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53079: Bell, R.C. - Tradesmen's Tickets and Private Tokens, 1785-1819
53085: Bell, R.C. - Commercial Coins, 1787-1804
53080: Bell, R.C. - Copper Commercial Coins, 1811-1819
51358: Bell, Lilian - A Little Sister to the Wilderness
25227: Bell, James A., auditor - Annual Financial Report of the Auditor of the Canal Department, State of New York
37663: Bell, Catherine D. - The Way to Be Happy; the Story of Willie, the Gardener Boy
50341: Bell, Charles, Sir - Engravings of the Brain and Nerves. Including Facsimiles of the First Editions of the Anatomy of the Brain (1802), a Series of Engravings, Explaining the Course of the Nerves (1803) [and] on the Nerves of the Face (1829)
30482: Bellay, Joachim du (Henri Chamard, ed.) - La Deffence Et Illustration de la Langue Francoyse. Ed. Critique Par Henri Chamard
45926: Du Bellay, Joachim - La Deffence Et Illustration de la Langue Francoyse. Edition Critique Publiee Par Henri Chamard
45927: Du Bellay, Joachim - Divers Jeux Rustiques. Edition Critique Commentée Par Verdun L. Saulnier
50210: Du Bellay, Joachim - Les Regrets Et Autres Oeuvres Poetiques Suivis Des Antiquitez de Rome, Plus Un Songe Ou Vision Sur le Mesme Subject. Texte Etabli Par J. Jolliffe. Introduit Et Commente Par M.A. Screech
52360: Pfeiffer-Belli, Wolfgang - Geschichte Der Deutschen Dichtung. Mit 149 Abbildungen Auf 40 Tafeln
53074: Bellinger, Alfred R. - Troy; the Coins
52664: Bellinger, Alfred R. - Coins from Jerash, 1928-1934
47068: Below, Minnie von - Georg Von Below; Ein Lebensbild Für [Fur] Seine Freunde
43615: Belsham, Thomas - A Review of Mr. Wilberforce's Treatise, Entitled "a Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians," in a Letter to a Lady. With a Preface, Containing the Author's Reply to Animadversion Upon This Review. Third Edition, Revised
50439: Belsky, Judy - Thread of Blue; a Journey Through Loss, Faith and Renewal
26388: Bélza, Igor Fedorovic - Vasilii Rodionovic Petrov; Sbornik Statei I Materialov
40333: Belzoni, Giovanni Battista - Le Jeune Voyager En Egypte Et En Nubie
45846: Ben, Fernand Jean - Le Pays de Saint-Tropez
27618: Benamou, Georges-Marc - Un Mensonge Francais; Retours Sur la Guerre D' Algerie
37881: Smilg-Benario, Michael - Der Zusammenbruch Der Zarenmonarchie. Mit 75 Abbildungen Und 2 Karten
48613: Bencivenga, Roberto - L'America Verde
20672: Bender, Hans, ed - Was Sind Das Fur Zeiten; Deutschsprachige Gedichte Der Achtziger Jahre
20990: Bender, Hans, ed - In Diesem Lande Leben Wir; Deutsche Gedichte Der Gegenwart. Eine Anthologie in Zehn Kapiteln
50724: Benes, Peter, ed - Early American Probate Inventories
48277: Benes, Vojta - Bije Hodina Dvanacta! Americkym Cechum
49646: The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife (Peter Benes, ed.) - New England Collectors and Collections
51844: Benes, Peter - New England Prospect; a Loan Exhibition of Maps at the Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire
35417: Plato (Eugenio Benitez, ed.) - Dialogues with Plato. Edited by Eugenio Benitez
27203: Benitez, Jaime - Homenaje a Ruben Dario (la Torre; Revista General de la Universidad de Puerto Rico; año [Ano] XV. Nums. 55 Y 56; Enero-Junio, 1967)
51903: Townsend, J. Benjamin and Ruth M. Peyton - 100; the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 186-1962
19297: Boretz, Benjamin and Edward T. Cone, eds - Perspectives on Schoenberg and Stravinsky
30322: Benjamin, A. Cornelius - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
52344: Benjamin, Walter - Illuminationen; Ausgewählte [Ausgewahlte] Schriften
52370: Benn, Gottfried - Frühe [Fruhe] Lyrik Und Dramen
49828: Bennett, Geoffrey - Coronel and the Falklands
47064: Bennett, E.K. (H.M. Waidson) - A History of the German Novelle. Revised and Continued by H.M. Waidson
46933: Habel, Eric W. (Louise Bennett and Michael Saccocio, eds.) - City Mission of Schenectady; a History of Service: 1906-1996
39382: Bennett, Edward W. - Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis, 1931
47258: Benoit, Fernand - Les Baux. Ouvrage Illustre de 49 Gravures Et 1 Plan. Troisieme Edition
30392: Bense, Max - Vom Wesen Deutscher Denker Oder Zwischen Kritik Und Imperativ
41775: Benserade, Isaac de (Octave Uzanne, ed.) - Poesies. Publiees Par Octave Uzanne
44250: Benson, George S. - Make Mine Freedom; an Address in Rock-Ribbed New England
38224: Benson, E.F. [Edward Frederic] - The Blotting Book
37337: Lounsbury, Clarence, Robert Wildermuth, W.E. Benson and D.F. Kinsman - Soil Survey; Albany and Schenectady Counties, New York
24108: Benstock, Shari - Textualizing the Feminine; on the Limits of Genre
37520: Benton, Nathaniel S. - A History of Herkimer County, Including the Upper Mohawk Valley, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With a Brief Notice of the Iroquois Indians, the Early German Tribes, the Palatine Immigrations Into the Colony of New York, and Biographical Sketches of the Palatine Families, the Patentees of Burnetsfield in the Year 1725. Also Biographical Notices of the Most Prominent Publicmen of the County, with Important Statistical Information
32585: Benvenisti, Meron - The Crusaders in the Holy Land
25007: Benz, Richard - Geist Und Reich; Um Dei Bestimmung Des Deutschen
35655: Berardinone, Valentina (G.M. Accame, ed.) - Valentina Berardinone. A Cura Di G.M. Accame
44731: Berchorius, Petrus - De Formis Figurisque Deorum. Textus E Codice Brux. , Bibl. Reg. 863-9 Critice Editus
28418: Berenson, Bernard - Rumour and Reflection, 1941-1944
37966: Berezhnoi, S.S. [Sergei Sergeevich] - Korabli I Suda Vmf Sssr, 1928-1945; Spravochnik
51277: Berg, Hermann von - Demythologizing Marx; the Book the Shattered Communism in Eastern Europe
30539: Berg, J. van den - De Anatomie Van Nederland; Deel Een
50660: Berg, Roland H. - Polio and Its Problems. With a Foreword by Basil O'Connor. With 24 Illustrations
45532: Berg, Bengt - Die Letsten Adler. Neue Ausgabe
44985: Bergedorf, Mar - Faust Und Das Christliche VolksbewußTsein [Volksbewusstsein]
29691: Berger, Ludwig - Vom Menschen Johannes Brahms
1724: [Berger, Marcel] - Le Style Au Microscope, "Jeunes Gloires", Par Criticus. [Tome II. Studies of] Herve Bazin, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Maurice Druon, J-J. Gautier, Louis Guilloux, Robert Merle, Roger Peyrefitte, Prevert, Raymond Quéneau, Jules Roy, Elsa Triolet
48458: Berger, P. Joh. Nep - Leben Und Wirken Des Johannes Nep. Neumann, Aus Der Congregation Des Allerh. Erlösers [Erlosers] Mit Approbation Der Obern
29761: Berger, Ludwig - Die Unverhoffte Lebensreise Der Constanze Mozart; Aus Den Verlorenen Aufzeichnungen Des Königlich Dänischen [Koniglich Danischen] Wirklichen Etats-Raths Georg Nikolaus Von Nissen
36121: Bergeron, Andre - Ma Route Et Mes Combats
21075: Bergk, Johann Adam - Der Buchhändler [Buchhandler]; Oder Anweisung, Wie Man Durch Den Buchhandel Zu Ansehen Und Vermögen [Vermogen] Kommen Kann. Mit Einem Nachwort Herausgegeben Von Gerd Schulz
12605: Berglund, S.; Davis, R. D.; and L'Hermite, P. (ed.) - Utilisation of Sewage Sludge on Land: Rates of Application and Long-Term Effects of Metals; Proceedings of a Seminar Held at Uppsala, June 7-9, 1983
52092: Bergman, Ray - Trout; the Trout Fisherman's Bible. With a New Foreword by Gary Lafontaine
24964: Technische Universität [Universitat] Berlin (Herbert A. Strauss und Werner Bergmann, hrsg.) - Lerntag über [Uber] Vorurteilsforschung Heute; Gemeinsam Mit Der Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York; Am 9. November 1986
31981: Bergmann, Alfred - Das Detmolder Zuchthaus Als Stätte [Statte] Von Christian Dietrich Grabbes; Kindheit Und Jugend. Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Strafvollzuges in Lippe an Der Wende Vom Achtzehnten Zum Neunzehnten Jahrhundert
31970: Bergmann, Alfred - Quellen Des Grabbeschen "Napoleon
31855: Bergmann, Alfred, hrsg - Grabbe in Berichten Seiner Zeitgenossen
51303: Bergmann, Gustav - The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism
39596: Bergold, Carl Erik - Uppsala Stadsbyggande, 1900-1960
37840: Berkenvelder, F.C. - Zo Was Zwolle Rond 1900
41170: Berkley, James D., ed - Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology; Vol. One: Word and Worship
28081: Berkowitz, Monroe, David Dean, and Peter Mitchell (Barbara Duncan and Diane Woods, eds.) - Social Security Disability Programs; an International Perspective; Austria, Canada, Finland, Israel, Sweden, the Netherlands, Federal Republic of Germany, England
46667: Berlet, Charles - Les Provinces Au XVIII Siecle Et Leur Division En Departements; Essai Sur la Formation de L'Unite Francaise
20615: Fakultat fur Landbau der Technischen Universitat Berlin - Bericht Uber Die Exkursion Der Fakultat Fur Landbau Der Technischen Universitat Berlin Nach Polen; Vom 3. -13. Juli 1967
29936: Staatliche Museen/Berlin - Ausstellung Altjapanischer Kunst
24447: Der Staatlichen Schlösser [Schlosser] und Gärten [Garten] Potsdam-Sanssouci und der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Berliner Porzellan Des 18. Jahrhunderts; Ausstellung Zum 200jährigen Jubiläum [200jahrigen Jubilaum] Der Manufaktur
31271: Berlioz, Hector - The Childhood of Christ (L'Enfance Du Christ); a Sacred Trilogy. The Words and Music by Hector Berlioz. English Version by Paul England. (Op. 25)
33785: Berman, Isaac - Sharing... Caring... ; Selected Writings of Isaac Berman
37365: Bernal, Martin - Chinese Socialism to 1913
51831: Bernard, Raymond - The Hollow Earth; the Greatest Geographical Discovery in History, Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles; the True Origin of the Flying Saucers
48421: Bernard, Antoine - Histoire de la Louisiane de Ses Origines a Nos Jours. Avec Cartes Et Illustrations
30359: Bernard, Bernard - Correct and Corrective Eating
45975: Bernard, Augustin - Petits Edifices; Troisieme Serie; Cinquante-Six Planches; Normandie; Constructions Rurales En Pans de Bois. Accompagnees de Huit Dessins Au Crayon Par Augustin Bernard. Preface de Georges Gromort
45974: Bernard, Augustin - Petits Edifices; Deuxieme Serie; Cinquante-Six Planches; Normandie; Constructions Urbaines En Pans de Bois. Accompagnees de Huit Dessins Au Crayon Par Augustin Bernard. Preface de Georges Gromort
47013: Bernd, Clifford Albrecht, ed - Grillparzer's Der Arme Spielmann; New Directions in Criticism
48610: Bernecker, Paul - Gäste [Gaste] Aus Amerika; Bericht über [Uber] Eine Oeec-Studienreise in Die Vereinigten Staaten IM Rahmen Von Technical Assistance, Vom 3. April Bis 18. Mai 1950
52819: Berner, Thomas F. - The Brooklyn Navy Yard. (Images of America)
52403: Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimer Eisenach - Travels Through America During the Years 1825 and 1826. Two Volumes in One
28592: Bernhart, Joseph - Die Philosophische Mystik Des Mittelalters Von Ihren Antiken Ursprüngen [Ursprungen] Bis Zur Renaissance. Mit Einer Zeichnung Seuses
29745: Bernhart, Joseph - Der Vatikan Als Weltmacht; Geschichte Und Gestalt Des Papsttums
25574: Bernhart, Joseph - Franz Von Assisi; Leben Und Wort
49274: Bernier, Yvon (text) - Petite Plaisance; Marguerite Yourcenar, 1903-1987
31595: Bernsdorf, Wilhelm, hrsg. (in Verbindung mit Horst Knospe) - Internationales Soziologen Lexikon. Unter Mitarbeit Zahlreicher Fachleute Des in- Und Auslandes. Redaktion Für U.S. A. , Joseph Maier
51037: Bernstein, Alan E. - The Formation of Hell; Death and Retribution in the Ancient and Early Christian Worlds
39180: Berot, Marcellin - La Vie Des Hommes de la Montagne Dans Les Pyrenees Racontée Par la Toponymie. Preface de Jean-Francois le Nail
45081: Berrien, Katharine - Daddy Ben; a Study in Black and White, Being a Story of the Lives of Real Personages During the CIVIL War
51130: Vilar-Berrogain, Gabrielle - Guide Des Recherches Dans Les Fonds D'Enregistrement Sous L'Ancien Regime
46496: Vilar-Berrogain, Gabrielle - Guide Des Recherches Dans Les Fonds D'Enregistrement Sous L'Ancien Regime
46495: Vilar-Berrogain, Gabrielle - Guide Des Recherches Dans Les Fonds D'Enregistrement Sous L'Ancien Regime
51628: Pettibone, Richard (Ian Berry and Michael Duncan) - Richard Pettibone; a Retrospective
41750: Bertaut, Jean (Louis Terreaux, ed.) - Recueil de Quelques Vers Amoureux. Edition Critique Publiee Par Louis Terreaux
46985: Berthier, J.J. - L'Eglise de Sainte-Sabine a Rome
44386: Berthold, Werner, et al. - Deutsche Intellektuelle IM Exil; Ihre Akademie Und Die "American Guild for Cultural Freedom". Eine Ausstellung Des Deutschen Exilarchivs 1933-1945 Der Deutschen Bibliothek, Frankfurt Am Main
46651: Berthollet, Jean - L' Eveche D'Autun; Etude Historique Et Descriptive. Illustree de Trois Dessins de Jean Menand de Sept Photographies Et de Huit Plans
38445: Berthollet, Claude-Louis (M. Farrell, tr.) - Researches Into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. Translated from the French by M. Farrell. With a New Introduction to the Da Capo Edition by Dr. Jack Bulloff
38406: Berti, Enrico - La Filosofia Del Primo Aristotlel
47253: Bertin, Ernest - Les Mariages Dans L'Ancienne Societe Francaise
52560: Berto, Hazel Dunaway - North to Alaska's Shining River
6551: Olivar-Bertrand, R. - Oratoria Politica Y Oradores Del Ochocientos. Homenaje Al 150 Aniversario de la Revolucion de Mayo, Bahia Blanca, 1960
21485: Bertraux, Pierre - Garschöne [Garschone] Spiele Spiel' Ich Mit Dir!; Zu Goethes Spieltrieb
19948: Bertuzzi, Giordano, ed - IL Millenario Di S. Pietro Di Modena, II; Studi E Documenti. Autori Vari
25202: Berwin, Margot - Hothouse Flower and the Nine Plants of Desire
4962: Besses, Pierre - Roman Aborigene Et Societe Australienne. La Femme Noire Dans L'Oeuvre Coloniale de K.S. Prichard (1907-1738)
50624: Betancourt, Eduardo Lopez y Raul Lopez y Cruz - La Pena de Muerte
50622: Betancourt, Eduardo Lopez - Teoria Del Delito. Decimonovena Edicion
50623: Betancourt, Eduardo Lopez y Luis O. Porte Petit Moreno - El Delito de Fraude (Reflexiones). Prologo de Sergio Garcia Ramirez. Septima Edicion
50599: Betancourt, Eduardo Lopez - El Derecho En Mexico. Segunda Edicion
46916: Bethcke, Ernst - Politische Generale; Kreise Und Krisen Um Bismarck
44384: Bethge, Wolfgang - Goethes Auseinandersetzung Mit Dem Absurden in Dichtung Und Wahrheit
52734: Betts, C. Wyllys - American Colonial History Illustrated by Contemporay Medals
45311: Betts, Anson Gardner - Bleiraffination Durch Elektrolyse. Aus Dem Englischen übersetzt [Ubersetzt] Von Viktor Engelhardt. Mit 74 Abbildungen, 135 Tabellen IM Text Und 16 Tafeln
51607: Kort, Betty and Steven B. Shively, eds - Aging and Dying in Willa Cather's Fiction; Essays from the 2004 Willa Cather Spring Festival and a Guide to Webster County Cather-Related Cemeteries
44958: Betz, Maurice - Rilke in Frankreich; Erinnerungen, Briefe, Dokumente
50156: Betz, Maurice - Rilke a Paris Et Les Cahiers de Malte Laurids Brigge
52458: Beuque, Emile - Platine, or & Argent; Dictionnaire Des Poincons Officiels Francais Et Etrangers, Anciens Et Modernes de Leur Creation (XIV Siecle) a Nos Jours. Preface de M. Lucien Py. Tome 1 Et 2
21432: Beutler, Ernst - Von Deutscher Baukunst; Goethes Hymnus Auf Erwin Von Steinbach, Seine Entstehung Und Wirkung. Mit 8 Abbildungen
44010: Beutler, Ernst - Essays Um Goethe. Zweite, Erweiterte Auflage. Mit 28 Abbildungen. Two Volumes
46913: Nationaal Socialistische Beweging - No. 1 Programma Der Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging in Nederland, December 1931. [Cover: Programma Met Toelichting (1 En 2)]
43880: Bewick, Thomas - Memoir of Thomas Bewick, Written by Himself, 1822-1828. With an Introduction by Edmund Blunden
