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BOOKS026001I: Both, Ludvig Frederik [1823-1887] - Fædrelandske og historiske Skildringer
BOOKS021543I: Botkin, Sergei Petrovich [ Sergej Petrovic ( Sergey Petrovich ) (1832-1889) ] - Kurs kliniki vnutrennikh bolieznei. [Parts I - II]
BOOKS012736I: Botman, Selma - Engendering Citizenship in Egypt
BOOKS014432I: Botta, Mario [ Pizzi, Emilio ; editor:] - Mario Botta : The Complete Works 1985 - 1990: Volume 2
BOOKS014431I: Botta, Mario [ Pizzi, Emilio ; editor:] - Mario Botta : The Complete Works: 1960 - 1985. Volume 1
BOOKS004480I: Botta, Giorgio, editor: - Eventi naturali oggi. La Geografia e le altre discipline
BOOKS005716I: Bottger, Walter - Die ursprunglichen Jagdmethoden der Chinesen nach der alten chinesischen Literatur und einigen palaographischen Schriftzeichen
BOOKS013857I: Böttiger, Karl August (1760-1835) [ Böttiger, Carl August ] [ Böttiger, C. A. ] - Ideen zur Kunst-Mythologie : Erster Cursus. Stammbaum der Religionen des Alterthums..,
BOOKS012522I: Bottiger, C.A. [Boettiger, Karl August (1760-1835)] - Andeutungen zu vier und zwanzig Vortraegen Uber die Archaeologie im Winter 1806, gehalten von C.A. Böttiger. Erste Abtheilung...
BOOKS030346I: Bottke, Wilfried - Strafrechtswissenschaftliche Methodik und Systematik bei der Lehre vom strafbefreienden und strafmildernden Täterverhalten
BOOKS027471I: Bottke, Heinz ; Dengler, Hans ; Finkenwirth, Alfred; Gruss, Hans; Hoffmann, Karl ; Kolbe, Heinz; Simon, Peter; & Thienhaus, Rolf - Die marin-sedimentären Eisenerze des Jura in Nordwestdeutschland [ Eisenerze im Deckgebirge (Postvaristikum), (Teil 1)
BOOKS019121I: Bottoms, Bette L. ; Kovera, Margaret Bull ; & McAuliff, Bradley D. ; editors: - Children, Social Science, and the Law
BOOKS009668I: Boubakeur, Cheikh Si Hamza - Trois poetes algeriens de langue arabe populaire : Mohammed Balkhayr ; Abdallah Ben Karriou ; Mohammed Baytar
BOOKS028799I: Boubrik, Rahal ; editor : - Harnachement du chameau
BOOKS028804I: Boubrik, Rahal - Entre dieu et la tribu : homme de religion et pouvoir politique en Mauritanie
BOOKS013185I: Boucher, Jean-Paul - Etudes sur Properce : problèmes d’inspiration et d’art
BOOKS018289I: Bouchez-Firly, Suzanne - Recherches biochimiques sur les téléostéens apodes (Anguille, Congre, Murène)
BOOKS031087I: Bouclon, Adolphe de, abbé [1813-1882] - Étude historique sur la marine de Louis XVI : Liberge de Granchain : capitaine des vaisseaux du roi, major d'escadre..,.
BOOKS006302I: Boud, David ; & Garrick, John ; editors: - Understanding Learning at Work
BOOKS005177I: Bouda, Karl [1901- 1979] - Beiträge zur kaukasischen und sibirischen Sprachwissenschaft [1. Die darginische Schriftsprache ; 2. Das kottische Verbum]
BOOKS004760I: Bouda, Karl [1901- 1979] - Beiträge zur kaukasischen und sibirischen Sprachwissenschaft : 3. Das Tabassaranische : grammatische und syntaktische ..,.
BOOKS003695I: Boudali, Nouri - Etre et durer. La verite prevaut. La realite domine
BOOKS003653I: Boudali, Nouri - Protectorat et Independance
BOOKS007597I: Boudet, A.M.; Alibert, G.; Marigo, G.; & Lee, P.J.; editors: - Annual Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe:Vol.24:Membranes & Compartmentation in...Regulation of Plant Functions
BOOKS028801I: Boudribila, Mohamed-Mustapha - Aspects de l'histoire ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord : Amazighs et Carthaginois
BOOKS022873I: Bouët-Willaumez, Louis-Édouard, comte [1808-1871] - Batailles de terre et de mer : jusques et y compris le bataille de l'Alma / par le contre-amiral Comte E. Bouët-Willaumez
BOOKS002108I: Boughner, Daniel C. - The Braggart in Renaissance Comedy, A Study in Comparative Drama from Aristophanes to Shakespeare
BOOKS016053I: Bouglé, Célestin Charles Alfred [1870-1940] ; & Halévy, Élie ; editors : [ Saint-Simon, Henri, comte de (1760-1825)] - Doctrine de Saint-Simon : exposition premiere annee, 1829 : Nouvelle édition publiée avec introduction et notes
BOOKS028830I: Bouhjar, Aïcha ; & Souifi, Hamid ; editors : - L'amazighe dans l'Oriental et le Nord du Maroc : variation et convergence : actes du colloque international ..,.
BOOKS026805I: Bouin, Yvonne Petersson - Effects of Meditation on Respiration and the Temporal Lobes : An Exploratory and Meta-analytic Study
BOOKS000205I: Boulanger, Andre - L'Art poetique de Jacques Peletier du Mans (1555). Publie d'apres l'edition unique avec introduction et commentaire.
BOOKS030651I: Boulanger, L. ; editor : - l'Image pour rire [a collection of 43 issues (nr.s 52 - 93)]
BOOKS001254I: Boulay, Harvey - The Twilight Cities. Political Conflict, Development & Decay in Five Communities
BOOKS004672I: Mark Boulby - Uwe Johnson
BOOKS018311I: Boulding, Kenneth Ewart - The Image : Knowledge in Life and Society.
BOOKS020870I: Boulding, Kenneth Ewart ; & Mukerjee, Tapan ; editors: - Economic Imperialism : A Book of Readings
BOOKS021148I: Boulding, Kenneth Ewart [1910-1993] - Stable Peace
BOOKS020875I: Bouley, Henri Marie [1814-1885] - La rage : moyens d'en éviter les dangers et de prévenir sa propagation : Conférence
BOOKS021855I: Boulez, Pierre [1925-2016]; Dahlhaus, Carl ; Finscher, Ludwig ; Kneif, Tibor ; Ringer, Alexander L.; Schnebel, Dieter ; et al. - Europäische Musik zwischen Nationalismus und Exotik
BOOKS028687I: Le Boulicaut, Albert [1877-1920] - Au pays des mystères : pèlerinage d'un chrétien à la Mecque et à Médine
BOOKS026054I: Boulier, Jean [1894-1980] - Trois lettres sur le mouvement de la paix
BOOKS007146I: Bouloumié, Bernard - L'epave etrusque d'Antibes et le commerce en Mediterranee occidentale au 6. siecle av. J.C.
BOOKS015335I: Boulton, J. V., - Phakirmohana Senapati : His Life and Prose - Fiction
BOOKS013215I: Bouma, Gerlof Johannes - Starting a Sentence in Dutch : A Corpus Study of Subject- and Object-fronting
BOOKS003405I: Bouman, Dirk Jan - Consistency of Approximations in Discontinuous Fields of Motion in the Atmosphere with an Introduction to the Use of General...
BOOKS031837I: Bouniakowsky, V. [ Bunjakovskij, Viktor J. (1804-1889)] [ Bunyakovsky, Viktor Yakovlevich ] - Du mouvement dans la machine d'Atwood, en ayant égard à l'élasticié du fil (Lu le 25 Novembre 1831)
BOOKS028792I: Bouquet, Mary ; & Porto, Nuno ; editors : - Science, Magic and Religion : The Ritual Processes of Museum Magic
BOOKS011857I: Bourdeaux, Michael; editor: - The Politics of Religion in Russia and the New States of Eurasia
BOOKS009060I: Bourdieu, Pierre - Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action
BOOKS015447I: Bourdieu, Pierre [1930 - 2002] - Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
BOOKS004266I: Bourdieu, Pierre - The State Nobility : Elite Schools in the Field of Power
BOOKS016946I: Bourdieu, Pierre ; & Accardo, Alain ; et al - The Weight of the World : Social Suffering in Contemporary Society
BOOKS002157I: Bourdon, L. - Francisco Dias Mimoso. La "Pilote Portugaise Borgne" (1559-1569)
BOOKS004939I: Bourgault, Louise M. - Mass Media in Sub-Saharan Africa
BOOKS003535I: Bourgois, Philippe I. - In Search of Respect : Selling Crack in El Barrio
BOOKS015364I: Bourguignon, Erika ; & Greenbaum, Lenora S. - Diversity and Homogeneity in World Societies
BOOKS000449I: Bourguignon, P ; Streel, M. ; & Calembert, J. - Prospection pedo-botanique des plaines superieures de la Lufira (Haut-Katanga)
BOOKS029297I: Bouridj, Nadjiya ; & Nouh, Abdellah - Haqbaylit n tipaza : ilugan n tira : tajerrumt
BOOKS019387I: Bourla, Miguel - L'Amérique central parle à la France
BOOKS016050I: Bourne, Kenneth; editor: [ Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount (1784-1865)] - The Letters of the Third Viscount Palmerston to Laurence and Elizabeth Sulivan 1804-1863
BOOKS029943I: Bournique, Gladys - La philosophie de Josiah Royce
BOOKS025335I: Bournonville, August [1805-1879] [ Schiørring, Nils ; & Kragh-Jacobsen, Svend ; editors: ] - Breve til barndomshjemmet / Lettres à la maison de son enfance [Volumes I - II - III]
BOOKS009117I: Bourqia, Rahma [ Bu Ruqayyah, Rahmah ]; Rissouni, Ahmed ; Khamlichi, Ahmed ; Jaoudat Nassr, Ahmed ; et al..,. - Dawr al-'ulama' fi al-mujtama'at al-Islamiyah / Le role des oulemas dans les societies musulmanes
BOOKS013157I: Bourricaud, François - The Sociology of Talcott Parsons
BOOKS031551I: Bourychkine, Paul [ Buryshkin, Pavel Afanas'evich (1887-1953)] [ Ossorguine-Bakounine, Tatiana ] - Bibliographie sur la franc-maconnerie en Russie
BOOKS027499I: Bousbaine, Ahmed - Comparaisons de traitements ordonnés
BOOKS022006I: Bousquet, J.-B. (Jean Baptiste) [1794-1872] - Traité de la vaccine et des éruptions varioleuses ou varioliformes : ouvrage rédigé sur la demande du gouvernement ..,.
BOOKS020242I: Boussoulas, Nicolas Isidore - Etudes platoniciennes
BOOKS021800I: Boussoutrot, Auguste [1856-1937] - Notes sur Medenine : Gsar du Sud / Mulahzat hawla Midnin : qasr min qusur al-Ganub al-Tunisi
BOOKS007993I: Bouton, Marshall M. - Agrarian Radicalism in South India
BOOKS008139I: Bouvier, Nicholas; Craig, Gordon A.; & Gossman, Lionel - Geneva, Zurich, Basel: History, Culture & National Identity
BOOKS030137I: Bouvier, Sauveur Henri Victor [1799-1877] - Mémoire sur la forme générale du crane, dans ses rapports avec le développement de l'intelligence
BOOKS003410I: Bouwmeester, Dirk - Quantum Mechanics & Classical Optics
BOOKS028850I: Bouyaakoubi, Lahoucine - Mohamed Chafik : l'homme de l'unanimité : parcours d'une figure emblématique de la revendication amazighe au Maroc
BOOKS013678I: Bouzek, Jan ; Kostomitsopoulos, Philippos ; Ondrejová, Iva ; Salac, Antonín [1885-1960]; & Nepomucky, Jan - The Results of the Czechoslovak Expedition : Kyme II
BOOKS007721I: Bouzy, Michel - Les poissons, coquillages, crustacés : leur préparation culinaire
BOOKS030865I: Bovhyria, Andrii - Kozats'ke istoriopysannia v rukopysnii tradytsiï XVIII st. : spysky ta redaktsiï tvoriv
BOOKS023616I: Bovier, Lionel ; editor: - Milan Kunc : Sculpture : [exhibition], Galerie Andrea Caratsch, Zürich, [May 27 - September 5, 2009]
BOOKS025673I: Bøving-Petersen, Jens Orten [1864-1937] - Skabelse eller Udvikling? : I. Darwinismens Forhistorie. II. Darwins Lære. III. Skabelse eller Udvikling
BOOKS030339I: Bovis, Edmond de [1818-1870] - État de la société taitienne a l’arrivée des européens / par M. de Bovis (Lieutenant de Vaisseau)
BOOKS016686I: Bowden, John Stephen ; editor: - Encyclopedia of Christianity
BOOKS019014I: Bowder, Diana - The Age of Constantine and Julian
BOOKS011722I: Bowditch, Phebe Lowell - Horace and the Gift Economy of Patronage
BOOKS023687I: Bowen, Frank C. - The Flag of the Southern Cross, 1939-1945
BOOKS013897I: Bowen, John Richard - Muslims Through Discourse: Ritual in Gayo Society
BOOKS010853I: Bowen, John R. - Sumatran Politics and Poetics: Gayo History, 1900 -1989
BOOKS019243I: Bowen, John Richard - Why the French Don't Like Headscarves : Islam, the State, and Public Space
BOOKS010296I: Bowen, Paul ; editor : - Themes and Issues in Hinduism
BOOKS016298I: Bowen, J. Donald (Jean Donald) ; editor: [ Philippine Center for Language Study ] - Beginning Tagalog : A Course for Speakers of English
BOOKS019532I: Bowen, H. C. - The Archaeology of Bokerley Dyke
BOOKS023801I: Bower, Peter - Turner's Papers : A Study of the Manufacture, Selection and Use of his Drawing Papers, 1787-1820
BOOKS008550I: Bowers, Len - The Social Nature of Mental Illness
BOOKS018235I: Bowersock, G. W. (Glen Warren) - Julian the Apostate
BOOKS016947I: Bowie, Katherine Ann - Rituals of National Loyalty : An Anthology of the State & The Village Scout Movement in Thailand
BOOKS022427I: Bowie, Fiona ; Kirkwood, Deborah ; & Ardener, Shirley ; editors: - Women and Missions - Past and Present : Anthropological and Historical Perceptions
BOOKS024469I: Bowie, Malcolm - Psychoanalysis and the Future of Theory
BOOKS007188I: Bowler, Peter J. - The Mendelian Revolution. The Emergence of Hereditarian Concepts in Modern Science & Society
BOOKS003234I: Bowles, Paul - Paul Bowles on Music
BOOKS003392I: Bowles, Oliver - The Technology of Slate
BOOKS002876I: Bowley, Marian - Studies in the History of Economic Theory before 1870
BOOKS009071I: Bowman, Alan Keir [1944 - ] - Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier: Vindolanda and its People
BOOKS008769I: Bowman, Frank Paul - French Romanticism: Intertextual and Interdisciplinary Readings
BOOKS000531I: Bown, Matthew Cullerne - Socialist Realist Painting
BOOKS006127I: Bowra, C.M. - The Heritage of Symbolism
BOOKS005663I: Bowra, C.M. - Tradition and Design in the Iliad
BOOKS021340I: Bowser, Pearl - Writing Himself Into History : Oscar Micheaux, His Silent Films, and his Audiences
BOOKS006482I: Bowsher, Juanita Enevolds - Personal Control and Psychological Well-Being of Institutionalized Elders
BOOKS018482I: Boxer, C. R. (Charles Ralph) - The Golden Age of Brazil 1695-1750 : Growing Pains of a Colonial Society
BOOKS018037I: Boxer, Marilyn J. ; & Quataert, Jean Helen ; editors: - Connecting Spheres : European Women in a Globalizing World, 1500 to the Present
BOOKS013872I: Boyarin, Daniel - Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism
BOOKS011801I: Boyce, Mark S. & Haney, Alan; editors: - Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Resources
BOOKS017007I: Boyd, C. A. R. ; & Noble, Denis - The Logic of Life: Challenge of Integrative Physiology
BOOKS015462I: Boye, Thorvald - Quelques aspects du développment des règles de la neutralité (Extrait du Recueil des Cours)
BOOKS016333I: Boye, Vilhelm Christian - Fund af egekister fra bronzealderen i Danmark : et monografisk bidrag til belysning af bronzealderens kultur
BOOKS009850I: Boyeldieu, Pascal; editor: - La maison du chef et la tete du cabri: Des degres de la determination nominale dans les langues d'Afrique Centrale
BOOKS026357I: Boyer von Berghof, Emerich [1890-19??] - Wie Poincaré durch den Suëskanalschwindel Präsident wurde..,.Mit 18 Abbildungen
BOOKS019388I: Boyer, Paul S. - When Time Shall Be No More : Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture
BOOKS011493I: Boyer, Martha Hagensen [ Nicolaisen, Ida ; editor : ] - Mongol Jewelry : Jewelry Collected by the First and Second Danish Central Asian Expeditions
BOOKS013141I: Boyer, Paul Jean Marie [1864 - 1949] - Paul Boyer (1864-1949) chez Tolstoï: Entretiens à Iasnaïa Poliana.
