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046616: Englund, Peter - The Beauty and the Sorrow; an Intimate History of the Frist World War
037539: Marx, Enid and Margaret Lambert - English Popular and Traditional Art
050629: Bilal, Enki and Pierre Christin - Coeurs Sanglants Et Autres Faits Divers
050317: Enlart, Camille - Manuel D'Archéologie Française Depuis Les Temps Mérovingiens Jusqu'a la Renaissance. 1e Partie: Architecture. I. Architecture Religieuse
004892: Ennemoser, Franz Joseph - Eine Reise Vom Mittelrhein (Mainz) ûber Cöln, Paris Und Havre Nach Den Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten, Beziehungsweise Nach New-Orleans
052291: Ennen, Edith - The Medieval Woman
036005: Enock, Arthur Guy - This Milk Business; a Study from 1895 to 1943
030382: Enrico, Eugene - The Orchestra at San Petronino in the Baroque Era
052890: Enright, Michael J. - Iona, Tara and Soissons; the Origin of the Royal Anointing Ritual
014795: Enright, D. J. - A Mania for Sentences
043052: Enskat, Rainer, Ed - Wissenschaft Und Aufklärung
015541: Ensor, R. C. K. - England, 1870-1914
019086: Ensslin, Walter - Die Literarisch-Musikalische Intuition Von Richard Benz
019026: Enstice, Andrew - Thomas Hardy; Landscapes of the Mind
040547: Garcia de Enterria, Maria Cruz - Catalogo de Los Pliegos Poéticos Españoles Del Siglo XVII En El British Museum de Londres
044314: Entz, Géza - Die Liebfrauenkirche Und Die Fischerbastei Auf Dem Burgberg Von Buda
025496: Enzensberger, Hans Magnus - Cival Wars from L.A. To Bosnia
012819: Enzinger, Moriz, Ed - Briefe an Friedrich Hebbel
038715: Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs - Deceptive Distinctions; Sex, Gender, and the Social Order
037607: Epstein, Jason - Book Business; Publishing Past, Present and Future
024944: Epstein, Joel J. - Francis Bacon: A Political Biography
020663: Epstein, Willial H. - John Cleland; Images of a Life
051335: Epstein, Marcia Jenneth - Prions En Chantant; Devotion Songs of the Trouvères
005287: Epstein, T. S. - Economic Development and Social Change in South India
051041: Epstein, Marcia Jenneth - Prions En Chantant: Devotion Songs of the Trouvères
034703: Erasmus, Desiderius - Erasmus and Cambridge
003112: Erasmus, Charles J. - In Search of the Common Good; Utopian Experiments Past and Future
021694: Erben, Johannes - Einführung in Die Deutsche Wortbildungslehre
010536: Erckens, Günter - 150 Jahre Rechnungs- Und Briefbögen IM Gladbach-Rheydter Wirtschaftsraum
005326: Erdman, Howard L. - The Swatantra Party and Indian Conservatism
005162: Erdman, David V. - Commerce Des Lumières; John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790 1793
053188: Erdmann, Carl - Forschungen Zur Politischen Ideenwelt Des Frühmittelalters
052763: Erdmann, Carl - Die Entstehung Des Kruezzugsgedankens
044086: Erdö, Péter - Storia Della Scienza Del Diritto Canonico; Una Introduzione
036510: Erdrich, Louise - The Beet Queen; a Novel
034197: Erdrich, Louise - The Antelope Wife; a Novel
010061: Ereerguer, Enrique V. - Cosas Del Uruguay (En Torno a la Decada 1933-42)
016638: Eren, Hasan, et al. - The Turkish Presence in Bulgaria; Communications, 7 June 1985
029344: Erens, Patricia - The Jew in American Cinema
038900: Erffa, Hans Martin Von - Die Domtür Zu Pisa
029999: Eribon, Didier - Michel Foucault
037567: Larrabee, Eric and Rolf Meyersohn, Eds - Mass Leisure
036891: Baker, Eric and Tyler Blik - Trademarks of the 40's and 50's
032707: Robins, Eric and Blaine Littell - Africa; Images and Realities
032256: Treuillé, Eric and Anna Del Conte - Pasta; Every Way for Every Day
022007: Alterman, Eric and Marc Green - The Book on Bush; How George W. (Mis)Leads America
022660: Fromm, Erich and Michael Maccoby - Social Character in a Mexican Village; a Sociopsychoanalytic Study
008634: Wolf, Robert Erich and Ronald Millen - Renaissance and Mannerist Art
045692: Erickson, Carolly - The Medieval Vision; Essays in History and Perception
025421: Erickson, Carolly - Alexandra, the Last Tsarina
020710: Erickson, Darlene Williams - Illusion Is More Precise Than Precision; the Poetry of Marianne Moore
007201: Erickson, Charlotte - Invisible Immigrants; the Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century America
048128: Trinkaus, Erik and Pat Shipman - The Neandertals; Changing the Image of Mankind
040077: Westerlind, Erik and Rune Beckman - Sweden's Economy; Structure and Trends
025497: Saar, Erik and Viveca Novak - Inside the Wire; a Military Intellligence Solider's Account of Life at Guantanamo
022812: Erikson, Erik H. - Life History and the Historical Moment
022631: Erikson, Erik H. - Identity; Youth and Crisis
003938: Eriksson, T.-E - Die Armenische Büchersammlung Der Universitätsbibliothek Zu Helsinki
046969: Erim, Kenan T. - Aphrodias; a Guide to the Site and Its Museum
043843: Erk, Ludwig - Deutscher Liederhort; Auswahl Der Vorzüglicheren Deutschen Volkslieder, Nach Wort Und Weise Aus Der Vorzeit Und Gegenwart Gesammelt Und Erläutert
053178: Erman, Adolf - Neuaegyptische Grammatik
048816: Ermengaud, Matfre - Le Breviari D'Amor de Matfre Ermengaud. Tome V (27252t-34597)
033903: Nagel, Ernest and James R. Newman - Gödel's Proof
052379: Hoepffner, Ernest and Prosper Alfaric - La Chanson de Sainte Foy
010748: Beaglehole, Ernest and Pearl Beaglehole - Some Modern Maoris
038143: Erni, Hans - Gedanken Und Gedichte
049196: Ernout, Alfred - Le Dialecte Ombrien; Lexique Du Vocabulaire Des "Table Eugubines" Et Des Inscriptions
042775: Lehner, Ernst and Johanna Lehner - Lore and Lure of Outer Space
040389: Johann, Ernst and Jörg JUnker - Deutsche Kulturgeschichte Der Letzten Hundert Jahre
037208: Lehner, Ernst and Johanna Lehner - Folklore and Odysseys of Food and Medicinal Plants
024917: Benz, Ernst and Minoru Nambara - Das Christentum Und Die Nicht-Christlichen Hochreligionen; Begegnung Und Auseinandersetzung. Eine Internationale Bibliographie
021574: Burgschmidt, Ernst and Dieter Götz - Historische Linguistik: Englisch
003350: Kjellberg, Ernst and Gösta Säflund - Greek and Roman Art, 3000 B.C. To A.D. 550
032044: Eron, Carol, Ed - The Artist's Table; a Cookbook by Master Chefs Inspried by Painting in the National Gallery of Art
011093: Errington, R. Malcolm - A History of Macedonia
009295: Errington, Frederick Karl - Karavar; Masks and Power in a Melanesian Ritual
010374: Ersch, Johann Samuel - La France Littéraire Contenant Les Auteurs Français de 1771 à 1796
020494: Erserguer, Enrique V. - Cosas Del Uruguay (En Torno a la Década 1933-42)
035601: Bindewald, Erwin and Karl Kasper - Fairy Fancy on Fabrics; the Wonderland of Calico-Printing
013829: Erwin, Edward - The Concept of Meaninglessness
050617: Esar, Evan - The Legend of Joe Miller
046545: Esch, Anneliese - Die Ehedispense Johanns XXII. Und Ihre Bezihung Zur Politik
052449: Wolfram von Eschenbach - Wolfram Von Eschenbach. Parzival Buch
042223: Wolfram von Eschenbach - Parzival
040943: Wolfram von Eschenbach - Parzival
029848: Wolfram von Eschenbach - Wolfram Von Eschenbach
012918: Escher, Konrad - Malerei Der Renaissance in Italien; Die Malerei Des 14. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts in Mittel- Und Unteritalien
045960: Escholier, Marc - Port-Royal; the Drama of the Jansenists
049344: Paez Escobar, Gustavo - Biografia de Una Angustia
035429: Escobedo, Helen - Mexican Monuments; Strange Encounters
035141: Escoffier, Auguste - Ma Cuisine
051796: Faraday, Joseph Escott and Michael Anthony Faraday - The Faraday Genealogy
047893: Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge - How to Write the History of the New World; Histories, Epistemologies, and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
034869: Eskind, Andrew H., Ed - International Photography; George Eastman House Index to Photographers, Collections, and Exhibitions
014531: Esman, Milton J., Ed - Ethnic Conflict in the Western World
041129: Real Academia Española - Diccionario de la Lengua Española
035495: Espey, JOhn - Minor Heresies, Major Departures. A China Mission Boyhood
009891: Torreblanca Espinosa, Maximo - Estudio Del Habla de Villena Y Su Comarca
038156: Esposito, John L. - Unholy War; Terror in the Name of Islam
022898: Esposito, John L. - The Islamic Threat; Myth or Reality
037223: Espy, Willard R. - Oysterville; Roads to Grandpa's Village
052548: Esquieu, Yves - La Ville Au Moyen Age; L'Exemple Français
019308: Ess, Franciscus Xaverius - Quaestiones Plinianae. De Praepositionum Apud C. Plinius Sec. Usu. Pars Prior: E Praepostiionibus C. Abl. Coniunctis
012653: Essig, E. O. - Insects of Western North America; a Manual and Textbook for Students in Colleges and Universities and a Handbook for County, State and Federal Entomologists and Agriculturists As Well As Foresters, Farmers, Gardeners, Travelers, and Lovers of Nature
038250: Esswein, Hermann - Rembrandt
052251: Ward's Natural Science Establishment - Catalogue of the College Collection of Plaeontology, with Short Descriptions and Illustrations
049955: Estelrich, Juan - Vives. Exposition Organisée à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Janvier-Mars 1941
044750: Cailhava d'Estendoux, Jean François - De L'Art de la Comédie, Ou Détail Raisonné Des Diverses Parties de la Comédie, Et de Ses Différents Genres; Suivi D'Un Traité de L'Imitation Ou L'on Compare à Leurs Originaux Les Imitations de Moliere & Celles Des Modernes
035784: Estes, Richard - Richard Estes; the Urban Landscape
045655: Peperkamp, Esther and Malgorzata Rajtar, Eds - Religion and the Secular in Eastern Germany, 1945 to the Present
001769: Esthus, Raymond A. - From Enmity to Alliance; U.S. -Australian Relations, 1931-1941
047237: Estleman, Loren D. - The Lioness Is the Hunter; an Amos Walker Novel
043907: Lopez Estrada, Francisco - Introducción a la Literatura Medieval Española
020497: Estrada, Norberto - Uruguay Contemporaneo
