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045385: Hunsberger, David L., et al. - People Apart; Portrait of a Mennonite World in Waterloo County, Ontario
037872: Hunt, Irvine - Fenty'a Album
032464: Hunt, Mary Leland - Thomas Dekker; a Study
032186: Kahlenberg, Hunt and Anthony Berlant - The Navajo Blanket
031802: Hunt, J. William - Forms of Glory; Structure and Sense in Virgil's Aeneid
031421: Bancroft-Hunt, Norman - People of the Totem; the Indians of the Pacific Northwest
053407: Hunt, Edgar - The Recorder and Its Music
052093: Hunt, Bruce J. - The Maxwellians
018305: Hunt, S. E. - Fission, Fusion and the Energy Crisis
017289: Hunt, Noreen - Cluny Under Saint Hugh 1049-1109
014782: Hunt, David - Parents and Children in History; the Psychology of Family Life in Early Modern France
013614: Hunt, John - The Ascent of Everest
012538: Hunt, Colin A. - The Perth Hammermen Book (1518 to 1568)
1238: Hunt, Everett Lee - The Revolt of the College Intellectual
049473: Hunt, Harrison R. - Some Biological Aspects of War
038279: Hunter, Alfred C. - Lexique de la Langue de Jean Chapelain
035314: Hunter, Milton R. - Utah Indian Stories
033786: Hunter, Sam, et al. - New Art Around the World: Painting and Sculpture
025903: Hunter, Sam - Jackson Pollock
023683: Hunter, Edward - Attack by Mail
012780: Hunter, Guy - The New Societies of Tropical Africa; a Selective Study
007750: Hunter, W. B., Et al. - Bright Essence; Studies in Milton's Theology
052587: Huot, Sylvia - From Song to Book; the Poetics of Writing in Old French Lyric and Lyrical Narrative Poetry
052415: Huot, Sylvia - Allegorical Play in the Old French Motet; the Sacred and the Profane in Thirteenth-Century Polyphony
001694: Hupka, Josef - Gegenentwurf Eines Gesetzes Ueber Den Versicherungsvertrag
046649: Hupp, Hans W. - Holländische Landschaftsmalerei IM Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
046128: Le Huray, Peter - Music and the Reformation in England 1549-1660
040104: Hurd, Michael - The Orchestra
004983: Hurd, Douglas - The Arrow War; an Anglo-Chinese Confusion, 1856-1860
046641: Hurley, F. Jack - Marion Post Wolcott; a Photographic Journey
037408: Hurley, F. Jack - Portrait of a Decade; Roy Stryker and the Development of Documentary Photography in the Thirties
036536: Hurley, F. Jack - Marion Post Wolcott; a Photographic Journey
026722: Hurley, Graham - Permissible Limits
030733: Hurst, P. G. - The Age of Jean de Reszke; 40 Years of Opera, 1874-1914
051919: Husband, Timothy B. - The Art of Illumination; the Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry
039804: Husch, Bertram - Forest Mensuration and Statisticis
030418: Hüschen, Heinrich, Ed - Festschrift Karl Gustav Fellerer; Zum Sechzigsten Geburtstag Am 7. Juli 1962
052712: Husenbeth, F. C. - Emblems of Saints: By Which They Are Distinguished in Works of Art
046806: Hussey, Maurice, et al. - An Introduction to Chaucer
030736: Hussey, Dyneley - Verdi
048131: Huston, John - An Open Book
037715: Huston, Nancy - The Mark of the Angel
045660: Hutcheon, Linda - A Theory of Parody; the Teachings of Twentieth-Century Art Forms
001834: Hutchings, Arthur - The Baroque Concerto
040970: Hutchings, Arthur - A Companion to Mozart's Piano Concertos
017125: Hutchings, Graham - Modern China; a Guide to a Century of Change
013572: Hutchins, Francis G. - India's Revolution; Gandhi and the Quit India Movement
031803: Hutchinson, G. O. - Hellenistic Poetry
025206: Hutchinson, F. E. - Cranmer and the English Reformation
015741: Hutchinson, John F. - Champions of Charity; War and the Rise of the Red Cross
007285: Hutchinson, W. H. - California; Two Centuries of Man, Land, and Growth in the Golden State
048716: Hutchison, Jane Campbell - The Illustrated Bartsch, 8 Commentary, Part 1 (le Peintre-Graveur 6 [Part 1]). Early German Artists: Martin Schongauer, Ludwig Schongauer, and Copyists
015437: Hutchison, E. H. - Violent Truce; a Military Observer Looks at the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1951-1955
013901: Hutchison, William R. - Between the Times; the Travail of the Protestant Establishment in America, 1900-1960
549: (Henry V). Hutchison, Harold F. - King Henry V; a Biography
049730: Hutchison, William R. - Errand to the World; American Protestant Thought and Foreign Missions
041597: Hutin, Serge - Robert Fludd (1574-1637), Alchimiste Et Philosophe Rosicrucien
019404: Hutin, Serge - Les Sociétés Secrètes
032393: Hutt, Julia - Understanding Far Eastern Art. A Complete Guide to the Arts of China, Japan and Korea--Ceramics, Sculpture, Painting, Prints, Lacquer, Textiles and Metalwork
006358: Huttar, Charles A., Ed - Imagination and the Spirit; Essays in Literature and the Christian Faith Presented to Clyde S. Kilby
005322: Huttenback, Robert A. - British Relations with Sind, 1799-1843; an Anatomy of Imperialism
046843: Hutton, Richard - Richard Hutton's Complaints Book; the Notebook of the Steward of the Quaker Workhouse at Clerkenwell, 1711-1737
037451: Hutton, Laurence - From the Books of
023739: Hutton, Will - A Declaration of Interdependence. Why America Should Join the World
020963: Hutton, Paul Andrew, Ed - Soldiers West; Biographies from the Military Frontier
020754: Hutton, Ronald - The Royalist War Effort 1642-1646
011840: Hutton, Ronald - Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
011235: Hutton, Laurence - Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh
050390: Hutton, William Holden - Philip Augustus
043250: Huxley, Aldous - Vulgarity in Literature; Digressions from a Theme
040871: Huxley, Anthony, Ed - The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening
011819: Huxley, Julian - Heredity East and West; Lysenko and World Science
011804: Huxley, Julian - Memories
052263: Huygens, R. B. C. - Le Moine Idung Et Ses Duex Ouvrages: "Argumentum Per Quatuor Questionibus" Et "Dialogus Duorum Monachorum
028607: Huyghe, René - Hommage à Frits Lugt
015165: Huyghe, René, Ed - Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern Art, from 1800 to the Present Day
015164: Huyghe, René, Ed - Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art
014241: Huyghe, René - Watteau
010195: Huzar, Elias - The Purse and the Sword; Control of the Army by Congress Through Military Appropriations, 1933-1950
041802: Hyams, Edward - A History of Gardens and Gardening
041140: Hyams, Edward - Capability Brown and Humphry Repton
016950: Hyams, Edward - Great Botanical Gardens of the World
046124: Hyde, Charles K. - Technoligcal Change and the British Iron Industry 1700-1870
028154: Hyde, H. Montgomery - Solitary in the Ranks; Lawrence of Arabia As Airman and Private Soldier
023632: Hyde, H. Montgomery - Lord Justice; the Life and Times of Lord Birkett of Ulverston
047831: Hyman, Larry M. - Phonology; Theory and Analysis
027090: Hyman, Leonard S. - America's Electric Utilities: Past, Present and Future
006000: Hyman, Harold M., Ed - New Frontiers of the American Reconstruction
008567: Hymans, Henri - Belgische Kunst Des 19. Jahrhunderts
018152: Hymes, Dell, Ed - Pidginization and Creolization of Languages; Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, April 1968
021143: Hyneman, Charles S. - The Supreme Court on Trial
039810: Hynes, H. B. N. - The Biology of Polluted Waters
022271: Hynes, Samuel - Flights of Passage; Reflections of a World War II Aviator
040325: Hyperides - Orationes Cum Ceterarum Fragmentis
020076: Hyslop, Francis E. - Henri Evenepoel, Belgian Painter in Paris, 1892-1899
032435: Cho Chung Hyun - From the Fire; Contemporary Korean Ceramics
047812: Rotberg, Robert I. and Theodore K. Rabb, Eds - Marriage and Fertility; Studies in Interdisciplinary History
045872: Elizabeth I. - The Letters of Queen Elizabeth I.
