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BOOKS014569I: Timmermann, Ulf - Der nordfriesische Rufnamenschatz : in seiner Zusammensetzung vom späten Mittelalter bis ins 17. Jahrhundert. Teil I
BOOKS030863I: Timoshchuk, Boris Anisimovich ; editor : - Drevnosti slavian i Rusi
BOOKS008126I: Timpe, Eugene P.; editor: - Thoreau Abroad: Twelve Bibliographical Essays
BOOKS025068I: Timperley, H. W. (Harold William) [1890-1964] ; & Brill, Edith [1899-19??] - Ancient Trackways in Wessex
BOOKS005578I: Tinbergen, N. - The Study of Instinct
BOOKS020767I: Tinbergen, Niko [1907-1988] - The Animal in its World : Explorations of an Ethologist, 1932-1972 . Volume I : Field Studies
BOOKS030953I: Tindal, G. A. ; & Swart, Jacob ; editors : - Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde : Jaargang 1845 : V. Deel
BOOKS031078I: Tindal, G. A. ; & Swart, Jacob ; editors : - Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde : Jaargang 1846 : VI. Deel
BOOKS031024I: Tindal, G. A. ; & Swart, Jacob ; editors : - Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde : Jaargang 1850 : X. Deel
BOOKS031081I: Tindal, G. A. ; & Swart, Jacob ; editors : - Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde : Jaargang 1851 : XI. Deel
BOOKS006164I: Tingey, Carol - Heartbeat of Nepal: The Pancai Baja
BOOKS018441I: Tinguy du Poet, F. de [ Compagnie Generale des Oleagineux Tropicaux ] - Palmier a huile: Prospections 1950 - 1953 en A.E.F. et au Cameroun : Tome I
BOOKS008855I: Tinker, Hugh - Men Who Overturned Empires : Fighters, Dreamers & Schemers
BOOKS009678I: Tinkle, Theresa - Medieval Venuses and Cupids: Sexuality, Hermeneutics, and English Poetry
BOOKS020587I: Tinnakar [ Jakannataraja, Mu Ku ; editor: ] - Tinnakar iarriya kuntamala : mullaippu malai
BOOKS012328I: Tippett, Tom - When Southern Labor Stirs
BOOKS004828I: Tipton, Steven M. - Getting Saved from the Sixties: Moral Meaning in Conversion and Cultural Change.
BOOKS003032I: Instituti i Monumenteve te Kultures ne Tirane - Monumente Historike ne Vendin Tone
BOOKS023870I: Tircomnicu, Emil - Meglenoromanii : destin istoric si cultural
BOOKS022381I: Tirmizi, Sayyid Akbarali Ibrahimali, ; editor: [National Archives of India] - Catalogue of Seals. Volume I: Foreign
BOOKS020515I: Tirmizi, Sayyid Akbar Ali - Indian Historical Vistas
BOOKS012256I: Tirta, Mark - Migrime te shqiptareve te brendshme dhe jashte atdheut (Vitet '40 te shek. XIX - vitet '40 te shek. XX.)
BOOKS011639I: Tirtosudarmo, Riwanto - From Colonization to Nation-state : The Political Demography of Indonesia
BOOKS011333I: Tirumurukan, Ira [1929 - ] - Pannir malai
BOOKS018655I: Tischner, Rudolf - Ergebnisse okkulter Forschung : Eine Einführung in die Parapsychologie
BOOKS009582I: Tismaneanu, Vladimir - Fantasies of Salvation: Democracy, Nationalism, and Myth in Post-Communist Europe
BOOKS013273I: Tismaneanu, Vladimir - Fantasies of Salvation: Democracy, Nationalism, and Myth in Post-communist Europe
BOOKS017394I: Tisserant, Jean-Marc; & Titus-Carmel, Gérard - Gérard Titus-Carmel : ou, le procès du modèle
BOOKS018530I: Titmuss, Richard Morris [1907-1973] - Essays on "The Welfare State
BOOKS010305I: Titmuss, Richard M. - Income Distribution and Social Change: A Study in Criticism
BOOKS020511I: Titmuss, Richard Morris [1907-1973] - The Gift Relationship : From Human Blood to Social Policy
BOOKS001385I: Tito, Josip Broz - Politischer Bericht des Zentralkomitees der kommunistischen Partei Jugoslawiens : Referat auf dem V. Kongress der KPJ
BOOKS001423I: Tito, Josip Broz - Politischer Bericht des Marschalls Tito, 9. April 1949
BOOKS007302I: Tits, J. - Généralisations des groupes projectifs basées sur leurs propriétés de transivité
BOOKS004721I: Tittmann, Johann August [1774-1840] - Ueber den Embryo des Saamenkorns und seine Entwickelung zur Pflanze
BOOKS002068I: Titulescu, Nicolae - Reforma Financiara. Discursul...10 Iunie 1921 in Discutiunea Generala a Legii Contributiunilor Directe
BOOKS028822I: Manshurat Kulliyat al-Adab wa-al-'Ulum al-Insaniyah bi-Titwan - Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili wa-turathuh
BOOKS019439I: Tiulekov, Dimitur - Politicheskiiat mit za "Makedonsko maltsinstvo" v Bulgariia
BOOKS020950I: Tivakarar [8th Century AD] [ Canmukam Pillai, Mu. (1919-1997) ; & Cuntaramurtti, I. ; editors] - Tivakaram [Volume II]
BOOKS009869I: Tivari, D. Narash Prasad - Carvak ka Natik Damsan
BOOKS008726I: Tivari, Kapila; Sukla, Navala; Misra, Asoka; Tivari, Sudhira; & Manojal, Madhava Sukla - Bundelakhanda ke samskara gita
BOOKS030739I: Tiwari, Shri Gopal - Food Policy for India
BOOKS025154I: Tiwari, Arjun - Brahmarshi Devaraha-Darshana
BOOKS006029I: Tiwari, B.D. - The Geochemistry of the Volcanic Rocks of Pavagarh, Gujarat, India
BOOKS002713I: Tiwari, R.A.; Rohatgi, Chhotey Lal; Sharma, S.P. - Survey Report on Village Jhatikra
BOOKS002675I: Tiwari, Udai Narain - The Origin and Development of Bhojpuri
BOOKS031807I: Tiwari, Sudarshan Raj [ Nepala ra Esiyali Anusandhana Kendra ] - The Ancient Settlements of the Kathmandu Valley
BOOKS005575I: Tiyagi, Basant Kumar - Muhinja Udhma Baniya Nagma
BOOKS022587I: Tjäder, Börje - Behandlingen av palatalt r i substantivens pluralformer under fornsvensk och nysvensk tid
BOOKS001023I: Tjader, Borje - Studier over de plurala Bebyggelsenamnens morfologiska Utveckling
BOOKS029763I: Tjernström, Örjan - Alternobaric Vertigo : An Experimental Study in Man of Vertigo Due to Atmospheric Pressure Changes
BOOKS025294I: Tjernysjova, Olga [ Chernysheva, O. V. (Ol'ga Vasilevna) ] - Ärlig och arbetsam : bilden av Sverige och svenskarna i 1800- och 1900-talens Ryssland
BOOKS000980I: Tlili, Bechit - Études d'histoire sociale tunisienne du XIXe siècle
BOOKS000191I: Tlili, Bechir - Crises et mutations dans le monde islamo-mediterraneen contemporain (1907-1918), Tome I & II
BOOKS005122I: Tobac, Édouard. - Le problème de la justification dans Saint Paul : Étude de théologie biblique
BOOKS015762I: Constitution Commission of Trinidad and Tobago - Report of the Constitution Commission Presented to His Excellency the Governor-General on January 22, 1974
BOOKS025580I: Landsforeningen "Bort med Tobakken - Tobakkens Bekæmpelse : Oplysende Afhandlinger om Tobaksspørgsmaalet
BOOKS001573I: Tobdan - History and Religions of Lahul (From the Earliest Times to circa AD 1950)
BOOKS017654I: Tobden, Tashi; editor: - Guru Diechen Number Symposium Volume
BOOKS018863I: Tober, Karl - Urteile und Vorurteile über Literatur
BOOKS015996I: Tobias, J. J. (John Jacob) - Crime and Industrial Society in the19th Century
BOOKS011815I: Tobin, James - Essays in Economics: National & International
BOOKS012775I: Tobin, James - Essays in Economics. Volume 2: Consumption and Econometrics
BOOKS003578I: Tobin, James - Essays in Economics. Volume 1: Macroeconomics.
BOOKS025962I: Tobjanski, Zbigniew ; Kolomejczyk, Norbert ; & Mroczkowski, Wladyslaw ; editors: - Z tradycji ruchu robotniczego w województwie sieradzkim : materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej, Sieradz, 23 wrzesnia 1982 roku
BOOKS007855I: Toby, Ronald P. - State & Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan: Asia in the Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu
BOOKS012953I: Todaramalla [d. 1589] [Pandey, Shailja; editor & translator] [Todara Malla] - Todaranandantargatam. Vastusaukhyam: Todaramallopajñam / Vastusaukhyam: A Work on Hindu Architecture Forming Part of Todarananda
BOOKS023860I: Todaro, Francesco [1839-1918] - Sulla struttura intima della pelle de' rettili
BOOKS014558I: Todd, William Mills, III - Fiction and Society in the Age of Pushkin : Ideology, Institutions, and Narrative
BOOKS008817I: Todd, William Mills, III; editor: - Literature and Society in Imperial Russia, 1800-1914
BOOKS007226I: Todd, Janet - The Sign of Angelica: Women, Writing and Fiction, 1660 - 1800
BOOKS011419I: Todd, Madel Loomis - Tripoli the Mysterious
BOOKS016324I: Todd, Janet M. ; editor: - Jane Austen in Context
BOOKS004153I: Todd, Ruthven - Tracks in the Snow. Studies in English Science & Art
BOOKS022514I: Todd, Alexandra Dundas ; & Fisher, Sue ; editors: - The Social Organization of Doctor-patient Communication
BOOKS001629I: Todes, Daniel P. - Darwin without Malthus. The Struggle for Existence in Russian Evolutionary Thought
BOOKS014181I: Todev, Iliia - Bulgarskoto natzionalno dvizhenie v Trakiia 1800-1878
BOOKS001328I: Todorov, Varban N. - Greek Federalism during the Nineteenth Century : Ideas & Projects
BOOKS023851I: Todorov, Nikolai - Bulgarskiiat imennik v stara i nova Evropa
BOOKS028897I: Todorova, Marija Nikolaeva - Die Erfindung des Balkans : Europas bequemes Vorurteil
BOOKS015879I: Todorovich, Slavko - The Chilandarians : Serbian Monks on the Green Mountain
BOOKS031988I: Toelle, H. ; Buresi, P. ; Lagrange, F. ; Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LXV, Fascicules 1- 2 ; 3; 4; 5- 6 [2018]
BOOKS031991I: Toelle, H.; Balda-Tillier, M.; Binaghi, F.; Lory, P.; Warscheid, I.; et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LXVI, Fascicules 1-2 ; 3-4; 5; 6 [2019]
BOOKS031462I: Toelle, H. ; Buresi, P. ; Lagrange, F. ; Mayheur-Jaoun, C. ; et al. editors : - Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LXII, Fascicule 1 ; 2-3; 4; 5-6 [2015]
BOOKS012534I: Toelle, H. ; Buresi, P. ; Lagrange, F. ; Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LXIV, Fascicules 1; 2 ; 5- 6 [2017]
BOOKS031994I: Toelle, H. ; Buresi, P. ; Lagrange, F. ; Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LXIII, Fascicules 1-2 ; 3-4; 5; 6 [2016]
BOOKS031993I: Toelle, H. ; Buresi, P. ; Lagrange, F. ; Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LXI, Fascicules 1-2 ; 3-4; 5; 6 [2014]
BOOKS004659I: Toepfer, Volker - Die Altsteinzeit Frankreichs im Spiegel der Literatur nach dem 2. Weltkrieg
BOOKS020080I: Toer, Pramoedya Ananta [1925-2006] - The Fugitive : A Novel
BOOKS007545I: Toft, Søren ; & Riedel, Werner ; editors: - Arthropod Natural Enemies in Arable Land [Volume I] : Density, Spatial Heterogeneity, and Dispersa
BOOKS007202I: Toft, Hans-Iver - Extractum Filicis. Kemisk og biologisk Vurdering
BOOKS029121I: Toft, Peter - The Way of the Vanquished : Fallen Great Powers and Responses to Collapse 1815-2004
BOOKS019985I: Togan, Ahmed Zeki Velidi [1890-1970] ; editor : - Proceedings of the Twenty-second Congress of Orientalists.,.,.Volume I : General Information of Activities of the Congress
BOOKS005615I: Togeby, Knud - Structure immanente de la langue francais
BOOKS030528I: Huynh Van Tói ; editor : - Nguòi Châu ro o Dông nai
BOOKS028433I: Toischer, Wendelin [1855-1922] - Ueber die Alexandreis Ulrichs von Eschenbach
BOOKS013827I: Du Toit, Alexander Logie [1878-1948] - A Geological Comparison of South America with South Africa
BOOKS012831I: Du Toit, Alexander Logie [1878-1948] - Our Wandering Continents : An Hypothesis of Continental Drifting
BOOKS006203I: Toker, Metin [1924 - ] - Ismet Pasa'nin son yillari, 1965-1973
BOOKS017646I: Toklas, Alice B. - What is Remembered
BOOKS020625I: Tokuoka, Ryoei ; editor: - A Catalogue of the Lha-sa edition of the Bkah-hgyur of Tibetan Tripitaka with Sanskrit Restoration in Detail
BOOKS005003I: Tolansky, S. - Optical Illusions
BOOKS029712I: Tole, Vasil S. - Pse qane kuajt e Akilit? : "E qara me bote" dhe prejardja e iso-polifonisë popullore shqiptare : sprove etnomuzikologjike
BOOKS027929I: Toledo, Ban van - A Study on the Action of Fluoride in Bird
BOOKS031740I: Toler, John - Per Jönson Rösiö : the Agrarian Prophet : A Charismatic Leader's Attempt to Rejuvenate Small Agriculture and Create a Commitment
BOOKS030069I: Tolmacev, Vladimir Jakovlevic - Drevnosti Mancurii
BOOKS031014I: Tolochko, P. P. (Petro Petrovych) [ Akademiia nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Institut arkheologii ] - Drevnie slaviane i Kievskaia Rus' : sbornik nauchnykh trudov
BOOKS024202I: Tolson, James E. : editor: - The Summa of Petrus Helias on Priscianus Minor : Parts I & II
BOOKS004622I: Tolstow, S.P. - Auf den Spuren der altchoresmischen Kultur
BOOKS004062I: Tolton, C.D.E. - Andre Gide & the Art of Autobiography. A Study of ' Si le Grain ne Meurt'
BOOKS002131I: Tolzmann, Don Heinrich - German-American Literature
BOOKS015925I: Tom, Imre - Ruskaiia redaktziia Drevne-Bolgarskogo iaz'ika v kontze XI - nachale XII vv.
