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045845: Spelman, Elizabeth V. - Inessential Woman; Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought
047502: Spence, Jonathan D. - Ts'Ao Yin and the K'Ang-Hsi Emperor, Bondservant and Master
032341: Spence, Jonathan D. - Chinese Roundabout; Essays in History and Culture
021329: Spence, Jonathan D. - God's Chinese Son; the Taiping Heavenly Kingdo of Hong Xiuquan
020170: Spence, Gerry - The Making of a Country Lawyer
012545: Spence, Jonathan D. - Chinese Roundabout; Essays in History and Culture
044346: Spencer, John, Ed - Linguistics and Style
039851: Spencer, Colin - The Heretic's Feast; a History of Vegetarianism
037232: Spencer, Colin - The Heretic's Feast; a History of Vegetarianism
035882: Spencer, Isobel - Walter Crane
035581: Spencer, Colin - The New Vegatarian; Cooking with Style the Vegetarian Way
035174: Spencer, Robert - Islam Unveiled; Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest-Growing Faith
033658: Spencer, Theodore - Theodore Spencer: Selected Essays
033548: Spencer, Hazelton - Shakespeare Improved; the Restoration Versions in Quarto and on the Stage
027358: Spencer, Edmund - The Faerie Queene. Book One
026563: Spencer, Flora Macdonald - Evan Macdonald; a Painter's Life
025237: Spencer, Herbert - The Principles of Ethics
025236: Spencer, Herbert - Ceremonial Institutions: Being Part IV, of the Principles of Sociology (the First Porotion of Vol. II. )
025235: Spencer, Herbert - Ecclesiastical Institutions: Being Part VI. Of the Principles of Sociology
014083: Spencer, Herbert - Education Intellectual, Moral, and Physical
006781: Spencer, Benjamin T. - The Quest for Nationality; an American Literary Campaign
027394: Spender, Dale - Mothers of the Novel; 100 Good Women Writers Before Jane Austen
021014: Spender, Stephen, Ed - W.H. Auden; a Tribute
019632: Spender, Stephen - The Year of the Young Rebels Revisited
007979: Spengemann, William C. - Mark Twain and the Backwoods Angel; the Matter of Innocence in the Works of Samuel L. Clemens
044896: Spenser, Edmund - The Works of Edmund Spenser; a Variorum Edition
033213: Spenser, Edmund - The Faerie Queene
049838: Spenser, Edmund - The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser in Three Volumes
050177: Spenser, Edmund - The Faerie Queene
049763: Spenser, Edmund - The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Edmund Spenser
009117: Sper, Felix - From Native Roots; a Panorama of Our Regional Drama
042461: Canto-Sperber, Monique - Moral Disquiet and Human Life
005434: Sperisen, Francis J. - The Art of the Lapidary
042999: Sperlbaum, Margret - Tiernamen Mit K-Suffix in Diachronischer Und Synchronischer Sicht
041661: Sperling, James, Ed - Germany at Fifty-Five. Berlin Is Nicht Bonn
044215: Speroni, Charles - The Italian Wellerism to the End of the Seventeenth Century
034233: Sperry, Neil - Neil Sperry's Complete Guide to Texas Gardening
033576: Spevack, Marvin - A Shakespeare Thesaurus
043263: Sphyroeras, Vasilis, et al. - Maps and Map-Makers of the Aegean
038139: Spicer, Edward H., Ed - Human Problems in Technological Change; a Casebook
052737: Spicq, Ceslas - Vida Cristiana Y Peregrinacion Segun El Nuevo Testamento
053067: Spidlik, Thomas - La Spiritualité de L'Orient Chrétien. T. II: La Prèrei
053053: Spidlik, Thomas - La Doctrine Spirituelle de Théophene le Reclus; le Coeur Et L'Esprit
053061: Spidlik, Thomas - La Spiritualité de L'Orient Chrétien; Manuel Systématique
053700: Spiegel, Tilly - ôsterreicher in Der Belgischen Und Französischen Résistance
025279: Spiegel, Joachim - Soziale Und Weltanschauliche Reformbewegungen IM Alten ägypten
050689: Spiegel, Gabrielle M. - The Past As Text; the Theory and Practice of Medieval Historiography
007734: Spiegel, Steven L. - The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict; Making America's Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan
039466: Spiegelberg, Herbert - Sollen Und Dürfen; Philosophische Grundlagen Der Ethischen Rechte Und Pflichten
029755: Spieler, Ludwig - Gralsschöpfung
011605: Spiers, Edward M. - Radical Eneral, Sir George de Lacy Evans, 1787-1870
013688: Spies, Werner - Picasso's World of Children
043039: Spiess, Philipp Ernst - Aufklärungen in Der Geschichte Und Diplomatik Als Eine Fortsezung Der Archivischen Nebenarbeiten
031464: Spiess, LIncoln Bunce - Historical Musicology; a Reference Manual for Research in Music
016413: Spiller, Robert E. - Fenimore Cooper, Critic of His Times
043584: Spillner, Bernd - Lingistik Und Literaturwissenschaft; Stilforschung, Rhetorik, Textlinguistik
030216: Spingarn, J. E., Ed - Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century
023274: Spingarn, J. E., Ed - Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century
009268: Spink, Reginald - Hans Christian Andersen and His World
004577: Spink, Reginald - Hans Christian Andersen; the Man and His Work
041426: Spinka, Matthew - John Hus at the Council of Constance
014085: Spinka, Matthew - Christian Thought from Erasmus to Berdyaev
018281: Spinner, S. - Die Verwendung Von Synonymen IM Alten Testament Und Die Aufgefundenen Ras-Schamratexte
045885: Spinoza, Benedictus De - Opera Quotquot Reperta Sunt
044291: Spinoza, Benedictus De - Traité de Ra Réforme de L'Entendement Et de la Meilleure Voie à Suivre Pour Parvenir à la Vraie Connaisance Des Choses
023252: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Tractatus Politicus
023254: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Wijsgerrige Fragmenten
023251: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Spinoza: On Freedom of Thought
023249: Spinoza, Benedictus de - The Principles of Descartes' Philosophy
023248: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Letters to Friend and Foe
023243: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Ethica
023244: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Ethica in Meetkundigen Trant Uiteengezet
023245: Spinoza, Benedictus de - Ethica Op Meetkundige Wijze Uiteengezet
046389: Spire, André - Poèmes D'ICI Et de Là-Bas
015614: Spiro, Herbert J. - The Politics of German Codetermination
002692: Spitta, Friedrich - Die Apostelgeschichte; Ihre Quellen Und Deren Geschichtlicher Wert
008090: Spitzer, Robert J. - The Right to Life Movement and Third Party Politics
053033: Spitzer, Leo - Aufsätze Zur Romanischen Syntax Und Stilistik
014202: Spitzweg, Karl - Die Gute Alte Zeit; Zeichungen Von Karl Spitzweg
047598: Spoerer, Mark - Steuerlast, Steuerinzidenz Und Steuerwettbewerb; Verteilungswirkungen Der Besteuerung in PreußEn Und Württemberg (1815-1913)
031648: Spomer, Ron - The Rut; the Spectacular Fall Ritual of North American Horned and Antlered Animals
025611: Spores, Ronald - The Mixtec Kings and Their Peoples
017409: Spoto, Donald - Falling in Love Again: Marlene Dietrich
015709: Spoto, Donald - Blue Angel; the Life of Marlene Dietrich
014514: Spoto, Donald - Madcap; the Life of Preston Sturges
009603: Spoto, Donald - Lenya; a Life
044497: Spotts, Frederic - Bayreuth; a History of the Wagner Festival
004127: Spotts, Frederic - The Churches and Politics in Germany
046790: Sprague, Rosamond Kent, Ed - The Older Sophists
033145: Sprague, Arthur Colby - Shakespearian Players and Performances
041979: Spriano, Paolo - Gramsci E Gobetti; Introduzione Alla Vita E Alle Opere
007977: Sprigge, Sylvia - Berenson; a Biography
008701: Springborg, Robert - Family, Power, and Politics in Egypt; Sayed Bey Marei, His Clan, Clients, and Cohorts
014413: Springer, Mary Doyle - A Rhetoric of Literary Character; Some Women of Henry James
036562: Springsteed, Anne Frances - The Expert Waitress; a Manual for the Pantry, Kitchen, and Dining-Room
007011: Sproston, John Glendy - A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston, U.S. N.
004842: Sprunt, Alexander - Florida Bird Life
011911: Spunda, Franz - Paracelsus
030965: Spurling, Hilary - The Girl from the Fiction Department; a Portrait of Sonia Orwell
009976: Spurling, Hilary - Paul Scott; a Life of the Author of the Raj Quartet
042536: Spurny, Jan - Karel Svolinsky
016172: Spurr, Russell - A Glorious Way to Die; the Kamikaze Mission of the Battleship Yamato, April 1945
044218: Squibb, G. D. - The High Court of Chivalry; a Study of the CIVIL Law in England
020752: Squire, P. S. - The Third Deparment; the Establishment and Practices of the Political Police in the Russia of Nicholas I.
004845: Squire, Lorene - Wildfowling with a Camera
042754: Squires, Radcliffe - The Major Themes of Robert Frost
043668: Srbik, Heinrich, Ritter Von - Metternich, Der Staatsmann Und Der Mensch
011406: Srejovic, Dragoslav - Europe's First Monumental Sculpture; New Discoveries at Lepenski Vir
003621: Srisavasdi, Boon Chuey - The Hill Tribes of Siam
014087: Srivastava, Rama Shanker - Contemporary Indian Philosophy
039141: Sronkova, Olga - Die Mode Der Gotischen Frau
038258: Sronkova, Olga - Gothic Woman's Fashion
052238: SSapegno, Natalino - Poeti Minori Del Trecento
042432: Konferentsiia po Semitskim Iazykam (1st, 1964, Moscow) - Materialy Pervoi Konferentsii Po Semitskim Iazykam, 26-28 Oktiabria 1964 G.
