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013006: Liew, K. S. - Struggle for Democracy; Sung Chiao-Jen and the 1911 Chinese Revolution
043776: Lifshits, Lev I. - Monumental'Naia Zhivopis' Novgoroda XIV-XV Vekov
010250: Lifton, Robert Jay, et al. - Six Lives, Six Deaths; Portraits from Modern Japan
040772: Ligacz, Ryszard - Fremde Einflüsse Auf Das Kunstdrama Der Schlesischen Tragiker IM 17. Jahrhundert
044893: Light, S. F. - Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast
008517: Light, S. F. - Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast
008091: Light, Paul C. - The Tides of Reform; Making Government Work, 1945-1995
049045: Lightfoot, David W. - Principles of Diachronic Syntax
042038: Ligne, Charles Joseph, Prince De - Coup D'Oeil at Beloeil and a Great Number of European Gardens
049144: Lihani, John, Ed - Poema de Fernán González
032916: Likhachev, D. S., Ed - Res Philologica; Filologicheskie Issledovaniia. Pamiati Akademika Georgiia Vladimirovicha Stepanova, 1919-1986
1313: Lilje, Hanns - Martin Luther; Eine Bildmonographie
008575: Lill, Georg - Deutsche Plastik
051190: Alain de Lille - Alain de Lille: Textes inédits
045544: Hellman, Lillian and Peter S. Feibleman - Eating Together; Recipes & Recollections
039491: Lillich, Meredith Parsons - Rainbow Like an Emerald; Stained Glass in Lorraine in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries
626: Lillich, Meredith Parsons - The Stained Glass of Saint-Père de Chartres
045086: Lillyman, William J. - Reality's Dark Dream; the Narrative Fiction of Ludwig Tieck
032989: Lim, Lucy - Stories from China's Past; Han Dynasty Pictorial Tomb Reliefs and Archaeological Objects from Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China
018417: Oliveira Lima, Manuel De - Formacion Historica de la Nacionalidad Brasileña
038918: Limber, T. Peter - Hellenika; Heritage and History
033706: Limion, Jerzy - Gentlemen of a Company; English Players in Central and Eastern Europe, 1590-1660
046940: Lin, Shuen-fu - The Transformation of the Chinese Lyrical Tradition; Chiang K'Uei and Southern Sung Tz'u Poetry
019991: Rico Linage, Raquel - Las Reales Compañias de Comercio Con America; Los Organos de Gobierno
031249: Lincoln, Abraham - The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln
031171: Lincoln, Henry - The Holy Place; Discovering the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World
029982: Lincoln, Abraham - Speeches and Writings 1832-1858: Speeches, Letters, and Miscellaneous Writings; the Lincoln-Douglas Debates
027578: Lincoln, C. Eric - Race, Religion, and the Continuing American Dilemma
015813: Lincoln, W. Bruce - In War's Dark Shadow; the Russians Before the Great War
003599: Lincoln, E. F. - The Medieval Legacy
041041: Lind, Jakov - Landschaft in Beton; Roman
010780: Lind, Andrew W. - Hawaii's Japanese; an Experiement in Democray
009636: Lind, Ivan - De Portugal Ao Brasil; Um Pequeno Estudo de Toponimia Brasileira
051288: Lind, Jakov - Eine Seele Aus Holz; Erzählungen
039848: Schele, Linda and Mary Ellen Miller - The Blood of Kings; Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art
035796: Donigan, Linda and Michael Horwitz - Alligators Always Dress for Dinner; an Alphabet Book of Vintage Photographs
030947: Griffith, LInda and Fred Griffith - Cooking Under Cover; One-Pot Wonders--a Treasury of Soups, Stews, Braises and Casseroles
048450: Lindahl, Carl, et al., Eds - Medieval Folklore; a Guide to Myths, Legends, Tales, Beliefs, and Customs
025268: Lindbergh, Charles A. - Autobiography of Values
007614: Lindbergh, Anne Morrow - Locked Rooms and Open Doors; Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1933-1935
045024: Lindblad, J. Th - Dutch Entries in the Pound-Toll Registers of Elbing 1585-1700
010469: Lindblom, Gerhard - Jakt- Och Fångstmetoder Bland Afrikanska Folk (with a Retrospect in English)
039449: Linde, Staffan Burenstam - The Harried Leisure Class
014878: Linde, Richard - Die Niederelbe
040143: Lindemann, Albert S. - Esau's Tears; Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews
014991: Lindemann, Mary - Patriots and Paupers: Hamburg, 1712-1830
005933: Linden, Glenn M. - Politics or Principle; Congressional Voting on the CIVIL War Amendments and Pro-Negro Measures, 1838-69
006380: Lindenfeld, David F. - The Transformation of Positivism; Alexius Meinong and European Thought, 1880-1920
015814: Linderman, Gerald F. - Embattled Courage; the Experience of Combat in the American CIVIL War
032346: Lindgren, Bernard W. - Statistical Theory
052575: Lindgren, Lauri - Les Miracles de Notre Dame de Soissons Versifiés Par Gautier de Coinci
052242: Lindholm, Gudrun - Studien Zum Mittellateinischen Prosarhythmus; Seine Entwicklung Und Sein Abklingen in Der Briefliteratur Italiens
046988: Lindmark, Sture - Swedish America, 1914-1932; Studies in Ethnicity with Emphasis on Illinois and Minnesota
001867: Schmidt-Lindner, August - Ausgewählte Schriften
026515: Lindner, Friedrich Ludwig - Skythien Und Die Skythen Des Herodot Und Seine Ausleger, Nebst Beschreibung Des Heutigen Zustandes Jener Länder
026508: Lindorm, Per-Erik - Svensk Humor Under 100 år En Kavalkad I Ord Och Bild
019312: Lindquists, Ivar - A Propos D'Une Inscription de la Fin de la Période Mycénienne
041606: Lindsay, A. D. - The Essentials of Democracy
040058: Lindsay, Marshall - Le Temps Jaune; Essais Sur Corbière
036693: Lindsay, T. M. - Letters of Principal T.M. Lindsay to Janet Ross
026245: Lindsay, J. Seymour - Iron and Brass Implements of the English and American House
019784: Lindsay, Philip - For King of Parliament
019094: Lindsay, J. M. - Gottfried Keller; Life and Works
018368: Lindsay, Robert, Ed - Early Concepts of Energy in Atomic Physics
014739: Lindsay, J. M. - Gotfried Keller; Life and Works
012409: Lindsay, Merrill - One Hundred Great Guns; an Illustrated History of Firearms
044730: Lindsey, Alton A. - The Bicentennial of John James Audubon
010024: Lindsey, David - Sunset" Cox, Irrepressible Democrat
015223: Line, Maurice B., Et al. - Bibliography of Russian Literature in English Translation to 1945
032837: Linebaugh, Peter - The London Hanged; Crime and CIVIL Society in the Eighteenth Century
038777: Linenger, Jerry M. - Off the Planet; Surviving Five Perilous Months Aboard the Space Station Mir
037203: Lines, Kathleen - Dick Whittington
002084: Congrès International des Linguistes, 10th - Actes Du Xe Congrès International Des Linguistes, Bucarest, 28 Aout-2 Septembre 1967
012394: International Conference of Linguists, 5th - Acta Conventus Romani, Romae MCMLIX; Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Linguists Sponsored by the Nature Method Institutes
051410: Linhardt, Robert - Die Mystik Des Hl. Bernhard Von Clairvaux
009539: International Conference on Historical Liniguistics, 3d - Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics
014362: Link, Howard A. - The Theatrical Prints of the Torii Masters; a Selection of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Ukiyo-E
050537: Link, Howard A. - Primitive Ukiyo-E from the James A. Michener Collection in the Honolulu Academy of Arts
010636: Müller-Link, Horst - Industrialisierung Und AußEnpolitik; PreußEn-Deutschland Und Das Zarenreich Von 1860 Bis 1890
036361: Linn, John Gaywood - The Theater in the Fiction of Marcel Proust
041596: Linsky, Leonard - Names and Desciptions
038624: Linsky, Leonard - Referring
027929: Linsley, Leslie - Nantucket; Island Living
020925: Linson, Corwin K. - My Stephen Crane
003166: Linsre, Hans - Das Problem Des Todes
050443: Lionarons, Joyce Tally - The Homiletic Writings of Archbishop Wulfstan; a Crritcal Study
036831: Venturi, Lionello and Rosabianca Skira-Venturi - Italian Painting; the Creators of the Renaissance
035914: Lionni, Leo - Leo Lionni Favorites; Six Classic Stories
046922: Lip, Evelyn - Chinese Numbers; Significance, Symbolism and Traditions
045637: Lipinski, E. - Le Poème Royal Du Psaume LXXXIX, 1-5. 20-38
042504: Lipinski, E. - Essais Sur la RéVélation Et la Bible
043681: Lipman, Jean, et al. - Young America; a Folk-Art History
038330: Lipmann, Anthony - Divinely Elegant; the World of Ernst Dryden
038729: Lippe, Aschwin - The Freer Indian Sculptures
026053: Lippman, Friedrich - Der Kupferstich
047285: Lipschutz, Ilse Hempel - Spanish Painting and the French Romantics
037211: Lipset, Seymour Martin - Continental Divide; the Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada
006852: Lipset, Seymour Martin - The Third Century; America As a Post-Industrial Society
033678: Lipsey, Roger - An Art of Our Own; the Spiritual in Twentieth-Century Art
002386: Lipsitz, George - A Life in the Struggle; Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition
024316: Lipsius, Riahcrd Adelbert - Die Pilatus-Acten Kritisch Untersucht
006382: Lipsius, Richard Adelbert - Lehrbuch Der Evangelisch-Protestantischen Dogmatik
050587: Lipski, John M. - El Español de Malabo; Procesos Foneticos/Fonologicos E Implicationes Dialectologicas
049727: Lipski, John - Afro-Bolivian Spanish
023007: Lipsky, Louis - Memoirs in Profile
007156: Lipson, Dorothy Ann - Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut
023407: Lisca, Peter - The Wide World of John Steinbeck