BOOKS021285I: Tomac, Zdravko - The Struggle for the Croatian State : Through Hell to Democracy
BOOKS003819I: Tomasso, Vincenzo de - La morale di Don Giovanni
BOOKS011959I: Tomberlin, James E.; editor: - Philosophical Perspectives, 10: Metaphysics, 1996
BOOKS012774I: Tomei, Christine D.; editor: - Russian Women Writers: Volumes I & II
BOOKS011004I: Tomei, Christine D.; editor: - Russian Women Writers, Volume 1
BOOKS005976I: Tomek, William G. & Robinson, Kenneth L. - Agricultural Product Prices
BOOKS004442I: Tomiche, F.J. - Syndicalisme et certains aspects du travail en Republique Arabe Unie (Egypte) 1900-1967
BOOKS008196I: Tomizza, Fulvia - Heavenly Supper: The Story of Maria Janis
BOOKS027798I: Tomkinson, John L. - Attica
BOOKS027797I: Tomkinson, John L - Athens : The City
BOOKS027799I: Tomkinson, John L. - Athens : The Suburbs
BOOKS005906I: Tomlinson, Sally & Craft, Maurice, editors: - Ethnic Relations & Schooling : Policy & Practice in the 1990s
BOOKS005603I: Tomlinson, R.A. - Argos and the Argolid : From the End of the Bronze Age to the Roman Occupation
BOOKS010633I: Tomlinson, Juliette; editor: - The Paintings and the Journal of Joseph Whiting Stock.
BOOKS024608I: Tommasi-Crudeli, Corrado [1834-1900] [ Ceci, Antonio (1852-1920)] - Della distribuzione delle acque nel sottosuolo dell'agro romano..,.[bound together with one other monograph concerning malaria]
BOOKS014717I: Tomme, M. F. - Kormlenie sel'skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh
BOOKS024037I: Tomova, Ekaterina - Zabravenite ot nebeto : dokumentalni razkazi
BOOKS018660I: Tomova, Dora ; & Tileva, Viktoriia : - Opis na dokumenti za zdravnoto delo i zdraveopazvaneto, zapazeni v Bulgarskiia istoricheski arkhiv ..,, [Vol. 1]
BOOKS017618I: Tompkins, Ptolemy - This Tree Grows Out of Hell : Mesoamerica and the Search for the Magical Body
BOOKS031428I: Tomsons, Arturs - Zobeni Latvijas teritorija no 7. lidz 16. gadsimtam
BOOKS026652I: Tomsu, Leman - Bursa evleri
BOOKS024796I: Tondeur, Philippe - Introduction to Lie Groups and Transformation Groups
BOOKS014180I: Tonev, Velko - Bulgarskoto Chernomorie prez Vyzrazhdaneto
BOOKS003418I: Van Tongeren, W. - The Spectrographic Determination of the Elements according to Arc Methods in the Range 3600-500 A. II: On the Occurrence ...
BOOKS006664I: Tönjes, Hermann ; compiler: - Wörterbuch der Ovambo-Sprache (Osikuanjama-Deutsch)
BOOKS004643I: Tonnesen, Mogens Gad - Studier over nogle mydriatisk virksomme Stoffer: Atropin, Hyoskyamin, Skopolamin
BOOKS003340I: Tonnesen, Alf - Helsingors Bomaerker
BOOKS029537I: Tønnesen, Ejnar H. - Brydningsaar : Erindringer fra den mest bevægede Periode i den socialistiske Ungdomsbevægelse
BOOKS020994I: Tooker, Elisabeth ; editor: - Iroquois Culture, History, and Prehistory : Proceedings of the 1965 Conference on Iroquois Research
BOOKS012055I: Tool, Marc R. - Essays in Social Value Theory: A Neoinstitutionalist Contribution
BOOKS018346I: O'Toole, Fintan - The Lie of the Land : Irish Identities
BOOKS012234I: Topalli, Kolec - Dukurite fonetike te sistemit bashketingellor te gjuhes shqipe
BOOKS012233I: Topalli, Kolec - Mbylltoret e gjuhës shqipe
BOOKS003010I: Topalov, Vladislav ; editor: - Etudes historiques à l’occasion du IVème Congrès international des études sud-européennes, Ankara, 1979
BOOKS000635I: Tope, T. K. - Hindu Family Law and Social Change
BOOKS031703I: Topinard, Paul [1830- 1911] - La transformation du crâne animal en crâne humain
BOOKS008944I: Topno, Som - Kurshinama
BOOKS003633I: Topol, Eric J.; editor: - Acute Coronary Intervention
BOOKS019793I: Toppe, Alfred, Brigadier General [ United States Army, Center of Military History - Night Combat
BOOKS008384I: Toprak, Omer Faruk - Ay Isigi: Siirler
BOOKS006407I: Toraldo di Francia, Giuliano - The Investigation of the Physical World
BOOKS001403I: Torbert, Eugene Charles - Cervantes' Place- Names: A Lexicon
BOOKS025028I: Torbrügge, Walter - Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Flussfunde : zur Ordnung und Bestimmung einer Denkmälergruppe
BOOKS016916I: Törnblom, Nils - Internal Secretion of the Germinal Tissue of the Testes and Prostatic Hypertrophy
BOOKS021112I: Tornean, H T'adeos V - Ent'erc'owack'
BOOKS006227I: Tornero Tinajero, Pablo - Relaciones de Dependencia entre Florida y Estados Unidos (1783 - 1820)
BOOKS028938I: Törnquist, Olle ; & Haellquist, Karl Reinhold ; editors : - Asian Societies in Comparative Perspective : Papers Presented at the 7th Annual Conference.,.,. [Volume 2]
BOOKS028937I: Törnquist, Olle ; & Haellquist, Karl Reinhold ; editors : - Asian Societies in Comparative Perspective : Papers Presented at the 7th Annual Conference.,.,. [Volume 1]
BOOKS014694I: Torp, Carl ; & Goll. August ; editors : - Forhandlingerne paa Dansk Kriminalistforenings tredje Aarsmøde .,.,.1903 [bound together with same, 1904]
BOOKS024707I: Torp, Lisbet - Salonikiós : "The Best Violin in the Balkans" : Dimitrios Sémsis alias Salonikiós : An Outstanding Musician, Composer..,.
BOOKS004175I: Torrance, Robert Mitchell - The Spiritual Quest: Transcendence in Myth, Religion and Science
BOOKS009250I: Torrance, Richard - The Fiction of Tokuda Shusei and the Emergence of Japan's New Middle Class
BOOKS016714I: De La Torre, Miguel A. - La Lucha for Cuba: Religion and Politics on the Streets of Miami
BOOKS008016I: Torrego, Esther - The Dependencies of Objects
BOOKS025857I: Torren, Gerard van der - De zoögeographische verspreiding van Anopheles maculipennis atroparvus en Anopheles maculipennis messeae in westelijk Nederland
BOOKS003584I: Tortzen, Chr. Gorm, editor: - Index Codicum Theologiae Auctorum quorum fragmenta in Bibliotheca Regia Hafniensi
BOOKS011501I: Tosh, John - Clan Leaders and Colonial Chiefs in Lango: The Political History of an East African Stateless Society c. 1800-1939
BOOKS007267I: Toshitaka, Ushiomi - Forestry and Mountain Village Communities in Japan. A Study of Human Relations
BOOKS012481I: Toska, Zehra; compiler: [Kadin Eserleri Kutuphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi Vakfi (Istanbul,Turkey); Bibliyografya Olusturma Komisyonu] - Istanbul Kutuphanelerindeki eski harfli Turkce kadin dergileri bibliyografyasi: (1869-1927)
BOOKS007348I: Totemeyer, Gerhard [Toetemeyer, Gerhard] - Namibia Old and New: Traditional and Modern Leaders in Ovamboland
BOOKS001830I: Totev, Totiu [Totev, Totyu] - The Ceramic Icon in Medieval Bulgaria
BOOKS001574I: Totev, Totiu [Totev, Totyu] - Great Preslav
BOOKS015854I: Totev, Totiu - Preslavskata kultura i izkustvo prez IX-X vek : studii i statii
BOOKS018691I: Toth, Agoston Rafáel [ 1812-1889 ] - Az európai nemzetközi fokmérés. És a körébe tartozó geodætai munkálatok
BOOKS017278I: Toth, Imre H. - Russkaia redaktsiia drevnebolgarskogo iazyka v kontse XI-nachale XII vv.
BOOKS011052I: Totman, Conrad D. - The Green Archipelago : Forestry in Preindustrial Japan
BOOKS010950I: Totman, Conrad - The Lumber Industry in Early Modern Japan
BOOKS015451I: Totman, Conrad D. - Early Modern Japan
BOOKS020391I: Totomiants, Vakhan Fomich [1875 -19??] - Formy ruchu agrarnego / W. Totomjanc
BOOKS023036I: Totten, Charles Adiel Lewis [1851-1908] - The Riddle of History: A Chronological Itinerary through the Period of the Judges, Together with other Biblico-literary Excursus
BOOKS018888I: Tottenham, C.E. - Studies in the Genus Philonthus Stephens (Coleoptera)
BOOKS001018I: Tougaard, S. & Ovesen, C. Helweg,editors: - Environmental Problems of the Waddensea-Region.Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium,Ribe,Denmark 16-18 May 1979
BOOKS029018I: Touma, Toufic - Paysans et institutions féodales chez les Druses et les Maronites du Liban du XVIIe siècle à 1914
BOOKS013161I: Tounta-Phergade, Arete - Helleno-voulgarikes meionotetes: protokollo Polite-Kalphoph, 1924-1925: Melete- vasismene- se
BOOKS019627I: Tourangeau, Roger ; Rips, Lance J. ; & Rasinski, Kenneth A. - The Psychology of Survey Response
BOOKS030766I: Tourdonnet, A. de, Comte - Situation du métayage en France : rapport sur l'enquête ouverte par la Société des agriculteurs de France
BOOKS007939I: Toure, Ahmed Sekou [1922-1984] - L’action politique du Parti democratique de Guinee en faveur de l’emancipation de la jeunesse guineenne
BOOKS018382I: Touré, Ahmed Sékou [1922-1984] - L'Afrique et la Révolution
BOOKS014783I: Toure, Ahmed Sekou [1922-1984] - L'action politique du Parti démocratique de Guinée. [Cover title: "La Guinée et l'emancipation africaine]
BOOKS013203I: Touré, Ahmed Sékou [1922 - 1984] - La Révolution guinéenne et le progrès social
BOOKS022318I: Touré, Ahmed Sékou [1922-1984] - Expérience guinéenne et unité africaine
BOOKS022341I: Touré, Ahmed Sékou [1922-1984] - Conférences hebdomadaires. Conferences des mois de janvier et février 1962.
BOOKS022590I: Touré, Ahmed Sékou [1922 - 1984] - La Révolution guinéenne et le progrès social - 2e edition
BOOKS002185I: Touré, Sadan-Moussa - Les premieres guineades : Contes, legendes de chez nous. poesies
BOOKS019473I: Touré, Askia Muhammad [1938 - ] - From the Pyramids to the Projects : Poems of Genocide and Resistance!
BOOKS021839I: Touré, Ahmed Sékou [1922-1984] [ Parti Démocratique de Guinée ] - IIe congrès national de la J.R.D.A., Conakry, les 14, 15 et 16 septembre 1961
BOOKS031817I: Toussaint, Michel ; D'Almeida, Patrícia Bento ; & Alcântara, Maria Daniela - Guia de arquitetura de Lisboa : do movimento moderno à atualidade : 1948-2013 / Lisbon Architectural Guide ..,.
BOOKS011365I: Tovey, Philip - Essays in West Syrian Liturgy
BOOKS026488I: Tower, Paul - Observations on Hole in the Macula
BOOKS018013I: Traasdahl, Jan Ole ; editor: - Music Education in a Multicultural Society
BOOKS001280I: Trabant, Jurgen - Zur Semiologie des literarischen Kunstwerks: Glossematik und Literaturtheorie.
BOOKS003868I: Tracy, Stephen V. - Attic Letter-Cutters of 229 to 86 B.C.
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BOOKS013883I: Treadgold, Warren T. - Byzantium and Its Army, 284-1081
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BOOKS012378I: Treves, Marco - Conjectures sur la Bible
BOOKS006943I: Trexler, Lance E., editor: - Cognitive Rehabilitation: Conceptualization and Intervention
BOOKS003823I: Trexler, Richard C. - Sex and Conquest: Gendered Violence, Political Order, and the European Conquest of the Americas
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BOOKS006034I: Tripathi, Kisori Sarana - A Cultural Study of the Srimad-Bhagavata
BOOKS014937I: Tripathi, Dwijendra - The Dynamics of a Tradition: Kasturbhai Lalbhai and His Entrepreneurship
BOOKS004910I: Tripathi, Yogeendra Jagannath - Kevaladvaita in Gujarati Poetry
BOOKS021510I: Tripathi, Ravindranatha - Mahayana granthom mem nihita ayurvediya samagri
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BOOKS022121I: Tripp, Charles - A History of Iraq - Third Edition
BOOKS016622I: Tripp, Charles - A History of Iraq
BOOKS028910I: Tripp, Jan Peter - Die Kehrseite der Dinge
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BOOKS006142I: Tritton, A.S. - Muslim Theology
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BOOKS002553I: Trivedi, H.V. - Translation of Bodhananda's Sanskrit Commentary on Kabir's Poems (Sakhis, Ramainis & Minor Poems)
BOOKS001572I: Trivedi, G.M. - Socio-Linguistic Study in an Andhra Village
BOOKS001571I: Trivedi, G.M. - Linguistic Study of the Chenchus of Andhra Pradesh
BOOKS020244I: Trivedi, Govind Mohan - Descriptive Grammar of Byansi, a Bhotiya Language
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BOOKS028194I: Troll, Wilhelm ; & Weberling, Focko - Die Infloreszenzen der Caprifoliaceen und ihre systematische Bedeutung
BOOKS019163I: Troll, Wilhelm ; & Meister, Anneliese - Bau und Entwicklung der Infloreszenz von Phyllorhachis sagittata Trim.
