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BOOKS020007I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberst ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1941] Juni-Lieferung (Nr. 43 / 44 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS021409I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Generalmajor ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : 1943 November-Dezember-Lieferung (Nr. 101 / 104 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS030489I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberst ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1941] Oktober-Lieferung (Nr. 51 / 52 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS029527I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberstleutnant ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1940] März-Lieferung (Nr. 13 / 14 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS030976I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberst ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1942] Juni-Lieferung (Nr. 67 / 68 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS029963I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberst ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1942] April-Lieferung (Nr. 63 / 64 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS023352I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberst ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : 1943: Mai-Lieferung (Nr. 89 / 90 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS028730I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberst ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1941] August-Lieferung (Nr. 47 / 48 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS031257I: Berndt, Alfred Ingemar ; & Wedel, Hasso von, Oberstleutnant ; editors : - Deutschland im Kampf : [1940] Juli-Lieferung (Nr. 21 / 22 der Gesamtlieferung)
BOOKS014250I: Berner, Jim ; Symon, Carolyn ; Arris, Lelani ; & Heal, O. W. ; editors: - Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
BOOKS027181I: Bernet, Friedrich - Freiheit statt Zwang : Ein Wort für Freigebung der Assekuranz
BOOKS020006I: Bernet Kempers, August Johan [1906-1992] - Om een struik die palm werd
BOOKS027134I: Bernhard, Carl [pseudonym of Andreas de Saint-Aubin (1798-1865)] - Das Glückskind, eine Novelle : Auf dänisch und auf deutsch herausgegeben
BOOKS018195I: Bernhard, Helmut - Die spätrömischen Burgi von Bad Dürkheim-Ungstein und Eisenberg : eine Untersuchung zum spätantiken Siedlungswesen ..,.
BOOKS027397I: Bernhard, Carl [pseudonym of Andreas de Saint-Aubin (1798-1865)] - To Venner : Novelle
BOOKS016937I: Bernhard, Helmut - Germanische Funde der Spätantike zwischen Strassburg und Mainz
BOOKS017901I: Bernhard, Helmut - Studien zur spätrömischen Terra Nigra zwischen Rhein, Main und Neckar
BOOKS001913I: Bernhard, Max - Der Stil des Apuleius von Madaura : ein Beitrag zur Stilistik des Spätlateins
BOOKS025897I: C., Bernhard [pseudonym] - Forsøg i Poesie / af Bernhard C.
BOOKS007419I: Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz - Das Problem der altorientalischen Konigsideologie im Alten Testament..,.
BOOKS010055I: Bernhardt, Kathryn - Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950
BOOKS025188I: Bernhardtsen, Torben B. - a collection of 10 offprints, extracts and pamphlets, all concerning Danish neolithic & mesolithic archaeology, ca.1965-1975.
BOOKS025527I: Bernholm, P.H. - Antvorskov gennem tiderne til vore dage
BOOKS004637I: Bernick, Kathryn N. - Hidden Dimensions : The Cultural Significance of Wetland Archaeology
BOOKS031471I: Bernini, Giuliano ; & Schwartz, Marcia L. ; editors : - Pragmatic Organization of Discourse in the Languages of Europe
BOOKS027828I: Bernoulli, Rudolf ; Buber, Martin ; Cammerloher, M.C. ; Danzel, Theodor-Wilhelm; Heiler, Friedrich ; Jung, C.G. ; et al. - Spiritual Disciplines : Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks
BOOKS002180I: Bernsen, Jens, editor: - KTAS i Gadebilledet/ Street Signal KTAS
BOOKS020722I: Bernsen, Jens [ Danish Design Center ] - DDC Casebook : Vejudstyr og støjskaerme for Vejdirektoratet / Road Equipment and Noise Barriers for the Danish Road Directorate
BOOKS022704I: Bernstein, Hilary J. - Between Crown and Community : Politics and Civic Culture in Sixteenth-century Poitiers
BOOKS012827I: Bernstein, Michael Alan; & Adler, David E.; editors: - Understanding American Economic Decline
BOOKS013975I: Bernstein, Richard J. - Philosophical Profiles: Essays in a Pragmatic Mode
BOOKS019293I: Bernstein, Michael Alan - A Perilous Progress : Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-century America
BOOKS011620I: Bernstein, Xenja [1888-19??] - Die Kunst nach Wilh. Wundt.
BOOKS011170I: Bernstein, Alan E. - The Formation of Hell: Death and Retribution in the Ancient and Early Christian Worlds
BOOKS010056I: Bernstein, Susan - Virtuosity of the Nineteenth Century: Performing Music & Language in Heine, Liszt, & Baudelaire
BOOKS022099I: Bernstein, Thomas P. ; & Lü, Xiaobo - Taxation Without Representation in Contemporary Rural China
BOOKS002083I: Bernstein, Michael Andre - The Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic.
BOOKS030597I: Bernstein, Eduard [1850-1932] - Ferdinand Lassalle und seine Bedeutung für die Arbeiterklasse / Zu seinem vierzigsten Todestage, von Ed. Bernstein
BOOKS009628I: Berntsen, Karen [1914-2008] ; & Christiansen, Karl O. - Mandlige Arresthusfanger i Københavns Fængsler : En Undersøgelse og et Experiment
BOOKS009347I: Bernus, E.; Cressier, P.; Durand, Alain; Paris, Francois & Saliege, Jean-Francois; editors: - Vallee de l'Azawagh (Sahara du Niger)
BOOKS026345I: Berque, Jacques [1910-1995] - Perspectives de l'Orientalisme Contemporain
BOOKS011270I: Berrada, Abdelkader - Le credit agricole au Maroc, 1917-1977
BOOKS020190I: Berry, George - Medieval English Jetons
BOOKS010832I: Berry, Michael V. ; Percival, Ian ; & Weiss, Nigel Oscar ; editors: - Dynamical Chaos : Proceedings of A Royal Society Discussion Meeting held on 4 and 5 February 1987
BOOKS012106I: Berry, R. Albert & Cline, William R. - Agrarian Structure and Productivity in Developing Countries
BOOKS015442I: Berry, Mary Elizabeth - Hideyoshi
BOOKS014977I: Berry, Francis - Poet's Grammar: Person, Time, and Mood in Poetry
BOOKS004934I: Berry, Kathleen S. - The Dramatic Arts and Cultural Studies: Acting Against the Grain
BOOKS014486I: Berryman, Julia C.; et al; editors: - Developmental Psychology and You
BOOKS011308I: Bersani, Leo ; & Dutoit, Ulysse - Caravaggio's Secrets
BOOKS024465I: Bersani, Leo - The Freudian Body : Psychoanalysis and Art
BOOKS021401I: Berswordt-Wallrabe, Silke von ; Wappler, Friederike & Assheuer, Thomas [ Stiftung Situation Kunst ] - Situation Kunst - for Max Imdahl : The Extension 2006
BOOKS011481I: Bert, Wayne - The Reluctant Superpower: United States Policy in Bosnia, 1991-95
BOOKS013737I: Bertall [pseudonym of: d'Arnoux, Charles Albert (1820-1882)] [d'Arnould, Charles Albert] - La comédie de notre temps (Deuxième série): Les enfants, les jeunes, les murs, les vieux. Études au crayon et à la plume
BOOKS013736I: Bertall [pseudonym of: d'Arnoux, Charles Albert (1820-1882)] [d'Arnould, Charles Albert] - La comédie de notre temps: La civilité; les habitudes; les moeurs; les coutumes; les manières; et les manies de notre époque...,
BOOKS026479I: Bertheau, Franz R. - Kleine Chronologie zur Geschichte des Zeitungswesens in Hamburg von 1616 bis 1913.,.,
BOOKS023439I: Berthelemy, printer : [ Monnanteuil, Arthur ; & Gromier, M.A. ; editors : ] - La Patrie en deuil : nouvel appel aux électeurs, chapitre des révélations : No. 6 [08 mars 1871]
BOOKS002673I: Berthelot, André [1862-1938] ; & Ceccaldi, F. - Les cartes de la Corse de Ptoléméé au XIXe siècle
BOOKS010166I: Berthelsen, Ole - Cheilostome Bryozoa in the Danian Deposits of East Denmark
BOOKS026531I: Berthelsen, Asger ; & Bridgwater, David - On the Field Occurrence and Petrography of Some Basic Dykes of Supposed Pre-Cambrian Age : From the Southern Sukkertoppen .,.,.
BOOKS000791I: Berthelsen, Asger - Geology of Tovqussap Nuna
BOOKS009478I: Berthoff, Ann E.: editor - Richards on Rhetoric. I.A. Richards: Selected Essays (1929-1974)
BOOKS013227I: Berthold, Peter; editor: - Orientation in Birds
BOOKS001723I: Berthold, A. - Volksjustiz oder Klassenjustiz? : Proletarische Betrachtungen über Recht und Rechtspflege
BOOKS029104I: Berthos, Henry - Henry Berthos
BOOKS011697I: Bertin, G. & Lin, C.A. - Spiral Structure in Galaxies: A Density Wave Theory
BOOKS019284I: Bertness, Mark D. - Atlantic Shorelines : Natural History and Ecology
BOOKS016938I: Bertoloni Meli, Domenico - Equivalence and Priority: Newton Versus Leibniz, Including Leibniz's Unpublished Manuscripts on the "Principia
BOOKS031136I: Bertoncelli, Bartolomeo [1827-1903] - Trattato completo della concimazione
BOOKS013635I: Bertrand, J.-P. - Proposition à la France pour la mise en accusation des complices de Napoléon III, Conformément à la loi
BOOKS015683I: Bertrand, P. J. - La Paix avec les Prussiens
BOOKS018505I: Bertrand, Alphonse [1850-1908] - Versailles : ce qu'il fut--ce qu'il est--ce qu'il devrait ètre. I. Le Versailles royal ; II. Versailles dupuis 1789...,.
BOOKS001442I: Bertrand, Alexandre - Lettres sur les Revolutions du Globe...
BOOKS016529I: Bertrand, P. J. - Considérations sur la paix entre M. Thiers, Guillaume et Bismark à Versailles
BOOKS027261I: Bertsch, G. F. ; & Kurath, D. ; editors : - Nuclear Spectroscopy : Lectures Notes of the Workshop Held at Gull Lake, Michigan August 27 – September 7, 1979
BOOKS026888I: Bertsch, Wolfgang - A Study of Tibetan Paper Money : With a Critical Bibliography
BOOKS026889I: Bertsch, Wolfgang - The Currency of Tibet : A Sourcebook for the Study of Tibetan Coins, Paper Money and Other Forms of Currency
BOOKS011181I: Bertung, Birgit ; editor: - Kierkegaard, Poet of Existence
BOOKS013243I: Berube, Michael - Public Access : Literary Theory and American Cultural Politics
BOOKS015612I: Besancon, Alain - The Rise of the Gulag : Intellectual Origins of Leninism
BOOKS020910I: Beschi, Constantius Joseph [ Beschi, Costantino Giuseppe (1680-1747) ] - A Grammar of the High Dialect of the Tamil Language Called Centamil
BOOKS031121I: Beshkov, Iliia [1901-1958] [ Gabe, Dora (1888-1983)] - 60 risunki : 56 cherni i 4 tsvietni / ot Iliia Beshkov ; predgovor Nikola Mavrodinov ..,.
