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015950: Munson, Kenneth - American Aircraft of World War 2 in Colour
007681: Munson, Gorham - The Awakening Twenties; a Memoir-History of a Literary Period
049437: Munson, Ronald - Raising the Dead; Organ Transplants, Ethics, and Society
029020: Münsterberg, Oskar - Chinesische Kunstgeschichte
014313: Munsterberg, Hugo - Art of India and Southeast Asia
014279: Munsterberg, Hugo - The Arts of Japan; an Illustrated History
014275: Munsterberg, Hugo - Art of the Far East
014266: Munsterberg, Hugo - The Japanese Print; a Historical Guide
048055: Munz, Peter - The Shapes of Time; a New Look at the Philosophy of History
049180: Munz, Peter - Life in the Age of Charlemagne
025812: Münz, Sigmund - Fürst Bülow, Der Staatsmann Und Mensch. Aufzeichnungen, Erinnerungen Und Erwägungen
051095: Münzenberger, E. F. A. - Afrika Und Der Mohammedanismus
037467: Rosenberg (Sally) Münzenhandlung - Verzeichnis XXV. Verkäuflicher Münzen Und Medaillen
010175: Munzer, Martha E. - Valley of Vision; the Tva Years
028804: Munzinger, Carl - Japan Und Die Japaner
049796: Murakami, Yasusuke - An Anticlassical Political-Economic Analysis; a Vision for the Next Century
691: Muratoff, Paul - Fra Angelico
692: Muratoff, Paul - Thirty Five Russian Primitives; Jacques Zolotnitzky's Collection. Preface B Y Henri Focillon
018177: Muray, Nickolas - The Revealing Eye
008416: Murchland, Bernard, Ed - The Meaning of the Death of God; Protestant, Jewish and Catholic Scholars Explore Atheistic Theology
035734: Murdoch, Iris - The Green Knight
029829: Murdoch, John, et al. - The English Miniature
019137: Murdoch, Iris - The Philosopher's Pupil
023877: Mure, G. R. G. - Aristotle
014838: Murfin, Lyn - Popular Leisure in the Lake Counties
026003: Murger, Henry - Scènes de la Vie de Bohème
040821: Murner, Thomas - Die Mühle Von Schwindelsheim Und Gredt Müllerin Jahrzeit
035855: Murner, Thomas - Die Mühle Von Schwindelsheim. StraßBurg, Matthias Hupfuff 1515
035017: Murner, Thomas - Narrenbeschwörung (Text Und Bilder Der Ersten Ausgabe)
035016: Murner, Thomas - Schelmenzunft Nach Den Beiden ältesten Drucken
028107: Murner, Thomas - Narrenbeschwörung
012448: Muromtsev, A. M. - The Principal Hydrological Features of the Pacific Ocean
047559: Murphy, Eric J., Ed - Science with a Next-Generation Very Large Array
031646: Murphy, Emmett - Great Bordellos of the World; an Illustrated History
026739: Murphy, Roy E., Jr. - Adaptive Processes in Economic Systems
022669: Murphy, Celeste G. - The People of the Pueblo; the Story of Sonoma
019755: Murphy, James J., Ed - The Rhetorical Tradition and Modern Writing
008638: Murphy, Bruce Allen - The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection; the Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices
051574: Murphy, Roland E. - Wisdom Literature & Psalms
002611: Murphy, Frederick J. - Pseudo-Philo; Rewriting the Bible
048359: Murray, Julia K. - Last of the Mandarins; Chinese Calligraphy and Painting from the F.Y. Chang Collection
044740: Murray, Oswyn - Early Greece
035311: Murray, Margo - Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring; How to Facilitate an Effective Mentoring Program
034880: Murray, Linda - Michelangelo
034160: Murray, Peter B. - A Study of Cyril Tourneur
033597: Murray, K. M. Elisabeth - Caught in the Web of Words; James A.H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary
029538: Murray, Linda - Michelangelo; His Life, Work and Times
026958: Murray, Raymond - Images in the Dark; an Encyclopedia of Gay and Lesbian Film and Video
026604: Murray, Gilbert - Greek Studies
024986: Murray, A. Victor - The State and the Church in a Free Society
053321: Murray, Alexander Callander, Ed - After Rome's Fall. Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History; Essays Presented to Walter Goffart
023349: Murray, R. Emmett - The Lexicon of Labor; More Than 500 Terms, Biographical Sketches, and Historical Insights Concerning Labor in America
052816: Murray, William M. - The Age of Titans; the Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies
017152: Milgate, Murray and Shannon C. Stimson - Ricardian Politics
011695: Murray, Robert H. - Dublin University and the New World; a Memorial Discourse Preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, May 23, 1921
009103: Murray, Peter - Architecture of the Renaissance
008935: Kendall, Paul Murray and Vincent Ilardi - Dispatches with Related Documents of Milanese Ambassadors in France and Burgund, 1459-1483
004482: Murrill, Rupert Ivan - Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Remains from Easter Island
004932: Murry, John Middleton - Keats and Shakespeare; a Study of Keat's Poetic Life from 1816 to 1820
045474: Musca, Giosuè - IL Venerabile Beda Storico Dell'Alto Medioevo
052313: Muscatine, Charles - The Old French Fabliaux
039070: Muscatine, Doris - The Vinegar of Spilamberto and Other Italian Adventures with Food, Places and People
037448: Muscatine, Doris, et al, Eds - The University of California/Sotheby Book of California Wine
027907: Muscatine, Doris - Old San Francisco; the Biography of a City from Early Days to the Earthquake
048330: Muschalek, Georg - Glaubensgewissheit in Freiheit
038633: Muschg, Adolf - Der Rote Ritter; Eine Geschichte Von Parzival
028604: Muschg, Walter - Tragische Literaturgeschichte
021630: Muschler, Reinhold Conrad - Philipp Zu Eulenburg; Sein Leben Und Seine Zeit
026024: Müseler, Wilhelm - Geist Und Antlitz Des Barock
013251: Müseler, Wilhelm - Geist Und Antlitz Der Romanischen Zeit
013250: Müseler, Wilhelm - Geist Und Antlitz Der Gotik
048129: National Maritime Museum - 1776; the British Story of the American Revolution
047838: British Museum - A General Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum
050005: Bryggens Museum - Handbook to the Cultural History of the Middle Ages, Supplementary to Displays in Bryggens Museum
045157: British Museum - A Guide to the Anglo-Saxon and Foreign Teutonic Antiquities in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities
042995: Newport Art Museum - Newportraits
038371: Worcester Art Museum - Art Through Fifty Centuries from the Collections of the Worcester Art Museum
038307: Ashmolean Museum - Catalogue of the Collection of Dutch and Flemish Still-Life Pictures Bequeathed by Daisy Linda Ward
035373: Cooper-Hewitt Museum - Matchsafes in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum
032424: Seattle Art Museum - In Pursuit of the Dragon; Traditions and Transitions in Ming Ceramics
032391: Newark Museum - Catalogue of the Newark Museum Tibetan Collection
029855: Joods Historisch Museum - Gids/Guide
029662: J. B. Speed Art Museum - Nineteenth Century French Sculpture: Monuments for the Middle Class
026475: Kunsthistorisches Museum - Katalog Der Gemäldegalerie. I. Teil: Italiener, Spanier, Franzosen, Engländer
026284: Egyptian Museum - A Brief Description of the Principal Monuments
051868: National Maritime Museum - The Old Royal Observatory, Greenwich: Guide to the Collections
293: British Museum - Department of Manuscripts. Facsimiles of Royal & Other Charters in the Vol. I: William I-Rich Ard I. Edited by George F. Warner and Henry J. Ellis
018292: British Museum - British Museum General Catalogue of Printed Books to 1955
053199: British Museum - Hazor; Excavation of a Biblical City
053396: Royal Scottish Museum - Traditional African Sculpture
051822: South Kensington Museum - Conferences Held in Connection with the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Appartus, 1876, Physics and Mechanics
050378: British Museum - Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in France and of French Books Printed in Other Countries from 1470 to 1600 in the British Museum
009203: Musgrave, Peter - Land and Economy in Baroque Italy: Valpolicella, 1630-1797
005658: Musgrave, Peter - Land and Economy in Baroque Italy: Valpolicella, 1630-1797
030738: Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, 7th - Bericht über Den Siebenten Internationalen Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Köln 1958
041051: Musil, Robert - Der Deutsche Mensch Als Symptom
053697: Musil, Robert - Robert Musil: Slowenisches Dorfbegräbnis. Faksimile Der Handschrift Und Druckvorlage
009109: Musper, H. Th - Gotische Malerei Nördlich Der Alpen
048381: Mussafia, Adolfo - Scritti Di Filologia E Linguistica
052400: Musset, Lucien - Aspects Du Monachisme En Normandie (Ive-Xviiie Siècles). Actes Du Colloque Scientifique de L'"Année Des Abbayes Normandes", Caen, 18-20 Octobre 1979
048294: Mussner, Franz - The Historical Jesus in the Gospel of St. John
021029: Mussolini, Benito - Sprito Della Rivoluzione Fascista
003944: Musson, A. E. - The Typographical Association; Origins and History Up to 1949
030983: Mussorgsky, Modest - Sorochinskaya Fair. Vocal Score
043026: Muster, D., Ed - Proceedings--Symposium on the Theory of Shells to Honor Lloyd Hamilton Donnell
051952: Muyldermans, Joseph - à Travers la Tradition Manuscrite D'Evagre le Pontique; Essai Sur Les Manuscrits Grecs Conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris
044826: Muysken, Pieter - Functional Categories
052324: Statni Zidovske Muzeum - Detské Kresby Z Koncentracniho Tabora Terezin
025972: Mydans, Carl - Carl Mydans, Photojournalist
027733: Myerhoff, Barbara G. - Der Peyote Kult
053388: Myers, F. W. H. - Wordsworth
046103: Myers, Rollo - Emmanuel Chabrier and His Circle