BOOKS021972I: Boyer, Martha Hagensen - Japanese Export Lacquers from the Seventeenth Century in the National Museum of Denmark
BOOKS003475I: Boyko, Hugh, editor: - Saline Irrigation for Agriculture & Forestry
BOOKS010100I: Boyle, Kevin - The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism 1945-1968
BOOKS021102I: Boysen, Alfred ; & Siewertsen, Marie ; editors: - Stobe an Kiming : Dachte, bile an tääle üt Frashlönj
BOOKS005438I: Boysen, Gerhard - Subjonctif et hierarchie.Etude sur l'emploi du subjonctif dans les propositions completives objets de verbes en francais moderne
BOOKS010524I: Boysson-Bardies, Benedicte de - How Language Comes to Children: From Birth to Two Years
BOOKS027647I: Boyve, Jérôme Émanuel - Recherches sur l'indigénat helvétique de la Principauté de Neuchâtel et Vallangin
BOOKS013598I: Bozicevic Natalis, Franjo [fl. 1520 CE] [ Markovic, Miroslav; editor: ] - Pesme Franja Bozicevica Natalisa
BOOKS012885I: Bozkova, A.; Delev, P.; & Vulcheva, D.; editors: - Koprivlen. Volume 1: Rescue Archaeological Investigations Along the Gotse Delchev - Drama Road 1998 - 1999
BOOKS000910I: Bozkurt, Gulnihal - Alman-Ingiliz belgelerinin ve siyasi gelis¸melerin isigi altinda gayrimüslim Osmanli vatandaslarinin hukukî durumu (1839-1914)
BOOKS000589I: Braae, Christel ; & Ferdinand, Klaus, editors : - Contribution to Islamic Studies : Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan
BOOKS002359I: Braathen, Helge - Ryttergraver: Politisk strukturer i eldre rikssamlingstid
BOOKS005250I: Braatz, Ilse - Betriebsausflug : Roman einer imaginären Reise in das Portugal von 1975
BOOKS012052I: Bracher, Mark - Lacan, Discourse, and Social Change: A Psychoanalytic Cultural Criticism
BOOKS006476I: Brack, O.M., Jr. & Barnes, Warner, editors: - Bibliography and Textual Criticism. English and American Literature, 1700 to the Present
BOOKS023696I: Bracke, F. ; printer : - Premiere séance de l'Assemblée nationale (4 Mai 1848)
BOOKS016077I: Brackman, Arnold C. - Indonesian Communism : A History
BOOKS022678I: Bradbrook, M. C. (Muriel Clara) - The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy
BOOKS001828I: Bradburd, Daniel - Ambiguous Relations : Kin, Class, and Conflict among Komachi Pastoralists
BOOKS000219I: Braden, Waldo W., editor: - Oratory in the New South
BOOKS020529I: Braden, William - The Private Sea : LSD and the Search for God.
BOOKS006965I: Bradford, Roger - Children, Families and Chronic Disease. Psycholgical Models and Methods of Care
BOOKS016329I: Bradford, Richard - A Linguistic History of English Poetry
BOOKS028552I: Bradford, Ernle [1922-1986] - The Shield and the Sword : the Knights of St John
BOOKS013009I: Brading, D. A. - Mexican Phoenix: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Image and Tradition across Five Centuries
BOOKS006434I: Bradistilova, Margarita - Teatralno izkustvo i folklorna kultura prez epokhata na bulgarskoto Vuzrazhdane
BOOKS001819I: Bradley, Richard - The Passage of Arms : An Archaeological Analysis of Prehistoric Hoards and Votive Deposits
BOOKS006339I: Bradley, Richard E. & Pacheco, Guillermo, editors: - Canine Heartworm Disease. The Current Knowledge
BOOKS016847I: Bradley, Mark Phillip - Imagining Vietnam and America: The Making of Postcolonial Vietnam, 1919-1950
BOOKS005813I: Bradley, Richard - An Archaeology of Natural Places
BOOKS031317I: Bradtmöller, Hans - Die Geschichte der geburtshilflichen Zangen und Hebel, dargestellt an Hand der Instrumentsammlung der Göttinger Universitäts..,.
BOOKS024677I: Brady, Thomas A. ; Oberman, Heiko Augustinus ; & Tracy, James D. ; editors: - Handbook of European History, 1400-1600 : Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation : Vol. 2: Visions, Programs and Outcomes
BOOKS013308I: Brady, Michael [1945 - ] - Robotics Science
BOOKS024676I: Brady, Thomas A. ; Oberman, Heiko Augustinus ; & Tracy, James D. ; editors: - Handbook of European History, 1400-1600 : Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation : Vol. 1: Structures and Assertions
BOOKS001318I: Braestrup, F.W. - A Study on the Arctic Fox in Greenland: Immigrations, Fluctuations in Numbers Based Mainly on Statistics
BOOKS026289I: Braga Junior, Benjamin do Carmo - Trata especialmente de questões relativas a direitos dos extrangeiros no Brasil
BOOKS018145I: Braghine, Alexander Pavlovitch [1878-19??] - Atlantis
BOOKS022608I: Braha, Liviu von - Die "Aufbereitung" von Rockmusik : Empirische und kritische Untersuchungen zur Komponententheorie
BOOKS001201I: Brahe, Tycho [ Meteorologiske Comite, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, editors : ] - Tyge Brahes Meteorologiske Dagbog, holdt paa Uraniborg for Aarene 1582 - 1597
BOOKS009113I: Brahim, Akkil - Tilmi n wadu
BOOKS015142I: Brahma, Pryadini ; translator: [ Mahanta, Mitradev ] - Miloudw Mahabharat
BOOKS001868I: Brahma, Mihini Mohan - Folk-Songs of the Bodos
BOOKS000446I: Brahma, Kameswar - Aspects of Social Customs of the Bodos
BOOKS019876I: Brahma, Tripti - Lalana parikrama [Volumes 2-4]
BOOKS022901I: Brahmachari, Tarapranab - Tantrik Sadhana o Tantrik Kahini
BOOKS013811I: Brahmanandagiri - Saktanandatarangini / Brahmanandagiriviracita ; sampadakah Rajanathatripathi
BOOKS026466I: Braidwood, Robert John [1907-2003] ; & Howe, Bruce - Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan
BOOKS015779I: Brailas'vili, Nino - Aset'i maxsovs sak'art'velo : et'nograp'isli ranazac'ebi
BOOKS012938I: Brajer, Isabelle - The Transfer of Wall Paintings : Based on Danish Experience
BOOKS013712I: Braker, Hans [Braeker, Hans] - Kommunismus und Weltreligionen Asiens: Band I, 1: Kommunismus und Islam: Religionsdiskussion und Islan in der Sowjetunion
BOOKS002098I: Braker, Hans [Braeker, Hans] - Kommunismus und Weltreligionen Asiens...Band I,2: Kommunismus und Islam: Islam und sowjetische Zentral- und Suedostasien Politik
BOOKS011425I: Brams, Steven J. - Biblical Games: Game Theory and the Hebrew Bible
BOOKS001982I: Bramsen, Alfred - Det Nye Menneske. Storre Livsglaede. Ingen Dodsfrygt
BOOKS017546I: Bramwell, David ; & Bramwell, Zoe - Flores silvestres de las Islas Canarias
BOOKS010173I: Branaman, Ann; editor: - Self and Society
BOOKS026530I: Brand, Walter - Eine ärztliche Verordnung des Magister Heinrich, genannt Thopping von Sinsheim, für Papst Innozenz VI
BOOKS013645I: Brand, Laurie A. - Jordan’s Inter-Arab Relations : The Political Economy of Alliance Making
BOOKS011712I: Brand, Laurie A. - Women, the State, and Political Liberalization: Middle Eastern and North African Experiences
BOOKS015394I: Brand, John [1744 - 1806] - Observations on Popular Antiquities Chiefly Illustrating the Origin of Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Supersititions
BOOKS028722I: Brand, Charles M. - Byzantium Confronts the West, 1180-1204
BOOKS013205I: Brand, Laurie A. - Women, the State, and Political Liberalization: Middle Eastern and North African Experiences
BOOKS022897I: Brand, Charles John [1879-1949] - Grimm Alfalfa and Its Utilization in the Northwest
BOOKS000816I: Brandao, Fernando de Castro - Relacões diplomáticas e consulares luso-mexicanas
BOOKS010957I: Brandauer, Frederick P. & Huang, Chun-chieh; editors: - Imperial Rulership and Cultural Change in Traditional China
BOOKS013286I: Brandel, Rose - The Music of Central Africa : An Ethnomusicological Study: Former French Equatorial Africa, the Former Belgian Congo.,.,,.
BOOKS030130I: Brandenburg, Erich [1877-1936] - Ueber praehistorische Grotten in Phrygien
BOOKS029911I: Brandes, Ludovicus [ Brandes, Ludvig Israel (1821-1894)] - De rheumatismo gonorrhoico in universum et de forma ejus acuta : disquisitio, quam pro licentia summos in medicina honores rite
BOOKS028614I: Brandes, Jörg-Dieter - Spuren im Wüstensand : die Geschichte der Beduinen vom Jemen bis zum Maghreb
BOOKS008503I: Brandler, J.L. - Out of Nigeria : Witness to a Giant's Toils
BOOKS011218I: Brandon, James R.; editor: - No and Kyogen in the Contemporary World
BOOKS027823I: Brandon, James R. - Theatre in Southeast Asia
BOOKS024805I: Brandrup, Flemming - Fejden om Ymerbrønden : billedhuggeren Kai Nielsens Ymerbrønd i Faaborg : optakten, modtagelsen og kunstfejden, 1913
BOOKS028701I: Brandstätter, Christian - Buchumschläge des Jugendstils
BOOKS015076I: Brandstetter, Renward [1860-1942] - Wir Menschen der indonesischen Erde, IV: Die indonesischen Termini der schönen Künste und der künstlerische verklärten..,.
BOOKS022646I: Brandt, Richard B. - A Theory of the Good and the Right
BOOKS011769I: Brandt, Joan - Geopoetics: The Politics of Mimesis in Poststructuralist French Poetry and Theory
BOOKS010825I: Brandt, Richard B. - Facts, Values, and Morality
BOOKS028035I: Brandt, Frederik Peter [1825- 1891] - Om søforsikring : et tillaeg til søretten
BOOKS025498I: Brandt, C. J. (Carl Joakim) [1817-1889] - Om Lunde-kanikken Christiern Pedersen og hans skrifter
BOOKS028428I: Brandt, Samuel [1848-1938] - Über die Entstehungsverhältnisse der Prosaschriften des Lactantius und des Buches De mortibus persecutorum
BOOKS004135I: Brandt, Soren - Infinitive Control in Danish
BOOKS002158I: Brandt, N.J. - Galaktose-1-Fosfat-Uridyl-Transferase: Hereditaer Galaktosaemi, Levercirrhose og Oligofreni. Med et normalmateriale og et ...