050869: Staal, J. F. - Euclides En Panini; Twee Methodische Richtlijnen Voor de Filosofie
047577: Van Staaveren, Jacob - An American in Japan 1945-1948; a Civilian View of the Occupation
027068: Pérez-Stable, Marifeli - The Cuban Revolution; Origins, Course, and Legacy
019944: Stacey, Margaret, et al. - Power, Persistance and Change; a Second Study of Banbury
003500: Stachowiak, Herbert - Rationalismus IM Ursprung; Die Genesis Des Axiomatischen Denkens
035826: Stack, Lotus - Patterned Threads; Itat Tradition and Inspirations
023948: Stackhouse, John - Australia's Venomous Wildlife
007890: Stackpole, Edward J. - Chancellorsville; Lee's Greatest Battle
052179: Stacton, David - Segaki
029890: Staden, Hans - Zwei Reisen Nach Brasilien 1548-1555
051210: Staehelin, Martin - Die Messen Heinrich Isaacs
006532: Staël, Anne-Louise-GErmaine - Lettres Sur Les Ouvrages Et le Caractere de J.J. Rousseau
048542: Stafford, William - Allegiances
052268: Stafford, Barbara Maria - Artful Science; Enlightenment Entertainment and the Eclipse of Visual Education
005772: Stafford, Peter - Sexual Behavior in the Commnist World; an Eyewitness Report of Life, Love and the Human Condition Behind the Iron Curtain
004435: Stafford, Don - The Romantic Past of Rotorua
026978: Stähelin, Felix - Die Schweiz in Römischer Zeit
040201: Stahl, Alan M. - The Venetian Tornesello; a Medieval Colonial Coinage
039288: Stahl, E. L. - Friedrich Schiller's Drama; Theory and Practice
010677: Stahl, Walter, Ed - The Politics of Postwar Germany
006077: Stahl, Kathleen M. - British and Soviet Colonial Systems
043193: Stahr, Adolf - Ein Jahr in Italien
002879: Staiger, Brunhild - Das Konfuzius-Bild IM Kommunistischen China; Die Neubewertung Von Konfuzius in Der Chinesischen-Marxistischen Geschichtsschreibung
008073: Stallman, R. W. - Stephen Crane; a Biography
022826: Stallones, Jared R. - Paul Robert Hanna; a Life of Expanding Communities
026480: Stam, Gunther - The Architecture of J.J. P. Oud 1906-1963; an Exhibition of Drawings, Plans and Photographs from the Archives or Mrs. J.M. A. Oud-Dinaux, Wassenaar, Holland
047702: Stamatopoulos, Nondas - Old Corfu; History and Culture
025502: Stambovsky, Phillip - The Depictive Image; Metaphor and Literary Experience
048360: Stamm, J. J. - The Ten Commandments in Recent Research
041615: Stammler, Wolfgang - Geschichte Der Niederdeutschen Literatur Von Den ältesten Zeiten Bis Auf Die Gegenwart
029756: Stammler, Wolfgang - Von Der Mystik Zum Barock 1400-1600
015364: Stampp, Kenneth M. - America in 1857; a Nation on the Brink
052689: Stanbury, Sarah - Seeing the Gawain-Poet; Description and the Act of Perception
034213: Stancioff, Nadia - Maria; Callas Remembered
017009: Standage, Tom - The Turk; the Life and Times of the Famous Eighteenth-Century Chess-Playing Machine
041968: Stanford, Peter - The Legend of Pope Joan; in Search of the Truth
041153: Stang, Richard - The Theory of the Novel in England 1850-1870
038693: Stang, Ragna Thiis - The Art of Gustav Vigeland in 48 Pictures
052901: Stang, Christian S. - Die Sprache Des Litauischen Katechismus Von Mazvydas
014088: Stanga, Lucia - La Chiesa Parrocchiale Di Santo Stefano Di Arogno Ti
045067: Stange, Carl - Die Anfänge Der Theologie Luthers
1552: Stange, Alfred - Der Schleswiger Dom Und Seine Wandmalereien
004387: Stange, Alfred - Deutsche Kunst Um 1400; Versuch Einer Darstellung Ihrer Form Und Ihres Wesens
006972: Stanger, Frank M. - South from San Francisco; San Mateo County, California, Its History and Heritage
050242: Staniford, Edward - El Cerrito; Historical Evolution
041825: Stanislawski, Jan - English-Polish and Polish-English Dictionary
040434: Stanley, Guy - The Ivory Seal
039608: Stanley, Glenn, Ed - The Cambridge Companion to Beethoven
038999: Goff, Stanley and Robert Sanders - Brothers; Black Soldiers in the Nam
035628: Stanley, Autumn - Asparagus; the Sparrowgrass Cookbook
029076: Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn - Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey
050164: Stanley, Steven M. - Extinction
012871: Stanley, H. M. - The Exploration Diaries of H.M. Stanley; Now First Published from the Original Manuscirpts
022318: Stannard, David E. - Shrinking History; on Freud and the Failure of Psychohistory
018283: Stannard, David E. - The Puritan Way of Death; a Study in Religion, Culture, and Social Change
016330: Stannard, David E. - The Puritanism Way of Death; a Study in Religion, Cultre, and Social Change
002372: Stannard, David E. - Shrinking History; on Freud and the Failure of Psychohistory
026224: Sargent, S. Stansfeld and Marian W. Smith, Eds - Culture and Personality
045706: Stanton, Domna C. - The Aristocrat As Art; a Study of the Honnête Homme and the Dandy in Seventeenth- and Nineteenth-Century French Literature
014089: Stanton, Phoebe B. - The Gothic Revival & American Church Architecture; an Episode in Taste, 1840-1856
005864: Stanton, William - The Great United States Exploring Expedition of 1832-1842
032616: Stapfer, Paul - Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity; Greek and Latin Antiquity As Presented in Shakespeare's Plays
020440: Starbuck, Susan - Hazel Wolf; Fighting the Establishment
023261: Starcke, C. N. - Baruch de Spinoza
014090: Starcke, C. N. - L. Feuerbach; En Monografi
040969: Starer, Robert - Continuo; a Life in Music
009200: Starer, Robert - Continuo; a Life in Music
021550: Stares, Paul B. - Allied Rights and Legal Constraints on German Military Power
036399: Starey, Cynthia Rowena - Bethlehem Tableaux As Played in a Somersetshire Village
044982: Stark, Rudolf - Aristotelesstudien; Philologische Untersuchungen Zur Entwicklung Der Aristotelischen Ethik
039198: Stark, Thomas - The Distribution of Personal Income in the United Kingdom 1949-1963
035762: Starke, Leslie - Starke and Unashamed
014091: Starkey, Marion L. - The Devil in Massachusetts; a Modern Inquiry Into the Salem Witch Trials
047765: Starkie, Walter - Scholars and Gypsies; an Autobiography
027396: Starkie, Enid - Arthur Rimbaud
015589: Starkie, Enid - Baudelaire
037862: Starmore, Alice - The Celtic Collection; Twenty-Five Knitwear Designs for Men and Women
034745: Starn, Randolph - Contrary Commonwealth; the Theme of Exile in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
016447: Starobin, Joseph R. - American Communism in Crisis, 1943-1957
029467: Starobinski, Jean - 1789; the Emblems of Reason
044729: Starr, Chester G. - The Birth of Athenian Democracy; the Assembly in the Fifth Century B.C.
039835: Jordan, David Starr and Barton Warren Evermann - The Fishes of North and Middle America
033830: Starr, Kevin - Over California
026980: Starr, Chester G. - Past and Future in Ancient History
026979: Starr, Chester G. - The Influence of Sea Power on Ancient History
011389: Starr, Chester G. - The Economic and Social Growth of Early Greece, 800-500 B.C.
008277: Starr, Kevin - Inventing the Dream; California Through the Progressive Era
005957: Starr, Stephen Z. - Jennison's Jayhawkers; a CIVIL War Cavalry Regiment and Its Commander
022524: Starrett, David A. - Foundations of Public Economics
025413: Stashower, Daniel - Teller of Tales; the Life of Arthur Conan Doyle
031465: Stasov, Vladimir Vasilevich - Selected Essays on Music
031466: Stassinopoulos, Arianna - Maria Callas; the Woman Behind the Legend
019222: United States. Department of State - The Geneva Meeting of Foreign Ministers, October 27-November 16, 1955
029688: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States - The 9/11 Commission Report. Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
021532: Stathis, James J. - A Bibliography of Swift Studies 1945-1965
050169: Statius, Publius Papinius - Statius
049896: Statius, Publius Papinius - Opera Omnia Ex Editione Bipontina
021106: Statler, Oliver - Shimoda Story
052105: Stauabermann, Klaus, Ed - Reconstructions; Recreating Science and Technology of the Past
009871: Staub, Marianne - Richtungsbegriff, Richtungsausdruck; Versuch Zu Einem Vergleich Von Deutscher Und Französischen Ausdrucksweise
1553: Stauffer, Ethelbert - Christus Und Die Caesaren; Historische Skizzen. 6e Erweiterte Auflage
034102: Stavig, Mark - John Ford and the Tradition Moral Order
009232: Stavrianos, L. S. - Lifelines from Our Past; a New World History
037927: Stead, Philip John - Mr. Punch
043851: Steadman, John M. - Disembodied Laughter; Troilus and the Apotheosis Tradition. A Reexamination of Narrative and Thematic Contexts
035765: Steadman, Ralph - The Book of Jones
031469: Steane, J. B. - Voices; Singers & Critics
031467: Steane, J. B. - The Grand Tradition; Seventy Years of Singing on Record
031468: Steane, J. B. - Singers of the Century
003759: Steane, Edward - The Eternal King; a Sermon on the Death of His Late Majesty, King William the Fourth
049177: Stearns, Peter N. - Consumerism in World History; the Global Transformation of Desire
040655: Stearns, Raymond Phineas - Congregationalism in the Dutch Netherlands; the Rise and Fall of the English Congregational Classis 1621-1635
048400: Stebbing, L. Susan - A Modern Elementary Logic
011606: Stebbing, William - Peterborough
047595: Stebbins, Charles E. - A Critical Edition of the 13th and 14th Centuries Old French Poem Versions of the "Vie de Saint Alexis
044436: Stebbins, Theodore E., Jr. - Martin Johnson Heade
038875: Stebbins, Theodore E., Jr. - Weston's Westons; Portraits and Nudes
037309: Stebbins, Theodore E., Jr. - The Lure of Italy; American Artists and the Italian Experience 1760-1914
032431: Stebbins, Theodroe E., Jr., Et al. - A New World: Masterpieces of American Painting 1760-1910
026190: Stedman, Jane W. - W.S. Gilbert; a Classic Victorian and His Theatre
020454: Stedman, Raymond William - Shadows of the Indian; Stereotypes in American Culture
006783: Stedman, Charles Ellery - The CIVIL War Sketchbook of Charles Ellery Stedman, Surgeon, United States Navy
042305: Denmark. Stednavneudvalget - Sønderjyske Stednavne. Vols. 1-19
010026: Ver Steeg, Clarence L. - Origins of a Southern Mosaic; Studies of Early Carolina and Georgia
029082: Steegman, John - Cambridge