BOOKS024579I: Troll, Wilhelm ; & Heidenhain, Berta - Beiträge zur Kenntnis racemöser Infloreszenzformen
BOOKS028111I: Troll, Wilhelm - Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Blütenstände und Blüten von Ceropegia-Arten
BOOKS028237I: Troll, Wilhelm - Zur Klärung der Polaritätsverhältnisse des Pteridophytenembryos
BOOKS004229I: Troll, Wilhelm - Botanische Notizen : I - II - III
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BOOKS023023I: Troll, Wilhelm ; & Rauh, Werner - Mykologische studien
BOOKS002952I: Trolle, Jorgen - Die verschwundene Ordnungsmacht. Gestapo-Terror gegen die danische Polizei vom 19.9.1944 bis Mai 1945
BOOKS019860I: Troller, Urs - Es gibt uns nicht, nichts gibt es auf der Welt, wir existieren nicht, es scheint nur so, als ob wir existierten..,.
BOOKS007254I: Tromp, Solco Walle - La geologie du Valle del Bitto et la tectonique des Alpes lombardes
BOOKS003294I: Tromp, Rudolf Maria - The Structure of Silicon Surfaces
BOOKS015033I: Tronzo, William ; editor: - St. Peter's in the Vatican
BOOKS022489I: Trostle, James A. - Epidemiology and Culture
BOOKS018468I: Trotsky, Leon [ Trotskii, L.] - Whither France?
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BOOKS006595I: Trowbridge, Hoyt - From Dryden to Jane Austen: Essays on English Critics and Writers, 1660-1818
BOOKS007996I: Troyansky, David G. - Old Age in the Old Regime: Image and Experience in Eighteenth-Century France
BOOKS028452I: Troye, Nicolaas Cornelis de - Classification and Minimization of Switching Functions
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BOOKS029892I: Trümpy, Ernst - Persönlichkeiten unseres erweiterten Familienstammes
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BOOKS027984I: Tscharntke, Teja - Die Gallmücke Giraudiella inclusa (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) im Nahrungsnetz des Ökosystems Schilf (Phragmites australis) .,.,.
BOOKS027445I: Tschekitsch, Milutin [ Cekic, Milutin (1882-1964) ] - Jugoslawien am Scheidewege : Das serbo-kroatische Problem und Jugoslawiens Aussenpolitik.
BOOKS028365I: Tschermak, Armin Eduard Gustav, Edler von Seysenegg [1870-1952] - Physiologische Untersuchungen am embryonalen Fischherzen
BOOKS005676I: Tschernik, E. - Die Entwicklung der sorbischen Bevolkerung von 1832 bis 1945. Eine demographische Untersuchung
BOOKS025750I: Tscherning, Anton Frederik von, Oberst [1795-1874] - Om Danmarks Forsvar : Udtalelser fra Aarene 1872-73
BOOKS017830I: Tschitscherin, Georgij [ Chicherin, G. (Georgii) (1872-1936)] [ Young Communist International ] - Skizzen aus der Geschichte der Jugend-Internationale / Georgij Tschitscherin
BOOKS009180I: Tschudi, Johann Heinrich, Pfarrer, Berichterstatter : [Glarus (Switzerland), Hülfskomite] - Der Brand von Glarus am 10/11 Mai 1861 : Berichterstattung des Hülfskomite in Glarus
BOOKS017152I: Tsebelis, George ; & Money, Jeannette - Bicameralism
BOOKS012205I: TSeitlin, Ralia Mikhailovna - Leksika drevnebolgarskikh rukopisei, X-XI [i.e. desiatogo odinnadtsatogo] vv
BOOKS022648I: Tsien, T.H. [ Tsien, Tsuen-hsuin ] - Written on Bamboo & Silk : The Beginnings of Chinese Books & Inscriptions
BOOKS007632I: Tsin, Michael - Nation, Governance, and Modernity in China : Canton 1900-1927
BOOKS015406I: Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt - In the Realm of the Diamond Queen: Marginality in an Out-of-the-Way Place
BOOKS008702I: Tsitsilias, Panagiotes K. - E epanastasis toy 1909 kai e 'Panepistemiake Enosis'.
BOOKS027315I: Tsokopoulos, Vasias ; Livane, Voula ; Mantzavinou, Ioanna ; & Kapsales, Dionyses ; editors : - Aigaiou periplous : Me hodegous tous palious chartographous
BOOKS011316I: Tsonawa, Lobsang N. ; translator: - Indian Buddhist Pandits from "The Jewel Garland of Buddhist History
BOOKS017784I: Tsondu, Khenpo [ Thub-bstan-brtson-grus, Rdzogs-chen Mkhan-po (1920-1979)] - Abhisamayalakaramahasastra-Kayavyavasthaika-Abhayadharmendra-mukhagama-nama
BOOKS005574I: TSonev, Kiriak ; & TSoneva, Miroslava - Ba'alguri
BOOKS027429I: Tsopros, Konstantinos Th. - Anamneseis : Melenoiko-Thessalonike
BOOKS025367I: Tsouderos, Emmanouel Ioannou [ Tsuderos, Emmanouil (1882-1956)] - Les Credits Alliés (1918-1919)
BOOKS011890I: Tsourka-Papastathe, Despoina-Eirene - He Hellenike Emporike Kompania tou Simpiou Transylvanias : 1636-1848 : organose kai dikaio
BOOKS014817I: Tsultem, Niamosoryn ; & Bayarsaikhan, D.; editors: - Scul'ptura Mongolii / Mongolian sculpture / La sculpture de la Mongolie / La escultura de Mongolia
BOOKS013869I: Tsur, Reuven - What Makes Sound Patterns Expressive?: The Poetic Mode of Speech Perception
BOOKS007854I: Tsure, Shigeto - Japan's Capitalism: Creative Defeat & Beyond
BOOKS018117I: Tsvetaeva, Marina [1892-1941] - Earthly Signs : Moscow Diaries, 1917-1922
BOOKS030856I: TSyhankova, Ella - Skhodoznavchi ustanovy v Ukraïni (radians'kyi period)
BOOKS030610I: Trân Ky ; & Hoài Tuân - Vu khí hóa hoc và cách dê phòng
BOOKS027106I: Antifaschismus-Komitee Tübingen - Faschismus in der BRD : II Teil
BOOKS020012I: Tuboly, Victor [ Tuboly, Viktor ] [ "Tubolyszeghi" (1833-1902)] - Költeményeim
BOOKS011226I: Tucci, Giuseppe - The Religions of Tibet
BOOKS016451I: Tucci, Giuseppe [1894-1984] - The Theory and Practice of the Mandala : With Special Reference to the Modern Psychology of the Subconscious
BOOKS018875I: Tucholsky, Kurt [1890-1935] [ Zohn, Harry ; translator & editor: : ] - The World is a Comedy : A Tucholsky Anthology / Translated and Edited with a Critical Essay by Harry Zohn.
BOOKS031544I: Tucholsky, Kurt [1890-1935] ; & Ossietzky, Carl von ; editors : - Die Weltbühne : 29. Jahrgang, Nummer 10 : [07 Marz 1933]
BOOKS012833I: Tucker, Richard P. [1938- ] - Insatiable Appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
BOOKS013036I: Tucker, Judith E. - In the House of the Law : Gender and Islamic Law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine
BOOKS005867I: Tucker, William R. - The Fascist Ego : A Political Biography of Robert Brasillach
BOOKS004908I: Tucker, Gilbert Norman - The Canadian Commercial Revolution 1845 -1851
BOOKS004017I: Tucker, W.A. - Textile Markets of Bolivia, Ecuador & Peru
BOOKS015452I: Tucker, Mary Evelyn ; & Williams, Duncan Ryuken ; editors: - Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds
BOOKS018937I: Tuckett, C. M. (Christopher Mark) ; editor: - Luke's Literary Achievement : Collected Essays
BOOKS016347I: Tuden, Arthur ; & Plotnicov, Leonard ; editors: - Social Stratification in Africa.
BOOKS021881I: Tudu, Shyam C. - Taras
BOOKS013732I: Tudu, Biswanath - Tumal dahal seren
BOOKS018257I: Tudu, Mangla Prasad - Pidim
BOOKS004978I: Tudu, Kanhal Lal - Karam Binti
BOOKS021570I: Tudu, Kanhai Lal - Jomsim binti
BOOKS021880I: Tudu, Kanailal [ Tudu, Kanhai Lal ] - Kudum Pe
BOOKS028207I: Tuetey, Alexandre [1842-1918] ; editor : - L'assistance publique à Paris pendant la Révolution : documents inédits : Vol. 3. Les hôpitaux et hospices, 1791 - An IV
BOOKS024923I: Sazman-i Marksisti-Lininisti-i Tufan - Tufan : Organ der Marxistisch-leninistischen Organisation des Iran : einige Artikel über die aktuelle Lage im Iran ..,.
BOOKS021269I: Tugwell, Franklin - The Politics of Oil in Venezuela
BOOKS022830I: Tuhanuku, Daniel [ca. 1921-1998] [ Kuschel, Rolf ; & Tekatoha Takiika, Angikinui Francis ; editors: ] - Na tau'a o Mungiki / Raids on Bellona Island
BOOKS001176I: Tuinder, Bastiaan A. den [ World Bank ] - Ivory Coast : The Challenge of Success : Report of a Mission Sent to the Ivory Coast by the World Bank
BOOKS026913I: Tukol, T. K., Justice - Sallekhana is not Suicide
BOOKS009182I: Tulandi, Togas; editor: - Uterine Fibroids : Embolization and Other Treatments
BOOKS006687I: Tullis, F. LaMond - Lord and Peasant in Peru : A Paradigm of Political and Social Change
BOOKS005914I: Tullis, F. Lamond & Hollist, W. Ladd, editors: - Food, the State , & International Political Economy : Dilemmas of Developing Countries
BOOKS010937I: Tully, Dennis - Culture and Context in Sudan: The Process of Market Incorporation in Dar Masalit
BOOKS018006I: Tully, R. Brent - Nearby Galaxies Catalog
BOOKS001582I: Tuma, Karel - Potlaceny narod : Obraz osuduv lidu irskeho pod cizovladou britskou
BOOKS008688I: Tumarkin, Nina - Lenin Lives! The Lenin Cult in Soviet Russia
BOOKS012918I: Tunbridge, Laura - Schumann's Late Style
BOOKS017106I: Tung, Rosemary Jones - A Portrait of Lost Tibet
BOOKS014230I: Tunick, Mark - Practices and Principles : Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgment
BOOKS004176I: Tunick, Mark - Practices and Principles: Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgment
BOOKS022297I: Tünnermann Bernheim, Carlos - Pablo Antonio Cuadra y la cultura nacional : discurso de ofrecimiento
BOOKS021915I: Tunstall, Jeremy ; & Walker, David - Media Made in California : Hollywood, Politics, and the News
BOOKS025093I: Tuong Lai ; Liljeström, Rita - Nhung nghien cuu xa hoi hoc ve gia dinh Viet Nam
BOOKS031188I: Tupinier, Jean Marguerite, Baron [1779-1850] - Rapport sur le matériel de la Marine, présenté à M. le Vice-Amiral de Rosamel, Minstre Secrétaire d'État ..,.
BOOKS031189I: Tupinier, Jean Marguerite, Baron [1779-1850] - Considérations sur la Marine et sur son Budget
BOOKS008081I: Tuquoi, Jean-Pierre - Le dernier roi : crépuscule d’une dynastie
BOOKS003623I: Turabi Tabataba'i, Jamal - Nasab'namah-i shakhah'i az Tabataba'iha-yi Tabriz / mu'allif, Jamal Turabi Tabataba-i
BOOKS028286I: Turba, Gustav - Beiträge zur Geschichte der Habsburger : II: Zur Reichs- und Hauspolitik der Jahre 1548 bis 1558
BOOKS030939I: Turba, Gustav [1864-1935] [ Zeissberg, Heinrich, Ritter von (1839-1899)] [ Kaindl, Raimund Friedrich ] - Beiträge zur Geschichte der Habsburger : aus den letzten Jahren des spanischen Königs Philipp II [bound with 2 other monographs]
BOOKS014901I: Türck, Hermann [1856-1933] - Pandora und Eva : Menschwerdung und Schöpfertum im griechischen und jüdischen Mythus
BOOKS012439I: Turcotte, Donald Lawson - Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics
BOOKS000192I: Turcu, Calin N. [1942-2006] - Sculpturile megalitice din România
BOOKS014647I: Turculet, Diana Bugajewski - Taina românilor
BOOKS007613I: Turczynski, Emanuel - Von der Aufklärung zum Frühliberalismus : Politische Trägergruppen und deren Forderungskatalog in Rumänien
BOOKS008388I: Turegun, Erol - Bes Aksam: Siirler
BOOKS022999I: Turhan, Salih ; & Kizilay, Abdurrahman - Kerkük türküleri
BOOKS008529I: Turiel, Isaac - Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
BOOKS023245I: Egyptian Museum of Turin [ Roveri, Anna Maria Donadoni; editor: ] [ Museo egizio di Torino ] - Egyptian Civilization [Volumes I - II - III]
BOOKS008389I: Turkay, Osman - Uyurgezer: Siirler
BOOKS028625I: Türker, Orhan - Galata'dan Karaköy'e : bir liman hikayesi
BOOKS006366I: Turkey, Milli Birlik Komitesi [ Sezal, Halil ; & Nasun, Turgut ] - 27 Mayis devriminde sehid düsen tegmen Ali Ihsan Kalmaz'in hayati, siirleri, konusmalari ve hakkinda söylenenler
BOOKS011414I: Associations of Solidarity with Western Thrace Turks in Federal Germany and Turkey - The Drama of the Moslem Turkish Minority in Western Thrace
BOOKS029102I: Turkey, Ministry of the Interior, Press Division / Matbuat umum müdürlügü - Anthologie des écrivains turcs d'aujourd’hui : Publié par la Direction générale de la presse au Ministère de l’intérieur
BOOKS023061I: Türkmen, Erkan - The Essence of Rumi’s Masnevi
BOOKS028581I: Türkmen, Zekeriya - Musul meselesi : askerî yönden cözüm arayislari, 1922-1925
BOOKS018384I: Turnell, Martin - The Classical Moment : Studies of Corneille, Molière and Racine
BOOKS011844I: Turner, Marjorie S. - Joan Robinson and the Americans
BOOKS014346I: Turner, Jonathan H. - The Sociology of Emotions
BOOKS012173I: Turner, Samuel & Hersen, Michel; editors: - Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis
BOOKS030057I: Turner, Paula J. - Roman Coins from India
BOOKS009083I: Turner, Jonathan H. - On the Origins of Human Emotions: A Sociological Inquiry into the Evolution of Human Affect
BOOKS004026I: Turner, Roger - Euphorbias : A Gardeners' Guide
BOOKS006334I: Turner, Ralph H.; Nigg, Joanne M. & Paz, Denise Heller - Waiting for Disaster. Earthquake Watch in California
BOOKS016275I: Turner, Ian - Sydney's Burning
BOOKS004493I: Turner, Victor W. - The Ritual Process. Structure and Anti-Structure.
