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BOOKS025485I: Reymann, Fritz E. [1908-1959] - Dyrkning af gonokokker som diagnostisk methode ved kvindegonorrhoe
BOOKS021251I: Reymann, Fritz - Dyrkning af Gonokokker som diagnostik Metode ved Kvindegonnorrhoe
BOOKS020237I: Reymão, Malheiro - Perspectivas novas : propaganda da democracia social. I: Perspectivas
BOOKS021207I: Reymer, Arthur Paul Simon - Investigations into the Metamorphic Nappes of the Central Scandinavian Caledonides on Basis of Rb-Sr & K-Ar Age Determinations
BOOKS009227I: Reyna, S.P. - Wars Without End: The Political Economy of a Precolonial African State
BOOKS023752I: Reynolds, Osborne [1842-1912] - Memoir of James Prescott Joule
BOOKS013871I: Reynolds, David K. - Flowing Bridges, Quiet Waters : Japanese Psychotherapies, Morita and Naikan
BOOKS011733I: Reynolds, Dwight F.; editor: - Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition
BOOKS011012I: Reynolds, Dwight Fletcher - Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes: The Ethnography of Performance in an Arabic Oral Epic Tradition
BOOKS006767I: Reynolds, Robert Leonard - Europe Emerges: Transition Toward an Industrial World-wide Society 600-1750.
BOOKS003189I: Reynolds, L. D. (Leighton Durham) ; & Wilson, N.G. (Nigel Guy) - Scribes and Scholars : A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature - Third Edition
BOOKS018459I: Reynolds, Paul Kenneth Baillie [1896-1973] - The Vigiles of Imperial Rome
BOOKS016356I: Reynolds, Colin S. [ Reynolds, C.S. ] - Ecology of Phytoplankton
BOOKS020327I: Reynolds, Craig J. ; editor: - National Identity and Its Defenders, Thailand, 1939-1989
BOOKS023821I: Reynolds, John W. - The Earthworms (Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of Ontario
BOOKS028239I: Reynolds, Donald Martin ; editor : [ Wittkower, Rudolf ] - Selected Lectures of Rudolf Wittkower : The Impact of Non-European Civilization on the Art of the West
BOOKS023881I: Reynolds, Osborne [1842-1912] - Memoir of James Prescott Joule [bound together with one other paper by Reynolds]
BOOKS019268I: Rezac, Franz. Jos. ; editor: - Skola a zivot: Casopis zvklaste pro ucitele, pestouny i rodice a vubec pro vzdelavatele lidu. Rocnik IV; Sesit 1-8 [1858]
BOOKS024790I: Rham, Georges de ; Maumary, S. ; & Kervaire, Michel - Torsion et type simple d'homotopie : exposés faits au Séminaire de topologie de l’Université de Lausanne
BOOKS021367I: Rhee, Wonil ; Weibel, Peter ; & Jansen, Gregor - Thermocline of Art : New Asian Waves
BOOKS011782I: Rheinberger, Hans-Joerg - Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube
BOOKS028029I: Rheiner, Guido - Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie des Erysipels bei Gelegenheit der Typhus-Epidemie in Zürich 1884 .,.,.
BOOKS014703I: Rheinfelder, Hans [1898 - 1971] - Kultsprache und Profansprache in den romanischen Ländern: Sprachgeschichteliche Studien, besonders zum Wortschatz ...,.
BOOKS008134I: Rhinelander, Anthony L. H. - Prince Michael Vorontsov: Viceroy to the Tsar
BOOKS028857I: Rhissassi, Fouzia ; & Moulay Rchid, Abderrazak [ Mawlay Arshid, 'Abd al-Razzaq ] ; editors : - Femmes, violence et université au Maroc
BOOKS023552I: Rhissassi, Fouzia ; & Dachmi, Abdesslam; editors: - La maladie mentale chez la femme au Maghreb
BOOKS014860I: Rhodes, Chip - Structures of the Jazz Age : Mass Culture, Progressive Education, and Racial Discourse in American Modernism
BOOKS017936I: Riad, Mohamed Abdel Moneim - La nationalité égyptienne : Étude de droit comparé avec référence spéciale aux dispositions sur la nationalité adoptées..,.
BOOKS004762I: Rialand, Marie-Rose - L'Alcool et les Russes
BOOKS029522I: Rian, Øystein ; Johannessen, Fin Erhard ; Sørensen, Øystein; & Fuglerstad, Finn ; editors : - Revolusjon og resonnement : festskrift til Kåre Tønnesson på 70-årsdagen den 1. januar 1996
BOOKS014528I: Riasanovsky, Nicholas Valentine - Russian Identities : A Historical Survey
BOOKS004345I: Riasanovsky, Nicholas Valentine [1923- 2011] - Collected Writings, 1947-1994
BOOKS010601I: Forum Komunikasi Pemuka Masyarakat Riau - Berjuang tanpa pamrih : memoar Buya Ma'arifat Mardjani
BOOKS030160I: Ribbens, Cornelis - Some Experiments on the Synthesis of Yohimbanes
BOOKS023285I: Ribeiro, Leonidio - Dáctilo-diagnose : Contribuição da medicina legal para a propedêutica médica..,.
BOOKS023708I: Ribeiro, Gracio - Caiuru : romance Timor
BOOKS007679I: Ribeiro, Sebastiao [Jose] - Uma Fabula: O Garcia, o Victorino e o Bento. Resposta da arguicoes n'um processo disciplinar mandado instaurar pelo...
BOOKS003192I: Ribeiro, Sebastiao - O Conselho Superior Judiciano das Colonias. Uma Nova Instancia de Recurso...Para Causas Perdidas e Litigantes de Ma-fe
BOOKS013177I: Ribeiro, António da Cunha Souto Maior Gomes [Souto-Maior, Antonio da Cunha] - Ao Povo
BOOKS019759I: Ribeiro, Antonio de Sousa - Triptyco republicano
BOOKS029166I: Ribenboim, Paulo - 13 Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem
BOOKS007490I: Ribi, Adolf Hermann - Die Fischbenennungen des Unterseegebietes
BOOKS015109I: Ribner, Jonathan P. - Broken Tablets : The Cult of the Law in French Art from David to Delacroix
BOOKS019650I: Ricard, Matthieu - Monk Dancers of Tibet
BOOKS029805I: Ricardo, David [ Sraffa, Piero ; editor : ] - Notes on Malthus’s Principles of Political Economy [ Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Volume 2 ]
BOOKS027020I: Riccio, C. Augusto - Gregorio Correr : Ricerche sopra la sua vita e le sue opere (Contributo agli studii di storia veneta)
BOOKS015652I: Rice, C. J.; editor: - Protokoly Vtorogo (Ekstrennago) S''ezda Partii Sotsialistov-Revolyutsionerov ..,.
BOOKS018422I: Rice, C. Duncan (Charles Duncan) - The Scots Abolitionists, 1833-1861
BOOKS015032I: Rice, Peter ; & Dutton, Hugh - Transparente Architektur
BOOKS019698I: Rice, Edward Earl - Wars of the Third Kind : Conflict in Underdeveloped Countries
BOOKS024651I: Rich, Norman - Why the Crimean War? : A Cautionary Tale
BOOKS012708I: Rich, Andrew - Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise
BOOKS009463I: Rich, Paul B. - Hope and Despair: English-Speaking Intellectuals and South African Politics 1898 - 1976
BOOKS014969I: Rich, Norman - Hitler's War Aims [Volume I]: Ideology, the Nazi State, and the Course of Expansion
BOOKS019775I: Richard, Gaston - The Trial of the Communist Deputies in France
BOOKS014439I: Richards, Jack C. - Beyond Training : Perspectives on Language Teacher Education
BOOKS013772I: Richards, R. D. (Richard David) - The Early History of Banking in England
BOOKS019303I: Richards, Jack C. ; & Lockhart, Charles - Estrategias de reflexión sobre la enseñanza de idiomas
BOOKS011277I: Richards, Audrey I. - Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe: A Functional Study of Nutrition Among the Southern Bantu
BOOKS018718I: Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong) [1893-1979] - Beyond
BOOKS015259I: Richards, John F. ; & Tucker, Richard P.; editors: - World Deforestation in the Twentieth Century
BOOKS005965I: Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong) [1893-1979] - Principles of Literary Criticism
BOOKS018891I: Richards, Greg ; editor: - Cultural Tourism in Europe
BOOKS020335I: Richards, Owain Westmacott ; & Richards; M. J. - Observations on the Social Wasps of South America (Hymenoptera Vespidae)
BOOKS021968I: Richards, Jeffrey - Thorold Dickinson : The Man and his Films
BOOKS011825I: Richardson, Henry S. - Democratic Autonomy: Public Reasoning About the Ends of Policy
BOOKS014453I: Richardson, Michael ; & Fijalkowski, Krzysztof ; editors: - Refusal of the Shadow: Surrealism and the Caribbean
BOOKS007482I: Richardson, O[wen] W[illans] & Tanaka, T. - Regularities in the Secondary Spectrum of Hydrogen
BOOKS007481I: Richardson, O[wen] W[illans] & Tanaka, T. - On a P, Q and R Combination in the Many-Lined Spectrum of Hydrogen
BOOKS016749I: Richardson, Henry S. - Democratic Autonomy: Public Reasoning About the Ends of Policy
BOOKS004402I: Richardson, Peter Nichols - German - Romance Contact: Name-giving in Walser Settlements
BOOKS000447I: Richardson, Wade - Reading and Variant in Petronius: Studies in the French Humanists and Their Manuscript Sources
BOOKS026134I: Richardt, Christian [1831-1892] - Smaadigte
BOOKS019360I: Riché, Pierre - Abbon de Fleury : un moine savant et combatif (vers 950-1004)
BOOKS031259I: Richelot, Henri [1811-1864] - L'Association douanière allemande
BOOKS000563I: Richelot, Henri [1811-1864] - Une révolution en économie politique : exposé des doctrines de M. Macleod
BOOKS019683I: Richelot, Henri Ange Jules Francois [1811-1864] - Histoire de la réforme commerciale en Angleterre ..,. Tome I & II
BOOKS001906I: Richerand, A. (Anthelme) [1779-1840] - De la population dans ses rapports avec la nature des gouvernemens / le baron Richerand
BOOKS000394I: Richman, Paula; editor: - Questioning Ramayanas : A South Asian Tradition
BOOKS019893I: Richmond, Anthony H. - Immigration and Ethnic Conflict
BOOKS004928I: Richmond, M.A. - Bid the Vassal Soar: Interpretive Essays on Life & Poetry of Phillis Wheatley (ca.1753-1784) & George Moses Horton (1797-1883)
BOOKS025648I: Richter, Oscar - Untersuchungen der spezifischen Wärme von Legierungen und ihrer Beziehung zur kinetischen Theorie der Elektronen und Atome
BOOKS022683I: Richter, Hans [1888-1976] ; editor: - Dada 1916-1966 : Documents of the International Dada Movement : An Exhibition for the Goethe-Institut zur Pflege Deutscher Sprac
BOOKS002572I: Richter, Michael - Medieval Ireland. The Enduring Tradition
BOOKS001553I: Richter, Miroslav - Hradistko u Davle : mestecko ostrovskeho klastera
BOOKS028953I: Richter, Adolph Leopold [1798-1876] - De usu cataplasmatum acrium Kerndlii ad bubones syphiliticos curandos
BOOKS006145I: [Barrington, George] Rickard, Suzanne; editor: - George Barrington's Voyage to Botany Bay: Retelling a Convict's Travel Narrative of the 1790s
BOOKS014879I: Rickenbach, Judith [ Museum Rietberg ] - Vergessene präkolumbische Kulturen im Westen von Mexiko : die Sammlung des Museums Rietberg Zürich
BOOKS005985I: Ricketts, Jim M. - Visualizing Boccaccio: Studies on Illustrations of The Decameron, from Giotto to Pasolini
BOOKS017297I: Ricketts, Edward Flanders [1897-1948] ; Calvin, Jack ; & Hedgpeth, Joel Walker - Between Pacific Tides
BOOKS005034I: Rickford, John R. - Dimensions of a Creole Continuum. History, Texts & Linguistic Analysis of Guyanese Creole
BOOKS000047I: Ricklefs, M.C. - A History of Modern Indonesia Since c. 1300
BOOKS018316I: Ricoeur, Paul - Freud and Philosophy : Essay on Interpretation
BOOKS016422I: Ricoeur, Paul - Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation
BOOKS030666I: Ricquebourg, Félix - Haï-kaï d'Indochine
BOOKS024729I: Ridderbos, Bernhard ; Buren, Anne van ; & Veen, Henk Th. van ; editors: - Early Netherlandish Paintings : Rediscovery, Reception, and Research
BOOKS016180I: Riddle, John M. - Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance
BOOKS014071I: Riddle, John M. - Eve's Herbs: A History of Contraception and Abortion in the West
BOOKS030670I: Ridênî, Wesfi Hesen - 'Id al-nawruz fi al-shir al-'Arabi / Wasfi Hasan
BOOKS015190I: Rideni, Wesfi Hesen - al-Kurd wa-Kurdistan fi kitabat kibar al-kuttab wa-al-muarrikhin al-'Iraqiyin
BOOKS001628I: Rider, Frederick - The Dialectic of Selfhood in Montaigne
BOOKS021898I: Rider, Robin E. - A Bibliography of Early Modern Algebra, 1500-1800
BOOKS015902I: Ridington, Robin - Trail to Heaven: Knowledge and Narrative in a Northern Native Community
BOOKS002466I: Riede, David G. - Oracles and Hierophants: Constructions of Romantic Authority
BOOKS007027I: Riede, David G. - Oracles and Hierophants : Constructions of Romantic Authority
BOOKS021929I: Riedel, Ingrid - Marc Chagalls grüner Christus : ein ganzheitliches Gottesbild, Wiederentdeckung der weiblichen Aspekte Gottes ..,.
BOOKS006882I: Riedel, Wolfgang - Die Arbeit der Dichter. Vergleichende Studien zur dichterischen Subjektivitat in der englischen Romantik und Moderne
BOOKS002736I: Riedl, Franz Hieronymus & Veiter, Theodor, editors: - Federalisme, regionalisme et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe. Hommage a Guy Heraud
BOOKS022578I: Rieger, Dietmar ; editor: - Das Französische Theater des 18. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS026929I: Rieger, Eduard [1865-1938] - Der Tod auf dem Schlachtfeld : Eine epische Dichtung
BOOKS016752I: Riegl, Alois [1858-1905] - Historical Grammar of the Visual Arts
BOOKS017367I: Riek, Markus ; Goll, Jürg ; & Descoeudres, Georges ; editors : - Die Zeit Karls des Grossen in der Schweiz
BOOKS001903I: Riel, J. van and Allard, R. - Contribution a l'étude de la dénatalité dans l'ethnie mongo
BOOKS014222I: Riemann, Hans - Germination of Bacterial Spores with Chelators : With Special Reference to the Calcium Dipicolinic Acid Germination System
BOOKS023046I: Riemann, Hugo [1849-1919] - Die byzantinische Notenschrift im 10. bis 15. Jahrhundert : Paläographische Studie mit Übertragung von 70 Gesängen ..,.