045409: Myers, A. R. - London in the Age of Chaucer
038733: Myers, Robin - A Dictionary of Literature in the English Language from Chaucer to 1940
020826: Myers, Fred A. - Art Treasures of Gilcrease Museum
019168: Myers, Andres B., Ed - The Worlds of Washington Irving, 1783-1859
018690: Myers, Rollo - Emmanuel Chabrier and His Circle
018282: Myers, J. M., Et al., Eds - Search the Scriptures; New Testament Studies in Honor of Raymond T. Stamm
017736: Myers, J. M., Et al., Eds - Biblical Studies in Memory of H.C. Alleman
050783: Myers, James T., Et al., Eds - Chinese Politics: Documents and Analysis
1457: (Pratt Festschrift). Edited by Gerald E. Myers - Self, Religion, and Metaphysics; Essays in Memory of James Bissett Pratt
033174: Myerson, Joel, Ed - The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau
015013: Myerson, Jeremy - Design; the World of Minale Tattersfield
026605: Mylonas, George E. - Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age
014520: Myrdal, Jan - Report from a Chinese Village
007062: Myrdal, Gunnar - Asian Drama; an Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations
033617: Myres, J. N. L. - The English Settlements
047745: Ellis, Richard N. and Duane A. Smith - Colorado; a History in Photographs
045249: Shepard, Roger N. and Lynn A. Cooper - Mental Images and Their Transformations
044693: Klausner, David N. and Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Eds - Bring Furth the Pagants: Essays in Early English Drama Presented to Alexandra F. Johnston
044047: Wasserman, Julian N. and Robert J. Blanch, Eds - Chaucer in the Eighties
043413: Wright, Richard N. and Samuel Kramer - Building Performance in the 1972 Managua Earthquake
042146: Pierce, Philip N. and Karl Schuon - John H. Glenn Astronaut
038629: Lasarew, W. N. and M. A. Iljin - Der Barock
038482: Voronov, N. and E. Rachuk - Soviet Glass; Verre Sovietique; Sowjetisches Glas
033697: Lazarev, Viktor N. and O. I. Podobedova - Drevne-Russkoe Iskusstvo; Problemy I Atributsii
032847: Cofer, C. N. and M. H. Appley - Motivation: Theory and Research
021403: Kittrei, Nicholas N. and Eldon D. Wedlock, Jr. - The Tree of Liberty; a Documentary History of Rebellion and Political Crime in America
020775: Harbert Earl N. - The Force So Much Closer to Home; Henry Adams and the Adams Family
003997: McCord N. And D. J. Rowe - Northumberland and Durham; Industry in the Nineteenth Century
040634: Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich - The Eye
014833: Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Nabokov's Butterflies; Unpublished and Uncollected Writings
002963: Greco-Naccarato, Gaetano - Cattedrali Su Sibari Arcaica
047259: Nadal, Octave - Le Sentiment de L'Amour Dans L'Oeuvre de Pierre Corneille
005614: Nadal, Rafael Martinez - Federico Garcia Lorca and the Public; a Study of an Unfinished Play and of Love and Death in Lorca's Work
033320: Gorodetzky, Nadeja and Jessie Coulson, Eds - Russian Short Stories Xxth Century
030130: Gorodnetzky, Nadejka and Jessie Coulson, Eds - Russian Short Stories: Xxth Century
038713: Nadkarni, M. V. - The Political Economy of Forest Use and Management
039191: Naested, Henning - Engelsk-Dansk Synonym-Ordbog; Engelske Synonymer Forklaret På Dansk
028955: Nagel, Bert - Das Nibelungenlied: Stoff--Form--Ethos
016705: Nagel, Paul C. - Descent from Glory; Four Generations of the John Adams Family
011891: Nagel, Ernest, et al. - Observation and Theory in Science
003921: Nagel, Paul C. - This Sacred Trust; American Nationality, 1798-1898
049669: Nagel, Gunther W. - A Stanford Heritage; Sketches of Ten Teach-Physicians Whose Standards of Excellence Became the Hallmark of a School of Medicine
048195: Nagera, Humberto, et al. - The Hampstead Clinic Psychoanalytic Library
002836: Nagl, Ludwig - Gesellschaft Und Autonomie; Historisch-Systematische Studien Zur Entwicklung Der Sozialtheorie Von Hegel Bis Habermas
033189: Nagler, A. M. - Shakespeare's Stage
026751: Nagler, Michael N. - Is There No Other Way? the Search for a Nonviolent Future
020766: Nagy, Imre - Imre Nagy on Communism; in Defense of the New Course
052366: Nagy, Gregory - Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter
045164: Nahin, Paul J. - Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula Cures Many Mathematical Ills
023346: Nahin, Paul J. - Time Machines; Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction
048849: Nahon, Zarita - Romances Judeo-Españoles de Tanger
046462: Nahson, Claudia J. - The Art of William Steig
015405: Nahum, Baron Stirling Henry - Baron's Ballet Finale
015404: Nahum, Baron Stirling Henry - Baron Encore
015403: Nahum, Baron Stirling Henry - Baron at the Ballet
005256: Nair, Kusum - Three Bowls of Rice; India and Japan, Century of Effort
010326: Nairn, Ronald C. - International Aid to Thailand; the New Colonialism
023652: Naisbitt, John - Megatrends Asia; Eight Asian Megatrends That Are Reshaping Our World
042183: Najam, Edward W., Ed - Language Learning: The Individual and the Process. Report of the Indiana Univeirsity--Purdue University Foreign Language Conference Held at Indiana University, March 11-13, 1965
014277: Nakamura, Tanio - Contemporary Japanese-Style Painting
010252: Nakamura, James I. - Agricutlrual Production and the Economic Development of Japan, 1873-1922
049140: Nakao, Yoshiyuki - The Structure of Chaucer's Ambiguity
039004: Nakata, Yujiro, Ed - Chinese Calligraphy
045072: Nakayama, Shozen - The Short History of Tenrikyo
051299: Nall, T. Otto - How Our Bishops Served the Chinese; Methodists in Conference at Wesley Grove in Taiwan
046224: Nalty, Bernard C. - Air Power and the Fight for Khe Sanh
002160: Internationaler Kongress Für Namenforschung, 10th - Abhandlungen, Proceedings, Actes: Disputationes Ad Montium Vocabula Aliorumque Nominums Significationes Pertinentes
004687: Namier, Lewis - Crossroads of Power; Essays on Eighteenth-Century England
048574: Nance, R. Morton - Sailing-Ship Models; a Selection from European and American Collections with Introductory Text
046227: Nance, John J. - Phoenix Rising
008306: Nance, John - The Gentle Tasaday; a Stone Age People in the Philippine Rain Forest
004484: Nance, John - The Gentle Tasaday; a Sone Age Poeple in the Philippine Rain Forest
044522: Heller, Nancy and Julia Williams - The Regionalists
039199: Ruggles, Nancy and Richard Ruggles - The Design of Economic Accounts
037146: Hellelr, Nancy and Julia Williams - The Regionalists
002357: Redclift, Naneke and Enzo Mingione - Beyond Employment; Household, Gender and Subsistence
029863: Nanteuil, Luc De - Jacques-Louis David
028445: Nap, J. M. - Die Römische Republik Um Das J. 225 V. Chr. ; Ihre Damalige Politik, Gesetze Und Legenden
047466: Napier, A. David - Masks, Transformation, and Paradox
041993: Napolitano, Giorgio - Proposta Di Progetto a Medio Termine
037568: Narazaki, Muneshige - Studies in Nature; Hokusai--Hiroshige
035964: Narazaki, Muneshige - Aharaku; the Enigmataic Ukiyo-E Master
045113: Narborough, John, et al. - An Account of Several Voyages to the South and North
052336: Narten, Johanna - Der Yasna Haptanhaiti
048591: Akpanglo-Nartey, Jonas N. - On Fricative Phones and Phonemes: Measuring the Phonetic Differences Within and between Languages
042817: Narváez, Luis De - Composiciones Escogidas de El Delphin de Música (1538) de Narváez
037126: Nash, George - Edward Gordon Craig 1872-1966
035976: Nash, Steven A. - Facing Eden; 100 Years of Landscape Art in the Bay Area
035514: Nash, David - Wood Primer; the Sculpture of David Nash
015101: Nash, Leonard K. - The Atomic-Molecular Theory
009735: Nash, Rose - Turkish Intonation; an Instrumental Study
047939: Nashat, Guity - The Origins of Modern Reform in Iran, 1870-80
047788: Ovidius Naso, Publius - Ovid's Metamorphoses; Translation in Blank Verse
047164: Ovidius Naso, Publius - Ovide: Tristes
046316: Ovidius Naso, Publius - Amores; Medicamina Faciei Femineae; Ars Amatoria; Remedia Amoris
049803: Ovidius Naso, Publius - Opera Omnia
033540: Nason, Arthur Huntington - James Shirley, Dramatist: A Bibliographical and Critical Study
006947: Nason, Richard - Boiled Grass and the Broth of Shoes; Reconstructing Literary Deconstruction
019575: Nassar, Eugene Paul - Wallace Stevens; an Anatomy of Figuration
028662: Al-Nassir, A. A. - Sibawayh the Phonologist; a Critical Study of the Phonetic and Phonological Theory of Sibawayh As Presented in His Treatise Al-Kitab
018691: Nassour, Ellis - Honky Tonk Angel; the Intimate Story of Patsy Cline
046916: Natale, Mauro, Ed - Scritti Di Storia Dell'Arte in Onore Di Federico Zeri
032573: Natali, Giulio - IL Settecento
037041: Gozzano, Natalia and Patrizia Tosini - La Cappelle Contarelli in San Luigi Dei Francesi; Arte E Comittenza Nella Roma Di Caravaggio
051878: Sloan, Nate and Charlie Harding - Switched on Pop; How Popular Music Works,a Nd Why It Matters
012051: Natenberg, Maurice - The Legacy of Dotor Wiley and the Administration of His Food and Drug Act
047809: Rosenberg, Nathan and L. E. Birdzell, Jr. - How the West Grew Rich; the Economic Transformation of the Industrial World
044104: Nathan, Joan - Jewish Cooking in America
036084: Nathan, Amy - Fruit
002838: Nathanson, Leonard - The Strategy of Truth; a Study of Sir Thomas Browne
050932: Bibliothèque Nationale - Musiques Anciennes; Instruments Et Partition (Xvie-Xviie Siècles)
044334: Bibliothèque Nationale - La Librairie de Charles V.
