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098035: C. K. C. - Summer Rambles [ the Isle of Wight. Ireland. North Wales. Chester ]
096136: - Die Olympischen Spiele 1936: Two Volumes
099373: - Anatomia Barocca [ Musco Zoologico '' La Specola '' Dell Universita a Firenze ]
013019: - Valuable Secrets in Arts and Trades: or Approved Directions from the Best artists. Containing upwards of One Thousand approved Receipts
096544: - Official Record of the Entertainments Given By the London Members of the Incorporated Law Society in the Jubilee Year 1887
014448: - Das Deutsche Führerlexikon 1934-1935
010092: - Ranchangan hari keputeraan Kebawah D.Y.M.M. Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negeri Brunei Darussalam
010699: - Les origines de la Confédération Suisse : Rédigé sur l'ordre du Conseil Federal a l'occasion du sixiéme centenaire de la premiére alliance perpétuelle du 1er. Auout 1291
099476: - Geometric Methods in Signal and Image Analysis
010904: - The Legacy of Oliver Wendell Holmes (Jurists S.)
010117: - A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the calculi and other animal concretions contained in the museum of the Royal college of surgeons in London
0004810: - Decor and Costume Designs, Portraits, Manuscripts and Posters
013769: - Worshipful Company of Shipwrights Ordinances to 1792
012659: - Lloyd's register of Yachts containing particulars of yachts and motors boats ; an alphabetical list of owners, with their adresses ; distinguishing flags of yachts ; also the flags of the principal yacht and sailing clubs, with the names of the officers,
096433: - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. The Psalms of David in Metre. Translations and Paraphrases in Verse of Several Passages of Sacred Scripture.
010118: - Catalogue of the Hunterian collection in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London [ 6 Parts in 1 Volume ]
097355: - Johnston's Commercial & Industrial Map of England and Wales & Part of Scotland Showing the Lines of Railway Complete or in Progress the Seats of the Principal Trades & Manufactures & the Districts of Mines & Minerals, Distinguishing Canals & Navigable .
099345: - Geometry Makes Me Happy
011785: - Reports and Papers read at the Meetings of the Architectural Societies of the Archdeaconry of Northampton, the Counties of York and Lincoln, and of the Architectural & Archaeological Society of the County of Bedford and St. Albans [ 22 Volumes ]
010734: - Syracuse Beseeged by the Athenians
010818: - Recensement Des Canada 1851-2 [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
098276: - Arte Veneta Rivista Di Storia Dell'arte [ Volume 32 ]
097117: - The Geographical Journal [ July to December, 1904 ]
013496: - Drawing and Watercolours in Russia: The Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
098531: - Futur Anterieur L'avant-garde et Livre Yiddish [ 1914-1939 ]
098255: - Ebrei e Sicilia [ Catalog of an exhibition held Apr. 24-May 22, 2002 at the Convento della Magione, Palermo. ]
010722: - Recueil De Poesies Diverses
096742: - Constructing Girlhood through the Periodical Press, 1850–1915 (Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present)
097177: B. 2. 15 - Among the Broad-Arrow Men; a plain account of English prison life. By B.2.15
011296: ABBEY J. R. - Travels in Aquatint and Lithography 1770-1860 [ Complete in 4 Volumes ]
014041: ABBOT CHARLES [ REPORTED BY ] - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons [ Public Records of the Kingdom ]
012526: ABBOTT JOHN WILLIAM - A history of London, from the earliest period to the present time : with some account of the present state of its most important public buildings : compiled from the best Authorities
014437: ABBOTT P. D. - Provinces, Pays and Seigneuries of France
099746: ABDELLAH KARROUM. [ CURATED BY ] - Wael Shawky: Crusades and Other Stories
099916: ABERCROMBIE JOHN - Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Stomach, the Intestinal Canal, the Liver, and Other Viscera of the Abdomen
012425: ABRAMSKY CHIMEN - Chimen a 90th Birthday Celebration
099758: ABULAFIA DAVID - The Two Italies: Economic Relations Between the Norman Kingdom of Sicily and the Northern Communes (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Third Series)
097399: ACHILLES TATIUS - Achillis Tatii Alexandrini De Clitophontis et Leucippes Amoribus Libri Viii Graece et Latine
097629: ACKERMANN R. [ PUBLISHER ] - The World in Miniature. Illyria and Dalmatia [ Complete in 2 Volumes, with All 32 Coloured Plates ]
013912: ADAMS JOHN & FORBES STUART [ EDITED BY ] - The Syon Abbey Herbal the Last Monastic Herbal in England c AD 1517. By Thomas Betson
014641: ADAMS REV H. C. - Sivan the Sleeper a Tale of All Time
095778: ADAMSON HENRY - The Muses Threnodie. or, Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr. Gall. Containing a variety of Pleasant Poetical Descriptions, Moral Instructions, Historical Narrations, and Divine Observations, with the most remarkable Antiquities of Scotland, Especially
013597: ADCOCK IAN - Bentley Continental R.
008913: ADDINGTON WILLIAM - An Abridgment of Penal Statutes, which exhibits at one View, The Offence; the Punishment or Penalty annexed to that Offence; The Mode of Recovering and Application of the Penalty; The Number of Witnesses and Justices necessary to convict , Etc, Etc
012451: ADDISON JOSEPH - The Works of the Late Right Honourable Joseph Addison [ Complete in 4 Volumes. Nice Bindings ]
010408: ADDISON JULIA DE WOLF - Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
003289: ADDISON JOSEPH - Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose, of the Late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Ezq; with Some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author By Mr. Tickell. [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
013802: ADLINGTON WILLIAM [ TRANSLATED BY ] - Apuleius the Golden Ass [ Limited Edition ]
013429: ADOGAME AFE & SHANKAR SHOBANA - Religion on the Move! New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World
096164: ADRADOS FRANCISCO R. - Festival, Comedy and Tragedy: Greek Origins of Theatre
099181: ADRIEN DAUZATS - Adrien Dauzats, ou, La tentation de lOrient: Catalogue raisonné de loeuvre peint
011751: AELIANUS TACTICUS - Claudii Aeliani Tactica, sive De motionibus ac præceptis militaribus, ad formandas & transformandas acies necessarijs, liber singularis : tam ad belli vsum perpetuum, quam intellectum Graecarum Historiarum
099394: AESCHINES SOCRATICUS - Aeschinis Socratici Dialogi tres, recensuit, vertit, et animadversionibus auxit P. Horreus. Gr.
