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012550: CARLYLE THOMAS - Thomas Carlyle's Works [ the Ashburton Edition. Complete in 17 Volumes ]
009509: CARNE JOHN - Syria the Holy Land Asia Minor
012990: CARNEGIE W. H. - Church Troubles and Common Sense a Plea for Reason and Resonsibility
098067: CARO BETTINA - Bettina Caro Works from 1975-2010
096175: CARPENTER WILLIAM B. - On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease. Prize Essay
010449: CARPI DANIEL - Between Mussolini and Hitler: Jews and the Italian Authorities in France and Tunisia
013320: CARRAGAIN EAMONN O. - Ritual and the Rood: Liturgical Images and the Old English Poems of the Dream of the Rood Tradition (The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture)
012725: CARROLL LEWIS - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
014030: CARSON JEFFREY & SARRIS NIKOS [ TRANSLATED BY ] - The Collected Poems of Odysseus Elytis
012880: CARTE THOMAS - A General History of England [ Complete in 4 Volumes ]
011917: CARTER JOHN - The Ancient Architecture of England. Part 1.. The Order of Architecture During the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Aras. Part II the Orders of Architecture During the Reigns of Henry III, Edward III, Richard II, Henry VI, Henry VII, and Henry VIII.
014208: CARTER OWEN B. - Some account of the Church of Saint John the Baptist at Bishopstone in the County of Wilts : with illustrations of its architecture
011320: CARTER GEORGE GOLDSMITH - Margaret Catchpole the Girl from Wolfkettel [ Signed Copy ]
010928: CARTER, THOMAS & GOSS PETER - Utah's Historic Architecture 1847-1940: A Guide
011525: CARTLIDGE W. BILL - Golden Hill to Golden Square
099646: CARTWRIGHT EDMUND - The Parochial Topography of the Rape of Bramber, in the Western Division of the County of Sussex. Vol. II. Part the Second
098034: CARY J. [ PUBLISHERS ] - New and Accurate Plan of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark and Parts Adjacent: Viz, Kensington, Chelsea, Islington, Hackney, Walworth, Newington, &c with an Alphabetical List of Upwards of 500 of the Most Principlal Streets with Reference
011745: CARY JOHN [ PUBLISHER ] - Cary's traveller's companion, or, A delineation of the turnpike roads of England and Wales shewing the immediate route to every market and boroughtown throughout the kingdom : laid down by the best authorities on a new set of county Maps
011272: CARY JOHN [ PUBLISHER ] - A New Map of Middlesex Divided Into Hundreds Exhibiting Its Roads, Rivers, Parks, &c
014228: CASIMIR CAVALCADOUR [PSEUD.] ; EDITING, CHARLOTTE COCKBURN. - Erotica : the Prosper de la Pastanade collection : books, prints and Drawings [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
014009: CASSELL [ PUBLISHER ] - London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth the First
099724: CAST DAVID - The Calumny of Apelles. A Study in Humanist Tradition. [ Canon William Murnane, His Copy ]
013201: CASTELL ROBIN - St. Helena: A Photographic Treasury 1856 - 1947
010370: CASTERA J. - Histoire de Catherine II, Imperatrice de Russie [ Complete in 4 Volumes ]
012388: CASTINEIRAS MANUEL & CAMPS JORDI - Romanesque Art in the MNAC Collections
014656: CASTLE ALISON - Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never Made
011702: CASTLEROSSE VISCOUNT - Valentine's Days
099467: CATFORD NICK - Secret Underground London
011016: CATHERINE MARTIN; ROSEMARY FOXTON - The Silent Sea (Colonial texts series)
012805: CAUNTER THE REV HOBART - The Island Bride in Six Cantos
014380: CAVELL EMMA [ EDITED BY ] - The heralds' Memoir 1486-1490 Court Ceremony, Royal Progress and Rebellion
013267: CAVELL JANE - A History of the Early Family of Witney
010960: CAYGILL MARJORIE & CHERRY JOHN [ EDITED BY ] - A.W.Franks: Nineteenth-century Collecting and the British Museum
099496: CAZOTTE JACQUES - Le Diable Amoureux, Nouvelle Espagnole
097154: CERAMIC SOCIETY - The Englsh Ceramic Society [ 34 Volumes ]
003308: CERBONI THOMAE MARIAE - F. Thomae Mariae Cerboni Ordinis Praedicatorum in Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide Sacrae Theologiae Professoris De Theologia Revelata Libri Tres.
012086: CERVANTES MIGUEL DE - Vida y hechos Del Ingenioso Cavalero Don Quixote de La Mancha [ Volume 2 Only ]
009087: CERVANTES SAAVEDRA MIGUEL DE - A Dialogue Between Scipio and Bergansa Two Dogs Belonging to the City of Toledo
013977: CESCINSKY HERBERT & GRIBBLE ERNEST R. - Early English Furniture & Woodwork [ Complete in 2 Volumes. Near Fine Set ]
011613: E. CHADWICK? - report to the secretary of state for the home department from the poor law commissioners on the Training
013710: DE CHAIR SOMERSET - The First Crusade the Deeds of the Franks and Other Jerusalemites [ Signed Copy. Limited ]
014284: CHALAIS PIERRE - English Medieval Diplomatic Practice Part 1 Documents and Interpretations [ 2 Volumes ]
099324: CHAMBERS HOLROYD - Study of North Lambeth and Southwark Redevelopment Area Plans 1945
010819: CHAMBERS ERNEST J. CAPTAIN [ EDITED BY ] - Canada's Fertile Northland a Glimpse of the Enormous Resources of Part of the Unexplored Regions of the Dominion [ 2 Volumes ]
098168: CHAMBON RAYMOND - L'history De La Verrerie En Belgique Du II Siecle a Nos Jour
010372: CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC, AIMé: - Mémoires de Mathieu Molé. Procureur Général, Premier Président au Parlement de Paris et Garde des Sceaux de France [ Complete in 4 Volumes. Fine Bindings ]
013124: CHANDLER JOHN - A Treatise of the Disease Called a Cold; Shewing Its General Nature, and Causes; Its Various Species, and Different Events.
013874: CHANDLER DEAN - Outline of History of Lighting By Gas
010810: CHANNON GEOFFREY - Richard Potter, Beatrice Webb's Father and Corporate Capitalist
010053: CHANTE. SONGS - Paris Qui Chante [ Issue 1 to 117 ]
014253: CHAPLAIS PIERRE - English Medieval Diplomatic Practice [ Part II Plates ]
014323: CHAPLAIS PIERRE - English Royal Documents King John-Henry VI 1199-1461
014277: CHAPLAIS PIERRE - Essays in Medieval Diplomacy and Administration
011331: CHAPLIN SID - The Thin Seam
013038: CHAPMAN FREDERICK HENRY DE - A Treatise on Ship-Building, with Explanations and Demonstrations Respecting the Architectura Navalis Mercatoria
013750: CHAPMAN S. D. & CHASSAGNE S. - European Textile Printers in the Eighteenth Century a Study of Peel and Oberkampf
014595: CHAPMAN CHARLOTTE GOWER - Milocca a Sicilian Village
010782: CHAR RENE [ PAR CHRISTIAN GALANTARIS ] - Hommage a Andre Rodocanchi L'ami Des Poetes
011154: CHARBONNEAUX, MARTIN R. & VILLARD F. - Hellenistic Art, 330-50 BC (Arts of Mankind S.)
098749: CHARLES R. [ PUBLISHER ] - The compiler, choice & select designs from the best authors, furniture & decorations. Compiled and published by R. Charles
099047: CHARLES R. DODWELL - Pictorial Art of the West, 800-1200 (The Yale University Press Pelican History of Art Series)
010590: CHARLES F. W. B. - Medieval Cruck-Building and Its Derivatives a Study of Timber-Framed Construction Based on Buildings in Worcestershire
014639: CHARLTON REV. W. H. - Burghley, the Life of William Cecil, Lord Burghley
011351: CHASE RICHARD - Infidelity [ Signed Copy ]
014625: CHATELAIN HENRI ABRAHAM - Carte Particuliere Du Fleuve Saint Louis : Dressee Sur Les Lieux Avec Les Noms Des Sauvages Du Pais.
099416: CHATTERTON LADY - Rambles in the South of Ireland During the Year 1838 [ Volume 1 Only ]
011113: CHAUCER GEOFFREY - The Works, 1532, Geoffrey Chaucer; with Supplementary Material from the Editions of 1542, 1561, 1598 and 1602.
012551: CHAUCER GEOFFREY - The Aldine Edition of the British Poets [ Complete in 52 Volumes. Subscribers Copy ]
014159: CHAUDONNERET MARIE-CLAUDE - La peinture troubadour : deux artistes lyonnais Pierre Revoil (1776-1842), Fleury Richard (1777-1852)
012409: CHEAPE CHARLES W. - Moving the Masses Urban Public Transit in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia 1880-1912
096381: CHEN THOMAS S & CHEN PETER S. - Understanding the Liver: A History (Contributions in Medical History Number 14 )
013155: CHENIES ESTATE - The Chenies Estate Buckinghamshire [ Sale Catalogue ]
011094: CHERNAIK, WARREN; DZELZAINIS, MARTIN - Marvell and Liberty
095762: CHEVALIER MICHEL - Des Interets Materiels En France. Travaux Publics. Routes, Canaux, Chemin's De Fer
099682: CHEVREUL, M.E. - Le Teinturier Universel Echo Des Applications Des Matieres Colorantes Aux Arts Et A L'Industrie
010231: CHEZ MICHAUD FRERES [ PUBLISHED BY ] - Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, ou histoire, par ordre alphabéhique, de la vie publique et privée de tous les hommes qui se sont distingués par leurs écrits, leurs actions, leurs talent, leurs vertus ou leurs crimes [ Complete 52 Volumes ]
014552: CHIBNALL MARJORIE [ EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY ] - The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis Vol. 4 : Volume IV: Books VII and VIII [ Volume 4 ]
009503: CHILD SIR JOSIAH - A New Discourse of Trade: wherein are recommended several weighty points, relating to Companies of Merchants; the Act of Navigation, Naturalization of Strangers, and our Woollen Manufactures, Etcetera
011566: CHILDS, DAVID & POPPLEWELL RICHARD - The Stasi: The East German Intelligence and Security Service (East German Intelligence and Security Service, 1917-89)
013238: CHILVERS DONALD - Quite Times Cruel Times
099910: CHINA - China Proper [ 3 Volumes ]. [ Volume 1. Physical Geography, History and Peoples. 2. Modern History and Administration. 3. Economic Geography, Ports and Communications. ]
012929: CHIPPENDALE THOMAS - The Gentleman and Cabinet Makers Directory Being a Large Collection of the Most Elegant and Useful Designs of Household Furniture in the Most Fashonable Taste Including a Great Variety of Chairs, Sofas, Beds, and Couches, China Tables, Dressing Etc, Etc
098651: CHIRANJIB KUMAR GUPTA - Chemical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice
098551: CHOISEUL-DAILLECOURT - De l'influence des Croisades sur l'état des peuples de l'Europe.
