUSTEN H. LAYARD - Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon> with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert> being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum.
44486: AUSTEN HENRY LAYARD - Nineveh and Its Remains: with an account of a visit to the Chaldæan Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers> and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians.
39984: LAZARUS, Emma - The New Colossus.
39802: FAN LEAF - [Dos de Mayo Uprising, 1808] Dia Dos de Mayo de 1808. En Madrid. Mueren Daviz Verlarde defendiendo el Parque de Artilleria.
40881: MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATED LEAF - Illuminated Leaf on fine vellum.
41027: PAINTED BODHI LEAF - Pink Roses.
41028: PAINTED BODHI LEAF - Butterfly and Flowers
41785: PRIMROSE LEAGUE - Diploma of Knighthood in the name of Lord Bolton of Bolton Hall, Leyburn.
44646: NAVY LEAGUE - Navy League Map of the British Empire.
39532: LEAT, Harry - [Magic] List of Books.
40882: MANUSCRIPT LEAVES - Pair of Manuscript leaves.
44249: [HARDWARE] CHARLES LECAT - Fabrique de Quincaillerie, Eperonnerie, ferronerie, &c. Liège, Faubourg St. Léonard No. 95.
41501: PARISH OF LEDBURY - Sale of the Public Property...
41809: LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE - Resolution of a Parish Meeting...held on 24th June, 1830...
41811: LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE - Ledbury Great Market. Resolution "That it is the opinion of this meeting that in consequence of the now existing facilities of water carriage, the town of Ledbury is most favourably suited as a Market for the convenience of buyers and sellers of hops, and other agricultural produce...a Monthly Great Market for the sale of hops, seeds, wool, live stock, &c. should be established..."
41814: LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE - Notice of Parish Tax Due.
42960: REC. ALFRED T. LEE - The History of the Town and Parish of Tetbury, in the County of Gloucester, compiled from original manuscripts and other authentic sources.
42073: BRITISH LEGION - Festival of Service and Remembrance. Royal Albert Hall.
36694: LEICESTER - Leicester and Leicestershire Society of Architects. Fourteenth Annual Report, for the Year 1886 - 87.
45068: LENT, Patricia Adams - Sport with Terriers.
41496: TO BE LET - Lands in the Parish of Hutton, and County of Berwick, To Be Let...
37977: ALAN POWERS and PETER LEVI - The Marches> a Picturesque Tour.
42654: THOMAS LEWIN - The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar, with Replies to the Remarks of the Astromer-Royal and of the Late Camden Professor of Ancient History at Oxford.
42658: THOMAS LEWIN - Replies to the Remarks of the Astonomer-Royal and the Late Camden professor of Ancient History at Oxford upon "The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar."
45103: CIRCULATING LIBRARY - Apollo Circulating Library and Music Warehouse, South Street, Worthing.
45101: COTTAGE LIBRARY - Adam Nixon's Cottage Library. [Book Ticket]
42046: LONDON LIBRARY - Report of the Committee of the London Library to the Fifty-fifth Annual General Meeting of the Members.
41292: BARON JUSTUS FREIHERR VON LIEBIG - Allsopp's Pale or Bitter Ale. Remarks upon the alleged use of Strychnine in the Manufacture of Pale Ale.
44212: [INSURANCE] LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION FOR FIRE AND LIFE - Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1721. Robert Wilkinson Junr., Agent, 48 Buchanan Street, Glasgow.
43258: ROYAL LIKENESS - The Royal Likeness: Queen Victoria, Edward VII and George V.
41642: CABINET OF LILLIPUT - Instructive Stories> consisting of Arthur and George.
41643: CABINET OF LILLIPUT - Instructive Stories> consisting of Patty and Janet.
42834: RETFORD WAGGON COMPANY LIMITED - Share Certificate No. 98.
42840: DRIOTWICH SALT COMPANY LIMITED - Special Notice from J.H. Bradley, Manager.
44460: LINCOLN - The Public Wharfs' Question. Alderman Rudgard's Action for Libel against the Editor of the Lincoln Chronicle. By Fair-Play.
44466: LINCOLN - Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Commissioners for Lighting, Paving and Improving the City, Bail, and Close of Lincoln, in the year ending July 6, 1866.
44463: LINCOLN - Lincoln Lighting and Paving Act, 1835 - 36.
34997: LINCOLN, Bob - Reminiscences of Sport in Grimsby. Old Grimsby Fifty years Ago. Athletic Sports From 1879 - 1912. Cricket From 1868 - 1912. Bowls From 1887 - 1912. Football From 1879 - 1912.
44531: LINCOLN - £100 Reward! Whereas some evil disposed person has sent or caused to be delivered to Mr. Alderman Harvey, an anonymous Letter, threatening to kill or murder him... that whosoever shall give such information as shall lead to the discovery of the person... by order H.K. Hebb, Clerk to the Local Board.
43251: LINCOLN - Suspension of Business on Saturday. [Signed] C.W. Pennell, Mayor, Guildhall, Jan. 30th. 1901.
43128: LINCOLN - The City of Lincoln. Collection of Election Ephemera.
38134: LINCOLNSHIRE - Lincolnshire and Its Principal Towns & Villages showing the Population and the number of statute acres in each Parish and its distance from London from the nearest Railway Station.
41511: HORTICULTURE - ORCHIDS - JOHN JULES LINDEN - L'Horticulture Internationale (Linden). Parc Leopold, Bruxelles.
38463: LINDSAY, David - A Voyage to Arcturus.
40512: LINDSAY, Lady - The Flower Seller and Other Poems.
44219: [SHIPPING] NEW YORK PACKET LINE - Sail from London 10th. and 25th. of every month> and from Portsmouth 1st and 16th of every month. Messrs Garrattt & Gibbon, Agents. Ontario, Burthen 500 tons, Capt. William Shirreff Sebor will leave the London Dock, the [25th Octr] For Terms of Freight or Passage apply to Messres. George Wildes & Co...
41179: OCEAN LINERS - Sitmar Line. Deck and Cabin Plan for "Fair Sky."
41182: OCEAN LINERS - Cunard White Star R.M.S. "Queen Elizabeth" Programme of Events - Monday, November 18, 1946.
42426: CHIMNEY LINING - Seth Smith's Metallic Chimney Lining, &c. [and] Pantechnicon... for the Sale of Carriages, Works of Art, and Property of Every Description.
41377: VOTERS LIST - Revision of the List of Voters for the North-Riding of the County of York. Leyburn.
41489: TRADE LIST - Robson, Sadler & Ironmonger, Morpeth, Sells the following Articles, Wholesale and Retail, on the most reasonable Terms:-
41487: TRADE LIST - A Few Selections from Benetfink & Company's Sports and Games Catalogue.
40122: STREET LITERATURE - The Ladies' Parliament, A Curious and Comical Dialogue between Mrs. Axum and Mrs Smith, the Wives of Two Noted Tailors in this Neighbourhood.
43289: LIVERPOOL - Elevation of the Theatre Royal, Liverpool. Engraved from the original drawing (same size) by Robert Chaffers, taken 12th May 1773.
42954: GREVILE MAIRIS LIVETT - Southwell Minster. An account of the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of Southwell, architectural, archaeological, and historical.