011607: Steegmann, John - Cambridge; As It Was and As It Is to-Day
040024: Steegmuller, Francis - The Two Lives of James Jackson Jarves
020290: Steel, Danielle - His Bright Light; the Story of Nick Traina
019918: Steel, Anthony - The Custom of the Room or Early Wine-Books of Christ's College, Cambridge
033789: Commager, Henry Steele and Richard B. Morris, Eds - Bicentennial Edition of the Spirit of 'Seventy-Six; the Story of the American Revolution As Told by Participants
016175: Steele, Ian K. - Warpaths; Invasions of North America
051284: Steele, Valerie, Ed - Dance & Fashion
050644: Steele, Thomas J. - Works and Days: A History of San Felipe Neri Church 1867-1895
007923: Steelman, John R., Ed - Who's Who in Labor; the Authorized Biographies of the Men and Women Who Lead Labor in the United States and Canada and of Those Who Deal with Labor Together with a Glossary of Labor Terminology
012647: Steen, Marguerite - Little White King
052243: Van Steenberghen, Fernand - La Bibliothèque Du Philosophe Médiéviste
020858: Steenrod, N. E. - Review of Papers in Algebraic and Differential Topology, Topological Groups, and Homological Algebra, As Printed in Mathemataical Reviews 1940 Through 1967 Arranged by Topic Under 290 Headings
050913: Steensen, Thomas - The Frisians in Schleswig-Holstein
050086: Steenstrup, Johannes - De Danske Stednavne
045075: Bidner, Stefan and T"homas Feuerstein, Eds - Plus Ultra. Jenseits Der Moderne?/Beyond Modernity
034196: Hildebrandt, Stefan and Anthony Tromba - Mathematics and Optimal Form
018789: Stefan, Paul - Franz Schubert
042414: Bartolini, Stefano and Roberto D'Alimonte, Eds - Maggioiratio Ma Non Troppo; le Elezioni Politiche Del 1994
049642: Steffen, Alex, Ed - Worldchanging; a User's Guide for the 21st Century
033797: Steffens, Lincoln - The Letters of Lincoln Steffens
030684: Steger, Debra P., Ed - Redesigning the World Trade Organization for the Twenty-First Century
009872: Steger, Hugo - Vorschläge Für Eine Strukturale Grammatik Des Deutschen
014092: Stegmüller, Wolfgang - Main Currents in Contemporary German, British, and American Philosophy
021139: Stegner, Wallace - The Uneasy Chair; a Biography of Bernard Devoto
020368: Stegner, Wallace - The Uneasy Chair; a Biography of Bernard Devoto
008237: Stegner, Wallace - The Uneasy Chair; a Biography of Bernard Devoto
038089: Steichen, Edward, Ed - The Bitter Years 1935-1941; Rural America As Seen by the Photographers of the Farm Security Administration
018951: Steichen, Edward - A Life in Photography
051926: Steidle, Basilius - Basilius Steidle 1903-1982; Beiträge Zum Alten Mönchtum Und Zur Benediktusregel
051592: Steidle, Basilius - Aux Sources de la Tradition; Les Pères de L'église
038023: Steig, William - Abel's Island
036066: Steig, William - Grown-Ups Get to Do All the Driving
051271: Steiger, Arnald - Contribución a la Fonéica Del Hispano-árabe Y de Los Arabismos En El Ibero-Románico Y El Siciliano
031544: Steiger, Brad - Medicine Power; the American Indian's Revival of His Spiritual Heritage and Its Relevance for Modern Man
031471: Steiger, Karsten - Opern; Ein Verzeichnis Aller Aufnahmen. Alle Komponisten Und Deren Werke Auf Schallplatte, Cd Und Laserdisk
047199: Stein, Richard H. - Tschaikowskij
046882: Stein, Ralph - The Great Cars
043545: Stein, Leopold - The Infancy of Speech and the Speech of Infancy
041190: Stein, Jerome L. - The Nature and Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Market
040674: Stein, Susan R. - The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello
000034: Stein, Herbert - The Fiscal Revolution in America
040111: Stein, Maurice R. - The Eclipse of Community; an Interpretation of American Studies
039262: Stein, Herbert - On the Other Hand... Essays on Economics, Economists, and Politics
038915: Stein, Bruce A., Et al., Eds - Precious Heritage; the Status of Biodiversity in the United States
037958: Stein, Ralph - The Great Inventions
033084: Stein, Susan R. - The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello
028612: Stein, Lothar - Die Sammar-Gerba; Beduinen IM ûbergang Von Nomadismus Zur Sesshaftigkeit
025405: Stein, Linda - The Power to Protect; Sculpture of Linda Stein, November 2-December 20, 2006
024479: Stein, Robert Louis - The French Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century; an Old Regime Business
024080: Stein, Janice Gross, et al. - Uneasy Partners; Mutliculturalism and Rights in Canada
019647: Stein, Arnold, Ed - Theodore Roethke; Essays on the Poetry
018133: Stein, Karl, Freiherr Vom Und Zum - Freiherr Vom Stein: Briefe Und Amtliche Schriften
015903: Stein, Charles, Ed - Critical Materials Problems in Energy Production
050668: Stein, Perrin - Artists and Amateurs; Etching in 18th-Century France
011608: Stein, Bruno - Work and Welfare in Britain and the Usa
010678: Stein, George H. - The Waffen Ss: Hitler's Elite Guard at War, 1939-1945
005202: Stein, LOuis - Beyond Death and Exile; the Spanish Republicans in France, 1939-1955
053090: Stein, Ernest - Histoire Du Bas-Empire
010679: Steinacker, Karl - Ostfälische Kulturbeziehungen Zu Italien IM 16. Jahrhundert; Barthold Von Gadenstedt's Italienreise 1587-1589
027185: Steinbauer, Friedrich - Melanesische Cargo-Kulte; Neureligiöse Heilsbewegungen in Der Südsee
048580: Steinberg, Michael - The Concerto; a Listener's Guide
036317: Steinberg, Saul - The Discovery of America
032368: Steinberg, Naomi - Kinship and Marriage in Genesis; a Household Economics Perspective
026394: Steinberg, Alfred - Sam Johnson' Boy; a Close-Up of the President from Texas
022817: Steinberg, Stephen - The Ethnic Myth; Race, Ethnicity, and Class in America
010297: Steinberg, David J., Et al. - Cambodia; Its People, Its Society, Its Culture
010708: Steinberger, Hans - The Chiemsee and the Castle of Herrenchiemsee
044681: Steinböck, Grete - Weltweit Freunde; Die ôsterreicher IM Ausland
010680: Steinborn, Hans-Christian - Abgaben Und Dienste Holsteinischer Bauern IM 18. Jahrhundert
004390: Steinem, Wolfram von Den - Bernhard Von Clairvaux; Leben Und Briefe
044585: Steinen, Wolfram Von Den - Notker Der Dichter Und Seine Geisitige Welt
012533: Steinen, Wolfram von Den - Glück Und Unglück in Der Weltgeschichte
048959: Steiner, George - Antigones
043944: Steiner, M. - La Tentation de Jésus Dans L'Interprétation Patristique de Saint Justin à Origène
039510: Steiner, Edward A. - The Making of a Great Race; Racial and Religious Cross-Currents in the United States
036080: Steiner, George - Grammars of Creation; Originating in the Gifford Lectures for 1990
034214: Steiner, George - Real Presences
026981: Steiner, Deborah - The Crown of Song; Metaphor in Pindar
018790: Steiner, Christian - Opera People
016176: Steiner, H. Arthur - Government in Fascist Italy
013905: John-Steiner, Vera - Notebooks of the Mind; Explorations of Thinking
023375: Steinfels, Peter - A People Adrift; the Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America
034231: Steinfield, Melvin - Cracks in the Melting Pot; Racism and Discrimination in American History
038191: Steingräber, Erich - Deutsche Plastik Der Frühzeit
034306: Steinhardt, Arnold - Indivisible by Four; a String Quartet in Pursuit of Harmony
012872: Steinhart, Edward I. - Conflict and Collaboration; the Kingdoms of Western Uganda, 1890-1907
045652: Steinhoff, Anthony J. - The Gods of the City; Protestantism and Religious Culture in Strasbourg, 1870-1914
029757: Steinhoff, Hans-Hugo - Bibliographie Zu Gottfried Von StraßBurg
002304: Steininger, Reinhold - Beiträge Zu Einer Grammatik Des Bairischen Auf Der Grundlage Von Kommentierten Texten Aus Oberneureutherwald IM Unteren Bayerischen Wald
002002: Steinitz, Renate - Adverbial-Syntax
053010: Steinmann, Jean - Les Psaumes
006537: Steinmann, Jean - Les Plus Anciennes Traditions Du Pentateuque
014093: Steinmetz, David C. - Reformers in the Wings
003661: Steinmetz, Horst - Galloromanische Bezeichungen Für "Betrunken/Sich Betrinken", "Trunkenheit", "Trundkenbold
029083: Steinschneider, Moritz - Catalog Der Hebräischen Handschriften in Der Stadtbibliothek Zu Hamburg Und Der Sich Anschliessenden in Anderen Sprachen
023345: Steinthal, Walther - Dreyfus
033258: Stele, France, Ed - Art on the Soil of Yugoslavia from Prehistoric Times to the Present
037106: Steltzer, Ulli - The New Americans; Immigrant Life in Southern California
010681: Stelzer, Otto - Helmstedt Und Das Land Um Den Elm
009874: Sten, Holger - L'Emploi Des Temps En Portugais Moderne
015562: Stendhal, Marie Henri Beyle - Travels in the South of France
024111: Stenehjem, Michele Flynn - An American First; John T. Flynn and the America First Committee
044713: Stenger, Victor J. - The New Atheism; Taking a Stand for Science and Reason
014095: Stenson, Sten H. - Sense and Nonsense in Religion; an Essay on the Language and Phenomenology of Religion
037743: Stenton, Doris Mary - The English Woman in History
027997: Stenuit, Robert - The Dolphin, Cousin to Man
042131: Stenvall, Taru - Marski Ja Hänen "Hovinsa
044070: Stenzler, Adolf Friedrich - Elementarbuch Der Sanskrit-Sprache (Grammatik, Texte, Wörterbuch)
012611: Step, Edward - Shell Life; an Introduction to the British Mollusca
049205: Clavreuil (Bernard & Stéphane) - Livres Précieux Des Xve Au Xixe Siècle
044111: Williams, Stephen and Gerard Friell - Theodosius; the Empire at Bay
038040: Spender, Stephen and David Hockcney - China Diary
031177: Calloway, Stephen and Susan Owens - Divinely Decadent
026837: Graham, Stephen and Simon Marvin - Telecommunications and the City; Electronic Spaces, Urban Places
026237: Shute, Stephen and Susan Hurley, Eds - On Human Rights; the Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993
025240: Stephen, Leslie - The English Utilitarians
050184: Most, Stephen and Lynn Grasberg, Eds - The Broken Circle; a Search for Wisdom in the Nuclear Age
051992: Kelly, Stephen and John J. Thompson, Eds - Imagining the Book
016764: Stephen, Leslie - English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century
015825: Longstreet Stephen - The Canvas Falcons; the Men and the Planes of World War I.
