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032223: Fonteyn, Margo - The Magic of Dance
007036: Fonteyn, Margo - The Magic of Dance
020338: Fonville, Robert - Désiré Monnier
050682: Foot, Sarah - Monastic Life in Anglo-Saxon England C. 600-900
047869: Foote, Henry Wilder - Robert Feke, Colonial Portrait Painter
043499: Footman, John - History of the Parish Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, Chipping Lambourn
010540: Forberger, Rudolf - Die Manufaktur in Sachsen Vom Ende Des 16. Bis Zum Anfang Des 19. Jahrhunderts
050036: Forbes, Neville - Russian Grammar
040272: Forbes, William Cameron - As to Polo
002111: Forbes, Nevill - The Russian Verb, Being the Second Russian Book
014743: Forbes, Duncan - The Heart of India
011158: Forbes, Archibald - Havelock
041769: Forbush, Edward Howe - Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States
012628: Forbush, Edward Howe - Useful Birds and Their Protection; Containing Brief Descriptions of the More Common and Useful Species of Massachusetts, with Accounts of Their Food Habits, and a Chapter on the Means of Attracting and Protecting Birds
030392: Force, M. F. - From Fort Henry to Corinth
021565: Potomac Planning Task Force - The Potomac; a Report on Its Imperiled Future and a Guide for Its Orderly Development
004762: Forcey, Charles - The Crossroads of Liberalism: Croly, Weyl, Lippmann, and the Progressive Era, 1900-1925
047347: Ford, Boris, Ed - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain: Volume 2: Medieval Britain
047117: Ford, Lacy K. - Deliver Us from Evil; the Slavery Question in the Old South
050925: Ford, Gordon B., Jr. - The Ruodlieb; Linguistic Introduction, Latin Text, and Glossary
039495: Ford, Boris, Ed - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain: Volume 1: Early Britain
035871: Ford, Colin - The Cameron Collection; an Album of Photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron Presented to Sir John Herschel
033558: Ford, John - The Works of John Ford
033441: Ford, John - John Ford
032960: Ford, Lester R. - Differential Equations
020977: Ford, Ford Madox - The March of Literature from Confucius' Day to Our Own
019751: Ford, Paul Leicester - Some Notes Towards an Essay on the Beginnings of American Dramatic Literature, 1606-1789
018175: Ford, Alice - Edward Hicks; His Life and Art
015145: Ford, Chalres Henri, Ed - View; Parade of the Avant-Garde: An Anthology of View Magazine (1940-1947)
013506: Ford, Alice - Edward Hicks, Painter of the Peaceable Kingdom
012123: Ford, Corey - Donovan of Oss
007241: Ford, John Anson - Thirty Explosive Years in Los Angeles County
007219: Ford, Worthington Chauncey, Comp - List of the Benjain Franklin Papers in the Library of Congress
005496: Ford, Franklin L. - Strasbourg in Transition, 1648-1789
050605: Ford, J. D. M. - Old Spanish Readings Selected on the Basis of Critically Edtied Texts
033698: Forde, Helen - Domesday Preserved
020919: Foreman, Amanda - Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
012117: Forertsch, Hermann - The Art of Modern Warfare
038570: Foresta, Merry A. - At First Sight; Photography and the Smithsonian
040298: Foresti, Paolo - IL Dialogo Con Gli Stati Uniti E IL Malessere Europeo
003240: Aigner-Foresti, Luciana - Zeugnisse Etruskischer Kultur IM Nordwestern Italiens Und in Südfrankreich; Zur Geschichte Der Ausbreitung Etruskischer Einflüsse Und Der Etruskisch-Griechischen Auseinendersetzung
053561: Forke, Alfred - Geschichte Der Alten Chinesischen Philosophie
019394: Forman, W. - The Art of Ancient Korea
047772: Fornara, Charles W., Ed - Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War
012928: Forni, Alberto - Lo Storico Delle Tempeste; Pensiero E Azione in Luigi Tosti
049297: Forrer, Matthi - Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi from the Collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden
039923: Forrer, Leonard - Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins
038150: Forrer, Matthi - Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi from the Collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden
017507: Forrest, A. C. - The Unholy Land
017110: Chisman, Forrest and Alan Pifer - Government for the People; the Federal Social Role; What It Is, What It Should Be
053567: Forrest, R. A. D. - The Chinese Language
048112: Forster, Johann Reinhold - The Resolution Journal of Johann Reinhold Forster 1772-1775
046104: Forster, E. M. - Selected Letters of E.M. Forster
040815: Forster, Georg - Georg Forsters Frische Teutsche Liedlein in Fünf Teilen
029787: Forster, Augustus John - Jeffersonian America; Notes on the United States of America Collected in the Years 1805-6-7 and 11-12
027400: Forster, John - The Life of Charles Dickens
050070: Forster, Leonard - Kleine Schriften Zur Deutschen Literatur IM 17. Jahrhundert
021263: Förster, Rudolf - Damals in Dresden; Porträt Einer Stadt Um 1900
012926: Förster, Uwe - Der Verfallsprozess Der Althochdeutschen Verbalendungen Dargestellt an Den Bibelglossaren Der Familie M.
008115: Forster, Robert - The House of Saulx-Tavanes; Versailles and Burgundy, 1700-1830
006940: Forster, Leonard - Janus Gruter's English Years; Studies in the Continuity of Dutch Literature in Exile in Elizabethan England
033469: Forsythe, Robert Stanley - The Relations of Shirley's Plays to the Elizabethan Drama
013500: Fort, Ilene Susan - The Flag Paintings of Childe Hassam
042107: Fortes, Herbert Parentes - Uma Interpretação Da Crase Portuguesa
009664: Fortes, Meyer - Kinship and the Social Order; the Legacy of Lewis Henry Morgan
044687: Fosberg, F. R., Ed - Man's Place in the Island Ecosystem; a Symposium
005732: Fosdick, Raymond B. - Letters on the League of Nations
025417: Foshay, Ella M. - John James Audubon
023809: Fosler, R. Scott, Ed - The New Economic Role of American States; Strategies in a Competitive World Economy
041490: Foss, Michael - People of the First Crusade; the Truth Abouth the Christian-Muslim War Revealed
025505: Fossedal, Gregory A. - The Democratic Imperative; Exporting the American Revolution
045695: Fossier, Robert - Enfance de L'Europe Xe-Xiie Siècles. Aspects économiques Et Sociaux
052610: Fossier, Robert - Enfance de L'Europe Xe-Xiie Siècles; Aspects économiques Et Sociaux
038437: Foster, George M. - A Primitive Mexican Economy
031430: Foster, Jeannette H. - Sex Variant Women in Literature; a Historical and Quantitative Survey
026310: Foster, Karen Polinger - Aegean Faience of the Bronz Age
052823: Foster,Steven - Echinacea Exalted! the Botany, Culture, History and Medicinal Uses of the Purple Coneflowers
017413: Foster, Don - Author Unknown; on the Trail of Anonymous
012125: Foster, G. Allen - The Eyes and Ears of the CIVIL War
010788: Foster, Harry L. - A Beachcomber in the Orient
002955: Fouard, Constant - Les Origines de L'église; Saint Pierre Et Les Premières Années Du Christianisme
024212: Foucault, Michel - Language, Counter-Memory, Practice; Selected Essays and Interviews
048389: Foucher, Jean-Pierre - La Littérature Latine Du Moyen Age
050995: Foucher, Jean-Pierre - Sainte Louise de Marillac; Méditations, Avis, Maximes Pensées, Testament, Lettres
049505: Fought, John G. - Chorti (Mayan) Texts 1
045508: Fournel, Victor - Les Contemporains de Molière
041010: Fournel, Paul - Forain; Roman
048781: Fournier, Paul - Le Livre Des Plantes Médicinales Et Vénéneuses de France. Tome I-II
052026: Fournier, Gabriel - Le Château Dans la France Médiévale; Essai de Sociologie Monumentale
029302: La Fournière, Xavier De - Alexis de Tocqueville, Un Monarchiste Indépendant
045792: Richard de Fournival - L'Oeuvre Lyrique de Richard de Fournival
044408: Fourquet, Jean - Wolfram D'Eschenbach Et le Conte Del Graal; Les Divergences de la Tradition Du Conte Del Graal de Chrétien Et Leur Importance Pour L'Explication Du Texte Du Parzival
052810: Fourure, Gérard - Les Chatiments Divins; étude Historique Et Doctrinale
043174: Fowkes, Rodney N. - Gramme of Bruises
052441: Fowler, Kenneth - Received Truths: Bertolt Brecht and the Problem of Gestus and Musical Meaning
048137: Fowler, Kenneth - The Age of Plantagenet and Valois
041072: Fowler, Constance Aston - The Verse Miscellany of Constance Aston Fowler
038844: Fowler, Dorothy - A Most Dreadful Earthquake; a First-Hand Account of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, with Glimpses Into the Lives of the Phillips-Jones Letter Writers
031752: Fowler, Barbara Hughes - The Hellenistic Aesthetic
031751: Fowler, Barbara Hughes - Archaic Greek Poetry; an Anthology
027659: Fowler, Gene - Timber Line; a Story of Bonfils and Tammen
051912: Fowler, David C. - Piers the Plowman; Literary Relations of the a and B Texts
012126: Fowler, William M., Jr. - Jack Tars and Commodores; the American Navy, 1783-1815
441: Fowler, Mary - Catalogue of the Dante Collection Presented by Willard Fiske: Additions 189 8-1920. Compiled by Mary Fowler
053112: Fowler, Thomas - The Elements of Deductive Logic Designed Mainly for the Use of Junior Students in the Universities
052169: Fowlie, Wallace - Pantomime; a Journal of Rehearsals
048466: Fox, John - The Poetry of Villon
047826: Fox, Anthony - Linguistic Reconsntruction; an Introduction to Theory and Method
046199: Fox, Howard N., Et al. - Content; a Contemporary Focus 1974-1984
045797: Fox, John - The Poetry of Fifteenth-Century France
045263: Fox, Ronald F. - Energy and the Evolution of Life
045043: Fox, John - La Poésie Lyrique de Charles D'Orléans
039210: Fox, Alistair - Thomas More; History and Providence
033820: Fox, Richard - Letters of Richard Fox 1486-1527
029993: Fox, Richard Wightman - Reinhold Niebuhr; a Biography
024847: Fox, Ruth A. - The Tangled Chain; the Structure of Disorder in the Antomy of Melancholy
024213: Fox, Matthew - Confessions; the Making of a Postdenominational Priest
020175: Fox, Michael J. - Lucky Man; a Memoir
053431: Fox, Aaron A. - Real Country; Music and Language in Working-Class Culture
018108: Lane Fox, Robin - The Unauthorized Version; Truth and Fiction in the Bible
052908: Fox, Douglas J. - The "Matthew-Luke Commentary" of Philoxenus; Text, Translation and Critical Analysis
007215: Fox, Dixon Ryan, Ed - Sources of Culture in the Middle West; Backgrounds Versus Frontier
005932: Fox, Kenneth - Metropolitan America; Urban Life and Urban Policy in the Uniited States, 1940-1980
1134: Fox, Adam - English Hymns and Hymn Writers
017176: Foxall, Roger - Sailing to Leningrad; a Voyage Through the Baltic
034156: Foxe, JOhn - Two Latin Comedies by John Foxe, the Martyrologies: Titus Et Gesippus; Christus Triumphans
021163: Foxon, David - Libertine Literature in England 1660-1745
034016: Fracastoro, Girolamo - IL Navagero; Ovvero Dialogo Sulla Poetica
033527: Fracastoro, Girolamo - IL Naugerio
044909: Fradkin, Philip L. - The Seven States of California; a Natural and Human History
045798: Fragonard, Marie-Madeleine - Les Dialogues Du Prince Et Du Poète; Littérature Français de la Renaissance
025579: Fraigneau, André - Les Châteaux de la Loire
021720: Frake, Charles O. - Language and Cultural Description; Essays
035107: Fraley, Tobin - The Great American Carousel; a Century of Master Craftsmanship
042011: Frame, Donald M. - François Rabelais; a Study
020784: França, José-Augusto - Millares
045817: Marie de France - Die Fabeln Der Marie de France
032943: France, Peter - Racine's Rhetoric
052672: Marie de France - Le Lai de Lanval
037066: Gies, Frances and Joseph Gies - Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel; Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages
016912: Mascia-Lees, Frances and Patricia Sharpe, Eds - Tattoo, Torture, Mutilation, and Adornment; the Denaturalization of the Body in Culture and Text
052720: Francescato, Giuseppe - Studi Linguistici Sul Friulano
049969: Francis, Dick - To the Hilt
045864: Francis, Robert - Frost, a Time to Talk; Conversations & Indiscretions
037168: Francis, Francis - Fish-Culture; a Practical Guide to the Modern System of Breeding and Rearing Fish
036553: Blakeslee, Albert Francis and Chester Deacon Jarvis - Trees in Winter; Their Study, Planting, Care and Identification
034026: Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher - The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
027350: Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher - The Maid's Tragedy
027327: Beaumont, Francis and JOhn Fletcher - Philaster or, Love Lies a-Bleeding
017888: Francis, W. Nelson - The Struture of American English
042064: Francisco, Morales - Inventario Del Fondo Franciscano Del Museo de Antropologia E Historia de Mexico. Volumen I.
