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BOOKS023704I: 3715100265 - Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica : Herstellung, Fundzusammenhänge und sakrale Funktion figürlicher Bronzen ..,.
BOOKS011088I: [Bolot, Auguste] B.,A. - Mademoiselle Rachel et l'avenir du theatre francais
BOOKS007685I: A.,J. R. - Um brado patriotico: Ao povo e pelo povo
BOOKS007664I: M.,S. - Nova Lisboa e na verdade a 2a. cidade de Angola
BOOKS017653I: B., J. - Le Scrutin : chant Républicain : paroles et musique de J.B.
BOOKS017376I: N.,N - Ueber proletarische Ethik. Das proletarische Schaffen vom Standpunkt der realistischen Philosophie.
BOOKS016125I: Z.,A. - Die Befreiung Ägyptens. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
BOOKS012085I: [Egypt] - [a manual on protection against airborne gas warfare, ca. 1941]
BOOKS001501I: ( Hartman, Hjalmar, firm of) - Datskie Semena i ikh Znachenie dlja Selkskogo Khozjaistva
BOOKS000930I: Das, K.C. - Concept of Personality in Samkhya-Yoga and the Gita
BOOKS003552I: B., J.A.S. - Grito da Patria aos Representates da Nacao Portugueza. Primeira Parte: A sua alliada a Inglaterra. 2a Parte: Offerecido .,..
BOOKS001584I: [ Surinam. Department of Agricultural Economic Affairs ] - Surinaamsch Verslag 1932. I: Tekst van het Verslag van Bestuur en Staat van Surinam...1931; II: Statistisch Jaaroverzicht...
BOOKS000659I: Grupo 73 - La Economía del Antiguo Régimen : el señorio de Buitrago / por el Grupo '73
BOOKS025834I: A.B.C. [Cuba] - Suplemento no. 5 de Denuncia / Febrero 10 - 1933
BOOKS026200I: - Bara-yi chap-i digar [no. 2, 1995]
BOOKS019560I: N.,N [ Schaitter, Ignaicy ] [ Janowicz, Tomasz ] [ Kruk, Janusz ] - Oswiata ludowa z zaborze pruskim [bound together with 3 books & pamphlets, ca. 1876-1936]
BOOKS024387I: Jami'yat al-Huquqiyin al-'Iraqiyin - Bilad al-khawf wa-ard al-rub : dirasah fi jumhuriyat Saddam / Jam'iyat al-Huquqiyin al-'Iraqiyin ; taqdim Ahmad Ra'if
BOOKS018391I: Aaberg, Jens Christian [1877-1970] - Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark
BOOKS029767I: Aagaard, Carl Johan [1882-1950] - The Common Birds of Bangkok
BOOKS025815I: Aagesen, Andreas [1826-1879] - Om singulærsukcession i formuerettigheder inter vivos, med særligt hensyn til dansk ret
BOOKS003545I: Aakster, Cor Wim - Socio-Cultural Variables in the Etiology of Health Disturbances - A Sociological Approach
BOOKS026380I: Aalto, Pentti [1917-1998] - Notes on the Altan Gerel : The Mongolian Version of the Suvarnaprabhasa-sutra
BOOKS026382I: Aalto, Pentti [1917-1998] ; editor: [ Ramstedt, Gustaf John ] - G.J. Ramstedt's archäologische Aufzeichningen und Itinerarkarten aus der Mongolei vom Jahre 1912
BOOKS026337I: Aalto, Pentti [1917-1998] - Prolegomena to an Edition of the Pancaraksa
BOOKS026340I: Aalto, Pentti [1917-1998] - Notes on Methods of Decipherment of Unknown Writings and Languages
BOOKS030662I: Aalto, Pentti [1917-1998] - Altaistica
BOOKS012846I: Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede [South African Bureau of Racial Affairs] - Samevatting van die Verslag van die Naturelle-Onderwyskommissie 1949/51
BOOKS009254I: Aaqvist, Lennart - The Moral Philosophy of Richard Price
BOOKS028103I: Aargau (Switzerland) - Gesetz über die Einrichtung der Bezirks-Aemter
BOOKS028068I: Aargau (Switzerland), Kleiner Rat - Instruktion für die Eichmeister des Cantons Aargau
BOOKS022041I: Aargau [Landammann und Kleiner Rath des Kantons Aargau] - Reduktions-Tabellen zu Vergleichung der bisher im Kanton Aargau gebräuchlichen Masse und Gewichte mit den durch das Gesetz ..,.
BOOKS024474I: Aarkrog, Tove - Borderline Adolescents 20 Years Later
BOOKS021932I: Aarne, Antti [1867-1925] - Das estnisch-ingermanlandische Maie-lied : Eine vergleichende Untersuchung
BOOKS023828I: Aarne, Antti [1867-1925] - Vergleichende Rätselforschungen [bound together with 6 other monographs by Aarne]
BOOKS028124I: Aarts, J. M. (Johannes Michael) - Dimension and Deficiency in General Topology
BOOKS030051I: Aarts, Rian - Functionele geletterdheid van Turkse kinderen in Turkije en in Nederland
BOOKS019535I: Aasen, Petter ; & Ekberg, Karin ; editors: - The Proceedings of the Conference on Historical Perspectives on Childhood, Jeløya/Moss, Norway 8-11 September 1988
BOOKS021508I: Aazmi, Feza - The Agony Trail / Azab-e Hamsaygi
BOOKS001747I: Comite des "Amis de Michel Abadie" [ Abadie, Michel ] - Le Tombeau de Michel Abadie (1866-1922). Florilege precede d'une etude biographique,suivi d'opinions sur le poete, de notes ...
BOOKS020516I: Abascal, Valentín - Santiago de los Caballeros de Goathemala
BOOKS023027I: Abasisi, Nurdogan Demir - Lazca deyimler, atasözleri ve mecazlar
BOOKS023053I: Abasisi, Nurdogan; Buyuklisi, Osman; Sari, Esat; Hocaoglu, Filiz; Bucaklisi, Ismail; Uzunhasanoglu, Hasan; Aleksiva, Irfan - Laz Kültürü Üzerine Notlar
BOOKS007652I: Abbas, Adnan - The Band as a New Form of Poetry in Iraq, 17th Century
BOOKS002134I: Abbassi, Rouhollah [ Association culturelle et artistique France-Iran ] - L'enseignement supérieur en Iran, 1900-1975 [ Encyclopédie sociale Abbassi, Volume XXXX ]
BOOKS011262I: Van Abbe, Derek Maurice - Drama in Renaissance Germany and Switzerland
BOOKS012741I: Abbey, Ruth [1961- ]; editor: - Charles Taylor
BOOKS000002I: Abbi, B. L. - Traditional Groupings & Modern Associations.A Study of Changing Local Groups in Papua New Guinea
BOOKS009440I: Abbott, Wilbur Cortez - A Bibliography of Oliver Cromwell. A List of Printed Materials relating to Oliver Cromwell, Together with a List of Portraits...
BOOKS016844I: Abboud, Peter F. ; & McCarus, Ernest Nasseph ; editors: - Elementary Modern Standard Arabic: Volume 2: Lessons 31-45 : Appendices
BOOKS016843I: Abboud, Peter F. ; & McCarus, Ernest Nasseph ; editors: - Elementary Modern Standard Arabic: Volume I: Lessons 1-30 : Pronunciation and Writing
BOOKS020441I: Partido ABC (Cuba) - A los abecedarios y al pueblo de Cuba : Razon de Existencia de la Celula Directriz Nacional de Emergencia
BOOKS019636I: Abd al-Wadud, Muhammad ibn Sa'id - al-Mustakhlas fi tarikh madinat al-Luhayyah
BOOKS008004I: Abd al-Rahman, 'Awatif - al-Sihafah al-'Arabiyah fi al-Jaza'ir : dirasah tahliliyah li-sihafat al-thawrah al-Jaza'iriyah, 1954-1962
BOOKS012445I: Abd al-'Ati, Abu al-Qasim 'Abd Allah ; & Duwayni, Muhammad Imhammad - Ahdath Thawrat 17 Fabrayir : mihraqat Misratah : al-Hulukust min jadid
BOOKS019917I: Abd Allah, Ahmad - Ilgha' al-sunnah al-nabawiyah fi Libia rad wa-bayan
BOOKS020800I: Abd Allahi'niya, 'Ali - Tarikh-i Rafsanjan
BOOKS005481I: Abd al-Mu'ti, Yusuf - al-Kuwayt bi-'uyun al-akharin : malamih min hayat mujtama' al-Kuwayt wa-khasa'isihi qabla al-naft
BOOKS029310I: Abd al-'Ati, Abu al-Qasim 'Abd Allah - al-Shahid al-batal : Muhammad Muhammad al-Halbus
BOOKS024389I: Abd Allah ibn Muhammad, Emir of Gwandu [ca. 1767-1829 CE] [ Kani, Ahmad Muhammad ; editor: ] - Diya' al-siyasat wa-fatawa al-nawazil mimma huwa min furu' al-din min al-masa'il
BOOKS030788I: Abd al-Samad, Muhammad Amin - Waza'if al-ughniyah al-sha'biyah fi mujtama' Darnah al-Libiyah : aghani al-a'ras namudhajan
BOOKS019944I: Abdel-Khalek, Gouda [ Abd al-Khaliq, Judah ] ; & Korayem, Karima - Fiscal Policy Measures in Egypt : Public Debt and Food Subsidy
BOOKS003060I: Abdelkafi - Weddings in Tripolitania
BOOKS000902I: Abdelmalki, Lahsen - Le logement au Maroc : changements techniques, stratégies industrielles, et enjeux sociaux
BOOKS029983I: Abderhalden, Emil [1877-1950] - Synthese der Zellbausteine in Pflanze und Tier : Lösung des Problems der künstlichen Darstellung der Nahrungsstoffe
BOOKS028833I: Abdesselam, Abdennour - Dictionnaire abrégé du vocabulaire redressé de la langue berbère / Aseyti umawal awezlan n Tmaziyt
BOOKS028993I: Abdesselem, A. ; editor : [ Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université de Tunis ] - Les cahiers de Tunisie : Revue des sciences humaines : Tome XIV , Nos. 53-54-55-56 : 1er - 2me - 3me- 4me Trimestres 1966
BOOKS003296I: Abdillahi, Hussein - Monoclonal Antibodies & Neisseria Meningitidis. Typing & Subtyping for Epidemiological Surveillance & Vaccine Development
BOOKS001966I: Abdo, Geneive - No God But God : Egypt and the Triumph of Islam
BOOKS015686I: Abduh, 'Abd Allah Kamil Musa - al-Muslimun wa-atharuhum al-mimariyah hatta nihayat 'Asr al-Khulafa al-Rashidin fi al-Hijaz wa al-Yaman wa al-Sham wa al-Iraq.,.
BOOKS020205I: Abdul Karim, A. Rahim - War-Dance of the Superpowers: The US-Led War on Iraq
BOOKS026423I: Abdul-Raof, Hussein - Subject, Theme, and Agent in Modern Standard Arabic
BOOKS029410I: Abdulfatah 'Abdalah - Ya'Adis 'Ababa masgidoc tarik! / 'azagag 'Abdulfatah 'Abdalah
BOOKS029273I: Abdulfatah 'Abdalah [Ya'Ityopya yafeth sere'atoc ma'ekal ; YaKonso warada 'astadadar] - Sera 'ata Konso / 'azagag 'Abdulfatah 'Abdalah
BOOKS029123I: Abdulfatah 'Abdalah - Ya'Adis 'Ababa masgidoc tarik : quter 2 / azagag 'Abdulfatah 'Abdalah
BOOKS012209I: Abdulfatah 'Abdalah - Cemuntanta-séra : yaBurgi behérasab yabahel heg sere'at / 'azagag 'Abdulfatah 'Abdalah ;..,.
BOOKS006916I: Abdullah, Moha Asri; & Baker, Mohd. Isa bin; editors: - Small and Medium Enterprises in Asian Pacific Countries: Volume II: Linkages & Policy Support
BOOKS006814I: Abdullah, Moha Asri; & Baker, Mohd. Isa bin; editors: - Small and Medium Enterprises in Asian Pacific Countries. Volume I: Roles & Issues
BOOKS021637I: Abdullah, Mohammad - Islam, Jesus, Mahdi, Qadiyanis and Doomsday: Imam Mahdi, Messiah Jesus, Son of Mary and Anti-Christ Dajjal
BOOKS012188I: Abdullayev, Elovset Zakiroglu [Abdullaev, A. Z.] - Turk dillerinin tarihsel gelisme sorunlari: Azerbaycan bilgininin gorusleri
BOOKS019394I: Abdulmahmud, Muhammad ; compiler: [ Ec. I.Ec. di Nizams Urdu Trast La'ibreri / H.E.H. the Nizams Urdu Trust Library ] - Fihrist-i kutub, Ec. I. Ec. di Nizams Urdu Trast La'ibreri, Himayat Nagar, Haidarabad, Ae. Pi.