007818: Blumann, Ethel and Mabel W. Thomas, Eds - California Local History; a Centennial Bibliography
034024: Etherege, George - The Dramatic Works of Sir George Etherege
022786: Drioton, Etienne and Jacques Vandier - Les Peuples de L'Orient Méditerranéen. T. II: L'égypte
005916: Saint-Etienne, Christian - The Great Depression, 1919-1938; Lessons for the 1980s
022654: Ettinger, Elzbieta - Rosa Luxemburg; a Life
021698: Ettinger, Stefan - Form Und Funktion in Der Wortbildung; Die Diminutiv- Und Augmentativmodifikation IM Lateinischen, Deutschen Und Romanischen. Ein Kritischer Forschungsbericht 1900-1970
030966: Etzioni, Amitai - A Responsive Society; Collected Essays on Guiding Deliberate Social Change
025073: Etzold, Alfred, et al. - Jüdische Friedhöfe in Berlin
028751: Eubel, Konrad - Geschichte Der Oberdeutschen (StraßBurger) Minoriten-Provinz
024710: Eubel, Konrad - Geschichte Der Kölnischen Minoriten-Ordensprovinz
042388: Poulin, Eugena and Claire Quintal - La Gazette Françoise, 1780-1781, Revolutionary America's French Newspaper
046508: Rachlis, Eugene and John E. Marqusee - The Land Lords
042150: Rabinowitch, Eugene and Richard S. Lewis, Eds - Man on the Moon; the Impact on Science, Technology and International Cooperation
039691: Smith, David Eugene and Yoshio Mikami - A History of Japanese Mathematics
039674: Junior League of Eugene - A Taste of Oregon
039258: Steuerle, C. Eugene and Jon M. Bakija - Retooling Social Security for the 21st Century; Right and Wrong Approaches to Reform
024651: Eoyang, Eugene and Lin Yao-fu, Eds - Translating Chinese Literature
007562: Robinson, Edgar Eugene and Vaughn Davis Bornet - Herbert Hoover, President of the United States
019282: Euler, Carolus - De Locatione Conductione Atque Emphyteuse Graecorum
031745: Euripides - Rhesos
028342: Eustis, Alvin A. - Racine Devant la Critique Française, 1838-1939
012037: Davis, Evangeline and Burke Davis - Rebel Raider; a Biography of Admiral Semmes
053147: Chrysos, Evangelos and Ian Wood, Eds - East and West; Modes of Communication. Proceedings of the First Plenary Conference at Merida
020036: Evanovich, Janet - Ten Big Ones
044799: Evans, J. Claude - Strategies of Deconstruction; Derrida and the Myth of the Voice
037719: Evans, Seiriol - A Short History of Ely Cathedral
037310: Evans, Walker - Walker Evans at Work
037199: Evans, George Ewart - From Mouths of Men
034531: Evans, John, et al. - A Britten Source Book
034367: Evans, Sara M. - Born for Liberty; a History of Women in America
033203: Evans, Maurice - English Poetry in the Sixteenth Century
033137: Evans, G. B., Ed - Shakespeare: Aspects of Influence
030531: Evans, Harold - They Made America; from the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: Two Centuries of Innovators
029966: Evans, Arthur R., Jr., Ed - On Four Modern Humanists: Hofmannsthal, Gundolf, Curtius, Kantorowicz
029260: Evans, Joan - English Art 1307-1461
027307: Evans, Robert O. - The Osier Cage; Rhetorical Devices in Romeo & Juliet
025174: Evans, Donald - Faith, Authenticity, and Morality
024711: Evans, Austin Patterson - An Episode in the Struggle for Religious Freedom; the Sectaries of Nuremberg 1524-1528
024262: Evans, Griffith Conrad - The Logarithmic Potential; Discontinuous Dirichlet and Neumann Problems
023758: Evans, Margaret Carpenter - Rosemond Tuve; a Life of the Mind
020664: Evans, Max - Bluefeather Fellini
020665: Evans, Max - Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm
019956: Evans, Humphrey - The Mystery of the Pyramids
018532: Evans, Edwin - Tcahikovsky
017251: Evans, Sydney - Salisbury Cathedral; a Reflective Guide
050574: Evans, G. R. - The Thought of Gregory the Great
015553: Evans, Geraint - Sir Geraint Evans; a Knight at the Opera
014977: Evans, Sara M. - Born for Liberty; a History of Women in America
014828: Evans, Martha Noel - Masks of Tradition; Women and the Politics of Writing in Twentieth-Century France
014176: Evans, Joan - John Ruskin
011347: Evans, J. A. S., Ed - Polis and Imperium; Studies in Honour of Edward Togo Salmon
011131: Evans, Trevor - Bevin of Britain
415: Evans, John G. - The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles
008242: Evans, Edwin - Tchaikovsky
050546: Evans, Rudolph C. - From Canaanites to Israelites; the Journey of Ancient Near East History from Realism to Idealism
1119: Evasdaughter, Elizabeth N. - Catholic Girlhood Narratives; the Church and Self-Denial
043825: Eveleth, Samuel F. - Victorian School-House Architecture
049878: Evely, Mary - The Vintner's Table Cookbook; Recipes from a Winery Chef
037234: Maino, Evelyn and Frances Howard - Ornamental Trees; an Illustrated Guide to Their Selection and Care
035645: Evelyn, John - The Grand Salad; from John Evelyn's Acetaria (1699)
029943: Klengel, Evelyn and Horst Klengel - Die Hethiter Und Ihre Nachbarn; Eine Kulturgeschichte Kleinasiens Von Catal Hüyük Bis Zu Alexander Dem Grossen
049809: Evelyn, John - Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, F.R. S.
034443: Evenden, Doreen - The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London
047807: Everett, Daniel L. - Why There Are No Clitics; an Alternative Perspective on Pronominal Allomorphy
026391: Everett, Alexander Hill - Prose Pieces and Correspondence
017448: Everhart, William C. - The National Park Service
1120: Evers, Georg G. - Martin Luther; Lebens- Und Charakterbild Von Ihm Selbst Gezeichnet in Seine N Eigenen Schriften Und Correspondenzen
027172: Everson, William K. - The Art of W.C. Fields
038762: Vasil'evskii, V. G. - Trudy. T. 1
416: Ewald, Konrad - Terminologie Einer Franzoesischen Geschaefts- Und Kanzleisprache Vom 13. Bi S 16. Jahrhundert (Auf Grund Des "Cartulaire de L'Abbaye de Flines"). (Diss . , Universität Basel)
030384: Ewans, Michael - Janacek's Tragic Operas
030385: Ewen, David - The Book of European Light Opera
018536: Ewen, David - The Book of European Light Opera
034854: Ewing, Elizabeth - Women in Uniform Through the Centuries
034008: Ewing, S. Blaine - Burtonian Melancholy in the Plays of John Ford
031369: Ewing, William A. - Flora Photographica; Masterpieces of Flower Photography: 1835 to the Present
027948: Ewing, William A. - The Body; Photographs of the Human Form
003939: Ewing, William S. - Guide to the Manuscripts Collections in the William L. Clements Library
041241: New York Stock Exchange - Year Book 1928-1929
029572: Bible. O.T. Exodus - Das Zweite Buch Mose: Exodus
025114: Bible. O.T. Exodus - Das Zweite Buch Mose: Exodus
021700: Ey, Luise - Portugiesische Sprachlehre
021775: Eyck, Erich - Pitt Versus Fox, Father & Son 1735-1806
051936: Van Den Eynde, Damien - Les Définitions Des Sacrements Pendant la Première Période de la Théologie Scolastique (1050-1240)
038316: Eyre, Katherine Wigmore - Lottie's Valentine
017882: Ezquerra, Manuel Alvar - Proyecto de Lexicografia Española
024434: Pound, Ezra and Dorothy Pound - Letters in Captivity, 1945-1946
049213: Wright, Arthur F. and Denis Twitchett, Eds - Confucian Personalities
044490: Montgomery, Charles F. and Patricia E.Kane, Eds - American Art: 1750-1800. Towards Independence
043932: Huppé, Bernard F. and D. W. Robertson, Jr. - Fruyt and Chaf; Studies in Chaucer's Allegories
043558: Mathews, Thomas F. and Avedis K. Sanjian - Armenian Gospel Iconography; the Tradition of the Glajor Gospel
043153: Palmer, Richard F. and Karl D. Butler - Brigham Young; the New York Years
042959: Voegelin, C. F. and F. M. Voegelin - Languages of the World: African Fascicle One
042440: Carpenter, Patricia F. and Paul Totah, Eds - The San Francisco Fair: Treasure Island 1939-1940
042280: Barr, Donald F. and Sharon G. Barr - Languages of Central Sulawesi; Checklist, Preliminary Classification, Language Maps, Wordlists
042132: Moulton, W. F. and A. S. Geden, Eds - A Concordance to the Greek Testament Accoding to the Texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English Revisers
040500: Calvert Albert F. - Murillo; a Biography and Appreciation
040499: Calvert Albert F. - The Escorial; a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Spanish Royal Palace, Monastery and Mausoleum
040254: Ilchman, Warren F. and Norman Thomas Uphoff - The Political Economy of Change
002225: Mulder, Jan W. F. And Sandor G. J. Hervey - The Strategy of Linguistics; Papers on the Theory and Methodology of Axiomatic Functionalism
039270: Break, Georg F. and Joseph A. Pechman - Federal Tax Reform, the Impossible Dream
039100: Handler, Joel F. and Ellen Jane Hollingsworth - The "Deserving Poor"; a Study of Welfare Administration
038201: Miller, Naomi F. and Kathryn L. Gleason, Eds - The Archaeology of Garden and Field
037129: Bianchini F. and F. Corbetta - The Fruits of the Earth
036972: So, Jenny F. and Emma C. Bunker - Traders and Raiders on China's Northern Frontier
036558: Ricketts, Edward F. and Jack Calvin - Between Pacific Tides
034350: Shepard, Richard F. and Vicki Gold Levi - Live & Be Well; a Celebration of Yiddish Culture in America from the First Immigrants to the Second World War
032907: Masterson, James F. and Ralph Klein, Eds - Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self; the Masterson Approach
030628: White, Damian F. and Chris Wilbert, Eds - Technonatures; Environments, Technologies, Spaces, and Places in the Twenty-First Century
029580: Poag, James F. and Claire Baldwin - The Construction of Textual Authority in German Literature of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods
026580: Cooper, Andrew F. and Agata Antkiewicz, Eds - Emerging Powers in Global Governance; Lessons from the Heilgendamm Process
026159: Heizer, R. F. And M. A. Whipple - The California Indians; a Source Book
025674: Franklin, Jerry F. and C. T. Dyrness - Natural Vegetation of Oregon and Washington
