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33538: Fambach, Oscar - Goethe Und Seine Kritiker; Die Wesentlichen Rezensionen Aus Der Periodischen Literatur Seiner Zeit, Begleitet Von Goethes Eigenen Und Seiner Freunde äußErungen [Ausserungen] Zu Deren Gehalt. In Einzeldarstellungen, Mit Einem Anhang; Bibliographie Der Goethe-Kritik Bis Zu Goethes Tod
27314: Farago, Istvan (Bild) und Peter Buza (Text) - Buda Pest [Budapest] Donau
51547: Farber, Jules B. - Holland in Focus. [Cover: A Personal View; Beyond the Windmills and the Wooden Shoes]
26878: Farey, John - A Treatise on the Steam Engine; Historical, Practical and Descriptive (1827); Volume 1
38231: Farjeon, B.L. [Benjamin Leopold] - Devlin the Barber
13114: Meridale Farms - Dairylike Majesty, Imp. 198188; His Contribtion to the Breed
51870: Farrar, Frank F., Captain (Dorothy B. Maxwell, ed.) - A Ship's Log Book. Tales of the Sea by an Irreverent, Conniving, Dedicated Merchant Marine Captain Who Shipped out at Sixteen for a Chance to Wrestle Rusty Tubs Through Wild Waves from the Fierce Pentland Firth to Steamy South American Jungles by Way of World War II. Laced with Photographs from Captain Farrar's Mischievous and Exciting Days at Sea, Spiced with Vintage Photos from the National Archives/U.S. Naval Historical Center
50648: Farrington, S. Kip, Jr. - Railroads at War
25634: Fascher, Erich - Sokrates Und Christus; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Religionsgeschichte
26514: Fasching, Darrell J. - The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima; Apocalypse or Utopia
47032: Fassmann, Kurt - Brecht; Eine Bildbiographie
28292: Faust, Heinrich - Der Aufbau Der Erdatmosphäre [Erdatmosphare]; Eine Zusammenfassende Darstellung Unter Einbeziehung Der Neuen Raketen- Und SatellitenmeßErgebnisse [Satellitenmessergebnisse]. Mit 123 Abbildungen
35479: Faust, Albert B. - Das Deutschtum in Den Vereinigten Staaten in Seiner Geschichtlichen Entwickelung. Berechtigte Deutsche Ausgabe
35480: Faust, Albert B. - Das Deutschtum in Den Vereinigten Staaten in Seiner Bedeutung Für [Fuer] Die Amerikanische Kultur. Berechtigte Deutsche Ausgabe
7229: Faust, Verne - History of Elementary School Counseling; Overview and Critique, with a Chronological Bibliography from 1924
44390: Favone, Maurice - Histoire de la Marche
44725: Favreau, Robert, ed. (Michel. Francois, series editor) - Atlas Historique Francais, le Territoire de la France Et de Quelques Pays Voisins: Anjou. (Monuments Historiae Galliarum)
48172: Fawcett, Jane (ed.) - The Future of the Past; Attitudes to Conservation, 1174-1974. With 125 Illustrations
39584: Faye, Lyndsay - The Fatal Flame
45037: Fayol, Amedee - Auteuil Au Cours Des Ages. Introduction de Fernand Gregh. Preface de Leon Berard
48913: Federmann, H., hrsg - Der Schatzbehalter; Ein Brevier Zeitgenossischer Lyrik
8916: Federn, Karl - Das Zeitalter Dantes
21250: Fedorov, V.I. - Literaturnye Napravleniia V Russkoi Literature XVIII Veka: [Ucheb. Posobie Dlia Ped. In-Tov Po Spets. 2101 Rus. Iaz I Lit. ]
32697: Feehan, John M. - An Irish Publisher and His World
21929: Fehlen, Myra - American Incarnation; the Individual, the Nation, and the Continent
48598: Fehling, August Wilhelm - Die Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika; Land Und Menschen Unter Dem Sternenbanner. Mit Vielen Bildern
28539: Fehr, Bernhard - Von Englands Geistigen Beständen [Bestanden]. Ausgewählte Aufsätze [Ausgewahlte Aufsatze] Von Bernhard Fehr
39360: Fehrenbacher, Don E. - The Dred Scott Case; Its Significance in American Law and Politics
37223: Feingold, Mordechai - The Newtonian Moment; Isaac Newton and the Making of Modern Culture
21302: Zum Felde, Alberto - Indice Critico de la Literatura Hispanoamericana; Los Ensayistas
27096: Felde, Alberto zum - La Narrativa En Hispanoamerica
44375: Feldmann, Roland - Jacob Grimm Und Die Politik
43888: New York State Museum (Felt, Eliot Porter) - 19th Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other Insects of the State of New York, 1903
45939: The American Italian Historical Association (Femminella, Francis X., ed.) - Italians and Irish in America; Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association
50680: Fendel, Zechariah - Challenge of Sinai; Providing an Authentic Torah Approach to the Ever Present Challenges of an Ever-Changing Society
52043: Fendel, Rabbi Zechariah - Seasons of Splendor; Shabbos and the Mo'Adim. A Thought-Provoking Presentation of Emunah Concepts, Ethical Values, and Related Hashkafah Insights, Derived from Shabbos and the Mo'Adim -Pesach and Shavu'Os
25859: Fener, Tamas (fotos) und Sandor Scheiber (text) - ... Und Sollst Deinem Sohn Sagen... ; Jüdische [Judische] Traditionen in Ungarn
51557: Fenn, Wallace O. - History of the American Physiological Society; the Third Quarter Century, 1937-1962
51513: Fenton, Edwin - The Maggie Murphs; a History of Margaret Morrison Carnegie College, 1906-73
29775: Ferber, Christian - Die Seidels; Geschichte Einer Bürgerlichen [Burgerlichen] Familie, 1811-1977
45287: Ferchland, P. - Die Englischen Elektrochemischen Patente; Auszüge [Auszuge] Aus Den Patentschriftern, Zusammengestellt Und Mit Ausführlichem [Ausfuhrlichem] Sach- Und Namenregister Versehen. Zweiter Band: Elektrothermische Verfahren Und Apparate; Entladungen Durch Gase. Mit 412 Figuren IM Text
45285: Ferchland, P. - Die Elektrochemischen Patentschriften Der Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika. Auszüge [Auszuge] Aus Den Patentschriften Zusammengestellt Und Mit Ausführlichem [Ausfuhrlichem] Sach- Und Nameregister Versehen. Erster Band: Elektrothermische Verfahren Und Apparate; Entladungen Durch Gase. Mit 352 Figuren IM Text
29859: Ferguson, Douglas C. - Noctuoidea; Lymantriidae. Color Photography by Richard B. Dominick, Assisted by Charles R. Edwards. Line Drawings by Elaine R. Hodges and Douglas C. Ferguson
35894: Ferguson, Adam - An Essay on the History of CIVIL Society. With a New Introduction by Louis Schneider
29856: Ferguson, Douglas C. - Bombycoidea; Saturniidae, Comprising Subfamilies Citheroniinae, Hemileucinae (Part)
49232: Fergusson, Peter - Architecture of Solitude; Cistercian Abbeys in Twelfth-Century England
9000: Fernald, M. L. - Biographical Memoir of Benjamin Lincoln Robinson, 1864-1935
47383: New York (Colony) Council (Berthold Fernow, ed.) - Calendar of Council Minutes, 1668-1783. Compiled by Berthold Fernow. Preface by A.J. F. Van Laer. Introduction by Peter R. Christoph
15708: Ferraboschi, Alberto - Borghesia E Potere Civico a Reggio Emilia Nella Seconda Meta Dell' Ottocento, 1859-1889
48145: Ferran, Jaime - Cantos Irlandeses; Coleccion Juglar
42165: Ferrini, Vincent - In the Arriving
53577: Virgil (David Ferry, tr.) - The Georgics of Virgil. A Translation by David Ferry
53532: Fetherstonhaugh, R.C. - Mcgill University at War, 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. With an Epilogue by F. Cyril James
24993: Fetscher, Iring - Rousseaus Politische Philosophie; Zur Geschichte Des Demokratischen Freiheitsbegriffs
20752: Fetzer, John; Roland Hoermann, and Winder McConnell, eds - In Search of the Poetic Real; Essays in Honor of Clifford Albrecht Bernd on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday
45872: Feuillerat, Albert - Baudelaire Et la Belle Aux Cheveux D'or
47463: Le Fevre, Ralph - History of New Paltz, New York and Its Old Families (from 1678 to 1820), Including the Huguenot Pioneers and Others Who Settled in New Paltz Previous to the Revolution. With an Appendix Bringing Down the History of Certain Families and Some Other Matter to 1850
17329: Feyl, Renate - Idylle Mit Professor, Roman
51682: Feynman, Alberta Lee - Touring on Two Wheels, Together with Random Travel Recollections
25661: Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (Hans Schulz, hrsg.) - Machiavell; Nebst Einem Briefe Carls Von Clausewitz an Fichte. Kritische Ausgabe Von Hans Schulz
52226: Fiechtner, Helmut A., hrsg - Hugo Von Hofmannsthal; Der Dichter IM Spiegel Der Freunde
47809: Field, Frank - Three French Writers and the Great War; Studies in the Rise of Communism and Fascism
44072: Field, Richard M., ed - Yellowstone-Beartooth-Big Horn Region
36324: Field, John Edward - Historical Notes on the Antiquities of Wallingford
50933: Fields, James T. - Underbrush
6544: Fields, Frances T. - El Paisaje En la Obra de Gabriel Miro
32855: Hodges Figgis and Co - William Butler Yeats, 13 June 1865 - 13 June 1965
30063: Figueras, Joan Bellmunt i. - Alta Ribagorca. [Fets, Costums I Llegendes, Vol. 12]
44353: Adaman, Fikret and Pat Devine, eds - Economy and Society; Money, Capitalism and Transition; Reciprocity, Redistribution, and Exchange; Embedding the Economy in Society
52206: Filchner, Wilhelm - Tschung-Kue Das Reich Der Mitte Alt-China Vor Dem Zusammenbruch. Mit 60 Bildern Und Skizzen, 5 Karten Und 6 Plänen [Planen]
43026: Filipova, Kalina - Dramatised Narration; the Development of Joyce's Narrative Technique from Stephen Hero to Ulysses
37935: Filley, Dorothy M. (Mary L. Richmond, ed.) - Recapturing Wisdom's Valley; the Watervliet Shaker Heritage, 1775-1975. Edited by Mary L. Richmond
9120: Congresso Nazionale di Filosofia, 22nd - IL Problema Del Dialogo Nella Società Contemporanea; Atti Del XXII Congresso Nazionale Di Filosofia (Padova, 24-27 Aprile 1969) 1. Dibattito Precongressuale E Relazioni Introduttive
41696: Filov, Bogdan - Geschichte Der Altbulgarischen Kunst Bis Zur Eroberung Des Bulgarischen Reiches Durch Die Turken/Geschichte Der Bulgarischen Kunst Unter Der Turkischen Herrschaft Und in Der Neueren Zeit. Mit 18 Textabbildungen Und 112 Tafeln. Two Volumes in One
40610: Finamore, Gennaro (compiler) - Vocabolario Dell'Uso Abruzzese
52433: Finch, Christopher - The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms. Revised and Expanded Edition
50498: Fine, Lawrence (tr.) - Safed Spirituality; Rules of Mystical Piety; the Beginning of Wisdom. Translation and Introduction by Lawrence Fine. Preface by Louis Jacobs
41216: Fine, Jon - Your Band Sucks; What I Saw at Indie Rock's Failed Revolution (But Can No Longer Hear)
20054: Finlay, Richard J. - Modern Scotland, 1914-2000
44563: The Cambridge University Research Seminar in Ancient History (M.I. Finley, ed.) - Studies in Roman Property
48874: Finn, R. Welldon Finn - An Introduction to Domesday Book
50333: Finnegan, Thomas - Saving Union Station; an Inside Look at Historic Preservation
32882: Finneran, Richard J. - The Prose Fiction of W.B. Yeats; the Search for 'Those Simple Forms'
6482: Fioravanti, A. Molinie - La Valee Sacree Des Andes
42609: Fiore, Jordan D. - Abraham Lincoln Visits the Old Colony. Read Before the Old Colony Historical Society in Taunton, Massachusetts, February 18, 1960
32158: Fiorenza, Francis Schüssler - Foundational Theology; Jesus and the Church
51155: Fischel, William A. - The Economics of Zoning Laws; a Property Rights Approach to American Land Use Controls
26841: Fischer, Heinz-Dietrich, hrsg - Positionen Und Strukturen Bei Druckmedien; Beiträge [Beitrage] Aus Publizistischer Praxis Und Wissenschaft; Festschrift Für [Fur] Dietrich Oppenberg
48446: Fischer, Walther, hrsg. unter Mitwirkung von Bernhard Fabian - Jahrbuch Für [Fur] Amerikastudien; IM Auftrag Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für [Fur Amerikastudien in Verbindung Mit Eduard Baumgarten, Arnold Bergsträsser [Bergstrasser], Helmut Kuhn, Et Al. Band 2
34360: Fischer, Kuno - Das Interdict Meiner Vorlesungen Und Die Anklage Des Herrn Schenkel in Der Darmstädtischen [Darmstadtischen] Kirchen-Zeitung
21460: Fischer, Bernd - Christoph Hein; Drama Und Prosa IM Letzten Jahrzehnt Der Ddr
37028: Fischer, Leck - Ungdoms Latter; Roman
37027: Fischer, Leck - Skyggen Kommer Først [Forst]; Roman
8610: Fischer, Roland, consulting editor; Edward M. Weyer, editor in chief - Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Time
47522: Fish, Williston - A Last Will
50480: Fine, Lawrence, Eitan Fishbane and Or N. Rose, eds - Jewish Mysticism and the Spiritual Life; Classical Texts, Contemporary Reflections
47554: Fishbein, Rebecca - Good Things Happen to People You Hate; Essays
52897: Fishel, Edwin C. - The Secret War for the Union; the Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the CIVIL War
53337: Fisher, H.A.L. - A History of Europe; Vol. 1: Ancient and Medieval; Vol. 2: Renaissance, Reformation, Reason; Vol. 3: The Liberal Experiment
16767: Fisher, Richard - Ethik Und Asthetik; Werke Und Werte in Der Literatur Vom 18. Bis Zum 20. Jahrhundert: Festschrift Fur Wolfgang Wittkowski Zum 70. Geburtstag
53627: Fisher, F.J., ed - Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England, in Honour of R.H. Tawney
47373: Fisher, Charles L., ed - People, Places and Material Things; Historical Archaeology of Albany, New York
49891: Fisher, H.A.L. - Frederick William Maitland; a Biographical Sketch
52081: Fishman, David E. - Embers Plucked from the Fire; the Rescue of Jewish Cultural Treasures in Vilna. Preface by Allan Nadler
28206: Fiske, Christabel F. - Epic Suggestion in the Imagery of the Waverley Novels
47218: Fitch, B.T., ed - Configuration Critique de Julien Green. Textes Reunis Et Presentes Par B.T. Fitch
48173: Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Arthur Mizener, ed.) - Afternoon of an Author; a Selection of Uncollected Stories and Essays. With an Introduction and Notes by Arthur Mizener
50775: Fitzgerald, Edward - A Chronological List of the More Important Issues of Eward Fitzgerald's Version of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khyyam, and of Other Books, Written, Translated, Edited or Owned by Him; with Portraits, Autograph Letters, Etc. ; and with Ana, Other Versions of the Rubaiyat, and Certain Items Identified with His Name, or Forming Part of His Persian Studies. Exhibited by the Caxton Club (in Fine Arts Building) Chicago, ILL. January Fourth to January Twenty-First, 1899
