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BOOKS010628I: Veltheim-Lottum, Ludolf - Kleine Weltgeschichte des staedtischen Wohnhauses
BOOKS023721I: Veludo, Giovanni - Imagine della Madonna di S. Marco : Monumento bizantino
BOOKS031363I: Velupillai, Alvapillai - Study of the Dialects in Inscriptional Tamil / by A. Velu Pillai
BOOKS021533I: Vempeny, Ishanand, S.J. - Conversion : National Debate or Dialogue
BOOKS006301I: Vendler, Zeno - Res Cogitans. An Essay in Rational Psychology
BOOKS017628I: Vendler, Helen Hennessy - Soul Says : On Recent Poetry
BOOKS020413I: Vendler, Helen Hennessy - The Breaking of Style : Hopkins, Heaney, Graham
BOOKS021405I: Vendler, Helen Hennessy - Invisible Listeners : Lyric Intimacy in Herbert, Whitman, and Ashbery
BOOKS012317I: Venedikova, Katerina - Bulgarite v Mala Aziia: ot drevnostta do nashi dni
BOOKS023267I: Venegas, Miguel [1680-1764] - A Natural and Civil History of California [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS018525I: Venema, Adriaan [1941-1993] - Handboek voor de Nieuwe Illegalen
BOOKS026192I: Venema, Albertus - Overgangsverschijnselen in de cosmische straling : in verband met de samengesteldheid dier straling
BOOKS011297I: Venetianer, Lajos [1867-1922] - A zsidosag eszmei es tanai
BOOKS024603I: Venezuela, Gobierno Bolivariano - a collection of 3 pamphlets, ca. 2008-2011
BOOKS028105I: Venezuela, Proyecto de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero - Informe Tecnico No.s 29, 35, 37-42, 45-49, 52-56, 59-60 [1971-1972]
BOOKS014773I: Venezuela, Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos, Direccion de Geologia - Lexico estratigrafico de Venezuela
BOOKS002383I: Venezuela, Ministerio de Justicia - Boletin Indigenista Venezolano. Organo de la Comision Indigenista. Ano I.,Tomo I, no. 2. Abril-Junio 1953
BOOKS025939I: Venezuela, Ministerio da Minas e Hidrocarburos, Direccion de Geologia - Boletin de Geologia : No.s 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 [1951-1953]
BOOKS002382I: Venezuela, Ministerio de Justicia - Boletin Indigenista Venezolano.Organo de la Comision Indigenista. Ano I, Tomo I. Nr. 1, Enero-Marzo 1953
BOOKS023131I: Venkata Ratnam, C. S. - Human Factor in Indian Ports
BOOKS018968I: Venkata Rao, A. ; & Sesha Ayyangar, H. [ Nagavarma, 12th century ] - Nagavarma viracitamappa Abhidhana ratnamala Karnataka tike
BOOKS020578I: Venkatakrishnamacharyulu, Chigulirevula [ Subbaramayya, Gannavarapu ; editor: ] - Yamuna vijaya vilasamu of Sarasakavi Chigulirevula Venkatakrishnamacharyulu
BOOKS003751I: Venkatappayya, Yalamanelli - Kula medi?
BOOKS007368I: Venkatarajan, S. ; editor: [ Serfoji II, Raja of Tanjore (fl. 1798-1832) ] - Carapentira vaitya muraikal : peti muraikalum, atisara cikitsaiyum
BOOKS002070I: Venkatarajan, S. ; editor: [ Serfoji II, Raja of Tanjore (fl. 1798-1832) ] - Carapentira vaittiya muraikal jvara roka cikitsai [ Sarabendra vaidya muraigal jwararoga chikitsai ]
BOOKS000488I: Venkataraman, G. S. - Vaucheriaceae
BOOKS020341I: Venkataravu, Nidudavolu [1904-1982] [ Venkata Rao, N.] - The Southern School in Telugu Literature
BOOKS004836I: Venkatarayappa, K.N. - Feminine Roles
BOOKS014132I: Venkatesananda, Swami [ Valmiki ] - The Concise Ramayana of Valmiki
BOOKS022798I: Venkayya, Emani - Petrological Observations in the Maggia Hydro-electric Tunnel between Lake Maggiore and Centovalli
BOOKS008190I: Ventocilla, Jorge; Herrera, Heraclio; & Nunez, Valerio - Plants and Animals in the Life of the Kuna
BOOKS004570I: Ventura, Avram S., translator: - Gesammelte Gedichte von Dimtscho Bedeljanow aus dem Bulgarischen ubertragen.
BOOKS024568I: Venturi, Franco - The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 1768-1776 : The First Crisis
BOOKS015971I: Venturi, Franco - The End of Old Regime in Europe, 1776-1789 ; I : The Great States of the West
BOOKS024731I: Venturi, Franco - The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 1776-1789 : II: Republican Patriotism and the Empires of the East
BOOKS023695I: Venugopal, P. - Social Justice and Reservation
BOOKS001734I: Venugopalan, V.K. - Studies on the Cytochemical & Biochemical Aspects of the Ovarian Cycle in Ophicephalus Striatus (Bloch)
BOOKS014037I: Venuti, Lawrence - Our Halcyon Dayes: English Prerevolutionary Texts and Postmodern Culture
BOOKS031916I: Vera, Domenico ; editor : - Demografia, sistemi agrari, regimi alimentari nel mondo antico : atti del convegno internazionale di studi ..,.
BOOKS012364I: Verdery, Katherine - The Political Lives of Dead Bodies : Reburial and Postsocialist Change
BOOKS008144I: Verdery, Katherine - National Ideology Under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania
BOOKS024100I: Hessische Familiengeschichtliche Vereinigung - 50 Jahre Hessische Familiengeschichtliche Vereinigung e. V., Darmstadt, 1921-1971 : Festschrift ..,.
BOOKS028106I: Deutschen Zoll- und Handels-Vereins - Verträge und Verhandlungen aus dem Zeitraume von 1833 bis einschliesslich 1856.,.des Deutschen Zoll- und Handels-Vereins [Bd. 3]
BOOKS030887I: Veremiichyk, Ivan M. - Korotkyi tlumachnyi slovnyk : (narodna leksyka)
BOOKS016764I: Verene, Donald Phillip - Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake
BOOKS002804I: Surinaamsche Landbouw Vereniing - Landbouw. Orgaan van de Surinaamsche Landbouw Vereniing. Jaargang I, no. 1 - 6/7 [Augustus 1948 - April/Mei 1949]
BOOKS004524I: Vergara, Luiz - Fui Secretatio de Getulio Vargas. Memorias dos annos de 1926-1954
BOOKS025686I: Verger, Henri [1873-1930] - L'évolution des idées médicales sur la responsabilité des délinquants
BOOKS014919I: Verger, Georges - Traitement des épithéliomas du maxillaire supérieur par l'Association Chirurgie - Curiethérapie
BOOKS025189I: Verghese, C. Paul - Nirad C. Chaudhuri
BOOKS013346I: Vergote, Jozef [1910 - ] - Joseph en Egypte; Genese Chap. 37-50, a la lumiere des etudes egyptologiques recentes
BOOKS030055I: Verharen, Egon M. - A Language-action Perspective on the Design of Cooperative Information Agents
BOOKS030367I: Verheijen, Melchior - Eloquentia pedisequa : observations sur le style des Confessions de saint Augustin
BOOKS027544I: Verhoeff, Karl W. - Über Diplopoden : 11.-15. Aufsatz (31.-35.): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Glomeriden, Juliden, Ascospermorpha und Lysiopetaliden.,.
BOOKS023543I: Verhoeven, Ludo Th. ; Elbro, Carsten ; & Reitsma, P. (Pieter) ; editors : - Precursors of Functional Literacy
BOOKS031952I: Verlagsgenossenschaft [ Scherer, C. ; & Volkart, Otto ; editors :] - Werden : Monatsblätter für sozialistische Kultur und Arbeit : No. I. [Maiheft 1920] ; nr. 2 [1920] ;nr. 3 [1920]
BOOKS007484I: Basis-Verlagskollektiv - Krach auf Kohls Spielplatz
BOOKS012258I: Verli, Marenglen; editor: - Komiteti "Mbrojtja Kombetare e Kosoves" (Permbledhje kumtesash)
BOOKS000558I: Verli, Marenglen - Shfrytëzimi ekonomik i Kosovës, 1970-1990
BOOKS012225I: Verli, Marenglen - Reforma agrare kolonizuese ne Kosove (1918-1941)
BOOKS014020I: Verma, Manindra K. ; & Mohanan, Karavannur Puthanvettil ; editors: - Experiencer Subjects in South Asian Languages
BOOKS017383I: Verma, T. S. ; & Sharma, S. C. - Producing Seeds of Biennial Vegetables in Temperate Regions
BOOKS003026I: Verma, Sheela - The Structure of the Magahi Verb
BOOKS002843I: Verma, D.P.S. & Shoemaker, R.C.; editors: - Soybean: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
BOOKS008479I: Verma, Anand Swaroop - Maoist Movement in Nepal
BOOKS001979I: Verma, V.S. - Arunachal Pradesh: Demographic Profile (Based on full count)
BOOKS031971I: Vermaseren, M. J. (Maarten Jozef) - The Legend of Attis in Greek and Roman Art
BOOKS021242I: Vermeij, Pieter Bastiaan - L'évolution morphologique du bassin de l'Ardèche
BOOKS029997I: Vermeulen, Pieter - Studies on Dactylorchids
BOOKS019510I: Verner, Miroslav ; Posener-Krieger, Paule ; & Janosi, Peter - Abusir III : The Pyramid Complex of Khentkaus
BOOKS026930I: Verneur, Jacques-Thomas [1777-1854] - Singularités anglaises, écossaises et irlandaises ; ou, Recueil d'anecdotes curieuses, d'actions bizarres..,.[Tome I & II]
BOOKS005266I: Vernon, John - Poetry and the Body
BOOKS021925I: Vernus, Pascal - Future at Issue : Tense, Mood, and Aspect in Middle Egyptian : Studies in Syntax and Semantics
BOOKS001207I: Verpoorte, R. - Pharmacognostical Studies of some African Strychnos Species
BOOKS030289I: Verri, Antonio ; & Parona, Carlo Fabrizio - I. Studi geologici sulle conche di Terni e di Rieti : II. Contributi allo studio della fauna liassica dell'Apennino centrale
BOOKS020304I: Verschuer, Otmar, Freiherr von [1896-1969] - Die Anwendung von Erkenntnissen der allgemeinen Genetik auf den Menschen und ihre Grenzen
BOOKS017374I: Vershofen, Wilhelm [1878-1960] - Anno 46 [together with 10 other pamphlets by Vershofen ca. 1951-1968]
BOOKS002324I: Dorotheum Wien / Kunstabteilung / Versteigerungsanstalt - Versteigerung einer Münzensammlung..,.1932 [bound together with 10 other coin auction catalogues, Vienna, ca. 1932-1936]
BOOKS023817I: Vértes, Edith - Die ostjakischen Pronomina
BOOKS031535I: Germany (West). Bundesministerium für Vertriebene - Information für die Truppe [a collection of 55 issues, ca. 1958 - 1990 ]
BOOKS026206I: Verwohlt, Ernst - Gustav Wied og Kastellets mindelund
BOOKS000594I: Vesa, Vasile - Les relations politiques roumano-francaises au début du XXe siécle (1900-1916)
BOOKS003453I: Vesco, Ezio Dal - Genesi e metamorfosi delle rocce basiche e ultrabasiche nell'ambiente mesozonale dell'orogene pennidico ..,.
BOOKS020099I: Vesely, Dalibor - Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation : The Question of Creativity in the Shadow of Production
BOOKS000687I: Vesic, Miladin Z., editor: - Stanovnistvo i migracije u istocnoj Srbiji
BOOKS009445I: Vestal, James E. - Planning for Change : Industrial Policy and Japanese Economic Development 1945-1990
BOOKS031402I: Vestergaard, Evija Volfa - My Dragon of Riches : Latvian Mythological Legends : A Depth Psychological Perspective / Mans bagatibas pukis : latviesu ..,.
BOOKS022551I: Vesterholt, Ole - Tradition and Individuality : A Study in Slavonic Oral Epic Poetry
BOOKS027964I: Vet, Louise Elisabeth Maria - Comparative Ecology of Hymenopterous Parasitoids
BOOKS002427I: Veth, Pieter Johannes [1814 - 1895] - Uit Oost en West : Verklaring van eenige uitheemsche woorden
BOOKS018029I: Vett, Carl [1871-1956] - Dervish Diary
BOOKS031963I: Vetter, Tilmann [1937- 2012] - The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early Buddhism
BOOKS013458I: Vetter, Tilmann; editor & translator: [Sarvajñatma] - Sarvajñatman’s Samksepasarirakam. 1. Kapitel: Einführung, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen
BOOKS017335I: Vetter, Th. - Rencontres avec Jacques Daviel (1693-1762)
BOOKS001192I: Vetter, Klaus - Kurmärkischer Adel und preussische Reformen
BOOKS010186I: Vetter, Walther [1891 - 19??]; editor: - Festschrift Max Schneider zum achtzigsten Geburtstage
BOOKS027870I: Vetters, Hermann - Ephesos : vorläufiger Grabungsbericht 1973
BOOKS028132I: Vetters, Hermann ; Herold, Karl ; & Karwiese, Stefan - Ephesos : vorläufiger Grabunsbericht, 1986-87 / Die Bergung geschnitzler Holabalken / Fundmünzen Ephesos
BOOKS029558I: Van der Veur, Paul W. - Search for New Guinea's Boundaries : From Torres Straits to the Pacific
BOOKS016976I: Viano, Maurizio Sanzio - A Certain Realism: Making Use of Pasolini's Film Theory and Practice
BOOKS028033I: Vibe, Christian ; editor : - Grønlandsposten : 2. Aargang : 1943
BOOKS009241I: Vibe-Muller, Karl ; & Gejvall, Nils-Gustaf - Gravfeltene paa Ula, Glemmen, Ostfold. Keltisk jernalder, romertid og folkevandringstid & osteologiske undersokelser
BOOKS007004I: Vibe, Christian ; editor : - Grønlandsposten : 4. Aargang : 1945
BOOKS006112I: Vibe, Christian ; editor : - Grønlandsposten : 3. Aargang : 1944
BOOKS020853I: Vibe, Christian - Preliminary Investigations on Shallow Water Animal Communities in the Upernavik- and Thule-districts (Northwest Greenland)
BOOKS028023I: Vibe, Christian ; editor : - Grønlandsposten : 1. Aargang : 1942
BOOKS024476I: Vibe, Christian - Arctic Animals in Relation to Climatic Fluctuations
BOOKS006298I: Vicente Jordana, Roman - Localizacion de los portadores de fiebres tificas por medio del bacteriofago
BOOKS001182I: Vicenti, José A. (firm of) - Catálogo de duros españoles, 1701-1899
BOOKS017268I: Vickerman, Milton - Crosscurrents : West Indian Immigrants and Race
BOOKS005180I: Vickers, Brian - Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose
BOOKS015896I: Vickers, Adrian - A History of Modern Indonesia
BOOKS015705I: Vickery, Kenneth Powers - Black and White in Southern Zambia: Tonga Plateau Economy and British Imperialism, 1890-1939
BOOKS015146I: Vickery, John B. - The Literary Impact of the Golden Bough
BOOKS016704I: Victor, David G. ; Raustiala, Kal ; & Skolnikoff, Eugene B. ; editors: - The Implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments: Theory and Practice
BOOKS012698I: Fundacion Cultural Mapfre Vida - Carlos Sáenz de Tejada : Los años de 'La Libertad'. Madrid, 9 de julio - 13 de septiembre de 1998
BOOKS003191I: Vidal, Augusto de Lima - Historia de uma Campanha...Gorada
BOOKS016474I: Vidal, Mary - Watteau's Painted Conversations: Art, Literature and Talk in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century France
BOOKS012639I: Vidas, Davor; editor: - Protecting the Polar Marine Environment : Law and Policy for Pollution Prevention
BOOKS024642I: Vide, Sten-Bertil - Ordspråk, ordstäv och talesätt från sydvästra Småland. Med inledning och kommentar
BOOKS030896I: Videiko, M. IU. - Puteshestvie v tripol'skii mir
BOOKS015712I: Vidén, Gunhild - Women in Roman Literature : Attitudes of Authors under the Early Empire
BOOKS020669I: Vidler, Alec R. [ Vidler, Alexander Roper (1899-1991)] - A Variety of Catholic Modernists
BOOKS000595I: Vidyabhusana, Satis Chandra - History of the Medieval School of Indian Logic
BOOKS006744I: Vidyarthy,L.P. & Singh, Ajit K. - The Bio-Cultural Profiles of Tribal Bihar
BOOKS002689I: Vidyasagar, Machauaram ; & Britto, Gaspar - Karaikal : Town Survey Report [Pondicherry]
BOOKS012416I: Viebrock, Helmut [1912- ] - Theorie und Praxis der Stilanalyse: Die Leistung der Sprache fuer den Stil, dargestellt an Texten der englischen Literatur...
