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008119: Brook, G. L. - The Harley Lyrics; the Middle English Lyrics of Ms Harley 2253
047433: Brooke, Chrisophter - From Alfred to Henry III 871-1272
042503: Brooke, Stofford A. - The Development of Theology As Illustrated in English Poetry from 1780 to 1830
042054: Brooke, Z. N. - The English Church & the Papacy from Conquest to the Reign of John
034113: Brooke, Samuel - Melanthe, a Latin Pastoral Play of the Early Seventeenth Century
033143: Tucker Brooke, C. F., Ed - The Shakespeare Apocrypha Being a Collection of Fourteen Plays Which Have Been Ascribed to Shakespeare
032483: Brooke, Rupert - John Webster & the Elizabethan Drama
025456: Brooke, Tucker - Shakespeare of Stratford; a Handbook for Students
050691: Brooke, Christopher - The Twelfth Century Renaissance
012426: Brooke, Geoffrey - Horse-Sense and Horsemanship of to-Day; Economy and Method in Training Hunters and Polo Ponies
011801: Hindle, Brooke and Steven Lubar - Engines of Change; the American Industrial Revolution, 1790-1860
050952: Brooke, Christopher - The Saxon and Norman Kings
052654: Brooke, Rosalind B., Ed - Scripta Leonis, Rufini Et Angeli Sociorum S. Francisci. The Writings of Leo, Rufino and Angelo, Companions of St. Francis
050401: Brooke, John Hedley - Science and Religion; Some Historical Perspectives
048956: Brookes, Stella Brewer - Joel Chandler Harris, Folklorist
022443: Brookhiser, Richard - Founding Father; Rediscovering George Washington
019892: Brookhiser, Richard - America's First Dynast; the Adamses 1735-1918
046569: Brooks, David - The Social Animal; the Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement
052011: Brooks,George E., Jr. - Yankee Traders, Old Coasters & African Middlemen; a History of American Legitimate Trade with West Africa in the Nineteenth Century
042818: Brooks, Peter - The Novel of Worldliness: Crébillon, Marivaux, Laclos, Stendhal
037238: Brooks, Juanita - The Mountain Meadows Massacre
036803: Brooks, Victoria, Ed - Literary Trips; Following in the Footsteps of Fame
034508: Brooks, Alfred Mansfield - Architecture
025619: Brooks, Charles R. - The Hare Krishnas in India
021055: Brooks, Cleanth - Modern Poetry and the Tradition
015052: Brooks, Charles R. - The Hare Krishnas in India
050737: Brooks, Nicholas, Ed - Latin and the Vernacular Languages in Early Medieval Britain
043409: Broos, Ben - Intimacies & Intrigues; History Painting in the Mauritshuis
033150: Broos, Ben - Great Dutch Paintings from the America
039819: Brophy, John - The Human Face
038032: Brophy, Brigid - Mozart the Dramatist; the Value of His Operas to Him, to His Age and to Us
036427: Brophy, Brigid - The Prince and the Wild Geese
051787: Brophy, Michael - Michael Faraday
016603: Brophy, Frank Cullen - Arizona Sketch Book; Fifty Historical Sketches
005232: Brophy, William A., Et al. - The Indian; America's Unfinished Business
043357: Brorström, Sverker - The Increasing Frequency of the Preposition About During the Modern English Period with Special Reference to the Verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak
042488: Maggs Bros - Slavery; the History of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition
030669: Brossard, Nicole - Mobility of Light; the Poetry of Nicole Brossard
050957: Brossard, Sebastien De - Dictionaire de Musique, Contenant Une Explication Des Termes Grecs, Latins, Italiens, & François Les Plus Usitez Dans la Musique
017769: Bröste, Kurt - Prehistoric Man in Denmark; a Study in Physical Anthropology
035519: Maggs Brothers - Women in Literature; a Catalogue of Books by or About Women
035100: Maggs Brothers - Slavery; the History of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition
051023: Brotton, Jerry - A History of the World in Twelve Maps
005078: Brotz, Howard - The Politics of South Africa; Democracy and Racial Diversity
046240: Broughton, T. R. S. - The Romanization of Africa Proconsularis
036279: Brouillette, Benoit - La Chasse Des Animaux à Fourrure Au Canada
047791: Cassagnes-Brouquet, Sophie - La Passion Du Livre Au Moyen Age
051357: Broutin, Paul - La Réforme Pastoral En France Au Xviie Siècle; Recherches Sur la Tradition Pastoral Après le Concile de Trente
051090: Brower, David - For Earth's Sake; the Life and Times of David Brower
020053: Brower, Kenneth - The Winemaker's Marsh; Four Seasons in a Restored Wetland
004030: Brower, David - For Earth's Sake; the Life and Times of David Brower
048727: Brown, George Hardin - Bede the Educator
048179: Brown, Peter - The Body and Society; Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity
047881: Brown, Helen - West Coast Cook Book
047017: Brown, Judith C. - In the Shadow of Florence; Provincial Society in Renaissance Pescia
046963: Brown, Peter - Authority and the Sacred; Aspects of the Christianisation of the Roman World
046689: Brown, Kathan - Ink, Paper, Metal, Wood; Painters and Sculptors at Crown Point Press
046561: Brown, Jerry Wayne - The Rise of Biblical Criticism in America, 1800-1870; the New England Scholars
046106: Brown, Frederick - Flaubert; a Biography
045672: Brown, Arthur C. L. - Iwain; Study in the Origins of Arthurian Romance
045632: Brown, Peter - Augustine of Hippo; a Biography
045586: Brown, R. Allen - The Normans and the Norman Conquest
045482: Brown, Carleton, Ed - Religious Lyrics of the Xvth Century
045295: Brown, Cecil H. - Language and Living Things; Uniformities in Folk Classification and Naming
045194: Brown, M., Et al., Eds - The Third Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocke; Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Maryland at College Park, 27 August to 2 September 1995
051247: Brown, Howard Mayer - Music in the French Secular Theater, 1400-1550
001805: Brown, David - Thomas Weelkes; a Biographical and Critical Study
042256: Brown, Cynthia Jane - The Shaping of History and Poetry in Late Medieval France; Propaganda and Artistic Expression in the Works of the Rhétoriqueurs
001761: Brown, Roger Glenn - Fashoda Reconsidered; the Impact of Domestic Politics on French Policy in Africa, 1893-1898
041629: Brown, William P. - The Seven Pillars of Creation; the Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder
041463: Brown, R. Allen - The Norman Conquest
041403: Brown, Glenn - History of the United States Capitol. Volume I: The Old Capitol, 1792-1850
041293: Brown, Peter - Through the Eye of a Needle; Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 Ad
041170: Brown, Weir M. - The External Liquitiy of an Advanced Country
039962: Brown, Peter - The Body and Society; Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity
039422: Brown, C. V. - Taxation and the Incentive to Work; a Report Prepared for the Commission of the European Communitites, Directorate-Genereral for Emplyment and Social Affairs
039272: Brown, H. James, et al. - Empirical Models of Urban Land Use: Suggestion on Research Objectives and Organization
039205: Brown, Jonathan - Images and Ideas in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Painting
039090: Brown, Murray, Ed - The Theory and Empirical Analysis of Production
038884: Brown, Rosellen - Tender Mercies
038056: Brown, David - Tchaikovsky Remembered
037003: Brown, Alec, Ed - Essays on National Art in Yugoslavia
036469: Brown, Jane - Sissinghurst; Portrait of a Garden
047536: Brown, Peter - The Making of Late Antiquity
035936: Brown, Helen Evans - Chafing Dish Book
035382: Brown, Sanborn C. - Wines & Beers of Old New England; a How-to-Do-It History
034534: Brown, Peter - Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity; Towards a Christian Empire
034397: Brown, Frederick - Theater and Revolution; the Culture of the French Stage
033824: Brown, Emily - Landscaping with Perennials
033634: Brown, David Alan, et al. - Lorenzo Lotto, Rediscovered Master of the Renaissance
032408: Bush-Brown, Harold - Beaux Arts to Bauhaus and Beyond; an Architect's Perspective
030217: Brown, Edward J. - Russian Literature Since the Revolution
030163: Brown, David - Musorgsky; His Life and Works
029065: Burton-Brown, T. - Eearly Mediterranean Migirations; an Essay in Archaeological Interpretation
029048: Brown, J. Howard - Elizabethan Schooldays; an Account of the English Grammar Schools in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century
028526: Brown, Herbert Ross - Sills of Bowdoin; the Life of Kenneth Charles Morton Sills, 1879-1954
028076: Brown, Robert, Ed - Rules and Law in Sociology
027936: Brown, Ellen - Southwest Tastes, from the Pbs Television Series Great Chefs of the West
024867: Brown, John - The English Puritans
024865: Brown, Robert McAfee - The Spirit of Protestantism
022016: Brown, Charles H. - The Correspondent's War; Journalists in the Spanish-American War
021916: Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. - Structure and Function in Primitive Society; Essays and Addresses
050569: Brown, Lloyd A. - The Story of Maps
020416: Brown, Ivor - Dickens in His Time
050129: Brown, Dan - Inferno; a Novel
019801: Brown, Jim - Impact Zone; the Battle of the Dmz in Vietnam, 1967-1968
016719: Wyatt-Brown, Bertram - Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War Against Slavery
016624: Brown, J. Carter - Rings; Five Passions in World Art
016551: Brown, Charles H. - Deviation and the Deviascope; Including the Practice and Theory of Compass Adjustment, Also a Note on the Gyro-Compass
015724: Brown, Peter G. - Restoring the Public Trust; a Fresh Vision for Progressive Government in America
052794: Brown, Warren C., Et al., Eds - Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages
050323: Brown, David S. - Richard Hofstadter; an Intellectual Biography
053007: Brown, Raymond Edward - The Sensus Plenior of Sacred Scripture
012729: Brown, William Eric - The Catholic Church in South Africa from Its Origins to the Present Day