BOOKS016082I: Brandt, Deborah - Literacy in American Lives
BOOKS020793I: Brandt, Thomas ; & Mülhaupt, Freya ; editors: [ Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)] - und nicht die leiseste Spur einer Vorschrift" : Positionen unabhängiger Kunst in Europa um 1937
BOOKS024635I: Brandt, Hartwig ; editor: - Restauration und Frühliberalismus : 1814-1840
BOOKS028470I: Brandt, Carl Joakim [1817-1889] ; editor : - Lucidarius : en folkebog fra middelalderen
BOOKS003946I: Branford, Jean - A Dictionary of South African English
BOOKS026604I: Branger, Erhard - Rechtsgeschichte der freien Walser in der Ostschweiz
BOOKS010807I: Brantlinger, Patrick - Fictions of State : Culture and Credit in Britain, 1694-1994
BOOKS023593I: Cânm"ar"a Brap - Pravatti sala racana : maratak 100 chnam nai silpah ning vapadharm Khmaer
BOOKS008963I: Braroe, Niels Winther - Indian & White: Self-Image and Interaction in a Canadian Plains Community
BOOKS018361I: Brasch, Chr. H. - Prins Georg af Danmark i hans Aegteskab med Dronning Anna af Storbrittannien
BOOKS025943I: Brasch, Christian Henrik [1811-1894] - Vemmetoftes Historie som Herregaard, Slot og Kloster .,.,: Tredie Del : Vemmetoftes Historie som Kloster
BOOKS025944I: Brasch, Christian Henrik [1811-1894] - Vemmetoftes Historie som Herregaard, Slot og Kloster.,.,.Anden Del : Vemmetoftes Historie som Slot
BOOKS025945I: Brasch, Christian Henrik [1811-1894] - Vemmetoftes Historie.,.,.Første Del : Vemmetoftes Historie som Herregaard, tilligemed Høistrups og forrige Frøslevs Historie
BOOKS028046I: Brask, Aage - Den skalkagtige Schade og andre Skæbner : En jydsk Familiekreds fra 1600-Tallet
BOOKS006451I: Brass, Paul R. - Theft of an Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence
BOOKS022485I: Brass, Paul R. - Theft of an Idol : Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence
BOOKS001315I: Brasse, P. - Jonge Migranten en hun vrije tijd. Het sport- en vrijetijdssgedrag van jonge Turken en Marokkanen in Eindhoven en Dordrecht
BOOKS027087I: Brasseur, Gérard - Les établissements humains au Mali
BOOKS030439I: Bråthen, Alf - Dated Wood from Gotland and the Diocese of Skara
BOOKS017215I: Bratkowski, Stanislas [Moskowa, Le Prince de la] [Ecole Nationale Polonaise] [Lescoeur, P.L.] - Hymnes du reveil...,. [bound together with 5 other pamphlets published at Paris concerning Poland, ca.1846-1863]
BOOKS009903I: Bratt, Helge; Duner, Sten; Moritz, Manfred; & Regnell, Hans; editors: - Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Gunnar Aspelin
BOOKS014818I: Braudel, Fernand - The Structures of Everyday Life : The Limits of the Possible
BOOKS014560I: Braun, Rainer - Kohelet und die frühhellenistische Popularphilosophie
BOOKS027077I: Braun-Munk, Eugene Clarence [ Editions Stock ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - An original typed letter on Editions Stock letterhead, to Henry Miller, dated 15 septembre 1977
BOOKS027070I: Braun-Munk, Eugene Clarence [ Editions Stock ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - An original typed letter on Editions Stock letterhead, to Bradley Smith concerning Henry Miller
BOOKS019727I: Braun, Willi - Feasting and Social Rhetoric in Luke 14
BOOKS017510I: Braun, Michael - Der poetische Augenblick: Essays zur Gegenwartsliteratur
BOOKS025048I: Braun, Heinrich [1862-1934] - Die Lagerung verletzter und erkrankter Gliedmassen : Leerschienen und verbandlose Wundbehandlung
BOOKS005547I: Braun, John T. - The Apostrophic Gesture
BOOKS019726I: Braun, Rudolf - Sozio-kulturelle Probleme der Eingliederung italienischer Arbeitskräfte in der Schweiz
BOOKS026827I: Braun, Gustav [1881-1940] - Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Studien an europäischen Flachlandsküsten und ihren Dünen
BOOKS017093I: Braunthal, Gerard - Political Loyalty and Public Service in West Germany: 1972 Decree Against Radicals and Its Consequences
BOOKS027227I: Braut, Else - Frå spinnelin til lerret : kvinnearbeid i Stavanger ca. 1700-1775
BOOKS019398I: Braw, Christian - Quislings tro : han blev förrädare, därför att han var idealist
BOOKS007638I: Brawley, Mark R. - Liberal Leadership : Great Powers and Their Challengers in Peace and War
BOOKS015268I: Bray, Francesca - The Rice Economies: Technology and Development in Asian Societies
BOOKS005858I: Bray, Jeremy - Production Purpose & Structure : Towards a Socialist Theory of Production
BOOKS005791I: Bray, George A. and Ryan, Donna H.; editors: - Molecular and Genetic Aspects of Obesity
BOOKS010716I: Bray, Denys - The Life-History of a Brahui
BOOKS020421I: Bray, R. J. ; & Loughhead, R. E. - Sunspots
BOOKS002807I: Braybrooke, David - Moral Objectives, Rules, and the Forms of Social Change
BOOKS006575I: Braynard, Frank O. - S.S. Savannah. The Elegant Steam Ship
BOOKS012150I: Braziel, Jana Evans & LeBesco, Kathleen; editors: - Bodies out of Bounds: Fatness and Transgression
BOOKS017947I: Brazil, David - The Communicative Value of Intonation in English
BOOKS007972I: Breal, Michel - The Beginnings of Semantics: Essays, Lectures & Reviews
BOOKS014799I: Brebner, John Alexander - The Demon Within : A Study of John Cowper Powys’s Novels
BOOKS002780I: Brecher, Michael - Succession in India : A Study in Decision-making
BOOKS009118I: Brecher, Michael - Nehru : A Political Biography
BOOKS007058I: Brecht, Bertolt - Fru Carrars Gevaerer
BOOKS016206I: Brecht, Bertolt [1898-1956] [Willett, John ; editor:] - Letters [1913-1956]
BOOKS024532I: Arbeitskreis Bertolt Brecht - Arbeitskreis Bertolt Brecht Nachrichtenbrief Nr.s 1-7; 9 -38; 40-76; 78-98; 100; 103/104 [1960-1976]
BOOKS017991I: Bredereck, Hellmut [1904-1981] - Ergebnisse der Vitamin- und Hormonforschung [Vitamine und Hormone und ihre technische Darstellung, 1. Teil]
BOOKS009468I: Bredero, Adriaan H. - Bernard of Clairvaux: Between Cult and History
BOOKS001552I: Bredsdorff, Elias, editor: - Sir Edmund Gosse's Correspondance with Scandinavian Writers
BOOKS029535I: Bredsdorff, Jakob Hornemann [1790-1841] - Aarhuus amt [ Bidrag til Kundskap om de danske Provindsers naervaerende Tilstand i oekonomisk Henseende : Tredie stykke]
BOOKS021426I: Breeze, David John ; & Dobson, Brian - Hadrian's Wall
BOOKS000479I: Bregaze, Neli [Bregadze, Nelli Aleksandrovna] - Mt'is micat'mok'medeba dasavlet' Sak'art'velosi (Memindvreoba Raca-Lec'xumis et'nograp'iuli masalebis mixedvit')
BOOKS001965I: Bregenhøj, Carsten - Helligtrekongersløb på Agersø : Socialt, statistisk og strukturelt
BOOKS016892I: Breger, Dee - Journeys in Microspace: The Art of the Scanning Electron Microscope
BOOKS017328I: Breisch, Kenneth A. - Henry Hobson Richardson and the Small Public Library in America : A Study in Typography
BOOKS029120I: Breitenbauch, Henrik Ø. - Cartesian Limbo : A Formal Approach to the Study of Social Sciences : International Relations in France
BOOKS000098I: Breitenstein, Thorkild - Recherches sur le poeme Megara
BOOKS022193I: Breitenstein, Thorkild - Hésiode et Archiloque
BOOKS020064I: Breitung, Amand - Overraskelser fra "Abeteoriens" og udviklingsærens omraade
BOOKS020695I: Breitwieser, Erwin - Der Volkskundliche Ertrag der Schriften von Hermann Löns
BOOKS031730I: Brekke, Bernhard F. ; & Bakken, Tom Willy - The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia : 1700-1917 : Supplement 1997 : Includes : Errors, Overdates, Overstrikes and Fakes
BOOKS020599I: Brekke, Bernhard F. - The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia, 1700-1917
BOOKS021316I: Brelsford, William Vernon - The Tribes of Zambia
BOOKS022430I: Bremen, Jan van ; Godina, Vesna ; & Platenkamp, Jos D. M. ; editors: - Horizons of Understanding : An Anthology of Theoretical Anthropology in Europe
BOOKS028503I: Bremer, Klaus-Jürgen - Montesquieus Lettres persanes und Cadalsos Cartas marruecas : eine Gegenüberstellung von zwei pseudo-orientalischen Briefsatiren
BOOKS004682I: Bremmer, Rolf H., Jr. - A Bibliographical Guide to Old Frisian Studies
BOOKS025743I: Bremmer, Jan ; & Roodenburg, Hermann ; editors: - Kulturgeschichte des Humors : von der Antike bis heute
BOOKS009882I: Brennan, Teresa - History After Lacan
BOOKS012146I: Brennan, Marcia; editor: - Painting Gender; Constructing Theory: The Alfred Stieglitz Circle and American Formalist Aesthetics
BOOKS020062I: Brennan, Thomas Edward - Burgundy to Champagne : The Wine Trade in Early Modern France
BOOKS013751I: Brenner, Louis; editor: - Muslim Identity and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
BOOKS006520I: Brenner, Y.S.; Reijnders, J.P.G. & Spithoven, A.H.G.M., editors: - The Theory of Income and Wealth Distribution
BOOKS018068I: Brenner, Robert - The Boom and the Bubble : The US in the World Economy
BOOKS031318I: Brenner-Schaeffer, Wilhelm - Zur Oberpfälzischen Volksmedizin : Darstellung der sämtlichen Volkssitten und des medicinischen Volks-Aberglaubens ..,.
BOOKS031663I: Brenner, Hildegard ; editor : - Alternative : Zeitschrift für Literatur und Diskussion [a collection of 24 issues, ca. 1965-1981]
BOOKS008064I: Brenoe, Claus - Kostundersogelse i Gronland 1974
BOOKS021641I: Brentjes, Helga - Die Imamatslehren im Islam nach der Darstellung des Asch'ari
BOOKS031346I: Brenugat, Charles - Études historiques sur l'enseignement obstétrical en Bretagne et principalement à Rennes
BOOKS004461I: Breslauer, S. Daniel, compiler: - Modern Jewish Morality. A Bibliographical Survey
BOOKS000387I: Bresler, Fenton S. - The Mystery of Georges Simenon : A Biography
BOOKS012293I: Bresou, M. : Blismon, Ana-Gramm [pseudonym of Simon-Francois Blocquel, (1780-1863), editor, printer : ] - Jurisprudentiana : Trésor des anecdotes de jurisprudence et recueil de faits singuliers relatifs á cette science ..,.
BOOKS021902I: Brester, Albert [1843-1919] - Explication des phénomènes solaires les plus importants
BOOKS007976I: Breton, André [1896-1966] - Almanach surréaliste du demi-siècle : Numero special de La Nef [mars-avril, 1950, no. 63-64]
BOOKS000384I: Breton, André [1896-1966] - Misère de la poésie : "L'affaire Aragon" devant l'opinion publique
BOOKS000966I: Breton, André (1896-1966) ; Dali, Salvador ; Eluard, Paul ; Ernst, Max ; et al. - Du temps que les surréalistes avaient raison
BOOKS019059I: Bretscher, Willy [1897-1992] ; & Steinmann, E. : - Die sozialistische Bewegung in der Schweiz 1848-1920
BOOKS017137I: Bretscher, Peter - Flurnamen und Alltagskultur : Sachlexikon zu namengebenden Motiven ; Tätigkeiten, Einrichtungen, Gebrauchsobjekte
BOOKS029618I: Brett, Gerard ; Macaulay, W.J. ; & Stevenson, Robert B.K. - The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors : Being a First Report on the Excavations Carried out in Istanbul ..,.,
BOOKS005366I: Brett, R.L. - Reason & Imagination. A Study of Form & Meaning in Four Poems
BOOKS016015I: Brett-James, Antony ; compiler, editor & translator: - 1812 : Eyewitness Accounts of Napoleon's Defeat in Russia
BOOKS008222I: Brettell, Caroline B. - Men Who Migrate, Women Who Wait: Population and History in a Portuguese Parish
BOOKS020967I: Breuer, Hans-Peter [ Butler, Samuel (1835-1902) ] - The Note-books of Samuel Butler : Volume I (1874-1883)
BOOKS028982I: Breuninger, Helga ; & Sieferle, Rolf Peter ; editors : - Markt und Macht in der Geschichte
BOOKS006118I: Breutz, Paul-Lenert - Die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Verhaltnisse der Sotho-Tswana in Transvaal und Betschuanaland
BOOKS017680I: Brew, John Otis [1906- 19??] ; editor: - One Hundred Years of Anthropology
BOOKS031338I: Brewer, Heinrich - Die Unterscheidung der Klagen nach attischem Recht und die Echtheit der Gesetze in Paragraphen 47 und 113 der Demosthenischen..,
BOOKS024720I: Brewer, Anthony - Marxist Theories of Imperialism : A Critical Survey
BOOKS022572I: Brezin, Jonathan Paul - Harmonic Analysis on Compact Solvmanifolds
BOOKS012388I: Briand, Aristide [1862-1932] - La greve generale et la revolution ; discours devant le Congres general du Parti socialiste...
