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24311: JAGGARD (William) - Shakespeare Bibliography: A Dictionary of Every Known Issue of the Writings of our National Poet and of Recorded Opinion Thereon in the English Language.
37668: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - The Western Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. A Descriptive Catalogue.
36798: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts in the University Library Aberdeen.
40682: JAMES I, KING OF ENGLAND. - The King's Maiesties Declaration to his subjects, concerning Lawful Sports to be used.
34713: JAMES (M. R.) - Lists of Manuscripts Formerly in Peterborough Abbey Library. Supplement to The Bibliographical Society's Transactions No. 5.
34446: JAMES (M. R.) - Lists of Manuscripts Formerly in Peterborough Abbey Library. Supplement to The Bibliographical Society's Transactions No. 5.
33332: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Latin Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library at Manchester.
30719: HOPKIN-JAMES (Lemuel John) - Old Cowbridge Borough, Church, and School. Illustrated by Mrs. Adelaide Williams and others.
29209: JAMES (D.) - Qur'ans and Bindings from the Chester Beatty Library.
28544: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum, with Introduction and Indices.
28181: ROXBURGHE CLUB. JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Peterborough Psalter and Bestiary of the Fourteenth Century.
25131: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts in the University Library Aberdeen.
21937: JAMES (M.R.) - The Romance of Alexander: A Collotype Facsimile of MS. Bodley 264. With an Introduction by M.R. James.
20705: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
18989: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
17601: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
13093: JAMIESON (Eleanore) - English Embossed Bindings 1825-1850.
39507: ALSTON (R.C.) & JANNETTA (M.J.) - Bibliography: Machine Readable Cataloguing and the ESTC. A Summary History of the Eighteenth Short Title Catalogue. Working Methods. Cataloguing Rules. A Catalogue of the Works of Alexander Pope Printed Between 1711 and 1800 in the British Library.
30919: JARVIS (Thomas) - The Farmer's Harvest Companion, and County Gentleman's Assistant; containing Exact and useful Tables ready cast up; shewing at one View, the Area or Content of any Piece of Land; the Expence of Workmanship of any Quantity; and the Value of any Number of Perches per Acre. Being a necessary Guide for Gentlemen's Stewards, Land Measurers, Buyers and Sellers of Wood; and particularly useful for Farmers in the Time of Harvest, and other Person, who put out Work, by the Acre. With sundry New Tables, by an Experienced Farmer, in the County of Kent Shewing the Expence of Threshing; the Value of Workmanship by the Hundred; the sowing Corn in Drills or Furrows, and ascertaining the Quantity of Seed per Acre.
38645: JAULME (Andre) - Les Beaux Livres d'Autrefois le XVeme Siecle.
35505: JEAFFRESON (John Cordy) Editor. - City of Coventry. A Calendar of the Books, Charters, Letters Patent, Deeds, Rolls, Writs, and other Writings, in the cases and drawers of the New Muniment-Room of St. Mary's Hall, made and edited for the Corporation of the City of Coventry.
34801: JEANSON (Marcel) - Bibliotheque Marcel Jeanson. Premiere Partie: Chasse.
26466: JEANSON (Marcel) - Bibliotheque Marcel Jeanson. Premiere Partie: Chasse. [With:] Deuxieme Partie: Ornithologie.
21492: JEFFERY (Charles T.) - Valuable Library of Rare Books and Autographs...
23323: JAMES (Montague Rhodes) & JENKINS (Claude) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace.
39303: JENKINSON (Francis) - List of the Incunabula Collected by George Dunn Arranged to Illustrate the History of Printing.
34451: JENKINSON (Francis) - List of the Incunabula Collected by George Dunn Arranged to Illustrate the History of Printing.
37948: JENNER (Edward) - A Flora of Tunbridge Wells, being a list of indigenous plants within a radius of fifteen miles around that place.
30264: JENNER (Edward) - A Flora of Tunbridge Wells, being a list of indigenous plants within a radius of fifteen miles around that place.
36707: JENNINGS (James) - A Practical Treatise on the History, Medical Properties, and Cultivation of Tobacco.
30629: JENNINGS (Chas. Egerton) - On Transfusion of Blood and Saline Fluids.
38111: JEREMIE (Sir John) - Mauritius. A Short Appeal to the House of Commons, in answer to the Charges brought against the inhabitants of Mauritius, more particularly in a Pamphlet, by John Jeremie. Esq. entitled "Recent Events at Mauritius."
33077: JERVIS (Thomas) - Unanimity and Energy in the present Crisis. A Discourse delivered in the Dissenting Chapel at Lympston, Devon, on Wednesday, Oct. X1X. MDCCC111. Being the day appointed for a general fast.
35634: JESSE (Edward) - A Summer's Day at Windsor, and a Visit to Eton.
30635: CHAPMAN (William) and JESSOP (William) - Report on the measures to be attained to in the Survey of a Line of Navigation, from Newcastle upon Tyne to the Irish Chancel. Published by Order of the Northumberland Committee of Subscribers to the Survey. To which are added, all the Reports subsequent to the Survey, and the estimates of Messrs Jessop and Chapman. [and] Second Part of the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, viz. from Haydon-Bridge to Maryport. With Observations on Lines to Penrith, Sandsfield, Ravensbank, Bowness, Wigton. [and] Third and last Part of a Report on the Proposed Navigation between the East and West Seas, (viz.) on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Carrying the Navigation on the South Side of the River Tyne, in the different Courses that it is capable of. [and] Report of the Proposed Line of Navigation between Newcastle and Maryport,.... with Abstracts of the estimates of this line, and also of that from Stella to Hexham. [and] Mr. Chapman's Postscript to Mr. Jessop's Report.
14998: ARENTS (George) Jnr. - Tobacco: its History illustrated by the Books, Manuscripts, and Engravings in the Library of George Arents Jnr. With an introductory Essay, a Glossary and Bibliographic Notes by Jerome E. Brooks.
34515: ST. JOHN (Pawlet) - The Wisdom of Integrity. A Sermon Preach'd at St. Saviour's Southwark. For the Reverend Dr. Henry Sacheverell. On Sunday, May 6. 1711. By Pawlet St. John, A. M. Rector of Telden, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Pawlet Earl of Bolingbrook. He that walketh Uprightly, walketh Surely.
38883: YE SETTE OF ODD VOLUMES. JOHNSON (Charles Plumptre) - Centenary of William Makepeace Thackeray. Paper Read before Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, May 26th, 1911.
38513: JOHNSON (Cuthbert W.) - Report of the Judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench, in the Braintree church-rate case (Gosling v. Veley and Joslin.)
38109: JOHNSON (Cuthbert William) - The Objects and History of the Thames Improvement Company.
37917: JOHNSON (Cuthbert W.) - On Liquid Manures. [Sold with:] On the Malthusian Doctrines.
9980: JOHNSON (Adrian) - America Explored. A Cartographical History of the Exploration of North America.
35448: JOHNSON (Dr. [Samuel]) - Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia; A Tale.
32647: JOHNSON (Samuel) - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. With Critical Observations on their Works.
40704: JOHNSON (James Yate) - Madeira its Climate and Scenery. A Handbook for invalid and other visitors with chapters on the Fauna, Flora, Geology and Meteorology,.... with a Map of the Island, a Plan of Funchal, a Map of the Environs, and an outline View of the North-West Coast.
31601: JOHNSON (Francis R.) - A Critical Bibliography of the Works of Edmund Spenser Printed before 1700.
31323: JOHNSON (C. R.) - Provincial Poetry 1789-1839. British Verse Printed in the Provinces: The Romantic Background. With an Introduction by Dr. Robert Woof.
27509: JOHNSON (Samuel) - An Essay on Education. A Poem. In two Parts. I. The Pedant. II. The Preceptor. Price two Shillings and Sixpence.
14006: JOHNSON (Edward) - Formal Penmanship and other Papers. Edited by Heather Child.
13150: JOHNSON (Alfred Forbes) - A Catalogue of Italian Engraved Title-Pages in the Sixteenth Century.
34312: JOHNSTON (George) - A Probationary Essay on Cancer; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
34309: JOHNSTON (David) - A Probationary Essay on the use and Effects of Mercury in the Treatment of Syphilis; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
32114: JOHNSTON (Henry) - Practical Observations on Urinary Gravel and Stone; on Disease of the Bladder, and Prostate Gland; and on Strictures of the Urethra.
39234: JOHNSTONE (John) - [Chapters XII & XIII of the General Report of Scotland on Daining & Embankment. Drafts for Sir John Sinclair's General Report.]
37845: JOHNSTONE (James) - A Treatise on the Malignant Angina: or, Putrid and Ulcerous Sore-Throat. To which are added, some remarks on the Angina Trachealis.
35159: JOHNSTONE (J[ames]) - A Treatise on the Malignant Angina: or, putrid and ulcerous sore-throat. To which are added, some remarks on the angina trachealis.
34625: JOHNSTONE (James) - A Treatise on the Malignant Angina: or, Putrid and Ulcerous Sore-Throat. To which are added, some remarks on the Angina Trachealis.
34223: JOHNSTONE (James) - Some Account of the Walton water, near Tewkesbury; with Thoughts on the use and Diseases of the Lymphatic Glands. In a Letter to J. Coakley Lettsom.
32798: JOHNSTONE (James) - Some Account of the Walton water, near Tewkesbury; with Thoughts on the use and Diseases of the Lymphatic Glands. In a Letter to J. Coakley Lettsom.
35447: JOLLY (Julius Ernest) - Manava Dharma-Sastra. The Code of Manu, original Sanskrit text critically edited according to the standard Sanskrit Commentaries, with critical notes.
40900: JONES (Francis) - Historic Carmarthenshire Homes and their Families.
39901: HARRIS (Rendel) & JONES (Stephen K.) - The Pilgrim Press : A Bibliographical and Historical Memorial of the Books Printed at Leyden by the Pilgrim Fathers.
38634: JONES (David) - On the Values of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, with numerous Tables.
38097: JONES (J. F. D.) - A Treatise on the Process Employed by Nature in Suppressing the Hemorrhage from Divided and Punctured Arteries; and on the Use of the Ligature; Concluding with Observations on Secondary Hemorrhage...
9992: JONES (John Winter) - Some Remarks on Early Printed Books, Addressed to a Meeting of the Archaeological Institute, held on the 5th of May, 1871.
39444: JONES (E. Alfred) - The Old Silver of American Churches.
36848: JONES (E. Gwynne) - A Bibliography of the Dog. Books Published in the English Language 1570-1965.
35781: JONES (B. S.) - Papers relative to the progress of the British Power in India; and the subsidiary System of Alliance. Communicated to The Right Hon. Charles Grant, Chairman of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on East-India Affairs.
35587: JONES (William) - An Essay on the First Principles of Natural Philosophy: wherein the use of Natural Means, or Second Causes, in the Oeconomy of the Material World, is demonstrated from Reason, Experiments of various Kinds, and the Testimony of Antiquity. In Four Books.
33154: JONES (Rev. Mr.) - A Sermon against the Unprofitable Sin of Profane Swearing, By the Rev. Mr. Jones. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain. Let your Communications be Yea, Yea, Nay, Nay.
32254: JONES (John) - Medical, Philosophical, and Vulgar Errors, of various kinds, considered and refuted.
32155: JONES (Mary A. Dixon) - A Hitherto Undescribed Disease of the Ovary; Endothelioma Changing to Angeioma and Haematoma.
40902: JONES (Francis), CHARLES JONES (Caroline) Editor. - The Francis Jones Historic Pembrokeshire Homes and Their Families: From the Archives, Articles, Manuscripts and Researches of the Late Major Francis Jones.
31345: JONES (C. Handfield) - On Heat-Stroke and its Affinities with Paretic Disorders of the Nervous System.
28981: JONES (E. Gwynne) - A Bibliography of the Dog. Books Published in the English Language 1570-1965.
27815: JONES (George W.) - Some Books from the Library of George W. Jones Formerly at Monkbarns, Northwood.
27814: JONES (George W.) - Catalogue of the Library of George W. Jones at The Sign of the Dolphin next to Dr. Johnson's House in Gough Square, Fleet Street, London E.C.4.
27605: JONES (Thomas) Editor. - A Diary, of the Quorndon Hunt, From the Year 1791 to 1800, Inclusive, in which will be given a succinct detail of every Day's Sport, the covers broke, the track pursued, and the final result of each run. By Thomas Jones, Whipper-in to the late Hugo Meynell, Esq. To which will be subjoined, the celebrated Billesden Coplow Pamphlet.
25349: BALLINGER (John) & JONES (James Ifano) - Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department. Cardiff Free Libraries.
14559: JONES (E. Gwynne) - A Bibliography of the Dog. Books Published in the English Language 1570-1965.
39185: JONSON (Ben) - The English Grammar made by Ben Jonson for the benefit of all strangers out of the observation of the English language now spoken and in use. With a prefatory note by Strickland Gibson M. A. Bodleian Library.
36077: JORDAN (John E.) - Robert Louis Stevenson's Silverado Journal.
35872: JOSEPH (Edward) - Catalogue of a Collection of Miniatures by Richard Cosway, R.A. and Contemporary Miniaturists. Illustrated by Photographs of the Originals. In the Possession of Edward Joseph, Esq.
40179: YOUNG LADIES JOURNAL. - The Young Ladies' Journal Complete Guide to the Work-Table. Containing Instructions in Berlin Work, Crochet, Drawn-Thread Work, Embroidery, Knitting, Knotting or Macrame. Lace, Netting, Poonah Painting, & Tatting. With Numerous Illustrations and Coloured Designs
29236: BRITISH LIBRARY JOURNAL. - 27 issues of this biannually journal. Vol. 1 (1 & 2); Vol. 2 (1 & 2); Vol. 3 (1 & 2); Vol. 4 (1 & 2); Vol. 5 (2); Vol. 6 (1 & 2); Vol. 7 (2); Vol. 8 (2); Vol. 9 (2); Vol. 13 (1 & 2); Vol. 14 (2); Vol. 15 (1); Vol. 16 (1); Vol. 17 (1); Vol. 19 (1 & 2); Vol. 20 (1 & 2); Vol. 21 (1 & 2); Vol. 22 (1).
12621: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL JOURNALS. - Index to Selected Bibliographical Journals 1933-1970.
9565: DAVIS (Gwenn) & JOYCE (Beverly) - Personal Writings by Women to 1900: A Bibliography of American and British Writers.
9566: DAVIS (Gwenn) & JOYCE (Beverly) - Personal Writings by Women to 1900: A Bibliography of American and British Writers.
38936: JUDAICA. - English & American Judaica. Catalogue 64.
37975: JUDD (John Wesley) - The Geology of Rutland and the parts of Lincoln, Leicester, Northampton, Huntingdon, and Cambridge, included in sheet 64 of the one-inch map of the Geological survey: with an introductory essay on the classification and correlation of the Jurassic rocks of the Midland district of England. By John W. Judd.... Appendix, with tables of fossils, by R. Etheridge.
32904: JUDSON (A. B.) - Points in the Therapeutics of Diseases of the Joints. [Reprinted from the Medical Record, May 1, 1886.
36760: JUKES (J. Beete) - Additional Notes of the Grouping of the Rocks of North Devon and West Somerset: With a Map and Section. Preceded by an Introductory Statement.
34416: JUKES (Alfred) - A Case of Carcinomatous Stricture of the Rectum, in which the Descending Colon was Opened in the Loin.
33392: HERITABLE JURISDICTIONS. - Observations upon a Bill, entituled, An Act for taking away, and abolishing the heritable Jurisditions in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for restoring such Jurisdictions to the Crown; for the Administration of Justice throughout that Part of the united Kingdom, by the King's Courts and Judges there; and for the rendering of the Union more complete:......
33536: JUSSERAND (J. J.) - Le Roman au Temps de Shakespeare.
34743: JUVENILE. - Charles et Charlotte; ou Premiere Education de l'Enfance.
32230: JUVENILE. - Geography and Astronomy familiarized. For Youth of both sexes.
13521: KAHL (William F.) - The Development of London Livery Companies: An Historical Essay and a Select Bibliography.
31537: KAPLAN (Wendy) Editor. - Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
19119: KARLSON (William) - Bokband och Bokbindare I Lund.
32122: KARPINSKI (Louis C.) - Bibliography of Mathematical Works Printed in America Through 1850. And Supplement and Second Supplement.
16603: KASER (David) - A Book for a Sixpence. The Circulating Library in America.
40423: KAYE (G. R.) Editor. - The Bakhshali Manuscript. A Study in Medieval Mathematics.
31674: CRANE (R.S.) & KAYE (F.B.) - A Census of British Newspapers and Periodicals 1620-1800.
23809: KAYSER (Albrecht Christoph) - Die Abstellung der Bücherkunde, oder Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der von 1750 bis Ende 1823 erschienenen Bücher, welche in Deutschlund und in den durch Sprache und Literatur damit verwandten Ländern, gedruckt worden sind.
37726: KEBLE (R. A.) - The Mornington Peninsula. No. 17. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria.
9997: KEEFE (H.J.) - A Century in Print. The Story of Hazell's 1839-1939. With a Foreword by Ralph C. Hazell.
31874: DAVIES (Godfrey) & KEELER (Mary Frear) - A Bibliography of English History: Stuart Period 1603-1714.
30838: KEILL (James) - Tentamina Medico-Physica: ad quasdam quaestiones Animalem spectant, accomodata; quibus accessit Medicina statica Britannica.
35703: KEIR (Patrick) - An Enquiry into the Nature and Virtues of the Medicinal Waters of Bristol, and their Use in the Cure of Chronical Distempers.
30704: KEITH (George Skene) - A Prize Dissertation, on the Excellence of the British Constitution.
27429: KEITH (George Skene) - Different Methods of Establishing an Uniformity of Weights and Measures Stated and Compared.
21944: KELCHNER (Dr. Ernst) - Die Marienthaler Drucke der Stadt-Bibliothek zu Frankfurt am Main.
13419: KELLY (William W.) - Ellen Glasgow: A Bibliography.
35535: KELP. - [Extracts] Kelp.
35451: KELSALL (Charles) - The Two Last Pleadings of Marcus Tullius Cicero against Caius Verres; Translated, and illustrated with notes,..... To which is added a Postscript, containing remarks on the State of Modern Sicily.
38351: GRIGGS OF KELVEDON. - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Essex, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
24825: KEMP (John) - Extract from an Account of the Funds, Expenditure, and General Management of the Affairs, of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge: Contained in a Report, Published by Order of said Society, in 1796...
32433: KENNEDY (Evory) - Notes on the Substitution of Medicated for Intoxicating Stimulants.
31878: ROSS (F. A.) & KENNEDY (L. V.) - A Bibliography of Negro Migration.
40912: KENNEDY (Thomas) - Acton Round Hall. Photography by Tom Foxall.
35678: KENNET (White) - A Sermon Preach'd before the Arch-Bishop, Bishops and Clergy of the Province of Canterbury, in Convocation Assembled, in the Cathedral church of St. Paul in London. By White Kennet, D. D. Dean of Peterborough, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Translated from the Latin, which was Publish'd by Command of the Most Reverend the President. With some Account of the Sermons and Speeches made in former Synods, during the First Century after the Reformation.
10001: KENNEY (Cyril Ernest) - The Quadrant and the Quill. Including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century: A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Characters: Together with an Elucidation of Every Subject Connected with the Art.
27103: KENNINGTON (Don) - The Sourcebook of Golf.
33876: KENT (Edward George) - Lindum Lays and Legends.
39302: KENT (Samuel) - The Banner Display'd: or, an Abridgment of Guillim: Being a Compleat System of Heraldry, in all is Parts. With proper Cuts and Tables.
40633: KENYON (Frederic G.) - The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri. Descriptions and Texts of Twelve Manuscripts on Papyrus of the Greek Bible.
33357: HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. KENYON (Lord) - The Manuscripts of Lord Kenyon. Fourteenth Report, Appendix, Part IV.
25103: KENYON (Sir Frederic) - Papyrus. Alte Bucher und Moderne Entdeckungen.