BOOKS022652I: Vielliard, Jeanne ; editor: - Guide du pèlerin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : texte latin du XIIe siècle, édité et traduit en français ..,.
BOOKS000018I: Nguyen Khac Vien ; editor: - Archaeological Data, I
BOOKS016919I: Nguyen Khac Vien ; editor: - Données ethnographiques, II
BOOKS021327I: Nguyen Khac Vien ; editor: - Indochina, 1971-1972
BOOKS021328I: Nguyen Khac Vien - Glimpses of Vietnamese Literature
BOOKS021329I: Nguyen Khac Vien ; editor: - Collapse of the Neo-colonialist Regimes in Indochina
BOOKS021330I: Nguyen Khac Vien ; editor: - Hanoi : From the Origins to the 19th Century
BOOKS018138I: Mkhitarean Miabanutiwn i Vienna [Mechitharist Publishing House] - Handes amsoreay : baroyakan, usumnakan..,. / Handes Amsdorya: Zeitschrift für armenische Philogie, 46.-48. Jahrgang [1932-1934]
BOOKS017827I: Vienney, Paul - Armes legales de l'ouvrier
BOOKS005656I: Vierhaus, Rudolf - Germany in the Age of Absolutism
BOOKS020270I: Hoàng Quoc Viet - Brief Review of the Viet-Nam Situation after Six Years of Resistance
BOOKS021336I: Communauté vietnamienne - Les prisonniers politiques : Saïgon, un régime en question
BOOKS010016I: Vieweg, Richard [1896-1972] - Ephemeridenzeit und Atomzeit
BOOKS012380I: Vieweg, Richard [1896-1972] - Kulturbedeutung der Werkstoffe
BOOKS013134I: Vig, Peter Sorensen [1854 - 1930] - Den danske udvandring til Amerika, dens aarsager og veje tilligemed en udsigt over dansk litteratur om Amerika og dansk-amerikan
BOOKS002245I: Vigne, Paul - L'oeuvre scientifique de Auguste Lumiere dans la domaine de la Bbologie et de la medicine
BOOKS031245I: Viires, Ants - Muunduv rahvakultuur : etnograafilisi uurimusi
BOOKS026876I: Vijaya Kumari, S. - Sphota Concept of Bharatamisra
BOOKS005460I: Vijayachandran, K. - Silent Valley: Myth & Reality. An Exposure of the National Committee on Environmental Planning & Coordination...
BOOKS026905I: Vijayalakshmy, R. - A Study of Civakacintamani : Particularly from the Point of View of Interaction of Sanskrit Language and Literature with Tamil
BOOKS006097I: Vijayavenugopal, G. - Nominal Composition in Tamil
BOOKS030473I: Vijnanananda, Swami - Hindu ka nam, lakshan aur bhavisaye
BOOKS009050I: Vila, Andre - Aksha II: Le cimitiere meroitique d'Aksha
BOOKS002502I: Vilamo-Pentti, Eva, editor: - De Sainte Leocade au tans que Sainz Hyldefons estoit arcevesques de Tholete cui Nostre Dame donna l'aube de prelaz...
BOOKS003492I: Vilamo-Pentti, Eva, editor: - La Court de Paradis. Poeme anonyme du XIIIe siecle. Edition critique d'apres tous les manuscrits connus
BOOKS012977I: Vilas, Carlos María - Perfiles de la Revolución Sandinista: Ensayo
BOOKS002498I: Vilaseca, Salvador ; & Capafons, Francisco - La cueva sepulcral eneolitica de l'Arbones (Termino de Pradell)
BOOKS021225I: Mu'assasah-i Farhangi-i Qadr-i Vilayat - Ayat-i shaytani : bariztarin jalvah-i dushmani-i istikbar-i jahani ba Islam-i nab-i Muhammadi
BOOKS000040I: Vilcek, J. & De Maeyer, Edward, editors: - Interferons and the Immune System
BOOKS020204I: Vilela, A. Lobo [ Movimento de Renovação Democrática ] - A universidade Falou!
BOOKS016463I: Vilenkin, Alexander ; & Shellard, E. P. S. (E. Paul S.) - Cosmic Strings and Other Topological Defects
BOOKS003508I: Vilfan, Mladen - Hrvatska lokalna i nesluzbena izdanja 1918-1919, 1941-1944 / Croatia : Local and Unofficial Issues
BOOKS026521I: Vilfan, Mladen - Privremena izdanja Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine 1945 / Provisional Issues, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945
BOOKS006068I: Viljo, Eeva Maija - Theodor Hoijer. En arkitekt under den moderna storstadsarkitekturens genombrottstid i Finland fran 1870 till sekelskiftet
BOOKS004788I: Viljoen, Stephan - Economic Systems in World History
BOOKS001026I: Vilkuna, Kustaa - Volkstümliche Arbeitsfeste in Finnland
BOOKS016973I: Villa, Jose García - The Anchored Angel: Select Writings by Jose Garcia Villa
BOOKS001297I: Villadsen, Vilads; Garff, Jan; Frandsen, Jan Wurtz; and Knudsen, Vibeke, editors: - Festschrift to Erik Fischer: European Drawings from Six Centuries
BOOKS023024I: Villanueva, Jaime [1765-1824] [ Villanueva Astengo, Jaime ] - Viage literario á las iglesias de España. Tomo VII: Viage a las iglesia de Vique Año 1806
BOOKS002638I: Villari, Pasquale [1827-1917] - Saggi di storia, di critica e di politica : Nuovamente raccolti e riveduti dall’autore.
BOOKS014513I: Villehardouin, Geoffroi de - Zavladiavaneto na Konstantinopol
BOOKS021364I: Villorente, David ; & James, Todd - Mascots & Mugs : The Characters and Cartoons of Subway Graffiti
BOOKS028372I: Villumsen, Arne ; & Andersen, Holger Lykke - Late- and Post-glacial Sediments in the Randers Fjord Area : Geomechanical, Sedimentological, and Geoelectric Investigations
BOOKS029951I: Vilmar, A. F. C. (August Friedrich Christian) [1800-1868] ; Ranke, Ernst; Gildemeister, Johannes - Das Verhältnis der evangelischen Kirche in Kurhessen zu ihren neuesten Gegnern [bound with 7 other pamphlets ca. 1839-1867]
BOOKS029959I: Vilmar, Jacob Wilhelm Georg [1804-1884] - Die Acten des Strafverfahrens des Consistoriums zu Cassel gegen Metropolitan Vilmar in Melsungen [bound with 15 other pamphlets]
BOOKS002912I: Vilppula, Hilkka - Das Dreschen in Finnland
BOOKS031811I: Vilstrup, Thure - Studies on the Structure and Function of the Semicircular Canals
BOOKS031812I: Vilstrup, Grethe - Studies on the Choroid Circulation
BOOKS029778I: To Vima - 17 N: Ena apokaluptiko ntokoumento : Oles oi disketes me tis parakoloutheseis apo te giafka tes damareos
BOOKS029777I: To Vima - 17 N : To telos tes istorias
BOOKS014394I: Vincent, Nicholas - The Holy Blood : King Henry III and the Westminster Blood Relic
BOOKS010816I: Vincent, Hugues [1872-19??] - Canaan d'après l'exploration récente
BOOKS007503I: Vincent, John A. - Inequality and Old Age
BOOKS003261I: Vincent, John R. - The Formation of the British Liberal Party 1857-1868
BOOKS001607I: Vincent-Cuaz, L. - Contribution à l'étude biométrique de l'albacore 'Neothunnus albacora Lowe' d'après les captures effectuées ..,.
BOOKS017990I: Vincke, Erich [1905-19??] - Darstellung von Hormonpräparaten (ausser Sexualhormonpräparaten) [Vitamine und Hormone und ihre technische Darstellung, 3. Teil]
BOOKS005606I: Vindex [pseudonym of: Wirsing, Giselher (1907 - 19??)] - Die Politik des Ölflecks; der Sowjetimperialismus im zweiten Weltkrieg, von Vindex.
BOOKS017664I: Le Vine, Victor T.; & Luke, Timothy W. - The Arab-African Connection : Political and Economic Realities
BOOKS014953I: Vine, Paul A. L. - London's Lost Route to Basingstoke: The Story of the Basingstoke Canal
BOOKS023194I: Viner, Jacob [1892-1970] - The Role of Providence in the Social Order : An Essay in Intellectual History
BOOKS014171I: Vines, David ; & Gilbert, C. L. ; editors: - The IMF and its Critics : Reform of Global Financial Architecture
BOOKS000925I: Vingqvist, Herman - Étude sur la langue du mistere de Saint Adrien
BOOKS030565I: Diêp Trung Bình ; Trân Hông Liên ; & Dang Thái Vinh - Lê hôi cô truyên các dân tôc Hoa, Sán Dìu o Viêt Nam
BOOKS005598I: Vining, Joseph - The Authoritative and the Authoritarian
BOOKS025237I: Vinner, Max ; Lorentzen, Jens ; editoras: [ Træskibsejernes Sammenslutning ] - Under sejl påny : Træskibsejernes Sammenslutning 1971-1981
BOOKS009400I: Vinogradoff, Paul - English Society in the Eleventh Century : Essays in English Mediaeval History
BOOKS009373I: Vinogradoff, Paul - Villainage in England : Essays in English Medieval History
BOOKS008621I: Vinogradov, Oleg - Introduction to Mechanical Reliability: A Designer's Approach
BOOKS016711I: Vinovskis, Maris - History and Educational Policymaking
BOOKS026142I: Vinsnes, Johan Frederik [1866-1932] - Bisp og bispinde : Fortælling
BOOKS018549I: Ram Avtar "Vir - Theory of Indian Ragas
BOOKS023411I: Viraja [ Vedalankar, Udayavir ] - Vaidika Marriage Ceremonial / Vaidika vivaha samskara vidhi
BOOKS020477I: Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl [1821-1902] - Unser Jubelband
BOOKS003707I: Virendranath, Yendamuri - Di dairi auph Misess Sarada
BOOKS022710I: Virendranath, Yendamuri - Pillala perla prapancam : 5000 perlu vunna ekaika pustakam
BOOKS005894I: Virilio, Paul - Ground Zero
BOOKS015821I: Virmiça, Raif - Kosova Hamamlari
BOOKS006157I: National Institute of Virology - Japanese Encephalitis in India. Information Document
BOOKS005267I: Virottam, B. - The Nagabanshis and the Cheros
BOOKS029865I: Virse, Ingrida Liga - Latvijas arheologisko senlietu kolekcijas vacijas muzejos
BOOKS003506I: Virtanen, E.A. - Itakarjalaisten Kalastus-oikeudesta ja -yhtiosta : Etnososiologinen tutkimus
BOOKS004314I: Virtaranta, Pertti - Paapainollisen Tavun Jalkeisen Soinnillisen Dentaalispirantin Edustus Suomen Murteissa
BOOKS028565I: Viruk, Mykola ; compiler : - Knyzhkovyi znak shestydesiatnykiv / Bookplates of Those of the Sixties / Garde-livres ceux des années soixante...,.
BOOKS000151I: Vis, Henri de - Homelies Coptes de la Vaticane, Volumes I and II
BOOKS029980I: Vis, Jacob Dirk - Enkele waarnemingen over thermonastie en fotonastie bij bloemen
BOOKS001550I: Vis,C. ; Amery, A.H.; Russell, L.G. ; & Harvey, C.E. [ British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee ] - Oils and Fats Industry
BOOKS029480I: Visby-Petersen, Thora - St. Thomas : tropeminder fra de Vestindiske øer
BOOKS023037I: Visby, Carl Holger [1801-1871] - Holsteens Erobring og Omvendelse til Kristendom af Keiser Carl den Store : Et kronet Priis-Skrivt
BOOKS021514I: Viscardi, Onofrio ; & Schioppa, Giovanni [ Naples, Italy] - Processo compilato nel tribunale straordinario di Napoli per l'esplosione di polvere da guerra avvenuta nel palazzo abitato..,.
BOOKS014749I: Vischer, Wilhelm [1895-1988] - Jahwe der Gott Kains
BOOKS013570I: Vischer, Lukas - Die Auslegungsgeschichte von I. Kor. 6, 1-11; Rechtsverzicht und Schlichtung
BOOKS019108I: Vishishtha, Sudarshan ; Sankhyayana, Saroja; & Simha, Karma; editors: - Lahula-Spiti / sampadaka, Sudarsana Vasishtha ; sahayaka sampadaka, Saroja Sankhyayana, Karma Simha.