041173: McKinnon, Ronald I. and Wallace E. Oates - The Implications of International Economic Integration for Monetary, Fiscal, and Exchange-Rate Policy
041093: Kotkov, S. I. and V. F. Dubrovina, edsI - Istochnikovedenie I Istoriia Russkogo Iazyka
026860: Fink, Amir Sumaka'i and Jacob Press - Independence Park; the Lives of Gay Men in Israel
026770: Antoniadis, I. and H. Videau, Eds - Susy 95; International Workshop on Supersymmetry and Unifiication of Fundamental Interactions; Colloque International Sur Aa Supersymétrie Et L'Unifications Des Interactions Fondamentales
025792: Dominguez, Jorge I. and Abraham F. Lowenthal, Eds - Constructing Democratic Governance; South America in the 1990s
022928: Ro'i, Yaacov, Ed - The Limits to Power; Soviet Policy in the Middle East
052273: Afonso I, of Braganza - Edición Critica Del Texto Espanñol de la Cronica de 1344 Que Ordenó El Conde de Barcelos Don Pedro Alfonso
015954: Napoleon I. - The Military Maxims of Napoleon
013809: Durham, John I. And J. R. Porter, Eds - Proclamation and Presence; Old Testament Essays in Honour of Gwynne Henton Davies
005285: Rudolph, Lloyd I. And Susanne Hoeber Rudolph - The Modernity of Tradition; Political Development in India
051684: McCalman, Iain and Paul A. Pickering, Eds - Historical Reeanactment; from Realism to the Affective Turn
044461: Tret'iakov, N. N. - Georgii Gol'Ts
038459: Buchanan, Ian and Bill Mallon - Historical Dictionary of the Olympic Movement
023768: Buruma, Ian and Avishai Margalit - Occidentalism; the West in the Eyes of Its Enemies
036636: Iannuzzi, Joseph - The Mafia Cookbook
011835: Marti-Ibañez, Felix - Centaur; Essays on the History of Medical Ideas
009466: Ibrahim, Zeinab M., Et al., Eds - Diversity in Language; Contrastive Studies in Arabic and English Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
050943: Ibsen, Henrik - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen
052718: Icard, Séverin - Dictionary of Greek Coin Inscriptions. Identification Des Monnaies Par la Nouvelle Méthode de Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées: Application de la Méthode Aux Monnaies Grecques Et Aux Monnaies Gauloises
038820: Monterde Garcia Icazbalceta, Francisco - Bibliografia Del Teatro En Mexico
042437: Iden, Peter - Edward Bond
046035: Idle, Eric - The Road to Mars; a Post-Modem Novel
032251: Idone, Christopher - Christospher Idone's Glorious American Food
046819: Ierodiakonou, Katerina, Ed - Topics in Stoic Philosophy
001938: Ignacio, Rosendo - Diksiyonaryo Ng Wikang Pilipino
049778: Kipnis, Igor and Bern Dibner - Mozart and the Royal Society
050830: Iguiniz, Juan B. - Lexico Bibliogafico
044041: Edward II - Year Books of Edward II. Vol. XXV, 12 Edward II, Part of Easter, and Trinity, 1319
052852: Frederick II - Frederick the Great on the Art of War
053751: Sylvester II, Pope .c. 945-1003 - The Letters of Gerbert with His Papal Privileges As Sylvester II
010506: Friedrich II - Die Randbemerkungen Friedrich Des GroßEn
006136: James II - The Memoirs of James II; His Campaigns As Duke of York
019310: Ijzeren, J. Van - Lijst Van Nederlandse Vertalingen Van Griekse En Latijnse Niet-Christelijke Dichters En Prozaschrijvers; Bijdrage Tot Een Bibliografie
005336: Ike, Nobutaka - The Beginnings of Political Democracy in Japan
017497: Ikeda, Daisaku - The Flower of Chinese Buddhism
046137: Iki, Naoka - Eugène Scribes Roman-Feuilleton Bien Fait; Studien Zu Seinem Feuilletonwerk
051847: Ilels,George - Flame, Electricity and the Camera; Man's Progress from the First Kindling of Fire to the Wireless Telegraph and the Photography of Color
004657: Ilie, Paul - Literature and Inner Exile: Authoritarian Spain, 1939-1975
025370: Illing, Julius - Handbuch Für PreußIsche Verwaltungsbeatme, IM Dienste Des Staates, Der Kommunalverbände, Der Korporationen Und Für Geschäftleute
029973: Illingworth, J. R. - Personality Human and Divine, Being the Bampton Lectures for the Year 1894
029972: Illingworth, J. R. - Divine Immanence; an Essay on the Spiritual Significance of Matter
047836: Benoschofsky, Ilona and Alexander Scheiber, Eds - The Jewish Museum of Budapest
013738: Benoschofsky, Ilona and Sandor Scheiber - A Budapesti Zsido Muzeum
021883: Lehiste, Ilse and Pavle Ivic - Accent in Serbocroatian; an Experimental Study
042415: Diamanti, Ilvo and Renato Mannheimer - Milano a Roma; Guida All'Italia Elettorale Del 1994
043224: Zbarsky, Ilya and Samuel Hutchinson - Lenin's Embalmers
042398: Kabakov, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov - Monument to a Lost Civilization; Monumento Alla Civiltà Perduta
014702: Ilyin, M. - Russian Decorative Folk Art
043334: Imbò, Giuseppe - I Terremoti Etnei
053622: Imbrie, Andrew - Daedalus
041271: Imhof, Arthur E. - Ars Vivendi; Von Der Kunst, Das Paradies Auf Erden Zu Finden
052347: Imparati, Fiorella - Le Leggi Ittite
032841: Impey, O. R. - The Lacquer of Suzuki Mutsumi and Suzuki Misako; Japanska Lackarbeten Av Mutsumi Och Misako Suzuki
1479: Révészm Imre - A Magyar Reform Tus Egyh Z Története. RéVész Imre, Elözav Val; Irt K, Biró S Ndor, Et Al.
039347: Conference on Research in Income and Wealth - Regional Income
040980: Jens, Inge and Walter Jens - Frau Thomas Mann; Das Leben Der Katharina Pringsheim
039418: Kaul, Inge and Pedro Conceição, Eds - The New Public Finance; Responding to Global Challenges
053078: Inge, William Ralph - Christian Mysticism Considered in Eight Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford
041652: Behrens, Ingeborg and Jürgen Behrens, Eds - Friedrich Leopold Graf Zu Stoberg Stolberg; Verzeichnis Sämtlicher Briefe
017198: Ingells, Douglas J. - They Tamed the Sky; the Triumph of American Aviation
052729: Zachrisson, Inger and Elisabeth Iregren - Lappish Bear Graves in Northern Sweden; an Archaeological and Osteological Study
019275: Ingersoll, Jean Rose - The Rome of Horace
047286: Ingham, John M. - Mary, Michael, and Lucifer; Folk Catholicism in Central Mexico
012494: Ingles, Lloyd Glenn - Mammals of California
016953: Ingles, Lloyd G. - Mammals of the Pacific States: California, Oregon, and Washington
011808: Inglis, Brian - A History of Medicine
005111: Ingraham, Barton L. - Political Crime in Europe; a Comparative Study of France, Germany, and England
033094: Ingram, David - Habermas and the Dialectic of Reason
022998: Ingrams, Doreen - Palestine Papers, 1917-1922; Seeds of Conflict
014558: Ingrams, Richard - Muggeridge; the Biography
041926: Ingrao, Pietro - Masse E Potere
009701: Meyer-Ingwersen, Johannes Christian - Untersuchungen Zum Satzbau Des Paschto
046542: Innes, R. A. - Costumes of Upper Burma and the Shan States in the Collections of Bankfield Museum, Halifax
023031: Innes, Hammond - The Conquistadors
053272: Innes, Matthew - State and Society in the Early Middle Ages; the Middle Rhine Valley, 400-1000
006620: Innes, A. D. - The Maritime and Colonial Expansion of England Under the Stuarts (1603-1714)
005014: Innes, Stephen, Ed - Work and Labor in Early America
036004: British Columbia's Women's Institutes - Adventures in Cooking
025557: U.S. Department of the Interior - The Columbia River; a Comprehensive Report on the Development of the Water Resources of the Columbia River Basin for Irrigation, Powere Production, and Other Beneficial Uses in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
048570: Inverarity, Robert Bruce - Art of the Northwest Coast Indians
022128: Ioannides, Christos P., Ed - Cyprus; Domestic Dynamics, External Constraints
001978: Opie, Iona and Peter Opie - The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren
035834: Opie, Iona and Peter Opie, Eds - The Oxford Dicitonary of Nursery Rhymes
045714: Ionesco, Eugène - Journal En Miettes
025720: Ioppolo, Grace - Revising Shakespeare
021835: Iordan, Iorgu - Einführung in Die Geschichte Und Methoden Der Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft
047692: Iordan, Iorgu and John Orr - An Introduction to Romance Linguistics, Its Schools and Scholars
045529: Iordan, Iorgu and Maria Manoliu Manea - Linguistica Romanza
044702: Iorden, Iorgu and Maria Manoliu - Manual de Linguistica Romanica
021836: Iordan, Iorgu and Paul Alexandru Georgescu - Los Estudios Hispanicos En Rumania
009273: Iremonger, Lucille - Love and the Princesses
036458: Whalley, Joyhce Irene and Vera C. Kaden - The Universal Penman; a Survey of Western Calligraphy from the Roman Period to 1980
044670: Irigaray, Luce - This Sex Which Is Not One
039511: Iritani, Evelyn - An Ocean between Us
051845: Iriving, Roland Duer - The Copper-Bearing Rocks of Lake Superior
002259: Rauch, Irmengard and Gerald F. Carr - The Signifying Animal; the Grammar of Language and Experience
002258: Rauch, Irmengard and Gerald F. Carr - The Semiotic Bridge; Trends from California
002257: Rauch, Irmengard and Charles T. Scott - Approaches in Linguistic Methodology
043642: Ackermann, Irmgard and Harald Weinrich, Eds - Eine Nicht Nur Deutsche Literatur; Zur Standortbestimmung Der "Ausländerliteratur
037007: Irons, Peter - God on Trial; Dispatches from America's Religious Battlefields
034371: Irons, Peter - The Courage of Their Convictions
025660: Irons, Peter - Justice at War; the Story of the Japanese American Internment Cases
011811: Irons, Ernest E. - The Story of Rush Medical College
047713: Irvin, Dona L. - The Unsung Heart of Black America; a Middle-Class Church at Midcentury
015641: Irvine, Demar - Massenet; a Chronicle of His Life and Times
047055: Irving, Washington - Collected Works of Washington Irving
045094: Rouse, Irving and José M. Cruxent - Venezuelan Archaeology
043465: Howe, Irving and Kenneth Libo - How We Lives; a Documentary History of Immigrant Jews in America 1880-1930
036757: Irving, John - The Hotel New Hampshire
020554: Abella, Irving and Harold Troper - None Is Too Many; Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948
020385: Irving, Washington - Astoria; Adventure in the Pacific Northwest
050554: Irving, Washington - Abu Hassan [and] the Wild Huntsman. Hitherto Unpublished
010719: Irving, R. L. G. - The Alps
005848: Irving, Washington - Journal of Washington Irving (1823-1824)
005276: Brecher, Irving and S. A. Abbas - Foreign Aid and Industrial Development in Pakistan
051844: Irving, Roland Duer - On the Classification of the Early Cambrian Pre-Cambrian Formation. A Brief Discussion of Principles, Illustrate by Examples Drawn Mainly from the Lake Superior Region
048654: Irwin, Amos - The Permanent Migrants; Modern China Explained by Muschroom Hunters, Village Leaders and Undercover Police