014640: AESCHYLUS - The Oresteia of Aeschylus
010683: AFGHAN WAR. ZULU WAR - Hannah Dobbs. Euston Square Murder [ The Northampton Herald. A General Advertiser for the Midland Counties. 1879 ]
009011: AGARD ARTHUR - The repertorie of records, remaining in the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster, the two remembrancers of the Exchequer
014047: AGASSIZ LOUIS - Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae. A General Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and Memoirs on Zoology and Geology. The Ray Society [ Complete in 4 Volumes ]
014062: AGIUS PAULINE & JONES STEPHEN - Ackermann's Regency Furniture & Interiors
098729: AGRIPPA D'ANBIGNE THEODORE - Les aventures du baron de Foeneste, par Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
013641: AIJAZUDDIN F. S. - Historical Images of Pakistan
002317: AIKIN LUCY - Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
099457: AIKIN J. - A Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles Round Manchester
010364: AIME-MARTIN M. - Oeuvres De Fenelon [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
010336: AIME VAN ROD - Nos Belles Flagellantes
014379: AIRD WILLIAM M. - St. Cuthbert and the Normans the Church of Durham, 1071-1153
097072: AKIYAMA TERUKAZU [ AND OTHERS ] - Arts of China [ Complete in 3 volumes]. 1 Neolithic Cultures to the T'ang Dynasty . 2. Buddhist Cave Temples. 3. Paintings in Chinese Museums.
014319: AKRIGG G. P. V. [ EDITED BY ] - Letters of King James VI & I
013910: ALBORN TIMOTHY - Regulated Lives Life Insurance and British Society 1800-1914
099880: ALCOCK SUSAN E. [ EDITED BY ] - Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece
012545: ALCOCK THOMAS - Travels in Russia, Persia, Turkey and Greece, in 1828-9 [ Not Published. First Edition ]
010292: ALEC-TWEEDIE MRS [ WITH PHOTO ] - Hyde Park Its History & Romance [ Inscribed with Letter ]
014178: ALEMA´N, MATEO - The Rogue: Or, The Life Of Guzman De Alfarache. Written In Spanish by Matheo Aleman, Servant to His Catholic Majestie, and Borne In Sevill
014908: ALEXANDER MICHAEL - Managing the Cold War: A View From the Front Line
097682: ALEXANDER WILLIAM - picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians [ 50 Hand Coloured Plates ]
006096: ALEXANDER J. T. BURTON - Runs In Three Continents. Being A Short Record Of Actual Performances On Some European,Canadian,Australian And American Railways
013849: ALEXANDER WILLIAM - Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Turks [ 60 Hand Coloured Plates ]
013084: ALEXANDER, TRALLIANUS. - Alexandri Tralliani, Praecellentis Medici, De Singvlarivm Corporis Partivm : Ab Hominis Coronide Ad Imvm Vsqve Calcaneum, uitijs, aegritudinibus, & iniurijs, libri ad unguem facti V
099480: ALEXANDRE PAPADOPOULO - Islam and Muslim Art
099941: ALFRED BOOT AND SON - Boot's '' District '' Guide to London
013433: ALFREY JUDITH & CLARK CATHERINE - The Landscape of Industry Patterns of Change in the Ironbridge Gorge
097656: ALIBERT JEAN LOUIS MARIE - Description des maladies de la peau observées à l'Hôpital Saint-Louis. Et exposition des meilleures méthodes suivies pour leur Traitement [ 45 Coloured Plates ]
014648: ALISON ARCHIBALD - History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the Restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV. [ Complete in 20 Volumes. Plus Atlas ]
014643: ALISON ARCHIBALD - Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
008881: ALLAN LOIS - Contemporary Printmaking in the Northwest
009103: ALLAN JOHN - Rangers Eventful Years 1934-1951
009487: ALLEN THOMAS - The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent
011873: ALLEN J. W. - Wheel Magic or Revolutions of an Impressionist
012679: ALLEN MARTIN - Mints and Money in Medieval England
097189: ALLEN A. P. - The Ambassadors of Commerce
013373: ALLEN LESLIE LEWIS - The World's Show. Coincraft's Catalogue of Crystal Palace Medals and Tokens 1851-1936
012977: ALLEN ROLAND - Jerusalem: a Critical Review of '' the World Mission of Christianity ''
014239: ALLESTREE RICHARD - The Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety or An Impartial Survey of the Ruins of Christian Religion Undermined By Unchristian Practice
097191: ALLIES JABEZ - On the Ancient British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities and Folk Lore of Worcestershire
099711: ALLINGHAM WILLIAM - Evil May-Day [ Signed H. Allingham, Wife ]
096400: ALLINGHAM WILLIAM - Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland. a Modern Poem
014027: ALLISON A. F. & ROGER D. M. - The Contemporary Printed Literature of the English Counter-Reformation between 1558 and 1640: [ Volume 1 ]
010538: ALLISON K. J. BERESFORD M. W. & HURST J. G. - The Deserted Villages of Northamptonshire
096859: ALLISS PERCY - Better Golf with an Introduction By George W. Greenwood
014780: ALLNUTT GILBERT - A Fusilier Remembers Italy
014943: ALLOWAY LAWRENCE [ COMMENTARY BY ] - Eduardo Paolozzi: The Metallization of a Dream
096879: ALLSOPP BRUCE [ EDITED BY ] - Historic Architecture of Newcastle Upon Tyne
097665: ALSAGER ESTATE [ FREEHOLD SALE ] - Particulars of Sale and Plan of a Most Valuable Freehold Estate Known as the '' Alsager Estate '' [ Sold at Auction By Messrs. Churton, Elphick, & Co ]
008778: ALTENBERG PETER - Was Der Tag Mir Zutragt Funfundfunfzig Studien
099477: AMADUZZI LAVORO - La Ionizzazione e La Convezione Elettrica Nei Gas
012583: AMBLER ERIC - Background to Danger
097239: [AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAYE, ABRAHAM NICOLAS] - Histoire du gouvernement de Venise, derniere edition, revue & corrigee par l'auteur. [ Bound with Examen de la liberte´ originaire de Venise ]
095623: AMORT EUSEBIO - Systema Doctrinae.