048597: Franck, Johannes - Franck's Etymologisch Woordenboek Der Nederlandsche Taal
048118: Franck, Hans - Johann Sebastian Bach; Die Geschichte Seines Lebens
039855: Franck, Michael S. - Elmwood Endures; History of a Detroit Cemetery
026311: Franck, Adolphe - The Kabbalah; the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews
051496: Franck, Hans - Johann Sebastian Bach; Die Geschichte Seines Lebens
041884: Ferraresi, Franco and Pietro Kemeny - Classi Sociali E Politica Urbana; Destra E Sinistra Nelle Amministrazioni Locali
048074: Furet, François and Jacques Ozouf - Reading and Writing; Literacy in France from Calvin to Jules Ferry
1297: (Sartre, Jean-Paul). Lapointe, Francois and Claire Lapointe - Jean-Paul Sartre and His Critics; an International Bibliography (1938-1975)
032723: Françon, Marcel - Autour de la Lettre de Gargantua a Son Fils (Pantaguel, 8)
033028: Franey, Pierre - A Chef's Tale; a Memoir of Food, France and America
043888: Frank, Robert Worth, Jr. - Chaucer and the Legend of Good Women
041283: Frank, Horst-Joachim - Catharina Regina Von Greiffenberg: Leben Und Welt Der Barocken Dichterin
040637: Frank, Jerome - A Man's Reach; the Philosophy of Judge Jerome Frank
002297: Smith, Frank and George A. Miller - The Genesis of Language; a Psycholinguistic Approach
039409: Levy, Frank and Richard J. Murnane - The New Dollars and Dreams; American Incomes and Economic Change
037674: Frank, Ellen Eve - Literary Architecture; Essays Toward a Tradition: Walter Peter, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Marcel Proust, Henry James
034798: Frank, Grace - The Medieval French Drama
028349: Frank, Katherine - A Voyager out; the Life of Mary Kingsley
025992: Frank, Elizabeth - Jackson Pollock
022622: Frank, Andre Gunder - Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America; Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil
051091: Wilczek, Frank and Betsy Devine - Longing for the Harmonies; Themes and Variations from Modern Physics
016884: Gibney, Frank and George J. Feldman - The Reluctant Space-Farers; a Study in the Politics of Discovery
014171: Getlein, Frank and Dorothy Getlein - Georges Rouault's Miserere
011672: Worsley, Frank and Glyn Griffith - The Romance of Lloyd's from Coffee-House to Palace
051895: Frank, Philipp G. - The Validation of Scientific Theories
040397: Franke, Helmut - Staat IM Staate; Aufzeichnungen Eines Militaristen
004960: Franke, Wolfgang - China and the West
046440: Fränkel, Hermann - Dichtung Und Philosophie Des Frühen Griechentums; Eine Geschichte Der Griechischen Epik, Lyrik, Und Prosa Bis Zur Mitte Des Füften Jahrhunderts
031754: Fränkel, Hermann - Dichtung Und Philosophie Des Frühen Greichentums; Eine Geschichte Der Griechischen Epik, Lyrik Und Prosa Bis Zur Mitte Des Fünften Jahrhunderts
023693: Frankel, Max - The Times of My Life and My Life with the Times
020468: Frankel, Michael L. - The Voyage of Sabra; an Ecological Cruise Through the Caribbean, with Extras
019333: Frankel, Tobia - The Russian Artist; the Creative Person in Russian Culture
044833: Frankenstein, Alfred - William Sidney Mount
020052: Frankenstein, Alfred - Shirl Goedike
036590: Frankfort, Ellen - The Voice; Life at the Village Voice
037328: Frankl, Paul - Principles of Architectural History; the Four Phases of Architectural Style, 1420-1900
034573: Frankl, Paul - Gothic Architecture
037187: Franklin, Colin - The Private Presses
027495: Franklin, Jon - Molecules of the Mind; the Brave New Science of Molecular Psychology
007218: Franklin, Benjamin - Mr. Franklin; a Selction from His Personal Letters
007216: Franklin, Benjamin - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
004739: Franklin, Kenneth J. - William Harvey, Englishman , 1578-1657
026219: Franks, Tommy - American Soldier
009179: Franks, A. H., Ed - Ballet; a Decade of Endeavour
008400: Franks, A. H., Ed - Ballet; a Decade of Endeavour
051729: Franksen, Ole Immanuel - H.C. ørsted, a Man of the Two Culture: Experimenta Circa Effectum Conflictus Electrici in Acum Magneticam
050889: Franoisprimo, J. L. - Histoire Universelle Des Missions Catholiques
048650: Van Coetsem, Frans and Herber L. Kufner, Eds - Toward a Grammr of Proto-Germanic
053145: Theuws, Frans and Janet L. Nelson, Eds - Rituals of Power from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages
002090: Danes, Frantisek and Dieter Viehweger - Probleme Der Textgrammmatik
052885: Ehrle, Franz and Paul Liebaert - Specimina Codicum Latinorum Vaticanorum
038147: Hadamowsky, Franz and Josef Mayerhöfer, Eds - Hugo Steiner-Prag, 12. Dezember 1880-10. September 1945
033115: Franz, Leonhard - Goethe Und Die Urzeit
030642: Hadamowsky, Franz and Leopold Nowak - Mozart; Werk Und Zeit
026904: Franz, Marie-Louise Von - Zeit; Strömen Und Stille
026315: Franz, Leonhard - Jäger/Bauern/Händler; Die Wirtschaft in Der Vorzeit
018762: Grasberger, Franz and Othmar Wesseley, Eds - Schubert-Studien; Festgabe Der ôsterreichischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zum Schubert-Jahr 1978
032639: Franzbach, Martin - Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Der Richter Von Zalamea
048766: Frappier, Jean - Du Moyen Age à la Renaissance; études D'Histoire Et de Critique Littéraire
051942: Frappier, Jean - Chrétien de Troyes; the Man and His Work
039583: Frascina, Francis, et al. - Modernity and Modernism; French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
047183: Fraser, Antonia - Boadicea's Chariot; the Warrior Queens
030431: Fraser, Andrew - Essays on Music
027455: Fraser, Russell - Young Shakespeare
016727: Fraser, Antonia - Royal Charles; Charles II and the Restoration
016557: Fraser, Russell - The Language of Adam; on the Limits and Systems of Discourse
012131: Fraser, Lindley - Germany between Two Wars
012132: Fraser, Ronald - Blood of Spain; an Oral History of the Spanish CIVIL War
012130: Fraser, Antonia - The Warior Queens
011160: Fraser, Peter - Jseoph Chamberlain; Radicalism and Empire, 1868-1914
010825: Fraser, A. Ian - A Catalogue of the Clowes Collection
005007: Fraser, Stewart - Chinese Communist Education; Records of the First Decade
017108: Frasheri, Kristo - Histoire D'Albanie (Bref Aperçu)
053227: Frassen, Claude - Scotus Academicus Seu Universa Doctoris Subtilis Theologica Dogmata
028757: Frati, Lodovico - Rimatori Bolognesi Del Trecento
043113: Frazier, Alison Knowles - Possible Lives; Authors and Saints in Renaissance Italy
011774: Frazier, Arthur H. - Water Current Meters in the Smithsonian Collections of the National Museum of History and Technology
042947: Fréderic, Louis - Daily Life in Japan at the Time of the Samurai 1185-1603
035523: Frederick, J. George - Pennsylvania Dutch Cookery; Their History, Art, Accomplishments, Also a Broad Collection of Their Food Recipes
053745: Starr S. Frederick - Louis Moreau Gottschalk
047115: Fredericks, Anthony D. - The Secret Life of Clams; the Mysteries and Magic of Our Favorite Shellfish
044510: Fredman, Stephen - The Grounding of American Poetry; Charles Olson and the Emersonian Tradition
037248: Fredriksen, John C. - Free Trade and Sailors' Rights; a Bibliography of the War of 1812
045624: Freeberg, Andy - Art Fare
030881: Freeburg, Victor Oscar - Disguise Plots in Elizabethan Drama; a Study in Stage Tradition
042336: Freed, John B. - The Friars and German Society in the Thirteenth Centuy
033009: Freed, Rita E. - Ramses II; the Great Pharaoh and His Time
031383: Freed, Rita E., Et al., Eds - Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen
029266: Freedberg, S. J. - Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence
004973: Freedman, Maurice, Ed - Family and Kinship in Chinese Society
047053: Freeling, Nicolas - Criminal Convictions; Errant Essays on Perpetrators of Literary License
044732: Freely, John - Classical Turkey
048302: Freeman, Robert N. - The Practice of Music at Melk Abbey Based Upon the Documents, 1681-1826
050635: Freeman, Michelle A. - The Poetics of Translatio Studii and Conjointure Chrétien de Troyes's Cligés
046634: Freeman, James, et al. - The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee; Growing, Roasting, and Drinking, with Recipes
046510: Freeman, Douglas Southall - Lee's Lieutenants; a Study in Command
045866: Freeman, Arthur - Thomas Kyd; Facts and Problems
043373: Freeman, Margaret B. - The Unicorn Tapestries
039226: Freeman, Ruth S. - Encyclopedia American Dolls
032955: Freeman, David S. - Family Therapy with Couples; the Family-of-Origin Approach
028394: Freeman, Derek - Margaret Mead and Samoa; the Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth
025984: Freeman, Roger A. - The Wayward Welfare State
025396: Freeman, Gregory A. - Sailors to the End; the Dealy Fire on the Uss Forrestal and the Heroes Who Foungt It