BOOKS000222I: Turner, David H. - Return to Eden. A Journey through the Promised Landscape of Amagalyuagba.
BOOKS006962I: Turnovsky, Stephen J. - International Macroeconomic Stabilization Policy
BOOKS015053I: Turns, Stephen R. - Thermodynamics: Concepts and Applications
BOOKS024109I: Turnwald, Wilhelm Karl ; compiler: [Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Wahrung Sudetendeutscher Interessen] - Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
BOOKS031021I: Turroni, Pio ; editor : - Volontà : Rivista anarchica mensile : Anno VIII : n. 1- 12 [ 1 maggio 1954 - 15 aprile 1955 ]
BOOKS030171I: Turroni, Pio ; editor : - Volontà : rivista mensile del movimento anarchico di lingua italiana : Anno II ,no. 5 : 1 novembre 1947
BOOKS031023I: Turroni, Pio ; editor : - Volontà : Rivista anarchica mensile : Anno VI : n. 1- 12 [ 31 ottobre 1951 - 31 gennaio 1953 ]
BOOKS031022I: Turroni, Pio ; editor : - Volontà : Rivista anarchica mensile : Anno VII : n. 1- 12 [ 1 marzo 1953 - 15 marzo 1954 ]
BOOKS024180I: Turton, William Harry [1856-1938] - The Plantagenet Ancestry..,.
BOOKS021333I: Turton, Andrew ; Fast, Jonathan ; & Caldwell, Malcolm ; editors: - Thailand, Roots of Conflict
BOOKS024391I: Tusun, 'Umar, Prince [1872-1944 CE] [ Nur, Qasim 'Uthman ; editor: ] - Butulat al-urtah al-Sudaniyah al-Misriyah fi harb al-Maksik, 1863-1867 M
BOOKS004009I: Tuttle, Donald M. & Baker, Edward W. - Spider Mites of the Southwestern United States & a Revision of the Famile Tetranychidae
BOOKS012312I: Tutulani, Kristaq - Shqiperi, himn i trendafilte!: Shkrime te zgjedhura
BOOKS006791I: Tuulio, O.J. - Ibn Quzman. Poete hispano-arabe bilingue. Edition critique partielle et provisoire
BOOKS006789I: Tuulio, O.J. - Du nouveau sur Idrisi. Sections VII 3 - 5: 'Europe septentrionale et circumbaltique, Europe orientale...
BOOKS008938I: Tuulse, Armin - Mörby : En Adelsborg i Uppland
BOOKS021927I: Tuve, Rosemond - Allegorical Imagery : Some Mediaeval Books and their Posterity
BOOKS003044I: Tuve, Rosemond - Seasons and Months. Studies in a Tradition of Middle English Poetry
BOOKS025904I: Tuxen, Johan Cornelius [1820-1883] ; editor: - Tidsskrift for Søvæsen : Udgivet af en Forening af Söofficerer. 5te Aargang, 5te Hefte.
BOOKS012502I: Tuxen, Poul - Denmark, Stege: 1500-1950 [Scandinavian Atlas of Historic Towns, No. 5]
BOOKS013397I: Tuxen, Johan Cornelius [1820-1883] - Søfarten og skibsbygningskunsten : en fremstilling af søvæsenet og dets historiske udvikling / af J. C. Tuxen
BOOKS004027I: Tuxen, A. P. - Poul Vendelbo Lovenorn
BOOKS031779I: Tuxen, Laurits Regner [1810-1875] - Det Plattydske folkesprog i Angel, tilligemed nogle sprogpröver
BOOKS004968I: Twagilimana, Aimable - Race and Gender in the Making of an African American Literary Tradition
BOOKS001774I: Twiesselmann, D. - De la croissance des ecoliers noirs de Leopoldville. Entre la sixieme et la dix-septieme annee d'age
BOOKS024334I: Twittenhoff, Wilhelm [1904-1969] - Die musiktheoretischen Schriften Joseph Riepels (1709-1782) : als Beispiel einer anschaulichen Musiklehre
BOOKS002566I: Tyabji, Nasir - Colonialism, Chemical Technology and Industry in Southern India
BOOKS004164I: Tyack, David; James, Thomas & Benavot, Aaron - Law and the Shaping of Public Education, 1785 - 1954
BOOKS005269I: Tyagi, R.D. & Vembu, Kannan, editors: - Wastewater Treatment by Immobilized Cells
BOOKS002026I: Tyagi, A.K. & Lamba, B.S. - A Contribution to the Breeding Biology of Two Indian Mynas
BOOKS003516I: Tydeman, G.F. - Notes on Phenomena of a Geophysical Nature
BOOKS016832I: Tye, Michael - Consciousness, Color and Content
BOOKS017303I: Tyerman, Christopher - Fighting for Christendom : Holy War and the Crusades
BOOKS028543I: Tyerman, Christopher - England and the Crusades, 1095-1588
BOOKS015605I: Tyler, Michael J. - Australian Frogs : A Natural History
BOOKS017434I: Tyler, Moses Coit [1835-1900] - A History of American Literature 1607 -1783
BOOKS005030I: Tyler, J. Allen, editor: - A Concordance to the Fables and Tales of Jean de la Fontaine
BOOKS022011I: Tyler, Andrea ; & Evans, Vyvyan - The Semantics of English Prepositions : Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition
BOOKS000334I: Tymowski, Michal - Karabin i wladza w Afryce XIX wieku : panstwa i armie Samoriego i Kenedugu oraz ich analogie europejskie
BOOKS016431I: Tyndale-Biscoe, Hugh ; & Renfree, Marilyn B. - Reproductive Physiology of Marsupials
BOOKS005020I: Tyndall, John - Sound
BOOKS008073I: Tyrrell, Ian - True Gardens of the Gods: Californian-Australian Environmental Reform, 1860 - 1930
BOOKS000203I: Tyrrell, Joseph M. - A History of the Estates of Poitou
BOOKS005078I: Tyrwhitt-Drake, Sir Garrard - The English Circus and Fair Ground
BOOKS025723I: Tysdahl, Bjørn J. ; Jansson, Mats ; Lothe, Jakob ; & Povlsen, Steen Klitgård ; editors: - English and Nordic Modernisms
BOOKS017455I: Tyson, Cyril deGrasse - The Unconditional War on Poverty : And the Use of Computer Technology by Community Action Agencies 1965-1972
BOOKS010481I: Tyson, Ruel W., Jr; Peacock, James L.; & Patterson, Daniel W.; editors: - Diversities of Gifts: Field Studies in Southern Religion
BOOKS007958I: Tyson, Timothy B. - Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power
BOOKS004289I: Tyson, P. D. - Climatic Change & Variability in Southern Africa
BOOKS010966I: Tytler, Alexander Fraser [Huntsman, Jeffrey F., editor] - Essay on the Principles of Translation. New Edition with an Introductory Article
BOOKS030899I: Tzakou, Anastasia - Greek Traditional Architecture : Sifnos
BOOKS010328I: Tzamales, Anastasios P - Nomismata tou ellenikou chorou 1184-1976
BOOKS003661I: Uan - Ivar Kreuger und seine Zeit
BOOKS022078I: Ubayd, Muris - Ma'a al-gharbiyun ..,.
BOOKS022550I: Übelacker, Walter G. - Der Hebräerbrief als Appell : I. Untersuchungen zu exordium, narratio und postscriptum (Hebr 1-2 und 13, 22-25)
BOOKS003226I: UBS AG, Gold & Numismatic (Zürich / Basel) - Spezialsammlung Böhmen / Mähren : 66. Auktion, 6. September 2006, Zürich
BOOKS019297I: Udayanacarya [ Goswami, Mahaprabhulal ; editor: ] - Nyayakusumanjali of Udayanacarya. With the Commentaries Amoda of Sankara Misra, Viveka of Gunananda Bodhani of Varadaraja...
BOOKS018954I: Udayanacarya [ Jha, Sasinatha ; editor: ] - Laksanamala
BOOKS015860I: Udayanacarya [ Shastri, Gaurinath Bhattacharyya ; editor: ] - Kiranavali / Udayanacaryapranita ; Hinibhassavyakhyanasamalankrta, sampadako nuvadakasca Gaurinathasast
BOOKS021113I: Udayanacarya [ Jha, Sasinatha ; editor: ] - Laksanavali of Udayanacarya. With the Prakasa of Bhattakesava
BOOKS015475I: Jasim Uddin [ Jasimauddina (1904-1976)] - Gipsy Wharf (Sojan Badiar Ghat)
BOOKS009026I: Udupa, K.N. - Bodily Response to Injury
BOOKS009029I: Udupa, K.N. & Siddiqui, M.A.; editors: - Proceedings of International Seminar on Stress in Health and Disease...1977
BOOKS007681I: Udupa, K.N. - Biology of Fracture Healing
BOOKS007448I: Udupa, K.N.; Chaturvedi, G.N.; & Tripathi, S.N.; editors: - Advances in Research in Indian Medicine
BOOKS028989I: Uebersberger, Hans [1877-1962] - Russlands Orientpolitik in den letzten zwei Jahrhunderten : Erster Band : Bis zum Frieden von Jassy
BOOKS024458I: Uecker, Heiko ; editor: - Opplysning i Norden : foredrag på den studiekonferanse i International Association for Scandinavian Studies, IASS..,.
BOOKS028610I: Uffer, Leza ; editor : [ Füessli, Peter (1482-1548) ] - Peter Füesslis Jerusalemfahrt 1523 ; und, Brief über den Fall von Rhodos 1522
BOOKS023065I: Ugurlu, Serdal - Sagduyu ve Alevi-Sünni kucaklasmasi
BOOKS010750I: Uherek, Zdenek; Valaskova, Nada; Kuzel, Stanislav & Dymes, Pavel - Cesi z Kazachstanu a jejich presidleni do Ceske republiky
BOOKS015015I: Uherek, Zdenek; Lozoviuk, Petr; & Toncrová, Marta - Bosnia, Bosnian Czechs, and Migratory Bridges
BOOKS031341I: Uhle, Johann Paul [1827-1861] - Experimenta de saccharo in urinam aliquamdiu transeunte..,. auctor Joannes Paulus Uhle
BOOKS001283I: Uhler,Oscar M. - Der volkerrechtliche Schutz der Bevolkerung eines besetzten Gebiets gegen Massnahmen der Okkupationsmacht ....
