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46502: Harbley, Maurice - Les Defaillances de L'Allemagne; Vis-Avis de Ses Creanciers Prives Et la Defense Du Mark (1931-1934)
18015: Hardan, David, ed - Fuentes Del Pensamiento Judio Contemporaneo. 4 Volume Set
33435: Harder, Edmund Cecil - Iron -Ore Deposits of the Eagle Mountains, California
37776: Hardin, James, ed - German Fiction Writers, 1914-1945
31868: Harding, F.J.W. - Matthew Arnold, the Critic, and France
39937: Harding, Sandra G., ed - Can Theories by Refuted?; Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis
49837: Harding, Walter, ed. (cumulated by Jean Cameron Advena) - A Bibliography of the Thoreau Society Bulletin Bibliographies, 1941-1969; a Cumulation and Index
28625: Hardoy, Jorge Enrique - Ciudades Precolumbinas
24115: Harduf, D.M. - Pentateuch; with Targum Onqelos, Toldoth Aharon, Iqar Sifthei Chakhomim and Rashi's Commentary, Hand-Dotted in Rashi Letters. Genesis
52131: Hardy, Thomas - Jude the Obscure. Introduction by Samuel Hynes. Wood Engravings by Peter Reddick
52132: Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'Urbervilles; a Pure Woman. Introduction by Elspeth Sandys. Wood Engravings by Peter Reddick
31870: Hardy, Barbara - The Appropriate Form; an Essay on the Novel
52006: Berlin, Isaiah (Henry Hardy and Aileen Kelly, eds.) - Russian Thinkers. With an Introduction by Aileen Kelly
38221: Hardy, Thomas (James Gindin, ed.) - The Return of the Native; an Authoritative Text Background Criticism. Edited by James Gindin
47537: Haring, H.A. - Our Catskill Mountains. With 42 Illustrations and 2 Maps
45973: Harlow, George E., ed - The Nature of Diamonds
32750: Harmon, Maurice, ed - Image & Illusion; Anglo-Irish Literature and Its Contexts; a Festschrift for Roger Mchugh
35625: Harmon, Maurice, ed - Irish University Review; a Journal of Irish Studies; Vol. 1, No. 1 (Autumn 1970) Through Vol. 16, No. 2 (Autumn 1986). 32 Issues
47384: Harms, Rudolf - Semmelweis; Retter Der Mütter [Mutter]; Ein Biographischer Roman
32331: Harmsen, Ger - Idee En Beweging; Bibliografiese Aanwijzingen Bij de Studie En Her Onderzoek Van de Geschiedenis Van Socialisme En Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland
32332: Harmsen, G. - Blauwe En Rode Jeugd; Ontstaan, Ontwikkeling En Teruggang Van de Nederlandse Jeugdbeweging Tussen 1853 En 1940
30410: Harmsen, Ger - Lenin; Filosoof Van de Revolutie. [Cover: Russische Revolutionaire Filosofen Onder Het Tsarisme; Lenin's Leerjaren; de Bolsjewistische Partij; de Revolutie Van 1905; Lenin Als Filosoof; de Wereldoorlog; de Russische Revolutie Van 1917; de Communistische Internationale; de Laatste Levensjaren]
44961: Harnad, Otto - Goethe in Der Epoche Seiner Vollendung, 1805-1832. Versuch Einer Darstellung Seiner Denkweise Und Weltbetrachtung. Zweite Umgearbeitete Auflage
24926: Hurwitz, Harold and Klaus Sühl [Suhl] - Demokratie Und Antikommunismus in Berlin Nach 1945. 4 Volumes in 5. Complete Set
9978: Austin, J. Harold and Glenn E. Cullen - Hydrogen Ion Concentration of the Blood in Health and Disease. (Medicine Monographs, Vol. VIII. )
32883: Harper, George Mills - 'Go Back to Where You Belong'; Yeats's Return from Exile
37727: Harper and Brothers - Harper's Pictorial History of the War with Spain. With an Introduction by Maj. -Gen. Nelson A. Miles
7476: Harper, Francis - Animal Habitats in Certain Portions of the Adirondacks, by Francis Harper and Jean Sherwood Harper [and] Notes on Mammals of the Adirondacks, by Francis Harper [and] the Habits of Mammals at an Adirondack Camp, by Lucy B. Fraleigh
37493: Harrassowitz, Hermann - Geschichte Der Kirchenmusik an St. Lorenz in Nürnberg [Nurnberg]
51661: Harrell, Richard S. - The Phonology of Colloquial Egyptian Arabic
50576: Harrigan, Margaret Sheridan (Kathleen M. Gill, ed.) - Maggie; MILL Hand and Farmer
47840: Harrington, Thomas More - Verite Et Methode Dans Les "Pensee" de Pascal. Preface de Jean Mesnard
42424: Harris, Michael - Mathematics without Apologies; Portrait of a Problematic Vocation
53007: Harris, Robert P. - Pillars and Portraits; a Catalogue of Spanish American Silver Coins, 1732 to 1826. An Illustrated Catalogue of the Numismatic History of the Spanish American Empire; Contains Listings and Valuations of All Known Dates and Assayers by Mint of Die Struck, Milled Edge, Silver Coins Produced at Spanish Mints in the Americas During the Period 1732 to 1826. Second Edition
52733: Harris, Robert P. - A Guidebook of Russian Coins, 1725 to 1972. Second Edition
33543: Floud, Roderick, Robert W. Fogel, Bernard Harris and Sok Chul Hong - The Changing Body; Health, Nutrition, and Human Development in the Western World Since 1700
40160: Harris, George Washington - Sut Lovingood. Edited with an Introduction by Brom Weber
51541: Harrison, Walter A. - Solid State Theory
51179: Harrison, Fred - As Evil Does; Handbook on Humanity 1: Anatomy of a Killing Cult
50066: Harrison, Constance [Mrs. Burton] - A Daughter of the South and Shorter Stories
51384: Harsha, D.A. - The Heavenly Token; a Gift Book for Christmas
24252: Hart, Larry - Through the Darkest Hour; a Romantic Story of a Union College Man's Adventures and Tribulations During the CIVIL War, 1862-1865
33524: Hart, John S., ed - The Iris; an Illluminated Souvenir for Mdcccli [1851]
13079: Hart, David McLaren, and Associates - Slates, Shingles & Shakes; a Renovation for Laconia's Historic Homes
51025: Harte, Bret - Dickens in Camp. With a Foreword by Frederick S. Myrtle
21570: Harth, Phillip - Contexts of Dryden's Thought
8478: Hartig, Franz - Genesis Der Revolution in Oesterreich IM Jahre 1848
26373: Bloom, Harold, Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida, Geoffrey H. Hartman and J. Hillis Miller - Deconstruction and Criticism
48931: Hartner, Willy - Judentum Und Abendland; Die Vergangenheit Mahnt. Memento Zum 20. Jahrestag Des Deutschen Pogroms
20991: Hartung, Günther [Gunther] - Literatur Und ästhetik [Asthetik] Des Deutschen Faschismus; Drei Studien
50055: Hartzell, George Wellington - The Verb in the Plays of Duke Heinrich Julius Von Braunschweig
49851: Harvey, Nancy Lenz - Elizabeth of York; Tudor Queen
42940: Harvey, Warren - Dental Identification and Forensic Odontology. With 15 Contributors. With a Foreword by Keith Simpson. 137 Illustrations on 78 Figures
50147: Harwood, Barry R. - The Furniture of George Hunzinger; Invention and Innovation in Nineteenth-Century America
35775: Hasan, Mumtaz - In Quest of Daibul and Other Speeches. Forward by Professor G. Tucci
25725: Haskins, David Greene - Ralph Waldo Emerson; His Maternal Ancestors, with Some Reminiscences of Him
48270: Hasmandova, Fanna - Mali Americankove
48271: Hasmandova, Fanna - Obrazky Z Moravskeho Slovacka. Umeleckou Obalku Kreslil Josef Tomanek
15596: Hassler, Warren W., Jr. - Commanders of the Army of the Potomac
47594: State of New York (Hugh Hastings, State Historian) - Ecclesiastical Records [of the] State of New York. Vols. 1-6. Lacks Index Volume
52927: Hastings, Max - The Korean War
51840: Haswell, Susan - Angelica
44596: Hatch, Benton L., ed - A Check List of the Publications of Thomas Bird Mosher of Portland, Maine, 1891-1923. Compiled and Edited by Benton L. Hatch. With a Biographical Essay by Ray Nash
51294: Hatoum, Mona (Laura Steward Heon, ed.) - Mona Hatoum; Domestic Disturbance
42187: Hatt, Jean-Jacques (James Hogarth, tr.) - Celts and Gallo-Romans. Translated from the French by James Hogarth. 69 Illustrations in Colour; 150 Illustrations in Black and White
52252: Hattingly, Paul H. - The Classless Profession; American Schoolmen in the Nineteenth Century
24044: Hatzfeld, Helmut - Bibliografia Critica de la Nueva Estilistica; Aplicada a Las Literaturas Romanicas
45871: Hatzfeld, Helmut - The Rococo; Eroticism, Wit, and Elegance in European Literature
6558: Hatzfeld, Helmut - Biografia Critica de la Nueva Estilistica, Aplicada a Las Literaturas Romanicas
3923: Hauer, Franz von - Reiseberichte über [Uber] Eine Mit Moriz Hörnes [Hornes] IM Sommer 1848 Unternommene Reise Nach Deutschland... Frankreich, England Und Der Schweiz Mit Einer Subvention D. Akad. D. Wissenschaften Zwecks Studien über [Uber] Geologische Landesaufnahmen. Hrsg. W. Petrascheck U.G. Hamann
21095: Haug, Johann Christoph Friedrich - Zweihunder Hyperbeln Auf Herrn Wahl's Ungeheure Nase. Mit Den Illustrationen Von J.B. W.A. Sonderland
1096: Haun, Eugene - Cardinal Points, and Other Poems
44955: Hauptmann, Gerhart - Das Abendteuer Meiner Jugend. Two Volume Set
52241: Hauptmann, Gerhart - Und Pippa Tanzt!; Ein Glashuttenmarchen in Vier Akten
40813: Hauptmann, Gerhart - Die Weber Und Andere Dramen; Jubiläumsausgabe [Jubilaumsausgabe] Zum 125. Geburtstag. [Cover: Das Grosse Gerhart Hauptmann Buch]
20396: Hauschild, Jan-Christoph, ed - Oder Büchner [Buchner]; Eine Anthologie. Die Barbe, Folge I.
30372: Have, Hendrikus Antonius Maria Johannes Ten [Henk Ten] - Geneeskunde En Filosofie; de Invloed Van Jeremy Bentham Op Het Medisch Denken En Handelen
43552: Havely, Nick - Dante
43999: Haven, Jason - A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Hannah Richards of Dedham, Who Departed This Life on the 8th of February, 1770 in the 83rd Year of Her Age. Delivered the Lord's Day After Her Interment
53144: Havergal, Frances Ridley - Songs of Christmas. Illustrated
47947: Haw, Richard - Art of the Brooklyn Bridge; a Visual History
50188: Hawk, Grace E. - Pembroke College in Brown University; the First Seventy-Five Years, 1891-1966
53041: [Hawkins, J.B.] - Australian Silver, 1800-1900
53011: Hawkins, Edward - The Silver Coins of England, Arranged and Described with Remarks on British Money Previous to the Saxon Dynasties
44946: Hawkins, William George - Life of John H.W. Hawkins. Compiled by His Son, Rev. William George Hawkins
51338: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales
25806: Hay, Gerhard, Hartmut Rambaldo und Joachim W. Storck - Als Der Krieg Zu Ende War"; Literarisch-Politische Publizistik, 1945-1950
53025: Hayden, Arthur - Chats on Old Sheffield Plate. With Frontispiece and 58 Full-Page Illustrations, Including 5 Pages of Makers' Marks
28238: Haydn, Joseph (Ludwig Klee, Dr. Sigmund Lebert, eds.) - Twenty Sonatas for the Piano, Book 1: Nos. 1-10, Library Vol. 295; Book 2: Nos. 11-20, Library Vol. 296. Edited and Fingered by Ludwig Klee and Dr. Sigmund Lebert. Book 1 Contains a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Dr. Theodore Baker
52700: Hay of Hayfield, John (compiler) - Tartan Tapestry; an Anthology of Scotland Past, Present, Future. With a Foreword by His Grace, the Duke of Montrose
14181: Haynes, Fred E. - Third Party Movements Since the CIVIL War, with Special Reference to Iowa; a Study in Social Politics
50633: Hayoun, Maurice-Ruben - Renan, la Bible Et Les Juifs
32727: Hayward, J.F. - Viennese Porcelain of the Du Paquier Period
52996: Hayward, J.F. - Huguenot Silver in England, 1688-1727
35132: Hazard, Paul - études [Etudes] Critiques Sur Manon Lescaut
46905: Hazard, John N. - Recollections of a Pioneering Sovietologist
45844: Hazard, Paul - La Pensee Europeenne Au XVIII Siecle de Montesquieu a Lessing. Tome 1 Et 2, Plus Notes Et References. Three Volumes. Complete Set
42286: Hazlitt, William Carew, ed - Lamb and Hazlitt; Further Letters and Records Hitherto Unpublished
13009: Headlee, Thomas J. - The Mosquitoes of New Jersey and Their Control
52475: Heal, Ambrose, Sir (ed.) - The London Goldsmiths, 1200-1800; a Record of the Names and Addresses of the Craftsmen, Their Shop-Signs and Trade-Cards
30073: Healey, George Harris (compiler) - The Cornell Wordsworth Collection; a Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Presented to the University by Mr. Victor Emanuel
51658: Sophocles. Heaney, Seamus - The Burial at Thebes; a Version of Sophocles' Antigone, by Seamus Heaney
30251: O'Hear, Anthony - Karl Popper
46461: Child, Heather and Dorothy Colles - Christian Symbols Ancient and Modern; a Handbook for Students
35023: Heawood, Edward - A History of Geographical Discovery in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
19155: Hebblethwaite, Brian - The Ocean of Truth; a Defence of Objective Theism
40136: Hebert, Albert - Medugorje; an Affirmation and Defense
48643: Heck, Oswald E. - Leben Und Weben; Gedichte
49864: Bolitho, Hector and Derek Peel - The Drummonds of Charing Cross
35025: Hedgpeth, Joel W., ed - Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology; Volume 1. Vol. 1 Only
53151: Hedrick, U.P. - The Peaches of New York; Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the Year 1916
53152: Hedrick, U.P. - The Small Fruits of New York; Report of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station for the Year Ending June 30, 1925
53150: Hedrick, U.P. - The Pears of New York; Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the Year 1921
29827: Heer, Friedrich - Ehe; Ehe in Der Welt
29900: Heer, Friedrich - Mensch Unterwegs Europäische [Europaische] Und Christliche Situationen
29744: Heer, Friedrich - Offener Humanismus
29903: Heer, Friedrich - Alle Möglichkeit [Moglichkeit] Liegt Bei Uns. [Cover: Der Tote Gott Und Der GrößEre [Grossere] Gott; Ein Reicheres Leben]
29836: Heer, Friedrich - Junger Mensch Vor Gott
28714: Heffner, R.M.S., ed - Collected Indexes to the Works of Wolfram Von Eschenbach
51922: Failey, Dean F., with the assistance of Robert J. Hefner and Susan E. Klaffky - Long Island Is My Nation; the Decorative Arts and Craftsmen, 1640-1830
25918: Hegedüs [Hegedus], Andras - Sozialismus Und Bürokratie [Burokratie]; Aus Dem Ungarischen übersetzt [Ubersetzt] Und Mit Einer Einleitung Von Gabor Kiss
32025: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Vorlesungen über [Uber] Die Aesthetik; Dritte Band. Mit Einem Vorwort Von Heinrich Gustav Hotho