51460: Bezilla, Michael - The College of Agriculture at Penn State; a Tradition of Excellence
51452: Bezilla, Michael - Engineering Education at Penn State; a Century in the Land-Grant Tradition
34551: Bezzel, Christoph - Natur Bei Kafka; Studien Zur ästhetik [Asthetik] Des Poetischen Zeichens
26105: Bhaskar, Roy - Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom
47531: Biasca, Cynthia (Laurene Matthews Grimes) - Descendants of Albert and Arent Andriessen Bradt. With Three Supplements; 1: Supplement to Descendants of Albert and Arent Andriessen Bradt (Biasca); 2: Second Supplement to Descendants of Albert and Arent Andriessen Bradt, Including Van Derzee (Grimes); 3: Third Supplement to Descendants of Albert and Arent Andriessen Bradt, Including Van Derzee (Grimes). Four Volumes
44370: Galli-Bibiena, Ferdinando - Direzioni a Giovani Studenti Nel Disegno Dell'Architettura Civile, Dell' Accademia Clementina... Edizione Terza. [Volume 2 Is Titled] Direzioni Della Prospettiva Teorica Corrispondenti a Quelle Dell'Architettura Istruzione Ai Giovani Studenti de Pittura, E Architettura Nell' Accademia Clementina Dell' Institute Delle Scienze. Raccolte Da Ferdinando Galli Bibiena. Divise in Cinque Parti. Tomo Secondo Dedicate Dall'Autore A.S. Petronio. Seconda Edizione
39755: Institut Biblique et de Mission Orthodoxe - L'Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine
11122: Bidwell, Charles E. - The Structure of Russian in Outline
52609: Biegeleisen, J.I. - Art Directors' Book of Type Faces; for Artists, Typographers, Letterers, Teachers and Students. Introduction by Robert L. Leslie
51848: Bielinski, Stefan - Abraham Yates, Jr. And the New Political Order in Revolutionary New York
51874: Bielinski, Stefan - Government by the People; the Story of the Donagan Charter and the Birth of Participatory Democracy in the City of Albany
43965: Bierstadt, O.A. - The Library of Robert Hoe; a Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. With One Hundred and Ten Illustrations Taken from Manuscripts and Books in the Collection
38050: Bigazzi, Isabella, ed - Un Memoriale Di Piero Di Vincenso Strozzi. A Cura Di Isabella Bigazzi
15919: Biggs, Mary - A Gift That Cannot Be Refused: The Writing and Publishing of Contemporary American Poetry
37292: Bignell, Alan - Kent Villages
27023: Biles, Jack I. [editor] - British Novelists Since 1900
28117: Wrightson, Bill and Campbell Pope - From Barrier Free to Safe Enviroments; the New Zealand Experience
45197: Billiard, Raymond - Trois Siecles de la Vie de Nos Ancetres Beaujolais; XVI, XVII, XVIII Siecles. Illustration de R. Broyer
41324: Billingham, Mark - Die of Shame
50267: Billroth, Theodor (Charles E. Hackley, tr.) - General Surgical Pathology and Theraputics, in Fifty Lectures; a Text-Book for Students and Physicians. Translated from the Fourth German Edition, with the Special Permission of the Author, by Charles E. Hackley
50662: Bilz, F.E. - The Natural Method of Healing; a New and Complete Guide to Health. Translated from the Latest German Edition. With a Portrait of the Author and More Than 720 Illustrations, Numerous Colored Plates and Several Colored Folding Models of the Human Body and Its Organs. Two Volume Set
49916: Binding, Rudolf G. - Von Der Kraft Deutschen Worts Als Ausdruck Der Nation. [Rede Gehalten in Der Preussischen Akademie Der Kunste Zu Berlin Am 28. April 1933]
15398: International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Walleye Pollock - Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Walleye Pollock. Anchorage, Alaska, November 14-16, 1988
49238: Anacreon, Sappho, Bion et Moschus (Moutonnet-Clairfons, Julien-Jacques, tr.) - Anacreon, Sapho, Bion Et Moschus. Traduction Nouvelle En Prose, Suivie de la Veillee Des Fetes de Venus, Et D'Un Choix de Pieces de Differens Auteurs
24269: Birch, John J. - The Markers Speak; an Informal History of the Schenectady Area
40048: Bird, John - The Miraculous Icon of Pochaiv
36989: Bird, A.L. - Oil Engines. With 103 Diagrams
48975: Birdsall, Ralph - The Story of Cooperstown. With Sixty-Eight Illustrations from Photographs
44766: Bire, Edmond - L'Annee 1817
28106: Roos, Birger and Frances Rainbow - Sweden's National Transport Service for the Severely Handicapped (Roos) and Transportation for the Handicapped; a U.S. Perspective (Rainbow)
46672: Birkenmayer, Sigmund, ed - An Accented Dictionary of Place Names in the Soviet Union, [with] Supplement. Two Volumes
48505: Birkhan, Helmut - Das Historische IM "Ring" Des Heinrich Wittenweiler
44824: Birrell and Garnett (Graham Pollard) - Catalogue of I: Typefounders' Specimens; II: Books Printed in Founts of Historic Importance; III: Works on Typefounding, Printing and Bibliography
37843: Biscarini, Claudio - 1944; I Francesi E la Liberazione Di Siena; Storia E Immagini Delle Operazioni Militari
29050: Bishop, Elizabeth (Lloyd Schwartz, ed.) - Prose
29051: Bishop, Elizabeth - Poems
47785: Bishop, Merrill - Sonnets in a Hospital
51492: Bisno, David C. - Eyes in the Storm; President Hopkin's Dilemma; the Dartmouth Eye Institute
8729: Bisseret, Noëlle - Education, Class Language and Ideology
27866: Bissert, Ellen Marie, ed - 13th Moon; a Literary Magazine Publishing Women Whoever We Choose to Be; Volume 3, Number 2
25427: Bittel, Karl, hrsg - Der Kommunistenprozeß (Kommunistenprozess) Zu Köln [Koln] 1852 IM Spiegel Der Zeitgenössischen [Zeitgenossischen] Presse
26200: Bittmann, Karl - Die Jugendlichen Arbeiter in Deutschland. 1: Arbeitsverhältnisse [Arbeitsverhaltnisse] Der Den Ss 135-139 Der Gewerbeordnung Unterstellten Minderjährigen [Minderjahrigen]Arbeiter
52970: Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen - The Randazzo Hoard 1980 and Sicilian Chronology in the Early Fifth Century B.C.
51389: Taggie, Benjamin F., Richard W. Clement, Robert E. Bjork and Guy Mermier, eds - Mediterranean Studies; Volume Six
46733: Björkbom [Bjorkbom], Carl - Johann Gutenberg Till 500 Arsminnet Av Uppfinningen Av Boktryckarkonsten
1124: Björkenheim [Bjorkenheim], Magnus - Aldre Fransk Litteratur Pa Herrgardar I Finland / Collections Litteraires Francaises Conservées [Conservees] Dans Les Manoirs de Finlande. (Publications of the University Library at Helsinki, 45)
44464: Bjorklund, Beth - A Study in Comparative Prosody; English and German Jambic [Iambic] Pentameter
36922: Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne [Bjornson, Bjornstjerne] - Fiskerjenten
52543: Blaauwen, A.L. den, ed - Nederlands Zilver/Dutch Silver, 1580-1830
28663: Black, Mary - Beyond the Golden Door; a Brief History of the Jews of New York. With an Introduction by Dr. Arthur Hertzberg
45011: Black, Winifred - Dope; the Story of the Living Dead. With a Foreword by Fremont Older
50758: Blackburn, Roderic H. - Cherry Hill; the History and Collections of a Van Rennselaer Family
42013: Blackford, Mansel G. - A Portrait Cast in Steel; Buckeye International and Columbus, Ohio, 1881-1980
38255: Blackmore, R.D. [Richard Doddridge] - Perlycross; a Tale of the Western Hills
43801: Blackwood, Sir Robert - Monash University; the First Ten Years
43790: Blake, William (David Bindman, ed.) - William Blake; Catalogue of the Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
51595: Blake, William (Alfred Kazin, ed.) - The Indispensable Blake. Selected and Arranged, with an Introduction, by Alfred Kazin
13555: Blanc, Joseph - Bibliographie Italico-Francaise Universelle, Ou, Catalogue Methodique de Tous Les Imprimes En Langue Francaise Sur L'Italie Ancienne Et Moderne Depuis L'Origine de L'Imprimerie, 1475 - 1885
52876: Blanchard, Mary Bergan - Eulogy; a Memoir
52054: Blanchard, Paula - Sarah Orne Jewett; Her World and Her Work. (Radcliffe Biography Series)
27082: Blanco, Manuel Garcia - La Lengua Española [Espanola] En la Epoca de Carlos V Y Otras Cuestiones de Linguistica Y Filologia
51008: Blanden, Charles G. - A Chorus of Leaves
51007: Blanden, Charles G. - A Chorus of Leaves
6518: Blandin, Andre - Le Calcul Des Prix de Revient Dans L'Industrie. Preface de Xavier Lauras
48443: Blarer, Anton Ernst von - Indianer, Cowboys Und Pferde
52751: Blasco, Jose M. Sanchez-Giron - Monedas de Marruecos
9946: Blaser, Arthur Frederick, Jr. - The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
36104: Blasius, Dirk - Ehescheidung in Deutschland, 1794-1945; Scheidung Und Scheidungsrecht in Historischer Perspektive
45022: Blatt, Franz - Saxonis Gesta Danorum. Tomus II, Indicem Verborum, Fasc. I (a-Dissideo) and II (Dissidium-Mobilis). These Two Fascicles Only
28138: Blaug, Mark, ed - The Economics of the Arts
51073: Audubon, John James (Annette Blaugrund and Theodore E. Stebbins, eds.) - The Watercolors for the Birds of America. Catalog Entries by Carole Anne Slatkin. Essays by Theodore E. Stebbins, Annette Blaugrund, Amy R.W. Meyers and Reba Fishman Snyder
37941: Blazquez, Jose M. - Imagen Y Mito; Estudios Sobre Religiones Mediterraneas E Ibericas
48924: Blei, Franz (hrsg.) - Comoedia Divina. Mit Drei Vorreden Von Peter Hammer, Jean Paul Und Dem Herausgeber. (Deutsche Litteratur-Pasquille. Herausgegeben Von Franz Blei. Zweites Stück [Stuck]. )
45222: Bleuel, Hans Peter - Sex and Society in Nazi Germany. Edited and with a Preface by Heinrich Fraenkel. Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
19984: Blewett, David, ed - Fiction and Print Culture (Genre Romanesque Et Culture de L'Imprime)
27260: Bligh, Lieutenant William (Robert Bowman, ed.) - An Account of the Mutiny of Hms Bounty. With a Foreword by Richard Hough
28441: Blinoff, Marthe - Life and Thought in Old Russia
40212: Bliss, Arthur Ames - Theodore Bliss; Publisher and Bookseller; a Study of Character and Life in the Middle Period of the XIX Century. Edited and Arranged for Publication, from Dictation, Notes, and Remembered Conversations
21375: Bloch, Peter André - Schiller Und Die Französische Klassische Tragödie; Versuch Eines Vergleichs
51438: Bloch, Marc (Janet Sondheimer, tr.) - French Rural History; an Essay on Its Basic Characteristics. Foreword by Bryce Lyon. Translated from the French by Janet Sondheimer
12247: Bloch, Raymond - Arte Etrusca
51243: Bloch, Marc (L.A. Manyon, tr.) - Feudal Society; Vol. 1: The Growth of Ties of Dependence; Vol. 2: Social Classes and Political Organization. Two Volume Set
38528: Block, Hermann - Die Parlamentarische Krisis Der Nationalliberalen Partei, 1879-1880
31493: Blöcker, Günter [Blocker, Gunter] - Literatur Als Teilhabe; Kritische Orientierungen Zur Literarischen Gegenwart
21374: Blöcker, Günter - Heinrich Von Kleist, Oder Das Absolute Ich
21073: Blöcker [Blocker], Günter [Gunter] - Kritisches Lesebuch; Literatur Unserer Zeit in Probe Und Bericht
28720: Blokker, Jan - De Wond'Ren Werden Woord En Dreven Verder; Honderd Jaar Informatie in Nederland, 1889-1989
24170: Bloom, Harold, ed - Modern Critical Views; John Ruskin. (Edited and with an Introduction by Harold Bloom)
53114: Bloom, Harold - Lear; the Great Image of Authority. (Shakespeare's Personalities)
38987: Blose [Blos], Vilema - Francouzska Revoluce; Pravdivé Popsani Udalosti a Pomeru Ve Francii Od Roku 1789 Do Roku 1804. Prekladem Leo Kochmanna, Franka Hlavacka a Bernarda Herce. S Cetnymi Podobiznami a Historickymi Obrazy
47027: Bluche, Francois - Les Magistrats Du Parlement de Paris Au XVIII Siecle (1715-1771)
45051: Blume, Friedrich - Goethe Und Die Musik
24371: Blumenstein, Lynn - Treasure Hunters Relic Identification. (Wishbook 1865)
20882: Blumenthal, Lieselotte, et al. - Lieselotte Blumenthal; Zum Gedenken
13912: Blumenthal, Otto - Principes de la Theorie Des Fonctions Entieres D'Ordre Infini
48300: Blunck, Hans Friedrich - Kampf Um Neuyork; Die Geschichte Des Pfälzers [Pfalzers] Jakob Leisler (1640-1691)
30504: Blunt, [Arthur] A.G., ed - Rugby School Who's Who
42235: Bly, Robert, ed - The Soul Is Here for Its Own Joy; Sacred Poems from Many Cultures
49414: Blyth, Alan, ed - Opera on Record. Discographies Compiled by Malcolm Walker. Complete 3 Volume Set
49270: Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) - Arctic Survival Manual
38554: Boas, George - Some Assumptions of Aristotle
34907: Boase, T.S.R. - English Art, 1800-1870
45321: Loys de Bochat, Charles Guillaume de - Memoires Pour Servir a L'Histoire Du Diferend Entre le Pape Et le Canton de Lucerne
25090: Böckmann, Paul - Formgeschichte Der Deutschen Dichtung; Erster Band: Von Der Sinnbildsprache Zur Ausdruckssprache; Der Wandel Der Literarischen Formensprache Vom Mittelalter Zur Neuzeit
48661: Boczkauskas, D.T. - Tukstantis Naktu Ir Viena; Arabiszkos Istorijos. Ketvirtas Iszdavimas Su Daugybe Paveikslais
40499: Bodart, Roger - Mes Ameriques; Avec Des Reproductions de Tableaux de Primitifs Americains Et Un Frontispice En Couleurs
25456: Bode, Wilhelm - Florentiner Bildhauer Der Renaissance
33340: Bode, Wilhelm - Die Tonkunst in Goethes Leben; Erster Und Zweiter Bänden. Mit Vierundzwanzig Bildnissen
32435: Bode, Wilhelm von - Studien über [Uber] Leonardo Da Vinci. Mit 73 Abbildungen
50234: Bode, Wilhelm - Das Vorgoethische Weimar. Mit 23 Abbildungen
50236: Bode, Wilhelm - Der Illusenhof Der Herzogin Amalie. Dritte Auflage. Mit 34 Abbildungen
50237: Bode, Wilhelm - Der Musenhof Der Herzogin Amalie. Mit 25 Abbildungen
50347: Bodenheim, Maxwell - Returning to Emotion
47030: Bodi, Leslie, et al, eds - Weltbürger [Weltburger]-Textwelten; Helmut Kreuzer Zum Dank
25424: Boeck, Hans - Zur Marxistischen Ethik Und Sozialistischen Moral
25032: Boeckler, Albert - Deutsche Buchmalerei Der Gotik. [Cover Title: Gotische Buchmalerei]
24969: Boehm, Max Hildebert - Lothringerland; Anderthalb Jahrtausende Grenzlandschicksal Zwischen Argonnen Und Vogesen. Mit 13 Karten
25830: Willi Boelcke, hrsg - Krupp Und Die Hohenzollern, Aus Der Korrespondenz Der Familie Krupp, 1850-1916
23960: Boeniger, Yvonne - Lamartine Et le Sentiment de la Nature. Preface de Fortunat Strowski
26940: Rüter, A.J.C., onder redactie van Th. J.G. Locher, W. den Boer en B.W. Schaper - Historische Studies over Mens En Samenleving
52365: Boesch, Bruno (hrsg.) - Deutsche Literaturgeschichte in Grundzügen [Grundzugen]; Die Epochen Deutscher Dichtung in Darstellungen Von L. Beriger, A. Bettex, B. Boesch, W. Kohlschmidt, F. Ranke, H. Rup, F. Strich, M. Wehrli Und A. Zäch [Zach]
46491: Boese, Franz - Geschichte Des Vereins Für [Fur] Sozialpolitik, 1872-1932. IM Auftrage Des Liquidationsausschusses VerfaßT [Verfasst] Vom Schriftführer [Schriftfuhrer] Dr. Franz Boese
50198: Bogardus, Lorraine Brown - River Reflections Revisited; a Short History of Morristown, Ny
36079: Boghosian, H.B. - Highlights of Armenian History and Its Civilization
29710: Bogler, Theodor - Ein Mönch Erzählt [Monch Erzahlt]
47234: Bogros, E. - A Travers le Morvan; Moeurs, Types Scenes, Et Paysages. Troisieme Edition, Illustree de 10 Planches Hors-Texte Et Augmentee D'Une Preface de Jean Drouillet
41617: Boguslavskala, IA - Russkaia Glinianaia Igrushka
42264: Böhlig [Bohlig], Alexander - Das ägypterevangelium [Agypterevangelium] Von Nag Hammadi (Das Heilige Buch Des Grossen Unsichtbaren Geistes). Nach Der Edition Von A. Böhlig [Bohlig], F. Wisse, P. Labib Ins Deutsche übersetzt [Ubersetzt] Und Mit Einer Einleitung Sowie Noten Versehen
38530: Böhm [Bohm], Gottfried von - Ludwig II. König [Konig] Von Bayern; Sein Leben Und Seine Zeit
29782: Böhme [Bohme], Jakob (Heinrich Borhkamm, hrsg.) - Brevier
37559: Müller-Bohn [Muller-Bohn], Hermann - Graf Moltke; Ein Bild Seines Lebens Und Seiner Zeit. Mit Zahlreichen Illustrationen Von Ersten Deutschen Künstlern [Kunstlern]