018143: Mulder, Jan W. F. and Sandor G. J. Hervey - The Strategy of Linguistics; Papers on the Theory and Methodology of Axiomatic Functionalism
017938: Kavanagh, James F. And Ignatius G. Mattingly - Language by Ear and by Eye; the Relationships between Speech and Reading
017913: Mackay, Alfred F. And Daniel D. Merrill, Eds - Issues in the Philosophy of Language; Proceedings of the 1972 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy
017827: Bach, Kathryn F. And Glanville Price - Romance Linguistics and the Romance Languages; a Bibliography of Bibliographies
015367: Atkinson, Margaret F. And May Hillman - Dancers of the Ballet; Biographies
051306: Ridley, F. and J. Blondel - Public Administration in France
014986: Montgomery, Charles F. And Patricia E. Kane, Eds - American Art: 1750-1800, Towards Independence
012173: Guttridge, Leonard F. And Jay D. Smith - The Commodores
012088: Dunnigan, James F. And Austin Bay - A Quick and Dirty Guide to War; Briefings on Present and Potential Wars
012087: Dunnigan, James F. And Albert A. Nofi - Shooting Blanks; War Making That Doesn't Work
009410: Shannon, Thomas F. And Johan P. Snapper, Eds - The Berkeley Conference on Dutch Linguistics 1989; Issues and Contoversies, Old and New
006434: Nuttall, Geoffrey F. And Owen Chadwick - From Uniformity to Unity, 1662-1962
004963: Langer, Paul F. And Joseph J. Zasloff - North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao; Partners in the Struggle for Laos
052925: Faarlund, Jan Terie - The Syntax of Old Norse. With a Survey of the Inflectional Morphology and a Complete Bibliography
040199: Fabbrini, Sergio - Tra Pressioni E Veti; IL Cambiamento Politico in Italia
052904: Faber du Faur, Curt von, et al., Eds - Wächter Und Hüter; Festschrift Für Hermann J. Weigand Zum 17. November 1957
021806: Faber, Karl-Georg - Theorie Der Geschichtswissenschaft
020524: Faber, S. M., Ed - Nearly Normal Galaxies from the Planck Time to the Present
019533: Faber, M. D. - The Design Within; Psychoanalytic Approaches to Shakespeare
019237: Faber, Dorothea - Einkommenstruktur Und Lebenshaltung in Der Sozjetischen Besatzungszone
019235: Faber, Dorothea - Die Wohnungswirtschaft in Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone
014518: Faber, Doris - The Life of Lorena Hickok, E.R. 's Friend
006143: Faber, Richard - Beaconsfield and Bolingbroke
041961: Fabi, Thérèse - Le Monde Perturbé Des Jeunes Dans L'Oeuvre de Marie-Claire Blais; Sa Vie; Son Oeuvre; la Critique; Essai
009285: Fabian, Josephine C. - The Jackson's Hole Story; an Historical Novel Set in the Grand Teton Mountains of Wyoming
045395: Fabre, Jan - Das Glas IM Kopf Wird Vom Glas: The Dance Sections
049578: Bisconti, Fabrizio and Hugo Brandenburg - Sarcofagi Tardoantichi, Paleocristiani E Altomedievali; Atti Della Gionata Tematica Dei Seminari Di Archeologia Cristiant (école Française de Rome--8 Maggio 2002)
043322: Fabrizius, Peter - One and One Make Three; Story of a Friendship
036089: Fabun, Don - Dimensions of Change
044739: Facaros, Dana - Greek Islands
025176: Fackenheim, Emil L. - Encounters between Judaism and Modern Philosophy; a Preface to Future Jewish Thought
028465: Fackenthal, Frank Diehl - The Greater Power and Other Addresses
033711: Fadiman, Clifton, Ed - The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes
046362: Spadi da Faenza, Giovanni Battista - Libro de Passaggi Ascendenti Et Descendenti
043230: Faenza, Liliano - Comunismo E Cattolicesimo in Una Parrochia Di Compagna
037351: Fagan, Brian - The Little Ice Age; How Climate Made History 1300-1850
031747: Fagan, Brian M. - Return to Babylon; Travelers, Archaeologists, and Monuments in Mesopotamia
029352: Fagan, Brian M. - The Rape of the Nile; Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologist in Egypt
026288: Fagan, Brian M. - Eyewitness to Discovery; First-Person Accounts of More Than Fifty of the World's Greatest Archaeological Discoveries
023365: Fagan, Garrett G. - Bathing in Public in the Roman World
052147: Fage, J. D. - Ghana; a Historical Interpretation
028750: Fagg, William - Tribes and Forms in African Art
014388: Fagg, William Butler - Afro-Portuguese Ivories
044699: Fahlin, Carin - étude Sur L'Emploi Des Prépositions En, à, Dans Au Sens Local
052586: Uc Faidit - The Donatz Proensals of Uc Faidit
014231: De La Faille, J.-B - The Works of Vincent Van Gogh; His Paintings and Drawings
012755: Fair, T. J. D. - The Distribution of Population in Natal
047551: Fairbank, John K., Ed - Chinese Thought and Institutions
047010: Fairbank, John King - The Great Chinese Revolution: 1800-1985
012963: Fairbank, John K. - China; the People's Middle Kingdom and the U.S. A.
010734: Fairbank, John K. - East Asia; the Modern Transformation
004950: Fairbank, John K. - China, the People's Middle Kingdom and the U.S. A.
040067: Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. - A Hell of a War
005372: Fairbanks, Carol - Prairie Women; Images in American and Canadian Fiction
004857: Fairhall, David - Russian Sea Power
038806: Fairholt, F. W. - Costume in England; a History of Dress to the End of the Eighteenth Century
015134: Fairley, John - Racing in Art
027439: Faith, Nicholas - The World the Railways Made
012645: McNulty, Faith and Elisabeth Keiffer - Wholly Cats
029637: Fajanas, Kasimir - Radioactivity and the Latest Developments in the Study of the Chemcial Elements
010309: Falcon, Walter P., Et al. - The Cassava Economy of Java
048264: Falconer, Graham, et al. - Langues Du Xixe Siècle
006459: Faler, Paul G. - Mechanics and Manufacturers in the Early Industrial Revolution: Lynn, Massachusetts, 1780-1860
050067: Falk, Walter - Leid Und Verwandlung; Rilke, Kafka, Trakl Und Der Epochenstil Des Impressionismus Und Expressionismus
040438: Falke, Otto Von - Die Sammlung C. Castiglioni, Wien: Gemälde, Skulpturen, Möbel, Keramik, Textilien
012756: Faller, Lloyd A. - Law without Precedent; Legal Ideas in Action in the Courts of Colonial Busoga
040593: Fallon, Eileen - Words of Love; a Complete Guide to Romance Fiction
051381: Fallows, David - Dufay
046422: Falter, Rolf - 1830; de Scheiding Van Nederland, België En Luxemburg
045963: Faltings, Volkert F., Ed - Kleine Namenkunde Für Föhr Und Amrum
044782: Faltis, Viktor - Grinzing 1900
025979: Faludi, Susan - Stiffed; the Betrayal of the American Man
020560: Faludi, Susan - Stiffed; the Betrayal of the American Man
041538: Famin, César - Le Cabinet Secret Du Musée Royal de Naples: Peintures, Bronzes Et Statues érotiques
048660: Fan, Kehli - Textes Choisis Du Chinois Classique
040512: Fanger, Donald - Dostoevsky and Romantic Realism; a Study of Dostoevsky in Relation to Balzac, Dickens, and Gogol
030211: Fanger, Donald - The Creation of Nikolai Gogol
003114: Fann, K. T. - Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy
003113: Fann, K. T. - Symposium on J.L. Austin
046536: Fant, Gunnar - Speech Sounds and Features
022872: Fantham, Elaine, et al. - Women in the Classical World; Image and Text
032836: Fara, Patricia - Newton; the Making of Genius
022373: Farabee, Charles R., Jr. - Death, Daring and Disaster; Search and Rescue in the National Parks
050610: Faraday, Michael - Chemical Manipulation; Being Instructions to Students in Chemistry, on the Methods of Performing Experiments of Demonstration or of Research, with Accuracy and Success
051791: Faraday, Michael - Faraday's Chemical History of a Candle
051826: Faraday, Michael - The Subject Matter of a Course of Six Lectures on the Non-Metallic Elements... Delivered Before the Members of the Royal Institution, in the Spring and Summer of 1852
051824: Faraday, Michael - Histoire D'Une Chandelle
051777: Faraday, MIchael - Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics
045896: Faragher, John Mack - Daniel Boone; the Life and Legend of an American Pioneer
045858: Faram, Mark D. - Faces of War; the Untold Story of Edward Steichen's Wwii Photographers
026321: Farb, Peter - Man's Rise to Civilization As Shown by the Indians of North America from Primeval Times to the Coming of the Industrial State
035127: Farber, Susan L. - Identical Twins Reared Apart; a Reanalysis
025177: Farber, Marvin - Philosophic Thought in France and the United States; Essays Representing Major Trends in Contemporary French and American Philosophy
018873: Farber, Robert - Farber Nudes
1124: Farber, Marvin - Naturalism and Subjectivism
1125: Farber, Marvin - Philosophic Thought in France and the United States; Essays Representing Ma Jor Trends in Contemporary French and American Philosophy. Edited by Marvin Farber
007203: Farber, Bernard - Conceptions of Kinship
000068: Escarpenter y Fargas, Claudio - The Economics of International Ocean Transport; the Cuban Case Before 1958
027940: La Farge, Henry, Ed - Lost Treasures of Europe
009483: Farina, Jules - Grammaire de L'Ancien égyptien (Hiéroglyphes)
017017: Faris, Alexander - Jacques Offenbach
039802: Farkas, Lani Ah Tye - Bury My Bones in America; the Saga of a Chinese Family in California 1852-1996 from San Francisco to the Sierra Gold Mines
030412: Farkas, Andrew - Titta Ruffo; an Anthology
030386: Farkas, Andrew - Lawrence Tibbett, Singing Actor
036315: Farley, David - An Irreverent Curiosity; in Search of the Church's Stranges Relic in Italy's Oddes Town
034993: Farley, A. L. - Atlas of British Columbia; People, Environment, and Resource Use
047700: Progressive Farmer - Southern Country Cookbook
047357: Farmer, Sharon - Surviving Poverty in Medieval Paris; Gender, Edeology, and the Daily Lives of the Poor
037196: Farmer, John S. - Vocabula Amatoria; a French-English Glossary of Words, Phrases, and Allustions Occurring in the Works of Rabelais, Voltaire, Molière, Rousseau, Béranger, Zolla and Others, with English Equivalents and Synonyms
034232: Farmer, Sarah - Martyred Village; Commemorating the 1944 Massacre at Oradour-Sur-Glane