004788: Lisio, Donald J. - The President and Protest; Hoover, Conspiracy, and the Bonus Riot
034280: Lisse, Pierre - La Ceramica de Pucara, Peru
042586: Davalos y Lisson, Pedro - Leguía (1875-1899); Contribucion Al Estudio de la Historia Contemporanea de la America Latina
044862: Lister, Raymond - The British Miniature
009010: Liston, Maureen R. - Gertrude Stein; an Annotated Critical Bibliography
017611: Litchfield, P. W. - The Industrial Republic; Reflections of an Industrial Lieutenant
024469: Littell, Franklin Hamlin, Ed - Reformation Studies; Essays in Honor of Roland H. Bainton
047256: Little, Roger - Saint-John Perse
047255: Little, Roger - Guillaume Apollinaire
034342: Little, Charles E. - The Dying of the Trees; the Pandemic in America's Forests
002999: Little, Alan M. G. - Myth and Society in Attic Drama
021898: Littlefield, Mark G. - A Bibliographic Index to Romance Philology, Volumes I-XXV
032289: Littlejohn, David - Architect: The Life and Work of Charles W. Moore
030828: Littlejohn, David - The Ultimate Art; Essays Around and About Opera
049957: Littré, Emile - Dictionnaire de la Langue Française
003167: Litvinoff, Barnet - Weizmann, Last of the Patriarchs
020382: Litvinov, Pavel - The Demonstration in Pushkin Square; the Trial Records with Commentary and an Open Letter
053107: Liu, William Guanglin - The Chinese Market Economy 1000-1500
044036: Liu, James T. C. - Ou-Yang Hsiu, an Eleventh-Century Neo-Confucianist
025926: Liu, James J. Y. - The Interlingual Critic; Interpreting Chinese Poetry
052308: Liu, James J. Y. - The Art of Chinese Poetry
021261: Liu, Gretchen - Pastel Portraits; Singapore's Architectural Heritage
015818: Liu, F. F. - A Military History of Modern China: 1924-1949
013007: Liu, Kwang-ching - American and Chinese; a Hhistorical Essay and a Bibliography
005024: Liu, Kwang-Ching - Americans and Chinese; a Historical Essay and a Bibliography
047358: Liuzza, R. M., Ed - Old English Literature; Critical Essays
002581: Liversidge, Joan - Britain in the Roman Empire
015820: Livesey, Anthony - Great Commanders and Their Battles
049682: Livesey, Margot - Criminals; a Novel
037503: Livingston, Jane - Lee Miller Photographer
004193: Livingstone, David N. - Nathaniel Southgate Shaler and the Culture of American Technology
046945: Livius, Titus - Ab Urbe Condita. Tomus I: Libri I-V
036052: McQuiston, Liz and Barry Kitts - Graphic Design Source Book
052452: Lizerand, Georges, Ed - Le Dossier de L'Affaire Des Templiers
002197: Ljungerud, Ivan - Zur Nominalflexion in Der Deutschen Literatursprache Nach 1900
260: Be ll, Clair Hayden - Peasant Life in Old German Epics: Meier Helmbrecht and Der Arme Heinrich. T Ranslated from the Middle High German of the Thirteenth Century
032206: Lladró - Lladró; the Will to Create
030325: Lladró - Lladró. Edición 1998-99
048499: Llewellyn, Peter - Rome in the Dark Ages
052388: Alarcos Llorach, E. - Investigaciones Sobre El Libro de Alexandre
002047: Alarcos-Llorach, Emilio - Fonologia Española
045564: Vargas Llosa, Mario - La Utopía Arcaica; José María Arguedas Y Las Ficciones Del Indigenismo
047948: Lloyd, Peter B. - Paranormal Phenomena and Berkeley's Metaphysics
047094: Lloyd, G. E. R. - Greek Science After Aristotle
044848: Laing, Lloyd and Jenny Laing - The Picts and the Scots
044206: Laing, Lloyd and Jennifer Laing - Celtic Britain and Ireland; Art and Society
028308: Lloyd, Linda, et al. - The Ma Cuisine Cooking School Cookbook
012476: Lloyd, Christopher - The Well-Chosen Gargen
012475: Lloyd, Christopher - The Year at Great Dixter
596: Laing, Lloyd and Jennifer Laing - Celtic Britain and Ireland, Ad 200-800; the Myth of the Dark Ages
010761: Lloyd, Henry Demarest - Newest England; Notes of a Democratic Traveller in New Zealand, with Some Australian Comparisons
049577: Lloyd, Seton - The Archaeology of Mesopotamia from the Old Stone Age to the Persian Conquest
017316: Llyngby, K. J. - Om Nordfrisik I Bøkking Og Hvidding Herreder (NibøL Og KlangsbøL Sogne)
016838: Lo, Kenneth - The Encyclopedia of Chinese Cooking
038090: Lobdell, Frank - Drawings 1964-1974: Frank Lobdell
048557: Lobeck, Konrad - Die Französisch-Frankoprovenzalische Dialektgrenze Zwischen Jura Und Saône
015425: Lobet, Marcel - Paolo Bortoluzzi
045042: Lobo, Jerónimo - The Itinerário of Jerónino Lobo
016944: Lochner, Louis P. - Tycoons and Tyrant; German Industry Forom Hitler to Adenauer
001762: Locke, Robert R. - French Legitimists and the Politics of Moral Order in the Early Third Republic
029511: Locke, Frederick W. - The Quest for the Holy Grail; a Literary Study of a Thirteenth-Century French Romance
1316: Locke, Don - Myself and Others; a Study in Our Knowledge of Minds. Reprinted... From the Corrected Sheets of the First Edition
005500: Lockey, Joseph Byrne - Essays in Pan-Americanism
032080: Lockhart, Robert Bruce - Scotch; the Whisky of Scotland in Fact and Story
026307: Lockhart, L. - Persia
020108: Lockhart, J. G. - Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. , Bart
011385: Lockhart, R. H. Bruce - Retreat from Glory
011384: Lockhart, R. H. Bruce - British Agent
036470: Lockley, R. M. - Inland Farm
034230: Lockley, Martin - The Eternal Trail; a Tracker Looks at Evolution
043079: Lockwood, Dean Putnam - Ugo Benzi, Medieval Philosopher and Physician 1876-1439
033237: Lockwood, D. P. - A Survey of Classical Roman Literature
051170: Lockwood, Lewis - Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505; the Creation of a Musical Center in the Fifteenth Century
051024: Lockwood, W. B. - A Panorama of Indo-European Languages
049963: Lodewycksz, Willem - Om de Zuid; de Eerste Schipvaart Naar Oost-Indie Onder Cornelis de Houtman, 1595-1597, Opgetekend Door Willem Lodewycksz
017604: Lodge, O. R. - The Recapture of Guam
006106: Lodge, Richard - Studies in Eighteenth-Century Diplomacy, 1740-1748
031826: Lods, Adolphe - Israel Des Origines Au Milieu Du Viiie Siècle
1318: Lods, Adolphe - Israel from Its Beginnings to the Middle of the Eighth Century. Translated by S.H. Hooke
018012: Loeb, Edwin M. - In Feudal Africa
009950: Loeb, Jacques - The Mechanistic Conception of Life
003995: Loebner, Egon - The Selected Papers of Egon Loebner
040746: Loeffler, Jack - Adventures with Ed; a Portrait of Abbey
629: Loehr, August - ôsterreichische Geldgeschichte
025212: Loemker, Leroy E. - Struggle for Synthesis; the Seventeenth Century Background of Leibniz's Synthesis of Order and Freedom
045994: Loetz, Francisca - A New Approach to the History of Violence; "Sexual Assault" and "Sexual Abuse" in Europe, 1500-1850
048029: Loewe, Michael - Imperial China; the Historical Background to the Modern Age
032840: Loewe, Michael - Everyday Life in Early Imperial China During the Han Period 202 Bc-Ad 220
041800: Loewenberg, J. - Dialogues from Delphi
007328: Loewenberg, Robert J. - Equality on the Oregon Frontier; Jason Lee and the Methodist Mission, 1834-43
021144: Loewenstein, Rudolph M., Et al., Eds - Psychoanalysis--a General Psychology; Essays in Honor of Heinz Hartmann
048153: Löffler, Marianne - Beiträge Zur Volkskunde Und Mundart Von Ustou (Ariège)
036093: Löffler, Fritz - Otto Dix; Life and Work
021899: Löffler, Heinrich - Probleme Der Dialektologie; Eine Einführung
020509: Lofredo, Gino - Obediencia Debida; Fuegos
052791: Löfstedt, Einar - Coniectanea; Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Antiken Und Mittelalterlichen Latinität
015028: Loft, Abram - Ensemble! a Rehearsal Guide to Thirty Great Works of Chamber Music
005618: Loftis, John - The Politics of Drama in Augustan England
005580: Loftis, John - Comedy and Society from Congreve to Fielding
010130: Loga, Valerian Von - Francisco de Goya
046528: Logan, William Bryant - Smtih & Hawken the Tool Book
043430: Logan, Harlan, Ed - How Much Do You Know About Glass
038726: Logan, Pamela - Among Warriors; a Martial Artist in Tibet
032855: Logan, Frank A. - Incentive; How the Conditions of Reinforcement Affect the Performance of Rats
010438: Logan, Harold A. - The History of Trade-Union Organization in Canada
003900: Logan, John A., Jr. - No Transfer; an American Security Principle
029791: Loggins, Vernon - André Chénier; His Life, Death, and Glory
051618: Logié, Philippe - L'énéas, Une Traduction Au Risque de L'Invention
035423: Logu, Giuseppe De - Natura Morta Italiana
015822: Logue, Larry M. - To Appomattox and Beyond; the CIVIL War Soldier in War and Peace
043062: Lohrmann, Klaus Ed - 1000 Jahre österreichisches Judentum; Ausstellungskatalog
002199: Loi, Lucia Serena - IL Tesoro Nascosto Degli Afghani
052926: Lembo, Lois and Leon Reed - A Combat Engineer with Patton's Army; the Fight Across Europe with the 80th "Blue Ridge" Division in World War II
038294: Loiselle, Paul V. - African Cichlids; a Splendid Introduction to This Diverse and Attractive Group of Tropical Freshwater Fishes
026518: Loisy, Alfred - The Origins of the New Testament (Les Origines Du Nouveau Testament)
038829: Lomas, Peter - The Limits of Interpretation
015823: Lomask, Milton - Aaron Burr; the Conspiracy and Years of Exile, 1805-1836
007766: Lomask, Milton - Aaron Burr; the Years from Princeton to Vice President, 1756-1805