31488: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Die Verfassung Des Deutschen Reichs; Eine Politische Flugschrift. Aus Dem Handschriftlichen Nachlasse Des Verfassers in Der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin. Neu Herausgegeben Von Georg Mollat
31484: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Begriff Der Religion; Nach Den Vorhandenen Manuskripten Vollständig [Vollstandig] Neu Herausgegeben Von Georg Lasson
42066: Hegel, G.W.F. (F.P.B. Osmaston, tr.) - The Philosophy of Fine Art; Vols. 1-4. Translated, with Notes, by F.P. B. Osmaston. Complete Set
39610: Hegemann, Werner - Das Jugendbuch Vom Grossen König Oder Kronprinz Friederichs Kampf Um Die Freiheit
36833: Heggoy, Alf Andrew - The African Policies of Gabriel Hanotaux, 1894-1898
32007: Hehn, Viktor - Goethe, Der Deutsche Mensch Und Die Deutsche Landschaft
31575: Hehn, Viktor - Goethe Und Das Publikum; Eine Literaturgeschichte IM Kleinen. (Gedanken über [Uber] Goethe, Band 2)
31999: Hehn, Viktor - Gedanken über [Uber] Goethe
30555: Heide, Dr. H. Ter - Binnenlandse Migratie in Nederland; Rijksdienst Voor Het Nationale Plan; Publikatie, Nr. 16
24750: Heidebrecht, Heinrich - Deutsche Baumeister in Russland [RußLand], 18. Jahrhundert
37162: Heidegger, Martin - What Is Called Thinking? a Translation of Was Heisst Denken? with an Introduction by J. Glenn Gray
44156: Heiden, Konrad - Adolf Hitler; Das Zeitalter Der Verantwortungslosigkeit; Eine Biographie. Two Volumes
21511: Heidt, William - California Ho! by Sail Boat and Mule Train,1849
15455: Heil, A.L.Th., et al., contributors - Orang Peladang": Gedenkboek, 1913-1938
51174: Heilbrun, James - Real Estate Taxes and Urban Housing
24781: Heilsberg, Franz (Viktor Kraft, hrsg.) - Wesenszüge [Wesenszuge] Der Europäischen [Europaischen] Geschichte; Vorträge [Vortrage]
21118: Heimann, Moritz - Kritische Schriften. Ausgewält, Eingeleitet Und Erläutert Von Helmut Prang
37965: Heimatverein, Ischler, hrsg - Kaiser Franz Joseph I. Und Bad Ischl; Ausstellung Zum 150. Geburtstag Kaiser Franz Joseph I. (1830-1980)
35202: Heimbuchel, Ute und Volker Neuhaus - Briefe an Hans Bender. Unter Redaktioneller Mitarbeit Von Ute Heimbüchel [Heimbuchel]. Herausgegeben Von Volker Neuhaus
48428: Heinberg, Aage - To Statsmaend; Amerika Gennem 50 Aar
34358: Heine, Henri [Heinrich] - De la France
49574: Heine, Heinrich (Charles Godfrey Leland, tr.) (Felix de Gray, illus.) - Florentine Nights. From the Translation of Charles Godfrey Leland. With Twelve Illustrations in Colour by Felix de Gray
44008: Heine, Heinrich - Werke. Ausgewählt [Ausgewahlt] Und Herausgegeben Von Martin Greiner. Two Volumes
52908: Heinemann, Karl - Goethes Mutter; Ein Lebensbild Nach Den Quellen. Mit Vielen Abbildungen in Und Ausser Den Text Und Vier Heliograbüren [Heliograburen]. Vierte, Verbesserte Auflage
48320: Heinrich, Lemcke - Souvenir an Den Atlantischen Ocean Zur Belehrung Und Unterhaltung Für [Fur] Reisende Nach Amerika
44031: Heinrich, Christian Gottfried - Versuch Eine Geschichte Der Verschiedenen Lehrarten Der Christlichen Glaubenswahrheiten Und Der Merkwürdigsten [Merkwurdigsten] Systemen Und Compendien Derselben
39350: Heins, Henry H. - Swan of Albany; a History of the Oldest Congregation of the Lutheran Church in America
17472: Heintel, Erich - Die Beiden Labyrinthe Der Philosophie: Systemtheoretische Betrachtungen Zur Fundamentalphilosophie Des Abendlandischen Denkens. Band 1: Einleitung, I. Teil: Neopositivismus Und Diamat (Histomat)
48568: Heinze, R. - Die Lyrischen Verse Des Horaz
38470: Heinze, Max - Die Lehre Vom Logos in Der Griechischen Philosophie
29911: Heise, Carl Georg - Die Gregorsmesse Des Bernt Notke. Mit 42 Aufnahmen Von Wilhelm Castelli
20018: Heisey, D. Ray - Healing Body and Soul: The Life and Times of Dr. W.O. Baker
39372: Heitmann, Claus - Von Abraham Bis Zion; Die Ortsgemeinden Der Bremischen Evangelischen Kirche. Mit Geleitworten Von Hans Koschnick, Eckart Ranft Und Wolf-Udo Smidt
15451: Hekmeijer, F.C. - Alphabetisch Register Op de Staats - En Bijbladen Van Nederlandsch-Indie. Staatsblad 1816 T/M 1925. Bijblad No. 1 T/M 10845
20723: Helbig, Louis Ferdinand - Das Geschichtsdrama Georg Büchners [Buchners]; Zitatprobleme Und Historische Wahrheit in Dantons Tod
37396: Held, Werner - Die Deutsche Tagjagd; Bildchronik Der Deutschen Tagjäger [Tagjager] Bis 1945
20116: Van Helden, Albert, and Thomas L. Hankins, eds - Instruments
51027: Kehr, Helen and Janet Langmaid (compilers) - The Nazi Era, 1919-1945; a Select Bibliography of Published Works from the Early Roots to 1980
29973: Przysiezniak, Helenka and Bolek Pietrzyk, eds - XXVII International Symposium "Physics in Collision"; Annecy, France, June 26-29, 2007. (Acta Physica Polonica B; Proceedings Supplement)
46504: Helfferich, Karl - Deutschlands Volkswohlstand, 1888-1913. Vierte Auflage
52449: Heller, David - A History of Cape Silver, 1700-1870
48851: Heller, Agnes - Hypothese über [Uber] Eine Marxistische Theorie Der Werte
49996: Heller, Erich - The Hazard of Modern Poetry
34511: Hellermann, Fritz - Mienenspiel Und Gebärdensprache [Gebardensprache] in Conrad Ferdinands Meyers Novellen; Die Ausdrucksbewegungen Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Auges
31842: Hellfaier, Karl-Alexander (katalog) - Die Geschichte in Grabbes Dichtung; Eine Ausstellung Der Lippischen Landesbibliothek Detmold, Mit Unterstützung [Unterstutzung] Des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe, Münster [Munster], AnläßLich [Anlasslich] Der Ruhrfestspiele 1967 in Recklinghausen
31845: Hellfaier, Karl-Alexander - Figurinen Und Bühnenbildentwürfe [Buhnenbildentwurfe] Zu Christian Dietrich Grabbes Dramen IM "Grabbe-Archiv Alfred Bergmann" Der Lippischen Landesbibliothek Detmold
48639: Hellmann, Manfred W. - Ost-West-Wortschatzvergleiche; Maschinell Gestützte [Gestutzte] Untersuchungen Zum Vokabular Von Zeitungstexten Aus Der Brd Und Der Ddr
37653: Helme, Elizabeth - James Manners, Little John, and Their Dog Bluff
52009: Helmer, William J. - The Gun That Made the Twenties Roar
37039: Aristotle [Aristoteles] (Helms, Poul) - Forelaesning over Fysik, I-IV; Om Det Vaerende, Stof Og Form, Aarsag Og Virkning, Rum Og Tid. Oversat Med Indledning Og Noter Af Poul Helms
42764: Sigel, Helmut and Astrid Sigel, eds - Compendium on Magnesium and Its Role in Biology, Nutrition and Physiology
21068: Kreuzer, Helmut and Karl Prümm [Prumm], eds - Fernsehsendungen Und Ihre Formen; Typologie, Geschichte Und Kritik Des Programms in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
32324: Hemels, J.M.H.J. - Op de Bres Voor de Pers; de Strijd Voor de Klassieke Persvrijheid
24292: Hemon, Aleksandar - Love and Obstacles; Stories
51891: Henderson, Daniel - Yankee Ships in China Seas; Adventures of Pioneer Americans in the Troubled Far East
14921: Henderson, Brian E., ed - Third Symposium on Epidemiology and Cancer Registries in the Pacific Basin. Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Maui, Hawaii, January 19-23,1981
14922: Henderson, Brian E., ed - Second Symposium on Epidemiology and Cancer Registries in the Pacific Basin. A Conference Held in Maui, Hawaii, January 16-20, 1978
17397: Henderson, Ingeborg - Strickers Daniel Von Dem Bluhenden Tal: Werkstruktur Und Interpretation Unter Berucksichtigung Der Handschriftlichen Uberlieferung
14920: Henderson, Brian E., ed - Fourth Symposium on Epidemiology and Cancer Registries in the Pacific Basin. Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Kona, Hawaii, January 16-20, 1984
52864: Henderson, J.R. - The Coins of Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan
27659: Hendriks, J.V. - Handwoordenboek Van Nederlandsche Synoniemen. Met Eene Voorrede Van Dr. J.H. Gallée
25818: Henke, Klaus Dietmar - Politische Säuberung [Sauberung] Unter Französischer [Franzosischer] Besatzung; Die Entnazifizierung in Württemberg [Wurttemberg]-Hohenzollern
4276: Henle, Günter [Gunter] - Weggenosse Des Jahrhunderts; Als Diplomat, Industrieller, Politiker Und Freund Der Musik
21400: Henn, Marianne - Goethes Verhältnis Zum ûberlieferten in Seinem Alterswerk
48394: Henne, Anna Louise - Die Staatstheoretischen Anschauungen Thomas Jeffersons
51324: Pope-Hennessy, James - Queen Mary, 1867-1953
32012: Hennig, Edwin - Der Werdegang Des Menschengeschlechts
32013: Hennig, Edwin - Der Werdegang Des Menschengeschlechts
32024: Henning, Hans, hrsg - Faust-Bibliographie; Teil 1: Allgemeines, Grundlagen, Gesamtdarstellungen; Das Faust-Thema Vom 16. Jahrhundert Bis 1790. Vol. 1 Only
1745: Henning, Wilfried - Die Theorie Der Landschaft Bei Maurice Barres. (Phd Dissertation
38837: Henningsson, Bengt - Geijer Som Historiker
34225: D'Alembert [Jean le Rond] (Charles Henry) - Oeuvres Et Correspondances Inedites de D'Alembert Publiees Avec Introduction, Notes Et Appendice
36876: Henry, M. l'Abbe - Francois Bosquet; Etude Sur Une Administration Civile Et Ecclesiastique Au XVII Siecle. Ornee D'Un Portrait de Bosquet Et Suivie D'Un Examen Analytique de Ses Ouvrages
51604: Cowell, Henry and Sidney Cowell - Charles Ives and His Music
46619: Henry, Patti Callahan - The Favorite Daughter
28597: Klabund [Henschke, Alfred] - Moreau; Roman Eines Soldaten
4108: Hentsch, Guy - Staline Negociateur; Une Diplomatie de Guerre. These, Universite de Geneve
39899: Döring [Doring], Herbert and Gordon Smith, eds - Party Government and Political Culture in Western Germany
24178: Danska, Herbert and Lewis Jacobs - Night Song; Screenplay Based on the Award Winning Novel "Night Song" by John A. Williams
52642: Herbert, Kevin (assisted by Keith Candiotti) - The John-Max Wulfing Collection in Washington University; Roman Republican Coins
25573: Herbert, Jean - Indischer Mythos Als Geistige Realität [Realitat]
20993: Herbst, Hildburg - Frühe [Fruhe] Formen Der Deutschen Novelle IM 18. Jahrhundert
4923: Herford, Oliver - The Fairy Godmother-in-Law. With Some Pictures by the Author
51500: Herge, Henry C. - The College Teacher
20995: Hering, Gerhard F., ed - Genius Der Jugend; Der Deutsche Jüngling [Jungling] in Briefen Aus Drei Jahrhunderten
35035: Heringer, Hans Jürgen [Jurgen] - Theorie Der Deutschen Syntax
51944: Heritage, Penny (as told by S.E. Garrison, D.V.M.) - Burnt Hills Veterinary Tails; the Life, Adventures and Legacy of Stan "Doc" and Shirley Garrison
49220: Museum of Our National Heritage and Canterbury Shaker Village [Cara Sutherland (text) and Todd Buchanan (photo.)] - Receiving the Faith; the Shakers of Canterbury, New Hampshire
36907: Herlaut, Lieutenant-Colonel - Claude le Blanc; Intendant de la Flandre Maritime (1708-1715)
52885: Hattaway, Herman and Archer Jones - How the North Won; a Military History of the CIVIL War
16146: Herman, Maxime - Histoire de la Litterature Polonaise (Des Origines a 1961)
17672: Hermann, Ingo - The Experience of Faith; a Contribution to the Biblico-Theological Dialogue. Foreword by John L. Mckenzie. Translated by Daniel Coogan
21481: Glaser, Hermann and Harald Straube, comps - Wohnungen Des Todes; Jüdisches [Judisches] Schicksal IM Dritten Reich
29843: Hermann, Armin und Armin Wankmüller [Wankmuller] (Wolf von Engelhardt, hrsg.) - Physik, Physiologische Chemie Und Pharmazie an Der Universität Tübingen [Universitat Tubingen]
48910: Der Orden der Hermanns-Soehne / Order of the Sons of Hermann - Ritual Zum Gebrauche Der Untergeordneten Logen Des O.D. H.S. ; Geschäftsordnung, Grössnung [Geschaftsordnung, Grossnung], Und Schlietzung Der Logen, Einführung [Einfuhrung] Neuer Mitglieder, Grabe-Rede Und Instruction Der Beamten. Angenommen in Der 19. Convention, St. Louis, Mo
17681: Hermann, Ingo - Encounter with the New Testament; an Initiation. Translated from the German by Raymond Meyerpeter
41773: L'Hermite, Francois Tristan (Catherine Grise, ed.) - Lettres Meslees. Edition Critique Par Catherine Grise
51943: O'Hern, William (A.L. Byron-Curtiss) - Adirondack Stories of the Black River Country. Based on the Diaries of A.L. Byron-Curtiss
45350: Herre, Albert W.C.T. - The Lichen Flora of the Santa Cruz Peninsula, California
27151: Herrera, Fernando de - Poesias. Edicion Y Notas de Don Vicente Garcia de Diego
52057: Herrick, Robert - Corinna's Going a-Maying
50043: Herrick, Cheesman A. - History of Girard College
49861: Trippet, Byron K. (Paul Donald Herring and Robert S. Harvey, eds.) - Wabash College Sesquincentennial; Vol. 1: Wabash on My Mind (Trippet and Herring); Vol. 2: These Fleeting Years; Wabash College, 1832-1982; a Documentary History (Harvey)
44233: Herrington, Jim - The Climbers
4231: Herrmann, Peter - Die Verfassungspolitischen Vorstellungen Der Russischen Emigration. (Phd Dissertation, Universität Zu Köln [Universitat Zu Koln])
34498: Hertz, Deborah (Gabriele Neumann-Kloth, tr.) - Die Jüdischen [Judischen] Salons IM Alten Berlin. Aus Dem Amerikanischen Von Gabriele Neumann-Kloth
47188: Dedeck-Hery, V.L. - The Life of Saint Alexis; an Old French Poem of the Eleventh Century. With an Introduction and a Special Glossary
44406: Herz, Henriette (Hans Landsberg, hrsg.) - Henriette Herz; Ihr Leben Und Ihre Zeit
24786: Herzfeld, Friedrich - Magie Des Taktstocks; Die Welt Der GroßEn [Grossen] Dirigenten, Konzerte Und Orchester. Mit 70 Abbildungen Und 64 Tafelseiten
29449: Herzfeld, Friedrich - Musica Nova; Die Tonwelt Unseres Jahrhunderts. Mit 4 Mehrfarbigen, 24 Einfarbigen Tafeln, 148 Abbildungen IM Text Und 104 Notenbeispielen
50435: Heschel, Abraham Joshua (Joachim Neugroschel, tr.) - Maimonides; a Biography. Translated from the German by Joachim Neugroschel
51908: Heslip, Colleen Cowles - Between the Rivers; Itinerant Painters from the Connecticut to the Hudson. With an Introduction by Mary Black
31453: Hess, Gerhard - Die Landschaft in Baudelaires "Fleurs Du Mal
44412: Hesse, Hermann - Sinclairs Notizbuch. Mit Einer Mehrfarbigen Tafel Nach Einem Aquarell Des Verfassers
42151: Hesse, Hermann - Dank an Goethe
52405: Hesse, Hermann (Adele Lewisohn) - Gertrude and I.