002104: Farmer, Ann Kathleen - Modularity in Syntax: A Study of Japanese and English
033231: Farmer, Norman K., Jr. - Poets and the Visual Arts in Renaissance England
002772: Farmer, David R. - The Holy Bible at the University of Texas
030413: Farneth, David - Kurut Weill; a Life in Pictures and Documents
041932: Farneti, Paolo - IL Sistema Politico Italiano
039823: Farneti, Gianni, et al. - Guide Alla Natura D'Italia
033104: Farnham, Willard - The Medieval Heritage of Elizabethan Tragedy
044849: Farquhar, Francis P. - History of the Sierra Nevada
042545: Farquhar, Peter, Ed - Edward E. Eyre, California Pioneer
050111: Farquhar, George - The Complete Works of George Farquhar in Two Volumes
020543: Farquhar, Francis P. - History of the Sierra Nevada
034139: Farr, Dorothy M. - Thomas Middleton and the Drama of Realism; a Study of Some Representative Plays
033980: Farr, Dorothy M. - John Ford and the Caroline Theatre
023656: Farr, Finis - Fair Enough; the Life of Westbrook Pegler
008383: Farr, Finis - Rickenbacker's Luck; an American Life
035474: Farrar, Emmie Ferguson - Old Virginia Houses; the Mobjack Bay Country
018538: Farrar, Geraldine - Such Sweet Compulsion
005133: Farrar, L. L., Jr. - Arrogance and Anxiety; the Ambivalence of German Power, 1848-1914
033607: Farrell, R. B. - Dictionary of German Synonyms
048162: Farrington, Benjamin - Head and Hand in Ancient Greece; Four Studies in the Social Relations of Thought
013292: Farrington, S. Kip, Jr. - Railroading from the Rear End
013295: Farrington, S. Kip, Jr. - Railroading the Modern Way
011698: Farrington, Benjamin - Francis Bacon, Pioneer of Planned Science
003115: Farrington, Benjamin - Francis Bacon, Philosopher of Industrial Science
043477: Farrow, G. E. - The Wallypub of Why
048226: Farthing, Bill - Odiyan Country Cookbook
028635: Farwell, Beatrice - The Charged Image; French Lithographic Caricature 1816-1848
049742: Farzan, Massud, et al. - Modern Persian Reader. I. Elementary. Edited with Glossaries and Exercises
039169: Fase, M. M. G. - An Econometric Model of Age-Income Profiles; a Stiatistical Analysis of Dutch Income Data 1958-1967
025178: Fasnacht, G. E. - Acton's Politicl Philosophy; an Analysis
044398: Fasoli, Gina - Città E Sovrani Fra IL X E XII Secolo
044397: Fasoli, Gina - Dalla "Civitas" Al Comune Nell'Italia Settentriolnale
047825: Fass, Paula S. - Children of a New World; Society, Culture, and Globalization
052081: Fass, Paula S. - Outside in; Minorities and the Transformation of American Education
037894: Fassett, Kaffe - Welcome Home
014711: Fastnedge, Ralph - English Furniture Styles, from 1500 to 1830
044034: Fatout, Paul - Ambrose Bierce and the Black Hills
019534: Fatout, Paul - Mark Twain in Virginia City
015130: Fauchereau, Serge, Ed - Moscow 1900-1930
021911: Faulenbach, Bernd, Ed - Geschichtswisssenschaft in Deutschland; Traditionelle Positionen Und Gegenwärtige Aufgaben
008656: Faulk, Odie B. - Destiny Road; the Gila Trail and the Opening of the Southwest
007296: Faulk, Odie B. - The Geronimo Campaign
007277: Faulk, Odie B. - Arizona; a Short History
005245: Faulk, Odie B. - Crimson Desert; Indian Wars of the American Southwest
005241: Faulk, Odie B. - The Geronimo Campaign
035778: Faulkern, Rupert - Hiroshige Fan Prints
049084: Faulkes, Anthony - Poetical Inspiration in Old Norse and Old English Poetry
034040: Faber du Faur, Curt Von - German Baroque Literature; a Catalogue of the Collection in the Yale University Library
030415: Fauré, Gabriel - Sixty Songs, Medium Voice. Vocal Score
035688: Fawcett, Richard - Scottish Abbeys and Priories
020668: Fawcett, F. Dubrez - Dickens the Dramatist; on Stage, Screen and Radio
046923: Fawtier, Robert - Tables Des Registres de CLément V Publiés Par Les Bénédictins
044563: Fawtier, Robert - The Capetian Kings of France; Monarchy & Nation (987-1328)
043042: Fay, Eliot - Lorenzo in Search of the Sun; D.H. Lawrence in Italy, Mexico and the American South-West
030417: Fay, Stephen - The Ring; Anatomy of an Opera
052214: Faye, C. U. - Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois
040224: Fazzioli, Edoardo - Chinese Calligraphy from Pictograph to Ideogram; the History of 214 Essential Chinese-Japanese Characters
039625: Fbricant, Solomon - The Rising Trend of Government Employment
036482: Fearon, Ethelind - Most Happy Husbandman
010847: Feather, Leonard - The Encyclopedia of Jazz
037505: Feaver, William - When We Were Young; Two Centuries of Children's Book Illustration
035054: Feaver, William - When We Were Young; Two Centuries of Children's Book Illustration
024704: Feber, G. H. A. - De Impasse Van Den Geest
016556: Febrega, Horacio, Jr. - Evolution of Sickness and Healing
039951: Febvre, Lucien - Life in Renaissance France
019955: Fechheimer, Hedwig - Die Plastik Der ägypter
008722: Fedden, Robin - Syria; an Historical Appreciation
043647: Feder, Norman - American Indian Art
032002: Feder, Norman - American Indian Art
051513: Federhofer, Hellmut - Musikpflege Und Musiker Am Grazer Habsburgerhof Der Erzherzööge Kalr Und Ferdinand Von Inneröösterreich (1564-1619)
035088: Borelli, Federica and Maria Cristina Targia - Etruschi; Scoperte E Capolavori Da Una Splendida Civiltà Dell'Italia Antica
053123: Guidobaldi, Federico and Alessandra Giuglia Guidobaldi - Ecclesiae Urbis. Atti Del Congresso Internazionale Di Studi Sulle Chiese Di Roma (IV-X Secolo), Roma, 4-10 Settembre 2000
019954: Federn, Karl - Richelieu
019714: Federn, Robert - Répertoire Bibliographique de la Littérature Française Des Origines à Nos Jours
011763: Fedo, John - MILL on the Don; the Story of the Donside Paper Company
002351: Zarubin, Stepan Fedotovich and A. M. Rozhetskin - [Russko-Iaponskii Slovar']
049069: Feenie, Rob - Lumière
019281: Feenstra, R. - Verkenningen Op Het Gebied Der Receptie Van Het Romeinse Recht
036291: Fehely, M. F. - 1972 Cape Dorset Prints/Estampes
038857: Fehrenbach, T. R. - Lone Star; a History of Texas and the Texans
013835: Feibleman, James K. - Philosophers Lead Sheltered Lives; a First Volume of Memoirs
025313: Feierman, Steven - The Shambaa Kingdom; a History
049238: Feifel, Eugen - Geschichte Der Chinesischen Literatur Mit Berücksichtigung Ihres Geistesgeschichtlichen Hintergrundes. Dargestellt Nach Nagasawa Kikuya: Shina Gakujutsu Bungeishi
012108: Feifer, George - Tennozan; the Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb
043168: Feiffer, Jules - Tantrum
035556: Feil, Charles - Maine; a View from Above
015704: Feiling, Keith - A History of the Tory Party, 1640-1714
034799: Feilzer, Heinrich - Jugend in Der Mittelalterlichen Ständegesellschaft; Ein Beitrag Zum Problem Der Generationen
046012: Fein, Susanna, Ed - Studies in the Harley Manuscript; the Scribes, Contents, and Social Contexts of British Library Ms Harley 2253
040787: Feind, Barthold - Das Verwirrte Haus Jacob; Faksimiledruck Der Ausgabe Von 1703
024703: Feine, Paul - Jesus Christus Und Paulus
032875: Feiner, Susan F., Ed - Race and Gender in the American Economy; Views from Across the Spectrum
037327: Feingold, Mordechai - The Newtonian Moment; Isaac Newton and the Making of Modern Culture
023790: Feingold, Michael, Ed - Grove New American Theater
018874: Feiniger, Andreas - Advanced Photography; Methods and Conclusions
045310: Feininger, Andreas - Total Picture Control; a Personal Approach to Photography
038756: Feinstein, Elaine - A Captive Lion; the Life of Marina Tsvetayeva
027072: Feinstein, Elaine - Lawrence and the Women; the Intimate Life of D.H. Lawrence
035440: Feis, Herbert - Between War and Peace; the Potsdam Conference
012964: Feis, Herbert - The China Tangle; the American Effort in China from Pearl Island to the Marshall Mission
024932: Feisser, Johannes Jacobus Louet - De Strijd Tegen de Analogia Entis in de Theologie Van Karl Barth
025179: Feist, Sigmund - Stammeskunde Der Juden; Die Jüdischen Stämme Der Erde in Alter Und Neuer Zeit. Historisch-Anthropologische Skizzen
005667: Feist, Aubrey - The Lion of St. Mark: Venice, the Story of a City from Attila to Napoleon
049672: Feist, Sigmund - Vergleichendes Wörterbuch Der Gotischen Sprache Mit Einschluss Des Krimgothischen Und Sonstiger Zerstreuter ûberreste Des Gotischen
004920: Fejtö, Francois - Heine; a Biography
045680: Feld, Steven - Sound and Sentiment; Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression
038265: Feldman, Bella - Bella Feldman; Works in Glass and Mixed Media
025180: Feldman, A. - The Parables and Similes of the Rabbis Agricutlrual and Pastoral
024702: Feldman, R. V. - The Domain of Selfhood
023867: Feldman, Egal - The Dreyfus Affair and the American Conscience, 1895-1906
019207: Feldman, Shai - Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control in the Middle East
041869: De Felice, Renzo - Intervista Sul Fascismo
035930: Frankel, Felice and George M. Whitesides - On the Surface of Things; Images of the Extraordinary in Science
010819: Schuster, Felicia and Cecilia Wolseley - Vases of the Sea; Far Eastern Porcelain and Other Treasures
035086: Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe and Derek Wilson - Reformations; a Radical Interpretation of Christianity and the World, 1500-2000
030426: Felix, Antonia - Andrea Bocelli; a Celebration
022562: Gilbert, Felix and Stephen R. Graubard, Eds - Historical Studies Today
005441: Felix, David - Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic; the Politics of Reparations
003296: Feller, Theodor - Caesars Kommentarien über Den Gallischen Krieg Und Die KunstmäßIge Geschichtschreibung
031748: Fellgiebel, Helga - Sizilien
034576: Fellmann, Ferdinand - Scholastik Und Kosmologische Reform
008128: Fellner, William - A Treatise on War Inflation; Present Policies and Future Tendencies in the United States
018542: Fellowes, Edmund Horace - The English Madrigal Composers
048409: Fellows, Will - Farm Boys; Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest
024701: Fellows, Stephen Norris - History of the Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1856-1906
008374: Fellows, Jay - Tombs, Despoiled and Haunted; "Under-Textures" and "After-Thoughts" in Walter Pater
017547: Felsenthal, Carol - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
026392: Felt, Jeremy P. - Hostages of Fortune; Child Labor Reform in New York State
042045: Fénart, Michel - Les Assertions Bergsoniennes
018035: Fenger, Henning - Kierkegaard; the Myths and Their Origins
028738: Fenlon, Iain, Ed - Early Music History 24; Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music
028737: Fenlon, Iain, Ed - Early Music History 23; Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music
028736: Fenlon, Iain, Ed - Early Music History 22; Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music
041708: Fenn, Gillian - The Development of Syntax in a Group of Educationally Severely Subnormal Children
011765: Fenn, Wallace O. - History Fo the American Physiological Society; the Third Quarter Century, 1937-1962
005072: Fennelly, John F. - Twilight of the Evening Lands; Oswald Spengler, a Half Century Later
036242: Fenollosa, Ernest F. - Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art;an Outline History of East Asiatic Design
026817: Fenton, James - Leonardo's Nephew; Essays on Art and Artists
023400: Fenton, James - Leonardo's Nephew; Essays on Art and Artists
006267: Fenves, Peter D. - A Peculiar Fate; Metaphysics and World-History in Kant
014335: Anton, Ferdinand and Frederick J. Dockstader - Pre-Columbian Art and Later Indian Tribal Arts
008847: Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia - Die Geschichte Meines Lebens
030304: Mirizzi, Ferdinando and Pasquale Doria - Rosario Genovese, Fotografo
028137: Ferel, Martin - Gepredigte Taufe; Eine Homiletische Untersuchung Zur Taufpredigt Bei Luther
048163: Ferguson, John - Clement of Alexandria
048046: Ferguson, Arthur B. - Clio Unbound; Perception of the Social and Cultural Past in Renaissance England
044283: Ferguson, George - Sings & Symbols in Christian Art
044201: Ferguson, John - Utopias of the Classical World
038077: Ferguson, John C. - Outlines of Chinese Art
038063: Ferguson, Niall - Colossus; the Price of America's Empire
037696: Ferguson, Daniel - British Ferns, Clubmosses, & Horsetails
035199: Ferguson, Mary Anne Heyward - Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, 1943-1967
034447: Ferguson, John - A Companion to Greek Tragedy
032353: Ferguson, Diana - The Magickal Year
031052: Ferguson, Arthur B. - Utter Antiquity; Perceptions of Prehistory in Renaissance England
031028: Ferguson, Niall - Empire; the Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power
030899: Ferguson, William M. - Maya Ruins of Mexico in Color
030674: Ferguson, Bruce W., Et al. - Will Gorlitz; Nowhere If Not Here
026895: Ferguson, William - La Versificación Imitativa En Fernando de Herrera
005801: Ferguson, Robert - Henry Miller; a Life
049881: Ferguson, Robert A. - The Trial in American Life
005210: Ferguson, Eugene S. - Engineering and the Mind's Eye
024699: Ferm, Vergilius, Ed - Religion in the Twentieth Century
010821: Ferm, Vergilius, Ed - An Encyclopedia of Religion
005788: Fermi, Laura - Mussolini
046833: Fermigier, André - Pierre Bonnard
033433: Ellis-Fermor, Una - The Jacobean Drama; an Interpretation
033359: Ellis-Fermor, Una - The Frontiers of Drama
025714: Ellis-Fermor, Una - Shakespeare the Dramatist and Other Papers
033686: Baldensperger, Fernand and Werner P. Friederich - Bibliography of Comparative Literature
022615: Fernandes, Florestan - The Negro in Brazilian Society
042029: Fernandez, Dominique - Le Promeneur Amoureux de Venise à Syracuse
021706: Fernandez, Francisco Moreno - Sociolingüistica En Ee. Uu. (1975-1985); Guia Bibliografica Critica
021696: Fernandez, Francisco Moreno - Estudios Sobre Variacion Lingüistica
014332: Fernandez, Justino - Mexikanische Kunst
044026: Fernie, Eric - Art History and Its Methods; a Critical Anthology
002504: Fernique, Emmanuel - étude Sur Preneste, Ville Du Latium
022617: Ferns, H. S. - Argentina
002369: Ferracuti, Franco, et al. - Violence in Sardinia
045907: Ferrante, Joan M. - Woman As Image in Medieval Literature from the Twelfh Century to Dante
042418: Ferrão, Carlos - A Obra Da República
047142: Ferraris, Giuseppe - La Pieve Di S. Maria Di Biandrate
041853: Ferrarotti, Franco - Alle Radici Della Violenza
037072: Ferré, Rosario - The Youngest Doll
042951: Ferreira, Joaquim - Historia Da Literatura Portuguesa
040178: Leal Ferreira, Mariana Kawall - Historias Do Xingu; Coletanea de Depoimentos Dos Indios Suya, Kayabi, Juruna, Trumai, Txucarramae E Txicao
029864: Ferreira, Miguel - La Révolution de 1789 Vue Par Les Peintres
007812: Ferrell, Robert H. - Truman; a Centenary Remembrance
050286: Blasco Ferrer, Eduardo - La Lingua Nel Tempo; Variazione E Cambiamento in Latino, Italiano E Sardo
005186: Ferrero, Giglielmo - The Two French Revolutions, 1789-1796
041270: Ferrez, Gilberto - Pioneiros Da Cultura Do Café Na Era Da Independência; Louis François Lecesne E Seus Vizinhos
042431: Guillaume de Ferrièrres, called le Vidame de Chartres - Chanson Et Saluts D'Amour de Guillaume de Ferrières Dit le Vidame de Chartres
026290: Ferrill, Arthur - The Origins of War from the Stone Age to Alexander the Great
007204: Ferrill, Robert H. - American Diplomacy; a History
019535: Ferris, Paul - Dylan Thomas
008217: Ferro, Marc - Nicholas II, Last of the Tsars
005374: Ferrucci, Franco - The Poetics of Disguise; the Autobiography of the Work in Homer, Dante, and Shakespeare
039172: Barreca, Ferruccio and Giovanni Garbini - Monte Sirai I; Rapporto Preliminare Della Missione Archeologica Dell'Università Di Roma E Della Soprintendenza Alle Antichità Di Cagliari
033095: Ferry, Luc - Rights--the New Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns
033088: Ferry, Luc - The System of Philosophies of History
046028: Festa, Constanius - Hymni Per Totum Annum; 3, 4, 5, 6 Vocibus
004073: (Kopp Festschrift) - Charisteria Iohanni Kopp... Octogenario Oblata
034630: Festugière, André-Jean - Personal Religion Among the Greeks
051225: Festugière, A. J. - Epicurus and His Gods (Epcirue Et Ses Dieux)
041021: Fetzer, John F., et al., Eds - In Search of the Poetic Real; Essays in Honor of Clifford Albrecht Bernd on the Occasion of His Sixteith Birthday
015139: Feuchtmüller, Rupert, et al. - Renaissance-Schloss Schallaburg; Beiträge
008092: Feuchtwanger, E. J., Ed - Upheaval and Continuity; a Century of German History
039702: Feuerwerker, Albert - China's Early Industrialization; Shen Hsuan-Huai (1844-1916) and Mandarin Enterprise
034095: Feuillerat, Albert - John Lyly; Contribution à L'Histoire de la Renaissance En Angleterre
026836: Feuillerat, Albert - John Lyly; Contribution à L'Histoire de Aa Renaissance En Angleterre
042469: Feulner, Adolf - Farbige Raumkunst Der Vergangenheit
015140: Feulner, Adolf - Skulptur Und Malerei Des 18. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland
008552: Feulner, Adolf - Münchner Barockskulptur
046648: Feurstein, Heinrich - Matthias Grünewald
032257: Few, Roger - The Atlas of Wild Places; in Search of the Earth's Last Wildernesses
028531: Few, William Preston - The Papers and Addresses of William Preston Few Late President of Duke University
030285: Fewkes, Jesse Walter - Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Spruce-Tree House
045590: Feyeraband, Paul - Killing Time; the Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend
044903: Feynman, Richard P. - Qed; the Strange Theory of Light and Matter
045315: Feys, Robert - Modal Logics
029612: Fforde, Jasper - Something Rotten
029609: Fforde, Jasper - Lost in a Good Book
037966: Ffrench, Yvonne - The Great Exhibition: 1851
003120: Fichte, Johann Gottlieb - ûber Das Wesen Des Gelehrten Und Seine Erscheinungen IM Gebiete Der Freiheit
047268: Fichtenau, Heinrich - The Carolingian Empire; the Age of Charlemagne
047088: Fichtenau, Heinrich - The Carolingian Empire; the Age of Charlemagne
052892: Fichtenau, Heinrich - Das Karolingischen Imperium; Soziale Und Geistige Problematik Eines GroßReiches
035809: Fiddes, Nick - Meat; a Natural Symbol
049624: Fidjestøl, Bjarne - Selected Papers
034589: Fiedler, Leslie - Tyranny of the Normal; Essays on Bioethics, Theology & Myth
031376: Fiedler, Johanna - Molto Agitato; the Mayhem Behind the Music at the Metropolitan Opera
018875: Fiedler, Franz - Porträt-Photographie
008167: Fiedler, Leslie A. - Olaf Stapledon; a Man Divided
046055: Field, G. C. - Plato and His Contemporaries; a Study in Fourth-Century Life and Thought
051938: Field, P. J. C. - Romance and Chronicle; a Study of Malory's Prose Style
037777: Field, Albert - Transformation Playing Cards
037136: Field, Michael - The Michael Field Egg Cookbook
034302: Field, Eugene - Hoosier Lyrics
031790: Field, D. M. - The World's Greatest Architecture Past and Present
030070: Field, Andrew - The Complection of Russian Literature; a Cento
019027: Field, Andrew - Nabokov; His Life in Art; a Critical Narrative
014850: Field, Michael - A Hundred Million Dollars a Day
008312: Field, Walter Taylor - Rome
036505: Fielder, John - Wildflowers of Colorado
048083: Fieldhouse, D. K. - The West and the Third World; Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development
047779: Fielding, Henry - The Works of Henry Fielding
046372: Fielding, Henry - The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
038028: Fields, Armond - Henri Rivière
049137: Fields, Bertram - Royal Blood; Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes
009376: Fiengo, Robert - Surface Structure; the Interface of Autonomous Components
015142: Fierens, Paul - L'Art En Belgique, Du Moyen Age a Nos Jours
051894: Fiering, Norman - Jonathan Edwards's Moral Thought and Its British Context