44456: Bohner, Theodor - Der Ehrbarke Kaufmann; Ein Jahrhundert in Deutschlands Kontoren Und Fabriken. Mit 243 Abbildungen Und 32 Tafeln
46996: Bohner, Theodor - Das Haus Savoyen
46501: Boi, Maria Marta - Guerra E Beni Culturali (1940-1945)
44744: Boinet, Amedee - Les Eglises Parisiennes; Vol. 1: Moyen Age Et Renaissance; Vol. 2: XVIII Siecle. Two Volumes
27229: Boismont, A. Brierre de - A History of Dreams, Visions, Apparitions, Ecstasy, Magnetism, and Somnambulism
36984: Boissy, Gabriel (introduction) - L'Art de Gouverner Selon Les Rois de France; Tire de Leurs Oeuvres, Lettres, Memoires, Ecrits Divers Et Precede D'Une Introduction a la Sagesse de France Par Gabriel Boissy
50335: Bolanger, Graciela Rodo (Luis Ramiro Beltran Salmon) - Ninos, Ninos
36998: Boldt, Joseph R. (Paul Queneau, ed.) - The Winning of Nickel; Its Geology, Mining, and Extrative Metallurgy
52709: Bolender, M.H. - The United States Early Silver Dollars from 1794 to 1803. Second Revised Edition
44795: Bolle, Eric - Die Kunst Der Differenz; Philosophische Untersuchungen Zur Bestimmung Der Kunst Bei Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Hölderlin [Holderlin], Paul Celan Und Bram Van Velde
44944: Boltwood, Edward - The History of Pittsfield, Massachusetts from the Year 1876 to the Year 1916
8907: Bonamico, Sergio - Recupero Edilizio Rinnovo Urbano
13546: Bonasera, Francesco - Fonti Per Lo Studio Geografico Della Sicilia, 1861 - 1960
49629: Bond, Alvan, Rev - Autobiographical Reminiscences of Rev. Alvan Bond, D.D. , 1793-1882; Funeral Sermons and Notices, Ancestry and Descendants; Pedigree Charts [of] Alvan Bond and Sarah Richardson, His Wife, with Sketches of Ancestral Early Settlers; Facsimile of Bond Genealogy Printed in 1826
49628: Bond, Alvan, Rev - Autobiographical Reminiscences of Rev. Alvan Bond, D.D. , 1793-1882; Funeral Sermons and Notices, Ancestry and Descendants; Pedigree Charts [of] Alvan Bond and Sarah Richardson, His Wife, with Sketches of Ancestral Early Settlers; Facsimile of Bond Genealogy Printed in 1826
51164: Bond, Beverley W. - The Quit-Rent System in the American Colonies. With an Introduction by Charles M. Andrews
49623: Bond, Alvan, Rev - Autobiographical Reminiscences of Rev. Alvan Bond, D.D. , 1793-1882; Funeral Sermons and Notices, Ancestry and Descendants; Pedigree Charts [of] Alvan Bond and Sarah Richardson, His Wife, with Sketches of Ancestral Early Settlers; Facsimile of Bond Genealogy Printed in 1826
49622: Bond, Alvan, Rev - Autobiographical Reminiscences of Rev. Alvan Bond, D.D. , 1793-1882; Funeral Sermons and Notices, Ancestry and Descendants; Pedigree Charts [of] Alvan Bond and Sarah Richardson, His Wife, with Sketches of Ancestral Early Settlers; Facsimile of Bond Genealogy Printed in 1826
48611: Bonde, Arne - Usa; Pluss/Minus
49970: Bondeli, Julie (Lilli Haller, tr.) - Die Briefe Von Julie Bondeli an Joh. Georg Zimmermann Und Leonhard Usteri. Aus Dem Französischen [Franzosischen] Zum Erstenmal übertragen [Ubertragen] Von LILLI Haller
24685: Bondeson, Jan - The Two-Headed Boy, and Other Medical Marvels
50900: Bonehill, Captain Ralph - The Rival Bicyclists; or, Fun and Adventure on the Wheel
35937: Bonert, Kenneth - The Lion Seeker; a Novel
9634: Bonfatti, Emilio, ed - IL Gesto, IL Bello, IL Sublime; Arte E Letteratura in Germania Tra '700 E '800
30617: Bonger, W.A. - Problemen Der Demokratie; Een Soiologische En Psychologische Studie
44574: Bonis, Konstantin G. - Die Slawenapostel; Kyrillos Und Methodios Und Die Basilika Des Hl. Demetrios Von Thessalonike; Ein Beitrag Zur Klarung Der Familie Dieser Heiligen Und Eine Deutung Gewisser Mosaiken Und Aufscriften Des Hl. Demetrios Von Thessalonikes
43408: BonJour, Laurence - In Defense of Pure Reason; a Rationalist Account of a Priori Justification
48597: Bonn, M.J. - Die Kultur Der Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika
24810: Bonnaffe, Edmond - Dictionnaire Des Amateurs Francais Au XVII Siecle
41619: Bonnard, Olivier - Et la Lumiere Fut! Photographies D'Olivier Bonnard. Preface de Jacques Neirynck
21099: Bonnlander, Dietlinde - Ich Schreibe Dir
51343: Nonesuch Books - Nonesuch Books for Christmas, 1925 [and] for the Spring, 1926. With a Hand-List of Books Hitherto Published by the Press
51999: Glenn Horowitz Bookseller - Virginia and Leonard Woolf
51955: Glenn Horowitz Bookseller - The Venice Library of Ezra Pound and Olga Rudge
26880: Booth, William H. - Superheat, Superheating, and Their Control
31809: Booth, Wm. [William] H. - Steam Pipes; Their Design and Construction; a Treatise of the Principles of Steam Conveyance and Means and Materials Employed in Practice, to Secure Economy, Efficiency and Safety
20967: Borchardt, Wilhelm - Sprichwörtlichen [Sprichwortlichen] Redensorten IM Deutschen Volksmunde, Nach Sinn Und Ursprung Erläutert [Erlautert]. In Gänzlicher [Ganzlicher] Neubearbeitung Herausgegeben Von Gustav Wustmann
45286: Borchers, W. - Elektro-Metallurgie Des Nickels. Mit Vier in Den Text Gedruckten Abbildungen
52406: Borchert, Wolfgang - Das Gesamtwerk. Mit Einem Biographischen Nachwort Von Bernhard Meyer-Marwitz
44517: Borchert, Wolfgang (David Porter, tr.) - The Man Outside; the Prose Works of Wolfgang Borchert. Translated from the German by David Porter. Introduction by Stephen Spender
46044: Borchmeyer, Dieter - Höfische [Hofische] Gesellschaft Und Französische [Franzosische] Revolution Bei Goethe. Adliges Und Bürgerliches [Burgerliches] Wertsystem IM Urteil Der Weimarer Klassik
45291: Bordon, Paris (Giordana Canova) - Paris Bordon. Con Prefazione Di Rodolfo Pallucchini
35850: Borel, Jean-Paul - El Teatro de Lo Imposible; Ensayo Sobre Una de Las Dimensiones Fundamentales Del Teatro Español [Espanol] Contemporaneo
28040: Knapp, James, Peter Borgesen and Raymond A. Zuhr, eds - Beam-Solid Interactions; Physical Phenomena. Symposium Held November 27-December 1, 1989, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. A.
45665: Alekseeva, Olga Borisovna and L.I. Emelianov - Istoricheskie Pesni XVIII Veka
45121: Borman, Tracy - The King's Witch; a Novel
44701: Borman, Tracy - The King's Witch
44400: Von Borman, Alexander - Natura Loquitur; Naturpoesie Und Emblematische Formel Bei Joseph Von Eichendorff
46611: Borman, Tracy - The Devil's Slave
47142: Borman, Tracy - The Devil's Slave
21090: Bormann, Edwin - Der Humor IM Buchhandel; Ein Vademecum Für [Fur] Lustige Und Traurige Buchhändler [Buchhandler]. Faksimile Der Ausgabe Augsburg 1887
24629: Remond, Rene, Georges Vedel, Jaques Fauvet, Etienne Borne et Debats - La Democratie a Refaire. Preface de Maurice Duverger
44457: Bornstein, Paul, hrsg - Der Junge Hebbel; Wesselburen Lebenszeugnisse Und Dichterische Anfänge [Anfange]
43330: Yeats, W.B. [William Butler] (George Bornstein and Richard J. Finneran, eds.) - Early Essays
29020: Borodin, A.M., et al, eds - Bitva Za Stalingrad. Izdanie Vtoroe, Ispravlennoe I Dopolnennoe
29481: Boros, Ladislaus - In Der Versuchung Meditationen über [Uber] Den Weg Zur Vollendung
10695: Snosko-Borowsky, E. - Eröffnungs [Eroffnungs]-Fallen Am Schachbrett. Neu Bearbeitet Von Rudolf Teschner
32946: Borrett, William C. - East Coast Port and Other Tales Told Under the Old Town Clock
32325: Borrie, G.W.B. - F.M. Wibaut; Mens En Magistraat; Ontstaan En Ontwikkeling Der Socialistische Gemeentepolitiek
32116: Borrie, G.W.B. - Pieter Lodwijk Tak (1848-1907); Journalist En Politicus
36278: Borsi, Franco (Corinna Vasic Vatovec) - Dall'Art Deco Al Novecento. A Cura Di Corinna Vasic Vatovec
39017: Borst, Bill - The Pride of St. Louis; a Cooperstown Gallery from Alexander to... Young. [Cover: With a Special Tribute to Lou Brock]
40606: Bortolan, D. Domenico - Vocabolario Del Dialetto Antico Vicentino (Dal Secolo XIV a Tutto IL Secolo XVI)
47210: Borton, Samuel L. - Six Modes of Sensibility in Saint-Amant
25613: Bös [Bos], Dieter und Hans-Dieter Stolper, hrsg - Schumpeter Oder Keynes?; Zur Wirtschaftspolitik Der Neunziger Jahre. Mit Beiträgen [Beitragen] Von H. Albach, W. Krelle, W. MeißNer, J.R. Meyer, M. Neumann, F. Neumark, Ch. Seidl, W.F. Stolper Und E. StreißLer
51026: Bosch, William J. - Judgement on Nuremberg; American Attitudes Toward the Major German War-Crime Trials
2845: Böschenstein [Boschenstein], Hermann - Bundesrat Obrecht, 1882-1940
36217: Bose, Ashish - Studies in India's Urbanization, 1901-1971
35409: Georg von Bosse - Das Deutsche Element in Den Vereinigten Staaten Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung [Berucksichtigung] Seines Politischen, Ethischen, Sozialen Und Erzieherischen Einflusses
51157: Bossenga, Gail - The Politics of Privilege; Old Regime and Revolution in Lille
44038: Bosshardt, Eva - Goethes Späte [Spate] Landschaftslyrik
25373: Bossle, Lothar - Allende Und Der Europäische [Europaische] Sozialismus
44848: Boston and Portsmouth S.S. Co - Views Along Shore
37625: Boston - The by-Laws and Orders of the Town of Boston, Passed at Several Legal Town Meetings and Duly Approved by the Court of Sessions, Together with Rules and Orders Passed by the Selectmen; the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health; Also, Sundry Laws of the Commonwealth and Other Important Information Relating to the Town of Boston
47984: Boswell, James - The Life of Samuel Johnson, Comprehending an Account of His Studies and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order: A Series of His Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons; Various Original Pieces of His Composition, Never Before Published. A New Edition, Elucidated by Copious Notes, and Illustrated with Numerous Portraits, Views, and Characteristic Designs, Engraved from Authentic Sources. Four Volume Set [with] Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson; a New Edition, Illustrated, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Carruthers. Five Volumes in All
51706: Boswell, James - On the Profession of a Player; Three Essays
41809: Castle, William Bosworth and George Richards Minot (Henry A. Christian, ed.) - Pathological Physiology and Clinical Description of the Anemias
46490: Bothe, Friedrich - Geschichte Der Stadt Frankfurt Am Main. Dritte, Erweiterte Auflage
52809: Bottero, Jean (Kees W. Bolle, tr.) - The Birth of God; the Bible and the Historian
37990: Botton, Sari, ed - Never Can Say Goodbye; Writers on Their Unshakable Love for New York
42206: Bouchard, Marcel - L'Academie de Dijon Et le Premier Discours de Rousseau
47865: Bouchard, Rene, ed - Culture Populaire Et Litteratures Au Quebec. Ouvrage Publie Sous la Direction de Rene Bouchard
45867: Bouchard, Rene, ed - Culture Populaire Et Litteratures Au Quebec. Ouvrage Publie Sous la Direction de Rene Bouchard
46949: Bouchard, Georges - La Famille Du Conventionnel Basire Et Quelques Apercus Profitables Sur le XVIII Siecle
27677: Bouchard, Donald F. - Hemingway; So Far from Simple
49197: Boudin, Mme. (Charles-Louis Livet, ed.) - Les Intrigues de Molière Et Celles de Sa Femme; Ou, la Fameuse Comédienne, Histoire de la Guérin. Réimpression Conforme à L'édition Sans Lieu Ni Date, Suivie Des Variantes, Avec Préface Et Notes, Par Ch. L. De Livet
41776: Bouhours, [Dominique] - Entretiens D'Artiste Et D'Eugene. Introduction Et Notes de Rene Radouant
49500: Boulby, Mark - Karl Philipp Moritz; at the Fringe of Genius
49522: Boule, Marcellin - Les Hommes Fossiles; Elements de Paleontologie Humaine. Deuxieme Edition Revue Et Augmentee Avec 248 Figures Dans le Texte Et Hors Texte
47868: Boulenger, Jacques - Rabelais; a Travers Les Ages. Compilation Suivie D'Une Bibliographie Sommaire, D'Un Etude Sure Ses Portaits Et D'Un Esamen de Ses Autographes. Ouvrage Illustre de Plusieurs Portraits Et Fac-Similes
8477: Boulger, Demetrius C. - The Congo State, or, the Growth of Civilization in Central Africa
36100: Boura, Olivier - Les Atlantides; Genealogie D'Un Mythe
40430: Bourdelle, Antoine, O.V. de L. Milosz, Andre Suares, et al. - O.V. De L. Milosz (1877-1939). [Cover: Collection Les Lettres]
44678: Foursans-Bourdette, Marie-Pierrette - Economie Et Finances En Bearn Au XVIII Siecle
12397: Bourion, Georges - L'Ultraconvergence Dans Les Series de Taylor
51119: Bourne, A.V. [Vincent] - Poematia, Latine Partim Reddita, Partim Scripta. Quarto Edita
51077: Bourne, Vincent - The Poems of Vincent Bourne. With Memoir and Notes by the Rev. John Mitford
50821: Bourne, Vincent - Poematia; Latine Partim Reddita, Partim Scripta. Quinto Edita
45296: Bournon, Fernand - La Voie Publique Et Son Decor; Colonnes, Tours, Portes, Obelisques, Fontaines, Statures, Etc. Ouvrage Illustre de 64 Planches Hors Texte
48676: Bourquin, Maurice, Paul Mantoux, William E. Rappard, et al. - Centenaire Woodrow Wilson, 1856-1956
24444: Bouthoul, Gaston, hrsg - Staatsideen Und Politische Programme Der Weltgeschichte, Mit Einem Vorwort Von Professor Dr. Carlo Schmid
23969: Bouton, Charles P. - Les Mecanismes D'Acquisition Du Francais; Langue Etrangere Chez L'Adulte
24915: Ajjan-Boutrad, Bacima - Le Sentiment Religieux Dans L'Oeuvre de Naguib Mahfouz. Preface de Genevieve Gobillot
12393: Boutroux, Pierre - Lecons Sur Les Fonctions Definies Par Les Equations Differentielles Du Premier Ordre Professees Au College Du France. Avec Une Note de M. Paul Painleve
48548: Boveri, Margret - Amerika-Fibel Für [Fur] Erwachsene Deutsche; Ein Versuch Unverstandenes Zu Erklären [Erklaren]
48565: Boveri, Margret - Amerikafibel; Eine Versuch, Unverstandenes Zu Erklären [Erklaren]
13529: Bovini, Giuseppe - Saggio Di Bibliografia Su Ravenna Antica
34745: Nott-Bower, E.E. - Ten Ton Travel
30340: Bower, George Spencer - [English Philosophers] Hartley and James MILL
31924: Bowers, Fredson, ed - Studies in Bibliography; Volume Twenty-Six
5288: Bowker, R. R., ed - The Economic Fact-Book
52576: Bowman, Fred Q. - 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834
52991: Bowman, Fred - Communion Tokens of the Presbyterian Church in Canada
44542: Sappho (Cecil Maurice Bowra) - Sappho Dichtung; Griechisch Und Deutsch
52773: Boyce, Aline Abaecherli - Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire; Four Papers
4945: Boyd, Evelyn Mae - The Lure of Creatures True and Legendary
44110: Boyd, James P., American editor - Russia and Japan, Including the Tragic Stuggle by Land and Sea for Empire in the Far East; Graphic Descriptions of Martial Events from the Opening of Hostilities at Port Arthur to the Peace Treaty at Portsmouth. Compiled and Written from Official Reports of Commandants, Letters of Correspondents, and War Reviews with Eloborate Treatises on the Russian Empire, and on Japan and Her Institutions
32753: Boyd, Ernest A. - The Contemporary Drama of Ireland
47707: Boyd, James (Nathaniel. C. Wyeth, illus.) - Drums. With Pictures by N.C. Wyeth
47982: Boyle, T.C. [Coraghessan] - Stories II; the Collected Stories of T. Coraghessan Boyle; Volume 2
50934: The Boys' and Girls' Magazine (Mark Forrester, ed.) - The Boys' and Girls' Magazine, and Fireside Companion. Vol. 5 (January to June, 1850) [Bound Together with] Vol. 6 (July to December, 1850)
26380: Braaten, Jane - Habermas's Critical Theory of Society
53045: Bradbury, Frederick - History of Old Sheffield Plate, Being an Account of the Origin, Growth, and Decay of the Industry and of the Antique Silver and White or Britannia Metal Trade. With Chronological Lists of Makers' Marks and Numerous Illustrations of Specimens
52297: Bradbury, Wm. B. - Bradbury's Anthem Book; a Collection of Anthems, Choruses, Opening and Closing Pieces Adapted to the Want of Choirs, Musical Associations, Conventions, Etc.