009477: ANDERSEN HANS CHRISTIAN ( TRANSLATED BY MARY HOWITT ) - The Improvisatore or Life in Italy
010197: ANDERSON PETER JOHN [ EDITED BY ] - Officers and Graduates of University & King's College Aberdeen MVD - MDCCCLX
014509: ANDERSON ALAN ORR [ COLLECTED AND TRANSLATED BY ] - Early Sources of Scottish History A.D. 500 to 1286
014536: ANDERSON ALAN ORR [AND OTHERS ] - Adomnan's Life of Columba
097388: ANDERSSON CHARLES JOHN - The Okavango River: a Narrative of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure
096024: ANDRé VELTER. MARIE-JOSé LAMOTHE - Le livre de L'outil
010651: ANDREW JOE & REID ROBERT [ EDITED BY ] - Two Hundred Years of Pushkin, Volume I: 'Pushkin's Secret': Russian Writers Reread and Rewrite Pushkin: Pushkin's Secret: Russian Writers Reread and ... 1 (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics) [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
013805: ANDREWS WILLIAM LORING - A Trio of Eighteenth Century French Engravers of Portraits in Miniature. Ficquet. Savart. Grateloup
015000: ANDREWS E. M. - The Writing on the Wall : The British Commonwealth and Aggression in the East 1931-1935 :
012641: ANDREWS WILLIAM LORING - Paul Revere and His Engraving
012610: ANDREWS WILLIAM LORING - Saxto Decimos et Infra
012628: ANDREWS WILLIAM LORING - Jacob Steendam noch Vaster. A Memoir of the First Poet in New Netherland with translations of his poems descriptive of the Colony
012611: ANDREWS WILLIAM LORING - An English XIX Century Sportsman Bibliopole And Binder of Angling Books
014402: ANGLO SYDNEY - Spectacle Pageantry, and Early Tudor Policy
099897: ANNE QUEEN - The Life and Reign of Her Late Excellent Majesty Queen Anne with Some Political Remarks on Bishop Burnet's History.
013622: ANNE FORRAY-CARLIER - Le mobilier du musée Carnavalet
012141: ANNUAL REGISTER - The New Annual Register or General Repository of History, Politics, Arts, Sciences, and Literature [ 1822-1888. 67 Volumes ]
009560: ANON - The Livre Rouge, or Red Book; being a list of secret pensions, paid out of the public treasure of France: and containing characters of the persons pensioned, anecdotes of their lives, an account of their service. And observations tending to shew the Reaso
012768: ANON - Lymm and District [ Local History Society ] [ Near Complete Run from No 20, August, 1969 to October, 1995 ]
098508: ANON - L'étrange et le merveilleux en terres d'Islam
012377: ANON - Annual Reports of the Department on the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30th, 1899 [ Indian Affairs ]
014610: ANON - United States Coast Survey, Showing the Progress of the Survey During the Year 1872 [ 22 Maps, 2 Plates ]
011704: ANON - The Royal Kalendar and Court and City Register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies for the Year 1823 [ Bound By Sangorski & Sutcliffe ]
013448: ANON - Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles [ Complete in 2 Volumes ][ Leather Bound ]
012714: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1904-05
000867: ANON - The Ancient Monuments in Wales and Monmouthshire
014505: ANON - Third Report of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records ( February 28th 1842 ]
012907: ANON - Reports from Commissioners: Municipal Corporation Boundaries [ 62 Coloured Maps ]
014923: ANON - They Fell in the Battle a Roll of Honour of the Battle of Britain 10 July-31 October 1940
097503: ANON - Act passed March 12 1805, making further provision for the Effectual Performance of Quarantine, also an Order in Council, Dated 5th April 1805
011901: ANON - The Brackley Advertiser [ 1961 ]
011902: ANON - Northampton Mercury & Herald [ 1959 ]
012703: ANON - Papers Relating to the Revision Survey Settlement of the Mirpur Bathoro, Sujawal, Shahbandar and Jati Talukas of the Karachi District
099267: ANON - Dictionnaire De L'academie Francoise Revu, Corrigeet et Augmente Par L'academie Elle-meme
096126: ANON - Childs' Own Book of Pictures and Stories
011231: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1911-12
011903: ANON - Northampton Mercury & Herald [ 1941 ]
098841: ANON - The beauties of poetry display'd. Containing observations on the different species of poetry, and the rules of English versification. Exemplified by a large collection of beautiful passages, similies, and descriptions, from the writings of Addison,
010404: ANON - Miniatura. Arte dell'illustrazione e decorazione del libro. 3/4
012710: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1906-07
004226: ANON - Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education; with Appendices 1844 ( with 18 Folding Engraved Plates )
012344: ANON - Report on the Political Administration of the Rajputana States for 1899-1900
014145: ANON - Pictorial Half Hours of London Topography
009263: ANON - Regolamento del Processo Civile, Per la Lombardia Austriaca.
011249: ANON - Central Provinces and Berar 1924-1925 a Review of the Administration of the Province
014615: ANON - The Banana Budget a Weekly Bulletin.
010471: ANON - Recherches historiques sur les Municipalités. 2 Du Municipal De Sa Nature De Ses Attribution. Paris. 1820. 3. Paris Municipe Ou Tableau De L'administration. By Alexandre De Laborde. Paris 1833. [ 3 Works Bound in One Volume. ]
011072: ANON - A Bibliography of Publishing in Scotland 1900-1991
012708: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1901-02
000172: ANON - Clarets and Sauternes
013737: ANON - Loan Exhibition of Antiquities Coronation Durbar, 1911 an Illustrated Selection of the Principal Exhibits [ Delhi Museum of Archaeology ]
095703: ANON - Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland
014251: ANON - Libri Censualis Vocati Domesday Book [ 3 Volumes ]
014939: ANON - New Orphan House Ashley Down, Bristol [ an Account of the Rise and Progress ]
012358: ANON - Report on the Administration of the N. W. Provinces and Oudh for the Year Ending 31st March 1900
011225: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1914-15
011226: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1915-16
012376: ANON - Annual Reports of the Department on the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30th, 1904 [ Indian Affairs ]
098570: ANON - Raster-noton Source Book 1 / Various
098443: ANON - The lakes and fjords of Kerry : the grand Atlantic coast tour to Killarney, Valencia, Waterville, Parknasilla, and Kenmare.
012712: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1905-1906
013086: ANON - Eastbourne, being a Descriptive Account of that Village, in the County of Sussex, and its Environs. [ Bound with Vade-Mecum Through Monmouthshire and Part of South Wales. Printed in 1785 ]
012713: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1902-03
011080: ANON - List of the books of reference in the reading room of the British Museum. Third edition, Revised
012351: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1919-1920
012352: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1909-1910
012353: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1912-1913
012354: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1908-1909
011239: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
014876: ANON - Image of the Turks in the 17th century Europe
004184: ANON - The Apologie of the Reformed Churches of France. Wherein are expressed the Reasons why they have Joyned their Armies to those of the King of Great Brittaine. Translated according to the French coppie [by J. Reynolds].