BOOKS014009I: Abe, Masao - A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion
BOOKS013739I: Abe, Kobo [1924 - 1993] - Three Plays
BOOKS013108I: Abe, Masao [1915 - ] [Heine, Steven; editor:] - Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue: Part One of a Two-Volume Sequel to Zen and Western Thought
BOOKS017323I: Abe, Kobo [ Keene, Donald, translator: ] - Three Plays
BOOKS020471I: Abeele, M. van den Abeele - Note sur la culture de l'Hévéa aux Indes Néerlandaises, en Malaisie et à Ceylan
BOOKS031442I: Abeghyan, Manuk [1865-1944] ; [ Zak'aryan, Anushavan ; editor :] - Ejer Manuk Abeghyani patmahraparakakhosakan zhar'angut'yunits'
BOOKS010112I: Abel, Emily K. & Nelson, Margaret K.; editors: - Circles of Care: Work and Identity in Women's Lives
BOOKS010213I: Abel, Wilhelm - Massenarmut und Hungerkrisen im vorindustriellen Europa : Versuch einer Synopsis
BOOKS017744I: Abel, Richard - The Red Rooster Scare : Making Cinema American, 1900-1910
BOOKS001392I: Abeles, Marc - Quiet Days in Burgundy. A Study in Local Politics
BOOKS003750I: Abeling, Theodor - Das Nibelungenlied und seine Literatur. Eine Bibliographie und Vier Abhandlungen
BOOKS006603I: Abellan Garcia, Antonio - Evolucion demografica de Molina de Segura (Murcia)
BOOKS015391I: Abelmann, Nancy - Echoes of the Past, Epics of Dissent: A South Korean Social Movement
BOOKS028154I: Abels, Richard P. ; & Bachrach, Bernard S. ; editors : - The Normans and their Adversaries at War : Essays in Memory of C. Warren Hollister
BOOKS001202I: Abels, Jürgen - Die Gattungen Ceratotheca Endl. und Dicerocaryum Boj. (Monographien der Afrikanischen Pedaliaceae III-IV)
BOOKS007754I: Abendanon, E[duard] C[ornelius] - The Exterior of the Earth. Volume IIA: The Exteriors of the Earth and the Moon
BOOKS026220I: Abendanon, E[duard] C[ornelius] [1878-1962] - Les extérieurs de la terre et de la lune : Volume I : Le cadre
BOOKS000273I: Åberg, Nils Fritiof [1888-1957] - Den historiska relationen mellan senromersk tid och nordisk folkvandringstid
BOOKS022086I: Åberg, Nils [1888-1957] - Den historiska relationen mellan folkvandringstid och vendeltid
BOOKS011125I: Åberg, Nils Fritiof [1888-1957] - La civilisation eneolithique dans la peninsula iberique
BOOKS031342I: Abernetty, Walther [1888-19??] - De Plutarchi qui fertur de superstitione libello
BOOKS013004I: Aberrigoyen, Inaki de - Sieben Monate und sieben Tage in Franco-Spanien
BOOKS031313I: Abeyawardana, H.A.P. [ Abhayavardhana, Ec. E. Pi.] - Heritage of Sabaragamuwa : Major Natural, Cultural, and Historic Sites
BOOKS031060I: Abeyawardana, H. A. P. [ Abhayavardhana, Ec. E. Pi. ] - Heritage of Kandurata : Major Natural, Cultural, and Historic Sites
BOOKS019073I: Abhyankar, Kashinath Vasudev - Veda-padapatha-carca / Vedapadapathacarca ..,. together with the text of the Upalekhasutram of Bharadvaja-Brhaspati
BOOKS019966I: Abi, Abu Sa'd Mansur ibn al-Husayn, [d. 1030 CE] [ al-Rahman, Muhammad Ibrahim Abd ; editor: ] - Nathr al-durr [Volume 5]
BOOKS009724I: Abichandani, Param - Taka Tora
BOOKS022981I: Abir, Mordechai - Ethiopia : The Era of the Princes : The Challenge of Islam and the Re-unification of the Christian Empire, 1769-1855
BOOKS012253I: Abir-Am, Pnina G.; & Outram, Dorinda; editors: - Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Women in Science, 1789-1979
BOOKS007909I: Abitbol, Jean - Atlas of Laser Voice Surgery
BOOKS010804I: Abney, Glenn & Lauth, Tghomas P. - The Politics of State & City Administration
BOOKS005776I: Aboul-Ela, Hanafi - La Speculation en Bourse. Son influence economique et morale
BOOKS011403I: Abraham, P.T. - Apatani - English - Hindi Dictionary
BOOKS001737I: Abraham, P.T. - Relative Clause in Malayalam
BOOKS010960I: Abraham, Margaret - Speaking the Unspeakable: Marital Violence among South Asian Immigrants in the United States
BOOKS000003I: Abraham, P.T. - Apatani Grammar
BOOKS013774I: Abrahamian, Ervand - Tortured Confessions : Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran
BOOKS011206I: Abrahams, Ray - Vigilant Citizens: Vigilantism and the State
BOOKS007028I: Abrahams, Henrik - Etudes phonetiques sur les tendances evolutives des occlusives germaniques
BOOKS005932I: Abrahamsen, Erik [1893 - 1949] - Éléments romans et allemands dans le chant grégorien et la chanson populaire en Danemark
BOOKS004371I: Abrahamson, Mark - Urban Enclaves. Identity & Place in America
BOOKS002781I: Abrami, A.C. & Chimirri, Lucia - Incisori Toscani del Seicento al servizio del libro illustrato
BOOKS023203I: Abramovic, Marina [ Ruf, Beatrix ; & Landert, Markus ; editors: ] - Marina Abramovic : Double Edge : Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgaus, Karthause Ittingen, 8. Oktober 1995 -28. April 1996
BOOKS002052I: Abramowicz, Andrzej - Urny i ceraunie
BOOKS017619I: Abramowitsch, Raphael R. [pseudonym of Rafael Rein (1880-1963) ] ; Suchomlin, Wasilij ; & Zeretelli, Iraklij - Der Terror gegen die Sozialistischen Parteien in Russland und Georgien
BOOKS015511I: Abrams, Philip ; & McCulloch, Andrew - Communes, Sociology and Society
BOOKS008022I: Abramson, Jon S. & Wheeler, J. Gary; editors: - The Neutrophil
BOOKS006423I: Abravanel, Claude - Claude Debussy : A Bibliography
BOOKS011619I: Abreu, Capistrano de [Abreu, Joao Capistrano de (1853-1927)] - Chapters of Brazil's Colonial History, 1500-1800
BOOKS003207I: Abreu, S. Frois - Fundamentos Geograficos da Mineracao Brasileira
BOOKS007478I: Abreu, Laurinda Faria Dos Santos - Memórias da alma e do corpo : a Misericórida de Setúbal na modernidade
BOOKS018680I: Abreu, Alice Rangel de Paiva ; & Sorj, Bila; editors: - O Trabalho Invisível : Estudos Sobre Trabalhadores a Domicílio no Brasil
BOOKS005245I: Abreu, Manoel Rodrigues Da Silva - Novidades bibliotheconomicas, ou refutacão de cinco absurdos, que geralmente, e ha seculos, se soffrem no servico ..,.
BOOKS022839I: Abshinasan, Hasan - Charik pir : bar asas-i zindagi-i shahid Amir Sarlashkar Hasan Abshinasan
BOOKS010361I: Sozialdemokratischer Abstinentenbund - Ein Wort zum Zürcher Generalstreik [together with two other items concerning the 1912 Zürich General Strike]
BOOKS000199I: Abt-Frössl, Viktor - Agrarrevolution und Heimindustrie : ein Vergleich zwischen Heimarbeiter- und Bauerndörfern des Baselbiets im 17. und 18. ..,.
BOOKS014109I: Abu-Rabi, Ibrahim M. - Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World
BOOKS012060I: Abu-Hakima, Ahmad Mustafa - The Modern History of Kuwait 1750-1965
BOOKS011211I: Abu Bakr, 'Ala - Isa laysa al-Masih : alladhi tafsiruhu : al-Missiya
BOOKS023196I: Abu al-Ghayth, 'Abd Allah - al-'Alaqat al-siyasiyah bayna janub al-Jazirah al-'Arabiyah wa-shamaliha: min al-qarn al-thalith hatta al-qarn al-sadis al-Milad
BOOKS023454I: Abu Bakr, 'Ala - Ma yajib an yarifahu al-Muslim 'an al-Kitab al-Muqaddas
BOOKS021872I: Abu Talib, Ibrahim - Nahwa bibliyujrafiya mutakhissisah : bibliyujrafiya al-sard fi al-Yaman, 1939-2009
BOOKS018198I: Abu Talib, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad - al-Tuhfah al-saniyah li-marifat ma'ani al-huruf al-nahwiyah
BOOKS023320I: Abu-Zaid, Fauzi Muhammad [ Abu Zayd, Fawzi Muhammad ] - al-Imam Abu'l Aza'im : al-mugaddid as-sufi [ al-Imam Abu al-Aza'im : al-mujaddid al-sufi ]
BOOKS023306I: Abu Dhikri, Wajih - Asrar harb al-Yaman
BOOKS023359I: Abu al-Aza'im, Muhammad Madi - al-Wijdaniyat : ma'a al-Imam al-Sayyid Muhammad Madi Abu al-Aza'im fi tammulatihi al-sufiyah
BOOKS012557I: Abu Bakr, 'Ala - al-Nasikh wa-al-mansukh fi al-Kitab al-Muqaddas
BOOKS001884I: Abu S'abhah, Kayid ; & Barham, Nasim - al-Hijrah al-dakhiliyah fi al-Urdun : t'abi'atuha wa-ittijahatuha, dawafi'uha wa-asbabuha, wa-ba'd al-nata'ij al-mutarattibah 'a
BOOKS019814I: Abur, T.L.A. [editor?] - Forward : A Call for a Democratic Uganda. No. 1 - 1979
BOOKS030391I: Aburas, Mahmud Salih - al-Nubah fi mi'at 'am malamih wa dhikrayat shahid 'ayan
BOOKS019575I: Acabado, Diogo Rodrigues [ Carvalho, Joao L. Esteves de ] [ Cambournas, Joao Baptista ] [ Gama Pinto ] - Hysteria no homen [bound together with 3 other Portuguese medical dissertations & pamphlets, ca. 1875-1920]
BOOKS000404I: Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Instituto de Geologia y Paleontologia - Contribucion a la Geologia de Cuba
BOOKS002213I: Indian National Science Academy - Mycoplasmal Diseases (Proceedings of the Symposium on Mycoplasmal Diseases held at Chandigarh...31 December 1972- 1 January 1973
BOOKS001698I: Indian National Science Academy - Observations of Total Solar Eclipse of 16 February 1980 (Preliminary Results)
BOOKS001695I: Indian National Science Academy - Proceedings of the Symposium on Deccan Trap Country held at Poona on November 10 1968
BOOKS001697I: Indian National Science Academy - Total Solar Eclipse of 16 February 1980. Results of Observations
BOOKS001615I: Indian National Science Academy [ Prasad, Malur R Narasimha ; editor : ] - Symposium on Epidemiology, Forecasting and Control of Plant Diseases held at Dept. of Botany,University of Lucknow ...1971
BOOKS001506I: Indian National Science Academy - Symposium on Insect Vector Biology : Proceedings of the Symposium held at Madras during 22-24 November 1979
BOOKS001505I: Indian National Science Academy - Symposium on Hormonal Steroids in Fish. Proceedings of the Satellite Symposium on Hormonal Steroids...1978
BOOKS001291I: Indian National Science Academy - The Indian Lithosphere
BOOKS000640I: Indian National Science Academy [ Jain, D.V.S. ; editor ] - Palaeoclimatic and Palaeoenvironmental Changes in Asia during the last Four Million Years
BOOKS001504I: Indian National Science Academy - Proceedings of the Symposium on Clay Minerals in Indian Soils held at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute...1972
BOOKS000779I: Indian National Science Academy - Proceedings of the Symposium on Rainwater and Dryland Agriculture,New Delhi,3 October 1980
BOOKS000641I: Indian National Science Academy - Proceedings of the Symposium on Comparative Embryology of Angiosperms held at Delhi from May 8 to 19, 1967.
BOOKS002227I: Acaroglu, M. Türker; compiler: - Bulgaristan'da Türkçe yer adlari kilavuzu
BOOKS023092I: Gaudapada Acarya [ Karmakar, Raghunath Damodar (1893-1965) ; editor: ] - Gaudapadakarika
BOOKS007472I: Gaudapada Acarya [Bhattacharya, Vidhushekhara; editor:] - Gaudapadiyam Agamasastram / Bhattacaryena Vidhusekharena racitaya vrttya sahitam.
BOOKS021684I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LVI : fascicolo 1 [1878]
BOOKS031128I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LVIII [1881]
BOOKS031134I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, commercio ed arti di Verona : Vol. L : [1873-1874]
BOOKS031132I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, commercio ed arti di Verona : Vol. XLIX : Fasc. 1 [1873]
BOOKS031133I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LXIX : Fasc. 2 ; & LXX : Fasc. 1 [1893-1894]
BOOKS031131I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LVII : Fasc. 1 [1881]
BOOKS028923I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LXXI [1895]
BOOKS015625I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LXV : Fasc. 3 [1889]
BOOKS031129I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LXVI [1891]
BOOKS031127I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LIX [1882]
BOOKS031126I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LXVII [1891]
BOOKS031124I: Accademia di agricoltura, scienze e lettere di Verona - Memorie dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, arti e commercio di Verona : Vol. LXIV [1888]
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BOOKS009393I: Acemoglu, Daron ; & Robinson, James A. - Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy : Economic and Political Origins
BOOKS001193I: Acham, Karl ; Opgenoorth,Ernst ; Fichtenau, Heinrich ; et al. ; editors : - Methoden der Geschichtswissenschaft und der Archäologie
BOOKS023622I: Acharya, Sant Vivekdas - Kabir and his Footprints
BOOKS010006I: Acharya, A. Sriramana - Halakki Kannada
BOOKS008558I: Acharya, K.P. - Lotha Phonetic Reader
BOOKS015629I: Acharya, Alevur Sriramana - Barkur Kannada
BOOKS006070I: Acharya, Shankar N. & Associates - Aspects of the Black Economy in India
BOOKS001197I: Acharya, R.M., Balaine, D.S. & Mohan, Mani - Genetic Analysis of a Closed Herd of Hariana Cattle
BOOKS000004I: Acharya, K. P.; editor: - Classified Bibliography of Articles in "Indian Linguistics
BOOKS000006I: Acharya, K. P. - Lotha Grammar
BOOKS008955I: Acharyya, R.K. - The Murasings (A Sub-Tribe of Tripura)
BOOKS012019I: Achcar, Gilbert; editor: - The Legacy of Ernest Mandel
BOOKS014313I: Achmad H.P. - Sintaksis bahasa Indonesia
BOOKS020344I: Achté, K.A. (Karl Aimo) - Der Verlauf der Schizophrenien und der schizophreniformen Psychosen : eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Veränderungen ..,.
BOOKS009926I: Achté, Karl Aimo - On Prognosis and Rehabilitation in Schizophrenic and Paranoid Psychoses. A Comparative Follow-up Study ..,.
BOOKS006924I: Achté, K.A. (Karl Aimo) - On Prognosis and Rehabilitation in Schizophrenic and Paranoid Psychoses : A Comparative Follow-up Study of Two Series ..,.
BOOKS008900I: Achumi, Khuzheto & Sreedhar, M.V. - Ghenguno akimi
BOOKS016630I: Ackerman, James S. - Origins, Imitation, Conventions: Representation in the Visual Arts
BOOKS006225I: Acosta Rodriguez, Antonio - La Poblacion de Luisiana Espanola (1763-1803)
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BOOKS026113I: Adam, Christian [pseudonym of Carl Christian Thorvald Andersen (1828-1883)] - En krands paa en arbeiders kiste : Nogle digte
BOOKS018531I: Adam, Heribert - Modernizing Racial Domination : The Dynamics of South African Politics
BOOKS014551I: Adam, Andy ; & Mueller, Peter R. ; editors: - Interventional Radiological Treatment of Liver Tumors
BOOKS020822I: Ádám, György - Perception, Consciousness, Memory : Reflections of a Biologist
BOOKS011847I: Adamczyk, Danuta - Wydawnicza i kulturotwórcza dzialalnosc Spólki Nakladowej "Ksiazka" 1904-1914 z dziejów wydawnictw PPS
BOOKS027641I: Adami, Norbert Richard - Verzeichnis der europäischsprachigen Literatur über die Ainu
BOOKS023683I: Adams, Jad - Madder Music, Stronger Wine : The Life of Ernest Dowson, Poet and Decadent
BOOKS011706I: Adams, Carol J.; editor: - Ecofeminism and the Sacred
BOOKS027375I: Adams, J. Frank - Stable Homotopy Theory
BOOKS018963I: Adams, Carol J. - The Pornography of Meat
BOOKS017615I: Adams, Richard N.; Gillin, John; Goubaud Carrera, Antonio; et al [ Seminario de Integración Social Guatemalteca (Organization) ] - Cultura indígena de Guatemala : Ensayos de antropología social
BOOKS017325I: Adams, Robert Martin - Strains of Discord : Studies in Literary Openness
BOOKS016063I: Adams, Edward Ben - Through Gates of Seoul : Trails and Tales of Yi Dynasty
BOOKS005771I: Adams, Robert McCormick - Paths of Fire : An Anthropologist's Inquiry into Western Technology
BOOKS005396I: Adams, Robert Martin - Nil. Episodes in the Literary Conquest of Void during the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS005408I: Adams, Robert Martin - Ikon: John Milton and the Modern Critics
BOOKS000148I: Adams, William Mansfield, editor: - Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tsunamis & Tsunami Research...Honolulu...1969
BOOKS019486I: Adams, Carol J. - The Sexual Politics of Meat : A Feminist-vegetarian Critical Theory
BOOKS021377I: Adams, Alice Elaine - Reproducing the Womb : Images of Childbirth in Science, Feminist Theory and Literature
BOOKS024030I: Adams, Arthur [1881-1960] ; Weis, Frederick Lewis [1895-1966] ; & Sheppard, Walter Lee ; editors: - The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215 : The Barons Named in the Magna Charta, 1215, and Some of their Descendants ..,.