594: Kunstschätze der Lombardei; 500 vor Christus/1800 nach Christus - Kunsthaus Zürich, November 1948/März 1949
027474: Lombardi, John V. - Venezuela; the Seaerch for Order, the Dream of Progress
041912: Lombardo, Antonio - Le Trasformazioni Del Comunismo Italiano
028914: Lombardo, Rocco - La Chiesa E IL Monastero Di San Marco le Vergini Di Enna Tra Storia, Arte, Devozione
028246: Lombardo, Rocco - La Chiesa E IL Monastero Di San Marco le Vergini Di Enna Tra Storia, Arte, Devozione
039787: Lomborg, Bjørn - The Skeptical Environmentalist; Measuring the Real State of the World
032105: Lomborg, Bjørn, Ed - Global Crises, Global Solutions
003765: Lomholt, Svend - Niels R. Finsen
042226: Lommatzsch, Erhard - Ein Italienisches Novellenbuch Des Quattrocento; Giovanni Sabadino Degli Arientis "Porrettane
026090: Lommel, Andreas - Vorgeschichte Und Naturvölker; Höhlenmalereien, Totems, Schmuck, Masken, Keramik, Waffen
051572: Lommel, Andreas, Ed - Kunst Des Ostens: Sammlung Preetorius
040137: Lomont, J. S. - Application of Finite Groups
037934: London, Sara - Firehorse Max
020964: London, Jack - Farther North
041294: Lonergan, Bernard J. F. - Method in Theology
006386: Lonergan, Bernard - Collection; Papers by Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
047253: Long, J. H. - Slips of Tongue and Pen
044595: Long, Pamela O., Ed - Science and Technology in Medieval Society
036460: Long, Walter S. - Brushwork Diary; Watercolors of Early Nevada
029882: Long, Robert Emmet - The Films of Merchant Ivory
024782: Long, Eugene Thomas, Ed - God, Secularization, and History; Essays in Memory of Ronald Gregor Smith
022929: Long, David E. - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
015824: Long, David F. - Sailor-Diplomat; a Biography of Commodore James Biddle, 1783-1848
015362: Long, David F. - Gold Braid and Foreign Relations; Diplomatic Activities of U.S. Naval Officers, 1798-1883
001961: Longacre, Robert E. - Grammar Discovery Procedures; a Field Manual
032667: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Leap of Roushan Beg
037745: Longford, Elizabeth - Eminent Victorian Women
027994: Longford, Elizabeth - Wellington, the Years of the Sword
011403: Longford, Frank Pakenham, Earl of - A History of the House of Lords
011400: Longford, Elizabeth - Queen Victoria; Born to Succeed
011402: Longford, Elizabeth - Wellington; Pillar of State
011399: Longford, Elizabeth - The Royal House of Windsor
022567: Longman, Jere - Among the Heroes; United Flight 93 and the Passengers and Crew Who Fought Back
041832: Longnon, Auguste - Pouillés de la Province de Rouen
041831: Longnon, Auguste - Pouillés de la Province de Lyon
050757: Longridge, C. Nepean - The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships
031213: Longstreet, Stephen - We All Went to Paris; Americans in the City of Light: 1776-1971
020326: Longsworth, Robert - The Cornish Ordinalia; Religion and Dramaturgy
046793: Longus - Pastorales (Daphnis Et Clhoe)
052367: Longus - Daphnis Et Chloe
032025: Longworth, T. Clifton - The Gods of Love; the Creative Process in Early Religion
030829: Longyear, Rey M. - Nineteenth-Century Romanticism in Music
026913: Lonsdale, Roger, Ed - Eighteenth-Century Women Poets; an Oxford Anthology
035121: Looff, Hans - Der Symbolbegriff in Der Neueren Religionsphilosophie Und Theologie
022081: Loomie, Albert J. - The Spanish Elizabethans; the English Exiles at the Court of Philip II
018364: Loomis, Noel M. - Wells Fargo
010127: Loomis, C. Grant - The German Theater in San Francisco, 1861-1864
049515: Loomis, Roger Sherman, Ed - Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages; a Collaborative History
027292: Looney, Dennis - Compromising the Classics; Romance Epic Narrative in the Italian Renaissance
026721: Loopmans, Tjalling C., Ed - Statistical Inference in Dynamic Economic Moders
044269: Loos, Erich - Der Logische Aufbau Der "Commedia" Und Die Ordo-Vorstellung Dantes
044268: Loos, Erich - Die Bedeutung Der Musik IM Werk Dantes
043444: Loos, Erich - Selbstanalyse Und Selbsteinsicht Bei Petrarca Und Montaigne
008140: Loos, Anita - San Francisco; a Screenplay
019759: Lopes, Sal - The Wall; Images and Offerings from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
045260: Lopez, Barry, Ed - Home Ground; Language for an American Landscape
038397: Lopez, Martina - Martina Lopez. Digital Allegory
019566: Lopez, Enrique Hank - Conversations with Katherine Anne Porter, Refugee from Indian Creek
013057: Lopez, Robert S. - The Three Ages of the Italian Renaissance
634: Lopez, Robert S. - The Birth of Europe
051994: Lopez, Estrada, Francisco - Panorama Critico Sobre El Poema Del Cid
005815: Loram, Ian C. - Goethe and His Publishers
017079: Loran, Erle, et al. - Africa and Ancient Mexican Art; the Loran Collection
042484: Garcia Lorca, Federico - Retablillo de Don Crisitóbal Y Doña Rosita
042073: Garcia Lorca, Federico - Libro de Poemas; Primeras Canciones. Canciones; Seis Poemas Galegos
023008: Lorch, Netanel - One Long Year; Arab Versus Jew Since 1920
046009: Lorcin, Marie-Thérèse - Façons de Sentir Et de Penser: Les Fabiaux Français
046452: Lord, M. G. - Astro Turf; the Private Life of Rocket Science
034775: Lord, Louis E. - Aristophanes, His Plays and His Influence
032013: Britton, Nathaniel Lord and Addison Brown - An Illustrated Flora of the United States and Canada; from Newfoundland to the Parallel of the Southern Boundary of the Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean Westwards to the 102d Meridian
031829: Lord, George deF - Homeric Renaissance; the Odyssey of George Chapman
031828: Lord, Albert Bates - Epic Singers and Oral Tradition
007617: Lord, Clifford L., Ed - Keepers of the Past
037620: Lorenz, Konrad - Behind the Mirror; a Search for a Natural History of Human Knowledge
035639: Lorenz, Konrad - So Kam Der Mensch Auf Den Hund
032233: Lorenz, Konrad - The Year of the Greylag Goose
027209: Lorenz, Erika - Der Metaphorische Kosmos Der Modernen Spanischen Lyrik (1936-1956)
012499: Lorenz, Konrad - Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour
002819: Lorenz, Hilmar - Pflicht Und Neigung in Kants Kritischer Philosophie; Studie über Den Zusammenhang Zwischen Theoretischer Und Praktischer Philosophie in Kants Kritischen Schriften Bis Zur "Grundlegung Zur Metaphysik Der Sitten.
050918: Lorenzen, Jens - Halligfriesisches Lesebuch, Friesisch-Deutsch. Halifreesk Leeseböök, Freesk-Tutsk
037782: Katz, Lori and Barb Meyer - 101 Super Uses for Tampon Applicators; a Helpful Guide for the Environmentally Conscious Consumer of Feminine Hygiene Products
009644: Lorian, Alexandre - L'Expression de L'Hypothèse En Français Moderne; Antéposition Et Postposition
026584: Loriggio, Francesco, Ed - The Last Effort of Dreams; Essays on the Poetry of Pier Giorgio Di Cicco
036013: Loring, Rosamond B. - Decorated Book Papers Being an Account of Their Designs and Fashions
015656: Lorwin, Val R. - The French Labor Movement
045124: Losano, Mario G. - I Carteggi Di Pietro Luigi Albini Con Federico Schlopis E Karl Mittermaier (1839-1857); Alle Origini Della Filosofia Del Diritto a Torino
041746: Furbee-Losee, Louanna, Ed - Mayan Texts I.
015829: Lossing, Benson J. - Mathew Brady's Illustrated History of the CIVIL War, 1861-65 and the Causes That Led Up to the Great Conflict
050998: Lot, Ferdinand - La Fin Du Monde Antique Et le Début Du Moyen Age
024319: Lotar, PEter - Vom Sinn Des Lebens; Ein Gespräch Zu Fünft, Aus Werk Und Leben Albert Schweitzers
005163: Loth, David - Lafayette
025378: Philipps, Lothar and Roland Wittmann, Eds - Techtsentstehung Und Rechtskultur, Heinrich Scholler Zum 60. Geburtstag
009291: Boschen, Lothar and Jürgen Barth - The Porsche Book; a Definitive Illustrated History
033152: Lothian, John M. - Shakespeare's Charactery; a Book of "Characters" from Shakespeare
036135: Loti, Pierre - One Upon a Time; Vision of Old Japan. Photgraphs by Felice Beato and Baron Raimund Von Stillfried
025499: Lotter, Jane Baker - To Africa with Spatula; a Peace Corps Mom in Malawi 1965-1967
049554: Lottin, A., Et al. - études Sur Les Villes En Europe Occidentale, Milieu Du Xviie Siècle à la Veille de la Révolution Française: Angleterre, Pays-Bas Et Provinces Unies, Allemagne Rhénane
034370: Lottman, Herbert R. - The Left Bank; Writers, Artists, and Politics from the Popular Front to the Cold War
008273: Loubère, J. A. E. - The Novels of Claude Simon
043684: Loubier, Hans - Der Bucheinband Von Seinen Anfängen Bis Zum Ende Des 18. Jahrhunderts
035524: Loudon, J. C. - An Encyclopaedia of Agriculture: Comprising the Theory and Practice of the Valuation, Translfer, Laying out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property, and of the Cultivation and Economy of the Animal and Vegetable Productions of Agriculture
035383: Loughery, John - John Sloan, Painter and Rebel
032222: Loughery, John - Alias S.S. Van Dine
050848: Loughery, John - The Other Side of Silence. Men's Lives and Gay Identities: A Twentieth-Century History
032507: O'Louglin, Michael - The Garlands of Repose; the Literary Celebration of CIVIC and Retired Leisure; the Traditions of Homer and Vergil, Horace and Montaigne
049225: Louie, Kam - Critiques of Confucius in Contemporary China
