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BOOKS008215I: Patniak, N. & Choudhury, B. - Sapua Kela
BOOKS008209I: Patniak, N.; Chowdhury, B.; & Patniak, P.S. Das - The Bondos and Their Response to Development
BOOKS014600I: Paton, H. J. (Herbert James) [1887-1969] - Der kategorische Imperativ : eine Untersuchung über Kants Moralphilosophie
BOOKS000820I: Patra, S. C. - The Formation of the Province of Orissa : The Success of the First Linguistic Movement in India.
BOOKS022906I: Aaj-Kal Patrika - Aaj-Kal Patrika : 14sha Barsha [14 April 1945 - 02 February 1946]
BOOKS010183I: Patrut, Ioan - Onomastica romaneasca
BOOKS018591I: Brajasundar Pattanaik [ Panda, Bhagaban ; editor] [Vrajasundara Pattanayaka, 18th century] - Sulocanamadhavamahakavyam / Vrajasundarapattanayakaviracitam ; sampadakah Bhagavan Panda
BOOKS004562I: Pattanaik, P.K. - A Forgotten Chapter of Orissan History (with special reference to the Rajas of Khurda and Puri) 1568 - 1828
BOOKS008945I: Pattanayak, D.P. & Kachru, Yamuna; editors: - Relational Grammar: A Colloquium
BOOKS008746I: [Central Institute of Indian Languages] Pattanayak, D.P.Annamalai, E.; & Koul, Oumar N.; editors: - Vartavaha Nr. 1 - 6 [April 1979-September 2000]
BOOKS006444I: Pattanayak, D.P.; Annamalai, E.; & Bayer, jennifer M.; editors: - To Greater Heights. Faculty Research of CIIL 1969-1979. Part I & II
BOOKS000550I: Pattanayak, Debi Prasanna - Controlled Historical Reconstruction of Oriya, Assamese, Bengali and Hindi
BOOKS000821I: Pattanayak, D. P., editor: - Trends in Juvenile Literature in India. (Papers submitted to the 14th Session of the All-India Juvenile Literary Conference...
BOOKS006816I: Pattanshetti, C.C. - Economics of Lift Irrigation using Electric Power in South Kanara District
BOOKS014134I: Patterson, Annabel M. - Reading Between the Lines
BOOKS012008I: Patterson, Annabel; editor: - Roman Images : Selected Papers from the English Institute ; 1982
BOOKS009517I: Pattison, F.L.M. - Granville Sharp Pattison: Anatomist and Antagonist 1791-1851
BOOKS014100I: Patton, Laurie L.; editor: - Authority, Anxiety and Canon: Essays in Vedic Interpretation
BOOKS016797I: Patton, Laurie L. ; & Doniger, Wendy ; editors: - Myth and Method
BOOKS017798I: Patton, Orion Edward - Aircraft Instruments : Their Theory, Function and Use
BOOKS025919I: Jóannes Patursson [1866-1946] - Viđ ókunnugum fólki til Kirkjobřar
BOOKS012651I: Pauketat, Timothy R. - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians
BOOKS028972I: Paul, Jürgen ; editor : - Der Islam : Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der islamischen Orients : Band 77, Heft 1 - 2000
BOOKS003053I: Paul, Charles B. - Science & Immortality: The Eloges of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1699-1791)
BOOKS009525I: Paul, Sherman - Repossessing & Renewing: Essays in the Green American Tradition
BOOKS019032I: Paul, Amar ; & Chaudhuri, Dulal ; editors: - Banglar Lokasangeet
BOOKS006883I: Paul, Fritz - Symbol und Mythos. Studien zum Spatwerk Henrik Ibsens
BOOKS004708I: Paul, Sherman - Olson's Push: Origin, Black Mountain and Recent American Poetry
BOOKS004435I: Paul, Valerie J., editor: - Ecological Roles of Marine Natural Products
BOOKS026858I: Pauli, Ludwig ; editor : [ Keltenmuseum Hallein ] - Die Kelten in Mitteleuropa : Kultur, Kunst, Wirtschaft : Salzburger Landesausstellung 1. Mai-30. Sept. 1980 im Keltenmuseum
BOOKS031839I: Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst [1900-1958] - Ueber die Intensitäten der im elektrischen Feld erscheinenden Kombinationslinien
BOOKS007455I: Pauli, Ludwig - Die Golasecca-Kultur und Mitteleuropa. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Handels uber die Alpen
BOOKS001637I: Pauli, Leslaw - Poenae propriae : das Problem der Sonderstrafen in der europäischen Gesetzgebung aus den Jahren 1751-1903
BOOKS006160I: Paulitschke, Philipp - Die Afrika-Literatur in der Zeit von 1500 bis 1750 n. Ch.: Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Quellenkunde
BOOKS002313I: Pauliukas, J.A. - Keliones Ispudziai
BOOKS025610I: Paulli, Jakob - Frřken Josepha Holm : I vor Frue Kirke den 26 Marts 1880
BOOKS024429I: Paulli, Jakob - Ved Professor, Dr. philos. S. Heegaard's Jordefćrd den 2. April 1884