BOOKS006600I: Riera, Juan - Estudios y documentos sobre arroz y paludismo en Valencia (Siglo XVIII)
BOOKS019105I: Riester, Jürgen - Indians of Eastern Bolivia : Aspects of their Present Situation
BOOKS012860I: Rieth, Eric ; & Milon, Alain [ Musée de la Marine (Paris, France)] - Ex-voto marins dans le monde : de l’antiquité à nos jours : [exposition], Musée de la marine, Palais de Chaillot, Paris, 1981
BOOKS014007I: Rieth, Adolf [1902-1984] - Archaeological Fakes
BOOKS023739I: Riffaterre, Michael - Fictional Truth
BOOKS012776I: Rigby, S. H. (Stephen Henry) [1955- ]; editor: - A Companion to Britain in the Later Middle Ages
BOOKS008080I: Rigby, Peter - Cattle, Capitalism, and Class: Ilparakuyo Maasai Transformations
BOOKS021282I: Riggs, Fred Warren - Thailand : The Modernization of a Bureaucratic Polity
BOOKS019028I: Righini Bonelli, Maria Luisa ; & Shea, William R. ; editors: - Reason, Experiment, and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution
BOOKS000357I: Righter, Rosemary - Whose News? Politics, the Press and the Third World
BOOKS022439I: African Rights (Organisation) - Rwanda : The Insurgency in the Northwest
BOOKS012939I: Rigné, Raymond de [1883-19??] - La clef de l'erreur judiciaire de Mgr. Pierre Cauchon
BOOKS007432I: Rignell, L.G. - A Study of Isaiah ch. 40 - 55
BOOKS016689I: Rigney, Ann - Imperfect Histories: The Elusive Past and the Legacy of Romantic Historicism
BOOKS002819I: Rigopoulos, Antonio [1962- ] - The Life and Teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi
BOOKS031251I: Riha, Emilie ; & Stern, Willem B. - Die römischen Löffel aus Augst und Kaiseraugst : archäologische und metallanalytische Untersuchungen
BOOKS007352I: Rihasz, Sandor - A Repulogepek Altalanos Elmelete : Aeroplan-Tabellakkal
BOOKS017053I: Rihbany, Abraham Mitrie [1869-1944] - A Far Journey
BOOKS014636I: Riis, Poul Jørgen ; & Thrane, Henrik - Sukas III : The Neolithic Periods
BOOKS029154I: Riis, P. J. (Poul Jørgen) [1910- 2008] - Vulcientia vetustiora : A Study of Archaic Vulcian Bronzes
BOOKS009813I: Riis, Thomas & Stroemstad, Poul; editors: - Le Pouvoir central et les villes en Europe du XVe siecle aux debuts de la revolution industrielle...
BOOKS008978I: Riis, Thomas; editor: - La pauvrete dans les pays nordiques 1500-1800: Etude d'histoire sociale
BOOKS028227I: Riis, P. J. (Poul Jørgen) [1910-2008] - Sukas VI : The Graeco-Phoenician Cemetery and Sanctuary at the Southern Harbour
BOOKS006364I: Riis, Thomas; editor: - Aspects of Poverty in Early Modern Europe III: La pauvrete dans les pays nordiques 1500-1800. Etudes d'histoire sociale
BOOKS008980I: Riis, P. J. (Poul Jørgen) - Les cimetières à crémation [ Hama, Fouilles et Recherches, 1931-1938, II, 3 ]
BOOKS017616I: Riis, Jacob August [1849-1914] - The Battle with the Slum
BOOKS013288I: Riis, Thomas; & Witt, Jann M.; editors: - A Tale of Two Cities: Berlin - Kopenhagen 1650 -1930
BOOKS016816I: Riis, P. J. (Poul Jørgen) ; Moltesen, Mette ; Guldager, Pia; compilers : - Catalogue of Ancient Sculptures, I : Aegean, Cypriote and Graeco-Phoenician
BOOKS010427I: Riis, Thomas; editor: - Aspects of Poverty in Early Modern Europe II: Les reactions des pauvres a la pauvrete. Etudes d'histoire sociale et urbaine
BOOKS009662I: Riis, Thomas, editor: - Garrison Towns and Society in Early Modern Europe
BOOKS027767I: Riis, P. J. (Poul Jørgen) [1910- 2008] - Temple, Church, and Mosque
BOOKS005823I: Riis, P.J. - Sukas I : The North-East Sanctuary and the First Settling of Greeks in Syria & Palestine
BOOKS004755I: Riis, P. J. (Poul Jørgen) ; & Buhl, Marie-Louise - Les objets de la période dite syro-hittite (Âge du Fer) [ Hama, Fouilles et Recherches, 1931-1938, II, 2 ]
BOOKS004161I: Riis, Thomas; editor: - Studien zur Geschichte des Ostseeraums, [Band I]
BOOKS021267I: Riis, P.J. ; Jensen, Jørgen; Buhl, Marie-Louise; & Otzen, Benedikt - Sukas X [Volume 10]: The Bronze and Early Iron Age Remains at the Southern Harbour
BOOKS001829I: Rijal, Babu Krishna - Archaeological Remains of Kapilavastu, Lumbini and Devadaha
BOOKS018797I: Rijavec, Andrej - Glasbeno delo na Slovenskem v obdobju protestantizma
BOOKS022955I: Rijckeghem, Caroline van ; & Üçer, Murat - Chronicle of the Turkish Financial Crises of 2000 - 2001
BOOKS030641I: Rijnders, Gerhard [1876-1950] - Het spiritisme en zijn gevaren
BOOKS027354I: Rikli, Martin Albert [1868-1951] ; & Schröter, Carl - Vom Mittelmeer zum Nordrand der Sahara : eine botanische Frühlingsfahrt nach Algerien
BOOKS017689I: Riksantikvarieämbetet [Vitterhets, historie och antikvitets akademien] - Norrtäljetrakten under forntiden : En översikt [Antikvariska studier II]
BOOKS028640I: Sveriges Filatelist-Förenings Riksorganisation - Handbok över svenska post- och makuleringsstämplar 1685 - 1951
BOOKS025370I: Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher - The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading
BOOKS009652I: Riley, Denise - The Words of Selves: Identification, Solidarity, Irony
BOOKS003433I: Rillmann, Friedrich - Versuch einer Bestimmung klimatischer Grenzen auf 850mb und 700mb auf Grund des Klimasystems von B.P. Alissow
BOOKS031593I: Rimantiene, Rimute - Nida : A Bay Coast Culture Settlement on the Curonian Lagoon
BOOKS003569I: Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith ; editor: - Discourse in Psychoanalysis and Literature
BOOKS010358I: Rinaldis, Aldo de - Neapolitan Painting of the Seicento
BOOKS008041I: Khetsun Sangpo Rinbochay [ Hopkins, Jeffrey ; translator : ] - Tantric Practice in Nying-ma
BOOKS010487I: Rincon, Manuel Maria - Suma y sigue...Relato episodico de otros tiempos
BOOKS017837I: Rindal, Magnus ; editor : - Selja : heilag stad i 1000 år
BOOKS011267I: Ring, Emanuel [1879-19??] - Talmudiska humanitetsstravanden i deras samband med motsvarende foreteelser inom den gammaltestamentliga lagstiftningen
BOOKS022220I: Ringdal, Karl Henrik Berg - Om det attribute adjektivs position i oldnorsk prosa med et henblik paa sætningsrytmen
BOOKS016449I: Ringer, Fritz K. - The Decline of the German Mandarins: The German Academic Community, 1890-1933
BOOKS015392I: Ringer, Fritz K. - Max Weber's Methodology : The Unification of the Cultural and Social Sciences
BOOKS003837I: Ringer, Alexander L. ; editor: - 1969 Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council [Volume 1]
BOOKS005510I: Ringer, Alexander L. ; editor: - 1970 Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council [Volume 2]
BOOKS005467I: Ringgren, Helmer, editor: - Fatalistic Beliefs in Religion, Folklore, and Literature. Papers read at the Symposium on Fatalistic Beliefs...7-9 Sept.,1964
BOOKS022829I: Ringgren, Helmer - Die Religionen des Alten Orients
BOOKS018009I: Ringu Tulku ; & Helm, Ann - The Ri-Me Philosophy of Jamgön Kongtrul the Great : A Study of the Buddhist Lineages of Tibet
BOOKS013704I: Dodrup chen Rinpoche - gSan snags sna 'gyur thun min lugs-kyi bslab bya / Tantric Doctrine According to Nyingmapa School
BOOKS022787I: Rinsampessy, Elias P. - De mogelijke gronden van agressie onder Molukse jongeren (geplaatst in het kader van de integratieproblematiek)
BOOKS009970I: Rintchen - En marge du culte de Guesser Khan en Mongolie
BOOKS026379I: Rintchen - I. Mongol kojur : Le jeu de cartes mongol : II: A propos du Chamanisme mongol / par Rintchen [together with one other offprint
BOOKS012959I: Rio, Alice - Legal Practice and the Written Word in the Early Middle Ages : Frankish Formulae, c.500-1000
BOOKS024114I: Rio, Manuel - Cancer New Look
BOOKS012396I: O Riordain, Sean P. - Lough Gur Excavations: Neolithic and Bronze Age Houses on Knockadoon
BOOKS018098I: Ríos Romero, Francisco de los - Informe sobre los Monegros
BOOKS002385I: Rios Gallardo, Conrado - Chile y Bolivia definen sus fronteras 1842-1904
BOOKS013925I: Ripinsky-Naxon, Michael - Nature of Shamanism: Substance and Function of a Religious Metaphor
BOOKS002559I: Ripley, Sidney Dillon II - A Synopsis of the Birds of India & Pakistan together with those of Nepal,Sikkin,Bhutan & Ceylon
BOOKS004473I: Ripley, William Zebina - The Financial History of Virginia 1609 - 1776
BOOKS008229I: Ripp, Victor - Turgenev's Russia: From Notes of a Hunter to Fathers and Sons
BOOKS002034I: Rippe, James M.; editor: - Lifestyle Medicine
BOOKS023115I: Rippley, La Vern J. - The German-Americans
BOOKS015051I: Riquer, Borja de ; & Llimargas, Marc - Modernismo : Architecture and Design in Catalonia / Essays
BOOKS031328I: Riquez, Albert - Le docteur Marat, 1743-1793 : son système physiologique
BOOKS029984I: Ris, Clasina [1899-1994] - Anaerobe sporevormende bacterien in verontreinigd water, in het bijzonder Clostridium welchii
BOOKS025572I: Risak, Ole - Knud Sønderby : En kultur-sociologisk analyse
BOOKS009826I: Risbec, J. - I. Les Chalcidoides d' A.O.F. ; II. Les Microgasterinae d' A.O.F.
BOOKS016788I: Risberg, Jarl ; & Grafman, Jordan ; editors: - The Frontal Lobes: Development, Function and Pathology
BOOKS022334I: Risch, Paul - Sommertage auf schwankendem Kiel : Auf tausend Meilen Umweg von Werder nach Paretz : Ein Buch der Erinnerung
BOOKS000097I: Rischel, Jørgen - Minor Mlabri : A Hunter-Gatherer Language of Northern Indochina
BOOKS001292I: Rischel, Jørgen - Mlabri and Mon-Khmer : Tracing the History of a Hunter-gatherer Language
BOOKS016353I: Risk, William Paul ; Gosnell, Timothy R. ; & Nurmikko, Arto V. - Compact Blue-Green Lasers
BOOKS018777I: Rist, Johann Georg [1775-1847] - Lebenserinnerungen. I - II Band
BOOKS030337I: Risueño D'Amador, Benigno Juan Isidro [1802-1849] - Mémoire sur le calcul des probabilitiés appliqué a la médecine : Lu à l’Académie royale de médécine ..,.
BOOKS023467I: De, Rita - The Udana : A Critical Study
BOOKS001123I: Ritchie,W.; Tait, D.A.; Wood, M. & Wright, R. - Mapping for Field Scientists : A Problem-Solving Approach
BOOKS025400I: Ritter, Hans - Samuel Hahnemann, Begründer der Homöopathie : sein Leben und Werk in neuer Sicht
BOOKS031221I: Ritter, Thomas - Das Verbalsystem der königlichen und privaten Inschriften : XVIII. Dynastie bis einschliesslich Amenophis III.
BOOKS001301I: Ritter, Ralf - Der Wandel der Souveranitatsidee in der politischen Literatur Frankreichs von 1587 bis 1630. Eine Untersuchung ...
BOOKS015651I: Ritums, Ritvars ; editor : - Petijumi zemgalu senatne : rakstu krajums
BOOKS022065I: Riva, Corinna - The Urbanisation of Etruria : Funerary Practices and Social Change, 700-600 BC
BOOKS026273I: Rivadeneyra, Manuel ; publisher : - Inventari dels libres de la Senyora Donna Maria, Reina de les Sicilies e de Arago
BOOKS001623I: Rivarola, Rodolfo - El Maestro Jose Manuel Estrada.Tres Lecturas Publicas en las Academias.I:En el Colegio Nacional. II:La Preparacion del Maestro..
BOOKS012575I: Rivero, Juan A. - Los anfibios y reptiles de Puerto Rico / The Amphibians and Reptiles of Puerto Rico
BOOKS011968I: Rivers, Isabel - Reason, Grace and Sentiment: A Study of the Language of Religion and Ethics in England 1660-1780, Volume 1: Whichcote to Wesley
BOOKS022820I: Rivet, A. L. F. (Albert Lionel Frederick) ; editor: - The Roman Villa in Britain
BOOKS000374I: Rivlin, Helen Anne B. - The Agricultural Policy of Muhammad 'Ali in Egypt
BOOKS020823I: Rix, Robert W; et al: ; editors: [ - Romantik : Journal for the Study of Romanticisms : Volumes 1, 2 & 3 [2012- 2014]
BOOKS012224I: Riza, Selman - Sistemi foljor i letrarishtes shqiptare bashkekohore
BOOKS013039I: Riza'i Bagh'bidi, Hasan - Tarikh-i zabanha-yi Irani
BOOKS025102I: Rizayi, Umid - Daramadi bar asnad-i shari-i dawrah-i Qajar
BOOKS022958I: Rizvi, Sayyid Sa'id Akhtar - Imamate (The Vicegerency of the Prophet "s.a.")