20772: KENYON (Frederick G.) Editor. - Facsimiles of Biblical Manuscripts in the British Museum.
39456: KEPPEL (Captain The Hon. Henry) - The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the Suppression of Piracy: with Extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, Esq. of Sarawak, (now Agent for the British Government in Borneo).
39522: KER (Neil R.) - Fragments of Medieval Manuscripts used as Pastedowns in Oxford Bindings with a Survey of Oxford Binding c. 1515-1620.
27990: KER (Neil R.) - Fragments of Medieval Manuscripts used as Pastedowns in Oxford Bindings with a Survey of Oxford Binding c. 1515-1620. Oxford Bibliographical Society Publications New Series Vol. 5.
36915: KERSHAW (Kenneth A.) - Early Printed Maps of Canada. I. 1540-1703.
35607: NOVEL. KETT (Henry) - Emily, A Moral Tale. Including Letters from a Father to his Daughter, upon the most important Subjects.
40857: KETTLE (Pamela) - Oldcotes: The last Mansion built by Bees of Hardwick
33620: KEW (H. Wallis) - Ray's Journey through Lincolnshire, 1661. [Reprinted from The Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, 1930].
39146: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne, Kt, M.D.
38664: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Dr. John Donne Dean of Saint Paul's.
38646: KEYNES (Sir Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of the Writings of Dr William Harvey 1573-1657.
38306: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Henry King D.D. Bishop of Chichester.
40117: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - Jane Austen: A Bibliography.
37444: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke.
37443: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - The Life of William Harvey.
36881: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - Bibliography of William Hazlitt.
31766: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - Dr. Timothie Bright 1550-1615. A Survey of his Life with a Bibliography of his Writings.
31652: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - Dr Martin Lister, A Bibliography.
31525: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Henry King D.D. Bishop of Chichester.
31507: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - John Ray: A Bibliography.
31315: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - John Evelyn. A Study in Bibliophily with a Bibliography of his Writings.
24737: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Dr. John Donne Dean of Saint Paul's.
23714: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - A Bibliography of Henry King D.D. Bishop of Chichester.
22970: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - Dr. Timothie Bright 1550-1615. A Survey of his Life with a Bibliography of his Writings.
21547: KEYNES (Geoffrey) - Dr Martin Lister, A Bibliography.
37991: HEWITT (V. H.) & KEYWORTH (J. M.) - As Good as Gold: 300 Years of British Bank Note Design.
35711: KHOURI (Constantine E.) - Arabic Manual, containing Practical Rules for learning the English Language; with Vocabulary, Dialogues, Letters, Idioms and Proverbs, in Arabic and English.
38438: KING (Dr. Kilburne) - Two Cases of Excision of the Scapula. With remarks on the best mode of performing the operation so as to avoid Haemorrhage.
38435: KING (Kelburne) - On the Present Tendency of Scientific Thought. The introductory address to the session of the Literary and Philosophical Society, 1869-70, delivered in the Hull Royal Institution November 2nd 1869.
38182: KING (William) - A Map of a Tract of Country Surrounding Belvoir Castle; Including Extensive Districts of the Counties of Leicester, Lincoln & Nottingham; and the whole of the County of Rutland. Accurately laid down from a Survey taken in the Years 1804.5.&6. by W. King.
38138: KING (Daniel) - The Vale Royall of England. Or, The County Palatine of Chester Illustrated. Wherein is contained a Geographical and Historical Description of that Famous County, with all its Hundreds and Seats of the Nobility, Gentry, and Freeholders; its Rivers, Towns, Castles, Buildings Ancient and Modern. Adorned with Maps and Prospects, and the Coats of Arms belonging to every individual Family of the whole County... Also, An Excellent Discourse of the Island of Man; Treating of the Island. Of the Inhabitants. Of the State Ecclesiasticall. Of the Civil Government. Of the Trade; and, Of the Strength of the Island.
37997: KING (Richard J.) - Warsop Parish Registers, with Notes and Illustrations.
37095: [KING (William) - The Dreamer.
40929: KING (Patrick) - Five Centuries of Bookbinding in the British Isles. Catalogue 8.
35131: KING (A. C.) - A New and Successful Method of Curing Rheumatism, and Restoring Lost Muscular Power.
21768: KING (Edmund M.B.) - Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings 1830-1880: A Descriptive Bibliography.
27060: KING'S LIBRARY, BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, Etc. Forming the Geographical and Topographical Collection attached to the Library of His late Majesty King George the Third, and Presented by His Majesty King George the Fourth to the British Museum.
12908: KINGSLEY (David) - Printed Maps of Sussex 1575-1900.
14249: KIPLING. - Something of Rudyard Kipling and his Works. With an Index to the Volumes Published by Macmillan & Co., Ltd.
40256: KIRKLAND (Thomas) - A Treatise on Child-Bed Fevers, and on the Methods of Preventing them. Being a Supplement to the Books lately written on the Subject. To which are prefixed Two Dissertations. The one on the Brain and Nerves; the other on the Sympathy of the Nerves; and of different Kinds of Irritability.
30881: KIRKLAND (Thomas) - A Treatise on Child-Bed Fevers, and on the Methods of preventing them. Being a Supplement to the Books lately written on the Subject. To which are prefixed Two Dissertations. The one on the Brain and Nerves; the other on the Sympathy of the Nerves; and of different Kinds of Irritability.
34195: KIRKPATRICK (B. J.) - A Bibliography of E. M. Forster.
22983: KIRKPATRICK (Brownlee) - A Bibliography of Edmund Blunden.
19471: KIRKPATRICK (B.J.) - A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf.
38647: KISSNER (F.H.) - The Franklin H. Kissner Collection of Books on Rome.
32627: KITTON (Frederic) - Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Norvicensi. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the City of Norwich MDCCCLXXXIII.
26499: KLAUSNER (David) Editor. - Wales: Records of Early English Drama.
25195: DUVEEN (Denis I.) & KLICKSTEIN (Herbert S.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 1743-1794. With a Preface by John F. Fulton.
10031: KLINEFELTER (Lee M.) - Bookbinding Made Easy.
37304: KLOSS (Dr. [George Franz Burkhard]) - Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss, of Franckfort aM., Professor; Including Many Original and Unpublished Manuscripts, and Printed Books with MS. Annotations, by Philip Melanchthon. Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Sotheby and Son... on Thursday, May 7th, and Nineteen Following Days...
35402: KLUSSMANN (Prof. Dr. Rudolf) - Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum. Die Literatur von 1878 bis 1896 Einschliesslich Umfassend.
32269: KNARESBOROUGH. - Report of the Committee appointed to procure the Levels, Surveys, and Estimates of the Proposed Navigation to Knaresbro', in the West Riding of the County of York.
30653: KNIGHT (Richard Payne) - An Inquiry into the Principles of Taste.
37196: KNOOP (Johann Hermann) - Pomologia dat is Beschryvingen en Afbeeldingen van de Beste Zoorten van Appels en Peeren, Welke in Neder en Hoog-Duitsland, Frankryk, Engelland... [Bound with:] Fruchtologia of Beschryving der Vrugtbomen en Vrugten... [Bound with:] Dendrologia of Beschryving der Plantagie-gewassen...
32218: KNORR (Dr. Ludwig) - Dr. Knorr's Antipyrine Manufactured by Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius & Bruning, Hoechst-o-M. Germany.
40511: KNOWLER (William) - The Earl of Strafforde's Letters and Dispatches, with an Essay Towards His Life, By Sir George Radcliffe. From the Originals in the Possession of His Great Grandson the Right Honourable Thomas, Earl of Malton, Knight of Bath.
37913: KNOWLES (Sir Charles) - The Conduct of Admiral Knowles on the Late Expedition set in a True Light.
39259: KNOWLES (The Rev. E. H.) - The Castle of Kenilworth, A Hand-Book for Visitors.
34289: KNOX (Robert) - A Probationary Essay, on the Causes and Treatment of Lateral Curvature of the Human Spine; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
35610: TAW SEIN KO. - Elementary Hand-Book of the Burmese Language.
25502: KÖNIG (Georg Matthias) - Bibliotheca Vetus et Nova, in qua Hebraeorum, Chaldaeorum, Syrorum, Arabum, Persarum, Aegyptiorum, Graecorum & Latinorum per Universum terrarum orbem Scriptorum, Theologorum, JCtorum, Medicorum. Philosophorum, Historicorum, Geographorum, Philologorum, Oratorum, Poetarum, &c. Patria, Aetas, Nomina, Libri..., a prima Mundi origine ad Annum usque MDCLXXIIX. Ordine Alphabetico digesta... recensentur...
37730: SWIFT (Michael) & KONSTAM (Angus) - Cities of the Renaissance World: Maps from Civitates Orbis Terrarum.
17610: KOSSMANN (E.F.) - De Boekverkoopers Notarissen en Cramers op het Binnenhof.
32041: KRATZ (C.H.F.) - De Dentium Carie. Dissertation inauguralis Medico-Chirurgica quam consensu et auctoritate Gratiosi Medicorum Ordinis in alma literarum Universitate Friderica Guilelma ut summi in Medicina et Chirurgia Honores......
35125: KRAUS (H. P.) - The Ninetieth Catalogue. English Books. Manuscripts. Incunabula. Voyages. Americana. Geography. Bindings. Natural History. Including a Caxton in its Original Binding. The Bourbon Hours..... The First Edition of Brant's Shyp of Folys, of Raspe's Munchausen.... a Magnificent Elephant Folio Audubon.
29202: KRAUS (H.P.) - Distinguished Books and Manuscripts. Catalogue 85.
17077: KRAUS (H.P.) - Voyages, Travels and Ancillary Sciences. Including Geography, Cartography, Navigation, etc. Both Printed and Manuscript. Catalogue No. 178.
10042: KRAUS (H.P.) - A Selection of Choice French Books, Most of them Recently Acquired from Two Distinguished European Private Collections [Charles Gillet and Maurice Loncle]. Catalogue 98.
10040: KRAUS (H.P.) - Distinguished Books and Manuscripts. Catalogue 85.
10051: KRESS COLLECTION, SAMUEL H. - The Gospels of Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke & Saint John. Together with The Acts of the Apostles According to the Authorized King James Version with Reproductions of Religius Paintings in the Samuel H. Kress Collection.
15776: KRIEG (Michael O.) - Mehr Nicht Erschienen. Ein Verzeichnis Unvollendt Gebliebener Druckwerke.
33436: SCHMIDT-KUNSEMULLER (F.A.) - T.J. Cobden-Sanderson.
10550: SCHMIDT-KÜNSEMÜLLER (F.A.) - T.J. Cobden-Sanderson.
10055: KUNZE (Horst) - Schatzbehalter. Vom Besten aus der Älteren Deutschen Kinderliteratur.
30618: KYRISS (Ernst) - Bookbindings in the Libraries of Prague. A Reprint from Studies in Bibliography.
20933: KYSTER (Anker) - Bookbindings in the Public Collections of Denmark, Vol. I [All Published] The Royal Library Copenhagen.
27934: LACKINGTON (James) - Memoirs of the Forty-Five First Years of the Life of James Lackington... Written by Himself, in Forty-Seven Letters to a Friend...
33820: LAGNEAU (Louis Vivant) - Exposé des diverses Méthodes de traiter la Maladie Vénérienne, et leurs différentes modifications...... Ouvrage où sont spécialement détaillées les Règles de Traitment Anti-syphilitique adoptées à l'Hospice des Vénériens de Paris.
38092: LAING (David) - Hints for Dwellings: Consisting of Original Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, Villas, &c. Plain and Ornamental: with plans to each: in which strict attention is paid to unite convenience and elegance with economy. Including some Designs for Town houses.
35408: HALKETT (Samuel) & LAING (John) - Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. Including the Works of Foreigners Written in, or Translated into the English Language.
31770: HALKETT (Samuel ) & LAING ( John ) - A Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Publications in the English Language. Third (revised and enlarged) edition. 1475-1640.
23802: LAIRE (Francois Xavier) - Specimen Historicum Typographiae Romanae XV. saeculi opera et studio.
38005: LALONETTE (Sir Peter) - A New Method of Curing the Venereal Disease by Fumigation: Together with Critical Observations on the Different Methods of Cure; and an Account of some new and useful Preparations of Mercury.
38480: VANCOUVER (George); LAMB (W. Kayne) Editor. - A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World 1791-1795. With an introduction and appendices.
35002: COOKERY BOOKS. LAMBERT (M. Leon) - Catalogue of the Collection of Books on Cookery and Gastronomy. The Property of M. Leon Lambert.
32954: LAMOUROUX (J. V. F.) - Corallina; or, a Classical Arrangement of Flexible Coralline Polypidoms.
32281: HOUZEAU (J.C.) & LANCASTER (A.) - Bibliographie Générale de l'Astronomie Jusqu'en 1880. New Edition, with Introduction and Author Index by D.W. Dewhirst.
24665: MENNESSIER DE LA LANCE (Gabriel Rene) - Essai de Bibliographie Hippique, Donnant la Description Detaillee des Ouvrages Publies ou Traduits en Latin et en Francais sur le Cheval et la Cavalerie. [With:] Supplement...
11936: LANDAU (Thomas) Editor. - Encyclopaedia of Librarianship.
39073: LANDON (Perceval) Editor. - Helio-Tropes or New Posies for Sundials Written in an Old Book Partly in English and Partly in Latin and Expounded in English By John Parmenter, Clerk, of Winghain the County of Kent 1625.
39958: LANDWEHR (John) - Fable-Books Printed in the Low Countries. A Concise Bibliography Until 1800.
31884: LANDWEHR (John) - Studies in Dutch Books with Coloured Plates Published 1662-1875. Natural History, Topography, Travel, Costumes and Uniforms.
20072: LANG (Georges-Emmanuel) - Bibliotheque de M. Georges-Emmanuel Lang.
40503: LANGFORD (John Alfred) - A Century of Birmingham Life: or, A Chronicle of Local Events, from 1741 to 1841.
38775: LANGWITH MANUFACTORY, GRANTHAM, LINCS. - Fifteen Plates of Composition Ornaments, Made at Langwith Manufactory, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
37927: LANSBERG (Philip) - Tabulae Motuum Coelestium Perpetuae; ex omnium temporum observationibus constructae, temporumque omnium observationibus consentientes. Item novae et genuinae motuum coelestium theoricae. & Astronomicarum observantionum thesaurus.
29259: LAPIÈRE (Marie-Rose) - La Lettre Ornée dans les Manuscrits Mosans d'Origine Bénédictine (XIe - XIIe Siècles).
35738: LARCOM (Lucy) - Poems by Lucy Larcom.
31244: LARNED (J. N.) Editor. - The Literature of American History. A Bibliographical Guide with Supplement in Which the Scope, Character, and Comparative Worth of Books in Selected Lists are Set Forth in Brief Notes By Critics of Authority.
34386: LARREY (Felix Hippolyte, Baron) - De l'Aputation de la Cuisse dans l'Articulation de la Hanche (avec un cas de succes). Rapport lu a la societe de chirurgie. (Extrait du 'Bullentin de la Societe de Chirurgie', 1860.)
40319: LASSELS (Richard) - The Voyage of Italy, or a Compleat Journey through Italy. In two parts. With the characters of the people, and the description of the chief towns, churches, monasteries, tombs, libraries, pallaces, villas, gardens, pictures, statues, and antiquities. As also of the interest, government, riches, force, &c. of all the Princes. With instructions concerning travel.
32951: LATHAM (R. G.) - Man and his Migrations.
31111: Georgics. English and Latin. - Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
36870: LATUDE (Henry Masers de) - Memoirs of Henry Masers de Latude, who was confined during thirty-five years, in the different state prisons of France. Arranged from the original documents, by Monsieur Thierry, advocate, and member of several academies. Published in France in 1790, and now first translated into English, by John William Calcraft.
36205: LATZ (Dorothy L.) - Neglected English Literature: Recusant Writings of the 16th-17th Centuries.
39209: LAUGHTON (James Brotherston) - Johnson's historical, topographical, & parochial guide, and visitor's companion through the Isle of Mann.
31301: EDEL (Leon) & LAURENCE (Dan H.) - A Bibliography of Henry James.
31872: LAURIDSEN (P.) - Bibliographia Groenlandica eller Fortegnelse paa Vaerker, Afhandlinger og danske manuskripter, der handle om Grönland indtil Aaret 1880 incl.
37909: LAVALETTE (Antoine Marie Chamant, Comte) - The Trial, at full length of Major-General Sir Robert Thomas Wilson, Michael Bruce, Esq. and Captain John Hely Hutchinson, before M. Romain de Sez, at the French Assize Court of the Department of the Seine, for aiding and assisting in the Escape of General Lavalette. Taken in Short=hand by Mr. Nicholson. With an Account of their Journey to Mons, their Commitment, Examination, &c. &c. with Official Documents. To which are prefixed, Biographical Memoirs of Sir Robert Thomas Wilson.
32848: WINE. LAVERGNE (F. de) - Règles du soufrage de la vigne et résultats d'observations nouvelles sur le soufre et l'oidium.
39016: LAW. - The Several Acts of the Sessions of Parliament Nnith & tenth George IV. Amending the Criminal Law of Ireland.
38828: LAW (William) - A Collection of Letters on the Most Interesting and Important Subjects, and on Several Occasions.
38581: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 16th Day of December, 1852.
38579: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 4th Day of December, 1852.
38580: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 3rd Day of December, 1852.
38578: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 10th Day of November, 1852.
38576: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, Saturday, 23rd Day of October, 1852.
38577: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 25th Day of October, 1852.
38520: LAW. - By Authority. General Orders and Rules of the High Court of Chancery, Issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 16th Day of October, 1852.
37555: LAW (William) - A Short but Sufficient Confutation of the Reverend Dr Warburton's projected Defence (As he calls it) of Christianity, in his Divine Legation of Moses. In a Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London.
36665: LAW. - Catalogue of the Social Law Library in Boston.
35533: LAW. - Catalogue of the Library of the Law Society of the United Kingdom.
35476: LAW (William) - An Appeal to all that Doubt, or Disbelieve the Truths of the Gospel, whether they be Deists, Arians, Socinians, or Normal Christians. In which the true Grounds and Reasons of the whole Christian Faith and Life are plainly and fully demonstrated. To which are added, Some Animadversions upon Dr. Trap's Late Reply.
33080: LAW (William) - The Bishop of Bangor's Late Sermon, and his letter to Dr. Snape in defence of it, answer'd. And the dangerous nature of some doctrines in his Preservative, set forth in a letter to his Lordship.
32805: LAW (William) - A Collection of Letters on the Most Interesting and Important Subjects, and on Several Occasions.
39751: PENAL LAW. - An Account of the Proceedings of the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, in relation to the bill, intituled, An act for preventing occasional conformity.
39028: LAWLER (John) - Book Auctions in England in the Seventeenth Century (1676-1700). With a Chronological List of the Book Auctions of the Period. The Book-Lovers Library.
37218: LAWRENCE (Richard) - An Inquiry into the Structure & Animal Oeconomy of the Horse, Comprehending the Diseases To which his Limbs and Feet Are subject, with Proper Directions for Shoeing; and Pointing out a Method for Ascertaining his age until his Twelfth Year.
32427: LAWRENCE (Robert M.) - The Therapeutic Value of the Iodide of Ethyl.
36849: POOR LAWS. - Poor-Laws: or, The Laws and Statutes Relating to The Settling, Maintenance, and Employment of the Poor. Containing all the statutes under this head, from the beginning of the reign of Q. Elizabeth, the first time any poor-laws were enacted in this kingdom, to the present time; including the last new Act 9 Geo. for better providing for the poor. Of use to all Justices of Peace, ministers, churchwardens, overseers of the poor, and other inhabitants of parishes, to know their duty herein. Written in a new alphabetical method.
33852: CORN LAWS. - The Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law. [Showing the Injurious Effects of the Corn Law upon Tenant Farmers and Farm Labourers. By George Hope, Arthur Morse and William Rathbone Greg.] Published by the National Anti-Corn-Law League.
22996: POOR LAWS. - Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture.
