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19475: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Schools of Illumination. Reproductions from Manuscripts in the British Museum. Series I-VI [All Published].
40941: BALTIMORE MUSEUM. - The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. An Exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
17907: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts. Plays Submitted to the Lord Chamberlain 1824-1851.
17439: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Facsimile of British Museum Ms. Harley 2253. With an Introduction by N.R. Ker.
13454: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History).
12837: BRITISH MUSEUM. - A Guide to the Processes and Schools of Engraving. With notes on some of the most Important Masters.
12803: BRITISH MUSEUM. - English Book Illustration 966-1846. I Illuminated Manuscripts. II Illustrated Printed Books.
12817: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM. - Early Printers' Marks. Small Picture Book No. 56.
35158: MUSGRAVE (Samuel) - An Essay on the Nature and Cure of the (so called) Worm-Fever.
35155: MUSGRAVE (Samuel) - Gulstonian Lectures Read at the College of Physicians February 15, 16, and 17...: Containing Three Lectures, I. on the Dyspnoea. II. on the Pleurisy and Peripneumony. III. on the Pulmonary Consumption.
39145: MUSIC. - Hymnarium sarisburiense : cum rubricis et notis musicis. Variae inferuntur lectiones Codicum MSS. Anglicorum...Accedunt etiam hymni et rubricae, e libris secundum usus Ecclesiarum Cantuariensis, Eboracensis, Wigornensis, Herefordensis Gloucestrensis,aliisque Codd. MSS Anglicanis, excerpti.
39363: MUSIC. - Sighing, A New Ballad. Written as a Companion to the Celebrated Song "Oh, Tis Love", by the same Author.
39364: MUSIC. - The Dance of Love; or Cupid Grand Ballet-Master. A Favourite Song, adapted to a celebrated French Air. With a new Accompaniment for the Harp or Pianoforte. The decorations designed & executed by W. Hakes Smith.
39266: MUSIC. - Bubbles of the Day, a New Comic Song written for Private Parties, and dedicated to Public Companies, by the Author of Oh! 'Tis Love.
39361: MUSIC. - Oh 'Tis Love, a Favourite Song Arranged expressly for Pensive Young Ladies & Gentlemen, to whom it is respectfully dedicated by the Author.
32824: MUSIC. - Catalogue of a Selected Portion of the Well-Known Collection of Old and Rare Books on Music. The Property of Godfrey E.P. Arkwright.
39367: MUSIC. - A New Comic Chaunt, Oh I will get Wed, or a Catalogue of Curious Curiosities, Mathew's at Home. Founded on an Ancient Manuscript & Dedicated to the Virtuoso, or any Lady or Gentleman not doubting the veracity of the author. The Music perfectly suitable tho not a First Rate Composition.
39365: MUSIC. - Der Freischutzism, or 'Tis a Hit! A Song, written by a Freeshot, Author of many Rejected Addresses.
32321: MUSIC. - Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Museum. Accessions: Part 53—Music in the Hirsch Library.
41365: MUSIC. - Catalogue of a Selected Portion of the Well-Known Collection of Old and Rare Books on Music. The Property of Godfrey E.P. Arkwright.
20949: MUSIC. - Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Museum. Accessions: Part 53—Music in the Hirsch Library.
37931: MUSKET. - Candid Proposals to England; Being a true and compendious Description of the preferable Advantages and most beneficial Qualities of a new, easy, quick and efficacious Method of Charging and Firing with a common Musket; which, upon Trial, 'tis presumed, will evidently appear far superior to any Way of Charging now in Use.
32429: MUSSER (John Herr) - On the Influence of Age on the Dosage of Nux Vomica, with some remarks on its Therapeutics.
40889: MUSSON (Jeremy), Charles, Prince of Wales. - Henbury: An Extraordinary House. Foreword by HRH the Prince of Wales.
34722: MUTSU (Hirokichi) - A Japanese Conversation Course.
39842: MUZELL (Frederick) - Medical and Chirurgical Observations. Translated from the German Original.
31498: MYERS (Robin) Editor. - The Auto-Biography of Luke Hansard, Printer to the House 1752-1828. With an Introduction.
25531: MYERS (Robin) - The British Book Trade from Caxton to the Present Day. A Bibliographical Guide.
26951: MYERSON (Joel) Editor. - Emerson and Thoreau: The Contemporary Reviews.
31194: M'NAB (William Ramsey) - Hints on the Planting and General Treatment of Hardy Evergreens, in the Climate of Scotland, particularly the following: Strawberry Tree. Common Holly. Common Laurel. Portugal Laurel. Alaternus. Laurestine. Arbutus Unedo. Ilex Aquifolia. Prunus Laurocerasus. Prunus Lusitanica. Rhamnus Alaternus. Viburnum Tinus.
13587: BIBLIOTECA DA ASSEMBLEA NACIONAL. - Seus Livros dos Séculos XV e XVI.
36710: NAPIER (Macvey) - Selection from the Correspondence of the late Macvey Napier, Esq. Edited by his son, Macvey Napier.
26107: NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French. - A Letter to Volunteers...
26105: NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French. - Buonapartes Confession of the Massacre of Jaffa...
26106: NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French. - Britons, The Period is now arrived, when it is to be discovered whether you are to be Freemen or Slaves...
37615: NARDINI (Leonardo) - Novelle Scelte degli Autori piu Celebri Italiani, raccolte e di note gramaticali illustrate da Leonardo Nardini, ad uso degli studiosi della lingua italiana.
38784: NASH (Thomas) - Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil. By Thomas Nash. From the First Edition of 1592, Compared with Later Impressions. With an Introduction and Notes, by J. Payne Collier.
34325: NASMYTH (Robert) - A Probationary Essay on Tic Douloureux; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
18796: BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. - Byzance et la France Médiévale. Manuscrits à Peintures du IIe au XVIe Siècle.
18793: BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. - Les Manuscrits a Peintures en France du VIIe an XIIe Siècle.
18774: BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. - Les Manuscrits a Peintures en France du VIIe an XIIe Siècle. [Bound with:] Les Manuscrits a Peintures en France du XIIIe au XVIe Siècle.
38741: NATURALIZATION. - Some Thoughts upon a Bill for General Naturalization: Addressed to Those of all Denominations who act upon Whig-Principles.
37937: KENNET NAVIGATION. - An Act to alter and amend the several Acts for making navigable the River Kennet, in the County of Berks. [Royal Assent, 6th September, 1831.]
39691: ROYAL NAVY. - Exercise of the Small-Arms and Great Guns, for the Seamen on Board His Majesty's Ships.
15188: NAYLOR (Gillian) Editor. - William Morris by Himself. Designs and Writings.
39140: NEAL (Daniel) - The history of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists, From The Death of King Charles I. to the Act of Toleration by King William and Queen Mary, in the Year 1689... [Bound with:] A Catalogue of Books Printed and Sold by Samuel Birt... (see below).
37846: NECKER (Jacques) - Compte Rendu au Roi, Par N. Necker, Directeur général des Finances. Au mois de Janvier 1781. Imprimé par ordre de Sa Majesté. [Bound with:] Sur le Compte Rendu au Roi en 1781. Nouveaux éclaircissemens.
34301: NEESON (Eoin) - The Life and Death of Michael Collins.
14918: NEGRI (Giulio) - Istoria degli scrittori fiorentini, la quale abbraccia intorno a due mila autori, che negli ultimi cinque secoli hanno illustrato co' i loro scritti quella nazione...
32682: NEILSON (G. R.) - The Book of Bulls. Being a very complete and entertaining essay on the evolution of the Irish and other "Bulls".
34573: NELSON (Michael) - Knock or Ring: A Novel.
33115: NELSON (William) - Check-List of the Issues of the Press of New Jersey, 1723, 1728, 1754-1800.
29235: NESBITT (Alexander) - Lettering: The History and Technique of Lettering as Design.
33960: NETHERLANDS. - An Important Secret Come to Light. Or, the States General's Reasons for Refusing to Guaranty [sic] the E[lectorat]e of H[anove]r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands, as lately proposed by the Ministers of G. B. Being the Ar used by Mynheer ------- at a Conference held the beginning of October last at the Hague, with two B----h Noblemen, justifying the Neutrality of the United Provinces.
33067: NETHERLANDS. - An Important Secret Come to Light. Or, the States General's Reasons for Refusing to Guaranty [sic] the E[lectorat]e of H[anove]r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands, as lately proposed by the Ministers of G. B. Being the Arguments used by Mynheer ------- at a Conference held the beginning of October last at the Hague, with two B----h Noblemen, justifying the Neutrality of the United Provinces.
32030: NETHERLANDS. - An Important Secret Come to Light. Or, the States General's Reasons for Refusing to Guaranty [sic] the E[lectorat]e of H[anove]r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands, as lately proposed by the Ministers of G. B. Being the Arguments used by Mynheer ------- at a Conference held the beginning of October last at the Hague, with two B----h Noblemen, justifying the Neutrality of the United Provinces.
31696: DAS NEVES (J. Ferreira) - Précieux livres anciens espagnols, portugais, hollandais, anglais & francais: voyages, découvertes, luttes & conquetes des européens dans le nouveau monde, notamment au Brésil.
27458: NEWBY (Thomas) - Beta Depicta, or Remarks on Mangel Wurzel, with an Exposition on its utility deducted from Practical Experiments, and with full Directions of Culture, and the Management in Feeding and Fattening of Cattle.
27448: NEWBY (Thomas) - Remarks on Mangel-Wurzel; or Root of Scarcity, with an Exposition on its Utility, and Directions for its Culture.
36930: NEWCASTLE (Seventh Duke of) - The Clumber Library. Catalogue of the Magnificent Library, the Property of the Late Seventh Duke of Newcastle Removed from Clumber, Worksop, and Sold by Order of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lincoln. The First [-Fourth] Portion. Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs Sotheby & Co... on Monday, the 21st June, 1937 [-1938].
33669: LINCOLNSHIRE NEWSPAPER. - The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury: or, Boston, Gainsboro', Grantham, Newark, Retford, Louth, Horncastle, Grimsby, Peterboro', Oundle, Wisbech, Lynn, Spalding, Sleaford, Alford, Brigg, Baton, Hull, &c. Weekly Advertiser. Friday, April 27, 1787.
32055: NEWSPAPERS. - Catalogue of the Newspaper Library, Colindale.
37959: NICHOLLS (Sir George) - A History of the Irish Poor Law, in Connexion with the Condition of the People.
38680: NICHOLS (John) - Additional Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the Town and County of Leicester.
33870: NICHOLS (Samuel) - National Gratitude Enforced. A sermon in commemoration of the relinquishment of the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Her Majesty : preached at the Independent Chapel Hill, Gloucestershire, oN Sunday evening November 26, 1820.
39237: NICHOLS (John Gough) - Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London.
37741: NICHOLSON (Richard, Architect) - Sketches of the remains of the Abbey Church and conventual Buildings, formerly belonging to Canons of the Order of Saint Augustine, at Worksop, and of the church as restored: with a concise historical and descriptive account, from its foundation to the present Time.
41210: NICOL (Walter) - The Villa Garden Directory, or monthly index of work to be done in town and villa gardens shrubberies and parterres: with hints on the treatment of shrubs and flowers usually kept in the green-room the lobby and the drawing-room.
40510: NICOLAS (Nicholas Harris) - Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York: Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth. With a Memoir of Elizabeth of York, and Notes.
40234: NICOLSON (Alexander) Editor. - Memoirs of Adam Black.
32080: NIELSEN (Birger Frank) - H. C. Andersen Bibliografi. Digterens Danske Vaerker 1822-1875.
33868: NIMMO (James) - Nimmo's Art of Horsemanship: with General Remarks on the Management of Horses.
36247: NIXON (Howard M.) - Five Centuries of English Bookbinding.
36088: NIXON (J. A.) - History of Medicine. A new Guy de Chauliac MS. XVIIth International Congress of Medicine.
36089: NIXON (J. A.) - Thomas Baynton, 1761-1820. Reprinted from the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine'.
35948: VAN DER VEKENE (E.) HAMANOVA (P.) & NIXON (H. M.) - Les Reliures aux Armoiries de Pierre Ernest de Mansfeld. Foreword by J. Guignard.
40435: NIXON (Howard M.) - The Development of Certain Styles of Bookbinding.
40436: NIXON (Howard M.) - The Literature of English Bookbinding. Reprinted from 'Bibliographia', Lectures 1975-1988 by recipients of the Marc Fitch Prize for Bibliography.
40895: NIXON (Howard M.) - English Restoration Bookbindings: Samuel Mearne and his Contemporaries.
28014: VAN DER VEKENE (E.) HAMANOVA (P.) & NIXON (H. M.) - Les Reliures aux Armoiries de Pierre Ernest de Mansfeld. Foreword by J. Guignard.
40540: NIXON (Howard M.) - Broxbourne Library. Styles and Designs of Bookbindings from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century. With an Introduction by Albert Ehrman.
27817: NOBLE (Rev. Mark) - Catalogue of the Late Rev. Mark Noble's British Portraits, Collected to Illustrate Granger's Biographical History of England, and Noble's Continuation; To which is added the Portraits and Topographical Prints of the late B. C. Cocker, Esq. Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Evans.... on Saturday, December 1, and Three following Days.
32790: GERMAN NOBLEMAN. - A Compleat View of the Present Politics of Great-Britain. In a Letter from a German Nobleman, to his Friend at Vienna. Translated from the French Original, lately printed at Brussels.
40448: NODIER (Charles) - Description Raisonnée d'une jolie Collection de Livres (Nouveaux mélanges tirés d'une petite bibliothèque)... Précédée d'une introduction par M. G. Duplessis...
39885: NONESUCH PRESS. DICKENS (Charles), WAUGH (Arthur) - The Nonesuch Dickensiana: Retrospectus and Prospectus.
36327: EROTICA. NORDMANN (Gérard) - Bibliothèque Érotique Gérard Nordmann. Livres, Manuscrits, Dessins, Photographies du XVIe au XXe Siècle. Première [-Seconde Partie].
12145: NORELLI (Martina R.) - American Wildlife Painting (Catesby, Wilson, Audubon, Heade, Thayer & Fuertes).
38887: NORFOLK. - A Copy of the Poll for the Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk. Taken at Norwich, March 23, 1768. Candidates. Sir Armine Wodehouse, Bart. 2680. Thomas de Grey, Esq; 2754. Sir Edward Astley, Bart. 2977. Wenman Coke, Esq; 2610.
41227: NORFOLK. - Memoirs Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Norfolk and the City of Norwich Communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archæological Institute. Held At Norwich, July, 1847
30826: NORFOLK. - Memoirs Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Norfolk and the city of Norwich, communicated to the annual meeting of the Archæological Institute. held at Norwich, July, 1847.
22007: WILLIAMS & NORGATE. - Williams & Norgate's Foreign Catalogues. I. Classical... II. Theological... III. French... IV. German... V. Linguistic... (A.) European languages... VI. Linguistic... (B) Oriental languages... VII. Scientific & Medical...
39928: NORMAN (John) - A Thanksgiving Sermon, for the Success of His Majesty's Forces in Suppressing The late Wicked and Unnatural rebellion. Preached at Portsmouth, October 9, 1746.
38276: NORMAN (Rev. Canon A. M.) - Museum Normanianum, or a Catalogue of the Invertebrata of Europe, and the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, which are Contained in the Collection of the Rev. Canon A. M. Norman.
13852: NORMAN (Philip) - Catalogue of Books... Illustrative of the History and Topography of London...
33451: LE NORMAND (Louis-Sabastien) - Manual del encuadernador...
31722: NORRIS (Richard) - Report on Muscular Irritability and the relations which exist between Muscle, Nerve, and Blood.
35142: NORTH (Michael) - Printed Catalogues of French Book Auctions and Sales by Private Treaty 1643-1850 in the Library of the Grolier Club.
39005: NORTHAMPTON. - The History of Northampton and its Vicinity; Brought down to the Present Time.
38980: NORTHAMPTON. - The History of Northampton and its Vicinity; Brought down to the Present Time.
38854: NORTHCOTE (James) - One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected, by... Embellished with Two Hundred and Eighty Engravings on Wood.
13715: NORTHUP (Clark Sutherland) - A Bibliography of Thomas Gray.
13687: NORTHUP (Clark Sutherland) - A Bibliography of Thomas Gray.
37169: NORTON (Robert) - Elements of Diagnosis, General Pathology, and Therapeutics.
32160: NORTON (Jane E.) - Guide to the National and Provincial Directories of England and Wales, Excluding London, Published Before 1856.
31594: NORTON (J.E.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Edward Gibbon.
20147: NORTON (F.J.) - Printing in Spain 1501-1520.
10340: NORTON (J.E.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Edward Gibbon.
39591: NOTCUTT (W. Lowndes) - A Handbook of British Plants, Designed Especially for School, Science Classes and Excursionists.
35748: NOTTINGHAM. - Royal Charters granted to the Burgesses of Nottingham. A.D. 1155-1712. Issued by order of the Corporation of Nottingham.
35244: NOTTINGHAM. - The Date-Book of Remarkable & Memorable Events Connected with Nottingham and its Neighbourhood. 1750-1879, from Authentic Records.
35245: NOTTINGHAM. [SUTTON (John Frost)] - The Nottingham Date-Book; A Chronicle of Remarkable & Memorable Events Connected with the Borough & its Neighbourhood, From the year 852 to the year 1884, from Authentic Records. Nottingham: H. Field, [N.d.]. 26 numbered parts, continues pagination 228pp., the orig. printed wrappers a little chipped but are particularly valuable for the advertising material. [Sold with:] The Date-Book of Remarkable & Memorable Events Connected with Nottingham and its Neighbourhood. 1750-1850 by John F. Sutton, Continued to the end of 1878 from Authentic Records.
32834: NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. - Who's Who in Nottinghamshire.
38965: NOVEL. [CORP (Harriet)] - An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, in the History of the Widow Placid, and her daughter Rachel.
38146: NOVEL. [SCARGILL (William Pitt)?] - Truth. A Novel by the Author of Nothing. In Three Volumes.
40092: NOVEL. [PANIER (Sophie)] - Contes Mythologiques Par Mme S, P......
32963: NOVEL. [SAINT PIERRE (Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de)] - [The] Indian Cottage, or a Search After Truth. By M. Saint-Pierre, Author of the Voyage to the Isle of France, The Studies of Nature, Shipwreck, or Paul and Mary, &c.
27578: NOVEL. [SAINT PIERRE (Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de)] - The Indian Cottage. Translated from the French of Monsieur de St. Pierre, Author of Etudes de la Mature, Paul et Virginie, &c. &c.
40718: NOVEL. [BERKELEY (George Monck)] - Heloise: or, the Siege of Rhodes. A Legendary Tale. By the Author of Maria: or, the Generous Rustic. To which is added, Harriet; or, the vicar's tale.
41027: ALPHABETS & NUMERALS. - Mediaeval Ornamental Alphabets & Numerals. 40 Plates.
32174: NUNES (Silva) - De la Lobeline dans la Therapeutique de l'Asthme. Mémoire présenté au 1er Congrès brésilien de médecine et chirurgie, et lu devant le mème Congrès, a la séance du 15 septembre 188 par le Dr. Silva Nunes.
38429: NUNN (T. W.) - On Certain Disregarded Defects of Development Chiefly in Relation to the Curves of the Spine.
36510: NUSSEY (Samuel L.) - King John, and Ye Abbot o' Canterburie. A righte merrie storie, shewing how ye hygh in ranke may be eclipsed by ye wille of ye lowlie o' byrth. Illustrated by Matthew Hinscliffe, amateur.
10341: NUTT (David) - A Select Catalogue of Catholic Theology in Foreign Languages... on Sale or Imported by...
22180: NYENHUIS (J.T. Bodel) - Liste Alphabétique d'une Petite Collection de Portraits d'Imprimeurs, de Libraires, de Fondeurs de Caractères, et Correcteurs d'Épreuves.
35682: ANATOMY. OAKES (Thomas Verney) - Duæ dissertationes in publicis scholis Cantabrigiæ habitæ I. Praxi medicinæ non est apprime necessaria scientia anatomica. II. Foetuum deformitates non oriuntur ab imaginatione prægnantis. Quibus subjungitur florilegium medicum sive excerpta quædam ex Hippocrate Græcè, cum novâ Latinâ versione, notis quibusdam additis et emendationibus propositis. A Thoma Okes, M.D. Cantab.
31584: DE BRAGANZA (Ronald Louis Silverira) & OAKES (Charlotte) - The Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages.