BOOKS027829I: Paulli, Jakob - Etatsraadinde Sophie Magdalene Holm fřdt Cornelius : I vor Frue Kirke den 20 Maj 1881
BOOKS025927I: Paulli, Just Henrik Voltelen [1809-1865] - Dr. Niels Hemmingsens pastoraltheologie : et bidrag til den praktiske theologies historie / udgivet for doctorgraden i theologi
BOOKS027712I: Paulo, Leopoldina Ferreira - Impressőes digitais nos indígenas da Guiné Portuguesa
BOOKS024792I: Pauls, August [1873-1956] - Geschichte der Aachener Freimaurerei : Erster Band: Die Aachener Freimaurerei in der reichsstädtischen Zeit, bis..,. 1794
BOOKS027136I: Paulsen, Valdemar - Brogede Billeder paa Vers
BOOKS023073I: Paulsen, Hans Hejselbjerg - Sřnderjydsk psalmesang 1717-1740 : fra Ćgidius til Pontoppidan : en kirkehistorisk undersřgelse
BOOKS007810I: Paulson, Michael G. - The Possible Influence of Montaigne's Essais on Descartes' Treatise on the Passions
BOOKS012277I: Paunu, Hj. A. - Evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan i Finland : Ĺren 1937-1941
BOOKS011296I: Pauser, Franz - Spaniens tor zum Mittelmeer und die katalanische Frage
BOOKS008951I: Das, Paushali - Wild Edible Plants of Tripura Tribes
BOOKS024460I: Pauson, Marian L. - Jung the Philosopher : Essays in Jungian Thought
BOOKS011972I: Pauw, B.A. - The Second Generation: A Study of the Family Among Urbanized Bantu in East London
BOOKS030440I: Pauwels, A. G. ; & ; Bauwens-de Jaegere, I. [ Museum voor oudheidkunde en sierkunst ] - Damast
BOOKS017036I: Pavel, Thomas G. - Fictional Worlds
BOOKS010968I: Pavkovic, Nikola F. - Etnografski zapisi Jevrema Grujica: kriticko izdanje i prevod neobjavljene arhivske gradje
BOOKS019079I: Pavlík, Jaroslav - Otnositel'no semantiki narechiia "tu" v "Slove o polku Igoreve" (Po sluchaju 800-letnej godovshchiny bitvy na reke "Kajale")
BOOKS010419I: Pavlikianov, Kiril [Pavlikianov, Cyril] - Istoriia na bulgarskiia svetogorski manastir Zograf ot 980-1804 g.: Svidetelstvata na dvadeset i sedem neizvestni dokumenta
BOOKS011093I: Pavlock, Barbara - Eros, Imitation, and the Epic Tradition
BOOKS013448I: Pavlov, Ivan - Prisustviia na khraneneto po bulgarskite zemi prez XV-XIX vek
BOOKS022985I: Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich [1849-1936] - Dvadtsatiletnii opyt ob'ektivnogo izucheniia vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti (povedeniia) zhivotnykh
BOOKS021545I: Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich [1849-1936] - Dvadtsatiletnii opyt ob'ektivnogo izucheniia vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti (povedeniia) zhivotnykh [bound together with Sbornik]
BOOKS013414I: Pavlova, Neda - Toponimiiata na Chirpansko
BOOKS002044I: Pavlovic, Leontije ; Ostojic, Milenko ; & Petronijevic, Stanisa ; editors : - Knjiga u smederevskom kraju u XIX veku
BOOKS008444I: Pavlovitch, S. - Le Mouton Yougoslave de Lipe
BOOKS006393I: Pawar, Appasaheb - Tarabai Papers. A Collection of Persian Letters
BOOKS006797I: Pawate, I.S. - Daya-Vibhaga: Or the Individualization of Communal Property & the Communalization of Individual Property in the Mitakshara Law
BOOKS004037I: Pawlak, Nina - Hausa Outside the Mother Area: Plateau Variety
BOOKS007808I: Pawlowski, Tadeusz - Concept Formation in the Humanities and Social Sciences
BOOKS026638I: Payen, Jacques - Capital et machine ŕ vapeur au XVIIIe sičcle : les frčres Périer et l’introduction en France de la machine ŕ vapeur de Watt
BOOKS006429I: Payne, Stanley G. - Spanish Catholicism. An Historical Overview
BOOKS013297I: Payne, Stanley G. - The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936 : Origins of the Civil War
BOOKS001786I: Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, Sir [1848-1916] - Letters to Young Shooters (Second Series) on the Production, Preservation, and Killing of Game; with Directions in Shooting..,.
BOOKS000536I: Payne, Peter L., editor: - Studies in Scottish Business History
BOOKS023171I: Pays, Jean-Louis, editor: - États généraux du cinéma : No. 3: Le cinéma au service de la révolution
BOOKS030904I: Paz, Julián ; editor : [ Archivo General de Simancas ] - Catálogo II : Secretaría de estado : Capitulaciones con la casa de Austria y negociaciones de Alemania, Sajonia, Polonia..,.