012149: CHOPE R. PEARSE - The Dialect of Hartland, Devonshire
095894: CHOPE R. PEARSE ( EDITED BY ) - Early Tours in Devon and Cornwall
013427: CHRISTIE AGATHA - Works. 6 Volumes. Limited Edition. [ Bound in Quater Leather ]
099391: CHRISTOPHER JESSEL - Law of the Manor
012300: CHUNG HENRY - The Russians Came to Korea
014588: CHURCHILL RANDOLPH S. & GILBERT MARTIN - Winston S. Churchill The Authorised Biography & Companion Volumes. ( Complete Set 21 Volumes )
014687: CHURCHILL WINSTON S. - The World Crisis [ Complete Set in 6 Volumes ]
010672: CIBOTTO G. A. & DEL DRAGO G. - Proverbi Romaneschi [ Fine Binding ]
098835: CICERO MARCUS TULLIU - Opera. M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera. Cum Indicibus et Variis Lectionibus [ Complete in 10 Volumes ]
009189: CINCINNATO B. C. - Le Portugal Au Point De Vue Agricole
011951: CIORAN EMIL - Cioran L'elan Vers Le Pire
099291: THE CLAN DONALD ROLL OF HONOUR COMMITTEE - Clan Donald Roll Of Honour 1914 - 1918
099306: CLAPHAM - Clapham Observer [ Newspaper 1944 ]
099307: CLAPHAM - Clapham Observer [ Newspaper 1945 ]
099309: CLAPHAM - Clapham Observer [ Tooting & Balham Times ] [ Full Year 1907 ]
012011: CLAPHAM ALFRED W. - Lesnes Abbey in the Parish of Erith, Kent
013783: CLARENDON EDWARD - The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England Begun in the Year 1641. Written By the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon
008464: CLARENDON EDWARD EARL OF - The History of the Rebellion and Civil War in England, Together with an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland
095872: CLARENDON EDWARD - The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. With the precedent Passages, and Actions, that contributed thereunto, and the Happy End, and Conclusion thereof by the King's blessed Restoration. ( Complete 6 Volumes )
011739: CLARENDON EDWARD EARL OF - The History of the Rebellion and Civil War in England Together with an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland [ Complete Set. Attractive Bindings ]
013581: CLARENDON EDWARD - The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. With the precedent Passages, and Actions, that contributed thereunto, and the Happy End, and Conclusion thereof by the King's blessed Restoration. ( Complete 6 Volumes )
012446: CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE, EARL OF - Animadversions Upon a Book, Intituled, Fanaticism Fanatically Imputed to the Catholick Church. By Dr. Stillingfleet, And the Imputation Refuted and Retorted by S. C. [Serenus Cressy]
010331: CLARK ALAN - Dictionary of British Comic Artists, Writers and Editors
011555: CLARK ROBIN - The Story of Taylor Clark in the United States the Investments and the People
008978: CLARK K. R. ( FOREWORD BY LORD MONTAGUE OF BEAUIEU ) - Sixty Miles of Pencil an Intimate Impression of the Brighton Run
097368: CLARK ROBERT [ EDITED BY ] - Golf a Royal Ancient Game
098462: CLARK MAINES - Western Portal of Saint-Loup-de-Naud
009475: CLARKE G. E. - The History & Description of the Town and Borough of Ipswich Including the Villages and Country Seats in Its Vicinity More Particularly Those Situated on the Banks of the Orwell
008861: CLARKE STEPHEN - The British botanist, or, a familiar introduction to the science of botany : explaining the physiology of vegetation, the principles both of the artificial & natural systems of Linnæus and the arrangement of Jussieu ; intended chiefly for the use of Young
001810: CLARKE W. G. - Norfolk & Suffolk
012458: CLARKE JAMES STANIER THE REV - The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson K. B. From His Lordship's Manuscripts [ Abridged from the Quarto Edition ]
014659: CLARKE CHRISTOPHER - Romance of the Greys
098850: CLARKE STEPHEN REYNOLDS - The New Lancashire Gazetteer. Or Topographical Dictionary, containing an Accurate Description of the Hundreds, Boroughs, Market Towns, Parishes, Townships and Hamlets of the County Palatine of Lancaster.
097493: CLAUDE DEBUSSY - Claude Debussy : lettres, 1884-1918
013410: CLEGG CYNDIA SUSAN - Press Censorship in Caroline England
009362: LE CLERC SEBASTIEN - Traite d' Architecture [ 2 Volumes Bound in 1. ]
014672: CLISSOLD STEPHEN - Whirlwing an Account of Marshal Tito's Rise to Power
012840: CLOUTER FRED, MITCHELL TONY, RAYNER DAVID, & RAYNER MARTIN - London Clay Fossils of the Isle of Sheppey
097906: CLUTTERBUCK ROBERT - The History And Antiquities Of The County Of Hertford; Compiled From The Best Printed Authorities And Original Records, Preserved In Public Repositories And Private Collections: Embellished With Views Of The Most Curious, Etc. [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
013332: CLYNNOG, MORYS - Athravavaeth Gristnogavl, Le cair uedi cynnys yn grynno‘r hol brifbynciau syd i Gyfaruydo dyn ar y phord i baraduys. [ Originally Printed at Milan A., D. 1568 ]
010504: COATES CHARLES THE REV - The History and Antiquities of Reading [ Large Paper Copy ]
011285: COATMAN J. - India in 1928-29
011286: COATMAN J. - India in 1925-26 A Statement prepared for presentation to Parliament in accordance with the requirements of the 26th Section of the Government of India
008786: COBURN KATHLENN ( EDITED BY ) - The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Colefidge ( Complete in 2 Volumes )
098298: COCHRAN ROBERT - Report of the Excursion of the Cambrian Archaeological Association In Connexion With The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, to the Western Islands of Scotland, Orkney, and Caithness, June 1899.
098032: COCHRAND ROBERT - Galway [ Programme and Guide of Excursion in Connexion with the Connaught Meeting of the Society at Galway, on Monday, July 1st, 1901. With Papers on Ichagoill and Kilcoldgan Excursion. By the Rev. Jerome Fahey. [ Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland ]
009092: COCKBURN J. S. & GREEN THOMAS A. ( EDITED BY ) - Twelve Good Men and True the Criminal Trial Jury in England 1200-1800
012422: COCKERELL SYDNEY CARLYLE [ SIGNED BY ] - A Psalter and Hours Executed Before 1270 for a Lady Connected with St. Louis, Probably his Sister Isabelle of France, Founder of the Abbey of Longchamp, Now in the Collection of Henry Yates Thompson. with Photographs of all the Miniatures by Emery Walker
012303: COCKERELL SYDNEY C. - Old Testament Niniatures a Medieval Pucture Book with 283 Paintings from the Creation to the Story of David
013562: COCKS ALFRED HENEAGE - The Church Bells of Buckinghamshire Their Inscriptions, Founders, Uses, and Traditions;
098912: COE GROVER - Concentrated Organic Medicines: Being a Practical Exposition of the Therapeutic Properties and Clinical Employment of the Combined Proximate Medicinal Constituents of Indigenous and Foreign Plants.
010997: DE COETLOGON, C. E. (CHARLES EDWARD) - The portraiture of the Christian penitent : attempted in a course of sermons upon Psalm LI. in which it is designed to show, what those views are of divine truth with which real Christians [ Complete in 2 Volumes. Leather Bindings ]
098871: COHEN AMMON & LEWIS BERNARD - Population and revenue in the towns of Palestine in the sixteenth Century
010314: COHEN HERMAN - The law of cabs in London : including motor cabs : with appendices containing police notices, the Asquith award, and the text of the statutes arranged both as a legal treatise and a popular Handbook
010303: COHEN, DAVID & GREENWOOD, BEN - Buskers: History of Street Entertainment
008216: COHN HERMANN - Untersuchungen Der Augen Von 10060 Schulkindern Nebst Vorschlagen Zur Verbesserung Der Den Augen Nachtheiligen Schuleinrichtungen
012958: COHN HENRY J. - The Government of the Rhine Palatinate in the Fifteenth Century
014524: COKAYNE, GEORGE EDWARD - Complete Baronetage. [ 1 volume microprint Edition ]
014333: COKAYNE, GEORGE E - the complete peerage of england scotland ireland great britain and the united Kingdom [ Complete in 6 Volumes ]
000820: COKE GERALD - In Search of James Giles (1718-1780)
013914: COKE THOMAS - A History of the West Indies, Containing the Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical History of Each Island [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
099218: COKER E. G. - A Treatise on Photo-Elasticity
098959: COLDHAM PETER WILSON - Complete Book of Emigrants, 1751-1776:
098960: COLDHAM PETER WILSON - Complete Book of Emigrants, 1700-1750:
011441: COLE JOHN REECE - It Was So Late and Other Stories [ Signed, Inscribed Copy ]
096611: COLE CAROL CASSIDY - Velvet Paws and Shiny Eyes
012098: COLE JOHN - The History and Antiquities of Ecton, in the County of Northampton [ Inscribed from the Author ]
013547: COLE SUSAN [ EDITED BY - A Series of Early Printed Maps of India in Facsimile
011685: COLE JOHN - Herveiana : or, Graphic and literary sketches, illustrative of the life and writings of the Rev. James Hervey, A. M.