52397: Hesse, Hermann (Ninon Hesse, hrsg.) - Kindheit Und Jugend Vor Neunzehnhundert; Hermann Hesse in Briefen Und Lebenszeugnissen
50051: Hesse, Otto Ernst - Hans Carossa; Ein Bekenntnis
50125: Hesse, Hermann - Eine Bibliothek Der Weltliteratur. Mit Den Aufsätzen [Aufsatzen] "Magic Des Buches" Und "Lieblingslektür [Lieblingslektur]
29947: Hetman, Francois - Le Langage de la Prevision/the Language of Forecasting. (Avec Un Vocabulaire Francais-Anglais-Allemand/with a French-English-German Vocabulary/Mit Einem Französisch [Franzosisch]-Englisch-Deutschen Wörterbuch [Worterbuch])
3003: Hettema, H.W. - Dispereert Niet; Met de Marnix Von St Aldegonde Bij de Invasies Von Noord-Afrika, Sicilie En
38032: Heuberger, Georg, hrsg - Die Rothschilds; Band 1: Eine Europäische-Familie; Band 2: Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Geschichte Einer Europäischen [Europaischen] Familie
50001: Heun, Hans Georg - Shakespeares "Romeo Und Julia" in Goethes Bearbeitung; Eine Stiluntersuchung
46120: Heuss, Theodor - Deutsche Gestalten; Studien Zum 19. Jahrhundert
3315: Frielinghaus-Heuss, Hanna - Heuss-Anekdoten. Gesammelt Und Erzält [Erzalt]
52235: Heuss, Theodor (Friedrich Kaufmann und Hermann Leins, hrsg.) - Von Ort Zu Ort; Wanderungen Mit Stift Und Feder
45387: Hewer, H.R. - British Seals. With 59 Photographs in Black and White and 52 Text Figures
2995: Heyck, Thomas William - The Dimensions of British Radicalism; the Case of Ireland, 1874-95
29678: Bible. New Testament. Book of Luke. (Eva Heydorn and Melita Tischer, illus.) - Die Weihnachtsgeschichte Aus Dem Evangelium Des Lucas. [Ausgefurt in Den Werkstatten Von Kelter Und Krausche. Gezeichnet Und Geschrieben Von Eva Heydorn Und Melita Tischer]
21034: Höllerer [Hollerer], Walter, with Marianne Heyland and Norbert Miller, eds - Spiele in Einem Akt; 35 Exemplarische Stücke [Stucke]
52336: Heyle, Paul - Jugenderinnerungen Und Bekenntnisse. Vierte Auflage
21159: Heym, Stefan - Ahasver; Roman
21104: Heym, Stefan - Der Winter Unsers Missvergnügens [Missvergnugens]; Aus Den Aufzeichnungen Des Ov Diversant
50118: Heyse, Paul - Kinder Der Welt; Roman in Sechs Büchern [Buchern]. Mit Einem Nachwort Von Karl Quenzel. Two Volumes
43874: Hibbard, G.R., ed - Three Elizabethan Pamphlets
39434: Hibbert, Francis Aidan - The Influence and Development of English Gilds As Illustrated by the History of the Craft Gilds of Shrewsbury
43490: Hickey, William (Alfred Spencer, ed.) - Memoirs of William Hickey; Vol. 1: (1749-1775); Vol. 2: (1775-1782), with Three Photogravure Portraits; Vol. 3: (1782-1790); Vol. 4: (1790-1809), with Photogravure Portrait and Six Other Illustrations. Complete Set
42386: Higginson, Henry Lee - Addresses on the Occasion of Presenting the Soldiers' Field and the Harvard Union to Harvard University. [Cover Title: "Two Addresses... "]
29709: Hildesheimer, Wolfgang - Wer War Mozart?; Becketts "Spiel"; ûber Das Absurde Theatre
48053: Hill, Melissa - The Summer Villa
51486: Hill, Susan - The Shelley Style; a Collectors Guide
32453: Hill, Samuel S. - Encyclopedia of Religion in the South
43029: Hill, Archibald A. - Constituent and Pattern in Poetry
41500: Hill, Alfred R. - A New England Intellectual; Minerva Camp Hill, 1878-1959
39128: Hill, Fiona - Russia's Tinderbox"; Conflict in the North Caucasus and Its Implications for the Future of the Russian Federation
14034: Hille, Einar, and Tamarkin, J. D. - On the Characteristic Values of Linear Integral Equations
21467: Hillebrand, Karl - Englischer Geist, Englischer Charakter; Eindrücke [Eindrucke] Und Beobachtungen Aus Viktorianischer Zeit. Herausgegeben Von Julius Heyderhoff
20385: Hillebrand, Bruno - Mensch Und Raum IM Roman; Studien Zu Keller, Stifter, Fontane. Mit Einem Einführenden [Einfuhrenden] Essay Zur Europäischen [Europaischen] Literatur
27139: Hiller, Helmut - Zur Sozialgeschichte Von Buch Und Buchhandel
15679: Hillier, J. R. - Les Plus Beaux Dessins Japonais
37340: Hills, L.V., ed - Oil Sands; Fuel of the Future
38801: Hiltl, Georg (Woldemar Friedrich, illus.) - Der Französische [Franzosische] Krieg Von 1870 Und 1871. Nach Den Besten Quellen, Persönlichen Mittheilungen Und Eigenen Erlebnissen Geschildert Von Georg Hiltl. Illustrirt Von Woldemar Friedrich
41931: Breunlin, Rachel, Abram Himelstein and Bethany Rogers (Rachel Breunlin, ed.) - Cornerstones; Celebrating the Everyday Monuments and Gathering Places of New Orleans' Neighborhoods
21018: Hinck, Walter - Theater Der Hoffnung, Von Der Aufklärung [Aufklarung] Bis Zur Gegenwart
20801: Hinck, Walter, ed - Rolf Hochhut; Eingriff in Die Zeitgeschichte; Essays Sum Werk, Hrsg. Von Walter Hinck
21116: Hinderer, Walter - ûber [Uber] Deutsche Literatur Und Rede; Historische Interpretationen
40614: Hinderer, K. - Grundbegriffe Der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Korrigierter Nachdruck Der Ersten Auflage
17393: Hinderschiedt, Ingeborg - Zur Heliandmetrik: Das Verhaltnis Von Rhythmus Und Satzgewicht IM Altsachsischen
52508: Hindes, Ruthanna - Delaware Silversmiths, 1700-1850
52072: Richardson, Edgar P., Brooke Hindle and Lillian B. Miller - Charles Willson Peale and His World. With a Foreword by Charles Coleman Sellers
50057: Siefken, Hinrich and Alan Robinson, eds - Trivium; "Erfahrung Und ûberlieferung [Uberlieferung]" Festschrift for C.P. Magill
48463: Hirsch, Julius - Das Amerikanische Wirtschaftswunder
32408: Hirsch, David H. - The Deconstruction of Literature; Criticism After Auschwitz
20961: Hirsch, Leon V. - Marketing in an Underdeveloped Economy; the North Indian Sugar Industry
48258: Hirsch, Helmut - Amerika, Du Morgenröte [Morgenrote]; Verse Eines Flüchtlings [Fluchtlings] (1932-1942)
30508: Hirsch, M. - Friedrich Nietzsche; Der Philosoph Der Abendlaendischen Kultur. Mit Einem Bildnis
37933: Teitelbaum-Hirsch, Viviane - Enfants Caches; Les Larmes Sous le Masque. Preface de Roger Lallemand
24958: Hirschfelder, Arlene B. - Annotated Bibliography of the Literature on American Indians Published in State Historical Society Publications; New England and Middle Atlantic States
28298: Hirschstein, Hans - Die Französische [Franzosische] Revolution IM Deutschen Drama Und Epos Nach 1815
13538: Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia - Catalogo de la Biblioteca, 1930 - 1939. Preparado Por Jorge A. VIVó [Vivo]
30477: Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia - Revista de Historia de Las Ideas, No. 1
28435: Comite International des Sciences Historiques - Ixe Congres International Des Sciences Historiques; Paris, 28 Aout - 3 Septembre 1950; Volume 1: Rapports
44741: Federation des Societes Historiques et Archeologiques de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France - Federation Des Societes Historiques Et Archeologiques de Paris Et de L'Ile-de-France; Bulletin 1: 1960; Bulletin 2: 1961-1962. Publie Avec le Concours Du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
39119: Comite Francais des Sciences Historiques - La Recherche Historique En France de 1940-1965
52982: Albany Institute of History and Art - New York Furniture Before 1840 in the Collection of the Albany Institute of History and Art. Foreword by Laurence Mckinney. Introduction by Milton W. Hamilton. Preface and Text by Norman S. Rice
40274: The Association for the Bibliography of History - Bibliographical Foundations of French Historical Studies; Bicentennial of the French Revolution. The 1989 Annual Conference of the Association for the Bibliography of History (Abh), December 27-28, 1989, San Francisco, Ca
52484: Hitti, Philip K. - History of the Arabs from the Earliest Times to the Present. Fifth Edition, Revised
52483: Hitti, Philip K. - History of Syria, Including Lebanon and Palestine
11047: Hjulstad, Ola. (Billedsjef: Steinar Johansen) - Vakre Namdal
48948: Hlavacek, Frank - Pochoden; Basne Delnicke
15338: Hobbs, Cecil C., compiler - Indochina: A Bibliography of the Land and People
51365: Hobson, Alan - Full Circle; Shakespeare and Moral Development
45333: Hobson, Melanie - Summer Cannibals
52706: Hoch, A.D., ed - Canadian Tokens and Medals; an Anthology
45322: Hoch, Karel, Jaromir Korcak, Emil Sobota, et al. - World Peace and Czechoslovakia, 1919-1934. Introduction by Dr. Kamil Krofta
30100: Hochegger, Hermann - La Polygamie Dans Les Mythes Sakata
30098: Hocheggre, Hermann - Normes Et Pratiques Sociales; Chez Les Buma (Rép. Du Zaïre)
25991: Hochgesand, Hermann - Vom Rhein Zur Loire; Kriegs-Erinnerungen Eines Alten 118ers. ; Als Manuskript Gedruckt
8531: Hodge, E. Emma Wilber - A Century of Service to Public Education; the Centennial History of the New York State Teachers Association. By... And Lamont Foster Hodge
15846: Hodges, C. Walter - Shakespeare's Second Globe: The Missing Monument
18185: Hoedemaker, Libertus A. - The Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr
30413: Hoek, Jac. S. - Politieke Geschiedenis Van Nederland; Oorlog En Herstel; Offerfeest Der Tegenstellingen
51986: Hoelle, John J. von - Thimble Collector's Encyclopedia. New International Edition
45797: Hoerburger, Rob - Why Do Birds; a Novel
50600: Van Hoesen, Beth - Creatures; the Art of Seeing Animals; Prints, Drawings, and Watercolors. Foreword by Evan Connell
31543: Hof, Walter - Der Gedanke Der Deutschen Sendung in Der Deutschen Literatur
44482: Hof, Walter - Wo Sich Der Weg IM Kreise Schliesst; Goethe Und Charlotte Von Stein
48703: Höfel [Hofel], Rudolf op ten - Kleine Geschichte Der Stadt Mülheim [Mulheim] an Der Ruhr. Bearbeitet Von Klaus Op Ten Höfel [Hofel]
17379: Höfer [Hofer], Werner, ed - Deutsche Nobel Galerie, Von Theodor Mommsen Bis Heinrich BöLL [Boll]: Deutschlands Literaturpreistrager Aus Siebzig Jahren
3097: Hofer, Walther - Die Entfesselung Des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Eine Studie über [Uber] Die Internationalen Beziehungen IM Sommer 1939
36685: Hofer, Karl und Theodor Reinhart (Ursula und Günter [Gunter] Feist, hrsg.) - Maler Und Mäzen [Mazen]; Ein Briefwechsel in Auswahl. Herausgegeben Von Ursula Und Günter [Gunter] Feist
24514: Hoffman, Walther G., hrsg - Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Soziologie Der Industriellen Gesellschaft
26954: Hoffman, Frank Sargent - The Sphere of Religion; a Consideration of Its Nature and of Its Influence Upon the Progress of Civilization
34143: Hoffman, Heinrich - Lebenserinnerungen [Lebens- Erinnerungen]
21908: Hoffman, Frank Sargent - Psychology and Common Life; a Survey of the Present Results of Psychical Research with Special Reference to Their Bearings Upon the Interests of Everyday Life
52090: C. Plath (F.W. Schaafhausen, Heinrich Hoffmann and Peter Kaltenbach) - C. Plath, 1862-1962; Part 1: The History of the Firm of C. Plath (Schaafhausen); Part 2: The Development of the Sextant (Hoffmann and Kaltenbach)
24614: Michelangelo (Richard Hoffmann) - Michelangelo; Das Jüngste [Jungste] Gericht Der Sixtinishen Kapelle, Mit Einer Einleitung Von Richard Hoffmann
3088: Hoffmann, Karl - Das Ende Des Kolonialpolitischen Zeitalters. 2. Aufl
49487: Hoffmann, Werner - Clemens Brentano; Leben Und Werk
33518: Hofland, Barbara - The Young Pilgrim, or Alfred Campbell's Return to the East; and His Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Asia Minor, Arabia Petraea
44963: Beer-Hofmann, Richard - Verse
50206: Beer-Hofmann, Richard - Der Junge David; Sieben Bilder
49569: Hofmannsthal, Hugo von - Wert Und Ehre Deutscher Sprache
32003: Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (Horst Weber, hrsg.) - Briefe an Marie Herzfeld
33525: Hofmannsthal, Hugo von - Andreas, Oder Die Vereinigten; Fragmente Eines Romans. Mit Einem Nachwort Von Jakob Wassermann
49917: Hofmannsthal, Hugo von - Das Schrittium Als Geistiger Raum Der Nation. [Rede, Gehalten IM Auditorium Maximum Der Universitat Munchen Am 10. Januar 1927]
44709: Hogan, Mary - Left; a Love Story
20823: Wende-Hohenberge, Waltraud - Gerhart Hauptmanns Der Narr in Christo Emanuel Quint; Eine Religions Und Gesellschaftskritische Romananalyse
51383: Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim) - Drey Bücher [Bucher] Durch Den Hochgelerten Herrn Theophrastum Von Hohenheim. Paracelsum Genant Beider Erzney Doctorn Den Hochwirdigsten Hoch Un Ehrwirdigen Wolgebornen Gestrengen Hochgelerten Edlen Vesten Fürsichtigen [Fursichtigen] Ersamen Erbarn Und Weisen
49663: Hohenstein, Lily - Adalbert Stifter; Lebensgeschichte Eines ûberwinders [Uberwinders]
21223: Holan, Vladimír - Nocní Hlídka Srdce
37037: Holberg, Ludvig - Peder Paars. Indledning Og Noter Af Georg Christensen. Tegninger Af Marlie Brande
24092: Holberton, William B. - Homeward Bound; the Demobilization of the Union & Confederate Armies, 1865-66
25010: Hölbling [Holbling], Walter - Fiktionen Vom Krieg IM Neueren Amerikanischen Roman
31533: Hölbling [Holbling], Walter - Fiktionen Vom Krieg IM Neueren Amerikanischen Roman
52479: Holden, Geoffrey - The Craft of the Silversmith
45621: Holden, John Allan, ed - A List of Private Book Collectors in the United States and Canada with Mention of "Hobbies". With a Chapter on Book Collecting in America by Frederick M. Hopkins
29748: Holderlin, Friederich (Viëtor [Vietor], Karl, hrsg.) - Die Briefe Der Diotima
50217: Holitscher, Arthur - Lebensgeschichte Eines Rebellen; Meine Erinnerungen
41414: Craddock, Fred B., John H. Hayes, Carl R. Holladay and Gene M. Tucker - Preaching Through the Christian Year; Comprehensive Commentary on the Lectionary. Vols. A, B and C. Three Volume Set. Complete
48483: Holland, J.G. [Josia Gilbert] - Das Leben Abraham Lincoln's. Mitglich Der Historischen Gesellschaft Von Massachusetts
17365: Holland, W.J. - Lepidoptera of the Congo, Being a Systematic List of the Butterflies and Moths Collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition, Together with Descriptions of Some Hitherto Undescribed Species
51807: Holland, Francis Ross - America's Lighthouses; Their Illustrated History Since 1716
21899: Holland, Stuart S. - Landforms of British Columbia; a Physiographic Outline
42959: Holland, James - The Allies Strike Back, 1941-1943; Vol. 1: The War in the West
6310: Holley, Platt Tyler - Death the Christian's Gain. A Sermon Delivered at the Funeral of Deacon Samuel Wilcox, November 26, 1843. By... , Pastor of the First Congregational Society in Sandisfield. Published by Request of the Friends
28148: Handler, Joel F., Ellen Jane Hollingsworth and Howard S. Erlanger - Lawyers and the Pursuit of Legal Rights
37021: Holm, Hakon - Jahve
36947: Holm, Hakon - Kristus. Two Volumes
36921: Holm, Hakon - Troen
21182: Holm, Soren - Mythe Og Symbol. (Festskrift Udgivet Af Kobenhavns Universitet I Anledning Af Hans Majestaet Kongens Fodselsdag, 11. Marts 1971. )
25104: Holme, Charles (redacteur) - L'Art Du Livre; Etude Sur Quelques-Uns Des Dernieres Creations En Typographie, Ornamentation de Textes, Et Reliure, Executees En Europe Et En Amerique
37640: Holmes, Edmond - The Triumph of Love
12951: Holmes, Grace W., ed - Approaches to Advocacy
6892: Holmes, William John, ed - Geographic Ophthalmology; Asia, Australia, and Africa
24979: Noreen, Sven E., Richard Holmstrom and S. Artur Svensson, eds - Gotland. (Foto: Erick Liljeroth. Inlendning: David Ahlqvist. Text: Bengt G. Söderberg. Bildtexter: Sven E. Noreen. )
30715: Holst, Henriette Roland - Algemeene Werkstaking En Sociaaldemokratie... Vertaling Van J.F. A.
44815: Holstein, Mark G. - The Diversions of a Will Collector; a Dialogue
46018: Von Holstein, Verena Stael (Weirauch, Wolfgang, ed.) - Nature Spirits of the Trees; Interviews with Verena Stael Von Holstein
28804: Holt, Daniel L. (Greiner, James M., Janet L. Coryell, and James R. Smither, eds.) - A Surgeon's CIVIL War; the Letters and Diary of Daniel M. Holt, M.D.