37509: LAWSON (Peter, & Son) - Treatise on the Cultivated Grasses and other Herbage and Forage Plants, with the kinds and quantities of seeds recommended for sowing down land to alternate husbandry, permanent pasture, laws, &c.
35667: LAWSON (Roderick) - The Capital of Carrick and the District about it.
22471: LAYARD (George Somes) - Suppressed Plates, Wood Engravings, &c. Together with other Curiosities Germane Thereto being an Account of Certain Matters Peculiarly Alluring to the Collector.
10072: LAYARD (George Somes) - Suppressed Plates, Wood Engravings, &c. Together with other Curiosities Germane Thereto being an Account of Certain Matters Peculiarly Alluring to the Collector.
40222: LAYCOCK (T.) - Correspondence and Statements Regarding the Teaching of Clinical Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, 1855-1857; with a Sequel.
34384: LAYCOCK (Thomas) - Clinical Illustrations of the Pathology and Treatment of Delirium Tremens. [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Medical Journal, October 1858.]
38663: LAW. LAYER (Christopher) - The Whole Proceeding upon the Arraignment, Tryal, Conviction and Attainder of Christopher Layer, Esq; for High Treason, in Compassing and Imagining the Death of the King, In the Court of King's Bench. [Bound with 12 further related works.]
38707: LEACH (W.) - Two Relict Upland Oak Woods in Cumberland.
31019: LEADBETTER (Charles) - Mechanick Dialling: or, the New Art of Shadows: freed from many Obscurities, Superfluities and Errors of Former Writers upon this Subject, The whole laid down after so plain a Method that any Person (tho' a Stranger to the Art) with a Pair of Compasses and Common Ruler only, may make a Dial upon any Plane for any Place in the World, as well as those who have attained to the greatest Knowledge and Perfection in Mathematicks. Illustrated with many Copper Plates, and examples of Dials for London, Exeter, Bristol, Worcester, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Lincoln, Chester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Durham, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. To which are added, 1. A Choice of Mottos in Latin and English. 2. A New and Correct Alphabetical Table of the most eminent Cities, Towns, in the whole World; shewing the Elevation of the Pole, and the Difference of their Meridian from London. 3. The bart and most approved Methods of Painting Sun Dials.
34383: LEARED (Arthur) - Infant Mortality and its Causes. (Reprinted from the "English Woman's Journal.")
31786: LECLAIRE (Lucien) - A General Analytical Bibliography of the Regional Novelists of the British Isles 1800-1950.
39749: LEE (Henry) - The White Whale.
31914: LEE (Brian North) - Early Printed Book Labels. A Catalogue of Dated Personal Labels and Gift Labels Printed in Britain to the Year 1760.
40418: LEE (Rawdon) - A History and Description of the Collie or Sheep Dog in his British Varieties.
20492: LEE (Brian North) - Early Printed Book Labels. A Catalogue of Dated Personal Labels and Gift Labels Printed in Britain to the Year 1760.
15450: LEE (Brian North) - Bookplates by Robert Osmond.
36514: LEESER (Isaac) - Instruction in the Mosaic Religion. Translated from the German of J. Johlson, Teacher of a Israelitish School at Frankford on the Maine.
33587: BOOKBINDING. STROM VAN LEEUWEN (Jan) - Vorstelijke Boekbanden uit de Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
28002: STORM VAN LEEUWEN (Jan) - De Achttiende-Eeuwse Haagse Boekband in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek en het Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum. With a Summary in English. The Hague bookbindings of the eighteenth century in the Royal Library and the Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum.
25111: BOOKBINDING. STROM VAN LEEUWEN (Jan) - Vorstelijke Boekbanden uit de Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
23972: STORM VAN LEEUWEN (Jan) - De Achttiende-Eeuwse Haagse Boekband in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek en het Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum. With a Summary in English. The Hague bookbindings of the eighteenth century in the Royal Library and the Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum.
39069: LEFANU (Alicia) - Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan, mother of the late Right Hon.Richard Brinsley Sheridan : with remarks upon a late life of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan : also criticisms and selections from the works of Mrs Sheridan and biographical anecdotes of her family and contemporaries.
32625: LeFANU (W. R.) - A Bibliography of Edward Jenner.
31381: LEFANU (W. R.) - A Bio-Bibliography of Edward Jenner 1749-1823.
16254: LEFANU (W. R.) - A Bio-Bibliography of Edward Jenner 1749-1823.
10076: LeFANU (William) - Nehemiah Grew: A Study and Bibliography of his Writings.
39190: LEGRIS. - La Mécanique des gens du monde, ou les moteurs rendus plus puissants, plus nombreux, plus économiques, plus utiles et plus faciles à employer ; ouvrage nécessaire à toutes les classes de la société, et principalement aux riches propriétaires, pour l'embellissement des parcs, châteaux, maisons de plaisance, etc. etc. ; et, par la simplicité de l'exécution et la multiplicité des moyens, à la portée des exploitations rurales les plus modestes. Par Legris.
22122: UHAGON (Francisco de) & LEGUINA (Enrique de) - Estudios Bibliográficos: La Caza.
19575: LEHMANN (Ruth P.) - Nova Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica. A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History 1937-1960.
39044: AUSTEN-LEIGH (R. A.) - Bygone Eton. Being a Collection of Historical Views of the Buildings at Eton College with Descriptive Notes.
40440: LEIGH (Charles) - The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak, Derbyshire: With an Account of the British, Phoenician, Armenian, Gr. and Rom. Antiquities in those Parts.
40227: LEIGHTON (William Allport) - A Flora of Shropshire.
40860: LEINSTEIN (Madame) - Unlucky John and his Lump of Silver. A juvenile comic tale. Translated from the German into easy verse by Madame Leinstein.
39807: LEIPNIK (F. L.) - A History of French Etching from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day.
39545: LELAND (Thomas) - The History of Ireland from the Invasion of Henry II. With a Preliminary Discourse on the Antient State of that Kingdom.
35888: GIARD (René) & LEMAîTRE (Henri) - Les origines de l'imprimerie à Valenciennes. Jehan de Liège.
39432: MUNERELLE ( Jean-Baptiste) & LEMAITRE (Augustin François) - Phénomènes et les Curiosités de la Nature.
39668: LEMBERGER (Ernst) - Portrait Miniatures of Five Centuries.
33267: LEMERY (Louis) - A treatise of all sorts of foods, both animal and vegetable: also of drinkables: Giving an Account How to chuse the best Sort of all Kinds; Of the good and bad Effects they produce; the Principles they abound with; the Time, Age and Constitution they are adapted to. Wherein their Nature and Use is explain'd according to the Sentiments of the most eminent Physicians and Naturalists Antient and Modern. The Whole divided into one Hundred seventy-six Chapters. With Remarks upon each. Written originally in French. By the Learned M. L. Lemery, Physician to the King, and Member of the Royal Academy. Translated by D. Hay, M. D. To which is added, An Introduction treating of Foods in general: A Table of the Chapters, and an Alphabetical Index. A Work of universal Use to all who are inclin'd to know the good or bad Qualities of what they eat or drink.
24523: LEMOINE (Henry) - Typographical Antiquities. History, Origin, and Progress, of the Art of Printing, from its First Invention in Germany to the End of the Seventeenth Century; and from its Introduction into England, by Caxton, to the Present Time... its Progress in the Provinces; with Chronological Lists of Eminent Printers in England, Scotland, and Ireland... also a Particular and Complete History of the Walpolean Press, Established at Strawberry Hill; with an Accurate List of Every Publication Issued Therefrom, and the Exact Number Printed Thereof... a Curious Dissertation on the Origin of the use of Paper... a Complete History of the Art of Wood-Cutting and Engraving on Copper...
22559: LEMOINE (Henry) - Engraving of Henry Lemoine, The Eccentric Bookseller & Author. Engraved by R. Cooper. [Lemoine is represented here in a low-crowned hat, a long coat, knee-breeches, carrying a sack thrown over his shoulder].
30708: LENNOX (Charles), 3rd Duke of Richmond and Lennox. - A Letter from His Grace the Duke of Richmond to Lieutenant Colonel Sharman, Chairman to the Committee of Correspondence appointed by the Delegates of Forty-five Corps of Volunteers, assembled at Lisburn in Ireland; with notes by a member of the Society for Constitutional Information.
35562: LENNY (S. G.) - The Man of Business; or, The Gentleman's, Steward's, Appraiser's, Farmer's, and Tradesman's useful Companion.
35561: LENNY (S. G.) - The Man of Business; or, The Gentleman's, Steward's, Appraiser's, Farmer's, and Tradesman's useful Companion.
24075: LENORMAND (Louise Sebastien) - Manuel du Relieur, dans Toutes ses Parties; Précédé des Arts de l'Assembleur, du Satineur, de la Plieuse, de la Brocheuse, et suivi des Arts du Marbreur sur Tranches, du Doreur sur Tranches et sur cuir.
39660: M'LEOD (John) - Narrative of a Voyage, in His Majesty's Late Ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of Corea and through its numerous hitherto undiscovered islands, to the island of Lewchew; with an account of her shipwreck in the Straits of Gaspar.
14805: LEONETTI (Francesco) - Carducci e i suoi Contemporanei. Cronaca Bibliografica della Critica (1855-1907).
38530: LEOPOLDS (C.) - L'art de Parler Allemand, Nouvellement reveuë corrigée & augmentée par le Sieur C. Leopold, Professeur & Interprete des Langues, Allemande, Françoise, Italienne & Espagnole.
32435: LESSELL (Dr. Colin B) - Bibliotheca Medica de Asia Orientali 1473-1900. An annotated bibliography of Western writings on East Asian medicine for libraries, medical historians, antiquarian booksellers & collectors.
27622: LESTIBOUDOIS (Francois-Joseph) - Botanographie Belgique, ou methode pour connoitre facilement toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement, ou que l'on cultive communement dans les provinces septentrionales de la France.
32533: LETHEBY (Henry) - Report of the Sanitary Condition of the City of London, for the Year 1864-1865.
33859: LETTER. - Letter to Mr. Peter Placid, Esq. On a visit [to] Nottingham, to his Friend in London.
33812: LETTER. - A Letter from a Member of Parliament, on the late changes in administration and the Reconciliation between two Distinguished Characters [i.e. Pitt and Addington] To R. B. Esq. ------, Yorkshire.
33762: LETTER. - A Letter to the King of ***** [i.e.France]. By an Englishman; Not a Member of the House of Commons.
29095: FOLIO SOCIETY. DREYFUS (John) & LETTS (John) - FOLIO 34. A checklist of the publications of the Folio Society 1947-1980.
35462: LETTSOM (John Coakley) - The Naturalist's and Traveller's Companion.
39413: LETTSOM (John Coakley) - The Natural History of the Tea-Tree; with Observations on the Medical Qualities of Tea. And Effects of Tea-Drinking.
39333: LETTSOM (John Coakley) - The History of an Extraordinary Introsusception. By John Coakley Lettsom, M. D. F. R. S. and A. S. With an Account of the Dissection by Mr. Thomas Whately, Surgeon.
17414: LEVEEN (Jacob) - The Hebrew Bible in Art. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1939.
32046: BEDFORD LEVEL. - Remarks upon that Part of the Great Bedford Level, called the North Level; in which the Causes of its First Drowning, and of its present ruinous Condition, are considered; with some Proposals for the better Draining the said Level. First published in 1748; and now Corrected, and Published, for the perusal of the Publick, as there is a Bill depending in Parliament for the better Draining of the North Level, with Porsand.
32045: BEDFORD LEVEL. - A Plan for obtaining an Act of Parliament for the better Draining the North-Level, Part of the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford-Level, in the Isle of Ely, and Counties of Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, and Lincoln, &c.
38695: LEVER (Darcy) - The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor; or, a Key to the Leading of Rigging, and o Practical Seamanship.
33867: LEVI (Leone) - Consumption of Spirits, Beer, and Wine, in its relation to Licences, Drunkenness, and Crime. A Report to M. T. Bass, Esq., M.P.
10085: LEVINE (Ephraim) - The Origin and Growth of the Mocatta Library, Museum and the Gustave Tuck Theatre, University College London.
32568: LEVIS (Howard C.) - A Descriptive Bibliography of the Most Important Books in the English Language Relating to the Art and History of Engraving and the Collecting of Prints.
20237: LEVIS (Howard C.) - A Descriptive Bibliography of the Most Important Books in the English Language Relating to the Art and History of Engraving and the Collecting of Prints. [With:] Supplement and Index.
10087: LEVY (Lester S.) - Picture the Songs. Lithographs from the Sheet Music of Nineteenth-Century America.
38724: LEWES (George Henry) - Sea-Side Studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles, and Jersey.
36874: LEWINE (J.) - Bibliography of Eighteenth Century Art and Illustrated Books. Being a Guide to Collectors of Illustrated Works in England and French of the Period.
40311: LEWINE (J.) - Bibliography of Eighteenth Century Art and Illustrated Books. Being a Guide to Collectors of Illustrated Works in England and French of the Period.
29077: LEWINE (J.) - Bibliography of Eighteenth Century Art and Illustrated Books. Being a Guide to Collectors of Illustrated Works in England and French of the Period.
40097: LEWIS (Roy Harley) - Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century.
35616: LEWIS (George) - Drych ysgrythyrol neu Gorph o ddifinyddiaeth. Yn cynnwys Eglurhad a Phrawf o amrywiol ganghennau yr athrawiaeth nsydd yn ol Duwiolded. Yn Chwech Rhan.
30529: LEWIS (C.T. Courtney) - The Story of Picture Printing in England During the Nineteenth Century or Forty Years of Wood and Stone.
29284: LEWIS (C.T. Courtney) - George Baxter (Colour Printer) His Life and Work. A Manual for Collectors.
27822: LEWIS (Frank) - Flower Arrangements. A Book of Designs for the Designing Studio.
26399: LEWIS (Frank) - A Dictionary of British Bird Painters.
18843: LEWIS (C.T. Courtney) - George Baxter: The Picture Printer.
14581: LEWIS (A.W.) - Basic Bookbinding.
10089: LEWIS (C.T. Courtney) - George Baxter (Colour Printer) His Life and Work. A Manual for Collectors.
38476: LEWISOHN (Adolph) - Catalogue of the Private Library of Mr. Adolph Lewisohn.
22328: LEYBOURNE (William) - The Trader's Sure Guide. Containing Tables Ready Cast up, Adapted to the use of all who deal by Wholesale or Retail...
37847: LHOYD (Humphrey) - The Historie of Cambria, now called Wales: a part of the most Famous Yland of Brytaine Written in the Brytish Language about Two Hundreth Yeares past Translated Into English. Corrected, Augmented, and Continued... by David Powell.
33239: Liberty, A. Lasenby (Arthur Lasenby) - De Libertat: A Historical & Genealogical Review, Comprising an Account of the Submission of the City of Marseilles, in 1596, to the Authority of Henry of Navarre: and the Lineage of the Family De Libertat, from the XIVth to the XVIIIth Century. Compiled from Historical Manuscripts and other Authentic Records.
12764: LIBRARIES. - Glasgow Public Libraries 1874-1966.
39840: THE MOSTYN HALL LIBRARY. - The Mostyn Hall Library. Printed Books and Manuscripts. The Property of The Lord Mostyn...
9445: GRESHAM COLLEGE LIBRARY. - Catalogue of Books, Pictures, Prints Etc., Presented by Mrs. Laetitia Hollier, and also of Books and Music in, the Library of Gresham College.
37889: WARDINGTON LIBRARY. - The Wardington Library: Important Atlases & Geographies. Part One: A-K [-Part Two: L-Z].
37583: HUTH LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Famous Library of Printed Books, Illuminated Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings Collected by Henry Huth, and Since Maintained and Augmented by his Son Alfred H. Huth, Fosbury Manor, Wiltshire... First [-Ninth and Final] Portion.
36910: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library.
36817: NUMISMATICS LIBRARY. - Die Numismatische Bibliothek der Münzen und Medaillen ag Basel. Katalog zur 102. Auktion 23.-24. Juni 2005.
36807: MALTA GARRISON LIBRARY. - Malta Garrison Library. (Extract from Laws and Regulations). [Single sheet with library regulations (17th law, 18th law, 19th law etc.,) detailing organisation of this lending library (subscriber's library)].
36796: CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY. - The Chester Beatty Western Manuscripts: Part I: Catalogue of Thirty-Seven Manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th Century. Part II: Catalogue of the Thirty-Eight Manuscripts of the 8th to the 17th Century.
36644: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Volume III. Books Printed from 1641 to 1850 F-L. Compiled by H.R. Denham.
36245: LINCOLN MECHANICS' INSTITUTION LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Lincoln and Lincolnshire Mechanics' Institution Library, Established October 31st, 1833.
35775: BAMBURGH CASTLE LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, in the County of Northumberland, divided into three alphabetical parts. I. English: II. Latin and other antient languages. III. French and other modern languages. With a table of references to each. Published by order of the trustees of the estates of the right honourable Nathaniel late Lord Crewe, and Lord Bishop of Durham.
35649: SIGNET LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to His Majesty's Signet.
34792: CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY. - The Chester Beatty Western Manuscripts: Catalogue of Thirty-Seven Manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th Century. [Sold with:] Catalogue of the Thirty-Eight Manuscripts of the 8th to the 17th Century.
34257: BRISTOL PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTION AND BRISTOL LIBRARY. - Report of a public meeting held at the Victoria Rooms, on Friday, 10 January, 1868, to support The Union of the Bristol Philosophical Institution, and Bristol Library : comprising various suggestions by the speakers for the promotion of scientific and technical education.
32650: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Vol. II. Books printed from 1641 to 1850, A-E.
32649: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Vol. I. Books printed before 1641.
31326: PFORZHEIMER LIBRARY. - The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library. English Literature 1475-1700. [Complied by E. Unger and W.A. Jackson].
31231: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library.
30509: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Volume III. Books Printed from 1641 to 1850 F-L. Compiled by H.R. Denham.
30431: CRAWFORD LIBRARY. - Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Handlist of Proclamations Issued by Royal and Other Constitutional Authorities 1714-1910 George I to Edward VII. Together with an Index of Names and Places. Volume VIII.
28264: HUTH LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Famous Library of Printed Books, Illuminated Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings Collected by Henry Huth, and Since Maintained and Augmented by his Son Alfred H. Huth, Fosbury Manor, Wiltshire... First [-Ninth and Final] Portion. [With:] The Autograph Letters; Engravings & Woodcuts; Unsold & Imperfect Books.
26853: WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library.
25594: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. PHILLIPPS LIBRARY. - Guildford MSS. (MSS. Ph. 4912).
25562: MIDDLE HILL PRESS. LILLE LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Archives at Lille, 1828. Dans les Archives de la Prefecture d'Arras, A.D. 1828.
24640: BRITISH LIBRARY. - Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in Italy and Italian Books Printed in other Countries from 1465 to 1600 now in the British Library.
24563: ELTON LIBRARY. - A Catalogue of a Portion of the Library of Charles Isaac Elton and Mary Augusta Elton.
24334: RYLANDS LIBRARY. - Catalogue of Books in the John Rylands Library Manchester. Printed in England, Scotland and Ireland and of Books in English Printed Abroad to the End of the Year 1640. [With a Preface by E. Gordon Duff].
24276: HOLKHAM LIBRARY. [ROSCOE (William)] - Proof Impressions of Engravings, Designed to Illustrate Mr. Roscoe's Catalogue of the Manuscript Library at Holkham.
22599: BRITISH LIBRARY. - Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in France and of French Books Printed in other Countries from 1470 to 1600 in the British Museum. [With:] Supplement.
21665: BRITISH LIBRARY. - Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the Netherlands and Belgium, and of Dutch and Flemish Books Printed in other Countries from 1470 to 1600.
21250: BAMBURGH CASTLE LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, in the County of Northumberland. Printed by Order of the Trustees of the Right Hon. and Right Rev. Nathanael, Lord Crewe, Lord Bishop of Durham.
20458: RYLANDS LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Mediaeval Manuscripts and Jewelled Book Covers.
19953: PEPYS LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume I. Printed Books. Edited by N.A. Smith.
