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32386: SIMPSON (William John Ritchie) - On the Distribution of Phthisis in the Eleven Northern Counties of Scotland, as ascertained by Statistics extending over a period of twenty-two years.
39338: SIMPSON (Captain John) - Second Captain Hind: or the Notorious Life and Actions of that Infamous Highwayman and Housebreaker, Captain John Simpson, Alias Holiday, who was executed at Tiburn, on Saturday the 20th of July, for fellony and burglary: With an account of his mad pranks, projects, and strange exploits...
30630: SIMPSON (William) - Observations on Cold Bathing. By William Simpson, Surgeon at Knaresbro', and Member of the Corporation of Surgeons of London.
34288: SIMSON (James) - A Probationary Essay on Infanticide; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
40608: CODEX SINAITICUS. - Codex Sinaiticus. A Facsimile.
38151: SINCLAIR (Sir John) - The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire.
38145: SINCLAIR (Sir John) - The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire. Containing an account of the public income and expenditure from the remotest periods recorded in history, to Michaelmas 1802 : with a review of the financial administration of the Right Honorable William Pitt.
35501: SINCLAIR (John) - Lucubrations, during a Short Recess. Containing a Plan for a more Equal Representation of the People
34330: SINCLAIR (Martin) - A Probationary Essay on Ischuria Vesicalis: Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
39467: SINCLAIR (George) - Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis: or, an Account of the Results of Experiments on the Produce and Nutritive Qualities of Different Grasses and Other Plants Used as the Food of the More Valuable Domestic Animals: Instituted by John, Duke of Bedford.
41184: SINCLAIR (Goerge) - Satan's Invisible World Discovered: or, A choice collection of modern relations, proving evidently against the atheists of this present age, that there are devils, spirits, witches and apparitions, from authentic records, atestations of witnesses of undoubted veracity. To which is added, that marvellous history of major Weir and his sister, the witches of Bargarran, Pittenweem and Calder, &c.
30713: SINCLAIR (Sir John) - Address to the Society for the Improvement of British Wool; constituted at Edinburgh, on Monday, January 31, 1791.
41152: SINCLAIR (A. C.) - History of Beelsby.
27477: SINCLAIR (John) - Address to the Society for the Improvement of British Wool; Constituted at Edinburgh, on Monday, January 31, 1791.
39571: SINCLAIR (Donald) - The History of the Aberdeen Volunteers. Embracing also some Account of the Early Volunteers of the Counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine.
41413: SINCLAR (George) Editor. - Satans Invisible World Discovered. Reprint of the original edition published at Edinburgh in 1685. Accompanied with a bibliographical notice and supplement, &c.
10586: SINGER (H.W.) - Die Moderne Graphik. Eine Darstellung für Deren Freunde und Sammler.
40645: SINGH (St. Nihal) - The Changing Scene in India. Bengal-Nagpur Railway.
31841: SINHA (Sachchidananda) - Kashmir : "the playground of Asia" : a handbook for visitors to the happy valley.
38522: GUIDE FOR SINNERS. - A Guide for Sinners to Repent; being a very strange Relation of two Old Men, who were found living under Ground, in Resington [i.e. Rossington] Wood, near the Town of Doncaster, in Yorkshire, on the 10th of the last Month.
39754: SINNETT (Mrs. Percy) - Hunters and Fishers: or Sketches of Primitive Races in the Lands Beyond the Sea.
37210: SKELLETT (Edward) - A Practical Treatise on the Breeding Cow, and extraction of the calf, before and at the time of calving ; in which the question of difficult parturition is considered in all its bearings, with reference to facts and experience; including observations on the diseases of neat cattle generally ; containing profitable instructions to the breeding farmer, cowkeeper, and grazier ; for attending to their own cattle during illness, according to the most approved modern methods of treatment, and the application of long known and skilful prescriptions and remedies for every disorder incident to hirned cattle, the whole adapted to the present improved state of vetertinary practice.
28548: SKELTON (R.A.) - County Atlases of the British Isles 1579-1850: A Bibliography. 1579-1703.
30773: SKENE (Sir John) - De verborum significatione the Exposition of the Termes and Difficill Wordes, conteined in the foure Buiks of Regiam Maiestatem, and uthers, in the Acts of Parliament, Infeftments, and used in practicque of this Realme, and with divers Rules, and common places, or principals of the Lawes. Collected and exponed be Master Iohn Skene, Clerke of our Soveraine Lordis Register, Councell and Rolles.
40471: MILLER (Samuel H.) & SKERTCHLEY (Sydney B. J.) - The Fenland Past and Present.
32900: SKINNER (Thomas) - The Granulation of Medicines. [Reprinted from the British Medical Journal].
27135: TURNER (Silvie) & SKIOLD (Birgit) - Handmade Paper Today. A Worldwide Survey of Mills, Papers, Techniques and uses.
39400: SLACK (Major James) - The History of the Late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment.
37792: SLADEN (Douglas) - How to see Italy by Rail.
10595: SLATER (J. Herbert) - Engravings and their Value. A Complete Guide to the Collection and Prices of all Classes of Prints.
30829: SLATTER (John) - Some Notes on the History of the Parish of Whitchurch, Oxon.
36474: SLAUGHTER (Mihill) - Railway Intelligence, January, 1877. No. XIX. Under the sanction of the Committee of the Stock Exchange.
33966: CARIBBEAN SLAVERY. - Remarks on an Address to the Members of the New Parliament, on the proceedings of the Colonial Department, with respect to the West India Question. By a Member of the late Parliament.
39415: SLINN (Walter) - Exhibition of Bookbindings by Walter Slinn of Sheffield. Opened by Sir Osbert Sitwell.
33943: PRAYER SLIP. - The Spiritual Coronation.
33942: PRAYER SLIP. - Christ, The Pilgrim's Guide thro' Death.
39040: SONG SLIPS. - The Prodigal Son. [And] The Good Shepherd.
39744: SMALBROKE (Richard) - The doctrine of an universal judgment asserted. In a sermon preach'd before the University, at St. Mary's in Oxford, June 9th, 1706. in which the principles of Mr. Dodwell's late epistolatory discourse, concerning the Natural Mortality of the Soul, are consider'd. By Richard Smalbroke, M. A. Fellow of Magdalen-College, Oxon.
39327: SMALL (James) - A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small, Plough and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
30642: SMALL (James) - A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small, Plough and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
10598: SMALL (Herbert) - Handbook of the New Library of Congress.
38924: SMALLEY (George Washburn) - Catalogue of a Portion of the Library of George Washburn Smallet, Esq. Comprising First and other Early and Rare Editions... Books Printed by Aldus, Elzevir, Franklin, & Baskerville...
33086: SMALRIDGE (George) - A Speech to the Upper House of Convocation, upon the Presentment of the late Prolocutor.
32453: SMART (Le Lethieullier) - Description de la Tapisserie Conservee a la Cathedrale de Bayeux par Smart le Thieullier, Ecuyer, Correspondant de la Societe Royale et de celle des Antiquaires de Londres; Publiee d'Apres le Manuscrit Original de la Bibliotheque de Thomas Tyndal, Ecuyer, Correspondant des Memes Societes, Traduite et Augmentee de Notes par A. L. Lechause d'Anisy, Membre de la Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie, etc.
31916: WISE (Thomas J.) & SMART (James P.) - A Complete Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of John Ruskin, with a List of the more Important Ruskiniana.
29162: WISE (Thomas J.) & SMART (James P.) - A Complete Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of John Ruskin, with a List of the more Important Ruskiniana.
38751: SMEATON (John) - The Report of John Smeaton, Engineer, concerning the Drainage of the North Level of the Fens, and the Outfall of the Wisbeach River.
30841: SMEE (Alfred) - Elements of Electro-Biology, or the Voltaic Mechanism of Man; of Electro-Pathology, especially of the Nervous System; and of Electrapeutics.
40673: SMILES (Samuel) - A Publisher and His Friends. Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843.
40777: SMILES (Samuel) - A Publisher and His Friends. Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843.
39129: SMITH (Michael) - The True Story of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. Also Poetical Version of Girard and Cadiere. First Printed MDCCLXXI.
39096: SMITH (Goldwin) - Irish History and Irish Character.
38928: DEW-SMITH (A.G.) - Catalogue of a Very Choice Library, and of a Small but Rich Collection of Ancient Engravings & Modern Drawings, the Property of A.G. Dew-Smith, Esq.
39393: SMITH (John) - An Essay on he Advantages of Watering Pasture and Meadow Grounds, in the Highlands. Published by the Highland Society of Scotland; who adjudged to the author the highest premium they had offered for essays on the subject.
39179: SMITH (George) - A Compleat Body of Distilling, Explaining the Mysteries of the Science, in a most easy and familiar manner; Containing an Exact and Accurate Method of making all the Compound Cordial-Waters now in Use, with a particular Account of their several Virtues. As also a directory Consisting of All the Instructions necessary for learning the distiller's art; with a Computation of the original Cost of the several Ingredients, and the Profits arising in Sale. Adapted no less to the Use of private Families, than of Apothecaries and Distillers. In two parts.
38012: SMITH (John Russell) - A Catalogue of Twenty Thousand Engraved Portraits, chiefly of personages connected with the history and literature of Great Britain [With:] Supplement Catalogue.
37556: SMITH (Hugh) - Formulae Medicamentorum. Or, a Compendium of the Modern Practice of Physick. London: Sold by W. Johnston, 1768. First edition, vii, [1], 159, [1]pp. [Bound with:] The London Practice of Physic. For the use of physicians and younger practitioners. Wherein the definition and symptoms of diseases are laid down, and the present method of cure. With the doses of medicine now given. Also, an index; and a table for Computing the Quantity of Purgatives, Opiates, and Mercurials in the Compositions of the London Dispensatory.
40127: SMITH (David) - The Dyer's Instructer [sic]; comprising practical instructions in the art of dyeing silk, cotton, wool, and worsted and woollen goods, as single and two-coloured damasks, moreens, camlets, lastings, shot cobourgs, silk striped orleans, plain orleans from white and coloured warps, merinos, wollens, yarns, &c., containing nearly 800 receipts : to which is added a treatise on the art of padding : and the printing of silk warps, skeins, and handkerchiefs, and the various mordants and colours for the different styles of such work.
40678: SMITH (John) - Chronicon Rusticum-Commerciale; or, Memoirs of Wool, &c. &c. Being a collection of history and argument, concerning the woolen manufacture and woolen trade in general, particularly, the rise, progress, improvements, declensions, revolutions, and the respective causes thereof (with a view of the different prices of wool, at certain distant periods) in England...
36995: SMITH (Hugh) - Formulæ Medicamentorum; or, a Compendium of the Modern Practice of Physic. To which is prefixed an essay on the effects and uses of blood-letting.
35751: SMITH (G. Le Blanc) - Haddon. The Manor, the Hall, its Lords and Traditions. With illustrations by the Author.
35753: SMITH (William Henry) - Notes on the Nottingham Records. With an Introduction by Alderman H. S. Cropper. Dedicated to the Corporation of Nottingham.
34427: SMITH (Henry) - Hemorrhoids and Prolapsus of the Rectum. Their treatment by the application of nitric acid.
33933: SMITH (George Charles) - The Poor Sailor Boy. [in verse]. By the Rev. G. C. Smith, of Penzance.
39296: SMITH (John) - The Art of Painting in Oil. Wherein is included each particular circumstance relating to that art and mystery. Containing the best and most approved rules for preparing, mixing, and working of oil colours. The whole treatise being so full compleat, and so exactly fitted to the meanest capacity, that all persons whatsoever, may be able by these directions, to paint in oil-colours all manner of timber-work; such as posts, palls, palisadoes, gates, doors, or any thing else that requires either use, beauty, or preservation, from the violence or injury of the weather. In which is also particularly laid down, all the several circumstances required in painting of sun-dials, printed pictures, shash-windows, &c. in oily-colours. The Seventh edition, with some alterations, and many matters added, which are not to be found in the former editions. To which is added, the wholeart and mystery of colouring maps, and other prints, with water-colours.
32898: SMITH (Walter G.) - On the Modern Aspects of Therapeutics. [Reprinted from the Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science—May, 1871.]
32489: BRITISH LIBRARY. SMITH (Diana Rowland) - Second Supplementary Catalogue of Hebrew Books Acquired 1893-1960. Prepared for Publication by Diana Rowland Smith (work by David Goldstein, Cyril Moss & Others).
40760: SMITH (Robert) - Universal Directory for taking alive and destroying Rats, and all other Kinds of four-footed and winged Vermin, in a Method hitherto unattempted: calculated for the Use of the Gentleman, the Farmer, and the Warrener.
32294: SMITH (Robert Shingleton) - Some Recent Developments of the Germ Theory, More particularly in relation to the Treatment of Phthisis.
40783: SMITH (Webster) - The Farnese Hours. The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.
31637: SMITH (Walter E.) - Elizabeth Gaskell: A Bibliographical Catalogue of First and Early Editions, 1848-1866. With Photographic Reproductions of Bindings and Titlepages.
40993: SMITH (Jacob Edward) - Flora Britannica.
39414: SMITH (H.) - An Essay on the Nerves, illustrating their efficient, formal, material, and final causes; with a copper-plate, Descriptive Of their Anatomy, and a Plate of Figures displaying the Manner of the Liquids being corrupted by corrosive Acids and stagnated by obtuse Alkalies. To which is added an essay on foreign teas; in which Their Nature, Preparation, Manner of Using, and Effects, are investigated, so as to demonstrate their pernicious consequences on the nerves, and, therefore, on the Health of the Human Body. With observations on mineral waters, coffee, chocolate, &c. and the Author's Remarks arising from his Analysis of such Preparations as may be most beneficially substituted for India Tea. The Whole Being designed to enable all Persons in Health or Disease, to instruct Themselves in the first Principles of knowing systematically the Construction of their Bodies, with the Causes and Cures of most Disorders incident to Nervous Affections. Interspersed With select Illustrations from the most scientific and respectable Authorities in the Theory and Practice of Physic.
27490: SMITH (James) - Remarks on Thorough Draining and Deep Ploughing. Extracted from the third report of Drummonds' Agricultural Museum.
25426: SMITH (Sir Frederick) - The Early History of Veterinary Literature and its British Development.
24565: SMITH (John Russell) - Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, and Engraved Portraits, Illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America, and the West Indies...
24551: SMITH (Alfred Russell) - A Catalogue of Rare Curious and Valuable Old Books on Sale by Alfred Russell Smith, 36 Soho Square, London.
22018: SMITH (John Russell) - Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books, Illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. Collected by John Russell Smith.
21536: SMITH (Alfred Russell) - Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books, Illustrating History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. Collected by John Russell Smith. On Sale at the Affixed Ready Money Prices...
19729: SMITH (John Russell) - A Catalogue of Twenty-Five Thousand Volumes of Choice, Useful, and Curious Books, in Most Classes of Literature, English and Foreign, on Sale, at the Reasonable Prices Affixed, by John Russell Smith.
18322: SMITH (George) - History of Wesleyan Methodism.
15584: SMITH (John Russell) - Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books, Illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. Collected by John Russell Smith.
13723: SMITH (Joseph) - Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana; or, a Catalogue of Books Adverse to the Society of Friends...
40573: SMITH (James) - Researches in Newer Pliocene and Post-Tertiary Geology.
37811: SMYTH (J. [Hamilton]) - A New Treatise of the Venereal Disease, gleets, seminal weaknesses, the dreadful effects of a certain detestable vice, and the causes of impotency, barrenness, &c. Directing methods of cure, established by the success of a long and extensive practice.
26889: SMYTH (Warington) - Introductory Address by Warington Smyth, the President of the Geological Section of the British Association, delivered at Newcastle, August 1863.
24787: SMYTH (Captain W.H.) - Nautical Observations on the Port and Maritime Vicinity of Cardiff, with Occasional Strictures on the Ninth Report of the Taff Vale Railway Directors; and some General Remarks on the Commerce of Glamorganshire.
10611: SMYTH (A.L.) - John Dalton 1766-1844. A Bibliography of Works by and about him.
33081: SNAPE (Andrew) - A Second Letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, in Vindication of the Former.
22220: SNEYD (Colonel Ralph) - Catalogue of a Selected Portion of the Library... Comprising an Interesting Collection of Incunables...
35723: SOCIALISM. - Socialism v. Individualism... [Bound with:] Speech of Mr. Allen Upward.
38713: BISHOP'S STORTFORD & DISTRICT NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. - List of Vascular Plants of Bishop's Stortford and District.
41091: FRIENDLY SOCIETY. - An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Friendly Societies. Extract from 10 Geo. IV. c. 56, passed 19th June 1829.
35153: ROYAL SOCIETY. - The Signatures in the First Journal-Book and the Charter-Book of the Royal Society. Being a facsimile of the signatures of the founders, patrons and fellows of the society from the year 1660 down to the present time.
35152: ROYAL SOCIETY. - The Signatures in the First Journal-Book and the Charter-Book of the Royal Society. Being a facsimile of the signatures of the founders, patrons and fellows of the society from the year 1660 down to the present time.
33662: ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. - The Early Maps of Scotland to 1850. Revised and Enlarged with A History of Scottish Maps by D. G. Moir.
32941: RAY SOCIETY. - Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany 1841, 1842.
32795: MISSIONARY SOCIETY. - Report of the Directors of the Missionary Society.
32503: ROYAL MEDICAL SOCIETY. - Regulations of the Medical Society, Instituted at Edinburgh in the Year M,DCC,XXXVII.
41189: ROYAL JENNERIAN SOCIETY. - Address of the Royal Jennerian Society, for the Extermination of the Small-Pox, with the plan, regulations, and instructions for vaccine inoculation. : To which is added a list of the subscribers.
32296: GLASGOW PATHOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL SOCIETY. - Discussion on Albuminuria, its Pathology and Clinical Significance.
41009: LINONIAN SOCIETY. - Catalogue of the Library of the Linonian Society, Yale College, July, 1837.
41010: CALLIOPEAN SOCIETY. - Catalogue of the Library of the Calliopean Society, Yale College, October, 1841.
26170: ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. - Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Statistical Society.
40580: DUBLIN SOCIETY. - A Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Dublin Society, Classed under Proper Heads.
28116: SOLON (L. M.) - Catalogue of the Pottery & Porcelain in the Collection of L. M. Solon. To be Sold... on 26th, 27th and 28th November, 1912 by Messrs. Charles Butters & Sons at their Premises, Trinity Buildings, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.
33360: HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. SOMERSET (Duke of) - The Manuscripts of The Duke of Somerset, The Marquis of Ailesbury, and The Revb. Sir T. H. G. Puleston, Bart. Fifteenth Report, Appendix, Part VII.
23304: SCHULLIAN (Dorothy M.) & SOMMER (Francis E.) - A Catalogue of Incunabula and Manuscripts in the Army Medical Library.
35414: SOMMERLAD (M. J.) - Scottish 'Wheel' and 'Herring-bone' Bindings in the Bodleian Library. An Illustrated Handlist.
26786: BACKER (Aloys de) & SOMMERVOGEL (Carlos) - Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus.
38299: PRODIGAL SON. - The Prodigal Son. In Verse. Shewing how a young gentleman spent his money in riotous living, and was afterwards reduced to feed swine, when being almost starved he returned to his father, who kindly received him, and made a great feast on the occasion.
36275: WEIMANN (Ingrid) & SÖNMEZ (Nedim) - Christopher Weimann (1946-1988): A Tribute. With over 90 illustrations, 38 in color and 12 original samples made by Christopher Weimann.
40536: LAW. STEVENS AND SONS. - A Catalogue of Law Books, Ancient and Modern, Corrected to November, 1824. Arranged to enable the students to select at one view, such works as may treat on the subject of his particular study. [Bound with:] A Supplement to the Catalogue of Law Books, Published in 1822.
39837: TYPE SPECIMEN. RICHARD CLAY AND SONS. - Twenty-seven Specimen Pages Arranged to Show Types Suitable for Book Printing: Set Up from the Last Chapters of Moby Dick
39186: SOOWTHERN (John) - Pandora, by John Soowthern. Reproduced from the original edition, 1584, with a bibliographical note, by George B. Parks.
23691: SORBELLI (Albano) - Storia della Stampa in Bologna.
14887: SORBELLI (Albano) - Le Marche Tipografiche Bolognesi nel Secolo XVI.