50459: Holt, L. Emmett - The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. For the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. With Two Hundred and Four Illustrations, Including Seven Coloured Plates
35083: Emperor William II (Holt, F. Appleby, tr.) - Comparative History, 1878-1914. By the Ex-Emperor of Germany. With 16 Illustrations
44968: Holthusen, Hans Egon - Das Schöne [Schone] Und Das Wahre; Neue Studien Zur Modernen Literatur
52130: The Greater Loudonville Association (Sharon Bright Holub and Elizabeth Treadwell, eds.) (Mary Durgee, Samuel V. Johnson and Carol LaBatte, photography) - Loudonville; Traveling the Loudon Plank Road
33341: Holz, Arno - Buch Der Zeit
20390: Holz, Arno (Anita Holz and Max Wagner, eds.) - Briefe; Eine Auswahl. Mit Einer Einführung [Einfuhrung] Von Hans Heinrich Borcherdt
53047: Holzhausen, Walter (Text) und Edmund Kesting (Bilder) - Prachtgefässe [Prachtgefasse], Geschmeide Kabinettstücke [Kabinettstucke]; Goldschmiedekunst in Dresden
52381: Holzhausen, Paul - Heinrich Heine Und Napoleon I. Mit Vier Illustrativen Beigaben
49986: Holzmann, Albert William - Family Relationships in the Dramas of August Von Kotzebue
4303: Homberger, Ludwig - Wirtschaftsführung [Wirtschaftsfuhrung] Und Finanzwesen Bei Den Englischen Eisenbahnen
27227: Home, Everard - Practical Observations on the Treatment of Ulcers on the Legs, Considered As a Branch of Military Surgery; to Which Are Added, Some Observations on Varicose Veins and Piles
44270: Home, Henry, Lord Kames - Elements of Criticism. Complete in One Volume
50307: Home, Field, ed. (David Perry, designer) - Spac 50; Celebrating Fifty Years of the Saratoga Performing Arts Center
38909: Homer, Winslow (Tony Harrison) - Winslow Homer in England. Introduction by David Tatham
38030: Hommey, L. [Louis Pierre] - Histoire Générale Ecclésiastique Et Civile Du Diocese de Seez Ancien Et Nouveau Et Du Territoire Qui Forme Aujourd'Hui le Département de L'Orne. Tome 1-5
44506: Hönig [Honig], Christoph - Die Dialektik Von Ironie Und Utopie Und Ihre Entwicklung in Robert Musils Reflexionen; Ein Beitrag Zur Deutung Des Romans "Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften
51424: Hooker, Worthington - Natural History. For the Use of Schools and Families. Illustrated by Nearly 300 Engravings
17772: Hooker, Morna D. - Pauline Pieces
45696: Hooper, Elise - Learning to See; a Novel of Dorothea Lange, the Woman Who Revealed the Real America
9024: Hooper, Edwin - World War II Histories and Historical Reports in the U.S. Naval History Division; Partial Checklist
18470: Hoose, Bernard - Proportionalism; the American Debate and Its European Roots
40969: Hoover, Michelle - Bottomland
27169: Hope, Robert Charles - Mediaeval Music; an Historical Sketch
45515: United States Department of Agriculture (A.D. Hopkins) - Classification of the Cryphalinae with Descriptions of New Genera and Species
45516: United States Department of Agriculture (A.D. Hopkins) - Classification of the Cryphalinae with Descriptions of New Genera and Species
49764: Hopper, Helen M. - A New Woman of Japan; a Political Biography of Kato Shidzue
39147: Hopson, William L. [Association Copy] - Gun-Thrower
39974: Horack, Skip - The Other Joseph
17815: Horgan, Paul - The Centuries of Santa Fe
30884: Hornackova, A., ed - Skalica
49552: Hornaday, Clifford Lee - Nature in the German Novel of the Late Eighteenth Century, 1770-1800
51719: Horne, Field - The Saratoga Reader; Writing About an American Village, 1749-1900
51154: Horne, Thomas A. - Property Rights and Poverty; Political Argument in Britain, 1605-1834
4749: Horner, F., ed - Monograph on Radio Noise of Terrestrial Origin. Xiiith General Assembly of Ursi, London, 1960. (International Scientific Radio Union, Ursi Monographs)
51614: Horowitz, Glenn - Books on Photography
51699: Glen Horowitz, bookseller - Affectionate Regards; Presentation Copies from the Collection of Stanley Wertheim
51991: Horricks, Raymond - Marshal Ney; the Romance and the Real
50427: Horsley, Victor - The Structure and Functions of the Brain and Spinal Cord, Being the Fullerian Lectures for 1891. With Numerous Illustrations
41577: Horsley, Kate - The American Girl
21129: Horst, Karl August - Das Spektrum Des Modernen Romans; Eine Untersuchung
36081: Hossman, Hermann - Junger Mann in Afrika; Als Kaufmann in Portugiesisch-Guinea. Mit Sechzehn Kuntsdrucktafeln Nach Aufnahmen Von Dr. A. Monard Und Anderen
52269: Houben, H.H. (hrsg.) - Ottilie Von Goethe; Erlebnisse Und Geständnisse [Gestandnisse], 1832-1857. Mit 9 Abbildungen
43585: Houellebecq, Michel (Gavin Bowd, tr.) - Unreconciled; Poems, 1991-2013. Translated from the French by Gavin Bowd
37304: Hough, Franklin B. - A History of Lewis County, in the State of New York, from the Beginning of Its Settlement to the Present Time
52567: Houghton, Arthur - Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton
47222: Houston, John Porter - The Shape and Style of Proust's Novel
37970: The Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, TX) - Southern Silver; an Exhibition of Silver Made in the South Prior to 1860; September 27/November 10, 1968
26946: Houtte, J.A. van - Economische En Sociale Geschiedenis Van de Lage Landen
30607: Houtte, J.A. Van - Economische En Sociale Geschiedenis Van de Lage Landen
26945: Hovy, J. - Het Voorstel Van 1751 Tot Instelling Van Een Beperkt Vrijhavenstelsel in de Republiek (Propositie Tot Een Gelimiteerd Porto-Franco)
33727: Howald, Ernst - Ethik Des Altertums
49392: Howard, Philip E. - The Life Story of Henry Clay Trumbull; Missionary, Army Chaplain, Editor, and Author. With Introduction by Charles Gallaudet Trumbull
43346: Howe, Elisabeth A. - The Dramatic Monologue
50823: Howe, E.W. - Plain People; the Story of a Country Town
43720: Howe, Percy Y., ed - The American Annual of Photography, 1924; Volume 38
51207: Howell, David W. - Land and People in Nineteenth-Century Wales
39347: Howells, W.D. [William Dean], Mark Twain, Prof. Nathaniel S. Shaler, and others - The Niagara Book. Wtih Remarkable Photographic Illustrations
38134: Howells, W.D. [William Dean] - The Lady of the Aroostook
30189: Howitt, Anna Mary - A School of Life
14944: Howlett, Robert (text), Bruce Adams (photographs) - Battleground South Pacific
26253: Høyer [Hoyer], Liv Nansen - Nansen Og Verden
44981: Hoygaard, Arne og Martin Mehren - Ajungilak" Eller Gronland Pa Tvers
47037: Hoyland, John S. - History As Direction
31935: Hoyle, John T. - Outdoor, Street-Car, and Radio Advertising: Outdoor and Street Advertising; Radio Broadcast Advertising
41517: Hoyt, Arthur S. - The Pulpit and American Life
51170: Hsueh, Vicki - Hybrid Constitutions; Challenging Legacies of Law, Privilege, and Culture in Colonial America
33071: Hubbard, Arthur T., ed - The Handbook of Surface Imaging and Visualization
32468: Hubbard, R.H. - L'Evolution de L'Art Au Canada
13161: Hubbert, Henry Clyde - The Older Middle West, 1840 - 1880; Its Social, Economic and Political Life and Sectional Tendencies Before, During, and After the CIVIL War
4093: Hubel, Helmut - Sowjetunionn Und Dritte Welt; Politische Beziehumgen Und Interessen
24831: Huber, Dr. F.C. - Deutschland Als Industriestaat
48921: Huber, V.A. - Noth Und Hülfe [Hulfe] Unter Den Fabrikarbeitern Auf Anlass Der Baumwollensperre in England
48937: Huch, Ricarda - Luthers Glaube; Briefe an Einen Freund
34340: Der Deutschen Akademie der Künste [Kunste] (Peter Huchel, hrsg.) - Sinn Und Form; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Literatur
52770: Hudson, Thomas - Guide Book of Wooden Money. Sixth Edition
20460: Hudson, W.D. - A Century of Moral Philosophy
52039: Hudson, W.G. - Modern Rifle Shooting from the American Standpoint
36202: Hudson, Kenneth - World Industrial Archaeology
31894: Hueffer, Ford Madox - Rossetti; a Critical Essay on His Art
50731: Waite, John G., Paul R. Huey and Geoffrey M. Stein - A Compilation of Historical and Architectural Data on the New York State Maritime Museum Block in New York City
28534: Hugh, Ricarda - Das Zeitalter Der Glaubensspaltung
51279: Hughes, Richard A. - Religion, Law, and the Present Water Crisis
49456: Hughes, Kenneth, ed - Thomas Mann in Context; Papers of the Clark University Centennial Colloquium
50393: Hughes, A.J. - The Book of the Sextant, with Ancient and Modern Instruments of Navigation
45659: Hughes, Emrys - Bernard Shou [Shaw]. Perevod S Angliskogo B. Nosika
38238: Zola, Émile (David Hughes and Marie-Jacqueline Mason, trs.) - Savage Paris. Translated from the French by David Hughes and Marie-Jacqueline Mason. Preface by Hugh Shelley
2937: Hughes, Paul L., ed - Crown and Parliament in Tudor-Stuart England; a Documentary Constitutional History, 1485-1714. Edited and with Introductions and Commentary by P. Hughes
49881: Hughey, Ruth - John Harrington of Stepney; Tudor Gentleman; His Life and Works
26907: Hugo, Victor - Oeuvres Completes. Comprised of Romans (9 Vols. ), Poesie (15 Vols), Theatre (5 Volumes of 6), En Voyage (2 Vols), Histoire (7 Vols), Philosophie (2 Vols), and Correspondance (4 Vols)
48947: Huizinga, Johan - Mensch En Menigte in Amerika; Vier Essays over Moderne Beschavingsgeschiedenis
16653: Hulme, Edward Maslin - History and Its Neighbors
35724: Hulse, James W. - Revolutionists in London; a Study of Five Unorthodox Socialists
46060: Von Hülsen [Hulsen], Hans - Freundschaft Mit Einem Genius. Erinnerungen an Gerhart Hauptmann
34344: Droste-Hülshoff [Hulshoff], Annette von und Levin Schücking [Schucking] (Theo Schücking, hrsg.) - Briefe Von Annette Von Droste-Hülshoff [Hulshoff] Und Levin Schücking [Schucking]. Herausgegeben Von Theo Schücking
41635: Hultberg, Helge - Die ästhetischen [Asthetischen] Anschauungen Bertolt Brechts
42281: Hultkrantz, Ake (Christopher Vecsey, ed.) - Belief and Worship in Native North America. Edited, with an Introduction, by Christopher Vecsey
44785: Centre Interuniversitaire d'Histoire de l'Humanisme - Commemoration Nationale D'Erasme; Actes, Bruxelles, Gand, Liege, Anvers: 3-6 Juin 1969. Sous le Haut Patronage de S.M. Le Roi
32900: Humboldt, Wilhelm von (Theodor Kappstein, hrsg.) - IM Verkehr Mit Seinen Freunden; Eine Auslese Seiner Briefe
32901: Humboldt, Wilhelm von - Briefe Von Wilhelm Von Humboldt an Eine Freundin. Mit Einem Facsimile. Fünfte [Funfte] Auflage. Zwei Theilen
44401: Humboldt, Wilhelm von (Arndt Schreiber, hrsg.) - Briefe; an Christine Reinhard-Reimarus
50122: Humboldt, Wilhelm von (Albert Leitzmann, hrsg.) - Die Brautbriefe Wilhelms Und Karolinens Von Humboldt
52503: Ord-Hume, Arthur W.J.G. - Collecting Musical Boxes and How to Repair Them. Illustrated by the Author
51291: Hume, David - Essays and Treatises on Various Subjects. With a Brief Sketch of the Author's Life and Writings, to Which Are Added, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Stereotype Edition
52214: Hummel, Georg - Erfurter Theaterleben IM 18. Jahrhundert
49898: Humphrey, James (compiler) - The Library of Edwin Arlington Robinson; a Descriptive Catalogue
50369: Hun, Henry - An Atlas of the Differential Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Nervous System; Analytical and Semeiological Neurological Charts
35032: Hundsnurscher, Franz - Das System Der Partikelverben Mit "Aus" in Der Gegenwartssprache
51782: Huneker, James - Chopin; the Man and His Music
31913: Hunt, Leigh (R. Brimley Johnson, ed.) - Prefaces by Leigh Hunt; Mainly to His Periodicals
49642: Hunt, Elmer Munson - New Hampshire Town Names and Whence They Came
47663: Hunter, George Leland - Decorative Textiles; an Illustrated Book on Coverings for Furniture, Walls and Floors, Including Damask, Brocades and Velvets, Tapestries, Laces, Embroideries, Chintzes, Cretonnes, Drapery and Furniture, Trimmings, Wall Papers, Carpets and Rugs, Tooled and Illuminated Leathers. With 580 Illustrations. 27 Plates in Colour
52608: Huntington, Gale - Songs the Whalemen Sing. Illustrated with Photographs of Drawings from Whalemen's Journals and of Scrimshaw Furnished Through the Courtesy of the Whaling Museum of New Bedford, Massachusetts
40153: Huntington, Annie Oakes (Nancy Byrd Turner, ed.) - Testament of Happiness; Letters of Annie Oakes Huntington. With an Introduction by M.A. Dewolfe Howe
24861: Huntley, G. Haydn - Andrea Sansovino; Sculptor and Architect of the Italian Renaissance
20871: Hupka, Herbert, ed - Grosse Deutsche Aus Schlesien
50141: Hurd, Peter (Robert Metzger, ed.) - My Land Is the Southwest; Peter Hurd Letters and Journals. Edited by Robert Metzger. Introduction by Paul Horgan
51890: Hürlimann [Hurlimann], Martin - Hong Kong. 95 Pictures in Photogravure. 5 Colour Plates. Introductory Text and Historical Notes
29751: Hürlimann [Hurlimann], Thomas - Das Gartenhaus; Novelle
39906: Hurst, Michael - Joseph Chamberlain and Liberal Reunion; the Round Table Conference of 1887
51821: Hurt, Harry, III - Lost Tycoon; the Many Lives of Donald J. Trump
34726: Huson, Gordon - The Faroes in Pictures. Drawings by Owen P.A. Evans
46353: Hussein, Adil (A.W. Lulua, tr.) - Iraq; the Eternal Fire; 1972 Iraqi Oil Nationalization in Perspective. Translated from the Arabic by A.W. Lulua
51161: Huston, Reeve - Land and Freedom; Rural Society, Popular Protest, and Party Politics in Antebellum New York
30175: Hustvedt, Siri - The Summer without Men; a Novel
42530: Hutchison, B. [Ben], ed - Book Collecting and Library Monthly. 1-60 (1968-73). 58 Issues (Lacks No. 6 and 41)
50380: Hutton, Paul Andrew, ed - Soldiers West; Biographies from the Military Border. Introduction by Robert M. Utley
51185: Huxley, Andrew, ed - Thai Law; Buddhist Law; Essays on the Legal History of Thailand, Laos and Burma
31019: Huyette, M.C. - Coal Is King
50629: Lugo, Elena, Hector Jose Huyke and William Frey, eds - II Congreso Interamericano de Filosofia de la Tecnologia; Mayagues, Puerto Rico; Marzo 3-5 de 1991
43217: Huysmans, J.K. - Les Soeurs Vatard
30338: Hwang, C. Philip, Michael E. Lamb, and Irving F. Sigel, eds - Images of Childhood
44700: Hyde, Elisabeth - Go Ask Fannie
52451: Hyde, Bryden Bordley - Bermuda's Antique Furniture and Silver
44107: Hyde, J. Wilson - The Early History of the Post in Grant and Farm
52426: Hyland, William G. - George Mason; the Founding Father Who Gave Us the Bill of Rights
45803: Hyodo, Shin-ichi, ed - Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics
27730: Hyslop, James Hervey - A Further Record of Observations of Certain Trance Phenomena
38214: Hyvärinen [Hyvarinen], Risto - The Finnish Defence Forces in the Service of Neutrality
43941: Mostofsky, David I. and David H. Barlow, eds - The Management of Stress and Anxiety in Medical Disorders
21239: IAkimenko, Lev Grigorevich - Tvorchestvo M.A. Sholokhova. Idei I Obrazy, Tvorcheskii Metod, Zhanry, Stil' Masterstvo, Poetika
43482: Talbot, Ian and Gurharpal Singh, eds - Region and Partition; Bengal, Punjab and the Partition of the Subcontinent
2341: Marti-Ibanez, Felix - Men, Molds, and History
6556: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana - El Teatro En Iberoamerica; Memoria Del Duodecimo Congreso,... 1965
25893: Abd Allah Ibrahim, al-Duktuìr - Mawsu'at Al-Sard Al-'Arabi
29992: Ibrahim, Aïcha [Aicha] - Le Sarment; Une Saison a Kerkennah
27870: International Society for the Study of European Ideas - History of European Ideas; Vol. 12, No. 1: Kierkegaard; Vol. 12. , No. 2: Political Thought; Vol. 12, No. 3: The European Peasantry on the Eve of the French Revolution; Vol. 12, No. 4: European Ecology; Vol. 12, No. 5: Untitled; Vol. 12, No. 6: Karl Max As Historian; Vol. 13, Nos. 1/2: Rise and Development of National European Languages
15378: Idema, H.A. - Parlementaire Geschiedenis Van Nederlandsch-Indie, 1891-1918
20976: Iden, Peter - Theater Als Widerspruch; Plädoyer Für Die Zeitgenössische Bühne [Pladoyer Fur de Zeitgenossische Buhne]. Nachwort: Claus Peymann IM Gespräch [Gesprach]
49513: Iehl, Dominique - Le Monde Religieux Et Poetique D'Annette Von Droste-Hulshoff. Contribution a L'Etude de la Poesie Post-Romantique En Allemagne
47049: Iggers, Georg, ed. (Bruce Little, tr.) - Marxist Historiography in Transformation; East German Social History in the 1980s
11067: Ignatov, I., comp - The Encyclopedia of Russian Writers / Entsiklopediia Russkichi Pisatelei
45678: Ignotus, Paul - Political Prisoner
24994: Wilhelm II, Kaiser - Meine Vorfahren; 1. Bis 14. Tausend
30053: Ilchev, Stefan - Rechnik Na Redki, Ostareli I Dialektni Dumi V Literaturata Ni Ot XIX I XX [Vek
28913: Iliescu, Maria - Le Frioulan; a Partir Des Dialectes Parlés [Parles] En Roumanie
32474: Eidrigevicius, Stasys (illus.) et Anne Frere (verse) - Histoires de Nez. Racontees En Images Par Stasys Eidrigevicius Et En Vers Par Anne Frere. D'Apres James Kruss
27964: Aro, Paavo, Erkki Laitakari, Yrjö [Yrjo] Ilvessalo and Jarl Lindfors - Suomalais, Ruotsalais, Saksalsis, Englantilaninen; Metsäsanakirja [Metsasanakirja] /Finsk, Svensk, Tysk, Engelsk; Skogsordbok/Finnisch, Schedisch, Deutsch, Englisches; Forstwörterbuch [Forstworterbuch]/Finnish, Swedish, German, English; Forest Dictionary