011017: Brown, P. Hume - Surveys of Scottish History
010870: Brown, Edward J. - Stankevich and His Moscow Circle, 1830-1840
010511: Brown, Marvin L., Jr. - Heinrich Von Haymerle, Austro-Hungarian Career Diplomat, 1823-81
008148: Brown, Eugene - J. William Fulbright; Advice and Dissent
007904: Klapthor, Margaret Brown and Howard Alexander Morrison - G. Washington, a Figure Upon the State
007737: Brown, Stuart Gerry - Conscience in Politics; Adlai E. Stevenson in the 1950's
006987: Brown, Susan Jenkins - Robber Rocks; Letters and Memories of Hart Crne, 1923-1932
053731: Brown, David Alan - Berenson and the Connoisseurship of Italian Painting; a Handbook to the Exhibition
045428: Browne, R. A. - British Latin Selections A.D. 500-1400, with Introduction, Notes Mainly Linguistics and Literary and Vocabulary of Mediaeva Words and Meanings
044475: Browne, Edward G. - The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909
043281: Mayer-Browne, Elisabeth - Austrian Cooking for You
036680: Browne, Ray B. - Against Academia: The History of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association and the Popular Culture Movement 1967-1988
023187: Browne, Lewis - Blessed Spinoza; a Biography of the Philosopher
050249: Browne, Thomas - Sir Thomas Browne's Letter to a Friend 1690
018855: Brownell, L. W. - Natural History with a Camera
053476: Browning, Robert - Medieval and Modern Greek
044725: Browning, Sinclair - Enju; the Life and Struggle of an Apache Chief from the Little Running Water
034130: Browning, Robert M. - German Baroque Poetry 1618-1723
023518: Browning, Robert - Robert Browning's Prose Life of Straffoard
016908: Browning, John Gaitha - An Artist at War; the Journal of John Gaitha Browning
035131: Brownlee, Marina S., Et al, Eds - The New Medievalism
044166: Brownlow, Kevin - Mary Picford Rediscovered; Rare Pictures of a Hollywood Legend
027466: Brownlow, W. G. - Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Secession; with a Narrative of Person Adventures Among the Rebels
006037: Brownlow, Louis - A Passion for Anonymity
036789: Broyard, Anatole - Intoxicated by My Illness and Other Writings on Life and Dearth
035631: Broyard, Bliss - One Drop; My Father's Hidden Life--a Story of Race and Family Secrets
053241: Bruand, Olivier - Voyageurs Et Marchandises Aux Temps Carolingiens; Les Réseaux de Communication Entre Loire Et Meuse Xiiie Et Ixe Siècles
025474: Bruccoli, Matthew J. - The Fortunes of Mitchell Kennerley, Bookman
049041: Bruce, Dickson D., Jr. - And They All Sang Hallelujah; Plain-Folk Camp-Meeting Religion, 1800-1845
047553: Brooks, E. Bruce and A. Taeko Brooks - The Original Analects; Saying of Confucius and His Successors: A New Translation and Commentary
045300: Bruce, David - Sun Pictures; the Hill-Adamson Calotypes
041786: Aidells, Bruce and Denis Kelly - Flying Sausages; Simple, Savory Recipes for Creating and Cooking with Chicken and Turkey Sausages
037837: Bruce, Scott - Lunch Box; the Fifties and Sixties
034972: Muirhead, Bruce and Ronald N. Harpelle - Idrc; 40 Years of Ideas, Innovation and Impact
033614: Dickins, Bruce and R. M. Wilson, Eds - Early Middle English Texts
029530: Mitchell, Bruce and Fred C. Robinson - A Guide to Old English
025762: Bruce, I. A. F. - An Historical Commentary on the "Hellenica Oxyrhynchia
052004: Bruce, James Douglas - The Evolution of Arthurian Romance from the Beginnings Down to the Year 1300
007888: Bruce, Philip Alexander - Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century; an Inquiry Into the Origin of the Higher Planing Class, Together with an Account of the Habits, Customs, and Diversions of the People
045772: Brucker, Gene, Ed - People and Communities in the Western World
042453: Brucker, Gene - Giovanni and Lusanna; Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence
039960: Brucker, Gene - The CIVIC World of Early Renaissance Florence
041272: Bruckner, Winfried, et al. - Damals War Ich Vierzehn
028683: Brückner, Alexander - Die Slavischen Ansiedlungen in Der Altmark Und IM Magdeburgischen
010512: Bruford, W. H. - Germany in the Eighteenth Century; the Social Background of the Literary Revival
051221: Bruger, Hans Dagobert - Schule Des Lautenspiels Für Die Gewöhnliche Laute, BaßLaute, Doppelchörige Und Theorbierte Laute
002904: Bruggencate, P. Ten - Sternhaufen; Ihr Bau, Ihre Stellung Zum Sternsystem Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Kosmogonie
053514: Brugmann, Karl - Zum Heutigen Stand Der Sprachwissenschaft
049533: Brugmann, Karl - Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik Der Indogermanischen Sprachen
028077: Brugsch, Heinrich - Steininschrift Und Bibelwort
028288: Bruhn, John G., Et al. - Medical Sociology; an Annotated Bibliography 1972-1982
008121: Bruhns, Leo - Der Dom Zu Naumburg
048525: Bruijn, Jaap R. - Varend Verleden de Nederlandse Oorlogsvloot in de Zeventiende En Acthtiende Eeuw
003698: Brumbaugh, Robert S. - The Philosophers of Greece
049261: Brumberg, Joan Jacobs - Fasting Girls; the History of Anorexia Nervosa
033259: Brumfield, William Craft - Gold in Azure; One Thousand Years of Russian Architecture
017984: Brumfitt, J. H. - The French Enlightenment
022371: Brummett, John - Highwire; from the Backroads to the Beltway. The Education of Bill Clinton
041014: Le Brun, Annie - De L'éperdu
030407: Brundage, Burr Cartwright - Empire of the Inca
052264: Brunel, Clovis - Jaufré; Roman Arthurien Du Xiiie Siècle En Vers Provençaux
034925: Formanek-Brunell, Miriam - Made to Play House; Dolls and the Commercialization of American Girlhood, 1830-1930
051641: Benetti Brunelli, Valeria - L'Educazione in Grecia. I: L'Educazione Della Grecia Eroica; IL Problema
049483: Bruni, Leonardo - History of the Florentine People. Volume I, Books I-IV
034894: Brunius, Teddy - Inspiration and Katharsis; the Interpretation of Aristotle's the Poetics VI, 1449 B 26
021132: Brunner, Edmund De Schweinitz - Immigrant Farmers and Their Children
014661: Brunner, Herbert - Old Table Silver; a Handbook for Collectors and Amateurs
053340: Brunner, Karl - Oppositionelle Gruppen IM Karolingerreich
009097: Brunner, O., Et al. - Das Miettelalter in Einzeldarstellungen
046311: Quadri Bruno - Aufgaben Und Methoden Der Onomasiologischen Forschung; Eine Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Darstellung
042471: Bruno, Leonard C. - The Tradition of Science; Landmarks of Western Science in the Collection of the Library of Congress
052424: Gloger, Bruno and Walter Zöllner - Teufelsglaube Und Hexenwahn
049179: Bruno, Michael - Inflation, Growth and Monetary Control: Non-Linear Lessons from Crisis and Recovery. Inflazione, Crescita E Controllo Monetario: Lezioni Non Llineari Dall Crisi E Dalla Ripresa
002456: Bruno, Arvid - Die Bücher Josua, Richter, Ruth; Eine Rhythmnische Untersuchung
018478: Brunold, Paul - Françcois Couperin
045507: Bruns, Eugene - The Last King of Paradise
031242: Bruns, Ivo - Das Literarische Porträt Der Griechen IM Fünften Und Vierten Jahrhundert Vor Christi Geburt
021056: Bruns, Gerald L. - Modern Poetry and the Idea of Language; a Critical and Historical Study
012441: Bruns, William A., Ed - The Natural History of the Southwest
050802: Bruns, E. Jane - Bodytalk; When Women Speak in Old French Literature
025124: Brunschvicg, Léon - Héritage de Mots; Héritage D'Idées
023188: Brunschvicg, Léon - écrits Philosophiques
047382: Bruntz, George G. - The History of Los Gatos, Gem of the Foothills
036383: Brunvand, Jan Harold - The Mexican Pet; More "New" Urban Legends and Some Old Favorites
035766: Brunvand, Jan Harold - The Truth Never Stands in the Way of a Good Story
026208: Brunvand, Jan Harold - The Study of American Folklore; an Introduction
299: Brusendorff, Aage - The Chaucer Tradition
052008: Brusendorff, Aage - The Chaucer Tradition
021057: Brushwood, J. S. - The Romantic Novel in Mexico
045089: Brusila, Johannes - Local Music, Not from Here. The Discourse of Wolrd Music Examined Through Three Zimbabwean Case Studies: The Bhundu Boys, Virginia Mukwesha and Sunduza
011018: Brust, Harold - I Guarded Kings"; the Memoirs of a Political Police Officer
014974: Brustein, Robert - The Theatre of Revolt; an Approach to the Modern Drama
009247: Brustein, William - The Social Origins of Political Regionalism; France, 1849-1981
014769: L'Héritier de Brutelle, Charles-Louis - Sertum Anglicum 1788
014690: Bruton, Eric - Dictionary of Clocks and Watches
037977: Bruwaert, Edmond - Jacques Callot; Biographie Critique
040712: Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles - La Tapisserie Française Du Moyen Age à Nos Jours; Janvier-Fevrier 1947
049897: La Bruyère, Jean De - Les Caractères de la Bruyère, Suivis Des Caractères de Théophrase, Traduits Du Grec Par le Meme
024639: Bruyn, Gerd De - Zeitgenössische Architektur in Deutschland 1970-1995; 50 Bauwerke
037506: Alexander, Bryan and Cherry Alexander - The Vanishing Arctic
032811: Bryan-Brown, A. N., Et al. - More Oxford Compositions
011758: Bryan, George S. - Edison; the Man and His Work
004438: Bryan, E. H., Jr. - The Hawaiian Chain
033067: Bryans, John V. - Calderón de la Barca: Imagery, Rhetoric and Drama
043563: Bryant, Arthur - Samuel Pepys; the Man in the Making
035699: Bryant, Jim - The Wild Game and Fish Cookbook
022043: Bryant, Donald C. - Rhetorical Dimensions in Criticism
010136: Bryant, Jerry H. - The Open Decision; the Contemporary American Novel and Its Intellectual Background
050971: Bryant, Daniel - Lyric Poets of the Southern T'Ang: Feng Yen-Ssu, 903-960, and LI Yü, 937-978
051608: Bryce, James - The Holy Roman Empire
028012: Bryon, George Gordon Byron, Lord - Lord Byron; Selected Letters and Journals
052532: Potkay, MOnica Brzezinski and Regula Meyer Evitt - Minding the Body; Women and Literature in the Middle Ages, 800-1500
