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019545: Gundolf, Friedrich - Shakespeare Und Der Deutsche Geist
049856: Gundry, Steven R. - The Plant Paradox; the Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain
026769: Gunion, John F., Et al. - The Higgs Hunter's Guide
046591: Gunn, Thom - Collected Poems
023207: Gunning, J. H. - Spinoza En de Idee Der Persoonlijkheid
020507: Gunnis, Rupert - Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660-1851
022668: Gunst, Peter - Die Bäuerliche Gesellschaft Ungarns in Der Zeit Zwischen Den Beiden Weltkriegen
051785: Gunston, David - Michael Faraday, Father of Electricity
047038: Holtus, Günter and Kurt Ringger, Eds - Raetia Antiqua Et Moderna, W. Theodor Elwert Zum 80. Geburtstag
027751: Endruweit, Günter and Gisela Trommsdorff - Wörterbuch Der Soziologie
051800: Güntert, Hermann - Indogermanische Ablautprobleme; Untersuchungen über Schwa Secundum, Einen Zweiten Indogermanischen Murmelvokal
051811: Günther, Norbert - Ernst Abbe, Schöpfer Der Zeiss-Stiftung
038213: Gunther, Carl E. M. - Practical Malaria Control; a Handbook for Field Workers
014870: Günther, Fr - Der Harz
009132: Gunther, Erna - Northwest Coast Indian Art
049356: Günther, Johann Christian - Johann Christian Günthers Sämtliche Werke
038754: Gupta, Udayan, Ed - Done Deals; Venture Capitalists Tell Their Stories
014758: Gupta, Akhil - Postcolonial Developments; Agriculture in the Making of Modern India
005275: Das Gupta, Jyoti Bhusan - Indo-Pakistan Relations, 1947-1955
014162: Guptill, Arthur L. - Norman Rockwell, Illustrator
039519: Gurevic, Aron - Mittelalterliche Volkskultur
022632: Burat de Gurgy, Henry - L'écolier de Barcelone
008183: Gurianova, Nina - Challengers to Capitalism: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao
048006: Gurlitt, Wilibald - Johann Sebastian Bach; Der Meister Und Sein Werk
030846: Gurr, Andrew - Rebuilding Shakespeare's Globe
027633: Gurr, Andrew - William Shakespeare; the Extraordinary Life of the Most Successful Writer of All Time
053468: Gusmani, Roberto - Neue Epichorische Schriftzeugnisse Aus Sardis (1958-1971)
022321: Guss, David M. - To Weave and Sing; Art, Symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest
045984: Gustafson, Alrik - A History of Swedish Literature
037992: Gustafson, Helen - The Agony of the Leaves; the Ecstasy of My Life with Tea
035209: Gustafson, Helen - The Green Tea User's Manual
006952: Gustafson, Alrik - Six Scandinavian Novelists: Lie, Jacobsen, Heidenstem, Selma Lagerlöf, Hamsun, Sigrid Undset
051758: Gustarelli, Andrea - Dizionario Dantesco Per Lo Studio Della Divina Commedia
009613: Korlen, Gustav and Bertil Malmberg - Tysk Fonetik
046708: Reese, Gustave and Robert J. Snow, Eds - Essays in Musicology in Honor of Dragan Plamenac on His 70th Birthday
046707: Reese, Gustave and Rose Brandel, Eds - The Commonwealth of Music. In Honor of Curt Sachs
022474: Gustavson, Carl G. - A Preface to History
015105: Gusterson, Hugh - Nuclear Rites; a Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War
052066: Gut, Serge - La Tierce Harmonique Dans la Musique Occidentale; Origines Et évolution
005575: Alkalay-Gut, Karen - Alone in the Dawn; the Life of Adelaide Crapsey
045894: Gutcheon, Beth - Death at Breakfast
018139: Gutenbrunner, Siegfried, et al., Eds - Die Wissenschaft Von Deutscher Sprache Und Dichtung: Methoden, Probleme, Aufgaben
047125: Guterman, Simeon L. - Religious Toleration and Persecution in Ancient Rome
033536: Guthke, Karl S. - Last Words; Variations on a Theme in Cultural History
026335: Guthrie, W. K. C. - The Greeks and Their Gods
007457: Gutkind, Lee, Ed - Lessons in Persuasion; Creative Nonfiction/Pittsburgh Connections
002131: Gutknecht, Christoph - Grundbegriffe Und Hauptströmungen Der Linguisitik
018578: Gutknecht, Dieter - Untersuchungen Zur Melodik Des Hugenottenpsalters
045546: Gutman, Robert Ed - People and Buildings
043246: Gutman, Robert W. - Richard Wagner; the Man, His Mind, and His Music
033853: Guttenplan, D. D. - The Holocaust on Trial
028169: Guttenplan, Samuel, Ed - A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind
039058: Güttgemanns, Erhardt - Offene Fragen Zur Formgeschichte Des Evangeliums; Eine Methodologische Skizze Der Grundlagenproblematik Der Form- Und Redaktionsgeschichte
033208: Guttman, Selma - The Foreign Sources of Shakespeare's Works. An Annotated Bibliography of the Commentary Written on This Subject between 1904 and 1940 Together with Lists of Certain Translations Available to Shakespeare
028784: Guttmann, Julius - Die Philosophie Des Judentums
024237: Guttmann, Alexander - Rabbinic Judaism in the Making; a Chapter in the History of the Halakhah from Ezra to Judah I.
011196: Guttsman, W. L. - The British Political Elite
045185: Busnel, René-Guy and James F. Fish, Eds - Animal Sonar Systems
038890: Guy, David - The Red Thread of Passion; Spirituality and the Paradox of Sex
053132: Cambier, Guy et al. - Lettres Latines Du Moyen Age Et de la Renaissance
032108: Cooper, Guy and Gordon Taylor - Paradise Transformed; the Private Garden for the Twenty-First Century
028785: Guy, Henry - Essai Sur la Vie Et Les Oeuvres Littéraires de Trouvère Adan de la Hale
052802: Bedouelle, Guy and Bernard Roussel - Le Temps Des Réformes Et la Bible
049566: Guyton, Bill - Glaciers of California; Modern Glaciers, Ice Age Glaciers, Origin of Yosemite Valley, and a Glacier Tour in the Sierra Nevada
048555: Gonzalez Guzman, Pascual - El Habla Viva Del Valle de Aragüés
045850: Guzman, Augusto - Historia de la Novela Boliviana
007625: Guzzardi, Walter, Jr. - The Henry Luce Foundation; a History, 1936-1986
021022: Gwaltney, John Langston - Drylongso; a Self-Portrait of Black America
014293: Gyllensvärd, Bo - Chinese Gold, Silver, and Porcelain: The Kempe Collection
048908: Shanghai International Gymnastics - A Friendly Gathering of Gymnasts; 1978 Shanghai International Gymnastics Friendship International Tournament
048942: Clinkscale, Edward H. and Clarie Brook, Eds - A Musical Lffering; Essays in Honor of Martin Bernstein
052458: Denton, Jeffrey H. and John P. Dooley - Representatives of the Lower Clergy in Parliament 1295-1340
053389: Sayce, A. H. and Theophilus G> Pinches - The Tablet from Yuzgat, in the Liverpool Institute of Archaeology
048480: Ence H. - Hawaii Pono: A Social History
047668: Nelson, Harold H. and Uvo Hölscher - Work in Western Thebes 1931-33
047582: Whittlesey, Lee H. and Elizabeth A. Watry, Eds - Ho! for Wonderland. Travelers' Accounts of Yellowstone, 1872-1914
047463: Allen, J. H. and J. B. Greenough - Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar
049083: Brouwer, J. H. and A. Campbell - The Early Frisian Studies of Jan Van Vliet
045905: Auden, W. H. And Christopher Isherwood - Plays and Other Dramatic Writings by W.H. Auden, 1928-1938
044129: Harlan, George H. and Clement Fisher, Jr. - Of Wlaking Beams and Paddle Wheels; a Cronicle of San Francisco Bay Ferryboats
042121: Auden, W. H. And Chester Kallman - Libretti and Other Dramataic Writings by W.H. Auden, 1939-1973
000099: Guenault, Paul H. And J. M. Jackson - The Control of Monopoly in the United Kingdom
040073: Duncan, Wilbur H. and Leonard E. Foote - Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States
039241: Haveman, Robert H. and John V. Krutilla - Unemployment, Idle Capacity, and the Evaluation of Public Expenditures: National and Regional Analyses
039185: Parker, R. H. and G. C. Harcourt, Eds - Readidngs in the Concept and Measurement of Income
038842: Levy, H. and L. Roth - Elements of Probability
038663: Wiser, William H. and Charlotte Viall Wiser - Behind Mud Walls 1930-1960
038566: Watkins, T. H. and R. R. Olmsted - Mirror of the Dream; an Illustrated History of San Francisco
038157: Smith, Joseph H. and William Kerrigan, Eds - Interpreting Lacan
036074: McCulla, Dorothy H. and Martin Hampson - Victorian and Edwardian Warwickshire from Old Photographs
031391: Golden, Herbert H. and Seymour O. Simches - Modern Iberian Language and Literature: A Bibliography of Homage Studies
029522: Marckwardt, Albert H. and James L. Rosier - Old English Language and Literature
029088: Tawney, R. H. and Eileen Power - Tudor Economic Documents, Being Select Documents Illustrating the Economic and Social History of Tudor England
028767: Gilbert Allan H. - Dante and His Comedy
027911: Conrad, Alfred H. and John R. Meyer - The Economics of Slavery and Other Studies in Econometric History
027682: McNeill, William H. and Ruth S. Adams, Eds - Human Migration; Patterns and Policies
026799: Brandin, David H. and Michael A. Harrison - The Technology Was; a Case for Competitiveness
026680: Black Elk, Wallace H. and William S. Lyon - Black Elk; the Sacred Ways of a Lakota
026361: Grunewalt Crawford H., Jr. - Ritual Dinners in Early Historic Sardis
026126: Roseboom, Eugene H. and Francis P. Weisenburger - A History of Ohio
025948: Heckscher, Morrison H. and Leslie Greene Bowman - American Rococo 1750-1776; Elegance in Ornament
025650: Halperin, Morton H. and Daniel Hoffman - Freedom Vs. National Security; Secrecy and Surveillance
023826: Beller, Andrea H. and John W. Graham - Small Change: The Economics of Child Support
023740: Reinbothe, H. and C. Wasternack - Mensch Und Plfanze; Kulturgeschichte Und Wechselbeziehung
023681: Matzen, H. and N. Lassen - Den Nordiske Tingsret
023498: Gosses, I. H. and N. Japikse - Handboek Tot de Staatkundige Geschiedenis Van Nederland
022333: Härtel, H. and M. Yaldiz - Die SeidenstraßE; Malereien Und Plastiken Aus Buddhistischen Höhlentempeln. Aus Der Sammlung Des Museum Für Indische Kunst Berlin
022030: Keith, Henry H. and S. F. Edwards, Eds - Conflict & Continuity in Brazilian Society
021330: Von Laue, Theodore H. and Angela Von Laue - Faces of a Nation; the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 1917-1991
021059: Carlson, Leland H. and Ronald Paulson - English Satire; Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, January 15, 1972
051685: Rowen, Herbert H. and Andrew Lossky - Political Ideas & Institutions in the Dutch Republic
017131: Mellor, Roy E. H. And E. Alisstair Smith - Europe; a Geographical Survey of the Continent