BOOKS023787I: Adams, Stephen D. - James Purdy
BOOKS018742I: Adamsen, Christian ; & Ebbesen, Klaus ; editors: - Stridsøksetid i Sydskandinavien : Beretning fra et Symposium 28.-30.X.1985 i Vejle
BOOKS010363I: Adamson, Peter ; & Taylor, Richard C. ; editors: - The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
BOOKS027323I: Adandé, Alexis B. A. ; & Arinze, Emmanuel N. - Museums & Urban Culture in West Africa
BOOKS016104I: Adat, Dharmmaraj - Keralodaya : An Epic Kavya on Kerala History
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BOOKS018018I: Addiss, Stephen - Seventy-Seven Dances [ 77 Dances : Japanese Calligraphy by Poets, Monks, and Scholars 1568-1868
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BOOKS021770I: Addy, Premen - Tibet on the Imperial Chessboard : The Making of British Policy Towards Lhasa, 1899-1925
BOOKS006130I: Adell, Birger - Über die elektrolytische Dissoziation von Dicarbonsäuren in Alkalichloridlösungen
BOOKS009759I: Adelman, Jeremy - Republic of Capital : Buenos Aires and the Legal Transformation of the Atlantic World
BOOKS018214I: Adelmann, Marianne ; Smith, Robert ; & Meco, José - Portuguese Tiles : A Guidebook
BOOKS011082I: Adereth, M. - Commitment in Modern French Literature: A Brief Study of "Litterature engagee" in the Works of Peguy, Aragon and Sartre
BOOKS008957I: Adhikari, O.S. - The Problem of Indebtedness Among the Tribals in Sadar Sub-Division of Tripura
BOOKS008482I: Adhikari, Yagya Prasad - Nepal's Foreign Policy During Nepali Congress Government (1959-60)
BOOKS017172I: Adhikari, Gangadhar M. - Communist Party and India’s Path to National Regeneration and Socialism
BOOKS002525I: Adhikari, O.S. - Four Immigrant Tribes of Tripura
BOOKS000008I: Adhikary, Ashim Kumar - Society & World View of the Birhor. A Nomadic Hunting & Gathering People of Orissa
BOOKS024393I: Adib, Auguste - Le Liban apres la Guerre
BOOKS000007I: Adiceam, Emmanuel - La Canne a Sucre au Pays Tamoul
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BOOKS020592I: Adigalasiryar, Thiru - Peralam Irevana Cittar arulic ceyta Civanana tipam : telivana uraiyutan [ Sivajnana Deepam ]
BOOKS007851I: Adimihardja, Kusnaka - Kasepuhan yang tumbuh di atas yang luruh : pengelolaan lingkungan secara tradisional di kawasan Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat
BOOKS011351I: Aditya, Paragmoni - Swadhinata: Sapon aru dithak
BOOKS004612I: Aditya, Rai Mohan - Bivranta Hindu, Bipanna Bharat
BOOKS021879I: Adivasi, B. Murmu - Ad parsi Santali
BOOKS004692I: Adkins, A.W.H. - Poetic Craft in the Early Greek Elegists
BOOKS028432I: Adler, Sigmund [1853-1920] - Über die Schönkirchner Handschrift des österreichischen Landrechts
BOOKS006848I: Adler, Leonore Loeb ; & Mukherji, B. Runi, editors: - Spirit versus Scalpel : Traditional Healing & Modern Psychotherapy
BOOKS017254I: Adler, Judith E. - Artists in Offices : An Ethnography of an Academic Art Scene
BOOKS003700I: Adler, Max - Der Marxismus als proletarische Lebenslehre
BOOKS026210I: Adolfsson, Eva - Livstycken : om kollektivets röster, varuvärldens myter, kvinnors liv och dikt
BOOKS024321I: Adorno, Rolena ; & Boserup, Ivan - New Studies of the Autograph Manuscript of Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala’s Nueva corónica y buen gobierno
BOOKS001885I: Adriaens, L. - Contribution à l'étude chimique de quelques gommes du Congo belge
BOOKS015250I: Adriansen, Inge - Fædrelandet, folkeminderne og modersmålet
BOOKS008876I: Advani, B.H. - Sindhi Sahitya Ji Surihan
BOOKS006622I: Advani, Bherumal Mahirchand - Sindh ain Sindhi (Essays on Sindh & Sindhis)
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BOOKS024262I: Aeppli, Ernst [1892-1954] - Der Traum und seine Deutung : mit 500 Traumsymbolen
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BOOKS022304I: International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - Guatemala 1978 : The Massacre at Panzos
BOOKS022149I: Affron, Charles - Cinema and Sentiment
BOOKS025365I: Afifi, Taha 'Abd Allah - Haqq al-zawj 'alá zawjatihi wa-haqq al-zawjah 'alá zawjiha
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BOOKS023710I: Majlisul Ulama of South Africa - The Feet in Salat : The Salafi Error / Masah Alal Khufain (Laws Regarding Making Masah on Leather Socks)
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BOOKS025590I: Instituto de Estudios Africanos - Segunda exposicion de pintores de Africa
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BOOKS022561I: Afshar, Haleh ; & Barrientos, Stephanie ; editors: - Women, Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World
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BOOKS004563I: Agersnap, Torben, editor: - Contributions to the Theory of Organizations I & II
BOOKS011304I: Agesthialingom, S. - Kanikkara Dialect
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BOOKS001643I: Agesthialingom, S. & Shanmugam, S.V., editors: - Third Seminar on Dravidian Linguistics
BOOKS001542I: Agesthialingom, S. and Gowda, K. Kushalappa, editors: - Dravidian Case System
BOOKS001642I: Agesthialingom, S. ; & Nair, N. Rajasekharan ; editors : - Dravidian Syntax
BOOKS000654I: Agesthialingom, S. and Kumaraswami Raja, N., editors: - Studies in Early Dravidian Grammars (Proceedings of the Seminar on Early Dravidian Grammars)
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BOOKS002680I: Aggarwal, R. K.; Puri, S.R. & Singia, G. D. - Town Survey Report : Maham ( District Rohtak)
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BOOKS017690I: Aggernaes, Martin - The Differential Diagnosis between Hysterical and Epilectic Disturbances of Consciousness or Twilight States
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BOOKS019192I: Agrawal, Arun - Greener Pastures : Politics, Markets and Community Among a Migrant Pastoral People
BOOKS006824I: Agrawal, Binod C., editor: - Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Complex Societies
BOOKS031741I: Ågren, Maria - Jord och gäld : social skiktning och rättslig konflikt i södra Dalarna ca 1650-1850
BOOKS014786I: Ågren, Jon - Sexual Dimorphism and Reproduction in the Dioecious Perennial Herb Rubus chamaemorus
BOOKS000112I: Agterberg, Frederik Pieter - Tectonics of the Crystalling Basement of the Dolomites in North Italy
BOOKS005608I: Aguilar Pinal, Francisco - Impresos sevillanos del siglo XVIII. Adiciones a la 'Tipografia hispalense'
BOOKS030409I: Agusta, Chandra - Entah apa maksudnya
BOOKS004736I: Agwani, Mohammed Shafi - The United States & the Arab World 1945- 1952
BOOKS025562I: Ah, Joseph Ignaz von - Von dem frommen Leben und segensreichen Wirken des Hl. Karl Borromäus, Erzbischofs von Mailand und Cardinals ..,.
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BOOKS024551I: Ahadi, Fazl Ahad - Panjshiriyan va yadvarah-yi raftah'ha
BOOKS024738I: Kaveh Ahangar - Kitab kuhan kishvar..,.
BOOKS018594I: Ahearn, Barry - Zukofsky's "A" : An Introduction
BOOKS007476I: Ahearne, Jeremy - Michel de Certeau: Interpretation and Its Other
BOOKS004257I: Ahern, Emily M. - The Cult of the Dead in a Chinese Village
BOOKS019833I: Aherwar, S.P. - Caste Based Discrimination and Durban Conference
BOOKS017101I: Ahir, D.C. - Growing Up with Dignity: An Autobiography
BOOKS009001I: Ahir, D.C. - Gandhi and Ambedkar: A Comparative Study
BOOKS012018I: Ahl, Valerie & Allen, T.F.H. - Hierarchy Theory: A Vision, Vocabulary, and Epistemology
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BOOKS029536I: Ahlers, Olof ; et al. ; editors : - Lübeck 1226 : Reichsfreiheit und frühe Stadt
BOOKS010573I: Ahlgren, Gillian T.W. - Teresa of Avila and the Politics of Sanctity
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BOOKS026691I: Ahlmann, Hans Wilhelmsson - Om lagbundenhet i bebyggelsens utvecklung i Italien, Danmark och Norge
BOOKS005012I: Ahlqvist, August - Die Kulturworter der westfinnischen Sprachen. Ein Beitrag zu del alteren Kulturgeschichte der Finnen
BOOKS000277I: Ahlstrom, Goran - Studier i Svensk Ekonomisk Politik och Prisutveckling 1776-1802
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BOOKS000010I: Ahmad, S.H. - Anthropometric Measurements & Ethnic Affinities of Chhattisgarh Tribes
BOOKS012854I: Nazimuddin Ahmad [Sunday, John; editor:] - Buildings of the British Raj in Bangladesh
BOOKS011213I: Ahmad, Mohammad Mahmud - Die Verwirklichung des summum bonum in der religioesen Erfahrung
BOOKS002991I: Ahmad, Imtiaz, editor: - Ritual & Religion Among Muslims in India
BOOKS010369I: Ahmad, Zuhur-ud-din - An Examination of the Mystic Tendencies in Islam in the Light of the Qur'an and the Traditions
BOOKS023465I: Ahmad, Jabir 'Ali - Min al-mashhad al-musiqi al-Yamani
BOOKS010169I: Ahmad, Mukhtaruddin; editor: - Al-Mukhtar Min Shi'r Ibn Al-Dumaynah
BOOKS015663I: Ahmad, Jabir 'Ali - Tayyarat tajdid al-ghina' fi al-Yaman : ruyah naqdiyah
BOOKS025608I: Ahmad, Qadiruddin - Pakistan : Facts and Fallacies / Qadeeruddin Ahmed
BOOKS005090I: Ahmad, Aziz - The Shore and the Wave
BOOKS000347I: Ahmad, Qeyamuddin - Corpus of Arabic and Persian Inscriptions of Bihar (AH 640 - 1200)
BOOKS004737I: Ahmad, Nazir, editor: - Makatib-i-Sana'i (Hakim Sana'i's Letters)
BOOKS003441I: Ahmad, Mushtaq - Before and After Independence
BOOKS024900I: Ahmad Kalwadhani, Mahfuz ibn - Ahmad al-Badawi ibn Muhammadan, hayatuhu wa-dawr anzamuuh fi nashr al-sirah wa-ghars mahabbat al-Nabi wa-ta'thiruha ..,.
BOOKS011421I: Ahmad, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam - Jesus in India: Jesus' Deliverance from the Cross & Journey to India
BOOKS011357I: Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Tahir - Murder in the Name of Allah
BOOKS019903I: Ahmad, Kamal Imam - Wilayat al-mar'ah al-qada' : dirasah ta'siliyah li-tajribat 'amal al-mar'ah al-Sudaniyah bi-al-qada' wa-al-shubuhat
BOOKS019974I: Ahmad, Abd al-Hamid Muhammad - al-Qiyam al-ijtimaiyah fi al-turath al-adabi al-Sudani: haqibat al-fann namudhajan
BOOKS021537I: Ahmad, Afaq ; editor: - Madhyah Pradesh men Urdu zaban va adab / murattabah, Afaq Ahmad [Madhya Pradesh mein Urdu zuban-o-adab]
BOOKS028079I: Nazimuddin Ahmad [ Ahmed, Nazimuddin (1926-2009) ] - The Buildings of Khan Jahan In and Around Bagerhat
BOOKS023010I: Ahmad Abd Allah al-Qalqashandi, Shihab al-Din abu - Kitab Subh al-a´sha fi sinaat al-insha [Volume 3]
BOOKS023317I: Ahmad, 'Abd al-Hamid Muhammad - Al-Qahwah fi al-Sudan : turath wa-adab
BOOKS023311I: Ahmad, 'Abd al-Hamid Muhammad - al-Khandaq : al-tarikh, al-qudwah wa-al-ansab
BOOKS025145I: Ahmad, 'Abd al-Hamid Muhammad [ Ali, 'Abd al-Rahman ; editor : ] - al-Sharif Zayn al-'Abidin al-Hindi : al-Sufi al-mu'adhdhab, al-siyasi al-mutamarrid wa-al-sha'ir al-tha'ir ..,.
BOOKS020595I: Ahmada, Sekha Mataluba [ Ahmed, Sheikh Matlub ] - Bamladesa Cukti Aina [ Bangladesh chukti aiyn ]
BOOKS022719I: Ahmadiyya Movement, Ghana - The Anti-Islamic Ordinance. Part One.
BOOKS025276I: Ahmadov, Ruzi ; & Fathulloev, S. - Taranah'ha-yi mardum-i Tajik / tadvin va tahiyyah Ruzi Ahmad va Salah al-Din Fath Allah
BOOKS002076I: Ahmar, Moonis; editor: - The CTBT Controversy: Different Perceptions in South Asia
BOOKS020756I: Ahmavaara, Yrjo - The Cybernetic Theory of Development : Mathematical Models for a Re-evaluation of the Is-ought Problem
BOOKS007536I: Ahmed, Kamaluddin - Assam's "Doubtful Citizens" : Fact or Fiction?
BOOKS011458I: Ahmed, Moinuddin - Ulama: The Boon and Bane of Islamic Society
BOOKS009149I: Ahmed, Akbar S. - Pakistani Muashera
BOOKS009158I: Ahmed, A.F. Salahuddin - Bengali Nationalism and the Emergence of Bangladesh : An Introductory Outline
BOOKS007147I: Ahmed, F.R.; Hall, S.R. & Huber, C.P., editors: - Crystallographic Computing. Proceedings of an International Summer School...
BOOKS009156I: Ahmed, Sufia - Muslim Community in Bengal 1884-1912
BOOKS006823I: Ahmed, Zahir - Dusk & Dawn in Village India. Twenty Fateful Years
BOOKS017857I: Ahmed, Monisha - Living Fabric : Weaving among the Nomads of Ladakh Himalaya
BOOKS002406I: Ahmed, Nilofar; & Shukla, R.L. - Babri Mosque or Rama Janam Temple
BOOKS001879I: Ahmed, Akbar S. - Religion and Politics in Muslim Society: Order and Conflict in Pakistan
BOOKS023371I: Ahmed, Farooque - Manipuri Muslims : Historical Perspectives, 615-2000 CE
BOOKS020949I: Ahmed, M. - A Monograph on Village Nuagolabandh (in Berhampur Subdivision, District Ganjam)
BOOKS009722I: Ahmed, J.M. - The Intellectual Origins of Egyptian Nationalism
BOOKS022779I: Ahmed, M. - A Monograph on Village Sikhapali ( In Malkangiri Subdivision, District Koraput )
BOOKS010372I: Ahmida, Ali Abdullatif - The Making of Modern Libya : State Formation, Colonization, and Resistance.
