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16286: BREEDAM, Camiel van & Remy HUYS - Camiel Van Breedam - assemblages - collages - objekten - beelden. 1.9.1989 - 31.12.1993.
32841: BREICHA, Otto [Hrsg.] - Neue Fotografie aus Japan.
2658: [BREITKOPF & HÄRTELS] - Katalog über Musiker-Büsten, Bilder, Reliefs usw. Handexemplar. Breitkopf & Härtels Musik-Barsortiment.
24311: BREITNER, G.H. & Harold STRAK - In Jehoshaphat's Valley. Introduction Geert Mak.
30233: BREITNER - Aad Gordijn, Paul van de Laar & Hans Rooseboom - Breitner in Rotterdam - Fotograaf van een verdwenen stad.
29614: BREITNER - Paul HEFTING - De foto's van Breitner.
24127: BREITNER, G.H. - Breitner - Spleten in de stad / Cracks in the City.
8773: BREL, Jacques - CARTOONS / COMICS - Jacques Brel - Le Plat Pays. [Exemplaire No J 197]. - Les Prénoms. [Exemplaire No F 982]. - Ces gens-là. [Exemplaire No A 467]. - J'arrive! [Exemplaire No E 132]. - [4-volume set]
21812: BREL, Jacques - Brel Vol. 02.
21813: BREL, Jacques - Brel Vol. 01.
21841: BREL, Jacques - Brel Vol. 3.
33695: BRENDGEN, J.H.J. - Belevenissen van een K.N.I.L.-officier in de periode 1942-1950. Militaire ervaringen vóór en bij politiële acties.
24474: BRENTJENS, Yvonne - Rechte stoelen, rechtschapen burgers. Wonen volgens 't Binnenhuis (1900-1929). [Nieuw].
23371: BRENTJENS, Yvonne - V = Vorm. Nederlandse vormgeving 1940-1945. [New]
23906: BRENTJENS, Yvonne - Rechte stoelen, rechtschapen burgers. Wonen volgens 't Binnenhuis (1900-1929). [Nieuw].
25108: BRESCIANI, Elisabetta et al - Modern - Architekturbücher aus der Sammlung Marzona / Architecture Books from the Marzona Collection.
18504: BRESLAUER, Marianne - Retrospektive Fotografie - Marianne Breslauer.
18085: BRESLIN, Marc - Marc Breslin - Sticksville.
20570: BRETHOUWER, Gerda & Hedwig SAAM - Een wandeling langs moderne beeldende kunst en architectuur in de binnenstad - Amersfoort.
33868: BREUER, Marcel - Marcel Breuer - Centre de Création Industrielle - Centre Beaubourg - Musée des Arts Décoratifs - 7 juin - 9 septembre 1974.
34038: BREUGEL, Guus van - Aristocraten van de Contra Reformatie - De Bossche regentenfamilie Van Breugel en haar relatie tot gelijknamige geslachten.
32188: BREUKEL, Koos - Koos Breukel - Faire face. - [New + Signed]
16573: BREUKEL, Koos - Koos Breukel - Faire face.
32353: BREUKEL, Koos - Koos Breukel - Horizon. - Signed - Design Irma Boom.
12074: BREUKEL, Koos - De onstuimige spelbreker. Jan Wolkers gefotografeerd door Koos Breukel Texel 3 9 2007.
32189: BREUKEL, Koos & Roy VILLEVOYE - Tí. Essays van Tijs Goldschmidt & Hans den Hartog Jager. - [Nieuw + gesigneerd]
32357: BREUKEL, Koos - Koos Breukel - Cosmetic View. - [Signed]
32352: BREUKEL, Koos & Anton KOS - Erfgooiers geportretteerd. [Signed].
7247: BREUKER, Johan - Giardino Segreto - Johan Breuker 1993-1996. [With 2 original prints 6/80].
22238: BREUNING, Olaf - Olaf Breuning. [New].
26868: BREWSTER, Anna Richards - Judith Kafka MAXWELL [Ed.] - Anna Richards Brewster - American Impressionist.
31065: BRIANO, Italo - Locomotive F.S. Italia (I serie) - A vapore - Bayard - Sampierdarena [...] + (II serie) A vapore - Elettriche [...] + (III serie) A vapore - Elettriche - Diesel - Automotrice.
25866: BRIELS, Carel [naar ideeën van] - AquamaRijn - Revue Aquatique. [Een sprookjesachtige waterfantasie bij de Internationale Manifestatie 'De Rijn in de R.A.I.' ter gelegenheid van de feestelijke opening van het Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal'
31413: BRIESKORN, Egbert [Hrsg.] - Felix Hausdorff zum Gedächtnis - Band I - Aspekte seines Werkes.
4535: BRIEUX - Les beaux voyages. Algérie.
14319: BRIGHT, Susan - Art Photography Now.
21628: BRINCKMANN, A.E. - Baukunst. Die künstlerischen Werte im Werk des Architekten.
11114: BRINK, Paul van den & Jan WERNER [Red.] - Gesneden en gedrukt in de Kalverstraat. De kaarten- en atlassendrukkerij in Amsterdam tot in de 19e eeuw.
34841: BRINK, Mark van den - Mark van den Brink - The Minox Files.
4332: BRINK, Martin e.a. - Veldprediker in mobilisatietijd. Dagboek van dominee J.G. Knottnerus, Grebbelinie 1939-1940.
13133: BRINK, Gabriël van den [Red.] - Prachtwijken?! De mogelijkheden en beperkingen van Nederlandse probleemwijken.
34901: BRINK, Mark van den - Mark van den Brink - The Minox Files. - [New]
26415: BRINKMAN, P.W.F. - Het 'Geheim van Eyck' - aantekeningen bij een kunsthistorisch fenomeen.
13389: BRINKMANN, Thorsten - Thorsten Brinkmann - the Great Cape Rinderhorn.
34482: BRINKMANN, Hennig - Mittelalterliche Hermeneutik.
15641: BRINKMANN, Thorsten - FELDBUSCH, Stefanie & Andreas WIESNER [Hg/ed.] - Thorsten Brinkmann.
28558: BRISTOL, Horace - Tokyo on a five day pass; with candid camera by Horace Bristol.
11994: BRIZA, Stanislav - Stanislav Briza - Hitch Hike US.
19005: BROCK, Sebastian P. & David G.K. TAYLOR [Red.] - De Verborgen Parel - I - De Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kerk en haar oude Aramese erfgoed. - II - De erfgenamen van het oude Aramese erfgoed. - III - Aan het begin van het derde millennium; de Syrisch-Orthodoxe getuigenis. - IV - Audio Video [3 video's].
19795: BRODOVITCH, Alexey - Alexey Brodovitch - Ballet - Books on Books # 11 - [Limited edition].
31838: BRODOVITCH, Alexey - Alexey Brodovitch - Ballet - Books on Books # 11 - [Limited edition].
25921: BRODRICK, Alan Houghton - Beyond the Burma Road.
34242: BRODSKY, Marcelo - Marcelo Brodsky - Poetics of Resistance.
34241: BRODSKY, Marcelo - Marcelo Brodsky - Poetics of Resistance.
34926: BROECKE, Marcel van den, Peter van der KROGT & Peter MEURER [Eds] - Abraham Ortelius and the First Atlas. Essays Commemorating the Quadricentennial of his Death 1598 - 1998. With an introduction by Leon Voet. - [New]
32502: BROECKE, Marcel van den, Peter van der KROGT & Peter MEURER [Eds] - Abraham Ortelius and the First Atlas. Essays Commemorating the Quadricentennial of his Death 1598 - 1998. With an introduction by Leon Voet.
28162: BROEKHUIZEN, Dolf, Evert van STRAATEN & Herman van BERGEIJK - Robert van 't Hoff - Architect van een nieuwe samenleving.
22007: BROEKMANS, Marlo - Marlo Broekmans. Tekst/Text Régis Durand.
27326: BROEKMANS, Tess, Sjoerd FEENSTRA & Gert URHAHN [Red.] - De spontane stad - Urhahn Urban Design.
21049: BROERSMA, Marcel - Pier Pander (1864-1919) - Zoektocht naar zuiverheid. - [Nieuw].
29463: BROERTJES, Geert - Geert Broertjes - One Year. - [New].
25375: BROERTJES, Geert - Geert Broertjes - One Year. - [New + Signed].
19087: BRÖHAN, Angela - Angela Bröhan - Here, There and Everywhere. [New]
26608: BRÖHAN, Angela - Angela Bröhan - Here, There and Everywhere.
34983: BROHM, Joachim & Alec SOTH - Ralph GOERTZ [Hs / Ed.] - Two Rivers. Joachim Brohm / Alec Soth.
34212: BROHM, Joachim & Alec SOTH - Ralph GOERTZ [Hs / Ed.] - Two Rivers. Joachim Brohm / Alec Soth. - [New].
32112: BROLENIUS, Anette - Anette Brolenius - Unsung.
10386: BROMMER, Bea [Red.] - Katoendruk in Nederland.
34903: BRONKHORST, Arjan - Grachtenhuizen / Amsterdam Canal Houses - Vier eeuwen Amsterdamse grachtenhuizeb en hun bewoners / Four Centuries of Amsterdam Canal Houses and their Residents - Gefotografeerd door / Photographed by Arjan Bronkhorst. - [Vijfde druk / Fifth edition].
8511: BRONS, Nico & Arjen van der Linden - Voor jou en jij. [Kunstfoto's gemaakt met smartphone Nico Brons - en verwoord in poëzie Arjen van der Linden].
22560: BRONS, Nelleke - Livia & Jan VERSTEGEN [Red.] - Nelleke Brons (1924-2015).
30245: BRONS, Bernard COLENBRANDER [Redactie] - Atlas Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. + CD
29691: BROODTHAERS, Marie-Puck [Ed.] - Marcel Broodthaers. Text by Wilfried Dickhoff and Bernard Marcadé. [English edition]
25300: BROOKS, Jason - Jason Brooks - The Subject Is Not The Subject. [Introduction Will Self.
34364: BROOMBERG, Adam & Rafael GONZALEZ - Anchor in the Landscape. - [New + Signed] - [ - A project by Artists + Allies x Hebron]
10062: BROOS, Kees & Flip BOOL - De Nieuwe Fotografie in Nederland.
30478: BROTHÉ, Éric, Alain CHAZETTE & Fabien REBERAC - Charente-Maritime Vendée 1939-1945.
35051: BROWN, Robert, Faith CHISHOLM, Dietmar ELGER, Jill LLOYD, Axel Hinrich MULKEN & Crista MULKEN-ALTROGGE, Kenny SCHACHTER [Essays] - polke/richter richter/polke.
26658: BROWN, Patrick [photographs] - Patrick Brown - Trading to Extinction. Text by Ben Davies. - [Signed by photographer].
27690: BROWN, Michael Christopher - Michael Christopher Brown - Yo Soy Fidel.
25948: BROWN, C. Campbell - Children of China.
28278: BROWNSTEIN, Ronald - Rock Me on the Water - 1974 The Year Los Angeles Transformed Movies, Music, Television, and Politics.
21122: BRS PREMSELA VONK - BRS Premsela Vonk - Inzicht / Insight - [photography by i.a. Rineke Dijkstra & Anneleen Louwes].
24150: BRUCKEN FOCK, B. von - Aesthetische leiddraad bij den woningbouw voor timmerlieden, 'eigenbouwers', enz. Met een voorwoord van P.H.J. Cuypers. 2e vermeerderde druk.
24947: BRUDNA, Denis & Norbert BUNGE [Edited by / Herausgegeben von] - Clemens Kalischer.
5130: BRUDNA, Denis & Norbert BUNGE [Edited by / Herausgegeben von] - Clemens Kalischer.
32756: BRUGGEMAN, Tim - Dr. BEAUCOURT - Tim Bruggeman - De harde naakte werkelijkheid. - [Tweede druk].
33048: BRUHL, Marshall De - Firestorm - Allied Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden.
20415: BRUIJN, Anne Sophie de - Wouter Mikmak (1891-1976). Architect. [Nieuw].
31516: BRUIN, Renger E. de - Bedreigd door Napoleon. De Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde, Balije van Utrecht 1753-1838.
24730: BRUIN-DERAKHSHANI, Fariba de & Barbara MURRAY [Eds.] - Design: Irma BOOM - Prince Claus Awards 2005 - Humour & Satire.
1907: BRUIN, G. de - Buscruytmaeckers. Ervaringen en lotgevallen van een merkwaardig bedrijf in Holland. Verlucht door W.G. van de Hulst Jr.
26934: BRUNHES, Jean - Jean Brunhes autour du monde - regards d'un géographe / regards de la géographie.
32267: BRUSKIN, Grisha - Grisha BRUSKIN - Alefbet - Tapestry project.
31588: BRUSSE, Paul & Willem van den BROEKE - De economische geschiedenis van Zeeland 1800-2000 - Provincie in de periferie.
34598: BRUYCKERE, Berlinde De - Anegela MENGONI [Ed.] - Berlinde De Bruyckere. - [German].
24262: BRUYÈRE, La - La Bruyère - Oeuvres complètes. - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
25139: BRYNNER, Yul - Victoria BRYNNER - Yul Brynner - Photographer.
25025: BUBLEY, Esther - Bonnie YOCHELSON & Tracey SCHMID - Esther Bubley- On Assignment.
22902: BUCHHEIM, Eveline et al - Under fire - Women and World War II.
30659: BUCHHOLZ, Frank & Horst SCHUH - Bombenkrieg 1914-1918 - London und Paris im Visier.
26520: BUCHLER, Pavel - Tommy SIMOENS [Ed.] - Pavel Büchler - In Amongst the Ashes.
14910: BUCHMANN, Heinrich - Dampflokomotiven in den USA 1825-1950. Band 2: Die technische Hochblüte der Dampftraktion 1921-1950.
10093: BUCHSTEINER, Thomas - Edward - Cole - Kim Weston. Drei Generationen amerikanischer Fotografie / Three Generations of American Photography.
16510: BUCK, John - Linda TESNER, Kenneth B. WELLS & John YAU - John Buck + DVD.
32732: BUDA, Michele - Michele Buda - Sul confine.
1103: [BUFFON] - [Het Konijn]. - Le Lapin Sauvauge
15762: BUIJSEN, Edwin & Louis Peter GRIJP [Ed.] - The Hoogsteder Exhibition of: Music & Painting in the Golden Age.
19616: BUITER, Hans - The History of the Power Cable in the Netherlands. [New].
34657: BUKENTOP, F. Henrico De - Dictionarium in quo voces omnes difficilioris significationis quae in Vulgata nostra S. Scripturae Latina occurrunt [...] + Centum Canones seu Regulae pro intelligentia S. Scripturae utillissime ex SS. Patribus [...] + Paedagogus ad sancta sanctorum sive Dux Fidelis [...] + Synopsis singulorum librorum Sacrae Scripturae.
10425: BULBECK, David, Anthony REID, Lay Cheng TAN & Yiqi WU [Comp.] - Southeast Asian Exports since the 14th Century. Cloves, Pepper, Coffee, and Sugar.
34487: BULDER, Nico - Herber BLOKLAND - Vier Kerst- & Nieuwjaarswensen van Nico Bulder. - [Nr. 23/100].
18653: BULFONI, Clara & Anna POZZI [Eds.] - Lost China - The Photographs of Leone Nani.
30343: BULL, Gerald V. & Charles H. MURPHY - Paris Kanonen - the Paris Guns (Wilhelmgeschütze) and Project HARP.
13214: BUNDESKUNSTHALLE [Ed.] - Japan's Love for Impressionism - From Monet to Renoir. [New].
33435: BUNDGAARD,, Rune - Danish Ceramic Architecture.
8901: BUNJAN, Joannes [John BUNYAN] - De voorregten en voordeelen der Heyligen [...] Vemeerderd met de Lvensschets van Bunjan en zijn laatste Vaarwel.
21990: BUNJI, Murotani - Kazumasa Yamashita: Recent Works and Projects - Process Architecture no. 87.
29994: BUNNIK, Ton van, Rob van HEES, Michiel van HUNEN & Teun van de Weert - Graffiti - Het verwijderen van en beschermen tegen graffiti.
22307: BUNUEL, Luis - Luis Bunuel [2x] - 1. Viridiana. Scénario et dialogues - Scènes coupées - Dossier historique et critique [171 pp.]; - 2. Bunuel 100 years / 100 anos [339 pp.].
32488: BURACAS, Balys - Alexandras MACIJAUSKAS [Comp.] - Balys Buracas - Fotografijos / Photographs.
17607: BURBIDGE, G.R., F.D. KAHN, R. EBERT, S.v.HOERNER & St. TEMESVÁRY - Die Entstehung von Sternen durch Kondensation diffuser Materie.