010836: ANON - Trade of the United States with the World 1917-1918 [ 2 Parts ]
010969: ANON - Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Österreich [ Band 1 ]
096902: ANON - The South American Handbook [ South & Central America, Mexico, Cuba ]
011215: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1903-1904
012705: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma During 1899-1900. In Three Parts. 1-Summary. 2-Department Chapters. 3-Statistical Returns
014451: ANON - Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India Palaeontologia Indica [ New Series ] 17 Volumes
010949: ANON - Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series Madras [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
010950: ANON - Annuaire De France Statistique Generale et Comparee 86 Coloured Maps. [ Bound with Atlas Classique Universel De Geographie Ancienne et Moderne. By Victor Levassseur. With 87 Coloured Maps, Some Folding. ]
012378: ANON - Annual Reports of the Department on the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30th, 1902 [ Indian Affairs ]
012335: ANON - Correspondence Between His Excellency Lord Minto and Certain Ruling Chiefs Regarding Measures to be Taken for the Suppression of Sedition, and Extracts from Speeches During His Excellency's Recent Tour [ Selections Records of the Government of India ]
013106: ANON - The Arabian Nights Entertainments Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
010841: ANON - Report on the Administration of Ajmer-Merwara for 1923-24
099375: ANON - Calcul et formalisation dans les sciences de l'homme
012748: ANON - Administration Report of the North West Frontier Province for 1929-30
004062: ANON - La Guerre ( Documents De La Section Photographique De L'armee ) (Ministere De La Guerre 20 Parts Bound in One Volume )
013506: ANON - An Inventort of the Historical Monuments in the City of York [ Complete in 5 Volumes ]
013507: ANON - An Inventory By the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. West Cambridge. North East Cambridge.[ 5 Volumes ]
010790: ANON - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 194-15
011888: ANON - Queensland Meteorological Report for 1887
012372: ANON - The kingdomes case: or, The question resolved, whether the Kings subjects of this realm of England may or ought to ayd and assist each other, in repressing the persons now assembled together under the name of the Kings Army
011246: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
011247: ANON - Central Provinces and Berar 1922-1923 a Review of the Administration of the Province
011248: ANON - Central Provinces and Berar 1923-1924 a Review of the Administration of the Province
013962: ANON - Penang (Prince of Wales Island): The Picturesque Island of Malaya The Picturesque Island of Malaya
015073: ANON - The Student's Guide to the University of Cambridge
013505: ANON - An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Dorset. 8 Volumes Complete: Vol.I West; Vol.II South, Parts 1, 2 & 3; Vol.III Central, Parts I & II; Vol.IV North; and Vol.V East.
010755: ANON - Records of Fort St. George [ Despatches from England 1680-1682 ]
014105: ANON - La de couverte du paradis: Oceanie : curieux, navigateurs et savants (French Edition)
011918: ANON - Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand for the Year 1881: With Abstracts from the Agricultural Statistics Fo 1882 [ 2 Large Folding Maps ]
012699: ANON - Quinquennial Review of Forest Administration in British India for the Period 1919-10 to 1913-14 to Which is Appended the Annual Return of Forest Statistics For the Year 1913-14
095745: ANON - Westmister Hall Restoration ( Index to the Report from the Select Committee )
011863: ANON - Brington: The Home of the Washingtons and Spencers. And Notes on Sulgrave. Washingtoniana
011900: ANON - The Baptist Magazine [ 5 Volumes ]
014654: ANON - The Hub [ Coachmaker's Magazine ]. 1887
012340: ANON - Report on Sanitation, Dispensaries, and Jails in Rajputana for 1902, and on Vaccination for the Year 1902-1903
004311: ANON - A Visit to London Containing a Description of the Principal Curiosities in the British Metropolis By S. W. With Copper Plates a New Edition, with Additions and Improvements By H. T.
010792: ANON - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 194-15
011250: ANON - Central Provinces and Berar 1925-1926 a Review of the Administration of the Province
011259: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces 1936-37 [ Agra & Oudh ]
011252: ANON - Central Provinces and Berar 1921-1922 a Review of the Administration of the Province [ 2 Volumes ]
011260: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces Agra and Oudh 1928-29
011261: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces Agra and Oudh 1923-1924
012348: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1906-1907
008996: ANON - Tenth Annual Report of the Local Goverment Board 1880-81 Supplement Containing Report and Papers Submitted By the Board's Medical Officer on the Use and Influence of Hospitals for Infectious Diseases Presented to Both Houses of Parliament , Etc, Etc.
014611: ANON - United States Coast Survey, Showing the Progress of the Survey During the Year 1875 , [ 41 Maps, Plates ]
010791: ANON - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 1912-13
014207: ANON - Historic Illustrations of the Bible. Principally After the Old Masters [ 123 Plates ]
011676: ANON - Palaeontologia Universalis [ 1903-1911 ]
099187: ANON. - Prague 1900-1938 Capitale Secrete Des Avant Gardes
099976: ANON - Guide to Kuala Lumpur Notable Buildings
014391: ANON - Appendix to Reports From the Commissioners Appointed By His Majesty to Execute the Measures Recommended By a Select Committee of the House of Commons Respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom
012441: ANON - A Study of the Social Effects of Public Housing in Newark, N. J.