BOOKS024228I: Uhlig, Helmut [1922-1997]; compiler: [ Kunstamt Berlin-Tempelhof in Verbindung mit d. Museum für Indische Kunst ] - Das Bild des Buddha
BOOKS030196I: Uhlig, Siegbert ; editor : [ Ludolf, Hiob (1624-1704) ] - Hiob Ludolfs "Theologia Aethiopica
BOOKS011449I: Ujan, Zafar Ali - Bhutto Speaks from the Grave
BOOKS002149I: Ujhazy, Maria - Herman Melville's World of Whaling
BOOKS006206I: Ujjwal, Charan Kavi Udairajji; editor: - Bhagatmala
BOOKS025079I: Ukhuvvat, 'Abd al-Javad [1889-1945 CE] - Az tababat ta tijarat : khatirat-i yak tajir-i Isfahani / Haji Mirza 'Abd al-Javad Ukhuvvat; bih kushish-i Mahdi Nafisi
BOOKS012021I: Uku, Skyne R. - The Pan-African Movement and the Nigerian Civil War
BOOKS020629I: Ulakanata Pillai, L. ; & Venkatarajan, S. ; compilers: [ Tanjore Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library ] - Tancavur Makaraja Carapojiyin Caracuvati Makal Nulnilaiyat Tamilc cuvatikalin vilakkam [Volume 8]
BOOKS020630I: Ulakanata Pillai, L. ; & Venkatarajan, S. ; compilers: [ Tanjore Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library ] - Tancavur Makaraja Carapojiyin Caracuvati Makal Nulnilaiyat Tamilc cuvatikalin vilakkam [Volume 9]
BOOKS023369I: Ulic, Milan - Srpska pravoslavna crkva u Sremskoj Kamenici
BOOKS014234I: Ulijaszek, Stanley J. ; Johnston, Francis E. ; & Preece, M. A. ; editors: - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development
BOOKS029030I: Ülküsal, Müstecib - Dobruca ve Türkler
BOOKS026697I: Ullén, Marian - Medeltida träkyrkor : Del 1 : Småland samt Ydre och Kinda härader i Östergötland
BOOKS018193I: Ullman, James Ramsey [1907-1971] - Mad Shelley
BOOKS025361I: Ullmann, Manfred - Beiträge zu den Gedichten des abu n-Nagm al-'Igli
BOOKS005375I: Ullmann, Stephen - Language and Style. Collected Papers
BOOKS020697I: Ullrich, Helen Elizabeth - Clause Structure of Northern Havyaka Kannada (Dravidian) : A Tagmemic Analysis
BOOKS028514I: Ülman, A. Halûk - 1860-1861 Suriye buhrani : Osmanli diplomasisinden bir örnek olay
BOOKS025637I: Ulrich, Leo [ Universität Kiel, Königlichen Institut für Seeverkehr und Weltwirtschaft, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Stiftung ] - Der Wirtschaftskrieg : die Massnahmen und Bestrebungen des feindlichen Auslandes..,.Abt. 3. : Japan
BOOKS011321I: Centro de Estudios de Etnologia do Ultramar - Estudos sobre a antropologia física do Ultramar Portugues (Volume 2)
BOOKS007702I: [Portugal] Ministerio dos Negocios da Marinha e Ultramar - Regime provisorio para a concessao de terrenos do Estado na Provincia de Mocambique approvado por Decreto de 9 de Julho de 1909
BOOKS000695I: Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar - Primeiro coloquio de hematologia africana : geografia dos grupos sanguineos no Continente africano : imagens hematologica.,.,
BOOKS027714I: Junta de Investigações do Ultramar - Dicionário cinyanja-português, pelos missionários da Companhia de Jesus
BOOKS006138I: Ulyanovsky, R. [ Ulianovskii, Rostislav Aleksandrovich ] ; & Pavlov, Vladimir Ivanovich - Asian Dilemma : A Soviet View and Myrdal's Concept
BOOKS012972I: Ulybyshev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich [1794-1858] [Oulibicheff, Alexandre] - Beethoven: Ses critiques et ses glossateurs
BOOKS002319I: Ulziikhutag, N. - Bugd Nairamdakh Mongolardulsin Belcheer, Khadlandakh' Tezheeliin Urgamal Tanikh Bichig
BOOKS031440I: T'umanyan, Hovhannes [1869-1923] [ Safrazbekyan, Irma ; Karapetyan, Lusik ; & Eghiazaryan, Azat. ] - T'umanyani entanik'i namakanin : T'umanyan 140
BOOKS031487I: T'umanyan, Nvard [1892-1957] [ Hakhverdyan, Levon ; editor : ] - T'umanyani mankut'yune ev patanekut'yune
BOOKS023332I: Umari, 'Abd Allah Khadim - al-Shir al-shabi al-mughanna fi Tihamah : dirasah wa-tahlil
BOOKS031154I: Umbreit, Hans - Der Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich 1940-1944
BOOKS013696I: Umlenski, Vasil; Shkodrov, Vladimir; & Zaprianova, Antoaneta - Vremeto i kalendarniiat problem
BOOKS023323I: Umran, Muhammad - Dirasat fi al-musiqa al-shabiyah al-Misriyah : tasis nazari wa-tatbiqat amaliyah
BOOKS008029I: Umrani, Bihruz ; & Isma'ili Sangari, Husayn - Baft-i tarikhi-i shahri Tabriz
BOOKS022250I: Bund für Umweltschutz - Die strahlend bunte Werbung der Atomindustrie: Verschönerungstaktik, Verschleierungstaktik, Negativtaktik; Steinzeit? Nein danke
BOOKS014666I: Unbegaun, Boris Ottokar [1898 - 1973] - Russian Versification
BOOKS031369I: Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs-Undersøkelser - The Place-Names of Svalbard
BOOKS014358I: Underwood, A. J. - Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance
BOOKS025156I: Undset, Ingvald - Fra Norges ældre jernalder
BOOKS012331I: Undzhieva, TSveta Ivanova; editor: - Bulgarski avtori v ruskiia periodichen pechat, 1854-1864: Stati, dopiski, ochertsi, belezhki. Tom I
BOOKS016409I: UNESCO - Medicinal Plants of the Arid Zones
BOOKS020230I: Unetic, Ines [ Babnik, Ines ] - Kultura vrtov : oblikovane zelene povrsine v Ljubljani od sredine 18. stoletja do zgodnjega 19. stoletja
BOOKS021183I: Konservativ Ungdom - Hvem er de folk..,.
BOOKS016101I: Socialdemokratisk Ungdomsforbund [Christiansen, Mikkel & Henriksen, A.D.; editors:] - Arbejdernes Børneblad. I. Aargang , Nr. 1 - 27; II. Aargang, Nr. 2 - 6; 9; 11; 13-15 [15 September 1918 - 30 Maj 1920]
BOOKS019588I: Kommunistiska Ungdomsinternationalen [ Øisang, Ole ] [ Johanson, Elin ] [ Grimm, Robert ] [ Münzenberg, W. ] [Vinberg, Ola ] - Ungdomsinternationalen : Program, Manifest och Resolutioner..,. [bound together with 7 other pamphlets, ca.1917-1920 ]
BOOKS019300I: Unger, Roberto Mangabeira - Social Theory : Its Situation and Its Task. A Critical Introduction to Politics, A Work in Constructive Social Theory
BOOKS019275I: Unger, Roberto Mangabeira - Plasticity into Power : Comparative-historical Studies on the Institutional Conditions of Economic and Military Success ..,.
BOOKS000248I: Unger, Josef, et al.. - Pohorelice-Klasterka : praveke sidliste, slovanska osada a zanikla stredoveka ves
BOOKS007732I: Unger, Roberto Mangabeira [ Cui, Zhiyuan ; editor: ] - Politics : The Central Texts : Theory Against Fate
BOOKS017966I: Unger, Roberto Mangabeira - False Necessity : Anti-necessitarian Social Theory in the Service of Radical Democracy..,.
BOOKS005729I: Unger, Friedrich Wilhelm ; editor : - Des Richtes Stig : oder, Der Richtstig Landrechts sammt Cautela und Prems nebst einem Stücke von Zehnten, Mühlen und Höfen ..,.
BOOKS022959I: Comité de Frente Unico - Salvemos de la carcel y la muerte con nuestras luchas a los 126 presios revolucionarios en huelga de hambre! ..,.
BOOKS020488I: Frente Unico [ Joven Cuba ] - Al pueblo de Camaguey
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BOOKS015736I: All India Nepalese Free Students Union - Yug Lahar : Central Organ of the A.I.N.F.S.U. ; Vol. I, No. 1 : 2039/40 : 1983 AD
BOOKS031400I: United States, House of Representatives, Committee of Elections - Contested Election - Newland versus Graham
BOOKS023147I: United States. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines [ Hooker, A.B. ; Ilsley, L.C. ; & Roadstrum, W.H.] - Investigations of Permissible Electric Mine Lamps 1930-40
BOOKS022867I: United Kingdom, House of Commons - Tanjore Debts: The Ninth Report of the Commissioners Appointed Under an Agreement, Concluded on the 11th Febnruary 1824..,.
BOOKS024944I: United States, Army, Iceland Base Command - Armed Guardians : One Year in Iceland. Prepared by G-2 Section, Iceland Base Command
BOOKS002803I: United Nations, Department of Economic Affairs - Survey of Current Inflationary & Deflationary Tendencies
BOOKS009217I: United States, Department of State - Intervention of International Communism in Guatemala
BOOKS006072I: United States of America, Bureau of Foreign Commerce, Department of State - Special Consular Reports. Vol XX. - Parts I - III
BOOKS023882I: United States, Department of State. - Message from the President of the United States Transmitting ..,.Relative to the Mexican Zona Libre
BOOKS018990I: United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights - Constitutional Rights of the American Indian. Hearings before the Subcomittee..,.Part 2: November 25, 29 & December 1, 1961
BOOKS017208I: United Nations, Transitional Authority in Cambodia - Padpaññatti stibi prabandh tulakar ..,./ Provisions Relating to the Judiciary and Criminal Law and Procedure Applicable ..,.
BOOKS017198I: United States, War Department [Jackson, Andrew ] [ Eaton, John Henry ] - Documents communicated to Congress by the President [bound together with 2 other US Government documents, ca. 1828-29]
BOOKS016128I: United States, Department of State - Message from the President of the United States..,.Respecting a Right of Way Across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec..,.
BOOKS016119I: United States Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, & Administration of Justice - Prison Inmates in Medical Research: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, & the Administration of Justic
BOOKS028265I: United States, Department of State - Message of the President of the United States Communicating.,.,.Information in Regard to the Progress of the Revolution in Cuba
BOOKS011840I: United States, Treasury Department - Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury Transmitting Report of Special Commission of Experts as to Means of Improving Vault.,.
BOOKS005380I: United States Department of Labor, Women's Bureau - The New Position of Women in American Industry
BOOKS002588I: United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization - Study of Tropical Vegetation. Proceedings of the Kandy Symposium/ L'Etude de la Vegetation...
BOOKS016126I: United States, Department of State - Message from the President of the United States Communicating..,. Information Respecting the Aves or Bird Islands...,.
BOOKS020987I: United States Congress, House Committee on Internal Security - Terrorism : A Staff Study
BOOKS021167I: United States. Congress. House of Representatives, Committee on Un-American Activities. - Communist and Trotskyist Activity within the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee..,.
BOOKS026715I: United States, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Education Programs - Indian Education : Navajo [ Bilingual Education for American Indians. Vol. 2 ]
BOOKS015248I: Unithiri, N.V.P.; editor - Tantrasarasangraha by Narayana with Mantravimarsini Commentary by Svarnagrama Vasudeva. Parts I & II
BOOKS025270I: Universidad de Yucatán, Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas. - Boletin de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán [2 issues: No. 82 & 83 (1987)]
BOOKS001757I: Universidad Central de Venezuela,Departemento de Sociologia y Antropologia - Los Guarao del Delta Amacuro. Informe de una Investigacion de Campo efectuada con fines pedagogicos del 9 al 19 de Abril de 1954
BOOKS022797I: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas - Chiapas, 2.
BOOKS021581I: Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras - Artis: Revista do Instituto de Historia da Arte fa Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa. No. 3 [2004]
BOOKS031945I: Università di Roma, Facoltà di architettura, [ Marconi, Plinio; editor: ] [Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche] - Il comprensorio tra la Via flaminia e il mare : problemi di sviluppo a lunghissimo termine dell'espansione edilizia ..,.
BOOKS031944I: Università di Roma, Istituto di ricerca urbanologica e tecnica della pianificazione [ Marconi, Plinio; editor: ] - Territorio della media valle del Tevere : La pianificazione territoriale comprensoriale
BOOKS026331I: Badische Landesbibliothek (Karlsruhe) / Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Strasbourg) - Thomas Murner : humaniste et théologien alsacien, 1475-1537 : exposition de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire ..,.
BOOKS028523I: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut interuniversitaire pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'humanisme - La correspondance d'Erasme et l'épistolographie humaniste : colloque international tenu en novembre 1983
BOOKS028883I: Université Ibn Tofail, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines - Lectures critiques du texte Maghrebin : actes du colloque national organisé par la Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
BOOKS014721I: Université de Poitiers, Bibliothèque, Service du livre ancien - Catalogue des ouvrages des XVe et XVIe siècles : Tome I - II - III
BOOKS002271I: Universite de Varsovie, Institut d'Histoire - Quaestiones Medii Aevi. Vol. 4
BOOKS030791I: University of Calcutta, Department of Urdu - Dastavez [Volumes 1 - 2 - 3]
BOOKS018975I: University of California, Berkeley, Archaeological Research Facility - Sources of Stones Used in Prehistoric Mesoamerican Sites
BOOKS013067I: Karnatak University - The Socio-economic Transformation of India : Dr. Ambedkar’s Vision : Papers and Proceedings of the National Level Symposium
BOOKS002554I: Unkart, Ralf; Glantschnig, Gerold & Ogris, Alfred - Zur Lage der Slowenen in Karnten. Die Slowenische Volksgruppe und die Wahlkreiseinteilung 1979 - Ein Dokumentation
BOOKS023277I: Unni, Narayanan Parameswaran ; editor & translator [ Mahendra Vikrama Varma, King of Kanchi (fl. 600-630 CE)] - Mattavilasa Prahasana / of Mahendravikramavarman : Edited and Translated by N. P. Unni
BOOKS010428I: Unni, N.P. - Some New Perspectives in Bhasa Studies
BOOKS025402I: Unnik, W. C. van (Willem Cornelis) [1910-1978] - Tarsus of Jeruzalem : de stad van Paulus' juegd. Met een appendix ..,.
BOOKS013325I: Unnithan, N. Prabha; Huff-Corzine, Lin; Corzine, Jay; & Whitt, Hugh P. - The Currents of Lethal Violence: An Integrated Model of Suicide and Homicide
BOOKS004820I: Unnuth, Abhimanyu - Les empereurs de la nuit. Chroniques mauriciennes
BOOKS020445I: Unvala, Jamshedji Maneckji [1888-1961] - Report on the Dakhmas of Tena
BOOKS028582I: Ünver, Ahmet Süheyl [1898-1986] - Istanbul rasathanesi
BOOKS028128I: Unverhau, Dagmar - Das Danewerk 1842 : Beschreibung und Aufmass
BOOKS030563I: Lê Bá Uóc [1931-2016] - Môt thòi Rùng Sác. Tâp 1 & 2
BOOKS011247I: Upadhyaya, U.P. - Kannada Phonetic Reader
BOOKS026879I: Merusundara Upadhyaya [15th century CE] [ Bhayani, Harivallabh Chunilal ; & Saha, Ra. Ma. ; editors: ] - Silopadesamala-balavabodha / Merusundaragani-viracita ; sampadako Ha. Chu. Bhayani, Ra. Ma. Saha, Gitabahena
BOOKS012455I: Upadhyaya, U.P. - Nanjangud Kannada (Vakkaliga Dialect)
BOOKS025299I: Upadhyaya, Deendayal [1916-1968] - Rashtrajivana ki disa
BOOKS011358I: Upasak, C.S. - History and Palaeography of Kharosti Script
BOOKS030493I: Upasak, C.S. ; Dhammaratano, U. ; & Jagarabhivamso, U. ; editors : [ Buddhaghosa ] - Suttapitake Majjhima-nikayassa Papancasudani nama Atthakatha : [Volume 2 ]
BOOKS020585I: Upattiyayar, Renkanata ; & Ceturaman, Ko ; editors: - Ciruttonta Nayanar icai natakam
BOOKS025130I: Uppsala Universitet, Institutionen för Nordisk Fornkunskap [ Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis ] - Tor : Meddelanden från Uppsala Universitets Museum för Nordiska Fornsaker ; nr.s 2-5 ; 7-12 ; 17-18; 20-28 ; 30 [1949-1999]
BOOKS008502I: Uprety, Hari - Crisis of Governance: A Study of Political Economic Issues in Nepal
BOOKS000315I: Uprus, H. - Tallinna Etikukivid
BOOKS014852I: Uragoda, C. G. - Wildlife Conservation in Sri Lanka : A History of Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka, 1894-1994
BOOKS001451I: Uras, Esat - The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question
BOOKS030526I: Urban, Ralf - Wachstum und Krise des Achäischen Bundes : Quellenstudien zur Entwicklung des Bundes von 280 bis 222 v. Chr.