23968: Bradbury, Nicola - An Annotated Critical Bibliograpy of Henry James
21048: Bradish, Joseph A. von - Von Walther Von Der Vogelweide Bis Anton Wildgans; Aufsätze [Aufsatze] Und Vorträge [Vortrage] Aus Fünf Funf] Jahrzehnten
21871: Bradley, Harriett - The Enclosures in England; an Economic Reconstruction
42075: Bradley, James - Wool Carding
51764: Bradley, Edward E. - Before the Mast on the Clipper Ship "Mary Whitridge" of Baltimore. With Extracts from His Journal, 1875-76
47569: McCallum, Bradley and Jacqueline Tarry - Bearing Witness; Work by Bradley Mccallum and Jacqueline Tarry
50258: Bradley, James - Before Albany; an Archaeology of Native-Dutch Relations in the Capital Region, 1600-1664
27483: Brady, James - Superchic. [Cover: Reporting Fashion]
48450: Antiquariat Wolfgang Braecklein - Nord-Amerika in Deutscher Sprache; Katalog 15, Januar 1982
46886: Brague, Remi - Les Ancres Dans le Ciel; L'Infrastructure Metaphysique. Ouvrage Publie Avec le Concours Du Centre National Du Livre
46346: Brague, Remi - La Loi de Dieu; Histoire Philosophique D'Une Alliance
29891: Brahms, Johannes - III Symphonie; Op. 90; Fa Majeur, F Major, F Dur; P.H. 92
29887: Brahms, Johannes - Concerto for Violin and Violoncello with Orchestra; Op. 102; First Performance 18th October, 1887 at Cologne, Gürzenichsaal [Gurzenichsaal], by Josef Joachim and Robert Hausmann Under the Composer's Direction. With a Foreword by Wilhelm Altmann
29889: Brahms, Johannes - Quintette Pour Clarinette Et Cordes; Op. 115; Si Mineur, B Minor, H Moll; P.H. 96
31286: Brahms, Johannes - Songs; Vol. IV; Low Voice
28236: Brahms, Johannes (Rafael Joseffy, ed.) - Selected Piano Compositions; Johannes Brahms. With a Preface by James [Gibbons] Huneker
34985: Braibanti, Ralph, Hugh Tinker, Bernard S. Cohn, et al (Ralph Braibanti, ed.) - Asian Bureaucratic Systems Emergent from the British Imperial Tradition
45580: Bramis, Johannes (Rudolf Imelmann, hrsg.) - Historia Regis Waldei
28575: Branch, Daniel Paulk - Folk Architecture of the East Mediterranean
52829: Brandeis, Louis D. - Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It. With a Foreword by Norman Hapgood
29497: Erlande-Brandenburg, Alain - La Dame a la Licorne
36980: Brandes, Georg (Georg Christensen) - Kritikker Og Afhandlinger. Udgivet Af Dansklaererforeningen
52118: Polk, Julia Brandi and Jean Schroeder Settin, eds - A History of the Roeliff Jansen Area; a Historical Review of Five Townships in Columbia County, New York
30557: Brands, Dr. M.C. - Historisme Als Ideologie; Het 'Anti--Normatieve' En 'Onpolitieke' Element in de Duitse Geschiedwetenschap
16539: Aristotle. (Brandscheid, Friedrich, ed.) - Aristoteles: Uber Die Dichtkunst. Nach Der Altesten Handschrift Herausgegeben, Ins Deutsche Ubersesst, Mit Kritischen Anmerkungen Und Einem Exegetischen Commentare Versehen, Von Friedrich Brandscheid
41665: Brandt, Thomas O. - Die Vieldeutigkeit Bertolt Brechts
48669: Branigan, Keith - Town and Country; the Archaeology of Verulamium and the Roman Chilterns
49191: Branner, Shirley Prager - Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians; Index to Volumes I-XX, 1941-1961
9226: Brauchitsch, Helga - Fünf Jahreszeiten; Zen-Haiku Und Meditative Photographie. Photos Von Helga Und Viktor Von Brauchitsch
3393: Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki - IM Schatten Der Titanen; Erinnerungen an Baronin Jenny Von Gustedt. Mit 4 Abbildungen Und 2 Brieffaksimiles
50486: Braun, Moshe A. - The Sfas Emes; the Life and Teachings of Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Alter
26114: Brauneck, Manfred, hrsg - Autorenlexikon; Deutschsprachiger Literatur Des 20. Jahrhunderts
15502: Brauner, Ronald A., ed - Shiv'IM: Essays and Studies in Honor of Ira Eisenstein
7438: Braverman, Norman S., ed - Experimental Assessments and Clinical Applications of Conditioned Food Aversions. Ed. By... And Paul Bronstein. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 443)
12054: del Bravo, Carlo - Verso I Carracci E Verso Valentin
50969: Bravo, Manuel Alvarez - Revelaciones; the Art of Manuel Alvarez Bravo
30296: Bray, Mary Matthews - A Sea Trip in Clipper Ship Days
50136: Bray, Rene - La Formation de la Doctrine Classique En France
9025: Bray, Mayfield S. - Still Pictures in the Audiovisual Archives Division of the National Archives. Preliminary Draft Prepared for the National Archives Conference on the Use of Audiovisual Archives As Original Source Materials
51340: Brayman, James O., ed - Thrilling Adventures by Land and Sea; Being Remarkable Historical Facts, Gathered from Authentic Sources
52264: Brecht, Bertolt - Kriegsfibel
44409: Brecht, [Bertold] - Der Hofmeister Von [Nach] Jacob Michael, Reinhold Lenz (Bearbeitung)
49454: Brecht, Bertolt - Hundert Gedichte, 1918-1950
41634: Brecht, Bertolt - Bertolt Brechts Dreigroschenbuch; Texte, Materialien, Dokumente
52618: Breckenridge, James D. - The Numismatic Iconography of Justinian II (685-695, 705-711 A.D. )
25983: Bredthauer, Karl D. und Norman Paech, hrsg - Mit Carter in Den Kreuzzug?; Die Usa, Die Udssr, Westeuropa Und Die Afghanistan-Krise
34814: Will, Heinrich (Daniel Breed and Lewis H. Steiner, trs.) - Outlines of Chemical Analysis Prepared for the Chemical Laboratory at Giessen. Translated from the Third German Edition by Daniel Breed and Lewis H. Steiner
52634: Breen, Walter - Walter Breen's Encyclopedia of United States Half Cents, 1793-1857
49857: Breidenbaugh, E.S., ed - The Pennsylvania College Book, 1832-1882
52635: Brekke, B.F. - The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia, 1700-1917
12395: Brelot, Marcel - Etude Des Fonctions Sousharmoniques Au Voisinage D'Un Point
45198: Brelot, J. - La Vie Politique En Cote-D'or Sous le Directoire
50699: Brenan, Gerald - South from Granada. Introduction by Philip Ziegler
50127: Brennan, Ruth Gonchar - Gathering Family
52120: Brenner, David W. - State University of New York, College at Oneonta (the College History Series)
13622: Brenner, Jacques - La Race Des Seigneurs; Petit Supplement a L'Essai de Thomas de Quincy, de L'Assassinat Considere Comme Un Des Beaux-Arts
51689: Bohlke, L. Brent and Sharon Hoover (compilers) - Willa Cather Remembered. Edited by Sharon Hoover
47048: Funck-Brentano, Frantz - Marat, Ou le Mensonge Des Mots
50052: Brentano, Bernard von - ûber [Uber] Den Ernst Des Lebens
35879: Breslin, Jimmy - Sunny Jim; the Life of America's Most Beloved Horseman-Jimmy Fitzsimmons. Illustrated with Photographs
39964: Bressan, Aldo - A General Interpreted Modal Calculus. Foreword by Nuel D. Belnap, Jr.
42527: Breton, André - Nantes Saint-Nazaire Métropole D'équilibre
49028: Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas-Edme (J. Assezat) - Les Contemporaines Ou Aventures Des Plus Jolies Femmes de L'Age Present; Choix Des Plus Caraceristiques de Ces Nouvelles Pour L'Etude Des Moeurs a la Fin Du XVIII Siecle; Vol. 1: Les Contemporaines Melees Vie de Restif; Vol. 2: Les Contemporaines Du Commun Restif Ecrivain Son Oeuvre Et Sa Portee; Vol. 3: Les Contemporaines Par Gradation Bibliographie Raisonnee Des Ouvrages de Restif. Three Volumes
44094: Breul, Karl - Land Und Leute in England. Vollständig [Vollstandig] Neubearbeitet Von Karl Breul. Mit Dreifarbigen Karten Von England, London U. London Und Umgebung
52394: Brewer, George Emerson - A Text-Book [Textbook] of Surgery for Students and Practitioners. Illustrated with 415 Engravings in the Text and 14 Plates in Colors and Monochrome. Second Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Much Enlarged
51911: [Bethlehem] Bicentennial History Committee (Floyd I. Brewer, ed.) - Bethlehem [New York] Revisited; a Bicentennial Story, 1793-1993
36348: Bracegirdle, Brian and Patricia H. Miles - The Darbys and the Ironbridge Gorge; Great Engineers and Their Works
27723: Brickman, David - Fauna; Selected Photographs, 1988-2004
27724: Brickman, David - Flora; Selected Photographs, 1978-1999
36836: Bridge, James H. - The "Carnegie Millions and the Men Who Made Them", Being the Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company
43389: The Eccentric Club of Central Bridge - Over the Bridge to Yesteryear. Compiled and Recorded by the Eccentric Club of Central Bridge
8998: Bridgman, P. W. - Biographical Memoir of William Duane, 1872-1935
49493: Bridgwater, Patrick - The German Poets of the First World War
39917: O'Brien, Edna - The Love Object; Selected Stories. Introduction by John Banville
36142: O'Brien, Justin - Index Detaille Des Quinze Volumes de L'Edition Gallimard Des Oeuvres Completes D'Andre Gide. Etabli Par Justin O'Brien Et Ses Eleves a Columbia University
10701: Brierre, Annette - Le Ludion Et Les Etoiles. 200 Ans D'Amitie Aeronautique Franco-Americaine. [Preface de Patrick Baudry. Presentation de Anne Morrow Lindbergh. ]
34779: Briggs, Martin S. - Christopher Wren
47783: Brik, Roberto - Editorial Medica Panamericana; Memorias de Su Fundador
24917: Brilli, Attilio - Siena Una Regina Gotica; L'Occhio Del Viaggiatore, 1870-1935
18138: Brinkman, B. (Bruno) R. - To the Lengths of God: Truths and the Ecumenical Age
21394: Brinkmann, Richard, et al. - Deutsche Literatur Und Französische Revolution; Sieben Studien
21024: Brinkmann, Carl, ed - Soziologie Und Leben; Die Soziologische Dimension Der Fachwissenschaften
49547: Brinnin, John Malcolm - The Sorrows of Cold Stone; Poems 1940-1950
46952: Brinon, Fernand de - France, Allemagne, 1918-1934
49829: Bristol, Roger Pattrell - Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Indicated by Charles Evans in His American Bibliography
52708: Bristow, Dick - The Illustrated Political Button Book; Revised Edition
51697: Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain (Stuart N. Clarke, Stephen Barkway, Vanessa Channer, et al, eds.) - Virginia Woolf Bulletin, Issue No. 1, January, 1999
52465: Brix, Maurice - List of Philadelphia Silversmiths and Allied Artificers from 1682 to 1850
37112: Brix, Hans - Hurtig Svandt Den Lyse Sommer! Kaj Munk, 1924-44
37111: Brix, Hans - Nis Petersen; LIV Og Digt
50916: Brock, Ray - Ghost on Horseback; the Incredible Ataturk
28529: Brockaway, Charles A. - One Hundred Years of Aurora Grata, 1808-1908
19188: Brockhoff, Horst; Giesela Wiese, and Rolf Wiese, eds - Ja, Grün [Grun] Ist Die Heide... : Aspekte Einer Besonderen Landschaft
44980: Brod, Max - Der Prager Kreis
52883: Broderick, Richard (Karl Gehring, illus.) - Leather Tramp Journal; a 12-Mile Mountain Retreat
48386: Brodin, Pierre - Vingt-Cinq Americains; Litterature & Litterateurs Americains Des Annees, 1960
48272: Brodsky, Bohumil Zahradnik - Upadek; Roman
51153: Brody, Evelyn, ed - Property-Tax Exemption for Charities; Mapping the Battlefield
50277: Brody, Garry S. - The Hand in Art
30237: Brome, Vincent - Jung
45313: Bronn, J. - Der Elektrische Ofen IM Dienste Der Keramischen Gewerbe Und Der Glas- Und Quarzglaserzeugung Unter Berücksichtigung [Berucksichtigung] Der Neuren Wichtigeren Forschungen Auf Diesen Gebieten. Mit 198 Abbildungen Und 2 Tafeln
52268: Bronner, Franz Xaver - Schriften; Vol. 1: Neue Fischergedichte Und Erzählungen [Erzahlungen]; Vol. 2: Neue Fischergedichte Und Erzählungen [Erzahlungen]; Vol. 3: Fruhere Fischergedichte Und Erzählungen [Erzahlungen]. Mit Neuen Gedichten Vermehrte Und Durchaus Verbesserte Ausgabe. Three Volumes
37897: Bronzoni, Guido - Dal Pago Romano Alla Chiesa Romanica in Montecchio Emilia
50838: Brooke, Christopher N.L. (assisted by Gillian Keir) - London, 800-1216; the Shaping of a City
39517: Brooke, Leslie - The Book of Yeovil; a Portrait of the Town
15441: Brookfield, William - A Second Salute: More Memories. Sequel to a Salute to Family and Friends
43369: Brookmyre, Christopher - The Last Hack. A Jack Parlabane Thriller
44705: Brooks, Karen - The Locksmith's Daughter
41961: Brooks, Edward - The Philosophy of Arithmetic As Developed from the Three Fundamental Processes of Synthesis, Analysis, and Comparison, Containing Also a History of Arithmetic
49173: Brooks, H. Allen, ed - Le Corbusier. Essays by Rayner Banham, Tim Benton, H. Allen Brooks, Et Al.