011868: COLE JOHN - The History and Antiquities of Weston Favell in the County of Northampton
012161: COLE R. E. G. THE REV - A Glossary of Words Used in South-West Lincolnshire [ Wapentake of Graffoe ]
014087: COLE HENRY SIR - Fifty Years of Public Work of Sir Henry Cole, K.C.B. Accounted for in His Deeds Speeches and Writings [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
007096: COLEMAN CHARLES - The mythology of the Hindus with notices of various mountain and island tribes, inhabiting the two peninsulas of India and the neighbouring islands; and an appendix, comprising the minor avatars and the mythological and religious terms, &c. &c., of the
013588: COLENSO JOHN WILLIAM [ EDWARD LEAR'S COPY ] - Ten Weeks in Natal. a Journal of a First Tour of Visitation Among the Colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal
013905: COLERIDGE SAMUEL - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
013460: COLERIDGE LORD - The Story of a Devonshire House
096851: COLES NEIL - Neil Coles on Golf
099929: COLLECTIF - Enquête parlementaire sur l'insurrection du 18 Mars [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
010597: COLLECTIF - Arabesques et jardins de paradis: Collections françaises dart islamique : Musée du Louvre, Paris 16 octobre 1989 15 janvier 1990
011585: COLLIER JEREMY - The Great Historical Geographical, Genealogical and Peotical Dictionary Being a Curious Mifcellany of Sacred and Profane History [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
012313: COLLINS JOHN REV. - The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset Collected from Authentick Records and an Actual Survey made by the Late Mr Edmund Rack [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
096614: COLLINS C. TRELAWNY - Peranzabuloe the Lost Church Found: Or the Church of England Not a New Church, But Ancient, Apostolical, and Independent and a Protesting Chuch Nine Hundered Years Before the Reformation
012253: COLLINS [ PUBLISHER ] - The New Naturalist [ 10 Volume Facsimile Edition ]
012474: COLLINSON JOHN - The Beauties of British Antiquity; Selected from The Writings of Esteemed Antiquaries. With Notes and Observations.
099842: COLLISON WILLIAM - The Apostle of Free Labour the Life Story of William Collison [ Subscribers Edition, Inscribed to Frederic Wise M.P. ]
099992: COLLYMORE PETER - The Architecture of Ralph Erskine
009146: COLQUHOUN ARCHIBALD R. - Across Chryse Being the Narrative of a Journey of Exploration Through the South China Border Lands from Canton to Mandalay
014206: COLQUHOUN PATRICK - A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis; containing a detail of the various crimes and misdemeanours by which public and private property and security are, at present injured and endangered: and suggesting remedies for their Prevention
013069: COLVILL WILLIAN - Philosophia moralis Christiana. Authore Gulielmo Colvillo, academiæ Jacobi Regis Edinburgenæ moderatore primario.
099273: COLVIN SIR RICHARD B. [ COLONEL & HON, BRIGADIER-GENERAL ] - The Lieutenants and Keepers of the Rolls of the County of Essex
013760: COLVIN H. M. EDITOR - The History of the King's Works ( 6 Volumes, Plus Volume of Plans )
011656: COMBES EDWARD - Report on Technical Education and Manual Training at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889, and in Great Britain, France, and the United States of America [ Bound with 4 Other Reports ]
010510: COMMITTEE OF MASTERS AND JOURNEYMEN - The London Cabinet Makers' Union Book of Prices [ Three Books Bound in One ]
099423: COMMON PRAYER - The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland
096965: COMMON PRAYER - The Book of Common Prayer [ Bound with Hymns Ancient and Modern ]
010305: COMMON PRAYER - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England : Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches
097215: COMMON PRAYER - The Booke of Common Prayer [ Bound with the Psalter & Psalmes ]
010667: COMMON PRAYER - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches
096785: COMMON PRAYER - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England: together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches
096023: LE COMTE P. LOUIS - Nouveaux Memoires Sur L'etat Present De La Chine
012309: LE COMTE LOUIS - Memoirs and observations topographical, physical, mathematical, mechanical, natural, civil, ecclesiastical, made in a late journey through the empire of China : and published in several Letters
099693: CONANT KENNETH JOHN - Arquitectura Romanica da catedral de Santiago de Compostela
013970: CONFUCIUS & MENCIUS ? - The Four Books, or the Chinese Classics in English, compiled from the Best Previous Works, Confucius & Mencius. Zhong-Xi sishu [Chinese Title
099743: CONFUCIUS - The Wisdom of Confucius. The Lun Yu in English,
011430: CONGRESS - Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency to the Second Session of the Forty-Eighth Congress of the United States
011431: CONGRESS - Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency to the Second Session of the Forty-Seventh Congress of the United States
013423: CONNELL PHILIP & LEASK NIGEL [ EDITED BY ] - Romanticism and Popular Culture in Britain and Ireland
014122: CONNINGHAM COLIN & WATERHOUSE PRUDENCE - Alfred Waterhouse 1830-1905. Biography of a Practice [ Clarendon Studies in the History of Art ]
014270: CONNOLLY PHILOMENA [ EDITED BY ] - Statute Rolls of the Irish Parliament: Richard III - Henry VIII
098534: CONOLLY M. E. - Fifiana or Memorials of the East of Fife
098309: CONRAD JOSEPH - Suspense
099823: CONSIDERANT VICTOR - La Solution, ou Le Gouvernement direct du peuple.
098782: CONSTANTINE JOSEPH - Fifty Years of the Water Cure. With Autobiographical Notes
009376: COOK THEODORE ANDREA - A Short History of the Olympic Movement from 1896 to the Present Day, Containing the Account of a Visit to Athens in 1906, and of the Olympic Games of 1908 in London, Together with the Code of Rules for Twenty Different Forms of Sport and Numerous , Etc
014676: (COOK, CAPTAIN JAMES) WHARTON, CAPTAIN W.J.L., ED - Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World Made in H.M. Bark "Endeavour" 1768-71. A Literal Transcription of the Original Mss
011195: COOK THEODORE ANDREA - The Fourth Olympiad Being the Official Report of the Olympic Games of 1908
013243: COOK MARGARET - America's Charitable Cooks: A Bibliography of Fund-Raising Cook Books Published in the United States (1861-1915).
097685: COOK COLONEL - Observations on Fox Hunting, and the Management of Hounds in the Kennel and the Field. Addressed to a Young Sportsman, About to Undertake a Hunting Establishment
014158: COOKE TROUGHTON & SIMMS LTD - Cooks Microscopes
012491: COOKE E. W. - Sixty Five Plates of Shipping and Craft Drawn and Etched by E.W.Cooke. [ with 65 Plates ]
013666: COOKE JOHN ? - A Description of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Greenwich. With a Short Account of the Present Establishment of Officers, Pensioners, Out-Pensioners, Nurses, and Boys. With a List of Directors
098852: COOKE ROBERT & FOSTER JOSEPH - The Visitation of Herefordshire Made By Robert Cooke, Clarencieux in 1569
096513: COOMBES ALLEN J. - The Book of Leaves a Leaf By Leaf Guide to Six Hundred of the World's Great Trees
097220: COOPER FRANCES MARY - The Cat's Festival
003345: COOPER WILLIAM DURRANT - A Glossary of the Provincialisms in Use in the County of Sussex
004494: COOPER C. P. - Correspondence of C. P. Cooper Esq Secretary to the Board with Thomas Thomson Deputy Clerk Rigister Memorial of Robert Pitcairn Reports of the Deputy Clerk Register from 1822 to 1831
011778: COOPER TARNYA - Elizabeth I & Her People
096394: COOPER BRYAN - The Tenth [ Irish ] Division in Gallipoli
012797: COOPLAND G. W. - The Tree of Battles of Honore Bonet
011182: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1920-21
011189: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1921-1922
011191: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1923-1924
011185: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1917-1918
011190: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1922-1923
011183: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1919-1920
011184: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1918-1919
011192: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1924-1925
011186: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1916-1917
011187: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1915-1916
011188: COORG. INDIA - Report on the Administration of Coorg for the Year 1914-1915
098329: COPAGE ALAN F. - The Chadkirk Story
012266: COPE JOHN - The Report of the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Officers, on their Examination into the Conduct, Behaviours, and Proceedings of Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope
012919: COPE TREVOR - Izibongo Zulu Praise-Poems Collected By James Stuart
099622: COPE H. - Counting Instruments in Germany
096733: COPPLESTONE TREWIN - Michelangelo
012683: C. CORBET [ PUBLISHER?] - A Voyage to Shetland, the Orkneys, and the Western Isles of Scotland
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009076: CORBETT B. O. ( EDITED BY ) - Annals of the Corinthian Football Club
010041: LE CORBUSIER - Ronchamp Le Corbusier
096805: LE CORBUSIER - The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning [ Translated from the 8th French Edition of Urbanisme with an Introduction By Frederick Etchells ]
095898: CORIO BERNARDINO - L'historia di Milano / volgarmente scritta dall' eccellentissimo oratore M. Bernardino Corio ... ; nella quale non solamente si veggono l'origine, i fatti, & le fortune di essa Citta` nello spatio di duo mille et cento anni ; ma gli accidenti, & le Revolu
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012860: CORSI PIETRO - The Age of Lamarck Evolutionary Theories in France 1790-1830
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013303: COSTA NICOLAS J. - Albania: A European Enigma
011802: COTSEN MARGIT SPERLING - The Beatrix Potter Collection of Lloyd Cotsen Published on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday
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096980: COUPLAND W. C. - The Elements of Mental and Moral Science
009075: COURAGE GUY MAJOR - The History of 15/19 the King's Royal Hussars 1939-1945 with a Foreword By Brigadier Sir Henry Floyd
098958: COURTAULD [ INSCRIBED COPY ] - Some Silver Wrought By the Courtauld Family of London Goldsmiths in the Eighteenth Century
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008867: COWAN JAMES - Balgo Hills Aboriginal Paintings : Poster Book
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011527: COX DEVON - The Street of Wonderful Possibilities: Whistler, Wilde and Sargent in Tite Street
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013226: CRAWHALL JOSEPH - Chap-book Chaplets
011049: CRAWLEY PETER & WHITTAKER DAVID J. - Mormon Imprints in Great Britain and the Empire, 1836-1857: An exhibition in Harold B. Lee Library in celebration of the 150th anniversary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the British Isles
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013733: CRISP FREDERICK ARTHUR [ PUBLISHER ] - The Parish Registers of Beaumont Essex
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014210: CRITCHETT & WOOD - A New Guide to Stage Coaches, Waggons, Carts, Vessels, &c . For 1825. Being a List of All the Inns in London Where Stage Coaches and Waggons Put Up And Set Out from.
