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BOOKS026743I: Aner, Ekkehard ; & Kersten, Karl - Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen : Band VI .,.,.
BOOKS026744I: Aner, Ekkehard ; & Kersten, Karl - Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen : Band V .,.,.
BOOKS026742I: Aner, Ekkehard ; & Kersten, Karl - Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen : Band IV .,.,.
BOOKS026567I: Aner, Ekkehard ; & Kersten, Karl - Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen : Band II .,.,.
BOOKS026566I: Aner, Ekkehard ; & Kersten, Karl - Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen : Band I .,.,.
BOOKS026565I: Aner, Ekkehard ; & Kersten, Karl - Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen : Band III .,.,.
BOOKS003567I: Angbom, David ; editor : - Så blev Tranås Pälststaden
BOOKS011067I: Angel, Shlomo - Housing Policy Matters: A Global Analysis
BOOKS016387I: Angeleri Hügel, Lidia ; Happel, Dieter ; & Krause, Henning ; editors: - Handbook of Tilting Theory
BOOKS022698I: Deutschen Freimaurer-Klubs zu Los Angeles - Der Deutsche Freimaurer in Süd-Californien: Organ des Deutschen Freimaurer-Klubs zu Los Angeles [nrs 2,4,5,6,9,10,11 (1930-31)]
BOOKS019049I: Angell, James W. (James Waterhouse), 1898-1986 - The Behavior of Money : Exploratory Studies
BOOKS006907I: Angerman, Arina; Binnema, Geerte; Keunen, Annemieke; Poels, Vefie & Zirkee, Jacqueline, editors: - Current Issues in Women's History
BOOKS012039I: Anglin, Douglas G. & Shaw, Timothy M. - Zambia's Foreign Policy : Studies in Diplomacy and Dependence
BOOKS012365I: Actiecomite Angola - Hoe Portugal Koloniseert in Mozambique
BOOKS021835I: Actiecomité Angola - Verzet in Angola
BOOKS001520I: Angulo Carpio, Maria Dolores - Notas bibliograficas sobre agentes fisicos en citogenetica
BOOKS016747I: Angus, Ian H. - (Dis)figurations: Discourse/ Critique/ Ethics
BOOKS025005I: Anh, Truong ; & Ba Mao, Nguyen - Cam nang bai thuoc hay cho benh phu nu va tre em / Truong Anh, Nguyen Ba Mao bien soan
BOOKS014354I: Vu Thi Mai Anh - Dòi nay cung tiên,.,./ 'Donner de son vivant, être honoré mille ans' : les offrandes de commémorations pieuses ..,.
BOOKS022972I: Anhegger, Robert ; & Inalcik, Halil - Kanunname-i sultani ber muceb-i örf-i osmani : II. Mehmed ve II. Bayezid devirlerine ait yasakname ve kanunnamele
BOOKS017140I: Anis, Mir Babbar Ali [1802-1874] - Shahkar-i Anis : kalam Mir Anis bah tartib-i nau / murattabah Sayyid Safdar Husain
BOOKS019993I: Anisi, Anisah Ahmad Ali - Fann al-tabkh lil-akalat al-Yamaniyah
BOOKS026237I: Anjou, Lars Anton [1803-1884] - Svenska kyrkoreformationens historia : I - II - III
BOOKS011799I: Ankersmit, F.R. - Aesthetic Politics: Political Philosophy Beyond Fact and Value
BOOKS000570I: Anlauf, Karl [1877- 1951] - Die Revolution in Niedersachsen : geschichtliche Darstellungen und Erlebnisse
BOOKS027338I: Annabring, Matthias - Volksgeschichte der Donauschwaben in Jugoslawien
BOOKS026937I: Annamalai, E. - Dynamics of Verbal Extension in Tamil
BOOKS029108I: Anneberg, Inger - Actions of and Interactions Between Authorities and Livestock Farmers : In Relation to Animal Welfare
BOOKS031095I: Annenkov, Mikhail Nikolayevich [ Annenkoff, Michael Nicolaivitch (1835-1899)] - Der Krieg im Jahre 1870 : Bemerkungen und Betrachtungen eines russischen Officiers / von M. Annenkoff
BOOKS008323I: Anners, Erik - Hand wahre Hand: Studien zur Geschichte der germanischen Fahrnisverfolgung
BOOKS030900I: Anokhin, Vladilen Afanas'evich - Svintsovye plomby velikogo kniazhestva Kievskogo : X-XIII vv.
BOOKS024357I: anonymopus [Soviet Union] - Sowjetisches Kinderbuch : Ausstellungskatalog
BOOKS029042I: anonymous [Spain] - Sammlung der Actenstücke über die spanische Thronveränderung : 2. Abt. : Aus dem Moniteur und andern authentischen Artikeln.,.,
BOOKS031304I: anonymous [ Purfürst, Otto ; publisher :] - Die Moderne Laokoon : oder, Die Homöopathie in Bayern : Ein offenes Wort an die Zunftmeister
BOOKS031581I: anonymous [ Sozialdemokratischen Partei der Schweiz ] - An die Kameraden in Uniform
BOOKS009226I: anonymous [Soares, Venceslau Carlos de; & da Cunha, Robertina Luisa Correa] - Epilogo de um Processo Disciplinar (1942) Documentario: Queixa, Acusaco, Defesa, Relatorio, Decisao
BOOKS028641I: anonymous [ New World Press ] - A Great Trial in Chinese History : The Trial of the Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counter-revolutionary Cliques, Nov. 1980-Jan. 1981
BOOKS031094I: anonymous [ Secondat, Jean-Baptiste, baron de (1716-1796) ] - Considerations sur la constitution de la marine militaire de France
BOOKS030748I: anonymous [Dar wa-Matabi al-Sha'b ; publisher] - al-Ahlaf
BOOKS028995I: anonymous [Austria] - Aus dem Tagebuche eines österreichischen Adjutanten
BOOKS029031I: anonymous [Bavarica] - Für den Sieg der historischen und rechtlichen Wahrheit in dem Sponheimischen Surrogat- und Successions-Streit zwischen Baiern..,
BOOKS030490I: anonymous [Nepal] - Hatemalo [literary periodical] : Vol. 2, Nr. 1 : 2038 [1982 CE]
BOOKS024294I: anonymous [Japanese Soldier's Diary, ca. 1904] - Kaichuu Nikki
BOOKS023668I: anonymous [ Sri Rama Pakta Jana Camaj ] - Stotra mañcari
BOOKS023706I: anonymous [Revue Encyclopédique de l'Afrique] - Republique du Niger
BOOKS003987I: anonymous [Bastide, Georges; et al] - Le Temps et la mort dans la philosophie espagnole contemporaine.
BOOKS000909I: anonymous - The Trial of Traicho Kostov & his Group
BOOKS022957I: anonymous - L'Esprit des Whigs, ou, Causes de l'expulsion des Stuarts du trône d'Angleterre ..,.
BOOKS021781I: anonymous [ Cuba : "D.C.R."] - Al Pueblo de Cuba
BOOKS030080I: anonymous [ Dalit Sahitya ] - Dalita sahitya 2003 : dalita sahityakarom ka eka samuhika evam alabhakari ayojana
BOOKS028950I: anonymous [ Dahlerup, Hans Birch (1790-1872)] - Contre-Admiral Carl Adolph Rothes Levnet
BOOKS027171I: anonymous [ Rosenberg, Carl Frederik Vilhelm Mathildus (1829-1885) ] - Völvesange : Tidsdigt
BOOKS023167I: anonymous [Sorda, Giuseppe] - L'insurrection de la jeunesse: Ceylan 71
BOOKS023176I: anonymous [ Stænders Enkekasse ] - Fundation for Stiftelsen : Understøttelses-Anstalt for trængende Efterslægt af Medlemmerne i den ophævede civile .,.,
BOOKS030478I: anonymous [Nepal] - Jhismise [ literary periodical ] : Nr. 13-14 : 2038 [1982 CE]
BOOKS030479I: anonymous [Nepal] - Aksha Lok [quarterly literary periodical] : Vol. 1, Nr. 2 : 2038 [1982 CE]
BOOKS014523I: anonymous [China, Government of] - The Sino-Indian Boundary Question
BOOKS025392I: anonymous [ Hechalutz (Organization) ] - Zum judisch-arabischen Problem : ein Sammelbuch
BOOKS025410I: anonymous ["Schleswiger"] - Die Nationalen Verhältnisse in Schleswig : Kurzer Überblick über die Entwicklung der sprachlichen Verhältnisse in unserer Heimat
BOOKS014315I: anonymous [ Cunha Rivara, Joaquim Heliodoro da ; editor: ] - Archivo Portuguez-Oriental. Fasciculo. 2. Livro dos privilegios da Cidade de Goa
BOOKS014286I: anonymous [Human Rights Division, Institute of Kashmir Studies] - Catch and Kill : A Pattern of Genocide in Kashmir : A Bestial Method of Breaking the Will of a People. Volume II.
BOOKS012842I: anonymous [ Bretton, Lucas Peter von, Baron de (1797-1880) ] - Beskyldningerne i Rigsdagen imod Kammerherre, forhenværende Stiftamtmand Baron de Bretton, belyste ved Actstykker
BOOKS014272I: anonymous - L'Autriche et l'Allemagne dans la Question d'Orient (Janvier 1856)
BOOKS014209I: anonymous [Braun, Arnold W.] - Glaubens- und Rechts-Gleichheit : Rationelle Studie über die Religion der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft ..,.
BOOKS014127I: anonymous [Danish Chapbook] - En meget merkværdig Historie om tvende Brødre, Carso og Modero, hvorledes den Første vilde dræbe den Sidste...
BOOKS009720I: anonymous [ Montry, Albert de (1812 - 1873)] - Loi organique du suffrage universel : Fraternité, Égalité, Liberté
BOOKS002617I: anonymous [Mynster, J.P.] - Ved Fru Barbara Abigael Kolderup-Rosenvinges Jordefærd den 22de December 1846
BOOKS018730I: anonymous [ Feilberg, Nikolaj Lavrentius ] - Ved Pastor emeritus Nikolaj Lavrentius Feilbergs Jordefærd
BOOKS028986I: anonymous [Nepal] - Danaka [literary periodical] : Vol. 2, Nr. 2/3 : 2039/2040 [1983 CE]
BOOKS027539I: anonymous [ Kalchberg, Joseph, Freiherr von (1801-1882) ] - Kleine Beiträge zu grossen Fragen in Oesterreich
BOOKS026816I: anonymous [ Dazès, Abbé ] - L'esprit des magistrats philosophes, ou, Lettres ultramontaines, d'un docteur de la sapience à la Faculté de droit .,.,[Part 1]
BOOKS030078I: anonymous [ Dalit Sahitya ] - Dalita sahitya 2001 : dalita sahityakarom ka eka samuhika evam alabhakari ayojana
BOOKS015020I: anonymous [ Bulgaria ] - Kurvaviiat veliki chetvurtuk, atentatut v khrama "Sv. Nedielia
BOOKS024897I: anonymous [ Boris III, Tsar of Bulgaria (1894-1943)] - Negovo velichestvo Boris III, tsar na Bulgaritie : zhivotoopisanie i boina deinost
BOOKS028895I: anonymous [Turkey] - Système des mesures, poids et monnaies de l’Empire Ottoman et des principaux états : avec de nombreux exercises et des tables.,.
BOOKS022984I: anonymous [ Mahmud, Muhammad ] - La dictature libératrice en Egypte : la politique de S.E. Mohamed Mahmoud Pacha, président du Conseil des ministres..,.
BOOKS008241I: anonymous [The MOVE Organization] - First Day [a collection of 21 issues ca. May 1994 - January 2001]
BOOKS029946I: anonymous [ Hasselbrink, Gottlieb ; publisher ] - Cameralistisches journal : Für württembergische cameralisten : Fünftes - Achtes Heft.
BOOKS029945I: anonymous [ Hasselbrink, Gottlieb ; publisher ] - Cameralistisches journal : Für württembergische cameralisten : Erstes - Viertes Heft.
BOOKS014971I: anonymous [ Verlag 20. Mai ; publishers : ] - Die Kommunistische Bewegung Irans : Erster Teil : 1890-1932
BOOKS007762I: anonymous [Organization of the Iranian Socialists] - Djonbesh Socialisti [Djonbesh-e Sosialisti], No. 1 - 3 [August 1984 - 1985]
BOOKS008484I: anonymous [Islamic Propaganda Organization (Iran)] - Felonies of the MKO Terrorists in Iran : A Study of the Use of Terrorism, Force, Threats and Torture by the MKO Hypocrites..,.
BOOKS008689I: anonymous [Sikkim Democratic Forum] - Nar Bahadur Bhandari: How a Poor Teacher Became a Crorepati
BOOKS008762I: anonymous [ Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs ] - Report of Committee on Jharkhand Matters
BOOKS028211I: anonymous [ Merz, Johann Baptist Balthasar ; publisher : ] - Etwas übers Kontroversieren [together with 7 other tracts of the series 'Gesammelte Schriften unserer Zeiten..,.' Bd. 1]
BOOKS008988I: anonymous [Geological Survey of India] - Proceedings of the Workshop on the Problems of the Deserts in India (Held at Jaipur during September 16-18, 1975)
BOOKS026812I: anonymous [ "einem deutschen Veteranen" ] - Die deutsche Wehrfrage : Gründlich beleuchtet von einem deutschen Veteranen
BOOKS006287I: anonymous [ Martensen, Hans Lassen ] - Ved Biskop, kongelig Confessionarius Dr. Th. Hans Lassen Martensen's Jordefærd den 12. Februar 1884
BOOKS027310I: anonymous [ Birk, G. ; publisher : ] - Der Fall Krupp : Sein Verlauf und seine Folge : Ein Tatsachensammlung von ***
BOOKS019403I: anonymous [ Landshut ] - Landshuter Liedertafel. Sammlung ansgewählter vierstimmiger Lieder. I. Tenor
BOOKS014769I: anonymous [Poland] - Proces 11 Wiezniow Brzeskich przed Sadem Okregowym w Warsszawie
BOOKS014836I: anonymous ["Novo Pokolenje"] - Udarnici prve smene Graditelja Omladinske Pruge
BOOKS014834I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, Ministry of Health, Government of India] - Medico-Botanical Exporation of Puri District, Orissa
BOOKS014764I: anonymous [Austria, K.K. Akademie der bildenden Kunste/ Technischen Hochschule in Wien] - Blätter der Erinnerung 1862-1902
BOOKS031205I: anonymous [ Baudouin (Firm); Delaunay et Pélicier ; publishers: ] - Lettre à un député, par un royaliste constitutionnel, sur le projet de loi relatif à la police de la presse ..,.
BOOKS018130I: anonymous [ Heymann ] - Reprise de la guerre : Nouvelle organisation de l'armée
BOOKS011529I: anonymous [Amis du Pays lochois & Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance] - Loches au XVIe siècle: aspects de la vie intellectuelle, artistique et sociale. Actues du Colloque
BOOKS011489I: Anonymous [Denmark, King Christian VIII ; King Frederik VII; War Ministry] - Bekiendtgiorelse af Avancement, Forflyttelse og Afgang ved Vor Landmilitair-Etat [1847-1856]
BOOKS011361I: anonymous [ Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha ] - An Appraisal of Tribal-Folk Medicines
BOOKS011360I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha] - Glimpses of Medico-Botany of Bastar District (M.P.)
BOOKS011352I: anonymous [Mission Prakashan] - Second Freedom Struggle: Chandapuri's Call to Overthrow Brahmin Rule
BOOKS011349I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha] - Hand Book of Domestic Medicine and Common Ayurvedic Remedies
BOOKS011318I: anonymous [Thierry, Edouard (1813-1894)] - Charles Varlet de La Grange et son registre
BOOKS011301I: anonymous [Institut d’etudes slaves, Universite de Paris] - Skovoroda, philosophe ukrainien: colloque tenu le 18 janvier 1973 a l’Institut d’études slaves de Paris...