BOOKS001143I: Pazdur, Jan - Polskie czasopismiennictwo techniczne do okolo 1870 roku
BOOKS016047I: Pazhum Shari'ati, Parviz - Tarikhchah-i du hazar salah-i guyish-i bastani-i Simnani : bar bunyad-i vizhigi'ha-yi vazhigan va sakhtar-i dasturi
BOOKS031072I: Pazos Kanki, Vicente [1779-1853] - Letters on the United Provinces of South America, Addressed to the Hon. Henry Clay : Speaker of the House of Representatives..,.
BOOKS011507I: Peace, Adrian - Choice, Class & Conflict: A Study of Southern Nigerian Factory Workers
BOOKS013506I: Peacock, James L - The Anthropological Lens : Harsh Light, Soft Focus
BOOKS005360I: Peacock, Ronald - The Art of Drama
BOOKS004102I: Peacock, Ronald - Goethe's Major Plays
BOOKS009733I: Peacocke, Christopher - Holistic Explanation : Action, Space, Interpretation
BOOKS005962I: Peak, Lois - Learning to Go to School in Japan. The Transition from Home to Preschool Life
BOOKS013932I: Pears, David Francis - Hume's System: An Examination of the First Book of His Treatise
BOOKS029441I: Pearson, J. ; & Co., firm of (London) - Two Hundred Extraordinarily Important Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters on Sale by J. Pearson & Co., 5, Pall Mall Place,
BOOKS013976I: Pearson, Anne Mackenzie - Because It Gives Me Peace of Mind: Ritual Fasts in the Religious Lives of Hindu Women
BOOKS009466I: Pearson, Ronald K. - Discrete-Time Dynamic Models
BOOKS020219I: Pearson, Karl [1857-1936] - On the Theory of Contingency and Its Relation to Association and Normal Correlation
BOOKS015687I: Pearson, Raymond ; editor: - Vtoroi Vserossiiskii s"ezd Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskoi partii 5-11 yanvarya 1906 g. / Second All-Russian Congress ..,.
BOOKS015545I: Pearson, Roberta E. - Eloquent Gestures: The Transformation of Performance Style in the Griffith Biograph Films
BOOKS019786I: Pearson, Karl [1857-1936] - On the General Theory of Skew Correlation and Non-linear Regression
BOOKS014965I: Peck, Harry Thurston [1856 - 1914] - William Hickling Prescott
BOOKS009185I: Peco, Asim - Osnovi akcentologije srpskohrvatskog jezika
BOOKS028180I: Pedersen, Olaf - Nicole Oresme og hans naturfilosofiske system : en undersřgelse af hans skrift "Le livre du ciel et du monde
BOOKS011370I: Pedersen, Susan ; & Mandler, Peter ; editors: - After the Victorians : Private Conscience and Public Duty in Modern Britain : Essays in Memory of John Clive
BOOKS013730I: Pedersen, P. O. (Poul Overdrup) [1910 - ] - The East Greenland Eskimo Dentition, Numerical Variations and Anatomy: A Contribution to Comparative Ethnic Odontography
BOOKS031980I: Pedersen, Holger [1867-1953] - Hittitisch und die anderen indoeuropäischen Sprachen
BOOKS009196I: Pedersen, Ellen Anne - Jernalderbosetningen paa Hadeland: En arkeologisk-geografisk analyse
BOOKS009040I: Pedersen, Poul - The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos: Volume 3: The Maussolleion Terrace and Accessory Structures. [Parts 1 & 2]
BOOKS007390I: Pedersen, Sigfred; editor: - Die Paulinische Literatur und Theologie/ The Pauline Literature & Theology.
BOOKS025363I: Pedersen, Olaf - Petrus Philomena de Dacia : A Problem of Identity : With a Survey of the Manuscripts
BOOKS025571I: Pedersen, Carl Steen - Mod en marxistisk litteraturforskning : en historisk og videnskabsteoretisk analyse af dansk marxistisk litteraturforskning..,.
BOOKS006772I: Pedersen, Ellen Anne - Jernalderbosetningen pa Hadeland: En arkeologisk-geografisk analyse
BOOKS025522I: Pedersen, Ove K. - Videnskabsproblemet : en introduktion til fire forskellige svar : positivisme-traditionen, den klassiske marxisme, Althusser..,.
BOOKS015989I: Pedersen, Birthe Hjorth ; & Wohlert, Inge - Svendborg amts naturnavne : 1 : Sunds herred
BOOKS002109I: Pedersen, Holger [1867-1953] - Lykisch und Hittitisch : Zweite Auflage
BOOKS004880I: Pedersen, John - Images et figures dans la poesie francaise de l'age baroque
BOOKS004550I: Pedersen-Bjergaard, Kaj - Comparative Studies concerning the Strengths of Oestrogenic Substances
BOOKS005846I: Pedersen, Charlott Hoffmann - Natufian Chipped Lithic Assemblage : From Sunakh near Petra, Southern Jordan
BOOKS003768I: Pedersen, Nic., editor: - Kolonien. Billeder og Tekst. Aaret 1929.