024047: Freeman, Victoria - Distant Relations; How My Ancestors Colonized North America
021278: Freeman, Dexter L. - Hesse, a New German State
012134: Freeman, Lewis R. - Sea-Hounds
007074: Freeman, Roger A. - Socialism and Private Enterprise in Equatorial Asia; the Case of Malaysia and Indonesia
003300: Freeman, Kathleen - Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers
047328: Freer, Coburn - Music for a King; George Herbert's Style and the Metrical Psalms
044470: Freer, Alan - Ricerche Su L'Encyclopédie: Jaucourt E Thomson
014248: Freer, Charles Lang - With Kindes Regards; the Correspondence of Charles Lang Freer and James Mcneill Whistler, 1890-1903
051059: Freeth, Nick - The Guitar & Rock Equipment
042948: Freiberg, L. A. - Pamiaitniki Vizantiiskoi Literatury
017539: Freidel, Frank, Ed - The Golden Age of American History
016753: Freidel, Frank, Ed - Harvard Guide to American History
015017: Freidel, Frank, Ed - Unon Pamphlets of the CIVIL War, 18861-1865
045587: Freidenreich, Harriet Pass - The Jews of Yugoslavia; a Quest for Community
043626: Blanco Freijeiro, Antonio - Historia de Sevilla; la Ciudad Antigua (de la Prehistoria a Los Visigodos)
020679: Freilich, Joan S. - Paul Claudel's le Soulier de Satin; a Stylistic, Structuralist, and Psychoanalytic Interpretation
052684: Simund de Freine - Les Oeuvres de Simund de Freine
039532: Freis, Richard, Ed - The Progress of Plato's Progress
022467: Freksa, Friedrich - Der Wiener Kongreß
042565: Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim - Journey to God; Sufis and Dervishes in Islam
045686: French, Robert Dudley - A Chauce Handbook
042567: French, Calvin L. - Shiba Kokan; Artist, Innovator, and Pioneer in the Westernization of Japan
035483: French, Harold - I Swore I Never Would
028434: French, Marilyn - Shakespeare's Division of Experience
028066: Bible. O.T. Jeremiah. French - Jérémie; Les Lamentations; le Livre de Baruch
024906: Bible. French - Les épitres Catholiques de Saint Jacques, Saint Jude Et Saint Pierre
016800: French, Brandon - On the Verge of Revolt; Women in American Films of the Fifties
014355: French, Calvin L. - The Poet-Painters; Buson and His Followers
012654: French, G. H. - The Butterflies of the Eastern United States, for the Use of Classes in Zoology and Private Students
011775: French, John D., Ed - Frontiers in Brain Research
050481: Frend, William - Evening Amusements; or, the Beauty of the Heavens Displayed. In Which Several Striking Appearances, to Be Observed on Various Evenings in the Heavens, During the Year 1814, Are Described
050479: Frend, William - Evening Amusements; or, the Beauty of the Heavens Displayed. In Which Several Stsriking Appearances, to Be Observed on Various Evenings in the Heavens, During the Year 1812, Are Described
050480: Frend, William - Evening Amusements; or, the Beauty of the Heavens Displayed. . in Which Several Striking Appearances, to Be Observed on Various Evening in the Heavens, During the Year 1813, Are Descirbed
040606: Freneau, Philip - Letters on Various Interesting and Important Subjects
019238: Frenkel, Erdmann - Steuerverwaltung Und Steuerrecht in Der Sozjetischen Besatzungszone
027752: Frenssen, Gustav - Peter Moors Fahrt Nach Südwest; Ein Feldzugsbericht
043643: Frenz, Horst - Eugene O'Neill
039570: Frere, Sheppard - Britannia; a History of Roman Britain
049528: Freu, Jacques - Histoire Du Mitanni
039041: Freud, Lucien - Works on Paper
038846: Freud, Sigmund - Collected Papers
038610: Freud, Sigmund - Leonardo Da Vinci; a Study in Psychosexuality
033900: Freud, Sigmund - Collected Papers
019758: Freud, Sigmund - An Autobiographical Study
010808: Freud, Sigmund - The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig
038184: Freudenheim, Tom L. - Pascin
039335: Freund, Richard A. - Digging Through the Bible; Modern Archaeology and the Ancient Bible
009492: Freundlich, Rudolf - Einführung in Die Semantik
019618: Frey, John R., Ed - Schiller, 1959/1959; Commemorative American Studies
009351: Freyer, Grattan - W.B. Yeats and the Anti-Democratic Tradition
009493: Freygang, Gustav - Schwedische Sprachlehre
040732: Freymond, Jacques - Die Saar 1945-1955
005730: Freymond, Jacques - The Saar Conflict, 1945-1955
053772: Frick, Karl - Umdenken Hinter Stacheldraht; ôsterreicher in Der Udssr
038494: Fricke, Thomas E. - Himalayan Households; Tamang Demography and Domestic Processes
027868: Fricke, John - Judy Garland, World's Greatest Entertainer
033481: Fricker, Robert - Kontrast Und Polarität in Den Charakterbildern Shakespeares
032892: Friday, Nancy - Jealousy
048882: Fridh, Åke - Der Sogenannte Prospektive Konjunktiv IM Lateinischen
029267: Fridolin, Stephan - Schatzbehalter
006275: Fridrichsen, Anton - The Problem of Miracle in Primitive Christianity
001920: Friebertshäuser, Hans - Sprache Und Geschichte Des Nordwestlichen Althessen
034441: Fried, Pankraz, Ed - Miscellanea Suevica Augustana Der Stadt Augsburg Dargebracht Zur 2000-Jahrfeier 1985
009595: Fried, Robert C. - Planning the Eternal City; Roman Politics and Planning Since World War II
038123: Friedberg, Robert - Goid Coins of the World. Complete from 600 A.D. To the Present; an Illustrated Standard Catalogue with Valuations
036017: Friedberg, Mauraice - Russian Classics in Soviet Jackets
005741: Friedberg, Maurice - A Decade of Euphoria; Western Literature in Post-Stalin Russia, 1954-64
051788: Friedel, Robert D. - Lines and Waves; Faraday, Maxwell and 150 Years of Electromagnetism
017807: Friedensburg, Ferdinand - Die Weimarer Republik
1140: Friedenthal, Richard - Luther; Sein Leben Und Seine Zeit
033336: Friedlaender, Walter - Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting
006276: Friedlaender, Michael - Die Jüdische Religion
029322: Friedländer, Max J. - Die Altniederländische Malerei. Band 10: Lucas Van Leyden Und Andere Holländische Meister Seiner Zeit
029321: Friedländer, Max J. - Die Altniederländische Malerei. Band 9: Joos Van Cleve; Jan Provost; Joachim Patenier
028341: Friedländer, Saul - When Memory Comes
016587: Friedlander, Judith - Vilna on the Seine; Jewish Intellectuals in France Since 1968
015146: Friedländer, Max J. - Die Niederländischen Maler Des 17. Jahrhunderts
049465: Friedländer, Ludwig - Roman Life and Manners Under the Early Empire
045603: Friedman, Thomas L. - Longitudes and Attitudes; Exploring the World After September 11
039325: Friedman, Milton - A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis
038923: Friedman, Thomas L. - The World Is Flat; a Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
038380: Friedman, Lawrence M. - Crime and Punishment in American History
037627: Friedman, Jane M. - America's First Woman Lawyer; the Biography of Myra Bradwell
035870: Friedman, Drew - Old Jewish Comedians
035257: Friedman, Martin - The Frozen Image; Scandinavian Photography
034356: Friedman, Alan - Ce la Farà IL Capitalismo Italiano
031435: Friedman, David M. - A Mind of Its Own; a Cultural History of the Penis
030951: Friedman, Thomas L. - The Lexus and the Olive Tree
022257: Friedman, Edward - Backward Toward Revolution; the Chinese Revolutionary Party
005794: Friedman, Norman - E.E. Cummings; the Growth of a Writer
050399: Friedman, Richard Elliott - Who Wrote the Bible
052048: Friedrich, Johannes - Entzifferung Verschollener Schriften Und Sprachen
044566: Friedrich, Carl Joachim - The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective
040335: Lutz, Friedrich and Vera Lutz - The Theory of Investment of the Firm
032901: Dahlmann, Friedrich and Georg Waitz - Quellenkunde Der Deutschen Geschichte; Bibliographie Der Quellen Und Der Literatur Zur Deutschen Geschichte
052361: Friedrich, Johannes - Hethitisches Wörterbuch; Kurzgefasste Kritische Sammlung Der Deutungen Hethitischer Wörter
052362: Friedrich, Johannes - KurzgefaßTes Hethitisches Wörterbuch; Kurzgefasste Kriitische Sammlung Der Deuutungen Hethitischer Wörter
014495: Friedrich, Caspar David - Das Gesamte Graphische Werk
053400: Blass, Friedrich and Albert Debrunner - A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
010541: Friedrich, Otto - Before the Deluge; a Portrait of Berlin in the 1920's
002513: Friedrich, Johannes - Extinct Languages
018552: Friedwald, Will - Jazz Singing; America's Great Voices from Bessie Smith to Bebop and Beyond
046402: Frieidensburg, Ferdinand - Münzkunde Und Geldgeschichte Der Einzelstaaten Des Mittelalters Und Der Neueren Zeit
005681: Frieidgut, Theodore H. - Political Participation in the Ussr
004136: Friendly, Alfred - Beaufort of the Admiralty; the Life of Sir Francis Beaufort, 1774-1857
035461: Fries, Heinrich - Handbuch Theologischer Grundbegriffe
019303: Fries, Carolus - Quaestiones Herodoteae