BOOKS011272I: anonymous [Lackovich, Mary Ann] - The "Writings" of Mary Ann Lackovich: A Bibliography and Guide
BOOKS011264I: anonymous [Horoszkiewicz, Julian (1816-1900)] - Rada Familijna
BOOKS011271I: anonymous [Ente di sviluppo agricolo del Veneto] - I Coregoni biologia e sperimentazione
BOOKS011145I: anonymous - A contribuicao predial nas Novas Conquistas
BOOKS011062I: anonymous [ Mahila Margam Pracuranalu / Navodaya Bukhaus ] - Sramika mahila
BOOKS011371I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha] - Medico-Ethno-Botany of Sonebhadra District (Previously under Mirzapur District) Uttar Pradesh
BOOKS002883I: anonymous [Communist Party of India (Marxist)] - Ayodhya Conspiracy of Saffron Brigade Unmasked
BOOKS013497I: anonymous [Stichting Werkgroep West Papua] - West Papua : Een Natie
BOOKS013494I: anonymous [Organisation islamique pour l’education, les sciences et la culture] - Les villages Palestiniens detruits: Annâba et Al Lujûn
BOOKS013478I: anonymous [Gümüs, M. Siddik] - Advice for the Muslim
BOOKS010632I: anonymous - Navicula Chiloniensis: Studia philologa Felici Jacoby professori Chiloniensi emerito octogenario oblata
BOOKS009860I: anonymous [ "un slave" ] - Épitre en trois points a Messieurs les Russes
BOOKS010571I: anonymous [Nigeria, Information Ministry] - Voices of Unity
BOOKS010495I: anonymous [African Research & Publications] - Congo: Prelude to Independence
BOOKS010489I: anonymous [D'Arnaud, C.F.A., Baron ] - Note secrete exposant les pretextes et le but de la derniere conspiration
BOOKS010401I: anonymous [Library of Tibetan Works and Archives] - Tibetan Medicine [No. 3] A Publication for the Study of Tibetan Medicine published by the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives.
BOOKS006146I: anonymous [Denmark, Statens Seruminstitut (State Serum Institute)] - Liber gratulatorius in honorem Thorvald Madsen 18 Februaris 1930
BOOKS006155I: anonymous - The Strong Hand in Egypt. A Brief Survey of the Policy of H.E.Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha in Egypt as Outlined in his Speeches 1928-29
BOOKS010003I: anonymous [Lichtenberg, Leon] - Zum Andenken Leon Lichtenberg
BOOKS009939I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha] - Ayush-64: A New Ayurvedic Anti-Malarial Compound
BOOKS028172I: anonymous [ Överland, Arnulf ; & Grieg, Nordahl ] - Vi vill oss et land som er frelst og fritt : Norske Digte fra Tiden efter den 9. April 1940
BOOKS030079I: anonymous [ Dalit Sahitya ] - Dalita sahitya 2002 : dalita sahityakarom ka eka samuhika evam alabhakari ayojana
BOOKS012805I: anonymous [ Pórtico Libros ] - Arqueología de la Península Ibérica : guía bibliográfica
BOOKS030642I: anonymous [Rijnders, Gerhard (1876-1950)] - Rassen en volken : een populaire beschouwing
BOOKS031240I: anonymous [Germany] - Zeitbilder [a scrapbook of news photo clippings, dated 1918-1936]
BOOKS031016I: anonymous [Ukraine] - Symbioz sekty Khabad i bloku IUliï Tymoshenko chy Narkotychnyi shabash v Ukraïni
BOOKS028104I: anonymous [ Bihn, Carl von ] - Materia tentaminis publici, quod e L. libris digestorum in caesarea regia academia ling. orient., sub moderamine prænobilis .,.,
BOOKS027402I: anonymous [Israels Boghandel, Copenhagen] - De evropæiske Hoffers Skandalehistorie : 1. Række : Hofhistorier fra Grækenland, Tyrkiet, Polen og Rusland
BOOKS019157I: anonymous [ Ronge, Johannes von (1813-1887) ] [ Deutschkatholiken ] - Rjm a dewatenacte stoletj : Zbjrka negnowegsschj udalosti cirkewnjch obsahugicj, pocatek a puwod noweho nemecko...,.
BOOKS019142I: anonymous [Vietnam Courier] - Kampuchea Dossier [Volume I]
BOOKS030801I: anonymous [ Adlersparre, Georg (1760-1835)] - Blick pa de äldre Wasa-Konungarnes, och i synnerhet Carl IX s och Carl VI s, regent-värde
BOOKS030457I: anonymous [ Scherl, August ; printer ] - Deutschland unter Geschftsaufsicht!
BOOKS009423I: anonymous [ Bridgehampton, Sayville, Patchogue, Riverhead Long Island] - [an autograph album ca. 1875-80 containing 70 pages of inscriptions]
BOOKS031629I: anonymous [ Delvalez, E. ; publisher: ] - Une Impératrice d'occasion / par E. P. : première livraison
BOOKS026336I: anonymous [ Bauer, Edgar (1820-1886)] - Schleswig
BOOKS003240I: anonymous [ Leichter, Otto (1897-1973)] - Ein Jahr Schuschnigg : Dokumente einer Diktatur / Mit Vorwort von Sir Walter Citrine
BOOKS022703I: anonymous - Nat og Morgen : Fortællinger fra Missionen blandt Jøderne
BOOKS025354I: anonymous [Nepal] - Bannu [literary periodical] : No. 12 : 2040 [1983 CE]
BOOKS026463I: anonymous [Glatzel] - Augustinus Redivivus : des heiligen Kirchenvaters philosophisches Weltbild : in Umrissen gezeichnet nach den Bekenntnissen
BOOKS025682I: anonymous [ Ingeniør Kennet ] - Æventyret i Gesandtskabsbilen [ Sandheden om Ingeniør Kennet og "de to smaa Piger i Gesandtskabsbilen" ]
BOOKS025107I: anonymous [Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrilla] - Die Macht des Volkes (IYL Goidjie) : Das kulturelle und politische Zentrum des turkmenischen Volkes
BOOKS009456I: anonymous [Library of Tibetan Works and Archives] - Tibetan Medicine (gSo-rig): A Publication for the Study of Tibetan Medicine: Series 13 - 1991
BOOKS009454I: anonymous [Library of Tibetan Works and Archives] - Tibetan Medicine. A Publication for the Study of Tibetan Medicine: No. I - 1980
BOOKS009283I: anonymous [Frazao Pacheco, C.] - Dez anos de administracao. II: Resposta a "Circular aos senhores Accionistas de Companhia de Navegacao Carregadores Acoreanos"..
BOOKS009161I: anonymous [Parti du Progres et du Socialisme (Morocco)] - La democratie nationale, etape historique vers le socialisme. Programme du Parti du Progres et du Socialisme adopte..,.1975..,.
BOOKS009094I: anonymous [Morocco, Secretariat d'Etat a la Culture: Bibliotheque Generale et Archives] - Provinces du Sud : Bibliographie Selective
BOOKS009089I: anonymous [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit; editors:] - Die Okologie und Bekampfung des Blutschnabelwebervogels [Quelea quelea (L)] in Nordostnigeria
BOOKS008639I: Anonymous [Library of Tibetan Works & Archives] - Tibetan Medicine: A Publication for the study of Tibetan Medicine: Series No. 7 - 1984.
BOOKS030484I: anonymous [Nepal] - Utshah [quarterly literary periodical] : Nr. 17 : 2040 [1983-1984 CE]
BOOKS030485I: anonymous [Nepal] - Utshah [quarterly literary periodical] : Nr. 19 : 2041 [1984 CE]
BOOKS030486I: anonymous [Nepal] - Lahar [literary periodical] : Nr. 8 : 2040 [1983-1984 CE]
BOOKS008952I: anonymous [Tripura, Government; Department of Welfare for Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes: Directorate of Research] - Socio-Economic Survey of the Cobbler Communities of Agartala Municipality and its Adjacent Areas
BOOKS008690I: anonymous [Bidar District Congress Committee (Karnataka)] - Brief Facts About Arrest of Shri Shanker Dev, M.P. and Other Six Congress-Men and Police Atrocities on Innocent Peasants...,.
BOOKS008687I: anonymous [Bangalore Tamil Sangam] - A Mute Genocide: A Report on the Gory Incidents of Violence on Karnataka Tamils During the Black December 1991
BOOKS008662I: anonymous [Sambasivaravu, Ai. Vi. (Ivaturi Venkata)] - Ai. Vi. smrtulu: amarudu Ai. Vi. Sambasivaravu samsmarana
BOOKS008640I: anonymous [Foundation Madara] - Bilkite-ekohorizont 2000. Materiali ot interdistziplinarna konferentziia s mezhdunarodno uchastie(21-22 iuni 1999 g., BAN-Sofia)
BOOKS008489I: anonymous [Library of Tibetan Works & Archives] - gSO-Rig. Tibetan Medicine: A Publication for the study of Tibetan Medicine: Series 9 - 1985.
BOOKS008448I: anonymous ["A Layman"] [Sargent, John Osborne (1811-1891)] - Common Sense versus Judicial Legislation: Being the Review of a Law Recently Enacted by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts...
BOOKS008439I: anonymous - Corona funebre: Merecido tributo a la memoria de los ciudadanos Juan Aparicio, H. y Sinforoso Aguilar...
BOOKS008416I: anonymous ["Commercio de Sao Paulo"] - Notas de um revoltoso. (Diario de bordo) : Documentos authenticos publicados pelo "Commercio de S. Paulo"..,.
BOOKS008401I: anonymous [Ahmadiyya Movement] - A Rejoinder to 'The Qadiyanies: A Non-Muslim Minority in Pakistan'
BOOKS008354I: anonymous [Denmark, Folketing (Parliament)] - Beretning om Forhandlingerne i den ved Allerhoieste Resolution af 18de Juni 1868 til Overveielse af de kirkelige Forhold...
BOOKS008353I: anonymous [Denmark, Interior Ministry] - Betaenkning...2. Aedrulighedskommission: II. Afsnit: Om Forbud mod Tilvirkning, Indforsel og Salg af staerke Drikke
BOOKS008351I: anonymous [Human Rights Division, Institute of Kashmir Studies] - Catch and Kill": A Pattern of Genocide in Kashmir. A Bestial Method of Breaking the Will of a People (Volume 1st)
BOOKS008343I: anonymous [Zhirmunskii, V. M.; editor:] - Voprosy grammatiki: sbornik statei k 75-letiiu akademika I.I. Meshchaninova
BOOKS008274I: anonymous - So-sor-thar-pa'l-mdo'i-mam-bshadithar-lam-'bzang-po'i them-skad, [The Vinaya Text]
BOOKS008256I: anonymous [Pacifistische-Socialistische Partij (Netherlands)] - Radikaal. Weekblad voor socialisme en vrede. 1e jaargang, nr. 2...49; 2e jaargang, nr.2,14-23,25 [11 Jan. 1967-18 December 1968]
BOOKS008255I: anonymous - Contribuicao para o estudo do problema sanitario da Colonia da Guine (Aclimacao)
BOOKS008240I: anonymous [The MOVE Organization] - 25 Years on the Move
BOOKS013614I: anonymous - Kilifarevsko narodno vstanie i kilifarevska cheta
BOOKS007861I: anonymous [Tipografia Margarit, Santa Cruz de Tenerife] - [a 48x36 cm poster for a bullfight, undated (circa 1920s)]
BOOKS007841I: anonymous [Eames, Wilberforce (1855-1937)] - Bibliographical Essays: A Tribute to Wilberforce Eames
BOOKS007711I: anonymous [ Poel, Piter (1760-1837] ] - Anzeige der Schrift des Herrn v. Hess, Agonieen betitelt : aus dem Altonaer Mercur mit dem hinzugefügtem Beschlusse abgedruckt
BOOKS007703I: anonymous [ Mosley, Oswald, Sir (1896-1980) ] - Mosley : The Facts
BOOKS007614I: anonymous [Ramaswami, T.R.; editor:] - The Goenka Story Retold (A Compilation of Articles Appearing in 'New Today', Madras in June 1989)
BOOKS007531I: anonymous [Samyukta Maharashtra Movement] - Reprint of the Judgement Convicting Shri Nanu Nicha, a Congress M.P., of an Attempt to Commit Rape
BOOKS008671I: anonymous [Library of Tibetan Works and Archives] - Tibetan Medicin: A Publication for the Study of Tibetan Medicine: Series 8 - 1984.
BOOKS007400I: Anonymous [Cannon, William Walter] - Methodism and the Church of England : A Comparison. By a Layman
BOOKS007363I: anonymous [ Sociedad Hilaturas y Tejidos Andaluces, S.A. ] - El Caso de H.Y.T.A.S.A. : Una demanda interesante
BOOKS007205I: anonymous [Jorgensen, A. D.; editor:] - Regeringsskiftet 1784. Fremstillinger og Aktstykker udgivne i Juni 1888 til Minde om den regering som loste Bondens Stavnsbaand
BOOKS030487I: anonymous [Nepal] - Lahar [literary periodical] : Nr. 9 : 2041 [1984 CE]
BOOKS007038I: anonymous [ Nielsen, J. J.] - Georg Frederik Otto Lehnsbaron Zytphen-Adeler, 1810: 10.Mai: 1910.
BOOKS006843I: anonymous - Acte si corespondenta relative la renuntarile la tron ale Fostului Principe Mostenitor...(1918-1919-1925)
BOOKS008711I: anonymous [Academy of Sciences of Albania, Institute of History] - La Ligue albanaise de Prizren, 1878-1881 : discours et exposés tenus à l'occasion de son centenaire
BOOKS023211I: anonymous [ Legie ruská. Inform.-osvetovy odbor ] - Ceskoslovenský válecný zpravodaj : Cislo 3. : 1. Dubna 1919
BOOKS019037I: anonymous - The Cruel City and other Korean Short Stories
BOOKS006958I: Anonymous [Nordisk Spraksekretariat] - Sprak og samfunn i Norden etter 1945. Rapport fra et symposium i Mariehamn 7.-10.mai 1984.
BOOKS025056I: anonymous [ Milo, Christian ] [ Svendsen, Hans Jørgen Marius ] - Mindeblade over Hans Jørgen Marius Svendsen, Rd : af Dbg : Sognepræst og Seminarieforstander i Jelling
BOOKS007269I: anonymous [National Democratic Front of Iran] - Azadi. A Publication of the National Democratic Front of Iran. Volume II, Numbers 2; 3; 4/5; 6; 7/8; 9
BOOKS031088I: anonymous [ Joinville, Francois-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orléans, prince de (1818-1900)] - Études sur la marine
BOOKS006633I: anonymous [Departamento de Proteccion Vegetal... & Servicio de Defensa contra Plagas e Inspeccion Fitopatologica de Zaragoza] - Plagas, enfermedades y malas hierbas del maiz en el valle medio del Ebro
BOOKS028113I: anonymous [Nepal] - Utshah [quarterly literary periodical]: Vol. 4, No. 10 : 2038 [1982 CE]
BOOKS006556I: anonymous [Central Institute of Indian Languages] - Pathana Kausalamu (Pathya Dipika)
BOOKS006443I: anonymous - al-Ikhwan wa-al-irhab
BOOKS006381I: anonymous - Sete annos depois, a republica nova; carta ao sr. Sidonio Paes, inclito e invicto restaurador da ordem.
BOOKS029041I: anonymous [Spain] - Sammlung der Actenstücke über die spanische Thronveränderung : 1. Abt. : Pflichtmässiger Bericht über den Feldzug .,.,.
BOOKS018661I: anonymous - A Brief History of The Fourteen Infallibles
BOOKS017999I: anonymous [ RENETIL ] - Hoe zit dat nou met die Oosttimorezen?
BOOKS017727I: anonymous [ Switzerland ] - Der eidgenössische Gedanke : Sendeschreiben eines Schweizers, der im Ausland wohnt, an seine lieben, getreuen Eidgenossen
BOOKS020274I: anonymous [ Giai Phong Publishing House ] - South Viet Nam : A Month of Unprecedented Offensive and Uprising
BOOKS012452I: anonymous [Research Department, North-East Frontier Agency] - A Dictionary of the Taraon Language, for the Use of Officers in the North-East Frontier Agency...
BOOKS026793I: anonymous [Dal'u, Sa'as] - A collection of 50+ leaves, handwritten in Arabic, ca. late 19th - early 20th century, concerning Islamic numerology
BOOKS028537I: anonymous [ Neukirch, J.G. ; publisher ] - Volk. Volkssouverainetät.
BOOKS017369I: anonymous [ Redemptorist Fathers ] [ Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer ] - Le drame de la persécution aux Sables-d'Olonne contre les Rédemptoristes. Attaque et défense.1903. Troisième partie.
BOOKS017326I: anonymous [ Mystras ] - Byzantinai Archaiotetes Mystra : meta horiaon byzantinon eikonon tes kallitechnidos kales chrestakou monaches
BOOKS017299I: anonymous [Reykjavik (Iceland)] - Niðurjöfnunarskra Reykjavikur 1905; 1906; 1907; 1909; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1919; 1920; 1922; 1923; 1925
BOOKS015261I: anonymous [ Nielsen, Godske (1826-1899) ; & Topsøe, Vilhelm Christian Sigurd (18401-1881) ] - Tredive Breve fra og til en Mand uden Mening
BOOKS017174I: anonymous [ L'Est Européen ] - L'Est Européen : Revue bi-mensuelle des questions politiques économiques..,.. Volume V. Troisieme annee (Janvier-Avril 1922)
BOOKS016959I: anonymous [ Hizb ut-Tahrir ] - The American Campaign to Suppress Islam
BOOKS016820I: anonymous [Hizb ut-Tahrir] - Hizb ut-Tahrir
BOOKS030740I: anonymous [ Ommeren-Averink, A. van ] - Indonesië en de generaals
BOOKS023997I: anonymous [ Boucher, M. F. ] [ Burgues, Édouard-Thomas de, comte de Missiessy (1756-1837)] - Examen d'un écrit publié par M. Le Vice-Amiral Comte de Burgues Missiessy, et avant pour titre, Apercus sur le matériel ..,.