039615: Garfinkel, Irwin and Robert H. Haveman - Earnings Capacity, Poverty, and Inequality
037502: Irwin, John - Shawls; a Study in Indo-European Influen Ces
038049: Isaac, Peter, Ed - Six Centuries of the Provincial Book Trade in Britain
016371: Isaac, Rhys - The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790
003814: Isaac, James Paton - Factors in the Ruin of Antiquity; a Criticism of Ancient Civilization
052899: Isaac, Jean - La RéVélation Progressive Des Personnes Divines
003590: Isaacs, Neil D. - Structural Principles in Old English Poetry
050248: Isachsen, Yngvar W., Ed - Origin of Anorthosite and Related Rocks
014793: Isajiw, Wsevolod W. - Causation and Functionalism in Sociology
035322: Isaksson, Olov - Bishop Hill Svensk Koloni På Prärien. Bishop Hill, ILL. , a Utopia on the Prairie
026784: Isard, Walter - Ecologic-Economic Analysis for Regional Development. Some Initial Explorations with Particular Reference to Recreational Resource Use and Environmental Planning
035123: Isay, David - Holding on
047662: Isbell, John Claiborne - The People's Voice; a Romantic Civilization, 1776-1848
028501: Isbell, Egbert R. - A History of Eastern Michigan University, 1849-1965
034837: Ischer, Theophil - Die ältesten Karten Der Eidgenossenschaft
033384: Ischirkoff, A. - Bulgarien, Land Und Leute
036527: Isegawa, Moses - Abyssinian Chronicles
036479: Isely, Duane - Weeds in the North Central States
020499: Iser, W., Ed - Immanente ästhetik, ästhetische Reflexion. Lyrik Als Paradigma Der Moderne
024560: Iserloh, Erwin, et al. - Reformation, Katholische Reform Und Gegenreformation
037917: Isherwood, Robert M. - Farce and Fantasy; Popular Entertainment in Eighteenth-Century Paris
013894: Ishi, Hiromitsu - The Japanese Tax System
038738: Ishikawa, Chiyo, et al. - A Gift to America; Masterpieces of European Painting from the Samuel H. Kress Collection
021281: Ishinomori, Shotaro - Japan Inc. ; an Introduction to Japanese Economics (the Comic Book)
032428: Ishizawa, Masao, et al. - The Heritage of Japanese Art
005318: Ishwaran, K. - Tradition and Economy in Village India
017879: Dyen, Isidore and David F. Aberle - Lexical Reconstruction; the Case of the Proto-Athapaskan Kinship System
020173: Isikoff, Michael - Uncovering Clinton; a Reporter's Story
045372: Iskander, Natasha - Creative State; Forty Years of Migration and Development Policy in Morocco and Mexico
012696: Iceland. Hagstofu Islands - Alpingiskosningar Arid 1942; élections Au Parlement 1942
031805: Italie, Gabriel - Index Aeschyleus
009542: Itkonen, Esa - Causality in Linguistic Theory; a Critical Investigation Into the Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of "Non-Autonomous' Linguistics
044924: Ito, Sachiko, et al. - Kimono: Nihon No Fukushoku Zufu Heian Kara Gendai Made. The Kimono: History & Style
036457: Itoh, Shingi - The White Egret
043714: Venedikov, Ivan and Todor Gerasimov - Trakiiskoto Izkustvo
012588: Light, Ivan and Edna Bonacich - Immigrant Entrepreneurs; Koreans in Los Angeles, 1965-1982
028184: Ivanhoe, Philip J. - Confucian Moral Self Cultivation
051455: Ivanka, Endre Von - Plato Christianus; ûbernahme Und Umgestaltung Des Platonismus Durch Die Väter
050077: Orgland, Ivar and Frederik Raastad - Islandsk-Norsk Ordbok
044661: Ive, Antonio - L'Antico Dialettto Di Veglia
044968: Iversen, William - The Pious Pornographers
039868: Iversen, E. S. - Farming the Edge of the Sea
012606: Iversen, E. S. - Farming the Edge of the Sea
047705: Iverson, Peter - Carlos Montezuma and the Changing World of American Indians
009358: Iverson, Peter - Barry Goldwater, Native Arizonan
014272: Ives, Colta Feller - The Great Wave; the Influence of Japanese Woodcuts on French Prints
001941: Ivi, Milka - Trends in Linguistics
032398: Ivimy, John - The Sphinx & the Megaliths
036629: Ivins, Molly - Who Let the Dogs in? Incredible Political Animals I Have Known
019555: Ivinskaya, Olga - A Captive of Time
041232: Ivsic, Stjepan - Slavenska Poredbena Grammatika
031431: Iwago, Mitsuaki - Wildlife; Photographs
020704: Iwanska, Alicja - Purgatory and Utopia; a Mazahua Indian Village of Mexico
046140: Iwao, Seiichi, Ed - Biographical Dictionary of Japanese History
050196: Iyer, Pico - The Lady and the Monk; Four Seasons in Kyoto
013598: Ranga Iyer, C. S. - India in the Crucible
050012: Hopper, Paul J. and Elizabeth Closs Traugott - Grammaticalization
046085: Le Boeuf, Burney J. and Stephanie Kaza, Eds - The Natural History of año Nuevo
053320: Chandler, Cullen J. And Stven A. Stofferahn, Eds - Discovery and Distinction in the Early Middle Ages; Studies in Honor of John J. Contreni
045916: Picoche, J. and C. Marchello-Nizia - Histoire de la Langue Françciase
045499: Gast. Rpss J. - Contentious Consul; a Biography of John Coffin Jones, First United States Consular Agent at Hawaii
045329: Emerick, Judson J. and Deborah M. Deliyannis, Eds - Archaeology in Architecture: Studies in Honor of Cecil L. Striker
045218: McKenna, Peter J. and Marcia L. Truell - Small Site Architecture of Chcao Canyon, New Mexico
045149: Ringrose-Voase, A. J. and G. S. Humphreys, Eds - Soil Micromorpohlogy [Sic]: Studies in Management and Genesis
044757: Aerts, W. J. And M. Gosman, Eds - Exemplum Et Similitudo; Alexander the Great and Other Heroes As Points of Reference in Medieval Literature
044257: Chiat, Marilyn J. and Kathryn L. Reyerson, Eds - The Medieval Mediterranean; Cross-Cultural Contacts
044164: Gifford, D. J. and F. W. Hodcroft - Textos Linguisticos Del Medioevo Español Preparados Con Introducciones Y Glosario
044030: Kovach, Francis J. and Robert W. Shahan, Eds - Albert the Great; Commemorative Essays
042479: Blanch, Robert J. and Julian N. Wasserman - From Pearl to Gawain; Forme to Fynisment
041059: Marples, N. J. and O. D. Macrae-Gibson - A Critical Discography of Readings in Old English
041035: Campbel, Jackson J. and James L. Rosier - Poems in Old English
040328: Warner, Ezra J. and W. Buck Yearns - Biographical Register of the Confederate Congress
040192: Frieden, Bernard J. and Lynne B. Sagalyn - Downtown, Inc. ; How America Rebuilds Cities
039986: Bennett, Harold J. and Chandler Morse - Scarcity and Growth; the Economics of Natural Resources Availability
039904: Caulfield, H. J. and Sun Lu - The Applications of Holography
039874: Ferguson Wood, E. J. and R. E. Johannes, Eds - Tropical Marine Pollution
039171: Margolis, J. and H. Guitton, Eds - Public Economics; an Analysis of Public Production and Consumption and Their Relations to the Private Sectors. Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association
038717: Parel, Anthony J. and Ronald C. Keith, Eds - Comparative Politcal Philosophy; Studies Under the Upas Tree
037212: Larrison, Earl J. and Klaus G Sonnenberg - Washington Birds; Their Location and Identification
037128: Viola, Herman J. and Carolyn Margolis, Eds - Seeds of Change; a Quincentennial Commemoration
035284: Katz, Joseph J. and Glenn T. Seaborg - The Chemistry of the Actinide Elements
032909: Mackintosh, N. J. and W. K. Honig, Eds - Fundamental Issues in Associative Learning; Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, June 1968
032038: Leff, Leonard J. and Jerold L. Simmons - The Dame in the Kimono; Hollywood, Censorship, and the Production Code from the 1920s to the 1960s
030833: Harner, Michael J. and Albert B. Elsasser - Art of the Northwest Coast; an Exhibition at the Robert H. Lowei Museum of Anthropology of the University of California, Berkeley, March 26-October 17, 1965
030644: Nieland, Lashara J. and Willa F. Finley - Lone Star Wildflowers; a Guide to Texas Flowering Plants
028413: Sheehan, James J. and Morton Sosna, Eds - The Boundaries of Humanity; Humans, Animals, Machines
027347: Summers, Claude J. and Ted-Larry Pebworth, Eds - Renaissance Discourses of Desire
027087: Pettavino, Paula J. and Geralyn Pye - Sport in Cuba; the Diamond in the Rough
024738: Delaney, John J. and James Edward Tobin - Dictionary of Catholic Biography
024310: Tolchin, Susan J. and Martin Tolchin - Glass Houses; Congressional Ethics and the Politics of Venom
023313: Cottrell, Alvin J. and James E. Dougherty - The Politics of the Atlantic Alliance
022962: Cotrell, Alvin J. and James D. Theberge, Eds - The Western Mediterranean; Its Political, Economic, and Strategic Importance
020526: Lumsden, Charles J. And Edward O. Wilson - Promethean Fire; Reflections on the Origins of Mind
020073: Lagerberg, C. S. I. J. and G. J. Wilms - Profile of a Commercial Town in West-Cameroon; Research Findings of a Socio-Anthropological Enquire in Kumba
050658: Gaiter, Dorothy J. and John Brecher - Wine for Every Day and Every Occasion; Red, White, and Bubbly to Celebrate the Joy of Living
019611: Russo, Anthony J. and Dorothy R. Russo - A Bibliography of James Whitcomb Riley
018160: Lyons, J. And R. J. Wales, Eds - Psycholinguistics Papers; the Proceedings of the 1966 Edinburgh Conference
017211: Plumyène, J. et R. Lasierra - Les Fascismes Français 1923-1963
051164: O'Meara, John J. and Bernd Naumann, Eds - Latin Script and Letters A.D. 400-900; Festschrift Presented to Ludwig Bieler on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
016857: Sebald, William J. And C. Nelson Spinks - Japan: Prospects, Options, and Opportunities
016346: Littler, D. J. And J. F. Raffle - An Introduction to Reactor Physics
053666: Katz, Jerrold J. and Paul M. Postal - An Integrated Theory of Linguistic Descriptions
015893: Kristiak, J. And B. I. Pustylnik, Eds - Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission
015120: Hamilton, J. And J. L. Petersen - Dynamical Singularities and Amplitude Analysis; Lectures
015110: Rose, David J. And Melville Clark, Jr. - Plasmas and Controlled Fusion
014534: Coale, Ansley J. And Melvin Zelnik - New Estimates of Fertility and Population in the United States; a Study of Annual White Births from 1855 to 1960 and of Completeness of Enumeration in the Census from 1880 to 1960
013957: Macintosh, J. J. And S. Coval, Eds - The Business of Reason
739: (Holbein d. J. - ) Pinder, Wilhelm. Holbein Der Jüngere Und Das Ende Der Altdeutschen Kunst
050522: Summers, Claude J. and Ted-Larry Pebworth, Eds - Too Rich to Clothe the Sunne"; Essays on George Herbert
053794: Hopper, Paul J. and Elizabeth Closs Traugott - Grammaticaliziation
010265: Smith, Robert J. And Richard K. Beardsley, Eds - Japanese Culture; Its Development and Characteristics
008992: Carman, Harry J. And Arthur W. Thompson - A Guide to the Principal Sources for American Civilization, 1800-1900, in the City of New York: Manuscripts
007539: Griffin, Larry J. And Don H. Doyle, Eds - The South As an American Problem