30568: BURCKHARDT, Rudolph - Rudolph Burckhardt - An afternoon in Astoria.
30684: BURDETT, Charles & Derek DUNCAN [Ed.] - Cultural Encounters - European Travel Writing in the 1930s.
13864: BURDETT, Charles - Life of Kit Carson: The great western hunter and guide. Comprising wild and romantic exploits as a hunter and trapper in the Rocky Mountains; thrilling adventures [...].
22688: BÜRER, Mirjam - Mirjam Bürer - Local = Global.
34973: BURG, Jan-Dirk van der & Stefanie GRÄTZ - After Mandela - A Dutch Tribute.
29113: BURGERSDIJK, L.A.J., D.J. COSTER & T.C. WINKLER - School-atlas voor de beoefening der Natuurlijke Historie. Nederlandsche uitgave van den Naturhistorischer Schulatlas van Dr. Carl Arendts. Met 760 Houtgravuren op 60 Platen, en een verklarenden tekst. Derde, vermeerderde en herziene uitgave.
1534: BURGHARDT, Anna und Arnold PÖSCHL - Wiener Porzellan seit 1718 / Vienna Porcelain since 1718.
25587: BURGIN, Victor - Victor Burgin - The Camera - Essence and Apparatus.
26837: BURGIN, Victor - Victor Burgin - Between. [Second edition].
29182: BURKARD, Hans-Jürgen - Hans-Jürgen Burkard - Jenseits von Kreml und Rotem Platz - Bilder aus Russland. Mit Texten von Katja Gloger und einem Vorwort von Jewgeni Popow.
32398: BURN, David J. - Meerstemmigheid in beeld / Polyphony in the picture - zeven meesterwerken uit het atelier van Petrus Alamire / seven masterpieces from the workshop of Petrus Alamire.
18773: BURNHAM, Barry C. & John WACHER - The 'small towns' of Roman Britain.
23529: BURNS, Robert - Poems and Songs. Illustrated with numerous engravings.
33825: BURNS, Robert - M.J.M. de HAAN - Robert Burns - Gedichten - Een keuze uit zijn werk - vertaald en ingeleid door M.J.M. de Haan.
24931: BURRI, René - René Burri - Berner Blitz.
34471: BURRI, René - Hans-Michael KOETZLE - René Burri - Blackout. New York 9 November 1965.
9603: BURRIDGE, Kenelm - Mambu. A Melanesian millenium.
21269: BURT, Jonathan - Rat.
16849: BURTON, Richard & F.F. ARBUTHNOT - The Pop-Up Kama Sutra - 6 Paper-Engineered Variations. - [New].
19510: BURUMA, Ian - Behind the Mask - On Sexual Demons, Sacred Mothers, Transvestites, Gangsters, Drifters, and Other Japanese Cultural Heroes.
28686: BURY, Pol - Pol Bury - Cinématique.
21157: BUS, Mieke & Ben de VRIES [Eindred.] - Monumenten van Romeins Nederland. Beschermingsagenda Archeologie 2008.
33184: BUSH, Susan & Christian MURCK [Ed.] - Theories of the Arts in China.
14375: BUSHELL, Garvin - Jazz from the Beginning. By Garvin Bushell as told to Mark Tucker.
34558: BUSSARD, Katherine A. & Lisa HOSTETLER - Color Rush - American Color Photography from Stieglitz to Sherman. - [New]
21631: BUSSCHE, Willy van den - Edgard Tytgat [1879-1957].
27214: BUTHOD-GARÇON, Gisèle - Gisele Buthod-Garçon - La terre, simplement / The clay, simply.
11287: BUTLER, Harold - Problems of Industry in the East - with special reference to India, French India, Ceylon, Malaya and the Netherlands Indies. Geneva, International Labour Office, 1938.
24671: BUTLER, S. James + Jennifer & Georgina Butler - Irma BOOM [Design] - James Jennifer Georgina [The Yellow Book].
21133: BUTTER, Robin - Robin Butter - It takes my mind off things. [Signed and numbered by hand]. [shooting culture in the Netherlands]
18890: BÜTTNER, Philippe [Ed.] - Surrealism in Paris.
12850: BUUR, Dorothée [Samengesteld door] - Inventaris Collectie G.P. Rouffaer.
27614: BUURMAN, Lard - Lard Buurman - Africa Junctions - Capturing the City.
10341: BUYS, M. - Twee maanden op Borneo's Westkust. Herinneringen.
25984: BUYSSE, Cyriel - Joris van PARYS [Samenstelling] - De wereld van Cyril Buysse.
24536: BUZZATI, Dino - Orphi und Eura. Aus dem Italienischen von Reinhard Federmann.
33673: BYARS, James Lee - Els HOEK - James Lee Byars - De wijsgeer in de toren.
25005: BYARS, Mel - The Design Encyclopedia - Foreword by Terence Riley - The Museum of Modern Art
17698: BYERLY, William Elwood - An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics, with Applications to Problems in Mathematical Physics.
10417: [BYLANDT, Jules van - Otto van BYLANDT] - Dwars door Afrika. Zijn laatste reis.
21008: BYRD, Dana E. & Frank H. GOODYEAR - Winslow Homer and the Camera - Photography and the Art of Painting. - [New].
20426: BYRNES, Jim & Gerald OSTHEIMER [Ed.] - Computational Noncommutative Algebra and Applications.
25628: C3 MAGAZINE - Korean Architecture - Diverse Perspectives beyond a Century - C3 33rd Anniversary Special.
34189: C. DEKKER, R. BAETENS & S. MAARSCHALKERWEERD-DECHAMPS - Album Palaeographicum XVII Provinciarum - Palaeografisch album van Nederland, België, Luxemburg en Noord-Frankrijk / Album de paléographie de Pays-Bas, de Belgique, du Luxembourg et du Nord de la France.
22672: CABELLUT, Lita - Per WIRTÉN - Lita Cabellut - Blind mirror.
18390: CACE, Slobodan, Anamarija KURILIC & Francis TASSAUX [Textes réunis par]] - Les Routes de l'Adriatique Antique - Géographie et Économie / Putovi Antickog Jadrana - Geografija i Gospodarstvo.
23646: CACHIN, Françoise et al - Cézanne. [English edition].
19190: CADOO, Emil - Hommes - Photograpies de Emil Cadoo sur un poème noir de Verlaine.
30003: CADUFF, Reto - Reto Caduff - Respects the dots.
21078: CAIN, Arthur H. - Die eeuwige sigaret. Een doeltreffende methode om eraf te komen. Voor Nederland en België bewerkt en ingeleid door Dr. L. Meinsma [...].
34642: CALATRAVA - Philip JODIDIO - Calatrava - Santiago Calatrava - Complete Works 1979-2009.
3814: [CALDER, Alexander] - Calder Stabiles. May 5 - June 17, 1989.
16489: CALHOUN, Keith & Chandra McCORMICK - Keith Calhoun and Chandra McCormick - Louisiana Medley.
10275: CALLAERTS, Greet - Bijdrage tot de kennis van de Batakse kultuur. Aspekten van Religie en Adat bij de Karo-Batak op Noord-Sumatra. Een beschrijvende studie. [Verhandeling / Proefschrift].
34054: CALLAHAN, Harry - Tetsuya OHTA [Ed.] - The Photography of Harry Callahan: 1941-1982.
28422: CALLAHAN, Harry - Sarah GREENOUGH - Harry Callahan - National Gallery of Art - Washington.
32676: CALLAHAN, Harry - John SZARKOWSKI - Callahan - Edited with an introduction by John Szarkowski.
33724: CALLE, Sophie - Sophie Calle - Appointment with Sigmund Freud.
34294: CALLE, Sophie - Sophie Calle - And so Forth.
33723: CALLE, Sophie - Sophie Calle - True Stories.
31013: CALLEMIN, Tom - Tom Callemin - Hinterland.
23552: CALTHROP, Dion Clayton - The Charm of Gardens.
34580: CAMILO, Rui - Rui Camilo - Common Ground. - [New].
30959: CAMPANY, David & Daniel WOLF - C Photo 9 - Street - Calle. - [New]
30958: CAMPANY, David & Daniel WOLF - C Photo 9 - Street - Calle.
29630: CAMPBELL, Naomi - Naomi. - Foreword Iman - Introduction Quincy Jones.
9709: CAMPBELL, Julie - Irian Jaya. The timeless domain.
34274: CAMPEN, Jan van, Menno FITSKI, Charlotte HORLYCK et al - Aziatische kunst
22651: CAMPENDONK - Astrid SCHUNCK et al - Heinrich Campendonk - Die zweite Lebenshälfte eines Blauen Reiters - Van Düsseldorf naar Amsterdam. [Tekst in het Nederlands & Duits.
22318: CAMPERS, Jim - Jim Campers - Forward Escape Into The Past.
24894: CAMPERT, Cleo - Cleo Campert - Festivalland. [New] - [English]
34763: CAMPIGOTTO, Luca - Luca Campigotto - Iconic China. Essay by W.M. Hunt. - [New].
25158: CAMPOLI, Julie & Alex S. MacLEAN - Visualizing Density + CD.
34774: CAMPOS, German Guzman, Orlando Fals BORDA & Eduardo Umana LUNA - La Violencia en Colombia. Estudio de un Proceso Social. Tomo I + II - Octava Edicion. - [Spanish].
23212: CAMUS - Album Camus. Iconographie choisie et commentée par Roger Grenier. - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade
11764: CAMUS-Jean Yves [Photographs] & Antonio GUZMÁN [Text] - Land[Escape] - un sentiment de paysage / a sense of landscape. Photographies / Photographs Jean-Yves Camus. Essai / Essay Antonio Guzmán. [New].
26506: CANALE, Larry - Mickey Mantle. The Yankee Years. The Classic Photography of Ozzie Sweet.
32376: CANBY, Sheila R. - Shah 'Abbas - The Remaking of Iran.
32762: CANDALEPAS, Angelo - Angelo Candalepas - Works and Projects - [No. 0637/1000].
30726: CANHAM, Stefan - Stefan Canham - The Town. - [New + Signed].
32031: CANISIUS, Petrus (1521-1597) - Summa Doctrinae Christianae, per quaestiones catechisticas luculenter tradita, multis in locis locupletata, & postremò recognita.- [With inscription from 2 local 17/18th century pastors].
22677: CANTO, Thomas - Thomas Canto - Still lifes of spacetime.
32048: CAPA, Robert - Enfants de la guerre, enfants de la paix - Photographies de Robert Capa - Textes de Cornell Capa et Richard Whelan.
34754: CAPA - Bernard LEBRUN & Michel LEFEBVRE - Robert Capa - The Paris Years 1933-1954. - [New].
32329: CAPA, Robert - Robert Capa - Images of War - with text from his own writings.
24220: CAPA - Sandrine CARNEROLI & Patricia d'OREYER - Robert Capa - een vooruitblik. [New].
27792: CAPA - Richard WHELAN & Cornell CAPA [Eds] - Robert Capa - Photographs.
20561: CAPDEVILLA, Luc - Les Bretons au lendemain de l'Occupation. Imaginaire et comportement d'une sortie de guerre 1944-1945.
33498: CAPELLEVEEN, Paul van & Clemens de WOLF [Eds.] - The Ideal Book. Private presses in the Netherlands, 1910-2010.
34367: CAPLAN, Craig S. & Reza SARHANGI [Eds.] - Bridges Banff - Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture - Renaissance Banff II - Banff, Alberta, Canada - Proceedings 2009.
30426: CAPPELLANO, Filippo - Le Artiglierie del Regio Esercito nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
16470: CAPPELLIERI, Alba - Brilliant! - I futuri del gloiello italiano / The Futures of Italian Jewellery.
10216: CAPRICIOUS - Lisa NAFTOLIN - Capricious # 7 - The Peek Issue.
15668: CAPUA, Marco Di, Giovanni IOVANE & Lea MATTARELLA - Metropolitanscape. Paesaggi urbani nell'arte contemporanea. [Urban landscapes in contemporary art] - [Text in English and Italian].
31364: CARASSO-KOK, Marijke [Red.] - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam - Een stad uit het niets - tot 1578
15344: CARBONI, Erberto - Erberto Carboni - 25 Beispielhafte Werbefeldzüge.
27317: CARLIN, John, Paul KARASIK & Brian WALKER - Masters of American Comics.
3774: CARLYLE, Thomas - The French Revolution. Two volumes.
30384: CARMIGGELT, A., A.J. GUIRAN & M.C. van TRIERUM - BOOR balans 4 - Archeologisch onderzoek in het racé van de Willemsspoortunnel te Rotterdam - Sluizen en schepen in de dam van de Rotte. [2 delen - tekst + bijlagen].
1478: CARMIGGELT, S. - Ontmoetingen met Willem Elsschot. Met brieven en een nagelaten manuscript van Willem Elsschot.
20013: CARON, Sarah - Pakistan / Land of the pure.
17601: CAROVILLANO, Robert L., John F. McCLAY & Henry R. RADOSKI [Eds] - Physics of the Magnetosphere. Based upon the proceedings of the conference held at Boston College June 19-28, 1967.
21842: CARPENTER, John - DVD - John Carpenter - Halloween. 25th Anniversery Edition.
28247: CARPENTER, John T. - The Poetry of Nature - Edo Paintings from the Fishbein-Bender Collection. With contributions by Midori Oka.
30596: CARR, Kathleen Thormod - Polaroid Transfers - A Complete Visual Guide to Creating Image and Emulsion Transfers
22087: CARR, Jay - Cindy. - [1964, reprinted December 1965].
30350: CARR, H. Gresham [Ed.] - Flags of the World. [Revised edition]
30351: CARR, H. Gresham [Ed.] - Flags of the World. [Revised edition]
33597: CARR, Kathleen Thormod - Polaroid Manipulations - A Complete Visual Guide to Creating SX-70, Transfer, and Digital Prints.
34002: CARROLL, Lewis - Florence Becker LENNON - Lewis Carroll [a biography].
31839: CARROLL, Lewis - Lewis Carroll. Introduction by Colin Ford - Photofile.
34004: CARROLL, Lewis - Jo Elwyn JONES & J. Francis GLADSTONE - The Alice Companion - A Guide to Lewis Carroll's Alice Books.
25990: CARTAGENA, Alejandro - Alejandro Cartagena - A Guide to Infrastructure and Corruption. [Signed / No. 5/450].
32099: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Henri Cartier-Bresson - En Inde.
32666: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - The Decisive Moment - Photography by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
28384: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Portraits par Henri Cartier-Bresson - Le silence interieur d'une victime consentante.
34059: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Bali - Tanz und Theater. Henri Cartier-Bresson unter Mitarbeit von Antonin Artaud und Beryl de Zoete.
32422: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Peter GALASSI - Henri Cartier-Bresson: premières photos. De l'objectif hasardeux au hasard objectif.
26792: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Henri Cartier-Bresson. Scrapbook. Photographs 1932-1946.
26791: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Het beslissende moment. Foto's van Henri Cartier-Bresson. - Stedelijk Museum cat. 332 + cat. 345 - Wij - foto's van Magnum [including Cartier-Bresson].
25113: CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri - Henri Cartier-Bresson à propos de Paris. Mit Texten vonVera Feyder und André Pieyre de Mandiargues, verfasst für die Ausstellung 'Paris à vue d'oeil'.
16634: CARUGATI, Decio Giulio Riccardo - Mariella Burani. [English edition].
32867: CARUSO St JOHN ARCHITECTS - Caruso St John - Collected Works - Volume 1 - 1990-2005. - [New]
7207: CARUSO, Laura [Ed.] - Radar. Selections from the Collection of Vicki and Kent Logan - New copy.
33814: CARUSO St JOHN ARCHITECTS - Caruso St John - Collected Works - Volume 2 - 2000-2012. - [New]
32957: CARUSO St JOHN ARCHITECTS - Caruso St John - Collected Works - Volume 1 - 1990-2005. - [New]
27868: CARVALHO, Fleur Roos Rosa de & Marije VELLEKOOP - Printmaking in Paris - The rage for prints at the fin de siècle.
31976: CASASOLA, Agustín Víctor - Pablo Ortiz MONASTERIO [Ed.] & Pete HAMILL [Essay] - Mexico - The Revolution and Beyond - Photographs by Agustín Víctor Casasola 1900-1940.
16590: CASEBERE, James - James Casebere - The spatial uncanny.
34898: CASEY, Christine - Making Magnificence - Architects, Stuccatori and the Eighteenth-century Interior.
17936: CASH, Sarah - Sargent and the Sea.