41253: FRANK LOCKWOOD - Four Christmas/New Year Cards plus Invitation. [Five items]
44906: ROBERT LODER - The Statutes, and Ordinances, for the Governance of the Alms-Houses, in Woodbridge, in the County of Suffolk, Founded by Thomas Secford, Esquire... 1587. Together with Others Subsequent, Made by Sir John Fynch... 1635. [and also in] 1718... 1768. To which are annexed a Translation of the Queen's Letters Patent for the Foundation of the Alms-House... at the end of which is prefixed Notes relating to Woodbridge Priory...
43517: LONDON - A New and Accurate Plan of the City of Westminster, the Dutchy of Lancaster and Places Adjacent.
43514: LONDON - A Plan of the Street, Roads, &c. between Black Fryers Bridge, London Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Lambeth, Newington Butts, & St. Margarets Hill, as they now are> together with the New Intended Streets, Roads, & Communications in Strong Black Lines, as proposed in the Year 1768, but the dotted Lines shew these now Intended in ye Year 1769.
43516: LONDON - A Plan of the City and Liberties of London after the dreadful Conflagration in the Year 1666. The Blank Part whereof represents the Ruins and Extent of the Fire> & the Perspective that left Standing.
44961: TOWER OF LONDON - Awful Fire, Tower of London. Attended with Loss of Life, and Property to the Amount of £800,000, and 250,000 Stand of Arms. (From official information.)
40883: LONDON - Hand coloured engraving.
41391: PORTSOKEN - LONDON - Electors of Portsoken. Stand Firm!!...Moon has fought your battle...
42080: TOWER OF LONDON - Six Etchings of the Tower of London.
42284: INDIA IN LONDON - Portland Hall, Langham Place. Programme. The Parsee Dramatic Company. The Anglo-Hungarian Band.
42365: LONDON - Old Ludgate Hill Railway Bridge.
43016: ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON - [Copy of Dedication] Sir Thomas Gresham, Knight, erected at his own charge a building and colonnade for the convenience of those persons who in this renowned mart might carry on the commerce of the world... His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Consort of Her Sacred Majesty laid the first stone on the 17th January, 1842, in the Mayoralty of the Rt. Hon John Pirie, Architect William Title, F.R.S.
42712: CHARLES JOHN LONGCROFT - A Topographical Account of the Hundred of Bosmere, in the County of Southampton, including the Parishes of Havant, Warblington, and Hayling.
45325: LONGE, Francis D. - Lowestoft in Olden Times.
37028: LONGRIDGE, James Atkinson - The Hooghly and the Mutla. With an Abstract of the Discussion Upon the Paper Edited by Charles Manby and James Forrest.
41366: HOUSE OF LORDS - [Notice] My Lord, In pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Lords...I beg to remind you that sitting or voting in the House of Lords without having previously taken the Oath of Allegiance prescribed by Statute, involves heavy penalties.
42721: CLAUDE LE LORRAIN - The Temple of Apollo. From a Picture of Claude le Lorrain in the Altieri Palace at Rome.
44839: ALSACE-LORRAINE - Déclaration des Députés d'Alsace-Lorraine lue à l'Assemblée Nationale de Bordeaux le 1e Mars 1871, par M. Jules Grosjean, Député Maire de Belfort.
42369: J. LOVE - Album of Pen and Ink Drawings.
42678: MARK ANTONY LOWER - The Town, Parish, and Cinque-Port of Seaford> Historical and Antiquarian. With the Charter of Incorporation and Other Documents.
42681: MARK ANTONY LOWER - A Compendious History of Sussex, Topographical, Archaeological & Anecdotical. Containing an index to the first twenty volumes of the "Sussex Arrchaeological Collections."
44942: A. O. & S. LTD. - Trade Catalogues. Series A [and] Series B.
45248: CHRISTR. THOMAS & BROS. LTD - Arrow Wax Candles. 6 advertising riddle cards.
44003: [GOLDSMITH] GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS COMPANY LTD. - Invite the honour of a visit from Hon. Miss Trollope to inspect their stock of Novelties in Diamond Ornaments, Jewellery & Silver Plate. Specially suitable for Christmas and New year Presents. Show Rooms: 112, Regent Street, London.
30581: AIRSHIP GUARANTEE COMPANY LTD. - Airship R100: Howden, Yorkshire.
40057: OGILVIE & MOORE LTD. - Book of Wine and Spirit Labels.
44722: RENAULT LTD - Factory Produced Photographic Record of the Development, Construction and testing of the Renault 12-cylinder 500 h.p Deisel Engine Model T.P.M.
44712: GUY MOTORS LTD - Trade Catalogue or Works Album.
44700: ROWNTREE & CO. LTD. - Reduced Facsimile of Rowntree's Gift Box of Chocolates and Pastilles.
44688: HUNTLEY & PALMERS LTD. - Our Work in the War and Reconstruction.
30752: LUCAS, Joseph - Historical Genealogy of the Family of Bayne of Nidderdale, Showing Also How Bayeux Became Baynes. Volume I. [all published]
41863: LUCERNE - Propres. Hauser Frères, Lucerne.
41873: LUCERNE - Pension Aeschmann Pour les Voyageurs qui veulent séjourner trois jours et plus.
41360: LUNACY - The Sixth [to the 36th] [Annual] Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the Lord Chancellor.
26028: LUTYENS, Mary and WARNER, Malcolm editors - Rainy Days at Brig O'Turk. The Highland Sketchbooks of John Everett Millais, 1853.
44682: LYON, HOTSON & CO. - General Estimates for Furnishing.
41570: EDWARD BULWER-LYTTON - Extract from Mr Bulwer's Letter on the Present Crisis.
41789: EDWARD BULWER-LYTTON - Extract from Mr Bulwer's Letter on the Present Crisis.
42502: KENNETH MACAULAY - The History of St. Kilda. Containing a description of this remarkable Island> The Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants> The Religious and Pagan Antiquities there found> With many other curious and interesting Particulars.
44209: [SHIPS' CHANDLER] MACFIE, GRAHAM & CO. - Wholesale Dealers in Stores for Ships' Use and Exploration. 22, South Enoch Square & 13, Dixon Street, Glasgow.
41301: SEWING MACHINES - Collection of brochures and leaflets promoting sewing machines.
33288: MACKECHNIE, John Editor and Translator - Instructio Pie Vivendi et Superna Meditani. [Holy Life and Heavenly Thought]
45047: MACKENZIE, Ian - The Ian MacKenzie Archive.
44859: HAYDN REYNOLDS MACKEY - The Dance of Death.
42640: J.S. MACKIE - A Descriptive and Historical Account of Folkestone and Its Neighbourhood. With gleanings from the municipal records.
42886: STEPHENS AND MACKINTOSH - Business Map of the Sowerby Parliamentary Division of Yorkshire.
42887: STEPHENS AND MACKINTOSH - Business Street Map of the Parliamentary Division of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
40493: MACKY, John - The Diary of an Irish Water Bailiff 1791 - 1809. Edited by E.J. Malone, introduction by John Killen.
44795: MACMASTER - Valero.
44898: HUGH MACMILLAN - Roman Mosaics, or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood.
33945: MACRAY, W.D. editor - Records of the Northern Convocation.
34543: MACRAY, W.D. editor - Records of the Northern Convocation.