BOOKS006277I: Urban, Hugh B. - The Economics of Ecstasy : Tantra, Secrecy, and Power in Colonial Bengal
BOOKS001985I: Urban, G.R. - Kinesis and Stasis. A Study in the Attitude of Stefan George & his Circle to the Musical Arts
BOOKS024059I: Urban, Jan - Lichtenburkové : vzestupy a pády jednoho panského rodu
BOOKS024473I: Urban, Bernd ; & Kudszus, Winfried ; editors : - Psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Literaturinterpretation
BOOKS028978I: Urbanski, Hans - Karl von Lothringen : Österreichs Türkensieger : Biographie
BOOKS029483I: K'urdaze, Ramaz - T'anamedrove k'art'uli enis soc'ialur-kulturuli aspek'tebi
BOOKS008160I: Urey, Dianne Faye - The Novel Histories of Galdos
BOOKS020990I: Urey, Harold C. [ Nobelstiftelsen / Nobel Foundation ] - Some Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen [contained in "Les Prix Nobel en 1934"]
BOOKS028271I: Urey, Harold Clayton [1893-1981] - Some Contributions of Molecular Spectra to Classical Chemistry
BOOKS009086I: D'Urfey, Thomas [1653-1723] - Wonders in the Sun, or, The Kingdom of the Birds (1706)
BOOKS016603I: Uriagereka, Juan - Rhyme and Reason: Introduction to Minimalist Syntax
BOOKS003095I: Uricoechea, Fernando - The Patrimonial Foundations of the Brazilian Bureaucratic State
BOOKS011917I: Uriu, Robert M. - Troubled Industries: Confronting Economic Change in Japan
BOOKS012941I: Uriu, Robert M. [1959 - ] - Troubled Industries: Confronting Economic Change in Japan
BOOKS025480I: Urne, Johan Christian [1705-1787] [ Rohmann, Aage ; editor : ] - Ager-dyrkningens behandling paa Bornholm
BOOKS000287I: Urosevic, Atanasije - Novobrdska Kriva Reka : antropogeografska ispitivanja
BOOKS025432I: Urquhart, D. H. (Duncan Hector) - Prospects for Cocoa-growing in Uganda and Zanzibar : A Report
BOOKS020111I: Ursano, Robert J. ; Fullerton, Carol S. ; Weisaeth, Lars ; & Raphael, Beverley ; editors: - Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry
BOOKS030669I: Usakligil, Halit Ziya [1869-1945] - Fare
BOOKS031148I: Ushinskene, Viktoriia - Narodnaia anatomicheskiaia terminologiia v russkom iazyke : slovoobrazovatel'naia i semanticheskaia rekonstruktsiia naimenovanii
BOOKS027358I: Ushtelenca, Ilir - Diplomacia e Mbretit Zogu I-rë : 1912-1939
BOOKS026315I: Usman, Qarl Muhammad, Hadhrat Maulana - Muslim Society Will Apostatize if Qadyani Fitna Not Fought
BOOKS010682I: Usrun, Nevzat - Cuceler Carsisi
BOOKS024253I: Ussing, Johan Louis [1820-1905] - Niels Laurits Høyens Levned med Bilag af Breve : 1-2. Afd.
BOOKS017998I: Ussing, Hans H. - The Biology of Some Important Plankton Animals in the Fjords of East Greenland
BOOKS028176I: Ussing, Henrik [1877-1946] ; editor : [ Christophersen, Marie (1869-19??) ] - Fra Hedeboegnen : Optegnelser af Marie Christophersen / ordnede og udgivne af Henrik Ussing
BOOKS025923I: Ussing, Vilhelm Cornelli - Om tinglige Rettigheders Overdragelse efter dansk Ret
BOOKS010286I: Ussing, Hans H. - The Biology of Some Important Plankton Animals in the Fjords of East Greenland
BOOKS027773I: Ussing, H. H. (Hans H.) [1911- 2000] - The Biology of Some Important Plankton Animals in the Fjords of East Greenland
BOOKS011039I: Ussing, Henrik Andersen [1877-1946] ; & Hansen, Thorvald - Mellem sydfynske Sunde : Hverdag og Højtid : Paa Grundlag af Optegnelser fra Thorvald Hansen, udarbejdet af H. Ussing
BOOKS001278I: Ustorf, Werner - Theologie im revolutionaren Bremen 1848 - 1852. Die Aktualitat Rudolph Dulons
BOOKS002410I: Ustvedt, Hans Jacob - Ueber die Untersuchung der musikalischen Funktionen bei Patienten mit Gehirnleiden, besonders bei Patienten mit Aphasie
BOOKS029490I: K'ut'at'elaze, Lili ; editor : [ Bagrationi, David Georgievich (1767-1819) ; & Bagrationi, Ioane (1768-1830) ] - Davit' da Ioane Bagsationebis lek'sikograp'iuli nasromebi : tek'sti gamosac'emad moamzada, gamokvleva da sajieblebi
BOOKS029493I: Ut'urgaize, T'edo [ Uturgaidze, Tedo Gigoevich ] - K'art'uli enis istoriuli gramatikis morp'onologiuri da morp'osintak'suri aspek'tebi
BOOKS002609I: Utamcandani, Sundri - Vichoro (Short Stories)
BOOKS026789I: Utas, Bo - A Persian Sufi Poem : Vocabulary and Terminology : Concordance, Frequency Word-list, Statistical Survey, Arabic loan-words .,.,.
BOOKS003131I: Utas, Bo, editor: - Women in Islamic Societies. Social Attitudes & Historical Perspective
BOOKS026786I: Utas, Bo - Tariq ut-tahqiq : A Sufi Mathnavi Ascribed to Hakim Sanahi of Ghazna .,.,.
BOOKS023326I: Uthaymin, 'Abd Allah al-Salih - Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab : The Man and his Works / Abd Allah Salih al-'Uthaymin
BOOKS024443I: Uthman, Wa'il - Hizb Allah fi muwajahat hizb al-Shaytan / Wa'il 'Uthma-n ; [taqdim Muhammad Mutawalli al-Sharawi]
BOOKS025336I: Uthman, Fathi - Ma'a al-Masih fi al-Anajil al-arba'ah
BOOKS019932I: Uthman, Tariq Ahmad - Al-Hamdab : al-ard, wa-al-hayah wa-al-nass
BOOKS019938I: Uthman, Ikhlas Muhammad - al-Shayqiyah : al-qabilah wa-al-tarikh
BOOKS019946I: Uthman, Uthman Jamal al-Din - Dirasah fi kitab al-Tabaqat
BOOKS020687I: Uthman, Taj al-Sirr - Malamih min tarikh Saltanat al-Fur al-ijtima'i, 1445 M-1874 M
BOOKS019935I: Uthman, Taj al-Sirr - Tarikh al-Nubah al-iqtisadi al-ijtima'i : m. 500-1500 / ta'alif Taj al-Sirr 'Uthman al-Hajj
BOOKS023313I: Uthman, Taj al-Sirr - Taqwim naqdi li-tajribat al-Hizb al-Shuyu'i al-Sudani, 1946-1989
BOOKS029477I: P'utkaraze, Susana - Stambolis k'art'uli savane
BOOKS016872I: Utomo, St. Laksanto - Hukum adat
BOOKS011498I: Utrecht, Ernst - Papoeas in Opstand (De tweede kwestie Nieuw Guinea): Het verzet van de Papoes tegen het Indonesiese bewind in West Irian
BOOKS016750I: Uttal, William R. - The New Phrenology: The Limits of Localizing Cognitive Processes in the Brain
BOOKS029851I: Cint Uttam - Sneh pañcras dis
BOOKS009731I: Uusitalo, Liisa [editor] - Consumer Behaviour and Environmental Quality
BOOKS007385I: Uxkull-Gyllenband, Woldemar von, graf [1898- 1939] - Plutarch und die griechische Biographie : Studien zu plutarchischen Lebensbeschreibungen des V. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS016336I: Den Uyl, Douglas J. ; & Rasmussen, Douglas B. ; editors: - The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand
BOOKS010521I: Uysal, Halil - Gec Kalmanin Gurbetinde Bir Kosu: Siirler
BOOKS008047I: Uzair, Mohammad - Interest-Free Banking
BOOKS014894I: Uzawa, Hirofumi - Economic Theory and Global Warming
BOOKS002025I: Uzielli, G. and Amat di S. Filippo, Pietro - Mappamondi, Carte Nautiche, Portolani ed altri monumenti cartografici specialmente Italiani dei secoli XIII-XVII
BOOKS015689I: Üzüm, Ilyas - Ne heybeli ne torbali" : Günümüz Bulgaristan Alevîligi
BOOKS016896I: Uzun, Muhammad - Yawm min ayyam 'Aqdali Zaynaki
BOOKS023028I: Uzunhasanoglu, Hasan - Sirimi : Lazca - Türkce / Türkce - Lazca : Cep Sözügü
BOOKS008578I: Vaage, Leif E. & Wimbush, Vincent L.; editors: - Asceticism and the New Testament
BOOKS003479I: Vaananen, Veikko, editor: - Du segretain moine : Fabliau anonyme de XIIIe siecle. Edition critique d'apres tous les manuscrits connus
BOOKS026644I: Vacano, O. W. von (Otto Wilhelm) ; & Freytag gen. Löringhoff, Bettina von ; editors: - Talamone : il mito dei Sette a Tebe : catalogo della mostra, Firenze, Museo Archeologico, 14 febbraio - 3 ottobre 1982
BOOKS012950I: Vacaspatimisra [1420-1490] [Jha, Kisoranatha; editor:] [Jha, Kishore Nath] - Nyayatattvaokah: Dvitiyavacaspatimisrapranita Gautamiyanyayasutravyakhya / Nyayatattavaloka: A Commentary on the Nyayasutras...
BOOKS015781I: Vacek, Jaroslav - Dravidian and Altaic "Water-Viscosity-Cold" : An Etymological and Typological Model
BOOKS010761I: Vacek, Jaroslav & Oberfalzerova, Alena; editors: - Mongolica Pragensia 'O2: Ethnolinguistics And Sociolinguistics in Synchrony and Diachrony
BOOKS001056I: Vacissara, Thera [ Law, Bimala Churn (1892-1969) ; translator: ] - The Legend of the Topes (Thupavamsa) / Translated into English for the First Time
BOOKS012912I: Vacutevacastiri, K. [Vasudevasastri, Ke] [1894-19??] & Subrahmanyasastri, Kse Sam; editors: - Nadicakra [Naticakkiram] / Nadee Chakram: A Treatise on 'Feeling the Pulse' (In Sanskrit) With Tamil Translation
BOOKS024827I: Vacutevacastiri, K - Talacamuttiram
BOOKS007118I: Vacutevacastiri, K. ; & Venkatarajan, S. ; editors: [ Serfoji II, Raja of Tanjore (fl. 1798-1832)] - Carapentira vaitya muraikan : cvasa, cikitsai [ Sarabendra Vaidya Muraigal ]
BOOKS003459I: Vageler, Paul - Zur Bodengeographie Algiers. Faktoren der Bodenbildung und -verteilung. Die Catena als bodengenetische Einheit
BOOKS015337I: Vagelos, P. Roy ; & Galambos, Louis. - Medicine, Science and Merck
BOOKS020939I: Vagiswari, Alladi - Income-earning Trends and Social Status of the Harijan Community in Tamil Nadu
BOOKS006887I: Vahros, Igor ; & Kahla, Martii ; editors : - Lingua Viget. Commentationes Slavicae in Honorem V. Kiparsky
BOOKS027822I: Vaidya, Parashuran Laksman - Saddharmalankavatarasutram
BOOKS003575I: Vaidyanathan, S.; editor: - Studies in Dravidian Linguistics
BOOKS007902I: Vailati, Ezio - Leibniz & Clarke: A Study of Their Correspondence
BOOKS020470I: Vairas, Karolis [pseudonym of V K Rackauskas ] - Magdales Marija
BOOKS031051I: Vaitkevicius, Vykintas - Senosios Lietuvos sventvietes : pakruojo rajonas
BOOKS020628I: Vaittiyanata Tecikar, Kamalai ; & Palacuntaram, Ca - Tirunallurp puranam
BOOKS031075I: Vaivre, Jean-Bernard de ; editor : [Commission francaise pour l - Cahiers d
BOOKS030729I: Vaivre, Jean-Bernard de ; editor : [Commission francaise pour l'étude de l'héraldique] [ Collenberg, Weyprecht-Hugo Rüdt de ]. - Cahiers d'héraldique III : melanges héraldiques [includes "L'héraldique du Chypre" pages 85-157 + 22pp plates]
BOOKS021509I: Vajapeyi, Madhulika - Madhya Pradesa mem Jaina dharma ka vikasa, prarambha se 1200. taka
BOOKS012946I: Vajda, Georges - Deux commentaires karaïtes sur l'Ecclésiaste
BOOKS023582I: Vajdi al-Husaini, Sayyid 'Abid 'Ali - Maulana Barkatullah Bhopali : inqilabi savanih
BOOKS001416I: Vajic, Bozidar; & Mikic, Fedor - O sadrzaju vode i morfina u jugoslovenskom opijumu
BOOKS011402I: Vajpayee, Manik Chandra & Paradkar, Shridhar - Partition Days: The Fiery Saga of RSS
BOOKS010507I: Vakalopoulos, Apostolos Euangelou - Emmanouel Papas "Archegos kai hyperaspistes tes Makedonias": he historia kai to archeio tes oikogeneias tou
BOOKS016122I: Vakalopoulos, Apostolos E. ; Svolopoulos, Konstantinos D. ; & Király, Béla K. ; editors: - Southeast European Maritime Commerce and Naval Policies from the Mid-eighteenth Century to 1914
BOOKS029349I: Vakalopoulos, Apostolos Euangelou - Ho Makedonikos agonas, 1904-1908 : hos koryphaia phase ton agonon ton Hellenon gia te Makedonia
BOOKS019607I: Vakalopoulos, Konstantinos Apostolou [ Vakalopoulou, Konstantinou A. - Ho voreios hellenismos kata ten proime phase tou Makedonikou agona, 1878-1894 / Konstantinou A. Vakalopoulou.