016196: Taylor, Michael J. H. And John W. R. Taylor - Encyclopedia of Aircraft
015836: Jochim, H. And B. Ziegler, Eds - Interaction Studies in Nuclei; Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry (Otto-Hahn-Institute) in Mainz, Nuclear Physics Division, February 17 to 20, 1975
015342: Street, James H. and Dilmus D. James, Eds - Technological Progress in Latin America; the Prospects for Overcoming Dependency
014919: Halsey, R. T. H. And Elizabeth Tower - The Homes of Our Ancestors As Shown in the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York from Th4e Beginnings of New England Through the Early Days of the Republic
014577: Adamson, J. H. And H. F. Folland - Sir Harry Vane; His Life and Times (1613-1662)
014343: Douglas, Frederic H. And René d'Harnoncourt - Indian Art of the United States
013864: Harshbarger, Luther H. And John A. Mourant - Judaism and Christianity; Perspectives and Traditions
013703: Capitan, W. H. And D. D. Merrill, Eds - Art, Mind, and Religion; Proceedings of the 1965 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy
013588: Moreland, W. H. And Atul Chandra Chatterjee - A Short History of India
013172: White, Theodore H. And Annalee Jacoby - Thunder out of China
013075: Michael, Franz H. And George E. Taylor - The Far East in the Modern World
009503: Golden, Herbert H. And Seymour O. Simches - Modern Italian Language and Literature; a Bibliography of Homage Studies
008513: Cartwright, William H. And Richard L. Watson, Jr., Eds - The Reinterpretation of American History and Culture
008316: Forestier, H. And H. Drouot - Bourgogne Morvan
007824: Silcock, T. H. And E. K. Fisk - The Political Economy of Independent Malaya; a Case-Study in Development
004583: Mellor, Roy E. H. And E. Alistair Smith - Europe; a Geographical Survey of the Continent
040163: Haack, Susan - Philosophy of Logics
049398: Haack, Hermann - Stielers Hand-Atlas; 254 Haupt- Und Nebenkarten in Kupferstich
046972: Haag, Earl C., Ed - A Pennsylvania German Anthology
007325: Haarsager, Sandra - Bertha Knight Landes of Seattle, Big-City Mayor
047829: Haas, Mary R. - The Thai System of Writing
045988: Haas, Robert Bartlett, Ed - William Grant Still and the Fusion of Cultures in American Music
044700: Haas, J. - Neufranzösische Syntax
035563: Haas, Ernst - In America
029358: Haas, Alois M. - Parzivals Tumpheit Bei Wolfram Von Eschenbach
025807: Haas, Gerlinde - Die Syrinx in Der Griechischen Bildkunst
050045: Haas, Mary R. - The Prehistory of Languages
050226: Haas, Volkert - Hethitische Berggötter Und Hurritische Steindämonen; Riten, Kulte Und Mythen. Eine Einführung in Die Altkleinasiatischen Religiösen Vorstellungen
052356: Haas, Volert - Die Hethitische Literatur; Texte, Stilistik, Motive
035998: Haase, Donald, Ed - The Reception of Grimms' Fairy Tales; Responses, Reactions, Revision
043119: Gonzalez-Haba, Mercedes - Zur Syntax Der Unterordnung Bei Curtius
011788: Habakkuk, H. J. - American and British Technology in the Nineteenth Century; the Search for Labour-Saving Inventions
043122: Traber, Habakuk and Elmar Weingarten, Eds - Verdrängte Musik; Berliner Komponisten IM Exil
018065: Habbel, Josef - Die Philosophie Heinrich Von Recklinghausens
010100: Habe, Hans - Wie Einst David; Entscheidung in Israel, Ein Erlebnisbericht
027974: Haber, Heinz, Ed - Naturvölker in Unserer Zeit
011789: Haber, Heinz - Stars, Men and Atoms
028709: Haberland, Wolfgang - Archäologische Untersuchungen in Der Provinz Chiriqui, Panama
041175: Haberler, Gottfried - A Survey of International Trade Theory
025084: Haberman, Joshua O. - Philosopher of Revelation; the Life and Thought of S.L. Steinheim
045662: Habermas, Jürgen - The New Conservatism; Cultural Criticism and the Historians' Debate
040938: Habermas, Jürgen - On Society and Politics; a Reader
028170: Habermas, Jürgen - Philosophical-Political Profiles
039483: Habermayer, Robert - Mauerwerkstechnik Und Steinbearbeitung Der Romanischen Zeit IM Ehemaligen Bistum Minden
039406: Habib, Jack - An Integrated Approach to Taxes and Transfers
021750: Habicht, Max - The Power of the International Judge to Give a Decision "Ex Aequo Et Bono
008846: Habicht, V. Curt - Hanseatische Malerei Und Plastik in Skandinavien
044606: Habington, William - The Poems of William Habington
043295: Hachten, Harva - The Flavor of Wisconsin; an Informal History of Food and Eating in the Badger State, Together with 400 Favorite Recipes
028196: Hack, Richard - Hughes; the Private Diaries, Memos and Letters. The Definitive Biography of the First American Billionaire
051310: Hack, Roy Kenneth - God in Greek Philosophy to the Time of Socrates
023788: Hacker, Andrew - Two Nations; Black and White, Separte, Hostile, Unequal
030962: Hackett, Clifford P. - A Jean Monnet Chronology; Origins of the European Union in the Life of a Founder, 1888 to 1950
029915: Hacking, Ian - The Emergence of Probability; a Philosophical Study of Early Ideas About Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference
023937: Hacking, Ian - The Emergence of Probability; a Philosophical Study of Early Ideas About Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference
004118: Hackney, Sheldon - Populism to Progressivism in Alabama
041657: Hacks, Peter - Oper. Geschichte Meiner Oper. Noch Einen Löffel Gift, Liebling? Omphale. Die Vögel. Versuch über Das Libretto
049122: Hackstein, Olav - Untersuchungen Zu Den Sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen Des Tocharischen
026364: Hadas, Moses - A History of Greek Literature
047100: Haddad, Brent M. - Rivers of Gold; Designing Markets to Allocate Water in California
007773: Hadden, J. Cuthbert - Haydn
050616: Hadfield, Robert A. - Faraday and His Metallurgical Researches with Special Reference to Their Bearing on the Development of Alloy Steels
012465: Hadfield, Miles - One Man's Garden
032248: Hadingham, Evan - Early Man and the Cosmos
009023: Hadingham, Evan - Circles and Standing Stones; an Illustrated Exploration of Megalith Mysteries of Early Britain
026954: Hadleigh, Boze - The Lavender Screen; the Gay and Lesbian Film: Their Stars, Makers, Characters, and Critics
016450: Hadley, Arthur T. - The Nation's Safety and Arms Control
041512: Haeberli, Hans - Der Begriff Der Wissenschaft IM Logischen Positivismus
047182: Haenisch, E. - Lehrgang Der Klassiscehn Chinesischen Schriftsprache
024546: Haensel, Werner - Kants Lehre Vom Widerstandsrecht; Ein Beitrag Zur Systematik Der Kantischen Rechtsphilosophie
027749: Haensell, Fritz - Probleme Der Vor-Völker-Forschung; Grundzüge Einer Ethnologischen Urgeschichte
040973: Haffner, Sebastian - Anmerkungen Zu Hitler
020449: Haffner, Sebastian - Von Bismarck Zu Hitler; Ein Rückblick
026366: Hafner, German - Bildlexikon Antiker Personen
051412: Hafner, Wolfgang - Der Basiliuskommentar Rur Regula S. Benedicti; Ein Beitrag Zur Autorenfrage Karolingischer Regelkommentare
046740: Hagan, Dorothy Veinus - Félicien David 1810-1876; a Composer and a Cause
032933: Hagan, Robert H. - Pi Yen Hu; the Chinese Snuff Bottle
012175: Hagan, Kenneth J. - This People's Navy; the Making of American Sea Power
019546: Hagedorn, Hermann - Edwin Arlington Robinson; a Biography
028609: Hagemann, Carl - Spiele Der Völker; Eindrücke Und Studien Auf Einer Weltfahrt Nach Afrika Und Ostasien
038930: Hagen, Victor Wolfgang Von - The Desert Kingdoms of Peru
033326: Hagen, Oskar - Patterns and Principles of Spanish Art
029954: Hagen, Victor Wolfgang Von - Maya Explorer; John Lloyd Stephens and the Lost Cities of Central America and Yucatan
025548: Hagen, Victor Wolfgang Von - Maya Explorer; John Lloyd Stephens and the Lost Cities of Central America and Yucatan
023121: Von Hagen, Victor W. - The Desert Kingdoms of Peru
022665: Hagen, Victor Wolfgang Von - The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas: Aztec, Maya, Inca
011790: Hager, Hermann - Das Mirkoskop Und Seine Anwendung; Ein Leitfaden Bei Mikroskopischen Untersuchungen Für Apotheker, Aerzte, Medicinalbeamte, Techniker, Gewerbtreibende, Etc.
009513: Hageström, Sten - Zur Inversion in Deutschen Satzwörtern
025750: Haggard, Stephan - Pathways from the Periphery; the Politics of Growth in the Newly Industrializing Countries
019041: Haggard, H. Rider - The Private Diaries of Sir H. Rider Haggard, 1914-1925
011791: Haggard, Howard W. - The Lame, the Halt, and the Blind; the Vital Role of Medicine in the History of Civilization
028549: Haglund, Elizabeth, Ed - Remembering the University of Utah
030943: Hagman, Bette - The Gluten-Free Gourmet Bakes Bread; More Than 200 Wheat-Free Recipes
053438: Hagopian, Viola L. - Italian Ars Nova Music; a Bibliographic Guide to Modern Editions and Related Literature
032600: Hagstrum, Jean H. - Sister Arts; the Tradition of Literary Pictorialism and English Poetry from Dryden to Gray
047126: Hahn, E. Adelaide - Subjunctive and Optative; Their Origin As Futures
043011: Hahn, Hanno - Hohenstaufenburgen in Süditalien
041725: Hahn, Cynthia - Portrayed on the Heart; Narrative Effect in Pictorial Lives of Saints from the Tenth Through the Thirteenth Century
040530: Hahn, Hans-Joachim - Die Krisis Des Lyrischen in Den Gedichten Von W.B. Yeats Und W.H. Auden; Eine Untersuchung Struktureller Wandlungen Moderner Lyrik
026697: Hahn, Otto - Statements New York 82; Leading Contemporary Artists from France
013259: Hahn, Roger - The Anatomy of a Scientific Institution; the Paris Academy of Sciences, 1666-1803
012176: Hahn, Peter L. - The United States, Great Britain, and Egypte, 1945-1956; Stretegy and Diplomacy in the Early Cold War
002529: Hahn, Ferdinand - Christologische Hoheitstitel; Ihre Geschichte IM Frühen Christentum
046192: Haidu, Peter - Aesthetic Distance in Chretien de Troyes: Irony and Comedy in Cliges and Perceval
044259: Haidu, Peter - The Subject of Violence; the Song of Roland and the Birth of the State
052425: Haidu, Peter - Lion-Queue-Coupée; L'écart Symbolique Chez Chretien de Troyes
052212: Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton - Italy Old and New
001760: Haight, Frank Arnold - A History of French Commercial Policies
005155: Haight, Frank Arnold - A History of French Commercial Policies
036373: Haill, Catherine - Dear Peter Pan.