22689: SOREL (M.C.) - La Bibliotheque Francoise de M.C. Sorel. Ou le Choix et l'Examen des Livres Francois qui Traitent de l'Eloquence, de la Philosophie, de la Devotion, & de la Conduite de Moeurs.
15360: SOTHEBY (S. Leigh) - Specimen of Mr. S. Leigh Sotheby's Principia Typographica, A Extensively Illustrated Work, in Three Volumes, Imperial Quarto, on the Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History Issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, During the Fifteenth Century; on their Connexion with the Origin of Printing, and on the Character of the Water-Marks in the Paper of the Period.
33994: SOTHERAN. - Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica: Catalogue of Works in Many Tongues on Exact and Applied Science, with a Subject-Index. Compiled by H. Z[eitlinger] H.C. S[otheran].
32553: SOTHERAN. - Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica: Catalogue of Works in Many Tongues on Exact and Applied Science, with a Subject-Index. Compiled by H. Z[eitlinger] H.C. S[otheran].
18433: SOTHERN (Henry) - A Catalogue of Books for the Library, Comprising a Selection of the Best Editions of Standard Works, by Ancient and Modern Authors, in all Departments of Literature, Science, and Art. On Sale by Henry Sotheran and Co.
15697: SOUBIES (Albert) - La Comedie-Francaise depuis L'Epoque Romantique 1825-1894.
34244: SOULE (Richard) - A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions Designed as a Practical Guide to Aptness and Variety of Phraseology.
13816: SOURGET (Patrick & Élisabeth) - Manuscrits Enluminés et Livres Précieux. [Catalogue X].
13817: SOURGET (Patrick & Elisabeth) - Manuscrits Enluminés et Livres Prècieux. [Catalogue XI].
38440: SOUTHEY (Reginald) - On the Treatment of Acute Rheumatism by Salicylate of Soda. [Offprint from 'St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, Vol. XV.]
32398: SOUTHEY (Redinald) - The Nature and Affinities of Tubercle; Being the Gulstonian Lectures for the year 1867.
34187: SOWERBY (J., Jun.) - The Mushroom and Champignon Illustrated, Compared with, and Distinguished from, the Poisonous Fungi that Resemble them.
40170: SOWERBY (James) SOWERBY (James de Carle) & SOWERBY (George Brettingham) - The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain; or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth.
39193: SPAIN. - Excerpta Historica & Juridica De Natura Successionis In Monarchiam Hispaniae. [With:] Continuation II.
33456: SPALDING (John Tricks) - A Bibliographical Account of the Works Relating to British Topography in the Library of John Tricks Spalding J.P. Nottingham.
40363: SPARKS (Ellen & MARSHALL (Cicely) - Pen Impressions in Liguria [in Piemonte]. Sketches by Ellen Sparks, Letterpress by Cicely Marshall. Series 1.
35545: SPARLING (Richard A.) - History of the 12th Service Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment. [with an appendix].
31369: SPAWN (Willman) - Bookbinding in America 1680-1910 from the Collection of Frederick E. Maser.
28074: SPAWN (Willman) - Bookbinding in America 1680-1910 from the Collection of Frederick E. Maser.
15622: SPEAIGHT (Robert) - The Life of Eric Gill.
26333: TYPE SPECIMENS. - Specimens of Printing Types in use at the Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New York. Together with a List of the Publications of the Marion Press.
39627: SPEDDING (Patrick) - A Bibliography of Eliza Haywood.
33811: SPEECH. - The Substance of the Speech of Lord Viscount Melville, in the House of Commons, on the 11th June, 1805. Compiled on a Comparison of a Variety of Notes taken by different Persons, and believed, on the wholr, not to be materially defective in Point of Correctness.
40143: SPEECHLY (William) - Practical Hints in Domestic Rural Economy, relating particularly to the utility, formation, and management of fruit, kitchen, & cottage gardens, and orchards: arranged in sections, as proposed by the honourable The Board of Agriculture: with copious illustrative notes; and an appendix, containing several original agricultural essays.
30767: SPELMAN (Sir Henry) - The larger Treatise concerning Tithes, long since written and promised by Sir Hen: Spelman Knight. Together with some other Tracts of the same Authour, and a Fragment of Sir Francis Bigot Knight, all touching the same Subject. Whereto is annexed, an Answer to a Question of a Gentleman of quality, made by a Reverend and Learned Divine living in London, concerning the settlement or abolition of Tithes by the Parliament, which caused him to doubt how to dispose of his son, whom he had designed for the Ministery. Wherein also are comprised, some Animadversions upon a late little Pamphlet called, The Countries plea against Tithes: discovering th[e] [ig]norant mistakings of the Authours of it touching th[e] maintenance of the Ministery by such means: as also, upon the Kentish petition. Published by Jer: Stephens B.D. According to the appointment and trust of the Author.
32908: SPENCE (James) - Case of Enormous Deep-Seated Tumour of the Face and Neck, Successfully Removed by Operation. [Reprinted from the Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, Nov, 1863.]
31897: SPENCE (Sydney A.) - A Bibliography of Selected Early Books and Pamphlets Relating to Australia 1610-1880.
22887: SPENCE (Sydney A.) - A Bibliography of Selected Early Books and Pamphlets Relating to Australia 1610-1880.
32897: SPENDER (John Kent) - Thirty Years of Therapeutic Progress. An address at the Annual Meeting of the Bath and Bristol Branch of the British Medical Association, on Thursday, June 29th, 1882.
39767: SPON (Isaac) - The History of the City and State of Geneva, from its First Foundation to the present Time. Faithfully Collected from several Manuscripts of Jacobus Gothofredus, Monsieur Chorier, and others.
40615: SPRENGER (Aloys) - A Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Hindu'sta'ny Manuscripts, of the libraries of the King of Oudh, compiled under the orders of the Government of India. Vol. I: containing Persian and Hindu'sta'ny poetry.
34686: SPRY (Joseph Hume) - A Practical Treatise on the Bath Waters, tending to illustrate their beneficial effects in Chronic Diseases, particularly in Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Lead Colic, Indigestion, Biliary Affections, and Uterine and Cutaneous Diseases; confirmed by cases. Containing likewise a brief Account of the City of Bath, and of the Hot Springs.
40185: SPURZHEIM (Johann Gaspar) - [Observations on the Deranged Manifestations of the Mind or Insanity.
31036: SPURZHEIM (Johannes Caspar) - A View of the Elementary Principles of Education, founded on the Study of the Nature of Man.
41085: FLYING SQUADRON. - A True Account of the Constitution, Principles and Practice of the English Flying Squadron.
39926: AUCTION NOTICE. EUSTON SQUARE. - Particulars and Conditions of Sale of the Capital Leasehold Residence, No. 6, Euston Square... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Robins... on Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 1879...
32426: SQUIRE (William) - On Ethyl-Bromide or Bromic Ether.
39543: STAFFORDSHIRE. - The Checkley, Croxden, Hollington and Tean Parish Magazine. No. 289.—January, 1903. [-348.—December, 1907.]
10531: STAGE. - A Catalogue of the Allen A. Brown Collection of Books Relating to the Stage in the Public Library of the City of Boston.
26130: STAIKOS (K. Sp.) - The Mirror of the Library. Introduction to the Reader by Robert D. Fleck.
38525: STAINES (Joseph) - The History of Newport Pagnell, and its Immediate Vicinity.
35497: STAIR (John Dalrymple, Earl of,) - Considerations preliminary, to the Fixing the Supplies, the ways and Means, and the Taxes for the Year 1781. Addressed To the Minister and the Public.
40944: STAM (David H. & Deirdre C.) - Books on Ice. British & American Literature of Polar Exploration.
39937: POSTAGE STAMPS. - Catalogue of Rare British and Colonial Postage Stamps... also Great Britain, Ceylon, Cape, Canada, West Indies and Australasia; and a fine collection of Sicily... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Tuesday the 15th of January, 1918.
19432: STANARD (Mary Newton) - Edgar Allan Poe Letters Till Now Unpublished in the Valentine Museum Richmond, Virginia. Introductory Essay and Commentary by Mary Newton Stanard.
40753: STANDAGE (H. C.) - The Artists' Manual of Pigments Showing Their Composition, Conditions of Permanency, Non-Permanency, and Adulterations; Effects in Combination with Each Other and with Vehicles; and the Most Reliable Tests of Purity; Together with The Science and Art Department's Examination Questions on Painting.
40809: STANFIELD (Alfred W.) - Sandal: Sandal Castle and the Battle of Wakefield; Walton; Newmillerdam; Woolley, &c. With illustrations from photographs taken by the author.
30652: STANFORD (Sir William) - Les Plees del Corone, in plusors titles & Common lieux. Per queux home pluis redement & plenairement trouera quelq; chose que il quira, touchant les dits Plees, composes per le tresreuerend Iudge, Monsieur Guilliaulme Staundford Chiualier, dernierment corrigee. Auecques un Table parfaicte des choses notables contenus ycelle, nouelment reueu & corrigee, oue ascum nouel additions. Londini: Ex Typographia Societatis Stationariorum [i.e. Adam Islip], Anno Domini 1607. 4to, ownership inscription of "John Crasler, Gray's Inn, 1722" on front free endpaper, woodcut device on title, with the circular stamp of Birmingham Law Society on title, partly black letter, [12], 198 leaves. STC 23224. Bound with:- STANFORD (Sir William) An An Exposition of the Kings Prerogatiue, collected out of the great Abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert, and other old Writers of the Lawes of England, by the right Worshipfull Sir William Stanford Knight, lately one of the Iustices of the late Queenes Maiesties Court of Common Plees. Whereunto is annexed the Proces to the same Prerogatiue appertaining.
34716: STANHOPE (George) - A Sermon Preach'd before the Queen in the Chapel Royal at St. James's, November the 5th 1706. being the anniversary day of thanksgiving for the deliverance from the gunpowder-treason; and for the happy arrival of his Late Majesty, &c. By George Stanhope, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publish'd by Her Majesty's special command.
34250: STANHOPE (George) - Christianity the only true comfort for troubled minds. A sermon preach'd before the Queen in her chapel royal at St. James's. Sunday November the 3d 1706. By George Stanhope, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publish'd by Her Majesty's special command.
40959: STANHOPE (George) - A Bound volume of six George Stanhope Sermons (titles given below) from the Library of the Earls of Macclesfield.
39726: STANHOPE (Charles Earl) - Observations on Mr. Pitt's Plan, for the reduction of the National Debt.
40858: CRAVEN (Maxwell) & STANLEY (Michael) - The Derbyshire Country House. Volume I & II.
38913: STANLEY (E. A. V.) - Lord Taunton Heirlooms. Catalogue of Valuable Books Selected from the Library at Quantock Lodge, Bridgwater, the Property of E. A. V. Stanley, Esq.
40958: STANLEY (Thomas, Colonel) - Bibliotheca Stanleiana. A Splendid Selection of Rare and Fine Books, from the Distinguished Library of Colonel Stanley. The Selection Contains all his Rare Italian and Spanish Poetry, Novels and Romances; An Extraordinary Collection of Voyages and Travels, Including an Unique Copy of De Bray's Voyages... with a Matchless Copy of Holinshed Upon Large Paper... Sold by Auction, by R. H. Evans... on Friday the 30th April, and Seven Following Days... [London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co.], 1813. [6], 71, [1]pp., title page heavily spotted, ruled in red, prices supplied in a cont. hand, 1136 lots. Bound with:] GARDINER (William) 1811. Part I. Of a Catalogue of Antient and Modern Books, Containing many of the Most Valuable and Rare Works in English Literature, for Sale at W. Gardiner's, 48, Pall-Mall...
39620: HUGHES-STANTON (Penelope) - The Wood-Engravings of Blair Hughes-Stanton.
38365: STARK (J. Mozley) - Catalogue of the Entire & Valuable Stock of Mr. J. Mozley Stark... Comprising a Very Extensive Collection of Catholic Theology... which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Monday, 16th of July, 1888.
41167: STARK (Adam) - The History and Antiquities of Gainsburgh, (Com. Linc.) Together with a Topographical and Descriptive Account of Stow, Principally in Illustration of its Claim to be considered as the Roman Sidnacester.
31811: STARK (James) - On the Fall of Rain in Scotland, during the year 1857; with remarks on the best form of rain-gauge... From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, New Series, for April 1858.
31810: STARK (James) - Address to the Meteorological Society of Scotland. Read before the general meeting of the Society, Jan. 14, 1857.
32800: STARKEY (Benjamin) - Memoirs of the Life of Benj. Starkey, Late of London, but now an inmate of the Freeman's Hospital, in Newcastle. Written by Himself. With a Portrait of the Author, and a Fac-simile of his Hand-Writing.
31713: STATHER J. W.) - Vertical Distribution of East Yorkshire Erratics, Presidential Address delivered December 8th, 1928.
32422: STEAVENSON (William Edward) - On Therapeutical Applications of Electricity. Read in the section of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, at the fifty-second annual meeting of the British Medical Association.
26025: STEEL (David) - Analysis of the Authorities upon which the Dangers have been Inserted in Steel's New Chart of the Atlantic, or Western Ocean. To which is added, a Copious and Accurate Table of the Variations of the Magnetic Needle, as Observed in Different Parts of that Sea; with the Dates of the Respective Observations.
40308: STEELE (Richard) - An Essay upon Gardening, containing a catalogue of exotic plants for the stoves and green-houses of the British gardens: the best method of planting the hot-house vine; with directions for obtaining and preparing proper earths and compositions, to preserve tender exotics observations on the history of gardening, and a contrast of the ancient with the modern taste. York: Printed for the Author, by G. Peacock, 1793. First edition, 2 parts, xx, [2], xxi-xxii, [2], 159, [1]; 102, [8]p., with an additional letterpress divisional title and list of subscribers, 3 large folding engraved plates (one with two short closed tears to folds). [Bound with:] SPEECHLY (William) A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine, exhibiting new and advantageous methods of propagating, cultivating, and training that plant, so as to render it abundantly fruitful. Together with new hints on the formation of vineyards in England.
35557: STEELE (William E.) - A Handbook of Field Botany, comprising the flowering plants and ferns indigenous to the British Isles, arranged according to the natural system ; the orders, genera, and species carefully analyzed, so as to facilitate their discrimination; with a synoptical table of the genera according to the the Linnæan classification; and a glossary of those terms most commonly in use.
19584: STEELE (Robert) - The Earliest English Music Printing. A Descriptive and Bibliography of English Printed Music to the Close of the Sixteenth Century. Illustrated Monographs No. XI.
26962: STEINBERG (S.H.) - Stanley Morison 1889-1967. Offprint from the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume LIII.
37600: STEINERT (Dr. Bruno) - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Inactivitatsatrophie der Muskelfaser.
17813: STEINSCHNEIDER (Moritz) - Bibliographisches Handbuch über die Theoretische und Praktische Literatur für Hebräische Sprachkunde.
40674: BEWICK. STEPHENS (F. G.) - Notes by F. G. Stephens on a collection of drawings and woodcuts by Thomas Bewick, exhibited at the Fine Art Society's Rooms, 1880; Also a complete list of all works illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, with their various editions.
34522: STEPHENS (William) - A Sermon preach'd at Sutton in Surrey, on December 31. 1706. Published at the Request of the Auditory.
34507: STEPHENS (Frederic G.) - Flemish Relics; Architectural, Legendary, and Pictorial, as connected with Public Buildings in Belgium. Illustrated with Photographs by Cundall and Fleming.
31677: STEPHENS (T. A.) - A Contribution to the Bibliography of the Bank of England.
38983: STERNBERG (Thomas) - The Dialect and Folk-Lore of Northamptonshire.
15684: STETSON (John B.) - Romances of Chivalry, European Literature, French Books with Engravings & Rare Americana from the Library of John B. Stetson. To be Dispersed at Public Sale...
38902: STEVENS (Henry) - Benjamin Franklin's Life and Writings. A Bibliographical Essay on the Stevens' Collection of Books and Manuscripts Relating to Doctor Franklin.
40030: STEVENS (Dr. [J. N.]) - A Practical Treatise on Fevers.
39752: STEVENS (William Bagshaw) - Poems by the Rev. William Bagshaw Steven, A.M.
38596: STEVENSON (Robert Louis) - Virginibus Puerisque and other Papers.
38467: DICKSON (R. W.) & STEVENSON (W.) - General View of the Agriculture of Lancashire. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. By R. W. Dickson, Revised, and Prepared for the Press, by W. Stevenson.
38257: STEVENSON (William) - General View of the Agriculture of Surrey. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
38078: STEVENSON (John) - A Practical Treatise on the Morbid Sensibility of the Eye, Commonly called Weakness of Sight.
40298: QUINBY (Jane) & STEVENSON (Allan) - Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt.
27573: STEVENSON (John) - On the Morbid Sensibility of the Eye, Commonly called Weakness of Sight.
21829: STEVENSON (Eric) - Inventario dei Libri Stampati Palatino-Vaticani... Edito per Ordine di S.S. Leone XIII P.M.
37993: STEWART (Basil) - Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour-Prints. A Collector's Guide to all the Subjects Illustrated Including an Exhaustive Account of the Chushingura and other Famous Plays, Together with a Causerie on the Japanese Theatre.
37635: STEWART (Dugald) - Philosophical Essays.
35633: STEWART (A.) - A Hausa-English Guide.
32292: STEWART (James) - The Treatment of Inebriety in the Higher and Educated Classes. Read before the Society for the Study of Inebriety, January 1st, 1889.
31704: STEWART (T. Grainger) - On Dilatation of the Bronchi, or Bronchiectasis. [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Medical Journal for July 1867].
10659: STEWART (John Leveson Douglas) - Catalogue of a Collection of Books and Autographs Chiefly from the Library of...
37834: STICKNEY (William) - Observations respecting the Grub: A Paper read to the Holderness Agricultural Society, by William Stickney, of Bridgemont, in Holderness; and published by the Society.
30757: STILEMAN (John) - Episcopal Authority, with the duty both of clergy and laity, consider'd; in a Sermon preached at Leicester October 2. 1707. at the visitation of the Reverend Mr. John Rogers, Arch-deacon of Leicester. By John Stilsman [sic],...
21909: STILLWELL (Margaret Bingham) Editor. - Incunabula in American Libraries. A Second Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
36001: STOKES (William) - A Treatise of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases on the Chest. Part I. [all published] Diseases of the Lung and Windpipe. Philadelphia: Published by A. Waldie, 1837. First American edition, part I [all published], xv, [1], 360pp. [Bound with:] GREEN (Jonathan) A Practical Compendium of the Diseases of the Skin, including a practical consideration of the more frequent and intractable forms of these affections; with cases. Philadelphia: Published by A. Waldie, 1838. First American edition, xii, 252pp. [Bound with:] HODGKIN (Thomas) Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Membranes. In two volumes.
20406: STOKES (Roy) - The Function of Bibliography.
38343: STONE (Thomas) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford; with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
38987: STORER (James) - History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Great Britain. Illustrated with a series of highly-finished engravings, exhibiting general and particular views, ground plans, and all the architectural features and ornaments in the various styles of building used in our Ecclesiastical Edifices, in four volumes.
35807: STORER (John) - Hints on the Constitution of Dispensaries, with the view of their being rendered of more extensive benefit to the Labouring Population, and equally applicable and advantageous to Towns of considerable Population; to Market Towns of all denominations, and even to Rural Districts consisting of contiguous Parishes. [with an appendix].
32149: TOOLE STOTT (Raymond) - A Bibliography of English Conjuring 1581-1876.
32077: TOOLE-STOTT (Raymond) - Circus and the Allied Arts. A World Bibliography 1500-1970. Based Mainly on Circus Literature in the British Museum, The Library of Congress, The Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam, The Bibliothéque Nationale and on his own Collection.
31640: TOOLE-STOTT (Raymond) - Circus and the Allied Arts. A World Bibliography 1500-1970. Based Mainly on Circus Literature in the British Museum, The Library of Congress, The Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam, The Bibliothéque Nationale and on his own Collection.
30274: TOOLE STOTT (Raymond) - A Bibliography of English Conjuring 1581-1876.
22246: TOOLE-STOTT (Raymond) - A Bibliography of Books on the Circus in English from 1773 to 1964.
35541: STOW (Jefferson Pickman) - South Australia: its History, Productions, and Natural Resources. Written for the Calcutta Exhibition by request of the South Australian Government.
39825: STOWER (C.) - The Printer's Price-Book, Containing the Master Printer's Charges to the Trade for Printing Works of Various Descriptions, Sizes, Types and Pages; Also, a New, Easy, and Correct Method of Casting off Manuscript and other Copy, Exemplified in Specimen Pages of Different Sizes and Types...