BOOKS031979I: Pedersen, Holger [1867-1953] - Tocharisch vom Gesichtspunkt der indoeuropäischen Sprachvergleichung
BOOKS024187I: Pedersen, Fritz Saaby ; editor: [ Petrus, de Dacia ] - Petrus de Dacia : Tractatus instrumenti eclipsium
BOOKS019710I: Pedersen, Susan - Family, Dependence, and the Origins of the Welfare State : Britain and France, 1914-1945
BOOKS022051I: Pedersen, Arild - Portrait of a Hero or a Theory of the Novel
BOOKS031918I: Pedersen, Fritz Saaby ; editor: [ Petrus, de S. Audomaro ] - Petrus de S. Audomaro : Tractatus de Semissis
BOOKS016605I: Pedley, John Griffiths - Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World
BOOKS007483I: Pedroso, Fernando - A civilisacao africana. Observacoes ao folhetim, com o mesmo titulo, publicado no 'Diario da Manha' de 23 de Marco e devido...
BOOKS009450I: Peebles, Bernhard M. - The Poet Prudentius
BOOKS000473I: Peebles, Malcolm W.H. - Evolution of the Gas Industry
BOOKS015537I: Peek, Philip M. ; editor: - African Divination Systems: Ways of Knowing
BOOKS022315I: Peel, Christine ; editor: - Guta Saga : The History of the Gotlanders
BOOKS003279I: Peereboom - Wynia, Johanna Dora Renske - Hair Root Characteristics of the Human Scalp Hair in Health & Disease
BOOKS006384I: Peery, Nelson - Black Radical : The Education of an American Revolutionary
BOOKS007493I: Peesch, Reinhard - Der Wortschatz der Fischer im Kietz von Berlin-Kopenpick
BOOKS026968I: Peesch, Reinhard ; & Rudolph, Wolfgang ; editors : - Kolloquium Balticum Ethnographicum 1966 : Vorträge und Berichte der internationalen Tagung .,..
BOOKS025976I: Peeters, Yvo J. D. [ Association internationale pour la défense des langues et cultures menancées ] - Greenland and Europe : Report of a Seminar Organised at La Crau du Sapt.,.,,.
BOOKS031201I: Peeters, Leo - Nuevos datos acerca de le evolucion de la cuenca del Lago de Valencia (Venezuela) durante el Pleistoceno superior y el Holoceno
BOOKS030028I: Peeters, René - Ranks and Structure of Graphs
BOOKS015682I: Peets, Leonora - Women of Marrakech : Record of a Secret Sharer, 1930-1970
BOOKS015238I: Pegg, Bruce - Brown Eyed Handsome Man : The Life and Hard Times of Chuck Berry : An Unauthorized Biography
BOOKS031336I: Peichl, Joseph, Lieutenant - Instructions for the Use of J. Peichl's Patent Controlcompass ..,.and Information on the Mean Deviation of the Steering Compass
BOOKS029824I: Peignot, Gabriel [1767-1849] - Essai historique sur la liberté d’écrire chez les anciens et au moyen âge, sur la liberté de la presse depuis le quinzičme ..,.
BOOKS022938I: Peim, Nick - Critical Theory and the English Teacher : Transforming the Subject
BOOKS013958I: Peirce, Charles Sanders [1839 - 1914] [ Turrisi, Patricia Ann; editor: ] - Pragmatism as a Principle and Method of Right Thinking: The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism
BOOKS011281I: Peiris, H.A.; compiler: - Political Parties in Sri Lanka Since Independence: A Bibliography
BOOKS015741I: Peitgen, Heinz-Otto ; & Richter, Peter H. - The Beauty of Fractals : Images of Complex Dynamical Systems
BOOKS018175I: Peitz, Wilhelm Maria [1876-1954] - Liber diurnus : Beiträge zur Kenntnis der ältesten päpstlichen Kanzlei vor Gregor dem Grossen : I. Überlieferung des Kanzleibuch
BOOKS001792I: Peixoto, Jorge - Correspondęncia de Joaquim Bensaúde para Cândido Nazaré : chefe das oficinas da imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
BOOKS019273I: Pekáry, Thomas [1929-2010] - Untersuchungen zu den römischen Reichsstrassen
BOOKS001558I: Pekman, Adnan - Son kazi ve arastirmalarin isigi altinda Perge tarihi / History of Perge
BOOKS015923I: Pektas, Kadir - Bitlis tarihî mezarliklari ve mezar taslari
BOOKS003317I: Pel, Jan Willem - A Photometric Study of Cepheids in the Southern Milky Way
BOOKS012070I: Pelatan, L. - Les richesses minerales des colonies francaises: Guyane Francaise
BOOKS025603I: Pelczar, Marian - Polski Gdansk
BOOKS004171I: Pelczynski, Marian - Studia Macaronica. Stanislaw Orzelski na tle Poezji Makaronicznej w Polsce
BOOKS021513I: Peleg, Ilan - Democratizing the Hegemonic State : Political Transformation in the Age of Identity