34179: OAKESHOTT (Walter) - The Two Winchester Bibles.
36140: OATES (J. C. T.) - Cambridge Books of Congratulatory Verses 1603-1640 and their Bindings. Reprinted from 'Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society.'
36139: OATES (J. C. T.) - Bibliographical Notes: Fore-edge Titles in Cambridge University Library. Reprinted from 'Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society.'
33354: OBERLIN (Jacques) - Essai d'Annales de la Vie de Jean Gutenberg, Inventeur de la Typographie.
29222: OFFERBERG (A. K.) - A Choice of Corals. Facets of Fifteenth-Century Hebrew Printing.
40103: SUN FIRE OFFICE. - Proposals from the Sun-Fire-Office in Cornhill, near the Royal-Exchange, for Insuring Houses, and other Buildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, from Loss and Damage by Fire. July 6th, 1775....
30758: UNIVERSAL OFFICER. - The Universal Officer of Justice. Containing the General Power and Authority by Law, of the several Officers and Ministers following, viz. 1. Of Justice of Peace. 2. Of Clerks of the Peace...... 5. Of Hawkers and Pedlars...... 12. Of Constables, &c. 13. Of Church-wardens and Sidesmen. 14. Of Vestry-men. 15. Of Overseers of the Poor. 16. And Surveyors of the Highways. The Whole being collected from all the Books of our Common and Statute Laws written on the Subjects. And render'd generally Useful to all Sorts of Persons.
32175: OGILVIE (George) - Case of almost Complete Destruction of the Right Hemisphere of the Cerebellum, without Distinct Symptoms of Cerebellar Disease.
37515: DENSHAM (W.) & OGLE (J.) - The Story of the Congregational Churches of Dorset, from their Foundation to the Present Time.
19563: OLDFATHER (W.A.) - Contributions Towards a Bibliography of Epictetus. Appendix Jacob Schenk's Translation of the 'Encheiridion' Basel 1534. Facsimile Reproduction from the Copy in the British Museum.
37002: OLDFIELD (Edmund) - A Topographical and Historical Account of Wainfleet and the Wapentake of Candleshoe, in the County of Lincoln.
41048: OLDFIELD (Edmund) - A Topographical and Historical Account of Wainfleet and the Wapentake of Candleshoe, in the County of Lincoln.
27261: WOOD (Alexander) & OLDHAM (Frank) - Thomas Young: Natural Philosopher 1773-1829. With a Memoir of Alexander Wood by Charles E. Raven.
40795: OLIPHANT (Mrs [Margaret O.]) - Annals of a Publishing House. William Blackwood and his Sons, their Magazine and Friends.
40417: OLIPHANT (Thomas) - La Musa Madrigalesca; or a Collection of Madrigals, Ballets, Roundelays, etc., chiefly of the Elizabethan Age; with Remarks and Annotations.
38643: GALLATIN (A. E.) & OLIVER (L. M.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Max Beerbohm. Soho Bibliographies III.
36864: OLIVER (William) - A Practical Essay on the Use and Abuse of Warm Bathing in Gouty Cases.
32178: OLIVER (Charles A.) - Description of a Case of Embolism of the Left Central Retinal Artery.
13018: GALLATIN (A. E.) & OLIVER (L. M.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Max Beerbohm. Soho Bibliographies III.
22610: OLSCHKI (Leo S.) - Le Livre Illustré au XVe Siècle.
14826: OLSCHKI (Dr. Leonardo) - Die Romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters.
34695: NOVEL. OPIE (Mrs. [Amelia Alderson]) - Tales of the Heart. By Mrs. Opie.
41024: OPIE (John) - Lectures on Painting, Delivered at the Royal Academy of Arts: With a Letter On The Proposal For A Public Memorial Of The Naval Glory Of Great Britain.
41117: OPPENHEIMER (R. H.) - A bull Terrier History. McGuffin & Co.
39381: ORANGE (James) - Catalogue of a Small Collection of Japanese Lacquer made by James Orange, Hong Kong.
23851: ORCUTT (William Dana) - The Book in Italy During the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Shown in Facsimile Reproductions from the Most Famous Printed Volumes.
16216: ORCUTT (William Dana) - The Book in Italy During the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Shown in Facsimile Reproductions from the Most Famous Printed Volumes.
34727: ORDINANCE. - An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the present setling (without further delay) of the Presbyteriall government in the Church of England. Die Veneris 5. Iunii 1646. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance concerning church-government, be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
34726: ORDINANCE. - An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the ordination of ministers by the classicall presbyters within their respective bounds for the severall congregations in the kingdom of England. Die veneris 28. August. 1646. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this ordinances for ordination of ministers be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
40286: ORFILA (M.-P.) - Secours à Donner aux Personnes Empoisonnées ou Asphyxiées: Suivis des Moyens Propres à Reconnaître les Poisons Et les Vins Frelatés, Et à Distinguer la Mort Réelle de la Mort Apparente.
21896: ORLÉANS. - L'université et la Typographie. Exposition Organisée par la Archéologique et Historique de l'Orléanais.
11173: [ORMEROD (James) - Derbyshire. A Select Catalogue of Books about the County.
31504: ORNITHOLOGY. - Ornithology Books in the Library of Trinity College, Hartford. Including the Library of Ostrom Enders.
20100: ORNITHOLOGY. - Checklist to the Mathews Ornithological Collection.
39549: ORR (Captain James) - History of the Seventh Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers, Late 4th AD. Battalion and 29th L.R.V., Also, Biographical Notices of Officers Past & Present, With Statistics & Other Information Regarding the Volunteers of Lanarkshire.
37941: OSBORN (William) - An Essay on Laborious Parturition: in which the Division of the Symphysis Pubis in Particularly Considered.
37246: OSLER (Sir William) - Bibliotheca Osleriana. A Catalogue of Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science Collected, Arranged, and Annotated by Sir William Osler, Bt. and Bequeathed to McGill University.
21512: OSLER (Sir William) - Incunabula Medica. A Study of the Earliest Printed Medical Books 1467-1480.
21682: OSLEY (A.S.) - Scribes and Sources. Handbook of the Chancery Hand in the Sixteenth Century. With an Account of John de Beauchesne by Berthold Wolpe.
17844: OSLEY (A.S.) Editor. - Calligraphy and Palaeography. Essays Presented to Alfred Fairbank on his 70th Birthday.
26949: OSMONT (J.B.L.) - Dictionnaire Typographique, Historique et Critique des Livres Rares, Singuliers, Estimes et Recherches en tous Genres...
39688: OSWALD (Dr. Felix) - Upon the recent Excavations of the Site of the Roman Camp of Margidunum, near Bingham, Notts. with additional notes upon the "Samian" ware by T. Davies Pryce.
22445: OSWALD (John Clyde) - A History of Printing, its Development Through Five Hundred Years.
14229: OSWALD (John Clyde) - A History of Printing, its Development through Five Hundred Years.
34764: TRADE CATALOGUE. Sekka (Yamamoto) and others. - So-encho Shinko Nogaku Moyo.
32335: MUIR (P. H.) & Others. - Talks on Book-Collecting Delivered under the Authority of the Antiquarian Bookseller's Association.
41026: SCHNORR (I.) & Others. - The Workshop: A Monthly Journal Devoted to Progress of the Useful Arts. New Series [No. 1-36.]
26891: JEFFREYS (J. Gwyn) & Others. - Report of the Committee Appointed to Explore the Marine Fauna and Flora of the South Coast of Devon and Cornwall. [Offprint from the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1867].
20142: KOHLER (Hans-Joachin) & Others. - Bibliographie der Deutschen und Lateinischen des Fruhen 16. Jahrhunderts.
41383: CATO (Marcus Porcius) and others. - Methodus Rustica Catonis atq. Varronis. Praeceptis aphoristicis per Locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zwingero typice delineata & illustrata.
37376: OLD SCHOOL PRESS. OULD (Martyn) - Stanley Morison & 'John Fell'. The Story of the Writing and Printing of Stanley Morison's Book John Fell, the University Press and the 'Fell' Types.
38340: OVENELL (R.F.) - Brian Twyne's Library.
33287: OWEN (John) - A Treatise on the extent of the Death of Christ. Being an Abridgement of Dr. Owen's Death of Death in the Death of Christ. With a Recommendatory Preface by the Rev. Charles de Coetlogon, A.M.
31461: OWEN (Robert) - A Bibliography of Robert Owen, The Socialist, 1771-1858.
37102: OXFORD. - The Oxford University and City Guide, on a New Plan: Containing a Full Description of the Colleges, Halls, Public Buildings, Libraries, Gardens, Walks, Pictures, and Statues, in Oxford: With an Account of the Dresses, Examinations, Degrees, Distinctive Ranks, Manners, Customs, &c. of the Members of the University; To Which is Added a Guide to Blenheim, Nuneham, the Newly-Discovered Roman Villa, near Northleigh, &c.
39735: OXONIENSIS. - The History of Manton derived from various Published and Manuscript Sources by Oxoniensis.
14723: PÄCHT (Otto) - Buchmalerei des Mittelalters: Eine Einführung.
33310: SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. - An Annotated Bibliography of the Southwest Pacific and Adjacent Areas. Allied Geographical Section, Southwest Pacific Area.
31901: SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. - An Annotated Bibliography of the Southwest Pacific and Adjacent Areas. Allied Geographical Section, Southwest Pacific Area.
38708: PAGE (William) Editor. - A History of the County of Hertford. Part 2: Botany by John Hopkinson, A. E. Gibbs, & James Saunders.
35838: PAGE (Edward) - Holderness Drainage. The Report of Mr. Edward Page, upon the Better Drainage of the Lands within the Level of the Holderness Drainage. 3rd May 1831.
41122: EELKING (Martin Martens) & PAGENSTECHER (Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Pagenstecher) - Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis de Pelluciditate...
24044: PAILLET (Eugène) - La Bibliothèque de feu M. Eugène Paillet, Président de la Société des Amis des Livres.
36539: PAIN (William) - The Practical Builder; or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building, as The Use of the Tramel for Groins, Angle-Brackets, Niches, &c. Semi-Circular Arches on Flewing James, the preparing and making their Soffits. Rules of Carpentry; To find the Length and Backing of Hips, strait or curved; Trusses for Roofs, Domes, &c. - Trussing of Girders, Sections of Floors, &c. The Proportion of the Five Orders, in their general and particular Parts, Gluing of Columns, Stair-Cases with their ramp and twist Rails, fixing the Carriages, Newels, &c. Frontispieces, Chimney-Pieces, Ceilings, Cornices, Architraves, &c. in the newest Taste. With plans and elevations of gentlemans and farm-houses, yards, barns, &c. By William Pain, Architect and Joiner. Engraved on eighty-three plates.
35238: PAIN (William) - The Practical Builder; or workman's general assistant; shewing the most approved and easy methods for drawing and working the whole or separate part of any building; as the use of the tramel for groins, angle brackets, niches, &c. semi-circular arches on flewing jambs, the preparing and making their soffits; rules of carpentry, to find the length and backing of hips strait or curved; trusses for roofs, domes, &c. Trussing of girders, sections of floors, &c. The proportion of the five orders in their general and particular parts: gluing of columns; stair-cases with their ramp and twist rails, fixing the carriages, newels, &c. Frontispieces, chimney-pieces, ceilings, cornices, architraves, &c. In the newest taste; with plans and elevations of gentleman's and farm-houses, barns, &c.
38502: PAINE (Thomas Treat) - The Ruling Passion: An occasional Poem. Written by the Appointment of the Society of the [Phi] B[eta] K[appa], and spoken, on their Anniversary, in the Chapel of the University, Cambridge [Massachusetts], July 20, 1797. Published according to Act of Congress.
36120: PAINTER (George D.) - William Caxton. A Quincentenary Biography of England's First Printer.
36117: PAINTER (George D.) - Jacques Moerart, Publisher, Not Printer. [Offprint from 'Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1958.']
36111: PAINTER (George D.) - The First Press at Barcelona. [Offprint from 'Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1962.']
26588: MINIATURE PAINTING. - New Hints, by an Old Professor, on the Art of Miniature Painting. Respectfully Dedicated to Ladies who are Patronesses or Practitioners of that Elegant Pursuit.
38586: BRITISH LIBRARY. PAISEY (David) - Catalogue of Books Printed in the German-Speaking Countries and of German Books Printed in other Countries from 1601 to 1700 now in the British Library.
21960: PÁL (Gulyás) - A Könyvnyomtatás Magyarországon a XV. és XVI. Században.
33062: TUILERIES PALACE. - Notice Historique sur le Palais de Tuileries, et description des Plafonds, Voussures, Lambris, etc., qui décorent les Salles occupées par L'Exposition.
35572: PALERMO (Evangelista) - A Grammar of the Italian Language. Wherein all its terms are fully explained; the rules of pronunciation clearly ascertained; The Rudiments carefully delivered; and the Peculiarities of the Language occasionally noted. Many useful and necessary Rules are in this Edition inserted, never before published; such that the Learner will be completely instructed in order to attain a thorough Knowledge of that harmonious Language. The Grammar is followed by an Italian and English vocabulary; A Collection of the most useful Adjectives; Many Familiar Phrases and Expressions on different Subjects; And by Dialogues for a Polite Conversation. The third edition. By Evangelista Palermo, M. A. Teacher of the Italian Tongue in London.
38756: PALESTINE. - Palestine, Zionism, Israel. A. Rosenthal Ltd., Catalogue 63.
6592: PALMER (Henrietta R.) - List of English Editions and Translations of Greek and Latin Classics Printed Before 1641.
34662: PANORAMA. - Description of a Second View of the Ruins of Pompeii, and Surrounding Country; Representing the Tragic Theatre, Covered Theatre, Temple of Isis, Small Forum, Now Exhibiting in the Panorama, Leicester-Square: Painted, from Drawings taken on the Spot, by Mr. Burford.
21918: PANSIER (P.) - Histoire du Livre de l'Imprimerie a Avignon du XIVme au XVIme Siècle.
34049: PAPANTONIO (Michael) - Early American Bookbindings from the Collection of Michael Papantonio.
40906: PAPANTONIO (Michael) - Early American Bookbindings from the Collection of Michael Papantonio.
28068: PAPANTONIO (Michael) - Early American Bookbindings from the Collection of Michael Papantonio.
24653: HUNTINGDON PAPERS. - (The Archives of the Noble Family of Hastings).
19934: HUNTINGDON PAPERS. - (The Archives of the Noble Family of Hastings).
12524: PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. - Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate of Parliamentary Papers 1696-1834. Reprinted in Facsimile with an Introduction by P. & G. Ford.
31390: RIS-PAQUOT [(Oscar Edmond)] - Dictionnaire Encyclopedique Des Marques & Monogrammes Chiffres, Lettres, Initiales, Signes Figuratifs, Etc.
38297: PARABLES. - Parables, in Verse. The Barren Fig-Tree: and The Pharisee and Publican.
40752: PARAIRE (Edward L.) - Perspective Practically Explained. Being an explanation of the accompanying models, or the principles by which certain objects are drawn, etc.
35809: PARAVEY [Charles Hippolyte] - Aperçu des mémoires sur l'origine de la sphère et sur l'âge des zodiaques égyptiens, etc. [Bound with:] Rapport fait à l'académie des sciences sur les mémoires inédits de M. de Paravey, relatifs à l'origine chaldéenne des zodiaques.
40767: PARDIES (Ignace Gaston) - Elemens de Geometrie ou par une Methode Courte & aisée l'on peut apprendre ce qu'il faut scavoir d'Euclide, d'Archimede, d'Apollonius, & les plus belles Inventions des ancien & des nouveaux Geometres. Paris, Chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, Imprimeur du Roy, rue S. Jacques aux Cicognes,1678. Third edition, 12mo, woodcut device on title, numerous woodcut diagrams and illustrations in the text, [24], 163, [5] pp. [Bound with:-] PARDIES (Ignace Gaston) Deux Machines propres a faire Les Quadrans avec Tres-grande facilité. Décrites & expliquées..... Paris, Chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, Imprimeur du Roy, rue S. Jacques aux Cicognes, 1776. Second edition, 12mo, 7 folding engraved plates, [10], 58, [4] pp. [Bound with:] PARDIES (Ignace Gaston) La Statique ou la Science des Forces Mouvantes.
38176: PARIS (Paulin), DE MARTONNE (G. F.), MICHEL (F.), LE GRAY (Edward) & DE PARIS (Raimbert) - Li romans de Berte aus grans Piés. [with:] Li romans de Garin le Loherain. [with:] Li Romans de Parise la Duchesse. [with:] La Chanson des Saxons. [with:] Li romans de Raoul de Cambrai. [with:] La chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche. [with:] Le Romancero François. [with:] La chanson d'Antioche.
35926: PARISH (Charles) - History of the Birmingham Library. An Eighteenth Century Proprietary Library as Described in the Annals of the Birmingham Library, 1779-1799. With a Chapter on the Later History of the Library to 1955.
41296: DUTHIE PARK. - The Duthie Park: A Descriptive and Historical Sketch.
35796: PARKER (John Henry) - The Medieval Architecture of Chester.
35478: PARKER (Langston) - The Treatment of Cancerous Diseases of Caustics. A Critical Enquiry into the Modern Therapeutics of Cancer. Being "The Address in Surgery" delivered at Birmingham on the occasion of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association.
31956: PARKER (Derek) - Familiar to All: William Lilly and Astrology in the Seventeenth Century.
26716: PARKER (Thomas N.) - An Essay of the Construction, Hanging, and Fastening of Gates; Exemplified in Six Quarto Plates.
21433: PARKER (Clement C.) - Compendium of Works on Archery.
40814: PARKES (Sir Harry) - Reports on the Manufacture of Paper in Japan.
32177: PARKES (Edmund A.) - The Composition of the Urine, in Health and Disease, and Under the Action of Remedies.
39862: PARKINSON (John) - Paradisi in sole Paradisus Terrestris. Or A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up: with a Kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, & fruites, for meate or sause used with us, and an Orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing Trees and shrubbes fit for our Land together with the right orderinge planting & preserving of them and their uses & vertues, Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London.
39426: PARKINSON (Richard) - The Experienced Farmer, an entire new work, in which the whole system of agriculture, husbandry and breeding of cattle is explained and copiously enlarged upon : and the best methods, with the most recent improvements pointed out.
33996: PARKS (Stephen) Editor. - The English Book Trade 166-1853. 156 Titles relating to the early history of English Publishing, Bookselling, the Struggle for Copyright and the Freedom of the press, Reprinted in photo-facsimile in 42 volumes.
38672: PARLIAMENT. - Orders, Proceedings, Punishments, and Priviledges in Parliament.
33106: PARLIAMENT. - The Description of a Parliament in No Instance Similar to the Present.
38448: TRIENNIAL PARLIAMENTS. - A Letter to a Country Gentleman, shewing the Inconveniences, which attend the last part of the Act for Triennial Parliaments.
33857: PARODY. - A Parody; or, Little Tackrhyme, The Houndsgate Typographer, Exposed.
33340: PARR (Samuel) - Bibliotheca Parriana. A Catalogue of the Library of the late Reverend and Learned Samuel Parr, LL.D. Curate of Hatton, Prebendary of St. Paul's, &c.
38573: PARRISH (M.L.) - Victorian Lady Novelists. George Eliot, Mrs. Gaskell and the Bronte Sisters. First Editions in the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey.
31172: PARSEY (Arthur) - The Art of Miniature Painting on Ivory.
30867: GREEK PARTICLES. - Greek Particles English'd. Together with a small Lexicon, explaining the Words used in the Examples.
32552: PARTINGTON (Wilfred) - Thomas J. Wise in the Original Cloth. The Life and Record of the Forger of the Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets.
39589: PARTINGTON (Charles F.) - Botany Illustrated on Entirely New Principles.
14840: PARTINGTON (Wilfred) - Thomas J. Wise in the Original Cloth. The Life and Record of the Forger of the Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets.
9337: BOOKS IN PARTS. - The Arents Collection of Books in Parts and Associated Literature. With an Introductory Survey by Sarah Augusta Dickson.
23334: PASOLINI (Benvenuto) - Catalogo dei Libri Posseduti dal Conte Benvenuto Pasolini, Faentino.
34040: STANHOPE PRESS. PASS (C. & A.) - A Specimen of Brass Card Borders, on an Entire New Principle, by C. & A. Paas, Engravers to their Majesties.
30840: RIGHT OF PASTURE. - Prescription Sacred: or, Reasons for opposing the New Demand of Herbage in Ireland.