19603: LONDON LIBRARY. - Founders & Followers. Literary Lectures Given on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the London Library. Introduction by Sir Isaiah Berlin.
19384: SCOTT LIBRARY. - A Selection from the Scott Library and other Books of Navigation and Marine Science. The Property of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects...
18338: CRAWFORD LIBRARY. - Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Handlist of Proclamations Issued by Royal and Other Constitutional Authorities 1714-1910 George I to Edward VII. Together with an Index of Names and Places.
18173: AVERY ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY. - Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library. A Memorial Library of Architecture, Archaeology, and Decorative Art.
17571: BUTE LIBRARY. - Valuable English and Continental Books...
16147: LICHTENBERGER (Johann Friedrich) - Initia Typographica.
37454: [DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall)] LICQUET (Théodore) - Lettre Neuvième relative Bibliothéque Publique de Rouen, traduite de l'Anglais, avec des notes, par Thre. Licquet, Conservateur de cette Bibliothéque.
34421: LIDDON (H. P.) - Teaching and Healing. A sermon preached before the International Medical Congress at St. Paul's Cathedral, on the eighth Sunday after Trinity, August 7th, 1881.
29199: LIEBAERS (Herman) - Liber Amicorum Herman Liebaers. Frans Vanwijngaerden, Jean-Marie Duvosquel, Josette Mélard, Lieve Viaene-Awouters - Ediderunt.
32890: LIEBREICH (Oscar) - On Lanolin. [Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, October, 1886.]
32604: WILTSHIRE LIEUTENANCY. - Wiltshire Lieutenancy. Plan for Establishing a System of Communication Throughout the County of Wilts. Adopted by a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy of the said County, held at the Town-Hall in Devizes, on Thursday the 14th of July, 1803.
37761: LIGNEROLLES (Raoul Léonor du Tranchant, comte de) - Catalogue des Livres Rares et Précieux Manuscrits et Imprimés...
26273: ACCADEMIA LIGURE. - Atti della Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere. Volume XXXIV.
19700: LILLEY (George) - A Bibliography of John Middleton Murry 1889-1957.
10095: LIMACHER (Pierrette) - Inventaire des Livres du XVIe Siecle de la Bibliotheque de la Sorbonne. Tome I: Sciences, Science Politique, Medecine.
36851: FLEURON LIMITED. - The Bibliophile's Almanack for 1928. Edited by Oliver Simon and Harold Child.
17036: LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB, THE. - Ten Years and William Shakespeare: A Survey of the Publishing Activities of The Limited Editions Club from October 1929 to October 1940.
38613: LINCOLN. - The History of Lincoln; Containing an account of the Antiquities, Edifices, Trade and Customs, of that Ancient City; An Introductory Sketch of the County; and Description of the Cathedral. To which is added, an appendix, comprising the charter, and a list of mayors and sheriffs.
36968: FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR IN LINCOLN. - An Act for Sale of Part of the Manor of Low-Laiton, in the County of Essex, and other Lands there, and for Laying out the Money arising thereby, in the Purchase of other Lands in the County of Lincoln, to be Settled to the same Uses as the said Part of the Manor of Low-Laiton is Settled.
36154: LINCOLN. - The Hand Book Guide to Lincoln, and Business Intelligencer.
23985: LINCOLN (Abraham) - The Oliver R. Barrett Lincoln Collection.
12479: LINCOLN (Abraham) - The Oliver R. Barrett Lincoln Collection.
37753: LINCOLNSHIRE. - An Act to Enable George Heneage, Esq; to Sell the Rectory of North-Willingham, in the County of Lincoln, and some Lands there, and for Settling a Rent-Charge of greater Value in lieu thereof, and for other Purposes therein-mentioned.
36728: LINCOLNSHIRE. - A bound volume of Lincolnshire Pamphlets entitled 'Boston & Fen Sundries'.
39824: LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.) - Recherches sur Jean Grolier sur vie et sa Bibliothèque suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont Appartenu.
35660: LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.) - Researches Concerning Jean Grolier, his Life and his Library. With a Partial Catalogue of his Books by A.-J.-V. Le Roux de Lincy. Edited by Baron Roger Portalis, Translated and Revised by Carolyn Shipman.
23744: LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.) - Recherches sur Jean Grolier sur vie et sa Bibliothèque suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont Appartenu.
36099: LINDBERG (Sten G.) - Victor von Stedingks Bokbandssamling.
35949: LINDBERG (Sten G.) - Faunillane, ou l'infante jaune, conte. [with:] Faunillane, eller Den gula infantinna, saga. [with:] Carl Gustaf Tessin och flickan från Fånö.
23878: LINDBERG (Dr. Sten G.) - Reliures Royales et Precieuses dans la Collection du Dr. Gunder Nordbäck, Zurich.
23766: LINDBERG (Sten G.) - Konstnarernas Bokband: Kring Herzogs Band på Nationalmuseum 1930-1966.
31471: LINDEBOOM (G.A.) - Bibliographia Boerhaaviana. List of Publications Written or Provided by H. Boerhaave or Based upon his Works and Teaching.
37447: LINDER (L.) - Notes on Book Binding.
36070: LINDGREN (Herbert) - Moderna bokband.
40284: LINDRUM (Walter) - Billiards.
27593: LINDT (Johann) - The Paper-Mills of Berne and their Watermarks 1465-1859 (with the German Original)
29075: LINE (Maurice) Editor. - The World of books and information: essays in honour of Lord Dainton.
14115: LINGUISTICS. - A Catalogue of Linguistic Works in the Library of the African Society. Reprinted from the Journal of the African Society.
37971: LINGWOOD (Lemmon) Editor. - The Illustrated Handbook to Nottingham.
40911: LINLEY HALL, SHROPSHIRE. - Linley Hall, Shropshire. Property from the Collection of the late Sir Jasper & Lady More. Sold by Auction 9th March 2016.
31641: LINNAEUS. - A Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus (and Publications more Immediately Relating Thereto) Preserved in the Libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington). [With:] An Index to the Authors (other than Linnaeus) Mentioned in the Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus Preserved in the Libraries of the British Museum.
15780: LINNAEUS. - A Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus (and Publications more Immediately Relating Thereto) Preserved in the Libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington). [With:] An Index to the Authors (other than Linnaeus)...
40355: LINTON (W. J.) - The Masters of Wood-Engraving.
31701: LIPPERHEIDE (Franz Joseph, Freiherr von) - Katalog der Lipperheideschen Kostumbibliothek. Neubearbeitet von Evan Nienholdt und Gretel Wagner-Neumann.
24005: LIPPERHEIDE (Franz Joseph, Freiherr von) - Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheid's schen Kostumbibliothek.
22349: LIPPERHEIDE (Franz Joseph, Freiherr von) - Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheid's schen Kostumbibliothek.
10100: LIPPMANN (F.) - Le Chevalier Delibere by Olivier de la Marche. The Illustrations of the Edition of Schiedam Reproduced, with a Preface by F. Lippmann and a Reprint of the Text. Illustrated Monographs No. V.
30332: LIPSCOMB (George) - Observations on the History and Cause of Asthma; and a Review of "A Practical Enquiry on Disordered Respiration;" in a Letter to Robert Bree, M. D. the Author of that work.
37657: ARMY LIST. - List of the General and Field-Officers, as they Rank in the Army; of the officers in the several regiments of Horse, Dragoons, and Foot, on the British and Irish establishments, with the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each corps, and as they rank in the army : the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Irish Artillery, Engineers, the Marines, and independent companies : governors, lieutenant-governors, of His Majesty's garrisons at home and abroad, with their allowances, and the officers on half-pay &c. : to which is now added the succession of colonels.
36030: LISTER (Thomas) - The Rustic Wreath. Poems, moral, descriptive, & miscellaneous.
34110: LISTER (Martin) - Voyage de Lister a Paris en MDCXCVIII. Traduit Pour La Premiere Fois, Publie et Annote Par La Societe Des Bibliophiles Francoise. On y a Joint Des Extraits Des Ouvrages d'Evelyn Relatifs a Ses Voyages in France Du 1648 a 1661.
32638: LISTER (Raymond) - Antique Maps and their Cartographers.
33828: THE ARCANA OF POLITE LITERATURE. - The Arcana of polite literature; or, A compendious dictionary of fabulous history. Containing the characters and principal actions, ascribed to the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, &c. And the manner in which the ancients represented the deities and heroes, virtues and vices, in their paintings, statues, and gems: together with an account of their poets, and references to the principal places mentioned in their works. Compiled in a pleasing, novel, and interesting manner: and intended as a complete pocket companion; for the use of those who with to understand mythology, poetry, painting, statuary, and theatrical entertainments.
31310: ACCOUNTING LITERATURE. - Historical Accounting Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection of Early Works on Book-keeping and Accounting in the Library of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Together with a Bibliography of Literature on the Subject Published before 1750 and not in the Institute Library.
40575: LITHOGRAPHY. - Le Lithographe, Journal des Artistes et des Imprimeurs, publiant tous les procedes connus de la Lithographie, avec leurs differentes modifications, signalant les decouvertes nouvelles dans cet art, et rendant un compte impartial de ses productions; redige par des lithographes, sous la direction de M. Jules Desportes, imprimeur lithographe, professeur de lithographie a l'Insitut royal des Sourds-Muets de Paris. Premiere Annee.
37387: LITHOGRAPHY. - Intorno ad alcuni saggi Lithografici presentati dalla Ditta Richter e Com.i.
27069: LITHOGRAPHY. [RAUCOURT DE CHARLEVILLE (Antoine)] - A Manual of Lithography, Clearly Explaining the Whole Art, and the accidents that may happen in Printing, with different methods of avoiding them. To which is added, (now for the first time printed) selections from the work of M. Brégeaut; forming a sequel to the manual, and bringing down the improvements in the art of the present time. Translated from the French, by C. Hullmandel.
20701: LITTLE (A.D.) Editor. - Franciscan History and Legend in English Mediaeval Art. British Society of Franciscan Studies Vol. XIX.
33275: INDIGNANT LIVERYMAN. - A letter to the Common-Council of London, on their late very extraordinary address to his Majesty.
38561: COOKERY. SCHOOL OF GOOD LIVING. - Gastronomy: or, the School for Good Living; a literary and historical essay on the European kitchen, beginning with Cadmus the cook and king, and concluding with the union of cookery and [sic] chymistry.
31462: LIVINGSTON (Luther S.) - A Bibliography of the First Editions in Book form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Compiled Largely from the Collection Formed by the late Jacob Chester Chamberlain.
29081: PIANTANIDA (Sandro) DIOTALLEVI (Lamberto) & LIVRAGHI (Giancarlo) - Autori Italiani del '600.
33197: LLOYD (L. J.) - Adventures in Book Collecting.
39231: LODGE (Thomas) - A defence of poetry, music, and stage-plays, by Thomas Lodge, of Lincoln's Inn; to which are added, by the same author, An alarum against usurers ; and, The delectable history of Forbonius and Prisceria ; with introduction and notes [by David Laing].
36206: LOEB (Sophie Irene) - Epigrams of Eve : with decorations by Ruby Lind.
33017: LOHF (Kenneth A.) - The History of Printing from its Beginnings to 1930. The Subject Catalogue of the American Type Founders Company Library in the Columbia University Libraries.
19343: LOHF (Kenneth A.) - The History of Printing from its Beginnings to 1930. The Subject Catalogue of the American Type Founders Company Library in the Columbia University Libraries.
39045: WIEMELER (Ignatz) LONDENBERG (Kurt) - Werkverzeichnis. Bearbeitet und zusammengestellt von Kurt Londenberg [1918-1952].
32557: BOOKBINDING. LONDENBERG (Kurt) - Kurt Londenberg: Bucheinbände. Mit einem Vorwort von Herbert Freiherr von Buttlar und Texten von Hans Adolf Halbey und Kurt Londenberg.
27885: BOOKBINDING. LONDENBERG (Kurt) - Kurt Londenberg: Bucheinbände. Mit einem Vorwort von Herbert Freiherr von Buttlar und Texten von Hans Adolf Halbey und Kurt Londenberg. [With supplement:] Hurt Londenberg: Werkverzeichnis 1965 bis 1971.
36405: LONDON. - London's Account: or, A Calculation of the Arbytrary and Tyrannicall Exactious [sic], Taxations, Impositions, Excises, Contributions, Subsidies, Twentieth Parts, and other Assessments, within the Lines of Communication, during the foure yeers of this Unnaturall Warre. What the total summe amounts unto, what hath beene disbursed out of it, and what remaines in Accomptants hands.
33856: STAISTICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. - Regulations and List of Fellows of the Statistical Society of London, 1842-43.
39704: HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. - 4 Items relating to the Horticultural Society of London. 1. Circular to Nurserymen, etc. Connected with the Horticultural Society of London. [Beginning] Sir, The Garden Committee has deemed it expedient to adopt certain Regulations respecting the distribution of plants, &c. from the Garden of the Society... [etc.] 2. [Request for subscription] Sir, The Council of the Horticultural Society has directed that the enclosed Statement of the plan and objects of a New Garden should be transmitted for your information... [etc.] 3. State of the accounts of the Horticultural Society of London, for the years ending May 1, 1821, and May 1, 1822. 4. A.L.s dated June 22, 1822, from the secretary Joseph Sabine to a Mr. Thomas Gibbs, thanking him for plants and giving very brief observations on them.
39313: PORT OF LONDON. - Report from the Committee appointed to enquire into the best mode of providing sufficient accommodation for the increased trade and shipping of the port of London; &c. &c. &c.
20443: ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. - The Royal Society of London for Promotion of Natural Knowledge. 166-1960. A Tercentenary Tribute.
39055: LONG (Charles Edward) Editor. - Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army During the Great Civil War; Kept By Richard Symonds. Now first published from the original Ms. in the British Museum.
38339: LONG (P.) - A Summary Catalogue of the Lovelace Collection of the Papers of John Locke in the Bodleian Library.
21892: LONGEON (Claude) - Bibliographie des Oeuvres d'Etienne Dolet, Ecrivain, Editeur et Imprimeur.
18906: LONGMAN (C.J.) - A Letter of Dr. Johnson and some Eighteenth-Century Imprints of the House of Longman.
39121: LONGUS. - Daphnis and Chloe : A Pastoral Romance from the Greek of Longus.
38893: CHAPPEE (J.) & LORTIC (Henry) - Description historique et critique Io du livre de prieres de la reine Claude de France : IIo d'un Chansonnier manuscrit du XVIe siecle ayant appartenu a Grolier.
33365: HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. LOTHIAN (Marquess of) - Report of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Lothian Preserved at Blickling Hall, Norfolk.
24928: STATE LOTTERY. - First-drawn Ticket £10,000. Incomparable Scheme. State Lottery, 1804, Begins Drawing 13th of this Month. The Ticket Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, Are now selling, in great Variety of Numbers, And on the lowest Terms. The Money for Prizes paid on Demand, by Hornsby & Co. Stock-Brokers, At their old establishment State Lottery Office... No. 26, Cornhill...
34694: LOUDON (Mrs. [Jane Webb]) - The Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Greenhouse Plants.
10112: LOUDON (J.H.) - James Scott and William Scott, Bookbinders.
32401: LOVELL (Robert) - Tentamen Medicum Inaugurale, quaedam de hepate colligens. Quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Præfecti; nec non amplissimi senatus academici consesu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicæ decreto, Pro Gradu Doctoris, summisque in medicina Honoribus et privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Robertus Lovell, de insula Barbadoe, Soc. Med. Edin. Sod. Ad diem 12. Septembris, hora locoque solitis.
29178: LOW (G. Carmichael) - The Literature of the Charadriiformes from 1894-1924. With a Classification of the Orders, and Lists of Genera, Species and Subspecies.
38532: LOWE (Robert W.) - A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature: from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.
36877: LOWE (Robert W.) - A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature: from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.
39345: LOWE (Captain A. E. Lawson) - Historical Record of the Royal Sherwood Foresters; or Nottinghamshire Regiment of Militia.
33550: BARTHÉS AND LOWELL. - Catalogue des Livres Français, Italiens, Espagnols, Etc., Tant Anciens que Modernes qui se Trouvent chez Barthés et Lowell, Successeurs de Bossange, Barthés & Lowell.
22680: BARTHES AND LOWELL. - Catalogue General des Livres Francais, Italiens, Espagnols, Etc., Tant Anciens que Modernes, qui se Trouvent chez Barthes & Lowell (Ancienne Maison Bossange, Barthes et Lowell).
40382: LOWENDAHL (Bjorn) - Sino-Western Relations, Conceptions of China, Cultural Influences and the Development of Sinology. Disclosed in Western Printed Books 1477-1877. Supplement.
40378: LOWENDAHL (Bjorn) - Sino-Western Relations, Conceptions of China, Cultural Influences and the Development of Sinology. Disclosed in Western Printed Books 1477-1877. Supplement.
31615: LOWENS (Irving) - A Bibliography of Songsters Printed in America before 1821.
32210: LOWNDES (William Thomas) - The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which they have been Sold in the Present Century.
28189: LOWNDES (William Thomas) - The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which they have been Sold in the Present Century.
10116: LOZZI (Carlo) - Delle Origini della Stampa.
38904: MAGGS BROS. LTD. - The Secret History of the Retrocession of Louisiana by Spain to France in 1800. Negotiated by General Berthier of behalf of Napoleon. The Original Documents from the Archives of General Berthier.
31649: SPINK & SON LTD. - Catalogue of Valuable Books, Manuscripts & Autograph Letters of Sir Richard Francis Burton 1821-1890. Many Recorded for the First Time Including a Fine Portrait in Oils.
39110: LÜBSEN (H. R.) - Ausführliches Lehrbuch der Analysis, zum Selbstunterricht mit Rücksicht auf die Zwecke des praktischen Lebens.
39119: LUCAS (Philip Bennett) - A Practical Treatise on the Cure of Strabismus or Squint, by Operation, and by Milder Treatment; with some new views on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Muscles of the Human Eye.
38016: LUCAS (Annie) - Wenzel's Inheritance: or, Faithful unto Death. A Story of Bohemia in the Fifteenth Century.
32927: LUCAS (John C.) - The Elements of Indian Hygiene.
40681: LUCCOCK (John) - An Essay on Wool, Containing a Particular Account of the English Fleece. With Hints for its Improvement, Addressed to the Grower, Dealer, and Manufacturer.
27575: LUCIUS [pseud.] - Letter to a Great Man. By Lucius.
32815: LUCK (Edward John) - A Record of the Families of Luck and Lock from the 16th Century to the Present Day.
38640: LUDWIG (Emil) - On Mediterranean Shores. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul.
34087: LUISI (Francesco) - Laudario Giustinianeo: edizione comparata con note critiche del ritrovato Laudario Ms 40 (ex Biblioteca dei padri Somaschi della salute di Venezia) / attribuito a Leonardo Giustinian...; integrato dagli autorevoli codoci Venezia... studio documentario sull'organizzazione musicale delle Scuole Grandi di Venezia... a cura di Francesco Luisi.
37259: LUMSDEN (Matthew) - A Grammar of the Arabic Language, According to the Principles Taught and Maintained in the Schools of Arabia; Exhibiting a Complete Body of Elementary Information, Selected from the Works of the most Eminent Grammarians; together with Definitions of the Parts of Speech, and Observations on the Structure of the Language. In Two Volumes. Volume First: Comprising the System of Inflexion [All Published].
38582: LUNACY. - By Authority. Order in Lunacy, made 16th Day of November, 1852.
37512: BAILY (John) & LUND (Thomas) - A Treatise on the Differential Calculus, Designed for the use of Students in the University.
32156: LUNN (Charles) - The Voice and its Training. A paper read in the Fitz-William Museum, Cambridge, January 3, 1889, at the annual meeting of the National Society of Professional Musicians. [With:] Addendum.
34736: LUSTIG (Friedrich V.) - "Ashin Ananda" Burmese Poems through the Ages. A Selection translated by .... Friedrich V. Lustig, Buddhist Archbishop of Latvia, Lilac Laureate Poet.
