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020821: - Rendition of Musical Compositions on Coin-Operated Machines
053589: - Nascita Dell'Europa Ed Europa Carolingia: Un'Equazione Da Verificare, 19-25 Aprile 1979
051467: - Die Winteney-Version Der Regula S. Benedicti
002092: - Descriptio Linguistica; Proceedings of the First Conference on Descriptive and Structural Linguistics, Antwerp 9-19 September 1985
053545: - La Succession de Charlemagne; Vie de Louis le Pieux Par Ermold le Noir Et L'Anonyme Dit L'Astronome
020718: - Mouvements Ouvriers Et Dépression économique de 1929 à 1939
053064: - Iiie Symposium Syriacum 1980; Les Contacts Du Monde Syriaque Avec Les Autres Cultures (Goslar, 7-11 Septembre 1980)
052276: - El Cancionero de Gallardo
020690: - Yeongsaeng; North Korea's Yeongsaeng High School; Memoirs of the Alumni
050709: - Archiv Für Geschichte Des Buchwesens. Band 54
020609: - Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals
053360: - Petra; a Brief History and Some Photographs
053361: - Jerash; a Brief History and Some Photographs
020578: - Umbria
051917: - Dives and Pauper
020521: - The Guild 8; the Designer's Reference Book of Artists
020461: - Studies in Romance Philology and French Literature Presented to John Orr by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends
020425: - état Des Lettres Publiées de Paul Claudel
020404: - Recherches Sur le Roman Historique En Europe--Xviiie-Xixe Siècle
020396: - American Frontier Life; Early Western Painting and Prints
020348: - Les Genres Et L'Histoire Xviiie Xixe Siècles
020336: - Hommage à Georges Fourrier
050127: - The World's Most Famous Court Trial: Tennessee Evolution Case
020258: - Provinces Et Etats Dans la France de L'Est; le Rattachement de Franche-Comté à la France; Espaces Régionaux Et Espaces Nationaux; Actes Du Colloque de Besançon, 3 Et 4 Octobre 1977
020247: - The Great Age of Fresco, Giotto to Pontormo. An Exhibition of Mural Paintings and Monumental Drawings, Organized in Collaboration with the Soprintendenza of the Florentine Galleries
020239: - Photo 1947
002087: - A Current Chinese-English Dictionary
051481: - La Champagne Benedictine. Contribution à L'Année Saint Benoit (480-1980)
020149: 30 - Stonehenge of the Kings; a People Appear
020145: - Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, de Rebus Gestis Samsonis Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Edmundi
020143: - Catalogus Van de Tentoonstelling Gewijd Ann Middeleeuwse Beeldhouwkunst Behorend Tot Belgische Privé Verzamelingen, Kasteel Laarne, September-November, 1969
020071: - Nordiska Profiler; Nordic Images
049195: - Husserl Et la Pensée Moderne; Husserl Und Das Denken Der Neuzeit
019898: - Lectures on Some Modern Poets
019783: - Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto
019765: - The Torres Strait Islanders
019749: - Spain and Spanish America in the Libraries of the University of California; a Catalogue of Books
019623: - Shakespeare Survey; an Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production, Vol. 34
019622: - Shakespeare Survey; an Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production, Vol. 32
019621: - Shakespeare Survey; an Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production, Vol. 27
019589: - ôsterreichische Historische Bibliographie; Austrian Historical Bibliiography. 1965-[1988]
051278: - Five Essays on the Bible; Paper Read at the 1960 Annual Meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies
019420: - Hjemstavnskort over København
019377: - Homenaje a Fernando Marquez-Miranda, Arqueologo E Histoirador de America Offrenda de Sus Amigos Y Admiradores
050642: - Fascism, the Threat in the North of Ireland
019338: - Literary Monographs. Vols. 1-8
019288: - Der Friedensgedanke IM Antiken Drama; Protokoll Eines Kolloquiums
019292: - Dialogues D'Histoire Ancienne. 20: 1 1994
019249: - Die Bevölkerungsbilanz Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone 1939 Bis 1954 Von ***
019175: - In Harvest Fields by Sunset Shores; the Work of the Sisters of Notre Dame on the Pacific Coast
051715: - The Journal of Medieval Latin; a Publication of the North American Association of Medieival Latin. Vols. 1-5 (1991-1995)
018997: - Nuclear Power Generation and Fuel Cycle Report 1996
018996: - Nuclear Safeguards and the International Atomic Energy Agency; Report
018933: - Photography Year Book 1983
018931: - Photography at Mid-Century. Tenth Anniversay Exhibition
018923: - Minolta Mirror; an International Magazine of Photography 1983
018921: - Minolta Mirror; an International Magazine of Photography 1981
018920: - Minolta Mirror; an International Magazine of Photography 1980
018918: - Minolta Mirror; an International Magazine of Photography 1978
018901: - Language of Light; a Survey of the Photography Collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Art
018900: - Landscape Photography
018892: - In Medias Res; Berlin'Den Fotograf Ve Diger Medya Sanatlari. Fotografie Und Andere Medienkunst Aus Berlin. Photography and Other Media Art from Berlin
018868: - Das Deutsche Lichtbild, Jahresschau 1932
018859: - Le Cadre, la Scène, le Site; Panorama de la Photographie Québécois Contemporaine
018853: - British Journal of Photography Annual 1982
018852: - British Journal of Photography Annual 1981
018851: - British Journal of Photography Annual 1980
018850: - The British Journal of Photography Annual 1979
018849: - The British Journal of Photography Annual 1968
018797: - Studia Memoriae Belae Bartok Sacra
018794: - Stravinsky and the Dance; a Survey of Ballet Productions, 1910-1962
018777: - The Simon and Schuster Book of the Opera; a Complete Reference Guide--1596 to the Present
018761: - Schubert Durch Die Brille
018742: - Riemann Musik Lexikon: Ergänzungsband, Personenteil a-K
018741: - Riemann Musik Lexikon: Personenteil
018650: - Lettres de Grands Musiciens: Rameau, Bach, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, Berlioz, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Wagner, Brahams
052700: - Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina Antiquae Et Mediae Aetatis. Novum Supplementum
018618: - Klaus Huber
018599: - Informazioni E Studi Vivaldiani; Bollettino Dell'Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi. Venezia Fondazione Giorgio Cini
018576: - Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians
018544: - The First Night Gilbert and Sullivan: Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas, Exactly As Presented at Their Premiere Performances
050170: - Ville D'Italia
018535: - An Evening with the London Symphony Orchestra
018534: - An Evening with the Concergebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
018533: - An Evening with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
018465: - Bollettino Ceciliano
018449: - Beethoven-Symposium, Wien 1970: Bericht
018436: - Bach-Jahrbuch. No. 36
018435: - Bach-Jahrbuch. No. 34
018434: - Bach-Jahrbuch. No. 33
018418: - Atti Del Colloquio Internazionale Sul Tem: L"Origine Dell'Uomo Indeteto in Occasione Del Primo Centenario Della Pubblicazione Dell'Opera Di Darwin "the Descent of Man" (Roma, 28-30 Ottobre 1971)
052115: - Joseph Von Fraunhofer 1787-1826. Ausstellung Zum 150. Todestag
018367: - Sveriges Ridderskaps Och Adels Kalender För år 1919
018366: - Sveriges Ridderskaps Och Adels Kalender För år1894
053328: - Un Village Au Temps de Charlemagne; Moines Et Paysans de L'Abbaye de Saint-Denis Du Viie Siècle à L'an MIL
053096: - Chinese Cultural Art Treasures; National Palace Museum Illustrated Handbook
018307: - Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Accomplishing Expanded Civilian Nuclear Energy Research and Development and Isotope Production Missions in the United States, Including the Role of the Fast Flux Text Facility
018293: - Biblos. ôsterreichische Zeitschrift Für Buch- Und Bibliothekswesen, Dokumentation Und Bibliographie
018215: - Yeni Redhouse Lugati Türkçe; Revised Redhouse Dictionary English Turkish
018201: - études Phonologiques Dédiées à la Mémoire de M. Le Prince N.S. Trubetzkoy
018180: - Graphis Photo 91
018029: - Les épistres Catholiques de Saint Jacques, Saint Jude Et Saint Pierre
017967: - Biblische Zeitfragen Gemeinverständlich Erörtert
050185: - The U-Boat Commander's Handbook
053709: - IL Monachesimo Orientale; Atti Del Convegno Di Studi Orientali Che Sul Predeetto Tema Si Tenne a Roma, Sotto la Direzione Del Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Nei Giorni 9, 10, 11 E 12 Aprile 1958
050225: - America & Lewis Hine; Photographs 1904-1940
050235: - Festgabe Für Manfred Mayrhofer
050251: - [Kurita Bijutsukan] Kurita Museum
017875: - Studia Gratulataoria Dedicated to Albert Willem de Groot in the Year of His Seventieth Birtday[Sic]
017868: - Colloque de Linguistique Russe
017842: - Zbornik Radova O Aleksandru Belicu
017838: - Wiener Beiträge Zur Kulturgeschichte Und Linguistik; Veröffentlichungen Des Institutes Für Völkerkunde an Der Universität
017799: - Festschrift Walter Baetke Dargebracht Zu Seinem 80. Geburtstag Am 28. März 1964
017795: - L'Assomption de la Très Sainte Vierge
017782: - Calendar of the Francis Bret Harte Letters in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (University of California at Los Angeles)
017777: - Casa Coloniale Italiana John F. Fugazi, 1913-1988. 75th Anniversary, San Francisco, California
017767: - Pushkin and His Friends; the Making of a Literature and a Myth
017764: - Geologic Guidebook Along Highway 49--Sierran Gold Belt: The Mother Lode Country
017763: - Geologic Guidebook of the San Francisco Bay Counties: History, Landscape, Geology, Fossils, Minerals,S Industry, and Routes to Travel
017752: - Nauticus; Jahrbuch Für Deutschlands Seeinteressen
017745: - Neues Beamtentum; Beiträge Zur Neuordnung Des ôffentlichen Dienstes
017718: - Sohlmans Sjölexikon
017705: - American Literary Scholarship; an Annual 1994
017693: - San Francisco Blue Book; Club and Directory
017648: - The Baseball Hall of Fame 50th Anniversay Book
017647: - Compilation of Works of Art and Other Objects in the United States Capitol
017646: - Laughing Matter
051034: - Vie Du R> P. Dom Urbain Guillet, Fondateur de la Trappe de Bellefontine