007347: Arrington, Leonard J. And Thomas G. Alexander - A Dependent Commonwealth; Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression
007191: Duncan, Greg J. And Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Eds - Consequences of Growing Up Poor
006695: Bercuson, David J. And J. L. Granatstein - The Collins Dictionary of Canadian History, 1867 to the Present
005910: Frieden, Bernard J. And Marshall Kaplan - The Politics of Neglect; Urban Aid from Model Cities to Revenue Sharing
005861: Berg, William J. Et al. - Saint/Oedipus: Psychocritical Approaches to Flaubert's Art
005490: Stein, Stanley J. And Barbara H. Stein - The Colonial Heritage of Latin America; Essays on Economic Dependence in Perspective
005369: Anderson, Margo J. And Stephen E. Fienberg - Who Counts? the Politics of Census-Taking in Contemporary America
050416: Harwood, Britton J. And Gillian R. Overings, Eds - Class and Gender in Early English Literature; Intersections
004828: Niedrach, Robert J. And Robert B. Rockwell - The Birds of Denver and Mountain Parks
053481: Gerritsen J. - The Honest Mans Fortune; a Critical Edition of Ms Dyce 9 (1625)
002683: Sicking, C. M. J. And G. J. Ten Veldhuys - [Hellenike Paideia]; Een Bloemlezing Uit de Griekse Literatuur
943: Arberry, A. J. and Rom Landau - Islam to-Day. Edited by A.J. Arberry and Rom Landau
002400: Armitage, M. J. And R. A. Mason - Air Power in the Nuclear Age
015440: Jablonski, Edward - Flying Fortress; the Illustrated Biography of the B-17s and the Men Who Flew Them
015439: Jablonski, Edward - Airwar
042977: Jabs, Carolyn - The Heirloom Gardener
025880: Remise, Jac and Jean Fondin - The Golden Age of Toys
026627: Pirenne, Jacaques and Baudouin van de Walle - Documents Juridiques égyptiens. I: Vente Et Louage de Services
049153: Fisiak, Jacek and Magdalena Bator, Eds - Foreign Influences on Medieval English
045480: Anglès, Jaceus and Michele Magni - Guida Ai Mari Di Grecia E Turchia; Eubea Sporadi Settentrionali E Meridionali Costa Turca Sud-Occidentale
043400: McNairn, Jack and Jerry MacMullen - Ships of the Redwood Coast
038956: Hoffman, Jack and Daniel Simon - Run Run Run; the Lives of Abbie Hoffman
037414: Cowart, Jack and Dominique Fourcade - Henri Matisse; the Early Years in Nice 1916-1930
036041: Jack, R. Ian - Medieval Wales
030344: Jack, Ian - English Literature 1815-1832
022667: Kugelmass, Jack and Jonathan Boyarin, Eds - From a Ruined Garden; the Memorial Books of Polish Jewry
015575: Barbara, Jack and William McBrien - Stevie; a Biography of Stevie Smith
004946: Gray, Jack and Patrick Cavendish - Chinese Communism in Crisis; Maoism and the Cultural Revolution
027386: Jackh, Ernest, Ed - Background of the Middle East
024563: Jackman, Everett E. - The Nebraska Methodis Story; Authorized Centennial History of Nebraska Methodism 1854-1954
045760: Jacks, L. P. - The Confession of an Octogenarian
046910: Jackson, Stuart W. - La Fayette; a Bibliography
040275: Jackson, Ian - Teach Yourself Malkielese in 90 Minutes
034953: Jackson, Richie Jean Sherrod - The House by the Side of the Road; the Selma CIVIL Rights Movement
032548: Jackson, Gabriele Bernhard - Vision and Judgment in Ben Jonson's Drama
031132: Jackson, Holbrook - Dreamers of Dreams; the Rise and Fall of 19th Century Idealism
030742: Jackson, Paul - Start-Up at the New Met; the Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts, 1966-1976
030740: Jackson, Paul - Saturday Afternoons at the Old Met; the Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts, 1931-1950
026644: Jackson, Shirley Gordon - A Place to Be Someone; Growing Up with Charles Gordone
026103: Jackson, Joseph Henry - Anybody's Gold; the Story of California's Mining Towns
023837: Jackson, Percival E. - The Wisdom of the Supreme Court
021005: Jackson, Blyden - Black Poetry in America; Two Essays in Historical Interpretation
053583: Jackson, Richard A., Ed - Ordines Coronationis Franciae; Texts and Ordines for the Coronation of Frankish and French Kings and Queens in the Middle Ages. Volume I.
020000: Jackson, Catherine Charlotte, Lady - Old Paris, Its Court and Literary Salons
018893: Jackson, Clarence S. - Picture Maker of the Old West, William H. Jackson
018601: Jackson, Stanley - Monseiur Butterfly; the Story of Giacomo Puccini
052727: Jackson, Ian - Teach Yourself Malkielese in 90 Minutes by Jan Closinka
018346: Jackson, Joseph Henry - Gold Rush Album
015444: Jackson, W. G. F. - The Battle for Rome
015441: Jackson, Robert - Fighter Pilots of World War II
015376: Jackson, Frank - They Make Tomorrow's Ballet; a Study of the Work of Jack Carter, Michael Charnley, John Cranko
012414: Jackson, Herbert J. - European Hand Firearms of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth & Eighteenth Centuries
009560: Jackson, W. A. Douglas, Ed - Agrarian Policies and Problems in Communist and Non-Communist Countries
007286: Jackson, Joseph Henry - Anybody's Gold; the Story of California's Mining Towns
003591: Jackson, W. T. H. - The Anatomy of Love; the Tristan of Gottfried Von Strassburg
043325: Jacob, Rolf - Vorromanische Und Romanische Sakralarchitektur in Der Oberpfalz
042589: Bean, Jacob and Felice Stampfle - The Italian Renaissance
039723: Jacob, Max - Lettres à Michel Levanti, Suivies Des Poèmes de Michel Levanti
039722: Jacob, Max - Lettres à René Villard, Suivies Du Cahier Des Maximes
039721: Jacob, Max - Lettres à René Rimbert
039720: Jacob, Max - Le Terrain Bouchaballe
031125: Jacob, Heinrich Eduard - Joseph Haydn; Seine Kunst, Seine Zeit, Sein Ruhm
030996: Jacob, August - Ueber Die Entstehung Der Ilias Und Der Odyssee
017445: Hay, Jacob and John M. Keshishian - Autopsy for a Cosmonaut
010937: Burckhardt, Jacob and Heinrich Wölfflin - Briefwechsel Und Andere Dokumente Ihrer Begegnung, 1882-1897
008921: Jacob, E. F. - Essays in Later Medieval History
007716: Zeitlin, Jacob and Homer Woodbridge - Life and Letters of Stuart P. Sherman
052981: Jacob, P. L. - Recueil de Farces, Soties Et Moralités Du Quinzièmes Siècle
003464: Jacob, Edmond - Théologie de L'Ancien Testament
025605: Jacobi, Lotte - Berlin--New York; Schiftsteller in Den 30er Jahren
036610: Jacoboson, Dan - No Further West; California Visited
048902: Jacobs, Jay - A Glutton for Punishment; Confessions of a Mercenary Eater
047497: Jacobs, Friedrich - Additamenta Animadversionm in Athenaei Deipnosophista. In Quibus Et Multa Athenaei Et Plurima Aliorum Scriptorum Loca Tractantur
042345: Jacobs, Richard - Searching for Beauty; Letters from a Collector to a Studio Potter
042344: Jacobs, Harriet A. - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself
038015: Jacobs, A. Gertrude - The Chinese American Song and Game Book
032884: Jacobs, Eric - Kingsley Amis; a Biography
025704: Jacobs, Robert L. - Wagner
023556: Jacobs, Noah Jonathan - The Toils of Language
020432: Jacobs, Wilbur R. - Francis Parkman, Historian As Hero: The Formative Years
017672: Jacobs, Arthur - Arthur Sullivan, a Victorian Musician
014753: Jacobs, Micihael - The Good and Simple Life; Artists Colonies in Europe and American
053679: Jacobsen, Douglas - Thinking in the Spirit; Theologies of the Early Pentecostal Movement
045261: Jacobsen, Annie - Area 51; an Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base
043816: Jacobsen, Lis - Eggjum-Stenen; Forsøg Paa En Filologisk Tolkning
040179: Jacobsen, Christiane, Ed - Johannes Brahms; Leben Und Werk
040139: Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf, et al., Eds - Drei Jahrzehnte AußEnpolitik Der Ddr; Besstimmungsfaktoren, Instrumente, Aktionsfelder
026576: Jacobsen, Annie - Watermelon Syrup; a Novel
037892: Jacobson, Dan - No Further West; California Visited
030536: Jacobson, Joanne - Authority and Alliance in the Letters of Henry Adams
047641: Jacobus, Mary, Ed - Women Writing and Writing About Women
026030: Jacobus, John - Henri Matisse
044158: Jacoby, Michael - Wargus, Vargr, Verbrecher, Wolf; Eine Sprach- Und Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung
040038: Jacoby, Russell - Picture Imperfect; Utopian Thought for an Anti-Utopian Age
039881: Jacoby, Stephen M. - Architectural Sculpture in New York City
028165: Golomb, Jacod and Robert S. Wistrich - Nietzsche, Godfather of Fascism? on the Uses and Abuses of a Philosophy
050002: Jacoff, Rachel, Ed - The Cambridge Companion to Dante
020283: Jacoff, Michael - The Horses of San Marco & the Quadriga of the Lord
043952: Hamesse, Jacqueline and Colette Muraille-Samaran, Eds - Le Travail Au Moyen Age; Une Approche Interdisiplinaire; Actes Du Colloque International de Louvain-la-Neuve, 21-23 Mai 1987
039033: Berlioz, Jacques and Marie Anne Polo De Beaulieu, Eds - Les Exempla Médiévaux; Nouvelles Perspectives. Etudes Réunies Et Présentées
036390: Jacques, Reginald - Voice-Training in Schools
022389: Revel, Jacques and Lynn Hunt, Eds - Histories; French Constructions of the Past
013975: Merleau-Ponty, Jacques and Bruno Morando - The Rebirth of Cosmology
013046: Lassaigne, Jacques and Giulio Carlo Argan - The Fifteenth Century from Van Eyck to Botticelli
400: Dupont, Jacques and Cesare Gnudi - La Peinture Gothique
002537: Hawkes, Jacquetta and Christopher Hawkes - Prehistoric Britain
033480: Jacquot, Jean - George Chapman (1559-1634); Sa Vie, Sa Poésie, Son Théatre, Sa Pensée
032615: Jacquot, Jean, Ed - Le Lieu Théâtral a la Renaissance; Royaumont, 22-7 Mars 1963
029854: Jacquot, Jean - Shakespeare En France; Mises En Scènes D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'Hui
048638: Jaeger, Werner - Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture
053157: Jaeger, C. Stephen - The Envy of Angels; Cathedral Schools and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950-1200
049268: Jaehrling, Jürgen - Die Philosophische Terminologie Notkers Des Deutschen in Seiner ûbersetzung Dder Aristotelischen "Kategorien
036829: Beckett, Jaen and Deborah Cherry, Eds - The Edwardian Era
011810: Jaffe, Bernard - Men of Science in America; the Role of Sciene in the Growth of Our Country
045382: Jaffee, Walter W. - Appointment in Normandy
024272: Jaffee, Martin S. - Mishnah's Theology of Tithing; a Study of Tractate Maaserot
051760: Jagel, Abraham ben Hananiah dei Galicchi - A Valley of Vision; the Heavenly Journey of Abraham Ben Hananiah Yagel
024559: Jahn, Aegidius - The Silver World; an Essay on the Ultimate Problems of Philosophy
051557: Jahn, Otto - W.A. Mozart
051761: Jähner, Harald - Aftermath; Life in the Fallout of the Kthird Reich 1945-1955
028380: Jakimowicz, Andrzej - Jacek Malczewski