BOOKS000556I: Bridenbaugh, Carl - Vexed and Troubled Englishmen 1590 - 1642
BOOKS000937I: Bridge, T. Peter; Mirsky, Allan F.; & Goodwin, Frederick K., editors: - Psychological, Neuropsychiatric and Substance Abuse Aspects of AIDS
BOOKS020109I: Bridge, John S. ; & Demicco, Robert V. - Earth Surface Processes, Landforms and Sediment Deposits
BOOKS022173I: Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Foundation - In Darkness and Light : A Rembrandt in Tokyo Reconsidered
BOOKS026305I: Bridgman, Percy Williams [1883-1961] - The Technique of High Pressure Experimenting / by P. W. Bridgman
BOOKS005502I: Bridgman, Richard - The Colloquial Style in America
BOOKS013121I: Bridgman, Nanie ; Lesure, F.; Schrade, L.; & Thibault, G. ; editors: [ Société de musique d’autrefois ] - Annales Musicologiques: Moyen-âge et Renaissance. Tome IV
BOOKS017286I: Bridgstock, Martin ; Burch, David; Forge, John; Laurent, John; & Lowe, Ian; editors: - Science, Technology and Society : An Introduction
BOOKS000792I: Bridgwater, David; & Harry, William Trevelyan - Anorthosite Xenoliths and Plagioclase Megacrysts in Precambrian Intrusions of South Greenland
BOOKS029043I: Brieger, L. (Ludwig) [1849-1909] - Ueber Ptomaine [Parts I - III]
BOOKS001570I: Brieghel-Müller, A. - Über Filtrationsuntersuchungen
BOOKS022935I: Briem, Efraim [1890-1946] - Studier över moder- och fruktbarhetsgudinnorna i den sumerisk-babyloniska religionen
BOOKS018817I: O’Brien, Sharon ; editor: - Cognitive Explorations of Translation
BOOKS004139I: O'Brien, D.P., editor: - The Correspondence of Lord Overstone. Volumes I -II - III
BOOKS003612I: Brien, Paul - L'Embryogenese et la Senescence de l'Hydre d'eau douce (Hydra fusca [oilgactic] Pallas)
BOOKS011875I: O'Brien, Mary - Making Better Environmental Decisions: An Alternative to Risk Assessment
BOOKS015114I: Briese, Maria Berg; Vaag, Leif Erik; editors: - Trade Relations in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Hellenistic Period to Late Antiquity : The Ceramic Evidence
BOOKS000661I: Briffa, Charles - Grajjiet il-Kliem : Koktejl Lingwistiku
BOOKS008727I: Briffa, Charles - Il-Laqmijiet Karkarizi fil-Kultura Maltija : dizzjunarju
BOOKS031619I: Briggen, Hans - Die Hypothekarverschuldung im Bezirk Sissach
BOOKS009973I: Briggs, David - Plant Microevolution and Conservation in Human-influenced Ecosystems
BOOKS017175I: Briggs, Charles L.; & Mantini-Briggs, Clara - Stories in Times of Cholera : Racial Profiling During a Medical Nightmare
BOOKS004963I: Briggs, Asa - Wine for Sale. Victoria Wine & the Liquor Trade 1860 - 1984
BOOKS016301I: Briggs, Katharine Mary - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
BOOKS020151I: Briggs, Charles L. - Learning How to Ask : A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research
BOOKS011292I: Briggs, Shirley A. - Basic Guide to Pesticides: Their Characteristics and Hazards
BOOKS009969I: Bright, William - Language Variation in South Asia
BOOKS004426I: Bright, Jagat Singh - India Tomorrow
BOOKS022282I: Brignoli, Marziano ; et al - Giuseppe Garibaldi,1807-1882 : una biografia per immagini
BOOKS002216I: [Littmann, Enno] E.J. Brill, firm of - The Library of Enno Littmann 1875-1958. Professor of Oriental Languages at the Universite of Tubingen
BOOKS000293I: Brimblecombe, Peter & Lein, Alla Yu.,editors: - Evolution of the Global Biogeochemical Sulphur Cycle
BOOKS026584I: Brinch Petersen, Erik - a collection of 4 offprints & extracts concerning Scandinavian archaeology, ca. 1970-1978
BOOKS023664I: Brinckmeyer, Hermann [ Schmidt, August ] [ Nast, Robert ] [ Hitler, Adolf ] [ Beer, Rüdiger Robert ] - Die Rathenaus [bound together with 4 other German political & economic books & pamphlets, ca. 1922-1931]
BOOKS001368I: Brindley, David N., editor: - Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase Volume I & II
BOOKS012757I: Bringi, V. N.; & Chandrasekar, V. - Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar : Principles and Applications
BOOKS019590I: Brinig, Margaret F. - From Contract to Covenant : Beyond the Law and Economics of the Family
BOOKS030022I: Brink, René van den - Relational Power in Hierarchical Organizations
BOOKS025071I: Brink, C. O. - Horace on Poetry : Volume 2 : The 'Ars poetica'
BOOKS003297I: Brink, Antoni Hendrik - Petrology & Ore Geology of the Vila Real - Sabrosa - Vila Pouca de Aguiar Region, Northern Portugal
BOOKS026571I: Brinkman, Abraham - De roodneuzen-ziekte van Phaseolus vulgaris L., veroorzaakt door Pleospora herbarum (Pers.) Rbh
BOOKS027497I: Brinkman, Johan Marie - The Perception of Space in the Old Testament : An Exploration of the Methodological Problems of its Investigation.,.,.
BOOKS023367I: Brinkmann, Hans-Berndt ; & Puppe, Dieter - Kategorien und Funktoren
BOOKS027582I: Brinkmann, Roland ; Lögters, Herbert ; Pflug, Reinhard ; Stackelberg, Ulrich von ; Hempel, Peter M. ; & Kind, Hans Dieter - Diapir-Tektonik und Stratigraphie im Vorland der spanischen Westpyrenäen
BOOKS004756I: Brinkmann, August - Die nordischen Munidaarten und ihre Rhizocephalen
BOOKS004754I: Brinkmann, August - Die pelagischen Nemertinen (Monographisch Dargestellt)
BOOKS006025I: Brinkmann, Hans-Berndt ; & Puppe, Dieter - Abelsche und exakte Kategorien, Korrespondenzen
BOOKS011784I: Brinks, J.H. - Children of the New Fatherland: Germany's Post-War Right-Wing Politics
BOOKS031092I: Brisbane, Mark A. ; editor : - The Archaeology of Novgorod, Russia : Recent Results from the Town and its Hinterland
BOOKS030464I: Briscoe, John - A Commentary on Livy : Books XXXI - XXXIII
BOOKS017935I: Brisou, Jean F. ; & Denis, Francois A. - Hygiène de l'Environnement Maritime
BOOKS014461I: De Brissiere, P. (Peggy) - Caribbean Cooking : A Selection of West-Indian Recipes
BOOKS011540I: Brisson, Luc - Sexual Ambivalence: Androgyny and Hermaphrodism in Graeco-Roman Antiquity
BOOKS017431I: Bristed, John [1778-1855] - America and Her Resources...,.
BOOKS017349I: Bristow, Robert Charles - Cochin Saga : A History of Foreign Government and Business Adventures in Kerala, South India, by Arabs, Romans, Venetians, ..,.
BOOKS009022I: Great Britain [ United Kingdom, Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs] - Rhodesia : Report of the Commission on Rhodesian Opinion under the Chairmanship of the Right Honourable the Lord Pearce
BOOKS029679I: Communist Party of Great Britain [ Pollitt, Harry ] - A single volume containing 19 CPGB tracts, all issued in 1953.
BOOKS024255I: Radulphus Brito [fl. 1295-1320 CE] [ Green-Pedersen, N.J. ; & Pinborg, Jan ; editors: ] - Commentary on Boethius' De differentiis topicis and the Sophism "Omnis homo est omnis homo
BOOKS011048I: Briton, Derek - The Modern Practice of Adult Education: A Postmodern Critique
BOOKS009534I: Britt, Brian - Walter Benjamin & the Bible
BOOKS004474I: Brittain, F. - The Medieval Latin & Romance Lyric to A.D. 1300
BOOKS007858I: Brittan, Martin R. - A Revision of the Indo-Malayan Fresh-Water Fish Genus Rasbora
BOOKS009546I: Britto, Francis - Diglossia : A Study of the Theory with Application to Tamil
BOOKS011708I: Brivic, Sheldon - The Veil of Signs: Joyce, Lacan, and Perception
BOOKS016615I: Brix, Hans Nicolaus [1870-1961] - Systematiske beregninger i de danske runeindskrifter; med et tillæg om upplandske runestene
BOOKS024949I: Brix, Hans [1870-1961] - Studier i nordisk runemagi : runemester-kunsten, upplandske runestene, rökstenen, nogle nordiske runetekster
BOOKS031875I: Brizzi, Giovanni - I sistemi informativi dei Romani : principi e realtà nell'età delle conquiste oltremare (218-168 a.C.)
BOOKS007092I: Brjussow, A. Ja. - Geschichte der neolithischen Stamme im europaischen Teil der UdSSR
BOOKS001934I: Bro-Jørgensen, Jens ; & Marcussen, Ove - Svendborg købstads historie, 1 - 2
BOOKS013785I: Broad, Robin; & Cavanagh, John - Plundering Paradise : The Struggle for the Environment in the Philippines
BOOKS013405I: Broad, Robin - Unequal Alliance : The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Philippines
BOOKS019763I: Broadbent, Noel D. - Den förhistoriska utvecklingen under 7000 år [ Skelleftebygdens historia. Del 3 ]
BOOKS016556I: Brøbeck, Olaf - Heredity in Cancer Uteri : A Genetical and Clinical Study of 200 Patients with Cancer of the Cervix Uteri and 90 Patients ...
BOOKS023747I: Broch, Just - Den gang man gikk til anlegg av Norges første jernebane
BOOKS022488I: Broch-Due, Vigdis ; Rudie, Ingrid ; & Bleie, Tone ; editors: - Carved Flesh / Cast Selves : Gendered Symbols and Social Practice
BOOKS026077I: Brock, K. C. - Het platteland
BOOKS022640I: Brock, D. Heyward (Dewey Heyward) - A Ben Jonson Companion
BOOKS014213I: Brock-Utne, Albert [1906 - 19??] - Der Gottesgarten : Eine vergleichende religionsgeschichtliche Studie
BOOKS009337I: Brock, Colin & Tulasiewicz, Witold; editors: - Education in a Single Europe
BOOKS020297I: Brock, Herman Gilbert [ United States. Dept. of Commerce ] - Market for Boots and Shoes in Peru
BOOKS027979I: Brock, Vilmut - Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Steinfliegen (Insecta, Plecoptera)
BOOKS001878I: Brock, Steen ; & Hansen, Klaus K. [editors] - Sprog, Moral & Livsform : Ludwig Wittgensteins Filosofi : [En Artikelsamling]
BOOKS031858I: Brock-Utne, Birgit ; Desai, Zubeida ; & Qorro, Martha A. S. ; editors: - Language of Instruction in Tanzania and South Africa (LOITASA)
BOOKS022370I: Brock, Herman Gilbert - Markets for Boots and Shoes in Chile and Bolivia
BOOKS022267I: Brock, Herman Gilbert - Market for Boots and Shoes in Cuba
BOOKS023618I: Brock, Bazon [ Zika, Anna ; editor: ] - Der Barbar als Kulturheld - Bazon Brock III : Gesammelte Schriften 1991-2002 ; Ästhetik des Unterlassens, Kritik der Wahrheit..,
BOOKS011543I: Brockdorff-Rantzau, Ulrich - Betrachtungen, veranlasst durch die Schrift des Herrn Kanzleiraths Lornsen über das Verfassungswerk in Schleswig-Holstein
BOOKS016870I: Brockett, Charles D. - Political Movements and Violence in Central America
BOOKS012684I: Brockett, Charles D. [1946- ] - Political Movements and Violence in Central America
BOOKS008116I: Brockington, Lolita Gutierrez - The Leverage of Labor: Managing the Cortes Haciendas in Tehuantepec, 1588 - 1688
BOOKS028636I: Brockman, Eric - The Two Sieges of Rhodes, 1480-1522
BOOKS029117I: Brockman, Eric - Last Bastion : Sketches of the Maltese Islands
BOOKS029045I: Broda, Engelbert [1910-1983] ; & Schönfeld, Thomas - Radiochemische Methoden der Mikrochemie
BOOKS016297I: Broda, Johanna ; Carrasco, David ; & Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo - The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan: Center and Periphery in the Aztec World
BOOKS014963I: Brodersen, Kai. - Das römische Britannien : Spuren seiner Geschichte
BOOKS017845I: Brodhead, Richard H. - Hawthorne, Melville, and the Novel
BOOKS015195I: Brodie, Harold Johnston - Fungi, Delight of Curiosity
BOOKS026656I: Brödner, Erika - Untersuchungen an den Caracallathermen
BOOKS010783I: Brodskii, K.A. [Brodskii, Konstantin Abramovich] - Fauna veslonogikh rachkov (Calanoida) i zoogeograficheskoe raionirovanie severnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana i sopredel'nykh vod.