017645: - Zeitgeist; People and Concepts
017643: - Photographs from Space
017640: - The National Register of Historic Places, 1969
017629: - Postage Stamps of the United States: An Illustrated Description of All United States Postage and Special Service Stamps Issued by the Post Offic Department from July 1, 1847 to December 31, 1967
017627: - Anzio Beachhead (22 January-25 May 1944)
017625: - The Native Americans; the Indigenous People of North America
017608: - Medal of Honor, 1861-1949: The Navy
017591: - Syphilis; a Synopsis
017575: - Würzburger Prosastudien I-[II]
017465: - Stained Glass Before 1700 in American Collections: New England and New York (Corpus Vitrearum Checklist I)
017429: - Operation of Radioactive Material Disposal Facilities
017426: - Le Viie Centenaire de L'Ordre Franciscain, Quebec, 2, 3, 4, Octobre 1909
052798: - Annales Fuldenses Sive Annales Regni Francorum Orientalis Aa Einhardo, Ruodolfo, Meginhardo Fuldensibus Seligenstadi, Fuldae, Mogontiaci Conscripti Cum Continuationibus Ratisbonensi Et Altahensibus
053540: - Forma E Vita Di Una Città Medievale; Form and Life of a Medieval City: Leopoli-Cencelle
051834: - Studi Sulla Chiesa Antica E Sull'Umanesimo. Studi Presentatti Nnella Sezione Di Storia Ecclesiastica Del Congresso Internazionale Per IL IV Centenario Della Pontificia Università Gregorian, 13-17 Ottobre 1953
017294: - Studies in Honor of Lloyd A. Kasten
017231: - De Antiquis Legibus Liber; Cronica Maiorum Et Vicecomitum Londoniarum Et Quedam, Que Contingebant Temporibus Illis Ab Anno MCLXXVIII Ad Annum MCCLXXIV; Cum Appendice
017187: - Continuity and Change in Brazil and the Southern Cone; Research Trends and Library Collections for the Year 2000. Continuidade E Mudanças No Brasil E No Cone Sul; Tendencias de Pesquisa E Acervos Bibliograficos Para O Ano 2000
017186: - Latin American Studies Into the Twenty-First Century: New Focus, New Formats, New Challenges
017185: - Artistic Representation of Latin American Diversity: Sources and Collections
017184: - Modernity and Tradition: The New Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1956-1994
017183: - Caribbean Studies: Bibliographic Access and Resources for the Past, Present, and Future. Estudios Caribeños: Acceso Y Recursos Bibliograficos Para El Pasado, Presente Y Futuro
017171: - Intellectual Migrations; Transcultural Contributions of European and Latin American Emigres
017170: - Salalm and the Area Studies Community
017169: - Salalm in the Age of Multimedia; Technological Challenge and Social Change
017168: - Technology, the Environment, and Social Change
017167: - Societies Under Constraint: Economic and Social Pressures in Latin America
017116: - The Norway Year Book. Fourth Year of Issue 1950
017016: - Punishment Season; Human Rights in China After Martial Law
016915: - Profile: British Design Consultancies & Their Work
016914: - The Oxford Classical Dictionary
016853: - Svensk Geografisk årsbok
053011: - étienne Gilson, Philosophe de la Chrétienté
016619: - Treasures from Chatsworth: The Devonshire Inheritance
016615: - Dictionary of American History
016612: - William & Mary and Their House
053200: - African Art and the School of Paris; Colgate University, April 15 Through May 8, 1966
016604: - First Nations in Canada
016517: - The Suez Canal Problem, July 26-September 22, 1956. A Documentary Publication
050456: - The Journal of Science and the Arts, Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Published Quarterly
016347: - Electromagnetic Lifetimes and Properties of Nuclear States
016343: - Nuclear Structure Study with Neutrons; Proceedings of the International Conference on the Study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, 19-23 July 1965
016303: - The Yom Kippur War
016272: - What So Proudly We Hail'd"; an Exhibition in the William L. Clements Library Marking the Sesquicentennial of the War of 1812
016256: - Weapons & War Machines
016250: - War in the Falklands; the Full Story
016249: - The War Against Germany and Italy; Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas
051579: - Richesses Et Déficiences Des Anciens Psautiers Latins
051331: - Encyclopédie de L'Islam
050306: - Gunnlaugs Saga Ormstungu
016078: - Revue Internationale D'Histoire Militaire
051434: - Sacra Pagina; Miscellanea Iiblica Congressus Internationalis Catholici de Re Biblica
052941: - Psautier LIégeois Du Xiiie Siècle. Reproduction de 24 Pages Enluminées Du Manuscrit 431 de la Bibliothèque de L'Université de LIège
052979: - Les Quatre Siècles Du Collège de France. Expostion Commémorative Du 4e Centenaire de la Fondation Du Collège de France Par François Ier
015990: - The Hellenistic Origins of Byzantine Art
015908: - Medical Statistics in World War II
049128: - Eskimo Graphic Art 1962; L'Art Graphaique Des Esquimaux
050922: - The Ruodlieb; the First Medieval Epic of Chivalry from Eleventh-Century Germany
052544: - Egils Saga Skallagrimssonar. Bind I: A-Rekationen
015667: - Jane's Weapon Systems. 1974/75 Edition
015666: - Jane's Naval Review. 5th Year of Issue
015646: - Heimatbuch Der Stadt Pöchlarn
015609: - The German Campaign in Russia; Planning and Operations (1940-1942)
015596: - Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1981. 56. Jahrgang
053756: - La Vie de Saint Eustace; Introduction to Old French
015428: - Le Lac Des Cygnes
015427: - Le Kirov
015426: - Thesmar/Denard
015347: - Typography 4: The Annual of the Type Directors Club
015320: - Exhibition of Italian Baroque Painting, 17th and 18th Centuries
015285: - American Aphrodite; a Quarterly for the Fancy-Free, Vol. 1, No. 1
015277: - The Waggon of Life and Other Lyrics by Russian Poets of the Nineteenth Century
015261: - De-Persona
015245: - Primitivism, Folk, and the Primitive; the 7th Annual Fine Arts Festival. Essays and Exhibition Catalogue
015241: - Graphis Annual, 83/84: The International Annual of Advertising and Editorial Graphics; Das Internationale Jahrbuch Der Werbegraphik Und Der Redaktionellen Graphik; le Répertoire International de L'Art Graphique Publicitaire Et Rédactionnel
015240: - Graphis Annual, 82/83: The International Annual of Advertising and Editorial Graphics; Das Internationale Jahrbuch Der Werbegraphik Und Der Redaktionellen Graphik; le Répertoire de L'Art Graphique Publicitaire Et Rédactionnel
015211: - Courrier de L'Art; Chronique Hebdomadaire Des Ateliers, Des Musées, Des Expositions, Des Ventes Publiques, Des Concours, Des Théatres, Etc.
015210: - Old Master Drawings; a Quarterly Magazine for Students and Collections
015201: - Twentieth-Century German Art in Berlin. Art Allemand Du Vingtième Siècle à Berlin. Deutsche Kunst Des 20. Jahrhunderts in Berlin
015197: - Stockholm
015182: - Portraits and Prospects; British and Irish Drawings and Watercolours from the Collection of the Ulster Museum, Belfast
015179: - Barockmalerei in Den Romanischan Ländern
015175: - German Expressionists: The Blue Rider School
015150: - The German Expressionists and Their Contemporaries; 50 Yeears of Fantasy and Frenzy
015149: - German Contemporary Art
015129: - Expressionism, a German Intuition, 1905-1920
015127: - Eighteenth Century France; a Study of Its Art and Civilization
015097: - Contemporary Art, 1942-72; Collection of the Albright-Know Art Gallery
015096: - Contempoary American Sculpture
052392: - La Chanson de Saint Alexis
015044: - Legislation to Modify the 1968 Gun Control Act; Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, First and Second Sessions
014973: - David Livingstone and the Victorian Encounter with Africa
014972: - Alternatives for Growth; the Engineering and Economics of Natural Resources Development
014943: - A Scene of Adornment; Decoration in the Victorian Home from the Collections of the Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum
014941: - Russian Applied Art, Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Century: The Russian Museum, Leningrad
014925: - Cathay Invoked: Chinoiserie, a Celestial Empire in the West
014922: - Catalogue of Furniture, Silver, Pewter, Glass, Ceramics, Paintings, Prints, Together with Allied Arts and Crafts of the Period 1636-1836
053450: - Scientia Augustiniana; Studien über Augustinus, Den Augstinismus Und Den Augstinerorden; Festschrift P. Dr. Theol. Dr. Phil. Adolar Zumkeller Osa Zum 60. Geburtsag
053754: - Le Roman de Laurin, Fils de Marques le Sénchal. Text of Ms. B.N. F. Fr. 22548
051411: - Liber Psalmorum Iuxta Antiquissimam Latinam Versionem Nunc Primum Ex Casinensi Cod. 557
014776: - Spruce Tree House; an Interpretive Guide
014732: - Lecture Series of the Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, Held at the University of California, at Berkeley, June 20-July 1, 1955
014699: - Le Bambole Antiche
014696: - Royal Doulton Figures
014674: - Glass Flowers, from the Ware Collection in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University
014671: - English Nineteenth Century Cameo Glass, from the Collection of Mr. And Mrs. Albert Christian Revi. A Special Exhibition, 1963
014649: - Gold- Und Silberarbeiten Aus Der Werkstatt Meinrad Burch-Korrodi
014645: - The Story of Wedgwood; a Living Tradition
014643: - American Illustration 4; the Fourth Annual of American Editorial, Book, Advertising, Poster, Promotional Art, Unpublished Work, and Film Animation
014642: - American Illustration 1982/83; the First Annual of American Editorial, Book, Advertising, Poster, Unpublished Work, Film Animation and Promotional Art
014641: - European Illustration 82-83: The Ninth Annual of European Editorial, Book, Poster, Advertising, Unpublished Work, Film Animation and Design Art
049783: - Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel with Supplementary Extracts from the Others
049784: - Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum
014636: - Illustration West XVI
014460: - Master Bronzes of India
014378: - Masterworks of Chinese Jade in the National Palace Museum
014364: - Pageant of Japanese Art. Vol. 6: Architecture and Gardens
014345: - Sculpture/Inuit; Sculpture of the Inuit. Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic; la Sculpture Chez Les Inuit; Chefs-D'Oeuvre de L'Arctique Canadien
014338: - Chefs-D'Oeuvre de L'Amérique Précolombienne