32404: PATHAULT (Louis) - Du Bromure de Camphre (camphre monobromé de Wurtz) et de ses usages thérapeutiques.
39776: PATHOLOGY. - An Atlas of Illustrations of Pathology Compiled (chiefly from original sources) for the New Sydenham Society. Fasciculus I[-VI].
40768: PATMORE (Coventry) - The Angel in the House.
40126: PATON (Frank) - E. E. Leggatt. From Messrs Agnew & Sons, Fine Art Galleries. 62 [Cheapside, London.]
18135: PATON (Lucy Allen) - Selected Bindings from the Gennadius Library. Thirty-Eight Plates in Colour. With Introduction and Descriptions.
31006: PATOUN (Archibald) - A Complete Treatise of practical Navigation demonstrated from it's First Principles: together with all the Necessary Tables. To which are added, the useful Theorems of Mensuration, Surveying, and Gauging; with their Application to Practice. Written for the Academy in Tower-Street.
24857: SPANISH PATRIOT. - An Authentic Narrative of the Heroism, Captivity, and Sufferings of Henry Farnese, a Spanish Patriot, who was shot by the French in the Principal Square of Madrid.
34374: PATTISON (John) - An Answer to the Lecture Delivered by T. Spencer Wells, F.R.C.S. on Cancer Curers and Cancer Cures.
22406: PAUL (Sir G.O.) - Address to His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Gloucester, on the Subject of Forming Rules, Orders, and Bye-Laws, for the Regulation and Government of the Prisons of the Said County: Delivered at their Michaelmas General Quarter-Sessions, 1789.
30897: PAXTON (Peter) - Specimen Physico-Medicum, de Corpore Humano, & ejus Morbis. Or, An Essay concerning the Knowledge and Cure of most Diseases afficting Human Bodies. To which is Annex'd a Short Account of Salivation, and the Use of Mercury. With a Copious Index.
37918: PAYNE (John) - To the Freeholders of England and Wales. Reasons for opposing the compulsory Commutation of Tythes for Money; and on the impolicy of the Freeholders of England and Wales suffering their Estates to be mortgaged for ever by a Money Annual Payment.
40806: PAYNE (John R.) - Great Catalogues by Master Booksellers. A Selection of American and English Booksellers' Catalogues, 19th-21st Century. Introduction by Kurt Zimmerman.
32258: PEACE. - An Expedient for Peace: perswading an Agreement amongst Christians, &c.
39888: PEACHAM (Henry), GORDON (G. S.) - Peacham's Compleat Gentleman 1634. With an Introduction by G. S. Gordon.
33618: WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK (Rev. E. Adrian) - "How to make Notes for a Rock-Soil Flora." A Lecture.
33619: JUKES-BROWN (A. J.) & WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK (Rev. E. Adrian) - Sketch Map of the Soils & Natural History Divisions of Lincolnshire. [Reprinted from 'The Naturalist,' for the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union].
41000: WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK (Rev. E. Adrian) - A Check-List of Lincolnshire Plants.
38344: PEARCE (William) - General View of the Agriculture in Berkshire, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
36391: PEARS (Steuart A.) - The Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney and Hubert Languet, Now First Collected and Translated from the Latin with Notes and a Memoir of Sidney.
31618: BROUGHTON (L. N.) NORTHUP (C. S.) & PEARSALL (R. B.) - Robert Browning: A Bibliography, 1830-1950.
9377: BROUGHTON (Leslie N.) NORTHUP (Clarke S.) & PEARSALL (Robert B.) - Robert Browning: A Bibliography, 1830-1950.
32047: PEARSON (Anthony) - The Great Case of tithes truly stated, clearly open'd, and fully resolv'd. By Anthony Pearson, Formerly A Justice of Peace in Westmorland. With an Appendix.
40335: PEARSON (David) - Provenance Research in Book History. A Handbook.
32583: PEART (Edward) - The Generation of Animal Heat, Investigated. With an introduction, in which is an attempt to point out, and ascertain, the elementary principles, and fundamental laws of nature; and apply them to the explanation, of some of the most interesting operations, and striking appearances of chemistry.
37017: PECK (Francis) - Desiderata Curiosa or, a Collection of Divers Scarce and Curious Pieces Relating Chiefly to Matters of English History consisting of Choice Tracts, Memoirs, Letters, Wills, Epitaphs etc.
34636: PECK (Thomas) - The Norwich Directory; Containing Alphabetical List of the Principal Inhabitants, their Address, Profession, or Trade. A Concise History of Norwich; Pointing out the most remarkable Places in it worthy the Attention of Strangers... with an Engraved Plan of the City, with References.
32690: PEDDIE (Robert Alexander) - Printing at Brescia in the Fifteenth Century. A list of the issues.
14236: PEDDIE (R.A.) Editor. - Printing: a Short History of the Art.
37936: PEEL (Sir Robert) - Speech by the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart. at the Grand Dinner in honor[sic] of him, given by the Merchants, Bankers, and Traders of the City of London, May 11, 1835, at Merchant Tailor's Hall. Also His Speech in the House of Commons, April 8, 1835, announcing resignation of His Majesty's Ministers.
38814: PELLING (Edward) - A sermon preacht on January 30th. 1683. In Westminster-Abby, before the reverend and honourable, the Kings judges, and printed at their request. By Edw. Pelling, præbendary of Westminster, and chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset.
39175: PELLING (Edward) - A Sermon Preached at St. Mary Le Bow, Novemb. 27. 1682. Being the Day of the Wiltshire-Feast.
20306: PELTZER (Alfred) - Albrecht Dürer's Unterweisung der Messung. Um einiges gekürzt und neuerem Sprachgebrauch angepaßt, herausgegeben sowie mit einem Nachwort versehen. Auf Veranlassung und mit einem Vorwort von Hans Thoma.
32515: PEMBROKE (Henry Herbert, Earl of) - A Method of Breaking Horses, and Teaching Soldiers to Ride, Designed for the Use of the Army.
26897: PENGELLY (W.) - The Rainfall on the St. Mary Church Road, Torquay, during the Five Years Ending December 31, 1868. [Reprinted from the Transactions of the Devon Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art. 1869].
26898: PENGELLY (W.) - The Rainfall in Devonshire During 1868. [Reprinted from the Transactions of the Devon Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art. 1869].
26895: PENGELLY (W.) - On the Submerged Forest at Blackpool, Near Dartmouth, South Devon. [Reprinted from the Transactions of the Devon Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art. 1869].
35779: PENISSAT (T.) - Dissertation sur le Cancer des Lèvres, Thèses Présentée et soutenue à la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, le 23 juin 1830,
41149: DUTT (William A.) & PENNELL (Joseph) - Highways and Byways in East Anglia. With Illustrations by Joseph Pennell.
33430: PENNEY (Clara Louisa) - An Album of Selected Bookbindings.
10388: PENNEY (Clara Louisa) - An Album of Selected Bookbindings.
37167: PENNINGTON (Rooke) - Notes on the Barrows and Bone-Caves of Derbyshire. With an Account of a Descent into Elden Hole.
31501: PENROSE (Boies) - The Celebrated Library of... Travel & Exploration, Navigation & Trade.
25573: PENROSE (Boies) - The Celebrated Library of... Travel & Exploration, Navigation & Trade.
31374: PENZER (Norman M.) - An Annotated Bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton.
26257: PENZER (Norman M.) - An Annotated Bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton.
39139: DEFENCE OF THE PEOPLE. - A Defence of the People: or, Full Confutation of the pretended facts, advanc'd In a late Huge, Angry Pamphlet; call'd faction detected. In a letter To the Author of that weighty Performance.
39188: DEFENCE OF THE PEOPLE. - A Defence of the People: or Full Confutation of the Pretended Facts, advanc'd In a late Huge, Angry Pamphlet; call'd faction detected. In a letter To the Author of that weighty Performance.
39380: PEPYS (Samuel) - Memoires Relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England, for Ten Years, Determin'd December 1688.
37423: PERCEVAL (Spencer) - A Letter to the Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, First Lord of the Treasury, &c., &c., &c : upon his correspondence with Lord Viscount Melville, in reference to the return of that noble lord to power.
40903: PERCIVAL (G.S.) - Repairing Books. Dryad Leaflet No. 150.
17661: PERCY (Thomas) - The Library of Thomas Percy, Editor of the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.
39558: BONAVENTURE DES PERIERS. - Cymbalum Mundi. Four very Ancient Joyous and Facetious Poetic Dialogues. Translated with an Introduction by Bettina L. Knapp.
36709: PERKIN (M.R.) - Abraham Cowley. A Bibliography.
41415: PERRAULT (M.), GENT (G. M.) Translator. - Histories or Tales of Past Times told by Mother Goose: with Morals. Written in French by M. Perrault, and Englished by G. M. Gent.
40730: PERRAULT (Charles) - Contes du Temps Jadis. Illustrations de U. Brunelleschi.
38661: PERRIN (John) - A Grammar of the French Tongue. grounded upon the decisions of the French Academy, wherein all the necessary rules, observations, and examples, are exhibited in a manner intirely new.
39196: ROLLE (Richard) PERRY (Rev. G. G.) Editor. - Officium de Sancto Ricardo de Hampole.
34650: PERRY (Sampson) - A Disquisition of the Stone and Gravel, and other Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, &c.
40353: PERRY (Amos) - Memorial of Zachariah Allen. 1795-1882.
41260: PERRY (Capt. John) - An account of the stopping of Daggenham Breach: With the accidents that have attended the same from the first undertaking. Containing also proper rules for performing any the like work; and proposals for rendering the Ports of Dover and Dublin (which the Author has been employ'd to survey) commodious for entertaining large ships. To which is prefixed a Plan of the Levels which were overflowed by the Breach.
37878: PERSHAD (Baldeo) - Sure Success in Hindustani: Intended to do away with the difficulties of Europeans, in composing with accuracy, and conversing with fluency. By Baldo Pershad Labanniya son of Munshi Gour Dhan Dass Labanniya, Improved and carefully revised by Munshi Gour Dhan Dass.
32634: JUVENAL AND PERSIUS. - D. Junii Juvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI. ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitae varietate lectionum perpetuoque commentario illustratae et indice uberrimo instructae a Ge. Alex. Ruperti; quibus adjectae sunt, A. Persii Flacci Satirae, ex recensione et cum notis G. L. Koenig.
34086: PERU. - Antiguos privilegios y documentos de la Ciudad de los Reyes. Antiquos privilegios y documentos de las viejas ciudades de la América Española.
35390: PETERS (Harry T.) - Currier & Ives, Printmakers to the American People (2 vols.). [With]: America on Stone, the Other Printmakers to the American People. [With]: California on Stone.
10782: WEST (Luther S.) & PETERS (Oneita B.) - An Annotated Bibliography of Musca Domestica Linnaeus.
19172: PETHERICK (Edward Augustus) - Catalogue of the York Gate Library Formed by Mr. S. William Silver. An Index to the Literature of Geography, Maritime and Inland Discovery, Commerce and Colonisation.
33184: LE PETIT (Jules) - Bibliographie des Principales Editions Originales d'Ecrivains Francais du XVe au XVIIIe Siecle.
32079: LE PETIT (Jules) - Bibliographie des Principales Editions Originales d'Ecrivains Francais du XVe au XVIIIe Siecle.
24446: LE PETIT (Jules) - Bibliographie des Principales Editions Originales d'Ecrivains Francais du XVe au XVIIIe Siecle.
41119: AMBROSIAN VIRGIL OF FRANCESCO PETRARCA. - Memorabilia quaedam de laura, manu propria Francisci Petrarcae scripta in quodam Codice Virgilli in Ambrosiana Bibliotheca reperto.
32027: FACULTIED PEWS. - Facultied Pews in the Parish Church, Cheltenham. Being a certified copy from the original Plan and Faculty, as deposited in the Registry of the Bishop of the Diocese, 1794.
18898: PFISTER (Kurt) - Die Primitiven Holzschnitte.
10402: PFISTER (Kurt) - Die Mittelalterliche Buchmalerei des Abandlandes.
38338: PHILIP (I.G.) - William Blackstone and the Reform of the Oxford University Press in the Eighteenth Century.
39104: PHILIPS (John) - Cider, A Poem in Two Books. With Notes Provincial, Historical, and Classical, by Charles Dunster.
34423: PHILIPSON (G. H.) - On the Registration of Diseases. [From the 'British Medical Journal', November 6th, 1869.]
40499: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of a Portion of the Very Valuable Classical, Historical, Topographical, Genealogical and other Manuscripts and Autograph Letters...
38941: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of a Further Portion of the Classical, Historical, Topographical, Genealogical and other Manuscripts and Autograph Letters...
38907: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of a Further Portion of the Renowned Library Formed by the late Sir Thomas Phillipps... Comprising Thirty-Four Illuminated Manuscripts of the Highest Interest and Importance. Monday, the 1st of July, 1946.
40634: MUNBY (A. N. L.) PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - The Phillipps Manuscripts. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca D. Thomae. Phillipps, Bt. Impressum Typis Medio-Montanis 1837-1871. With an Introduction by A.N.L. Munby.
39423: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of a Further Portion of the Classical, Historical, Genealogical and other Manuscripts and Autograph Letters of the Late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart....
40265: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of a further portion of the famous collection of classical, historical, topographical, and other Manuscripts & Autograph Letters of the late Sir Thomas Phillipps, of Middle Hill... including Two Hundred MSS. on Vellum. Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Monday, the 5th of June, 1899.
39614: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Mediaeval (and Oriental) Manuscripts. New Series Parts 1-11 [Complete]. [Sold with:] Bibliotheca Phillippica. New Series Parts 1-20 [Complete].
17975: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Bibliotheca Phillippica. Mediaeval (and Oriental) Manuscripts. New Series: Parts 1-11 [Complete].
41317: PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) - Engraved armorial bookplate of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Middle Hill, Worcestershire, with the family motto "'Deus Patria Rex".
40504: PHILLIPS (John) - The Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-Coast of Yorkshire. With Essays on the Climate, Scenery, and Ancient Inhabitants of the County.
39756: PHILLIPS (Robert) - A Geological, Historical, and Topographical Description of the Borough of Reigate and Surrounding District.
38328: THOMPSON (Thomas) and PHILLIPS (Thomas) - Refutation: being a reply to the "Appeal" of the Port of London Society, by Thomas Thompson, Esq., in a Letter to the Rev. Robert Carr, and Mr. Thomas Phillips, in an Address to the Friends of Seamen, Secretaries to the Port of London and Bethel Union Societies, from their formation in the years 1818-1819, to the period of their Resignation in September and December, 1828: with a Recommendatory Preface, by the Committee of the British and Foreign Seamens' and Soldiers' Friend Society.
37896: PHILLIPS (Charles) - The Lament of the Emerald Isle.
35563: PHILLIPS (George Searle) - The New Guide to Peterborough Cathedral, comprising a brief history of The Monastery from its Foundation, with a descriptive account of its Architectural Peculiarities and most recent Improvements & Works of Restoration. Compiled from the Works of Gunton, Britton, Garbett, and others.
40961: PHILLIPS (Captain) - Explanation of Improved Capstans; Proposed by Captain Phillips, R.N.
40515: PHILLIPS (Sir Richard) - A Personal Tour through the United Kingdom: describing Living Objects, and Contemporaneous Interests. Number I. Bedfordshire, - Northamptonshire, - Leicestershire. Number II. Derbyshire - Nottinghamshire. [no more published]. London: Printed for Horatio Phillips, no. 3, Charing Cross; and to be had of the booksellers of Derby & Nottingham. N.D., [1828]. First Edition, 2 parts in one, [2], viii, 184; [6], 185-332pp., paginated continuously, engraved plate of Nottingham Market Place slightly browned. [Bound with:-] GLOVER (Stephen) The Peak Guide, containing the Topographical, Statistical, and General History of Buxton, Chatsworth, Edensor, Castleton, Bakewell, Haddon, Matlock, and Cromford;..... Derby: Henry Mozley and Son, 1830. First Edition, xl, 130, [4 adverts]pp., map a little browned, 3 engraved plates, 3 plans (one folding), folding pedigree, pedigrees and illustrations in the text. [Bound with:-] DEANS (Joseph) Melbourne Church. With plates by Gray. London: W. J. Cleaver, 1843. First Edition, 55, [1]pp., half-title, frontispiece and 4 plates. [Bound with:-] PLUMPTRE (F. C.) An Account of the Parish Church of Bakewell, in Derbyshire, and of the Early Gravestone and other Remains discovered during the recent repairs. With a Prefatory Notice, Containing further Particulars.
40949: PHILLIPS (H. & G.) - The Georgian House.
32376: PHILLIPS (Benjamin) - A Treatise on the Urethra; Its Diseases, Especially Stricture and their Cure.
40836: WEAVER (Sir Lawrence) & PHILLIPS (R. Randal) - Small Country Houses of Today.
37794: PHILLOTT (D. C., Lieut.-Colonel), Translator. - Khazina-e Muhawarat or Urdu Idioms.
33965: PHILLOTT (Lieut.-Colonel D. C.) - Annotated English Translation of Urdu Roz-Marra or "Every-Day Urdu" The Text-Book for the Lower Standard Examination in Hindustani.
40116: PHILO-PATRIS, CITZEN. - A Seasonable Address to the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Commoners of the City of London, upon their Present Electing of Sherifs [sic]. By Philo-Patris, Citizen, &c.
33283: PHILOSOPHY. - An Essay towards Demonstrating the Immateriality, and Free-Agency of the Soul. In Answer to two Pamphlets; one Intitled, A Philosophical Enquiry into the physical Spring of Human Actions, &c..... by Mr. Samuel Strutt. And the other Intitled; A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty;.... by Anthony Collins, Esq.
32235: PHIPPS (Joseph) - Brief Remarks on the Common Arguments now used in Support of divers Ecclesiastical Impositions in this Nation, especially as they relate to Dissenters.
34798: PHOTOGRAPHY. - Old Books / A Collection of Early Photographs and Books Commemorating the Centenary of Fox Talbot and Daguerre 1839-1939. Catalogue 52.
33844: PHOTOGRAPHY. - A collection of 120 Sotheby's Belgravia auction catalogues 1972-82, mostly related to Photography.
18684: PHOTOGRAPHY. - Masterpieces of Victorian Photography 1840-1900 from the Gernsheim Collection.
41377: THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. - Christ the Son of Righteousness; or, the Great Physician.
10408: PICHARD (Alphonse) - Catalogue des Livres de Fonds et en Nombre de la Librairie Alphonse Picard.
34720: PICNIC (Peregrine) - The Wanderer, A Thing of Shred and Patches. By Peregrine Picnic, Gent. [No.1 (Saturday, 4th April, 1818) - No.XX1 (Saturday, 9th January, 1819). Edited by William Hamilton].
40972: PICOT (Emile) - Catalogue des Livres Composant la Bibliotheque de Feu M. le Baron James de Rothschild.
26968: ANGLING PICTURES. - Catalogue of the Collection of Angling Pictures, Early English Drawings and Mezzotints of Arthur N. Gilbey, Esq. deceased, late of Folly Farm, Sulhampstead, Berks... Which will be Sold at Auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods... on Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26, 1940.
39009: COMPLETE FAMILY-PIECE. - The Complete Family-Piece: and, country gentleman, and farmer's best guide. In three parts.
36652: PIERCY (John S.) - The History of Retford, in the County of Nottingham, Comprising its Ancient, Progressive, and Modern State, with an Historical and Topographical Account of the Villages of West Retford, Babworth, Ordsall, Grove, and Clarborough.
33194: SAINT PIERRE (Jacques-Henri Bernardin de) - Etudes de la Nature. Par Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint Pierre. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée...
25939: PIERS (Henry) - Gospel-Repentance: or, Repentance grounded on Faith in Jesus Christ, the One Repentance accepted with God. A sermon Preach'd at Bexley in Kent, on Wednesday the 11th Day of April, 1744, the Day appointed by his Majesty for a General Fast. By Henry Piers, M. A. Vicar of the Parish; sometime Student of Trinity-College, Dublin.
23897: PIETRAMELLARA (Giacomo) - Raccolta di divise o Motti Araldici. Serie I.
10413: PIGGOT (Revd. A.) - Catalogue of a Selected Portion of the Extensive Library Principally of English Literature...
41002: PIGOTT (Nathaniel) - A Treatise of Common Recoveries, their Nature and Use. To which is added the case of Page and Hayward more fully reported than in any other book extant : and also a case between the late Earl of Derby and the coheirs of his elder brother : with precedents for amending recoveries, and a complete table to the whole.
