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BOOKS011885I: Pred, Allan R. - Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: The United States System of Cities, 1790-1840
BOOKS027755I: Predov, Todor - Bulgarskite kortitsi
BOOKS011385I: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte / Société suisse de préhistoire et d'archéologie - Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Bd. 50, 54, 56- 77, 81- 82 [1963-1999]
BOOKS000735I: Preidel, Helmut - Das grossmährische Reich im Speigel der Bodenfunde
BOOKS019533I: Preininger, John [1947-2002] - Wir Leben in der Resonanz: Gedichte [together with two other volumes of the series "Little Art Books", Volumes 1-3]
BOOKS023968I: Preiser, Hermann - Die Herren von Kürneck
BOOKS023914I: Premchand, Neeta - Off the Deckle Edge : A Paper-making Journey through India
BOOKS021014I: Premerstein, Anton, Ritter von [1869-1935] - C. Iulius Quadratus Bassus : Klient des jüngeren Plinius und General Trajans
BOOKS027180I: Première Armée Francaise, Rhin et Danube - Libération de l'Alsace
BOOKS018104I: Prescott, J. R. V. (John Robert Victor) - The Geography of Frontiers and Boundaries
BOOKS006591I: Presedo Velo, Francisco J. - La fortaleza nubia de Cheikh-Daud, Tumas (Egipto)
BOOKS006586I: Presedo Velo, Francisco J. - El poblado cristiano de la isla de Abkanarti en la segunda catarata del Nilo (Sudan)
BOOKS006589I: Presedo Velo, F.J.; Blanco y Caro, R. & Pellicer Catalan.M. - La necropolis de Mirmad (Argin Sur - Nubia Sudanesa)
BOOKS010518I: Press, William H.; Flannery, Brian P.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; & Vetterling, William T. - Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN: The Art of Scientific Computing
BOOKS005194I: Press, John - Rule and Energy. Trends in British Poetry Since the Second World War
BOOKS001100I: Press, John - The Chequer'd Shade : Reflections on Obscurity in Poetry
BOOKS017095I: Press, William H. ; Teukolsky, Saul A. ; Vetterling, William T. ; & Flannery, Brian P. - Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing
BOOKS013880I: Pressler, Charles A. ; & Dasilva, Fabio B. - Sociology and Interpretation: From Weber to Habermas
BOOKS016483I: Pressley, Andrew - Quantum Groups and Lie Theory
BOOKS011465I: Pressly, William L. - The French Revolution as Blasphemy : Johan Zoffany’s Paintings of the Massacre at Paris, August 10, 1792
BOOKS003146I: Preston, P.W. - New Trends in Development Theory. Essays in Development & Social Theory
BOOKS009356I: Preston, P.W. - Pacific Asia in the Global System: An Introduction
BOOKS019836I: Preston, Adrian William ; & Dennis, Peter ; editors: - Swords and Covenants
BOOKS006467I: Preston, James J. - Sacred Centers : Development of a Classificatory Scheme
BOOKS005523I: Preston-Mafham, Rod ; & Preston-Mafham, Ken - The Encyclopaedia of Land Invertebrate Behaviour
BOOKS000324I: Preston, David L. - The Social Organization of Zen Practice. Constructing Transcultural Reality.
BOOKS015469I: Preston-Whyte, R. A. ; & Tyson, Peter Daughtrey - The Atmosphere and Weather of Southern Africa
BOOKS028045I: Prestwich, Grace Anne, Lady [ Milne, Grace Anne (1832-1899)] - Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Prestwich / Written and Edited by his Wife
BOOKS024641I: Prestwich, Menna ; editor: - International Calvinism, 1541-1715
BOOKS012778I: Prete, Frederick R. [1948- ]; editor: - Complex Worlds from Simpler Nervous Systems
BOOKS016370I: Prete, Frederick R. - Complex Worlds from Simpler Nervous Systems
BOOKS003970I: Pretorius, W.J.; Prinsloo, A.L. & de Waal, P.E. - Ekonomiese Ondersoek na Sekere Aspekte van de Somervrugtbedryf in die westlike Kaapprovinsie 1937-38
BOOKS022331I: Prewitt, Terry James - The Elusive Covenant : A Structural-Semiotic Reading of Genesis
BOOKS028369I: Pribram, Alfred Francis [1859-1941] ; & Fischer, Erich - Ein politischer Abenteurer : Karl Glave-Kolbielski, 1752-1831
BOOKS002172I: Pribyl, Jan - Paleohydrography of the Caves in the Moravsky Kras (Moravian Karst)
BOOKS026317I: Price, Martin ; & Nash, Daphne - Greek and Celtic Hoards
BOOKS013961I: Price, B. B. (Betsey Barker) - Medieval Thought: An Introduction
BOOKS009663I: Price, Roger; editor: - Documents on the French Revolution of 1848
BOOKS007225I: Price, Richard ; & Price, Sally - Two Evenings in Saramaka: Afro-American Tale-telling in the Surinam Rain Forest
BOOKS023239I: Price, Jacob Myron - The Tobacco Adventure to Russia : Enterprise, Politics, and Diplomacy in the Quest for a Northern Market for English Colonial..,
BOOKS007018I: Prichard, James Cowles [1786 - 1848] [ Stocking, George W., Jr. ; editor: ] - Researches Into the Physical History of Man
BOOKS016390I: Prickett, Stephen - Narrative, Religion and Science: Fundamentalism Versus Irony, 1700-1999
BOOKS014586I: Pride, Kitty - Chatino Syntax
BOOKS013433I: Pridmore, F. (Fred) - Coins and Coinages of the Straits Settlements and British Malaya, 1786-1851
BOOKS013944I: Prier, Raymond Adolph; editor: - Countercurrents: On the Primacy of Texts in Literary Criticism
BOOKS010926I: Priestley, David A. - Seed Aging: Implications for Seed Storage and Persistence in the Soil
BOOKS009671I: Priestley, Joseph & McLean, John [Foster, William, editor:] - Considerations on the Doctrine of Phlogiston, and the Decomposition of Water and Two Lectures on Combustion and an Examination..
BOOKS010814I: Prieto Bernabé, José Manuel - La venta de la jurisdicción de Pastrana en 1541 : la creación de un nuevo señorío
BOOKS006976I: Prifti, Peter R. - Socialist Albania since 1944. Domestic and Foreign Developments
BOOKS010931I: Primack, Richard B. & Lovejoy, Thomas E.; editors: - Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Southeast Asian Rainforests
BOOKS017283I: Primavesi, Anne - Sacred Gaia : Holistic Theology and Earth System Science
BOOKS015013I: Pringle, Denys - Churches, Castles and Landscape in the Frankish East
BOOKS013918I: Prins,J. - The South Moluccas : Rebellious Province or Occupied State (Vol. 1) : Location, History, Forgotten Struggle
BOOKS012236I: Vert, Edouard ; printer : [ S., J.D. ; "un témoin auriculaire" ] - Le Cri de la France
BOOKS000744I: Schultzste Officin; printers : - Lykke-Hiul, hvorudi Mands- og Qvinds-Personer, saavel gifte Folk, som unge Karle, Jomfruer og Piger paa deres Spørgsmaal,..,.
BOOKS013334I: Prinz, Ursula - Androgyn, Sehnsucht nach Vollkommenheit
BOOKS030176I: Prinzen-Roth, Annegret - Zur Soziologie der Hexenverfolgungen in Deutschland (im Mittelalter und in der beginnenden Neuzeit)
BOOKS024755I: Prior, D.C. - Ved Professor Dr. med. Andreas Gartner Sommer's Jordefærd i Holmens Kirke d. 17 Februar 1871
BOOKS024535I: Prior, Arthur N. [1914-1969] - Logic and the Basis of Ethics
BOOKS018829I: Prip, Karen - Physiotherapy for Torture Survivors : A Basic Introduction
BOOKS005276I: Prisland, Marie - From Slovenia - To America
BOOKS019257I: Pritchard, James S. - In Search of Empire : The French in the Americas, 1670 -1730
BOOKS023280I: Pritchard, Earl Hampton [1907-1995] - The Crucial Years of Early Anglo-Chinese Relations, 1750-1800
BOOKS014893I: Pritchard, James S. - In Search of Empire : The French in the Americas, 1670-1730
BOOKS018490I: Privat, Maurice [1889-19??] - 1939, annee de reprise. Predictions de Maurice Privat
BOOKS027687I: Priya, Shanmuga [pseudonym of Sushila Raja] - Nallur Kanthaswamy : A Spiritual Experience
BOOKS020553I: Probert, Belinda - Beyond Orange and Green : Political Economy of the Northern Ireland Crisis
BOOKS031045I: Probst, Moriz [1867-1923] - Über die zentralen Sinnesbahnen und die Sinneszentren des menschlichen Gehirnes
BOOKS024095I: Procházka, Roman, Freiherr von - Genealogisches Handbuch erloschener böhmischer Herrenstandsfamilien
BOOKS024043I: Procházka, Frantisek - Knezna Káca / Frantisek Procházka a Lamberkové v Cechách
BOOKS028602I: Procházka, Amjad Bohumil - Determinants of Islamic Architecture
BOOKS013137I: Procksch, Otto [1874 - 1947] - Geschichtsbetrachtung und geschichtliche Überlieferung bei den vorexilischen Propheten
BOOKS008809I: Prodan, D. - Bojaren und "Vecini" des Landes Fogarasch im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
BOOKS024414I: Profeti, Maria Grazia ; et al. - Muratori di Babele : scritti
BOOKS008788I: Program Pemetaan Bahasa Nusantara 1999, Komite Media Cetak dan Penerbitan - Wulan sedhuwuring geni : antologi cerpen dan puisi daerah
BOOKS020755I: Fishculture Development Project (Zambia) - Better Freshwater Fish Farming in Zambia
BOOKS030220I: Prokisch, Bernhard ; editor : - Äthiopien : Kunsthandwerk und Münzen aus österreichischen Sammlungen
BOOKS023694I: Prokop, Dieter - Materialien zur Theorie des Films : Ästhetik, Soziologie, Politik
BOOKS003041I: Proksch, J.K., editor: - Die Litteratur uber die venerischen Krankheiten von den ersten Schriften uber Syphilis ...I - III Band
BOOKS031870I: Proletarischen Aktion, Zürich - Proletarische Aktion: Organ der Proletarischen Aktion, Zürich : Nr. 6 : Mai 1946
BOOKS029576I: Prompt, P.I. - Recherches sur l'anatomie de la voute du crane : Note lue à la Société de biologie
BOOKS017838I: Pronko, Leonard Cabell - Georges Feydeau
BOOKS031734I: Bonnaire de Pronville [17?? -1802] - Pouvoir législatif sous Charlemagne : Première - Seconde Partie
BOOKS004053I: Propst, Louise - An Analytical Study of Shelley's Versification
BOOKS029015I: Pröstler, Viktor ; & Treu, Erwin ; editors : [ Eyth, Max ] - Max Eyth, 1836-1906 : "Mein Leben in Skizzen
BOOKS000524I: Protase, D. - Problema Continuitatii in Dacia in Lumina Arheologiei si Numismaticii
BOOKS008490I: Protasov, Yu. S.; Boyko, Yu. V.; Grishin, Yu. M.; Kamrukov, A.S.; Kovalenko, L.V.; & Chuvashev, S.N.; editors: - Thermodynamic and Optical Properties of Plasma, Metals, and Dielectrics
BOOKS000452I: Uganda Protectorate - Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Cotton-Ginning Industry of Uganda, 1962
BOOKS014925I: Proud, Franklin M. ; & Eberhardt, Alfred F. - Tiger in the Mountains
BOOKS020725I: Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph [1809-1865] - De la justice dans la Révolution et dans l'Église : nouveaux principes de philosophie pratique ... [Tome 1 - 2 - 3]
BOOKS002228I: Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865) - Die Widersprüche der National-Oekonomie : oder, Die Philosophie der Noth : I - II Band
BOOKS020431I: Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph [1809-1865] - What is Property?
BOOKS018285I: Proust, Marcel [1871-1922] - Selected Letters, 1880-1903
BOOKS026995I: Prouvost, Jean [1885-1978] ; editor: - Sept Jours [a collection of 8 issues, ca. March-December 1941]
BOOKS007662I: [Mozambique, Colonial Government] Provincia de Mocambique, Reparticao de Saude - Relatorio do Servico de Saude : Anno de 1907
BOOKS021252I: Provost, George W. - The Kraus Case
BOOKS031198I: Prowald, Katja - Klonierung und Charakterisierung der exprimierten TCR Gene des cytotoxischen T-Zellklons CR15
BOOKS001190I: Proweller, Amira - Constructing Female Identities : Meaning Making in an Upper Middle Class Youth Culture
BOOKS018290I: Prows, Bernard L. ; & McIlhenny, William F. - Development of a Selective Algaecide to Control Nuisance Algal Growth
BOOKS016555I: Prus, René-Clovis [1793-1850] - Rapport a l'Académie Royale de Médecine sur la peste et les quarantaines / fait au nom d’une commission par M. le Dr. Prus
BOOKS026718I: Prussia (Germany), Polizeipräsidium in Berlin - Depesche vom Kriegs-Schauplatz. 1.-48.; 50.- 191., [30 Jul. 1870 - 8 März 1871]
BOOKS027634I: Pry, Paul - I.A. Hansen : biografisk Skizze
BOOKS031634I: Prym, Friedrich [1841- 1915] ; & Rost, Georg [1870 - 1958] - Theorie der Prymischen Funktionen erster Ordnung im Auschluss an die Schöpfung Riemann's : I - II Teil
BOOKS008145I: Prymak, Thomas M. - Mykhailo Hrushevsky: The Politics of National Culture
BOOKS009309I: Pryor, Frederic L. - The Red and the Green: The Rise and Fall of Collectivised Agriculture in Marxist Regimes
BOOKS030862I: Pryshchepa, Bohdan - Dorohobuzh na Horyni u X-XIII st.
BOOKS024250I: Prytz, Alex. - Til Minde om Professor Johan Keller, d. 20. Mai 1884
BOOKS025455I: Prytz Johansen, J. - Character and Structure of the Action in Maori
BOOKS002477I: Przetacznikowa, Maria [ Przetacznik-Gierowska, Maria ] - Odzwierciedlanie cech przedmiotów i zjawisk w mowie dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
BOOKS000172I: Przeworski, Stefan - Opera Selecta
BOOKS032004I: Psarrake-Mpelesiote, Nike ; & Gerulanu, Aimilia [ Museio Mpenake, Photographiko Archeio / Benaki Museum, Photographic Archive] - Paradosiakes kalliergeies [Traditional Methods of Cultivation in Greece]
BOOKS028717I: Psomiades, Harry J. - The Eastern Question : The Last Phase : A Study in Greek-Turkish Diplomacy
BOOKS010089I: Pstrusinska, Jadwiga & Fear, Andrew; editors: - Collectanea Celto-Asiatica Cracoviensia
BOOKS028981I: Ptak, Roderich - Die maritime Seidenstrasse : Küstenräume, Seefahrt und Handel in vorkolonialer Zeit
BOOKS002206I: Ptasnik, Joannes, editor: - Cracovia Impressorum XV et XVI Saeculorum
BOOKS021616I: Puar, Joginder Singh - The Panjabi Verb : Form and Function
BOOKS026582I: Clarity Publications - Private Prosecution or Public Persecution? A Compilation of the Full Text of Special Judge R.B. Sule's Judgment in Antulay Case
BOOKS021264I: Paix et Socialisme ; publisher : - La Colombie en lutte : les événements décrits ici, le sont par le personnage principal : le peuple
BOOKS031542I: Nashr-i Shahr ; publisher : - Namayishgah guruhi pustir murakkab
BOOKS013238I: Sazman-i Intisharat-i Kayhan ; publisher : - Nimah-i panhan: Jild-i 17 : Matbu'at va inqilab (1): Nigarishi bar 'amalkard matbu'at ..,.
BOOKS031327I: Publishing and Distribution House (PDH); publishers : - Veyyeakar khmer..,.
BOOKS015382I: Pucena, Signe ; Smilgaine, Una ; & Laizans, Martins - Vaceju kultura Viduskurzeme / Foraging in Central Kurzeme
BOOKS004270I: Pucena, Signe; et al. - The Pig Funeral : A Notebook of Traditions
BOOKS022602I: Puchner, Karl - Die Urkunden des Klosters Oberschönenfeld
BOOKS012869I: Puchol, J. Rodriguez - Histopatología de las angeitis cutáneas
BOOKS004853I: Pudichery, Fr. Sylvester - Ramsa. An Analysis and Interpretation of the Chaldean Vespers
BOOKS022680I: Pudovkin, Vsevolod Illarionovich [1893-1953] [Harbou, Thea von (1888-1954)] - Filmregie und Filmmanuskript / W. Pudowkin : mit Beiträgen von Thea von Harbou, L. Heilborn-Körbitz, Carl Mayer..,..