BOOKS017967I: Brodthagen, Holger - Local Freezing of the Skin by Carbon Dioxide Snow : An Experimental Investigation of Tissue Temperature Movements in Depth
BOOKS005091I: Brodwin, Paul - Medicine and Morality in Haiti : The Contest for Healing Power
BOOKS012179I: Brody, J. Kenneth. - The Avoidable War. Volume 1; Lord Cecil & Policy of Principle 1933-1935
BOOKS012169I: Brody, Jennifer DeVere - Impossible Purities: Blackness, Feminity, and Victorian Culture
BOOKS019529I: Brody, Clara Carnelson - The Works of Claude Boyer
BOOKS009991I: Broeck, Jan Van Den - De Historiografie van het Recht in de zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 18de Eeuw
BOOKS003528I: Broek, J.M.M. Van den & Morel, H.W. Van der - De Alluviale Gronden van de Maas, de Roer en de Geul in Limburg
BOOKS015495I: Broeng-Nielsen, Bodil ; Hauge, Mogens ; Warburg, Mette ; & Zachau-Christiansen, Bengt; editors: - Danish Family Studies of Medical Genetic Disorders 1927-1980. An Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS008167I: Broerman, Bruce M. - The German Historical Novel in Exile after 1933: Calliope Contra Clio
BOOKS015622I: Brogan, T. V. F. (Terry V. F.) ; editor: - The Princeton Handbook of Multicultural Poetries
BOOKS018874I: Brøgger, A. W. (Anton Wilhelm) [1884-1984] - Gamle emigranter : nordmennenes bosetning på norskehavskystene
BOOKS031381I: Broholm, Hans Christian [1893-1966] - Studier over den yngre bronzealder i Danmark med særligt henblik paa gravfundene : en arkæologisk undersøgelse
BOOKS004689I: Broholm, H.C.; Larsen, William P. ; & Skjerne, Godtfred - The Lures of the Bronze Age : An Archaeological,Technical & Musicological Investigation
BOOKS023698I: Broman, Ivar [1868-1946] - Om arvsynden från biologisk synpunkt samt några andra "forargelseväckande" biologiska kåserier
BOOKS012895I: Bromberg, Joan Lisa - Fusion: Science, Politics, and the Invention of a New Energy Source
BOOKS011897I: Bromberg, Joan Lisa - The Laser in America, 1950 - 1970
BOOKS013731I: Bromlei, IUlian Vladimirovich [ Bromlej, Julian V. ]; et al. [Institut für Marxistische Studien und Forschungen (Frankfurt a.M.) - Matriarchat und Patriarchat : Zur Entstehung der Familie : Ethnographische Forschung/ theoretische Diskussion :
BOOKS007666I: Bromley, Michael & O'Malley, Tom; editors: - A Journalism Reader
BOOKS028573I: Bromley, Simon - Rethinking Middle East Politics : State Formation and Development
BOOKS008032I: Bronckart, Marthe - Etude philologique sur la langue, le vocabulaire et le style du chroniqueur Jean de Haynin
BOOKS000145I: Brøndsted, Karl Gustav [1851-1945] - Smaa danske Snobber o. a., Typer og Skizzer : Samt: En lille dansk Snobs Historie
BOOKS027138I: Brøndsted, Karl Gustav [1851-1945] - Kong Gelos : eventyrlig Komedie i fem Optrin
BOOKS010845I: Brøndsted, K.G. (Karl Gustav) [1851-1945] - Curtius, et romersk Sagn : Dramatisk Digt
BOOKS018930I: Brøndum-Nielsen, Troels - Axisymmetric Bending of Shells
BOOKS021541I: Brøndum-Nielsen, Johannes [1881-1977] - Poul Møller studier
BOOKS019066I: Bronkhorst, Johannes - Three Problems Pertaining to the Mahabhasya
BOOKS013748I: Bronkhorst, Johannes - Three Problems Pertaining to the Mahabhasya
BOOKS030134I: Bronkhorst, Willem [1888-1960] - A collection of 17 offprints concerning tuberculosis, ca 1922-1954
BOOKS005235I: Bronner, Volf Moiseevich [1876-19??] [Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kulturnoi sviazi s zagrani-tsei, Moscow] - La lutte contre la prostitution en URSS
BOOKS002548I: Brønnum, Niels H. - Under Daemoners Aag : Bachamafolkets Religion og Overtro
BOOKS021764I: Bronowicz, Julian Brun [1886-1942] - Stefana Zeromskiego tragedia pomylek
BOOKS011288I: Brøns, Aage - Krudthorn / Powder Horns from Danish Collections
BOOKS017916I: Brook, R. J. ; Cahn, R. W. ; & Bever, Michael B.; editors: - Concise Encyclopedia of Advanced Ceramic Materials
BOOKS005695I: Brooke, Iris - Costume in Greek Classic Drama
BOOKS004247I: Brookfield, Harold ; Hadi, Abdul Samad ; & Mahmud, Zaharah - The City in the Village : The In-situ Urbanization of Villages, Villagers and their Land around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
BOOKS010214I: Brookmeyer, Ron & Gail, Mitchell H. - AIDS Epidemiology: A Quantitative Approach
BOOKS011180I: Brooks, Cleanth - Historical Evidence and the Reading of Seventeenth-Century Poetry
BOOKS014881I: Brooks, Carol Alvater - Power Relationships of Nursing Executives and Nursing Unit Leaders in Selected Hospital Settings
BOOKS009587I: Brooks, David - The Age of Upheaval: Edwardian Politics, 1899-1914
BOOKS005223I: Brooks, Douglas Renfrew - The Secret of the Three Cities. An Introduction to Hindu Sakta Tantrism
BOOKS005195I: Brooks, Kenneth R., editor: - Andreas and The Fates of the Apostles. Edited,with Introduction, Commentary and Glossary
BOOKS004578I: Brooks, Robert R. ; & Johannes, Dieter - Phytoarchaeology
BOOKS007050I: Brooks, Alan; & Brickhill, Jeremy - Whirlwind Before the Storm : The Origins & Development of the Uprising in Soweto & the Rest of South Africa, June -December 1976
BOOKS015461I: Brophy, Alfred L. - Reconstructing the Dreamland. The Tulsa Riot of 1921. Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation
BOOKS018004I: Brophy, Brigid ; Levey, Michael ; & Osborne, Charles - Fifty Works of English Literature We Could Do Without
BOOKS003739I: Brosen, Kim - A Guide to Training in Clinical Pharmacology in Europe
BOOKS007220I: Brosnahan, L.F. - The Sounds of Language. An Inquiry into the Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Sound Systems
BOOKS019920I: Brossard, J.M. ; compiler: - Catalogue descriptif illustré des principaux ex-voto marins offerts à Notre-Dame de Bon Port du XVIe siècle à nos jours
BOOKS021859I: Bröste, Kurt ; Jørgensen, Jørgen Balslev ; Becker, C. J. (Carl Johan) ; & Brøndsted, Johannes - Prehistoric Man in Denmark : A Study in Physical Anthropology : Volumes 1 & 2 : Stone and Bronze Age
BOOKS025662I: Brøsted, Jens - Et beskåret hjemmestyre : et kritisk essay om den grønlandske hjemmestyreordning
BOOKS015234I: Brote, Eugen - Die rumänische Frage in Siebenbürgen und Ungarn : Eine politische Denkschrift von Eugen Brote..,.Mit 51 Beilagen und einer Karte
BOOKS013118I: Brothers, Leslie - Mistaken Identity: The Mind - Brain Problem Reconsidered
BOOKS022459I: Brothwell, Don R. ; & Dimbleby, G. W. ; editors: - Environmental Aspects of Coasts and Islands
BOOKS020900I: Brothwell, Don R. - Digging up Bones : The Excavation, Treatment, and Study of Human Skeletal Remains
BOOKS010888I: Broughton, David & Donovan, Mark: editors: - Changing Party Systems in Western Europe
BOOKS006361I: Broughton, W.J. & Puhler, A., editors: - Nitrogen Fixation. Volume 4: Molecular Biology
BOOKS012614I: Broughton, Janet - Descartes's Method of Doubt
BOOKS014203I: Broussais, F. J. V. (Francois Joseph Victor) [1772 - 1838] - Le choléra morbus epidemique, observé et traité selon la méthode physiologique
BOOKS003449I: Brouwer, H.A. [Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap] - Gedenkboek H.A. Brouwer
BOOKS008984I: Browall, Hans - Alvastra palbyggnad: social och ekonomisk bas
BOOKS003816I: Browall, Hans; Persson, Per & Sjogren, Karl-Johan; editors: - Vastsvenske Stenaldersstudier
BOOKS022308I: Browder, Earl [1891-1973] - Answer to Vronsky
BOOKS008851I: Browder, William; editor: - Algebraic Topology and Algebraic K-Theory. Proceedings of a Conference October 24-28, 1983 at Princeton University...
BOOKS009590I: Browder, Earl [1891-1973] - Karl Marx and America [lectures]
BOOKS013045I: Brown, Jessica - Anti-Individualism and Knowledge
BOOKS011853I: Brown, Michael E.; editor: - The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict
BOOKS013851I: Brown, Penelope; & Levinson, Stephen C. - Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage
BOOKS021916I: Brown, Lucy M. - The Board of Trade and the Free-trade Movement, 1830-42
BOOKS024870I: Brown, Louis - The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism [ Centennial History of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Volume 2 ]
BOOKS008165I: Brown, Kendall W. - Bourbons and Brandy: Imperial Reform in Eighteenth-Century Arequipa
BOOKS011629I: Brown, Gerald Griffiths - A Literary History of Spain: The Twentieth Century
BOOKS011026I: Brown, MacAlister & Zasloff, Joseph J. - Cambodia Confounds the Peacemakers 1979 - 1998
BOOKS010018I: Brown, Roger Glenn - Fashoda Reconsidered: The Impact of Domestic Politics on French Policy in Africa 1893-1898
BOOKS028084I: Brown, J. Marvin - From Ancient Thai to Modern Dialects and Other Writings on Historical Thai Linguistics
BOOKS009388I: Brown, Cynthia J. - Poets, Patrons, and Printers: Crisis of Authority in Late Medieval France
BOOKS009317I: Brown, Ivor - I Give You My Word and Say the Word
BOOKS009236I: Brown, Donald E. - Hierarchy, History, and Human Nature: The Social Origins of Historical Consciousness
BOOKS008172I: Brown, Richard Harvey - Society as Text: Essays on Rhetoric, Reason, and Reality
BOOKS007873I: Brown, Mark & Pratt, John; editors: - Dangerous Offenders: Punishment and Social Order
BOOKS018372I: Brown, Judith C. - Immodest Acts : Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy
BOOKS015374I: Brown, Tom - The Heaven's Gate Suicide : Unlocking the Answer to Why It Happened
BOOKS015326I: Brown, Charles Philip [1798 - 1884] [ Reddy, G.N. ; editor:] - The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit Languages Explained
BOOKS015314I: Brown, W. Norman (William Norman) [1892 - 1975] - The United States and India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
BOOKS016538I: Brown, Gillian ; & Yule, George - Discourse Analysis
BOOKS016481I: Brown, Judith Margaret - Global South Asians: Introducing the Modern Diaspora
BOOKS016146I: Brown, C. Mackenzie; translator: - The Song of the Goddess : The Devi Gita : Spiritual Counsel of the Great Goddess
BOOKS013265I: Brown, Richard Harvey; editor: - Postmodern Representations: Truth, Power, and Mimesis in the Human Sciences and Public Culture
BOOKS010485I: Brown, Mary Elizabeth; compiler: - Dedications: An Anthology of the Forms Used from the Earliest Days of Book-Making to the Present Time
BOOKS005792I: Brown, Robert - Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology. With Special Reference to Recent Mythological Works of .,..Max Muller & Mr. Andrew Lang
BOOKS005486I: Brown, Arthur W. - Margaret Fuller
BOOKS005381I: Brown, Calvin S. - Tones into Words. Musical Compositions as Subjects of Poetry
BOOKS001279I: Brown, Charles H. - Deviation & the Deviascope including the Practice & Theory of Compass Adjustment also a Note on the Gyro-Compass
BOOKS015797I: Brown, Robert L. ; editor: - Ganesh : Studies of an Asian God
BOOKS015210I: Brown, Karen McCarthy - Mama Lola : A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn
BOOKS015111I: Brown, Peter - The Hypnotic Brain: Hypnotherapy and Social Communication
BOOKS003019I: Brown, Judith - Gandhi : Prisoner of Hope
BOOKS004088I: Brown,Wallace Cable - Charles Churchill. Poet, Rake & Rebel
BOOKS021582I: Brown, Jennifer S. H. ; & Brightman, Robert Alain [ Nelson, George (1786-1859) ] - The Orders of the Dreamed" : George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823
BOOKS019728I: Brown, Daniel Patrick - The Protectorate and the Northumberland Conspiracy : Political Intrigue in the Reign of Edward VI ..,.
BOOKS021589I: Brown, Harcourt [1900-1990] - Science and the Human Comedy : Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis
BOOKS023952I: Brown, Mervyn - Madagascar Rediscovered : A History from Early Times to Independence
BOOKS010388I: Brownell, Frederick Gordon - Heraldry in the Church of the Province of Southern Africa, 1847 - 2000
BOOKS006479I: Browning, Robert [1914-1997] - Notes on Byzantine Prooimia
BOOKS017483I: Browning, Robert - Medieval and Modern Greek
BOOKS004413I: Browning, Robert [1914-1997] - Byzantium and Bulgaria : A Comparative Study Across the Early Medieval Frontier
BOOKS007984I: Brownlie, Ian; Bowett, D.W.; & Hopkins, C.A.; editors: - The British Yearbook of International Law 1989: Sixtieth Year of Issue
BOOKS005903I: Brownlow, Timothy - John Clare and Picturesque Landscape
BOOKS022663I: Broyelle, Claudie - Women’s Liberation in China
BOOKS006897I: Bru, Eduard [ Pinto de Freitas, Rita ; editor : ] - Coming from the South
BOOKS021834I: Brucan, Silviu [1916-2006] - Piata si democratie
BOOKS021784I: Bruce-Mitford, Rupert Leo Scott [1914-1994] - The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial : A Handbook
BOOKS023755I: Bruch, Carlos - Apuntes sobre antropometría de cuatro naturales del noroeste Argentino
BOOKS023754I: Bruch, Carlos - Descripción de algunos sepulcros calchaquis resultado de las excavaciones efectuadas en Hualfin (Provincia de Catamarca)
BOOKS014082I: Bruck, Michael von - The Unity of Reality: God, God-experience and Meditation in the Hindu-Christian Dialogue
BOOKS031968I: Brucker, Egon - Die spätvedische Kulturepoche nach den Quellen der Srauta-, Grhya- und Dharmasutras : der Siedlungsraum
BOOKS025924I: Brücker, V. Valdemar - Til Minde om Emilie Brücker : født Brücker : f. 15. Novbr. 1824, d. 4. Febr. 1895.
BOOKS029977I: Bruckmüller, Ernst ; editor : - Österreich Lexikon : in drei Bänden
BOOKS009224I: Bruckner, Albert Theophil ; editor : - Das Herkommen der Schwyzer und Oberhasler
BOOKS025411I: Brüel, L.B. ; editor : - Forst-tidende : Tidsskrift for skovbrug, mosekultur og jagt : 13. Aarg. Nr. 1-12; 14. Aarg. Nr. 1-12 [Januar 1900-December 1901]
BOOKS002063I: Brues, Charles T. - Studies on Ethiopian Braconidae, with a Catalogue of the African Species
BOOKS022676I: Brugger, Bill ; editor: - China Since the "Gang of Four
BOOKS022624I: Brugger, Bill ; editor: - Chinese Marxism in Flux 1978-84 : Essays on Epistemology, Ideology and Political Economy
BOOKS010479I: Brugger, Bill & Kelly, David - Chinese Marxism in the Post-Mao Era
BOOKS018455I: Brugger, Bill ; & Reglar, Stephen - Politics, Economy and Society in Contemporary China
BOOKS015294I: Brugger, Otto - Geschichte der deutschen Handwerkervereine in der Schweiz 1836-1843 : die Wirksamkeit Weitlings (1841-1843)
BOOKS022338I: Bruggisser, Thomas ; Fries, Michel ; & Bruinsma, Max ; editors: - Benzin : Young Swiss Graphic Design
BOOKS020338I: Brühl, Paul [1855-1935] ; & Biswas, Kalipada - Algae of the Loktak Lake
BOOKS027939I: Bruhm, Ismo - Untersuchungen zur Qualität Schleswig-Holsteinischer Oberflächengewässer : Auswertung und Verknüpfung der Ergebnisse .,.,
BOOKS019891I: Bruhn Hoffmeyer, Ada [1910-1991] - Oltos and Early Red-figure Vase Painting
BOOKS029050I: Bruhns, Hinnerk - Caesar und die römische Oberschicht in den Jahren 49-44 v. Chr. : Untersuchungen zur Herrschaftsetablierung im Bürgerkrieg
BOOKS027060I: Bruinsma, J. (Johan) - Studies on the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
BOOKS019078I: Bruintjes, Geert - Socialisme in Groningen 1881-1894
BOOKS026589I: Brum Rodríguez, Baltasar [1883-1933] - Mensaje del Presidente de la República Dr. D. Baltasar Brum a la H. Asamblea General al inaugurarse el 3er período.,.,.
