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039239: Shonkoff, Jack P. and Deborah A. Phillips, Eds - From Neurons to Neighborhoods; the Science of Early Childhood Development. Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development
038656: Farquhar, Francis P. and Garfield Merner - Flight to the North Pole, 24 August 1949
038262: Kozloff, Arielle P. and David Gordon Mitten - The Gods Delight; the Human Figure in Classical Bronze
038198: Lehmann, Winfred P. and Yakov Malkiel, Eds - Perspectives on Historical Linguistics
051334: Akehurst, F. R. P. and Judith M. Davis, Eds - A Handbook of the Troubadours
035200: Farrar, Clarissa P. and Austin P. Evans - Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources
033679: Logan, Terence P. and Denzell S. Smith, Eds - The New Intellectuals
033625: Logan, Terence P. and Denzell S. Smith, Eds - The Predecessors of Shakespeare
033624: Logan, Terence P. and Denzell S. Smith, Eds - The Popular School
033609: Logan, Terence P. and Denzell S. Smith, Eds - The Later Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists
032976: Balog, G. P. and A. M. Mukhina - A.S. Pushkin I Ego Vremia V Izobrazitel'Nom Iskusstve Pervoi Poloviny 19 Veka; Alexander Pushkin and His Time in the Fine Arts of the First Half of the 19th Century
032814: Shepard, Francis P. and Harold R. Wanless - Our Changing Coastlines
030120: Costello, D. P. and I. P. Foote, Eds - Russian Folk Literature: Skazki; Liricheskie Pesni; Byliny; Istoricheskie Pesni; Dukhovnye Stikhi
029658: Harnwell, G. P. and J. J. Livingood - Experimental Atomic Physics
023886: Clark, Arthur P. and Muhammad A. Tahlawi, Eds - A Land Transformed; the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia and Saudi Aramco
053148: Brogiolo, G. P. and Bryan Ward-Perkins, Eds - The Idea and Ideal of the Twon between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
021065: Stallknecht, Newton P. And HOrst Frenz, Eds - Comparative Literature; Method and Perspective
018003: Stockwell, Robert P. And Ronald K. S. Macaulay, Eds - Linguistic Change and Generative Theory; Essays from the Ucla Conference on Historical Linguistics in the Perspective of Transformational Theory, Februar 1969
053394: Cannon-Brookes, P. and C. - Baroque Churches
014535: Davison, J. P. Et al. - Productivity and Economic Incentives
007280: Malone, Michael P. And Richard W. Etulain - The American West; a Twentieth-Century History
052097: Merrill, George P. and William F. Foshag - Minerals from Earth and Sky
046683: Paarissien, Steven - Adam Style
010308: Paauw, Douglas S. - Financing Economic Development; the Indonesian Case
050335: Paberge, Lala - Illustrations Des Oeuvres D'Alexandre Blok
043726: Pabisch, Peter - Arroyo Seco; Amerikanische Stimmungen
053250: Pace, Valentino - L'VIII Secolo; Un Secolo Inquieto. Atti Del Convegno Internazionale de Studi, Cividale Del Friuli, 2-7 Dicembre 2008
032489: Pace, Richard - De Fructu Qui Ex Doctrina Percipitur (the Benefit of a Liberal Education)
011912: Pachter, Henry M. - Magic Into Science; the Story of Paracelsus
046042: Pack, Roger A. - The Greek and Latin Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt
048662: Packard, David W. - A Concordance to Livy
039704: Packard, Jerrold M. - Sons of Heaven; a Portrait of the Japanese Monarchy
041114: Packe, Michael - King Edward III
006717: Packer, Herbert L. - Ex-Communist Witnesses; Four Studies in Fact Finding
053332: Padberg, Lutz E. Von - Die Chrisitianisierung Europas in Mittelalter
045405: Paddleford, Clementine - The Best in American Cooking
049376: Paden, William D., Ed - The Voice of the Trobairitz; Perspectives on the Women Troubadours
032034: Padon, Thomas - Nancy Graves. Excavations in Print; a Catalogue Raisonné
043197: Padovani, Marcelle - La Longue Marche; le Parti Communiste Italien
050604: Paetow, Louis John - The Arts Course at Medieval Universities with Special Reference to Grammar and Rhetoric
002233: Paffen, K. A. - Langenscheidts Praktisches Lehrbuch Der Russischen Sprache
016239: Vega y Pagan, Ernesto - Military Biography of Generalissimo Rafae Leonidas Trujillo Molina
041159: Pagano, Giacoma Maria - Sartre E la Dialettica
048181: Page, Tim - Tim Page on Music; Views and Reviews
041352: Page, Denys - Sappho and Alcaeus; an Introduction to the Study of Ancient Lesbian Poetry
039215: Page, Benjamin I. - Who Gets What from Government
032102: Page, Tim - The Mindful Moment
025477: Page, Judith W. - Wordsworth and the Cultivation of Women
023654: Page, Stanley W. - Lenin and World Revolution
033879: Pagels, Heinz R. - Perfect Symmetry; the Search for the Beginning of Time
032345: Pagels, Elaine - Adam, Eve, and the Serpent
024970: Paget, Francis - An Introduction to the Fifth Book of Hooker's Treatise of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
019905: Paget, Julian - The Story of the Guards
011910: Paget, James - Memoirs and Letters of Sir James Paget
034015: Pagnini, Marcello - Forme E Motivi Nelle Poesie E Nelle Tragedie Di George Chapman
050584: Paijkull, C. W. - En Sommar På Island. Reseskildring
018705: Paillard, Jean-François - La Musique Française Classique
046684: Paillou, Paul-Henri - Arthur Rimbaud, Père de L'Existentialisme
046179: Paine, Thomas - The Life and Works of Thomas Paine. Patriots' Edition
039324: Paine, Robert T. - Figure Compositions of China and Japan from the Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
038199: Paine, Albert Bigelow - Th. Nast; His Period and His Pictures
018706: Paine, John Knowles - The History of Music to the Death of Schubert
016771: Paine, Robert, Ed - Patrons and Brokers in the East Arctic
043034: Painter, George D. - Proust: The Later Years
039633: Painter, George D. - Proust; the Early Years
037640: Painter, Charlotte - Gifts of Age; Portraits and Essays of 32 Remarkable Women
040924: Pais, Abraham - Einstein Lived Here
011524: Paish, F. W. - Studies in an Inflationary Economy; the United Kingdom, 1848-1961
029272: Pakenham, Simona - In the Absence of the Emperor; London-Paris 1814-1815
020790: Pakenham, Simona - Sixty Miles from England; the English at Dieppe 1814-1914
026782: Pakka, Kyle L., Ed - The Energy Within; a Photo History of the People of Saudi Aramco
042194: Pal, Pratapaditya - Nepal; Where the Gods Are Young
032996: Pal, Pratapaditya - Indian Sculpture. A Catalogue of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Collection. Volume 1: Circa 500 B.C. -A.D. 700
017291: Pal, Pratapaditya, Ed - Islamic Art; the Nasli M. Heeramaneck Collection
042297: Larrea Palacin, Arcadio De - Canciones Juglarescas de Ifni
050839: Asin Palacios, Miguel - La Escatologia Musulmana En la Divina Comedia
042834: Palacios, Alfreldo L. - La Universidad Nueva Desde la Reforma Universitaria Hasta 1957
008590: Palacios, Alvar Gonzalez - The Age of Louis XV
013661: Paladilhe, Jean - Gustave Moreau
049975: Petit Palais - La Vierge Dans L'Art Français
035117: Petit Palais - Trésors D'Art Chinois; Récentes Découvertes Archéologiques de la République Populaire de Chine
032308: Musée du Petit Palais - Chefs-D'Oeuvre Du Musée Du Petit Palais, Paris, 27 Nov. 1982-6 FéV. 1983. Musée Idemitsu, Tokyo
029569: Petit Palais - Trésors D'Art Du Moyen Age En Italie, Mai-Juillet 1952
053135: Palanque, Jean-Remy, et al. - The Church in the Christian Roman Empire
053519: Palanque, Jean-Rémy - Le Diocèse D'Aix-En-Provence
053556: Palanque, Jean-Remy - Le Diocèse de Marseille
051035: Palazzini, Pietro - IL Peccato
020005: Selvini Palazzoli, Mara - The Work of Mara Selvini Palazzoli
034994: Palencia, Alfonso De - De Perfectione Militaris Triumphi; la Perfeçion Del Triunfo
053406: Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - The Complete Works of Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina
045045: Paley, William - Natural Theology; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature
027603: Palfrey, Simon - Doing Shakespeare
044622: Palgrave, Francis Turner - The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language
040311: Palhoriès, F. - Gioberti
037055: Palkhivala, N. A. - We, the People; India, the Largest Democracy
050488: Palkoska, Jan - Substance and Intelligibility in Leibniz's Metaphysics
043194: Pallotta, Gino - Dizionario Della Politica Italiana
048941: Pallottino, Massimo - Etruscologia
048939: Pallottino, Massimo - A History of Earliest Italy
031876: Pallottino, Massimo - Art of the Etruscans
002628: Pallottino, Massimo - The Etruscans
027497: Palma, Ricardo - Peruvian Traditions