BOOKS002136I: Ahmida, Ali Abdullatif - The Making of Modern Libya: State Formation, Colonization, & Resistance, 1830-1932
BOOKS023977I: Ahmudi, 'Abd Allah Muhammad - Qabilat al-'Usaylat al-Rufa'iyin
BOOKS029048I: Ahrweiler, Hélène ; editor : - Géographie historique du monde méditerranéen
BOOKS022229I: Ahto, Aito Kullervo - Dangerous Habitual Criminals : A Psychopathologic and Sociologic Study of 216 Segregated Criminals
BOOKS024759I: Ahuja, Shyam ; Maluste, Mridula ; & Desouza, David - Dhurrie : Flatwoven Rugs of India
BOOKS006701I: Ahuja, Kanta - Idle Labour in Village India
BOOKS004883I: Ahuja, Sadhu - Zindgi: Hik Raz, Hik Awaz
BOOKS027883I: Aicher, Simon - Festigkeitsuntersuchungen an platten- und scheibenbeanspruchten Sandwichelementen aus Spanplattendeckschichten .,.,.
BOOKS005498I: Aichhorn, August [1878-1949] - Wayward Youth
BOOKS003218I: Aichinger, Erwin - Pflanzen als forstliche Standortsanzeiger
BOOKS026938I: Aigremont, Dr. [pseudonym of Siegmar Baron von Schultze-Galléra (1865-1945)] - Volkserotik und Pflanzenwelt : eine Darstellung alter wie moderner erotischer und sexueller Gebräuche.,,.I. - II. Band
BOOKS024876I: Aijmer, Göran ; & Ho, Virgil K. Y. - Cantonese Society in a Time of Change
BOOKS022623I: Aijmer, Göran ; editor : - Leadership on the China Coast
BOOKS004054I: Aiken, Pauline - The Influence of the Latin Elegists on English Lyric Poetry 1600-1650 with Particular Reference to the Works of Robert Herrick
BOOKS027333I: Aikhenval'd, IUlii Isaevich [1872-1928] ; et al. - V sporakh o teatrie : sbornik statei / IU. Aikhenval'd, Sergieia Glagolia, Vl. I. Nemirovicha-Danchenko,.,. [V sporach o teatre]
BOOKS020446I: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. - A Grammar of Tariana, from Northwest Amazonia
BOOKS027434I: Ailianos, Konstantinos I. - Mia prooptike symmachias Hellados-Austro-Houngarias choris epaurio : 1883-1887
BOOKS006165I: Ailianoy, Konstantinoy I. - E Aystro-Oyggaria kai e Prosartese tes Thessalias kai tes Epeiroy (1878-1881)
BOOKS027959I: Aimaq, Jasmine - For Europe or Empire? : French Colonial Ambitions and the European Army Plan
BOOKS002527I: Aït Ahmed, Hocine ; et al. : [ Conférence internationale de Paris (1989) ] - International Paris Conference : 14-15 October 1989 : The Kurds : Human Rights and Cultural Identity / Contributions & Messages
BOOKS006051I: Aiyangar, K.V. Rangaswami - Aspect of Ancient Indian Economic Thought
BOOKS020472I: Aiyappan, Ayinipalli [1905-1988] - Social Revolution in a Kerala Village : A Study in Culture Change
BOOKS014853I: Aizenberg, Lev Abramovich ; & Dautov, Shamil' Abdullovich - Differential Forms Orthogonal to Holomorphic Functions or Forms, and Their Properties
BOOKS013929I: Ajami, Fouad - The Vanished Imam: Musa Al Sadr and the Shia of Lebanon
BOOKS002305I: Ajami, Fouad - The Vanished Imam: Musa al Sadr and the Shia of Lebanon
BOOKS006220I: Ajayi, J. F. Ade - Christian Missions in Nigeria 1841 - 1891. The Making of a New Elite
BOOKS021649I: Ajijola, Adeleke Dirisu - The Hijacking of Christianity
BOOKS008494I: Ajmali, Ajmal; Mehdi, Sughra ; & Rizvi, Azra - Ghulam Rabbani Taban: shakhsiyat aur adabi khidmat
BOOKS006131I: Ajwani, Lal Singh Hazari Singh - Uchhal
BOOKS000011I: Ajwani, L.H. - History of Sindhi Literature
BOOKS012267I: Akademia e Shkencave e Shqiperise, Institut i Gjuhesise dhe i Letersise - Konferenca shkencore: shoqipja standarde dhe shoqeria shqiptare sot
BOOKS002418I: Akademia e Shkencave e RPS te Shqiperise, Instituti i Historise - Lidhja Shqiptare e Prizrenit 1878-1881. Fjalime dhe referate mbajtur me rastin e njeqindvjetorit te saj
BOOKS018698I: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien [Stockholm] - Early Medieval Studies 1 - 8 [1970-1975]
BOOKS028549I: Akarli, Engin Deniz - The Long Peace : Ottoman Lebanon, 1861-1920
BOOKS024821I: Akattiyar [ Rajan, Em Es ] - Caumiya cakaram
BOOKS025345I: Akattiyar [ Arankaracan, Ca ; patippaciriyar : ] - Akattiyar attavanai vakatam
BOOKS012930I: Akbar Ali, Syed - Malaysia and the Club of Doom : The Collapse of the Islamic Countries
BOOKS025097I: Akbar'nizhad, Mahdi - Barrasi-i tatbiqi-i mahdaviyat dar rivayat-i shi'ah va ahl-i sunnat
BOOKS008492I: Akbarabadi, Maikash [1902-19??] - Masa'il-i-tasavvuf
BOOKS015389I: Akehurst, F. R. P. ; & Davis, Judith M. ; editors: - A Handbook of the Troubadours
BOOKS007842I: Akenson, Donald Harman - Saint Saul: A Skeleton Key to the Historical Jesus
BOOKS003168I: Akerman, John Yonge - An Archaeological Index to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic,Romano-British & Anglo-Saxon Periods
BOOKS022991I: Akgönül, Samim ; editor: - Reciprocity : Greek and Turkish Minorities Law, Religion and Politics
BOOKS020787I: Akhiezer, N. I. ; & Krein, M.G. - Some Questions in the Theory of Moments
BOOKS002696I: Akhlaque, Ahmad ; Alvi, N.M. ; Singh, R.K.; & Gopal, Chandan - Survey Report on Village Rajderwa Tharu
BOOKS006949I: Akhmisse, Mustapha - Tata ou l'errance fugitive
BOOKS029372I: Akhtara, Vasima ; & Engineer, Asgharali - Muslima arakshana : eka bahasa / Muslim Reservation : A Debate
BOOKS022690I: Akhushkov, Shamil ; editor: [ Babochkin, Boris (1904-1975)] - Litso sovetskogo kinoaktera : B. Babochkin, V. Gardin [... et al.] o sebe
BOOKS005278I: Akins, Joel - Passing It On : Traditional Lanna Music in the Modern-day City of Chiang Mai
BOOKS021531I: Akkara, Anto - Kandhamal : A Blot on Indian Secularism
BOOKS001090I: Akmajian, Adrian & Heny, Frank - An Introduction to the Principles of Transformational Syntax
BOOKS028776I: Akmir, Youssef ; editor : - Agadir en torno a 1911 : aproximaciones historiográficas hispano-marroquíes al Agadir del siglo XIX y principios del XX
BOOKS012909I: Akninah, al-Arabi - Fi al-masalah al-Amazighiah, usul al-Magharibah
BOOKS016480I: Akram, Musarrat - Bachche aur masail
BOOKS026732I: Aksin, Sina - Essays in Ottoman-Turkish Political History
BOOKS009928I: Aktan, Feriha - Gok, Bulut ve Yagmur: Siirler
BOOKS008387I: Aktan, Feriha - Dagbasi: Siirler
BOOKS017794I: Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaftn [ I.G. Farben ] - Medizin und Chemie : Abhandlungen aus den Medizinisch-chemischen Forschungssttten der I.G. Farbenindustrie ..,.Band III
BOOKS028633I: Akural, Sabri M. ; editor : - Turkic Culture : Continuity and Change
BOOKS028811I: Ala'-ad-Din, Magid - Suwayda' Suriyah : mawsu'at shamilah 'an Jabal al-'Arab / usrat al-tahrir Isma'il al-Mulhim, Wahbi Sari al-Din, Hayil al-Qantar
BOOKS020168I: Ala Ajada, Alauddina [ al-Azad, Alauddin ] - A Study of Life and Short Poems of Iswarchandra Gupta / Alauddin al-Azad
BOOKS009331I: Aladzhov, Zhivko - Pametnitsi na prabulgarskoto ezichestvo
BOOKS012899I: Alahyane, Mohamed - Etudes anthropologiques en Anti-Atlas Occidental: La tribu Lakhsass
BOOKS007686I: Alaid, Yousuf [I'd, Yusuf al] [Elydd, Jose] - Haula adau Filastin
BOOKS011630I: Alakappan, Aru [Azhagappan, Aru] [1937- ] - U. Ve. Ca. nulkalil collum cuvaiyum
BOOKS020792I: Alam, Asadollah [1919-1978] [ Alikhani, Alinaghi ] - The Shah and I : The Confidential Diary of Iran's Royal Court, 1969-1977
BOOKS023295I: Alami, Mourad - Hhikayat aalamiya be ellougha elmaghribiya / telif ou qtibas Mourad Alami.
BOOKS012887I: Alami, Mohamed - Allal el Fassi, patriarche du nationalisme marocain: biographie.
BOOKS017121I: Alami, Mustafa Mashish - al-Qunaytirah : milad al-madinah wa-al-harakah al-wataniyah, 1913-1937
BOOKS007248I: Alamuddin, Najib - Turmoil : The Druzes, Lebanon and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
BOOKS004586I: Brody. Alan - The English Mummers and Their Plays. Traces of Ancient Mystery
BOOKS002295I: Alan, Amer H. - The Dilemma
BOOKS001364I: Alanne, Eero - Die deutsche Weinbauterminologie in althochdeutscher und mittelhochdeutscher Zeit
BOOKS024013I: Alansi, Gayed Mohamed [ Alanasi, Kaid Muhammad ] - The Populations Interpenetration and Its Effect on the Yemeni-Abyssian Relations (1900-2000)
BOOKS020543I: Alas, Leopoldo [1852-1901] - His Only Son
BOOKS005646I: Alas, Asmahan 'Aqlan - al-Mawruth al-thaqafi lil-marah al-'Adaniyah / Asmahan 'Aqlan 'Ali al-'Als
BOOKS029495I: Alasania, G. ; translator & editor : [ Kâtip Celebi (1609-1657 CE) ] - K'at'ib C'elebis c'nobebi Sak'art'velosa da Kavkasiis sesaxeb
BOOKS029501I: Alasania, Giuli - K'art'velebi da islamamdeli t'urk'ebi
BOOKS009269I: Alaverdasvili, David ; Kukhalasvili, Eliso ; Luarsabishvili, Vladimer ; Koller, Stanislaw ; Majewski, Marcin ; et al. - The Great Terror in Soviet Georgia 1937-1938 : Repressions Against Poles
BOOKS009443I: Alavi, Hamza & Harriss, John; editor: - South Asia [Sociology of "Developing Societies"]
BOOKS010465I: Alawi, Muhammad al-Falah - Jami al-Qarawiyin wa-al-fikr al-salafi, 1873-1914
BOOKS009176I: Alba, Víctor - Los generales y los personajillos contra el pueblo dominicano: Historia de una iniquidad
BOOKS007271I: Alban, Anite & Christiansen, Terkel; editors: - The Nordic Lights: New Initiatives in Health Care Systems
BOOKS003432I: Albani, D.; Griselli, A. ; Mori, A. & Toniolo, A.R. - Le Spiagge Toscane
BOOKS018262I: Alberni, Gaspar Quintana ; editor: [Editorial de Ciencias Sociales (Havana, Cuba)] - Grenada : The World Against the Crime
BOOKS019150I: Albers, Jan - Hands on the Land : A History of the Vermont Landscape
BOOKS006578I: Albert, Ernö - Sír az út elöttem: Háromszéki cigányok gyüjtött népköltészet és levéltári okmányok
BOOKS017051I: Albert, Hans [1921- - Konstruktion und Kritik : Aufsätze zur Philosophie des kritischen Rationalismus
BOOKS003402I: Alberti, Rafael - The Lost Grove. Autobiography of a Spanish Poet in Exile
BOOKS028560I: Albertini, Rudolf von ; & Wirz, Albert - Europäische Kolonialherrschaft, 1880-1940
BOOKS028660I: Albertini Mason, Babetta von - Menschenrechte aus westlicher und asiatischer Sicht : zu den Grundwerten der liberalen Demokratie
BOOKS014459I: Alberts, Allison C.; et al: editors: - Iguanas : Biology and Conservation
BOOKS013735I: Albertsen, Leif Ludwig [1936 - ] - Das Lehrgedicht: Eine Geschichte der antikisierenden Sachepik in der neureren deutschen Literatur..,.
BOOKS009198I: Albertsen, Leif Ludwig - Engelen mi : en bog om den danske jødefejde
BOOKS020750I: Albertsson, Per Åke - Partition of Cell Particles and Macromolecules : Distribution and Fractionation of Cells, Viruses, Microsomes, Proteins ..,.
BOOKS027285I: Albeverio, S. ; Ferreira, L. S. ; & Streit, L. ; editors : - Resonances - Models and Phenomena : Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research Bielefeld ..,.,.
BOOKS027407I: Albini, Giuseppe [1863-1933] ; editor : [ Giovanni del Virgilio (active 1319 CE) ] [ Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) ] - Dantis eclogae Ioannis de Virgilio carmen et ecloga responsiva. Testo, commento, versione a cura di Giuseppe Albini.,.,.
BOOKS007315I: Alboge, Gordon; Meldgaard, Eva Villarsen & Weise, Lis; editors: - Analogi i Navngiving. Tiende nordiske navneforskerkongres, Brandbjerg 20.-24. maj 1989
BOOKS026039I: Albrecht von Schønberg, Jørgen Johan [1782-1841] - Mindetale over Dr. Johan Daniel Herholdt, Etatsraad, Professor, Ridder af Danebroge, Danebrogsmand o.s.v.,.,.,
BOOKS006583I: Albrecht-Carrie, Rene - Italy at the Paris Peace Conference
BOOKS016160I: Albrecht, Peter-Alexis - Perspektiven und Grenzen polizeilicher Kriminalprävention : Diversionsmodelle aus den USA in der Sicht deutscher Instanzenvertre
BOOKS014229I: Albrecht, Klaus - Malta's Temples : Alignment and Religious Motives : Astronomical Orientation of the Megalithic Temples in Malta and Gozo ..,.