35842: STOWER (C.) - The Printer's Price-Book, Containing the Master Printer's Charges to the Trade for Printing Works of Various Descriptions, Sizes, Types and Pages; Also, a New, Easy, and Correct Method of Casting off Manuscript and other Copy, Exemplified in Specimen Pages of Different Sizes and Types...
37974: STRACHEY (Edward) - Hebrew Politics in the Times of Sargon and Sennacherib; An Inquiry into the Historical Meaning and Purpose of the Prophecies of Isaiah, with Some Notice of their Bearings on the Social and Political Life in England.
39806: STRANGE (Edward F.) - The Colour-Prints of Hiroshige.
28040: STRANGE (Edward F.) - The Colour-Prints of Hiroshige.
31911: ROXBURGHE CLUB. STRATON (Charles R.) - Survey of the Lands of William First Earl of Pembroke: Transcribed from Vellum Rolls in the possession of The Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. With an Introduction by the Transcriber Charles R. Straton and a Preface by The Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery.
23213: STRAUS (Ralph) - Robert Dodsley: Poet, Publisher & Playwright.
41157: STREET (Rev. B.) - Historical Notes on Grantham, and Grantham Church.
41172: STREET (Rev. B.) - Historical Notes on Grantham, and Grantham Church.
41179: STREET (Rev. B.) - Historical Notes on Grantham, and Grantham Church.
28081: STREETER (Frank S.) - The Frank S. Streeter Library. Important Navigation, Pacific Voyages, Cartography, Science.
21743: STREIT (Robert) - Bibliotheca Missionum: Amerikanische Missionsliteratur 1493-1699.
38688: STRICKLAND (H. E.) - View of the Agriculture of East-Riding of Yorkshire; Published by Order of the Board of Agriculture.
40669: STRUVÉ (William Price) - Observations on the Ventilation of Mines, with a Description of a New Mine Ventilator, Invented by William Price Struvé, civil engineer, Swansea.
40047: STUBBES (Philip) - The Anatomie of Abuses. Reprinted from the Third Edition of MDLXXXV, under the Superintendence of William B. D. D. Turnbull.
25350: CELTIC STUDIES. - Celtic Studies. New Series. Catalogue 23.
41106: PROSPECTUS. THE STUDIO. - The First Number of The Studio, a practical Monthly Illustrated Magazine, on popular lines, is now in preparation.
41036: STUDIO, THE. - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of the Fine and Applied Art. Volume Two.
34372: STURGE (William Allen) - On the study of muscular atrophy as an aid to the physiological investigation of the spinal cord. 'Reprinted from: Vol. V of the Medical Society's Transactions.'
33301: BOVELL-STURGE (Emillie) - Mémoire sur un cas de phthisie (dite fibroide) avec excavation complète d'un poumon. Extrait du Nice-Médical, numéro de février.
33802: STURGES (John) - Thoughts of the Residence of the Clergy and on the provisions of the statute of the twenty-first year of Henry viii. c. 13.
37333: ROXBURGHE CLUB. STÜRZINGER (J. J.) Editor. - Le Pelerinage de l'Ame de Gillaume de Deguileville. Printed for the Roxburghe Club.
15154: SUDHOFF (Karl) - Deutsche Medizinische Inkunabeln. Bibliographisch-Literarisch Untersuchungen. Studien zur Geschiche der Medizin.
28152: SUFFOLK. - Suffolk Parochial Libraries: A Catalogue.
35795: SUGDEN (Henry) - An Essay on the Law of Wills, as altered by the 1 Victoria, c. 26.
40737: SULLIVAN (Sir Edward) - Decorative Bookbinding in Ireland. A Paper Read before Ye Sette of Odd Volumes.
41008: SULLIVAN (Sir Edward) - Decorative Bookbinding in Ireland. A Paper Read before Ye Sette of Odd Volumes.
36656: SULLY (Henry) - Observations on, and Plain Directions for, All Classes of People, to Prevent the Fatal Effects of the Bites of Animals Labouring under Hydrophobia.
40707: SUMMERS (Montague) - A Bibliography of the Restoration Drama.
20180: SUNDERLAND. - Sunderland Pier, Durham. Drawn and Engraved by William Daniell.
39607: SURENNE (Gabriel) - The New French Manual and Traveller's Companion... to which are added the statistics of Paris, etc.
41379: SURGERY. - The London Surgical Pocket-Book; (Medical, Operative, and Mechanical,) Alphabetically arranged; founded on the popular lectures & works of the late Mr. Abernethy; sir Astley Cooper, Mr. Lawrence, and other distinguished surgeons; sub-digested in the order of causes, symptoms, chirurgical and medical treatment; diagnoses, prognoses, modes of operation, and other agents employed in hospital and private practice; including an adapted pharmacopoieia; with connected intermediate practical questions and answers, preparatory to examination before the Royal College of Surgeons; Anatomical Tables, Notes, References, Glossary, &c. For the Convenience of the Junior Branches of the Profession, Students, &c.
35482: FOREST SURVEYS. - Instructions agreed upon in Parliament for Commissioners, for Surveying the Forest of Sherwood; The Forest, or Chase of Needwood; The Forest, or Chase of Kingswood; The Forest, or Chase of Ashdown, or Lancaster great Park; and Enfield Chase.......
38803: SUTHERLAND (M. A.) - An album containing c. 20 accomplished pencil sketches of European scenes and a few watercolour sketches, tissue-guards, hand written poetry in a copperplate hand.
38332: MILFORD (R.T.) & SUTHERLAND (D.M.) - A Catalogue of English Newspapers and Periodicals in the Bodleian Library 1622-1800.
36164: SUTHERLAND (W. & W. G.) - The Art of Graining & Imitating Woods.
35638: ELWELL-SUTTON (L. P.) - Colloquial Persian.
33779: SUTTON (Robert) - A Complete Guide to Landords, Tenants, and Lodgers, being a Methodical arrangement of the whole Law, as it now stands, respecting the taking or letting of Lands, Houses, or Apartments,...... With clear and Practical Directions for making a Distress for Rent,.....
18406: SUZANNET (The Comte de) - Catalogue of a Further Portion of the Well-Known Library... Comprising the Celebrated Collection of Material Concerning Charles Dickens...
37136: SWAN (John) - Explanation of an Improved Mode of Tanning; laid down from Practical Results; Intended to Accompany the New Invented Barktrometer, which will be found an unerring guide to the True Art of Tanning.
31933: MULLENS (W.H.) & SWANN (H.K.) - A Bibliography of British Ornithology, from the Earliest Times to the End of 1912. Including Biographical Accounts of the Principal Writers and Bibliographies of their Published Works.
14978: SWARZENSKI (Hanns) - Vorgotische Miniaturen die Ersten Jahrhunderte Deutscher Malerei.
36815: SWEENEY (Tony) - Ireland and the Printed Word. A Short Descriptive Catalogue of Early Books, Pamphlets, Newsletters and Broadsides Relating to Ireland. Printed: 1475-1700.
36857: SWEET (Robert) - Cistineæ. The Natural Order of Cistus, or Rock-Rose; Illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions of the Distinct Species, and the most Prominent Varieties, that could be at present procured in the Gardens of Great Britain; with the best direction for their cultivation and propagation.
36029: SWEET (George) - The Stat. 7 Will. 1V. & 1 Vict. Cap. 26, amending the Law of Wills; with a Popular Commentary, and an Appendix of Statutes and Precedents.
37810: SWIFT (Charles) - Salivation Exploded: or, a Practical Essay on the Venereal Disease, fully demonstrating the inefficacy of salivation, and recommending an approved succedaneum... To which is subjoined, a dissertation on gleets and weaknesses...
41103: ROSSETTI (Wm. Michael) & SWINBURNE (Algernon C.) - Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1868. Part I. By Wm. Michael Rossetti. Part II. By Algernon C. Swinburne.
38260: SYED (Sadruddin Bahauddin) - Hindustani Simplified.
35509: SYED (Sadruddin Bahauddin) - Hindustani Simplified.
37320: SYKES (Sir Mark Masterman) - A Catalogue of the Highly Valuable Collection of Prints, The Property of the Late Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart. of Sledmore House and Settrington in the County of York. Part the First [-Fifth]... Which will be Sold by Auction, By Mr. Sotheby...
30413: SYKES (Sir Mark Masterman) - Hand-written letter and plan signed M. Masterman, Sledmore House, Yorkshire: June 10th, 1802.
38090: SYLVAN (Agricola) Editor. - The Farmer's Magazine, and Useful Family Companion. Consisting of Practical Essays, Dissertations, and Remarks, on the Different Branches of Husbandry, Including a great Variety of Modern Improvements; A Miscellaneous Collection of Valuable Family Receipts, Recommended from Experience; Useful Hints and curious Observations from the Philosophical Transactions...
39703: SYLVESTER (Charles) - The Philosophy of Domestic Economy; as exemplified in the mode of warming, ventilating, washing, drying, & cooking, and in various arrangements contributing to the comfort and convenience of domestic life, adopted in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, and more recently, on a greatly extended scale, in several other public buildings newly erected in this country; Together with an explanation of the principles on which they are performed. The whole illustrated by illustrated by numerous engravings by W. Lowry.
34326: SYME (James) - A Probationary Essay of Necrosis; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
32112: SYME (James) - On Diseases of the Rectum.
39159: Symon, Lord Bishop of Ely [Simon Patrick] - A Sermon Preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, April VIII. MDCXCII. Being the fast-day appointed by Her Majesty, to implore God's blessing on their Majesties persons, and the prosperity of their arms both at land and sea. By the right reverend father in God, Symon, Lord Bishop of Ely. Published by Her Majestie's special command.
29012: HAMILTONIAN LINGUISTIC SYSTEM. - Italian Verbs for the use of the Hamiltonian Pupils [in English and Italian].
29010: HAMILTONIAN LINGUISTIC SYSTEM. - The Gospel of St. John, Adapted to the Hamiltonian System, by an Analytical and Interlineary Translation [in French and English]. Executed under the Immediate Direction of James Hamilton.
34222: ANALYTICAL TABLE. - A Key to the Analytical Table of Mechanical Movements.
34568: DE TABLEY (Lord) - The Flora of Cheshire. Edited by Spencer Moore.
25860: TACCANI (Francesco) - Geometria Descrittiva ad uso degli Artisti: che contiene la delineazione Geometrica e Prospettica degli oggetti e l'arte d'Ombreggiarli.
40817: TAGORE (Rabindranath) - The King of the Dark Chamber.
34252: TALBOT (James) - The judicial power of the church asserted A sermon Preached at the Visitation at Tadcaster in the Arch-Deaconry of York. May 14. By James Talbot, D.D. Rector of Spofforth in Yorkshire, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset. Published at the Request of the Clergy assembled at the Visitation.
24124: RABY (Julian) & TANINDI (Zeren) - Turkish Bookbinding in the 15th Century. The Foundation of an Ottoman Court Style. Edited by Tim Stanley.
36148: TANNER (Lawrence E.) - Westminster Papers. No. I: The Library and Muniment Room. No. II: The Norman Undercroft and Museum and the Remains of the Monastic Buildings.
36094: TANNER (Lawrence E. & Joan D.) - Three offprints relating to Westminster Abbey from 'Journal of the British Archaeological Association.'
34371: TANNER (Thomas Hawkes) - A Clinical Report on Cancer of the Female Sexual Organs.
10676: TAPLEY (Harriet Silvester) - Salem Imprints 1768-1825. A History of the First Fifty Years of Printing in Salem, Massachuaetts. With Some Account of the Bookshops, Booksellers, Bookbinders and the Private Libraries.
33632: TARLING (Alan) - Will Carter, Printer. An Illustrated Study.
16138: BODONI PRESS. TASSO (Torquato) - Aminta, Favola Boschereccia.
29175: TATE (Peter) - Birds, men and books: a literary history of ornithology A Literary History of Ornithology.
34404: GOUT. TATTERSALL (William) - Disputatio medica, de calculi et podagrae nexu, quam... pro gradu doctoris,... eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Tattersall,...
25327: TAUBEL (Christian Gottlob) - Allgemeines theoretisch-praktisches Wortebuch der Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey, in welchem alle bey der Ausiibung derselben vorkommende und in die damit verwandten Kunste, Wissenschaften und Gewerbe einschlagende Kunstworter, nach alphabet. Ordnung deutlich und ausfuhrlich erklart werden.
37279: TAUBERT (Sigfred) - Bibliopola. Pictures and Texts About the Book Trade.
41136: TAUBERT (Sigfred) - Bibliopola. Pictures and Texts About the Book Trade.
21721: TAUBERT (Sigfred) - Bibliopola. Pictures and Texts About the Book Trade.
38378: LAND TAX. - Observations on the Explanatory Act for the Redemption of Land Tax: shewing an what instances the provisions of the former act have been amended or explained, and to what particular cases the additional provisions of the Explanatory Act are applicable.
38967: TAYLOR (Joseph) - Naturales Curiosæ: in Natural History. Taken from authentic Reports of Eminent Travellers.
38472: TAYLOR (Archer) - Book Catalogues: Their Varieties and Uses. Revised by Wm. P. Barlow.
37545: TAYLOR (Theodore) - Thackeray the Humourist and the Man of Letters. The Story of his Life, including a selection from his characteristic speeches, now for the first time gathered together. With photograph from life by Ernest Edwards, B.A.., and original illustrations.
36027: TAYLOR (Jefferys) - Parlour Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England; being a Familiar Explanation of the Nature of Government and the necessity of Legal Authority, with some Account of the proceedings in Parliament and Courts of Justice.
35223: BACKHOUSE (James) and TAYLOR (Charles) - The Life and Labours of George Washington Walker, of Hobart Town, Tasmania.
33850: TAYLOR (Peter Alfred) - Vaccination. A Letter to Dr. W. B. Carpenter [in reply to his pamphlet on "The Morality of the Medical Profession"].
33097: TAYLOR (Hannah) - Memoir of Hannah Taylor: Extracted from her own Memorandums.
31510: TAYLOR (Robert N.) - The Eric Gill Collection of the Humanities Research Center: A Catalogue.
31377: TAYLOR (E.G.R.) - The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor & Stuart England.
31258: TAYLOR (E. G. R.) - The Mathematical Practitioners of Hanoverian England 1714-1840.
41273: TAYLOR (J. Hay) Editor. - The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. Almanac & Annual 1896-7.
29156: TAYLOR (Henry Osborn) - The Mediaeval Mind. A history of the development of thought and emotion in the middle ages.
24561: TAYLOR (Isaac) - History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times; or, a Concise Account of the means by which the Genuineness and Authenticity of Ancient Historical Works are Ascertained: with an Estimate of the Comparative Value of the Evidence Usually Adduced in Support of the Claims of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures.
22601: TAYLOR (E.G.R.) - The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor & Stuart England.
19464: TAYLOR (John Russell) - The Art Nouveau Book in Britain.
13049: TAYLOR (C.R.H.) - A Pacific Bibliography. Printed Matter Relating to the Native Peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia.
32283: TCHEMERZINE (Avenier) - Bibliographie d'Editions Originales et Rares d'Auteurs Francais des XVe, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe Siecles.
27266: TCHEMERZINE (Avenier) - Bibliographie d'Editions Originales et Rares d'Auteurs Francais des XVe, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe Siecles.
26832: BOOKPLATES. TEALL (Gardner) - Bookplates by Sidney L. Smith. With a Check-List of the Bookplates.
37805: COCKERELL (Sydney Morris) & TEBBUTT (Joan Rix) - Sydney Morris Cockerell & Joan Rix Tebbutt. Thirty Recent Bindings. With an Introduction by Sir Harry Barnes.
26361: TECHENER (J.) - Description Bibliographique des Livres Choisis en tous Genres Composant la Librairie J. Techener.
21320: TEDLOCK (E.W.) - The Frieda Lawrence Collection of D.H. Lawrence Manuscripts: A Descriptive Bibliography.
40305: TEERINK (Dr. H.) - A Bibliography of the Writings of Jonathan Swift. Edited by Arthur H. Scouten.
24298: NAPOLEON. CHAMONAL (Rodolphe) & TEISSÈDRE (Fabrice) - Napoléon Raconté par l'Ècrit. Livres Anciens, Manuscrits, Documents Imprimés et Autographes, Iconographie.
37588: TELFORD (John) - Sayings and Portraits of John Wesley.
26507: DREAMS AND FORTUNE-TELLING. - The Everlasting Dream-Book: Containing Interpretations of more than Three Hundred Dreams, Relative to Love, Courtship,and Matrimony; a Number of Extraordinary Facts connected with Dreaming; Charms and Incantations; the Art of Fortune-Telling; and the Signification of Moles on Men and Women: Disclosing Important Secrets of Futurity. By an Eminent Astrologer.
41354: TEMPERANCE. - The Danger and Evil Consequences of Intemperance: in Extracts from several authors.
37857: TEMPLE (Lieut.-Colonel Sir Richard Carnac) - The Papers of Thomas Bowrey 1669-1713. English Attempts at Colonisation, 1610-1630. Part I: Diary of a Six weeks' Tour In1698 in Holland and Flanders Part II: The Story of the Mary Galley 1704-1710.
30737: TEMPLE (Richard) - Practice of Physic: wherein is attempted a concise exposition of the characters, symptoms, causes of diseases, and method of cure; with formulæ, in which wherein is attempted a Concise Exposition of the Characters, Symptoms, causes of Diseases, and Method of Cure; with Formulæ, In which such New Articles are introduced as seem, from trial, to be valuable additions to the Materia Medica. With a copious index Diseases and Medicines. The whole intended for the assistance of the Young Practitioner. By Richard Temple, M. D. Licentiate of The Royal College Of Physicians, London.
38815: TEMPLER (John) - The reason of episcopall inspection asserted in a sermon at a visitation in Cambridge. By John Templer, D.D.
37441: TEMPLETON (William) - The Locomotive Engine Popularly Explained, and Illustrated By Lithographic Design; to Which are Added, Rules and Tables for Ascertaining Its Amount of Useful Effect, Resistance &c.
37812: TENISON (E.M.) - Elizabethan England 1601-1618 [Volume XII]: Being the History of this Country "In Relation to all Foreign Princes." From Original Manuscripts, many hitherto Unpublished; Co-ordinated with XVth Century Printed Matter Ranging from Royal Proclamations to Broadside Ballads.
10682: TENNER (Helmut) - Kleines Panoptikum der Versteigerer Buch-und Kunsthändler.
22424: TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord) - Poems. MDCCCXXX MDCCCXXXIII.
14687: TENNYSON. - Catalogue of a Very Important Series of Autograph Manuscripts by Alfred, First Lord Tennyson...
35300: TENSCHERT (Heribert) - Fünfzig Unica. 50 Unique Books. 50 Livres Uniques. 1472-1949. Katalog XL.
29216: TENSCHERT (Heribert) - Schöne Einbände zu wichtigen Büchern. Katalog XIX.
17022: TERRY (Rev. Dr. Roderick) - The Library of the Late Rev. Dr. Roderick Terry of Newport, Rhode Island...
37575: TERTULLIAN. - Tertulliani Opera. Recensuit Joh. Salomo Semler.
38821: TESHIGAHARA (Sofu) - Coloured Pictures of Representative Flower Arrangements by Sofu.
38806: TESHIGAHARA (Sofu) - Sofu: His Boundless World of Flowers and Form. Photographs by Ken Domon.
41217: TESSEYMAN (William) - A Catalogue of a Large and Valuable Collection of Books, in all Languages, Arts, and Sciences: (Many of which are lately purchased) The Whole forming a good assortment of the best Authors in every Branch of Literature. The Books in general are in good Condition, and will begin to be sold, at the Prices printed in the Catalogue, (for ready Money) on Tuesday the 16th of September, 1788, by W. Tesseyman, (Bookseller, Stationer, Map, and Printseller To His Royal Highness the Duke of York) in the Minster-Yard, York...
31896: THEATRE. - The English Theatre. A Catalogue of Plays, Theatrical Literature and Dramatic Criticism, from the Restoration to 1800. Catalogue 1022.
13152: THEELE (Dr. Josef) - Rheinische Buchkunst im Wandel der Zeit.
34437: THIBOUST (Cl.-L.) - L'Excellence de l'Imprimerie; Poeme Latin de Cl.-L. Thiboust, traduit par Cl.-Ch. Thiboust, son fils.