BOOKS017438I: anonymous [ Rouge frères, Dunon et Fresné, printers ] - Études financières pour réparer les désastres de la guerre, rendre le capital accessible à tous, vaincre la misére
BOOKS016416I: anonymous [ Transylvania (Principality), Országgyülés ] - 1791-dik esztendöbeli Diætalis Provision alis Articulusok [bound together with one other item]
BOOKS028492I: anonymous [Japan] - Japansk Soldateraand
BOOKS014960I: anonymous [Novo Pokoljenje] - Pruga Samac-Sarajevo. Dar Omladine Titu i Narodu
BOOKS016069I: anonymous [Bibliotheque des 'Questions Balkaniques'] - Les Macédoniens dans la vie culturo-politique de la Bulgarie; [bound together with 2 other pamphlets concerning Macedonia, 1919]
BOOKS015977I: anonymous [ Vietnam, Ministry of Education ] - Struggle Against Illiteracy in Viet Nam
BOOKS011031I: anonymous [Daunou, Pierre Claude Francois (1761-1840)] - Essai historique sur la puissance temporelle des papes, sur l’abus qu’ils ont fait de leur ministere spirituel...
BOOKS005817I: anonymous [ Araújo, Agostinho Júlio Coelho de ] - A Cruz de Soutulho : história documentada do bárbaro assassinato de Agostinho Júlio Coelho de Araújo, em que se descobre ..,.
BOOKS026676I: anonymous [ Wieland, Hans ] - Die Schweizerische Neutralität : Politisch-militarische Studien eines schweizerischen Generalstabs-Officiers
BOOKS020068I: anonymous [ Novosti Press Agency ] - Neo-colonialism :The Bitterest Enemy of the Young Countries
BOOKS005781I: Anonymous [Danmarks Folkesundhed] - Sandheden strengt forbudt om kraeftresultaterne i Danmark. Moderne hekseprocesser i midten af det 20. aarhundrede. ...
BOOKS022978I: anonymous [ Youatt, William (1776-1847)] - The Horse; With a Treatise on Draught; and a Copious Index
BOOKS008729I: anonymous [Government of India] - Kayadana paribhashika sabdono kosa: Angreji - Hindi - Gujarati
BOOKS028096I: anonymous [ Seneberg, J. ; publisher ] - Sandfærdige og lystige Lykke-Hiul, hvorudi Mands- og Qvindes-Personer, saavel givte Folk, som unge Karle, Jomfruer og Piger.,.,.
BOOKS028384I: anonymous [Danish Resistance] - I Kontakt med Verden : Nr. 1 : April 1944 ; & Nr. 3 : Oktober 1944
BOOKS005435I: anonymous [Rajwade, Vasudev Vithal] - Feudatory States Under Indian Princes
BOOKS014978I: anonymous [ Panorama DDR ] - Menschenrechte à la Westberlin
BOOKS005261I: anonymous - The Spectrum (Portrait of a Writer)
BOOKS008051I: anonymous [Movimiento Popular Dominicano, Partido Marxista-leninista] - Proceso electoral y lucha popular. Posicion del M.P.D. ante el proceso electoral 1986
BOOKS005246I: anonymous - On Comrade Muzaffar Ahmad. A Birth Centenary Publication
BOOKS029624I: anonymous [ Husayn, Ahmad ] - Maqalat hazzat 'urush al-tughyan
BOOKS005049I: anonymous ["Asiaticus", pseudonym of Scott-Waring, John (1747-1819)] [Waring, John Scott] [Scott, Major (John)] - Letters to the Right Honourable Henry Dundas on his Inconsistency as the Minister of India
BOOKS004998I: anonymous [Association des Etudiants Senegalais en France] - Conditions de vie et d'etude des etudiants senegalais en France
BOOKS030001I: anonymous [An-Archie Verlag] - Was ist eigentlich Anarchie
BOOKS000718I: anonymous - Mudabidri
BOOKS012099I: anonymous [Dragula, Ladislav] - Pruvodce pokojnou revolucí
BOOKS004740I: anonymous - Notes sur le reglement douanier egyptien
BOOKS014691I: anonymous - La Bulgarie au lendemain d'une crise
BOOKS021305I: anonymous [ African Socialism ] - African Socialism and Its Opponents
BOOKS004923I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha] - Medico-Ethno-Botanical Explorations in Sikkim Himalayas
BOOKS004305I: anonymous [Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa] - Colonias portuguesas em paises estranjeiros
BOOKS004276I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha] - Contribution to the Medico-Botany of East Godavari & West Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh
BOOKS011996I: anonymous [Communist Party of India] - Case for Bangla Desh
BOOKS011891I: anonymous [ Ronge, Johannes ] - Ronge, seine Gegner und sein Verhälthiss zur Katholischen Kirche : Beleuchtet von einem Unparteiischen
BOOKS003874I: anonymous - Studien uber das osterreichische Concordat vom 18. August 1855
BOOKS003857I: anonymous - Den beskikkede Actors Hovedbeskyldninger imod den suspenderende Inspecteur Meden ved Almindeligt Hospital... [bound together...]
BOOKS003779I: anonymous - Novas reflexoes ou segundo additamento as que se fizeram ao Folheto intitulado "Reflexoes sobre financas...
BOOKS003622I: anonymous - Der neue Atta Troll. Heroisches Epos aus der Gegenwart
BOOKS003620I: anonymous [ Deutschen Oestreicher ] - Der Zerfall Oestreich's : Von einem Deutschen Oestreicher
BOOKS022300I: anonymous [ National Committee for Self-Determination of Cyprus ( Ethnike Epitrope Antodiatheseos Kyprou ) ? ] - Are You a Mother You Too? : Have You Got Any Children?
BOOKS000541I: anonymous ['Ulum al-Insaniyah (Casablanca, Morocco)] - al-Ma' fi tarikh al-Maghrib : ayyam 10, 11, 12 Dujanbir 1996
BOOKS001323I: anonymous [ Jose Marti Publishing House ] - Case 1 / 1989 : End of the Cuban Connection
BOOKS001040I: anonymous [Migrante International] - The Progressive Movement of Overseas Compatriots
BOOKS000306I: anonymous [ Blot, Ed., printer : ] - La République et les vouloirs du bonhomme Z : Douze cent millions d'économie par an
BOOKS000298I: anonymous [Turkiye Komunist Partisi / Marksist Leninist] - Partizan. Yil 1, Sayi 2; 3; 4; 5; 8 [Agustos 1992 - Subat 1993]
BOOKS000761I: anonymous [ Vietnam (Democratic Republic) ] [ Foreign Languages Publishing House (Hanoi, Vietnam) ] - Vietnamese Intellectuals Against U.S. Aggression
BOOKS013176I: anonymous [Ribeiro, António da Cunha Souto Maior Gomes] - Reflexões de Gracco a Tullia
BOOKS008486I: anonymous [ Mooney, Thomas J. (1882-1942) ] [Chafee, Zechariah, Jr. ; & Pollak, Walter H.] - The Mooney-Billings Report : Suppressed by the Wickersham Commission
BOOKS003503I: anonymous - Kashmir in the Security Council
BOOKS007696I: anonymous - Copia da representacao dirigida pelos empregados do quadro das Alfandegas d'Angola a Sua Magestade El-Rei...
BOOKS014122I: anonymous [Free French Forces] - Les Documents
BOOKS015809I: anonymous [Nov' Vek] - Rechi na g. g. ministrite...[bound together with 4 other books & pamphlets concerning Bulgarian political history, ca.1907-1933]
BOOKS015776I: anonymous [Indian National Congress] - Crisis in India: Why Congress Must Desist [bound together with 3 other books concerning Indian National movement ca. 1922-39]
BOOKS030481I: anonymous [Nepal] - Kaliko Chhaal [literary periodical] : Nr. 3
BOOKS030482I: anonymous [Nepal] - Badala [literary periodical] : Vol. I, Nr. 1, 2040 [1983-1984 CE]
BOOKS030483I: anonymous [Nepal] - Utshah [quarterly literary periodical] : Vol. 4, Nr. 11-12 : 2039 [1983 CE]
BOOKS016405I: anonymous [ Karsch, Anton (1822-1892)] - Die Smueliade : grotesk-komisches Heldengedicht nach dem Altspanischen des Don Pedro Meinolpho de las Pádras Mendoza ..,.
BOOKS011642I: anonymous - Dawlat va inqilab: didgahi dar khidmat-i tadvin-i platfurm-i mustaqill-i kargaran [No. 1- 5]
BOOKS011455I: anonymous [Ambedkar Foundation] - Samajik Nyay Sandesh. Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 2, No. 1 [2002-2004]
BOOKS011452I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha] - Pharmacological and Clinical Studies of Guggulu (Commiphora wightii) in Hyperlipidaemia / Lipid Metabolism
BOOKS003047I: anonymous [ Koller, G.; Schmidlin, W. ; & Stoll, G. ] - La ferrovia del Gottardo nell'aspetto commerciale
BOOKS002864I: Anonymous - Nicholas Titulescu. The European Statesman of the League of Nations
BOOKS012506I: anonymous [ Theosofische Vereeniging ] - Theosofisch Maandblad van Nederlandsch-Indie. Derde Deel. Juli 1903 - Juni 1904
BOOKS012961I: anonymous [NOWELE (North West European Language Evolution)] - Papers on Scandinavian and Germanic Language and Culture. Published in Honour of Michael Barnes on his 65th Birthday 28 June 200
BOOKS005660I: anonymous [Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha] - Clinical and Experimental Trial of Guggulu in Medo-Ruga (Lipid Disorders)
BOOKS004810I: anonymous [Lycee Carnot (Point a-Pitre, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe)] - Livret du Centenaire 1883-1983 "Magister Dixit": Dialogue et Participation. Lycee Carnot
BOOKS012265I: anonymous [Club des Cordeliers] - Opinion du Club des Cordeliers. [On the necessity for establishing a national guard]
BOOKS000701I: anonymous [ Baltischen Instituts ] - Zehn Thesen ueber Pommerellen
BOOKS019766I: anonymous [ Communist Party of the Philippines ] - The Communist Party of the Philippines
BOOKS019841I: anonymous - Communism in Malaysia and Singapore
BOOKS019857I: anonymous - Tater-Pigen
BOOKS019867I: anonymous [Lebedin / Lebedinsk, Russia] - Lebedinskaia Viet Ju. S. Zh. D. 1900
BOOKS020073I: anonymous [ "Romeo" ] - G.-W. : Kraftausdrücke und Redensarten der Tübinger Weingärtner [ Goge-Witze ]
BOOKS020236I: anonymous [ "Portugal Maior" ] - Os dois eixos do Ressurgimento Nacional, Universidade Portuguesa e autarquias paroquiais (Carta ao Sr.General Oscar Carmona)..,.
BOOKS020268I: anonymous [ Vietnam (Democratic Republic) ] [ Foreign Languages Publishing House (Hanoi, Vietnam) ] - In South Vietnam : U.S. Biggest Operation Foiled (February-April 1967)
BOOKS020271I: anonymous [ Vietnam (Democratic Republic) ] [ Foreign Languages Publishing House (Hanoi, Vietnam) ] - Fire Trial : Reportages
BOOKS020275I: anonymous [ Vietnam (Democratic Republic) ] [ Foreign Languages Publishing House (Hanoi, Vietnam) ] - In Thieu's Prisons (Testimony)
BOOKS020363I: anonymous - Revista Andaluza. Tomo Cuarto
BOOKS020404I: anonymous - W sprawie szkól naszych przes * * * : Zeszyt I: Nauczyciel
BOOKS020433I: anonymous [ Verlag Svoboda ] - Die heutige CSSR in Dokumenten - Juli 1968
BOOKS020912I: anonymous [Radical Publications (Kolkata)] - Three Interviews on Leninism Against Revisionism in the Present Days World Situation
BOOKS020926I: anonymous [Arbejderforlaget (Denmark)] - Wien : Beretningen om den østrigske Arbejderklasses Februaropstand
BOOKS021091I: anonymous [ Ewald, Carl (1856-1908)] - Faarene og Bukkene : Et Par Ord om den litterære Strid herhjemme. af H-r
BOOKS021177I: anonymous [ Bibliothèque Internationale d’Histoire Militaire ] - Précis de la campagne de 1859 en Italie
BOOKS021186I: anonymous [ Nepal ] - Trikon [quarterly periodical] : Volume 4, Nr. 6/7 : 2038/2039 [1982 CE]
BOOKS021196I: anonymous [ Nepal ] - Shishu [quarterly periodical] : Vol. I, No. 1 : 2040 [1983/1984 CE]
BOOKS030480I: anonymous [Nepal] - Kaliko Chhaal [literary periodical] : Nr. 2
BOOKS021215I: anonymous [V boj! ] - Revolucni verse
BOOKS021226I: anonymous [ Izdatelstvo Leningradskogo Oblispolkoma ] - Putevoditel' po Leningradu
BOOKS021237I: anonymous [Kerman Province, Iran] - Kirman dar yik nigah
BOOKS021296I: anonymous [ Anglican Church (Channel Islands) ] - L'Ami de la Religion, Messager Évangélique des Isles de la Manche..,.Vol. I, 1852-55.
BOOKS021564I: anonymous [ Foreign Languages Publishing House (Hanoi) ] [ Nhà xuat ban ngoai van ] - Viet Nam : Forward to a New Stage
BOOKS021690I: anonymous [ Hartnell, Norman ] - Norman Hartnell
BOOKS021710I: anonymous [Vietnam] - La médecine rurale au Vietnam
BOOKS021730I: anonymous [ Sfanta Manastire Dervent ] - Istoria crestinismului in Dobrogea : Manastirea Dervent - Parintele Elefterie
BOOKS021750I: anonymous [ Walsh, Robert (1784-1859) ] - A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government : Including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire
BOOKS021814I: anonymous [ Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, Fürst von Wahlstatt (1742-1819)] - Noticias biographicas do General Blucher, commandante em chefe do exercito prussiano, nas victoriosas campanhas de 1813 e 1814
BOOKS021868I: anonymous [ Spain, Ministerio de la Guerra ] - Recluta voluntaria : disposiciones relativas a la adminision de voluntarios en los Cuerpos y unidades ..,.
BOOKS027384I: anonymous [ Baunscheidt, Carl (1809-1873)] - Handbüchlein zum richtigen Gebrauch des ächten Lebensweckers und des ächten Oels des Herrn Karl Baunscheidt .,.,.
BOOKS003015I: anonymous [ Swoboda, publishers ] - Vollständiges Zigeunerinnen-Traumbuch : nach den ältesten babylonischen, assyrischen und arabisch-ägyptischen Handschriften.,.,
BOOKS009101I: anonymous [Parti du Progres & du Socialisme (Morocco)] - Pour le changement democratique, en faveur des interets de la patrie et des droits du people. Theses du 3e Congres National
BOOKS030253I: anonymous [ Bavaria ] [ Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Clovis Carl Victor von, Prince ] - Bayern und das politische Programm des Fürsten v. Hohenlohe
BOOKS021705I: anonymous (Bavaria) - Deduction concernant les droits de succession et de substitution de la serenissime maison electorale de Baviere ..,.
BOOKS017333I: anonymous [Denmark] - Opfordring til det tydske Folk fra danske Borgere
BOOKS021865I: anonymous [ Cassels, Walter Richard (1826-1907)] - The Gospel According to Peter : A Study / By the Author of 'Supernatural Religion'
BOOKS030174I: anonymous [Nepal] - Laligurans [literary periodical] : Vol. 1, Nr. 2/3 : 2040 [1983 CE]
BOOKS030476I: anonymous [Nepal] - Aashis [literary periodical] : Volume 1, Nr. 2-3-4- 5 : 2038 [1982 CE]
BOOKS025271I: anonymous [ Novosti Press Agency Publishing House ] - Salvador Allende
BOOKS028414I: anonymous [Bavaria] - Beleuchtung der Vortheile und Nachtheile des bayerischen Ablösungs- Gesetzes : vom 4. Juni 1848 ; Zugleich eine Widerlegung...
BOOKS028413I: anonymous [Bavaria] - Bayern und die deutsche Frage
BOOKS023834I: anonymous - Dekabrskie dni v Moskvie
BOOKS023832I: anonymous [ Øllgaard, Hans ] - Højesteretsassessor Hans Øllgaard - d. 14. Oktober 1837 - d. 23. August 1895 : Trykt som manuskript for Venner
BOOKS023833I: anonymous - Kak sitsiliiskie krestiane dorolis za svoi interesy
BOOKS014006I: anonymous [ Hergetius, Friedrich August (1780-1853) ] - Der Papst die Bischöfe und der Uebergang zu einer allgemeinen christlichen Kirche
BOOKS030932I: anonymous [ Wiener Volksbuchhandlung ; publishers ] - Schandwirtschaft mit Steuern und Spargeldern! Die Postsparkasse verspekuliert 1100 Milliarden; ein Mahnwort an alle Sparer ..,.