047972: Palmer, Kris - Ornamentation According to C.P. E. Bach and J.J. Quantz
044348: Palmer, Harold E. - The Principles of Language-Study
043761: Palmer, A. Smythe - Some Curios from a Word-Collector's Cabinet
038290: Palmer, Kingsley - Oral Folk-Tales of Wessex
037028: Palmer, Wilson - Reminiscences of Canada
036996: Palmer, Arnold, Ed - Recording Britain
036552: Smythe-Palmer, A. - The Ideal of a Gentleman or a Mirror for Gentlefolks. A Portrayal in Literature from the Earliest Times
032505: Palmer, John - Political Characters of Shakespeare
030563: Palmer, William R. - Why the North Star Stands Still and Other Indian Legends
029671: Palmer, R. R., Ed - The School of the French Revolution; a Documentary History of the College of Louis-le-Grand and Its Director, Jean François Champagne 1762-1814
025641: Palmer, Alan - Twilight of the Habsburgs; the Life and Times of Emperor Francis Joseph
022052: Palmer, Alan - The Crimean War
021992: Palmer, Leonard R. - Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics; a Critical Introduction
021991: Palmer, E. H. - A Concise Dictionary, English-Persian; Together with a Simplified Grammar of the Persian Language
017837: Palmer, L. S. - Man's Journey Through Time; a First Step in Physical and Cultural Anthropochronology
051686: Palmer, F. R. - Grammatical Roles and Relations
016605: Palmer, J. P. - Jade
015983: Palmer, Michael A. - Guardians of the Gulf; a History of America's Expanding Role in the Persian Gulf, 1833-1992
015982: Palmer, Alan - Russia in War and Peace
014767: Palmer, Thomas - The Admirable Secrets of Physick and Chururgery
012835: Palmer, Robin - Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia
011531: Palmer, Alan - Kings and Queens of England
011530: Palmer, Cecil - The British Socialist ILL-Fare State; an Examination of Its Political, Social, Moral, and Economic Consequences
009752: Palmer, Philip Motley - Der Einfluss Der Neuen Welt Auf Den Deutschen Wortschatz, 1492-1800
008268: Palmer, R. R. - The School Fo the French Revolution; a Documentary History of the College of Louis-le-Grand and Its Director, Jean-François Champagne 1762-1814
007251: Palmer, Thomas W. - Gringo Lawyer
007239: Palmer, Tim - Stanislaus; the Struggle for a River
053165: Palmer, Andrew - The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian Chronicles
004941: Palmer, Bruce, Jr. - The 25-Year War; America Military Role in Vietnam
045585: Palmitessa, James R., Ed - Between Lipany and White Mountain; Essays in Late Medieval and Early Modern Bohemian History in Modern Czech Scholarship
045017: Palmquist, Peter E. - Fine California Views; the Photographs of A.W. Ericson
039880: Palmquist, Peter E. - With Nature's Children; Emma B. Freeman [1880-1928]; Camera and Brush
017233: Palou, Jean - La Franc-Maçonnerie
035665: Palsbo, Susanne - Danish Cookery
052730: Pálson,Hermann - SiðFraeðI Hrafnkels Sögur
005965: Paludan, Phillip S. - A Covenant with Death; the Constitution, Law, and Equality in the CIVIL War Era
008985: Paluka, Frank - The Three Voyages of Captain Cook
031433: Palumbo, Donald, Ed - Eros in the Mind's Eye; Sexuality and the Fantastic in Art and Film
053117: Paluszak, Anthony Blase - The Subjunctive in the Letters of Saint Augustine
039911: Nicolai, Pam and Charles Nicolai - Recipes from the Melting Pot; International Cuisine
053638: Pampanini, Andrea H. - Cities from the Arabia Desert; the Building of Jubail and Yanabu in Saudi Arabia
035004: Panayotova, Dora - Bulgarian Mural Painting of the 14th Century
006719: Pancake, John S. - Samuel Smith and the Politics of Business; 1752-1839
038718: Pandey, Shashi Ranjan - Community Action for Social Justice; Grassroots Organizations in India
009079: Pandit, Som Nath - Critical Study of Agricultural Productivity in Uttar Pradesh 1951-1975
032971: Pang, Mae Anna - An Album of Chinese Art from the National Gallery of Victoria
034385: Panganiban, Jose Villa - Concise English-Tagalog Dictionary
029242: De Pange, Victor - Le Séjour de Victor de Broglie Et D'Auguste de Stael a Londres En Mai 1822
053266: Pani, Letizia Ermini, Ed - L'Orbis Christianus Antiquus Di Gregorio Magno
036983: Panne, Kathrin - Schnitzerkunst Auf Weinfassböden. Eine Untersuchung über Die Modernen Nachfahren Einer Historischen Handwerkskunst Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von Rheinland-Pfalz Und Hessen
024115: Panny, Judith Dell - I Have What I Gave; the Fiction of Janet Frame
046678: Panofsky, Erwin - Studies in Iconology; Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance
010046: Panschar, William G. - Baking in America; Economic Development
032212: Pantel, Pauline Schmitt, Ed - A History of Women in the West. Vol. I: From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints
051717: Pantin, W. A. - The English Church in the Fourteenth Century
041398: Cifarelli, Paola and Maria Colombo - Chascun Homme Est Ung Petit Monde; études de Gianni Mombello Sur Les Xve Et Xvie Siècles
028056: Ciardi, Roberto Paolo and Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi - Le Pale Della Crusca; Cultura E Simbologia
025953: Papadaki, Stamo - Oscar Niemeyer
032697: Papadakis, Andreas, et al., Eds - Free Spirit in Architecture; Omnibus Volume
049668: Papadakis, Andreas - Architectural Design for Today
052266: Papadiamantes, Alexandros - Tales from a Greek Island
046077: Papadopoulo, Gerasimos - He Hellenike Philosophia Hos Propaideia Eis Ton Christianismon
045456: Papadopoulos, Stelios - Meteora, Western Thessaly
008700: Papanek, Gustav F., Ed - The Indonesian Economy
006014: Pape, Louis - Brandeis
047545: Paper, Jordan D. - Guide to Chinese Porse
053726: Association of Makers of Esparto Papers - Esparto Paper
045019: Papi, Vittorio - La Maestà Di Duccio Di Buoninsegna; Storia E Poesia Di Un Dipinto
039362: Papini, Giovanni - Pene E Vino Con Un Soliloquio Sulla Poesia
020934: Papini, Giovanni - Pane E Vino Con Un Soliloquio Sulla Poesia
040088: Melnikova-Papouskova, N. - Ceskoslovenské Lidové Vytvarnictvi
042780: Paratico, Giuliano - Le Canzonetta a Tre Voci Di Giuliano Paratico, Un Amico Bresciano Di Don Angelo Grillo
035151: Paratore, Ettore - Bibliografia Ovidiana
048061: Pardoe, F. E. - John Baskerville of Birmingham, Letter-Founder & Printer
044935: Paré, Gérard - Les Idées Et Les Lettres Au Xiiie Siècle: Le Roman de Ea Rose
053004: Paredi, Angelo - Saint Ambrose; His Life and Times
015985: Paret, Peter - Imagined Battles; Reflections of War in European Art
046190: Paretsky, Sara - Critical Mass
008736: Parfitt, Tudor - Journey to the Vanished City; the Search for a Lost Tribe of Israel
011913: Pargeter, William - Observations on Maniacal Disorders
050485: Pargoire, Jules - L'Eglise Byzantine de 527 à 847
043185: Paribeni, Enrico - Museo Nazionale Romano: Sculture Greche Del V Secolo; Originali E Repliche
049457: Parigi, Luigi - Laurentiana; Lorenzo Dei Medici Cultore Della Musica
008055: Parin, Paul, et al. - Fear Thy Neighbor As Thyself; Psychoanalysis and Society Among the Anyi of West Africa
027085: Parins, James W. - John Rollin Ridge; His Life & Works
050651: Paris, Gaston - Le Littérature Française Au Moyen Age (Xie-Xive Siècle)
386: Dix siècles d'histoire hospitalière parisienne l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris (651-1 650) - Exposition Organisée Par L'Administration Générale de L'Assistance Publique a Paris Et la Direction Des Archives de France
023088: Agathange de Paris, Père - Un Cas de Jurisprudence Pontificale; le P. Ange de Joyeuse, Capucin Et Maréchal de France
034211: Bartlett, Apple Parish and Susan Bartlett Crater - Sister; the Life of the Legenday American Interior Decorator Mrs. Henry Parish II
028053: Parish, Steve - Discover Australia
041923: Parisi, Arturo - Democristiani
048801: Parisse, Michel - Atlas de France de L'an MIL; état de Nos Connaissances
045597: Park, Lawrence - Gilbert Stuart; an Illustrated Descriptive List of His Works
023440: Park, Richard L. - India's Political System
020947: Park, Orlando - Sherlock Holmes, Esq. And John H. Watson, M.D. ; an Encyclopaedia of Their Affairs
015298: Park, David - The Fire Within the Eye; a Historical Essay on the Nature and Meaning of Light
011914: Park, Edwards - Treasures of the Smithsonian
006116: Park, Joseph Hendershot - British Prime Ministers of the Nineteenth Century; Policies and Speeches
047820: Parker, Geoffrey - The Logic of Unity; a Geography of the European Economic Community
043955: Parker, John - Plela Rolls of the County Palatine of Lancaster: Roll I.