BOOKS021085I: Nueva Agrupacion de Jovenes del Pueblo - Declaracion de principios de la "Nueva Agrupacion de Jovenes del Pueblo
BOOKS018410I: Pueblo, Juan del - Explotadores y explotados
BOOKS018252I: Puech, Henri-Charles ; Quispel, Gilles ; & Unnik, W. C. van (Willem Cornelis) [1910-1978] - The Jung Codex, A Newly Recovered Gnostic Papyrus : Three Studies
BOOKS023200I: Pufendorf, Samuel von [ Sánchez Manzano, María Asunción ; & Rus Rufino, Salvador ; translators : ] - De los deberes del hombre y del ciudadano según la ley natural, en dos libros / De officio hominis et civis,..,.
BOOKS017643I: Puff, C. - Rubiaceae. Fascicle 2: Rubioideae (Second Part): Paederieae, Anthospermeae, Rubieae
BOOKS004946I: Pugach, Noel H. - Paul S. Reinsch. Open Door Diplomat in Action
BOOKS012495I: Pugh, Derek Salman; editor: - The Aston Programme. Volume 2: International Comparisons
BOOKS012479I: Pugh, Derek Salman; editor: - The Aston Programme. Volume I: The Aston Study and its Development
BOOKS005731I: Pugh, Emerson W. - Building IBM. Shaping an Industry and Its Technology
BOOKS010251I: Pui, Ching.Hon; editor: - Childhood Leukemias
BOOKS015029I: Pui, Ching-Hon - Childhood Leukemias [2nd edition]
BOOKS004007I: Du Puigaudeau, Odette [1894-1991] - Arts et coutumes des Maures : faire desirer le désert
BOOKS027701I: Puignau, Emilio - Vivencias con Salvador Dali
BOOKS014456I: Puka, Bill; series edidor: - Defining Perspectives in Moral Development
BOOKS010124I: Puka, Bill; editor: - Defining Perspectives in Moral Development
BOOKS008917I: Puka, Bill; editor: - The Great Justice Debate: Kohlberg Criticism [Moral Development, Volume 4]
BOOKS018778I: Pullan, Brian S. - Sources for the History of Medieval Europe from the Mid-Eighth to the Mid-Thirteenth Century
BOOKS029797I: Qúm Púm - Ekasar jamnuay smarti : santtivans nin gamnit tyknam samay Hvunan, Catumukh, Cenla, Lanvaek .,.,.
BOOKS029801I: Qúm Púm - Phluv pátja pravattisastr nai nayopay Kambuja 1989-1993 / riapriang toy A'um P"um
BOOKS020276I: Bombay Parsi Punchayet [ Desai, S.F. ; editor: ] - The Bombay Parsi Punchayet Quarterly Review, Vol. I, No. 1 : July - Aug. - Sept.- 1981
BOOKS031241I: Punchihewa, Gamini de S. G. - A Lost Medieval Kingdom of "the Lion King" : Introducing the Rise and Fall of the Medieval Kingdom of Sitawaka
BOOKS011657I: Punekar, Shankar Mokashi - Theoretical & Practical Studies in Indo-English Literature
BOOKS000823I: Punekar, Vijaya B. - The Son Kolis of Bombay
BOOKS012119I: Punjabi University, Guru Gobind Singh Department of Religious Studies - The Journal of Religious Studies, Nrs 4; 6; 7; 9- 20; 22; 26; 31; 38; 39 [Autumn 1971 - Spring 1997]
BOOKS029788I: Punna, Miam - Abahbibah puan paep rapas Khmaer : siksa priapdhiap / Miang Punna
BOOKS009408I: Punter, David - The Romantic Unconscious: A Study in Narcissism and Patriarchy
BOOKS021507I: Punwani, Jyoti - Dateline Godhra
BOOKS022851I: Punyavijaya, Muni ; editor: - Angavijja : Science of Divination through Physical Signs & Symbols
BOOKS031375I: Punyavijayaji ; editor : [ Ramacandra ] - Ramacandra's Mallikamakarandanataka
BOOKS024587I: Pupil, François ; Aptel, Claire ; & Canet, Mireille - La miniature
BOOKS021465I: Pupo, Senen Orlando - Sin herir al cordero: Antologia poetica (1991-2001)
BOOKS023584I: Puppi, Lionello ; compiler : - Andrea Palladio, il testo, l’immagine, la città : bibliografia e iconografia palladiane ; cartografia Vicentina Palladio.,.,
BOOKS024775I: Puranananda, Jane ; editor: - The Secrets of Southeast Asian Textiles : Myth, Status and the Supernatural: The James H.W. Thompson Foundation Symposium Papers
BOOKS023530I: Purati, Dhanura Simha [ Purty, Dhanur Singh ] - Sinabomga ondoh Bomgako [ Ho'-disuma Ho' honako (Volume 4) ]
BOOKS023531I: Purati, Dhanura Simha [ Purty, Dhanur Singh ] - Ho' honako nena jinidre [ Ho'-disuma Ho' honako (Volume 5) ]
BOOKS023532I: Purati, Dhanura Simha [ Purty, Dhanur Singh ] - Kupula ema-ced, mana-manatina, paiti-panaitiko emana [ Ho'-disuma Ho' honako (Volume 3) ]
BOOKS023533I: Purati, Dhanura Simha [ Purty, Dhanur Singh ] - Porobako [ Ho'-disuma Ho' honako (Volume 2) ]
BOOKS023534I: Purati, Dhanura Simha [ Purty, Dhanur Singh ] - Jonoma, am'di ondoh gonoehreyah dosturako [ Ho'-disuma Ho' honako (Volume 1) ]
BOOKS023535I: Purati, Dhanura Simha [ Purty, Dhanur Singh ] - Munu-janagarako ondoh bankuriko [ Ho'-disuma Ho' honako (Volume 7) ]
BOOKS020831I: Purhadi, Masud - Zaban Gilaki
BOOKS002256I: Puri, B.N. - Studies in Early History & Administration in Assam
BOOKS001938I: Purkayastha, R.P. and Chandra, A. - Indian Edible Mushrooms
BOOKS022349I: Purlichev, Grigor St. [1830-1893] - Avtobiografiia na Grigor S. Purlichev
BOOKS009003I: Purohit, Harinarayanaji & Vidyabhushan, B.A.; editors: - Mira Vrihata-Padavali
BOOKS010765I: Purs, Jaroslav; editor: - Jan Evangelista Purkyne in Science and Culture
BOOKS006781I: Purswani, Phatan - Akhaniyun Ajiban Joon
BOOKS020243I: Purturab, Mustafa Kamal ; 'Alizadah, Husayn ; Asadi, Human ; Uftadah, Mina ; Bayani, 'Ali - Mabani-i nazari-i musiqi-i Irani
BOOKS025641I: Purushottam - Islamization of India by the Sufis
BOOKS008743I: Purushottama - Antima Hindu: eka gambhira cetavani
BOOKS008742I: Purushottama - Hindu ke astitva ka prasna
BOOKS004124I: Purushottama - Bharatiya Musalamanom ke Kindu purvaja: Musalamana kaise bane
BOOKS009506I: Purves, Alan C. - The Web of Text and the Web of God: An Essay on the Third Information Transformation
BOOKS023987I: Pusch, Oskar - Das schlesische uradelige Geschlecht von Poser, insonderheit von Poser und Gross-Naedlitz
BOOKS030280I: Pusey, E. B. (Edward Bouverie) [1800-1882] - a collection of 6 books and pamphlets, bound together, ca. 1840-1846, concerning the Oxford Movement
BOOKS010368I: Pushp, P.N.; editor: - Kashmir Research Biannual. Vol. 1, No. 1 September 1960
BOOKS000590I: Pusztay, Janos; editor: - Die Vorgeschichte der uralischen Völker : Materialien eines Internationalen Symposions 14. - 16. Oktober 1993 in Szombathely
BOOKS009672I: Putnam, Samuel - Marvelous Journey: A Survey of Four Centuries of Brazilian Writing
BOOKS016604I: Putnam, Hilary - Mind, Language and Reality [Philosophical Papers, Vol 2]
BOOKS020118I: Putnam, George Granville - Salem Vessels and their Voyages : A History of the "Astrea", "Mindoro", "Sooloo", "Panay", "Dragon", "Highlander", "Shirley"..,.
BOOKS014763I: Putscher, Marielene ; editor : - Clio Medica. Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae. Vol. 15, No. 1/ 2 , 3/ 4 [Dec.-April 1980-1981]
BOOKS019060I: Putscher, Marielene ; & Lindeboom, G.A. ; editors: - Clio Medica. Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae. Vol. 19, No.s 1/2 - 3/4 [1984]
BOOKS018867I: Putscher, Marielene ; & Londeboom, G.A.; editors: - Clio Medica : Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae, Volume 14 [1979-80]
BOOKS004013I: Putscher, Marielene, editor: - Clio Medica. Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae. Vol. 16, nr. 1 - 2/3 - 4 [Sept. 1981 - Feb. 1982]
BOOKS004006I: Putscher, Marielene, editor: - Clio Medica. Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae, Vol. 17, nr. 1 - 2/3 - 4 [ May 1982 - March 1983]
BOOKS031398I: Putte, Jean van de [ Termer, Franz ] - Phénomènes séismiques et volcaniques au Guatemala,..,. [bound together 1 other item concerning Guatemala]
BOOKS025802I: Puvis, M.-A. (Marc-Antoine) [1776-1851] - De la taille des arbres fruitiers : de leur mise à fruit et de la marche de la végétation
BOOKS002636I: Puymege, Gerard de, editor: - Autour de "l'Avenir est notre affaire". Les entretiens de Cret-Berard. Textes reunis et presentes
BOOKS030362I: Pwiti, Gilbert - Continuity and Change : An Archaeological Study of Farming Communities in Northern Zimbabwe, AD 500-1700
BOOKS022738I: Pyasi, Kamal - Muhinjee-anant oosaat
BOOKS008889I: Pyasi, Kamal ["Hari Shewa"] - Pasoon Sansar
BOOKS002990I: 'Pyasi', Kamal Kewalramani - Shah-Latif-Hik Funkar (A Literary Research)
BOOKS000858I: Pyasi, Anita Kamal - Ghar Mithiro Ghar (Home Sweet Home)
BOOKS010594I: Pye, Lucian W. - Politics, Personality, and Nation Building : Burma's Search for Identity
BOOKS001136I: Pyrgaly, Jerzego, editor: - Osadnictwo Obszaru Warszawy na tle Srodowiska Naturalnego (V. w. p.n.e.- XII w. n.e.)
BOOKS002774I: Pyrtuh, A. ; Paul, A.K.; Bhattacharyya, N.K.; Barman, C.K.; Bhattacharjee, J. - Town Survey Report: Tezu
BOOKS001788I: Pyrtuh, A., editor: - Survey Report on Village: Rupa
BOOKS023585I: Qa'ud, Hilmi Muhammad - al-Nizam al-askari fi al-Jaza'ir : ma zala yukhattit li-ightiyal al-iradah al-Islamiyah ..,.
BOOKS015844I: Qaddumi, Hudá al-Shawwa - The Birds' Journey to Mount Qaf / Hooda Shawa Qaddumi
BOOKS028886I: Qadiri, Mustafá - Wataniyah bi-ihtiqar al-dhat / Nationalisme du mépris de soi
BOOKS021903I: Qadri, Anwar Ahmad - Justice in Historical Islam
BOOKS014259I: Qahtani, Sultan Sa'd - Khatawat 'ala jibal al-Yaman
BOOKS002263I: Qalo, Ropate - Divided we Stand. Local Government in Fiji
BOOKS024993I: Qalqashandi, Ahmad ibn 'Ali [1355 -1418 CE] [ Farraj, 'Abd al-Sattar Ahmad ; editor: ] - Ma'athir al-inafah fi ma'alim al-khilafah / ta'lif Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah al-Qalqashandi [Volumes 1-3]
BOOKS020685I: Qaltah, Jurjyus 'Atallah ; & Bahman, Rushdi Wasif - Bi-munasabat 'amal al-Mirun al-muqaddas : lil-marah al-sadisah fi 'ahd sahib al-qaddasah al-Baba Shunudah al-Thalit
BOOKS024385I: Qammadi, Fatimah Salih ; & Shandaq, Najud Rajih - Asda' min al-dhakirah al-sha'biyah : aghani San'aniyah turathiyah / jam wa-I'dad Fatimah Salih al-Qammadi, Najud Rajih Shandaq
BOOKS030385I: Qannadan, Shima [ Ghannadan, Shima ] - Nuqush-i usturah'i-i dar qali 'ashayir Iran va Asiya-yi Markazi
BOOKS006098I: Qaradawi, Yusuf - 25 Yanayir sanat 2011 thawrat shab : al-Shaykh al-Qaradawi wa-al-thawrah al-Misriyah : bayanat wa-khutab wa-fatawa wa-suwar
BOOKS020742I: Qarakhlu, Mahdi - Muhajarat va iskan-i 'ashayir : tahlili az muhajarat-i Qashqayi'ha-yi Iran bih shahr'ha
BOOKS019943I: Qaray, Umar - al-Sadiq al-Mahdi wa-al-inkifa'iyah wa-daawa al-tajdid
BOOKS031585I: Qasimi, Farhang - Simay-i digar-i inqilab khudgardani dar Lahistan
BOOKS030393I: Qasimi, Rahim [ Ghasemi, Rahim ] - Gulzar-i Muqaddas : Mashahir Takht-i Fulad Isfahan (takaya-yi Gulzar va Muqaddas)
BOOKS025126I: Qasimi, Rahim - Gulzar-i fazilat : mashahir-i Takht-i Fulad-i Isfahan (Tikyah-i Fazil Hindi)
BOOKS020813I: Qasimi Andarud, Maryam - Naqsh va rang-i dastbaftha-yi Talish
BOOKS030392I: Qasimi, Rahim [ Ghasemi, Rahim ] - Gulshan Ahl Suluk : mashahit-i madfun dar takyah Shaykh Muhammad'taqi Razi (Takyah Madar-i Shahzadah)
BOOKS014646I: Qasimiyan, Kurush ; & Bihmardi, Ardishir - Giyah-i Hum yadigari az farhang-i Iran zamin az durtarin zaman ta bih imruz
BOOKS007796I: Qasmi, Maulana Asrarul Haque - The Community in Retrospect
BOOKS007314I: Qasmi, Maulana Asrarrul Haque - The Truth About the Massacre in Assam
BOOKS021539I: Qazi, 'Aziz Miyan - Talash-i Bhupal
BOOKS020057I: Qaziha, Fatimah - Asnadi az ravand-i ijra-yi Mu'ahadah-i Turkaman'chay (1245-1250 H.Q.)
BOOKS013979I: Qaziyani, Farahnaz - Bakhtiyariha, baftahha va nuqush
BOOKS022657I: Qian, Wen-yuan - The Great Inertia : Scientific Stagnation in Traditional China
BOOKS019959I: Qifti, Ali ibn Yusuf [1172 or 3-1248 AD] ; Ibrahim, Muhammad Abu al-Fadl [ Markaz Tahqiq al-Turath (Egypt) ] - Inbah al-ruwah ala' anbah al-nuhah [Vol. 1]
BOOKS016203I: Chen Qingying - The System of the Dalai Lama Reincarnation
BOOKS014057I: Quaade, Flemming - Obese Children : Anthropology and Environment
BOOKS022736I: Tej "Quabil - Reshma
BOOKS007435I: Quadros, Manuel de - Em Damao. Um -Governador de distrito; Outro - Administrador de concelho; Terceiro - Delegado de Comarca: Acusando.,..
BOOKS003364I: Quakernaat, Joost - X-Ray Analyses of Clay Minerals in some Recent Fluviatile Sediments along the Coasts of Central Italy
BOOKS016889I: Quan, Yanchi - Mao Zedong : Man, Not God
BOOKS030511I: Pham Quõc Quân ; editor : - Tiên kim loai Viêt Nam / Vietnamese Coins
BOOKS014428I: Quandt, Richard E. - The Collected Essays of Richard E. Quandt : Volume 1.