49868: Fitzroy, Almeric, Sir - Henry Duke of Grafton, 1663-1690; Vice-Admiral of England and Lieutenant of the Admiralty, Navies and Seas of England, Master of the Trinity House, Colonel of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards
41615: Fivaz, Roland - L'Ordre Et la Volupte; Essai Sur la Dynamique Esthetique Dans Les Arts Et Dans Les Sciences
50850: Flaccus, Quintus Horatius (Horace) - Quintus Horatius Flaccus
1091: Flaherty, Doug - Love-Tangle of Roots. Poems
47775: [Flanders, Mrs. G.M.] - The Ebony Idol
49915: Flandreau, Audrey - Ricarda Huch's Weltanschauung As Expressed in Her Philosophical Works and in Her Novels
47968: Flanner, Janet - Petain; the Old Man of France
32657: Flannery, James W. - Miss Annie F. Horniman and the Abbey Theatre
47162: Flasche, Hans - Romance Languages and Litertures As Presented in German Doctoral Dissertations, 1885-1950; a Bibliography/Die Sprachen Und Literaturen Der Romanen IM Spiegel Der Deutschen Universitatsschriften/Langues Et Litteratures Romanes Dans Les Publications Universitaires Allemandes
29746: Fleckhaus, Willy, hrsg - Aus Der Kunst Des Polnischen Volkes; Stücke [Stucke] Der Sammlung Ludwig Zimmerer in Warschau
39173: Fleischmann, Hector - Robespierre Et Les Femmes; D'Apres Des Documents Nouveaux Et Des Pieces Inedites, Avec 135 Illustrations, Gravures, Portraits, Autographes, Caricatures
34167: Fleisher, David - William Godwin; a Study in Liberalism
52322: Fleming, Thomas J. - West Point; the Men and Times of the United States Military Academy
45965: Flemming, Leonard - The Call of the Veld. With 30 Illustrations
51527: Fletcher, Robert Samuel - A History of Oberlin College from Its Foundation Through the CIVIL War. 2 Volumes
51401: Fletcher, John M., ed - Registrum Annalium Collegii Mertonensis, 1521-1567
51377: Fletcher, Richard, Christopher Tyerman, Michael A. Hicks, et al. - Who's Who in British History? Vol. 1: Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxon England, 55 B.C. -A.D. 1066; Vol. 2: Early Medieval England, 1066-1272; Vol. 3: Late Medieval England, 1272-1485; Vol. 4: Tudor England, 1485-1603; Vol. 5: Stuart Britain, 1603-1714; Vol. 6: Early Hanoverian Britain, 1714-1789; Vol. 7: Late Hanoverian Britain, 1789-1837; Vol. 8: Victorian Britain, 1851-1901. Complete 8 Volume Set
37124: Fletcher, J.S. - The Reformation in Northern England; Six Lectures
24844: Cozannet, Alain, Henri Maitre, Jacques Fleuret et Michel Rousseau - Optique Et Telecommunications; Transmission Et Traitement Optiques de L'Information. Preface de M. Francon
42233: Fleury, M. l'Abbe - Moeurs Des Israelites Et Des Chrétiens
46862: Feret-Fleury, Christine (Ros Schwartz, tr.) - The Girl Who Reads on the Metro. Translated from the French by Ros Schwartz
53118: Flew, Antony - An Introduction to Western Philosophy; Ideas and Argument from Plato to Popper
39368: Flew, Antony - Hume's Philosophy of Belief; a Study of His First Inquiry
51735: Flexner, James Thomas - Mohawk Baronet; Sir William Johnson of New York
47839: Flexner, Hortense (Marguerite Yourcenar, tr.) - Presentation Critique D' Hortense Flexner; Suivie D'Un Choix de Poemes. Edition Bilingue. Traduit de L'American Par M. Yourcenar
8999: Flexner, Simon - Biographical Memoir of William Henry Welch, 1850-1934
53696: Flinn, John J. (compiler) - The Best Things to Be Seen at the World's Fair
48329: Flint, R.R. - Prix Blufft Amerika; Abenteurroman
43400: Flockhart, Lolita F.W. - A Full Life; the Story of Van Dearing Perrine
39218: Flood, Charles Bracelen - First to Fly; the Story of the Lafayette Escadrille, the Heroic American Squadron That Flew for France in World War One
53507: Christoph, Florence and Peter R. Christoph, eds - Records of the People of the Town of Bethlehem, Albany County, New York, 1698-1880
42116: Singh, Bijay K., Hector E. Flores and Jack C. Shannon, eds - Biosynthesis and Molecular Regulation of Amino Acids in Plants. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Penn State Symposium in Plant Physiology, May 28-30, 1992
21214: Florian, Miroslav - Tichá Posta
38934: Flügel [Flugel], Rolf - Lebendiges München [Munchen] IM Auftrag Der Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt. Herausgegeben Von Rolf Flügel [Flugel]
28279: Flügge [Flugge], S., ed./hrsg - The Solar System/Astrophysik III; Das Sonnensystem, with 225 Figures/Mit 225 Figuren
28282: Flügge [Flugge], S., ed./hrsg. (J. Bartels, group editor/redaktion) - Geophysics III, Part 2/Geophysik III, Teil 2, with 369 Figures/Mit 369 Figuren. Volume 3/2 Only
28281: Flügge [Flugge], S., ed./hrsg. (J. Bartels, group editor/redaktion) - Geophysics III, Part 1/Geophysik III, Teil 1, with 246 Figures/Mit 246 Figuren. Volume 3/1 Only
43246: Fogelin, Robert J. - Hume's Skepticism in the Treatise of Human Nature
25235: New York State Canal Commissioners(Fitzhugh, Henry, Frederick Follett and Cornelius Gardinier) - Annual Report of the Canal Commissioners
49661: Foltinek, Herbert - Fieldings "Tom Jones" Und Das ôsterreichische [Osterreichische] Drama
48583: Fonseca, Cosimo Damiano, ed - L'Uomo E L'Ambiente Nel Medioevo; la Letteratura, Politica, Nell' Eta' Dell' Illuminismo. Atti Del Convegno Di Studi Polacco-Italiano (Nieborow, 29 Settembre-2 Ottobre 1981)
48582: Fonseca, Cosimo Damiano, ed - L'Uomo E L'Ambiente Nel Medioevo; la Letteratura, Politica, Nell' Eta' Dell' Illuminismo. Atti Del Convegno Di Studi Polacco-Italiano (Nieborow, 29 Settembre-2 Ottobre 1981)
41697: Font, Martine - La Bibliotheque de la Cite; Ecrivains En Rhone-Alpes. [Photographies Cite de la Creation, Eric Bernath]
48869: Aladro-Font, Jordi, ed. (assisted by David Dabaco) - Homenaje a Don Luis Monguio
49681: La Fontaine, Jean de - Contes Et Nouvelles En Vers, Avec Illustrations de Fragonard. Reimpression L'Edition de Didot, 1795. Revue Et Augmentee D'Une Notice de M. Anatole de Montaiglon
52217: La Fontaine, Jean de - Contes Et Nouvelles En Vers. Avec Des Images de Sylvain Sauvage. Volume 2 Only
42529: La Fontaine, [Jean de] - Fables de la Fontaine. Illustrations Par Grandville
37135: Fontenay, Elisabeth de (Jeffrey Mehlman, tr.) - Diderot; Reason and Resonance
13007: Foote, Samuel. (William Cooke, ed.) - The Table-Talk and Bon-Mots of Samuel Foote. With an Introductory Memoir by William Cooke
40106: Forbes, F.A. - Pope St. Pius X.
45343: Forbes, Archibald - The Life of Napoleon the Third. With Illustrations
37931: Duc de la Force - Lauzun; Un Courtisan Du Grand Roi
51531: Ford, Richard - Rock Springs; Stories
51819: Ford, Louis R. - Practical Marine Diesel Engineering
45468: Ford, Alice, ed - Audubon's Butterflies, Moths, and Other Studies
52933: Forest, Jim - The Ladder of the Beatitudes
52585: Forest, Jim - Living with Wisdom; a Life of Thomas Merton
45520: Forester, Frank - The Warwick Woodlands. Lordvale Edition with Introduction by Harry Worcester Smith
41746: Brosse [Georges Forestier, ed.] - Brosse; Les Songes Des Homme Esveillez; Comedie (1646). Edition Critique Avec Introduction Et Notes Par Georges Forestier
46503: Foretic, Dinko - Dlamacija, 1870
44016: Forlani, Anna - I Disegni Italiani Del Cinquecento; Scuole Fiorentina, Senese, Romana, Umbro Marchigiana E Dell'Italia Meridionale
51774: Formsma, W.J., M.G. Buist, W.R.H. Koops, et al, eds - Historie Van Groningen; Stad En Land
23986: Ruiz-Fornells, Enrique (compiler) - A Concordance to the Poetry of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Compiled, and with an Introduction
46054: Carter, Edward C., Robert Forster and Joseph N. Moody, eds - Enterprise and Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century France. Edited with an Introduction by Edward C. Carter II, Robert Forster, and Joseph N. Moody
25677: Forster, Georg (Langewiesche, Wilhelm, hrsg.) - Georg Forster; Das Abenteuer Seines Lebes Unter Wiedergabe Vieler Briefe Und Tagebucheintragungen, Erzählt [Erzahlt] Von Wilhelm Langewiesche
25729: Forster, Georg (Hermann Homann, hrsg.) - Entdeckungsreife Nach Tahiti Und in Die Südsee [Sudsee], 1772-1775. Mit 29 Zeitgenössischen [Zeitgenossischen] Abbildungen
21065: Förster [Forster], Friedrich, comp - Die Sängerfahrt; Eine Neujahrsgabe Für [Fur] Freunde Der Dichtkunst Und Mahlerey. Mit Kupfern Aus Dem Danziger Gemälde [Gemalde]: Das Jüngste [Jungste] Gericht. Faksimiledruck Nach Der Ausgabe Von 1818. Mit Einem Nachwort Von Siegfried Sudhof
25727: Forster, Georg - Weltumsegelung Mit Kapitän [Kapitan] Cook. Mit 27 Abbildungen
42477: Fortenbaugh, Samuel B., Jr. - In Order to Form a More Perfect Union; an Inquiry Into the Origins of a College
52994: Fossberg, Jorunn - Drakt SøLV [Solv]
35048: Foster, Elizabeth Read - The Painful Labour of Mr. Elsyng
15022: Foster, David William, compiler - Puerto Rican Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources
32944: Foster, R.F. - W.B. Yeats; a Life; I: The Apprentice Mage, 1865-1914. (Page Proofs, Bound in Paper)
51002: Foster, Agness Greene (compiler) - Blessings; Being Bible Mosaics of Blessings, Promises, Commands, Admonitions and Answers
53323: Orpen, William (Robert Upstone, with contributions by Professor R.F. Foster and David Fraser Jenkins) - William Orpen; Politics, Sex and Death
9571: Foster, George M., H. Barry Holt, and Arthur Andrew Demarest - Studies in Middle American Anthropology. (Publication 22)
51984: Overeem, Brand (foto.) and Roel Leenknegt (teksten) - Kom D'r in, de Koffie Is Bruun; Langs Oude Veluwse Hoeven
24190: Fouët [Fouet], Edouard A. - Lecons Elementaires Sur la Theorie Des Fonctions Analytiques; Tome 1: Les Fonctions En General; Tome 2: Les Fonctions Algebriques; Les Series Simples Et Multiples - Les Integrales
51826: Historic Albany Foundation - Albany Architects; the Present Looks at the Past
50794: American Type Founders - Book of American Types; Standard Faces
50846: The Bauer Type Foundry - Specimen Book of Bauer Types
45253: Fouquieres, Andre de - Mon Paris Et Ses Parisiens (Les Quartiers de L'Etoile)
46929: Fourcaut, Annie - Femmes a L'Usine; Ouvrieres Et Surintendantes Dans Les Entreprises Francaises de L'Entre-Deux-Guerres
44755: Fournier, Albert - Chemins Et Parchemins de Paris. Couvre-Livre Et Illustrations de Jacques Boullaire
37302: Fourure, Bruno (illus.) - Une Ville Arabe; la Medina de Tunis. Illustre Par Bruno Fourure
49017: The St. David's Society of the State of New York (Robert A. Fowkers, compiler) - Ninnau's Guide to the Use of the Welsh Dictionary for Beginners and Others
44177: Fowler, John - Journal of a Tour in the State of New York, in the Year 1830; with Remarks on Agriculture in Those Parts Most Eligible for Settlers; and Return to England by the Western Islands, in Consequence of Shipwreck in the Robert Fulton
53122: Fowles, L.W. - The Harvest of Our Lives; the History of the First Half-Century of the Loomis Institute
24852: G. de Saint-Fox - W.A. Mozart; Sa Vie Musicale Et Son Oeuvre de L'Enfance a la Pleine Maturite, 1777-1784; Essai de Biographie Critique; Suivi D'Un Nouveau Catalogue Chronologique de L'Oeuvre Complete Du Maitre; Vol. 3: Le Grand Voyage L'Installation a Vienne. Ouvrage Orne de Six Portraits Et Un Fac-Simile
20007: Fox, John - The Trail of the Lonesome Pine. With a Foreword by John Ed Pearce
52513: Fox, Ross Allan C. - Quebec and Related Silver at the Detroit Institute of Arts
24104: Fox, John W. - Quiche Conquest; Centralism and Regionalism in Highland Guatemalan State Development
52581: Fox, Matthew - Hildegard of Bingen; a Saint for Our Times; Unleashing Her Power in the 21st Century
47450: Westchester County New York Court of Sessions (Dixon Ryan Fox, ed.) - The Minutes of the Court of Sessions (1657-1696), Westchester County, New York. With an Essay by G.B. Harrington
52254: Fraenkel, Ernst - Das Americkanische Regierungssystem
47209: Fraizer, Dale Watson - Alain Robbe-Grillet; an Annoted Bibliography of Critical Studies, 1953-1972
49445: Frame, Donald M. - Francois Rabelais; a Study
50038: Frame, Michael - Mathematical Models in the Biosciences 2
48411: Duc de Castries de l'Academie francaise - La France Et L'Independance Americaine; le Livre Du Bicentenaire de L'Independance. Avant-Propos Du Duc de Levis Mirepoix de L'Academie Francaise
37888: Direction des Archives de France - Etat Des Inventaires Des Archives Nationales; Departementales, Communales Et Hospitalieres; Supplement (1937-1954)
46556: Archives de France - Catalogue Des Inventaires, Repertoires, Guides de Recherche Et Autres Instruments de Travail Des Archives Departementales, Communales Et Hospitalieres En Vente Dans Les Services Departementaux D'Archives a la Date Du 31 Decembre 1961
46555: Archives de France - Catalogue Des Inventaires, Repertoires, Guides de Recherche Et Autres Instruments de Travail Des Archives Departementales, Communales Et Hospitalieres En Vente Dans Les Services Departementaux D'Archives a la Date Du 31 Decembre 1961
38148: Automobile Club de France - 1. Er Salon de L'Affiche Automobile, Octobre 1978
52887: Frances, Allen - Twilight of American Sanity; a Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump
47147: L'Istituto di Lingua e Letterature Francese - La Prosa Francese Del Primo Seicento; Ricerche E Proposte
50589: Egan, Maurice Francis and John B. Kennedy - The Knights of Columbus in Peace and War. In Two Volumes
30115: Mackey, William Francis and Jacob Ornstein, eds - Sociolinguistic Studies in Language Contact; Methods and Cases
41043: Panakal, Francis and John Parrot - Veni Sancte Spiritus; 1992 Supplement
41295: The Monks of the Brotherhood of St. Francis - A Service Book; the Divine Liturgies of the Orthodox Catholic Church According to the Use of New Skete
40111: Francis, Saint (Alexandre Masseroni, ed.) - Memorable Words of Saint Francis. Collected and Annotated by Alexandre Masseron. Translated from the French by Margaret Sullivan
50021: Francis, John - History of the Bank of England, Its Times and Traditions from 1694 to 1844. First American Edition, with Notes, Additions and an Appendix, Including Statistics of the Bank to the Close of the Year 1861, and Statistics of British Finances, Currency, Etc.