18017: CASSIERS, Henri - Henri Cassiers (1858-1944) - Original Postcard - 5 x Anvers - La Rade - l'Escaut - l'Ancienne Boucherie - La Cathédrale - Les Bassins
18015: CASSIERS, Henri - Henri Cassiers (1858-1944) - Original Postcard - Red Star Line - Antwerpen-New York / Antwerpen-Boston.
18016: CASSIERS, Henri - Henri Cassiers (1858-1944) - Original Postcard - 4 x Bruxelles - Rue Chair et Pain - Rue au Beurre - Rue de la Régence - La Bourse.
20257: [CASSIERS, Henri] - Henri Cassiers. 1858-1944. Antwerpen, Museum Vleeshuis, 1 april - 12 juni. Katwijk, Katwijks Museum, 25 juni - 24 september.
34007: CASSIMAN, Bart [Red.] - Initiatief 86 - Gent.
17651: CASTLE Jr., Jack, Werner EMMERICH, Robert HEIKES, Robert MILLER, John RAYNE, Sharon BANIGAN - Science by degrees - temperature from zero to zero - by Scientists of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories.
30680: CASTRO, G. De - Il Mondo Secreto - Milano, Daelli, 1864 [Facsimile - 9 parts in 3 volumes - complete set].
17171: CASTRO PRIETO, Juan Manuel - Christian CAUJOLLE - Juan Manuel Castro Prieto - Sete # 11.
15929: CATALOGUE - Histoires de voir.
10347: CATALOGUE - Treasures of Chang'an. Capital of the Silk Road.
17779: [CATALOGUE - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS] - Prijscourant B Huishoudelijke Artikelen van de N.V. Handelsmaatschappij voorheen Joh. H. van der Meiden - Juni 1934.
17780: [CATALOGUE - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS] - Huishoudelijke artikelen, Haarden, Kachels en Kolen-Fornuizen - N.V. Handelsmaatschappij voorheen Joh. H. van der Meiden - Amersfoort.
11719: [CATALOGUE] - Le désenchantement du monde.
14749: [CATALOGUE] - COPIER, A.D. [Inleiding] - Glasschool Leerdam - Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - September 1947.
17198: [CATALOGUE] - Comrades & Cameras - Photographs from Latvia and Other Soviet Republics. Santa Barbara Museum of Art 1991.
6463: CATALOGUE - Fifty distinguished books and manuscripts. The Scribner Book Store. Catalogue 137. + Compliments slip of John Carter to Mr. Miller.
6451: CATALOGUE - Librairie Sourget. Manuscrits enluminés et Livres précieux 1280-1927. Catalogue No XXIV. [With price list].
6461: CATALOGUE - CLAVREUIL - Livres Précieux du XVe au XIXe siècle. XXIIIe Biennale des Antiquaires Paris - Grand Palais. [With price list].
6455: CATALOGUE - Librairie Sourget. Manuscrits enluminés et Livres précieux 1470-1956. Catalogue No XXX. [With price list].
6452: CATALOGUE - Librairie Sourget. Manuscrits enluminés et Livres précieux 1235-1932. Catalogue No XXVIII. [With price-list].
6453: CATALOGUE - Librairie Sourget. Manuscrits enluminés et Livres précieux 1230-1957. Catalogue No XXIII. [With price list].
6454: CATALOGUE - Librairie Sourget. Manuscrits enluminés et Livres précieux 1480-1913. Catalogue No XXVI. [With price list].
4278: [CATALOGUE] - Ladies' ready-to-wear from Belgium.
26778: CATASTINI, Francesca - Francesca Catastini - Petrus. [New].
15997: CATHERS, David - Gustav Stickley.
1777: CATLEDGE, Oraien E. - Oraien E. Catledge - Cabbagetown. Foreword by Robert Coles.
13748: CATLIN, Geo. - Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians: in a series of Letters and Notes written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing. Seventh edition.
27460: CATRYSSE, Wim - Wim Catrysse - Restricted Area.
24153: CATS, Florence & Joseph CHARROY - Florence Cats & Joseph Charroy - Lavori in Corso [travail réaiisé durant une résidence à l'Academie Belgica, Rome, printemps 2018].
23330: CATS, Jacob - Marja SCHOLTENS - Jacob Cats - Een Vijge-Boom.
33880: CATTELAN, Maurizio & Dominique GONZALEZ-FOESTER [Eds.] - Permanent Food # 5 - March 1997.
27841: CATULLUS - Kenneth QUINN - Catullus - An Interpretation.
28514: CAUTER, Lieven De - The Dwarf in the Chess Machine - Benjamin's Hidden Doctrine.
23954: CAUTEREN, Katharina Van & Fernand HUTS - Voor God & Geld - Gouden tijd van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
25470: CAVIEZEL, Kurt - The Encyclopedia of Kurt Caviezel.
30595: CEA, Eduardo - Air Collection No. 1-6 - Japanese Military Aircraft - 1 - Fighters of the Imperial Japanese Army 1939-1945 - 2 - The Air Force of the Japanese Imperial Navy - Carried-based aircraft, 1922-1945 (I) - 3 - Idem (II) - 4 - Aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy - Land-based aviation, 1929-1945 (I) - 5 - idem (II) - 6 - Bombers of the Imperial Japanese Army 1939-1945.
20458: CECH, Eduard - Topological Spaces. Revised edition by Zdenek Frolik and Miroslav Katetov.
30467: CECIL, Michael K., Tim VIBERT & Glen DORÉ - KUBINKA - The Russian Museum of Armoured Vehicles.
34965: [Ceiling cornice profiles / Plafondkroonlijstprofielen] - Profils de corniches de plafonds - Volume 2 de Louis XVI à l'Époque Restauration - Centre de Recherches sur les Monuments Historiques.
27604: CELADA, Pierfrancesco - Pierfrancesco Celada - Instagrampier. - [Signed].
32700: CELANT, Germano - Arte Povera.
33764: CELANT, Germano [Ed.] - Del Arte Povera a 1985.
18454: CELII, Alana, Jon FEINSTEIN & Grant WILLING [Curated by] - The Collector's Guide to Emerging Art Photography.
33100: CELINE, Louis-Ferdinand - Album Céline - Iconographie réunie et commentée par Jean-Pierre Dauphin et Jacques Boudillet. - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
33932: CELINE, Louis-Ferdinand - Album Céline - Iconographie réunie et commentée par Jean-Pierre Dauphin et Jacques Boudillet. - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
31425: CERAUDO, Giancarlo - Giancarlo Ceraudo - Destino Final - [Argentina's Death Flights during the Dirty War]. - [New]
24982: [CERDA, Ildefons] - Cerdà - Urbs i Territori / Planning beyond the urban - A Catalogue of the exhibition MOSTRA CERDÀ. Urbs i territori held September 1994 - through January 1995, Barcelona. [English]
25484: CERVANTES, M. de - Don Quijote de la Mancha. Vrij bewerkt naar Albert Geyer door G.D. Ell. Met 8 gekleurde en vele zwarte platen naar Georg Scholz.
32915: CESARETTI, Gusmano - Gusmano Cesaretti - Fragments of Los Angeles, 1969-1989. - [New]
29480: CESCHIN, Livio - Alessandro PIRAS [a cura di / edited by] - Livio Ceschin - L'opera incisa / Engravings 1991-2008.
30172: CESONIS, Gintaras, Gintare KRASUCKAITE, Juste LITINSKAITE, Céline OFFERMANS & Michèle WALERICH - H - The Notion of Humanist Photography / H - La notion de photographie humaniste / H - Humanistinés fotografijos samprata.
31735: CEZANNE - Lionello VENTURI - Cézanne. Preface by Giulio Carlo Argan. - [English].
31668: CHABAUD, Auguste - Véronique SERRANO - Auguste Chabaud - la ville de jour comme de nuit, Paris 1907-1912.
31667: CHABAUD, Auguste - Volker RATTEMEYER [Hs.] - Auguste Chabaud (1882-1955) - Gemälde - Aquarelle - Ziechnungen / Paintings - water-colours - drawings / Peintures - aquarelles - dessins.
1500: CHADAN, K. and P.C. SABATIER - Inverse Problems in Quantum Scattering Theory. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded. With a foreword by R.G. Newton. With 24 Illustrations.
14738: CHAFFIN, Roger, Gabriela IMREH & Mary Crawford - Practicing Perfection. Memory and Piano Performance. + CD.
33024: CHAGALL - Franz MEYER - Marc Chagall - Leben und Werk.
34333: CHAMBERLAIN, Basil Hall - Things Japanese. Being Notes on various subjects connected with Japan.
5132: CHAMBERS, David, Colin FRANKLIN & Alan TUCKER - Morris Cox & the Gogmagog Press.
17952: CHAMPASSAK, Tiane Doan na - Tiane Doan na Champassak - Kolkata. [New - 141/500 - Signed].
22642: CHAMPASSAK, Tiane Doan na - Tiane Doan na Champassak - Censored.
24210: CHAMPEAU, Julia - AMERICAN VINTAGE - American Vintage - Marseille S/S/ 19 + American Vintage S/S 20 + American Vintage - Londres - F/W 19/20. - [photography Julia Champeau].
33116: CHAN, Laiwa - Lihua CHEN - China Red Sandalwood Museum.
29761: CHANCELLOR, David - Hunters. [Bill Kouwenhoven text]. [New]
32640: CHANG, Chien-Chi - Double happiness - photographs by Chien-Chi Chang.
14516: CHANG, Yi-Yun - Yi-Yun Chang - Coinciding.
28991: CHAPELLE, Howard I. - The Search for Speed under Sail 1700-1855.
28797: CHAPIN, Jean-Luc - Dordogne - From its origins to the mouth -A sense of creation. Photographs by Jean-Luc Chapin. Travel diaries: Éric Bonneau. Text and poems y Stéphanie Benson, Pierre Bergounioux [...].
12977: CHAPMAN, Rob [Introd.] - Album Covers From The Vinyl Junkyard.
34245: CHARMET, Marina Ballo - Stefano CHIODI [Ed.] - Marina Ballo Charmet - Out of the corner of my eye -Writings on photography.
30291: CHARNEY, Michael W. - Southeast Asian Warfare, 1300-1900.
17197: CHARRIÈRE, Julian - Julian Charrière - An Invitation to Disappear. [New].
18334: CHASE, George H. - Catalogue of Arretine Pottery. Additions by Mary B. Comstock and Cornelius Vermeule.
22171: CHAUCER, Geoffrey - N.F. BLAKE - The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer - Edited from the Hengwrt Manuscript by N.F. Blake.
8303: CHAZOT, Philippe - Boetseren - beelden en reliëfs. [Tweede herziene druk].
28143: CHELBIN, Michal - Michal Chelbin - The Black Eye. - [New]
32952: CHEN, Teresa - Teresa Chen - Welcome to Polkamotion - With Ma and Pa Chen

19409: CHERCHI, Valeria - Valeria Cherchi - Some of You Killed Luisa
19494: CHEREAU, Achille - Le Parnasse Médical Français ou Dictionnaire des Médecins-Poètes de la France anciens ou modernes, morths ou vivants [...].
11657: CHÉROUX, Clémente & Ute ESKILDSEN - Frankierte Fantastereien - Das spielerische der Fotografie im Medium der Postkarte. Aus den Postkartensammlungen Gérard Lévy - Peter Weiss.
31209: CHÉROUX, Clément & Clara BOUVERESSE - Magnum Manifesto. - [New]
14894: CHESTER, Keith - The Narrow Gauge Railways of Bosnia-Hercegovina. + Bosnia-Hercegovina: Narrow Gauge Album.
28550: CHEUNG, Amy - Amy Cheung - Devil's Advocate.
32814: CHEUNG, Victor - Print Work - Capture the Best Publication and Promotion.
20650: CHEVALLEY, Claude - Théorie des Groupes de Lie - Tome II - Groupes Algébriques.
32270: CHIELENS, Piet, Dominiek DENDOOVEN & Hannelore DECOODT - De laatste getuige - Het oorlogslandschap van de Westhoek.
33142: CHIH-MAI, Ch'en - Chinese Calligraphers and their Art.
24138: CHIM - YOUNG, Cynthia - We Went Back. Photographs from Europe 1933-1956 by Chim. With essays by Carole Naggar & Roger Cohen. [New].
26796: CHIM - Inge BONDI - Chim - The Photographs of David Seymour. Foreword by Cornell Capa. Introduction by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
24685: [CHINA] - Chinese art on cloths + Masks and shadow play of China + Chinese paper cutting. - [Together 3 books].
34328: CHINESE ART SOCIETY of AMERICA - Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America - I - 1945-1946 + VI -1952 + VIII - 1954 + X - 1956 + XI - 1957 + XIII - 1959 + XIV - 1960 + XV - 1961 + XVII - 1963 + XVIII - 1964 + XIX - 1965 + XXI - 1967-1968.
34329: CHINESE ART SOCIETY of AMERICA - Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America - VIII - 1954.
34330: CHINESE ART SOCIETY of AMERICA - Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America - XIV - 1960.
34122: CHOMEL, Noel & J.A. de CHALMOT - Algemeen huishoudelijk-, natuur-, zedekundig- en konst-woordenboek, Vervattende veele middelen om zijn goed te vermeerderen en zijne gezondheid te behouden [...] - Tweede Druk [...] + Vervolg - [7 + 9 volumes]
33071: CHOMSKY, Noam - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel & The Palestinians.
31006: CHOMSKY, Noam - Democracy and Power - The Delhi Lectures.
24792: CHOUMALI, Joana [fotografie] & Marin HEEMSKERK [tekst] - Bitter Chocolate Stories.
29661: CHOY, John - John Choy - Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate. [New]
34600: CHRISTENBERRY, William - William Christenberry - Kodachromes. Essay by Richard B. Woodward. - [New]
19773: CHRISTENSEN, Lotte Floe - Lotte Floe Christensen - Constructions. - New.
24750: CHRISTIAANSE, Kees, Hans IBELINGS & Gerard van OTTERLOO [Essays] - Hans WERLEMANN [fotografie] - Strip - 1,5 kilometer woningbouw in Den Haag. - Design: Irma BOOM & Sanne BEEREN.
21114: CHRISTIAENS, Arian - Arian Christiaens - Xenia.
8560: CHRISTIE'S CATALOGUE - ESSL: 44 works.
33910: Christo - DALOZE, Marcel & Dominique VERHAEGEN - Christo - Dessins, Collages, Photos. - Centre d'Art Nicolas de Staël
33758: CHRISTO - Harry SHUNK [Photographien] - Christo - Valley Curtain - Rifle, Colorado, 1970-72 - Breite 381-417 Meter, Höhe 56-111 Meter - [+ Textile sample].
6906: CHRISTO - Christo. John Kaldor Project 1990.
33185: CHRISTOFIDES, Emmanuel [foreword] / David PRIESLEY & Marcus FLACKS [catalogue] - A Life in the Company of Song Ceramics - Chinese Art from the Christofides Collection.
33188: CHU, Christina, Tang Hoi CHIU & Joseph S.P TING et al - Anthology of Chinese Art - Min Chiu Society - Silver Jubilee Exhibition.
3489: CHUNSHENG, Li - An Auspicious Road. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
34105: CHWAST, Seymour [art] & Steven HELLER [text] - HELL - The people and Places.
34759: CHWAST, Seymour [art] & Steven HELLER [text] - HELL - The people and Places.
18054: CICCARELLI, Lorenzo - Renzo Piano before Renzo Piano. Masters and Beginnings.
30476: CIMA, Bernard & Raymond - Ouvrage Sainte-Agnes - Cote d'Azur.
34281: CINE-MIROIR - Ciné-Miroir présente 'le plus beaux films' les Chaussons rouges.
25863: CIRCO AMERICANO de ESPANA - Circo Americano Programma + Miss Mara Poster + 9 reviews [Amsterdam - RAI - 1961/1962].
34803: CITROEN, Paul - Een tekenles - de stip - de nieuwe tekenleer - lijn - toon - materiaal. Derde druk.
19772: CIUFFOLETTI, Zeffiro [Hrsg] - Das Reich der Habsburger 1848-1916 - Photographien aus der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie.
24855: CLAASEN, Caspar - Caspar Claasen - Even Fireman. [No. 26/250]
31552: CLAASSEN, Tonny - A. Bodon (1903-1993) - Lichtheid en transparantie - architectuur als dienend ambacht.
17460: CLAASSEN, Tonny - Paul de Ley -1943 - Bouwen voor de buurt - op zoek naar context en continuïteit.
6925: CLAERHOUT, Marc - Marc Claerhout ''De dingen die God vergat...'' - ''The things God forgot...'' - ''Tout ce que Dieu a oublié...'' - ''Die Dinge, die Gott vergass...''. - [As new].
34949: CLAES, Jo - Griekse mythen, Romeinse sagen - In woord en beeld.