099182: ANON - Hints to Purchasers of Horses
014592: ANON - Reports from the Commissioners on Proposed Division of Counties and Boundaries of Boroughs [ Wales ]
011925: ANON - Dublin and Its Environs with a Map of the City
011648: ANON - Congres Archeologique De France [ 39 Volumes ]
012908: ANON - Reports from Commissioners on Proposed Division of Counties and Boundaries of Boroughs [ 67 Coloured Maps ]
099100: ANON - Satan's decoy, or the youth's faith in Christ : Shewing how a merchant's son, of the city of Bristol, was attacked in the fields as he went to Ringswood School, by a man in black clothes, whom he found out to be the Devil,
097206: ANON - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons. Re- printed by order of the House. Volume XIV: Miscellaneous reports; - also, Port of London, with engravings, 1793-1802
098537: ANON - Bristol and Its Environs Historical Desciptive & Scientific
012711: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1908-09
011244: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
096783: ANON - The Town of Stamford: An Inventory of Historical Monuments
012882: ANON - Authentick Extract of the Proceedings Before the Court of Justiciary in the Suspension of the Sentence of Death Pronounced By the Judge of the High Court of Admirality, Against James Long and Thomas Mc Adams, Laid Before the House,
014241: ANON - Sacra Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrifft/ Alten und Neuen Testaments: Nach der letzten Römischen Sixtinischer Edition mit Fleiß übersetzet Durch. Casparum Ulenbergium
010514: ANON - Catalogue of American Portraits in the New-York Historical Society [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
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011217: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1904-05
011218: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1906-07
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014893: ANON - First Report from the Committee, Appointed to Enquire Into the Illicit Practices Used in Defrauding the Revenue [ in 3 Parts ]
013554: ANON - The Court and City Kalendar; or, Gentleman's Register , for the Year 1757. [ Bound with Riders British Merlin }
011232: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1912-13
010760: ANON - Records of Fort St. George [ Diary and Consultation Book of 1744 ]
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012096: ANON - Who's Who in Northampton
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013763: ANON - County Borough of Northampton Proposals for Development and Reconstruction
012626: ANON - Essai D'une Grammaire Turque
010845: ANON - Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent , Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, for the Year Ending 31st March 1909
096504: ANON - Our Own Country. Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial
014609: ANON - United States Coast Survey Showing the Progress of the Survey During the Year 1873 [ 19 Folding Maps ]
014094: ANON - Report from the Select Committee on the House of Commons Buildings; with the Minutes of Evidence Taken Before Them [ Two Other Works Bound in ]
012112: ANON - The Recorder for Palmers Green. Winchmore Hill. And Southgate
012110: ANON - A.B.C. Of Shoe Science
014431: ANON - Burlington Fine Arts Club Catalogue of a Collection of Objects of British Heraldic Art to the End of the Tudor Period
014884: ANON - Return of Owners of Land 1873 [ Complete in 2 Volumes. Nice Set ]
013498: ANON - Drawing and Watercolours in Rissia the Eighteenth Century. [ the State Russian Museum ]
008580: ANON - Jones' Views Of The Seats, Mansions, Castles, Etc. Of Noblemen And Gentlemen In England
011895: ANON - Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph [ 1978 ]
012706: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1903-04
014176: ANON - The Laws of Sewers; or the Office and Authority of Commissioners of Sewers. Containing, I. Their Power of Enquiry into Annoyances and Defects of Repairs of Sea-Banks and Walls, publick Streams and Rivers, Ditches and Marsh-Grounds. II. The Authority
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012342: ANON - Report on Sanitation, Dispensaries, and Jails in Rajputana for 1908, and on Vaccination for the Year 1908-1909
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012356: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1907-1908
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011871: ANON - Planning Proposals for the Southern District of Northampton Draft for Consultation
012884: ANON - Authentick Coppie of the Tryal of William Haunt Dragoon, Anno 1711. Laid Before the House, Pursuant to Their Lorsships Order for That Purpose, 18 Aprilis, 1737
097102: ANON - The Geographical Journal 1919-1933, [ Run of 30 Volumes ] [ Circa 135 Folding Maps,]
010844: ANON - Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent , Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, for the Year Ending 31st March 1910
011227: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1910-11
010758: ANON - Records of St. George [ Despatches from Engliand 1706-1710 ]
011923: ANON - Guide to Belfast and the Adjacent Counties By the Belfast Naturalists Field Club [ Presentation Copy ]
010757: ANON - Records of Fort St. George [ Despatches from England 1701-1706 ]
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012341: ANON - Report on Sanitation, Dispensaries, and Jails in Rajputana for 1903, and on Vaccination for the Year 1903-1904
014042: ANON - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons [ Finance Reports ]
099866: ANON - Automobile Year Book [ Good Run. 40 Volumes ]
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012085: ANON - League of Nations Treaty Series [ 1920-1943 ]
098799: ANON - Guide to Belfast [ Ancient Order of Foresters Official Souvenir. 1920 ]
010761: ANON - Records of Fort St. George [ Diary and Consultation Book of 1746 ]
011784: ANON - Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club 1880 to 1924 ]
011223: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1912-13
011224: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1913-14
010788: ANON - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 1911-12
010789: ANON - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 1912-13
012114: ANON - Northampton Festival Trades Exhibition Carnival & Pageant May 26-31, 1930. [ Programme ]
011251: ANON - Central Provinces and Berar 1926-1927 a Review of the Administration of the Province
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004464: ANON - Rotulus Cancellarii : vel, Antigraphum magni rotuli pipæ de tertio anno regni regis Johannis / printed by command of His Majesty King William IV. under the direction of the Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom
011889: ANON - The History of the Town of Northampton; with an Account of Its Public Buildings and Institutions Eminent Men, Members of Parliament, Mayors & Bailiffs, and the Most Remarkable Events, That Have Taken Place in the Town
011220: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1909-10
011221: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1902-1903
011222: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1911-12
011229: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1905-06
011230: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1906-07
011709: ANON - Wellington College Register January 1859- June 2006
011237: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Punjab and Its Dependencies for the Years 1870-71 & 1871-72
013720: ANON - Monumenta Scenica: Monuments of the Theatre Scenery, Decorations and Costumes for the Theatre and the Great Festivals of All Times [ 6 Volumes. Volumes 2,4,5,7,10,11 ] [ 172 Images ]
012730: ANON - The Little Grey Mouse: or, the Adventures of Rosabelle & Paridel. Ornamented with Numerous Wood-Engravings
010550: ANON - Architecture et Art Urbain Bordeaux 1780-1815
011898: ANON - Kettering Leader [ 1967 ]
011899: ANON - Kettering Leader [ 1971 ]
010756: ANON - Records of Fort St. George [ Despatches from England 1861-1686 ]
011977: ANON - Davos and Its Neighbourhood 65 Illustrations with Letterpress
014385: ANON - Diplomatic Documents Dealing with Anglo-German Relations [ November 1925-March 1939 ]. Complete in 3 Volumes
010970: ANON - Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände. Wien. [Teil 2],
012198: ANON - The Winchester Psalter Miniature Cycle,
012439: ANON - Borough of Barnes Official Souvenir Issued on the Occasion of the Granting of a Charter of Incorporation to the Burgesses of Barnes By His Most Gracious Majesty King George V
013952: ANON - Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs [ No 1 to 72. War Tracts ]
014794: ANON - Literay Dinner of the Library Committee, J. J. Baddeley, Esq., In the Chair. Cannon Street Hotel, May 7th, 1894.