043856: Bibliothèque Nationale - Trésors Des Bibliothèques D'Italie Ive-Xvie Siècles
012223: Bibliothèque Nationale - La Légende Napoléonienne 1796-1900
004185: Bibliothèque Nationale - Byzance Et la France Médiévale; Manuscrits à Peintures Du Iie Au Xvie Siècle
004036: Bibliothèque Nationale - Le Livre Anglais; Trésors Des Collections Anglaises
033371: Nativel, Colette, Ed - Centuriae Latinae; Cent Une Figures Humanistes de la Renaissance Aux Lumières Offertes à Jacques Chomarat
015955: Natkiel, Richard - Atlas of American Military History
036591: Natkin, Marcel - Portraiture and the Camera
025223: Natorp, Paul - Hermann Cohens Philosophische Leistung Unter Dem Gesichtspunkte Des Systems
010253: Natsume, Soseki - Kokoro
014915: Nau, Henry R. - The Myth of America's Decline; Leding the World Economy Into the 1990s
038898: Naumann, Hans - Die Minnesinger in Bildern Der Manessischen Handschrift
029292: Buber-Naumann, Margarete - Milena
021647: Naunyn, Bernhard - Erinnerungen, Gedanken Und Meinungen
050660: Nauta, G. A. - Oudfriesche Woordenlijst Met de Vertaling in Het Nederlandsch En Vergelijking Met Nieuwwestfriesche Woorden
049197: Navarro, Tomas - Manual de Pronunciación Española
007039: Nawrath, Alfred - Egypt, the Land between Sand and Nile
033159: Naylor, Edward W. - Shakespeare and Music
031862: Naylor, H. Darnley - Latin and English Idiom; an Object Lession from Livy's Preface
010066: Nead, Lynda - Chila Kumari Burman; Beyond Two Cultures
036514: Neal, Ernest - The Badger
030640: Neal, Bill - Getting Away with Murder on the Texas Frontier; Notorious Killings & Celebrated Trials
030607: Neal, Bill - Sex, Murder & the Unwritten Law; Gender and Judicial Mayhem, Texas Style
026549: Neal, Bill - From Guns to Gavels; How Justice Grew Up in the Outlaw West
023940: Neal, Bill - Getting Away with Murder on the Texas Frontier; Notirous Killings & Celbrated Trials
004663: Neal, Fred Warner - Titoism in Action; the Reforms in Yugoslavia After 1948
003015: Neal, David S. - The Excavation of the Roman Villa in Gadebridge Park, Hemel Hempstead, 1963-8
011893: Neale, E. R. W., Ed - The Earth Sciences in Canada; a Centennial Appraisal and Forecast
005142: Neale, R. S. - Class and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century
021389: Nealey, Stanley M., Et al. - Public Opinion and Nuclear Energy
008202: Nealon, Jeffrey T. - Double Reading; Postmodernism After Deconstruction
024987: Neander, Augustus - History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles
049883: Neary, Ian - The State and Politics in Japan
024503: Neat, Charles Marie, Sister - German Literature and Literary Criticism As Reflected in the German Catholic Magazine Literarischer Handweiser from 1861 to 1931
017106: Necatigil, Zaim M. - The Cyprus Question and the Turkish Postition in International Lawl
036539: Necker, Claire - The Natural History of Cats
009151: Lebow, Richard Ned and Janice Gross Stein - We All Lost the Cold War
046158: Nedoma, Robert - Kleine Grammatik Des Altisländischen
024574: Nédoncelle, Maurice - La Pensée Religieuse de Friedrich Von Hügel (1852-1925)
051038: Nedoncelle, Maurice - La Philosophie Religieuse En Grande-Bretage de 1850 à Nos Jours
046900: Needham, Joseph - Science in Traditional China; a Comparative Perspective
053816: Needham, Joseph - Science and Civilisation in China. Volume 1: Introductory Orientations
053817: Needham, Joseph - Science and Civilisation in China. Volume 2, History of Scientific Thought
006427: Needham, Rodney - Exemplars
002840: Needham, Rodney - Counterpoints
023133: Needler, Martin C. - Understanding Foreign Policy
016664: Neely, Mark E., Jr. - The Last Best Hope of Earth; Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America
013089: Nees, Lawrence - A Tainted Mantle; Hercules and the Classical Tradition at the Carolingian Court
047201: Nef, Karl - Geschichte Der Sinfonie Und Suite
048884: Neff, Cary - Conscicous Cuisine; a New Style of Cooking from the Kitchens of Chef Cary Neff
048876: Neff, Terry Ann R. - Within the Fairy Castle; Colleen Moore's Doll House at the Musueum of Science and Industry, Chicago
024132: Neff, Emery - The Poetry of History; the Contribution of Literature and Literary Scholarship to the Writing of History Since Voltaire
006880: Neff, Emery - Carlyle
043503: Negev, Avraham, Ed - Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land
015331: Negley, Glenn - Political Authority and Moral Judgment
050293: Negri, M., Et al., Eds - L'Indeuropeo: Prospettive E Retrospettive. Atti Del Convegno Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
049938: Nathan-Neher, Barbara - Chaissac
051839: Neher, André - Amos; Contribution à L'étude Du Prophétisme
053384: Neighbour, Oliver - The Consort and Keyboard Music of William Byrd
053762: Neighbour, Oliver - The Consort and Keyboard Music of William Byrd
039099: De Marachi, Neil and Craufurd D. W. Goodwin, Eds - Economic Engagements with Art
028633: O'Neil, Owen Rowe - Abenteuer in Swaziland; Erlebnisse Eines Südafrikanischen Buren
018231: O'Neil, Brian E. - Epistemological Direct Realism in Descartes' Philosophy
012107: Fairbairn, Neil and Michael Cyprien - A Traveller's Guide to the Battlefields of Britain
048023: O'Neill, P. G. - Japanese Kana Workbook
039746: O'Neill, Eugene G. - Thirst and Other One Act Plays
028276: Neill, Stephen - Christian Faith and Other Faiths; the Christian Dialogue with Other Religions
028275: Neill, Stephen - The Interpretation of the New Testament 1861-1961
027009: O'Neill, Jamie - At Swim, Two Boys; a Novel
016402: O'Neill, William L. - The Last Romantic; a Life of Max Eastman
013997: O'Neill, James M. - Catholicism and American Freedom
009269: O'Neill, Eugene - Eugene O'Neill at Work: Newly Released Ideas for Plays
005581: O'Neill, Eugene - More Stately Mansions; the Unexpurgated Eidtion
003928: O'Neill, William L. - Divorce in the Progressive Era
015959: Neillands, Robin - In the Combat Zone; Special Forces Since 1945
028283: Neilsen, Kai - Sceptcism
046394: Neilson, William Allan - Robert Burns; How to Know Him
014506: Neiman, LeRoy - An American in Paris; Un Américain à Paris
012248: Neiman, LeRoy - Leroy Neiman; Art & Life Style
036772: Nekrassov, Nicholas - Poems by Nicholas Nekrassov
052591: Siegroth-Nellessen, Gabriele Von - Versuch Einer Exakten Stiluntersuchung Für Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler Und Heinrich Seuse
052036: Nelli, René - Le Roman de Flamenca; Un Art D'Aimer Occitanien Du Xiiie Siècle
048007: Nelson, Robert U. - The Technique of Variation; a Study of the Instrumental Variation from Antonio de Cabezón to Max Reger
000043: Nelson, Ralph L. - Concentration in the Manufacturing Industries of the United States; a Midcentury Report
033790: Nelson, Steve, et al. - Steve Nelson, American Radical
033535: Nelson, Robert J. - Immanence and Transcendence; the Theater of Jean Rotrou 1609-1650
028277: Nelson, Rudolph - The Making and Unmaking of an Evangelical Mind; the Case of Edward Carnell
025777: Nelson, James G. - Elkin Mathews, Publisher to Yeats, Joyce, Pound
025591: Nelson, Curtis L. - Hunter in the Shallows; a History of the Pt Boat
023309: Nelson, Jill - Volunteer Slavery; My Authentic Negro Experience
022469: Nelson, Harold B. - Sounding the Depths; 150 Years of American Seascape
053694: Nelson, Janet L. - Rulers and Ruling Families in Early Medieval Europe: Alfred, Charles the Bald, and Others
1401: Nelson, Leonard - System of Ethics. Translated by Norbert Guterman
008672: Nelson, Mary Carroll - Connecting: The Art of Beth Ames Swartz
007586: Nelson, Lawrence J. - King Cotton's Advocate; Oscar G. Johnston and the New Deal
006894: Nelson, Jane A. - Form and Image in the Fiction of Henry Miller
050382: Nelson, Philip - Ancient Painted Glass in England 1170-1500
004095: Nelson, Lawrence J. - King Cotton's Advocate; Oscar G. Johnston and the New Deal
049575: Nelsonk, John K. - A Year in the Life of a Shinto Shrine
033918: Nemerov, Howard - The Collected Peoms of Howard Nemerov
041906: Nenni, Pietro - Intervista Sul Socialismo Italiano
052290: Nepaulsingh, Colbert I. - Towards a History of Literary Compostition in Medieval Spain
053206: Nequatewa, Edmund - Born a Chief; the Nineteenth Century Hopi Boyhood of Edmund Nequatewa
029456: Néret, Gilles - David; la Terreur Et la Vertu
052511: Néret, Gilles - Matisse
021968: Nerius, Dieter - Duden; Die Regeln Der Deutschen Rechtschreibung; Erläuterungen Und Beispiele
009736: Nerius, Dieter - Untersuchungen Zu Einer Reform Der Deutschen Orthographie
009459: Nerius, Dieter - Deutsche Orthographie
017235: Der Nersessian, Sirarpie - Armenian Manuscripts in the Freer Gallery of Art
051418: Jean-Nesmy, Claude - Saint Benoit Et la Vie Monastique
031864: Nestle, Wilhelm - Griechische Weltanschauung in Ihrer Bedeutung Für Die Gegenwart; Vorträge Und Abhandlungen
026607: Nethercott, Frances - Russia's Plato; Plato and the Platonic Tradition in Russian Education, Science and Iediology (1840-1930)
042554: Nethöfel, Wolfgang - Sturkturen Existentialer Interpretation; Bultmanns Johanneskommentar IM Wechsel Theologischer Paradigmen
027483: Avila Neto, Maria Inacia d' - O Autoritarismo E a Mulher; O Jogo Da Dominação Macho-Femea No Brasil
010073: Carvalho-Neto, Paulo De - El Negro Uruguayo (Hasta la Abolicion)
041400: Nettement, Alfred - Suger Et Son Temps
005063: Netting, Robert McC - Hill Farmers of Nigeria; Cultural Ecology of the Kofyar of the Jose Plateau
036437: Nettl, Paul - The Book of Musical Documents
019180: Nettl, Paul - Mozart and Masonry
012271: Nettles, Saundra Mururay - Crazy Visitation; a Chronicle of Illness and Recovery