32556: Franck, Frederick - A Little Compendium on That Which Matters
25975: Franck, Hans Göran [Goran] och Tomas Rothpfeffer, redr - Folkmord; Rapport Från [Fran] Internationella Kommissionen För [for] Undersökning [Undersokning] Av Usa: S Krigsförbrytelser [Krigsforbrytelser] I Indokina. Med Förord [Forord] Av Gunner Myrdal
44804: Franck, Sebastian - Sprichwörte [Sprichworte]/Schöne [Schone]/Weise/ Herrliche Clugreden/ Und Hoffsprüch [Hoffspruch]. Mit Einem Vorwort Von Wolfgang Mieder
17934: Lapointe, François and Claire - Jean-Paul Sartre and His Critics; an International Bibliography, 1938-1975
47165: Francois, Carlo - L'Esthetique D'Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Preface de Andre Marissel
45809: Francois, Alexis - Stendhal a Geneve
44620: Rabelais [Francois] - Gargantua Et Pantagruel
40601: Balibar, Francoise et Marie-Laure Prevost - Pasteur; Cahiers D'Un Savant. Coordonne Par Francoise Balibar Et Marie-Laure Prevost
44569: Richaud, Marie-Francoise et Paule Imbrecq - En Suivant Jeanne D'Arc Sur Les Chemins de France. Photographies de Emmanuel Boudot-Lamotte. Avec 7 Cartes Dans le Texte Et 1 Carte Hors Texte
36189: Francovich, Riccardo e Guido Vannini - La Ceramiche Medievali Del Museo Civico Di Fiesole
35182: Frank, Erich - Plato Und Die Sogenannten Pythagoreer; Ein Kapitel Aus Der Geschichte Des Griechischen Geistes
24440: Frank, Dr. Ludwig - Die Psychokathartische Behandlung Nervöser [Nervoser] Störungen [Storungen] (Psychoneurosen-Thymopathien) Für ärzte [Fur Arzte] Und Studierende
42148: Frank, Leonhard - IM Letzten Wagon; Erzählungen [Erzahlungen]
24779: Fränkel [Frankel], Jonas - J.V. Widmann
52473: Frankenburger, Max - Die Alt-Münchner [Alt-Munchner] Goldschmiede Und Ihre Kunst. Mit 132 Abbildungen
24877: Der Deutschen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Frankfurt - Festschrist Den Teilnehmern an Der XXXIX. Allgemeinen Versammlung Der Deutschen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Frankfurt A.M. Gewidmet Von Der Frankfurter Anthropologischen Gesellschaft
53418: Hess, Peter J., ed., with considerable assistance from John W. Buszta, George Hubbard, Joe Germaine, Charles Franklin and Kevin Jack - The CIVIL War and the Albany Rural Cemetery
50788: Franklin, Benjamin - The Parable Against Persecution; a Proposed New Chapter for the Bible. (Typography and Illustration by Carl Purington Rollins)
43958: Franklin, Alfred - Guide Des Savants, Des Littérateurs Et Des Artistes Dans Les Bibliotheques de Paris, Par Un Vieux Bibliothecaire
46732: Franklin, Benjamin - B. Franklin; Innovator. Introduction by Charles V. Morris
20438: Frankowski, Karol - Moje Wedrowki Po Obczyznie Paryz
44712: Franqui, Leah - America for Beginners
34962: Frantz, Philip E., ed - Gogol; a Bibliography. Compiled and Edited by Philip E. Frantz
32138: Franzen, Jonathan - Farther Away
46303: Fraser, Antonia - Boadicea's Chariot; the Warrior Queen
25577: Frauenstadt, Julius - Briefe über [Uber] Die Schopenhauer'Sche Philosophie
43313: Frazee, Ronald - Henry Ceard; Idealiste Detrompe
52534: Frazetta, Frank - Frank Frazetta; Book Two. Introduction by Betty Ballantine
52535: Frazetta, Frank (Betty Ballantine, ed.) - Frank Frazetta; Book Four
47563: Frederic, Harold (Thomas F. O'Donnell, ed.) - Harold Frederic's Stories of New York State. With an Introduction by Edmund Wilson
52453: Clarke, Hermann Frederick and Henry Wilder Foote - Jeremiah Dummer; Colonial Craftsman and Merchant, 1645-1718. Foreword by E. Alfred Jones
46963: Frederick, J. George - The Scandal of American Banking
52691: Frederiks, J.W. - Dutch Silver; Vol. 1: Embossed Plaquettes, Tazze and Dishes from the Renaissance Until the End of the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 2: Wrought Plate of North and South-Holland from the Renaissance Until the End of the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 3: Wrought Plate of the Central Northern and Southern Provinces from the Renaissance Until the End of the Eighteenth Century; Vol. 4: Embossed Ecclesiastical and Secular Plate from the Renaissance Until the End of the Eighteenth Century. Four Volume Set
46566: Ejlers, Christian, Erik Ellegaard Frederisen and Anne Rohweder, eds - Vore Bogers Udstyr 1888 Og 1988; Med Tanke Pa Xylografen
52824: Fredriksen, Paula - Paul; the Pagans' Apostle
49124: Fredriksen, John C. - War of 1812; Eyewitness Accounts; an Annotated Bibliography
50270: Freeland, Alan E. - The First Twenty-Five Years; History of the American Association for Hand Surgery
53044: Freeman, Harley L. - Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip
51985: Freeman, Larry - New Light on Old Lamps
51525: Galpin, W. Freeman and Oscar T. Barck (Richard Wilson, ed.) - Syracuse University; Vol. 3: The Critical Years
51060: Freeman, Douglas Southall - Lee's Lieutenants; Vol. 1: Manassas to Malvern Hill; Vol. 2: Cedar Mountain to Chancellorsville; Vol. 3: Gettysburg to Appomattox. Three Volume Set. Complete
49141: Frei, Hans - Louis Henry Sullivan
28564: Fremont, Isabelle (R.E. Bush, illus.) - Some Birds of East Africa
15624: French, Marilyn - My Summer with George
19404: French, J.H. - Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State
30519: French, Peter A., ed - Conscientious Actions; the Revelation of the Pentagon Papers
32923: French, Frances-Jane - A Bibliography of the Tower Press Booklets (First and Second Series, 1906-1908)
39074: Frenilly, Auguste Francois Fareau de (Arthur Chuquet) - Recollections of Baron de Frenilly, Peer of France (1768-1828). Translated from the French by Frederic Lees. With a Portrait
5326: Freppel, Charles Emile - Les Apologistes Chretiens Au Deuxieme Siecle. Cours D'Eloquence Sacree Fait a la Sorbonne Pendant L'Annee 1859-1860. 3ieme Ed. [2nd Series]
52966: Andre, Leon, Feuardent Freres et Jules Florange - Importante Collection de Monnaies Et Medailles Consulat Et Empire Napoleon I Et Sa Famille Napoleon II; Medailles Historiques Et de Personnages Jetons Et Decorations Francais E T Etrangers Appartenant Au Prince D'Essling, Dont la Vente Aura Lieu a Paris Hotel Drouot, Juin 1927. Two Volumes
37033: Freuchen, Peter - Rømnings [Romnings] Mand; En Roman Om Eskimoer
36821: Freuchen, Peter - Solfjeld; Roman Fra Grønland [Gronland]
50670: Freud, Sigmund (A.A. Brill, tr.) - The Interpretation of Dreams. Authorized Translation of Third Edition with Introduction by A.A. Brill
28326: Freud, Sigmund - Der Witz Und Seine Beziehung Zum Unbewissten
53433: Freud, Lucian - Lucian Freud; Recent Work
39731: Freud, Anna (Nancy Proctor-Gregg, tr.) - The Psycho-Analytical Treatment of Children; Technical Lectures and Essays. Part I and II Translated from the German by Nancy Proctor-Gregg
32902: Freud, Sigm. [Sigmund] - Vorlesungen Zur Einführung [Einfuhrung] in Die Psychoanalyse. (31. -45. Tausend)
20725: Freund, Winfried - Annette Von Droste-Hülshoff [Hulshoff]; Was Bleibt
47658: Freville, A.F.J. - Histoire Des Chiens Celebres, Entremelee de Notices Curieuses Sur L'Histoire Naturelle, Pour Donner le Gout de la Lecture a la Jeunesse. Vol. 1 Only
36879: Freville, Henri - L'Intendance de Bretagne (1689-1790); Essai Sur L'Histoire D'Une Intendance En Pays D'Etats Au XVIII Siecle. Tome 1-3
31495: Frey, Eberhard - Franz Kafkas Erzählstil[Erzahlstil]; Eine Demonstration Neuer Stilanalytischer Methoden an Kafkas Erzåahlung [Erzaahlung] "Ein Hungerkünstler [Hungerkunstler]
21398: Frey, Axel, ed - Bibliothek Der Deutschen Literatur; Bibliographie Und Register, Mikrofiche-Gesamtausgabe Nach Angaben Des Taschengoedeke
49968: Frey, John R., ed - Schiller, 1759-1959; Commemorative American Studies
48451: Freymond, Jacques - De Roosevelt a Eisenhower; la Politique Etrangere Americaine, 1945-1952
48263: Freytag, Dierk - Die Vereinigten Staaten Auf Dem Weg Zur Intervention; Studien Zur Amerikanischen Aussenpolitik, 1910-1914
44417: Freytag, Gustav - Die Verlorene Handschrift; Roman in Fünf Büchern [Funf Buchern]
52975: Fricke, Pierre - Collecting Confederate Paper Money; Includes Introduction to Collecting and Getting Started Guide, As Well As Confederate Paper Money, Counterfeits and Bond Rarity and Values
24857: Friddell, Guy - We Began at Jamestown. (Book Layout and Jacket Design by Carl E. Larsen. Photographs from the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce - Phil Flournoy, Chief Photographer. )
21508: Von Husen, Friderich and D.G. Mowatt (introduction, text, commentary and glossary) - Friderich Von Husen
45603: Fridh, Ake - Opera Minora
52760: Friedenberg, Daniel M. - Jewish Medals from the Renaissance to the Fall of Napoleon (1503-1815)
50406: Friedlander, Henry - On the Holocaust; a Critique of the Treatment of the Holocaust in History Textbooks Accompanied by an Annotated Bibliography
50405: Friedlander, Henry - On the Holocaust; a Critique of the Treatment of the Holocaust in History Textbooks Accompanied by an Annotated Bibliography
51716: Friedländer [Friedlander], Max J. - On Art and Connoisseurship. With 40 Illustrations
45078: Friedman, Kinky - Kill Two Birds and Get Stoned
19249: Friedman, Clarence William - Prefigurations in Meistergesang; Types from the Bible and Nature
31567: Friedmann, Hermann und Otto Mann - Christliche Dichter IM 20. Jahrhundert: Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Europäischen [Europaischen] Literatur. Herausgegeben Von Otto Mann
41494: Friedrich, Hugo und Fritz Schalk, hrsg - Europäische Aufklärung [Europaische Aufklarung]; Herbert Dieckmann Zum 60. Geburtstag
3026: Friedrich, Karl Josef - Die Dresdner Fastnacht; Ein Erlebnisbericht
27574: Friedrich, Hugo - Montaigne. Traduit de L"Allemand Par Robert Rovini
24662: Friedriches, Axel (Bearbeiter) - Deutschlands Aufstieg Zur Grossmacht [GroßMacht]
25209: Friedrichs, Nellie H. (Manfred R.W. Garzmann, hrsg.) - Erinnerungen Aus Meinem Leben in Braunschweig, 1912-1937. Mit Einem Geleitwort Und Anmerkungen
45203: Friedrichs, Christopher R. - Urban Society in an Age of War; Nördlingen [Nordlingen], 1580-1720
48834: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends - Silent Witness; Quaker Meetinghouses in the Delaware Valley, 1695 to the Present. Historic American Buildings Survey Recording of Friends Meetinghouses Within the Region of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
48401: Fries, N. (Agnes Hoffman, tr.) - I Kristi Fotspar; Berättelser [Berattelser]. Af N. Fries. ôfversättning [Ofversattning] Fran Tyskan Af Agnes Hoffman
48934: Friesen, Hermann Feiherr von - Ludwig Tieck; Erinnerungen Eines Alten Freundes Aus Den Jahren 1825-1842. Two Volumes in One
27610: Stichting Avifauna van Friesland, redactie - Vogels in Friesland; Avifaunistisch Overzicht Van de Op Het Vasteland Van Friesland Voorkomende Vogelsoorten Samengesteld Onder Redactie Van de Stichting Avifauna Van Friesland. Deel 1-3. Complete Set
27145: Frings, Theodor - Grundlegung Einer Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache. Mit 69 Karten
21837: Fris, Fanny - Uit Winkelen; Een Kleurrijke Winkelgrids Voor Nederland
25205: Frisch, Max - Stiller; Roman
32008: Frisé [Frise], Adolf - Plädoyer Für [Pladoyer Fur] Robert Musil; Hinweise Und Essays, 1931 Bis 1980
42249: Frith, Julius - Alternating Current Design
49946: Beyer-Frölich [Beyer-Frolich], Marianne, hrsg - Pietismus Und Rationalismus
51596: Frost, Maurice, ed - Historical Companion to Hymns Ancient and Modern
37644: Frost, John - Perilous Adventures and Thrilling Incidents and Narratives of Travellers in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, in Various Periods of History
18124: Frothingham, Washington - Blind Peter. Written from His Own Statements. Third Edition
21770: Frühwald [Fruhwald], Wolfgang, Franz Heiduk und Helmut Koopmann, Hrsg - Aurora; Jahrbuch Der Eichendorff-Gesellschaft; Band 39
52888: Frum, David - Trumpocracy; the Corruption of the American Republic
3396: Frumento, Armando - Imprese Lombarde, Nella Storia Della Siderurgia Italiana. IL Contributo Dei Falck
51328: Fründt [Frundt], Edith - Sakrale Plastik; Mittelalterliche Bildwerke. Fotos Von Ulrich Frewel
16128: Fry, Tony, ed - Rua Tv? Heidegger and the Televisual
18448: Fuchs, Josef - Christian Morality: The Word Becomes Flesh. Translated by Brian Mcneil
21010: Fuegi, John; Reinhold Grimm, and Jost Hermand, eds - Brecht-Jahrbuch, 1974, 1975, 1976
47028: Fuegi, John, hrsg. (B. Correll, Gisela Bahr, Eric Bentley, et al) - Brecht Heute/Brecht Today; Jahrbuch Der Internationalen Brecht-Gesellschaft
30457: Fuentes, Carlos - Cuerpos Y Ofrenda; Antologia. Prologo de Octavio Paz
36691: Fuksas, Anatol P. - Bad Gleichenberg; Skizzen Der Zeit
52804: Fulcher, Richard Carlton (compiler) - Guide to County Records and Genealogical Resources in Tennessee
49577: Fulda, Ludwig - Aus Der Werkstatt; Studien Und Anregungen
21086: Fülleborn [Fulleborn], Ulrich - Besitzen Als Besässe [Besasse] Man Nicht; Besitzdenken Und Seine Alternativen in Der Literatur
44480: Fülleborn [Fulleborn], Ulrich - Das Strukturproblem Der Späten [Spaten] Lyrik Rilkes; Voruntersuchung Zu Einem Historischen Rilke-Verständnis [Verstandnis]
52947: Fuller, Thomas - The History of the Holy War
26663: Fuller, Steve - Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge; the Coming of Science and Technology Studies
52407: Fuller, Thomas - The Historie [History] of the Holy Warre [War]
50782: Fuller, Thomas - The History of the Holy War
50428: Fulton, John F. - Harvey Cushing; a Biography
25908: Tada, Fumio and Akira Watanabe - Nihon Koku Shashin Chiri
46058: Funder, Friedrich (Barbara Waldstein, tr.) - From Empire to Republic; an Austrian Editor Reviews Momentous Years
44317: Wang, S-Y Simon, Jin-Ho Yoon, Christopher C. Funk and Robert R. Gillies, eds - Climate Extremes; Patterns and Mechanisms
51700: Funke, Sarah - Stephen Crane
19817: Funke, Manfred, ed - Terrorismus; Untersuchungen Zur Strategie Und Struktur Revolutionarer Gewaltpolitik
27635: Fuquan, Bing - Theatrical Facial; Makeup Type Art in Beijing Opera of China. Painted and Compiled by Bing Fuquan
43376: Furnivall, Frederick J., ed - The Babees Book; the Bokes of Nurture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell; Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, the Booke of Demeanor, the Boke of Curtasye, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, Etc. With Some French and Latin Poems on Like Subjects and Some Forewords on Education in Early England. [Spine Title: "Manners and Meals in Olden Times"]
26415: Furrow, Dwight - Against Theory; Continental and Analytic Challenges in Moral Philosophy
12519: Fusco, Domenico - Edizioni Originali Degli Scrittori Italiani (1900-1947)
37826: Fusco, John - Dog Beach
49981: Nietzsche, Friedrich (Peter Fuss and Henry Shapiro, eds. and trs.) - Nietzsche; a Self-Portrait from His Letters
51400: Fyfe, David Maxwell (Earl of Kilmuir) - Political Adventure; the Memoirs of the Earl of Kilmuir
43266: Fynsk, Christopher - Heidegger; Thought and Historicity
36236: Hawksworth, Frank G. and Delbert Wiens - Biology and Classification of Dwarf Mistletoes (Arceuthobium)
33704: Lear, P.G. and L.O. [Scott-Moncrieff, C.K.) - The Strange and Striking Adventures of Four Authors in Search of a Character
19278: Niemi, Richard G. and Herbert F. Weisberg, eds - Controversies in American Voting Behavior
42726: Monroe, John G. and Ellen B. Rothenberg, eds - Molecular Biology of B-Cell and T-Cell Development
48712: Little, A.G. and F.M. Powicke, eds - Essays in Medieval History, Presented to Thomas Frederick Tout
50735: Waite, John G. and Paul R. Huey - Senate House; an Historic Structure Report
50726: Waite, John G. and Paul R. Huey - Washington's Headquarters, the Hasbrouck House; an Historic Structure Report
50733: Waite, John G. and Paul R. Huey - Northwest Stonehouse, Johnson Hall; an Historic Structure Report
51756: Bucher, Douglas G. and W. Richard Wheeler. (Mary Raddant Tomlan, with Ruth Osgood Trovato, eds.) - A Neat Plain Modern Stile; Philip Hooker and His Contemporaries, 1796-1836
44588: Galvez G., Maria Albertina - Sintesis Bio-Bibliografica de Don Jose Toribio Medina Y Su Historia de la Imprenta En Guatemala
42481: Robertson, J.G. and Dorothy Reich, with the assistance of W.I. Lucas, M. O'C. Walshe and James Lynn - A History of German Literature
39451: Green, Samuel G. and Thomas Faulkner - Scotland Illustrated with Pen and Pencil
42337: Poulopoulos, Stavros G. and Vassilis J. Inglezakis, eds - Environment and Development; Basic Principles, Human Activites, and Environmental Implications
52873: Waite, John G. and Diane S. Waite, eds - Industrial Archeology in Troy, Waterford, Cohoes, Green Island, and Watervliet
39461: Gabetti, Roberto, ed - La Nuova Architettura Ei Suoi Ambienti. Testi E Illustrazioni Raccolti Da Fillia. A Cura E Con Un Saggio Di Roberto Gabetti Su Architettura-Ambiente: Progetto Del Secondo Futurismo
20624: Gabriel, W. - Nasiennictwo Ziemniaka
48384: Gabriel, Jose - Walt Whitman; la Voz Democratica de America
47257: Gachon, P. - Histoire de Languedoc. Ouvrage Illustre de Gravures Hors Texte
39857: Gage, Simon Henry - The Microscope; an Introduction to Microscopic Methods and to Histology. Ninth Edition, Revised, Enlarged and Illustrated by over Two Hundred Figures
30936: Gagen, Jean Elisabeth - The New Woman; Her Emergence in English Drama, 1600-1730
45271: Gaines, Julie (Ben Lenovitz, illus.) - Minding the Store; a Big Story About a Small Business. Illustrated by Ben Lenovitz
42162: Gala, L.R., compiler - Gala's Popular Combined Dictionary; English-English-Gujarati, Gujarati-Gujarati-English
36190: Galleria Galatea - Andy Warhol; Torino 20 Novembre 1972-10 Febbraio 1973
17967: Perez Galdos, Benito - El Caballero Encantado
17980: Galdos, Benito Perez - Doña [Dona] Perfecta
27164: Galdos, Benito Perez (Denah Lida, ed.) - El Amigo Manso
30454: Galdos, Benito Perez - Trafalgar. Estudio Preliminar Y Notas de Eduardo Romano. Nueva Edicion Dirigida Por Maria Hortensia Lacau
30453: Galdos, Benito Perez - La de Bringas
49236: [Gale, Norman] - All Expenses Paid
31087: Gosudarstvennaëiia Tretëiiakovskaëiia Galereëiia [Gosudarstvennaeiis Treteiiakovskaeiia Galereeiia] - Gosudarstvennaia Tretviakovskaia Galereia
39346: Galezowska, Irene - Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, 1839-1939
30034: Gall, Ernst - Dome Und Klosterkirchen Am Rhein. Aufnahmen Von Helga Schmidt-GlaßNer [Glassner]
24905: Gall, Lothar, Gerald D. Feldman, Harold James, Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, und Hans E. Büschgen - Die Deutsche Bank, 1870-1995
27281: Gallagher, David - Origin of the Magnetite Deposits at Lyon Mountain, N.Y.