002367: Brzezinski, Jerzy - Consciousness: Methodological and Psychological Approaches
041275: Buber, Martin - Gog Und Magog; Eine Chronik
042508: Bubnoff, Nicolai Von - Russische Religionsphilosophen; Dokumente
053707: Buch, Laura - Bach Reworked
037586: Buchan, John - The Four Adventures of Richard Hannay; the Thirty-Nine Steps, Greenmantle, Mr. Standfast, the Three Hostages
029912: Buchan, James - Crowded with Genius. The Scottish Enlightenment, Edinburgh's Moment of the Mind
010936: Buchan, John - Augustus
047875: Buchanan, JOhn Nyren - Marginal Scotland
008793: Buchanan, Carol - Wordsworth's Gardens
027738: Bücher, Karl - Arbeit Und Rhythmus
003699: Buchholtz, Hermann - Die Tanzkunst Des Euripides
043347: Buchner, Alexander - Mechanical Musical Instruments
036611: Buchsbaum, Ralph - Animals without Backbones; an Introduction to the Invertebrates
053213: Buck, Thomas Martin - Admonitio Und Praedicatio; Zur Religiös-Pastoralen Dimension Von Kapitularien Und Kapitulariennahen Texte (507-814)
048619: Buck, Carl Darling - Der Vocalismus Der Oskischen Sprache
039859: Buck, August - Renaissance Und Barock
035414: Buck, Anne M. - The Gallery of English Costume: Women's Costume, 1800-1835
033485: De Buck, H. - Bibliografie Der Geschiedenis Van Nederland
029178: Buck, August - Die Humanistische Tradition in Der Romania
026700: Buck, Robert T., Ed A. - Fernand Leger; Essays
050884: Buck, Carl Darling - A Dcitionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages
005943: Buck, Solon J. - The Agrarian Crusade; a Chronicle of the Farmer in Politics
004898: Buck, John Lossing, et al. - Food and Agriculture in Communist China
045059: Buckle, Richard - Nijinsky
036247: Buckle, Henry Thomas - The Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works of Henry Thomas Buckle
029613: Buckle, Richard - Nijinsky
029607: Buckle, Richard - Diaghilev
015410: Buckle, Richard - In the Wake of Diaghilev
032242: Buckley, Bill - The Waterfowler's World
026068: Buckminster, Thomas - An Almanack and Prognostication for the Year 1598, Made by Thomas Buckminster 1598
032107: Buckner, Hollingsworth - Flower Chronicles
019937: Buckowitz, Alfred - Tiere Und Ich; Erlebnisse Mit Wilden Und Zahmen Tieren
047046: Budd, Louis J. - Our Mark Twain; the Making of His Public Personality
039656: Buddeberg, Else - Gottfried Benn
030166: Budden, Julian - The Operas of Verdi
047644: Budel, Oscar - Pirandello
029179: Büdel, Oscar - Francesco Petrarca Und Der Literaturbarock
031964: Wallis Budge, E. A. - Tutankhamen; Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism
025766: Budge, E. A. Wallis - Egyptian Religion; Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
011708: Buedeler, Werner - The Fascinating Universe; the Modern Aspects of Astronomy
015533: Buel, Jesse - Jesse Buel, Agricultural Reformer
051483: Buelow, George J. - Thorough-Bass Accompaniment According to Johann David Heinichen
051520: Buenner, Denys - L'Ancienne Liturgie Romain. Le Rite Lyonnais
048559: Silveira Bueno, Francisco Da - A Formação Hjistorica Da Lingua Portuguêsa
028078: Buess, Eduard - Die Geschichte Des Mythischen Erkennens; Wider Sein MIßVerständnis in Der "Entmythologisierung
006216: Buess, Eduard - Die Geschichte Des Mythischen Erkennens; Wider Sein MIßVerständnis in Der "Entmythologisierung
050228: Bufano, Beniamino - Bufano: Sculpture, Mosaics, Drawings
025271: Buffet, Edward P. - The Layman Revato; a Story of a Restless Mind in Buddhist India at the Time of Greek Influence
032598: Buffum, Imbrie - Studies in the Baroque from Montaigne to Rotrou
037104: Bugbee, Gordon P. - Domino's Mansion: Thomas Monaghan, Gunnar Birkerts and the Spriti of Frank Lloyd Wright
039879: Buhler, Michael - Tin Toys 1945-1975
035418: Buhler, Kathryn C. - Mount Vernon Silver
014660: Buhler, Kathryn C. - Paul Revere, Goldsmith, 1735-1818
052847: Buis, Pierre - Le Deutéronome
020407: Bukdahl, Else Marie - Diderot Est-IL L'Auteur Du "Salon" de 1771
003931: Bülck, Rudolf - Geschichte Der Kieler Universitätsbibliothek
007132: Buley, R. Carlyle - The Old Northwest; Pioneer Period, 1815-1840
038650: Bulhosen, Pat, et al., Eds - Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary. Italian-English; English-Italian
037294: Bull, Malcolm - The Mirror of the Gods
007067: Bull, Hedley, Ed - Asia and the Western Pacfic; Towards a New International Order
022716: Bullitt, Orville H. - Search for Sybaris
047297: Bullough, Donald - The Age of Charlemagne
006707: Bullough, William A. - The Blind Boss & His City; Christopher Augustine Buckley and Nineteenth-Century San Francisco
003099: Bullough, Edward - Aesthetics; Lectures and Essays
044466: Bulman, Joan - Jenny Lind; a Biography
019921: Bülow, Bernhard, Fürst Von - Denkwürdigkeiten
028089: Bultmann, Rudolf - Der Zweite Brief an Die Korinther Erklärt
028087: Bultmann, Rudolf - Das Urchristentum IM Rahmen Der Antiken Religionen
028079: Bultmann, Rudolf - Exegetica; Aufsätze Zur Erforschung Des Neuen Testaments
024135: Bultmann, Rudolf - Die Drei Johannesbriefe Erklärt
039903: Bumiller, Elisabeth - May You Be the Mother of a Hundred Sons; a Journey Among the Women of India
047538: Bumke, Joachim - Höfische Kultur; Literatur Und Gesellschaft IM Hohen Mittelalter
003933: Bundock, Clement J. - The Story of the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers
015899: Bundy, McGeorge - Danger and Survival; Choices About the Boms in the First Fifty Years
011398: Bungert, Hans, Ed - Die Amerikanische Literatur Der Gegenwart; Aspekte Und Tendenzen
005514: Bunker, Stephen G. - Underdeveloping the Amazon; Extraction, Unequal Exchange, and the Failure of the Modern State
040176: Bunle, Henri - Le Mouvement Naturel de la Population Dans le Monde de 1906 à 1936
036596: Bunnell, Peter C. - Harry Callahan
031228: Bunson, Matthew - The Vampire Encyclopedia
017985: Bunting, Jabez - The Early Correspondence of Jabez Bunting 1820-1829
034112: Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress
020443: Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come, Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein Is Discovered the Manner of His Setting out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country
006135: Bunyan, John - The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus to Regain the Metropolis of the Word or, the Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul
004821: Bunyan, James - The Origin of Forced Labor in the Soviet State, 1917-1921; Documents and Materials
006170: Buonassisi, Vincenzo - Pasta
010750: Burchett, Winston H. - East Melbourne Walkabout
029795: Burchill, Julie - Girls on Film
043149: Burckhardt, Jacob - Geschichte Der Renaissance in Italien
042795: Burckhardt, Jacob - Die Zeit Constantins Des Grossen
032523: Burckhardt, Jacob - Die Baukunst Der Renaissance in Italien
010938: Burckhardt, Jakob - Die Zeit Constantin's Des GroßEn
008537: Burckhardt, Jacob - Vorträge 1844-1887
008165: Burckhardt, Carl J. - Gedanken ûber Karl V.
029180: Burdach, Konrad - Der Gral; Forschungen über Seinen Ursprung Und Seinen Zusammenhang Mit Der Longinuslegende
039852: Burden, Shirley C. - Presence; Photographs with Observations
006054: Burdett, Osbert - W.E. Gladstone
007133: Burdette, Robert J. - The Rise and Fall of the Mustache and Other "Hawk-Eyetems.
043678: Gerz-von Büren, Veronika - La Tradition de L'Oeuvre de Jean Gerson Chez Les Chartreux; la Chartreuse de Bâle
026995: Van Buren, E. Douglas - Archaic Fictile Revetments in Sicily and Magna Graecia
038274: Burgard, Timothy Anglin - Bay Area Art from the Morgan Flagg Collection
034584: Burgard, Friedhelm, et al., Eds - Liber Amicorum Necnon Et Amicarum Für Alfred Heit; Beiträge Zur Mittelalterlichen Geschichte Und Geschichtlichen Landeskunde
012548: Burgartz, Alfred - Die Hosenrolle; Variationen ûber Das Thema: Das Weib Als Mann
041533: Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf - Un Sau Vertellt Man Sek... ; Geschichten Von Burgdorf Und Burgdorfern
047843: Burger, D. H. - Sociologisch-Economische Geschiedenis Vaan Indonesia. Deel I: Indonesia Vóór de 20e Eeuw
043799: Burger, Heinz Otto - Renaissance, Humanismus, Reformation; Deutsche Literatur IM Europäischen Kontext
020973: Burger, Fritz - Einführung in Die Moderne Kunst
016310: Burger, Fritz - Cézanne Und Hodler; Einführung in Die Probleme Der Malerei Der Gegenwart
013429: Burger, Fritz - Cézanne Und Holder; Einführung in Die Probleme Der Malerei Der Gegenwart
005250: Burger, Angela Sutherland - Opposition in a Dominant-Party System; a Study of the Jan Sangh, the Praja Socialist Party, and the Socialist Party in Uttar Pradesh, India
046254: Burgess, Glyn S., Ed - Court and Poet; Selected Proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society (Liverpool, 1980)
041559: Burgess, Anthony - The Eve of Saint Venus
038651: Burgess, Gelett - The Romance of the Commonplace
037595: Burgess, Anthony - The Clockwork Testament or Enderby's End
037299: Burgess, Anthony - On Mozart; a Paean for Wolfgang. Being a Celestial Colloquy, an Opera Libretto, a Film Script, a Schizophrenic Dialogue, a Bewildered Rumination, a Stendhalian Transcription, and a Heartfelt Homage
025527: Burgess, Anthony - The Life and Work of D.H. Lawrence; Flame Into Being
018974: Burgess, Anthony - Flame Into Being; the Life and Work of D.H. Lawrence
014653: Burgess, Fred W. - Silver, Pewter, Sheffield Plate
014633: Burgess, Fred W. - Old Prints and Engravings
008270: Burgess, Anthony - Little Wilson and Big God
009426: Burgun, Achille - Le Développement Linguistique En Norvège Depuis 1814
028090: Buri, Fritz - Gott in Amerika; Amerikanische Theologie Seit 1960
018480: Burian, K. V. - The Story of World Opera
048547: Burke, Kenneth - A Rhetoric of Motives
048138: Burke, John - Life in the Castle in Medieval England
042055: Burke, Peter - The Italian Renaissance; Culture and Society in Italy