BOOKS031116I: Pelekanides, Stylianos M. ; & Atzaka, Panagiotas I. - Syntagma ton Palaiochristianikon psephidoton dapedon tes Hellados : I : Nesiotike Hellas
BOOKS013951I: Peletz, Michael G. - A Share of the Harvest: Kinship, Property and Social History Among the Malays of Rembau
BOOKS009571I: Pelikan, Jaroslav - The Vindication of Tradition
BOOKS007005I: Pelinka, Anton - Jaruzelski, oder, die Politik des kleineren Übels : Zur Vereinbarkeit von Demokratie und "leadership
BOOKS003145I: Pelletier, S. William; editor: - Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives: Volume 7
BOOKS018305I: Pelletiere, Stephen C.; & Johnson, Douglas V.; & Rosenberger, Leif - Iraqi Power and U.S. Security in the Middle East
BOOKS009167I: Pelliccioni di Poli, Luciano, count [1923 - ] - L' Ordine sovrano militare ospedaliero di San Giorgio in Carinzia
BOOKS006590I: Pellicer, Manuel; Llongueras, Miguel; Zozaya, Juan & Vazquez de Acuna, I. - Las necropolis meroiticas del grupo "x" y cristianas de Nag-el-Arab (Argin, Sudan)
BOOKS006588I: Pellicer Catalan, M. - La necropolis meroitica de Nag-Shayeg, Argin (Sudan)
BOOKS002621I: Pellicer, M. - El Neolitico y el Bronce de la Cueva de la Cariguela de Pinar (Granada)
BOOKS022865I: Pellizzari, Guido [1858-1938] - Richerche sulla guanidina
BOOKS031937I: Pelt, Mogens - Tying Greece to the West : US- West German- Greek Relations 1949-1974
BOOKS029414I: Pelt, P. van - Bantu Customs in Mainland Tanzania
BOOKS005987I: Peltola, Niilo - The Compound Epithet and its Use in American Poetry from Bradstreet through Whitman
BOOKS011102I: Pema Dorjee ; & Richards, Elizabeth - Cures and Concepts in Tibetan Medicine
BOOKS003055I: Pembauer, Walther - Nationalismus und Ethik
BOOKS012710I: Pemberton, John - On the Subject of "Java
BOOKS006618I: Pena Gimeno, Jose E. - Chelva : Estudio Geografico
BOOKS031669I: Penck, Albrecht [1858- 1945] - Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels
BOOKS005668I: Pendergrast, J.G. - Studies on the Reproductive Organs of the Heteroptera With a Consideration of Their Bearing on Classification
BOOKS017275I: Pendleton-Jullian, Ann M. - The Road That Is Not a Road and the Open City, Ritoque, Chile
BOOKS007736I: Pendse, S. N. (Sudhakar Narhari) - Oaths and Ordeals in Dharmasastra
BOOKS021419I: Indonesia. Department of Information / Departemen Penerangan - East Timor Today
BOOKS025303I: Penev, Boian [1882-1927] - Nachalo na Bulgarskoto Vuzrazhdane
BOOKS022251I: Penev, Boian - Srubskiiat shovinizum : srubskata otechestvena nauka, uchebna literatura, populiarna literatura i poeziia, srubskata propaganda
BOOKS019821I: Peninou, Jean Louis [ Eritreans for Liberation in Europe, Danish Branch ] - Eritrea : Guerillaer ved det Rřde Hav
BOOKS021802I: Penízek, Josef [1858-1932] - Streiflichter : Randglossen zur Politik und Geschichte der jüngsten Zeit
BOOKS008009I: Penn, Roger - Skilled Workers in the Class Structure
BOOKS023110I: Pennick, Nigel - The Ancient Science of Geomancy : Man in Harmony with the Earth
BOOKS005281I: Pennington, Brian Kemble - Was Hinduism Invented? : Britons, Indians, and the Colonial Construction of Religion
BOOKS014336I: Penny, Ralph John - Variation and Change in Spanish
BOOKS016758I: Penny, H. Glenn - Objects of Culture : Ethnology and Ethnographic Museums in Imperial Germany
BOOKS013133I: Penny, Ralph John - Variation and Change in Spanish
BOOKS012276I: Penslar, Derek J. - Shylock's Children: Economics and Jewish Identity in Modern Europe
BOOKS015236I: Penzer, N. M. (Norman Mosley) [1892 - 19??] - Poison-Damsels and Other Essays in Folklore and Anthropology
BOOKS003267I: Peper, Cornelie Elisabeth - Tapping Dynamics
BOOKS017956I: Pepper, William F. - An Act of State : The Execution of Martin Luther King
BOOKS021819I: Pepys, Walter Courtenay [1840-1914] ; compiler: [ Cottenham, John Digby Thomas Pepys, 7th Earl of, (1907-1968)] - Genealogy of the Pepys Family, 1273-1887
BOOKS006322I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno XIX : Nr.s 1 - 3 ; 9 - 12 [1939] ; Anno XX, Nr. 1 [1940]
BOOKS020915I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno XI : No.s 1 - 12 [1931]