BOOKS023503I: Beshra, Mochiram ; & Beshra, Sakramani - Nang japah parsi panja : Grammar and Translation. Santali from Anglo. Tense Charts Language Follow
BOOKS031171I: Beshra, Badha - Ot opel manmi sirjon
BOOKS007303I: Besner, Neil K. - The Light of Imagination: Mavis Gallant's Fiction
BOOKS024240I: Besser, Gretchen R. - Balzac's Concept of Genius : The Theme of Superiority in the "Comédie humaine
BOOKS029037I: Besson, Yves - Ibn Sa'ûd, roi bédouin : la naissance du royaume d’Arabie saoudite
BOOKS024611I: Best, R. I. (Richard Irvine) ; & O’Brien, M. A. ; editors: - The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála : Vol. IV
BOOKS021298I: Best, R. I. (Richard Irvine) ; & O’Brien, M. A. ; editors: - The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála : Vol. III
BOOKS024435I: Best, R. I. (Richard Irvine) ; & O’Brien, M. A. ; editors: - The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála : Vol. II
BOOKS024621I: Best, R. I. (Richard Irvine) ; Bergin, Osborn; & O’Brien, M. A. ; editors: - The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála : Vol. I
BOOKS003808I: Besterman, Theodore - Early Printed Books to the End of the Sixteenth Century. A Bibliography of Bibliographies
BOOKS029228I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 70] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029184I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 8] [1968 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029194I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 19] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029181I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 5] [1968 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029187I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 11] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029216I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 50] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029221I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 61] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029198I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 23] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029224I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 66] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029186I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 10] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029229I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 72] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029192I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 16] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029220I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 60] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029218I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 57] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029202I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 27] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029200I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 25] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029197I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 22] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029196I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 21] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029209I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 39] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029232I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 52] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029212I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 45] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029191I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 15] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029190I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 14] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029189I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 13] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029213I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 46] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029214I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 47] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029222I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 64] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029223I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 65] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029227I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 69] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029231I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 74] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029195I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 20] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029226I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 68] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029225I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 67] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029217I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 55] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029203I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 28] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029204I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 29] [1969 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029210I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 40] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029199I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 24] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029193I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 18] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029211I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 42] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029230I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 71] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS029185I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 9] [1968 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029215I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 49] [1970 (ca. 1977 AD)]
BOOKS029188I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 12] [1969 (ca. 1976 AD)]
BOOKS029219I: Hizb Dirjit Guday Gizeyawi Ts'ihifet Bet [Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (Ethiopia)] - Abyotawit Itiyop'iya : [Nr. 59] [1971 (ca. 1978 AD)]
BOOKS021623I: Betai, Ramesh S. - A Reconstruction of the Original Interpretations of the Manusmrti
BOOKS021351I: Béteille, André - Marxism and Class Analysis
BOOKS010434I: Bethea, David M. - Joseph Brodsky and the Creation of Exile
BOOKS006406I: Bethell, Leslie, editor: - The Independence of Latin America
BOOKS027252I: Bethge, Klaus ; editor: - Experimental Methods in Heavy Ion Physics
BOOKS014334I: Bethlehem, D. L. (Daniel L.) ; Weller, M. (Marc); editors: - The Yugoslav Crisis in International Law: Part I: General Issues
BOOKS005110I: Bethmann, Erich W. - Bridge to Islam : A Study of the Religious Forces of Islam and Christianity in the Near East
BOOKS000811I: Betsky, Aaron - James Gamble Rogers and the Architecture of Pragmatism
BOOKS010403I: Bettelheim, Bruno ; & Zelan, Karen - On Learning to Read : The Child's Fascination with Meaning
BOOKS002471I: Bettencourt, Jose de Sousa - O fenomeno da emigracao portuguesa
BOOKS002708I: Betz, Werner - Verändert Sprache die Welt? : Semantik, Politik und Manipulation
BOOKS027141I: Betzonich, Georg Emil [1829-1901] - Landsoldaten : Krigsskuespil i 5 Akter
BOOKS004471I: Beugnies, A. - La Tectonique Kundelunguienne
BOOKS031138I: Beukemann, Ulrich - Die Geschichte des Hamburger Mäklerrechts : mit einem Anhang von zum Teil Ungedruckten Mäkleordnungen
BOOKS018101I: Beukers, H.; & Moll, J.; editors: - Clinical Teaching, Past and Present : Proceedings of a Symposium. Leiden, August 1986
BOOKS023462I: Beumann, Helmut - Ideengeschichtliche Studien zu Einhard und anderen Geschichtsschreibern des früheren Mittelalters
BOOKS022687I: Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen - Cobra 1948 / 51
BOOKS022032I: Bevan, Andrew - Stone Vessels and Values in the Bronze Age Mediterranean
BOOKS018165I: Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, Baron [1879-1963] - India Called Them
BOOKS018027I: Beverley, John - Subalternity and Representation : Arguments in Cultural Theory
BOOKS007838I: De Bevoise, Ken - Agents of Apocalpyse: Epidemic Disease in the Colonial Philippines
BOOKS027830I: Bewer, Johann Wilhelm ; editor : - Sammlung der Rechtsfälle und Normal-Verordnungen zur Aufklärung der bergischen Landes-Rechten und Verfassung : Siebenter Band
BOOKS027831I: Bewer, Johann Wilhelm ; editor : - Sammlung einiger bei den Gülich- und Bergischen Dikasterien entschiedenen Rechtsfaälen,..,. Dritter Band [ - Vierter Band]
BOOKS015155I: Bewley, Marius - The Complex Fate: Hawthorne, Henry James and Some Other American Writers
BOOKS030419I: Nazif Bey - Kavanin-i cezaiye mecmuasi / câmii ve mürettibi..,. Nazif Bey
BOOKS031203I: Osman-Bey [pseudonym of Frédérick Millingen; also known as Frederick Milligen; and as Kibrisli Zade Binbasi] [1836 -1901(?)]] - Les Femmes en Turquie / par Osman-Bey (Major Vladimir Andrejevich)
BOOKS028620I: Beydilli, Kemal - 1790 Osmanli-Prusya ittifâki : meydana gelisi, tahlili, tatbiki
BOOKS022554I: Beydoun, Farouk ; Khalife, Marcel ; Platz, Beate ; Libanon-Hilfe e.V., (Berlin) - Lieder des Krieges : Libanon 1982
BOOKS027195I: Beyer, Sille Henrikke Christine [1803-1861] ; editor: - Vintergrønt
BOOKS018462I: Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund [1902-1990] - Die Sünden der Frankfurter Schule : ein Beitrag zur Kritik der "Kritischen Theorie
BOOKS015407I: Beyer, Stephan V. - The Cult of Tara: Magic and Ritual in Tibet
BOOKS021934I: Beyer, Konrad - Friedrich Rückert : Ein biographisches Denkmal. Mit vielen bis jetzt ungedruckten und unbekannten Aktenstücken, Briefen ..,,.
BOOKS019800I: Beyerstein, Dale F.; editor: - Sai Baba's Miracles : An Overview
BOOKS016453I: Beykal, Canan ; editor: [ Güleryüz, Mehmet (1938- ) ] - Mehmet Güleryüz : Desenler / Drawings, 1963-1994
BOOKS022998I: Beysanoglu, Sevket ; Turhan, Salih ; & Dökmetas, Kubilay - Diyarbakir musiki folkloru
BOOKS007378I: Beyschlag, Karlmann - Simon Magus und die christliche Gnosis
BOOKS027078I: Bezkorovaina, Liubov - ZHyvym i nenarodzhenym
BOOKS027549I: Bezzi, Mario [1868-1927] - Fam. Empididae [Beiträge zur Kenntniss der süd-amerikanischen Dipterenfauna ..,. (Part 1)]
BOOKS023925I: Bezzola, Tobia ; Pfister, Michael ; & Zweifel, Stefan ; editors : [ - Sade / Surreal : Der Marquis de Sade und die erotische Fantasie des Surrealismus in Text und Bild
BOOKS028596I: Bezzola, Tobia ; & Wyss-Giacosa, Paola von ; editors : [Schad, Christian (1894-1982)] - Christian Schad : 1894-1982
BOOKS008477I: Bhaduri, Manindra Bhusan - A Mundari-English Dictionary
BOOKS009829I: Bhagat, K.C. - Jivan Charitar of Sant Kabir : English Translation
BOOKS023398I: Bhagata, Asa - Rajasthana, Gujarata, evam Madhyapradesa ki chapai kala ka sarvekshana
BOOKS019094I: Bhagavan, M.R. ; editor: [ African Energy Policy Research Network ; Ali, Ga’afar El Faki ; Elgizouli, I.A.R.; Okech, B.A.; et al - Energy Utilities and Institutions in Africa
BOOKS022023I: Bhaghat, K.C. - Kabir Bijak: Invoice of Account Book Containing Arithmetic of Life, Death & Salvation : English Translation
BOOKS015022I: Das, Bhagwan - Revival of Buddhism in India and Role of Dr. Baba Saheb B.R. Ambedkar
BOOKS030356I: Das, Bhagwan - Saphai karmacari divasa 31 julai (Sweeper Day)
BOOKS014494I: Bhagwati, Jagdish - The World Trading System at Risk
BOOKS011750I: Bhagwati, Jagdish N. & Wilson, John Douglas; editors: - Income Taxation and International Mobility
BOOKS011183I: Bhagwati, Jagdish - A Stream of Windows: Unsettling Reflections on Trade, Immigration, and Democracy
BOOKS012630I: Bhagwati, Jagdish N. - Dependence and Interdependence
BOOKS017564I: Bhagwati, Jagdish N. - Free Trade Today
BOOKS031308I: Bhagya, Abesekara - Kulla ha samajaya
BOOKS002686I: Bhalla, V.K. - Delhi Census Atlas
BOOKS004202I: Bhalla, A.S. & Reddy,A.K.N. - The Technological Transformation of Rural India
BOOKS001460I: Bhandarkar, D. R. - Asoka
BOOKS001667I: Bharali, S. - Tragic Outlook in Assamese Drama
BOOKS004545I: Das, Bharat B. - Religious Offences in India
BOOKS003151I: Bharat Sevak Samaj, Delhi Pradesh - Slums of Old Delhi. Report of the Socio-Economic Survey of the Slum Dwellers of Old Delhi City
BOOKS019057I: Bharati, Shuddhananda [1882-1921] [ Ganesana, Esa. Ena ] [ Ganesan, S.N.] ; translator: - Subrahmanya bharati ki pramukha gadya-krtikyam / hindi anuvada : Es. En. Ganesana
BOOKS004621I: Bharati, Agehananda - Hindu Views & Ways & the Hindo-Muslim Interface. An Anthropological Assessment.
BOOKS000215I: Bharati, Saroja and Lev, Maurice - The Cardiac Conduction System in Unexplained Sudden Death
BOOKS005569I: Bhardwaj, Surinder Mohan - Hindu Places of Pilgrimage in India : A Study in Cultural Geography
BOOKS025347I: Bhardwaj, Gauri Shankar - Gau Raksha Rashtra Raksha
BOOKS002709I: Bhargaua, V.K. - Jamkanali (A Village Restudy)
BOOKS013942I: Bhargava, Hemchander ; publisher : - Jai Hind [an Indian nationalist colored bazaar print celebrating the life & deeds of Subhas Chandra Bose ]
BOOKS005256I: Bhargava, P.L. - Fundamentals of Hinduism. A Rational Analysis
BOOKS008564I: Bharti, Narayan [Paryani, Narayan J.] - Sindhi Lok Geetan Mein Samajik Pasmanzer
BOOKS006343I: Bharti, K.R. - Pangi and Pangwalas
BOOKS000067I: Das, Bhaskar - Social & Economic Life of Southern Orissa. A Glimpse into the l9th Century
BOOKS030723I: Bhaskararao, Peri - Reduplication and Onomatopoeia in Telugu
BOOKS006798I: Bhat, V.R. - Essays in Criminal Law
BOOKS013240I: Bhat, D. N.S. - Pronominalization (A Cross-linguistic Study)
BOOKS004537I: Bhat, G.K. - Vedic Themes (Articles on Vedic Topics)
BOOKS000675I: Bhat, D.N.S. - An Outline Grammar of Havyaka
BOOKS000677I: Bhat, D. N. Shankara - A Descriptive Analysis of Tulu
BOOKS000587I: Bhat, Shankara - Tankhur Naga Vocabulary
BOOKS023365I: Bhati, Vikramasimha - Rajasthana ki kuladeviyam
BOOKS023378I: Bhati, Sukhasimha - Rajasthana ke paramparagata vastra-paridhana
BOOKS009002I: Bhati, Narayan Singh; editor: - Maharaja Mansingh Ri Khyat
BOOKS002932I: Bhati, Narayansingh; editor: - Munhanit Nainasi Krita: Marawar Ra Pargana Ri Bigat [Volumes I -II - III]
BOOKS023600I: Bhatia, Tej K. - A History of the Hindi Grammatical Tradition : Hindi-Hindustani Grammar, Grammarians, History and Problems
BOOKS000043I: Bhatia, Hansraj - Fatehpur Sikri is a Hindu City
BOOKS012516I: Bhatkhande, Shriram Mahadeo - The Chandogya Upanisad and the Brahmasutras of Badarayana : A Comparative Study
BOOKS007687I: Bhatt, D.K. - Lithostratigraphy of Karewa Group, Kashmir Valley, India & a Critical Review of Its Fossil Record
BOOKS005795I: Bhatt, Bhagavatprasad Natvarlal - Srikanthacaritam - A Study
BOOKS022397I: Jayanta Bhatta [fl. 850-910 AD] [ Sastri, Gaurinath ; editor: ] - Nyayamañjari / Jayantabhattapranita ; Cakradharaviracitaya Granthibhangavyakhyaya samvalita ; sampadakah Gaurinasastri [Part 3]
BOOKS019019I: Kumarila Bhatta [ Sarma, Kamalanayana ; editor : ] - Laghuvarttikam
BOOKS018962I: Nilakantha Bhatta [17th Century] [ Rama, Goparaju ; & Pingale, Ananta Tryambaka ; editors: ] - Bhattarkah : Arkamadhuri tikasamvalitah / A Treatise on Padartha Theory of the Bhatta School of Purva Mimamsa
BOOKS018287I: Jayanta Bhatta [fl. 850-910 AD] - Nyayamañjari / Jayantabhattapranita ; Cakradharaviracitaya Granthibhangavyakhyaya ; samvalita sampadakah Gaurinathasastri
BOOKS003957I: Jayanta Bhatta [fl. 850-910 AD] [Sastri, Gaurinath ; editor: ] - Nyayamañjari / Jayantabhattapranita ; Cakradharaviracitaya Granthibhangavyakhyaya [Volume 1]
BOOKS004085I: Jayanta Bhatta [fl. 850-910 AD] [Sastri, Gaurinath ; editor: ] - Nyayamañjari / Jayantabhattapranita ; Cakradharaviracitaya Granthibhangavyakhyaya [Volume 2]
BOOKS021638I: Bhatta, Bhagavatiprasada Premasankara [1914-1980] - Pushti sangita prakasa
BOOKS001738I: Bhattacarya, Haranacandra [ Shastri, Gaurinath Bhattacharyya ; editor: ] - Kalasiddhantadarsini / Haranacandrabhattacaryaviracita, sampadakah Sri gaurinathasastri
BOOKS012371I: Raghunandana Bhattacarya [16th century] - Udvahatattvam of Raghunandana, with the commentaries of Kasirama Vacaspati...