BOOKS013756I: Rizvi, Saaed Akhtar - Wahhabis' Fitnah Exposed
BOOKS019298I: Rizvi, Saiyid Ali Akhtar - Almora [ Uttar Pradesh District Gazetteers ]
BOOKS019090I: Rizvi, S.N.H. ; editor: - Dacca [ Bangladesh District Gazetteers ]
BOOKS015360I: Rizvi, Saiyed Ali Akhtar; editor: - Uttarkashi [Uttar Pradesh District Gazetteers]
BOOKS001366I: Rizvi, S.N.H. - The Shompen. A Vanishing Tribe of the Great Nicobar Island
BOOKS002203I: Rizvi, Gowher & Cassen, Robert, editors: - Contemporary South Asia. Volume 2, nrs. 1 - 2 - 3 (1993)
BOOKS023639I: Rizvi, S. Rizwan Ali. - Nizam al-Mulk Tusi : His Contribution to Statecraft, Political Theory, and the Art of Government
BOOKS020395I: Roa Bárcena, José María [1827-1908] - Leyendas mexicanas : Cuentos y baladas del Norte Europa, y algunos otros ensayos poéticos
BOOKS008310I: Roach, John - Public Examinations in England 1850-1900
BOOKS012601I: Roach, E. S. (Ewell Steve) & Miller, Van S.; editors: - Neurocutaneous Disorders
BOOKS007910I: Robbins, Keith; compiler & editor: - A Bibliography of British History 1914 - 1989
BOOKS016330I: Roberge, Gaston - Another Cinema for Another Society
BOOKS010260I: Robert, Charles - Numismatique de Cambrai
BOOKS025822I: Robert, Maurice [1880-1958] - Contribution à la Géologie du Katanga : le Système des Kibaras et le Complexe de Base
BOOKS020326I: Robert, Maurice [1880-1958] - Contribution a la géologie du Katanga : Le système du Kundelungu et le système schisto-dolomitique
BOOKS031287I: Roberts, Michael - Potency, Power & People in Groups
BOOKS028472I: Roberts, Robert - Das Familien-, Sklaven- und Erbrecht im Qorân
BOOKS012932I: Roberts, Hugh - The Battlefield Algeria, 1988-2002 : Studies in a Broken Polity
BOOKS014421I: Roberts, Alasdair Scott - Blacked Out : Government Secrecy in the Information Age
BOOKS029864I: Roberts, Sam - Hand-painted Signs of Kratie
BOOKS031694I: Roberts, James N. [ Berman, Allen G.] - The Silver Coins of Medieval France (476-1610 A.D.) [together with 'Price Guide to the Silver Coins of Medieval France']
BOOKS007181I: Roberts, T.J.; Nasir, Yasin J. & Rafiq, Rubina A. - Wild Flowers of Pakistan
BOOKS009020I: Roberts, David - Paternalism in Early Victorian England
BOOKS017702I: Roberts, Janine P. - Nach Völkermord: Landraub und Uranabbau : die Schwarzaustralier (Aborigines) kämpfen ums Überleben
BOOKS022500I: Roberts, Michael - Exploring Confrontation : Sri Lanka - Politics, Culture and History
BOOKS024694I: Roberts, J. W. (John Willoby) [1932-2005] - City of Sokrates : An Introduction to Classical Athens
BOOKS004470I: Roberts, Richard L. - Two Worlds of Cotton: Colonialism & the Regional Economy in the French Soudan, 1800-1946
BOOKS003884I: Roberts, Helle Salskov - Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum. Denmark 1 : Copenhagen: Danish National Museum,The Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek
BOOKS014113I: Roberts, Bernadette - Experience of No-Self: A Contemplative Journey
BOOKS010306I: Roberts, Brian K. - Landscapes of Settlement : Prehistory to the Present
BOOKS020509I: Roberts, Mark - The Fundamentals of Literary Criticism
BOOKS020619I: Roberts, J. C. (John Christopher) ; editor: - Paper Chemistry
BOOKS021721I: Roberts, Michael - Sinhala-ness and Sinhala Nationalism
BOOKS004182I: Roberts, Orlando W. - Narratives of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America ..,.
BOOKS015853I: Roberts, Helen Heffron ; & Jenness, Diamond [ 1886 - 1969 ] - Songs of the Copper Eskimos [ Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 , Vol. XIV, Pt. A]
BOOKS031884I: Roberts, Helle Salskov - Sukas XI : The Attic Pottery and Commentary on the Greek Inscriptions Found on Tall Sukas
BOOKS014630I: Robertson, Bruce Carlisle - Raja Rammohan Ray : The Father of Modern India
BOOKS007599I: Robertson, Andrew W. - The Language of Democracy: Political Rhetoric in the United States and Britain, 1790 -1900
BOOKS006572I: Robertson, Esmonde M. - Mussolini as Empire-Builder: Europe and Africa 1932-36
BOOKS017791I: Robertson, Durant Waite ; & Huppé, Bernard Felix ; editors: - Piers Plowman and Scriptural Tradition
BOOKS005572I: Robertson, Ritchie & Timms, Edward, editors: - Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction
BOOKS018123I: Robertson, J. M. - Explorations
BOOKS017188I: Robertson, Lindsay Gordon - Conquest by Law : How the Discovery of America Dispossessed Indigenous Peoples of Their Lands
BOOKS019789I: Robertson, Merle Greene ; editor: - Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque : A Conference on the Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part II
BOOKS022860I: Robertson, William [1721-1793] - The Progress of Society in Europe : A Historical Outline from the Subversion of the Roman Empire to the Beginning ..,.
BOOKS011760I: Robie, David - Blood on their Banner: Nationalist Struggles in the South Pacific
BOOKS016302I: Robinet, Isabelle - Taoism: Growth of a Religion
BOOKS015891I: Robins, Gay - Women in Ancient Egypt
BOOKS003029I: Robinsohn, Abraham - David Wolffsohn. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Zionismus
BOOKS031082I: Robinson, James M. ; editior : - The Nag Hammadi Library in English: Translated and Introduced by Members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project....,.
BOOKS023926I: Robinson, Ronald Edward ; Gallagher, John ; & Denny, Alice - Africa and the Victorians : The Official Mind of Imperialism
BOOKS014046I: Robinson, Douglas - The Translator's Turn
BOOKS013822I: Robinson, Orrin W. - Old English and Its Closest Relatives: Survey of the Earliest Germanic Languages
BOOKS019345I: Robinson-Valéry, Judith ; editor: - Fonctions de l'esprit : Treize savants redécouvrent Paul Valéry
BOOKS002965I: Robinson, David; Maynard, Alan & Chester, Robert, editors: - Controlling Legal Addictions. Proceedings of the Twenty Fifth Annual Symposium of the Eugenics Society,London,1988
BOOKS010944I: Robinson, Sally - Engendering the Subject: Gender and Self-Representation in Contemporary Women's Fiction
BOOKS007913I: Robinson, Geoffrey - The Dark Side of Paradise: Political Violence in Bali
BOOKS029449I: Robinson, Cynthia ; Caskey, Jill ; Cohen, Adam S. ; Safran, Linda; Hamilton, Louis I.; & Riccioni, Stefano ; editors : - Medieval Encounters : Jewish, Christian and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue : Volume 17 : No.s 1-5 [2011]
BOOKS006333I: Robinson, Marguerite S. - Political Structure in a Changing Sinhalese Village
BOOKS011923I: Robinson, W. Courtland - Terms of Refuge: The Indochinese Exodus and the International Response
BOOKS006245I: Robinson, Sidney K. - Inquiry into the Picturesque
BOOKS018555I: Robinson, James McConkey - The Problem of History in Mark
BOOKS018076I: Robinson, Joan [1903-1983] - Contributions to Modern Economics
BOOKS018073I: Robinson, W. P. (William Peter) ; & Rackstraw, Susan J. - A Question of Answers. Volume I & II
BOOKS017792I: Robinson, Joan ; editor: - After Keynes
BOOKS017145I: Robinson, Robert George - The Clinical Neuropsychiatry of Stroke: Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional Disorders Following Vascular Brain Injury
BOOKS016625I: Robinson, David - Muslim Societies in African History
BOOKS005385I: Robinson, Peter - In the Circumstances. About Poems and Poets
BOOKS011957I: Robinson, Paul H. - Structure and Function in Criminal Law
BOOKS016291I: Robinson, Alan - Instabilities in Contemporary British Poetry
BOOKS004657I: Robinson, Pearl T. & Skinner, Elliott P., editors: - Transformation and Resiliency in Africa as seen by Afro-American Scholars
BOOKS000535I: Robinson, David - The Process of Becoming Ill
BOOKS029481I: Robinson, Cynthia ; editor : - Medieval Encounters : Jewish, Christian and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue : Volume 16 : No.s 1-4 [2010]
BOOKS012405I: Robison, Richard; Beeson, Mark; Jayasuriya, Kamishka & Kim, Hyuk-Rae; editors: - Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis
BOOKS029815I: Robitsch, Matthias - Geschichte des Protestantismus in der Steiermark
BOOKS025275I: Robotti, Andreina [1913-1996] - Il vissuto nell'immagine : di Italo mussa
BOOKS014419I: Robson, Craig - Birds of Thailand
BOOKS012821I: Robson, Catherine [1962- ] - Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentlemen
BOOKS017736I: Robson, W. W. (William Wallace) [1923-1993] - The Definition of Literature and Other Essays
BOOKS027262I: Robson, Brian Albert ; editor: - Nuclear Interactions : Conference held in Canberra, 28 August-1 September 1978 .,.,.
BOOKS004469I: Robyns, W. - Les especes congolaises du genre Panicum L.
BOOKS015878I: Roccasalvo, Joan L. - The Plainchant Tradition of Southwestern Rus'
BOOKS027718I: Rocha, Pedro Romano - L'office divin au Moyen Age dans l'Eglise de Braga : originalité et dépendances d'une liturgie particulière au Moyen Age
BOOKS022735I: Rocha Faria, Jose Mendes de ; & Goncalves, Carlos Alberto - Cartas de isopletas dos valores medios de alguns elementos climaticos e da classificacão de Köppen em Mocambique (por distritos)
BOOKS028968I: Rochard, Patricia ; editor : [ Internationale Tage (34th : 1992 : Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany) ] - Türkei : Abendland begegnet Morgenland : Internationale Tage Ingelheim
BOOKS006153I: Roche, Jean [Abbe] - L'epipaleolithique marocain
BOOKS002634I: Roche, Jean, Abbé [1913-2008] - Le gisement mésolithique de Moita do Sebastiaõ (Muge - Portugal) : [Volume I] : Archéologie
BOOKS018306I: Roche, Daniel - History of Everyday Things : The Birth of Consumption in France, 1600-1800
BOOKS028421I: Roche d'Estrez, Gabriel ; editor : - L'air : Revue mensuelle : 24e Année : No. 526 - 537 [Janvier - Décembre 1943]
BOOKS031011I: Rochholz, Ernst Ludwig [1809-1892] - Tell und Gessler in Sage und Geschichte : Nach urkundlichen Quellen
BOOKS011715I: Rocke, Alan J. - Nationalizing Science: Adolphe Wurtz and the Battle for French Chemistry
BOOKS001531I: Rockel, Martin - Grundzüge einer Geschichte der irischen Sprache
BOOKS024407I: Röckelein, Hedwig ; & Bumiller, Casimir ; editors: - Ein unruhig Poet : Nikodemus Frischlin, 1547-1590
BOOKS002424I: Rocker, Rudolf [1873-1958] - Absolutistische Gedankengänge im Sozialismus
BOOKS017906I: Rocker, Rudolf [1873-1958] - Anarcho-Syndicalism
BOOKS010611I: Rockmore, Daniel Nahum; & Healy, Dennis M.; editors: - Modern Signal Processing
BOOKS015519I: Rockmore, Tom - On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy
BOOKS016692I: Rockwell, W. Teed - Neither Brain Nor Ghost: A Nondualist Alternative to the Mind-Brain Identity Theory
BOOKS004630I: Rockwell, Joan - Fact in Fiction: The Use of Literature in the Systematic Study of Society
BOOKS002810I: Rodden, R. J. ; Wardle, K. A. ; Pyke, Gillian ; & Yiouni, Paraskevi - Nea Nikomedeia : Excavation of an Early Neolithic Village in Northern Greece [Volume I]: The Excavation & the Ceramic Assemblage
BOOKS006258I: Roddy, Stephen J. - Literati Identity and Its Fictional Representations in Late Imperial China
BOOKS027153I: Rode, Ove [1867-1933] - Opdigtede kendsgerninger / af Tys
BOOKS012849I: Rode, Walther [1876-19??] - Justiz: Fragmente
BOOKS025592I: Rode, Ove [1867-1933] - Paaskekrisen 1920
BOOKS015106I: Rödel, Wolfgang - Forster und Lichtenberg: Ein Beitrag zum Problem deutsche Intelligenz und Französische Revolution.
BOOKS021930I: Rodemann, Helmut - Elektromagnetische Induktion in einer leitfähigen Platte mit eingelagertem vertikalem, endlichem Zylinder
BOOKS012558I: Rodenbach, Georges [1855-1898] - Bruges-la-morte : roman
BOOKS017660I: Rodenwaldt, Ernst - Leon Battista Alberti : Ein Hygieniker der Renaissance
BOOKS022833I: Röder, Josef - Toutonenstein und Heunesäulen bei Miltenberg : Ein Beitrag zur alten Steinindustrie am Untermain
BOOKS030068I: Rodgers, Charles J. - Coin-collecting in Northern India
BOOKS003242I: Rodhain, J. - Les Adenolymphoceles du Congo Belge
BOOKS014736I: Rodinson, Maxime - Israel : A Colonial-settler State?
BOOKS013784I: Rodman, Selden; & Cleaver, Carole - Spirits of the Night: Vaudan Gods of Haiti
BOOKS015435I: Rodman, Peter S. ; & Cant, John G. H. ; editors: - Adaptations for Foraging in Nonhuman Primates: Contributions to an Organismal Biology of Prosimians, Monkeys, and Apes
BOOKS003250I: Rodman, Margaret C. - Masters of Tradition: Consequences of Customary Land Tenure in Longana, Vanuatu
BOOKS009840I: Rodner, Clemencia ; Lentino, Miguel ; & Restall, Robin L. - Checklist of the Birds of Northern South America: An Annotated Checklist of the Species and Subspecies of Ecuador, Colombia ...,
BOOKS013938I: Rodney, Walter - History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881-1905
BOOKS017768I: Rodrigues, J. Tomás, Major - A guerra aérea e o direito internacional público : dissertacão para o magisterio na escola militar
BOOKS020281I: Rodrigues da Costa, Jose Daniel [1757-1832] - Carta interessante, seria, e jocosa, escripta ao Rmo. Sr. Fr. Tecla Branco da Cruz, com golpes mortaes, descarregadono..,.