042178: Buckles Mary Parker - Margins; a Naturalist Meets Long Island Sound
037373: Parker, Ann - Los Ambulantes; the Itinerant Photographers of Guatemala
036016: Parker, Eric, et al. - Fine Angling for Coarse Fish
034115: Parker, Alexander A. - Literature and the Delinquent; the Picaresque Novel in Spain and Europe 1599-1753
031070: Parker, Roger - Leonora's Last Act; Essays in Verdian Discourse
028979: Parker, T. M. - Christianity & the State in the Light of History
028300: Parker, William Riley - Milton's Contemporary Reputation
028287: Parker, Tony - Studs Terkel; a Life in Words
028017: Parker, Peter, Ed - A Reader's Guide to the Twentieth-Century Novel
015996: Parker, R. A. C. - Struggle for Survival; the History of the Second World War
011308: Parker, H. M. D. - The Roman Legions
008406: Parker, Peter - Ackerley; a Life of J.R. Ackerley
007837: Parker, Emmett - Albert Camus; the Artist in the Arena
049339: Parker, Geoffrey - The Military Revolution; Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500-1800
052296: Parker, William Belmont - Edward Rowland Sill; His Life and Work
042455: Parkinson, Thomas - W.B. Yeats; the Later Poetry
034251: Parkinson, Richard - Cracking Codes; the Rosetta Stone and Decipherment
027887: Parkinson, C. Northcote - The Life and Times of Horatio Hornblower
011533: Parkinson, C. Northcote - Left Luggage; a Caustic History of British Socialism from Marx to Wilson
011532: Parkinson, C. Northcote - Gunpowder, Treason and Plot
027361: Parkman, Francis - Writings
027175: Parkman, Francis - The Oregon Trail; the Conspiracy of Pontiac
027135: Parkman, Francis - France and England in North America
008458: Parks, George Bruner - Richard Hakluyt and the English Voyages
038734: Parlett, David - The Oxford Guide to Card Games
040721: Parmenter, Ross - Explorer, Linguist and Ethnologist; a Descriptive Bibliography of the Published Works of Alphonse Louis Pinart, with Notes on His Life
048964: Parmentier, Jan - Uitgevaren Voor de Kamer Zeeland
052864: Parnell, Sean - Outlaw Platoon; Heroes, Renegades, Infidels, and the Brotherhood of War in Afghanistan
028061: Parodi, Severina - Quattro Secoli Di Crusca 1585-1983
028057: Parodi, Severina - Catalogo Degli Accademici Dalla Fondazione
045663: Parr, Anthony, Ed - Three Renaissance Travel Plays: The Travels of the Three English Brothers; the Sea Voyage; the Antipodes
009623: Parret, Herman, Ed - Le Langage En Contexte; études Philosophiques Et Linguistiques de Pragmatique
037110: Parrish, Leslie, et al. - Constable: Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings
023897: Parrot, André - Découverte Des Mondes Ensevelis
023896: Parrot, André - Archéologie Mésopotamienne; Les étapes
1433: Parrot, André - Nineveh and the Old Testament. 2d Ed
1434: Parrot, André - Samaria, the Capital of the Kingdom of Israel
044404: Parry, Thomas - A History of Welsh Literature
042592: Parry, Linda - William Morris Textiles
011534: Parry, Edward - The Persecution of Mary Stewart; the Queen's Cause. A Study in Criminology
005290: Parry, Benita - Delusions and Discoveries; Studies on India in the British Imagination, 1880-1930
047874: Parsons, Elsie Clews - Isleta Paintings
043800: Parsons, Mary Elizabeth - The Wild Flowers of California; Their Names, Haunts and Habits
039485: Parsons, David, Ed - Tenth-Century Studies; Essays in Commemoration of the Millennium of the Council of Winchester and Regularis Concordia
033690: Parsons, Nicholas - The Book of Literary Lists; a Collection of Annotated Lists, Statistics, and Anecdotes Concerning Books
018399: Parsons, Edward Lambe - The Diocese of California; a Quarter Century 1915-1940
046201: Partee, Barbara H., Ed - Montague Grammar
027107: Parthasarathy, K. R. - Probability Measures on Metric Spaces
050035: Parton, James - The Humorous Poetry of the English Language, from Chaucer to Saxe
052185: Partridge, Eric - Eric Partridge in His Own Words
042875: Partridge, Eric - The French Romantics' Knowledge of English Literature (1820-1848) According to Contemporary French Memoirs, Letters and Periodicals
001788: Partridge, Bellamy - Fill'Er Up! the Story of Fifty Years of Motoring
032630: Partridge, Edward B. - The Broken Compass; a Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson
027233: Partridge, Eric - Shakespeare's Bawdy
021995: Partridge, Eric - A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English; Colloquialism and Catch-Phrase, Solecisms and Catachreses, Nicknames, Vulgarisms, and Such Americanisms As Have Been Naturalized
014807: Partridge, Bellamy - The Ainsley Case; One of the True Cases of the Country Lawyer of Upstate New York Whose Memoirs Have Been Read So Widely
027110: Parzen, Emanuel - Stochastic Processes
032571: Ziyaeddin Pasa, Yusuf - Yusuf Ziyaeddin Pasa'Nin El-Hediyyetu'l Hamidiyye'Sinde Osmanlica-Türkçe Taramasi
014005: Pasachoff, Naomi - Links in the Chain; Shapers of the Jewish Tradition
042468: Pascal, Paul - Concilium Romarici Montis
033665: Pascal, R. - Shakespeare in Germany 1740-1815
019902: Pascal, Roy - The German Novel; Studies
009166: Pascal, Roy - The Growth of Modern Germany
006912: Pascal, Valerie - The Disciple and His Devil
050935: Pascarella, Cesare - Er Morto de Campagna E la Serenata; Sonetti
015998: Paschall, Rod - The Defeat of Imperial Germany, 1917-1918
042346: Pashov, Petur - Bulgarskiiat Glagol. I: Klasifikatsiya, Vidoobrazuvane, Slovoobrazuvane
018149: Pasini, Giuseppe - Vocabolario Italiano-Latino
040865: Pasquale, Gianluigi - Oltre la Fine Della Storia; la Coscienza Cristiana Dell'Occidente
017360: Pasquet, D. - An Essay on the Origins of the House of Commons
041848: Pasquino, Gianfranco - Alla Ricerca Dello Scettro Perduto; Democrazia, Sovranità, Riforme
040166: Pass, David - Vällingby and Farsta--from Idea to Reality; the New Community Development Process in Stockholm
015177: Passeron, Roger - French Prints of the 20th Century
050157: Passigli, Patrizia - Italy the Beautiful Cookbook; Authentic Recipes from the Regions of Italy
029913: Passmore, John - The Perfectibility of Man
044696: Pasternak, Boris - Boris Pasternak; Family Correspondence, 1921-1960
039307: Paston, George - Side--Lights on the Georgian Period
042244: Pastor, Terry - Space Mission
038911: Pastore, Christopher - Temple to the Wind; the Story of America's Greatest Naval Architect and His Masterpiece, Reliance
019355: Cody, Pat and Fred Cody - Cody's Books; the Life and Times of a Berkeley Bookstore, 1956 to 1977
023767: Patai, Raphael - The Vanished Worlds of Jewry
053778: Patch, Howard Rollin - The Tradition of Boethius; a Study of His Importance in Medieval Culture
050252: Pate, Alan Scott - Ningyo; the Art of the Japanese Doll
009690: Patel, Jabbar - The Threshold (Umbartha)
020464: Pater, Walter - The Renaissance; Studies in Art and Poetry
014006: Paterson, W. P. - The Nature of Religion
041682: Páez Patiño, Ruben - Muestra Antologica 1945-1985
006970: Patnaik, Naveen - A Second Paradise; Indian Courtly Life, 1590-1947
036587: Fenn, Patricia and Alfred P. Malpa - Rewards of Merit; Tokens of a Child's Progress and a Teacher's Esteem As an Enduring Aspect of American Religious and Secular Education
035924: Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges - A Dictionary of First Names
035037: Galliou, Patrick and Michael Jones - The Bretons
034820: Patrick, George Z. - Etude Morphologique Et Syntaxique Des Verbes Dans Maistre Pierre Pathelin
022323: Reynolds, Patrick and Tom Shachtman - The Gilded Leaf; Trijmph, Tragedy, and Tobacco. Three Generations of the R.J. Reynolds Family and Fortune
010256: Patrick, Hugh, Ed - Japanese Industrialization and Its Social Consequences
053593: Périn, Patrick and Laure-Charlotte Feffer - Les Francs
019578: Patruno, Nicholas - Language in Giovanni Verga's Early Novels
053087: Patterson, Richard North - Exile; a Novel
046307: Patterson, James - Hide & Seek; a Novel
023273: Patterson, George N. - Peking Versus Delhi
014651: Patterson, Jerry E. - Porcelain
010187: Patterson, Stephen E. - Political Parties in Revolutionary Massachusetts
008034: Patterson, Mark R. - Authority, Autonomy, and Representation in American Literature, 1776-1865
006721: Patterson, Stephen E. - Political Parties in Revolutionary Massachusetts
052945: Patterson,Daniel W. - The Shaker Spiritual
008639: Pattison, Mark - Milton
005982: Patton, Elda Clayton - Sarmiento in the United States
014009: Pauck, Wilhelm - Harnack and Troeltsch; Two Historical Theologians
047830: Paul, Hermann - Prinzipien Der Sprachgeschichte
053108: Van Der Velde, Paul and Rudolf Bachofner - The Deshima Diaries; Marginalis 1700-1740
052882: Fouracre, Paul and David Ganz, Eds - Frankland; the Franks and the World of the Early Middle Ages; Essays in Honour of Dame Jinty Nelson
038370: Paul, Alexandr, et al. - Prazska Zastaveni
034311: Henson, Paul and Donald J. Usner - The Natural History of Big Sur
034047: Harvey, Paul and J. E. Heseltine, Eds - The Oxford Companion to French Literature
032938: Paul, I. H. - The Craft of Psychotherapy; Twenty-Seven Studies
030781: Stoller, Paul and Cheryl Olkes - In Sorcery's Shadow; a Memoir of Apprneticeship Among the Songhay of Niger
029981: Claudel, Paul and André Gide - The Correspondence 1899-1926 between Paul Claudel and André Gide
026632: Heinbecker, Paul and Bessma Momani, Eds - Canada and the Middle East in Theory and Practice
025957: Aller, Paul and Doris Aller - Build Your Own Adobe
024972: Paul, Iain - Science, Theology and Einstein
023482: Fritz, Paul and David Williams, Eds - The Triumph of Culture: 18th Century Perspectives
023331: Clancy, Paul and Shirley Elder - Tip; a Biography of Thomas P. O'Neill, Speaker of the House
022223: Paul, Sherman - For Love of the World; Essays on Nature Writers
021996: Paul, Hermann - Prinzipien Der Sprachgeschichte
018239: Paul, Harry W. - The Second Railliement; the Rapprochement between Chruch and State in France in the Twentieth Century
016044: Reed, Paul and Ted Schwarz - Kontum Diary; Captured Writings Bring Peace to a Vietnam Veteran
015999: Paul, W. Pratt - The Lowland Regiments; Lions Rampant
015195: Sjeklocha, Paul and Igor Mead - Unofficial Art in the Soviet Union
010122: Paul, Rodman W. - The Universality of California History
008288: Paul, J. Harland - The Last Cruise of the Carnegie
005648: Paul, Charles B. - Science and Immortality; the éloges of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1699-1791)
005635: Paul, Sherman - In Search of the Primitive; Rereading David Antin, Jerome Rothenberg, and Gary Snyder
002399: Shaw, R. Paul and Yuwa Wong - Genetic Seeds of Warfare; Evolution, Nationalism, and Patriotism
042825: Prieto de Paula, Angel L. - La Llama Y la Ceniza; Introducción a la Poesia de Claudio Rodriguez
038838: Pauler, John - In Solitary and Other Imaginations; Poems
019725: Paulhan, Jean - Braque le Patron
016876: Pauli, Herta E. - Alfred Nobel, Dynamite Kings--Architect of Peace
013466: Pauli, Gustav - Gainsborough
008591: Pauli, Gustav - Die Kunst Des Klassizismus Und Der Romantik
005922: McGill, Nettie Pauline and Ellen Nathalie Matthews - The Youth of New York City
035487: Pauling, Linus, Ed - World Encyclopedia of Peace
039740: Paulsen, Wolfgang, Ed - Psychologie in Der Literaturwissenschaft; Viertes Amherster Kolloquium Zur Modernen Deutschen Literatur 1970
021044: Paulsen, Wolfgang, Ed - Aspekte Des Expressionismus: Periodisierung, Stil, Gedankenwelt
035703: Paulson, Belden - The Searchers; Conflict and Communism in an Italian Town