BOOKS022689I: Vishnevskii, Vsevolod - My iz Kronshtadta
BOOKS008208I: Vishnyakova-Akimova, Vera Vladimirovna - Two Years in Revolutionary China 1925-1927: Dva goda v vosstavshem Kitae, 1925-1927
BOOKS022588I: Vishwas, A.K. - Dharma : Shoshan ka Yantra
BOOKS003355I: Visser, Hermanus Christiaan Douwe - The Dynamics of the Spiral Galaxy M81
BOOKS011992I: Visvanathan, Nalini; Duggan, Lynn; Nisonoff, Laurie & Wieegersma, Nan; editors: - The Women, Gender & Development Reader
BOOKS013532I: Viswanadha Reddy, Kalikiri - An Anthropological Study of Telugu Folk Songs: A Case Study of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh
BOOKS014150I: Viswanathan, Gauri - Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India
BOOKS022497I: Visweswaran, Kamala - Fictions of Feminist Ethnography
BOOKS026871I: Di Vita, Antonino ; & Karellis, Manolis [ Dimos Irakleiou (Kriti) ] - Timi stin Kriti : 1884-1984 / omaggio a Creta / Homage to Creta
BOOKS030189I: Vitale, Massimo Adolfo - Ordinamento e reclutamento [ L’Italia in Africa : Serie storicomilitare : Volume 1 : L’opera dell’Esercito (1885-1943) : Tomo I]
BOOKS030181I: Vitale, Massimo Adolfo - Avvenimenti militari e impiego : Africa settentrionale (1911-1943) [ L’opera dell’Esercito (1885-1943), t. III / 2 ]
BOOKS031310I: Vitanacci, Candana Rohana - Pauranika sthana saha smaraka : Kagalla Distrikkaya
BOOKS026246I: Vithusen, Thomas Christian Ernst [1774-1822] - Publ. Virgilii Maron : Æneidis libri quarti versionem danicam metricam, paucis de ratione ex una in alteram lingvam vertendi.,.,
BOOKS014196I: Vitt-Maucher, Gisela - E. T. A. Hoffmanns Märchenschaffen : Kaleidoskop der Verfremdung in seinen sieben Märchen
BOOKS002405I: Vittenburg, Pavel Vladimirovich - Zhizn i Nauchnaja Dejatelnost E.V. Tollja
BOOKS016915I: Vitzthum, Georg Graf - Bernardo Daddi
BOOKS003703I: Vivante, Armando - Estado actuel de la discusion sobre Pigmeos americanos
BOOKS028312I: Vivell, Cölestin [1845-1923] ; editor : [ Guido d’Arezzo ] - Commentarius anonymus in Micrologum Guidonis Aretini
BOOKS022269I: Vives Llorca, Blas - Los problemas previos a la estabilización de la peseta : discurso / pronunciado por Blas Vives
BOOKS020692I: Vivier-Muresan, Anne-Sophie - Afzad : Ethnologie d'un village d'Iran
BOOKS016922I: Viyogi, Naval - The Native Culture of India..,.A Discovery of the Great Cultural Heritage with Special Reference to the Takshak (Taka) Naga..,.
BOOKS015149I: Vlach, John Michael - The Planter's Prospect: Privilege and Slavery in Plantation Paintings
BOOKS015148I: Vlach, John Michael - The Planter's Prospect: Privilege and Slavery in Plantation Paintings
BOOKS011128I: Vlasova, L. V. [Vlasova, Lidiia Valentinovna] - Moldavsko-polskie politicheskie sviazi v poslednei chetverti XVII-nachala XVIII v.
BOOKS001544I: Vochala, Jaromir; editor: - Asian and African Linguistic Studies II
BOOKS016256I: De Voe, Thomas Farrington [1811-1892] - The Market Book, Containing a Historical Account of the Public Markets in the Cities of New York..,.
BOOKS012121I: Voelkl, E.; Piston, D.; Gauvin, R.; Lovckley, A.J.; Bailey, G.W.; Mckernan, S.; editors: - Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2002
BOOKS028141I: Vogel, Stefan - Organographie der Blüten kapländischer Ophrydeen mit Bemerkungen zum Koaptations-Problem : Teil I & II
BOOKS011772I: Vogel, Jaroslav - Leos Janácek: Zivot a dílo
BOOKS010913I: Vogel, Harold L. - Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis
BOOKS012718I: Vogel, Harold Leslie [1946- ] - Travel Industry Economics : A Guide for Financial Analysis
BOOKS007420I: Vogel, Heinrich - Zum philosophischen Wirken Max Plancks. Seine Kritik am Positivismus
BOOKS018936I: Vogel, Harold Leslie - Entertainment Industry Economics : A Guide for Financial Analysis
BOOKS018217I: Vogel, Donald; Vogel, Margaret - Aunt Clara : The Paintings of Clara McDonald Williamson
BOOKS015907I: Vogel, Virgil J. - American Indian Medicine
BOOKS031830I: Vogelius Andersen, Charles Helmuth - The Finger Prints of Danish Males and Females : A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
BOOKS012656I: Vogelsang, Willem - The Afghans
BOOKS008262I: Vogelsang, Thilo - Reichswehr, Staat und NSDAP: Beitrage zur deutschen Geschichte, 1930 - 1932
BOOKS029747I: Voges, Ursula - Der Kampf um das Dominium Maris Baltici 1629 bis 1645: Schweden und Dänemark vom Frieden zu Lübeck bis zum Frieden von Brömsebro
BOOKS027382I: Vogler, Heinrich - Ems : seine Heilquellen, Kur-Einrichtungen wie medicinische Anwendung
BOOKS020024I: Vogt, Helle ; & Münster-Swendsen, Mia ; editors : [ Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History ] - Law and Learning in the Middle Ages : Proceedings of the Second Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History 2005
BOOKS028226I: Vogt, Per [1903-1971] ; et al. - Fridtjof Nansen : Explorer, Scientist, Humanitarian
BOOKS003638I: Vogt, Annemarie - Das Problem des Selbstseins bei Heidegger und Kierkegaard
BOOKS020759I: Vogt, Helle - Slægtens funktion i nordisk højmiddelalderret : kanonisk retsideologi og fredsskabende lovgivning
BOOKS008908I: Vohora, S.B.; Rahman, M. Ataur; & Khan, A.H.; compilers: - Medical Elementology: A Bibliography of Work Done in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
BOOKS008907I: Vohora, S.B. - Medical Elementology
BOOKS026806I: Voigt, Georg [1827- 1891] - Die Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums oder das erste Jahrhundert des Humanismus : I. - II. Band
BOOKS014280I: Voigt, H.G. (Heinrich Carl Gisbert August) [1860 - 19??] - Der Verfasser der römischen Vita des heiligen Adalbert : Eine Untersuchung mit Anmerkungen über die anderen ältesten Schriften
BOOKS014802I: Voigt, Christian - Robert Grimm : Kämpfer, Arbeiterführer, Parlamentarier : eine politische Biografie
BOOKS004653I: Voigt, F.A. - The Greek Sedition
BOOKS028954I: Voinov, Vadim Serafimovich [Borovskii, A. D. (Aleksandr Davydovich)] - Most cherez Stiks : funktsiokollazhi Vadima Voinova / [konteptsiia al'boma i vstupitel'naia stat'ia Aleksandr Borovskii] ..,.
BOOKS014686I: Voinov, I.F. - La question macedonienne et les reformes en Turque
BOOKS003498I: Voipio, Aarni - Sleeping Preachers. A Study in Ecstatic Religiosity
BOOKS021644I: Voisin, E. ; & Bertrand, P. J. - Propositions de paix entre l'Assemblée de Versailles et la Commune de Paris
BOOKS031648I: Voisin, L. T. (Louis-Toussaint) [1807-18??] - 1852 : Le chaos : le passe-partout et le passe-debout du citoyen français qu'il devrait porter sur lui quand il se ..,
BOOKS012122I: Voit, Petr - Moravske prameny z let 1567-1568 k dejinám bibliografie, cenzury, knihtisku a literarní historie [Príspevky ke Knihopisu, 5]
BOOKS023960I: Voit, Gustav - Der Adel an der Pegnitz 1100 bis 1400
BOOKS025604I: Voitinski, Vladimir [ Woitinski, Wladimir Saweljewitsch (1885-1960)] - Problemi svetske privrede : nova svetska privreda : novo svetska politika / Vladimir Vojtinski
BOOKS016823I: Voitkevich, A. A. (Anatolii Anatol'evich) - The Feathers & Plumage of Birds
BOOKS031008I: Voitovych, Valerii - Ukraïns'ka mifolohiia
BOOKS031111I: Vokotopoulos, Panagiotes L. - He ekklesiastike architektonike eis ten Dytiken Sterean Hellada kai ten epeiron : apo tou telous tou 7ou mechri tou telous ..,.
BOOKS005080I: Volaj, Viktor - Famullia e Bizës
BOOKS020428I: Volarovic, P. E. - Neftenosnyj rajon Kirmaku na apsheronskom poliuostrov / P. Wolarowitsch
BOOKS024411I: Volborth, Carl Alexander von - Das Wappen : Stil und Form
BOOKS027088I: Völger, Gisela ; Welck, Karin von ; & Hackstein, Katharina ; editors: - Pracht und Geheimnis : Kleidung und Schmuck aus Palästina und Jordanien : Katalog der Sammlung Widad Kawar anlässlich..,.
BOOKS017577I: Völkening, Hermann - Chronik der Gemeinde Hespe-Hiddensen
BOOKS013384I: Völker, Walther, [1896 - 19??]; editor: [Voelker, Walther] [Volker, Walther] - Quellen zur Geschichte der christlichen Gnosis
BOOKS003971I: Linden-Museum fur Volkerkunde - Tribus. Veroffentliochen des Linden-Museums, nr. 17: August 1968
BOOKS015165I: Volkov, Y; Gevorkyan, K; Mikhailenko, I.; Polonsky,A.; Svetozarov, V. - The Truth about Afghanistan : Documents, Facts, Eyewitness Reports
BOOKS027747I: Volkov, Miron Kondrat'evic - Pocemu ljudi ne ljubjat evrejskuju mafiju
BOOKS018005I: Volkov, Vadim - Violent Entrepreneurs; The Use of Force in the Making of Russian Capitalism
BOOKS030421I: Christlich-sozialen Volksdienst - Der Christlich-soziale Volksdienst an alle evangelischen Wähgler und Wählerinnen!
BOOKS030447I: Christlich-sozialen Volksdienst - Im Sinne Hindenburgs für eine besseres Preussen! Preussenwahl heiszt diesmal Schicksalswahl
BOOKS015660I: Deutsche Volkspartei - Liste 7 : Was wir wollen - was wir fordern!
BOOKS009839I: Deutsche Volkspartei - Wir fragen: Wissen die Parteien, was sie wollen?
BOOKS030452I: Konservative Volkspartei [ Holz, F.C. ] - Gefrierfleisch-Betrug an deutschen Arbeitern
BOOKS013388I: Deutschnationale Volkspartei - Deutsche Frauen!..,. Wählt am 14. September nur die Deutschnationale Volkspartei! Liste 2!
BOOKS011997I: Deutschnationale Volkspartei - Appell an die Haus- und Grundbesitzer : Zur Reichstagswahl am 6. November 1932
BOOKS030448I: Deutschnationale Volkspartei - Warum wählen die Haus-u. Grundbesitzer die Deutschnational Volkspartei?
BOOKS020576I: Deutsche Volkspartei - Deutsche Wähler und Wählerinnen!
BOOKS024496I: Volksrecht [Zürich] - Bulletin des "Volksrecht" [together with 13 newspapers & extracts concerning the Swiss General Strike of November 1918]
BOOKS001288I: Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volkswirte - Ein Zoll-und Handelsbundniss mit Deutschland. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volkswirte in der Plenaversammlung
BOOKS014740I: Austria. K.K.. Ministerium für Handel und Volkswirthschaft - Ueber die Zustände der flachs- und hanfproduction im Mähren,Schlesien und Böhmen nebst daran geknüpften vorschlägen..,.
BOOKS000518I: Vollgraff, J. A., translator: - Les Oeuvres de Nicolas Struyck (1687-1769) qui se rapportent au calcul des chances, a la Statistique generale.,..
BOOKS026351I: Vollmer, Hans [1871-1941] - Jesus und das Sacaeenopfer : religionsgeschichtliche Streiflichter
BOOKS006779I: Vollrath-Reichelt, Hanna - Konigsgedanke und Konigtum bei den Angelsachsen bis zur Mitte des 9. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS023382I: Volods'kij, I. ; Kostiuk, Anatolii ; & Shchokin, Heorhii - IEvreis'ko - bil'shovuts'kui rezhum : vutoku, sutnist', personal'nui sklad
BOOKS027948I: Voltelini, Hans von [ Strnadt, Julius ] - Immunität, Grund- und leibherrliche Gerichtsbarkeit in Südtirol [bound together with: Das Gebiet zwischen der Traun und der Ens]
BOOKS005674I: Volten, A. - Studien zum Weisheitsbuch des Anii
BOOKS001027I: Volter, Daniel E. J. - Les Inscriptions de Glozel. Une Discussion avec le Dr. Morlet, Vichy
BOOKS015731I: Volterra, Edoardo - Nuove ricerche sulla "conventio in manum
BOOKS022598I: Vondrák, Václav [1859-1925] - Zur Würdigung der altslovenischen Wenzelslegende und der Legende vom heil. Prokop
BOOKS005309I: Van der Voo, Rob ; Scotese, Christopher R. ; & Bonhommet, N. ; editors: - Plate Reconstruction from Paleozoic Paleomagnetism : Interim Report of Working Group 2 on Phanerozoic Plate Motions & Orogenesis
BOOKS025282I: Voous, Karel Hendrik - The History of the Distribution of the Genus Dendrocopos
BOOKS003621I: Vorob'ev-Desiatovskii, Vladimir Sviatoslavovich - Razvitie lichnykh mestoimenii v indoariiskikh iazikakh
BOOKS002935I: Voronin, S.V. - Rabochii klass Shri Lanki : formirovanie, struktura i sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie
BOOKS016007I: Vorren, Ørnulv ; & Magnus, Sigrid - Dyregraver og reingjerder i Varanger [bound together with "Grensopgangen i Søndre Helgeland ved Midten av det 18. Arhundre..,."]
BOOKS024752I: Vos van Steenwijk, A. N., Baron de - Het geslacht De Vos van Steenwijk in het licht van de geschiedenis van de Drentse adel
BOOKS017644I: Vos, Miriam P. de - Iridaceae: Part 2: Ixioideae. Fascicle 2: Syringodea, Romulea
BOOKS020743I: Vos, Rob ; Taylor, Lance ; & Barros, Ricardo Paes de ; editors: - Economic Liberalization, Distribution and Poverty: Latin America in the 1990s
BOOKS020958I: Vose, Robin J. E. - Dominicans, Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Crown of Aragon
BOOKS031592I: Voss, Christian ; editor : - Ottoman and Habsburg Legacies in the Balkans : Language and Religion to the North and to the South of the Danube River
BOOKS025702I: Voss, Werner - Geschichte des Postwesens im Fürstentum Liechtenstein unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Briefmarken ..,.