BOOKS004052I: Albrecht, William P. - William Hazlitt & the Malthusian Controversy
BOOKS020014I: Albrecht, M. - Optionen und Optanten in Nordschleswig im Rahmen des Wiener Friedens vom 30. Oktober 1864
BOOKS002942I: Albrechtsen, Dorte; Henriksen, Birgit; Mees, Inger M. & Poulsen, Erik, editors: - Perspectives on Foreign & Second Language Pedagogy. Essays Presented to Kirsten Haastrup on the Occasion of her 60th Birthday
BOOKS030693I: Albrectsen, Erling - Et fynsk offerfund fra den ældre romerske jernalder [together with 2 other offprints]
BOOKS025313I: Albrectsen, Erling - Gravpladsen på Møllegårdsmarken ved Broholm [Parts 1 & 2] : Tekst & Tavler [ Fynske jernaldergrave, Bd. IV ]
BOOKS030698I: Albrethsen, Svend Erik - Træk af nordboarkæologiens historie [together with: 'The Discovery of Svalbard- A Problem Reconsidered]
BOOKS004608I: Albright, William Foxwell [1891-1971] - Archaeology and the Religion of Israel: The Ayer Lectures of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School
BOOKS017876I: Albrow, Martin ; & King, Elizabeth ; editors: - Globalization, Knowledge and Society : Readings from International Sociology
BOOKS006001I: Albrow, Martin - The Global Age: State and Society Beyond Modernity
BOOKS011948I: Albu, Corneliu - Dela Bobalna la Alba-Iulia (Lupta Transilvaniei Pentru Dreptate si Libertate)
BOOKS010307I: Albuquerque, Joao Victor d' - Duas palavras sobre a alimentacao so estado de saude e no tratamento de algumas doencas
BOOKS003550I: Albury, Paul - The Story of the Bahamas
BOOKS011536I: Albus, Anita - Eia popeia et cetera : eine Sammlung alter Wiegenlieder aus dem Volk
BOOKS007876I: Alchon, Guy - The Invisible Hand of Planning: Capitalism, Social Science, and the State in the 1920s
BOOKS006397I: Alcock, John - The Kookaburras' Song: Exploring Animal Behavior in Australia
BOOKS009596I: Alcoff, Linda Martin - Real Knowing: New Versions of the Coherence Theory
BOOKS021365I: Alcolea, Santiago - Zurbarán
BOOKS019464I: Aldanov, Mark Aleksandrovich [1886-1957] - Ogon' i dym / M.A. Aldanov
BOOKS008748I: Aldrich, Robert - The Seduction of the Mediterranean : Writing, Art, and Homosexual Fantasy
BOOKS022012I: Aldy, Joseph E. ; & Stavins, Robert N. ; editors: - Post-Kyoto International Climate Policy : Implementing Architectures for Agreement
BOOKS003916I: Aleaz, K.P. - The Role of Pramanas in Hindu-Christian Epistemology
BOOKS029906I: Alekhine, Alexander Alexandrovich [1892-1946] ; Kmoch, Hans ; Maróczy, Géza ; & Nimzowitsch, Aron - Das erste internationale Schachmeisterturnier in Kecskemét 1927
BOOKS031571I: Alekniene, Ona Danute - Tradicines aprangos priedai : ry?eliai, delmonai, ri?tuvai, pinigines, dir?ai, krep?iai
BOOKS006347I: Aleksandrov, V. A. - Obychnoe pravo krepostnoi derevni XVIII- nachalo XIX v.
BOOKS024280I: Aleksiev, Bozhidar - Sedem miusiulmanski svettsi ot Bulgariia
BOOKS022947I: Aleksiev-Chofart, Aleksandar - Mitraizmat i drevnite balgari : kulturen archetipi
BOOKS013398I: Aleksiev, Bozhidar - Folklorni profili na miusiulmanski svetsi v Bulgaria
BOOKS019452I: Aleksiev-Khofart, Aleksandur - Izgubenite kodove na drevnite Bulgari
BOOKS022854I: Aleman, L. - Grammaire élémentaire de la langue quichée
BOOKS020921I: Aleramo, Sibilla [1876-1960] - A Woman
BOOKS009257I: Ales, Anatole - Bibliotheque liturgique: Description des livres de liturgie imprimes aux XVe et XVIe siecles ...
BOOKS003318I: Aleva, Gerardus Jacobus Johannes - Geology & Petrology of the Gabbi-Mesket Region, Swedish Lapland
BOOKS014491I: Alexan, G. F. ; editor : [ Deutscher Funk-Verlag ; publishers ] - USA in Wort und Bild: Heft 2, 4, 5, 6 [1950], 7, 10 [1951]; 1 [1952]
BOOKS014540I: Alexander, G. W. - Letters on the Emancipation; With a Reply to Objections Made to the Liberation of the Slaves in the Spanish Colonies
BOOKS019372I: Alexander, R. McNeill - Animal Mechanics
BOOKS014454I: Alexander, Jeffrey C. ; & Colomy, Paul Burbank ; editors: - Differentiation Theory and Social Change : Comparative and Historical Perspectives
BOOKS011190I: Alexander, Anna & Roberts, Mark S.; editors: - High Culture: Reflections on Addiction and Modernity
BOOKS010118I: Alexander, Jeffrey C. - Neofunctionalism and After
BOOKS009806I: Alexander, of Aphrodisias [ Sharples, R.W. ; translator ] - Quaestiones 1.1 - 2.15
BOOKS008653I: Alexander, of Aphrodisias [ Barnes, Jonathan ; Bobzien, Susanne ; Flannery, Kevin; & Ierodiakonou, S.J. & Naterina; translators - On Aristotle's Prior Analytics 1.1-7
BOOKS008627I: Alexander, M. Jacqui & Mohanty, Chandra Talpade; editors: - Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures
BOOKS011431I: Alexander, of Aphrodisias [Mueller, Ian; & Gould, Josiah; translators] - On Aristotle’s "Prior Analytics 1.14 - 22"...Introduction, Notes, and Appendices by Ian Mueller.
BOOKS013170I: Alexander, Robert Jackson [1918 - ] - Political Parties of the Americas: Canada, Latin America, and the West Indies [Volume 2]: Guadeloupe - Virgin islands
BOOKS004197I: Alexander, Martin, editor: - Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Ecology, Technology & Physiology
BOOKS016720I: Alexander, Kern ; Dhumale, Rahul ; & Eatwell, John ; editors: - Global Governance of Financial Systems: The International Regulation of Systemic Risk
BOOKS016452I: Alexander, Michael Van Cleave - The First of the Tudors : A Study of Henry VII and His Reign
BOOKS019622I: Alexander, Jeffrey C. ; Marx, Gary T. ; & Williams, Christine L. ; editors: - Self, Social Structure, and Beliefs : Explorations in Sociology
BOOKS028462I: Alexandersen, Verner - Sukas V : A Study of Teeth and Jaws from a Middle Bronze Age Collective Grave on Tall Sukas
BOOKS010320I: Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry - The Law of Global Communications
BOOKS021034I: Alexandrowicz, Stanislaw - Rozwój kartografii wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego od XV do polowy XVIII wieku
BOOKS007901I: Alexandru, Nicolaie - Callatis : oras grecesc in tinutul getilor
BOOKS027245I: Alexanian, M. ; & Zepeda, Arnulfo ; editors: [Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics (1973)] - Particles, Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics : Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics ..,.,.
BOOKS010614I: Alexiadou, Artemis ; Anagnostopoulou, Elena ; & Everaert, Martin ; editors: - The Unaccusativity Puzzle : Explorations of the Syntax-Lexicon Interface
BOOKS027426I: Alexieva, Aphrodita [ Aleksieva, Afrodita ] - Les oeuvres en prose traduites du grec a l'epoque du reveil national bulgare
BOOKS024384I: Alexy, Zdenko G. ; editor: - Ex libris armales 1983 : curriculis vitae adnexis contemporaneorum de arte et scientia armorum bene meritorum : Tomus primus
BOOKS014221I: Alfaric, Prosper [1876 - 1955] - Les écritures manichéennes, I & II
BOOKS009385I: Alfaro Asins, Carmen [Museo Arqueológico Nacional] - Sylloge nummorum graecorum : España : Volumen 1 : Hispania : Ciudades feno-púnicas : Parte 1 : Gadir y Ebusus [
BOOKS019817I: Alfieri, Nereo ; editor: - L'età antica (II) : IV a.C.- VI d.c [Storia di Ferrara. Volume III, Tomo I]
BOOKS021309I: Alfieri, Nereo ; editor: - L'età antica (II) : IV a.C.- VI d.c [Storia di Ferrara. Volume III, Tomo 2]
BOOKS031073I: Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth [ Cahn, Herbert Adolph; & Kaufmann-Heinimann, Annemarie ; editors :] [Stiftung Pro Augusta Raurica] - Der Spätrömische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst : Textband + Tafelband
BOOKS009295I: Alfoldi, Andrew - The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome
BOOKS031190I: Alföldi, Andreas [1895-1981] [ Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth ; editor: ] - Caesariana : Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Geschichte Caesars und seiner Zeit
BOOKS021838I: Alföldy, Géza - Römische Sozialgeschichte
BOOKS012745I: Alford, Stephen [1970- ] - Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI
BOOKS025860I: Alfred, Christian [pseudonym of Julius Christian Gerson (1811-1894)] - Paul : poetisk Fortælling / af Christian Alfred
BOOKS024439I: Algadri, Hamid - Kifah abna' al-'Arab didda al-istimar al-Hulandi fi Indonisiya
BOOKS028260I: Algeria - a photo album containing 34 original photographs, ca. 1900-1920s
BOOKS017591I: Algosaibi, Ghazi Abdulrahman [ Qusaybi, Ghazi 'Abd al-Rahman ] - Seven
BOOKS026740I: Algreen-Ussing, Gregers ; Bek, Lise ; Frandsen, Steen Bo ; & Hansen, Jens Schjerup ; editors: - Urban Space and Urban Conservation as an Aesthetic Problem : Lectures Presented at the International Conference in Rome.,.,.
BOOKS021169I: Alhonsaari, Antti - Prayer : An Analysis of Theological Terminology
BOOKS023096I: Ali, Sadiq - Report on Kashmir
BOOKS014506I: Ali, Tariq - The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity
BOOKS019274I: Ali, Tariq - Bush in Babylon : The Recolonisation of Iraq
BOOKS014829I: Ali Muhammadi Ardakani, Javad - Pizhuhishi dar zilu-yi Yazd
BOOKS010705I: Ali, Ausaf - Broader Dimensions of the Ideology of Pakistan
BOOKS007986I: Ali, Imran - The Punjab Under Imperialism, 1885 - 1947
BOOKS007282I: Ali, Mehrunnisa - Politics of Federalism in Pakistan
BOOKS006732I: Ali Arshi, Imtiyaz, editor: - Kitab Marsum al-Khatt by al-Imam Abu Bakr Muhammas b. al-Qasim b. Muhammad b. Bashshar al-Anbari al-Baghdadi (d.328/940)
BOOKS016905I: Ali, Muhammad Mohar - History of the Muslims of Bengal : Volume I A : Muslim Rule in Bengal (600-1170 / 1203-1757)
BOOKS005224I: Ali, Ameer - The Spirit of Islam. A History of the Evolution & Ideals of Islam with a Life of the Prophet
BOOKS025292I: Ali, Muhammad Mohar - History of the Muslims of Bengal : Volume I B : Survey of Administration, Society and Culture.
BOOKS023321I: Ali, Ahmad Rajab Muhammad - al-Masjid al-Nabawi bi-al-Madinah al-munawwarah wa-rusumuhu fi al-fann al-Islami
BOOKS023358I: Ali, Muhammad Fadl - al-Turabi, al-Bashir, al-khilafah al-kadhibah
BOOKS023364I: Ali, Jamal Mustafa - al-Qibab wa-al-adrihah fi al-Sudan: al-Kitab al-Thani
BOOKS026675I: Aliberti Gaudioso, Filippa Maria ; & Gaudioso, Eraldo ; editors: [ Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali ] - Gli Affreschi di Paolo III a Castel Sant'Angelo : progetto ed esecuzione, 1543-1548 [Volume I & II]
BOOKS023314I: Alier, Abel ; & El Sheikh, Mohamed Ahmed - Excesses in Human Rights Violations : Detention, Torture and Trial of Father Hilary and Others
BOOKS006243I: Alieva, Adel' - M.F. Akhundov i teatr (k stsenicheskoi istorii dramaturgii)
BOOKS012298I: Aliko, Tomor - Rilindja e Bektashizmit ne Shqiperi
BOOKS010510I: Alimeck, Michel. - Dieu t'a cree, tu as crie
BOOKS030386I: Alirezai, Karim - Payvastagi-i zaban-i Luri ba zaban-i Tajiki: payvand-i du zaban-i Aryayi Luri va Tajiki az didgah-i vazhagan
BOOKS031679I: Alisauskiene, MIlda ; & Kuznecoviene, Jolanta ; editors : - Religija ir visuomene: teorines izvalgos ir kasdienybes praktikos
BOOKS018091I: Aliyan, Cenkai - Kunti irukka oru kutinilam : cirukataikal
BOOKS027579I: Alkema, B. ; & Bezemer, T. J. (Tammo Jacob) - Beknopt handboek der volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië
BOOKS009861I: Alker, Hayward R. - Rediscoveries and Reformulations: Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies
BOOKS018948I: Alker, Hayward R. - Rediscoveries and Reformulations : Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies
BOOKS028587I: Alkim, Hassan Hamdan - The Foreign Policy of the United Arab Emirates / Hassan Hamdan al-Alkim
BOOKS023050I: Alkumru, Nizamettin - Laz kültür tarihi
BOOKS030840I: All India Federation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backwards, Minorities Employees Welfare Associations - Judicial Activism and Reservations
BOOKS019483I: Alladice, Darryl ; editor: [ Troupe, Quincy ; introduction ] - New City Voices
BOOKS030332I: Allahyari, Ahmed - Baha'iyan dar 'asr-i Pahlaviha
BOOKS027091I: Allali, Jean-Pierre - Les Juifs de Tunisie : images de mémoire
BOOKS015685I: Allan, J. A. (John Anthony) [Allan, Tony] - The Middle East Water Question : Hydropolitics and the Global Economy
BOOKS015559I: Allan, Sarah - Way of Water and Sprouts of Virtue
BOOKS005896I: Allan, J.A., editor: - Water, Peace and the Middle East. Negotiating Resources in the Jordan Basin
BOOKS004933I: Alland, Alexander, Jr. - Adaptation in Cultural Evolution. An Approach to Medical Anthropology
BOOKS001478I: Alland, Alexander ; & Alland, Sonia - Crisis and Commitment: The Life History of a French Social Movement
BOOKS012465I: Allane, Lee - Tribal Rugs: A Buyer's Guide
BOOKS028835I: Allati, Abdelaziz ; editor : - Linguistic amazighe : les nouveaux horizons : Actes du Colloque : 17, 18, 19 février 2005
BOOKS008339I: Allee, Mark A. - Law and Local Society in Late Imperial China: Northern Taiwan in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS006598I: Campagne contre le modele Ouest-Allemand - Energie nucleáire? Non merci
BOOKS030410I: Allen, Wayne W. - Penginjilan suku Dayak di Kalimantan Barat
BOOKS024019I: Allen, W. E. D. (William Edward David) ; compiler: - Russian Embassies to the Georgian Kings (1589-1605) : Volumes I & II
BOOKS014409I: Allen, Michael Thad - The Business of Genocide : The SS, Slave Labor and the Concentration Camps
BOOKS005136I: Allen, J.W.T. - Tendi : Six Examples of a Swahili Classical Verse Form with Translations & Notes
BOOKS002887I: Allen, Cynthia L. - Case Marking and Reanalysis: Grammatical Relations from Old to Early Modern English
BOOKS019135I: Allen, Michael Thad ; & Hecht, Gabrielle ; editors: - Technologies of Power : Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes and Agatha Chipley Hughes
BOOKS012441I: Allen, Walter R.; Epps, Edgar G. & Haniff, Nesha Z.; editors: - College in Black and White: African American Students in Predominantly White and in Historically Black Public Universities
BOOKS008546I: Allen, Carol - Black Women Intellectuals: Strategies of Nation, Family, & Neighborhood in the Works of Pauline Hopkins, Jessie Fauset...