41201: BRISCOE (John Potter) & PIKE (W. T.) - Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire at the Opening of the Twentieth Century. Contemporary Biographies.
27195: COOPER (John) & PIKE (B.A.) - Detective Fiction: The Collector's Guide.
32466: PILKINGTON (Rev. M.) - The Gentleman's and Connoisseur's Dictionary of Painters. A complete Collection and Account, of the most distinguished Artists, who have flourished in the Art of Painting, at Rome, Venice, Naples, Florence, and other Cities of Italy; in Holland, Flanders, England, Germany, or France; from the year 1250, when the Art of Painting was revived by Cimabue, to the year 1767; including above Five hundred Years, and the Number of Artists amounting to near One thousand Four hundred. Extracted From the most authentic Writers who have treated on the Subject of painting, in Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, French, and Low Dutch...
38161: PILKINTON (William) - A Natural and Chymical Treatise of Agriculture, by the late Count Gustavus Adolphus Gyllenborg: with Practical Remarks and Additions.
10415: PILLING (James Constantine) - Bibliography of Wakashan Languages.
35606: PINCOTT (Frederic) - Hitopadesa. A new literal Translations from the Sanskrit text of Prof. F. Johnson. For the use of students.
31010: PINEL (Philippe) - La Médecine Clinique rendue plus précise et plus exacte par l'application de l'Analyse sur Recueil et Résultat d'observations sur les maladies aigues, faites a la Salpetriére.
15010: WINDLE (John) & PIPPIN (Karma) - Thomas Frognall Dibdin 1776-1847. A Bibliography.
23365: PITMAN (Alfred) - Half a Century of Commercial Education and Publishing. Foreword by Sir Francis Goodenough.
38687: PITT (W.) - View of the Agriculture of the County of Worcester; with observations on its improvement, and several essays on agriculture in general. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
38508: PITT (W.) - View of the Agriculture of the County of Northampton; with observations on its improvement, and several essays on agriculture in general. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
40233: PITT (W.) - General View of Agriculture of the County of Stafford: with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
37123: PITT (W.) - General View of Agriculture of the County of Stafford: with Observations on the Means its Improvement, Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
34497: PITT (William M.) - Thoughts on the Defence of this Kingdom, &c. Part III.
34107: PITT (W.) - General View of Agriculture of the County of Stafford: with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
33010: PITT (William) - An Authentic Copy of the Bill for the Better Support and Maintenance of the Poor...
31989: PITT (William). - The Right Honourable Annuitant [William Pitt] vindicated. With a Word or two in Favour of the other Great Man [the Duke of Newcastle], in Case of his Resignation. In a Letter to a Friend in the Country.
30696: PITT (William) - Speech of the Right Honourable William Pitt, in the House of Commons, Thursday, January 31, 1799, On offering to the House the Resolutions which be proposed as the Basis of an Union between Great Britain and Ireland.
33834: PIZARRO'S SHROUD. - An envelope reputedly containing a piece of Gonzalo Pizarro's Shroud.
33259: MIQUEL Y PLANAS (Ramón) - Ensayos de Bibliofilía. Reunidos y Publicados con Motivo de los XXV Años de Vida Editorial del Autor.
34744: PLANCK (Henry) - A Few Words of Advice of the Care of Teeth.
40380: ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. - Two Plans of Premises to be built in Plumb Street, Burnley for the Burnley Carriage Company Limited. Edward Smith, Architect, Burnley, March, 1875.
33631: LONDON CATALOGUE OF BRITISH PLANTS. - London Catalogue of British Plants; to be used in Exchanges of Specimens with the Botanical Society of London. [3rd-5th edition].
39294: PLAT (Sir Hugh) - The Jewel House of Art and Nature: Containing Divers Rare and Profitable Inventions, together with sundry new Experiments in the Art of Husbandry, with Divers Chimical conclusions concerning the Art of Distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. Faithfully an familiarly set down, according to the authours own experience. By Sir Hugh Plat of Lincolns-Inne, Knight. Whereunto is added, a rare and excellent discourse of minerals, stones, gums, and rosins; with the vertues and use thereof. By D.B. Gent.
38671: PLATT (Henry Billinge) - An Appeal to the Public, in Vindication of Character, addressed to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Chester, and also, to Ed. Bootle, Wilbraham Esq. Chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions held at Wigan, wherein is contained the Correspondence that took place between the Rev. Rd. Perryn, Rector of Standish; the Rev. John Price, Curate of Standish, Esq. and Mr. H. B. Platt, of Standish, formerly of Wigan.
37652: PLAYS. - Hilarii Versus et Ludi.
37814: PLENDERLEITH (H.J.) - The Preservation of Leather Bookbindings.
41249: PLESCH (Arpad) - The Magnificent Botanical Library of the Stiftung Fur Botanik Vaduz Liechtenstein Collected by the late Arpad Plesch.
14831: PLESCH (Arpad) - Mille et un Livres Botaniques de la Collection Arpad Plesch.
36202: YVE-PLESSIS (R.) - Essai d'une bibliographie Francaise methodique & raisonnee de la sorcellerie et de la possession Demoniaque.
28089: PLEYTE (Willem) - Set m-ha-t-uaa n ra [in hieratic script], ou Set dans la Barque du Soleil.
30402: PLOMER (Henry R.) - Robert Wyer, Printer and Bookseller.
25741: PLOMER (Henry R.) - Wynkyn de Worde and his Contemporaries from the Death of Caxton to 1535. A Chapter in English Printing.
20061: PLOMER (Henry R.) - English Printers' Ornaments.
39434: PLOT (Robert) - The Natural History of Oxford-Shire, Being an Essay towards the Natural History of England.
38042: PLUMMER (B.) - Newcastle-upon-Tyne: its Trade and Manufactures.
41372: CONGRATULATORY POEM. - [Christianity without Persecution] or, a Congratulatory Poem, on the Late Act for Strengthening the Protestant Religion.
41274: POEM. - Religious Conscience: or, the Morning and Evening Sacrifice. A Poem. In Imitation of Dr. Young's Night Thoughts.
22803: POEM. - The Scotch Hut, A Poem, Addressed to Euphorbus; or, the Earl of the Grove.
40799: POEMS. - The Muses Pocket Companion a Collection of Poems by the most Eminent Modern Authors.
40073: MANUSCRIPT POETRY. - [HERSEE (Mr.)] A tribute to the Memory of the late John Nichols Esq. (By Mr. Hersee).
34737: POETRY. - Prolusiones academicae : praemiis annuis dignatae et in curia Cantabrigiensi recitatae comitiis maximis A.D. M.DCCC.LIV.
27380: POETRY. - The Calf's Will, Published with the Permission of his Executors, "Le Sage entend a demi Mot:".
23756: MARÇAIS (Georges) & POINSSOT (Louis) - Objets Kairouanais IXe au XIIIe Siècle Reliures, Verreries, Cuivres et Bronzes, Bijoux. Notes & Documents XI - Fasc. 1.
23303: POLAIN (M.-Louis) - Catalogue des Livres Imprimés au Quinzième Siècle des Bibliothèques de Belgique. [With the Supplement].
38851: POLITICS. - A Free Appeal to the People of Great Britain, on the Conduct of the Present Administration, since the Thirtieth of July, 1766.
36379: POLITICS. - "Ten Years Work." A Review of the Legislation and Administration of the Conservative and Unionist Government 1895-1905.
33395: POLITICS. - A Key to the present Politicks of the Principal Powers of Europe. Giving a succinct View of their Conduct for many Years past, and fully shewing their Present Views and Measures, and the Tendency of Them. Translated from the original lately published at Amsterdam.
33298: POLITICS. - The Measures of the late Administration examin'd. With an Enquiry into the Grounds of the present Revolution.
32785: POLITICS. - An Expostulatory Letter to a certain Right Honourable Person [Philip Dormer Stanhope 4th Earl of Chesterfield] upon his late Promotion.
32029: POLITICS. - An Expostulatory Letter to a certain Right Honourable Person [Philip Dormer Stanhope 4th Earl of Chesterfield] upon his late Promotion.
24947: OXFORD UNIVERSITY POLL. - An Authentic Copy of the Poll for Members to Serve in the Ensuing Parliament for the University of Oxford. Taken March XXIII. MDCCLXVIII. Candidates. Sir Roger Newdigate, Bart. LL.D. George Hay, Esq; LL.D. Francis Page, Esq; LL.D. Charles Jenkinson, Esq; M.A. By Permission of the Vice-Chancellor. The Clarendon-Press, Oxford. 1768. 4to, [ii],14pp. [Bound with:] An Authentic Copy of the Poll for Members to Serve in the Ensuing Parliament for the University of Oxford. Taken on Wednesday the 5th, and Thursday the 6th of November, 1806. Candidates. Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, D.C.L. of University Coll. Rt. Hon. Charles Abbott, D.C.L. of Christ Church. Richard Heber, Esq. M.A. of Brasen Nose Coll. By Permission of the Vice-Chancellor. The Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1806. 4to, [iii],4-22pp. [Bound with:] A List of the Votes for the University of Oxford.
40384: POLLARD (Graham) - Serial Fiction. Aspects of Book-Collecting.
24310: BARTLETT (Henrietta C.) & POLLARD (Alfred W.) - A Census of Shakespeare's Plays in Quarto 1594-1709.
11064: POLLARD (Graham) - Hodson's Booksellers, Publishers and Stationers Directory 1855. A Facsimile of the Copy in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
41052: POLLEN (John Hungerford) - Acts of English Martyrs Hitherto Unpublished. With a Preface by John Morris.
23015: POLWHELE [(Richard)] - The Old English Gentleman, A Poem.
26498: FARRINGTON (Anthony) & POMBEJRA (Dhiravat na) - The English Factory in Siam.
27428: ALLOTMENTS FOR THE POOR. - Agricultural Distress. An address to the nobility and landed proprietors of Great Britain and Ireland, by a London merchant; on the distressed state of the agricultural population and the baneful effects of absenteeism: in which the benefits arising from small allotments of land being let to the labouring and industrious poor, bestowing upon them permanent and lasting comforts, are displayed, as exhibited on the estates of Sir Gerard Noel Noel, Bart., M.P. for Rutlandshire, under the direction and superintendence of Richard Westbrook Baker, Esq., of Cottesmore : to which is added an appendix, showing the progress made in the small allotment system, in copious extracts from facts and illustrations of the Labourers' Friend Society, patronized by Their Majesties.
24823: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE COMFORTS OF THE POOR. - Extracts from the Reports of the London and Dublin Societies, for Bettering the Condition of the Poor; Relating to Schools for the Education of Children of the Lowest Classes.
24810: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE COMFORTS OF THE POOR. - Observations on an Act Passed in the Last Session of Parliament, Respecting Apprentices Employed in Cotton and other Factories, and the Report of a Select Committee of the Society thereon.
37849: POPE (Alexander) - Letters of Mr. Alexander Pope, and several of his Friends.
33152: POPERY. - A warning against Popery. Drawn up, and published, by Order of the Associate Synod, at their Meeting on the 2d of September 1778. To which are subjoined, Observations on the Nature of the Laws now in force against Popery: and on the danger and impropriety of repealing them.
14694: PORCHER (Jean) - The Rohan Book of Hours. With an Introduction and Notes.
10428: PORCHER (Jean) - L'Enluminure Française.
37972: FENWICK DE PORQUET (Louis Phillippe R.) - De Porquet's Italian Phrase-Book: or, Il Fraseggiatore Toscana; being a copious choice of Italian Sentences, with familiar and easy Dialogues in Italian and English, and the Rules of the different forms of addressing Persons, used by the Italians.
37590: DE PORQUET (Louis Philippe R. F.) - Modern Parisian Phraseology; ou, Choix de Phrases Diverses.
35521: FENWICK DE PORQUET (Louis Phillippe R.) - The Turning of English Idioms into French at Sight... [Bound with:-] FENWICK DE PORQUET (Louis Phillippe R.) Key to Sequel to Trésor, entitled "Turning English Idioms into French at Sight."
39152: DE PORQUET (Louis Philippe R. F.) - Modern Parisian Phraseology; ou, Choix de Phrases Diverses.
39201: PORSON (A.) - Notes of Quaint Words and Sayings in The Dialect of South Worcestershire.
39039: PORTER (Jacob) - The Well Spent Sou; or, Bibles for the Poor Negroes. Translated from the French by Jacob Porter.
35802: PORTER (Charles T.) - A Treatise on the Richards Steam-Engine Indicator, (Manufactured by Elliott Bros., London,) and the Development and Application of Force in the Steam-Engine.
40278: INQUISITION OF SPAIN & PORTUGAL. - The History of the Inquisition of Spain & Portugal, from its Origin under Pope Innocent III. Including an Account of the Private Practices of the Inquisitors, their various Horrid Modes of Torture, Forms of Public Trials, &c. &c.
39599: PORTUGAL. - A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of E-------t, or, Considerations on sending Land Forces to Portugal.
10431: PORTUGAL. - Bibliografia Geral Portuguesa. Século XV. Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.
10430: PORTUGAL. - Arquivo de Bibliografia Portuguesa. Dicecçao de Manuel Lopes de Almeida. Ano I Jan.-Mar. No. 1 to Ano/XVII Nos. 63-70.
36623: PORZIO (Luca Antonio) - The Soldier's Vade Mecum: or, the Method of Curing the Diseases and Preserving the Health of Soldiers, I. In Camps. II. In Garrisons. III. During Marches. IV. In all the different Countries of Europe. Translated from the Latin of L. A. Portius. Illustrated with Cuts. To which is added, a treatise on the same subject, translated from Frederic Hoffman, Professor of Physic at Hall in Saxony. Also An Essay on the Diseases of Sailors.
37251: WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIP 1957 POSTER. - Federatia Internationala de Gimnastica, Federatia Romina de Gimnastica. Bucuresti Cupa Europei Gimnastica Feminina 1957.
30985: POSTLETHWAYT (Malachy) - Great-Britain's True System: wherein is clearly shown, I. That an increase of the Public Debts and taxes must, in a few years, prove the ruin of the Monied, the Trading, and the Landed Interests. II. The necessity of raising the Supplies to carry on War, within the year. III. That such a design, however seemingly difficult, is very practicable: with a sketch of various schemes for that purpose. IV. An Expedient which will support the Public Credit, in all times of Public Distress and Danger. To which is prefixed, an Introduction, relative to the forming a New Plan of British politics, with respect to our foreign affairs, and our connections on the Continent.
38203: POTATOES. - Report of the Committee of the Board of Agriculture, Appointed to Extract Information from the County Reports, and other Authorities, Concerning the Culture and Use of Potatoes.
38144: POTATOES. - Report of the Committee of the Board of Agriculture, Appointed to Extract Information from the County Reports, and other Authorities, Concerning the Culture and Use of Potatoes.
14290: POTIER (L.) - Catalogue des Livres Rares et Precieux Manuscrits et Imprimes...
38283: POTTER (John) - A System of Practical Mathematics: Containing vulgar and decimal fractions; the extraction of the square and cube roots; multiplication of feet, inches, and parts; the mensuration of superficies and solids, and all sorts of artificers work. Plain geometry and trigonometry, with their application, with their application in measuring the altitude of objects and distance of places; surveying; spherical geometry and trigonometry; astronomy, and dialling. With a plain account of the Gregorian or new style, settled by act of Parliament; the method of finding the epact, moon's age, tides, &c
36773: POTTER (Sidney Pell) - A History of Tollerton.
26537: NOVEL. POTTER (John) - The History of the Adventures of Arthur O'Bradley, &c. A Novel.
39038: WOOD GREEN POTTERIES. - Wood Green Potteries, Waltham Abbey, Essex. Established 1830, for the Manufacture of all Descriptions of Flower Pots, Glazed Ware, Drain Pipes, Pantiles, Plain Tiles, Valley, Hip and Ridge Tiles... Geo. Symondson, Manager.
30693: POULTER (The Rev. Edmund) - A Sermon on the Present Crisis, Preached at the Cathedral of Winchester, December 9, 1792; with an Appendix.
33568: POWELL (Roger) - Further Notes on Lebor na Huidre. Reprinted from ÉRIU, Vol. XXI.
33302: POWELL (R. Douglas) - Clinical Lectures on Cases of Pleuritic Effusion, Delivered at the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest. [Reprinted from the "Medical Times and Gazette," October 21, November 18, and December 9, 1882].
40258: MEDICAL PRACTITIONER. - An Essay on Vital Suspension: being an Attempt to Investigate and to Ascertain those Diseases, in which the Principles of Life are Apparently Extinguished. By A Medical Practitioner.
39942: PRAETORIUS (Charles) - Shakspere's Sonnets. The First Quarto, 1609. A Facsimile in Photo-Lithography. With an introduction by the Thomas Tyler. [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 30.]
39943: PRAETORIUS (Charles) - The True Tragedy. The First Quarto, 1595, from the unique copy in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. A Facsimile in Photo-Lithography. With an introduction by Thomas Tyler. [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 38.]
39972: PRAETORIUS (Charles) - King Henry V., by William Shakspere. The First Quarto, 1600. A Facsimile. With an introduction by Arthur Symons.. [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 27.]
31940: PRAZ (Mario) - Studies in Seventeenth-Century Imagery.
40618: BOOKBINDING. PREDIGER (Christoph Ernst) - Der in aller heut zu Tag ublichen Arbeit wohl anweisende accurate Buchbinder und Futtermacher: welcher lehret... wie nicht nur ein buch auf das netteste zu verfertigen, sondern auch wie solches seine gebührende dauer halt... uberdies zeiget, wie alle farben auf leder und pergament anzusetzen... Alles aufrichtig versehen / durch Christoph Ernst Prediger, buchbinder in Anspach. Kommentar von Adolf Rhein, Albert Haemmerle, Heinz Peterssen uber das Leben un Wirken des Christoph Ernst Prediger.
41420: MAR-PRELATE (Martin) - Puritan Discipline Tracts. An Epitome of the First Book of Dr. John Bridges' Defence of the Government of the Church of England in Ecclesiastical Matters. Re-printed from the Black Letter Edition, with an Introduction and Notes.
38630: PRENTYS (Elsit P.) - Japanese for Daily Use comprising Conversations for Journeying and for Daily Use in Town and Country. The translation into the Japanese Language has been made by a native of Japan. [Kametaro Sasamoyu].
38533: PRESCOTT (Winward) - A Bibliography of Book-Plate Literature.
37325: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. [NERI (Antonio)] - Neri's Art of Glass, Translated by C. M. [Christopher Merrett].
35989: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - Heralds Visitation Disclaimers. Imprensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, Bart.
35988: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - Index pedum finium pro Com. Glouc. temp. George I. Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, Bart.
35984: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomini, Pii secundi Papae, Electionis suae narratio, AD 1458. (Ex suorum libro primo Commentariorum.)
35982: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - The Case of Colonel Barwick's Will, & Codicill.
35981: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - Romance of Guy of Warwick. Fragment.
35978: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - Salford House, Co. Warwick.
35977: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. - Campden House, Co; Gloucr. The Seat of Sir Baptist Hickes temp. Chas. I.
33676: PLOUGH PRESS. [Wakeman (Geoffrey)] - Impressions of Binder's Tools.
33675: PLOUGH PRESS. [Wakeman (Geoffrey)] - Loughborough Marble.
31124: RUGBY PRESS. [MOSS (Lt.-Col. W. E.)] - Olla Podrida.
40651: SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS. - Englands Helicon. Reprinted from the Edition of 1600 with Additional Poems from the Edition of 1614.
39420: GREYHOUND PRESS. - Exploits and Wonders.
25407: PARLOUR PRESS. [ENGLEHEART (Nathaniel Brown)] - Omnium Gatherum, Consisting Chiefly of a Selection of Odds and Ends from an Old Portfolio; and Comprising the Useful, the Amusing, and the Curious.
41262: THE DOVES PRESS. - Printed Books and Manuscripts. Including a Collection of The Doves Press on Vellum, Fine Bindings. The Property of The Pierpont Morgan Library, John A. Saks and The Estate of Eric Sexton. Which will be sold on Friday, May 22, 1981.
18474: ALDINE PRESS. - A Fine Collection of Books Printed by Aldus Manutius and his Successors at Venice...
15243: MANOR HOUSE PRESS. - THOMAS (Henry) Monster & Miracle.
15245: HAYLOFT PRESS. - HESKETH (Phoebe) A Ring of Leaves. Illustrated by Allen Freer.
11849: NONESUCH PRESS. - Retrospectus and Prospectus. The Nonesuch Dickens.