21706: MADDISON, A.R. - A Short Account of the Vicars Choral, Poor Clerks, Organists and Choristers of Lincoln Cathedral, from the 12th Century to the Accession of Edward 6th.
39890: MADEIRA - The Landscape Scenery of Madeira in Watercolour.
43303: RENÉ MAGRITTE - [Sheet Music Cover] Elle Danse le Charleston, Musique de L. Th. Langlois.
43287: RENÉ MAGRITTE - [Sheet Music Cover] Marche des Snobs, pour piano par Fernand Rousseau.
44962: THE WRECK OF THE "MAHABLESHWUR" - Sufferings of the Crew. Narrative of Mr. James Hawkins, First Mate. [of the Maha Buleshwar]
41852: MAINZ - Specht & Hurst, Englischer Hotel.
33463: THOMAS MAJOR - The Ruins of Paestum, Otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia.
45021: MALAYA - Map of British Malaya including the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Malay States not included in the Federation.
44607: MALAYA - Occurrences of Lode & Other Primary Tin Ore in the Kinta Valley. Sheet 2.
42624: J.P. MALCOLM - Excursions in the Counties of Kent, Gloucester, Hereford, Monmouth, and Somerset, in the Years 1802, 1803, and 1805> illustrated by descriptive sketches of the most interesting places and buildings...with delineations of character in different ranks of life.
42513: BENJ. HEATH MALKIN - The Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography, of South Wales, from Materials Collected During Two Excursions in the year 1803. Embellished with views, drawn on the spot and engraved by Laporte> and a Map of the Country.
43459: MALONE, E.J. - Tying Flies in the Irish Style> Trout and Sea-Patterns.
40771: G.G. MALOVICH - Situazione e Vedute Principali dell' i. r. strada ferrata da Trieste a Nabresina. In Memoria del Chiudimento del Grande Viadotto di Nabresina.
41837: GREAT MALVERN - Dr Fergusson's (Late Dr. Rayner's) Hydropathic Establishment.
45148: [CHARLES LEE] AN HONEST WORKING MAN. - Driven From Home. [Address to] Fellow Working Men.
44856: MANCHESTER - The General Burial Ground, Manchester, Established 1821.
45334: MANHATTAN - Manhattan New York City Telephone Directory.
44047: [EDUCATION] MR. MANN'S ACADEMY - Terms of Mr. Mann's Academy, Market Deeping. Board & Education £22 per Annum. Latin and Greek, Merchant's Accounts, Surveying, Algebra, the Globes, Astronomy, Drawing & Short Hand, each one Guinea per Quarter extra. Entrance, One Guinea. Land Surveying, Mapping, &c.
21611: MANNI, Dominico Maria - Il Senato Fioentino o sia Notizia de Senatori Fiorentini dal suo principio fino al presente. Seconda edizione ampliata. Al Nobiliss. Sig. Marchese Alamanno Bartolini Salimbeni.
40665: MANSFIELD, Katherine - The Garden Party and Other Stories, with Coloured Lithographs by Marie Laurencin.
42647: GIDEON ALGERNON MANTELL - A Day's Ramble in and About the Ancient Town of Lewes.
39579: REPERTORY OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES - The Repertory of Arts and Manufactures [and Agriculture]: Consisting of Original Communications, Specifications of Patent Inventions, and Selections of Useful Practical Papers from the Transactions of the Philosophical Societies of All Nations, &c. &c. Volume 1 to Volume 16 [complete first series] and Second Series Volume I to XIX.
45039: MANUSCRIPT MAP - N. America. F.J. Bowden fecit.
43412: MATRIMONIAL MAP - Map of Matrimony.
40065: MAP - The Eastern Hemisphere [and] The Western Hemisphere.
40324: HANDKERCHIEF MAP - The Railways in Great Britain, Also the Line of Navigation From the Principal Sea Ports to Both Home and Foreign Stations.
40325: JIGSAW MAP [WJH] - The New Imperial Map of London.
40942: MINIATURE MAP - New England.
40947: EMBROIDERED MAP - England and Wales.
44649: CORONATION MAP - Coronation of King Edward VII> the Victoria Seats Agency's Map of the Official Route of the Processions on June 26th & 27th.
44634: ESCAPE MAP - French Indo China (Central) Siam (Thailand East) Sheet J [with on verso] French Indo China (South) Siam (Thailand part of) Sheet K.
44633: ESCAPE MAP - Sumatra (South) Java (Extreme North West) Sheet G. [with on reverse] Borneo (South West) Sumatra (Extreme South) Java (East & West) Sheet H.
44632: ESCAPE MAP - China (Part of) French Indo China (Part of) Sheet L [with on reverse] China (Part of) French Indo China (North) Sheet M.
43378: MATRIMONIAL MAPS - Manuscript Map of Courtship [with] Map of Matrimony by F.N.
44617: VACCINATION MAPS - Vaccination Commission. Appendix VII. to the Final report on the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Report to the Commission of Dr. Sidney Coupland on the Outbreak of Smallpox in the City of Gloucester inn 1895 96.[with 15 maps]
44615: VACCINATION MAPS - Vaccination Commission. Appendix V. to the Final report on the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Report to the Commission of Dr. Thomas Dixon Savill on the Outbreak of Smallpox in the Borough of Warrington in 1892 - 3.[with 10 Maps]
42936: CENSUS MAPS - A Series of 8 Maps Issued to Illustrate the Results of the Census.
41471: ROYAL MARINES - Report of the Commissioners of Naval and Military Enquiry.
44803: [OLYMPICS] MARINO MARINI - Olympische Spiel München 1972.
44469: COMMON MARKET - Don't Be Fooled in 1971. There is no Return Ticket.
41355: MARRIAGE - Marriage Certificate Barony Church, Glasgow. Between George Mair Widower and Elizabeth Routledge.
41356: MARRIAGE - Marriage Certificate solemnized at St. Mary's Woodhouse, York 1826. Between George Mair, banker of Kelso in Scotland, Banker and Ann Henderson, widow.
41357: MARRIAGE - Certificate of Proclamation of Banns for Marriage between George Main Solicitor of Kelso Parish and Miss Margaret Slater...
43909: [JOINER] G. MARRISON - Joiner & Cabinet Maker, Paper Hanger and Appraiser, Manvers Street, Tuxford.
45059: MARSHALL, Rev. Jenner - Memorials of Westcott Barton in the County of Oxford.
40776: MARSHALL, Alfred - Industry and Trade> a study of industrial technique and business organization> and of their influence on the conditions of the various classes and nations.
42684: ALDERMAN HENRY MARTIN - The History of Brighton and Environs, from the earliest period to the present time: together with a short historical description of towns and villages of interest within twelve miles of Brighton.
42907: R. MONTGOMERY MARTIN - The British Colonies. Parts I, II and IV only.
42515: JOHN MARTINE - Reminiscences of the Royal Burgh of Haddington and Old East Lothian Agriculturalists.
45258: MASFEN, The Late John - Views of the Church of St. Mary at Stafford.
42990: SAMUEL MATHEWS - The Dulwich Hermit Aetat 70, Murdered Decr. 28, 1802.
43980: [SILVERSMITH] MAUNG YIN MAUNG - Gold & Silver Medalist, First Grade Certified Master Silversmith, 29 Godwin Road, Rangoon.