BOOKS002375I: Rodriguez Barrera, Joaquin - Viaje, vida y costumbres de Fernando Poo
BOOKS009183I: Rodríguez Huéscar, Antonio - José Ortega y Gasset’s Metaphysical Innovation : A Critique and Overcoming of Idealism
BOOKS007494I: Rodriguez Herrera, Esteban - La gramatica, el lenguage y los periodicos
BOOKS007101I: Rodriguez Huescar, Antonio - Jose Ortega y Gasset's Metaphysical Innovation . A Critique & Overcoming of Idealism
BOOKS015618I: Rodriguez Huescar, Antonio - Jose Ortega y Gasset's Metaphysical Innovation: A Critique and Overcoming of Idealism
BOOKS003631I: Rodriguez Sancho, P [ascual] . - Cinco anos de gobierno! Ojeada historica en el campo de la politica espanola
BOOKS003116I: Rodríguez Cadena, Yolanda - Los semihablantes bilingues: habilidad e interaccion comunicativas
BOOKS007312I: Rodriquez-Robles, Javier A.; Good, David A.; Wake, David B. - Brief History of Herpetology in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California..,.
BOOKS017839I: Rodway, Allan Edwin - The Craft of Criticism
BOOKS015921I: Roeder, Kenneth David - Nerve Cells and Insect Behavior
BOOKS018074I: Roediger, Virginia More - Ceremonial Costumes of the Pueblo Indians : Their Evolution, Fabrication, and Significance in the Prayer Drama
BOOKS013311I: Roediger, David R. - Colored White: Transcending the Racial Past
BOOKS029479I: Roeger, Josef. - Aidos kynee : das Märchen von der Unsichtbarkeit in den Homerischen Gedichten : eine sprachgeschichtlich-mythologische ..,.
BOOKS002485I: Roehrer-Ertl, Olav; editor: - Personen und ihre Umwelt aus 1000 Jahren Regensburger Geschichte: Forschungsergebnisse aus Anthropologie & Nachbarwissenschaften
BOOKS018461I: Roehrich, Gustave Guillaume - Essay on the Life, the Writings, and the Doctrine of the Anabaptist, Hans Denk
BOOKS005824I: Roen, Ulrik - Contributions to the Biology of Some Danish Free Living Freshwater Copepods
BOOKS027756I: Røen, Ulrik Ib - Studies on Freshwater Entomostraca in Greenland, II : Localities, Ecology, and Geographical Distribution of the Species
BOOKS010432I: Roesch, E. - Der getreue Johannes: Eine vergleichende Maerchenstudie
BOOKS007799I: Roesdahl, Else & Sorensen, Preben Meulengracht; editors: - The Waking of Angantyr: The Scandinavian Past in European Culture/ Den nordiske fortid i europaeisk kultur
BOOKS026413I: Roesdahl, Else - a collection of 8 extracts and offprints concerning medieval Danish archaeology, ca. 1976-1990
BOOKS003589I: Roessingh, H.K. - Inlandse Tabak. Expansie en Contractie van een Handelsgewas in de 17e en 18e Eeuw in Nederland
BOOKS014256I: Roffman, Roger A. ; & Stephens, Robert S. ; editors: - Cannabis Dependence: Its Nature, Consequences and Treatment
BOOKS022101I: Rogan, Eugene L. ; & Shlaim, Avi ; editors: - The War for Palestine : Rewriting the History of 1948 - Second Edition
BOOKS003090I: Rogby, Ove - Niederdeutsch auf friesischem Substrat : Die Mundart von Westerhever in Eiderstedt (Schleswig-Holstein)...,.
BOOKS006937I: Rogeard, A.(Auguste) [1820-1896] - Gelegenheits-Bemerkungen des Labenius: Ein Commentar zur Geschichte Julius Caesars von Napoleon III
BOOKS024617I: Roger, Mme. ; publisher : [ Leroux, Georges ] - Les Crimes de la Commune : Les Ruines de Paris
BOOKS023269I: Rogers, Robert - Journals of Major Robert Rogers
BOOKS023682I: Rogers, Colin Darlington - The Surname Detective : Investigating Surname Distribution in England Since 1086
BOOKS013933I: Rogers, Michael C.; You, Clare; & Richards, Kyungnyun K. - College Korean
BOOKS015838I: Rogers, Francis Millet - Atlantic Islanders of the Azores and Madeiras
BOOKS025180I: Rogers, David J. (David James) ; & Appan, S. G. - Manihot Manihotoides (Euphorbiaceae)
BOOKS008859I: Rogers, Kelly; editor: - Self-Interest : An Anthology of Philosophical Perspectives
BOOKS004731I: Rogers, Barbara - The Domestication of Women : Discrimination in Developing Societies
BOOKS015445I: Rogers, William Elford - Interpreting Interpretation: Textual Hermeneutics as an Ascetic Discipline
BOOKS004531I: Rogers, Everett M. - Diffusion of Innovations
BOOKS004455I: Rogers, Arthur Kenyon - English and American Philosophy since 1800. A Critical Survey.
BOOKS025599I: Rogge, Joachim ; & Schille, Gottfried ; editors: - Theologische Versuche III
BOOKS003425I: Roggen, Heribert - Die Lebensform des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi in ihrem Verhaltnis zur feudalen und burgerlichen Gesellschaft Italiens
BOOKS027217I: Roggenkamp, Klaus W. ; & Huber-Dyson, Verena - Lattices over Orders I
BOOKS027216I: Roggenkamp, Klaus W. - Lattices over Orders II
BOOKS015970I: Rogo, D. Scott - The Infinite Boundary: A Psychic Look at Spirit Possession, Madness, and Multiple Personality
BOOKS019420I: Rogoti-Kyriopoulou, Dimitra - Greek Traditional Architecture : Yiannina
BOOKS010422I: Rogowski, Ralf; editor: - Civil Law
BOOKS027462I: Rogron, J.-A. (Joseph-André) [1793-1871] - Code de procédure civile expliqué [bound together with: "Code de commerce : expliqué par ses motifs et par des exemples"]
BOOKS011596I: Rohan, Karl Anton, Prins [1898- 1975] - Schicksalsstunde Europas : Erkenntnisse und Bekenntnisse, Wirklichkeiten und Möglichkeiten / von Karl Anton Prinz Rohan
BOOKS009415I: Rohan-Csermak, Geza de - Sturgeon Hooks of Eurasia
BOOKS003832I: Rohde, H.P. - Dansk Bogillustration 1800 - 1890
BOOKS025538I: Rohde, Johan [1856-1932] - Mindretalsytringer
BOOKS018520I: Rohden, Friedrich von - Der Ärztliche Verein zu Lübeck : 150 Jahre ärztliche Geschichte, 1809-1959
BOOKS008197I: Roheim, Geza - Fire in the Dragon and Other Psychoanalytic Essays on Folkore
BOOKS028139I: Rohen, Johannes Wilhelm ; & Unger, Hanns-Hellmuth - Zur Morphologie und Pathologie der Kammerbucht des Auges
BOOKS019343I: Röhl, John C. G. ; editor: - 1914 : Delusion or Design? The Testimony of Two German Diplomats
BOOKS025844I: Rohleder, Svend - Varde lægekreds 1929-53 : uddrag af medicinalberetningerne
BOOKS029630I: Rohloff, Ernst ; editor : [ Johannes, de Grocheo (active 1300) ] - Der Musiktraktat des Johannes de Grocheo, nach den Quellen neu herausgegeben mit Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Revisionsbericht
BOOKS025843I: Rohloff, Ernst ; editor : [ Johannes, de Grocheo (active 1300 CE) ] - Studium zum Musiktraktat des Johannes de Grocheo
BOOKS006559I: Rohner, Ronald Preston - The People of Gilford : A Contemporary Kwakiutl Village
BOOKS031841I: Rohr, Moritz von [1868–1940] - Zur Dioptrik des Auges
BOOKS004669I: Rohra, Harilal M., editor: - Sapak Saluni Sindhi
BOOKS012100I: Röhrbein, Karin [text]; Schendel, Ute [illustrator] ; Momme [illustrator] : [Basis-Verlag] - Die Geschichte von der Verjagung und Ausstopfung des Königs
BOOKS016423I: Rohrer, Gregory S. - Structure and Bonding in Crystalline Materials
BOOKS016415I: Röhrich, Lutz ; editor: - Probleme der Sagenforschung : Verhandlungen der Tagung veranstaltet von der Kommission für Erzählforschung der Deutschen Gese
BOOKS012000I: Roitblat, Herbert L. & Meyer, Jean-Arcady; editors: - Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science
BOOKS016653I: Rojas, Raul ; & Hashagen, Ulf ; editors: - The First Computers: History and Architectures
BOOKS025854I: Rojas, Ricardo - Belgrano : Conferencia leida el 18 de junio de 1920 en la celebracion del centenario de la muerte del heroe efectuada ..,.
BOOKS007610I: Rojo, Guillermo - Perifrasis verbales en el gallego actual
BOOKS030267I: Rokyta, Hugo - Die Böhmischen Länder : Handbuch der Denkmäler und Gedenkstätten europäischer Kulturbeziehungen in den Böhmischen Ländern
BOOKS003013I: Roland, Berthold - Die Malergruppe von Pfalz-Zweibrücken : Maler und Malerei eines kleinen Fürstenhofes im 18. Jahrhundert
BOOKS021711I: Roland Holst-Van der Schalk, Henriette [1869-1952], Wolda, W.; & Zanckel, Joh. ; editors: - De Internationale. Orgaan van het Revolutionair Socialistisch Verbond No.s 1/2 - 3 [May-July 1915]
BOOKS022727I: Roland, Alex ; editor: - A Spacefaring People : Perspectives on Early Space Flight
BOOKS003991I: Rolander, Svante P. - Motion of the Lumbar Spine with Special Reference to the Stabilizing Effect of Posterior Fusion. An Experimental Study ...
BOOKS020539I: Rolf, Ida Pauline [1896-1979] - Rolfing : The Integration of Human Structures
BOOKS020216I: Rolfe, Erica ; & Battrick, B. ; editors: [ European Space Agency. Plasma Environment Working Group ] - The Giotto Spacecraft Impact-induced Plasma Environment : Proceedings of the Giotto PEWG Meeting, 10-12 April 1984, Berne
BOOKS026300I: Roller, Arnold - Paginas de la historia del proletariado español (1848-1907)
BOOKS016328I: Rollett, Herm. - Die Special-Schriften über den Curort Baden bei Wien : Bibliographischer Beitrag zur topographisch-balneologischen Literatur..,.
BOOKS001978I: Rolsted, E.V. - Aandssvageanstalten paa Gamle Bakkehus 1855-1905. Et Tilbageblik
BOOKS022767I: Amici dei Musei di Roma (Italy) - Villa Borghese : mostra organizzata sotto gli auspici del Comune di Roma e dell’Ente Provinciale per il Turismo di Roma ..,.
BOOKS020330I: Roman, János - Pottery of Sárospatak
BOOKS019852I: Societatii Tinerimea Româna - Tinerimea Româna in Satmar si Tara Oasului
BOOKS022253I: Romanell, Patrick - Croce versus Gentile: A Dialogue on Contemporary Italian Philosophy
BOOKS005658I: Romanelli, Samuel - Travail in an Arab Land
BOOKS025159I: Istituto di studi romani - Il limes romano : no. 2-9
BOOKS003515I: Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Les ennemis de la paix et de la liberte des peuples: La politique agressive et les machinations de l'imperialisme americain ...
BOOKS021734I: Asociatia Fostilor Detinuti Politici din Romania [ Tutea, Petre ; editor: ] - Rezistenta : Bilunar Editat de Asociatia Fostilor Detinuti Politici din Romania . Anul I, No. 1 [ Februarie 1991 ]
BOOKS016374I: Romano, David - The Kurdish Nationalist Movement: Opportunity, Mobilization and Identity
BOOKS022075I: Romano, David - The Kurdish Nationalist Movement : Opportunity, Mobilization and Identity
BOOKS013966I: Romanos, George D. - Quine and Analytic Philosophy
BOOKS019513I: Romanski, St. ; & Penacov, I. - Temoignages roumains sur la question de la Dobroudja
BOOKS004430I: Romberger, J.A. - Meristems, Growth & Development in Woody Plants. An Analytical Review of Anatomical, Physiological & Morphogenic Aspects.
BOOKS019431I: Romburgh, Pieter van [1855 - 1945] - Les plantes à caoutchouc et à gutta-percha cultivées aux Indes néerlandaises. (Des diverses espéces. Leur culture rationnelle)
BOOKS000976I: Romea, Salvador - Tres Arroyos
BOOKS003458I: Romell, Lars-Gunnar - Luftvaxlingen i Marken som Ekologisk Faktor
BOOKS028126I: Rømer, Ole [1644-1710] [ Eibe, Thyra ; & Meyer, Kirstine Bjerrum (1861-1941) ; editors: ] - Ole Rømers Adversaria
BOOKS022000I: Romer, John - The Great Pyramid : Ancient Egypt Revisited
BOOKS024065I: Römer, Henricus Gabriël - Specimen juris maritimi de derelictione quae asphalismate contracto fieri solet
BOOKS026568I: Romeyk, Horst - Verwaltungs- und Behördengeschichte der Rheinprovinz 1914-1945
BOOKS023807I: Romme, Marius A. J.; editor: - Understanding Voices : Coping with Auditory Hallucinations and Confusing Realities
BOOKS016331I: Romney, Kimball [ Romney, Antone Kimball] ; & Romney, Romaine - The Mixtecans of Juxtlahuaca, Mexico
BOOKS005974I: Romose, Vagn - Okologische Untersuchungen uber Homalothecium Sericeum, seine Wachstumsperioden und seine Stoffproduktion
BOOKS010801I: Romportl, Simeon - Struktura gramaticke slozky slovesnych tvaru urcitych v cestine
BOOKS016769I: Ron, James - Frontiers and Ghettos: State Violence in Serbia and Israel
BOOKS008069I: Rondet-Saint, Maurice - Aux Confins de l'Europe et de l'Asie
BOOKS005469I: Ronell, Avital - Dictations. On Haunted Writing
BOOKS030148I: Ronge, Johannes [1813-1887] - An die niedere katholische Geistlichkeit
BOOKS012240I: Ronge, Johannes [1813-1887] - Deutschlands zweites Ostern oder die Auferstehung der Kirche : Ein Prophetenruf an Katholiken und Protestanten..,.