014323: - Arts Connus Et Arts Méconnus de L'Afrique Noire: Collection Paul Tishman = Known and Little Know Arts of Black Africa
014320: - 7000 Years of Iranian Art
014314: - Asian Artists in Crystal; Desings by Contemporary Asian Artists Engraved on Steuben Crystal
014311: - Ancient Sculpture from India
052395: - La Vita Comune Del Clero Nei Secoli XI E XII; Atti Della Settimana Di Studio: Mendola, Settembre 1959
014289: - Hokusai, the Man Mad-on-Drawing
014288: - Art Treasures from Japan
014270: - Exhibition of Shoso-in Treasures
014235: - Vermeer Van Delft
053770: - Iie Congrès de L'Association Internationale Des Historiens de la Renaissance (2e Section), Bruxelles, Anvers, Gand, LIège, 2-7 Septembre 1957. Fêtes Et Cérémonies Au Temps de Charles Quint
014219: - Centenaire de Toulouse-Lautec. Expositions: Albi, Palais de la Berbie, Juin-Septembre 1964; Paris, Petit Palais, Octobre-Décembre 1964
052952: - Enciclopedia Filosofica
052954: - Karl Martell in Seiner Zeit
014150: - Henoch Yalon Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Birthday; [Sefer Hanokh Yalon; Kovets Ma'Amarim]
014104: - Talk of God
051316: - The Küng Dialogue
050448: - A Voyage to the South Sea, Undertaken by Command of His Majesty, for the Purpose of Conveying the Bread-Fruit Tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty's Ship the Bounty
014069: - Science, Language, and the Perspective Mind; Studies in Literature and Thought from Campanella to Bayle
014038: - Recontre de Moralistes Redemptoristes; Meeting of Redemptorist Moralists (Aylmer, Québec, Canada/26-30 Juin-June 1989). Actes/Acts
053249: - Die Barbarenschatz, Geraubt Und IM Rhein Versunken
013948: - The Locke Newsletter
013827: - L'église Au Congo Et Au Ruanda-Urundi
013796: - Coventry Cathedral; a Souvenir Publication to Commemorate the Reconstruction and Consecreation of the Cathedral Chruch of St. Michael, Coventry, and the Coventry Cathedral Festival
013660: - Henry Moore
013654: - The Journal and Catalog of the Exhibition Entitled Sculpture and Carl Milles
013623: - Bulletin of Tibetology: Vol. 3,2
013605: - Statistical Abstract for British India with Statistics, Where Available, Relating to Certain Indian States from 1919-20 to 1928-29
013535: - Johann Liss
013465: - Henry Fuseli, 1741-1825
013445: - Viera Da Silva: Recent Oil Paintings. Exhibition Catalogue, March 1st to March 26th 1966
013441: - Jan Cox: The Iliad
013440: - Corot--Daumier
013433: - Marc Chagall
051694: - Mélanges Christine Mohrmann; Nouveau Recueil Offert Par Ses Anciens éLèves
051695: - Carmen de Bello Saxonico
013410: - George Caleb Bingham, 1811-1879
013274: - The Saga of Tristram and Isönd
013261: - Dr. Samuel Johnson and His Birthplace
013144: - Sammlung Popoff; 50 Russische Ikonen Vom 15. -19. Jahrhundert
013135: - The Romance of the Western Chamber
013080: - Medievalia Et Humanistica; Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture. New Series, No. 2
013079: - Medieval Frescoes from Yugoslavia
013050: - IL 60; Essays Honoring Irving Lavin on His Sixtieth Birthday
013040: - Kunstschätze Der Lombardei; 500 Vor Christu/1800 Nach Christus
013036: - Kong Olger Danskes Krønike
013022: - Islamic Art from the Collection of Edwin Binney 3rd
012919: - El Estado En la Baja Edad Media; Nuevas Perspectivas Metodologicas. Sessiones de Trabajo, V Seminario de Historia Medieval
012882: - A Review of the Natural Resources of the African Continent
012671: - Congrès Archéologique de France. Ciiie Session: Ile-de-France
012640: - Pluralisme Ethnique Et Culturel Dans Les Sociétés Intertropicales; Compte Rendu de la Xxxe Session Tenue à Lisbonne Les 15, 16, 17 Et 18 Avril 1957
051138: - Mémorial Du Xive Centenaire de L'Abbaye de Saint-Germain-Des-Près
012631: - Die Musik in Geschichte Und Gegenwart; Allgemeine Enzyklopädie Der Musik
012497: - The Larousse Encyclopedia of Animal Life
053688: - Zusammenbruch 1945 Und Aufbruch; Eine Dokumentation Der Letzten Kriegstage Vom Neckar Zum Odenwald
012445: - Karst in China
012436: - The Technology of Herring Utilization. Report of the Fao Meeting on Herring Technology,M Bergen, Norway, 24-29 Sept. 1950
012392: - Romanistisches Jahrbuch
012377: - Atti Del Convegno Internazionale Sul Tema: Tardo Antico E Alto Medioevo; la Forma Artistica Nel Passaggio Dall'Antichità Al Medioevo (Roma 4-7 Aprile 1967)
012279: - The Egypt Almanac 2001
012135: - Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs, 1939-1945
012124: - Forged in Steel; U.S. Marine Corps Aviation
012118: - Le Fonti Per la Storia Militare Italiana in Età Contemporanea
012061: World Tobacco Congress. Amsterdam 1951 - National Report: United States of America
012060: World Tobacco Congress. Amsteredam 1951 - National Report: Japan
012049: - A Century of Service to Dentistry, 1844-1944
012005: - Les Conflits de Haute Et de Basse Intensité Depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale
011971: - The Story of Rayon
011917: - The Pasteur Fermentation Centennial, 1857-1957; a Scientific Symposium on the Occasion of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Publication of Louis Pasteur's Mémoire Sur la Fermentation Appelée Lactique
011889: - IL Museo
011846: - I Materiali Dell'Istituto Delle Scienze
011822: - California and the CIVIL War 1861-1865
011821: - Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Hans Bobek
011805: - The Impact of the Natural Sciences on Archaeology; a Joint Symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy
011754: - Du Pont; the Autobiography of an American Enterprise
011717: - Chymia; Annual Studies in the History of Chemistry, Vol. 9
011682: - Encyclopaedia of Ireland
011659: - Whitaker's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage for the Year 1935
011570: - Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History: Publications of 1977
053312: - Rome Across Time and Space; Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas C. 500-1400
053670: - The Lower East Side; Immigrant Portal to America from 1875 to 1925
011416: - Theocritus, Bion and Moschus
051974: - Cleanness
011324: - The Praeger Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Civilization
011283: - The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Egypt and the Ancient Near East
011261: - The Living Heritage of Greek Antiquity; L'héritage Vivant de L'Antiquité Grecque
011244: - Jules Romain; L'Histoire de Scipion, Tapisseries Et Dessins
011236: - The Imperial Photographic Album of Stirling and Neighbourhood
011126: - Antichità Dall'Umbria a Budapest E Cracovia
011073: - Mélanges de Philosophie Grecque Offerts à Mgr Diès... Par Ses éLèves, Ses Collègeus, Ses Amis
011049: - A Century of Progress in Bristol
011043: - Camden Miscellany, Vol. 16
011042: - Camden Miscellany, Vol. 26
011027: - Corpus Topographicum Pompeianum. Pars II: Toponymy
011015: - British Historical Portraits; a Selection from the National Portrait Gallery with Biographical Notes
052703: - Le Scuole Degli Ordini Mendicanta (Secoli XIII-XIV), 11-14 Ottobre 1976
052101: - Bérinus; Roman En Prose Du Xive Siècle
010904: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Volsume 105 (Second Series, Volume 55)
010903: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Volume 104 (Second Series, Volume 54)
010900: - Festschrift Andreas Hermes 1948
010889: - Ancient Society
010848: - Masterworks in Wood; the Christian Tradition
558: - Jahrbuch Für Antike Und Christentum. Jahrgang 4 (1961)
010775: - Kagawa in Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii
053652: - Dänemark Und Die Niederlande Unter Deutscher Besetzung
010764: - Maori Place Names and Their Meanings
010727: - Landschaft Und Land; Der Forschungsgegenstand Der Geographie. Festschrift Erich Obst Zum 65. Geburtstag Dargebracht Von Seinen Freunden Mitarbeitern Und Schülern
010717: - Die Schweiz IM Spiegel Der Landesausstellung 1939. La Suisse Vue à Travers L'Exposition Nationale 1939. La Suizzera Vista Attraverso L'Esposizione Nazionale 1939. La Suizzra a Travers L'Exposiziun Naziunala 1939
010652: - Ansbach: Stadt Des Fränkischen Rokoko
010591: - Bäuerliche Wirtschaft Und Landwirtschaftliche Produktion in Deutschland Und Estland (16. Bis 19. Jahrhundert)
052870: - Romanitas Et Christianitas. Studia Iano Henrico Waszink A.D. VI Kal. Nov A. MCMLXXIII XIII Lustra Complenti Oblata
010490: - The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes
010483: - Berlin Und Seine Wirtschaft; Ein Weg Aus Der Geschichte in Die Zukunft: Lehren Und Erkenntnisse
010470: - Ahnen Und Enkel; Sammlung Von Ahnen- Und Nachkommen-Listen
010394: - Flora and Fauna of the Mianus River Gorge Wildlife Refuge and Botanical Preserve
010383: - Acta Historiae Neerlandica; Historical Studies in the Netherlands
010373: - Jahrbuch Der Wirtschaft Osteuropas; Yearbook of East-European Economics
010330: - The Siam Society Fiftieth Anniversay Commemorative Publication: Selected Articles from the Siam Society Journal
053325: - Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald
010129: - Tobey's 80; a Retrospective
010125: - William A. Gaw
053808: - A Concordance to the Analects of Confucius
053809: - A Concordance to Meng Tzu
053810: - A Concordance to Mo Tzu
010106: - First the Blade; California Intercollegiate Anthology of Verse
050353: - Die Thidrekssaga Oder Dietrich Von Bern Und Die Niflungen
010096: - Atushi Imoto: Sculptures, 1962-1967
010095: - Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen: An Exhibition of Drawings/Pastels/Watercolored, October Eighteenth to November Sixteenth, 1963
010091: - Ladies' Indispensable Assistant, Bing a Companion for the Sister, Mother, and Wife
010076: - Gabriele Von Bülow, Tochter Wilhelm Von Humboldts. Ein Lebensbild Aus Den Familienpapieren Wilhelm Von Humboldts Und Seiner Kinder, 1791-1887
010058: - Der Stille Garten; Deutsche Maler Der 1. Hälfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts
010038: - Report of Court Proceedings in the Case of the Anti-Soviet: "Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites
009947: - Studies in Honor of Tatiana Fotitch
009928: - Ehrenpromotin Yakov Malkiel Am Fachbereich Neuere Fremdsprachliche Philologien Der Freien Universität Berlin Am 6. Oktober 1983