42500: PIERRE LOUIS MOREAU DE MAUPERTUIS - Portrait after the Painting by R. Tourniere.
41246: GEORGE DU MAURIER - The Honour of Your Company is requested on Saturday June 11th., to view a collection of drawings...
41920: MAWSON, Thomas A. - The Life & Work of an English Landscape Architect.
41699: CHARLES MAY - Charles May, Chemist & Druggist, Prescriptions accurately prepared. Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c.
42081: REUBEN MAY - To the Friends of the Great Arthur Street Mission.
45163: T. MAYERS - Bread and Biscuit Makers. 1, Elm Terrace, Brompton.
41695: THOMAS MAYNARD - Thomas Maynard, Chemist & Driggist, Manufacturer of Soda Water, Magnesia Water and Ginger Beer in porcelain cylinders with silver pipes by which metallic taint is obviated. Family and Sea Medicine Chests.
42143: LORD MAYOR'S DAY - Wednesday, the 9th of November, 1842. John Humphery, M.P. Mayor> John Kinnersley Hooper and Jeremiah Pilcher, Sheriffs. General Bill of Fare.
45240: DONALD MCGILL - Display Showcard for Donald McGill Comic Postcards.
39666: MCINTYRE, Vonda - Collection of First Editions and Others. 17 items including a SIGNED copy of Dreamsnake...
45329: MECHANICS' INSTITUTE - Report of the Soiree of the Northampton and Northamptonshire Mechanics' Institute, held at the Corn Exchange Hall, Northampton, December the 16th, 1851. The Right Hon. the Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G., in the Chair.
44681: J. MECHI - Mechi's Catalogue of Cutlery &c. Inventor of the Magic Strop & Paste.
44680: J. MECHI - List of Articles.
41300: MEDICINE - Langdale's Influenza Remedy.
42791: MEDICINE - [Prospectus] On the 1st of January, 1848, will be published, price six shillings, the first number of the British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine.
41221: MONSIEUR J.L.E. MEISSONIER - has the pleasure to invite His Honour Judge Bacon and friend to the Private View of his Work entitled "1807"...
44250: [FASHION] MELLES BOUCHER, SOEURS - Couturières en Robes et fabricant de Corset, dans le plus nouveau gôut à Bruxelles. Marché aux herbes, No. 36. Nota. Elles font des envois chez l'Etranger.
42270: WALTER MELVILLE - A Disgrace to Her Sex. Programme.
44886: IN MEMORIAM - Jennie, wife of Mr. J.R. Hughes. [Poem, by Sarah Ann Stowe]
44950: SILK IN MEMORIUM - Four silk bookmarks issued as memorials,
41877: MENU - Peter Langan's Restaurant. Dinner Menu for fixed price of £4.75.
41880: MENU - Luigi's Champs-Elysées, Paris. Proprietaire Maurice L. Boymond.
41881: MENU - Fouquet's. Champs-Elysées, Paris. Designed by Georges Redon.
41882: MENU - Fouquet's. Champs-Elysées, Paris. Designed by Georges Redon.
41883: MENU - Fouquet's. Champs-Elysées, Paris. Designed by Georges Redon.
41884: MENU - Baumanns Brasserie.
33927: D.P. MENZIES - The "Red and White" Book of Menzies> The History of Clan Menzies and Its Chiefs.
41294: BOULOGNE-SUR-MER [FRANCE] - Collection of advertising handbills for assorted trades in Boulogne, addressed for the English market.
42398: WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT - R.W. Flanders. Family Wine and Spirit Merchant. The Pearson Arms, Pearson Street, Kingsland Road.
43842: JOSEPH MESSANGER - Linen and Woollen Draper, Dealer in Hats, Hosiery, &c. Marseilles Quilts, Bury & Other Blankets. Black Silks and Family Mournings.
34944: MESSITER, A.F. - Notes on Epworth Parish Life in the Eighteenth Century.
44277: MESSRS. DOBBS, BAILEY, & CO. - A Description of the Colosseum as Re-opened in M.DCCC.XLV. Under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen, and H.R.H. Prince Albert. With Numerous Illustrations and Eight Coloured Sections of the Panorama of London.
42849: MESSRS SHEATHS, STEEL AND WRAY - Some Evil-disposed person or Persons Having Circulated a Report (Totally Without Foundation) tending to affect the Credit of Messrs. Sheaths, Steel, and Wray of Lincoln> in order to show our abhorrence of such wicked designs, we, the undersigned, herby inform the Public we shall take the Notes of Messrs. Sheaths, Steel, and Wray, as usual.
45283: METCALF, John - The Life of John Metcalf, Blind Jack of Knaresborough, With many entertaining anecdotes of his exploits in hunting, card-playing, &c. Some particulars relating to the expedition against the rebels in 1746, in which he bore a personal share... his various contracts for making roads, erecting bridges...
45281: METCALF, John - The Life of John Metcalf, Blind Jack of Knaresborough, With many entertaining anecdotes of his exploits in hunting, card-playing, &c. Some particulars relating to the expedition against the rebels in 1746, in which he bore a personal share... his various contracts for making roads, erecting bridges...
41846: MEYRINGEN [MEIRINGEN] - Hotel Brunig, Meyringen. Prop. C. Brog.
40981: M.P. MICHAELS - Arab Shops, Tangier.
40982: M.P. MICHAELS - Spanish Fishermen Spinning Yarn for Nets.
27124: MIDDLETON, Thomas - Annals of Hyde and District. Containing historical reminiscences of Denton, Haughton, Dukinfield, Mottram, Longdendale, Bredbury, Marple and the Neighbouring Townships.
42077: MILITARY - Official Programme of the Return of the C.I.V. The March Through London.
41482: MILITIA - Disembodied Militia Remittance Form. Affidavit required from lieutenants, ensigns, surgeons' mates and assistant surgeons of disembodied militia, receiving their allowance through the medium of a revenue officer.
42453: FLOUR MILL - Receipt for Flour from Trowse Mills, Thomas W. Read & Co.,
41772: MILLARD - Millard's Imperial Cotton Twine Shirtings, Warranted free from any Mixture whatever.
24336: MILLER, Edward - The History and Antiquities of Doncaster and Its Vicinity.
45298: MILLER, Edward - The History and Antiquities of Doncaster and Its Vicinity, with Anecdotes of Eminent Men.
42516: JAMES MILLER - The Lamp of Lothian> or the History of Haddington, in connection with the public affairs of East Lothian and of Scotland, from the Earliest Records to the Present Period.
42600: GEORGE MILLERS - A Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely> with Some Account of the Conventual Buildings.
40622: ALFRED MILLS - Miniature Books, a Collection. Pictures in English History, in Miniature. 2 volumes. [with] Costumes of Different Nations, in Miniature. [with] London, in Miniature. [with] Pictures of Roman History, in Miniature. [with Natural History of 48 Birds. [with] Natural History of 48 Quadrupeds.
45226: MILNE, A.A. - The King's Breakfast. Music by H. Fraser-Simson> Decorations by E.H. Shepard.
37479: MILTON ABBAS, DORSET. - The Ichnographii of the Town Parts, Leasehold and Copie Hold, Tennements and Cottages in the Mannor of Milton Abbas.
44719: JOHN MILTON - The Poetical Works of John Milton, with a Life of the Author by William Hayley.