36632: LYDGATE (John) - The assemble of goddes by John Lydgate. Printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde about the year 1500.
11802: LYELL (James P.R.) - Early Book Illustrations in Spain. With an Introduction by Dr. Konrad Haebler.
35921: LYNCH (Thomas) - The Printer's Manual. A Practical Guide for Compositors and Pressmen.
34494: LYNCH (William) - The Law of Election in the Ancient Cities and Towns of Ireland traced from original records. With Fac-simile engravings and an Appendix of Documents.
39998: LYNDE (Sir Humphrey) - Via Devia; The By-Way: Misleading the Weak and Unstable into dangerous Paths of Error, by colourable Shewes of Apocryphal Scriptures, unwritten Traditions, doubtful Fathers, ambiguous Councells, and pretended Catholike Church.
40407: LYSONS (Samuel) - A Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities.
35675: [LYTTELTON (George, Baron Lyttelton) - Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. In a Letter to Gilbert West.
38330: MACAULAY (Aulay) - Polygraphy or Short-Hand Made Easy To the meanest Capacity: Being an Universal Character Fitted to All Languages: Which may be learned from this Book, without the help of a Master.
38558: COOKERY. MACDONALD (Duncan) - The New London Family Cook: or, Town and country housekeeper's guide. Comprehending directions for marketing... practical instructions for preparing soups, broths, gravies, sauces, and made dishes...
35947: MacDONALD (Robert H.) Editor. - The Library of Drummond of Hawthornden. With a Foreword by Geoffrey Keynes.
24427: MACDONALD (Hugh) - John Dryden. A Bibliography of Early Editions and of Drydeniana.
10126: MacDONALD (Major G.W.) - Catalogue of Rare, Varied and Interesting Works Principally of Early English Literature...
24388: MACFARLANE (John) - Antoine Vérard. Illustrated Monographs No. VII.
24168: MACFARLANE (John) - Antoine Vérard. Illustrated Monographs No. VII.
34460: MACFIE (Matthew) - The Impending Contact of the Aryan & Turnian Races, with special reference to recent Chinese migrations. A lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, on Sunday afternoon, 10th February, 1878, by Matthew Macfie.
29161: MACGEORGE (Bernard Buchanan) - Catalogue of the Well-Known and Valuable Library...
24283: MACGEORGE (Bernard B.) - Catalogue of the Library of Bernard B. Macgeorge. Printed for Private use.
37170: MacGILLIVRAY (William) - A Manual of Botany: Comprising Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, or the Structure and Functions of Plants.
31583: MacGILLIVRAY (J. R.) - Keats: A Bibliography and Reference Guide with an Essay on Keats' Reputation.
31556: MACHIELS (J.) - Catalogus van de Boeken Gedrukt voor 1600 Aanwezig op de Centrale Bibliotheek van de Rijksuniversiteit Gent.
18316: MACINTOSH (Charles A.) - Popular Outlines of the Press, Ancient and Modern: or, a Brief Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Printing, and its Introduction into this Country: with a Notice of the Newspaper Press.
38478: MacKENZIE (Sir Stephen) - A collection of 20 offprints by Sir Stephen MacKenzie.
33126: MACKENZIE (G. Hunter) - The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of the Tubercle Bacillus. [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Medical Journal for February 1884.]
34324: MACKINTOSH (John) - A Probationary Essay on Uterine Haemorrhage; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
33887: MACLAREN (Archibald) - The Swindlers; or, Diamond cut Diamond. A Dramatic Piece: with Songs. In Two Acts. To which is added, Coll ad Rotha: A Poem. In which it is attempted to describe the Religious Opinions of the ancient Scots.
40520: MACLEAN (Sir John) - The Parochial and Family History of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, in the County of Cornwall.
22237: MACLEAN (Virginia) - Short-Title Catalogue of Household and Cookery Books Published in the English Tongue 1701-1800.
23239: MACLEHOSE (James) - The Glasgow University Press 1638-1931. With some Notes on Scottish Printing in the last Three Hundred Years.
34142: MACMICHAEL (William) - Is the Cholera Spasmodica of India a Contagious Disease? The question considered in a letter addressed to Sir Henry Halford.
38458: MacMUNN (Charles Alexander) - A Spectroscopic Explanation of the Action of Nitrous Oxide. [Offprint from the 'Dublin Journal of Medical Science' - September, 1879.]
38457: MacMUNN (Charles Alexander) - Further Observations on some of the Applications of the Spectroscope in Biology, with Special Reference to the Presence of Chlorophyll in Animals. [Offprint from the 'Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society.' Vol. V., Part I.]
32417: MacPHAIL (Samuel Rutherford) - The Physiological Action of Carbolic Acid, Illustrated by its use in Surgery.
16951: MACRAY (William Dunn) - Annals of the Bodleian Library Oxford. With a Notice of the Earlier Library of the University.
35523: MACREIGHT (Daniel Chambers) - Manual of British Botany; in which the Orders and Genera are arranged and described according to the Natural System of De Candolle; with a series of Analytical Tables for the assistance of the student in the examination of the plants indigenous to, or commonly cultivated in, Great Britain.
40535: MACREIGHT (Daniel Chambers) - Manual of British Botany; in which the Orders and Genera are arranged and described according to the Natural System of De Candolle; with a series of Analytical Tables for the assistance of the student in the examination of the plants indigenous to, or commonly cultivated in, Great Britain.
12974: MacROBERT (T.M.) - Fine Illustrations in Western European Printed Books.
12095: MacROBERT (T.M.) - Printed Books. A Short Introduction to Fine Typography.
30637: MADAI (David Samuel von, M.D.) - A Short Account of the Effects and use of some approved Medicines, which are dispensed in the Orphanhouse at Halle in the Dutchy of Magdeburg..... Translated from the German.
31245: MADAN (F. F.) - A Critical Bibliography of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. Edited by W.A. Speck.
38638: MADDISON (A. R.) - A Short Account of the Vicars Choral, Poor Clerks, Organists and Choristers of Lincoln Cathedral, from the 12th Century to the Accession of Edward 6th.
33044: NEWCASTLE LITERARY MAGAZINE (The), - and Northern Chronicle. No.1. Vol. 1. January 1, 1824. [all published].
35621: EL-MAGHRABY (Mohamed Fahmy) - El-Hadia El-Fahmia Thesaurus. Of the English Idiomatic phrase and Technicalities met with both in the colloquial and written Languages.
27024: MAGNUS (Albert) - Bookbindings by Albert Magnus.
19010: MAGNUS (Albert) - Bookbindings by Albert Magnus.
31320: MAGRIEL (Paul David) - A Bibliography of Dancing. A List of Books and Articles on the Dance and Related Subjects.
35663: MAHMOUD II, Sultan of the Turks. - [Devlet I Aliye ile ve Vil Ansa atik.
34236: ROAD MAINTENANCE. - Anno Regni George 111. Regis..... An Act..... for repairing the Road from the City of York, to Boroughbridge, in the County of York. Royal Assent, 17th March, 1818.
37339: MAINTENON (Madam de) - The Letters of Madam Maintenon; and other Eminent Persons in the Age of Lewis XIV. To which are added, some Characters.
39115: MAIR (John) - A Brief Survey of the Terraqueous Globe: Containing I. The Description and Use of the Globes. II. The Construction and Use of Maps. III. Geography; Or, a Short View of the Antient and Modern State of the Several Kingdom of the World...
37965: MAITLAND (H. M.) - French Idioms and Expressions for Every Day Use.
40679: MAITLAND (John) - Observations on the Impolicy of Permitting the Exportation of British Wool, and of Preventing the Free Importation of Foreign Wool.
28134: MAITLAND (Rev. S. R.) - A List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. [Sold with:] An Index of English Books, Printed before the year MDC., as are now in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth.
39437: MAITLAND (William) - The History and Survey of London from its Foundation to the Present Day: In Two Volumes. Containing. I. The most authentic Accounts of its Origin, Increase, Proceedings, Privileges, Customs, Charters, Acts of Common-Council, Memorable Actions both of the Body corporate and of the most eminent Citizens, And whatever has happened in or near that Metropolis during 1800 Years. II. The Political History of London. With an accurate Survey of The several Wards, Liberties, Precincts, &c. An Account of The several Parishes and Churches; Its Civil, Military, and Ecclesiastical Government, Companies and Commerce, Antiquities, Offices, Societies, State of Learning, and Monuments of Charity and Piety: Including the several Parishes in Westminster, Middlesex, and Surry, within the Bill of Mortality.
37415: [OLDYS (William) JOHNSON (Samuel) & MAITTAIRE (Michel) - Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae, in locos communes distributus cum indice auctorum.
37305: [OLDYS (William) JOHNSON (Samuel) & MAITTAIRE (Michel) - Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae, in locos communes distributus cum indice auctorum.
30589: LONDON CHAIR-MAKERS. - The London Chair-Makers' and Carvers' Book of Prices, for Workmanship; As Regulated and Agreed to, by a Committee of Master Chair-Manufacturers and Journeymen. With the Methods of Computation Adopted in the Work, Illustrated by Reference to a Variety of Figures, Engraved on Sixteen Copper-Plates.
36596: GLOVE MAKING. - Trefousse & Cie. Megisserie, Teinture, Manufacture de Gants / Trefousse & Co. Dressing, Dyeing & Manufacture of Gloves.
37009: MAKOWER (Stanley V.) - Richard Savage: A Mystery in Biography.
23271: BOOKBINDING. MALAGUZZI (Francesco) - Preziosi in Biblioteca. Mostra di Legature in Raccolte Private Piemontesi.
35515: DUTCH & MALAY. - Handbook in Dutch & Malay [and English] for the use of Travellers & Tourists issued by Henderson & Co. Sourabaya.
38345: JAMES (William) & MALCOLM (Jacob) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Buckingham, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
33159: MALCOLM (Alexander) - Malcolm's Treatise of Music, Speculative, Practical, and Historical. Corrected and Abridged, by an Eminent Musician.
12281: SALVÁ Y MALLEN (D. Pedro) - Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Salvá, Escrito por D. Pedro Salvá y Mallen, y Enriquecido con la Descripcion de otras muchas Obras, de sus Ediciones, etc.
40289: MALLET (Joséphine) - Les Femmes en Prison; causes de leurs chutes, moyens de les relever.
40053: MALTA. - An Act to empower His Majesty to regulate the Trade and Commerce to and from the Isle of Malta until the signing a Definitive Treaty of Peace, and from thence until Six Weeks after the next Meeting of Parliament; and to declare the Isle of Malta to be Part of Europe. - [2d July 1801.]
39826: MALTA. - Reports of the Commissioners on the Affairs of the Island of Malta, and corresponence [sic] thereupon. Part I. Presented to Parliament by Her Majesty's Command. Ordered by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 16 February 1838. [With:] Copies of Extracts of Reports of the Commissioners Appointed ti Inquire into the Affairs of the Island of Malta... Part II.
40253: MALTA. [MELVILLE LEE (Lt. Col. Rupert Henry)] - British Infantry of the Line Stationed in Malta since 1799.
37691: MALTHUS (Thomas Robert) - On the Measure of the Conditions Necessary to Supply of Commodities. By the Rev. T.R. Malthus, R.A.R.S.L., &c. Read May 4, 1825 [in:] Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1 Part 1.
36767: MANBY (G. W.) - Fugitive Sketches of the History and Natural Beauties of Clifton, Hot-Wells, and Vicinity.
38017: MANCHESTER (Duke of) - My Candid Recollections by the Duke of Manchester.
40011: MANDER (James) - The Derbyshire Miners' Glossary; or, An explanation of the technical terms of the miners, which are used in the King's Field, in the hundred of High Peak, in the County of Derby, and in the open customary lordships within the same; of those also within the Soc or Wapentake of Wirksworth or Low Peak. together with the mineral laws and customs. To which is subjoined, an appendix, containing the customaries or bye-laws, made and confirmed at the barmote courts, held within the manors of High and Low Peak.
34521: MANECAS (Pierre Joseph) - Traité théorique et pratique de la Ligature des Artères.
38540: MANN (Stephen John) - Sketches and Reminiscences, Prose and Verse, Consisting of Railway Trips, Visits to Remarkable Places, Journeys, Recollections, Etc.
35463: SOCIETIES FOR REFORMATION OF MANNERS. - The Eight and Twentieth Account of the Progress made in the Cities of London and Westminster, and Places adjacent, by the Societies for Promoting a Reformation of Manners; by Furthering the Execution of the Laws against Profaneness and Immorality, and other Christian Methods. The said Societies have, in Pursuance of their Design, from the First of December 1721, to the First of December 1722, Prosecuted divers sorts of Offenders, viz. For Lewd and Disorderly Practices - 1223. {Keeping of Bawdy and Disorderly Houses,} 35. {Exercising their Trades of Ordinary Callings on the Lord's Day} 653. {Prophane Swearing and Cursing 201. Drunkenness 8. The said Societies have also been Assisting in Prosecuting Common Gamesters and their Associates } 77...... The Total Number of Persons prosecuted.... for Debauchery and Profaneness, for 32 Years last past are calculated at..... 84720.
38648: MANNI (Domenico Maria) - Azioni Gloriose degli uomini illustri Fiorentini espresse co' loro ritratti nelle volte dell' Imperial Galleria di Toscana. [52 plates from drawings by Giuseppe Menabuoni, with descriptive notices by Domenico Maria Manni, preface by Ignazio Orsini.]
34741: MANNINGHAM (Thomas) - Concio habita in Ecclesiâ sti. Alphegi, Londini, Maii die 13tio A. D. MDCCI. coram reverendis viris, Praeside, Decanis, & Assessoribus, Caeterisque Sionensis Collegii sociis: Et Eorum Rogatu in Lucem Edita. A Thoma Manningham, S. T. P. Et Ecclesiae Sti. Andreae de Holborn Rectore.
26568: MILITARY MANOEUVRES. - The Nineteen Manoeuvres Explained: with the words of command, duties, and relative positions of officers and serjeants [sic]. Also the manoeuvres of a column formed on the two center [sic] companies; together with general observations on the principles and rules on which the manoeuvres are founded. By Two Officers of the Bloomsbury and Inns of Court Association.
21449: BOOKPLATES. MANSERGH (James F.) - Catalogue of the Collection of Book-Plates (Ex Libris)...
32903: MANSON (R. Taylor) - A Reply to Mr. E. W. Forster's Pamphlet on "The Basis of Therapeutics,". A Paper Read before the South Durham and North Yorkshire Medical Society on October 6th, 1885.
37235: DRILL MANUAL. - The Exercise of the Foot; with the Evolutions, According to the Words of Command, as they are Explained. As also the Forming of Battalions, with Directions to be Observed by all Colonels, Captains, and other Officers in their Majesties Armies. By Their Majesties command.
37179: SCOTTISH FISHERIES AND LINEN MANUFACTURE. - Reasons for improving the Fisheries and Linnen Manufacture of Scotland. Wherein are shewn, the Advantages that must accrue to England, by the Increase of the Scots Linnen Manufacture. That the Fishing in Deep Water, is equally an Advantage to all the Subjects of Great Britain. And that England and Scotland are now so closely united in Point of Interest, that severally, they must be directly affected in Profit and Loss, by the Prosperity or Sufferings of each other.....
37833: MANURE. - Cheap Manure produced by the Newly Discovered Methods of Burning Clay, compiled from the best Authorities; with a few Hints on the Advantages of Cutting Wheat Early.
21935: MONTPENSIER MANUSCRIPT. - The Montpensier Manuscript. Four Devotional Treatises Written for Anne d'Orléans Duchesse de Montpensier Called "La Grande Mademoiselle". Red Morocco, Richly Gilt, Bound by Boyet Enclosed in a Coffre by Boulle.
37398: STOWE MANUSCRIPTS. [THOMPSON (Sir Edward Maunde)] - Catalogue of a Selection from the Stowe Manuscripts Exhibited in the King's Library in the British Museum.
26500: JAIN MANUSCRIPTS. - Catalogue of Jain Manuscripts.
26322: AUTOGRAPH LETTERS & GREEK AND LATIN MANUSCRIPTS. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Autograph Letters of Distinguished Persons, Original Documents, &c... To which is added, A Valuable Collection of Greek and Latin Manuscripts, Consigned from Germany. Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Sotheby and Son, on Friday, May 20th, and following Day.
18891: MANUSCRIPTS. - Précieux Manuscrits a Peintures du XIIIe au XVIIe Siècle.
14970: MANUSCRIPTS. - The Book of Psalms. In the Authorized Version.
14981: MANUSCRIPTS. - Catálogo de la Exposición de Códices Miniados Españoles.
14291: MANUSCRIPTS. - Catalogue of The Livy of the Batard de Bourgogne. A Superb French Illuminated Manuscript.
10188: MANWARING (G.E.) - A Bibliography of British Naval History. A Biographical and Historical Guide to Printed and Manuscript Sources.
29083: MANZI (Pitro) - La Tipografia Napoletana Nel '500 Annali Di Sigismondo Mayr Giovanni A. Del Caneto Antonio De Frizis Giovanni Pasquet De Sallo (1503-1535).
37642: MAOUT (Emm. Le) - Botanique. Organographie et Taxonomie histoire naturelle des Familles Végétales, et des Principales Espèces suivant la Classification de M. Adrien de Jussieu avec L'Indication de leur emploi dans les Arts, les Sciences et le Commerce.
37157: RAILWAY MAP. - Cruchley's Railway and Station Map of Yorkshire, Showing all the Railways & Names of Stations, also the Turnpike Roads, Gentlemen's Seats, &c. &c. Improved from the Ordnance Surveys.
5728: MAPS. - The Art of the Map-Maker in Essex 1566-1860.
36283: BOOKBINDING & MARBLING. - The Whole Art of Bookbinding [1811.] The Whole Process of Marbling Paper [c1815.] Reprinted from the original editions, with a foreword by Bernard C. Middleton.
32162: MARCET (Alexander) - An Essay on the Chemical History and Medical Treatment of Calculous Disorders.
14757: GAUTHIER (M.M.) & MARCHEIX (M.) - Limosiner Email.
39710: MARDERSTEIG (Giovanni) - The Officina Bodoni. An Account of the Work of a Hand Press 1923-1977. Edited and Translated by Hans Schmoller.
15123: MARDERSTEIG (Giovanni) - The Officina Bodoni. An Account of the Work of a Hand Press 1923-1977. Edited and Translated by Hans Schmoller.
10192: MARDERSTEIG (Giovanni) - L'Officina Bodoni. I Libri e il Mondo di un Torchio 1923-1977. Introduzione di Hans Schmoller.
34134: ALEXANDER (J.J.G.) & DE LA MARE (A.C.) - The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J. R. Abbey.
20799: ALEXANDER (J.J.G.) & DE LA MARE (A.C.) - The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J.R. Abbey.
18881: ALEXANDER (J.J.G.) & DE LA MARE (A.C.) - The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J.R. Abbey.
40727: MAREY (Dr. Étienne-Jules) - Physiologie Médicale de la Circulation du Sang basée sur l'étude graphique des mouvements du coeur et du pouls artériel avec application aux maladies de l'appareil circulatoire.
33892: MARITIME. - Danger to England's Maritime Power. Containing : I. Address to Working Men. II. Privateers. By Robert Monteith, Esq. III. The Declaration of Paris-Letter to Mr. Disraeli from Associations of working men at Birmingham. IV. Report of the Birmingham Associations as to Brussels Congress. V. Address to the Queen from the Inhabitants of Preston.
39353: MARKHAM (Major C. A.) - The History of the Northamptonshire & Rutland Militia: Now the 3rd Battalion (Militia) of The Northamptonshire Regiment, from 1756 to 1919.
35061: MARKS (P. J. M.) - Beautiful Bookbindings: A Thousand Years of the Bookbinder's Art.
27692: MAGNÉ DE MAROLLES (Gervais Francois) - An Essay on Shooting. The Various Methods of Forging, Boring, and Dressing Gun Barrels... The Whole Interspersed with Summary Observations on the Various Subjects of Sport.
16780: MARR (George S.) - The Periodical Essayists of the Eighteenth Century. With Illustrative Extracts from Rarer Periodicals.