053121: - Anonymi Gesta Francorum Et Aliorum Hierosolymitanorum
009900: - Language, Meaning and Style; Essays in Memory of Stephen Ullmann
009893: - Trends in European and American Linguistics 1930-1960
009885: - Thesaurus; Boletin Del Instituto Caro Y Cuervo
009875: - On Language; Rhetorica, Phonologica, Syntactica. A Festschrift for Robert P.S. Stockwell from His Friends and Colleagues
009843: - Dona Slavica Aenipontana in Honorem Herbert Schelesniker
009827: - Serta Romanica; Festschrift Für Gerhard Rohlfs Zum 75. Geburtstag
009822: - Géographie Poétique de Claudel
009815: - The Changing South, 1855-1955: Bibliograpahies
009772: - Probleme Der Sprachwissenschaft; Beiträge Zur Linguistik
009596: - Growth in the British Economy; a Study of Economic Problems and Policies in Contemporary Britain, 1960
002064: - Vielfalt Des Deutschen; Festschrift Für Werner Besch
009563: - Sache, Ort Und Wort; Jakob Jud Zum Sechzigsten Geburtstag, 12. Januar 1942
009550: - Language and Society; Essays Presented to Arthur M. Jensen on His Seventieth Birthday
051589: - Maestro Bruno, Padres de Monjes
009519: - Festgabe Für L.L. Hammerich Aus Anlass Seines Siebzigsten Geburtstags
009461: - In Memoriam Friedrich Diez; Akten Des Kolloquiums Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Der Romanistik (Actes Du Colloque Sur L'Histoire Des Etudes Romanes/Proceedings of the Colloquium for the History of Romance Studies, Trier, 2-4. Okt. 1975
009448: - Current Trends in Linguistics. Vol. 4: Ibero-American and Caribbean Linguistics
009447: - Current Trends in Linguistics. Vol. 3: Theoretical Foundations
009446: - Current Trends in Linguistics. Vol. 1: Soviet and East European Linguistics
009437: - Mélanges Marcel Cohen; études de Linguistique, Ethnographie Et Sciences Connexes Offertes Par Ses Amis Et Ses éLèves à L'Occasion de Son 80ème Anniversaire
009415: - Languages and Areas; Studies Presented to George V. Bobrinskoy on the Occasion of His Academic Retirement by Members of the Departments of Linguistics and of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of the Committee on Southern Asian Studies of the University
009298: - Festgabe Für Ulrich Pretzel Zum 65. Geburtstag Dargebracht Von Freunden Und Schülern
009122: - Contemporary Theatre
009075: - Agrarian Distress in the United Provinces, Being the Report of the Commitee Appointed by the Council of the U.P. Provincial Congress Committee to Enquire Into the Agrarian Situation in the Province
009063: - Long Term Projections of Demand for and Supply of Selected Agricultural Commodities, 1960-61 to 1975-76
053811: - A Concordance to Hsun Tzu
1384: - Monumenta Judaica; 2000 Jahre Geschichte Und Kultur Der Juden Am Rhein; Kat Alog. Eine Ausstellung IM Kölnischen Stadtmuseum, 15. Oktober 1963-15. Febr Uar 1964
008930: - Karls Des Grossen Reise Nach Jerusalem Und Constantinopel; Ein Altfranzösisches Heldengedicht
008908: - Philologia Deutsch; Festschrift Zum 70. Geburtstag Von Walter Henzen
008743: - The Jews of Czechoslovakia; Historical Studies and Surveys
008685: - Economic Problems of Agriculture in Industrial Societies
008624: - Treasures from the Kremlin
008618: - The Single Tree. July 22-September 17, 2000: Exhibition Catalogue
008586: - Painting in France, 1900-1967
008581: - The Great Age of Fresco: Giotto to Pontormo
008568: - Jugend Malt Autos
050536: - Chicago Typographical Union 16 Centennial 1852-1951
008532: - Bayern; Kunst Und Kultur
051562: - La Mystique Rhénane; Colloque de Strasbourg 16-19 Mai 1961
052881: - Hommage à Picasso
008366: - Jahrbuch Für Numismatik Und Geldgeschichte
008365: - Mitteilungen Der Bayerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft
008340: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 34: Westlicher Hunsrück, Bernkastel-Kues, Idar-Oberstein, Birkenfeld, Sarburg
008338: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 32: 1-2: Trier
008337: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 25-[26]: Nordöstliches Eifelvorland, Euskirchen, Zülpich, Bad Münstereifel, Blankenheim
008336: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 20: Paderborner Hochfläche, Paderborn, Büren, Salzkotten
008335: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 19: Rosenheim, Chiemsee, Traunstein, Bad Reichenhall, Berchtesgaden
008334: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 18: Miesbach, Tegernsee, Bad Tölz, Wolfratshausen, Bad Aibling
008333: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 15: Essen, Düsseldorf, Duisburg
008332: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 13: Südliches Rheinhess--Nördliche Vorderpfalz, Worms, Kirchheimbolanden, Donnersberg, Eisenberg
008331: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 12: Nördliches Rheinhessen, Ingelheim, Bingen, Bad Kreuznach, Alzey, Oppenheim
008330: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 4: Hameln, Deister, Rinteln, Minden
008329: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 3: Mannheim, Odenwald, Lorsch, Ladenburg
008328: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Band 1: Fulda, Rhön, Amöneburg, GießEn
008321: - Frühmittelalterliche Kunst in Den Alpenländern; Art Du Haut Moyen Age Dans la Region Alpine; Arte Dell'Alto Medio Evo Nella Regione Alpina. Actes Du Iiie Congrès International Pour L'Etude Du Haut Moyen Age, 9-14 Septembre 1951
052064: - St. Albertus-Magnus-Festschrift
008137: - La Chanson D'Aspremont; Chanson de Geste Du Xiie Siècle
052485: - épopées, Légendes Et Miracles
007964: - Studier Tillägnade Oscar Almgren 1919
007927: - Encyclopedia of Southern Culture
007889: - Williamsburg Virginia; a Brief Study in Photographs
051490: - Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis, Being an Exact Copy, in Ordinary Type, of the Celebrated Uncial Graeco-Latin Manuscript of the Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles
007805: - Der Volksfreund Und Hägerstauner Calender, Auf Das Jahr Unsers Heilandes Jesu Christi, 1831
007804: - Der Neue Readinger Calender
052082: - Sur la Population Française Au Xviiie Et Au Xixe Siècles; Hommage à Marcel Reinhard
052261: - Augustinus Magister; Congrès International Augustinien, Paris, 21-24 Septembre 1954
007666: - Migrant Labor... A Human Problem; Report and Recommendations
007663: - The Meaning of the War to the Americas
007655: - The Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts
007629: - Der Drucker Ernst Engel Und Die Offenbacher Schule
007608: - American and English Genealogies in the Library of Congress
007571: - Inventory of the County Arhcives of Illinois. Menard County (Petersburg), No. 65
007221: - Studies on Benjamin Frannklin; the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of His Birth, January 17, 1956
007220: - Meet Dr. Franklin
051736: - Chronik Des Deutschen Museums Von Meisterwerken Der Naturwissenschaft Und Technik. Gründung, Grundsteinlegung Und Eröffnung 1903-1925
052040: - La Chanson de la Croisade Contre Les Albigeois Commencée Par Guillaume de Tudèle Et Continué Par Un Poète Anonyme
007082: - The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature
052360: - Antiquitates Iindogermanicae; Studien Zur Indogermanischen Altertumskunde Und Zur Sprach- Und Kulturgeschichte Der Indogermanischen Völker. Gedenschrift Für Hermann Günter Zur 25. Widerkehr Seines Todestages Am 23. April 1973
006988: - The Colophon. New Series: A Quarterly for Bookmen
050637: - Irish Labour and Its International Relations in the Era of the Second International & the Bolshevik Revolution
006841: - The American Revolution; Three Views
049336: - The Geneva Bible; the Annotated New Testament, 1602 Edition
049345: - Die Deutsche Literatur Vom Mittelalter Bis Zum 20. Jahrhundert: Texte Und Zeugnisse
006714: - Printing History; the Journal of the American Printing History Association
006659: - Mexico Ancient and Modern As Represented by a Selection of Works in the Bancroft Library
053474: - Le Roman de Renart
052647: - Libellus de Diversis Ordinibus Et Professionibus Qui Sunt in Aecclesia
052650: - Le Morte Arthur; a Romance in Stanzas of Eight Lines
006586: - Worcestershire Congregational Churches
006578: - The English Mind; Studies in the English Moralists Presented to Basil Willey
053026: - Rheinische Fridrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; the University of Bonn
053322: - Le Corti Nell'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, 24-29 Aprile 2014
006531: - Erziehung Zur Menschlichkeit; Die Bildung IM Umbruch Der Zeit. Festschrift Für Eduard Spranger Zum 75. Geburtstag, 27. Juni 1957
006490: - Religion Und Geisteskultur; Zeitschrift Für Religiöse Vertiefung Des Modernen Geisteslebens
006480: - Das Problem Der Sprache in Theologie Und Kirche
006461: - Studies in Mathematics and Mechanics Presented to Richard Von Mises by Friends, Colleagues, and Pupils
006458: - Earthquake Displacement Fields and the Rotation of the Earth
052699: - Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina Antiquae Et Mediiae Aetatis
050876: - Aspects of E.M. Forster; Essays and Recollections Written for His Ninetieth Birthday, January 1, 1969
006336: - Intellect and Hope; Essays in the Thought of Michael Polanyi
006334: - The Icon in Canada; Recent Findings from the Canadian Museum of Civization
006286: - à la Recontre de Dieu; Mémorial Albert Gelin
006217: - Neutestamentliche Studien Für Rudolf Bultmann Zu Seinem Siebzigisten Geburtstag Am 20. August 1954
006159: - High-Energy Ion-Atom Collisions; Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on High-Energy Ion-Atom Collisions Held in Debrecen, Hungary, August 3-5, 1987
049348: - Opportunity in Kenya; a Report to the Fabian Colonial Bureau
006124: - The British War Blue Book, Miscellaneous No. 9 (1939). Documents Concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939
051072: - Vitae Et Veritati; Festgabe Für Karl Adam
051083: - Frauen; German Women Recall the Third Reich
052280: - Targum Palaestinense in Pentateuchum. Additur Targum Pseudojonatan Ejusque Hispanica Versio. L. 4 Numeri
052282: - Biblia Polyglotta Matritensia: Prooemium
052283: - Les Minorités Linguistiques Dans Les Pays de la Commauté Européenne
052335: - Interferenze Linguistiche E Contatti Cultural in Anatolia Tra II E I Millennio A.C.