011894: Netz, Charles V. - History of the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, 1892-1970
053233: Netzer, Nancy - Cultural Interplay in the Eighth Century; the Trier Gospels and the Making of a Scriptorium at Echternach
011895: Neu, John, Ed - Chemical, Medical and Pharcaeutical Books Printed Before 1800 in the Collections of the University of Wisconsin Libraries
008480: Neu, John, Ed - Chemical, Medical and Pharmaceutical Books Printed Before 1800 in the Collections of the University of Wisconsin Libraries
021222: Neuburger, Albert - Echt Oder Fälschung? Die Beurteilung, Prüfung Und Behandlung Von Altertümern Und Kunstgegenständen
010328: Neuchterlein, Donald E. - Thailand and the Struggle for Southeast Asia
025330: Neuenschwander, John A., Ed - Kenosha County in the Twentieth Century: A Topical History
051544: Neuenzeit, Paul - Das Herrenmahl; Studien Zur Paulinischen Eucharistieauffassung
014358: Neuer, Roni, et al. - Ukiyo-E; 250 Years of Japanese Art
049311: Neuer, Roni, et al. - Uikyo-E; 250 Years of Japanese Art
005747: Neufeld, Maurice F. - Poor Countries and Authoritarian Rule
018401: Neuhaus, Eugen - The Art of Treasure Island. First-Hand Impressions of the Archhitecture, Scultpure, Landscape Design, Color Effects, Mural Decorations, Illumination, and Other Artistic Aspects of the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939
043220: Neuman, Fred G. - Story of Paducah
048670: Neumann, Günter - Phrygisch Und Griechisch
041527: Neumann, Carl - Griechische Geschichtschreiber Und Geschichtsquellen IM Zwölften Jahrhundert; Studien Zu Anna Comnena, Theod. Prodromus, Joh. Cinnamus
041340: Neumann, Erich - Der Schöpferische Mensch
025930: Neumann, Robert Von - The Design and Creation of Jewelry
040852: Neumark, Georg - Der Neu-Sprossende Teutsche Palmbaum
023280: Neumark, David - How Living Wage Laws Affect Low-Wage Workers and Low-Income Families
008583: Neumeyer, Alfred - Die Kunst in Unserer Zeit; Versuch Einer Deutung
048602: Neusner, Jacob - The Glory of God Is Intelligence
028279: Neusner, Jacob - Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus; the Tradition and the Man
026609: Neusner, Jacob - Judaism and Christianity in the Age of Constantine; History, Messiah, Israel and the Initial Confrontation
024990: Neusner, Jacob - Take Judaism, for Example; Studies Toward the Comparison of Religions
047101: Neutres, Jerome - Genet Sur Les Routes Du Sud
037923: Nevill, Ralph - Days and Nights in Montmartre and the Latin Quarter
1403: Neville, Gwen Kennedy - Kinship and Pilgrimage; Rituals of Reunion in American Protestant Culture
017557: Nevins, Allan, Ed - Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address; Commemorative Papers
041539: Nevius, Blake - Cooper's Landscapes; an Essay on the Picturesque Vision
005537: Nevius, Blake - Edith Wharton; a Study of Her Fiction
024991: New, JOhn F. H. - Anglican and Puritan; the Basis of Their Opposition, 1558-1640
039343: Newburger, Harriet B., Et al., Eds - Neighborhood and Life Chances; How Place Matters in Modern America
030724: Newby, P. H. - The Egypt Story; Its Art, Its Monuments, Its People, Its History
029540: Newby, P. H. - Saladin in His Time
021418: Newcomb, Horace, Ed - Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television
003924: Newcomb, Benjamin H. - Franklin and Galloway; a Political Partnership
005431: Newdick, Robert Spangler - Newdick's Season of Frost; an Interrupted Biography of Robert Frost
046849: Newell, Edward T. - Royal Greek Portrait Coins. Being an Illustrated Treatise on the Portrait Coins of the Various Kingdoms, and Containing Historical References to Their Coinages, Mints, and Rulers
027442: Newell, Rex - Outbak Pubs of Australia
018607: Jenkins, Newell and Bathia Churgin - Themataic Catalogue of the Works of Giovanni Battista Sammartini; Orchestral and Vocal Music
010767: Newell, Peter - Queensland Sketchbook
037778: Newhall, Beaumont - The History of Photography from 1839 to the Present Day
036198: Newhall, Beaumont - In Plain Sight; the Photographs of Beaumont Newhall
036123: Newhall, Nancy - P.H. Emerson; the Fight for Photography As a Fine Art
036001: Newhall, BEaumont - The Daguerreotype in America
020227: Newhall, Beaumont - In Plain Sight; the Photographs of Beaumont Newhall
047301: Newham, C. A. - The Enigma of Stonehenge and Its Astronimical and Geomatrical Significance
020792: Newhouse, John - Imperial America; the Bush Assault on the World Order
015837: Newhouse, John - War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
017130: Newland, H. Osman - Sierra Leone: Its People, Products, and Secret Societies
048639: Newman, ARnold - Tropical Rainforest; a World Survey of Our Most Valuable and Endangered Habitat with a Blueprint for Its Survival
053705: Newman, Joyce - Jean-Baptiste de Lully and His Tragédies Lyriques
046129: Newman, Ernest - Berlioz, Romantic and Classic. Writings by Ernest Newman
044184: Newman, Jane O. - Pastoral Conventions; Poetry, Language, and Thought in Seventeenth-Century Nuremberg
037889: Newman, Rosie - Britain at War; Narrative of a Film Record
036199: Newman, Arnold - The Great British; Photographs by Arnold Newman
026426: McCall-Newman, Christina - Grits; an Intimate Portrait of the Liberal Party
021781: Newman, Gerald - The Rise of English Nationalism; a Cultural History 1740-1830
052822: Newman, Alan B., Ed - New England Reflections 1882-1907; Photographys by the Howes Brothers
018694: Newman, Ernest - Stories of the Great Operas and Their Composers
015736: Newman, Peter R. - Companion to Irish History, 1603-1921, from the Submission of Tyrone to Partition
009818: Newman, E. M. - Seeing Germany
009817: Newman, E. M. - Seeing Italy
006097: Newsome, David - The Wilberforces and Henry Manning; the Parting of Friends
044921: Newton, Helmut - World without Men
039645: Newton, A. Edward - The Greatest Book in the World and Other Papers
038236: Newton, A. Edward - A Magnificent Farce and Other Diversions of a Book-Collector
030809: Newton, Ian, Ed - Birds of Prey
022818: Newton, Thomas Wodehouse Legh, 2d Baron - Lord Lyons; a Record of British Diplomacy
051741: Newton, Isaac - Opera Quae Exstant Omnia
005216: Neyman, Jerzy, Ed - The Heritage of Copernicus: Theories "Pleasing to the Mind
049260: Niane, D. T., Ed - Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century
030988: Nice, David - Prokofiev; from Russia to the West, 1891-1935
041333: Nicholas, David - The Domestic Life of a Medieval City: Women, Children, and the Family in Fourteenth-Century Ghent
028527: Taylor, Nicholas and Philip Booth - Cambridge New Architecture
002418: Nicholas, Stephen - Convict Workers; Reinterpreting Australia's Past
042316: Nichols, Stephen G., Jr. - Romanesque Signs; Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography
009686: Nichols, Dudley - This Land Is Mine
006858: Nichols, Roy F. - Blueprints for Leviathan: American Style
049608: Nichols, Johanna - Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time
044582: Nicholson, Derek E. T. - The Poems of the Troubadour Peire Rogier
044239: Nicholson, Helen J. - Love, War, and the Grail; Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knighsts in Medieval Epic and Romance 1150-1500
011516: Nicholson, Max - The System; the Misgovernment of Modern Britain
052086: Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne - Studies in Islamic Mysticism
021969: Nickel, Gerhard - Reader Zur Kontrastiven Linguistik
047467: Nickelsburg, George W. E. - Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins; Diversity, Continuity, and Transformation
035545: Nickerson, Sheila - Midnight to the North; the Untold Story of the Woman Who Saved the Polaris Expedition
035261: Nicks, Dewey - Kustom
043401: Bayley, Nicola and William Mayne - The Mouldy
040713: Nicolai, Otto - Musikalische Aufsätze
697: Nicolescu, Corina - Icoane Vechi Române
044551: Nicolin, Edgar - Les Expressions Figurées D'Origine Cyngétique En Français
028961: Nicolini, Ugolino - IL Paese Dell'Arte Civile; Scritti Sulla Storia Di Deruta E Della Ceramica Derutese
048909: Nicoll, Allardyce - Stuart Masques and the Renaissance Stage
034120: Nicoll, Allarldyce - A History of English Drama 1660-1900. Volume I: Restoration Drama 1660-1700
034343: Nicolson, Adam - The National Trust Book of Long Walks in England, Scotland and Wales
032589: Nicolson, Harold - The English Sense of Humour and Other Essays
029046: Nicolson, Marjorie Hope - The Breaking of the Circle; Studies in the Effect of the "New Science" Upon Seventeenth Century Poetry
020305: Nicolson, Benedict - Joseph Wright of Derby, Painter of Light
015701: Nicolson, Nigel - Portrait of a Marriage
015039: Nicolson, Nigel - Mary Curzon
011918: Nicolson, Marjorie Hope - Pepys' Diary and the New Science
007478: Nicolson, Colin - The "Infamas Governer": Francis Bernard and the Origins of the American Revolution
005143: Nicolson, Harold - The Congress of Vienna; a Study in Allied Unity, 1812-1822
040635: Nicosia, Gerald - Memory Babe; a Critical Biography of Jack Kerouac
021970: Niculescu, Alessandro - Strutture Allocutive Pronominali Reverenziali in Italiano
002229: Nida, Eugene A. - A Synopsis of English Syntax
021972: Nida, Eugene A. - Linguistic Interludes
053190: Nie, Giselle e, et al., Eds - Seeing the Invisible in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
021362: Niebelschütz, Sophie Von - Herrn Norberts Laufbursche Und Andere Geschichten Für Knaben Und Mädchen
039777: Niebuhr, Reinhold - The Self and the Dramas of History