11376: Gallagher, Denis M. - Pringle-Pattison's Idea of God. A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Sacred Sciences of the Catholic University of America in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology
32702: Gallagher, S.F., ed - Woman in Irish Legend, Life and Literature
42395: Gallatin, A.E. [Albert Eugene] - Whistler's Pastels and Other Modern Profiles
42394: Gallatin, A.E. [Albert Eugene] - Whistler's Pastels and Other Modern Profiles
48612: Gallego, Candido Perez - Tematica de la Literatura Inglesa
28676: Galleras, Roger - Histoire de la Flute
53688: Swann Galleries - Rare Books on Magic, Together with Prints, Posters, Periodicals, Playbills from the Collection of Milbourne Christopher, Thursday, October 15, 1981 at 1: 30pm. Public Auction Sale, No. 1233
44651: Parke-Bernet Galleries - The Collection of First Editions of American Authors Formed by the Late Arthur Swann; the Majority in Fine Condition; Aldrich, Baum, Bryant, Clemens, Crane Dana, Emerson, Frost, Harte, Hawthorne, Holmes, Irving, Longfellow, Lowell, Melville, Millay, Remington, Riley, Simms, Stowe, Thoreau and Whitman
32805: Ettore de Conciliis (Hollis Taggart Galleries) - Ettore de Conciliis; Symphonies in Light; New York, March 2 Through April 1, 1995; Washington, D.C. , April 13 Through May 27, 1995
21915: Swann Galleries - The Stephen Crane Collection from the Library of Prof. Matthew J. Bruccoli; with Surplusage from His Other Collections (Including Fitzgerald, O'Neill, Rosenbach) (Auction Catalogue)
41591: Swann Galleries - 19th and 10th Century Prints and Drawings, Featuring the Carl and Marian Mullis Collection of American Prints and Drawings
52992: Roy J. Goldenberg/Auction Gallery/Numismatic Gallery - The Adolphe Menjou Catalogue; United States Coins from the Cabinet of the Distinguished Star of Stage, Screen and Radio and Other Properties. Special Library Edition Showing Prices Realized
26306: The Tate Gallery - Turner and the Channel; Themes and Variations, C. 1845
47584: Walters Art Gallery - Shanghai Painters and Their World; Month at a Glance
29906: Galli, Mario von - Gelebte Zukunft; Franz Von Assisi. Mit Farbphotos Von Dennis Stock
44810: Le Gallienne, Richard - Wood Flower
36912: Gallois, Leonard - Histoire Des Journaux Et Des Journalistes de la Revolution Francaise (1789-1796). Precede D'Une Introduction Generale. Two Volumes
36942: Galloway, Steven - The Confabulist
38280: Galt, John (Ian A. Gordon, ed.) - The Last of the Lairds, or, the Life and Opinions of Malachi Mailings Esq. Of Auldbiggings. Edited from the Original Manuscript by Ian A. Gordon
40625: Galvani, Giovanni - Saggio Di Un Glossario Modenese Ossia Studii Del Conte Giovanni Galvani
11985: Galvao, Miguel Arcanjo - Relaçao Dos Cidadaos Que Tomaram Parte No Governo Do Brasil No Periodo de Março de 1808 a 15 de Novembro de 1889
53457: Gambee, Robert - Wall Street; Financial Capital
13924: Gambier, Bertrand - Applicabilite Des Surfaces Etudiee Au Point de Vue Fini
13922: Gambier, Bertrand - Deformation Des Surfaces Etudiees Du Point de Vue Infinitesimal
46149: Gamble, Terry - The Eulogist; a Novel
45273: Gamble, Terry - The Eulogist; a Novel
52868: Gamble, Allan - Setting for a Campus; a Pen Sketch Commentary on the Environs of the University of Sydney
53591: Gammon, Mary Alice Beyer - Violence in Canada
51109: Gampel, Benjamin R. - The Last Jews on Iberian Soil; Navarrese Jewry, 1479-1498
44787: Gamzu, Haim (foreword) - Ten Israel Painters. Foreword by Haim Gamzu
15348: Gandasubrata, S.M. - An Account of the Japanese Occupation of Banjumas Residency, Java, March 1942 to August 1945. Translated from the Indonesian by Leslie H. Palmier
50469: Gangaji - Hidden Treasure; Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story
51551: Ganong, W.F., M.F. Dallman, and J.L. Roberts - The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Revisited; a Symposium in Honor of Dorothy Krieger and Edward Herbert
21267: Ganshin, G.A. - Ekonomika Nitaiskoi Narodnoi Respubliki
45628: Gantois, J.M. - De Zuidelijkste Nederlanden; Verzamelde Opstellen Uitgegeven Naar Aanleiding Van Zijn 60ste Verjaardag
52283: Ganz, Cheryl R., with M.T. Sheahan, eds - Every Stamp Tells a Story; the National Philatelic Collection. Foreword by Richard R. John
41979: O'Gaora, Colm - A Crooked Field
36187: Garcia, Jose M. Gonzalez - La Maquina Burocratica (Afinidades Electivas Entre Max Weber Y Kafka)
49365: Gardella, Peter - Innocent Ecstasy; How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure
40299: Gardiner, Leslie - The British Admiralty
24287: Gardner, Faxton E. - Iconograms; a Collection of Colored Plates Illustrating Interesting Surgical Conditions; Explanatory Text with Special Reference to Diagnosis and Treatment
45549: Gardner, Robert - This the Way It Works; a Collection of Machines. Illustrated by Jeffrey Brown
34932: Garff, Jan - Tegninger Af Rembrandt Og Andre Hollandske Kunstnere Fra Det 17. århundrede [Arhundrede] I Den Kongelige Kobberstiksamling
13879: Garg, J. B., ed - Statistical Properties of Nuclei. Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Properties of Nuclei, Held at Albany, New York, August 23 - 27, 1971
39230: Garibaldi, Giuseppe - A Toast to Rebellion
51423: Garis, Howard R. (Louis Wisa, illus.) - Uncle Wiggily's Airship. (Bedtime Stories)
27923: Garkovich, Lorraine - Population and Community in Rural America
44210: Garnett, Christopher Browne, Jr. - The Kantian Philosophy of Space
50091: Barringer, Paul Brandon, James Mercer Garnett and Rosewell Page, eds - University of Virginia; Its History, Influence, Equipment and Characteristics. With Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Founders, Benefactors, Officers and Alumni. Illustrated. Two Volumes
26063: Garnham, Alan - Psycholinguistics; Central Topics
39950: Garnier, Charles-M - Eire; Histoire D'Irlande
40231: Garnier, Jean-Paul - L'Extraordinaire Destin Des Bonaparte
46820: Garofalo, Valentino, ed - Cultura E Societa a Bitonto Nel Sec. XVII. Atti Del Seminario Di Studi Bitonto, Dicembre 1978-Maggio 1979
20474: Thomson, Garrett and Marshall Missner - On Aristotle
52135: Garrigan, Siobhan - Beyond Ritual; Sacramental Theology After Habermas
51355: Garrison, Theodosia - The Joy O'Life, and Other Poems
29275: Garrod, Charles - Del Courtney and His Orchestra; Plus Gray Gordon and His Orchestra
29285: Garrod, Charles - Ted Weems and His Orchestra
29292: Garrod, Charles - Louis Jordan and His Orchestra
29334: Garrod, Charles - Blue Barron and His Orchestra
29336: Garrod, Charles - The Andrews Sisters
29333: Garrod, Charles - Mitchell Ayres and His Orchestra
29363: Garrod, Charles - Clyde Lucas and His Orchestra, Plus Al Ka Velin and His Orchestra, Plus Carl Ravazza and His Orchestra, Plus Ted Straeter and His Orchestra
29362: Garrod, Charles - Abe Lyman and His Orchestra
29361: Garrod, Charles - Richard Maltby and His Orchestra
29357: Garrod, Charles - Orrin Tucker and His Orchestra
29356: Garrod, Charles - Ben Bernie and His Orchestra
29353: Garrod, Charles - Sonny Burke and His Orchestra, Plus Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra
29311: Garrod, Charles - Elliot Lawrence and His Orchestra
29310: Garrod, Charles - Ted Lewis and His Orchestra
29309: Garrod, Charles - Henry King and His Orchestra
29304: Garrod, Charles - Art Kassel and His Orchestra, Plus Johnny Messner and His Orchestra
29299: Garrod, Charles - Richard Himber and His Orchestra
25623: Gary, Gilmer Allen, ed - Comet Kohoutek; a Workshop Held at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama; June 13-14, 1974
44540: Gary, L.K. - Pointis-Inard de la Prehistoire Au VIII Siecle; Essai de Contribution a L'Histoire Regionale. Cartes de L. Mothe
24657: Blonston, Gary and Don Butler (Chrysler Corporation) - Plymouth; Its First 50 [Fifty] Years
35337: Euripides (Antonio Garzya, ed.) - Ecuba
47472: Gasero, Russell L. - Historical Directory of the Reformed Church in America, 1628-1992
46343: Gaspar, Lorand - Carnets de Jerusalem. Textes E Photographies de Lorand Gaspar
37796: Gasperoni, Elio e Oriana Maroni - Cervia; Luoghi E Memorie Di Una Citta
18201: Gasque, W. Ward - A History of the Interpretation of the Acts of the Apostles
46481: Ortega y Gasset, Jose - El Espectador. Two Volumes in One
51465: Gatens, Rosanna Marie - Prelude to Gleichschaltung; the Collapse of Academic Freedom at the University of Heidelberg, 1919-1933
51921: Gates, William Preston - Old Bolton on Lake George, Ny
49245: Hudson Mohawk Industrial Gateway - Hudson Mohawk Industrial Gateway City Edges Final Report; the Preservation and Utilization of 19th Century Industrial Architecture in the Hudson-Mohawk Region
41254: Hudson-Mohawk Industrial Gateway - The Preservation and Utilization of 19th Century Industrial Architecture in the Hudson-Mohawk Region
44274: Gätke [Gatke], Heinrich (Rudolf Blasius, hrsg.) - Die Vogelwarte Helgoland
48692: Gauck, Joachim - Winter IM Sommer-Frühling [Fruhling] IM Herbst; Erinnerungen. In Zusammenarbeit Mit Helga Hirsch
9593: Gaudin, Marc-Antoine - Trattato Pratico Di Fotografia
44346: Gauger, Hildegard - Die Kunst Der Politischen Rede in England
47827: Gay, John (John Underhill, ed.) - The Poetical Works of John Gay; Vol. 1: Longer Poems, Epistles and Epistolary Verse, Eclogues; Vol. 2: Translations, Prologues and Epilogues, Fables Poems from "Gay's Chair", Miscellaneous Pieces, Songs and Ballads. Edited with a Life and Notes by John Underhill. Two Volume Set
44713: Gay, Roxane - Ayiti
50159: The Hudson Gazette, ed - Columbia County at the End of the Century; a Historical Record of Its Formation and Settlement, Its Resources, Its Institutions, Its Industries and Its People. Volume 2 Only
36148: Gazier, Cecile - Histoire de la Societe Et de la Bibliotheque de Port-Royal. Avant-Propos de Louis Cognet
47065: Gebauer, Curt - Geistige Strömungen [Stromungen] Und Sittlichkeit IM 18. Jahrhundert; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Deutschen Moralgeschichte
53495: Gebhard, Elizabeth L. - The Life and Ventures of the Original John Jacob Astor. With Illustrations
43539: Gebhard, Elizabeth L. - The Parsonage between Two Manors; Annals of Clover-Reach. [Claverack, Ny]
25730: Gebhardt, Martin - Goethe Als Physiker; Ein Weg Zum Unbekannten Goethe
50157: Gebser, J. - Rilke Und Spanien. Zweite, Ergänzte [Erganzte] Und Illustrierte Auflage
25816: Geffcken, F. Heinrich - Zur Geschichte Des Orientalischen Krieges, 1853-1856
31131: Gegerfelt, Victor von - En Saga Om Båd [Bad] Gammel Och Nywulna Hus. Efterskrift Av Gun Schönbeck [Schonbeck]
53594: Schuch, Patrice, Ivaldo Gehlen and Simone Ritta dos Santos - Populacao de Rua; Politicas Publicas, Praticas E Vivencias
42178: Gehring, Wes D. - Charlie Chaplin; a Bio-Bibliography
48478: Geikie, Archibald - Geografija; Arba Zemes Apraszymas
33377: Geiss, Roy H., ed - Analytical Electron Microscopy, 1981; Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Vail, Colorado, 13-17 July 1981
20892: Geissler, Heiner - Heiner Geissler IM Gespräch [Gesprach] Mit Gunter Hofmann Und Werner A. Perger
40412: Geissler, Horst Wolfram - Der Liebe Augustin; Roman
20919: Geist, Peter, ed - Ein Molotow-Cocktail Auf Fremder Bettkante; Lyrik Der Siebziger / Achtziger Jahre Von Dichtern Aus Der Ddr. Ein Lesebuch
41558: De Saint-Gelais, Mellin (Donald Stone, ed.) - Oeuvres Poetiques Francaises. Edition Etablie Presentee Et Annotee Par Donald Stone, Jr. Two Volume Set
43775: Gelati, Romano - IL Calcare Di Acqui
43777: Gelati, Romano - Stratigrafia Dell'Oligo-Miocene Delle Langhe Tra le Valli Dei Fiumi Tanaro E Bormida Di Spigno
49478: Gelber, Mark H., ed - Identity and Ethos; a Festschrift for Sol Liptzin on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday
32180: Gelfenbien, Gary Paul - Spheres of Light; Light As the Common Element of the Byzantine East and the Gothic West
52267: Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott [Furchtegott] - Sämmtliche [Sammtliche] Fabeln Und Erzählungen in Drei Büchern [Buchern]. Rechtmassige Ausgabe
47228: Gelson, Mary Aline, Sister - An Analysis of the Realistic Elements in the Novels of Rene Bazin
9712: Gémar, A. - La Muse Aux Cheveux Blancs
52172: Reichard, Fred, Eva Gemmill and Florence Hill - Farming in Poestenkill: The Reichard Farm (Reichard)/Past and Present Farms, and Farm Life (Gemmill)/Excerpts from West of Perigo (Hill). A Publication of the Poestenkill Historical Society Honoring the Town's Sesquicentennial, 1848-1998
17401: Gemünden [Gemunden], Gerd - Die Hermeneutische Wende: Disziplin Und Sprachlosigkeit Nach 1800
47348: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society - Marriages from 1639 to 1801 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam, New York City
44081: Genet, Jean - Pompes Funebres
32489: Debray-Genette, Raymonde (ed.) - Flaubert a L'Oeuvre
44150: Genlis, Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de - Suite Des Souvenirs de Felicie L.