BOOKS026997I: anonymous [Coromandel coast (Tamil Nadu, India)] - an 18th-Century colored engraved map of the Coast of Coromandel, size 63x53 cm.
BOOKS024160I: anonymous [Dal'u, Sa'as] - a manuscript or manuscript fragment, entirely in Arabic, 10 leaves, 12 pages. circa late 18th-early/ mid19th century CE?
BOOKS023654I: anonymous [China] - a manuscript diary by a production brigade leader from the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, 1966
BOOKS025381I: anonymous [ Colijn, Hendrikus (1869-1944) ] - Colijn in de caricatuur : honderd uitgezochte caricaturen
BOOKS023938I: anonymous [ Genealogical Publishing Company ] - The Norman People and their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America
BOOKS026148I: anonymous [ Reinhard, Joakim (1858-1925) ] - Helga : Skuespil i fire Akter
BOOKS022937I: anonymous - Almanach des traditions populaires : Deuxieme année - 1883
BOOKS029266I: anonymous [Basel] - Wiedervereinigung der Landschäftler an Baselstadt
BOOKS029446I: anonymous [ Suter, Joseph Heinrich (1779- 1860)] - Wohlmeinende Wahrnung gegen das Lesen schlechter Zeitungen vorzüglich des im Lästern und Verläumden wohlerfahrnen Schweizerboten
BOOKS029905I: anonymous [ Christiani, Christoph Johann Rudolph (1761-1841)] - Grundlinier til en Plan til Haandværksstandens Forædling i Danmark
BOOKS030918I: anonymous [ Röhm-Putsch ] - Hintergründe der Blutnacht vom 30. Juni 1934 : Aufzeichnungen eines Eingeweihten
BOOKS023057I: anonymous - Politikata na turskoto pravitelstvo sproti bulgaritie v Makedoniia
BOOKS023056I: anonymous [Karacaahmet Sultan Kültür ve Tanitma Dernegi Yayinlari] - Karacaahmet Sultan
BOOKS023270I: anonymous [Dreyfus, Alfred (1859-1935)] - Los von der Teufelsinsel : Des Dreyfus-Bilderbuchs II Theil : mit 153 karikaturen
BOOKS027668I: anonymous [ Bavaria ] - Widerlegung der Kurpfalzbayerischen Staatsschriften, welche wider die Freyheit und Unmittelbarkeit .,.,.
BOOKS028524I: anonymous [ Hindenburg, Paul von ] - Erwachen
BOOKS029362I: anonymous [Bulgaria] - Prevratut na devetii 9 avgust 1886
BOOKS027388I: anonymous [ Barfod, Frederik (1811-1896)] - Vennernes Höjtid, den 4de. April 1837 : En Kærminde til dem alle : fra A.S.
BOOKS031249I: anonymous [Germany] - 1935 : Das Jahr in Bild [bound together with 3 other photo-supplements]
BOOKS023653I: anonymous [China] - A manuscript political diary by a staff member of an agricultural university detailing the Cultural Revolution, ca. 1971
BOOKS023655I: anonymous [China] - a manuscript diary by a leader of a Production and Construction Corps regiment, 1965-1966
BOOKS023656I: anonymous [China] - a 4-volume manuscript diary by a Chinese Communist local government cadre, ca. 1952-1970
BOOKS023657I: anonymous [China] - a manuscript diary authored by a youth during the final phase of the Cultural Revolution period, ca. 1975
BOOKS029416I: anonymous, [ Gautier de Faget, J. ] - L'oracle de ce siecle: Consulté par les souverains de la terre. Ouvrage singulier sur les affaires critiques & politiques .,.,
BOOKS024315I: anonymous [ Nascou, M. ] - Afdøde Pastor Nascous Testamente, kgl. confirmeret den 15de April 1840, tilligemed Vedtægter for Bestyrelsen og Anvendelsen.,.,.
BOOKS027110I: anonymous [ Kessel, Joseph ] - Maquis
BOOKS026590I: anonymous [ Lancellotti, Filippo, Prince ] [ Societa Primaria Romana per gl'Interesso Cattolici ] - Centenario del ritorno di Pio VII alla sede romana e festa di Maria Ss. Auxilium Christianorum : 24 maggio 1814- 24 maggio 1914
BOOKS021457I: anonymous [Hohlenberg, Ove ] - Til minde om Ove Hohlenberg
BOOKS027777I: anonymous [ Kölle, Friedrich von (1781-1848) ] [ Kölle, Christoph Friedrich Karl ] - Aufzeichnungen eines nachgeborenen Prinzen aus der nachgelassenen französischen Handschrift übersetzt von G.G. v. R.
BOOKS030363I: anonymous [Bailly, Marie Louise] - Revolution et contre-revolution en Russie
BOOKS028510I: anonymous [Germany] - Wege und Irrwege britischer Balkanpolitik
BOOKS026998I: anonymous [Sumatra] - Carte de la Côte Occidentale de l'Isle Sumatra depuis la Ligne Equinoctiale, jusqu'au Détroit de la Sonde
BOOKS031622I: anonymous [ Voitelain, Émile , et compagnie ; printers : ] - Le Chansonnier républicain par un garde national : première livraison
BOOKS030322I: anonymous [ Lütken, Johan Christian (1791-1856) ] - An das Volk Deutschlands : Eine Stimme des Friedens aus Dänemark
BOOKS030727I: anonymous [ Nazim, Rusim ] - Kitab al-ghars al-nami fi al-shi'r al-'ammi
BOOKS006386I: anonymous [ Tribunal of Arbitration...] - Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty...[Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV]
BOOKS028766I: anonymous [ Schneider, Felix ; publisher : ] - Aktenmässige Darstellung der Verhandlungen über das vor das Schiedsgericht zu Aarau gezogene Kammergut der reformirten ..,.
BOOKS006039I: Anozie, Sunday Ogbonna - Christopher Okigbo : Creative Rhetoric
BOOKS022722I: Anquetil, Georges - Ehen zu Dritt : Das Recht auf die Geliebte
BOOKS005707I: Anrooy, Josephine van - Die Hausindustrie in der schweizerischen Seidenstoffweberei
BOOKS009234I: Ansari, Farid - al-Bayan al-da'awi wa-zahirat al-tadakhkhum al-siyasi
BOOKS004733I: Ansari, M. Abdul Haq - The Ethical Philosophy of Miskawaih
BOOKS004727I: Ansari, Mohammad Iqbal - The Arab League 1945- 1955
BOOKS012352I: Ansarian, Husayn [ Ansariyan, Husayn ] - Hajj Pilgrimage in the Mirror of Mysticism
BOOKS024229I: Anschütz, Felix - Ärztliches Handeln : Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, Widersprüche
BOOKS015837I: Anschütz, Johann Friederich August - Sistens observationem hepatitidis quam melæna secuta est una cum epicrisi
BOOKS029334I: Ansi, Khalid 'Ali Muhammad - al-Qabr al-malaki : dirasah athariyah lil-qabr al-malaki fi mustawtanah al-'usaybiyah
BOOKS012901I: Ansón Calvo, María del Carmen - Asturias en 1787 : según los datos del censo de Floridablanca
BOOKS009174I: [Augustine, Saint. Bishop of Hippo] Anspach, August Eduard; editor: - Anonymi altercationes christianae philosophiae contra erroneas et seductiles paganorum philosophorum versutias...
BOOKS006818I: Anstey, Vera - The Economic Development of India
BOOKS012746I: Antal-Mokos, Zoltan - Privatisation, Politics, and Economic Performance in Hungary
BOOKS005708I: Antall, Jozsef ; & Buzinkay, Geza ; editors : - Nepi gyogyitas Magyarorszagon / Ethnomedicine in Hungary
BOOKS028914I: Anthony, H. E. (Harold Elmer), [1890-1970] - Preliminary Report on Fossil Mammals from Porto Rico, with Descriptions of a New Genus of Ground Sloth and Two New Genera ..,.
BOOKS005957I: Antia, Noshir H.; Enna, Carl D. & Daver, Behman M. - The Surgical Management of Deformities in Leprosy & Other Peripheral Neuropathies
BOOKS020998I: Antia, Noshir H. ; & Dastur, Darab K. ; editors: - Symposium on Leprosy : Proceedings of a Symposium Jointly Sponsored by the University of Bombay..,.
BOOKS030295I: Colectivo Contrahistoria ; Kolectivo de Resistencia Antiautoritaria (Madrid, Spain) - La hoja áKRAta : recopilación de números
BOOKS015131I: Branners Bibliofile Antikvariat [Copenhagen] - Katalog nr. 1, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27 [1947-1963]
BOOKS030952I: Antippas, Georges - Pionniers méconnus du Congo belge
BOOKS022299I: Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert / Thelem Antiquariat [Rotthalmünster (Austria)] - Katalog nr. 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12 [ca. 1977-1990?]
BOOKS023516I: Klemmings Antiquariat - Katalog N:o 1 från Klemmings Antiquariat, Stockholm, Regeringsgatan N:o 18 : Svensk Vitterhet
BOOKS016217I: Stuttgarter Antiquariat - Antiquariatskatalog nr.s 58; 60; 62; 65; 66; 67; 77; 80; 83; 125; + Sonderkatalog [1967-1983
BOOKS030926I: Utopia Buchhandlung und Antiquariat (Berlin) - Katalog 26 : Revolution und Sozialismus
BOOKS014656I: Antoine, Aristide [1891 - 19??] - Les routes américaines
BOOKS015260I: Anton, John Peter ; & Preus, Anthony ; editors: - Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Volume IV: Aristotle's Ethics
BOOKS017063I: Antonello, Paola; Decker, Bettina ; Lee, Franz J.T.; Schmelz, Herbert; Egbuna, Obi B. ; & Chima, Alex - Nigeria gegen Biafra? Falsche Alternativen oder über die Verschärfung der Widersprüche im Neokolonialismus
BOOKS025284I: Antoniadès, Alexandre - Le développement économique de la Thrace : le passé, le présent, l'avenir
BOOKS030818I: Antoniadi, Eugène Michel [1870-1944] - The Planet Mars / [by] E. M. Antoniadi ; Translated from the French by Patrick Moore
BOOKS000887I: Antonijevic, Dragoslav, editor: - Folklorni teatar u balkanskim i podunavskim zemljama : zbornik radova
BOOKS016475I: Antoniou, Grigorios - Nonmonotonic Reasoning
BOOKS001394I: Antov, Dago - Road User Perception Towards Road Safety in Estonia
BOOKS018495I: Antreassian, Jack Arthur ; editor: - Ararat : A Decade of Armenian-American Writing
BOOKS027728I: Antunes, Miguel Telles ; & Cunha, Armando Santinho - Santos mártires de Lisboa : espólio osteológico de Santos-o-Novo
BOOKS025423I: Antunes, A. Vaz, Major de Infantaria - Tiro de pontaria instintiva
BOOKS026296I: Antunes, João - A hipnologia transcendental
BOOKS002091I: Anuraddha, R.P. - An Introduction into Lamaism. The Mystical Buddhism of Tibet
BOOKS001963I: Anwar, Raja - The Terrorist Prince : The Life and Death of Murtaza Bhutto
BOOKS010206I: Anweiler, Oskar - Die Rätebewegung in Russland 1905-1921
BOOKS004347I: Anz, Heinrich - Die Bedeutung poetischer Rede. Studien zur hermeneutischen Begrundung und Kritik von Poetologie
BOOKS023662I: International Arthurian Aociety - Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society..,. No.s 4 -20; 22- 34; 36- 38 [1952 - 1986]
BOOKS029138I: Ap'xazava, Noe - Gvianantikuri da adresuasaukunet'a epok'is Ap'xazet'is et'nikuri situac'ia : cerilobit'i da ark'eologiuri masalebis mixedvit'
BOOKS009120I: Aparicio Pérez, José ; & Graullera Sanz, Rafael - El Mesolítico en Valencia y en el Mediterráneo occidental
BOOKS009741I: Apel, Karl-Otto - Analytic Philosophy of Language and the Geisteswissenschaften
BOOKS002176I: Apel, Karl-Otto - Die Idee der Sprache in der Tradition des Humanismus von Dante bis Vico
BOOKS019426I: Apfel, Ernst - Der Diskant in der Musiktheorie des 12.-15. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS005753I: Alexander of Aphrodisias - Quaestiones 2.16 - 3.15
BOOKS000781I: Alexander of Aphrodisias - On Aristotle's Meteorology 4
BOOKS023610I: Apoorvanand - Analysis of the School Textbooks of Rajasthan: Schools or Hate-Labs?
BOOKS009613I: Apostolico, Alberto & Galil, Zvi; editors: - Pattern Matching Algorithms
BOOKS020075I: Apostolides, Thanases - Alexandroupoli : Morfes - Gegonota - Anamneseiz
BOOKS009418I: Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane - Encyclopedia of Women in Religious Art
BOOKS014525I: Appa Rao, Gandham ; editor: - Nannaya jayanti : Seminar Papers
BOOKS021258I: Appel, Josef [1905-19??] - Die fokale Reaktion als Kausaltherapie der dentogenen Herdinfektion
BOOKS013468I: Appelbaum, David - Voice
BOOKS015614I: Appleby, R. Scott ; editor: - Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East
BOOKS012535I: Apte, Mahadev L. [Apte, Mahadeo L.] - Reduplication, Echo Formation, and Onomatopoeia in Marathi
BOOKS021878I: Apter, David Ernest - The Political Kingdom in Uganda : A Study in Bureaucratic Nationalism
BOOKS010148I: Apter, David E. - The Gold Coast in Transition
BOOKS025098I: Aqili, Ahmad - Nigarishi bar mashrutiyat-i Isfahan : mashahir-i 'asr-i mashrutah madfun dar Takht-i Fulad
BOOKS029302I: Roobinaa Shuumii Araarsaa. - Siinan
BOOKS030388I: Arabli, Vahid - Mururi bar lughat va istilahat mushtarak Turki Qashqayi va Istanbuli
BOOKS015901I: Arac, Jonathan ; & Johnson, Barbara ; editors: - Consequences of Theory
BOOKS021247I: Aracu, Ma Ra [ Arasu, M.R. ] - Va. U. Ci. valartta Tamil
BOOKS006328I: Aragón y Escacena, Federico - Breve estudio antropológico acerca del pueblo Maragato
BOOKS008684I: Arajs, Karlis; & Medne-Romane, Alma - Latviešu pasaku tipu raditajs
BOOKS002751I: Arakeri, A.V. ; Koppad, K.B.; & Murthy, B.S.Narasimha - Survey Report on Village Yerdona
BOOKS023084I: Arakeri, A. V. ; Koppad, K .P. ; & Narasimha Murthy, B. S. [ India, Director of Census Operations, Karnataka. - Survey Report on Village Hunnur
BOOKS000678I: Araki, Huzihiro [1932- ]; Moore, Calvin C.; Stratila, Serban-Valentin; & Voiculescu, Dan-Virgil; editors: - Operator Algebras and their Connections with Topology and Ergodic Theory : Proceedings of the OATE Conference ..,. 1983
BOOKS006637I: Arambarri y Cazalis, Pablo de; Cabrera Capitan, Francisco & Toca Lopez, Carlos G. - Estudio de la contaminacion del rio Guadiamar y su zona de influencia (Marismas de Guadalquivir y Coto Donana)...
BOOKS016696I: Aran, Ahmad, Brigadier General - Kanal Hendeli
BOOKS025426I: Arandelovic, Dragoljub [1873-1950] - Nasledno pravo : s narocitim obzirom na gradanski zakonik Kraljevine Srbije : za potrebu svojih slusalaca
BOOKS009883I: Arankanatan, Na. - Kaviccakkaravartti kampan aruliya catakopar antati
BOOKS024815I: Arankaracan, Thu. - Akattiyar nul tirattu
BOOKS020583I: Arankaracan, Ca. - Panca kaviya nikantu
BOOKS018560I: Araqc'isvili, D. E. [ Arakchishvili, D. ] ; compiler ; & C'xikvaze, Grigol ; editor: - Xalxuri samusiko sakravebis agcera da gazomva / D. E. Araqc'isvili ; targmani, red. da leksikoni Gr. C'xikvazisa
BOOKS028853I: Araque Jiménez, Eduardo : Garrido Almonacid, Antonio ; & Idrissi, Mohammed Youbi - Temporeros marroquíes en la provincia de Jaén
BOOKS021126I: Arasly, Elman Gamidogly - Dzhirdzhi Zeidan i arabskii istoricheskii roman
BOOKS008500I: Aravaanan, Kadalangudi Palaniyappa [1941- ] - Tamilc camutaya noykal: verum vilutum
BOOKS015450I: Aravamudachariar, S. [ Aravamutaccariyar, S. ] - Srimad Rahasyatrayasarasaram [ Rahasya Traya sara saram ]
BOOKS024711I: Internationalen Sozialistischen Arbeiterkongress - Protokoll des Bericht an den Internationalen Sozialistischen Arbeiterkongresses ..,.1893 [bound together with 6 other pamphlets]
BOOKS030429I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Völkischer Beobachter : Kampfblatt der national-sozialistischen Bewegung Grossdeutschlands : Sonder-Nummer 24 : April 1932
BOOKS030428I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Deutsche Volksgenossen!..,.Wählt Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Hitlerbewegung) Liste 1
BOOKS023119I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Wählt Liste 9
BOOKS030426I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Einigkeit tut not! Stellt alles Trennende beiseite!..,.Wählt Adolf Hitler den Führer aus Not und Elend!