BOOKS008466I: Allen, Elizabeth Cheresh - Beyond Realism: Turgenev's Poetics of Secular Salvation.
BOOKS007971I: Allen, Susan Heuck - Finding the Walls of Troy: Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann at Hisarlik
BOOKS018333I: Allen, Frederick S. - Zürich, the 1820's to the 1870's : A Study in Modernization
BOOKS017274I: Allen, Roger M. A. ; editor: - An Introduction to Arabic Literature
BOOKS016190I: Allen, Paul Marshall ; & Allen, Joan deRis - Fingal's Cave, the Poems of Ossian and Celtic Christianity
BOOKS025176I: Allen, Paul H. [1911-1963] - The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce
BOOKS005056I: Allen, Herbert Warner - The Uncurtained Throne
BOOKS004542I: Allen, James Smith - Popular French Romanticism. Authors, Readers & Books in the 19th Century
BOOKS004356I: Allen, C.F. - Det danske Sprogs Historie i Hertugdommet Slesvig eller Sonderjylland. Forste - Andet Bind.
BOOKS000801I: Allen, James Smith - In the Public Eye: A History of Reading in Modern France, 1800-1940
BOOKS019832I: Allen, Roy F. - Literary Life in German Expressionism and the Berlin Circles
BOOKS008375I: Allen, Naomi; & Lovell, Sarah; editors: - A Tribute to George Breitman: Writer, Organizer, Revolutionary
BOOKS032001I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Hammer, Olav ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LIX, No.s 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2012]
BOOKS032002I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Hammer, Olav ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LVII, No.s 1; 2; 3-4; 5 [2010]
BOOKS031996I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Feldt, Laura ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LXVI, No. 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2019]
BOOKS031995I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Feldt, Laura ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LXV, No. 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2018]
BOOKS031997I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Hammer, Olav ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LXII, No. 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2015]
BOOKS031998I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Hammer, Olav ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LXI, No. 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2014]
BOOKS031999I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Hammer, Olav ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LX, No. 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2013]
BOOKS032000I: Alles, Gregory D. ; & Hammer, Olav ; editors : - Numen : International Review for the History of Religions : Vol. LVIII, No. 1 ; 2-3; 4 ; 5-6 [2011]
BOOKS004269I: Alley, Rewi - Refugees From Viet Nam in China
BOOKS004185I: Alleyne, Mark D. - International Power & International Communication
BOOKS022286I: Alliaume, Maurice [1882-1931] - Théorie de la propagation des ondes liquides dans les tuyaux élastiques
BOOKS022342I: Allied Powers, Agent General for Reparation Payments / Germany. Generalagent für Reparationszahlungen ; Reparationskommission - Bericht des Generalagenten für Reparationszahlungen 10. Dezember 1927 [bound together with 14 reports]
BOOKS000122I: Allin, Dana H. - Cold War Illusions. America, Europe & Soviet Power, 1969 - 1989
BOOKS023791I: Allin, Dana H. ; & Simon, Steven - The Sixth Crisis : Iran, Israel, America and the Rumors of War
BOOKS029515I: Allingham, Michael - Unconscious Contracts : A Psychoanalytical Theory of Society
BOOKS014681I: Allison, J. B. (James Boyd) [1901 - 1964] ; & Fitzpatrick, William H. - Dietary Proteins in Health and Disease
BOOKS021558I: Allison, David B. ; editor: - Psychosis and Sexual Identity : Towards a Post-Analytic View of the Schreber Case
BOOKS012677I: Alliston, April - Virtue's Faults: Correspondences in Eighteenth-Century British and French Women's Fiction
BOOKS011136I: Alllison, K.J. - A History of the County of York East Riding, Volume VI: The Borough and Liberties of Beverley
BOOKS006721I: Allmand, Christopher; et al; editors : - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. VII: c.1415 - c. 1500
BOOKS003210I: Allmendinger, K. - Die mazedonische Frage. Nachdruck von "Wissen und Wehr
BOOKS004369I: Allmendinger, David F., Jr. - Paupers & Scholars. The Transformation of Student Life in Nineteenth-Century New England
BOOKS006398I: Allott, Philip - Eunomia: New Order for a New World
BOOKS015745I: Allouche, Adel [Maqrizi, Ahmad ibn 'Ali (1364-1442)] - Mamluk Economics : A Study and Translation of al-Maqrizi's Ighathah
BOOKS003734I: Alloway, Lawrence - The Venice Biennale 1895- 1968. From Salon to Goldfish Bowl
BOOKS015632I: Allworth, Edward ; editor: - Tartars of the Crimea: Return to the Homeland
BOOKS007098I: Allwright, Winston J. - South African Co-operative Citrus Exchange Limited. Its History, Policy & Achievements
BOOKS026079I: Almagià, Roberto ; Baldini, A.; Cassuto, U. ; Cerulli, E.; Conti-Rossini, C. ; Gaibi, A. ; Guidi, I. ; et al. - L' Etiopia
BOOKS006587I: Almagro, Martin - La necropolis meroitica de Nag Gamus (Masmas, Nubia Egipcia)
BOOKS018523I: Almagro, Martín [ Almagro Basch, Martín ] - Estelas decoradas del suroeste peninsular
BOOKS001085I: Almeida, António José de [1866-1929] - Discursos do António José de Almeida..,.
BOOKS007618I: Almeida, Maria Emilia de Castro e - Estudo serologico dos grupos etnolinguisticos de Timor-Dili: Sistema (ABO)
BOOKS013566I: Almeida, Antonio do Santissimo Sacramento Thomaz de, [1821 - ?] - Reflexões sobre os vinculos / por dom Antonio do Santissimo Sacramento Thomaz de Almeida e Silva Saldanha ...
BOOKS013565I: Almeida, Antonio do Santissimo Sacramento Thomaz de, [1821 - ?] - Breves considerações sobre os vinculos. Terceiro folheto sobre a questão
BOOKS010537I: Almeida Saldanha, Eduardo de - Portuguesas, alerta!
BOOKS002651I: Almeida, Eurico de - Laboratorio da Zona Sanitaria do Cuanza. Relatorio sobre o Funcionamento do Laboratorio da Zona Sanitaria do Cuanza...
BOOKS001887I: Almeida, Armando Antunes de - Monografia Agricola de Massinga (Posto-Sede)
BOOKS013567I: Almeida, Antonio do Santissimo Sacramento Thomaz de, [1821 - ?] - A reforma dos vinculos / por dom Antonio do Santissimo Sacramento Thomaz de Almeida e Silva Saldanha ...
BOOKS006161I: Almkvist, Herman Napoleon [1839-1904] - Den semitiska sprakstammens pronomen. Bidrag til en jamforande semitisk grammatik. I: Inledning: Om det jamforande studiet...
BOOKS024982I: Almog, 'Oz ; & Milchram, Gerhard ; editors : [ Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien ] - E.M. Lilien : Jugendstil, Erotik, Zionismus
BOOKS019187I: Almond, Brenda - Exploring Ethics : A Traveller's Tale
BOOKS016996I: Almond, Barbara ; & Almond, Richard - The Therapeutic Narrative: Fictional Relationships and the Process of Psychological Change
BOOKS002267I: Aloja, Ada - Sobre la Variabilidad de Algunos Caracteres Antropometricos observados en Grupos de Indigenas Centroamericanas
BOOKS020481I: Alonso, Gladys ; editor: - Segundo simposio contra el genocidio yanqui en Vietnam
BOOKS013483I: Alonso Hernández, José Luis; Blanquat, Josette; Plaisance, Michel; & Quilliet, Bernard - Culture et marginalités au XVIe siècle
BOOKS008063I: Alonso, Marcelo; editor: - Organization and Change in Complex Systems
BOOKS019065I: Alonso Franco, Nicanor - El Portal : Estudio juridico-porteril en cinco partes dividas en cuatro trancos, cinco jornadas, siete etapas, cinco escalones..
BOOKS017096I: Alonso, Dámaso [1898-1990] - Spanische Dichtung: Versuch über Methoden und Grenzen der Stilistik
BOOKS013257I: Alonso, Paula [1964 - ] - Between Revolution and the Ballot Box: The Origins of the Argentine Radical Party in the 1890s /
BOOKS019493I: Alonso, Dora [1910-2001] - El año 61
BOOKS016803I: Alosh, Mahdi - Using Arabic: A Guide to Contemporary Usage
BOOKS002505I: Alouane, Youssef - L'Emigration maghrebine en France
BOOKS026499I: Alp, Ilker - Ehrenfriedhöfe in Edirne und Umgebung, die die Grausamkeiten der Bulgaren in die Gegenwart bezeugen
BOOKS026960I: Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereines - a scrapbook containing 137 mounted tickets & receipts, mostly for overnighting at Alpenverein mountain huts, ca.1922-1938
BOOKS023888I: Alpers, Boris Vladimirovic [1894-1974] - Teatr revoliutsii
BOOKS028534I: Alptekin, Coskun - The Reign of Zangi (521-541 / 1127-1146)
BOOKS020198I: Alram, Michael - Nomina propria Iranica in nummis : Materialgrundlagen zu den iranischen Personennamen auf antiken Münzen : Textband + Tafelband
BOOKS022852I: Tre fortællinger fra Ærø til Als - Tre fortællinger fra Ærø og Als
BOOKS019975I: Alsaadawi, Ossama - Hieroglyphic Roots as Reported in Papyrus Texts of Ancient Egyptians. Volume I.
BOOKS025990I: Alsfeld (Kreis) - Amtsverkündigungsblatt für den Kreis Alsfeld : Nr. 1. - 85. [2. Januar - 19. Dezember 1930]
BOOKS026958I: Alsfeld (Kreis) - Amtsverkündigungsblatt für den Kreis Alsfeld : Nr. 1. - 89. [6. Januar - 31. Dezember 1927]
BOOKS027699I: Alsted, Jacob - A Model of Human Motivation for Sociology
BOOKS004871I: Alstrom, Carl Henry - A Study of Epilepsy in its Clinical, Social and Genetic Aspects
BOOKS030710I: Alt, Albrecht [1883-1956] - Die Herkunft der Hyksos in neuer Sicht
BOOKS021780I: Altena, Jean Francois Regteren ; Bakker, J.A. ; Clason, A.T. ; Glasbergen, W. ; Groenman-van Waateringe, W. ; & Pons, L.J. - The Vlaardingen Culture
BOOKS016891I: Altenberg, Paul [1890-1960] - Eigentum : Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen
BOOKS006216I: Altenpohl, D. - Materials in World Perspective. Assessment of Resources, Technologies & Trends for Key Materials Industries
BOOKS021361I: Alter, Torin Andrew ; & Walter, Sven ; editors: - Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge : New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism
BOOKS012770I: Althaus, Scott L., [1966- ] - Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics: Opinion Surveys and the Will of the People
BOOKS015489I: Altheim, Franz - Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache. Von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Literatur
BOOKS024839I: Althin, Carl-Axel [1915-1975] - Man and Environment : A View of the Mesolithic Material in Southern Scandinavia
BOOKS024278I: Althoff, Gerd - Otto III
BOOKS014626I: Althusser, Louis - The Future Lasts a Long Time and The Facts
BOOKS014791I: Althusser, Louis - Machiavelli and Us
BOOKS013431I: Althusser, Louis - Pour Marx
BOOKS030541I: Altinger, Altmann [ Krones, Franz Xaver, Ritter von Marchland ] - Die zwei ältesten Nekrologien von Kremsmünster [together with: "Die Markgrafen von Steier : ihre Anfänge..,." ]
BOOKS030993I: Altinger, Altmann - Die zwei ältesten Nekrologien von Kremsmünster
BOOKS012673I: Altman, Edward I. [1941- ] - Bankruptcy, Credit Risk, and High Yield Junk Bonds
BOOKS001296I: Altmann, Wilh. - Studien zu Eberhart Windecke. Mitteilung bisher unbekannter Abschnitte aus Windeckes Welt-Chronik
BOOKS024246I: Altner, Günter - Die Überlebenskrise in der Gegenwart : Ansätze zum Dialog mit der Natur in Naturwissenschaft und Theologie
BOOKS012894I: Altoma, Salih J. - Modern Arabic Poetry in English Translation: A Bibliography / Shir al-Arabi al-hadith al-mutarjam ilá al-Injiliziyah
BOOKS031606I: Altrichter, Helmut - Die Bauern von Tver : vom Leben auf dem russischen Dorfe zwischen Revolution und Kollektivierung
BOOKS011079I: Altunov, Ivan - Iztochniiat vupros i Nova Turtsiia: s osoben ogled kum interesitie na Bulgariia
BOOKS000798I: Altvater, Elmar ; & Huisken, Freerk - Materialien zur politischen Ökonomie des Ausbildungssektors
BOOKS028808I: Alusi, Hammam Hashim - al-Tawariq : al-sha'b wa-al-qadiyah : tarikhiyan mansiyan wa-hadiran maqhuran wa-mustaqbalan majhulan
BOOKS006379I: Alva y Astorga, Pedro de [d. 1667]; Carpani, Domenico de; Grenier, Nicole - Monumenta Italo-Gallica, ex tribus auctoribus maternâ linguâ scribentibus pro Immaculata Virginis Mariae...
BOOKS012490I: Alvarenga, Pedro Francisco da Costa [1826-1883] - Do silicato de potassa no tratamento da erysipela. Experiencias physiologicas e therapeuticas; observacoes originaes
BOOKS029667I: Alvarez, David J. ; editor : - Allied and Axis Signals Intelligence in World War II
BOOKS005508I: Alvarez, Melquiades [1864-1936] [ Laskowski-Warschau, P ] - Der Prozess Ferrer vor der spanischen Kammer.,. [bound together with "Der Klosterprozess von Czenstochau"]
BOOKS006616I: Alvarez, Fernando - Comportamiento social y hormonas sexuales en "Saimiri sciureus
BOOKS006156I: Alvarez Pellitero, Maria Pilar - Helmintocenosis del tracto digestivo de la trucha en los rios de Leon
BOOKS004122I: Alvarez, Walter C. - Nervousness, Indigestion and Pain
BOOKS007191I: Alves da Costa, Ismael - Eu acuso...e sugiro. A bem de Mocambique e a bem da nacao
BOOKS007665I: Alvesson, Mats - Postmodernism and Social Research
BOOKS021254I: Alvi, M.A. ; & Rahman, A. - Jahangir : The Naturalist
BOOKS000079I: Alwall, Ellen - The Religious Trend in Secular Scottish School-Books 1850-1861 & 1873-1882 with a Survey of the Debate on Education in Scotland
BOOKS019843I: Alyta, M. ; editor: - Eiles arba deklemacijos / surinko ir isleido M. Alyta
BOOKS011201I: Amac, Faik Muzaffer - Dava Askeri Yargitayda
BOOKS028875I: Manshurat Amal (Casablanca, Morocco) - Bayan Yanayir 1944 bayna matlabayh, al-istiqlal wa-al-dimuqratiyah
BOOKS020177I: Amaldi, Ginestra Giovene - The Nature of Matter : Physical Theory from Thales to Fermi
BOOKS027965I: Aman Allahi Baharvand, Sikandar [ Amanolahi, Sekandar ] - Majmu'ah-i maqalat darbarah-yi Luristan va Iran
BOOKS017156I: Amanat, Abbas - Resurrection and Renewal : The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, 1844-1850
BOOKS022170I: Amandry, Angélique - L'indépendance grecque dans la faïence francaise du 19e siècle
BOOKS008104I: Amann, Peter H. - The Corncribs of Buzet: Modernizing Agriculture in the French Southwest
BOOKS031364I: Amaracandrasuri (active 13th century CE) [ Betai, Ramesh S. ; editor : ] - Kavyakalpalatavrttih : Parimala - Makaranda tikadvayasameta / Amaracandrayati viracita ; sampadaka Ra. Sum. Betai
BOOKS023140I: Amaral, Julio do - Rocha Pombo e a Historia do Brasil : notas e comentarios
BOOKS002929I: Amaral, Ilidio do - O Rio Cuanza (Angola), da Barra a Cambambe: Reconstituicao de aspectos geograficos e acontecimentos historicos dos seculos XVI..