30636: MARRIOTTE (Edmé) - A Treatise of the Motion of Water, and other fluids: with the origin of Fountains or Springs, and the Cause of Winds Written originally in French..... and translated into English, with several annotations for explaining the doubtful places, by J. T. Desaguliers.
10195: MARROT (H.V.) - A Bibliography of the Works of John Galsworthy.
39077: MARRYAT (Joseph) - The Substance of a Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on the 20th of February, 1810, upon a Motion for a Select Committee to consider the Act of 6th Geo. I. and of the Means of effecting Marine Insurances: also, Observations on the Report of the Committee. To which are added, the Proceedings in the House of Commons in February, 1811, and at Lloyd's on the 14th June, 1810, and 11th April, 1811.
38873: MARSHALL (George W.) Editor. - The Registers of Perlethorpe in the County of Nottingham.
38872: MARSHALL (George W.) Editor. - The Registers of Carburton in the County of Nottingham.
38871: MARSHALL (George W.) Editor. - The Registers of Carburton in the County of Nottingham.
38470: BOOKPLATES. MARSHALL (Julian) - Catalogue of the Well-Known Extensive and Valuable Collection of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris)...
38219: MARSHALL [William] - Minutes of Agriculture, Made on A Farm of 300 Acres of Various Soils, Near Croydon, Surrey. To Which is Added, a Digest, Wherein The Minutes are Systemized and Amplified; and Elucidated by Drawings of New Implements, a Farm-Yard, &c. The Whole being published as A Sketch of the Actual Business of a Farm; As Hints to the Inexperienced Agriculturist; As A Check to the Present False Spirit of Farming; And as an Overture to Scientific Agriculture.
31644: TARAPOREVALA (Vicaji D. B.) & MARSHALL (D. N.) - Mughal Bibliography: Select Persian Sources for the Study of Mughals.
37672: MARTELLI (Lieut. Charles) - The Naval Officer's Guide for Preparing Ships for Sea.
34283: COURT MARTIAL. - Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held in the Orderly Room at the Barracks in Colchester, on seven Officers, of the West Kent Regiment of Militia, by order of Lieutenant-General Lord Charles Fitzroy, commanding the Eastern District, on a Charge exhibited against them by Lieutenant-Colonel Dalton, of the same regiment; with their Defence, and Prefatory Observations. Solicitors for the Prisoners, Mr. Sutton, of Colchester.
33788: COURT-MARTIAL. - Proceedings of the General Court-Martial, held at Mussleburgh on the 24th, 25th, & 26th days of September last, for the Trial of Major Tho. Clarkson Moncrieff, of the First, or Berwickshire, Regiment, by orders of His Royal Highness, the Duke of York, Commander in Chief &c. &c.
30784: MARTIAL. - Select Epigrams of Martial. Translated and Imitated by William Hay, Esq; with an Appendix of some by Cowley, and other Hands.
38691: MARTIN (Charles Wykeham) - The History and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent.
37832: MARTIN (Thomas) - The Nature and Improvement of the Christian Ministry: a Sermon preached in the Methodist Chapel, Bath, June 30, 1812, before the Preachers of the Bristol District. Published by Request.
36704: MARTIN (Benjamin) - The Description and Use of a New, Portable, Table Air-Pump and Condensing Engine. With a Select Variety of Capital Experiments, which, together with different Parts of the Apparatus and Glasses, are Illustrated by upwards of Forty Copper-Plate Figures.
36594: MARTIN (Charles Wykeham) - The History and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent.
34069: A. MORENO MARTIN. - Granata: Libros Antiguos Catalogo Siglo XVI. Siglo XVI - Militares - Esgrima - Varios - Suplemento.
33518: MARTIN (Edward A.) - A Bibliography of Gilbert White, the Natural Historian and Antiquarian of Selborne.
32191: MARTIN (Edward A.) - A Bibliography of Gilbert White, the Naturalist & Antiquarian of Selborne.
23494: MARTIN (Henry) - Les Joyaux de l'Enluminure a la Bibliothèque Nationale.
21446: BOOKPLATES. MARTIN (J.) - Catalogue of Fine and Scarce Book-Plates...
18681: MARTIN (John) - Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books.
10200: MARTIN (Douglas) - The Telling Line. Essays on Fifteen Contemporary Book Illustrators.
31033: MARTINDALE (Adam) - The Country-Survey-Book: or, Land Meters Vade-Mecum. Wherein the Principles and Practical Rules for surveying of Land, are so plainly (though briefly) delivered, that any one of ordinary parts (understanding how to add, subtract, multiply and divide,) may by the help of this small Treatise alone, and a few cheap instruments easy to be procured, Measure a parcel of Land, and with judgement and expedition Plot it, and give up the Content thereof. With an Appendix, containing Twelve Problems, touching Compound Interest and Annuities; and a Method to Contract the work of Fellowship and Alligation Alternative, very considerable in many Cases. Illustrated with Copper Plates.
19706: MARTINDELL (E.W.) - A Bibliography of the Works of Rudyard Kipling (1881-1923).
12200: MARTINI (Antonio) - Edizioni delle Opere di Dante nella Biblioteca della Fondazione.
39481: MARTYN (Thomas) - Elements of Natural History.
30669: MASERES (Francis) - A Dissertation on the use of the negative sign in Algebra: containing a demonstration of the Rules usually given concerning it; and showing how Quadratic and Cubic Equations may be explained, without the consideration of negative roots. To which is added, as an appendix, Mr. Machin's Quadrature of the Circle.
38413: MASON (John) - An Essay on Elocution, or, Pronunciation. Intended chiefly for the assistance of those who instruct others in the art of reading. And of those who are often called to speak in publick.
40576: MASON (William) - The English Garden: A Poem. Book the First.
33166: MASSON (Sir Irvine) - The Mainz Psalters and Canon Missae 1457-1459.
29192: MASSON (Sir Irvine) - The Mainz Psalters and Canon Missae 1457-1459.
31029: [MATHEWS (T. T.), Compiler. - Fihiran hiderana an' Andfriamanitra [Hymns of praise to God]. Voalahatra araka ny heviny sy ny fotoana mahamety azy avy.
35526: MATTHEWS (William) - The Life and Character of Thomas Letchworth, A Minster of the Gospel Among the People called Quakers.
38837: MATTHEWS (John) - A Voyage to the River Sierra-Leone, on the Coast of Africa; Containing an Account of the Trade and Productions of the Country, and of the Civil and Religious Customs and Manners of the People; in a Series of letters to a Friend in England... With an additional letter on the subject of the African slave trade. Also, a chart of part of the coast of Africa, from Cape St. Ann, to the River Rionoonas; with a view of the island Bananas. London: Printed for B. White and Son, 1788. First edition, iv, 183, [1]pp., engraved folding frontispiece 'A view of the Island of Bananas', large engraved chart of the Coast of Africa, frontispiece and chart spotted and slightly offset. [Bound after:] BOWDLER (Thomas) Letters Written in Holland, in the Months of September and October, 1787... To which is added A Collection of letters, and Other Papers, relating to the Journey of the Princess of Orange, on the 28th of June, 1787.
15353: MATTHEWS (Brander) - Bookbindings of the Past: Notes of a Book-Lover. [With:] Bookbindings of the Present... [With:] Commercial Bookbinding... Taken from "The Century Magazine", May 1894, to October 1894.
13664: PARRISH (M.L.) with the assistance of Barbara Kelsey Maun. - Charles Kingsley and Thomas Hughes. First Editions (with a few Exceptions) in the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey, Described with Notes.
26512: MAUNDER (Andrew) Editor. - Varieties of Women's Sensation Fiction, 1855–1890.
39122: MAUNDEVILE (John) - The Voiage and Trauaile of Syr Iohn Maundevile Knight, Which Treateth of The Way Toward Hierusalem, and of Marvayles of Inde with Other Ilands and Countryes.
34241: MAURICE (Peter) - The true Causes of the Contempt of Christian Ministers. A Sermon Oreach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church, on November 30, 1718. With a Preface in Vindication of it, against the Censure passed uopn it in the University.
30648: TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF MAURITIUS. - Part 1. August, 1847. Vol.1 - Part 11. August, 1848. Vol.1. [complete in two parts].
33336: FACSIMILE. MAURUS (Hrabanus, Archbishop of Mainz) - Liber de Laudibus Sanctae Crucis. Vollstandige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat des Codex Vindobonensis 652 der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek.
38272: MAVOR (William) - Universal Stenography, or a Practical System of Short Writing.
34575: MAVOR (William) - Universal Stenography, or a Practical System of Short Hand.
37787: MAXWELL (Constantia) - The English Traveller in France 1698-1815.
35345: MAXWELL (Sir Hertbert) - The Story of the Tweed. With Illustrations by D. Y. Cameron.
32366: MAYER (C. A.) - Bibliographie des Oeuvres de Clement Marot. II Editions.
29102: MAYER (C. A.) - Bibliographie des Oeuvres de Clement Marot. II Editions.
35818: MAYR (F.) - Zulu simplified being an English-Zulu Exercise Book with key. For Colonists and Natives.
34381: McBRIDE (Professor [J. A.]) - The Prevention of Contagious and Infectious Diseases in Cattle and Sheep. Two Lectures, Delivered before the Cirencester Chamber of Agriculture.
39531: McCLINTOCK (David) - The Life of Joshua Gosselin of Guernsey 1739-1813. Greffier and Soldier, Antiquary and Artist, Plantsman and Natural Historian.
36261: MCCORMICK (Tim) - First Views of Australia 1788-1825: A History of Early Sydney.
10135: MacMINN (Ney) HAINDS (J.R.) & McCRIMMON (J. McNab) - Bibliography of the Published Writings of John Stuart Mill.
31246: McDONALD (Donald) - Agricultural Writers, from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800... an Exhaustive Bibliography.
13655: McDONALD (Edward D.) - A Bibliography of the Writings of D.H. Lawrence.
10317: NATION (Earl F.) ROLAND (Charles G.) & McGOVERN (John P.) - An Annotated Checklist of Osleriana.
39513: McHENRY (L. J. A.) - A New and Improved Spanish Grammar, Designed for Every Class of Learners...
39562: McHENRY (L. J. A.) - Exercises on the Etymology, Syntax, Idioms, and Synonyms, of the Spanish Language.
35699: McINNES (Duncan) - History of Co-operation in Lincoln 1861-1911.
32206: MARTIN (G.H.) & McINTYRE (Syvia) - A Bibliography of British and Irish Municipal History. Volume I General Works.
36720: McKENDRICK (Scot) - The History of Alexander the Great. An Illuminated Manuscript of Vasco da Luvcena's French Translation of the Ancient Text by Quintus Curtius Rufus.
31894: McKERROW (Ronald B.) - Printers' & Publishers' Devices in England & Scotland 1485-1640. Illustrated Monographs No. XVI.
22826: McKERROW (Ronald B.) - Printers' & Publishers' Devices in England & Scotland 1485-1640. Illustrated Monographs No. XVI.
23656: McKITTERICK (David) Editor. - Catalogue of Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume VII. Part i: 'Catalogue' and 'Alphabet'.
23655: McKITTERICK (David) Editor. - Catalogue of Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume VII. Part ii: 'Appendix Classica' of Pepys's Catalogue.
36366: McLEAN (Ruari) - Victorian Publishers Book-Bindings in Cloth and Leather.
33601: McLEAN (Ruari) - Joseph Cundall, A Victorian Publisher. Notes on his Life and a Check-List of his Books.
39697: McLEAN (Ruari) - Victorian Publishers' Book-Bindings in Paper.
31693: McLEAN (Ruari) - Victorian Publishers' Book-Bindings in Paper.
26538: McLEAN (Ruari) - Victorian Publishers' Book-Bindings in Paper.
38184: McMURTRIE (Douglas C.) - The Book. The Story of Printing and Bookmaking.
10231: McMURTRIE (Douglas C.) - Early Printing in Tennessee. With a Bibliography of the Issues of the Tennessee Press 1793-1830.
32930: McNALLY (C. J.) - The Elements of Sanitary Science. A handbook for district, municipal, local medical and sanitary officers, members of local boards and municipal councils, and others.
40642: McNICOLL (David H.) - A Handbook for Southport, Medical and General, with Copious Notices of the Natural History of the District.
39544: MEAKIN (Lieut. Walter) - The 5th North Staffords and The North Midland Territorials (The 46th and 59th Divisions) 1914-1919.
33663: LONDON MECHANICS' REGISTER. - The London Mechanics' Register. Vol. I, no. 1, November 1824 - no. 27, April 1825; Vol. II, no. 29, May 1825 - no. 55, October 1825.
31871: MEDICINE. - Repository of Medicine. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Rare Books from the 15th to the 20th Century. Catalogue 187.
25923: MEDICINE. - The London Practice of Physic: Wherein the definition and symptoms of diseases, with the present method of cure, are clearly laid down. With proper tables, exhibiting the doses of medicines, and the Quantity of Purgatives, Opiates, and Mercurials, in the Compositions of the London Dispensatory; and complete index of the diseases. The whole calculated for the General Use of Young Practitioners.
19931: MEDICINE. - Six Catalogue Dealing with Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacology. Comprising Sotheran's Price Current of Literature. Catalogue 841, Medical Series, No.1. Catalogue 861, Medical Series, No. 3. Catalogue 872, Medical Series, No. 4. Catalogue 880, Medical Series, No. 5. Catalogue 917, Medical Series, No. 10. Catalogue 925, Medical Series, No. 11.
34226: MEDWIN (Thomas) - The Angler in Wales, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen.
24106: MEERSCH (Polydore Charles van der) - Recherches sur la vie et les travaux des imprimeurs Belges et Néerlandais, établis a l'étranger et sur la part qu'ils ont prise à la régénération littéraire de l'Europe au XVe siécle; précédées d une introduction historique sur la découverte de l imprimerie et sur la propagation de cet art en Belgique et en Hollande. Tome premier [all published].
26419: TROEYER (Benjamin) & MEES (Leonide) - Bib-bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica ante saeculum XVI.
37967: MEISSNER (Mathias) - German and English Idiomatic Phrases and Dialogues indispensable for a rapid acquisition of the German Language.
40132: MEJER (Wolfgang) - Bibliographie der Buchbinderei-Literatur.
33313: MEJER (Wolfgang) - Bibliographie der Buchbinderei-Literatur.
35365: MELLER (Henry James) - Nicotiana; or the Smoker's and Snuff-Taker's Companion; containing the history of tobacco; culture - medical qualities and the laws relative to its importation and manufacture: with an essay in its defence. The whole elegantly embellished and interspersed with original poetry and anecdotes, being intended as an amusing and instructive volume for all genuine lovers of the herb.
39680: MELLOR (Dr David) - A paradise lost: the romantic imagination in Britain 1935-1955.
32521: MELLOR (William) Editor. - The Bookbinding Trades Journal.
30906: MELVILLE (John) - Observations on the Nature and Properties of Fixible Air, and on the Salutary Effects of the Aqua Salubris, in preserving Health, and preventing Diseases. To which are added, Strictures on the Present Practice of Physic, Pointing out the Causes which greatly obstruct the Improvement of the Healing Art, submitted to the attentive Consideration of the Public.
24733: MENDELSSOHN (Sidney) - Mendelssohn's South African Bibliography. Being the Catalogue Raisonne of the Mendelssohn Library of Works Relating to South Africa, Including the Full Titles of the Books, with Synoptical, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical Notes on the Volumes and their Authors...
40810: MENDHAM (Rev. Joseph) - An Account of the Indexes, both Prohibitory and Expurgatory, of the Church of Rome.
31524: MENGEL (Robert M.) - A Catalogue of the Ellis Collection of Ornithological Books in the University of Kansas Libraries.
28194: MENSING (Ant. W. M.) - Catalogue of the Very Valuable and Important Library... Including... Fine Bindings...
40946: MENTMORE. - Unillustrated Catalogue of the Complete Contents of the House. Sold on behalf of the Executors of the 6th Earl of Rosebery and his family from 18th to 27th May 1977.
32360: MERCIER (Louis Auguste) - Recherches sur le traitement des maladies des organes urinaires, considérées spécialement chez les hommes âgés.... Suivies d'un essai sur la gravelle et la pierre, principalement sur la lithotritie, etc.
40886: MERE HALL KNUTSFORD, CHESHIRE. - Mere Hall Knutsford, Cheshire. Sold on behalf of the Executors of The late Mrs. Helen Langford-Brooke.
24006: MÉRIMÉE (E.) - Essai la vie et les Oeuvres Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645).
40367: EBERHARD (Ernest) DENLINGER (Milo G.) & MERRICK (A. C.) - The Complete Bull Terrier [in two parts].
31366: CORDEAUX (E. H.) & MERRY (D. H.) - A Bibliography of Printed Works Relating to the University of Oxford.
30395: CORDEAUX (E.H.) & MERRY (D.H.) - A Bibliography of Printed Works Relating to Oxfordshire. [With:] Supplementry Volume.
39758: MESSEL (Oliver) - Stage Designs and Costumes. With an Introduction by James Laver and a Foreword by Charles B. Cochran.
34286: MESSER (Adam) - A Probationary Essay on Amaurosis; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
32040: METHODISM. - Stop the Supplies: A Word in Kindness, to the Methodist People. By a Methodist Preacher [signing himself "A."]
33934: METHODIST. - The Methodist [verse].
38322: METHWOLD, NORFOLK. - Methwold Inclosure. A State of the Claims, Delivered to the Commissioners, Named and Authorized in and by an Act of Parliament Entitled, "An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Methwold, in the County of Norfolk."
38721: METZ (Dr. Peter) - The Golden Gospels of Echternach: Codex Aureus Epternacensis.
17607: METZ (Dr. Peter) - The Golden Gospels of Echternach: Codex Aureus Epternacensis.
37591: LORRIS (Guillaume de) & MEUNG (Jehan de) - Le Roman de la Rose par Guillaume de Lorris et Jehan de Meung. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée sur les meilleurs et plus anciens manuscrits, par M.Méon.
23811: MEYER (Anton) - Wiens Buchdrucker-Geschichte 1482-1882.
31059: MEYNELL (G. G.) - A bibliography of Dr. Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689).
39657: MEYNELL (Hugo), HAWKES (John) - The Meynellian Science or Fox Hunting upon System.
21562: MEYNELL (G.G.) - A Bibliography of Dr. Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689).
32391: SLADE-KING (Edwyn John) & MICHELL (Sloane) - Some Account of Pneumonia (Infectious) at Dolton, in the Spring Months of 1883.
38442: MICKLE (William Julius) - Aphasia; some of its varieties. [Offprint from the 'Alienist and Neurologist', April, 1882.]
34428: MICKLE (William Julius) - Rectal Feeding and Medication. (Reprinted from 'The Journal of Mental Science,' April, 1884.)
38506: MIDDLETON (John) - View of the Agriculture of Middlesex; with observations on its improvement, and several essays on agriculture in general. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
38256: MIDDLETON (John) - General View of the Agriculture of Middlesex; with observations on its improvement, and several essays on agriculture in general. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
37122: MIDDLETON (John) - View of the Agriculture of Middlesex; with Observations on the Means its Improvement, and several Essays on Agriculture in General. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture.
34101: MIDDLETON (John) - View of the Agriculture of Middlesex; with observations on its improvement, and several essays on agriculture in general. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
33358: HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. MIDDLETON (Lord) - Report of the Manuscripts of Lord Middleton. Preserved at Wollaton Hall, Nottinghamshire.
34500: MIÉGE (Guy) - Grammaire Anglois-Françoise, par Mrs Miège et Boyer, contenant une Méthode claire & Facile por acquérir en peu temps l'usage de l'Angloise; et enriche de Règles fondamentales & succinctes, pour le parler purement, d'un Vocabulaire assez ample, & des Phrases les plus familières:.... Troisième Édition.Corrigée, réformée,& augmentée, par M. Mather Flint.
39905: LANCASHIRE MILITIA. - At a General Court Martial, held at Dover Castle, on the 16th March 1812... Ensign John Haugh, of the 3rd Royal Lancashire Militia, was arraigned upon the undermentioned Charges... [General order number 238].