36612: Knoebel, Imi and Michael Sandle - Heerstrasse 16 (IMI Knoebel); a Twentieth Century Memorial (Michael Sandle). Ein Ausstellung IM Rahmen Der 8. Duisburger Akzente, 6. Mai - 11. Juni 1984
44490: Immerwahr, Raymond M. - The Esthetic Intent of Tieck's Fantastic Comedy
32330: Impeta, C.N. - Kaart Van Kerkelijk Nederland
30037: Imre, Ormos - A Kerttervezes Története [Tortenete] Es Gyakorlata. Masodik, Atdolgozott Kiadas
43707: Inayatullah, ed - District Administration in West Pakistan; Its Problems and Challenges
35810: India, Archaelogical Survey of India - Archaeological Remains, Monuments and Museums; Part 1 and 2. Two Volumes in One
32198: India, Central Pay Commission - Report of the Central Pay Commission
15450: Departement van Financien in Ned.-Indie - Tien Begrootingen Met Den Volksraad. Samengesteld Bij de Generale Thesaurie Van Het Departement Van Financien in Ned. -Indie Ter Gelegenheid Van Het Tienjarig Bestaan Van Den Volksraad, 1919-1928
15296: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Studies in Numerical Analysis I. A Collection of Papers Presented at Symposia in Numerical Analysis Sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research at the 1966 National Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Held at the University of Iowa, May 11-14, 1966
14061: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Studies in Optimization, 1. A Collection of Papers Presented... At the Symposium on Optimization... At the 1968 National Meeting of Siam
32459: Harrison, A.F., P. Ineson and O.W. Heal, eds - Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems; Field Methods, Application and Interpretation
45354: Hedberg, Inga and Olov, eds - Conservation of Vegetation in Africa South of the Sahara. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the 6th Plenary Meeting of the "Association Pour L'Etude Taxonomique de la Flore D'Afrique Tropicale" (A.E. T.F. A.T. ) in Uppsala, Sept. 12th-16th, 1966
37000: Ingalls, Walter Renton - The Metallurgy of Zinc and Cadmium
7184: Inghe, Gunnar - Mental and Physical Illness Among Paupers in Stockholm
53092: Ingholt, Harald, ed - Centennial Publication of the American Numismatic Society
52218: Hahnloser-Ingold, Margrit - Das Englische Theater Und Bert Brecht; Die Dramen Von W.H. Auden, John Osborne, John Arden in Ihrer Bezeihung Zum Epischen Theater Von Bert Brecht Und Den Gemeinsamen Elisabethanischen Quellen
43780: Shelley, Percy Bysshe (Roger Ingpen and Walter E. Peck, eds.) - The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, in Ten Volumes. Newly Edited by Roger Ingpen and Walter E. Peck
51428: Ingram, Martha Rivers, with D.B. Kellogg - Kenneth Schermerhorn; He Will Always Be the Music
3357: Ingrim, Robert - Hitlers Glücklichster [Glucklichster] Tag: London, Am 18 Juni 1935
36853: Augustinerchorherrenstift Reichersberg am Inn - Ausstellung Des Landes Oberösterreich [Oberosterreich]; Die Bildhauerfamilie Schwanthaler, 1633-1848, Vom Barock Zum Klassizismus
10727: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut - Zur Integration Der Indianischen Bevölkerung[Bevolkerung] in Die Moderne Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas: Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsch Lateinamerika-Forschung (Adlaf) in Kirchzarten Bei Freiburg Vom 16. -19. Mai 1967
13532: The American Geological Institute - Bibliography and Index of Kansas Geology Through 1974. (Bulletin 213. )
52518: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute - Utica Silver; November 5, 1972 Through February 4, 1973
52914: Industrial Training Institute - Technical Training Service; Radio and Television. 29 Issues (Teb1 - Tae30)
35464: The Graduate Management Institute, Union College (Martin A. Strosberg, ed.) - New York's Health Care System; Making the Transition to Managed Care and Competition
24726: The Terrene Institute - International Lake and Watershed Liming Practices
35626: The Irish American Cultural Institute - Eire-Ireland; a Journal of Irish Studies; Vol. 2, No. 3 (Autumn 1967) - Vol. 13, No. 4 (Winter 1978). Lacks Vol. 3, Nos. 1 & 2; Vol. 4, No. 1. 43 Issues
47724: Leo Baeck Institute - Year Book, 2008, LIII
9191: The Atlantic Institute - The Atlantic Papers. Alastair Buchan, Zbigniew Brzezinski [and Others], Political and Strategic Studies, Published for the Atlantic Institute
37923: United States Department of the Interior, Census Office (Porter, Robert P.) - Compendium of the Eleventh Census: 1890; Part 1: Population; Part 2: Vital and Social Statistics; Educational and Church Statistics; Wealth, Debt, and Taxation; Mineral Industries; Insurance; Foreign Born Population; Manufactures; Part 3: Population; State or Territory of Birth; Country of Birth and Citizenship (Analyses Only); Foreign Parentage; Conjugal Condition; Ages; School Attendance; Illiteracy; Can Not Speak English; Occupations; Soldiers and Widows; Agriculture; Manufactures; Fisheries; Transportation; Wealth, Debt and Taxtion; Real Estate Mortgages; Farms and Homes; Indians
25907: Foro Internacional en colaboracion con el Departamento del Distrito Federal - El Peaton En El Uso de Las Ciudades. Serie: Documentos, Numero 11. (Cuadernos de Arquitectura Y Conservacion Del Patrimonio Artistico)
15273: International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1950 (Morse, Marston, et al, eds.) - Conference in Analysis
25712: Exekutivkomitee der Kommunistischen Jugend-Internationale, hrsg - Jugend-International. Die Elf Historischen Nummern Der Kriegsausgabe, 1915-1918
50844: Federation Dentaire Internationale - A Lexicon of English Dental Terms, with Their Equivalents in Español, Deutsch, Francais, Italiano
51239: Intralawan, Apisom - Land Use and Land Cover Change Dynamics and Their Implications; a Case Study of a Community Along the Mekong River
21785: Minto, C.S. (Introduction and commentaries) - Victorian and Edwardian Edinburgh from Old Photographs
36097: Moisiodax, Iosepos and Alkes Angelos - Apologia. Epimeleia Alkes Angelou
32648: National Gallery of Ireland - W.B. [William Butler] Yeats; a Centenary Exhibition. [Cover Subtitle: A Centenary Exhibition in the National Gallery of Ireland]
49836: Ireland, Norma Olin - An Index to Indexes; a Subject Bibiliography of Published Indexes
37645: Ireland, Gordon - Boundaries, Possessions, and Conflicts in South America
47429: Gass, Irene and Herbert Weinstock - Through an Opera Glass
33094: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (Patricia M. Irving, ed.) - Acidic Deposition; State of Science and Technology; Vol. 1: Emissions, Atmospheric Processes, and Deposition; Vol. 2: Aquatic Processes and Effects; Vol. 3: Terrestrial, Materials, Health and Visibility Effects; Vol. 4: Control Technologies, Future Emissions, and Effects Valuation. Four Volumes. Complete Set
11905: Irving, Washington - Irving Vignettes; Vignette Illustrations of the Writings of Washington Irving, Engraved on Steel by Smillie, Hall, and Others. With a Sketch of His Life and Works, from Allibone's Forthcoming "Dictionary of Authors," and Passages from the Works Illustrated
49715: Irving, Washington - A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Volumes 1 and 3 Only
33059: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (Patricia M. Irving, ed.) - Acidic Deposition; State of Science and Technology; Summary Report of the U.S. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program
52558: Irwin, David (as told to Jack O'Brien) - Alone Across the Top of the World; the Authorized Story of the Arctic Journey of David Irwin. Foreword by Russell Owen
29413: Isaacs, Ronald H. - Animals in Jewish Thought and Tradition
16790: Isaacson, Richard T. - Gardening: A Guide to the Literature
30610: Isacker, Karel Van - Het Daensisme, 1893-1914. Tweede Herziene Druk
48901: Isajiw, Wsevolod W., ed - Ukrainians in American and Canadian Society; Contributions to the Sociology of Ethnic Groups
48326: Isaksson, Olov (Soren Hallgen, photo.) - Bishop Hill, ILL. ; a Utopia on the Prairie/Bishop Hill; Svensk Koloni Pa Prarien. Preface by Folke Isaksson. Translation Into English by Albert Read
14007: Isosaari, Jussi - Bruno BoxströM [Boxstrom] Ja Sortavalan Seminaarin Kasvatusaineiden Opetus, 1882 - 1917. Mit Deutschem Referat
21444: Israel, Jürgen[Jurgen], ed - IM Urteil Der Dichter; Literaturbetrachtungen Von Optiz Bis Lessing
52612: Isserlin, B.S.J. - The Israelites. With 159 Illustrations
45658: Istomin, Vasilii Petrovich - Smolenskaia Nastupatel'Naia Operatsiia, 1943
37883: Istvan, Kilian - A Minorita Szinjatek a XVIII. Szazadban (Elmelet Es Gyakorlat)
28633: Meijboom-Italiaander, Jos - Javaansche Sagen Mythen En Legenden. Verzameld Door Jos. Meijboom-Italiaannder
44644: Casa di Risparmio Italiane - Catalogo Delle Edizioni Delle Casse Di Resparmio E Banche Del Monte
34355: D'Itri, Frank M., ed - Zebra Mussels and Aquatic Nuisance Species
44015: Ivanoff, Nicola - I Disegni Italiani Del Seicento; Scuole Veneta, Lombarda, Ligure, Napoletana
45337: Ivanoff, Pierre (Edward Fitzgerald, tr.) - Headhunters of Borneo. Translated from the French by Edward Fitzgerald
26809: Ivanov, Miroslav - Novosvetska
48491: Ivanova, L.V. [Liudmila Vasil'evna] - Kulturnaia Zhizn V Sssr, 1917-1927: Khronika
41618: Anisimov, Aleksandr Ivanovic and Georgij Petrusov - Balet Gosudarstvennogo Ordena Lenia Akademiceskogo Bol'Sogo Teatre Sssr
40607: Ive, Antonio - I Dialetti Ladino-Veneti Dell' Istria
51679: Ives, Charles E. (John Kirkpatrick, ed.) - Charles E. Ives; Memos
42383: Ivins, William M. - The Soul of the People; a New Year's Sermon
51342: Ivins, W.M. - A Guide to an Exhibition of the Arts of the Book; May 12 Through September 14
25087: Iwasaki, Eijiro und Yoshinori Shichiji, hrsg - Internationaler Germanisten-Kongreß [Krongress] in Tokyo; Band I: Ansprachen, Plenarvorträge [Plenarvortrage], Berichte
28740: Iwaszkiewicz, Jaroslaw (tekst) i Adam Kaczowski (zdjecia) - Zelazowa Wola
48309: Izzo, Carlo, ed - Nuovissima Poesia Americana E Negra Con Testo a Fronte, 1949-1953. Introduzione, Versione E Note a Cura Di Carlo Izzo
51363: Pittman, J. and Colin Brown, eds - The Songs of Scotland; a Collection of One Hundred and Ninety Songs. The Poetry Edited (with Notes) by Dr. Charles Mackay. New and Enlarged Edition. [on Cover: Royal Edition]
51895: Homestead, Melissa J. and Guy J. Reynolds, eds - Willa Cather and Modern Cultures
52817: Crisman, Kevin J. and Arthur B. Cohn - When Horses Walked on Water; Horse-Powered Ferries in Nineteenth-Century America
46907: Coppa, Frank J. and Margherita Repetto-Alaia, eds - The Formation of the Italian Republic; Proceedings of the International Symposium on Postwar Italy
51660: Chamberlain, Bobby J. and Ronald M. Harmon - A Dictionary of Informal Brazilian Portuguese, with English Index
51047: Lawson, Elmer J. and Edmund A. Godula - Patents for Chemical Inventions; Symposia Sponsored by the Division of Chemical Literature and the Divison of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry at the 145th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N.Y. , September 9 and 13, 1963
51558: Franklin, K.J. and Y. Zotterman (Wallace O. Fenn, ed.) - History of the International Congresses of Physiological Sciences, 1889-1968: A Short History of the International Congresses of Physiologists, 1889-1968 (Franklin); the Minnekahda Voyage (Zotterman); Physiology Congresses, 1938-1968
33056: Spencer, R.J. and I-Ming Chou, eds - Fluid-Mineral Interactions; a Tribute to H.P. Eugster
34634: Smith, Myron J. and Robert C. Weller - Sea Fiction Guide. With a Foreword by Rear Admiral Ernest M. Eller
42113: Ortner, J. and H. Maseland, eds - Introduction to Solar Terrestrial Relations; Proceedings of the Summer School in Space Physics Held in Alpbach, Austria, July 15-August 10, 1963 and Organized by the European Preparatory Commission for Space Research (Copers)
52821: Stanley, Thomas J. and William D. Danko - The Millionaire Next Door; the Surprising Secrets of America's Wealth
47693: Silverman, Hugh J. and Frederick A. Elliston, eds - Jean-Paul Sartre; Contemporary Approaches to His Philosophy
46953: Harvey, William J. and Christian Reppien - Denmark and the Danes; a Survey of Danish Life, Institutions and Culture. With a Map and 32 Illustrations
42694: Aitchison, Ian J. and Anthony J. G. Hey - Gauge Theories in Particle Physics; a Practical Introduction; Vol. 1: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to Qed; Vol. 2: Qcd and the Electroweak Theory. Third Edition
27650: Borjas, George J. and Marta Tienda, eds - Hispanics in the U.S. Economy
52064: Hogan, David J. and David Aretha, eds - The Holocaust Chronicle
50272: Chang, Wallace H.J. and Neville G. Poy - The First Fifteen Years; History of the American Association for Hand Surgery
51973: Janz, G.J. and R.P.T. Tomkins - Nonaqueous Electrolytes Handbook. Two Volume Set
35822: Abu-Jaber, Faiz S. - American-Arab Relations from Wilson to Nixon
27255: Jaberg, Sabine - Systeme Killektiver Sicherheit in Und Für [Fur] Europa in Theorie, Praxis Und Entwurf; Ein Systemwissenschaftlicher Versuch
49262: Jabotinsky, Ze'ev - The War and the Jew. With a Foreword by Pierre Van Paassen and a Conclusion by Col. John Henry Patterson. New Introductions by Menachem Begin and Dov Shilansky. Biography by Charles Shapiro
30112: Jachimowicza, Jana - Podreczny Lekarz Domowy; Praca Zbiorowa Pod Redakcja Doktora Medycyny I Doktora Filozofji
50677: Riemer, Jack and Nathaniel Stampfer, eds - Ethical Wills; a Modern Jewish Treasury. Annotated
52986: Nelson, Jack and Gene Roberts - The Censors and the Schools [Cover: Anatomy of a Textbook Crisis]
38826: Jackman, Sydney - Galloping Head; the Life of the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bond Head, 1793-1875, Late Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada
44682: Valery, Paul, Holbrook Jackson and Stanley Morison - Thoughts on Book Design
53060: Jackson, Charles James - An Illustrated History of English Plate; Ecclesiastical and Secular in Which the Development of Form and Decoration in the Silver and Gold Work of the British Isles from the Earliest Known Examples to the Latest of the Georgian Period Is Delineated and Described. With a Coloured Frontispiece, Seventy-Six Photogravure Plates and Fifteen Hundred Other Illustrations. In Two Volumes
52512: Jackson, Charles James, Sir - English Goldsmiths and Their Marks; a History of the Goldsmiths and Plate Workers of England, Scotland and Ireland. Second Edition
52923: Jackson, Sir Charles James - English Goldsmiths and Their Marks; a History of the Goldsmiths and Plate Workers of England, Scotland and Ireland
51353: Jackson, Helen - Between Whiles
39092: Jackson, Patrick N. Wyse, ed - Science and Engineering in Ireland in 1798; a Time of Revolution. Proceedings of a Symposium Organised by the National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science, 4th November 1998
50085: Jackson, T. Sturges, ed - Logs of the Great Sea Fights, 1794-1805. Two Volumes
25622: Jacob, Wolfgang - Vorschlag Zur Gründung [Grundung] Von Leibniz-Akademien
40549: Jacob, Max - Le Terrain Bouchaballe
40550: Jacob, Max - La Defense de Tartufe; Extases, Remords, Visions, Prieres; Poemes Et Meditations D'Un Juif Converti. Nouvelle Edition. Introduction Et Notes Par Andre Blanchet
44519: Jacob, Martin - Kölner [Kolner] Theater IM XVIII. Jahrhundert Bis Zum Ende Der Reichsstädtischen [Reichsstadtischen] Zeit (1700-1794)
46286: Nelson, Harold W., Bruce Jacobs and Raymond K. Bluhm, eds - The Army
38130: Jacobs, W.W. [William Wymark] - More Cargoes
38131: Jacobs, William Wymark - Light Freights. With Illustrations
38129: Jacobs, William Wymark - Many Cargoes
50492: Wurzburger, Walter S. (Eliezer L. Jacobs and Shalom Carmy, eds.) - Covenantal Imperatives; Essays on Jewish Law, Thought and Community
24533: Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf, Gert Leptin, Ulrich Scheuner, Eberhard Schulz, hrsg - Drei Jahrzehnte Aussenpolitik [AußEnpolitik] Der Ddr; Bestimmungsfaktoren, Instrumente, Aktionsfelder
37018: Jacobsen, J.P. - Samlede Skrifter. Two Volumes. Complete Set
6077: Jacobsson, Per - Some Monetary Problems International and National. Ed. By Erin E. Jucker-Fleetwood. (Basle Centre for Economic and Financial Research, Series B No. 4)
46600: Poumarede, Jacques et Jean-Pierre Royer - Droit, Histoire Et Sexualite; Textes Reunis Et Presentes Par Jacques Poumarede Et Jean-Pierre Royer
30124: Borge, Jacques et Nicolas Viasnoff - Archives de Paris. Preface D'Armand Lanoux de L'Academie Goncourt
41199: Jacquot, Jean, ed - Les Theatres D'Asie. Etudes de Jeannine Auboyer, A.A. Bake, Jeanne Cuisinier, Et Al. Réunies Et Presentees Par Jean Jacquot. Conferences Du Theatre Des Nations (1958-1959) Journees D'Etudes de Royaumont (28 Mai-1er Juin 1959)
20935: Jaeggi, Urs, ed - Mauersprünge [Mauersprunge]; Besondere Berliner Verkehrsformen
48416: Jafet, Eduardo B. - Impressoes de Viagem a America Do Norte; Maio 1946-Dezembro 1946.