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011355: CRONIN ANTHONY - Poems
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014644: R. B. [ I.E CROUCH, NATHANIEL. ] - Historical remarks and observations upon the ancient and present state of London and Westminster : Shewing The Foundation, Walls, Gates, Towers, Bridges, Churches, Rivers, Wards, Palaces, Halls, Companies, Inns of Court and Chancery, Hospitals, Schools
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099300: CROWDEN & KEEVES LTD - Crowden & Keeves Ltd Brush and Hardware Manufacturers and Merchants
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011804: CROYDON - The Commercial and General Directory of the Town and Parish of Croydon Including South Norwood, Upper Norwood, Woodside, Stroud Green, and Shirley
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013809: CRUDEN ROBERT PEIRCE - The History of the Town of Gravesend in the County of Kent and of the Port of London
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010386: D'ANTAS MIGUEL - Les faux Don Sébastien. Étude sur l'Histoire de Portugal.
098839: D'ARCHENHOLTZ .JOHANN WILHELM VON ARCHENHOLZ - Histoire de la guerre de sept ans, commencée en 1756, et terminée en 1763.
014256: D'EWES, SIMONDS SIR - A compleat journal of the votes, speeches and debates, both of the House of Lords and House of Commons throughout the whole reign of Queen Elizabeth, of glorious Memory
013841: D'IVERNOIS M. - Etat des finances et des ressources de la Republique Francaise au 1er Janvier, 1796
097449: DACRE LADY [ BARBARINA BRAND ] [ INSCRIBED COPY ] - Dramas Translations and Occasional Poems
010878: DADELSZEN E. J. VON - Report on the Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand Taken for the Night of the 31st March, 1901
096778: DAGLEY ELIZABETH FRANCES - The Birthday with Other Tales
013787: DAILY GRAPHIC - The Daily Graphic 1897
013681: DAILY GRAPHIC - The Daily Graphic [ 1902 ] Boer War
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011053: DAIN PHYLLIS & COLE JOHN Y. [ EDITED BY ] - Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimension (Beta Phi Mu Monograph)
013732: DALE SAMUEL - The History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt. Topographical, Dynastical and Political. First Collected By Silas Taylor
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097791: DANIELS ROBIN - Anglo-Saxon Hartlepool and the Foundations of English Christianity
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012528: DELVOYE, WIM AND ALEXANDRA DANILOVA - Mimicry: Wim Delvoye in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
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013233: DEUCHAR MARGARET & QUAY SUZANNE - Bilingual Acquisition: Theoretical Implications of a Case Study
006057: DEVON FREDERICK - Issue Roll of Thomas De Brantingham Bishop of Exeter Lord High Treasurer of England Contating Payments Made Out of His Majesty's Revenue in the 44th Year of King Edward III A. D. 1370
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006058: DEVON FREDERICK - Issues of the Exchequer Being Payments Made Out of His Majesty's Revenue During the Reign of King James I
006064: DEVON FREDERICK - Issue Roll of Thomas De Brantingham Bishop of Exeter Lord High Treasurer of England Contating Payments Made Out of His Majesty's Revenue in the 44th Year of King Edward III A. D. 1370
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010384: DOUGLAS DAVID C. [ EDITED ] - The Domesday Monachorum of Christ Church Canterbury
013115: DOUGLAS NORMAN - Unprofessional Tales
011385: DOWNES KERRY - English Baroque Architecture
097981: DOYLE J. B. & A.B.R. - The antiquities and folk-lore of Ireland; being the Lake-lore, or An antiquarian guide to some of the ruins and recollections of Killarney, By A.B.R. And the Antiquities and Secery of the North of Ireland By J. B. Doyle
097897: DOYLE J. B. - Tours in Ulster: a Hand-Book to the Antiquities and Scenery of the North of Ireland
010044: DRAKE NATHAN - Shakspeare and His Times Including the Biography of the Poet [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
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014512: DRAKE FRANCIS - Eboracum: Or, The History and Antiquities of the City of York
013646: DRESKEN-WEILAND JUTTA - Mosaics of Ravenna Image and Meaning
010965: DREYFUS JOHN - Into Print: Selected Writings on Printing History, Typography and Book Production
099296: DRUJON, FERNAND - Les livres a clef: etude de bibliographie critique et Analytique [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
096470: DRURY NEVILL & VOIGT ANNA - Fire and Shadow: Spirituality in Contemporary Australian Art
012806: DRURY CHARLES - Important Hints & Discoveries in Agriculture; or a New System of Farming in General [ 5pp Notes from the Author ]
010652: DRUZNIKOV TURI - The Life and Death of Alexander Pushkin a Genius at Odds with Himself
097464: DUBLIN - Report from the Committee on the City of Dublin Election Petition: And Also, the Minutes of Evidence Taken Before Them
008180: DUBOIS J. A. - Moeurs Institutions et Ceremonies Des Peuples De L'inde
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098817: B. A. DUBROVIN; A. T. FOMENKO; S. P. NOVIKOV - Modern Geometry Methods and Applications: Part III: Introduction to Homology Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
010113: DUCAREL ANDREW COLTEE - History of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katharine Near the Tower of London from the Foundation in the Year 1273 to the Present Time [ Bound with Appendix 1-19 ]
010606: DUCAREL, ANDREW COLTEE - A repertory of the endowments of vicarages in the dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester
012656: THE DUCHESSE DE GONTAUT; TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY MRS. J. W. DAVIS - Memoirs of the Duchesse de Gontaut: Gouvernante to the Children of France During the Restoration, 1773-1836 [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
013491: DUCKWORTH RICHARD - Tintinnalogia : or, The art of ringing. Wherein is laid down plain and easie rules for Ringing
010476: DUFEY, PIERRE JOSEPH SPIRIDION - Histoire Des Communes De France et Legislation Municipale Depuis La Fin Du XIème Siècle jusqu'à Nos Jours
011611: DUFF CHARLES - A Handbook on Hanging [ Signed Copy ]
014243: DUGDALE WILLIAM - The Baronage of England, or An Historical Account of the Lives and most Memorable Actions of Our English Nobility In the Saxons time, to the Norman Conquest; and from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's Reign.
099518: DUGDALE WILLIAM - Index to the Visitation of the County of Yorke
010728: DUGUET JACQUES JOSEPH - Explication Du Livre De Job Ou Selon La Methode Des Saits Pere L'on S'atache a Decouvrir Les Mysteres De Jesus Christ & Les Regles Des Moeurs Renfermees Dans La Lettre Meme De L'ecriture [ 2 Volumes ]
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009328: DUNN BARRIE D. - Metallurgical Assessment of Spacecraft Parts and Materials
002548: DUNN WILLIAM - Notes Upon the Divinity of Kings
014063: DUNN RICHARD M. - Geoffrey Scott and the Berenson Circle Literary and Aesthetic Life in the Early 20th Century [ Studies in British Literature Volume 34 ]
012477: DURANTI, JEAN ÉTIENNE - Ioannis Stephani Duranti secretioris regij consistorij consiliarij amplissimiq. Senatus Tolosani primi praesidis De ritibus Ecclesiae Catholicae
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010152: DUVIVIER GIRAULT - Encyclopedie elementaire de l'antiquité ou origine progrés etat de perfection des arts et des sciences chez les Anciens [ Complete in 4 Volumes ]
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008895: EARWAKER J. P. - The Constables’ Accounts of the Manor of Manchester from the year 1612 to the year 1647, and from the year 1743 to the year 1776. (3 Vols). [Printed under the superintendence of a committee appointed by the municipal council of the city of Manchester
012163: EASTHER ALFRED REV - A Glossary of the Dialect of Almondbury and Huddesfield
099755: EBREY PATRICIA BUCKLEY - The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period
014645: ECHARD LAURENCE - The History of the Revolution and the Establishment of England in the Year 1688 : Introduced By a Necessary Review of the Reigns of King Charles and King James the Second
014599: EDEN SIR ANTHONY - The Eden Memoirs. Full Circle. Facing the Dictators. The Reckoning . Inscribed By Avon
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099702: EDITED BY A MEMBER - A Gazetteer of the World, or Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Compiled from the Most Recent Authorities , and Forming a Complete Body of Modern Geography, Physical, Political, Statistical, Historical, and Ethnographical [ 7 Volumes Leather Bindings ]
012501: EDMOND MARTE`NE; URSIN DURAND ? - Voyage litteraire de deux religieux benedictins de la Congregation de Saint Maur
011847: EDMONDSON JOSEPH - An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville, to the time of Francis, the present Earl Brooke, and Earl of Warwick including the history and succession of the several Earls of Warwick since the Norman Conquest; and some account
099560: EDOARDO ROVIDA - Machines and Signs: A History of the Drawing of Machines
012088: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - London Map. Upper Sydenham. Greenwich. Peckham. Isle of Dogs
012089: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - Lambeth. London
097960: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - Stanford's Map of the County of London [ from Stanmore. N.W. Chigwell. N.E. Merton. S.W. Chislehurst S.E. ]
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010511: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - British Columbia, Manitoba and the North West Territories
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012122: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - Stanford's Indexed Atlas of the County of London with Parts of the Adjacent Boroughs and Urban Districts.