025422: Stephens, Autumn - Wild Women; Crusaders, Curmudgeons and Completely Corsetless Ladies in the Otherwise Virtuous Victorian Era
021324: Stephens, John Lloyd - Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan
019635: Stephens, James - Letters of James Stephens
013606: Stephens, Ian - Horned Moon; an Account of a Journey Through Pakistan, Kashmir, and Afghanistan
034986: Stephenson, Rob - Passes Through
028424: Stephenson, Gunther - Leben Und Tod in Den Religionen; Symbol Und Wirklichkeit
017466: Stephenson, Carl - Mediaeval Feudalism
005905: Stephenson, Nathaniel W. - Texas and the Mexican War; a Chronicle of the Winning of the Southwest
005707: Stephenson, Graham - Russia from 1812 to 1945; a History
016177: Sterling, Claire - The Terror Network; the Secret War of International Terrorism
004888: Sterling, Bruce - The Hacker Crackdown; Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
038101: Stern, Isaac - My First 79 Years
035546: Stern, Harold P. - Birds, Beasts, Blossoms, and Bugs; the Nature of Japan
035328: Stern, Lynn - Animus
028449: Stern, G. B. - Summer's Play; an Exaggeration
015499: Stern, Nicholas - Strategy for Development
015124: Stern, Jean, Ed - The Cross & the Sword; la Cruz Y la Espada
050326: Stern, Jessica - The Ultimate Terrorists
007268: Stern, Norton - Mannie's Crowd: Emanuel Lowenstein, Colorful Character of Old Los Angeles and a Brief Diary of the Trip to Arizona and Life in Tucson of the Early 1880s
039011: Sternberg, Jacques - Kitsch
019792: Sternberg, Ricardo - Bamboo Church
015167: Sternberg, Hilgard O'Reilly - A Agua E O Homem Na Varzea Do Careiro
003215: Sternberger, Dolf - Das Wort Politik Und Der Begriff Des Politischen
028849: Inama von Sternegg, Karl Theodor - Untersuchungen über Das Hofsystem IM Mittelalter Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Deutsches Alpenland
019154: Sternlicht, Sanford - John Masefield
023728: Sternsher, Bernard, Ed - Hope Restored; How the New Deal Worked in Town and Country
007958: Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney, Ed - Reorientations/Arabic and Persian Poetry
013668: Bhattacharya-Stettler, Therese - Otto Nebel
010714: Stettner, Marko - Richard Meisters System Der Pädagogik
019636: Steuart, John A. - Robert Louis Stevenson; a Critical Biography
039407: Steuerle, C. Eugene - The Tax Decade; How Taxes Came to Dominate the Public Agenda
039353: Steuerle, C. Eugene - Taxes, Loans, and Inflation. How the Natioan's Wealth Becomes Misallocated
000084: St. John-Stevas, Norman - Life, Death and the Law; Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States
011576: St. John-Stevas, Norman - Walter Bagehot; a Study of His Life and Thought Together with a Selection from His Political Writings
048872: Crist, Steve and Laila Nabulsi, Eds - Hunter S. Thompson: Gonzo
020920: Kaufman, Steve and Yogi Kaufman - Silent Chase; Submarines of the U.S. Navy
053759: Steven, John - Music & Poetry in the Early Tudor Court
038484: Heller, Steven and Louise Fili - Dutch Moderne; Graphic Design from de Stijl to Deco
037057: Gilbar, Steven and Dean Stewart, Eds - Published and Perished; Memoria, Eulogies, and Remembrances of American Writers
029284: Vincent, K. Steven and Alison Klairmont-Lingo - The Human Tradition in Modern France
025595: Petkov, Steven and Leonard Mustazza, Eds - The Frank Sinatra Reader
044369: Stevens, Linton C. - La Langue de Brantôme
051654: Stevens, Lewis - Composers of Classical Music of Jewish Descent
019155: Stevens, David Harrison - Milton Papers
016178: Stevens, Richard L. - Mission on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
008490: Stevens, Kenneth R. - Border Diplomacy; the Caroline and Mcleod Affairs in Anglo-American-Canadian Relations, 1837-1842
051631: Stevens, Austin N., Ed - Mysterious New England
047907: Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour - Stevenson's Baby Book Being the Record of the Sayings and Doings of Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson, Son of Thomas Stevenson, C.E. And Margaret Isabella Balfour or Stevenson
042446: Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Vailima Edition
024779: Stevenson, William Barron - The Poem of Job; a Literary Study with a New Translation
019786: Stevenson, Merritt R., Et al. - Marine Atlas of the Pacific Coastal Waters of South America; Atlas de Las Aguas Costaneras Del Oceano Pacifico En la America Del Sur
019639: Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
019638: Stevenson, Lionel - The Showman of Venity Fair; the Life of William Makepeace Thackeray
018791: Stevenson, R. - Music Before the Classic Era; an Introductory Guide
016180: Stevenson, William - Zanek! a Chronicle of the Israeli Air Force
016179: Stevenson, James P. - The Pentagon Paradox; the Development of the F-18 Hornet
011594: Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher - Blood Royal; the Illustrious House of Hanover
009162: Stevenson, Anne - Bitter Fame; a Life of Sylvia Plath
006655: Stevenson, Elizabeth - Figures in a Western Landscape; Men and Women of the Northern Rockies
004145: Stevenson, Robert F. - Population and Political Systems in Tropical Africa
017221: Stever, Donald W., Jr. - Seabrook and the Nuclelar Regulatory Commission; the Licensing of a Nuclear Power Plant
013296: Stevers, Martin D. - Steel Trails; the Epic of the Railroads
036747: Stevick, Robert D., Ed - One Hundred Middle English Lyrics
039306: Steward, Austin - Austin Steward: Twenty-Two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman
038261: Steward, James Christen, Ed - The Mask of Venice; Masking, Theater, & Identity in the Art of Tiepolo & His Time
005513: Steward, Dick - Trade and Hemisphere; the Good Neighbor Policy and Reciprocal Trade
041457: Stewart, Joyce - Orchids of Africa; a Select Review
039106: Stewart, Rory - The Prince of the Marshes and Other Hazards of a Year in Iraq
036440: Stewart, Elliott W. - Feeding Animals; a Practival Work Upon the Laws of Animal Growth Specially Applied to the Rearing and Feeding of Horses, Cattle, Dairy Cows, Sheep and Swine
035586: Stewart, Matthew - The Courtier and the Heretic; Leibniz, Spinoza, and Fate of God in the Modern World
035312: Stewart, Thomas A. - Intellectual Capital; the New Wealth of Organizations
034530: Stewart, Alan - Close Readers; Humanism and Sodomy in Early Modern England
033595: Stewart, J. I. M. - Eight Modern Writers
033157: Stewart, J. I. M. - Character and Motive in Shakespeare; Some Recent Appraisals Examined
026851: Stewart, Steve - Gay Hollywood Film & Video Guide; 75 Years of Gay & Lesbian Images in the Movies
022952: Stewart, Desmond - The Middle East; Temple of Janus
022507: Stewart, J. M. W. - A Pricing System for Roads
020905: Stewart, John - African States and Rulers; an Encyclopedia of Native, Colonial and Independent States and Rulers Past and Present
016871: Stewart, Joyce - Orchids of Tropical Africa
016688: Stewart, James Brewer - Holy Warriors; the Abolitionists and American Slavery
010795: Stewart, Adrian - The Battle of Leyte Gulf
052880: Stewart, George R. - Names on the Land; a Historical Account of Place-Naming in the University States
006888: Stewart, D. H. - Mikhail Sholokhov; a Critical Introduction
006539: Stewart, Roy A. - Rabbinc Theology; an Introductory Study
005555: Stewart, Garrett - Dickens and the Trials of Imagination
030760: Stibitz, E. Earle, Ed - Illinois Poets; a Selection
051629: Sticca, Sandro - The Latin Passion Play: Its Origins and Development
027993: Stich, Sidra - Art-Sites San Francisco; the Indispensable Guide to Contemporary Art--Architecture--Design
015196: Stich, Sidra - Made in U.S. A. ; an Americanization in Modern Art, the '50s & '60s
048230: Sticher, Claudia - Die Rettung Der Guten Durch Gott Und Die Selbstzerstörung Der Bösen; Ein Theologisches Denkmuster IM Psalter
017197: Stick, David - Graveyard of the Atlantic; Shipwrecks of the North Carolina Coast
010017: Stieb, Ernst W. - Drug Adulteration; Detection and Control in Nineteenth-Century Britain
024021: Stiebing, William H., Jr. - Uncovering the Past; a History of Archaeology
018952: Stieglitz, Alfred - Alfred Stieglitz
041674: Stieler, Kaspar Von - Zeitungs Lust Und Nutz
052973: Stiennon, Jacques - Paléographie Du Moyen Age
014099: Stiernotte, Alfred P. - God and Space-Time; Deity in the Philosophy of Samuel Alexander
044761: Stifter, Adalbert - Der Nachsommer
030321: Stiglitz, Joseph E. - Globalization and Its Discontents
022327: Stiglitz, Joseph E. - The Roaring Nineties; a New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade
037711: Stiles, Percy Godlthwait - Dreams
027385: Stiles, William H. - Austria in 1848-49: Being a History of the Late Political Movments in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and Prague
014479: Still, Bayrd - Mirror for Gotham; New York As Seen by Contemporaries from Dutch Days to the Present
027025: Stille, Alexander - The Sack of Rome; How a Beaufiful European Country with a Fabled Hsitory and a Storied Culture Was Taken over by a Man Named Silvio Berlusconi
047503: Drake, Stillman and I. E. Drabkin - Mechanics in Sixteenth-Century Italy; Selections from Tartaglia, Benedetti, Guido Ubaldo, & Galileo
050203: Stillman, Andrea G. - Looking at Ansel Adams; the Photographs and the Man
008476: Stillman, Jacob D. B. - An 1850 Voyage; San Francisco to Baltimore by Sea and by Land
007738: Stilwell, Joseph W. - The Stilwell Papers
046901: Stimson, Hugh M. - Fifty-Five T'Ang Poems; a Text in the Reading and Understanding of T'Ang Poetry
020785: Stine, G. Harry - Halfway to Anywhere; Achieving America's Destiny in Space
016765: Stine, G. Harry - Halfway to Anywhere; Achieving America's Destiny in Space
049968: Sting - Broken Music; a Memoir
036808: Stirling, M. W. - The Native Peoples of New Guinea
033167: Stirling, Brents - The Populace in Shakespeare
050813: Stirling, William - Some Apostles of Physiology Being an Account of Their Lives and Labours
031025: Stix, Hugh, et al. - The Shell; Five Hundred Million Years of Inspired Design
023864: Stock, Irvin - William Hale White (Mark Rutherford); a Critical Study
050209: Stocker, Charles William - The Satires of Juvenal and Persius, from the Texts of Ruperti and Orrellius, with English Notes, Partly Compiled, and Partly Original
047397: Stockett, Letitia - Balitmore; a Not Too Serious History
003954: Stockham, K. A. - British County Libraries, 1919-1969
016844: Smal-Stocki, Roman - The Captive Nations; Natonalism of the Non-Russian Nations in the Soviet Union
039207: Stocking, George W., Jr., Ed - Objects and Others; Essays on Museums and Material Culture
045229: Stöckl, Albert - Die Infallibilität Des Oberhauptes Der Kirche Und Die Zustimmungsadressen an Herrn V. Döllinger, Namentlich Die Münster'Sche
002698: Stockton, David - The Classical Athenian Democracy
050687: Stockwell, Robert P., Et al. - The Major Syntactic Sturctures of Engish