033912: Fiero, Bill - Geology of the Great Basin
028592: Fife, Robert Herndon - The Revolt of Martin Luther
027214: Romeu i Figueras, Josep - Joan Timoneda I la "Flor de Anamorados", Cançoner Bilingue. Un Estudi I Una Aportacio Bibliografica
007034: Figueroa, José - Manifesto to the Mexican Republic Which Brigadier General José Figueroa, Commandant and Political Chief of Jpper California, Presents on His Conduct and on That of José Maria de Hijar and José Maria Padrés As Directors of Colonization in 1834 and 1835
046025: Fijalkow, Jacques - Les Enfants de la Shoah
004513: Filchner, Wilhelm - Bismillah! Vom Huang-Ho Zum Indus
051153: Filene, Benjamin - Romancing the Folk; Public Memory & American Roots Music
005752: Filene, Peter G. - Americans and the Soviet Experiment
051296: Filip, Jan - Celtic Civilization and Its Heritage
029405: Filipovic, Rudolf - English-Croatian Dictionary; Englesko-Hrvatski Rjecnik
038681: De Filippis, Michele - The Literary Riddle in Italy in the Seventeenth Century
023548: Filler, Louis - The Crusade Against Slavery, 1830-1860
010346: Filler, Louis - Progressivism and Muckraking
005890: Filler, Louis - Crusaders for American Liberalism
048335: Fillion, Louis-Claude - Atlas D'Histoire Naturelle de la Bible D'Après Les Monuments Anciens Et Les Meilleures Sources Modernes Et Contemporaines Destiné à Faciliter L'Intelligences Des Saintes Ecritures
010925: Fillitz, Thomas - Der "Heilige Krieg" IM Hausaland (1804); Zu Einer Theorie Von Herrschaft Und Veränderung
042260: Skandinavskaia filologiia; Scandinavica. VI -
025181: Filson, Floyd V. - The New Testament Against Its Environment; the Gospel of Christ the Risen Lord
024697: Filson, Floyd V. - A New Testament History; the Story of the Emerging Church
024863: Finch, Jeremiah S. - Sir Thomas Browne; a Doctor's Life of Science & Faith
014447: Finch, Robert - Death of a Hornet; and Other Cape Cod Essays
014431: Finch, Robert - Common Ground; a Naturalist's Cape Cod
030428: Finck, Henry T. - Wagner and His Works; the Story of His Life with Critical Comments
006016: Findlay, John M. - People of Chance; Gambling in American Society from Jamestown to Law Vegas
011767: Findley, Palmer - The Story of Childbirth
048035: Fine, Ben, et al. - Consumption in the Age of Affluence; the World of Food
032588: Fine, Peter Martin - Vauvenargues and la Rochefoucauld
026292: Fine, John V. A. - The Ancient Greeks; a Critical History
023434: Fine, Reuben - The Development of Freud's Thought; from the Beginnings (18868-1900) Through Id Psychology (1900-1914) to Ego Psychology (1914-1939)
020397: Fine, Ruth E. - Drawing Near; Whistler Etchings from the Zelman Collection
026063: Finegan, Jack - Archaeological History of the Ancient Middle East
027988: Fingarette, Herbert - The Meaning of Criminal Insanity
051051: Finger, Frances L. - Catalogue of the Incunabula in the Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana
018539: Fingleton, David - Kiri Te Kanawa; a Biography
047491: Fink, Augusta - Monterey County; the Dramataic Story of Its Past
035286: Fink, Daniel - Barns of the Genesee Country, 1790-1915, Including an Account of Settlement and Changes in Agricultural Practices
030680: Fink, Rob - Playing in Shadows; Texas and Negro League Baseball
023560: Fink, Robert A. - Twilight Innings; a West Texan on Grace and Survival
002951: Fink, Josef - Griechisches Kunsthandwerk
040481: Finke, Ulrich, Ed - French 19th Century Painting and Literature with Special Reference to the Relevance of Literary Subject-Matter to French Painting
026654: Finkel, Alvin - Social Policy and Practice in Canada; a History
047459: Finkelpearl, Philip J. - Court and Country Politics in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher
044955: Finkelpearl, Philip J. - John Marston of the Middle Temple; an Elizabethan Dramatist in His Social Setting
011155: Finlayson, Geoffrey B. A. M. - Highways and Byways in Derbyshire
020525: Finletter, Thomas K. - Power and Policy; Us Foreign Policy and Military Power in the Hydrogen Age
046367: Finley, M. I. - Studies in Ancient Society
040060: Finley, M. I. - Politics in the Ancient World
031749: Finley, John H., Jr. - Homer's Odyssey
026297: Finley, M. I. - The Legacy of Greece; a New Appraisal
014223: Finley, Gerald - Angel in the Sun; Turner's Vision of History
002508: Finley, M. I. - The Ancient Greeks
002507: Finley, M. I. - Aspects of Antiquity; Discoveries and Controversies
032541: Finn, Gerhard - Die Politischen Häftlinge Der Sowjetzone 1945-1959
050598: Finn, R. Welldon - An Introduction to Domesday Book
050383: Finn, R. Welldon - An Introduction to Domesday Book
012758: Finnegan, William - Crossing the Line; a Year in the Land of Apartheid
019536: Finney, Gail - Christa Wolf
018543: Finney, Theodore M. - A History of Music
011768: Finney, J. M. T. - A Surgeon's Life; the Autobiography of J.M. T. Finney
008326: Finney, Brian - The Inner I: British Literary Autobiography of the Twentieth Century
028463: Finnis, Margaret M. - The Lower Level; a Discursive History of the Adelaide University Union
049764: Finó, J-F - Forteresses de la France Médiévale
046456: Finscher, Ludwig, Ed - Renaissance-Studien Helmuth Osthoff Zum 80. Geburtstag
026906: Finucci, Valeria, Ed - Renaissance Transactions: Ariosto and Tasso
013480: Fiocco, Giuseppe - Giorgione
039097: Fioravanzo, Giuseppe - La Guerra Sul Mare E la Guerra Integrale
039031: Fiorentino, Francesco - Gregorio Da Rimini; Contingenza, Futuro E Scienze Nel Pensiero Tardo-Medievale
047622: Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler - In Memory of Her; a Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins
032017: Lame Deer, Archie Fire and Richard Erdoes - Gift of Power; the Life and Teachings of a Lakota Medicine Man
050712: Jacques Rosenthal (Firma) - Bibliotheca Medii Aevi Manuscripta. Pars Prima: Einhundert Handschirften Des Abendlädischen Mittelalters Vom Neunten Bis Zum Fünfzehnten Jahrhundert. Katalog 83
017418: Firmage, Richard A. - The Alphabet Abecedarium; Some Notes on Letters
023567: Firman, Casandra - One Christmas in Old Tascosa
027759: Firth, Raymond - Elements of Social Organization
024696: Firth, Raymond - Symbols Public and Private
021777: Firth, Raymond, Ed - Man and Culture; an Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski
052692: Green, Richard Firth and Linne R. Mooney, Eds - Interstices; Studies in Middle English and Anglo-Latin Texts in Honour of A.G. Rigg
050520: Firth, J. d'E - Rendall of Winchester; the Life and Witness of a Teacher
025183: Fisch, Harold - Jerusalem and Albion; the Hebraic Factor in Seventeenth-Century Literature
015561: Fisch, Arnold G., Jr. - Military Government in the Ryukyu Islands 1945-1950
040828: Fischart, Johann - Geschichtklitterung; Glossar
035019: Fischart, Johann - Aller Praktik Grossmutter. Abdruck Der Ersten Bearbeitung (1572)
035018: Fischart, Johann - Geschichtklitterung (Gargantua)
051512: Fischer, Pieter - Music in Paintings of the Low Countries in the 16th and 17th Centuries
044474: Fischer, Michael M. J. - Iran from Religious Dispute to Revolution
043583: Fischer, Rudolf, et al. - Namen Deutscher Städte
041415: Fischer, Ulrich - Der Telosgedanke in Den Dramen Des Aischylos: Ende, Ziel, Erfüllung, Machtvollkommenheit
040374: Fischer, H. F. W. D. - Leges Barbarorum in Usum Studiosorum
039958: Fischer, Claude S. - America Calling; a Social History of the Telephone to 1940
038881: Fischer, Rainer - Die Kunst Des Bibellesens. Theologische ästhetik Am Beispiel Des Schriftverständnisses
036601: Fischer, W. G. - Karl Arnold 1883-1953
034810: Fischer, Eugen - Der Patriziat Heinrichs III Und Heinrichs IV
029586: Fischer, Hans - Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (2. August 1671-23. Juni 1733), Naturforscher Und Arzt
028474: Fischer, G. L. - The University of Sydney, 1850-1975; Some History in Pictures to Mark the 125th Years of Its Incorporation
025940: Fischer, Joseph - Threads of Tradition; Textiles of Indonesia and Sarawak
050708: Fischer, Cornelia - Gunild Keetman Und Das Orff-Schulwerk; Elementare Musik Zwischen Künsterischem Und Didaktischem Anspruch
014383: Fischer, Otto - Die Kunst Indiens, Chinas Und Japans
050324: Fischer, Edmund - Das Sozialistische Werden; Die Tendenzen Der Wirtschaftlichen Und Sozialen Entwicklung
012111: Fischer, Edward - The Chancy War; Winning in China, Burma, and India, in World War Two
007836: Fischer, Louis - The Life of Lenin
052411: Fischl, Johann - Geschichte Der Philosophie
030292: Fish, Carl Russell - The Path of Empire; a Chronicle of the United States As a World Power
028620: Fish, Stanley - How Milton Works
048693: Fisher,, W. B., Ed - The Cambridge History of Iran. Volume I: The Land of Iran
042313: Fisher, Fay - Narrative Art in Medieval Romances
040032: Fisher, Jack C., Ed - City and Regional Planning in Poland
039591: Fisher, Jay McKean - The Prints of Edouard Manet
037558: Fisher, M. F. K. - Here Let Us Feast; a Book of Banquets
036638: Fisher, M. F. K. - Dubious Honors
036618: Fisher, T. Richard - The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio. Part 3: Asteraceae
036563: Fisher, M. F. K. - The Boss Dog; a Story
032815: Fisher, M. F. K. - A Welcoming Life; the M.F. K. Fisher Scrapbook
032347: Fisher, Sally - The Square Halo and Other Mysteries of Western Art; Images and the Stories That Inspired Them
026425: Fisher, Anne B. - No More a Stranger
024205: Fisher, George P. - Essays on the Supernatural Origin of Christianity, with Special Reference to the Theories or Renen, Strauss, and the Tübingen School
022948: Fisher, Sydney Nettleton, Ed - Social Forces in the Middle East
022658: Fisher, H. H. - America and the New Poland
020671: Fisher, Peter F. - The Valley of Vision; Blake As Prophet and Revolutionary
015415: Fisher, Hugh - Alicia Markova