38750: MILLAR (Eric George) - The Library of A. Chester Beatty. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts.
24692: MILLAR (Eric G.) - The Luttrell Psalter. The Additional Manuscript 42130 in the British Museum.
23497: MILLAR (Eric G.) - Souvenir de l'Exposition de Manuscits Francais a Peintures Organisee a la Grenville Library (British Museum) en Janvier-Mars 1932. Etude Concernant les 65 Manuscrits Exposes.
22153: ROXBURGHE CLUB. MILLAR (Eric George) - A Thirteenth Century Bestiary in the Library of Alnwick Castle.
20943: MILLAR (Eric G.) - La Miniature Anglaise du Xe au XIIIe Siècle. [With:] La Miniature Anglaise aux XIVe et XVe Siècles.
19473: MILLAR (Eric G.) - English Illuminated Manuscripts from the Xth to the XIIIth Century.
40887: MILLER (Geo. C.) - Hoghton Tower in History and Romance. Foreword by the Present Baronet.
38510: MILLER (Samuel) - An Essay on the Present State of the Law Respecting Equitable Mortgages by deposit of Deeds, with remarks on the recent dictum of Lord Cottenham in the case of Whitworth v. Gaugain, as to the priority of judgments executed over those securities.
40067: MILLER (Johann Samuel) - A Natural History of the Crinoidea, Lily-Shaped Animals; with Observations on the Genera, Asteria, Euryale, Comatula & Marsupites, Illustrated in Fifty Coloured Plates.
40932: MILLER (Edward) - The History of Doncaster and its Vicinity, with Anecdotes of Eminent Men.
35644: MILLER (W. R.) - Hausa and English Vocabulary. I.—Hausa-English. II.—English-Hausa.
39730: MILLER (Samuel H.) - The Camp of Refuge: A Tale of the Conquest of the Isle of Ely.
34807: PUBERTY. MILLER (Thomas) - Dissertatio physica, inauguralis, de pubertate. Quam, annuente summo numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S. S. T. P. academiae Edinburgenae praefecti: nec non Amplissimi senatus academici consensu, Et nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae decreto; pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus et privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Thomas Miller, Scoto-Britannus, Societatis Physicae Socius Honorarius et Praeses Annuus; nec non Societatis Regiae Medicae Edinensis Socius Extraordinarius. Ad diem 25. Junii, hora locoque solitis.
31774: MILLER (C. William) - Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia Printing 1728-1766: A Descriptive Bibliography.
29319: MILLER (Edward) - Prince of Librarians. The life and times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum.
39875: JOE MILLER'S JESTS. - [Facsimile] Joe Miller's Jests: or, the Wits Vade-Mecum. Being a collection of the most brilliant jests; the politest repartees; the most elegant bons mots, and the most pleasant short stories in the English language. / First carefully collected in the company, and many of them transcribed from the mouth of the facetious gentleman, whose name they bear; and now set forth and published by his lamentable friend and former companion, Elijah Jenkins, esq. [pseud.] London, Printed and sold by T. Read, 1739.
30905: MILLINGTON (John) - An Epitome of the Elementary Principles of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Part the First [all published]. Comprehending the general Properties of Matter, Mechanics, Pneumatics, Acoustics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics. And a copious Account of the Invention, Progress, and Present State of the Steam Engine; being the substance of a Course of Lectures on these subjects, delivered at the Royal and London Institutes, and at Guy's Hospital, Southwark.
40264: MILLS (John) - The Old Gentleman, or, the Fields and the Woods.
32168: MILLS (Charles Karsner) - Lesions of the Sacral and Lumbar Plexuses. Read before the Neurological section of the New York Academy of Medicine, May 10, 1889.
32167: MILLS (Charles Karsner) - Spinal Localization in its Practical Relations. Read before College of Physicians of Philadelphia, March 3, 1889.
10260: MILLS (James) - Catalogue of the Library...
39761: MILLSWOOD (G.) - The New Family Receipt Book, containing a large collection of highly estimated Receipts, in a variety of branches, viz. Brewing, making and preserving British Wines, dying, rural and domestic Economy, carefully selected from experienced and approved receipts, for the use of publicans and housekeepers in general, a great number of which were never before published.
40779: MILNE (James) - The Memoirs of a Bookman.
39900: MILNER (John) - The Principles of Religious Liberty asserted, and the Abuse of them disclaimed; in a sermon preached at... Bridport, Dorset, September 26, 1738.... To which is added, a preface and notes...
38405: MILNER (Joseph) - Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of William Howard, who died at North Ferriby, in the County of York, March 2, 1784.
26677: MILNER (Rev. Isaac) - On the Precession of the Equinoxes Produced by the Sun's Attraction.
38431: MILTON (John Laws) - On the Treatment of Lupus.
18081: MILTON. - Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original Editions of the Principal Works of John Milton, Arranged in Celebration of the Tercentenary of his Birth.
38444: BATTLE OF MINDEN. - A Consolatory Letter to a Noble Lord.
40774: MINIATURES. - Miniatures from a French Horae: British Museum Add. MS. 16997 Fifteenth Century. Reproduced in Honour of John Alexander Herbert.
35438: SALT MINING. - Salzgrubenfahrt am Dürrenberg. Gez. von Brunner. Stich von P. Herwegen.
40114: MINTON (John), GRAHAM (Rigby) - A Commemorative Exhibition. John Minton: Catalogue and Introductory Essays by Rigby Graham.
30764: POETICAL MISCELLANY. - Musæ Seatonianæ. A Complete Collection of the Cambridge Prize Poems, from the first institution of that premium by The Rev. Mr. Tho. Seaton, in 1750, to the present time. To which are added, Two Poems, likewise written for the prize, by Mr. Bally and Mr. Scott.
40163: MITCHELL (Reuben) - Photographic Views in Bolton and Neighbourhood.
36601: MITCHELL (William Smith) - A History of Scottish Bookbinding 1432 to 1650.
31645: MITCHELL (Alexander) - A Bibliography of the Writings of Leigh Hunt with Critical Notes.
28958: MITCHELL (George) - A Catalogue of the Library of George Mitchell Esquire.
28959: MITCHELL (George) - A Catalogue of the Library of George Mitchell Esquire.
22888: MITCHELL (Wm. S.) - British Signed Bindings in the Library of King's College Newcastle upon Tyne.
17788: MITCHELL (Charles) - A Fifteenth Century Italian Plutarch (British Museum Add. MS. 22318). With an Introduction and Notes.
14719: MITCHELL (Charles) - A Fifteenth Century Italian Plutarch (British Museum Add. MS. 22318).
29002: MITCHILL (Samuel) - A Discourse Pronounced by Request of the Society for Instructing the Deaf and Dumb, at the City Hall in the City of New-York, on the 24th Day of March, 1818.
27027: BOOKBINDING. MITIUS (Otto) - Fränkische Lederschnittbäande des XV. Jahrhunderts. Ein Buchgeschichtlicher Versuch.
39865: MIURA (Einen) - The Art of Marbled Paper. Marbled Patterns and How to Make Them.
38041: MIURA (Einen) - The Art of Marbled Paper. Marbled Patterns and How to Make Them.
32211: MIURA (Kerstin Tini) - My World of Bibliophile Binding.
26270: LADA-MOCARSKI (Valerian) - Bibliography of Books on Alaska Published Before 1868. With an Introduction by Archibald Hanna.
15777: LADA-MOCARSKI (Valerian) - Bibliography of Books on Alaska Published Before 1868. With an Introduction by Archibald Hanna.
38141: MOLEVILLE ( Antoine François Bertrand de) - The Costume of the Hereditary States of The House of Austria, Displayed in Fifty Coloured Engravings; with Descriptions, and an Introduction by M. Bertrand de Mokeville. Translated by R. C. Dallas, Esq.
35701: MONAHAN (Charles Dermott) - The Lepers of Dichpali.
38583: MONMOUTH. - General Rules for Regulating the Practice of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and other matters relating to the general Police and affairs of the County of Monmouth...
37182: HEREFORD & MONMOUTH. - Black's Guide to the Counties of Hereford & Monmouth: Described in Alphabetical Order.
37740: MONRO (Alexander, secundus) - A Description of all the Bursae Mucosae of the Human Body; their structure explained, and compared with that of the capsular ligaments of the joints, and of those sacs which line the cavities of the thorax and abdomen; with remarks on the Accidents and Diseases which affect those several Sacs, and on the Operations necessary for their cure. Illustrated with tables.
32119: MONRO (Alexander) - The Anatomy of the Urinary Bladder and Perinaeum of the Male. With Physiological, Pathological, and Surgical Observations.
33186: MONTAGU (E. W.) - Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Antient Republicks. Adapted to the Present State of Great Britain.
39623: MONTAGU (George) - The Sportsman's Directory: or, tractate on gunpowder, founded on a series of experiments: together with some remarks and suggestions on fire-arms. Containing, I. The advantage of small-grained powder. II. The most simple and perfect method of proving its strength. III. The unnecessary expenditure of Government powder. IV. Advantages of a Marine corps of Artillery. V. Cannon and carronades formed contrary to mechanical principles. VI. The principle on which guns burst. Vii. Muskets extremely defective. Viii. The principle of rifle barrels mistaken. IX. Choice of guns for the sportsman, with many useful instructions on the art of shooting flying. X. On Pistols-Outlines of Duelling. To which is added, a table of gun barrels, for the Use of Sportsmen, with their proper Charges and Killing Distances. By George Montagu, Esq.
40657: MONTAGUE (Peregrine) - The Family Pocket-Book: or, fountain of true and useful knowledge. Containing The Farrier's Guide; or, the Horse Dissected: Being the most accurate, and satisfactory Account of the Diseases incident to that noble Beast, ever yet publish'd; with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognosticks and Cures in all Cases. A certain cure for the Glanders, without trepanning; a never-failing cure for the Grease; and another for broken winded Horses: wrote by way of Dialogue. The best Directions for breaking a Colt, and managing a Race-Horse... method of preventing chimneys from smoaking [sic]... method of breeding game-cocks... the gardener's legacy... the young housekeeper's guide in cooking, pickling, preserving, etc. / compiled after thirty years' experience, by Peregrine Montague.
40781: MONTGOMERY (James) - The Wanderer of Switzerland, and other Poems. [Bound with:] The West Indies, and other Poems.
33883: MONTGOMERY (Robert) - Woman, The Angel of Life. A Poem.
34738: MOODY (Ch. H.) - Selby Abbey. A Resume.
39213: MOONEY (Joseph J.) - Hosidius Geta's Tragedy "Medea" A Vergilian Cento. Latin text with Metrical Translation by Joseph J. Mooney. Appended is an outline of Ancient Roman Magic.
39214: MOONEY (Joseph J.) - The Minor Poems of Vergil, comprising the Culex, Dirae, Lydia, Moretum, Copa, Priapeia, and Catalepton, metrically translated into English by Joseph J. Mooney. To which is prefixed a translation of Foca's Life of Vergil, while the Latin text of the poems is appended.
39070: MOORE (Thomas) - Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
39061: MOORE (Thomas) - Irish Melodies, by Thomas Moore, Esq. With an Appendix, Containing the Original Advertisements, and the Prefatory Letter of Music.
38919: MOORE (Rev. E.) - Catalogue of the Library, of the late Rev. E. Moore, of Boughton Malherbe Rectory, Kent, and Stonedean, Bucks.
38147: MOORE (Thomas) - Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
39488: MOORE (Stuart A.) - Domesday Book. The Portion Relating to Northamptonshire.
33815: MOORE (John) - Case respecting the Maintenance of the London - Clergy, briefly stated and supported by Reference to Authentick Documents.
33776: MOORE (Francis) - Vox Stellarum: or, a Loyal Almanack for the year of Human Redemption, 1753. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. In which is contained all Things fitting for such a Work; as, A Table of Terms and their Returns; the Fulls, Changes, and Quarters of the Moon; the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fix'd Stars of Note; the Moon's Age, and A Tide Table fitted to the same;.... Unto which are added, Astrological Observations on the Four Quarters of the Year;.... and other Matters both curious and profitable.
32380: MOORE (John) - The Structure of the Lungs, anatomically and physiologically considered, with a review to exemplify or set forth, by instance or example, the wisdom power and goodness of God, as revealed and declared in Holy Writ.
39329: MOORE (James) - A Dissertation on the Process of Nature in the filling up of cavities, healing of wounds, and restoring parts which have been destroyed in the human body; which obtained the prize-medal, given by the Lyceum Medicum Londinense, for the year MDCCLXXXIX; and was ordered to be printed for the use of the society. By James Moore, member of the Surgeon's Company of London.
26896: MOORE (Charles) - Report on Mineral Veins in Carboniferous Limestone and their Organic Contents. [From the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for1869].
10274: MOORE (Anne Carroll) - A Century of Kate Greenaway.
39477: MOORSOM (W. S.) - Historical Record of the Fifty-Second Regiment (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) from the Year 1755 to the Year 1858.
29269: MORANTI (Luigi) - Le Cinquecentine della Biblioteca Universitaria di Urbino.
17443: MORAZZONI (G.) - L'Ambrosiana nel Terzo Centenario di Federico Borromeo.
38400: MORDAUNT (Lieutenant-General Sir John) - Considerations of the Proceedings of a General Court-Martial, upon the trial of Lieutenant-General Sir John Mordaunt,... with an answer to the expedition against Rochefort, fairly stated in a letter to the right honorable the author of the Candid reflections. To which is added, an appendix. Being a reply to the Monitor of Saturday the 21st instant January, 1758. By the author of, the Candid reflections.
38398: MORDAUNT (Lieutenant-General Sir John) - The Proceedings of a General Court-Martial held in the Council-Chamber at Whitehall, on Wednesday the 14th, and continued by several Adjournments to Tuesday the 20th of December 1757, upon the trial of Lieutenant-General Sir John Mordaunt, by virtue of his Majesty's warrant, bearing date the 3d day of the same month. Published by authority.
26364: MOREAU (C.) - Bibliographie des Mazarinades. Publiée pour la Société de l'Histoire de France.
40493: MORELAND (W. H.) - The Revenue Administration of the United Provinces.
33366: MORGAN (F.C.) - Hereford Cathedral Library (Including the 'Chained Library'). Its History and Contents. With Appendix of Early Printed Books.
20802: MARKS (Richard) & MORGAN (Nigel) - The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500.
14722: MARKS (Richard) & MORGAN (Nigel) - The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500.
38951: MORISON (Stanley) - Caractères de l'Ecriture dans la Typographie.
34360: MORISON (Stanley) - John Bell, 1745-1831. Bookseller, Printer, Publisher, Typefounder, Journalist, &c.
40312: MORISON (Stanley) - A Tally of Types. Cut for Machine Composition and Introduced at the University Press Cambridge.
18011: MORISON (Stanley) - English Prayer Books. An Introduction to the Literature of Christian Public Worship.
13968: MORISON (Stanley) - Early Italian Writing-Books. Renaissance to Baroque. Edited, with an Introduction, by Nicolas Barker.
32346: MORITZ (Siegmund) - Unterbrochener Wintrisch'scher Schallwechsel. Ein Beitrag zur Cavernen-Diagnostik.
36994: MORLEY (John) - The Twenty-first Edition, Revised, of an Essay, on the Nature and Cure of Scrophulous Disorders, Commonly called the King's Evil; deduced from long observation and practice. With additions. And above sixty cases the remedies in them used, and occasional remarks. To which is prefixed, a coloured plate of the herb vervain...
37326: MORRELL (Jason) - Manuscript of paper entitled "A Catalogue of the Books of Jas. Morrell made 2d of April 1760,".
39930: MORRIS (William) - Monopoly, or how Labour is Robbed. The "Freedom" Library.
39945: MORRIS (William) - Monopoly, or how Labour is Robbed. The "Freedom" Library.
37825: MORRIS (Arthur) - Proceedings in an action brought by Arthur Morris, Esq. against Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. in the Court of King's Bench, before Lord Ellenborough and a special Jury, on the 22d of February, 1808; and on the Motion for a new Trial, on the 6th of May, 1808. By order of the Committee who conducted the Election for Westminster, in 1807.
35200: MORRIS (William) - Plans of the Principal Harbours, Bays, & Roads, in St. George's and the Bristol Channels, from Surveys made Under the Direction of the Lords of the Admiralty: By the late intelligent and ingenious Hydrographer, Lewis Morris, Esq. with Hints on Improvements Necessary to be made for the Greater Security Of the Navigation on the Coast of Wales: Together with some Useful Tables for Mariners. With Additional Observations, from Surveys lately made by William Morris.
30782: MENDILOW (A. A.) and MORRIS (I.) - A Concise Guide to the Teaching of English to Foreigners.
40405: MORRIS (William) - Monopoly, or how Labour is Robbed. The "Freedom" Library.
25355: MORRIS (Owen) - The Learned Doctor Price and the Respublica Litteraria.
25354: MORRIS (Owen) - Publications of Evan Griffiths (Ieuan Ebblig) (1795-1873) Printed in Swansea Between 1828 and 1867. In the Collection of Owen Morris.
25343: MORRIS (Owen) - Llyfryddiaeth Ieuan Ebblig: A Checklist of the Publications of Evan Griffiths, Swansea between 1830 and 1867. [Off-print from 'The National Library of Wales Journal - XXVI].
38183: MORRISON (Mollie) - The Silversmiths and Goldsmiths of the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1850.
40223: MORRISON (Alfred) - The Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents Formed by Alfred Morrison. (Second Series, 1882-1893). The Hamilton & Nelson Papers. Volume I: 1756-1797 [Volume II: 1798-1815.]
40113: MORRISON (Alfred) - The Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents Formed by Alfred Morrison. (Second Series, 1882-1893). The Hamilton & Nelson Papers. Volume I: 1756-1797 [Volume II: 1798-1815.]
33270: MORRISON (John) - The Advantages of an Alliance with the Great Mogul: In which are principally considered Three Points of the highest Importance to the British Nation. I. The immediate Preservation and future Prosperity of the highest Importance to the British Nation. II. The legal Acquisition of an immediate Revenue to Great Britain. III. The promoting of a vast Increase in the Exports of British Manufacture.
13828: MORSE (Robert) - A Catalogue of the Extensive and Choice Collection of Prints, Formed by the Late Robert Morse... Sold by Auction, by Mr. Thomas Dodd... On Wednesday, May 15, 1816, & Twenty-seven Following Days. [Smith & Davy, Printers]. 1816. vii,[i],191,[1]pp., title-page and text browned, margins worn, 3,602 lots. [Bound with:] A Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library of Books, of Robert Morse... Sold by Auction, by Mr. Thomas Dodd... On Thursday, 20th of June, 1816, and Seven Following Days.
22688: MORTIMER (Edward Ltd.) - Mortimer's Waistcoat Pocket Ready Reckoner; with Special Tables for Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders, Box Makers & Booksellers.
37079: MORTON (John Lockhart) - Morton's Farm Buildings.
39996: MOSER (Joseph) - The Adventures of Timothy Twig, Esq. In a Series of Poetical Epistles.
39742: MOSS (Robert) - A Sermon Preach'd at the Parish Church of St. Laurence-Jewry, London. October 5, 1708.
40831: MOSS (Fletcher) - Pilgrimages to Old Homes. 7 volume set. [Vol. I: Pilgrimages in Cheshire and Shropshire. Vol. II: Mostly on the Welsh Border. Further volumes numbered by volume number.]
33016: GOOD MOTHER'S LEGACY. - Good Mother's Legacy.
40574: MOTHERBY (George) - A New Medical Dictionary; or, General Repository of Physic. Containing an Explanation of the Terms, and a Description of the various Particulars Relating to Anatomy, Physiology, Physic, Surgery, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, &c...
39590: MOTT (Frederick T.) - Flora Odorata; a characteristic arrangement of the sweet-scented flowers and shrubs, cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain.
24613: MOUNTAINEERING. - Mountaineering: Catalogue of the Graham Brown and Lloyd Collections in the National Library of Scotland.