052804: Louis, Conrad - The Theology of Psalm VIII; a Study of the Traditions of the Text and the Theological Import
051249: Gardet, Louis and M.-M. Anawati - Introduction à la Théologie Musulmane; Essai de Théologie Comparée
032016: Louis, Lisa - Butterflies of the Night; Mama-San, Geisha, Strippers, and the Japanese Men They Serve
029552: City Art Museum of St. Louis - The Morton D May Collection of 20th Century German Master, July-August 1970, City Art Museum of St. Louis in Honor of Morton D May
015214: Aragon, Louis and Jean Cocteau - Entretiens Sur le Musée de Dresde
014990: Martin, Michel Louis and Ellen Stern McCrate, Eds - The Military, Militarism and the Polity; Essays in Honor of Morris Janowitz
005154: Gottschalk, LOuis and Margaret Maddox - Lafayette in the French Revolution Through the October Days
039112: Howard, Louise and Beryl Hearnden, Eds - What Country Women Use
031174: Lourie, Peter - Sweat of the Sun, Tears of the Moon; a Chronicle of an Incan Treasure
043617: Musée National du Louvre - Catalogue Des Dessins de Léonard de Vinci (1452-1519). Exposition de Mai à Novembre 1922
040733: Musée du Louvre - Centenaire D'Eugène Delacroix 1798-1863
020350: Louw, Gilbert van De - Baculard D'Arnaud Romancier Ou Vulgarisateur; Essai de Sociologie Littéraire
042295: Lovallo, Lee T. - Anton Bruckner; a Discography
044720: Love, Richard H. - Carl W. Peters; American Scene Painter from Rochester to Rockport
015831: Love, Kennett - Suez, the Twice-Fought War; a History
012542: Loveland, Anne C. - Emblem of Liberty; the Image of Lafayette in the American Mind
007051: Lovell, Margaretta M. - Venice: The American View, 1860-1920. Exhibition Catalogue
028966: Lovette, Leland P. - Naval Customs, Traditions and Usage
007283: Low, Ann Marie - Dust Bowl Diary
023996: Lowe, Jacques - Remembering Jack; Intimate and Unseen Photographs of the Kennedys
004976: Lowe, Donald M. - The Function of "China" in Marx, Lenin, and Mao
040898: Lowell, Francis C. - Joan of Arc
036432: Lowell, A. Lawrence - Greater European Governments
027958: Lowell, Jax Peters - Against the Grain; the Slightly Eccentric Guide to Living Well without Gluten or Wheat
051863: Löwenfeld, Viktor - The Nature of Creative Activity
038998: Lowenstein, Steven - The Jews of Oregon 1850-1950
008498: Lowenstein, Tom - Ancient Land, Sacred Whale; the Inuit Hunt and Its Ritual
027083: Lowenthal, Abraham F., Ed - Armies and Politics in Latin America
027026: Lowenthal, Abraham F., Ed - The Peruvian Experiment; Continuity and Change Under Military Rule
023049: Lowenthal, Abraham F. - The Dominican Intervention
003901: Lower, Arthur R. M. - Colonyh to Nation; a History of Canada
009991: Lowie, Robert H. - The History of Ethnological Theory
018655: Lowinsky, Edward E. - Cipriano de Rore's Venus Motet; Its Poetic and Pictorial Sources
044106: Lowitt, Richard - A Merchant Prince of the Nineteenth Century: William E. Didge
023466: Lowrance, William W. - Of Acceptable Risk; Science and the Determination of Safety
046957: Lowry, John S. - Big Swords, Jesuits, and Bondelswarts; Wilhelmine Imperialism, Overseas Resistance, and German Political Catholicism, 1897-1906
042933: Lowry, James M. P. - The Logical Principles of Proclus' Stoicheiosis Theologike As Systematic Ground of the Cosmos
037937: Lowry, Glenn D. - A Jeweler's Eye; Islamic Arts of the Book from the Vever Collection
036157: Lowry, Bates - Building a National Image; Architectural Drawings for the American Democracy, 1789-1912
026715: Lowry, Bates - The Visual Experience; an Introduction to Art
015839: Lowry, Timothy S. - And Brave Men, Too
003397: Löwy, Emanuel - Die Griechische Plastik
013331: Loxton, Howard - Railways
1366: (Loyola, Ignatius). Meissner, W. W. - The Psychology of a Saint; Ignatius of Loyola
010622: Lozek, Gerhard, et al. - Unbewältigte Vergangenheit; Kritik Der Bürgerlichen Geschichtsschreibung in Der Brd
046047: Lu, Tonglin, Ed - Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Society
046046: Lu, Tonglin - Rose and Lotus; Narrative of Desire in France and China
046045: Lu, Tonglin - Confronting Modernity in the Cinemas of Taiwan and Mainland China
052312: Lübben, August - Mittelniederdeutsches Handwürterbuch
007232: Lubin, Albert J. - Stranger on the Earth; a Psychological Biography of Vincent Van Gogh
041071: Meyer-Lübke, W. - Historische Grammatik Der Französischen Sprache. Bd. 1: Laut- Und Flexionslehre
030974: Lübke, Anton - The World of Caves
002095: Dolezel, Lubomir and Richard W. Bailey - Statistics and Style
045684: Hajek, Lubor and Werner Forman - Japanese Woodcuts; Early Periods
034616: Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus - M. Annaei Lucani de Bello CIVILI Liber I.
036560: Lucas, Dione - The Cordon Bleu Cook Book
034769: Lucas, F. L. - Tragedy; Serious Drama in Relation to Aristotle's Poetics
034762: Lucas, F. L. - Euripides and His Influence
030830: Lucas, John - Reggie; the Life of Reginald Goodall
030603: Lucas, Charlie - Charlie Lucas: Tinman
050216: Lucas, E. V. - A Wanderer in Florence
015840: Lucas, James - Command; a Historical Dictionary of Military Leaders
048521: Lucassen, Jan - Naar de Kusten Van de Noordzee; Trekarbeid in Europees Perspektief, 1600-1900
007624: Luce, Phillip Abbott - The New Left Today; America's Trojan Horse
041882: Lucena, Manuel De - Revolucção E Instituiçães; a Extinção Dos Grémios Da Lavoura Alentejanos
017450: Lucey, Charles - Ireland and the Irish; Cathleen Ni Houlihan Is Alive and Well
036841: Luchetti, Cathy - Women of the West
032161: Luchetti, Emily - Stars Desserts
011818: Lucia, Ellis - Head Rig; Story of the West Coast Lumber Industry
041944: Luciani, Giacomo - IL Pci E IL Capitalismo Occidentale
051643: Cerfaux, Lucien and J. Tondriau - Un Concurrent Du Christianisme; le Culte Des Souverains Dans la Civilisation Gréco-Romaine
032477: Febvre, Lucien and Henri-Jean Martin - The Coming of the Book; the Impact of Printing 1450-1800
026448: Kelling, Lucile and Albert Suskin - Index Verborum Iuvenalis
020577: Tucker, Lena Lucile and Allen Rogers Benham - A Bibliography of Fifteenth Century Literature, with Special Reference to the History of English Culture
036069: Lucinge, René De - Dialogue Du François Et Du Savoysien (1593)
017686: Beebe, Lucius and Charles Clegg - San Francisco's Golden Era; a Picture Story of San Francisco Before the Fire
013321: Beebe, Lucius and Charles Clegg - Narrow Gauge in the Rockies
037255: Dobroszycki, Lucjan and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett - Image Before My Eyes; a Photographic History of Jewish Life in Poland 1864-1939
042130: Luck, Hans Von - Gefangener Meiner Zeit; Ein Stück Weges Mit Rommel
011267: Luck, Georg - The Latin Love Elegy
018116: Lucka, Emil - Torquemada Und Die Spanische Inquisition
040281: Luckett, Richard - Handel's Messiah; a Celebration
023660: Beckett, Lucy and Angelo Hornak - York Minster
032036: Lüdecke, Heinz - Albrecht Dürer
020498: Ludendorff, Margarethe - Als Ich Ludendorff's Frau War
025321: Berkowitz, Ludi and Karl A. Squitier - Thesaurus Linguae Graecae; Canon of Greek Authors and Works
050461: Ludlow, Edmund - Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Esq; Lieutenant-General of the Horse, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland, One of the Council of State,--and a Member of the Parliament Which Began on Nov. 3, 1640
037970: Ludovici, Anthony M. - Personal Reminiscences of Auguste Rodin
051864: Netretti, Enrico Angelo Ludovico and Joseph Warren Zambra - A Treatise on Meteorological Instruments: Explanatory of Their Scientific Principles, Method of Construction, and Practical Utility
049981: Ludowyk, E. F. C. - Understanding Shakespeare
032703: Ludwig, Coy - Maxfield Parrish
025525: Ludwig, Emil - Kunst Und Schicksal; Vier Bildnisse
018097: Koehler, Ludwig and Walter Baumgartner - Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros. Wörterbuch Zum Hebräischen Alten Testament in Deutscher Und Englischer Sprache. Wörterbuch Zum Aramaischen Teil Des Alten Testaments in Deutscher Und Englischer Sprache
010623: Ludwig, Emil - Wilhelm Der Zweite
010084: Ludwig, Emil - Rembrandt's Schicksal
003331: Hertling, Ludwig and Engelbert Kirschbaum - Die Römischen Katakomben Und Ihre Martyrer
019567: Lueders, Edward - Carl Van Vechten and the Twenties
001962: Luelsdorff, Philip - Constraints on Error Variables in Grammar: Bilingual Misspelling Orthographies
048763: Lugnani, Emanuella Scarano - Guicciardini E la Crisi Del Rinascimento
042942: Luibhéid, Colm - All the Green Gold; an Irish Boyhood
021901: Luick, Karl - Deutsche Lautlehre Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Sprechweise Wiens Und Der österreichischen Alpenländer
041934: Longo, Luigi and Carlo Salinari - Dal Socialfascismo Alla Guerra Di Spagna; Ricordi E Riflessioni Di Un Militante Comunista
021944: Meneghello. Luigi - Jura; Ricerche Sulla Aatura Delle Forme Scritte
042993: Luis, Carlos Maria De - Catalogo de Las Salas de Arte Asturiano Prerromanico Del Museo Arqueologico Provincial
018340: Pericot Garcia, Luis and Eduardo Ripoll Perello, Eds - Prehistoric Art of the Western Mediterranean and the Sahara
035583: Scott, Maria Luisa and Jack Denton Scott - The Meat and Potatoes Cookbook