BOOKS016967I: Phùng Dang Quang - Nhac khí dân tôc S' tiêng / Musical Instruments of the S'tiêng People
BOOKS017113I: Mai Ly Quang - Religion and Popular Beliefs in Vietnam [Vietnamese Studies, New Series, No. 51]
BOOKS031537I: Huang Quanxin - A Self-study Course in Running Script
BOOKS031538I: Huang Quanxin - A Self-study Course in Seal Script
BOOKS031540I: Huang Quanxin - A Self-study Course in Regular Script
BOOKS031316I: Huang Quanxin - A Self-study Course in Grass Script
BOOKS031541I: Huang Quanxin - A Self-study Course in Official Script
BOOKS031539I: Huang Quanxin - A Self-study Course in Wei Stone Inscriptions
BOOKS011589I: Quarteroni, Alfio; Sacco, Ricardo & Saleri, Fausto - Numerical Mathematics
BOOKS030629I: Quatremère, Etienne Marc [1782-1857] - Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Masoudi
BOOKS030627I: Quatremère, Etienne Marc [1782-1857] - Notice de l'ouvrage persan intitulé Moudjmel-altawarikh, Sommaire des histoires (ms. pers. de la Bibl. du Roi, no. 62)
BOOKS030628I: Quatremère, Etienne Marc [1782-1857] - Mémoires géographiques sur la Babylonie ancienne et moderne
BOOKS010715I: Quddus, Syed Abdul - Operational Safety of Rail Transport in Pakistan
BOOKS010707I: Quddus, Syed Abdul - The North-West Frontier of Pakistan
BOOKS015453I: Queen, Christopher S.; & King, Sallie B. ; editors: - Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia
BOOKS030741I: Queiroz Albuquerque, Luis - Atomos : versos
BOOKS017527I: Quennell, Peter - The Singular Preference : Portraits & Essays
BOOKS015645I: Querner, Hans ; & Schipperges, Heinrich ; editors: - Wege der Naturforschung 1822-1972, im Spiegel der Versammlungen Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte
BOOKS022558I: Quetglas, Joseph ; et al. - Victor Rahola i Aguadé
BOOKS024908I: Quigley, Declan - The Interpretation of Caste
BOOKS031924I: Quilici, Lorenzo ; & Quilici Gigli, Stefania ; editors: [ Università di Bologna, Istituto di archeologia ] - Strade romane : percorsi e infrastrutture
BOOKS003299I: Quilici, Jean-Claude - Les Altiplanides du Corridor Interandin. Etude Hemotypologique
BOOKS026785I: Quilici, Lorenzo - La Via Prenestina : i suoi monumenti, i suoi paesaggi
BOOKS022273I: Quilici Gigli, Stefania [ Istituto di Topografia Antica dell'Universita di Toma ] - Tuscana [ Forma Italiae : Topografia antica : Regio 7, volumen 2 ]
BOOKS031043I: Quilici, Lorenzo ; & Quilici Gigli, Stefania ; editors : - Interventi di bonifica agraria nell'Italia romana
BOOKS015154I: Quine, W. V. (Willard Van Orman) - Quiddities: An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary
BOOKS016157I: Quine, W. V. (Willard Van Orman) - Methods of Logic
BOOKS016033I: Quinn, Mary Bernetta - The Metamorphic Tradition in Modern Poetry..,.
BOOKS000482I: Quinn, Dermot - Patronage and Piety: The Politics of English Roman Catholicism, 1850-1900
BOOKS005735I: Quinn, Kenneth - Texts and Contexts. The Roman Writers and Their Audience
BOOKS009581I: Quinones, Ricardo J. - Foundation Sacrifice in Dante's Commedia
BOOKS010313I: Quintilian [Gibson, Edmund (1669-1748)] - M. Fabii Quinctiliani De institutione oratoria libri duodecim: cum duplice indice ...
BOOKS006399I: Quirino, Jose A. - Loneliness is a Volcano and New Stories
BOOKS020482I: Quiroz Serrano, Rafael - Meritocracia petrolera, mito o realidad?
BOOKS031228I: Universidad de Quito - Anales de la Universidad de Quito : Numero I : Marzo de 1883
BOOKS029682I: Quraishi, Mansooruddin - Muslim Education and Learning in Gujarat, 1297-1758
BOOKS022534I: Qurbani, Cavid - Atalar-souzi..,.
BOOKS000415I: Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain - The Administration of the Sultanate of Dehli
BOOKS019582I: Qureshi, Anwar Iqbal - Islam and the Theory of Interest. With a New Chapter on Interest Free Banking.
BOOKS024732I: Qutb 'al-Mulk, Sayyid 'Abd 'Allah Khan [ - Balmukundnamah : ruqa'at-i Sayyid 'Abd 'Allah Khan Qutb 'al-Mulk /ba tashih va muqaddamah va ta'liqat 'az Shaykh 'Abd 'al-Rashid
BOOKS010255I: Raack, R.C. - Stalin's Drive to the West 1938-1945: The Origins of the Cold War
BOOKS004698I: Raahave, Dennis - Faecal Retention: A Common Cause in Functional Bowel Disorders, Appendicitis and Haemorrhoids- with Medical and Surgical Therapy
BOOKS025806I: Raasløff, Harald Iver Andreas [1810-1893] - Londoner-Conferencen, Nordslesvigs Tilbagegivelse og Augustforeningen
BOOKS014562I: Raasted, Jørgen - Intonation Formulas and Modal Signatures in Byzantine Musical Manuscripts
BOOKS006914I: Raasveldt, H.C. - De Geologie van het Gebied tusschen de Brembo en de Serio Noordelijk van de Bergkam Monte Menna-Pizzo Arera
BOOKS013430I: Rabadzhiev, Kostadin [Rabadjiev, Kostadin] - Elinski misterii v Trakiia: opit za arkheologicheski prochit
BOOKS021957I: Rabati, Muhammad ibn al-'Arabi al-Dalla'i [ Harraq, Muhammad al-Tuhami ] - Fath al-anwar fi bayan ma yu'inu 'ala madh al-Nabi al-mukhtar
BOOKS022326I: Rabecka-Brykczynska, Irena ; & Sobczak, Tadeusz - Z problematyki badan nad produkcja i konsumpcja zywnosci w Polsce
BOOKS026011I: Raben, Jens - Minder fra det gamle Sønderborg
BOOKS025916I: Raben, Jens - Fra Notmark Sogn
BOOKS009054I: Rabha, Prakash; Cheranga, Jontri; & Rungdung, Binoy Rabha [Baruah, P.N. Dutta & Rabha, Upen Chandra; editors:] - Mamorangi Mayna Khurang
BOOKS015318I: Rabha, Rajen - The Rabhas
BOOKS011429I: Rabha, Rajen - Rabha Janajati
BOOKS021629I: Rabha, Rajena - Rabha janajati
BOOKS013242I: Rabinovich, Itamar - The Road Not Taken : Early Arab-Israeli Negotiations
BOOKS014138I: Rabinowitz, Jacob - The Faces of God : Canaanite Mythology as Hebrew Theology
BOOKS007524I: Rabinowitz, Peter J. - Before Reading : Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation
BOOKS020656I: Rabøl, Jørgen - Canarian Landbirds : Habitat, Distributions, Densities and Competition
BOOKS012629I: Raby, Peter - Alfred Russel Wallace : A Life
BOOKS028786I: Rachik, Hassan - Awdah ilá zaman waliday : muqarabah anthrubulujiyah
BOOKS027980I: Rachinsky, Anna - Juvenilhormon und Ecdysteroide in der Kastenentwicklung der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera L.)
BOOKS001914I: Rachlin, Rachel [1908-1999] ; & Rachlin, Israel [1906-1998] - 16 let vozvrashcheniia : sibirskaia saga / Rakhil' i Izrael' Rakhliny [perevod s angliiskogo Eleny Pankovoi]
BOOKS001791I: Rachwal, Tadeusz - Word & Confinement. Subjectivity in "Classical" Discourse
BOOKS022225I: Racy, John - Psychiatry in the Arab East
BOOKS023524I: Rada, Jan ; editor : - Houpacky : Cislo 4. : Rijen 1919
BOOKS023489I: Rada, Jan ; editor : - Houpacky : Cislo 2. : Srpen 1919
BOOKS017484I: Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. (Alfred Reginald) [1881-1955] - Structure and Function in Primitive Society : Essays and Addresses
BOOKS016134I: Raddatz, Klaus - Das Wagengrab der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit von Husby, Kreis Flensburg
BOOKS024089I: Raddatz, Klaus ; Hundt, Hans-Jürgen ; & Zedelius, Volker - Grabfunde der Römischen Kaiserzeit und Völkerwanderungszeit von Kirchweyhe und Osterholz : Kreis Grafschaft Hoya
BOOKS030968I: Radde, Gustav [1831-1903] [ Bekirova, Gul'nara ; editor : ] - Krymskie tatary
BOOKS020147I: Radden, Jennifer - Divided Minds and Successive Selves : Ethical Issues in Disorders of Identity and Personality
BOOKS031667I: Radek, Karl [1885-1939] - Die innere und äussere Lage Deutschlands und die nächsten Aufgaben der V.K.P.D. : offener Brief an den 2. Parteitag der V.K.P.D.
BOOKS011587I: Rademaker, G. G. J. [Rademaker, Gijsbertus Godefriedus Johannes (1887-1957)] - The Physiology of Standing (Das Stehen): Postural Reactions and Equilibrium...
BOOKS016436I: Radford, Andrew - Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the Structure of English
BOOKS005326I: Radford, Colin & Minogue, Sally - The Nature of Criticism
BOOKS002338I: Radhakrishna Rao, C. - Computers and the Future of Human Society
BOOKS027160I: Radhakrishnan, N. ; Gangadharan Nair, G. ; & Nithyanantha Bhat, V. ; editors: - Vaisnavam
BOOKS009181I: Radice, Maria Magdalena - Noticias sobre la Coleccion de Meteoritos del Museu de la Plata (Estado al 1a de enero de 1959)
BOOKS014638I: Radin, Paul [1883 - 1959] - The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians
BOOKS014149I: Radin, Paul - The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians
BOOKS011547I: Radins, Arnis - 10.-13. gadsimta senkapi latgalu apdzivotaja teritorija un Austrumlatvijas etniskas, socialas un politiskas vestures jautajumi
BOOKS007280I: Radjasekharan, Gundappa - The Problem of Fatigue in Relation to the Programme of "Basic Education" in India...
BOOKS023473I: Radloff, Carla F. ; & Shakil, Shakil Ahmad - Folktales in the Shina of Gilgit : Text, Grammatical Analysis and Commentary
BOOKS024380I: Radnitzky, Gerard - Contemporary Schools of Metascience
BOOKS022259I: Radojica, Tautovic - Tucovic i Kosovo : Eseji i polemike
BOOKS008422I: Radosh, Ronald; Habeck, Mary R. & Sevostianov, Grigory; editors: - Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War
BOOKS028071I: Radovanovic, Milutin - Rassenbildung bei den Eidechsen auf adriatischen Inseln
BOOKS000509I: Radovic, Ljubica - Smrtnost Stanovnistva : Crna Gora 1878 - 1978
BOOKS007459I: Radulesco, Andre - Ressemblances entre les idees primitives..,.[bound together with 4 other books & pamphlets concerning Romania, ca.1927-1936]
BOOKS012162I: Radushev, Evgenii; & Kovachev, Rumen; compilers: - Opis na registri ot Istambulskiia osmanski arkhiv kum Generalnata direktsiia na durzhavnite arkhivi na Republika Turtsii...
BOOKS021672I: Radzilowski, Thaddeus C. [ Radzialowski, Thaddeus Casmir ] - Feudalism, Revolution, and the Meaning of Russian History : An Intellectual Biography of Nikolai Pavlovich Pavlov-Silvanskii
BOOKS010234I: Radzinowicz, Leon - Ideology and Crime: A Study of Crime in its Social and Historical Context
BOOKS003624I: Rae, John B. - The American Automobile. A Brief History
BOOKS020459I: Rae, Alastair I. M. - Quantum Physics : Illusion or Reality?
BOOKS002035I: Raeder, Joannes - De Theodoreti Graecarum Affectionum Curationum. Quaestiones Criticae
BOOKS024625I: Raeder, Hans - Platons Epinomis
BOOKS017844I: Raeff, Marc - Understanding Imperial Russia : State and Society in the Old Regime
BOOKS008467I: Raeper, William; editor: - The Gold Thread: Essays on George MacDonald
BOOKS020963I: Rafael, Vicente L. - Contracting Colonialism : Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog Society Under Early Spanish Rule
BOOKS023936I: Rafalovich,Vasilii E.; editor : [ Gosudarstvennaia akademiia iskusstvoznaniia ] - Istoriia Sovetskogo teatra : Tom 1 : Petrogradskie teatry na poroge Oktiabria i v epokhu voennogo kommunizma, 1917-1921
BOOKS016132I: Raffaelli, Umberto ; Avanzini, Roberto ; et al. [Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Beni Culturali] - Rame d'arte : dalla preistoria al XX secolo nelle Alpi centro-orientali
BOOKS006951I: Raffauf, Robert F. - Plant Alkaloids. A Guide to Their Discovery & Distribution
BOOKS008541I: Raffel, Burton - The Development of Modern Indonesian Poetry
BOOKS022508I: Rafferty, Anne Marie ; Robinson, Jane ; & Elkan, Ruth ; editors: - Nursing History and the Politics of Welfare
BOOKS011602I: Rafii, Bihruz [Rafiei, Behrooz] & Mir Futrus, Ali [Mirfetrous, Ali] - Didgahha: guft va gu ba Ali Mir Futrus dar barah-i tarikh va tarikh-i ijtimai-i Iran, bunyadgarai-i Islami, inqilabi Islami-i...
BOOKS029606I: Rafn, Carl Christian [1795-1864] - Bemaerkninger om en steenöxe med Runeindskrift tilhörende H.M. Kongen af Danmark
BOOKS017466I: Rafroidi, Patrick ; & Joannon, Pierre ; editors: - Etudes Irlandaises : Revue Francaise d'Histoire, Civilisation et Littérature de l'Irlande ...Nr.1 Nouvelle serie
BOOKS011818I: Raftery, Adrian E.; Wilt, Janet; Arminger, Gerhard; Becker, Mark P.; Carley; Kathleen Mary; et al; editors: - Sociological Methodology 1996: Volume 26
BOOKS030925I: Ragauskas, Aivas - Vilniaus miesto valdantysis elitas XVII a. antrojoje puseje : (1662-1702 m.)
BOOKS002335I: Ragaz, Leonhard [ (1868–1945) ] - Sozialismus und Gewalt. Ein Wort an die Arbeiterschaft und ihre Führer [together with 4 other pamphlets by Ragaz]
BOOKS024615I: Ragaz, Leonhard [1868- 1945] - Der Zürcher Generalstreik vom 12. Juli 1912
BOOKS020978I: Raghava Reddy, G. ; & Dasaradharami Reddy, B. - Bank Finance for Rickshaw Pullers : A Case Study of Kavali Town
BOOKS018726I: Raghavan, V. ; & Janaki, S.S. [ Bhasa ] - Pratima Nataka of Mahakavi Bhasa : Text and English Translation
BOOKS021751I: Raghavan, Venkatarama - Sri Muthuswamy Dikshitacaritam Mahakavyam
BOOKS006835I: Raghaviah, Jaiprakash - Basel Mission Industries in Malabar & South Canara (1834-1914). A Study of its Social & Economic Impact
BOOKS023588I: Raghib, Ahmad [ Markaz Hisham Mubarak lil-Qanun ] - Mas'ad Abu Fajr wa-Yahyá Abu Nusayrah : sujana' ra'y min-- wa-li-ajl-- Sina' / idad Ahmad Raghib
BOOKS029337I: Raghupathy, T. J. - A Critical Study of Vetanayakam Pillai's Works
BOOKS023644I: Raginel, A - Pourquoi avons-nous la république et la misère? / par Raginel, ex-commissaire du Gouvernement provisoire de la République ..,.
BOOKS017663I: Ragland, C. P.; & Heidt, Sarah L.; editors: - What is Philosophy?
BOOKS022020I: Ragsdale, Hugh - The Soviets, the Munich Crisis, and the Coming of World War II
BOOKS019053I: Raha, P.K. - Stratigraphy of the Jammu Limestone (Great Limestone), Udhampur District, Jammu and Kashmir State..,.
BOOKS017013I: Rahadian, Beng ; Bijac, Diyan ; & Sheila - Kiri kanan Jakarta : komik Jakarta
BOOKS015752I: Rahadian, Beng ; editor : - Tahu zine : aku tahu maka aku ada : Vol. 1 : Mei 2017
BOOKS005096I: Rahaman, Mohammad Said-Ur - Purba-Banglar Rajnaitik O Sanskritiki Andolan O Samakalin Kavita: 1941-1971
BOOKS020001I: Rahbar, Mirza Fadlallah - Kitab-i Hakim Rahbar : A Guide of Iranian Language and Iranian Pronunciation and English and Arabic Meanings ..,.