096558: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - Stanford's New Two Inch Map of London and Its Environs [ Municipal Edition ]
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010282: EDWARD STANFORD [ PUBLISHER ] - Ordnance Survey [ Middlesex & Surrey ]
009012: EDWARDS JOHN - The Tour of the Dove a Poem with Occasional Pieces
013957: EDWARDS PERCY J. - London County Council. History of London Street Improvements 1855-1897
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098593: EDWIN RICHARDS & SONS - Illustrated Catalogue. Axles, Springs, Carriage Hardware [ Portway Works, Wednesbury, Staffordshire ]
011743: EFFINGHAM, WILSON [ PUBLISHERS ] - The A. B. C. Court Directory and Fashionable Guide for 1871, Including London and the Twelve Mile Radius
097669: EGAN PIERCE - Life in London; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and His Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom. Accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in Their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis
013210: EGER ELIZABETH - Bluestockings: Women of Reason from Enlightenment to Romanticism
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010184: EINHARD - Vita Karoli Magni: The life of Charlemagne (English and Latin Edition)
008549: EITEL ERNEST J. REV - Three Lectures on Buddhism
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096757: ELIOT T. S. - Geoffrey Faber 1889-1961
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010427: ELLES GERTRUDE LILIAN & TILLEY CECIL EDGAR - Metamorphism in Relation to Structure in the Scottish Highlands [ Inscribed Copy ]
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097178: ELLIS ROBERT - Disease in Childhood, Its Common Causes, and Directions for Its Practical Management
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002515: ELLISON THOMAS - Slavery and Secession in America Historical and Economical
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013444: ELLY BABBEDGE - The Templars of Wootton. The Siege of Woodstock Manor 1646 [ Bound with Getting Hooked on Family History ]
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098640: ELSPETH LAMB - Papermaking for Printmakers (Printmaking Handbooks)
012154: ELSWORTHY FREDERIC THOMAS - An Outline of the Grammar of the Dialect of West Somerset [ Bound with. Miscellaneous the Dialect of West Somerset. & The West Somerset Word-Book. a Glossary of Dialect and Archaic Word and Phrases Used in the West of Somerset and East Devon ]
011769: ELTENTOM DOROTHEA - Laughter in Leningrad and English Family in Russia 1933-1938
099039: ELTON W. R. - Shakespeares Troilus and Cressida and the Inns of Court Revels
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014517: EMDEN A. B. - A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500
014515: EMDEN A. B. - A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500 [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
014516: EMDEN A. B. - A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford: A.D. 1501 to 1540
099440: EMERSON WILLIAM - The elements of optics : In four books. Book I. Simple Optics, or Direct Vision. Book II. Catoptrics, or Reflected Vision. Book III. Dioptrics, or Refracted Vision. Book IV. The Construction of Optical Instruments
013054: EMILE-BAYARD JEAN - Montmartre Past and Present
098632: EMINA CEVRO VUCOVIC - Toni Meneguzzo Frammenti
098527: EMMERSON RICHARD K. [ EDITED BY ] - Studies in Iconography. Volume 20, 1999
013254: ENFIELD N. J. - Ethnosyntax Explorations in Grammar and Culture
097312: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer [ 1926 ]
097315: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer [ 1921 ]
097316: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer [ 1923 ]
097311: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer [ 1927 ]
097317: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer [ 1923 ]
095976: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer
095977: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer 1928
095975: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer 1933
097314: THE ENGINEER - The Engineer [ 1929 ]
097321: ENGINEERING - Engineering an Illustrated Weekly Journal [ 1956 ]
010620: ENGINEERING WEEKLY JOURNAL - Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal [ a Run of 231 Volumes ]
097320: ENGINEERING - Engineering an Illustrated Weekly Journal [ 1955 ]
097322: ENGINEERING - Engineering an Illustrated Weekly Journal [ 11 Volumes ], [ 1941 to 1946 ]
097323: ENGINEERING - Engineering an Illustrated Weekly Journal [1947]
098491: ENLART CAMMILLE - Volles Mortes Du Moyen Age
012657: ENO WILLIAM PHELPS - Simplification of Highway Traffic
013171: ENO HENRY LANE - The Baglioni a Play in Five Acts
013172: ENO HENRY LANE - The Wanderer
013173: ENO HENRY LANE - The Maid of Gloucester
013579: ENSOR GEORGE - On National Education
095804: ENSOR JAMES - James Ensor: Catalogue raisonné des Peintures ( Complete in 2 Volumes )
010536: EPSTEIN, RABBI DR. I [ EDITED BY ] - Moses Maimonides 1135-1204 : Anglo-Jewish papers in connection with the eighth century of his Birth
014445: ERASMUS [ ALLEN P. S. ] - Opus Epistolarum Des Erasmi Roterodami [ 11 Volumes ]
014688: ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS) - Lingua conscripta: cui libellum Plutarchi Chaeronei de immodica verecundia propter argumenti similitudinem Adiunximus
009530: ERASMUS DESIDEROIUS - Paraphraseon Des. Erasmi Roterodami, in Nouum Testamentum : uidelicet in quatuor Euangelia, & Acta apostolorum, nunc Postremum ab autore non oscitanter recognitus.
010933: ERASMUS - Desiderius Erasmus Prefaces to the Fathers the New Testament on Study [ Edited By Robert Peters ]
099738: ERICH OSWALD A. - Die Darstellung Des Teufels in Der Christlichen Kunst
096323: ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG, ALAIN - The Cathedral: The Social and Architectural Dynamics of Construction (Cambridge Studies in the History of Architecture)
013368: ESDAILE KATHARINE - The life and works of Louis François Roubiliac
097989: ESLER ROBERT - Guide to Belfast, Giant's Causeway, and North of Ireland
014059: ESSEX W. R. H. & SMIRKE SYDNEY - Illustrations of the Architectural Ornaments and Embellishments and Painted Glass of the Temple Church.
010947: ESSICK ROBERT N. - William Blake Printmaker
014395: ESTEBAN (CLAUDE) - Celle qui ne dort pas, limited edition of 115 copies, number 22 of 25 copies signed by the author and the artist, 6 aquatints by Marq and including a series of 10 extra aquatints from the book and signed by the Artist
095759: ETIENNE VICTOR JOSEPH ( ETIENNE DE JOUY ) - Guillaume Le Franc-Parleur Ou Observations Sur Les Moeurs et Les Usages Francais Au Commencement Du XIX Siecle
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099173: ETTINGHAUSEN RICHARD - Aus Der Welt Der Islamischen Kunst. Festschrift Fur Ernst Kuhnel Zum 75. Geburtstag am 26.10.1957.
011958: ETTLINGER L. D. - The Sistine Chapel Before Michelangelo Religion Imagery and Papal Primacy
013034: EUCLID - The Elements of Euclid the First Six Books, and Eleventh and Twelfth. From the Text of Robert Simson, M. D. Edited in the Symbolical Form By R. Blakelock
098687: EUCLIDE [ HENRION D. ] - Les Quinze livres des Elemens d'Euclide. Traduicts de Latin en François par D. Henrion Mathematicien. Seconde édition, Reueuë, corrigée & augmentée.
011946: EULER LEONHARD - Lettere a Una Principessa Redesca
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010628: EVDOKIMOVA SVETLANA [ EDITED BY ] - Alexander Pushkin's "Little Tragedies: The Poetics of Brevity
010251: EVELEIGH WILLIAM REV - The Settlers and Methodism 1820-1920 [ Inscribed Copy ]
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010339: EVELYN JOHN - Kalendarium hortense, or, The gard'ners almanac, directing what he is to do monthly throughout the Year
013500: EVERETT GEORGE - The path-way to peace and profit: or, Truth in its plain dress : wherein is methodically set forth a sure and certain way for the more speedy and effectual building and repairing Their Majesties Royal Navy, by such Means.
012596: EYRE DONALD C. - Foxes Have Holes
014329: EYTON THE REV R. W. - Court, Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II. Instancing Also the Chief Agents and Adversaries of the King in His Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy [ Author's Presentation Copy ]
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010867: FABERGE CARL - A Loan Exhibition of the Works of Carl Faberge Jeweller and Goldsmith to the Imperial Court of Russia November 8th-25th 1949.
013982: FADEN WILLIAM [ PUBLISHER ] - A Map of the Roads of Great Britain Shewing the Distance Between Each Town and Also from London
097889: FADEN WILLIAM [ PUBLISHER ] - The Country Twenty-Five Miles Round London [ from Windsor to Basildon, and Ware to Reigate ] Large Coloured Map
012463: FAIRHOLT FREDERICK W. [ EDITED BY ] - Satirical songs and poems on costume : from the 13th to the 19th Century
096942: FAITHHORN JOHN - Facts and observations on liver complaints, and bilious disorders in general, and on those derangements of that important organ, and of its immediate or intimate connections, which most sensibly influence the biliary secretion, with practical Deductions
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097546: FEARNSIDE W. G. [ EDITED BY ] - Tombleson's View of the Rhine
009531: FEDDERSEN, JUTTA - Soft Sculpture and Beyond : An International Perspective
098877: FELDMAN RABBI DR A. - The Parables and Similes of the Rabbis Agricultural and Pastoral
095873: FELLOWES W. D. - A visit to the monastery of La Trappe, in 1817: with notes, taken during a tour through Le Perce, Normandy, Bretagne, Poitou, Anjou, Le Bocage, Touraine, Orleanois, and the environs of Paris.