050291: Mucciante, Luisa and Tullio Telmon, Eds - Lessicologia E Lessicografia. Atti Del Convegno Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
045302: Luislampe, Pia - Spiritus Vivificans; Grundzüge Einer Theologie Des Heiligen Geistes Nach Basilius Von Caesarea
048523: Van Zanden, Jan Luiten and Arthur Van Riel - Nederland 1780-1914; Staat, Instituties En Economische Ontwikkeling
048050: Lukacher, Ned - Daemonic Figures; Shakespeare and the Question of Conscience
025213: Lukacs, Georg - Georg Lukacs Und Der Revisionismus; Eine Sammlung Von Aufsätzen
018657: Lukas, Viktor - Orgelmusikführer
004632: Lukas, Richard C. - The Strange Allies; the United States and Poland, 1941-1945
008962: Lum, Peter - The Growth of Civilization in East Asia; China, Japan, and Korea Before the 14th Century
015628: De Luna, Frederick A. - The French Republic Under Cavaignac, 1848
003902: Lunch, William M. - The Nationalization of American Politics
041693: Lund, Steffen Nordahl - L'Aventure Du Signifiant; Une Lecture de Barthes
049253: Lundeberg, Helen - Infinite Distance; Architecitural Compositions by Helen Lundeberg, June 2-August 25, 2007
047341: Lunghi, Elvio - The Basilica of St Francis in Assisi
048152: Lunt, Horace G. - Fundamentals of Russian (First Russian Course)
047940: Lunt, Richard D. - Law and Order Vs the Miners; West Virginia, 1907-1933
049367: Lunt, Horace G., Ed - Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass. , August 27-31, 1962
031039: Luongo, Pino - Simply Tuscan; Recipes for a Well-Lived Life
015092: Lupan, Petre, Ed - Bucharest: Museums of Art
043306: Luppé, Albert Marie Pierre, Comte De - Les Jeunes Filles à la Fin Duu Xviiie Siècle
052315: Luria, Maxwell - A Reader's Guide to the Roman de la Rose
039123: Lurie, Irene, Ed - Integrating Incom Maintenance Programs
031832: Luschnig, C. A. E. - An Introduction to Ancient Greek; a Literary Approach
046157: Luscomb, Sally C. - The Collector's Encyclopedia of Buttons
008194: Lusk, Hugh H. - Social Welfare in New Zealand; the Result of Twenty Years of Progressive Social Legislation and Its Significance for the United States and Other Countries
049115: Lussu, Emilio - Marcia Su Roma E Dintorni
021357: Lütgen, Kurt - Der Weisse Kondor; Die Abenteuer Des Vasco de Balboa
042419: Luther, Martin - Martin Luthers 95 Thesen Nebst Dem Sermon Von Ablass Und Gnade 1517
039685: Luther, Martin - Martin Luther Aus Rechter Muttersprache
028247: Luther, Martin - Luthers Werke in Auswahl
949: (Luther, Martin). Audin, J. M. - études Sur la Réforme; Histoire de la Vie, Des Ouvrages Et Des Doctrines de Luther
008961: Lüthgen, Eugen - Gotische Plastik in Den Rheinlanden
048290: Lüthi, Kurt - Theologie Als Dialog Mit Der Welt Von Heuts
015843: Lutnick, Solomon - The American Revolution and the British Press, 1775-1783
052070: Luttrell, Claude - The Creation of the First Arthurian Romance; a Quest
007924: Lutz, Alma - Emma Willard, Pioneer Educator of American Women
045882: Luxmoore, Charles F. C. - Saltglaze," with the Notes of a Collector
041088: Luzardo, Rodolfo - Rio Grande; Norte Y Sur, North and South
040985: Luzzatto, Gino - An Economic History of Italy from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century
025012: Luzzatto, Moses Hayyim - Mesillat Yesharim; the Path of the Upright
001764: Lyashchenko, Peter I. - History of the National Economy of Russia to the 1917 Revolution
037855: Lyman, Henry M. - Insomnia; and Other Disorders of Sleep
035310: Lyman, Howard F. - Mad Cowboy; Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat
007564: Wilbur, Ray Lyman and Arthur Mastick Hyde - The Hoover Policies
026101: Egbert, Lyn and Ruth Barnet - Free Brush Designing
044941: Lynch, Kevein M. - Evidences of a Knowledge of Greek in England and Ireland During the Age of Bede
009244: Lynch, Owen M. - The Politics of Untouchability; Social Mobility and Social Change in a City of India
052034: Lyndesay, David - The Historie and Testament of William Meldrum
043547: Nicholas of Lynn - The Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn
002206: Lynn, Kenneth S. - The Comic Tradition in America; an Anthology
028010: Sherr, Lynn and Jurate Kazickas - Susan B. Anthony Slept Here; a Guide to American Women's Landmarks
024657: Lynn, John A. - Battle; a History of Combat and Culture
051208: Garafola, Lynn and Nancy Van Norman Baer, Eds - The Ballets Russes and Its World
031146: Lyon, William S. - Encyclopedia of Native American Shamanism; Sacred Ceremonies of North America
027819: Lyon, Hugh - Kampschiffe
020637: Lyon, Melvin - Symbol and Idea in Henry Adams
050195: Lyon, Richards - Vine to Wine
014501: Lyon, James K. - Bertolt Brecht in America
039671: Lyons, Len - The 101 Best Jazz Albums; a History of Jazz on Records
023907: Lyons, Eugene - The Herbert Hoover Story
011686: Lyons, F. S. L. - Charles Stewart Parnell
050641: O'Connor Lysacht, D. R. - The Making of Northern Ireland
053141: Hanssen, Inge Lyse and Chris Wickham - The Long Eighth Century
031834: Lysias - Orationes
008291: Lystra, Karen - Searching the Heart; Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth-Century America
011431: Lyttelton, Oliver, Viscount Chandos - The Memoirs of Lord Chanddos
008108: Lyttle, Richard B. - Land Beyond the River; Europea in the Age of Migration
026324: Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 2d earl of - Bulwer-Lytton
052451: Lagorio, Valerie M. And Mildred Leake Day, Eds - King Arthur Through the Ages
052316: Rousseau, Constance M. and Joel T. Rosenthal, Eds - Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom; Essays in Memory of Michael M. Sheehan, C.S. B.
046364: Raup, David M. and Steven M. Stanley - Principles of Paleontology
046139: Paterson, L. M. and S. B. Gaunt, Eds - The Troubadours and the Epic; Essays in Memory of W. Mary Hackett
047095: Smith, Peter M. and Lee T. Pearcy - The Homeric Hymn to Apollo
044890: Lloyd, Robert M. and Richard S. Mitchell - A Flora of the White Mountains, California and Nevada
044648: Cluzel, I. M. And L. Pressouyre - La Poésie Lyrique D'Oil; Les Origines Et Les Premiers Trouvères. Textes D'étude
043814: Keesing, Felix M. and Marie M. Keesing - Elite Communication in Samoa; a Study of Leadership
042369: Meckler, Alan M. and Ruth McMullin - Oral History Collections
041568: Briggs, Katharine M. and Ruth L. Tongue, Eds - Folktales of England
040390: Stark, Lewis M. and John D. Gordan - Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass; a Centenary Exhibition from the Lion Whitman Collection and the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library
040266: Hochman, Harold M. and George E. Peterson, Eds - Redistribution Through Public Choice
040108: Abrams, Richard M. and Lawrence W. Levine - The Shaping of Twentieth-Century America; Interpretive Articles Selected and with Commentary
039662: Kaempfer, H. M. and Jhr. W. O. G. Sickinghe, Eds - The Fascinating World of the Japanese Artists; a Collection of Essays on Japanese Art by Members of the Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts, the Hague, Netherlands
039328: Haig, Robert M. and Carl S. Shoup - The Financial Problem of the City of New York; a Report to the Mayor's Committee on Management Survey. General Summary Volume of the Finance Project
038769: Borras, F. M. and R. F. Christian - Russian Syntax; Aspects of Modern Russian Syntax and Vocabulary
038005: Child, Alice M. and Grace Erskine - Recipes for the Use of Canned Foods in Cafeterias and Restaurants
037633: Westron, H. M. and A. T. Pilley - Backchat in Four Languages
036185: Brandenburger, Adam M. and Barry J. Nalebuff - Co-Opetition
035175: Long, Elgen M. and Marie K. Long - Amerlia Earhart; the Mystery Solved
035128: David, Narsai M. and Doris Muscatine - Monday Night at Narsai's; an Internatioal Menu Cookbook from the Legendary Restaurant
034544: Burstein, Stanley M. and Louis A. Okin, Eds - Panhellenica; Essays in Ancient History and Historiography in Honor of Truesdell S. Brown
033931: Atkinson, Gary M. and Albert S. Moraczewski, Eds - Genetic Counseling, the Church and the Law
033377: Alvar Ezquerra M. and A. Miro Dominguez - Diccionario de Siglas Y Abreviaturas
032941: Donovan, Denis M. and Deborah McIntyre - Healing the Hurt Child; a Developmental-Contextual Approach
032325: Metzger, Bruce M. and Michael D. Coogan, Eds - The Oxford Companion to the Bible
031215: Foster, Barbara M. and Michael Foster - Forbidden Journey; the Life of Alexandra David-Neel
029821: Eastman, A. M. and G. B. Harrison, Eds - Shakespeare's Critics from Jonson to Auden: A Medley of Judgments
029665: Jauncey, G. E. M. and A. S. Langsdorf - M.K. S. Units and Dimensions and a Proposed M.K. O.S. System
028371: Noth, M. and D. Winton Thomas, Eds - Wisdom in Israel and in the Ancient Near East Presented to Professor Harold Henry Rowley
027877: Levine, Robert M. and Moisés Asis - Cuban Miami
026243: Hart, C. W. M. and Arnold R. Pilling - The Tiwi of North Australia
025367: Kunz, Robert M. and Hans Fehr, Eds - The Challenge of Life; Biomedical Progress and Human Values. Roche Anniversary Symposium, Basel, Switzerland, 31 August to 3 September 1971
024365: Metzger, Bruce M. and Michael D. Coogan, Eds - The Oxford Companion to the Bible