13105: PRESSER (Helmut) - Die Alte Druckschrift. Gewidmet dem Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz.
40571: PRESTWICH (Sir Joseph) - Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Prestwich. Written and Edited by his Wife.
32807: PRÉTERRE (Apollonie) - Les Dents Structure et Développement conservation Maladies et Prothése.
39716: PRICE (Francis) - A Series of Particular and Useful Observations, Made with Great Diligence and Care, upon that Admirable Structure, the Cathedral-Church of Salisbury.
41118: PRICE (John) - Self-Murder. Asserted to be very heinous Crime: in opposition to all arguments brought by the Deists, to the contrary. To which is added, a prodigy of providence, containing, the wonderful preservation of a woman of Totnes, who endeavour'd, Jan. 25. 1707. to drown herself by leaping over the bridge, near 20 foot high, into the river running by that town. A Story well attested, yet hardly to be parallell'd in History. With many necessary Instructions how to avoid a Sin of this Nature.
30259: PRICE (Henry) - An Alphabetical List of the Names of the Hundreds, Parishes, Chapelries, Villages, Gentlemens' Seats, Farm Houses, And other Places in the New Map of Herefordshire, Lately Published by Henry Price.
39118: EDINBURGH BOOK OF PRICES. - The Edinburgh Book of Prices, for Manufacturing Cabinet-Work. With various Tables, as Mutually Agreed upon by the Masters and Journeymen. [Bound with:] Supplement to the Cabinet-Makers Book of Prices [1825].
41190: PRICHARD (James Cowles) - A Treatise on Insanity and other Disorders affecting the Mind.
33519: PRIDEAUX (S. T.) - A Catalogue of Books Bound by S.T. Prideaux Between MDCCCXC and MDCCCC with Twenty-Six Illustrations.
31527: PRIDEAUX (Colonel W.F.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Edited and Supplemented by Mrs. Luther S. Livingston.
31437: PRIDEAUX (Colonel W.F.) - Notes for a Bibliography of Edward FitzGerald.
39823: PRIDEAUX (S.T.) - Aquatint Engraving. A Chapter in the History of Book Illustration.
16408: PRIDEAUX (S.T.) - Notes on Printing and Bookbinding. A Guide to the Exhibition of Tools and Materials used in the Processes.
12533: PRIDEAUX (S.T.) - A Catalogue of Books Bound by S.T. Prideaux Between MDCCCXC and MDCCCC with Twenty-Six Illustrations.
32711: PRIDHAM (T. L.) - Devonshire Celebrities.
38505: PRIEST (The Rev. St. John) - General View of the Agriculture of Buckinghamshire. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
38812: PRIESTLEY (Richard) - [A catalogue of books, for 1812 : To be sold at the prices affixed to each article By R. Priestley.]
37869: PRIESTLEY (Joseph) - The Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity Illustrated, being an Appendix to the Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit. To which is added an Answer to the Letters on Materialism, and on Hartley's Theory of the Mind.
39207: PRIESTLEY (Joseph) - A Course of Lectures on Oratory and Criticism.
31812: PRINCE (C. Leeson) - Observations upon the Drought and Temperature of the Past Summer.
30707: PRINCE'S DEBTS. - Thoughts on the Prince's Debts. Third edition; to which is added a preface, containing an anecdote.
39089: ESTIMATE OF THE MANNERS AND PRINCIPLES. - Some doubts occasioned by the second volume of an estimate of the manners and principles of the times. Humbly proposed to the author or to the public.
39775: PRINGLE (John James) Editor. - A Pictorial Atlas of Skin Diseases and Syphilitic Affections in Photo-Lithochromes from Models in the Museum of the Saint Louis Hospital, Paris.
36199: PRINTER'S ADVERT. - A printed flyer for W. Henry Robinson, Steam Printing Works, Walsall.
39097: STAMFORD PRINTING. - Asmodeus.
38370: WAKEFIELD PRINTING. - The Christian Economy: Translated from the Original Greek of an Old Manuscript found in the Island of Patmos, where St. John wrote his Book of Revelation.
27045: PRINTING. - Magasins Spéciaux pour la Librairie, la Papeterie l'Imprimerie la Fonderie, la Gravure et les Autres Industries qui s'y Rattachent; Avenue de Saxe, No. 42, et rue Pérignon, No. 4. Agréés par le sous-comptoir du Commerce et de l'Industrie.
22535: PRINTING. - Gedichte zur Feier des Johannistages 1840.
15247: BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL OF PRINTING. - Alderman Byng Kenrick. Tributes and Appreciations of his Retirement as Chairman of the Birmingham Education Committee Expressed at Meetings held on the 28th October and 8th December, 1943.
15204: BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL OF PRINTING. - The Life and Chapters of Sundry Goodly Sayings and the Teaching of Brother Giles Companion of Saint Francis. From "The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi". Illustrations by Neil Leitch MacCuaig.
14172: EARLY PRINTING. - Oude Drukken uit de Nederlanden. Boeken uit de Collectie Arenberg thans in de Verzameling Lessing J. Rosenwald.
10960: PRINTING. - Catalogue of the Collection of Items at the Printer's Devil... Illustraing the History of Printing; with Terms and Glossary.
31382: MILITARY PRINTS. - Index to British Military Costume Prints 1500-1914.
20651: MILITARY PRINTS. - Index to British Military Costume Prints 1500-1914.
28240: RICHARDS (R.) Printseller. - The following Prints, plain, or neatly painted on Glass, fit for Furniture, or Merchants for Exportation, representing the History of our Saviour, from his Birth to his Resurrection, are sold by R. Richards, Printseller, next the Cross Keys Tavern, Holborn.
39890: PRIOR (William) - A Charge, Delivered at the Ordination of the Reverend Mr. Josiah Bradshaw, Mr. Matthew Dowdell, Mr. Joseph Keech, Mr. Joseph Paull. At Bridport, in Dorset, Sept. 26th, 1738. By William Prior. Published at the desire of the ministers and people, who were present.
41230: WITHER TO PRIOR. - Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Wither to Prior, with Collations and notes.
19489: WITHER TO PRIOR. - Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of Some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Wither to Prior, with Collations and Notes.
10825: WITHER TO PRIOR. - Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of Some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Wither to Prior, with Collations and Notes.
37764: PRISONS. - Fourth Report of the Inspectors Appointed... to visit the different Prisons of Great Britain. II. Northern and Eastern District. [III. Southern and Western District.]
36749: PRISONS. - Report of the Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and for the Reformation of Juvenile Offernders.
25655: PRISONS. - A Bill (as amended by the committee) To authorize Magistrates of small Jurisdictions to contract with Justices having charge of County Gaols, for the care of Prisoners; and to prevent untried Prisoners from being compelled to work on Tread Mill.
25654: PRISONS. - A Bill (as amended by the committee) To amend an Act, passed in the last Session of Parliament, for consolidating and amending the Laws relating to the building, repairing and regulation of certain Goals, and Houses of Correction, in England and Wales.
25653: PRISONS. - A Bill (as amended by the committee) Intituled An Act consolidating and amending the Laws relating to the building, repairing and regulation of certain Goals, Bridwells, and Houses of Correction, in England and Wales.
25652: PRISONS. - A Bill for consolidating into one Act, and amending, the Laws relating to the building, repairing and regulation of Goals, Penitentiary Houses, Bridwells and Houses of Correction, within that part of the United Kingdom called England.
25651: PRISONS. - A Bill for consolidating into one Act, and amending, the Laws relating to the building, repairing and regulation of Goals, Penitentiary Houses, Bridwells and Houses of Correction, within that part of the United Kingdom called England.
25650: PRISONS. - A Bill Intituled an Act to enable Justices of the Peace to order parochial Relief to Prisoners confined under Mesne Process for Debt in such Gaols as are not County Gaols.
37938: PRITCHARD (Charles) - A Treatise on the Theory of Couples, to which is added, a simple Method of investigating the Ellipticity of the Earth considered as a Heterogeneous Spheroid.
24305: PRITZEL (G.A.) - Thesaurus Literaturae Botanicae. Omnium Gentium inde a Rerum Botanicarum Initiis ad Nostra Usque Tempora.
11963: PROCTOR (Robert) - An Index of German Books 1501-1520 in the British Museum.
33296: LORDS PROTEST. - The Lords Protest against the Bill, entitled, An Act for taking away and abolishing the Heretable Jurisdictions in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for making Satisfaction to the Proprietors thereof and for restoring such Jurisdictions to the Crown,..... and Judges there, and for rendering the Union of the Two Kingdoms more compleat. Die Jovis 21° Maij 1747.
25628: PROTHERO (G.W.) - A Memoir of Henry Bradshaw.
32362: PROUT (William) - An Inquiry into the Nature and Treatment of Diabetes, Calculus, and other Affections of the Urinary Organs: with remarks on the importance of attending to the state of the urine in organic diseases of the kidney and bladder: and some practical rules for determining the nature of the disease from the sensible and chemical properties of that secretion.
40909: RUTLAND (The Duchess of) & PRUDEN (Jane) - Belvoir Castle: A Thousand Years of Family, Art and Architecture.
38718: PRYOR (Alfred Reginald) - A Flora of Hertfordshire. With an introduction on the Geology, Climate, Botanical History, etc., of the County.
38715: PRYOR (Alfred Reginald) - A Flora of Hertfordshire. With an introduction on the Geology, Climate, Botanical History, etc., of the County.
38705: PRYOR (Alfred Reginald) - A Flora of Hertfordshire. With an introduction on the Geology, Climate, Botanical History, etc., of the County.
30650: PSALTER. - Select Psalms and Hymns for the use of the Parish-Church, and Chappels belonging to the Parish of St. James's Westminster. With proper Tunes in three Parts.
37903: PSARAS (P.) - Greek English Phrasebook, or a selection of various Phrases for Exercises. For the use of Young People.
39882: LONGHEAD (Waitwell) pseud. - A Letter from Waitwell Longhead, Esq; of Freeland Manor, in the County of Bucks, to his Friend Sir Politick Wou'd-be, President of a Weekly-Assembly of Quinuncks, near the Royal-Exchange, London. Wherein the late Circumstances of the Nation, with respect to Foreign-Affairs, are set in a true Light; and the different Sentiments of the Politicians assembled at St. James's, and those assembled in Russel-Street, Covent Garden, are fairly stated and impartially examined.
36035: FOA (Eugénie) pseud. [i.e. Eugénie Rebecca Gradis] - Les Petits Musiciens.
30525: PENDENNIS (Launcelot) pseud. [i.e. Duke John Yonge] - Cornish Carelessness; Poems, Original and Translated.
29306: THOMAS (S.) pseud. [Thomas Slack] - The Banker's Sure Guide; or, monied man's assistant. In three parts, viz. I. Tables of interest... II. Sundry tables showing the value of annuities certain, and annuities on lives... III. A large and accurate table of commission...
25842: DOYLE (Martin) pseud. [Rev. William Hickey] - Hints for the Small Farmers of Ireland.
24863: [ATKYNS (Arabella)] pseudonym. - The Family Magazine: in Two Parts. Part I. Containing Useful Directions in all the Branches of House-Keeping and Cookery. Particularly Shewing How to Buy-it the Best of all Sorts of Provisions; as Poultry-Ware, Butchers-Meat, Fish, Fruit, &c. With several Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Pickling, Confectionary, Distilling, Brewing, Cosmeticks, &c. Together with the Art of making English Wines, &c. Part II. Containing a Compendious Body of Physick; Succinctly Treating of all the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Men, Women, and Children: with Practical Rules and Directions for the Preserving and Restoring of Health, and Prolonging of Life...
16574: PUBLISHER'S CATALOGUE. - A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Books. Including a Complete List of Weale's Series with a Selection of Educational and Popular Books.
16551: PUBLISHER'S CATALOGUE. - Catalogue of Books Relating to Practical Science, Published and Sold by E. & F.N. Spon.
16552: PUBLISHER'S CATALOGUE. - Lockwood & Co.'s Trade Catalogue.
22175: PUBLISHING. - Hints and Directions for Authors in Writing, Printing and Publishing their Works.
25759: PUGIN (Augustus) - Pugin's Gothic Furniture.
37646: PUISSANT (Louis) - Traite de Géodésie, ou Exposition des Méthodes Trigonométriques et Astronomiques, Applicables a la mesure de la terre, et a la construction du canevas des cartes topographiques.
38008: PULTENEY (Richard) [RECKETT (Thomas) Editor] - Catalogue of the Birds, Shells, and some of the more Rare Plants, of Dorsetshire. By Richard Pulteney, M.D. F.R.S. Lond. & Edinb. and Fellow of the Linnean Society. With Additions; and a Brief Memoir of the Author.
39342: PURDON (H. G.) - Memoirs of the Services of the 64th Regiment (Second Staffordshire). 1758 to 1881.
20660: PURDY (Richard Little) - Thomas Hardy; A Bibliographical Study.
18088: PURDY (Richard Little) - Thomas Hardy, A Bibliographical Study.
30812: MITRE AND PURSE. - The History of the Mitre [Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester] and Purse [Simon Harcourt, Lord Chancellor], in which the First and Second Parts of the secret History of the White Staff are fully considered, and the Hypocrisy and Villainies of the STAFF [Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford] himself are laid open and Detected.
37782: PURSER (W. C. B.) - Christian Missions in Burma. Preface by The Right Rev. A. M. Knight, D.D. sometime Bishop of Rangoon.
41166: PUSEY (E. B.) - First Letter to the very Rev. J. H. Newman, D.D. In Explanation Chiefly in Regard to the Reverential Love Due to the Ever-Blessed Theotokos, and the Doctrine of Her Immaculate Conception. [Eirenicon, Pt. II.].
40775: PUTMAN (George Haven) - George Palmer Putnam, A Memoir. Together with a Record of the Earlier Years of the Publishing House Founded by Him.
39693: PYLE (Howard) - Pepper & Salt, or Seasoning for Young Folk.
38512: PYNE (Henry) - Table Showing the Value of Tithe Rent-Charges for the Year 1851.
39283: PYROTECHNICS. - A New and Comprehensive Edition of the Art of Making Fireworks with Safety and Ease, Containing Instructions for the Following: Artificial Earthquakes, Artificial Thunder, Blue Flame, Blue Candle, Balloons, Crackers, Fancy Devices, Fires, Fountains, Gerbes, Lights, Mines, Mortars, Marroons, Roman Candles, Rockets, Rains Gold and Silver, Stars, Serpents, Sparks of all Colours, Tourbillons, Catharine Wheels, Wildfires, Water Fireworks of numerous kinds. With full information relative to the properties, as well as mixing and preparing Gunpowder, Saltpetre, Charcoal, Steel and Iron Fillings, &c. &c.
37317: QUACKER. - A Collection of Testimonies Concerning several Ministers of the Gospel Amongst the People called Quakers, Deceased: With some of their last Expressions and Exhortations.
37673: QUADRANT. - Construccion y uso del Cuadrante de Reduccion.
39080: QUARITCH (Bernard) - A Catalogue of Bibles, Liturgies, Church History and Theology.
39922: QUARITCH (Bernard) - Monuments of Typography and Xylography Books of the First Half Century of the Art of Printing in the possession of Bernard Quaritch and offered for sale at the affixed prices.
35830: QUARITCH (Bernard) - Catalogue of the Monuments of the Early Printers in all Countries. I. Germany and the Low Countries. II. Italy. III. France. IV. Spain, Portugal; North and East Europe; America, and the East. V. England.
34045: QUARITCH (Bernard) - A Catalogue of English and Foreign Bookbindings Offered for Sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
29139: QUARITCH (Bernard) Editor. - Contributions Towards a Dictionary of English Book-Collectors as also of some Foreign Collectors whose Libraries were Incorporated in English Collections or whose Books are chiefly met with in England.
25123: QUARITCH (Bernard) - A Catalogue of English and Foreign Bookbindings Offered for Sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
23278: QUARITCH (Bernard) - A Catalogue of English and Foreign Bookbindings Offered for Sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
12830: QUAYLE (Eric) - The Collector's Book of Books.
32950: QUEKETT (John) - Lectures on Histology, Delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, in the Session 1850-51. Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals.
37824: INDIA QUESTION. - Letters which seem to deserve and require the most Serious Attention of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, in the present Stage of the India Question.
37589: QUIN (Theophilus) - The Biographical Exemplar: comprising Memoirs of Persons who have Risen to Eminence by Industry and Perseverance in the Beneficial Occupations of Life. Principally designed for the Incitement and Instruction of Youth.
38485: QUINN (D. B.) Editor. - The Hakluyt Handbook.
40914: RYE (Reginald Arthur) & QUINN (Muriel Sinton) - Historical and Armorial Bookbindings Exhibited in the University of London Library.
27995: RYE (Reginald Arthur) & QUINN (Muriel Sinton) - Historical and Armorial Bookbindings Exhibited in the University of London Library.
40313: RABELAIS (Francois) - Gargantua & Pantagruel. Texte transcrit et annoté par Henri Clouzot,. et illustré. par Joseph Hémard.
38745: RABENAU (Konrad) - Deutsche Bucheinbände der Renaissance um Jakob Krause, Hofbuchbinder des Kurfürsten August I. von Sachsen.
40652: RACKHAM (Bernard) - Catalogue of the Herbert Allen Collection of English Porcelain. Victoria and Albert Museum Department of Ceramics.
38555: COOKERY. RADCLIFFE (M.) - A Modern System of Domestic Cookery; or, The housekeeper's guide : arranged on the most economical plan for private families... A complete family physician, and instructions to female servants in every situation, showing the best methods of performing their various duties. The whole being the result of actual experiments / by M. Radcliffe. To which are added, as an appendix, some valuable instructions on the management of the kitchen and fruit gardens.
38418: RADCLIFFE (Ebenezer) - A Discourse Occasioned by the Glorious Victory Gained over the French, by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswic, August 1, 1759. By the Rev. Mr. Radcliffe, of Boston in Lincolnshire. To which is prefixed, a dedication to L*** G***** S********. By the editor.
18324: RADCLIFFE (John) - Bibliotheca Chethamensis: sive Bibliothecae publicae Mancuniensis ab Humfredo Chetham Armigero fundatae Catalogus exhibens libros in varias classes pro varietate argumenti distributos.
33028: RADET [(Jean Baptiste)] - La Soirée Orageuse, Comédie en un acte et en prose, mêlée d'ariettes...
40908: FOX (Sir Cyril) & RAGLAN (Lord) - Monmouthshire Houses. A study of building techniques and smaller house-plans in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries. Part 1: Medieval Houses. Part 2: Sub-Medieval Houses, c. 1550-1610. Part 3:Renaissance Houses, c. 1590-1714.
33894: RAGONOT (L.C.) - A Symbolic French and English Vocabulary, for Students of every age, in all classes:. in which the most useful and common words are taught by illustrations
39846: RAHIR (Édouard) - Catalogue d'une Collection Unique de Volumes Imprimés par Les Elzevier et Divers Typographes Hollandais du XVIIe Siécle... Précédé d'un Avant-Propos par M. Ferdinand Brunetiére... et d'une Lettre de M. Alphonse Willems.
39867: RAHIR (Edouard) - La Bibliotheque de l'Amateur. Guide Sommaire a Travers les Livres Anciens les plus Estimes et les Principaux Ouvrages Modernes.
22844: RAHIR (Édouard) - Catalogue d'une Collection Unique de Volumes Imprimés par Les Elzevier et Divers Typographes Hollandais du XVIIe Siécle... Précédé d'un Avant-Propos par M. Ferdinand Brunetiére... et d'une Lettre de M. Alphonse Willems.
16385: RAILWAYS. - Catalogue of an Exhibition of Early Railways Prints, Drawings, Books etc. For Sale by Frank T. Sabin.
30639: RAINOLDS (John) - The Summe of the Conference betweene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart: Touching the Head and Faith of the Church. Wherein by the way are handled sundrie pointes, of the sufficicience and right expounding of the Scriptures, the ministerie of the Church, the function of Priesthood, the sacrifice of the Masse, with other controuersies of religion: but chiefly and purposely the poynt of Church-gouernement,...... Penned by Iohn Rainoldes,...... persued by Iohn Hart, and (after things supplied, and altered, as he thought good) allowed for the faithfull report of that which past in conference betweene them. Whereunto is annexed a Treatise intitled, Six Conclvsions touching the Holy Scripture and the Church, Written by John Raidoldes. With a defence of such things as Thomas Stapleton and Gregoirie Martin haue carped at therein
31708: RAISTRICK (Dr. A.) - Some Yorkshire Glacial Lakes.