014220: FELSTEAD ALISON AND OTHERS [ COMPILED BY ] - Directory of British Architects 1834-1900
012515: FERGUSON JAMES - Select Mechanical Exercises. Shewing how to Conduct Different Clocks, Orreries, and Sun-Dials, on Plain and Easy Principles. With Several Miscellaneous Articles; and New Tables
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012527: FERRARI OTTAVIO - Octavii Ferrarii De re vestiaria libri septem. : Quatuor postremi nunc primum prodeunt : reliqui emendatiores & auctiores. Adiectis iconibus, quibus res tota oculis Subjecitur
014681: FIELD MARSHALL THE VISCOUNT MONTGOMERY OF ALAMEIN - Normandy to the Baltic [ Inscribed Copy ]
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099538: FILLMORE MRS N. & GIBSON J. S. W. [ TRANSCRIBED & EDITED BY ] - Marriage Register of Banbury. Part Two. 1724-1790
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096008: FINCH WILLIAM COLES - Watermills & Windmills a Historical Survey of Their Rise, Decilne and Fall as Portrayed By Those of Kent
013040: FINCHAM JOHN - A History of Naval Architecture To Which is Prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Application of Mathematical Science to the Art of Naval Construction
013088: FINCHAM JOHN - Directions for Laying Off Ships on the Mould-Loft Floor. With Some Instructions for Drawing Ships in Perspective
014205: FINCHAM JOHN - An Outline of Ship Building in Four Parts
014084: FINDLEN PAULA - Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy
099552: FINI LEONOR - Leonor Finin
098103: FINIGUERRA MASO - A Florentine Picture-Chronicle Being a Series of Ninety-nine Drawings Representing Scenes and Personages of Ancient History Sacred and Profane Reproduced from the Originals in the British Museum
010625: FINKE MICHAEL C. & SHERBININ JULIE DE [ EDITED BY ] - Chekhov The Immigrant: Translating a Cultural Icon
010984: FINKELSTEIN DAVID, MCCULLOCH MARGERY PALMER & GLEN DUNCAN - Scottish Literary Periodicals Three Essays
013347: FIRLA IAN & LINDOP GREVEL [ EDITED BY ] - Graves And The Goddess: Essays on Robert Graves s the White Goddess
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010805: FIRST WORLD WAR - First World War [ the Northampton Herald 1915 ]
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099532: FISHWICK HENRY - The History of the Parish of St. Michaels-on-Wyre in the County of Lancaster.
011716: FITZGERALD GERALD [ AND OTHERS ] - Annals of the Metropolitan Opera: The Complete Chronicle of Performances and Artists [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
096844: FLAHERTY FRANCES HUBBARD - Elephant Dance
099928: FLEURY L'ABBE - Histore Du Christianisme [ Complete in 6 Volumes ]
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098997: FLORINE JEAN - La synthèse des machines logiques et son Automatisation Preface du Professeur Hoffman.
097571: FLORO [ LUCIO ANNEO FLORO ] - Historiæ Romanæ : epitome Lucii Iulii Flori. C. Vell. Paterculi. Sex. Aur. Victoris. Sexti Rufi Festi. Messalæ Corvini. Eutropii. Paulli Diaconi. M. Aur. Cassiodori. Iornandis, et Iulii Exuperantii. Ex museo Nic: Blanckardi.
097080: FLOUD RODERICK [ EDITED BY ] - The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain [ Complete in 3 Volumes ]
097306: FLOWERS DESMOND & MUNBY A. N. L. - English Poetical Autographs [ with Letter to Mrs Robert Bridges, '' Thank You Very Much for the Spendid Ms of the Larks ] ]
012140: FOLK LORE - Folk-Lore a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, & Custom. Being the Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society [ 49 Volumes ]
011570: FOLON JEAN MICEL - Fleurs de Giorgio Morandi
010221: FOLZ, ROBERT - The Coronation of Charlemagne 25 December 800
012639: LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE) - Contes et Nouvelles en Vers [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
013753: LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE - Contes et Nouvelles En Vers [ 2 Volumes ]
010110: FONTENELLE M. DE (BERNARD LE BOVIER) - Jugement de Pluton, sur les deux parties des Nouveaux dialogues des Morts
099704: FOOTWEAR ORGANISER [ SHOES ] [ FULL YEAR. 1936 ] - The Footwear Organiser and Shoe and Leather Trades Export Journal
098320: FORD BORIS [ EDITED BY ] - The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain [ Complete in 9 Volumes ]
099461: S. FORDHAM - High Explosives and Propellants
013130: FORDYCE GEORGE - Elements of the practice of physics, in two parts. 1.Part: The natural history of the human body. 2.Part: The history and methods treating fevers and internal inflammations.
010723: LA FOREST M. DE - Methode d' Instruction Pour Ramener Les Pretendus Reformes a Leglise Romaine et Confirmer Les Catholiques Dans Leur Croyance
099915: FORESTER THOMAS - Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia
012015: FOREVILLE, RAYMONDE - Thomas a Becket dans la Tradition Historique et Hagiographique (Variorum Collected Studies)
099469: FORGET THOMAS - The Construction of Drawings and Movies: Models for Architectural Design and Analysis
013743: FORROW ALEXANDER [ OF THE EAST AND WEST INDIA DOCK COMPANY ] - The Thames and Its Docks a Lecture
095875: FORSYTH ROBERT - The Principles and Practice of Agriculture, Systematically Explained in Two Volumes: Being a Treatise Compiled for the Fourth Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Revised and Enlarged
003245: FORTEGUERRI NICOLO - The First Canto of Ricciardetto : translated from the Italian of Forteguerri: with an introduction, concerning the principal romantic, burlesque, and mock-heroic poets ; and notes, Critical and Philological
009209: FORTNUM C. DRURY E. - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Maiolica Hispano Moresco, Persian Damascus, and Rhodian Wares in the South Kensington Museum
008699: FOSKETT, DAPHNE - Miniatures : Dictionary and Guide
012951: FOSTER B. - Ye History of Ye Priory and Gate of St John
098050: FOSTER ANDREW - Tamara Karsavina: Diaghilev's Ballerina
098965: FOSTER JOSEPH - Pedigrees Recorded at the Heralds' Visitations of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, Made By Richard St. George, Norroy, King of Arms in 1615, and By William Dugdale, Norroy, King of Arms in 1666.
010443: FOTIADE, RAMONA - Andre Breton - The Power of Language
099573: FOUNTAIN ROBERT - Travelling Ireland: 1000 Miles with Horse and Carriage
014378: FOUNTAIN NIGEL - Underground the London Alternative Press 1966-74
011543: FOWLE FRANCES - Van Gogh's Twin: The Scottish Art Dealer Alexander Reid
010062: FOX CHARLES JAMES. RIGHT HON - A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second with an Introductory Chapter
013766: FOX COLIN - The Bennett Letters a 19th Century Family in St Helena, England and the Cape
011783: FOX-DAVIES ARTHUR CHARLES - The Art of Heraldry and Encyclopaedia of Armory
014187: FOXE JOHN - The Ecclesiasticall History; Containing the Acts and Monuments of Martyrs [ Volume 3 ]
014090: FOXE JOHN - The Ecclesiasticall History; Containing the Acts and Monuments of Martyrs [ Volume 2 ]
096578: FOXWELL ARTHUR - The Enlarged Cirrhotic Liver
013584: FRANCKE REV A. H. - A History of Western Tibet One of the Unknown Empires
013806: FRANCO BRITISH EXHIBITION [ EDITED BY F. G. DUMAS ] - The Franco-British Exhibition. Illustrated Review 1908
098151: FRANCO PRATESI - La splendida basilica di San Miniato a Firenze: Il Rinascimento inizia da qui
013253: FRANKLIN BOB - The Future Newspapers
013745: FRANKLIN JOHN - Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819-20-21-22. [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
098048: FRANZ HEINRICH GERHARD - Niederländische Landschaftsmalerei im Zeitalter des Manierismus. [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
096822: FRANZOI UMBERTO - The Grand Canal
099691: FRASER MRS HUGH - A Diplomatist's Wife in Many Lands [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
010879: FRASER M. - Report on the Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand Taken for the Night of the 2nd April, 1911
010880: FRASER M. - Results of a Census of the Dominion of New Zealand Taken for the Night of the 2nd April, 1911
097978: FRASER JAMES - Hand Book for Travellers in Ireland descriptive of its Scenery, Towns, Seats, Antiquities, etc. with all the railways now open and various statistical tables. Also an outline of its mineral structure, a brief of view its Botany and information for Anglers
011599: FRASER SIR ANDREW H. L. & CANDY MR JUSTICE [ AND OTHERS ] - Report of the Indian Police Commission 1902-03
014170: FRASER JOHN FOSTER - Round the World on a Wheel. Being the narrative of a bicycle ride of nineteen thousand two hundred and thirty-seven miles through seventeen countries and across three continents.
010783: FRAYLING CHRISTOPHER [ INTRODUCTION BY ] - David Mellor Master Metalwork
013975: FREART, ROLAND SIEUR DE CHAMBRAY. [ TRANSLATED BY JOHN EVELYN ] - An Idea of the Perfection of Painting: Demonstrated from the Principles of Art and by examples conformable to the observations, which Pliny and Quintillian have made.
099699: FREDDIE WILHELM - Braendende Blade af Jens Jorgen Thorsen. Privattryk.