BOOKS002212I: Rahbek, Just - Dansk Militaerpolitik fra Tronskiftet i 1839 til Krigens Udbrud i 1848
BOOKS005212I: Raheja, Gloria Goodwin - The Poison in the Gift. Ritual, Prestation, and the Dominant Caste in a North Indian Village
BOOKS025174I: Rahim, Lily Zubaidah - Singapore in the Malay World : Building and Breaching Regional Bridges
BOOKS005236I: Rahim, Muhammad Abdur - The Muslim Society and Politics in Bengal A.D. 1757-1947
BOOKS012458I: Rahimi, Ghulam Husayn - Tarazha-yi Karaji : risalahi dar fann-i istikhraj-i abha-yi zir sathi
BOOKS002795I: Rahman, M.L. - Persian Literature in India During the Time of Jahangir and Shah Jahan
BOOKS009072I: Rahman, Masihur - Political Economy of Income Distribution in Sri Lanka
BOOKS008930I: Rahman, A.; Alvi, M.A.; Khan, S.A.; & Samba, K.V. - Science and Technology in Medieval India: A Bibliography of Source Materials in Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian
BOOKS004729I: Rahman, Manibur - Post- Revolution Persian Verse
BOOKS020874I: Rahman, Md. Lutfor - Nrigosthy-natya : Garo
BOOKS025110I: Rahmani, Muhammad - Bazshinasi-i ahkam-i sadirah az ma'sumin / Muhammad Rahmani ; tahiyah-i Dabirkhanah-i Majlis-i Khabargan
BOOKS014737I: Rahmanifar, Muhammad ; & Sadiq, Husayn Muhammadzadah - Nigahi nuvin bih tarikh-i dirin-i Turk'ha-yi Iran
BOOKS026440I: Rahmany, Mirwais ; & Stanikzai, Hamid ; translators : [ Strick van Linschoten, Alex ; & Kuehn, Felix ; editors : ] - Poetry of the Taliban
BOOKS008321I: Rahn, Helmut - Morphologie der antiken Literatur. Ein Einfuhrung
BOOKS005589I: Rahn, Knud - Plantago section Virginica. A Taxonomic Revision of a Group of American Plantains,Using Experimental...
BOOKS020178I: Rahn, Hans C. - Rahn'sche Farbdiapositivsammlung.,. / Rahn's Coloured Slide Collection : An Iconographical Classification of Masterpaintings..,.
BOOKS017636I: Rahtz, Philip A. ; Dickinson, Tania Marguerite ; & Watts, Lorna ; editors: - Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries, 1979 : The Fourth Anglo-Saxon Symposium at Oxford
BOOKS002321I: Rahul, Ram - Modern Nepal
BOOKS002742I: Rai, S.R.; Grover, S.B.; & Sharma, M.L. - Town Survey Report : Korba [Madhya Pradesh]
BOOKS002722I: Rai, M.B. - Arunachal Pradesh: Households & Household Population by Language Mainly Spoken in the Household
BOOKS002701I: Rai, M.B. - Arunachal Pradesh Census Atlas
BOOKS006864I: Rai, Payyanur Ramesh - Saropadeshachi Kaniyo
BOOKS023556I: Rai, Ram Kumar [ Raya, Ramakumara ] ; editor & translator: - Damara tantra : Text in Nagari Script with an English Translation
BOOKS006564I: Raible, Wolfgang [1939 - ] - Junktion: Eine Dimension der Sprache und ihre Realisierungsformen zwischen Aggregation und Integration
BOOKS013416I: Raichevski, Stoian [Raichevsky, Stoyan] - Bulgarite mokhamedani
BOOKS009461I: Raina, Badri - Dickens and the Dialectic of Growth
BOOKS021982I: Rainbird, Paul - The Archaeology of Micronesia
BOOKS024521I: Raine, Kathleen - Defending Ancient Springs
BOOKS022884I: Rainer, Yvonne - Feelings Are Facts : A Life
BOOKS028339I: Rainer, Johann ; editor : - Nuntius G. Delfino und Kardinallegat G.F. Commendone 1571-1572
BOOKS020956I: Räisänen, Heikki - Jesus, Paul and Torah : Collected Essays
BOOKS006666I: Raisch, Carol - Domestic Animals & Stability in Pre-State Farming Societies
BOOKS010690I: Raisuddin, A.N.M.; editor: - Spanish Contribution to the Study of Hadith Literature
BOOKS009752I: Raitta, Christina - Der Zentralvenen- und Netzhautvenenverschluss: Ein klinischer Bericht uber 400 Falle, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des...
BOOKS013977I: Raj, Selva J. ; & Dempsey, Corinne G. ; editors: - Popular Christianity in India: Riting Between the Lines
BOOKS010746I: Raj, Prakash A. - Maoists in the Land of Buddha: An Analytical Study of the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal
BOOKS026728I: Raja, Rubina - Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman Provinces, 50 BC- AD 250 : Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Athens, Gerasa
BOOKS031788I: Raja Reddy, D. ; & Suryanarayana Reddy, P. - Uninscribed Coins of Andhra
BOOKS031789I: Raja Reddy, D. ; & Suryanarayana Reddy, P. - Coins of the Meghavahana Dynasty of Coastal Andhra
BOOKS008744I: Raja, Nabakisora [Raj, Nabakishore] - Isvara Alla tero nama [Iswar Allah tero naam]
BOOKS031580I: Rajagopalachari, C. - B.C.G. Vaccination : Why I Oppose It
BOOKS012065I: Rajagopalachari, C. V. [1891-19??] & Srinivasaraghavachariar, P. V. - Failure of Gandhism and Communism [bound together as issued with] The Greatness of Ancient Tamil Culture
BOOKS021165I: Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti [1878-1972] - Rescue Democracy from Money-power
BOOKS000510I: Rajagopalan, C. - The Greater Bombay (A Study in Suburban Ecology)
BOOKS021478I: Rajagopalan, L.S. [ Purushothaman, A. ; & Harindranath, A. ; editors: ] - Temple Musical Instruments of Kerala
BOOKS007938I: Rajan, R. Sundara - The Primacy of the Political
BOOKS006855I: Rajan, Ambeth - My Bahujan Samaj Party
BOOKS001857I: Rajan, C.T. ; & Panchapakesan, M. - Survey Report on Village Aladipatti [Tamil Nadu]
BOOKS000348I: Rajan, Tilottama - The Supplement of Reading: Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice
BOOKS000070I: Rajan, Balachandra ; editor: - The Novelist as Thinker [Focus, 4]
BOOKS020567I: Rajan, Em. Es. [ Iramatevar (16th century) ] - Iramatevar cuttiram : astanka patcini, valai pujai
BOOKS026286I: Rajanarayana ; Mandala, Dilipa ; Samaja, Satyasodhaka - Lokatantra banama Lokapala
BOOKS009873I: Rajanarayanan, Ki; Celvaracu, Na.; & Tirumakal, Va. - Nattuppurak kataikal: oru panmukap parvai
BOOKS006167I: Rajannan, Busnagi, compiler: - Dravidian Languages and Literatures. A Contribution toward a Bibliography of Books in English ...
BOOKS008556I: Rajapurohit, B.B. - Shina Phonetic Reader
BOOKS000824I: Rajapurohit, B.B. , editor: - Acoustic Studies in Indian Languages. Research Papers presented at the Summer Institute on Advanced Phonetics-1984.
BOOKS000630I: Rajapurohit, B.B. - Acoustic Characteristics of Kannada
BOOKS029344I: Rajaram, Navaratna Srinivasa - Christianity's Scramble for India and the Failure of the 'Secularist' Elite
BOOKS002765I: Rajaram, T.S. ; Ahmed, Anser ; Mechado, J. Thomas ; & Thangaraju, M. - Survey Report on Village Hallimayar [Tamil Nadu]
BOOKS009878I: Rajaram, S. - Tamil Phonetic Reader
BOOKS022605I: Rajarejswara Sarma, Thiru C. - Pathyapathya
BOOKS018465I: Rajasekhara, Sindigi - Rashtrakuta Art in Karnataka
BOOKS001103I: Rajasekharan Nair, N. - Auxiliary Verbs in Malayalam
BOOKS023268I: Meghwal Mandal Udaipur Rajasthan - Meghwal Mandal Udaipur Rajasthan Seance 1999
BOOKS008815I: Rajavi, Masud [Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq] - Musahibah-hi baradar-i mujahid Masud Rajavi
BOOKS017420I: Rajavi, Mas'ud [ Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq (People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran)] - Platform of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Islamic Republic of Iran
BOOKS016209I: Rajavi, Masud [Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq] - Tabyin-i jahan : qava'id va mafhum-i takamul : I / sukhanrani'ha-yi Mujahid Masud Rajavi
BOOKS005181I: Rajemisa-Raolison, Régis [1913-19??] - Les fleurs de l’Ile rouge: poemes
BOOKS002784I: Rajendran, S. - Town Survey Report : Silvassa [ Dadra & Nagar Haveli ]
BOOKS002767I: Rajendran, S. - Survey Report on Village Verna [Goa]
BOOKS002766I: Rajendran, S. - Survey Report on Village Dapada [Dadra & Nagar Haveli]
BOOKS002756I: Rajendran, S. - Town Survey Report : Mapusa [Goa]
BOOKS006100I: Rajendran, M.V. - Studies in Uropeltid Snakes
BOOKS021706I: Rajendran, N. - Establishment of British Power in Malabar, 1664 to 1799
BOOKS028905I: Rajgor, Dilip - Collector's Guide to Mughal Coins
BOOKS029792I: Rajgor, Dilip - Standard Catalogue of Sultanate Coins of India
BOOKS001645I: Rajkhowa, Benudhar - Assamese Popular Superstitions and Assamese Demonology
BOOKS009886I: Rajnik, Eugeniusz - Tautonyme Personenbezeichnungen im Dänischen und Polnischen : eine kontrastive Studie
BOOKS023342I: Rajsekara, His Royal Highness Maharajah Sri - Maruthuvam : Tamil Medicine of Lanka
BOOKS006282I: Rajshekar, V.T. ; editor : - Curse of Allah on Muslim Religious Leadership for Flouting Koran
BOOKS023570I: Rajshekar, V.T. - Aggression on Indian Culture
BOOKS029361I: Rajshekar, V.T. - Brahmanism Swallowing Ambedkarite Movement?
BOOKS011416I: Rajshekar, V.T. - Weapons to Fight Counter Revolution
BOOKS010439I: Rajshekar, V.T. - Why Godse Killed Gandhi? A Philosophical Interpretation of Indian History
BOOKS005836I: Rajshekar, V.T. - How Marx Failed in Hindu India
BOOKS003422I: Rajshekar, V.T. - Merit, My Foot (A Reply to Anti-Reservation Racists)
BOOKS004119I: Rajshekar, V.T. - Brahmanism [The Curse of India]
BOOKS012579I: Raju, P.A. - Sumitranandan Pant Tatha Krishnasastri Ki Swatchandatavadi Kavya Kritiyan
BOOKS021491I: Raju, M.P. - Religious Conversion : Legal Implications
BOOKS000825I: Rajyashree, K. S. - An Ethnolinguistic Survey of Dharavi. A Slum in Bombay
BOOKS000826I: Rakesh, Ram Dayal - Folk Culture of Nepal. An Analytical Study
BOOKS007381I: Rakhshani, Muhammad Taqi - Marzbandiha-yi Sistan dar tarikh-i mu'asir-i Iran : Qajar va Pahlavi
BOOKS025141I: Rakhshani, Muhammad Taqi - Dust Muhammad Khan Barkazayi va 'amaliyat-i qushun
BOOKS029319I: Rakhshani, Mahdi - Zindagi-i surud / girdavari va ta'lif Mahdi Rakhshani ; ba muqaddamah'i az Humayun Khurram
BOOKS024547I: Rakhshani, Muhammad Taqi - Sistan dar vapasin salha-yi tasallut-i arab bar Iran : junbish-i Hamzah Azarak
BOOKS000963I: Rakshit, Hirendra K., editor: - Bio-Anthropological Research in India : Proceedings of the Seminar in Physical Anthropology & Allied Disciplines.
BOOKS013985I: Raley, Harold C. - A Watch Over Mortality: The Philosophical Story of Julian Marias
BOOKS003718I: Ralker, Y.A. & Chatterjee, S. - Archaeology in Arunachal Pradesh
BOOKS002847I: Rallis, Tom - Intercity Transport: Engineering & Planning
BOOKS016424I: Ralph, Bo - Phonological Differentiation : Studies in Nordic Language History
BOOKS002769I: Ram, R.K. ; Gopal, Chandan ; & Singh, R.K. - Survey Report on Village Chapnu [Uttar Pradesh]
BOOKS006192I: Ram, P.R. - Fascism of Sangh Parivar
BOOKS019114I: Raja Ram - The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre : A Premeditated Plan
BOOKS008824I: Ram, Kanshi [pseudonym: "Atreya"] - Mandiyali lokgeet aur lokgathayan
BOOKS003873I: Ram, Kanshi - Why is Bahujan Samaj Dependent in Independent India?
BOOKS001814I: Ram, R. K. ; Singh, R. K. ; & Gopal, Chandra - Bhadohi Woolen Carpet Industry (A Rural-based Traditional Handicraft) [Uttar Pradesh: Handicraft Survey Report]
BOOKS009870I: Ram, Dadasaheb Kanshi - How To Revive the Phule-Ambedkar-Periyar Movement in South India?
BOOKS029903I: Rama, Carlos M. - Mouvements ouvriers et socialistes, chronologie et bibliographie : l'Amérique latine, 1492-1936
BOOKS004943I: Rama, Sarana [b. 1940] [Yuyutsu, Ram Sharan] - Yayavara Kaccha mem: yatra samsmarana [Yayawar Kutch main]
BOOKS025598I: Rama Jois, M. (Mandagadde) - National Unity, Equality, Rule of Law, and Creating Men of Quality
BOOKS021848I: Ramacami, I. Ve.[ Tantai Periyar (1878-1973) Ramaswamy, E.V.] [Veeramani, K.; Arankacami, Palani; & Gopalakrishnan, M.D.; editor - Is There a God? : Selections from Periyar's Speeches and Writing
BOOKS026916I: Ramacandra [active 12th century CE] [ Jambuvijaya, Muni ; editor: ] - Ramacandra-Gunacandrabhyam viracitah Dravyalankarah : mulamatra-prakasatrayatmakah tatha svopajnatikavibhusito dvitiyaprakasatma
BOOKS026901I: Ramacandra [active 12th century CE] [ Punyavijaya, Muni ; & Kulakarni, Vaman Mahadeo ; editors: ] - Mallikamakarandanatakam / Sriramacandraviracita ; sampadaka Muni Punyavijaya ; prastavana, tippana adi, Va. Ma. Kulakarni
BOOKS023608I: Ramachandra Rao, Vandemataram - Prince Among Patriots: Veer Savarkar
BOOKS001812I: Ramachandra, M.S.; Koppad, K.B. ; & Narasimha Murthy, B.S. - Ilkal Sarees [ Karnataka: Handicraft Survey Report ]
BOOKS020041I: Ramachandra, K. - A Short Course of Lectures on Theory of Numbers
BOOKS023716I: Ramachandran, A.V. ; translator: - Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom : From 'Boddh Manjari' by Shri Rajan Swamy
BOOKS013675I: Ramachandran, Trivandrum Padmanabhayyar - The Concept of the Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta
BOOKS007636I: Ramachandran, R. - Urbanization and Urban Systems in India
BOOKS023426I: Ramachandran, A.V. ; translator - Descent of the Absolute Divine (Buddh Nishkalank Incarnation). Translated..,. From 'Dopahar Ka Sooraj' by Shri Rajan Swami
BOOKS025441I: Ramada Curto, Amílcar da Silva [1886-1961] - O Caso do Angola e Metropole. Minuta de agravo de injusta pronuncia de José dos Santos Bandeira, pelo advogado Ramada Curto
BOOKS021592I: Ramadan, Khaled D. ; editor: - Peripheral Insider : Perspectives on Contemporary Internationalism in Visual Culture
BOOKS021168I: Ramadhar - Jai People's Bangla Desh
BOOKS002296I: Ramaiah, G. Sundara - Nature and Destiny of Soul in Indian Philosophy
BOOKS005764I: Ramaiah, L.S. - Indian English. A Bibliographical Guide to Resources
BOOKS023428I: Ramakrishna Reddy, B. ; compiler: - Manda - English Dictionary
BOOKS023366I: Ramakrishna Reddy, B. ; compiler & translator: - Manda Oral Literature / Documented and Translated by B. Ramakrishna Reddy
BOOKS010282I: Ramakrishna Reddy, B. ; editor : - Agreement in Dravidian Languages
BOOKS022805I: Ramakrsnakavi, Manavalli [Ramakrishna Kavi, M. ] ; compiler: - Bharatakosa : A Dictionary of Technical Terms with Definitions on Music and Dance Collected from the Works of Bharata and Others
BOOKS011335I: Ramalinkam, Vallanatu - Manavarkalukkana potu arivuk katturaikal
BOOKS022248I: Ramalyangar, Hec. Ji. ; editor: - Sri Laksmi sahasranama: sthotra, namavali mattu bhagavatsavarupa
BOOKS023628I: Ramana, Tulasi ; Arya, Karma Simha ; & Gautama, Sunrta - Manimahesa yatra
BOOKS023607I: Ramana, Tulasi ; Jasarotiya, Ramesa ; Varma, Syama ; & Gautama, Sunrta - Kullu deva parampara : [bahari saraja]
BOOKS021503I: Ramanatha - Dalita-Muslima bhaicara kyom aura kaise?