27506: Brooks, Peter, et al, eds - The Lesson of Paul de Man
32963: Maggs Bros, Ltd - Modern Irish First Editions; Maggs Bros Ltd; 1399
50830: Maggs Bros, Ltd - Catalogue of Engravings, Etchings and Drawings Selected for Their Beauty, Rarity and Interest, Including Some Perfect Examples of Xviiith Century Colour Printing
43963: Maggs Bros, Ltd - Books on Printing, Bibliography, Illuminated Manuscripts and Bookbinding. Selected from the Stock of Maggs Bros
52215: Brosthaus, Heribert - Der Entwicklungsroman Einer Idee; Untersuchungen Zu Gehalt, Struktur Und Stil in Robert Musils Roman "Die Berwirrungen Des Zöglings Törleß" [Zoglings Torless]
44820: Leon & Brother - Catalogue of First Editions of American Authors; Poets, Philosophers, Historians, Statesmen, Essayists, Dramatists, Novelists, Travellers, Humorists, Etc.
45835: Brouwer, J. - Montigny; Afgezant Der Nederlanden Bij Philips II
52898: Brown, Raymond E. - The Birth of the Messiah; a Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke
35476: Brown, John - The English Puritans
44681: Brown, Karl, ed - The Typographical Widow; Who Is She? What Is She
35263: Brown, Erica - Happier Endings; a Mediation on Life and Death
25144: Brown, Jane K. - Goethe's Faust; the German Tragedy
41025: Brown, John M. - Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of the County of Schoharie by the Germans; Being an Answer to a Circular Letter, Addressed to the Author by "the Historical and Philosophical Society of the State of New York
24338: Brown, Judith Reynolds - Faranji; a Venture Into Ethiopia, with Photographs by the Author and Portraits by Noel Benson
49259: Brown, Christopher - Van Dyck
34271: Brown, Alexander Crosby - Horizon's Rim. Illustrated with Drawings by George Nelson and Photographs
52580: Brown, Raymond E. - The Birth of the Messiah; a Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke
52805: Brown, Gordon - The Whisky Trails; a Geographical Guide to Scotch Whisky. Foreword by Sir Kingsley Amis
17519: Brown, David - The Divine Trinity
41502: Brown, John - John Buyan (1628-1688); His Life, Times, and Work. The Tercentenary Edition, Revised by Frank Mott Harrison, with Marginal Notes, Addenda, and Appendices. Profusely Illustrated
41340: Brown, Randall - Mad to Live; a Collection of (Very) Short Fiction
39095: Brown, Abbie Farwell - A Pocketful of Posies. Illustrated by Fanny V. Corv
38854: Brown, Harry Bates y Jacob Osborn Ware - Algodon. Traduccion de la 3a Edicion En Ingles Por J. Contro Malo. Primera Edicion En Espanol
48571: Taylor, Alison, David M. Browne and H.C. Darby - Early Cambridgeshire [Comprised of] Prehistoric Cambridgeshire (Taylor); Roman Cambridgeshire (Browne); Anglo-Saxon Cambridgeshire (Taylor); Medieval Cambridgeshire (Darby)
46489: Browne, William Hand, ed - The Taill of Rauf Coilyear; a Scottish Metrical Romance of the Fifteenth Century. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index by William Hand Browne
51544: Browne, Lennox - Diphtheria and Its Associates. Illustrated by the Author
28168: Brownell, Clarence Ludlow - Tales from Tokio
46001: Browning, Douglas - Act and Agent; an Essay in Philosophical Anthropology
47510: Browning, Robert - Rabbi Ben Ezra. With Supplementary Illustrative Quotations and an Introduction by William Adams Slade
47509: Browning, Robert - Rabbi Ben Ezra. With Supplementary Illustrative Quotations and an Introduction by William Adams Slade
43124: Berman, Bruce and John Lonsdale - Unhappy Valley; Conflict in Kenya and Africa; Book One: State and Class; Book Two: Violence and Ethnicity. Two Volumes in One
24259: Bruchac, Joseph - Near the Mountains
52404: Bruckner, Ferdinand - Simon Bolivar
20925: Brückner [Bruckner], Christine - Wenn Du Geredet Hättest [Hattest], Desdemona; Ungehaltene Reden, Ungehaltener Frauen. Mit Zeichnungen Von Horst Janssen
29494: Brües [Brues], Otto, Helmut Domke und Harald Busch - Nordrhein-Westfalen; Landschaft, Mensch, Kultur Und Arbeit. 152 Ganzseitige Bilder Mit Einer Einleitung Von Otto Brües [Brues], Und Erläuterungen [Erlauterungen] Von Helmut Domke, Zusammenstellung Und Bildunterschriften Von Harald Busch
26941: Brugmans, Dr. I.J. - Paardenkracht En Mensenmacht; Sociaal-Economische Geschiedenis Van Nederland, 1795-1940
30589: Brugmans, I.J. - De Arbeidende Klasse in Nederland in de 19e Eeuw (1813-1870)
32341: Brugmans, I.J. - Stapvoets Voorwaarts; Sociale Geschiedenis Van Nederland in de Negentiende Eeuw
44383: Brukner, Fritz und Franz Hadamowskn, hrsg - Die Wiener Faust-Dichtungen Von Stranitzky Bis Zu Goethes Tod
36208: Brumana, Biancamaria - Per Una Storia Dell'Oratorio Musicale a Perugia Nei Secoli XVII E XVIII
48319: Brumder, George - Der Deutsche Farmer IM Busch Und Auf Der Prairie; Praktisches Lehr-Und Handbuch Fur Alle Zweige Der Amerikanischen Landwirthscaft... ; Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung [Berucksichtigung] Neuer Ansiedler Und Einwanderer
48262: Brumm, Ursula - Die Religiose Typologie IM Amerikanischen Denken; Ihre Bedeutung Fur Die Americkanische Literatur- Und Geistesgeschichte
43955: Contat, Nicolas dit Le Brun and Dufresne (Giles Barber, ed.) - Anecdotes Typographiques; Ou L'on Voit la Description Des Coutumes, Moeurs Et Usages Singuliers Des Compagnons Imprimeurs (Contat); la Misere Des Apprentis Imprimeurs (Dufresne). Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Giles Barber
48382: Bruncken, Ernest - Die Amerikanische Volksseele
27740: Brundage, Elizabeth - A Stranger Like You: A Novel
52615: Brunk, Gregory G., ed - World Countermarks on Medieval and Modern Coins; an Anthology
52500: Brunner, Herbert (Janet Seligman, tr.) - Old Table Silver; a Handbook for Collectors and Amateurs
29482: Brunner, August - Die Grundfragen Der Philosophie; Ein Systematischer Aufbau
7197: Bruns, L. [Ludwig] - Handbuch Der Nervenkrankheiten IM Kindesalter. Von Prof... . , Prof. A. Cramer [and] Prof. Th. Ziehen
25635: Brunswig, Alfred - Leibniz
34882: Bruscagli, Riccardo - Carducci Nelle Lettere; IL Personaggio E IL Prosatore
37405: Brusov, Peter - Mechanisms of High Temperature Superconductivity. Two Volumes
37404: Brusov, Peter - Mechanisms of High Temperature Superconductivity. Two Volumes
52617: Bruun, Patrick - Studies in Constantinian Chronology
16149: Bruun, Anton Fr., et al, eds - List of Danish Vertebrates: Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals
34178: Malthe-Bruun, Kim (Vibeke Malthe-Bruun) - Uddrag Af Dagbog Og Breve Skrevet Af Kim Fra Hans Syttende Til Hans Enogtyvende Aar. Udgivet Af Hans Moder Vibeke Malthe-Bruun
2945: Bruun, Henry - Dansk Historisk Bibliografi, 1913-1942; Udgivet Af Den Danske Historiske Forening
15457: Feuilletau de Bruyn, W.K.H. - Tien Moeilijke Jaren Voor Landbouw En Industrie in Nederlands-Indie, 1930-1940
30379: Bryan, William Lowe [editor] - Studies in American History, Inscribed to James Albert Woodburn, Professor Emeritus of American History in Indiana University, by His Former Students
45102: Bryce, [James], Viscount - The Last Phase in Belgium; Statement by Viscount Bryce on the Belgian Deportations Made in Reply to a Letter from the Representative of the New York "Tribune
46129: Brydges, Egerton - Restituta; or, Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, Revived. 4 Volumes
51221: Bryson, Phillip J. - The Economics of Henry George; History's Rehabilitation of America's Greatest Early Economist
52079: Buber, Martin - Eclipse of God; Studies in the Relation between Religion and Philosophy
44155: Buber, Martin (Norman P. Goldhawk, tr.) - Two Types of Faith
4975: Bubnova, Ludmila - Aleksandr Vasin
6872: Buchberger, Michael; Hofer, Josef; Rahner, Karl - Lexikon Fur Theologie Und Kirche, Begründet Von Dr. Michael Buchberger. Zweite, Völlig Neu Bearbeitete Auflage... Hrsg. Von Josef Hofer Und Karl Rahner
49004: Bucher, Larry - Sea Stories; Reminiscences of a Navy Radioman, 1952-1977
47810: Bucher, Karl - Gesammelte Aufsatze Zur Zeitungskunde
3998: Buchholz, Erwin - Russlands Tierwelt Und Jagd IM Wandel Der Zeit
4101: Buchholz, Werner - Staat Und Stände[Stande]Gesellschaft in Schweden Zur Zeit Des ûberganges [Uberganges] Vom Absolutismus Zum Stände[Stande]Parlamentarismus, 1718-1720
52152: Brown, Kent L. (with the editorial assistance of Karen L. Buchinger and Jane E. Nelson) - A Medical History of Westfield, New York
39282: Büchner [Buchner], Georg - Woyzeck. [Nach Den Handschriften Des Dichters Herausgegeben Von Georg Witkowski]
20756: Büchner [Buchner], Georg (Erich Zimmerman, ed) - Dantons Tod. Faksimile Der Erstausgabe Von 1835 Mit Büchners [Buchners] Korrekturen (Darmstädter [Darmstadter] Exemplar). Mit Einem Nachwort Herausgegeben Von Erich Zimmerman
19334: Büchner [Buchner], Georges - La Mort de Danton. Publiee Avec le Texte Des Sources Et Des Corrections Manuscrites de L'Auteur. Presentee, Traduite Et Annotee Par Richard Thieberger. Avec 8 Fac-Similes Et 5 Illustrations
29897: Büchner [Buchner], Franz - Der Eid Des Hippokrates; Die Graundgesetze Der ärztlichen [Arzlichen] Ethik; öffentlicher [Offentlicher] Vortrag Gehalten in Der Universität [Universitat] Freiburg I. Br. Am 18. November 1941
28642: Buck, Inge, hrsg - Ein Fahrendes Frauenzimmer; Die Lebenserinnerungen Der Komödiantin [Komodiantin] Karoline Schulze-Kummerfeld, 1745-1815
21442: [Buck, Henning] - Patriotische Phantasien: Justus Möser [Moser], 1720-1794, Aufklärer [Aufklarer] in Der Ständegesellschaft [Standegesellschaft]. Ausstellung Anlässlich [Anlasslich] Des 200. Todesjahres Justus Mösers [Mosers]
30420: Buck, H. de - Bibliografie Der Geschiedenis Van Nederland. Samengesteld in Opdracht Van Het Nederlands Comité Voor Geschiedkundige Wetenschappen. Met Medewerking Van E.M. Smit
49589: Buckell, Betty Ahearn - Lake George Boats
28607: Bücken [Bucken], Ernst - Die Musik Des Rokokos Und Der Klassik
28604: Bücken [Bucken], Ernst - Geist Und Form IM Musikalischen Kunstwerk
28608: Bücken [Bucken], Ernst - Die Musik Des 19. Jahrhunderts Bis Zur Moderne
52271: [Buckham, E.W.] - Personal Narrative of Adventures in the Peninsula During the War in 1812-1813
33656: Buckley, Wilfred - The Art of Glass. Illustrated from the Wilfred Buckley Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
48039: New York State Museum (A.F. Buddington and Rudolf Ruedemann) - Geology and Mineral Resources of the Hammond, Antwerp and Lowville Quadrangles (Buddington), with a Chapter on the Paleozoic Rocks of the Lowville Quadrangles (Ruedemann)
46844: Budelli, Rosanna, et al, eds - Poemes Palestiniens D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'Hui
52260: Buel, Elizabeth C. Barney - [Dar Immigrants' Manuals in Eight Languages] Manual of the United States for the Information of Immigrants and Foreigners (Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged). [Spanish] Manual de Los Estados Unidos; [Portuguese] Manual Dos Estados Unidos; [French] Manuel Des Etats-Unis; [Hungarian] Amerikai Utmutato; [Swedish] Handbok over Forenta Staterna; [Greek] Egxeiridion Ton Enomenon Politeion Tes Amerikes Pros Odegian Ton Metanaston Kai Ton Xenon; [Russian] Pamiatnaia Knizhka Soedenennich Shtatov
36170: Bugard, Pierre - Le Comedien Et Son Double; Psychologie Du Comedien
42999: Bugge, Thomas (Maurice P. Crosland, ed.) - Science in France in the Revolutionary Era. Described by Thomas Bugge. Edited with Introduction and Commentary by Maurice P. Crosland. With Extracts from Other Contemporary Works
52514: Buhler, Kathryn C. - American Silver from the Colonial Period Through the Early Republic in the Worcester Art Museum
52546: Buhler, Kathryn C. - Mount Vernon Silver
36965: Bühler [Buhler], Johannes - Das Barockzeitalter. Mit 16 Tafeln
25662: Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu BerlinInstitut für [fur] Philosophie (Manfred Buhr, hrsg.) - Wissen Und Gewissen; Beiträge [Beitrage] Zum 200. Geburtstag Johann Gottlieb Fichtes, 1762-1814
30970: Buhrman, T. Scott - Bach's Life, Chronologically, As He Lived It
30969: Buhrman, T. Scott - Bach's Life, Chronologically, As He Lived It
31154: Bujak, Adam (zdjecia) Michal Rozek (tekst) - Koscuol Mariacki W Krakowie
31042: Bujak, Adam (Jerzy Piekarczyk, tekst) - Stary Krakow
46241: Bukowski, Charles (Abel Debritto, ed.) - On Drinking
28919: Bulgakov, V.F. - The Last Year of Leo Tolstoy. Translated from Thr Russian by Ann Dunnigan. With an Introduction by George Steiner
24484: Büll [Bull], Dr. Phil. Reinhard - Vom Wachs; Hoechster Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Kenntnis Der Wachse; Einführung [Einfuhrung]: Von Der Fülle [Fulle] Und Vielfalt Des Wachses; Was Ist Wachs Und Wie Verhält [Verhalt] Sich Wachs? Antworten in Altern Und Neuen Zeiten; Zur Wachsklassifizierung
32846: Committee on Research in Dance (Richard Bull, ed.) - Research in Dance; Problems and Possibilities; the Proceedings of the Preliminary Conference on Research in Dance
5638: Bulla, Lee A., ed - Regulation of Insect Populations by Microorganisms. Advisory Committee, Thomas A. Angus [and Others]. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 217)
41330: Bullard, Helen - The American Doll Artist
45320: Bullinger, Heinrich, hrsg - Das Zweite Helvetische Bekenntnis, Confessio Helvetica Posterior
50962: Bullock, Wynn (Liliane De Cock, ed.) (Barbara Bullock-Wilson, text) - Photography; a Way of Life
17395: Bulmahn, Heinz - Adolf Glassbrenner, His Development from Jungdeutscher to Vormarzler
48497: Bünting [Bunting], Karl-Dieter - Morphologische Strukturen Deutscher Wörter [Worter]; Ein Problem Der Linguistischen Datenverarbeitung
50993: Buonarroti, Michelangelo (Robert Bridges, tr.) - Sonnet XLIV of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Translated for Andrew Lang by Robert Bridges. With His Accompanying Epistle Thereunto
44559: Buonocore, Marco - La Tradizione Manoscritta Dell'Epigrafia Classica Abruzzese Nei Codici Dell Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
14896: Burbank, Fred - Patterns in Cancer Mortality in the United States: 1950-1967
51273: Burchardt, Jeremy - Paradise Lost; Rural Idyll and Social Change in England Since 1800
20994: Burckhardt, Carl J., and Max Rychner (Claudia Mertz-Rychner, ed.) - Briefe, 1926-1965
25002: Burckhardt, Jacob - Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen; Nach Dem Oerischen Text Herausgegeben Von Werner Kaegi
28312: Burckhardt, Carl J. - Memorabilien; Erinnerungen Und Begegnungen
25012: Burckhardt, Carl J. und Max Rychner - Briefe, 1926-1965