34435: THIBOUST (Claude Louis) - Typographiae excellentia [L'excellence de l'imprimerie. Poëme latin]. Paris: 1754. Second edition of the Latin poem, first edition of the French translation, 28, [2]pp., half-title, double titles in Latin and French, engraved portrait frontispiece by J. Daulle, 2 etched plates (one folding) of a typefoundry and a printing shop, foremargin shaved with slight loss of image on folding plate, text closely cropped effecting imprint and a few letters and words to several foremargins. [Bound with:] DOISSIN (Ludovico) Scalptura Carmen [La Gravure Poëme]. Paris: Le Mercier, 1753. Second edition in Latin, first edition of the French translation, xii, 76, xii, [1]-90, [2]pp. [Bound with:] DOISSIN (Ludovico) Sculptura Carmen [La Sculpture Poëme].
40874: THIEME (Carl Albert) - Letterproef der Boekdrukkery van C. A. Thieme te Arnhem.
37185: THOMAS (W. H.) - Tinterne and its Vicinity.
36762: THOMAS (Richard) - Hints for the Improvement of the Navigation of The Severn; Comprising Information which may be applicable to other Navigations.
33305: THOMAS (William) - On the Treatment of Empyema, by Resection of one or more Ribs. Reprinted from the Birmingham Medical Review.
31777: THOMAS (Alan G.) - Great Books and Book Collectors.
29073: THOMAS (Joseph) - Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology.
28205: BRITISH LIBRARY. THOMAS (Henry) - Short-Title Catalogue of Spanish, Spanish-American and Portuguese Books Printed Before 1601 in the British Museum.
20976: THOMAS (Marcel) - Les Grandes Heures de Jean Duc De Berry. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.
18697: THOMAS (Henry) - Early Spanish Bookbindings XI-XV Centuries. Illustrated Monographs No. XXII.
14753: THOMAS (Alan G.) - Great Books and Book Collectors.
14403: THOMAS (Henry) - Early Spanish Bookbindings XI-XV Centuries. Illustrated Monographs No. XXII.
13567: THOMAS (Charles E.) - Catalogue of the Very Choice and Important Collection of Works on Cartography, Shipbuilding and Navigation, Voyages and Travels, Early Maps and Atlases, Etc.
12618: THOMAS (Alan G.) - Fine Books.
38868: THOMPSON (Henry Yates) - Catalogue of Fourteen Illuminated Manuscripts and Fifteen Early Printed Books (Including Five Pigouchet Horae on Vellum), Togther with the Credo of Charles V in Gold & Enamel Case, and a Picture of the Battle of Cannae, Ascribed to Jean Foucquet... Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on Wednesday, 22nd of June, 1921.
40081: THOMPSON (Charles) - Rules for Bad Horsemen. Addressed to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c.
35525: THOMPSON (William) - Letters of William Thompson, Lately Deceased. with a Sketch of his Life.
34339: THOMPSON (Theophilus) - Two Lectures on Phthisis. Being the appendix to "Clinical Lectures on Pulmonary Consumption,".
41366: THOMPSON (Henry Yates) - Catalogue of the Remaining Portion of the Renowned Library... Superb 16th Century Bindings... English late 17th Century Bindings...
32181: THOMPSON (Sir Henry) - On the Suprapubic Operation of the Opening the Bladder for the Stone and for Tumours.
32172: THOMPSON (Henry) - The Pathology and Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra, both in the Male and Female being the Treatise for which the Jacksonian Prize, for the Year 1852, was Awarded by the College of Surgeons of England.
32120: THOMPSON (Henry) - The Enlarged Prostate, its Pathology and Treatment; with Observations on the Relation of this Complaint to Stone in the Bladder.
26186: THOMPSON (Henry Yates) - Illustrations from the Life of Bertrand Duguesclin by Jean Cuvelier. From a Manuscript of about 1400 A.D. in the Library of Henry Yates Thompson.
40832: THOMPSON (Stephen) - Old English Homes: A Summer's Sketch-Book.
24923: THOMPSON (Pishey) - Collections for a Topographical and Historical Account of Boston, and the Hundred of Skirbeck, in the County of Lincoln. With Engravings.
18039: THOMPSON (Elbert A. & Lawrence S.) - Fine Binding in America.
10695: THOMPSON (Lawrence S.) - Kurze Geschichte der Handbuchbinderei in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
38610: THOMSON (James) - The Castle of Indolence. Introduction by Edmund Blunden. Edited with notes by Alec M. Hardie.
35698: THOMSON (Robert Dundas) - Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals. and the Fattening of Cattle.
34290: THOMSON (William) - A Probationary Essay, on the Extraction of Calculi from the Urinary Bladder... Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
31514: THOMSON (Susan Ruth) - Kate Greenaway. A Catalogue of the Kate Greenaway Collection Rare Book Room, Detroit Public Library.
39566: THOMSON (Colonel Anstruther) - A History of the Fife Light Horse.
39377: TURNING. THON (Theodor) - Die Drehkunst in ihrem ganzen Unfange oder deutlich Anweisung zur vollständigen Kenntniss aller Materialen, welsch der Drechsler verarbeitet... nach dem Franz. frei bearb., neu geordnet und mit vielen Zusätzen und Zeichn. verm. hrsg. von Theodor Thon.
31821: THORBURN (John) - On Metria: and on the Dual Clinical Characteristics of Metrial Blood-Poisoning.
39897: MINIATURE BOOK. THOREAU (Henry David) - Wild Apples: History of the Apple Tree.
39896: THORNTON (Edward) - The Teeny-Weeny Books. Tiny Folks' Pets.
39789: THORNTON (Robert) - Temple of Flora: with Plates faithfully reproduced from the original engravings and the work described by Geoffrey Grigson with Bibliographical Notes by Handasyde Buchanan.
24467: HARVEY (P. D. A.) & THORPE (Harry) - The Printed Maps of Warwickshire 1576-1900.
32658: THOUIN (Gabriel) - Plans Raisonnés de Toutes les Espèces de Jardins.
12960: THOYTS (E.E.) - How to Decipher and Study Old Documents. Being a Guide to the Reading of Ancient Manuscripts.
40616: TIDCOMBE (Marianne) - The Bookbindings of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson: A Study of his Work, 1884-1893, Based on his 'Time Book' in the British Library. [Sold with:] The Doves Bindery.
25397: TIELE (P.A.) - Memoire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Navigateurs Neerlandais...
36236: WESTREENEN VAN TIELLANDT (Willem Hendrik Jacob, Baron van) - Rapport sur les Recherches, Relatives a l'Invention Première et a l'Usage le plus Ancien de l'Imprimerie Stéréotype...
36006: WESTREENEN VAN TIELLANDT (Willem Hendrik Jacob, Baron van) - Rapport sur les Recherches, Relatives a l'Invention Première et a l'Usage le plus Ancien de l'Imprimerie Stéréotype...
23808: WESTREENEN VAN TIELLANDT (Willem Hendrik Jacob, Baron van) - Rapport sur les Recherches, Relatives a l'Invention Première et a l'Usage le plus Ancien de l'Imprimerie Stéréotype...
30694: TIERNEY (George) - A Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, President of the Board of Controul [sic], on the Statement of the Affairs of the East India Company, lately published by George Anderson, Esq. Accountant to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India.
33403: TILLY (William) - A Letter to a Worthy and Learned Gentleman in the Law, concerning some ; with passages of the Life and Death of Mrs. Sarah Tilly, his near Relation, Lately Deceas'd; with Some Account of Her Descent and Family; written by William Tilly, D.D. Rector of Albury and of Godington in Oxfordshire,.....
24417: TIMPERLEY (C.H.) - A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with the Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern; Bibliographical Illustrations, Etc. B. Johnson. 1839. First Edition, vi,996pp., 11 plates (some foxed as usual), 11 plates, unopened. [Bound with:] ----. The Printer's Manual; Containing Instructions to Learners, with Scales of Impositions, and Numerous Calculations, Recipes, and Scales of Prices in the Principal Towns of Great Britain: Together with Practical Directions for Conducting Every Department of a Printing Office.
41288: TISSANDIER (Gaston) - Bibliographie Aéronautique. Catalogue de Livres d'Histoire, de Science, de Voyages et de Fantaisie, Traitant de la Navigation Aérienne ou des Aérostats.
36403: TISSANDIER (Gaston) - Bibliographie Aéronautique. Catalogue de Livres d'Histoire, de Science, de Voyages et de Fantaisie, Traitant de la Navigation Aérienne ou des Aérostats.
33525: TITCOMBE (Marianne Fletcher) - The Bookbinding Career of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt.
38419: [RUFFHEAD (Owen)] Sometimes attributed to. - Farther animadversions on the conduct of a late noble commander, at the battle of Thonhausen. In reply to a pamphlet, intitled, An answer to a letter to a late noble commander, &c. To which is annexed an answer to a pamphlet, intitled, "colonel Fitzroy's letter considered, so far as it relates to the Author of the Letters," &c. By the author of the two letters to a late noble commander.
37254: TOBACCO. - An Ordinance Impowering Commissioners to put in Execution an Act of Parlament, Intituled, An Act Prohibiting the Planting of Tobacco in England. Tuesday 11th April, 1654. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, that this ordinance bee forthwith printed and published. Hen. Scobel, Clerk of the Council.
31900: TOBLER (Titus) - Bibliographia Geographica Palaestinae. Kritische Uebersicht Gedruckter und Ungdruckter Beschreibungen der Reisen in Heilige Land.
20211: TODD (William B.) - A Bibliography of Edmund Burke.
13564: TODD (William B.) - Suppressed Commentaries on the Wiseian Forgeries. Addendum to an Enquiry.
10710: TODD (Henry John) - Some Account of the Deans of Canterbury; From the New Foundation of that Church, by Henry the Eighth, to the Present Time. To Which is Added a Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Church Library.
40788: TOLD (Silas) - An Account of the Life and Dealings of God with Silas Told, Late Preacher of The Gospel. Wherein Is Set Forth The Wonderful Display of Divine Providence Towards Him When at Sea, His Various Sufferings Abroad...
39841: LALLY-TOLENDAL (Trophime-Gerard, Marquis de) - Songe d'un Anglais, fidèle à sa Patrie, et à son Roi. Traduit de l'Angais.
32666: TOLET (François) - A Treatise of Lithotomy: or, Of the Extraction of the Stone out of the Bladder. Written in French by Mr. Tolet, Lithotomist in the Hospital of the Charity at Paris. Translated into English by A. Lovell.
40513: LEICESTERSHIRE TURNPIKE ROAD TOLL. - Tables of Tolls, (Commencing this Day,) Payable on the Turnpike Road, from the Borough of Leicester to the Town of Ashby-de-la-Zouch. In the County of Leicester.
41393: TOLLER (Samuel) - The Law of Executors and Administrators.
36889: TOLLON (M.) - Choix de Livres Rares et Precieux Provenant de Cabinet de M. Tollon.
33899: TOMASININ (Jac Philippi) - De tesseris Hospitalitatis Liber singualris, In quo hospitii universum, apud veteres potissimum, expenditur. Amstelodami, Sumptibus Andreæ Frissi 1670. 12mo, engraved frontispiece by F. Bloteling, engraved vignette on title, 9 engraved plates (2 folding) illustrations in the text, index at end, [12], 227, [25] pp. [Bound with:-] TOMASININ (Jac Philippi) Episcopi Æmoniensis Titvs Livivs Patvinvs.
39315: TOMBE (Charles François) - Voyage aux Indes Orientales, pendant les années, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 et 1806, contenant la description du cap de Bonne-Espérance, les îles de France, Bonaparte, Java, Banca et de la ville de Batavia; des observations sur le habians... Revu et augmenté de plusieurs notes et éclaircissemens, par M. Sonnini.
39709: TOMES (John) - Description of New Preparations of Gold for Stopping Carious Teeth, and of the Manner of using them.
33130: TOMLINS (Sir Thomas Edlyne) - A Familiar Explanation of the Law of Wills and Codicils; and the Law of Executors and Administrators; and the Law of Descent and Distribution, in case no Will is made: containing plain and practical Instructions for making, executing, and proving Wills; and for the General Conduct of Executors and Administrators; (Particularly under the Legacy Bill, just passed), with proper forms of Wills,..... Intended for the use of persons desirous of making their own Wills, and families unacquainted with Law.
38885: TOMLINSON (John) - Doncaster from the Roman Occupation to the Present Time.
40982: TOMLINSON (John) - Stories and Sketches Relating to Yorkshire.
40983: TOMLINSON (John) - The Level of Hatfield Chace, and Parts Adjacent.
26631: TOMLINSON (Lieutenant [Robert]) - A Plan for a Practicable, Easy, and Constitutional Method, of Manning the Royal Navy, upon any Emergency, without the usual mode of Impressing Seamen; Rendered intelligible to those who are unacquainted with Maritime Affairs: Illustrated by several Tables, calculated to explain the Whole. And most humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Ministry and of the Legislature.
19559: TØNSBERG (Jeppe) - Offentlige Bibliotker i Romerriget.
35492: TOOKE (John Horne) - A Letter to a Friend, on the reported Marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
31633: TOOLEY (R.V.) - English Books with Coloured Plates 1790 to 1860. A Bibliographical Account of the Most Important Books Illustrated by English Artists in Colour Aquatint and Colour Lithography.
28849: TOOLEY (R.V.) - Maps and Map-Makers.
28549: TOOLEY (R.V.) - Maps and Map-Makers.
33156: TOPLADY (Augustus) - Joy in Heaven, and the Creed of Devils. Two Sermons preached October 29, 1775.
33145: TOPLADY (Augustus Montague) - A Memoir of some principal circumstances in the Life and Death of the Reverend and Learned Augustus Montague Toplady, B. A. Late Vicar of Broad Hembury, Devon: To which are added, written by himself, the Dying Believer's Address to his Soul, and His own last Will and Testament.
33140: TOPLADY (Augustus) - Free-Will and Merit fairly examined: or, Men not their own Saviors [sic]. The Substance of a Sermon, Preached, in the Parish Church of St. Anne, Black-Friars, London, on Wednesday, May 25, 1774.
38061: TORQUAY. - Twenty Four Views and Scenery of Torquay.
41319: TOTHILL (William) - The Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, both by Practice and President; With the Fees thereunto belonging, and all special Orders in extraordinary Cases, which are to be found in the Registers Office as they are quoted by Terms, Years, and Books. Collected by that famous Lawyer William Tothill Esq; late one of the six Clerks: And since Reviewed by Sir Ro; Holborne, Bencher of Lincolns-Inne.
33059: DUCLOS (M.) de Tours - De la Première Dentition et des accidents qui peuvent la compliquer.
39872: TOWGOOD (Stepen) - The Ministry of the Gospel a good Work: a sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Daniel Harson, at Moreton-Hampstead, Devon, July 27. 1737. By Stephen Towgood. To which is added, a charge delivered on the same occasion. By Henry Grove.
37424: TOWGOOD (Micaiah) - Dipping not the only Scriptural and Primitive Manner of Baptizing. And supposing it were, yet a strict adherence to it not obligatory on us.
38827: TRACEY (Captain) - Notes on the Antechamber of the Great Pyramid. Based on the Measures Contained in Vol. II of "Life and Work at the Great Pyramid," by C. Piazzi Smyth. [Offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.]
36792: LAW TRACTS. - A bound volume of seven law tracts, mostly with Birmingham imprints, some unrecorded. 12mo (180 x 110 mm).
40668: COAL TRADE. - Observations by the Committee of the Coal-Trade on the Discussion respecting the demands of their late Workmen, introduced during the Debate on the Motion to Repeal the Export Duty on Coals.
41094: COAL TRADE. - Report of the Committee of the Coalowners Respecting the present situation of the Trade.
40754: BOOKBINDING. BOOK OF TRADES. - The Book of Trades; or, Circle of the Useful Arts.
39144: LABE (Louise) COX (Edwin Marion) Translator. - The Debate Between Folly and Cupid. Written by Louise Labe of Lyons about 1550 and now first completely done into English by Edwin Marion Cox.
40953: GILES (J. A.) Translator and Editor. - The Chronicle of Richard of Devizes concerning the deeds of Richard the First, King of England and Richard of Cirencester's Description of Britain.
38484: BURSTEIN (Stanley M.) Translator. - Agatharchides of Cnidus on the Erythraean Sea.
39830: [OVINGTON (John)] Translator. - An Historical Account of the Discovery of the Island of Madeira, Abridged from the Portugueze Original. To which is added, an Account of the present State of the Island, in a Letter to a Friend.
40142: OWEN (Thomas) Translator. - The Fourteen Books of Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus, on Agriculture.
34302: [FREDERICK II, KING OF PRUSSIA] SMITH (Captain C. H.) Translator. - Secret Strategical Instructions, of Frederic the Second, for his Inspectors General. Translated from the German, by Captain C. H. Smith.
41401: FLETCHER (Thomas) Translator. - Arithmetick made so Easy, that it may be learned without a Master: after a New and Concise Method; the Like not yet Extant. Translated from the French, by Thomas Fletcher,
40165: DESGODETZ (Anthony) & MARSHALL (George) Engraver and Translator. - The Ancient Buildings of Rome: Accurately Measured and Delineated by Anthony Desgodetz, Architect. Illustrated with One Hundred and Thirty-seven Plates; and Explanations in French and English. The Plates Engraved and the Text Translated by the late Mr. G. Marshall, Architect.
30945: FLETCHER (Thomas) Translator. - Arithmetick made so Easy, that it may be learned without a Master: after a New and Concise Method; the Like not yet Extant. Translated from the French, by Thomas Fletcher,
35371: TRANSPORTATION. - First [Second & Index] Report from the Select Committee on Transportation; Together with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. London: Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 1856. 3 vols., folio, iv, 183, [1]; iv, 204; iv, 64, [2]pp., stamp of "Home Office Library", stitched as issued, orig. blue wrappers, spines lightly chipped. [Sold with:] Report from the Select Committee on Transportation...
39743: TRAPP (Joseph) - The practice of confounding the distinction between good and evil consider'd, and expos'd. In a sermon preach'd at St. Mary's in Oxford, Before Mr. Justice Powell, and Mr. Justice Gould; And Before the University of Oxford, at the Assizes held there, Mar. 4. 1707/8. By Joseph Trapp, M.A. Fellow of Wadham-College. Publish'd at the Request of the High-Sheriff, and the Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury.
40973: TRAVELLER'S COMPANION. - England Described: or, the Traveller's Companion. Containing whatever is curious in the several counties, cities, boroughs, market towns and villages of note, in the Kingdom.... To which is added, as an appendix, a brief account of Wales.
38075: TRAVERS (Benjamin) - A Synopsis of the Diseases of the Eye, and their Treatment to which are Prefixed a Short Anatomical Description and a Sketch of the Physiology of that Organ.
26583: TREDGOLD (Thomas) - Elementary Principles of Carpentry; a Treatise on the Pressure and Equilibrium of Beams and Timber Frames; the Resistance of Timber; and the Construction of Floors, Roofs, Centres, Bridges, &c. with Practical Rules and Examples. To which is added an Essay on the Nature an Properties of Timber, including the methods of Seasoning, and the causes and Prevention of Decay, with Descriptions of the kinds of Wood used in Building. Also numerous tables of the scantlings of Timber for different purposes, the specific gravitates of materials &c.
23900: TREMBLOT (Jean) - Bibliotheques et Armoiries des Academies Royales de Paris. Precede d'une Lettre de G. Lacour-Gayet.
41293: TREMELLING (John) - The Young Miner's First Stepping-Stone, containing tables, rules, examples, and exercises, for computing by a variety of the most approved methods, the weight and value of black tin in a given quantity of tin-stuff, the weight of white tin for black, the water weights for tin-stuff and copper ore, the value of fine copper in the ore, and the rise and fall of the copper standard. Designed for the use of schools, the mine counting-house, and those desirous of instructing themselves.
35705: NEWARK ON TRENT. - An Impartial Relation of some late Parish Transactions at N[ewar]k... [Bound with:] A letter to the late recorder of N- [Newcastle]. From an Old Friend.
13091: TREPTOW (Otto) - John Siberch, Johann Lair von Siegburg.
40888: FIGUEIREDO (Peter de) & TREUHERZ (Julian) - Cheshire Country Houses.
39770: TRIAL. - The Tryal and Conviction of Sr. Sam, Bernardiston, Bart. for High-Misdemeanor at the Sessions of Nisi Prius, holden at Guild-Hall, London,..... before the Right Honorable Sir George Jeffreys,..... Lord Chief Justice of England, on Thursday, Feb. 14. 1683.