BOOKS007059I: Brumbaugh, Robert Sherrick - Philosophers of Greece
BOOKS013378I: Brumberg, Daniel - Reinventing Khomeini : The Struggle for Reform in Iran
BOOKS027174I: Brumby, Martin [ Austrian Stamp Club of Great Britain ] - Dalmatia
BOOKS021159I: Brumwell, Stephen - Redcoats : The British Soldier and War in the Americas, 1755 - 1763
BOOKS013395I: Brun, Ole - The Reappearance of the Family as an Economic Unit: A Sample Survey of Individual Households in Workshop Production and Crafts,
BOOKS017358I: Brun, Lyder [1870-1950] - Die Auferstehung Christi in der urchristlichen Ueberlieferung
BOOKS017064I: Brun, Lyder - Segen und Fluch im Urchristentum
BOOKS022828I: Brun, Georg Constantin - Cholesterol Content of the Red Blood Cells in Man
BOOKS030191I: Brüne, Stefan ; & Scholler, Heinrich : editors : - Auf dem Weg zum modernen Äthiopien : Festschrift für Bairu Tafla
BOOKS018756I: Brunelli, Gustavo [Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste, R. Laborotorio centrale di idrobiologia applicata alla pesca] - Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia. Vol. VII [1931]
BOOKS018741I: Brunelli, Gustavo [Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste, R. Laborotorio centrale di idrobiologia applicata alla pesca] - Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia. Vol. XIV [1938]
BOOKS018738I: Brunelli, Gustavo [Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste, R. Laborotorio centrale di idrobiologia applicata alla pesca] - Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia. Vol. VI [1930]
BOOKS018736I: Brunelli, Gustavo [Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste, R. Laborotorio centrale di idrobiologia applicata alla pesca] - Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia. Vol. X [1934]
BOOKS018739I: Brunelli, Gustavo [Ministero dell'agricoltura e delle foreste, R. Laborotorio centrale di idrobiologia applicata alla pesca] - Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia. Vol. XI Fasc I - 3; bound together with [same] Vol. XII, Fasc 4 - 6 [1935-36]
BOOKS009046I: Bruner, Jerome S. ; & Krech, David; editors: - Perception and Personality: A Symposium.
BOOKS030454I: Brunet, Pierre - Maupertuis : [Volume 1]: Étude biographique
BOOKS000185I: Bruneti, Vladimir - Hemijskie studije o kulturi maka i proizvodnji opiuma u Makdeoniji
BOOKS015540I: Brunette, Peter - Roberto Rossellini
BOOKS022502I: Brunette, Peter ; & Wills, David - Screen/play : Derrida and Film Theory
BOOKS025820I: Brunetti, Ludovivo [1813-1899] [ Premuda, Loris (1917-2012); editor: ] - Una riabliltazione chirurgica : reminiscenze dell'autunno 1876
BOOKS026966I: Brüning, Kurt - Beispiele über Auswirkungen der Ländergrenzen auf Verwaltung und Wirtschaft [Niedersachsen im Rahmen der Neugliederung.,..Bd. 2]
BOOKS027592I: Brunn, Albert von [Brunn, Ferdinand Albert Wilhelm von (1849-1895)] - Untersuchungen über das Riechepithel [together with two other offprints ca. 1876-1882]
BOOKS002630I: Brunner, Bruno - Beiträge zum Grundwasserhaushalt im solothurnischen Wasseramt
BOOKS018486I: Brunner, Ronald D. ; Colburn, Christine H.; Cromley, Christina M.; Klein, Roberta A. ; & Olson, Elizabeth A. - Finding Common Ground : Governance and Natural Resources in the American West
BOOKS010379I: Brunner, Edward - Splendid Failure: Hart Crane and the Making of The Bridge
BOOKS021216I: Brunner, Alfred - Bericht des Ersten Staatsanwaltes A. Brunner an den Regierungsrat des Kantons Zürich über die Strafuntersuchung wegen des Aufruh
BOOKS029914I: Brünniche, Einar [1866-1932] - Studier over Hjærnesvulsternes Behandling
BOOKS012125I: Brunnsåker, Sture ; & Säve-Söderbergh, Torgny ; editors : - From the Gustavianum Collections in Uppsala 2, 1978 : The Collection of Classical Antiquities : History and Studies of Selected
BOOKS011546I: Brunnschweiler, Arnold [ Hauptwil, Arnold Brunnschweiler von ] - Die Beziehung zwischen der Individualität bzw. Individualsphäre und der Sozialwissenschaft im allgemeinen ..,.
BOOKS019780I: Schulz Bruno [ Ficowski, Jerzy ; editor: ] - Le livre idolâtre
BOOKS018943I: Bruns, Heinrich [b. 1861] - Quaestiones Asclepiadeae de vinorum diversis generibus / scripsit Heinricus Bruns
BOOKS005541I: Bruns, Gerald L. - Inventions. Writing, Textuality, and Understanding in Literary History
BOOKS005422I: Bruns, Gerald L. - Modern Poetry and the Idea of Language. A Critical and Historical Study
BOOKS012032I: Bruns, Gerald L. - Tragic Thoughts at the End of Philosophy: Language, Literature, and Ethical Theory
BOOKS022426I: Bruns-Weingartz, Karin [ Weingartz-Perschel, Karin ] - Darstellung des Begriffs der Arbeit als marxistische Zentralkategorie unter Berücksichtigung der Freudschen Libidotheorie
BOOKS027593I: Bruns, Paul von [1846-1916] - Ueber einige Verbesserungen des künstlichen Kehlkopfes [together with four other offprints and extracts]
BOOKS011027I: Brupbacher, Fritz [1874-1945] - Erinnerungen eines Revoluzzers
BOOKS014914I: Brupbacher, Fritz [1874-1945] - Wo ist der Sitz der Seele?
BOOKS010828I: Brushfield, T.N. - A Bibliography of Sir Walter Raleigh Knt.
BOOKS005076I: Brushwood, John S. - Mexico in its Novel. A Nation's Search for Identity
BOOKS005354I: Bruss, Elizabeth W. - Beautiful Theories. The Spectacle of Discourse in Contemporary Criticism
BOOKS009772I: Brustein, William - The Social Origins of Political Regionalism : France, 1849 - 1981
BOOKS013112I: Brustein, William - Roots of Hate: Anti-semitism in Europe Before the Holocaust
BOOKS031432I: Brutean, Grigor - Haykakan orats'oyts'e ir skzbnaworumits' minchew mer orere
BOOKS014216I: Brutus, A. - A propos d'un mouvement en Macedoine
BOOKS024204I: Bruun, Thomas Christopher [1750-1834] - Josephiden : Digt i 10 Sange
BOOKS027193I: Bruun, Laurids Valdemar [1864-1935] - Renæssance : En Historie
BOOKS027194I: Bruun, Laurids Valdemar [1864-1935] - Hejmers harpe
BOOKS027151I: Bruun, H.H. - Troessange
BOOKS027145I: Bruun, Laurids [1864-1935] - Antonius : en historie
BOOKS025767I: Bruun, Georg [1861-1945] - To Portrætter fra Koldinghus
BOOKS025858I: Bruun, Hans Herman [1810-1861] - Apothekeren i homøopathisk Knibe : en dramatisk Digtning
BOOKS025942I: Bruun, Christian - Kurfyrstinde Magdalena Sibylla og Kurprinds Johan Georg von Sachsens Rejse til Danmark 1663
BOOKS002670I: Bruun, Daniel - Algier og Sahara. Billeder fra Nomade og Krigerlivet
BOOKS031904I: Bruun, Patrick ; Hohti, Paavo ; Kaimio, Jorma ; Michelsel, Eva ; Nielsen, Marjatta ; & Ruoff-Väänänen, Eeva - Studies in the Romanization of Etruria
BOOKS020020I: Bruun, Georg - Jens Peter Wissing : en Koldingborger [bound together with: "Ernst Borck : Elevminder"]
BOOKS026122I: Bruun, Laurids Valdemar [1864-1935] - Den sidste fribonde
BOOKS014945I: Le Bruyn, Lieven ; Bergh, M. Van den; & Oystaeryen, F. Van - Graded Orders
BOOKS012975I: Bry, Carl Christian [1892-1926] - Verkappte Religionen
BOOKS018240I: Bryan, John - This Soldier Still at War
BOOKS019602I: Bryan, John - This Soldier Still at War
BOOKS003102I: Bryant, Kenneth A. - Poems to the Child-God. Structures & Strategies in the Poetry of Surdas
BOOKS003092I: Bryant, Edward [1948 - ] - Climate Process & Change
BOOKS007911I: Bryant, Clifron D.; Adler, Patricia A.; Adler, Peter; Corzine, Jay; Luckenbill, David; Peck, Dennis; et al: editors: - Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior. Volume I - IV
BOOKS017094I: Bryant, Coralie - Managing Development in the Third World
BOOKS014892I: Bryce, Mary Charles - Pride of Place : The Role of the Bishops in the Development of Catechesis in the United States
BOOKS031969I: Bryce, Trevor R. - The Lycians in Literary and Epigraphic Sources [The Lycians : A Study of Lycian History and Civilisation ..,.: Volume I]
BOOKS024343I: Bryden, Alan ; & Hänggi, Heiner ; editors: - Reform and Reconstruction of the Security Sector
BOOKS013128I: Tuborgs Bryggerier & KB Kongens Bryghus [Tuborg Brewery (Copenhagen)] - Det Gronne Cirkulaere [Januar 1942-Oktober 1948]
BOOKS015964I: Bryks, Rachmil [1912-1974] - A Cat in the Ghetto
BOOKS024896I: Brylla, Eva - Singular ortnamnsböjning i fornsvenskan : starkt böjda namn med utgångspunkt från sörmländskt material
BOOKS008173I: Brym, Robert J.; & Ryvkina, Rozalina - The Jews of Moscow, Kiev and Minsk: Identity, Antisemitism, Emigration
BOOKS005537I: Brynhildsvoll, Knut - Der literarische Raum. Konzeption und Entwurfe
BOOKS004930I: Bryson, Reid A. & Murray, Thomas J. - Climates of Hunger. Mankind and the World's Changing Weather
BOOKS019062I: Brzezinski, Zbigniew K. ; editor: - Africa and the Communist World
BOOKS018727I: Brzoska, Michael - Die BRD-Rüstungsindustrie im Fadenkreuz : Namen, Adressen, Produktion ; mit Berlinteil
BOOKS009134I: Phanni Bualek - Kuli lak rot : kap prawattisat rængngan Thai
BOOKS005272I: Buben, Milan M. - Encyklopedie ceských a moravských sídelních biskupu
BOOKS016166I: Buber, Martin [1878-1965] - Kingship of God
BOOKS023016I: Buber, Martin [1878-1965] - Die Legende des Baalschem
BOOKS027470I: Bubnoff, Serge von [1888-1957] - Fennosarmatia : Geologische Analyse des europäischen Kerngebietes
BOOKS027878I: Buccellati, Giorgio - Cities and Nations of Ancient Syria : An Essay on Political Institutions with Special Reference to the Israelite Kingdoms.
BOOKS025173I: Buch Cami, Emmanuel - La antropologia teologica de Emil Brunner
BOOKS005958I: Buch, Bent & Kjeldsen, Elsebeth Due - Turisme i Gambia. En Analyse af Masseturismens Effekter for Udviklingen i Gambia
BOOKS010976I: Buchanan, Allen; Brock, Dan W.; Daniels, Norman & Wikler, Daniel - From Chance to Choice. Genetics and Justice
BOOKS016528I: Buchanan, Allen E. ; & Moore, Margaret - States, Nations and Borders: The Ethics of Making Boundaries
BOOKS005952I: Buchanan, Ian & Mallon, Bill; editors: - Historical Dictionary of the Olympic Movement
BOOKS001910I: Buchegger, Gottfried; Greger, Walter; Pohl, Harald; Sulzbacher, Kurt & Stummer, Gunter; editors: - Die Hirlatzhöhle im Dachstein
BOOKS007369I: Bucher, Marcel. - Anarchie ist machbar, Frau Nachbar : Jugendkrawalle
BOOKS003247I: Bucher, Karl - Die Wirtschaft der Naturvolker. Vortrag gehalten in der Gehe-Stiftung zu Dresden am 13. November 1897
BOOKS000212I: Bücher, Karl [1847-1930] - Die Wohnungs-Enquête in der Stadt Basel vom 1.-19. Februar 1889 / im Auftrage des Regierungsrathes bearbeitet von Karl Bücher
BOOKS031869I: Universum-Bücherei (Berlin) - Magazin für Alle : Zeitschrift der 'Universum-Bücherei für Alle' [a collection of 8 separate issues, 1930-1933]
BOOKS031867I: Universum-Bücherei (Berlin) - Magazin für Alle : Zeitschrift der 'Universum-Bücherei für Alle' : 6. Jahrgang, Heft 1- 12 : Januar- Dezember 1931
BOOKS030431I: Universum Bucherei - Magazin für Alle : Zeitschrift der 'Universum-Bucherei für Alle' : 6. Jahrgang, Heft 12 : Dezember 1931
BOOKS027044I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 20 octobre 1978
BOOKS027043I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 5 mai 1975
BOOKS027065I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 14 juin 1979
BOOKS018787I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by Edmond Buchet to Henry Miller dated 23 janvier 1962
BOOKS027042I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Edmond Buchet to Henry Miller dated 26 février 1962
BOOKS018871I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 31 janvier 1978
BOOKS018784I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by Edmond Buchet to Henry Miller dated 8 avril 1968
BOOKS018783I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by Edmond Buchet to Henry Miller dated 2 avril 1964
BOOKS018782I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by Edmond Buchet to Henry Miller dated 26 mars 1968
BOOKS018785I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 13 décembre 1968
BOOKS027049I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Edmond Buchet to Henry Miller's secretary, dated 22 janvier 1968
BOOKS027055I: Buchet, Edmond [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Edmond Buchet to the American author Henry Miller, dated 27 juin 1966
BOOKS024433I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 3 août 1979
BOOKS027079I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 27 mai 1975
BOOKS027064I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 13 septembre 1976
BOOKS027066I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 12 janvier 1973
BOOKS027067I: Buchet, Guy [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by French publisher Guy Buchet to Henry Miller dated 14 mars 1978
BOOKS001677I: Buchev, Milko - Stenopisite v Ivanovo
BOOKS024175I: Buchheit, Vinzenz - Vergil über die Sendung Roms : Untersuchungen zum Bellum Poenicum und zur Aeneis
BOOKS018427I: Buchholtz, Anton [1848-1901] - Geschichte der Juden in Riga bis zur begründung der rigischen Hebräergemeinde im j. 1842..,.
BOOKS011492I: Buchholz, Werner - Staat und Standesgesellschaft in Schweden zur Zeit des Uberhanges vom Absolutismus zum Standeparlamentarismus 1718-1720
BOOKS006635I: Buchholz, Peter ; & Ahrendts, Jurgen, editors: - Bibliographie zur alteuropaischen Religionsgeschichte 1954 - 1964... & [same): 2. Band 1965 - 1969...