BOOKS021818I: Bhattacarya, Harinarayana ; editor: [ Bhattacharya, Harinarayan ; editor: ] - Sankayanabrahmanam : Sriharinarayana bhattacaryatarkavedatirthena sampaditam
BOOKS019396I: Bhattacaryya, Himadrisankara ; & Bhattacaryya, Sudhisankara [ Bhattacharya, Himadrisankar ; & Bhattacharya, Sudhisankar ] - Kocabiharera pracina bratakatha [ Cochbiharer prachin bratakatha ]
BOOKS002768I: Bhattacharjee, N.; Bordoloi, J.N.; & Bhuyan, J.C. - Survey Report on Village Titaguri (Jonagaon)
BOOKS008958I: Bhattacharjee, Prodip Nath - Lokabritter Aloke Koloi Sampraday (The Koloi: In the Light of People's History)
BOOKS008947I: Bhattacharjee, Pradip Nath - Jamatia Folklore : A Sociological Study
BOOKS021466I: Bhattacharjee, Jayanta Bhusan - Cachar Under British Rule in North East India
BOOKS008953I: Bhattacharjee, Priyabrata - Tribal Pujas and Festivals in Tripura
BOOKS001849I: Bhattacharjee, Prodip Nath - The Jamatiyas of Tripura
BOOKS001843I: Bhattacharjee, N. ; Barua, S.K. & Bhuyan, J.C. - Assam: Survey Report on Town Barpeta
BOOKS001713I: Bhattacharjee, Prodip Nath - The Garos of Tripura
BOOKS015771I: Bhattacharjee, Manobendra - Uttar-purba Bharatwer Longai Obabahika abong Banbhatta : Prachin itihaser bismoy
BOOKS001729I: Bhattacharjee, Tarun Kumar - The Idus of Mathun and Dri Valley
BOOKS022651I: Bhattacharya, Mohinimohan - Platonic Ideas in Spenser
BOOKS019437I: Bhattacharya, Dinesh Chandra [ Bhattacarya, Dinesacandra ] - Yoga Psychology of Patañjali and Some Other Aspects of Indian Psychology
BOOKS012216I: Bhattacharya, Sanjoy ; & Brimnes, Niels ; editors: - Reassessing Smallpox Vaccination, 1789 - 1900
BOOKS009888I: Bhattacharya, Kirshna - Bengali Phonetic Reader
BOOKS023132I: Bhattacharya, Bhabatosh - Raghunandana's Indebtedness to his Predecessors
BOOKS008959I: Bhattacharya, Suchintya - From Jhuming to Tapping : Rubber Plantation Augurs Well for the Tribals of Tripura
BOOKS008278I: Bhattacharya, Batuknath - The 'Kalivarjyas' or Prohibitions in the 'Kali' Age :Their Origin & Evolution and Their Present Legal Bearing
BOOKS030981I: Bhattacharya, Sudhibhushan - The Tribal Languages of South Kerala
BOOKS015316I: Bhattacharya, Pramod Chandra - Aspects of North East Indian Languages
BOOKS004521I: Bhattacharya, Hrishikesh; editor: [Bhattacharya, Parvati Charan] - Srisadhanarahasyam
BOOKS001714I: Bhattacharya, Shashthi Prasad - Santa Rasa and its Scope in Literature
BOOKS019064I: Bhattacharya, Panchugopal - Srimad Haridas Siddhantavagish Swmaraney
BOOKS000044I: Bhattacharya, Sudhibushan - Studies in Comparative Munda Linguistics
BOOKS023758I: Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath [1934-2001] - Indian Puberty Rites
BOOKS022374I: Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath [1934-2001] - History of Indian Erotic Literature
BOOKS023156I: Bhattacharyya, Asutosh [ Bhattacarya, Asutosha (1909-1984) ] - Chhau Dance of Purulia
BOOKS004189I: Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath - History of Researches on Indian Buddhism
BOOKS022599I: Bhattacharyya, Asutosh - Bamla mangalakabyera itihasa
BOOKS005346I: Bhattacharyya, Asit; & Das Gupta, Pannalal - Pakistan Elections : Backround and Perspective
BOOKS004613I: Bhattacharyya, Alakanda - Nepalese Inscriptions in Pre-Newari Eras : An Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS001716I: Bhattacharyya, Harisatya - The Jaina Prayer
BOOKS001703I: Bhattacharyya, Asutosh - The Sun and the Serpent Lore of Bengal
BOOKS000984I: Bhattacharyya, S. - Financial Foundations of the British Raj : Men & Ideas.: Post-Mutiny Period of Reconstruction of Indian Public Finance 1858-1872
BOOKS004665I: Bhattacharyya, Suchintya - Genesis of Tribal Extremism in Tripura
BOOKS015399I: Bhattacharyya, Sudhindra Nath - A History of Mughal North-east Frontier Policy, Being a Study of the Political Relation of the Mughal Empire with Koch Bihar.,.,
BOOKS020571I: Bhattacherjee, Shib Kali [ Bhattachjarya, Sibakali, Ayurvedacharya ] - Chiranjib banaushodhi [Volumes 1 - 10]
BOOKS008954I: Bhattacherjee, P.N. ; & Singh, R.G. - Tea Plantation and the Tribes of Tripura
BOOKS023589I: Bhattarai, Baburam - Monarchy vs. Democracy : The Epic Fight in Nepal
BOOKS023418I: Bhattavagisvara [ Jha, Kisoranatha ; editor: ] - Nyayatatparyadipika / Bhattavagisvarapranita ; sampadakah Kisoranatha Jha ; prastavana lekhakah Srimadanantalalathakurah
BOOKS026441I: Bhatti, Anil ; & Voigt, Johannes H. ; editors: - Jewish Exile in India, 1933-1945
BOOKS021475I: Bhaumika, Somesvara - Behind the Glitz : Exploring an Enigma Called Indian Film Industry
BOOKS026918I: Bhayani, Harivallabh Chunilal - Some Topics in the Development of OIA, MIA, NIA
BOOKS027167I: Bhayani, Harivallabh Chunilal ; editor: - Alankaradappana / Ajnatakartrka ; sampadaka Eca. Si. Bhayani
BOOKS026884I: Bhayani, Harivallabh Chunilal ; & Nahata, Agarcand ; editors: - Pracina Gurjara kavya sañcaya
BOOKS031373I: Bhayani, Harivallabh Chunilal ; editor : [ Jinaratnasuri ] - Lilavati-sara : A Sanskrit Abridgement of Jinesvara-suri's Prakrit Lilavai-kaha
BOOKS011502I: Bhebe, Ngwabi - Christianity and Traditional Religion in Western Zimbabwe 1859-1923
BOOKS029386I: Bhide, V. V. - The Caturmasya Sacrifices : With Special Reference to the Hiranyakesi Srautasutra
BOOKS023422I: Bhila, Rupa Simha - Angreji sasana mem samanti soshana evam janajatiya Bhagata andolana : Govinda Guru ka yogadana
BOOKS012525I: Bhise, Usha R.; compiler: [University of Bombay, Library] - A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Moropant Collection in the Library of the University of Bombay
BOOKS026882I: Bhojaraja, King of Malwa [active 11th century CE] [ Kulkarni, Vaman Mahadeo ; translator: ] - Kurmasatakadvayam : Two Prakrit Poems on Tortoise Who Supports the Earth / Inscribed at Dhara by Bhojadeva
BOOKS023667I: Bhola, Lata - Bhumij bhasha sikshyana pustika
BOOKS023635I: Bhola, Lata - Ho parampara o jnanakausala / sankalana, Lata Bhola ; nirdesaka, Ananta Carana Sahu
BOOKS000046I: Bhowmick, P. K. - Socio-Cultural Profile of Frontier Bengal
BOOKS012443I: Bhowmik, Suhrid Kumar & Robinson, James Danter [Bhaumika, Suhrdkumara] [ - Tushu Songs
BOOKS019872I: Bhoyar, Ashok - Soul-Searching of an Educated Dalit
BOOKS020261I: Ramaraja Bhusana - Vasu Carittiram of Tondaimanturai Ambalattadum Aiyan
BOOKS017021I: Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali - The Myth of Independence
BOOKS001776I: Bhuyan, J.C.; Baruah, S.K. and Bhattacharjee, N. - Village Restudy of Nasatra
BOOKS010391I: Bhyrappa, S.L. - Truth and Beauty: A Study in Correlation
BOOKS030299I: Bi'niyaz, 'Ali Riza ; Mir Ahmadi, Mansur ; & Babapur, Muhammad Mahdi [ Jami'at al-Mustafá al-'Alamiyah (Iran) ] - Ashna'i ba andishah-i siyasi-i shahid Sadr
BOOKS010243I: Bialego, Zbigniewa; editor: - Polski Spisz : Jednosc kultury ludowej i jej historyczne uwarunkowania. Srodowisko naturalna; warunki gospodarowania;...
BOOKS012702I: Bialer, Uri - Between East and West : Israel's Foreign Policy Orientation, 1948-1956
BOOKS017020I: Liu Yan zhu bian ; Nankai da xue Zhou Enlai yan jiu shi bian - Zhong wai xue zhe lun Zhou Enlai / Chinese and Foreign Scholars on Zhou Enlai : (Zhou Enlai yan jiu guo ji xue shu tao lun hui..
BOOKS024689I: Bianca, Giovanni A. - Espressionismo e formalismo nella storia dell'estetica musicale
BOOKS022221I: Bianchi, Anna Maria Chieco ; Capuis, Loredana Calzavara ; & Min, Maurizia De [ Museo Civico di Padova ] - Padua before Rome
BOOKS021606I: Bianchi, Gabriella [ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ] - Guia de campo para as especies comerciais marinhas e de aguas salobras de Angola
BOOKS019511I: Bianchini, Pietro - Les chants liturgiques de l'eglise arménienne / traduits en notes musicales européennes
BOOKS007607I: Bianco, Lucien - Origins of the Chinese Revolution 1915-1949
BOOKS017776I: Biasin, Gian-Paolo - Montale, Debussy, and Modernism
BOOKS030219I: Biasio, Elisabeth - Die verborgene Wirklichkeit.,. / The Hidden Reality: Three Contemporary Ethiopian Artists : Zerihun Yetmgeta, Girmay Hiwet..,.
BOOKS008140I: Biason, Gian-Paolo - Italian Literary Icons
BOOKS028402I: Bibl, Viktor [ Dopsch, Alfons ] [ Levinson, Arthur ] - Zur Frage der religiösen Haltung K. Maximilians II [together with two other monographs]
BOOKS024905I: Bibl, Victor - Nidbruck und Tanner: ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Magdeburger Centurien und zur Charakteristik König Maximilians II
BOOKS030905I: Bibl, Viktor [1870-1947] - Die Erhebung Herzog Cosimos von Medici zum Grossherzog von Toskana und die kaiserliche Anerkennung : (1569-1576)
BOOKS011101I: Commissio Pontificia de re Biblica - De auctore Secundi et Tertii Evangelii [bound together with 13 other papers concerning the Evangels of Mark and Luke]
BOOKS004610I: Ministero della Educazione Nazionale & Associazione Italiana per le Biblioteche - Studi e Richerche sulla Storia della Stampa del Quattrocento. Omaggio dell'Italia a Giovanni Gutenberg nel V Centenario ...