050697: Jakob, Friedrich August Leberecht - Deutschlands Spielende Jugend. Eine Sammlung Vom Volkstümlichen Turn-, Jugend- Und Kinderspielen Mit Den Nötigen Melodien, Auszuführen IM Freien Und IM Zimmerf
037530: Baxa, Jakob and Guntwin Bruhns - Zucker IM Leben Der Völker; Eine Kultur- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
009544: Jakobson, Rodolfo - The London Dialect of the Late Fourteenth Century; a Transformational Analysis in Historical Linguistics
009547: Jakubas, Filip - Hornjoserbsko-Nemski Slownik; Obersorbisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch
008659: Jalée, Pierre - The Pillage of the Third World
043924: Jalics, Franz - Miteinander IM Glauben Wachsen; Einleitung Zum Glaubensgespräch
036280: Jamees, A. - Inventaris Van Het Archief Van de Polder Van Lilo, Stabroek, Berendrecht En Zandvliet
047468: Hardin, James and Jörg Jungmayr, Eds - Der Buchstab Tödt--Der Geist Macht Lebendig"; Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Hans-Gert Roloff Von Freunden, Schülern Und Kollgen
045367: James, Edmund - The Mormon Church Failure and Its Twisting of History to Hide Its Failure
044690: Piscatori, James and George S. Harris, Eds - Law, Personalities, and Politics of the Middle East; Essays in Hoor of Majid Khadduri
043432: James, Lawrence - Raj; the Making and Unmaking of British India
051302: Von Geldern, James and Louise McReynolds, Eds - Entertaining Tsarist Russia: Tales, Songs, Lays, Movies, Jokes, Ads and Images from Russian Urban Life 1779-1917
042240: James, D. G. - The Dream of Prospero
038348: James, Henry - The Lesson of the Master and Other Stories
038295: James, Marquis - Merchant Adventurer; the Story of W.R. Grace
037363: Glanz, James and Eric Lipton - City in the Sky; the Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center
036173: Heig, James and Shirley Mitchell, Eds - Both Sides of the Track; a Collection of Oral Histories from Belvedere and Tiburon
034933: James, T. G. H. - Ancient Egypt; the Land and Its Legacy
034203: James, Henry - English Hours
034150: James, D. G. - The Dream of Leaning; an Essay on the Advancement of Learning, Hamlet and King Lear
033894: James, William - The Principles of Psychology
033714: James, Henry - Charles W. Eliot, President of Harvard Univerisity 1869-1909
033683: Brett-James, Antony - The Triple Stream; Four Centuries of English, French and German Literature 1531-1930
032274: James, Hunter - Smile Pretty and Say Jesus; the Last Great Days of Ptl
032263: James, Simon - The World of the Celts
031023: James, Theodore, Jr. - Specialty Gardens
027756: James, E. O. - Religionen Der Vorzeit
027359: James, Henry - The Notebooks of Henry James
027197: James, Henry - Complete Stories 1898-1910
027193: James, Henry - Collected Travel Writings: The Continent. A Liitle Tour in France; Italian Hours; Other Travels
027192: James, Henry - Literary Criticism: French Writers; Other European Writers; the Prefaces to the New York Edition
027154: James, Henry - Novels 1871-1880: Watch and Ward; Roderick Hudson; the American; the Europeans; Confidence
027151: James, Henry - Complete Stories
027147: James, Henry - Literary Criticism: Essays on Literature; American Writers; English Writers
026444: James, T. G. H. - An Introduction to Ancient Egypt
026443: James, T. G. H. - The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
025060: James, D. G. - The Life of Reason: Hobbes, Locke, Bolingbroke
024273: James, William - The Thought and Character of William James
051810: James, Frank A. J. L. - The Development of the Laboratory; Essays on the Place of Experiment in Industrial Civilization
023770: Brett-James, Antony - The Hundred Days; Napoleon's Last Campaign from Eye-Witness Accounts
050836: Lockhart, James and Stuart B. Schwartz - Early Latin America; a History of Colonial Spanish America and Brazil
023069: Petras, James and Hugo Zemalman Merino - Peasant in Revolt; a Chilean Case Study 1965-1971
021309: Burke, James and Robert Ornstein - The Axemaker's Gift; a Double-Edged History of Human Culture
020163: Agee, James and Walker Evans - Let Us Now Praise Famour Men; Three Tenant Families
019351: James, William E., Ed - The Energy-Economy Link; New Strategies for the Asia-Pacific Region
051794: James, Frank A. J. L. - Michael Faraday; a Very Short Introduction
015448: James, Marquis - The Life of Andrew Jackson
015447: James, Lawrence - Crimea, 1854-56; the War with Russia from Contemporary Photographs
015446: James, Julian - A Fierce Quality; a Biography of Brigadier Alastair Pearson, Cb, Dso***, Obe, MC, Td, Hml
014662: Ashton, James and Edward B. Story - Wrought Iron; Its Manufacture, Characteristics and Applications
013902: James, Ralph E. - The Concrete God; a New Beginning for Theology--the Thought of Charles Hartshorne
011613: Strachey, James and Alix Strachey - Bloomsbury/Freud; the Letters of James and Alix Strachey, 1924-1925
010387: James, D. G. - The Romantic Comedy
009599: James, Robert Rhodes - Henry Wellcome
009584: James, Robert Rhodes - The British Revolution, 1880-1939
009317: Jensen, H. James and Malvin R. Zirker, Jr. - The Satirist's Art
005844: James, Henry - The Notebooks of Henry James
005425: James, Alice - The Death and Letters of Alice James
004925: James, Henry - English Hours
049739: James, P. D. - The Lighthouse
052118: James, Frank A. J. L. - 'the Common Purposes of Life'; Science and Society at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
048174: Jameson, Fredric - The Hegel Variations; on the Phenomenology of Spirit
047528: Jameson, Anna - Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical
052982: Jameson, Fredric - The Prison-House of Language; a Critical Account of Structuralism and Ruusian Formalism
051280: Jami, 1414-1492 - Fatikhat Ash-Shabab
018074: Jamieson, Alexander - A Grammar of Logic and Intellectual Philosophy, on Didactic Principles
050375: Jamison, Stephanie W. - The Ravenous Hyenas and the Wounded Sun; Mytho and Ritual in Ancient India
050374: Jamison, Stephanie W. - Sacrificed Wife/Sacrificer's Wife; Women, Ritual and Hospitality in Ancient India
053792: Jamme, Albert - Sabaean Inscriptions from Mahram Bilqis (Marib)
008448: Jammer, Max - Das Problem Des Raumes; Die Entwicklung Der Raumtheorien
043498: Jammers, Ewald - Schrift, Ordnung, Gestalt; Gesammelte Aufsätze Zur älteren Musikgeschichte
004296: Jammers, Ewald - Das Königliche Liederbuch Des Deutschen Minnesangs; Eine Einführung in Die Sogennante Manessische Handschrift
036086: Jammes, André - William H. Fox Talbot, Inventor of the Negative-Positive Process
053237: Le Jan, Régine - La Société Du Haut Moyen Age, Vie-Ixe Siècle
040740: Greenberg, Jan and Sandra Jordan - Action Jackson
032181: Morris, Jan and Paul Wakefield - Ireland; Your Only Place
028602: Van Pelt, Robert Jan and Carroll William Westfall - Architectural Principles in the Age of Historicism
053653: Noordegraaf, Jan and Frank Vonk - Five Hundred Years Foreign Language Teaching in the Netherlands 1450-1950
053238: Le Jan, Régine - Famille Et Pouvoir Dans le Monde Franc (Viie-Xe Siècle); Essai D'Antrhopologie Sociale
053829: Voorhoeve, Jan and Ursy M. Lichtveld, Eds - Creole Drum; an Anthology of Creole Literature in Surinam
030743: Janacek, Leos - Jenufa. Vocal Score
005710: Jancar, Barbara - Environmental Management in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia; Structure and Regulation in Federal Communist States
005440: Jancar, Barbara - Environmental Management in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia; Structure and Regulation in Federal Communist States
043978: Robinson, Jancis and Linda Murphy - American Wine; the Ultimate Companion to the Wines and Wineries of the United States
038320: Levy, Jane and Florence B. Helzel - The Jewish Illustrated Book; a Selection from the Judah L. Magnes Museum
036758: Farrell-Beck, Jane and Colleen Gau - Uplife; the Bra in America
035682: Stern, Jane and Michael Stern - Dog Eat Dog; a Very Human Book About Dogs and Dog Shows
035276: Martineau, Jane and Charles Hope, Eds - The Genius of Venice 1500-1600
033038: Woodman, Natalie Jane and Harry R. Lenna - Counseling with Gay Men and Women; a Guide for Facilitating Positive Life-Styles
032184: Dillenberger, Jane and Joshua C. Taylor - The Hand and the Spirit: Religious Art in America 1700-1900
030931: Lahr, Jane and Lena Tabori, Eds - Love; a Celebration in Art and Literature
020562: Jenson, Jane and George Ross - The View from Inside; a French Communist Cell in Crisis
051645: Janequin, Clement - Chansons Polyphoniques
027704: Bord, Janet and Colin Bord - Geheimnisse Des 20. Jahrhunderts; Faszinierende Phänomene, Erscheinungen Und Ereignisse
039321: Anderson, Janice and Edmund Swinglehurst - Ephemera of Travel and Transport
046014: Janik, Elizabeth - Recomposing German Music; Politics and Musical Tradition in Cold War Berlin
053542: Janin, Raymond - Constantinope Byzantine; Développement Urbain Et Répertoire Topographique
013339: Sourdel-Thomine, Janine and Bertold Spuler - Die Kunst Des Islam
037064: Janis, Elsie - Love Letters of an Actress
023839: Janke, Peter - Guerrilla and Terrorist Organisations: A World Directory and Bibliography
043594: Jankowsky, Kurt R. - The Neogrammarians; a Re-Evalution of Their Place in the Development of Linguistic Science
010533: Engel-Janosi, Friedrich - Geschichte Auf Dem Ballhausplatz; Essays Zur ôsterreichischen AußEnpolitik, 1830-1945
046245: Jansen, J. C. G. M. - Landbouw En Economische Golfbeweging in Zuid-Limburg 1250-1800; Een Analyse Van de Opbrengst Van Tienden
039660: Jansen, Paule - Le Cardinal Mazarin Et le Mouvement Janséniste Français 1653-1659
021765: Jansen, Marius B. - Japan and Its World; Two Centuries of Change
008924: Jansen, Henrik M. - Svendborg Og Omegn I Middelalderen
005357: Jansen, Eirik G. - Rural Bangladesh; Competition for Scarce Resources
049720: Jansen, Harry S. J. - De Constructie Van Het Stadsverleden; Een Systeemtheoretische Analayse Van Het Stadshistorisch Onderzoek Ter Bevordering Van de Synthetiserende Geschiedschrijving. Een Wetenschappelijke Proeve Op He Gebied Van de Letteren, in Het Bijzonder de Geschidenis
043435: Jansma, Rein - Stairs
048539: Janson, Tore - Latin Prose Prefaces; Studies in Literary Conventions
053133: Janson, Tore - Prose Rhythm in Medieval Latin from the 9th to the 13th Century
044361: Janssen, H. H. - Oscan and Umbrian Inscriptions with a Latin Translation
047841: Jansson, Ulf, Ed - Agriculture and Forestry in Sweden Since 1900--a Cartographic Description
052173: Jansson, Sven B. F. - Västmanlands Runinskrifter