BOOKS029611I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Katholische Glaubensgenossen!
BOOKS030435I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Deutsche! Deutschnationale! Stahlhelmer!
BOOKS030842I: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan ; & Center for Afghanistan Studies, University of Nebraska - Afghanistan Journal : Jahrgang 1, Heft 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Jahrgang 2, Heft 1, 2, 3, 4 [1974-1975]
BOOKS001015I: Göttinger Arbeitskreis - Schriftenreihe : Heft 12, 13,15, 23, 27, 30, 35, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52/53, 58, 61, 66 [ca. 1951-1962]
BOOKS001229I: Arbellot, Guy - La cartographie statistique automatique appliquée à l'histoire; une expérience sur 332 villes et villages de Haute-Champagne.,.,
BOOKS016341I: Arberry, A. J. (Arthur John) [1905-1969] ; editor & translator: [ Hafiz, 14th century AD] - Fifty Poems of Hafiz / Texts and Translations Collected and Made, Introduced and Annotated by Arthur J. Arberry
BOOKS013982I: Arbery, Glenn Cannon ; editor: - The Tragic Abyss
BOOKS018457I: Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti - Storstrejken 1902 : Redogörelse från Arbetarepartiets Verkställande Utskott
BOOKS015619I: Arbib, Michael A. ; et al; editors: - The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks
BOOKS001744I: Arbib, Michael A.; editor: - The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks
BOOKS006746I: Arbman, Holger - Karingsjon. Studier i hallandsk Jarnalder
BOOKS017748I: Arbman, Holger - Hallands Forntid
BOOKS004661I: Arbman, Holger - Schweden und das karolingische Reich. Studien zu den Handelsverbindungen des 9. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS025766I: Arboe Rasmussen, Niels Peter (1866-1944) - Akter i Arboe-Rasmussen Sagen [consists of 9 documents ca. October 1915-April 1916, bound together]
BOOKS027097I: Arce, Javier ; editor : - Ciudad y comunidad cívica en Hispania siglos II y III d. C. / Cité et communauté civique en Hispania : actes du colloque ..,.
BOOKS028107I: Arcet, Jean-Pierre-Joseph d' [ Darcet, Jean-Pierre-Joseph (1777-1844)] [Leroux, Jean-Jacques (1749-1832)] - Note sur l'emploi continu et régulier de la gélatine, [together with 5 other French pamphlets concerning gelatine ca. 1829-1839]
BOOKS001177I: International Congress of Classical Archaeology (2nd : 1909 : Cairo, Egypt) - Comptes rendus du Congrès international d'archéologie classique : 2me session : Le Caire, 1909
BOOKS029388I: Society of Biblical Archaeology - Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology : January to December, 1907 : Vol. XXIX : Thirty-Seventh Session
BOOKS025259I: Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity: Journal of the Society for American Archaeology [a collection of 19 issues ca. 1973-1978]
BOOKS013616I: Archambault, Paul [1883-1950] - Emile Boutroux : choix de textes avec une étude sur l'oeuvre
BOOKS014886I: Archambault, Paul [1883-1950] - Humanité d'André Gide: Essai de biographie et de critique psychologiques
BOOKS029899I: Société française d’archéologie [ Caumont, Arcisse de (1801-1873) ; editor : ] - Bulletin monumental ou, Collection de mémoires et de renseignements sur la statistique monumentale de la France [Volume 19, 1853
BOOKS012744I: Société française d’archéologie [ Deshoulières, F. ; & Aubert, Marcel ; editors : ] - Bulletin monumental : Quatre-vingt-neuvième volume [1930]
BOOKS030107I: Archer, Mildred [ India Office Library] - Indian Popular Painting in the India Office Library
BOOKS016766I: Archibugi, Daniele ; et al; editor: - Debating Cosmopolitics
BOOKS003583I: Archibugi, Daniele; Held, David & Koehler, Martin; editors: - Re-imagining Political Community : Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy
BOOKS025810I: Association Archipel [ Chambert-Loir, Henri ; editor: ] - Archipel : Etudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien : no. 62 [2001]
BOOKS007231I: Association Archipel - L’horizon nousantarien : Mélanges en hommage à Denys Lombard, IV [Archipel, 60]
BOOKS015372I: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives - Mdo Khams Chu Drug Sgan Lna 'I Gzi Gter Gnas Bdag Yul Lha Rgya Mtsho'I Bsam Mchod Lha Srin Dgyes Pa'I Mchod Sprin.
BOOKS027786I: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives - gTam-tshogs [Nr.s 1 -2 (1981-1984)
BOOKS022358I: Arciniegas, Ismael Enrique [1865-1938] - Poesias
BOOKS017421I: Arciniegas, Germán [1900-1999] - Biografía del Caribe
BOOKS031685I: Ardaviciute-Ramanauskiene, Skaiste ; & Steponaitis, Valdas ; editors : [ Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus ] - Archeologine avalyne XII–XVIII amziuje / Archaeological Footwear in the 12th–18th Centuries
BOOKS021378I: Ardery, Julia S. - The Temptation : Edgar Tolson and the Genesis of Twentieth-Century Folk Art
BOOKS009103I: Ardévol, Jose Termes - El Movimiento Obrero en Espana : La Primera Internacional (1864-1881)
BOOKS029424I: Ardoteli, Nodar - Nazmnari saxelebi didour enebs'i
BOOKS022328I: Arena, Giovanni F.; editor: - Directory of Italian-Americans in Commerce and Professions / Guida Italo-Americana : [Volume 1: 1937]
BOOKS020985I: Arend, Guy Franz. - Bastogne and the Ardenne Offensive : "Watch at the Rhine
BOOKS030619I: Arendonk, Cornelis van - An Initiation Rite of the Sorcerer in Southern Arabia
BOOKS027264I: Arenhövel, H. ; & Drechsel, D. ; editors : - Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Interactions : Proceedings of the International Conference, Held in Mainz.,.,.
BOOKS002092I: Arens, Jenneke ; & Heurden, Jos van - Jhagrapur : Poor Peasants & Women in a Village in Bangladesh
BOOKS003406I: Arens, Pedro Laurent - A Study on the Differential Thermal Analysis of Clays & Clay Minerals
BOOKS026118I: Arentzen, Kristian August Emil [1823-1899] - Ny Digtsamling
BOOKS025954I: Arentzen, Kristian August Emil [1823-1899] - Digte
BOOKS028484I: Arf, Cahit - Über ein Analogon des Riemann-Rochschen Satzes in Zahlkörpern
BOOKS017122I: Arfa, Hassan, General [1895-1984] - Under Five Shahs
BOOKS029300I: Daandii Guutamaa Argawuu - Ji'a Dukkanaa : bilisummaan fedhii uummata ofii eeguudha ; Gulaalan : Beekan Gulummaa Irranaa
BOOKS002879I: Argov, Daniel - Moderates and Extremists in the Indian Nationalist Movement 1883-1920 with Special Reference to Surendranath Banerjea ..,.
BOOKS012922I: Argüelles, José - The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology
BOOKS010409I: Århem, Kaj - Pastoral Man in the Garden of Eden : The Maasai of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
BOOKS000197I: Ariel, Yoav - K'ung - Ts'ung - Tzu. The K'ung Family Masters' Anthology. A Study & Translation of Chapters 1 - 10; 12 - 14
BOOKS018128I: Ariès, Philippe ; & Duby, Georges ; editors: - A History of Private Life : From Pagan Rome to Byzantium, Volume 1
BOOKS005454I: Arifin, E. Zaenal ; Sumarti ; Rokhayati, Reni ; & Muzaki, Ahmad - Fonologi bahasa Indonesia
BOOKS031577I: Arikha, Avigdor [1929- 2010] - On Depiction : Selected Writings on Art, 1965-94
BOOKS025645I: Arinasa, Ida Bagus Ketut ; & Peneng, I Nyoman ; editors : - Jenis-jenis bambu di Bali dan potensinya
BOOKS012292I: D'Arista, Jane W. - The Evolution of U.S. Finance. Volumes I & II
BOOKS018601I: Aristarco, Guido - Storia delle teoriche del film
BOOKS031224I: Ariste, Paul [1905-1990] - Vadjalane kätkist kalmuni
BOOKS031278I: Ariste, Paul [1905-1990] - Vadja rahvakalender
BOOKS031695I: Ariste, Paul ; [ Ahven, Heino; Laanest, Arvo ; et al.; editors ] - Läänemeresoomlastest neenetsiteni : uurimusi ja memuaare
BOOKS030872I: Arkhipova, Elizaveta - Reznoi kamen' v arkhitekture drevnego Kieva : konets X - pervaia polovina XIII vv.
BOOKS024968I: Sveriges Arkitekturmuseum - Aufbruch und Krise des Funtionalismus : Bauen und Wohnen in Schweden 1930-80
BOOKS027408I: Arkowitz, M. ; & Curjel, C. R. - Groups of Homotopy Classes : Rank Formulas and Homotopy-commutativity
BOOKS007108I: Arlbjorn, Jan Stentoft - A Comparative Logistical Analysis: A Search for a Contingency Theory - The Manufacturer's Perspective
BOOKS015037I: Arler, Finn & Svennevig, Ingeborg; editors: - Cross-Cultural Protection of Nature and the Environment
BOOKS028203I: Arlt, Ferdinand, Ritter von [1812-1887] - Die Pflege der Augen im gesunden und kranken Zustande, nebst einem Anhange über Augengläser
BOOKS028012I: Arlt, Ferdinand [1812-1887] - Zur Lehre vom Glaucom
BOOKS020528I: Armaroli, Maurizio ; editor: [ Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna ] - Le Cere anatomiche bolognesi del Settecento: Universita degli studi di Bologna, Accademia delle Scienze, settembre-novembre 1981
BOOKS007051I: Armbruster, Adolf - Romanitatea românilor. Istoria unei idei
BOOKS002094I: Prussia (Kingdom). Armee. - Sammlung der für Ungarn erlassenen Allerhöchsten Manifeste und Proklamationen [..,.] von 22. Sept 1848 bis 31 Dezember 1849
BOOKS011266I: Schweizerischer Armenerzieherverein - Verhandlungen des Schweizerischen Armenerziehervereins : Hefte 7 - 20, 1886 - 1901
BOOKS024487I: Armens, Sven - Archetypes of the Family in Literature
BOOKS002642I: Armesto, Victoria - Los hijos cautivos de Breogan. El rastro de Casteleo en America
BOOKS016683I: Armi, C. Edson - Masons and Sculptors in Romanesque Burgundy : The New Aesthetic of Cluny III [Volumes I - II]
BOOKS009718I: Arminjon, Pierre - La situation economique et financiere de l'Egypte; Le Soudan egyptien
BOOKS014424I: Armitage, David ; Himy, Armand ; Skinner, Quentin ; editors: - Milton and Republicanism
BOOKS009327I: Armitage, Christopher M.; compiler: - Sir Walter Ralegh, An Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS010525I: Armitage, Andrew - Comparing the Policy of Aboriginal Assimilation : Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
BOOKS003772I: Armroyd, George - A Connected View of the Whole Internal Navigation of the United States, Natural & Artificial, Present & Prospective...
BOOKS010137I: Armstrong, David - Revolution and World Order: The Revolutionary State in International Society
BOOKS008156I: Armstrong, Paul B. - Conflicting Readings: Variety and Validity in Interpretation
BOOKS018689I: Armstrong, Judith - The Novel of Adultery
BOOKS006927I: Armstrong, Patrick H. & Martin, Geoffrey J., editors: - Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies Volume 18
BOOKS018403I: Armstrong, J. R. ; & Tucker, W. Eldon ; editors: - Injury in Sport : The Physiology, Prevention, and Treatment of Injuries Associated with Sport
BOOKS003945I: Armstrong, Charles K. - The North Korean Revolution, 1945-1950
BOOKS003121I: Armstrong, J.D. - Revolutionary Diplomacy. Chinese Foreign Policy & the United Front Doctrine
BOOKS021089I: Armstrong, Moses Kimball [1832-1906] - History and Resources of Dakota, Montana and Idaho
BOOKS027045I: Arnaud, Michèle [1919-1998] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - An original typed letter from French singer / film director Michèle Arnaud to American author Henry Miller, dated 2 mars 1973
BOOKS027071I: Arnaud, Michèle [1919-1998] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - An original typed letter from French singer/ film director Michèle Arnaud to American author Henry Miller, dated 10 janvier 1975
BOOKS005230I: Arnavon, Jacques - L'Interpretation de la comedie classique. Le Misanthrope: Mise en scene, decors, representation.
BOOKS027795I: Arndt, Johann [1555-1621] - Paradiis-Urtegaard, fuld af Christelige Dyder som ved gudelige Bønner i Sjælen bør plantes
BOOKS020650I: Arndt, Ernst Moritz - Reise durch Schweden im Jahr 1804 : Erster Theil [together with: Zweiter Theil and Vierter Theil]
BOOKS024021I: Arneborg, Jette ; & Grønnow, Bjarne ; editors: - Dynamics of Northern Societies : Proceedings of the SILA/NABO Conference on Arctic and North Atlantic Archaeology, Copenhagen, M
BOOKS030551I: Arneth, Alfred von [ Dudík, Beda ] - Johann Christoph Bartenstein und seine Zeit [together with: "Reformations- Artikeln des Erzbischof's von Prag Anton Brus ..,."]
BOOKS021914I: Arnheim, Rudolf - Film as Art
BOOKS009451I: Arnheim, Rudolf - To the Rescue of Art: Twenty-Six Essays
BOOKS028357I: Arnim, Hans Friedrich August von [1859-1931] - Die sprachliche Forschung als Grundlage der Chronologie der platonischen Dialoge und der "Kratylos
BOOKS028431I: Arnim, Hans Friedrich August von [1859-1931] - Bemerkungen zum Index Stoicorum Herculanensis
BOOKS005812I: Arnim, H.v. [Arnim, Hans Friedrich August von (1859-1931)] - Xenophons Memorabilien und Apologie des Sokrates
BOOKS028324I: Arnim, Hans Friedrich August von [1859-1931] - Der neueste Versuch, die Magna Moralia als unecht zu erweisen
BOOKS014279I: Arnold, Emil [1897-1974] - Prozess Arnold : Der Angeklagte wird zum Ankläger
BOOKS021045I: Arnold, Emil [1897-1974] ; editor : - Wendepunkt in der Arbeiterbewegung : die Basler Gross- und Regierungsratswahlen im März 1944
BOOKS018636I: Arnold, Denis - Giovanni Gabrieli
BOOKS016575I: Arnold, Dana ; & Iversen, Margaret ; editors: - Art and Thought
BOOKS005149I: Arnold, Guy - Wars in the Third World since 1945
BOOKS021590I: Arnold, Benjamin - German Knighthood, 1050-1300
BOOKS026957I: Arnold, August - Die Bedeutung der Chlorionen für die Pflanze insbesondere deren physiologische Wirksamkeit : eine monographische Studie..,.