34496: RALFS (John) - The British Phænogamous plants & ferns; arranged on the Linnæan System, and analyzed after the Method of Lamarck, with a short Comparative Analysis of the Natural Families.
22061: RAM (Arthur) - Catalogue of Rare & Valuable Books and Illuminated and other Manuscripts...
33135: RAMA (K. S.) - The Atom Bomb and other Poems. Foreword by Prof. M. M. Desai, M.A., English Department, Benares Hindu University. Introduction by V. Subbarau,.... Principal & Head of the Department of English, Guntur.....
32383: RAMADGE (Francis H.) - The Curability of Consumption: being the reprint of a series of papers, presenting the most prominent and important practical points in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the disease.
38730: RAMSDEN (Charles) - French Bookbinders 1789-1848.
38473: RAMSDEN (Charles) - French Bookbinders 1789-1848.
38471: RAMSDEN (Charles) - London Bookbinders 1780-1840.
31685: RAMSDEN (Charles) - Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (Outside London) 1780-1840.
23676: RAMSDEN (Charles) - London Bookbinders 1780-1840.
17535: RAMSDEN (Charles) - Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (Outside London) 1780-1840.
13452: RAMSDEN (Charles) - Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (Outside London) 1780-1840.
10467: RAMSDEN (Charles) - Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (Outside London) 1780-1840.
39542: RANDALL (J. L.) - A History of the Meynell Hounds and Country 1780 to 1901.
38424: RANDALL (Joseph) - (Pursuant to the notice thrown out by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.) The Construction and Extensive use of a Newly Invented Universal Seed-Furrow Plough (from time to time expos'd to the public view of abundance of people.) Upon an easy, steady principle, suited to all soils, stiff or light, level or ridg'd; and capable of sowing all sorts of seeds, in three rows, thicker or thinner, deeper or shallower, and the furrows or rows nearer or further asunder, just as the owner pleases. Also, by the invitation of the Society, the construction of a draining plough, upon a very simple principle. Both published with a view, that the ingenious may, within the Society's limited time, see what is wanting to put the finishing hand to a seed-furrow, and also to a draining plough. With the construction and use of a potatoe-drill machine, pointing out the benefit arising from this wholesale culture, to the land, and to some the live-stock. To which is added, an essay on the theory of a common plough, in order to find, by geometrical construction, the angles which give the share exact land and earth at all depths, and which ballance the motions of the plough.
38677: RASTALL (W. Dickinson) - A History of the Antiquities of the Town and Church of Southwell, in the County of Nottingham.
41332: RAVENHILL (W. W.) - Records of the Rising in the West, A.D. 1655.
41015: RAVENSHAW (Rev. T. F.) Rector of Pewsey, Wilts. - Botany of North Devon.
32384: RAWLINS (Henry Armstrong) - On the Cause and Treatment of Phthisis.
31388: RAWLINS (Ray) - The Guinness Book of Autographs.
32573: RAWLINSON (J.) - A New Method of Brewing Malt Liquor, in Small Quantities for Domestic use.
41062: RAYER (Pierre François Olive) - Traité des maladies des reins et des altérations de la sécrétion urinaire : etudiées en elles-mêmes et dans leurs rapports avec les maladies des uretères...
32320: REA (Robert R.) - The English Press in Politics 1760-1774.
39685: READ (Charles Hercules) - The Waddesdon Bequest. Catalogue of the Works of Art bequeathed to the British Museum by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild, M.P. 1898.
28159: READ (E. Anne) - A Checklist of Books, Catalogues and Periodical Articles Relating to the Cathedral Libraries of England. Occasional Publication no. 6.
24756: READE (John) - Observations upon Tythes and Rents, Addressed to the Clergy and Impropriators of Ireland. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel. With a Supplementary Section, a Postscript upon the Road Acts, &c.
36375: ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL READERS. - Royal Geographical Readers. First Book [No. 2 England and Wales].
18787: RÉAU (Louis) - Historie de la Peinture au Moyen-Age. La Miniature.
33072: JACOBITE REBELLION. - A few Passages, shewing the Sentiments of the Prince of Hesse, and General Hawley, with Relation to the Conduct, Measures and Behaviour of several Persons, both Civil and Ecclesiastick, in the City of Edinburgh, since the Commencement of the present Civil War and Rebellion.
32819: NOTTINGHAM RECORDS. - Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Being a Series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Nottingham. [1155-1835].
9325: BOOK AUCTION RECORDS. - Eighth General Index to Book-Auction Records for the Years 1963-68 (Volumes LXI-LXV).
34083: Hack (Bertold) Wendt (Bernhard) & Kleiss (Marietta) Redaktion. - Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens. Band XVI. Herausgegeben von der Historischen Kommission des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. Redaktion von Bertold Hack, Bernhard Wendt u. Marietta Kleiss.
33947: REDDIE (James) - Vis Intertiæ Victa, or Fallacies affecting Science: An Essay towards increasing our Knowledge of some Physical Laws, and a Review of certain Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.
34804: REDDING (Cyrus) - French Wines and Vineyards; and the Way to Find Them.
19318: REDOUTÉ. - Pierre-Joseph Redouté's Les Liliacées. The Empress Josephine's Copy with the Original Drawings and the Text on Vellum.
39486: REED (John Curtis) - Humphrey Moseley, Publisher.
33210: REED (William) - Improved Tables of Gain and Discount: shewing real profits from 2 % to 50 % on the prime cost of goods, at any price, from one penny to £2000, after allowing discounts from 2 to 50 percent : also, tables for taking off the discount, to prove the accuracy of the former by shewing the net gain : with commission, brokerage, and English money changed into Irish, without the loss of the fractional part of the half-farthing.
41153: REED (R.) - Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers.
10475: REED (Eliot) - Catalogue of the Collection of Valuable Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, the Property of...
31959: REES (Gareth) - Early Railway Prints. A Social History of the Railways from 1825 to 1850.
40714: REFLECTIONS. - Impartial Reflections upon the Present State of Affairs. with incidental remarks upon certain transactions : in a letter to a friend.
35570: REGEMORTER (Berthe van) - Some Oriental Bindings in the Chester Beatty Library.
27983: REGEMORTER (Berthe van) - Some Oriental Bindings in the Chester Beatty Library.
27803: REGEMORTER (Berthe van) - Some Oriental Bindings in the Chester Beatty Library.
38978: BUTLER (Captain E. A.) H. M.'S 83rd Regiment. - A Catalogue of the Birds of Sind, Cutch, Káthiáwár, North Gujarát, and Mount Aboo, including species known to occur in that Tract of Country up to date, with references showing where each Species is described,* and Locality Marking its Distribution so far as is known at present in the Tract of Country to which the Catalogue refers..... Contributed to the Bombay Gazetteer.
39326: LEICESTERSHIRE REGIMENT. - Standing Orders of the First Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment.
39343: ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT. - History of the 53rd, or 2nd Warwickshire Regiment of Militia now the 6th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
40454: STRATHSPEY REGIMENT. - Sir, His Majesty having been pleased to appoint me Colonel of a Corps of Fencibles, to be raised in Inverness, and the neighbouring counties, for the protection of North Britain,......
35186: REICHLING (Dietericus) [HAIN & COPINGER] - Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
35185: REICHLING (Dietericus) [HAIN & COPINGER] - Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
31625: HAIN (Ludwig) COPINGER (W. A.) & REICHLING (Dietericus) - Repertorium Bibliographicum, in que Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographical Inventa Usque ad Annum MD, Typis Expressis Ordine Alphabetico vel Simpliciter Enumerantur vel Adcuratius Recensentur... [Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicum...]
25948: REICHLING (Dietericus) - Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
25783: REICHLING (Dietericus) - Appendices ad Hainii Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
22194: HAIN-COPINGER-BURGER-REICHLING. - HAIN (L.F.T.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, in que Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographical Inventa Usque ad Annum MD, Typis Expressis Ordine Alphabetico vel Simpliciter Enumerantur vel Adcuratius Recensentur. New York. 2001. 4 Vols., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] COPINGER (W.A.) Supplement to Hain... and Index by Konrad Burger. New York. 2002. 3 Vols., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] REICHLING (Dietericus) Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
37957: REID (Sir Hugh Gilzean) - Old Oscar, the Faithful Dog. Illustrated after original sketches by Landseer, Wilkie, and Weir, in the possession of the author.
34152: WAGSTAFFE (W. W.) & REID (Robert W.) - Anatomical Variations. (II.) [& III.].
34754: REIDE (Thomas) - A Treatise on the Duty of Infantry Officers and the Present System of Military Discipline. With an Appendix.
34255: REIFF (Carl Phillip) - Little Manual of the Russian Language a Work in which the Russian words are represented with their pronunciation figured in English characters and their accentuation.
31788: REILLY (Catherine W.) - Late Victorian Poetry 1880-1899. An Annotated Biobibliography.
37244: REINHARDT (Joseph) - A Collection of Swiss Costumes, in Miniature, Designed by Reinhardt. Each Plate Represents a View taken on the Spot; To which is added a Description in French and English - Collection de Costumes Suisses, d'Après les Dessins de Reinhardt.
32901: REITH (Archibald) - On the Therapeutical Action of Medicines in Dilated Conditions of the Blood Vessels. [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Medical Journal for February 1868.]
34999: RELHAN (Richard) - Flora Cantabrigiensis, Exhibens Plantas Agro Cantabrigiensi Indigenas. Secundum Systema Sexuale Digestas, Cum Characteribus Genericis, Diagnosi Secierum...
33761: CANDID REMARKS. - Candid Remarks on some particular Passages in the Fifth Edition of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Volume of Sermons, Printed in the Year 1750. In a Letter to a Gentleman.
39042: NAVAL REMEMBRANCER. - The Naval Remembrancer, containing an account of every Sea Engagement of Note. Fought between England and other Powers, from the Year 893 up to Conclusion of the Late War.
27390: RENDU (Victor) - Manuel d'Agriculture, a l'uage des cultivateurs et des Écoles primaires Du Nord de la France.
32357: RENNHOFER (Friedrich) - Bücherkunde des Katholischen Lebens. Bibliografisches Lexicon der religiösen Literatur der Gegenwart.
40119: RENOUARD (Ph.) - Bibliographie des Éditions de Simon de Colines 1520-1546.
37298: ALDINE PRESS. RENOUARD (Antoine-Augustin) - Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de Leurs Editions.
33109: RENOUARD (Ph.) - Bibliographie des Éditions de Simon de Colines 1520-1546.
31700: RENOUARD (Philippe) - Imprimeurs and Libraires Parisiens du XVIe Siècle.
40330: RENOUARD (Ph.) - Bibliographie des Impressions et des Oeuvres de Josse Badius Ascensius Imprimeur et Humaniste 1462-1535.
23648: RENOUARD (Ph.) - Bibliographie des Éditions de Simon de Colines 1520-1546.
36509: RENSHAW (Walter Charles) - Searches into the History of the Family of Byne or Bine of Sussex.
36469: RENSHAW (Walter Charles) - Searches into the History of the Family of Blaker of Sussex.
36470: RENSHAW (Walter Charles) - Collections Relating to some Renshaws Particularly of Cheshire.
36467: RENSHAW (Walter Charles) - Notes Relating to some Shaws of Cheshire.
36468: RENSHAW (Walter Charles) - Searches into the History of the Family of Blaker of Sussex.
37919: CORN RENTS. - Considerations addressed to the Clergy and Laity, shewing the advantages of Leases on Corn Rents, as Compositions for Tythes, and other preferableness to a commutation of Tythes for Land or Money Payments.
35687: REPORT. - The Ninth Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Examine, Take, and State, the Public Accounts of the Kingdom.
40149: REPTON (Humphry) - Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. Including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture.
40716: PATRIOT IN RETIREMENT. - A Letter from a Patriot in Retirement, to the Right Honourable Mr. William Pitt, upon the resigning of his employment.
19643: REUCK (Joseph De) - Bibliotheca Erasmiana Bruxellensis. Catalogue des Oeuvres d'Érasme Éditées au XVIe Siècle et Appartenant à la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier. Edite par Georges Colin et Rene Hoven.
40474: INLAND REVENUE. - A Revenue Letter-Book being Correspondence from 2nd January, 1689/90 to 15th December, 1692, of their Mahesties' Agents for Bringing in of Taxes.
38972: IMPARTIAL REVIEW. - An Impartial Review of Two Pamphlets lately published, one intituled, An Apology for a late Resignation: the other, The Resignation Disscussed, &c. In which Intention of both Authors are clearly exposed, and the real Importance of that memorable Event, inrespect to the present System at Home and Abroad, is truly stated.
33297: IMPARTIAL REVIEW (An) - of Two Pamphlets lately published, one intituled, An Apology for a late Resignation [attributed by Horace Walpole to the Earls of Chesterfield and Marchmont]: the other, The Resignation discussed, &c. In which the real Intention of both Authors are clearly exposed, and the real Importance of that memorable Event, in respect to the present System at Home and Abroad, is truly stated.
40473: REYNER (Edward) - Rules for the Government of the Tongue: together with directions in six particular cases... added as a supplement to the rules for governing the thoughts, the affections in The precepts for Christian practice, or, The rule of the new creature, new molded.
40852: REYNOLDS (T[homas]) - Reynolds's Catalogue for 1804, of a Fine and Useful Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, in all Languages and Sciences, many of them in Superb and Elegant Bindings, Which are now selling (remarkably cheap) for ready Money, By T. Reynolds, Bookseller, No. 137, Oxford-Street...
40082: PANORAMIC MAP OF THE RHINE. - Panoramic Map of the Rhine, from Cologne to Mayence. Engraved to accompany Tomblesons Views.
28283: RHODES (Dennis E.) Editor. - Bookbindings and other Bibliophily. Essays in Honour of Anthony Hobson.
10481: RHODES (D.E.) - La Stampa a Firenze 1471-1550. Omaggio a Roberto Ridolfi.
31930: RICCARDI (Pietro) - Saggio di una Bibliografia Euclidea.
38699: DE RICCI (Seymour) - A Census of Caxtons.
38232: DE RICCI (Seymour) - Catalogue d'une Collection Unique Editions Originales de Ronsard par Seymour De Ricci. [With:] Supplement...
37260: DE RICCI (Seymour) - Catalogue d'une Collection Unique Editions Originales de Ronsard par Seymour De Ricci. [With:] Supplement...
29191: DE RICCI (Seymour) - English Collectors of Books & Manuscripts (1530-1930) and Their Marks of Ownership.
26634: RICCI (Elisa) - Antiche Trine Italiane. Raccolte e Ordinate da Elisa Ricci. Trine ad Ago [Trine a Fuselli].
20684: DE RICCI (Seymour) - A Census of Caxtons.
26694: RICH (Charles H.) - Specimens of the Art of Ornamental Turning, in Eccentric and Concentric Patterns; Intended Chiefly for the use of Beginners.
40846: RICHARDSON (C. J.) - Picturesque Designs for Mansions, Villas, Lodges, &c. &c. With Decorations, Internal and External, Suitable to each Style.
38085: RICHARDSON (William) - An Essay on Agriculture; containing an introduction, in which the science of agriculture is pointed out, by a careful attention to the works of nature; also, the means of rendering barren soils luxuriantly productive, at a very moderate expense, and of beneficially employing the industrious and un-occupied poor. To which is added, A memoir, drawn up, at the express desire of His Imperial Highness the Arch-Duke John of Austria, on the nature and nutritive qualities of fiorin grass, with practical remarks on its abundant properties, and the best mode of cultivating that extraordinary vegetable.
40948: RICHARDSON (Patricia) - Felix Calvert & Company; A Capital Brewing Family.
26687: RICHARDSON (S.T.) - Some Episodes in the Zetland Hunt Point-to-Point Steeple Chase.
39575: RICHARDSON (H. D.) - Facts Concerning the Natural History, &c. of the Gigantic Irish Deer, (Cervus Giganteus Hibernicus).
32763: RICHOU (Gabriel) - Inventaire de la Collection de Ouvrages et Documents Reunis Par J. -F. Payen Et J. -B. Bastide Sur Michel De Montagne.
40346: RICHTER (Louise M.) - Chantilly in History and Art.
24538: FACSIMILE. RICRAFT (Josiah) - A Survey of Englands Champions and Truths Faithfull Patriots... 1647.
14896: RIDOLFI (Roberto) - Composizione Pappresentazione e Prima Edizione della "Mandragola".
19976: DU RIETZ (Rolf) - Bibliotheca Polynesiana. A Catalogue of some of the Books in the Polynesiana Collection formed by the late Bjarne Kroepelien and now in the Oslo University Library.
39229: RIGAUD (Stephen Peter) - A Defence of Halley against the Charge of Religious Infidelity.
32143: RILING (Ray) - Guns and Shooting: A Selected Chronological Bibliography. Including Works in Various Languages on Artillery, Bombs, Fireworks and Rockets...
31670: RIMBAULT (Edward F.) - Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. A Bibliographical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works Published in England During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, Etc., Etc.
37739: HOWSON (J. S.) & RIMMER (Alfred) - Chester as it was.
38359: PERAMBULATION OF THE MANOR OF RINGWOOD. - The Boundaries of the Manor of Ringwood, in the County of Southampton, the property of John Morant Esq., will be perambulated, on Thursday the 23rd. day of October 1828. The Perambulation will commence at 9 o'clock in the forenoon at Streaming Bridge, and will proceed from thence southward; and the Lords of the adjoining Manors, and all other Persons concerned, are requested to attend, by themselves, or their Agents.
40066: NOTTINGHAM RIOTS. - An Account of the Riots in Nottingham and its Neighbourhood, on October 9, 10, and 11, 1831. From the Nottingham Review, of Oct. 14, 1831.
40218: RITCHIE (Charles) - Clinical Contributions to the Investigation and Treatment of General Disease: Being Extension of an Introductory Lecture.
34535: RIVIERE (Robert) - Examples of Modern Bookbindings. Designed and Executed by Robt. Rivière & Son.
40496: RIVIÈRE (Robert) - Examples of Modern Bookbindings. Designed and Executed by Robt. Rivière & Son.
39810: LINCOLNSHIRE ROADS. - An Act for repairing and amending the Roads from Donington High Bridge to Hale Drove, and to the eighth Mile-Stone in the Parish of Wigtoft, and to Langret Ferry in the County of Lincoln. [Royal Assent, April 3, 1822.]
18890: ROBB (David M.) - The Art of the Illuminated Manuscript.
36951: ROBBERDS (John Warden) - Geological and Historical Observations on the Eastern Vallies of Norfolk.
40177: ROBERTS (Charles) - An English-Zulu Dictionary; with the principles of Pronunciation and Classification fully explained.
35642: NOVEL. ROBERTS (Mrs [Margaret]) - Duty, A Novel, by the late Mrs Roberts. Author of "Rose and Emily:" Interspersed with Poetry and Preceded by a Character of the Author by Mrs. Opie.
31454: ROBERTS (Warren) - A Bibliography of D. H. Lawrence.
25345: JAMES (E. Wyn) & ROBERTS (Brynley F.) - Gomer, John Evans, A Swp o Ffigys, Daniel Evans. [Off-print from 'The National Library of Wales Journal', Vol. XXV, No. 3, Summer 1988].
20105: ROBERTS (Warren) - A Bibliography of D.H. Lawrence.
12798: ROBERTS (S.C.) - The Evolution of Cambridge Publishing.
34164: ROBERTSON (John Argyll) - A Probationary Essay on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye. Submitted,... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,...
31150: ROBERTSON (William) - A Practical Treatise on the Human Teeth: showing the Causes of their Destruction, and the Means of their Preservation.
31110: ROBERTSON (William) - An Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the Discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix, containing Observations on the Civil Policy - The Laws and Judicial Proceedings - the Arts - the Sciences - and Religious Institutions, of the Indians.
30723: ROBERTSON (Alexander) - The Philosophy of the Unconditioned.
41322: ROBERTSON (The Rev. John) - Lay-Preaching Indefensible on Scripture Principles; being remarks on the sacred history of the Apostles, With a view to ascertain what Principles of Church Government are therein Contained; and, who have a Right to Preach the Gospel. By The Rev. John Robertson, Assistant-Minister, Cambuslang.
39272: ROBINSON (William H.) - Rare Books and Manuscripts Offered for Sale by... Catalogue No. 83.
38782: ARBER (Edward) Editor. ROBINSON (Clement) - Clement Robinson and Divers Others: A Handful of Pleasant Delights Containing Sundry New Sonnets and Delectable Histories in Divers Kinds of Metre Etc. 1584. The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works No. 3.