BOOKS026294I: Ronkel, Philippus Samuel van - Een moderne Arabische verhandeling over de zwaartekracht
BOOKS013413I: Ronna, Antoine [1830 - 1902] - Essai sur l’agriculture des Etats-Unis d’Amerique. Le ble aux Etats-Unis d’Amerique, production, transports, commerce
BOOKS005168I: Ronne, Detlev Trappaud - Adelsslaegten Trapaud i Danmark 1683-1863
BOOKS003919I: Ronning, F. - Rasmus Kristian Rask. Et Mindeskrift i Anledning af Hundredarsdagen for hans Fodsel
BOOKS006956I: Ronowicz, Eddie & Yallop, Colin, editors: - English: One Language, Different Cultures
BOOKS029582I: Rönsch, Ernst - Beiträge zur Geschichte der Schlacht von Mühldorf : I : Zur Frage des Schlachortes, mit einer Karte ..,.
BOOKS024767I: Ronzoni, Luigi A. [ Kräftner, Johann ; editor: ] - Giovanni Giuliani : 1664-1744
BOOKS000389I: Roo, E.A. de - Disputatio Politica Inauguralis continens Historiam Pactorum Mercatus Comercii et Navigationis Patriae Nostrae cum Gallia...
BOOKS015080I: Roojen, Pepin van - Batik Design
BOOKS010458I: Room, Adrian - African Placenames: Origins and Meanings of the Names for Over 2000 Natural Features, Towns, Cities, Provinces and Countries
BOOKS019205I: Rooney, Ellen - Seductive Reasoning : Pluralism as the Problematic of Contemporary Literary Theory
BOOKS008242I: Rooney, David - Kwame Nkrumah: The Political Kingdom in the Third World
BOOKS015303I: Roorda, Eric Paul - The Dictator Next Door : The Good Neighbor Policy and the Trujillo Regime in the Dominican Republic, 1930-1945
BOOKS026529I: Roos, Heinrich [1904-1977] - Henrici Roos in memoriam
BOOKS003362I: Roos, Nicolaas - Galaxy Mergers. Implications for the Evolution, Clustering & Central Activity of Galaxies
BOOKS001009I: Roos, P. J. - Growth and Occurrence of the Reef Coral Porites Asteroides Lamarck in relation to Submarine Radiance Distribution
BOOKS004744I: Roos, Paavo - The Rock-tombs of Caunus : I: The Architecture
BOOKS023638I: Roose, Wanda Reichman [1882-1956] - a collection of three sketchbooks etc by the Russian-born Danish artist Wanda Roose
BOOKS001302I: Roosval, Johnny - Nya Sankt Gorans Studier
BOOKS004366I: Root, Winfred Trexler - The Relations of Pennsylvania with the British Government 1696- 1765
BOOKS030687I: Rooth, Erik - Das Runenhorn von Gallehus
BOOKS005150I: Rooth, Anna Birgitta - The Importance of Storytelling. A Study based on Field Work in Northern Alaska
BOOKS025059I: Van Rooy, C. A. - Studies in Classical Satire and Related Literary Theory
BOOKS000130I: Rorabaugh, W.J. - Kennedy and the Promises of the Sixties
BOOKS012200I: Rørbye, Birgitte - Mellem sundhed og sygdom : om fortid, fremskridt og virkelige læger : en narrativ kulturanalyse
BOOKS026066I: Rørdam, Holger Frederik [1830-1913] - Magistre creerede ved Kjøbenhavns Universitet fra Reformationen indtil 1660
BOOKS026024I: Rørdam, Holger Fr. ; editor: - Provst Aleth Hansens Erindringer om hans første Præstevirksomhed i Husby i Angel
BOOKS027148I: Rørdam, Valdemar [1872-1946] - Nordisk Hilsen
BOOKS011479I: Rordam, Hans Christian - Den evangeliske Christendoms Indforelse i Danmark historisk fremstillet
BOOKS026158I: Rørdam, Holger Frederik [1830-1913] - Efterretninger om Kryptokalvinisten M Oluf Jensen Kock
BOOKS025560I: Rørdam, H.F. (Holger Frederik) - Til Minde om Christian Andreas Herman Kalkar : Taler ved hans Jordefærd
BOOKS001877I: Rørdam, Thomas Skat ; et al. - Geheimekonferentsraad Carl Frederik Tietgens Jordefærd : Taler af Biskopperne Skat Rørdam og Frederik Nielsen,.,.. [et al.]
BOOKS026132I: Rørdam, Valdemar [1872-1946] - Afrodites boldspil : digte
BOOKS026131I: Rørdam, Holger Frederik [1830-1913] - Klavs Christoffersen Lyskanders levned, samt hans bog om danske skribenter
BOOKS029889I: Rorem, Paul - Biblical and Liturgical Symbols Within the Pseudo-Dionysian Synthesis
BOOKS027351I: Rörig, Fritz [1882-1952] - Hansische Beiträge zur deutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte
BOOKS007954I: Rorty, Richard - Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
BOOKS027778I: Ros, Jonas - Stad och gård : Sigtuna under sen vikingatid och tidig medeltid
BOOKS009659I: Rosaldo, Renato - Ilongot Headhunting 1883-1974: A Study in Society and History
BOOKS015226I: Rosaldo, Renato - Ilongot Headhunting, 1883-1974: A Study in Society and History
BOOKS021674I: Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist - Knowledge and Passion : Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life
BOOKS029698I: Rosales, José Miguel - Historias y paisajes
BOOKS013075I: Rosberg, Carl Gustav; & Nottingham, John Cato - The Myth of "Mau Mau" : Nationalism in Kenya
BOOKS021577I: Rösch, Erich - Der getreue Johannes : Eine vergleichende märchenstudie
BOOKS003501I: Rosdolsky, Roman [Rozdolski, Roman (1898-1967)] - Studien über revolutionäre Taktik : Zwei unveröffentlichte Arbeiten über die II. Internationale ..,.
BOOKS027139I: Røse, V. [ Røse, Carl Christian Vilhelm (1863-1907)] - Mester Dubitans
BOOKS019382I: Rose, A. Gordon - Five Hundred Borstal Boys
BOOKS016576I: Rose, Jonathan - The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes
BOOKS005925I: Rose, H.A.; & Howell, E.B. - North-west Frontier Province [ Imperial Gazetteer of India, Provincial Series: ]
BOOKS004876I: Rose, Richard, editor: - Studies in British Politics : A Reader in Political Sociology
BOOKS016688I: Rose, Jacqueline - On Not Being Able to Sleep: Psychoanalysis and the Modern World
BOOKS013768I: Rose, Peter Wires - Sons of the Gods, Children of Earth : Ideology and Literary Form in Ancient Greece
BOOKS019925I: Rose, Gordon - The Struggle for Penal Reform : The Howard League and Its Predecessors
BOOKS024452I: Rose, Jacqueline - The Case of Peter Pan, or, The Impossibility of Children’s Fiction
BOOKS015264I: Roseberry, William - Anthropologies and Histories: Essays in Culture, History and Politics
BOOKS029012I: Rosell, Cayetano [1816-1883] - Historia del combate naval de Lepanto, y juicio de la importancia y consecuencias de aquel suceso
BOOKS021870I: Rosell, Cayetano [1816-1883] - Discurso..,.sobre la expedición de Orán y proyecto de conquista de Africa concebido por el cardenal Jiménez de Cisneros..,.
BOOKS029813I: Rosello, Mireille - Declining the Stereotype : Ethnicity and Representation in French Cultures
BOOKS006678I: Rosello, Mireille - Postcolonial Hospitality : The Immigrant as Guest
BOOKS008807I: Roseman, Janet Lynn - Dance Masters : Interviews with Legends of Dance
BOOKS015523I: Roseman, Marina - Healing Sounds from the Malaysian Rainforest: Temiar Music and Medicine
BOOKS016955I: Rosemont, Henry ; editor: - Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Essays Dedicated to Angus C.Graham
BOOKS009714I: Rosen, Stephen Peter - Societies and Military Power: India and Its Armies
BOOKS007382I: Rosen, Allen D. - Kant's Theory of Justice
BOOKS018087I: Rosen, Gary ; editor: - The Right War? The Conservative Debate on Iraq
BOOKS001679I: Rosen, Hugh - The Development of Sociomoral Knowledge : A Cognitive-structural Approach
BOOKS019509I: Rosen, George ; Stevenson, Lloyd G. ; & Florkin, Marcel ; editors: - Clio Medica. Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae. Vol. 12, No. 1 - 2 /3 - 4 [April- Dec. 1977]
BOOKS031326I: Rosenbaum, Emanuel [1858-19??] - Une conférence contradictoire religieuse et scientifique sur l'anatomie et physiologie des organes génitaux de la femme..,.
BOOKS004400I: Rosenbaum, Alan S. - Coercion and Autonomy. Philosophical Foundations, Issues, and Practices
BOOKS006944I: Rosenberg, Nathan; Landau, Ralph & Mowery, David C.; editors: - Technology and the Wealth of Nations
BOOKS008909I: Rosenberg, Ronald H.; editor: - Environment, Property, and the Law: Federal and State Case Decisions & Journal Articles [Volumes 1-3]
BOOKS024911I: Rosenberg, Marc [1852-1930] - Der goldschmiede Merkzeichen : III. Band [ Deutschland N-Z ]
BOOKS024909I: Rosenberg, Marc [1852-1930] - Der goldschmiede Merkzeichen : I. Band [ Deutschland A-C ]
BOOKS006858I: Rosenberg, Ellen M. - The Southern Baptists : A Subculture in Transition
BOOKS016783I: Rosenberg, Nathan ; Landau, Ralph ; & Mowery, David C. ; editors: - Technology and the Wealth of Nations
BOOKS024910I: Rosenberg, Marc [1852-1930] - Der goldschmiede Merkzeichen : II. Band [ Deutschland D-M ]
BOOKS031716I: Rosenberg, Gustav Adolf Theodor [1872-1940] - Antiquités en fer et en bronze, leur transformation dans la terre contenant de l'acide carbonique et des chlorures ..,.
BOOKS001840I: Rosenberg, Alfons - Engel und Damonen. Gestaltwandel eines Urbildes
BOOKS030139I: Rosenberg, Artur - Beiträge zur Geschichte der Juden in Steiermark
BOOKS024482I: Rosenberg, John D. - Carlyle and the Burden of History
BOOKS027234I: Rosenblatt, Murray ; & Van Atta, Chester Murray ; editors: - Statistical Models and Turbulence : Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of California, San Diego (La Jolla).,.,.
BOOKS017189I: Rosenblith, Walter A. - Jerry Wiesner, Scientist, Statesman, Humanist : Memories and Memoirs
BOOKS012457I: Rosenfeld, Jo Ann; editor: - Handbook of Women’s Health: An Evidence-Based Approach
BOOKS017912I: Rosenfeld, Gavriel David - The World Hitler Never Made : Alternate History and the Memory of Nazism
BOOKS004174I: Rosengarten, Arthur - Tarot and Psychology : Spectrums of Possibility
BOOKS004091I: Rosenhoff, Claudius [1804-1869] - Verdens Dom. Roman
BOOKS015867I: Rosenkilde, Volmer ; & Ballhausen, C. J. - Thesaurus librorum Danicorum 15th and 16th century
BOOKS002184I: Rosenkrantz, Alfred; Noe-Nygaard,Arne; Munck, Sole & Laursen, Dan - A Geological Reconnaissance of the Southern Part of the Svartenhuk Peninsula,West Greenland
BOOKS001616I: Rosenkrantz, Alfred - The Lower Jurassic Rocks of East Greenland. Part I & II
BOOKS005895I: Rosenman, J. - Primitive Speech and English
BOOKS025490I: Rosental, S. - La révision du Traité de Trianon, est-elle possible?
BOOKS013960I: Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer; editor: - The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture
BOOKS009201I: Rosenthal, Erwin I.J. - Studia Semitica. Volume II: Islamic Themes
BOOKS009681I: Rosenthal, Judy - Possession, Ecstasy, and Law in Ewe Voodoo
BOOKS010133I: Rosenthal, Jacques, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat (München), firm of - Katalog 45, 83, 90, 95 [1908-1934]
BOOKS012159I: Rosenthal, Laura J. - Playwrights and Plagiarists in Early Modern England: Gender, Authorship, Literary Property
BOOKS008406I: Rosenvinge, L. Kolderup - Undersogelser over ydre Faktorers Indflydelse paa Organdannelsen hos Planterne
BOOKS002518I: Rosenwaike, Ira - Population History of New York City
BOOKS011887I: Rosenwald, George C. & Ochberg, Richard L.; editors: - Storied Lives: The Cultural Politics of Self-Understanding
BOOKS026999I: Roskoschny, Hermann [1845-1898] - Die Wolga und ihre Zuflüsse : Geschichte, Ethnographie, Hydro- und Orographie nebst Mitteilungen über da Klima des Wolgagebietes
BOOKS002805I: Rosmarin, Leonard A. - Saint-Evremond. Artiste de l'euphorie
BOOKS016158I: Rosmarin, Adena - The Power of Genre
BOOKS005700I: Rosmarin, Adena - The Power of Genre
BOOKS026061I: Ross, Petronella Margrethe [1805-1875] - Skildringer af Biskop Dr. theol. Rasmus Møllers private Liv : et Mindeskrift for Slægtninge og Venner
BOOKS023735I: Ross, J.H. ; editor: - Flora of Southern Africa. Volume 16, Part 1 [ Fabaceae: Mimosoideae ]
BOOKS023691I: Ross, J.H. ; editor: - Flora of Southern Africa. Volume 16, Part 2 [ Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae ]
BOOKS012970I: Ross, Robert H. - The Georgian Revolt : Rise and Fall of a Poetic Ideal, 1910-22
BOOKS014805I: Ross, John - Narrative of Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the Years 1829..,.