038441: Burke, Thomas - English Night-Life from Norman Curfew to Present Black-out
038181: Burke, Thomas - Travel in England from Pilgrim and Pack-Horse to Car and Plane
037771: Burke, Billie - With a Feather on My Nose
036248: Burke, Thomas - The English Townsman As He Was and As He Is
030313: Burke, James Lee - Swan Peak; a Dave Robicheaux Novel
029980: Burke, Edmund - Further Reflections on the Revolution in France
043077: Burkert, Walter - Anthropologie Des Religiösen Opfers; Eie Sakralisierung Der Gewalt
052373: Burkert, Walter - Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual
052365: Burkert, Walter - Homo Necans; the Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth
017056: Burkett, Elinor - The Gravest Show on Earth; America in the Age of Aids
049237: Burkhardt, V. R. - Chinese Creeds & Customs
032863: Burkhardt, V. R. - Chinese Creeds & Customs
012489: Burkhardt, Dietrich, et al. - Signals in the Animal World
044834: Burkholder, J. Peter - Charles Ives; the Ideas Behind the Music
014440: Burkitt, M. C. - Our Early Ancestors; an Introductory Study of Mesolithic, Neolithic and Copper Age Cultures in Europe and Adjacent Regions
014398: Burks, R. V. - The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe
005686: Burks, R. V. - The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe
047789: Burl, Aubrey - Courts of Love, Castles of Hate; Troubadours & Trobairitz in Southern France, 1071-1321
045454: Burl, Aubrey - Prehistoric Avebury
027118: Burland, Cottie - The People of the Ancient Americas
014344: Burland, Cottie - Eskimo Art
307: Burlin, Robert B. - Chaucerian Fiction
034202: Burlingame, Roger - Of Making Many Books; a Hundred Years of Reading, Writing and Publishing
031202: Burlingame, Roger - Of Making Many Books; a Hundred Years of Reading, Writing and Publishing
011711: Burlingame, Roger - Backgrounds of Power; the Human Story of Mass Production
011710: Burlingame, Roger - Inventors Behind the Inventor
049581: Burn, A. R. - The Romans in Britain; an Anthology of Inscriptions with Translations and a Running Commentary
036502: Burnand, F. C. - The New History of Sandford and Merton Being a True Account of the Adventures of "Masters Tommy and Harr," with Their Beloved Tutor "Mr. Barlow
031708: Burnet, John - Greek Philosophy. Part I: Thales to Plato
014541: Burnet, F. Macfarlane - Enzyme, Antigen and Virus; a Study of Macromolecular Pattern in Action
037284: Burnett, John - Plenty and Want; a Social History of Diet in England from 1815 to the Present Day
031709: Burnett, Anne Pippin - Catastrophe Survived; Euripides' Plays of Mixed Reversal
027856: Burnett, Ben G. - Political Groups in Chile; the Dialogue between Order and Change
010190: Burnett, David - A Dorset Camera, 1855-1914
049129: Burnett, John - Plenty and Want; a Social History of Diet in England from 1815 to the Present Day
036379: Burney, Jan - Ettore Sottsass
027405: Burney, Fanny - The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay). Volume I 1791-1792, Letters 1-39
020444: Burney, Frances, Madame d'Arblay - Fanny Burney and the Burneys
007135: Burney, James - History of the Buccaneers of America
050735: Burney, Charles - The Present State of Music in France and Italy
049916: Burnham, Jack - Great Western Salt Works; Essays on the Meaning of Post-Formalist Art
041053: Burnham, S. W. - A General Catalogue of Double Stars Within 121o of the North Pole
017407: Burnham, Robert, Jr. - Burnham's Celestial Handbook; an Observer's Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System
045621: Burns, Thomas S. - A History of the Ostrogoths
042117: Burns, Robert - The Poetical Works of Robert Burns
039437: Burns, George - Gracie; a Love Story
038455: Burns, Grant - The Sports Pages; a Critical Bibliography of Twentieth-Century American Novels and Stories Featuring Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Other Athletic Pursuits
038350: Burns, Tom - Clydeside Musings
032358: Burns, Michael - Dreyfus; a Family Affair, 1789-1945
025801: Burns, John - A Celebration of the Light; Zen in the Novels of Neil Gunn
022020: Burns, E. Bradford - The Unwritten Alliance; Rio-Branco and Brazilian-American Relation
020445: Burns, Robert - The Merry Muses of Caledonia
014809: Burns, James MacGregor - Cobblestone Leadership; Majority Rule, Minority Power
005975: Burns, Arthur F. - Production Trends in the United States Since 1870
049394: Burns, Jennifer - Goddess of the Market; Ayn Rand and the American Right
004750: Burns, James MacGregor - The Deadlock of Democracy; Four-Party Politics in America
004440: Burns, Eugene - The Last King of Paradise
1025: Burr, Nelson R. - A Critical Bibliography of Religion in America
022022: Burr, Robert N. - By Reason or Force; Chile and the Balancing of Power in South America, 1830-1905
026013: Burridge, Kenelm - Someone, No One; an Essay on Individuality
007386: Burrison, John A. - Shaping Traditions; Folk Arts in a Changing South; a Catalog of the Goizueta Folklife Gallery at the Atlanta History Center
044418: Burroughs, Bruce, Ed - The Opera Quarterly. Volume 9: 1-4
044417: Burroughs, Bruce, Ed - The Opera Quarterly. Volume 8: 1-4
032741: Burroughs, William James - Watching the World's Weather
015284: Burroughs, John - The Complete Writings of John Burroughts: Whitman, a Study
049432: Burroughs, Franklin - Passion or Conquest
051178: Burrows, Donald - Handel
030203: Burrows, Donald - Handel
030183: Burrows, Donald - The Cambridge Companion to Handel
024848: Burrows, Millar - The Dead Sea Scrolls
036823: Burson, Nancy, et al. - Composites; Computer-Generated Portraits
029789: Burstein, Andrew - The Inner Jefferson; Portrait of a Grieving Optimist
016777: Burstein, Andrew - The Passions of Andrew Jackson
007210: Burt, Al - Al Burt's Florida; Snowbirds, Sand Castles and Self-Rising Crackers
039279: Burtless, Gary, Ed - Work, Health, and Income Among the Elderly
047378: Burton, John Hill - The History of Scotland from Agricola's Invasion to the Extinction of the Last Jacobite Insurrection
036721: Burton, Maurice - Phoenix Re-Born
033489: Burton, Robert - Robert Burton's Philosophaster with an English Translation of the Same. Together with His Other Minor Writings in Prose and Verse
025769: Burton, Harry E. - The Discovery of the Ancient World
025723: Burton, Dolores M. - Shakespeare's Grammatical Style; a Computer-Assisted Analysis of Richard II and Antony and Cleopatra
025125: Burton, Ernest DeWitt - Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek
021831: Burton, Deborah, et al., Eds - Tosca's Prisms; Three Moments of Western Cultural History
020820: Burton, Michael C. - John Henry Faulk; a Biography. The Making of a Liberated Mind
020691: Burton, Edward - The Swedish-American Press and the Vietnam War
009684: Burton, William Westbrook, Ed - Conversations About Bernstein
009348: Burton, Arthur - Modern Humanistic Psychotherapy
008868: Burton, Humphrey - Yehudi Menuhin; a Life
053509: Burton, Richard - Literary Likings
053785: Burton, Rosemary - Classical Poets in the "Florilegium Gallicum
043043: Burtt, Harold E. - The Psychology of Birds; an Interpretation of Bird Behavior
025126: Burtt, Edwin Arthur - The Metaphysical Foundatiaons of Modern Physical Science; a Historical and Critical Essay
044936: Schulze-Busacker, Elisabeth - Proverbes Et Expressions Proverbiales Dans la Littèrature Narrative Du Moyen Age Français; Recueil Et Analyse
052422: Schulze-Busacker, Elisabeth - La Didactique Profane Au Moyen Age
049187: Busby, Keith, Ed - World and Image in Arthurian Literature
048173: Busch, Fritz - Aus Dem Leben Eines Musikers
044312: Busch, Wilhelm - Fipps, Der Affe
042090: Busch, Wilhelm - The Genius of Wilhelm Busch; Comedy of Frustration
038035: Busch, Frederick - Rounds
020224: Busch, Julia M. - A Decade of Sculpture; the 1960s
013662: Busch, Ludger - Muche: George Muche. Dokumentation Zum Malerischen Werk Der Jahre 1915 Bis 1920; Ein Diskussionsbeitrag Zum Expressionismus
053214: Busch, Jörg W. - Vom Amtswalten Zum Königsdienst; Beobachtungen Zur "Staatssprache" Des Frühmittelalters Am Beispiel Des Wortes Administratio
049699: Busch, Harald - Berlin Und Die Mark; Land Zwischen Harz Und Oder
043529: Buschbeck, Christine - Zur Wortbildung Der Substantiva Und Adjektiva IM Altrussischen (an Hand Des Wortmaterials Zweier Viten Epifanij Premudryjs)
052767: Buschinger, Danielle - Université de Picardie, Centre D'études Médiévales. Actes Du Colloque Des 14 Et 15 Janvier 1984: Lancelot
003267: Buschor, Ernst - Griechische Vasenmalerei
043755: Bush, Douglas - The Renaissance and English Humanism
033764: Bush, Douglas - English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century 1600-1660
033112: Bush, Douglas - Classical Influences in Renaissance Literature
029884: Bush, Alfred L. - The Life Portraits of Thomas Jefferson
025500: Bush, Gregory W. - Lord of Attention; Gerald Stanley Lee & the Crowd Metaphor in Industrializing America
019015: Bush, Douglas - John Keats; His Life and Writings
014357: Bushell, Raymond - Netuske Masks
037848: Bushman, Claudia L. - A Good Poor Man's Wife" Being a Chronicle of Harriet Hanson Robinson and Her Family in Nineteenth-Century New England
006032: Bushman, Claudia L. - America Discovers Columbus; How an Italian Explorer Became an American Hero
006684: Bushnell, G. H. S. - Peru
016067: Busignani, Alberto - Benozzo; la Cappella Medici
045130: Busmayor, Carmen - Paises Poéticos de Antonio Pereira
045183: Busnel, René-Guy - Les Systèmes Sonars Animaux; Biologie Et Bionique. Animal Sonar Systems; Biology and Bionics. Frascati, Italie, 26 Sept. -3 Oct. 1966
004457: Buss, Claude A., Ed - National Security Interest in the Pacific Basin
014295: Bussagli, Mario - Chinese Painting
027183: Busse, Mark, et al. - The People of Lake Kutubu and Kikori; Changing Meanings of Daily Life