013689: ANON - Survey of Oyster Bottoms in Matagorda Bay, Texas
014039: ANON - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons [ Poor Law ]
014040: ANON - Reports from Committees of the House of Commons [ East India Company ]
011241: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
011242: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
011243: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
013885: ANON - Paroissien Roman [ 4 Volumes ] Roman Missal. Feasts of the Year Lesort Bindings in Box
098937: ANON - The Sacred Buddha Images of Thailand
012809: ANON - The Architectural Review. A Magazine of Architecture & Decoration. [ 107 Volumes ]
011233: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1909-10
010900: ANON - Le beau martin etudes et mises au point actes du Colloque
011245: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
013389: ANON - The Overland Route to India and China
0004811: ANON - Impressionist and Modern Watercolours and Drawings
014143: ANON - Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London [ New Series. Volume VII ]
009190: ANON - Burma Report on the Operations of the Department of Agriculture, Burma for the Year Ended the 30th June 1923
011219: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1907-08
012700: ANON - Report on the System of Trial By Jury in Courts of Session in the Mofassal During the Year 1890-97 [ Records of the Government of India Home Department Serial No 27 ]
012701: ANON - Papers Relating to Village Sanitation in India 1888-1895 [ Record of the Government of India Home Department Serial No 19 ]
012702: ANON - Papers Relating to the Treatment of Leprosy in India from 1887-95 [ Records of the Government of India Home Department Serial No 17 ]
010843: ANON - Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent , Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, for the Year Ending 31st March 1911
009429: ANON - The Royal Kalendar and Court and City Register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies for the Year 1822 ( Bound with Companion to the Calendar . The Present Peerage of the United Kingdom. & The Present Baronetage )
011897: ANON - Kettering Leader [1966]
008758: ANON - Tri Color Pottery of the T'ang Dynasty
012906: ANON - Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Report and Advise Upon the Boundaries and Wards of Certain Boroughs and Corporate Towns. [ 57 Coloured Maps ]
012889: ANON - Reports from Commissioners Municipal Corporations Boundaries [ 59 Coloured Maps ]
012473: ANON - A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, Made in Divers Reigns. From King Edward III to King William and Queen Mary. Also Receipts in Ancient Cookery
010253: ANON - Croquet: Its Implements and Laws Drawn Up By a Committee of Players
012355: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1901-1902
014679: ANON - Gedenkboek Uitgegeven ter Gelegenheid der Feestelykeopening van den Delagoabaaispoorweg - Lourenco Marques-Pretoria
012707: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1917-18
011235: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1907-08
011214: ANON - Sterling Silver Toys What They are
012750: ANON - Administration Report of the North West Frontier Province for 1935-36
011850: ANON - The History of the Town of Northampton; with an Account of Its Public Buildings and Institutions Eminent Men, Members of Parliament, Mayors & Bailiffs, and the Most Remarkable Events, That Have Taken Place in the Town
014814: ANON - Record of the Jesus College Boat Club Cambridge [ Volume 2 ]
014586: ANON [ VARIOUS EDITORS ] - Poems on Affairs of State - Augustan Satirical Verse, 1660-1714 [ Complete in 7 Volumes ]
011240: ANON - Inland Trade Rail and Riverborne of India [ Department of Statistics, India ]
011234: ANON - Accounts of the Trade Carried By Rail and River in India in the Official Year 1908-09
011228: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1916-17
012498: ANON - Hand Book to the Abbey of St. Mary of Furness in Lancashire
012113: ANON - An Act for Better Paving, Lighting, Cleansing, and Improving the Town and Borough of Northampton [ Bound with Amending the Northampton Improvement Act ]
012709: ANON - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1907-08
014575: ANON - The Guardian Newspaper 1895
012349: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1905-1906
012345: ANON - War Prices and House Rents. Statistics Showing [1] Wholesale and Retail Prices, and [2] House Rents, at the End of December, 1917, as Compared with the Pre-War Level [ July, 1914], August, 1915, 1916, and 1917, with an Introductory Note.
012346: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1902-1903
012347: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1903-1904
011216: ANON - Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces & Berar for the Year 1905-06
014670: ANON - The Universal Library of Trade and Commerce; or, A general magazine for . all . concerned in business, or the education of youth . Containing I., The art of penmanship . [by W. Richards] II., A compleat system of Arithmetic . III. Directions for Mercanti
013555: ANON - The Court and City Register for the Year 1751
013428: ANON - Screen International [ September 1975 to September 1978
000989: ANON - Ceremonials to be Observed By the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, And Officers of the City of London
010763: ANON - Records of Fort St. George [ Diary and Consultation Book. Military Department 1752 ]
013503: ANON - A Roll of the Burgesses of the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed, According to Seniority [ 4 Volumes Bound in 1 ]
012028: ANON - Chartulary of the Hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr Southwark [1213 to 1525]
011657: ANON - Annual Mining Report of the Department of Mines and Agriculture, New South Wales, for the Year 1889
011658: ANON - Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, for the Year 1900
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010787: ANON - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 1910-11
011489: ANON - Tempted London: Young Men
011670: ANON - New Remarks of London, or, a Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, of Southwark and part of Middlesex and Surrey, within the Circumference of the Bills of Mortality.... The Whole being very useful for Ladies, Gentlemen, Clergymen, Merchants
012885: ANON - Authentick Coppie of the Tryal of Scot and Mackpherson Anno 1712. Laid Before the House, Pursuant to Their Lordships Order for That Purpose, 18 Aprilis, 1737.
010842: ANON - Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent , Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, for the Year Ending 31st March 1913
013677: ANON - The Graphic Newspaper [ Cyprus Volume ]
014067: ANON - Catalogue of the Art Treasures of the United Kingdom collected at Manchester in 1857.
010840: ANON - Report on the Administration of Ajmer-Merwara for 1926-27
010838: ANON - Report on the Administration of Ajmer-Merwara for 1911-1912
010839: ANON - Report on the Administration of Ajmer-Merwara for 1927-1928
012751: ANON - Gazetteer of the Ambala District 1892-93
012029: ANON - New Remarks of London, or, a Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, of Southwark and part of Middlesex and Surrey, within the Circumference of the Bills of Mortality. The Whole being very useful for Ladies, Gentlemen, Clergymen, Merchants
012350: ANON - Report on the Administration of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 1920-1921
013392: ANON - Land of the Rupee. A comprehensive description of British India and Burma, copiously illustrated from photographs of views and buildings in the principal cities, scenes of natural beauty and ruins of sacred and historical interest.
012887: ANON - Selections from the Records of the Government of Bengal Ni XXXIII-part 1. Papers Relating to Indigo Cultivation in Bengal
004477: ANON - Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales; Comprising Laws Supposed to be Enacted by Howel the Good. Modified by Subsequent Regulations Under the Native Princes Prior to the Conquest by Edward the First: and Anomalous Laws with an English Translation of Text
012691: ANON - The Description of Epsom, with the Humors and Politicks of the Place in a Letter to Eudoxa. There is Added a Translation of Four Letters Out of Pliny
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010700: ANSTEY F. - Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen a Collection of Some of the Master's Best-Known Dramas [ with Bookplate of George Rylands ]
096824: ANTHONY SUTCLIFFE - London: An Architectural History
098216: ANTONINA HARBUS - Helena of Britain in Medieval Legend
012478: ANTONINUS, AUGUSTUS - Antonini Iter Britanniarum Commentariis Antonini Iter Britanniarum Commentariis Illustrum Thomae Gale, S.T.P. nuper Decani Ebor. Opus Posthumum Revisit, Auxit, Edidit R. G. Accessit Anonymi Ravennatis Britanniae Chorographia
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011932: APIAN PIERRE - La Cosmographie de Pierre Apian, docteur et mathematicien tres excellent, traictant de toutes les regions, pais, villes et citez du monde, par artifice astronomique, nouvellement traduicte de latin en françois par Gemma Frisius, docteur en medecine et Mat
011161: APPLEBAUM SHIMON - Prolegomena to the study of the Second Jewish Revolt (A.D. 132-135 [ Supplementary Series 7 ])
013789: APPLEBY H. N. - Southampton Docks
013486: ARAPOGLOU EVITA [ EDITED BY ] - Ghika Craxton Leigh Fermor Charmed Lives in Greece
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010000: ARCHITECTURE - Catalogue of the Drawings Collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects. ( Complete Set in 8 Volumes. Plus 10 Monographs ]
097929: ARCHITECTURE - International Architect. An International Review of Architectural Projects, Theory, Practice and Criticism [ Numbers 1 to 7 ]
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097475: H H ARNASON: - Sculptures of Houdon
098523: ARNAUD E. - La Palestine ancienne et moderne ou géographie historique et physique de la Terre Sainte.