44244: [ARCHITECT] L. MINARD - Architect - Constucteur.
44449: MINCHAMPTON, GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Entertainment will be given in the Market House.
43329: MADAME MINERVA - Scientific Palmiste, Character Reader, and Graphologist.
41974: GOLD MINING - Application for Shares and Report of Professor W. Vazie Simons for The Carta Para Gold Mining Company Ltd.
44614: AIR MINISTRY - The Approach Towards a System of Imperial Air Communications. Memorandum by the Secretary of State of Air, laid before the Imperial Conference, 1926, together with the Report of the Imperial Air Communications Special Sub-Committee.
43187: MITCHELL, John - Loch Lomonside.
44624: W. MOGG - Map of the Environs of London.
39894: MOITHEY, J. L'Ainé illustrator - [Trade Catalogue of Escutcheons - Ecussons]
42146: COAL HOLE TAVERN & COURT OF MOMUS - The Fountain (Late "Coal Hole") Tavern, Strand. Court of Momus. Mr. W. Watling, Proprietor of the above-named Tavern, respectfully informs his Patrons and the Public generally that the Comic Sessions, To be holden at the Court of Momus, Coal Hole Tavern, Aforesaid, will commence as soon as the necessary Repairs, Alterations, and Embellisments of the Court and its various Offices are completed...
43449: CERCLE DES ETRANGERS DE MONACO - Carte D'Admission Personelle.
42833: SIR CHARLES MILES LAMBERT MONCK - Contract of Appointment for Gamekeeper to the Manor Of Caenby in Lincolnshire.
41559: SCOTTISH RATES AND ROGUE MONEY - Received from the Laird of Niddrie and James Murray Esq. the Sum of Two hundred thirty two pounds eight shillings fourpence Scots Money, as his Proportion of four Months Cess..at £1.4s3d Scots Money upon the 100L. of his valued Rent Monthly within the Parish of Yetholme...
44513: MERRIMACK & MONITOR - Merrimac [sic] and Monitor engaging in Charleston Roads off Fortress Munro March 1862.
45058: MONK, W.J. - History of Witney.
42418: MONTSERRAT - Have you tried 'Montserrat' (trade mark) Pure Lime-Fruit Juice with aerated waters, or water, as a cooling and refreshing beverage at all seasons?
44085: H.R. KNIGHT and R.S.H. MOODY - Historical Records of the Buffs [East Kent Regiment] 3rd Foot. [1572 - 1919]
34961: MOORE, Maurice P. - The Family of Carre of Sleford, Co. of Lincoln. (Paper read at the Sleaford Meeting of the Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society, 3rd. June, 1863...chiefly taken, by permission, from the 'Carre Papers' at Sleaford.
42305: JONAS MOORE - A Mapp of Ye Great Levell of ye Fens extending into ye Countyes of Northampton, Norfolk, Suffolke, Lyncolne, Cambridge & Huntington & the Isle of Ely as it is now drained.
42998: ANN MOORE - The Fasting Woman of Tutbury Aged 58.
42586: PHILIP MORANT - The History and Antiquities of Colchester, in the County of Essex...
44529: JAMES MORISON - The Morisonian Monument, erected in front of the British College of Health.... This Memorial raised by a penny subscription, has been erected A.D. 1856. to James Morison, the Hygeist.
41521: SYDNEY MORLE - History of West Butterwick (Lincolnshire).
42242: MORLEY. SMITH, William - Rambles About Morley, with Descriptive and Historic Sketches> also, an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Woolen Manufacture in This Place.
23438: MORRELL, W. Wilberforce - The History and Antiquities of Selby, in the West Riding of the County of York, Containing its Ancient and Present State, Ecclesiastical and Civil, Collected from Various Public Records, and Other Authentic Evidences> with Notices of the Neighbouring Parish of Brayton, and the Townships of Thorpe Willoughby, Burn, Barlow, Hambleton, and Gateforth.
42940: W. WILBERFORCE MORRELL - The History and Antiquities of Selby, in the West Riding of the County of York, Containing its Ancient and Present State, Ecclesiastical and Civil, Collected from Various Public Records, and Other Authentic Evidences> with Notices of the Neighbouring Parish of Brayton, and the Townships of Thorpe Willoughby, Burn, Barlow, Hambleton, and Gateforth.
26986: MORRIS - Morris and Co's Commercial History and Gazetteer of Cheshire and Stalybridge.
42525: THE GRAND MORTAR - From Cadiz, in St. Jame's [sic] Park. Explanation of the Carriage, Allegorical Figures, Inscriptions and Dimensions of the Bed and Mortar.
44243: [FINE ART RESTORER] MORTEMART - Gendre et successeur de Hacquin, Restaurateur des tableaux du Musée Royale de France à Bruxelles. Ruer Notre-Dame aua Neiges, 119.
41827: MORTGAGE - Mortgage Document between Elizabeth Newell and Margaret Hobbs.
44165: [IRONWORK] JAMES MORTON - Wholesale & Retail. General & Furnishing Ironmonger, Cutler, &c. Manufacturer of Braziery, Tin & Iron Plate Goods. Gunsmith, Whitesmith & Bell Hanger. Bar Iron Warehouse. Fancy Iron Work, Park Fencing, Gates, Hurdles, &c. Oils, Paints, Colours, Pitch, Tar, &c. High Street, Huntiongdon.
39529: VAUXHALL MOTORS - Series of 6 Advertising Lithographs.
43036: VAUXHALL MOTORS - New Bedford Fire Engines. [Brochure]
8847: MOUNTAIN, James - The History of Selby, Ancient and Modern, with the History of Cawood.
43713: MAP MOUNTER - A. Grammer, Map Mounter. 41 Gower Place, Endsleigh Gardens, W.C.
44625: GENTIL DE ASSIS MOURA - Mappa do Sul do Brazil.
41867: MOUTIER [JURA SUISE] - Hotel du Cerf.
41045: MOVEABLE - Happy New Year [Song] with chorus, by James Robinson.
44767: ALPHONS M. MUCHA - Le Pater> Commentaire et Compositions de A.M. Mucha.
44475: JAMES PATRICK MUIRHEAD - The Life of James Watt, with Selections from His Correspondence.
44812: [FILM POSTER] MARILYN MUNROE - [The Seven Year Itch.] Das Verflixte 7 Jahr.
34184: MURE, Major A.H. - With the Incomparable 29th.
40473: MURPHY, Cecelia H. - [Original Artwork for Unpublished Poster] Pyramid Handkerchiefs piano design.
40474: MURPHY, Cecelia H. - [Original Artwork for Unpublished Poster] LMS Railways, Reduced Fares - Seaside This Season.
40472: MURPHY, Cecelia H. - [Original Artwork for Unpublished Poster] British Industries Fair. [version 3, arrow]
40470: MURPHY, Cecelia H. - [Original Artwork for Unpublished Poster] British Industries Fair. [version 1, two lions.]
40471: MURPHY, Cecelia H. - [Original Artwork for Unpublished Poster] British Industries Fair. [version 2, crown]
42702: K.M.E. MURRAY - The Constitutional History of the Cinque Ports.
42725: ROBERT MUSIL - The Man Without Qualities, a novel. Volume III. Into the Millennium (The Criminals), translated by Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser.