BOOKS011080I: Vakarelski, Khristo [1896-1979] - Dobrudzha: Materialy kum veshtestvenata kultura na Bulgarite prez perioda na kapitalizma
BOOKS012178I: Vakeel, Nusserwanjee Hormasjee - Political Insanity of India
BOOKS004861I: Vakil, A.K. - Relations between the Legislature & Administration in Maharashtra State from 1957-1967
BOOKS015401I: Vakili, Valla - Debating Religion and Politics in Iran: The Political Thought of Abdolkarim Soroush
BOOKS023032I: Vaktidolu [ Atalay, Adil Ali ] - Alevilikte cem, görgü, sorgu, musahiplik
BOOKS023048I: Vaktidolu [ Atalay, Adil Ali ] - Alevik'te ehl-i beyt suvgisi ve Kuran-i kerim'de ehl-i beyt sureleri
BOOKS023047I: Vaktidolu [ Atalay, Adil Ali ] - Tam Hüsniye
BOOKS023040I: Vaktidolu [ Atalay, Adil Ali ] - Haci Bektas-i Veli : Makâlat-i Hünar Bettas-i Veli
BOOKS030890I: Vakulenko, Liana V. - Ukraïns'ki Karpaty u pizn'oryms'kyi chas : (etnokul'turni ta sotsial'no-ekonomichni protsesy)
BOOKS014288I: Valantasis, Richard ; editor: - Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice
BOOKS003875I: Valdelin, Jan - Landanalys Etiopien
BOOKS016226I: Valdes, Mario J. ; & Miller, Owen J. ; editors: - Identity of the Literary Text
BOOKS013229I: Valdés Vivó, Raúl - Embajada en la selva y antes: Paralelo 17
BOOKS005406I: Valdes, Mario J. - Shadows in the Cave: A Phenomenological Approach to Literary Criticism Based on Hispanic Texts
BOOKS007289I: Valencia H, Fernando - Inspeccion sanitaria del Municipio de Une: Apuntes sanitarios respecto al municipio de Une y a la epidemia que actualmente ...
BOOKS020314I: Valente, Albino - Contribuicão para o Estudo da Anatomia Pathologica gas Ganglios Spinaes do Homem (Doenca do Somno; Meningite cerebro spinal ..,.
BOOKS027834I: Valentijn, Francois [1666-1727] [ Arasaratnam, Sinnappah ; editor & translator : ] - Francois Valentijn's Description of Ceylon
BOOKS013474I: Valentin, Jean Marie ; Bariéty, Jacques ; & Guth, Alfred ; editors: - La France et l'Allemagne entre les deux guerres mondiales : actes du colloque tenu en Sorbonne (Paris IV) 15-16-17 janvier 1987
BOOKS009298I: Valentin-Smith, [Joannes-Erhard (1796-1891)] - De l'origine des peuples de la Gaule transalpine et de leurs institutions politiques avant la domination romaine
BOOKS015439I: Valentin, Jean-Pierre ; & Lorsignol, Paul - Horizons nomades : Mauritanie -Niger
BOOKS028186I: Valentinitsch, Helfried ; editor : - Hexen und Zauberer : die grosse Verfolgung, ein europäisches Phänomen in der Steiermark
BOOKS016602I: Valenze, Deborah M. - The Social Life of Money in the English Past
BOOKS026603I: Valer, Michael - Geschichte der Zensur und der Amtsehrbeleidigung im alten Graubünden, von der Reformationszeit bis zur Gegenwart .,.,.
BOOKS025389I: Valera y Alcalá-Galiano, Juan [1824-1905] - Doña Luz
BOOKS017338I: Valeri, Francesco Malaguzzi [ Pinacoteca di Bologna ] - I migliori dipinti della R. Pinacoteca di Bologna
BOOKS017400I: Valéry, Paul [1871-1945] - History and Politics [Collected Works, Volume 10]
BOOKS022168I: Valéry, Paul [1871-1945] - Degas, Manet, Morisot [Collected Works in English of Paul Valery, Volume 12]
BOOKS023850I: Valiante, Rafaello, Barone - Le Cystoseirae del Golfo di Napoli : Memoria
BOOKS003423I: Valis, Noel Maureen - The Decadent Vision in Leopoldo Alas: A Study of 'La regenta' and 'Su unico hijo'
BOOKS019747I: Valiye, Vimayak Sadashiv - Jal Volaga Lal Ho Gai
BOOKS001119I: Valk, Peter de - African Industry in Decline : The Case of Textiles in Tanzania in the 1980's
BOOKS009256I: Valkenier, Elizabeth Kridl - Russian Realist Art : The State and Society : The Peredvizhniki and Their Tradition
BOOKS024831I: Kannutai Vallal [ Govindaswami Pillai, R. ; editor: ] - Tiruneri vilakkam : mulamum uraiyum. Patippaciriyar Iram. Kovintacami Pillai
BOOKS007651I: Vallejo, Jose - Papeletas de bibliografía hispano latina clásica
BOOKS018149I: Vallejo, César [1892-1938] - César Vallejo : The Complete Posthumous Poetry
BOOKS001259I: Vallery-Radot, Pierre - Chirurgiens d'autrefois. La famille d'Eugene Sue
BOOKS000230I: Vallinkoski, J. - Italia Suomen Kirjallisuudessa 1640-1953./ L'Italia nella Letteratura Finlandese 1640-1953.
BOOKS022821I: Valmiki, Omaprakasa - Joothan : A Dalit’s Life / Omprakash Valmiki ; translated by Arun Prabha Mukherjee
BOOKS006166I: Valmin, Natan - Das adriatische Gebiet in Vor-und Fruhbronzezeit
BOOKS024244I: Valsa, M. - Le Meurtre des enfants de Médée chez Néophron et chez Euripide
BOOKS016487I: Valsiner, Jaan ; & Veer, René van der - The Social Mind: Construction of the Idea
BOOKS021997I: Valsiner, Jaan ; & Rosa, Alberto ; editors: - The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology
BOOKS024212I: Páll Valsson - Þögnin er eins og þaninn strengur : þróun og samfella í skáldskap Snorra Hjartarsonar
BOOKS021799I: Valtonen, Tapani - Seasonal Phenomena of Temperature Selection, Gonadal Cycle and Liver Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Whitefish, Coregonus nasus
BOOKS001054I: Valunjkar, T. N. - Social Organization, Migration & Change in a Village Community
BOOKS014292I: Valverde, Mariana - Diseases of the Will : Alcohol and the Dilemmas of Freedom
BOOKS014986I: Valverde, Mariana - Diseases of the Will : Alcohol and the Dilemmas of Freedom
BOOKS024148I: Valynseele, Joseph - Les maréchaux de Napoléon III : leur famille et leur descendance
BOOKS014137I: Vanaik, Achin - The Furies of Indian Communalism: Religion, Modernity and Secularization
BOOKS029887I: Vanaja, R. - Indian Coinage
BOOKS031749I: Vanamamalai, Na. [1917-1980] - Interpretation of Tamil Folk Creations
BOOKS007589I: Vance, Norman - Irish Literature: A Social History. Tradition, Identity and Difference
BOOKS015456I: Vance, Eugene - From Topic to Tale: Logic and Narrativity in the Middle Ages
BOOKS015141I: Vance, Victor Stuart - The Ready, Willing and Academically Able: A Longitudinal Study of Retention and Attrition Among North Carolina's New Classroom..
BOOKS011440I: Vandana, Ms. - Urbanisation in North India During the Medieval Period (1556-1668 A.D.)
BOOKS017662I: Vanderbilt, Tom - Survival City : Adventures Among the Ruins of Atomic America
BOOKS002050I: Vanderburgh, Frederick Augustus - Sumerian Hymns from Cuneiform Texts in the British Museum: Transliteration, Translation and Commentary
BOOKS010040I: Vandercam, Serge ; & Dotremont, Christian [ Draguet, Michel ; et al. ] - Cobra en Fange : Vandercam-Dotremont : Dessin- Ecriture- Matiere (1958-1960)
BOOKS006900I: Vandermeer, John H. - The Ecology of Intercropping
BOOKS023181I: Vanderyst, Hyacinthe Julien Robert, Abbé - Études géo-agronomiques congolaises : introduction à la phytogéographie agrostologique de la province Congo-Kasai..,.
BOOKS004583I: Vanderyst, Hyac. - Etudes geo-zootechniques Congolaises : L'Elevage du gros betail par les Bampombos et Baholos du Congo Portuguais.
BOOKS018449I: Vandevelde, A. J. J. - Nouvelles recherches sur les ferments solubles du lait
BOOKS016623I: Vandewalle, Dirk J. - A History of Modern Libya
BOOKS014753I: Vandor, Ivan. - Die Musik des tibetischen Buddhismus
BOOKS013832I: Vaneigem, Raoul - The Movement of the Free Spirit: General Considerations and Firsthand Testimony Concerning Some Brief Flowerings...
BOOKS007631I: Vanezis, P. N. - Makarios : Pragmatism v. Idealism.
BOOKS017732I: Vanggaard, Thorkil - Panic : The Course of a Psychoanalysis
BOOKS031886I: Vanggaard, Jens H. - The Flamen : A Study in the History and Sociology of Roman Religion
BOOKS010178I: Vanita, Ruth - Sappho and the Virgin Mary: Same-Sex Love and the English Literary Imagination
BOOKS014700I: Duangchan Vannabuppha - Nithan Siang Miang
BOOKS012688I: Hembygdens vänner - I ungdomens led : minnesblad utgifna af "Hembygdens vänner" i Kimito
BOOKS030984I: Kéng Vannsak [ Ken V"ânsâk (1925-2008)] - Echanger les yeux pour mieux voir : Poemes par les eleves de seconde du Lycee Sisowath 1954-1955 , Phnom Penh..,.
BOOKS007426I: Vansina, Jan - The Children of Woot. A History of the Kuba Peoples
BOOKS013514I: Vansina, Jan - The Tio Kingdom of the Middle Congo, 1880-1892
BOOKS023385I: Vanzara, Khushbu ; et al. [ Borkar, I.S. ; editor: ] [ Borakara, Aya. Esa.] - Vanzari Pictorial Glossary / Vanajhari sacitra sabdavali
BOOKS022792I: Varadacarya [ Venkatacarya, V. S., karappankad ; & Viraraghavadasa, son of Nirismhaguru Ratnasarini ; editors: ] - Tattvasara with Ratnasarini / Edited with Introduction by Karappankadu Venkatachariyar
BOOKS023819I: Várady, László - Studies in Historico-political Culture of Antiquity and Humanism
BOOKS006515I: Varcoe, Ian; McNeil, Maureen & Yearley, Steven, editors: - Deciphering Science & Technology : The Social Relations of Expertise
BOOKS009012I: Vardapet, Élisée ; [ Ter-Minassiantz, Erwand; translator : - Vardani ew hayoc paterazmi masin : E dar
BOOKS023415I: Varddhamanopadhyaya [14 century CE] [ Raghunathan, Ke.; & Jha, Kisoranatha ; editors: ] - Anviksanayatattvabodhah
BOOKS021574I: Varde, P. S. [1912-1976] - History of Education in Goa, From 1510 to the Present Day
BOOKS026919I: Vardhamanasuri [active 1083-1116 CE] [ Pagariya, Rupendrakumara ; editor: ] - Manoramakaha / Vaddhamanasuriviraiya ; sampadaka Rupendrakumara Pagariya
BOOKS026910I: Vardhamanasuri [active 1083-1116 CE] [ Pagariya, Rupendrakumara ; editor: ] - Jugaijinindacariya / Vardhamanasuriviracita ; sampadaka Rupendrakumara Pagariya
BOOKS011265I: Vardys, Vytas Stanley - The Catholic Church, Dissent, and Nationality in Soviet Lithuania
BOOKS021550I: Varella, Manuel ; & Carreira, Herculano ; editors : - Moeda : revista mensal de numismática : II. volume ; No. 1 - 11/12 [1974-1976 ]
BOOKS023258I: Varella, Manuel ; & Carreira, Herculano ; editors : - Moeda : revista mensal de numismática : I. volume ; No. 1 - 12 [1973-1974 ]
BOOKS028130I: Varenbergh, Joseph - Studien zur äthiopischen Reichsordnung
BOOKS001299I: Varenne, Jean - Cosmogonies Védiques
BOOKS011849I: Varga, Csaba; editor: - Marxian Legal Theory
BOOKS016817I: Varga, Csaba - Quelques problemes de la définition du droit dans la théorie socialiste [bound together with 8 other offprints]
BOOKS005652I: Vargas, Zaragosa - Proletarians of the North. A History of Mexican Industrial Workers in Detroit & the Midwest, 1917- 1933
BOOKS011999I: Vargas Ugarte, Ruben [1886-19??] - El beato Martin de Porras
BOOKS021547I: Vargas Zamora, José A. ; Gómez Laurito, Jorge ; & Chacón Hidalgo, Manuel Benito - Plantas y animales en la numismática costarricense / Plants and Animals in Costa Rican Numismatics
BOOKS030304I: various [Icelandic] - Trójumanna saga hin forna [bound together with four other books in Icelandic, ca. 1905-1915]
BOOKS024849I: various [Iraq] - a collection of 5 books concerning the Ba'ath regime in Iraq and Sadaam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, ca. 1990-1991
BOOKS024845I: various (Peru) - a collection of three pamphlets concerning Peru, ca. 1903-1922
BOOKS024858I: various [Mozambique] - a collection of 5 pamphlets concerning Mozambique, ca. 1906-1948
BOOKS018737I: various [ Nashr-i Shahr (Tehran, Iran) ] - A collection of 53 Iranian popular cartoon humor booklets, ca. 2008-2014
BOOKS024854I: various [Timor] - a collection of 3 pamphlets concerning Timor, ca. 1931-1966
BOOKS024860I: various (Alcohol & Alcoholism) - a collection of 6 books & pamphlets concerning the alcohol question, ca. 1906-1950
BOOKS024859I: various [Angola] - a collection of 5 books and pamphlets concerning Angola, ca. 1914-1967
BOOKS025839I: various [Egyptian pulp fiction] - a collection of 8 Egyptian popular fiction books & periodicals, etc., ca. 1950s-70s, with lurid cover art
BOOKS018916I: various [ Malou, Jean Baptiste ; et al. ] - The Falsehood of Protestantism Demonstrated [bound together with 16 other items concerning Catholic theology, ca. 1806-1870]
BOOKS025705I: various [Marian Apparitions] [ Martinez, Bernardo ] - A collection of two booklets concerning apparitions of the Virgin Mary, ca. 1980s.