BOOKS025995I: Voss, Knud ; & Wendt, Frantz Wilhelm - Herregården Hindsgavl
BOOKS009512I: Voss, Stuart F. - On the Periphery of Nineteenth-Century Mexico: Sonora and Sinaloa 1810-1877
BOOKS003086I: Voss, Georg - Klinische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Hysterie nach Beobachtungen aus dem nordwesten Russlands
BOOKS028486I: Vossius, Gerhard - Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die gezielte Handbewegung des Menschen
BOOKS007547I: Vostani-Koumbas, Eirene - Greek Traditional Architecture : Lesbos
BOOKS001485I: Vostrov, V.V. ; & Kachanova, Kh. A. - Materialnaja kultura kazakhskogo naroda na sovremennom etape
BOOKS026437I: Vöti, Tiina - Talutoa sisustus
BOOKS019606I: Vouras, Paul Peter - The Changing Economy of Northern Greece since World War II
BOOKS012588I: Vousden, Neil [1947- ] - The Economics of Trade Protection
BOOKS018353I: L'vovich, V. - Po Azii : Sbornik' opisatel'n'ih state'i dlia shkol'nago i domashniago chreniia
BOOKS029512I: Voznesenskii, Andrei [ Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich (1933-2010) ] [ Voznesenskij, Andrej Andreevic ] - Videomi : vidukhi, rendziu, strana stradaniia, chernyi iashchik
BOOKS025530I: Vrany, Josef ; editor: - Agrarni revue : mesicnik venovany hospodarskym, politickym, socialnim a kulturnim otazkam venkova. Rocnik IV, Cis. 1-5
BOOKS030734I: Vrats'ean, Simon [1884-1969] - Kharkhap'umner : H. K'ajaznunu "H.H. Dashnakts'ut'iwne' anelik' ch'uni aylews" grk'i ar't'iw
BOOKS028932I: Vriddhagirisan, V. - The Nayaks of Tanjore
BOOKS030162I: Vries, Dirk de - Metrische onderzoekingen van diophantische benaderingsproblemen in het niet-lacunaire geval
BOOKS028576I: Vries, Wilhelm de - Rom und die Patriarchate des Ostens
BOOKS030012I: De Vriese, Bertha [1877-1958] - Le développement post-embryonnaire chez l'homme
BOOKS027812I: Vriezen, Th. C. (Theodoor Christiaan) [1899-1981] - Onderzoek naar de paradijsvoorstelling bij de oude semietische volken
BOOKS024296I: De Vrije - De vrije : anarchisties tijdschrift : nummer 12 : 30 december 1969
BOOKS029464I: K'vrivisvili, Ot'ar - Enis ark'auli zirebi
BOOKS029445I: K'vrivisvili, Ot'ar - Kolxuri runebi
BOOKS021263I: Vroman, Robert Walker - Problems in Old Norse Phonology
BOOKS015642I: Vryonis, Speros - The Mechanism of Catastrophe : The Turkish Pogrom of September 6-7, 1955, and the Destruction of the Greek Community of Istanbul
BOOKS012194I: Vuchev, Vasil Todorov [1935- ] - Tektonska napukanost na sedimentnite skali v Predbalkana
BOOKS026787I: Vuidaskis, Vassilios - Tradition und sozialer Wandel auf der Insel Kreta
BOOKS016253I: Vuilleumier, Jean [1864-1956] - Les prophéties de Daniel et leur accomplissement historique
BOOKS022967I: Vukov, Nikolaj I. - Rodstveni otnosenija v balgarskija junaski epos
BOOKS013411I: Vulchinova, Galina [Valtchinova, Galina] - Znepolski Pokhvali : lokalna religiia i identichnost v zapadna Bulgariia
BOOKS012167I: Vuorisalo, Timo Olavi - Evolutionary Consequences of Modular Structure : A Functional Approach
BOOKS020833I: Vusuqi Rahbari, 'Ali Akbar - Tarikh-i tamaddun va farhang-i Sirjan
BOOKS008939I: Vyas, Kantilal Baldevram; editor: - Kanhabade Prabhandha
BOOKS006504I: Vyas, Girish N.; Cohen, Stephen N. & Schmid, Rudi, editors: - Viral Hepatitis: A Contemporary Assessment of Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis & Prevention
BOOKS004565I: Vyas, Vijay Shankar - Rural Industrialisation : An Integrated Approach
BOOKS026597I: Vydra, Josef [1884-1959] ; & Kunz, Ludvik - Malerei auf Volksmajolika : Von der Wiedertäuferkeramik zur Volkskunst 1685-1925
BOOKS003045I: Vyskot, Miroslav - Adult Silver Fir in Biomass
BOOKS023340I: Vyvyan, Richard Norman [1876-1946] - Wireless Over Thirty Years
BOOKS030344I: Wa'amanu'él Gudeso - Watatuna cat
BOOKS002056I: Waaben, Knud - Den amerikanske neger og forfatning
BOOKS020928I: Waag, Albert [1863-1929] - Bedeutungsentwicklung unseres Wortschatzes : auf Grund von Hermann Pauls "Deutschem Wörterbuch" in den Haupterscheinungen..,.
BOOKS028201I: Waag, Anatol ; editor : - Nirangistan : Der Awestatraktat über die rituellen Vorschriften
BOOKS001707I: Wach, Joachim - Essays in the History of Religions
BOOKS016579I: Wacher, J. S. ; editor : - The Civitas Capitals of Roman Britain : Papers given at a Conference held at the University of Leicester, 13-15 December 1963
BOOKS010438I: Wachtel, Paul L. - Race in the Mind of America: Breaking the Vicious Circle between Blacks and Whites
BOOKS019029I: Wachtelborn, Karl - Atlantis, ein untergegangener Erdteil : Die Bildungsstätte unserer Kultur und Religion
BOOKS002917I: Wächter, Gerhard - French Troops on the Rhine - A Danger to the Peace of Europe
BOOKS012164I: Wachterhauser, Brice R.; editor: - Phenomenology and Skepticism. Essays in Honor of James M. Edie
BOOKS007648I: Waddington, Patrick; editor: - Ivan Turgenev and Britain
BOOKS004279I: Wade, Gladys I. - Thomas Traherne
BOOKS021469I: Wade, James ; editor: - Mass Communications in a Developing Korea
BOOKS023161I: Wadhwa, Ram Lal - Hindu Maha Sabha : 1928-1947
BOOKS025472I: Wadia, D. N. (Darashaw Nosherwan) [1883-1969] - The Post-glacial Desiccation of Central Asia : Evolution of the Arid Zone of Asia
BOOKS013803I: Wadley, Susan Snow - Struggling with Destiny in Karimpur, 1925 - 1984
BOOKS019725I: Wadley, Susan Snow - Shakti : Power in the Conceptual Structure of Karimpur Religion
BOOKS010686I: Wadud, Q.A. - The Modaraba Law : A Marvel of the Corporate Concepts
BOOKS011231I: Waedekin, Karl-Eugen; editor: [Wadekin, Karl-Eugen] - Communist Agriculture: Farming in the Far East and Cuba
BOOKS018079I: Waelti-Walters, Jennifer R. - J.M.G. LeClezio
BOOKS031269I: van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert [1903-1996] - a collection of 18 offprints, ca. 1926-1940
BOOKS013029I: Wærn, Rasmus ; editor: - Gert Wingårdh, Architect
BOOKS006279I: Wagaw, Teshome G. - Education in Ethiopia: Prospect and Retrospect
BOOKS005045I: Wagener, Hans - Understanding Erich Maria Remarque
BOOKS021388I: Wagley, Charles - Social and Religious Life of a Guatemalan Village
BOOKS015716I: Wagman, Frederick Herbert - Magic and Natural Science in German Baroque Literature: A Study in the Prose Forms of the Later Seventeenth Century
BOOKS024062I: Wagner, Ernst - Die Familien Scholtes und Rottmann aus Bistritz in Siebenbürgen
BOOKS011676I: Wagner, Roy - An Anthropology of the Subject: Holographic Worldview in New Guinea and Its Meaning & Signfiicance for the World of Anthropology
BOOKS006455I: Wagner, Manfred - Cash-Flow-Analyse versus Branchenprognose und Marktforschung als Kriterien einer dynamischen Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung
BOOKS026621I: Wagner, Manfred - Die Niederschlagsverhältnisse in Baden-Württemberg im Lichte der dynamischen Klimatologie
BOOKS008062I: Wagner, Roy - Asiwinarong: Ethos, Image, and Social Power Among the Usen Barok of New Ireland
BOOKS005119I: Wagner, Roy - Habu. The Innovation of Meaning in Daribi Religion
BOOKS004571I: Wagner, Donald B. - Toward the Reconstruction of Ancient Chinese Techniques for the Production of Malleable Cast Iron
BOOKS007907I: Wagner, Renata ; Attenkofer, Margot ; & Hell, Helmut ; editors : - Karl Amadeus Hartmann und die Musica Viva: Essays ; Bisher unveroffentliche Briefe an Hartmann ; Katalog
BOOKS019505I: Wagner, Erna - Die Gnadenpforte am Dom zu Bamberg
BOOKS023276I: Wagner, Eduard - Blindwanzen oder Miriden [Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 41. Teil]
BOOKS027280I: Wagner, Paul E. ; & Vali, Gabor ; editors: - Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation : Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation
BOOKS023401I: Wahid, Abdul, Hakim ; & Siddiqui, H. H. (Hefazat Husain) - A Survey of Drugs : With Particular Reference to the Arab (Unani) Medicine and Ayurveda
BOOKS008863I: Wahl, Jenny B.; editor: - Economic Analysis of Tort and Products Liability Law
BOOKS008862I: Wahl, Jenny B.; editor: - Overview and Economic Analysis of Property and Criminal Law
BOOKS008860I: Wahl, Jenny B.; editor: - Economic Analysis of Contract Law, Antitrust Law, and Safety Regulations
BOOKS006613I: Wahl, Max ; editor : - Eidgenoss : Informationsblatt zur Eidgenossischen und europaischen Besinnung : 10. - 14. Jahrgang [Februar 1986 -Dezember 1990]
BOOKS022576I: Wahlberg, Erik - Finska ortnamn i Norra Sverige : Förberedande studier med introduktion till utforskningen av ortnamnen i Torne älvdal ..,.
BOOKS013140I: Wahlberg, Mats - Uppsalas Gatunamn
BOOKS001261I: Wahlberg, Mats - Bebyggelsenamnen i Våla härad i Uppland
BOOKS023075I: Wahle, Ernst [1889-1981] - Zur ethnischen Deutung frühgeschichtlichen Kulturprovinzen : Grenzen der frühgeschichtlichen Erkenntnis, I
BOOKS024363I: Wåhlin, Lars ; & Andersson-Schmitt, Margarete ; editors: [ Matthias, Magister (d. 1350) ] - Copia exemplorum / Magister Matthias ; herausgegeben von Lars Wåhlin ; mit Einleitung und Indizes von Margarete Andersson-Schmit
BOOKS021302I: Wahrheit, Ernst [pseudonym of Emil Wirz] - Die schweizerische Abrüstung : ein staatsbürgerlicher Vortrag für das Schweizervolk / von Ernst Wahrheit
BOOKS020641I: Wahrig, Gerhard - Anleitung zur grammatisch-semantischen Beschreibung lexikalischer Einheiten : Versuch eines Modells.
BOOKS028359I: Wahrmund, Ludwig [1860-1932] - Die kaiserliche Exklusive im Konklave Innozenz XIII : mit einem Anhang betreffend die Akten des päpstlichen Konsistorialarchivs
BOOKS021124I: Wain, John ; editor: [ Boswell, James (1740-1795)] - The Journals of James Boswell, 1762-1795 / Selected and Introduced by John Wain
BOOKS014131I: Waines, David - An Introduction to Islam
BOOKS016849I: Wainwright, William J. - Reason and the Heart: A Prolegomenon to a Critique of Passional Reason
BOOKS010312I: Wais, Gerhard Julius - Die Allamannen in ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit der roemischen Welt: Untersuchungen zur germanischen Landnahme
BOOKS028929I: Waissenberger, Robert ; editor : [ Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien ] - Die Türken vor Wien, 1683 : Europa und die Entscheidung an der Donau / herausgegeben vom Historischen Museum der Stadt Wien ..,.
BOOKS019594I: Wajda, Andrzej - Double Vision : My Life in Film
BOOKS003715I: Wajidi, Muhammad Abu Zar - Local Government in Pakistan: A Case Study of K.M.C. (1842-1988)
BOOKS020131I: Wajnryb, Ruth - Classroom Observation Tasks : A Resource Book for Language Teachers and Trainers
BOOKS005511I: Wakabayashi, Bob Tadashi - Modern Japanese Thought
BOOKS012609I: Wakabayashi, Bob Tadashi [1950- ] - Japanese Loyalism Reconstrued : Yamagata Daini's Ryushi shinron of 1759
BOOKS004235I: Wakatama, M.A. - Correspondence Education in Central Africa. An Alternative Route to Higher Education in Developing Countries.
BOOKS014202I: Wakefield, Kenneth - The First Pathfinders : The Operational History of Kampfgruppe 100, 1939-1941
BOOKS022477I: Wakin, Eric - Anthropology Goes to War : Professional Ethics and Counterinsurgency in Thailand
BOOKS000490I: Waksmundzka, Marta - Revision of Taxonomy of the Lower Cretaceous Miosphores on the Polish Lowland
BOOKS001029I: Walberg, E. - Le Chant du Roussigneul. Poeme allegorique du XIVe siecle
BOOKS018077I: Wald, Robert M. - Space, Time, and Gravity : The Theory of the Big Bang and Black Holes
BOOKS021371I: Wald, Alan M. - Exiles from a Future Time : The Forging of the Mid-Twentieth-Century Literary Left
BOOKS029159I: Baqala Waldamariyam 'Adélo - YaKafa hezboc 'ena mangestat 'acer tarik / kaBaqala Waldamariyam 'Adélo
BOOKS029130I: Masfen Waldamaryam - Adafné : ferhatena maksaf
BOOKS029233I: Waldburger, Peter - Luzern und die Jesuiten 1839-1847
BOOKS007719I: Waldekranz, Rune - Filmen växer upp : femtio års utveckling
BOOKS011727I: Waldner, David - State Building and Late Development
BOOKS010295I: Walford, Geoffrey; editor: - Doing Educational Research
BOOKS008672I: Wali, Kashi - Marathi Syntax : A Study of Reflexives
BOOKS031562I: Walicki, Andrzej - The Slavophile Controversy : History of a Conservative Utopia in Nineteenth-century Russian Thought
BOOKS009282I: Walin, Stig - Beitrag zur Geschichte der schwedischen Sinfonik: Studien aus dem Musikleben des 18. und des beginnenden 19. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS018388I: Waliszewski, Kazimierz [1849-1935] - Autour d'un trône, Catherine II de Russie : Ses collaborateurs - ses amis - ses favoris. Avec un portrait en héliogravure
BOOKS028761I: Walkash, Muhammad - Tirusiya : nabsh fi al-turath wa-al-dhakirah 'inda ruwad wa-a'lam al-musiqa al-Amazighiyah
BOOKS010924I: Walker, Mack - The Salzburg Transaction: Expulsion and Redemption in Eighteenth-Century Germany
BOOKS017600I: Walker, John [1732-1807] - The Melody of Speaking, 1787.