BOOKS025321I: Buchmann, Werner - Grundlinien der Homöopathie in Hahnemanns Werk : eine Einführung in Organon, Reine Arzneimittellehre und Chronische Krankheiten
BOOKS019120I: Buchmann, Kurt - Parasitter i fisk
BOOKS019445I: Büchner, Alexander [1827-1904] - Hamlet, le danois / par Alexandre Büchner
BOOKS023228I: Büchner, Karl [1910-1981] - Das Theater des Terenz
BOOKS024950I: Büchner, Karl [1910-1981] - Horaz [ Studien zur römischen Literatur : Bd. 3 ]
BOOKS006080I: Buchthal, Fritz & Linhard, J. - The Physiology of Striated Muscle Fibre
BOOKS029621I: Buchvaldek, Miroslav ; & Koutecký, Drahomír - Vikletice : ein schnurkeramisches Gräberfeld
BOOKS010014I: Buchy, Marlene - Teak and Arecanut : Colonial State, Forest, and People in the Western Ghats (South India) 1800-1947
BOOKS022152I: Buck, August ; compiler: - Zu Begriff und Problem der Renaissance
BOOKS017585I: Buckland, Elfreda - The World of Donald McGill
BOOKS015566I: Buckley, Thomas ; & Gottlieb, Alma ; editors: - Blood Magic: Anthropology of Menstruation
BOOKS005367I: Buckley, Vincent - Poetry and the Sacred
BOOKS031270I: Bückner, Hans [ Bueckner, Hans (b. 1912)] - Über Flächen vor fester Breite [together with 12 offprints + 2 typed articles, ca. 1933-1949]
BOOKS017181I: Buckton, Oliver S. - Secret Selves : Confession and Same-sex Desire in Victorian Autobiography
BOOKS020056I: Buda, Aleks ; Domi, Mahir; Anamali, Skënder - Etnogjeneza e popullit shqiptar : Konferenca kombëtare për formimin e popullit shqiptar..,.2 - -5 korrik 1982 : Referatet.
BOOKS009818I: Budaille, Théophore - Première lettre aux vrais républicains / par Théophore Budaille, volontaire a l'Armée de Vaillant Chanzy
BOOKS027124I: Budde, Leopold [1836-1902] - Dødens Gudsøn
BOOKS018008I: Budde, Michael L. - The Two Churches : Catholicism & Capitalism in the World-System
BOOKS028788I: Budde, Karl [1850-1935] - The Books of Samuel : Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text Printed in Colors Exhibiting the Composite Structure of the Book ..,.
BOOKS022354I: Buddhaghosa [ Prasad, Nand Kishore ; & Tatia, Nathmal ; editors: ] - Manorathapurani : Anguttaranikaya-atthakatha / samsodhako Nandakisora Prasada, padhana samsodhako Nathamala Tatiya [Volume I]
BOOKS009253I: Budding, Edwin [1943- ] - An Introduction to Astronomical Photometry
BOOKS003336I: Budding,Antonius Jacob - Geology & Petrology of the Northeastern Artfjall, Swedish Lapland
BOOKS018983I: Budhasimha [1829-1901 AD] [ Chaturvedi, Hukumchandra ; editor: ] - Devicarita [Volumes I & II] / Kaviraja Thakura Budhasimha-krta. Sampadaka Hukmacanda Caturvedi
BOOKS002565I: Budhasimha Hada, King of Bundi (1695-1741 AD) [ Dadhica, Ramaprasada ; editor: ] - Nehataranga / Ravaraja Budhasimha Hada krta ; [sampadaka] Sriramaprasada Dadhica
BOOKS012362I: Budi Utomo, Bambang - Pengaruh kebudayaan India dalam bentuk arca di Sumatra
BOOKS010216I: Budick, Emily Miller; editor: - Ideology and Jewish Identity in Israeli and American Literature
BOOKS009776I: Budick, Sanford & Iser, Wolfgang; editors: - The Translatability of Cultures : Figurations of the Space Between
BOOKS023373I: Büdinger, Max - Mittheilungen aus spanischer Geschichte des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS013186I: Büdinger, Maximilianus - De coloniarum quarundam Phoeniciarum primordiis cum Hebraeorum exodo coniunctis / disseruit Maximilianus Büdinger
BOOKS010196I: Budkowski, Andrzej; Prodan, Albert; Kucharczyk, Damian & Boswell, Frank W. - Symmetry Analysis of Some Modulated Structures: Study of Charge Density Wave-like Periodic Deviations in NbS3, Au2+x; Cd1-x...
BOOKS008247I: Budyko, M.I.; & Izrael, Yu. A.; editors: - Anthropogenic Climatic Change
BOOKS030602I: Budzislawski, Hermann ; & Jellinek, Gustav ; editors: - Die neue Weltbühne : Wochenschrift für Politik, Kunst, Wirtschaft [a collection of 6 issued ca.1935-1939
BOOKS021991I: Buechner, Jeff - Gödel, Putnam, and Functionalism : A New Reading of Representation and Reality
BOOKS010576I: Buell, Raymond Leslie - Liberia : A Century of Survival 1847-1947
BOOKS027001I: Bues, Almut ; editor: - Eine schwierige Erbschaft : die Verhandlungen nach dem Tode Herzog Jakobs von Kurland 1682/83
BOOKS031978I: Buescher, Hartmut - Sthiramati's Trimsikavijnaptibhasya : Critical Editions of the Sanskrit Text and its Tibetan Translation
BOOKS017741I: Buess, Heinrich - Geschichte der Spätgestose in Tabellenform
BOOKS007201I: Bugajski, Janusz - Ethnic Politics in Eastern Europe: A Guide to Nationality Policies, Organizations, and Parties
BOOKS025157I: Bugge, Sophus [1833-1907] - Bidrag til tolkning af danske og tildels svenske indskrifter med den laengere raekkes runer.
BOOKS029055I: Bugge, Henriette - Mission and Tamil Society : Sixty Years of Interaction, 1840-1900
BOOKS014695I: Bugge, Christian August [1853 - 1928] - Das Christus-Mysterium : Studien zur Revision der Geschichte des Urchristentums
BOOKS024782I: Bugge, Aage [1896-1979] - Barndomserindringer fra Sydgrønland omkring århundredskiftet
BOOKS021556I: Bugge, Frederik Moltke - Det offentlige Skolevæsens Forfatning i adskillige tydske Stater tilligemed Ideer til en Reorganisation ..,. Bind 3
BOOKS030866I: Buhai, Arkadii Syl'vestrovych [1905-1988] [ Buhai, Oleksandr ; compiler ] - Zmiiovi valy
BOOKS022593I: Buhl, Marie-Louise ; Dal, Erik ; & Colding, Torben Holck - The Danish Naval Officer Frederik Ludvig Norden : His Travel in Egypt, 1737-38 and his Voyage-- I-II, Copenhagen 1755..,.
BOOKS007878I: Buhl, Peter Neerup - Gudmund Schutte - forsker og national stridsmand
BOOKS026287I: Buhl, Frants [1850-1932] - Muhammedanismen som verdensreligion
BOOKS016813I: Buhl, Marie Louise ; & Holm-Nielsen, Svend - Shiloh : The Danish Excavations at Tall Sailun, Palestine, in 1926, 1929, 1932 and 1963 : The Pre-Hellenistic Remains
BOOKS019896I: Buhl, Marie-Louise - Sukas VII : The Near Eastern Pottery and Objects of Other Materials from the Upper Strata
BOOKS027931I: Buhl, Peter Neerup - C.E. Frijs : to gange Danmarks redningsmand : mindeskrift udgivet i 100-året for hans død
BOOKS010098I: Buhle, Paul M. & Rice-Maxim, Edward - William Appleman Williams: The Tragedy of Empire
BOOKS007078I: Buhle, Paul - From the Knights of Labor to the New World Order: Essays on Labor and Culture
BOOKS019720I: Buhle, Paul - From the Lower East Side to Hollywood : Jews in American Popular Culture
BOOKS029645I: Bühler, Roman - Bündner im russischen Reich : 18. Jahrhundert - Erster Weltkrieg : ein Beitrag zur Wanderungsgeschichte Graubündens
BOOKS028451I: Bühler, Georg [1837-1898] - A Legend of the Jaina Stupa at Mathura
BOOKS028301I: Bühler, Georg [1837-1898] - Zwei neue landschenkungen des Gurjara-fürsten Dadda-Prasantaraga IV.
BOOKS022540I: Buijs, Gina ; editor: - Migrant Women : Crossing Boundaries and Changing Identities
BOOKS016088I: Buitrago Salazar, Evelio - Zarpazo the Bandit: Memoirs of an Undercover Agent of the Colombian Army
BOOKS020703I: Buka, Agnes ; & Kramer, Lorenz ; editors: - Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals
BOOKS022037I: Bukayrah, 'Abd al-Rahman - Diwan 'Abd al-Rahman Bukayrah
BOOKS013554I: Bukdahl, Else Marie - Diderot est-il l’auteur du "Salon" de 1771?
BOOKS014966I: Bukey, Evan Burr - Hitler's Austria : Popular Sentiment in the Nazi Era, 1938-1945
BOOKS018097I: Bukh, Jette - The Village Woman in Ghana
BOOKS023039I: Bukh, L. [ Petrunkevich, Ivan Illich (1843-1928)] [ Kossovich, Dmitrii Samsonovich ] - Zemlia-narodu : k voprosu o sotsializatsii zemli [bound together with two other pamphlets on Tsarist Russian agrarian reforms]
BOOKS020701I: Bukhturtash, Nusrat Allah - Nishan-i razamiz : gardunah-i Khvurshid ya gardunah-i Mihr [ Nesane Razamiz : Gardune xorsid ya gardune mehr ]
BOOKS002522I: Bukhturtash, Nusrat Allah - Nishan-i razamiz : gardunah-i Khvurshid ya gardunah-i Mihr
BOOKS000019I: Bukinski, Tadeusz - Essays in the Philosophy of History
BOOKS012796I: Bukowski, William M.; Newcomb, Andrew F.; & Hartup, Willard W.; editors: - The Company They Keep: Friendship in Childhood and Adolescence
BOOKS007496I: Bulakhovskii, Leonid Arsenevich - Pitannja pokhodzhennja ukrainskoi movi
BOOKS000256I: Bulanzhe, IU. D. ; & Riives, L. IA. ; editors : [Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituut (Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia)] - Sovremennye dvizheniia zemnoi kory no. 5 / Recent Movements of the Earth's Crust : no. 5
BOOKS019616I: Bulanzhe, Iu D ; et al. ; editors : [ International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Commission on Recent Crustal Movements] - Problemy sovremennykh dvizhenii zemnoi kory... / Problems of Recent Crustal Movements : Fourth International Symposium Moscow..,
BOOKS006672I: Comite National De L'Union des Associations des Emigres Macedoniens en Bulgaire - Apercu historique de la Question macedonienne
BOOKS025416I: Bulgaria, Ministerstvoto na narodnoto prosveshtenie - Detshi svet. Godina XVII, Kn. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 [1937-38]
BOOKS008814I: Bulgaria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Documents sur la politique hostile et agressive du Gouvernement yougoslave contre la Republique Populaire de Bulgarie
BOOKS014667I: Bulgaria, Government of [Altinoff, Ivan] [Cour Arbitrale institutee par application du Traite de Craiova du 7 Septembre 1940] - Solde des Recoltes de la Dobroudja : Response du gouvernement Bulgare
BOOKS019512I: Comité Exécutif Central de l'Organisation des Réfugiés Thraciens en Bulgarie - Exposé du Comité Exécutif Central de l'Organisation des Réfugiés Thraciens en Bulgarie
BOOKS008327I: Bulgarska Akademiia na Naukite, Institut za Literatura [Tsanev, Georgi; et al: editors] - Rechnik na bulgarskata literatura: 1 - 3 tom
BOOKS013844I: Bulkeley, Kelly - Wilderness of Dreams: Exploring Religious Meanings of Dreams in Modern Western Culture
BOOKS021206I: Bull, Theodore ; editor: - Rhodesian Perspective
BOOKS019125I: Bullock, Arthur A. - Bibliography of South African Botany up to 1951
BOOKS005355I: Bullough, Geoffrey - Mirror of Minds. Changing Psychological Beliefs in English Poetry.
BOOKS013116I: Bulman, Patricia - Phthonos in Pindar
BOOKS026503I: Bulmar, Martin ; editor: - Ethnic and Racial Studies : Volume 19 No. 1 : January 1996
BOOKS016557I: Bulnes, Francisco [1847-1924] - Whole Truth about Mexico : President Wilson's Responsibility
BOOKS031925I: Bülow-Jacobsen, Adam ; editor : [ International Congress of Papyrologists ] - Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23-29 August, 1992
BOOKS021133I: Bultmann, Rudolf [1884-1976] - Der zweite Brief an die Korinther
BOOKS030919I: Bumblauskas, Alfredas ; et al. - Lietuvos Didziosios Kunigaikstystes Valdovu rumu atkurimo byla : vieno poziurio likimas
BOOKS011644I: Bunak, V.V.; Debets, G.F. & Levin, M.G. - Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of the Soviet Union
BOOKS003776I: Bunbury, Charles J.F. - Journal of a Residence at the Cape of Good Hope;with Excursions into the Interior & Notes on...Natural History &...Native Tribes
BOOKS003380I: Sawæng Bunchaoemwiphat - Prawattisat kotmai Thai / The Thai Legal History
BOOKS029898I: Union Suisse / Schweizer Bund (Constantinople) [ Mambourg, Ernst ] - A one-page single-side printed letter dated Konstantinopel den 1. Januar 1920
BOOKS015084I: Sozialistischen Bundes [Faas, Margarethe, Verantwortlich für Verlag und Redaktion] - Der Sozialist : Organ des Sozialistischen Bundes. Herausgegeben von revolutionären Kreisen der Schweiz : 1. Jahrgang, Nummer 11.
BOOKS022046I: Bundgaard, Jens Andreas - Parthenon and the Mycenaean City on the Heights
BOOKS003326I: Bundy, Colin - The Rise & Fall of the South African Peasantry
BOOKS003940I: Buning, Willem Louis - De Geologie van den Cimone di Margno en den Monte di Muggio
BOOKS016022I: Phitthaya Bunnak [ Samnakngan Phraphutthasatsana hæng Chat. Rongphim ] [ Samnakngan Kongthun Sanapsanun Kanwichai ] - Sema sima : lak sima nai sinlapa Thai samai 'Ayutthaya chuang lang sia krung khrang ræk thung khrang lang læ Krung Thonburi
BOOKS029409I: Duangduan Bunnyavong - Chotmai ni kho fak thœng ai : hom luangsan
BOOKS024143I: Panbua Bunpan - Sayam phimphakan : prawattisat kanphim nai Prathet Thai / [Panbua Bunpan, bannathikan borihan]
BOOKS022178I: Bunt, Gary R. - Islam in the Digital Age : E-Jihad, Online Fatwas and Cyber Islamic Environments
BOOKS019427I: Bunting, Brian T. - The Geography of Soil
BOOKS004726I: Bunyan, John - Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, and, the Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come
BOOKS026760I: Bunzendahl, Otto - Tahiti und Europa : Entdeckungsgeschichte der Gesellschaftsinseln : Rassische Verhältnisse ; Stoffiiche Kultur ..,.