BOOKS007798I: [Dumbarton Oaks] various - [Dumbarton Oaks] Studies in Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology, Nrs. 1-8; 11; 16; 20; 21
BOOKS026595I: various [Egypt] - a collection of 14 different broadsheet newspapers issued on the second anniversary of the 25 January 2011 uprising
BOOKS001339I: [Ambedkarite, Dalit Movement, Bahujan, Neo-Buddhist movements & publishers] various - [A collection of 121 books & pamphlets issued by Ambedkarite, Dalit, Bahujan & Neo-Buddhist presses ca. 1985-2002]
BOOKS024955I: various [Alcohol] - A volume containing 6 books and pamphlets concerning alcohol, alcoholism and the alcohol question, all in German, ca. 1902-1929
BOOKS027023I: various [Mariology] - La Madone de Rimini.,.,.[bound together with 8 other pamphlets concerning Marian apparitions & shrines, ca. 1848-1876]
BOOKS012453I: anonymous and various [Portugal] - Ensaio juridico: A successao legal dos prazos ..,. [bound together with 11 other Portuguese books & pamphlets, ca. 1851-1885]
BOOKS025278I: various [Haithabu / Hedeby ] [ Jankuhn, Herbert ] [ Schwantes, Gustav ] [ Scheel, Otto ] - a collection of 56 offprints, extracts, etc. concerning archaeological excavations of Haithabu / Hedeby, most ca. 1930s.
BOOKS020499I: various [ Düring, Ingemar ; Earp, F.R. ; Handley, E.W. ; Evangelium, N. ; Eitrem, S. ; Döring, K. ; et al. - A collection of 13 offprints and extracts concering classical philology, ca. 1935-1986.
BOOKS025797I: various [Nepal] - 5 pamphlets concerning Nepal, ca. 1950-1968
BOOKS016131I: anonymous & various [Portuguese India] [Goa] - O Visconde de Torres Novas e as Eleicoes em Goa [bound together with 13 other pamphlets concerning Portuguese India, 1861-1966]
BOOKS016127I: anonymous & various [Denmark] - Rigsdagen og Ministeriet: Nogle oplysende Bemærkninger ..,.[bound together with 18 Danish political pamphlets, ca. 1852-1870]
BOOKS005215I: various [ Notaphily ] - Der geldschein Sammler [together with 45 periodicals, lists, etc., ca. 1974- 2012, concerning paper money collecting as hobby]
BOOKS030083I: anonymous and various [ Hesse, Germany ] - Friedrich II und die neuere Geschichts-Schreibung ..,. [bound together with 5 other pamphlets concerning Hesse, ca. 1879-1904]
BOOKS029364I: various [Egypt] - a collection of 3 Egyptian children's books / primary-school textbooks, ca.1923-1960s
BOOKS014898I: Varma, Kailash Chandra - The Aryans, the Veda and the Kaliyuga Era of 3102 B.C.
BOOKS001834I: Varma, B.K. ; Saxena, S.C. ; & Bhargaua, V.K. - Carpet Craft of Obra Village [Bihar, Handicraft Survey Report]
BOOKS021003I: Varma, Siddheshwar - The Phonetics of Lahnda
BOOKS021612I: Varma, Syama ; Gautama, Sunrta ; & Thakur, Molu Ram - Pahari bhasha vyakarana
BOOKS005754I: Varma, Birendra - From Delhi to Teheran. A Study of British Diplomatic Moves in North-Western India, Afghanistan and Persia, 1772 - 1803
BOOKS019259I: Varnedoe, Kirk [1946-2003] - Pictures of Nothing : Abstract Art since Pollock
BOOKS028598I: Varol, Marie-Christine [ Varol-Bornes, Marie-Christine ] - Balat, faubourg juif d'Istanbul
BOOKS012584I: Varsamopoulou, Evy - The Poetics of the "Künstlerinroman" and the Aesthetics of the Sublime
BOOKS031105I: Varvounes, Manoles G. - Enoriakoi naoi kai paradosiake threskeutike symperiphora : he periptose tou naou tou Hagiou Nikolaou Samou kai he laographike..,
BOOKS023451I: Varyani, Prityam L. - Sindhi bhasha ain Sanskriti [Sindhi bhasha aim samskrta]
BOOKS022594I: Vasaly, Ann - Representations : Images of the World in Ciceronian Oratory
BOOKS011378I: Vasanthakumari, T. - Generative Phonology of Tamil
BOOKS021803I: Vasco, Cunha - A industria do algodão no Brasil
BOOKS017377I: Seraphim de Vasconcellos [ Seraphim de Carvalho Valle e Vasconcellos, Antonio (?) ] - A Republica no Céo : Satyra...Mystica
BOOKS030144I: Vasconcellos, A.M. [ Vasconcelos, Adriano Mendes Strecht de (1867-1946) ] - A salvacão da República pela intervencão militar interna
BOOKS028135I: Vasconcellos, Joaquim de ; editor : [Clenardus, Nicolaus] [ Cleynaerts, Nicolas (1495-1542) ] - Cartas de Nicolau Clenardo e seu circulo litterario
BOOKS011343I: Vasconcelos, Alcino de - Batida a mabecos, debaste fructuoso em densa matilha angolana
BOOKS006569I: Vasconcelos, Alcino de - O' da Guarda.
BOOKS020229I: Vasconcelos, Manuel de - Estudo sobre osteosintese
BOOKS008881I: Vasdev ["Nirmal"] - Sas Ri Sas
BOOKS030416I: Vasegaard, Søren - Fra Klejtrup sogn : bidrag til belysning af himmerlandsk bondekultur i 70erne
BOOKS016883I: Vasenkari, Maria; Enges, Pasi; Siika, Anna-Leena; editors: - A Festschrift for Prof. Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj on her 60th Birthday 1st February 1996
BOOKS015924I: Vaseva, Valentina - Ritumut na zhivota. Reproduktivni i vegetativni tzikli v bulgarskata traditziia
BOOKS011467I: Vasey, Michael W. & Dadds, Mark R.; editors: - The Developmental Psychopathology of Anxiety
BOOKS014549I: Vasfi, Ihsan S. - Irak Türkleri'nde deyimler ve atasözleri
BOOKS029498I: Vashakidze, Tamar ; editor : - K’art’uli sitqvis kulturis sakit’khebi : tsigni met’ot’khmete
BOOKS006106I: Vashishatha, Sudershan, editor: - Mandi Deo Milan
BOOKS008895I: Vashishtha, Sudarshan; editor: - Kullu: Dev Samagam
BOOKS008896I: Vashishtha, Sudarshan; editor: - Himachal Pradesh Ka Prachin Tantra Granth-Sancha
BOOKS006344I: Vashreney, Lakchmisagar - Adhunik Hindi Sahitya (1850 - 1900 AD)
BOOKS008590I: Vashum, R. - Indo-Naga Conflict : Problem and Resolution
BOOKS014192I: Vasilev, Liubomir - BZNS po vreme na pravitelstvoto na Alexandur Tzankov (1923-1925)
BOOKS013428I: Vasileva, Maiia [Vassileva, Maya] - Tsar Midas: Mezhdu Europa i Asiia
BOOKS003561I: Vasileva, Margarita - Dimitur Marinov: Izsledovateliat na zhivata narodna starina
BOOKS001620I: Vasilikos, Vasiles [ Vassilikos, Vassilis ] - Mesa ste nychta tes asphaleias
BOOKS007389I: Vasiliu, Vasile Gheorghe - The Income Tax in Great Britain and Roumania : A Comparative Study
BOOKS021394I: Vasina, Augusto ; editor : - L'alto medioevo VII-XII [Storia di Ferrara, Volume IV]
BOOKS008267I: Vasishtha, Sudarsana [Ashk, Upendranath] - Terata pakhi
BOOKS020194I: Vasishtha, Sudarsana ; Jasarotiya, Ramesa ; & Sankhyayana, Saroja - Kinnaura / sampadaka, Sudarsana Vasishtha ; sahayaka sampadaka, Saroja Sankhyayana, Ramesa Jasarotiya
BOOKS031348I: Vaskela, Gediminas - Zemes reforma Lietuvoje 1919-1940 m. : analizuojant Rytu ir Vidurio Europos agrarines raidos XX a. III-IV desimtmeciais tendenci
BOOKS017685I: Vasko, Timo - Die dritte Position : der Jüdisch-Christliche Dialog bei Schalom Ben-Chorin bis 1945
BOOKS023671I: Vasquez, John A. - The War Puzzle Revisited
BOOKS010342I: Vasram, N. ; & Toussi, A. - Mahdi in the Qur'an According to Shi'ite Qur'an Commentators
BOOKS013817I: Vassi, Marco Ferdinand William Vasquez-d'Acugno [1937-1989] - The Stoned Apocalypse
BOOKS016254I: Vassiliev, Alexei [ Vasil'ev, A. M. (Aleksei Mikhailovich) ] - Central Asia: Political and Economic Challenges in the Post-Soviet Era
BOOKS027163I: Vasudevan Potti, R. [ Vasudevanpotti, Ar ] - Srimad Ananda Tirtha Virachitam Tattvaditrayam
BOOKS015810I: Vasudevan, T. - A Study of Stylistics in Sanskrit Poetics with Special Reference to Kuntaka, Parts I - II
BOOKS027165I: Vasudevan Potti, R. [ Vasudevanpotti, Ar ] - Sri Madhvacaryar : Jivitavum Darsanavum
BOOKS027161I: Vasudevan Potti, R. [ Vasudevanpotti, Ar ] - Sastravadavali
BOOKS027166I: Vasudevan Potti, R. [ Vasudevanpotti, Ar ] - Kalidasa Prasadam
BOOKS012952I: Vasudevaratha [18th century] [Thakkura, Anantalala; editor:] [Thakur, Anantalal] - Gangavamsanucaritam by Vasudevaratha Somayajin; Deciphered and Edited by Anantala Thakur
BOOKS019926I: Vaswami, J.P. - I Am a Sindhi : The Glorious Sindhi Heritage : The Culture and Folklore of Sind
BOOKS008734I: Vaswani, K.N. - We, The Sindhi People
BOOKS030224I: Vatar de Jouannet, Francois-Pierre - Recueil des arrests de reglement du Parlement de Bretagne concernant les paroisses, qui fixent la manière d’en faire ..,.
BOOKS014201I: Vater, Johann Severin [1771 - 1826] [Jülg, Bernhard (1825 - 1886)] - Litteratur der Grammatiken, Lexika und Wörtersammlungen aller Sprachen der Erde
BOOKS026365I: Vatikiotis, P.J. ( Panayiotis Jerasimof ) - The Egyptian Army in Politics : Pattern for New Nations?
BOOKS029944I: Vatsov, Spasa [ Watzof, Spas (1856-1928) ] ; editor : [Bulgaria, Tsentralna meteorologicheska stantsiia] - Zemletreseniia v Bulgariia..,./ Tremblements de terre en Bulgarie [Nr.s 1-17 (1902-1923)]
BOOKS014918I: Vatsyayan, Kapila - A Study of Some Traditions of Performing Arts in Eastern India : Margi and Desi Polarities
BOOKS016736I: Vattimo, Gianni - Beyond Interpretation: The Meaning of Hermeneutics for Philosophy
BOOKS002102I: Vatuk, Ved Prakash - Studies in Indian Folk Traditions
BOOKS005216I: Vaudeville, Charlotte - Barahmasa in Indian Literatures. Songs of the Twelve Months in Indo-Aryan Literatures.
BOOKS007453I: Vaupel, James W.; Zhenglian, Wang; Andreev, Kirill F.; & Yashin, Anatoli I. - Population Data at a Glance: Shaded Contour Maps of Demographic Surfaces over Age and Time
BOOKS004893I: Vautier, Armand [1840-1929] - La Patrie vaudoise : le pays et ses habitants ..,. avec 250 vues et scènes de moeurs, d'après des photographies inédites ..,.
BOOKS029920I: Vavra, Elisabeth ; editor : - Bild und Abbild vom Menschen im Mittelalter : Akten der Akademie Friesach "Stadt und Kultur im Mittelalter", Friesach (Kärnten)
BOOKS017980I: Vayda, Andrew Peter ; compiler: - Environment and Cultural Behavior: Environment and Cultural Behavior : Ecological Studies in Cultural Anthropology
BOOKS021595I: Vazhuthanapally, Joseph - The Biblical and Archaeological Foundations of the Mar Thoma Sliba
BOOKS029350I: Vaziri, 'Alinaqi ; & Mu'ini, Amir - Armuni-i musiqi-i Iran ya musiqi-i rub'-i pardah / sakhtah va nigarish 'Alinaqi Vaziri ; sharh va bast va viraish Amir Muini
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