11152: CLANCY, G.B. - A Dictionary of Indonesian History since 1900. Over 500 people, events, and ideas that have contributed to the history of Indonesia this century.
12774: CLARK, Edmund - Edmund Clark - My Shadow's Reflection.
34436: CLARK, Lon - Lon Clark - Itinerary - A traveling show.
1194: CLARK, Ronald W. - Einstein. The Life and Times.
34741: CLARK, Willene B. - A Medieval Book of Beasts - The Second-Family Bestiary. Commentary - Art - Text and Translation.
25982: CLARKE, Ron - The Unforgiving Minute - Ron Clarke - as told to Alan Trengove.
25486: CLASEN, Karl Heinz - Der Meister der Schönen Madonnen - Herkunft, Entfaltung und Umkreis.
14093: CLAUS, Hugo - Hugo Claus - Imagier.
31349: CLAUS, Hugo - De Oostakkerse gedichten. - [Vijftig jaar De Oostakkerse gedichten - Facsimile-editie].
11289: CLAUSEWITZ, Carl von - Vom Kriege. Hinterlassenes Werk von General Carl von Clausewitz. Mit einer Enführung von Graf von Schliessen. Vierzehnte vermehrte Auflage herausgegeben von Karl Linnebach.
28492: CLAVARINO, Federico - Federico Clavarino - Hereafter.
29678: CLAXTON, Dana [Ed.] - The Sioux Project - Tatanka Oyate.
23191: CLAXTON, William & James GAVIN [Texts] - William Claxton - The Art of Jazz Photography - Claxography.
30683: CLEMENS, Gabriele B. - Sanctus amor patriae - Eine vergleichende Studie zu deutschen und italienischen Geschichtsvereinen im 19. Jahrhundert.
33640: CLEMENT, Krass - Krass Clement - Drum - Books on Books # 16
32682: CLEMENT, René - René Clement - Promising Land - Land vol Beloften.
29048: CLEMENT, Krass - Krass Clement - Drum - Books on Books # 16 - [Signed].
33643: CLEMENT, Krass - Krass Clement - Belfast. - [New]
30145: CLEMENT, Krass - Krass Clement - Drum - Books on Books # 16
10508: CLEMENTE, Francesco - Francesco Clemente - India.
15341: CLERGUE, Lucien - Lucien Clergue - Poesie der Photographie. Mit einem Vorwort von Jean Cocteau und einer Einleitung von Jean Marie Magnan.
21759: CLERGUE, Lucien - Lucien Clergue - Camargue.
30600: CLERGUE, Lucien - Lucien Clergue - Née de la Vague (Born of the Waves).
5255: CLERQ, W.A. de - Willem De Clercq (1795-1844).
21265: CLOSE, Frank - Lucifer's Legacy - The Meaning of Asymmetrie.
30695: CLOUGH, Paul & Jon P. MITCHELL [Ed.] - Powers of Good and Evil - Social Transformation and Popular Belief.
11347: CLUB GELUK [Barbara Löhnen & Marieke Voorsluijs] - Club Geluk en de fantastische truien.
27252: CNODDER, Remi de - Lilian Adcock.
33040: CNOSSEN, Laura - Laura Cnossen - Love, Klink.
14292: COBRA - COBRA 60. [245/350].
29198: COBURN, Alvin Langdon - Mike WEAVER - Alvin Langdon Coburn - Symbolist Photographer - 1882-1966 - Beyond the Craft.
33955: CODE - Peter van RHOON - CODE - Streetfashion Now - Autumn/winter 2005 - issue 1.
898: CODY, Jeffrey W. - Building in China: Henry K. Murphy's "Adaptive Architecture," 1914-1935.
33944: COELEN, Peter van der & Francesco STOCCHI [Eds.] - Brancusi - Rosso - Man Ray - Framing Sculpture. - [English].
27865: COELEN, Peter van der & Karin van LIEVERLOO [Red.] - Jan Toorop Portrettist
33263: COELN, Peter, Achim HEINE, Rebekka REUTER & Ulrike WILLINGMANN - From Polaroid to Impossible - Masterpieces of Instant Photography - The Westlicht Collection. [2. Auflage].
23496: COFFIN, David R. [Ed.] - The Italian Garden.
20507: COHEN, John - Past Present Peru. Photos - Films - Music. [As new]
14391: COHEN, Selma Jeanne - International Encyclopedia of Dance. A project of Dance Perspectives Foundation, Inc. - [Boxed 6-volume set].
13017: COHEN, Arthur A. [Pref.] & Trevor WINKFIELD [Introd.] - EX LIBRIS 10 - DADA Once and for ALL.
33001: COHEN, Michael & William MOTLEY - Mandarin and Menagerie - Chinese and Japanese Export Ceramic Figures - Volume I: The James E. Sowell Collection.
29891: COHEN, Elie A. - De afgrond - Een egodocument. Amersfoort - Westerbork - Auschwitz
32349: COHRS, Heinz-Herbert & Francis PIERRE - Construction Equipment Models - Machinery in Miniature.
29624: COKE, Van Deren - Photography in New Mexico - From the Daguerreotype to the Present. Foreword by Beaumont Newhall.
29083: COKE, Van Deren - Avant-garde photography in Germany 1919 1939.
13745: COKE, Van Deren - Van Deren Coke - Photographs 1956-1973.
30004: COLACELLO, Bob - It Just Happened - Photographs by Bob Colacello 1976-1982.
26923: COLEMAN, Charles L. - The Trail of the Stanley Cup. Vol.3 - 1947-1967 inc.
30107: COLENBRANDER, Bernard [Red.] - Limes Atlas.
27293: COLES, David - Chromatopia - An Illustrated History of Colour.
20978: COLLECTION LUDGER GERDES - Ludger Gerdes - Collection of 5 catalogues + 1 signed letter dated 20. Juni 1988.
34322: COLLECTION PALACE MUSEUM - Calligraphy of the Ming Dynasty
34298: COLLECTION PALACE MUSEUM - Model Calligraphy of Chun Hua Ge (I) - (Collected in the Maoqin Hall of the Imperial Palace).
33212: COLLIER, V.W.F. - Dogs of China & Japan in Nature and Art.
33476: COLLINS, Douglas - The story of Kodak.
34563: COLLINS, Michael - Michael Collins - Railway Operational Buildings - A Photographic Survey. - [New].
34655: COLLODI, Carlo - E. MAZZANTI - Le Avventure di Pinocchio - Storia di un Burattino - Illustrata da E. Mazzanti. - [Edizione del Centenario].
30928: COLOMBO, Paolo [ A cura di / Curated by] - Paranormal. Tony Oursler Vs Gustavo Rol.
33921: COLOURING / COLORING BOOK - Children's Pets Painting Book No. 4294. - [Unused].
25918: COLTMAN, Viccy - Fabricating the Antique - Neoclassicism in Britiain, 1760-1800.
21256: COMINI, Alessandra [Ed.] - Egon Schiele - Portraits. [Second edition]. - [New].
21280: COMINI, Alessandra [Ed.] - Egon Schiele - Portraits. [Second edition]. - [New].
27624: COMMAILLE, J. - Guide aus Ruines d'Angkor - ouvrage illustré de cent cinquante-quatre gravures et de trois plans.
13047: COMMENTAAR - Commentaar. Uitgave van de sectie voorlichting van het militair gezag 16 Juni 1945 Nr. 1 - 10 Juni 1946 1e Jaargang nummer 52. [Eerste jaargang compleet] + 4 pp. Alfabetisch register.
24020: COMMUNISTISCHE PARTIJ van NEDERLAND - CALENDAR - Kalender 1979 - CPN 60 jaar - Met werk van beeldende kunstenaars.
17660: COMTE, Marie-France - Girouettes.
29602: CONDAX, Philip L., Masahiro TANO, Takashi HIBI & William S. FUJIMURA - The Evolution of the Japanese Camera.
23686: CONGZHOU, Chen - On Chinese Gardens.
28016: CONINCK, Herman de - Herman de Coninck - De Gedichten - Deel 1 - Gebundelde en nagelaten gedichten + Deel 2 - Verspreide gedichten en vertalingen
32559: CONISBEE, Philip - French Genre Painting in the Eighteenth Century (.
30295: CONNAUGHTON, Richard - Shrouded Secrets - Japan's War on Mainland Australia 1942-44.
25033: CONNER, Lois - China - The Photographs of Lois Conner. Foreword by Jonathan Spence. Essays by Geremie R. Barméand Lois Conner.
27815: CONNOR, Linda - Linda Connor - Constellations - Opus #2 + Notes [40 pp.].
20559: CONSEIL NATIONAL DU FRONT NATIONAL DE L'ALLEMAGNE DEMOCRATIQUE - Livre Brun. Les criminels de guerre et nazis en Allemagne Occidentale. Etat, économie, administration, armée, justice, science.
6904: CONSTANT - Constant. Schilderijen 1969-77. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 17.3 - 7.5.1978.
20030: CONSTANT - Jean-Clarence LAMBERT - Constant - L'atelier d'Amsterdam.
34266: CONSTANTINE, Mildred & Jack Lenor LARSSEN - Beyond craft: The Art Fabric + [sequel] The Art Fabric: Mainstream
28475: CONTEMPORANEA - Bruno MANTURA [Ed.] - Contemporanea - Roma, Parcheggio di Villa Borghese 11.1973/2.1974.
6333: CONVERSATIONS WITH PHOTOGRAPHERS - Conversations with Photographers: Ignasi Aballi - José Manuel Ballester - Gabriele Basilico - David Goldblatt - Luis Gonzáles Palma - Boris Kossy [6 volumes].
9320: COOK, Alan - Edmond Halley. Charting the Heavens and the Seas.
28331: COOK, Elizabeth - The Ordinary and the Fabulous - An Introduction to Myths Legends and Fairy Tales. Second edition.
18240: COOPER, Katherine - Katherine Cooper - White Africans, a journey to the homeland. [New].
33340: COOPER, Richard - A Guide to British Psilocybin Mushrooms.
8882: COOPER, Barry [Ed.] - The Beethoven Compendium. A Guide to Beethoven's Life and Music.
30307: COOPER & CORVER - The Cooper & Corver - The Weather Diaries - The Nordic Fashion Biennale.
26090: COOPER, Katherine - Katherine Cooper - White Africans, a journey to the homeland.
17771: COOPER, Nicholas - The Photography of Bedford Lemere & Co. - [New].
33694: COOPER, Jon - Tigers in the Park - The Wartime Heritage of Adam Park- [Signed].
31284: COORNHERT, D.V. - Gerrit VOOGT - Ethics or the Art of Living Well - By Means of Knowledge of the Truth about Man, Sin, and Virtue. Described for the First Time in Dutch. Translated, edited and introduced by Gerrit Voogt.
32487: COPLANS, John - John Coplans Self-Portraits.
35032: COPLEY, William N. - Klaus Gerrit FRIESE - William N. Copley. Among Ourselves. Texts by Stephan Berg and William N. Copley.
7433: [COPPENS]. RAAIJ, Ernst van [Red.] - Lessen voor het oog. De fotografie van Martien Coppens. [New copy]
1847: [COPPENS]. LEEUW, Kitty de, Rik SUERMONDT & EllenTOPS - Bezielde Beelden. Het oeuvre van Martien Coppens (1908-1986) in een biografische context.
20344: COPPENS, Jan, Sef DERKX, Huub MANS & Jos SCHATORJÉ - Impressies '45. Beelden uit het Bevrijdingsjaar. [Ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling van foto's van Martien Coppens].
29819: COPPENS, Christian - Reading in Exile: The Libraries of John Ramridge (d. 1568), Thomas Harding (d. 1572) and Henry Joliffe (d. 1573), Recusants in Louvain.
26131: COPPENS, Martien - Martien Coppens - Monsters van de Peel.
7434: COPPENS, Martien - 's-Hertogenbosch. Onder de ogen en bogen van de Sint-Jan. Teksten: Harrie Kapteijns en Jan van Sleeuwen. - [Signed by Martien Coppens]
7436: COPPENS, Martien - In paradisum. Deducant te angeli. Het altaar van Sint Anthonis in de Kathedrale Basiliek van Sint Jan te s-Hertogenbosch fotografisch gezien door Martien Coppens ingeleid door Th. van Velzen. [Nummer 226/500].
11357: COPPENS, Martien - Martien Coppens - Why take photographs? 60 years en route: 1923-1983.
15579: COPPENS, Christophe - The Dollhouse II - Life goes on - Christophe Coppens.
11687: COPPES, Niels - Hans Sibbelee fotograaf.
2542: COPPES, Niels - Hans Sibbelee fotograaf.
33963: COPPOLA, Sofia - Sofia Coppola - Archive. - [New].
7232: CORÀ, Bruno - Kounellis. [Jannis Kounellis].
33007: CORBASSON, Caroline & Andrea MONTANO - Heat
34816: CORBIJN, Anton - Anton Corbijn - Instanton - phone photos.
34931: CORBIJN, Anton - Anton Corbijn - Star Trak. - [German - First edition]
34932: CORBIJN, Anton - Anton Corbijn - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4. - [Tweede druk]
25132: CORBUSIER, Le - Kenneth FRAMPTON [text] & Roberto SCHEZEN [photography] - Le Corbusier - Architect of the Twentieth Century.
31857: CORDIER, Louis De - Charlotte BONDUEL - Louis de Cordier - Half-life - - Crashed in the storm of 27.10.2002.
30427: CORLOUER, Daniel & Yannick ROSE - Lorsque le béton remplaça la piere. La Varde - Aleth - Cézembre. St-Malo - 1940-1944.
14080: CORNEILLE - A propos de l'Exposition des peintures récentes de Corneille - Ariel 17 - 17 Novembre 1970. [With 2 original lithographs].
14451: CORNEILLE - Michel RAGON - Corneille toujours en route / Corneille alltid pa väg. Text: Michel Ragon. PoemesL Andre Laude / Corneille. Traduction: Jan Ivarsson.
22631: CORNEILLE - A.M. HAMMACHER - Corneille.
14116: CORNEILLE - André LAUDE - Corneille aujourd'hui / Corneille today.
14125: CORNEILLE - Jean-Louis FERRIER - Corneille. [+ invitation card].
14006: CORNEILLE - Corneille ed il gruppo Co.Br.A. 60 Anniversario della nascita del movimento 1948-2008. Testi di Marcos-Ricardo Barnatán, Luciano Caprile, Rino Crivelli.
14092: CORNEILLE - Jean-Clarence LAMBERT - Corneille. l'Oeil de l'Été.
14066: CORNEILLE & Christian DOTREMONT [Text] - Corneille - 'Les jambages au cou' - texte de Christian Dotremont. - [Edition: 300]
14096: CORNEILLE, Nico KOSTER & Wim KOESEN - Mémoire de Cuba. [Edition: 500]
34354: CORNELIUS, Violette & Ata KANDO - Ata Kando - Hongarije 1956. Onder auspiciën van het Nationaal Comité Hulpverlening Hongaarse Volk. - [First edition].
13767: CORNET, René J. - Maniema - le pays des mangeurs hommes. Deuxième édition.
13768: CORNET, René J. - La Bataille du Rail. Quatrieme edition revue et augmentee.
28933: CORNWALL, James E. - Die Frühzeit der Photographie in Deutschland 1839-1869. Die Männer der ersten Stunden und ihre Verfahren. - [Nummer 137/200].
13595: CORNWELL, John - Hitlers wetenschappers. Wetenschap, oorlog en het duivelse pact.
29477: CORPORATION - The Port of Rotterdam - Published by the Corporation
23931: CORPORATION OF LONDON - Report Improvements and Town Planning Committee to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled on the Preliminary Draft Proposals for Post-War Reconstruction in the City of London 1944.
23203: CORPS 8 - Koos SCHUURMAN - Doos voor Koos!
32327: CORRALES, Raúl] - Raúl Corrales - Girón.Los Días Gloriosos de una Batalla / The Glorious Days of the Bay of Pigs Battle.
31753: CORT, Cornelis - Manfred SELLINK - Cornelis Cort 'constich plaedt-snijder van Horne in Hollandt / accomplished plate-cutter from Hoorn in Holland.
18594: CORTES, José Pedro - José Pedro Cortes - Silence.
18580: CORTES, José Pedro - José Pedro Cortes - Costa. [Signed].
28891: CORY, Kate - Barton WRIGHT, Marnie & Marc GAEDE - The Hopi Photographs: Kate Cory 1905-1912.
17131: COSTANZO, Michele - MVRDV - Works and Projects 1991-2006.
14430: COSTE, Annelise - Annelise Coste - Poemabout.
29375: COT, Michel - Michel Cot - la glace à deux faces. Un essai de Pierre Mac Orlan de l'Académie Goncourt - 40 portraits de Michel Cot - 40 autoportraits.