096802: ARNAULD, MARIE-PAULE; COLLECTIF - Architecture coloniale et patrimoine : Expériences européennes
012970: ARNOLD EDWIN - The Book of Good Counsels: From the Sanskrit of the "Hitopadesa
014601: ARNOLD SIR EDWIN - The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation
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010399: ARSLAN EDOARDO - Arte del primo millennio : atti del II. Convegno per lo studio dell'arte dell'alto medio evo tenuto presso l'Universita` di Pavia nel settembre 1950
099105: ARTHUR NORMAN GIRLING - Stereoscopic Drawing: A Theory of 3-D Vision and Its Application to Stereoscopic Drawing
013527: ARUZ JOAN [ EDITED BY ] - The Golden Deer of Eurasia the State Hermitage, Saint Petersburg, and the Archaeological Museum, Ufa
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098881: ASARIA ZVI - Book measures xiii,313pp, Bound in original publishers black cloth, with gilt lettering. Binding in very good clean firm condition. Dust jacket has a short closed tear. Jacket in very good clean condition. Internally, pages clean throughout.
098587: ASH JAMES MAJOR. [ HOLTZAPFFEL JOHN JACOB. APPENDIX BY ] - The Art of Double-Counting on the Lathe. Whereby a Variety of Patterns in the Form of Ellipses, Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons.
015058: ASH JOHN - Grammatical Institutes: Or, an Easy Introduction to Dr. Lowth's English Grammar
098586: ASH JAMES CAPTAIN - The Art of Double-Counting on the Lathe. Whereby a Variety of Patterns in the Form of Ellipses, Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons.
014937: ASHBEE C. R. AND OTHERS - Survey of London [ Volumes 1-50 ]
012967: ASHENDENE PRESS - A Book of Songs and Poems from the Old Testament and the Apocrypha
015013: ASHER CJ PIRT MA - The Happy Warrior Maj Gen G. F. Hopkinson OBE MC
014968: ASHTON S.R. [ EDITED BY ] - Documents on British Policy Overseas. Britain and China 1945-1950. [ Series I, Volume VIII ]
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097898: ASHWORTH, J. H - The Saxon in Ireland: or, The rambles of an Englishman in the West of Ireland in search of a settlement.
010290: ASKEW, LUCY, ANTHONY D'OFFAY - Louise Bourgeois: A Woman Without Secrets [ Artist Rooms ]
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099807: ASMAR CAMILLE - L'Abbaye de Belmont dite Deir el Balamend.
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013879: ATKINSON C. T. - The South Wales Borderers 24th Foot 1689-1937
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098929: AUBREY JOHN - Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects. a New Edition, with Considerable Improvements to Which is Prefixed Some Account of His Life
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008237: AUDSLEY WILLIAM & GEORGE - la Peinture Murale Decorative Dans Le Style Du Moyen Age
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096083: AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO [ SAINT AUGUSTINE ] - D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Retractationum libri II.
099605: AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS. [ SAINT ] - Certaine Select Prayers Gathered out of S. Augustines Meditations, which he calleth his private talke with God. Also his Manuel, or booke of Contemplation of Christ, Newly printed, Corrected. [ Bound with The Pomaunder of Prayer ]
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096144: AUSTIN MRS SARAH - The Duchess of Orleans [ Helen of Mecklenburg-Schwerin ]
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010848: AUSTRALIA - Statistics of the Colony of Victoria for the Year 1865 & 1866
010830: AUSTRALIA - South Australia Blue Book for the Year 1879. [ Bound with South Australia Statistical Register for 1879 ]
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012343: AYYAR A. V. VENKATARAMA - Records of Fort St. George James Strange's Journal and Narrative of the Commerical Expedition from Bombay to the North-West Coast of America Together with a Chart Showing the Tract of the Expedition.
014761: AZINFAR FATEMEH CHEHREGOSHA - Atheism in the Medieval Islamic and European World
011432: BABBAGE CHARLES - Passages from the Life of a Philosoper
014590: BACON SIR FRANCIS - Sylva sylvarum: or, A natural history, in ten centuries : whereunto is newly added the history naturall and experimentall of life and death, or of the prolongation of life. Both written by the right honourable Francis Lord Verulam Viscount St. Alban
013831: BACON [ PUBLISHER ] - Bacon's New Ordnance Plan of Brighton being an exact reduction from the New 25 inch Ordnance Map Revised to date of publication from surveys made especially for this map.
096616: BACON FRANCIS - Sylva Sylvarum: Or, A Natural Historie. In Ten Centuries.
015019: BACON G. W. [ EDITED BY ] - Commercial and Library Atlas of the British Isles from the Ordnance Survey with Index-Gazetteer
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013984: BACON [ PUBLISHER ] - Bacon's New Map of Isle of Wight [ a Weather-Proof Map ]
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011326: BACON G. W. [ PUBLISHER ] - Bacon's Library Map of the Environs of London.
012740: BACON FRANCIS - The Essays, or Councils, Civil and Moral .with a Table of Colours of Good and Evil. And a Discourse of The Wisdom of the Ancients
012739: BACON FRANCIS - The Essays, or Councils, Civil and Moral .with a Table of Colours of Good and Evil. And a Discourse of The Wisdom of the Ancients
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099740: BADT KURT - Festschrift Kurt Badt zum Siebzigsten Geburtstage. Beiträge aus Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte.
011630: BAGGS A. - Back From the Front; an eye-witness's narrative of the beginnings of the Great War of 1914
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010905: BALDWIN, JOHN W. - The Language of Sex: Five Voices from Northern France Around 1200 (Chicago Series on Sexuality, History & Society)
010737: BALDWIN CRADOCK AND JOY [ PUBLISHED BY ] - Dublin. Plan of the City of Dublin Engraved from the Actual Survey For the Picture of Dublin
010438: BALE ANTHONY - The Jew in the Medieval Book English Antisemitisms 1350-1500
097353: BALFOUR JAMES - Reminiscences of Golf on St. Andrews Links
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008038: BARKER CLIVE - The Great and Secret Shadow the First Book of the Art
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012799: BARLOW THE REV JOHN - On Man's Power Over Himself to Prevent or Control Insanity
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008609: BOCCACCIO GIOVANNI - Libro di M. Gio. Boccaccio delle donne illustri, tradotto per messer Giovanni Betussi con vna additione fatta , Etc, Etc.