014561: Paulson, William R. - Enlightenment, Romanticism, and the Blind in France
014010: Paulson, Ross E. - Radicalism & Reform; the Vrooman Family and American Social Thought, 1837-1937
049305: Paulson, Henry M., Jr. - Dealing with China; an Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower
053845: Pauly, Philip J. - Controlling Life; Jacques Loeb and the Engineering Ideal in Biology
012449: Pauly, Hans - Igdlukunguaq Nickkeliferous Pyrrhotite; Texture and Compostion. A Contribution to the Genesis of the Ore Type
026618: Pausanias - Descriptio Arcis Athenarum
009184: Pausch, Oskar - Eine Bairisch-ôsterrische ûberlieferungskette Des Württembergers Mit Einer Ausgabe Der Neuer Wiener Redaktion Wa [Ma]
005043: Pauw, B. A. - The Second Generation; a Study of the Family Among Urbanized Bantu in East London
041782: Pavan, Robert J. - Strutture E Strategie Delle Imprese Italiane
053801: Pavel, Thomas G. - The Feud of Language; a History of Structuralist Thought
049098: Pavese, Cesare - La Bella Estate
049116: Pavese, Cesare - La Spiaggia
026892: Pavic, Milorad - Dictionary of the Khazars; a Lexicon Novel in 100,000 Words
042476: Pavletich, Esteban - Leonicio Prado; Una Vida Al Servicio de la Libertad
028981: Pavlu, Irena - Prazska Keramika Dvanactého a Trinactého Stoleti
025878: Pawel, Ernst - The Nightmare of Reason; a Life of Franz Kafka
008240: Pawel, Ernst - The Labyrinth of Exile; a Life of Theodor Herzl
050787: Paxman, Jeremy - The English; a Portrait of a People
038928: Payne, Robert - The Dream and the Tomb; a History of the Crusades
023364: Payne, James L. - The American Threat; the Fear of War As an Instrument of Foreign Policy
021146: Payne, Darwin - Owen Wister, Chronicler of the West, Gentleman of the East
017620: Payne, Charles - American Ballet Theatre
016001: Payne, Robert - The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler
014011: Payne, Harry C. - The Philosophes and the People
013125: Payne, Robert - Chinese Diaries, 1941-1946
006923: Payne, Ben Iden - A Life in a Wooden O; Memoirs of the Theatre
006722: Payne, James L. - The Culture of Spending; Why Congress Lives Beyond Our Means
053401: Payne, Annick - Hieroglyphic Luwian
016869: Payton, Geoffrey - Payton's Proper Names
050592: Alvarez Pazos, Carlos - El Quichua En Los Compuestos Del Español Popular de Cuenca
021234: Pazzi, Roberto - L'Immaginario Contemporaneo; Atti Del Convegno Letterario Internazionale, Ferrara, 21-23 Maggio 1999
047782: Peabody, Marian Lawrence - To Be Young Was Very Heaven
040561: Peach, Linden - British Influence on the Brith [Sic] of American Literature
018241: Peachey, Paul - Die Soziale Herkunft Der Schweizer Täufer in Der Reformationszeit; Eine Religionssoziologische Untersuchung
010307: Peacock, James L. - Rites of Modernization; Symbolic and Social Aspects of Indonesian Porletarian Drama
039209: Peacocke, Arthur - Theology for a Scientific Age; Being and Becoming,--Natural, Divine and Human
022850: Pearce, Joseph Chilton - Evolution's End; Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence
017164: Pearce, Roy Harvey - Historicism Once More; Problems & Occasions for the American Scholar
010745: Pearl, Cyril, et al. - Australia's Yesterdays; a Look at Our Recent Past
016003: Pearlman, Moshe - The Army of Israel
046292: Pearsall, Ronald - Collecting and Restoring Scientific Instruments
031560: Pearsall, Ronald - Tell Me, Pretty Maiden; the Victorian and Edwardian Nude
051746: Pearsall, Ronald - Collecting and Restoring Scientific Instruments
050281: Pearsall, Derek - The Canterbury Tales
037833: Pearson, Hesketh - Dizzy; the Life & Personality of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield
036923: Pearson, Haydn S. - Country Flavor
036882: Pearson, Willard - The War in the Northern Provinces 1966-1968
032327: Pearson, Charles - Synopsis of Mr. Charles Pearson's Intended Lecture Upon Prison Discipline, on the 15th and 16th January, 1849, and the Discussions Which Will Take Place on the 22nd and 23rd of That Month
031878: Pearson, Lionel - Popular Ethics in Ancient Greece
030700: Pearson, T. Gilbert, Ed - Birds of America
053276: Pearson, Kathy Lynne Roper - Conflicting Loyalties in Early Medieval Bavaria; a View of Socio-Political Interaction, 680-900
018708: Pearson, Hesketh - Gilbert; His Life and Strife
017047: Pearson, Edmund Lester - Studies in Murder
012638: Pearson, T. Gilbert, et al., Eds - Birds of America
011535: Pearson, Hesketh - Labby (the Life and Character of Henry Labouchere)
042367: Peattie, Donald Culross - An Almanac for Moderns
049565: Peattie, Donald Culross - A Natural History of Western Trees
022575: Pechman, Joseph A. - Who Paid the Taxes, 1966-85
047810: Foreman-Peck, James - A History of the World Economy; International Economic Relations Since 1850
039469: Peck, M. Scott - In Search of Stones; a Pilgrimage of Faith, Reason, and Discovery
008380: Peck, Walter Edwin - Shelley; His Life and Work
045801: Peckham, Robert D. - François Villon; a Bibliography
001750: Peckham, Morse - Beyond the Tragic Vision; the Quest for Identity in the Nineteenth Century
026619: Peckham, J. Brian - The Development of the Late Phoenician Scripts
015336: Peckham, Morse - Victorian Revolutionaries; Speculations on Some Heroes of a Culture Crisis
050413: Peddie, John - Alfred the Good Soldier; His Life and Campaigns
052514: Peden, Margaret Sayers - Out of the Volcano; Portraits of Contemporary Mexican Artists
047802: Pedersen, Holger - The Discovery of Language; Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century
033725: Pedersen, Holger - Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century; Methods and Results
042581: Pedrosa, José Manuel, et al. - Gilamesh, Prometeo, Ulises Y San Martin; Mitologio Vasca Y Mitologia Comparada
048558: Pedrotti, Giovanni - Vocabolarietto Dialettale Degli Arnesi Rurali Della Val D'Adige E Delle Altre Valli Trentine
032055: Peebles, P. J. E. - Principles of Physical Cosmology
048841: Peek, Werner - Griechische Versinschriften Aus Kleinasien
033318: Peele, George - Le Conte Pour la Veillée
050404: Peele, George - The Works of George Peele
012836: Peemans, J. Ph - The Political Economy of Zaire in the Seventies; an Essay in Historical Perspective
052547: Cross, Tom Peete and William Albert Nitze - Lancelot and Guenevere; a Study on the Origins of Courtly Love
052723: Pegge, Samuel - Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times; Regal, Noble, Gentilitial, and Miscellaneous:
032084: Knickerbocher, Peggy and Laurie Smith - Olive Oil from Tree to Table
004129: Pehrson, Robert N. - The Social Organization of the Marri Baluch
009759: Pei, Mario A. - Studies in Romance Philology and Literature
009757: Pei, Mario A. - Glossary of Linguistic Terminology
039744: Peirce, Josephine H. - Fire on the Hearth; the Evolution and Romance of the Heating-Stove
023611: Peirce, Neal R. - Citistates; How Urban America Can Prosper in a Competitive World
053018: Peirson, H. B. - Forest Trees of Maine
035816: Peissel, Michel - The Last Barbarians; the Discovery of the Source of the Mekong in Tibet
032833: Peissel, Michel - Zanskar, the Hidden Kingdom
052428: Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pekuda - Duties of the Heart [Sefer Torat Hovot Ha-Levanvot]
049274: Pelekanides, Stylianos - Palaiochristianika Mnemeia Thessalonikes: Archeiropoietos, Mone Latomou
010315: Peletz, Michael Gates - A Share of the Harvest; Kinship, Property, and Social History Among the Malays of Rembau
035155: Pelikan, Jaroslav - The Melody of Theology; a Philosophical Dictionary
033818: Pelikan, Jaroslav - Luther the Expositor; Introduction to the Reformer's Exegetical Writings
031880: Pelikan, Jaroslav - Christianity and Classical Culture; the Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism
051489: Pelikan, Jaroslav - Bach Among the Theologians
050704: Pellat, Charles - Arabische Geisteswelt; Ausgewäählte Und übersetzte Texte Von Al-Gahiz (777-869 )
046116: Pellegrini, Silvio - Studi Rolandiani E Trobadorici
043273: Pellegrini, Giovan Battista - Bibliografia Degli Scritti Linguistsici 1945-1987
014458: Pellegrini, Aldo - New Tendencies in Art
051074: Pellegrino, Michel - Les Confessions de Saint Augustin; Guide de Lecture
040921: Pelletier, Francis Jeffry - Parmenides, Plato, and the Semantics of Not-Being
041998: Pellicani, Luciano - IL Centauro Comunista; IL Pci E la Società Italiana
041687: Pellicano, Luciano - Introduzione a Ortega Y Gasset
042434: Pellicer, Carlos - Material Poético 1918-1961
017926: Pellicer, M. - El Neolitico Y El Bronce de la Cueva de la Carigüela Di Piñar (Granada)
011536: Pelling, Henry - America and the British Left; from Bright to Bevan
007821: Pelling, Henry - The Origins of the Labour Party, 1880-1900
042217: Cosman, Madeleine Pelner and Bruce Chandler, Eds - Machaut's World: Science and Art in the Fourteenth Century
042853: Peltier, Henri - Séminaires Et Formation Du Clergé Au Diocse D'Amiens Depuis le Concile de Trente Jusqu'Au Concordat de 1801
022140: Pelton, Robert Young - The Unter, the Hammer, and Heaven
031074: Peltz, Mary Ellis - The Magic of the Opera; a Picture Memori of the Metropolitan
048432: Pemberton, T> Edgar - The Life of Bret Harte
036819: Pemberton, Max - Hyde Park and the House of the Governors; a History Thereof
048353: Peña, Aniano - Americo Castro Y Su Vision de España Y de Cervantes
007070: La Peña, Guillermo De - A Legacy of Promises; Agriculture, Politics, and Ritual in the Morelos Highlands of Mexico
039161: Pendle, Karin, Ed - Women & Music; a History
026621: Pendlebury, J. D. S. - A Handbook to the Palace of Minos, Knossos, with Its Dependencies
042318: Penelea, Georgeta - Les Foires de la Valchie Pendan la Période 1774-1848
047552: Xizhe, Peng and Zhigang Guo, Eds - The Changing Population of China
037476: Penn, Irving - Stilllife
030519: Penn, W. S., Ed - The Telling of the World; Native American Stories and Art
041610: Penna, Angelo, Ed - Giudici E Rut
014637: Pennell, Joseph - Etchers and Etchings; Chapters in the History of the Art Together with Technical Explanations of Modern Artistic Methods
014246: Pennell, Elizabeth Robins - Whistler, the Friend
006445: Pennenberg, Wolfhart - Revelation As History
029567: Penninc and Pieter Vostaert - Roman Van Walewein
029566: Penninc and Pieter Vostaert - De Jeeste Van Walewein Et Het Schaakbord
053827: Pennington, Campbell W., Ed - Arte Y Vocabulario de la Lengua Dohema, Heve O Eudeva; Anonimo (Siglo XVII)
035562: Pennington, Susan J. - Feast Your Eyes; the Unexpected Beauty of Vegetable Gardens
021271: Pennington, John - English Cathedrals and Abbeys Illustrated
038739: Pennoyer, A. Sheldon - This Was California; a Collection of Woodcuts and Engravings Reminiscent of Historical Events, Human Achievements and Travialities from Pioneer Days to the Gay Nineties
035805: Penny, Nicholas - Mourning
013715: Penny, Nicholas - Piranesi
014823: Penot, Jean-Paul, Ed - New Methods in Optimization and Their Industrial Uses; State of the Art, Recent Advances, Perspectives. Proceedings of the Symposia Held in Pau, October 19-29, 1987 and Paris, November 19, 1987
040896: Penrose, Roger - The Emperor's New Mind; Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics
032827: Penrose, Roger - Shadows of the Mind; a Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
013693: Penrose, Roland - The Sculpture of Picasso
045029: Penzer, Norman M. - An Annotated Bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton K.C. M.G.