BOOKS023501I: Ramanathan, S. - Music in Cilappatikaaram
BOOKS000444I: Ramanathan, Kalpathi Ramakrishna - Ulotrichales
BOOKS007398I: Ramanayya, N. Venkata - Velugotivarivamsavali
BOOKS001107I: Ramasamy, K. - Padayachi Dialect of Tamil
BOOKS011460I: Ramasamy, V. - On Translating Tirukkural
BOOKS010184I: Ramaswami, N. - Brokskat Phonetic Reader
BOOKS030742I: Ramaswami Naiker, E. V. [ Ramacami, I. Ve., Tantai Periyar (1878-1973)] - Untouchability : History of Vaikom Agitation / Periyar E.V. Ramasami
BOOKS000964I: Ramaswami, N. - Brokskat Grammar
BOOKS027381I: Ramaswami, N. - Diglossia : Formal and Informal Tamil
BOOKS003976I: Ramaswami, L.S. - Vertebrate Neurosecretion. A Review
BOOKS002047I: Ramaswami, L.S. - Anatomy, Histology & Biochemistry of Mammalian Testis & Epididymis. A Review
BOOKS002700I: Ramaswami, K.V.; Rajaram, T.S.; Nandagopal, N. Sukumar & Narayanan, A.R. - Town Survey Report Neyveli [Tamil Nadu]
BOOKS021131I: Ramaswami Naicker, Periyar Erode Venkata [1878-1973] [ Veeramani, K. ; compiler: ] - Periyar on Women's Rights
BOOKS022880I: Ramayani, Avadhesadasa - Srisampradayadigdarsana
BOOKS014073I: Ramazani, Jahan - Poetry of Mourning: The Modern Elegy from Hardy to Heaney
BOOKS019100I: Ramazankhani, Sadiqah - Hunar-i nasaji dar shahr-i Yazd
BOOKS021745I: Rambabu, Vedagiri - Bhagyanagara ka bhavya itihasa
BOOKS016489I: Rambach, Jacob Theodor Franz [1733-1808] - Jacob Theodor Franz Rambach's Anleitung zur mathematischen Erdbeschreibung. Vierte, neu bearbeitete Auflage von Dr. Jacob Brand
BOOKS006546I: Rambachan, Anantanand - The Limits of Scripture : Vivekananda's Reinterpretation of the Vedas
BOOKS031492I: Rambaud, Jules [1836-1898] - L'oeuvre économique de L. Wolowski
BOOKS028696I: Rambert, Louis [1839-1919] - Notes et impressions de Turquie : l'Empire Ottoman sous Abdul-Hamid [1895-1905]
BOOKS018996I: Ramel, Stig - Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt 1757-1814 : Dödsdömd kungagunstling i Sverige, Ärad statsgrundare i Finland
BOOKS031794I: Ramesan, N. - A Catalogue of the Vijayanagar Coins of the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum
BOOKS016441I: Ramesh, Subathini - A Contrastive Study of Nominalization in Tamil and Sinhala
BOOKS001434I: Ramet, Pierre - Nationalism and Federalism in Yugoslavia 1963- 1983
BOOKS006514I: Ramírez, José María [1834-1892] - Celeste, novela; y, Ellas y nosotros, novela
BOOKS011154I: Ramming, Wilhelm, Freiherr von Riedkirchen [1815-1876] - Ein Oesterreichischer Commentar zu der russischen Darstellung des ungarischen Revolutionskrieges
BOOKS006625I: Ramnani, Shivo - Sindhria Ji Sanbhar (Recollections of Sind)
BOOKS030081I: Ramnika, Gupta ; editor : [ All India Tribal Literary Forum ] - Yudhrat Aam Aadmi : Nr. 2 (2002)
BOOKS020026I: Ramón y Cajal, Santiago [1852-1934] - Regeln und Ratschläge zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung
BOOKS006674I: Ramos Garcia, Benjamin - Rosicleres de Paz
BOOKS018652I: Ramos, Manuel Nogueira - Brachystegia spp. de Mocambique : Aspectos da anatomia, constituicão química e valor papeleiro.
BOOKS017713I: Ramos, Alcida Rita - Sanumá Memories : Yanomami Ethnography in Times of Crisis
BOOKS001731I: Ramos, Alcida R. ; & Taylor, Kenneth I. - The Yanoama in Brazil 1979
BOOKS021015I: Ramos da Costa, Augusto [1865-1939] - O sol e a influencia solar na agricultura, hygiene e navegacao
BOOKS003435I: Ramqvist, Per H. - Gene : On the Origin, Function, and Development of Sedentary Iron Age Settlement in Northern Sweden
BOOKS017778I: Ramsaur, Ernest Edmondson - The Young Turks : Prelude to the Revolution of 1908
BOOKS008109I: Ramsay, Clay - The Ideology of the Great Fear: The Soissonnais in 1789
BOOKS000753I: Ramsay, William [1852-1916] - Die edlen und die radioaktiven Gase : Vortrag gehalten im Österreichischen Ingenieur- u. Architektein-Verein zu Wien
BOOKS011350I: Ramsden, John; editor: - The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century British Politics
BOOKS022258I: Ramshorn, Karl - De rei publicae Romanae forma qua L. Cornelius Sulla dictator totam rem romanam ordinibus, magistratibus, comitiis commutavit..,
BOOKS030659I: Ramstedt, G.J. (Gustav John) [1873-1950] - Das deverbale Nomen auf- i in den altaischen Sprachen
BOOKS026295I: Ramstedt, G.J. - Marginal Notes on Pashto Etymology
BOOKS005022I: Ramstedt, G. I. (Gustav John) - Sravnitel'naja fonetika mongol'skago pis'mennago jazyka i Chalchas'ko-Urginskago govora
BOOKS021519I: Ramswami, N. ; editor: - Ho Grammar
BOOKS004743I: Ramu, M.G.; Chaturvedi, D.D.; Venkataram, B.S.; Shankara, M.R.; Leelavathy, S.; Janakiramiah, N.; et al: - Ayurvedic Management of Unmada (Schizophrenia)
BOOKS006135I: Ramulu, A. - A Study of the Differences between Bhatta and Prabhakara Schools (Mimamsa)
BOOKS020008I: Ramzi, Salib Jamal ; & al-AnbaÌ, Silwanus - Kanisat al-Shahid al-Azim Abi Sayfayn al-athariyah fi Misr al-Qadimah : fann wa-tarikh wa-ruhaniyah
BOOKS008942I: Rana, Yaypal Singh - Johnsar Babar Darshan
BOOKS009187I: Ranade, R.D. - Indian Mysticism : Mysticism in Maharashtra
BOOKS031312I: Ranatunga, Erangi - Rasavat kama vattoru
BOOKS023482I: Ranavata, Isvarasimha - Rajasthana ke jala-samsadhana : Mevara ke sandarbha mem : 16 vim evam 17 vim Satabdi
BOOKS021436I: Rancé, Armand Jean-Baptiste Le Bouthillier de [1626-1700] [ Maison-Dieu de Notre-Dame de la Trappe ] - Réglemens de la Maison-Dieu de Notre-Dame de la Trappe par M. l'abbé de Rancé.,.,mis en nouvel ordre ..,.Tome second
BOOKS019839I: Randers-Pehrson, Justine Davis - Barbarians and Romans : The Birth Struggle of Europe, A.D. 400-700
BOOKS024287I: Randsborg, Klavs - Inigo Jones & Christian IV : Archaeological Encounters in Architecture
BOOKS013085I: Randsborg, Klavs - Archaeology and the Man-Made Material Reality
BOOKS023916I: Randsborg, Klavs ; editor: - Kephallénia : Archaeology & History : The Ancient Greek Cities : Volume 1
BOOKS026639I: Randsborg, Klavs ; editor: - The Birth of Europe : Archaeology and Social Development in the First Millennium A.D.
BOOKS025286I: Randsborg, Klavs - a collection of 9 offprints and newspaper clippings concerning Scandinavian archaeology, ca. 1967-1983
BOOKS023999I: Randsborg, Klavs ; editor: - Kephallénia : Archaeology & History : The Ancient Greek Cities : Volume 2
BOOKS024010I: Randsborg, Klavs ; editor: - Stone Age Studies in Post-glacial Europe
BOOKS004572I: Randt, Ursula - Carolinenstrasse 35. Geschichte der Madchenschule der Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeinde in Hamburg 1884-1942.
BOOKS010285I: Rangan, K. - Balti Phonetic Reader
BOOKS000965I: Rangan, K. - Purki Grammar
BOOKS000810I: Ranganath, H. K. - The Karnatak Theatre
BOOKS011445I: Ranganatha, M.R. - Morphophonemic Analysis of the Kannada Language (Relative Frequency of Phonemes and Morphemes in Kannada)
BOOKS022324I: Ranganathananda, Swami [ Kamath, P.G. ; translator: ] - Ek avatarika bhagavadgitek
BOOKS007203I: Rangaravu, Madiraju [ Rangarao, Madiraju ] - Sveccha kavitvam, kras phair: kavyam
BOOKS020309I: Rangasayi, Tekumalla [18th century] - Vanivilasa vanamalika / by Tekumalla Rangasayi Kavi
BOOKS004256I: Rangaswami Ayyangar, K. - Studies in the Cyto-Morphology and Cyto-Taxonomy of South Indian Cucurbitaceae
BOOKS000583I: Rangaswami, G. and Venkatesan, R. - Microorganisms in Paddy Soil
BOOKS006430I: Ranger, T.O. & Weller, John, editors: - Themes in the Christian History of Central Africa
BOOKS010800I: Ranhoff, Anette Hylen; editor - Functional Impairment as an Indicator of Disease and a Trigger for Medical Services to the Elderly
BOOKS002064I: Das, Ram Ranjan - Art Traditions of Cambodia
BOOKS001556I: Das, Sudhir Ranjan - Rajbadidanga: 1962 (Chiruti ; Jadupur) An Interim Report on Excavations at Rajbadidanga & Terracotta Seals and Sealings
BOOKS007520I: Ranjana, Bibudha - Dhanya mo Bharatabarsha
BOOKS003646I: Rank, Gustav - Die heilige Hinterecke im Hauskult der Volker nordosteuropas und nordasiens
BOOKS030117I: Ranke, H. von ; Siemerling, Ernst ; Messerer, Otto ; & Gudden, Hans ; editors : - Friedreich’s Blätter für gerichtliche Medicin und Sanitätspolizei : 55. Jahrgang [1904]
BOOKS014521I: Rankin, David C. - Diary of a Christian Soldier : Rufus Kinsley and the Civil War
BOOKS017595I: Rankin, Hugh F. - Criminal Trial Proceedings in the General Court of Colonial Virginia
BOOKS006563I: Rankin, Mary Backus - Elite Activism and Political Transformation in China: Zhejiang Province, 1865-1911
BOOKS028496I: Ranmuthugala, Douglas - Tales of the Blue Elephant : Life and Times with the Ceylon Police
BOOKS008898I: Ranpatiya, Amar Singh - Gaddi : Bharamaura ki janajatiya lokasamskrti evam kalaem
BOOKS008894I: Ranpatiya, Amar Singh - Pangi
BOOKS008893I: Ranpatiya, Amar Singh - Gujjar
BOOKS008103I: Ransel, David L. - Mothers of Misery: Child Abandonment in Russia
BOOKS009479I: Ransford, Oliver - The Rulers of Rhodesia From Earliest Times to the Referendum
BOOKS023390I: Rantasalo, Aukusti Vilho [1881-1961] - Der Ackerbau im volksaberglauben der Finnen und Esten, mit entsprechenden Gebräuchen der Germanen verglichen [Volume IV]
BOOKS021220I: Rantasalo, Aukusti Vilho [1881-1961] - Der Ackerbau im volksaberglauben der Finnen und Esten, mit entsprechenden Gebräuchen der Germanen verglichen [Volume V]
BOOKS009983I: Rao, N. Rama & Henry, A.N. - The Ethnobotany of Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh, India
BOOKS002685I: Rao, Ch. Purnachandra & Sastri, V. Lakshmipathi - Village Re-study Monograph on Kalliti ( Vizianagaram District)
BOOKS008717I: Rao, V.D.; editor: - Studies in Indian History: Dr. A.G. Pawar Felicitation Volume
BOOKS007229I: Rao, R. Sangeetha & Nimesh, R.D.; editors: - Constitution's Review a Conspiracy: Papers Presented and Speeches Delivered in the Seminar
BOOKS006863I: Rao, Vatsala Manjunath - Kavya Dhara
BOOKS006831I: Rao, N.R. - Essays on Public Finance and Urban Co-operative Banking
BOOKS018026I: Rao, P. K. - International Environmental Law and Economics
BOOKS001454I: Rao, C.B.S., editor: - Chemistry of Lignans
BOOKS000827I: Rao, G. Sambasiva and Sharma, Rekha - A Sociolinguistic Survey of Mauritius
BOOKS003467I: Rao, B. Prasada - The Economics of Agricultural Credit-Use in Southern Brazil
BOOKS014728I: Rao, Anil Vithala - Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies : A Systematic Approach
BOOKS006861I: Rao, R. Sangeetha - Ambedkar & Mao Tsetung
BOOKS002688I: Rao, Ch. Purnachandra; Naik, M. Hanuma & Rao, D. Koteswara - Survey Report on Village Bhairavanitippa (Anantapur district)
BOOKS003186I: Rao, Rolla Seshagiri - Flora of Goa, Diu, Daman, Dadra & Nagarhaveli. Volume 1 & 2
BOOKS026377I: Rao, K. L. Seshagiri - Mahatma Gandhi and C.F. Andrews : A Study in Hindu-Christian Dialogue
BOOKS002632I: Raoulx, Benoit - Les Iles Feroe
BOOKS005757I: Raphael, Lev - Edith Wharton's Prisoners of Shame : A New Perspective on Her Neglected Fiction
BOOKS031256I: Rapmund, Otto [1845-1930] [ Preussischer Medizinalbeamten-Verein ] - Das Preussische Medizinal- und Gesundheitswesen in den Jahren 1883-1908 : Festschrift zur Feier des 25jährigen Bestehens ..,.
BOOKS018094I: Rapoport, Anatol [1911-2007] - Fights, Games and Debates
BOOKS017910I: Rapoport, Anatol ; & Chammah, Albert M. - Prisoner's Dilemma : A Study in Conflict and Cooperation
BOOKS020504I: Rapoport, Anatol - N-person Game Theory : Concepts and Applications
BOOKS003104I: Rapp, Catherine Teresa - Burgher and Peasant in the Works of Thomasin von Zirclaria, Freidank and Hugo von Trimberg
BOOKS015204I: Rapp, George Robert - Geoarchaeology : The Earth-science Approach to Archaeological Interpretation
BOOKS007114I: Rappaport, Joanne - Cumbe Reborn : An Andean Ethnography of History
BOOKS015054I: Rappolt, Mark ; Violette, Robert.; Bredekamp, Horst ; & Daalder, Rene [Gehry, Frank O.] - Gehry Draws
BOOKS031351I: Rapson, Edward James [1861-1937] - Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, the Western Ksatrapas, the Traikutaka Dynasty, and the "Bodhi" Dynasty
BOOKS003652I: Rarkowski, Franz Justus, Feldbischof [1873-1950] - Die Kämpfe einer Preussischen Infanterie-Division zur Befreiung von Siebenbürgen
BOOKS025104I: Rasa, Asad Allah [ Namdar, Muzaffar ; editor: ] - Chand qatrah khun bara-yi azadi : khatirat-i Sayyid Asad Allah Rasa, ruznamah'nigar-i mubariz va azadikhvah-i dawran-i diktaturi
BOOKS026343I: Räsänen, Martti [1893-1976] - Ein Überblick über die ältesten Denkmäler der türkischen Sprachen
BOOKS030658I: Räsänen, Martti - Beiträge zu den türkischen Runeninschriften
BOOKS004116I: Räsänen, Martti [1893-1976] - Türkische sprachproben aus Mittel-Anatolien: IV: Konja Vil.