014956: Buten, David - 18th-Century Wedgwood; a Guide for Collectors & Connoisseurs
037540: Ibn Butlan - The Four Seasons of the House of Cerruti
047806: Butler, Gregory G., Ed - J.S. Bach's Concerted Ensemble Music, the Ouverture
050941: Butler, Cuthbert - Le Monachisme Bénédictin; études Sur la Vie Et la Règle Bénédictines
050677: Butler, Christopher - Statistics in Linguistics
038919: Butler, Joseph - Bishop Butler; an Appreciation
035785: Butler, Linda - Rural Japan; Radiance of the Ordinary
012731: Butler, Jeffrey, et al. - The Black Homelands of South Africa; the Political and Economic Development of Bophuthatswana and Kwazulu
011037: Butler, D. E. - The Electoral System in Britain, 1918-1951
013413: Butlin, Martin - William Blake (1757-1827): A Catalogue of the Works of William Blake in the Tate Gallery
042028: Butor, Michel - Répertoire; études Et Conférences 1948-1959
032228: Butscher, Edward - Sylvia Plath; Method and Madness
051012: Butt, JOhn - Playing with History; the Historical Approach to Musical Performance
030883: Butt, John - The Mid-Eighteenth Century
050956: Butt, John - Bach Interpretation; Articulation Marks in Primary Sources of J.S. Bach
015558: Butterfield, H. - Napoleon
012931: Butterfield, Fox - China; Alive in the Bitter Sea
051697: Buttmann, Alexander - Die Deutschen Ortsnamen Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Ursprünglich Wendischen in Der Mittelmark Und Niederlausitz
045852: Butts, Mary - The Crystal Cabinet; My Childhood at Salterns
047485: Butz, Bob - Beast of Never, Cat of God; the Search for the Eastern Puma
049397: Buurman, Otto - Hochdeutsch-Plattdeutsches Wörterbuch, Auf Der Grundlage Ostfriesischer Mundart
050927: Buxtehude, Dietrich - Dietrich Buxtehude, 1637-1707: Klavervaerker
004614: Buxtehude, Dietrich - Choral Transcriptions for the Organ
004613: Buxtehude, Dietrich - Free Compositions for the Organ
033192: Buxton, John - Elizabethan Taste
1599: Van Brakell Buys, W. R. - Goden En Menschen Van India. Met XI Strophen Van de Dichteres Lalla Vertaal D Door A. Klumper
013609: Van Brakell Buys, W. R. - Goden Und Menschen Van India
042149: Aldrin, Buzz and Malcolm McConnell - Men from Earth
044957: Byars, Mel - The Design Encyclopedia
046713: Byatt, A. S. - A Whistling Woman
035561: Byatt, A. S. - Babel Tower
013333: Bye, Ranulph - The Vanishing Depot
009938: Bynner, Witter - Tiger
047110: Bynon, Theodora - Historical Linguistics
009428: Bynon, Theodora - Historical Linguistics
053443: Bynum, Caroline Walker - Fragmentation and Redemption; Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion
026952: Byrd, Max - Jefferson; a Novel
046646: Byrne, Chris - The Original Print; Understanding Technique in Contemporary Fine Printmaking
011881: Byrne, Edward M. - Military Law
033066: Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron
045438: Head, Randolph C.and Daniel Chistensen, Eds - Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies in Early Modern German Culture; Order and Creativity 1500-1750
041165: Bryant, Ralph C. and Patric H. Hendershott - Financial Capital Flows in the Balance of Payments of the United States: An Exploratory Empirical Study
040429: Cole, David C. and Princeton N. Lyman - Korean Development; the Interplay of Politics and Economics
039342: Gornick, Janet C. and Marcia K. Meyers - Families That Work; Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment
037995: Oman, Charles C. and Jean Hamilton - Wallpapers; an International History and Illustrated Survey from the Victoria and Albert Museum
036450: Knoepflmacher, U. C. and G. B. Tennyson, Eds - Nature and the Victorian Imagination
033850: Hunt, Ray C. and Bernard Norling - Behind Japanese Lines; an American Guerrilla in the Philippines
031958: Vermeule, Cornelius C. and Norman Neuerburg - Catalogue of the Ancient Art in the J. Paul Getty Museum: The Larger Statuary, Wall Paintings and Mosaics
029223: Johanson, Donald C. and Maitland A. Edey - Lucy; the Beginnings of Humankind
027223: Bulman, J. C. and H. R. Coursen, Eds - Shakespeare on Television; an Anthology of Essays and Reviews
051860: Kemble, Edwin C. and Francis Birch - Percy Williams Bridgman 1882-1961; a Biographical Memoir
022209: Woodbridge, Hensley C. and Paul B. Olson - A Tentative Bibliography of Hispanic Linguistics [Based on the Studies of Yakov Malkiel]
021770: Railsback, Thomas C. and John P. Langellier - The Drums Would Roll; a Pictorial History of Us Army Bands on the American Frontier 1866-1900
021741: Tibbetts, John C. and James M. Welsh - The Encyclopedia of Novels Into Film
020878: Herrmann, Anne C. And Abigail J. Stewart, Eds - Theorizing Feminism; Parallel Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences
018872: Bunnell, Peter C. And David Featherstone, Eds - Ew 100; Centennial Essays in Honor of Edward Weston
050233: Harris, Alice C. and Lyle Campbell - Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspective
016342: Ruesdisili, Lon C. And Morris W. Firebaugh, Eds - Perspectives on Energy; Issues, Ideas, and Environmental Dilemmas
1171: Sessions, Kyle C. and Phillip N. Bebb, Eds - Pietas Et Societas. New Trends in Reformation Social History; Essays in Memory of Harold J. Grimm
014492: Batho, Edith C. And Bonamy Dobree - The Victorians and After, 1830-1914
011759: Aub, Joseph C. and Ruth K. Hapgood - Pioneer in Modern Medicine; David Linn Edsall of Harvard
052869: Mantello, F. A. C. And A. G. Rigg - Medieval Latin; an Introduction and Bibliographical Guide
009688: Schoenfeld, Bernard C. And Stanley Rubin - Macao
051720: O'Sullivan E. C. - To Denis: Being the Verses Written for Him and for Some Who Loved Him
052146: Barnes, Albert C. and Violette de Mazia - The Art of Henri-Matisse
004742: Banfield, Edward C. And James Q. Wilson - City Politics
003906: Mann, Thomas C. And Janet Greene - Over Their Dead Bodies; Yankee Epitaphs & History
049498: Lambdin, Laura C. and Robert T. Lambdin, Eds - Chaucer's Pilgrims; an Historical Guide Ot the Pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales
048554: Garcia de Cabañas, Maria Jesus - Vocabulario de Aa Alta Alpujarra
047298: Cabaniss, Allen, Ed - Son of Charlemagne; a Contemporary Life of Louis the Pious
020446: Cabell, James Branch - The Letters of James Branch Cabell
041957: Cabral, M. Villaverde - O Desenvolvimento Do Capitalismo Em Portugal No Sécolo XIX
051292: Cabrol, Fernand - L'Angleterre Chrétienne Avant Les Normands
025127: Cadbury, Henry J. - The Book of Acts in History
017398: Cadbury, Deborah - Terrible Lizard; the First Dinosaur Hunters and the Birth of a New Science
022085: Rodriguez Cadena, Yolanda - Los Semihablantes Bilingües: Habilidad E Interaccion Comunicativas
026251: Colwell, Ernest Cadman and Julius R. Mantey - A Hellenistic Greek Reader; Selections from the Koine of the New Testament Period
020447: Cady, Edwin H. - Stephen Crane
005608: Cady, Edwin H. - The Road to Realism; the Early Years 1837-1885 of William Dean Howells
019368: Caemmerer, H. Paul - A Manual on the Origin and Development of Washington
046792: Caesar, Caius Iulius - Commentariorum Pars Prior [-Posterior]
025853: Caffrey, Margaret M. - Ruth Benedict, Stranger in This Land
033230: Cafritz, Robert C., Et al. - Places of Delight; the Pastoral Landscape
038393: Cagan, Steve - Steve Cagan. No Es FáCIL; It's Not Easy; Looking at Cuba Today
036079: Cage, John - A Year from Monday; New Lectures and Writings
020561: Cage, John - A Year from Monday; New Lectures and Writings
036110: Orr-Cahall, Christina - Gordon Cook; a Retrospective
050474: Cahill, Thomas - Desire of the Everlasting Hills; the World Before and After Jesus
000095: Cahn, Edmond - The Moral Decision; Right and Wrong in the Light of American Law
025779: Cahn, William - Einstein; a Pictorial Biography
046738: Cahun, David-Leon - Las Aventuras Del Capitan Magon O Una Exploracion Fenicia MIL años Antes de la Era Cristiana
042140: Caidin, Martin - Rendezvous in Space; the Story of Projects Mercury, Gemini, Dyna-Soar and Apollo
052710: Caille, Jacqueline - Medieval Narbonne; a City at the Heart of the Troubadour World
036950: Caillé, Jacques - Un Savant Montpelliérain: Le Professeur Auguste Broussonet (1761-1807)
010221: Caillet, Laurence - The House of Yamazaki; the Life of a Daughter of Japan
021025: Caimpenta, Ugo - L'Impero Italiano D'Etiopia
039716: Cain, William - Earth Pressure, Retaining Walls and Bins
035876: Cain, Dana - Collecting Japanese Movie Monsters
017700: Cain, Ella M. - The Story of Bodie
035975: Caine, William - The Glutton's Mirror
009340: Caine, T. M., Et al. - Personal Styles in Neurosis; Implications for Small Group Psychotherapy and Behaviour Therapy
033924: Caird, Mona - The Daughters of Danaus
031712: Caird, Edward - The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers
013421: Caire, Patrice - C.A. I.R. E. : Installation de Patrice Caire
050008: Cairns, David - Berlioz. Volume One: The Making of an Artist 1803-1832
032262: Matthews, Caitlin and John Matthews - The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom; the Celtic Shaman's Sourcebook
051851: Cajori, Florian - A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule and Allied Instruments and on the History of Gunter's Scale and the Slide Rule During the Seventeenth Century
003268: Calarco, N. Joseph - Tragic Being; Apollo and Dionysus in Western Drama
034260: Calatchi, Robert De - Tapis D'Orient: Histoire--Esthétique--Symbolisme
044603: Calboli, Gualtiero, Ed - Latin Vulgaire--Latin Tardif; Actes Du Iieme Colloque International Sur le Latin Vulgaire Et Tardif (Bologne, 29 Aout-2 September 1988)
036472: Caldecott, Randolph - Yours Pictorially; Illustrated Letters of Randolph Caldecott
045496: Calder, Nigel - The Mind of Man; an Investigation Into Current Research on the Brain and Human Nature
006887: Calder, Jenni - Women and Marriage in Victorian Fiction