044781: Penzl, Herbert - A Grammar of Pashto; a Descriptive Study of the Dialect of Kandahar, Afghanistan
044673: Penzl, Herbert - Methoden Der Germanischen Linguistik
043798: Penzl, Herbert - Althochdeutsch; Eine Einführung in Dialekte Und Vorgeschichte
043797: Penzl, Herbert - Mittelhochdeutsch; Eine Einführung in Die Dialekte
043629: Penzl, Herbert - Vom Urgemanischen Zum Neuhoachdeutschen; Eine Historische Phonologie
043630: Penzl, Herbert - Lautsystem Und Lautwandel in Den Althochdeutschen Dialekten
049740: Penzl, Herbert - A Reader of Pashto
049741: Penzl, Herbert - A Reader of Pashto
020009: Penzoldlt, Ernst - Die Portugalesische Schlact; Kömodie Der Unsterblichkeit
046491: Pepen, Franz Von - Vom Scheitern Einer Demokratie 1930-1933
052946: Peper, George - Golf in America; the First One Hundred Years
052295: Pepler, Douglas - The Devils's Devices or Control Versus Service
033946: Peppiatt, Michael - Francis Bacon; Anatomy of an Enigma
044177: Pepys, Samuel - The Diary of Samuel Pepys
027554: Pequigney, Joseph - Such Is My Love; a Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets
052075: Peraino, Judith A., Ed - Medieval Music in Practice; Studies in Honor of Richard Crocker
050018: Peranteau, Paul M., Et al., Eds - The Chicago Which Hunt; Papers from the Relative Clause Festival, April 13, 1972, a Paravolume to Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting
042248: Percheron, Maurice - Le Bouddha Et la Bouddhisme
044236: Percival, Florence - Chaucer's Legendary Good Women
015423: Percival, John - Theatre in My Blood; a Biography of John Cranko
014670: Percival, MacIver - The Glass Collector; a Guide to Old English Glass
005472: Percival, John - The English Travels of Sir John Percival and William Byrd II; the Percival Diary of 1701
049846: Percy, Thomas - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets Together with Some Few of Later Date
042670: Percy, Thomas - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets; Together with Some Few of Later Date
033849: Percy, William Alexander - Lanterns on the Levee; Recollections of a Planter's Son
023533: Percy, Christopher Vane - The Glass of Lalique; a Collector's Guide
029286: Perec, Georges - W Ou le Souvenir D'Enfance; Récit
042836: Ribao Pereira, Montserrat - Textos Y Representacion Del Drama Historico En El Romanticismo Español
040333: Enes Pereira, Benjamim - Bibliografia Analitica de Etnografia Portuguesa
027502: Pereira, Anthony W. - The End of the Peasantry; the Rural Labor Movement in Northeast Brazil, 1961-1988
009372: Pereira, Anthony - Naples, Pompeii and Southern Italy
035767: Perelman, S. J. - That Old Gang O'Mine; the Early and Essential S.J. Perelman
025376: Perelman, S. J. - Don't Tread on Me; the Selected Letters of S.J. Perelman
036174: Gatti Perer, Maria Luisa - Carlo Giuseppe Merlo Architetto
045901: Soto Perez, Hector - Filosofia Del Lenguaje Y Los Origenes de la Métrica Del Romance; Analisis Sobre la Permanencia de Elementos Estéticos En la Evolucion Linguistica
017361: Pergameni, Charles - Das Rathaus Von Brüssel; Historische Und Beschreibende Notiz
018398: Della Pergola, Paola - Bernini
051638: Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - La Serva Padrona (from Maid to Mistress)
005058: Perham, Margery - The Colonial Reckoning; the End of Imperial Rule in Africa in the Light of British Experience
051491: Peri, Vittorio - Omelie Origeniane Sui Salmi; Contributo All'Identificazione Del Testo Latino
046712: Du Perier, Scipion - Oeuvres de Scipion Du Perier, écuyer Et Doyen de Messieurs Les Avocats Au Parlement de Provence
002239: Périer, Auguste - Nouvelle Grammaire Arabe
004799: Perin, Constance - Everything in Its Place; Social Order and Land Use in America
005737: Perinbanayagam, R. S. - The Karmic Theater; Self, Society, and Astrology in Jaffna
041409: Perkins, Robert L. - Søren Kierkegaard
041249: Perkins, Charles Callahan - Tuscan Sculptors; Their Lives, Works, and Times
041030: Perkins, Clara Crawford - French Cathedrals and Chateaux
040626: Perkins, Jeanne-Georgette - Siméon la Roque, Poète de L'Absence 1550-1615
038843: Perkins, Donald - Charles Dickens; a New Perspective
031304: Perkins, John - To the Ends of the Earth; Four Expedtions to the Arctic, the Congo, the Gobi, and Siberia
031002: Perkins, Dorothy - Encyclopedia of China; the Essential Reference to China, Its History and Culture
030083: Perkins, David - A History of Modern Poetry
026222: Perkins, Dexter - The New Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1934-45
048829: Perl, Jed - New Art City
020623: Perl, Jed - Paris without End; on French Art Since World War I.
031075: Perle, George - The Operas of Alban Berg. Volume 2: Lulu
002417: Perlman, Mark - Judges in Industry; a Study of Labour Arbitration in Australia
016006: Perlmutter, Amos - Military and Politics in Israel; Nation-Building and Role Expansion
044674: Perloff, Marjorie - Wittgenstein's Ladder; Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary
040033: Perloff, Harvey S. - The Art of Planning; Selected Essays of Harvey S. Perloff
040028: Perloff, Harvey S. - Alliance for Progress; a Social Invention in the Making
018405: Perlot, Jean-NIcolas - Gold Seeker; Adventures of a Belgian Argonaut During the Gold Rush Years
044443: Pernot, Laurent - Rhetoric in Antiquity
038989: Pernoud, Régine - Hildegarde de Bingen; Conscience Inspirée Du Xiie Siècle
003636: Pernoud, Régine - La Femme Au Temps Des Cathédrales
043181: Peron, Gianfelice, Ed - La Palinodia; Atti Del XIX Convegno Interunivbersitario (Bressanone, 1991)
010146: Perosa, Sergio - The Art of F. Scott Fitzgerald
039026: Perotti, James L. - Heidegger on the Divine; the Thinker, the Poet and God
030699: Perret, Patti - The Faces of Fantasy
023921: Perret, Jacques - Horace
021328: Perret, Geoffrey - Eisenhower
016008: Perrett, Geoffrey - The Hawks; a Short History of the 14th/20th King's Hussars
016007: Perrett, Geoffrey - A Hawk at War; the Peninsular War Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas Brotherton, Cb
043664: Perri, Rolando - Presenze Femminili Nella Vita Di Don Lorenzo Milani; Tra Misoginia E Femminismo Ante Litteram
045931: Perrier, J.-L., Ed - Les Enfances Guillaume, Chanson de Geste Du Xiiie Siècle
016976: Perrin, Noel - Dr. Bowdler's Legacy; a History of Epurgated Books in England and America
019376: Perrot, Nicolas - Memoire Sur Les Meours Coustumes Et Relligion Des Sauvages de L'Amerique Septentrionale
011538: Perrott, Roy - The Aristocrats; a Portrait of Britain's Nobility and Their Way of Life Today
052957: Perroy, Edouard - Le Monde Carolingien
049951: Perry, Ralph Barton - Annotated Bibliography of the Writings of William James
043871: Perry, T. Anthony - Art and Meaning in Berceo's Vida de Santa Oria
041752: Perry, Margaret - Silence to the Drums; a Survey of the Literature of the Harlem Renaissance
037820: Perry, P. J. - A Geography of 19th-Century Britain
032070: Perry, Theresa, et al. - Young, Gifted, and Black; Promoting High Achievement Among African-American Students
028538: Perry, Charles M. - Henry Philip Tappan; Philosopher and University President
016322: Perry, Lewis - Childhood, Marriage, and Reform; Henry Clarke Wright, 1797-1870
014014: Perry, Ralph Barton - The Thought and Character of William James
047254: Saint-John Perse - Oeuvre Poétique
036184: Persico, Joseph E. - Casey from the Oss to the Cia
008362: Person, James E., Jr. - Russell Kirk; a Critical Biography of a Conservative Mind
019924: Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Personalwesen - Der ôffentliche Dienst in Den Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika; Ein Reisebericht
016362: Persons, Stow - The Decline of American Gentility
016328: Persons, Stow, Ed - Evolutionary Thought in America
039779: Pertwee, Bill - Pertwee's Promenades and Pierrots; One Hundred Years of Seaside Entertainment
005501: Pescatello, Ann, Ed - Female and Male in Latin America; Essays
006448: Pesce, Mauro - Paolo E Gli Arconti a Corinto; Storia Della Ricerca (1888-1975) Ed Esegesi Di I Cor. 2,6. 8
1445: Pesch, Rudolf - Das Markus-Evangelium. Herausgegeben Von Rudolf Pesch
040899: Pestelli, Giorgio - Canti Del Destino; Studi Su Brahms
009186: Petas, Frantisek - Das Jüngste Gericht; Mittelalterliches Mosaik Vom Prager Veitsdom
048986: Irons, Peter and Stephanie Guitton, Eds - May It Please the Court; the Most Significant Oral Arguments Made Before the Supreme Court Since 1955
039586: Baumgartner, Peter and Sabine Payr, Eds - Speaking Minds; Interviews with Twenty Eminent Cognitive Scientists
039064: Ritter, Ulrich Peter and Karl Georg Zinn - Grundwortschatz Wirtschafts-Wissenschaftlicher Begriffe: Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Englisch
032326: Murray, Peter and Linda Murray - The Oxford Companion to Christian Art and Architecture
032312: Irons, Peter and Stephanie Guitton, Eds - May It Please the Court; the Most Significant Oral Arguments Made Before the Supreme Court Since 1955
028889: Kolb, Peter and Ernst-Günter Krenig - Unterfräkische Geschichte. Band 1: Von Der Germanischen Landnahme Bis Zum Hohen Mittelalter
027558: Humfrey, Peter and Mauro Lucco - Dosso Dossi, Court Painter in Renaissance Ferrara
026714: Fusco, Peter and H. W. Janson, Eds - The Romantics to Rodin; French Nineteenth-Century Sculpture from North American Collections
026624: Peter, F. E. - Jerusalem; the Holy City in the Eyes of Chroniclers, Visitors, Pilgrims, and Prophets from the Days of Abraham to the Beginnings of Modern Times
026359: Green Peter - Alexander to Actium; the Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age
025044: Laslett, Peter and W. G. Runciman - Philosophy, Politics and Society (Third Series)
025043: Laslett, Peter and W. G. Runciman - Philosophy, Politics and Society (Second Series)
024517: Maslowski, Peter and Don Winslow - Looking for a Hero; Staff Sergeant Joe Ronnie Hooper and the Vietnam War
019782: Matthiessen, Peter and Eliot Porter - The Tree Where Man Was Born; the African Experience