BOOKS002607I: Gabrovskata Narodna Biblioteka - Sbornik na Gabrovskata Narodna Biblioteka Aprilov-Palachzov
BOOKS020961I: Bibliothéque Impériale Publique de St.-Pétersbourg / Imperatorskaia publichnaia biblioteka (Saint Petersburg, Russia) - Catalogue de la section des Russica, ou, Écrits sur la Russie en langues étrangères : Volume I A-M
BOOKS019242I: Bicanic, Rudolf - Economic Policy in Socialist Yugoslavia
BOOKS019563I: Bick, Eckhard - The Parsing System "Palavras" : Automatic Grammatical Analysis of Portuguese in a Constraint Grammar Framework
BOOKS004225I: Bickel, Alexander M. - The Morality of Consent
BOOKS028292I: Bickell, Gustav [1838-1906] - Beiträge zur semitischen Metrik, I : das alphabetische Lied in Nahum I 2-II 3
BOOKS005602I: Bickerton, Derek - Language and Human Behavior
BOOKS000164I: Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri / Museo Bicknell - Il Manoscritto Borea : Cronache di Sanremo e della Liguria Occidentale
BOOKS005712I: Bicoku, Kasem - Data e clirimit të shqipërise
BOOKS012914I: Bidar, Shah Mir Muhammadi [Bedar, Shah Mir Muhammadi] [Siddiqi, Muhammad Husayn Mahvi; editor:] - Divan-i Bidar [Diwan-i-Bedar]
BOOKS031040I: Bidault, Émile Armand [1869-1938] ; editor : [ Groupe de propagande par la brochure ] - La Brochure mensuelle : Numéro 15; 20; 53; 75; 81/82; 83; 97; 113/114; 133 [Mars 1924 - Janvier 1934]
BOOKS003157I: Biddiss, Michael Denis ; editor: - Images of Race
BOOKS030438I: Biddulph, Charles Hubert [1898-1966] - Coins of the Pandyas
BOOKS025953I: Bidenkap, Olaf - Systematisk oversigt over Norges Annulata Polychaeta
BOOKS030441I: Bidstrup, Herluf [1912-1988] - Tegninger gennem 20 år
BOOKS018696I: Bidstrup, Herluf - Dagens Bidstrup : aktuel revy over de sidste tiders politiske begivenheder. November 1946 - Oktober 1947
BOOKS013162I: Bidstrup, Julius [1848-1910] - Stamtavler over familierne Hauberg og Arboe
BOOKS019806I: Bidstrup, Herluf - Dagens Bidstrup : aktuel revy over de sidste tiders politiske begivenheder. December 1945 - November 1946
BOOKS028521I: Bidwell, R. L. ; Smith, G. R. ; & Smart, J. R. ; editors : - New Arabian Studies : 2
BOOKS022442I: Bieber, Otto - Geheimnisvolles Kaffa : Im Reich der Kaiser-Götter
BOOKS000398I: Biebuyck, Daniel - Hero and Chief : Epic Literature from the Banyanga (Zaire Republic)
BOOKS027400I: Biebuyck, Daniel P. ; & Mateene Kahombo ; editors & translators : - The Mwindo Epic from the Banyanga (Congo Republic)
BOOKS030278I: Biedma, José Juan [1864-1933] - Crónica história del Rio Negro de Patagones (1774-1834)
BOOKS024421I: Bielec, Dana - Basic Polish : A Grammar and Workbook
BOOKS015596I: Bielefeldt, Carl - Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation
BOOKS017878I: Bielski, Nella - Oranges for the Son of Alexander Levy
BOOKS007212I: O'Bien, Patrick K.; editor: - The Industrial Revolution in Europe, I [The Industrial Revolutions, Volume 4]
BOOKS008816I: Bienen, Henry & Van de Walle, Nicolas - Of Time and Power : Leadership Duration in the Modern World
BOOKS012220I: Bienen, Henry - Tanzania : Party Transformation and Economic Development
BOOKS018610I: Bienen, Henry - Tanzania : Party Transformation and Economic Development
BOOKS002226I: Bienkowski, Tadeusz - Wiedza Przyrodnicza w Polsce w Wieku XVI
BOOKS019954I: Bierbaum, Joseph [1809-1893] - Das Sklerem der Neugeborenen [bound together with five other offprints authored by Bierbaum, ca. 1856-1856]
BOOKS022628I: Bierbaum, Otto Julius [1865-1910] - Die Schlangendame / mit achtunddreissig Zeichnungen von Felix Vallotton
BOOKS016339I: Bierbrier, Morris L. - Tomb Builders of the Pharaohs
BOOKS026144I: Bierfreund, Theodor [1855-1906] - Kulturbærere : studier i middelalderens digtning
BOOKS026154I: Bierfreund, Theodor [1855-1906] - En sommerdrøm : idyl fra Tyrol
BOOKS009942I: Bierfreund, Theodor [1855-1906] - Forgangen nat : en sommerferie historie
BOOKS014622I: Bierut, Boleslaw [1892 - 1956] - The Six-Year Plan for the Reconstruction of Warsaw: Graphical Presentation, Diagrams, Pland & Perspectives ...
BOOKS030655I: Biese, Y.M. (Yrjö Moses Jalmari) - Some Notes on the Formation and Use of Nominal Compounds in the Rig-Veda
BOOKS026829I: Biesenberger, Hermann [1885-1947] - Deformitäten und kosmetische Operationen der weiblichen Brust
BOOKS023992I: Bieswal, Paul - Histoire de la famille Bieswal
BOOKS027085I: Bietti Sestieri, A.M. ; et al., ; editors: - Roma : archeologia nel centro [Volume 2]: La "Citta murata
BOOKS027086I: Bietti Sestieri, A.M. ; et al., ; editors: - Roma : archeologia nel centro [Volume 1] : Area archeologica centrale
BOOKS025824I: Biezais, Haralds [1909-1995] - Die baltische Ikonographie
BOOKS014922I: Biezais, Haralds [1909-1995] ; editor: - New Religions : Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on New Religions held at Åbo on the 1st-3rd of September, 1974
BOOKS005468I: Biezais, Haralds, editor: - The Myth of the State. Based on papers read at the Symposium on the Myth of the State held at Abo on the 6th-8th September,1971
BOOKS014670I: Biezais, Haralds [1909-1995] - Lichtgott der alten Letten
BOOKS012648I: Bigelow, Gordon [1963- ] - Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland
BOOKS001105I: Biggs, Norman - English Weights : An Illustrated Survey
BOOKS019875I: Bigler, Jean-Pierre, publisher : - Berühmte Filme : Nr.s 1 - 5
BOOKS008231I: Bigler, Rolf Robert [1930-1978] - Der libertäre Sozialismus in der Westschweiz : ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Deutung des Anarchismus
BOOKS004634I: Bignoumbe-Bi-Moussavou, Ibrahim - L'Islam au Gabon
BOOKS014340I: Bigsby, Christopher W. E. ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to David Mamet
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BOOKS023512I: Bista, Dor Bahadur - Fatalism and Development : Nepal's Struggle for Modernization
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BOOKS006194I: Biswas, S.K. - Pathos of Marxism in India
BOOKS001860I: Biswas, A. K. - Special Survey Report on Selected Town: Dimapur
BOOKS026470I: Biswas, Anil Ranjan - The Metrics of Legal Philosophy
BOOKS001474I: Biswas, Dipti Kumar - Sociology of Major Bengali Novels
BOOKS011438I: Biswas, Swapan K. - Constitution-Review and Dis-Empowerment of the Bahujan
BOOKS011435I: Biswas, Swapan Kumar - Gods, False-Gods and the Untouchables
BOOKS020032I: Biswas, A.K. - Sati: Saga of a Gory Practice
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BOOKS012571I: Blanshard, Frances Bradshaw - Retreat from Likeness in the Theory of Painting
BOOKS014742I: Blaringhem, Louis [1878 - 1958] - Mutation et traumatismes : Etude sur l'évolution des formes végétales
BOOKS000632I: Blasco Martinez, Rosa Maria - Sociologia de una comunidad religiosa 1219- 1516
BOOKS019644I: Blaser, Werner - Powell / Kleinschmidt : Interior Architecture
BOOKS029359I: Blass, Shona [ Ziwar, Umaymah Hasan Shukri ; translator : ] - Min dhikrayat al-Yahud fi 'Adan / tarjamat wa-tahqiq Umaymah Hasan Shukri Ziwar
BOOKS010649I: Blatt, Franz ; editor : - Classica et Mediaevalia : Revue danoise de philologie et d'historie: Vol X [1949]
BOOKS025323I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol VI : Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS025316I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol VII : Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS025325I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol X : Fasc. 1
BOOKS025326I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol VIII : Fasc. 1
BOOKS025324I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol XIII : Fasc. 2
BOOKS023511I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol XXIV, Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS006734I: Blatt, Thora Balslev - The Plays of John Bale. A Study of Ideas, Technique and Style
BOOKS023523I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol XXVIII, Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS001639I: Blatt, Franz ; editor : - Classica et Mediaevalia : Revue danoise de philologie et d'historie: Vol XIII [1952]
BOOKS023521I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol XXVII, Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS023510I: Blatt, Franz ; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Vol XXXI, Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS023646I: Blatt, Franz; editor: - Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie: Vol. XXII, Fasc. 1-2
BOOKS030800I: Blatt, Franz ; editor : - Classica et Mediaevalia : Revue Danoise de Philologie et d'Historie : Vol XVI [1955]
BOOKS003225I: Blatter, Joachim & Ingram, Helen; editors: - Reflections on Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation
BOOKS017532I: Blau, Eve - The Architecture of Red Vienna, 1919-1934
BOOKS018017I: Blau, Eve ; & Kaufman, Edward ; editors: - Architecture and Its Image : Four Centuries of Architectural Representation
BOOKS026175I: Blaumüller, Edvard [1851-1911] - Ovenlys : Blandede Digte : Trykt som Manuskript
BOOKS025912I: Blaumüller, Edvard [1851-1911] - Sibylle : Vers
BOOKS003543I: Blaumuller, Edv. - Hellig Jord. Rejsebilleder fra Palaestina
BOOKS011833I: Blaut, J.M. - Eight Eurocentric Historians
BOOKS021670I: Blazek, Pavel - Die mittelalterliche Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie der Ehe : von Robert Grosseteste bis Bartholomäus von Brügge..,.
BOOKS008592I: Blazquez Navarro, Juan Jose - Genitologia veterinaria, o nociones historico-fisiológicas sobere la procreacion de los animales
BOOKS027111I: Blazquez Martinez, José María ; editor: [ Congreso Internacional sobre el Aceite en la Antigüedad (1st : 1978 : Madrid, Spain) ] - Producción y comercio del aceite en la antigüedad : Primer Congreso Internacional
BOOKS001804I: Blecourt, A.S. de and Meijers, E.M., editors: - Memorialen van het Hof (Den Raad) van Holland, Zeeland & West Friesland, van den Secretaris Jan Rosa.Deelen I, II & III
BOOKS012353I: Blee, Kathleen M. - Inside Organized Racism : Women in the Hate Movement
BOOKS007262I: Bleeker, C.J.; Boas, Henriette; van der Steen, Th. P.; & Alich, Salih; editors: - International Bibliography of the History of Religions/ Bibliographie Internationale de l'Histoire des Religions, 1952 - 1973
BOOKS024170I: Blegvad, Michael - The Semiologist in Paradise : A Reinterpretation of Status and Role on Truk
BOOKS022390I: Bleibtreu, Carl [ Bleibtreu, Karl (1859-1928)] - Die Lösung der Shakespeare-Frage : Eine neue Theorie
BOOKS012279I: Bleich, David - Subjective Criticism
BOOKS025926I: Bleicher, Gustave ; & Faudel, Charles F. - Matériaux pour une étude préhistorique de l'Alsace : Deuxiéme publication : Monuments mégalithiques
BOOKS024861I: Bleichsteiner, Robert [ E.J. Brill (Leiden, Netherlands), firm of ] - Catalogue No. 202: The Library of the Late Robert Bleichsteiner..,.