099895: FREDDIE WILHELM - Wilhelm Freddie
098594: FREDDIE WILHELM - Freddie: Wilhelm Freddie, værker 1957-1995 (Danish Edition)
098326: FREEMAN RAY [ COMPLIED BY ] - Wrens-Eye View of Wartime Dartmouth (Dartmouth History Research Group Paper)
011539: FREEMAN NICHOLAS - 1895 : Drama, Disaster and Disgrace in Late Victorian Britain
012630: FREER MARTHA WALKER - Elizabeth De Valois, Queen of Spain, and the Court of Philip II [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
013436: FRENCH LAW - Law.- Regis pie memorie Edwardi tertii a quadragesimo ad Quinquagesimum
014016: FRENCH GEORGE RUSSELL - The Ancestry of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and of His Royal Highness Prince Albert. Comprised in Thirty Two Tables, with Biographical Memoirs and Heraldic Notices
098853: FRESENIUS C. REMIGIUS - Anleitung zur quantitiven chemischen analyse fu¨r anfa¨nger und Geu¨btere. von Carl Remigius Fresenius. [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
012027: FRESHFIELD EDWIN - On the Parish Books of St. Margaret-Lothbury, St. Christopher-le-Stocks, and St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, in the City of London.
014114: FRIEDMAN ALICE T. - House and Household in Elizabethan England Wollaton Hall and the Willoughby Family
013179: FRIEDMAN JOHN T. - Imagining the Post-Apartheid State an Ethnographic Account of Namibia
011032: FRIEL RAYMOND [ EDITED BY ] - Four Point One: Translations of Aragon and Garneau, New Work by Penelope Shuttle, Drew Milne and Derick Thomson, Brodsky Remembered, Finlay Assessed (Southfields Monographic)
013425: FRIGYESI JUDIT - Bela Bartok and Turn-of-the-Century Budapest
011990: FRY GEORGE S. - Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Relating to the City of London [ Part 1. Henry VII to Elizabeth 1485-1561. Part 2. Elizabeth, 1561-1577 ]
004314: FRY CAROLINE - The Listener ( Complete in 2 Volumes )
013220: FULFORD ROGER - Dearest Mama: Letters Between Queen Victoria and the Crown Princess of Prussia 1861-1864 [ Signed Copy ]
013603: FULLER THOMAS - The History of the Worthies of England
013237: FUMERTON PATRICIA [ EDITED BY ] - Broadside Ballads from the Pepys Collection: A Selection of Texts, Approaches, and Recordings
097916: FURNISS HARRY - Australian Sketches Made on Tour
013185: FURNIVALL FEDERICK J. - Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, the Parliament of Devils, and Other Religious Poems Chiefly From the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth Ms No 853 [ Early English Text Society ]
096206: FUSELI HENRY - Lectures on painting : delivered at the Royal Academy by Henry Fuseli. With additional observations and notes.
014469: GABRIELE FINALDI - ELENA CENALMOR - GABRIELE FINALDI - EDWARD PAYNE - José de Ribera,Dibujos.Catalogue raisonné
010396: GAILLARD GEORGES - La sculpture romane Espagnole. De Saint Isidore de Leon à Saint Jacques de Compostelle.
010531: GAILLARD M. - Histoire de François 1er, Roi de France
010720: GAILLARD GABRIEL-HENRI - Rhétorique françoise à l'usage des jeunes demoiselles, avec Des Exemples tirées, pour la plûpart, De nos meilleurs Orateurs & Poètes modernes.
012013: GAIMSTER DAVID & STAMPER PAUL [ EDITED BY ] - Age of Transition, The: Archaeology of English Culture 1400-1600 (Society for Mediaeval Archaeology Monograph)
014291: GAIRDNER JAMES - The Paston Letters A. D. 1422-1509 [ Library Edition Complete in 6 Volumes ]
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012274: GAIT E. A. - Census of India, 1911. [ Volume 1. India. Part 1- Report ]
010018: GALE BRUCE - Musa Hitam a Political Biography
097288: GALL & INGLIS [ PUBLISHERS ] - Gall & Inglis Handy Map of London. Scale 3 1/2 Inches to a Mile. With Illustrated Guidebook and Index to Streets
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096371: GALLENKAMP - Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment
098061: GALLET MICHEL & BOTTINEAU YVES - Les Gabriel: Ouvrage Collectif
012629: GALLICO PAUL - The Adventures of Hiram Holliday
013567: GALTON FRANCIS - English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture
097675: GALTON FRANCIS - Finger Prints
013521: GALTON FRANCIS - The Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa
010961: GAMESON RICHARD - The Medieval Manuscripts of Trinity College, Oxford: a Descriptive Catalogue
098191: GAMESON RICHARD - The Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon Church
098225: GANGLER ANETTE - Ein traditionelles Wohnviertel im Nordosten der Altstadt von Aleppo in Nordsyrien
098820: GARCON NATHALIE - Balcons
004185: GARDEN GEORGE ? - A Letter to Mr. James Webster, (in name of the episcopal clergy) concerning a sermon preached by him at Edinburgh, July 25. 1703. : Before Her Majesties High Commissioner, and the honourable estates of Parliament
013029: GARDINER STEPHEN - Obedience in Church & State Three Political Tracts
013381: GARLICK KENNETH - Sir Thomas Lawrence: A Complete Catalogue of the Oil Paintings
099292: GARNEREY, JEAN FRANçOIS - Collection des nouveaux costumes des autorités constituées, civils et militaires: Costumes des législateurs, et des autres fonctionnaires Publics
013980: GARRETT H. A. - Bright's map of Bournemouth and neighbourhood : from Ordnance, Admiralty & special surveys by H.A. Garrett, Assistant Surveyor; drawn and engraved by G.W. Bacon
010952: GARRICK DAVID [ EDITED BY HARRY WILLIAM PEDICORD & FREDERICK LOUIS GERGMANN ] COMPLETE IN 7 VOLUMES - The Plays of David Garrick a Complete Collection of the Social Satires, Etcetera [ Complete in 7 Volumes ]
095959: GARRICK MR - Dramatic Micellanies Consisting of Critical Observations on Several Plays of Shakspeare
013731: GASKILL WILLIAM & PRESS C. A. M. - Essex Leaders Social and Political
012075: GASSENDI, PIERRE - Petri Gassendi Institutio Astronomica, Juxta Hypotheseis Tam Veterum Quam Recentiorum Cui Accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nuncius Sidereus, et Johannis Kepleri Dioptrice Tertia Editio Prioribus Correctior
096585: GAULD TOM & LIA SIMONE - Second
012257: GAULTIER THE ABBE - A Complete Course of Geography, by Means of Instructive Games, Invented by the Abbe Gaultier
012948: GAUME ABBE - Paganism in Education from the French [ Translated By Robert Hill ]
096768: GAUNT MARY - Dave's Sweetheart
013902: GAVIN ANTONIO - The frauds of Romish monks and priests : set forth in eight letters. Lately written by a gentleman, in his journey into Italy; and publish'd for the benefit of the Publick
099489: GEDDE WALTER - A Booke of Sundry Draughtes, principaly serving for Glasiers, and not impertinent for Plasterers, and Gardiners
098784: GEE GEORGE E. - The Jeweller's Assistant in the Art of Working in Gold
098303: GEIKIE ARCHIBALD - Geological Map of Scotland
096378: GELFAND MICHAEL - Christian Doctor and Nurse: The History of Medical Missions in South Africa From, 1799-1976
014472: GEMIN MASSIMO & PEDROCCO FILIPPO - Giambattista Tiepolo a Dipinti Opera Completa
010697: GEOGRAPHERS' MAP CO LTD - Geographers' premier map of London and Suburbs. Published under the directorship of Alexander Gross. [ Including Index ]
097146: GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL - The Geographical Journal [ January to June, 1909 ]
097147: GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL - The Geographical Journal [ July to December, 1914 ]
097144: GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL - The Geographical Journal [ July to December, 1912 ]
099878: GEOLOGY - Congres Geologique International Comptes Rendus De La Dix - Neuvieme Session Alger 1952-1954 [ 21 Parts ]
097994: GEORGE W. DAVISON AND HARRIET R. B. DAVISON - Our Fortnight in Ireland [ Signed Limited, with Christmas Card ]
099382: GEORGE CHARLES HENRY VICTOR PAGET,MARQUESS OF ANGLESEY - All the Queen's Horses: The Art of Lynne Gleason
098803: GEORGE E. MARTIN - Geometric Constructions (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
013836: GEORGE PHILLIP'S & SON [ PUBLISHER ] - Philip's New Map of London 1867
013723: GEORGIADIS EVGENIA - Nicholas Georgiadis Paintings, Stage Designs [1955-2001
011836: GERARD M. G. MAJOR-GENERAL [ AND OTHERS ] - Report on the Proceedings of the Pamir Boundary Commission
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099540: GERNSHEIM HELMUT AND ALISON - The History of Photography from the Camera Obscure to the Beginning of the Modern Era
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012320: GERSAINT M. - Catalogue raisonné de toutel les pieces Qui forment l'Oeuvre de Rembrandt.
013764: GETHYN-JONES THE REV J. E. - Dymock Down the Ages
096591: GIBBONS THOMAS - Juvenilia: Poems on Various Subjects of Devotion and Virtue.
013475: GIBBONS KENNETH D' MAURNEY - A Path to the Door a Chronicle of Petters' Inventions, Businesses, People, Engines and Aircraft, 1895-1995
003327: GIBBS A. E. - The Corporation Records of St Albans
011687: GIBSON KENNETT - A comment upon part of the fifth journey of Antoninus through Britain : in which the situation of Durobrivæ
013007: GIBSON EDMUND - Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani: or the Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks, and Articles of the Church of England. [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
013730: GIBSON GEORGE STACEY - The Flora of Essex; or a list of the flowering plants and ferns found in the County of Essex; with the localities of the less common species ascertained by recent observations and reference to former authors, and illustrated with four coloured plates of t
010562: GIBSON J. S. W. - Marriage Register of Banbury Part Three 1790-1837 [ the Banbury Historical Society Volume 5 ]
013843: GIFFEN SIR ROBERT [ HENRY HIGGS. EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ] - Statistics By the Late Sir Robert Giffen K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. Written About the Years 1898-1900
096033: GIFFORD JOHN - The history of France, from the earliest times, to the present important era. From the French of Velly, Villaret, Garnier, Mezeray, Daniel, and other eminent historians; with Notes, critical and explanatory by John Gifford.