049317: Haim, Nadine - The Artist's Palate
010851: Fürer-Haimendorf, Elizabeth Von - An Anthropological Bibliography of South Asia, Together with a Directory of Recent Antrhopological Field Work
009341: Haimson, Leopold H., Ed - The Mensheviks from the Revolution of 1917 to the Second World War
052409: Haines, John - Medieval Song in Romance Languages
023757: Harper-Haines, Jan - Cold River Spirits; the Legacy of an Athabascan-Irsih Family from Alaska's Yukon River
052558: Haines, John - Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouvères; the Changing Identity of Medieval Music
044439: Hainsworth, J. B. - The Flexibility of the Homeric Formula
036550: Hainworth, Henry - A Collector's Dictionary
005296: Haithcox, John Patrick - Communism and Nationalism in India; M.N. Roy and Comintern Policy, 1920-1939
045685: Hajek, Lubor - The Osaka Woodcuts
053840: Hajek, Lubor - Utamaro; Portraits in the Japanese Woodcut
012976: Hakkarainen, Heikki J. - Studien Zum Cambridger Codex T-S. 10. K. 22
048865: Hakulinen, Lauri - Handbuch Der Finnischen Sprache. Bd. 1-2
037410: Morgan, Hal and Andreas Brown - Prairie Fires and Paper Moons; the American Photographic Postcard: 1900-1920
020705: Halasz, Nicholas - Captain Dreyfus; the Story of a Mass Hysteria
031006: Halberstam, David - The Coldest Winter; American and the Korean War
049324: Halberstam, David - The Reckoning
050087: Hald, Kristian - Danske Stednavne Med Udtaleangivelse
006308: Haldane, Elizabeth S. - James Frederick Ferrier
042542: Hale, Edward Everett - Our Christmas in a Palace; a Traveller's Story
041579: Hale, William Hale - Registrum Sive Liber Irrotularius Et Consuetudinarius Prioratus Beatae Mariae Wigorniensis: With an Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations
039040: Hale, John - Italian Renaissance Painting from Masaccio to Titian
038608: Hale, Nathan G., Jr. - The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States; Freud and the Americans, 1917-1985
038446: Hale, Elizabeth H. - Flowerless Plants: Ferns, Mushrooms, Mosses, Lichens, and Seaweeds
037656: Hale, D. Everett - It's Smart to Cook with Beer; 200 Recipes for Cooking with Beer
028398: Hale, Nancy - Mary Cassatt
025404: Hale, Nathan Cabot - Exploring the Roots of Human Emotion in Sculpture; a Description of the Evolution of the Formative Processes of the Human Emotions That Are Common to All People in the Sculpture of Nathan Cabot Hale
021791: Hale, Austin - Clause, Sentence, and Discourse Patterns in Selected Languages of Nepal. Part I: General Approach
021703: Hale, Oron James - The Captive Press in the Third Reich
010423: Hale, Edward Everett - James Russell Lowell and His Friends
009028: Hale, Richard L. - The Log of a Forty-Niner; Journal of a Voyage from Newbury-Port to San Francisco in the Brig. Gen. Al Worth Commanded by Captn. Samuel Walton, Kept by Richard L. Hale, Newbury, Mass
046442: Hales, Mick - Gardens Around the World: 365 Days
005672: Hales, E. E. Y. - Mazzini and the Secret Societies; the Making of a Myth
015537: Halevy, Elie - The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism
036449: Haley, Bruce - The Healthy Body and Victorian Culture
002610: Mratschek-Halfmann, Sigrid - Divites Et Praepotentes; Reichtum Und Soziale Stellung in Der Literatur Der Prinzipatszeit
042106: Halici, Feyzi, Ed - Birinci Milletlerarasi Yemek Kongresi, Türkiye, 25-30 EylüL, 1986; First International Food Congress, Turkey, 25-30 September, 1986
046294: Hall, John R. - Apocalypse from Antiquity to the Empire of Modernity
045350: Hall, Edwin - The Arnolfini Betrothal; Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck's Double Portrait
045214: Hall, Lee - Olmsted's America; an "Unpractical" Man and His Vision of Civilization
044828: Hall, Robert A., Jr. - External History of the Romance Languages
040171: Hall, Peter, et al. - The Containment of Urban England
002135: Hall, Robert A., Jr. - Leave Your Language Alone!
039938: Hall, Peter - London 2000
039884: Hall, Peter, et al. - Western Sunrise; the Genesis and Growth of Britain's Major High Tech Corridor
037111: Hall, Roger, et al. - The World of William Notman
036719: Hall, Maggie - Smocks
036253: King-Hall, Magdalen - The Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion in the Year 1764-1765
035807: Hall, Florence Howe - Social Customs
030602: Hall, John C. - Headwaters; a Journey on Alabama Rivers
027879: Compton-Hall, Richard - Submarine Boats; the Beginnings of Underwater Warfare
026369: Hall, H. R. - The Civilization of Greece in the Bronze Age
026367: Hall, F. W. - A Companion to Classical Texts
025432: Hall, Ernest Jackson - The Satirical Element in the American Novel
049853: Hall, Richard - Exploring the World of the Vikings
021325: Hall, Bruce Edward - Tea That Burns; a Family Memoir of Chinatown
016827: Hall, Kermit L., Ed - The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States
015400: Hall, Fernau - The World of Ballet and Dance
011197: Hall, Trevor - A Day to Remember; the Wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales
011159: Hall, John - The Court of Virtue (1565)
009518: Hall, Robert A., Jr. - An Essay on Language
009514: Hall, Robert A., Jr. - Bibliografia Della Linguistica Italiana; Primo Supplemento Decennale (1956-1966)
008436: Hall, James - The Lunatic Giant in the Drawing Room; the British and American Novel Since 1930
050880: Hall, Thomas N., Ed - Via Crucis; Essays on Early Medieval Sources and Ideas in Memory of J.E. Cross
049301: Hall, Robert A., Jr. - Language, Literature, and Life; Selected Essays
006309: Hall, David L. - The Civilization of Experience; a Whiteheadian Theory of Culture
048201: Hallam, Elizabeth, Ed - T'He Plantagenet Chronicles
049464: Hallam, Henry - History of Europe During the Middle Ages
046570: Hallberg, Garth Risk - City on Fire
052628: Hallberg, Peter - Den Fornisländska Poesien
038832: Halle, Morris, et al, Eds - Linguistic Theory and Psychological Reality
013859: Halle, Louis J. - The Ideological Imagination
050761: Hallé, Charles - The Autobiography of Charles Hallé with Correspondence and Diaries
004730: Halle, Louis J. - The Storm Petrel and the Owl of Athena
025085: Hallema, A. - Hugo de Groot, Het Delftsch Orakel 1583-1645; Een Levensschets Van Een Groot Nederlander Uit de 17e Eeuw
039594: Haller, Rudolf, Ed - Schlick Und Neurath--Ein Symposion
038831: Haller, Rudolf - Urteile Und Ereignisse; Studien Zur Philosophischen Logik Und Erkenntnistheorie
050101: Haller, John S., Jr. - Outcasts from Evolution; Scientific Attitudes of Racial Inferiority, 1859-1900
012771: Hallett, Robin, Ed - Records of the African Association 1788-1831
048111: Halley, Edmond - The Three Voyages of Edmond Halley in the Paramore, 1698-1701
048899: Hallgrimsson, Jonas - Ritsafn
041393: Halliburton, Richard - New Worlds to Conquer
034675: Halliburton, W. D. - Hand-Book of Physiology
047514: Halliday, M. A. K. - The Language of the Chinese "Secret History of the Mongols
046002: Halliday, M. A. K. - The Language of Early Childhood
046001: Halliday, M. A. K. - Computational and Quantitative Studies
045998: Halliday, M. A. K. - Studies in English Language
029473: Halliday, F. E. - The Cult of Shakespeare
005817: Halliday, F. E. - Shakespeare in His Age
040794: Hallier, Christian - Johann Matthäus Meyfart; Ein Schriftsteller, Pädagoge Und Theologe Des 17. Jahrhunderts
050987: Hallier, Amédée - Un éducateur Monastique, Aelfred de Rievaulx
010333: Hallin, Daniel C. - The "Uncensored War"; the Media and Vietnam
005258: Hallissey, Robert C. - The Rajput Rebellion Against Aurangzeb; a Study of the Mughal Empire in Seventeenth-Century India
023650: Hallowell, Christopher - Holding Back the Sea; the Struggle for America's Natural Legacy on the Gulf Coast
045981: Hallpike, C. R. - The Konso of Ethiopia; a Study of the Values of a Cushitic People
035411: Halls, Zillah - Men's Costume, 1580-1750
023352: Hallstein, Walter - United Europe; Challenge and Opportunity
038027: Hallwas, John E. - The Bootlegger; a Story of Small-Town America
024630: Halperin, S. William - The Separation of Church and State in Iitalian Thought from Cavour to Mussolini
023586: Halperin, S. William, Ed - Essays in Modern European Historiography
015564: Halperin, S. William - Diplomat Under Stress; Visconti-Venosta and the Crisis of July 1870
006985: Halperin, S. William, Ed - Essays in Modern European Historiography
005437: Halperin, Haim - Agrindus; Integration of Agriculture and Industries
022996: Halpern, Ben - The Idea of the Jewish State
017394: Halpern, Sue - Four Wings and a Prayer; Caught in the Mystery of the Monarch Butterfly
017279: Halpersohn, Rubin - ûber Die Einleitungen IM Altfranzösischen Kunstepos
052986: Halphen, Louis - Initiation Aux études D'Histoire Du Moyen Age
053717: Halphen, Louis - Charlemagne Et L'Empire Carolingien
053416: Halsall, Guy, Ed - Humour, History and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
049950: Thomas, Milton Halsey and Herbert Wallace Schneider - A Bibliography of John Dewey
043038: Halsman, Philippe - The Frenchman; a Photographic Interview with Fernandel
053841: Ham, Edward B. - Textual Criticism and Jehan le Venelais
044570: Ham, Edward Billings - Rutebeuf and Louis IX
033859: Hamabata, Matthews Masayuki - Crested Kimono; Power and Love in the Japanese Business Family
008558: Hamann, Richard - Geschichte Der Kunst Von Der Altchritlichen Zeit Bis Zur Gegenwart
002530: Hamann, Richard - ägyptische Kunst; Wesen Und Geschichte
002531: Hambidge, Jay - Dynamic Symmetry; the Greek Vase
051963: Hamblin, Vicki L. - Saints at Play; the Performance Features of French Hagiographic Mystery Plays
036125: Hambourg, Maria Morris, et al. - Nadar
019717: Hambrick, Margaret - A Chartist's Library
035522: Hambro, Nathalie - Particular Delights; Cooking for All the Senses