018711: Peter, Hildemarie - Die Blockflöte Und Ihre Spielweise in Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart
051846: Peter, Luther C. - The Principles and Practice of Perimetry
014754: Marris, Peter and Martin Rein - Dilemmas of Social Reform; Poverty and Community Action in the United States
051295: Peter, of Poitiers - Petri Pictaviensis Allegoriae Super Tabernaculum Moysi
014605: Arnell, Peter and Ted Bickford, Eds - Robert A.M. Stern, 1965-1980; Toward a Modern Architecture After Modernism
011585: Self, Peter and Herbert J. Storing - The State and the Farmer; British Agricultural Policies and Politics
007981: Bürger, Peter and Christa Bürger - The Institutions of Art
052329: Turner, Peter and Richard Wood - P H Emerson, Photographer of Norfolk
005108: Hall, Peter and Dennis Hay - Growth Centres in the European Urban System
035058: Peter, the Deacon - Petri Diaconi: Ortus Et Vita Iustorum Cenobii Casinensis
048748: Peters, F. E. - Islam; a Guide for Jews and Crhistians
048042: Peters, Ed - Mountaineering; the Freedom of the Hills
050676: Peters, Stanley, Ed - Goals of Linguistic Theory
034542: Peters, Werner - Untersuchungen Zu Onasander
032690: Peters, Margot - The House of Barrymore
031884: Peters, F. E. - Greek Philosophical Terms; a Historical Lexicon
028634: Peters, Carl - Afrikanische Köpfe; Charakterskizzen Aus Der Neueren Geschichte Afrikas
028327: Peters, Eugene H. - Hartshorne and Neoclassical Metaphysics
020894: Peters, Catherine - Thackeray's Universe; Shifting Worlds of Imagination and Reality
012234: Peters, Robert - The Poet As Ice-Skater
010393: Peters, Robert L. - The Crowns of Apollo; Swinburne's Principles of Literature and Art; a Study in Victorian Criticism and Aesthetics
006949: Peters, Margot - Mrs. Pat; the Life of Mrs. Patrick Campbell
006467: Peters, Friedrich Ernst - Blaise Pascal; Die Sternenbahn Eines Menschengeistes
005609: Peters, Arthur King - Jean Cocteau and André Gide; an Abrasive Friendship
051757: Peters, Norbert - Die Soziale Fürsorge IM Alten Testament
048076: Petersen, William J. - Iowa; the Rivers of Her Valleys
020408: Stender-Petersen, Adolf - Russian Studies
050885: Schmidt-Petersen, J. - Die Orts- Und Flurnamen Nordfrieslands
049171: Stender-Petersen, Adolf, Ed - Anthology of Old Russian Literature
010382: Petersen, William - Planned Migration; the Social Determinants of the Dutch-Canadian Movement
053752: Petersohn, Jürgen - Die Prüfeninger Vita Bischof Ottos I. Von Bamberg Nach Der Fassung Des GroßEn ôsterreichischen Legendars
047953: Peterson, Barbara Bennett - George Washington, America's Moral Exemplar
045875: Peterson, Barbara Bennett - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Preserver of Spirit and Hope
045081: Peterson, James - Sauces; Classical and Contemporary Sauce Making
038968: Peterson, Willis - A Guide to Better Nature Photography
038967: Peterson, Willis - The Glory of Nature's Form; Photography and Text
033392: Peterson, Douglas L. - Time, Tide and Tempest; a Study of Shakespeare's Romances
029956: Peterson, Merrill D. - Adams and Jefferson; a Revolutionary Dialogue
029392: Peterson, Merrill D. - Lincoln in American Memory
023744: Peterson, Lorin - The Day of the Mugwump
014806: Peterson, Joyce E. - Curs'd Example; the Duchess of Malfi and Commonweal Tragedy
012639: Peterson, Roger Tory - Birds over America
009142: Peterson, Linda H. - Victorian Autobiography; the Tradition of Self-Interpretation
034131: Petersson, Robert T. - The Art of Ecstasy; Teresa, Bernini, and Crashaw
023477: Pethybridge, Roger - One Step Backwards, Two Steps Forward; Soviet Society and Politics in the New Economic Policy
050648: Petit, Aimé - L'Anachronisme Dans Les Romans Antiques Du Xiie Siècle
041449: Petit, Paul - Pax Romana
037766: Petit, Pierre - Pierre Petit: Photographer, September 26, 1980-January 11, 1981
020263: Petit, Jacques - Le Pain Dur de Paul Claudel; Introduction, Fragments inédits, Variantes Et Notes
018712: Petit, Pierre - Verdi
051013: Petit, François - La Spiritualité Des Prémontrés Aux Xiie Et Xiiie Siècles
051094: Petitmengin, Pierre, Ed - Pélagie Aa Pénitente; Métamorphoses D'Une Légende
049886: Drda, Petr and Alena Rybova - Les Celtes de Bohême
043669: Petracco, Floriana - L'Acqua Plurale; I Progetti Di Canali Navigiabili E la Gestione Del Territorio a Cremona Nei Secoli XV-XVIII
021999: Petracek, Karel - Zaklady Gramatického Systému Spisovné Arabstiny
022940: Petran, Tabitha - Syria
046808: Petrarca, Francesco - Petrarch's Book without a Name
053577: Petrarca, Francesco - Petrarch's Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics
049544: Turville-Petre, G. - Origins of Icelandic Literature
049597: Turville-Petre, G., Ed - Víga-Glúms Saga
051476: Petri, Franz - Siedlung, Sprache Und Bevölkerungsstruktur IM Frankenreich
051928: Petri, Edda - Eine Mittelhochdeutsche Benedikinerregel: Hs. 1256/587 (Anfang 15. Jh. ) Stadtbibliothek Trier
042001: Petriccione, Sandro - Politica Industriale E Mezzogiorno
030125: Petriconi, H. - Metamorphosen Der Träume; Fünf Beispiele Zu Einer Literaturgeschichte Als Themengeschichte
011541: Petrie, Charles - The Edwardians
006068: Petrie, Glen - A Singular Iniquity; the Campaigns of Josephine Butler
005386: Petrie, Charles - Earlier Diplomatic History, 1492-1713
025509: Petro, Vadim, et al. - The Escape of Alexei, Son of Tsar Nicholas II; What Happened the Night the Romanov Family Was Excuted
031077: Petrobelli, Pierluigi - Music in the Theater; Essays on Verdi and Other Composers
050862: Petrobelli, Pierluigi - Music in the Theater; Essays on Verdi and Other Composers
020298: Petrocelli, Daniel - Triumph of Justice; the Final Judgment on the Simpson Saga
007577: Petrone, Gerard S. - Judgment at Gallatin; the Trial of Frank James
026625: Petronius - The Satyricon of Petronius
037256: Petroski, Henry - The Book on the Bookshelf
050215: Petrov, Vladimir - Isaak IL'Ich Levitan
009325: Petrov, Vladimir - A Study in Diplomacy; the Story of Arthur Bliss Lane
008029: Petrov, Vadim, et al. - The Escape of Alexei, Son of Tsar Nicholas II: What Happened the Night the Romanov Family Was Executed
050268: Zukovskaa, Lidia Petrovna and Nina Ivanovna Tarabasova, Eds - Issledovania Istocnikov Po Istorii Russkogo Azyka I Pis'Mennosti
011920: Petry, Howard Kistler, Ed - A Century of Medicine, 1848-1948; the History of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania
053204: Pette, E. C. - Shakespeare and the Romance Tradition
040557: Petter, Henri - The Early American Novel
034011: Pettet, E. C. - Shakespeare and the Romance Tradition
026336: Pettie, George - A Petite Pallace of Pettie His Pleasure
052143: Pettinato, Giovanni - The Archives of Ebla; an Empire Inscribed in Clay
052015: Pettinato, Giovanni - Ebla; a New Look at History
022099: Pettingill, Olin Sewall, Jr. - My Way to Ornithology
021475: Pettit, Arthur G. - Images of the Mexican American in Fiction and Film
035299: Petulengro, Gipsy - A Romany Life
022000: Petyt, K. M. - The Study of Dialect; an Introduction to Dialectology
040750: Petzoldt, Richard - Heinrich Schütz Und Seine Zeit in Bildern; Heinrich Schütz and His Times in Pictures
051398: Petzoldt, Richard - Georg Philipp Telemann
047954: Peucker, Brigitte - The Material Image; Art and the Real in Film
047955: Pevsner, Nikolaus - High Victorian Design; a Study of the Exhibits of 1851
036676: Pevsner, Nikolaus - The Englishness of English Art
033307: Pevsner, Nikolaus, et al., Eds - An Outline of European Architecture
026057: Pevsner, Nikolaus, et al., Eds - Lexikon Der Weltarchitektur
008412: Peyre, Henri - Observations by Henri Peyre on Life, Literature, and Learning in America
042207: Peyrot, Lucien - Le Saint-Esprit Et le Prochaine Retrouvé
031078: Peyser, Joan - Bernstein; a Biography
019777: Pfaff, Konrad - Ludwig Schaffrath: Glasmaleri + Mosaik. Stained Glass + Mosaic
011540: Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Jr. - Britain Faces Europe
034853: Benbow-Pfalzgraf, Taryn, Ed - International Dictionary of Modern Dance
025895: Benbow-Pfalzgraf, Taryn, Ed - Contemporary Fashion
046072: Pfeffer, Wendy - Proverbs in Medieval Occitan Literature
045718: Pfeiffer, Henrik - Jahwes Kommen Von Süden; Jde 5; Hab 3; Dtn 33 Und Ps 68 in Ihrem Literatur- Und Theologiegeschichtlichen Umfeld
024974: Pfeiffer, Robert H. - Religion in the Old Testament; the History of a Spiritual Triumph
018404: Pfeiffer, Ida - A Lady's Visit to California 1853
014628: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks - Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings; Masterworks from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives
011924: Pfeiffer, Ludwig - Handbuch Der Angewandten Anatomie; Genaue Beschreibung Der Gestalt Und Der Wuchsfehler Des Menschen Nach Den Mass- Und Zahlenverhälnissen Der Körperoberflächenteile
003192: Pfeiffer, Richard - Die Religiös-Sittliche Weltanschauung Des Buches Der Sprüche in Ihrem Inneren Zusammenhange
049966: Pfeil, Tom - 'Tot Redding Van Het Vaderland'; Het Primaat Van de Nederlandse Overheidsfinancien in de Bataafs-Franse Tijd, 1795-1810
047699: Pfister, Christian - Agrarkonjunktur Und Witterungsverlauf IM Westlichen Schweizer Mittelland 1755-1797
036281: Pfister, Manfred - Studien Zum Wandel Der Perspektivenstruktur in Elisabethanischen Und Jakobäischen Komödien
018929: Pfister, Harold Francis - Facing the Light; Historic American Portrait Daguerreotypes
014015: Pfizer, Gustav - Martin Luther's Leben
048445: Pflaum, Gertrud Friederike - Geschichte Des Wortes "Gentleman" IM Deutschen
014195: Pflaum, Rosalynd - Grand Obsession; Madame Curie and Her World
018244: Pfleiderer, Otto - Die Geschichte Der Religion
010836: Pflug, Warner W. - A Guide to the Archives of Labor History and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University
047431: Pfohl, Gerhard - Greek Poems on Stones. Vol. 1: Epitaphs from the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries B.C.