49845: Jago, Judith - Aspects of the Georgian Church; Visitation Studies of the Diocese of York, 1761-1776
37558: Jahnke, Hermann - Fürst Bismarck; Sein Leben Und Wirken. Reich Illustriert Von Ersten Deutschen Künstlern
20389: Jaime, Edward - Stefan George Und Die Weltliteratur
40162: Jaini, Manak Chand - Life of Mahavira
34517: Reiske, Johann Jakob and Gottfried Heinrich Schaefer - Indices Operum Demosthenis. Confecit Lo. Lac. Reiske. Editio Correctior Curante Godofredo Henrico Schaefero
21071: Jakob, Angelika - Die Lady Und Der Boy; Erzählungen [Erzahlungen] Von Hier Und Dort
21072: Jakob, Angelika - Rosinas Kostgänger [Kostganger]; Erzählungen [Erzahlungen]
21074: Jakob, Angelika - Grauer Stein Und Gelbe Flügel [Flugel]; Gedichte
42105: San Francisco Cinematheque (Jun Jalbuena, ed.) - Cinematograph; a Journal of the San Francisco Cinematheque; Vol. 1, 1985
30149: James, Henry - The Author of Beltaggio; the Middle Years; Greville Fane; and Other Tales
24235: Jespersen, James and Jane Fitz-Randolph - Time and Clocks for the Space Age, Illustrated with Photographs and Diagrams
35303: Raffan, James and Bert Horwood, eds - Canexus; the Canoe in Canadian Culture. With Illustrations by Bill Mason
10254: James, Henry (Terrie, Henry) - Henry James: Tales of Art and Life. Selection and Introduction by Henry Terrie
1102: James, Phil - Green Fire. Poems. Drawings by Gina Padilla
42645: Hall, James and N.H. Darton - Geology of the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga Counties
53062: James, Henry - Notes of a Son and Brother
46576: James, Henry - The Ivory Tower
46573: James, Henry - The Awkward Age
46570: James, Henry - The Spoils of Poynton/a London Life/the Chaperon
46546: James, Henry - Lady Barbarina/the Siege of London/an International Episode, and Other Tales
28461: Jameson, James S. - The Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition. Edited by Mrs. James S. Jameson. Illustrated by C. Whymper from the Author's Original Sketches, with New Map and Facsimile Letter from Tippu Tib
34801: Jamnback, Hugo - Bloodsucking Flies and Other Outdoor Nuisance Arthropods of New York State
41704: Jamyn, Amadis - Les Oeuvres Poetiques; Premieres Poesies Et Livre Premier. Edition Critique Avec Introduction Et Notes Par Samuel M. Carrington
29978: Bourrouilh-le Jan, Francoise G., ed - Carbonates Intertropicaux; Actes de la Reunion Specialisee de la Societe Geologique de France, 3 Et 4 Mai 1993 En Hommage Au Professeur Gabriel Lucas
43714: De Waard, Jan and Eugene A. Nida - A Translator's Handbook on the Book of Ruth
43032: Voorhoeve, Jan and Ursy M. Lichtveld, eds - Creole Drum; an Anthology of Creole Literature in Surinam. With English Translations by Vernie A. February
40219: Janerschek, Ottokar - The Emperor Franz Joseph [Cover: Of Austria]. Translated by H.S. Whitman
52521: Janes, Kirtland & Co. 1870 - Ornamental Ironwork; Fountains, Statuary, Vases, Urns, Lawn Furnitute, Pedestals, Baptismal Fonts, Animals, Veranda, Summer House; Illustrated Catalog and Historical Information
13140: Janet, M. Maurice - équations Integrales Et Applications a Certains Problemes de la Physique Mathematique. (Memorial Des Sciences Mathematiques, Fascicules CI Et CII. )
30585: Janet, Paul - The Theory of Morals
24492: Jänicke [Janicke], Martin - Der Dritte Weg; Die Antistalinistische Opposition Gegen Ulbricht Seit 1953
29488: Jankuhn, Herbert - Denkmäler [Denkmaler] Der Vorzeit Zwischen Nord- Und Ostsee; Kulturströmungen [Kulturstomungen] Und Völkerbewegungen [Volkerbewegungen] IM Alten Norden
52318: Janney, Samuel M. - The Life of George Fox, with Dissertations on His Views Concerning the Doctrines, Testimonies, and Discipline of the Christian Church
28079: Jansen, Mary A., ed - An International Perspective on Community Services and Rehabilitation for Persons with Chronic Mental Illness
42986: Jansen, Johannes J.G. - The Dual Nature of Islamic Fundamentalism
46349: Jansen, G.H. - Militant Islam
36128: Jansen, Steen (Nathalie Sarraute) - Analyse de la Forme Dramatique Du Mensonge de Nathalie Sarraute. Precedee de Nathalie Sarraute, la Mensonge
21206: Janson, Lars-Eric - Plastic Pipe in Sanitary Engineering
24428: Januschke, Richard - Berechnung Der Form: Koinzidenztheorie
51575: Abdel-Jaouad, Hedi - Rimbaud Et L'Algerie
51649: Abdel-Jaouad, Hedi, ed - Revue Celaan Review. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-2 (Summer/Fall 2002)
21748: Goethe-Gesellshaft in Japan - Goethe-Jahrbuch, XXX. Band
30447: Japikse, N. - Staatkundige Geschiedenis Van Nederland Van 1887-1917
20980: Jarmatz, Klaus; Christel Berger, and Renate Drenkow, eds - Kritik in Der Zeit: Literaturkritik Der Ddr, 1945-1975. Complete Set
36872: Jarry, Alphonse - Antrain; Ses Rapports Administratifs Avec L'Intendance Et Les Etats de Bretagne. En Appendice le Clerge D'Antrain D'Apres Les Insinuations Ecclesiastiques. Cet Ouvrage Est Illustre D'Un Plan, Dessine En 1789, Pour Rectifier L'Alignement Des Rues de la Ville D'Antrain
25489: Jarvis, Adrian - A Magnificent Monument of Mural Art; the Story of Princes Dock. Illustrations by Samantha Ball. Photographic Work by David Flower
47245: Jasinski, Rene - La Fontaine Et le Premier Recueil Des "Fables"; Tome 1 Et 2
45788: Jasinski, Rene - Le Vrai Racine. Two Volumes
49517: Jaspers, Karl - Nietzsche; Einführung [Einfuhrung] in Das Verständnis [Verstandnis] Seines Philosophierens
34087: Jastrow, Marcus, ed - A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature. Compiled by Marcus Jastrow. Two Volumes
29704: Jatho, Carl Oskar - Melodische Ufer
19182: Jativa, Alfonso - Luther King Ha Muerto!; Drama En Tres Actos
47270: Jaures, Jean (Louis Levy, ed.) - Anthologie de Jean Jaures
46841: Yusuf ibn Qizughli [Kizoglu] Sibt ibn al-Jawzi; Yayinlayan: Ali Sevim - Miratuz Zeman Fi Tarihil-Ayan/Mir'Atu'z Zeman Fi Tarih'l-Ayan
51418: Chastellux (Francois-Jean, Marquis de) - Voyages de M. Le Marquis de Chastellux Dans L'Amerique Septentrionale Dans Les Annees 1780, 1781 & 1782. Two Volumes. Complete
36044: Gattegno, Jean et Merlin Holland, eds - Album Oscar Wilde; Iconographie Choisie Et Commentee Par Jean Gattegno Et Merlin Holland
47193: Pommier, Jean et Pierre-Georges Castex, eds - L'Annee Balzacienne, 1965
47192: Pommier, Jean et Pierre-Georges Castex, eds - L'Annee Balzacienne, 1964
47191: Pommier, Jean et Pierre-Georges Castex, eds - L'Annee Balzacienne, 1961
39181: Ravier, Jean et Pierre (Jean-Francois Labourie, textes) - Jean Et Pierre Ravier; 60 Ans de Pyreneisme. Textes de Jean-Francois Labourie. Photographies Et Legendes de Jean Et Pierre Ravier
19851: Jebb, R.C. - The Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry. Lectures Delivered in 1892 on the Percy Turnbull Memorial Foundation in the Johns Hopkins University
35702: Jeffares, A. Norman, ed - A Review of English Literature; W.B. Yeats. Vol. 4, No 3, July 1963
35703: Jeffares, A. Norman, ed - A Review of English Literature; W.B. Yeats. Vol. 4, No 3, July 1963
42382: Jefferson, Charles Edward - The Old Year and the New
49712: Jelenski, S. - Plomienne Serca; O Siodmej Godzinie/Mala Miriam/Woda Zywa
50207: Jenaczek, Friedrich - Zeittafeln Zur "Fackel"; Themen, Ziele, Probleme. Mit Einer Ein Führenden [Einfuhrenden] Schrift Von Emil Schonauer. ûber [Uber] Karl Kraus
49014: Jenkins, Richard Morvan - A Pembrokeshire Pilgrimage; the History of Llanhowell Church and Parish
52189: Jenkins, J.T. - A History of the Whale Fisheries; from the Basque Fisheries of the Tenth Century to the Hunting of the Finner Whale at the Present Date. With Reproductions from Photographs, and Old Engravings
53072: Jenkins, G.K. - Ancient Greek Coins
48962: Jenkins, J. Geraint - Maritime Heritage; the Ships and Seamen of Southern Ceredigion
53033: Jenks, Edna - The Adirondacks Journey
19843: Jenkyns, Richard, ed - The Legacy of Rome; a New Appraisal
49557: Jens, Walter - Hofmannsthal Und Die Griechen
3062: Jens, Walter - Eine Deutsche Universität [Universitat]; 500 Jahre Tübinger [Tubinger] Gelehrtenrepublik. In Zusammenarbeit Mit I. Jens Unter Mitwirkung Von B. Beekmann
30102: Jensen, Åke [Ake] F. - Kavaleriet I Norge, 1200-1994; Utvikling Og Innsats Gjennom 800 år [Ar]
36827: Jensen, Johannes V. - Introduktion Til Vor Tidsalder
48455: Flensted-Jensen, Erik - 40. 000 Kilometer Under Dannebrog. Med Amerika-Drengene Til Vestindien, U.S. A. Og Canada
36829: Jensen, Johannes V. - Sangerinden (Madame D'Ora); Drama I Fem Akter
18391: Jenson, Robert W. - Essays in Theology of Culture
29762: Jenssen, Christian, hrsg - Von Königen [Konigen], Hexen Und Allerlei Spuk; Märchen [Marchen] Aus Schleswig-Holstein Und Dem Unterelbe-Raum
42493: Jepsen, Jorgen Grunnet (compiler) - A Discography of Charlie Parker. Compiled by Jorgen Grunnet Jepsen
42520: Jepsen, Jorgen Grunnet, ed - Jazz Records; Vol. 2: 1942-1965, Bl - Co; Vol. 4b: 1942-1967, Goo - Lwr; Vol. 4d: 1942-1969, Kl - L; Vol. 5: 1942-1962, M-N; Vol. 8: 1942-1962, Te - Z. Five Volumes (out of 11 Published)
51938: Jepson, George H. - Herrick's Rangers
52424: Jerrold, Douglas - Schilling Magazine; Vol. 1: January to June; Vol. 2: July to December
46274: Jerrold, Douglas - Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. With a Foreword by Anthony Burgess
25864: Jerussalimski, A.S. - Die Aussenpolitik Und Die Diplomatie Des Deutschen Imperialismus Ende Des 19. Jahrhunderts
36919: Jespersen, Esbern - Sagnet Om an Dyndbo. Blandt Bønder På [Bonder Pa] Holbergs Tid
43492: Bonstelle, Jessie and Marian de Forest, eds - Little Women Letters from the House of Alcott. Selected by Jessie Bonstelle and Marian de Forest
48306: Jessing, Joseph - Elternpflicht, Oder, Die Christliche Familie, Wie Sie Sein Soll in Unseren Tagen; Für [Fur] Gebildete Und Angebildete, Dargestellt Von Einem Priester Der Diözese [Diozese] Cleveland, Dem Verfasser Des "Kinderwohl". Mit Approbations Des Hochwst. Ordinariats Zu Columbus
49756: Cather, Willa (Andrew Jewell and Janis Scott, eds.) - The Selected Letters of Willa Cather
51927: Jewett, Sarah Orne - A Marsh Island
51666: Jewett, Sarah Orne (Annie Fields, ed.) - Letters of Sarah Orne Jewett
37786: Jewsbury, Maria Jane - Letters to the Young. From the Third London Edition
38957: Jezkova, Alena - 77 Prague Legends
34462: Jhangiani, Motilal A. - Jana Sangh and Swatantra; a Profile of the Rightist Parties in India
49282: DeVonyar, Jill and Richard Kendall - Degas and Music. With an Essay by Erin B. Coe. Foreword by David F. Setford
24004: Jimenez, Alberto - Juan Valera Y la Generacion de 1868
41657: Jirai, Abu Bakr ibn Zayd - Tuhfat Al-Raki Wa-Al-Sajid Bi-Ahkam Al-Masajid
6845: Jiranek, Jaroslav - Asafjevova Teorie Intonace, Jeji Geneze a Vy'Znam
48902: Jirasek, Alois - Psohlavci; Historicky Obraz
24443: Joachimsen, Paul - Der Deutsche Staatsgedanke Von Seinen Unfängen [Unfangen] Bis Auf Leibniz Und Friedrich Den Grossen; Dokumente Zur Entwicklung, Mit Zwei Porträts [Portrats]
49817: Aldous, Joan and Reuben Hill - International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family, 1900-1964
40630: Burger, Joanna and Bori L. Olla, eds - Shorebirds; Breeding Behavior and Populations
19901: Werger, Joanne and Robert E. Burton - Roses; a Bibliography of Botanical, Horticultural, and Other Works Related to the Genus Rosa
17418: Werger, Joanne and Robert E. Burton - Roses: A Bibliography of Botanical, Horticultural, and Other Works Related to the Genus Rosa
49113: Porte, Joel and Saundra Morris, eds - The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson
52035: Kopp, Joel and Kate - American Hooked and Sewn Rugs; Folk Art Underfoot
45862: Joes, Anthony James - Mussolini
20934: Johann, Ernst, and Berthold Spangenberg - Deutsche Kultur Geschichte, Die Zeit Von 1860 Bis Zur Gegenwart
19769: Johannsen, Robert W. - To the Halls of the Montezumas: The Mexican War in the American Imagination
51236: Johansen, Baber - The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent; the Peasants' Loss of Property Rights As Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods
46922: Johansson, Hubert - Konstförvant [Konstforvant] Och Hovboktryckare Tryckeri Ab Björkmans [Bjorkmans] Estr 1943-1983; En översikt [Oversikt] Av Sten G. Lindberg
25869: Koester, John and John H. Byrne, eds - Molluscan Nerve Cells; from Biophysics to Behaviour
51234: Cunliffe, John and Guido Erreygers, eds - Inherited Wealth, Justice and Equality
48986: John, Brian - Pembrokeshire Humour; Jokes and Anecdotes from the Celtic Fringe
48971: John, Brian - Fireside Tales from Pembrokeshire; Volume 3
48964: John, Brian - Pembrokeshire; Past and Present. With a Foreword by Lord Parry of Neyland
43473: Middleton, John and Greet Kershaw - The Central Tribes of the North-Eastern Bantu (the Kikuyu, Including Embu, Meru, Mbere, Chuka, Mwimbi, Tharaka, and the Kamba of Kenya
28089: Ford, John and Dudley Nichols - Stagecoach; a Film by John Ford and Dudley Nichols
48972: John, Brian - Pembrokeshire Folk Tales
32871: John, Gwen (Davis & Long Company) - Gwen John; a Retrospective Exhibition, October 14-November 1, 1975
45018: John, James - The College of Premontre in Mediaeval Paris, I.