028282: Niebuhr, H. Richard - The Responsible Self; an Essay in Christian Moral Philosophy
028281: Niebuhr, H. Richard - Fairth on Earth; an Inquiry Into the Structure of Human Faith
013991: Niebuhr, Reinhold - Pious and Secular America
052597: Niederehe, Hans-Josef - Strasse Und Weg in Der Galloromanischen Toponomastik
022638: Niedereichholz, H. J., Ed - Festschrift Für Walter Georg Waffenschmidt Zur Vollendung Des 85. Lebensjahres Am 10. 2. 1972
018389: Niederheitmann, Friedrich - Cremona; Eine Charakteristik Der Italienischen Geigenbauer Und Ihrer Instrumente
045314: Niehr, Herber - Der Höchste Gott; Alttestamentlicher Jhwh-Glaube IM Kontext Syrisch-Kanaanäischer Religion Des 1. Jahrtausends V. Chr
048630: Nielsen, Hans Frede - The Germanic Languages; Origins and Early Dialectal Interrelations
051635: Nielsen, Carl - Maskarade. Komische Oper in 3 Aufzügen
047303: Nielsen, Alan - The Great Victorian Sacrilege; Preachers, Politics and the Passion, 1879-1884
038827: Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut - Scaling. Why Is Animal Size So Important
036866: Nielsen, Ditlef, Ed - Handbuch Der Altarabischen Altertumskunde. 1. Band: Die Altarabische Kultur
035061: Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut - Desert Animals; Physiological Problems of Heat and Water
020406: Gerlach-Nielsen, Merete - Stendhal, Théoricien Et Romancier de L'Amour
014260: Nielsen, Johan Møller - Poul Bjørklund
005642: Nielsen, Aldon Lynn - Reading Race; White American Poets and the Racial Discourse in the Twentieth Century
004894: Nielsen, Selma - Selma Nielsens Viser; Et Repertoire Af Folkelige Sange Fra Det 19. århundredes Slutning
053516: Nielson, Niels Åke - Danske Runeindskrifter; Et Udvalg Ed Kommentarer
043627: Nielssen, Christen - De Gamle Vijses Exempler Oc Hoffsprock (1618). I: Indiedning Og Tekst
045129: Niemann, Alfred - Kaiser Und Revolution; Die Entscheidenden Ereignisse IM Grossen Hauptquartier IM Herbst 1918
043031: Niemira, Artur - Religiosità E Moralità; Vita Morale Come Realizzazione Della Fondazione Cristica Dell'Uomo Secondo B. Häring E D. Capone
032219: Clarke, Jeanne Nienaber and Daniel McCool - Staking out the Terrain; Power Differentials Among Natural Resource Management Agencies
049212: Nienhauser, William H., Jr. - The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature
050006: Niepokuj, Mary - The Development of Verbal Reduplication in Indo-European
036057: Nierenberg, Ted - The Beckoning Path; Lessons of a Lifelong Garden
038271: Galerie Nierendorf - Gerhard Marcks
053228: Niermeyer, J. F. - Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus
009418: Borrego Nieto, Julio - Sociolingüistica Rural; Investigacion En Villadepera de Sayago
051858: Nietz, John A. - The Evolution of American Secondary School Textbooks
046098: Nietzsche, Friedrich - Das Hauptwerk
034098: Nietzsche, Friedrich - Werke in Drei Bänden
047576: Meulenbelt-Nieuwburg, Albarta - Merklapmotieven En Hun Symboliek
045333: Van Nieuwenhove, Rik - Jan Van Ruusbroec, Mystical Theologian of the Trinity
032329: Niezabaitowska, Malgorzata - Remnants; the Last Jews of Poland
023265: Van Niftrik, G. C. - Spinoza En de Sectariers Van Zijn Tijd
026146: Henbnest, Nigel and Michael Marten - The New Astronomy
051598: Nigg, Walter - Des Pilgers Wiederkehr; Drei Variationen über Ein Thema
013992: Nigg, Walter - Das Buch Der Ketzer
013993: Nigg, Walter - Des Pilgers Wiederkehr; Drei Variationen ûber Ein Thema
023848: Niggemeyer, Hermann - Kuttia Kond; Dschungel-Bauern in Orissa
034973: Nightingale, Florence - Florence Nightingale; an Introduction to Her Life and Family
030598: Nightingale, Florence - Florence Nightingale: Extending Nursing
024066: Nightingale, Florence - Florence Nightingale on Health in India
012828: Nigumi, M. A. - A Great Trusteeship
033600: Niklaus, Robert - The Eighteenth Century 1715-1789
031425: Niles, Bo - Paperie; the Art of Writing and Wrapping with Paper. Kate's Paperie with Bo Niles
047273: NIlsson, Martin P. - Homer and Mycenae
030991: Nilsson, Birgit - My Memoirs in Pictures
022296: Nilsson, Nils Åke, Ed - Art, Society, Revolution: Russia 1917-1921
011265: Nilsson, Martin P. - A History of Greek Religion
004686: Nimocks, Walter - Milner's Young Men; the "Kindergarten" in Edwardian Imperial Affairs
023429: Nisenson, Eric - Open Sky; Sonny Rollins and His World of Improvisation
022834: Akira, Nishigaki and Shimomura Yasutami - The Economics of Development Assistance; Japan's Oda in a Symbiotic World
047465: Nissen, Hans J. - The Early History of the Ancient Near East 9000-2000 B.C.
052774: Nithard - Histories
053547: Nithard - Histoire Des Fils de Louis le Pieux
043072: Nitschke, August - Naturerkenntnis Und Politisches Handeln IM Mittelalter: Körper, Bewegung, Raum
051664: Nitschke, Peter, Ed - Politeia; Staatliche Verfasstheit Bei Platon
041100: Nitzsche, Jane Chance - The Genius Figure in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
016713: Niven, John - John C. Calhoun and the Price of Union; a Biography
003925: Niven, John - Salmon P. Chase; a Biography
010445: Nixon, Edgar B., Ed - Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs
006433: Noack, Hermann - Die Philosophie Westeuropas
036480: Noakes, Vivien - Edward Lear 1812-1888
011517: Noakes, Vivien - Edward Lear; the Life of a Wanderer
043376: Chomsky, Noam and Morris Halle - The Sound Pattern of English
043159: Nobécourt, Jacques - L'Italie à Vif
031154: Nobel, Park S., Ed - Cacti; Biology and Uses
032365: Noble, Vicki, Ed - Uncoiling the Snake; Ancient Patterns in Contemporary Women's Lives
052859: Noble, Kathleen - The Sound of a Silver Horn; Reclaiming the Heroism in Contemporary Women's Lives
016383: Noble, David W. - The Eternal Adam and the New World Garden; the Central Myth in the American Novel Since 1830
049802: Noble, Joseph Veach - The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery
003017: Noble, Joseph Veach - The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery
022778: Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane - Tutankhamen; Life and Death of a Pharaoh
003018: Noché, André - Gergovie; Vieux Problèmes Et Solutions Nouvelles
032189: Nock, O. S. - World Atlas or Railways
029447: Nock, Albert Jay - Jefferson
013315: Nock, O. S. - Railways in the Transition from Steam, 1940-1965
013309: Nock, O. S. - Railways at the Zenith of Steam, 1920-40
013303: Nock, O. S. - British Railways in Transition
043707: Nocke, Franz-Josef - Sakrament Und Personaler Vollzug Bei Albertus Magnus
024202: Nodtvedt, Magnus - Rebirth of Norway's Peasantry; Folk Leader Hans Nielsen Hauge
029553: Noel, Bernard - David
041217: Nogara, Bartolomeo - Gli Etruschi E la Loro Civiltà
048255: Noggle, Burl - Teapot Dome: Oil and Politics in the 1920's
004463: Noggle, Burl - Working with History; the Historical Records Survey in Louisiana and the Nation, 1936-1942
029311: Noiville, Florence - Isaac B. Singer; a Life
045769: Nøjgaard, Morten - Les Adverbes Français; Essai de Description Fonctionnelle. Tome III
023337: Nokes, David - Jonathan Swift, a Hypocrite Reversed; a Critical Biography
046202: Nolan, J. Bennett - General Benjamin Franklin; the Military Career of a Philosopher
020458: Nolan, Barbara - The Gothic Visionary Perspective
018695: Nolan, Liam - The Life of Smetana; the Pain & the Glory
015965: Nolan, Dick - Benjamin Franklin Butler, the Damnedests Yankee
005942: Nolan, Alan T. - Lee Considered; General Robert E. Lee and CIVIL War History
026070: Nolde, Emil - Emil Nolde; Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen Und Druckgraphik
051896: Noll, Mark A. - America's God Fom Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln
028546: Nollen, John Scholte - Grinnell College
028048: Nolte, Carl - The San Francisco Century; a City Rises from the Ruins of the 1906 Earthquake and Fire
053659: Nolte, Cordula - Conversio Und Christianitas; Frauen in Der Christianisierung Vom 5. Bis 8. Jahrhundert
013252: Nolthenius, Hélène - Duecento; Zwerftocht Door Italie's Late Middeleeuwen
032405: Noma, Seiroku - The Arts of Japan: Late Medieval to Modern
032404: Noma, Seiroku - The Arts of Japan: Ancient and Medieval
014360: Noma, Seiroku - The Arts of Japan. Vol. II: Late Medieval to Modern
026776: Nomachi, Kazuyoshi - Tibet
032027: Song Nong, Ed - Chinese Medicated Liquor Therapy
040705: Noonan, Damien - The Daily Telegraph Castles & Ancient Monuments of England
020185: Noonan, Peggy - The Case Against Hillary Clinton
047613: Noordervliet, Nelleke - Nederland in de Gouden Eeuw
049964: Van Noort, Olivier - Om de Wereld; de Eerste Nederlandse Omzeiling Van de Wereld Onder Leiding Van Olivier Van Noort, 1598-1601
010254: Norbeck, Edward - Takashima, a Japanese Fishing Community
002841: Norbeck, Edward - Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change
050057: Honsza, Norbert and Hans-Gert Roloff, Eds - Daß Eine Nation Die Ander Verstehen Möge; Festschrift Für Marian Szyrocki Zu Seinem 60. Geburtstag
009921: Willenpart, Norbert and Hans Kircher - Diskussion Rechtschreibreform; Kommentierte Bibliographie Zur Reformdebatte Von 1970-1992
031866: Norden, Eduard - Die Antike Kunstprosa Vom VI. Jahrhundert V. Chr. Bis in Die Zeit Der Renaissance
014663: Nordenfalk, Carl - Sèvres Et Les Cinq Sens
040428: Nordenfelt, Lennart - Explanation of Human Actions
024502: Nordenfelt, Lennart - Explanation of Human Actions
035650: Nordon, Pierre - Conan Doyle; a Biography
014770: Nordress, Lee, Ed - Art: Usa: Now
011011: Branson, Noreen and Margot Heinemann - Britain in the 1930's
047034: Noren, Catherine Hanf - The Camera of My Family