043622: Pfohl, Gerhard - Griechische Inschriften Als Zeugnisse Des Privaten Und öffentlichen Lebens
003427: Pfuhl, Ernst - Meisterwerke Griechischer Zeichnung Und Malerlei
048715: Phaedrus - Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V Recte Tandem Captui Puerorum Accomodati
048483: Phaedrus - Phèdre: Fables
043342: Phan, Boi-Chau - Overturned Chariot; the Autobiography of Phan-Boi-Chau
038679: Giulini Pharma - Leonharti Rauwolfen... Aigentliche Beschriebung Der Raiß
044552: Phébus, Gaston - Livre Des Oraisons; Les Prières D'Un Chasseur
014844: Phelps, William Lyon - The Twentieth Century Theatre; Observations on the Contemporary English and American Stage
014794: Phelps, Orme W. - Discipline and Discharge in the Unionized Firm
052436: Phelps, Ruth Shepard - The Earlier and Later Forms of Petrarch's Canzoniere
016011: Phibbs, Brendan - The Other Side of Time; a Combat Surgeon in World War II
015001: Brown, Phil and Edwin J. Mikkelsen - No Safe Place; Toxic Waste, Leukemia, and Community Action
032168: Philbrick, Nathaniel - Sea of Glory; America's Voyage of Discovery, the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
045343: Johnson, PHilip and John Burgee - Philip Johnson/John Burgee: Architecture 1979-1985
043478: Baker, Philip and Chris Corne - Isle de France Creole; Affinities and Origins
020834: Bagenal, Philip and Jonathan Meades - The Illustrated Atlas of the World's Great Buildings; a History of World Architecture from the Classical Perfection of the Parthenon to the Breathtaking Grandeur of the Skyscraper
022003: Philipp, Marthe - Grammaire de L'Allemand
002851: Philipp, Wolfgang - Die Absolutheit Des Christentums Und Die Summe Der Anthropologie
053333: Philippart, Guy - Les Légendiers Latins Et Autres Manuscrits Hagiographiques
052423: Haugeard, Philippe and Muriel Ott - Droit Et Violence Dans la Littérature Du Moyen Age
047823: Norel, Philippe and Laurent Testot - Une Histoire Du Monde Global
047821: Aghion, Philippe and Jeffrey G. Williamson - Growth, Inequality, and Globalization; Theory, History, and Policy
036426: Huisman, Philippe and Marguerite Jallut - Marie Antoinette
029623: Velay, Philippe and Jerome Godeau - Les Premiers Mots de Paris
026149: Huisman, Philippe and M. G. Dortu - Toulouse Lautrec
023935: Ariès, Philippe and André Béjin, Eds - Western Sexuality; Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times
049285: Madeline, Philippe and Jean-Marc Moriceau - Acteurs Et Espaces de L'élevage (Xviie -Xxie Siècle): évolution, Structuration, Spécialisation
021643: Philippi, Adolf - Die Kunst Der Nachblüte in Italien Und Spanien
735: Philippi, Adolph - Florenz. 4e Auflage Bearbeitet Von Walther Heil
048527: Philips, J. F. R., Et al. - Geschiedenis Van de Landbouw in Limburg 1750-1914
031137: Philips, Baxter - Cut the Unseen Cinema
051063: Philips, Gérard - Pour Un Christianisme Adulte
020610: Philips, C. H. - Politics and Society in India
046958: Bell, Dean Phillip and Stephen G. Burnett, Eds - Jews, Judaism, and the Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Germany
045098: Phillips, Kathryn - Tracking the Vanishing Frogs; an Ecological Mystery
044771: Phillips, Kevin - The Cousins' Wars; Religion, Politics, and the Triumph of Anglo-America
040666: Phillips, Catherine Coffin - Portsmouth Plaza, the Cradle of San Francisco
035982: Phillips, Roger - Mushrooms of North America
035533: Phillips, Tom - The Postcard Century; 2000 Cards and Their Messages
034500: Phillips, Margaret Mann - Erasmus and the Northern Renaissance
028028: Phillips, Kevin - Boiling Point; Republicans, Democrats, and the Decline of Middle-Class Prosperity
027671: Phillips, Lance - Yonder Comes the Train; the Story of the Iron Horse and Some of the Roads It Traveled
023801: Phillips, Kevin - The Politics of Rich and Poor; Wealth and the American Electorate in the Reagan Aftermath
019581: Phillips, Gene D. - Evelyn Waugh's Officers, Gentlemen and Rogues; the Fact Behind His Fiction
017542: Phillips, William R. - Night of the Silver Stars; the Battle of Lang Vei
016729: Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell - Life and Labor in the Old South
015180: Phillips, Marjorie - Duncan Phillips and His Collection
013102: Phillips, Mark - Francesco Guicciardini; the Historian's Craft
012838: Phillips, John - Agriculture and Ecology in Africa; a Study of Actual and Potential Development South of the Sahara
005041: Phillips, Herbert P. - Thai Peasant Personality; the Patterning of Interpersonal Behavior in the Village of Bang Chan
048749: Philo, of Alexandria - Philo in Ten Volumes (and Two Supplementary Volumes). Volume 1
052321: Philo, of Alexandria - Philonis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt
041448: Philo, of Alexandria - The Contemplative Life, the Giants, and Selections
042665: International Congress of Philosophy, 11th, 1953 - Proceedings of the Xith International Congress of Philosophy, Brussels, August 20-26, 1953. Vol. V: Logic, Philosophical Analysia, Philosophy of Mathematics
049971: Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter - Full Bloom; the Art and Life of Georgia O'Keeffe
037025: Philpot, Rosl - Viennese Cookery
002222: Moser-Philtsou, Maria - Lehbuch Der Neugriechischen Volkssprache
018142: Mose-Philtsou, Maria - Lehrbuch Der Neugriechischen Volkssprache
009730: Moser-Philtsou, Maria - Lehrbuch Der Neugriechischen Volksprache
042924: Phinney, Ed - The History of the American Classical League 1919-1994
045131: Constantopoulou, Photini and Thanos Veremis - Documents on the History of the Greek Jews; Records from the Historical Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
003024: Photinos, Spyros - Olympia; Complete Guide
022256: Photos, B. J. - The Greek Constitutional Revolution of 1843
037967: White, Phyllis and Lawrence White - Boucher; a Family Portrait
052021: Johnson, Phyllis and Brigitte Cazelles - Le Vain Siecle Guerpir; a Literary Approach to Sainthood Through Old French Hagiography of the Twelfth Century
042403: Physick, J. F. - The Engraved Work of Eric Gill
035346: Physick, John - Designs for English Sculpture, 1680-1860
053075: Piaf, Edith - The Wheel of Fortune; the Autobiography of Edith Piaf
1447: Piaget, Jean - The Grasp of Consciousness; Action and Concept in the Young Child
041845: Piattoni, Simona - IL Clientelismo; L'Italia in Prospettiva Comparata
012839: Piault, Colette - Contribution à L'étude de la Vie Quotidienne de la Femme Mauri
050870: Picano, Felice - Like People in History
053620: Picard, Jean-Charles - éVêques, Saints Et Cités En Italie Et En Gaule; études D'Archéologie Et D'Histoire
041399: Picard, Charles - Les Origines Du Polythéisme Hellénique; L'ère Homérique
023924: Picard, Gilbert - Das Wiederentdeckte Karthago
023923: Picard, Colette - Carthage
013690: Picasso, Pablo - Picasso: His Recent Drawings, 1966-1968
040206: Piccardi, Leopoldo, et al. - La Sinistra Davanti Alla Crisi Del Parlamento
053607: Picchi, Giovanni - Intavolatura Di Balli D'Arpicordo
028987: Picchio, Riccardo - Studi Sulla Questione Della Lingua Presso Gli Slavi
010893: Picchio, Riccardo - L'Europa Orientale Dal Rinascimento All'Età Illuministica
025437: Picenardi, Giorgio Sommi - Dizionario Biograficao Dei Musicisti E Fabbricatori Di Strumenti Musicali Cremonese
037144: Pichler, Pepo - Pepo Pichler: Paintings, Bilder 1976-196
026148: Le Pichon, Yann - The Real World of Th Eimpressionists; Paintings and Photographs, 1848-1918
023536: Le Pichon, Yann - The Real World of the Impressionists; Paintings and Photographs, 1848-1918
003838: Pichon, René - Histoire de la Littérature Latine
005399: Pick, Robert - The Last Days of Iimperial Vienna
035660: Picken, Laurence, Ed - Musica Asiatica I-III
051665: Picker, Martin - The Chanson Albums of Marguerite of Austria: Mss 228 and 11239 of the Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Brussels. A Critical Edition and Commentary
018935: Picker, Fred - Fred Picker
018934: Picker, Fred - The Fine Prints
052510: Pickering, Anna-Louise - The Eye of the Tiger; the Paintings of Pollyanna Pickering
029571: Pickering, F. P. - Literature & Art in the Middle Ages
049266: Pickering, F. P. - Literatur Und Darstellende Kunst IM Mittelalter
006727: Pickering, Ernest - The Homes of America As They Have Expressed the Lives of Our People for Three Centuries
031231: Pickett, Ernest - Proof Through the Night; a B-29 Pilot Captive in Japan. The Ernest Pickett Story
008511: Pickett, Calder M. - Ed Howe, Country Town Philosopher