40062: TRIAL. - The Tryals of Henry Cornish, Esq; for conspiring the Death of the King, and raising a Rebellion in this Kingdom; and John Fernley, William King, and Elizabeth Gaunt, for Harbouring and Maintaining Rebels: at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, London,..... on Monday, Octob. 19. 1685.
35573: TRIAL. - The whole proceedings of an Information exhibited at the instance of the Honourable the East-India Company, against Robert Henshaw, Esq. Custom-Master of Bombay, for Corruption in Office, and receiving presents, in violation of the Act 33 Geo. 111, Cap. 52. Tried by a special Jury, in the Court of the Recorder of Bombay, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1805, and the three following days, before the Hon. Sir James Mackintosh, Knt. Recorder.
39392: TRIALS. - The Trials of Henry Sanderson, for Shooting Wm. Carr, and Robt. Bamford, Adam Adie, and William Knight, for the Murder of John Timms, at Nottingham Lent Assizes, 1822; with some Particulars of their Lives, Behaviour, and Execution.
38091: TRIALS. - A Full and True Relation of Two Very Remarkable Tryals at the Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster held in the Great Hall, on Monday the third of October, and ending the eleventh of the same. The one, for scandalous words, by one Shippon : the other, of a priest in the Gate-house, for spoiling a girl of nine years old. By way of a letter to a friend.
40061: TRIALS. - The Tryals of Thomas Walcot, William Hone, William Lord Russell, John Rous & William Blagg. For High-Treason, for Conspiring the Death of the King, and raising a Rebellion in this Kingdom: at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily London, on a Commission of Oyer and Terminer held there for the City of London, and County of Middlesex, on....July 12, 13, and 14. 1683.
39441: TRIALS. - Some Particulars of the Life, Trial, Behaviour, and Execution of Samuel Wood, who was Executed on Nottingham Gallows, on Thursday, March 16, 1826, for the Wilful Murder of his Wife. Copied from the Nottingham Review, with Considerable Additions.
39440: TRIALS. - The Life, Trial, Behaviour, and Execution, of Thos. Roe & Benj. Miller, who were Hanged at Nottingham, on April 2, 1823, for Highway Robbery.
41236: TRIMMER (Rev. Kirby) - Supplement to the Flora of Norfolk.
31815: TRIPE (John W.) - An inaugural address on some of the relations of meteorological phenomena to man: delivered before the Society of Medical Officers of Health, October, 1882.
31814: TRIPE (John W.) - Relations of Meteorological Phenomena to Health. [Read at the] Conference on Thursday, July 17, 1884, International Health Exhibition, London.
31813: TRIPE (John W.) - On the Medical Meteorology of the Metropolis for the Years 1859, 1860, and 1861. Reprinted from Proceedings of the British Meteorological Society, 1862, June 18.
40843: TRISTRAM (W. Outram) - Moated Houses. Illustrated by Herbert Railton.
32368: TROEYER (Benjamin de) - Bio-Bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica Saeculi XVI.
40804: TROLLOPE (Rev. Edward) - Shadows of the Past History of Sleaford.
40705: TROWER (Harold E.) - The Book of Capri.
21307: TRUMAN (Edwin) - The Truman Collections. Catalogue of the General Library...
40663: TRUMBULL (Colonel John) - A Catalogue of a Most Superb and Distinguished Collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Pictures, a Selection Formed with peculiar Taste and Judgment by John Trumbull, Esq. During his late Residence in Paris, From some of the most Celebrated Cabinets in France. Consisting of the undoubted Works of the following great Masters, in the highest State of Preservation: Raphael, Titian, Pordenone, Bassan, Spagnoletto, Guercino, Guido, Salvator Rosa, Murillo, Poussin, Rubens, V. Dyck, Teniers, Berghem, Wouvermans, Ger. Douw, Ch. V. Werff, Rembrandt, Vernet. Which will be Sold by Auction by Mr. Christie, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, February 17th, 1797, and following Day, at One O'Clock... [London: s.n., 1797.] 4to (275 x 228 mm), iv, [1], 6-13, [3, blank]pp., prices for each of the 91 lots is provided in a neat contemporary hand, stitched as issued in the original marbled wrappers, a well preserved copy. [Sold with:] A Catalogue of Eight most Valuable Pictures, the property of John Trumbull, Esq. Purchased by him at Paris in the Spring of 1795, Consisting of the Works of Raphael, Vandyke, Nicolo Poussin, Guido Rheni, David Teniers, Jun. Nicholas Berghem, and Karl du Jardin. Which have Remained in his Possession until this time; and are in perfect Preservation; and will be Sold by Auction, by Peter Coxe, in Maddox Street, Hanover Square, on Friday, the 12th of June. [London: Printed by J. Moyes, 1812.] 4to (268 x 219 mm), 15, [1]pp., signed at head of title 'John Turnbull Esq.,' each of the eight lots are described in some detail and the price of each is supplied in a neat contemporary hand, stitched as issued. [Sold with:] Catalogue of Paintings by Colonel Trumbull; including nine subjects of the American Revolution, with near two hundred and fifty portraits of persons distinguished in that important period. Painted by him from the life. Now exhibiting, at the gallery of the American Academy of the Fine Arts, Chambers-Street: Admittance to the exhibition, —25 cents. Catalogue, —12½ cents.
40183: CHESTERFIELD (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Fourth Earl of) TRUSLER (Dr. John) - Principles of Politeness, and of Knowing the World; by the late Lord Chesterfield. Methodised and digested under distinct heads, with additions, by the Reverend Dr. John Trusler: Containing Every Instruction necessary to complete the Gentleman and Man of Fashion, to teach him a Knowledge of life, and Make him well received in All Companies. For the Improvement of Youth.
34429: TRYE (Charles Brandon) - Essay of some of the Stages of the Operation of Cutting for the Stone.
20766: TSCHICHOLD (Jan) - Meisterbuch der Schrift. Ein Lehrbuch mit vorbildlichen Schriften aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart für Schriftenmaler, Graphiker, Bildhauer, Graveure, Lithographen, Verlagshersteller, Buchdrucker, Architekten und Kunstschulen.
32170: TUCHMANN (Maro) - The Exploration of the Urethra and Bladder.
38857: TUKE (John) - General View of the Agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London: Printed by M'Millan, 1800. 8vo, xvi, 356pp., hand-coloured engraved folding map, 14 engraved plates. [Bound with:] NAISMITH (John) General View of the Agriculture of the County of Clydesdale. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement.
38686: TUKE (John) - General View of the Agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
30532: TULL (Jethro) - The Horse-Hoing Husbandry: or, an Essay on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation. Wherein is shewn a method of introducing a sort of vineyard-culture into the corn-fields, in order to increase their product, and diminish the common expence; by the use of instruments described in cuts. [Bound with:] A Supplement to the Essay on Horse-Hoing Husbandry...
30722: PSALM TUNES. - A Collection of Psalm Tunes with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Organ with several Hymns, Anthems, & Divine Songs. Adapted to the Voice [Sic., i.e.Violin, & German-Flute].
31983: TURBERVILL (J. P.) - Ewenny Priory Monastery and Fortress.
31917: TURLEY (Raymond V.) Editor. - Hampshire & Isle of Wight Bibliographies: Selected Nineteenth Century Sources.
35576: TURNBULL (Alexander) - An Investigation into the Remarkable Medicinal Effects resulting from the External Application of Veratria.
39647: TURNBULL (Edward) - The Reference Library of the late Edward Turnbull. Founder of the Walpole Galleries. Incunabula, Early English Literature, Americana, The Fine Arts.
39151: TURNER (Major W.) - Guide to Militrary Urdu and the Elementary Examination.
38731: TURNER (William), JACKSON (Benjamin Daydon) - Libellus de re Herbaria Novus, by William Turner, Originally Published in 1538, Reprinted in Facsimile, with Notes, Modern Names, and a Life of the Author, by Benjamin Daydon Jackson, F.L.S.
38352: TURNER (George) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Gloucester, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
37685: TURNER (Joseph Mallord William) - Turner's Picturesque Views in England and Wales Reproduced in Permanent Photography with Descriptive and Historical Illustrations. (Landscapes, Coast Scenery, Castles and Abbeys).
37400: TURNER (Dawson) - Catalogue of the Manuscript Library of the Late Dawson Turner... Comprising the Matchless Collection of Upwards of Forty Thousand Autograph Letters, The Unique Copy of Blomefield's History of Norfolk... Illustrated County Histories of the Highest Character and Importance, Richly Illuminated Missals, etc. Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, Monday June 6, 1859 and Four Following Days.
37074: TURNER (Captain Samuel) - An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet; Containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. To which is added, views taken on the spot, by Lieutenant Samuel Davis; and observations botanical, mineralogical, and medical, by Mr. Robert Saunders.
41237: WYTTENBACH (Professor John Hugh) & TURNER (Dawson) - The Stranger's Guide to the Roman Antiquities of the City of Treves, from the German of Professor John Hugh Wyttenbach... to which are added, plates from unpublished drawings, and other illustrations. Edited under the direction of Dawson Turner.
41055: TURNER (J. Horsfall) Editor. - The Elland Tragedies, viz: the murders of Sir Robert Beaumont, of Crosland; Hygh de Quarmby, of Quarmby, Esquire; John de Lockwood, of Lockwood, Esquire; Sir John Eland, Senior, at Brighouse; Sir John Eland, Junior, and his son, at Eland; and others. With the exploits of Wilkin de Lockwood, at Cannon Hall, and of Adam de Beaumont, at Honley, and in Rhodes and Hungary, as recorded in ancient manuscripts in prose and verse, with notes, pedigrees, and evidences recently brought to light.
39099: TURRELL (Henry Stein) - Oral Exercises in French Phraseology...
36674: TWOPENY (William) - Etchings of Ancient Capitals, &c. From Drawings by William Twopeny, Esq.
36666: TWOPENY (William) - Specimens of Ancient Wood-Work. Etched from Drawings by William Twopeny.
10734: TWYMAN (Michael) - Early Lithographed Books. A Study of the Design and Production of Improper Books in the Age of the Hand Press.
40883: TYACK (Geoffrey), KINGSLEY (Nicholas) Editor. - Warwickshire Country Houses. English Country Houses Series.
40626: TYNDALE (William), ARBER (Edward) Editor. - Facsimile Texts. The First Printed English New Testament. Translated by William Tyndale. Phto-lithographed from the unique fragment, now in the Grenville Collection, British Museum.
40051: TYPE SPECIMENS. BIRRELL & GARNETT, LTD. - Catalogue of I: Typefounders' Specimens. II: Books Printed in Founts of Historic Importance. III: Works on Typefounding, Printing and Bibliography.
32948: TYSON (James) - The Cell Doctrine: Its History and Present State. For the use of Students in Medicine and Dentistry. Also, a Copious Bibliography of the Subject.
32381: UNDERHILL (Arthur Stopford) - Carbonaceous Infarction of Colliers' Lungs. A Thesis read for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, Univ. Dubl.
22083: UNTERKIRCHER (Franz) - Abendländische Buchmalerei Miniaturen aus Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Mit einem Vorwort von Josef Stummvoll.
40578: UPCOTT (William) - Catalogue of the Library of the Late William Upcott, Esq. Consisting of A Collection of Works in English Topography, Bibliography... and a Most Extensive Collection of Books, Manuscripts, Prints, and Drawings, for the History and Topography of Northampton and Oxfordshire. Which Will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Evans, on Monday, June 15th, and Four following Days. [Bound with:] Catalogue of the Collection of Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, Formed by the Late William Upcott, Esq... Which Will be Sold by Auction... By Messrs. Evans... Monday, June 22nd, and Two following Days.
18758: UPCOTT (William) - A Bibliographical Account of the Principal Works Relating to English Topography.
18236: UPCOTT (William) - A Bibliographical Account of the Principal Works Relating to English Topography.
38103: TREATY OF UTRECHT. - Tractatus Navigations et Commerciorum... Treaty of Navigation and Commerce, between the most Serene and most Potent Princess Anne, by the Grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and the most serene and most potent Prince Lewis the XIVth, the most Christian King, Concluded at Utrecht the 31/11 Day of March/April 1713. By Her Majesties special Command.
39856: UZANNE (Octave) - La Reliure Moderne Artistique et Fantaisiste.
37367: UZIELLI (Matthew) - Catalogue of the Various Works of Art Forming the Collection of Matthew Uzielli, Esq. of Hanover Lodge, Regent's Park, London.
34472: BOOKBINDING. GHELLINCK VAERNEWYCK (Le Vicomte de) - La Reliure Flamande au XVe Siècle. Discours prononcé à la séance d'installation du bureau de l'Académie pour l'année 1901.
26788: VALENTINELLI (Giuseppe) - Bibliografia del Friuli.
41144: LA VALLIERE (Louis Cesar) - Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Le Duc de la Valliere... par Guillaume de Bure, fils aine.
10739: VALSECCHI (Felice) Editor. - Incunaboli dell'Ambrosiana. [A only].
38346: VANCOUVER (Charles) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cambridge; with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
36676: VANCOUVER (Charles) - General View of the Agriculture of Devon: with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
35282: VANCOUVER (Charles) - General View of the Agriculture of Devon: with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
38230: VARLO (Charles) - The Floating Ideas of Nature, suited to the philosopher, farmer, and mechanic, and adapted to the present times of scarcity, in order to create plenty, By introducing several new Rops, and their Management. The First Volume treats chiefly on Agriculture: viz. On raising Indian-Corn, which may be brought to Perfection in England. On Siberian Wheat, and its Management. On Dibbling Wheat, invented by the Editor, and which clears 2l. 10s. per Acre above the common Method. How to stock and manage 150 Acres Farm, so as to clear 400l. a Year. On a general Act to inclose Commons, &c. How to improve them by Crops that will pay the Expence. How to manage Horses in Stables without Litter, as practised in America. On a Dog Act, and what it would bring into the Funds. The 2d Volume treats on various Subjects, viz. Natural Philosophy, Creation, Religion, &c. &c.
40141: VARRO (Marcus Terentius), OWEN (Rev. Thomas) Translator. - The Three Books of M. Terentius Varro concerning Agriculture. Translated by the Rev. T. Owen.
34357: DESIGNS FOR VASES. - Vases, Modern and Antique, from Various Examples, Proper for Metal, Stone, or Wood. Engraved on Thirty-Nine Plates.
39262: VAUGHAN (Henry) - Oratio in Theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, ex Harveii instituto, habita die Octob. xviii, on. MDCCC, ab Henrico Vaughan.
28013: VEKENE (Emil van der) - Bemerkenswerte Einbande in der Nationalbibliothek zu Luxemburg.
39304: VELLEKOOP (Jacques) - Ernest Philip Goldschmidt 1887-1954. Reprinted from the Summer Edition of "The Book Collector".
32636: BOOKS PRINTED ON VELLUM. [PRAET (Joseph Basile Bernard van)] - Catalogue des Livres Imprimés sur Vélin de la Bibliothéque du Roi.
35472: VENABLES (Edmund) - Walks through the Streets of Lincoln. Two Lectures.
39514: VENERONI (Signor) - Le maître italien ou la grammaire françoise et italienne de Veneroni, contenant tout ce qu il est nécessaire pour apprendre facilement la langue italienne. augmentée de plusieurs règles très nécessaires, de quelques lettres de commerce et d un vocabulaire des deux langues
33107: VENERONI (Signor) - The Complete Italian Master: Containing the Best and Easiest Rules for Attaining that Language.
29071: VENZKE (Andreas) - Johannes Gutenberg: Der Erfinder des Buchdrucks.
24386: VERDIER (Pierre Le) - L'Amelier de Guillaume Le Talleur. Premier Imprimeur Rouennais Histoire et Bibliographie.
38331: BOOKPLATE. HOPE-VERE (Marie Elizabeth Françoise) - Marie Elizabeth Françoise Hope-Vere (née Guillemin) (died 1937), Second wife of James Charles Hope-Vere; daughter of Auguste Guillemin.
23848: VERVLIET (Hendrik D.L.) Editor. - Post-Incunabula and their Publishers in the Low Countries. A selection based on Wouter Nijhoff's 'L'Art typgraphique' published in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of Martinus Nijhoff on January 1, 1978.
39968: FONTAINE VERWEY (H. de la) - Grolier-banden in Nederland.
38074: VETCH (John) - A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye.
33316: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. EDWARD I. - HENRY VI. - Heredes ex inquisitionibus post mortem, a primo Edwardi I. A.D. 1272 ad decimum Henrici VIti. A.D. 1439. Ex MSS. Phillipps no. 6538. Pars I. Curante D. T. Phillipps, bart.
37071: VICAIRE (G.) - Bibliographie Gastronomique. A Bibliography of Books Appertaining to Food and Drink and Related Subjects, from the Beginning of Printing to 1890. Introduction by André L. Simon.
31399: VICAIRE (Georges) - Bibliographie Gastronomique.
16445: VICAIRE (Georges) - Bibliographie Gastronomique.
39178: VICARS (John) - England's Worthies. Under Whom all the Civill and Bloody Warres Since Anno 1642, to Anno 1647, are Related.
33045: VICTORY. - The Victory; or, the Captain Done Over.
18801: VIELLIARD (Françoise) - Manuscrits Français du Moyen Âge. Introduction de Jacques Monfrin.
26009: CHELTENHAM VIEWS. - Views in Cheltenham and its Vicinity.
40288: BOURDÉ DE VILLEHUET (Jacques-Pierre) - Le Manoeuvrier, ou Essai sur la Theorie et la Pratique des Mouvements du Navire et des Évolutions Navales.
30510: BOURDÉ DE VILLEHUET (Jacques) - The Manoeuverer, or Skilful Seaman: being an essay on the Theory and Practice of the various movements of a ship at sea, As well as of Naval Evolutions In General. Translated from the French of Mr. Bourdé de Villehuet, by the Chevalier de Sauseuil... Illustrated with thirteen copperplates; Five of which, with many interesting Observations interspersed through the Work, by way of Notes, are the Production of an English Officer. Dedicated To His Royal Highness Prince William-Henry.
40725: VILLIERS (George) - Historical and Biographical Memoirs of George Villiers I. Duke of Buckingham.
38822: VIRA (Prof. Dr. Raghu), CHANDRA (Prof. Dr. Lokesh) editor. - Sanskrit Texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking in the Manchurian Chinese Mongolian and Tibetan scripts. From the Collection of Prof. Dr. Raghu Vira. Parts 1-8.
39123: MINIATURE BOOK. VIRGIL. - Publius Virgilius Maro.
37249: HUNGARIAN POSTER. VISSY (Gábor) - Hungarotex [Textile Trade Company, Budapest].
41295: VOET (Leon) - The Golden Compasses. A History and Evaluation of the Printing and Publishing Activities of the Officina Plantiniana at Antwerp. Vol. I. Christophe Plantin and the Moretuses: their Lives and their World.
31769: VOGEL (Heiner) - Bilderbogen und Wurfelspiel.
26259: VOLKMANN (Ludwig) - Iconografia Dantesca. The Pictorial Representations to Dante's Divine Comedy. Revised and Augmented by the Author, with a Preface by Charles Sarolea.
30998: VOLTAIRE (François Marie Arouet de) - The Pupil of Nature; A True History, found among the Papers of Father Quesnel. Translated from the original French of Mons. de Voltaire.
27594: VOORN (Henk) - The Paper Mills of Denmark & Norway and their Watermarks.
19405: GROOT (Irene de) & VORSTMAN (Robert) - Maritime Prints by the Dutch Masters.
14798: VOULLIÉME (Prof. Dr. E.) - Die Deutschen Drucker des Fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts... Zweite Auflage.
32094: VRIES (Anne Gerard Christiaan de) - De Nederlandsche Emblemata, Geschiedenis en Bibliographie tot de 18de eeuw.
14224: DE WAAL (Ronald Burt) - The World Bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. A Classified and Annotated List of Materials Relating to their Lives and Adventures.
39419: WADDY (Samuel D.) - The English Echo: A Practical Guide to the Conversation and Customs of Every-Day Life in Great-Britain.
35681: WADE (Willoughby Francis) - Report on a Case of Railway Injury. [Reprinted from the British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, April, 1870].
34008: WADE (John Peter) - Nature and Effects of Emetics, Purgatives, Mercurials, and Low Diet, in Disorders of Bengal and Similar Latitudes.