38342: ROBINSON (John) - Letter to Sir John Sinclair, Bart. from John Robinson, Esq. Surveyer-General of Woods and Forests.
37850: ROBINSON (C. E.) - A Royal Warren or Picturesque Rambles in the Isle of Purbeck.
39792: ROBINSON (Thomas) - Anatomie of the English Nunnery at Lisbon in Portugall. Dissected and laid open by one that was sometime a yonger brother of the conuent: who (if the grace of God had not preuented him) might haue growne as old in a wicked life as the oldest among them. Published by authoritie.
32179: ROBINSON (Tom) - The Power of the Will. A Lecture given at the Working Men and Women's College, Queen's Square, London, W.C.
41364: ROBINSON (Lionel) - The Collection of the late Lionel Robinson.
41287: ROBINSON (William H.) - Catalogue of Extremely Rare and Important Printed Books and Ancient Manuscripts. Offered for Sale by William H. Robinson Ltd. Catalogue 77.
31213: ARNOTT (James F.) & ROBINSON (John W.) - English Theatrical Literature 1559-1900: A Bibliography. Incorporating Robert W. Lowe's "A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature" published in 1888.
30223: ROBINSON (John Martin) - A Guide to the Country Houses of the North West.
40896: ROBINSON (Rev. Charles J.) - A History of the Mansions and Manors of Herefordshire.
26886: ROBINSON (William) - The first chapter of the Bible, and the last chapter of astronomical science, viewed in conjunction. A discourse, delivered at Cambridge, July 6, 1856.
21448: BOOKPLATES. ROBINSON (W.W.) - Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris)...
37518: ROBY (J.) - Sir Bertram, A Poem, in Six Cantos.
27267: MELZI (Gaetano) PASSANO (G.B.) & ROCCO (R.) - Dizionario di Opere Anonime e Aseudonime di Scrittori Italiani o come che sia aventi Relazione all'Italia. [With:] Supplemento.
34775: ROCHAMBEAU (Le Comte de) - Bibliographie des Oeuvres de la Fontaine.
35905: NÉE DE LA ROCHELLE (Jean-François) - Éloge Historique de Jean Gensfleisch dit Guttenberg, Oremier Inventeur de l'Art Typographique.
37723: RODGERS (Joseph) - The Scenery of Sherwood Forest.
37640: RODGERS (Joseph) - The Scenery of Sherwood Forest, with an Account of Some Eminent People once resident there.
10496: ROGERS (Bruce) - Bruce Rogers: Designer of Books by Frederic Warde & Bruce Rogers: A Bibliography. Hitherto Unrecored Work 1889-1925, Complete Works 1925-1936 by Irvin Haas.
26392: ROHDE (Eleanour Sinclair) - The Old English Gardening Books.
28106: ROXBURGHE CLUB. ROLAND. - La Chanson de Roland. Reproduction Phototypique du Manuscrit Digby 23 de la Bodleian Library d'Oxford. Éditée avec un Avant-Propos par le Comte Alexandre de Laborde, Membre de l'Institut. Étude Paléographique de M. Ch. Samaran, Directeur à l'École des Hautes Études.
9931: HUESO ROLLAND (Francisco) - Exposición de Encuadernaciones Españolas Siglos XII al XIX.
32933: ROMAN VILLA, NEWARK. - An Appeal for Funds to Continue the Excavation of a Roman Villa on Potter Hill near Newark, Notts.
13050: ROME. - Bibliografia dell' Impero Fascista (Colonie e Possedimenti). Opere Possedute dalla Biblioteca della Camera Fascista al Secondo Annuale dell'Impero.
17626: RONALDS (Sir Francis) - Catalogue of Books and Papers Relating to Electricity, Magnetism, the Electric Telegraph &c. Including the Ronalds Library.
37083: ROOKE (Octavius) - The Channel Islands: Pictorial, Legendary, and Descriptive.
30888: ROOKE (Hayman) - Description of an Ancient Medallion, in the Possession of H. Rooke, Esq.
38267: BERGHEM (Nicolaes Pieterszoon) & ROOS (Johann Heinrich) - Etchings of Goats, Cattle, and Landscapes, after Berghem and Roos.
14106: ROOSES (Max) - Musée Plantin-Moretvs a Anvers. Notice Historique par Max Rooses. Phototypies par Jos. Maes.
40780: ROSAMOND (Aunt) - Aunt Rosamond's Story; or, the Gipsy Thief: Addressed to her little God-daughter. By the Author of "Aunt Rosamond's Enigmas."
39797: ROSCOE (S.) - Thomas Bewick. A Bibliography Raisonné of Editions of the "General History of Quadrupeds", "The History of Quadrupeds", "The History of British Birds" and the "Fables of Aesop" Issued in his Lifetime.
31319: ROSCOE (S.) - John Newbery and his Successors 1740-1814. A Bibliography.
22603: ROSCOE (S.) - Thomas Bewick. A Bibliography Raisonné of Editions of the "General History of Quadrupeds", "The History of Quadrupeds", "The History of British Birds" and the "Fables of Aesop" Issued in his Lifetime.
33969: ROSE (Geo. W.) - Vulcanite in Dentistry.
40323: NOBLE (T.) & ROSE (T.) - The Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, and Rutland, Illustrated. From original drawings by Thomas Allom.
30715: ROSE (George) - A Brief Examination into the Increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures, of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799.
26888: ROSE (C.B.) - On Two Beds of Re-deposited Crag Shells in the Vicinity of Yarmouth, Norfolk. On the Cretaceous Group in Norfolk. From the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, No. 8, 1862.
39194: ROSE (George) - A Brief Examination into the Increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures, of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799.
36210: ROSEBERY (Rt. Honble. the Earl of) - Catalogue of the Well-Known and Very Valuable Library Formed at the Durdans, Epsom...
24158: ROSENBAUM (Esther) - Catalogue of Single Leaves and Miniatures from Western Illuminated Manuscripts...
10508: ROSENKILDE (Volmer) - - et halvthundrede år mellem boger. En hilsen til Volmer Rosenkilde på 70-års dagen 15. maj 1978. Af Poul Carit Andersen med en bibliografi udarbejdet af Heinz Pummer.
26398: ROSENTHAL (Jacques) - Handschriften und Fruhdrucke in Deutscher Spache. Katalog 91.
41385: MINERVA PRESS NOVEL. ROSS (Mrs.) - The Balance of Comport; or the Old Maid and Married Woman.
37075: ROSS (John) - A Voyage of Discovery, made under the Orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage.
31867: ROSSETTI (William Michael) - Bibliography of the Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
25081: ROSSI (Giovanni Bernardo de) - Sinopsi della Ermeneutica Sacra o dell' arte di ben interpretare la Sacra Scrittura.
25083: ROSSI (Giovanni Bernardo de) - De Praecipuis Caussis: et momentis neglectae a nonnullis hebraicarum litterarum disciplinae. Disquisitio elenchtica.
18833: ROTA, BERTRAM LTD. - The Printer and the Artist. A Catalogue of Private Press Books & Illustrated Books from the United Kingdom, Europe & America. Catalogue 192.
15480: ROTENBERG (Marisa) - Catalogus Librorum Musaei Goeldiani I. Cimelia. Catalogo Descritivo das Obras Raras, Seculos XVI, XVII e XVIII.
33895: RIVER ROTHER. - A Description of the Ancient Vessel recently found under an old branch of the River Rother, in Kent; with various conjectures respecting her Antiquity: accompanied by a Lithographical Sketch of the Vessel, and the articles found in her.
38593: ROTHSCHILD (Lord) - The Rothschild Library. A Catalogue of the Collection of Eighteenth-Century Printed Books and Manuscripts Formed by Lord Rothschild.
38014: ROTHSCHILD (Lord) - The Rothschild Library. A Catalogue of the Collection of Eighteenth-Century Printed Books and Manuscripts Formed by Lord Rothschild.
40614: ROTHSCHILD (Victor) - Catalogue of the Magnificent Contents of 148 Piccadilly, W.1. Sold by order of Victor Rothschild, Esq. Comprising the superb Dutch and Flemish cabinet paintings, the valuable French XVIII century furniture, the fine carvings, crystal, glass, porcelain, cloisonné, tapestries, chandeliers, and works of art... which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.... on Monday the 19th of April 1937, and three following days.
37479: ROTHSCHILD (Victor) - Catalogue of the Magnificent Contents of 148 Piccadilly, W.1. Sold by order of Victor Rothschild, Esq. Comprising the superb Dutch and Flemish cabinet paintings, the valuable French XVIII century furniture, the fine carvings, crystal, glass, porcelain, cloisonné, tapestries, chandeliers, and works of art... which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.... on Monday the 19th of April 1937, and three following days.
33847: ROTTENSTEIN (J.B.) - Considérations sur le Développement et la Conservation des Dents et quelques mots a propos de leaurs Maladies et de leur Prothèse.
21987: RÖTTINGER (Dr. Heinrich) - Das alte Buch und seine Ausstattung vom XV. bis zum XIX. Jahrhundert. Buchdruck, Buchschmuck und Einbände.
23961: ROUARD (E[tienne]) - Catalogue des Livres, Manuscrits et Imprimes, Anciens et Modernes, Composant la Collection de feu M. E. Rouard.
34106: ROUTLEDGE (F. J.) Editor. - Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers Preserved in the Bodleian Library. Vol. V: 1660-1726. With index to volumes IV and V.
39795: ROWLANDS (Samuel) - The Bridge by Samuel Rowlands. Reprinted for the first time from a copy of the original edition of 1617 in the library of Harvard College.
37749: ROWS (John) - This rol was laburd & finished by Master John Rows, of Warrewyk. [A pictorial History of the Earls of Warwick, from a roll headed as above; edited with an Introduction by W. Courthope].
39902: ROWSELL (Mary C.) - The Life-Story of Charlotte de la Trémoille Countess of Derby.
40921: ROXBURGHE (Duke of) - The Prices of the Roxburghe Library.
41369: ROXBURGHE (Duke of) - The Prices of the Roxburghe Library.
32389: ROY (Charles Smart) - Report on the Pathological History of Epizootic Pleuropneumonia.
38704: SABBE (Maurits) & RUDIN (Marius) - Die Civilité-Schriften des Robert Granjon in Lyon und die Flämischen Drucker des 16. Jahrhunderts.
39669: SABBE (Maurits) & RUDIN (Marius) - Die Civilité-Schriften des Robert Granjon in Lyon und die Flämischen Drucker des 16. Jahrhunderts.
33956: RUETHER (Gerhard) - Die Lokale Anaesthesie. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde bei der medizinischen Fakultät zu Bonn eingericht und mit Thesen am 14. August 1868 vertheidigt von Gerhard Ruether. Namen der Opponenten: Heinr. Damman, Dr. med. Wilh. Mayweg, Dr. med. Albr. Erlenmeyer, stud. med.
32721: RUGGLES (Thomas) - The History of the Poor; Their Rights, Duties, and the Laws Respecting them. In a Series of Letters.
39130: RUMP. - Rump: or an Exact Collection of the Choycest Poems and Songs Relating to the Late Times. London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1662.
35518: RUSINOL (Santiago) - Majorca: The Island of Calm.
18975: RUSKIN (John) - John Ruskin, the Collector. With a Catalogue of the Illuminated and other Manuscripts Formerly in his Collection. Extracted from 'The Library'.
32044: RUSPINI (Bartholomew) Editor. - A Concise Relation of the Effects of an Extraordinary Styptic, lately discovered in a Series of Letters, from several Gentlemen of the Faculty and from the Patients, to Barth. Ruspini, Surgeon-Dentist to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
39734: RUSSELL (William) - The Speech of the Late Lord Russel, to the Sheriffs: Together with the Paper deliver'd by him to them, at the Place of Execution, on July 21. 1683.
34327: RUSSELL (James) - A Probationary Essay on Emphysema; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
33983: RUSSELL (William) - A Case of Acute Ferid Empyema Treated Successfully. [Reprinted from "Glasgow Medical Journal" for September, 1883.]
40697: RUSSELL (Rev. Arthur T.) - Memorials of the Life and Works of Thomas Fuller D.D.
32361: RUSSELL (James) - Observations on the Testicles.
32339: GIMSON (Basil L.) & RUSSELL (Percy) - Leicestershire Maps: A Brief Survey.
32128: RUSSELL (K. F.) - British Anatomy 1525-1800: A Bibliography.
31800: RUSSELL (Norma) - A Bibliography of William Cowper to 1837.
40304: RUSSELL (John) - Elements of Painting with Crayons.
31355: RUSSELL (James) - Trephining for the Relief of Epileptiform Attacks, Occurring after Injury to the Head.
41147: RUSSELL (Lady, Constance) - Swallowfield and its Owners.
41289: RUSSELL (John) - Elements of Painting with Crayons.
16859: RUSSELL (Ronald) - Guide to British Topographical Prints.
10627: RUSSO (Dorothy Ritter) - A Bibliography of George Ade 1866-1944.
34806: FEVER. RUSTON (Thomas) - Dissertatio medica, de febribus biliosis putridis. Quam,... pro gradu doctoratus,... eruditorum examini subjicit, Thomas Ruston,...
32804: PITT (William); Charles Duke of Rutland - Correspondence between the Right Honble. William Pitt and Charles Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1781-1787. With Introductory Note by John Duke of Rutland.
37881: RUTTER (Joseph Gatt) - Illustrated Guide to Malta and Gozo. With a Short History of the Maltese Islands.
38483: WILKINSON (John) HILL (Joyce) & RYAN (W. F.) - Jerusalem Pilgrimage 1099-1185.
34139: RYMER (James) - Cholera Morbus; its first symptoms clearly pointed out, and its dangerous effects fully prevented... together with Dr. Sydenham's account of the cholera morbus, which raged in England, in the year 1669.
37982: SA'DI. [PLATTS (John T.) Translator] - The Gulistan; or, Rose Garden of Shaikh Muslihu'din Sa'di of Shiraz, translated from a revised text, with Copious Notes, and a Life of the Poet. By John T. Platts, late one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Public Instruction in the central Provinces of India.
12583: SABIN (Joseph) - A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, from its Discovery to the Present Time.
39811: SACHEVERELL (Dr. Henry) - The Names of the Right Honourable Peers, who protested against some Proceedings in the case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. Together with their Lordships reasons for such their protestation.
39728: SACHEVERELL (Henry) - The Speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. upon his Impeachment at the Bar of the House of Lords, in Westminster-Hall, March 7. 1709/10.
39700: SACKVILLE (George Germain, Viscount) - The Proceedings of a General Court-Martial Held at Horse-Guards [Bound with:] The Trial of the Right Honourable Lord George Sackville.
38379: SADLEIR (Michael) - Archdeacon Francis Wrangham 1769-1842.
24904: IRISH EDUCATION. SADLEIR (Franc) - National Schools of Ireland Defended, in a Letter to the Reverend Doctor Thorpe, Minister of Belgrave Chapel.
32208: STEWART (James D.) HAMMOND (Muriel E.) & SAENGER (Erwin) - British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. A Record of the Periodicals of the World, from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day, in British Libraries.
40106: LE SAGE (Alain-René) - The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated from the French of Lesage by Benjamin Heath Malkin.
37593: LE SAGE (Alain-René) - Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane par Le Sage. Vignettes par Jean Gigoux.
35816: SAIHGAL (Mool Chand) - Saihgal's Hindustani Grammar for the use of Officers, non-commissioned Officers and Men...... Specially adapted for Instruction in Military Schools and Colleges.
32075: SAINTSBURY (George) - A History of the French Novel (to the close of the 18th century).
38494: SALA (George Augustus) - Under the Sun: Essays Mainly written in Hot Countries.
39663: SALA (George Augustus) - America Revisited: From the bay of New York to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Lake Michigan to the Pacific.
36393: SALE (Roddy) Editor. - Lord Curzon Speeches in India. A Selection from his Speeches as Viceroy & Governor-General of India 1898-1905.
33636: SALE (William Merritt) - Samuel Richardson. A Bibliographical Record of his Literary Career with Historical Notes.
31209: SALE (William Merritt) - Samuel Richardson. A Bibliographical Record of his Literary Career with Historical Notes.
22430: SALE (William Merritt) - Samuel Richardson. A Bibliographical Record of his Literary Career with Historical Notes.
34071: HUNGARY. SOLTESZ (E.) VELENCZEI (C.) & SALGO (A. W.) - Catalogus librorum sedecimo saeculo impressorum, qui in Bibliotheca Nationali Hungariae Széchényiana asservantureditiones non Hungarice et extra Hungariam impressae / Az Országos Széchényi Konyvtár 16. századi nyomtatványainak katalógusa : nem magyar nyelvu, kulfoldi kiadvanyok.
38706: SALISBURY (Edward James) - The Oak-Hornbeam Woods of Hertfordshire. Parts I [-IV].
35000: SALISBURY (Prof. E. J.) - The East Anglican Flora (President's Address).
37616: SALLUSTIO (Gaio Crispo) - Caii Sallustii Crispi quae Exstant Opera.
37907: SALT (Jonathan) - List of Plants, Collected Chiefly in the Neighbourhood of Sheffield by Jonathan Salt, and now in the Sheffield Public Museum.
40455: SALVÁ (Vincent) - A Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books, with Occasional Literary and Bibliographical Remarks, by Vincent Salvá. Spanish and Classical Library, 124 Regent Street. [With:] Part II.
22754: SALZMANN (The Rev. C[hristian] G[otthilf]) - Elements of Morality, for the use of Children; with an Introductory Address to Parents. Translated from the German of The Rev C.G. Salzmann.
23849: SÁNCHEZ (Juan M.) - Bibliografia Aragonesa del Siglo XVI.
31590: SAND (George) - George Sand et Son Temps. Bibliothèque de M. René Joly.
17527: SANDER (Max) - Le Livre à Figures Italien depuis 1467 jusqu'a 1530. Essai de sa Bibliographie et de son Histoire. [With:] RAVA (Carlo Enrico) Supplement...
31434: SANDERS (Gerald DeWitt) - Elizabeth Gaskell. With a Bibliography by Clark S. Northup.
26887: SANDERSON (James) - The Resources of Reclaimable Land.
33207: SANDGREN (August) - Bogbinderen August Sandgren.
33280: JEWISH SANHEDRIM. - A Dissertation on the Conduct of the Jewish Sanhedrim, and the advice offered by Gamaliel, in the famous trial of the Apostles, Acts v. 17. - 41. Considered as an argument for the truth of Christianity.
37743: SARRE (Friedrich) - Islamic Bookbindings. [Translated from the German by F.D. O'Byrne].
32140: WESTWOOD (T.) & SATCHELL (T.) - Bibliotheca Piscatoria. A Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries and Fish-Culture, with Bibliographical Notes and an Appendix of Citations Touching on Angling and Fishing from Old English Authors. [With:] The Supplement... by R.B. Marston.
24408: WESTWOOD (T.) & SATCHELL (T.) - Bibliotheca Piscatoria. A Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries and Fish-Culture, with Bibliographical Notes and an Appendix of Citations Touching on Angling and Fishing from Old English Authors.
33082: SATIRE. - A Letter from the Right Reverend G—l B—rt. Late Lord Bishop of S—m, to the Right Reverend B–nj–m–n, L—d B—p of B–ng–r.
31951: SAUER (Gordon C.) - John Gould the Bird Man: A Chronology and Bibliography.
39982: SAUSSURE (Horace-Bénédict de) - Voyages dans les Alpes, précédés d'un essai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Genève.
40450: SAUVAGEOT (Charles) - Catalogue des Livres Manuscrits et Imprimés Compant la Bibliothéque de M. Charles Sauvageot. Avec une notice biographique par M. Le Roux de Lincy.
38683: SAVAGE (James) - The Librarian; [Being an Account of Scarce, Valuable and Useful English Books, Manuscripts, Libraries, Public Records, &c.].
33890: SAVERY (William) - Some Remarks on the Practice of taking down and Publishing the Testimonies of Ministering Friends : addressed to the Members of the religious Society of Friends.
23259: SCHÄFER (Otto) - Katalog der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer Schweinfurt. Edited by Manfred von Arnim. 1 Drucke, Manuskripte und Einbände des 15. Jahrhunderts.
12615: SCHÄFER (Otto) - Festschrift Otto Schäfer. Zum 75. Geburtstag am 29. Juni 1987.
39202: SCHANZER (Ernest) - Shakespeare's Appian. A selection from the Tudor translation of Appian's Civil wars.