27784: COTTERELL, Brian & Johan KAMMINGA - Mechanics of pre-industrial technology. An introduction to the mechanics of ancient and traditional material culture.
26941: COTTON, Charlotte - Fashion Image Revolution - The Art and Technique of Brian Dowling.
865: COUPEAU, Vincent - Keep black and white. [89/300]
25929: COUSINOU, Olivier - Paul Delvaux - De wakkere dromer.
10068: COUWENBERGH, Marc - Gijs Dragt - De Rivier. [With silk screen 26/35].
33917: COUWENHOVEN, Ron - Karel Appel - henk Van der Vet - Christian Dotremont. [Signed by henk Van der Vet].
30416: COVARRUBIAS, Miguel - Island of Bali. With an album of photographs by Rose Covarrubias. [Sixth printing]
13720: COWAN, Matthew - Matthew Cowan - Wudewasa.
34477: COX, H.L. & Stanislaw PREDOTA - Nederlands-Pools spreekwoordenboek / Niderlandzko-polski slownik przyslow.
33599: CRAANEN, Edward, willemijn STOKVIS & Lily van GINNEKEN - Design: Irma BOOM - Lotti van der Gaag - Ouborg Prijs 1993.
33594: CRAANEN, Edward, willemijn STOKVIS & Lily van GINNEKEN - Design: Irma BOOM - Lotti van der Gaag - Ouborg Prijs 1993.
19318: CRAFT-GIEPMANS, Sabine & Annette de VRIES - Portret in portret in de Nederlandse kunst 1550-2012.
9238: CRAIG-MARTIN, Jessica - Jessica Craig-Martin - Privilege. [Texts Glenn O'Brien & Angus Cook].
30567: CRAIN, Jim - California in Depth - A Stereoscopic History. [ + 3-D viewer].
27344: CRAMER, Max, Arie den DIKKEN, Anton GROOT, Annette KOENDERS, Rob MARX, Ineke MARX-van DAAL & Harry van der VOORT - Architecten van Hilversum - Hilversum 2 - 1915-1940 - Planmatige stedenbouw en volkshuisvesting - [Nieuw].
27343: CRAMER, Max, Arie den DIKKEN, Anton GROOT, Annette KOENDERS, Rob MARX, Ineke MARX-van DAAL & Harry van der VOORT - Architecten van Hilversum - Hilversum 1 - Een nieuw spoor - 1850-1915. - [Nieuw].
23795: CRANE, Walter - Kunst en samenleving. Naar Walter Crane's Claims of Decorative Art, in het Nederlandsch bewerkt door Jan Veth, en vercierd met taltijke vignetten, in hout gesneden door G.W. Dijsselhof.
33660: CRAVAN, Arthur, Jacques RIGAUT, Julien TORMA & Jacques VACHE - 4 Dada Suicides - Selected Texts of Arthur Cravan, Jacques Rigaut, Julien Torma & Jacques Vache. Introduced by Roger Conover, Terry Hale & Paul Lenti.
31203: CRAWFORD, Ralston - Keith F. DAVIS - The Photographs of Ralston Crawford. - [New].
24545: CRAWFURD, John - De Indische archipel, in het bijzonder het eiland Java [...] Tweede deel.
23350: CREEMERS, Marie-José & Boudewijn BAKKER [a.o. eds] - Amsterdam 1950-1959. 20 fotografen / photographers.
26918: CREESE, Helen - Parthayana - The journeying of Partha - An eitghteenth-century Balinese kakawin.
26999: CRESPO, Ulrike - Ulrike Crespo - Grönland. - [New] - [English/German].
24312: CREWDSON, Gregory - Stephan BERG [Hg/Ed.] - Gregory Crewdson - 1985-2005. Mit Texten von / Texts by Stephan Berg, Martin Hochleitner, Katy Siegel. [Second revised edition].
4383: CREYAUFMÜLLER, Wolfgang - Nomadenkultur in der Westsahara. Die materielle Kultur der Mauren, ihre handwerklichen Techniken und ornamentalen Grundstrukturen [Manuskriptdruck].
26233: CREYGHTON, L.J.A.D. & Serge R. van DUIJNHOVEN - 'Hadden we maar dezelfde taal gesproken'.
21659: CRICKMAY, Anthony - Anthony Crickmay - Dancers. Introduction by Andrew Porter.
3675: CRIPPA, Maria Antonietta [Hrsg] - Gaudí. Interieurs, Möbel, Gartenkunst.
10486: CROCKETT, S.R., Harold FREDERIC, Gilbert PARKER, W. Clark RUSSELL & Q - Tales of our Coast.
34896: CROM, Pierre - Piere Crom - War in Ukraine. Text Eva Cukier.
33744: CROMBIE, John & Sheila BOURNE [drawings] - rue de la Grande Chaumière - The Cradle of Montparnasse. [No. 102/500].
15677: CROMMELIN, Liesbeth & Job MEIHUIZEN - Keramiek in het Stedelijk / Ceramics in the Stedelijk.
31302: CROMMELIN, Claude - New Street Art.
24628: CROMMELYNCK - Régine RÉMON et al - Robert Crommelynck 1895-1968.
10814: CRONE, Werry & Frits van EXTER [Tekst] - In dienst van de krant. Werry Crone.
27879: CRONE, C.C.S. - De schuiftrompet. Verzameld proza. [Zevende druk].
4117: CROSS, Mary [Photographs and Text] - Morocco. Sahara to the Sea. Preface by Paul Bowles. Introduction by Tabar Ben Jelloun.
31014: CROUWEL, Wim - Wim Crouwel: De stoelen van Kho Liang Ie.
25548: CROUWEL, Wim - Tony BROOK & Adrian SHAUGHNESSY - Wim Crouwel: A Graphic Odyssey.
24232: CROUWEL, Wim - Wim Crouwel - A graphic odyssey - catalogue.
34359: CROUWEL, Wim & Jolijn van de WOUW - TOTAL DESIGN - Orandakan - 1970 - Expo'70
24356: CROUWEL, Wim - Tony BROOK & Adrian SHAUGHNESSY - Wim Crouwel: A Graphic Odyssey.
24233: CROUWEL, Wim - Wim Crouwel - A graphic odyssey - catalogue.
13224: CROW, Carl - Master Kung. The story of Confucius.
13242: CROW, Carl - Four hundred million customers. The experience - some happy, some sad of an American in China, and what they taught him. [Seventh edition].
13240: CROW, Carl - I speak for the Chinese. [Third impression].
30273: CROWL, Philip A. - The War in the Pacific - Campaign in the Marianas.
17636: CROZIER, John Beattie - History of Intellectual Development: on the lines of Modern Evolution. Vol. I. - Greek and Hindoo Thought; Graeco-Roman Paganism; Judaism; and Christianity down to closing of the Schools of Athens by Justinian.
26191: CRUICKSHANK, John [Publisher] - White Sox. 2005 World Series Champions.
34910: CRUMB, Robert - R. Crumb's The Yum Yum Book.
29071: CRUMB, Robert - R. Crumbs's Carload O'Comics - an Anthology of Choice Strips and Stories - 1968 to 1976. Introduction by Harvey Kurtzman.
34817: CRUMB, Robert - R. Crumb - November 1974 to January 1978. - [German text not present].
33196: CRUZ, Mario - Mario Cruz - Talibes - Modern Day Slaves.
16506: CUBBS, Joanne 7 Phillip March JONES - Eugene Von Bruenchenhein: King of Lesser Lands.
27415: CUFF, Dana & Roger SHERMAN [Eds.] - Fast-Forward Urbanism - Rethinking Architecture's Engagement with the City.
31537: CULI, Rabbi Yaakov (1689-1732) - Rabbi Aryeh KAPLAN [translated by] - The Torah Anthology - MeAm Lo'ez - volume 1-19 - [19 parts in 20 volumes] - Genesis [4] - Exodus [7] - Leviticus [2] - Numbers [2] - Deuteronomy [5].
19801: CUMMING, Donigan - Donigan Cumming - The stage - Books on Books # 19 - [Limited edition] - [New copy].
33935: CUMMING, Elizabeth - Glasgow 1900 - Art & Design.
25079: CUMMINGS, Keith - Contemporary Kiln-formed Glass - [A world survey].
29820: CUNNINGHAM, Imogen - Richard LORENZ - Flora + Portraiture + On the Body [3 volumes] - Photographs by Imogen Cunningham - Text by Richard Lorenz.
33668: CUNNINGHAM, Merce - David VAUGHAN & Melissa HARRIS - Merce Cunningham - Fifty Years - Chronicle and Commentary by David Vaughan. Edited by Melissa Harris.
34184: CURRIE, J.A. - The Red Watch' - With the First Canadian Division in Flanders by Colonel J.A. Currie, M.P. - [First edition]
26187: CURTIS, Oliver - Oliver Curtis - Volte-Face. Essay by Geoff Dyer.
26938: CURTIS, Verna Posever - Photographic Memory - The Album in the Age of Photography. - [New].
26398: CUYPERS, Dani - Goud - Kanttekeningen bij het gebruik van edele en ander metalen in de schilderkunst van de renaissance. [Doctoraalscriptie].
33208: CUYPERS, P.J.H. - Hetty BERENS - P.J.H. Cuypers (1827-1921). The complete works.
33653: CZAJA, Michael - Gods of Myths and Stones - Phallicism in Japanese Folk Religion.
16442: CZAK, Iris & Marei WENZEL - Schauplatz: Berlin. Mit einem Essay von Roger Boyes. - [New]
25276: d'HOOGHE, Alain - Les Trois Grandes Egyptiennes - Les Pyramides de Gizeh a travers l'Histoire de la Photographie.
2954: D'ANCONA, Hedy [e.a.] - Nederlandse Architectuur en Stedebouw '45-'80. Opstellen, vraaggesprekken, documentatie.
7925: D'OENCH, Ellen G. & Jean E. FEINBERG - Jim Dine Prints 1977-1985. [Icon Editions].
26421: d'ARGENCOURT, Louise & Roger DIEDEREN - European Paintings of the 19th Century - The Cleveland Museum of Art -.
7182: d'ALESSANDRO, Stephanie a.o. - German Expressionist Prints. The Marcia and Grandvil Specks Collection.
17768: D'HOOGHE, Alain [o.l.v.] - Rond het symbolisme - Fotografie en schilderkunst in de 19e eeuw.
32741: DABROWSKA, Ania - A Lebanese Archive - From the Collection of Diab Alkarssifi.
33798: DADA - Dada Zeitschriften Reprint - [1. Auflage] - [10 facsimiles].
12749: DADA - Magnum - Die Zeitschrift für das moderne Leben - Februar 1959 Heft 22 - Der Dadaismus in unserer Zeit.
1302: DAE-SOO, Kim [Ed.] - Group Han. Landscape Architecture & Urban Design.
15683: DAHN, Walter - Walter Dahn - Another Time Another Place.
30942: DALL, Jakob - Jabob Dall - +2° Consequences.
32805: DALL, Rhea et al - TEMPO TEMPO TEMPO.
25882: DALSUM, Albert van - Sauls dood - Opvoering ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarig toneeljubileum van Albert van Dalsum op 9 December 1959. + Afscheid Albert van Dalsum - Koning Lear. - [met veel krantenknipsels].
18958: DALTON, Michael - Micheal Dalton - The Great Falls. [New]
34381: DALTSJEV, Atanas - Fragmenten. - [Nr. 5/100].
18645: DAM, Karin van - Karin van Dam - Cry out for joy, you lower parts of the world - Trading cities 4.
27702: DAM, Peter van & Philip van PRAAG - Stefan Schlesinger 1896-1944. Atelier voor Reclame. Catalogue raisonné.
31882: DAM, Vanessa van & Martine STIG - Any Resemblance to Existing Persons is Purely Coincidental - Stories of Mr. Wood - Bombay - Los Angeles. Essay by Maria Barnas.
26637: DAMANDAN, Parisa - Faces of Esfahan: The Evolution of Portrait Photography in Esfahan.
14233: DAMANDAN, Parisa - Out of the Ruins. Bam photography Rescue Project. Earthquake December 2003.
26059: DAMBREME - [Belgian Printing Ink Factory] - Dambremé - 'Série Select' - [handelscatalogus / trade catalogue].
7088: DAMLUJI, Salma Samar - The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque.
24817: DANCKAERT, Bert - De extra's. [Nieuw].
34098: DANCKAERT, Lisette - Brussel - Vijf eeuwen cartografie.
28697: DANDINI DE SYLVA, Alessandro [Ed.] - Di Roccia, Fuochi e Avventure Sottoterranee - Six volumes: Alessandro Dandini de Sylva - Fifty Photographs from the Archive / Fabio Barile - Oslo Follo Line - High-SPeed Railway Project / Andrea Botto - Brenner Base Tunnel - Verona-Innsbruck High-Speed Railway / Franceso Neri - Hanoi Pilot Metro Line Project Nhon-Hanoi Section / Marina Caneve - Athens Metro Line 3 Extension Haidari-Piraeus Section / Alessandro Imbriaco - Sydney Metro City and Southwest Crows Nest-Waterloo Section. - [Six-volume set]
11370: DANE, Jacques & Tonnis E. MUSSCHENGA - Door boekband bekoord. Boekbanden van protestants-christelijke uitgevers 1892-1940 uit de Nederlandse industriële boekbandencollectie van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Groningen.
35025: DANIELS, René - Devrimm BAYAR [Red.] - René Daniëls - Fragmenten uit een onvoltooide roman.
34461: DANTE - Uberto LIMENTANI - Dante's Comedy - Introductory Readings of Selected Cantos.
18362: DARLING, Margaret & Barbara PRECIOUS - A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln.
15938: DARMON, Olivier - De grote eeuw van Bibendum.
29866: DARTER, Michael I. - Fateful Flight of the Lonesome Polecat II. - [Signed].
6909: DAS HAUS - Das Haus. Zeitschrift für Bauen, Wohnen, Lebensstil. Januar [bis] Dezember [vollständiger Jahrgang].
31649: DASKALAKIS, Georgia, Charles WALDHEIM & Jason YOUNG [Eds.] - Stalking Detroit.
29305: DATER, Judy - Judy Dater - Twenty years.
21218: DAVAL, Jean-Luc - Photography - History of an Art.
34301: DAVEY, Neil K. & Susan G. TRIPP - The Garrett Collection - Japanese Art - Lacquer - Inro - Netsuke.
34670: DAVEY, Moyra & Peter HUJAR - The Shabbiness of Beauty. [New + Signed].
33013: DAVID, Catherine - Japanese Prints.
13649: DAVIDMANN, Sara - Sara Davidmann - Ken. To be destroyed. [New].
19943: DAVIDOFF, Steven M. - Gods at War - Shotgun Takeovers, Government by Deal, and the Private Equity Implosion.
26250: DAVIDS, L. Robert [Ed.] - Insider's Baseball. The Finer Points of the Game, As Examined by the Society for American Baseball Research.
34971: DAVIDSON, Bruce - Vicky GOLDBERG - Bruce Davidson - Magnum Legacy - An illustrated biography.
34591: DAVIDSON, Anna Mia - Anna Mia Davidson - Cuba - Black and White. - [New].
14590: DAVIDSON, Michael - Mozart and the Pianist. A Guide for Performers and Teachers to Mozart's Major Works for Solo Piano.
14593: DAVIDSON, Michael - The Classical Piano Sonata - From Haydn to Prokofiev.
21355: DAVIES, Robertson - he Merry Heart - Reflections on Reading, Writing, and the World of Books.
24649: DAVIS, Stuart - Ani BOYAJIAN & Mark RUTKOSKI [Eds] - Stuart Davis - A Catalogue Raisonné. - I - Essays and References - II - Catalogue Entries 1-1323 - III - Catalogue Entries 1324-1749. - [Three-volume set] - [New].
27414: DAVIS, Lynn - Lynn Davis - American Monument. Introduction by Witold Rybczynski.
16003: DAWID (Björn Dawidsson) - Dawid - Beautiful Frames. Edited and with essays by Michael Mack.
30461: DAWSON, Richard - Richard Dawson - Slightly Scented. - [Signed + No. 231/1000].
30460: DAWSON, Richard - Richard Dawson - Slightly Scented. - [Signed + No. 230/1000].
34546: DAY, Rick - Rick Day - Pioneers.
21038: DAYTON - Dayton's Guide to Yachts - Over 950 popular sailboats from 200 builders worldwide.
31237: DD SERIES - Design Document Series - 39 - Skins, Bones and Empty Spaces - Atelier Thomas Pucher, Austria.