23683: BEARMAN (Frederick A.) KRIVATSY (Nati H.) & MOWERY (J. Franklin) - Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
21764: BEARMAN (Frederick A.) KRIVATSY (Nati H.) & MOWERY (J. Franklin) - Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
39948: MOXON (Elizabeth) - English Housewifery, exemplified in above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts, giving Directions in the most Parts of Cookery; and how to prepare various Sorts of Soups, Made-Dishes, Pastes, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, &c. With Cuts for orderly placing the Dishes and Courses;..... With an Appendix, containing upwards of seventy Receips [sic]......
38566: COOKERY. MOXON (Elizabeth) - English Housewifery, Exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery... With cuts for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also bills of fare for every month in the year; and an alphabetical index to the whole... by Elizabeth Moxon. With an appendix, containing upwards of seventy receipts, of the most valuable kind; (many never before printed)... To this edition is now added, and introduction, giving an account of the times when river fish are in season; and a table, shewing at one view the proper seasons for sea fish.
34670: MOXON (Joseph) - A Tutor to Astronomie and Geographie. Or an easie and speedy way to know the use of both the globes, coelestial and terrestrial. In six books. The first teaching the rudiments of astronomie and geographie. The shewing by the globe; the solution of 2. Astronomical and geographical prob. 3. Problemes in navigation. 4. Astrological problemes. 5. Gnomonical problemes. 6. Trigonometrical problemes. More fully and amply than hath yet been set forth either by Gemma Frisius, Metius, Hues, Wright, Blæw, or any others that have taught the use of the globes; and that so plainly and methodically that the meanest capacity may at first reading apprehend it, and with a little practice grow expert in these divine sciences. With an appendix shewing the use of the Ptolomaick sphere. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. By Joseph Moxon, hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Whereunto is added the antient poetical stories of the stars shewing reasons why the several shapes and forms are pictured on the coelestial globe. As also a discourse of the antiquity, progress and augmentation of astronomie.
38878: MUIR (W.) - Gleanings from the Records of Dysart, from 1545 to 1796.
37866: MUIR (Percy) - English Children's Books 1600 to 1900.
36367: MUIR (Percy H.) - Points: Second Series 1866-1934. Bibliographia Series, Edited by Michael Sadleir, no. VIII.
22387: MUIR (Percy) - Victorian Illustrated Books.
18853: MUIR (Percy H.) - Points: Second Series 1866-1934. Bibliographia Series, Edited by Michael Sadleir, no. VIII.
31721: MUKERJI (Satya Chandra) - Indian History of our Own Times. Part I, 1859-68 [Parts II and III, (1869-88)].
38879: MULLER (Frederick) - Essai d'une Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe. Catalogue d'une Collection remarquable de Livres, Atlas, Cartes, Portraits, Planches, Manuscrits, Hollandais, et de plusieurs livres e trangers, tous concernant la Russie et la Pologne.
38880: MULLER (Frederick) - Asie. Histoire, Geographie, Voyages. Chine, Japon, Perse, Terre-Sainte, Indes Anglaises, Indes Néerlandaises, Iles Philippines, Siam, Ceylan, Sibérie,Tartarie, etc. Catalogue à prix marqués.
38881: MULLER (Frederick) - Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, Atlases, Maps, Plates and Autographs Relating to North and South America, Including the Collection of Voyages by de Bry, Hulsius, Hartgers, etc. Offered for Sale by...
37877: MULLER (John) - A Treatise of Artillery: Containing I. General constructions of brass and iron guns used by sea and land, and their Carriages. II. General Constructions of Mortars and Howitzes, their Beds and Carriages. III. Dimensions of all Carriages used in Artillery. IV. Exercise of the Regiment at Home, and Service Abroad in a Siege of Battle. V. Its March and Encampment, Ammunition, Stores, and Horses. VI. Lastly, The necessary Laboratory Work for Fire-Ships, &c. To which is prefixed, an introduction, with a theory of powder applied to fire-arms.
37648: PHILPOT (Emmanuel) & MÜLLER (Sophus) - L'Europe Prehistorique, Principes d'Archeologie Prehistorique.
26958: MULLINS (E.L.C.) - Texts and Calendars: An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications.
26125: SHAKESPEARE. MULLINS (J.D.) - Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham.
39287: MUNBY (A.N.L.) - Phillipps Studies. No. 2: The Family Affairs of Sir Thomas Phillipps.
39289: MUNBY (A.N.L.) - The Dispersal of the Phillipps Library. Phillipps Studies No. V.
21146: MUNBY (A.N.L.) - Phillipps Studies. No. 2: The Family Affairs of Sir Thomas Phillipps.
39041: MURDER. - A Copy of Verses, on W. & J. Dyon, Father and Son, Who was executed at York, for the wilful murder of Mr. John Dyon, of Brancroft, neaf Finningley, brother to the former and uncle to the latter, on the 16th of February, 1828, by shooting him, as he entered the gate of the field leading to his own House, as he returned from Doncaster Market.
38036: TRIAL FOR MURDER. - Trial of David F. Mayberry for the Murder of Andrew Alger; Before the Rock Co. Circuit Court—Judge Doolittle Presiding—July 10th & 11th, 1855. Containing the Arguments of the Attorneys, and a Full and Correct Account of his Death. By a Mob. Reported by Ira C. Jenks, Esq.
34284: APPIN MURDER (The). - The Trial of James Stewart in Aucharn in Duror of Appin, for the Murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure, Esq; Factor of His Majesty on the Forfeited estate of Ardshiel: before the Circuit Court of Justiciary held at Inveraray;.... by His Grace the Duke of Argyll [Archibald Campell, third Duke], Lord Justice General, and the Lords Elchies and Kilkerran, Commissioners of Justiciary.
26473: DONOVAN (Richard E.) & MURDOCH (Joseph S.F.) - The Game of Golf and the Printed Word 1566-1985. A Bibliography of Golf Literature in the English Language.
34452: MURPHY (Gwendolen) - A Bibliography of English Character-Books 1608-1700. Supplement to The Bibliographical Society's Transactions No. 4.
40085: MURRAY (Adam) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Warwick: with observations on its improvement, and several essays on agriculture in general. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
39535: MURRAY (Arch. K.) - History of the Scottish Regiments in the British Army.
36024: MURRAY (John) - Handbook for Travellers in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Staffordshire.
35617: MURRAY (Lindley) - English Grammar, adapted to the different Classes of Learners. With an Appendix, containing Rules and Observation, for assisting the more advanced Students to write with more Perspicuity and Accuracy.
34449: MURRAY (Charles Fairfax) - A Selection from the Collection of Drawings by the Old Masters formed by C. Fairfax Murray.
9371: BRITISH MUSEUM. - The Cleaning and Restoration of Museum Exhibits. Third Report upon Investigations Conducted at the British Museum.
38354: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Schools of Illumination. Reproductions from Manuscripts in the British Museum. Series I-V.
39639: [CHINESE CERAMICS] NATIONAL PALACE MUSEUM. - Blue-and-White Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 6 Volumes in 7. 1963. [Sold with:] Underglaze Red Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 1963. [Sold with:] Enamelled Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 3 Volumes. 1966. [Sold with:] Blue-and-White Ware of the Ch'ing Dynasty. 2 Volumes. 1968.
34466: BRITISH MUSEUM. - The Eric George Millar Bequest of Manuscripts and Drawings 1967. A Commemorative Volume. With a Preface by C.E. Wright.
32556: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM. - A Picture Book of Bookbindings. Part I: Before 1550. Part II: 1550-1800.
40340: AFRICANA MUSEUM. - Catalogue of an Exhibition of Cape "Silver" in the Africana Museum 14 July - 1 August 1953.
28266: BALTIMORE MUSEUM. - The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. An Exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
28187: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico Adservantur Catalogus. [Edited by Sir Henry Ellis and H.H. Baber].
27207: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century now in the British Museum. Part IX. Fascicule I: Holland. Facicule II: Belgium. Lithographic Reprint.
23368: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Facsimiles of Ancient Latin Manuscripts in the British Museum.
22608: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Short Title Catalogue of French Books 1601-1700 in the Library of the British Museum by V.F. Goldsmith.
20680: NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM. - Catalogue of the Library.
19475: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Schools of Illumination. Reproductions from Manuscripts in the British Museum. Series I-VI [All Published].
40941: BALTIMORE MUSEUM. - The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. An Exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
17907: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts. Plays Submitted to the Lord Chamberlain 1824-1851.
17439: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Facsimile of British Museum Ms. Harley 2253. With an Introduction by N.R. Ker.
13454: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History).
12837: BRITISH MUSEUM. - A Guide to the Processes and Schools of Engraving. With notes on some of the most Important Masters.
12803: BRITISH MUSEUM. - English Book Illustration 966-1846. I Illuminated Manuscripts. II Illustrated Printed Books.
12817: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM. - Early Printers' Marks. Small Picture Book No. 56.
35158: MUSGRAVE (Samuel) - An Essay on the Nature and Cure of the (so called) Worm-Fever.
35155: MUSGRAVE (Samuel) - Gulstonian Lectures Read at the College of Physicians February 15, 16, and 17...: Containing Three Lectures, I. on the Dyspnoea. II. on the Pleurisy and Peripneumony. III. on the Pulmonary Consumption.
39145: MUSIC. - Hymnarium sarisburiense : cum rubricis et notis musicis. Variae inferuntur lectiones Codicum MSS. Anglicorum...Accedunt etiam hymni et rubricae, e libris secundum usus Ecclesiarum Cantuariensis, Eboracensis, Wigornensis, Herefordensis Gloucestrensis,aliisque Codd. MSS Anglicanis, excerpti.
39363: MUSIC. - Sighing, A New Ballad. Written as a Companion to the Celebrated Song "Oh, Tis Love", by the same Author.
39364: MUSIC. - The Dance of Love; or Cupid Grand Ballet-Master. A Favourite Song, adapted to a celebrated French Air. With a new Accompaniment for the Harp or Pianoforte. The decorations designed & executed by W. Hakes Smith.
39266: MUSIC. - Bubbles of the Day, a New Comic Song written for Private Parties, and dedicated to Public Companies, by the Author of Oh! 'Tis Love.
39361: MUSIC. - Oh 'Tis Love, a Favourite Song Arranged expressly for Pensive Young Ladies & Gentlemen, to whom it is respectfully dedicated by the Author.
32824: MUSIC. - Catalogue of a Selected Portion of the Well-Known Collection of Old and Rare Books on Music. The Property of Godfrey E.P. Arkwright.
39367: MUSIC. - A New Comic Chaunt, Oh I will get Wed, or a Catalogue of Curious Curiosities, Mathew's at Home. Founded on an Ancient Manuscript & Dedicated to the Virtuoso, or any Lady or Gentleman not doubting the veracity of the author. The Music perfectly suitable tho not a First Rate Composition.
39365: MUSIC. - Der Freischutzism, or 'Tis a Hit! A Song, written by a Freeshot, Author of many Rejected Addresses.
32321: MUSIC. - Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Museum. Accessions: Part 53—Music in the Hirsch Library.
20949: MUSIC. - Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Museum. Accessions: Part 53—Music in the Hirsch Library.
37931: MUSKET. - Candid Proposals to England; Being a true and compendious Description of the preferable Advantages and most beneficial Qualities of a new, easy, quick and efficacious Method of Charging and Firing with a common Musket; which, upon Trial, 'tis presumed, will evidently appear far superior to any Way of Charging now in Use.
32429: MUSSER (John Herr) - On the Influence of Age on the Dosage of Nux Vomica, with some remarks on its Therapeutics.
40889: MUSSON (Jeremy), Charles, Prince of Wales. - Henbury: An Extraordinary House. Foreword by HRH the Prince of Wales.
38632: MUSTERS (Mrs. Chaworth) - A Cavalier Stronghold: A Romance of the Vale of Belvoir.
34722: MUTSU (Hirokichi) - A Japanese Conversation Course.
39842: MUZELL (Frederick) - Medical and Chirurgical Observations. Translated from the German Original.
31498: MYERS (Robin) Editor. - The Auto-Biography of Luke Hansard, Printer to the House 1752-1828. With an Introduction.
25531: MYERS (Robin) - The British Book Trade from Caxton to the Present Day. A Bibliographical Guide.
26951: MYERSON (Joel) Editor. - Emerson and Thoreau: The Contemporary Reviews.
31194: M'NAB (William Ramsey) - Hints on the Planting and General Treatment of Hardy Evergreens, in the Climate of Scotland, particularly the following: Strawberry Tree. Common Holly. Common Laurel. Portugal Laurel. Alaternus. Laurestine. Arbutus Unedo. Ilex Aquifolia. Prunus Laurocerasus. Prunus Lusitanica. Rhamnus Alaternus. Viburnum Tinus.
13587: BIBLIOTECA DA ASSEMBLEA NACIONAL. - Seus Livros dos Séculos XV e XVI.
36710: NAPIER (Macvey) - Selection from the Correspondence of the late Macvey Napier, Esq. Edited by his son, Macvey Napier.
26107: NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French. - A Letter to Volunteers...
26105: NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French. - Buonapartes Confession of the Massacre of Jaffa...
26106: NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French. - Britons, The Period is now arrived, when it is to be discovered whether you are to be Freemen or Slaves...
37615: NARDINI (Leonardo) - Novelle Scelte degli Autori piu Celebri Italiani, raccolte e di note gramaticali illustrate da Leonardo Nardini, ad uso degli studiosi della lingua italiana.
38784: NASH (Thomas) - Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil. By Thomas Nash. From the First Edition of 1592, Compared with Later Impressions. With an Introduction and Notes, by J. Payne Collier.
22620: NASH (Ray) - Printing as an Art. [A History of the Boston Society of Printers 1905-1955].
34325: NASMYTH (Robert) - A Probationary Essay on Tic Douloureux; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
18796: BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. - Byzance et la France Médiévale. Manuscrits à Peintures du IIe au XVIe Siècle.
18793: BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. - Les Manuscrits a Peintures en France du VIIe an XIIe Siècle.
18774: BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. - Les Manuscrits a Peintures en France du VIIe an XIIe Siècle. [Bound with:] Les Manuscrits a Peintures en France du XIIIe au XVIe Siècle.
38741: NATURALIZATION. - Some Thoughts upon a Bill for General Naturalization: Addressed to Those of all Denominations who act upon Whig-Principles.
37937: KENNET NAVIGATION. - An Act to alter and amend the several Acts for making navigable the River Kennet, in the County of Berks. [Royal Assent, 6th September, 1831.]
39691: ROYAL NAVY. - Exercise of the Small-Arms and Great Guns, for the Seamen on Board His Majesty's Ships.
15188: NAYLOR (Gillian) Editor. - William Morris by Himself. Designs and Writings.
39140: NEAL (Daniel) - The history of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists, From The Death of King Charles I. to the Act of Toleration by King William and Queen Mary, in the Year 1689... [Bound with:] A Catalogue of Books Printed and Sold by Samuel Birt... (see below).
37176: NEALE (Thomas) - The Ruinous State of the Parish of Manea in the Isle of Ely, with the Causes and Remedy of it, humbly represented in a Letter to Matt. Robinson Morris, Esq; Lord of the Manor of Coveney with Manea.
37846: NECKER (Jacques) - Compte Rendu au Roi, Par N. Necker, Directeur général des Finances. Au mois de Janvier 1781. Imprimé par ordre de Sa Majesté. [Bound with:] Sur le Compte Rendu au Roi en 1781. Nouveaux éclaircissemens.
34301: NEESON (Eoin) - The Life and Death of Michael Collins.
14918: NEGRI (Giulio) - Istoria degli scrittori fiorentini, la quale abbraccia intorno a due mila autori, che negli ultimi cinque secoli hanno illustrato co' i loro scritti quella nazione...
32682: NEILSON (G. R.) - The Book of Bulls. Being a very complete and entertaining essay on the evolution of the Irish and other "Bulls".
34573: NELSON (Michael) - Knock or Ring: A Novel.
33115: NELSON (William) - Check-List of the Issues of the Press of New Jersey, 1723, 1728, 1754-1800.
29235: NESBITT (Alexander) - Lettering: The History and Technique of Lettering as Design.
33960: NETHERLANDS. - An Important Secret Come to Light. Or, the States General's Reasons for Refusing to Guaranty [sic] the E[lectorat]e of H[anove]r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands, as lately proposed by the Ministers of G. B. Being the Ar used by Mynheer ------- at a Conference held the beginning of October last at the Hague, with two B----h Noblemen, justifying the Neutrality of the United Provinces.
33067: NETHERLANDS. - An Important Secret Come to Light. Or, the States General's Reasons for Refusing to Guaranty [sic] the E[lectorat]e of H[anove]r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands, as lately proposed by the Ministers of G. B. Being the Arguments used by Mynheer ------- at a Conference held the beginning of October last at the Hague, with two B----h Noblemen, justifying the Neutrality of the United Provinces.
32030: NETHERLANDS. - An Important Secret Come to Light. Or, the States General's Reasons for Refusing to Guaranty [sic] the E[lectorat]e of H[anove]r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands, as lately proposed by the Ministers of G. B. Being the Arguments used by Mynheer ------- at a Conference held the beginning of October last at the Hague, with two B----h Noblemen, justifying the Neutrality of the United Provinces.
31696: DAS NEVES (J. Ferreira) - Précieux livres anciens espagnols, portugais, hollandais, anglais & francais: voyages, découvertes, luttes & conquetes des européens dans le nouveau monde, notamment au Brésil.
27458: NEWBY (Thomas) - Beta Depicta, or Remarks on Mangel Wurzel, with an Exposition on its utility deducted from Practical Experiments, and with full Directions of Culture, and the Management in Feeding and Fattening of Cattle.
27448: NEWBY (Thomas) - Remarks on Mangel-Wurzel; or Root of Scarcity, with an Exposition on its Utility, and Directions for its Culture.
36930: NEWCASTLE (Seventh Duke of) - The Clumber Library. Catalogue of the Magnificent Library, the Property of the Late Seventh Duke of Newcastle Removed from Clumber, Worksop, and Sold by Order of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lincoln. The First [-Fourth] Portion. Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs Sotheby & Co... on Monday, the 21st June, 1937 [-1938].
33669: LINCOLNSHIRE NEWSPAPER. - The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury: or, Boston, Gainsboro', Grantham, Newark, Retford, Louth, Horncastle, Grimsby, Peterboro', Oundle, Wisbech, Lynn, Spalding, Sleaford, Alford, Brigg, Baton, Hull, &c. Weekly Advertiser. Friday, April 27, 1787.
32055: NEWSPAPERS. - Catalogue of the Newspaper Library, Colindale.
36979: NEWTON (Charles) - Poems by Charles Newton, of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
37959: NICHOLLS (Sir George) - A History of the Irish Poor Law, in Connexion with the Condition of the People.
38680: NICHOLS (John) - Additional Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the Town and County of Leicester.
33870: NICHOLS (Samuel) - National Gratitude Enforced. A sermon in commemoration of the relinquishment of the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Her Majesty : preached at the Independent Chapel Hill, Gloucestershire, oN Sunday evening November 26, 1820.
39237: NICHOLS (John Gough) - Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London.
37741: NICHOLSON (Richard, Architect) - Sketches of the remains of the Abbey Church and conventual Buildings, formerly belonging to Canons of the Order of Saint Augustine, at Worksop, and of the church as restored: with a concise historical and descriptive account, from its foundation to the present Time.
22922: NICHOLSON (James B.) - A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding: Containing Full Instructions in the Different Branches of Forwarding, Gilding and Finishing: also, the Art of Marbling Book-Edges and Paper. The Whole Designed for the Practical Workman, the Amateur, and the Book-Collector.
40510: NICOLAS (Nicholas Harris) - Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York: Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth. With a Memoir of Elizabeth of York, and Notes.
40234: NICOLSON (Alexander) Editor. - Memoirs of Adam Black.
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40436: NIXON (Howard M.) - The Literature of English Bookbinding. Reprinted from 'Bibliographia', Lectures 1975-1988 by recipients of the Marc Fitch Prize for Bibliography.
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