15793: WAEBER (Alex) - Landes-und Reisebeschreibungen. Ein Beitrag zur Bibliographie der Schweizerischen Reiselitteratur 1479-1900.
38192: COMMON STAGE WAGGONS. - London, Winchester, Southampton, Romsey, Lymington, Ringwood, Fordingbridge, and Poole, Common Stage Waggons, Set out from the Warehouse in Winchester every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; get to London every Wednesday, Friday, and Monday; and return to Southampton every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday... Set out from the Warehouse opposite the Vine Inn, Southampton... Nag's Head Inn, in Lymington... Angel Inn, in Poole... Crown Inn, Fordingbridge... Carry Passengers and Goods for the following Towns... Winchester, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Jersey and Guernsey, Romsey, Lyndhurst, Lymington, Christchurch, Ringwood, Fordingbridge, Wimborne, Poole. Performed by James Brockman, Jun. Winchester.
34306: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On Temperature in Surgical Cases.
34307: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On Temperature of Shock in Surgical Cases.
34305: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Surgical Reports.
34304: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Remarks on the Force used in Transfusion and on the Selection of Fluids for Injecting into Veins.
34303: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Three Offprints from the 'Journal of Anatomy and Physiology', Vol. VI. (1.) Partial Deficiency of the Tendon of the Long Flexor or the Thumb. (2.) Description of an Accessory Muscle in Connection with the Popliteus. (3.) Peculiar Malformation of the Leg and Foot.
34298: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Observations in Human Anatomy. [With:] Two Cases Showing a Peculiar Arrangement in the Fibres of the External Pterygoid Muscle in Man.
34299: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On a Possible Source of Fallacy in the Measurements of the Lower Limbs.
34296: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Remarks on the Healthy and Morbid Anatomy of the Perivascular System of the Brain.
34297: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On the Mechanical Structure of the Cancellous Tissue of Bone.
34294: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On Ends and Means in Medical Studies: in Medical Studies: An Address Delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital...
34295: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On Lengthening of the Limb as a Result of Knee-Joint Disease.
34291: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Cancer of the Male Breast.
34292: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - A Case of Intestinal Obstruction, with remarks on tapping the intestine as means of cure in certain cases.
34293: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - On Certain Congenital Tumours of the Sacral and Perineal Regions, with account of an enormous perineal tumour in a child born alive.
34153: WAGSTAFFE (William Warwick) - Aneurysm of the aorta bursting into the pericardium: popliteal aneurysm cured four months previously.
32423: WAHLTUCH (Adolphe) - Electro-Therapeutics. (Read in the Section of Medicine, at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, held in Liverpool, in August, 1883.)
38254: WAKEFIELD (Priscilla) - Instinct Displayed, in a Collection of Well-Authenticated Facts, Exemplifying the Extraordinary Sagacity of Various Species of the Animal Creation.
22126: PLOUGH PRESS. WAKEMAN (Geoffrey) - English Hand Made Papers Suitable for Bookwork.
26688: WALBERG (Theobald Von) - Neueste Beobachtungen zur Veredlung des Feldbaues und der Forstwissenschaft.
38614: WALKER (J. Holland) - Links with Old Nottingham. Historical Notes by J. Holland Walker.
40080: WALKER (John) - The Academic Speaker, or, a selection of parliamentary debates, orations, odes, scenes, and speeches, from the best writers. Proper to be read and recited by youth at school. To which are prefixed, elements of gesture...
35580: WALKER (Robert) - Memorial of the Spiritual Life and Ministry of the late Rev. Robert Walker.
35367: WALKER (John) - An Essay on the Following Prize-Question, Proposed by the Royal Irish Academy, "Whether and how far the Cultivation of Science and that of Polite Literature assist or obstruct each other?"
33421: WALKER (Thomas Alfred) - A Peterhouse Bibliography: Being a List of Books and Manuscripts by or Concerning Peterhouse Men.
33343: WALKER (Charles V.) - Electrotype Manipulation: Being the Theory and Plain Instructions in the Art of Working in Metals, by Precipitating them from their Solutions, through the Agency of Galvanic or Voltaic Electricity.
30285: WALKER (J.) - A Dictionary of the English Language, answering at once the purposes of rhyming, spelling, and pronouncing. On a Plan not hitherto attempted. In which, I. The whole Language is arranged according to its Terminations. II. Every Word is explained and divided into Syllables exactly as pronounced. III. Words liable to a Double Pronunciation are fixed in their True Sound, by a Rhyme. IV. Many Words of established Usage, not to be found in our best Dictionaries, are inserted, and more technical Terms than in any Dictionary, except Chambers's. To which is prefixed A copious Introduction to the various Uses of the Work, with critical and practical Observations on Orthography, Syllabication, Pronunciation, and Rhyme; And for the purposes of poetry is added an index of allowable rhymes. With Authorities for their Usage from our best Authors. By J. Walker, Author of the General Idea of a Pronouncing Dictionary.
14132: WALKER (Henry) - Catalogue of a Library of Printed Books and Illuminated and other Manuscripts...
10760: WALKER (W.A.) Editor. - The Best of Beardsley.
17204: WALLACE (John William) - An Address Delivered at the Celebration by the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Mr. William Bradford, who Introduced the Art of Printing into the Middle Colonies of British America.
41080: WALLACE (Alfred Russell) - Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with some of its Applications.
38925: WALLER (T.W.) - Catalogue of the Valuable Library of the late T. W. Waller, Esq. 10, Westbourne Street, W.
36037: WALLER (Joseph R.) - German-English Medical Dictionary.
36776: WALLIS (L.W.) - Then and Now. A Retrospective and Current Survey of Printing Apprenticeships.
36497: WALLIS (Peter & Ruth) - Newton and Newtoniana 1672-1975. A Bibliography.
33285: WALLIS (George) - A Sermon Preached to the Natives of the City and County of Worcester in the Church of St Laurence Jewry, at their solemn meeting, June 28. 1681.
31667: WALLIS (R. V. and P. J.) - Biobibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications 1701-1760.
31512: WALLIS (R. V. and P. J.) - Index of British Mathematicians. Part III: 1701-1800.
31321: WALLIS (Peter & Ruth) - Newton and Newtoniana 1672-1975. A Bibliography.
28282: WALLIS (R. V. and P. J.) - Biobibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications 1701-1760.
25661: WALLIS (Peter & Ruth) - Newton and Newtoniana 1672-1975. A Bibliography.
40749: WALLIS (Charles) - The sketcher's colour manual ("water colour technique") compiled by Charles Wallis, from the best authorities on water colour painting ; with an introduction on materials and manipulation.
39138: [WALPOLE (Robert, Earl of Orford) - Reasons Founded on Facts for a Late Motion. In a Letter to a Member, &c.
41392: WALPOLE (Horace) - A Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry Hill Collected by Horace Walpole.
37502: WALPOLE (Horace) - A Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry Hill Collected by Horace Walpole.
37999: GLENN (John) & WALSH (David) - Catalogue of the Francis Trigge Chained Library in St. Wulfram's Church, Grantham.
37890: GLENN (John) & WALSH (David) - Catalogue of the Francis Trigge Chained Library in St. Wulfram's Church, Grantham.
37621: GRAVELL (Thomas L.) MILLER (George) & WALSH (Elizabeth) - American Watermarks 1690-1835.
38441: WALSHE (Walter Hayle) - The Colloquial Linguistic Faculty and its Physiological Groundwork.
41156: WALTER (J. Conway) - Records, Historical and Antiquarian, of Parishes Round Horncastle.
10741: VAN HOESEN (Henry Bartlett) & WALTER (Frank Keller) - Bibliography: Practical, Enumerative, Historical. An Introductory Manual.
38051: WALTON (Izaac) - The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation: being a Discourse of Fish & Fishing not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. With Illustrations by James Thorpe.
39155: DONNE (John) WALTON (Izaak) - Devotions by John Donne DD Dean of St Pauls. With Two Sermons: 1. On the Decease of Lady Danvers Mother of George Herbert 2. Deaths Duel - His Own Funeral Sermon To Which is Prefixed: His Life by Izaak Walton.
38597: WANKLYN (Cyril) - Lyme Leaflets.
38417: GERMAN WAR. - A Letter to a Late Noble Commander of the British Forces in Germany.
38415: GERMAN WAR. - A Full and Candid Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled, Considerations of the Present German War.
33272: SPANISH WAR. - A Consolatory Epistle to the Members of the Old Faction; occasioned by the Spanish War. By the Author of the Consolatory Letter to the noble Lord dismissed the Military Service.
32696: SECOND ANGLO-DUTCH WAR. - A Catalogue of the Damages for which the English demand Reparation from the United-Netherlands. As also a List of the Damages; Actions and Pretenses for which those of the United-Netheralnds demand Reparation and Satisfaction from the English. Together with the Answer of the English, subjoyn'd to the Several and Respective Points of Their Demands.
37973: EGERTON-WARBURTON (R. E.) - Poems, Epigrams and Sonnets.
35742: WARD (Rev. J.) - Sketches of Wesleyan Methodism in Melton Mowbray and the Circuit.
35712: WARD (Rev. J.) - Melton Mowbray in Olden Times.
33461: WARD (James) - A Descriptive Catalogue of Books Relating to Nottinghamshire in the Library of James Ward. [With:] Supplementary Catalogue...
41035: WARD (James) - Colour Harmony and Contrast for the Use of Art Students, Designers, and Decorators.
41229: WARDEN (William) - Letters written on board His Majesty's Ship the Northumberland, and at Saint Helena; in which the Conduct and Conversations of Napoleon Buonaparte, and his suite, during the Voyage, and the first months of his Residence in that Island, are faithfully described and related.
25980: WARE (James) - Chirurgical Observations Relative to the Epiphora, or Watery Eye, the Scrophulous and Intermittent Ophthalmy, the Extraction of the Cataract, and the Introduction of the Male Catheter.
37425: WARING (Major Scott) - Remarks on the Rev. Doctor Buchanan's Christian Researches in Asia, &c. &c.
25978: WARNER (Joseph) - An Account of the Testicles, their Common Coverings and Coats; and the Diseases to which they are Liable. With the Method of Treating them.
20375: WARNER (George F.) - Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan in the British Museum.
41418: WARRACK (Grace) Editor. - Revelations of Divine Love Recorded by Julian, Anchoress at Norwich anno domini 1373. A version from the MS. in the British Museum.
30861: WARREN (J. Collins) - The Healing of Arteries after Ligature in Man and Animals.
35461: WARTER (John Wood) - Appendicia et Pertinentiae; or, Parochial Fragments relating to the Parish of West Tarring, and the Chapelries of Heene and Durrington, in the County of Sussex; containing a Life of Thomas À Becket, an historical and descriptive account of his (so called) Palace at West Tarring, and the figs he introduced;......
39128: GUY EARL OF WARWICK. - The Noble and Renowned History of Guy Earl of Warwick, Containing a Full and True Account of His Many Valiant Actions, Remarkable and Brave Exploits, and Noble and Renowned Victories.
40167: WARWICKSHIRE, STAFFORDSHIRE & MERIONETH ESTATE SURVEY. - Robins Estate Act 1859. Estates in The Parishes of Aston-juxta-Birmingham and Birmingham in the County of Warwickshire. In The Parish of Handsworth in the County of Stafford and in The Parish of Llandanwg in the County of Merioneth.
30488: WASHINGTON (George) - Selections from the Correspondence of General Washington and James Anderson, LL.D. F. R. S. F. A. S. E. &c. &c. Author of several Performances, and Editor of Recreations in Agriculture, Natural History, Arts, and Miscellaneous Literature. In which the causes of the present scarcity are fully investigated.
33007: WATERTON (Charles) - Essays on Natural History, Chiefly Ornithology. Second Series: With a Contribution of the Autobiography of the Author.
39913: WATESON (George) - The Cures of the Diseased. In Forraine Attempts of the English Nation London 1598. Reproduced in Facsimile, with Introduction and Notes by Charles Singer.
35499: WATHEN (Jonathan) - The Conductor and Containing Splints; or, A Description of Two Instruments, for the safer conveyance and more perfect cure of Fractured Legs: To which is now added, An Account of Two Tourniquets upon a new Construction. The whole illustrated with Copper-Plates; representing the several Instruments treated of.
38844: WATKINS (John) - Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of the Right Honorable R. B. Sheridan, with a Particular Account of his Family and Connexions.
31025: WATSON (William) - Experiments and Observations tending to illustrate the Nature and Properties of Electricity. In one Letter to Martin Folkes, Esq; President, and Two to the Royal Society. London, Printed for C. Davis, Printer to the Royal Society, 1746. Third edition, [2], viii, 59, [1]pp. [Bound with:-] WATSON (William) A Sequel to the Experiments and Observations tending to illustrate the Nature and Properties of Electricity: wherein it is presumed, by a Series of Experiments expresly [sic] for that Purpose, that the Source of the Electrical Power, and its manner of acting are demonstrated. Addressed to the Royal Society.
37342: WATSON (Rev. John) - Druidical Remains in or near the Parish of Halifax in Yorkshire, Discovered and Explained by the Rev. John Watson, and Rector of Stockport in Cheshire. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, Nov. 21, 1771.
41240: WATSON (Richard) - Chemical Essays.
39994: WATSON (Thomas) - By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, T. Watson, Farrier in Norwich. His Instructions for the Management of Horses and Dogs. Wherein are minutely described their several maladies, and the long tried and much approved remedies which have been successfully applied thereto, by his peculiar pastes, cordials and powders. Also an appendix, Which shews, from numerous Experiments, that his Medicines are equally efficacious in the Disorders of neat or black cattle.
31957: WATSON (Garth) - The Smeatonians: The Society of Civil Engineers.
31712: WHETTON (J. T.) MYERS (J. O.) & WATSON (I. J.) - A Gravimeter Survey in the Craven District of North-West Yorkshire.
31117: WATSON (Ralph) - A brief explanatory statement of the principle of A Plan for Preventing Ships Foundering at Sea, and thereby rendering every ship A Life Ship, by Ralph Watson.
31098: WATSON (William) - The Clergy-Man's Law: or, the Complete Incumbent, collected from the 39 Articles, Canons, Proclamations, Decrees in Chancery and Exchequer, as also from all Acts of Parliament, and common-law cases, relating to the Church and Clergy of England; digested under proper Heads for the Benefit of Patrons of Churches, and the Parochial Clergy. And will be Useful to all Students, and Practitioners of the Law....... To which is Added, the Names of the present Bishops, and other Chief Dignitaries of the Church of England.
25883: WATSON (Ralph) - A Brief Explanatory Statement of the Principle and Application of a Plan for Preventing Ships Foundering at Sea, and thereby Rendering every Ship a Life Ship.
18831: WATSON (Andrew G.) - The Manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke.
37879: WATTS (Isaac) - Divine and Moral Songs, for the Instruction of Children.
35615: WATTS (Isaac) - The Improvement of the Mind; or a supplement to the Art of Logic. In Two Parts. By Isaac Watts, D.D. Also his posthumous works, published from his manuscript, by D. Jennings, D.D. and P. Doddridge, D.D.
34249: WATTS (W. W.) - Geology of the Ancient Rocks of Charnwood Forest Leicestershire. With which is included the area about Mountsorrel; parts of the one-inch maps (new series) 141, 155 and 156.
39577: WATTS (George Frederick) - G. F. Watts, R.A. Twelve Drawings by Mr. Watts.
40776: WAUGH (Arthur) - A Hundred Years of Publishing. Being the Story of Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1830-1930.
35821: SELBY OF WAVENDON. - Selbyana: an attempt to elucidate the Origin and History of a once considerable family, in the County of Buckingham, Selby of Wavendon.
19562: WEALE (W.H. James) - Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
31657: WEAVER (William D.) Editor. - Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift of Books, Pamphlets and Periodicals in the Library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. With Introduction, Descriptive and Critical Notes by Brother Potamian.
29180: WEAVER (William D.) Editor. - Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift of Books, Pamphlets and Periodicals in the Library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. With Introduction, Descriptive and Critical Notes by Brother Potamian.
20643: WEAVER (William D.) Editor. - Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift of Books, Pamphlets and Periodicals in the Library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. With Introduction, Descriptive and Critical Notes by Brother Potamian.
16327: WEAVER (William D.) Editor. - Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift of Books, Pamphlets and Periodicals in the Library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. With Introduction, Descriptive and Critical Notes by Brother Potamian.
37717: WEBB (Sidney and Beatrice) - The History of Liquor Licensing in England Principally from 1700 to 1830.
39405: WEBB (Lieut-Colonel E. A. H.) - History of the 12th (The Suffolk) Regiment 1685-1913.
39348: WEBB (Lt.-Colonel E. A. H.) - A History of the Services of the 17th (The Leicestershire) Regiment. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1688, and of Its Subsequent Services, Revised and Continued to March 31st, 1912.
19539: WEBB (A.P.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Thomas Hardy 1865-1915.
35466: WEBER (Professor A.) - Modern Investigations on Ancient India. A Lecture delivered in Berlin March 4, 1854 by Professor A. Weber. Translated from the German by Fanny Metcalfe.
34514: WEBER (Friedrich August) - Opuscula Semiologica 1. De Signis ex Sputo scripsit F. A. Weber, M.D. Heilbronna - Sueuus p.t. Poliater Bernensis.
32343: WEBER (Carl J.) - Fore-Edge Painting. A Historical Survey of a Curious Art in Book Decoration.
31068: WEBER (Carl J.) - Fore-Edge Painting. A Historical Survey of a Curious Art in Book Decoration.
27785: WEBER (Carl J.) - Fore-Edge Painting. A Historical Survey of a Curious Art in Book Decoration.
39344: WEBSTER (P. C. G.) - The Records of the Queen's own Royal Regiment of Staffordshire Yeomanry.
38347: WEDGE (Thomas) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Palatine of Chester. with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
41097: WEDMORE (Sir Frederick) - The Hertford House French Pictures.
31446: WEGEHAUPT (Heinz) - Alte Deutsche Kinderbucher Bibliographie 1507-1850. Zugleich Bestandsverzeichnis der Kinder- und Jugendbuchabteilung der Deutschen Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin.
21967: WEGENER (Johannes) - Die Zainer in Ulm. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Buchdrucks im XV. Jahrhundert.
14802: WEHMER (Carl) - Zur Beurteilung des Methodenstreits in der Inkunabelkunde.
18423: WEIGEL (Johann August Gottlob) - Apparatus Literarius; sive, Collectiolibrorum Lectissimorum quos Emturientibus offert Io. August Gottlob Weigel...
34733: WEINTZ (H. J.) - Japanese Grammar Self-Taught. (In Roman Character).
39567: WEIR (Rev. R. W.) - The History of the 3rd Batt. The King's Own Scottish Borderers, 1798-1907.
31646: WELCH (d'Alté A.) - A Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821.
24508: WELLESLEY (Rev. Dr. [Henry]) - Catalogue of the Very Extensive and Valuable Library of the Late Reverend Dr. Wellesley, Principal of New Inn Hall, Oxford, Comprising an Extraordinarily Complete Collection of Italian Writers... Numerous Works Relating to Oxford... Which Will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Thursday, 8th November, 1866, and Fourteen Following Days.
17785: WELLESZ (EMMY) - The Vienna Genesis. With an Introduction and Notes.
31731: WELLS (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of the Works of H. G. Wells 1893-1925 (with some notes and comments).
21221: WELLS (Geoffrey H.) - The Works of H.G. Wells 1887-1925. A Bibliography, Dictionary and Subject-Index.
39157: WELSH (Charles) - Harris's Cabinet, Numbers One to four. The Butterfly's Ball; The Peacock "at Home"; The Elephant's Ball; The Lion's Masquerade: Reprinted from the Editions of 1807 & 1808.
38629: WESLEY (John) - A Dialogue between a Predestinarian and His Friend. Published by John Wesley, M.A.
33150: WESLEY (John) - An Answer to Mr. Rowland Hill's Tract, entitled "Imposture Detected." By John Wesley, A.M.
24969: WESLEY (John) - An Answer to Mr. Rowland Hill's Tract, Entitled "Imposture Detected."
24967: WESLEY (John) - Some Remarks on Mr. Hill's Farrago Double-Distilled.
38033: WEST (Benjamin) - Catalogue of Pictures Representing Christ Rejected, Christ Healing in the Temple, and a Design of Our Saviour's Crucifixion; with Sketches from other Scriptural Subjects; Painted by B. West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy, and Historical Painter to the King: now Exhibiting in Pall-Mall, near Carlton House.