BOOKS007324I: Bleienstein, Heinrich, S.J.; et al. ; editors: - Geist und Leben : Zeitschrift für Aszese und Mystik [a collection of 56 issues, ca. 1947-1962]
BOOKS020906I: Bleker, Johanna - Die Geschichte der Nierenkrankheiten
BOOKS001125I: Blenkinsopp, Joseph - Gibeon and Israel : The Role of Gibeon and the Gibeonites in the Political & Religious History of Early Israel.
BOOKS020148I: Blesser, Barry ; & Salter, Linda-Ruth - Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture
BOOKS016156I: Blest Gana, Alberto [1830-1920] - Martin Rivas : A Novel
BOOKS004901I: Bleys, Rudi C. - The Geography of Perversion. Male-to-Male Sexual Behavior outside the West & the Ethnographic Imagination, 1750-1918.
BOOKS026119I: Blicher, J. [pseudonym of Jenny Frederikke Blicher-Clausen (1865-1907)] - Christian den anden : Skuespil i 5 Akter / af J. Blicher (John Bentsen)
BOOKS026145I: Blicher-Clausen, J. (Jenny) [1865-1907] - En bryllupsrejse : nutidsdigt
BOOKS029934I: Blickle, Peter ; editor : - Aufruhr und Empörung? : Studien zum bäuerlichen Widerstand im Alten Reich
BOOKS030906I: Bliemetzrieder, Franz Plazidus [1867-1935] - Zu den Schriften Ivos von Chartres (d. 1116) : ein literargeschichtlicher Beitrag
BOOKS027871I: Blinkenberg, Christian Sørensen [1863-1948] - Fibules grecques et orientales
BOOKS029772I: Blinkenberg, Christian [1863-1948] - Triemiolia : étude sur un type de navire rhodien [ Lindiaka VII ]
BOOKS027746I: Blinkenberg, Andreas Peter Damsgaard [1893-1982] - Le problème de l'accord en français moderne : essai d'une typologie
BOOKS031792I: Blinkenberg, Christian - Les prêtres de Poseidon Hippios : étude sur une inscription lindienne (Lindiaka VI)
BOOKS003381I: Bliss, Frederick Jones [1859-1937] - The Religions of Modern Syria and Palestine : Lectures Delivered before Lake Forest College..,.
BOOKS024517I: Bliss, Michael - The Discovery of Insulin
BOOKS021720I: Blitz, Brad K. - War and Change in the Balkans : Nationalism, Conflict and Cooperation
BOOKS027281I: Blitz, Leo ; & Lockman, Felix J. : editors: - The Outer Galaxy : Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Honor of Frank J. Kerr at the University of Maryland, College Park.,.,.
BOOKS024216I: Bloch, Marc Léopold Benjamin [1886-1944] - Apologie pour l’histoire ou métier d'historien
BOOKS025780I: Bloch, Oscar Thorvald [1847-1926] - Om nogle former af acut suppurativ betændelse i de lange rørknogler hos unge individer (acut infectiøs osteo-lymphangitis)
BOOKS010043I: Bloch, Marc - The Ile-de-France: The Country Around Paris.
BOOKS009195I: Bloch-Nakkerud, Tom - Kullgropen i Jernvinna overst i Setesdal
BOOKS016907I: Bloch, Marc - Mélanges historiques. Tome I & II
BOOKS028700I: Bloch, Marc - Die Feudalgesellschaft
BOOKS024715I: Bloch, Marc Léopold Benjamin [1886-1944] - Les caractères originaux de l'histoire rurale française : Tome I - II
BOOKS023125I: Blochmann, H. (Henry) [1838-1878] [ Blochmann, Heinrich Ferdinand ] - Contributions to the Geography and History of Bengal : Muhammedan Period
BOOKS016236I: Block, Fred L. - The Origins of International Economic Disorder: A Study of United States International Monetary Policy from World War II ..,.
BOOKS016641I: Block, Ned Joel ; Flanagan, Owen J. ; & Güzeldere, Güven ; editors: - The Nature of Consciousness: Philosophical Debates
BOOKS019921I: Block, Herbert - Die Marxsche Geldtheorie
BOOKS016669I: Bloedel, James R. ; Ebner, Timothy J. ; & Wise, Steven P. ; editors: - The Acquisition of Motor Behavior in Vertebrates
BOOKS029990I: Blok, Christiaan Johannes - Methode ter bepaling van het ph-"spectrum" van bacterien, met toepassingen voor bacterium Coli commune
BOOKS026967I: Blok, Willem Leo - Woordkeus en stijlniveau van de 1e, 3e, 4e en 13e epode van Horatius
BOOKS012758I: Blokker, N.M.; Brus, M.M.T.A.; Curtin; D.M.; Fitzmaurice, M.A.; Hancher, L.; Post, H.H.G. & Schrijver, N.J.; editors: - Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. Volume XXXI: 2000
BOOKS026409I: Blom, Henriette van der - Ancestry and the Challenge of the homo novus : Cicero's Use of Personal exempla in Late Roman Republican Politics
BOOKS026443I: Blom, Hans Jørgen [1792-1864] - Unionskrigene og Borgerkrigene : Et Bidrag til den danske Krigshistorie
BOOKS001548I: Blombergowa, Maria Magdalena - Polscy czlonkowie rosyjskich towarzystw archeologicznych 1839-1914
BOOKS027752I: Blomkvist, Bo - International i miniatyr : studier i skånsk arbetarrörelse före 1880 och dess internationella kontakter
BOOKS024322I: Bløndal, Torsten ; editor: - Mickey's View-master : Selected Works by Jens Birkemose 1976-1980
BOOKS005094I: Blong, R.J. - The Time of Darkness : Local Legends and Volcanic Reality in Papua New Guinea
BOOKS011229I: Bloom, Clive - Cult Fiction: Popular Reading and Pulp Theory
BOOKS010837I: Bloom, Leslie Rebecca - Under the Sign of Hope : Feminist Methodology and Narrative Interpretation
BOOKS018053I: Bloom, Harold - Dante's The Divine Comedy
BOOKS018048I: Bloom, Harold ; editor: - Cervantes's Don Quixote [ Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations ]
BOOKS016698I: Bloom, Paul ; Peterson, Mary A. ; Nadel, Lynn; & Garrett, Merrill F.; editors: - Language and Space
BOOKS001514I: Bloom, Harold - Figures of Capable Imagination
BOOKS018622I: Bloom, Harold - A Map of Misreading
BOOKS011854I: Bloomer, Jennifer - Architecture and the Text: The (S)crypts of Joyce and Piranesi
BOOKS018078I: Bloomfield, Morton Wilfred [1913-1987]; editor: - The Interpretation of Narrative : Theory and Practice
BOOKS014582I: Blot, Edouard ; imprimeur : [ Gabillaud, Louis ] - La Grrrande et véridique complainte des membres de la Commune de Paris
BOOKS007899I: Blot, Èdouard ; printer : [ G., L. ] - Le Plan Trochu : Complainte tragi-comique : l'air de Fualdès
BOOKS007900I: Blot, Edouard ; imprimeur : [ Lepailleur, Ad. ] - Troisième liste des monuments, habitations, établissements détruits ou endommagés par les incendiaires de la Commune,..,.
BOOKS007827I: Blot, Edouard ; imprimeur : [ Lepailleur, Ad. ] - Deuxième liste des monuments, habitations, établissements détruits ou endommagés par les incendiaires de la Commune,..,.
BOOKS011892I: Blot, Edouard ; imprimeur : [ Lepailleur, Ad. ] - Quatrième et dernière liste des monuments, habitations, établissements détruits ou endommagés par les incendiaires de la Commune
BOOKS028256I: Blücher, Wipert von [1883- 1963] - Zeitenwende in Iran : Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen
BOOKS007946I: Bluck, R. S. (Richard Stanley); translator: [ Plato ] - Plato’s Phaedo : The Phaedo of Plato Translated with Introduction, Notes, and Appendices
BOOKS004374I: Bluem, A. William - Documentary in American Television. Form - Function - Method
BOOKS029648I: Blüher, Hans [1888-1955] - Empedokles oder das Sakrament des freien Todes
BOOKS022336I: Blum, Joseph Leonz [1786-1859] - Versuch einer Geschichte der Kirche Jesu Christi in der Schweiz
BOOKS005552I: Blum, Fred - Jean Sibelius : An international Bibliography on the Occasion of the Centennial Celebrations, 1965.
BOOKS004301I: Blum, Richard & Blum, Eva - Health & Healing in Rural Greece. A Study of Three Communities
BOOKS012559I: Blum, Roger - Die politische Beteiligung des Volkes im jungen Kanton Baselland, (1832-1875)
BOOKS003572I: Blum, Winfried E. - Sedimentogene und pedogene Entwicklungsmerkmale von Boden auf Karbonatgestein am Beispeil des sudlichen Oberrheingrabens
BOOKS019596I: Blum, Jeffrey M. - Pseudoscience and Mental Ability : The Origins and Fallacies of the IQ Controversy
BOOKS027571I: Blumberg, Joseph - Untersuchungen über die Hemmungs-Function des Nervus laryngeus superior
BOOKS015108I: Blume, Horst-Dieter - Einführung in das antike Theaterwesen
BOOKS026401I: Blume, Clemens [1862-1932] - Wolstan von Winchester und Vital von Saint-Evroult : Dichter der drei Lobgesänge auf die Heiligen Athelwold, Birin und Swithun
BOOKS007070I: Blumenthal, Albrecht von [1889- 1945] - Die Schätzung des Archilochos im Altertume
BOOKS023947I: Blumenthal, Uta-Renate - Gregor VII : Papst zwischen Canossa und Kirchenreform
BOOKS018239I: Blumenthal, Tuvia - Saving in Postwar Japan
BOOKS000812I: Blumenthal, Mor. M. - Orta ve Asagi.../Beitrage zur Geologie des Landschaften am Mittleren und Unteren Yesil Irmak (Tokat, Amasya,Havza,Erbaa,Niksar)
BOOKS015528I: Blumer, Herbert [1900 - 1987] - Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method
BOOKS010793I: Blumm, Michael C.; editor: - Environmental Law
BOOKS020923I: Blümner, Hugo [1844-1919] - Archaeologische Studien zu Lucian
BOOKS022192I: Blundell, Robert Henderson ; & Wilson, George Haswell ; editors: - Trial of Buck Ruxton
BOOKS014750I: Blunt, Anthony [1907 - 1983] - The Art of William Blake
BOOKS026611I: Bluntschli, Johann Caspar [1808-1881] - Charakter und Geist der politischen Parteien / dargestellt von J.C. Bluntschli
BOOKS006431I: Boag, Peter G. - Environment and Experience. Settlement Culture in Nineteenth-Century Oregon
BOOKS007035I: Boardman, John; Brown, M.A. & Powell, T.G.E., editors: - The European Community in Later Prehistory. Studies in Honour of C.F.C. Hawkes
BOOKS007692I: Boardman, John ; & Hayes, John - Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965 : The Archaic Deposits II and Later Deposits
BOOKS002921I: Boas, George [1891-1980] - A Primer for Critics
BOOKS026239I: Boas, Johan Erik Vesti [1855-1935] - Zur Kenntnis des Einsiedlerkrebses Paguropsis und seiner eigenartigen Behausung
BOOKS003836I: Boas, J.E.V. - Kreuzbein, Becken und Plexus Lumbosacralis der Vogel
BOOKS026263I: Boas, Johan Erik Vesti [1855-1935] - Das Gehörn von Antilocapra und sein Verhältnis zu dem anderer Cavicornia und der Hirsche
BOOKS026262I: Boas, Johan Erik Vesti [1855-1935] - Einige Bemerkungen über die Hand des Menschen
BOOKS012031I: Boateng, E.A. - A Political Geography of Africa
BOOKS014373I: Boatwright, Mary Taliaferro - Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire
BOOKS000690I: Boban, Ljubo - Svetozar Pribicevic u opoziciji (1928-1936)
BOOKS010241I: Bobbio, Norberto - Ideological Profile of Twentieth-Century Italy
BOOKS018028I: Bobbio, Norberto [1909-2004] - A Political Life
BOOKS024562I: Bobek, Hans [ Pasha'i, 'Abbas ; translator & editor : ] - Sima-yi tarikhi-i jangalha-yi tabi'i va darakhtzarha-yi Iran / nivisandah, Hans Bubik ; tarjumah va tanzim-i 'Abbas Pasha
BOOKS026081I: Boberg, Inger Margrethe [1900-1957] - Bjærgfolkenes bagning : sagntypen "grissel og rage" : en sagnundersøgelse
BOOKS002048I: Boberg, Inger M. - Sagnet om den Store Pans Dod
BOOKS018668I: Bobinska, Helena [1887-1968] - Pioniere
BOOKS023402I: Bobinska, Helena [ Fuk, Bruno ; illustrator: ] - Pioniere
BOOKS013425I: Boboc, Nicolae - Motivul premioritic in lumea colindelor
BOOKS022245I: Bóbr, Maciej ; Kruzel, Krzysztof ; & Macharska, Maria ; compilers: - Katalog rycin Biblioteki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie : szkola niemiecka XV i XVI w.