BOOKS009764I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno XII : No.s 1 - 12 [1932]
BOOKS016482I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno XIII : No.s 1 - 12 [1933]
BOOKS020885I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno VII : No.s 1 - 12 [1927]
BOOKS005611I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno XIV : No.s 1 - 12 [1934]
BOOKS005543I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno VI : No.s 1 - 12 [1926]
BOOKS001443I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno XVIII : Nr.s 1 - 12 [1938]
BOOKS003082I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno VIII : Nr.s 1 - 12 [1928]
BOOKS019441I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno X : No.s 1 - 12 [1930]
BOOKS020456I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno IX : No.s 1 - 12 [1929]
BOOKS004254I: Istituto per l'Oriente (Italia) - Oriente moderno : Rivista mensile d'informazioni e di studi ..,.Anno V : No.s 1 - 12 [1925]
BOOKS024899I: Librairie de Péra [Istanbul] - Armenica [Special List No. 2]
BOOKS006636I: Peraita Peraita, Dr. Manuel - Las mielopatias funiculares carenciales (Grupo de la pelagra)
BOOKS008884I: Peraje, Kumari Asha Gowri [Asagauri] - Kaala-Kaavya
BOOKS027321I: Perani, Judith ; & Wolff, Norma Hackleman - Cloth, Dress, and Art Patronage in Africa
BOOKS006062I: Perch-Nielsen, Katharina - Der Feinbau und die Klassifikation der Coccolithen aus dem Maastrichtien von Danemark
BOOKS016429I: Percival, Donald B. ; & Walden, Andrew T. - Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis
BOOKS009034I: Percy, Ernst - Die Botschaft Jesu: Eine traditionkritische und exegetische Untersuchung
BOOKS016239I: Perec, Georges [1936-1982] - W, or the Memory of Childhood
BOOKS002478I: Pereira, Goncalves [Goncalves Pereira, Renato] - Embates Judiciais (Delitos de Imprensa)
BOOKS007700I: Pereira Lapa, [J.C.] & Morais de Sousa, [Joaquim] - Servico de defesa contra a doenca do sono nos distritos de Tete e Quelimane no ano de 1913
BOOKS030720I: Pereira do Nascimento, J. - Posto de N'dalla-Tando : observacőes meteorologicas, 1899-1901
BOOKS013339I: Pereira, Jose Bento - Discurso pronunciado na Audiencia do Juizo do Primeiro Districto, pelo auctor Jose Bento Pereira na causa que move ao Reo ...,.
BOOKS002393I: Pereira, Jose - Monolithic Jinas : The Iconography of the Jain Temples of Ellora
BOOKS018389I: Pereira, Maria de Loudres N. C. Baptista - Contribuicăo para o estudo da Tineola bisselliella hummel e seu combate
BOOKS005924I: Pereira, Jose - Konkani: A Language. A History of the Konkani Marathi Controversy
BOOKS001685I: Pereira, Michael E. ; & Fairbanks, Lynn A., editors : - Juvenile Primates : Life History, Development, and Behavior
BOOKS020860I: Pereira Pimenta de Castro, Joaquim, General [1846-1918] - O dictador e a affrontosa dictadura
BOOKS003420I: Perello, J. - The History of the International Association of Logopedics & Phoniotrics
BOOKS007585I: Perelman, Michael - The Pathology of the U.S. Economy: The Costs of a Low-Wage System
BOOKS031244I: Perera, Kusal ; editor : - Victor Ivan : An Indelible Footprint
BOOKS016856I: Perera, Suvendrini - Reaches of Empire: The English Novel from Edgeworth to Dickens
BOOKS031237I: Perera, U. R. - 71 Kurutu Gi
BOOKS031018I: Perera, Yu. Ar. - 71 Sannaddha nagitima Aprel 05
BOOKS005297I: Peresipkin, Oleg [ Kfoury, Iskandar ; translator] - al-Yaman wa al-Yamaniyun fi dhikrayat diblumasi rusi
BOOKS011666I: Peretti, Aurelio - Epirrema e tragedia : studio sul dramma attico arcaico
BOOKS002379I: Perevozchikov, Aleksandr ; editor : - Oruzhie kollektsii Petra I / Weapons of the Collection of Peter the Great
BOOKS012890I: Pérez de Tudela y Bueso, Juan; editor: - Documentos relativos a don Pedro de la Gasca y a Gonzalo Pizarro. Contribución al XXXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas
BOOKS008624I: Perez Bonalde, Juan Antonio [1846-1892] - Ritmos
BOOKS010610I: Perez, Louis A., Jr. - Intervention, Revolution, and Politics in Cuba, 1913-1921
BOOKS006773I: Perez Vidal, Jose - La cultura de la cana de azucar en el levante espanol
BOOKS006606I: Perez Puchal, Pedro - El paisaje agrario del Bajo Palancia