15445: Genoino, Andrea - Andrea Genoino: Scritti Di Storia Cavese. A Cura Di Tommaso Avagliano
53450: Gensburger, Sarah (Jonathan Hensher, with the collaboration of Elisabeth Fourmont, trs.) - Witnessing the Robbing of the Jews; a Photographic Album, Paris, 1940-1944
49918: Rijksuniversiteit te Gent - Reinaerts Historie. Met Een Inleiding Van Prof. Ord. Dr. P. De Keyser
39159: Von Gentz, Friedrich (August Fournier und Arnold Winkler, hrsg.) - Tagebücher [Tagebucher] Von Friedrich Von Gentz (1829-1831). Herausgegeben Von August Fournier Und Arnold Winkler
42289: Genung, John Franklin - The Idylls and the Ages; a Valuation of Tennyson's Idylls of the King Elucidated in Part by Comparisons between Tennyson and Browning
52001: Robinson, Geoff and Dorothy - The Nellie J. Banks. [Cover: The Life History of a Nova Scotia Schooner with a Newfoundland Crew That Helped Prince Edward Islanders Cope with Prohibition]
21008: Seesslen, Georg and Claudius Weil - ästhetik [Asthetik] Des Erotischen Kinos; Geschichte Und Mythologie Des Erotischen Films. Mit Einer Filmografie Von Georg Seesslen Und Einer Bibliografie Von Jürgen [Jurgen] Berger
53378: Haller, George (with the assistance of Alex P. Encinas-Bartos) - Transport Barriers and Coherent Structures in Flow Data; Advective, Diffusive, Stochastic and Active Methods
53081: Fuld, George and Melvin - Token Collector's Pages
52711: Hetrich, George and Julius Guttag (with a supplement by Joseph Barnet) - CIVIL War Tokens and Tradesmen's Store Cards; a Tentative List of the CIVIL War Tokens, and Store Cards Issued by the Merchants of the United States, and Used As Money During the Period from 1861 to 1864
25740: George, David Lloyd - Why the Allies Will Win; an Interview with the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, by the Editor of the Secolo of Milan
53666: George, Albert J. - The Didot Family and the Progress of Printing; a Brief Review of the Development and Accomplishments of the House of Didot, with Facsimile Pages and Translation of Epitre Sur Les Progres de L'Imprimerie, Written by Pierre Didot, Printed in 1784 in Italic Type Designed by His Younger Brother, Firmin, and Dedicated to Their Father, Francois-Ambroise Didot
25747: George, David Lloyd - Peace Proposals and the Attitude of the Allies; Speech by the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George on December 19th, 1916
52654: Fuld, George and Melvin - Patriotic CIVIL War Tokens; a Descriptive and Price Catalogue of the Die Varieties of Patriotic Type Tokens Used As a Substitute for Money During the American CIVIL War
25739: George, David Lloyd - Why the Allies Will Win; an Interview with the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, by the Editor
42660: Grunberger, George and Yehiel Zick, ed - Insulin Signaling from Cultured Cells to Animal Models
19214: Kogan, Georges and Nicole Leininger - Cordillere Blanche: Expedition Franco-Belge a la Cordillere Des Andes, 1951. Recit Precede D'Un Poeme de Jacques Prevert a la Memoire de Georges Kogan. Preface de Maurice Herzog
38073: Bourgin, Georges et Max Terrier - 1848; Bibliotheque Du Centenaire de 1848
48398: Gerard, Andre - Notes Sur L'Amerique
52046: Gerber, Morris - Old Albany; Vol. 5: A Pictorial History of Union Station
21031: Labroisse, Gerd and Dick van Stekelenburg, eds - Das Sprach-Bild Als Textuelle Interaktion
24054: Gergova, Ani [Guergova, Anne] - Knizhninata I Bulgarite : XIX-Nachaloto Na XX Vek
44613: Gericke, Hannelore - Der Wiener Musikalienhandel Von 1700 Bis 1778
44629: Gericke, Hannelore - Der Wiener Musikalienhandel Von 1700 Bis 1778
21098: Gerlach, U. Henry - Hebbel-Bibliographie, 1910-1970
52042: Gerlach, Don R. - Proud Patriot; Philip Schuyler and the War of Independence, 1775-1783
29484: Der Abtei Gerleve, hrsg - Abtei Gerleve; Ein ûberblick über [Uberblick Uber] Werden, Wachsen Und Wirken, 1904-1974. [Cover: Benediktiner Abtei Gerleve]
50087: Germann, George B. - National Legislation Concerning Education; Its Influence and Effect in the Public Land States East of the Mississippi River Admitted Prior to 1820
53615: Gero, Anthony F. - Black Soldiers of New York State; a Proud Legacy
21756: Gersch, Hubert (Thomas Michael Mayer und Günter [Gunter] Oesterle, Hrsg.) - Georg Büchner [Buchner] Jahrbuch; Vol. 1: 1981; Vol. 2: 1982; Vol. 3: 1983
30038: Gersemann, Joachim und Hansförg Küster [Hansforg Kuster], hrsg - Festschrift Zum 210. Geburtstage Der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Hannover. [Cover: Die Frühen [Fruhen] Jahre Der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Hannover]
9815: Gershenfeld, Walter J., J. Joseph Loewenberg, and Bernard Ingster - Scope of Public-Sector Bargaining; First George W. Taylor Memorial Conference on Public Sector Labor Relations
48296: Gershov, Z.M. - Neitraliter" Ssha V Gody Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny
25827: Gerteis, Klaus - Leopold Sonnemann; Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Demokratischen Nationalstaatsgedankens in Deutschland
3881: Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Inst. A.I. Gertsena - Problemy Germanskoi I Romanskoi Filologii
52505: Gertstell, Vivian S. - Silversmiths of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1730-1850
43005: Gervais, Michel, Marcel Jollivet e Yves Tavernier - La Fin de la France Paysanne de 1914 a Nos Jours
51006: Wade-Gery, H.T. - Terpsichore and Other Poems
31843: Lippischen Landesbibliothek und der Grabbe-Gesellschaft, hrsg - Alfred Bergmann; Bibliographie, 1907-1967
10467: Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft, ed - Science of Ceramics. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on "Science of Ceramics" Held Under the Auspices of the European Ceramic Association at Baden-Baden, 14-18 November, 1971
25651: Der Schopenhauer Gesellschaft - Vierzehntes Jahrbuch... Für [Fur] Das Jahr 1927
44373: Thomas Mann Gesellschaft - Blätter [Blatter] Der Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich [Zurich]. Nummer 3-16, 1962-1978. 14 Issues
48922: Gessler, Friedrich - Friederiken-Album. Liedergaben Deutscher Dichter Und Dichterinnen
50424: Gewirtz, Rabbi Leonard B. - Jewish Spirituality, Hope and Redemption
29697: Geyer, W (Zimmermann, Rainer) - W. Geyer. Text Von Rainer Zimmermann
30606: Geyl, Pieter - Oranje En Stuart, 1641-1672
43088: Ghaidan, Usam, ed - Lamu; a Study in Conservation. Based on Report Presented to the Director of Physical Planning, Ministry of Lands and Settlement and the Director of the National Museums of Kenya
39509: Ghez, Oscar, ed - L'Aube Du XX Siecle de Renoir a Chagall. Two Volumes
8918: Giacomelli, Giovanna - Le Antiche Chiese Della Scodosia Di Montagnana
12063: Gianfreda, Grazio - L'Arca Del Mosaico; Simbolo Della Chiesa, Segno Di Rinnovamento
8604: Giardina, Nardo - La Citta Del Jazz. Fotografie a Colori Di Luigi Nasalvi
4251: Giarelli, Francesco - La Vita, le Conquiste E le Scoperte Del Secolo XIX, Descritte Da F. Giarelli, G. Cairo, T. Bazzi
52496: Gibb, George Sweet - The Whitesmiths of Tauton; a History of Reed & Barton, 1824-1943
52995: Gibb, George Sweet - The Whitesmiths of Taunton; a History of Reed & Barton, 1824-1943
49880: Gibb, M.A. - John Lilburne; the Leveller; a Christian Democrat
47963: Gibbons, Stella - Cold Comfort Farm. Illustrated by Charles Saxon
21700: Gibson, Benjamin F., William R. Gibbs and Mikkel B. Johnson, eds - Lampf Workshop on (Pi, K) Physics, Los Alamos, Nm 1990
46324: Gibson, Claire - Beyond the Point; a Novel
30577: Giebels, Ludy - De Zionistische Beweging in Nederland, 1899-1941
30416: Giele, Jacques J. - De Eerste Internationale in Nederland; Een Onderzoek Naar Het Ontstaan Van de Nederlandse Arbeidersbeweging Van 1868 Tot 1876
45651: Gierthy, Elizabeth Brennan - A Study of Witchcraft Epidemics of Rural France in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
39449: Gieske, Sabine - Johann Gerhard Trimpe (1827-1894) Neubauer and Weltbürger [Weltburger] Zum Gesellschaftlichen Und Kulturellen Umbruch Auf Dem Land
52973: Gilbert, Ebenezer - The United States Half Cents from the First Year of Issue, in 1793, to the Year When Discontinued, 1857. All Dates and Varieties Described and Illustrated
46228: Gilbert, Michael (compiler) - Prep School; an Anthology
53471: Gilbert, Christopher - The Life and Work of Thomas Chippendale
19380: The Gilbert and Sullivan Society - Gilbert and Sullivan; an Operatic Glossery
27943: Gilchrist, David T., ed - The Growth of the Seaport Cities, 1790-1825. Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, March 17-19, 1966
43379: Fletcher, Giles and Phineas (Boas, Frederick S., ed.) - Poetical Works. Vols. 1 and 2
2081: Gillen, Paul Bates - The Distribution of Occupations As a City Yardstick. (Phd Dissertation, Columbia University)
34979: Gillespie, James E. - The Influence of Oversea Expansion on England to 1700
45985: Gillham, David R. - Annelies
48615: Gillhoff, Johannes - Jürnjakob Swehn Der Amerikafahrer
49667: Gillies, Alexander - A Hebridean in Goethe's Weimar; the Reverend James Macdonald and the Cultural Relations between Scotland and Germany
52954: Gillingham, Harrold E. - Italian Orders of Chivalry and Medals of Honour
49555: Gilman, Ernest B. - The Curious Perspective; Literary and Pictorial Wit in the Seventeenth Century
43563: Gilvarry, Alex - Eastman Was Here
53598: Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (Yuval Ginbar) - Back to a Routine of Torture; Torture and ILL-Treatment of Palestinian Detainees During Arrest Detention and Interrogation, September 2001 - April 2003
31507: Gindl, Irmgard - Seele Und Geist; Versuch Einer Unterscheidung
21241: Gingold, L.S.; P.I. Glushakov, and G.A. (Georgii Aleksandrovich) Ganshin - Ekonomicheskaia Geografiia Kitaia
32433: Gingras, Gilles E. (Lucie Hamel Gingras, text) - Montreal; D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'Hui. Textes de Lucie Hamel Gingras. Preface de Pierre Marion
53035: Gingras, Larry - Wooden Money of Canada
42620: Ginsberg, Allen. (Bill Morgan, ed.) - The Best Minds of My Generation; a Literary History of the Beats, As Taught by Allen Ginsberg
51192: Ginter, Donald E. - A Measure of Wealth; the English Land Tax in Historical Analysis
31365: Giono, Jean - Precisions
18944: Giono, Jean (Kardas, photo.) - Les Vraies Richesses. Illustre de 112 Photographies Par Kardas
41722: Giono, Jean - Coeurs, Passions, Caracteres. Avant-Propos de Henri Godard
40034: Giordani, Igino - Diary of Fire
27641: Giordano, Sebastiano - San Giorgio E IL Drago; Riflessioni Lungo Un Percorso D'Arte
38977: Tagliacozzo, Giorgio and Donald Phillip Verene, eds - New Vico Studies, Vol. 2, 1984
38976: Tagliacozzo, Giorgio and Donald Phillip Verene, eds - New Vico Studies, Vol. 5, 1987
9614: Denti, Giovanni and Andrea Savio - Capitali Dell'Architettura Moderna; Amsterdam, Berlino, Chicago, Parigi, Vienna; Guida Bibliografica
48335: Griffith (Giraldus), Owen - Y Ddwy Ordinhad Gristionogol Yn Eu Gwraidd a'u Dadblygiad
37964: Girard, Claire - Lettres de Claire Girard; Fusillee Par Les Allemands le 27 Aout 1944
44382: Girardi, Maria-Rita, Lothar Karl Neffe und Herbert Steiner - Buch Und Leser in Deutschland; Eine Untersuchung Des Divo-Instituts, Frankfurt Am Main
48419: Giraudoux, Jean - Amica America
38027: Gissing, George - In the Year of Jubilee; a Novel
27581: Gittler, Amy J. - Agents of Remembrance; a Collection of Recipes from the Kitchen of Adele Gittler and Others
46273: Givner, Joan - In the Garden of Henry James
47005: Gjesdal, Carl O. Gram - Historien Om En Bedrift. Rieber & Son, A.G. , Bergen
32873: Glackens, Ira - Poor Mad Valery, and Other Poems. Published by the Author for His Friends and Enemies
29847: Glade, Felicitas - Käte [Kate] Ahlmann; Eine Biographie
53135: Glaeser, Ernst - Jahrgang 1902
25976: Glagau, Dr. Hans - Die Moderne Selbstbiographie Als Historische Quelle; Eine Untersuchung
15878: Glasbrenner, Walter, ed - 30 Jahre Deutsche Postgewerkschaft: Aus Der Sicht Der Kongresse Und Bundes-Konferenzen, 1949-1979
34479: Glaser, Hermann - SpießEr [Spiesser]-Ideologie Von Der Zerstörung [Zerstorung] Des Deutschen Geistes IM 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert
52238: Glaser, Rudolf - Goethes Vater; Sein Leben Nach Tagebuchern Und Zeitberichten
51804: Glass, E.R., ed - The Blue Book of Facts of Marine Engineering; Including New Questions and Problems with Answers on Engines, Boilers, Turbines, Safety-Valves, Electricity, Gas Mask and Oil, That Are Required for All Grades of Marine License. Seventeenth Edition
40611: Glassbrenner, Adolf (Klaus Gysi und Dr. Kurt Bottcher, hrsg.) - Unsterblicher Volkswitz; Adolf Glassbrenners Werk in Auswahl. Zwei Bände [Bande]. Herausgegeben Von Klaus Gysi Und Dr. Kurt Böttcher [Bottcher] Unter Mitarbeit Von J. Schubert. [Mit Illustrationen Von Theodor Hosemann, Carl Reinhardt, Adolf Schroedter, Wilhelm Scholz Und Gustav Heil]
51899: Glasse, Hannah - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy. Revised Edition of 1796. The First Edition Was Published in London in 1745. This Revised and Enlarged Edition of 1796 Has Chapters Added on How to Make Wine, Beer and Soap
28057: Glauser, Alfred - Montaigne Paradoxal
40766: Glauser, Alfred - La Poetique de Hugo
40767: Glauser, Alfred - Hugo Et la Poesie Pure
29102: Glazer, Nathan, ed - The Fulbright Experience and Academic Exchanges. (the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 491, May 1987)
49302: Gleasner, Diana C. (Sherry Marcus, illus.) - Pete Polar Bear's Trip Down the Erie Canal
28631: Glebe, Günter [Gunter] und Helmut Schneider, hrsg - Lokale Transformationsprozesse in Der Global City; Düsseldorf [Dusseldorf]-Oberbilk-Strukturwandel Eines Citynahen Statteils
46880: Abramson, Glenda and Hilary Kilpatrick, eds - Religious Perspectives in Modern Muslim and Jewish Literatures
41058: Bicentennial Committee of Scotia-Glenville - Scotia-Glenville American Revolution Bicentennial; Book of Remembrances, June 18-26, 1976
35700: Gliksman, Alain - Voile Et Navigation; Collection Connaissance Et Technique
40396: Glimm, J., L. Gross, Harish-Chandra, et al. - Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications II. Edited by C.T. Taam
37488: Gloor, Roger - Personenwagen Der 60er Jahre. [Cover Subtitle: Alle Modelle Von 1960 Bis 1970; 340 Marken Aus 30 Ländern [Landern] Mit Stories, Rechnischen Tabellen Und über 850 Zeitgenössischen [Uber 850 Zeitgenossischen] Fotos]
35708: Koller-Gluck, Elisabeth und Hedwig Zdrazil - Unbekannter Jugendstil in Wien: Fassaden. Text Von Elisabeth Koller-Gluck. Photos Von Hedwig Zdrazil
35709: Koller-Gluck, Elisabeth und Manfred Schmucker - Unbekannter Jugendstil in Wien: Glasfenster. Text Von Elisabeth Koller-Gluck. Photos Von Manfred Schmucker
31337: Robert Bosch GmbH, hrsg. (Götz Küster [Gotz Kuster], text) - 75 Jahre Bosch, 1886-1961; Ein Geschichtlicher Rückblick [Ruckblick]
42092: Gmelch, Sharon, ed - Irish Life and Traditions