002775: Fries, Heinrich - Handbuch Theologischer Grundbegriffe
046653: Jacob-Friesen, Holger - Alexander Kanoldt; Graphik Und Malerei Aus Dem Besitz Der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
043879: Friesen, Abraham - Reformation and Utopia; the Marxist Interpretation of the Reformation and Its Antecedents
047521: Frings, Theodor - Die Stellung Der Niederlande IM Aufbau Des Germanischen
040968: Frisch, Johann Leonhard - Briefwechsel Mit Gottfried Wilhelm
028293: Frisch, Michael - Portraits in Steel
035773: Frish, Karl Von - Animal Architeciture
005083: Friss, Istvan, Ed - Reform of the Economic Mechanism in Hungary; Nine Studies
011740: Johansen, Frits and Aage Marcus - Johannes V. Jensen; En Bibliografi
049039: Oehlschlaeger, Fritz and George Hendrick, Eds - Toward the Making of Thoreau's Modern Reputation
037213: Fritz, Christian G. - Federal Justice in California; the Court of Ogden Hoffman, 1851-1891
032712: Fritz, Gerhard, Ed - Landesgeschichte Und Geschichtsdidaktik; Festschrift Für Rainer Jooß
017245: Eheim, Fritz and Gerhard Winner - History of the Fortress Wartenstein
013959: Fritz, Stephen G. - Frontsoldaten; the German Soldier in World War II
008320: Frodl, Walter - Die Romanische Wandmalerei in Kärnten
046750: Frodsham, J. D. - An Anthology of Chinese Verse; Han Wei Chin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties
013840: Froeschels, Emil - Philosophy in Wit
030673: Tiessen, Hildi Froese and Paul Gerard Tiessen - Woldemar Neufeld's Canada; a Mennonite Artist in the Canadian Landscape 1925-1995
052785: Fröhlich, Hermann - Studien Zur Langobardischen Thronfolge Von Den Anfängen Bis Zur Eroberung Des Italienischen Reiches Durch Karl Den Grossen (774)
005525: Frohock, W. M. - The Novel of Violence in America
052623: Froissart, Jean - L'Espinette Amoureuse
014797: Frome, Michael - Whose Woods These Are; the Story of the National Forests
021375: Fromentin, Eugène - Une Année Dans le Sahel
052142: Fromkin, Victoria A., Ed - Speech Errors As Linguistic Evidence
028230: Koltun-Fromm, Ken - Moses Hess and Modern Jewish Identity
025574: Frost, Lawrence A. - The Custer Album; a Pictorial Biography of General George A. Custer
025190: Frost, Stanley Brice - Old Testament Apocalyptic; Its Origins and Growth
020680: Frost, Robert - In the Clearing
016919: Frost, Jack - The Crowned Hilltop; Boston College in Its Hundredth Year
009037: Frost, Lesley - New Hampshire's Child; the Derry Journals of Lesley Frost
051044: Frotscher, Gotthold - Aufführungspraxis Alter Musik
026317: Frtiz, Kurt Von - Philosophhie Und Sprachlicher Ausdruck Bei Demokrit, Plato Und Aristoteles
029687: Fruchtman, Jack, Jr. - Thomas Paine, Apostle of Freedom
008215: Frugé, August - A Skeptic Among Scholars; August Frugé on University Publishing
051657: Frühauf, Tina - Experiencing Jewish Music in America; a Listener's Companion
020682: Fruman, NOrman - Coleridge, the Damaged Archangel
044969: Fry, Christopher - Curtmantle; a Play
043718: Somerset Fry, Plantagenet - Roman Britain; History and Sites
026878: Fry, Stephen - The Ode Less Travelled; Unlocking the Poet Within
025679: Fry, Tony, Ed - Rua Tv? Heidegger and the Televisual
049852: Fry, Stephen - Revenge; a Novel
006916: Fry, Christopher - Can You Find Me; a Family History
020137: Fryde, E. B., Ed - Book of Prests of the King's Wardrobe for 1294-5
051719: Frye, Roland Mushat - God, Man, and Satan; Patterns of Christian Thought and Life in Paradise Lost, Pilgrim's Progress, and the Great Thologians
033742: Frye, Northrop - Northrop Frye on Shakespeare
033155: Frye, Roland Mushat - Shakespeare and Christian Doctrine
030351: Frye, Roland MUshat - Shakespeare's Life and Times; a Pictorial Record
052504: Frye, Northrop - Fables of Identity; Studies in Poetic Mythology
011162: Fryer, Peter - Mrs Grundy; Studies in English Prudery
039061: Fu, Shen C. Y. - Traces of the Brush; Studies in Chinese Calligraphy
026743: Fu, K. S. - Sequential Methods in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
042007: Fuà, Giorgio - Occupazione E Capacità Produttive: La Realtà Italiana
050710: Fuad, Kamal - Kurdische Handschriften
047804: Fuchs, Catherine, et al. - La Genèse Du Texte: Les Modèles Linguisticues
049176: Fuchs, Victor R. - How We Live
039252: Fuchs, Victor R., Ed - Production and Productivity in the Service Industries
028157: Fuchs, Ernst - Zur Frage Nach Dem Historischen Jesus
028156: Fuchs, Ernst - Zum Hermeneutischen Problem in Der Theologie; Die Existentiale Interpretation
028145: Fuchs, Ernst - Marburger Hermeneutik
028142: Fuchs, Ernst - Hermeneutik
019683: Fuchs, R. H. - Rembrandt in Amsterdam
049426: Fuchs, Jacob - Reading Pope's Imitations of Horace
049589: Fuchs, W., Et al. - Tungusologie
035536: Füchtner, Jörg - Die Bündnisse Der Bodenseestädte Bis Zum Jahre 1390; Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Einungswesens, Der Landfriedenswahrung Und Der Rechtsstellung Der Reichsstädte
048354: Fucilla, Joseph G. - Studies and Notes (Literary and Historical)
047012: Fuentes, Carlos - Myself with Others; Selected Essays
051250: Galmés de Fuentes, Alvaro - Dialectologia Mozárabe
051251: Galmés de Fuentes, Alvaro - Romania Arabica (Estudios de Literatura Comparada árabe Y Romance)
035663: Fuentes, Carlos - The Old Gringo
027489: Fuerst, René - Bibliography of the Indigenous Problem and Policy of the Brazilian Amazon Region (1957-1972)
021818: Fuerst, Norbert - The Victorian Age of German Literature; Eight Essays
024660: Fugard, Sheila - A Revolutionary Woman
048698: Fuhring, Peter - Hollstein's Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts 1450-1700. Volume XLVII--XLVIII: Vredeman de Vries
020293: Fuhrman, Mark - Murder in Greenwich. Who Killed Martha Moxley
020272: Fuhrman, Mark - Murder in Spokane; Catching a Serial Killer
020178: Fuhrman, Mark - Murder in Brentwood
019826: Fuhrman, Mark - Death and Justice; an Exposé of Oklahoma's Death Row Machine
028591: Fuhrmann, Ernst - Das Tier in Der Religion
016488: Fuhrmann, Horst - Pour le Mérite. ûber Die Sichtbarmachung Von Verdiensten; Eine Historische Besinnung
003315: Fuhrmann, Manfred - Terror Und Spiel; Probleme Der Mythenrezeption
005347: Fukutake, Tadashi - The Japanese Social Structure; Its Evolution in the Modern Century
027095: Fukuyama, Francis - The Great Disruption; Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order
021386: Fukuyama, Francis - Trust; the Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity
050360: Fukuzawa, Yukichi - The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa
053749: Fulbert, Saint - The Letters and Poems of Fulbert of Chartres
048256: Fuller, Raymond G. - Robert Iriwin Rees; an Appreciation
048199: Fuller, J. F. C. - The Generalship of Alexander the Great
040611: Fuller, Margaret - These Sad But Glorious Days"; Dispatches from Europe, 1846-1850
034413: Fuller, Robert W. - Somebodies and Nobodies; Overcoming the Abuse of Rank
026123: Fuller, R. Buckminster - Tetrascroll; Goldilocks and the Three Bears. A Cosmic Fairy Tale
024217: Fuller, Reginald H. - The New Testament in Current Study
023819: Fuller, Robert W. - Somebodies and Nobodies; Overcoming the Abuse of Rank
017147: Fuller, Joseph J. - Master of Desolation; the Reminiscences of Capt. Joseph J. Fuller
014271: Fuller, Richard E. - Japanese Art in the Seattle Art Museum: An Historical Sketch
011163: Fuller, Thomas - The Worthies of England
005998: Fuller, Wayne E. - Rfd; the Changing Face of Rural America
003932: Blumhardt, James Fuller and D. N. MacKenzie - Catalogue of Pashto Manuscirpts in the Libraries of the British Isles
002428: Fuller, Wayne E. - Rfd; the Changing Face of Rural America
051911: Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn - Reformist Apocalypticism and Piers Plowman
040193: Fulton, William - The Reluctant Metropolis; the Politics of Urban Growth in Los Angeles
036883: Fulton, William B. - Riverine Operations 1966-1969
021719: Ciobanu, Fulvia and Finuta Hasan - Formarea Cuvintelor in Limba Romana. Vol. I: Compunerea
051965: Beonio Brocchieri Fumagalli, Maria Teresa - Durando Di S. Porziano; Elementi Filosofici Della Terza Redazione Del "Commento Alle Sentenze
051960: Beonio Brocchieri Fumagalli, Maria Teresa - Durando Di S. Porziano; Elementi Filosofici Della Terza Redazione Del "Commento Alle Sentenze
037573: Fumagelli, Ambrogio - Coffeemakers; Macchine Da Caffè
040170: Hasegawa, Fumio and the Shimizu Group FS - Built by Japan; Competitive Strategies of the Japanese Construction Industry
040317: Funck, Carl - Carl Funck: Lebenserinnerungen
039838: League of Women Voters Education Fund - The Big Water Fight; Trials and Triumphs in Citizen Action on Problems of Supply, Pollution, Floods, and Planning Across the U.S. A.