31239: DD SERIES - Design Document Series - 45 - Pony Tricks - CEBRA / Denmark
17693: DE LACH, 1966 - [36 nummers] - De Lach. 41e jaargang - [36 nummers]
31800: DE BAERE, Bart et al - ERCOLA - Experimental Research Center of Liberal Arts 1968-2018 - Gelimiteerde oplage incl. 6 Spruit-Magazines van de jaren 70 - [+ posters]
10325: DE MENTE, Boye - Some Prefer Geisha. The Lively Art of Mistress-Keeping in Japan. [First edition].
12258: DE ZAKENWERELD - De Zakenwereld - Indisch Extra Nummer - 11e Jaargang - Maart 1929.
15660: DE REN, Leo - De familie Robijn-Osten - Ieperse renaissance-kunstenaars in Duitsland.
20061: DE BEYERD - OPENINGSTENTOONSTELLING - M.E. TRALBAUT - Cultureel Centrum Breda - Confrontatie Noord / Zuid - Openingstentoonstelling van 30 Juni t/m 29 Juli 1956.
13366: DEARSTYNE, Howard - Inside the Bauhaus. Edited by David Spaeth.
32803: DEBALL, Mariana Castillo - Mariana Castillo Deball - Replaying Life's Tape.
25045: DECKKER, Zilah Quezado - Brazil Built - The Architecture of the Modern Movement in Brazil.
11762: DECOUX, Éts. - Quelque Chose à Bougé - La double épreuve de la photographie. Une collection des Éts. Decoux. [New].
14686: DEÉR, Katalin [photography] & Julia WEBER [text] - Skeleton Library.
28871: DEES, Jan - Splendour in detail - 20th century Japanese lacquer from the Ben Janssens Collection.
25800: DEGENHARDT, Gertrude - Gertrude Degenhardt - Vagabondage - Women In Music.
25793: DEGENHARDT, Gertrude - Gertrude Degenhardt - Vagabondage Ad Mortem - Musikanten des Todes / Musicians of Death / Musiciens de la Mort. - [Signed] + Musikfrauen - Women In Music. [Mittelrhein-Museum Koblenz / Mainz, Edition GB, 1990].
12535: DEGRYSE. Philippe [Eindred.] - Twaalf portretfotografen - SIGNED by all 12 photographers.
23928: DEHEJIA, Vidya - Impossible Picturesqueness - Edward Lear's Indian Watercolours, 1873-1875.
33783: DEITCH, Jeffrey & Dan FRIEDMAN - Artificial Nature.
24778: DEKENS, Peter - Shaky Ground - Traces of the Great War at the Ypres Salient.
19253: DEKKER, Inge & Henriëtte EMAAR - Vechtse Paradijzen - Tuinen bij buitenplaatsen in de Vechtstreek.
34150: DEKKER, Sander - My name is Sander Dekker / 1.5 - Photographs by Sander Dekker.
33500: DEKKERS, Vincent - Vincent Dekkers- UP - Rotterdam Youth Culture.
26602: DEKKERS, Dieuwertje Pieternella - Jozef Israels, een succesvol schilder van het vissersgenre. Academisch Proefschrift.
19994: DELAFOND, Marianne & Caroline GENET-BONDEVILLE - Berthe Morisot ou l'Audace Raisonné.
4621: DELAFOSSE, Maurice - Les Nègres.
34671: DELANEY, Janet - Janet Delaney - Public Matters. - [New + Signed]
31724: DELAUNAY, Robert - Matthew DRUTT & Mark ROSENTHAL - Visions of Paris - Robert Delaunay's Series.
33705: DELBEKE, Claude J.P. - De Nederlandse Scheepspost - II. Nederland en het Westen 1600-1900 - Met catalogus van de stempels.
11392: DELEN, A.J.J. & M. MEERTENS - Het Blokboek Canticum Canticorum als Graphisch Kunstwerk - Het Blokboek Canticum Canticorum als Godsdienstig Kunstwerk. 3 parts in 1 volume. [Nr. CXX].
29325: DELEU, Jozef, Gaston DURNEZ, Reginald de SCHRYVER & Ludo SIMONS - Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging - A-L + M-Z.
34734: DELFTSCH STUDENTENCORPS - Het tournooy, door Lorenzo de Medici - gegeven ter eere van Lucretia Donati. Gehouden te Florence VII Februari 1467, te Delft den II Juli 1908 ter gelegenheid van het twaalfde lustrum van het Delftsch Studentencorps.
18331: DELGADO, Manuela, Françoise MAYET & Adilia MOUTINHO DE ALARCAO - Fouille de Conimbriga - IV - Les Sigillées.
28509: DELI-MAATSCHAPPIJ - Gedenkschrift Deli-Maatschappij 1916-1941 - aangeboden aan den Heer Herbert Cremer - Directeur N.V. Deli-Maatschappij - 15 Februari 1941.
14897: DELIE, Max - Vapeur - Dampf - Stoom 'B' - [Volume I]
18204: DELOBEL, Simon - Andrée Arty - collagiste aux doigts de fée / betoverende kunstenares.
13204: DELPHIA, Rachel, Jewel STERN & Catherine WALWORTH - Silver to Steel - The Mdern Designs of Peter Muller-Munk. [New].
28009: DELVAUX, Paul - Paul Delvaux 1897-1994. Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel.
31925: DELVOYE, Wim - Wim Delvoye - Introspective. [New]
34352: DEMACHY, Robert - Robert Demachy - pictorialist.
30848: DEMAKOVA, Helena [Exhibition Commisioner] - 48 Biennale di Venezia - Republic of Latvia - Stories, Storytellers / Stasti, stastitaji / Storie, Narratori - Inta Ruka - Anita Zabilevska - Ojars Petersons.
24782: DEMAND, Thomas [photography] & Ben LERNER [text] - Thomas Demand - Blossom.
33034: DEMARCHELIER, Patrick - Patrick Demarchelier. - [First edition]
1663: DEMEURE DE BEAUMONT, A. - L'Affiche illustrée. I. L'Affiche Belge. Essai critique. Biographie des artistes avec plus de cent reproductions d'affiches et vingt-huit portraits en simili-gravure. Lettres ornées et Culs de lampe d'après les dessins de Combaz, Crespin, Lynen. Dessins originaux faits spécialement pour l'ouvrage par les principaux Artistes Belges.
14637: DEMIDOVA, Katya - Katya Demidova - Phantom Pain.
14433: [DEMMENI, Jean] - Kreek in stad Palembang.
14435: [DEMMENI, Jean] - Een Kampong van Garoet.
14434: [DEMMENI, Jean] - Blauwverven met Indigo van Batikdoeken. Java.
26363: DEN HAAG - Enige Grondslagen voor de Stedebouwkundige Ontwikkeling 's-Gravenhage. Uitgave van het Gemeentebestuur van 's-Gravenhage.
8938: DEN HAAG - Het Lustslot in het Haagsche Bosch - Vue de la Maison de plaisance, au Bois de la Haije.
24866: DENCH, Peter - Peter Dench - The British Abroad.
24850: DENDEREN, Ad van, Margalith KLEIJWEGT & Lebohang TLALI - Welkom Today - Revisiting South Africa. [English edition].
24861: DENDEREN, Ad van & Arnon GRUNBERG - Occupation - Soldier.
33659: DENIS - Guy COGEVAL, Claire DENIS et al - Maurice Denis 1870-1943. - [English].
14515: DENNIS, Annette [Concept] - VACATIONIST Vol.No 1. - [A photographic paper]
29982: DENSLAGEN, Wim - Gouda.
7709: DEPAUW, Carl & Ger LUIJTEN - Antoon van Dyck en de prentkunst.
4145: DEPONTE, Paige [Photography] Mark BERRY [POETRY] - Gaia II. Song of the Vanishing Tribe. Preface Michael Stein. Introduction by Carter F. Coleman.
32408: DEPOORTER, Bieke - Bieke Depoorter - As it may be.
25432: DEPOORTER, Bieke - Bieke Depoorter - As it may be.
25433: DEPOORTER, Bieke - Bieke Depoorter - I Am About To Call It a Day - [Special edition - Book signed & Print signed + numbered 31/50]
24826: DERKSEN, Theo - Theo Derksen - Disneyfication. [Signed].
34277: DEROLEZ, Albert [Ed. et al] - Corpus Catalogorum Belgii - The Medieval Booklists of the Southern Low Countries - Volume IV - Provinces of Brabant and Hainault.
1892: DEROO, Wijnanda - Huizen van Vereniging Hendrik de Keyser
1877: DEROO, Wijnanda - Indonesia. Text by Afrizal Malna.
24035: DEROO, Wijnanda - Design Irma BOOM & Sanne van de GOOR - Rijksmuseum.
30208: DESHENG, Hu & Song YONGJI - Chinese Classical Furniture - The Complete Illustrated Guide for Collectors.
24857: DESIENNA, Luca - Luca Desienna - My Dearest Javanese Concubine. [New]
29371: DESIENNA, Luca - Luca Desienna - My Dearest Javanese Concubine.
14534: DESIGN - Swiss Design.
12365: DESIGN MUSEUM - Fifty Hats That Changed the World.
20730: DESJARDIJN, D. [DESJARDINE = Pseud. Dave DESJARDIJN] & Chris DENOON - 'En de kindertjes de moeders... beeldende kunst in het land van de ongekende mogelijkheden' - Nr. 31/80.
14453: DESMARETS, Jan - Jan Desmarets - Kracht in beweging.
19966: DESMET, Yves, Benno BARNARD, Saskia de COSTER & Christian LAPORTE - België, de 1000 beste foto's - Belgique, les 1000 meilleures images. [New].
13402: DESPY-MEYER, Andrée - Bruxelles - Les Francs-Maçons dans la Cité.
27443: DESVEAUX, Delphine, Susana Gállego CUESTA, Françoise REYNAUD et al - Dans l'atelier - L'artiste photographié, d'Ingres à Jeff Koons.
33210: DETTINGMEIJER, Rob e.a. [Red.] - Rietvelds Universum.
25219: DEURSEN, André van - Carl (Karel) E.M.H.A.F. Weber (1820-1908) - Van stukadoorsgotiek tot koepelkerk. - [New].
33923: DEUTSCH, Wilhelm - Der Morphinismus - Eine Studie.
14589: DEUTSCH, Diana [Ed.] - The Psychology of Music.
22219: DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON - The Colour of Classics 1898-19998. 100 Years Deutsche Grammophon.
26511: DEVENTER, M.L. van - Geschiedenis der Nederlanders op Java. Eerste + Tweede Deel.
32463: DEVID, Camille Renée - Camille Renée Devid - My other side.
23801: DEVILLEZ, Virginie - Hedendaagse Kunst op De Wereldtentoonstelling Expo 58.
16166: DEVISSCHER, Hans - La peinture florale du XVIe au XXe siècle.
33366: DEWITT, Howard A. - Elvis - The Sun Years - The Story of Elvis Presley in the Fifties.
34154: DEYDIER, Christian - Les Bronzes Archaïques Chinois / Archaic Chinese Bronzes I - Xia & Shang.
17386: DEYER, K. - Sex Pictorial. For cultured adults only. Containing over 500 illustrations collected from various authenticated sources. [2nd Edition].
21825: DIAZ BURGOS, Juan Manuel - Historias de playa.
16118: DIBBETS, Jan - Marcella BECCARIA [Ed.] - Jan Dibbets - Un'altra fotografia / Another Photograpy.
7837: DIBBETS, Jan - Erik Verhagen - De schandelijke ramen van Jan Dibbets / Jan Dibbets and his Scandalous Windows.
30597: DIBBETS, Jan - Jan Dibbets - Essays by R.H. Fuchs & M.M.M. Vos. With an introduction by Martin Friedman.
33226: DIBELIUS, Ulrich [Hrsg.] - Karl Amadeus Hartmann - Komponist im Widerstreit.
26057: DICKENS, Charles - A Christmas Carol - In Prose - Being a Ghost Story of Yule-Tide.
21486: DIEDERICH, Stephan a.o. - Picasso in Den Haag. Uit de collectie van het Museum Ludwig, Keulen.
24960: DIEDERICH, Stephan & Yilmaz DZIEWIOR [Eds] - James Rosenquist - Painting as immersion. [New].
15402: DIEHL, Gaston - The Fauves. [The movement - The Masters - The precursors and their followers.
22598: DIEHL, Gaston - Salon de Mai - 26e Salon de Mai - Centre Culturel de Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Place Maurice Berteaux - du 7 Mai au 18 Juin 1970.
27213: DIELTJES, Esther, Kristin DUYSTERS & Saskia de BODT - Lizzy Ansingh (1875-1959). De Poppenschilderijen van een Amsterdamse Joffer.
8913: DIEMEN - Anna C. BROUWER - t Dorp Diemen.
11733: DIEMEN, Marieke van [photography] & Tim ABELING LESSON [text] - TimeZone avant-texte.
28402: DIEPRAAM, Willem - Willem Diepraam - Lima / Peru.
34608: DIEPRAAM, Willem - Willem Diepraam - Gekleurde herinneringen - [Signed].
17354: DIEPRAAM, Willem - Willem Diepraam - Landschap aan Zee - 23 foto's.
25073: DIEPRAAM, Willem - P.M. RIEMENS - Roodkapje in het Vondelpark. De geschiedenis van Roodkapje en de Boze Wolf - Een proeve van menselijkheid - Het Vondelparkprojekt 1971
28534: DIJK, Lydie van et al - De Hanze.
12475: DIJK, Hans van - Twentieth-Century Architecture in the Netherlands.
22915: DIJK, Annette van - 'Welk een ketter is die vrouw geweest!' - De plaats van Albert Verwey in de Hadewijchreceptie.
27814: DIJK, Mathilde van - Een rij van spiegels. De Heilige Barbara van Nicodemia als voorbeeld voor vrouwelijke religieuzen.
32265: DIJK, Maite van, Magne BRUTEIG & Leo JANSEN [Red.] - Munch : Van Gogh. [Dutch edition].
29755: DIJK, Janneke van, Jaap de JONGE & Nico de KLERK - J.C. Lamster, een vroege filmer in Nederlands-Indië. + DVD - [Gesigneerd door alle drie de auteurs].
33685: DIJK, Rudolf van - Charles CASPERS & Rijcklof HOFMAN [Red.] - Twaalf kapittels over ontstaan, bloei en doorwerking van de Moderne Devotie.
20933: DIJKEMA, Renze - Renze Dijkema - Panorama Pieterburen Pietersberg.
25612: DIJKEMA, Renze - Renze Dijkema - Panorama Pieterburen Pietersberg.
29386: DIJKHUIS, Barbara & Auke VLEER - All American - Travelling with Barbara Dijkhuis & Auke Vleer - and reading with Tyler Whisnand.
33097: DIJKSTRA Rineke - Rineke Dijkstra - Beaches.
25805: DIK [Dick Bruynesteyn] - Sportjournaal in Beeld 1966 + Een jaar sport 67-68.
13855: DILLON, Richard - Siskiyou Trail. The Hudson's Bay Company Route to California.
17144: DILLON, Edward - Glass. [First edition].
13780: DILLON, Merton L. - Slavery attacked. Southern Slaves and their allies 1619-1865.
26682: DILWORTH, Norman & Cees de BOER [Eds] - Norman Dilworth - In the nature of things.
34400: DINE, Jim - Jim Dine - The Photographs So Far - 1. Heliogravures - 2. Digital Prints - 3. Polaroids, Chromogenics & Gelatin Silver Prints - 4. Textes [French] - Boxed 4-volume set.
34645: DINE, Jim & Carlo COLLODI - Jim Dine. Pinocchio. Translated by M.A. Murray. - [With signed dedication]
27816: DINE, Jim - Jim Dine - Birds.
20184: DINGS, Nicolas. - VRIES, Alex de [Inleiding] - Nicolas Dings.
17988: DINIZ, Pepe - Pepe Diniz - Portraits. [With autograph signed dedication].
16173: DINKELAAR, C.H. & D.L. KAATMAN - Johannes Bosboom (1817-1891) - schilder van licht, schaduw en kleur.
28169: DIONYSIUS OF FOURNA - Paul HETHERINGTON - The 'Painter's Manual' of Dionysius of Fourna. An English translation, with Commentary, of cod. gr. 708 in the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library, Leningrad, by Paul Hetherington.
3317: DIOSZEGI, V. [Ed.] - Popular Beliefs and Folklore Tradition in Siberia.
25927: DIRAN, Richard K. - The Vanishing Tribes of Burma.
34722: DISNEY, Walt - Walt Disney's Sketch Book of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. - + 8 picture postcards [1937/1938].
2739: DITTES / WENDEL - Zielkunde en practische redeneerkunde.
16253: DITURI, Frank - Frank Dituri - AIO.
33236: DITYVON, Claude - Claude Dityvon - MAI 68 - État des lieux. Textes Christian Caujolle & Françoise Cheval.