024084: Stanger, Frank M. and Alan K. Brown - Who Discovered the Golden Gate? the Explorers' Own Accounts How They Discovered a Hidden Harbor and at Last Found Its Entrance
050552: Nisbet, R. G. M. and Margaret Hubbard - A Commentary on Horace: Odes. Book I-[II]
022810: Cammack, Floyd M. and Shiro Saito - Pacific Island Bibliography
022552: Henderson, James M. and Richard E. Quandt - Microeconomic Theory; a Mathematical Approach
050675: Gross, M. and A. Lentin - Introduction to Formal Grammars
022180: Topping, Donald M. and Dale P. Crowley - Lessons in Indonesian
022061: Pollin, Alice M. and Raquel Kersten - Guia Para Aa Consulta de la Revista de Filologia Española (1914-1960)
021297: Bataille, Gretchen M. and Katahleen Mullen Sands - American Indian Women Telling Their Lives
020911: Mallory, James M. And Richard S. Thorn, Eds - Beyond the Revolution; Bolivia Since 1952
018792: Stockdale, F. M. And M. R. Dreyer - The International Opera Guide
017657: Slusser, Robert M. And Jan F. Triska - A Calendar of Soviet Treaties, 1917-1957
015894: Elliott, David M. And Lynn E. Weaver, Eds - Education and Research in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
014873: Haushofe, M. And A. Rothpletz - Bayerns Hochland Und München
014656: Kovel, Ralph M. And Terry H. Kovel - A Directory of American Silver, Pewter and Silver Plate
014052: Rutkoff, Peter M. And William B. Scott - New School; a History of the New School for Social Research
051266: Lutfiyya, Abdulla M. and Charles W. Churchill, Eds - Readings in Arab Midle Eastern Societies and Cultures
013641: Leiris, M. And G. Limbour - André Masson and His Universe
012610: Perry, Louis M. And Jeanne S. Schwengel - Marine Shells of the Western Coast of Florida
011858: Blechman, Barry M. And Robert P. Berman - Guide to Far Eastern Navies
009679: Wadham, S. M. And G. L. Wood - Land Utilization in Australia
008355: Ebeling, Richard M. And Jacob G. Hornberger - The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration
052808: Voelkle, William M. and Roger S. Wieck - The Bernard H. Breslauer Collection of Manuscript Illuminations
007793: Solley, Charles M. And Gardner Murphy - Development of the Perceptual World
007153: Hyman, Harold M. And Leonard W. Levy, Eds - Freedom and Reform; Essays in Honor of Henry Steele Commager
006874: Doyle, Esther M. And Virginia Hastings Floyd, Eds - Studies in Interpretation
042676: Maak, F. - Das Goethetheater in Lauchstädt Nebst Dem Von Goethe Zu Seiner Einweihung Gedichteten Vorspiel: "Was Wir Bringen" Und Einem Auszuge Aus Der Alten Badeliste Von 1721-1842. Ein Beitrag Zum Schillerjahre 1905
049173: Van Ginderachter, Maarten and Marnix Beyen, Eds - Nationhood from Below; Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century
037124: Maas, Jeremy, et al. - The Victorian Art World in Photographs
032163: Maas, Peter - Killer Spy; the Inside Story of the Fbi's Pursuit and Capture of Aldreich Ames, America's Deadliest Spy
049679: Maas, Peter - The Terrible Hours; the Man Behind the Greatest Submarine Rescue in History
036331: Maass, John - The Gingerbread Age; a View of Victorian America
025262: Maaßen, Hanns - Brigada Internacional Ist Unser Ehrenname. Erlebnisse Ehemaliger Deutscher Spanienkämpfer
036654: Maatta, John - My Father's Heritage
037548: Mabey, Richard - The Flowers of Kew; 350 Years of Flower Paintings from the Royal Botanic Gardens
045076: Macaigne, René - L'Equivoque Du laïcisme Et Les Elections de 1928
005373: MacAloon, John J. - This Great Symbol; Pierre de Coubertin and the Origins of the Modern Olympic Games
051457: Pseudo-Macarius - Die 50 Geistlichen Homilien Des Makarios
052970: Macarius, of Egypt, Saint - Neue Homilien Des Makarius/Symeon. I: Aus Typus III
008889: Macarthur, John, Ed - Imaginary Materials; a Seminar with Michael Carter
022678: Macartney, C. A. - Hungary; a Short History
036117: Macaulay, David - Great Moments in Architecture
034161: Macaulay, George Campbell - Francis Beaumont; a Critical Study
030093: Macaulay, Thomas Babington - The History of England from the Accession of James II
032942: Macauley, Domhnall, Ed - Benefits and Hazards of Exercise
032448: MacCaffrey, Wallace - The Shaping of the Elizabethan Regime
049587: MacCana, Proinsias - Celtic Mythology
022283: MacCannell, Juliet Flower - Figuring Lacan; Criticism and the Cultural Unconscious
037962: MacClancy, Jeremy - Consuming Culture. Why You Eat What You East
015542: MacClintock, Lander - The Age of Pirandello
010023: MacCloseky, Monro - Our National Attic: The Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives
031836: Maccoby, Hyam - Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil
006095: MacCoby, S. - English Radicalism, 1832-1852
006081: MacCoby, S., Ed - The English Radical Tradition, 1763-1914
005606: MacCombie, John - The Prince & the Genie; a Study of Rimbaud's Influence on Claudel
047157: MacCoul, Leslie S. B. - Discorus of Aphrodito; His Work and His World
022679: MacDermott, Mercia - A History of Bulgaria, 1393-1885
011436: MacDonagh, Michael - The English King; a Study of the Monarchy and the Royal Family, Historical, Constitutional and Social
005451: MacDonagh, Michael - The English King; a Study of the Monarchy and the Royal Family, Historical, Constitutional and Social
048098: Macdonald, Hugh - Berlioz Orchestral Music
047658: MacDonald, William L. - Early Christian & Byzantine Architecture
025014: Macdonald, Duncan Black - The Hebrew Philosophical Genius; a Vindication
016758: Macdonald, Gus - Camera: Victorian Eyewitness. A History of Photography: 1826-1913
015848: Macdonald, Nancy - Homage to the Spanish Exiles; Voices from the Spanish CIVIL War
015847: MacDonald, Callum A. - Korea; the War Before Vietnam
006704: MacDonald, Norbert - Distant Neighbors; a Comparative History of Seattle & Vancouver
005509: MacDonald, Michael - Children of Wrath; Political Violence in Northern Ireland
004675: MacDonald, Donald J. - Slaughter Under Trust: Glencoe, 1692
004476: MacDonald, Malcolm - Borneo People
049502: Macdonell, Arthur Anthony - A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary with Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout
036026: MacDonnell, Kevin - Eadweard Muybridge; the Man Who Invented the Moving Picture
025615: MacDonogh, Giles - A Good German; Adam on Trott Zu Solz
041199: Macdougall, Donald - The Dollar Problem: A Reappraisal
030591: Macdougall, Doug - Nature's Clocks; How Scientists Measure the Age of Almost Everything
006393: Macdougall, Norman - Church, Politics and Society: Scotland 1408-1929
051999: Macé, Laurent - Les Comtes de Toulouse Et Leur Entourage Xiie-Xiiie Sièlces; Rivalités, Alliances Et Jeux de Pouvoir
046840: Mace, C. A., Ed - British Philosophy in the Mid-Century; a Cambridge Symposium
030077: Maceina, Antanas - Der Grossinquisitor; Geschichtsphilosophische Deutung Der Legende Dostojewskijs
036424: MacFadden, Bernarr - Keeping Fit
036063: MacFadden, Bernarr, Ed - The Encyclopedia of Health and Physical Culture; a Comprehensive Guide to the Proper Care and Complete Development of the Human Body with Detailed Directions for the Prevention and Treatment of Disease
045178: Macfadyen, A. - Animal Ecology; Aims and Methods
038304: MacGaffey, Janet, et al. - The Real Economy of Zaire; the Contribution of Smuggling & Other Unofficial Activities to National Wealth
004144: MacGaffey, Wyatt - Custom and Government in the Lower Congo
022153: MacGregor, David R. - The Tea Clippers; Their History and Development 1833-1875
051890: Mach, Ernst - Knowledge and Error; Sketkches on the Psychology of Enquiry
041452: Mach, Rudolf - Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts (Yahuda Section) in the Garrett Collection, Princeton University Library
034672: Mach, R. - Der Zaddik in Talmud Und Midrasch
030837: Mach, Elyse - Great Pianists Speak for Themselves
051823: Mach, Ernst - Space and Geometry in the Light of Physiological, Psychological and Physical Inquiry
052112: Mach, Ernst - The Principles of Physical Optics; an Historical and Philosophical Treatment
051506: Machabey, Armand - Guillaume de Machault 130?-1377; Aa Vie Et L'Oeuvre Musical
041189: Machlup, Fritz - Plans for Reform of the International Monetary System
041186: Machlup, Fritz - Plans for Reform of the International Monetary System
029614: Machtan, Lothar - The Hidden Hitler
011690: Macintyre, Angus - The Liberator; Danniel O'Connell and the Irish Party, 1830-1847
046965: Randall-MacIver, David - Greek Cities in Italy and Sicily
026843: Randall-MacIver, David - Italy Before the Romans
026842: Randall-MacIver, David - The Etruscans
019491: MacIver, Robert M. - On Community, Society and Power; Selected Writings
047768: Mack, Sara - Ovid
033386: Mack, Burton L. - Who Wrote the New Testament? the Making of the Christian Myth
030124: Mack, Robert L. - Thomas Gray; a Life
022121: Mack, Maynard - Everybody's Shakespeare; Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies
010822: Mack, Gerstle - Gustave Courbet
007373: Mack, Richard E. - Memoir of a Cold War Soldier
031382: Mackay, James - Fans
013631: Macke, August - August Macke
023855: MacKendrick, Paul - The Athenian Aristocracy 399 to 31 B.C.