44080: St. John, Mrs. Horace - Audubon, the Naturalist of the New World; His Adventures and Discoveries. Revised and Corrected, with Additions. Illustrated with Engravings by J.W. Orr from Original Designs
38111: Oldham, John and Ray - Gardens in Time
36084: St. John, J.A. [James Augustus] - Egypt and Nubia. With Illustrations
15349: Johns, Anthony H., ed., trans - Rantjak Dilabueh: A Minangkabau Kaba. A Specimen of the Traditional Literature of Central Sumatra Based on the Version of Datuk Paduko Alam and Sutan Pamuntjak As Reprinted by Firma Soeleiman, Bukit Tinggi, 1951
37937: Johnsen, Arne Odd, Gunnar Christie Wasberg, og Tom Arbo Hoeg - Norsk Miltaerhistorisk Bibliografi. Redaktorer: Arne Odd Johnsen Og Gunnar Christie Wasberg. Medarbeider: Tom Arbo Hoeg
51710: Horace (Ben Johnson, tr.) (Edward Henry Blakeney, ed.) - Horace on the Art of Poetry. Latin Text, English Prose Translation, Introduction and Notes, Together with Ben Jonson's English Verse Rendering
51889: Johnson, Eugene (Ralph Lieberman, photo.) - Style Follows Function; Architecture of Marcus T. Reynolds
51017: Johnson, Samuel (W.A. Bradley, ed.) - The Prayers of Doctor Samuel Johnson
30285: Johnson, Burges - Professor at Bay
52286: Johnson, A.N. - Practical Instructions in Harmony, Upon the Pestalozzian or Inductive System; Teaching Musical Composition and the Art of Extemporizing Interludes and Voluntaries
44626: Johnson, A.F. - The First Century of Printing at Basle. With Fifty Illustrations
48550: Johnson, Douglas W. - Paysages Et Problemes Geographiques de la Terre Americaine. Conferences Faites Dans Douze Universites Francaises En Qualite de Professeur D'Echange. Preface de M. Emm. De Martonne
15358: Johnson, Rossall J., Dale L. McKeen, and Leon A. Mears - Business Environment in an Emerging Nation: Profiles of Indonesian Economy
51030: [Johnson, Robert Underwood] - The Century Anthology of Porcine Poetry
51478: Johnson, Howard Wesley - Holding the Center; Memoirs of a Life in Higher Education
52270: Johnson, Gil, Bennett W. Dorman, Rosemary Roy, et al. - Savin Rock Memories
51430: Johnson, William (prepared by Alexander C. Flick) - The Papers of Sir William Johnson. Vol. 5 Only
51773: Johnson, Robert G., ed - Cellular and Molecular Biology of Hormone- and Neurotransmitter-Containing Secretory Vesicles
12179: Johnson, Donald Clay - A Guide to Reference Materials on Southeast Asia; Based on the Collections in the Yale and Cornell University Libraries
47358: Johnson, Curtis D. - Islands of Holiness; Rural Religion in Upstate New York, 1790-1860
47357: Johnson, Herbert A. - Essays on New York Colonial Legal History
37233: Johnson, Lawrence E. - Focusing on Truth
52597: Johnston, Alva - The Case of Erle Stanley Gardner
31074: Johnstone, Brenda - Memories and Confessions of a Grandmother
40913: The Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad Company - Gloversville's North End; Get Together, October 5, 2013
44973: Johst, Hanns - Thomas Paine; Schauspiel
50044: Joiner, Oscar H. (ed.) [with] James C. Bonner, H.S. Shearouse, and T.E. Smith - A History of Public Education in Georgia, 1734-1976. Introduction and Epilogue by Claude Purcell
15487: Jókai, Mói - The Dark Diamonds. [Translated from the Hungarian by Frances Gerard. Revised by Mari Kuttna. ]
51715: Jolas, Eugene, ed - Transition Workshop
46997: Jolibois, Emile - La Haute-Marne Ancienne Et Moderne, Dictionnaire Geographique, Statistique, Historique Et Biographique de Ce Departement. Precede D'Un Resume Avec Deux Cartes Et Plus de Cent Gravures Inserees Dans le Texte
48289: Jonas, Manfred - Die Unabhängigkeitserklärung [Unabhangigkeitserklarung] Der Vereinigten Staaten
48288: Jonas, Manfred - Die Unabhängigkeitserklärung [Unabhangigkeitserklarung] Der Vereinigten Staaten
52062: Pearson, Jonathan and others (J.W. MacMurray, ed.) - A History of the Schenectaday Patent in the Dutch and English Times, Being Contributions Toward a History of the Lower Mohawk Valley
44194: Floyd, Jonathan and Marc Stears, eds - Political Philosophy Versus History; Contextualism and Real Politics in Contemporary Political Thought
52123: Jones, S.W., tr - Ages Ago; Thirty-Seven Tales from the Konjaku Monogatari Collection
47529: Jones, Pomroy - Annals and Recollections of Oneida County
48970: Jones, J. Gwynfor - Concepts of Order and Gentility in Wales, 1540-1640
48960: Jones, Francis, Major (Caroline Charles-Jones and Hugh Charles-Jones, eds.) - Treasury of Historic Pembrokeshire
48965: Davies, R.R., Ralph A. Griffiths, Iewan Gwynedd Jones and Kennth O. Morgan, eds - Welsh Society and Nationhood; Historical Essays Presented to Glanmor Williams
16382: Jones, Gregory L. - Transformed Judgment: Toward a Trinitarian Account of the Moral Life
28835: Jones, Ernest - Papers on Psycho-Analysis
48995: Campbell-Jones, Susan - Welsh Sail; a Pictorial History. With a Foreword by Alun Richards
49841: Jones, Theodore Francis - New York University, 1832-1932
25959: Baker, Robert J., J. Knox Jones and Dilford C. Carter, eds - Biology of Bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae, Parts 1-3
44268: Jones, W. Tudor - Contemporary Thought of Germany. Two Volumes
21578: Jones, M.G. - Hannah More
42511: Jones, Harry C. - The Nature of Solution. With a Biographical Sketch by E. Emmet Reid and Tributes by Professors Arrhenius, Ostwald and Woodward
41236: Earley, Helen Jones and James R. Walkinshaw - Setting the Pace; Oldsmobile's First 100 Years. [with] Oldsmobile, the Last Chapter, 1997 to 2004. Two Volumes
39070: Jones, Robert E. - Provincial Development in Russia; Catherine II and Jakob Sievers
36380: Burne-Jones, Edward - Letters to Katie. With an Introductory Note by W. Graham Robertson
30832: Jong, L. de - Hedendaags Marxisme
30540: Jonge, Mr. A.A. de - Crisis En Critiek Der Democratie; Anti-Democratische Stromingen En de Daarin Levende Denkbeelden over de Staat in Nederland Tussen de Wereldoorlogen
32334: Jonge, J.A de - De Industrialisatie in Nederland Tussen 1850 En 1914. Met Een Ten Geleide Van Dr. W.J. Wieringa
25214: Jonson, Ben (George Watson Cole, ed.) - The Gypsies Metamorphosed. Edited from Original and Unexpurgated Sources. A Variorum Edition
51470: Jordan, Ervin L. - Charlottesville and the University of Virginia in the CIVIL War
49896: Jordan, David Starr - The Care and Culture of Men; a Series of Addresses on the Higher Education
37024: Jørgensen [Jorgensen], Johannes - Mit Livs Legende. 2-Volume Set
15925: Bove, Jose and Francois Dufour. (Interviewed by Gilles Luneau) - The World Is Not for Sale: Farmers Against Junk Food. Translated by Anna de Casparis
49870: Redlich, Josef and Francis W. Hirst (Bryan Keith-Lucas, ed.) - The History of Local Government in England; Being a Reissue of Book 1 of Local Government in England. Edited, with Introduction and Epilogue by Bryan Keith-Lucas
12541: Siracusa, Joseph and Laurenti, Joseph L. - Relaciones Literarias Entre España [Espana] E Italia; Ensayo de Una Bibliografia de Literatura Comparada / Literary Relations between Spain and Italy; a Bibliographic Survey of Comparative Literature
15692: Marchand, Louis-Joseph and Henry Madin. (Jean-Paul C. Montagnier) - Traites Du Contrepoint Simple: Facsimiles Des Exemplaires 8º C 186 (1789) Et VM 535 (1742) de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France. Textes Presentes Par Jean-Paul C. Montagnier
53000: Sadow, Joseph and Thomas Sarro - The Coins and Medals of the Vatican
41523: Schiller, Joseph et Tetty Schiller - Henri Dutrochet (Henri Du Tochet, 1776-1847); le Materialisme Mecaniste Et la Physiologie Generale
28677: Joshi, N.P. - Mathura Sculptures; a Hand Book [Handbook] to Appreciate Sculptures in the Archaeological Muesum [Sic. ], Mathura
34832: Wedgwood, Josiah and Thomas H. Ormsbee - Staffordshire Pottery
44470: Jost, Walter - Von Ludwig Tieck Zu E.T. A. Hoffmann; Studien Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Romantischen Subjektivismus
17481: Jost, François - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Suisse: Etude Sur Sa Personnalite Et Sa Pensee
46940: Jostock, Paul - Der Deutsche Katholizismus Und Die ûberwindung [Uberwindung] Des Kaptialismus; Eine Ideengeschichtliche Skizze
37892: Jouanne, René - Cahiers de Doléances [Doleances] Des Corps Et Corporations de la Ville D'Alencon Pour Les Etats Généraux [Generaux] de 1789. Publies Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par René Jouanne
46843: Jourdan, Francois - Dieu Des Chretiens, Dieu Des Musulmans; Des Reperes Pour Compredre
38875: Journes, Hugues - Une Litterature Revolutionnaire En Grande-Bretagne; la Poesie Chartiste
40454: Jovicevich, Alexandre - Les Lettres D'Amabed de Voltaire. Edition Critique Et Commentee
52040: Joyce, James (Glenn Horowitz Bookseller) - Ulysses; an Exhibition of Twenty-Four Inscribed Copies of the First Edition
37023: Joyce, James (Ove Brusendorff, tr.) - Portraet Af Kunstneren Som Ungt Menneske. Oversat Af Ove Brusendorff
27608: Joyce, James - Exiles; a Play in Three Acts, Including Hitherto Unpublished Notes by the Author, Discovered After His Death, and an Introduction by Padraic Colum
50255: Jackson, Joyce and Melissa Perlman (compilers) (Charles Gehring, tr.) - Selections from a Van Rensselaer Family Library: 1536-1799. A Bibliography with Some Annotations and Notes on Important Book Plates and Inscriptions. Translations Into English from the Dutch, German and Latin by Charles Gehring
48437: Jozsef, Kovacs - A Szocialista Magyar Irodalom Dokumentumai Az Amerikai Magyar Sajtoban, 1920-1945
36871: Jubainville, H. d'Arbois de - L'Administration Des Intendants; D'Apres Les Archives de L'Aube
7399: Juchhoff, Rudolf - Sammelkatalog Der Biographischen Und Literarkritischen Werke Zu Englischen Schriftstellern Des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts (1830-1958); Verzeichnis Der Bestände [Bestande] in Deutschen Bibliotheken. Unter Mitarbeit Von Hildegard Föhl [Fohl], Zusammengestellt Von Rudolf Juchhoff
45345: Judd, Wilbur Webster - The Birds of Albany County; a Catalogue of the Species Recorded in This Vicinity, with Notes on Their Lives and Habits, and Brief Field-Marks for Aid in Identification. Containing One Plate from a Water-Color by William S. Barkentin; Ten Plates from Pen and Ink Drawings by George Louis Richard, and Eleven Half-Tones from Photographs
20837: Jugler, Johann Friedrich - Wie Ich Mich Beym Brunnentrinken Habe ärgern Müssen [Argern Mussen]; Wer Mich Nicht Lesen Will, Der Kanns Ja Bleiben Lassen. Der Himmel Erwecke Unsere Patriotischen Minister
31287: Massenet, J. [Jules] and Armand Silvestre - Poëme [Poeme] D'Hiver (Gh 1329); Poëme [Poema] Pastoral (Gh 668). Vocal with Piano
13913: Julia, Gaston - Principes Geometriques D'Analyse. Recueillies Et Rediges Par M. Brelot Et Rene de Possel. Complete Set
13910: Julia, Gaston - Lecons Sur la Representation Conforme Des Aires Simplement Connexes. (Cahiers Scientifiques, Fascicule VIII. )
52646: Erbstein, Julius and Albert - Die Ritter Von Schulthess-Rechberg'Sche Münz-U. Medaillen-Sammlung. Two Volumes in One
50123: Jumpelt, Rudolf Walter - Die ûbersetzung [Ubersetzung] Naturwissenscaftlicher Und Technischer Literatur; Sprachliche MaßStäbe [Massstabe] Und Methoden Zur Bestimmung Ihrer Wesenszüge [Wesenszuge] Und Probleme
21062: Jung, Werner, et al., eds - Wege in Und Aus Der Moderne, Von Jean Paul Zu Günter [Gunter] Grass. Herbert Kaiser Zum 65. Geburtstag
42159: Jungbluth, Günther [Gunther], hrsg - Interpretationen Mittelhochdeutscher Lyrik
52399: Jünger [Junger], Ernst - Der Arbeiter; Herrschaft Und Gestalt. Zweite Auflage
42145: Jünger [Junger], Ernst - Ein Inselfrühling [Inselfruhling]; Ein Tagebuch Aus Rhodos. Mit Den Sizilianischen Tagebuchblättern "Aus Der Goldenen Muschel
29799: Jüngling, Kirsten und Brigitte Roßbeck - Elly Heuss-Knapp (1881-1952); Die Erste First Lady; Ein Portrait
31116: Júnior, Arno Dal Ri y Ari Pedro Oro, orgs - Islamismo E Humanismo Latino; Diálogos E Desafios
37934: Jürgensen [Jurgensen], Kurt - Lamennais Und Die Gestaltung Des Belgischen Staates; Der Liberale Katholizismus in Der Verfassungsbewegung Des 19. Jahrhunderts
48564: Jusserand, J.J. - En Amerique; Jadis Et Maintenant
21170: Juster, F. Thomas - Anticipations and Purchases; an Analysis of Consumer Behavior. A Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research
38850: Tambozi, Justin and Doina Papari - Savantul Prof. Dr. G.K. Constantinescu
37026: Juul, Ole - Klar Til Prøve [Prove]
37029: Juul, Ole - På [Pa] Gensyn I Går [Gar]
49534: Schmitt, Claire K. and Judith S. Wolk - Natural Areas of Saratoga County, New York. Maps by Patricia R. Ream
52831: Burger, Nash K. and John K. Bettersworth - South of Appomattox [Cover: Ten Great Confederate Leaders and What Happened to Each of Them After the CIVIL War; Lee, Davis, Forrest, Maury, Longstreet, Stephens, Hampton, Johnston, Lamar and Breckinridge]
51295: Schroeder, Susan K. and Lyne Chester, eds - Challenging the Orthodoxy; Reflections on Frank Stilwell's Contribution to Political Economy
18950: Leonard, John K. and Nathan D. Mitchell - The Postures of the Assembly During the Eucharistic Prayer. With an Introduction by John F. Baldovin. A Project of the Notre Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy
44476: Lyon, James K. and Hans-Peter Breuer, eds - Brecht Unbound; Presented at the International Bertolt Brecht Symposium Held at the University of Delaware, February, 1992
27865: Gartrell, Nanette K. and Esther D. Rothblum, eds - Everyday Mutinies; Funding Lesbian Activism
45561: Buechner, Helmut K. and Peter S.K.B. Kyeyune - Lek Territoriality, Altruism, and Social Organization in the Uganda Kob Antelope
36155: Denham, Scott, Irene Kacandes and Jonathan Petropoulos, eds - A User's Guide to German Cultural Studies
25280: Kade, Gerhard - Generale Für [Fur] Den Frieden; Interviews
47767: Kadetsky, Elizabeth - The Memory Eaters
30863: Kadt, J. de - Het Plan Van de Arbeid; Ja of Neen
30864: Kadt, J. de - De Wereldcrisis En de Socialistische Strijd; Een Beslissende Periode
30867: Van der Goes, F., J. de Kadt en P.J. Schmidt - Actie of Scheuring?; Een Woord Van Verweer Door de Redacteuren Van "de Fakkel
30566: Kadt, J. de - Uit Mijn Communistentijd