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096271: BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER [ IN LATIN ] - Liber precum publicarum, seu ministerij ecclesiasticæ administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumq´[ue] rituum & cæremoniarum in Ecclesia Anglicana
013862: THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches:
096272: BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER - The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches
014682: BOOTH CHARLES. [ P.S. KING ] - Descriptive Map of London Social Conditions [ 1929-1930 ]inner North East, Comprising Shoreditch, Bethnal Green, Stepney, West Ham and Parts of Hackney and Poplar . Sheet no 1.
014685: BOOTH CHARLES. [ P.S. KING ] - Descriptive Map of London Social Conditions [ 1929-1930 ] Eastern Survey Area Sheet No 12. Outer South West, Comprising Wandsworth, and the Southern Parts of Battersea, Lambeth and Camberwell
014717: BOOTH CHARLES - London 1899-1900 Map Showing Places of Religious Worship, Public Elementary Schools, and Houses Licensed for the Sale of Intoxicating Drink
014651: BOOTH CHARLES - Map G - Hampstead & St John's Wood
014683: BOOTH CHARLES. [ P.S. KING ] - Descriptive Map of London Social Conditions [ 1929-1930 ] Eastern Survey Area Sheet No 4. Outer East, Comprising East Ham, Barking and the Northern Part of Woolwich
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014686: BOOTH CHARLES. [ P.S. KING ] - Descriptive Map of London Social Conditions [ 1929-1930 ] Eastern Survey Area Sheet No 3. Outer North East, Comprising Stoke Newington, Tottenham, Walthamstow, Leyton and the Northern Part of Hackney
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011705: BORLASE GRANVILLE W. - The History of Walton and Walton Heath
012412: BORN, IGNAZ EDLER VON - Methode d'extraire les métaux parfaits des minérais et autres substances métalliques par le mercure.
010453: BORROW GEORGE - The Romany Rye a Sequel to '' Lavengro ''
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012371: BOWEN EMANUEL [ PUBLISHER ] - An Accurate Map of Northamptonshire Divided into its Hundreds, and laid down from the best Authorities, assisted by the most approved Modern Maps, with various Improvements. Illustrated with Historical
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014748: BOWEN EMANUEL - The Galapagos Islands Discovered and Described by Capt. Cowley in 1684
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011707: BOYD SIMON - Lady Sybil Empire, War and Revolution
009514: BOYER MR A. - The Great Theater of Honour and Nobility
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008890: BRADLEY MARTHA - The British housewife : or, the cook, housekeeper's, and gardiner's companion. Calculated for the Service both of London and the Country; And directing what is necessary to be done in the Providing for, Conducting, and Managing a Family throughout , Etc,
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010518: BRADSHAW GEORGE - Bradshaw's Railway Companion, containing the Times of Departure, Fares, &c. of the Railways in England, and also Hackney Coach Fares from the Principal Railway Stations, Illustrated with Maps of the Country through which the Railways pass, Etcetera
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098781: BRAUN DR JULIUS - On the curative effects of baths and waters : being a handbook to the spas of Europe. Including a chapter on the treatment of phthisis by baths and climate, by Dr. Rohden.
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097982: BREE JOHN - The cursory sketch of the state of the naval, military and civil establishment, legislative, judicial, and domestic oeconomy of this kingdom, during the fourteenth century : with a particular account of the campaign of King Edward the third, in Normandy
012661: BREGUET EMMANUEL - Breguet: Watchmakers Since 1775 The life and legacy of Abraham-LouisBreguet (1747-1823)
098024: BREIER ALOIS, EISLER MAX, UND GRUNWALD MAX. - Holzsynagogen in Polen [ Wooden Synagogues in Poland ]
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011427: BRITISH INDIA - Jhang District Statistical Tables 1912. [ Punjab District Gazetteers Volume 32 B. ]
000709: BRITISH MUSEUM - Ancient Terracottas
011422: BRITISH INDIA - Papers Regarding the Question of the Abolition of Fees in Primary School
011123: BRITISH MUSEUM - Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century now in the British Museum. [ 12 Volumes ]
011421: BRITISH INDIA - Papers Relating to Reorganization of the Educational Service in India from 1891-97 [ Home Department Serial No 24 ]
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097954: BRODERIP FRANCES FREELING & HOOD THOMAS - Merry Songs for Little Voices [ Set to Music By Thomas Murby ]
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014792: BROOKE ARTHUR DE CAPELL - Travels Through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820. [ Presentation Copy ]
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013351: BROWN MICHELLE P. - Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon Age
011683: BROWN REV ABNER W. - Ministerial Recollections Reprinted from “The Churchman's Monthly Penny Magazine.”)
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013217: BROWNE THOMAS - Hydriotaphia: Or Urn-Burial Two Discourses of the Sepulchral Urns Found in Norfolk, 1658 and 1667 [ and the Garden of Cyrus ]
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006036: BROWNING ROBERT - Perleying with Certain People of Importance in Their Day
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097837: BRUN VINCENZ - Alcibiades Forsaken By Gods and Men
013434: BRUNNER HUGO & DYER ANNE - High Explosive. Felix Brunner's Letters from the Western Front
099662: LE BRUYN, CORNELIUS - Voyages de Corneille Le Bruyn par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales [ Volumes 4 & 5 ]
098840: BRUZEN DE LA MARTINIERE - L'art de conserver sa santé : composé par l'Ecole de Salerne / avec la traduction en vers françois, par Mr. B.L.M. [i.e. Bruzen de la Martinière].
012698: BRYANT F. BEADON - Review of Forest Administration in British India for the Year 1908-1909 with a Quinquennial Summary
000078: BRYCE JAMES - South American Observations and Impressions
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011845: BUDGE JOHN - The Practical Miner's Guide; The Practical Miner's Guide: comprising a set of Trigonometrical Tables, adapted to all the purposes of oblique or diagonal, vertical, horizontal and traverse Dialling, with their application to the dial exercise Et-Cetera
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010772: BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS - Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics [ Bulletins No 646-647 ]
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015037: BUNYAN JOHN - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come; Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream
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012366: BURMA - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1933-34
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011179: BURMA - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1915-16
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012368: BURMA - Report on the Administration of Burma for the Year 1935-36
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