053392: - Necropolis of the 18th Century (Lazarevskoye Cemetery), St. Lazarus Burial Vault, Necropolis of the Masters of Arts (Tikhvinskoye Cemetery): Plan and Guidebook
005704: - Soviet and American Policies in the United Nations; a Twenty-Five-Year Perspective
049269: - Partisan Review, Winter 1973, Vol. XL, Number 1
005671: - The First International; Minutes of the Hague Congress of 1872 with Related Documents
049049: - Táin Bó Froích
052028: - Das Anglonormannische Lied Vom Wackern Ritter Horn
005574: - The Contemporary Novel in German; a Symposion
005565: - Explications As Criticism; Selected Papers from the English Institute 1941-1952
049888: - Runstenarii Södermanland; Vägvisare Till Runristningar I Södermanlands Län
005493: - The Urban Development of Latin America, 1750--1920
005467: - The City of London As a Centre of International Trade and Finance
005457: - Edwardians and Late Victorians
005435: - Natural Resources of the Soviet Union; Their Use and Renewal
005432: - Techno-Economic Survey of Orissa
005352: - The South American Handbook, 1929; a Guide to the Countries and Resources of Latin-American, Inclusive Os South and Central America, Mexico, and Cuba
049363: - Europäische Hofkultur IM 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert
049364: - Literatur Und Volk IM 17. Jahrhundert; Probleme Populärer Kultur in Deutschland
051871: - Heralds of Science As Represented by Two Hundred Epochal Books and Pamphlets in the Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institution
049410: - Pompeii Ad 79; Treasures from the National Archaeological Museum, Maples, with Contributions from the Pompeii Antiquarium and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
052747: - Karl Charlemagne Der Grosse
005136: - The Secret Vysocany Congress; Proceedings and Documents of the Extrordinary Fourteenth Congress of the Communisit Party of Czechoslovakia, 22 August 1968
005080: - Southern Africa in Crisis; Regional & International Responses
005070: - Scandinavian Studies; Essays Presented to Dr. Henry Goddard Leach on the Occasion of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday
005068: - Preconditions of Revolution in Early Modern Europe
005067: - English-Speaking South Africa Today; Proceedings of the National Conference, July 1974
050440: - Head/Waters; a Left Bank Book
051948: - The Cornish Ordinalia; a Medieval Dramatic Trilogy. I. Beginning of the World. II. Christ's Passion. III. Resurrection of Our Lord
049449: - On the Incarnation of the Lord; a Fifth Century Greek Christmas Sermon of Uncertain Authorship Here Translated Into English for the First Time
049451: - The Goverment of South Africa. Fifth Instalment. Chapters XXI. -XXVI
052416: - Le Nord de la France Entre épopée Et Chronique
004999: - Nationalism and Progress in Free Asia
004993: - The Identity of the Korean People; a History of Legitimacy on the Korean Peninsula
004968: - China's Quest for Independence; Policy Evolution Int He 1970s
004924: - Worlds of Washington Irving, 1783-1859
050693: - Johannes Vermeer
004906: - William Faulkner; Three Decades of Criticism
004900: - Rural Small-Scale Industry in the People's Republic of China; the American Rural Small-Scale Industry Delegation
004891: - Time, Science, and Society in China and the West
053500: - Bonifatius Und Fulda
004826: - Justice and the Legal System in the Ussr
004756: - The Commerce Committees; the Ralph Nader Congress Project
004751: - Carolina Charter Tercentenary Exhibition, March 23-April 28, 1963
004715: - Birds of Florida
053769: - Journées Internationales D'études, Abbay de Royaumont, 8-13 Juillet 1955. Les Fêtes de la Renaissance
051930: - Mythes à la Cour, Mythes Pour la Cour (Courtly Mythologies). Actes Du Xiie Congrès de la Société Internationale de Littérature Courtoise, 29 Juillet 4 Aoû 2007 (Universités de Lausanne Et de Genève)
004696: - Contributions to Asian Studies
004637: - The Political Institutions of the German Revolution, 1918-1919
004631: - Winter in Prague; Documents on Czechoslovak Communism in Crisis
004572: - Francis Drake, Privateer; Contemporary Narratives and Documents
004488: - Proceedings of the First National Colloquium on the Philippines; Research and Developmental Research in the Social Sciences
004460: - Correspondence Respecting the Agreement with Russia Relative to the Seal Fishery in the North Pacific
004424: - Couronnement Des Souverains de L'Empire Britannique
004413: - Etymologica; Walther Von Wartburg Zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag, 18. Mai 1958
004347: - Précis de L'Histoire D'égypte Par Divers Historiens Et Archéologues
004319: - Medieval Studies in Honor of Robert White Linker by His Colleagues and Friends
004307: - König Rother
004302: - Magister Regis; Studies in Honor of Robert Earl Kaske
004277: - Mélanges de Linguistique Romane Offerts à M. Jean Haust... à L'Occasion de Son Admission à L'éMéritat
004261: - Festschrift Louis Gauchat
004259: - Die Funktion Der Schriftliche Quellen in Der Sachkulturforschung
004257: - The Two Hesperias; Literary Studies in Honor of Joseph G. Fucilla on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday
004199: - Bibliographie Ethnographique de L'Afrique Sud-Saharienne
004180: - Germanische Philologie; Ergebnisse Und Aufgaben. Festschrift Für Otto Behaghel
004165: - Helen Adolf Festschrift
004126: - The Czechoslovak Political Trials, 1950-1954. The Suppressed Report of the Dubcek Government's Commission of Inquiry, 1968
004052: - Mendocino County Historic Annuals
004038: - Bibliothèque Silvain S. Brunschwig; Incunables Et Seizième Siècle
004033: - Histoire de la Lecture; Un Bilan Des Recherches. Actes Du Colloque Des 29 Et 30 Janvier 1993, Paris
004032: - 1924-1984; Prestel Verlag. Verlagsgeschichte Und Bibliographie
050638: - The Connolly Waler Controversy; on Socialist Unity in Ireland
050639: - Freedom's Road for Irish Workers
004021: - Das Theater Und Sein Publikum; Referate Der Internationalen Theaterwissenschaftlichen Dozentenkonferenzen in Venedig 1975 Und Wien 1976
004005: - Das Grillparzer-Bild Des 20. Jahrhunderts
003971: - Le Navire Et L'Economie Maritime Du Xve Au Xviiie Siècles
003942: - Hundert Jahre Kohlhammer 1866-1966
003909: - The Mayors; the Chicago Political Tradition
003880: - The History of Science; Origins and Results of the Scientific Revolution. A Symposium
003863: - Le Vicus Gallo-Romain de Lousonna-Vidy; Rapport Préliminaire Sur la Camapagne de Fouilles 1984
003858: - Strassburger Festschrift Zur XLVI. Versammlung Deutscher Philologen Und Schulmänner
003850: - San Giovenale Etruskern; Landet Och Folket. Svensk Forskning I Etrurien
003830: - Martin Classical Lectures
050990: - Saint Bernard Homme D'Eglise
003762: - Hundert Jahre Medizinische Radiologie in ôsterreich; Festschrift Der ôsterreichischen Röntgengesellschaft (ôrg)
003754: - Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch Der Freiherrlichen Häuser, Zugleich Adelsmatrikel Der Deutschen Adelsgenossenschaft
003753: - Gothaischer Genealogischer Hofkalender Nebst Diplomatisch-Statistischem Jahrbuch
003739: - Sveriges Ridderskap Och Adels Kalender 1971
003727: - Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch Der Gräflichen Häuser, Zugleich Adelsmatrikel Der Deutschen Adelsgenossenschaft
003733: - Neutral Co-Operative Movement in Finland; Its Task and Place in the Community
053102: - The Hermitage, the Home of General Andrew Jackson, Seventh President of the United States; a History and Guide
003711: - Classical Art from a New York Collection; an Exhibition of Ancient Bronzes, Figurative Plastic Vases and Other Ancient Works of Art, Organized in Cooperation with Münzen Und Medaillen Ag, Basle, Switzerland
003704: - Papers in Economic Prehsitory; Studies by Members and Associates of the British Academy Major Research Project in the Early History of Agriculture
003690: - The Journal of Hellenic Studies
003667: - Humaniora; Essays in Literature, Folklore, Bibliography Honoring Archer Taylor on His Seventieth Birthday
050764: - Flanders in the Fifteenth Century: Art and Civilization
003651: - Le Roman de Helcanus
003644: - History and Structure of French; Essays in the Honour of Porfessor T.B. W. Reid
003634: - Scotland and the Lowland Tongue; Studies in the Language and Literature of Lowland Scotland in Honour of David D. Murison
003595: - Kunstschätze Graubündens. Ausstellung Zum 75jährigen Bestehen Des Bündner Vereins Bern
003581: - The French Language; Studies Presented to Lewis Charles Harmer
053456: - Studies in the History of Culture; the Disciplines of the Humanities
052839: - Heracles to Alexander the Great; Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, a Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy
003485: - Set-Valued Analysis and Differential Inclusions; a Collection of Papers Resulting from a Workshop Held in Pamporovo, Bulgaria, September, 1990
003478: - Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Tools, and Case Studies
003479: - Perspectives in Control Theory; Proceedings of the Sielpia Conference, Sielpia, Poland, September 19-24, 1988
003477: - Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems; Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Department of Mathematics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, July 23-27, 1990