BOOKS010592I: Rasch, Aage & Sveistrup, P.P. - Asiatisk Kompagni i den florissante periode, 1772-1792
BOOKS011482I: Rasch, Rudolf - Aspects of the Perception and Performance of Polyphonic Music
BOOKS000799I: Rasch, Aage - Dansk Toldpolitik 1760-1797
BOOKS026501I: Rashed, Roshdi ; et al. ; editors: - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy : A Historical Journal : Volume 12, Number 2 : September 2002
BOOKS018558I: Rasheed, Jamal Raheem - The Mentality and Morality of American History
BOOKS020263I: Rasheed, Mohd. - Downtrodden Muslims : Brief of Communalism & Glimpses of Freedom Struggle of India
BOOKS011046I: Rashid, Habibur; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers: Bakerganj
BOOKS022597I: Rashid, Abdur ; editor: [ Firoz Shah Tughlaq, Sultan of Delhi ] - Futuhat-i Firuz Shahi bi tashih-i Abdu'r-Rashid
BOOKS023447I: Rashid, Afsana - Widows and Half Widows : Saga of Extra-judicial Arrests and Killings in Kashmir
BOOKS025730I: Rashid, Salman - Between Two Burrs on the Map
BOOKS030374I: Rashidi, Mabruk Mubarak Salim - al-Rashayidah tanaya 'abs bayna al-yawm wal'ams fi al-Sa'udiyah, al-Kuwayt, Misr, al-Sudan, Iritriya
BOOKS014168I: Rashkova, Nataliia; & Penchev, Vladimir [Raskova, Natalija ; & Pencev, Vladimir ]; editors: - Bulgari v Slovakiia : Etnokulturni kharacteristiki i vzaimodeystviia
BOOKS014856I: Rashtria Sahitaya Prachrak Mandal, publisher : - Martyr Comrade Chandra Shekhar Azad
BOOKS016879I: Rasmussen, Else - Harald Salomon : en dansk medaljør og billedhugger
BOOKS025739I: Rasmussen, Kaare Lund - Metallographic Cooling Rates of Iron Meteorites and Planetary Thermal Models
BOOKS008340I: Rasmussen, Erik - Systematics & Ecology of the Isefjord Marine Fauna (Denmark). With a Survey of ...Eelgrass (Zostera) Vegetation & Its Communitie
BOOKS013480I: Rasmussen, R.C. - Om Kopien i Malerkunsten : Et Forsøg
BOOKS007405I: Rasmussen, Knud - Die livlandische Krise 1554 - 1561
BOOKS007158I: Rasmussen, Jens Zimmer - Postlesional Remodelling of Fibre Connections in the Hippocampus & Fascia Dentata. AN Experimental Study in th Rat
BOOKS014110I: Rasmussen Søkilde, Niels [1837-1905] - Landboreformerne og den danske Bondestands Frigjørelse før og efter 1788
BOOKS002669I: Rasmussen, Harald - Mellem Singhaleser og Hinduer
BOOKS006528I: Rasmussen, Hans Qvade - The Definitive Orbit of Comet Olbers for the Periods 1815 - 1887 - 1956. With a Correction to the Mass of Jupiter
BOOKS017790I: Rasmussen, Hans Thorning Baggesgaard [1888-19??] - Studier over Tiamidernes Konstitution
BOOKS015978I: Rasmussen, Holger - Limfjordsfiskeriet før 1825 : Sædvane af centraldirigering
BOOKS010466I: Rasmussen, Janet E. - New Land New Lives: Scandinavian Immigrants to the Pacific Northwest
BOOKS005286I: Rasmussen, Hans Qvade - Three Revolutions of the Comets Halley and Olbers 1759 - 2024
BOOKS005079I: Rasmussen, R.K. - Plantur i føroyskum folkamedisini
BOOKS028067I: Rasmussen, R. - Føroysk plantunøvn
BOOKS028099I: Rasmussen, Holger - Kvaseskipper fra Bøjden : Bidrag til den danske kvasefarts historie
BOOKS027852I: Rasmussen, René - Slut, begynd! : en psyko-narrativ læsning af James Joyces 'Ulysses'
BOOKS003513I: Rasmussen, Carsten Porskrog ; Imberger, Elke ; Lohmeier, Dieter ; & Momsen, Ingwer ; editors: - Die Fürsten des Landes : Herzöge und Grafen von Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg
BOOKS009312I: Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig ; Lagerqvist, Lars O.; & Svarstad, Carsten ; editors: - A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-1965: III : Modern Numismatics Including Medals
BOOKS025776I: Rasmusson, Nils Ludvig ; Malmer, Brita ; & Westermark, Ulla ; editors: - Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift 1969
BOOKS007521I: Rassweiler, Anne D. - The Generation of Power : The History of Dneprostroi
BOOKS002105I: Rastegar, Nosratollah ; & Slage, W. - Uto von Melzer (1881-1961) : Werk und Nachlass eines österreichischen Iranisten
BOOKS020965I: Rastegar, Nosratollah - Zur Problematik einiger handschriftlicher Quellen des Neupersischen Namenbuches
BOOKS003023I: Rastogi, Ram Sagar - Indo-Afghan Relations 1880- 1900
BOOKS002318I: Rastogi, P.N. - The Behaviour of Societal System
BOOKS004591I: Rastogi, T.C. - Assam Vaisnavaism (Sociological Perspective)
BOOKS001833I: Rastogi, L.C. ; Singh, R.K. ; & Gopal, I. - Durrie Industry in Fatehpur Sikri. (A rural based traditional handicraft) [ Uttar Pradesh. Handicraft Survey Report ]
BOOKS001308I: Rastogi, Sita Ram - Wage Regulation in India: A Study of Kanpur
BOOKS005967I: Rastorgueva, V. S. [Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna] - A Short Sketch of Tajik Grammar
BOOKS023251I: Rasul, Muhammad Gholam - The Origin and Development of Muslim Historiography
BOOKS025119I: Rasuli, Gulamhusain - Pazuhisi dar farhang-i mardum-i Pirsawaran : (Malayir)
BOOKS020605I: Rasuli, 'Abbas - Vazvan shinakht : farhang-i mardum-i shahr-i Vazvan-i Isfahan / muqaddamah, Rahim Chavush Akbari
BOOKS010250I: Ratch, B [Ratch, Vasily] [Ratch, Vasilii Fedorovich (d.1870)] - La question polonaise dans la Russie occidentale: Materiaux pour servir a l'histoire de l'insurrection de 1863
BOOKS011374I: Ratchabandittayasathan (Thailand) - Saranukrom sap dontri Thai phak khita-duriyang : chabap Ratchabandittayasathan
BOOKS024303I: Wat Ratchapraditsathitmahasimaramratchaworawihan (Bangkok, Thailand) - Phraprawat Somdet Phra 'Ariyawongsakhatayan Somdet Phrasangkharat (Sa Putsathewo) Somdet Phrasangkharat phraong thi 9 hæng ..,.
BOOKS021665I: Rath, Biswajeet - Deities on Indian Coins
BOOKS024080I: Rath-Höring, Else - Flyner - Fliner - Fleiner : Beiträge zur Geschichte der Familie Fleiner aus Cannstadt, Esslingen und Ellhofen ..,.
BOOKS000948I: Ratha, S.N. - Caste as a form of Acculturation
BOOKS007245I: Rathbone, Richard - Murder and Politics in Colonial Ghana
BOOKS010553I: Rathbun, Ted A. - A Study of the Physical Characteristics of the Ancient Inhabitants of Hasanlu, Iran
BOOKS028631I: Rathbun, C. ; Halassdi-Kun, T. ; & Inalcik, H. ; editors : - Archivum ottomanicum : Tomus III - Anno 1971
BOOKS019088I: Rathinasabapathi, V [ Irattinacapapati, Vai. (1929- )] - Viracaivam
BOOKS003264I: Rathman, H. - Slime Formation & Slime Control in Paper Mills
BOOKS008897I: Rathour, Mohan; editor: - Himachal Pradesh Ki Lokgathayen
BOOKS008892I: Rathour, Mohan; editor: - Himachal Pradesh Ka Lok Sangeet
BOOKS023572I: Ratib, Muhammad Faruq - Civil Rights in the Light of Islamic Legislation / Mohamed Farouk Rateb
BOOKS027925I: Ratkowitsch, Christine - Maximianus Amat : zu Datierung und Interpretation des Elegikers Maximian
BOOKS029365I: Ratminasabhapathy, V. [ Irattiacapapati, Vai. ] - Perspectives in Virasaivism from Tamil Sources
BOOKS017873I: Ratnakara, Rajanaka [ 8th/9th century A.D. ] [ Rama, Goparaju ; editor: ] - Haravijayam [Volumes I & II ]
BOOKS019769I: Ratnawat, Shyam Singh; editor: - Kachhawan ri vanshavali (A Genealogical Account of the Kachhawa Nobility)
BOOKS015065I: Rato, Dominikus - Hukum benda dan harta kekayaan adat
BOOKS001479I: Rats, Mieke ( Maria Magdalena Marina ) - Topic Management in Information Dialogues
BOOKS015513I: Ratsch, Christian ; editor: - Gateway to Inner Space: Sacred Plants, Mysticism and Psychotherapy
BOOKS019001I: Suriya Rattanakun - Phleng Kariang
BOOKS029406I: Humphan Rattanavong - Kua 2000 pi hæng siang khæn Lao
BOOKS025230I: Humphan Rattanavong - Miang Lao sa chakkaphat / Le The Imperial / The Imperial Tea : moladok Lan Sang
BOOKS014839I: Rau, Aurel - Andrei Muresanu in rasaririle magicului
BOOKS022385I: Rau, Mysore Anantaswamy - High Altitude Flowering Plants of West Himalaya
BOOKS013563I: Rau, Andreas - Nydam Mose : die personengebundenen Gegenstände : Grabungen, 1989-1999 : [Band 2] : Listen, Katalog, Literature, Konkordanzen..,
BOOKS007163I: Rau, Andreas - Nydam Mose : die personengebundenen Gegenstände : Grabungen, 1989-1999 : [Band 1] : Text
BOOKS023975I: Rau, Peter - Paratragodia : Untersuchung einer komischen Form des Aristophanes
BOOKS018238I: Rauch, George H. - Jam Manufacture
BOOKS003806I: Rauch, Theodor - Das nigerianische Industrialisierungsmuster und seine Implikationen fur die Entwicklung peripherer Raume: Ein Beitrag zur ...
BOOKS027915I: Rauch-Schwegler, Theodora - Elektrophoretische Untersuchungen über Serumproteine südamerikanischer Primaten (Cebidae, Platyrrhina)
BOOKS001213I: Rauecker, Bruno [1887- 19??] - Die soziale Rückständigkeit Grossbritanniens
BOOKS028143I: Rauh, Werner ; & Weberling, Focko - Morphologische und anatomische Untersuchungen an der Valerianaceengattung Stangea Graebner
BOOKS006872I: Rauh, Gisa - Linguistische Beschreibung deiktischer Komplexitat in narrativen Texten
BOOKS023980I: Raumer, Hermann von - Die Geschichte der Familie von Raumer
BOOKS003163I: Raunkiaer, Ingeborg - Laegen Paul Iserts Breve fra Dansk Guinea 1783-87
BOOKS026680I: Amt für Museen und Archäologie des Kantons Basel-Landschaft / Stiftung Pro Augusta Raurica. - Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst : Nr.s 4; 7; 10; 12; 13; 14; 17 [1984-1996]
BOOKS003426I: Raus, Jean-Baptiste - La Doctrine de S.Alphonse sur la Vocation et la Grace en regard de l'enseignement de S.Thomas et des prescriptions du Code...
BOOKS018933I: Mahesadasa Rava [fl. 1644-1698] [ Sekhavata, Saubhagyasimha ; editor: ] - Binhairasau : Badasaha Sahajahan ke sahajadom ke yuddhom ka varnana
BOOKS005371I: Raval, Suresh - Metacriticism
BOOKS011560I: Raval, Gil - Pagsarmingan / Sinoratan ni Gil Raval / (Maicadua nga pannacaimalditna)
BOOKS009068I: Ravallion, Martin - Markets and Famines
BOOKS023479I: Ravata, Sivacanda Simha - Garhavala ki arthavyavastha evam arthika samsthaom ke vikasa ka itihasa (16vim sadi I. se 1947 I. taka)
BOOKS016666I: Ravel, Jeffrey S. - The Contested Parterre: Public Theater and French Political Culture, 1680-1791
BOOKS016572I: Raven, Diederick ; Vucht Tijssen, Lieteke van ; & Wolf, Jan de ; editors: - Cognitive Relativism and Social Science
BOOKS025838I: Ravenscroft, Arthur - Nigerian Writers and the African Past
BOOKS020873I: Ravenscroft, Trevor - The Spear of Destiny : The Occult Power Behind the Spear Which Pierced the Side of Christ
BOOKS008560I: Ravindran, N. - Angami Phonetic Reader
BOOKS000361I: Ravindran, P. N. - Nominal Composition in Malayalam
BOOKS020248I: Ravindran, Sankaran ; editor: - The Early Novels in the South Indian Languages
BOOKS024687I: Ravizza, Victor - Das instrumentale Ensemble von 1400-1550 in Italien : Wandel eines Klangbildes
BOOKS014564I: Ravn, O. E. (Otto Emil) [1881 - 1952] - A Catalogue of Oriental Cylinder Seals and Seal Impressions in the Danish National Museum
BOOKS025913I: Ravn, O. E. (Otto Emil) [1881 - 1952] - Herodotus’ Description of Babylon
BOOKS026687I: Ravn, O. E. (Otto Emil) [1881-1952] - Herodots beskrivelse af Babylon
BOOKS031347I: Ravon, Georges - Contribution à l'étude historique du nerf optique et de la rétine (anatomie, physiologie, pathologie)
BOOKS005850I: Rawal, A.L. - An Humble Petition to His Excellency The President of India Dr. K.R. Narayanan
BOOKS002939I: Rawat, Ajay Singh - Garhwal Himalayas - A Historical Survey (Political & Administrative History of Garhwal 1815 - 1947)
BOOKS010280I: Rawlins, Richard G. & Kessler, Matt J.; editors: - The Cayo Santiago Macaques: History, Behavior and Biology
BOOKS016940I: Rawls, John [1921-2002] - Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy
BOOKS020154I: Rawson, Claude Julien - The Cambridge Companion to Henry Fielding
BOOKS027614I: Rawson, Philip S. - The Indian Sword
BOOKS025125I: Rawzati, Ahmad - Mu'in al-Islam va farhang-i mu'asir-i Isfahan
BOOKS011364I: Ray, Prakash Chandra - Pundra-poddaraj poundra jatir sankshipta itihas
BOOKS006033I: Ray, Debidas - Food Administration in East India 1939 - 54
BOOKS019176I: Ray, Debraj - Development Economics
BOOKS006702I: Ray, Anil Baran - Students & Politics in India. The Role of Caste, Language & Region in an Indian University
BOOKS006577I: Ray, George F. - The Diffusion of Mature Technologies
BOOKS016990I: Ray, William - Story and History: Narrative, Authority and Social Identity in the Eighteenth Century French and English Novel
BOOKS025873I: Ray, Pramode Chandra - Socio-cultural Process and Psychological Adaptation of the Santal
BOOKS004544I: Ray, Pramod Ranjan - Poetic Vocables in the Family Mandalas of the RV (II-VII)- An Etymological Study.
BOOKS001876I: Ray, H.C. - Contribution to the Knowledge of the Molluscan Fauna of Maungmagan, Lower Burma (With descriptions of one new Genus & Species..
BOOKS001310I: Ray, S. - Studies in the Geomorphology of India
BOOKS002425I: Ray, P.C. - The Lodha & Their Spirit-Possessed Men. A Psycho-Socio-Cultural Study
BOOKS020213I: Ray, Saurabh [ Geological Survey of India ] - Wari Copper Prospect, Chittorgarh District, Rajasthan
BOOKS020623I: Ray, Haraprasad - Chinese Sources of South Asian History in Translation : Data for Study of India-China Relations through History [Volumes 1 & 2 ]
BOOKS008665I: Rayacaudhuri, Anila - Namani Asamara madhyasreni [Namoni Asomor madhyashrenee]
BOOKS005501I: Rayan, Krishna - Suggestion & Statement in Poetry
BOOKS004867I: Raychaudhuri, Hemchandra - Materials for the Study of the Early History of the Vaisnava Sect
BOOKS002007I: Raychaudhuri, S.P.; Roy, B.B.; Gupta, S.P.; Dewan, M.L. - Black Soils of India
BOOKS001319I: Raychaudhuri, Hemchandra - Studies in Indian Antiquities
BOOKS030245I: Raymond-Hamet, Auguste [1890-1972] - Neue Beobachtungen über die physiologische Wirkung des Mescalins
BOOKS014594I: Raymond, Andre - Cairo
BOOKS005011I: Raymond, Jean - Essai de Bibliographie Maronite. Repertoire d'ouvrages, de communications...
BOOKS019939I: Raymond, André - La ville arabe, Alep, à l'époque ottomane (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)
BOOKS028506I: Raymond, André - Grandes villes arabes à l’époque ottomane
BOOKS031206I: Raymond de Sèze, comte [1748-1828] - Opinion de M. le comte de Sèze sur le projet de loi relatif à la répression des délits commis par la voie de la presse..,.
BOOKS027220I: Raynaud, Michel - Faisceaux amples sur les schémas en groupes et les espaces homogènes
BOOKS000204I: Raynaud de Lage, Guy - Alain de Lille. Poete du XIIe siecle.