008955: GILBERT JOHN ( TRANSLATOR ) - Omar Al-Mukhtar the Italian Reconquest of Libya
011891: GILBERT LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY [ BURNET GILBERT ] - A sermon preached at the coronation of William III. and Mary II. King and Queen of England, ---- France, and Ireland, defenders of the faith; in the Abby-Church of Westminster, April II. 1689.
014506: GILDAS - Gildae Sapientis De excidio et conquestu Britanniae ac flebili castigatione in reges principes et sacerdotes. Accedunt I. Epistularum Gildae deperditarum fragmenta. II. Gildae Liber de paenitentia. III. Vita Gildae avctore Monacho Ruiensi. IV. Vita Gildae
013478: GILES JOHN ALAN - History of Witney : with notices of the neighbouring parishes and hamlets, Cogges, Crawley, Curbridge, Ducklington, Hailey, Minster Lovel, and Stanton Harcourt. by the Rev. Dr. Giles.
098323: GILL ERIC - Das Hohe Lied Salomo. The Song of Solomon.
012916: GILLESPIE ANGUS K. - Folklorist of the Coal Fields. George Korson's Life and Work
013932: GILLET ROBERT - The Pleasures of Reason; or, the Hundred Thoughts of a Sensible Young Lady
098597: GILLIAN GREEN - Traditional Textiles of Cambodia: Cultural Threads and Material Heritage
010232: GILLIES JOHN - The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies & Conquests, from the Earliest Accounts till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East: Including the History of Literature, Philosophy, & the Fine Arts
013773: GILLY W. S. - The Peasantry of the Border
011614: GILLY WILLIAM STEPHEN - Academic errors; or, Recollections of youth. By a member of the University of Cambridge
099775: GINIO ALISA MEYUHAS [ EDITED BY ] - Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean World after 1492
099143: GINOUVES RENE - Mosaique: Recueil dhommages à Henri Stern
002053: GIOVANNI, BOCCACCIO. (PLUCHON-DESTOUCHES) - Le Petit-Neveu De Bocace, Ou Contes Noveaux En Vers Nouvelle Edition
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010002: GIRAULT-DUVIVIER, CH.-PRE. - LEMAIRE, P.-AUGUSTE. - Grammaire des grammaires ou analyse raisonnée des meilleurs traités sur la langue française. Dix-neuvième édition entièrment revue et corrigée [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
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096935: GIRLS' FRIEND - The Girls' Friend a Home Story Paper for Readers of All Ages [ 25 Issues ]
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014125: GIROUARD MARK - Big Jim the Life and Work of James Stirling
012957: GITELMAN ZVI Y. - Jewish Nationality and Soviet Politics the Jewish Section of the CPSU, 1917-1930
014545: GIVEN-WILSON C. - The Chronicle of Adam Usk 1377-1421 [ Oxford Medieval Texts ]
010529: GLADSTONE W. E. - The State in Its Relations with the Church
013249: GLASSII, SALOMONIS - Philologia sacra : qua totius SS. Veteris et Novi Testamenti scripturae tum stylus et literatura, tum sensus et genuinae interpretationis ratio et doctrina libris quinque expenditur ac traditur ; qui absolvuntur philologia . grammatica et rhetorica sacra.
012648: GLASSNER JEAN JACQUES - The Invention of Cuneiform Writing in Sumer
098978: GLAUBER JOHN (JOHANN) RUDOLPH - Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist, John Rudolph Glauber. Containing, Great Variety of Choice Secrets in Medicine and Alchymy in the Working of Metallick Mines, and the Separation of Metals: also, Various Cheap and Easie Ways of Making
012959: GLOUCESTER - Smart's City of Gloucester and District Directory
010614: GLOVER STEPHEN - The History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the County of Derby: drawn up from actual observation and from the best authorities; containing a variety of Geological, Mineralogical, and Statistical Information [ Complete in 2 Volumes ]
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002458: GLRALDUS CAMBRENSIS: BARRI GIRALDUS DE - Itinerarium Cambriae Seu Laboriosae Baldvini Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi Per Walliam Legationis Accurata Description Auctore Silv Giraldo Cambrense Cum Annotationibus Davidis Poweli
010910: GOBEL HEINRICH [ TRANSLATED BY ROBERT WEST ] - Tapestries of the Lowlands
014229: GODFREY GOODWIN, PHILIPPA SCOT, ENGIN YENAL - Reflections of Paradise Silks and Tiles from Ottoman Bursa
011682: GODFREY JOHN T. & WARD JAMES - The History of Friar Lane Baptist Church, Nottingham, Being a Contribution Towards the History of the Baptists in Nottingham
014546: GODMAN PETER [ EDITED BY ] - The Bishops, Kings, and Saints of York (Oxford Medieval Texts)
009155: GOESIUS WILHELM - Rei agrariæ auctores legesque variæ : quædam nunc primum, cætera emendatiora prodeunt cura W. Goesii, cujus accedunt, indices, antiquitates agrariæ et notæ: una cum N. Rigaltii notis et observationibus, nec non glossario ejusdem.
009565: GOETHE JOHANN WOLFGANG VON - Goethe-Gallerie : nach Original-Cartons
014585: GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON - Goethes Werke. unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Fachgelehrter ; herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Karl Heinemann.
098486: GOLDBERG SYLVIE ANNE - Crossing the Jabbok: Illness and Death in Askenazi Judaism in Sixteenth - through Nineteenth-Century Prague (Contraversions: Critical Studies in Jewish Literature, Culture, and Society)
099224: GOLDMAN J. W. - Cricketers and the Law
004306: GOLDSMID EDMUND ( EDITED BY ) - The Voyages of the English Nation to America Before the Year 1600 from Hakluyt's Collection of Voyages ( 1598 -1600 ) ( 4 Volumes Bound in 3 )
096048: GOLDSMITH DR - The History of England from the Earliest Times to the End of the Reign of George II. By Dr Goldsmith. And Contined to the Present Period By Mr Morell [ Complete in 2 Volumes ] [ Published Bungay. Suffolk ]
013900: GOLDSMITH OLIVER - The Miscellaneous Works of O. Goldsmith. [ Complete in 3 Volumes. Dublin Edition ]
008635: GOLDSMITH OLIVER - The Vicar of Wakefield
012993: GOLDSWORTHY W. LANSDOWN - Shake-Speare's Heraldic Emblems
012968: GOLLOCK GEORGINA A. - Eugene Stock a Biographical Sudy 1836 to 1928
011941: GOLOB NATASA - Srednjeveski Kodeksi Iz Sticne XII. Stoletje
097570: GOLOVNIN, VASILII MIKHAILOVICH; PETR IVANOVICH RIKORD - Narrative of My Captivity in Japan, During the Years 1811, 1812 & 1813; with Observations on the Country and the People. To Which Is Added an Account of Voyages to the Coasts of Japan, and of Negotiations with the Japanese. [ Volume 1 Only ]
013159: GOOCH THE REV W. - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cambridge
012408: GOODRICH CARTER - Canals and American Economic Development
099585: GOODWIN HARVEY - Trifles for My Grandchildren
010927: GOODWIN, KEN - Understanding African Poetry: Study of Ten Poets
012649: GORE ST. G. C. COLONEL - Survey of India. General Report on the Operations of the Survey of India Administered Under the Government of India During 1900-1901
014081: GORGES RAYMOND - The Story of a Family Through Eleven Centuries: Being a History of the Family of Gorges
013487: GORUNUR LALE - Women's costume of the late Ottoman era from the Sadberk Hanim Museum Collection.= Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun son döneminden kadin giysileri. Sadberk Hanim Muzesi.
014435: GOSS CHARLES W. F. - Crosby Hall a Chapter in the History of London [ Inscribed Copy John Farquharson ]
098857: GOTCH J. ALFRED - Squires Homes and Other Buildings of Northamptonshire
014164: GOUFFE JULES - The Royal Book of Pastry and Confectionery [ Le Livre De Patisserie ]
011402: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA - Indian Education in 1914=15
011400: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA - Indian Education in 1913=14
012164: GOWER GRANVILLE LEVESON - A Glossary of Surrey Words [ a Supplement to No 12 ]
014480: GOYA FRANCISCO DE - El Cuderno Italiano 1770-1786 Los Origenes Del Arte De Goya
011357: GRAAF PETER - Dust and the Curious Boy
098503: GRABAR ANDRE - Les Voies De La Creation En Iconographie Chretienne Antiquite et Moyen Age
098140: GRABAR OLEG - Studies in Medieval Islamic Art
011842: GRACE A. F. - A Course of Lessons in Landscape Painting in Oils. With Nine Reproductions in Colour after Turner, Constable, De Wint, Muller, F. Walker, Mason, A.F. Grace
099285: GRAFTON RICHARD - Grafton's chronicle, or, History of England. To which is added his table of the bailiffs, sheriffs, and mayors, of the city of London. From the year 1189, to 1558, inclusive : [ Complete in 2 Volumes. Fine period Bindings ]
011717: GRAHAM ALAN - Sic Gloria Transit Equi"
013939: GRAHAM WILLIAM - Last Links with Byron, Shelley, and Keats
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013081: GRANGER JOSEPH - General view of the agriculture of the county of Durham, particularly that part of it extending from the Tyne to the Tees: with observations on the means of its Improvement
012136: GRANT RICHARDS [ PUBLISHER ] - The Hun Hunters: Cautionary Tales from the Trenches.
096939: THE GRAPHIC NEWSPAPER 1878 - The Graphic Newspaper 1878
005087: GRATTAN SMITH T. E. - The Cave of a Thousand Columns
013404: GRAVES GEORGE - British Ornithology; Being the History, with a Coloured Representation, of Every Know Species of British Bird [ 96 Fine Hand Coloured Plates ]
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