BOOKS029158I: Getahun Amare - Ya'amareña sawasew : baqalal 'aqararab / Gétahun 'Amara
BOOKS024186I: Amargianakis, George - An Analysis of Stichera in the Deuteros Modes : The Stichera Idiomela for the Month of September ..,. Parts I & II
BOOKS013078I: Das, Amarnath - India and Jambu Island, Showing Changes in Boundaries and River-courses of India and Burmah
BOOKS012555I: Amaro Monteiro, Fernando de Albuquerque e Castro - Carta aberta aos muculmanos de mocambique independente
BOOKS027417I: Amayo, Ralph K. ; editor : - Algebra Carbondale 1980 : Lie Algebras, Group Theory, and Partially Ordered Algebraic Structures ..,.
BOOKS000830I: Ambashthva, Brahmadeva Prasad; translator: [Abbas Khan Sarwani bin Saikh Ali Sarwani] - Tarikh-i-Ser Sahi.Translated from the original Persian by Brahmadeva Prasad Ambashthva
BOOKS005755I: Ambastha, G.S.P. - Congress Government in Bihar
BOOKS020368I: Ambedkar, V. C. - Some Indian Weaver Birds : A Contribution to Their Breeding Biology
BOOKS025358I: Settimana per i beni culturali e ambientali (1976 : Naples, Italy) [ Abete, Maria Grazia Cataldi ; et al ] - Monumenti e paesaggio nel tempo in Campania : [catalogo della] mostra bibliografica per la Settimana dei beni culturali..,.1976
BOOKS026593I: Ambolt, Nils Peter [1900-1969] - Karawanen : im Auftrag Sven Hedins durch Innerasien
BOOKS028608I: Ambraseys, N. N. (Nicholas Nicholas) ; & Finkel, Caroline F. - The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas : A Historical Review, 1500-1800
BOOKS004149I: Ambrose, Alice & Lazerowitz, Morris, editors: - G.E. Moore. Essays in Retrospect
BOOKS025186I: Ambrosiani, Björn - a collection of 16 offprints and extracts ca. 1960-1994
BOOKS024753I: Ambühl, Ernst - Petrographie und Geologie des zentralen Gotthardmassivs südlich Andermatt
BOOKS030140I: C'amc'isvil-P'ic'xalauri, Amiran [ C'amc'isvili, Amiran - K'art'velt'a kulturuli gvaclmosileba Sua Aziasi : (misionuri cvlili) ; T'emur Lengiseul Xuarezm-Sogdia-T'uransi ..,.
BOOKS015070I: Amchan, Arthur J. - The Kaiser's Senator : Robert M. La Follette's Alleged Disloyalty During World War I
BOOKS012519I: Amchi Gurmet Namgyal & Phuntsog, S.T. - Amchi Pharmaco-Therapeutics
BOOKS025054I: Amden, Bettina ; Flensted-Jensen, Pernille; Nielsen, Thomas Heine; Schwartz, Adam; & Tortzen, Chr. Gorm ; editors: - Noctes Atticae : 34 Articles on Graeco-Roman Antiquity and its Nachleben ..,.
BOOKS029171I: Yeraswork Admassie ; & Ezana Amdework - The Aräqe Dilemma : The Socioeconomics of Traditional Distilled Alcohol Production, Marketing, and Consumption in Ethiopia
BOOKS018435I: Ameillon, B. - La Guinée : Bilan d'une indépendance
BOOKS010883I: Czechoslovak National Council of America - Czechoslovakia: Its Sacrifice and Future
BOOKS005277I: Research Library of the Tanner's Council of America - Reports & Papers from the Research Library of the Tanner's Council of America at the University of Cincinnati 1924-1949,Vol. 1-6
BOOKS019774I: Proletarian Party of America - Manifesto and Program of the Proletarian Party of America
BOOKS021694I: Confederación de Estudiantes Antimperialistas de América [ Vázquez Pallares, Natalio (1913-1981)] - Conclusiones del 1er Congreso de Estudiantes Antimperialistas de la América
BOOKS010321I: International Congress of Americanists - Actes du XLII Congrès International des Américanistes. Volume VII
BOOKS018872I: International Congress of Americanists - Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes : Congrés du centenaire; Paris, 2 - 9 septembre 1976. Vol. IX - B
BOOKS020799I: Seccion Editorial de la Compania Ambas Américas - Almanaque catolico ecuatoriano 1928
BOOKS004298I: Amerine, Maynard A. & Borg, Axel E. - A Bibliography on Grapes, Wines & other Alcoholic Beverages & Temperance. Works Published in the United States before 1901.
BOOKS007554I: Amert, Susan - In a Shattered Mirror : The Later Poetry of Anna Akhmatova
BOOKS014019I: Ames, Roger T.; Dissanayake, Wimal ; & Kasulis, Thomas P.; editors: - Self as Person in Asian Theory and Practice
BOOKS013878I: Ames, Roger T.; & Dissanayake, Wimal; editors: - Self and Deception: A Cross-cultural Philosophical Enquiry
BOOKS018380I: Ames-Lewis, Francis - The Intellectual Life of the Early Renaissance Artist
BOOKS012902I: Ameur, Meftaha; & Boumalk, Abdallah; editors: - Standardisation de l'amazighe: Actes du seminaire organise par le centre de l'Amenagement Linguistique, Rabat, 8-9 decembre 2003
BOOKS017196I: Amhajur, Rashid - al-Nabsh al-awwal fi masrah al-duma bi-al-Maghrib
BOOKS013535I: Amiard-Chevrel, Claudine [Etude collective de l'Equipe 'Theatre moderne'] [ Autant-Mathieu, M.-C. ; et al. ] - L'ouvrier au théâtre de 1871 a nos jours [ Cahiers théâtre Louvain 58 / 59 ]
BOOKS001508I: Amid, Mohammad Javad - Agriculture, Poverty & Reform in Iran
BOOKS029930I: Amiguet, Frédéric [1869 - 1953] - Les milices vaudoises
BOOKS026307I: El-Amin, Mustafa - African-American Freemasons : Why They Should Accept Al-Islam
BOOKS000457I: El Amin, Yusuf - Cosi va il mondo nel Sudan
BOOKS009814I: El-Amin, Mustafa [1957- ] - Freemasonry, Ancient Egypt, and the Islamic Destiny
BOOKS009634I: Amin, Samir - Accumulation on a World Scale : A Critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment
BOOKS008371I: El-Amin, Mustafa - Al-Islam, Christianity & Freemasonry
BOOKS022043I: El-Amin, Mustafa - Afrocentricity, Malcolm X, and Al-Islam
BOOKS024964I: Amini, Amin - Sikkah'shinasi-i akharin shahan-i Sasani : bar'rasi'ha-yi tarikhi va sikkah'shinakhti dar avakhir-i dawrah-i Sasani va ibtida-yi
BOOKS024512I: Amini, Amin - Sikkaha-i sasani
BOOKS024513I: Amini, Amin - Sikkahha-yi Iran, qabl az Islam : Muzih-i Mirza Muhammad Kazimayni
BOOKS030047I: Aminson, Henrik ; editor : - Bidrag till Södermanlands äldre kulturhistoria, på uppdrag af Södermanlands fornminnesförening utg. : I - II - III
BOOKS020834I: Amir Intikhabi, Shahram - Jughrafiya-yi tarikhi-i Gilan
BOOKS000764I: Amirahmadi, Hooshang - Revolution and Economic Transition : The Iranian Experience
BOOKS006043I: Centre for Ethnic Amity [Overseas Information Service of the Government of Sri Lanka] - The Ethnic Problem in Sri Lanka. A Collection of Articles & Essays
BOOKS020039I: Ammann, Hektor [1894-1967] - Die Italiener in der Schweiz : Ein Beitrag zur Fremdenfrage
BOOKS008248I: Ammonius, Hermiae; Boethius [d. 524] [Blank, David L.; & Kretzmann, Norman; translators] - On Aristotle On Interpretation 9 [Ammonius] / On Aristotle On Interpretation 9 [Boethius] First and Second Commentaries
BOOKS002024I: Ammor, Mohammed Fouad - Le Maroc dans l'économie mondiale
BOOKS029748I: Ammundsen, Esther [1906-1992] - Om ikke-kuliltebindende haemoglobin i blodet under normale og patologiske forhold
BOOKS013680I: Amoghavarsa [814 - 880] [Shanker Kedilaya, A.; editor] - Karnataka Kavirajamargam
BOOKS004802I: Amoss, Pamela T. & Harrell, Stevan, editors: - Other Ways of Growing Old. Anthropological Perspectives.
BOOKS027098I: Amouretti, Marie-Claire ; & Comet, Georges - Le livre de l'olivier
BOOKS030535I: Ampferer, Otto [1875-1947] - Geologische Formenwelt und Baugeschichte des östlichen Karwendelgebirges
BOOKS030808I: Amrawi, 'Umar Gharamah - al-Dalil al-Barraq : 'alá hawadith al-Kuwayt wa-al-'Iraq / 'Umar Ibn Gharamah al-'Amrawi
BOOKS029314I: Amri, Ahmed - L'alternance au Maroc expliquée à mon fils : essai
BOOKS026897I: Amrtacandra [10th century CE] [ Jaini, Padmanabh S. ; editor: ] - Laghutativasphotah / Amrtacandrasrtah ; sampadaka Padmanabha Jaini
BOOKS020581I: Amrutalinkampillai, T.S. ; & Venkatarajan, S. ; editors: - Carapentira vaittiya muraikal : nayana roka cikiccai
BOOKS011716I: Amselle, Jean-Loup - Mestizo Logics: Anthropology of Identity in Africa and Elsewhere
BOOKS029023I: Amshara, Muhammad - Dhakirat Ayat 'Abd Allah
BOOKS023781I: Amstutz, Gerhardt Christian - Geologie und Petrographie der Ergussgesteine im Verrucano des Glarner Freiberges
BOOKS025213I: Historisk Samfund for Holbæk Amt - Fra Holbæk Amt : Årbog for Historisk Samfund for Holbæk Amt [a collection of 34 volumes ca. 1908-1984]
BOOKS025198I: Amtoft, S. K. - Stednavnene som bebyggelses-og religionshistorisk kildestof : En kritiskhistorisk oversigt
BOOKS030576I: Amuli, Jawadi, Ayatullah - Life of Gnosis : A Mystical Study of Imam 'Ali's Life
BOOKS031756I: Amundsen, Tina ; editor : - Elgfangst og bosetning i Gråfjellområdet [ Gråfjellprosjektet, Bind 2 ]
BOOKS008596I: Amutan, Puvai - Ilavaracikkuc conna irupatu kataikal
BOOKS022083I: Nguyên Ngoc Tho ; Trân Hông Liên ; Phan An ; et al. - Tín nguõng Thiên Hâu vùng Tây Nam Bô : sách chuyên khao
BOOKS026601I: An-isa, D - Pioneri sop'lad
BOOKS022848I: Anadimisra ; Pattanayak, Dukhisyama - Rasagosthirupakam
BOOKS021843I: Anadon Frutos, Emilio - Estudios sobre el aparato digestivo de los Ephippigerinos
BOOKS028531I: Anagnostakis, Ilias [ Anagnostakes, Elias ] ; & Balta, Evangelia - La découverte de la Cappadoce au dix-neuvième siècle
BOOKS028044I: Anaja, Markus ; editor : - Lippu ja kunnia : näkökulmia sotilasperinteeseen II.
BOOKS029720I: Anamali, Skënder [1921-1996] - Des Illyriens aux Albanais
BOOKS006967I: Anand, Dinesh S. - Who Is a Sudra?
BOOKS021669I: Ananda, Kesava - Himacala ka loka sangita
BOOKS006862I: Anandan, N.N. - Aanandaachim Padaam
BOOKS021757I: Ananthanarayana, H. S. - Four Lectures on Panini's Astadhyayi
BOOKS008736I: Anantharajan, A.; editor [Manavasagam Kadanthar] - Tiruvatikai Manavacakam Katantarin Unmai vilakkam
BOOKS011334I: Ananti, Irakavan [1959 - ] - Ulaki oru puvakki [Ulagai oru poovaaki]
BOOKS028282I: Organisation révolutionnaire anarchiste - Front libertaire des luttes de classes: No.s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9,10,12,13,14 [octobre 1970-fevrier 1972]
BOOKS031025I: Bund Freier Sozialisten und Anarchisten (Hamburg) - Zeitgeist : Zeitschrift für sozialen Fortschritt, freien Sozialismus, Kultur und Zeitgeschehen : Nr. 13 - 30/31 [1971 - 1974]
BOOKS031715I: Anastasiadis, Agis I. - Greek Traditional Architecture : Thessaloniki Old Town
BOOKS013434I: Anastasova, Ekaterina Evgenieva - Staroobredtsite v Bulgariia: mit, istoriia, identichnost
BOOKS016087I: Anastasova, Ekaterina Evgenieva - Etnichnost, traditsiia, vlast : etiudi za prekhoda
BOOKS023744I: Anati, Emmanuel - Evoluzione e stile nell'arte rupestre camuna
BOOKS019390I: Anati, Emmanuel - Capo di Ponte, centro dell'arte rupestre camuna
BOOKS026414I: Anati, Emmanuel ; editor : [ Centro camuno di studi preistorici ] - Bollettino del Centro camuno di studi preistorici. Vol. 15
BOOKS006717I: Anati, Emmanuel - Evolution & Style in Camunian Rock Art
BOOKS018808I: Anati, Emmanuel - Arte preistorica in Valtellina
BOOKS014947I: Anati, Emmanuel - Capo di Ponte
BOOKS001617I: Anati, Emmanuel; Balout, L.; Beltran, A.; Graziosi, P.; Ucko, P.J.; et al: editors: - Symposium International d'Art Prehistorique: Valcamonica, 23-28 Septembre 1968
BOOKS026404I: Anati, Emmanuel ; editor : [ Centro camuno di studi preistorici ] - Bollettino del Centro camuno di studi preistorici. Vol. 13/14
BOOKS010604I: Washburne. Heluiz Chandler & Anauta - Land of the Good Shadows : The Life Story of Anauta, an Eskimo Woman
BOOKS006714I: Anbari, Muhammad ibn al-Qasim [884-940 AD] [ Arshi, Imtiaz 'Ali Khan (1904-1981); editor]: - Kitabu'l Maqtu' wal-Mausul by al-Imam Abu Bakr Mohammad b. al-Qasin b. Mohammad b. Bashshar al-Anbari al-Bagdadi (d. 328/ 940)
BOOKS008056I: Anchel, Marjorie; editor: - Overpopulation of Cats and Dogs: Causes, Effects, and Prevention
BOOKS026838I: Anchersen, Ansgar - Dissertatio philosophica de statu animæ cataractali ..,. / Ansgarius Anchersen
BOOKS013298I: Anchersen, Hans Peder - Herthedal ved Leyre i Siæland, og det gamle Dannemark 150 aar for og efter Christi Fødsel
BOOKS011273I: Anchete, Angelo N. - Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience
BOOKS018248I: Anday, Melih Cevdet - Telgrafhane
BOOKS013810I: Andaya, Barbara Watson; & Andaya, Leonard Y. - A History of Malaysia
BOOKS024005I: Andel, Emil - Kronika rodu Andelu z Ronovce
BOOKS013988I: Van Andel, Tjeerd Hendrik - Beyond the Acropolis: A Rural Greek Past
BOOKS003628I: van Andel, Tj. & Postma, H., et al. - Recent Sediments of the Gulf of Paria. Reports of the Orinoco Shelf Expedition, Volume 1
BOOKS018001I: Andelson, Robert V. - Land-Value Taxation Around the World
BOOKS028153I: Anderberg, Birgitte ; editor : [ Museet på Koldinghus ] - Til taffel i Vinterpaladset : .,. / Zur Tafel im Winterpalast : Russische und westeuropäische Porzellan- und Fayencearbeiten..,.