37256: Lederer, Bertha Van Buren and Stuart B. Bolger - Early Arts in the Genesee Valley; Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
44465: Burger, Harald - Zeit Und Ewigkeit; Studien Zum Wortschatz Der Geistlichen Texte Des Alt- Und Frühmittelhochdeutschen [Fruhmittelhochdeutschen]
20818: Bürger [Burger], [Gottfried] (Arnold E. Berger, ed.) - Bürgers [Burgers] Gedichte. Kritisch Durchgesehene Und Erläuterte [Erlauterte] Ausgabe
51036: Burger, Heinz Otto, hrsg - Annalen Der Deutschen Literatur; Eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit Zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. 2. Uberarbeitete Auflage
48468: Burgess, Eugene W. - La "Nonpartisan League"; Une Experience Americaine de Socialisme D'Etat Agraire. Avec Une Preface de Edouard Lambert
42192: Greenberg, Bradley S., Michael Burgoon, Judee K. Burgoon and Felipe Korzenny - Mexican Americans and the Mass Media
2110: Burguera, Jose Luis, ed - Flow Injection Atomic Spectroscopy
48675: Buri, Fritz - Gott in Amerika; Amerikanische Theologie Seit 1960
41735: Buriana, Hovory Jarky s Josefem Svobodou (Barbara Prihodova, ed.) - Scenografie Mluvi
47359: Burke, Thomas E. - Mohawk Frontier; the Dutch Community of Schenectady, New York, 1661-1710
49925: Burke, Marie Louise - Swami Vivekananda; His Second Visit to the West; New Discoveries
49092: Burleigh, Michael - Ethics and Extermination; Reflections on Nazi Genocide
46356: Burne, R.V.H. - The Monks of Chester; the History of St. Werburgh's Abbey
39718: Burne, Alfred H. - The Crecy War; a Military History of the Hundred Years War from 1337 to the Peace of Bretigny, 1360
52729: Burnett, Davis - Half Dollars of Colombia, 1868-1969
41759: Burnier, Raymond - Visages de L'Inde Medievale. 79 Photographies Originales
48845: Burns, Stechler Amy (text), Ken Burns, Langdon Clay, Jerome Liebling (photo.) - The Shakers; Hands to Work, Hearts to God; the History and Visions of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing from 1774 to the Present. Foreword by Eldress Bertha Lindsay
24952: Burrage, Walter L. - Gynecological Diagnosis, with Two Hundred and Seven Text Illustrations
37626: Burrowes, J.F. - The Thorough-Base Primer; Containing Explanations and Examples of the Rudiments of Harmony; with Fifty Exercises
36696: American Schools of Oriental Research (Millar Burrows and E.A. Speiser, eds.) - The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research for 1933-1934; Vol. XIV
45055: Burton, Richard - Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders, in England, Scotland, and Iceland, Being an Account of Many Remarkable Persons and Places; and Likewise of Battles, Sieges, Earthquakes, Inundations, Thunders, Lightnings, Fires, Murders, and Other Considerable Occurrences and Accidents, for Several Hundred Years Past. With the Natural and Artificial Rarities in Every County, and Many Other Observable Passages; As They Are Recorded by Credible Historians of Former and Latter Ages. A New Edition, with Additional Wood-Cut Portraits, and a Copious Index
52499: Burton, E. Milby - South Carolina Silversmiths, 1690-1860
50796: Democritus Junior [Burton, Richard] - The Anatomy of Melancholy, What Is It, with All the Kinds, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostics, and Several Cures of It. In Three Partitions, with Their Several Sections, Members, and Subsections, Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically Opened and Cut Up. With a Satyricall Preface Conducing to the Following Discourse. The Tenth Edition Corrected, to Which Is Now First Prefixed, an Account of the Author. Vols. 1 and 2 Together in One Volume
51103: Burton, Ernest de Witt - The Records and Letters of the Apostolic Age; the New Testament, Acts, Epistles and Revelation. In the Version of 1881, Arranged for Historical Study by Ernest de Witt Burton
25189: Busch, Wilhelm - Kunterbunt
40284: Busch, Friedrich - Bibliographie Der Niedersächsischen [Niedersachsischen] Geschichte Für [Fur] Die Jahre 1908-1932
11169: Bush, Wendell T. - Avenarious and the Standpoint of Pure Experience. (Phd Dissertation, Columbia University. )
48816: Bushnell, Rebecca W. - Prophesying Tragedy; Sign and Voice in Sophocles' Theban Plays
51793: Busoni, Ferruccio - Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music. Translated from the German by Dr. Th. Baker
43532: Bussy, Ethel H. - Margaretville; History and Stories of Margaretville [New York] and Surrounding Area
47033: Buszko, Jozef - Zum Wandel Der Gesellschaftsstruktur in Galizien Und in Der Bukowina
45783: Buthe, Hermann - Palästina [Palastina]. Mit 158 Darunter 6 Farbigen Abbildungen Und Einer Farbigen Karte. Zweite, Mehrfach Ungearbeitete Auflage
50941: Butler, Samuel - Selected Essays. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Henry Festing Jones
44706: Butler, J.L. - Mine; a Novel of Obsession
17523: Butler, Joseph - The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. With an Introduction and an Appendix by Henry Morley. Third Edition
49974: Butte, Wilhelm (Wilhelm Diehl, hrsg.) - Blicke in de Hessen-Darmstädtischen [Darmstadtischen] Lande. Bearbeitet Und Herausgegeben Von Wilhelm Diehl
50952: Butterworth, Hezekiah - Young Folks' History of Boston. Fully Illustrated
52850: Buttrey, Theodore V. - The Triumviral Portrait Gold of the Quattuorviri Monetales of 42 B.C.
24114: Butts, R. Freeman - The Education of the West; a Formative Chapter in the History of Civilization
34384: Butzer, Karl W. - Enviroment and Archeology; an Ecological Approach to Prehistory. Second Edition
51803: Buzzacott - Revised Edition of the Complete American and Canadian Sportsman's Encyclopedia of Valuable Instruction; Four Complete Books in One: A Complete Fisherman's and Angler's Manual; a Complete Hunter's and Trapper's Manual; a Complete Big Game Hunter's Manual; a Complete Camper' Manual. The Adopted Standard Guide Book of the A. & C.S. A.
30628: Bymholt, B. - Geschiedenis Der Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland; Herdruk Van de Editie Van 1894 Met Een Nieuw Register En Een Biografische Schets. Deel 1 En 2
52282: Byrd, James P. - A Holy Baptism of Fire and Blood; the Bible and the American CIVIL War
52814: Byrne, Julie - The Other Catholics; Remaking America's Largest Religion
38577: Byrne, Patrick H. - Analysis and Science in Aristotle
34256: Bywater, Hector C. - Sea-Power in the Pacific; a Study of the American-Japanese Naval Problem. With 4 Maps and a Chart
34960: Hottes, Frederick C. and Theodore H. Frison - The Plant Lice, or Aphiidae, of Illinois
52971: Van Allan, Leroy C. and A. George Mallis - Comprehensive Catalogue and Encyclopedia of U.S. Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars; Containing Background of Silver Dollar Coinage, Details of Minting Processes, Historical Letters, 1200 Illustrations, Descriptions of 1000 Errors/Varietes, Gsa Sale of Carson City Dollars, Cleaning, Grading, and Photographic Dollars, Detecting Counterfeits
51535: Cunningham, D.J.C. and B.B. Lloyd, eds - The Regulation of Human Respiration; the Proceedings of the J.S. Haldane Centenary Symposium Held in the University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford
52502: Chickering, Elenita C. with Sarah Morgan Ross - Arthur J. Stone, 1847-1938; Designer and Silversmith
10949: Perez, Luis C. and F. Sanchez Escribano - Afirmaciones de Lope de Vega Sobre Preceptiva Dramatica, a Base de Cien Comedias
30926: Hall, S.C. and Llewellynn Jewitt - Haddon Hall; an Illustrated Guide and Companion to the Tourist and Visitor, with Notices of Buxton, Bakewell, Rowsley, Matlock Bath, and Other Places in the Neighborhood. Illustrated by Upwards of Fifty Engravings
14344: Skou, Jens C. et al., eds - The Na+, K+ -Pump. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Na+, K+ -Atpase, Held in Denmark, June 14-19, 1987. [Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volumes 268a & 268b]
30814: Cortland County, New York (Squires, Dann C. and J.H. Munger) - Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Cortland for the Year 1868
47461: Sperry, Claire C. and Charles B. Sperry - Families of Olde Whitesborough, 1784-1824. This Book Was Written to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Settlement of Whitesborough by Hugh White of Middletown, Connecticut on June 5, 1784
36145: Cabantous, Alain - Les Cotes Barbares; Pilleurs D'Epaves Et Societes Littorales En France (1680-1830)
35204: Cabeen, D.C. - A Critical Biography of French Literature; Vol. 1: The Mediaeval Period; Vol. 2: The Sixteenth Century; Vol. 3: The Seventeenth Century; Vol. 4: The Eighteenth Century; Vol. 4 Supplement: The Eighteenth Century; Vol. 6: The Twentieth Century, Parts 1, 2, and 3. Eight Volumes in All. Complete Set of All Published, Except Vol. 3a: The 17th Century Supplement
47312: Cabot, Meg - No Judgments; a Novel
50306: Alvar (Jacques Lassaigne, Antoni Guasch, Guillem Cabrer and Edmund Newman) - Alvar
31078: Cachero, José María Martínez, ed - Leopoldo Alas; "Clarin
9675: Caciagli, Giuseppe - La Badia Di San Salvatore Del Lago Di Sesto
43332: Caddy, Brian, ed - Uses of the Forensic Sciences; the Proceedings of the Conference Held in Glasgow in April 1986
40050: Cadhain, Siobhan C. Bean Ui - The Vision in Marble
39179: Cadier, George - Au Pays Des Isards
29125: Cady, Edwin H. - The Road to Realism; the Early Years of William Dean Howells, 1837-1885/the Realist at War; the Mature Years of William Dean Howells, 1885-1920. Two Volume Set. Complete
43734: Caesar, Julius (J.C. Held) - Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Mit Anmerkungen Von Dr. J.C. Held. Dritte Vermehrte Und Verbesserte Auflage
38191: Caffarelli, Ernesto Vergara e Giacomo Caputo (testo), Fabrizio Clerici (fotografie) - Leptis Magna; Presentazione Di Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli
45550: Cahalane, Victor H. - A Biological Survey of Katmai National Monument (with 17 Plates)
32956: Cahill, Kevin M. - Irish Essays
2014: Cahill, Harry A. - The China Trade and U.S. Tariffs
48683: Caillaud, Paul - Vitraux. Dessins de Jose Oubrerie
43624: Cajal, Santiago Ramon y (Lisbeth M. Kraft, tr.) - The Structure of Ammon's Horn. With a Foreword by Paul D. Maclean
50154: Calabresse, Mrs. Alfred, Paul E. Grattan, Miss Jane Ann Smith, et al. - Waterford to Whitehall; a Pictorial Journey Along the Champlain Division of the New York State Barge Canal During Its Construction
24812: Calabria, Frank M. - Let It Be a Dance; My Life Story
32800: Calabria, Frank M. - Dance of the Sleepwalkers; the Dance Marathon Fad
52774: Caley, Earle R. - Orichalcum and Related Ancient Alloys; Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire
52780: Caley, Earle R. - Metrological Tables
52747: Caley, Earle R. - Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins
53009: Caley, Earle R. - Metrological Tables
41209: Calkins, Susanna - A Death Along the River Fleet
35078: O'Callaghan, E.B., ed - Calendar of Dutch Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, N.Y. , 1630-1664
47424: O'Callaghan, E. [Edmund] B., ed - Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, New York. Two Volumes
31846: Callahan, Kathryn - The Crossword Quick-List
17363: Torre y Callejas, Salvador Luis de la - Reconsideracion Taxonomica de Las Especies Del Genero Kricogonia Reakirt, Con Vista Al Estudio de Sus Organos Genitales
13957: Callender, E. David - Hölder [Holder] Community of N-Dimensional Quasi-Conformal Mappings. [Stanford University Technical Report. ]
20319: Calloway, Stephen - English Prints for the Collector
44666: Calvet, J. - Polyeucte de Corneille; Etude Et Analyse
51603: Camara, J.[Juaquin] Mattoso (Anthony J. Naro, tr.) - The Portuguese Language. With an Analytical Bibliography of the Writings of Joaquinn Mattoso Camara, Jr. , Compiled by Anthony J. Naro and John Reighard
13536: Cameron, William J., and Carroll, Diana J. - Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies and the United States of America and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701 - 1800, Held in the Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory
1576: Caminade, Pierre - Paul Valéry [Valery]
25767: Cammaerts, Emile - To the Men Behind the Armies
42697: Camões [Camoes], Luis de (Nascimento) - Os Lusiadas. Introducao E Notas de Zacaria Nascimento
43078: Camp, John - One Hundred Years of Medical Murder
37916: Campanella, Anthony P., ed - Pages from the Garibaldian Epic. Edited by Anthony P. Campanella
28118: Campbell, Ian B. - Prevention, the Beginning of the Rehabilitation Process; a View from New Zealand
52826: Campbell, William W. - Annals of Tryon County or, the Border Warfare of New -York, During the Revolution
47021: Campbell, John C., ed - Successful Negotiation; Trieste 1954; an Appraisal by the Five Participants
44066: Campbell, Rev. T.J. - The Martyrs of the Mohawk; Blessed Isaac Jogues, Blessed Rene Coupil and Blessed John Lalande of the Society of Jesus
38862: Campen, S.I.P. van - The Imperator; Consequences of Frustrated Expansion
38863: Campen, S.I.P. van - The Imperator; Consequences of Frustrated Expansion
30446: Campfens, Mies - De Nederland Archieven Van Het Internationaal Instituut Voor Sociale Geschiedenis Te Amsterdam
17983: Canales, Alfonso - Requiem Andaluz
6546: Cancela, Gilberto - Enrique Pineyro: Su Vida Y Su Obra
46543: Canedo, Lino Gomez - Los Archivos de la Historia de America; Periodo Colonial Español [Espanol]
33183: Canepa, Luis - El Buenos Aires de Antaño [Antano]; En El Cuarto Centenario de Su Fundacion, 1536-1936
45819: Canivet, Diane - L'Illustration de la Poesie Et Du Roman Francais Au XVII Siecle. Ouvrage Publie Avec le Concours Du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
36329: Cannold, Leslie - The Book of Rachael
44979: Cannon, Harry Sharp - Sudermann's Treatment of Verse
51553: Cannon, Walter Bradford - The Way of an Investigator; a Scientist's Experiences in Medical Research
27161: Cansick, Frederick Teague - A Collection of Curious and Interesting Epitaphs, Copied from the Existing Monuments of Distinguished and Noted Characters in the Churches and Churchyards of Hornsey, Tottenham, Edmonton, Enfield, Friern Barnet and Hadley, Middlesex
25904: Cantelli, Giuseppe e Gabriella Mancini - IL "Rinascimento" Nella Maiolica Ginori Dell 'Ottocento
46620: Cantor, Melanie - Death and Other Happy Endings
40974: Cantor, Rachel - Good on Paper; a Novel
51506: Capet, Uther - The Worthies of Yale
49164: The Temporary State Commission on the Restoration of the Capitol - The Master Plan for the New York State Capitol