38022: Synge, J.M. [John Millington] (George Gmelch and Ann Saddlemyer) - In Wicklow, West Kerry and Connemara. Essays by George Gmelch and Ann Saddlemyer. Photography by George Gmelch
42156: Gmelin, Otto - Das Neue Reich; Roman Der Völkerwanderung [Volkerwanderung]
44977: Gminder, Lore - Der Einsilbige Takt in Der Neuhochdeutschen Dichtung. Mit Einem Beitrag: Studien Zum Faustvers Von Hermann Schneider
36940: Go, Justin - The Steady Running of the Hour
47790: Gobineau, Arthur, Comte de - Adelaide, Suivi de Madeoiselle Irnois
35861: Gochet, Paul - Ascent to Truth; a Critical Examination of Quine's Philosophy
36906: Godard, Charles - Les Pouvoirs Des Intendants Sous Louis XIV Particulierement Dans Les Pays D'Elections de 1661 a 1715
31067: Goddard, Edwin C. - Outlines of the Law of Bailments and Carriers
50164: Goddard, Wendell H. - Letters of Wendell H. Goddard Sent Home; Bangkok, Chiengmai, London; June 1963-June 1964
50095: Godden, Rumer - The Greengage Summer. Foreword by Jane Murray Flutter. Introduction by Jane Asher. Illustrations by Aafke Brouwer
24467: Godechot, Thierry - Le Parti Democrate-Chretien Italien
20721: Godkin, Edwin L. - A Letter on Lincoln
50465: Godlee, Rickman John, Sir - Lord Lister. Third Edition, Revised
44068: Godoy, Emilio Garcia - Estampas de Nuestra Democracia
12945: Goedke, Richard - Der Deutsche Kletter Atlas; Alle Felsgebiete Deutschlands Von Helgoland Und Rugen Bis Zum Karwendel Und Watzmann
31496: Goedsche, Charlotte L. - Narrative Structure in Wilhelm Raabe's Die Chronik Der Sperlingsgasse
30833: Goes, F. v.d. - Organische Ontwikkeling Der Maatschappij; Socialistische Studie
21019: Goes, Albrecht - Freude Am Gedichte; Zwölf [Zwolf] Deutungen
49494: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von] (David Luke, tr.) - Goethe's Roman Elegies. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by David Luke
31576: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Die Lieabesgedichte Des West-östlichen [West-Ostlichen] Divans in Zeitlicher Folge Mit Einführung [Einfuhrung] Und Entstehungsgeschichtlichem Kommentar Von H.A. Korff
28500: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Italienische Reise. Annalen
44012: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Wilhelm Meisters Theatralische Sendung. Nach Der Schulthess'Chen Abschrift Herausgegeben Von Harry Maync
52364: Goethe, Catherine Elizabeth (Alfred S. Gibbs, tr.) - Goethe's Mother; Correspondence of Catherine Elizabeth Goethe with Goethe, Lavater, Wieland, Duchess Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar, Friedrich Von Stein, and Others. Translated from the German, with the Addition of Biographical Sketches and Notes, by Alfred S. Gibbs. With an Introductory Note by Clarence Cook
52371: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (Max Hecker, hrsg.) - Die Leiden Des Jungen Werther. Mit Einundsiebzig Abbildungen Nach Zeitgenössischen [Zeitgenossischen] Vorlagen Und Einer Einführung [Einfuhrung] in Werther Und Seiner Zeit Von Fritz Adolf Hünich [Hunich]
52906: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von] (Adolf Bach, hrsg.) - Goethes Rheinreise Mit Lavater Und Basedow IM Sommer 1774; Dokumente. Mit 19 Vollbildern
52907: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von] (Hans Wahl, hrsg.) - Goethe IM Bildnis. Herausgegeben Und Eingeleitet Von Hans Wahl. Mit 102 Abbildungen
21430: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von] (Ernst Hartung, comp.) - ûber [Uber] Allen Gipfeln; Goethes Gedichte IM Rahmen Seines Lebens. Mit Zwanzig Bildern
53133: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von] (Heinrich Schmidt Jena, hrsg.) - Goethes Tagebuch Der Italienischen Reise. Mit Einem Nachwort Un Anmerkungen. Mit Vier Bildtafeln
44957: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (Kittel, J.B., hrsg.) - SüßIgkeiten [Sussigkeiten] Bei Goethe. Gesammelt Von J.B. Kittel
33527: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang] - Das Spiel Vom Doktor Faust. Aus Der Tragödie [Tragodie] Beiden Teilen Für [Fur] Die Aufführung [Auffuhrung] and Einem Abend. Herausgehoben Von Paul Mederow
52944: Goethe, Catherine Elizabeth (Albert Koster, hrsg.) - Die Briefe Der Frau Rath Goethe. Gesammelt Und Herausgegeben Von Albert Koster. Two Volumes
42144: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Dichtung Und Wahrheit Aus Meinem Leben. Mit 250 Zeitgenössischen [Zeitgenossischer] Bildern
50527: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (George Madison Priest, tr.) - Faust; Parts One and Two. With the Illustrations of Engelbert Siebertz
33532: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (Adolf Schöll [Scholl], hrsg.) - Goethes Briefe an Frau Von Stein. Zweite Vervollständigte [Vervollstandigte] Auflage Bearbeitet Von Wilhelm Fielitz. Zwei Bänden [Banden]
31605: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (Ernst Grumach und Inge Jensen, Bearbeiter des Bandes) - Urfaust - Faust; Ein Fragment - Faust; Der Tragödie [Tragodie] Erster Theil (Paralleldruck)
52398: Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von] (G. von Loeper) - Briefe Goethe's an Sophie Von la Roche Und Bettina Brentana Nebst Dichterischen Beilagen
42167: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (A. Kestner, hrsg.) - Goethe Und Werther; Briefe Goethe's, Meistens Aus Seiner Jugendzeit, Mit Erläuterden [Erlauterden] Documenten
44954: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang und Bettina von Arnim (Reinhold Steig, hrsg.) - Bettinas Briefwechsel Mit Goethe; Auf Grund Ihres Handschriftlichen Rachlasses Nebst Zeitgenöffischen Dokumenten über Ihr Persönliches Verhältnis [Zeitgenoffischen Dokumenten Uber Ihr Personliches Verhaltnis] Zu Goethe
50214: Goethe, (Johann Wolfgang von) [Adolph Hansen] - Goethes Morphologie (Metamorphose Der Pflanzen Und Osteologie); Ein Beitrag Zum Sachlichen Und Philosophischen Verstandnis Und Zur Kritik Der Morphologischen Begriffsbildung
50226: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Elegiae Romanae. Latinis Versibus Expressit Aloisius Illuminati. Italice Praefatus Est Guido Mazzoni
27373: Academia Goetheana - Lenz IM Herbst; Festschrift Für Werner Bock Zu Seinem 60. Geburtstag
44151: Goetz, Curt - Gesammelte Bühnenwerke [Buhnenwerke]
48641: Goetzl, Ursula - Alexander Von Humboldt Als Geschichtsschreiber Amerikas
24281: Gold, Judith Taylor - Monsters and Madonnas; the Roots of Christian Anti-Semitism
53165: Goldberg, B. Z. - The Sacred Fire; the Story of Sex in Religion. Illustrated
45644: Petrunkevitch, Alexander, Samuel Northrup Harper, Frank Alfred Golder and Robert Joseph Kerner - The Russian Revolution/the Jugo-Slav Movement
52511: Goldsborough, Jennifer Faulds (Ann Boyce Harper, ed.) - Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Maryland Silver in the Collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art; a Project Supported by the Stieff Company, Baltimore
11936: Goldsmid, Edmund (ed.) - A True Account and Declaration of the Horrid Conspiracy to Assassinate the Late King Charles II at the Rye House, As It Was Ordered to Be Published by His Late Majesty. Volume II Only
11938: Goldsmid, Edmund (ed.) - The Chronicles of London from 44 Hen. III to 17 Edw. III; Translated from a Ms. In the Cottonian Library. Volume II Only
11937: Goldsmid, Edmund (ed.) - A True Account and Declaration of the Horrid Conspiracy to Assassinate the Late King Charles II and the Rye House, As It Was Ordered to Be Published by His Late Majesty. Volume III Only
44612: [Goldsmith, Lewis ("Stewarton")] - The Revolutionary Plutarch; Exhibiting the Most Distinguished Characters, Literary, Military, and Political, in the Recent Annals of the French Republic; the Greater Part from the Original Information of a Gentleman Resident at Paris. To Which, As an Appendix, Is Reprinted Entire, the Celebrated Pamphlet of "Killing No Murder.
40029: Goldstein, Sidney - The Demography of Bangkok; a Case Study of Differentials between Big City and Rural Populations
40273: Golini, Antonio - Bibliografia Delle Opere Demografiche in Lingua Italiana (1930-1965)
21276: Golinski, Zbigniew, ed - Miscellanea Z Doby Oswiecenia, 4
47666: Goll, Claire - My Sentimental Zoo; Animal Stories. Translated by May de Huyn. Decorated by Paul Mcpharlin
21155: Gollert, Ingeborg - N.S. Leskovs Romanchronik "Die Klerisei;" Von Ihrer Ursprünglichen Konzeption Bis Zur Endgültigen Gestaltung. Inaugural-Disseration Zur Erlangung Des Grades Eines Doktors Der Philosophie Der Philosophischen Fakultät Der Freien Universität Berlin
27603: Gollwitzer, Helmut, Josef Krahe und Karl Rauch, hrsg - Und Bringen Ihre Garben; Aus Russischer Kriegsgefangenschaft
20496: Goltschnigg, Dietmar - Rezeptions- Und Wirkungsgeschichte Georg Büchners [Buchners]
39910: Golub, Ivan - Slavenstvo Jurja Krizanica; O Tristotoj Godisnjici Krizaniceve Smrti
49717: Golubiew, Antoni - Listy Do Przyjaciela [1955]; Gdy Chcemy Sie Modlic
29092: Golyakov, Sergei - Spy College at Chateau Pourtalet
21773: Golz, Jochen, Bernd Leistner und Edith Zehm, Hrsg - Goethe-Jahrbuch; Band 118. (IM Auftrag Des Vorstands Der Goethe-Gesellschaft)
21774: Golz, Jochen und Edith Zehm, Hrsg - Goethe-Jahrbuch; Band 119. (IM Auftrag Des Vorstands Der Goethe-Gesellschaft)
21772: Golz, Jochen, Bernd Leistner und Edith Zehm, Hrsg - Goethe-Jahrbuch; Band 117. (IM Auftrag Des Vorstands Der Goethe-Gesellschaft)
44728: Gomberville, Marin le Roy de - La Doctrine Des Moeurs; Tiree de la Philosophie Des Stoiques; Nach Der Französischen [Franzosischen] Originalausgabe Von Pierre Daret, Paris 1646. Einführung [Einfuhrung] Und Bildkommentar Von Walter Brauer
10249: Gomme, Georges - Francais Et Canadiens Francais à la Decouverte Des Etats-Unis
35729: Gomperz, H. - Philosophie Des Krieges in Umrissen; Acht Volkstümliche Universitätsvortrage [Volkstumliche Universitatsvortrage] Gehalten Zu Wien IM Januar Un Februar 1915
2902: Koch-Gontard, Clotilde - Clotilde Kock-Gontard an Ihre Freunde; Briefe Und Erinnerungen Aus Der Zeit Der Deutschen Einheitsbewegung, 1843-1869. Bearbeitet Von Wolfgang Klötzer [Klotzer]
52818: Gonzales, Michelle A. - Created in God's Image; an Introduction to Feminist Theological Anthropology
46969: Gooch, G. P. - Franco-German Relations, 1871-1914; the Creighton Lecture for 1923
38006: Gooch, G. P. - Germany and the French Revolution
53068: Goodacre, Hugh - A Handbook of the Coinage of the Byzantine Empire. In Three Parts
43731: Goodman, Philip - The Shavuot Anthology
43417: Goodman, Lenn E. - Avicenna. Updated Edition
12961: Goodman, Richard M., and Goldsmith, Dr. Lee S. - Modern Hospital Liability; Law and Tactics
51687: Goodman, Charlotte Margolis - Jean Stafford; the Savage Heart
46982: Goodrich, Heddi - Lost in the Spanish Quarter; a Novel
53147: Goodrich, Chauncey A. - Lessons in Latin Parsing; Containing the Outlines of the Latin Grammar, Divided Into Short Portions, and Exemplified by Appropriate Exercises in Parsing. Third Edition
53490: Goodrich, Charles A. - A History of the United States of America, on a Plan Adapted to the Capacity of Youths, and Designed to Aid the Memory, by Systematic Arrangement and Interesting Associations. A New Stereotype Edition, Revised and Enlarged from the Forty-Fourth Edition. Containing General Views of the Aboriginal Tribes; Sketches of the Discoveries and Settlements Made by Different Nations; the Progress of the Colonies; the Revolution; the Several Administrations; the Whole Interspersed with Notices of the Different Eras of the Progress of Manners, Religion, Trade and Commerce, Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, Population and Education
53396: Goodrich, Charles A. - A History of the United States of America, on a Plan Adapted to the Capacity of Youth, and Designed to Aid the Memory by Systematic Arrangement and Interesting Associations. Illustrated by Engravings, to Which Is Added, the Constitution of the United States. Revised and Enlarged from Former Editions, and Brought Down to 1850
50817: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold] - Humorist Tales; Being a Selection of Interesting Stories, by the Author of Peter Parley
15153: Goodwin, T.W., ed - Porphyrins and Related Compounds. Biochemical Society Symposium No. 28, Held in London, April, 1968. Organised and Edited by T.W. Goodwin
50059: Goodwin, Maud Wilder, Alice Carrington Royce, Ruth Putnam, and Eva Palmer Brownell, eds - Historic New York, Being the Second Series of the Half Moon Papers. Illustrated
32142: Gordimer, Nadine - No Time Like the Present
52459: Gordon, G.F.C. (Second edition enlarged by Arthur V. May) - Clockmaking Past and Present, with Which Is Incorporated the More Important Portions of "Clock, Watches, and Bells," by the Late Lord Grimthorpe, Relating to Turret Clocks and Gravity Escapements
51780: Gordon, Mary - The Shadow Man
33622: Gordon, John W. - Wings from Burma to the Himalayas
4817: Gordon, Leonard H. D., ed - Taiwan; Studies in Chinese Local History
47337: Gordon, Thomas F. - Gazetteer of the State of New Jersey; Comprehending a General View of Its Physical and Moral Conditions, Together with a Topographical and Statistical Account of Its Counties, Towns, Villages, Canals, Rail Roads, Etc. Accompanied by a Map
45808: Gordon, Rae Beth - Ornament, Fantasy, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century French Literature
39758: Gordon, Donald C. - The Dominion Partnership in Imperial Defense, 1870-1914
42689: Bassingthwaighte, James B., Carl A. Goresky and John H. Linehan, eds - Whole Organ Approaches to Cellular Metabolism; Permeation, Cellular Uptake, and Product Formation. With 190 Illustrations
31360: Gorham, Maurice - Ireland from Old Photographs. Introduction and Commentaries by Maurice Gorham
44674: Görisch [Gorisch], Reinhard und Thomas Michael Mayer, hrsg - Untersuchungsberichte Zur Republikanischen Bewegung in Hessen, 1831-1834
51374: O'Gorman, F. - The Whig Party and the French Revolution
50053: Gorr, Adolph - The Influence of Greek Antiquity on Modern German Drama
49683: Gorren, Aline - Anglo-Saxons and Others
49688: Gorren, Aline - Anglo-Saxons and Others
52246: [Gorsas, Antoine-Joseph] - L'Ane Promeneur, Ou Crites Promene Par Son Ane; Chef-D'Ouvre Pour Servir D'Apologie Au Gout, Aux Moeurs, a L'Esprit, Et Aux Decouvertes Du Siecle. Premiere Edition, Revue, Corrigee, Et Precedee D'Une Preface a la Mosaique, Dans le Plus Nouveau Gout
40645: Gorska, Hanna i Eruk Lipinski - Z Dziejow Karykatury Polskiej
30569: Gorter, Herman (Enno Endt, samengesteld) - Herman Gorter; Documentatie over de Jaren 1864 Tot En Met 1897. Samengesteld Door Enno Endt
30718: Gorter, H. - Het Communisme; II: De Grondslagen Van Het Communisme
6229: Gos, Charles - L'Epopee Alpestre; Histoire Abregee de la Montagne Et de L'Alpinisme de L'Antiquite a Nos Jours
52069: Gosse, Philip - The History of Piracy
21846: Rhode, Gotthold and Wolfgang Wagner, Hrsg - Quellen Sur Entstehung Der Oder-Neisse-Linie; in Den Diplomatischen Verhandlungen Während Des Zweiten Weltkrieges