39468: SCHEFFER (Johannes) - Histoire de la Laponie, sa description, l'origine, les moeurs, la manière de vivre de ses habitants, leur religion, leur magie, & les choses rares du païs. Traduites du Latin.
27955: DERKSEN (Dr. Walter) & SCHEIDING (Dr. Ursula) - Index Litterature Entomologicae. Serie II: Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900.
23924: SCHELER (Lucien) - Jean de Brinon, Bibliophile. Extracted from 'Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance', Volume XI.
40854: SCHIFF (Mortimer L.) - French Signed Bindings in the Mortimer L. Schiff Collection. [With:] British and Miscellaneous Signed Bindings in the Mortimer L. Schiff Collection. By Seymour de Ricci.
32518: SCHIFF (Mortimer L.) - Catalogue of the Famous Library, Principally of Fine Bindings, Rare Engravings, Illustrated Books and French Literature Formed by the late Mortimer L. Schiff.
33813: SCHLEGEL (Johan Friderich Wilhelm) - Upon the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy: or, An impartial examination of a judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralty, the 11th June, 1799, in the case of the Swedish convoy : with some additions and corrections / by J. F. W. Schlegel ; translated from the Danish under the inspection of the author by Mr. de Juge, and thence into English.
23325: SCHMID (Alfred A.) - Die Buchmalerei des XVI. Jahrhunderts in der Schweiz.
27884: SCHMIDT (Dr. Phil. Christel) - Jakob Krause. Ein Kursächsischer Hofbuchbinder des 16. Jahrhunderts.
23820: SCHMIDT (Dr. Phil. Christel) - Jakob Krause. Ein Kursächsischer Hofbuchbinder des 16. Jahrhunderts.
20282: SCHMIDT (Dr. Adolf) - Bucheinbande aus dem XIV-XIX. Jahrhundert in der Landesbibliothek zu Darmstadt.
31392: SCHNAPPER (Edith B.) Editor. - The British Union-Catalogue of Early Music Printed Before the Year 1801. A Record of the Holdings of over One Hundred Libraries Throughout the British Isles.
26872: SCHNAPPER (Edith B.) Editor. - The British Union-Catalogue of Early Music Printed Before the Year 1801. A Record of the Holdings of over One Hundred Libraries Throughout the British Isles.
13153: SCHOELLER (Ida) - Die Kunst im Deutschen Buchruck aus der Sammlung Ida Schoeller...
15011: SCHOELLHORN (Fritz) - Bibliographie des Brauwesens.
39066: SCHOENEMAN (A.) - Atlas of the Human Auditory Apparatus, with Special Reference to the Topographical and Surgical Anatomy of the Temporal Bone. Translated at the Personal Request of the Author, and Edited by Percival J. Hay.
28541: SCHOENEMAN (A.) - Atlas of the Human Auditory Apparatus, with Special Reference to the Topographical and Surgical Anatomy of the Temporal Bone. Translated at the Personal Request of the Author, and Edited by Percival J. Hay.
38499: ACKWORTH SCHOOL. - A Report of the State of Ackworth School. Yearly Meeting.
40026: CHARITY SCHOOL. - Green Coat Charity School Account to Midsummer, 1840.... In the Schools. 70 Boys, (60 clothed), 60 Girls, (30 clothed), Jno: Hardcastle, Spokesman. Wakefield, July 20th, 1840. A Sermon will be Preached in the Parish Church... and a Collection made in Aid of the Funds of the above School.
34482: APPRENTICE SCHOOLS (Edinburgh). - Pleas for Education: being Addresses delivered to the Pupils of the Apprentice Schools. At a Meeting held in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, February 7, 1849. By Sheriff Gordon, N. M'Leod, W. L. Alexander, A. S. Logan, G. Lees. Revised by the Speakers'
41421: RAVEN (James) GARSIDE (Peter) & SCHOWERLING (Rainer) - The English Novel 1770-1829: A Bibliographical Survey of Prose Fiction Published in the British Isles. Volume I: 1770-1799. Volume II: 1800-1829.
40389: FOOD AND WINE. SCHRAEMLI (Harry) - Catalogue of a Collection of Books and Manuscripts of the 15th to 20th Century on Food and Wine from the Well Known Library of Harry Schraemli.
14769: SCHRAMM (Prof. Dr. Albert) - Bucheinbände Aller Zeiten und Volker. Festgabe zur 100-jahrigen Feier des Borsenvereins...
14770: SCHREIBNER (Heinrich) - Einführung in die Bandkunde.
23637: SCHRETLEN (M.J.) - Dutch and Flemish Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century. With a Foreword by M.J. Friedlaender.
14827: HECHT (Dr. Hans) & SCHÜCKING (Dr. Levin L.) - Die Englishe Literatur im Mittelalter.
19359: SCHÜLING (Hermann) - Die Drucke der Kölner Offizin von Johannes Prael (1530-1537).
31129: SCHUNKE (Ilse) - Studien zum Bilderschmuck der deutschen Renaissance-Einbände.
27888: SCHUNKE (Ilse) - Leben und Werk Jakob Krauses.
12611: SCHUNKE (Ilse) - Leben und Werk Jakob Krauses.
21990: SCHWARZ (Dr. Ignaz) - Aus der Ernsten zeit des Wiener Buchdrucks (1482-1485).
18889: SCHWARZ (Dietrich) - Urbar der Feste Rheinfelden. Handschrift im Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv in Wien.
41316: SCHWERDT (C. F. G. R.) - The Schwerdt Collection. Catalogue of the Renowned Collection of Books & Drawings Relating to Hunting, Hawking & Shooting... The First Portion.
31210: MEDICINE AND SCIENCE. - Medicine and Science. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Historical and Rare Books from the 15th to the 20th Century. Catalogue No. 91.
17066: SCIENCE. - Important Works in the Field of Science. Catalogue No. 137.
17067: SCIENCE. - Rare and Interesting Books on Science Mainly Related to Transport and Technology. Catalogue 865.
14437: SCIENCE. - Swiss Pioneers of Science. Catalogue 27.
35124: REGISTER OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. - Register of the Arts and Sciences. Volume the Third. Containing a Correct Account of several Hundred of The most Important and Interesting Inventions, Discoveries, and Processes. Illustrated with upwards of One Hundred and Sixty Engravings.
33908: SCOTLAND. - Bibliotheca Scotica. A Catalogue of Books Relating to Scotland. Catalogue No. 8.
33391: SCOTLAND. - A Candid and Impartial Discussion of the False Reasonings, Gross Misrepresentations, and Studied Fallacies of two late Pieces: The Former written to vilify the Inhabitants of One End of this Island; and the Latter, of the Other. Together with a fair and clear Account of the Advantages derived to Both Parts of the Nation, by the Union: and the Consequences of raising false Notions of it, Set in their true Light. By a Friend of Great Britain.
32219: SCOTLAND, RESTORATIVE HOMES BILL. - Habitual Drunkards. Documents Relative to Proposed Legislation (limited to Scotland) for Inebriety, caused by Disease, which is curable under proper Treatment, Containing 1. Explanatory Memorandum prefixed to a Bill proposed for the Establishment of Restorative Homes in Scotland for Inebriates. 2. Report of a Meeting of the Legislative Committee of the London British Medical Association upon the Bill—or Legislation upon its lines—with an Abstract of the Clauses of the Bill, March, confirmed by the council 17th April 1889. 3. Report of a full Discussion upon the Bill and the subject generally in the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, February 1889. 4. Resolution of the Society of the Study of Inebriety, October 1889. 5. Resolution of Midland Medical Society, on 16th November 1889.
39737: SCOTLAND. - The laws and acts of Parliament of our most High and Dread soveraign Anne, By the Grace of God, Queen of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Holden and begun at Edinburgh the ninth day of June 1702.
25919: HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. - (For the use of Schools.) An Abridgment of the History of Scotland, from Robertson, Stuart, &c. in the Manner of Goldsmith's Abridgment of the Histories of England, Rome, and Greece.
21394: SCOTLAND. - Catalogue of Books Relating to Scotland. Offered at low Prices for Cash by James Thin. Catalogue No. 220.
16514: SCOTLAND. - Bibliotheca Scotica. A Catalogue of Books Relating to Scotland. Catalogue No. 8.
36659: SCOTT (James) - Commentaries on the Use and Necessity of Lavements in the Correction of Habitual Constipation, and in the Treatment of those Diseases which are occasioned or aggravated by Intestinal Accumulation and Irritation, or which are Susceptible of Modification through the Sympathetic Relations of the Lower Bowels; Including also a Copious Formulary of Intestinal Injections, with Directions for their Application.
36402: SCOTT (John) - Four Elegies, written by John Scott, of Amwell.
35724: SCOTT (William) - A Loving Tribute to the Memory of Mr. William Scott, of 7 Market Street, Leicester, died September the 21st 1869.
34104: SCOTT (Sir George Gilbert) - Personal and Professional Recollections. A Facsimile of the Original Edition with New Material and a Critical Introduction by Gavin Stamp.
33786: SCOTT (Abraham) - The Ordinance of the Lord's Supper, with Directions how to make a proper use of it. And also, the Propriety of Administering it amomgst the Methodists.
41206: SCOTT (J. E.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Henry Rider Haggard 1856-1925.
32145: SCOTT (W.R.) - Scottish Economic Literature to 1800.
31787: SCOTT (Temple) - Oliver Goldsmith Bibliographically and Biographically Considered. Based on the Collection of Material in the Library of W.M. Elkins, Esq. With an Introduction by A. Edward Newton.
39357: SCOTT (Joseph) - The Art of Preventing the Loss of the Teeth, familiarly explained; also, an improved system of supplying their deficiencies; and a Description of the Siliceous Pearl Teeth and Teeth Renovator...
26222: SCOTT (William) - Catalogue of the Very Choice Collection of Early Engraved British & Foreign Portraits, Formed during the last Half Century by the late Mr. William Scott... Which, by order of the Executors, will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson... on Monday, the 25th of May, 1857, and following Day.
24988: SCOTT (William) Editor. - The House Book; or family chronicle of useful knowledge, and cottage physician: combining medicine, cookery, diet, general economy, health, sea-bathing, gardening, manufactures, arts, &c., &c. with the various branches of domestic concerns; including upwards of a thousand select recipes and prescriptions, from the best authorities; and a variety of other important information, for the use of families, invalids and convalescents.
16562: SCOTT (Walter S.) - White of Selborne: and his Times.
20915: SCRIPTORIUM. - Revue Internationale des Etudes Relatives aux Manuscrits. International Review of Manuscript Studies.
39580: SCROPE (G. Poulett) - History of the Manor and Ancient Barony of Castle Combe, in the County of Wilts...
35801: SEAGER (Charles) - The Smaller Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon of Professor [Johann] Simonis. Translated and improved from the Second Edition, (Published at Halle in 1766).
34136: SEARLE (Charles) - Cholera, its Nature, Cause, Treatment, and Prevention, Clearly and Concisely Explained.
20261: SEARLE (Townley) - A Bibliography of Sir William Schwenck Gilbert. With Bibliographical Adventures in the Gilbert & Sullivan Operas.
9982: JOHNSON (Alfred Forbes) Selected by. - German Renaissance Title-Borders. Facsimiles and Illustrations No. I.
9983: JOHNSON (Alfred Forbes) Selected by. - German Renaissance Title-Borders. Facsimiles and Illustrations No. I.
24393: JOHNSON (Alfred Forbes) Selected by. - German Renaissance Title-Borders. Facsimiles and Illustrations No. I.
18873: JOHNSON (Alfred Forbes) Selected by. - German Renaissance Title-Borders. Facsimiles and Illustrations No. I.
33808: GEOGRAPHICAL SELECTOR. - Prospectus of a new Work, to be published March 1, 1806, entitled The Geographical Selector; consisting of Maps, Charts, and Plans, of the Principal Cities, Harbours, Forts, &c. in the World; accompanied by Historical and Topographical Illustrations. The engravings will be executed by Mr. John Luffmam, Geographer: the literary department of the work will be conducted by T. Harral, Esq.
38657: SELWYN (David G.) - The Library of Thomas Cranmer.
30741: SENIOR (Nassau W.) - American Slavery: a reprint of an article on "Uncle Tom's Cabin," of which a portion was inserted in the 206th number of the "Edinburgh Review;" and of Mr. Sumner's Speech of the 19th and 20th May, 1856. With a Notice of the events which followed that Speech.
20421: SEPP (Prof. Dr. J.N.) - Die Geheime Offenbarung Johannis. 15 Vollbilder nach den Handzeichnungen Albrecht Dürer's und gleichzeitigem Text nach der Strassburger Ausgabe von Martin Graeff 1502.
38621: SEROUX D'AGINCOURT (Jean Baptiste Louis Georges) - Sammlung der vorzuglichsten Denkmaeler [Sculptur & Malerei] der Architectur vorzugsweise in Italien vom IV. bis zum XVI. Jahrhundert.
30962: TREATY OF SEVILLE. - The Observations on the Treaty of Seville examined.
38797: SEWARD (Anna) - Letters of Anna Seward: Written between the years 1878 and 1807.
31516: SHABERMAN (Raphael B.) - George MacDonald: A Bibliographical Study.
26087: SHABERMAN (Raphael B.) - George MacDonald: A Bibliographical Study.
41258: [SHAILER (W.) Editor - The Young Man's Best Companion: Being a Regular System of Education, without the Aid of a Tutor.
38900: SHAKESPEARE. [GREG (Walter W.) Compiler.] - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Early Editions of the Works of Shakespeare Preserved in the Library of Eton College.
39893: SHAKESPEARE (William), GREG (W. W.) Editor. - Hamlet. Second Quarto 1604-5. Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles Number 4.
37804: SHAKESPEARE (William) - British Museum. Catalogue of Printed Books. Shakespeare (William).
37729: SHAKESPEARE (William) - William Shakespeare, The First Folio, 1623. The Dr Williams's Library Copy.
22774: SHAKESPEARE. - Henry V by William Shakespeare. A Facsimile of the First Folio Text. With an Introduction by J. Dover Wilson and a List of Modern Readings.
22776: SHAKESPEARE. - Coriolanus by William Shakespeare. A Facsimile of the First Folio Text. With an Introduction by J. Dover Wilson and a List of Modern Readings.
22778: SHAKESPEARE. - Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. A Facsimile of the First Folio Text. With an Introduction by J. Dover Wilson and a List of Modern Readings.
22772: SHAKESPEARE. - As You Like It by William Shakespeare. A Facsimile of the First Folio Text. With an Introduction by J. Dover Wilson and a List of Modern Readings.
13677: SHAKESPEARE. - An Excerpt from the General Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum.
40472: SHAKESPEARIANA. [MAY (Thomas)] - The Reigne of King Henry the Second, Written in Seaven Bookes. By his Majesties Command.
40403: PRAETORIUS (Charles) SHAKSPEARE (William) - Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespere. The First Quarto, 1597. A Facsimile. With an introduction by Herbert A. Evans. [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 25.]
37970: SHAND (W. J. S.) Editor. - Japanese Self-Taught (Thimm's System, in Roman Characters) with English Phonetic Pronunciation.
38259: SHARP (John) - Relation des Mesures qui furent prises dans les années 1711, 1712 et 1713 pour introduire la liturgie Anglicane dans le Roiaume de Prusse et dans l'Electorat de Hanover : eclaircie par des lettres et autres pieèces originale relatives à ce projet : le tout extrai d'un manuscrit qui n'a pas encore été rendu public, contentant des mémoires de la vie du Docteur Jean Sharp... / traduit de l'Anglois par J.T. Muysson.
33775: SHARP (Thomas) - The Speech made at Fare-Well-Hall, To the Honourable and Right Reverend Father in God Richard by Divine Providence Lord Bishop of Durham, on his Lordship's first Arrival in his Diocese, on Friday July 6, 1753. With his Lordship's Answer.
33242: SHARP (Elizabeth) Editor. - Lyra Celtica: An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry. Ancient Irish Alban; Gaelic; Breton; Cymric; and Modern Scottish and Irish Celtic Poetry.
33056: SHARP (J.) - The life, opinions, character, and tragic death, of Count R******au, commonly called F. G. Meyer. Condemned to the gallows, May 26, 1796, at Rotterdam, for five unparalleled burglaries. By J. Sharp, Minister of the Gospel, in Rotterdam. Translated from the French and the Dutch.
32345: SHARP (William) - Tracts on Homoeopathy. 1. What is homoeopathy? - 2. The defence of homoeopathy - 3. The truth of homoeopathy - 4. The small dose of homoeopathy - 5. The difficulties of homoeopathy - 6. The advantages of homoeopathy - 7. The principle of homoeopathy - 8. The controversy on homoeopathy - 9. The remedies of homoeopathy - 10. The provings of homoeopathy - 11. The single medicine of homoeopathy - 12. The common sense of homoeopathy.
35527: SHARPLES (Isaac) - A Short Narrative of our dear and worthy Friend, Isaac Sharples, late of Hitchin: written by himself sometime before his decease. To which are added, some of his solid and weighty expressions a little before his end.
40027: SHASTREE (Trevangadacharya) - Essays on Chess, Adapted to the European Mode of Play; Consisting Principally of Positions or Critical Situations Calculated to Improve the Learner and Exercise the Memory.
31591: O'SHAUGHNESSY (Francis M.) - Death at Hallow Hall (a ghostly thriller) and other poems.
37807: SHAW (Henry) - Specimens of Ancient Furniture Drawn from Existing Authorities. With Descriptions by Sir Samuel Meyrick.
41283: SHAW (Henry) - A Booke of Sundry Draughtes. Principaly serving for Glasiers: and not Impertieent for Plasterers, and Gardeners: besides sundry other professions.
37129: SHAW (Henry) - Examples of Ornamental Metal Work. Drawn and Engraved by Henry Shaw.
37004: SHAW (Henry) - Specimens of Tile Pavements Drawn from Existing Authorities.
36125: SHAW (Rev. George) - Old Grimsby.
34688: SHAW (George) - Gems and Pearls. A Collection of choice readings from many writers. By the author "Filey and its Fishermen", etc. etc.
34654: SHAW (James) - Plans, Elevations, and Sections; with Observations and Explanations, of Forcing-Houses, in Gardening. By James Shaw, Gardener to the Right Hon. Lord Mulgrave.
33246: SHAW (James J.) - Mr. Gladstone's Two Irish Policies: 1868 and 1886. A Letter to an Ulster Liberal Elector.
31305: SHAW (Graham) - Printing in Calcutta to 1800. A Description and Checklist of Printing in Late 18th-Century Calcutta.
29197: SHAW (Graham) - Printing in Calcutta to 1800: a description and checklist of printing in late 18th-century Calcutta.
41023: SHAW (Henry) - The Encyclopedia of Ornament.
13631: SHAW (Bernard) - A Catalogue of an Exhibition Celebrating the Ninetieth Birthday of Bernard Shaw.
13277: SHAW (Graham) - Printing in Calcutta to 1800. A Description and Checklist of Printing in Late 18th-Century Calcutta.
39022: NEWS-SHEET. - The Russian Invasion of Poland in 1563. An exact facsimile of a contemporary account in Latin, published at Douay. Together with an introduction and historical notes, and a full translation into English.
40025: SONG SHEET. - Darlington Volunteers, Tune,--Poor Jack.
40112: SONG SHEET. - Three songs printed in a single sheet: Battle & the Breeze, or the Flaunting Flag of Liberty; The Mountain Maid; Humorous Parody. On the Soldier's Tear.
25912: SONG SHEET. - The Thistle. A National Song, Written at the Request of His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, and the Committee, and Sung by Mr. J. Sinclair... at the Institutory Festival of the Caledonian Asylum... on Saturday, March 4, 1815...
33134: SHEFFIELD (John Holroyd, Earl of) - Observations on the manufactures, trade, and present state of Ireland. Part the First [all published].
21410: SHEPARD (Leslie) - John Pitts; Ballad Printer of Seven Dials, London 1765-1844. With a Short Account of his Predecessors in the Ballad & Chapbook Trade.
40980: SHEPPARD (Thomas) - The Lost Towns of the Yorkshire Coast and Other Chapters Bearing Upon the Geography of the District.
28565: SHEPPARD (William) - The touch-stone of common assurances: or, a plain and familiar treatise, opening the learning of the common assurances, or conveyances of the kingdom. The fourth edition: revised and corrected, with notes and additional references, by Edward Hilliard,.. To which is added, a copious index.
33751: SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley) - A Comparative Statement of the two Bills, for the better Government of the British Possessions in India, brought into Parliament by Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt. With Explanatory Observations.
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