053599: Stoclet, Alain J. - Les Ociétés En Europe Du Milieu Du Vie à la Fin Du Ixe Siècle (Mondes Byzantin, Slave Et Musulman Exclus). Choix de Textes
011392: Stoessl, Franz - Personenwechsel in Menanders Dyskolos
027461: Stokes, Francis Griffin - Who's Who in Shakespeare
020043: Stokes, Penelope J. - Circle of Grace
019641: Stokes, George Stewart - Agnes Repplier, Lady of Letters
048399: Stoll, Robert R. - Sets, Logic, and Axiomatic Theories
033655: Stoll, Elmer Edgar - Shakespeare Studies Historical and Comparative in Method
032964: Stoll, Robert R. - Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
030338: Stoll, Elmer Edgar - Art and Artifice in Shakespeare; a Study in Dramatic Contrast and Illusion
011394: Stoll, H. W. - Die Sagen Des Classischen Alterthums; Erzählungen Aus Der Alten Welt
005413: Stolper, Wolfgang F. - The Structure of the East German Economy
008621: Stoltenberg, Donald - The Artist and the Built Environment
003662: Stölting, Wilfried - Beiträge Zur Geschichte Des Artikels IM Bulgarischen
043443: Stolz, Walter - Petrons Satyricon Und François Nodot (Ca. 1650-Ca. 1710); Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Literarischer Fälschungen
012452: Stommel, Henry - A View of the Sea; a Discussion between a Chief Engineer and an Oceanographer About the Machinery of the Ocean Circulation
045709: Stone, Donald, Jr. - Four Renaissance Tragedies: Jephté Ou le Voeu, George Buchanan; Abraham Sacrifiant, Thodore de Bèze; Didon Se Sacrifiant, étienne Jodelle; Saul le Furieux, Jean de la Taille
043268: Stone, Michael E., Ed - The Armenian Version of the Testament of Joseph
043266: Stone, Michael E., Ed - The Testament of Abraham; the Greek Recensions
042303: Stone, Georege H. - The Glacial Gravels of Maine and Their Associated Deposits
039939: Stone, Lawrence - Family and Fortune; Studies in Aristocratic Finance in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
038637: Stone, Peter B., Ed - The State of the World's Mountains; a Global Report
034124: Stone, P. W. K. - The Textual History of King Lear
033236: Boswell-Stone, W. G. - Shakspere's Holinshed; the Chronicel and the Historical Plays Compared
032529: Stone, Donald, Jr. - French Humanist Tragedy; a Reassessment
028587: Stone, Michael E., Ed - Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period: Apocrypha, Pseudoepigirapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus
027858: Stone, Roger D. - Dreams of Amazonia
027601: Stone, Irving - They Also Ran; the Story of the Men Who Were Defeated for the Presidency
027274: Stone, Wilfred - The Cave and the Mountain; a Study of E.M. Forster
1560: Stone, Christopher D. - Earth and Other Ethics; the Case for Moral Pluralism
020553: Stone, Judy - The Mystery of B. Traven
019188: Stone, Irving - There Was Light; Autobiography of a University. Berkeley: 1868-1968
018190: Stone, Jon R. - Latin for the Illiterati; Exoricizing the Ghosts of a Dead Language
052766: Stone, Herbert King - Les Vers de Thibaud de Marly; Poème Didactique Du Xiie Siècle
011611: Stone, James S. - Over the Hills to Broadway
009292: Stone, Carl - Power in the Caribbean Basin; a Comparative Study of Political Economy
005428: Stone, Donald David - Novelists in a Changing World; Meredith, James, and the Transformation of English Fiction in the 1880s
004565: Stone, Roger D. - The Voyage of the Sanderling
049832: Stone, George Winchester, Jr., Ed - The London Stage 1660-1800; a Calendar of Plays, Entertainments & Afterpieces Together with Casts, Box-Receipts and Contemporary Comment Compiled from the Playbills, Newspapers and Theatrical Diaries of the Period. Part 4: 1747-1776
026130: Stonehouse, Bernard - North Pole, South Pole; a Guide to the Ecology and Resources of the Arctic and Antarctic
014964: Stoneman, Paul - Technological Diffusion and the Computer Revolution: The Uk Experience
023811: Storey, John - Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture: Theories and Methods
011612: Storey, Graham - Reuters' Century 1851-1951
034483: Italy. Ministero della Difesa. Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito. Ufficio Storico - Saggio Bibliografico Sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale E Conflitti Successivi. Volume VI
034482: Italy. Ministero della Difesa. Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito. Ufficio Storico - Saggio Bibliografico Sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale E Conflitti Successivi. Volume 5
050545: Stork, Nancy Porter - Through a Gloss Darkly; Aldhelm's Riddles in the British Library Ms Royal 12. C. XXIII
025606: Storm, Theodor - Gesammelte Werke: Gedichte, Novellen, Briefe
052240: Storost, Joachim - Studien Zur Alexandersage in Der älteren Italienischen Literatur; Untersuchungen Und Texte
014100: Storr, Rupert - Das Frömmigkeitsideal Der Propheten
007081: Alden, Carroll Storrs and Allan Westcott - The United States Navy; a History
052955: Story, Joanna - Carolingian Connections; Anglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Francis, C. 750-870
027099: Stossel, Scott - Sarge; the Life and Times of Sargent Shriver
014945: Stoudt, John Joseph - Early Pennsylvania Arts and Crafts
052442: Stout, Jeffrey - Democracy and Tradition
045851: Stout, Janis P. - Comin out of War; Poetry, Grieving, and the Culture of the World Wars
017469: Stout, Wesley W. - Tanks Are Mighty Fine Things
016403: Stout, Harry S. - The New England Soul; Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England
014102: Stover, Robert - The Nature of Historical Thinking
014657: Stow, Millicent - American Silver
035150: Stowe, E. J. - Crafts of the Countryside
053615: Walahfrid Strabo - Visio Wettini; Die Vision Wettis, Lateinisch-Deutsch
037249: Strachan, Beth - Mozambique: The Quest for Peace. The Politica, Social and Economic Context 1980-1994; a Select and Annotated Bibliography
037138: Strachey, Lytton - The Really Interesting Question and Other Papers
036714: Strachey, Barbara - Remarkable Relations; the Story of the Pearsall Smith Women
035658: Strachey, Lytton - Ermyntrude and Esmeralda; an Entertainment
052129: Strack, Hermann L. - Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash
017180: Strage, Mark - Cape to Cairo; Rape of a Continent
006784: Stranahan, Susan Q. - Susquehanna, River of Dreams
052149: Strand, Kenneth A. - Early Low-German Bibles; the Story of Four Pre-Lutheran Edition, in Celebration of the Earliest Vernacular Printed Bible 1466
018955: Strand, Paul - Paul Strand: Sixty Years of Photographs
028425: Strandberg, Victor - Greek Mind/Jewish Soul; the Conflicted Art of Cynthia Ozick
039529: Gottfried von Straßburg - Tristan
014101: Strasser, Stephan - The Soul in Metaphysical and Empirical Psychology
009251: Strasser, Hermann - The Normative Structure of Sociology; Conservative and Emancipatory Themes in Social Thought
016290: Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé - Beyond Empire
008479: Strathern, Gloria M. - Navigations, Traffiques & Discoveries, 1774-1848; a Guide to Publication Relating to the Area Now British Columbia
039285: Stratman, Carl J. - Bibliography of Medieval Drama
051653: Stratton, Jon - Jews, Race and Popular Music
052671: Straub, Richard E. F. - David Aubert, Escripvain Et Clerc
011396: Straus, Juliane - Terenz Und Menander; Beitrag Zu Einer Stilvergleichung
040978: Badt-Strauss, Bertha, Ed - Moses Mendelssohn; Der Mensch Und Das Werk: Zeugnisse, Briefe/Gespräche
031486: Strauss, Richard - Tone Poems. Series II: Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche; Also Sprach Zarathustra; Ein Heldenleben. In Full Score
031485: Strauss, Richard - Tone Poems. Series I: Don Juan, Tod Und Verklärung; Don Quixote. In Full Score
031236: Lévi-Strauss, Claude - A World on the Wane
028640: Lévi-Strauss, Claude - From Honey to Ashes
053637: Lévi-Strauss, Claude - Mythologiques
031491: Stravinsky, Igor - Poetics of Music in the Form of Six Lessons
031490: Stravinsky, Igor - Petrushka. In Full Score
031489: Stravinsky, Igor - Oedipus Rex. The Rake's Progress
031488: Stravinsky, Igor - The Firebird. In Full Score
032259: Strawn, Martha A. - Alligators, Prehistoric Presence in the American Landscape
016184: Strawson, John - The Italian Campaign
016183: Strawson, John - The Battle for North Africa
047600: Streb, Jochen - Staatliche Technologiepolitik Und Branchenübergreifender Wissenstransfer. ûber Die Ursachen Der Internationalen Innovationserfolge Der Deutschen Kunststoffindustrie IM 20. Jahrhundert
044072: Strecker, Karl, Ed - Die Cambridger Lieder
004685: Street, Lucie - An Uncommon Sailor; a Portrait of Admiral Sir William Penn. English Naval Supremacy
047743: Strehlke, Carl Brandon - Italian Paintings 1250-1450 in the John . Johnson Collection and the Philadelphia Museum of Art
010684: Streisand, Joachim, Ed - Die Deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft Vom Beginn Des 19. Jahrhunderts Bis Zur Reichseinigung Von Oben
038609: Strelka, Joseph, Ed - Problems of Literary Evaluation
040670: Stresemann, Wolfgang - Eine Lanze Für Felix Mendelssohn
046445: Streshinsky, Shirley - Audubon; Life and Art in the American Wilderness
044345: Strevens, Peter, Ed - Five Inaugural Lectures
044342: Strevens, Peter - Papers in Language and Language Teaching
021347: Strich, Fritz - Der Dichter Und Die Zeit; Eine Sammlung Von Reden Und Vorträgen
029895: Strick, Philip - Great Movie Actresses
003217: Strick, Walter - Telos Und Zufall; Ein Beitrag Zu Dem Problem Der Biologischen Erfahrung
010522: Strieder, Jakob - Das Reiche Augsburg; Ausgewählte Aufsätze Jakob Strieders Zur Augsburger Und Süddeutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte Des 15. Und 16. Jahrhunderts
028778: Striedter, Karl Heinz - Felsbilder Der Sahara
014156: Strike, Kenneth A. - Liberal Justice and the Marxist Critique of Education; a Study of Conflicting Research Programs
028291: Strindberg, August - The Roofing Ceremony & the Silver Lake. TaklagsöL and Silverträket
005620: Strindberg, August - Letters of Strindberg to Harriet Bosse
035883: Strizhenova, Tatiana - Soviet Costume and Textiles, 1917-1945
023824: Stroff, Stephen M. - Discovering Great Jazz
015657: Stroheim, Erich Von - The Complete Wedding March of Erich Von Storheim
051382: Strohm, Reinhard - Music in Late Medieval Bruges
045674: Strohm, Paul - Hochon's Arrow; the Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts
043876: Strohm, Paul - Hochon's Arrow; the Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts
042052: Strömbäck, Dag - The Epiphany in Runic Art; the Dynna and Sika Stones
008642: Strömberg, Martin - Anders Forsberg; Ett Konstnärsalbum Med Text
040327: Strömgren, Hedvig Lidforss - Index of Dental and Adjacent Topics in Medical and Surgical Works Before 1800
022435: Stromquist, Nelly P. - Daring to Be Different: The Choice of Nonconventional Fields of Study by International Women Students
036060: Strong, Roy - Henry, Prince of Wales, and England's Lost Renaissance
033313: Strong, Roy - Artists of the Tudor Court; the Portrait Miniature Rediscovered 1520-1629