45145: W. & A. MUSSETT [THE HERALDIC STUDIO] - Addresses to Royalty, Corporate and Civic Bodies, Votes of Thanks, Testimonials &c. Artistically Emblazoned on Vellum [by] Mussett, Draughtsman, Illuminator. Architectural, Engineering, Mechanical and other drawings made & coloured or lithographed and printed...
33614: MYDDELTON, W.M. - Pedigree of the Family of Myddelton of Gwaynynog, Garthgynan and Llansannan, all in the County of Denbigh.
43046: THOMAS NAPPER - It has been intimated to me that the Rev. George A. Ward, Fellow of Christ's Church College, Oxford and late Curate of Saint Martin's Church, in this town, intends seeking Church preferment again... in consequence of the nefarious notoriety he acquired by having seduced my wife> in proof of which, I beg to submit to your Lordship the following letters...
43047: THOMAS NAPPER - It has been intimated to me that the Rev. George A. Ward, Fellow of Christ's Church College, Oxford and late Curate of Saint Martin's Church, in this town, intends seeking Church preferment again... in consequence of the nefarious notoriety he acquired by having seduced my wife> in proof of which, I beg to submit to your Lordship the following letters...
44825: NASA - Apollo 11. Apollo 12.
44826: NASA - Apollo 14.
43778: PAUL NASH [cover design] - Match Making, Being Some Glances at the Match Making Industry in the Factories of Bryant and May Limited, by E.P. Leigh-Bennett.
44574: JOSEPH NASH - Funeral procession of His late Royal Highness the Duke of York, leaving St. James's Palace at 8 o'Clock of the Morning of Janry. 20th 1827.
44835: ROYAL NAVY - De Britsche Marine in Oorlog. [The British Navy at War]
42177: ROYAL NAVY - General Instructions and Port Orders. Portsmouth Station. 1854.fight
42178: ROYAL NAVY - General Instructions and Port Orders. Portsmouth Station. 1857.
22202: NEAVE, David - Mutual Aid in the Victorian Countryside: Friendly Societies in the Rural East Riding.
10371: NEAVE, David - Port, Resort and Market Town: A History of Bridlington.
32963: NEAVE, David - Port, Resort and Market Town: A History of Bridlington.
42054: NEAVE, David editor [DUNHILL, Snowden] - Rural Crime and Transportation. The Life of Snowden Dunhill, of Spaldington, East Riding (1766 - 1838) a reprint of the abridged life of Snowden Dunhill written by Himself. EditeD, with an introduction by David Neave.
8849: NEAVE, David and Susan - East Riding Chapels and Meeting Houses.
8850: NEAVE, Susan and ELLIS, Stephen - An Historical Atlas of East Yorkshire.
9290: NEAVE, David - Howden Explored> a Guide to the Town and Its Buildings.
35146: NEILSON, Miss N. editor - A Terrier of Fleet, Lincolnshire, from a Manuscript in the British Museum, edited by Miss N. Neilson [and] An Eleventh Century Inquisition of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, edited by Adolphus Ballard.
41308: WIRE NETTING - Catalogue and Price List.
41236: JOHN TRIVETT NETTLESHIP - Wild Beasts and Birds of Prey. Studied from life and done in pastel.
36497: NEVINSON, C.R.W. - Modern War Paintings, with an essay by P.G. Konody. [together with] The Great War, Fourth Year, with an introductory essay by J.E. Crawford Flitch.
43963: [UNDERTAKER] R. NEWMAN - Undertaker, a Select Assortment of Family Mourning. Irish Linens, Sheetings, Muslins, Flannels, Callicos, Long Cloths, &c. Hoseiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Nets, &c. No. 6, High Street, near the Cathedral, Worcester.
43964: [UNDERTAKER] R. NEWMAN - Undertakers, and Silk Mercers, a Select Assortment of Family Mourning. Irish Linens, Sheetings, Muslins, Flannels, Callicos, Long Cloths, &c. Hoseiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Nets, &c. 86, High Street, near the Guildhall, Worcester.
44470: DAILY NEWS - The Price of Toryism.
44284: T.H. NEWTON - Newton's Coloured Opera Troupe. Sole Proprietor, Mr. T.H. Newton. Operas... Also, From the Compositions of the Most Popular Authors of Refined Negro Minstrelsy! Comic Characteristic Sketches,... the Farcical Sketches will include The Negroes' Carnival in the South, the Spirit Rapping Sketch, Hair brushing by Machinery... Plantation Walk-Rounds..
41230: CATHERINE MAUDE NICHOLS - Gleanings by Woodland and Wave...exhibition of Pictures, Drawings and Etchings.
37687: S. and G. NICHOLSON - Twenty-Six Lithographic Drawings> Views in the Vicinity of Liverpool.
44807: NICHOLSON, Ben - Painting 1937.
40196: NICHOLSON, Ben - You Can Be Sure of Shell.
40193: NICHOLSON, Ben - Painting 1937.
40711: NICHOLSON, William - The Wind on Fire Trilogy. [Comprising The Wind Singer, Slaves of Mastery and Firesong.]
28738: NICKSON, Chas. - Bygone Altrincham, Traditions and History.
8851: NIGHTINGALE, Lt. Col. P.R. - A History of the East Yorkshire Regiment (Duke of York's Own) in the War of 1939 - 1945.
8852: NIGHTINGALE, Lt. Col. P.R. - A History of the East Yorkshire Regiment (Duke of York's Own) in the War of 1939 - 1945.
44971: NIMROD - Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton, Esq. of Halston, Shropshire... with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits. With Twenty Illustrations by Henry Alken. New Edition with a Memoir of Nimrod by R.S. Surtees.
36676: NORMAN, Philip - London Signs and Inscriptions. With an introduction by Henry B. Wheatley.
43121: I.W. NORTH - A Week in the Isles of Scilly.
34552: NORTHUMBRIA - Northumbrian Documents of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Comprising the Register of the Estates of Roman Catholics in Northumberland and the Correspondence of Miles Stapylton.
42526: G. NORTON - On Cruelty to Brutes. [poem]
44557: NORWICH - Visit of His Majesty King George VI and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Opening of The City Hall. Saturday 29th. October, 1938. Bernard D. Storey, Town Clerk. Official Programme of Proceedings.
41506: TRADE NOTICE - Decorticated Cotton Cake. Palm Nut Meal. Phoenix Pure Calf Meal.
41507: TRADE NOTICE - [For Artificial Manures and Superphosphates] Thomas Jackson.
41508: AUCTION NOTICE - Important Notice of the Entire Contents of a Neighbouring Family Mansion...by Mr Robert Squibbs...at the Town Hall, Bridgewater.
42958: JAMES NOTT - Some of the Antiquities of "Moche Malverne" (Great Malvern), including a history of the ancient church and monestery, engravings of seals of the convent, and the publication of grants and documents and much other matter never before printed.
42425: OATINE - Oatine Powder Leaves.
44696: THOMAS OETZMANN - [Pianos] Price 22 Guineas, Full Compass of 7 Octaves and all Improvements. For Hire 10/- Per Month...
45169: PHOENIX FIRE OFFICE - Trade Card. By Francis Eginton.
45183: PHOENIX FIRE OFFICE - Advert designed By Francis Eginton, for the Phoenix Fire Office, used here by Joseph Farror, Birmingham Agent.