045830: Hamburg, Carl H. - Symbol and Reality; Studies in the Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer
045647: Hamburger, Jeffrey F. - The Visual and the Visionary; Art and Female Spirituality in Late Medieval Germany
019988: Hamdorf, Friedrich Wilhelm - Dionysos; Bacchus. Kult Und Wandlungen Des Weingottes
045990: Hamer, Richard, Ed - Gilte Legende. Volume 2
040228: Hamer, Andrew Marshall - The Selling of Rail Rapid Transit; a Critical Look at Urban Transportation Planning
039448: Hamermesh, Daniel S. - Workdays, Workhours and Work Schedules; Evidence for the United States and German
021785: Hamerow, Theodore S. - The Social Foundations of German Unification 1858-1871; Ideas and Institutions
043472: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert - Round My House; Notes of Rural Life in France in Peace and War
037479: Hames, Peter - The Czechoslovak New Wave
013083: Hamesse, Jacqueline, Ed - Méthodologies Informatiques Et Nouveaux Horizons Dans Les Recherches Médiévales
038452: Edwards, John Hamilton and William W. Vasse - Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound: Cantos I-LXXXIV
036273: Hamilton, Peter - Robert Doisneau; a Photographer's Life
033322: Hamilton, Ian - Tagebuch Eines Generalstabsoffiziers Während Des Russisch-Japanischen Krieges
033200: Hamilton, A. C. - The Structure of Allegory in the Faerie Queene
024644: Hamilton, Nigel - The Brothers Mann; the Lives of Heinrich and Thomas Mann 1871-1950 and 1875-1955
050871: Hamilton, Ian, Ed - The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Cenetury Poetry in English
051779: Hamilton, James - Faraday; the Life
053744: Hamilton, David, Ed - The Metropolitan Opera Encyclopedia; a Comprehensive Guide to the World of Opera
020180: Hamilton, Scott - Landing It; My Life on and Off the Ice
020006: Hamilton, William J., Jr., and John O. Whitaker - Mammals of the Eastern United States
012443: Hamilton, Robert - W.H. Hudson; the Vision of Earth
011198: Hamilton, Robert - The Progress of Society
010302: Hamilton, James W. - Pwo Karen; at the Edge of Mountain and Plain
007541: Hamilton, Carl - In No Time at All
050517: Hamilton, Elizabeth - Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education
051594: Hamilton, Jack - Just Around Midnight; Rock and Roll and the Racial Imagination
038830: Hamlyn, D. W. - The Theory of Knowledge
018067: Hamlyn, D. W. - Sensation and Perception; a History of the Philosophy of Perception
051173: Hamm, Charles E. - A Chronology of the Works of Guillaume Dufay Based on a Study of Mensural Practice
021795: Hamm, Josip - Stokavstina Donje Podravine
031281: Hammacher, A. M. - Phantoms of the Imagination; Fantasy in Art and Literature from Blake to Dali
045980: Hammar, Langdon - Ninth Annual Kimon Friar Lecture 2003
021796: Hammar, Thekla - Svensk-Fransk Ordbok
023691: Hammarsten, Olof - Lehrbuch Der Physiologischen Chemie
045427: Hammarström, Göran - Linguistische Einheiten IM Rahmen Der Modernen Sprachwissenschaft
012181: Hammel, Eric - The Root; the Marines in Beirut, August 1982-February 1984
049263: Hammerbeck, Wanda - Depositions
036708: Hammerstein, Hans Von - Trachten Der Alpenländer
019043: Hammerton, J. A. - George Meredith in Anecdote and Criticism
049094: Hammett, Dashiell - Crime Stories and Other Writings
044751: Hammond, N. G. L. - Alexander the Great; King, Commander and Statesman
038417: Hammond, Rita - Rita Hammond: Making Connections
037415: Hammond, Paul - French Undressing; Naughty Postcards from 1900 to 1920
028810: Hammond, P. W. - The Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury
027103: Hammond, Allen - Which World? Secnarios for the 21st Century. Global Destinies, Regional Choices
051985: Hammond, Rolt - British Nuclear Power Stations
002786: Hammond, Albert L. - Ideas About Substance
052087: Hamori, Andras - On the Art of Medieval Arabic Literature
052457: Hampe, Karl - Germany Under the Salian and Hohenstaufen Emperors
043501: Hampshire, Stuart - Two Theories of Morality
037979: Hampson, John - The English at Table
010736: Han, Sang-Bok, Ed - Asian Peoples and Their Cultures; Continuity and Change
010282: Han, Wooo-keun - The History of Korea
053040: Hanak,Werner - Lorenzo Da Ponte; Aufbruch in Die Neue Welt
042042: Hanaotaux, Gabriel - Histoire Du Cardinal de Richelieu
045689: Hanawalt, Barbara A. - Growing Up in Medieval London; the Experience of Childhood in History
012772: Hance, William A. - The Geography of Modern Africa
049036: Hancock, Leslie - Word Index to James Loyce's Portrait of the Artist
033202: Hancock, Leslie - Word Index to James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist
013860: Hancock, Roger N. - Twentieth Century Ethics
002402: Hancock, W. K. - Four Studies of War and Peace in This Century
033139: Hancox, Joy - Kingdom for a Stage; Magicians & Aristocrats in the Elizabethan Theeatre
017142: Kelly, Hand and Dot Kelly - Dancing Diplomats
042396: Händel, Georg Friedrich - Klaviersuiten I-VIII
030651: Handel, Georg Friedrich - Giulio Cesare. In Full Score
030650: Handel, Georg Friedrich - Complete Concerti Grossi. In Full Score
027894: Handelman, Howard - Mexican Politics; the Dynamics of Change
030654: Handl, Johannes - Weihnachtsmess=Christmas Mass. Ostermess I=Easter Mass I. Ostermesse II=Easter Mass II
016675: Handlin, Oscar - The Uprooted; the Epic Story of the Great Migrations That Made the American People
004137: Handover, P. M. - The Second Cecil; the Rise to Power 1563-1604 of Sir Robert Cecil, Later First Earl of Salisbury
003941: Handover, P. M. - Printing in London from 1476 to Modern Times
020119: Handy, Yvonne - L'Oeuvre de Willa Cather
007892: Handy, Henry Brantly, Ed - The Social Recorder of Virginia
006310: Handy, Robert T. - A Christian America; Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities
001740: Hane, Mikiso - Peasants, Rebels, and Outcastes; the Underside of Modern Japan
031771: Hanfmann, George M. - Roman Art
011147: Hanfmann, George M. A. - Letters from Sardis
008555: Hanfmann, Werner, et al. - German Art of the Twentieth Century
030408: Hanford, James Holly - A Milton Handbook
046660: Hanfstaengl, Eberhard - Rembrandt Harmensz Van Rijn
005124: Hanhardt, Arthur M. - The German Democratic Republic
013862: Hanington, J. Brian - Every Popish Person; the Story of Roman Catholicism in Nova Scotia and the Church of Halifax 1604-1984
039727: Hankel, Wilhelm - Die Sieben Todsünden Der Vereinigung; Wege Aus Dem Wirtschaftsdesaster
034164: Hankins, John Erskine - Backgrounds of Shakespeare's Thougtht
009669: Hanley, LYnne - Writing War; Faction, Gender, and Memory
002425: Hanley, David - Keeping Left? Ceres and the French Socialist Party; a Contribution to the Study of Fractionalism in Political Parties
023304: O'Hanlon, Redmond - No Mercy; a Journey to the Heart of the Congo
012978: Hanly, Michael G. - Boccaccio, Beauvau, Chaucer; Troilus and Criseyde. Four Perspectives on Influcence
039423: Hanna, Frank A., Et al. - Analysis of Wisconsin Income
034366: Hanna, Warren L. - Lost Harbor; the Controversy over Drake's California Anchorage
019762: Hanna, William S. - Benjamin Franklin and Pennsylvania Politics
018882: Hanna, Martha - Orest Semchishen; in Plain View/Voir Clair
020202: Josephson, Hannah and Malcolm Cowley, Eds - Aragon: Poet of the French Resistance
039344: Hannan, Timothy H. - The Economics of Methadone Maintenance
052330: Hannavy, John - Roger Fenton of Crimble Hall
030097: Hannay, David - The Later Renaissance
050083: Hannay, M. - Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels
010007: Hannerz, Ulf - Soulside; Inqiuiries Into Ghetto Culture and Community
044812: Hannesson, Johann S. - The Sagas of Icelanders (Islandinga Sögur)
022114: Hannesson, Johann S. - Hlymrek à Sextugu
040508: Hannestad, Knud - De 30 Tyranner; Studier I Athensk Forfatningshistorie I Slutningen Af 5. århundrede
053269: Hannig, Jürgen - Consensus Fidelium; Frühfeudale Interpretationen Des Verhältnisses Von Königtum Und Adel Am Beispiel Des Frankenreiches
052002: Hanning, Robert W. - The Vision of History in Early Britain from Gildas to Geoffrey of Monmouth
007259: Hannon, Jessie Gould - The Boston-Newton Company Venture; from Massachusetts to California in 1849
043166: Hanotaux, Gabriel - L'Empire Colonial Franàais
004737: Hanotaux, Gabriel - Histoire Des Sciences En France
032267: Guan Hanqing - Selected Plays of Guan Hanqing
050024: Fromm, Hans and Matti Sadeniemi - Finnisches Elementarbuch. I: Grammatik
042124: Wichmann, Hans and Siegfried Wichmann - Schach; Ursprung Und Wandlung Der Spielfigur in Zwölf Jahrhunderten
023658: Bauer, Hans and Pontus Leander - Reise in Das Goldene Byzanz
021874: Kurath, Hans and Raven I. McDavid, Jr. - The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States Based Upon the Collections of the Linguistic Atlas of the Eastern United States
049154: Sauer, Hans and Gaby Waxenberger, Eds - Recording English, Researching English, Transforming English
015109: Geiger, Hans and Ernst Lehmann - Der Einfluss Der Atomphysik Auf Unser Weltbild. Der Einfluss Der Biologie Auf Unser Weltbild
008308: Gercke, Hans and Peter Anselm Riedl - Michael Bacht: Installationen, Objekte Und Bilder
049478: Antonson, Hans and Ulf Jansson, Eds - Agriculture and Forestry in Sweden Since 1900--Geographical and Historical Studies
044044: Hansen, Elaine Tuttle - Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender
039144: Hansen, W. Lee - Education, Income, and Human Capital
029236: Hansen, Eric C. - Disaffection and Decadence; a Crisis in French Intellectual Thoguht 1848-1898
028540: Hansen, Cafl F. - The Amidon Elementary School; a Successful Demonstration in Basic Education
051740: Hansen, James L., Et al. - The Billings Microscope Collection of the Medical Museum, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