BOOKS017756I: Arnopoulos, Sheila McLeod ; & Clift, Dominique - The English Fact in Quebec
BOOKS025655I: Arntzen, Vilhelm August [1842-1893] ; & Ring, Kristian Otto Vilhelm [1845-1920] - Nationaløkonomien : En fremstilling af dens grundforhold og udviklingslove
BOOKS023173I: Arntzen, Johan Eilertsen ; & Sommerseth, Ingrid ; editors : - Den første gården i Nord-Norge : jordbruksbosetting fra bronsealder til jernalder på Kveøy
BOOKS003988I: Arogyaswamy, R.N.P. - Glass Making Materials
BOOKS003893I: Arogyaswamy, R.N.P. - Clays
BOOKS000026I: Arokianathan, S. - Tangkhul Folk Literature
BOOKS011407I: Arokianathan, S. - Tangkhul Naga Grammar
BOOKS011391I: Arokianathan, S. - Tangkhul - English - Hindi Dictionary
BOOKS018662I: Aron, Raymond [1905-1983] - De Gaulle, Israel, and the Jews
BOOKS001126I: Aron, E. - Ueber die Einwirkung barometrisch verschiedener Luftarten auf den intrapleuralen ..,." [together with one other offprint]
BOOKS002541I: Aronoff, Myron J.; editor: - Political Anthropology Yearbook I: Ideology and Interest: The Dialectics of Politics
BOOKS012496I: Aronoff, Mark; Oehrle, Richard T.; Kelley, Frances; & Stephens, Bonnie Wilker; editors: - Language Sound Structure: Studies in Phonology Presented to Morris Halle by his Teacher and Students ;
BOOKS002274I: Aronov, Michael David - I Was a Government Licensed Medical-Marijuana Salesman Busted by the Federal Government : My Life Stories
BOOKS002984I: Aronowitz, Stanley - How Class Works : Power and Social Movement
BOOKS012723I: Aronowitz, Robert Alan [1953- ] - Making Sense of Illness : Science, Society, and Disease
BOOKS019129I: Aronowitz, Robert Alan - Making Sense of Illness : Science, Society and Disease
BOOKS007950I: Aronowitz, Stanley; Martinsons, Barbara; Menser, Michael; & Rich, Jennifer; editors: - Technoscience and Cyberculture
BOOKS007470I: Aronson, Harvey B. - Love and Sympathy in Theravada Buddhism
BOOKS019215I: Aronson, Shlomo - Hitler, the Allies, and the Jews
BOOKS014782I: Aronson, James [1915 - 1988] - The Press and the Cold War by James Aronson. New and Expanded Edition
BOOKS011172I: Aronsson, Lars - The Development of Sustainable Tourism
BOOKS022434I: Aronsson, Lars - The Development of Sustainable Tourism
BOOKS031838I: Arrhenius, Svante August [1859-1927] - Versuche über Hämolyse [together with 4 other short monographs by Arrhenius, ca. 1908-1909]
BOOKS031736I: Arrhenius, Svante [1859-1927 ] [ Nobel Institute ] [ Bohr, Niels] - Festskrift utgiven till Svante Arrhenius' 60-årsdag den 19 februari 1919
BOOKS028817I: Arribas Palau, Mariano - Cartas arabes de Marruecos en tiempo de Mawlay al-Yazid (1790-1792)
BOOKS000085I: Arribas Arranz, Filemon - El Incendio de Valladolid en 1561
BOOKS031684I: Arro, Hendrik - Retk maakera servale, ehk, Kroonu küüdiga läbi "punaste" maa : [mälestused]
BOOKS010449I: Arrow, Kenneth J.; editor: - Issues in Contemporary Economics. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress...Volume 1: Markets and Welfare
BOOKS006775I: Arroyo Ilera, Fernando - Poblacion y poblamiento en el alto y medio Palancia
BOOKS019320I: Arslan, Yüksel [ Artun, Ali ; editor: ] - Yüksel Arslan : Defterler, 1965-1994 / Cahiers de travail, 1965-1994
BOOKS018771I: Artelt, Walter ; & Rüegg, Walter ; editors: - Der Arzt und der Kranke in der Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts. Vorträge eins Symposiums vom 1. bis 3. April 1963 in Frankfurt
BOOKS001490I: Arter, David - Politics and Policy-Making in Finland
BOOKS028887I: Artinian, Vartan - Osmanli devleti'nde Ermeni anayasasi'nin dogusu, 1839-1863
BOOKS020110I: Artis, Michael J. ; Banerjee, Anindya ; & Marcellino, Massimiliano ; editors: - The Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union
BOOKS030453I: Bonner Kunstverein und Artothek [ Hamza, Aleya ; & Molnar, Edit ; editors :] - Indicated by Signs : Contested Public Space, Gendered Bodies, and Hidden Sites of Trauma in Contemporary Visual Art Practices
BOOKS024840I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1894
BOOKS026795I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1907
BOOKS026672I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1888
BOOKS023347I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1898
BOOKS026381I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1892
BOOKS028061I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1908
BOOKS026685I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1891
BOOKS021127I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1899
BOOKS028100I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1897
BOOKS028064I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1910
BOOKS012417I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1895
BOOKS000879I: Musee des Beaux Arts - Silvestro Lega (1826-1895)
BOOKS026634I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1911
BOOKS026684I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1912
BOOKS021794I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1901
BOOKS024528I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1905
BOOKS027932I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1906
BOOKS022784I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1902
BOOKS024413I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1893
BOOKS023333I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1913
BOOKS025328I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1921
BOOKS028063I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1909
BOOKS025621I: Gazette des beaux-arts - La chronique des arts et de la curiosité : supplément à la Gazette des beaux-arts : Année 1900
BOOKS023463I: Musée national des arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie - Le Roi Salomon et les maîtres du regard : art et médecine en Ethiopie
BOOKS031496I: Artsruni, Artashes - Kars -- serdtse maloi Azii : istoriia predatel'stva
BOOKS003880I: Artsruni, Artashes - Iznachal'naia astrologiia-astronomiia i Armeniia : kosmicheskie glubiny iazykoznaniia
BOOKS030324I: Artsruni, Artashes - I byl edin iazyk : armianskii iazyk na skrizhaliakh istorii
BOOKS017284I: Artsybashev, Mikhail [1878-1927] - Sanin : A Novel
BOOKS019386I: Artun, Ali ; & Dostoglu, Haldun ; editors: - 1950-2000 Türkiye'de cagdas sanat, I - II
BOOKS000612I: Arumae, Heino - At the Crossroads: The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Estonia in 1933-1939
BOOKS018965I: Arumugham, K. - A Critical Study of Naccinarkkiniyar
BOOKS031861I: Arvastson, Gösta ; & Butler, Tim ; editors : - Multicultures and Cities
BOOKS025735I: Arx, Cäsar von [1895-1949] - Die Geschichte von General Johann August Suter : Stück in zwei Teilen
BOOKS018709I: Arya, Raj Narain - Caste System Through History and Present Tasks : A Marxist View
BOOKS027902I: Aryani, Rina Farida - Mengenal budaya Sunda lebih dekat
BOOKS019101I: Aryaq, Vidya ; editor: [ Basava, fl. 1160 AD ] - Paroles de Basava
BOOKS014878I: as- Sadr, Muhammad Baqir - An Inquiry about al-Mahdi and the Last Luminary
BOOKS019997I: Asad, Nasir al-Din al- ; editor: [ Qays ibn al-Khatim (fl. ca. 620 CE) ] - Diwan / Qais Ibn al-Hatim. Tahqiq Nasir-ad-Din al-Asad
BOOKS029286I: Asafa 'Endasaw - Ityopya -- zaréna naga [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS030379I: Asafa 'Endasaw - 'Ityopya ba2000 mabaca lay
BOOKS030824I: Asakawa, Kan'ichi [1873-1948] - The Life of a Monastic Sho in Medieval Japan
BOOKS004018I: 'Asaker, Khalil M.; Mus'ad, Mustafa M. & Ziada, M. Mustafa, editors: - Tashhidh Al-Adhhan Bi-Sirat Bilad Al-'Arab Wa-'l-Sudan. Travels in Darfur by Mohammad Ibn 'Omar Al-Tunsi
BOOKS022042I: Asante, Molefi K. - Afrocentricity
BOOKS031906I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Volume 20. 3-4 : Special Issue : Studies on Ethno-Religious Groups
BOOKS015313I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 14 : No.s 1 ; & 2 [2010]
BOOKS013600I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 15 : 1 - 2 : Jubilee Volume
BOOKS018855I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 17 : No.s 1; 2; 3; 4 [2013]
BOOKS015737I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 18 : No.s 1; 2; 3; 4 [2014]
BOOKS019039I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 21 : No.s 1; 2; 3; 4 [2017]
BOOKS019280I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 19 : No.s 1; 2; 3; 4 [2015]
BOOKS012554I: Asatrian, Garnik S.; & Arakelova ; Victoria ; et al. editors : [ Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies] - Iran and the Caucasus : Research Papers from the Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies : Volume 16 : No.s 1 & 2 [2012]
BOOKS025996I: Asbirk, Sten ; & Ovesen, Claus Helweg - Gundsømagle Sø : en naturhistorisk undersøgelse og naturværnsmæssig vurdering : udført i årene 1962-67 af Roskildeafdelingen.,.,
BOOKS004005I: Asboe-Hansen, Gustav, editor: - Hormones & Connective Tissue
BOOKS018059I: Asbridge, Thomas S. - The First Crusade : A New History
BOOKS026549I: Ascani, Karen ; Gabrielsen, Vincent; Kvist, Karen ; & Rasmussen, Anders Holm ; editors: - Ancient History Matters : Studies Presented to Jens Erik Skydsgaard on His 70th Birthday
BOOKS018596I: Ascanius, O.A. - Under Malayas Himmel
BOOKS006548I: Ascenso, Jose Crespo - Inheritance & Relationships Among Growth Characters of Young Cacao Seedlings
BOOKS018684I: Aschenbach, Rudolf - Der chronische Gelenkrheumatismus und seine Behandlung
BOOKS022677I: Ascher, Carol - Simone de Beauvoir : A Life of Freedom
BOOKS006356I: Ascher, Abraham; Halasi-Kun, Tibor; & Kiraly, Bela K.; editors: - The Mutual Effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian Worlds: The East European Pattern
BOOKS014927I: Aschheim, Joseph - Techniques of Monetary Control
BOOKS024754I: Aschlund, Fr. - Til Minde om Pastor Georg Evers, 1ste Kateket ved Garnisons Menighed, constitueret Præst ved Garnisons, Blegdams og Øresunds .,.
BOOKS023837I: Asenov, Boncho - Vuzroditelniiat protses i durzhavna sigurnost
BOOKS015400I: Asensio, Eugenio - Poética y realidad en el cancionero peninsular de la Edad Media.
BOOKS010819I: Al-Asfour, Taiba A. - Changing Sea-Level Along the North Coast of Kuwait Bay
BOOKS028535I: Asgari, Shadab - Bachchah-i Abadan
BOOKS012851I: Asghar Khan, Mohammed - Generals in Politics : Pakistan 1958-1982
BOOKS008823I: Asha, Dayal - Sind Ja Sant
BOOKS025105I: Ashah, Raham ; & Siraj, Shahin [ Adarabada Marasapanda ] - Azarbad-i Mihrsipandan
BOOKS012907I: Ashaq, Mawlud - Jawanib min tarikh mintaqat Zammur
BOOKS003438I: Ashby, Eric - Universities: British, Indian, African. A Study in the Ecology of Higher Education
BOOKS020252I: Ashby, M.K. [Ashby, Mabel Kathleen (1892-1975)] - Joseph Ashby of Tysoe, 1859-1919 : A Study of English Village Life
BOOKS022295I: Ashby, Steven P. ; & Sindbaek, Søren ; editors : - Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns
BOOKS026753I: Ashchepkov, E. A. (Evgenii Andreevich) - Russkoe narodnoe zodchestvo v zapadnoi Sibiri
BOOKS014451I: Ashe, Geoffrey - Camelot and the Vision of Albion
BOOKS026780I: Ashe, Geoffrey - The Virgin
BOOKS010470I: Ashkenazi, Elliott - The Business of Jews in Louisiana 1840-1875
BOOKS001188I: Ashkenazi, Tovia - Tribus semi-nomades de la Palestine du Nord
BOOKS024981I: Ashmole, Bernard [1894-1988] [ Kurtz, Donna C. ; editor: ] - Bernard Ashmole 1894-1988 : An Autobiography
BOOKS025166I: Ashouri, Mohammad Taghi ; editor: [ Iranian Carpet Scientific Society ] - Goljaam : Iranian Journal of Hand Woven Carpet : Nr. s 1-8 [2006-2007]
BOOKS028272I: Ashqar, 'Umar Sulayman al- - The World of the Noble Angels : In the Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah
BOOKS016534I: Ashraf, Ali - Bihar ke Muslim khavas
BOOKS018754I: Ashraf, Sayyid Wahid [ Jilani Kachauchvi, Sayyid Vahid Ashraf Ashrafi ] - Muqaddamah-i Latayif-i Ashrafi
BOOKS018255I: Ashton, Dore ; editor: - Twentieth-Century Artists on Art
BOOKS020439I: Ashton, Dore - A Fable of Modern Art
BOOKS020538I: Ashton, Dore - Rosa Bonheur : A Life and a Legend
BOOKS008906I: Ashtor, Eliyahu, 1914- - The Jews of Moslem Spain: Volume 3
BOOKS028507I: Ashtor, Eliyahu [1914-1984] - A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages
BOOKS009124I: Ashworth, Georgina ; editor: - World Minorities : A Second Volume
BOOKS007963I: Ashworth, Mary - Beyond Methodology: Second Language Teaching and the Community
BOOKS016317I: Ashworth, E. Jennifer; editor & translator: [ Paolo, Veneto (ca. 1370-1428)] [ Paul of Venice] - Pauli Veneti [Paul of Venice] Logica magna , Part II, Fascicle 8 [Secunda pars. Tractatus de obligationibus]
BOOKS028926I: Zurich Asia - Stamps & Postal History of China, Mongolia, and other Asian Countries
BOOKS013798I: Asiatic Research Center, Korea University [ Koryo Taehakkyo, Asea Munje Yonguso ] - Bibliography of Korean Studies: A Bibliographical Guide to Korean Publications on Korean Studies. Appearing from 1959 to 1962.
BOOKS013287I: Asiatic Research Center, Korea University [ Koryo Taehakkyo, Asea Munje Yonguso ] - Bibliography of Korean Studies; A Bibliographical Guide to Korean Publications on Korean Studies Appearing from 1945 to 1958.
BOOKS006842I: Asif, Mohammad & Shafiullah - Infrared Specta of Herbal Drugs
BOOKS012892I: Asihene, E. V. [Asihene, Emmanuel V.] - Understanding the Traditional Art of Ghana
BOOKS017132I: Asim, Abd Allah - Safahat min madi rajul farid : fi al-dhikra´ al-khamsin li-wafat sayyidi al-Hajj Muhammad al-Tuzani ..,.
BOOKS007285I: Asingh, Pauline ; & Engberg, Nils ; editors : - Marsk Stig og de fredløse på Hjelm
BOOKS015564I: Asingh, Pauline ; & Lynnerup, Niels; editors : - Grauballe Man : An Iron Age Bog Body Revisited
BOOKS006032I: Asiri, Fazl Mahmud - Studies in Urdu Literature
BOOKS002697I: Askari, Syed Hasan, translator: - Shahnama Munawwar Kalam by Shiv Das Lakhnawi translated into English (with an Introduction & exhaustive Footnotes)
BOOKS011441I: Askari, S.H. - Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar
BOOKS011401I: Askari, Murtadha - Abdu'l-lah Ibn Saba and Other Myths
BOOKS019323I: Askeberg, Fritz - Norden och kontinenten i gammal tid : studier i forngermansk kulturhistoria
BOOKS000760I: Aslan, Yasin - Bugün Azerbaycanda pantürkizm ve panislâmizm
BOOKS027753I: Asmussen, Jes Peter [1928-2002] ; & Paper, Herbert Harry [1925-2012] ; editors : - The Song of Songs in Judeo-Persian : Introduction, Texts, Glossary
BOOKS007228I: Asmussen, Jes Peter [1928-2002] ; & Læssoe, Jørgen [1924-1993] ; editors : - Iranian Studies : Presented to Kaj Barr on his Seventieth Birthday June 26, 1966
BOOKS018363I: Asmussen, Jes Peter ; Laessøe, Jorgen ; & Colpe, Carsten ; editors: - Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte, Band 3.
BOOKS022275I: Asmussen, R. W. - Magnetokemiske undersøgelser over uorganiske kompleksforbindelser
BOOKS011252I: Asmussen, Jes P. - Studier i jødisk-persisk Litteratur
BOOKS000084I: Asmussen, Jes P. - Xuastvanift. Studies in Manichaeism
BOOKS030804I: Asmussen, Jes Peter [1928-2002] - Eine judisch-persische Version des Propheten Obadja [together with 9 other offprints by Asmussen, ca. 1966-1977]
BOOKS031962I: Asmussen, Jes Peter - The Khotanese Bhadracaryadesana : Text, Translation, and Glossary, Together with the Buddhist Sanskrit Original
BOOKS019906I: Asnaj, 'Abd Allah 'Abd al-Majid - Dawr al-harakah al-niqabiyah al-Yamaniyah fi al-nidal al-watani
BOOKS022301I: Aspelin, Gunnar [1898-1977] - Hegels praktiska filosofi under åren 1800-1803 : historiskt-systematiska studier
BOOKS019952I: Assaad, Ragui ; & Rouchdy, Malak - Poverty and Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Egypt
BOOKS014934I: Assam, Government, Official Language Implementation Committee - A Glossary of Administrative and Other Terms. Part 1. English-Assamese
BOOKS020257I: Assam, Government - Goalpara District [ Assam District Gazetteers ]
BOOKS002812I: Asselberghs, E., editor: - Resultats Scientifiques de la Mission Geologique du Comite National du Kivu, Fascicule I
BOOKS016652I: Assem, Ibrahim ; Simson, Daniel ; & Skowronski, Andrzej - Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras. Volume I: Techniques of Representation Theory
BOOKS009736I: Surinaams Volkskultureel Assemblee - Redi Dron: Tekstboek
BOOKS006626I: Assenmacher, Ivan ; & Farner, Donald Sankey ; editors: - Environmental Endocrinology : Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Montpellier, France, 11-15 July 1977
BOOKS017460I: Assensoh, A. B. - Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and America's Quest for Racial Integration..,.