037260: Noren, Catherine Hanf - The Camera of My Family
036977: Norfleet, Barbara P. - When We Liked Ike; Looking for Postwar America
036196: Norman, Dorothy - Alfred Stieglitz, an American Seer
032083: Norman, Seth - Meanderings of a Fly Fisherman
024061: Cheadle, Norman and Lucien Pelletier, Eds - Canadian Cultural Exchange; Translation and Transculturation. échanges Culturels Au Canada; Traduction Et Transculturation
021473: Frohlich, Norman and Joe A. Oppenheimer - Choosing Justics; an Experimental Approach to Ethical Theory
019139: Norman, Charles - The Muses' Darling: Christopher Marlowe
011472: MacKenzie, Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie - The Fabians
049227: Norman, Jerry - Chinese
005207: Norman, Hilda Laura - Swindlers & Rogues in French Drama
049506: Hammond, Norman and Gordon R. Willey, Eds - Maya Archaeology and Ethnohistory
051732: Norman, Jeremy M. - Scientist, Scholar & Scoundrel; a Bibliographical Investigation of the Life and Exploits of Count Guglielmo Libri
004796: Normand, Jean - Nathaniel Hawthorne; an Approach to an Analysis of Artistic Creation
053393: Normand, Charles - Normand's Parallel of the Orders of Architecutre: Greek, Roman and Renaissance
026574: Norquay, Margaret - Broad Is the Way; Stories from Mayerthorpe
040050: Norris, Malcolm - Brass Rubbing
034206: Norris, Kenneth S., Et al. - The Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin
011518: Norris, John - Shelburne and Reform
020629: Norse, Harold - Memoirs of a Bastard Angel
048276: North, Eric McCoy - Early Methodist Philanthropy
052949: North, Suzanne - Bones to Pick
047694: North, Michael - Art and Commerce in the Dtuch Golden Age
044978: North, Roger - General Preface & Life of Dr John North
050510: North, Michael, Ed - Nordwesteuropa in Der Weltwirtschaft 1750-1950/Northwestern Europe in the World Economy 1750-1950
043045: North, Robert - Town and Country Games
016650: North, Liisa - CIVIL-Military Relations in Argentina, Chile, and Peru
005562: North, Michael - Henry Green and the Writing of His Generation
014673: Northend, Mary Harrod - American Glass
024113: Northrop, F. S. C. - European Union and United State Foreign Policy; a Study in Sociological Jurisprudence
038233: Northup, Solomon - Twelve Years a Slave
051341: Ginsburg, Norton and Chester F. Roberts, Jr. - Malaya
038476: Norton, F. H. - Elements of Ceramics
036730: Norton, Mary Beth - Founding Mothers and Fathers; Gendered Power and the Forming of American Society
032208: Norton, Anne - Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire
028963: Norton, Charles Eliot - Historical Studies of Church-Building in the Middle Ages: Venice, Siena, Florence
053535: Norton, William J., Jr. - Bishop Butler, Moralist & Divine
003562: Norton, Wesley - Religious Newspapers in the Old Northwest to 1861: A History, Bibliography and Record of Opinion
049954: Norton, J. E. - A Bibliography of the Works of Edward Gibbon
016903: Van Nortwick, Thomas - Somewhere I Have Never Travelled; the Second Self and the Hero's Journey in Ancient Epic
039178: Norwak, Mary - The Farmhouse Kitchen
038205: Norwak, Mary - The Farmhouse Kitchen
037998: Norwak, Mary, et al. - Cooking Into Europe
029543: Norwich, John Julius - Shakespeare's Kings; the Great Plays and the History of England in the Middle Ages: 1337-1485
028310: Norwich, John Julius, Ed - The Italians; History, Art, and the Genius of a People
053506: Norwich, John Julius - Christmas Crackers
034783: Norwood, Gilbert - Greek Comedy
052601: Nosow, Robert - Ritual Meanings in the Fifteenth-Century Motet
050133: Nossiter, Adam - The Algeria Hotel; France, Memory, and the Second World War
014890: Van Nostrand, Jeanne - A Pictorial and Narrative History of Monterey, Adobe Capital of California, 1770-1847
048239: Notestein, Wallace - A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718
028521: Notestein, Lucy Lilian - Wooster of the Middle West
006105: Notestein, Wallace - Four Worthies: John Chamberlain, Anne Clifford, John Ktaylor, Oliver Heywood
032268: Nothdurft, William - The Lost Dinosaurs of Egypt
024354: Notomi, Noburu - The Unity of Platos' Sophist; between the Sophist and the Philosopher
030903: Nott, Stanley Charles - Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages; a Review of Its Characteristics, Decoration, Folklore, and Symbolism
018228: Nourrisson, Jean-Félix - Tableau Des Progrès de la Pensée Humaine Depuis Thalès Jusqu'a Leibniz
030685: Novacek, Michael - Dinosaurs of the Flaming Cliffs
014575: Novak, Maximilian E., Ed - English Literature in the Age of Disguise
005660: Novak, Bogdan C. - Trieste, 1941-1954; the Ethnic, Political, and Ideological Struggle
050834: Novalis - Henri' D'Ofterdingen (Heinrich Von Ofterdingen)
042445: Campano Novarese - Campanus of Novara and Medieval Planetary Theory: Theorica Planetarum
034184: Novick, Sheldon M. - Henry James; the Young Master
032241: Novick, Peter - The Holocaust in American Life
009204: Novik, Mary - Robert Creeley; an Inventory, 1945-1970
037039: Novosel'skii, A. A., et al., Eds - Akty Russkogo Gosudarstva 1505-1526 Gg
024355: Nowell, Robert - A Passion for Truth; Hans Küng and His Theology
018397: Nowell, Charles E. - The Great Discoveries and the First Colonial Empires
042723: Nowicki, M. - Bibliography of Works in the Philosophy of History 1958-1961
018696: Nowinski, Ira - A Season at Glyndebourne
001668: Noyes, Alexander Dana - Thirty Years of American Finance; a Short Financial History of the Governemtn and People of the United States Since the CIVIL War, 1865-1896
032599: Noyes, Robert Gale - Ben Jonson on the English Stage 1660-1776
012889: Noyes, C. Reinold - Economic Man in Relation to His Natural Environment
006922: Noyes, Robert Gale - Ben Jonson on the English Stage, 1660-1776
003187: Noyes, Alfred - Voltaire
1415: Nozick, Robert - Philosophical Explanations
042086: Nozick, Robert - Philosophical Explanations
052166: Nozière, Fernand - Three Gallant Plays: A Byzantine Afternoon; Beauty and the Beast; the Slippers of Aphrodite
048550: Nuessel, Frank H., Jr. - Linguistic Approaches to the Romance Lexicon
027091: Nun, José - Latin America: The Hegemonic Crisis and the Military Coup
038924: Nunberg, E. - Talking Right. How Conservatives Turned Liberalism Into a Tax-Raising, Latte-Drinking, Sushi-Eating, Volvo-Driving, New York Times-Reading, Body-Piercing, Hollywood-Loving, Left-Wing Freak Show
023302: Nunberg, Geoffrey - Going Nucular; Language, Politics, and Culture in Confrontational Times
052045: Nunes, José Joaquim - Cantigas D'Amigo Dos Trovadores Galego-Portugueses
052044: Nunes, José Joaquim - Cantigas D'Amor Dos Trovadores Galego-Portygyeses
042994: Nunes, Leonardo - Crónica de Dom João de Castro
028964: Nunes, José Joaquim - Florilégio Da Literataura Portuguesa Arcaica
021985: Nuñez, Benjamin - Terminos Topograficos En la Argentina Colonial (1516-1810); Analisis Lingüistico-Cultural
053118: Nunn, H. P. V. - An Introduction to the Study of Ecclesiastical Latin
051340: Nunn, H. P. V. - The Elements of New Testament Greek; a Method of Studying the Greek New Testament with Exercises
049450: Nunn, G. Raymond - Burmese and Thai Newspapers; an International Union List
015256: Nusbaumer, Louis - Valley of Salt, Memories of Wine; a Journal of Death Vally, 1849
015412: Nussac, Sylvie De, et al. - L'Année de L'Opéra Et de la Danse, 1978
015413: Nussac, Sylvie De, et al. - L'Année de L'Opéra Et de la Danse, 1979
017712: Nussbaum, Martha C. - The Therapy of Desire; Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics
043297: Nussey, Helen G. - London Gardens of the Past
044188: Nutt, Alfred - Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail with Especial Reference to the Hypothesis of the Celtic Origin
027599: Nutt, Joe - An Introduction to Shakespeare's Late Plays
034066: Nuttall, A. D. - Two Concepts of Allegory; a Study of Shakespeare's the Tempest and the Logic of Allegorical Expression
027611: Nuttall, A. D. - A New Mimesis; Shakespeare and the Representation of Reality
021166: Nutter, Ralph H. - With the Possum and the Eagle; the Memoir of a Navigator's War over Germany and Japan
043930: Nutting, Anthony - The Arabs; a Narrative History from Mohammed to the Present
020764: Nutting, Anthony - Europe Will Not Wait; a Warning and a Way out
019257: Nutting, H. C. - Cicero's Conditional Clauses of Comparison
033780: Nye, Russel B. - Fettered Freedom; CIVIL Liberties and the Slavery Controversy 1830-1860
012830: Nye, Joseph S., Jr. - Pan-Africanism and East Africa Integration
011898: Nye, Mary Jo - Science in the Provinces; Scientific Communities and Provincial Leadership in France, 1860-1930
005877: Nye, Russel B. - William Lloyd Garrison and the Humanitarian Reformers
003926: Nye, Russel B. - Midwestern Progressive Politics; a Historical Study of Its Origins and Development, 1870-1950
025225: Nygren, Anders - Commentary on Romans
006601: Nyrop, Camillus - `Bidrag Til Den Danske Boghandels Historie
051580: Gregory of Nyssa, Saint - Gergorii Nysseni de Pauperibus Amandis Orationes Duo
006435: Nyström, Samuel - Beduinetum Und Jahwismus; Eine Soziologisch-Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung Zum Alten Testament
046657: Gandy, R. O. and C. M. E. Yates, Eds - Logic Colloquium '69; Proceedings of the Summer School and Colloquium in Mathematical Logic, Manchester, August 1969
040247: Sears, David O. and Jack Citrin - Tax Revolt; Something for Nothing in California
028993: Purdon, Liam O. and Cindy L. Vitto - The Rusted Hauberk; Feudal Ideals of Order and Their Decline