003476: - Numerical Methods for Bifurcation Problems; Proceedings of the Confernece at the University of Dortmund, August 22-26, 1983
003475: - Numerical Mathematics, Singapore 1988; Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Mathematics Held at the National University of Singapore, May 31-June 4, 1988
003474: - Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Circuits and Semiconductor Devices; Proceddings of a Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, October 30-November 5, 1988
003472: - The Gohberg Anniversary Collection
003471: - General Inequalities 3; 3rd International Conference on General Inequalities, Oberwolfach, April 26-May 2, 1981
003469: - Constructive Methods for the Practical Treatment of Integral Equations; Proceedings of the Conference at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, June 24-30, 1984
003467: - Bifurcation: Analysis, Algorithms, Applications; Proceedings of the Conference at the University of Dortmund, August 18-22, 1986
003444: - Classical and Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Edward Kennard Rand, Presented Upon the Completion of His Fortieth Year of Teaching
003432: - Medico-Surgical Tributes to Harold Brunn; a Series of Essays on Various Aspects of Surgery and Medicine Written by His Pupils and Friends
003430: - Libellus Post Saeculum Quam Ioannes Bolyai de Bolya Anno Mdcccii A. D> XVIII Kalendas Ianuarias Claudiopoli Natus Est Ad Celebrandam Memoriam Eius Immortalem
003429: - Festskrift Til Niels Bohr På Hans 70-års Dag, 7. Oktober 1955
003413: - Science in the Ussr; to the 50th Anniversary of the Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922-1972
003404: - Festschrift Herrn Emil Christoph Barell... Generaldirektor Der F. Hoffmann-la Roche & Co. , Aktiengesellschaft Am Vierzigsten Jarhestage Seiner Tätigkeit IM Hause "Roche" ûberreicht Von Freunden Und Mitarbeitern
835: - The Stavelot Triptych; Mosan Art and the Legend of the True Cross
003357: - The Aircraft Annual, 1946
003356: - Active Service with Australia in the Middle East
049522: - Berichten Van de Rijksdienst Voor Het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek;Proceedings of the State Service for Archaeological Investigations in the Netherlands. Jaargan VII, 1956
049521: - Berichten Van de Rijksdienst Voor Het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek; Proceedings of the State Service for Archaeological Investigations in the Netherlands. Jaargang VI, 1955
049558: - Märkte IM Vorindustriellen Europa
049564: - Festfabe Für Karl Hoffmann
049571: - Masters of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting; Philadelphia Museum of Art, March 18 to May 13, 1984
049605: - The Cambridge History of the English Language. Volume II: 1066-1476
049690: - Lexikon Der Alten Welt
053588: - I Problemi Della Civiltà Carolingia, 27 Marzo-1 Aprile 1953
049755: - Sumer, Assur, Babylone; Chefs-D'Oeuvre Du Musée de Bagdad
049788: - Kindlers Literatur Lexikon IM Dtv
049815: - The Agadir, Morocco Earthquakes, February 29, 1960
049814: - Carina Amicorum Carin Davidsson Septuagenariae 28. 3. 1990 Oblata
049819: - Rollo Duke of Normandy or the Bloody Brother; a Tragedy Attributed to John Fletcher,George Chapman, Ben Jonson and Philip Massinger
049816: - The Houghton Library 1942-1967; a Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections
053419: - Wien IM Mittelalter
052005: - Sottes Chansons Contre Amours": Parodie Et Burlesque Au Moyen Age
003314: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003313: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003312: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003310: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003311: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003309: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003307: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003308: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
052991: - Arts Du Spectacle Et Histoire Des Idées; Recueil Offert En Hommage à Jean Jacquot
003306: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003305: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003304: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
051193: - Gérard de Brogne Et Son Oeuvre Réformatrice; études Publiées à L'Occasion Du MILLénaire de Sa Mort (959-1959)
003303: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
003302: - Führer Zu Vor- Und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern
053440: - Great Houses of Italy
003280: - Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. United States of America. Fasc. 18: The Los Angeles County Museum of Art
003221: - Tradition Und Innovation; XIII. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie, Bonn, 24. -29. September 1984
003218: - Studies in Philosophy
003216: - Dolf Sternberger 28. 7. 1907-27. 7. 1989
003145: - Image Et Spectacle; Actes Du Xxxiie Colloque International D'Etudes Humanistes Du Centre D'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours, 29 Uuin-8 Juillet 1989)
003121: - Freedom and Restriction in Science and Its Aspects in Society, the Hague, 17 and 18 September 1954
052122: - Le Roman de Jehan de Paris
052123: - Daurel Et Beton; Chanson de Geste Provençale
051058: - In Pursuit of Beauty; Americans and the Aesthetic Movement
053472: - Indian Miniatures from the Collection of Mildred and W.G. Archer, London
003073: - American Indian Religious Freedom Act Report: P.L. 95-341. Federal Agencies Task Force
003035: - Samothrace. Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
003019: - Opuscula Romana
002985: - Classical Essays Presented to James A. Kleist, S.J.
053806: - Combined Concordances to Ch'Un-Ch'Iu, Kung-Yang, Ku-Liang and Tso-Chuan
053807: - A Concordance to Shih Ching
052743: - Mélanges Mandonnet; études D'Histoire Littéraire Et Doctrinale Du Moyen Age
002914: - Archäologische Bibliographie. 1962, 1963, 1964
052294: - Le Roman de Floriant Et Florete Ou le Chevalier Qui la Nef Maine
051898: - The Haskell F. Norman Library of Science and Medicine
002862: - Rorty & Pragmatism; the Philosopher Responds to His Critics
002861: - The Bible in Human Society; Essays in Honour of John Rogerson
002857: - Denkender Glaube; Festschrift Carl Heinz Ratschow Zur Vollendung Seines 65. Lebensjahres Am 22. Juli 1976 Gewidmet Von Kollegen, Schüler Und Freunden
002852: - The Philosopher's Annual
002848: - Pascal; Textes Du Tricentenaiire
002847: - Blaise Pascal; L'Homme Et L'Oeuvre
002801: - Die Katholische Glaubenswelt; Wegweisung Und Lehre
053602: - Sundry Sorts of Music Books; Essays on the British Library Collections Presented to O.W. Neighbour on His 70th Birthday
002646: - [Charis Kai Sophia;] Festschrift Karl Heinrich Rengstorf Anlässlich Seines 60. Geburtstags Von Freunden Und Kollegen Angeboten
002626: - The Oxford History of the Classical World
002566: - Kulturgeschichte Des Alten Orient
002535: - The European Community in Later Prehistory; Studies in Honour of C.F. C. Hawkes
002438: - Lost in the Victory; Reflections of American War Orphans of World War II
050572: - Septième Centenaire de la Mort de Saint Louis; Actes Des Colloques de Royaumont Et de Paris (21-27 Mai 1970)
002395: - The Political Context of Law; Proceedings of the Seventh British Legal History Conference, Canterbury 1985
051552: - De L'Homélie Au Sermon; Histoire de la Prédication Médiévale
002371: - The Development and Integration of Behaviour; Essays in Honour of Robert Hinde
002362: - Speech and Reason
002355: - Sprache Und Sprechen; Festschrift Für Eberhard Zwirner Zum 80. Geburtstag
052566: - Lancelot, Yvain Et Gauvain (Colloque Arthurien Belge de Wégimont)
002345: - Essays in Honor of Claude M. Wise
052638: - Akte Des IV. Internationalen Kongresses Für Griechische Und Lateinische Epigraphik: Wien, 17. Bis 22. September 1962
002322: - Tradition Und Ursprünglichkeit; Akten Des III. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses 1965 in Amsterdam
051680: - IL Monachesimo Nell'Alto Medioevo E la Formazione Della Civiltà Occidentale, 8-14 Aprile 1956
048004: Kerns, J. A. and Benjamin Schwartz - A Sketch of the Indo-European Finite Verb
047673: Faber, J. A. and M. H. D. van Leeuwen - Amsterdamse Katholieke Bedeelden, 1750-1850. Een Gezinsreconstructie
047611: Dauzat, A. and Ch. Rostaing - Dictionnaire étymologique Des Noms de Lieux En France
047002: Gibbs, Donald A. and Yun-chen Li - A Bibliography of Studies and Translations of Modern Chinese Literature, 1918-1942
046600: Eymann, Maria A. and Charles Wollenberg, Eds - What's Going on? California and the Vietnam Era
046473: Hausman, Jerry A. and David A. Wise, Eds - Social Experimentation
046075: Frago Gracia, Juan A. and Jose A. Garcia-Diego - Un Autor Aragonés Para Los Veintium Libros de Los Ingenios Y de Las Maquinas
045946: Jardine, Alice A. and Anne M. Menke, Eds - Shifting Scenes; Interviews on Women, Writing, and Politics in Post-68 France
050678: Fodor, Jerry A. and Jerrold J. Katz - The Structure of Language; Readings in the Philosophy of Language
053843: Rouse, Mary A. and Richard H. Rouse - Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Exts and Manuscripts
045245: Feigenbaum, Edward A. and Pamela McCorduck - The Fifth Generation; Artificial Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the World
044073: Hanawalt, Barbara A. and David Wallace, Eds - Medieval Crime and Social Control