50960: Caponigro, Paul (David Stroud, text) - Masterworks from Forty Years
52788: Kailor, Kenneth M., Captain and Eleonora Hayden (Eva Adams, ed.) - Medals of the United States Mint
8675: Caputo, Vincenzo - Duecentosettanta Fontane Per I Bellunesi
51390: Taggie, Benjamin F., Richard W. Clement, James E. Caraway and Guy Mermier, eds - Mediterranean Studies; Volume Five
51391: Taggie, Benjamin F., Richard W. Clement, James E. Caraway and Guy Mermier, eds - Mediterranean Studies; Volume Four
47267: Carboni, Giacomo - L'Armistizio E la Difesa Di Roma; Verita E Menzogne
33755: Cardinale, Susan (compiler, with Jay Casey) - Anthologies by and About Women; an Analytical Index
34470: Carew, Peter - Combat and Carnival
31283: Carissimi, Giacomo - Oratorii; Per Soli, Coro, Strumenti Ad Arco E Basso D'Organo. Trascrizione, Armonizzazione E Riduzione Per Canto E Pianoforte a Cura Di F. Balilla Pratella. IL Giudizio Di Salomone
52229: Romby, Giuseppina Carla and Ester Diana - Una "Terra Nuova" Nel Mugello, Scarperia; Popolazione, Insediamenti, Ambiente, XIV-XVI Secolo
26156: Carlebach, Julius, hrsg - Zur Geschichte Der Jüdischen [Judischen] Frau in Deutschland
38474: Carleton, William - Fardorougha the Miser, or the Convicts of Lisnamona. With an Introduction by Benedict Kiely
31791: Carleton, Jetta - Clair de Lune
2170: Carli, Enzo - Pre-Conquest Goldsmiths' Work of Colombia, in the Museo Del Oro, Bogota
33729: Collegium Carlinum - Probleme Der Böhmischen [Bohmischen] Geschichte; Vorträge [Vortrage] Der Wissenschaftlichen Tagung Des Collegium Carolinum in Stuttgart Vom 29. Bis 31. Mai 1963
48148: Hernandez, Jose (Frank G. Carrino, Alberto J. Carlos and Norman Mangouni, trs.) - The Gaucho Martin Fierro (1872). Facsimile Reproduction of the First Edition with a New English Translation
48299: Carlsen, N.C. - LIV Og Virksomhed I Herrens Vingaard
30095: Carlsen, Ingvald B. - Kirkefronten I Norge; Under Okkupasjonen, 1940-1945
29822: Ahlmann-Carlshütte [Carlshutte] - 125 Years of Carlshütte [Carlshutte]
38832: Carlson, Andrew R. - German Foreign Policy, 1890-1914, and Colonial Policy to 1914; a Handbook and Annotated Bibliography
31581: Carlsson, Anni - Die Fragmente Des Novalis
46250: Carlton, Susan Kaplan - In the Neighborhood of True
45978: Carlton, Susan Kaplan - In the Neighborhood of True
51464: Carmon, Arye Zvi - The University of Heidelberg and National Socialism, 1930-1935
27639: Fundacion Gaditana del Carnaval - IV Seminario Del Carnaval; Actas; Cádiz [Cadiz] Del 21 Al 24 de Noviembre de 1990
51555: Musee Carnavalet - Ville de Paris; Annee Du Patrimoine; Ile Saint-Louis; Exposition Organisee Par le Musee Carnavalet Et la Delegation a L'Action Artistique de la Ville de Paris
48888: Carney, Donna J., ed - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania; an Image Preserved
28630: Caro, Maurizio de - I Quartieri Dell'(Altra) Citta; Un Secolo Di Architettura Milanese Nei Progetti Iacp/Aler
29578: Carossa, Hans - Eine Kindheit Und Verwandlungen Einer Jugend
53023: Carothers, Neil - Fractional Money; a History of the Small Coins and Fractional Paper Currency of the United States
51765: Schoenberg, Arnold (Patricia Carpenter and Severine Neff, eds., trs. and commentary) - The Musical Idea and the Logic, Technique, and Art of Its Presentation
50314: Carpue, J.C. - An Account of Two Successful Operations for Restoring a Lost Nose from the Integuments of the Forehead. With a Foreword and Biography by Frank Mcdowell
37925: Carre, Henri - La Noblesse de France Et L'Opinion Publique Au XVIII Siecle
51592: Carrington, Dora (Jane Hill) - The Art of Dora Carrington. Foreword by Michael Holroyd
42288: Carrington, FitzRoy, ed - The Kings' Lyrics; Lyrical Poems of the Reigns of King James I and King Charles I Together with the Ballad of Agincourt Written by Michael Drayton. Selected and Arranged by Fitzroy Carrington
27016: Carroll, John - Sceptical Sociology
44339: New York State Medical Association (Alfred Ludlow Carroll, ed.) - Transactions of the New York State Medical Association for the Year 1886
44338: New York State Medical Association (Alfred Ludlow Carroll, ed.) - Transactions of the New York State Medical Association for the Year 1888. Volume 5 Only
43860: Carroll, Theodus - Firsts Under the Wire; the World's Fastest Horses (1900-1950)
49972: Carrouges, Michel (Emmett Parker, tr.) - Kafka Versus Kafka
33482: Carruthers, Peter - Tractarian Semantics; Finding Sense in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
51836: Carse, Robert - The Age of Piracy; a History. With Illustrations by Ted Trinkaus
44684: Carter, Will - Portfolio One; Specimen Sheets of Printing, Type-Design and Letter-Cutting
51150: Mies van der Rohe (Peter Carter) - Mies Van Der Rohe at Work
40976: Carter, M.J. - The Infidel Stain
42016: Carter, Herbert R. - The Spinning and Twisting of Long Vegetable Fibres (Flax, Hemp, Jute, Tow, and Ramie); a Practical Manual of the Most Modern Methods As Applied to the Hackling, Carding, Preparing, Spinning, and Twisting of the Long Vegetable Fibres of Commerce. With 161 Illustrations (Including 10 Plates)
48019: Carter, A.F. - All of Us; a Novel of Suspense
52417: Cartier-Bresson, Henri (Philippe Arbaizar, Jean Clair, Claude Cookman, et al) - The Man, the Image and the World; a Retrospective
34984: Basoglu, Ayhan (cartoonist) and Mujdat Kayayerli (text) - Nasreddin Hodja; the Turk Who Makes the World Laugh; Some Famous Stories from Turkey
36302: Williamstown Historical Commission (Robert R.R. Brooks, William J. Cartwright and Albert Keep, eds.) - Williamstown; the First Two Hundred Years, 1753-1953 and Twenty Years Later, 1953-1973
49879: Carty, James, ed - Ireland from Grattan's Parliament to the Great Famine (1783-1850). A Documentary Record Compiled and Edited by James Carty
42220: Carus, C.G. - Göthe [Goethe]; Zu Dessen Näherem Berständnitz [Naherem Berstandnitz]. Beigegeben Ist Eine Reihe Bisher Ungedruckter Briefe Goethe's an Den Herausgeber
10971: Carus, Paul - Truth on Trial: An Exposition of the Nature of Truth. Preceded by a Critique of Pragmatism and an Appreciation of Its Leader
36813: Carus, Paul - Primer of Philosophy
6624: Cary, George E. - The One Hundreth Anniversary of the Essex North Association. Historical Sketches by... And Charles S. Holton
41819: Casey, Anne-Marie - The Real Liddy James
48418: Casey, Alfredo - Dos Siglos de Poesia Norteamericana; Poetas Blancos Y Negros de Los Ee. Uu
31076: Casey, John - The Language of Criticism
26642: Casi, Fausto - Scienziati Aretini Dal '400 Al '700; Strumenti.
47038: Caspari, Fritz - Humanism and the Social Order in Tudor England
34729: Cassatt, Mary (Nancy Mowll Mathews, ed.) - Cassatt; a Retrospective
24534: Cassel, Gustav - Theoretische Sozialökonomie [Sozialokonomie]; Fünfte [Funfte], Neubearbeitete Auflage
28033: Cassella, Carol Wiley - Healer
19696: Cast, David - The Calumny of Apelles; a Study in the Humanist Tradition
45480: Castelot, Andre - Le Grand Siecle de Paris
24226: Castex, Pierre-Georges - Autour Du Symbolisme; Villiers-Mallarme, Verlaine-Rimbaud; Etudes Reunies
36664: Castex, P.G., S. Jeune, M. Eigeldinger, et al. - Relire "Les Destinees" D' Alfred de Vigny. Actes Du Colloque Tenu a la Sorbonne le 15 Decembre 1979
52586: Castor, Helen - She-Wolves; the Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth
33144: Castro, Don Adolfo de - Obras Escogidas de Filosofos Con Un Discurso Preliminar Del Excelentisimo E Ilustrisimo Señor [Senor] Don Adolfo de Castro. (Biblioteca de Autores Españoles [Espanoles] Desde la Formacion Del Lenguaje Hasta Nuestros Dias)
17948: Castro, Javier Fernandez de - Alimento Del Salto
3043: Castronovo, Valerio - Economia E Società [Societa] in Piemonte Dall'Unità [Dall'Unita] Al 1914
51615: Cather, Willa - The Autobiography of S.S. Mcclure. Introduction to the Bison Books Edition by Robert Thacker
52070: Cather, Willa (William M. Curtin, ed.) - The World and the Parish; Willa Cather's Articles and Reviews, 1893-1902. Selected and Edited with a Commentary by William M. Curtin. Two Volumes
51609: Modern Fiction Studies (Willa Cather) - Willa Cather Special Issue; Spring 1990; Vol. 36, No. 1
51633: Cather, Willa - Obscure Destinies. Historical Essay and Explanatory Notes by Kari A. Ronning. Textual Essay by Frederick M. Link, with Kari A. Ronning and Mark Kamrath
51654: Cather, Willa (Virginia Faulkner, ed.) - Collected Short Fiction, 1892-1912; Vol. 1: The Bohemian Girl; Vol. 2; the Troll Garden; Vol. 3: On the Divide. Introduction by Mildred R. Bennett. Three Volumes in One. Revised Edition
49202: Cather, Willa - On Writing; Critical Studies on Writing As an Art. With a Foreword by Stephen Tennant
50866: Cather, Willa - Stories, Poems, and Other Writings
51635: Cather, Willa - Youth and the Bright Medusa. Historical Essay and Explanatory Notes by Mark J. Madigan. Textual Essay and Editing by Frederick M. Link, Charles W. Mignon, Judith Ross and Kari A. Ronning
51637: Cather, Willa - Alexander's Bridge. Historical Essay and Explanatory Notes by Tom Quirk. Textual Essay and Editing by Frederick M. Link
51638: Cather, Willa - Death Comes for the Archbishop. Historical Essay and Explanatory Notes by John J. Murphy. Textual Editing by Charles W. Mignon, with Frederick M. Link and Kari A. Ronning
52186: Catton, Bruce - A Stillness at Appomattox (the Pulitzer Price for History 1954)
51376: Caulfield, Max - The Easter Rebellion
49195: The Duchess of Devonshire [Deborah Milford Cavendish] - Chatsworth, the House. With Photographs by Simon Upton
43420: The Duchess of Devonshire [Deborah Milford Cavendish] - The House; a Portrait of Chatsworth
48484: Cawein, Madison - Shapes and Shadows; Poems
42426: Cawein, Madison - Shapes and Shadows; Poems
39068: Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPCz CC and the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPS CC - An Outline of the History of the Cpcz
44845: Cecil, Henry - A Matter of Speculation; the Case of Lord Cochran
10763: Cecovini, Manlio - Nottole Ad Atene
47861: Celarie, Henriette - Monsieur de Voltaire; Sa Famille Et Ses Amis. Avec Huit Planches Hors Texte
21825: Cendrars, Blaise - à L'Aventure; Textes Choisis
21826: Cendrars, Blaise - Bourlinguer
47470: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Schenectady County, New York Repositories
47421: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Saratoga County, New York Repositories
32114: International Legal Center - Law and Public Enterprise in Asia
47469: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Otsego County, New York Repositories
47468: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Oneida County, New York Repositories
47467: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Montgomery County, New York Repositories
47464: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Fulton County, New York Repositories
47465: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Herkimer County, New York Repositories
47466: New York Historical Resources Center - Guide to Historical Resources in Albany County, New York Repositories. Three Volumes
20443: Centkiewicz, Aline - Okrutny Biegun
32165: O & M Division of the Public Administration Research Centre, Government of Pakistan (compiler) - Estacode; CIVIL Establishment Code; a Compendium of Laws, Rules and Instructions Relating to the Terms and Conditions of Federal CIVIL Servants
51407: New York State College of Ceramics and New York State Science Service - The Clays and Shales of New York State
48868: Cerasi, Laura - Gli Ateniesi D'Italia; Associazioni Di Cultura a Firenze Nel Primo Novecento
19230: Cereghini, Mario - Immagini de Lecco Nei Secoli
13949: Cerf, G. - Transformations de Contact Et Probleme de Pfaff
33599: Cerro, Juan Luis Roman del - Alicante, 1881-1980
49659: Certkov, Leonid - Rilke in Russland. Auf Grund Neuer Materialien
28176: Di Cesare, Mario A. - The Altar and the City; a Reading of Vergil's Aeneid
43431: Vitruvius Pollio (Cesare de Lorenzo Cesariano, tr.) - De Architectura. Translated from the Latin Into Italian, with Commentary & Illustrations by Cesare Di Lorenzo Cesariano
47654: Cescinsky, Herbert - English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century. Illustrated from Drawings by the Author and from Photographs. Three Volume Set
48432: Cestre, Charles - Les Poetes Americains
19184: Cetina, Gutierre de - Obras de Gutierre de Cetina. Con Introduccion Y Notas Del Doctor D. Joaquin Hazañas [Hazanas] Y la Rua. Presentacion de Margarita Peña [Pena]
32438: Galerie Cger - L'Art de L'Affiche En Belgique, 1900-1980
27266: Chadwick, George Halcott - History and Value of the Name "Catskill" in Geology
32033: Chailllu, Paul du - The Land of the Long Night. Illustrated by M.F. Burns
50657: Chofetz Chaim - The Chofetz Chaim Looks at Life; an Anthology of the Chofetz Chaim's Philosophical and Ethical Insights Collected from His Writings. Compiled Anonymously for the Public Benefit
24801: All-Union Book Chamber - The Book; Researches and Materials; Symposia, XXVIII. / Kniga: Issledovaniia I Materialy. Sbornik
51515: Chamberlain, Ernest Barrett - The Churchills of Oberlin; the Contributions of One Family to the College and to the World
28167: Chamberlain, Basil Hall - Things Japanese; Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan for the Use of Travellers and Others
10331: Chambers, Robert W. - The Conspirators: A Romance
31806: Chambers, Sir Edmund - Matthew Arnold. (Warton Lecture on English Poetry, Read November 11, 1931)
5775: Chambers, Miriam P. - Railroading in America. (Cover Title: From Engine to Caboose)
47149: Chambrun, René de - Ma Croisade Pour L'Angleterre, Juin 1940
45565: Champagnac, J.B.J. - Arthur and Theobald, Ou la Veritable Amitie; Histoire Morale Du XII Siecle
47900: [Champier, Symphorien] Moland, Louis - La Tres Joyeuse, Plaisante Et Recreative Histoire Du Bon Chevalier Sans Peur Et Sans Reproche, le Gentil Seigneur de Bayard. Compose Par le Loyal Serviteur. Nouvelle Edition. Complete Par Des Extraits D'Autres Chroniques Et Par Les Lettres de Bayard. Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par M. Louis Moland. Ornee de Gravures Hors Texte Et de Nombreuses Vignettes Dessins de M. Tofani. Graves Par Navellier Et L. Marie
35781: Champion, Edouard - La Comedie-Francaise; 1 Janvier 1927-31 Decembre 1932
44743: Champion, Pierre - Paris Au Temps de la Renaissance; L'Envers de la Tapisserie; le Regne de Francois I.