BOOKS016565I: Walker, Rolf - Die Heilsgeschichte im ersten Evangelium
BOOKS026130I: Walker, Harlan ; editor : [ Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery ] - Spicing Up the Palate: Studies of Flavourings, Ancient and Modern: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, 1992
BOOKS004925I: Walker, Jeremy - To Will One Thing. Reflections of Kierkegaard's 'Purity of Heart'
BOOKS013113I: Walker, David - The Transparent Lyric: Reading and Meaning in the Poetry of Stevens and Williams
BOOKS018892I: Walker, James W. St. G. - The Black Loyalists : The Search for a Promised Land in Nova Scotia and Sierra Leone, 1783-1870
BOOKS014973I: Walker, Roy - The Golden Feast : A Perennial Theme in Poetry
BOOKS007961I: Walker, Kevin - An Extension of Casson's Invariant
BOOKS004110I: Walker, David - Andre Gide
BOOKS020145I: Walker, R. B. J. - Inside/outside : International Relations as Political Theory
BOOKS014248I: Wall, Steven - Liberalism, Perfectionism and Restraint
BOOKS010412I: Wall, Irwin M. - France, the United States, and the Algerian War
BOOKS010775I: Wall, Bernard, [1908-1974] - Alessandro Manzoni
BOOKS018025I: Wall, Ann L. ; editor: - Health Care Systems in Liberal Democracies
BOOKS003142I: Wall, Michael & Sadun, Alfredo A., editors: - New Methods of Sensory Visual Training
BOOKS028116I: Wall, Jan [ Wall, Jan-Inge ] - Tjuvmjölkande väsen : I : Äldre nordisk tradition
BOOKS014631I: Wallace, Ben J. - Hill and Valley Farmers: Socio-Economic Change Among a Philippine People
BOOKS012789I: Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. (John Michael) - The Long-haired Kings
BOOKS017578I: Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. (John Michael) - Early Germanic Kingship in England and on the Continent : The Ford lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford in Hilary Term
BOOKS010038I: Wallace, Kendall B.; editor: - Free Radical Toxicology
BOOKS011741I: Wallace, James D. - Ethical Norms, Particular Cases
BOOKS008082I: Wallace, Anthony F.C. - The Social Context of Innovation: Bureaucrats, Families, and Heroes in the Early Industrial Revolution, as Forseen in Bacon's...
BOOKS007906I: Wallace, Michael J. - Action Research for Language Teachers
BOOKS017291I: Wallace, Patricia M. - The Psychology of the Internet
BOOKS016852I: Wallace, Bruce - Fifty Years of Genetic Load: An Odyssey
BOOKS004703I: Wallace, John M., editor: - The Golden & the Brazen World: Papers in Literature & History, 1650 - 1800
BOOKS005462I: Wallace, Graham - Claude Grahame-White : A Biography
BOOKS020134I: Wallace, Michael J. - Action Research for Language Teachers
BOOKS017568I: Wallas, Lee - Stories for the Third Ear
BOOKS021452I: Wallén, Per Edwin - Die Klage gegen den Totem im nordgermanischen Recht
BOOKS011650I: Wallenberg, Berit - Grav under runhällar i Skänninge
BOOKS001335I: Wallentin, Hans - Arbetsloshet och levnadsforhaallanden i Goteborg under 1920-talet
BOOKS024135I: Waller, Karl - Die Gräberfelder von Hemmoor, Quelkhorn, Gudendorf und Duhnen-Wehrberg in Niedersachsen
BOOKS011585I: Waller, G.F. - Dreaming America: Obsession and Transcendence in the Fiction of Joyce Carol Oates
BOOKS011158I: Waller, Bruce F.; editor: - Contemporary Issues in Cardiovascular Pathology
BOOKS010226I: Wallerstein, Immanuel; et al [Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences] - Open the Social Sciences: Report of the Guklbenkian Commissiion on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences
BOOKS024963I: Wallin, Curt - Tommarps urkundsbok 1085-1600 : klostret, hospitalet, staden, sockne : [Volume 2] : 1300-1450
BOOKS012487I: Wallisch, Paula - Ein Held stirbt
BOOKS017004I: Wallmann, Jürgen Peter - Argumente : Informationen und Meinungen zur deutschen Literatur der Gegenwart. Aufsätze und Kritiken
BOOKS020098I: Walls, Theodore A. ; & Schafer, Joseph L. ; editors: - Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data
BOOKS021190I: Wallstedt, Emil - Studia Plautina
BOOKS026791I: Walop, Jacobus Nicolaas - Over de betekenis van het acetylcholine bij Crustacea, naar aanleiding van experimenten met Carcinus maenas
BOOKS001435I: Walpole, Horace [Lewis, W.S.; Smith, Warren Hunting & Lam, George L.; editors] - Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Sir Horace Mann, II.
BOOKS014707I: Walraven, Boudewijn - Songs of the Shaman : The Ritual Chants of Korean Mudang
BOOKS007213I: Walser, Gerold; editor: - Beitrage zur Achamenidengeschichte
BOOKS005124I: Walser, Gerold Ernst Felix - Hellas und Iran: Studien zu den griechisch-persischen Beziehungen vor Alexander
BOOKS021928I: Walsh, Martin - The Brechtian Aspect of Radical Cinema
BOOKS022636I: Walsh, William [1916-1996] - F.R. Leavis
BOOKS005897I: Walsh, Kieron - Public Services & Market Mechanisms. Competition, Contracting & the New Public Management
BOOKS018272I: Walsh, James P. - Ethnic Militancy : An Irish Catholic Prototype
BOOKS021691I: Walsted, Anne-Lise ; & Ludvigsen, Peter ; editors: - Migration, Work and Identity : A History of European People in Museums : Selected Papers 2000-2003
BOOKS031760I: Walter, Harold Victor [1887-1976] - Arqueologia da região de Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais : (índios pré-colombianos dos abrigos-rochedos)
BOOKS014816I: Walter, Heinrich [1898 - 19??] - Vegetation of the Earth in Relation to Climate and the Eco-Physiological Conditions
BOOKS011687I: Walter, Barbara F.; & Snyder, Jack; editors: - Civil Wars, Insecurity, and Intervention
BOOKS009527I: Walter, Eugene Victor - Placeways: A Theory of the Human Environment
BOOKS004377I: Walter, Emil J. - Soziologie der Alten Eidgenossenschaft. Eine Analyse ihrer Sozial-und Berufsstruktur...
BOOKS013154I: Walter, W.; editor: - General Inequalities 4: In Memoriam Edwin F. Beckenbach. 4th International Conference on General Inequalities...May 8-14, 1983
BOOKS000422I: Walter, Wolfgang [1927 - ]; editor: - General Inequalities 5: 5th International Conference on General Inequalities, Oberwolfach, May 4 - 10, 1986
BOOKS006230I: Walther, Fritz R. - Communication and Expression in Hoofed Mammals
BOOKS002941I: Walton, John K. - The Blackpool Landlady: A Social History
BOOKS018989I: Walton, John [1895-1971] - An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Plants - Second Edition
BOOKS004964I: Walton, Edgar H. - The Inner History of the National Convention of South Africa
BOOKS000850I: Walton, Benjamin - Rossini in Restoration Paris : The Sound of Modern Life
BOOKS022073I: Walton, Douglas N. - Informal Logic : A Pragmatic Approach
BOOKS021966I: Walton, Gary M. ; & Shepherd, James F. ; editors: - Market Institutions and Economic Progress in the New South, 1865-1900
BOOKS005559I: Walzel, Oskar - Das Wortkunstwerk. Mittel seiner Erforschung
BOOKS018613I: Walzer, Michael - Just and Unjust Wars : A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations
BOOKS017939I: Walzer, Arthur E. - George Campbell : Rhetoric in the Age of Enlightenment
BOOKS011236I: Walzer, Michael; editor: - Regicide and Revolution : Speeches at the Trial of Louis XVI
BOOKS004457I: Walzer, Lee - Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today's Changing Israel
BOOKS011169I: Wamberg, H. - Tale ved Digteren H. V. Kaalunds Jordefærd i Vor Frue Kirke d. 4. Maj 1885
BOOKS002272I: Wanabi, Ahmad al Tayib Ali Khaled al Saghir - Hamisat sha'ir
BOOKS008499I: Wanasundera, Leelangi; compiler: - A Bibliography of Bibliographies: A Guide to Catalogues - Indexes - Bibliographies and Bio-Bibliographies in Sri Lanka
BOOKS010602I: Wanat, Jozef - Drukarnia Karmelu: Fortecy Najswietszej Maryi Panny w Berdyczowie : Dzialalnosc wydawnicza i poligraficzna Karmelitow Bosych...
BOOKS019679I: Wanderer, Alan A. - Hives : The Road to Diagnosis and Treatment of Urticaria. A Workbook and Resource for Healthcare Professionals and Patients
BOOKS000431I: Wandzioch, Magdalena - Le romanesque horrifiant de Barbey d'Aurevilly
BOOKS028334I: Wang, Heng Sheng - Petrografische Untersuchungen im Gebiet der Zone von Bellinzona
BOOKS017103I: Wang, Ming [1904-1974] - China : Cultural Revolution or Counter-revolutionary Coup?
BOOKS015227I: Wang, Hao - Reflections on Kurt Gödel
BOOKS016795I: Wang, Chaohua ; editor: - One China, Many Paths
BOOKS005857I: Wang, Shou-ren - The Theatre of the Mind : A Study of Unacted Drama in 19th-Century England
BOOKS005633I: Wang, Yaonan - Kan ke di lu
BOOKS024356I: Wang, Jiayou - Dao jiao lun gao / Wang Jiayou zhu
BOOKS027542I: Wangerin, Albert [1844-1933] - Über das Potential gewisser Ovaloide
BOOKS008937I: Wani, Mushtaq Ahmad - Muslim Religious Trends in Kashmir in Modern Times
BOOKS021201I: Sisak Wanliphodom - Laokhan tamnan Tai
BOOKS000430I: Wanner, Raymond E. - Claude Fleury (1640-1723) as an Educational Historiographer and Thinker
BOOKS027421I: Wanscher, Vilhelm [1875-1961] - La langue étrusque renaît
BOOKS031753I: Wanzek, Burger - Die Gussmodel für Tüllenbeile im südöstlichen Europa
BOOKS027423I: Wappäus, J. E. (Johann Eduard) [1812-1879] - Die Republik Paraguay geographisch und statistisch dargestellt
BOOKS010548I: Waqayyan, Khalifah - al-Thaqafah fi al-Kuwayt : bawakir - ittijahat - riyadat
BOOKS011787I: Waquet, Francoise - Latin or the Empire of a Sign: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries
BOOKS028229I: Warahram, Gholamreza [ Varharam, Ghulam Riza ] - Die USA und der Iran : eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Iranisch- Amerikanischen Beziehungen bis 1963
BOOKS007367I: Warburg, Fredric [1898-1981] - An Occupation for Gentlemen
BOOKS014961I: Warburg, Aby [1866 - 1929] - Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America
BOOKS012339I: Ward, F. A. B. [Ward, Francis Alan Burnett] [Science Museum (Great Britain)] - Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection Illustrating Time Measurement
BOOKS009694I: Ward, Harry M. - The American Revolution: Nationhood Achieved 1763-1788
BOOKS009377I: Ward, S. Philip ; Bolton, Barry ; Shattuck, Steven O. ; & Brown, William L., Jr; ; editors: - A Bibliography of Ant Systematics
BOOKS018383I: Ward, A. C. (Alfred Charles) [1891-19??] - The Nineteen-Twenties : Literature and Ideas in the Post-War Decade
BOOKS003743I: Ward, J.T. - The Factory System. Vol. 1: Birth & Growth. Vol. 2: The Factory System & Society
BOOKS001957I: Ward, Cecil James - The Plant Ecology of the Isipingo Beach Area, Natal, South Africa
BOOKS021301I: Ward, Elaine M. - Indigenous Peoples Between Human Rights and Environmental Protection : Based on an Empirical Study of Greenland
BOOKS024762I: Ward, John [1571-1638] [ Payne, Ian ; editor & transcriber: ] - Consort Music of Five and Six Parts / John Ward ; transcribed and edited by Ian Payne.
BOOKS010300I: Wardroper, John - Jest Upon Jest : A Selection from the Jestbooks and Collections of Merry Tales Published from the Reign of Richard III to George
BOOKS006376I: Ware, Alan - Between Profit & State. Intermediate Organizations in Britain & the United States
BOOKS001702I: Ware, Caroline F., editor: - The Cultural Approach to History
BOOKS007871I: Warehime, Nancy - To Be One Of Us: Cultural Conflict, Creative Democracy, and Education
BOOKS003436I: Warhaftig, Myra - They Laid the Foundation : Lives and Works of German-Speaking Jewish Architects in Palestine 1918-1948
BOOKS001787I: Warhuus, Lisa Michele - Social Constructionism in Therapeutic Settings : Theoretical Contributions Through the Realities of Practice
BOOKS030120I: Waris Kirmani, Mohammad - Evaluation of Ghalib's Persian Poetry / by Waris Kirmani
BOOKS024682I: Warlop, E. (Ernest) - De Vlaamse adel voor 1300
BOOKS015200I: Lurgi Gesellschaft für Wärmetechnik G.m.b.H - Protokoll über die Jahrestagung am 29. Dezember 1947; [ditto] 7.u.8. Januar 1948; [ditto] 5.-7- Januar 1949
BOOKS003312I: Warnaars, Frederik Werner - Petrography of a Peridotite-Amphibolite & Gabbro-bearing Polyorogenic Terrain N.W. of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
BOOKS002866I: Warnecke, Edgar F. - Engter und seine Bauerschaften : Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung
BOOKS006492I: Warner, Stephanie Carol - The Measurement of Subjective Variables in Epidemiology: Development & Validation of an Instrument ...
BOOKS027374I: Warnock, Mary - The Uses of Philosophy
BOOKS007452I: Warraki, Nariman Naili ; & Hasanein, Ahmed Taher [ Al-Warraki, Nariman Naili ] - The Connectors in Modern Standard Arabic
BOOKS011577I: Warren, Karen J.; editor: - Ecological Feminist Philosophies
BOOKS017003I: Warren, Richard - Charles E. Ives : Discography
BOOKS011894I: Warren, Louis S. - The Hunter's Game: Poachers and Conservationists in Twentieth-Century America
BOOKS001264I: Warren, Kenneth - Consett Iron 1840 to 1980: A Study in Industrial Location
BOOKS019455I: Warren, Whitney [1864-1943] - Montenegro : The Crime of the Peace Conference
BOOKS020105I: Warren, Mark E. - Nietzsche and Political Thought
BOOKS021118I: Warren, Karen Joyce ; & Erkal, Nisvan ; editors: - Ecofeminism : Women, Culture, Nature
BOOKS007549I: Warriner, Doreen [1904 - 19??] - Revolution in Eastern Europe
BOOKS018949I: Warriner, Doreen [1904-1972] - Land Reform and Development in the Middle East : A Study of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq.
BOOKS024674I: Warry, J.G. (John Gibson) - Greek Aesthetic Theory : A Study of Callistic and Aesthetic Concepts in the Works of Plato and Aristotle
BOOKS000276I: Warszynska, Jadwiga, editor: - Les recherches geologiques dans le Massif central et dans les Carpates polonaises.
BOOKS007261I: Wartburg, Walther von - Die Entstehung der romanischen Volker
BOOKS004719I: Wartenberg, Thomas E.; editor: - Rethinking Power
BOOKS012532I: Wartmann, Brigitte; editor: - Weiblich-maennlich: Kulturgeschichtliche Spuren einer verdraengten Weiblichkeit
BOOKS008838I: Warwick, Paul V. - Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies
BOOKS006439I: Warwick, Paul - The French Popular Front. A Legislative Analysis
BOOKS002265I: Washburne, Chester W. - Petroleum Geology of the State of Sao Paulo - Brasil.