046346: Mackennal, Alexander - Homes and Haunts of the Pilgrim Fathers
021903: MacKensen, Lutz - Die Deutsche Sprache Unserer Zeit; Zur Sprachgeschichte Des 20. Jahrhunderts
018662: Mackenzie, Compton - My Record of Music
015853: MacKenzie, Norman - The Escape from Elba; the Fall and Flight of Napoleon, 1814-1815
011471: MacKenzie, Agnes Mure - The Passing of the Stewarts
009717: MacKenzie, John P. - The Appearance of Justice
028252: Mackey, James P. - Jesus the Man and the Myth; a Contemporary Christology
015854: Mackey, Kenneth - Commando; Hit-and-Run Combat in World War II
047024: Mackie, C. J. - The Characterisation of Aeneas
034416: MacKinnon, John - Wild China
033018: MacKinnon, Lachlan - The Lives of Elsa Triolet
014236: Mackowsky, Hans - Verrocchio
015856: Macksey, Kenneth - Kesselring; the Making of the Luftwaffe
015855: Macksey, Kenneth - The Hitler Options; Alternate Decisions of World War II
027470: MacLachlan, Colin M. - A History of Modern Brazil; the Past Against the Future
1336: Maclagan, W. G. - The Theological Frontier of Ethics; an Essay
026829: MacLane, Saunders - Homology
011473: MacLaren, A. Allan - Religion and Social Class; the Disruption Years in Aberdeen
003904: Maclay, William - The Journal of William Maclay, United State Senator from Pennsylvania 1789-1791
036746: Maclean, Virginia - A Short-Title Catalogue of Household and Cookery Books Published in the English Tongue 1701-1800
035233: Maclean, Virginia - Much Enterainment; a Visual and Culinary Record of Johnson and Boswell's Tour of Scotland in 1773
022800: Maclean, Alistair - Captain Cook
015359: Maclean, Fitzroy - Bonnie Prince Charlie
008966: Maclean, Fitzroy - Highlanders; a History of the Scottish Clans
049531: Maclean, Norman - A River Runs Through It
008066: MacLeish, Archibald - Letters of Archibald Macleish, 1907 to 1982
034087: Maclure, Millar - George Chapman; a Critical Study
043815: MacLysaght, Edward - Irish Families; Their Names, Arms and Origins
050333: MacLysaght, Edward - The Surnames of Ireland
001751: MacMillan, Margaret - Women of the Raj
039461: MacMullen, Ramsay - Romanization in the Time of Augustus
028918: MacMullen, Ramsay - Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries
041075: Macoboy, Stirling - The Ultimate Rose Book
028254: Macomber, W. B. - The Anatomy of Disillusion; Martin Heidegger's Notion of Truth
032051: Macpherson, C. B. - Burke
025253: MacQuitty, William - Abu Simbel
011269: MacQuitty, William - Island of Isis; Philae, Temple of the Nile
016909: MacRae, Donald G. - Ideology and Society; Papers in Sociology and Politics
005204: MacRae, Duncan, Jr. - Parliament, Parties, and Society in France, 1946-1958
033677: MacRay, William Dunn - Annals of the Bodleian Library Oxford with a Notice of the Earlier Library of the University
027275: MacShane, Frank, Ed - Ford Madox Ford; the Critical Heritage
018119: MacWilliam, John - Criticism of the Philosophy of Bergson
019901: Madach, Imre - The Tragedy of Man
016590: De Madariaga, Isabel - Catherine the Great; a Short History
052530: Madaule, Jacques - The Albigensian Crusade; an Historical Essay
051214: Maddalena, Antonio - I Pitagorici
039983: Madden, Edward H. - Chauncey Wright and the Foundations of Pragmatism
010763: Maddock, Shirley - These Antipodes; a New Zealand Album 1814 to 1854
046021: Maddox, Lucy - Nabokov's Novels in English
029661: Madè, Pippo - Una Finestra Sul Golfo; Omaggio a Guttuso
016503: Madelin, Louis - Le Crépuscule de la Monarchie; Louis XVI Et Marie-Antoinette
043692: Madero, Marta - Tabula Picta; Painting and Writing in Medieval Law
038237: Madison, Deborah - The Savory Way
023580: Madison, James H. - Indiana Through Tradition and Change; a History of the Hoosier State and Its People 1920-1945
006668: Madison, James H. - The Indiana Way; a State History
004790: Madison, James H. - Eli Lilly; a Life, 1885-1977
036204: Madonna, Paul - All over Coffee
009665: Madow, Leo - Guilt; How to Recognize and Cope with It
021254: Madox, Richard - An Elizabethan in 1582; the Diary of Richard Madox, Fellow of All Souls
021289: Madrick, Jeff - Why Economies Grow; the Forces That Shape Prosperity and How We Can Get Them Working Again
029969: Madsen, Axel - Silk Roads; the Asian Adventures of Clara & André Malraux
015611: Madsen, Axel - William Wyler; the Authorized Biography
050589: Madueño, Raul R. - Lexico de la Borrachera; Palabras Y Coplas de America Y España
052031: Madureira, Margarida, et al. - Parodies Courtoises, Parodies de la Courtoisie
029518: Maelant, Jacob Van - Jacob Van Maerlants Merlijn, Naar Het Eenig Bekende Steinforter Handschrift
011832: Maffei, Paolo - Monsters in the Sky
030085: Magarshack, David - Gogol; a Life
005964: Magdol, Edward - Owen Lovejoy, Abolitionist in Congress
034381: Maggio, Rosalie - The New Beacon Book of Quotations by Women
048377: Magne, Augusto - Dicionario Etimologicao Da Lingua Latina; Familias de Palavras E Derivações Vernaculas. Volume II: Aq-Cal
048376: Magne, Augusto - Dicionario Etimologico Da Lingua Latina; Familias de Palavras E Derivações Vernaculas. Volume I: A-Ap
043241: Magne, Emile - Madame de Villedieu (Hortense Des Jardins) 1632-1692; Documents inédits Et Portrait
049731: Magne, Emile - Le Vrai Visage de la Rochefoucauld
022891: Magnus, Ralph H., Ed - Documents on the Middle East
015861: Magnus, Philip - Kitchener; Portrait of an Imperialist
011476: Magnus, Philip - King Edward the Seventh
034908: Magnuson, Stew - The Death of Raymond Yellow Thunder and Other True Stories from the Nebraska-Pine Ridge Border Towns
026643: Magnuson, Stew - The Death of Raymond Yellow Thunder and Other True Stories from the Nebraska-Pine Ridge Border Towns
038766: Magnusson, Magnus - Vikings!
018135: Magnusson, Bo - Om Pluraländelslerin -Er --Er Hos Feminina Vokalstammar
008965: Magrath, John Richard - The Obituary Book of Queen's College, Oxford; an Ancient Sarum Kalendar with the Obits of the Founders and Benefactors of the College
030838: Magriel, Paul - Nijinsky; an Illustrated Monograph
016781: Magriel, Paul, Ed - Nijinsky, Pavlova, Duncan: Three Lives in Dance
030090: Maguire, Robert A. - Gogol from the Twentieth Century; Eleven Essays
006652: Maguire, Robert A. - Red Virgin Soil; Soviet Literature in the 1920's
005052: Maguire, G. Andrew - Toward "Uhuru" in Tanzania; the Politics of Participation
009020: El Mahdy, Christine - Mummies, Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt
036997: Maher, Barbara - Cakes
038297: Mahfouz, Naguib - Children of the Alley
027029: Mahfouz, Naguib - Palace of Desire
012297: Mahfouz, Naguib - Naguib Mahfouz at Sidi Gaber; Reflections of a Nobel Laureate 1994-001
046617: Mahler, Gustav - Selected Letters of Gustav Mahler
039604: Mahler, Alma - Gustav Mahler: Memories and Letters
030857: Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No. 9. In Full Score
030855: Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No. 7. In Full Score
030856: Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No. 8. In Full Score
030854: Mahler, Gustav - Symphonies Nos. 5 and 6. In Full Score
030853: Mahler, Gustav - Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4. In Full Score
030852: Mahler, Gustav - Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2. In Full Score
030840: Mahler, Gustav - Songs of a Wayfarer and Kindertotenlieder. In Full Score
030839: Mahler, Gustav - Das Lied Von Der Erde. In Full Score
045825: Mahn, C. A> F. - Gedichte Der Troubadours, in Provenzalischer Sprache. Vol. I-IV
049194: Mahon, Alyce - Eroticism and Art
034905: Mahoney, Robert J. - The Mayaguez Incident; Testing America's Resolve in the Post-Vietnam Era
020436: Mahoney, Rosemary - Whoredom in Kimmage; Irish Women Coming of Age
050124: Mahoney, Francis Silvester - The Reliques of Father Prout, Late P.P. Of Wateergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland
006937: Mahoney, Patrick - Maurice Maeterlinck, Mystic and Dramatist; a Reminiscnet Biography of the Man and His Ideas
035486: Mahony, Bertha E., Et al. - Illustrators of Children's Books, 1744-1945
020927: Mahood, M. M. - Joyce Cary's Africa
006685: Maichel, Karol - Soviet and Russian Newspapers at the Hoover Institution; a Catalog
047316: Maier, Pauline - American Scripture; Making the Declaration of Indipendence
053131: Maier, Jean-Louis - Les Missions Divines Selon Saint Augustin
052848: Maier, Anneliese - Ausgehendes Mittelalter; Gesammelte Aufsätze Zur Geistesgeschichte Des 14. Jahrhunderts
052407: Maier, Franz Georg - Augustin Und Das Antike Rom
049743: Maier, Dieter - Die Donau
013683: Mailer, Norman - Portrait of Picasso As a Young Man: An Interpetive Biography
039762: Maillard, Brigitte - Vivre En Touraine Au Xviiie Siècle
033932: Maimon, Solomon - Solomon Maimon; an Autobiography
028921: Maimonides, Moses - The Code of Maimonides. Book 13; the Book of CIVIL Law
011477: Maine, Basil - The King's First Ambassador; a Biographical Study of H.R. H. The Prince of Wales
050271: Maines, Clark - The Western Portal of Saint-Loup-de-Naud
022239: Mainiero, Lina, Ed - American Women Writers; a Critical Reference Guide from Colonial Times to the Present
046751: Mair, Victor H., Ed - The Columbia History of Chinese Literature
049090: Mair, Victor H., Ed - The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
009647: Mair, Walter - Ennebergische Morphologie; Analyse Eines Dolomiten Ladinischen Flexionssystems
050965: Mair, Victor H., Ed - The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
050953: De Paor, Maire and Liam De Paor - Early Christian Ireland
019957: Mairowitz, David Zane - The Radical Soap Opera; an Impression of the American Left from 1917 to the Present
015228: Mais, S. P. B. - The Best in Their Kind
048573: Maisey, John G. - Discovering Fossil Fishes
015864: Majdalany, Fred - The Battle of Cassino
044889: Majid, Shahn, Ed - On Space and Time: Alain Connes, Michael Heller, Shahn Majir Roger Penrose, John Polkinghorne and Andrew Taylor
002586: Majno, Guido - The Healing Hand; Man and Wound in the Ancient World
050544: Major, Tristan - Undoing Babel; the Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon Literature
048777: Majorano, Matteo - IL Roman Des Eles Di Raoul de Houdenc
036513: Makarenko, A. S. - A Book for Parents
007059: Makarova, Natalia - A Dance Autobiography
022565: Makine, Andrei - Dreams of My Russian Summers
038590: Mäkinen, Eija-Hilkka - Lappeenrannan Julkiset Kuvanveistokset Ja Muistomerkit
046980: Makkai, Adam - Szomj és Ecet; Versek
052205: Makowsky, Veronica A. - Caroline Gordon; a Biography
038774: Ioann Maksimovic - Iliotropion, ILI Soosbrazovanie Celoveceskoj Voli S Bozestvennouju Voleju; Pjat' Knig Perelozeno S Cerkovno-Slavjanskogo Na Russkij Jazyk
026800: Malabre, Alfred L., Jr. - Within Our Means; the Struggle for Economic Recovery After a Reckless Decade
038218: Malamud, Bernard - The Stories of Bernard Malamud