036021: Pickover, Clifford A. - Computers and the Imagination; Visual Adventures Beyond the Edge
045503: Pickowicz, Paul G. - Marxist Literary Thought in China; the Influence of Ch'ü Ch'Iu-Pai
015181: Picon, Gaetan - Surrealists and Surrealism, 1919-1939
044534: Picone, Michelangelo, et al., Eds - La Nouvelle; Formation, Codification Et Rayonnement D'Un Genre Médiévale; Actes Du Colloque International de Montréal (Mcgill University, 14-16 Octobre 1982)
053031: Picone, Michelangelo, et al. - Formation, Codification Et Rayonnement D'Un Genre Médiéval: La Nouvelle
051925: Menendez Pidal, Ramon - La Chanson de Roland Et la Tradition épique Des Francs
050108: Piebenga, J. - Koarte Skiednis Fen de Fryske Skriftekennisse
022839: Piehler, G. Kurt - Remembering War the American Way
007495: Piekutowski, Lynna, Ed - Remembering the Boys; a Collection of Letters, a Gathering of Memories
022370: Piel, Gerard - Only One World; Our Own to Make and to Keep
016012: Pielalkiewicz, Janusz - Operation "Citadel"; Kursk and Orel, the Greatest Tank Battle of the Second Ward War
046506: Pieper, Josef - Wahrheit Der Dinge; Eine Untersuchung Zur Antrhopologie Des Hochmittelalters
050973: Pieper, Josef - Was Heisst Phiosophieren? Vier Vorlesungen
034519: Pieper, Josef - Josef Pieper; an Anthology
051317: Pieper, Josef - Glück Und Kontemplation
043141: Pierce, Frederick E. - Jordan Farms; an Epic in Homespun
027861: Pierce, Robert N. - Keeping the Flame; Media and Government in Latin America
027547: Pierce, Patricia - The Great Shakespeare Fraud; the Strange, True Story of William-Henry Ireland
041904: Corbetta Piergiorgio and Arturo M. L. Parisi - A Domanda Risponde; IL Cambiamento Del Voto Degli Italiani Nelle Elezioni Del 1994 E Del 1996
050751: Pierini, Marco - Art in Siena
006963: Portinaro, Pierluigi and Franco Knirsch - The Cartography of North America, 1500-1800
043912: Boitani, Piero and Jill Mann, Eds - The Cambridge Chaucer Companion
023667: Boitani, Piero and Jill Mann - The Cambridge Chaucer Companion
032830: Pierpont, Claudia Roth - Passionate Minds; Women Rewriting the World
053524: Pierrard, Pierre - Les Diocèses de Cambrai Et de Lille
047555: Sanchez, Pierre and Xavier Seydoux - Les Estampes Ee la Gazette Des Beaux-Arts (1859-1933)
045526: Poly, Jean-Pierre and Eric Bournazel - La Mutation Féodale Xe-Xiie Siècles
044258: Lavedan, Pierre and Jeanne Hugueney - L'Urbanisme Au Moyen Age
044007: Changeux, Jean-Pierre and Paul Ricoeur - What Makes Us Think? a Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue About Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain
027950: Claude-Pierre, Peggy - The Secret Language of Eating Disorders; the Revolutionary New Approach to Understanding and Curing Anorexia and Bulimia
025541: Bouffard, Pierre and René Creux - Fontaines; Miroirs de la Suisse
020255: Kempf, Jean-Pierre and Jacques Petit - L'Otage de Paul Claudel: Introduction, Variantes Et Notes
052620: Vernant, Jean-Pierre and Pierre Vidal-Naquet - Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece
053231: Lafitte, Marie-Pierre and Charlotte Denoël - Trésors Carolingiens; Livres Manuscrits de Charlemagne à Charles le Chauve
051440: Pierres, Johannes - Formula Sanci Johannis Damasceni; He (Tou Kyriou) Sarx Organon Tes Theotetos, E Sancto Maximo Confessore Enucteata Et Auctoritas Damasceni Circa Potentiam Animae Christi Pars Theologica. Sanctus Maximus Princeps Apolgatarum Synodi Lateranensis Anni 649
048517: Pierreville, Corinne - Gautier D'Arras; L'Autre Chrétien
033181: Pierssens, Michel - The Power of Babel; a Study of Logophilia
038070: Pieske, Christa - Schönes Spielzug Aus Alten Nürnberger Musterbüchern
021435: Belloni, Pietro and Hans Nilsson-Ehle - Voci Romanesche; Aggiunte E Commenti Al Vocabolario Romanesco Chiappini-Rolandi
034299: Pietrusza, David - 1960; Lbj Vs. Jfk Vs. Nixon. The Campaign That Forged Three Presidences
053089: Piganiol, André - L'Empire Chrétien (325-395)
046293: Piggott, Stuart - Ancient Britons and the Antiquarian Imagination; Ideas from the Renaissance to the Regency
031100: Piggott, Stuart - The Druids
023925: Piggott, Stuart - Ancient Europe from the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity
049517: Piggott, Stuart - The Earliest Wheeled Transport from the Atlantic Coast to the Caspian Sea
019771: Pignatti, Terisio - Giorgione
009765: Piirainen, Ilpo Tapani - Graphematische Untersuchungen Zum Frühneuhochdeutschen
023926: Pijoan, José - Summa Artis; Historia General Del Arte
051202: Pike, Benjamin Pike, Jr. - Pike's Illustrated Catalogue of Scientific Instruments
040833: Pike, E. Royston - Human Documents of the Lloyd George Era
024976: Pike, E. Royston - Encyclopaedia of Religion and Religions
049184: Pike, Kenneth - Tonal Languages; a Technique for Determining the Number and Type of Pitch Contrasts in a Language, with Studies in Tonomic Substitution and Fusion
016014: Pike, Douglas - Pavn; People's Army of Vietnam
012842: Pike, John G. - Malawi; a Political and Economic History
053016: Pike, Godfrey Holden - Ancient Meeting-Houses; or, Memorial Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London
005655: Pike, Ruth - Penal Servitude in Early Modern Spain
014446: Pilcher, Donald - The Regency Style, 1800 to 1830
040342: Pilkuhn, Hartmut - The Interactions of Hadrons
025399: Pillar, Paul R. - Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy
052318: Piller, Stanley - The New York Postmater's Provisional
051154: Pillsbury, Glenn T. - Damage Incorporated; Metallica and the Production of Musical Identity
010118: Pim, Alan - Colonial Agricultural Production; the Contribution Made by Native Peasants and by Foreign Enterprise
016016: Pimlott, John - Guerrilla Warfare
016015: Pimlott, John - British Military Operations, 1945-1984
016188: Sun Pin - Military Methods of the Art of War
009189: Pinchemel, Philippe, et al. - Visages de la Picardie
031226: Pincher, Chapman - Too Secret, Too Long
046295: Pinchon, Jean-François - L'Epargne, Les Vertus Et L'Art
018716: Pincus, Andrew L. - Tanglewood; the Clash between Tradition and Change
043734: Pindarus - Pindar
043422: Pindarus - Pindare
041840: Pindarus - Pindari Carmina
034452: Pindarus - Pindar's Victory Songs
009190: Pinder, Wilhelm - Die Deutsche Plastik Des Fuenfzehnten Jahrhunderts
738: Pinder, Wilhelm - Die Deutsche Plastik Vom Ausgehenden Mittelalter Bis Zum Ende Der Renaissance
005504: Pinder, John - Britain and the Common Market
032882: Pine, Fred - Developmental Theory and Clinical Process
011542: Pine, L. G. - The Story of the Peerage
036489: Pineda, Cecile - The Love Queen of the Amazon; a Novel
029962: Pinet, Hélène - Rodin; Les Mains Du Génie
048930: Pinget, Robert - Quelqu'Un; Roman
050507: Pinget, Robert - Graal Flibuste
046391: Pinget, Robert - Baga
050506: Pinget, Robert - Passacaille
044809: Pinget, Robert - L'Inquisitoire
039236: Pinheiro, Naciel - Linguajar Nordestino
026746: Pinion, F. B. - A Hardy Companion; a Guide to the Works of Thomas Hardy and Their Background
038356: Pinkcombe, Rik - Rik Pinkcombe: Perception and Deception
037798: Pinkham, Roger - Limoges Painted Enamels
029107: Pinkus, Allan - N-Widths in Approximation Theory
036838: Pinney, Thomas, Ed - Kipling in California
045873: Pintak, Lawrence - The New Arab Journalist; Mission and Identity in a Time of Turmoil
022268: Pinter, Harold - Mountain Language
053775: Piolanti, Antonio - Eucaristia; IL Mistero Dell'Altare Nel Pensiero E Nella Vita Della Chiesa
022058: Piotrovskii, Raimond Genrikhovich - Modelirovanie Fonologicheskikh Sistem I Methody Ikh Sravneniia
044805: Piper, Reinhard - Mein Leben Als Verlager; Vormittag, Nachmittag
039524: Piper, David - Artists' London
036756: Piper, John - British Romantic Artists
029578: Piper, Paul - Wolfram Von Eschenbach
029577: Piper, Paul - Nachträge Zur älteren Deutschen Litterature, Von Kürschners Deutscher National-Litteratur
029576: Piper, Paul - Höfische Epik
028387: Piper, David - The Illustrated Dictionary of Art & Artists
004660: Pippon, Toni - Japans Reichsentwicklung Von Jimmu Tenno Bis Zum Kamakura-Shogunat; Ein Beitrag Zur Reichsidee Und Zur Politischen Geschichte
005134: Pirages, Dennis Clark - Modernization and Political-Tension Management: A Socialist Society in Perspective. Case Study of Poland
049097: Pirandello, Luigi - Novelle
035944: Pirbright, Peter, Pseud - Off the Beeton Track
051979: Pirenne, Henri - Mohammed and Charlemagne
053753: Pirro, André - L'Esthétique de Jean-Sébastien Bach
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