21775: Internationaler Germanisten-Kongresses in Göttingen - Kontroversen, Alte Un Neue
50676: Gottlieb, Dovid - The Informed Soul; Introductory Encounters with Jewish Thought
28483: Götze [Gotze], Alfred, hrsg - Trübners Deutsches Wörterbuch [Worterbuch]. IM Auftrag Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für [Fur] Deutsche Wortforschung Herausgegben Von Alfred Götze [Gotze]. Achter Band. IM Fraktur
15385: Van Goudoever, W.A. - Denpasar: Bouwt Een Huis. Een Overzichtelijke Bewerking Van Notulen En Tekstueele Redevoeringen Ter Conferentie Van Denpasar, 7-24 December 1947
46739: Goudy, Frederic W. - Type Design; a Homily. With an Introduction by Alexander S. Lawson
50361: Gould, Allan, ed - What Did They Think of the Jews
51954: Gould, Laurence McKinley - Cold; the Record of an Antarctic Sledge Journey. Most of the Illustrations Are from Photographs Taken by the Author
49184: Gould, Cecil - Bernini in France; an Episode in Seventeenth-Century History
24310: Gould, Jean - The Poet and Her Book; a Biography of Edna St. Vincent Millay
38340: Baring-Gould, S. [Sabine] - Mehalah; a Story of the Salt Marshes. With an Introduction, Glossary and Appendix by John Fowles
31384: Gourmont, Remy de - La Culture Des Idées [Idees]
52891: Haskell, John Cheves (Gilbert E. Govan and James W. Livingood, eds.) - The Haskell Memoirs
47764: Gowda, Shilpi Somaya - The Shape of Family; a Novel
24922: Gowing, Lawrence - Hogarth, with a Biographical Essay by Ronald Paulson
30536: Graaf, H.J. de - Geschiedenis Van Indonesië [Indonesie]
51477: Van de Graaff, John H., Burton R. Clark, Dorotea Furth, et al. - Academic Power; Patterns of Authority in Seven National Systems of Higher Education
15370: Van de Graaff, Ir E. A. - De Statistiek in Indonesie
15379: De Graaff, S. - Parlementaire Geschiedenis Van de Wet Tot Hervorming Der Grondslagen Van Het Gewestelijk En Plaatselijk Bestuur in Nederlandsch-Indie, 1922 (Indische Bestuurshervorming)
31971: Grabbe, [Christian Dietrich] (Eduard Duller) - Die Hermannsschlacht; Drama. Grabbe's Leben Von Eduard Duller
26214: Grabendorff, Wolf - Zur Aussenpolitik Brasiliens; Regionale Bestimmungsfaktoren Und Globale Zielvorstellungen
44978: Grabman, Martin - Handschriftliche Forschungen Und Funde Zu Den Philosophischen Schriften Des Petrus Hispanus, Des Späteren [Spateren] Papstes Johannes XXI. Vorgetragen Am 7. November 1936
49698: Grabski, Wladyslaw Jan - Saga O Jarlu Broniszu; Czesc Pierwsza: Zrekowiny W Uppsali; Czesc Druga: Sladem Wikingow; Czesc Trzecia: Rok Tysia Czny
49714: Grabski, Wladyslaw Jan - W Cieniu Kolegiaty; Powiesc
42979: Gracias, Cecilio - Poemas a la Rosa Chapina
42648: Gracias, Cecilio - Inquietudes de Un Poeta
49335: Graf, Chris - A Light in the Window; the City Mission of Schenectady
36606: Graham, J.D. - Annual Report of Brevet Lieut. Col. J.D. Graham on the Improvement of the Harbors of Lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, Accompanying the Documents Sent to the 35th Congress, at Its Second Session by the President of the United States, with His Annual Message of December 6, 1858
36607: Graham, J.D. - Annual Report of Brevet Lieut. Col. J.D. Graham on the Improvement of the Harbors of Lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, Accompanying the Documents Sent to the 35th Congress, at Its Second Session by the President of the United States, with His Annual Message of December 6, 1858
36608: Graham, J.D. - Annual Report of Brevet Lieut. Col. J.D. Graham on the Improvement of the Harbors of Lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, Accompanying the Documents Sent to the 35th Congress, at Its Second Session by the President of the United States, with His Annual Message of December 6, 1858
39114: Graham, Robert A. - The Rise of the Double Diplomatic Corps in Rome; a Study in International Practice (1870-1875)
36605: Graham, J.D. - Annual Report of Brevet Lieut. Col. J.D. Graham on the Improvement of the Harbors of Lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, Accompanying the Documents Sent to the 35th Congress, at Its Second Session by the President of the United States, with His Annual Message of December 6, 1858
27116: Granjel, Luis S. - Retrato de Unamuno
35839: Granjel, Luis S. - Baroja Y Otras Figuras Del 98
21185: Granlund, Ake - Studier över östnyländska Ortnamn. (Studier I Nordisk Filologi, Bd. 44)
44149: Granniss, Ruth Shepard - An American Friend of Southey
52555: Grant, Michael - Aspects of the Principate of Tiberius; Historical Comments on the Colonial Coinage Issued Outside Spain
52028: Grant, Anne - Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, As They Existed Previous to the Revolution. In Two Volumes
48689: Grant, Frances Bethea - There's More to Tell; Poems. Illustrated by Dorothy Bryan
42314: Grant, Robert - Search-Light Letters
42313: Grant, Robert - Search-Light Letters
42260: Grant, George B. - A Treatise on Gear Wheels. Seventeenth Edition
37654: Grant, Anne MacVicar - The Highlanders, and Other Poems. From the Second London Edition
50200: Gräser [Graser], Albert - Das Literarische Tagebuch; Studien über [Uber] Elemente Des Tagebuchs Als Kunstform
38669: Grass, Günter [Gunter] - Fundsachen Für [Fur] Nichtleser
53217: Grasselli, Margaret Morgan - Colorful Impressions; the Printmaking Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France. With Essays by Ivan E. Phillips, Kristel Smentek and Judith C. Walsh
49516: Grauerholz, Volker - Deutsches Wehrwesen Und Deutsche Wehrgesinnung in Englischer Sicht, 1815-1870
50610: Grauert, Schoppen, und Mansfeld (hrsg.) - Der Rechtsstreit IM Arbeitskampf Der Westdeutschen Eisenindustrie, 1928. Herausgegeben Von Den Rechstsanwälten [Rechstsanwalten] Grauert, Schoppen Und Dr. Mansfeld
53415: Graves, Robert - Sergeant Lamb's America [Cover: A Novel of the American Revolution, Told in the Stirring Words of an Enemy Who Was Also a Good Soldier]
51317: Lucan (Robert Graves, tr.) - Pharsalia; Dramatic Episodes of the CIVIL Wars
35468: Graves, Elizabeth E. - The Minankabau Response to Dutch Colonial Rule in the Nineteenth Century
43724: Graves, Richard Perceval - A.E. Housman; the Scholar-Poet
33468: Gray, Arthur - The Town of Cambridge; a History
52564: Gray, John C.F. - Tranquebar; a Guide to the Coins of Danish India, Circa 1620-1845
50319: Gray, Henry (H.V. Carter, illus.) - Anatomy; Descriptive and Surgical. The Drawings by H.V. Carter. The Dissections Jointly by the Author and Dr. Carter
32775: Greathouse, Alfred - The Popular Chord Instructor. [Cover Title Adds: "for Guitar"]
3247: Grebing, Helga - Geschichte Der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung; Ein ûberblick [Uberblick]
45948: Green, Julian (Vyvyan Holland, tr.) - The Dark Journey. Translated from the French by Vyvyan Holland
49724: Green, Tom - Bright Boys
50920: Everett-Green, Evelyn (Arthur A. Dixon, illus.) - Little Lady Val; a Tale of the Days of Good Queen Bess
35693: Green, Fitzhugh - Our Naval Heritage
45807: Green, Julien - Les Pays Lointains; Roman
45528: Green, Henry, ed - Whitney's "Choice of Emblemes"; a Facsimile Reprint. With an Introductory Dissertation, Essays Literary and Bibliographical, and Explanatory Notes
38223: Green, Anna Katherine - The Filigree Ball
50653: Greenbaum, Avraham - The Power of Prayer; a General Introduction to the Fiftieth Gate
49530: Greenberg, Martin - The Terror of Art; Kafka and Modern Literature
18167: Greene, Homer - The Blind Brother: A Story of the Pennsylvania Coal Mines
41708: Greene, Robert W. - Just Words; Moralism and Metalanguage in Twentieth Century French Fiction
20289: Greenlee, James W. - Malraux's Heroes and History
34601: Greenman, Ben - The Slippage; a Novel
50037: Greenspan, Ehud (ed. in chief) - Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy; Vol. 1: Fundamentals and History of Development of Nuclear Energy; Commericial Nuclear Power Reactors and Their Design; Advanced Nuclear Reactor Concepts Under R&D; Vol. 2: Safety, Licensing and Decommissioning of Power Reactors, the Nuclear Fuel and Fuel Cycle; the Nuclear Waste and Its Disposal; Radiation Protection; Vol. 3: Non-Electric Applications of Terrestrial Nuclear Reactors; Nuclear Power for Space and Propulsion; Nuclear Fusion R&D; Vol. 4: Research Reactors; Medical, Industrial and Agricultural Applications of Nuclear Technology; Social Issues of Nuclear Energy. Four Volume Set
43825: Greenwald, Carol S. - Group Power; Lobbying and Public Policy
50230: Gregg, Arthur B. - Outline History of the Town of Guilderland, Albany County, New York
52387: Gregor, Joseph - Das Theater in Der Wiener Josefstadt
37921: Gregorovius, Ferdinand (Herman von Petersdorff, hrsg.) - Briefe Von Ferdinand Gregorovius an Den Staatssekretär [Staatssekretar] Hermann Von Thile. Mit Einem Bildnis Von Ferdinand Gregorovius
8473: Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolph - Geschichte Der Stadt Athen IM Mittelalter. Von Der Zeit Justinian's Bis Zur Türkischen [Turkischen] Eroberung
32676: Gregory, Sir William Henry (Lady Gregory, ed.) - Mr. Gregory's Letter-Box, 1813-1835. Edited by Lady Gregory. With a Foreword by Jon Stallworthy
32677: Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta - Our Irish Theatre; a Chapter of Autobiography. With a Foreword by Roger Mchugh
21133: Greiffenhagen, Martin; Sylvia Greiffenhagen, and Rainer Prätorius, eds - Handwörterbuch Zur Politischen Kultur Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ein Lehr- Und Nachschlagewerk
48608: Greiner, Bernd - Amerikanische Aussenpolitik Von Truman Bis Heute; Grundsatzdebatten Und Strategiediskussionen
51546: Grene, Simone, ed - Pensées Bouddhiques. Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes. Vignettes de Raymond Bret-Koch
46065: Grenville, Henry (Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, ed.) - Observations Sur L'Etat Actuel de L'Empire Ottoman
31980: Grenzmann, Wilhelm - Dichtung Und Glaube; Probleme Und Gestalten Der Deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur
15170: Gretton, Mary Sturge - Re-Cognitions
38552: Gretzschel, Matthias - Als Dresden IM Feuersturm Versank
29659: Greve, Ludwig - Ein Besuch in Der Villa Sardi; Portäts [Portats], Gedenkblätter [Gedenkblatter], Reden. Herausgegeben Von Reinhard Tgahrt
21455: Grevel, Liselotte - Beim Wort Genommen; Interpretationsbeispiele Dialogischer Schlüsselszenen [Schlusselszenen] in Literarischen Texten: G.E. Lessing, Minna Von Barnhelm; Th. Fontane, Frau Jenny Treibel; A. Döblin [Doblin], Berlin Alexanderplatz; B. Strauss, Gross Und Klein
45479: Greville, Charles C.F. (Reeve, Henry, ed.) - The Greville Memoirs. Edited by Henry Reeve. First Part: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV (Three Volumes); Second Part: A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1852 (Three Volumes); Third Part: A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1852 to 1860 (Two Volumes). 8 Volume Set. Complete
25810: Grewe, Wilhelm G. - Deutsche Aussenpolitik Der Nachkriegszeit
43047: Gribble, Richard - American Apostle of the Family Rosary; the Life of Patrick J. Peyton, Csc
30543: Gribling, Dr. J.P. - J.P. M. Aalberse, 1871-1948
40899: Gridley, Mark - How to Teach Jazz History; a Teacher's Manual and Test Bank
44381: Grieninger, Ilse, geb. Keilmann - Heinrich Manns Roman "Die Jugend Und Vollendung Des Königs Henri Quatre"; Eine Strukturanalyse
52547: Grierson, Philip - Leo III to Nicephorus III, 717-1081; Part 1: Leo III to Michael III (717-867); Part 2: Basil to Nicephorus III (867-1081). Two Volumes
53333: Griese, N. Orville - The "Rhythm" in Marriage and Christian Morality; Including a Discussion of Practical Cases in Married Life
48444: Grieve, Wilhelm F. - Primitives Südamerika [Sudamerika]; Ein Beitrag Zur Allgemeinen Geschichte. Illustriert
44900: Griffin, Adele - Tell Me No Lies
19019: Griffin, William - C.S. Lewis; Spirituality for Mere Christians
45219: Griffin, Frederick - Soviet Scene; a Newspaperman's Close-Ups of New Russia
24417: Griffith, Paddy - Battle Tactics of the CIVIL War
48959: Griffiths, Gwyn - Goodbye, Johnny Onions
52573: Griffiths, William H. - The Story of American Bank Note Company
46311: Griffiths, Arthur (Evelyn S. Finch, ed.) - Atherton, It's Way of Life and Characters in the Early Part of the 1900's. [Cover: Memories of an Atherton Pitman]
19388: Grigson, Geoffrey, intro - Horse and Rider: Eight Centuries of Equestrian Paintings. Sixty-Four Plates in Photogravure, Two Colour Plates
52212: Grillparzer, Franz (Arthur Burkhard, tr.) - Medea; Tragedy in Five Acts
52213: Grillparzer, Franz (Arthur Burkhard, tr.) - The Guest-Friend; Tragedy in One Act
50216: Grillparzer, Franz (Arthur Burkhard, tr.) - A Faithful Servant of His Master; Tragedy in Five Acts. Translated by Arthur Burkhard
51924: Grills, Russell A. - Upland Idyll; Images of Cazenovia, New York, 1860-1900
44675: Grimm, Reinhold, hrsg - Deutsche Dramentheorien; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zu Einer Historischen Poetik Des Dramas in Deutschland. Herausgegeben Und Eingeleitet Von Reinhold Grimm. Two Volumes
29812: Grimm, Herman - Goethe; Vorlesungen Gehalten an Der Kgl. Universität [Universitat] Zu Berlin. Zweite Durchgesehene Auflage
27086: Grimm, Reinhold - Gottfried Benn; Die Farbliche Chiffre in Der Dichtung
42581: Grimm, Wilhelm - Die Deutsche Heldensage
20848: Grimm, Jacob - Aus Den Schriften. Mit Zehn Bildern
21057: Grimm, Reinhold, ed - Deutsche Romantheorien; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zu Einer Historischen Poetik Des Romans in Deutschland
47747: Hilty-Gröbly [Hilty-Grobly], Frida - Am Aalte Maartplatz Z Sant Galle; S Johr Dore I Grosmeuters Stobe. Mit 24 Bildern
53500: Groff, Bethany - A Brief History of Old Newbury from Settlement to Separation
53313: Groft, Tammis Kane - Cast with Style; Nineteenth Century Cast-Iron Stoves from the Albany Area. Foreword by John I. Mesick. Introduction and Catalogue by Tammis Kane Groft
49247: Groft, Tammis Kane - The Folk Spirit of Albany; Folk Art from the Upper Hudson Valley in the Collection of the Albany Institute of History and Art
45352: Wirth, Willis W., William L. Grogan and Terry L. Erwin - Natural History of Plummers Island, Maryland; XXV: Biting Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) 3. The Species of the Tribe Stilobezziini; XXVI: The Ground Beetles of a Temperate Forest Site (Coleoptera: Carabidae); an Analysis of Fauna in Relation to Size, Habitat Selection, Vagility, Seasonality, and Extinction
29490: Gromer, Alfred, hsrg - Vorderer Orient Und Antike. Bearbeitet Von Studienrat Alfred Gromer. (Kunst Des Abendlandes; Teil 1)
52125: Grondahl, Paul (Will Waldron, photo.) - These Exalted Acres; Unlocking the Secrets of Albany Rural Cemetery
31505: Gronemann, Sammy - Schalet; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Philosophie Des "Wenn Schon!