BOOKS010113I: Rayner, John N. - Dynamic Climatology: Basis in Mathematics and Physics
BOOKS006913I: Rayner, J.C.W. & Best, D.J. - Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit
BOOKS000341I: Rayner, A. J. and Colman, David, editors: - Current Issues in Agricultural Economics
BOOKS014041I: Razavi, Mehdi Amin ; & Ambuel, David ; editors: - Philosophy, Religion, and the Question of Intolerance
BOOKS020124I: Razavi Nikkhu, Nusrat al-Sadat - Asr-i shurangiz-i arg-i Bam / bih qalam-i Nusrat al-Sadat Razavi Nikkhu (Muvahhidi)
BOOKS025096I: Razi'zadah, Muhammad 'Ali - Qasamah dar nizam-i qazayi-i Islam
BOOKS003054I: Razin, Assaf ; & Sadka, Efraim - Labor, Capital, and Finance : International Flows
BOOKS002552I: Razin, Assaf ; & Sadka, Efraim - Labor, Capital, and Finance : International Flows
BOOKS028836I: Razky, Abdelkhalek - Procès, fonctions sémantiques, fonctions pragmatiques et force illocutionnaire en francais: dans le cadre du modèle stratifié.,.
BOOKS003925I: Re Cruz, Alicia - The Two Milpas of Chan Kom : Scenarios of a Maya Village Life.
BOOKS016060I: Read, Herbert Edward, Sir [1893-1968] - The True Voice of Feeling : Studies in English Romantic Poetry
BOOKS009841I: Reading, Alison J. ; Thompson, Russell D. ; & Millington, A. C. - Humid Tropical Environments
BOOKS011667I: Reading, Alison J.; Thompson, Russell D. & Millington, Andrew C. - Humid Tropical Environments
BOOKS029584I: Reale, Isabella ; Succi, Dario ; & Aikema, Bernard ; editors : - Luca Carlevarijs e la veduta veneziana del Settecento
BOOKS011912I: Reay, Diane - Class Work: Mothers' Involvement in their Children's Primary Schooling
BOOKS001955I: Rebecq, Jacques - Recherches systématiques, biologiques et écologiques sur les formes larvaires de quelques Trématodes de Camargue
BOOKS003101I: Rebel, Hermann - Peasant Classes. The Bureaucratization of Property & Family Relations under Early Habsburg Absolutism 1511-1636
BOOKS001210I: Rebelo, Manuel dos Anjos da Silva - Relacões entre Angola e Brasil 1808-1830
BOOKS012760I: Rebhorn, Wayne A. [1943- ]; editor & translator: - Renaissance Debates on Rhetoric
BOOKS027769I: Reboul, Pierre - Chateaubriand et le Conservateur
BOOKS028053I: Rebsamen, Hanspeter ; editor : - INSA : Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur : [Band 4] : Delémont, Frauenfeld, Fribourg, Genève, Glarus
BOOKS028055I: Rebsamen, Hanspeter ; editor : - INSA : Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur : [Band 1] : Aarau, Altdorf, Appenzell, Baden
BOOKS028052I: Rebsamen, Hanspeter ; editor : - INSA : Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur : [Band 3] : Biel, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chur, Davos
BOOKS028054I: Rebsamen, Hanspeter ; editor : - INSA : Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur : [Band 5] : Grenchen, Herisau, Lausanne, Liestal
BOOKS028056I: Rebsamen, Hanspeter ; editor : - INSA : Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur : [Band 6] : Locarno, Le Locle, Lugano, Luzern
BOOKS028043I: Rebsamen, Hanspeter ; editor : - INSA : Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur : [Band 2] : Basel, Bellinzona, Bern
BOOKS030469I: Rebuschi, Georges ; & Tuller, Laurice ; editors : - The Grammar of Focus
BOOKS014294I: Recanati, Francois - Oratio Obliqua, Oratio Recta: An Essay in Metarepresentation
BOOKS017920I: Recanati, Francois - Oratio Obliqua, Oratio Recta : An Essay in Metarepresentation
BOOKS011111I: Rech, Manfred - Studien zu Depotfunden der Trichterbecher- und Einselgrabkultur des Nordens
BOOKS026512I: Reche, Emil [1865–1943] - Kifanga : ein Lebens-und Sittenbild des Volkes unserer ehemaligen deutschen Kolonie Samoa
BOOKS018275I: Sant enfomasyon dokimantasyon ak rechech - Veritab objektif misyon sivil la!
BOOKS030536I: Rechinger, K. H. (Karl Heinz) [1906-1998] - Neue Beiträge zur Flora von Kreta
BOOKS005604I: Reck, Rima Drell - Drieu La Rochelle and the Picture Gallery Novel : French Modernism in the Interwar Years
BOOKS027927I: Reck, Edith Maria - Zur Ökologie der pelagischen Ciliaten des Plusssees
BOOKS026112I: Recke, Ernst Frederik Wilhelm von der [1848-1933] - Spredte blomster : digte
BOOKS012913I: Recke, Ernst Frederik Wilhelm von der [1848-1933] - Dronning Eigra : Et Riddereventyr : Drama med Forspil i tre Akter
BOOKS026137I: Recke, Ernst Frederik Wilhelm von der [1848-1933] - Nye digte
BOOKS005773I: Recke, Ernst Frederik Wilhelm von der [1848-1933] - Gamle og nye Digte : til Een
BOOKS005390I: Reckert, Stephen - Beyond Chrysanthemums. Perspectives on Poetry East and West
BOOKS006659I: Recla, Henricus - Andreae Vega, OFM. Doctrina de iustificatione et Concilium tridentinum
BOOKS011155I: Reddi, G. Sundara; editor: - The Language Problem in India
BOOKS016219I: Reddi, A.G.B. ; et al.; compilers: - An Album of Geophysical Responses from Base Metal Belts of Rajasthan and Gujarat
BOOKS020777I: Redding, Theresa A. ; & Midlen, Alex B. [ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ] - Fish Production in Irrigation Canals : A Review
BOOKS026203I: Reddy, K.N. (Kaipa Narayana) - The Trend of Government Activity in India since Independence : A Research Report
BOOKS011348I: Reddy, B. Ramakrishna; Reddy, Joy & Mahapatra, B.P. - Kuvi - Oriya - English Dictionary
BOOKS015395I: Reddy, N. Dharma [ Tarmaretti, Na. ] - Tiruvalluvar, Vemanar, or oppayvu / A Comparative Study of Tiruvalluvar and Vemana
BOOKS008971I: Reddy, E. Sivanagi [Sivanagireddi, Imani] - Pracinandhra Bauddhasilpuli: Kri. pu. 300 - Kri. Sa. 1000
BOOKS015325I: Reddy, Golla Narayanaswami - A Study of Telugu Semantics
BOOKS005745I: Reddy, B. Ramakrishna; Mahapatra, B.P. & Reddy, Joy - Kuvi Folk Literature
BOOKS000967I: Reddy, Joy - Kuvi Grammar
BOOKS019171I: Reden, Sitta von - Money in Ptolemaic Egypt : From the Macedonian Conquest to the End of the Third Century BC
BOOKS010033I: Redfield, Peter - Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana
BOOKS008281I: Redfield, Robert - The Folk Culture of Yucatan
BOOKS016782I: Redfield, Marc - Phantom Formations: Aesthetic Ideaology and the Bildungsroman
BOOKS015562I: Redford, Donald B. - Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times
BOOKS030772I: Redfors, Josef - Echtheitskritische Untersuchung der apuleischen Schriften De Platone und De mundo
BOOKS007908I: Redlich, Kim - Familiemagasin og arbejderfamilie: En analyse af Illustreret Familie Journal 1974 med saerligt henblik pa en indkredsning....
BOOKS016435I: Redmond, Gerry ; Sutherland, Holly ; & Wilson, Moira - The Arithmetic of Tax and Social Security Reform: A User's Guide to Microsimulation Methods and Analysis
BOOKS024877I: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología. Mesa Redonda (8th : 1959 : San Cristobal Las Casas, Mexico) - Los Mayas del Sur y sus Relaciones con los Nahuas Meridionales : VIII Mesa redonda, San Cristobal Las Casas, Chiapas.
BOOKS021892I: Reeb, Georges - Sur certaines propriétés topologiques des trajectoires des systèmes dynamiques
BOOKS021386I: Reed, Lou - Emotion in Action
BOOKS032013I: Reeds, Karen Meier - Botany in Medieval and Renaissance Universities
BOOKS010205I: Reeh, Henrik - Ornaments of the Metropolis : Siegfried Kracauer and Modern Urban Culture
BOOKS030692I: Reeh, A. ; & Smith, G.V. - Nogle grave fra stenalderen
BOOKS012237I: Rees, Dai [Rees, David A.]; & Rose, Steven Peter Russell; editors: - The New Brain Sciences: Perils and Prospects
BOOKS015016I: Reese, David Meredith [1800 - 1861] - Letters to the Hon. William Jay, being a reply to his "Inquiry into the American Colonization & American Anti-Slavery Societies
BOOKS009532I: Reeve, William C. - In Pursuit of Power: Heinrich von Kleist's Machiavellian Protagonists
BOOKS018366I: Reeve, John - Japanese Art in Detail
BOOKS017378I: Reeve, David - Angkot & bus Minangkabau : budaya pop & nilai-nilai budaya pop / Popular Culture & Popular Values
BOOKS007107I: Reeves, Marjorie - Pursuing the Muses : Female Education & Nonconformist Culture, 1700 - 1900
BOOKS016654I: Reff, Daniel T. - Plagues, Priests, and Demons: Sacred Narratives and the Rise of Christianity in the Old World and the New
BOOKS023068I: Refik, Ahmet [ Yaman, Mehmet , sadelestiren :] - Onaltinci asirda Râfizîlik ve Bektâsîlik : onaltinci asirda Türkiye'de Râfizîlik ve Bektâsîlik'e dair Hazîne-i Evrak belgelerini
BOOKS011906I: Regan, Stephen; editor: - The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, Volume 1: 1991
BOOKS013705I: Regenbogen, Otto [1891-1966] - Kleine Schriften
BOOKS016668I: Regier, Terry - The Human Semantic Potential: Spatial Language and Constrained Connectionism
BOOKS002585I: Federal Union of European Nationalities & International Institute of Ethnic Groups' Rights & Regionalism - Europa Ethnica. Quarterly for Problems of Nationalities. 31. Jahrgang - nr. 1; 2; 3; 4 - 1974
BOOKS002582I: Federal Union of European Nationalities & International Institute of Ethnic Groups' Rights & Regionalism - Europa Ethnica. Quarterly for Problems of Nationalities 39. Jahrgang , nr. 1; 2; 3; 4 - 1982
BOOKS002583I: Federal Union of European Nationalities & International Institute of Ethnic Groups' Rights & Regionalism - Europa Ethnica. Quarterly for Problems of Nationalities. 34. Jahrgang - nr. 1; 2; 3; 4 - 1977
BOOKS002581I: Federal Union of European Nationalities & International Institute of Ethnic Groups' Rights & Regionalism - Europa Ethnica. Quarterly for Problems of Nationalities. 40. Jahrgang, nrs 1; 2; 3; 4 - 1983
BOOKS002580I: Federal Union of European Nationalities & International Institute of Ethnic Groups' Rights & Regionalism: - Europa Ethnica. Quarterly for Problems of Nationalities. 42. Jahrgang nr. 1; 2/3; 4 - 1985
BOOKS013891I: Regis, Edward; editor: - Gewirth's Ethical Rationalism: Critical Essays with a Reply by Alan Gewirth
BOOKS024589I: Register, Cheri ; Death, Sarah; Svanberg, Birgitta ; & Ivarsson, Birgitta - Mothers - Saviours - Peacemakers : Swedish Women Writers in the Twentieth Century
BOOKS025215I: Regnéll, Hans - Ancient Views on the Nature of Life : Three Studies in the Philosophies of the Atomists, Plato and Aristotle
BOOKS005019I: Regnery, Henry; editor: - Viva Vivas. Essays in Honor of Eliseo Vivas on the Occasion of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday, July 13, 1976
BOOKS005395I: Regueiro, Helen - The Limits of Imagination: Wordsworth, Yeats, and Stevens
BOOKS001376I: Rehfeld, Jens F. - Expression of Progastin, Procholecystokinin & Their Hormonal Products in Pituitary Cells
BOOKS005831I: Rehkopf, Friedrich - Die lukanische Sonderquelle : ihr Umfang und Sprachgebrauch
BOOKS029325I: Rehmani, Mensur - Vanah-yi Kurdi / Amuzish-i zaban-i Kurdi / Waney Kurdi : Taybete be ferkari zimani Kurdi / Mah'nasur Rah'hamani
BOOKS021931I: Rehn, Heinz-Werner - Schrägausbreitung von Wellen im heissen Plasma des solaren Windes
BOOKS024447I: Rehnberg, Mats Erik Adolf [1915-1984] - Ljusen på gravarna och andra ljusseder : nya traditioner under 1900-talet
BOOKS007116I: Rehr, Malene - Afstandens mellemvaerende : iscenesaettelsens udtryksformer hos Ingeborg og Viggo Stuckenberg og hos Vilhelm Hammershoi
BOOKS003891I: Reich, Albert [1881-1942] - Französisch-Flandern und Artois ..,. : Ein Kriegserinnerungswerk 1940-41
BOOKS026961I: Reich, Hugo - Die Schriften "De usu farmacorum" und "De clisteribus et colica" in der Dresdener lateinischen Galenhandschri
BOOKS021939I: Reichard, Gladys Amanda [1893-1955] - Navajo Shepherd and Weaver
BOOKS007153I: Reichard, Ulrich ; & Boesche, Christophe ; editors: - Monogamy: Mating Strategies and Partnerships in Birds, Humans and Other Mammals
BOOKS002964I: Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo & Alicia - The People of Aritama. The Cultural Personality of a Colombian Mestizo Village
BOOKS001588I: Reichert, Madeleine - Les sources allemandes des oeuvres poétiques d'Andre van Hasselt
BOOKS019810I: Reichert, Georg ; & Just, Martin ; editors : [ Gesellschaft für Musikforschung ] - Bericht über den Internationalen Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress, Kassel, 1962
BOOKS030547I: Germany. Reichstag - Gegen den politischen Mord! Reichstagssitzung vom 25. Juni 1922
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BOOKS006948I: Reid, Gavin C. - Small Business Enterprise. An Economic Analysis
BOOKS014545I: Reid, Anthony - Imperial Alchemy : Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia
BOOKS015694I: Reid, Daniel P - Chinese Herbal Medicine
BOOKS012097I: Reid, Donald Malcolm - Whose Pharoahs? Archaeology, Museums, and Egyptian National Identity from Napoleon to World War I
BOOKS001396I: Reid, Louis Arnaud - Meaning in the Arts
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BOOKS028404I: Reifferscheid, August - Bibliotheca patrum latinorum italica : II. Band, Drittes Heft, Nr.s V - IX : Die Bibliotheken von Venedig, Florenz, Neapel.,.,.
BOOKS028391I: Reifferscheid, August - Bibliotheca patrum latinorum italica : II. Band, Erstes Heft, Nr. III : Die Ambrosianische Bibliothek in Mailand
BOOKS028390I: Reifferscheid, August - Bibliotheca patrum latinorum italica : II. Band, Zweites Heft, Nr. IV : Die Bibliotheken Piemonts
BOOKS002388I: Reilly, Catherine W. - English Poetry of the First World War. A Bibliography
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BOOKS019886I: Reim, Helmut - Die Insektennahrung der australischen Ureinwohner : Eine Studie zur Frühgeschichte menschlicher Wirtschaft und Ernährung
BOOKS009346I: [Shelley, Percy Bysshe] Reiman, Donald H. & O'Neill, Michael; editors: - Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume VIII: Fair-Copy Manuscripts of Shelley's Poems in European and American Libraries...
BOOKS005052I: Reiman, Donald H.; Jaye, Michael C. & Bennett, Betty T., editors: - The Evidence of the Imagination: Studies of Interactions between Life and Art in English Romantic Literature
BOOKS004551I: Reimers, F. - Aeter til Narkose. Undersogelser over Autoksydation og Stabilisering.