44234: [INSURANCE] COUNTY FIRE AND PROVIDENT LIFE OFFICE - No. 50 Regent Street, London. Established 1806. William Cleugh, Agents, No. 49 Miller Street, Glasgow.
34987: OLIVER, George - The Monumental Antiquities of Great Grimsby. An Essay Towards Ascertaining Its Original and Ancient Population.
42978: GEORGE OLIVER - Monasticon Dioecisis Exoniensis. being a collection of records and instruments illustrating the ancient conventual, collegiate, and eleemosynary foundations in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, with historical notices and a supplement, comprising a list of the dedications of churches in the Diocese, and amended edition of taxation of Pope Nicholas, and an abstract of the chantry rolls.
43108: GEORGE OLIVER - Historic Collections, Relating to the Monasteries in Devon. [bound with] The History of Exeter.
43119: GOERGE OLIVER - Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon, being Observations on Several Churches in Devonshire, with Some Memoranda for the History of Cornwall.
42282: OLYMPIA - Programme of the Paris Hippodrome. Season 1887 - 1888. Monday, Feb. 20th, 1888 - Evening Performance. Positively the Las Two Weeks.
42287: OLYMPIA - Sporting and Military Show. December 26th & 27th 1895.
43785: WORLD WAR ONE - Charity Pins.
41530: TROOP MOVEMENT ORDER - It is His Majesty's Pleasure, that you cause the 10th Hussars at Brighton, to march by Squadrons, in four Divisions by the following Routes to the undermentioned Places, where they are to be Quartered until further orders...
42041: REEDHAM ORPHANAGE - The New Asylum for Infant Orphans, Stamford Hill.
43821: ARTHUR OSSAYE - Ancienne Maison Mel. Sauret, Successeur. Cachemires Français, Cachemires des Indes, Corbeilles de Mariage.
45002: GEORGE BURN and others - A New and Correct Chart of the Thames' Mouth &c. from London Bridge to Orford Ness, on the Essex and Suffolk Coast> & from the Nore to the North Foreland, the Downs, and South Foreland, lon the Kentish Coast: comprehending the Swin and King's Channel, with the Wallet, Harwich Harbour, and Holsey Bay, to Aldborough Knapes: also the Five Fathom and South Channels, with the Oaze Deeps, Nobs & Queen's Channel, Kentish Knock, &c. &c.
43967: [BUILDER] JOHN HILL and others - Two Manuscript Receipted Invoices for work done John Hill drawn to Thomas Caddick, Mr Padison and others for the Free School.
44536: W.T. STACE and others - The Zionist Illusion. [with] Why the Arab States Entered Palestine> their action justified in fact and in international law. [with] Zionists Misleading World with untruths for Palestine Conquest. [with] Common Sense - Zionism Threatens Nation's Security.
42501: THOMAS M'CRIE and Others - The Bass Rock: Its Civil and Ecclesiastical History by the Rev. Thoas M'Crie: Geology by Hugh Miller> Martyrology by the Rev. James Anderson> Zoology and Botany by Professor Fleming and Professor Balfour.
40030: OTWAY, Silvester [pseud John OSWALD] - Poems> to which is added, the Humours of John Bull, an operatical farce, in two acts.
41196: OUSELY [OUSELEY], Sir Gore and FATEH ALI SHAH KAJAR - Communication From the King of Persia, to the British & Foreign Bible Society, relative to the Late Re. H. Martyn's Translation of the New Testament into Persian.
41271: [BOOT & SHOE MAKER] W.R. OWEN - Boot and Shoe Maker, Market Hall.
36938: OXFORD - An Act for Better Regulating the Poor Within the City of Oxford. Passed March the 8th, 1771. Together With the Bye-Laws of the Board of Guardians.
42706: THOMAS H. OYLER - Lydd and Its Church. Illustrated by Original Sketches.
45175: MR. CHAS. M. PACE - Teacher of the Cornopean and Concertina.
41273: PACKAGING - Special Hilden Netting Twine, Soft Finish.
45182: THE FRIENDSHIP PACKET - For Ramsgate and Margate, the Friendship Packet, Burthen Eighty Tons, a new vessel, Compleatly rigg'd and mann'd. George Ansell, Owner, John Cladinboll, Master... Sails from Woiol-Key, Custom House, on Thursday.
40874: ILLUMINATED PAGE - If I send my wish today to a friend most dear...
38730: GREAT NAVAL PAGEANT - Souvenir of the Great Naval Pageant, 1909. Forty Miles of Battleships, Fifty Thousand Officers and Men. July 17, to 24.
13313: PAINE, James - Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, Belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster.
22186: PAINE, James - Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, Belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster.
13312: PAINE, James - Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, Belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster.
43786: JAMES PAINE - Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, Belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster.
25973: PAINE, James - Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, Belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster.
43480: MICA PAINTINGS - 55 Original Indian Paintings on Mica. Costume, Trade, Characters, etc.
42147: CRYSTAL PALACE - The People's New Crystal Palace at Sydenham. [Cover to The Sydenham Polka. Composed and Dedicated to Sir Joseoph Paxton, by P. Ezekiel. 5th Edition.]
42296: ALEXANDRA PALACE - Daily Programme. Saturday Oct. 8, 1881.
44965: AGUSTIN GALICIA PALACIOS - El Dia de Los Mortes. The Life of the Dead in Mexican Folk Art.
41769: GEORGE PALLISER - Saddle and Harness Manufacturer.
43496: FRANCIS I. PALMER - Ordnance Map and Tourists' Table of the Thames. For the Angler, Tourist, and Boating Man. [slipcase title]
45316: PALMER, Charles John - A Booke of the Foundacion and Antiquitye of the Towne of Greate Yermouthe: from the original manuscript written in the time of Queen Elizabeth: with notes and an appendix.
41241: SUTTON PALMER - A Series of Drawings of the Vales & Dales of Yorkshire and Derbyshire.
45200: HUNTLEY & PALMERS - Court Biscuits, Reading & London.
37654: PALMERSTON, Lord - Selections from Private Journals of Tours in France in 1815 and 1818.
43319: PALMISTRY - Palmistry Chart. 2 cards.
43540: PETER PAN - Collection of Programmes, handbills, tickets and signed photograph for various productions.
41599: GESSO PANELS - Two gesso panels illustrating Tennyson's Lancelot and Elaine incorporating the defining phrase of the poem and of their association "Sweet is true love tho given in vain, in vain."
39521: PANORAMA - A Description of the Colosseum, Re-opened in M.DCCCXLV., under the Patronage of Her majesty the Queen, and H.R.H. Prince Albert. With Numerous Illustrations, and Eight Sections of the Panorama of London.
43555: MISCELLANEOUS PANTOMIMES - Collection of Programmes.
44541: TA KUNG PAO editor - The Upheaval in Hong Kong.
40047: BOYS OWN PAPER - Some Social Transformations [a transformation "heads, bodies, legs" game]
40862: PARES, [Ethel] Bip - Original watercolour design.
39863: PARISH, Josiah - Pen Drawn Maps of Colchester and Its Route Marches. Drawn to the scale of two inches to a mile> and showing a circle of six miles radius. With copious index alphabetically arranged.