012112: Fisher, H. A. L. - Napoleon
003792: Fisher, Marvin - Workshops in the Wilderness; the European Response to American Industrialization, 1830-1860
021709: Fishman, Joshua A. - Language in Sociocultural Change; Essays
008352: Fishman, Priscilla, Ed - The Jews of the United States
044219: Fisiak, Jacek, Ed - Historical Morphology
026688: Fisk, Elizabeth Chester - Lizzie; the Letters of Elizabeth Chester Fisk, 1864-1893
015392: Fiske, Roger - Ballet Music
007206: Fiske, John - The Discovery of America with Some Account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest
048454: Fiskovic, Cvito, et al. - Nas Jadran Prirodne Ljepote I Umjetnost
025951: Fitch, James Marston - Walter Gropius
024206: Fitch, George Hamlin - Great Spiritual Writers of America
017451: Fite, Gilbert C. - George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm Parity
044077: Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Price Was High; the Last Uncollected Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
040911: Fitzgerald, Robert - Enlarging the Change; the Princeton Seminars in Literary Criticism 1949-1951
028435: Fitzgerald, Brian - Daniel Defoe; a Study in Conflict
020673: Fitzgerald, F. Scott - F. Scott Fitzgerald's Screenplay for Three Comrade, by Erich Maria Remarque
020672: FitzGerald, Edward - The Letters of Edward Fitzgerald
018428: FitzGerald, Gerald, Ed - Annals of the Metropolitan Opera; the Complete Chronicle of Performances and Artists
009839: Fitzgerald, F. Scott - F. Scott Fitzgerald's Screenplay for Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque
004909: FitzGerald, Edward - The Letters of Edward Fitzgerald
039853: Fitzgibbon, Theodora - A Taste of Ireland; Irish Traditional Food
010883: Fitzlyon, Kyril, Ed - The Memoirs of Princess Dashkov
024208: Fitzmyer, Joseph A. - Essays on the Semitic Background of the New Testament
008523: Fitzpatrick, John - The Merchant of Manchac; the Letterbooks of John Fitzpatrick, 1768-1790
007907: Fitzpatrick, John C. - List of the Washington Manuscripts from the Year 1592 to 1775, Library of Congress
012493: Fitzsimons, F. W. - The Monkeyfolk of South Africa
043951: Fiumi, Enrico - Demografia, Movimento Urbanistico E Classi Sociali in Prato Dall'Età Comunale Ai Tempi Moderni
042997: Horatius Flaccus, Quintus - Carmina Et Epodi; Odes and Epodes
031882: Persius Flaccus, Aulus - A. Persi Flacci Et D. Iuni Iuvenalis Saturae
031800: Horatius Flaccus, Quintus - Horace: épitres
028144: Horatius Flaccus, Quintus - Horacianas de Mitre
050071: Hoartius Flaccus, Quintus - Carmina Cum Epodis
011315: Persius Flaccus, Aulus - Saturarum Liber Accedit Vita
011314: Persius Flaccus, Aulus - Satirae Ad Codices Parisinos Recensitae
028297: O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger - The Critical Study of Sacred Texts
009308: O'Flaherty, Brendan - Rational Commitment; a Foundation for Macroeconomics
048133: Robert of Flamborough - Liber Poenitentialis; a Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes
042171: Flamm, Johann Werner - Die Von Tiernamen Abgeleiteten Italienischen Ortsnamen
021284: Flammang, James - Corvette Chronicle
027740: Flammarion, Camille - Rätsel Des Seelenlebens
048109: Flanagan, Owen - The Bodhisattva's Brain; Buddhism Naturalized
044278: Flanagan, James L. - Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Perception
011770: Flanagan, Dennis - Flanagan's Version; a Spectator's Guide to Science on the Eve of the 21st Century
007207: Flanagan, John T., Ed - America Is West; an Anthology of Middlewestern Life and Literature
036145: Flanders, Helen Hartness, et al. - The New Green Mountain Songster; Traditional Folk Songs of Vermont, Collected, Transcribed, & Edited
030834: Flannagan, John B. - The Sculpture of John B. Flannagan
032225: Flanner, Janet - London Was Yesterday, 1934-1939
028324: Flasche, Hans, Ed - Calderón de la Barca
021716: Flasche, Hans - Die Sprachen Und Literaturen Der Romanen IM Spiegel Der Deutschen Universitätsschriften; Langues Et Littératures Romanes Dans Les Publications Universitaires Allemandes 1885-1950
022342: Flaubert, Gustave - Early Writings
020675: Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary
032939: Flavell, John H. - The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget
049482: Flavio, Biondo - Italy Illuminated. Volume I, Books I-IV
013838: Fleisch, Henri - Introduction à L'étude Des Langues Sémitiques; éLéments de Bibliographie
021717: Fleischer, Fritz - Studien Zur Sprachgeographie Der Gascogne
040355: Fleishman, Avrom - The English Historical Novel; Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf
047898: Fleming, Richard - The Register of Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln 1420-1431. Volume II
052554: Fleming, John V. - The Roman de la Rose; a Study in Allegory and Iconography
041183: Fleming, J. Marcus - Toward Assessing the Need for International Reserves
022619: Fleming, Peter - Brazilian Adventure
050069: Fleming, Paul - Paul Flemings Lateinische Gedichte
016537: Fleming, Fergus - Barrow's Boys
010426: Fleming, Howard A. - Canada's Arctic Outlet; a History of the Hudson Bay Railway
009373: Fleming, Peter - Operation Sea Lion; the Projected Invasion of England in 1940; an Account of the German Preparations and the British Countermeasures
007208: Fleming, Harold C. - The Potomac Chronicle; Public Policy & CIVIL Rights from Kennedy to Reagan
049031: Fletcher, John - Demetrius and Enanthe
040576: Fletcher, Ian, Ed - Romantic Mythologies
033988: Fletcher, Ian - Beaumont and Fletcher
030079: Fletcher, Giles - Of the Russe Commonwealth
025656: Fletcher, Colin - The Man Who Walked Through Time
021194: Fletcher, Giles - Of the Rus Commonwealth
020676: Fletcher, Robert - The Poems and Translations of Robert Fletcher
013617: Fletcher, Grace Nies - The Fabulous Flemings of Kathmandu; the Story of Two Doctors in Nepal
433: (El Cid). Fletcher, Richard - The Quest for El Cid
053207: Fletcher, J. M. J. - The Story of Salisbury Cathedral
004911: Fletcher, Robert - The Poems and Translations of Robert Fletcher
1130: Fletcher, William C. - A Study in Survival; the Church in Russia, 1927-1943
015144: Flexner, James Thomas - That Wilder Image; the Apinting of America's Native School from Thomas Cole to Winslow Homer
012114: Flexner, James Thomas - The Traitor and the Spy; Benedict Arnold and John André
041323: Fliche, Martin, et al. - Du Premier Concile Du Latran à L'Avènement D'Innocent III (1125-1198)
051465: Flick, Maurizio - L'Attimo Della Giustificazione Secondo S. Tommaso
047770: Flickinger, Roy C. - The Greek Theater and Its Drama
007209: Floherty, John J. - Make Way for the Mail
027725: Flohn, Hermann - Das Problem Der Klimaänderungen in Vergangenheit Und Zukunft
035570: Flood, Charles Bracelen - 1864; Lincoln at the Gates of History
012115: Flood, Charles Bracelen - Rise, and Fight Again; Perilous Times Along the Road to Independence
048879: Florence, Gene - Collector's Encyclopedia of Depressioin Glass
000032: Florence, P. Sargant - Economics and Sociology of Industry; a Realistic Analysis of Development
016964: Florence, Gene - Very Rare Glassware of the Depression Years
050066: Recio Flores, SErgio - Diccionario Comparado de Refrances Y Modismos, Español-English. 20, 000 Lucuciones Distribuidas En 4,400 Grupos
052572: Juan de Flores - Grisel Y Mirabella
037879: Florey, Kitty Burns - Script and Scribe; the Rise and Fall of Handwriting
002108: Florez, Luis - La Pronunciation Del Español En Bogota
051122: Rieß, Florian and Karl von Weber - Das Oekumenische Concil; Stimmen Aus Maria-Laach
021213: Flower, Raymond - Raffles; the Story of Singapore
018547: Flower, Newman - Franz Schubert; the Man and His Circle
041408: Flowers, Linda - Throwed Away; Failures of Progress in Eastern North Carolina
048832: Floyd, E. Randall - The Good, the Bad, and the Mad. Some Weird People in American History
025501: Floyd, John E. - World Monetary Equilibrium; International Monetary Theory in an Historical-Institutional Context
022621: Floyd, Troy S. - The Anglo-Spanish Struggle for Mosquitia
030333: Fluchère, Henri - Shakespeare, Dramaturge élisabéthain
020732: Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn, et al. - Historical Dictionary of the Sudan
016798: Fluek, Toby Knobel - Memories of My Life in a Polish Village, 1930-1949
045018: Flukinger, Roy, et al. - Paul Martin, Victorian Photographer
048281: Schneider-Flume, Gunda - Glaubenserfahrung in Den Psalmen; Leben in Der Geschichte Mit Gott
024943: Flygt, Sten Gunnar - The Notorious Dr. Bahrdt
046598: Flynn, Charles P. - Insult and Society; Patterns of Comparative Interaction
041895: Foa, Vittorio - Questo Novecento
032520: Foakes, R. A. - Marston and Tourneur
031750: Fobes, Francis H. - Philosophical Greek; an Introduction
034664: Focillon, Henri - Peintures Romanes Des Eglises de France
027784: Fock, Harald - Vom Zarenadler Zum Roten Stern; Die Geschichte Der Russischen-Sowjetischen Marine
014412: Foerster, Donald M. - The Fortunes of Epic Poetry; a Study in English and American Criticism, 1750-1950
042279: Fogarasi, Miklos - Parole E Cultura Giuridica E Filosofica; Evoluzione Terminologica E Neologismi Nel Campo Del Diretto E Della Filosofia Durante IL Settecento
014450: Fogarty, Robert S. - All Things New; American Communes and Utopian Movements, 1860-1914
020677: Fogel, Herbert - The Criticism of Cornelian Tragedy; a Study of Critical Writing from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
044002: Fogelin, Robert J. - Wittgenstein
028200: Fogle, Bruce - The New Encyclopedia of the Cat
015141: Fogolari, Gino - Trento
016479: Fohlen, Claude - La France de L'Entre-Deux-Guerres (1917-1939)
045049: Fohrer, Georg - Ezechiel
021067: Fokkema, D. W., Et al., Eds - Comparative Poetics. Poétique Comparative. Vergleichende Poetik in Honour of Jan Kamerbeek, Jr.