006131: Calder, Nigel - The English Channel
024570: Calderwood, Henry - David Hume
019773: Caldicott, Helen - The New Nuclear Danger; George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
041523: Caldwell, Richard - The Origin of the Gods; a Psychoanalytic Study of Greek Theogonic Myth
006955: Caldwell, Helen - Machado de Assis; the Brazilian Master and His Novels
002928: Caley, Earle R. - Metrological Tables
036265: Cali, François - L'Art Des Conquistadors
021282: Califano, Joseph A., Jr. - Inside; a Public and Private Life
048895: Calin, William - A Muse for Heroes; Nine Centuries of the Epic in France
046008: Calin, William - A Poet at the Fountain; Essays on the Narrative Verse of Guillaume de Machaut
045430: Calin, William - In Defense of French Poetry; an Essay in Revaluation
049282: Calin, William - The Epic Quest; Studies in Frou Old French Chansons de Geste
044653: Callahan, Tim - Secret Origins of the Bible
007955: Callahan, Daniel - What Kind of Life; the Limits of Medical Progress
007136: Callahan, Bob, Ed - The Big Book of American Irish Culture
013543: Callarld, Keith - Pakistan: A Political Study
045142: Callaway, Morgan, Jr. - Studies in the Syntax O the Lindisfarne Gospels, with Appendices on Some Idioms in the Germanic Languages
014742: Callaway, Archibald, Et al. - The Nigerian Political Scene
009035: Callender, L., Ed - The Windmill; Stories, Essays, Poems & Pictures by Authors & Artists Whose Works Are Published a the Sign of the Windmaill
011973: Calleo, David P. - Beyond American Hegemony; the Future of the Western Alliance
037754: Callis, Stephen, et al. - Murder in My Suite; Bienvenidos Al Hotel California
036543: Callot, Jacques - Jacques Callot: Das Gesamte Werk
007278: Calloway, Colin G. - The American Revolution in Indian Country; Crisis and Diversity in Native American Communities
038155: Calmann, Gerta - Ehret, Flower Painter Extraordinary
047270: Calmette, Joseph - Charlemagne
008124: Calmette, Joseph - Le Monde Féodal
041342: Calogero, Guido - Studien über Den Eleatismus
038819: Calow, P. - Invertebrate Biology; a Functional Approach
047610: Calthorpe, Peter - The Next American Metropolis; Ecology, Community, and the American Dream
011041: Calthorpe, Somerset J. Gough - Cadogan's Crimea
013012: Hollway-Calthrop, H. C. - Petrarch; His Life and Times
040498: Calvert Albert F., and C. Gasquoine Hartley - The Prado; a Description of the Principal Pictures in the Madrid Gallery
027857: Calvert, Peter - Mexico
003749: Calvi, Felice - Storia E Genealogia Delle Famiglie Calvi
003748: Calvi, Felice - Storia E Genealogia Della Famiglia Melzi
042792: Calvin, Jean - Deux Congrégations Et Exposition Du Catéchisme
052938: Calvin, Jean - Institutes of the Christian Religion
037808: Calvino, Italo - Mr. Palomar
049102: Calvino, Italo - Fiabe Italiee
049106: Calvino, Italo - IL Sentiero Dei Nidi Di Ragno
049491: Calvino, Italo - Le Cosmicomiche
018483: Calvocoressi, M. D. - Mussorgsky
045578: Dominguez Camargo, Hernando - Obras
044666: Camastral, Peter - IL Vocalismo Dei Dialetti Della Valle Mesolcina
043600: Cambon, Glauco - Dante's Craft; Studies in Language and Style
052661: Giraldus Cambrensis - De Rebus a Se Gestis, Libri III. Invectionum Libellus. Symbolum Electorum
052662: Giraldus Cambrensis - I. De Invectionibus, Lib. IV. II. De Menevensi Ecclesia Dialogus. III. Vita S. David
052664: Giraldus Cambrensis - De Principis Instructione Liber
052663: Giraldus Cambrensis - Speculum Ecclesiae. De Vita Galfridi Archiepiscopi Eboracensis: Sive Certamina Galfridi Eboracensis Archiepiscopi
033055: Camden, Carroll - The Elizabethan Woman
042637: Camelot, Pierre Thomas - Spirtualité Du Baptême
048038: Cameron, Rondo - A Concise Economic History of the Wold from Paleolithic Times to the Present
047171: Cameron, Rondo - A Concise Economic History of the World from Paleolithic Times to the Present
044719: Cameron, Averil - The Later Roman Empire Ad 284-430
035868: Cameron, Julia Margaret - A Victorian Album
034475: Cameron, Alison Stilwell - Chinese Painting Techniques
025362: Cameron, Christina - Charles Baillairgé, Architect & Engineer
024831: Cameron, Kenneth Neill - Marx and Engels Today: A Modern Dialogue on Philosophy and History
022727: Cameron, Alister - The Identity of Oedipus the King; Five Essays on the Oedipus Tyrannus
008246: Cameron, Angus, et al. - Computers and Old English Concordances
004458: Cameron, Roderick - The Golden Haze; with Captain Cook in the South Pacific
037866: Wills, Camfield and Deirdre Wills - History of Photography; Techniques and Equipment
049134: Conde-Silvestre, Juan Camilo and Javier Calle-Martin, Eds - Approaches to Middle English; Variation, Contact and Change
011974: Cammack, Diana - The Rand at War, 1899-1902; the Witwatersrand and the Anglo-Boer War
015056: Cammermeyer, Margarethe - Serving in Silence
007217: Cammiade, Audrey - Franklin and the War of American Independence
036991: Camner, James, Ed - The Great Instrumentalists in Historic Photographs; 274 Portraits from 1850 to 1950
046654: Camões, Luis De - Os Lusiadas/Die Lusiaden, I-III
031714: Camp, John M. - The Athenian Agora; Excavation in the Heart of Classical Athens
031128: Campagnac, E. T. - The Cambridge Platonists Being Selections from the Writings of Benjamin Whichcote, John Smith and Nathanae Culverwel
031049: Campagnac, E. T. - The Cambrdige Platonists, Being Selections from the Writings of Benjain Whichcoote, John Smith, and Nathanael Culverwel
048972: Campanile, Enrico - Die älteste Hofdichtung Von Leinster; Alliterierende Reimlose Strophen
048532: Campbell, David E. - The Tale of Balain from the Romance of the Grail, a 13th Century French Prose Romance
046535: Campbell, William - Formosa Under the Dutch Described from Contemporary Records. With Explanatory Notes and a Bibliography of the Island
045325: Campbell, Sara - Collector without Walls; Norton Simon and His Hunt for the Best
042049: Campbell, Edward Fay, Jr. - The Chronology of the Amarna Letters with Special Reference to the Hypothetical Coregency of Amenophis III and Akhenaten
036551: Campbell, David G. - The Crystal Desert; Summers in Antarctica
034162: Campbell, Lewis - Tragic Drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare; an Essay
034147: Campbell, Oscar James - Comicall Satyre and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
033070: Campbell, Grace - La Synphore Dans la Jeune Parque de Paul Valéry
033020: Campbell, James - Exiled in Paris; Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Samuel Beckett, and Others on the Left Bank
031352: Campbell, Joseph - The Hero with a Thousand Faces
030253: Campbell, Oscar James - Comicall Satyre and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
029052: Campbell, Lily B. - Divine Poetry and Drama in Sixteenth-Century England
027609: Campbell, Oscar James, Ed - The Reader's Encyclopedia of Shakespeare
026348: Campbell, Dennis M. - Authority and the Renewal of American Theology
026300: Gibson, REbecca Campbell and Roger E. Beckman - Indians of Latin America: An Exhibition of Materials in the Illy Library
025409: Campbell, David G. - The Crystal Desert; Summers in Antarctica
052923: Campbell, Antony F. - The Ark Narrative (1 Sam 4-6; 2 Sam 6). A Form-Critical and Traditio-Historical Study
018860: Campbell, Bryn - Exploring Photography
018484: Campbell, Margaret - Dolmetsch; the Man and His Work
052796: Campbell, James - Essays in Anglo-Saxon History
011044: Campbell, John Campbell, 1st Baron - The Lives of the Chief Justices of England
052131: Campbell, Oscar James - Shakespeare's Satire
041999: Campinos, Jorge - A Ditadura Militar 1926/1933
051002: Campion, Thomas - Selected Songs of Thomas Campion
043349: Campo, Marta - Las Monedas de la Villa Romana de la Olmeda
038702: Redig de Campos, D. - IL Giudizio Universale Di Michelangelo
051899: Rius-Camps, Joseph - The Four Authentic Letters of Ignatius, the Martyr; a Critical Study Based on the Anomalies Contained in the Textus Receptus
047965: Camus, Jean-Pierre - Agathonphile; Récit de Philargyrippe
042127: Camus, Albert - Le Premier Homme
040113: Camus, Albert - Lettres à Un Ami Allemand
049323: Canada, Geoffrey - Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun; a Personal History of Violence in America
025849: Canaday, John - The Lives of the Painters
022298: Canaday, John - The Lives of the Painters
052228: Canal, Martin Da - Les Estoires de Venise. Cronaca Veneziana in Lingua Francese Dalle Origini Al 1275
051213: Canale, Martino Da - Martin Da Canal: Les Esoires de Venise
049359: Canaletto, Antonio - Canaletto. Selected Drawings Annotated by Terisio Pignatti
021492: Canaris, Volker - Peter Zadek, Der Theatermann Und Filmemacher
032689: Canby, Peter - The Heart of the Sky; Travels Among the Maya
007613: Canby, Courtlandt, Ed - Lincoln and the CIVIL War; a Profile and a History
047894: Cancian, Frank - The Decline of Community in Zinacantan; Economy, Public Life, and Social Stratification, 1960-1987
002361: Cancian, Francesca M. - Love in America; Gender and Self-Development
032198: Canellos, Peter S., Ed - Last Lion; the Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy
040781: Canetti, Elias - Komödie Der Eitelkeit; Drama in Drei Teilen
039784: Canetti, Elias - Die Provinz Des Menschen; Aufzeichnungen 1942-1972
025928: Canetti, Elias - Fritz Wotruba
037708: Canfield, Mary Cass - Grotesques and Other Reflections
025494: Canfield, Gae Whitney - Sarah Winemucca of the Northern Paiutes
006631: Canfield, D. Lincoln - East Meets West South of the Border; Essays on Spanish American Life and Attitudes
052618: Canfora, Luciano - The Vanished Library
044350: Canger, Una Rasmussen - Analysis in Outline of Mam, a Mayan Language
009580: Canham, Erwin D. - Commitment to Freedom; the Story of the Christian Science Monitor