017605: Hough, Frank O. And John A. Crown - The Campaign on New Britain
006647: Lindsay, Robert O. And John Neu - French Political Pamphlets, 1547-1648; a Catalog of Major Collections in American Libraries
035684: Oakeshott, Walter - The Artists of the Winchester Bible
053672: Oakesmith, John - The Religion of Plutarch, a Pagan Creed of Apostolic Times. An Essay
037058: Oakley, Kenneth P. - Man the Tool-Maker
037032: Oakley, John Bilyeu - Law Clerks and the Judicial Process; Perception of the Qualities and Functions of Law Clerks in American Courts
034567: Oakley, Francis - The Medieval Experience
038722: Oates, Joyce Carol - American Appetites
038721: Oates, Joyce Carol - Faithless; Tales of Transgression
038564: Oates, Joyce Carol - Small Avalanches and Other Stories
034199: Oates, Stephen B. - With Malice Toward None; the Life of Abraham Lincoln
023881: Oates, Whitney J. - Plato's View of Art
052905: Oates, Whitney J., Ed - From Sophocles to Picasso; the Present-Day Vitality of the Classical Tradition
007101: Oates, Stephen B. - A Woman of Valor; Clara Barton and the CIVIL War
004903: Oates, Stephen B. - William Faulkner; the Man and the Artisit. A Biography
002843: Oberhammer, Gerhard - Yamunamunis Interpretation Von Brahmasutram 2,2,42-45; Eine Untersuchung Zur Pancaratra-Tradition Der Ramanuja-Schule
048928: Oberlies, Thomas - A Grammar of Epic Sanskrit
043928: Oberman, Heiko A. - Die Reformation Von Wittenberg Nach Genf
010638: Obermann, Karl, Ed - Probleme Der ôkonomie Und Politik in Den Beziehungen Zwischen Ost- Und Westeuropa Vom 17. Jahrhundert Bis Zur Gegenwart
020460: Oberste, J. - Die Dokumente Der Klösterlichen Visitationen
035530: Obert, Karl - This Is California
025840: Obert, Genevieve - Prince Borghese's Trail; 10,000 Miles over Two Continents, Four Deserts, and the Roof of the World in the Peking to Paris Motor Challenge
008984: Obeyesekere, Gananath - The Apotheosis of Captain Cook; European Mythmaking in the Pacific
006980: Occleshaw, Michael - Armour Against Fate; British Military Intelligence in the First World War
001855: Ochs, Günter - Studien Zur Entwicklung Des ôffentlichen Musiklebens in Mülheim A.D. Ruhr
051523: Ockeghem, Johannes - Collected Works
033011: Ockenga, Starr - Eden on Their Minds; American Gardeners with Bold Visions
013681: Octave, Jean-François - Jean-François Octave: Greatest Hits (2)
018887: Hill, David Octavius and Robert Adamson - An Early Victorian Album; the Photographic Masterpieces (1843-1847) of David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson
014356: Odakane, Taro - Tessai, Master of the Literati Style
011901: Oddo, Vicente - Primeros Medicos de Aa Ciudad de Santiago Del Estero, Siglo XVI
034099: Odell, George C. D. - Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving
027585: Odell, George C. D. - Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving
038619: Odets, Walt - In the Shadow of the Epidemic; Being Hiv-Negative in the Age of Aids
052127: Odgers, Merle M. - Alexander Dallas Bache, Scientist and Educator, 1806-1867
042143: Odishaw, Hugh, Ed - The Challenges of Space
044282: Odo, of Cheriton - The Fables of Odo of Cheriton
028290: Oe, Kenzaburo - An Echo of Heaven
011903: Oehser, Paul H. - The Smithsonian Institution
011902: Oehser, Paul H. - Sons of Science; the Story of the Smithsonian Institution and Its Leaders
053192: Oelsner, Ludwig - Jahrbücher Des Fränkischen Reiches Unter König Pippin
025809: Oenslager, Donald - Four Centuries of Scenic Invention. Drawsings from the Collection of Donald Oenslager
053690: Oexle, Otto Gerhard - Forschungen Zu Monastischen Und Geeistlichen Gemeinschaften IM Westfränkischen Bereich
046302: Offen, Karen, et al., Eds - Writing Women's History; International Perspectives
036068: Offenbach, Jacques - Dragonette. Opérette-Bouffe En Un Acte. Vocal Score
033151: Offenbach, Jacques - Pierrette Et Jacquot. Opérette-Bouffe En Un Acte. Vocal Score
031053: Offenbach, Jacques - Le Grande Duchess de Gérolstein; Operetta. Vocal Score
031047: Offenbach, Jacques - Les Contes D'Hoffman. The Tale of Hoffman
031014: Offenbach, Jacques - La Boite Au Lait; the Milk-Box. Opérette-Bouffe En Quatre Actes. Vocal Score
018697: Offenbach, Jacques - Orpheus in America; Offenbach's Diary of His Journey to the New World
012770: Great Britain. Public Record Office - Catalogue of an Exhibition of Treaties at the Public Record Office
710: Offner, Richard - Italian Primitives at Yale University: Comments & Revisions
039790: Offutt, Chris - The Same River Twice; a Memoir
048824: Ofgang, Erik - Gillette Castle; a History
006438: Ofstad, Harald - An Inquiry Into the Freedom of Decision
048145: Ogawa, Hiroshi - Studies in the History of Old English Prose
045947: Ogawa, Dennis M. - Kodomo No Tame Ni; for the Sake of the Children: The Japanese American Experience in Hawaii
005468: Ogborn, Maurice Edward - Equitable Assuracnes; the Story of Life Assuracne in the Experience of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1762-1962
038053: Ogden, Dunbar H. - Performance Dynamics and the Amsterdam Werkteater
024313: Ogden, Christopher - Legacy; a Biography of Moses and Walter Annenberg
031867: Ogilvie, R. M. - Latin and Greek; a History of the Influence of the Classics on English Life from 1600 to 1918
049553: Ogilvie, Sheilagh - State Corporatism and Proto-Industry; the Württemberg Black Forest, 1580-1797
047014: Oguibe, Olu - The Culture Game
049160: Ogura, Michiko - Words and Expressions of Emotion in Medieval English
034327: Oguztöreli, M. Namik - Time-Lag Control Systems
040681: Ohlig, Karl-Heinz - Die Theologische Begründung Des Neutestametnlichen Kanons in Der Alten Kirche
010640: Öhlinger, Theo, et al. - Institutionelle Aspekte Der ôsterreichischen Integrationspolitik
045841: Ohlsen, Woodrow - Perspecitves on Old Testament Literature
044045: Ohly, Friedrich - Schriften Zur Mittelalterlichen Bedeutungsforschung
014857: Ohmae, Kenichi - Beyond National Borders; Reflections on Japan and the World
021986: Ohnesorg, Karel - Druha Foneticka Studie O Detske Reci
052917: Oinas, Felix J., Ed - Heroic Epic and Saga; an Introduction to the World's Great Folk Epics
045876: Ojamaa, Triinu - Glissando Nganassaani Muusikas; Morfoloogiline, Süntaaktiline Ja Semantiline Tasand
023282: Ojha, Ishwer C. - Chinese Foreign Policy in an Age of Transition: The Diplomacy of Cultural Despair
032377: Okada, Barbra Teri - A Sprinkling of Gold; the Lacquer Box Collection of Elaine Ehrenkranz
032396: Okakura, Kakuzo - The Book of Tea
005346: Okamoto, Shumpei - The Japanese Oligarchy and the Russo-Japanese War
016807: Okey, Robin - The Habsburg Monarchy, from Enlightenment to Eclipse
037000: Okita, Saburo - The Development Economies and Japan; Lessons in Growth
032417: Okladnikov, Alexei - Art of the Amur; Ancient Art of the Russian Far East
036028: Okrent, Daniel - The Way We Were; New England Then, New England Now
029558: Oksaar, Els - Mittelhochdeutsch: Texte, Kommentare, Sprachkunde, Wörterbuch
009745: Oksaar, Els - Semantische Studien IM Sinnberiech Der Schnelligkeit; Plötzlich, Schnell Und Ihre Synonymik IM Deutsch Der Gegenwart Und Des Früh-, Hoch- Und Spätmittelalters
005006: Oksenberg, Michael, Ed - China's Developmental Experience
032388: Okudaira, Hideo - Emaki; Japanese Picture Scrolls
022824: Okun, Arthur M. - The Political Economy of Prosperity
022496: Okun, Arthur M. - Prices and Quantities: A Macroeconomic Analysis
045146: Mallea-Olaetxe, Joxe - Speaking Through the Aspens; Basque Tree Carvings in California and Nevada
039019: Olafson, Frederick A. - The Dialectic of Action; a Philosophical Interpretation of History and the Humanities
037087: Olausen, Judy - Mother. Photographs by Judy Olausen
036237: Old, Toby - Toby Old: Waterlog, the Beach Series
040994: Older, Fremont - My Own Story
015971: Oldfield, Barney - Operation Narcissus
015970: Oldfield, Barney - Never a Shot in Anger
023067: Oldman, Oliver, et al. - Financing Urban Development in Mexico City
024361: Oldrini, Guido - Hegel E L'Hegelismo Nella Francia Dell'Ottocento
036167: Olesen, Asta - Afghan Craftsmen; the Cultures of Three Itinerant Communities
047990: Olguin, Manuel - Alfronso Reyes, Ensayista; Vida Y Pensamiento
024320: Olin, John C., et al., Eds - Luther, Erasmus and the Reformation; a Catholic-Protestant Reappraisal
033986: Oliphant, E. H. C. - The Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher: An Attempt to Determine Their Respective Shares and the Shares of Others
041833: Olivares, Julian - Cuentos Hispanos de Los Estados Unidos
047716: Olivas, Michael A., Ed - In Defense of My People; Alonso S. Perales and the Development of Mexican-American Public Intellectuals
048412: Buitron-Oliver, Diana, Ed - New Perspectives in Early Greek Art
043033: Oliver, Basil - Old Houses and Village Buildings in East Anglia: Norfolk, Suffolk, & Essex
038209: Oliver, Raymond - Gastronomy of France
036314: Oliver, Sandra L. - Saltwater Foodways; New Englanders and Their Food, at Sea and Ashore, in the Nineteenth Century
034078: Oliver, H. J. - The Problem of John Ford
023882: Oliver, James H. - The CIVIC Tradition and Roman Athens
019470: Oliver, Smith Hempstone - Catalog of the Cycle Collection of the Division of Engineering, United States National Museum
018700: Oliver, Paul, et al. - The New Grove Gospel, Blues and Jazz; with Spirituals and Ragtime
017790: Carlson, Oliver and Ernest Sutherland Bates - Hearst, Lord of San Simeon
016879: Oliver, Robert T. - Verdict in Korea
011915: Oliver, Wade W. - The Man Who Lived for Tomorrow; a Biography of William Hallock Park, M.D.