BOOKS018890I: Pérez, Louis A. - Cuba : Between Reform and Revolution
BOOKS018666I: Pérez, Carlos Santos - Espańoles con horizontes inciertos : experiencias sobre la minusvalía en León
BOOKS016726I: Perez, Louis A. - Winds of Change: Hurricanes and the Transformation of Nineteenth-century Cuba
BOOKS015072I: Pérez Lobato, José Antonio - Todo nada : Poemo filosofico, comico-dramatico, adaptado a teatro, en tres actos y seis cuadros
BOOKS025868I: Pérez Cabrera, José Manuel [1901-1969] - Un héroe del 24 de febrero : el general Saturnino Lora y Torres : discurso leído .,.,. el día 25 de noviembre de 1958
BOOKS001244I: Perez Garzon, Juan Sisinio - Luis Morote : la problemática de un republicano (1862-1913)
BOOKS015914I: Perez-Venero, Alex - Before the Five Frontiers : Panama, From 1821-1903
BOOKS010951I: Perez, Sofia A. - Banking on Privilege: The Politics of Spanish Financal Reform
BOOKS019819I: Perez Martin, Fernando - Grita, Canarias, grita! Poemas
BOOKS020140I: Pérez Gómez, Alberto - Built Upon Love : Architectural Longing After Ethics and Aesthetics
BOOKS031276I: Pergens, Eduard Willem Gerard [1862-1917] - Die Geschichte der stenopäischen Brille
BOOKS006352I: Pergher, Claudio - Le macchine di Pavesi : le trattrici, i trattori, i rimorchi
BOOKS031798I: Perho, Irmeli - Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts : Codices Arabici & Codices Arabici Additamenta : Book One
BOOKS031797I: Perho, Irmeli - Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts : Codices Arabici & Codices Arabici Additamenta : Book Two
BOOKS025034I: Peri, Paolo ; editor: - Bordi figurati del Rinascimento
BOOKS018920I: Perialwar, R. - Phonology of Irula with Vocabulary
BOOKS018919I: Perialwar, R. - A Grammar of the Irula Language
BOOKS010854I: Perinbanayagam, R.S. - The Karmic Theater: Self, Society, and Astrology in Jaffna
BOOKS031235I: Peris, Ariyathilaka - Javipe Naegiteema Saha Waeteema
BOOKS010858I: Peris, Daniel - Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless
BOOKS019308I: Periyar, E.V. Ramasami [ Ramacami, I. Ve., Tantai Periyar (1878-1973) ] - Periyarana
BOOKS003351I: Perizonius, Wladimir Rutger Karel - Reconstructing the Living from the Dead. Some Human Osteological Observations
BOOKS031162I: Perizonius, Jacobus [ Voorbroek, Jakob (1651-1750)] [ Harless, Gottlieb Christoph (1738-1815 ] - Animadversiones historicć: in quibus quam plurima in priscis Romanarum rerum, sed utriusque linguć autoribus notantur..,.
BOOKS010284I: Perkins, Robert F. ; Gavin, William J. ; & Shaughnessy, Mary Margaret ; editors: - The Boston Athenaeum Art Exhibition Index, 1827-1874
BOOKS030964I: Perkun, Vitalii - I pechatkoiu stverdzhuiu : z istoriď pechatok katolyts'koď tserkvy na Pravoberezhnii Ukraďni, kinets' XVIII-XX st.
BOOKS001180I: Perl, Henry [pseudonym of Henrietta Perl (1845-1915)] - Novellen
BOOKS018669I: Perlman, Richard - Sex Discrimination in the Labour Market : The Case for Comparable Worth
BOOKS005900I: Perlman, Janice E. - The Myth of Marginality : Urban Poverty & Politics in Rio de Janeiro
BOOKS013823I: Permana, Cecep Eka, Raden ; Pojoh, Ingrid Harriet Eileen ; & Arifin, Karina - Etnoarkeologi gambar tangan
BOOKS019392I: Pernigotti, Sergio ; & Amaldi, Daniela [ Museo Nazionale e Civico di San Matteo (Pisa)] - Pagine di un codice copto-arabo nel Museo Nazionale di S. Matteo a Pisa
BOOKS017315I: Perniola, Mario - Enigmas : The Egyptian Moment in Society and Art
BOOKS012199I: Pernishka, Emiliia Ilieva - Za sistemnostta v leksikalnata mnogoznachnost na sushtestvitelnite imena
BOOKS006592I: Perpina, Roman - Corologia de la poblacion de Nicaragua
BOOKS024071I: Perret, Lothar - Geschichte der Familie Perret (-Saulvestre) : mit einer Ahnenliste Perret-Grieb und einem Beitrag zur Geschichte des Geschlechte
BOOKS031107I: Perrey, Alexis [1807-1882] - Bibliographie seismique [Part 1]
BOOKS009142I: Perreymond, Charles - Le Portugal devant l'Europe et le monde ou les traites de 1815 et la politique du travail
BOOKS012993I: Perrie, Maureen ; editor: - Protokoly pervogo s'ezda Partii sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov (Proceedings of First Congress of the Socialist-Revolutionary..,.