BOOKS030752I: Suvanthon Bupphanuvong - Song 'u'ai nong / doi So. Bupphanuvong
BOOKS012219I: Buran, Ahmet - Anadolu agizlarinda isim cekim (hal) ekleri
BOOKS012195I: Buran, Ahmet - Keban, Baskil ve Agin yoresi agizlari
BOOKS006415I: Burch, Noel - Life to those Shadows
BOOKS022457I: Burch, Ernest S. ; & Ellanna, Linda J. ; editors: - Key Issues in Hunter-gatherer Research
BOOKS016830I: Burchard, Christoph - Der dreizehnte Zeuge : Traditions- und kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Lukas’ Darstellung der Frühzeit des Paulus.
BOOKS028298I: Burck, Jacob [1907-1982] - Hunger and Revolt : Cartoons by Burck
BOOKS027543I: Burckhardt, Rudolf - Die übrigen Palaeoselachier [Das Zentral-Nervensystem der Selachier als Grundlage für eine Phylogenie des Vertebratenhirns, 2. ]
BOOKS026434I: Burckhardt-Biedermann, Theophil - Die kolonie Augusta Raurica : ihre verfassung und ihr territorium
BOOKS026468I: Burckhardt, Titus - An Introduction to Sufi Doctrine
BOOKS023855I: Burckhardt, Carl Jacob [1891-1974] - Erzählungen / Helvetica [ Gesammelte Werke : Band 5 ]
BOOKS016815I: Burckhardt, Abel (1806-1877). - Bilder aus der Geschichte von Basel : Erstes - Fünftes Heft
BOOKS015102I: Burckhardt, Sigurd [1916 - 1966] - The Drama of Language; Essays on Goethe and Kleist.
BOOKS012859I: Burde-Schneidewind, Gisela; compiler: - Historische Volkssagen zwischen Elbe und Niederrhein
BOOKS029007I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; et al. ; editors : [ Société suisse d'études asiatiques ] - Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde / Études Asiatiques ..,. XXXVI : 1 : 1982
BOOKS029008I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; et al. ; editors : [ Société suisse d'études asiatiques ] - Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde / Études Asiatiques ..,. XXXIII : 2 : 1979
BOOKS029009I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; et al. ; editors : [ Société suisse d'études asiatiques ] - Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde / Études Asiatiques ..,. XXXVII : 2 : 1983
BOOKS029010I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; et al. ; editors : [ Société suisse d'études asiatiques ] - Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde / Études Asiatiques ..,. XXXIV : 1 : 1980
BOOKS029011I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; et al. ; editors : [ Société suisse d'études asiatiques ] - Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde / Études Asiatiques ..,. XXXIV : 2 : 1980
BOOKS024091I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXXV : 1 : 1981
BOOKS025717I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXXVI : 2 : 1982
BOOKS027824I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Deuchler, Martine ; Gassmann, Robert ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XL : 1 : 1986
BOOKS022175I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXXII : 1 : 1978
BOOKS026015I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXXII : 2 : 1978
BOOKS023405I: Bürgel, J. Christoph ; Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXXVII : 1 : 1983
BOOKS011216I: Burger, Heinz Otto - Renaissance, Humanismus, Reformation: Deutsche Literatur im europaischen Kontext
BOOKS010766I: Burger, Alice Sz. - Late Roman Money Circulation in South-Pannonia
BOOKS018832I: Burger, Fritz [1877-1916] - Weltanschauungsprobleme und Lebenssysteme in der Kunst der Vergangenheit
BOOKS015834I: Burger, Joanna ; & Gochfeld, Michael - The Black Skimmer: Social Dynamics of a Colonial Species
BOOKS004008I: Burger, Joanna, editor: - Seabirds & Other Marine Vertebrates. Competition, Predation & Other Interactions
BOOKS022216I: Bürger, Ortrud - Wilhelm Raabes Religiosität
BOOKS011488I: Burgers, J.M. [Nieuwstadt, F.T.M & Stekete, J.A.: editors] - Selected Papers of J.M. Burgers
BOOKS026400I: Burgerstein, Alfred [1850-1929] - Materielle Untersuchung der von den Chinesen vor der Erfindung des Papiers als Beschreibstoff benutzten Holztäfelchen
BOOKS014435I: Burgess, Adam - Cellular Phones, Public Fears, and a Culture of Precaution
BOOKS012547I: Burgess, Eric - Return to the Red Planet
BOOKS010981I: Burgess, Glenn - Absolute Monarchy and the Stuart Constitution
BOOKS007045I: Burgess, Robert L. & Sharpe, David M.; editors: - Forest Island Dynamics in Man-Dominated Landscapes
BOOKS001050I: Burgess, Jacquelin A. - Image and Identity : A Study of Urban and Regional Perception with Particular Reference to Kingston upon Hull
BOOKS027982I: Burghagen, Harald - Der Einfluss von figuralen, visuellen Mustern auf das Beutefangverhalten verschiedener Anuren
BOOKS030599I: Bürgi, Gottfried - Die Anfänge der Rettungsanstalt auf dem Freienstein, 1837-1848
BOOKS012740I: Büring, Daniel - Binding Theory
BOOKS027531I: Burk, Creighton A. ; & Drake, Charles L. ; editors : - The Geology of Continental Margins
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BOOKS025070I: Burke, Peter ; editor : - New Perspectives on Historical Writing
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BOOKS019180I: Buss, Andreas E. ; editor : - Max Weber in Asian Studies
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BOOKS025376I: Butzer, Karl W. - Pleistocene Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of the Costa Brava Region (Catalonia)
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BOOKS026665I: Buy, Herman Gerard du - Ueber Wachstum und Phototropismus von Avena sativa
BOOKS000454I: Buytels, Piet - 15 jaar Angola Comitee
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BOOKS011870I: Buzzanco, Robert - Vietnam and the Transformation of American Life
BOOKS016071I: Buzzati, Dino [1906-1972] - Poema a Fumetti
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BOOKS031862I: Byberg, Lis - Brukte bøker til bymann og bonde : bokauksjonen i den norske litterære offentlighet, 1750-1815
BOOKS005525I: Byers, Thomas B. - What I Cannot Say. Self, Word, and World in Whitman, Stevens, and Merwin
BOOKS016649I: Byington, Carlos Amadeu Botelho - Education from the Heart : A Jungian Symbolic Perspective
BOOKS021895I: Byington, Cyrus [1793-1868] [ Swanton, John Reed (1873-1958) ; & Halbert, Henry Sale (1837-1916) ; editors : ] - A Dictionary of the Choctaw Language
BOOKS019007I: Byk, Oswald, Kommandant Dr.; editor: - Gedenkschrift anlässlich des zweijährigen Bestandes des K.U.K. Augusta-Barackenspitals in Budapest
BOOKS021403I: Byman, Daniel - Deadly Connections : States That Sponsor Terrorism
BOOKS017828I: Bynum, W. F. (William F.) ; & Nutton, Vivian ; editors: - Essays in the History of Therapeutics [ Clio Medica, Volume 22 ]
BOOKS014043I: Byock, Jesse L. - Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power
BOOKS015593I: Byrd, Don - The Poetics of the Common Knowledge
BOOKS000543I: Byrd, Brian F. - The Natufian Encampment at Beidha. Late Pleistocene Adaptation in the Southern Levant.
BOOKS009010I: Byrne, Brian - The Foundation of Literacy: The Child's Acquisition of the Alphabetic Principle
BOOKS012040I: Byron, George Gordon (Baron, 1788.1824)] [Giuliano, Cheryl Fallon; editor & transcriber:] - Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte and Don Juan Canto VIII and Stanzas from III and IX Illustrating Byron's Attitudes Toward Napoleon...
BOOKS018364I: Cabado, Pablo ; & Sánchez Mejías, Rolando - Laminares : Cuba, años 90 / Illustratives: Cuba the 90s
BOOKS000702I: Cabal Gonzalez, Melquiades - Historia de los boticarios de Oviedo en el siglo XIX
BOOKS006242I: Caballero, Enrique - Historia economica de Colombia
BOOKS027254I: Cabannes, Henri ; & Temam, Roger ; editors: - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics : Vol. II: Problems of Fluid Mechanics
BOOKS027255I: Cabannes, Henri ; & Temam, Roger ; editors: - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics : Vol. I : General Lectures..,...
BOOKS027260I: Cabannes, Henri ; Holt, M. ; & ; Rusanov, V. ; editors: - Sixth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics : Proceedings of the Conference..,.
BOOKS012510I: Cabantous, Alain - Blasphemy: Impious Speech in the West from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS005370I: Cabej, Nelson R. - Vazhdimësi iliro-shqiptare në emrat e vendeve
BOOKS029122I: Cabot, Jean - Le bassin du moyen Logone
BOOKS010311I: Cabrera, Lydia - La Regla Kimbisa del Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje
BOOKS003220I: Cabrera, Angel - Catalogo de los Mamiferos de America del Sur: I : (Metatheria- Unguiculata- Carnivora)
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BOOKS028214I: Cabrol, Fernand [1855-1937] ; & Leclercq, Henri [1869-1945] ; editors: - Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie : Tome Troisième, Deuxième Partie : Ciacconio - Cyzique
BOOKS028212I: Cabrol, Fernand [1855-1937] ; & Leclercq, Henri [1869-1945] ; editors: - Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie : Tome Quatrième, Deuxième Partie : Domestici -- Employé
BOOKS028213I: Cabrol, Fernand [1855-1937] ; & Leclercq, Henri [1869-1945] ; editors: - Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie : Tome Quatrième, Première Partie : D - Domestici
BOOKS028247I: Cabrol, Fernand [1855-1937] ; & Leclercq, Henri [1869-1945] ; editors: - Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie : Tome Troisième, Première Partie : Chainage - Chypre
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BOOKS024263I: Cairns, Francis - Tibullus : A Hellenistic Poet at Rome
BOOKS010233I: Cairns, Huntington - The Theory of Legal Science
BOOKS029324I: Cairns, Francis ; & Fantham, Elaine ; editors : - Caesar Against Liberty? : Perspectives on his Autocracy
BOOKS016097I: Cakmak, Canan - Tire hamamlari
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BOOKS008150I: Calbris, Genevieve - The Semiotics of French Gestures
BOOKS003853I: Calcar, R.P. van - Die Fortschritte der Immunitats-und Spezifitatslehre seit 1870 mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Tuberkelbazillen .,..
BOOKS017674I: Calcutt, Andrew - Arrested Development : Pop Culture and the Erosion of Adulthood
BOOKS002341I: University of Calcutta - Anthropological Papers. New Series No. 5
BOOKS002342I: University of Calcutta - Anthropological Papers. New Series, Nr. 6
BOOKS004894I: Calder, I.R. ; Hall, R.L. ; & Adlard, P.G. - Growth and Water-Use of Forest Plantations
BOOKS003770I: Calderon de la Barca, Frances - Life in Mexico
BOOKS019096I: Caldwell, Joseph Ralston - Trend and Tradition in the Prehistory of the Eastern United States
BOOKS004252I: Caldwell, John C. - African Rural - Urban Migration : The Movement to Ghana's Towns
BOOKS010881I: Caldwell, Bruce J.; editor: - Carl Menger and His Legacy in Economics
BOOKS031039I: Calefati, baroni di Canalotti - Difesa del signor barone di Canalotti Calefati contro i graduati su i beni della famiglia Palmeri: In Corte Suprema di Giustizia
BOOKS003477I: Calembert, L. - Etude geologique du Massif culminant de l'Ouarsenis
BOOKS023297I: Cali, Axmed Farah ("Idaajaa") - Murtida maahmaahda Soomaalida
BOOKS014902I: California Legislature, Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities - Fifteenth Report of the Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities
BOOKS024049I: Calissendorff, Karin ; Holmqvist, Wilhelm ; Hyenstrand, Åke ; Serning, Inga ; & Thålin-Bergman, Lena [ Clarke, Helen ; editor:] - Iron and Man in Prehistoric Sweden
BOOKS003754I: Calkins, Sandra ; Ille, Enrico ; & Rottenburg, Richard ; editors : - Emerging Orders in the Sudans
BOOKS003867I: O'Callaghan, Roger T. - Aram Naharaim. A Contribution to the History of Upper Mesopotamia in the Second Millennium B.C.
BOOKS017919I: Callahan, Christopher M. ; & Berrios, G. E. - Reinventing Depression : A History of the Treatment of Depression in Primary Care, 1940-2004
BOOKS018334I: Callaway, Barbara ; & Creevey, Lucy E. - The Heritage of Islam : Women, Religion and Politics in West Africa
BOOKS017301I: Callen, Anthea - The Spectacular Body : Science, Method and Meaning in the Work of Degas
BOOKS013963I: Callicott, J. Baird. - In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy
BOOKS015594I: Callicott, J. Baird ; & Ames, Roger T. ; editors: - Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy
BOOKS004221I: Callicott, J. Baird - Earth's Insights. A Survey of Ecological Ethics from the Mediterranean Basin to the AUstralian Outback
BOOKS000025I: Callières, François de [1645-1717] [ Keens-Soper, H.M.A. ; & Schweizer, Karl W. ; editors:] - The Art of Diplomacy
BOOKS023663I: Callmer, Johan - Sceatta Problems in the Light of the Finds from Åhus
BOOKS009856I: Calloc'h, J. - Vocabulaire Francais - Gmbwaga - Gbanziri - Monjombo precede d'elements de grammaire
BOOKS008067I: Callot, Emile - Doctrines et figures humanistes
BOOKS028671I: Calmette, Joseph - Die grossen Herzöge von Burgund
BOOKS008020I: Calogiuri, Annarita ; editor: [ Casale, Olga Silvana ; introduction ] - Storie e canzoni : le stampe popolari della raccolta di Luigi Giuseppe De Simone : censimento
BOOKS008589I: Calvao, Alpoim [ Alpoim Calvao, Guilherme Almor de ] - De Conakry ao M.D.L.P.: dossier secreto
BOOKS021163I: Calvary, S., firm of (Berlin) - Mittheilungen aus dem Antiquariate von S. Calvary und Co. in Berlin : Erster Band
BOOKS016744I: Calvin, John [Wright, D.F. ; editor:] - Calvin's Old Testament Commentaries, [Vol. 18]: Ezekiel 1 (Chapters 1-12)
BOOKS016717I: Calvin, William H. ; & Bickerton, Derek - Lingua ex Machina: Reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the Human Brain
BOOKS011902I: Calvo, Guillermo A. - Money, Exchange Rates, and Output
BOOKS012037I: Calvo, Guillermo A.; Dornbusch, Rudi, & Obstfeld, Maurice; editors: - Money, Capital Mobility, and Trade: Essays in Honor of Robert Mundell
BOOKS029285I: Kasayé Camada - Yator méda welowoc : kameseraq 'eska samén / Kasayé Camada
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