011302: Oliver, James H. - Demokratia, the Gods, and the Free World
010768: Oliver, W. H. - The Story of New Zealand
002619: Oliver, E. J. - Gibbon and Rome
050473: Olivier, Edith - Four Victorian Ladies of Wiltshire with an Essay on Those Leisured Ladies
052218: Guillot, Olivier and Yves Sassiers - Pouvoirs Et Institutions Dans la France Médiévale
011520: Ollard, Richard - Clarendon and His Friends
021731: Gonzalez Olle, Fernando - El Habla de Aa Bureba; Introduccion Al Castellano Actual de Burgos
050236: Ollett, Andrew - Language of the Snakes; Prakrit, Sanskrit, and the Language Order of Premodern India
032123: Olley, Michelle - Love, Lust, Desire; Masterpieces of Erotic Photography for Couples
052265: Ollier, Marie-Louise - Masques Et Déguisements Dans la Littérature Médiévale
047683: Olmstead, Andrea - Roger Sessions and His Music
035835: Olmsted, R. R., Ed - Scenes of Wonder and Curiostiy from Hutchings' California Magazine, 1856-1861
015972: Olmsted, Gideon - The Journal of Gideon Olmsted; Adventures of a Sea Captain During the American Revolution. A Facsimile
013501: Olney, Clarke - Benjamin Robert Haydon, Historical Painter
048234: Olschki, Leonardo - L'Italia E IL Suo Genio
029559: Olschki, Leonardo - The Grail Castle and Its Mysteries
049018: Olsen, Björn Magnusson - Den Tredje Og Fjaerde Grammatiske Afhandgling I Snorres Edda
044040: Olsen, Magnus - Stedsnavn Og Gudeminner I Land
015973: Olsen, Jack - Silence on Monte Sole
043917: Olson, Paul A. - The Canterbury Tales and the Good Society
023798: Olson, David R., Ed - Media and Symbols: The Forms of Expression, Communication, and Education
020174: Olson, Barbara - The Final Days; the Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
010397: Olson, Kenneth E. - The History Makers; the Press of Europe from Its Beginnings Through 1965
008161: Olsson, Jan Olof - Den Okände Soldaten, 1914-1918
035973: Olwell, Carol - A Gift to the Street
008453: Olyesha, Yuri - Love and Other Stories
013718: Omer, Mordechai - Universo Y Magia de Joan Ponç
008218: Ommanney, F. D. - Lost Leviathan
004985: Ommanney, F. D. - Fragrant Harbour; a Private View of Hong Kong
026930: Ondaatje, Michael - Anil's Ghost
013096: Onians, John - Bearers of Meaning; the Classical Orders in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance
027444: Onions, C. T. - A Shakespeare Glossary
018701: Onnen, Frank - Stravinsky
011301: Önnerfors, Alf - Vaterporträts in Der Römischen Poesie Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von Horaz, Statius Und Ausonius
043607: Okkonen, Onni and Jaakko Puokka - Suomen Taidegrafiikka; Finsk Grafik; Graphic Art in Finland
021488: Onofri, Gianfranco - Opere Della Bibliografia Bolognese Edite Dal 1889 Al 1992 Che Si Conservano Nella Biblioteca Dell'Archiginnasio Di Bologna
053257: D'Onofrio, Mario - Roma E Aquisgrana
029247: Onuf, Peter S., Ed - Jeffersonian Legacies
016900: Jin-Bee, Ooi and Chiang Hai Ding, Eds - Modern Singapore
048407: Oomen, Ursula - Automatische Syntaktische Analyse
045335: Van Ophuijsen, Johannes M., Ed - Plato and Platonism
035450: Opie, Iona, et al. - The Treasures of Childhood: Books, Toys, and Games from the Opie Collection
035422: Opie, Robert - The Art of the Label; Designs of the Times
043740: Opitz, Martin - Buch Von Der Deutschen Poeterey (1624)
001745: Oplinger, Jon - Wise Rockshelter, a Multicomponent Site in Jackson Country, Ohio
013748: Oppé, A. P. - Raphael
024362: Oppel, Horst - Die Suche Nach Gott in Der Amerikanischen Literatur Der Gegenwart
050550: Oppenheim, A. Leo - Ancient Mesopotamia; Portrait of a Dead Civilization
027477: Oppenheim, James - The Mystic Warrior
046904: Oppenheimer, Jane M. - Essays in the History of Embryology and Biology
032835: Oppenheimer, Todd - The Flickering Mind; the False Promise of Technology in the Classroom and How Learning Can Be Saved
029363: Oppenheimer, Helen - Lorca; the Drawings. Their Relation to the Poet's Life and Work
036259: Opton, Suzanne - Suzanne Opton: Soldier
031827: L'Orange, H. P. - Art Forms and CIVIC Life in the Late Roman Empire
011264: L'Orange, H. P. - Art Forms and CIVIC Life in the Late Roman Empire
043538: Musée de l'Orangerie - Exposition Manet 1832-1883
051463: Orban, A. P. - Les Dénominations Du Monde Chez Les Premiers Auteurs Chrétiens
020709: Orcutt, William Dana - Mary Baker Eddy and Her Books
040607: Ordish, George - Vineyards in England and Wales
033745: Ordish, T. Fairman - Shakespeare's London; a Study of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
041791: Oren, Dan A. - Joining the Club; a History of Jews and Yale
034339: Oren, Michael B. - Six Days of War; June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
033921: Oren, Michael B. - Power, Faith, and Fantasy; America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present
022686: Oren, Nissan - Bulgarian Communism; the Road to Power, 1934-1944
050888: Oresme, Nicole - De Proportionibus Proportionum and Ad Pauca Respicientes
050827: Oresme, Nicole - Le Livre Du Ciel Et Du Monde
040207: Orfei, Ruggero - L'Occupazione Del Potere. I Democristiani '45-'75
010571: American Guild of Organists - American Guild of Organists, United States and Canada. Examination for Fellowship
021738: World Health Organization - Cancer Incidence in Five Continents. Volume III, 1976
042507: Orgel, Stephen - The Jonsonian Masque
042457: Orgel, Stephen - The Illusion of Power; Political Theater in the English Renaissance
032549: Orgel, Stephen - The Jonsonian Masque
047325: Université CAtholique de Louvain. Institut Orientaliste - M. L'Abbé Marcel Richard, Docteur Honoris Causa de L'Université Catholique de Louvain (30 Novembre 1971). Texte Des Allocutions Prononcées Lors de la Promotion Solennelle, Suivi de la Bibliographie de M. Marcel Richard
050981: Da Rold, Orietta and Elaine Treharne, Eds - Textual Cultures: Cultural Texts
021193: Oriji, John Nwachimereze - Ngwa History; a Study of Social and Economic Changes in Igbo Mini-States in Time Perspective
051932: Orlandi, Tito - Vite Di Monaci Copti
011522: Orlans, Harold - Utopia Ltd; the Story of the English New Town of Stevenage
052088: Laurent d'Orleans - Libru Di LI Vitii Et Di LI Virtuti
014727: Orleans, Leo A. - Every Fifth Child; the Population of China
013121: Orleans, Leo A. - Professional Manpower and Education in Communist China
026614: Orlinsky, Harry M. - Ancient Israel
053488: Orlinsky, Harry M. - An Indexed Bibliography of the Writings of William Foxwell Albright
007881: Van Orman, Richard A. - A Room for the Night; Hotels of the Old West
033365: Ormesson, Wladimir, comte De - De Vous a Moi. .
033062: Ormesson, Wladimir, comte De - De Saint-Pétersbourg à Rome
052505: Ormond, Richard - John Singer Sargent: Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors
038039: Ormond, Leonée - George Du Maurier
029217: Ormrod, W. M., Ed - England in the Thirteenth Century; Proceedings of the 1984 Harlaxton Symposium
014710: Ormsbee, Thomas H. - Early American Furniture Makers; a Social and Biographical Study
014706: Ormsbee, Thomas Hamilton - The Story of American Furniture
026754: Ornig, Joseph R. - My Last Chance to Be a Boy; Theodore Roosevelt's South American Expedition of 1913-1914
032501: Ornstein, Robert - A Kingdom for a Stage; the Achievement of Shakespeare's History Plays
025572: Orr, Lynn Federle, et al. - Monet; Late Paintings of Giverny from the Musée Marmottan
011610: Orr, Willie - Deer Forests, Landlords and Crofters; the Western Highlands in Victorian and Edwardian Times
033680: Orrell, John - The Theatres of Inigo Jones and John Webb
033605: Orrell, John - The Quest for Shakespeare's Globe
030877: Orrell, John - The Human Stage; English Theatre Design, 1567-1460
031061: Orrey, Leslie - Bellini
050661: Orrick, Allan H., Ed - Nordica Et Anglica Studies in Honor of Stefan Einarsson
020957: DeForest, Orrin and David Chanoff - Slow Burn; the Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam
018615: Keepnews, Orrin and Bill Grauer, Jr. - A Pictorial History of Jazz; People and Places from New Orleans to Modern Jazz
049262: Orsi, Robert A. - Thank You, St. Jude; Women's Devotion to the Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes
051730: Ørsted, Hans Christian - Selected Scientific Works of Hans Christian ørsted
047997: Ort, L. J. R. - Mani; a Religio-Historical Description of His Personality
040866: Ortalli, Gherardo - Lupi, Genti, Culture; Uomo E Ambiente Nel Medioevo
034478: Ortigue, Joseph d' - Dictionnaire Liturgique, Historique Et Théologique de Plain-Chant Et de Musique D'église Au Moyen Age Et Dans Les Temps Modernes
047979: Ortiz, Simon J. - Woven Stone
034177: Ortner, Jon - Where Every Breath Is a Prayer; a Photographic Pilgrimage Into the Spiritual Heart of Asia
713: Ortolani, Sergio - IL Pollaiuolo
036528: Orton, Joe - Head to Toe
050875: Orton, Joe - The Orton Diaries Including the Correspondence of Edna Welthorpe and Others
005564: Orwell, George - The War Commentaries
048988: Osborn, Sarah Byng - Letters of Sarah Byng Osborn 1721-1773, from the Collection of the Hon. Mrs. Mcdonnel
034411: Osborn, Ronald E. - The Spirit of American Christianity
013526: Osborn, Max - Franz Krüger
043779: Osborne, John W. - William Cobbett: His Thought and His Times
001858: Osborne, Charles - The Complete Operas of Verdi
001857: Osborne, Charles - Schubert and His Vienna
042079: Osborne, Harold, Ed - The Oxford Companion to Art
035380: Osborne, Charles - W.H. Auden; the Life of a Poet
031066: Osborne, Richard - Rossini
031065: Osborne, Charles - The World Theaetre of Wagner; a Celebration of 150 Years of Wagner Productions
031064: Osborne, Charles - Verdi; a Life in the Theatre
031063: Osborne, Charles - The Complete Operas of Mozart; a Critical Guide
027121: Osborne, Harold - South American Mythology
018704: Osborne, Charles - The Dictionary of the Opera
014954: Osborne, Harold, Ed - An Illustrated Companion to the Decorative Arts
014926: Osborne, Harold, Ed - The Oxford Companion to the Decorative Arts
004445: Osborne, Thomas J. - Empire Can Wait"; American Opposition to Hawaiian Annexation, 1893-1898
030758: Osburn, Charles B. - Research and Reference Guide to French Studies
040148: Bloch, Oscar and Walther von Wartburg - Dictionnaire étymologique de la Langue Française
050774: Oshinsky, David - Bellevue; Three Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America's Most Storied Hospital
004827: Heinroth, Oskar and Katharina Heinroth - The Birds
042157: Osman, Tony - Space History
012832: Ossendowski, Ferdinand - Sklaven Der Sonne; Meine Forschungesexpedition Ins Dunkelste Afrika
035076: Oster, Maggie - Bamboo Baskets; Japanese Art and Culture Interwoven with the Beauty of Ikebana
014225: Ostini, Fritz Von - Uhde
014212: Ostini, Fritz Von - Thoma
053444: Ostler, Nicholas - Ad Infinitum; a Biography of Latin
020612: Ostroff, Anthony - To Build a House; the Short Stories of Anthony Ostroff
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