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Horapollo [Horus Apollo] - De la signification des notes Hieroglphyiques des Aegyptiens

Title: De la signification des notes Hieroglphyiques des Aegyptiens
Description: Jacques Kerver, Paris, 1543. First French Edition, Hardcover. Fair Condition/No Dust Jacket. Size: Octavo (standard book size). Text is in French. 19th century rebind, full gilt-stamped leather, all edges gilt, marbled end papers, unpaginated,illustrated with 197 woodcuts, text in French, two parts bound in one. Full title: "De la signification des notes Hieroglphyiques des Aegyptiens, cest a dire des figures par les quelles ilz escripuoient leurs mysteres secretz, & les choses sanctes & divines". Front board is detached, front free end paper is almost detached, rear hinge cracked, covers scratched and worn around edges, bookplate removed from front paste-down front fly leaf has an inked note about the book. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: 1 lb 8 oz.

Keywords: BZDB7 NOISBN Horus Apolloa, Horapollo, Hieroglyphics, hieroglyphic interpretation, ancient egypt, Language & Linguistics; French Language; Art & Design. De la signification des notes Hieroglphyiques des Aegyptiens Horapollo Horus Apollo Art & Des

Price: US$ 2000.00 Seller: Dennis Holzman Antiques
- Book number: 012866

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