8911: DIVIZIO DE BIBIENA [Bernardo Dovizi da Bibbiena] - La Calandra. Comédie du Cardinal Divizio de Bibiena (XVIe siècle). Traduction nouvelle et littérale par Alcide Bonneau.
35031: DIVOLA, John - John Divola - Vandalism - Los Angeles 1974-1975.
24887: DIVOLA, John - John Divola - Terminus. - [Signed].
30645: DIVOLA, John - John Divola - Terminus. - [New + Signed].
30642: DIVOLA, John - John Divola - Chroma. - [New]
25711: DIXHOORN, Frits van [Samengesteld door] - De leeuw van Kralingen - Een panorama over het leven van Henri Martin - eerste moderne dierenleraar en eerste directeur van de Rotterdamse Diergaarde.
28554: DLUBAK, Zbigniew - Dlubak - fotografie / photographs 1947-1950.
33213: DOAR, Bruce Gordon & Susan DEWAR [Eds.] - China Archaeology and Art Digest - Vol 1 - No 1, 2 , 3 & 4 - 1996 - A Quarterly Journal - Complete Year.
11122: DOCTERS VAN LEEUWEN, W.M. - Biology of plants and animals occurring in the higher parts of Mount Pangrango-Gedeh in West-Java.
7256: [DOCUMENT] - Die Internationale erkämpft das Menschenrecht! Klagenfurt 26.VIII.-2.IX. 1951. Internationale Sozialistische Sommerschule zur Erinnerung. Gewidmet vom Frauen-Zentralkomitee der SPÖ. [With signatures].
34011: DOCUMENTA - dOCUMENTA (13) - Catalog 1/3 - The Book of Books - Katalog / Catalog 2/3 - Das Logbuch / The Logbook - 3/3 Das Begleitbuch / The Guidebook.
6926: DODGE - Dodge 1969 - le STYLE à adopter!
30665: DOERING-MANTEUFFEL, Sabine - Das Okkulte - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte im Schatten der Aufklärung - Von Gutenberg bis zum World Wide Web.
22782: DOES, Bram de - Hommage aan Bram de Does - [t.g.v. de uitreiking van de dertiende Laurens Janszoon Coster Prijs aan Bram de Does - 2007] - 22 bijdragen.
24554: DOESBURG - FABRE, Gladys & Doris WINTGENS HÖTTE [Ed.] - Van Doesburg & the International Avant-Garde - Constructing a New World.
27456: DOESBURG, Theo van - Atelier van Doesburg - Meudon - Bouwplaat - Scale Model Kit - Maquette - Bauplatte.
4913: DOFLEIN, Franz - Ostasienfahrt. Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen eines Naturforschers in China, Japan und Ceylon. [With autograph dedication 'vom Verfasser].
17652: DOGANOVSKII, S.A. & V.A. IVANOV - Controlled-delay devices.
19610: DOHERTY, Dornith - Dornith Doherty - Archiving Eden.
12055: DOHERTY, Willie - Willie Doherty - UNSEEN.
15597: DOISNEAU, Robert - Doisneau - Portraits of the artists. Foreword by Antoine de Baecque. [New].
1945: DOISNEAU, Robert - Robert Doisneau - From Craft to Art.
17123: DOKMANOVIC, Marina, Maartje van den HEUVEL & Jeroen de VRIES [Eds] - Civilians in Uniform.
26915: DOL, Philomena - A grammar of Maybrat. A language of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. [Proefschrift + Stellingen].
30251: DOLLECZEK, Anton - Geschichte der Österreichischen Artillerie von den frühesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. [reprint].
34610: DOLRON, Desiree - Desiree Dolron - Exaltation - Gaze - Xteriors. - [Signed].
34999: DOLS, Chris, Guus JANSSEN & Kees SCHUTGENS m.m.v. Guus BARY - Dominicanen en domincanessen in Sittard - Vier eeuwen aanwezigheid.
23672: DOMBURG, Bart - Bart Domburg - @realDonaldTrump. - [New].
29264: DOMELA, Cesar - Cesar Domela. [Exposition Villa Aurélienne Fréjus].
29786: DOMENIG, Günther - Günther Domenig - Stonehouse at Steindorf 2002 - Sketches - Drawings - Models - Objects / Steinhaus in Steindorf 2002 - Skizzen - Zeichnungen - Modelle - Objekte. - [3. erweiterte Auflage] - [Signed].
26249: DOMINGO, Inaki - Inaki Domingo - Ser Sangre.
15382: DOMON, Ken - Gendai Nihon shashin zenshu [Modern Japanese Photography] 2 - Domon Ken sakuhinshu [Works].
29603: DONALDSON, M.E.M. - John Telfer DUNBAR - 'Herself' - The Life and Photographs of M.E.M. Donaldson. Presented by John Telfer Dunbar.
8550: DONAT, Franz - Technologie, Bindungslehre, Dekomposition u. Kalkulation der Jacquard-Weberei. Bearbeitet für Textilschulen und zum Selbstunterricht.
16209: DONGEN, Marina van - Arend Jan van Driesten 1878-1969 'zoo innig Hollandsch'.
2407: DONK, J.A. van - Nachtmerrie in Nieuw Guinea -
34284: DONKER, Charles - Ed de HEER et al - De etsen van Charles Donker.
19864: DONNADIEU, A.-L. - Christina NATLACEN - New Ways of Scientific Visualization: A.-L. Donnadieu's 'La photographie des objets immergés'.
13744: DOOLAARD, Martijn - Martijn Doolaard - Crime Passionel. The catastrophic portraits of Martijn Doolaard. Introduction by Eric Min.
27734: DOOLAARD, A. den - De witte stilte. - Roman.
26027: DOOLAARD, Martijn & Laurent De MAERTELAER - Schizzi Immaginari. [Signed - No.46/100].
26612: DOOLAARD, Martijn - Martijn Doolaard - All By Myself.
32607: DOORN, Ineke van - Singing From the Inside Out - Exploring the Voice, the Singer and the Song. - A Practical Guide For the Expressive Singer.
28036: DOORNE, Veerle Van - Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek.
18021: DORIA, Comte Arnauld - Le Comte de Saint-Florentin - son peintre et son graveur d'après des documents inédits. [+ correspondence.
6073: DORIGATO, Attilia - Vetri Veneziani Ohira. Collezione Pasta Vitrea.
34920: DORJE, Garab - Patrul RINPOCHE - The Golden Letters - The Three Statements of Garab Dorje, the first teacher of Dzogchden, together with a commentary by Dza Patrul Rinpoche entitled 'The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King' - Foreword by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche - Translation, Introduction and Commentaries by John Myrdhin Reynolds.
31191: DORLEY-BROWN, Chris - Drivers in the 1980s. - - [Collector's Edition + Print - No. 96/250].
19370: DORNBRACHT - Statements 2 002.98 - Bathcouture. Inez van Lamsweerde - Pierre et Gilles - Danielle Kwaaitaal - Micha Klein - Sybille Berg.
30700: DORSON, Richard M. - The British Folklorists - A History.
33390: DOSTAL, Roland - Roland Dostal - Schichten.
27679: DOUGLAS, Stan - Stan Douglas - Scotiabank Photography Award. - [New].
5728: DOUGLAS, A.J.A. & P.H. JOHNSON - The South Seas of To-day. Being an account of the Cruise of the Yacht St. George to the South Pacific By Major A.J.A. Douglas, F.R.G.S. and P.H. Johnson, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.G.S. - [First edition].
6642: DOUGLAS, Ann - Terrible honesty. Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920's.
18853: DOUGLAS, Alistair, James GERRARD & Berni SUDDS - A Roman settlement and bath house at Shadwell: Excavations at Tobacco Dock and Babe Ruth restaurant, The Highway, London.
34504: DOUGLAS, Stan - Stan Douglas - Scotiabank Photography Award. - [New].
24716: DOWNING, Niki - Two Novels: No More a Pricking Brier and The Dew of Thy Youth.
35048: DOYLE, Christopher - Close to Chris - Works by Christopher Doyle.
25185: DOYLE, Eamonn - Eamonn Doyle - Made In Dublin. Text by Kevin Barry.
23308: DRABBLE, Neil - Neil Drabble - Book of Roy. - [New]
23397: DRAGT, Theo H. & Loes SPAANS [Eds] - Kees Verkade. Beeldhouwer - Sculptor - Sculpteur. [Tweede druk].
34153: DRANDAKI, Anastasia - Greek Icons - 14th-18th century - The Rena Andreadis Collection.
13307: DRENGENBERG, H.-J. - Die sowjetische Politik auf dem Gebiet der bildenden Kunst von 1917 bis 1934.
26917: DREWES, G.W.J. - The Romance of King Anlin Darma in Javanese Literature.
14231: DREYFUS-ARMAND, Geneviève & Odette MARTINEZ-MALER - l'Espagne passion Française 1936-1975. Guerres, exils, solidarités.
30617: DRIE, Hans van & Gerard v.d. AKKER - Harley Davidson in Nederland - A Pictorial History of the Harley-Davidson in Holland. [2e druk].
17015: DRIESSEN-VAN HET REVE, Jozien J. - De Kunstkamera van Peter de Grote. De Hollandse inbreng gereconstrueerd uit brieven van Albert Seba en Johann Daniel Schumacher uit de jaren 1711-1752.
26180: DRIJVER, Anna den - Anna den Drijver - ___& Whip It. - [074/275].
34907: DROGUET, Anne - Nicolas Petit 1732-1791.
15972: DROSTE, Magdalena - Bauhaus-archief. Bauhaus 1919-1933.
33984: DROSTE, Magdalena & Manfred LUDEWIG [Hrsg.] - Das Bauhaus webt - Die Textilwerkstatt am Bauhaus - Ein Projekt der Bauhaus-Sammlungen in Weimar - Dessau - Berlin - Jahresausstellung des Arbeitskreises selbständiger Kulturinstitute AsKI 1998.
31187: DRTIKOL, Frantisek - Anna FAVOA - Manfred HEITING [Ed.] - Frantisek Drtikol - Art Deco Photographer.
19916: DRUKKERIJ RADDRAAIER - Drukkerij Raddraaier Papier Boek
7246: DRUKKERIJ RADDRAAIER - Drukkerij Raddraaier Papier Boek - Nummer 026/150.
18578: DUARTE, António Júlio - António Júlio Duarte - White noise. [Signed].
34905: DUBON, David & Theodore BELL - The Frick Collection, An Illustrated Catalogue, Volumes V - Furniture - Italian and French Furniture & Volme. VI - Furniture and Gilt Bronzes - French.
30491: DUBOSQ, Jean-Paul - Le Havre 1939-1944 - Les abris sanitaires civls et allemands - Abris de la Défense Passive - Hôpitaux souterrains - Bunkers infirmeries.
24635: DUBUFFET, Jean - Jean Dubuffet.
15971: DUBUFFET, Jean - Invitation Card - Galerie Daniel Cordier - Dubuffet - Paris Circus à partir du 7 juin [on verso] Vernissage à 18 heures.
33771: DUCHAMP - Gloria MOURE [Ed.] - Duchamp - Exposición organizada por la Fundación Caja de Pensiones y la Fundació Joan Miró.
28145: DUCHAMP - Julian Jason HALADYN - Marcel Duchamps - Étant donnés.
34123: DUDLEY, Alfred - [Sarah Ricardo PORTER] - Alfred Dudley; or, The Australian Settlers. Second edition
26324: DUDOK - BERGEIJK, Herman van - Willem Marinus Dudok - Architekt-Stadtplaner 1884-1974.
29232: DUFOUR, Charles - The Ochre Land. Images of Yemen 1985-1990. - [Signed]
27528: DUFOUR, Diane [Ed.] - Images of Conviction - the Construction of Visual Evidence. [New]
34337: DUFOUR, Diane [Ed.] - Images of Conviction - the Construction of Visual Evidence.
16106: DUFOUR, Charles - Places to remember. Photographs of Singapore 1972-1976. [New]
4288: DUFOUR, A.-H. - Le Globe. Atlas classique universel de Géographie Ancienne et Moderne, pour servir a l'Étude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire, dressé par M. A.-H. Dufour, et revu par M. Jomard [...] avec une statistique jointe a chaque carte, et rédigée d'après l'abrégé de géographie d'Adrien Balbi. Approuvé par l'Université.
31706: DUFY - Dora PEREZ-TIBI - Dufy.
30647: DUGAN, Jess T. - Jess T. Dugan - Look at me like you love me. - [New + Signed].
29810: DUGAN, Jess T. - Jess T. Dugan - Look at me like you love me. - [New + Signed].
14456: DUIJSENS-KROEZEN, Gerdine - Gerdine Duijsens-Kroezen - In Vino Veritas.
32627: DUIJVEKAM, Willeke - Willeke Duijvekam - De verhalen van Mandy en Eva / The stories of Mandy and Eva.
11580: DUIJZER, Henk, Isa de la FONTAINE VERWEY e.a. - Reis in Drukken. Uit de verzamelingen van leden van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen.
23400: DUITS, Rembrandt Andries Dirk - Gold Brocade in Renaissance Painting - An Iconography of Riches / Goudbrocaat in de schilderkunst van de Renaissance - Een iconografie van rijkdom (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) - [Thesis - Typoscript].
31443: DUITS, Kjeld - Harajuku Style - Contemporary Japanese Street Fashion in the Photographs of Kjeld Duits.
27485: DULEY, Giles - Giles Duley - One Second of Light - Stories 2005-15.
30807: DULLER, Eduard - Die Jesuiten, wie sie waren und wie sie sind. Dem deutschen Volk erzählt. ( Zweite, durchgesehene und stark vermehrte Auflage der 'Geschichte der Jesuiten.') - Zweiter Abdruck.
23978: DULM, Frits van - 'Zonder eigen gewinne en glorie' - Mr. Iman Wilhelm Falck (1736-1785), gouverneur en directeur van Ceylon en Onderhorigheden.
20727: DUMAS, Charlotte - Charlotte Dumas - The widest prairies
20582: DUMAS, Marlene [CATALOGUE] - Marlene Dumas - The eyes of the night creatures.
32925: DUMAS, Marlene - Omega's Eyes - Marlene Dumas on Edvard Munch. Guest star René Daniëls. With text by Trine Otte Bak Nielsen. - [New].
32926: DUMAS, Marlene & Ulrich LOOCK - Marlene Dumas - Contra o Muro 2010 - [Against The Wall].
35010: DUMAS, Marlene - Marlene Dumas: Intimate Relations.
25552: DUMAS, Charlotte - Charlotte Dumas - Chats et chiens compagnons - nos héros du quotidien. Conçus et réalisés par Royal Canin.
34680: DUMAS, Charlotte - Charlotte Dumas - 'A TERRA'.
35042: DUMAS, Marlene - Marlene Dumas - Zeno X Gallery - 25 years of collaboration.
34845: DUMAS, Marlene - Marlene Dumas - Selected Works.
20581: DUMAS, Marlene & Marja BOSMA - [CATALOGUE] - Marlene Dumas - Ons Land Licht Lager Dan De Zee.
34824: DUMAS, Marlene - Leontine COELEWIJ, Helen SAINSBURY & Theodora VISCHER [Red.] - Marlene Dumas - The Image as Burden.
33887: DUMAS, Marlene - Marlene Dumas: Intimate Relations.
22004: DUNAS, Jeff - Jeff Dunas - Femmes Captives.
22711: DUNCAN, David Douglas - Photo Nomad. [New].
17565: DUNCAN, Robert Kennedy - The new knowledge - A popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry in their relation to the new theory of matter. [Fifth edition].
33346: DUNCAN, Alastair - Art Deco Sculpture. - [New].
17372: DUNCKER, Veena a.o. - Een persoonlijk stempel. De Seawolf-Collectie: een verzameling 19e- en 20e-eeuws zilver.
30748: DUNCKER, Veena a.o. - A personal touch. The Seawolf Collection. Late 19th- and 20th century silver. - [New]
18701: DUNHAM, Carroll - Carroll Dunham - Bilder und Zeichnungen / Paintings and Drawings. Mit einer Einführung von / With An Introduction by Dan Cameron.
25871: DUNHAM, Catherine - Paul COLIN - Katherine Dunham - A Caribbean Rhapsody - Rhapsodie Caraïbe - 2 programma's - zelfde omslag - Holland Festival 1949 & Carré 1959.
27547: DUNN, Julie & Toby KAMPS [Eds] - Kelly Ellsworth: Red Green Blue. Paintings and studies, 1958-1965. - New
29343: DUPONT, Stephen - Stephen Dupont - Generation AK - The Afghanistan Wars 1993-2012.