053654: Hansen, Melanie - Narratives of Land by English Renaissance Antiquarians
050414: Hansen, Elaine Tuttle - The Solomon Complex; Reading Wisdom in Old English Poetry
002532: Hansen, Mogens Herman - Atimistraffen I Athen I Klassisk Tid
022008: Hanser, Richard - The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe
048500: Hanson, Paul D., Ed - Visionaries and Their Apocalypses
047093: Hanson, Paul D. - Visionaries and Their Apocalypses
045656: Hanson, Michele Zelinsky - Religious Identity in an Early Reformation Community; Augsburg, 1517 to 1555
011794: Hanson, Dirk - The New Alchemists; Silicon Valley and the Microelectronics Revolution
007311: Hanson, Eric J. - Dynamic Decade
003960: Landolt, Hanspeter and Theodor Seeger - Schweizer Barockkirchen
046359: Spang-Hanssen, Henning - Probability and Structural Classification in Language Description
053050: Hanssens, Jean Michael - La Liturgie D'Hippolyte; Ses Documents, Son Titulaire, Sses Origines Et Son Caratere
011080: Hantsch, Hugo - Die Geschichte ôsterreichs
051437: Hanus, Franciscus - Die Aeltere Geschichte Der Zisterzienser--Abtei Leubus in Schlesien Bis Zur Mitte Des 14. Jahrhunderts
007546: Hapke, Laura - Daughters of the Great Depression; Women, Work, and Fiction in the American 1930s
046467: Happel, Eberhard Werner - GrößTe Denkwürdigkeiten Der Welt Oder Sogenannte Relatioes Curiosae
037956: O'Hara, Frank - Robert Motherwell
035656: Hara, Marie - Bananaheart & Other Stories; a Collection of Short Stories
043543: Harada, Minoru - Meiji Western Painting
036043: Haraguchi, Torao , et al. - The Status System and Social Organization of Satsuma; a Translation of the Shumon Tefuda Aratame Jomoku
048968: Bjorvand, Harald and Fredrik Otto Lindeman - Väre Arveord; Etymologisk Ordbok
029416: Harap, Louis - The Image of the Jew in American Literature from Early Republic to Mass Immigration
010230: Harari, Ehud - The Politics of Labor Legislation in Japan; National-International Interaction
033692: Harbage, Alfred - Annals of English Drama 975-1700; an Analytical Record of All Palys, Extant or Lost, Chronologically Arranged and Indexed by Authors, Titles, Dramatic Companies, &C
033569: Harbage, Alfred - Shakespeare and the Rival Traditions
033426: Harbage, Alfred - Shakespeare's Audience
033298: Harbage, Alfred - Theatre for Shakespeare
032506: Harbage, Alfred - As They Liked It; a Study of Shakespeare's Moral Artistry
030354: Harbage, Alfred - Conceptions of Shakespeare
019548: Harbage, Alfred - As They Liked It; an Essay on Shakespeare and Morality
017903: Harbaugh, Heinrich - Harbaugh's Harfe; Gedichte in Pennsylvanisch-Deutscher Mundart
048961: Harbert, Wayne - The Germanic Languages
037697: Harbin, E. O. - Phunology; a Colelction of Tried and Proved Plans for Play, Fellowship, and Profit
033650: Harbison, Robert - Eccentric Spaces
029865: Harbison, Robert - Deliberate Regression
029360: Harbison, Peter - Pre-Christian Ireland from the First Settlers to the Early Celts
002788: Harbison, E. Harris - Christianity and History; Essays
012184: Harbutt, Fraser J. - The Iron Curtain; Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War
012185: Harcave, Sidney - First Blood; the Russian Revolution of 1905
004865: Harcave, Sidney - Years of the Golden Cockerel; the Last Romanov Tsars 1814-1917
004864: Harcave, Sidney - First Blood; the Russian Revolution of 1905
025550: Harcourt, Raoul d' - Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques
014342: D'Harcourt, Raoul - Primitive Art of the Americas
009512: Härd, John Evert - Adjektivadverb Oder Advebiales Adjektiv? Ein Beitrag Zur Forschungsgeschichte Der Deutschen Grammatik
051587: Hardarson, Gunnar - Littérature Et Spiritualité En Scandinavie Médiévale; la Traduction Norroise Du de Arrha Animae de Hughes de Saint-Victor. étude Historique Et édition Critique
003618: Hardie, Robert - The Burma-Siam Railway; the Secret Diary of Dr. Robert Hardie, 1942-45
052104: Hardin, Willett L. - The Rise and Development of the Liquefaction of Gases
042755: Harding, Walter - Thoreau and Children
039738: Harding, Walter - Thoreau and Children
029361: Harding, Jane D. - The Arthurian Legend; a Check List of Books in the Newberry Library
022670: Harding, Bertha - Imperial Twilight; the Story of Karl and Zita of Hungary
018579: Harding, James - Gounod
017028: Harding, Henry, Ed - China's Foreign Relations in the 1980s
008867: Hardinge, Charles Stewart - My Indian Peregrinations; the Private Letters of Charles Stewart Hardinge, 1844-1847
022666: Hardoy, Jorge E. - Pre-Columbian Cities
044157: Hardt, Manfred - Das Bild in Der Dichtung; Studien Zu Funionsweisen Von Bildern Und Bildreihen in Der Literatur
027321: Hardwick, Michael - A Guide to Anthony Trollope
052077: Hardy, Michael - Medieval Muslim, Christians, and Jews in Dialogue: The Apparicion Maistre Jehan de Meun of Honort Bovet
040702: Röska-Hardy, Louise - Die "Bedeutung" in Natürlichen Sprachen
030286: Gathrone-Hardy, Jonathan - The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny
023866: Gathorne-Hardy, Robert - Recollections of Logan Pearsall Smith; the Story of a Friendship
019396: Gathorne-Hardy, G. M. - A Short History of International Affairs 1920-1939
014419: Hardy, Thomas - Pages from the Works of Thomas Hardy
011200: Hardy, Alan - The Kings' Mistresses
006959: Hardy, Thomas - One Rare Fair Woman; Thomas Hardy's Letters to Florence Henniker, 1893-1922
041396: Hare, Christopher - Life and Letters in the Italian Renaissance
037320: Hare, Hobart Amory - Practical Diagnosis; the Use of Symptom and Physical Signs in the Diagnosis of Disease
010430: Hare, Ronald - Pomp and Pestilence; Infectious Disease, Its Origin and Conquest
006312: Hare, R. M. - The Language of Morals
004738: Harig, Geoge Und Günter Wendel - Gerhard Harig; Schirften Zur Geschichte Der Naturwissenschaften
036042: Harington, Donald - Let Us Build Us a City; Eleven Lost Towns
014477: Harkins, William E. - Dictionary of Russian Literature
042487: Harkness, Stanley B. - The Career of Samuel Butler (1835-1902); a Bibliography
014432: Harkort, Eduard - In Mexican Prisons; the Journal of Eduard Harkort, 1832-1834
005994: Harlan, John M. - The Evolution of a Judicial Philosophy; Selected Opinions and Papers of Justice John M. Harlan
006313: Harland, Gordon - The Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
039558: Harlech, Pamela - Feast without Fuss
025780: Granville-Barker, Harley and G. B. Harrison, Eds - A Companion to Shakespeare Studies
053765: Harley, John - The World of William Byrd; Musicians, Merchants and Magnates
1198: Harline, Craig - The Burdens of Sister Margaret
002136: Harlock, Walter E. - Svensk-Engelsk Ordbok
048514: Harlow, S. Grace - Hawaii by a Tourist
045780: Suomela-Härmä, Elina - Les Structures Narratives Dans le Roman de Renart
033058: Harman, Edward George - Edmund Spenser and the Impersonations of Francis Bacon
022374: Harman, Willis - Global Mind Change; the Promise of the 21st Century
012186: Harman, Nicholas - Dunkirk; the Patriotic Myth
029729: Robin-Harmel, Pierre - Le Prince Jules de Polignac, Ministre de Charles X; Sa Vie de 1829 à 1746
047102: Harmetz, Aljean - Round Up the Usual Suspects; the Making of Casablanca--Bogart, Bergman and World War II
011797: Harmon, Margaret - The Engineering Medicine; the New Pioneer
019895: Harms, Robert - The Diligent; a Voyage Through the Worlds of the Slave Trade
005746: Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa, Ed - Perspectives for Change in Communist Societies
042269: Czepluch, Harmut and Hero Janßen, Eds - Syntaktische Struktur Und Kasusrelation
007297: Harnack, Curtis - Gentlemen on the Prairie
051533: Harnack, Adolf - Die Mission Und Ausbreitung Des Christentums in Den Ersten Drei Jahrhunderten
039832: Harnad, Stevan R., Et al., Eds - Origins and Evolution of Language and Speech
013863: Harned, David Baily - Images for Self-Recognition; the Christian As Player, Sufferer and Vandal
029176: Peake, Harold and Herbert John Fleure - Hunters & Artists
018746: Rosenthal, Harold and John Warrack - Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera
006782: Sprout, Harold and Margaret Sprout - The Rise of American Naval Power, 1776-1918
026647: Harper, Jo - Birth of the Fifth Sun and Other Mesoamerican Tales
024627: Harper, Ralph - The Seventh Solitude; Metaphysical Homelessness in Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche
023821: Harper, Christopher - What's Next in Mass Communication; Readings on Media and Culture
023634: Harper, Judith E. - Susan B. Anthony; a Biographical Companion
053161: Harpigny, Guy - Islam Et Christianisme Selon Louis Massignon
1199: Harré, Rom - The Anticipation of Nature
034175: Bridgeman, Harriet and Elizabeth Drury - The British Eccentric
019046: Harring, Willi - Andreas Gryphius Und Das Drama Der Jesuiten
051085: Harrington, Joseph D. - Yankee Samurai; (the Secret Role of Niei in America's Pacific Victory)
042794: Harrington, Wilfrid - Mark
042355: Harrington, Walt - Crossings; a White Man's Journey Into Black America
034319: Harrington, Brian - The Flight of the Red Knot; a Natural History Account of a Small Bird's Annual Migiration from the Arctic Circle to the Tip of South American and Back
008819: Harrington, Richard - Richard Harrington, Canadian Photographer
006716: Harrington, Karl P. - Richard Alsop "a Hartford Wit
031772: Harriott, Rosemary M. - Aristophanes, Poet & Dramatist
002967: Harriott, Rosemary M. - Aristophanes, Poet & Dramatist
046948: Harris, Valentina - Recipes from an Italian Farmhouse
045999: Harris, Markham - The Cornish Ordinalia; a Medieval Dramatic Triology. I. Beginning of the World. II, Christ's Passion. III, Resurrection of Our Lord
045987: Harris, Nick - Famous Crimes