BOOKS011636I: Ross, Malcolm Mackenzie - Poetry & Dogma: The Transfiguration of Eucharistic Symbols in Seventeenth Century English poetry
BOOKS010863I: Ross, Sheldon M. - An Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Options and Other Topics
BOOKS010492I: Ross, J.H. - The Flora of Natal
BOOKS010116I: Ross, Susan A. - Extravagant Affections: A Feminist Sacramental Theology
BOOKS021393I: Ross, Ronald [1857-1932] - Untersuchungen über Malaria
BOOKS011454I: Ross, Heino - Lokal-, privat- und notgelder in Estland / Eesti kodurahad
BOOKS004554I: Ross, Mabel H. & Walker, Barbara K. - On Another Day...": Tales Told Among the Nkundo of Zaire
BOOKS002533I: Ross, E. Wayne; editor: - The Social Studies Curriculum: Purposes, Problems, and Possibilities
BOOKS004438I: Ross, Harold M. - Baegu. Social & Ecological Organization in Malaita, Solomon Islands
BOOKS003755I: Ross, Frank & Kennedy, Louise Venable - A Bibliography of Negro Migration
BOOKS019700I: Ross, Sheldon M. - Topics in Finite and Discrete Mathematics
BOOKS013348I: Ross, Merrill A.; & Lembi, Carole A. - Applied Weed Science
BOOKS026784I: Rossberg, Gerhard - Hörschwellenkurve und Resonanzeigenschaften der knöchernen labyrinthkapsel
BOOKS000828I: Rossel, Pierre - Tourisme et tiers-monde : un mariage blanc
BOOKS024475I: Rossel, Sven Hakon ; & Steene, Birgitta ; editors: - Scandinavian Literature in a Transcultural Context : Papers from the XV IASS Conference
BOOKS031036I: Rosselli, Nello [1900-1937] - Mazzini e Bakounine : 12 anni di movimento operaio in Italia, 1860-1872
BOOKS027665I: Rossen, Jane Mink ; & Sharvit, Uri - A Fusion of Traditions : Liturgical Music in the Copenhagen Synagogue
BOOKS011835I: Rossi, Ino; editor: - Structural Sociology
BOOKS027182I: Rossi, Sergio - Llegará un dia tan maravilloso como hoy : El Movimiento 2 de Junio y la lucha armada en Alemania 1972-1980
BOOKS001377I: De Rossi, Giuseppe, editor: - Radioisotope Study of Salivary Glands
BOOKS013084I: Rossing, Niels - Human Albumin Metabolism Determined with Radioiodinated Albumin
BOOKS012621I: Rossington, Michael & Whitehead, Anne; editors: - Between the Psyche and the Polis : Refiguring History in Literature and Theory
BOOKS030212I: Rossini, Carlo Conti ; & Grottanelli, Vinigi L. ; editors : [ Ministero dell’Africa Italiana ] - Rassegna di studi etiopici : Volume V : Gennaio- Dicembre 1946
BOOKS030349I: Rössler, Roman, [1914- 1990] - Kirche und Revolution in Russland : Patriarch Tichon und der Sowjetstaat
BOOKS028206I: Rost, WIlhelm Bernhard - Stammtafeln zum St. Annen-Lehen von 1460 in Münder am Deister : Die Nachkommenschaft von Hans Prignitzen.,.,,.Erster Band .,.,.
BOOKS008829I: Rost, Eugen [1870-1953] - Borsäure als Konservierungsmittel : Beiträge zur Beurteilung der Angriffe gegen das Verbot der Verwendung von Borsäure ..,.
BOOKS006982I: Rostami, Mahmoud, Brigadier General - Tasmim : 31 vaz'iyat-i kutah taketakea..,.
BOOKS021299I: Rostás-Farkas, György - Cigányságom vállalom / Grizhij muro romanipe
BOOKS026106I: Rosted, H. P. - Aqvareller : Digte af Albert de Ro.,.
BOOKS021325I: Rosthorn, Arthur von [1862-1945] - Die Anfänge der chinesischen Geschichtsschreibung
BOOKS022612I: Roston, Murray - Milton and the Baroque
BOOKS017269I: Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman) - The Stages of Economic Growth : A Non-Communist Manifesto
BOOKS022913I: Rostrup, Ove - Dansk Frøkontrol 1871-96 samt en kort Oversigt over Udlandets Frøkontrol
BOOKS001084I: Rostworowski, Marek ; et al. - Polakow Portret wlasny : praca zbiorowa
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BOOKS012139I: Rotberg, Robert I.; editor: - Health and Disease in Human History : A Journal of Interdisciplinary History Reader
BOOKS011852I: Rotberg, Robert I.; editor: - Social Mobility and Modernization: A Journal of Interdisciplinary History Reader
BOOKS017880I: Rotberg, Robert I. ; Rabb, Theodore K. & ; Chojnacki, Stanley - Marriage and Fertility : Studies in Interdisciplinary History
BOOKS017248I: Rotberg, Robert I. ; editor: - Patterns of Social Capital : Stability and Change in Historical Perspective
BOOKS021392I: Rotelli, Ettore ; & Scarzella, Patrizia - In Defense of Design : The Issue of the Faux in the Industrial Production
BOOKS005883I: Rotenstreich, Nathan - Order and Might
BOOKS017450I: Rotermund, Hartmut O. - Images des occidentaux dans le Japon de l'ère Meiji
BOOKS025972I: Roth, Nicolai Henrik [1850-1902] - Provindsliv : fortælling / af Kandarius
BOOKS031588I: Roth, Rolf (1888-1985) - Illustrierter und vollständige Führer durch das Erdbeben im schweizerischen Nationalratsaal : 187 Portraitkarikaturen ..,.
BOOKS002130I: Roth, Jack J. - The Cult of Violence. Sorel & the Sorelians
BOOKS011903I: Roth, Alfred - Theodor Vladimirescu und die Orientapolitik, der Beginn national-rumänischer Entwicklung und die Haltung..,.
BOOKS014410I: Roth, Benita - Separate Roads to Feminism : Black, Chicana, and White Feminist Movements in America's Second Wave
BOOKS019254I: Roth, Leland M. - Understanding Architecture : Its Elements, History and Meaning
BOOKS010886I: Roth, Michael - The Poetics of Resistance: Heidegger's Line
BOOKS003999I: Roth, Dorothea - Die Politik der Liberal - Konservative in Basel 1875 - 1914
BOOKS020980I: Roth, Wilhelm August [1833-1892] ; editor: - Veröffentlichungen aus dem Königlich Sächsischen Militair-Sanitäts-Dienst
BOOKS004411I: Rothacher, Albrecht - Japan's Agro-Food Sector. The Politics & Economics of Excess Protection.
BOOKS017896I: Rothchild, Donald S. ; & Curry, Robert L. - Scarcity, Choice, and Public Policy in Middle Africa
BOOKS026235I: Rothe, Valdemar Henrik - Minde om Valdemar Henrik Rothe, Dr. theol., Sognepræst for Trinitatis Menighed: Født d. 6te Marts 1777, død d. 20de Februar 1857
BOOKS007074I: Rothe, Chr. - Beretning om den i aaret 1844, for kongeriget indførte nye jordskyldsætnings væsen og historie..,.
BOOKS025875I: Rothe, Hermann - a volume containing 4 eulogies for members of the Rothe family of Denmark, ca. 1846-1860
BOOKS003571I: Rothe, C. - Verbets Syntax paa Fransk
BOOKS003570I: Rothe, C. - Om Naegtelsernes Brug i det franske Sprog fra det sextende Aarhundrede indtil vore Dage
BOOKS012192I: Rothe, Hans - Religion und Kultur in den Regionen des russischen Reiches im 18. Jahrhundert : erster Versuch einer Grundlegung
BOOKS020711I: Rothe, Wilhelm [1800-1878] - Om symbolske Bøger i den lutherske Kirke : en videnskabelig Undersøgelse
BOOKS018416I: Rothenberg, Albert - The Emerging Goddess
BOOKS019359I: Rothenstein, John, Sir [1901- 1992] - Modern English Painters : Volume II. Lewis to Moore
BOOKS005703I: Rothenstein, John, Sir [1901-1992] - Modern English Painters [Volume III]: Wood to Hockney
BOOKS006689I: Rothermund, Dietmar - Asian Trade & European Expansion in The Age of Mercantilism
BOOKS019241I: Rothman, William - Documentary Film Classics
BOOKS016624I: Rothman, William - The 'I' of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics
BOOKS020406I: Rothman, David J. - The Discovery of the Asylum : Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic
BOOKS013372I: Rothschild, Kurt Wilhelm [1914 - ] - The Theory of Wages
BOOKS022325I: Rothschuh, Karl Eduard - Iatromagie : Begriff, Merkmale, Motive, Systematik
BOOKS024537I: Rothstein, Arnold ; editor: - The Moscow Lectures on Psychoanalysis
BOOKS012759I: Rothwell, Kenneth Sprague - A History of Shakespeare on Screen : A Century of Film and Television
BOOKS020389I: Rott, Nikolaus [1918-2006] - Das Feld einer raschbewegten Schallquelle
BOOKS019790I: Rotter, Max [1881-1964] - Wie wohnen wir billig? Die Lösung der Wohnungsfrage. "Das neu Haus" mit technischen Abbildungen
BOOKS020617I: Rotter, Max [1881-1964] ; editor : [ Gesellschaft neuer Menschen in Zürich ] - Die Rote Flut : Blatt für gewaltige Reform ohne Gewalt
BOOKS019729I: Rotter, Max [1881-1964] - Erlebnisse eines politischen Gefangenen in der Polizeikaserne Zürich : Ein Protest gegen die Gerichtsbarkeit von heute
BOOKS020207I: Rotter, Max [1881-1964] ; editor : [ Gesellschaft Neuer Menschen in Zürich ] - Revolution ohne Blut : Organ für Reform ohne Gewalt : I. Jahrgang, Nummer 1
BOOKS020675I: Rotter, Max [1881-1964] ; editor : [ Gesellschaft neuer Menschen in Zürich ] - Die neue Zeit: Ruf zu gewaltiger Reform ohne Gewalt
BOOKS019948I: Roubin, Lucienne A. - Chambrettes des Provençaux : Une maison des hommes en Méditerranée septentrionale
BOOKS002009I: Roud, Richard - Passion for Films : Henri Langlois and the Cinematheque Francaise
BOOKS021841I: Roudaut, Jean - Ce qui nous revient : autobiographie
BOOKS022725I: Rougemont, Denis de [1906-1985] - Les personnes du drame
BOOKS014832I: Roughead, William; editor: - Trial of Oscar Slater
BOOKS010919I: Roughgarden, Jonathan - Anolis Lizards of the Caribbean: Ecology, Evolution & Plate Tectonics
BOOKS002631I: Comite International d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale. Commission Roumain - La propagande devant la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale: Methodes, Objectifs, Resultats...
BOOKS003382I: Roumequere- Eberhardt, Jacqueline - Pensee et Societe Africaines. Essais sur une dialectique de complementarite antagoniste chez les Bantu du Sud-Est
BOOKS017698I: Rounsefell, George A. ; & Nelson, Walter R. - Red-tide Research Summarized to 1964 : Including an Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS015949I: Rouse, Joseph - Knowledge and Power: Toward a Political Philosophy of Science
BOOKS031631I: Roussel, Félix - La Muse du peuple : chants, chansons et poésies populaires
BOOKS005252I: Roustang, Francois - The Quadrille of Gender. Casanova's 'Memoirs'
BOOKS012512I: Rout, Siba Prasad - Handbook on the Juang
BOOKS016090I: Rout, Siba Prasad - Handbook on the Juang
BOOKS001852I: Rout, P.K.; Rahman, M.A. ; & Swain, S.K. - Survey Report on Village Penthabahal [Orissa]
BOOKS030531I: Routil, R. (Robert) [1893-1955] - Familienanthropologische Untersuchungen in dem ostschwäbischen Dorfe Marienfeld im rumänischen Banat : I : Biometrische Studien
BOOKS014719I: Le Roux, Hugues [1860 - 1925] - Au Sahara
BOOKS030213I: Le Roux, Hugues [ Le Roux, Robert Charles Henri (1860-1925) ] - Ménélik et nous : Le carrefour d'Aden; La route d'Addis-Ababâ; Je suis l'hôte du Négus; Vers le Nil bleu; France et Abyssinie
BOOKS027826I: Rover, Constance - Love, Morals and the Feminists
BOOKS008113I: Rovsing, K - Retskrivnings-Sporgsmaalet i dets Betydning for Literaturen og Folket
BOOKS016413I: Rowan, M. K. (Mary Katherine) - The Doves, Parrots, Louries & Cuckoos of Southern Africa
BOOKS019146I: Rowe, Peter G. - Modernity and Housing
BOOKS016845I: Rowe, Peter G. - Civic Realism
BOOKS005833I: Rowe, John Carlos; editor: - Culture" and the Problem of the Disciplines
BOOKS004057I: Rowe, William T. - Hankow: Conflict and Community in a Chinese City, 1796-1895
BOOKS022516I: Rowe, David - Popular Cultures : Rock Music, Sport, and the Politics of Pleasure
BOOKS027706I: Rowen, Herbert Harvey - The Princes of Orange : The Stadholders in the Dutch Republic
BOOKS013193I: Rowlett, Paul [1966 - ] - Sentential Negation in French
BOOKS010635I: Rowley, H.H. - From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology
BOOKS019093I: Rowley, Harold Henry [1890-1969] - The Zadokite Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls
BOOKS015647I: Rowley, A. F. (Arthur Frederick); Kühn, H. (Hartmut); & Schewe, T. ; editors: - Eicosanoids and Related Compounds in Plants and Animals
BOOKS006410I: Roxborough, Ian - Unions & Politics in Mexico. The Case of the Automobile Industry
BOOKS023080I: Roy Choudhury, Pranab Chandra - Inside Bihar
BOOKS023558I: Roy, N.B. - A People in Distress : Being a Connected Account of the Namas from 1812 A.D. Down to the Present Day ..,.Vol. II.
BOOKS023906I: Roy, Hubert van - Les byaambvu du Moyen-Kwango : histoire du royaume luwa-yaka
BOOKS005299I: Roy, Jaytilak Guha - Prisons & Society. A Study of the Indian Jail System.