BOOKS015328I: Asskamp, Rudolf ; Brouwer, Marijke ; Christiansen, Jörn ; Kenzler, Herweig ; & Wamser, Ludwig ; editors : - Luxus und Dekadenz : römisches Leben am Golf von Neapel
BOOKS013027I: Assmann, Erwin; editor: - Das Bürgerbuch der Stadt Bergen auf Rügen (1613-1815)
BOOKS021422I: Assmann, Jan - Weisheit und Mysterium : Das Bild der Griechen von Ägypten
BOOKS027454I: Assmuth, Joseph - Termitoxenia assmuthi Wasm. : Anatomisch-histologische Untersuchung
BOOKS018507I: Associated Calendars, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu - Khudiram
BOOKS023705I: Imperial Indian Citizenship Association [ Waiz, S.A. ; editor: ] - Indians Abroad
BOOKS007148I: Scottish Marine Biological Association - Scottish Marine Biological Association Collected Reprints Nr. 1 - 901 [1948-1975]
BOOKS001295I: Ahmadiyya Muslim Association - Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims and their Response
BOOKS030151I: Chinese Buddhist Association - Chung kuo fo chiao / Buddhism in China : / Zhongguo fo jiao xie hui : Edited by the Chinese Buddhist Association
BOOKS021041I: International Phonetic Association - Exposé des principes de l'Association Phonétique Internationale
BOOKS003451I: Scottish Marine Biological Association - Collected Reprints for 1954
BOOKS027299I: Chinese Language Teachers Association - Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association : Vol. XV, No. 3 - Vol. XXVIII, No. 1 [October 1980-February 1993]
BOOKS001754I: d'Assuncao, Jean-Rafael - Fils de Olhao
BOOKS010995I: Astell, Ann W. - Political Allegory in Late Medieval England
BOOKS020731I: Astiz, Carlos Alberto - Pressure Groups and Power Elites in Peruvian Politics
BOOKS012573I: Astor, James - Michael Fordham : Innovations in Analytical Psychology
BOOKS010551I: Åström, Paul - The Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra : Part I : The Chamber Tombs
BOOKS023235I: Åström, Sven Erik - From Cloth to Iron : The Anglo-Baltic Trade in the Late Seventeenth Century : Part I: The Growth, Structure and Organization..,.
BOOKS031882I: Åström, Paul - Excavations at Kalopsidha and Ayios Iakovos in Cyprus
BOOKS004549I: Astrup, Tage - Biochemistry of Blood Coagulation
BOOKS021656I: Astrup, Christian - Pavlovian Psychiatry : A New Synthesis
BOOKS028600I: Atabinen, Rechid Saffet [ Atabinen, Resit Saffet (1884-1965) ] - Les Turcs occidentaux et la Méditerranée
BOOKS014705I: Ataka - a collection of 2 posters, probably from the 2013 Bulgarian parliamentary election
BOOKS023025I: Atalay, Adil Ali (Vaktidolu) - Gel kendine deli gonul
BOOKS003491I: Ataman, Gurol - Geochimie des Mineraux argileux dans les Bassins sedimentaires marins.Etudes sur le Bassin triasique du Jura
BOOKS030795I: Atanackovic, Bogoboj [1826-1858] - Pupoljci : Romani, novele, pripovetke, drame i druge zabavne stvari. Izdaje Bogoboj Atanackovic : Drugi svezak
BOOKS008635I: Atanda, J. A. (Joseph Adebowale) - The New Oyo Empire : Indirect Rule and Change in Western Nigeria, 1894-1934
BOOKS005724I: Atchity, Kenneth John, editor: - Eterne in Mutabilitie. The Unity of The Fairie Queene. Essays Published in Memory of Davis Philoon Harding 1914 - 1970.
BOOKS002798I: Athanasiad, Ioan - Cine sunt Ungurii si Cine sunt Romanii
BOOKS016927I: Athearn, Daniel - Scientific Nihilism: On the Loss and Recovery of Physical Explanation
BOOKS017688I: Athenagoras, Metropolitan of Thyateira and Great Britain - Introduction to the Theological Dialogue of Anglicans and Orthodox
BOOKS022997I: Atilgan, Halil ; & Turhan, Salih - Malatya musiki folkloru
BOOKS027226I: Atiyah, M. F.; Eells, J. ; Hoffman, K. M. ; Hörmander, L. ; Rickart, C. E.; Rossi, H. ; et al. [Taam, C.T. ; editor: ] - Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications, I
BOOKS013919I: Atiyeh, George Nicholas - The Book in the Islamic World: The Written Word and Communication in the Middle East
BOOKS009011I: Atkin, Ronald - Revolution! Mexico 1910-1920
BOOKS002971I: Atkins, G. Douglas - Geoffrey Hartman. Criticism as Answerable Style
BOOKS015524I: Atkins, Robert A. - Egalitarian Community: Ethnography and Exegesis
BOOKS011820I: Atkinson, A.B. - Poverty in Europe
BOOKS003773I: Atkinson, Jane Monnig - The Art & Politics of Wana Shamanship
BOOKS005069I: Atkinson, Jane Monnig & Errington, Shelly, editors: - Power & Difference. Gender in Island Southeast Asia
BOOKS014068I: Atlan, Henri - Enlightenment to Enlightenment: Intercritique of Science and Myth
BOOKS028775I: Atouf, Elkbir - Aux origines anticipatrices des migrations marocaines vers l'Algérie coloniale et la France colonisatrice (1830-1942)
BOOKS014164I: Atris, Muhammad - Qaryat Ghafilah : fusul 'ala hamish al-sirah al-dhatiyah / Muhammad Muhammad 'Atris Ibrahim
BOOKS028356I: Attard, Edward - Il-prostituzzjoni f'Malta
BOOKS019994I: Attas, Mustafa ibn Abd al-Rahman - Mashhad al-Imam al-Attas bi-Hadramawt : itar mu'assasi li-manhaj al-dawah bi-al-suluk
BOOKS017257I: Attiqur Rahman, Mohammed - Back to the Pavilion
BOOKS023201I: Attman, Artur - The Russian and Polish Markets in International Trade, 1500-1650
BOOKS023202I: Attman, Artur - Den ryska marknaden i 1500-talets baltiska politik, 1558-1595
BOOKS017065I: Attridge, Derek - Peculiar Language : Literature as Difference from the Renaissance to James Joyce
BOOKS017630I: Attwood, Tony - Asperger's Syndrome : A Guide for Parents and Professionals
BOOKS010353I: Aubrey, Lisa - The Politics of Development Cooperation : NGOs, Gender and Partnership in Kenya
BOOKS016258I: Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh) [1907-1973] - Forewords and Afterwords
BOOKS011003I: Audi, Robert - The Architecture of Reason: The Structure and Substance of Rationality
BOOKS000891I: Audiganne, A. (Armand) [1814-1875] - Les populations ouvrières et les industries de la France : études comparatives ..,.Tome I - II
BOOKS029351I: Auer, Väinö ; compiler : - Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Finnischen Expedition nach Patagonien 1937 - 38..,.: Sammlung von Sonderabdrucken, Band III
BOOKS004169I: Auer, Vaino - Las Capas volcanicas como base de la Cronologia postglacial de Fuegopatagonia
BOOKS023253I: Auer, Väinö [1895-1981] - The Pleistocene of Fuego-Patagonia : Part IV: Bog Profiles
BOOKS005978I: Auerbach, Nelli (Nelly) [1894-19??] - Karl Marx und Gewerkschaften
BOOKS011865I: Auerbach, Alan J.; editor: - Fiscal Policy: Lessons From Economic Research
BOOKS018054I: Augé, Marc - An Anthropology for Contemporaneous Worlds
BOOKS017762I: Augé, Marc - The Anthropological Circle : Symbol, Function, History
BOOKS003510I: Augusto, Antonio - Estudos Psicotecnicos : Nivel intelectual de algumas tribos de Mocambique
BOOKS000417I: Augustynek, Zdzislaw - Time: Past, Present, Future.
BOOKS002974I: Auken, Gunnar - Studies on Serum Lipoids and Constitutional Types of Psoriatics and Normals
BOOKS029094I: Heinrich Köhler-Auktion - Deutschland 1849-1980 : Die Sammlung Fritz Kirchner : Teil II. - 338. Heinrich Köhler-Auktion, 19. September 2009 in Wiesbaden
BOOKS028561I: Corinphila Auktionen A/G - The John Simon Collections : Denmark with Danish West Indies, Österreich & Levante, Romania, Spain with Cuba and Philippines
BOOKS028657I: Corinphila Auktionen - 123rd Corinphila Stamp Auction Sale : The Cihangir Collection (Part II): Postal History World Wide
BOOKS009243I: Libris Auktioner - Sten Westerbergs Bibliotek på Beatelund : Katalog Nr. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 [1972-1973]
BOOKS029099I: Derichs Briefmarken -Auktionshaus - Sonderkatalog "Preussen" : Sammlung Dr. Hans-Karl Penning : Auktion No. 2 : 5 April 2008
BOOKS002806I: Auletta, Umberto - Do Hepatismo (Anhepatia)
BOOKS030261I: Aulinger, Barbara - Vom Gulden zum Euro : Geschichte der österreichischen Banknoten
BOOKS012787I: Aumann, Robert J. - Collected Papers: Volume II
BOOKS024773I: Auner, Joseph Henry - Schoenberg's Compositional and Aesthetic Transformations, 1910-1913 : The Genesis of Die glückliche Hand
BOOKS011960I: Aureli, Filippo & Wall, Frans B.M. de; editors: - Natural Conflict Resolution
BOOKS020235I: Aurelle de Paladines, Général d' [1804-1877] - Campagne de 1870-1871 : La première armée de la Loire / par le général d'Aurelle de Paladines
BOOKS029619I: Aurigemma, Salvatore [1885-1964] ; editor : [ Italy, Comitato per la documentazione dell’opera dell’Italia in Africa ] - L'Italia in Africa : Le scoperte archeologiche ..,.: Tripolitania : Vol. 1. I monumenti d’arte decorativa : Parte 1 : I mosaici
BOOKS031530I: Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland - Andreas Hofer : Jahrbuch des Volksbundes für das Deutschtum im Ausland : Pfingsten 1935 [ nr. 1.]
BOOKS001179I: Makedonische Studentenvereine im Auslande - Makedonische Erzahlungen
BOOKS028257I: Auslandverlag [ Schulz, Emil ; editor: ] - Das Echo : das Blatt der Deutschen im Auslande [39. Jahrgang, Nr.s 1942-1953 (8. Jan - 10. Juni 1920)]
BOOKS023632I: Auslandverlag [ Schulz, Emil ; editor: ] - Das Echo : das Blatt der Deutschen im Auslande [40. Jahrgang, Nr.s 1984-2007 (1. Juli - 29. Dezember 1921)]
BOOKS014566I: Aust, Stefan - Der Baader Meinhof Komplex
BOOKS017052I: Austen, Jane [ Wiltshire, John ; editor: ] - Mansfield Park [ Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen ]
BOOKS010556I: Austin, James H. - Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness
BOOKS007573I: Austin, Normal - Helen of Troy and Her Shameless Phantom
BOOKS001753I: Austral, Antonio G. - Investigaciones prehistoricas en el Curso inferior del Rio Sauce Grande (Partido de Coronel de Marina Leonardo Rosales...
BOOKS031396I: Australia, Victoria - Papers re O'Ferrall. Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command
BOOKS008249I: [Papua New Guinea] Commonwealth of Australia - Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of the Territory of New Guinea..,.1 July 1927 -30 June 1928
BOOKS018911I: South Asian Studies Association of Australia - South Asia : Journal of South Asian Studies. Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. XX, No. 1 [1978-1997] [ a collection of 41 issues]
BOOKS008251I: [Papua New Guinea] Commonwealth of Australia - Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of the Territory of New Guinea...1 Jule 1935 - 30 June 1936
BOOKS025841I: Australia, Department of External Affairs - Viet Nam : February 1966 to October 1966
BOOKS013533I: Austria, Hydrographischer Dienst in Österreich [k.k. hydrographischen Zentral-Bureau] - Das Traungebiet und die Verwertung des Retentionsvermögens der Salzkammergut-Seen zur Milderung der Hochwassergefahren
BOOKS016210I: Austria, Hydrographischer Dienst in Österreich [k.k. hydrographischen Zentral-Bureau] - Die Niederschläge in den österreichischen Flussgebieten. Lieferung III: Das österreichische Elbe-und Odergebiet
BOOKS014651I: Austria, Hydrographischer Dienst in Österreich [k.k. hydrographischen Zentral-Bureau] - Die Niederschläge in den österreichischen Flussgebieten. Lieferung I: Das Donau-und das Marchgebiet
BOOKS004806I: Austriacus [pseudonym of Richard Kellerhoff (P. Richardus Kellerhoff OSB)] - Der Thronfolger Oesterreich- und der Krieg
BOOKS030223I: various authors - Hunger in Äthiopien [bound together with 11 other reports concerning Ethiopian famine ca. 1986-1987]
BOOKS011558I: Autorenkollektiv [ Gruppe Klassenkampf ] - Arbeiter-kaempfe in der Schweiz 1945-1973 : Die Entstehung einer multinationalen Arbeiterklasse
BOOKS027671I: Auvermann, Detlev ; & Payne, Anthony ; compilers : [ Bernard Quaritch Ltd. ] - The Society of Jesus 1548–1773 : A Catalogue of Books by Jesuit Authors and Works Relating to the Society of Jesus .,.,.
BOOKS019132I: Auyero, Javier - Poor People's Politics : Peronist Survival Networks and the Legacy of Evita
BOOKS015239I: Avalon, Arthur [pseudonym of Sir John George Woodroffe] ; & Avalon, Ellen [pseudonym of Lady Ellen Elizabeth Woodroffe] - Hymns to the Goddess. Translated from the Sanskrit
BOOKS014517I: Avant, Deborah Denise - The Market for Force: The Consequences of Privatizing Security
BOOKS022970I: Avdev, Stoian - Monetnata sistema v Srednovekovna Bulgariia prez XIII- XIV v.
BOOKS027119I: Avenarius, Gert - Lukians Schrift zur Geschichtsschreibung
BOOKS017848I: Averkieva, Iu. P. - Istoriia teoreticheskoi mysli v amerikanskoi etnografii
BOOKS021271I: Averoff-Tossizza, Evangelos [1910-1990] - By Fire and Axe : The Communist Party and the Civil War in Greece, 1944-1949
BOOKS019982I: Averroës [1126-1198 AD] [ Anawati, Georges C. ; & Zayid, Sa'id ; editors: ] - Rasail ibn Rushd al-ibbiyah / taqiq Jurj Shiatah Qanawati, Sa'id Zayid ; ta'dir Ibrahim Madkur
BOOKS018454I: Avery, Donald - Dangerous Foreigners : European Immigrant Workers and Labour Radicalism in Canada, 1896-1932
BOOKS014942I: Avery, Evelyn; editor: - The Magic Worlds of Bernard Malamud
BOOKS027301I: Avesani, Rino ; Ferrari, Mirella; Foffano, Tnio; Frasso, Giuseppe; & Sottili, Agostino ; editors: [ Billanovich, Giuseppe ] - Vestigia : studi in onore di Giuseppe Billanovich [Volumes I & II]
BOOKS031453I: Avetisyan, Lusine - Erb haytatsuum e mashtots'ean tramabanut'iwne : arajnordogh sahmanumner i npast dasakan ughghagrut'ean kanonarkman
BOOKS027645I: Avezac de Castera-Macaya, M. A. P. (Marie Armand Pascal) d' [1800-1875] - Martin Hylacomylus Waltzemüller : ses ouvrages et ses collaborateurs
BOOKS001166I: Avias, Jacques - Contribution à l'étude stratigraphique et paléontologique des formations antécrétacées de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Centrale
BOOKS028873I: Avila, María Luisa - La sociedad hispanomusulmana al final del califato : aproximación a un estudio demográfico
BOOKS020313I: Avila, Artur Lobo de - A proteccão á agricultura e o commercio do cereais / Arthur Lobo d'Avila
BOOKS020449I: Avila e Bolama, António José de Avila, Duque de [1806-1881] - Discurso ..,. na discussão do projecto de Lei no. 174, sobre as propostas do governo para a substituição da repartição..,.