005122: Funder, Friedrich - From Empire to Republic; an Austrian Editor Reviews Momentous Years
034354: Fung, Lance, Ed - The Now Show
050969: Fung, Yu-lan - A History of Chinese Philosophy
045386: Funke, Sarah - Virginia Woolf & Bloomsbury; Inscried First Editions and Artwork, Ex Libris Robert Reedman
052012: Furbank, P. N. - Italo Svevo; the Man and the Writer
047753: Furber, Holden - Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade in the 18th Century
042291: Furet, François - Jules Ferry, Fondateur de la République
029285: Furet, François - L'Atelier de L'Histoire
009607: Furman, Necah Stewart - Walter Prescott Webb; His Life and Impact
048036: Furtado, Celso - The Economic Growth of Brazil; a Survey from Colonial to Modern Times
047980: Fusco, Coco - English Is Broken Here; Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas
027524: Fuseli, Johann Heinrich - Titania and Bottom with the Head of an Ass
036040: Fussell, Betty - The Story of Corn
034898: Fussell, G. E. - The Classical Tradition in West European Farming
028266: Fussell, Paul - Doing Battle; the Making of a Skeptic
028155: Fussell, Paul - Doing Battle; the Making of a Skeptic
016993: Fussell, Paul - Abroad; British Literary Traveling between the Wars
015710: Fussell, Paul - Wartime; Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War
010157: Fussell, Paul - Abroad; British Literary Traveling between the Wars
009610: Fussell, Paul - The Anti-Egotist: Kingsley Amis, Man of Letters
006902: Fussell, Edwin S. - Edwin Arlington Robinson; the Literary Background of a Traditional Poet
449: Fussner, F. Smith - Tudor History and the Historians
020026: Fuszek, Rita M. - Piano Music in Collections; an Index
029019: Fux, Herbert - 4000 Jahre Ostasiatische Kunst
031755: Fyfe, W. Hamilton - Aristotle's Art of Poetry; a Greek View of Poetry and Drama, with an Introduction and Explanations
022881: Fyfe, Theodore - Hellenistic Architecture; an Introductory Study
011165: Fyfe, Hamilton - Northcliffe; an Intimate Biography
024218: Fyzee, Asaf A. A. - Conférence Sur L'Islam
048846: Armistead, Samuel G. and Joseph H. Silverman - Tres Calas En El Romancero Sefardi (Rodas, Jerusalén Estados Unidos)
048844: Armistead, Samauel G. And Joseph H. Silverman, Eds - Judeo-Spanish Ballads from New York Collected by Mair José Benardete
047842: Pickerell, Albert G. and May Dornin - The University of California; a Pictorial History
047148: Stanwood, P. G. And Heather Ross Asals, Eds - John Donne and the Theology of Language
049995: Foote, Peter G. and David M. Wilson - The Viking Achievement; a Survey of the Society and Culture of Early Medieval Scandinavia
046503: Verbeke, G. and J. Ijsewijn, Eds - The Late Middle Ages and the Dawn of Humanism Outside Italy; Proceedings of the International Conference, Louvain, May 11-13, 1910
053842: Nichols, Stephen G. and Siegfried Wenzel, eds - The Whole Book; Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval Miscellany
045169: Andrewartha, H. G. and L. C. Birch - The Distribution and Abundance of Animals
043383: Newhall, Christopher G. and Daniel Dzurisin - Historical Unrest at Large Calderas of the World
042895: Hassall, A. G. and W. O. Hassall - Treasures from the Bodleian Library
039800: Cooney, Donald G and Ralph Emerson - Thermophilic Fungi; an Account of Their Biology, Activities, and Classification
039472: Davies, R. G. and J. H. Denton, Eds - The English Parliament in the Middle Ages; a Tribute to J.S. Roskell
038454: Beidler, Peter G. and Marion F. Egge - The American Indian in Short Fiction; an Annotated Bibliography
037368: Vaughan, J. G. and C. A. Geissler - The New Oxford Book of Food Plants
034966: Andrewartha, H. G. and L. C. Birch - The Distribution and Abundance of Animals
032967: Bowen, William G. and Derek Bok - The Shape of the River; Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions
029695: Richardson, H. G. and G. O. Sayles - The Governance of Mediaeval England from the Conquest to Magna Carta
029645: Macy, Icie G. and Harold H. Williams - Hidden Hunger
028496: Colman, Joseph G. and Barbara A. Wheeler, Eds - Human Uses of the University; Planning a Curriculum in Urban and Ethnic Affairs at Columbia University
027679: Carmichael, Ann G. and Richard M. Ratzan, Eds - Medicine; a Treasury of Art and Literature
026846: Rice, David G. and John E. Stambaugh - Sources for the Study of Greek Religion
026145: Holland C. G. - An Archeological Survey of Southwest Virginia
026085: Natter, Tobias G. and Gerbert Frodl, Eds - Klimt Und Die Frauen
025830: Rumbaut, Rubén G. and Alejandro Portes, Eds - Ethnicities; Childrlen of Immigrants in America
024874: Bratcher, Robert G. and Eugene A. Nida - A Translator's Handbook on the Gospel of Mark
023730: Davis, Lenwood G. and Geoge Hill - A Bibliographical Guide to Black Studies Programs in the United States; an Annotated Bibliography
023463: Walsh, Richard G. and Bert M. Evans - Economics of Change in Market Structure, Conduct, and Performance: The Baking Industry 1947-1958
022484: Busacker, Robert G. and Thomas L. Saaty - Finite Graphs and Networks: An Intiroduction with Applications
021040: French, Warren G. and Walter E. Kidd, Eds - American Winners of the Nobel Literary Prize
015121: Cassel, David G. And David L. Kreinick, Eds - Proceedings of the 1983 International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, August 4-9, 1983, Floyd R. Newman Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
425: Rowe, J. G. and W. H. Stockdale, Eds - Florilegium Historiale; Essays Presented to Wallace K. Ferguson
009195: Theoharis, Athan G. And John Stuart Cox - The Boss; J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition
008245: Collins, R. G. And John Wortley, Eds - On the Rise of the Vernacular Literatures in the Middle Ages
007632: M'Clun G, John A. - Sketches of Western Adventure Containing an Account of the Most Interesting Incidents Connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755- to 1794
007377: Chappell, Richard G. And Gerald E. Chappell - Corpsmen; Letters from Korea
003898: Lewis, George G. And John Mewha - History of Prisoner of War Utilization by the United States Army 1776-1945
003767: Gaal, Karoly - Zum Bäuerlichen Gerätebestand IM 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert; Forschungsergebnisse Zur Vergleichenden Sachvolkskunde Und Volkskundlichen Museologie
025536: Gablentz, Otto Heinrich von Der - Die Politischen Theorien Seit Der Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung
046424: Gabler, James M. - Passions; the Wines and Travels of Thomas Jefferson
040795: Gabler, Hans-Jürgen - Geschmack Und Gesellschaft; Rhetorische Und Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte Der Frühaufklärerischen Geschmackskategorie
027870: Gabler, James M. - Passions; the Wines and Travels of Thomas Jefferson
043953: Gabriel, Astrik L. - Student Life in Ave Maria College, Mediaeval Paris; History and Chartulary of the College
041651: Hanotaux, Gabriel and Alfred Martineau - Histoire Des Colonies Françaises Et de L'Expansion de la France Dans le Monde
052410: Gabriel, Leo - Existenzphilosophi Von Kierkegaard Bis Sartre
024002: Basilico, Gabriele and Stafano Boeri - Italy--Cross Sections of a Country; a Project
051980: Gabrieli, Francesco - Arab Historians of the Crusades; Selected and Translated from the Arabic Sources
040876: Gadamer, Hans-Georg - Philosophical Apprenticeships
024219: Gadamer, Hans-Georg - Philosophical Hermeneutics
035633: Gadd, David - The Loving Friends; a Portrait of Bloomsbury
042409: Gadda, Carlo Emilio - Azoto E Altri Scritti Di Divulgazione Scientifica
030581: Gaddy, Kenneth, Ed - Twelve and Counting; the National Championships of Alabama Football
053532: Gadille, Jacques - Le Diocèse de Lyon
038442: Gadney, Reg - John Constable R.A. 1776-1837
033991: Gadoffre, Gilbert - Ronsard Par Lui-Même
003768: Gaebert, Hans W. - Der GroßE Augenblick in Der Physik
048101: Gaeng, Paul A. - A Study of Nominal Inflection in Latin Inscriptions; a Morpho-Syntactic Analysis
048102: Gaeng, Paul A. - An Inquiry Into Local Variations in Vulgar Latin As Reflected in the Vocalism of Christian Inscriptions
053480: Gaffurius, Franchinus - The Practica Musicae of Franchinus Gafurius
042246: Gagarin, Valentin - Moi Brat Iurii; Povest'
035358: Gage, John - Color and Culture; Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction
051530: Gaiffier, Baudouin De - Recueil D'Hagiographie
013516: Levin, Gail and Marianne Lorenz - Theme & Improvisation: Kandinsky & the American Avant-Garde, 1912-1950
012761: Gailey, Harry A. - Sir Donald Cameron, Colonial Governor
009367: Gailey, Harry - The Liberation of Guam, 21 July-10 August 1944
040771: Gaillard, Georges - L'Art Roman En France: Ile-de-France, Champagne, Nord, Est
013272: Gaillard, George, et al., Eds - Rouergue Roman
032141: Gaines, Steven - The Sky's the Limit; Passion and Property in Manhattan
010542: Gainham, Sarah - The Habsburg Twilight; Tales from Vienna
043200: Gajard, Joseph - Le Manuscrit Du Mont-Renaud; Xe Siècle Graduel Et Antiphonaire de Noyon
014779: Gakou, Mohamed Lamine - The Crisis in African Agriculture
048680: Gal, Hans - Johannes Brahms; His Work and Personality
048565: Galassi, Giuseppe - La Scultura Fiorentina Del Quattrocento
022657: Fischer-Galati, Stephen - The New Rumania; from People's Democracy to Socialist Republic
005097: Fischer-Galati, Stephen, Ed - The Communist Parties of Eastern Europe
020193: Galavaris, George - The Illustrations of the Liturgical Homilies of Gregory Nazianzenus
452: Galavaris, George - Icons from the Elvehjem Art Center
044197: Galbraith, V. H. - Domesday Book; Its Place in Administrative History
052417: Galderisi, Claudio - Le Lexique de Charles D'Orléans Dans le "Rondeaux
042077: Pérez Galdós, Benito - Lo Prohibido
042497: Gale, Robert L. - Plots and Characters in the Fiction of Henry James
026736: Gale, David - The Theory of Linear Economic Models
020518: Warner, Gale and Michael Shuman - Citizen Diplomats; Pathfinders in Soviet-American Relations and How You Can Join Them
008450: Gale, John - The Missouri Expedition 1818-1820; the Journal of Surgeon John Gale with Related Documents
015288: Galeano, Eduardo - Walking Words
042831: Gosudarstvennaia Tret'iakovskaia Galereia - Gosudarstvennaia Tret'Iakovskaia Galereia
020244: Gosudarstvennaia Tretiakovskaia Galereia - Drevnerusskaia Zhivopis' V Sobranii Gosudarstvennoi Tretiakovskoi Galerei
050657: Galilei, Galileo - The Starry Messenger, Venice 1610
051820: Galilei,Galileo - A Letter from Galileo
049223: Galilei, Galileo - Operations of the Geometric and Military Compass 1606
051819: Galilei, Galileo - Operations of the Geomatric and Military Compass 1606