BOOKS018196I: Anderegg, Johannes - Fiktion und Kommunikation: Ein Beitrage zur Theorie der Prosa
BOOKS003758I: Anderer, Paul - Other Worlds. Arishima Takeo & the Bounds of Modern Japanese Fiction
BOOKS025534I: Andersen, Poul [1901-1985] - Fonemsystement i østfynsk : på grundlag af dialekten i Revninge sogn
BOOKS026233I: Andersen, Per ; Münster-Swendsen, Mia; & Vogt, Helle ; editors : - Law and Power in the Middle Ages : Proceedings of the Fourth Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History 2007
BOOKS026103I: Andersen, Anton [1856-1911] - Skuffede Haab : Fortællinger og Skitser
BOOKS030226I: Andersen, Knut Tage - A Brief History of the Mekane Yesus Church
BOOKS027311I: Andersen, Ruth - Den rapmundede muse : 10 års Danmarkshistorie i skillingsviser fra Matthias Seests bogtrykkeri
BOOKS012864I: Andersen, R. (Rasmus) [1848-1930] - Fra besøget i gamle Danmark. Minder fra en rejse med "Thingvalla" i 1881.
BOOKS011034I: Andersen, J. Bach; editor: - Modern Radio Science 1990
BOOKS014744I: Andersen, J. Oskar - Fra Trankebarmissionens Begyndelsestid : Lidt Strejflys over Forholdene i Moderlandet
BOOKS002759I: Andersen, Flemming G.; McGrew, Julia; Pettit, Tom & Schroder, Reinhold, editors: - Popular Drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages. A Symposium
BOOKS019111I: Andersen, Niels J - Studier over hovedprincipperne i den islamiske handelsret
BOOKS027868I: Andersen, Tage Revsgård - Tilfældet Aksel Larsen
BOOKS022788I: Andersen, H. Hellmuth - The Barbar Temples. Volume 2: Appendices
BOOKS008425I: Andersen, Ruben - Subjektive Fehlertheorie: Eine Relativitatstheorie des naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens
BOOKS022609I: Andersen, Lene - Studies in Oracular Verses : Concordance to Delphic Responses in Hexameter
BOOKS006663I: Andersen, Dines & Smith, Helmer, editors: - The Pali Dhatupatha and the Dhatumanjusa : Edited with Indexes.
BOOKS018751I: Andersen, Henrik Steen ; Lillebæk, Sestoft, Dorte; & Gabrielsen, Gorm - Isolationsundersøgelsen : Varetaegtsfaengsling og psykisk helbred. Bind I & II
BOOKS016828I: Andersen, Flemming Gorm - Shiloh: The Danish Excavations at Tall Sailun, Palestine..,. II: The Remains from the Hellenistic to the Mamluk Periods
BOOKS015938I: Andersen, Holger - Den graesk-tyrkisk Befolkningsudveksling (1923-34) [bound together with 10 other books concerning Turkey, ca. 1922-1953]
BOOKS027702I: Andersen, Ivar ; Borg,Kristian ; & Ohlsson, Sverker - Playground Sweden
BOOKS021756I: Andersen, Per ; Salonen, Kirsi ; Sigh, Helle Møller ; & Vogt, Helle ; editors: - Law and Marriage in Medieval and Early Modern Times : Proceedings of the Eighth Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal.,
BOOKS005694I: Andersen, Per ; Tamm, Ditlev ; & Vogt, Helle ; editors: - How Nordic are the Nordic Medieval Laws?: Proceedings from the First Carlsberg Conference on Medieval Legal History
BOOKS030361I: Andersen, S. Ry (Sigurd Ry) [1915-2004] - The Eye and Its Diseases in Antiquity : A Compilation Based on Finds from Ancient Times
BOOKS005591I: Andersen, Johs. - The Food of the Danish Badger (Meles Meles Danicus Degerbol). With Special Reference to the Summer Months
BOOKS005187I: Andersen, Flemming & Nojgaard, Morten; editors: - The Making of the Couple: The Social Function of Short-Form Medieval Narrative
BOOKS004553I: Andersen, Frode - Studies on the Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Fibers in Relation to the Internal Structure.
BOOKS003955I: Andersen, Einar - Heinrich Christian Schumacher. Et Mindeskrift
BOOKS003923I: Andersen, Svend Th. - Forests at Lovenholm, Djursland, Denmark at Present & in the Past
BOOKS003900I: Andersen, J. Oskar - Holger Rosenkrantz den Laerde. En Biografisk Skildring med Bidrag til Belysning af danske Kirke-og Studieforhold ...
BOOKS003586I: Andersen, Michael ; Horsnæs, Helle W. ; & Moesgaard, Jens Christian ; editors : - Magister Monetae : Studies in Honour of Jørgen Steen Jensen
BOOKS001969I: Andersen, Harry - Runologica : Harry Andersens udvalgte runologiske afhandlinger udgivne pa hans 70 Aars dag 21 - 2 - 1971 af Selskab for Nordisk
BOOKS001164I: Andersen, Svend Th. - Vegetation & its Environment in Denmark in the Early Weichselian Glacial (Last Glacial)
BOOKS000733I: Andersen, Kaj Blegvad - African Traditional Architecture : A Study of the Housing and Settlement Patterns of Rural Kenya
BOOKS000237I: Andersen, Søren Fredslund - The Tylos Period Burials in Bahrain : Volume 1 : The Glass and Pottery Vessels
BOOKS000636I: Andersen, Bent ; & Tågholt, Knud ; editors: - Tågehornet : Skrevet av ungdom - for ungdom : Nordisk Tidsskrift : I. Årgang, No. 1- 12a [ Januar - December 1943]
BOOKS021615I: Andersen, John ; & Siim, Birte ; editors : - The Politics of Inclusion and Empowerment : Gender, Class and Citizenship
BOOKS025680I: Andersen, Troels ; Kirkeby, Per ; & De Waal, Allan - Hus- billede- dekoration : 20'erne i Danmark
BOOKS026013I: Andersen, Paul [ pseudonym of Julius Christian Gerson (1811-1894) ] - En livshistorie : fortalt af ham selv og udgiven af en Ven: Første - Anden Deel
BOOKS026149I: Andersen, Anton [1856-1911] - Fra stille Skove : Sange og Digte
BOOKS026150I: Andersen, Frederik Vilhelm [1820-1910] - Nogle Betragtninger og Studier over og i Sammenhæng med Biskop Martensens 'Den christelige Ethik'
BOOKS013758I: Andersen, Vilhelm [1864-1953] - Poul Møller : hans liv og skrifter efter trykte og utrykte kilder : i hundredaaret for hans fødsel
BOOKS003951I: Andersen, Raghild ; & Larsen, Helge - Vi blev reddet denne Gang
BOOKS024310I: Andersen, Esben Sloth - Evolutionary Economics : Post-Schumpeterian Contributions
BOOKS024419I: Andersen, Merete Geert ; compiler : [ Arnamagnæanske Institut (Denmark) ] - Katalog over am Accessoria 7 : de latinske fragmenter
BOOKS022705I: Anderson, Olov Bertil ; compiler: - A Concordance to Five Systems of Transcription for Standard Chinese
BOOKS025724I: Anderson, Perry - Considerations on Western Marxism
BOOKS022664I: Anderson, Nels [1889-1986] ; editor: - Studies in Multilingualism
BOOKS013808I: Anderson, Lisa - The State and Social Transformation in Tunisia and Libya, 1820-1980
BOOKS010597I: Anderson, Judith H. - Words That Matter : Linguistic Perception in Renaissance English
BOOKS006045I: Anderson, Richard D., Jr. - Public Politics in an Authoritarian State: Making Foreign Policy During the Brezhnev Years
BOOKS008869I: Anderson, Robin; & Dartington, Anna; editors: - Facing It Out: Clinical Perspectives on Adolescent Disturbance
BOOKS008085I: Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. - Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia
BOOKS007320I: [ International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament ] Anderson, G.W.; et al: editors: - Volume du Congres. Strasbourg 1956
BOOKS019031I: Anderson, Mary [1872-1964] - Woman at Work : The Autobiography of Mary Anderson as told to Mary N. Winslow.
BOOKS018645I: Anderson, S. H.; & Hopmans, J. W - Tomography of Soil-Water-Root Processes
BOOKS006159I: [ International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament ] Anderson, G.W.; et al: editors: - Congress Volume. Rome 1968
BOOKS015172I: Anderson, Benedict Richard O’Gorman - Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
BOOKS015083I: Anderson, James A. ; Rosenfeld, Edward ; & Pellionisz, Andras ; editors: - Neurocomputing: Directions for Research, Volume 2
BOOKS015082I: Anderson, James A. ; & Rosenfeld, Edward; editors: - Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks
BOOKS016345I: Anderson, Daniel R.; Huston, Aletha C.; Schmitt, Kelly L.; Linebarger, Deborah L.; & Wright, John C. - Early Childhood Television Viewing and Adolescent Behavior
BOOKS024660I: Anderson, M. S. (Matthew Smith) - Historians and Eighteenth-century Europe, 1715-1789
BOOKS003343I: Anderson, Hugh G. - Lutheranism in the Southeastern States 1860 - 1886. A Social History
BOOKS004416I: Anderson, John [1833-1900] - Herpetology of Arabia
BOOKS030146I: Anderson, Wilhelm Robert Karl [1880-1940] - Kritik der Ansichten von B. Jung über die obere Grenzdichte der Himmelskörper [together with 2 other short papers by Anderson]
BOOKS021396I: Anderson, David - Histories of the Hanged : The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire
BOOKS030656I: Anderson, E.M. - The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke Formation with Applications to Britain
BOOKS028750I: Anderson, Robin Leslie - Colonization as Exploitation in the Amazon Rain Forest, 1758-1911
BOOKS014077I: Andersson-Brolin, Lillemor ; Staugård, Frants; Cornell, I.E. ; Hannan-Andersson, C.; Manumbu, M.; Msamanga, G. ; & Sandberg, C. - Health Centres in Need of Treatment : A Joint Evaluation of Sweden's Support to the Health Sector Development in Tanzania..,.
BOOKS025457I: Andersson, Stina ; Cullberg, Carl ; Rex, Karin ; & Wigforss, Johan - Sorteringsschema för kärn- och skivyxor av flinta
BOOKS006888I: Andersson, Thorsten, editor: - Probleme der Namenbildung. Rekonstruktion von Eigennamen und der ihnen zugrundeliegenden Appellative...
BOOKS005165I: Andersson, Gunnar; Jahnberg, Klaus; Hall, Thomas; Ericsson, Birgitta & Borgwik, Lempi - Sweden: Strömstad [Scandinavian Atlas of Historic Towns, No. 9]
BOOKS019730I: Andersson, Kenth-Åke [ Uppsala FNL-grupp ] - Revolutionär marxism kontra stalinism i Vietnam-rörelsen. Ett svar till 'Trotskismen, fronterna och Vietnamrörelsen' ..,.
BOOKS021604I: Andersson, Hans - Urbanisierte Ortschaften und lateinische Terminologie. Studien zur Geschichte des nordeuropäischen Städtewesens vor 1350
BOOKS021815I: Andersson, John - En appell til Sveriges Transportarbetare : Ett ord i organisationsfrågan
BOOKS025037I: Andersson, Thorsten ; & Sandred, Karl Inge ; editors: - The Vikings : Proceedings of the Symposium of the Faculty of Arts of Uppsala University, June 6-9, 1977
BOOKS018848I: Andhra University , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Proceedings of the U.G.C. Seminar on Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Pharmacology of Indian Plant Drugs
BOOKS002826I: D'Andlau, B. - La Jeunesse de Madame de Stael (de 1766 a 1786) avec des documents inedits
BOOKS000270I: Ando, Juraj & Divicanova, Anna, editors: - Narodopis Slovakov v Madarsku / Magyarorszagi Szlovakok Neprajza 14.
BOOKS013206I: Andonian, Hagop [Antonean, Hakob] - Biwreghner: kertuatsner, targmanutiwnner, ardzak ejer / Hakob Antonean
BOOKS023854I: Andonov-Poljanski, Hristo [ Delchev, Gotse (1872-1903) ] - Goce Delcev i ego vremia
BOOKS001581I: Andonov, Vanco - Makedoncite vo Avstralija : iseluvanje i organizirano sobiranje
BOOKS010749I: Andrade de Sa, Luis - Aviacão em Macau : um século de aventuras / Aviation in Macau : One Hundred Years of Adventure
BOOKS017372I: Andrade Corvo, João de [1824-1890] - Perigos
BOOKS016535I: D’Andrade, Roy G. - The Development of Cognitive Anthropology
BOOKS026087I: Andræ, Poul Georg ; editor: [ Andrae, Carl Christopher Georg ; & Krieger Andreas Frederik ] - En Brevvexling mellem Andræ og Krieger under Londoner-konferencen 1864 : Udgivet med orienterende Bemærkninger af Poul Andræ
BOOKS008132I: Andrae, Poul - Andrae-Hall overfor den politiske Situation i Efteraaret 1863. En dokumenteret Fremstilling.
BOOKS025506I: Andrae, Poul Georg [1843-1928] - Andraes torsdage i samvaer med Hall og Krieger, samt nogle flere "Tillaeg" til et i løbet af efteraaret udkommende ..,.
BOOKS003339I: Andrau, E.W.K. - La Geologie du Pic Chaussy et ses abords (Alpes Vaudoises)
BOOKS023193I: André, Patrick - La Cité Gallo-Romaine des Vènétes
BOOKS027222I: Andrè, Michel - Méthode simpliciale en algèbre homologique et algèbre commutative
BOOKS026525I: D'Andrea, Uberto - Campobasso dai tempi del Viceregno all'eversione del feudalesimo, 1506-1806 : Volume primo dedicato alla parte introduttiva
BOOKS029694I: Shundi. Andrea - E(t)nogastronomia arbëreshe (Shtjellohen 610 receta gjellësh dhe ëmbëlsirash)
BOOKS027789I: D'Andrea, Ugo [1893- 1979] - Mussolini, motore del secolo
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