028853: Jantke, Carl - Der Vierte Stand; Die Gestaltenden Kräfte Der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung IM XIX. Jahrhundert
029486: Jantsch, Heinz G. - Studien Zum Symbolischen in Frühmittelhochdeutscher Literatur
002164: Jäntti, Ahti - Probleme Der Modalität in Der Sprachforschung
019065: Jantz, Harold - The Soothsayings of Bakis; Goethe's Tragi-Comic Observations on Life, Time, and History
026702: Januszczak, Waldemar, Ed - Techniques of the World's Great Painters
021239: Janzen, Jean - Words for the Silence
032782: Jaques, Francis - The Queen of Corsica by Francis Jaques 1642
027485: Jaquette, Jane S., Ed - The Women's Movment in Latin America; Feminism and the Transition to Democracy
047489: Maholay-Jaradi, Priya - Fashioning a National Art; Baroda's Royal Collection and Art Institutions (1875-1924)
020011: Giraldo Jaramillo, Gabriel - Bibliografia de Bibliografias Colombianas
011466: Jardé, Auguste François Victor - La Formation Du Peuple Grec
029233: Jardin, André - Alexis de Tocqueville 1805-1859
008107: Jardin, André - Tocqueville; a Biography
043418: Jari, Enric - Paul Klee
030175: Jarintzov, Nadine - Russian Poets and Poems, "Classics" and "Moderns" with an Introduction on Russian Versification
045606: Jarman, Rosemary Hawley - Crispin's Day; the Glory of Agincourt
026900: Jarman, Derek - At Your Own Risk; a Saint's Testament
008195: Jarman, T. L. - Socialism in Britain from the Industrial Revolution to the Present Day
053274: Jarnut, Jörg - Geschichte Der Langobarden
047181: Vochala, Jaromir and Ruzhen Vochalova - Einführung in Die Grammatik Des Klassischen Chinesisch
002795: Jaromir, Robert - Bibel Und Zeitgeist; Eine Religionssoziologische Untersuchung
041985: Jarowiecki, Jerzy, et al. - Prasa Polska W Latach 1939-1945
047090: Jarratt, Susan C. - Rereading the Sophists; Classical Rhetoric Refigured
019350: Jarrett, Michael - Sound Tracks. A Musical ABC. Volumes 1-3
011238: Jarrett, Derek - Britain, 1688-1815
009689: Jarrico, Paul - Tom, Dick and Harry
021510: Jarzombek, Mark - Designing Mit; Bosworth's New Tech
051801: Jasanoff, Jay H. - Stative and Middle in Indo-European
024984: Jasenas, Michael - A History of the Bibliography of Philosophy
005696: Jasny, Naum - Soviet Prices of Producers' Goods
005695: Jasny, Naum - The Soviet Price System
045368: Kalman, Jason and Jaqueline S. du Toit - Canada's Big Biblical Bargain; How Mcgill University Bought the Dead Sea Scrolls
025711: Jason, Ray - Tales of a Sea Gypsy
024557: Jaspers, Karl - Wahrheit Und Wissenschaft
003149: Jaspers, Karl - Vom Europäischen Geist
003148: Jaspers, Karl - Descartes Und Die Philosophie
051431: Jaubert, Annie - La Notion D'Alliance Dans le Judaisme Aux Aborts de L'ère Chrétienne
048212: Jauß, Hans Robert - ästhetische Erfahrung Und Literarische Hermeneutik
045297: Johnson, Jay and William C. Ketchum, Jr. - American Folk Art of the Twentieth Century
020639: Jay, Antony, Ed - The Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations
017102: Barbree, Jay and Martin Caidin - Destination Mars in Art, Myth, and Science
043228: Jayatilleke, K. N. - Aspects of Buddhist Social Philosophy; Two Essays
021223: Jeaffreson, John Cordy - Annals of Oxford
051997: Jolivet, Jean and Henri Habrias, Eds - Pierre Abélard; Colloque International de Nantes
051753: Mabillon, Jean and Thierry Ruinart - Ouvrages Posthumes de D. Jean Mabillon Et de D. Thierri Ruinart, Benedictins de la Congregation de Saint Maur
050931: Leclercq, Jean and Jean-PaulBonnes - Un Maitre de la Vie Spirituelle Au Xie Siècle, Jean de Fécamp
044814: Dubois, Jean et al. - Dizionario Di Linguistica
043604: Baudry, Jean et al. - Bourgogne Romane
040215: Meynaud, Jean and Dusan Sidjanski - L'Europe Des Affaires; Rôle Et Structure Des Groupes
039271: Blanchard, Oliver Jean and Stanley Fischer - Lectures on Macroeonomics
033405: Racine, Jean and Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais - Phaedra and Figaro; Racine's Phèdra; Beaumarchais's Figaro'f Marriage
029413: Jean, Raymond - La Dernière Nuit D'André Chénier
027123: Lipman, Jean and Alice Winchester - The Flowering of American Folk Art 1776-1876
023597: Dautry, Jean and Lucien Scheler - Le Comité Central Républicain Ees Vingt Arrondissements de Paris (Septembre 1870-Mai 1871)
018891: Jean, Marie-Josée - L'Image Complice; the Knowing Image
015168: Lipman, Jean and Tom Armstrong, Eds - American Folk Painters of Three Centuries
010703: Ziegler, Jean and Uriel Da Costa - Marx, Wir Brauchen Dich. Warum Man Die Welt Verändern Muß
006343: Jean, Charles-F - La Religion Sumérien D'Après Les Documents Sumériens Antérieurs à la Dynastie D'Isin (-2186)
049651: Chevalier, Jean and Alain Gheerbrant - Dictionnaire Des Symboles: Mythes, Reves, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figures, Couleurs, Nombres
002555: Jean, Charles-F - Sumer Et Akkad; Contribution à L'Histoire de la Civilisation Dans la Basse-Mésopotamie
035602: Ferrary, Jeannette and Louise Fiszer - California-American Cookbook; Innovations on American Regional Dishes
006155: Jeans, James - Physics & Philosophy
004201: Jeans, James - The Mysterious Universe
047725: Jeanson, Francis - Le Problème Moral Et la Pensée de Sartre
050789: Jed, Stephanie H. - Chaste Thinking; the Rape of Lucretia and the Birth of Humanism
034947: Jedin, Hubert, et al., Eds - Atlas Zur Kirchengeschichte; Die Christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte Und Gegenwart
037863: Gillenkirk, Jeff and James Motlow - Bitter Melon; Inside America's Last Rural Chinese Town
036856: Nuttall, Jeff and Rodrick Carmichael - Common Factors/Vulgar Factions
036047: Gillenkirk, Jeff and James Motlow - Bitter Melon; Inside America's Last Rural Chinese Town
030326: Blank, Jeff and Jay Moore - Cooking Fearlessly; Recipes and Other Advantures from Hudson's on the Bend
009250: Jeffares, A. Norman - Anglo-Irish Literature
032491: Jeffcott, W. T. - A Dictionary of Classical Names for English Readers
035757: Jeffers, William N., Ed - Antidepressants; Third in a Series of Cartoon Classics from Medical Economics
026233: Jeffers, Robinson - Dear Judas and Other Poems
020399: Jeffers, H. Paul - Murder Most Irregular; a Novel
050634: Jefferson, Lisa - Oaths, Vows and Promises in the First Part of the French Prose Lancelot Romance
030745: Jefferson, Alan - Lotte Lehmann 1888-1976
030744: Jefferson, Alan - Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
018606: Jefferson, Alan - The Glory of Opera
007755: Jefferson, George - Edward Garnett; a Life in Literature
007579: Jefferson, Thomas - A Summary View of the Rights of British America
051362: Jeffery, Brian - Chanson Verse of the Early Renaissance
042380: Jeffery, Peter - The Secret Gospel of Mark Unveiled; Imagined Rituals of Sex, Death, and Madness Ina Biblical Forgery
033402: Jeffery, Brian - French Renaissance Comedy 1552-1630
051142: Jeffery, Peter, Ed - The Study of Medieval Chant; Paths and Bridges, East and West, in Honor of Kenneth Levy
035913: Alford, Jeffrey and Naomi Duguid - Seduction of Rice; a Cookbook
033914: Becom, Jeffrey and Sally Jean Aberg - Maya Color; the Painted Villages of Mesoamerica
008512: Richards, Jeffrey and John M. MacKenzie - The Railway Station; a Social History
051778: Jeffreys, Alan E. - Michael Faraday; a List of His Lectures and Published Writings
047708: Jeffries, John - A Narrative of Two Aerial Voyages
035696: Jeffries, John - A Narrative of Two Aerial Voyages
026756: Jeffries, Dexter - Triple Exposure; Black, Jewish and Red in the 1950s
002167: Jelavich, Charles - Language and Area Studies; East Central and Southeastern Europe. A Survey
004874: Jelavich, Barbara - Russia and the Rumanian National Cause, 1858-1859
021396: Jelen, Christian - L'Aveuglement
049868: Jelinek, Donald A. - Attica Justice; the Cruel 30-Year Legacy of the Nations's Bloodiest Prison Rebellion, Which Transformed the American Prison System
043382: Zeilinga de Boer, Jelle and Donald Theodore Sanders - Volcanoes in Human History; the Far-Reaching Effects of Major Eruptions
043231: Jemolo, Arturo Carlo - Chiesa E Stato in Italia Negli Ultimi Cento Anni
031041: Jencks, Christopher - The Homeless
022426: Jencks, Christopher - Inequality; a Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America
048537: Jenkins, Ian - The Parthenon Sculptures
046428: Jenkins, Bruce - Goodbye; in Search of Gordon Jenkins
039557: Jenkins, Geraint, Ed - Studies in Folk Life; Essays in Honour of Iorwerth C. Peate
035713: Jenkins, Geraint - The Craft Industries
035250: Jenkins, Virginia Scott - The Lawn; a History of an American Obsession
035139: Jenkins, J. Geraint - Traditional Country Craftsmen
026223: Jenkins, Herbert - The Life of George Borrow; Compiled from Unpublished Official Documents, His Works, Correspondence,Etc
016790: Jenkins, Roy - Churchill; a Biography
014718: Jenkins, Emyl - Emyl Jenkins' Guide to Buying and Collecting Early American Furniture
013247: Jenkins, Elizabeth - The Mystery of King Arthur
011685: Jenkins, Brian - Fenians and Anglo-American Relations During Reconstruction
049166: Jenkins, Philip - The Next Christendom; the Coming of Global Christianity
006979: Jenkins, Olaf P. - Geologic Guidebook of the San Francisco Bay Counties; History, Landscape, Geology, Fossils, Minerals, Industry, and Routes to Travel
025418: Jenkinson, Michael - Wilderness Rivers of America
022109: Jenks, Edward - A History of the Australasian Colonies (from Their Foundation to the Year 1893)
041047: Jenkyns, Richard - Three Classical Poets: Sappho, Catullus, and Juvenal
026445: Jenkyns, Richard - The Legacy of Rome; a New Appraisal
026585: Welsh, Jennifer and Ngaire Woods, Eds - Exporting Good Governance; Temptations and Challenges in Canada's Aid Program
037735: Jennings, Paul - The Living Village; a Report on Rural Life in England and Wales, Based on Actual Village Scrapbooks
031993: Jennings, Kate F. - Remington & Russell and the Art of the American West
051738: Jennings, Herbert S. - Contributions to the Study of the Behavior of Lower Organisms
015668: Jennings, Christian - Mouthful of Rocks; Modern Adventures in the French Foreign Legion
012246: Jennings, Al - Through the Shadows with O. Henry
050349: Jennings, George Henry - An Anecdotal History of the British Parliament, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. With Notices of Eminent Parliamentary Men, and Examples of Their Oratory
035504: Jensen, Lloyd B. - Man's Foods; Nutrition and Environments in Food Gathering Times and Food Producing Times
028910: Jensen, Adolf Ellegard - Die Drei Ströme; Züge Aus Dem Geistigen Und Religiösen Leben Der Wemale, Einem Primitiv-Volk in Den Molukken