28726: Kaegi, Werner - Historische Meditationen. Zweite Folge
36845: Kaegi, Walter Emil - Byzantium and the Decline of Rome
52346: Kafka, Franz (Gustav Janouch) (Goronwy Rees, tr.) - Conversations with Kafka. Notes and Reminiscences by Gustav Joanouch. With an Introduction by Max Brod
48876: Kagan, Donald, ed - Studies in the Greek Historians
44259: Kagarlitsky, Boris (Renfrey Clarke, tr.) - New Realism, New Barbarism; Socialist Theory in the Era of Globalization. Translated by Renfrey Clarke
21141: Keimowitz, Hazel Kahn and Wolfgang Mieder, eds - The Jewish Experience of European Anti-Semitism; Harry H. Kahn Memorial Lectures, 1990-1994
25764: Kahn, Otto H. - Frenzied Liberty; the Myth of " a Rich Man's War
21475: Kaiser, Gerhard - Günter [Gunter] Grass, Katz Und Maus
46618: Kaiser, Charles - The Gay Metropolis; the Landmark History of Gay Life in America
48295: Kaiser, Karl und Hans-Peter Schwarz, hrsg - Amerika Und Westeuropa; Gegenwarts- Und Zukunftsprobleme
49965: Kaiser, Georg (Herman Scheffauer, tr.) - Gas (I); a Play in Five Acts. With an Introduction by Victor Lange
45571: Kakridis, Johannes Th - Meletes Kai Arthra; Timetike Prosphora Gia Ta Ebdomenta Chronia Toy Syggraphea
48853: Kambartel, Friedrich, hrsg - Theorie-Diskussion; Praktische Philosophie Und Konstruktive Wissenschaftstheorie
50477: Rashi (Rabbi Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg, tr., in collaboration with Rabbi Yaakov Petroff, Rabbi Yoseph Kamenetsky and Rabbi Yaakov Bliner) - Rashi; the Torah, with Rashi's Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated by Rabbi Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg. Vol. 1: Bereishis/Genesis; Vol. 2: Shemos/Exodus; Vol. 3: Vayikra/Leviticus; Vol. 4: Bamidbar/Numbers; Vol. 5: Devarim/Deuteronomy. Five Volume Set
42525: Kamin, Martin (John S. Mayfield, ed.) - That Rascal Frank Harris
21609: Kamm, Antony - The Last Frontier; the Roman Invasions of Scotland
47595: Kämpfer [Kampfer], Fritz - Viertausend Jahre Glas. Bilder Von Klaus G. Beyer
40463: Kamphausen, Alfred - Unter Alten Reetdächern
50317: Kanavel, Allen B. - Infections of the Hand; a Guide to the Surgical Treatment of Acute and Chronic Suppurative Processes in the Fingers, Hand, and Forearm. Illustrated with 133 Engravings
31532: Kändler [Kandler], Klaus - Drama Und Klassenkampf; Beziehungen Zwischen Epochenproblematik Und Dramatischem Konflikt in Der Sozialistischen Dramatik Der Weimarer Republik
44182: Kanitz, F. - Leitfaden Der Ornamentik; Einführung [Einfuhrung] in Die Geschichte, Entwickelung Und Charakteristschen Formen Der Verzierungsstile Aller Zeiten. Siebente Auflage, Neu Bearbeitet Von Prof. Dr. Hans W. Singer. Mit 145 Zum Teil Ganzseitigen Abbildungen
53070: Kann, E. [Eduard] - Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins (Gold, Silver, Nickel and Aluminum)
45623: Kann, Robert A. - A Study in Austrian Intellectual History from Late Baroque to Romanticism
25697: Kant, Immanuel - Vermischte Schriften
34723: Kant, Immanuel (Ernst Cassirer, hrsg.) - Immanuel Kants Werke in Gemeinschaft Mit Hermann Cohen, Artur Buchenau, Otto Buek, Et Al. 11 Volumes. Complete Set. Band 1: Vorkritische Schriften; Band 2: Vorkritische Schriften; Band 3: Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft; Band 4: Schriften Fon 1783-1788 Von Immanuel Kant; Band 5: Kritik Der Praktischen Vernunft/Erste Einleitung in Die Kritik Der Urteilskraft/Kritik Der Urteilskraft; Band 6: Schriften Von 1790-1796; Band 7: Die Metaphysik Der Sitten Der Streit Der Fakultäten [Fakultaten]; Band 8: Anthropologie; Fortschritte Der Metaphysik/Vorlesungen Kants über Pädagogik [Uber Padagogik]/Vorlesungen Kants über [Uber] Logik; Band 9: Briefe Von Und an Kant, 1749-1789; Band 10: Briefe Von Und an Kant, 1790-1803; Band 11: Kants Leben Und Lehre
36850: Kant, Immanuel (Ernst Behler, ed.) - Philosophical Writings. Edited by Ernst Behler. Forward by Rene Wellek
50674: Kaplan, Aryeh (Y. Elkins, ed.) - Facets and Faces
31966: Kaplan, E. Ann, ed - Postmodernism and Its Discontents; Theories, Practices
25575: Kaplan, Helmut Fahsel - Die ûberwindung [Uberwindung] Des Pessimismus; Eine Auseinandersetzung Mit Arthur Schopenhauer
51403: Kaplan, H. Roy - American Indians at the Margin; Racist Stereotypes and Their Impacts on Native Peoples. Foreword by Suzan Shown Harjo
46717: Von Kardorff, Siegfried - Bismarck; Vier Vorträge [Vortrage]; Ein Beitrag Zur Deutschen Parteigeschichte
24673: Karel, David - Horatio Walker
35028: Karkhanis, Sharad - Jewish Heritage in America; an Annotated Bibliography. Foreword by Henry L. Feingold. Preface by Leon M. Goldstein
36830: Magnus, Karl and Poul Lindegard Hjorth - Karl Magnus' Krønike [Kronike]. Udgivet for Universiters-Jubileets Danske Samfund
1068: Karlins, Mark - The Courtyard of Continuous Returning
44178: Karmarsch, Karl - Gedichte. Auswahl, Als Manuscript Fur Seine Freunde Gedruckt
28315: Vernadskii [Vernadski], Vladimir Ivanovi, Aleksandr Petrovi Karpinskii and A.E. Fersman - Akademiku V.I. Vernadskomu K Piatidesiatiletiiu Naunoi I Pedagogieskoi Deiatel'Nosti. 2 Volumes
31546: Karsch, Joachim (Fritz Sonntag, hrsg.) - Briefe Des Bildhauers Joachim Karsch; Aus Den Jahren 1933 Bis 1945
29666: Kaschnitz, Marie Luise - Theatrum Sanitatis; Zwölf [Zwolf] Farbige Miniaturen Aus Einer Italienischen Handschrift Der Renaissance. Mit Einer Einleitung Von Marie Luise Kaschnitz
47551: Kashua, Sayed (Mitch Ginsburg, tr.) - Track Changes. Translated from the Hebrew by Mitch Ginsburg
36043: Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi - Political Re-Mapping of Africa; Transnational Ideology and the Re-Definition of Africa in World Politics
47812: Kasprzyk, Krystyna - Nicolas de Troyes Et le Genre Narratif En France Au XVI Siecle
24358: Kassin, Evgenii - Priiut, Siianem Muz Odetyi
48685: Kässmann [Kassmann], Margot - Zu Gast in Amerika
28505: Kassner, Rudolf - Von Der Einbildungskraft
52341: Kasten, Hans, hrsg - Goethes Bremer Freund Dr. Nicolaus Meyer; Briefwechsel Mit Goethe Und Dem Weimarer Kreise
51280: Katbi, Ghaida Khazna (Razia Ali, tr.) - Islamic Land Tax - Al-Kharaj; from the Islamic Conquests to the 'Abbasid Period. Translated for the Centre for Arab Unity Studies by Razia Ali
25376: Zentralkomitee der Generalversammlungen der deutschen Katholiken, hrsg - Glaubenstage Und Glaubenswallfahrten, 1934
47406: Katz, Ani - A Good Man; a Novel
32986: Katz, Steven T. - Jewish Philosophers
52658: Katz, Viktor - A Thousand Years of Bohemian Official Coinage (929-1929)
51202: Katz, Leslie George, et al. - Choreography by George Balanchine; a Catalogue of Works
43966: Katz, Joseph, ed - Proof; the Yearbook of American Bibliographical and Textual Studies; Vol. 1, 1971
8963: Kauffmann, Hugo - Beziehungen Zwischen Physikalischen, Eigenschaften, Und Chemischer Konstitution. (Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen, X. Band)
50503: Kaukonen, Jorma - The Guitar of Jorma Kaukonen; Detailed Analysis of 8 Classic Songs and Instrumentals, Featuring a Comprehensive Audio Lesson on Cd
52869: Kavaler, Lucy - The Astors; a Family Chronicle of Pomp and Power
47824: Kawakami, K.K. - Jokichi Takamine; a Record of His American Achievements. Foreword by John H. Finley
23994: Kawczynski, Maximilien - Essai Comparatif Sur L'Origine Et L'Histoire Des Rythmes
41328: Kay, Liz - Monsters; a Love Story
47208: Kay, Burf - The Theatre of Jean Mairet; the Metamorphosis of Sensuality
51196: Kay, A. William - Moral Development; a Psychological Study of Moral Growth from Childhood to Adolescence
52769: Gould, Maurice M. Gould, Kenneth Bressett, Kaye and Nancy Dethridge - Alaska's Coinage Through the Years; an Illustrated Catalog Listing Tokens Used As Money by Pioneer Alaskans Plus Commemorative Medals, Souvenir Tokens and Medals. The Odd and Curious Items Used by the Natives As a Medium of Exchange Have Been Included As They, Too, Are a Part of the History of Alaska's Coinage. Revised Second Edition
28822: Kayser, Rudolf - The Life and Time of Jehudah Halevi. Translated from the German by Frank Gaynor
50140: Kayser, Werner und Hans Peter des Coudres - Joachim-Ringelnatz-Bibliographie. Mit 10 Abbildungen
32857: Congress on Research in Dance (Joann W. Kealiinohomoku, ed.) - Dance History Research; Perspectives from Related Arts and Disciplines; the Proceedings of the Second Conference on Research in Dance; July 4, 5, 6, 1969 [at] Airlie Conference Center, Warrenton, Virginia
43836: Kearns, William A. - A Revision and Supplement to the George Hyde Clarke Family Papers; a Guide to the Collection at Cornell University
46598: Keats, John (H. Buxton Forman, ed.) - The Poetical Works and Other Writings of John Keats; Vol. 1: Poems 1817; Vol. 2: Endymion; a Poetic Romance 1818; Vol. 3: Lamis, Isabella, and Other Poems 1820; Vol. 4: Posthumous and Fugitive Poems; Vol. 5: Otho, Stephen, the Cap and Bells, and Fugitive Prose; Vol. 6: The Letters (1815-1818); Vol. 7: The Letters (1818-1819); Vol. 8: The Letters (1819-1820). Edited with Notes and Appendices by H. Buxton Forman. Revised with Additions by Maurice Buxton Forman. With an Introduction by John Masefield. Eight Volume Set
17534: Kee, Howard Clark - Who Are the People of God?: Early Christian Models of Community
50545: O'Keeffe, Georgia (Lisa Mintz Messinger) - Georgia O'Keeffe
30445: Keesing, F.A.G. - De Conjuncturele Ontwikkeling Van Nederland En de Evolutie Van de Economische Overheidspolitiek, 1918-1939
52041: Keesler, M. Paul - One Quarter Mile to Go. [Cover: The Bicentennial Re-Creation of the March of the Tryon County Militia and the Battle of Oriskany, August 4, 5 and 6, 1977]
52359: Keetz, Frank M. - The Mohawk Colored Giants of Schenectady
39155: Keetz, Frank M. - He Came, He Saw, He Conquered"; Babe Ruth in Albany, New York
53149: Keferstein, Wilhelm - Unterschungen Ueber Niedere Seethiere. Mit 11 Kupfertafeln
37031: Kehler, Henning - De Store Romaner
28263: Kelhawk, Terry - The Topkapi Secret; a Novel
46493: Kell, Johann Heinrich - Geschichte Der Stadt Merzig Und Des Merziger Landes
20915: Keller, Oskar - Friedrich Dürrenmatt [Durrenmatt]: Die Physiker. Interpretation Von Oskar Keller. Interpretationen Von Oskar Keller
28571: Keller, Gottfried - Der Grüne [Grune] Heinrich; Roman. Studien-Ausgabe Der Ersten Fassung Von 1854/55, Herausgegeben Von Emil Ermatinger. Zwei Bänden [Banden]
20828: Keller, Christoph - Ich Hätte [Hatte] Das Land Gern Flach; Roman
47528: Keller, Helen - Optimism; an Essay
47526: Keller, Helen - Optimism; an Essay
47523: Keller, Helen - Optimism; an Essay
46061: Keller, Gottfried (Klaus Jeziorkowski, hrsg.) - Gottfried Keller
40632: Keller, John Esten y Anibal A. Biglieri - Estudios Alfonsinos Y Otros Escritos; En Homenaje. Edicion Y Prologo de Nicolas Toscano Liria
52012: Kellner, Esther - Moonshine; Its History and Folklore
51443: Kellogg, Elijah - Winning His Spurs; or, Henry Morton's First Trial. (the Whispering Pine Series)
39870: Kelly, James P. (compiler) - Field Artillery Materiel; Notes on the Development, Use and Care of Modern Field Artillery Equipment. .
34957: Kelly, Virginia B. - The History of Oneida County, Commemorating the Bicentennial of Our National Independence
51916: Kelly, Robert M. - The Backstory of Wallpaper, Paper-Hangings, 1650-1750
53089: Kelly, Don C. - National Bank Notes; a Guide with Prices
50894: Kelly, Bernadine Creswell (Leo P. Thiele, illus.) - Trail Riders
52725: Kelman, Keith N. - Standing Liberty Quarters
52374: Kemminghausen, Karl Schulte und Ludwig Denecke - Die Brüder [Bruder] Grimm; in Bildern Ihrer Zeit
8603: Kemp, J. - Reason, Action and Morality
34849: Kempadoo, Oonya - All Decent Animals
21362: Kempf, Franz R. - Albrecht Von Hallers Ruhm Als Dichter; Eine Rezeptiongeschichte
25488: McCarron, Ken and Adrian Jarvis - Give a Dock a Good Name
37328: Kendrick, Bryce, ed - The Whole Fungus; the Sexual-Asexual Synthesis. Proceedings of the Second International Mycological Conference Held at the Environmental Sciences Centre of the University of Calgary, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. Two Volumes
37327: Kendrick, Bryce, ed - The Whole Fungus; the Sexual-Asexual Synthesis. Proceedings of the Second International Mycological Conference Held at the Environmental Sciences Centre of the University of Calgary, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. Two Volumes
41975: Keneally, Thomas - Napoleon's Last Island; a Novel
52680: Kennedy, Jean de Chantal, Sister - Frith of Bermuda; Gentleman Privateer; a Biography of Hezekiah Frith, 1763-1848. With Drawings by the Author
50168: Kennedy, Roger G. - Greek Revival America. A National Trust for Historic Preservation Book. Photographs by John M. Hall, Jack Kotz, Robert Lautman and Mark Zeek
51960: Scott, Kenneth and Susan E. Klaffky - A History of the Joseph Lloyd Manor House
43446: Ballhatchet, Kenneth and John Harrison, eds - The City in South Asia; Pre-Modern and Modern
51849: Kenney, Alice P. - Albany; Crossroads of Liberty
52753: Kenney, Richard D. - Early American Medalists and Die-Sinkers Prior to the CIVIL War
44512: Kensik, A.Cl. und D. Bodmer, hrsg - Rudolf Kassner Zum Achtzigsten Geburtstag; Gedenkbuch
51926: Kent, Rockwell - The Bookplates and Marks of Rockwell Kent. With a Preface by the Artist
30199: Anderson, W.K., C.J. Beck, A.R. Kephart and J.S. Theilacker - Reactor Structural Materials; Engineering Properties As Affected by Nuclear Reactor Service
24521: Kern, Christoph - Bildsystem Bildbausatz
32375: Kernan, Alvin - What's Happened to the Humanities
40966: Kerney, Kelly - Hard Red Spring
51107: Tracy, Robert G., Charles M. Friel, Hazel B Kerper and George G. Killinger - A Study of the Relationship between Military Service in the Armed Forces and Criminality
21378: Kerry, Paul E. - Enlightenment Thought in the Writings of Goethe; a Contribution to the History of Ideas
31189: Kershaw, Ian - Der Hitler-Mythos; Volksmeinung Und Propaganda IM Dritten Reich. Mit Einer Einführung [Einfuhrung] Von Martin Broszat
45308: Kershaw, John B.C. - Die Elektrochemische Und Elektrometallurgische Industrie Grossbritanniens. Ins Deutsch übertragen [Ubertragen] Von Dr. Max Huth. Mit 87 Figuren Und 10 Tabellen IM Text Und Einem Anhang

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