011046: Cannadine, David - Aspects of Aristocracy; Grandeur and Decline in Modern Britain
042436: Cannon, William Austin - Botanical Features of the Algerian Sahara
016804: Cannon, John, Ed - A Dictionary of British History
023596: Canny, Nicholas, Ed - The Origins of Empire; British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century
1038: Canovan, Margaret - The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt
046959: Canoy, Jose Raymund - The Discreet Charm of the Polic State; the Landpolizei and the Transofrmation of Bavaria 1945-1965
022728: Cantarella, eVa - Pandora's Daughters; the Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity
044386: Becker-Cantarino, Barbara - Der Lange Weg Zur Mündigkeit; Frau Und Literatur (1500-1800)
021238: Cantello, Francesco - Tragedy and Other Ironies, Being a Collection of Verses and Prose Writings
041171: Canterbery, E. Ray - Foreign Exchange, Capital Flows, and Monetary Policy
043909: Cantor, NOrman F. - Church, Kingship, and Lay Investitute in England 1089-1135
033628: Cantor, Norman F. - In the Wake of the Plague; the Black Death and the World It Made
010361: Cantor, Norman F. - The Age of Protest; Dissent and Rebellion in the Twentieth Century
019017: Cantwell, Robert - Nathaniel Hawthorne; the American Years
048595: Capart, Jean - L'Art égyptien. I: L'Architecture; Choix de Documents Accompagnés D'Indications Bibliographiques
047323: Capellanus, Andreas - The Art of Courtly Love
025771: Capelle, Wilhelm - Das Alte Germanien; Die Nachrichten Der Griechischen Und Römischen Schriftsteller
038326: Capes, W. W. - Scenes or Rural Life in Hampshire Among the Manors of Bramshott
049628: Capgrave, John - John Capgrave's Abbreuiacion of Cronicles
005252: Caplan, Lionel - Land and Social Change in East Nepal; a Study of Hindu-Tribal Relations
050588: Capmany, Antonio De - Observaciones Criticas Sobre la Excelencia de la Lengua Castellana
048655: Capon, Joanna - Guide to Museums in China
048033: Capon, Joanna - Guide to Museums in China
014306: Capon, Edmund - Art and Archaeology in China
025359: Capone, Roberto - Vini Tipici E Pregiati D'Italia
024830: Caponigri, A. Robert - History and Liberty; the Historical Writings of Benedetto Croce
042893: Caponigro, Paul - Paul Caponigro
011032: Cuomo Di Caprio, Ninina - Fornaci E Officine Da Vasaio Tardo-Ellenistiche
043308: Capurro, Raquel - Le Positivisme Est Un Culte Des Morts: Auguste Comte
033471: Caputi, Anthony - John Marston, Satirist
010378: Caraccio, Armand - Stendhal
040195: Caracciolo, Alberto, Ed - La Formazione Dell'Italia Industriale; Discussioni E Ricerche
035881: Carafoli, John F. - Food Photography and Styling
029204: Carandini, Andrea - Die Geburt Roms
033928: Caras, Roger A. - North American Mammals; Fur-Bearing Animals of the United States and Canada
047761: Carby, Hazel V. - Cultures in Babylon; Black Britain and African America
022732: Carcopino, Jérome - Cicero: The Secrets of His Corespondence
022731: Carcopino, Jérome - Les étapes de L'Impérialisme Romain
1039: Carcopino, Jér"me - Les Reliques de Saint Pierre à Rome
038804: Cardahi, Choucri - L'Académie Française Devant la Foi
052151: De Cardi, Beatrice - Qatar Archaeological Report: Excavations 1973
014958: Cardinal, Catherine - The Watch from Its Origins to the Xixth Century
034991: Cardinale, Joseph - The Size of the Universe
032866: Cardozo, Benjamin N. - The Nature of the Judicial Process
025772: Carducci, Carlo - Gold and Silver Treasures of Ancient Italy
009725: Cardus, Neville - Composers Eleven
027812: Carell, Paul - Unternehmen Barbarossa; Der Marsch Nach Russland
027811: Carell, Paul - Verbrannte Erde; Schlact Zwischen Wolga Und Weichsel
038069: Carelli, Anne O'Brien - Sex Equity in Education; Readings and Strategies
032652: Carey, Mathew - An Address Ot the Roman Catholics of the United States
024138: Carey, Patrick W. - The Roman Catholics
049687: Carey, Peter - Parrot and Olivier in America
025128: Carignan, Maurice - Individu Et Société Chez Kierkegaard
047750: Eicher, Carl and Lawrence Witt, Eds - Agriculture in Economic Development
042802: Lauterbach, Carl and Anatole Jakovsky - Postcard Album; Also a Cultural History
023807: Elliott, Carl and John Lantos, Eds - The Last Physician; Walker Percy and the Moral Life of Medicine
023132: Boggs, Carl and Tom Pollard - World in Chaos; Social Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern Cinema
039071: Hesse, Carla and Robert Post, Eds - Human Rights in Political Transitions: Gettysburg to Bosnia
016774: Carles, Émilie - A Life of Her Own; a Country-Woman in Twentieth-Century France
032560: Carleton, Dudley - Dudley Carleton to John Chamberlain 1603-1924; Jacobean Letters
041876: Carli, Guido - Intervista Sul Capitalismo Italiano
042252: Carlier, Pierre - Démosthène
042815: Carline, Richard - Picture in the Post; the Story of the Picture Postcard and Its Place in the History of Popular Art
020803: Carlisle, Olga Andreyev - Under a New Sky; a Reunion with Russia
044949: Santini, Carlo and Fabio Stok - Hinc Italae Gentes; Geopolitica Ed Etnografia Dell'Italia Nel Commento Di Servio All'Eneide
052390: Millares Carlo, Agustin - Introducción a la Historia Del Libro Y de Las Bibliotecas
053345: Bertelli,Carlo and Gian Pietro Brogiolo - IL Futuro Dei Longobardi; L'Italia E la Costruzione Dell'Europa Di Carlo Magno
043345: Romero, Carlos and Rossend Arques - La Cultura Catalana Tra L'Umanesimo E IL Barocco; Atti Del V Convegno Dell'Associazione Italiana Di Studi Catalani (Venezia, 24-27 Marzo 1992)
023360: Rowe, John Carlos and Rick Berg, Eds - The Vietnam War and American Culture
042537: Carlson, Victor I. - Matisse As a Draughtsman
034394: Carlson, Kathie - Life's Daughter/Death's Bride; Inner Transformations Through the Goddess Demeter/Persephone
030055: Carlson, Marvin - Le Théâtre de la Révolution Français
028092: Carlson, Leland H. - Martin Marprelate, Gentleman: Master Job Throkmorton Laid Open in His Colors
025287: Carlson, John Roy - Cairo to Damascus
023446: Carlson, Paul H., Ed - The Cowboy Way; an Exploration of History and Culture
021636: Carlson, Paul H. - Deep Time and the Texas High Plains; History and Geology
007448: Carlson, Paul H., Ed - The Cowboy Way; an Exploration of History and Culture
005849: Carlson, Harry G. - Strindberg and the Poetry of Myth
043616: Carlton, Charles Merritt - A Linguistic Analysis of a Collection of Late Latin Documents Composed in Ravenna between A.D. 445-700; a Quantitative Approach
040724: Carlton, William J. - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Library of Samuel Pepys. Part IV: Shorthand Books, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes
045559: Carluccio, Antonio - A Passion for Mushrooms
020477: Carlyle, Thomas - Thomas Carlyle; Letters to His Wife
020476: Carlyle, Thomas - Letters of Thomas Carlyle to William Graham
015332: Carlyle, Thomas - The Letters of Thomas Carlyle to His Brother Alexander: With Related Family Letters
011173: Carlyle, Thomas - Letters of Thomas Crlyle to William Graham
048175: Carman, Taylor - Merleau-Ponty
047887: Carman, Bliss - Letters of Bliss Carman
006662: Carman, W. Y. - British Military Uniforms from Contemporary Pictures; Henry VII to the Present Day
004233: Carman, J. Neale - A Study of the Pseudo-Map Cycle of Arthurian Romance to Investigate Its Historico-Geographic Background and to Provide a Hypothesis As to Its Fabrication
013425: Carmassi, Arturo - Arturo Carmassi
034988: Carmean, Kelli - Creekside; an Archaeological Novel
036672: Carmichael, Montgomery - In Tuscany; Tuscan Towns, Tuscan Types and the Tuscan Tongue
026206: Carmichael, Montgomery - In Tuscany; Tuscan Towns, Tuscan Types, and the Tuscan Tongue
023995: Carmichael, Joel - An Illustrated History of Russia
045011: Carmody, Francis J. - L'Espagne Ee PtoléMée, Toponymie Pré-Romaine; étude Linguistique
051782: Carmona, Gerardo, et al. - Michael Faraday: Un Genio de Fisica Experimental
048391: Carnap, Rudolf - The Logical Syntax of Language
029551: Musée Carnavalet - Dessins Parisiens Des Xixe Et Xxe Siècles
029370: Musée Carnavalet - Cinquante Ans de MéCénat; Dons de la Société Des Amis de Carnavalet Et de Ses Membres; Ville de Paris, Musée Carnavalet, 2 Juin-27 Septembre 1981
030207: Carnegy, Patrick - Wagner and the Art of the Theatre
1045: Carnegy, Patrick C. A. - The Assurance of God
047883: Carnochan, W. B. - The Sad Story of Burton, Speke, and the Nile; or, Was John Hanning Speke a Cad? Looking at the Evidence
022733: Carnochan, W. B. - Gibbon's Solitude; the Inward World of the Historian
034307: Carnoy, Martin - Faded Dreams; the Politics and Economics of Race in America
035243: De Caro, Frank - Folklife in Louisiana Photography; Images of Tradition
006222: Caroe, Alban D. R. - Old Churches and Modern Craftsmanship
038458: Fairbanks, Carol and Eugene A. Engeldinger - Black American Fiction: A Bibliography
033266: Beckwith, Carol and Angela Fisher - African Ceremonies; the Concise Edition
027672: Carola, Leslie Conron, Ed - The Irish; a Treasury of Art and Literature
046565: Levin, Carole and John Watkins - Shakespeare's Foreign Worlds; National and Transnational Identities in the Elizabethan Stage
047509: Blunden, Caroline and Mark Elvin - Cultural Atlas of China
046926: Kroon, Caroline and Daan Den Hengst, Eds - Ultima Aetas; Time, Tense and Transience in the Ancient World; Studies in Honour of Jan Den Boeft
032188: Blunden, Caroline and Mark Elvin - The Cultural Atlas of the World: China
015305: Caron, François - An Economic History of Modern France
021368: Carossa, Hans - Das Jahr Der Schönen Täuschungen
021341: Carossa, Hans - Der Arzt Gion; Eine Erzählung
021340: Carossa, Hans - Geheimnisse Des Reifen Lebens Aus Den Aufzeichnungen Angermanns
034574: Caroti, Stefano - Giovanni Da Venezia Un Tardoscolastico Nelle Università Toscane