033267: Strong, Roy - Splendor at Court; Renaissance Spectacle and the Theater of Power
033194: Strong, Roy - The Elizabethan Image; Painting in England 1549-1620
032224: Strong, Roy - The English Renaissance Miniature
026983: Strong, Donald S. - The Early Etruscans
012478: Strong, Roy - A Celebration of Gardens
005220: Strong, Emory - Stone Age on the Columbia River
003052: Strong, D. E. - Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate
042010: Stronovo, Valerio - L'Italia Contemporanea 1945-1975
022848: Stross, Randall E. - Bulls in the China Shop and Other Sino-American Business Encounters
004895: Stross, Randall E. - The Stubborn Earth; American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898-1937
031397: Strouhal, Eugen - Life of the Ancient Egyptians
032466: Stroup, Thomas B. - Microcosmos; the Shape of the Elizabethan Play
038140: Strouse, Jean - Alice James; a Biography
021290: Strouse, Jean - Morgan, American Financier
005967: Strout, Cushing - The Pragmatic Revolt in American History: Carl Becker and Charles Beard
033556: Strowski, Fortunat - Montaigne
014475: Strube, Wilhelm - Die Chemie Und Ihre Geschichte
032629: Struble, Mildred Clara - A Critical Edition of Ford's Perkin Warbeck
003663: Struck, Wolf-Heino - Die Stifte St. Walpurgis in Weilburg Und St. Martin in Idstein
042163: Struik, Dirk J. - Yankee Science in the Making
042162: Struik, Dirk J. - The Origins of American Science (New England)
016348: Strumane, R., Et al, Eds - The Interaction of Radiation with Solids; Proceedings of the International Summer School on Solid State Physics Held at Mol, Belgium, August 12-31, 1963
049867: Strunk, Oliver - Source Readings in Music History
051802: Strunk, Klaus - Nasalpräsentien Und Aoriste; Ein Beitrag Zur Morphologie Des Verbums IM Indo-Iranischen Und Griechischen
043492: Strunz, Franz - Die Vergangenheit Der Naturforschung; Ein Beitrag Zur Gescichte Des Menschlichen Geistes
050178: Strutz, Henry - Dictionary of German Slang and Colloquial Expressions
040078: Struyk, Raymond J. - Urban Homeownership; the Economic Determinants
052915: Strycker, EMile De - La Forme la Plus Ancienne Du Protévangile de Jacques; Recherches Sur le Papyrus Bodmer 5 Avec Une édition Critique Du Texte Grec Et Une Traduction Annotée
047272: Campbell, Stuart and Chuan Shaweevongse - The Fundamentals of the Thai Language
042472: Stuart, Don Graham, Ed - Linguistic Studies in Memory of Richard Slade Harrell
038975: Stuart, Robert - Caledonia Romana; a Descriptive Account of the Roman Antiquities of Scotland
035505: Stuart, Louisa - Letters of Lady Louisa Stuart to Miss Louisa Clinton. Second Series
031942: Stuart, Duane Reed - Epochs of Greek and Roman Biography
026957: Stuart, Otis - Perpetual Motion; the Public and Private Lives of Rudolf Nureyev
019642: Stuart, Ruth McEnery - Simpkinsville and Vicinity; Arkansas Stories of Ruth Mcenery Stuart
047340: Stubblebine, James H. - Assisi and the Rise of Vernacular Art
049843: Stubbs, George - George Stubbs 1724-1896
036854: Stubbs, George - Stubbs: Portraits in Detail
036433: Stubbs, Burns A. - Paintings, Pastels, Drawings, Prints, and Copper Plates by and Attributed to American and European Artists, Together with a List of Original Whistleriana, in the Freer Gallery of Art
028306: Stucchi, Emanuela - Healthy Italian Cooking
020749: Stuckenschmidt, H. H. - Ferruccio Busoni; Zeittafel Eines Europäers
021474: Stuckey, W. J. - Caroline Gordon
052873: International Conference on Patristic Studies, 3d - Papers Presented to the Third International Cnference on Patristic Studies Held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1959
954: (Bainton Festschrift). Reformation studies; essays in honor of Roland H. - Bainton. Edited by Franklin H. Littell
052872: International Conference on Patristic Studies, 2d - Papers Presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies Held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1955
052464: Stuip, René Ernst Victor - La Chastelaine de Vergi
024022: Stümpel, Gustav - Name Und Nationalität Der Germanen; Eine Neue Untersuchung Zu Poseidonios, Cäsar Und Tacitus
022108: Stuntz, Jean A. - Hers, His, and Theirs; Community Property in Spain and Early Texas
050319: Sturgeon, Stephen C. - The Politics of Western Water; the Congressional Career of Wayne Aspinall
051610: Sturges, Robert S. - Medieval Interpretation; Models of Readkng in Literiary Narrative, 1100-1500
037861: Sturgis, Matthew - The English Cat at Home
049021: Sturluson, Snorri - Edda: Háttatal
050000: Sturluson, Snorri - L'Edda; Récits de Mythologie Nordique
050007: Sturluson, Snorri - The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson; Tales Forom Norse Mythology
042333: Sturluson, Snorri - Ynglingasaga
053618: Stutz, Ulrich - Geschichte Des Kirchlichen Benefizialwesens Von Seinen Anfängen Bis Auf Die Zeit Alexanders III
027742: Stutzer, Gustav - Geheimnisse Des Seelenlebens; Ein Beitrag Zur Beurteilung Des Spiritismus
047440: Stuurman, Siep - Verzuiling, Kapitalisme En Patriarchaat; Aspecten Van de Ontwikkeling Van de Moderne Staat in Nederland
030425: Styan, J. L. - The English Stage; a History of Drama and Performance
020687: Styron, William - This Quiet Dust and Other Writings
052910: Suarez, Francisco - Opera Omnia
038746: Subira, José - El Gremio de Representantes Españoles Y Aa Cofradia de Nuestra Señora de la Novena
016698: Suchlicki, Jaime - Historical Dictionary of Cuba
014547: Suchlicki, Jaime, Ed - Cuba, Castro, and Revolution
048541: Suckling, John - The Works of Sir John Suckling: The Plays
017208: Suda, Zdenek - La Division Internationale Socialiste Du Travail; le Système Communiste Face à L'Intégration
045715: Sudbrack, Josef - Wege Zur Gottesmystik
034538: Sudhaus, Siegfried - Menanderstudien
036368: Sudworth, George B. - Forest Trees of the Pacific Slope
046331: Rainey, Sue and Roger B. Stein - Shaping the Landscape Image, 18655-1910: John Douglas Woodward
050566: Le Sueur, Meridel - Ripening; Selected Work, 1927-1980
038065: Sugden, John - Tecumseh; a Life
023321: Sugerman, Tracy - My War; a Love Story in Letters and Drawings
002882: Suhl, Benjamin - Jean-Paul Sartre: The Philosopher As a Literary Critic
015198: Suida, Wilhelm - ôsterreichs Malerei in Der Zeit Erzherzog Ernst Des Eisenen Und König Albrecht II
034738: Sukale, Michael - Denken, Sprechen Und Wissen; Logische Untersuchungen Zu Husserl Und Quine
046096: Suleiman, Susan Rubin - Risking Who One Is; Encounters with Contemporary Art and Literature
014845: Suleiman, Susan Rubin - Risking Who One Is; Encounters with Contemporary Art and Literature
052584: Sullivan, Karen - Truth and the Heretic; Crises of Knowledge in Medieval French Literature
052585: O'Sullivan, Daniel E. - Marian Devotion in Thirteenth-Century French Lyric
047290: Sullivan, Richard E. - Aix-la Chapelle in the Age of Charlemagne
043097: Sullivan, Michael - The Arts of China
038084: Sullivan, Michael - The Arts of China
036561: Sullivan, Robert - The Meadowlands; Wilderness Adventures at the Edge of a City
034185: Sullivan, Walter - Black Holes; the Edge of Space, the End of Time
031036: Sullivan, Michael - The Arts of Chine
023428: Sullivan, Charles, Ed - American Beauties; Women in Art and Literature: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings, Photographs, and Other Works of Art from the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institute
021812: Sullivan, Alvin, Ed - British Literary Magazines; the Modern Age, 1914-1984
021639: Sullivan, Mark - Slag
018904: Sullivan, Constance, Ed - Legacy of Light
016893: Sullivan, Charles, Ed - Fathers and Children, in Literature and Art
011410: Sullivan, Robert R. - Political Hermeneutics; the Early Thinking of Hans-Georg Gadamer
053341: Sullivan, Richard E., Ed - The Gentle Voices of Teachers"; Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age
005850: Sullivan, Edward D. - Maupassant the Novelist
022290: Sultana, Donald - Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Malta and Italy
022176: Suman, J. - Slovanska Slovnica Za Srednje Sole
027490: Summ, G. Harvey, Ed - Brazilian Mosaic; Portraits of a Diverse People and Culture
042116: Summers, Joseph H. - The Muse's Method; an Introduction to Paradise Lost
040188: Summers, Joseph H. - George Herbert; His Religion and Art
034121: Summers, Montague - The Playhourse of Pepys
033533: Summers, Joseph H. - The Heirs of Donne and Jonson
026968: Summers, Claude J. - Gay Fictions, Wilde to Stonewall; Studies in a Male Homosexual Literary Tradition
026940: Summers, Claude J., Ed - The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage; a Rader's Companion to the Writers and Their Works, from Antiquity to the Present
016766: Summers, Anthony - The Arrogance of Power; the Secret World of Richard Nixon
014455: Summers, Joseph H., Ed - The Lyric and Dramatic Milton; Selected Papers from the English Institute
036599: Summerson, John - Ben Nicholson
006117: Summerson, John - Georgian London
042480: Summerton, Niciholas - Medicine and Health Care in Roman Britain
037395: Sumner, William Graham - Folkways; a Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
034435: Sumner, William Graham - Essays of William Graham Sumner
021814: Sumner, B. H. - Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia
011972: Sumner, Francis B. - The Life History of an American Naturalist
051972: Sumption, Jonathan - Pilgrimage; an Image of Mediaeva Religion
024422: Sundkler, Bengt - Church of South India; the Movment Towards Union 1900-1947
015318: Sundquist, Eric J. - Home As Found; Authority and Genealogy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
048228: Pei-sung, Tang - Green Thraldom; Essays of a Chinese Biologist
036186: Sunstein, Cass R. - Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
028468: Super, Charles William - A Pioneer College and Its Background (the Ohio University)
024952: Super, R. H. - The Time-Spirit of Matthew Arnold
050684: Suppes, Patrick - Axiomatic Set Theory
036461: Supree, Burton - Bear's Heart; Scenes from the Life of a Cheyenne Artist of One Hundred Years Ago with Pictures by Himself
048788: Irvine, Susan and Winfried Rudolf, Eds - Childhood and Adolescence in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture
052513: Goltsman, Susan and Daniel Iacofano, Eds - The Inclusive City; Design Solutions for Buildings, Neighborhoods and Urban Spaces
023835: Hyde, Susan and Michael Bird - Hallowed Timbers; the Wooden Churches of Cape Breton
040075: Hecht, Susanna and Alexander Cockburn - The Fate of the Forest; Developers, Destroyers and Defenders of the Amazon
012456: Van Rose, Susanna and Ian F. Mercer - Volcanoes
041502: Page, Susanne and Jake Page - Hopi
044765: Suskind, Ron - Confidence Men; Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President
049319: Suskind, Ron - The Way of the World; a Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism
005715: Suslov, Ilya - Here's to Your Health, Comrade Shifrin!