BOOKS017755I: Prawet Wasi - Dap fai Tai duai chittawiwat læ phalang hæng thang sai klang
BOOKS005062I: Wasiljev, Johann - Ubersicht uber die heidnischen Gebrauche, Aberglauben und Religion der Wotjaken in den Gouvernements Wjatka und Kasan
BOOKS015590I: Wasiolek, Edward ; editor: [Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821 - 1881)] - The Notebooks for The Idiot [by] Fyodor Dostoevsky
BOOKS016991I: Wasiolek, Edward - Tolstoy's Major Fiction
BOOKS007134I: Wasko, Anna - Froemmigkeit und Ritteridee im Lichte der schwedischen ritterlichen Testamente aus dem 14. Jahrhundert...
BOOKS012343I: Wasmann, Erich [1859-1931] - Der Kampf um das Entwicklungsproblem in Berlin; ausfuehrlicher Bericht ueber die im Februar 1907 gehaltenen Vortraege.
BOOKS004285I: Wassen, S. Henry & Holmer, Nils M. - Estudios Chocoes
BOOKS012288I: Wasserfall, Rahel R.; editor: - Women and Water : Menstruation in Jewish Life and Law
BOOKS019148I: Wasserman, Stanley ; & Faust, Katherine - Social Network Analysis : Methods and Applications
BOOKS009441I: Wasserman, Renata R. Mautner - Exotic Nations: Literature and Cultural Identity in the United States and Brazil, 1830-1930
BOOKS017308I: Wasserstein, Bernard - The Secret Lives of Trebitsch Lincoln
BOOKS010958I: Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. - Student Protests in Twentieth-Century China: The View from Shanghai
BOOKS011185I: Wassini, Khiary S. T. - Tlemcen: lettre d’outre-tombe de l’ALN a l’ANP: un requisitoire pro-maquisard contre les menees des ex-fuyards
BOOKS022456I: Wassmann, Jürg ; editor: - Abschied von der Vergangenheit : ethnologische Berichte aus dem Finisterre-Gebirge in Papua New Guinea
BOOKS003067I: Waswo, Anne - Japanese Landlords : The Decline of a Rural Elite
BOOKS026290I: Helsinki Watch - Human Rights in Turkey's "Transition to Democracy
BOOKS010898I: Waterbury, John - The Nile Basin: National Determinants of Collective Action
BOOKS007542I: Waterbury, John - Exposed to Innumerable Delusions : Public Enterprise & State Power in Egypt, India, Mexico, and Turkey
BOOKS012024I: Waterbury, John - Hydropolitics of the Nile Valley
BOOKS028756I: Waterfield, Gordon - Sultans of Aden
BOOKS004397I: Waterhouse, D.F. - Biological Control of Weeds: Southeast Asian Prospects
BOOKS011879I: Waters, Kristin; editor: - Women and Men Political Theorists: Enlightened Conversations
BOOKS001661I: Watkin, E.I. - Poets and Mystics
BOOKS011805I: Watkins, Evan - Everyday Exchanges: Marketwork and Capitalist Common Sense
BOOKS022476I: Watkins, Joanne C. - Spirited Women : Gender, Religion and Cultural Identity in the Nepal Himalaya
BOOKS006241I: Watkins, Alma Taylor - Eroticism in the Novels of Felipe Trigo
BOOKS009530I: Watkins, Daniel P. - A Materialist Critique of English Romantic Drama
BOOKS018318I: Watkins, Peter, 1944- - Story of the W and Z
BOOKS016420I: Watkins, Eric - Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality
BOOKS024898I: Watkins, Mary M. - Invisible Guests : The Development of Imaginal Dialogues
BOOKS026004I: Watson, William Patrick, firm of (London) - Catalogues 10, 11, & 12: Science, Medicine, Natural History [1999-2002]
BOOKS008111I: Watson, Benjamin - English Schoolboy Stories: An Annotated Bibliography of Hardcover Fiction
BOOKS008038I: Watson, Ritchie Devon - The Cavalier in Virginia Fiction
BOOKS017109I: Watson, Don - Indians of the Mesa Verde
BOOKS004184I: Watson, James L., editor: - Golden Arches East. McDonald's in East Asia
BOOKS000198I: Watson, Jeanie - Risking Enchantment. Coleridge's Symbolic World of Faery
BOOKS011263I: Watt, W. Montgomery - What is Islam?
BOOKS002877I: Watt, W. Montgomery - Islamic Political Thought. The Basic Concepts
BOOKS012078I: Watt, Jeffrey R. - The Making of Modern Marriage: Matrimonial Control and the Rise of Sentiment in Neuchatel, 1550-1800
BOOKS002008I: Watt, D.E. - Quantities for Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiations in Liquid Water
BOOKS030568I: Wattenbach, W. [ Tangl, Karlmann ] - Candela Rhetoricae : Eine Anleitung zum Briefstil aus Iglau [together with: "Die Grafen von Ortenburg in Kärnten"]
BOOKS005882I: Watts, Meredith W. - Xenophobia in Unified Germany. Generations, Modernization, and Ideology
BOOKS027854I: Watts, John ; editor : - The Donizetti Society Journal : Number Two
BOOKS004115I: Watts, David - Man's Influence on the Vegetation of Barbados 1627 to 1800
BOOKS002563I: Watts, Mary S. Fraser-Tytler - George Frederic Watts : [Volumes I & II] : The Annals of an Artist's Life
BOOKS007846I: Waugh, Earle H. - The Munshidin of Egypt: Their World and Their Song
BOOKS020196I: Waugh, Patricia - Metafiction : The Theory and Practice of Self-conscious Fiction
BOOKS021425I: Waugh, Earle H. - Visionaries of Silence : The Reformist Sufi Order of the Demirdashiya al-Khalwatiya in Cairo
BOOKS013377I: Wavra, Brigitte - Salzburg und Hamburg : Erzbistumsgründung und Missionspolitik in karolingischer Zeit
BOOKS016177I: Wawro, Geoffrey - The Franco-Prussian War: The German Conquest of France in 1870-1871
BOOKS011975I: Waxman, Stephen G. - Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord: Perspectives of a Neurologist
BOOKS011353I: Wayman, Alex - Delvings in Logic
BOOKS021176I: Wayne, Valerie ; editor: - The Matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare
BOOKS031367I: Wazalwar, Vidyadhar Vyankatesh - Caturdandiprakasika
BOOKS009437I: Wazalwar, V.V. - Caturdandiprakasika: A Critical Study
BOOKS018672I: Wazir, 'Ali 'Abd al-Quddus 'Uthman - Adillat ilmiyah fi bayan haqiqat Bani Isra'il
BOOKS026398I: Wazzani, Muhammad Ibn-al-Hasan al- [1910-1978] - Mawaqif as-saraf fi dikra 'l-arba'in
BOOKS001418I: Wear, Andrew ; Geyer-Kordesch, Johanna ; & French, Roger, editors: - Doctors and Ethics: The Earlier Historical Setting of Professional Ethics
BOOKS009333I: Weart, Spencer R. - Nuclear Fear: A History of Images
BOOKS011228I: Weatherhill, Lorna - Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in Britain, 1660-1760
BOOKS027853I: Weatherson, Alexander ; editor : - The Donizetti Society Journal : Number Four
BOOKS011570I: Webb, Clement C.J. - Pascal's Philosophy of Religion
BOOKS007541I: Webb, Richard Charles - Government Policy & the Distribution of Income in Peru, 1963 - 1973
BOOKS006432I: Webb, Igor - From Custom to Capital. The English Novel and the Industrial Revolution
BOOKS006293I: Webb, Stephen H. - Re-Figuring Theology. The Rhetoric of Karl Barth
BOOKS018702I: Webb, William Snyder ; & Haag, William George - The Fisher Site, Fayette County, Kentucky
BOOKS014994I: Webb, William Larkin [ See, Thomas Jefferson Jackson (T. J. J.) [1866 –1962] - Brief Biography and Popular Account of the Unparalleled Discoveries of T.J.J. See..,Founder of the New Sciences of Cosmogony ..,
BOOKS007277I: Webber, Sabra J. - Romancing the Real: Folklore and Ethnographic Representation in North Africa
BOOKS026714I: Weber, Albrecht - Über ein zum weissen Yajus gehöriges phonetisches Compendium, das Pratijnâsûtra
BOOKS030586I: Weber, Heinrich [pseudonym of Otto Bauer (1881-1938)] - Die russische Revolution und das europäische Proletariat
BOOKS027157I: Weber, Albrecht Friedrich [1825-1901] - Über den zweiten grammatischen Parasiprakaca des Krishnadasa
BOOKS024726I: Weber, Max [1864-1920] - Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie, I [Bd. 1]
BOOKS010967I: Weber, Max - The Russian Revolutions
BOOKS026737I: Weber, Hans - Über die Wuchsform von Bulbostylis paradoxa (Spreng.) Lindm. (Cyperaceae)
BOOKS007465I: Weber, Rolf - Porträts und historische Darstellungen in der Miniaturensammlung des Museums für Indische Kunst Berlin
BOOKS018858I: Weber, Dietrich - Theorie der analytischen Erzählung
BOOKS030013I: Weber, Johann George [1687-1753] - Ho Amen kai to Amen : hoc est, Commentatio exegetico-theologica in Amen Evangelicum, vel, Veritatem doctrinae Evangelicae..,.
BOOKS027673I: Weber, Franz Michael - Kaspar Schwenckfeld und seine Anhänger in den freybergischen Herrschaften Justingen und Öpfingen .,.,.
BOOKS016202I: Weber, Ralph Edward - Masked Dispatches : Cryptograms and Cryptology in American History, 1775-1900
BOOKS015987I: Weber, Max [1864 - 1920] - Ancient Judaism
BOOKS015975I: Weber, Henri - Nicaragua: The Sandinist Revolution
BOOKS031319I: Weber, Friedrich August - Zwei Jahrhunderte Sachsisches Medizinalwesen
BOOKS013089I: Weber, Max - The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism
BOOKS020550I: Weber, Werner [1919-2005] - Forderungen : Bemerkungen und Aufsätze zur Literatur
BOOKS022293I: Weber, Hans - Morphologische und anatomische Studien über Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms
BOOKS028918I: Weber, Erna [1897-1988] - Mathematische Grundlagen der Genetik
BOOKS011868I: Weber, Samuel - Mass Mediauras: Form, Technics, Media
BOOKS028147I: Weberling, Focko ; & Leenhouts, Pieter W. - Systematisch-morphologische Studien an Terebinthales-Familien : (Burseraceae, Simaroubaceae, Meliaceae, Anarcardiaceae.,.,.
BOOKS028233I: Weberling, Focko - Morphologische Untersuchungen zur Systematik der Caprifoliaceen
BOOKS015551I: Weberman, Alan J. ; & Canfield, Michael - Coup d'etat in America : The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
BOOKS008129I: Webster, Leslie ; & Brown, Michelle P. ; editors: - The Transformation of the Roman World, AD 400-900
BOOKS013608I: Webster, John [1580? - 1625?] - The White Devil
BOOKS007260I: Webster, T.B.L. - Hellenistic Poetry & Art
BOOKS018020I: Webster, Daniel [Shewmaker, Kenneth E. ; Stevens, Kenneth R.; & McGurn, Anita; editors:] - The Papers of Daniel Webster [Series 3] Diplomatic Papers: Volume 2. 1850-1852
BOOKS016188I: Webster, Daniel [Wiltse, Charles Maurice ; & Beroczheimer, Alan R.; editors:] - The Papers of Daniel Webster [Series 4] Speeches and Formal Writings: Volume 2: 1834-1852
BOOKS016187I: Webster, Daniel [ Konefsky, Alfred S. ; & King, Andrew J.; editors:] - The Papers of Daniel Webster [Series 2] Legal Papers: Volume 2: The Boston Practice
BOOKS016186I: Webster, Daniel [Shewmaker, Kenneth E. ; Stevens, Kenneth R.; & McGurn, Anita; editors:] - The Papers of Daniel Webster [Series 3] Diplomatic Papers: Volume 1. 1841-1843.
BOOKS011947I: Webster, John - Word and Church: Essays in Christian Dogmatics
BOOKS016189I: Webster, Daniel [King, Andrew J.; editor:] - The Papers of Daniel Webster [Series 2] Legal Papers: Volume 3: The Federal Practice
BOOKS025787I: Webster, John [1580?-1625?] [ Petrov, Dmitrii Konstantinovich (1872-1925) ; translator] - Gertsoginia Amalfi / Dzhon Uebster
BOOKS028248I: Webster, John [ Petrov, Dmitrii Konstantinovich ; translator : ] - Gertsoginia Amal'fi / Dzhon Uebster
BOOKS024765I: Wechssler, Sigrid - Ernst Fries (1801-1833) : Monographie und Werkverzeichnis
BOOKS000225I: Weck, René de [1887-1950] [ Hürlimann, Martin (1897-1984) ] - Le Roi Théodore
BOOKS007383I: Wedar, Sten - Duty & Utility. A Study in English Moral Philosophy
BOOKS017836I: Wedgwood, C. V. (Cicely Veronica) [1910-1997] - Truth and Opinion: Historical Essays
BOOKS018856I: Wedin, Åke - El sistema decimal en el imperio incaico : Estudio sobre estructura política, divisíon territorial y población
BOOKS006947I: Weeda, J. - La Geologie de la Vallee Superieure du Serio
BOOKS016303I: Weedon, Chris - Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory
BOOKS004451I: Weeks, Albert L. - The First Bolshevik. A Political Biography of Peter Tkachev
BOOKS007962I: Weeks, Charles A. - The Juarez Myth in Mexico
BOOKS023164I: Weenen, Johan - Over Be-sterren en de bouw en samenstelling van Wolf-Rayet-sterren
BOOKS007898I: Weeramantry, Christopher - Nauru: Environmental Damage Under International Trusteeship
BOOKS016980I: Wegener, Alfred [1880-1930] - Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane : Fünfte unveränderte Auflage
BOOKS027662I: Wegener, C.F. (Caspar Frederik) [1802-1893] - Om Anders Sörensen Vedel, kongelig Historiograph i Frederik IIs og Christian IVs Dage .,.,.
BOOKS001590I: Wegener, Kurt ; & Keller, Wilhelm - So kam es! : Ein Bildbericht vom Kampf um Deutschland 1918-1934
BOOKS029826I: Wegener, Alfred [1880-1930] - Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane : Dritte gänzlich umgearbeitete Auflage
BOOKS026276I: Wegge, Paul - Vejledning i Behandling af smaa Skovejendomme : Udgivet af Dansk Skovforening
BOOKS027869I: Wegner, Willy - Däniken i søgelyset
BOOKS022356I: Wegner, Phillip E. - Imaginary Communities : Utopia, the Nation and the Spatial Histories of Modernity
BOOKS001939I: Wegner, Reinhard - Der Exotismus-Streit in Deutschland : zur Auseinandersetzung mit primitiven Formen in der bildenden Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS018494I: Wegner, Daniel M. ; & Vallacher, Robin R. - Implicit Psychology : An Introduction to Social Cognition
BOOKS021047I: Wegner, Willy - Spøgelsesraketterne over Skandinavien i 1946
BOOKS009575I: Wehling, Fred - Irresolute Princes: Kremlin Decision Making in Middle East Crises, 1967-1973
BOOKS016918I: Wehner, Herbert [1906-1990] - Untergrundnotizen von KP zur SPD, 1933-45. Das ungekürzte Tagebuch aus dem Exil, bisher nie veröffentlich
BOOKS030978I: Wehofer, Thomas Maria [1870-1902] - Untersuchungen zur altchristlichen Epistolographie
BOOKS008026I: Wei, W.I.; Shem, Jonathan; & Larramore, George; editors: - Cancer of the Larynx and Hypopharynx
BOOKS013898I: Weibel, Ewald R. - The Pathway for Oxygen: Structure and Function in the Mammalian Respiratory System
BOOKS011563I: Weibull, Joergen W. [Weibull, Jorgen W.] - Evolutionary Game Theory
BOOKS018192I: Weidenreich, Franz [1873-1948] - Apes, Giants and Man
BOOKS025023I: Weidlein, Johann - Ungarns Revisionspolitik und der Untergang des Deutschen Reiches : die Schuld Ungarns am Zweiten Weltkrieg und am Untergang..,.