014481: Carp, E. Wayne - Family Matters; Secrecy and Disclosure in the History of Adoption
036106: Carpaneto, Giorgio - I Palazzi Di Roma
045252: Carpenter, Philip L., Et al. - Plants in the Landscape
041354: Carpenter, Edwin H. - Printers and Publishers in Southern Clifornia 1850-1876; a Directory
036334: Carpenter, Ray - The Camera and the Craftsman; a Travelling Exhibition of Photographs and Objects
030009: Carpenter, Humphrey - Geniuses Together; American Writers in Paris in the 1920s
026908: Carpenter, Humphrey - The Brideshead Generation; Evelyn Waugh and His Friends
026001: Carpenter, Humphrey - A Serious Character; the Life of Ezra Pound
023535: Carpenter, Allan - The Encyclopedia of the Far West
019518: Carpenter, Humphrey - A Serious Character; the Life of Ezra Pound
008403: Carpenter, Red Galen, Ed - Delusions of Grandeur; the United Nations and Global Intervention
051558: Carpenter, Nan Cooke - Music in the Medieval and Renaissance Universities
026936: Vega Carpio, Lope De - El Sufrimiento Premiado; Comedia Famosa
042841: Carr, William G. - John Swett; the Biography of an Educational Pioneer
034840: Carr, Pat - One Page at a Time (on a Writing Life)
029742: Carr, Steven Alan - Hollywood and Anti-Semitism; a Cultural History Up to World War II
027345: Carr, Caleb - The Alienist
052719: Carr, John - A Vulcan Among the Argonauts, Being Vivid Excerpts from Those Most Original & Amusing Memoirs of John Carr Blacksmith
050845: Carr, Virginia Spencer - Paul Bowles; a Life
048725: O Carragain, Eamonn - The City of Rome and the World of Bede
021966: Navarro Carrasco, Ana Isabel - Differencias Léxicas Entre Andalucia Oriental Y Andalucia Occidental
021959: Navarro Carrasco, Ana Isabel - El Atlas de Canarias Y El Diccionario Académico
013628: Carrasco, Pedro - Land and Polity in Tibet
036712: Le Carré, John - Absolute Friends
014957: Carrera, Roland - Swatchissimo, 1981-1991; L'Extrordinaire Aventure Swatch
045847: Carreras, Jose - Singing from the Soul; an Autobiography
021060: Carretta, Vincent - The Snarling Muse; Verbal and Visual Political Satire from Pope to Churchill
020261: Carrière, Anne-Lise - Cinq Grandes Odes de Paul Claudel; étude Des Manuscrits
013427: Carrière, Eugène - Eugène Carrière, 1849-1906; Seer of the Real
044393: Carrieri, Rafaele - La Danza in Italia 1500-1900
004922: Carrington, Georg C., Jr. - The Immense Complex Drama; the World and Art of the Howells Novel
027839: Carrion, Arturo MOrales - Puerto Rico; a Political and Cultural History
045598: Carroll, Jon - Near-Life Experiences; the Best of Jon Carroll
038775: Carroll, Andrew, Ed - Behind the Lines; Powerful and Revealing American and Foreign War Letters--and One Man's Search to Find Them
036824: Carroll, Lewis - Lewis Carroll's the Hunting of the Snark Illustrated by Henry Holiday
023573: Carroll, Lewis - Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There
017862: Carroll, John B. - The Study of Language; a Survey of Linguistics and Related Disciplines in America
009807: Carroll, John - Sceptical Sociology
007255: Carroll, John Alexander, Ed - Reflections of Western Historians
053105: Carroll, William C. - The Great Feast of Language in Love's Labour's Lost
004752: Carroll, Holbert N. - The House of Representatives and Foreign Affairs
049804: Carroll, John S. - Prisoners of Hope; an Exposition of Dante's Purgatorio
044706: Carron, Jean-Claude, Ed - François Rabelais; Critical Assessments
021613: Carron, Jean-Claude, Ed - François Rabelais
052609: Carron, Roland - Enfant Et Parenté Dans la France Médiévale Xe-Xiiie Siècles
038252: Carrott, Richard G. - The Egyptian Revival; Its Sources, Monuments, and Meaning 1808-1858
052334: Carruba, Onofrio - Analecta Philologica Anatolica
035160: Carryl, Guy Wetmore - Fables for the Frivolous (with Apologies to la Fontaine)
030210: Carse, Adam - The Orchestra in the Xviiith Century
007137: Carse, Robert - Ports of Call
040491: Carson, Rachel L. - The Sea Around Us
035484: Carson, Gerald - Rum and Reform in Old New England
022442: Carson, Rachel - The Edge of the Sea
012603: Carson, Rachel - The Edge of the Sea
007139: Carson, Gerald - The Polite Americans; 300 Years of More or Less Good Behaviour
053704: Carter, Tim - Monteverdi's Musical Theatre
042797: Carter, Jesse Benedict - The Religion of Numa and Other Essays on the Religion of Ancient Rome
052189: Carter, Henry H. - Cancioneiro Da Ajuda; a Diplomatic Edition
037085: Carter, David E., Ed - Company Uniforms
035938: Carter, John - Victorian Fiction; an Exhibition of Original Editions at 7 Albemarle Street, London, January to February 1947
035830: Carter, Angela - Bruning Your Boats; the Collected Short Stories
023311: Carter, Violet Bonham - Winston Churchill; an Intimate Portrait
022734: Carter, Howard - The Tomb of Tutankhamen
020172: Carter, Jimmy - An Hour Before Daylight; Memories of a Rural Boyhood
018994: Carter, Luther J. - Nuclear Imperatives and Public Trust; Dealing with Radioactive Waste
016420: Carter, Paul A. - Another Part of the Twenties
011976: Carter, Hodding - Doomed Road of Empire; the Spanish Trail of Conquest
052200: Carter, Morris - Isabella Stewart Gardner and Fenway Court
006004: Carter, Morris - Isabella Stewart Gardner and Fenway Court
005963: Carter, Samuel, III - The Last Cavaliers; Confederate and Union Cavalry in the CIVIL War
005062: Carter, Gwendolen M., Et al. - South Africa's Transkei; the Politics of Domestic Colonialism
326: Cartier, Norman R. - Le Bossu Désenchanté; étude Sur le Jeu de la Feuillée
046990: Cartledge, Paul - Spartan Reflections
044200: Cartledge, Paul - The Spartans; the World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece, from Utopia to Crisis and Collapse
041017: Cartwright, Julia - Isabella D'Este, Marchioness of Mantua 1474-1539; a Study of the Renaissance
022423: Cartwright, Frederick F. - Disease and History
049787: Lucretius Carus, Titus - De Rerum Natura Libri Sex
050664: Lucretius Carus, Titus - The Nature of Things
026577: Caruso, Patrick F. - Nightmare on Iwo Jima; a Marine in Combat
047409: Caruthers, William - Loafing Along Death Valley Trails; a Personal Narrative of People and Places
007525: Caruthers, J. Wade - Octavius Brooks Frothingham, Gentle Radical
045455: Carver, Norman F., Jr. - Italian Hilltowns
037556: Carver, Norman F., Jr. - Italian Hilltowns
011978: Carver, Michael - War Since 1945
011977: Carver, Michael - The War Lords; Commanders of the Twentieth Century
046377: Cary, Joyce - Except the Lord; a Novel
031716: Cary, M. - The Geographic Background of Greek & Roman History
006989: Cary, Joyce - Power in Men
046519: Dalla Casa, Girolamo - Madrigali Da Sonar Con la Viola Bastarda I for Bass Viol (Gamba) and Continuo
046518: Dalla Casa, Girolamo - Canzoni Da Sonar Con la Viola Bastarda for Bass Viol (Gamba) and Continuo
052493: Casalduero, Joaquin Gimeno - Estructura Y Diseño En la Literatura Castellana Medieval
044477: Casanova, Carlamaria - Renata Tebaldi; la Voce D'Angelo
030235: Casanova, Carlamaria - Tebaldi; the Voice of an Angel
021579: Casares, Julio - Ante El Proyecto de Un Diccionario Historico; Informe
009432: Casares, Julio - Introduccion a la Lexicografia Moderna
037551: Casas, Penelope - Tapas, the Little Dishes of Slpain
030902: Casasola, Agustin Victor - The World of Agustin Victor Casasola. Mexico: 1900-1938. El Mundo de Agustin Victor Casasola, November 27, 1984-November 1987
041209: Case, E. C. - The Permo-Carboniferous Red Beds of North America and Their Vertebrate Fauna
033544: Case, Robert H. - English Epithalamies
025884: Case, Shirley Jackson - The Millennial Hope; a Phase of War-Time Thinking
024826: Case, Shirley Jackson, Ed - A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Christianity
024141: Case, Shirley Jackson - Studies in Early Christianity
048319: Casetti, Pierre - Gibt Es Ein Leben Vor Dem Tod? Eine Auslegung Von Psalm 49
033796: O'Casey, Sean - The Sean O'Casey Reader: Plays, Autobiographies, Opinions
007813: Casey, John, Ed - Morality and Moral Reasoning; Five Essays in Ethics
042599: Casimiri, Raffaele Casimiro - IL "Codice 59" Dell'Archivio Musicale Lateranense, Autografo Di Giov. Pierluigi Da Palestrina
048692: Da Casola, Niccolo - La Guerra D'Attila; Poema Franco-Italiano Pubblicato Dall'Unico Manoscritto Della R. Biblioteca Estense Di Modena
048511: Coucougnous-Cassade, Andolfi - Le Parler Du Midi: Vocabulaire
049701: Cassady, Stephen - Baron Wolman Presents: Spanning the Gate; the Golden Gate Bridge
004912: Cassell, Richard A. - Ford Madox Ford; a Study of His Novels
041846: Cassese, Sabino - L'Amministrazione Pubblica in Italia
015102: Cassidy, David C. - Uncertainty; the Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg
014545: Cassidy, John A. - Algernon C. Swinburne
045765: Cassirer, Ernst - The Logic of the Humanities
045763: Cassirer, Ernst - The Problem of Knowledge; Philosophy, Science, and History Since Hegel
045431: Cassirer, Ernst - Symbol, Myth, and Culture; Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer 1935-1945
044028: Cassirer, Ernst - Kant's Life and Thought
039084: Cassirer, Ernst - Idee Und Gestalt: Goethe/Schiller/Hölderlin/Kleist. Fünf Aufsätze
050471: Cassirer, Ernst - Zur Einstein'Schen Relativitätstheorie; Erkenntnisthheoretisiche Betrachtungen
052821: Casson, Lionel - Libraries in the Ancient World
003270: Casson, Stanley - Progress of Archaeology
053517: Casta, François de - Le Diocèse D'Ajaccio
016801: Castañeda, Jorge G. - The Mexican Shock; Its Meaning for the United States
041245: Castelli, Enrico - Demitizzazione E Ideologia; Atti Del Convegno Indetto Dal Centro Internazionale Di Studi Umanistici E Dall'Istituto Di Studi Filosofici, Roma, 4-9 Gennaio 1973
040233: Castells, Manuel - The Informational City; Information Technology, Economic Restructuring, and the Urban-Regional Process
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