013330: Jensen, Oliver - The American Heritage History of Railroads in America
007583: Jensen, Merrill - The Founding of a Nation; a History of the American Revolution, 1763-1776
003151: Jensen, Adolf Ellegard - Mythos Und Kult Bei Naturvölkern; Religionswissenschaftliche Betrachtungen
003152: Jensen, Ole - Theologie Zwischen Illusion Und Restriktion; Analyse Und Kritik Der Existenz-Kritizistischen Theologie Bei Dem Jungen Wilhelm Herrmann Und Bei Rudolf Bultmann
046051: Jeppesen, Knud - Counterpoint; the Polyphonic Vocal Style of the Sixteenth Century
053385: Jeppesen, Knud - La Frottola
030748: Jeppesen, Knud - The Style of Palestrina and the Dissonance
051132: Jeppesen, Knud - Kontrapunkt; Lehrbuch Der Klassischen Vokalpolyphonie
033976: Jepsen, Laura - Ethical Aspects of Tragedy; a Comparison of Certain Tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Seneca and Shakespeare
048248: Jeremias, Joachim - Die Gleichnisse Jesu
045066: Jeremias, Joachim - Jésus Et Les Païens
036332: Zulli, Jeri and Jonathan Gregory, Eds - 68th Art Directors Annual and 3rd International Exhibition
040949: Taylor, Jerome and Alan H. Nelson, Eds - Medieval English Drama; Essays Critical and Contextual
037366: Jerome, Jerome K. - On the Stage--and Off; the Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor
007945: Jerome, Edward - The Problem of the Constitution
052016: Jerome, Saint - S. Hieronymi Presbyteri Opera. Pars I: Opera Exegitica. 2a: Commentariorum in Esaiam Libri XII-XVIII; in Esaia Parvula Adbreviatio
052017: Jerome, Saint - S. Hieronymi Presbyteri Opera. Pars I: Opera Exegetica. 3: In Hieremiam Libri VI
052018: Jerome, Saint - S. Hieronymi Presbyteri Opera. Pars I: Opera Exegitica. 6: Commentarii in Prophetas Minores
018349: Jerrils, Jack E. - The History of a City... Carson, California
023677: Jerrold, Douglas - The Lie About the West; a Response to Professor Toynbee's Challenge
011212: Jerrold, Walter - Shakespeare-Land
047781: Jerusalem, Peter, Ed - Die Schöne Magelone/Die Schildbürger/Fortunatus/ Doktor Faust/Melusine
043004: Jervis, Simon - High Victorian Design
037797: Jervis, Simon - 19th Century Paperi-Maché
043211: Jervoise, Edwyn - The Ancient Bridges of the South of England
050062: Jesse, John Heneage - Memoirs of the Court of England During the Reign of the Stuarts, Including the Protectorate
028745: Jessen, Otto - Reisen Und Forschungen in Angola
014168: Jessen, Jarno - Rossetti
026453: Jester, F. E. - Die Kleine Jagd. Zum Gebrauch Angehender Jäger Und Jagdliebhaber
046856: Jevremovic, George - Azeri; Folklikfe Carpets
033282: Jewel, John - The Apology of the Church of England
015236: Jewett, Sarah Orne - The Country of the Pointed Firs
010741: Wilson, A. Jeyaraatnam and Dennis Dalton, Eds - The States of South Asia; Problems of National Integration. Essays in Honour of W.H. Morris-Jones
013573: Jhangiani, Motilal A. - Jana Sangh and Swatantra; a Profile of the Rightist Parties in India
042828: Jhering, Rudolph Von - Vorgeschichte Der Indoeuropäer
052349: Jie, Jin - A Complete Retrograde Glossary of the Hittite Language
053092: Jihei, Kunisaki - Kamisuki Chohoki, a Handy Guide to Papermaking
037483: Oakes, Jill and Rick Riewe - Our Boots; an Inuit Women's Art
036975: Oakes, Jill and Rick Riewe - Spirit of Siberia; Traditional Native Life, Clothing, and Footwear
022476: McMullan, Jim and Dick Gautier - Actors As Artists
041977: Ramirez Jimenez, Manuel - Las Reformas de la II República
041056: Jiménez, Salvador - España: Tierra, Agua, Fuego, Aire
039261: Bane, Mary Jo and David T. Ellwood - Welfare Realities; from Rhetoric to Reform
037598: Grossman, Jo and Robert Weibezahl - A Taste of Murder; Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers
041665: Rogge, Joachim and Gottfried Schille, Eds - Frühkatholizismus IM ökumenischen Gespräch; Aus Der Arbeit Des ôkumenisch-Theologischen Arbeitskreises in Der Ddr
002075: Born, Joachim and Sylvia Dickgießer - Deutsche Minderheiten; Ein ûberblick ûber Den Stand Der Forschung Für 27 Länder
024555: Joad, C. E. M. - Decadence; a Philosophical Inquiry
024277: Joad, C. E. M. - Philosophical Aspects of Modern Science
034943: Nicks, Joan and Barry Keith Grant, Eds - Covering Niagara; Studies in Local Popular Culture
031494: Sutherland, Joan and Richard Bonynge - The Joan Sutherland Album
028952: Moulden, Joan and Dominic Tweddle - Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement South-West of the Ouse
015061: Morgan, Joan and Alison Richards - A Paradise out of a Common Field; the Pleasures and Plenty of the Victorian Garden
015851: Mack, Joanna and Steve Humphries - London at War; the Making of Modern London, 1939-1945
049159: Esquibel, Joanna and Anna Wojtys, Eds - Exploration in the English Language: Middle Ages and Beyond. Festschrift for Pofessor Jerzy Welna on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
051920: Joannides, Paul - Masaccio and Masolino; a Complete Catalogue
663: Martorell, Joanot and Marti Joan de Galba - Tirant Lo Blanc. Translated and with a Foreword by David H. Rosenthal
040482: Romero Magalhães, Joaquim and Susana Münch Miranda, Eds - Os Primeiros 14 Documentos Relativos à Armada de Pedro Alvares Cabral
009501: Joaquin Montes, José, et al. - Glosario Lexicografico Del Atlas Lingüistico-Etnografico de Colombia (Alec)
003815: Jobard, Paul - L'Archéologie Sur le Terrain
046655: Jobst, Albrecht - Evangelische Kirche Und Volkstum; Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Volkskunde
037422: Blake, Jody and Jeannette Lasansky - Rural Delivery; Real Photo Postcards from Central Pennsylvania 1905-1935
034313: Jackson, Joe and William F. Burke, Jr. - Dead Run; the Untold Story of Dennis Stockton and America's Only Mass Escape from Death Row
039124: Slemrod, Joel and Jon Bakija - Taxing Ourseves; a Citizen's Guide to the Great Debate over Tax Reform
032888: Fischer, Joel and Kevin Corcoran - Measures for Clinical Practice; a Sourcebook
046196: Ducos, Joelle and Guy Latry - En Un Vegier... ; Mélanges Offerts à Marie-Françoise Notz
052529: Ducos, Joelle and Guy Latry - En Un Vergier... Mélanges Offerts à Marie-Franoise Notz
050393: Joergensen, Johannes - Sainte Catherine de Sienne
040829: Joest, Elisabeth - Das Todesurteil
015669: Joffroy, Pierre - A Spy for God; the Ordeal of Kurt Gerstein
048739: Wilbert, Johannes and Karin Simoneau, Eds - Folk Literature of the Mataco Indians
026286: Hempel, Johannes and Leonhard Rost, Eds - Von Ugarit Nach Qumran; Beiträge Zur Alttestamentlichen Und Altorientalischen Forschung, Otto Eissfeldt Zum 1. September 1957 Dargebracht Von Freunden Und Schülern
045874: Pflegerl, Johannes and Christine Geserick - Kinship and Social Security in Austria; a Social History for the 20th Century
044942: Feiner, Johannes and Magnus Lohrer, Eds - Mysterium Salutis; Grundriss Heilsgeschichtlicher Dogmatik
041001: Lepsius, Johannes et al., Eds - Die Grosse Politik Der Europäischen Kabinette 1871-1914; Sammlung Der Diplomatischen Akten Des Auswärtigen Amtes
004297: Johannesson, Alexander - Um Frumtungu Indogermana Og Frumheimakynni
020047: Johansen, Iris - Firestorm
049042: Elliott, John and Richard Picersgill - Captain Cook's Second Voyage: The Journals of Lieutenants Elliott and Pickersgill
048538: Plunkett, John and Louis Rossetto - Mind Grenades; Manifestoes from the Future
049904: De Vito, John and Frank Tropea - The Immortal Marilyn; the Depiction of an Icon
047922: John, Eric - Orbis Britanniae and Other Studies
047796: Cronin, John and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The Riverkeepers; Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment As a Basic Human Right
046983: Baxter, John and Thomas Atkins - The Fire Came by; the Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion
043784: Haiman, John and Pemla Munro, Eds - Switch-Reference and Universal Grammar; Proceedings of a Symposium on Switch Reference and Universal Grammar, Winnipeg, May 1981
043340: Marston, John and Elizabeth Guthrie, Eds - History, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements in Cambodia
041574: St. John, Judith - The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books 1566-1910; a Catalogue
040368: Rex, John and David Mason, Eds - Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations
037130: Biesanz, John and Mavis Biesanz - Costa Rican Life
036722: John, Augustus - Chiaroscura; Fragments of Autobiography. First Series
034198: Thackray, John and Bob Press - The Natural History Museum; Nature's Treasurehouse
032775: Fletcher, John and Philip Massinger - Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt
032136: McKinney, John and Cheri Rae - Walking the East Mojave Desert; a Visitor's Guide to Mojave National Park
031422: Baines, John and Jaromir Malek - Atlas of Ancient Egypt
030977: John, Nicholas, Ed - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro; le Nozze Di Figaro
030955: John, Nicholas, Ed - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Cosi Fan Tutte
030919: John, Nicholas, Ed - The Operas of Monteverdi
030562: Micklethwait, John and Adrian Wooldridge - The Right Nation; Conservative Power in America
029015: St. John, Michael - Chaucer's Dream Visions; Courtliness and Individual Identity
025899: Picton, JOhn and John Mack - African Textiles; Looms, Weaving and Design
025848: Armor, John and Peter Wright - Manzanar
024615: Davis, John and L. A. Stockwell - Public Ownership of Railroads
023934: Klier, John and Helen Mingay - The Quest for Anastasia; Solving the Mystery of the Lost Romanovs
021983: Biesanz, John and Mavis Biesanz - Costa Rican Life
021353: Westergaard, John and Henrietta Resler - Class in a Capitalist Society; a Study of Contemporary Britain
050075: Cresswell, John and John Hartley - Esperanto
020881: Bierman, John and Colin Smith - The Battle of Alamein; Turning Point, World War II
019474: May, John and Jennifer May - Commemorative Pottery 1780-1900; a Guide for Collectors
018815: Warrack, John and Ewan Wests - The Oxford Dictionary of Opera
014971: Henderson, John and Jonathan P. Scott - Securitization
014746: Hackett, John and Anne-Marie Hackett - Economic Planning in France
008799: Wright, John and William Wright - Recollections of Western Texas, Descriptive and Narrative; Including, an Indian Campaign, 1852-55 Interspersed with Illustrative Anecdotes by Two of the U.S. Mounted Rifles
008189: Durant, John and Otto Bettman - Pictorial History of American Sports; from Colonial Times to the Present
006119: John, Evan - King Charles I.