BOOKS030229I: Weidlein, Johann ; editor : - Geschichte der Ungarndeutschen in Dokumenten 1930-1950 : 1. - 5. Lieferung
BOOKS015219I: Weidlein, Johann - Pannonica : ausgewählte Abhandlungen und Aufsätze zur Sprach- und Geschichtsforschung der Donauschwaben und der Madjaren
BOOKS010085I: Weidmann, Urs - Fliegersprache : vergleichende Betrachtung des Inhaltes englischer Fachausdrücke aus der Verkehrsfliegerei
BOOKS028665I: Weigel, Hans ; Lukan, Walter ; & Peyfuss, Max Demeter - Jeder Schuss ein Russ, jeder Stoss ein Franzos : literarische und graphische Kriegspropaganda in Deutschland und Österreich.,.,.
BOOKS019484I: Weigle, Marta ; compiler: - A Penitente Bibliography
BOOKS024995I: Weil, Gotthold - Grundriss und System der altarabischen Metren
BOOKS021223I: Weil, Gustav [1808-1889] - Mohammedanernes bibelske legender : hentede fra arabiske kilder og sammenlignede med jødiske sagn
BOOKS008535I: Weiler, Peter - British Labour and the Cold War
BOOKS017044I: Weimann, Robert - Structure and Society in Literary History: Studies in the History and Theory of Historical Criticism
BOOKS016418I: Weimar, Volker - Der Malmöer Waffenstillstand von 1848
BOOKS003899I: Weimarck, Ann- Charlotte - Annamirl och Njutningens Ugn. Aspekter pa 'Folkkonsten' och Folkkonstforskningen i Europa
BOOKS004365I: Weinbaum, Laurence - A Marriage of Convenience. The New Zionist Organization & the Polish Government 1936-1939
BOOKS002120I: Weinberg, Dieter ; & Sobrino, Francisco - El ciclo del cerdo en Espana : investigaciones sobre las fluctuaciones de la produccion y de los precios desde 1939 a 1956
BOOKS014449I: Weinberg, Gerhard L. - Germany, Hitler, and World War II : Essays in Modern German and World History
BOOKS012829I: Weinberg, Steven [1933- ] - The Quantum Theory of Fields: Volume I: Foundations
BOOKS024430I: Weinberg, Gerhard L. - The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany; Diplomatic Revolution in Europe, 1933-36
BOOKS006536I: Weinberg, Bill - Homage to Chiapas : The New Indigenous Struggles in Mexico
BOOKS017890I: Weinberg, Steven - The Discovery of Subatomic Particles
BOOKS027676I: Weinberg, Bernard [1909-1973] - The Art of Jean Racine
BOOKS012830I: Weinberg, Steven [1933- ] - The Quantum Theory of Fields. Volume II: Modern Applications
BOOKS025351I: Weinberg, Jehiel Jacob - Halitsat kite'a va-halitsat semol / me-et Yeh'iel Ya'akov Vainberg
BOOKS008138I: Weinbrot, Howard D. - Augustus Caesar in "Augustan" England: The Decline of a Classical Norm
BOOKS013879I: Weiner, James F. - Empty Place: Poetry, Space and Being Among the Foi of Papua New Guinea
BOOKS006874I: Weiner, James F. - The Lost Drum : The Myth of Sexuality in Papua New Guinea and Beyond
BOOKS015444I: Weiner, Annette B. - Inalienable Possessions: The Paradox of Keeping-while-giving
BOOKS012350I: Weiner, Michael; editor: - Japan's Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity
BOOKS001529I: Weiner, Andrew D. - Sir Philip Sidney and the Poetics of Protestantism. A Study of Contexts
BOOKS002507I: Weiner, Piroska - Carved Honeycake Moulds
BOOKS026820I: Weinert, Hans [1887-1967] - Entstehung der Menschenrassen
BOOKS022364I: Weingärtner, Erich ; & Trautmann, Frédéric - New Caledonia : Towards Kanak Independence : Reports of an Ecumenical Visit to New Caledonia, 27 April-11 May 1984
BOOKS028285I: Weinhold, Karl - Über die Bruckstücke eines fränkischen Gesprächbüchleins
BOOKS028296I: Weinmann, Alexander [1901-1987] - Handschriftliche thematische Kataloge aus dem Benediktinerstift Melk
BOOKS024678I: Weinrib, Estelle L. ; Carson, Joan ; editors: - The Arms of the Windmill : Essays in Analytical Psychology in Honor of Werner H. Engel
BOOKS016613I: Weinrich, A. K. H. (Sister Mary Aquina) - Chiefs and Councils in Rhodesia: Transition from Patriarchial to Bureaucratic Power
BOOKS017076I: Weinrich, Harald - Sprache in Texten
BOOKS005509I: Weinstock, John M. & Rovinsky, Robert T., editors: - The Hero in Scandinavian Literature from Peer Gynt to the Present
BOOKS011442I: Weintraub, Andrew ; Schwartz, Eli ; & Aronson, Jay Richard ; editors: - The Economic Growth Controversy
BOOKS003494I: Weippert, Manfred - Die Landnahme der israelitischen Stamme in der neueren wissenschaftliche Diskussion. Ein kritischer Bericht
BOOKS010972I: Weis, Fr. - Om aeggehvidestoffernes omdannelser under maltning og brygning
BOOKS016008I: Weisberg, Harold [1913-2002] - Whitewash : The Report on the Warren Report
BOOKS011963I: Weisberg, Herbert F. & Patterson, Samuel C.; editors: - Great Theatre: The American Congress in the 1990s
BOOKS013970I: Weisburd, David ; Waring, Elin J. ; & Chayet, Ellen F. - White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers
BOOKS004049I: Weisert, John Jacob - The Dream in Gerhart Hauptmann
BOOKS015081I: Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter ; & Osmolska, Halszka ; editors: - The Dinosauria
BOOKS022523I: Weisman, Leslie Kanes - Discrimination by Design : A Feminist Critique of the Man-made Environment
BOOKS002573I: Weiss, Anita M. & Gilani, S. Zulfiqar; editors: - Power and Civil Society in Pakistan
BOOKS003619I: Weiss, E.A. - Oilseed Crops
BOOKS016026I: Weiss, Fredric Larry - Freud: Knowing and Not Wanting to Know
BOOKS000271I: Weiss, Judith A - Casa de las Americas : An Intellectual Review in the Cuban Revolution
BOOKS000727I: Weiss, Florence - Kinder schildern ihren Alltag : die Stellung des Kindes im ökonomischen System einer Dorfgemeinschaft in Papua New Guinea ..,.
BOOKS012061I: Weiss, Edith Brown & Jacobson, Harold K.; editors: - Engaging Countries: Strengthening Compliance with International Environmental Accords
BOOKS001077I: Weiss, Lawrence M. - Lymph Nodes
BOOKS021536I: Weiss, Emil Rudolf [1875- 1942] - Urteile von Künstlern und Schriftstellern über die Weiss-Fraktur
BOOKS006140I: Institutum Canarium. Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Vorgeschichte der Kanarischen Inseln und Weissafrikas - I.C.-Nachrichten : Bulletin des Institutum Canarium. Nr. 28 (1978) - 41/42 (1982); 45 (1983) - 58 (1988)
BOOKS022776I: Weisser, Pablo Jorge - A Vegetation Study of the Zululand Dune Areas : Conservation Priorities in the Dune Areas between Richard Bay and Mfolozi..,.
BOOKS007716I: Weisskopf, Traugott - Immanuel Kant und die Pädagogik : Beiträge zu einer Monographie
BOOKS018330I: Weisskopf, Victor Frederick [1908- 2002] - Knowledge and Wonder : The Natural World as Man Knows It
BOOKS016695I: Weissman, David - A Social Ontology
BOOKS008124I: Weisz, George - The Emergence of Modern Universities in France, 1863 - 1914
BOOKS021779I: Weitlaner, Roberto J. ; & Weitlaner-Johnson, Irmgard - Acatlán y Hueycantenango, Guerrero
BOOKS003415I: Weits, Teunis - Body Fat: A Radiological View
BOOKS005908I: Weitzer, Ronald - Transforming Settler States : Communal Conflict & Internal Security in Northern Ireland and Zimbabwe
BOOKS027041I: Weitzmann, Kurt [1904-1993] - Catalogue of the Byzantine and Early Mediaeval Antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection : Volume 3 : Ivories and Steatites
BOOKS010270I: Weizsaecker, C.F. von [Weizsacker, C.F. von] - The History of Nature
BOOKS012088I: Welch, Claude E., Jr. - Dream of Unity: Pan-Africanism and Political Unification in West Africa
BOOKS004043I: Welch, Robert - A History of Verse Translation from the Irish 1789 - 1897
BOOKS023614I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; & Bernays, J. ; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Achten Jahrgang
BOOKS023565I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Sechster Jahrgang
BOOKS012332I: Welcker, Hermann [1822 -1897] - Ueber Irradiation und einige andere Erscheinungen des Sehens
BOOKS023613I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Erster Jahrgang
BOOKS023566I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; & Bernays, J.; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Siebenter Jahrgang
BOOKS023562I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] - Der epische Cyclus, oder Die homerischen Dichter : Zweiter Theil: Die Geschichte nach Inhalt und Composition
BOOKS023564I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Vierter Jahrgang
BOOKS023617I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Näke, August Ferdinand [1788-1838] editors: - Rheinisches Museum für Philologie : Dritter Jahrgang
BOOKS023563I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Dritter Jahrgang
BOOKS023615I: Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb [1784-1868] ; & Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm [1806-1876]; editors: - Museum für Philologie. Neue Fölge. Zweiter Jahrgang
BOOKS018836I: Welinder, Stig - Miljö, Kultur och Kulturmiljö
BOOKS005587I: Welinder, Stig - Arkeologiska Bilder
BOOKS008799I: Welinder, K.G.; Rasmussen, S.K.; Penel, C.; & Greppin, H.; editors: - Plant Peroxidases : Biochemistry and Physiology. III International Symposium 1993: Proceedings
BOOKS009782I: Wellard, Kate & Copestake, James G.; editors: - Non-Governmental Organizations and the State in Africa : Rethinking Roles in Sustainable Agricultural Development
BOOKS009281I: Wellbery, David E. - The Specular Moment: Goethe's Early Lyric & the Beginnings of Romanticism
BOOKS014950I: Wellek, Albert, [1904 - 19??] - Die Wiederherstellung der Seelenwissenschaft im Lebenswerk Felix Kruegers..,.
BOOKS013450I: Weller, Friedrich; editor: [Ratnakuta] - Zum Kasyapaparivarta. Heft 1: Mongolischer Text
BOOKS020285I: Weller, Friedrich [1889-1980] - Index to the Tibetan Translation of the Kaçyapaparivarta
BOOKS012363I: Wellesz, Egon [1885-1974] - Die Hymnen des Sticherarium fuer September
BOOKS016690I: Wellman, Christopher Heath ; & Simmons, A. John (Alan John) - Is There a Duty to Obey the Law?
BOOKS005631I: Wellman, J. Douglas - Wildland Recreation Policy : An Introduction
BOOKS010046I: Wells, James K. - Ipani Eskimos: A Cycle of Life in Nature
BOOKS009968I: Wells, Allen & Joseph, Gilbert M. - Summer of Discontent, Seasons of Upheaval: Elite Politics and Rural Insurgency in Yucatan, 1876-1915
BOOKS023878I: Wells, Edward [1667-1727] - Some Testimonies of the Most Eminent English Dissenters, as also of Foreign Reformed Churches and Divines..,.
BOOKS010274I: Wells, Stanley - Re-Editing Shakespeare for the Modern Reader
BOOKS000489I: Wells, M. J., et al - Catalogue of Problem Plants in Southern Africa,incorporating the National Weed List of South Africa.
BOOKS019104I: Wells, Catharine - East with ENSA : Entertaining the Troops in the Second World War
BOOKS027825I: Wells, Kenneth S. - Thai Buddhism : Its Rites and Activities
BOOKS023872I: Wells, Edward [1667-1727] - A Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to Mr Peter Dowley, A Dissenting Teacher of the Presbyterian ..,.
BOOKS023875I: Wells, Edward [1667-1727] [Dowley, Peter] - A True Copy of a Letter Lately Written by Mr. Dowley to Dr. Wells, And now Published by Dr. Wells..,.
BOOKS023874I: Wells, Edward [1667-1727] - A Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to a Dissenting Parishioner of the Presbyterian Perswasion
BOOKS031922I: Wells, Berit ; editor : [ Svenska institutet i Athen ] - Agriculture in Ancient Greece : Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens..,.
BOOKS002993I: Wellwarth, George - The Theatre of Protest & Paradox. Developments in the Avant-Garde Drama
BOOKS023162I: Welsch, Jules - Les terrains secondaires des environs de Tiaret et de Frenda (département d'Oran, Algérie)
BOOKS010208I: Welsh, Lesley; Archambault, Francis X.; Janus, Mark-David & Brown, Scott W. - Running for their Lives: Physical and Sexual Abuse of Runaway Adolescents
BOOKS009954I: Welsh, D. J. A. [Welsh, Dominic James Anthony] - Codes and Cryptography
BOOKS029474I: Grosse National-Mutterloge "Zu den Drei Weltkugeln" (Berlin) - Ludendorff auf dem Kriegspfade gegen die deutsche Freimaurerei : eine Aufkärungsschrift ..,.
BOOKS008077I: Weman, Henry [1897-1992] - African Music and the Church in Africa
BOOKS028258I: Wendel, Walther [1872-1941] - Die modernen Bestrebungen zur Verminderung der Narkosengefahr [together with 4 other offprints by Wendel ca. 1902-07]
BOOKS028331I: Wendelberger, Gustav - Zur Soziologie der kontinentalen Halophytenvegetation Mitteleuropas .,.,,.