BOOKS004738I: Reimers, Karl Friedrich ; & Friedrich, Hans ; editors: - Zeitgeschichte in Film und Fernsehen : Analyse, Dokumentation, Didaktik / Contemporary History in Film and Television
BOOKS029090I: Rein, Werner R. [ Union de banques suisses, Département Economie politique / Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft ] - Die Schweizer Wirtschaft, 1946-1986 : Daten, Fakten, Analyse
BOOKS029074I: Rein, Adolf - Bismarks Afrika-Politik
BOOKS023217I: Reinach, Joseph [1856-1921] - Histoire de l'affaire Dreyfus [Volume 1] : Le procès de 1894
BOOKS020556I: Reinelt, Janelle G. ; & Roach, Joseph R. ; editors: - Critical Theory and Performance
BOOKS003161I: Reiner, Julius - Friedrich Nietzsche der Immoralist und Antichrist
BOOKS027204I: Reiner, Irving ; & Roggenkamp, Klaus W. ; editors : - Orders and their Applications : Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany June 3–9, 1984
BOOKS023770I: Reinerth, Hans ; editor: [ Reichsbund für Deutsche Vorgeschichte ] - Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte. 4. Jahrgang, Heft 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10/12 [1939]
BOOKS023769I: Reinerth, Hans ; editor: [ Reichsbund für Deutsche Vorgeschichte ] - Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte. 6. Jahrgang, Heft 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, Januar-Dezember 1941
BOOKS010583I: Reingold, Nathan & Reingold, Ida H.; editors: - Science in America : A Documentary History 1900 - 1939
BOOKS029635I: Reinhard, Ursula ; & Reinhard, Kurt - Auf der Fiedel mein : Volkslieder von der osttürkischen Schwarzmeerküste
BOOKS009340I: Reinhardt, Steven G. - Justice in the Sarladais 1770-1790
BOOKS009314I: Reinhardt, Mark - The Art of Being Free: Taking Liberties with Tocqueville, Marx, and Arendt
BOOKS008429I: Reinhardt, J. (Johannes) [1816-1882] - Bidrag til kundskab om kjaempedovendyret Lestodon armatus
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BOOKS018439I: Reinhardt, Albert - Französische Armeepost 1792 - 1848 : Katalog der Post- und Portofreiheitsstempel..,./ Catalogue des Marques Postales ..,.
BOOKS005421I: Reinhardt, C. E. F. (Christian Emanuel Fritz) [1829-1896] - Folkelige Foredrag
BOOKS025935I: Reinhardt, Christian Emanuel Fritz [1829-1896] - Det kjøbenhavnske Kommunitets Historie i kort Oversigt : Mindeskrift i Anledning af Kommunitetets Oprettelse den 25.Juli 1569
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BOOKS026655I: Reinisch, Leo [1832-1919] - Wörterbuch der Bilin-sprache [ Die Bilin-sprache : Zweiter Band ]
BOOKS030902I: Reinisch, Leo [1832-1919] - Die sprachliche Stellung des Nuba
BOOKS030903I: Reinisch, Leo [1832-1919] - Das persönliche Fürwort und die Verbalflexion in den chamito-semitischen Sprachen
BOOKS021945I: Reipurth, Bo - Herbig-Haro Objects and their Energy Sources
BOOKS010586I: Reis, Eduardo - Duarte Barbosa : Pioneiro revelador dos costumes das Indias: Relacao biografica
BOOKS004307I: Reis, Roberto - The Pearl Necklace. Toward an Archaeology of Brazilian Transition Discourse
BOOKS016598I: Reis, João José - Death Is a Festival: Funeral Rites and Rebellion in Nineteenth-century Brazil
BOOKS002839I: Reis, Brian - Australian Film: A Bibliography
BOOKS004649I: Reisby, Niels & Theilgaard, Alice - The Interaction of Alcohol & Meprobamate in Man
BOOKS016448I: Reisch, George A. - How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science : To the Icy Slopes of Logic
BOOKS009231I: Reischauer, August Karl - Studies in Japanese Buddhism
BOOKS024940I: Reischle, Max Wilhelm Theodor [1858-1905] - Werturteile und Glaubensurteile : eine Üntersuchung
BOOKS027897I: Reisinger, Peter - Zur Primär- und Sekundärstruktur des Hämocyanins der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum
BOOKS031637I: Reisner, George Andrew [1867- 1942] ; Fisher, Clarence Stanley [1876- 1941] ; & Lyon, David Gordon - Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908-1910 : Volume II : Plans and Plates
BOOKS031636I: Reisner, George Andrew [1867- 1942] ; Fisher, Clarence Stanley [1876- 1941] ; & Lyon, David Gordon - Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908-1910 : Volume I : Text
BOOKS027468I: Reiss, Rodolphe Archibald [1875-1929] - La question des comitadjis en Serbie du sud
BOOKS007316I: Reiss, Timothy J. - Tragedy & Truth. Studies in the Development of a Renaissance & Neoclassical Discourse
BOOKS021337I: Reiss, Steve ; & Feineman, Neil - Thirty Frames Per Second : The Visionary Art of the Music Video
BOOKS023210I: Reiter, Paul J. [1895-1973] - Nogle undersøgelser over sukkerstofskiftet ved psychoser
BOOKS019229I: Reiter, Dan - Crucible of Beliefs : Learning, Alliances and World Wars
BOOKS013349I: Reiter, Siegfried - Drei- und vierzeitige Längen bei Euripides
BOOKS004516I: Reitz, August - Von des Neckars Quelle. Ein Heimatbuch von Schwenningen.
BOOKS003709I: Hyderabad (India : State). Dept. of Information and Public Relations. - Our Legislators : Who's Who in the Hyderabad Legislative Assembly, and Hyderabad Representatives in the Parliament
BOOKS025454I: Relgis, Eugen [pseudonym of Eisig D. Sigler (1895-1987)] - El hombre libre frente a la barbarie totalitaria : un caso de conciencia : Romain Rolland
BOOKS019110I: Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists [ Owen, Robert (1771-1858)] - The Constitution and Laws of the Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists ..,.
BOOKS006931I: International Association for the History of Religions - Numen. International Review for the History of Religions, Vol. I, Fasc. 1 - Vol. XXXVII, Fasc. 2 [1953 - 1990]
BOOKS022807I: International Congress for the History of Religions. (5th : 1929 : Lund, Sweden) - Actes du Ve Congrès international d'histoire des religions, Lund, 27-29 août 1929
BOOKS022592I: Relwani, Jayant - Prakar
BOOKS022384I: Remane, Adolf [1898-1976] - Die biologischen Grundlagen des Handelns
BOOKS002129I: Remington, Jack S. & Swartz, Morton N.; editors: - Current Clinical Topics in Infectious Diseases, 19.
BOOKS023796I: Remmert, Erhard - Originale Fensterentwürfe des Jugendstils / Art Nouveau Stained-glass Window designs.
BOOKS014448I: Remvig, Jørgen - Three Clinical Studies of Deaf-mutism and Psychiatry
BOOKS000226I: Ren, Yuanyuan - Ji nian Ren Bishi / Ren Yuanyuan bian [xie]
BOOKS022148I: Renan, Sheldon - The Underground Film : An Introduction to Its Development in America
BOOKS020680I: Renard, Georges François [1847-1930] - Paroles d’avenir
BOOKS013745I: Renaud, J.G.N.; editor: - Rotterdam Papers II: A Contribution to Medieval Archeology
BOOKS020317I: Rendes, Geza - Scheintod und Wiederbelebungsversuche
BOOKS015363I: Rendtorff, Rolf ; & Stegemann, Ekkehard ; editors: - Auschwitz-- Krise der christlichen Theologie : eine Vortragsreihe
BOOKS027678I: Renehan, Robert - Studies in Greek Texts : Critical Observations to Homer, Plato, Euripides, Aristophanes and Other Authors
BOOKS024972I: Rengjeo, Ivan [1884- 1962] - Corpus der mittelalterlichen Münzen von Kroatien, Slavonien, Dalmatien und Bosnien
BOOKS026075I: Renner, Karl [1870-1950] - Mehrarbeit und mehrwert / Eine Plauderei von Karl Renner (O W Payer)
BOOKS001450I: Renon, A. - La Basse-Cour
BOOKS023381I: Rensch, Calvin Ross ; Hallberg, Calinda E. ; & O’Leary, Clare F. - Hindko and Gujari [ Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Volume 3 ]
BOOKS002145I: Rensch, Calvin R.; Decker, Sandra J.; & Hallberg, Daniel G. - Languages of Kohistan [ Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, Volume 1 ]
BOOKS004215I: Rensch, Bernhard - Biophilosophy
BOOKS003352I: Renssen, Hans - The Climate during the Younger Dryas Stadial.Comparing Global Atmospheric Similation Experiments with Climate Reconstructions...
BOOKS023972I: Renynghe de Voxvrie, Louis van - Descendance de Thomas Corneille, accompagnée de divers articles sur le théâtre de Thomas Corneille ..,.
BOOKS009059I: Renynghe de Voxvrie, Charles van ; editor: - Tablettes des Flandres : généalogie, histoire, héraldique : Tome 3
BOOKS004781I: Renynghe de Voxvrie, Charles van ; editor: - Tablettes des Flandres : généalogie, histoire, héraldique : Tome 5
BOOKS031545I: Renynghe de Voxvrie, Charles van ; editor: - Tablettes des Flandres : généalogie, histoire, héraldique : Tome 6
BOOKS027912I: Renz, Alfons Hermann Johannes - Studies on the Dynamics of Transmission of Onchocerciasis in a Sudan-savanna Area of North Cameroon
BOOKS002310I: Repo, Eero - Der Begriff "Rhema" im Biblisch-Griechischen. Eine traditionsgeschichtliche und semologische Untersuchung I & II
BOOKS009355I: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [ Larin, I. ; Krotzmann, Radek, Karl ; et al.] - Die Verfassung der Russischen Sozialistischen Föderativen Sowjetrepublik...,. [together with two other items].
BOOKS007325I: [Portugal] Republica Portuguesa, Ministerio das Colonias, Direccao dos Servicos de Estatistico da Colonia - A Obra Administrativa da Ditadura em Mocambique. Governo do Sr. Coronel Jose Ricardo Pereira Cabral durante o periodo de 1927-32
BOOKS030934I: Russische Sozialistische Föderative Sowet-Republik - Agrarkodex der R.S.F.S.R. mit einem alphabetischen Sachregister in deutscher und russischer Sprache
BOOKS031721I: Staatsbank der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik - Die Banknoten und Münzen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik / herausgegeben von der Staatsbank der DDR.
BOOKS022552I: Requejo Pages, Otilia - Realm of the Senses : The Monastery of San Pedro de Villanueva, Parador de Cangas de Onis
BOOKS022061I: Rescher, Nicholas - Epistemetrics
BOOKS029510I: Rese, Friederike - Praxis und Logos bei Aristoteles : Handlung, Vernunft und Rede in Nikomachischer Ethik, Rhetorik und Politik
BOOKS018734I: Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research - Collected Reprints. Volumes 4 - 16 [1977 - 1989]
BOOKS017511I: Society for Psychosomatic Research - The Nature of Stress Disorder : Conference Held at the Royal College of Physicians, May 1958.
BOOKS001970I: Research Department, Government of Arunachal Pradesh - Resarun' 76
BOOKS000496I: Indian Council of Agricultural Research - Desertification and its Control
BOOKS020162I: National Bureau of Economic Research [ Gertler, Mark ; editor : ] - Macroeconomics Annual 2002
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BOOKS021120I: Reserve Bank of India, Agricultural Credit Department [ Venkata Rao, B. ] - Report on Financing the Crash Programme for the Development of Sericulture in Karnataka
BOOKS019227I: Resina, Joan Ramon ; & Ingenschay, Dieter ; editors: - After-Images of the City
BOOKS030354I: Mouvements unis de la Résistance (MUR) - Bulletin d'information des Mouvements unis de la Résistance : Edition spéciale
BOOKS003176I: Resseler, R. - Recherches sur la Calcemie chez les Indigenes de l'Afrique Centrale
BOOKS009769I: Restall, Matthew - The Maya World : Yucatec Culture and Society, 1550 - 1850
BOOKS014359I: Restall, Matthew ; Sousa, Lisa ; & Terraciano, Kevin ; editors: - Mesoamerican Voices: Native-Language Writings from Colonial Mexico, Oaxaca, Yucatan, and Guatemala
BOOKS029866I: Tasfayé Resté - Mesekerenat : babalaseltanatu 'andabat
BOOKS029586I: Restle, Marcell - Byzantine Wall Painting in Asia Minor [ Volume 1 : Text ]
BOOKS029588I: Restle, Marcell - Byzantine Wall Painting in Asia Minor [ Volume 3 : Plates ]
BOOKS029587I: Restle, Marcell - Byzantine Wall Painting in Asia Minor [ Volume 2 : Plates ]
BOOKS005616I: Restrepo, Antonio José [1855-1933] - Prosas medulares
BOOKS004230I: Retallach, Gregory - Miocene Paleosols & Ape Habitats of Pakistan & Kenya
BOOKS011827I: Retnowati, Endang ; & Manan, M. Azzam ; editors : - Identifikasi bahasa & kebudayaan etnik minoritas Kao
BOOKS019013I: Rettler, Aloysia - Niederdeutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Barock
BOOKS026280I: Retzius, Anders Jahan [1742-1821] [ Bruun, Niels W.; Bæerentsen, Kurt ; & Jensen, Gaunø V. ; editors: ] - Fragmentum historiae pharmaceutices veterum : med dansk oversættelse, biografiske noter of kommentar
BOOKS022832I: Retzlaw, Karl - Spartakus : Aufstieg und Niedergang : Erinnerungen eines Parteiarbeiters
BOOKS024231I: Reucher, Theo - Das Glas hat einen Sprung
BOOKS027667I: Reuling, Ulrich - Die Kur in Deutschland und Frankreich : Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung des rechtsförmlichen Wahlaktes bei der Königserhebung .,.
BOOKS003786I: Reumann, Klaus - Peter - Die Grund- und Gerichtsherrschaft des Schleswiger Domkapitels von 1542 bis 1659
BOOKS020612I: Reumaux, Patrick - Russules rares ou méconnues
BOOKS008366I: Reus-Smit, Christian ; editor: - The Politics of International Law
BOOKS012678I: Reus-Smit, Christian [1961- ]; editor: - The Politics of International Law
BOOKS025026I: Reuter, Dr. - Germanische Grabalterthümer mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Ausgrabungen bei Rambach
BOOKS002262I: Reuter, Hans - S.Kierkegaards Religionsphilosophische Gedanken im Verhaltnis zu Hegels Religionsphilosophischen System
BOOKS011255I: Reuter, Franz [1876-19??] - Schacht
BOOKS024681I: Reuter, Timothy ; editor: - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume III : c. 900 - c. 1024
BOOKS006176I: Reuterskiöld, Edgar Hans Casimir [1872-1932] - Die Entstehung der Speisesakramente
BOOKS005337I: Revell, Peter - Quest in American Poetry
BOOKS003682I: Reventlow, Graf Christian Ditlev Frederik - Grundsatze und Regeln fur den zweckmassigen Betrieb der Forsten nach seinem in den Jahren von 1827 verfassten Manuskript...
BOOKS000478I: Reventlow, C. D. F. - A Treatise on Forestry
BOOKS013181I: Reverte Coma, Jose Manuel [1922 - ] - El pacto medico-hechicero
BOOKS010764I: Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Chile) - Chile: News from the Resistance. Bulletin of the Movement of the Revolutionary Left in the Exterior, No. 5 [ca. Dec. 1974?]
BOOKS021826I: Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria [ Movement of the Revolutionary Left ] - Resistance Courier : Bulletin of the Movement of the Revolutionary Left Outside Chile : No. 1, May 1975
BOOKS029654I: Equipe "18ème et Révolution - Dictionnaire des usages socio-politiques (1770-1815) : Fasc. 2 : Notions-concepts : héroisme, libéral, liberté, loi agraire ..,.
BOOKS029653I: Equipe "18ème et Révolution - Dictionnaire des usages socio-politiques (1770-1815) : Fasc. 3 : Dictionnaires, normes, usages
BOOKS016671I: Revonsuo, Antti - Inner Presence: Consciousness as a Biological Phenomenon
BOOKS010042I: Rex, John & Tomlinson, Sally - Colonial Immigrants in a British City: A Class Analysis
BOOKS031561I: Rexheuser, Rex - Dumawahlen und lokale Gesellschaft : Studien zur Sozialgeschichte der russischen Rechten vor 1917
BOOKS000174I: Rexius, Gunnar - Stahls Lara om den Konstitutionella Staten
BOOKS015441I: Rey, Roselyne - The History of Pain
BOOKS027700I: Rey-Debove, Josette - Le Métalangage : étude linguistique du discours sur le langage
BOOKS030008I: Rey, L. Maximien - Dégénération de l'espèce humaine et sa régénération
BOOKS026067I: Reybaud, Louis [ Flinch, Andreas Christian Ferdinand (1813-1872); Xylograph ; printer : ] - Jerome Paturot
BOOKS031469I: Reybaud, Louis [1799-1879] - Études sur le régime des manufactures : condition des ouvriers en soie
BOOKS011054I: Reyes Nevares, Beatriz - The Mexican Cinema: Interviews with Thirteen Directors
BOOKS008272I: Reyfman, Irina - Vasilii Trediakovsky: The Fool of the 'New' Russian Literature
BOOKS025485I: Reymann, Fritz E. [1908-1959] - Dyrkning af gonokokker som diagnostisk methode ved kvindegonorrhoe
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