031883: Galinsky, G. Karl, Ed - Perspectives of Roman Poetry; a Classics Symposium
044786: Gallagher, J. A. - William Bradford Printer to the King, Containing a Number of Views of the City of New York at the Time of Will Bradford and Several Examples of His Typographical Efforts
039107: Gallagher, Tim - Parts Unknown; a Naturalist's Journey in Search of Birds and Wild Places
031050: Gallagher, Lowell - Medusa's Gaze; Casuistry and Conscience in the Renaissance
007529: Gallagher, Gary W., Ed - The Third Day at Gettysburg & Beyond
006279: Gallagher, Kenneth T. - The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel
046197: Gallais, Pierre - L'Imaginaire D'Un Romancier Français de la Fin Du Xiie Siècle. Description Raisonnée, Comparée Et Commentée de la Continuation-Gauvain (Première Suite Du Conte Du Graal de Chrétien de Troyes
008830: Gallais, Pierre - Dialectique Du Récit Mediéval (Chrétien de Troyes Et L'Hexagone Logique)
050646: Gallais, Pierre - Genèse Du Roman Occidental; Essais Sur Tristan Et Iseut Et Son Modèle Persan
026803: Galland, China - Longing for Darkness; Tara and the Black Madonna. A Ten-Year Journey
026421: Gallenkamp, Charles - Maya; the Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization
020794: San Benigno Galleria - San Benigno Galleria... Presents Artists from Liguria, Italy
044746: Pacific Book Auction Galleries - The Library of Dr. Roger K. Larson
046685: Fraenkel Gallery - Furthermore
038878: National Portrait Gallery - People in Camera 1839-1914
036761: Bolton Art Gallery - Kate Greenaway 1846-1901; an Exhibition of Prints, Engravings, Watercolours and Drawings
033000: Mills College Art Gallery - Trefoil; Guls, Stars & Gardens; an Exhibition of Early Oriental Carpets
020714: Marisa Del Re Gallery - Arman's Orchestra
008529: Albright Art Gallery - Catalogue of the Paintings and Sculpture in the Permanent Collection
043131: Galli, Giorgio - Storia Del Partito Comunista Italiano
043130: Galli, Giorgio - Storia Della Democrazia Cristiana
041851: Galli, Giorgio - IL Difficile Governo; Un'Analisi Del Sistema Partitico Italiano
041850: Galli, Giorgio - IL Bipartitismo Imperfetto; Comunisti E Democristiani in Italia
040204: Galli, Giorgio - Dal Bipartitismo Imperfetto Alla Possibile Alternativa
003316: Galli, Dario - IL Pensiero Greco
027810: Gallian, Otto - Opfergang Bei Luck; Vom Heldenkampf Der Deutschen ôsterreicher IM Völkerheer Der Morschen Donaumonarchie
051588: Olphe-Galliard, Michel - La Théologie Mystique En France Au Xviiie Siècle: Le Père de Caussade
051986: Eusebius 'Gallicanus' - Eusebius 'Gallicanus'. Collectio Homiliarum
053436: Gallico, Claudio - Un Libro Di Poesie Per Musica Dell'Epoca D'Isabella D'Este
004986: Gallin, Bernard - Hsin Hsing, Taiwan; a Chinese Village in Change
043463: Gallino, Cayetano - Exposicion Cayetano Gallino 1804-1884. Catálogo
009495: Gallis, Arne - Beiträge Zur Syntax Der Richtungsverba in Den Slavischen Sprachen, Besonders IM Serbokroatischen
037419: Gallo, Max - The Poster in History
032908: Gallo, Fred P. - Energy Psychology; Explorations at the Interface of Energy, Cognition, Behavior, and Health
002517: Gallo, Italo - Teatro Elenisitico Minore
037123: Gallob, Edward - City Rocks, City Blocks and the Moon
045871: Gallop, Jane - The Daughter's Seduction; Feminism and Psychoanalysis
042081: Gallop, Jane - Thinking Through the Body
021109: Gallup, Donald - On Contemporary Bibliography with Particular Reference to Ezra Pound
013692: Gallwitz, Klaus - Picasso at 90; the Late Work
051958: Gally, Michèle - L'Intelligence de L'Amour D'Ovide à Dante; Arts D'Aimer Et Poésie Au Moyen Age
051714: Galot, Jean - La Rédemption; Mystère D'Alliance
034753: Galsworthy, John - Flowering Wilderness
051206: Galtier, Paul - Aux Origines Du Sacrement de Pénitence
053833: Galvez, Maris - Songbook. How Lyrics Became Poetry in Medieval Europe
018421: Galvin, John, Ed - The First Spanish Entry Into San Francisco Bay 1775
053281: Gamaboni, Dario - The Destruction of Art; Iconoclasm and Vandalism Since the French Revolution
013651: Gamba, Carlo - Michel-Ange Et Son école
027010: Gambetta, Léon - Dépêches, Circulaires, Décrets, Proclamations Et Discours de Léon Gambetta... (4 September 1870-6 Février 1871)
019200: Gambetta, Léon Michel - Lettres de Gambetta 1868-1882
015732: Gamble, Clive - Timewalkers; the Prehistory of Global Colonization
012965: Gamble, Sidney D. - Ting Hsien; a North China Rural Community
030434: Gammond, Peter - The Oxford Companion to Popular Music
018556: Gammond, Peter - The Magic Flute; a Guide to the Opera
018557: Gammond, Peter - Offenbach; His Life and Times
018555: Gammond, Peter - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Recorded Opera
051127: Gams, Pius Bonifacius - Series Episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae
013562: Gandhi, Mahatma - Jung Indien
013561: Gandhi, Mahatma - Ein Wegweiser Zur Gesundheit
026111: Ganiushkina, T., Et al. - Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography; Muzei Antropologii I Etnografii
053256: Ganshof, F. L. - Recherches Sur Les Capitulaires
035204: Ganshof, F. L. - Qu'Est-Ce Que la Féodalité
053094: Ganshof, François Louis - Frankish Institutions Under Charlemagne
005928: Gantz, Jacob - Such Are the Trials; the CIVIL War Diaries of Jacob Gantz
053346: Ganz, David - Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance
030433: Gänzl, Kurt - The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theater on Record
051885: Garafola, Lynn - Diaghilev's Ballets Russes
017013: Garafola, Lynn - Diaghilev's Ballets Russes
048352: Garagorri, Paulino - Introduccion a Americo Castro;, Ell Estilo Vital Hispanico
017834: Garanger, José - La Préhistoire Océanienne
023141: Garasanin, Milutin - Praistorija Na Tlu Sr Serbia
035216: Garavini, Daniela - Pigs and Pork; 90 Recipes from Italy's Most Celebrated Chefs
020542: Garbarino, Merwyn S. - Native American Heritage
051255: Garbini, Giovanni - Le Lingue Semitiche; Studi Di Storia Linguistica
047714: Garcia, Mario T. - Luis Leal; an Auto/Biography
047605: Perez Garcia, Manuel - Armas, Limpieza de Sangre Y Linaje. Reproduccion Social de Familias Poderosas de Murcia (Siglos XVI-XIX)
011122: Garcia, L. Pericot - The Balearic Islands
004235: Carro Garcia, Xesus - A Pelengrinaxe Ao Xacobe de Galicia
015559: Martin Du Gard, Roger - Recollections of Andre Gide
038575: Gärdenfors, Peter, et al., Eds - In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science; Volume One-[Two] of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Cracow, August 1999
037968: Gardenier, Andrew A., Ed - The Successful Stockman and Manual of Husbandry
006281: Gardies, Jean-Louis - Rational Grammar
047392: Gardiner, Eileen, Ed - Visions of Heaven and Hell Before Dante
046732: Gardiner, Alan - Egypt of the Pharaohs; an Introduction
050724: Gardiner, John Eliot - Bach; Music in the Castle of Heaven
041508: Gardiner, Harold - Some Modern Ideas of the Nature of the Univerise Compared with Swedenborg's Philosophical Conceptions
041065: Gardiner, Helen - The Business of Criticism
031297: Gardiner, Harold C., Ed - Fifty Years of the American Novel; a Christian Appraisal
021722: Gardiner, Duncan B. - Intonation and Music; the Semantics of Czech Prosody
045572: Gardner, John - The Poetry of Chaucer
044555: Gardner, Augustus K. - The Conjugal Relationships As Regards Personal Health & Hereditary Well-Being Practicall Treated
042595: Gardner, Jeanne LeMonnier - Sky Pioneers; the Story of Wilbur and Orville Wright
037964: Gardner, Albert Ten Eyck - Winslow Homer, American Artist; His World and His Work
035179: Gardner, John - The Construction of Christian Poetry in Old English
033768: Gardner, Helen, Ed - The New Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1950
032881: Gardner, Richard A. - Storytelling in Psychotherapy with Children
029324: Gardner, Laurence - Bloodline of the Holy Grail; the Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed
028497: Gardner, W. J., Et al. - A History of the University of Canterbury, 1873-1973
028025: Gardner, Edmund G. - The King of Court Poets; a Study of the Work, Life and Times of Lodovico Ariosto
028021: Gardner, Edmund G. - The King of Court Poets; a Study of the Work, Life and Times of Lodovico Ariosto
024687: Gardner, Percy - A Historic View of the New Testament
009128: Gardner, David P. - The California Oath Controversy
006703: Gardner, David P. - The California Oath Controversy
050418: Gardner, Arthur - English Medieval Sculpture
004765: Gardner, Lloyd C. - Economics Aspects of New Deal Diplomacy
020151: Csapondiné Gardonyi, Klara - Humanista Kodexek Nyomaban
002356: Rees, Gareth and Teresa L. Rees - Poverty and Social Inequality in Wales
048837: Garey, Howard B. - The Historical Development of Tenses from Late Latin to Old French
041142: Garfield, Simon - Just My Type; a Book About Fonts
020960: Garfield, Simon - Mauve; How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World
011166: Garfield, Leon - The House of Hanover; England in the 18th Century
039349: Garfinkel, Irwin, Ed - Income-Tested Transfer Programs; the Case for and Against
006282: Garforth, F. W. - The Scope of Philosophy; an Introductory Study Book
034361: Garg, J. B., Ed - Statistical Properties of Nuclei. Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Properties of Nuclei, Held at Albany, New York, August 23-27, 1971
053062: Gargano, Guido-Innocenzo - La Theoria Di Gregorio Di Nissa Sul Cantico Dei Cantici; Indagine Su Alcune Indicazioni Di Metodo Esegetico
043802: Gariano, Carmelo - Analisis Estilistico de Los "Milagros de Nuestra Señora" de Berceo
053555: Garipzanov, Ildar H., Et al., Eds - Franks, Northmen, and Slavs; Identities and State Formation in Early Medieval Europe
048139: Garis, Robert - Following Balanchine
051879: Garis, Robert - Following Balanchine
009262: Garland, Hamlin - Crumbling Idols; Twelve Essays on Art Dealing Cheifly with Literature, Painting and the Drama
006693: Garland, Hamlin - Hamlin Garland's Diaries
005566: Garland, Hamlin - Crumbling Idols; Twelve Essays on Art Dealing Chiefly with Literature, Painting and the Drama
007331: Garnel, Donald - The Rise of Teamster Power in the West
004568: Garner, William Robert - Letters from California, 1846-1847
044766: Garnett, David - Great Friends; Portraits of Seventeen Writers
049399: Garnett, Richard, et al. - The Universal Anthology; a Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes
043216: Garnsey, Peter - Food and Society in Classical Antiquity
041013: Garosi, Alcide - Siena Nella Storia Della Medicina (1240-1555)
053099: Garr, W. Randall - Dialect Geography of Syria-Palestine, 1000-586 B.C. E.