052157: Folda, Jaroslav - Crusader Manuscript Illujination at Saint-Jean D'Acre, 1275-1291
021718: Folejewski, Zbigniew - La Fonction Des éLéments Dialectaux Dans Les Oeuvres Littéraires; Recherches Stylistiques Fondées Sur la Prose de W. Orkan
050906: Foley, John MIles - The Singer of Tales in Performance
050696: Foley, Charles - Commando Extraordidnary
039987: Foley, Donald L. - Governing the London Region; Reorganization and Planning in the 1960's
050229: Foley, William A. - The Yimas Language of New Guinea
011157: Foley, Donald L. - Controlling London's Growth; Planning the Great Wen, 1940-1960
050788: Foley, John Miles - The Theory of Oral Compostition; History and Methodology
026542: Folkins, Gail - Texas Dance Halls; a Two-Step Circuit
048877: Le Foll, Camille - Modern French Classics
037308: Folsom, LeRoi A. - The Professional Chef
021299: Folsom, James K., Ed - The Western; a Collection of Critical Essays
002954: Folsom, Robert S. - Handbook of Greek Pottery; a Guide for Amateurs
002952: Folsom, Robert S. - Attic Black-Figured Pottery
004004: Foltinek, Herbert - Fieldings "Tom Jones" Und Das österreichische Drama
018846: Fondiller, Harvey V., Ed - The Best of Popular Photography
050846: Fone, Byrne - Homophobia; a History
023834: Foner, Nancy, Ed - New Immigrants in New York
020787: Foner, Eric - The Story of American Freedom
030721: Fong, Wen, Ed - The Great Bronze Age of China; an Exhibition from the People's Republic of China
026783: Fong, Wen, Ed - The Great Bronze Age of China; an Exhibtion from the People's Republic of China
029477: Fonseca, Isabel - Bury Me Standing; the Gypsies and Their Journey
024642: Fonseca, Isabel - Bury Me Standing; the Gypsies and Their Journey
052286: La Fontaine, Jean De - Contnes Et Nouvelles En Vers
041812: Fontana, Giovanni, Ed - Cantare Di Madonna Elena
040818: Fontane, Theodore - Theodor Fontane
049377: Fontane, Theodor - Gesammelte Werke; Eine Auswahl in Fünf Bänden
047924: Fonte, Moderata - The Worth of Women. Wherein Is Clearly Revealed Their Nobility and Their Superiority to Men
006272: Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De - Entretiens Sur Aa Pluralité Des Mondes; Digression Sur Les Anciens Et Les Modernes
032655: Fonteyn, Margot - Margot Fonteyn; Autobiography
032223: Fonteyn, Margo - The Magic of Dance
007036: Fonteyn, Margo - The Magic of Dance
020338: Fonville, Robert - Désiré Monnier
050682: Foot, Sarah - Monastic Life in Anglo-Saxon England C. 600-900
047869: Foote, Henry Wilder - Robert Feke, Colonial Portrait Painter
043499: Footman, John - History of the Parish Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, Chipping Lambourn
010540: Forberger, Rudolf - Die Manufaktur in Sachsen Vom Ende Des 16. Bis Zum Anfang Des 19. Jahrhunderts
050036: Forbes, Neville - Russian Grammar
040272: Forbes, William Cameron - As to Polo
002111: Forbes, Nevill - The Russian Verb, Being the Second Russian Book
014743: Forbes, Duncan - The Heart of India
011158: Forbes, Archibald - Havelock
041769: Forbush, Edward Howe - Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States
012628: Forbush, Edward Howe - Useful Birds and Their Protection; Containing Brief Descriptions of the More Common and Useful Species of Massachusetts, with Accounts of Their Food Habits, and a Chapter on the Means of Attracting and Protecting Birds
030392: Force, M. F. - From Fort Henry to Corinth
021565: Potomac Planning Task Force - The Potomac; a Report on Its Imperiled Future and a Guide for Its Orderly Development
004762: Forcey, Charles - The Crossroads of Liberalism: Croly, Weyl, Lippmann, and the Progressive Era, 1900-1925
047347: Ford, Boris, Ed - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain: Volume 2: Medieval Britain
047117: Ford, Lacy K. - Deliver Us from Evil; the Slavery Question in the Old South
050925: Ford, Gordon B., Jr. - The Ruodlieb; Linguistic Introduction, Latin Text, and Glossary
039495: Ford, Boris, Ed - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain: Volume 1: Early Britain
035871: Ford, Colin - The Cameron Collection; an Album of Photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron Presented to Sir John Herschel
033558: Ford, John - The Works of John Ford
033441: Ford, John - John Ford
032960: Ford, Lester R. - Differential Equations
020977: Ford, Ford Madox - The March of Literature from Confucius' Day to Our Own
019751: Ford, Paul Leicester - Some Notes Towards an Essay on the Beginnings of American Dramatic Literature, 1606-1789
018175: Ford, Alice - Edward Hicks; His Life and Art
015145: Ford, Chalres Henri, Ed - View; Parade of the Avant-Garde: An Anthology of View Magazine (1940-1947)
013506: Ford, Alice - Edward Hicks, Painter of the Peaceable Kingdom
012123: Ford, Corey - Donovan of Oss
007241: Ford, John Anson - Thirty Explosive Years in Los Angeles County
007219: Ford, Worthington Chauncey, Comp - List of the Benjain Franklin Papers in the Library of Congress
005496: Ford, Franklin L. - Strasbourg in Transition, 1648-1789
005223: Ford, Clellan S. - Smoke from Their Fires; the Life of a Kwakiutl Chief
050605: Ford, J. D. M. - Old Spanish Eaders Selected on the Basis of Critically Edtied Texts
033698: Forde, Helen - Domesday Preserved
020919: Foreman, Amanda - Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
012117: Forertsch, Hermann - The Art of Modern Warfare
038570: Foresta, Merry A. - At First Sight; Photography and the Smithsonian
040298: Foresti, Paolo - IL Dialogo Con Gli Stati Uniti E IL Malessere Europeo
003240: Aigner-Foresti, Luciana - Zeugnisse Etruskischer Kultur IM Nordwestern Italiens Und in Südfrankreich; Zur Geschichte Der Ausbreitung Etruskischer Einflüsse Und Der Etruskisch-Griechischen Auseinendersetzung
019394: Forman, W. - The Art of Ancient Korea
047772: Fornara, Charles W., Ed - Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War
012928: Forni, Alberto - Lo Storico Delle Tempeste; Pensiero E Azione in Luigi Tosti
049297: Forrer, Matthi - Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi from the Collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden
039923: Forrer, Leonard - Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins
038150: Forrer, Matthi - Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi from the Collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden
017507: Forrest, A. C. - The Unholy Land
017110: Chisman, Forrest and Alan Pifer - Government for the People; the Federal Social Role; What It Is, What It Should Be
048112: Forster, Johann Reinhold - The Resolution Journal of Johann Reinhold Forster 1772-1775
046104: Forster, E. M. - Selected Letters of E.M. Forster
040815: Forster, Georg - Georg Forsters Frische Teutsche Liedlein in Fünf Teilen
029787: Forster, Augustus John - Jeffersonian America; Notes on the United States of America Collected in the Years 1805-6-7 and 11-12
027400: Forster, John - The Life of Charles Dickens
050070: Forster, Leonard - Kleine Schriften Zur Deutschen Literatur IM 17. Jahrhundert
021263: Förster, Rudolf - Damals in Dresden; Porträt Einer Stadt Um 1900
012926: Förster, Uwe - Der Verfallsprozess Der Althochdeutschen Verbalendungen Dargestellt an Den Bibelglossaren Der Familie M.
008115: Forster, Robert - The House of Saulx-Tavanes; Versailles and Burgundy, 1700-1830
006940: Forster, Leonard - Janus Gruter's English Years; Studies in the Continuity of Dutch Literature in Exile in Elizabethan England
033469: Forsythe, Robert Stanley - The Relations of Shirley's Plays to the Elizabethan Drama
013500: Fort, Ilene Susan - The Flag Paintings of Childe Hassam
042107: Fortes, Herbert Parentes - Uma Interpretação Da Crase Portuguesa
009664: Fortes, Meyer - Kinship and the Social Order; the Legacy of Lewis Henry Morgan
044687: Fosberg, F. R., Ed - Man's Place in the Island Ecosystem; a Symposium
005732: Fosdick, Raymond B. - Letters on the League of Nations
025417: Foshay, Ella M. - John James Audubon
023809: Fosler, R. Scott, Ed - The New Economic Role of American States; Strategies in a Competitive World Economy
041490: Foss, Michael - People of the First Crusade; the Truth Abouth the Christian-Muslim War Revealed
025505: Fossedal, Gregory A. - The Democratic Imperative; Exporting the American Revolution
045695: Fossier, Robert - Enfance de L'Europe Xe-Xiie Siècles. Aspects économiques Et Sociaux
052610: Fossier, Robert - Enfance de L'Europe Xe-Xiie Siècles; Aspects économiques Et Sociaux
038437: Foster, George M. - A Primitive Mexican Economy
031430: Foster, Jeannette H. - Sex Variant Women in Literature; a Historical and Quantitative Survey
026310: Foster, Karen Polinger - Aegean Faience of the Bronz Age
052823: Foster,Steven - Echinacea Exalted! the Botany, Culture, History and Medicinal Uses of the Purple Coneflowers
017413: Foster, Don - Author Unknown; on the Trail of Anonymous
012125: Foster, G. Allen - The Eyes and Ears of the CIVIL War
010788: Foster, Harry L. - A Beachcomber in the Orient
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