BOOKS026739I: Boccia, Lionello G. ; & Scalini, Mario ; editors: [ Museo Stibbert ] - Guerre e assoldati in Toscana, 1260-1364 : Firenze, Museo Stibbert, proposte e ricerche
BOOKS027373I: Bochenski, J.M. (Joseph M.) [1902-1995] - Logisch-philosophische Studien
BOOKS031854I: Böcher, Tyge Wittrock [1909- 1983] ; Hjerting, J.P. ; & Rahn, K. - Botanical Studies in the Atuel Valley Area, Mendoza Province, Argentina : Part III
BOOKS019684I: Böcher, Tyge W. ; & Lewis, Martin C. - Experimental and Cytological Studies on Plant Species : VII : Geranium sanguineum
BOOKS013594I: Böcher, Tyge Wittrock [1909 - ] - Experimental and Cytological Studies on Plant Species: Some Arctic and Montane Crucifers
BOOKS008364I: Böcher, Tyge W. ; &; Olesen, Peter. - Structural and Ecophysiological Pattern in the Xero-Halophytic C4 Grass, 'Sporobolus rigens' (Tr.) Desv.
BOOKS007605I: Bøcher, Tyge W. - Phytogeographical Studies of the Greenland Flora Based Upon Investigations of the Coast Between Scoresby Sound & Angmagssalik
BOOKS013241I: Bocher, Steen B. - Vandmøller og andre Vandkraftudnyttelser i Ribe Amt; Lokalitetsliste til 'Vandkraftens Udnyttelse i det sydlige Nørrejylland...
BOOKS004739I: Bøcher, Tyge W. ; & Lyshede, Ole B. - Anatomical Studies in Xerophytic Apophyllous Plants: I & II
BOOKS002200I: Böcher, Tyge W. - Ecogeographical Classification of Arctic Vegetation based on Shoots Density Determination
BOOKS004083I: Böcher, Tyge W. - Studies on the Vegetation of the East Coast of Greenland Between Scoresby Sound & Angmagssalik (Christian IX.s Land)
BOOKS019740I: Böcher, Tyge Wittrock [1909-1983] - Experimental and Cytological Studies on Plant Species : VIII : Racial Differentiation in Viscaria alpina
BOOKS000362I: Böcher, Tyge W. - Biological Distribution Types in the Flora of Greenland : A Study on the Flora & Plant-Geography of South Greenland...
BOOKS007121I: Bochnakowa, Anna - Le 'Nouveau Grand Dictionnaire Francois, Latin & Polonois' et sa place dans la lexicographie polonaise
BOOKS027415I: Bochner, Salomon [1899-1982] - Eclosion and Synthesis : Perspectives on the History of Knowledge
BOOKS029713I: Boci, Sonila - Minoritetet kombëtare në Shqipëri : midis identitetit dhe integrimit 1939-1949
BOOKS024247I: Bock, Irmgard - Kommunikation und Erziehung : Grundzüge ihrer Beziehungen
BOOKS006654I: Bock, Karl N. - Mittelniederdeutsch und heutiges Plattdeutsch im ehemaligen danischen Herzogtum Schleswig...
BOOKS031965I: Bock, Andreas - Der Sagara-Gangavatarana-Mythus in der episch-puranischen Literatur
BOOKS028189I: Bock, Dietrich - Die Hauttempetatur als Ausgleichsgrösse zwischen Organismus und Umwelt und ihre Messung mit einer Thermokompensationsmessanlage
BOOKS027970I: Bock, Dieter - Cerarien und ihre Parthenitae aus Süsswasserschnecken des Naturreservates "Obedska Bara" bei Belgrad (Jugoslawien)
BOOKS026111I: Bøcker, Kappel [Bøcker, Anders Kappel Frederiksen (1867-1940)] - Ud i den vide Verden : et æventyr
BOOKS004226I: Bockmuehl, Markus N. A. ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Jesus
BOOKS029986I: Boddeke, Rudolf - The Life History of Prosthogoniums ovatus Rudolphi, 1803
BOOKS014869I: Boddie, John Bennett - Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia : A History of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia..,.
BOOKS021241I: Bodding, P. O. (Paul Olaf) [1865-1938] ; translator: - Traditions and Institutions of the Santals. Horkoren mare hapramko reak’katha. Translated with notes and additions by P.
BOOKS019380I: Bodelsen, C. A. (Carl Adolf) [1894-1978] - Aspects of Kipling's Art
BOOKS002884I: Bodelsen, C.A. - Studies in Mid-Victorian Imperialism
BOOKS011724I: Boden, Deirdre & Zimmerman, Don H.; editors: - Talk & Social Structure: Studies in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
BOOKS007752I: Bodi, Zsuzsanna : editor : - Studies about the Visual Culture of Hungarian Gypsies [Cigany Nepraijzi Tanulmanyok 7..,./ Studies in Roma (Gypsy) Ethnography ,
BOOKS014568I: Bødker, Laurits - Folk Literature (Germanic) [ International Dictionary of Regional European Ethnology and Folklore, 2 ]
BOOKS004992I: Bodker, Laurits; Alver, Brynjulf; Holbek, Bengt; & Virtanen, Leea - The Nordic Riddle: Terminology and Bibliography
BOOKS022240I: Bodman, Emanuel von [ Landauer, Gustav (1870 -1919)] - Der Wandrer und der Weg
BOOKS010532I: Bøe, Alf - From Gothic Revival to Functional Form : A Study in Victorian Theories of Design
BOOKS026139I: Boeck, Christopher Nyholm [1850-1932] - Digte
BOOKS031974I: Boedeker, Deborah Dickmann - Aphrodite's Entry into Greek Epic
BOOKS024523I: Boehm, Felix [1881-1958] - Schriften zur Psychoanalyse
BOOKS031295I: Boer, Tjitze J. de [1866- 1942] - Geschichte der Philosophie im Islam
BOOKS007412I: Boer, P.A.H. de; editor: - Kaf he 1940 - 1965
BOOKS025193I: Boer, R. C. (Richard Constant) [1863-1929] - Om Hervararsaga
BOOKS003397I: de Boer, Klaas Sjoerds - Interstellar Absorption Lines in the Ultraviolet
BOOKS029107I: Boerl, Curt - Altersuntersuchungen an Friedfischen der Saale bei Jena, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ernährung an Hand .,.,.
BOOKS001631I: Boerma, Els - Mozambique : mogelijkheden en grenzen van een ontwikkelingsstrategie
BOOKS027680I: Boersma, Johannes Sipko - Oria and Valesio : Dutch Archaeological Investigations in the Brindisi Region of Southern Italy
BOOKS023507I: Boersner, Demetrio - The Bolsheviks and the National and Colonial Question, 1917-1928
BOOKS000813I: Boesen, Gudmund & Lassen, Erik - De Danske Dronningers Guldtoilette
BOOKS029601I: Boëthius, Axel [1889-1969] - The Golden House of Nero : Some Aspects of Roman Architecture
BOOKS027567I: Boettcher, Arthur [Böttcher, Jakob Ernst Arthur (1831-1889)] - Einiges zur Verständigung in Betreff der Balgdrüsen an der Zungenwurzel
BOOKS007749I: Boettke, Peter J.; editor: - The Collapse of Development Planning
BOOKS010859I: Boffa, Giuseppe - The Stalin Phenomenon
BOOKS015858I: Boffa, Charles J. - The Second Great Siege : Malta, 1940-1943
BOOKS001265I: Bogaers, Maurice H. - Chiastische Strukturen im St. Trudperter Hohen Lied
BOOKS023814I: Bogdan, Ioan P. - Originea mitologica a "tirgului de fete" de pe muntele Gaina
BOOKS010952I: Bogdan, Radu J.; editor: - Mind and Common Sense: Philosophical Essays on Commonsense Psychology
BOOKS006765I: Bogdan, Nicolae - Functiunile Istorice Europene si Crestine Indeplinite de Natiunea Romana
BOOKS016672I: Bogdan, Radu J. - Interpreting Minds
BOOKS010475I: Bogdan, Corneliu & Preda, Eugen - Spheres of Influence
BOOKS029717I: Bogdani, Ramazan - Etnokoreografi : II: 1980-1987 : Kolana etnokoreografike Ramazan H. Bogdani : artikuj të përzgjedhur
BOOKS029716I: Bogdani, Ramazan - Etnokoreografi : IV: 1996-2000 : Kolana etnokoreografike Ramazan H. Bogdani : artikuj të përzgjedhur
BOOKS029715I: Bogdani, Ramazan - Etnokoreografi : I : 1965-1979 : Kolana etnokoreografike Ramazan H. Bogdani : artikuj të përzgjedhur
BOOKS025006I: Bogdani, Ramazan - Folklori koreografik i Hasit
BOOKS024094I: Bøgedal, Hans - Anton Frederik Tscherning : Mindeblade for Menigmand
BOOKS014284I: Boger, Ernst - Die Stiftskirche zu Öhringen [together with 24 extracts and pamphlets concerning the Hohenlohe district of Baden-Württemberg]
BOOKS026736I: Bøgh, Nicolai Seidelin - Ved Provst og Sognepræst Nicolai Seidelin Bøgh's Jordefærd i Gamtofte den 22de Maj 1880
BOOKS025991I: Bøgh, Erik [1822-1899] - Søren Kierkegaard og St. Sørens-Dyrkelsen : feuilletoner
BOOKS027172I: Bøgh, Nicolai [ Bøgh, Erik Nicolai (1822-1899)] - Mellem Siljan og Sorrent : rejsebilleder
BOOKS018041I: Bøgh, Nicolaj Seidelin [1843-1905] - De Nygiftes Sange
BOOKS025956I: Bøgh, Nicolaj [1843-1905] - Minder og Melodier : Digte
BOOKS029276I: Bøgh, Birgitte Secher - Mother of the Gods : The Reception and Transformation of an Anatolian Goddess in the Western Black Sea Area
BOOKS015865I: Bøgh, Nicolai [ Bøgh, Erik Nicolai (1822-1899)] - Digte
BOOKS002992I: Bogholm, N. - Milton & Paradise Lost
BOOKS021362I: Boghossian, Paul Artin - Fear of Knowledge : Against Relativism and Constructivism
BOOKS030857I: Bogomolov, A.V. [ Bohomolov, Oleksandr ] ; Danilov, S. I. ; Semivolos, I.N.; et al: - Islamskaia identichnost' v Ukraine
BOOKS012593I: Bogousslavsky, Julien & Caplan, Louis R.; editors: - Uncommon Causes of Stroke
BOOKS006503I: Bograd, V. - Zhurnal "Sovremennik" 1847 - 1866. Ukazatel Soderzhanija
BOOKS005410I: Bogun, Volker - Die ausserrömische Geschichte in den Werken Senecas
BOOKS000096I: Boguslawski, Andrzej - Two Essays on Inflection
BOOKS029089I: Böhler, Michael ; Hofmann, Etienne ; Reill, Peter H.; Zurbuchen, Simone ; Droz, Laurent ; editors : - Republikanische Tugend : Ausbildung eines Schweizer Nationalbewusstseins und Erziehung eines neuen Bürgers / Contribution ..,.
BOOKS015911I: Bohm, David - Wholeness and the Implicate Order
BOOKS027465I: Böhme, Robert - Bühnenbearbeitung Äschyleischer Tragödien [I. - II. Teil]
BOOKS027670I: Böhme, Max - Die grossen Reisesammlungen des 16. Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung.