049673: Cherry-Garrard, Apsley - The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic 1910-13
036902: Garratt, Colin - Scarecrows
011167: Garratt, G. T. - The Two Mr. Gladstones
006053: Garratt, G. T. - The Two Gladstones
049433: Garratt, John G. - Model Soldiers; an Illustrated History
012142: Garrett, Richard - The Raiders; the Elite Strike Forces That Altered the Course of War and History
012141: Garrett, Richard - Clash of Arms; the World's Great Land Battles
050994: Garrone, Gabriel Marie - La Religieuse Signe de Dieu Dans le Monde
051484: Garside, Charles, Jr. - Zwingli and the Arts
022837: Garten, Jeffrey E. - The Big Ten; the Big Emerging Markets and How They Will Change Our Lives
045467: Wernher der Gartenaere - Meier Helmbrecht; a Poem
047111: Gartner, Theodor - Handbuch Der Rätoromanischen Sprache Und Literatur
047701: Garver, Thomas H. - New Photography: San Francisco and the Bay Area
044388: Garvey, M. Calixta, Sister - The Syntax of the Declinable Words in the Roman de la Rose
038861: Garvey, Stan - King & Queen of the River; the Legendary Paddle-Wheel Steamboats Delta King and Delta Queen
000010: Garvy, George - Deposit Velocity and Its Significance
042728: Shaw, David Gary and Philip Pomper, Eds - The Return of Science: Evolutionary Ideas and History
042103: Gary, Romain - Adieu Gary Cooper
015200: Tinterow, Gary and Henri Loyrette - Origins of Impressionism
052027: Gascar, Pierre - Charles VI; le Bal Des Ardents
033097: Gasché, Rodolphe - The Tain of the Mirror; Derrida and the Philosophy of Reflection
043040: Gaskell, Philip - A Bibliography of the Foulis Press
043158: Catti de Gasperi, Maria Romana - De Gasperi, Uomo Solo
017857: Gasser, Adolf - Von Den Grundlagen Des Staates
032019: Gately, Iain - Tobacco; the Story of How Tobacco Seduced the World
050265: Gatenio, Raphael, Ed - Judeo Espaniol; a Jewish Language in Search of Its People
037177: Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. - Colored People; a Memoir
026772: Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. - Wonders of the African World
012144: Gatewood, Willard B., Jr. - Smoked Yankees" and the Struggle for Empire; Letters from Negro Soldiers, 1898-1902
052519: Gathercole, Patricia May - Laurent de Premierfait's Des Cas Des Nobles Hommes Et Femmes, Book I.
023530: Gati, Charles - The Bloc That Failed; Soviet-East European Relations in Transition
030435: Gattey, Charles Neilson - Luisa Tetrazzini, the Florentine Nightingale
053244: Gatto, Ludovico - Storia Di Roma Nel Medioevo; Politica, Religione, Società, Culture, Economia E Urbanistica Della Città Eterna Tra L'Avvento Di Costantino E IL Saccheggio Di Carlo V.
052971: Gatz, Erwin - Roma Christiana; Ein Kunst- Und Kulturgeschichtlicher Führer über Den Vatikan Und Die Stadt Rom
005483: Gatzke, Hans W. - Germany's Drive to the West (Drang Nach Westen); a Study of Germany's Western War Aims During the First World War
024685: Gaukroger, Stephen - Explanatory Structures; a Study of Concepts of Explanation in Early Physics and Philosophy
045309: Hunter-Gault, Charlayne - In My Place
027666: Gaunt, William - The Impressionists
039527: Gausseron, Jacques - Hiroshima Ou la Pensée Désintégrée
044654: Gaustad, Edwin Scott - Dissent in American Religion
032264: Gaustad, Edwin S., Ed - Memoirs of the Spirit
018559: Gauthier, André - Manuel de Falla: L'Homme Et Son Oeuvre
462: Gauthier, Marie-Madeleine S. - Emaux Limousins Champlevés Des Xiie, Xiiie & Xive Siècles. Pré Face de Pier Re Verlet
044333: Gautier, Léon - Histoire de la Poésie Liturgique Au Moyen Age: Les Tropes I.
004262: Gautier, Léon - Bibliographie Des Chansons de Geste (Complément Des Epopées Françaises)
035776: Gautrand, Jean-Claude - Publicités Kodak, 1910-1939
029468: Gautrand, Jean-Claude - Photographers' Paris
052453: Querol Gavalda, Miguel - Cancionero Musical de la Colombina (Siglo XV)
044619: Gavigan, John Joseph - The Syntax of the Gesta Francorum
013472: Gaw, William A. - A Retrospective Exhibition of the Works of William A. Gaw: Oil Paintings, Watercolors, and Lithographs
021726: Gawronski, Andrzej - Szkice Jezykoznawcze
037509: Gay, Peter - Reading Freud; Explorations & Entertainments
036907: Gay, Ruth - The Jews of Germany; a Historical Portrait
029881: Gay, Peter - The Cultivation of Hatred
029871: Gay, Ruth - The Jews of Germany ; a Historical Portrait
029806: Gay, Peter - The Naked Heart
025667: Gay, Peter - Schnitzler's Century; the Making of Middle-Class Culture, 1815-1914
022591: Gay, Peter - Freud for Historians
016548: Block, Gay and Malka Drucker - Rescuers; Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust
015148: Gay, Claire - Eighteenth Century Painting
011782: Gay, Eveleyn Ward - The Medical Profession in Georgia, 1733-1983
008375: Gay, Peter, Ed - Eighteenth Century Studies Presented to Arthur M. Wilson
004916: Gay, John - The Beggar's Opera
019135: Lacour-Gayet, Robert - La France Au Xxe Siècle
046987: Ribéreau-Gaylon, Pascal, Ed - The Wines and Vineyards of France; a Complete Atlas and Guide
046816: Gazdar, Gerald, et al. - Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
015143: Fierens-Geaert, Paul - La Peinture Au Musée Ancien de Bruxelles
045538: Gearhart, Suzanne - The Interrupted Dialectic; Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Their Tragic Other
052956: Geary, Patrick J. - Aristocracy in Provence; the Rhône Basin at the Daw of the Carolingian Age
035733: Gebhard, David - The National Trust Guide to Art Deco in America
020217: Gebhard, David - Romanza; the California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
044506: Geck, Martin - Johann Sebastian Bach; Life and Work
021727: Geckeler, Horst - Zur Wortfelddiskussion; Untersuchungen Zur Gliederung Des Wortfeldes "Alt-Jun-Neu" IM Heutigen Französisch
010543: Gehl, Jürgen - Austsria, Germany, and the Anschluss, 1931-1938
049447: Gehl, Paul F. - A Moral Art; Grammar, Society, and Culture in Trecento Florence
048271: Geiger, Gary - Among the Cypress; the Monterey Peninsula
044877: Geiger, Rudolf - The Climate Near the Ground
038154: Geiger, Benno - I Dipinti Ghiribizzosi Di Giuseppe Arcimboldi, Pittore Illusionista Del Cinquecento (1527-1593)
017259: Geiger, Eugen - Der Meistergesng Des Hans Sachs; Literarhistorische Untersuchung
003742: Geijer, E. G. - Konung Gustaf Iiis Efterlemnade Och Femtio Ar Efter Hans Död ôppnande Paper
052770: Geikie, Archibald - The Love of Nature Among the Romans During the Later Decades of the Republic and the First Century of the Empire
048528: Geiringer, Karl - The Bach Family; Seven Generations of Creative Genius
046091: Geiringer, Karl - Brahms; His Life and Work
018560: Geiringer, Karl - Joseph Haydn; Der Schöpferische Werdegang Eines Meisters Der Klassik
010410: Geiringer, Karl - Haydn; a Creative Life in Music
045448: Geiringer, Karl - Haydn; a Creative Life in Music
018561: Geis, Darlene - The Gilbert and Sullivan Operas
467: (Konrad von Soest). Geisberg, Max - Der Dortmunder Marienaltar Des Konrad Von Soest
048327: Geiselmann, Josef Rupert - Die Heilige Schrift Und Die Tradition; Zu Den Neueren Kontroversen über Das Verhältnis Der Heiligen Schrift Zu Den Nichgeschreibenen Traditionen
048249: Geiselmann, Josef Rupert - Die Theologische Anthropologie Johann Adam Möhlers; Ihr Geschichtlicher Wandel
042072: Geiselmann, Josef Rupert - Die Lebendige ûberlieferung Als Norm Des Christlichen Glaubens. Die Apostolische Tradition in Der Form Der Kirchlichen Verkünigung--Das Formalprinzip Des Katholizismus Dargestellt IM Geiste Der Traditionslehre Von Joh. Ev. Kuhn
044887: Geismar, Alain - L'Engrenage Terroriste
023403: Geismar, Maxwell - Mark Twain, an American Prophet
030437: Gelatt, Roland - The Fabulous Phonograph 1877-1977
031757: Gelb, Ignace J. - Computer-Aided Analysis of Amorite
031212: Gelb, Norman - Ike and Monty; Generals at War
012146: Gelb, Norman - Desperate Venture; the Story of Operation Torch, the Allied Invasion of North Africa
053560: Gelb, Ignace J. - Hittie Hieroglyphic Monuments
049524: Gelb, I. J. - A Study of Writing; the Foundations of Grammatology
042654: Van Gelder, H. E. - Rembrandt de Etser
042653: Van Gelder, H. E. - Rembrandt En Zijn Portret
042652: Van Gelder, H. E. - Rembrandt, Schilder Van de Nachtwacht
042649: Van Gelder, H. E. - Rembrandt En Zijn Tijd
042646: Van Gelder, H. E. - Jozef Israels
021270: Van Gelder, H. E. - Het Haagsche Binnenhof, Een Nationaal Monument
014509: Van Gelder, J. G. - Dutch Drawings and Paintings
050780: Gelernter, David - 1919; the Lost World of the Fair
043653: Gélis, Jacques - L'Arbre Et le Fruit; la Naissance Dans L'Occident Moderne (Xvie-Xixe Siècle)