37421: WEST (Benjamin) - Description of the Picture, Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple, painted by Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy, and now in the British Gallery, Pall Mall. From the Phœnix Sunday and Monday newspaper, in which Weekly Critiques are given on the Paintings in the British Institution and the Royal Academy.
40359: WEST (William) - Picturesque Views, and Descriptions of Cities, Towns, Castles, Mansions, and other Objects of Interesting Features in Shropshire [& Staffordshire], from Original Drawings, taken Expressly for this Work, by Mr. Frederick Calvert. Engraved on Steel by Mr. T. Radclyffe. With Historical and Topogaphical Illustrations, by William West.
39255: WEST (William) - The History, Topography and Directory of Warwickshire; inclusive of some portions of the ancient histories of Rous, Camden, Speed, and Dugdale, with curious memoirs of the lives of these early English writers...
40956: ZUR WESTEN (Walter von) - Exlibris (Bucheignerzeichen).
37417: WESTERN (Charles Callis Baron Western) - Substance of the Speech of Charles C. Western, Esquire, in the House of Commons, May 1814, on the subject of Corn Laws.
38275: WESTON (James) - Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection; being the most easy, exact, lineal, speedy, and legible method extant...
36588: WESTON (Richard) - The English Flora: or, a catalogue of trees, shrubs, plants and fruits, natives as well as exotics, cultivated, for use or ornament, in the English nurseries, greenhouses and stoves, arranged according to the Linnean system ; with the Latin trivial and common English names and an English index referring to the Latin names. Also, A general catalogue of seeds for the kitchen-garden, flower-garden, grass-lands, etc. usually raised for sale, and those annually imported from America. [With:] Supplement.
33830: WESTON (Rev. Stephen) - A Catalogue of Greek and Roman Coins and Medals, in Silver and Copper, together with some curious Old China, and other Curiousities, of the late Rev. Stephen Weston... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Sotheby and Son... on Tuesday, the 15th of June, 1830.
39500: WESTON (Richard) - The English Flora: or, a Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Fruits, Natives as well as Exotics, Cultivated for Use or Ornament in the English Nurseries, Greenhouses and Stoves, arranged according to Linnaean System; with the Latin Trivial, and common English Names, and an English Index referring to the Latin Names. Also a General Catalogue of Seeds, for the Kitchen-Garden, Flower-Garden, Grass-Lands, &c. Usually Raised for Sale, and those Annually Imported from America. [With:] Supplement.
31808: WETZLAR (L.) - Remarks on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Syphilitic Waxy Degeneration of the Liver.
40793: WHALLEY (Joyce Irene) - The Pen's Excellencie: Calligraphy of Western Europe and America.
32290: WHATELY (Thomas) - An Improved Method of Treating Strictures in the Urethra.
39783: WHATELY (Thomas) - Observations on Mr. Home's Treatment of Strictures in the Urethra; with an improved method of treating certain cases of those diseases.
41065: HOME (Sir Everard) & WHATELY (Thomas) - Practical Observations of the Treatment of Strictures in the Urethra, and in the Oesophagus. [Bound with:] Observations on Mr. Home's Treatment of Strictures in the Urethra; with an Improved method of Treating certain Cases of those Diseases. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1801. viii, 112pp., 1 plate.
38594: WHEATLEY (Henry B.) - Bookbinding Considered as a Fine Art, Mechanical Art, and Manufacture.
32579: WHEELER (Joseph Towne) - The Maryland Press 1777-1790. With an Introduction by Lawrence C. Wroth.
32056: WISE (Thomas James) & WHEELER (Stephen) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Walter Savage Landor.
10823: WISE (Thomas James) & WHEELER (Stephen) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Walter Savage Landor.
35444: SHEAHAN (James Joseph) & WHELLAN (T.) - History and Topography of the City of York; and the North Riding of Yorkshire. Embracing a General Review of the Early History of Great Britain, and a General History and Description of the County of York.
32192: WHICHER (George Frisbie) - The Life and Romances of Mrs. Eliza Haywood.
32349: WHISTLER (William MacNeill) - Notes on the Prognosis of Laryngeal Phthisis, as Influenced by Local Treatment.
32348: WHISTLER (William MacNeill) - Notes on Operations in Syphilitic Strictures of the Larynx. With an account of two cases operated upon by means of a new cutting dilator.
26894: WHITAKER (William) - On the Succession of Beds in the "New Red" on the South Coast of Devon, and of a New Specimen of Hyperodapedon. [From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May 1869].
26892: WHITAKER (William) - On Subaerial Denudation and on Cliffs and Escarpments of The Chalk and The Lower Tertiary Beds.
10795: WHITAKER (Harold) - The Harold Whitaker Collection of County Atlases, Road-Books & Maps Presented to the University of Leeds.
35672: WHITBREAD (Samuel) - Substance of the Speech Delivered in the House of Commons, on Monday, Jan. 5, 1807. By Mr. Whitbread. on the Subject of the Late Negotiation with France.
40136: WHITE (James) - A New Century of Inventions, being Designs & Descriptions of One Hundred Machines, relating to Arts, Manufactures, & Domestic Life.
37121: WHITE (Francis) - History, Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Derby, with the town of Burton-upon-Trent Staffordshire comprising a general survey of the county with separate historical statistical topographical commercial agricultural and mineral descriptions of all the towns, parishes, chapelries, townships, villages, hamlets, manors and extra-parochial liberties... and a variety of other commercial and statistical information to which is added directory of the Borough of Sheffield Yorkshire.
32295: WHITE (William) - Observations on Strictures of the Rectum and Colon, and other affections which diminish the capacity of the intestinal canal in those parts; including spasmodic constriction of the sphincter ani, haemorrhoidal tumours, (called piles), excrescences, and prolapsus ani, accompanied with the mode of treatment.
41395: WHITE (John) - An Essay on the Indigenous Grasses of Ireland.
40401: WHITE (Gleeson) Editor. - Practical Designing: A Handbook on the Preparation of Working Drawings.
21323: WHITE (Henry) - Catalogue of the Valuable and Extensive Library of Printed Books and Illuminated & other Important Manuscripts...
20734: WHITE (Arthur S.) - A Bibliography of Regimental Histories of the British Army.
21765: BRITISH LIBRARY. WHITEHEAD (H.) - Short-Title Catalogue of Eighteenth-Century Spanish Books in the British Library.
41301: WHITEHOUSE (F.R.B.) - Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days.
39745: WHITFELD (William) - A discourse of Christian liberty. A sermon Preach'd at the assizes held at Guilford, July 20th, 1703. by The Right Honble The Lord Chief Baron Ward, and Mr. Justice Tracy. By William Whitfeld, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Published at the Desire of the Grand Jury.
39919: WHITFIELD (Christopher) - The Kinship of Thomas Combe II, William Reynolds and William Shakespeare.
39197: WHITFIELD (Christopher) - Robert Dover and the Cotswold Games. Annalia Dubrensia.
38890: WHITTINGTON (G. D.) - An Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France: with a view to illustrate the Rise and Progress of Gothic Architecture in Europe.
40593: LAURIE AND WHITTLE. - Laurie and Whittle's Catalogue of New and Interesting Prints: consisting of engravings and metzotintos, &c. of every size and price; books of architecture and ornaments; penmanship in all its branches, by the most eminent masters; drawing books of every description, from the works of the most celebrated artists in Europe; and the greatest variety of humorous and entertaining prints, for country dealers. &c. &c. &c. &c.printed and published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle, map, chart and print sellers, no. 53, Fleet-Street. (successors to the late Mr. Robert Sayer).
37770: WHITTOCK (N.) - The Youth's New London Self-Instructing Drawing Book; Containing a Series of Progressive Lessons, Instructions for Drawing Rural Scenery, Architecture, The Human Figure, Animals, etc.
40970: WHITTOCK (Nathaniel) - The Decorative Painters' and Glaziers' Guide; containing the most approved methods of imitating oak, mahogany, maple, rose, cedar, coral, and every other kind of fancy wood ; verd antique, dove sienna, porphyry, white veined, and other marbles ; in oil or distemper colour ; designs for decorating apartments... also a complete body of information on the art of staining and painting on glass ; plans for the erection of apparatus for annealing it ; and the method of joining figures together by leading, with examples from ancient windows.
41193: WHITTOCK (N.) - The Youth's New London Self-Instructing Drawing Book; Containing a Series of Progressive Lessons, Instructions for Drawing Rural Scenery, Architecture, The Human Figure, Animals, etc.
32814: WICKREMASINGHE (Martino de Zilva) - Catalogue of the Sinhalese Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum.
40745: WIEDERSHEIM (Robert), PARKER (W. Newton) - Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates.
15443: WIENER (Joel H.) - A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals 1830-1836.
33286: WIGAN (William) - A Sermon Preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall on Sunday, Jan. 8. 1692/3.
37183: ISLE OF WIGHT. - Black's Guide to the Isle of Wight.
41158: RIVER WIHAM. - Acts of Parliament Relating to the Drainage by the River Witham, in the County of Lincoln.
26336: WILBY (Frederick) - A Catalogue of the Books, Chiefly First Editions and Works Illustrated by the Celebrated Artists, Collected by Frederick Wilby.
37750: WILD (Charles) - An Illustration of the Architecture of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.
39081: WILDE (Oscar) - Kottabos. Trinity College, Dublin. Hilary Term. MDCCCLXXVII.
22907: WILDE (Oscar) - De Profundis: a Facsimile Edition of the Original Manuscript.
31574: WILDER (F.L.) - English Sporting Prints.
40838: WILKINSON (William) - English Country Houses. Sixty One Views and plans of recently erected Mansions, Private Residences, Parsonage-Houses, Farm-Houses, Lodges, and Cottages; with sketches of furniture and fittings: and a Practical Treatise on House-Building.
38336: WILKINSON (C.H.) - The Library of Worcester College.
35549: WILKINSON (Charles Henry) - An Enquiry into Natural History, Chemical Properties, and Medical Virtues, of the Rock Oil, or Green Mineral Naphtha, of Barbados; particularising the successful Experiments, which have been made by Professional Gentlemen of the first respectability, as to its remedial powers in Leprous, Scorbutic, and other Cutaneous Eruptions, in Bronchial and indolent Glandular Complaints, Diseases of the Hip and other joints, and in chronic Rheumatic and Scrofulous Affections; with Remarks on its effects on worms in the alimentary canal, as well as in other parts of the body. To which is subjoined, Observations on Digestion, with a view of demonstrating that the solvent agent in this important process is the Sub-carbonate of Soda, upon which principle the cause and remedy of Dyspepsia are more satisfactorily explained.
40635: WILKINSON (Henry) - Observations on Swords; addressed to Officers and Civilians, but especially to those who prefer a good sword to a bad one; to which is added, some useful information for cadets, and officers going to join their regiments in India.
37679: WILKS (George) - The Barons of the Cinque Ports, and the Parliamentary Representation of Hythe.
32411: WILKS (Sir Samuel) - Alcoholic Stimulants in Disease. A Lecture.
32350: WILL (John Charles Ogilvie) - Clinical Remarks on Gleet: Its Causes and Treatment. Delivered in the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
16509: WILLETT (Ralph) - A Memoir on the Origin of Printing. In a Letter Addressed to John Topman, Esq.
39765: TUNNICLIFF 9William) - A Topographical Survey of the Counties of Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster, Containing a new-engraved map of each County, with a complete Description of the Great, Direct, and Cross Roads...
38665: WILLIAMS (W. H.) - Burnham (Bucks) Church Deeds: facsimiles of feoffments of land and other ancient documents relating to the Parish Church of S Peter, Burnham, Buckinghamshire with transcriptions and translations of the originals.
37773: WILLIAMS (Monier) - Sanskrit Manual. Second Edition enlarged. With a Vocabulary English and Sanskrit by A. E. Gough, B.A.
37623: GATHORNE-HARDY (Robert) & WILLIAMS (William Proctor) - A Bibliography of the Writings of Jeremy Taylor to 1700. With a Section of Tayloriana.
39487: WORMS (Laurence) & BAYNTON-WILLIAMS (Ashley) - British Map Engravers: A Dictionary of Engravers, Lithographers and their Principal Employers to 1850.
36689: WILLIAMS (Iolo A.) - Seven XVIIIth Century Bibliographies. John Armstrong, William Shenstone, Mark Akenside, William Collins, Oliver Goldsmith, Charles Churchill, Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan.
39356: WILLIAMS (Taliesin) - Cardiff Castle; A Poem. With Explanatory Remarks and Historical Extracts.
32445: WILLIAMS (Robert Folkestone) - An historical sketch of the art of sculpture in wood, from the earliest period to the present time : with notices of the most remarkable sculptural works in the same material now remaining in Europe, and some account of their designers.
32090: WILLIAMS (Iolo A.) - Seven XVIIIth Century Bibliographies. John Armstrong, William Shenstone, Mark Akenside, William Collins, Oliver Goldsmith, Charles Churchill, Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan.
31732: WILLIAMS (Iolo A.) - Points in Eighteenth-Century Verse. A Bibliographer's and Collector's Scrapbook. Bibliographia Series, Edited by Michael Sadleir, No. 7.
39592: WILLIAMS (Robert A.) - Notes on River Basins.
41378: WILLIAMS (John) - Faunula Grustensis: being an outline of the natural contents of the Parish of Llanrwst; Comprehending some account of its general history, commerce and agriculture; also, a trioglott catalogue (in Latin, English, and Welsh) of the animals and plants found in it, with some notes thereon...
14228: BAYNTON-WILLIAMS (Ashley) - Town and City Maps of the British Isles 1800-1855.
10809: WILLIAMS (Iolo A.) - Points in Eighteenth-Century Verse. A Bibliographer's and Collector's Scrapbook. Bibliographia Series, Edited by Michael Sadleir, No. 7.
10808: WILLIAMS (Herbert W.) - A Bibliography of Printed Maori to 1900. [With:] Supplement... Dominion Museum Monograph No. 7.
35968: HULME (E. W.) PARKER (J. G.) SEYMOUR-JONES (A.) DAVENPORT (C.) & WILLIAMSON (F. J.) - Leather for Libraries.
40979: WILLIAMSON (Henry) - The Patriot's Progress: Being the Vicissitudes of Pte. John Bullock. Illustrated by William Kermode.
38559: COOKERY. WILLIS (Michael) - Cookery Made Easy: being a complete system of domestic management, uniting elegance with economy...
37519: WILLIS (Browne) - Notitia Parliamentaria: Or An History of the Counties, Cities, an Boroughs in England and Wales...
32161: WILLIS (Robert) - On the Treatment of Stone in the Bladder, by Medical and Mechanical Means.
41150: WILLIS (F. Earle d' A.) - A History of the Parish of Uffington with Casewick.
14302: WILLIS (George) - A Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Valuable New and Second-Hand Books, English and Foreign, in Antiquities, History, Biography, Heraldry, Voyages and Travels, Natural History... on Sale at Exceedingly Low Prices, by George Willis.
10811: WILLIS (William) - The Shakespeare-Bacon Controversy: A Report of the Trial of an Issue in Westminster Hall, June 20, 1627.
40321: WILLS (Sir Seton) - The Wills Collection of Coloured Worcester Porcelain of the Dr Wall Period.
40939: LEICESTERSHIRE TUDOR WILLS. - A brief note of all the lands given by will between 31 December 1566 and 25 June 1569 extracted from the books of wills made in Warwickshire at the request of Sir Thomas Benger, by virtue of the queen's patent, 'written with the hands of the officers of the court for that provided', [blank] October 1571, giving details of 14 wills including the testator's name and parish, the date of the will, a description of the land and the details of the bequest.
10813: WILLSHIRE (William Hughes) - An Introduction to the Study & Collection of Ancient Prints.
35001: WILSON (Rev. John M.) - The Farmer's Dictionary; or A Cyclopedia Of Agriculture, In All Its Departments, Principles, Methods, Recent Improvements And Business Affairs.
39300: WILSON (Robert) - The Seaman's Manual, Containing all the technical words and phrases used at sea and belonging to a ship; including all those introduced in later years, and not to be met with in any work of the kind; alphabetically arranged. Together with instructions to young men, entering on a seafaring life; with the duty of a midshipman.
40759: PILLANS AND WILSON. - A Printing House of Old & New Edinburgh 1775-1925.
15802: WILSON (Sir Arnold T.) - A Bibliography of Persia.
40145: WILSON (Benjamin) - A Treatise on Electricity.
33807: WILTSHIRE. - An Act for Dividing, inclosing, and allotting, the Open and Common Fields, Downs, and Commonable and Waste Lands, in the Parish of Upton Scudamore, otherwise Upton Skidmore, in the County of Wilts.
37093: WIMMER (G. A.) - Neuestes Gemälde von Australien, oder Beschreibung der Lage, des Klimas, der Naturprodukte, Landeskultur, merkwürdigsten Städte, Gegenden, Kunstwerke, Ruinen und Denkmäler; dann der Einwohner, deren Lebensart, Kleidung, Handel, Künste, Wissenschaften, Religion und Staatsverfassung.
32063: WINANS (Robert B.) - A Descriptive Checklist of Book Catalogues Separately Printed in America 1693-1800.
39636: WIND (Edgar) - Giorgione's Tempesta, with Comments on Giorgione's Poetic Allegories.
37599: WINDLE (B. C. A.) - Preliminary Report on the Embryology of the Mammalian Muscular System.
32220: WINDLE (Sir Bertram Coghill Alan) - Congenital Malformations and Heredity.
31765: WINDLE (John) - Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin 1759-1797: A Bibliography of the First and Early Editions with Briefer Notes on Later Editions and Translations. Edited by Karma Pippin.
18573: WINDLE (John) - Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin 1759-1797: A Bibliography of the First and Early Editions with Briefer Notes on Later Editions and Translations. Edited by Karma Pippin.
32066: WINKLER (Ernest W.) - Check List of Texas Imprints 1846-1860. Foreword by Thomas W. Streeter.
22485: WINSHIP (George Parker) - Daniel Berkeley Updike and the Merrymount Press of Boston, Massachusetts 1860-1894-1941.
13577: WINSHIP (George Parker) - Gutenberg to Plantin. An Outline of the Early History of Printing.
37817: WINSLOW (L. Forbes) - Mad Humanity: Its Forms Apparent and Obscure.
39838: WINSLOW (Forbes) - The Anatomy of Suicide.
30886: WINSTANLEY (John) - Poems written occasionally by John Winstanley, A.M.L.D. F.S.T.C.D. Interspers'd with many Others, By Several Ingenious Hands.
20628: WINSTEDT (E.O.) - Juvenalis Ad Satiram Sextam in Codice Bodl. Canon. XLI Additi Versus XXXVI.
40238: WISBECH. - Making Book of the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherdesses, in the Wisbech Unity.
40245: WISBECH. - The Charter of the Town of Wisbech, as it was Confirmed and Enlarged in the Twenty-First Year of K. Charles II. Pinted from an Accurate Transcript of the Original. Rendered Literally into English.
37285: WISE (Thomas James) - A Browning Library. A Catalogue of Printed Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
36712: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Algernon Charles Swinburne.
34742: SIMPSON (Stephen) & WISE (Edward) - The Readiest Reckoner ever invented, for assisting the Tradesman, the Merchant, the Gentleman, &c. in finding the price, of any number from one to ten thousand......
32793: WISE (Edward) - The Remarkable Tryal of Thomas Chandler, late of Clifford's Inn, London, Gent. Who was tried and convicted at the Lent Assizes at Reading, 1750, before Mr. Baron Clive, for wilful and corrupt Perjury, in swearing he was robbed of fifteen Bank Notes of the Value of 960l. 5 Guineas in Gold, 20s. and upwards in Silver, and a Silver Watch, on the 24th of March 1747, between Hare-Hatch and Twyford in Berkshire, in the Road to Reading, by Three Men on Foot. To which is added,....An Introductory Account of the Life of the said Mr. Chandler, from the Time of his going Clerk to an Attorney, to the Time of his Conviction,......
32770: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
31613: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
31610: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of the Members of the Brontë Family.
31560: WISE (Thomas James) - Two Lake Poets. A Catalogue of Printed Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
31400: WISE (Thomas J.) - The Ashley Library. A Catalogue of Printed Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters Collected by Thomas J. Wise. With a New Introduction by Simon Nowell Smith.
31260: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of William Wordsworth.