032701: Malamud, Randy - The Language of Modernism
019101: Malamud, Bernard - The Tenants
013960: Malantschuk, Gregor - Kierkegaard's Thought
036335: Malaoney, T. J., Ed - U.S. Camera 1941. Volume I: "America
031264: Malaurie, Jean - The Last Kings of Thule; with the Polar Eskimos, As They Face Their Destiny
042299: Malboissière, Geneviève De - Lettres de Geneviève de Malboissière à Adélaide Méliand 1761-1766
033584: Malclès, Louise-Noelle - Les Sources Du Travail Bibliographique
043938: Godden, Malcolm and Michael Lapidge, Eds - The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature
016805: Malcolm, Noel - Kosovo; a Short History
014485: Easton, Malcolm and Michael Holroyd - The Art of Augustus John
020630: Brown, Malcom and Julia Cave - A Touch of Genius; the Life of T.E. Lawrence
013067: Malden, Richard H. - The Story of Wells Cathedral
038059: Mâle, Emile - The Gothic Image; Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century
022681: Malecek, Frantisek - Zapadni Cechy
028064: Engelsing-Malek, Ingeborg - Amor Fati: In Zuckmayers Dramen
005327: Malenbaum, Wilfred - Prospects for Indian Development
041659: Maler, Anselm - Der Held IM Salon; Zum Antiheroischen Programm Deutscher Rokoko-Epik
052803: Malet, André - Personne Et Amour Dans la Théologie Trinitaire de Saint Thomas D'Aquin
045935: Malevez, Léopold - Le Message Chrétien Et le Mythe; la Théologie de Rudolf Bultmann
033265: Malevich, Kazirmir - Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935
020339: Malicet, Michel - Lecture Psychanalytique de L'Oeuvre de Claudel
019410: Malignac, George - L'Alcoolisme
027720: Malinowski, Bronislaw - Die Dynamik Des Kulturwandels
021531: Malinowski, Bronislaw - Coral Gardens and Their Magic
039134: Malinvaud, E. - Statistical Methods of Econometrics
023460: Malinvaud, E. - Statistical Methods of Econometrics
022479: Malkiel, Yakov - Essays on Linguistic Themes
022228: Malkiel, Yakov - Patterns of Derivational Fixation in the Cabraniego Dialect of East-Central Asturian
021381: Malkiel, Yakov - Hispanic Algu(I)En and Related Formation; a Study of the Stratification of the Romance Lexicon in the Iberian Peninsula
050117: Malkiel, Yakov - Etymology
653: Malkiel, Yakov - Studies in the Reconstruction of Hispano-Latin Word Families. I the Romance Progeny of Vulgar Lat in (Re)Pedare and Cognates. II. Hispano-Latin Pedia and Mania. III. The Coalescence of Expedire and Petere in Ibero-Romance
009651: Malkiel, Yakov - Linguistics and Philology in Spanish America; a Survey (1925-1970
004474: Malkiel, Yakov - Essays on Liniguistic Themes
026420: Malkoff, Karl - Escape from the Self; a Study in Contemporary American Poetry and Poetics
022896: El Mallakh, Ragaei - Economic Development and Regional Cooperation: Kuwait
016662: El Mallakh, Ragaei, Ed - Heavy Versus Light Oil; Technical Issues and Economic Considerations
027520: Mallalieu, Huon, Ed - The Illustrated History of Antiques; the Essential Reference for All Antique Lovers and Collectors
015170: Mallaliue, Huon - The Norwich School: Crome, Cotman and Their Followers
047251: Mallarmé, Stéphane - Poems
028539: Mallett, Richard P. - University of Maine at Farmington; a Study in Educational Change *1864-1975)
039079: O'Malley, C. D., Ed - Leonardo's Legacy; an International Symposium
021156: O'Malley, T. J. - Military Transport; Trucks & Transporters
016584: O'Malley, Padraig - Biting at the Grave; the Irish Hunger Strikes and the Politics of Despair
032282: Mallinson, William - Partition Through Foreign Aggression; the Case of Turkey in Cyprus
013634: Mallo, Cristino - Cristino Mallo: Exposicion Homenaje
010119: Mallon, Richard D. - Economic Policymaking in a Conflict Society; the Argentine Case
042916: Mallowan, M. E. L. - Early Mesopotamia and Iran
002824: Mally, Ernst - Logische Schriften; Grosses Logikfragment--Grundgesetze Des Sollens
037307: Malm, William P. - Japanese Music and Musical Instruments
049876: Malmanger, Magne - One Hundred Years of Norwegian Painting with Illustrations from Selected Works in Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo
018137: Malmberg, Bertil - Structural Linguistics and Human Communication; an Introduction Into the Mechanism of Language Adn the Methodology of Linguistics
009654: Malmberg, Berltil - Linguistique Générale Et Romane; études En Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol Et Français
048719: Malmer, Brita - Nordiska Mynt Före år 1000
047504: Malone, Dumas - Thomas Jefferson As Political Leader
025398: Malone, Lee - Louisiana Plantation Homes; a Return to Splendor
014987: Malone, Dumas - The Sage of Monticello
012203: Malone, Paul Scott - This House of Women
041642: Maloney, Clarence, Ed - The Evil Eye
032650: Becks-Malorny, Ulrike - Wassily Kandinsky, 1866-1944. The Journey to Abstractions
048973: Malory, Thomas - Works
050021: Malory, Thomas - The Tale of the Death of King Arthur
034510: Malory, Thomas - Le Morte Darthur; Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
052953: Malory, Thomas - The Works of Sir Thomas Malory
038879: Malpighi, Marcello - The Correspondence of Marcello Malpighi
042563: Malraux, Clara - Rahel, Ma Grande Soeur; Un Salon Littéraire à Berlin Au Temps Du Romantisme
030898: Malraux, André - The Voices of Silence; Man and His Art
019102: Malroux, André - Anti-Memoirs
013591: Patel, Malvika and Gerhard Tintner - Some Econometric Studies in Indian Agriculture
009077: Patel, Malvika and Gerhard Tintner - Some Econometric Studies in Indian Agriculture
042970: Mamedov, A. Dzh - Ucebnik Arabskogo Jazyka
046625: Mamet, David - Make-Believe Town; Essays and Remembrances
005717: Mammarella, Giuseppe - Italy After Fascism; a Political History, 1943-1965
019251: Mampel, Siegfried - Die Sozialen Leistungen in Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Und in Ost-Berlin
019250: Mampel, Siegfried - Die "Technische Intelligenz" in Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone
027758: De Man, Hendrik - Vermassung Und Kulturverfall; Eine Diagnose Unserer Zeit
026650: Manaster, Jane - Pecans; the Story in a Nutshell
023545: Manaster, Jane - Javelinas
044667: Mancarella, Giovan Battista - IL Dialetto Di Tursi
028209: Manchester, William - A World Lit Only by Fire; the Medieval Mind and the Renaissance. Portrait of an Age
042879: Mancini, Augusto - Storia Di Lucca
043827: Mänd, Anu - Urban Carnival; Festive Culture in the Hanseatic Cities of the Eastern Baltic, 1350-1550
022473: Mandelbaum, Maurice - The Problem of Historical Knowledge; an Answer to Relativism
036791: Freudenheim, Leslie Mandelson and Elisabeth Sussman - Building with Nature; Roots of the San Francisco Bay Region Tradition
044866: Mander, Jerry - The Capitalism Papers; Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System
053080: Mandis, Steven G. - What Happened to Goldman Sachs? an Insider's Story of Organizational Drift and Its Unintended Consequences
045269: Mandler, Peter - Return from the Natives; How Margaret Mead Won the Second World War and Lost the Cold War
022306: Mandrell, James - Don Juan and the Point of Honor; Seduction, Patriarchal Society, and Literary Tradition
049737: Lacorte, Manel and Jennifer Leemans, Eds - Español En Estados Unidos Y Otros Contextos de Contacto; Sociolinguistica, Ideologia Y Pedagogia. Spanish in the United States and Other Contact Environment; Sociolinguistics, Iedology and Pedagogy
049634: Manfield, Christine - Christine Manfie Desserts
015316: Manfred, Frederick - Of Lizards and Angels; a Saga of Siouxland
014947: Bachmann, Manfred and Reinhold Langner - Berchtesgadener Volkskunst; Tradition Und Gegenwärtiges Schaffen IM Bild
046053: Mango, Marlia MUndell - Silver from Early Byzantium; the Kaper Koraon and Related Treasures
047534: Mangold, Max - Etudes Sur la Mise En Relief Dans le Français de L'époque Classique
021906: Mangold, Max - Laut Und Schrift IM Deutschen
025693: Manheim, Michael - The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean History Play
039020: Manheimer, Ronald J. - Kierkegaard As Educator
024108: Manion, Clarence - The Conservative American; His Fight for National Independence and Constitutional Government
050715: Manitius, Max - Geschichte Der Lateinischen Literatur Des Mittelalters
046779: Mankell, Henning - The Troubled Man
040146: Mankowitz, Wolf - Wedgwood
023622: Mankowitz, Wolf - The Portland Vase and the Wedgewood Copies
020928: Mankowitz, Wolf - Dickens of London
029049: Manley, Lawrence - Convention; 1500-1750
019715: Manley, Robert N. - Centennial History of the University of Nebraska. I: Fontier University (1869-1919)
048999: Mann, Thomas - Thomas Mann Diaries 1918-1939
046629: Mann, Vivian B., Ed - Gardens and Ghettos; the Art of Jewish Life in Italy
040185: Mann, Thomas - Ein Briefwechsel
040184: Mann, Thomas - Dieser Friede
037877: Gell-Mann, Murray - The Quark and the Jaguar; Adventures in the Simple and the Complex
035706: Mann, Thomas - Stories of Three Decades
034964: Mann, K. H. - Ecology of Coastal Waters; a Systems Approach
034679: Mann, Sue - Fantastic Cakes
032731: Mann, Arthur - La Guardia Comes to Power 1933
030863: Mann, William - The Operas of Mozart
029521: Mann, James - An Outline of Arms and Armour in England from the Early Middle Ages to the CIVIL War
051308: Mann, Thomas - Pariser Rechenschaft
014689: Mann, Kathleen - Peasant Costume in Europe
010002: Mann, Arthur - La Guardia Comes to Power, 1933
002825: Mann, Ulrich - Schöpfungsmythen; Vom Ursprung Und Sinn Der Welt
1306: (Manning, Henry Edward). Leslie, Shane - Henry Edward Manning; His Life and Labours
038456: Manning, Beverley - Index to American Women Speakers 1828-1978
028931: Manning, Alan - The Argentaye Tract
006855: Manning, Clarence A. - Russian Influence on Early America
049477: Manning, Catherine - Fortunes à Faire; the French in Asian Trade, 1719-48
032515: Manningham, John - The Diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple 1602-1603
021931: Mannoury, Gerrit - Les Fondements Psycho-Linguistiques Des Mathématiques
051612: Manns, Peter - Vater IM Glauben; Studien Zur Theologie Martin Luthers. Festgabe Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 10 März 1988
040605: Mannucci, Loretta Valtz, Ed - People and Power: Rights, Citizenship and Violence
021907: Manoliu, Maria - El Estructuralismo Lingüistico
028257: Manross, William Wilson - A History of the American Episcopal Church
026805: Manross, G. Gary - The Impact of Theory-Driven Public Opinion Research in Strategic Planning for Winning Campaigns
024508: Manross, William Wilson - A History of the American Episcopal Church
043419: Doménech Mansana, Josep - La Casa; Cómo Se Costea Y Edifica Una Vivienda
008968: Mansbridge, Albert - The Older Universities of England: Oxford & Cambridge
030790: Jones, P. Mansell and G. Richardson, Eds - A Book of French Verse: Lamartine to éluard
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