052749: Geller, Stephen A. - Parallelism in Early Biblical Poetry
007531: Gellhorn, Walter - Individual Freedom and Governmental Restraints
004353: Gellinek, Christian, Ed - Festschrift Für Konstantin Reichardt
049073: Gellinek, Christian - König Rother; Studie Zur Literarischen Deutung
002518: Gellius, Aulus - Noctes Atticae
032037: Gellman, Irwin - The Contender: Richard Nixon, the Congress Years, 1946-1952
046144: Gellner, Arrol - Red Tile Style; America's Spanish Revival Architecture
043941: Gellrich, Jesse M. - The Idea of the Book in the Middle Ages; Language Theory, Mythology, and Fiction
050976: Gellrich, Jesse M. - The Idea of the Book in the Middle Ages; Language Theory, Mythology, and Fiction
034296: Gelman, Harry - The Brezhnev Politburo and the Decline of Detente
024595: Gelman, Harry - The Brezhnev Politburo and the Decline of Detente
024175: Gelman, Harry - Russo-Japanese Relations and the Future of the U.S. -Japanese Alliance
019779: Geluwe, H. Van - Les Bali Et Les Peuplades Apparentées (Ndaka-Mbo-Beke-Lika-Budu-Nyari)
019778: Geluwe, H. Van - Les Bira Et Les Peuplades Limitrophes
046523: Gelven, Michael - A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time; a Section-by-Section Interpretation
052134: Gelzer, Matthias - ûber Die Arbeitsweise Des Polybios
053054: Gemayel, Pierre-Edmond - Avent-Messe Maronite; Historie Et Structure
012464: Genders, Roy - The Cottage Garden; and the Old-Fashioned Flowers
020688: Genet, Jean - The Selected Writings of Jean Genet
052503: Genette, Gérard - Mimologiques; Voyage En Cratylie
043049: Genevois, Emmanuelle - Les Femmes-érivains En Italie (1870-1920): Ordres Et Libertés
032103: Genin, Vlad E., Ed - The Anatomy of Russian Defense Conversion
030574: Genn, Nancy - Nancy Genn: Planes of Light
042610: Van Gennep, Arnold - Les Rites de Passage; étude Systematique Des Rites de la Porte Et Du Seuil, de L'Hospitalité, de L'Adoption, de la Grossesse Et de L'Accouchement, de la Naissance, de L'Enfance, de la Puberté, de L'Initiation, de L'Ordination, Du Couronnement,Etc
051408: Gennrich, Friedrich, Ed - Ein Altfranzösischer Motettenkodex; Faksimile-Ausgabe Der Hs la Clayette, Paris, Bibl. Nat. Nouv. Acqu. Fr. 13521
007532: Genovese, Eugene D. - The Political Economy of Slavery; Studies in the Economy & Society of the Slave South
043674: Genthon, Istvan - As új Magyar FestöMüVészet Története 1800-TóL Napjainkig
045975: Gentili, Gino Vinicio - Mosaics of Piazza Armerina; the Hunting Scenes
041303: Gentili, Bruno - Poetry and Its Public in Ancient Greece from Homer to the Fifth Century
026341: Gentili, Gino Vinicio - La Villa Imperiale Di Piazza Armerina
037217: Gentleman, David - A Special Relationship
036862: Gentleman, David - Design in Miniature
027674: Gentleman, David - David Gentleman's London
012946: Gentry, Francis G. - Triuwe and Vriunt in the Nibelungenlied
052523: Geoffrey, of Vitry - The Commentary of Geoffrey of Vitry on Claudian "de Raptu Proserpinae
026581: Hayes, Geoffrey and Mark Sedra, Eds - Afghanistan; Transition Under Threat
011635: Trease Geoffrey - Portrait of a Cavalier; William Cavendish, First Duke of Newcastle
008089: Atkinson, Geoffroy and Abraham C. Keller - Prelude to the Englithenment; French Literature, 1690-1740
032130: Jellicoe, Georffrey and Susan Jellicoe - The Landscape of Man; Shaping the Environment from Prehistory to the Present Day
042241: Baiter, Johannes Georg and Hermann Saupp - Oratores Attici
032194: Hazai, Georg and Peter Zieme, Eds - Sprache, Geschichte Und Kultur Der Altaischen Völker
004355: Reimann, Georg and Horst Büttner - Mittelalterliche Buchmalerei in Sammlungen Volksdemokratischer Laender
047645: George, Stefan - Tage Und Taten; Aufzeichnungen Und Skizzen
042857: George, Eric - The Life and Death of Benjamin Robert Haydon 1786-1846
041755: George, David E. R. - Deutsche Tragödientheorien Vom Mittelalter Bis Zu Lessing; Texte Und Kommentare
041039: George, Stefan - Briefwechsel Zwischen George Und Hofmannsthal
039756: George, David E. R. - Henrik Ibsen in Deutschland; Rezeption Und Revision
039117: Masnick, George and Mary Jo Bane - The Nation's Families: 1960-1990
037303: Poinar, George and Roberta Poinar - The Quest for Life in Amber
036572: George, Daniel - Lonely Pleasures
036439: George, Henry - The Land Question. What It Involves, and How Alone It Can Be Settled
026140: Bernier, George and Rosamond Bernier, Eds - Modern Art Yesterday and Tomorrow
023766: Branch, George and Margo Branch - The Living Shores of Southern Africa
018562: George, Don - Sweet Man; the Real Duke Ellington
015072: George, Nelson - The Death of Rhythm & Blues
008146: George, Abraham - Lakshadweep; Economy and Society
006742: George, Carol V. R., Ed - Remember the Ladies"; New Perspectives on Women in American History; Essays in Honor of Nelson Manfred Blake
005536: George, Margaret - One Woman's "Situation"; a Study of Mary Wollstonecraft
004947: George, Alexander L. - The Chinese Communist Army in Action; the Korean War and Its Aftermath
049746: Grassmuck, George and Ludwig W. Adamec, Eds - Afghanistan; Some New Approaches
050843: Stambolian, George and Elaine Marks, Eds - Homosexualities and French Literature. Cultural Contexts/Critical Texts
037293: Brennan, Georgeanne and Ethel Brennan - The Children's Kitchen Garden; a Book of Gardening, Cooking, and Learning
045854: Gougenheim, Georges and Pierre-Maxime Schuhl - Trois Essais de Montaigne (I. 39--II. 1--III. 2) Expliqués
038125: Balandier, Georges and Jacques Maquet - Dictionary of Black African Civilization
026622: Perrot, Georges and Charles Chipiez - History of Art in Primitive Greece; Mycenian Art
051674: Georges, Karl Ernst - Lexikon Der Latinischen Wortformen
468: Georges, Emanuel S. - Studies in Romance Nouns Extracted from Past Participles. Revised by Jerry R. Craddock and Yakov Malkiel. Berkeley, Etc.
038882: Georgianna, Linda - The Solitary Self; Individuality in the Ancrene Wisse
042964: Georgiev, Emil - Naiden Gerov; Kniga Za Nego I Negovoto Vreme
041045: Georgiev, Vladimir Ivanov - Der Träger Der Kretisch-Mykenischen Kultur; Ihre Herkunft Und Ihre Sprache
021027: Pini, Georgio and Federico Bresadola - Storia Del Fascismo; Guerra, Rivoluzione, Regime
035266: Gephart, Ronald M. - Revolutionary America 1763-1789; a Bibliography
045378: Holton, Gerald and William A. Blanpied, Eds - Science and Its Public: The Changing Relationship
043778: Markowitz, Gerald and David Rosner - Deceit and Denial; the Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution
040569: Gillespie, Gerald and Edgar Lohner, Eds - Herkommen Und Erneuerung; Essays Für Oskar Seidlin
050088: Van Berkel, Gerald and Kees Samplonius - Nederlandse Plaatsnamen; de Herkomst En Betekenis Van Onze Plaatsnamen
018545: Fitz-Gerald, S. J. Adair - The Story of the Savoy Opera in Gilbert and Sullivan Days
036422: Gerard, James W. - My Four Years in Germany
024376: Radnitzky, Gerard and W. W. Bartley, III - Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge
005110: Gerardin, Damien - Trade and the Environment; a Comparative Study of Ec and Us Law
012147: Geraud, André - Les Fossoyeurs; Defaite Militaire de la France, Armistice, Contre-Verolution
039143: Gerber, Douglas E. - A Bibliography of Pindar 1513-1966
033475: Gerber, Richard - James Shirley, Dramatiker Der Dekadenz
030535: Gerber, Peter R. - Indians of the Northwest Coast
026200: Gerber, Peter R. - Indianer Der Nordwestküste
053570: Heydemann, Gerda and Helmut Reimitz, Eds - Post-Roman Multiplicty and New Political Identities
017894: Gerdau, Hans - Die Französische Präposition "En" (Lautlehre; Geschichte IM Zusammenhang Mit Der Von Enz, Enz En, Dedenz, Denz; Bedeutungslehre)
037984: Gerdts, William H. - American Neo-Classic Sculpture; the Marble Resurrection
026093: Gerdts, William H. - Impressionist New York
018044: Gerengel, Simon - Das Johannesspiel. Die Schön Euangelisch History Von Der Enthauptung Des Heilgen Johannis Des Tauffers
042546: Justenhoven, Heinz-Gerhard and Rolf Schumacher, Eds - Gerechter Friede"--Weltgemeinschaft in Der Verantwortung; Zur Debatte Um Die Friedensschrift Der Deutschen Bischöfe
040623: Preyer, Gerhard and Michael Roth - Bedeutung Und Gebrauch; Zu Einer Theorie Des Sprachverstehens
030438: Gerhard, Anselm - The Urbanization of Opera; Music Theater in Paris in the Ninettenth Century
021183: Müller-Schwefe, Gerhard and Konrad Tuzinski, Eds - Literatur, Kultur, Gesellschaft in England Und Amerika; Aspekte Und Forschungsbeiträge, Friedrich Schuberl Zum 60. Geburtstag
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