BOOKS027361I: Böhmer, Johann Friedrich [1795-1863] [ Mikoletzky, Hanns Leo ; editor : ] - Die Regesten des Kaiserreiches unter Otto II : 955 (973) - 983 [ Sächsisches Haus : 919-1024 : 2. Abteilung ]
BOOKS031143I: Bohn, Richard [1849-1898]; editor : - Altertümer von Aegae
BOOKS025633I: Bohnen, Klaus ; Jørgensen, Sven Aage ; & Schmöe, Friedrich ; editors: - Kultur und Gesellschaft in Deutschland von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart : eine Vortragsreihe
BOOKS026218I: Bohnen, Klaus ; & Øhrgaard, Per ; editors: - Aufklärung als Problem und Aufgabe : Festschrift für Sven-Aage Jørgensen
BOOKS002021I: Bohnen, Klaus and Pinkert, Ernst-Ullrich, editors: - Georg Büchner im interkulturellen Dialog. Vortrag des Kolloquiums vom 30.9 - 1.10 1987 in der Universität Aalborg
BOOKS004350I: Bohnen, Klaus; Jorgensen, Sven-Age & Schmoe, Friedrich, editors: - Deutsch-Danische Literatur- Beziehungen im 18. Jahrhundert. Akten des Kolloquiums am 9. und 10. Oktober 1978...
BOOKS013216I: Bohnert, J.; et al. ; editors: [ Cercle Numismatique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ] - Dix siècles de monnaies au pays de Luxembourg : catalogue des monnaies luxembourgeoises et de celles des fiefs de 1026 à 1968
BOOKS020901I: Böhnke, Wilfried - Die NSDAP im Ruhrgebiet 1920-1933
BOOKS006554I: Böhtlingk, Arthur [1849-1929] - Der Rastatter Gesandtenmord vor dem Karlsruher Schöffengericht : Eine aktenmässige Darstellung
BOOKS026178I: Boiadzhiev, B. ; editor: - Makedoniia, zapadna Trakiia, zapadni pokrainini i Dobrudzha : Treto Izdanie : Godina IV - Knizhka 6
BOOKS013442I: Boiagiev, Pirin - Renascentisti bulgari bucuresteni
BOOKS007517I: Boiko, V.I. - Sotsialnoe razvitie narodov Nizhnego Amura
BOOKS027591I: Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich [1818-1896] - Über thierische Bewegung : Rede gehalten im Verein für wissenschaftliche Vorträge am 22. Februar 1851
BOOKS025449I: Du Bois, Anne Marie - L'intersexualité et ses causes génétiques
BOOKS022100I: Du Bois, François ; & Du Bois-Pedain, Antje ; editors: - Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa
BOOKS021320I: Bois, Thomas - Connaissance des Kurdes
BOOKS026026I: Boisen, Frederik Engelhardt [1808-1882] - Nordiske Gudesagn, fortalte og anvendte af F. E. Boisen
BOOKS030319I: Boisen, L.M. (Lars Mannerstad) - Om Læren om Djævelen og Forsagelsen af Djævelen : Et Forsvarsskrift imod 'Tillægsbetragtninger' over samme Gjenstand ..,.
BOOKS017932I: Boissevain, Jeremy - Saints and Fireworks : Religion and Politics in Rural Malta
BOOKS027242I: Boiti, M. ; Pempinelli, F. ; & Soliani, G. ; editors: - Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the Meeting Held at the University of Lecce June 20–23, 1979
BOOKS021211I: Boixet, Ezequiel ["Juan Buscon"] - Busca, buscando : Coleccion de articulos
BOOKS018296I: Boizard, Ricardo [1903-19??] - Voces de la política, el púlpito, y la calle
BOOKS001708I: Bojarski, Wladyslaw - Jan Jelonek Cervus z Tucholi i jego twórczosc prawnicza z dziejów prawa rzymskiego w Polsce : prawo prywatne materialne
BOOKS030122I: Bojasvili, Levan - P'savi da p'savlebi
BOOKS024623I: Boje, Andreas; editor : - Skyldig - ikke skyldig : Nævningeinstitutionen belyst ved en Række af de fremkomne Udtalelser i Anledning af Nævningekendelserne
BOOKS010894I: Bok, Christian - Pataphysics: The Poetics of an Imaginary Science
BOOKS022219I: Bökenkrüger, Wilhelm - Das reflexive Verb im Althochdeutschen
BOOKS023374I: Björck & Börjesson Antikvariat-Bokhandel (Stockholm) - A collection of 31 catalogues, ca. 1914-1990
BOOKS010697I: Bokhari, Sohail [Naqvi, Saiyid Mahmood] - Phonology of Urdu Language
BOOKS029277I: Dirribi Demissie Bokku - Ya'Oromo yamanenat tarik / kaDeribi Damesé Boku
BOOKS029307I: Dirribii Damusee Bokkuu - Seenaa eenyummaa Oromoo
BOOKS011339I: Boklund, Gunnar - The Sources of 'The White Devil' [bound together with two other monographs]
BOOKS001773I: Boklund, Uno, editor: - Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Bruna Boken. Utgiven i Faksimil med Dechiffrering och Innehallsanalys samt Inledning och Kommentar
BOOKS029027I: Bokshi, Besim - Prapavendosja e nyjës në gjuhët ballkanike
BOOKS006876I: Bol, E.; Haenen, J.P.P. & Wolters, M.A., editors: - Education for Cognitive Development. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Activity Theory
BOOKS008392I: Bolckmans, Alex; editor: - Literature and Reality, Creatio versus Mimesis: Problems of Realism in Modern Nordic Literature
BOOKS018343I: Bold, Alan Norman - MacDiarmid : Christopher Murray Grieve, A Critical Biography
BOOKS024138I: Boldsen, Frederik Christian [1877-1954] - Sagligt eller politisk Boligbyggeri?
BOOKS010223I: Bolek, Anna - Charakterystyka morfologiczno-syntaktyczna imieslowow pismiennictwa rusi moskiewskiej XVI - XVII wieku
BOOKS003462I: Bolfa, J.; Hilly,J. & Roubault, M. - Massifs Cristallins du Nord-Constantinois
BOOKS008825I: Bolhoff, Reiner - Johann Christian Gunther 1695-1975... Band I: Kommentierte Bibliographie
BOOKS009651I: Boli, John & Thomas, George M.; editors: - Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations since 1875
BOOKS004789I: Bolinder, Gustaf - Die Indianer der tropischen Schneegebirge: Forschungen im nordlichsten Sudamerika
BOOKS007270I: Boll-Johansen, Hans - Stendahl et le roman : Essai sur le structure du roman stendhalien
BOOKS011319I: Bollerup Sorensen, Arthur [1880-1932] - Ad Asiens ukendte Veje: En Beretning om en Rejse fra Shanghai til Egene Nord for Lhassa og tilbage igen
BOOKS015269I: Bolotin, David - An Approach to Aristotle's "Physics": With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing
BOOKS026387I: Bolte, Johannes - Zeugnisse zur Geschichte der Märchen
BOOKS018611I: Bolter, J. David - Turing's Man : Western Culture in the Computer Age
BOOKS009645I: Bolton, Jonathan - Personal Landscapes: British Poets in Egypt during the Second World War
BOOKS014184I: Bolton, Barry - A New General Catalogue of the Ants of the World
BOOKS019767I: Bolza, Hans [1889-1986] - Antworten auf aktuelle Fragen: Staatsbankrott? Inflation? Neues Geld? Abstempelung? Neue Steuern?
BOOKS010754I: Bolzano, Bernard - Geometricke prace (Geometrische Arbeiten)
BOOKS030980I: Bömer, Franz ; & Voit, Ludwig ; editors : - Gymnasium : Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung [ 111 issues, ca.1958-1987]
BOOKS029657I: Bömer, Franz [1911-2004] ; editor : - Die Fasten / P. Ovidius Naso : Herausgegeben, Übersetzt und Kommentiert von Franz Bömer : Band II : Kommentar
BOOKS008420I: Bommer, Sigwald; & Bommer, Lisa - Die Ernahrung der Griechen und Romer
BOOKS027507I: Bon, Louis - Législation des paroisses en Belgique; recueil, par ordre chronologique, des lois, décrets, avis du conseil d’état et réglements
BOOKS028259I: Bon, Gilbert ; & Nicolas, François Joseph - Grammaire l’élé [par] G. Bon [together with, as issued] Glossaire l’élé-français [par] F. Nicolas.
BOOKS024795I: Bonanno, Massimo - The Rolling Stones Diary Book : Endless Disease
BOOKS028191I: Bonaparte, Marie, Princess [1882-1962] - Psychanalyse et biologie
BOOKS019562I: Bonar, James [1852-1941] ; compiler: [ Smith, Adam (1723-1790) ] - A Catalogue of the Library of Adam Smith, Author of the "Moral Sentiments" and "The Wealth of Nations"...,.
BOOKS011780I: Bond, George Clement & Guibson, Nigel C.; editors: - Contested Terrains and Constructed Categories: Contemporary Africa in Focus
BOOKS004079I: Bond, Richmond P., editor: - Studies in the Early English Periodical
BOOKS030871I: Bondarenko, A. O. (Anton Oleksandrovyc) - Kul't vovka u viis'kovykh tradytsiiakh davn'oï Ukraïny
BOOKS007193I: Bonde, Peter [ Meyer, Peter S.; editor: ] [ Kunstmuseet Trapholt ] - Waxinmyinnerear
BOOKS023802I: Bonde, Peter ; Rhoades, Jason ; Øckenholt, Marianne ; & Sans, Jerome; [editors] ; et al - The Snowball : A Collaborative Project by Peter Bonde & Jason Rhoades
BOOKS028171I: Bonderup, Gerda - Cholera-morbro’er og Danmark : billeder til det 19. århundredes samfunds- og kulturhistorie
BOOKS005593I: Bondesen, Poul - A Comparative Morphological-Biological Analysis of the Egg Capsules of Freshwater Pulmonate Gastropods...
BOOKS004283I: Bondesen, Poul - Preliminary Investigations into the Development of Netritina fluviatilis L. in Brackish and Fresh Waters
BOOKS029544I: Bondesen, Erling ; Raunsgaard Petersen, K. ; & Jørgensen, O. - Precambrian Organisms and the Isotopic Composition of Organic Remains in the Ketilidian of South-West Greenland
BOOKS015002I: Bondeson, Jan - The Two-Headed Boy, and Other Medical Marvels
BOOKS020329I: Bondestam, Lars - Population Growth Control in Kenya
BOOKS004759I: Bondy, Louis Joseph - Le Classicisme de Ferdinand Brunetiere
BOOKS012594I: Bonell, M.; & Bruijnzeel, L.A. [Bonell, Michael & Bruijnzeel, Leendert Adriaan; editors: - Forests, Water, and People in the Humid Tropics: Past, Present, and Future Hydrological Research...
BOOKS001651I: Bonet Correa, Antonio - Arte Pre-Romano Asturiano
BOOKS006453I: Bonfil, Robert - Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy
BOOKS017365I: Bonhard, Otto - Geschichte des Alldeutschen Verbandes
BOOKS012092I: Bonhoeffer, Thomas - Die Gotteslehre des Thomas von Aquin als Sprachproblem
BOOKS019025I: Boniface, C. E. (Charles Etienne) [1787-1853] - De nieuwe ridderorde, of de temperantisten : kluchtig blijspel in vier bedrijven
BOOKS016608I: Bonito Oliva, Achille - The Italian Trans-Avantgarde
BOOKS031668I: Bonjer, Klaus-Peter - Ableitung von Krustenstrukturen aus den Spektren langperiodischer Raumwellen
BOOKS015448I: BonJour, Laurence - The Structure of Empirical Knowledge
BOOKS019879I: Bonkáló, Sándor [1880-1959] - The Rusyns / Alexander Bonkáló
BOOKS031097I: Bonnal, Henri [1844-1917] - Le haut commandement francais au début de chacune des guerres, de 1859 et de 1870..,.
BOOKS017735I: Bonnefoy, Claude - Conversations with Eugene Ionesco
BOOKS023973I: Bonner, Philip L. - Kings, Commoners, and Concessionaires : The Evolution and Dissolution of the Nineteenth-century Swazi State
BOOKS001069I: Bonner, John Tyler - Morphogenesis. An Essay on Development
BOOKS029909I: Bonnesen, T. (Tommy) [1873-1935] - Analytiske studier over ikke-euklidisk geometri
BOOKS012531I: Bonnet, J. [ Bonnet, Paul Georg Johannes (1843-1913)] - Ringende Mächte. Eine Novelle aus dem östlichen Judenthum
BOOKS019798I: Bonnet, Hans [1887-1972] - Die Waffen der Völker des alten Orients
BOOKS020764I: Bonnet, Christian - Bibliographie occitane du Périgord : des troubadours à nos jours ..,.
BOOKS002979I: Bonnevie, Poul - Aetiologie und Pathogenese der Ekzemkrankheiten. Klinische Studien uber die Ursachen der Ekzeme unter Besonderer...