BOOKS012464I: Roy, Nirodbhusan [Roy, Nirod Bhusan] [Nimat Allah fl. 1613-1630] [Niamatullah] - Niamatullah's History of the Afghans. Part I: Lodi Period. Translated with Variorum Notes
BOOKS018970I: Roy, S.C. [ Geological Survey of India ] - The Bihar-Nepal Earthquake of 1934
BOOKS006102I: Roy, C. J. - The Tiyya Dialect
BOOKS016402I: Roy, Satis Chandra [1888-19??] ; compiler: - Land Revenue Administration in India : Prescribed for the B.A. Examination
BOOKS004311I: Roy, A.G. - Geology & Groundwater Resources of the Narmada Valley
BOOKS030674I: Roy, Deepak ; editor & publisher: - For a Proletarian Party: A Journal of Revolutionary Marxism : October 2003
BOOKS003989I: Roy, A.K. & Ramanamurty, D.V. - Near Surface Groundwater Studies in the Central Narmada Valley, Madhya Pradesh
BOOKS002350I: Roy, Sita Ram - Karian Excavations: 1955
BOOKS001272I: Roy, J. K. and Roy, B.C. - Hunger & Physique. A Study of the Juang Population of Orissa
BOOKS001273I: Roy, J. K. & Roy, B.C. - Nutritional Background and Growth of Infants: A Major District of West Bengal
BOOKS003520I: Roy, B.C. - Geological Notes on the Central Railway Tunnels of the Western Ghats, India
BOOKS006871I: De Roy, H.L. - A Tribe in Transition : The Jaintias of Meghalaya
BOOKS003148I: Roy, G.P. - Grasses of Madhya Pradesh
BOOKS002443I: Roy, Tirthankar - Artisans and Industrialization: Indian Weaving in the Twentieth Century
BOOKS020945I: Roy Burman, B. K. ; Hazra, D. ; & Banerjee, N. K. ; editors: [ University of Calcutta. Dept. of Anthropology. Museum ] - Catalogue of Tribal Specimens / Museum of the Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta
BOOKS021203I: Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel - Un concept : L'unification microbienne du monde (XIVe - XVII3 siecles)
BOOKS021618I: Roy, Pabitra Kumar [ Roy, Pabitrakumar ] - Beauty, Art, and Man : Studies in Recent Indian Theories of Art
BOOKS021627I: Roy, Asish Kumar - Unfinished Revolution : The Spring Thunder and Beyond
BOOKS029063I: Roy, Jean Henri ; & Deviosse, Jean - La bataille de Poitiers, octobre 733
BOOKS017686I: Royal, Marshal [1912-1995] - Marshal Royal : Jazz Survivor
BOOKS011220I: [Morocco] Royaume du Maroc, Ministere de la Prevision Economique et du Plan - Etudes demographiques: Famille au Maroc: Les reseaux de solidarite familiale
BOOKS003796I: Royce, William Hobert - A Balzac Bibliography. Writings relative to the Life & Works of Honore de Balzac
BOOKS004031I: Roychowdhury, M.K., et al - Bauxite Deposits of Phutka Pahar, Bilaspur District, Madhya Pradesh
BOOKS001946I: Roychowdhury, Profulla - The North East. Roots of Insurgency
BOOKS027615I: Royle, Edward - Radicals, Secularists, and Republicans : Popular Freethought in Britain, 1866-1915
BOOKS024014I: Roymans, Nico ; editor: - From the Sword to the Plough : Three Studies on the Earliest Romanisation of Northern Gaul
BOOKS005343I: Røyneland, Unn ; editor: [ International Ivar Aasen Conference (1996 : Oslo, Norway)] - Language Contact and Language Conflict : Proceedings of the International Ivar Aasen Conference, 14-15 November 1996..,.
BOOKS002195I: Roziewicz, Jerzy - Polsko-Rosyjskie Powiazania Naukowe (1725-1918)
BOOKS025634I: Rozwadowska, Bozena - Thematic Constraints on Selected Constructions in English and Polish
BOOKS018250I: Rozycki, Edmond ; compiler: - Quelques cris d'amour et de douleur sur l'état actuel de la France
BOOKS029656I: Rrota, Justin - Per historín e alfabetit shqyp : dhe studime tjera gjuhesore [ together with "Monumenti..,.D. Gjon Buzuku (1555)"]
BOOKS015690I: Rubbers, Benjamin - Devenir médecin en République Démocratique du Congo..,.
BOOKS014028I: Rubel, Arthur J. - Susto: A Folk Illness
BOOKS005376I: Rubenson, Sven; editor: - Correspondence and Treaties 1800 - 1854
BOOKS008100I: Rubenstein, Diane - What's Left? The Ecole Normale Superieure and the Right
BOOKS016969I: Rubenstein, Daniel I. ; & Wrangham, Richard W. ; editors: - Ecological Aspects of Social Evolution: Birds and Mammals
BOOKS003144I: Rubic, Ivo - Les Italiens sur le littoral du Royaume de Yougoslave
BOOKS023288I: Rubin, Barry M. - Revolution Until Victory? : The Politics and History of the PLO
BOOKS011692I: Rubin, Don; editor: - The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre. Volume 6: Bibliography / Cumulative Index
BOOKS021869I: Rubin, Martin [1915-2006] ; Martyell, Arthur E.; & Bersworth, Frederick C. - The Biological Actions of the Versenes
BOOKS010252I: Rubin, Don - The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre. Volume 1: Europe
BOOKS009524I: Rubin, David Lee - A Pact with Silence: Art & Thought in the Fables of Jean de la Fontaine
BOOKS007569I: Rubin, Irene S.; editor: - New Directions in Budget Theory
BOOKS000030I: Rubin, Barry - The Tragedy of the Middle East
BOOKS005135I: Rubinstein, Lene - Adoption in IV. Century Athens
BOOKS004200I: Rubinstein, Alvin Z. - Soviet Policy Toward Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan: The Dynamic of Influence
BOOKS004131I: Rubinstein, David & Alanen, Yrjo O., editors: - Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium,Turku,Finalnd, August 4 - 7 1971
BOOKS001601I: Rubinstein, Alvin Z. - Red Star on the Nile: The Soviet-Egyptian Influence Relationship since the June War
BOOKS017823I: Rubow, Paul Victor [ 1896-1976 ] - Hippolyte Taine : Etapes de son oeuvre
BOOKS000994I: Rubow, Axel - Renteforhold i Danmark I Tidsrummet fra Reformationen til Chr. V's Danske Lov.
BOOKS026129I: Rubow, Axel [1873-1940] - Nationalbankens historie 1818-1878 / Udgivet af Nationalbanken i Kjøbenhavn
BOOKS001057I: Rubsel, R. S. - Iadul pe Pamant
BOOKS012844I: Rückbrod, Konrad - Universität und Kollegium, Baugeschichte und Bautyp
BOOKS022317I: Ruckebusch, Yves - A Historical Profile of Early Digestive Studies
BOOKS018230I: Rucker, Charles Wilbur ; & Keys, Thomas Edward - The Atlases of Ophthalmoscopy, 1850-1950
BOOKS015484I: Rudberg, Gunnar - Poseidonios från Apameia : Bidrag till en Karaktäristik [bound together with: "Forschungen zu Poseidonios
BOOKS031297I: Rudberg, Gunnar [1880-1954] - Zum sogenannten zehnten Buche der Aristotelischen Tiergeschichte
BOOKS025047I: Rudd, Niall - The Satires of Horace : A Study
BOOKS003963I: Rudden, Bernard - Basic Community Cases
BOOKS004882I: Rude, Caja [1884-1949] - Skyggebilleder : Noveller
BOOKS015638I: Rude-Antoine, Edwige - Le mariage maghrébin en France
BOOKS019097I: Rudé, George F. E. - Robespierre : Portrait of a Revolutionary Democrat
BOOKS025722I: Rudelbach, Andreas Gottlob [1792-1862] - Om Sognebaandet og om Ordinationens Væsen og Betydning : en kirkehistorisk-kirkeretlig og dogmatisk Undersøgelse
BOOKS017128I: Rudelbach, A. G. (Andreas Gottlob) [1792-1862] - Om Sognebaandet og om Ordinationens Væsen og Betydning : En kirkehistorisk - kirkeretlig og dogmatisk Undersøgelse
BOOKS013816I: Rudelson, Justin Jon [ Ben-Adam, Justin ] - Oasis Identities: Uyghur Nationalism Along China's Silk Road
BOOKS001986I: Rudelson, Justin Jon - Oasis identities: Uyghur Nationalism Along China's Silk Road
BOOKS004873I: Rudenko, S.I. - Der Zweite Kurgan von Pasyryk. Arbeitsergebnisse der Expedition des Institutes fur Geschichte der materiallen Kultur..UdSSR.1947
BOOKS019137I: Rudhof, Bettina - Begreifbare Baukunst : die Bedeutung von Türgriffen in der Architektur
BOOKS023248I: Rudin, A. [pseudonym of Aleksandr Ivanovich Potapov (1869-1915)] - Na tu zhe temu : eshche ob agrarnykh ekskursiiakh rossiiskikh sotsial-demokratov
BOOKS008992I: Rüdisser, J. Adolph - Chrysostomus : Ein Reformplan der katholischen Kanzelberedsamkeit
BOOKS013787I: Rudner, David West - Caste and Capitalism in Colonial India: Nattukottai Chettiars
BOOKS018227I: Rudnicki, Adolf; editor: - Lest We Forget
BOOKS017750I: Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber ; & Rudolph, Lloyd I. - Gandhi : The Traditional Roots of Charisma
BOOKS016140I: Rudolph, Emil ; editor : [ Internationalen Seismologischen Konferenz ] - Verhandlungen der vom 11. bis 13. April 1901 zu Strassburg abgehaltenen ersten Internationalen Seismologischen Konferenz..,.
BOOKS000343I: Dadigama V Rudrigu [ Kandegama Kularathna ] - Marana warenthuwa nohoth Wijeweerage nikmayama
BOOKS023623I: Rudy, Vasyl' - Chortiachy sanatori : istoryko-pobutovy roman z elementamy erotyky i trahizmu
BOOKS025850I: Rudzinska, Wanda Maria ; compiler: - Katalog Kolekcji Henryka Grohmana w Gabinecie Rycin BUW : Czesc 1 : Ryciny i rysunki francuskie XIX-XX wieku.
BOOKS019465I: Ruelens, Paul [ Abbate, Onofrio ] [Ritt, Olivier ] et al - L'adhésion de Belgique au règlement douanier égyptien [bound together 6 pamphlets concerning modern Egypt, ca.1868-1923]
BOOKS007642I: Rueschemeyer, Dietrich - Power and the Division of Labour
BOOKS027992I: Ruete, Christian Georg Theodor [1810-1867] - Die Scrophelkrankheit, insbesondere die scrophulöse Augenentzündung
BOOKS007083I: Ruf, Henry, editor: - Religion, Ontotheology, and Deconstruction
BOOKS009682I: Ruf, Gregory A. - Cadres and Kin: Making a Socialist Village in West China, 1921-1991
BOOKS008638I: Ruff, Holly Alliger & Rothbart, Mary Klevjord - Attention in Early Development: Themes and Variations
BOOKS020393I: Ruffié, Jacques - The Population Alternative : A New Look at Competition and the Species
BOOKS028977I: Ruffolo, Giorgio - Quando l'Italia era una superpotenza : il ferro di Roma e l'oro dei mercanti
BOOKS025668I: Rugaard, Daniel Eiler [1806-1875] - Rigsdagsviser fra begyndelsen af halvfjerdserne : sammenstillede og udgivne af D.E. Rugaard
BOOKS022478I: Ruge, Georg [1852-1919] - Die äusseren Formverhältnisse der Leber bei den Primaten: Eine vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung: VI: Die Leber des Menschen
BOOKS011914I: Ruggiero, Kristin Hoffman - And Here the World Ends: The Life of an Argentine Village
BOOKS007584I: Rugman, Alan & Verbeke, Alain - Global Corporate Strategy and Trade Policy
BOOKS027247I: Rühl, W. ; & Vancura, A. ; editors : - Strong Interaction Physics : International Summer Institute on Theoretical Physics in Kaiserslautern 1972
BOOKS003648I: Ruhl, Alfred - Vom Wirtschaftsgeist im Orient
BOOKS001765I: Ruhl, Alfred - Das Standortsproblem in der Landwirtschafts-Geographie.(Das Neuland Ostaustralien)
BOOKS016963I: Rühle-Gerstel, Alice [1894-1943] [ Rühle, Alice Gerstel ] - Der Frau und der Kapitalismus
BOOKS015218I: Ruhlen, Merritt - On the Origin of Languages : Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy
BOOKS003487I: Ruhstraat, Ernst - Aus dem Lande der Mitte. Schilderungen der Sitten und Gebrauche der Chinesen
BOOKS014032I: Ruiz Cabrero, Gabriel - The Modern in Spain: Architecture After 1948
BOOKS018357I: Ruiz Montejo, Inés. - El Romanico de Villas y Tierras de Segovia
BOOKS001756I: Ruiz de Galarreta, Alberto - El Doctor José Gómez Ocaña : su vida y su obra
BOOKS001286I: Ruiz Urrestarazu, Eugenio - La Transicion Climatica del Cantabrico Oriental al Valle Medio del Ebro
BOOKS000796I: Ruiz Lagos,Manuel - El dean Lopez Cepero y la ilustracion romantica : Ensayo critico y literario sobre un ilustre jerezano del siglo XIX
BOOKS000793I: Ruiz Lagos, Manuel - Ilustrados y reformadores en la baja Andalucia
BOOKS000794I: Ruiz Lagos,Manuel - Politica y desarrollo social en la baja Andalucia
BOOKS029684I: P'ruize, Levan Akakievic - Raca et'nograp'is t'valit'
BOOKS026505I: Rukmani, T. S. - Sankara : The Man and his Philosophy
BOOKS028409I: Ruland, Anton [1809-1874] - Der fränkische Clerus und die Redemptoristen : Denkschrift bei der beabsichtigten Einführung dieses Ordens in Franken .,.,.
BOOKS021290I: Rullkötter, Bernd ; translator: - Turkmenenforschung : Band 3
BOOKS021488I: Rullkötter, Bernd ; editor: - Turkmenenforschung : Band 1
BOOKS022071I: Rullkötter, Bernd ; & Schletzer, Reinhold; translators: - Turkmenenforschung : Band 4
BOOKS021963I: Rullkötter, Bernd ; translator: - Turkmenenforschung : Band 2
BOOKS009148I: Schulamt der Deutschen Volksgruppe in Rumänien [ Hollinger, Rudolf ] - Volk und Schule : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Erzieherschaft in Rumänien : 3. Jahrgang, Heft 12, Dezember 1943
BOOKS009062I: Rumar, Kåre ; Ås, Berit ; & Gunnarsson, S. Olof - Studies in Traffic
BOOKS003127I: Rumohr, Theodor Vilhelm Kjerstrup [1807-1884] - Han spandt en Ende : Historisk Skizze af P. P.
BOOKS026138I: Rumohr, Theodor Vilhelm Kjerstrup [1807-1884] - To historiske fortællinger / af P.P. (Forf. til 'Peter Tordenskjold', 'Grevens Feide', etc, etc.)
BOOKS017294I: Rumphius, Georgius Everhardus [ Rumpf, Georg Eberhard (1627-1702)] - Rumphius' Orchids : Orchid Texts from the Ambonese Herbal
BOOKS005517I: Rumsey, Peter Lockwood - Acts of God and the People, 1620 - 1730
BOOKS028712I: Runciman, Steven - Die Eroberung von Konstantinopel 1453
BOOKS016532I: Runciman, Steven [1903-2000] - Das Patriarchat von Konstantinopel : vom Vorabend der türkischen Eroberung bis zum griechischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg
BOOKS004529I: Runciman, W. G. (Walter Garrison) - A Treatise on Social Theory : Volume 3 : Applied Social Theory
BOOKS018218I: Runciman, Steven - The First Crusade
BOOKS021680I: Runciman, Steven [1903-2000] - A History of the Crusades : Volume Three: The Kingdom of Acre, and the Later Crusades
BOOKS021681I: Runciman, Steven [1903-2000] - A History of the Crusades : Volume Two: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187
BOOKS015351I: Runcorn, S. K . (Stanley Keith) [1922-1995] ; editor : - The Applications of Modern Physics to the Earth and Planetary Interiors
BOOKS001640I: Rundberg, Jonas - Den svenska örtugsmyntningen under Kristoffer av Bayern till Sten Sture den äldre, ca 1440 till 1470 talets slut: en stampstudie
BOOKS016195I: Rundell, Michael - The Dictionary of Cricket
BOOKS005783I: Runnels, Curtis ; Pullen, Dabniel J. ; & Langdon, Susan , editors : - Artifact and Assemblage : The Finds from a Regional Survey of the Southern Argolid, Greece. Volume I.,..