037842: Susser, Allen - The Great Mango Book
014734: Susskind, Charles - Understanding Technology
047495: Sutherland, Ronald - The Romaunt of the Rose and le Roman de la Rose; a Parallel-Text Edition
040579: Sutherland, James - A Preface to Eighteenth Century Poetry
036858: Sutherland, Douglas - The Mad Hatters; Great Sporting Eccentrics of the Nineteenth Century
033763: Sutherland, James - English Literture of the Late Seventeenth Century
033325: Harris, Ann Sutherland and Linda Nochlin - Women Artists: 1550 1950
031495: Sutherland, Joan - A Prima Donna's Progress; the Autobiography of Joan Sutherland
023558: Sutherland, John - Who Betray's Elizabeth Bennet? Further Puzzles in Classic Fiction
017502: Sutherland, Christine - The Princess of Siberia; the Story of Maria Volkonskyh and the Decembrist Exiles
016189: Sutherland, Douglas - Sutherland's War; an English Gentleman Goes Into Battle
009046: Sutherland, Daniel E., Ed - Guerrillas, Unionists, and Violence on the Confederate Home Front
007741: Sutherland, Anne - Gypsies, the Hidden Americans
022175: Sütterlin, L. - Die Lehre Von Der Lautbildung
007742: Suttles, Gerald D. - The Social Order of the Slum; Ethnicity and Territory in the Iner City
044545: Sutto, Claude - Le Sentiment de la Mort Au Moyen Age. études Présentées Au Cinquième Colloque de L'Institut D'Etudes Médiévales de L'Université de Montréal
047661: Elwell-Sutton, L. P. - A Guide to Iranian Area Study
044559: Elwell-Sutton, L. P. - A Guide to Iranian Area Study
038758: Sutton, Denys - French Drawings of the Eighteenth Century
035400: Sutton, James - Signs in Action
026696: Sutton, Denys - Nicolas de StaëL
014249: Sutton, Denys - James Mcneill Whistler: Paintings, Etchings, Pastels & Watercolours
012507: Sutton, Keith, Ed - Arkansas Wildlife; a History
026664: Gordon, Suzanne and Anne Hersh - Searching for Sugar Mills; an Architectural Guide to the East Caribbean
037813: Suzuki, Takashi - Hiroshige
036927: Suzuki, Yoshimatsu - Japanese Legends and Folk-Tales
027883: Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro - Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism
022177: Svartvik, Jan - On Voice in the English Verb
049887: Sveinsson, Einar Ól - Ritunartimi Islendingssana; Rök Og Rannsóknara[D]Fer[D]
049256: Svenbro, Jesper - Phrasikleia; an Anthropology of Reading in Ancient Greece
049104: Svevo, Italo - La Coscienza Di Zeno E "Continuazioni
041069: Svidine, Nicholas - Cossack Gold; the Secret of the White Army Treasure
005138: Svitak, Ivan - The Czechoslovak Experiment, 1968-1969
004125: Svitak, Ivan - The Czechoslovak Experiment, 1968-1969
044480: Svoboda, Terese - Anything That Burns You; a Portrait of Lola Ridge, Radical Poet
043415: Svolinsky, Karel - Kresby Karla Svolinského
027516: Swahn, J. O. - The Lore of Spices; Their History and Uses Around the World
031496: Swain, Joseph P. - The Broadway Musical; a Critical and Musical Survey
023912: Swaine, Micihael D. - The Role of the Chinese Military in National Security Policymaking
005084: Swainson, Nicola - The Development of Corporate Capitalism in Kenya, 1918-77
028027: Swanberg, W. A. - Dreiser
022823: Swanberg, David E. - Lines Shaping America
016190: Swanberg, W. A. - Sickles the Incredible
030060: Swancara, Frank - Thomas Jefferson Versus Religious Oppression
023763: Swann, Peter C. - Chinese Painting
041134: Swanson, Donald C. - The Names in Roman Verse; a Lexicon and Reverse Index of All Proper Names of History, Mythology, and Geography Found in the Classical Roman Poets
1568: Swanson, Guy E. - Religion and Regime; a Sociological Account of the Reformation
026385: Swarth, Hélène - Brievan Aan Pol de Mont
040669: Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L. - Encountering Mary; from la Salette to Medjugorje
026413: Swartz, Marc, J., Ed - Local-Level Politics; Social and Cultural Perspectives
050656: Swarup, Shanti - The Arts and Crafts of India and Pakistan
036669: Sway, Marlene - Familiar Strangers; Gypsy Life in America
008164: Nationalmuseum (Sweden) - Nationalmusei Mästerverk
011616: Swedenberg, H. T., Jr., Ed - England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century; Essays on Culture and Society
038771: Swedenborg, Emanuel - Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Providence
038772: Swedenborg, Emanuel - Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell from Things Heard and Seen
026214: Sweeney, Edwin R. - Cochise, Chiricahua Apache Chief
025950: Sweeney, James Johnson - Henry Moore
014848: Sweeney, John Gordon, III - Jonson and the Psychology of Public Theater; to Coin the Spirit, Spend the Soul
003982: Sweeney, Francis - The Knowledge Explosion; Liberation and Limitation
044349: Sweet, Henry - The Practical Study of Languages
043269: Sweet, Henry - The Student's Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon
009879: Sweet, Albert N. - The Pragmatics and Semiotics of Standard Languages
008371: Sweet, Louise E. - Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East: An Anthropological Reader
015531: Sweetman, David - Van Gogh; His Life and His Art
033855: Sweets, John F. - Choices in Vichy France; the French Under Nazi Occupation
049602: Sweetser, Eve - From Etymology to Pragmatics; Metaphorical and Cultural Aspects of Semantic Structure
047729: Swenson, Loyd S., Jr., Et al. - This New Ocean; a History of Project Mercury
041196: Swerling, Boris C. - Current Issues in Commodity Policy
022075: Ristitsch, Swetomir and Jovan Kangrga - Enzyklopädisches Deutsch-Serbokroatisches Wörterbuch Mit Serbischphonetischer Umschrift Der Aussprache Des Schriftdeutschen
027060: Swiercynski, Duane - The Big Book O' Beer; Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Greatest Beverage on Earth; History, Foamous Bars, Drinking Games, Beer Can Cratts, Toasts, Vintage Cans
008494: Swierenga, Robert P. - Pioneers and Profits; Land Speculation on the Iowa Frontier
051748: Swietoslawski, W. - Microcalorimetry
050126: Swift, Jonathan - The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D.