BOOKS009547I: Wengle, John L. - Ethnographers in the Field: The Psychology of Research
BOOKS016354I: Wengrow, David - The Archaeology of Early Egypt : Social Transformations in North East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC
BOOKS027876I: Wenk, Wolfgang - Zur Sammlung der 38 Homilien des Chrysostomus Latinus : mit Edition der Nr. 6, 8, 27, 32 und 33
BOOKS007142I: Wennekers, Johannes Henri Leonardus - De Geologie van het Val Brembo di Foppolo en de Valle di Carisole
BOOKS016040I: Wenner, Manfred W. - Modern Yemen, 1918-1966
BOOKS013905I: Wenskus, Reinhard - Sächsischer Stammesadel und fränkischer Reichsadel
BOOKS007183I: Wenta, Jaroslaw - Studien ueber die Ordensgeschichtsschreibung am Beispeil Preussens
BOOKS021709I: Wentzcke, Paul [1879-1960] - Tausend Jahre Rheinland im Reich
BOOKS025665I: Wentzel, Astrid - Christian Ostenfeld : Nogle biografiske Oplysninger
BOOKS006120I: Chen Yingming ; Liu Wenxiao - Kang Ri zhan zheng shi qi Zhongguo kong jun fei ji, 1937-1945 / The Aircrafts of Chinese Air Force in the Sino-Japan War
BOOKS004488I: Wenzel, Rupert L. & Tipton, Vernon J., editors: - Ectoparasites of Panama
BOOKS023825I: Wenzel, Hermann ; & Ketelsen, Bruno - Flur, Dorf und Haus im Grenzkirchspiel Medelby
BOOKS009349I: Werbner, Richard P. - Ritual Passage, Sacred Journey: The Process and Organization of Religious Movement
BOOKS017881I: Were, Gideon S. - A History of the Abaluyia of Western Kenya (c.1500-1930)
BOOKS003268I: Werff, Wietze van der - Forearc Development & Early Orogenesis along the Eastern Sunda/ Western Banda Arc (Indonesia)
BOOKS029157I: Alamayahu Nari Wergaso - Ityopyawiw sisay / darasina 'asatamiw 'Alamayahu Nari Wergaso
BOOKS002266I: Werger, M.J.A. - A Phytosociological Study of the Upper Orange River Valley
BOOKS001151I: Werhane, Patricia H. - Skepticism, Rules and Private Languages
BOOKS017623I: van de Werken, Ramon - Mooi
BOOKS023829I: Werliin, Christian - De laudibus Judae Gen. c. XLIX, v. 8-12 celebratis : Commentatio exegetica
BOOKS027409I: Wermer, John - Seminar über Funktionen-Algebren, Eidg. Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik, winter-semester, 1963
BOOKS027880I: Werner, Ulrike - Über die Stimulation von Prozessen der Etioplasten-Chloroplasten-Transformation im Weisslicht durch Kälte-Vorbehandlung .,.,.
BOOKS017384I: Werner, B. [pseudonym of J. Neuhaus] - Nybyggerliv blandt Meskito-Indianere
BOOKS030498I: Werner, Richard Maria [1854-1913] ; editor : [Lamprecht, der Pfaffe, active 12th century CE] - Die basler Bearbeitung von Lambrechts Alexander
BOOKS027221I: Werner, Helmut - Vorlesung über Approximationstheorie ..,.
BOOKS026459I: Werner, Paul [1885-19??] - Martinique nach Geschichte, Natur und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung seit seiner Entdeckung
BOOKS028392I: Werner, Heinz [1890-1964] - Die melodische Erfindung im frühen Kindesalter : eine entwicklungspsychologische Untersuchung
BOOKS024416I: Werner, Jakob - Lateinische Sprichwörter und Sinnsprüche des Mittelalters : aus Handschriften gesammelt
BOOKS004065I: Werner, Jørgen Frederik Emanuel [b. 1833] - Gjælder Lov og Ret endnu i gamle Danmark?
BOOKS026327I: Werner, Joachim - Das Aufkommen von Bild und Schrift in Nordeuropa
BOOKS002955I: Wernicke, Friedrich - Die primäre Erzverteilung auf den Lagerstätten in Abhängigkeit von den Bildungsvorgängen und den geologischen Verhältnissen..,.
BOOKS024218I: Wernle, Paul [1872 -1939] - Der evangelische Glaube nach den Hauptschriften der Reformatoren : Teil I - II - III
BOOKS012856I: Werth, Alexander [1901-1969] - The Destiny of France
BOOKS004466I: Werth, Paul, editor: - Conversation and Discourse. Structure and Interpretation
BOOKS023310I: Werth, Friedrich ; editor : - Das neue Jahrhundert : illustrierte deutsche Zeitschrift : II. Jahrgangs, Nr. 1 - 52 [ Oktober 1899 - September 1900 ]
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BOOKS030296I: Wertheimer, Eduard ; editor : - Zwei Denkschriften Erzherzog Rainers aus den Jahren 1808 und 1809
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BOOKS027283I: Wesfreid, J. E. ; & Zaleski, S. ; editors : - Cellular Structures in Instabilities : Proceedings of the Meeting 'Structures cellulaires dans les instabilités--Périodicité.,.,
BOOKS001099I: Wesibach, Werner - Ausdrucksgestaltung im mittelalterlicher Kunst
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BOOKS016292I: Wettstein, Janine - La fresque romane : études comparatives II: La route de Saint-Jacques, de Tours à Léon.
BOOKS015664I: Wexler, Paul - Judeo-Romance Linguistics: A Bibliography (Latin, Italo-, Gallo, Ibero-, and Rhaeto-Romance Except Castilian)
BOOKS016120I: Wey, Klaus-Georg - Das U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor und Interessenverbände, 1903-1913
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BOOKS000809I: Wezel, Forese-Carlo ; editor : - The Origin of Arcs..,.
BOOKS006525I: Whale, John - The Half-Shut Eye. Television & Politics in Britain & America
BOOKS001999I: Whaler, James - Counterpoint and Symbol. An Inquiry into the Rhythm of Milton's Epic Style
BOOKS005403I: Whalley, George - Poetic Process
BOOKS024174I: Whallon, William - Problem and Spectacle : Studies in the Oresteia
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BOOKS030747I: Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer ; & Richardson, Katherine M. - Hill-forts of Northern France
BOOKS022064I: Wheelon, Albert Dewell - Electromagnetic Scintillation, Volume II: Weak Scattering
BOOKS018147I: Wheen, Francis ; editor: - Lord Gnome's Literary Companion
BOOKS015676I: Whipple, Fred Lawrence [1906 - 2004] - The Collected Contributions of Fred L. Whipple [Volume I & II]
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BOOKS014299I: White, Stephen ; Gitelman, Zvi Y. ; & Sakwa, Richard ; editors: - Developments in Russian Politics 6
BOOKS012556I: White, C. M. N. (Charles Matthew Newton) [1914- ] - A Revised Check List of African Shrikes, Orioles, Drongos, Starlings, Crows, Waxwings, Cuckoo-shrikes, Bulbuls...
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BOOKS011235I: White, Tim D. - Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2346
BOOKS010362I: White, E. Frances - Sierra Leone's Settler Women Traders: Women on the Afro-European Frontier
BOOKS007372I: White, James W. - The Sokagakkai and Mass Society
BOOKS019035I: White, C. M. N. (Charles Matthew Newton) [1914-1978] - A Revised Check List of African Broadbills, Pittas, Larks, Swallows, Wagtails, and Pipits
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BOOKS015713I: White, Alan W.; Anraku, Masateru; & Hooi, Kok-Kuang; editors: - Toxic Red Tides and Shellfish Toxicity in Southeast Asia
BOOKS018320I: White, Richard Grant [1822-1885] - The New Gospel of Peace, According to St. Benjamin
BOOKS016642I: White, Paul - Thomas Huxley: Making the 'Man of Science'
BOOKS016584I: White, Stephen K. ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Habermas
BOOKS016351I: White, John Warren ; editor: - Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment
BOOKS016009I: White, Hayden V. - The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation
BOOKS004492I: White, Peter: editor ? - Benjamin Tompson: Colonial Bard. A Critical Edition
BOOKS004333I: White, Hayden & Brose, Margaret, editors: - Representing Kenneth Burke.
BOOKS004056I: White, George Leroy, Jr. - Scandinavian Themes in American Fiction
BOOKS003499I: White, John Thomas - Een Onderzoek naar Fijnheid en Verdeeling van het Phosphorzuur en zijn Opneembaarheid in de Mergelgronden van Java
BOOKS004245I: White, Horace - Money & Banking illustrated by American History
BOOKS004237I: White, Daniel R. - Postmodern Ecology. Communication, Evolution & Play
BOOKS000150I: White, David Gordon - Myths of the Dog-Man
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BOOKS006116I: Whitehead, Harriet - Renunciation and Reformulation: A Study of Conversion in an American Sect
BOOKS011939I: Whitehead, Alfred North & Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica. Volume III.
BOOKS007947I: Whiteley, Nigel - Reyner Banham : Historian of the Immediate Future
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BOOKS019196I: Whiteside, Kerry H. - Precautionary Politics : Principle and Practice in Confronting Environmental Risk
BOOKS015153I: Whiteside, Anna; & Issacharoff, Michael ; editors: - On Referring in Literature
BOOKS009569I: Whitford, M.J. - Getting Rid of Graffiti: A Practical Guide to Graffiti Removal & Anti-Graffiti Protection
BOOKS016682I: Whitlow, Robert H. - U.S. Marines in Vietnam. The Advisory & Combat Assistance Era, 1954-1964.
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BOOKS030049I: Whittaker, Charles R. - Les frontières de l'Empire romain
BOOKS001437I: Whittaker, J.A. & Holmes, J.A.; editors: - Leukaemia and Related Disorders
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BOOKS015518I: Whittow, Mark - The Making of Byzantium, 600-1025
BOOKS010357I: Whyte, Susan Reynolds ; Geest, Sjaak van der ; & Hardon, Anita - Social Lives of Medicines
BOOKS009679I: Whyte, William Foote & Boynton, Damon; editors: - Higher-Yielding Human Systems for Agriculture
BOOKS006980I: Whyte, William Foote & Boynton, Damon; editors: - Higher-Yielding Human Systems for Agriculture
BOOKS001891I: Wian, Giovanni - Lo statuto degli italiani in Tunisia
BOOKS002015I: Wic, Wladyslaw - Kwestia agrarna i chlopska w rosyjskiej mysli socjaldemokratycznej (do 1907 r.)
BOOKS005204I: Wichitmattra (Sanga), Khun [1897-1980] - Lak nang Thai / Khun Wichitmattra
BOOKS026306I: Wichmann, Arthur [ Wichmann, Carl Ernst Arthur (1851-1927)] - Gesteine von Timor und einiger angrenzender Inseln / von A. Wichmann
BOOKS030045I: Wichmann, Yrjö Jooseppi [1868-1932] - Aus dem religiösen Leben der tscheremissischen reformierten Heiden
BOOKS022084I: Wichmann, Yrjö Jooseppi [1868-1932] - Wotjakische Sprachproben [Vol. II] : Sprichwörter, Rätsel, Märchen, Sagen und Erzählungen
BOOKS015872I: Wichterich, Richard [1894-1965] - Volksdeutscher Kampf : dargestellt am Lebensgang Dr. Steinachers
BOOKS024693I: Wick, Rainer - Teaching at the Bauhaus
BOOKS001204I: Wick, Mark R. - Diagnostic Histochemistry
BOOKS017582I: Wickberg, Nils Erik [1909-2002] - Empirestudier : Uppsatser om arkitekturen i Finland och Baltikum under förra hälfen av 1800-talet..,.
BOOKS026384I: Wickersheimer, Ernest [1880-1965] - A collection of 6 offprints ca. 1911-1939
BOOKS016283I: Wickes, Frances Gillespy [1875-1967] - The Inner World of Choice
BOOKS006281I: Wickramasinghe, N.C. - Interstellar Grains
BOOKS012838I: Widacka, Hanna - Jan III Sobieski w grafice XVII i XVIII wieku
BOOKS024541I: Widding, Ole ; Bekker-Nielsen, Hans ; & Shook, L.K. - The Lives of the Saints in Old Norse Prose: A Handlist
BOOKS004406I: Widdowson, E.M. & Mathers, J.C., editors: - The Contribution of Nutrition to Human & Animal Health
BOOKS012011I: Widen, Bill - Kateketinstitutionen i Sveriges och Finlands Lappmarker 1744-1820
BOOKS011993I: Widén, Bertil - Studies on the Dorset Dialect
BOOKS020814I: Widenmann, Robert J. - A Genealogy of the Widenmann Family : The Stuttgart and Biberach Branches from Blaubeuren in the Swabian Alps
BOOKS020122I: Wider, Kathleen Virginia - The Bodily Nature of Consciousness : Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
BOOKS000834I: Widerszal, Ludwik - Bulgarski Ruch Narodowy 1856-1872
BOOKS012066I: Widhalm, G. H. Othmar; editor: [Maliarik, Jan (1869-1946)] - Dringender Appell an alle Erdenwelt-Maechte insbesondere aber an die Japanische Regierung: unter innigster Anrufung...
BOOKS003518I: Widnas, Maria - Les synaxaires slavo-russes des "Fragments Finlandais
BOOKS003598I: Widt, Hendrika Johanna Wilhelmina de - Geochemische Onderzoekingen in Verband met Petrogenetische Vragen (Geochemical Approach to Petrogenesis)
BOOKS014399I: Wiebe, Robert H. - Who We Are : A History of Popular Nationalism
BOOKS016646I: Wiebe, Phillip H. - God and Other Spirits: Intimations of Transcendence in Christian Experience
BOOKS019709I: Wiebe, Robert H. - Who We Are : A History of Popular Nationalism
BOOKS030580I: Wiechert, Ernst Emil [1887-1950] - Der Totenwald : ein Bericht
BOOKS001137I: Wieclawski, Boguslaw - Zaopatrzenie i konsumpcja w Poznaniu w drugiej polowie XVIII wieku
BOOKS030543I: Wiedemann, Theodor [ Zahn, Joseph ] - Die Nekrologien des Domstiftes Salzburg ..,. [together with: "Die Veste Sachsengang und ihre Besitzer" ]
BOOKS018982I: Wiederkehr, Emil [ Hilfskomitee für die Opfer des Kommunismus ] - Tibet ruft um Hilfe : Dokumente und Tatsachenberichte über die Unterdrückung Tibets und die rotchinesische Weltgefahr
BOOKS028187I: Wiedmann, Jost - Unterkreide-Ammoniten von Mallorca : 2. Lieferung : Phylloceratina
BOOKS029987I: Wiegand, Johan Alphons [1909-1980] - Die Aneurinbestimmung Mittels der Thiochromethode und ihre Anwedung auf einige Lebensmittel
BOOKS018237I: Wiehager, Renate - Minimalism and After : Tradition und Tendenzen minimalistischer Kunst von 1950 bis heute ..,.
BOOKS021444I: Wiehn, Erhard R. ; editor: - Novemberpogrom 1938 : die "Reichskristallnacht" in den Erinnerungen jüdischer Zeitzeugen der Kehilla Kedoscha Konstanz ..,.
BOOKS003926I: Wieke, Fredericus Guilielmus - De Vestigis et Reliquiis Synonymicae Artis Graecorum
BOOKS024491I: Wieland, Fr. - Bericht an das Tit. Eidgenössische Militär-Departement über die Reise nach Italien zum Besuche der Militär-Anstalten ..,.
BOOKS028550I: Wieland, Johannes, Oberst [1791- 1832] - Ein Wort der Wahrheit an die eidgenössischen Waffenbrüder ..,. [together with two other pamphlets by Johannes Wieland]

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