045039: Harris, William Cornwallis - Narrative of an Expedition Into Southern Africa
044979: Harris, Frances - Transformations of Love; the Friendship of John Evelyn and Margaret Gododlphin
042214: Harris, J. Rendel - A Popular Account of the Newly-Recoverd Gospel of St. Peter
042084: Harris, J. William - Plain Folk and Gentry in a Slave Society; White Liberty and Black Slavery in Augusta's Hinterlands
042021: Harris, Joanna Gewertz - Beyond Isadora; Bay Area Dancing, the Early Years 1915-1965
041367: Harris, Sharon M., Ed - American Women Writers to 1800
039563: Harris, Alex, Ed - A New Life; Stories and Photographs from the Suburban South
030656: Harris, Ellen T. - Handel As Orpheus; Voice and Desire in the Chamber Cantatas
029667: Harris, Credo - Motor Rambles in Italy
025286: Harris, George S. - Troubled Alliance; Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-1971
021880: Harris, Marvin - The Rise of Anthropological Theory; a History of Theories of Culture
015742: Harris, Kenn - Renata Tebaldi
015702: Harris, George L., Et al. - Jordan; Its People, Its Society, Its Culture
015569: Harris, George L., Ed - Egypt
014720: Kessler-Harris, Alice - Out to Work; a History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States
011201: Harris, Charles - Islington
010343: Harris, George S. - The Origins of Communism in Turkey
010194: Harris, S. E. - Monetary Problems of the British Empire
008730: Harris, Seymour E., Ed - American Economic History
050424: Harris, Brian - Tibetan Voices; a Traditional Memoir. Phographs by Brian Harris
050466: Harrison, F. - English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century (C. 1250 to 1400)
040265: Harrison, Bennett - Urban Economic Development; Suburbanization, Minority Opportunity, and the Condition of the Central City
037535: Harrison, S. G., Et al. - The Oxford Book of Food Plants
037181: Harrison, Edward - Masks of the Universe; Changing Ideas on the Nature of the Cosmos
037073: Harrison, Molly - People and Shopping; a Social Background
035182: Harrison, Pegram - Une Affaire de Goû; a Selection of Cookbooks: 1457 to 1873 from the Library of Dr. And Mrs. John Talbot Gernon
051046: Harrison, Frank Llewelyn - Music in Medieval Britain
032594: Harrison, William - Harrison's Description of England in Shakspere's Youth. Being the Second and Third Books of His Description of Britaine and England
026665: Harrison, Sabrina Ward - Spilling Open; the Art of Becoming Yourself
019399: Harrison, Charles - English Art and Modernism 1900-1939
053159: Harrison, Dick - The Age of Abbesses and Queens; Gender and Political Culture in Early Medieval Europe
050549: Harrison, Thomas - Writing Ancient Persia
010303: Harrison, Brian - South-East Asia; a Short History
007547: Harrison, Cynthia - On Account of Sex; the Politics of Women's Issues, 1945-1968
006315: Harrison, Paul M. - Authority and Power in the Free Church Tradition; a Social Case Study of the American Baptist Convention
050381: Harrison, Frederick - Life in a Medieval College; the Story of the Vicars-Choral of York Minster
041295: Harrisville, Roy A. - Fracture; the Cross As Irreconcilable in the Language and Thought of the Biblical Writers
000070: Harrod, R. F. - International Economics
000066: Harrod, Roy - Reforming the World's Money
035370: Harrod, Julie - The Garden Wall; Fences, Hedges, and Walls. Their Planning and Planting
000004: Harrod, R. F. - Towards a Dynamic Economics; Some Recent Deveopments of Economic Theory and Their Application to Policy
036415: Castleman, Harry and Walter J. Podrazik - All Together Now; the First Omplete Beatles Discography 1961-1975
011756: Eckstein Harry - Pressure Group Politics; the Case of the British Medical Association
050429: Harsh, Wayne - The Subjunctive in English
048154: Hart, Thomas R. - En Maneira de Proençal: The Medieval Galician-Portuguese Lyric
046858: Hart, Charles Henry - Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits of Washington
043691: Hart, John - The New Book of California Tormorrow; Reflections and Projections from the Golden State
043127: Hart, John - San Francisco Bay; Portrait of an Estuary
033771: Hart, Alfred - Shakespeare and the Homilies and Other Pieces of Research Into the Elizabethan Drama
033575: Hart, Henry H. - Luis de Camoens and the Epic of the Lusiads
023687: Hart, E. J. - The Brewster Story from Pack Train to Tour Bus
023024: Hart, John Mason - Revolutionary Mexico; the Coming and Process of the Mexican Revolution
507: Hart, Clive - The Prehistory of Flight. Berkeley, Etc.
012208: Hart, B. H. Liddell - History of the Second World War
010310: Hart, Gillian - Power, Labor, and Livelihood; Processes of Change in Rural Java
009561: Hart, Philip - Conductors; a New Generation
040685: Harte, Walter - An Essay on Satire, Particularly on the Dunciad (1930)
012198: Hartford, William F. - Money, Morals, and Politics; Massachusetts in the Age of the Boston Associates
045591: Harth, Erica - Cyrano de Bergerac and the Polemics of Modernity
045565: Harth, Erica - Ideology and Culture in Seventeenth-Century France
045504: Harth, Erica - Cartesian Women; Versions and Subversions of Rational Discourse in the Old Regime
020776: Harth, Phillip - Contexts of Dryden's Thought
044286: Harthan, John - The Book of Hours with a Historical Survey and Commentary
048504: Mayr-Harting, Henry - The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England
045974: Hartley, Marsden - Marsden Hartley (1877-1943); Paintings and Drawings
044517: Hartman, Geoffrey H. - Saving the Text. Literature/Derrida/Philosophy
041734: Hartman, Georffrey H. - The Fate of Reading and Other Essays
023420: Hartman, Geoffrey H. - The Fateful Question of Culture
023170: Hartman, J. J. - Flos Delibatus Elegiae Romanae
052841: Hartmann, Ludo Moritz - Geschichte Italiens IM Mittelalter
053248: Hartmann, Martina - Aufbruch Ins Mittelalter; Die Zeit Der Merowinger
018885: Hartmann, Sadakichi - The Valiant Knights of Daguerre; Selected Critical Essays on Photography and Profile of Photographic Pioneers
053719: Hartmann, Wilfried - Karl Der GroßE
003740: Hartmann, Godfred - Gustav III Og Stockholm Et Strejftog I Det Gustavianske
053692: Hartmann, Wilfried - Die Synoden Der Karolingerzeit IM Frankenreich Und in Italien
030850: Hartnoll, Phyllis, Ed - The Oxford Companion to the Theatre
006615: Hartnoll, Phyllis - Who's Who in Shaw
032706: Den Hartogh, NIcky - Baroque Gardens
023816: Hartrich, Edwin - The Fourth and Richest Reich
005992: Hartshorne, Thomas L. - The Distorted Image; Changing Conceptions of the American Character Since Turner
045435: Hartston, Barnet - Sensationalizing the Jewish Question; Anti-Semitic Trials and the Press in the Early German Empire
044298: Hartt, Frederick, et al. - The Chapel of the Cardinal of Purtugal 1434-1459 at San Miniato in Florence
029387: Hartt, Frederick - History of Italian Renaissance Art; Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
051100: Pflugk-Harttung, Julius Von - Acta Pontificium Romanorum Inedita
023865: Hartz, S. L. - The Elseviers and Their Contemporaries; an Illustrated Commentary
041482: Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio - Los Amantes de Teruel; la Jura de Santa Gadea
045983: Harvey, William - Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem; Structural Survey, Final Report
041094: Harvey, Irene E. - Derrida and the Economy of Différence
038573: Harvey, Edward B., Ed - Perspectives on Modernization: Essays in Memory of Ian Weinberg
035544: Harvey, John - Men in Black
034096: Harvey, William - Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis Et Sanguinis in Animalibus
028816: Harvey, John - English Mediaeval Architects; a Biography Dictionary Down to 1550 Including Master Masons, Carpenters, Carvers, Building Contractors and Others Responsible for Design
028446: Harvey, Peggy - When the Cook's Away
024624: Harvey, A. E. - The New English Bible; Companion to the New Testament
020517: Harvey, Heather J. - Consultation and Co-Operation in the Commonwealth; a Handbook on Methods and Practice
008906: Harvey, John - Mediaeval Craftsmen
003876: Harvey, William - Lectures on the Whole of Anatomy
052116: Harvey, E. Newton - A History of Luminescence from the Earliest Times Until 1900
027590: Harwood, William B. - Raise Heaven and Earth; the Story of Martin Marietta People and Their Pioneering Achievements
030567: Hasan, Asma Gull - American Muslims; the New Generation
047712: Haskell, Harry Ed - The Attentive Listener; Three Centuries of Music Criticism
043207: Haskell, Barbara - Arthur Dove
053758: Haskell, Harry - The Early Music Revival; a History
042473: Haskell, Guy H. - From Sofia to Jaffa; the Jews of Bulgaria and Israel
031003: Haskell, Francis - History and It Images; Art and the Interpretation of the Past
029605: Haskell, Barbara - Charles Demuth
028319: Haskell, Francis, et al., Eds - The Artist and the Writer in France; Essays in Honour of Jean Seznec
015406: Haskell, Arnold L. - Miracle in the Gorbals; a Study
015388: Haskell, Arnold L. - In His True Centre; an Interim Autobiography
015385: Haskell, Arnold - Balletomania Then and Now
015372: Haskell, Arnold L. - Ballet Panorama; an Illustrated Chronicle of Three Centuries
010757: Haskell, Arnold L. - The Australians; the Anglo-Saxondom of the Southern Hemisphere; an Historical Sketch
023025: Haslip, JOan - The Crown of Mexico; Maximilian and His Empress Carlota
010486: Haspels, C. H. Emilie - Grieksch Aardewerk; de Beteekenis Der Vondsten
037218: Hassam, Childe - Childe Hassam; a Retrospective Exhibition
040303: Hasselblatt, Boris, Ed - Dynamics, Ergodic Theory, and Geometry, Dedicated to Anatole Katok
034430: Hassell, Ulrich Von - Vom Andern Deutschland; Aus Den Nachgelassenen Tagebüchern 1938-1944
029051: Hassell, R. Chris, Jr. - Renaissance Drama & the English Church Year