042855: Weiner, A. and Fritz Gross, Eds - Modern German Verse; an Anthology
042465: Rorex, Robert A. and Wen Fong - Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute; the Story of Lady Wen-Chi, a Fourteenth-Ccentury Handscroll in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
050907: Hanawalt, Barbara A. and Michal Kobialka, Eds - Medieval Practices of Space
042376: Piqueras, José A. And Vicent Sanz Rozalén, Eds - A Social History of Spanish Labour; New Perspectives on Class, Politics and Gender
042327: Burrow, J. A. and Thorlac Turville-Petre - A Book of Middle English
041969: Ch'a, Mun-sop - Choson Sidae Kunje Yon'Gu
041922: Sobel, Jack A. and Craig P. Dalgren - Marine Reserves; a Guide to Science, Design, and Use
041673: Closs, A. and W. F. Mainland - German Lyrics of the Seventeenth Century; a Miscellany
041507: Ungnad, A. and W. Staerk, Eds - Die Oden Salomos
041433: Valone, David A. and Jill Marie Bradbury, Eds - Anglo-Irish Identities, 1571-1845
039999: Viereck, Leslie A. and Elbert L. Little, Jr. - Alaska Trees and Shrubs
039930: Sweet. Frederick A. - The Hudson River School and the Early American Landscape Tradition
039807: Krenkel, Peter A. and Frank L. Parker, Eds - Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution; Proceedings of the National Symposium on Thermal Pollution, Sponsored by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and Vanderbilt University, Portland, Oregon, June 3-5, 1968
037841: Weinstein, Robert A. and Larry Booth - Collection, Use, and Care of Historical Photographs
037274: Sobieszek, Robert A. and Deborah Irmas - The Camera I; Photographic Self-Portraits from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection
035893: MacKinnon, Catharine A. and Andrea Dworkins, Eds - In Harm's Way; the Pornography CIVIL Rights Hearings
035624: Sambrook, Pamela A. and Peter Brears, Eds - The Country House Kitchen 1650-1900; Skills and Equipment for Food Provisioning
034721: Dykema, Peter A. and Heiko A. Oberman, Eds - Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
034438: Higgins, Lynn A. and Brenda R. Silver, Eds - Rape and Representation
033875: Young, James A. and Cheryl G. Young - Seeds of Woody Plants in North America
032968: Pagliaro, Louis A. and Ann Marie Pagliaro - Psychologists' Psychotropic Drug Reference
029007: Griffiths, Ralph A. and James Sherborne, Eds - Kings and Nobles in the Later Middle Ages; a Tribute to Charles Ross
028850: Ives, Samuel A. and Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt - An English 13th Century Bestiary; a New Discovery in the Technique of Medieval Illumination
025838: Barrett, Anthony A. and Rhodri Windsor Liscombe - Francis Rattenbury and British Columbia: Architecture and Challenge in the Imperial Age
051706: Ernout, A. and A. Meillet - Dictionnaire étymologique de la Langue Latine. Histoire Des Mots
051769: Austin, V. A. and R. C. Blankenhorn - A Preliminary Checklist of Books Relating to Microscopes and Microscopy
050234: Foley, William A. and Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. - Funcetional Syntax and Universal Grammar
017452: Shneour, Elie A. And Eric A. Ottesen - Extraterrestrial Life; an Anthology and Bibliography
017363: Knott, Thomas A. and David C. Fowler, Eds - Piers the Plowman; a Critical Edition of the a-Version
017325: Mawer, A. and F. M. Stenton - The Place-Names of Buckinghamshire
016730: Singer, Jefferson A. And Peter Salovey - The Remembered Self; Emotion and Memory in Personality
750: (Quain Festschrift). ä ; studies in memory of Edwin A. - Quain
013234: Sandquist, T. A. And M. R. Powicke, Eds - Essays in Medieval History Presented to Bertie Wilkinson
012453: Taft, Bruce A. And John A. Knauss - The Equatorial Undercurrent of the Indian Ocean As Observed by the Lusiad Expedition
011341: Rumpf A. And P. Mingazzini - Manuale Di Storia Dell'Arte Classica
052726: Seaby, H. A. And J. Kozolubski -
009381: Abdo, Daud A. And Salwa N. Hilu - Arabic Writing and Sound Systems
009067: Gil Olcina, A. And A. Morales Gil, Eds - Demanda Y Economia Del Agua En España
008648: Lodge, G. A. And G. E. Lamming, Eds - Growth and Development of Mammals; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottingham, 1967
007102: Beard, Charles A. And George H. E. Smith - The Future Comes; a Study of the New Deal
005731: Almond, Gabriel A. And James S. Coleman, Eds - The Politics of the Developing Areas
005338: Scalapino, Robert A. And Junnosuke Masumi - Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan
049444: Wilson, Robert A. and Bill Hosokawa - East to America; a History of the Japanese in the United States
053779: Finke, Laurie A. and Martin B. Shichtman, Eds - Medieval Texts & Contemporary Readers
050853: Nichols, John A. and Lillian Thomas Shank, Eds - Medieval Religious Women
004782: Levitan, Sar A. And Robert Taggart - The Promise of Greatness
1502: Sanders, Henry A. and Carl Schmidt - The Minor Prophets in the Freer Collection and the Berlin Fragment of Genes Is
003897: Larson, Martin A> and C. Stanley Lowell - The Religious Empire; the Growth and Danger of Tax-Exempt Property in the United States
003728: Aagaard, Bent - Kongernes Lysthus; Livet På Fredensborg Slot Gennem 256 år
044922: Krekel-Aalberse, Annelies - Art Nouveau and Art Deco Silver
039068: Aanavi, Don - The Art of Mauna Kea; Asian and Oceanic Art at Mauna Kea Beach Hotel
047517: Aarnoudse, Corrie - Tot Verbeteringe Van de Neeringe Deser Stede; Edam En de Zeevang in de Late Middeleeuwen En de 16de Eeuw
039259: Aaron, Henry J. - Who Pays the Property Tax? a New View
008695: Aaron, Daniel - Men of Good Hope; a Story of American Progressives
035842: Aaronovitch, David - Voodoo Histories; the Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History
037615: Abadi, Jennifer Felicia - A Fistful of Lentils; Syrian-Jewish Recipes from Grandman Fritzie's Kitchen
002925: Boyce. Aline Abaecherli - Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire; Four Papers
011722: Abautret, René - Dieppe; le Sacrifice Des Canadiens (19 Aout 1942)
003930: Abbadie, Jaques - Chemical Change in the Eucharist. In Four Letters Shewing the Relations of Faith to Sense
008426: Abbas, S. A. - Capital Requirements for the Development of South and South-East Asia
010871: Abbate, Franceso - Roman Art
033781: Abbey, Edward - Hayduke Lives! a Novel
010742: Abbot, C. L. A. - Australia's Frontier Province
040326: Abbott, John S. C. - The French Revolution of 1789 As Viewed in the Light of Republican Institutions
035798: Abbott, Berenice - Berenice Abbott: Photogoraphs
035053: Abbott, Berenice - New York in the Thirties
043831: Abdy, Richard Anthony - Romano-British Coin Hoards
026382: Ben Khader, Aicha Ben Abed and David Soren - Carthage: A Mosaic of Ancient Tunisia
052148: Ben Khader, Aicha Ben Abed and David Soren - Carthage: A Mosaic of Ancient Tunisia
019239: Abeken, Gerhard - Das Geld- Und Bankwesen in Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Und IM Sowjetsektor Berlins Von 1945 Bis 1954
048260: Abel, Fritz - L'Adjectif Démonstratif Dans la Langue de la Bible Latine; étude Sur la Formation Des Sysèmes Déictique Et de L'Article Défini Des Langues Romanes
042803: Abel, Mary Hinman - Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking Adapted to Persons of Moderate and Small Means
036768: Abel, Deryck - Channel Underground; a New Survey of the Channel Tunnel Question
034374: Abel, Lionel - Important Nonsense
025865: Abel, Darrel - The Moral Picturesque; Studie in Hawthorne's Fiction
020018: Abel, Richard - The Ciné Goes to Town; French Cinema 1896-1914
051537: Abelard, Peter - Peter Abelard's Hymnarius Paraclitensis
038626: Abeling, Theodor - Das Nibelungenlied Und Seine Literatur; Eine Bibliographie Und Vier Abhandlungen
006174: Abell, Aaron Ignatius - The Urban Impact on American Protestantism, 1865-1900
051139: Abellan, Pedro Maria - El Fin Y la Significació Sacramental Del Matrimonio Desde S. Anselmo Hasta Guillermo de Auxerre
023748: Abels, Jules - The Truman Scandals
050599: Abelson, Paul - The Seven Liberal Arts, a Study in Mediaeval Culture
009582: Aberbach, David - Bialik
044343: Abercrombie, David - Studies in Phonetics and Linguistics
002041: Abercrombie, David - English Phonetic Texts
033656: Abercrombie, L., Et al. - Aspects of Shakespeare, Begin British Academy Lectures
007748: Abercrombie, M. L. J. - The Anatomy of Judgment; Concerning the Processes of Perception, Communication and Reasoning
006175: Abercrombie, Nicholas - Class, Structrue and Knowledge; Problems in the Sociology of Knowledge
026235: Abernathy, Glenn - The Right of Assembly and Association
000053: Abert, James Goodear - Economic Policy and Planning in the Netherlands, 1950-1965
007038: Abert, J. W. - Western America in 1846-1847. The Original Travel Diary of Lieutenant J.W. Abert Who Mapped New Mexico for the United States Army with Illustration in Color from His Sketchbook
011696: Abetti, Giorgio - The History of Astronomy
029805: Adams, Abigail and John Adams - The Book of Abigail and John; Selected Letters of the Adams Family 1762-1784
051832: Edmund of Abingdon, Saint - Speculum Religiosorum and Speculum Ecclesie
052158: Abraham, Gerald - The Concise Oxford History of Music
030016: Abraham, Gerald - Studies in Russian Music; Critical Essays on the Most Important of Rimsky-Korsakov's Operas, Borodin's "Princet Igor", Dargomizhsky's "Stone Guest," Etc. ; with Chapters on Glinka Mussorgsky, Balakiriv and Tchaikovsky