BOOKS001010I: Runnstrom, Sven - Study on the Life History & Migrations of Norwegian Spring-Herring based on Analysis of Winter Rings & Summer Zones of the Scale
BOOKS029267I: Ruoff- Väänänen, Eeva - Studies on the Italian Fora
BOOKS024111I: Rupp, Paul Berthold - Die Vorfahren von Henriette von Mömpelgard : eine Ahnentafel
BOOKS016397I: Ruppert, David ; Wand, M. P. (Matt P.) ; & Carroll, Raymond J. - Semiparametric Regression
BOOKS024182I: Rupprecht, Ernst - Die Schrift vom Staate der Athener : Interpretationen
BOOKS008987I: Ruprecht, Arndt - Die ausgehende Wikingerzeit im Lichte der Runeninschriften
BOOKS016904I: Rürup, Reinhard ; editor: - Topography of Terror : Gestapo, SS and Reichssicherheitshauptamt on the "Prinz-Albrecht-Terrain" : A Documentation
BOOKS013472I: Rus, Borislav [Rusz, Boriszlav]; editor: - Etnografija Srba u Maharskoj / Magyarországi szerbek néprajza: 4
BOOKS010773I: Rusanivskoho, V.M. [Rusanivs'kyi, Vitalii Makarovych] [Akademiia nauk URSR, Instytut movoznavstva im O.O. Potebni] - Ukrainshi hramoty XV st: Pidhotovha tekstu, vstup, stattia i komentari
BOOKS027431I: Rusch, Walter - Klassen und Staat in Buganda vor der Kolonialzeit : über die Entwicklung der Produktionsverhältnisse in Buganda ..,.
BOOKS009447I: Ruse, Michael - Can a Darwinian Be a Christian?: The Relationship between Science and Religion
BOOKS009824I: Rushforth, Scott & Chisholm, James S. - Cultural Persistence: Continuity in Meaning and Moral Responsibility among the Bearlake Athapaskans
BOOKS023578I: Odbocka Ceskoslovenské Národní Rady v Rusku - Prisaha ceskoslovackeho vojska : Oficielni text schváleny v plenarnim zasedani O.C.S.N.R. ve dnech 1.-8. / 12. v Kyjeve
BOOKS026114I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamlerforeningen 1989 - 1999 : Jubilæumsnummer
BOOKS025982I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 67 - 68 - 69 - 70 - 71 - 72 [23.- 24. Årgang : 2011- 2012 ]
BOOKS025907I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 [17.- 18. Årgang : 2005- 2006 ]
BOOKS025883I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 [11.- 12. Årgang :1999-2000 ]
BOOKS013578I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : No.s 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 [5.- 6. Årgang : 1993-1994]
BOOKS011375I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : No.s 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 [ 3.- 4. Årgang : 1991-1992]
BOOKS024070I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : No.s 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 [13.- 14. Årgang : 2001-2002]
BOOKS024085I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 [15.- 16. Årgang : 2003-2004]
BOOKS026107I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 78 - 79 - 80 - 81 - 82 - 83 [27.- 29. Årgang : 2015- 2017 ]
BOOKS003906I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : No.s 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 [1.- 2. Årgang : 1989-1990]
BOOKS025937I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60 [19.- 20. Årgang : 2007- 2009 ]
BOOKS025949I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 [21.- 22. Årgang : 2009- 2010 ]
BOOKS020679I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : No.s 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 [7.- 8. Årgang : 1995-1996]
BOOKS026072I: Ruslandssamlerforeningen - Ruslandssamleren : Medlemsblad for Ruslandssamlerforeningen : Nr.s 73 - 74 - 75 - 76 - 77 [25.- 26. Årgang : 2013- 2014 ]
BOOKS026376I: Russele, Lui - Geroi-Barabanshchik : Istoricheskii Razskaz
BOOKS012546I: Russell, R. W. (Robert W.) - Remarks on the English Enlistment Question, with an Abstract of the Correspondence Thereon
BOOKS009428I: Russell, Trusten Wheeler - Voltaire, Dryden & Heroic Tragedy
BOOKS007168I: Russell, Jeffrey Burton - The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History
BOOKS017711I: Russell, Claire ; & Russell, W. M. S. (William Moy Stratton) - Violence, Monkeys, and Man
BOOKS015221I: Russell, Jeffrey Burton - Satan: The Early Christian Tradition
BOOKS015066I: Russell, Jeffrey Burton - Mephistopheles : The Devil in the Modern World
BOOKS015909I: Russell, Jeffrey Burton - The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History
BOOKS003224I: Russell-Wood, A.J.R. - Fidalgos & Philanthropists. The Santa Casa da Misericordia of Bahia 1550-1755
BOOKS013142I: Russell, Graham - Essential Psychology for Nurses and Other Health Professionals
BOOKS002913I: Russell, Ralph ; & Islam, Khurshidul, editors: - Ghalib 1797 - 1869 : Volume 1: Life and Letters
BOOKS020919I: Russell, John David - Henry Green : Nine Novels and an Unpacked Bag
BOOKS021379I: Russell, Jeffrey Burton - Paradise Mislaid : How We Lost Heaven - And How We Can Regain It
BOOKS000515I: Russett, Bruce - Grasping the Democratic Peace: Principles for a Post-Cold War World
BOOKS015004I: Russia, Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie - Apercu statistique sur le dévelopment et l'état de la marine marchande russe de 1896 à 1907
BOOKS019541I: Russia, Hidrograficheskago Departamenta Morskago Ministerstva - Nastavlenie smotriteliam' maikov' k' podaniiu pomoshti zabolevscim'
BOOKS002823I: Russo, P. - Recherches geologiques sur la "Territoire des Hauts Plateaux" (Maroc Oriental)
BOOKS009784I: Russo, Elena - Skeptical Selves : Empiricism and Modernity in the French Novel
BOOKS019444I: Russu, Ion I. [1911-1985] - Elementele traco-getice în Imperiul Roman si în Byzantium (veacurile III-VII) : Contributie la istoria si romanizarea tracilor
BOOKS006128I: Rust, Alfred - Vor 20,000 Jahren : Rentierjäger der Eiszeit
BOOKS022544I: Rust, Wilhelm - Das Tischlerhandwerk der Stadt Flensburg : Ein Gang durch vier Jahrhunderte bis zum Jahre 1866
BOOKS025086I: Rustami, Mustafa - Chutashi dar Mazandaran
BOOKS008868I: Rustin, Margaret; Rhode, Maria; Dubinsky, Alex; & Dubinsky, Helene; editors: - Psychotic States in Children
BOOKS007298I: Rustomji, Nari Kaikhosru - Enchanted Frontiers: Sikkim, Bhutan and India's North-Eastern Borderlands
BOOKS023795I: Ruta, Anna Maria ; editor: - Il nomade : Pippo Rizzo nell'arte del Novecento; Corleone, 2 aprile - 7 maggio duemilasei, Complesso San Ludovico
BOOKS028454I: Ruth, Walter - Experimentalphonetische Untersuchung über die Dehnung kurzer Vokale im Standard English
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BOOKS025300I: Sa'id, 'Abd al-Karim - Jumjumah wahidah li-rajulayn
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BOOKS023000I: Saatci, Suphi - The Urban Fabric and Traditional Houses of Kirkuk
BOOKS015830I: Saatci, Suphi - al-qaba'il wa al-asha'ir al-Turkmaniyah fi al-Iraq wa manatiq sakanahum
BOOKS023011I: Saatci, Suphi - Kerkük'ten derlenen olay türküleri
BOOKS018032I: Sabat, Steven R. - The Experience of Alzheimer's Disease : Life Through a Tangled Veil
BOOKS013843I: Sabean, David Warren - Kinship in Neckarhausen, 1700-1870
BOOKS001948I: Saberwal, Satish - Mobile Men. Limits to Social Change in Urban Punjab
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BOOKS027501I: Sabin, Joseph [1821-1881] ; compiler : [ Eames, Wilberforce (1855-1937) ] [ Vail, Robert William Glenroie (1890-1966) ] - A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, From its Discovery to the Present Time [Volumes 1- 29]
BOOKS028787I: Sabir, Ahmed - Las Canarias prehispanicas y el Norte de Africa : el ejemplo de Marruecos : paralelismos lingüisticos y culturales
BOOKS013303I: Sabloff, Jeremy A.; Rathje, William L.; & Connor, Judith G.; editors: - A Study of Changing Pre-Columbian Commercial Systems: The 1972-1973 Seasons at Cozumel, Mexico: A Preliminary Report
BOOKS021182I: Sabloniere, Margrit de - Feiten en achtergronden van de opstand (in) Angola
BOOKS028922I: Sabrow, Martin ; & Schilling, Günter ; editors : [ Walther Rathenau Gesellschaft ] - Mitteilungen der Walther Rathenau Gesellschaft : Nr.s 5 -14 [April 1995-Juli 2004]
BOOKS010869I: Saburi, Narjis Banu ; & Amuzgar, Zhalah - Pizishki bih rivayat-i kitab-i sivvum-i Dinkart : matn-i Farsi-i miyanah, avanivisht, tarjumah, tawzihat va vazhahnamah
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BOOKS031505I: Sacco, Remig - L-elezzjonijiet generali 1849-1986 : il-grajja politika u kostituzzjonali ta' Malta
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BOOKS030583I: Sachau, Eduard ; editor : - Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen ..,. : Jahrgang XII : Dritte Abteilung, Afrikanische Studien
BOOKS001949I: Sachchidananda - The Tribal Village in Bihar. A Study in Unity & Extension
BOOKS002994I: Sachs, Julius - Vorlesungen uber Pflanzen-Physiologie
BOOKS011965I: Sachs, Wolfgang - Planet Dialectics: Explorations in Environment and Development
BOOKS009535I: Sachs, Harvey - Music in Fascist Italy
BOOKS004645I: Sachslehner, Johannes - Führerwort und Führerblick : Mirko Jelusich, zur Strategie eines Bestsellerautors in den dreissiger Jahren
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BOOKS010329I: Sacks, Sheldon - Fiction and the Shape of Belief : A Study of Henry Fielding, with Glances at Swift, Johnson, and Richardson.
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BOOKS021900I: Sadaqat, 'Ali Akbar - Aftab-i khuban : sharh-i ahval-i Ayat al-Haqq Sayyid 'Abd al-Karim Kashmiri (1304-1378 Sh.)
BOOKS019092I: Sadasivan, D. - The Growth of Public Opinion in the Madras Presidency, 1858-1909
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BOOKS020400I: Sadran, Gérard - Les roches cristallines du littoral oranais
BOOKS025115I: Sadri, Ahmad ; editor : [ Himayish-i Bayn al-Milali-i Safi- al-Din Urmawi (2004 : Tehran) ] - Safi al-Din Urmawi : majmu'ah-i maqalat-i himayish-i bayn al-milali / bih kushish-i Ahmad Sadri
BOOKS025013I: Bunta Sængdavong - Huankhun senthang 35 pi / khian banthuk vai doi Bunta Sængdavong
BOOKS021777I: Saenz, Vicente [1896-1963] - Rompiendo cadenas : Las del imperialismo norteamericano en Centro América
BOOKS017682I: Saeter, Martin ; & Smart, Ian - The Political Implications of North Sea Oil and Gas
BOOKS024947I: Sæther, Knut-Willy - Spor av Gud : John Polkinghornes forståelse av teologiens forhold til naturvitenskap..,.
BOOKS020691I: Safa, Helen Icken - The Myth of the Male Breadwinner : Women and Industrialization in the Caribbean
BOOKS014016I: Safdie, Moshe - The Harvard Jerusalem Studio: Urban Designs for the Holy City
BOOKS003122I: El Saffar, Ruth - Beyond Fiction. The Recovery of the Feminine in the Novels of Cervantes
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BOOKS020897I: Safi'nizhad, Javad - Kushishi dar amuzish-i khatt-i siyaq / ta'lif-i Javad Safi'nizhad
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BOOKS007546I: Safley, Thomas Max - Charity and Economy in the Orphanages of Early Modern Augsburg
BOOKS005161I: Säflund, Gösta [1903-2004] - De Pallio und die stilistische Entwicklung Tertullians
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BOOKS007592I: Sagar, S.L. - Araksan kyom?
BOOKS005316I: Sagar, Sabinderjit Singh - Historical Analysis of Nanak Prakash by Bhai Santokh Singh
BOOKS005103I: Sagar, S.L. - Cluster of Conceptions
BOOKS020373I: Sagar, Brij Mohan - Songs of Ravi Das
BOOKS021098I: Sagar, S.L. - Hindu Maansikta
BOOKS026491I: Sagar, N. R. - Antima avarodha
BOOKS001402I: Sagarin, Edward - Raskolnikov and Others: Literary Images of Crime, Punishment, Redemption & Atonement
BOOKS019646I: Sage, Lorna ; Greer, Germaine ; & Showalter, Elaine ; editors: - The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English
BOOKS018273I: Sager, H ; Duntzfelt, W. ; & Meinert, N. [ Kjøbenhavns Fattigdirection ] - Yttringer om Det Kjøbenhavnske Fattigvæsens Stiftelser : En Comiteebetænkning til de 32 Mænds Forsamling af D.Hrr Sager ..,.
BOOKS030323I: Sager, Hans Carl [1808-1885] - Minister Bluhme : Et politisk Tilbageblik
BOOKS029860I: Khyan Saghan - Kamran qatthapad kamnaby krom camnan joentha maktál srukviñ
BOOKS017458I: Sagrera, Antonio Binimelis - A Study of Alamkaras in Sanskrit Mahakavyas and Khandakavyas
BOOKS024375I: Museu de Sagunt [ Aranegui Gasco, Carmed; compiler: ] - Espai public i espai privat : les escultures romanes del Museu de Sagunt
BOOKS014295I: Sah, Raaj Kumar ; & Stiglitz, Joseph E. - Peasants Versus City-dwellers : Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development
BOOKS023114I: Saha, Kshanika - Indian Medical Text in Central Asia
BOOKS002291I: Saha, Sudhanshu Bikash - Socio-Economic Survey of the Noatia Tribes
BOOKS019087I: Lalana Saha [1774-1890] [ Lalon Fakir ] [ Fakir Lalon Shah ] - Lalon parikrama
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BOOKS001950I: Saha, Kalyani - Police and Development. A Case Study of West Bengal 1951-1971
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