022352: Hässlin, Johann Jakob - Berlin
013754: Hassrick, Peter H. - Frederic Remington: Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture in the Amon Carter Museum and the Sid W. Richardson Foundation Collections
016802: Hastings, Selina - Nancy Mitford; a Biography
012979: Hastings, R. - Nature and Reason in the Decameron
010232: Hastings, Sally Ann - Neighborhood and Nation in Tokyo, 1905-1937
006145: Hastings, Macdonald - Diane, a Victorian
052167: Hastings, Maurice - Parliament House; the Chambers of the House of Commons
044221: Wilkins, Ernest Hatch and Thomas Goddard Bergin, Eds - A Concordance to the Divine Comedy
043101: Hatch, William Henry Paine - Greek and Syrian Miniatures in Jerusalem
012774: Hatch, John - The History of Britain in Afirca from the Fifteenth Century to the Present
021799: Hathaway, Luise - Der Mundartwandel in Imst in Tirol Zwischen 1897 Und 1973
007863: Hatlay, Allen G. - Texas Constables; a Frontier Heritage
023445: Hatley, Allen G. - Texas Constables; a Frontier Heritage
023171: Hatt, J. J> - Histoire de la Gaule Romaine (120 Avant J. -C. -451 Après J. -C. )
011214: Hatton, Ragnhild - George I, Elector and King
046803: Hatzfeld, Helmut A. - Literature Through Art; a New Approach to French Literature
052688: Hauck, Albert - Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands
032653: Haudan, Erwin - Das Motorisierungspotential Der Sowjetunion
040935: Hauenstein, Hans - Wiener Dialekt. Weanerische Drahdiwaberln Von a-Z
023759: Haufe, Heinz - Entdeckungsreisen in Australien; Ludwig Leichhardt, Ein Deutsches Forscherschicksal
044632: Nolting-Hauff, Ilse - Die Stellung Der Liebeskasuisitk IM Höfischen Roman
030643: Haukaas, Elizabeth - Leap
037815: Hauptmann, Gerhart - The Weavers; a Drama of the Forties
009277: Hause, Steven C. - Hubertine Auclert, the French Suffragette
044457: Zur Hausen, Harald, Ed - Evolution Und Menschwerdung; Vorträge AnläßLich Der Jahresversammlung Vom 7. Bis 9. Oktober 2005 Zu Halle (Saale)
038277: Hausenstein, Wilhelm - Der Bauern-Bruegel
015154: Hausenstein, Wilhelm - Vom Genie Des Barock
013420: Hausenstein, Wilhelm - Der Bauern-Bruegel
008561: Hausenstein, Wilhelm - Der Nackte Mensch in Der Kunst Aller Zeiten
008560: Hausenstein, Wilhelm - Kunstgeschichte
033260: Hauser, Arnold - Mannerism; the Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art
053349: Hausherr, Irénée - Direction Spirituelle En Orient Autrefois
053056: Hausherr, Irénée - études de Spiritualité Orientale
053710: Hausherr, Irénée - Penthos; la Doctrine de la Componction Dans L'Orient Chrétien
015222: Haushofer, M. - Tirol Und Vorarlberg
051108: Hausknecht, Emil, Ed - The Romance of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras His Sone Who Conquerede Rome
036044: Hausman, Gerald - Sitting on the Blue-Eyed Bear; Navajo Myths and Legends
022859: Hausman, Gerald - Tunkashila; from the Birth of Turtle Island to the Blood of Wounded Knee
038966: Hausner, Ernst - Styria
019996: Du Hausset, Madame - The Private Memoirs of Louis XV, from the Memoirs of Madem Du Hausset, Lady's Maid to Madame de Pompadour
044098: Haussherr, Reiner - Convenevolezza; Historische Angemessenheit in Der Darstellung Von KostüM Und Schauplatz Seit Der Spätantike Bis Ins 16. Jahrhundert
022466: Haussonville, Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cléron, Comte d' - Lacordaire
021853: Haussonville, Gabriel Paul Othenin ce Cléron, Comte d' - Madame de Stael Et M. Necker D'Après Leur Correspondance inédite
036097: Haust, Jean - Atlas Linguistique de la Wallonie; Tableau Géographique Des Parlers de la Belgique Romane
045021: Hausted, Peter - Peter Hausted's Senila Odium
020022: Havalice, Patricia Pate - Popular Song Index
015315: Havard, William C. - The Recovery of Political Theory; Limits and Possibilities
045171: Havel, Joseph - Joseph Havel: A Decade of Sculpture 1996-2006
047121: Havelock, Eric A. - The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics
039104: Haveman, Robert H. - Water Resource Investment and the Public Interest; an Analysis of Federal Expenditures in Ten Southern States
039103: Haveman, Robert H. - The Economic Performance of Public Investments; an Ex Post Evaluation of Water Resources Investments
051304: Havenhand, Greville - Nation of Shopkeepers
053447: Haverfield, Francis - The Romanization of Roman Britain
041385: Haverkamp, Alfred - Aufbruch Und Gestaltung; Deutschland 1056-1273
050022: Havers, Wilhelm - Handbuch Der Erklärenden Syntax; Ein Versuch Zur Erforschung Der Bedingungen Und Triebkräfte in Syntax Und Stilistik
053469: Havers, Wilhelm - Untersuchungen Zur Kasussyntax Der Nndogermanischen Sprachen
039303: Haviland, Virginia - Children's Literature; a Guide to Reference Sources. Second Supplement
023134: Haviland, H. Field, Jr., Ed - The United States and the Western Community
021450: Havitz, Mark E., Etc. - The Diverse Worlds of Unemployed Adults; Consequences for Leisure, Lifestyle, and Well-Being
011215: Havran, Martin J. - Caroline Courtier; the Life of Lord Cottington
027567: Haw, Richard C. - Rhodesia, the Jewel of Africa
026670: Hawass, Zahi - Silent Images; Women in Pharaonic Egypt
026373: Hawass, Zahi - Valley of the Golden Mummies
020686: Hawes, Louid - The American Scene 1820-1900; an Exhibition of Landscape and Oudoor Genre Held in Honor of the Sesquicentennial of Indiana
011798: Hawes, Evelyn - Proud Vision; the History of the Buffalo General Hospital; the First Hundred Years
007550: Hawes, William - Public Television, America's First Station; an Intimate Account
047330: Hawk, Brandon W. - Preaching Apocrypha in Anglo-Saxon England
025655: Hawke, David Freeman - Franklin
011806: Hawke, David Freeman - Nuts and Bolts of the Past; a History of American Technology, 1776-1860
048981: Hawkes, Jacquetta - The First Great Civilizations; Life in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Egypt
048489: Hawkes, Jane - The Golden Age of Northumbria
038313: Hawkes, Jacquetta - Adventurer in Archaeology; the Biography of Sir Mortimer Wheeler
024622: Hawkes, Terence - Structuralism & Semiotics
050548: Hawkes, David - A Little Primer of Tu Fu
002536: Hawkes, Jacquetta - Atlas of Ancient Archaeology
043759: Hawkins, Henry, 1st Baron Brampton - The Reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins, Barton Brampton
031026: Hawkins, John Eric - The Ancient Shape of Man. John Eric Hawkins: Photography
027649: Hawkins, Gerald S. - Beyond Stonehenge
022292: Hawkins, A. S., Et al., Eds - Flyways; Pioneering Waterfowl Management in North America
011799: Hawkins, Cora Frear - Buggies, Blizzards, and Babies
006091: Hawkins, Angus - Parliament, Party and the Art of Politics in Britain, 1855-59
014935: Hawley, Walter A. - Oriental Rugs Antique and Modern
053391: Hawley, Charles Arthur - A Critical Examination of the Peschitta Version of the Book of Ezra
027176: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Tales and Sketches, Including Twice-Told Tales, Mosses from an Old Manse, and the Snow-Image; a Wonder Book for Girls and Boys; Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys, Being a Second Wonder Book
019047: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter, a Romance
015232: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Twice-Told Tales
013865: Hawton, Hector - The Feast of Unreason
032078: Haxby, James A. - The Royal Canadian Mint and Canadian Coinage; Striking Impressions
042618: Hay, Denys - The Italian Renaissance in Its Historical Background
019048: Hayashi, Tetsumaro - Arthur Miller Criticism (1930-1967)
052381: Haycraft, Frank W. - The Degrees and Hoods of the World's Universities and Colleges
002139: Hayden, Donald E., Et al. - Classics in Linguistics
025629: Hayden, Deborah - Pox; Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis
030658: Haydn, Joseph - The Creation. In Full Score
030662: Haydn, Joseph - Theresa" Mass. In Full Score
051179: Haydon, Glen - The Evolution of the Six-Four Chord; a Chapter in the History of Dissonance Treatment
043950: Haydt, John J. - Reserved Benefices
027722: Hayek, Max - Das Geheimnis Der Schrift; Eine Studie über Den Graphologen Rafael Schermann
009969: Hayek, F. A. - John Stuart MILL and Harriet Taylor; Their Friendship and Subsequent Marriage
051507: Hayen, André - La Communication de L'être D'Après Saint Thomas D'Aquin
052055: Hayes, Manlove - William Penn and His Province
041401: Hayes, Derek - Historical Atlas of the United States; with Original Maps
040586: Hayes, Bill - Five Quarts; a Personal and Natural History of Blood
038311: Hayes, James - The Roman Letter; a Study of Notable Graven and Written Forms from Twenty Centuries in Which Our Latin Alphabet Moved Toward Its High Destiny As the Basic Medium of Printed Communication Throughout the Western World
032167: Hayes, Stephen F. - Cheney; the Untold Story of America's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President
026428: Hayes, Jess G. - Boots and Bullets; the Life and Times of John W. Wentworth
053076: Hayes, H. R. - Stranger on the Highway
016880: Hayes, Carlton J. H. - The United States and Spain; an Interpretation
012990: Hayes, James - The Hong Kong Region, 1850-1911; Institutions and Leadershihp in Towns and Countryside
724: Peirce, Hayford and Royall Tyler - Byzantine Art
047096: Hayley, H. W. - An Introduction to the Verse of Terence
019549: Hayman, Ronald - Proust; a Biography
006905: Hayman, Ronald, Ed - The German Theatre; a Symposium
005860: Hayman, Ronald - Brecht; a Biography
046267: Haymes, Edward - Mündliches Epos in Mittelhochdeutscher Zeit
044071: Haymes, Edward R. - The Nibelungenlied; History and Interpretation
019049: Hayne, Paul Hamilton - A Man of Letters in the Nineteenth-Century South; Slected Letters of Paul Hamilton Hayne