022189: Abraham, Werner, Ed - Valence, Semantic Case, and Grammatical Relations
018688: Abraham, Gerald, Etd - The Music of Tchaikovsky
051017: Abraham, Gerlad - The Age of Humanistm 1540-1630
048315: Abrahams, Roger D. - African Folktales; Traditional Stories of the Black World
045644: Abrahams, Roger D. - Deep Down in the Jungel; Negro Narrative Folklore from the Streets of Philadelphia
037603: Abrahams, Roger D. - Singing the Master; the Emergence of African American Culture in the Plantation South
037304: Abrahams, Israel - By-Paths in Hebraic Bookland
033035: Abrahams, Roger D. - Singing the Master; the Emergence of African American Culture in the Plantation South
022390: Abrahams, Israel - Campaigns in Palestine from Alexander the Great
051978: Abrahams, Israel - Jewish Life in the Middle Ages
030569: Abramsky, Sasha - American Furies; Crime, Punishment, and Vengeance in the Age of Mass Imprisonment
020967: Abramson, Jeffrey - We, the Jury; the Jury System and the Ideal of Democracy
009671: Abramson, Jeffrey B. - Liberation and Its Limits; the Moral and Political Thought of Freud
019153: Abzug, Robert H. - Inside the Vicious Heart; Americans and the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps
026201: Acatos, Sylvio - Die Pueblos; Prähistorische Indianerkulturen Des Südwestens
026131: Acatos, Sylvio - Pueblos; Prehistoric Indian Cultures of the Southwest
046505: Achard, Marcel - Patate; Pièce En 3 Actes
006398: Martin-Achard, Robert - De la Mort à la Résurrection D'Après L'Ancien Testament
028659: Acheson, Eric - A Gentry Community; Leicestershire in the Fifteenth Century, C. 1422-C. 1485
010471: Achilles, Walter - Vermögensverhältnisse Braunschweigischer Bauernhöfe IM 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert
004163: Achten, Gerard, et al. - Die Lateinischen Gebetbuchhandschriften Der Hessischen Landes- Und Hochschulbibliothek Darmstadt
048831: Aciman, Andre - Entrez; Signs of France
021154: Aciman, André - False Papers
039230: Ackart, Robert - The Frugal Fish; 300 Dilicious Recipes for All Seasons
052206: Ackerley, J. R. - The Ackerley Letters
053103: Ackerman, Phyllis - Ritual Bronzes of Ancient China
015244: Ackley, Clifford S. - Printed Portraits
037849: Ackroyd, Peter - T.S. Eliot; a Life
035653: Ackroyd, Peter - English Music
034320: Ackroyd, Peter - Dickens
029948: Ackroyd, Peter - Ezra Pound
027464: Ackroyd, Peter - Shakespeare; the Biography
026687: Ackroyd, Peter - Ezra Pound
021155: Ackroyd, Peter - London; the Biography
020158: Ackroyd, Peter - Dickens
039857: Acland, Eleanor - Good-Bye for the Present; the Story of Two Childhoods. Milly: 1878-88 & Ellen: 1913-24
026785: Acocella, Joan - Mark Morris
020547: Acocella, Joan - Mark Morris
033126: Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron - Essays on Church and State
048708: Acuña, René - Notas de Literatura Arcaica Latina
019502: Acworth, Bernard - Swift
014341: Acworth, A. W. - Treasure in the Caribbean; a First Study of Georgian Building in the British West Indies
045204: Aczel, Amir D. - Descartes' Secret Notebook; a True Tale of Mathematics, Mysticism, and the Quest to Understand the Universe
032116: Aczel, Amir D. - The Mystery of the Aleph; Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Search for Infinity
017115: Adair, John - The Navajo and Pueblo Silversmiths
005238: Adair, John, et al. - The People's Health; Medicine and Anthropology in a Navajo Community
040306: Adam, Gérard - Atlas Des élections Sociales En France
037209: Adam, H. Pearl - British Leather; a Record of Achievement
033598: Adam, Antoine - Grandeur and Illusion; French Literature and Society 1600-1715
033590: Adam, Antoine - Histoire de la Littérature Français Au Xviie Siècle
025100: Adam, Charles - Descartes; Ses Amitiés Féminines
050694: Cohen, Adam and Elizabeth Taylor - American Pharaoh. Mayro Richard J. Daley: His Battle for Chicago and the Nation
013669: Adam, C.-E - Essais Sur Ee Jugement Esthétique
025980: Adamczyk, Alice J. - Black Dance; an Annotated Bibliography
049745: Adamec, Ludwig W. - Afghanistan's Foreign Affaris to the Mid-Twentieth Century; Relations Wih the Ussr, Germany, and Britain
016975: Adamovich, Ludwig, Ed - Die Bundesverfassungsgesetze Samt Ausführungens- Und Nebengesetzen
047890: Adams, Elizabeth - Chelsea Porcelain
047738: Adams, Ansel - Ansel Adams; an Autobiography
047508: Adams, John - Diary and Autobiography of John Adams
041531: Adams, Robert M. - The Roman Stamp; Frame and Facade in Some Forms of Neo-Classicism
040639: Hempleman-Adams, David - Walking on Thin Ice; in Pursuit of the North Pole
039922: Adams, Richard N. - A Community in the Andes; Problems and Progress in Muquiyauyo
036785: Adams, Ansel - Yosemite Valley
036151: Adams, Marcia - Cooking from Quilt Country; Hearty Recipes from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens
034442: Adams, Dave - Silverdale and Chesterton in Old Photographs
033828: Adams, Ansel - Ansel Adams in Color
032470: Adams, Joseph Quincy - Shakespearean Playhouses; a History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration
032421: Adams, Edward B. - Art Treasures of Seoul, with Walking Tours
032048: Adams, Maracia - Cooking from Quilt Country; Hearty Recipes from the Amish and Mennonite Kitchens
031044: Adams, Abigail - New Letters of Abigail Adams 1788-1801
030794: Adams, John Cranford - The Globe Playhouse; Its Design and Equipment
030307: Adams, Ansel - The Negative
029318: Adams, William Howard - The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson
028007: Adams, Elizabeth Laura - Dark Symphony and Other Works
024957: Adams, E. M. - The Fundamentals of General Logic
022252: Adams, Robert M. - The Roman Stamp; Frame and Facade in Some Forms of Neo-Classicism
050860: Adams, Henry - Novels; Mont Saint Michel; the Education. Democracy: An American Novel. Esther: A Novel. Mont Saint Michel and Chartres. The Education of Henry Adams. Poems
021038: Adams, Robert Martin - Nil; Episodes in the Literary Conquest of Void During the Nineteenth Century
051116: Adams, Byron, Ed - Edward Elgar and His World
020755: Adams, William Mansfield, Ed - Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean
051718: Adams, Miriam Annunciata, Sister - The Latinity of the Letters of Saint Ambrose
020159: Adams, Henry - Henry Adams: Selected Letters
018840: Adams, Ansel - The Print; Contact Printing and Enlarging
018837: Adams, Ansel - Natural-Light Photography
018838: Adams, Ansel - The Negative; Exposure and Development
018836: Adams, Ansel - Artificial-Light Photography
016364: Adams, Henry - John Randolph
010944: Adams, R. J. Q. - Arms and the Wizard; Lloyd George and the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1916
010945: Adams, W. S. - Edwardian Portraits
008999: Adams, Robert M. - The Land and Literature of England; a Historical Account
005985: Adams, Brooks - The New Empire
050877: Adams, William Howard - A Proust Souvenir
204: Adams, Henry - Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. With an Introduction by Ralph Adams Cram
050482: Adams, George - Astronomical and Geographical Essays
005128: Adams, Henry M. - Prussian-American Relations, 1775-1871
049438: Adams, Leon D. - The Wines of America
017190: Adamson, Olge J., Ed - Industries of Norway; Technical and Commercial Achievements
047567: Adão, Deolinda M., Ed - The Voice and Choice of Women in Portugal and in the Diaspora; a Vez E a Voz Da Mulher Em Portugal E Na Diaspora
034768: Adcock, F. E. - Caesar As Man of Letters
005489: Addington, Larry H. - The Blitzkrieg Era and the German General Staff, 1865-1941
006176: Addis, Laird - The Logic of Society; a Philosophical Study
038043: Addison, William - English Spas
037383: Addison, William - Essex Worthies; a Biographical Companion to the County
038961: Addiss, Stephen - The Century of Tung Ch'i-Ch'Ang 1535-1636; a Short Guide to the Exhibition
047020: Addy, Sidney Oldall - A Glossary of Words Used in the Neighbourhood of Sheffield Including a Selection of Local Names, and Some Notices of Folk Lore, Games, and Customs
007552: Heller, Adele and Lois Rudnick, Eds - 1915, the Cultural Moment; the New Politics, the New Woman, the New Psychology, the New Art & the New Theatre in America
053042: Adelman, Janet - Suffocating Mothers; Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare's Play, Hamlet to the Tempest
038635: Adelmann, Howard B. - Marcello Malpighi and the Evolution of Embryology
013476: Adiceam, Emmanuel - La Canne à Sucre Au Pays Tamoul
007794: Adlam, Diana S. - Code in Context
047401: Adler, Pat - The Bunker Hill Story
051667: Adler, Israel, Ed - Yuval; Studies of the Jewish Music Research Centre
042203: Adler, Herman, et al. - The Incidence of Delinquency in Berkeley, 1928-1932
033930: Adler, Mortimer J. - Ten Philosophical Mistakes
021691: Adler, Jacob - A Life on the Stage; a Memoir
018424: Adler, Guido - Handbuch Der Musikgeschichte
013636: Adler, Kathleen - Manet
012895: Adler, Solomon - The Chinese Economy
009786: Adler, Fritz - Stralsund
052168: Adler, Alfred - Menschenkenntnis
030004: Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf and Hans Dollinger, Eds - Deutschland; Hundert Jahre Deutsche Geschichte
020866: Adorno, Rolena - Guaman Poma; Writing and Resistance in Colonial Peru
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