BOOKS015093I: Avilés-Lebrón, María ; & Viñoly, Román - Rafael Viñoly
BOOKS003135I: Avins, Carol - Border Crossings. The West & Russian Identity in Soviet Literature 1917 - 1934
BOOKS022169I: Avlund, Kirsten - Disability in Old Age : Longitudinal Population-based Studies of the Disablement Process
BOOKS015630I: Avneri, Aryeh L. - The Claim of Dispossession: Jewish Land-settlement and the Arabs, 1878-1948
BOOKS030185I: D’Avray, Anthony - Lords of the Red Sea : The History of a Red Sea Society from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries
BOOKS022870I: Ram Avtar 'Vir' - Rag Asawari
BOOKS008512I: Awasty, Indira - Between Sikkim and Bhutan (The Lepchas and Bhutias of Pedong)
BOOKS024558I: Awhadi, Rukn al-Din [1271-1337 CE] - Tuhfat al-muluk : az ru-yi nuskhah-i munhasir bih fard-i Kitabkhanah-i Vatikan nuskhah-i 'aksi mawjud dar Kitabkhanah-i Marhum..
BOOKS012117I: Axelrod, Daniel I. - The Oligocene Haynes Creek Flora of Eastern Idaho
BOOKS030909I: Axelrod, Pavel ; et al. [ Auswärtigen Sekretariat des Organisationskomitees der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei Russlands ] - Kriegs- und Friedens Probleme der Arbeiterklasse : Entwurf eines Manifestes vorgelegt der zweiten Zimmerwalder Konferenz
BOOKS002253I: Axelsen, Hans Guldberg - The Sherpas in the Solu District: A Preliminary Report on Ethnological Field Research in..,.Solu District of North-Eastern Nepal
BOOKS013047I: Axelson, Sigbert - Kulturkonfrontation i Nedre Kongo
BOOKS001112I: Axelson, Bertil [1906-1984] - Senecastudien : Kritische Bemerkungen zu Senecas Naturales quaestiones
BOOKS025931I: Axelson, Jan - Mellansvenska runristare : förteckning över signerade och attribuerade inskrifter
BOOKS004234I: Axelson, Bertil [1906-1984] - Neue Senecastudien : Textkritische Beiträge zu Senecas Epistulae morales
BOOKS024546I: Axelson, Sven - Sverige i dansk annalistik : 900-1400
BOOKS010086I: Axer, Jerzy & Goerler, Woldemar; editors: - Scaenica Saravi-Varsoviensia: Beitraege zum antiken Theater und su seinem Nachleben
BOOKS009085I: Ayadi, Mohamed; editor: - Des reperes dans l'histoire culturelle et religieuse du Maroc
BOOKS022712I: Ayal, Raghubir Singh - Ye guthyar
BOOKS017493I: Ayala, Francisco [1906- ] - Usurpers
BOOKS007346I: Ayde, Shivaji Rao - Communal Riots in India (A Legal, Sociological and Political Study)
BOOKS012243I: Aydin, Mehmet - Aybasti agzi : inceleme, metin, sozluk
BOOKS022949I: Aydin, Turgay - Aydin güzellemesi
BOOKS022002I: Ayers, Susan ; editor: - Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine - Second Edition
BOOKS002532I: Organizasyon Revolisyone Pwoletaryen Ayisyen - Vyolans reyaksyone: Represyon ak latere: Repons pep travaye a: Vyoloans popile oganize
BOOKS015097I: Ayres, Philip - Classical Culture and the Idea of Rome in Eighteenth-century England
BOOKS030342I: Ayt Tamzku, Mubarak - Malamih min hayat wa-kifah Amghar Sa'id Aba 'Amran (1884-1956)
BOOKS028828I: Ayt Sharghin, Ibrahim ; editor : [Hajj Bil'id Ibn Mubarak] - Azawan n al-Hajj Bal'id
BOOKS024405I: Ayt Lafaqih, Lahasan - Fusul min al-ramz wa-al-qimah fi bi'at tuyur al-Atlas al-Kabir al-Sharqi
BOOKS031445I: Ayvazyan, Mik'ayel - Ovk'er en spanel Jemal P'ashayin : T'iflis-1922, Erevan-1978
BOOKS028841I: Ayyashi, Muhammad, Sayyidi - Zahr al-bustan fi nasab akhwal Sayyiduna wa-Mawlana Zaydan / tahqiq wa-dirasat Ahmad Qaddur
BOOKS004734I: Ayyubi, N. Akmal - Some Aspects of Islamic-Turkish Culture
BOOKS022362I: Ayyubi, N. Akmal ; editor: [ Babur, Emperor of Hindustan (1483-1530) ] - A Versified Treatise on Mysticism of Zahirud Din Muhammad Babur, or, The Risalei Walidiyye Terjümesi
BOOKS009036I: Azad, Chandra Shekhar - Madhya Himalay Me Vanaspati
BOOKS006358I: Azad, Tahilram - Sik jo Sad
BOOKS002933I: Azad, Chandra Shekhar, "Kaproowan - Garhwali Kahavaton Ka Tulnatmak Kosh
BOOKS005178I: Azad, Tahilram - Nari Rattan (Biographies of Illustrious Women)
BOOKS024508I: Azad'bakht, Bahram ; & Nawruzi, Ghulam Riza - Jughrafiya-yi abha-yi Iran
BOOKS021675I: Azaña, Manuel [1880-1940] - Discours prononcé par S.E.M. Manuel Azaña, President de la République à Valence, le 18 juillet 1937 anniversaire de l’agression
BOOKS009098I: Azar, Ines - Discurso retorico y mundo pastoral en la "Egloga segunda" de Garcilaso
BOOKS007723I: Azarmi, Kourosh - When the Time Comes
BOOKS024165I: Azdi, 'Ali ibn Zafir [1171 or 2 - 1216 CE] ; Sallam, Muhammad Zaghlul ; & Juwayni, Mustafa al-Sawi - Ghara'ib al-tanbihat 'ala 'aja'ib al-tashbihat
BOOKS027726I: Azevedo, Aroldo de - Subúrbios orientais de São Paulo
BOOKS007014I: Azevedo, Milton Mariano - Portuguese : A Linguistic Introduction
BOOKS000859I: Azevedo, J. Fraga de, editor: - Recent Works on Sleeping Sickness in Portuguese Overseas Territories
BOOKS025082I: Azhand, Ya'qub ; et al. - Majmu'ah-i maqalat-i nigargari-i maktab-i Isfahan
BOOKS025116I: Azhand, Ya'qub - Sima-yi Sultan Muhammad Naqash
BOOKS016340I: Azikiwe, Nnamdi [1904 - 19??] - Zik : A Selection from the Speeches of Nnamdi Azikiwe
BOOKS018612I: Azimi Dubakhshari, Nasir - Tarikh-i tahavvulati ijtima i va iqtisadi-i Gilan : nigahi naw / Nasir 'Azimi Dubakhshari
BOOKS010246I: Azimi, Muhammad 'Azim - Jughrafiya-yi vilayat-i Ghazni : tabi'i, insani, iqtisadi
BOOKS023496I: Azimi, Khvajah Shamsuddin - His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya : An Introduction / Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
BOOKS011392I: Aziz-us-Samad, Ulfat - A Comparative Study of Christianity and Islam
BOOKS009374I: Aziz, A. - Pakistan from Crisis to Crisis
BOOKS005911I: Aziz, Qutubuddin - Pakistan and the British Media
BOOKS015144I: Aziz, Robert - C.J.Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity
BOOKS000861I: Aziz Ahmad, Muhammad - Political History and Institutes of the Early Turkish Empire of Delhi, (1206-1290 A.D.)
BOOKS019018I: Azizi, Ghulamriza - Burujird 'shinasi
BOOKS021632I: Azizuddin Husain, S. M. ; editor: - Sufi Movement in Rajasthan
BOOKS014715I: Azoulay, Ariella - Death's Showcase: The Power of Image in Contemporary Democracy
BOOKS007447I: Ba, Oumar - Dialogue or d'une rive a l'autre (Poemes)
BOOKS024009I: Ba Hajj, 'Abd Allah Sa'id - al-Qat wa-atfal Hadramawt : al-mu'anah wa-al-lamubalah
BOOKS030567I: Trân Dình Ba - Nhà Lê so (1428-1527) vói công cuôc chông nan "sâu dân, mot nuóc
BOOKS003211I: Baader, Franz von - Schriften Franz von Baaders. Ausgewahlt und herausgegeben von Max Pulver
BOOKS002390I: Baal, Izaak van - Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition II : Rhizocephala of the Families Peltogastridae & Lernaeodiscidae
BOOKS028795I: Baark, Erik - Catalogue of Chinese Manuscripts in Danish Archives : Chinese Diplomatic Correspondence from the Chíng Dynasty (1644-1911)
BOOKS023460I: Baart, Joan L.G. (Lodewijk Gerhard) - A Sketch of Kalam Kohistani Grammar
BOOKS010304I: Baart, Joan Lodewijk Gerhard - The Sounds and Tones of Kalam Kohistani : With Wordlist and Texts
BOOKS013320I: Baastrup, Maria Panum - Kommunikation, kulturmøde og kulturel identitet : tingenes rejse i Skandinaviens vikingetid
BOOKS025577I: Baastrup, Eiler Ingerslev [1890-1960] ; Westergaard, Jack Gøtzsche [1908-1975] ; Larsen, Laurits ; et al, - Landbrugsgælden - i Relation til det baastrupske System for Værdifasthed
BOOKS030118I: Babadi, Ibrahim - Takhtah siyah tufangam, gach-i sifid fishangam / nivisandah Ibrahim Babadi
BOOKS025133I: Babaee, Gol Ali - Shrouded in the Mist : The Life Story of the Missed General Ahmad Motewasselian
BOOKS025132I: Babaee, Gol Ali - The Moon Is Favoring Our Guys: The Life Story of the Commander of Operation Kheibar, Mohammad Ebrahim Hemmat
BOOKS024559I: Babapur, Yusuf Bayg - Shish risalah-i kuhan-i pizishki / ba muqaddimah va tashih-i Yusuf Bayg Baba'pur
BOOKS009515I: Babapur, Yusuf Bayg ; & Ghulamiyah, Masud ; editors: - Fitnah-i shaykh 'Ubayd Allah Kurd : guzarish'hayi az vaqayi-i hamlah-i Akrad bih Safahat-i Azarbayjan dar dawrah-i Qajar
BOOKS026485I: Babel, Jean - Les processus anatomiques de cicatrisation des greffes de cornée
BOOKS014422I: Baber, Walter F.; & Bartlett, Robert V. - Deliberative Environmental Politics : Democracy and Ecological Rationality
BOOKS013013I: Babici, Ion - Boevaia antifashistskaia solidarnist': 1933-1939
BOOKS002240I: Babicza, Jozefa ; & Grebeckiej, Wandy ; editors : - Wklad Wilenskiego Osrodka Naukowego w Przyrodnicze Poznanie Kraju (1781-1842). Praca Zbiorowa.
BOOKS013698I: Babinger, Franz [1891-1967] - Spätmittelalterliche fränkische Briefschaften aus dem grossherrlichen Seraj zu Stambul
BOOKS023345I: Babinger, Franz [1891-1967] - Mehmed der Eroberer und seine Zeit : Weltenstürmer einer Zeitenwende
BOOKS031433I: Bablumyan, Arp'ine - Arevmtyan Hayastani Kharberdi nahangi hay bnakch'ut'yune XIX dari verjerin - XX dari skzbnerin : patmazhoghovrdagrakan ..,.
BOOKS000425I: Babnis, Marie - Ksiazka polska w Gdansku w okresie zaboru pruskiego (1793 - 1919)
BOOKS015319I: Babu, Sridhara - Hayagriva : The Horse-Headed Deity in Indian Culture
BOOKS014690I: Bac, Ferdinand [1859 - 1952] - Des images. Contenant 100 dessins
BOOKS026758I: Bach, Erik ; Kragelund, Patrick ; Dal Santo, Gitte Lønstrup ; Pade, Marianne ; Sørensen, Gert ; et al. ; editors: - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici : XXXV-XXXVI : 2010/11
BOOKS025163I: Bach, Erik ; Tang, Birgit ; & Zocchi, Maria Adelaide ; editors: - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici : XXXI
BOOKS026755I: Bach, Erik ; Kragelund, Patrick ; Sørensen, Gert ; Tang, Birgit ; & Zocchi, Maria Adelaide ; editors: - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici : XXXIII
BOOKS020715I: Bach, Erik ; Tang, Birgit ; & Zocchi, Maria Adelaide ; editors: - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici : XXXII
BOOKS006486I: Bach, Carole Ann - The Relationships Among Perceived Control of Activities of Daily Living, Depression & Life Satisfaction in Quadriplegic Adults
BOOKS005133I: Bach, Marie; Degn, Ole; Stromstad, Poul - Denmark: Køge, 1500-1950 [Scandinavian Atlas of Historic Towns, No. 7]
BOOKS000090I: Bach, Erik - La cite de Genes au XIIe siecle
BOOKS022138I: Bach, Heinrich [1905-1984] - Handbuch der Luthersprache : Laut- und Formenlehre in Luthers Wittenberger Drucken bis 1545 : Teil I: Vokalismus
BOOKS023330I: Bacharach, Jere L. - Islamic History through Coins : An Analysis and Catalogue of Tenth-century Ikhshidid Coinage
BOOKS004775I: Bache, Carl & Klinge, Alex, editors: - Sounds, Structures & Senses. Essays Presented to Niels Davidsen-Nielsen on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday
BOOKS024437I: Bachelard, Gaston [1884-1962] - The Psychoanalysis of Fire
BOOKS013819I: Bachelard, Gaston [1884 - 1962] - On Poetic Imagination and Reverie: Selections from Gaston Bachelard
BOOKS030257I: Bachleitner, Norbert ; Eybl, Franz M. ; & Fischer, Ernst - Geschichte des Buchhandels in Österreich
BOOKS031357I: Bächler, Emil - Der Stand der Steinwildkolonien in den Schweizeralpen
BOOKS016414I: Bächli, Otto - Israel und die Völker : Eine Studie zum Deuteronomium
BOOKS028969I: Bachmann, Thomas ; & Lanz, Hanspeter [ Kunstmuseum Olten ] - Facetten der Romantik : Aquarelle und Zeichnungen aus der Stiftung für Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS031007I: Bachmann, Adolf [1849-1914] - Zur deutschen Königswahl Maximilians I.
BOOKS028313I: Bachmann, Adolf [1849-1914] - Die Reimchronik des sogenannten Dalimil
BOOKS028327I: Bachmann, Adolf [1849-1914] - Die deutschen Könige und die kurfürstliche Neutralität (1438-1447) : ein Beitrag zur Reichs- und Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands
BOOKS000367I: Bachrouch, Taoufik - Formation sociale barbaresque et pouvoir a Tunis au XVIIe siecle
BOOKS021658I: Backe, Lone ; Leick, Nini ; Merick, J. & Michelsen, N. ; editors: - Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern in Familien
BOOKS001324I: Backer, A. P.; Killick, D.J.B.; and Edwards, D. - A Plant Ecological Bibliography & Thesaurus for Southern Africa up to 1975
BOOKS011684I: Backes, Fernand Pierre [1897-1985] - La méthode du pentasphère oblique mobile et quelques-unes de ses applications
BOOKS019909I: Backhuijsen, Tilmann Willem [1687-1779] - Acta Zegeri Bernardi van Espen ..,. Paschasii item Quesnellii et Christiani Erkelii circa Missionem Hollandicam, variaque .,.,.
BOOKS009684I: Backman, E. Louis - Religious Dances in the Christian Church and in Popular Medicine
BOOKS000708I: Backman, E. Louis - Älvablåst och de folkmedicinska riterna vid helbrägdagörandet
BOOKS023474I: Backstrom, Peter C. ; & Radloff, Carla F. - Languages of Northern Areas [ Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Volume 2 ]
BOOKS030026I: Backus, Ad - Two in One : Bilingual Speech of Turkish Immigrants in the Netherlands
BOOKS002557I: Backvis, Claude - La grande poete polonais du XVIIIe siecle: Stanislas Trembecki. L'etrange carriere de sa vie et sa grandeur
BOOKS019260I: Bacon, Mardges - Le Corbusier in America : Travels in the Land of the Timid
BOOKS002141I: Bacon-Foster, Mrs. Corra - Early Chapters in the Development of the Patomac Route to the West
BOOKS016038I: Bacqué-Grammont, Jean-Louis ; & Tibet, Aksel; editors: - Cimetières et traditions funéraires dans le monde islamique / Islâm dünyasinda mezarliklar ve defin gelenekleri, Volume II.
BOOKS016037I: Bacqué-Grammont, Jean-Louis ; & Tibet, Aksel; editors: - Cimetières et traditions funéraires dans le monde islamique / Islâm dünyasinda mezarliklar ve defin gelenekleri, Volume I.
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