015634: Hays, Samuel P. - The Response to Industrialism: 1885-1914
037061: Hayter, Alethea - Opium and the Romantic Imagination
004866: Hayward, Max - On Trial; the Soviet State Versus "Abram Tertz" and "Nikolai Arzhak
035198: Haywood, Charles - A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong
050816: Haywood, Bruuce - Novalia: The Veil of Imagery. A Study of the Poetic Works of Friedrich Von Hardenberg (1772-1801)
016892: Haywood, Charles F. - General Alalrm; a Dramatic Account of Fires and Fire-Fighting in America
050162: Hazan, Marcella - Marcella Cucina
034338: Hazard, Barbara J. - Off Nevsky Prospekt; Life Among Leningrad's Unofficial Artists
008038: Hazelrigg, Charles Tabb - American Literary Pioneer; a Biographical Study of James A. Hillhouse
014768: Hazen, Allen T. - A Catalogue of Horace Walpole's Library
012775: Hazlewood, Arthur - Rail and Road in East Africa; Transport Co-Ordination in Under-Developed Countries
033904: Hazlitt, Henry - The Conquest of Poverty
038907: Hazony, Yoram - The Jewish State; the Struggle for Israel's Soul
034396: Head, John G. - Public Goods and Public Welfare
009598: Head, Raymond - The Indian Style
030663: Headington, Christopher - Peter Pears; a Biography
042227: Headlam, Cecil - The Story of Nuremberg
037679: Heal, Ambrose - The Signboards of Old London Shops; a Review of the Shop Signs Employed by the London Tradesmen During the Xviith and Xviiith Centuries. Compiled from the Author's Collection of Contemporary Trade-Cards and Billheads
040588: Heald, Weldon F. - The Chiricahua Mountains; Formerly: Sky Island
005674: Heald, Edward T. - Witness to Revolution; Letters from Russia, 1916-1919
030558: Healy, David - Gunboat Diplomacy in the Wilson Era; the U.S. Navy in Haiti, 1915-1916
036555: Heaney, Seamus - The Government of the Tongue; the 1986 T.S. Eliot Memoiral Lectures and Other Critical Writings
017632: Heaney, Seamus - The Redress of Poetry
037890: Heape, R. Grundy - The Soul of Bath; an Architectural Study
024360: O'Hear, Anthony - Karl Popper
026750: Hearn, Maxwell K. - Splendors of Imperial China; Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei
025799: Hearn, Lafcadio - Oriental Articles
038178: Hearne, Vicki - Adam's Task; Calling Animals by Name
023831: Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. - The Hearsts; Father and Son
017637: Hearst, William Randolph - Report on Russia... Uncensored
048690: Heath, Jeffrey - From Code-Switching to Borrowing: Foreign and Diglossic Mixing in Moroccan Arabic
023172: Heath, Thomas L. - Greek Mathematics
011213: Heath, Sidney - The Cornish Riviera
028448: Heaton, Nell - Shellfish
038895: Hebbel, Friedrich - Schnock; Ein Niederländisches Gemälde
016141: Heberle, Rudolf - Zur Geschichte Der Arbeiterbewegung in Schweden
024620: Hebert, A. G. - The Throne of David; a Study of the Fulfilment of the Old Testament in Jesus Christ and His Church
053378: Bible. Old Testament. Job. Hebrew - The Book of Job; a New Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Texts
043214: Bible. Hebrew - Biblia Hebraica
003877: Hebroni, Pessach - Works on Mathematics
027296: Hecht, Anthony - The Hidden Law; the Poetry of W.H. Auden
016546: Hecht, Edith - The Silver Toes of Fatima and Other Stories
051909: Van Heck, Arie - Gregorii Nysseni de Pauperibus Amandis Orationes Duo
028483: Heckscher, August - St. Paul's; the Life of a New England School
010564: Hedermann, Alexandrine Von - My Friendship with Prince Hohenlohe
028874: Hedin, Sven - Abenteuer in Tibet
025200: Hedin, Raymond - Married to the Church
022349: Hedin, Sven - Die Flucht Des GroßEn Pferdes
012991: Hedin, Sven - Die Flucht Des GroßEn Pferdes
004783: Hedin, Sven - Ein Volk in Waffen
018584: Hedley, Arthur - Chopin
039836: Hedrick, U. P. - A History of Horticulture in America to 1860
036965: Giusti-Lanham, Hedy and Andrea Dodi - The Cuisine of Venice and Surrounding Northern Regions
036031: Giussti-Lanham, Hedy and Andrea Dodi - The Cuisine of Venice and Surrounding Northern Regions
024584: Heenan, John C. - Cardinal Hinsley
043767: Heer, Friedrich - God's First Love; Chrstians and Jews over Two Thousand Years
020332: Heer, Joan - Nestlé, 125 Years 1866-1991
005709: Heer, Nancy Whittier - Politics and History in the Soviet Union
047335: Heers, Jacques - L'Occident Aux Xive Et Xve Siècles; Aspects économiques Et Sociaux
052625: Heers, Jcques - Le Clan Familial Au Moyen Age; étude Sur Les Structures Politiques Et Sociales Des Milieux Urbains
008907: Heers, Jacques - L'Occident Aux Xive Et Xve Siècles; Aspects économiuqes Et Sociaux
052651: Heers, Jacques - Parties and Political Life in the Medieval West
004278: Hefele, H. - Die Bettelorden Und Das Religiöse Volksleben Ober- Und Mittelitaliens IM XIII. Jahrhundert
041113: Heffernan, Thomas Farel - Wood Quay; the Clash over Dublin's Viking Past
035047: Heffernan, Thomas J., Ed - The Popular Literature of Medieval England
029397: Heffner, R. M. S. - Collected Indexes to the Works of Wolfram Von Eschenbach
042141: Heflin, Woodford Agee, Ed - Aerospace Glossary
045005: Heftrich, Eckhard - Nietzsches Philosophie; Identität Von Welt Und Nichts
019745: Hegedüs, Andras - The Structure of Socialist Society
041372: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - The Philosophy of Fine Art
028817: Hegel, Karl Von - Geschichte Der Mecklenburgischen Landstände Bis Zum Jahr 1555
028174: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - The Philosophy of History
028173: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - The Christian Religion; Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Part III: The Revelatory, Consummate, Absolute Religion
024243: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Hegel's Philosophy or Right
026469: Hegemann, Hans Werner - Deutsches Rokoko
002141: Heger, Klaus - Monem, Wort Und Satz
039391: O Hehir, Brendan - Expans'd Hieroglyphicks; a Critical Edition of Sir John Denham's Coopers Hill
008562: Heibel, Yule F. - Reconstructing the Subject; Modernist Painting in Western Germany 1945-1950
042515: Heidegger, Simone - Buddhismus, Geschlecterverhältnis Und Diskriminierung; Die Gegenwärtige Diskussion IM Shin-Buddhismus Japans
049183: Heidegger, Martin - The Basic Problems of Phenomenology
1295: (Heidegger, Martin). Langan, Thomas - The Meaning of Heidegger; a Critical Study of an Existentialist Phenomenolo Gy
023173: Heidel, Alexander - The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels
044800: Aschenberg. Heidi - Kontexte in Texten; Umfeldtheorie Und Literarischer Situationsaufbau
041759: Siller-Runggaldier, Heidi and Paul Videsott - Rätoromanische Bibliographie 1985-1997
002948: Ebertshäuser, Heidi and Michael Waltz - Antiken I: Vasen, Bronzen, Terrakotten Des Klassischen Altertums
044852: Heig, Adair - History of Petaluma, a California River Town
040661: Height, Dorothy - Open Wide the Freedom Gates; a Memoir
025692: Van Heijenoort, Jean, Ed - Frege and Gödel; Two Fundamental Texts in Mathematical Logic
019305: Heil, Bernhard - Logographis Qui Dicuntur Nom Herodotus Usus Esse Videatur
025682: Heilborn, Ernst - Die Gute Stube; Berliner Geselligkeit IM 19. Jahrhundert
023729: Heilbroner, Robert L. - Between Capitalism and Socialism; Essays in Political Economy
001683: Heimann, Eduard - History of Economic Doctrines; an Introduction to Economic Theory
036387: Heimann, Jim - Horray! for Hollywood; a Postcard Tour of Hollywood's Golden Era
017615: Heimann, Robert K. - Tobacco and Americans
026554: Heimoff, Steve - A Wine Journey Along the Russian River
010556: Heimpel, Christian - Die Entwicklung Der Einnahmen Und Ausgaben Des Heiliggestspitals Zu Biberach an Der Riß Von 1500 Bis 1630
005277: Heimsath, Charles H. - Indian Nationalism and Hindu Social Reform
045077: Hein, H. K. - Horder, En Romansk Stenmester
047643: Heindl, Gottfried - Und Die GrößE Ist Gefährlich Oder Wahrhaftige Geschichten Zur Geschichte Eines Schwierigen Volkes
046663: Heine, Heinrich - Reisebilder
033842: Heine, Heinrich - Beiträge Zur Deutschen Ideologie
049772: Heine, Bernd - Possession; Cognitive Sources, Forces, and Grammaticalization
029342: Heineman, Helen - Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Femine in the Nineteenth Century
031775: Heinemann, Fritz - Plotin; Forschungen über Die Plotinische Frage, Plotins Entwicklung Und Sein System
028359: Ranke-Heinemann, Uta - Putting Away Childish Things; the Virgin Birth, the Empty Tomb, and Other Fairy Tales You Don't Need to Believe to Have a Living Faith
024378: Ranke-Heinemann, Uta - Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven; Women, Sexuality and the Catholic Church
040372: Heinemeyer, Walter - Studien Zur Geschichte Der Gotischen Urkundenschrift
009524: Heinertz, N. Otto - Eine Lautverschiebungstheorie
009966: Heiney, Donald - Three Italian Novelists: Moravia, Pavese, Vittorini
051185: Heinimann, Siegfried - Oratio Dominica Romanice; Das Vaterunser in Den Romanischen Sprachen Von Den Anfängen Bis Ins 16. Jahrhundert Mit Den Griechischen Und Lateinischen Vorlagenf
024605: Heinisch, Paul - Probleme Der Biblischen Urgeschichte
037534: Heinrich, Bernd - The Geese of Beaver Bog
050230: Otten, Heinrich and Vladimir Soucek - Ein Althethitisches Ritual Für Das Königspaar
015155: Heinrich, Theodore Allen - Art Treasures in the Royal Ontario Museum
050340: Detering, Heinrich and Stephan Stachorski, Eds - Thomas Mann; Neue Wege Der Forschung
012214: Heinrich, Waldo - Threshold of War; Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry Into World War II
003473: Heinrich, Bernd - Finite Difference Methods on Irregular Networks; a Generalized Approaceh to Second Order Elliptic Problems
042598: Burmeister, Karl Heinz and Werner Dobras - Die Wiegendrucke Der Ehemals Reichsstädtischen Bibliothek Lindau
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