049456: Campbell, John and Nadia Margolis, Eds - Christine de Pizan 2000; Studies on Christine de Pizan in Honour of Angus J. Kennedy
004964: Israel, John and Donald W. Klein - Rebels and Bureaucrats; China's December 9ers
003433: Butt, John and Ian Donnachie - Industrial Archaeology in the British Isles
038600: Johns, Elizabeth - Thomas Eakins; the Herosim of Modern Life
049037: Johnson, Edward - Johnson's Wond-Working Providence 1628-1651
048830: Johnson, Edgar - Charles Dickens; His Tragedy and Triumph
048747: Johnson, Alexander Bryan - Alexander Bryan Johnson's a Treatise on Language
050823: Johnson, Fenton - Georgraphy of the Heart; a Memoir
047146: Johnson, Robbin S. - More's Utopia: Ideal and Illustion
050017: Johnson, Keith - Quantitative Methods in Linguistics
046351: Johnson, Lee - Delacroix; Pastels
046252: Johnson, Luke Timoty - Among the Gentiles; Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity
045786: Johnson, Susan M. - The Lyrics of Richard de Semilli; a Critical Edition and Musical Transcription
045434: Johnson, Molly Wilkinson - Training Socialist Citizens; Sports and the State in East Germany
043834: Johnson, Peter - Romano-British Mosaics
050038: Johnson, Samuel - Johnson's Livies of the Poets
052164: Johnson, Eugene J. - S. Andrea in Mantua; the Building History
043352: Johnson, Aubrey R. - Sacral Kingship in Ancient Israel
041208: Johnson, Harry G. - Alternative Guiding Principles for the Use of Monetary Policy
040715: Johnson, Robert Barbour - The Magic Park
040672: Johnson, Kim "Howard - Life Before and After Monty Python; the Solo Flights of the Flying Circus
001718: Johnson, John W. - American Legal Culture, 1908-1940
000067: Johnson, Harry G. - Money, Trade and Economic Growth; Survey Lectures in Economic Theory
039882: Johnson, Paul C., Ed - The Early Sunset Magazine 1898-1928
039825: Johnson, Elmer W. - Chicago Metropolis 2020; the Chicago Plan for the Twenty-First Century
038730: Johnson, Allen, Ed - Dictionary of American Biography
037758: Johnson, Clifton - Highways and Byways from the St. Lawrence to Virginia
036861: Johnson, Catheryn R. - Washburn Pioneers
036698: Berriedale-Johnson, Michelle - The Victorian Cookbook
035856: Johnson, Robert Flynn - Anonymous; Enigmatic Images from Unknown Photographers
035823: Johnson, Clifton - New England and Its Neighbors
033047: Johnson, George - A Shortcut Through Time; the Path to the Quantum Computer
032889: Johnson, Lynn D. - Psychotherapy in the Age of Accountability
030111: Johnson, Samuel - Johnson on Johnson; a Selection of the Personal and Autobiographical Writings of Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
028313: Johnson, Lonnie R. - Central Europe; Enemies, Neighbors, Friends
028190: Johnson, Aubrey R. - The One and the Many in the Israelite Conception of God
027684: Johnson, E. A. J. - The Organization of Space in Developing Countries
027248: Johnson, Samuel - Selections from Johnson on Shakespeare
027212: Johnson, Carroll B. - Matias de Los Reyes and the Craft of Fiction
026204: Johnson, Michael G. - The Native Tribes of North America; a Concise Encyclopedia
025063: Johnson, Norman B. - Prayer in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; a Study of the Jewish Concept of God
024278: Johnson, Roger A. - Psychohistory and Religion; the Case of Young Man Luther
023776: Johnson, Haynes - Sleepwalking Through History; America in the Reagan Years
023635: Johnson, George - A Shortcut Through Time; the Path to the Quantum Computer
023566: Johnson, E. A. J., Ed - The Dimensions of Diplomacy
023032: Johnson, Allen W. - Sharecroppers of the Sertao; Economics and Dependence on a Brazilian Plantation
022403: Johnson, Marie, Ed - Ancient Greek Dress
022164: Johnson, Roger, Jr., Et al., Eds - Molière and the Commonwealth of Letters: Patrimony and Posterity
020799: Johnson, Edgar - Charles Dickens; His Tragedy and Triumph
019341: Johnson, Noah - Journals of Two Cruises Aboard the American Privateer Yankee
019208: Johnson, Kermit D. - Realism and Hope in a Nuclear Age
019066: Johnson, Dana - Break Any Woman Down; Stories
018894: Johnson, William Oscar - The Olympics; a History of the Games
018077: Johnson, Aubrey R. - The Cultic Prophet in Ancient Israel
016868: Johnson, Robert Wood - But, General Johnson-"; Episdoes in a War Effort
015672: Johnson, Rossiter - Campfire and Battlefield; the Classic Illustrated History of the CIVIL War
015670: Johnson, John J. - The Role of the Military in Underdeveloped Countries
015591: Johnson, Bruce - Conrad's Models of Mind
014462: Johnson, J. Stewart - Eileen Gray, Designer
012608: Johnson, Alison - Islands in the Sound
012276: Johnson, Dana - Beak Any Woman Down; Stories
009552: Johnson, Marta K., Ed - Recycling the Prague Linguistic Circle
008678: Johnson, Hubert C. - Breakthrough! Tactics, Technology, and the Search for Victory on the Western Front in World War I.
053462: Johnson, Aubrey R. - The Vitality of the Individual in the Thought of Ancient Israel
008059: Johnson, Andrew - The Papers of Andrew Johnson. Vol 1, 1822-1851
007584: Johnson, Keen - The Public Papers of Governor Keen Johnson, 1939-1943
005563: Johnson, Trevor - Thomas Hardy
049396: Johnson, Samuel - The Works of Samuel Johnson
004668: Johnson, A. Ross - The Transformation of Communist Ideology: The Yugoslav Case, 1945-1953
003966: Johnson, William A. - The Steel Industry of India
046908: Johnston, Richard B., Ed - The Mcintyre Site: Archaeology, Subsistence and Environment
045388: Johnston, Judith - George Eliot and the Discourses of Medievalism
036411: Johnston, Frances B. - The Hampton Album
036363: Johnston, Paul Forsythe - Ship and Boat Models in Ancient Greece
035744: Johnston, James F. W. - The Chemistry of Common Life
032005: Johnston, Basil - The Manitous; the Spiritual World of the Ojibway
025386: Johnston, Joseph - Bishop Berkeley's Querist in Historical Perspective
020908: Johnston, Harry - Pioneers in West Africa
019790: Johnston, Johanna - The Life, Manners, and Travels of Fanny Trollope; a Biography
018348: Johnston, William G. - Overland to California. A Member of the Wagon Train First to Enter California... In the Memorable Year of 1849
003816: Johnston, Mary - Exists and Entrances in Roman Comedy (Plautus and Terence)
016985: Johnstone, Jay - Some of My Best Friends Are Crazy; Baseball's Favorite Lunatic Goes in Search of His Peeers
015673: Johnstone, Sandy - Enemy in the Sky; My 1940 Diary
029963: Joinville, François-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orleans, Prince De - Vieux Souvenirs 1818-1848
016738: Joinville, François-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orleans, Prince De - A CIVIL War Album of Paintings by the Prince de Joinville
052709: Jokinen, Ulla - Les Relatifs En Moyen Français; Formes Et Fonctions
053193: Jolivet, Jean - Godescalc D''Orbais Et la Trinité; la Méthode de la Théologie à L'époque Carolingienne'
041917: Joll, James - Antonio Gramsci
002020: Wackernagel-Jolles, Barbara - Untersuchungen Zur Gesprochenen Sprache: Beobachtungen Zur Verknüpfung Spontanen Sprechens
051705: Jolliffe, P. S. - A Check-List of Middle English Prose Writings of Spiritual Guidance
049961: De Jon, H. J. - De Nederlandse Industrie 1913-1965; Een Vergelijkende Analyse 0p Basis Van de Productiestatistieken
021077: Jonas, Klaus W., Ed - Deutsche Weltliteratur Von Goethe Bis Ingeborg Bachmann; Festgabe Für J. Alan Pfeffer
050855: Jonas, Dianne, et al., Eds - Grammatical Change: Origins, Nature, Outcomes
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