44975: PARK, Godfrey Richard - Parliamentary Representation of Yorkshire, from the Earliest Representative Parliament on Record, in the Reign of King Edward I. to the Dissolution of the Twenty-Second Parliament, in the Reign of Queen Victoria.
44506: TEMPLE IN GREEN PARK - A Short Account of the Amusements Preparing in St. James's Park> with a Description of the Allegorical Painting &c., &c., &c. [Short Description of the allegorical transparent Paintings, designed and executed by Messrs. Howard, Stothard, Smirke, Woodforde, Dawe, Hilton, &c. - forming Part of the Decorations of the Temple erected in Green Park.]
8853: PARK, Godfrey Richard - The History of the Ancient Borough of Hedon in the Seigniory of Holderness.
44662: NISSEN & PARKER - Printers, Stationers and Account Book Makers.
44240: [GROCER] GEORGE PARKES - Cheese, Butter, Bacon, Ham & Tongue Factor. Rich, Stilton, Cheddar, Cheshire, Derby & Wiltshire Cheese. Parmesan Cheese & Westphalia Hams. Hops. White, Grey & Split Boiling Peas. Barley, Culins and Oatmeal. High Street, Worcester.
44514: NORTH AMERICA - ACT OF PARLIAMENT - An Act to make perpetual and amend an Act of the Fifth and Sixth years of Her present Majesty for preventing Ships clearing out from any Port in British North America or in the Settlement of Honduras from loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber on Deck.
44515: NORTH AMERICA - ACT OF PARLIAMENT - An Act to exempt Ships from carrying Passengers to North America from the Obligation of having on board a Physician, Surgeon or Apotheecary.
44516: NORTH AMERICA - ACT OF PARLIAMENT - An Act for preventing, until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, Ships clearing out from any Port in British North America or in the Settlement of Honduras from loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber on Deck.
44518: NORTH AMERICA - ACT OF PARLIAMENT - An Act to repeal and Act of the Ninth Year of His late Majesty, for regulating the Carriage of Passengers in Merchant Vessels from the United Kingdom to the British Possessions on the Continent and Islands of North America> and to make further Provision for regulating the Carriage of Passengers from the United Kingdom.
44517: NORTH AMERICA - ACT OF PARLIAMENT - An Act to prevent, until the End of the next Session of Parliament, Ships clearing out from aBritish North America Port loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber on Deck.
44519: NORTH AMERICA - ACT OF PARLIAMENT - An Act to make further Provision for One Year, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, for the Carriage of Passengers by Sea to North America.
45094: PARSONS, Edward - The Civil, Ecclesiastical, Literary, Commercial, and Miscellaneous History of Leeds, Halifax, Huddersfield, Bradford, Wakefield, Dewsbury, Otley, and the Manufacturing District of Yorkshire.
41503: SALE PARTICULARS - A Particular of the Estates of Charles Gibson, Esq. Situate in Low Furness, in the Parishes of Dalton and Aldingham> as proposed to be sold, the 19th Day of November, 1805.
39708: PARTINGTON, J.R. - A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder.
40119: PARTINGTON, J.R. - Typed Letter, signed.
42910: CHAPMAN TAYLOR PARTNERS - The Grosvenor Estate> Strategy for Mayfair and Belgravia.
41798: CONSERVATIVE PARTY - Manifesto to the Country on the Present Political Situation. Warning No. 1.
45256: PAUL, Charlie - American and Other Drinks. Containing the Most Approved Recipes for making the principal "Drinks" used in the United States and Throughout the World.
44934: H. PAUL [printer] - Just Published. The Full Particulars of the Extraordinary Houses in West Street, Smithfield. The Residence of the Late Notorious Jonathan Wild and the Awful Discoveries of Human Bones and other Things belonging to Notorious Characters.
42088: CITY OF LONDON - COMMISSIONERS FOR SEWERS LAMPS AND PAVEMENTS - Manuscript Minute Book. [Clerk of Works?]
44241: [SILK] MORET & PAYEN - Soieries. Nouveautés en Gros. Articles de Lyon et d'Avignon. Schals, Fischus, Cravates, Foulards, etc. à Paris Rue de Cléry No. 9> à Lyon, Rue des Capucins, No. 16.
41662: TRUST PAYMENTS - Received the 19th Day of November 1838 from The Trustees of the Estates of the Late John Orden [?] Esq. & Mrs Winterbottom the Sum of twenty pounds being an allowance for March as per agreement. [with another for five pounds and eight shillings for March]
45343: STANLEY PAYNE - Tyrol. Southern Railway.
45342: STANLEY PAYNE - Londres. Southern Railway of England.
37009: PEACOCK, R.A. - Patent Dock Gates.
32818: PEAKE, Mervyn illustrates - Of Ravana the Dark Angel and His Paradise at Lanka. Quest for Sita, by Maurice Collis.
32064: PEAKE, Mervyn - The Drawings of Mervyn Peake.
32806: PEAKE, Mervyn - Shapes and Sounds.
33089: PEAKE, Mervyn - The Collected Works in Ten Volumes.
45261: MERVYN PEAKE - Bull. 2 original pencil drawings, back to back.
45262: MERVYN PEAKE - Wooded Landscape, Watercolour.
45263: MERVYN PEAKE - Lion's Head. Original pencil drawing.
44433: MERVYN PEAKE - Standing Nude with necklace.
44431: MERVYN PEAKE - Seated Model.
45269: PEAKE, Mervyn - Figures of Speech.
45273: PEAKE, Mervyn [illustrates] - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
45266: MERVYN PEAKE - Vicky. Watercolour.
33088: PEAKE, Mervyn - The Collected Works in Ten Volumes.
32106: PEAKE, Mervyn illustrates - The Adventures of the Young Soldier in Search of the Better World, by C.E.M. Joad.
32108: PEAKE, Mervyn illustrates - All This and Bevin Too, by Quentin Crisp.
32075: PEAKE, Mervyn - The Rhyme of the Flying Bomb.
32076: PEAKE, Mervyn - The Rhyme of the Flying Bomb.
32079: PEAKE, Mervyn - Poems and Drawings.
32082: PEAKE, Mervyn - Poems and Drawings.
31332: PEAKE, Mervyn - MERVYN PEAKE [1911 - 1968] The Centenary Catalogue.
32033: PEAKE, Mervyn - Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
32034: PEAKE, Mervyn - Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
32036: PEAKE, Mervyn - Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
32037: PEAKE, Mervyn - Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
32094: PEAKE, Mervyn - Twelve Poems.
32096: PEAKE, Mervyn - Boy in Darkness. Illustrated by P.J. Lynch.
32040: PEAKE, Mervyn - Shapes and Sounds.
32046: PEAKE, Mervyn - Rhymes Without Reason.
32047: PEAKE, Mervyn - Rhymes Without Reason.
32050: PEAKE, Mervyn - Titus Groan> Gormenghast> Titus Alone.
32815: PEAKE, Mervyn - The Glassblowers.
45230: PEAKE, Mervyn - Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
32054: PEAKE, Mervyn - Titus Groan> Gormenghast> Titus Alone.
32164: PEAKE, Mervyn illustrates - The Glory of the Sons> a History of Eltham College School for the Sons of Missionaries, edited by Charles Witting.
32170: PEAKE, Mervyn illustrates - Beer is Best, by John Watney.

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