13531: Bibliotheque Universitaire de Groningue. [Groningen] - Catalogue Du Fonds Hispanique Ancien (Avant 1800)
51671: Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen - Universitas Groningana, 1914-1964; Gedenkboek Ter Gelegenheid Van Het 350-Jarig Bestaan Der Rijks-Universiteit Te Groningen
39098: De Groot, Mart - The Way to the Stars; an Introduction to Astronomy in Amagh. [Cover: Amagh Observatory, 1790-1990]
40639: Grosclaude, Pierre - J.J. Rousseau Et Malesherbes; Documents Inedits
25732: Grosclaude, Etienne - Le President Wilson Conference Donnee a Versailles Au Bosquet D'Apollon, le 8 Septembre, 1918, Par le Comite "L'Effort de la France Et de Ses Allies
29591: Groslier, George - Angkor. Deuxieme Edition Ornee de 103 Gravures Et de 5 Cartes Et Plans
50663: Gross, Samuel D. - Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross, M.D. With Sketches of His Contemporaries. Edited by His Sons. In Two Volumes
53675: Gross, Milt - Famous Fimmales; Witt Odder Events from Heestory. Illustrated by the Author
53200: Gross, Miriam, ed - The World of George Orwell
39385: Gross, A.G., ed - Great Britain and Russia in the Eighteenth Century; Contacts and Comparisons. Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 11-15 July 1977
50313: Gross, Samuel D. - Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross, M.D. With Sketches of His Contemporaries. Edited by His Sons. In Two Volumes
53534: Grossberg, Daniel - Centripetal and Centrifugal Structures in Biblical Poetry
21726: Grosser, Alfred - Ansprachen Anlässlich [Anlasslich] Der Verleihung Des Friedenspreises; Bibliographie Des Preisträgers [Preistragers]
51574: Grossman, Felix - My Morrie; Reflections and Reminiscences
25552: Grossmann, Kurt R., ed - Michael Wurmbrand; the Man and His Work. With an Introduction by Dr. Nahum Goldmann and Six Articles by His Friends
44618: Grotzfeld, Heinz - Syrisch-Arabische Grammatik (Dialekt Von Damaskus)
48383: Groulx, Lionel - Notre Grande Aventure; L'Empire Francais En Amerique Du Nord (1535-1760)
47502: Klock's Churchyard Preservation Group - 1780-1980; the Bicentennial Book of the Schoharie and Mohawk River Raids
50531: Grover, Frederick - A Practical Treatise on Modern Gas and Oil Engines. Fourth Edition
45248: Groza, Maria - Woman in the Contemporary Life of Romania
50929: Grubb, K.G. - Amazon and Andes. With 139 Illustrations and an Endpaper Map
53088: Grueber, H.A. - Coins of the Roman Republic in the British Museum; Vol. 1: Aes Rude, Aes Signatum, Aes Grave, and Coinage of Rome from B.C. 268; Vol. 2: Coinages of Rome (Continued), Roman Campania, Italy, the Social War, and the Provinces; Vol. 3: Tables of Finds and Cognomina, Indexes, Plates, Etc. In Three Volumes, with an Introduction and 123 Plates
53538: Gruelle, Johnny - The Magical Land of Noom. With Sundry and Mondry Illustrations by the Author
43543: Gruffydd, W.J. - Daffydd Ap Gwilym
3308: Grujic, Predrag - Hegels Einfluss Auf Die Grundlagen Der Russischen Philosophie Der Gegenwart. Eine Untersuchung Sur Materialistischen Dialektik. (Phd Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität [Universitat])
45356: Grundy, Kenneth - The Lands and Peoples of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. With Fifteen Photographs and a Map
29485: Grüninger [Gruninger], Dr. Fritz - Anton Bruckner; Der Metaphysische Kern Seiner Persönlichkeit [Personlichkeit] Und Werke
11949: Grünwald, Anton - Spectralanalyse Des Kadmiums
52909: Guardini, Romano - Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung Des Daseins; Eine Interpretation Der Zweiten, Achten Und Neunten Duineser Elegie
53056: Guareschi, Giovanni (Frances Frenaye, tr.) - Don Camillo Takes the Devil by the Tail
37397: Gudiol, Jose - Goya, 1746-1828; Vol. 4: 1806-1828; Plates 820-1295, Catalogue 517-772. Vol. 4 Only
30182: Guelzo, Allen C. - Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation; the End of Slavery in America
53562: Guena, Marcia (Bernardo Kucinski, apresentacao) - Arquivo Do Horror; Documentos Secretos Da Ditadura Do Paraguai (1960-1980). Prefacio Sedi Hirano
36969: Guerin, Louis - L'Intendant de Cypierre Et la Vie Economique de L'Orleanais, 1760-1785
20325: Guerra, Flavio - Alguns Documentos de Arquivos Portugueses de Interesse Para a Historia de Pernambuco (Arquivo Nacional Da Torre Do Tombo E Arquivo Historico Ultramarino). Indice Analitico Do Gilberto Osorio de Andrade
21406: Guerri, Roberto, et al. - IL Blocco Di Potere Nell'Italia Unita
13945: Guichard, C, and Koenigs, G. - Les Courbes de L'Espace a N Dimensions
21959: Guild, Henry Elliot - Letters and Verses
53237: Guilding, Ruth - Owning the Past; Why the English Collected Antique Sculpture, 1640-1840
26640: Guilio, Rosa - IL Dio Ignoto; Dalla Crisi Del Rinascimento Alla Modernita Letteraria
44554: Guillaume, A. - Annibal Franchit Les Alpes, 218 Av. J.C. Preface Du M. Weygand
37555: Guillemin, Henri - Histoire Des Catholiques Francais Au XIX Siecle (1815-1905)
45317: Guilly, Paul - Decouverte de L'Ile Saint-Louis
52828: Guitton, Jean - Jesus; the Eternal Dilemma
47801: Guizot, M. - Melanges Biographiques Et Litteraires; Eduard Gibbon; la Comtesse de Rumford; Madame Recamier; la Comtesse de Boigne; la Princesse de Lieven; M. De Barante; M. De Dauant; Philippe II Et Ses Nouveaux Historiens
35787: Gujrati, B.S., ed - A Study of Lal Bahadur Shastri
44553: Gulia, Luigi e Antonio Quacquarelli - Antichita Paleocristiane E Altomedievali Del Sorano; Atti Del Convegno Di Studi -Sora 1-2 Dicembre 1984
51231: Gulick, Sidney Lewis - The East and the West; a Study of Their Psychic and Cultural Characteristics
49666: Gumbert, Hans Ludwig - Lichtenberg Und Holland Auf Grund Zum Teil Unveröffentlichter [Unveroffentlichten] Aufzeichnungen Und Briefe
52372: Gundolf, Friedrich - Shakespeare Und Der Deutsche Geist. Fünfte Unveränderte Auflage. Neuntes-Dreizehntes Tausend
44402: Gundolf, Friedrich - Lessing; Rede Zum 22. Januar 1929
48919: Gundolf, Friedrich (Elisabeth Gundolf, hrsg.) - Friedrichs Des GroßEn [Grossen] Schrift über [Uber] Die Deutsche Literatur
52232: Gundolf, Friedrich - Stefan George in Unsrer Zeit
44453: Gundolf, Friedrich - Paracelsus
33395: Gunter, P.A.Y. - Henri Bergson; a Bibliography
47568: Günther [Gunther], Irmhild - Das Schwäbische [Schwabische] Himmelreich; Geschichten Aus Dem Zabergäu [Zabergau]. Mit Bildern Von Wilhelm Wöhr [Wohr] Und Fotos Von Margrit Elser-Haft
50026: Ekins, Paul, Joyeeta Gupta and Pierre Boileau, eds - Global Environment Outlook Geo-6; Healthy Planet, Healthy People
50470: Gurdjieff, G. [George] - All and Everything; Ten Books in Three Series, of Which This Is the First Series
50412: Gurdjieff, G.[George] - The Herald of Coming Good; First Appeal to Contemporary Humanity
42972: Ben-Gurion, David - Chaluzischer Zionismus Oder Revisionismus
11207: Gustafson, Milton O., ed - The National Archives and Foreign Relations Research
41218: Gutcheon, Beth - Death at Breakfast
44376: Gutenbrunner, Siegfried, Hugo Moser, Walter Rehm, und Heinz Rupp, hrsg - Die Wissenschaft Von Deutscher Sprache Und Dichtung; Methoden, Probleme, Aufgaben
52343: Guthke, Karl S. - Schillers Dramen; Idealismus Und Skepsis
49919: Guthke, Karl S., hrsg - Hallers Literaturkritik
24482: Guthmann, Johannes - Bilder Aus ägypten [Agypten]. Aquarelle Und Zeichnungen Von Max Slevogt
48146: Gutierrez, Gloria Bautista - Realismo Magico, Cosmos Latinoamericano; Teoria Y Practica
26849: Gutkind, Lee, ed - Becoming a Doctor; from Student to Specialist, Doctor-Writers Share Their Experience
30044: Gutman, Joseph (Hans Meyer, hrsg.) - Von Westfalen Nach Berlin; Lebensweg Und Werk Eines Jüdischen Pädagogen [Judischen Padagogen]. Redigiert Und Bearbeitet Von Hans Meyer
25833: Gutmann, Joseph - Buchmalerei in Hebräischen [Hebraischen] Handschriften
28130: Gutting, Gary, ed - The Cambridge Companion to Foucault
8951: Gutton, Camille - La Lampe a Trois Electrodes. (Recueil Des Conferences-Rapports de Documentation Sur la Physique, Vol. 5, 1re Serie. )
46045: Gutzkow, Karl (Herbert Kaiser, hrsg.) - Briefe Eines Narren an Eine Närrin [Narrin]
31102: Kyujanggak Han'gukhak Yon'guwon - Kyujanggak Kwa Ch'Aek Ui Munhwasa
43930: Bechtel, Guy et Jean-Claude Carriere - Dictionnaire de la Betise Et Des Erreurs de Jugement
42624: Guy, John - Elizabeth; the Later Years
35823: Guyer, S. [Samuel] (Joseph McCabe, tr.) - My Journey Down the Tigris; a Raft-Voyage Through Dead Kingdoms. Translated Joseph Mccabe
47183: Guyon, Bernard - La Pensee Politique Et Sociale de Balzac
21298: Guzmán, Daniel de - México épico; Ensayo Socio-Cultural
52301: Jones, Angeline Guzzetta and Joseph Antinoro-Polizzi (compilers) - Diceva la Mia Nonna... /My Grandmother Used to Say. .
43841: Rinpoche, Ven. Khenpo Karthar (Lama Yeshe Gyamtso and Laura M. Roth, trs.) (Laura M. Roth and David N. McCarthy, ed.) - The Instructions of Gampopa; a Precious Garland of the Supreme Path/Root Text by Gampopa
43822: Gyasto, Geshe Jampa (Joan Nicell, ed.) - Everlasting Rain of Nectar; Purification Practice in Tibetan Buddhism; Including a Significant Sight; a Commentary to the Bodhisattva's Confession of Downfalls, by Sanggye Yeshe, and the Bodhisattva's Confession of Downfalls. Foreword by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
52719: Remick, Jerome H. and Alcedo Almanzar - The Coinage of the Dominican Republic
53020: Adams, Edgar H. and William H. Woodin, eds - United States Pattern, Trial, and Experimental Pieces, Being a List of the Pattern, Trial and Experimental Pieces Which Have Been Issued by the United States Mint from 1792 Up to the Present Time
49348: Bragg, W.H. and W. L. Bragg - X Rays and Crystal Structure
51906: Heckscher, Morrison H. and Leslie Greene Bowman - American Rococo, 1750-1775; Elegance in Ornament
52298: Bailey, E.H. and C.A. White - The Universal Quartette and Glee Book, for Male Voices
50487: Gelberman, Joseph H. (with Lesley Sussman) - Physician of the Soul; a Modern Kabbalist's Approach to Health and Healing
21991: Captain, W.H. and D.D. Merrill, eds - Metaphysics and Explanation; Proceedings of the 1964 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy
25596: Pollock, George H. and John Munder Ross - The Oedipus Papers
53115: Buxton, Thomas H. and Keith W. Prichard, eds - Excellence in University Teaching; New Essays. Foreword by Thomas F. Jones
27242: Bartlett, W.H. and B.B. Woodward - The History of the United States of North America; from the Discovery of the Western World to the Present Day; Vol. 1: From the Earliest Period, to the Installation of Washington As First President; Vol. 2: From the Administration of Washington to That of Madison; Vol. 3: From "the Second War" to the Present Times. By W.H. Bartlett, Continued by B.B. Woodward
46032: Hoffert, W.H. and G. Claxton - Motor Benzole; Its Production and Use. With a Foreword by Sir David Milne-Watson
51833: Heckscher, Morrison H. and Leslie Greene Bowman - American Rococo, 1750-1775; Elegance in Ornament
46287: Brown, Bryan J.H. and John Loosley - The Book of Weston-Super-Mare; the Story of the Town's Past
14898: Lingeman, Carolyn H. and F.M. Garner, eds - Symposium on Comparative Morphology of Hematopoietic Neoplasms. Held at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C. , March 11 and 12, 1968
49920: Boehm, Eric H. and Lalit Adolphus, eds - Historical Periodicals; an Annotated World List of Historical and Related Serial Publications
35993: Haak, Ton - Abitare Abiquiu; Backtracking, Sidestepping, Cutting Across Northern New Mexico; Thirty Poems 1999-2002; Five Pen and Ink Drawings 2001-2002
15449: Haar, B. Ter - Beginselen En Stelsel Van Het Adatrecht
28606: Haas, Robert - Die Musik Des Barocks
48617: Haberland, Wolfgang - Amerikanische Archäologie; Geschichte Theorie Kulturentwicklung
33860: Internationaler Verband für [fur] Wohnungswesen/International Housing Association/Association Internationale de l'Habitation - Beseitigung Von Elendsvierteln Und Verfallswohnungen/Slum Clearance and Reconditioning of Insanitary Dwellings/Suppression de Quartiers Miséraux [Miseraux] Et de Logements Insalubres; Vol. 1: Text. Volume 1 Only
27867: Hacker, Marilyn, ed - 13th Moon; a Feminist Literary Magazine; Volume 8, Numbers 1 & 2. (Double Issue)
40432: Hackett, C.A. - Autour de Rimbaud
44141: Hadfield, Sir Robert - Introductory Address by the President of the Faraday Society, to Be Read at the Symposium on the Microscope; Its Design, Construction and Application
44138: Hadfield, Sir Robert - The Work of the Faraday Society, and a Brief Reference to Michael Faraday, to Be Read at the Symposium on the Microscope; Its Design, Construction and Application
21874: Hadjihristev, Dr. Argir Kirkov - Life-Styles for Long Life; Longevity in Bulgaria. Translated and Edited with an Introduction by Gari Lesnoff-Caravaglia
38099: Hadjinicolaou, Nicos - O [Ho] Gkreko Sten Italia Kai He Italike Techne
12227: Haefeli, Anton - Die Internationalen Musikfeste in Zurich; Hunderteinundsechzigstes Neujahrsblatt Der Allgemeinen Musikgesellschaft Zurich Auf Das Jahr 1977
24520: Haefs, Hanswilhelm - Die Ereignisse in Der Tschechoslowakei, Vom 27. 6. 1967 Bis 18. 10. 1968; Ein Dokumentarischer Bericht
53343: Von der Haegen, Anne Mueller - Giotto Di Bondone, About 1267-1337
30546: Haegendoren, Mieke Claeys-Van - 25 Jaar Belgisch Socialisme; Evolutie Van de Verhouding Van de Belgische Werkliedenpartij Tot de Parlementaire Democratie in Belgie Van 1914 Tot 1940
51485: D'Haenens, Albert, ed - L'Universite Catholique de Louvain; Vie Et Memoire D'Une Institution
26813: Haeringen, C.B. Van - Gramarie. Keur Iut Het Werk Van Zihn Hoogleraarstijd
28832: Haesaerts, Paul - James Ensor. Preface de Jean Cassou
52976: Haffner, Sylvia - The History of Modern Israel's Money, 1917-1970, Including State Medals and Palestine Mandate, Turkish and Egyptian Currency Used in Palestine
43982: O'Hagan, Andrew - The Secret Life; Three True Stories of the Digital Age
3888: Hagemann, Max - Der Provisorische Frieden; Die Bauprinzipien Der Internationalen Ordnung Seit 1945
4937: Hagena, Antje - Nadine Gordimers Neuere Romane; Eine Untersuchung in Thematik Und Erzahlstrategie
18107: Haggard, H. Rider - Heart of the World
41271: Haggard, H. Rider - Cleopatra, Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis, the Royal Egyptian, As Set Forth by His Own Hand
38225: Haggard, H. Rider - Mr. Meeson's Will
43922: Perras, Wayne, David Scavone, Phil Haggerty and Elizabeth Skinner - High Rock Review. 3 Issues. Vols. 1, 3 and 4
30593: Hagoort, R. - De Christelijk-Sociale Beweging
30624: Hagoort, R. - Het Beginsel Behouden; Gedenkboek Van Het Nederlandsch Werkliedenverbond Patrimonium over de Jaren, 1891-1927. In Opdracht Van Het Verbondsbestuur Samengesteld Door R. Hagoort
30623: Hagoort, R. - Patrimonium (Vaderlijk Erfdeel); Gedenkboek Bij Het Gouden Jubileum. In Opdracht Van Het Verbondsbestuur Samengesteld Door R. Hagoort
49093: Hagsberg, G.L. - Art As Language; Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Aesthetic Theory
50613: Hague, Angela - Iris Murdoch's Comic Vision
28076: Hahn, Harlan - The Issue of Equality, European Perceptions of Employment for Disabled Persons
28113: Hahn, Harlan - The Issue of Equality; European Perceptions of Employment for Disabled Persons
52832: Haight, Roger - Christian Community in History; Vol. 1: Historical Ecclesiology. Vol. 1 Only
20142: Haight, Mabel V. Jackson - European Powers and South-East Africa; a Study of International Relations on the South-East Coast of Africa, 1796-1856
52220: Hainebach, Heinrich - Studien Zum Literarischen Leben Der Aufklärungszeit [Aufklarungszeit] in Mainz
10787: Hainebach, Heinrich - Ein Fall Von Endotheliom Der Behaarten Kopfhaut. Inaugural-Dissertation, Verfasst Und Der Hohen Medicinischen Facultat Der Kgl. B. Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg Zur Erlangung Der Doctorwürde [Doctorwurde] in Der Medicin, Chirurgie Und Geburtshülfe [Geburtshulfe]
21225: Hála, Bohuslav - Fonetika Pro Bohemisty
51048: Halacy, D.S. - Fuel Cells; Power for Tomorrow. Drawings by Frank Aloise
30636: Halberstadt, Michèle - The Pianist in the Dark
45318: Halbertsma, H. - Zeven Eeuwen Amersfoort. De Tekstfiguren Werden, Voorzover Niet Anders Aangegeven Verzorgd Door G.J. De Vries
36820: Halck, Jørgen [Jorgen] - Det TveæGgede SvæRd [Tveaeggede Svaerd]
46650: Hale, Kathleen - Kathleen Hale Is a Crazy Stalker; Six Essays
46601: Hale, Kathleen - Kathleen Hale Is a Crazy Stalker; Six Essays
37651: Hale, Sarah Joshua Buell, ed - The Wise Boys; or the Entertaining Histories of Fred Forethought, Matt Merrythought, Luke Lovebook and Ben Bee. Embellished with Eight Elegant Engravings
37787: Hale, Sarah Josepha - Three Hours, or, the Vigil of Love and Other Poems
18882: Halevy, Elie - The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism. Translated by Mary Morris. With a Preface by A.D. Lindsay
51101: Maimonides (Abraham Halkin and David Hartman) - Crisis and Leadership; Epistles of Maimonides. Texts Translated and Notes by Abraham Halkin. Discussions by David Hartman
53385: Hall, Joseph H. - Bygone Bennington (Wbtn Am Bennington Radio Station: This Book Publishes the Bennington History Radio Scripts As Presented to the Public at the Radio Station)
31214: Aristophanes (F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldaut, eds.) - Comoediae; Tome 1: Acharnenses, Equites, Nubes, Uespas, Pacem, Aues Continens; Tome 2: Lysistratam, Thesmophoriazusas Ranas, Ecclesiazusas, Plutum, Fragmenta, Indicem Nominum, Continens

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