51698: Champion, Myra - The Lost World of Thomas Wolfe
47860: Champris, Henry Gaillard de - Emile Augier Et la Comedie Sociale
45475: Chancellor, John - Audubon; a Biography
51977: Chandler, David G. - Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars
44181: Duchess of Chandos, Cassandra (A.C. Wood, ed.) - The Continuation of the History of the Willoughby Family, Being Vol. 2 of the Manuscript
18085: Chang, Shu-Cheng, et al., eds - Geometric Evolution Equations. National Center for Theoretical Sciences Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 15-August 14, 2002
51187: Chang, Yun-chien - Private Property and Takings Compensation; Theoretical Framework and Empirical
47794: Chantal, Rene de - Marcel Proust; Critique Litteraire. Preface de Georges Poulet. Two Volumes
19219: Plovier-Chapelle, Marie-Louise - Une Femme Et la Montagne. 18 Gravures Hors-Texte
49359: Chapin, E.H., Rev - Humanity in the City
39042: Chapin, Andrea - The Tutor
43370: Chaplin, Heather - Reckless Years; a Diary of Love and Madness
50779: Chapman, John Jay - A Sausage from Bologna; a Comedy in Four Acts
52922: Chapman, Caroline - Russell of the Times; War Dispatches and Diaries
44242: Chapman, Richard P. - One Hundred Twenty-Five Years on State Street; "Merchants National of Boston
53155: Chapman, Henry - Catalogue of the John Story Jenks Collection of Coins; Ancient Greek, Roman and the Entire World; Early American, Colonial and State Issues, and United States Patterns and the Regular Series
40568: Chapon, Francois, ed - Andre Suares (1868-1948)
29493: Charbonneaux, Jean, Roland Martin und Francois Villard - Das Archaische Griechenland, 620-480 V. Chr
39924: Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Lettres de Voyage (1923-1955). Recueillies Et Presentes Par Claude Aragonnes
45618: New York (City) Commissioners of Public Charities and correction - Tenth Annual Report of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, New York, for the Year 1869
29295: Garrod, Charles and Bill Korst - Ray Anthony and His Orchestra
46912: Leroy, Charles et Maurice Allinne - Le Rat de Bibliotheque Et L'Historien Local; Discours de Reception a L'Academie Des Sciences, Belles-Lettres Et Arts de Rouen, 30 Juin 1930 (Leroy) [Et] "L'Academiade" de Charles Richard; Reponse Au Discours de Reception de Charles Leroy(Allinne)
52696: Hefling, Charles and Cynthia Shattuck, eds - The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer; a Worldwide Survey
29283: Garrod, Charles and Bill Korst - Johnny Long and His Orchestra
29278: Garrod, Charles and Bill Korst - Bob Chester and His Orchestra
41628: Cros, Charles et Tristan Corbiere - Oeuvres Completes
46821: Rist, Charles et Gaetan Pirou, eds - De la France D'Avant Guerre a la France D'Aujourd'Hui; Vingt-Cinq Ans D'Evolution de la Structure Economique Et Sociale Francaise; Recueil D'Etudes
33739: Charlier, Gustave - De Ronsard a Victor Hugo; Problemes D'Histoire Litteraire
15578: Plimmer, Charlotte and Denis - Slavery: The Anglo-American Involvement. Illustrated Sources in History
19907: Charyn, Jerome - Pinocchio's Nose
40515: Chasse, Charles - Lueurs Sur Mallarme
44659: Chastel, Guy - J.K. Huysmans Et Ses Amis; Documents Inedits
48908: Chastenet, Jacques - En Avant Vers L'Ouest; la Conquete Des Etats-Unis Par Les Americains
36968: Chatagnier, Claude - La Generalite D'Orleans; Sous L'Intendance de Louis-Guillaume Jubert de Bouville, 1713-1731
47906: Chateaubriand, M. Le Vicomte de - De la Monarchie Selon la Charte
50811: Chateaubriand, F.A. (Caleb Bingham, tr.) - Atala; or the Love and Constancy of Two Savages in the Desert. Translated from the French. Second Edition
26912: Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene de - Oeuvres Completes. Nouvelle Edition Revue Avec Soin Sur Les Editions Originales. Precedes D'Une Etude Litteraire Sur Chateaubriand Par M. Sainte-Beuve
47205: Chateaubriand, [Francois-Rene de] - Les Natchez. Publies Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes de Gilbert Chinard
32185: Chaudhuri, Muzaffar Ahmed - The CIVIL Service in Pakistan (the Centrally Recruited CIVIL Services)
50316: Chauliac, Guy de (W.A. Brennan, tr.) - Guy de Chauliac on Wounds and Fractures
28375: Cheever, John - Of Love: A Testimony," in Story, Vol. VII No. 41 (December 1935)
21255: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich - Dom S Mezoninom I Drugie Rasskazy
3142: Zelenska-Chelkowska, Anna - Feliks Radwanski, Senator Rzeczypospolitej Krakowskiej (1756-1826)
43067: Chellis, Robert D. - Pile Foundations; Theory, Design, Practice
32345: Chelpner, B.-S - Cent Ans D'Histoire Sociale En Belgique. Préface de Henri Janne. Postface de René Ewalenko
15515: Chen, Yanzhu - Xin Bian Bu Zheng Fangshan Shi Jing Ti Ji Hui Ban
15516: Chen, Yanzhu - Fangshan Shi Jing Zhong Liao Mo Yu Jin Dai Ke Jing Zhi Yan Jiu
15517: Chen, Yanzhu - Fangshan Shi Jing Zhong Ton LI Da Shi Ke Jing Zhi Yan Jiu
30109: Cheong, Lee Kok - Syntax of Scientific English
51521: Cherry, June, ed - Aka' Tamaani; Spring 1980. Vol. 1, No. 1
31288: Cherubini, Luigi - Requiem Mass in C Minor for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices with Piano Accompaniment
12067: Cherubini, Paolo - Mandati Della Reverenda Camera Apostolica, 1418-1802. Inventario a Cura de Paolo Cherubini
31292: Cherubini, Luigi - Requiem Mass in C Minor for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices with Piano Accompaniment
36184: Chesnay, Charles Berthelot du - Les Pretres Seculiers En Haute-Bretagne Au XVII Siecle
47901: [Duchesne/Su Chesne] - Analyse Historique Des Principes Du Droit Francois
39354: Chesnel, Paul (Andrée Chesnel Meany, tr.) - History of Cavelier de la Salle, 1643-1687; Explorations in the Valleys of the Ohio, Illinois and Mississippi. Translated from the French by Andrée Chesnel Meany
38861: Chesney, General Sir George - Indian Polity; a View of the System of Administration in India
47631: Chester, Alden, ed - Legal and Judicial History of New York. Vol. 1 Only
42053: Chesters, J.H. - Steelplant Refactories; Testing, Research and Development
47913: Pitre-Chevalier - Bretagne Et Vendee; Histoire de la Revolution Francaise Dans L'Ouest. Illustree Par A. Leleux, O. Penguilly Et T. Johannot
51975: Chevallier, Bernard - Napoleon. With an Introduction by Jean Tulard. Historical Essay by Christophe Pincemaille. Translation by Thomas Michael Gunther
49835: Li Shou-chi and Li Shih-p'ei - Spirit-Calligraphy and Painting
21678: Chickering, Edward Conner - An Introduction to Octavia Praetexta
52892: Chidsey, Donald Barr - The Siege of Boston; an on-the-Scene Account of the Beginning of the American Revolution
36035: Chierici, Gino - IL Palazzo Italiano Dal Secolo XI Al Secolo XIX
37562: Chierico, Osiris - [Kosice] Reportaje a Una Anticipacion
24876: Chihuly, [Dale] (Geoffry Edwards) - Chihuly in Australia; Glass and Works on Paper
52692: Childers, Erskine - The Riddle of the Sands. Introduction by Maldwin Drummond. Illustrations by Daniel Whistler
51494: Chiles, Rosa Pendleton - John Howard Payne
48547: Chinard, Gilbert - Amities Americaines de Madame D'Houdetot; D'Apres Sa Correspondance Inedite Avec Benjamin Franklin Et Thomas Jefferson
48467: Chinard, Emma - Histoires de Sept Jeunes Americains. Gravures de Michele Tolochard. [Cover: De George Washington & Benjamin Franklin a Abraham Lincoln Et Thomas Edison]
24526: Chinmayananda, Swami - Discourses on Aitareya Upanishad
50508: Chipkin, Kenn - Real Rock Guitar; a Classic Rock Bible of the '60s and '70s. [Cover: The Most Complete and Authentic Guide to the Greatest Classic Rock Guitar Licks Ever Played! Including the Licks, Styles, and Techniques of Duane Allman, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Billy Gibbons, Peter Green, Jimmy Page, Keith Richards Johnny Winter and Many More] Includes Cd
44351: Chipman, Nathaniel - Principles of Government; a Treatise on Free Institutions, Including the Constitution of the United States
24129: Cholakian, Rouben C., ed - Complete Narratives of Francophone Caribbean Tales
36139: Cholvy, Gerard, ed - Le Diocese de Montpellier. [Cover: Une Histoire Religieuse En Occitanie; Des Origines a Nos Jours]
30965: Towarzystwo Im. Fr. Chopina/Société Frédéric Chopin - Annales Chopin; 2. Vol. 2 Only
28234: Chopin, Fr. [Frederic] - Pianoforte Works of Fr. Chopin; Conservatively Revised and Carefully Fingered by Hans Semper
36123: Chouraqui, Andre - Mon Testament; le Feu de L'Alliance
45535: Chow, Tai L. - General Relativity and Cosmology; a First Course
44759: Christian, Arthur - Etudes Sur le Paris D'Autrefois; Les Demeures Royales Aux Portes de Paris
37973: Christiansen, Ernst og Peder Norgaard - Hvad Skete Med Radioen Under Krigen
52490: Christie, Manson & Woods, International - The Elizabeth Parke Firestone Collection of Important Gold Boxes and Objects of Vertu Which Will Be Sold Friday, November 19, 1982
21914: Christie, Manson & Woods - Printed Books and Manuscripts Including an Important Archive of St. John de Crèvecoeur, 1735-1813
52498: Christie, Manson & Woods, International - Highly Important English and Continental Silver and Objects of Vertu; the Property of Members of the Morgan Family, Which Will Be Sold on Tuesday, October 26, 1982
41550: Christie, Manson & Woods - The Estelle Doheny Collection from the Edward Lawrence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California; Part VI: Printed Books and Manuscripts Concerning William Morris and His Circle
29685: Bloxham, Christine and Mollie Picken - Love and Marriage
42844: Christman, Robert A. - Understanding and Interpreting the Bellingham Seismograms of the 1964 Alaskan Earthquake
37411: Arleston, Christophe et Didier Tarquin - Lanfeust Par Ses Amis; Tome 0-Les Improbables
49279: Lloyd, Christopher and Vanessa Remington - Masterpieces in Little; Portrait Miniatures from the Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
51724: Vaughan, David (chronicle and commentary) and Meliisa Harris (ed.) - Merce Cunningham; Fifty Years
7386: Chryssostomidis, Marjorie - Offshore Petroleum Engineering; a Bibliographic Guide to Publications and Information Sources. (Mit Sea Grant Program)
16542: Chudnov, G. M. - My-S Tul'Skogo Oruzheinogo: Tul'Skomu Oruzheinomu Zavodu-275 Let/
31798: Chung, Catherine - Forgotten Country
39057: Chuquet, Arthur - De Valmy a la Marne, 1914-1915
47781: Catholic Church - Rite of Marriage. English Translation Approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
44083: Burnt Hill Baptist Church - Bicentennial of Burnt Hills Baptist Church, 1783-1983
51887: Church, Albert Cook - Whale Ships and Whaling
42055: Church, Irving P. - Hydraulic Motors, with Related Subjects Including Centrifugal Pumps, Pipes, and Open Channels. Designed As a Text-Book for Engineering Schools
19889: St. Louis Catholic Church, Miami, Florida - The Taste of St. Louis; a Cookbook in English and Spanish
37946: Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Cologne (Germany) - Kirchlicher Anzeiger Für [Fur] Die Erzdiözese Köln [Erzdiozese Koln]; Vol. 1: Kirchengeschichtlicher Teil Mit Epilog; Vol. 2: Biblischer Teil Mit Einem Epilog
52915: Churchill, Winston Spencer (David Coombs, compiler) - Churchill; His Paintings; a Catalog. Foreword by Lady Spencer-Churchill
47344: Schenectady Reformed Chuurch (Donald A. Keefer, transcriber, and Arthur C.M. Kelly, compiler) - Baptism Record of Schenectady Reformed Church; 1694-1811
21445: Ciacca, Christina Samson - Oscar Wilde; IL Teatro Del Paradosso
31099: Workmen's Circle - Almanakh; Fun Di Nyu Yorker Umparteyishe A.R. Shuln
42592: Museu d'Historia de la Ciutat - The Archaeological Remains of Placa Del Rei in Barcelona; from Barcino to Barcinona (1st to 7th Centuries)
31579: Schmujlow-Claassen, Ria und Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Briefe, Aufsätze [Aufsatze], Dokumente. Herausgegeben Von Claudia Abrecht. Mit Einem Nachwort Von Martin Stern
27508: Clagett, Marshall, ed - Critical Problems in the History of Science
50275: Clagett, O.T. - General Surgery at Mayo Clinic, 1900-1970
15133: Clapp, Jane - Sculpture Index
42169: De Clarac, M. le Cte - Description Du Musee Royal Des Antiques Du Louvre
36272: St. Clare, Katherine - To Tell Me Terrible Lies; a Romance of the Pine Barrens; First of the Wainwright Chronicles, 1778-1783
38227: Claretie, Jules - The Crime of the Boulevard
43890: New York State Museum (John M. Clark and Ephraim Porter Felt) - 20th Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other Insects, 1904
27971: Clark, J.W. - Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods
36777: Clark, Anthony - Seeing Beneath the Soil; Prospecting Methods in Archaeology
52744: Clark, Odis H. - Paper Money of Guatemala
52745: Clark, Odis H. - Paper Money of Guatemala
43407: Clark, John - Records of the Descendants of Hugh Clark, of Watertown, Mass. , 1640-1866
33753: Clark, A.F.B. - Jean Racine
34282: Phillips-Brit, D., Anthony Clark and Bernard Hayman, eds - Yachting World Annual 1967
51868: Clark, Arthur Bridgman - Perspective; a Textbook and Manual for Artists, Architects and Students
52816: Courtney-Clarke, Margaret (Geraldine Brooks, essays) - Imazighen; the Vanishing Traditions of Berber Women
53001: Clarke, Robert L. - The Coinage of Switzerland, 1850 to Date (an Up-to-Date Pricing Guide)
52549: Clarke, Robert L. - The Coins and Tokens of British Oceania. [Cover: Australia, Fiji, New Guinea, New Zealand] Fifth Edition
31011: Clarke, D.H. - Copper Mines of Keweenaw; No. 10: Seneca Mining Company
31004: Clarke, D.H. - Copper Mines of Keweenaw; No. 3: Clark Mining Company
19427: Clarke, Thomas E., ed - Above Every Name: The Lordship of Christ and Social Systems
47215: Griffin, Lloyd W., Jack A. Clarke and Alexander Y. Kroff, eds - Modern French Literature and Language; a Bibliography of Homage Studies
38513: Clarke, John R. - Roman Sex; 100 Bc to Ad 250. New Photography by Michael Larvey
34635: Clarkson, Henry - The Yachtsman's a-Z
29471: Clasen, Karl Heinz (text) - Marienburg Und Marienwerder. Aufgenommen Von Der Staatlichen Bildstelle. Beschrieben Von Karl Heinz Clasen
52326: Class, Heinrich - Wider Den Strom; Vom Werden Und Wachsen Der Nationalen Opposition IM Alten Reich
25646: Clauberg, W. und Dubislav, W. - Systematisches Wörterbuch [Worterbuch] Der Philosophie
20606: Pichois, Claude and Andre M. Rousseau - Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft; Eine Einführung [Einfuhrung] in Die Geschichte, Die Methoden Und Probleme Der Komparatisik. Deutsch Von Peter Andre Bloch
41729: Levi-Strauss, Claude et Didier Eribon - De Pres Et de Loin
24460: Clausen, Lars - Tausch; Entwürfe [Entwurfe] Zu Einer Soziologischen Theorie
45002: Clausewitz, General Carl von (A.W. Bode, hrsg.) - Vom Kriege; Hinterlassenes Werk
24817: Claussen, Carsten Peter, hrsg - Neue Perspektiven Aus Wirtschaft Und Recht; Festschrift Für Hans Schäffer Zum 80. Geburtstag Am 11. April 1966
42650: Clave, Margara - Diccionario de Sinonimos Y Antonimos
33880: Proctor, Clay and Paul Myers - Tips for the Treasure Hunter; an Information Guuide to Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting
37349: Cleaver, Albrigh G. y Raul Chavarri - El Gemismo de Dina Cosson; Una Estetica Contemporanea

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