6974: DURACH - KLEIN, Fritz [sculptor] & Felix DURACH [architect] - Im Zeichen des Kultbaues.
34970: DURAND, Jannic, Michèle BIMBENET-PRIVAT & Frédéric DASSAS [Ed.] - Decorative Furnishings and Objets d'Art in the Louvre. from Louis XIV to Marie-Antoinette.
22168: DURAS, Marguerite - Romans - Cinéma - Théâtre - Un parcours 1943-1993.
9636: DURIE, Mark - A grammar of Acehnese on the basis of a dialect of North Aceh.
29993: DUTMAN, Th. [Hoofdredacteur] - Misset's bouwwereld - Vloerennummer - Juni 1961.
19500: DUUREN, David van - Krisses. A critical Bibliography. [New]
19840: DUUREN, David van & Tristan MOSTERT - Curiosities from the Pacific Ocean. A remarkable discovery in the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam: thirteen ethnographic objects from the Bruny d'Entrecasteaux Expedition (1791-1794).
16067: DUVOSQUEL, Jean-Marie & Philippe CRUYSMANS - Dictionaire van dierenschilders. Belgische en Hollandse kunstenaars geboren tussen 1750 en 1880.
10904: DUYSTER, M. - Giftige Indische Planten en Plantenbestanddeelen.
12127: DUYVENDIJK, Marco van - Marco van Duyvendijk - Eastward Bound. Text by Wim van Sinderen, Olaf Tempelman, Weina, Marco van Duyvendijk.
7841: DUYVESTEYN, Isabelle - Clausewitz and African War. Politics and strategy in Liberia and Somalia.
30637: DUYVIS, Debora - Jaap VERSTEEGH - Leven in lijnen - Debora Duyvis - grafica (1886-1974).
25563: DVORAK, Jiri, Tereza HORVATHOVA & Drahoslava JANDEROVA [Eds.] - CODEX AIGAS - We came in Peace for all Mankind - Anthology of Author's Books from the Studio of Illustration and Graphics UMPRUM 2003-2018. [Text in Czech and English].
12959: DYLAN, Bob / Douglas R. GILBERT - Forever Young - Photographs of Bob Dylan.
12953: DYLAN, Bob / Colin IRWIN - Legendary Sessions - Bod Dylan Highway 61 Revisited.
31188: DYLAN, Bob - Bob Dylan [Tour Program].
22730: DYRENDOM, Lars - Lars Dyrendom - American Sights.
22775: EADE, J.C. - The Calendrial Systems of Mainland South-East Asia.
13728: EAMES - MIDAL, Alexandra - Eames & Hollywood. Selection from the Movie Sets collection by Alexandia Midal. Photographs by Charles & Ray Eames.
23593: EAMES - Mathias REMMELE - Het meubilair van Charles en Ray Eames.
13144: EBBUT, M.I. - Hero-Myths & Legends of the British Race.
18405: EBEL, Wolfgang - Die römischen Grabhügel des ersten Jahrhunderts im Treverergebiet.
21342: EBERLE, Matthias - World War I and the Weima Artists - Dix, Grosz, Beckmann, Schlemmer.
26912: EBING, Ewald - Form and function of pitch movements in Indonesian. Proefschrift.
20232: Eccher, Danilo [a cura di] - Hermann Nitsch.
22910: ECK, Otto van - Het dagboek van Otto van Eck (1791-1797). Uitgegeven door Arianne Baggerman en Rudolf Dekker met medewerking van Jeroen Blaak.
27177: ECK, Werner & Hartmut GALSTERER [Hrsg.] - Die Stadt in Oberitalien und in den nordwestlichen Provinzen des Römischen Reiches. Deutsch-Italienisches Kolloquium im italienischen Kulturinstitut Köln.
23211: EDELKOORT, Lidewij & Anthon BEEKE - Bloom. A horti-cultural view. Curiosities - Issue 15.
33565: EDELKOORT, Lidewij & Anthon BEEKE - Bloom. A view on flowers. Arts and Crafts - Issue 02.
26991: EDELKOORT, Lidewij & Philip FIMMANO - A Labour of Love - The new makers in contemporary design, previewing a future of responsible production, circular thinking, ethical practice and organic aesthetics. - [New - new edition].
29010: EDELSTEIN, Jillian - Jillian Edelstein - Truth & Lies - Stories from the Truth and Reconciliation Commision in South Africa.
33387: EDENMONT, Nathalia - Nathalia Edenmont.
25324: EDENS, Catja & Mathilde HEIJNS [Eindred.] - Kijken naar Overvecht - De naoorlogse woonwijk anders in beeld gebracht / Looking at Overvecht - Other Ways of Picturing the Post-war Housing Estate. [Zonder/Without DVD].
34658: EDENS, Catja & Folkert van HAGEN [Red.] - Frank HANSWIJK e.a. [fotografie] - Chemie - Hoe het kantoor voor BP Raffinaderij Rotterdam tot stand kwam.
28692: EDER, Josef Maria - Das Pigmentverfahren, Öl-, Bromöl- und Gummidruck, Lichtpaus- und Einstaubverfahren mit Chromaten, Pinatypie, Kodachrom, Hydrotypie, Kopierverfahren mit farbengegenden organischen Verbindungen, Diazotypverfahren, Bilder mit gerbenden und chromogenen Entwicklern und künstlichen Harzen. [Reprint - Nummer 291/500].
32598: EDLUND, Karl Henrik - Karl Henrik Edlund - Bright Hours.
31410: EDWARDS, R.E. - Integration and Harmonic Analysis on Compact Groups.
33483: EEDEN, Marcel van - N 50 51 40.9 - E 3 24 1.3 - Tales of murder and violence.
28547: EEKELEN, Bart van & Joey SPIJKERS [Samenstelling en eindredactie] - Jan IV van Bergen 1528-1567 - Leven en nalatenschap van een (on)fortuinlijk markies.
13048: EEKHOFF, W. - Friesland in 1815. Historische bijzonderheden omtrent de deelneming der Friezen aan de Volkswapening en de Krijgsbedrijven bij Quatrebras en Waterloo. Naar officieele bescheiden en berigten van tijdgenooten bewerkt [...]. - + Friesland in 1813.
27676: EERDE, J.C. van - Gids voor de tentoonstelling betreffende Oud-Javaansch en hedendaagsch Balisch Hindoeïsme.
7965: EERDEN, Paul van der - Paul van der Eerden - DAS [Signed multiple 22/35].
22440: EERHART, Frank - Postures and Gestures in African Iron Figurines.
33734: EFFENDI, Rena - Rena Effendi - Pipe Dreams. A chronicle of lives along the pipeline. [New].
21297: EFTING DIJKSTRA, Marjolein - The Animal Substitute - An Ethnological Perspective on the Origin of Image-Making and Art.
28974: EGGER, Gerhart - Generations of Jewelry - from the 15th through the 20th century.
33561: EGGLESTON, William - William Eggleston - Morals of Vision.
34984: EGGLESTON, William - William Eggleston's Guide. Essay by John Szarkowski. [Second edition].
25490: EGGLESTON, William - William Eggleston's Stranded in Canton. [Second edition] + DVD + folding film poster [Verso 'Stranded in Canton' and recto Michael Almereyda 'William Eggleston in the Real World']
33016: EGUCHI, Shigeru - Japanese made Pocket Watches - History between 1890-1947 ( Meiji, Taisho, Showa Era).
31887: EGUÍA, Carlos Martín - El Retama.
28333: EHLERS, Carol - One of a Kind - Portraits from the LaSalle Bank Photography Collection.
23902: EHRENMARK, Torsten [a.o.] - SJ 125 ar.
4038: EIDELBERG, Martin [Catalogue essay by] - Eva Zeisel: Designer for Industry.
33003: EIJER, Dieuwke - Kagamibuta - Mirrors of Japanese life and legend. [New].
29008: EIJKELBOOM, Hans - Fotonotities - 5-12-1992 - 30-7-2004 - een selectie uit het fotografisch dagboek / / Photo Notes 5-12-1992 - 30-7-2004 - a selection from the photographic diary. - [Signed].
11681: EIJKELBOOM, Hans & Peter SPAANS - hans eijkelboom - fotonotizen - eine auswahl von fotos entstanden zwischen dem 9. august und 26. september 2001 - PETER SPAANS - Die Grafschaft Bentheim entdeckt anhand täglicher Wege von 11 Einwohnern - Die ganze Geschichte.
11682: EIJKELBOOM, Hans & Peter SPAANS - hans eijkelboom - fotonotizen - eine auswahl von fotos entstanden zwischen dem 9. august und 26. september 2001 - PETER SPAANS - Die Grafschaft Bentheim entdeckt anhand täglicher Wege von 11 Einwohnern - Die ganze Geschichte.
28013: EIJKELBOOM, Hans - Hans Eijkelboom - fotowerken | photoworks - Fotografisch werk uit de periode 1971 tot 1999.
15115: EIJKENS, Joep [Verzameld door] - Lezen altijd overal - Leesfoto's 1865-2011.
31551: EIJL, Corrie van - Het werkzame verschil - Vrouwen in de slag om arbeid 1898-1940.
24738: EIKELENBOOM, Alfred - Alfred Eikelenboom - Utopische modellen en schilderijen / utopic models and paintings. + los vouwblad. - Design: Irma Boom
26592: EIKEMA HOMMES, Margriet van - Art and Allegiance in the Dutch Golden Age - The Ambitions of a Wealthy Widow in a Painted Chamber by Ferdinand Bol.
20653: EILENBERG, Samuel & Calvin C. ELGOT - Recursiveness.
32569: EINARSDOTTIR, Rannveig - Rannveig Einarsdóttir - Provisional Life.
15826: EINARSSON, Kristján Ingi - I was here Iceland. [Third printing].
21997: EINSTEIN - Mark WINOKUR - Einstein a Portrait. With an introduction by Mark Winokur.
19314: EINZIG, Paul - The Tragedy of the Pound. [First edition].
24739: EISEMAJoan & Bert JALINK [Red.] - Boekconcept: Irma BOOM - Dutch Heights 1 - Laureaten - Kunst- en cultuurprijzen in Nederland.
25806: EISENMEIER, Gabriel - The Kyteman Family + CD. [New].
26753: EISINGA, Jeroen - Jeroen Eisinga - De maatschappelijke ladder.
21680: [EITARO, Torihata] - Tokyo Daigaku - Shuppankai - The University of Tokyo - A Pictorial Review.
16941: EKKART, Rudi - Tibout Regters 1710-1768 - Schilder van portretten en conversatiestukken.
33230: EL CROQUIS - Steven HOLL - El Croquis 108: Steven Holl 1998-2002 - pensamiento, material y experiencia / thought, matter and experience.
33160: EL CROQUIS - FUJIMOTO - EL Croquis 151 - Sou Fujimoto 2003 2010 - teoría e intuición, marco y experiencia / theory and intuition, framework and experience.
29066: EL-TANTAWY, Laura - Laura El-Tantawy - Post-Script. - [Signed - No. 511/750].
33217: EL CROQUIS - Steven HOLL - El Croquis 141 - Steven Holl Architects 2004-2008 - instrumentos híbridos / hybrid instruments.
33249: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 148 [I]: Experimentos Colectivos / Collective Experiments - Arquitectos espanoles 2010 / Spanish architects 2010
33227: EL CROQUIS - ITO - El Croquis 123 - Toyo Ito 2001 2005 - más allá del movimiento moderno / beyond modernism.
33161: EL CROQUIS - PAWSON - El Croquis 158 - John Pawson 2006 2011 - la voz de la materia / the voice of matter
33162: EL CROQUIS - NOUVEL - El Croquis 112/113 - Jean Nouvel 1994 2002 - the symbolic order of matter / el order simbólico de la materia.
27014: EL CROQUIS - NOUVEL - El Croquis 183: Jean Nouvel 2007-2016 Reflejos de lo contemporáneo / Contemporary Reflections.
33363: EL CROQUIS - Palinda KANNANGARA - El Croquis 212: Palinda Kannangara - 2005-2021 - Las cualides viscerales de la arquitectura / The visceral qualities of architecture.
33364: EL CROQUIS - HERZOG & de MEURON - El Croquis 152/153 - Herzog & de Meuron 2005 2010 - programa, monumento, paisaje / programme, monument, landscape.
32990: EL CROQUIS - PAYÁ / GIRONÈS / GARCÍA - El Croquis 189: Alfredo Payá 2010 2017 / Toni Gironès 2003 2017 / José María Sánchez García 2010 2017.
31105: EL CROQUIS - DE GEYTER - El Croquis 204: XDGA Xaveer De Geyter 2005 2020 - animales políticos / political animals
33247: EL CROQUIS - SANAA - EL Croquis 139 - SANAA 2004 2008 - Kazuyo Sejima - Ryue Nishizawa - topología arquitectónica / architectural topology.
34908: EL CROQUIS - DOGMA - El Croquis 208: Dogma 2002-2021 - familiar / extrano - familiar / unfamiliar.
33159: EL CROQUIS - DE GEYTER - El Croquis 126 - XDGA Xaveer De Geyter 1992 2005 - construir en el espacio negativo / building in negative space
33200: EL CROQUIS - BEEL - El Croquis 125 - Stéphane Beel 1992 2005 - familiaridad y extranamiento / estranged familiarity.
33201: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 142 - Practicas Arquitectonicas / Architectural Practices.
33228: EL CROQUIS - ITO - El Croquis 147 - Toyo Ito 2005 2009 - espacio líquido / liquid space.
33246: EL CROQUIS - SANAA - EL Croquis 155 - SANAA 2008 2011 / Kazuyo Sejima - Ryue Nishizawa - arquitectura inorgánica / inorganic architecture.
17303: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 90: Towards an artificial landscape - Spanish architecture 1997 1998 / Hacia un paisaje artificial - architectura Espanola 1997 1998.
33323: EL CROQUIS - OMA Rem KOOLHAAS - El Croquis 131/132 + 134/135 - OMA AMO Rem Koolhaas 1996-2006 + 1996-2007 - [I] + [II] - delirio y más / delirious and more + teoría práctica / theory and practice
33153: EL CROQUIS - AIRES MATEUS - El Croquis 154 - Aires Mateus 2002-2011 - construir el molde del espacio / building the mould of space
33229: EL CROQUIS - Josep LLINAS - El Croquis 128: Josep Llinás - 2000-2005 - la disolución de la imagen / dissolving the image.
33158: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 119 - work systems / sistemas de trabajo
32989: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 193: Manuel Cervantes - Pasiones serenas / Cool passions - 2011-2018.
33164: EL CROQUIS - EMBT - El Croquis 144 - EMBT 2000 2009 - Enric Miralles - Benedetta Tagliabue - after-life in progress / continuidad después de la vida
33250: EL CROQUIS - SAUERBRUCH HUTTON & NJIRIC + NJIRIC - El Croquis 114 - I + II - Sauerbruch Hutton 1997 2003 - contra el tipo / against type & + Njiric + Njiric 1997 2003 - etabalcánico meta-balkan.
33215: EL CROQUIS - GEHRY - El Croquis 117 - Frank Gehry 1996 2003 - de la A a la Z / from A to Z.
18279: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 148 + 149 [I] + [II] - Experimentos Colectivos / Collective Experiments - arquitectos espanoles 2010 / spanish architects 2010
18042: EL CROQUIS - El Croquis 106/107: Principios de siglo - En proceso [II] / Turn of the century - In progress [II].
31581: EL CROQUIS - JOHNSTON MARKLEE - El Croquis 198: Johnston Marklee 2005-2019 - Plegar el tiempo / Folding time.
33231: EL CROQUIS - ABALOS & HERREROS - El Croquis 118 - cero.9 - Cristina diaz Moreno - Efren Garcia Grinda / Ábalos & Herreros - Inaki Abalos - Juan Herreros / no.mad - Eduardo Arroyo.
33232: EL CROQUIS - PAWSON - El Croquis 127 - John Pawson 1995 2005 - pausa para pensar / pause for thought.
33235: EL CROQUIS - HERZOG & de MEURON - El Croquis 129/130 - Herzog & de Meuron 2002 2006 - monumento e intimidad / the monumental and the intimate.
33321: EL CROQUIS - HERZOG & de MEURON - El Croquis 109/110 - Herzog & de Meuron 1998 2002 - the nature of artifice / la naturaleza del artificio
33199: EL CROQUIS - BALDEWEG - El Croquis 133 - Juan Navarro Baldeweg 1996 2006 - intervención en un campo de enegías / intervention in a field of energies.
26502: EL CROQUIS - Josep LLINAS - El Croquis 128: Josep Llinas - 2000-2005 - La disolucion de la imagen / Dissolving the image.
14588: ELDER, Dean - Pianists at Play. Interviews, Master Lessons, and Technical Regimes.

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