BOOKS010248I: Bonniard, F. - La Tunisie du Nord : Le Tell Septentrional : Etude de geographie regionale.
BOOKS015464I: Bonny, Peter Lionel - The Goddess of Liberty. Reminiscences and Insights
BOOKS017638I: De Bono, Emilio [1866-1944] - Anno XIIII : The Conquest of an Empire
BOOKS007537I: Bonora, L.; Mussardo, G.; Schwimmer, A.; Girardello, L.; & Martellini, M.; editors: - Integrable Quantum Field Theories
BOOKS016079I: Bonté, M. - Résumé analitique des faits produits a l'appui de l'influence des milieux
BOOKS030004I: Boo, Jan de [ Algemeen Nederlands Jeugd Verbond ] - Merdeka! : 32 jaar solidariteit met het volk van Indonesië
BOOKS003278I: Boogaard, Marinus van den - Geology of the Pomarao Region (Southern Portugal)
BOOKS013543I: Bookbinder, Paul - Weimar Germany: The Republic of the Reasonable
BOOKS011843I: Bookchin, Murray - Kommunismus und Selbstbestimmung : Spontaneität und Organisation
BOOKS011658I: Bookchin, Murray - Für eine befreiende Technologie
BOOKS011173I: Bookchin, Murray - Umwelt und Gesellschaft : Diskussion um Bookchin
BOOKS029070I: Bookchin, Murray - Die Formen der Freiheit : Aufsätze über Ökologie und Anarchismus
BOOKS008326I: Bookman, Milica Zarkovic - Economic Decline and Nationalism in the Balkans
BOOKS000303I: Bookman, Milica Zarkovic - The Economics of Secession
BOOKS010107I: Boon, Mathilde E. & Suurmeijer, Albert J.H. - The Pap Smear
BOOKS007832I: Boon, James A. - Affinities & Extremes: Crisscrossing the Bittersweet Ethnology of East Indies History, Hindu-Balinese Culture...
BOOKS022504I: Boon, Richard ; & Plastow, Jane ; editors: - Theatre Matters : Performance and Culture on the World Stage
BOOKS004742I: Boone, Catherine - Political Topographies of the African State : Territorial Authority and Institutional Choice
BOOKS016391I: Boone, Catherine - Political Topographies of the African State: Territorial Authority and Institutional Choice
BOOKS004667I: Boone, Sylvia Ardyn - Radiance from the Waters : Ideals of Feminine Beauty in Mende Art
BOOKS003313I: Boorder, Hugo de - Petrological Investigations in the Aguiar da Beira Granite Area, Northern Portugal
BOOKS026778I: Boorman, Howard L. ; & Howard, Richard C. ; editors: - Biographical Dictionary of Republican China : Volume I : Ai-Ch’ü
BOOKS026781I: Boorman, Howard L. ; & Howard, Richard C. ; editors: - Biographical Dictionary of Republican China : Volume IV : Yang-Yün. Bibliography / by Joseph K.H. Cheng.
BOOKS026779I: Boorman, Howard L. ; & Howard, Richard C. ; editors: - Biographical Dictionary of Republican China : Volume II : Dalai-Ma
BOOKS031033I: Boos-Nünning, Ursula ; Grube, Renate ; & Reich, Hans H. ; editors : - Die türkische Migration in deutschsprachigen Büchern 1961-1984 : eine annotierte Bibliographie
BOOKS018209I: Boos, Heinrich [1851-1917] ; editor : - Urkundenbuch der Landschaft Basel : I Theil : 708 -1370
BOOKS019224I: Booth, Alan ; & Hyland, Paul - The Practice of University History Teaching
BOOKS007174I: Booth, Bradford A. - Anthony Trollope. Aspects of His Life & Work
BOOKS004217I: Booth, Marilyn - May Her Likes Be Multiplied : Biography and Gender Politics in Egypt
BOOKS005401I: Booth, Martin - British Poetry 1964 to 1984. Driving Through the Barricades
BOOKS012015I: Booth, Bradford A. & Mehew, Ernest; editors [Stevenson, Robert Louis] - The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. Volume Two: April 1874 - July 1879
BOOKS011420I: Bora, Haranarayan ; editor : [ Sarma, S.N. ] - Mau
BOOKS005870I: Borah, Woodrow - Justice by Insurance : The General Indian Court of Colonial Mexico & the Legal AIdes of the Half-Real
BOOKS024345I: Børch, Marianne ; editor: - Text and Voice : The Rhetoric of Authority in the Middle Ages
BOOKS027745I: Borchardt, Julian [1868-1932] - Kassandrarufe : Heraus aus Not und Tod!
BOOKS009753I: Borcherding, Katrin; Brehmer, Berndt; Vlek, Charles & Wagenaar, Willem A.; editors: - Research Perspectives on Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Basic Theory, Methodology, Risk & Applications...
BOOKS025973I: Borchsenius, Otto Frederik Christian William [1844-1925] - Minder og Stemninger
BOOKS025688I: Borchsenius, Otto Frederik Christian William [1844-1925] - To digtere : Bidrag til dansk literaturs historie
BOOKS031067I: Børdahl, Vibeke. - The Oral Tradition of Yangzhou Storytelling
BOOKS017746I: Bordejé, Federico - Castles Itinerary in Castile : Guide to the More Interesting Castilian Castles
BOOKS030799I: Bordes, Francois (1919-1981) - Typologie du paléolithique : ancien et moyen
BOOKS018210I: Bordier, Arthur [1841-1910] - La géographie médicale
BOOKS008214I: Bordoloi, B.N.; editor: - Alienation of Tribal Land and Indebtedness
BOOKS017497I: Bordoloi, B. N. ; Thakur, G.C. Sharma ; & Saikia, M.C. - Tribes of Assam : Part I
BOOKS017496I: Bordoloi, B. N. - Tribes of Assam : Part III
BOOKS019863I: Bordoloi, B.N. ; & Sharmah Thakur, G.C. - Tribes of Assam. Part II : Barmans of Cachar, Hmars, Kukis, Rengma Nagas; Sonowal Kacharis, Zeme Nagas
BOOKS016208I: Bordwell, David - The Films of Carl-Theodor Dreyer
BOOKS002401I: Boreham, A.V. E. - A Revision of F.W. Hutton's Pelecypod Species Described in the Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca & Echinodermata (1873)
BOOKS017449I: Borel, Francois - Collections d'instruments de musique : Les Sanza
BOOKS027213I: Borel, A. ; Carter, R. ; Curtis, C. W. ; Iwahori, N. ; Springer, T. A. ; & Steinberg, R. ; editors: - Seminar on Algebraic Groups and Related Finite Groups : Held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton / NJ, 1968 / 69
BOOKS020857I: Borer, Alain - Rimbaud in Abyssinia
BOOKS031498I: Borg, Paul P - Nismaghhem jghidu ... : snajja', ghajdut u karattri mill-hajja Maltija : L-Ewwel Volum [Volume 1]
BOOKS018256I: Borg, Dorothy - American Policy and the Chinese Revolution 1925-1928
BOOKS003818I: Borg, Joseph - The Public Gardens and Groves of the Maltese Islands : A Visitor's Guidebook
BOOKS003947I: Borgelin,R.G. - Baltikum Kaemper
BOOKS009336I: Borges, Dain - The Family in Bahia, Brazil, 1870-1945
BOOKS005620I: Børgesen, Frederik [1866-1956] - A List of Marine Algae from Bombay
BOOKS005582I: Børgesen, Frederik [1866-1956] - Some Marine Algae from the Northern Part of the Arabian Sea with Remarks on their Geographical Distribution
BOOKS021798I: Børgesen, Frederik [1866-1956] - Some Marine Algae from Mauritius : III. Rhodophyceae : Part 4: Ceramiales
BOOKS027404I: Børgesen, Frederik - Vegetationen i Dansk-Vestindien
BOOKS031041I: Borghi, Armando [1882-1968] - Errico Malatesta in 60 anni di lotte anarchiche : Storia - critica - ricordi
BOOKS004767I: Borgius, Walther [1870-1932] - Die Schule - ein Frevel an der Jugend (Mit einem Nachwort : der Staat)
BOOKS009162I: Boric, Dusan - Prilog reshavanju problema pelagre i slika pelagre u Kosovsko - Metokhiskoj oblasti
BOOKS001282I: Borinski, Fritz; Grimm,Horst; Winkler,Edgar and Wolf,Erich, editors: - Jugend im politischen Protest : Der Leuchtenburgkreis 1923-1933-1977
BOOKS018393I: Borisov, Petr Mikhailovich - Can Man Change the Climate?
BOOKS027626I: Borisova, Valentina - Rostov Enamels
BOOKS024040I: Borja, José - Russian Submarine Hijacked with Half Billion in Gold! Ecuadorian Guerrillas 24th of May
BOOKS004668I: Borja, Miguel ; & Nieto, Angelica Maria - El gobierno en los Andes centrales : Le Metropoli en la Sabana
BOOKS003895I: Van Bork - Feltkamp, A.-J. - Squelettes de Palmar
BOOKS000048I: Borkar, V .V. & Nadkarni, M. V. - Impact of Drought on Rural Life
BOOKS004966I: Borkenau, F. - The Communist International
BOOKS014185I: Born, Max ; & Wolf, Emil - Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light
BOOKS019587I: Born, Max - My Life and My Views
BOOKS008330I: Bornäs, Goran - Trois contes francais du XIIIe siecle tires du recueil des Vies des Peres.,..
BOOKS029430I: Bornedal, Peter - Speech and System
BOOKS025830I: Bornemann, Johan Alfred [1813-1890] - Anselmus et Abaelardus, sive, Initia scholasticismi
BOOKS010882I: Bornstein, Daniel E. - The Bianchi of 1399: Popular Devotion in Late Medieval Italy
BOOKS020929I: Boros, George ; & Moll, Victor H. - Irresistible Integrals : Symbolics, Analysis and Experiments in the Evaluation of Integrals
BOOKS011876I: Borovicková, Blanka ; & Malác, Vlastislav - The Spectral Analysis of Czech Sound Combinations
BOOKS013044I: Borovsky, Jiri & Borovska, Nelly - Karel Vik: Popisny seznam grafickeho dila
BOOKS000767I: Borowska, Malgorzata - Le théâtre politique d'Euripide : problèmes choisis
BOOKS014875I: Borradori, Giovanna; editor: - Recording Metaphysics. The New Italian Philosophy
BOOKS021110I: Borshchak, Elie [ Borshchak, Ilko (1892-1959)] - La légende historique de l'Ukraine : Istorija rusov
BOOKS012662I: Borsley, Robert D. & Roberts, Ian G.; editors: - The Syntax of the Celtic Languages : A Comparative Perspective
BOOKS030177I: Borth, Hartmut ; & Zwölfer, Almut ; editors : - Friedrich II. und die Wissenschaften : eine Spurensuche / Federico II e la scienza : un breve viaggio
BOOKS005691I: Bortoni-Ricardo, Stella Maris - The Urbanization of Rural Dialect Speakers: A Sociolinguistic Study of Brazil
BOOKS014464I: Borua, Profulla Chandra - Assamese Proverbs
BOOKS011389I: Boruah, B.K. - Nagamese: The Language of Nagaland
BOOKS030027I: Bos, Petra - Development of Bilingualism : A Study of School-age Moroccan Children in the Netherlands
BOOKS031335I: Boschan, Friedrich - Hints to Invalids at Franzensbad : Information Regarding Its Baths; Rules of Diet, etc.
BOOKS003230I: Boschenstein, Hermann - Bundesrat Schulthess. Krieg und Krisen
BOOKS010511I: Boschetti, Anna - The Intellectual Enterprise: Sartre and Les Temps Modernes
BOOKS011683I: Boschi, Enzo ; Guidoboni, Emanuela ; Ferrari, Graziano ; Mariotti, Dante ; Valensise, Gianluca ; & Gasperini, Paolo ; editors : - Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes from 461 B.C. to 1997 : Introductory Texts and CD-ROM ..,.
BOOKS029989I: Boschma, H. ; editor : - Temminckia : A Journal of Systematic Zoology : Volume 1
BOOKS023111I: Bose, Roma, Translator & Annotator: - Vedanta-parijata-saurabha of Nimbarka, and Vedanta-kaustubha of Srinivasa : Commentaries on the Brahma-sutras : Volume II
BOOKS023165I: Bose, Roma, Translator & Annotator: - Vedanta-parijata-saurabha of Nimbarka, and Vedanta-kaustubha of Srinivasa : Commentaries on the Brahma-sutras : Volume I
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