050125: Swift, Jonathan - The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Vol. I: A Tale of a Tub; the Battle of the Books and Other Early Works
014902: Swiggett, Howard - The Extraordinary Mr. Morris
041020: Swinburne, Algernon Charles - Under the Microscope
041019: Swinburne, Algernon Charles - A Year's Letters
026211: Swinburne, Algernon Charles - Swinburne Replies; Notes on Poems and Reviews Under the Microsope, Dedicatory Epistle
007010: Swinburne, Algernon Charles - A Year's Letters
046905: Swindler, Daris R. - A Racial Study of the West Nakanai
014394: Swinton, George - Sculpture of the Eskimo
043820: Swoboda, Erich - Carnuntum; Seine Geschichte Und Seine Denkmäler
019644: Sykes, Christopher - Evelyn Waugh; a Biography
044205: Tomasch, Sylvia and Sealy Gilles, Eds - Text and Territory; Geographical Imagination in the European Middle Ages
042730: Pruitt, Sylvia and Astrid Witschi-Bernz - Bibliography of Works in the Philosophy of History 1969-1972. 1996-1968: Addenda
045190: Symeonoglou, Sarantis - The Topography of Thebes from the Bronze Age to Modern Times
033323: Symmes, Marilyn, Ed - Fountains; Splash and Spectacle. Water and Design from the Renaissance to the Present
050219: Symond, John Addington - An Introduction to the Study of Dante
046881: Symonds, R. W. - Thomas Tompion; His Life & Work
029086: Symonds, John Addington - A Short History of the Renaissance in Italy
049351: Symons, Arthur - From Toulouse-Lautrec to Rodin with Some Personal Impressions
035824: Synge, M. B. - A Short History of Social Life in England
019645: Synge, John Millington - Letters to Molly; John Millington Synge to Maire O'Neill, 1906-1909
023018: Syrkin, Marie - Nachman Syrkin, Socialist Zionist; a Biographical Memore. Selected Essays
016193: Syrkin, Marie - Blessed Is the Match; the Story of Jewish Resistance
052163: Syson, Luke, et al. - Renaissance Siena; Art for a City
052345: Szabo, Gabriella - Ein Hethitisches Entsühnngsritual Für Das Königspaar Tuthaliia Und Nikalmati
047631: Szabolcsi, Bence - Bela Bartok; Weg Und Werk; Schriften Und Briefe
051395: Szakacs, Bela Zsolt - The Visual World of the Hungarian Angevin Legendary
016489: Szanto, Tibor - A Szép Magyar Könyv 1473/1973
024119: Szarkowski, John - Ansel Adams at 100
018957: Szarkowski, John - American Landscapes Photographs from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art
038934: Szarmach, Paul E., Ed - Aspects of Jewish Culture in the Middle Ages; Papers of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 3-5 May 1974
047224: Szarota, Elida Maria - Künstler, Grübler Umd Rebellen; Studien Zum Europäischen Märtyrerdrama Des 17. Jahrhunderts
050059: Szarota, Elida Maria - Geschichte, Politik Und Gesellschaft IM Drama Des 17. Jahrhunderts
022938: Szaz, Z. Michael - Nato Security and the Turkish Economy
005412: Szaz, Zoltan Michael - Germany's Eastern Frontiers; the Problem of the Oder-Neisse Line
050227: Szemerényi, Oswald J. L. - Introduction to Indo-European Linguisitics
001779: Szittya, Penn R. - The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literature
052704: Szövéffy, Joseph - Secular Latin Lyrics and Minor Poetic Forms of the Middle Ages; a Historical Survey and Literary Repertory from the Tenth to the Late Fifteenth Century
002308: Szulc, Aleksander - Die Fremdsprachendidaktik: Konzeptionen, Methoden, Theorien
036236: Szulc, Tad - Chopin in Paris; the Life and Times of the Romantic Composer
016194: Szuscikiewicz, Paul - Flying Tigers
038385: Szyhalski, Piotr - One Art: Pioetr Szyhalski
039758: Szyrocki, Marian - Martin Opitz
047824: Bauer, Peter T. and Basil S. Yamey - The Economics of Under-Developed Countries
047030: Denison, Allen T. and Wallace K. Huntington - Victorian Architecture of Port Townsen, Washington
045753: Vann, Richard T. and David Eversley - Friends in Life and Death; the British and Irish Quakers in the Demographic Transition, 1650-1900
044505: McClelland, Gordon T. and Jay T. Last - The California Style; California Watercolor Artists 1925-1955
040533: Yokoyama, Olga T. and Emily Klenin, Eds - Selected Essays of Catherine V. Chvany
038872: Davison, Archibald T. and Willi Apel - Historical Anthology of Music: Oriental, Medieval and Renaissance Music
037856: Sullivan, Eugene T. and Marilynn C. Sullivan, Eds - The Wilton Way of Cake Decorating. Volume 1
037804: Webster, H. T. and Philo Calhoun - Life with Rover
033149: Rumford, Beatrix T. and Carolyn J. Weekley - Treasures of American Folk Art from the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center
030717: Orr, Robert T. and Margaret C. Orr - Wildflowers of Western America
029150: Berkhout, Carl T. and Jeffrey B. Russell - Medieval Heresies; a Bibliography 1960-1979
023467: Farris, Martin T. and Forrest E. Harding - Passenger Transportation
022923: Le Vine, Victor T. and Timothy W. Luke - The Arab-African Connection; Political and Economic Realities
052964: Robertson, A. T. and W. Hersey Davis - A New Short Grammar of the Greek Testament for Students Familiar with the Elements of Greek
020387: Bratcher, James T. And Lyle H. Kendall, Jr. - A Suppressed Critique of Wise's Swinburn Transactions; Addendum to an Enquiry
020134: Scott, Russell T. and Ann Reynolds Scott, Eds - Eius Virtutis Studiosi; Classical and Postclassical Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown (1908-1988)
017654: Phillipson, N. T. And Rosalind Mitchison, Eds - Scotland in the Age of Improvement; Essays in Scottish History in the Eighteenth Century
053454: Johnson, James T. and David H. Smith, Eds - Love and Society: Essays in the Ethics of Paul Ramsey
050356: McNeill, John T. and Helena M. Gamer - Medieval Handbooks of Penance
006725: Vaughan, Alden T. And George Athan Billias, Eds - Perspecitives on Early American History; Essays in Honor of Richard B. Morris
003726: Kjellberg, Sven T. And Ingrid Martelius - Slotte Og Herregårde øst for øresund
050752: Dvid, Hans T. and Arthur Mendel, Eds - The New Bach Reader; a Life of Johann Sebastian Bach. Letters and Documents
028427: Tabachnick, Stephen E., Ed - Explorations in Doughty's Arabia Deserta
004047: Tabanelli, Mario - Gli Albori Della Chirurgia Nelle Fiandre; IL Libro Del Maestro Thomas Scellinck
053746: Tabet, Checri Antoine - Tabet's English-Arabic Dictionary
006056: Taborsky, Eduard - The Czechoslovak Cause; an Account of the Problems of International Law in Relation to Czechoslovakia
042811: Tacitus, Publius Cornelius - Historiaurm Lib. II
034786: Tacitus, Publius Cornelius - De Vita Agricolae
049158: Kubouchi, Tadao and Keiko Ikegami, Eds - The Ancrene Wisse; a Four-Manuscript Parallel Text: Parts 5-8 with Wordlists
033006: Tadashi, Kobayashi, et al. - America's Love for Japan
045232: Taels, Johan - De Katholieke Literatuur in de Xxe Eeuw
018193: Tafel, Christa Eleonore - Beiträge Zur Französischen Etymologie
052244: Tafi, Angelo - Le Antiche Pievi; Madri Vegliarde Del Popolo Aretino
038176: Taft, Pauline Dakin - The Happy Valley; the Elegant Eighties in Upsate New York
027021: Taft, Robert - Artists and Illustrations of the Old West 1850-1900
018959: Taft, Robert - Photography and the American Scene; a Social History 1839-1889
014512: Taft, Philip - Movements for Economic Reform
008792: Taft, Robert A. - The Papers of Robert A. Taft: Volume 2, 1939-1944
004433: Taft, Ronald - From Stranger to Citizen; a Survey of Studies of Immigrant Assimilation in Western Australia
003955: Taft, William H. - Missouri Newspapers
046513: Tafuri, Manfredo - Venice and the Renaissance
045003: Tagliaferri, Amelio - I Longobardi Nella Civiltà E Nell'Economia Italiana Nel Primo Medioevo
045895: Tagney, Ronald N. - The World Turned Upside Down; Essex County During America's Turbulent Years, 1763-1790
052515: Tahara, Keiichi - Images of Fin-de-Siècle; Architecture and Interior Decoration. Keiichi Tahara
015453: Al-Tahawy, Miral - Blue Aubergine
047579: Taheri, Zahra - Huzur-I Payda Va Pinhan-I Zan Dar Mutuni-I Sufiyah;; the Presence and Absence of Women in Sufi Texts; Women in Perisn Mystical Literature from the Beginning of the Islamic Era to 1900
053562: Tai, Chen - Tai Chen on Mencius: Explorations in Words and Meaning
034153: La Taille, Jean De - Dramatic Works
008026: Tairov, Alexandre - Le Théatre Libéré
023264: Van der Tak, W. G. - Bento de Spinoza
025510: Makami, Takahiko and Jack McDowell - The Art of Japanese Brush Painting
045402: Takaki, Ronald - A Different Mirror; a History of Mutlicultural America
038778: Takaki, Ronald T. - Double Victory; a Multicultural History of America in World War II
016366: Takaki, Ronald T. - Iron Cages; Race and Culture in Ninettenth-Century America
025647: Takasawa, Keiichi - Women of Japan
040489: Takekoshi, Hosoburo - The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilization of Japan
005349: Takenaka, Heizo - Contemporary Japanese Economy and Economic Policy
014282: Taki, Seiichi - Japanese Fine Art
042343: Talayesva, Don C. - Sun Chief, the Autobiography of a Hopi Indian
028524: Talbert, Charles Gano - The University of Kentucky; the Maturing Years
053169: Talbot, Alice-Mary, Ed - Holy Women of Byzantium; Ten Saints' Lives in English Translation
043720: Talbott, John E. - The Politics of Educational Reform in France, 1918-1940
018799: Tallis, David - Music Boxes; a Guide for Collectors
052430: Talmud - The Treatise 'a-Anit of the Babylonian Talmud
041870: Tamames, Ramon - La Republica. La Era de Franco
005785: Tamames, Ramon - The Spanish Economy; an Introduction
048606: Voronova, Tamara and Alexander Sterligov - Western European Illuminated Manuscripts of the 8th to the 16th Centuries in the National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg: France, Spain, England, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands
047720: Puyo Tamayo, Gustavo Adolfo, Ed - Relaciones Internacionales; la Posición de Colombia En El Mundo
041935: Tamburrano, Giuseppe - L'Iceberg Democristiano
041781: Tamburrano, Giuseppe - Storia E Cronaca Del Centro-Sinistra
019156: Tamburri, Anthony Julian - Of Saltimbanchi and Incendiari; Aldo Palazzeschi and Avant-Gardism in Italy
018960: Tames, George - Eye on Washington; the Presidents Who'Ve Know Me
041040: Mu'tamid, King of Seville 1039-1095 - Al-Mu'Tamid: Poesia
008307: Tamplin, Illi-Maria, et al. - In the Absence of Paradise; the Art of David Bierk
038042: Tan, Amy - The Kitchen God's Wife
030703: Ikko, Tanaka and Koike Kazuko, Eds - Japan Design; the Four Seasons in Design
007993: Tandon, Prakash - Return to Punjab
005272: Tandon, Prakash - Beyond Punjab, 1937-1960
033950: Tanenhaus, Sam - Whittaker Chambers; a Biography
006069: Tangye, Richard - The Two Protectors; Oliver and Richard Cromwell
035837: Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro - In Praise of Shadows
039688: Tank, Ronald, Ed - Focus on Environmental Geology; a Collection of Case Histories and Readings from Original Sources
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