26355: WISE (Thomas James) - A Landor Library. A Catalogue of Printed Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters by Walter Savage Landor.
26354: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of William Wordsworth.
26342: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Pope Library. A Catalogue of Plays, Poems and Prose Writings by Alexander Pope. Collected by Thomas James Wise.
20197: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Pope Library. A Catalogue of Plays, Poems and Prose Writings of Alexander Pope Collected by Thomas James Wise.
19522: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
19375: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of William Wordsworth.
15646: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of George Henry Borrow.
12909: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Algernon Charles Swinburne.
12435: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Pope Library. A Catalogue of Plays, Poems and Prose Writings of Alexander Pope Collected by Thomas James Wise.
10821: WISE (Thomas J.) - A Complete Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Robert Browning.
31276: WISEMAN (Richard) - Several Chirurgical Treatises. By Richard Wiseman, Serjeant-Chirurgeon.
41368: WITHERING (William) - A Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables Naturally Growing in Great Britain. With Descriptions of the Genera and Species, According to the System of the Celebrated Linnaeus...
41367: WITHERING (William) - The Miscellaneous Tracts of the late William Withering, M.D. F.R.S. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Life, Character, and Writings.
39013: MITCHELL-WITHERS (J. B.) - The Castle of Conisborough: with remarks on the keep tower of the 11th and 12th centuries : a paper read before the Rotherham Literary & Scientific Society, December 14th, 1876.
39873: WITHERS (John) - A Stated Ministry, and Presbyterian Ordination, Vindicated: by John Withers. St. Paul's love to souls considered and recommended: by John Enty. Being two sermons preach'd at the ordination of Mr. Peter Jilleard, at Crediton... October 21. 1724.... To which is added, Mr Jilleard's confession of faith...
39929: WITHERS (John) - The Pestilence Abroad, and the perplexity of our affairs at home, consider'd and improved: in a sermon preach'd in Exon, March 1. 1720. And Now Publish'd at the Desire of several who heard it.
25979: WITHERS (Thomas) - A Treatise on the Errors and Defects of Medical Education: In which are Contained Observations on the Means of Correcting them.
31242: WOLF (Edward C. J.) - Rowlandson and his illustrations of eighteenth century English literature.
10828: WOLF, II (Edward) Compiler. - A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia. With an Introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach.
36299: WOLFE (Richard J.) - The Role of Mann Family of Dedham, Massachusetts in the Marbling Of Paper In Nineteenth-century America and in the Printing Of Music, the Making Of Cards, and Other Booktrade Activities.
36297: WOLFE (Richard J.) - Geheimen der Boekbinderij. Secrets of Bookbinding. An anonymous 19th Century Dutch Bookbinding Manual. Reproduced in facsimile with a translation, introduction, and notes.
31418: WOLFF (Christian) - Cosmologia Generalis, Methodo Scientifica pertractata, qva ad Solidam, inprimis dei Atqve Natvræ, cognitionem via sternitvr.
26678: WOLLASTON (William Hyde) - On Double Images Caused by Atmospherical Refraction.
39964: WOOD (John) - A New Compendious Treatise of Farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together With some Interesting Observations on Bleeding, Purging, Exercise, &c. A certain Prescription for the Cholick.
40683: WOOD (Robert) - The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor, in the Desart [sic Desert].
36544: WOOD (William) - Index Entomologicus; or, A Complete Illustrated Catalogue, Consisting of 1944 Figures, of the Lepidopterous Insects of Great Britain.
34586: WOOD (William) - Catalogue of an Extensive and Valuable Collection of the Best Works on Natural History, Arranged in Classes According to the Linnean System. With an Enumeration of the Pages and Plates Each Volume Contains. Now selling, at the Prices affixed to each, by William Wood.
34585: WOOD (William) - Catalogue of an Extensive and Valuable Collection of the Best Works on Natural History, Arranged in Classes According to the Linnean System. With an Enumeration of the Pages and Plates Each Volume Contains. Now selling, at the Prices affixed to each, by William Wood.
33903: WOOD (John) - Account of the Edinburgh Sessional School, and the other Parochial Institutions for Education established in that City in the Year 1812; with Strictures on Education in General.
40262: WOOD (James) - Thoughts on the Effects of the Application and Abstraction of Stimuli on the Human Body; with a particular view to explain the nature and cure of typhus. By James Wood, M. D. one of the Physicians to the Dispensary, and member of the Philosophical and Medical Society, of Newcastle upon Tyne; an extraordinary member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, &c. &c.
32648: WOOD (John) - A New Compendious Treatise of Farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together With some Interesting Observations on Bleeding, Purging, Exercise, &c. By John Wood, Late Groom to the King of Sardinia, and at present Groom to the Right Hon. the Earl of Rochford.
32567: WOOD (Herbert) Editor. - Court Book of the Liberty of Saint Sepulchre within the Jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Dublin, 1586-1590.
39568: WOOD (Surgeon Lieut.-Colonel Russell E.) - Records of the Lanarkshire Yeomanry with some Account of the Officers of the Corps. 1819-1910.
28566: WOOD (Thomas) - An institute of the laws of England; or, the laws of England in their natural order, according to common use. Published for the direction of young beginners, or students in the law;... In four books. By Thomas Wood,...
40600: WOODBURN (Samuel)] - A Catalogue of the Eighth Exhibition of Ancient and Modern Pictures, on Sale by Commission at Mr. Woodburn, Junr's. St. Martin's Lane, London.
15610: WOODCUTS. - Holzschitte Einzeln und in Büchern vom 15. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. A Selection of Woodcuts and Woodcut Books from the 15th to the 20th Century. Katalog 44.
33264: WOODMAN (G.V.) - The Evolution of Bookbinding.
28056: WOODMAN (G. V.) - The Evolution of Bookbinding.
41403: WOODS, FORESTS, AND LAND REVENUES. - Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the State and Condition of the Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown, and to sell or alienate Fee Farm and other Unimproveable Rents. Dates 25th January 1787.
15567: WOODS (Frederick) - A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill.
38847: PRIVATE PRESS. WOODWARD (Rev. G. R.) - A collection of nine publications from the Private Press of the Rev. G. R. Woodward, Highgate Village and a publication of his poems.
38692: WOODWARD (C. S.) - Oriental Ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1795. An Account of the Porcelain Trade of the Dutch East India Company with Particular Reference to Ceramics with the V. O. C. Monogram, the Cape Market, and South African Collections.
37694: WOODWARD (Josiah) - The Seaman's Monitor; or, Advice to Sea-faring Men, with reference to their Behaviour before, in, and After their Voyage. With Prayers for their Use. Also an Address to the Officers and Seamen in His Majesty's Royal Navy. With a Caution Profane Swearers, and a Seasonable Admonition Against Mutiny and Piracy.
40094: WOODWARD (Josiah) - The Seaman's Monitor; or, Advice to Sea-faring Men, with reference to their Behaviour before, in, and After their Voyage. With Prayers for their Use. Also an Address to the Officers and Seamen in His Majesty's Royal Navy. With a Caution Profane Swearers, and a Seasonable Admonition Against Mutiny and Piracy.
40107: WOODWARD (Josiah) - The Soldier's Monitor; being advice to soldiers, to behave themselves with a just regard to religion and the manhood.
36954: WOODWARD (Samuel) - A Synoptical Table of British Organic Remains: in which all the edited British fossils are systematically and stratagraphically arranged in accordance with the views of the geologists of the present day; and a reference given to their localities strata and engraved figures. Accompanied by a lithograph of the fossil turtle in the Norfolk and Norwich museum.
35622: MAZIN (J.) & DE WOOLF (S.) - A Manual and Grammar of the Yiddish Language.
28168: WOOLF (Cecil) - A Bibliography of Norman Douglas. Soho Bibliographies VI.
20252: WOOLF (Cecil) - A Bibliography of Frederick Rolfe Baron Corvo. Soho Bibliographies VII.
19435: WOOLMER (J. Howard) - The Samurai Press 1906-1909: A Bibliography.
19399: WOOLMER (J. Howard) - A Checklist of the Hogarth Press.
39427: WOOLRIDGE (John) - Systema Horti-culturæ: or, The Art of Gardening. In three books. The I. Treateth of the excellency, scituation[sic], soil, form, walks, arbours, springs, fountains, water-works, grotto's, statues, and other ornaments of gardens, with many rules, and directions, concerning the same. The II. Treateth of all sorts of trees planted for ornament of shade, winter-greens, flower-trees, and flowers, that are propagated or preserv'd in the gardens of the best florists, and the best ways and methods of raising, planting, and improving them. The III. Treateth of the kitchin garden, and of the variety of plants propagated for food, or for any culinary uses: with many general and particular rules, and instructions, for the making hot beds, altering and enriching any sort of garden ground, watering, cleansing, and adapting all sorts of earth to the various plants that are usually planted therein. To the great improvement of every sort of land, as well for use and profit, as for ornament and delight. Illustrated with sculptures, representing the form of gardens, according to the newest models.
36895: WYNKYN DE WORDE. - The Frere and the Boye. Printed at London in Fleet Street by Wynkyn de Worde about the Year 1512.
36626: WYNKYN DE WORDE. - The abbaye of the holy ghost. Printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde about the year 1496.
35592: WYNKYN DE WORDE. - The Frere and the Boye. Printed at London in Fleet Street by Wynkyn de Worde about the Year 1512.
35593: WYNKYN DE WORDE. - Sermo die lune in ebdomada Pasche by Richard Fitz-James. Printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde about the year 1495.
22092: WYNKYN DE WORDE. - Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond (Mother of King Henry VII). Elizabeth of York (Queen of King Henry VII) and Wynkyn de Worde. A Copy of Walter Hylton's 'Scala perfectionis', Printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1494 at the Special Command of Lady Margaret, with Presentation Inscription by her and by the Queen. A Description by P.J. Croft.
24909: [WORDSWORTH (Christopher) - A Review of the Maynooth Endowment Bill, shewing its fatal tendencies, and of the debates in the Commons, on the first and second reading; with a proposal for the conciliation of contending parties in Ireland.
32688: GUILD OF BOOK WORKERS. - New England Chapter Fall Exhibition November 1-30, 1984.
28047: GUILD OF BOOK WORKERS. - Fine Printers, Finely Bound. Finely Made Books in Exceptional Edition Bindings. Selected by Ken Botnick & Steve Miller of Red Ozier Press for The Guild of Book Works.
23367: PACHT (Otto) DODWELL (C.R.) & WORMALD (Francis) - The St. Albans Psalter (Albani Psalter). I. The Full-Page Miniatures. II. The Initials. III. Preface and Description of the Manuscript.
24771: WOTY (William) - Poems on Several Occasions; by W. Woty.
14837: WOUDE (S. van der) Editor. - Studia Bibliographia in Honorem Herman de la Fontaine Verwey. A Collection of Studies and Essays in Bibliography and Allied Subjects.
38511: WRAY (George) - The Sound Policy of the Existing Law of Marriage, as prohibiting the union of a widower with his deceased wife's sister, vindicated : with a brief exposure of the "reasons" by which the advocates of this alliance attempt to justify their views.
36025: CHRISTIAN WREATH. - The Christian Wreath of Prose, Poetry, and Art.
39006: WRIGHT (George) - Through Normandy, a Holiday Ramble. a paper read before the Rotherham Literary & Scientific Society, 8th December, 1873.
39204: WRIGHT (Thomas) - Early mysteries, and other Latin poems of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries: edited from the original manuscripts in the British Museum, and the libraries of Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, and Vienna.
34719: WRIGHT (Thomas) - The Advantages and Method of Watering Meadows by Art. With two descriptive plates; and with occasional extracts and Remarks upon Wimpey, Forbes, Boswell, and other writers on this subject.
33905: WRIGHT (J. M. F.) - A Commentary on Newton's Principia. With a Supplementary Volume. Designed for the use of Students at the Universities.
39985: WRIGHT (Thomas, of Ould, Northamptonshire) - The Formation and Management of Floated Meadows; with Corrections of Errors, found in the Treatises of Messrs. Davis, Marshall, Boswell, Young, and Smith. On the Subject of Floating. To which is added a Dissertation on the Size of Farms. Northampton: Printed by Peter Mackenzie, County Press Office, 1808. First edition, 207, [1]pp., 3 folding engraved plates (plate 2 loose). [Bound with:] Large Farms, Recommended in a National View. A Reply to Mr. Wright's Address to the Public on the Monopoly of Small Farms.
33002: WRIGHT (G. Frederick) - Man and the Glacial Period.
41162: MOLYNEUX (Frank) & WRIGHT (Neil) - An Atlas of Boston. History of Boston Series—Number Ten.
31653: BEESTON (H.) & WRIGHT (C. E.) - The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Ilfracombe and District. Supplementary List. [Offprint from The Journal of Conchology].
31569: LAKE (Fred) & WRIGHT (Hal) - A Bibliography of Archery. An Indexed Catalogue of 5,000 Articles, Books, Films, Manuscripts, Periodicals and Theses on the use of the Bow for Hunting, War, and Recreation, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.
40408: WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest) - Fontes Harleiani. A Study of the Sources of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts Preserved in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum.
27105: LAKE (Fred) & WRIGHT (Hal) - A Bibliography of Archery. An Indexed Catalogue of 5,000 Articles, Books, Films, Manuscripts, Periodicals and Theses on the use of the Bow for Hunting, War, and Recreation, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.
21371: ROXBURGHE CLUB. WRIGHT (C.T. Hagberg) - Nicholas Fabri de Peiresc.
41092: WRIGHT (Joseph) - Ode to Joseph Wright, Esqr. of Derby. From an Old M.S.
16784: WRIGHT (Rev. John) - Early Bibles of America.
27450: MANGEL WURZEL. - Report of the committee of the Doncaster Agricultural Association, on the advantages of Mangel Wurtzel as a fallow crop. Founded on returns received in answer to the queries issued by the committee.
32387: WYLD (George) - Consumption: its nature, treatment and prevention; the evils of blistering, and the successful use of aconite, phosphorus.
18418: WYLIE (Charles John) - Catalogue of the Dramatic and General Library...
39347: WYLLY (Captain C. H.), CHARRINGTON (Colonel) & BULMER (Captain) - Historical Records of the 1st King's Stafford Militia, now 3rd and 4th Battalions South Staffordshire Regiment.
32186: BIGMORE (F. C.) & WYMAN (C. W. H.) - A Bibliography of Printing. With Notes and Illustrations.
39813: WYSE (Thomas) - Education Reform; or, the Necessity of a National System of Education.
18734: WYTSMAN (Juliette) - Reliures Exécutées par Juliette Wytsman et Editions d'Art de la Bibliothéque de Celle-ci.
38411: XENOPHON. - The Science of Good Husbandry: or, the Oeconomics of Xenophon. Shewing the method of ruling and ordering a family, and of managing a farm to the best advantage. Translated from the Greek by R. Bradley, F.R.S. and Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
40744: YARRELL (William), RICHARDSON (Sir John) Editor. - A History of British Fishes.
40176: YATES (William) - A Dictionary Hindustani and English. [with an addenda].
37983: YATES (W.) - A Dictionary Hindustani and English. [with an addenda].
37149: YATES (William) - A Grammar of the Sunscrit Language, On a New Plan.
40712: SEVEN YEARS' WAR. - The Case of the British Troops serving in Germany. Humbly submitted to the consideration of Parliament...
39650: YEATS (W. B.), CARLETON (William) - Stories from Carlton: with an Introduction by W. B. Yeats.
26360: YEMENIZ (Nicolas) - Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M.N. Yemeniz. Precede d'une Notice par M. Le Roux de Lincy.
38945: YEOMAN (Thomas) - The Report of Thomas Yeoman, Engineer, concerning the Drainage of the North Level of the Fens, and the Outfal of the Wisbeach River.
40254: YEOMAN (Thomas) - The Report of Thomas Yoeman [sic], Engineer, concerning the Drainage of the North Level of the Fens, and the Outfall of the Wisbeach River.
36128: YEOMAN (Thomas) - The Report of Thomas Yeoman, Engineer, concerning the Drainage of the North Level of the Fens, and the Outfal of the Wisbeach River.
31526: YOLTON (Jean S.) - John Locke: A Descriptive Bibliography.
37793: YONGE (Charlotte Mary) - Stray Pearls. Memoirs of Margaret de Ribaumont, Viscountess of Bellaise.
34490: YORK. - Memoirs, Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of the County and City of York, Communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, held at York, July 1846. With a General Report of the Proceedings of the Meeting, and a Catalogue of the Museum formed on that Occasion.
33096: YORKSHIRE. - The Yorkshire Question, or petition, or address: (Being a short and fair state of the case, upon the principles, the views, the means, and the objects of both parties as confessed by themselves.) Most earnestly and seriously addressed to the consideration of the people of England assembled in their several county, city, and other meetings.
41389: YOUNG (Arthur) - The Farmer's Tour through the East of England. Being the Register of a Journey Through Various Counties of This Kingdom, to Enquire Into the State of Agriculture...
38421: YOUNG (Rev. Arthur) - General View of the Agriculture of Sussex. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
38320: PITT (W.) & YOUNG (Arthur) - General View of Agriculture of the County of Stafford: with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London: Printed for G. Nicol, 1796. 8vo, xvi, 241, [9]pp., folding coloured engraved map, 14 plates. [Bound with:] YOUNG (Arthur) General View of the Agriculture of Hertfordshire...
38202: YOUNG (Arthur) - [Annals of Agriculture. and other useful Arts. Collected and Published by Arthur Young, Esq. F.R.S.
38015: YOUNG (Robert) - Poems in the Dorset Dialect.
34408: YOUNG (Arthur) - Annals of Agriculture, and other useful Arts. Collected and Published by Arthur Young, Esq. F.R.S. [A consecutive run from vol. 1-39; 1784-1803].
33958: BELL (F. Dillon) and YOUNG (Frederick jun.) - Reasons for promoting the cultivation of the New Zealand Flax.
39950: YOUNG (David) - Observations upon Fire, with a view to the best and most expeditious methods of extinguishing it, upon a new plan, with or without water.
39687: YOUNG (Edward) - The Force of Religion; or, Vanquish'd Love. A Poem. In Two Books.
30712: YOUNG (John) - Essays on the following Interesting Subjects: viz. I. Government. II. Revolutions. III. The British Constitution. IV. Kingly Government. Connected with it. V. Parliamentary Representation & Reform. VI. Liberty & Equality. VII. Taxation and, VIII. The Present War, & the Stagnation of Credit as connected with it.
26741: YOUNG (George) - Two Discourses to Seamen: viz. I. Praising God the Duty and Privilege of Seamen: delivered at Whitby, March 10, 1816; a few days before the sailing of the ships for Greenland, and other foreign parts. And II. Christ the Seamen's Friend... after the melancholy news of the death of Mr. John Trueman, Master of the Harmony of Whitby... lost near Tralee on the west coast of Ireland, Jan. 17, 1819.
26176: YOUNG (Sir Charles George) - Catalogue of Works on the Peerage and Baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland. In the Library of Chas. Geo. Young, York Herald.
41390: YOUNG (Arthur) - A Six Months Tour through the North of England. Containing an Account of the present State of Agriculture, Manufactures and Population, in several Counties of this Kingdom.
27809: ZANCHI (Basilio) - Dictionarium Poeticum, Accurata item historiarum ac fabularum poeticarum, ex optimis utriusque linguae auctoribus, enarratio. Auctore Basilio Zancho,... Opus... nunc secundo trans Alpes editum.
24920: ZEDNER (J.) - Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library of the British Museum.
18549: ZEDNER (J.) - Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library of the British Museum. The British Library. 1964. 908pp., orig. cloth, d.w. a nice copy. [Sold with:] Second Supplementary Catalogue of Hebrew Books Acquired 1893-1960. Prepared for Publication by Diana Rowland Smith (work by David Goldstein, Cyril Moss & Others).
26276: FONTANINI (Giusto) & ZENO (Apostolo) - Biblioteca dell'Eloquenza Italiana di Monsignore Giusto Fontanini, Arcivescovo d'Ancira: Con le Annotazioni del Signor Apostolo Zeno, Istorico E Poeta Cesareo, Cittading Veneziano.
39839: ZINCKE (F. Barham) - Wherstead some materials for its History, Territorial, Manorial, and during the events between.
39816: LONDON ZOO. - List of the Animals in the Garden of the Zoological Society, with notices respecting them: and a Plan of the Garden, showing the buildings, enclosures, and places in which the Animals are kept. May 20th, 1830.
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