BOOKS008094I: Perrot, Michelle - Workers on Strike: France, 1871-1890
BOOKS013540I: Perroy, Edouard - The Hundred Years War
BOOKS013964I: Perry, John Weir - Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process
BOOKS010568I: Perry, Theresa & Fraser, James W.; editors: - Freedom's Plow: Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom
BOOKS007951I: Perry, Margaret; editor: - The Short Fiction of Rudolph Fisher
BOOKS022505I: Perry, Richard John - From Time Immemorial : Indigenous Peoples and State Systems
BOOKS000313I: Perry, T.A. - The Moral Proverbs of Santob de Carrion: Jewish Wisdom in Christian Spain
BOOKS028478I: Perry, Edmund Guthrie [1873-1962] - Hymnen und Gebete an Sin
BOOKS031844I: Persdotter, Maria - Free to Move Along : On the Urbanisation of Cross-border Mobility Controls : A Case of Roma 'EU migrants' in Malmö, Sweden
BOOKS006297I: Persia, Jorge de ; compiler : - Julián Bautista (1901-1961) : archivo personal, inventario
BOOKS024423I: Persigout, Jean-Paul - Dictionnaire de mythologie celtique : dieux et héros
BOOKS005351I: Persin, Margaret H. - Recent Spanish Poetry and the Role of the Reader
BOOKS014322I: Person, Raymond F., Jr. - In Conversation with Jonah : Conversation Analysis, Literary Criticism, and the Book of Jonah
BOOKS014243I: Person, Raymond F. - Second Zechariah and the Deuteronomic School
BOOKS005766I: Persson, Axel Waldemar [1888-1951] - Zur Textgeschichte Xenophons
BOOKS000533I: Persson, Axel W. - Staat und Manufaktur im Romischen Reiche
BOOKS000896I: Persson, Ib - Anthropological Investigations of the Population of Greenland
BOOKS028273I: Persson, Axel Waldemar [1888-1951] - Asine : De svenska utgrävningarna
BOOKS000919I: Perti, R. K., editor: - Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Fort William College Collection in the National Archives of India Library
BOOKS006425I: Perunicic, Branko - Postanak i razvitak bastina na podrucju Subotice od 1686 godine
BOOKS012184I: Perzhita, Luan & Hoxha, Gezim - Fortifikime te shekujve IV-VI ne Dardanine Perendimore
BOOKS024952I: Perzynski, Friedrich [1877-1965] - Von Chinas Göttern : Reisen in China
BOOKS002490I: Peschew, A.; Popov, D.; Jordanov, K.; Fol, Alexander; et al; editors: [Institut po trakologiia (Bulgarska akademiia na nauki)] - Dritter Internationaler Thrakologischer Kongress zu Ehren W. Tomascheks, 2. - 6. Juni, 1980... Bd. I & II
BOOKS004381I: Peschka, Vilmos - Die Eigenart des Rechts
BOOKS023038I: Peshekhonov, A. V. (Aleksei Vasil'evich) [1867-1933] - Zemel'nyia nuzhdy derevni : i osnovnyia zadachi agrarnoi reformy [bound together with one other book by Peshekhonov]
BOOKS030880I: Peskova, A. A.; & Strokova, L. V. (Liudmila Vladimirovna) - Khristianskie drevnosti Vizantii v "Siriiskoi kollektsii" B.I. i V.N. Khanenko
BOOKS028864I: Pesle, Octave - La femme musulmane dans le droit, la religion, et les moeurs
BOOKS022903I: Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (Guinea-Bissau) - Soronda : Revista de estudos guineenses : Nova Serie, no. 3 - Janeiro 2002
BOOKS022910I: Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (Guinea-Bissau) - Soronda : Revista de estudos guineenses : Numero Especial - 7 de Junho [Dezembro 2000]
BOOKS001752I: Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas - Anais do terceiro Simposio de Arqueologia da Area do Prata e adjacencias
BOOKS027793I: Pessanha, José Maria da Silva [1865-1935] - A architectura byzantina : dissertacăo de concurso
BOOKS014808I: Pessoa, Henrique Novais - Comboio Comakovi : Histórias Africanas : Contos Da Vida Real
BOOKS020293I: Pessoa, Caetano Alberto da Costa - Carta do Coronel Caetano Alberto da Costa Pessoa : Algumas das causas da actual revolta da Guine.
BOOKS010375I: Peston, Maurice & Corry, Bernard; editors: - Essays in Honour of Lord Robbins
BOOKS002246I: Petak, Arthur ; editor : - Grabschriften aus Österreich
BOOKS023148I: Petavel, James William, Captain [1870-19??] - Non-co-operation and the Bread Problem. The First Lecture of a Series Delivered to Calcutta University
BOOKS028110I: Peteghem, C. van - De la valeur des médailles et monnaies d'Alsace avec leur description d'apres les planches de Baron Berstett
BOOKS018360I: Peter, Prince of Greece [1908-1980] ; Edelberg, L. ; Jřrgensen, J. Balslev ; Paludan, K.; Siiger, H. - Anthropological Researches from the 3rd Danish Expedition to Central Asia
BOOKS002334I: Peter, Prince of Greece [1908-1980] - The Science of Anthropology : A Series of Lectures
BOOKS021344I: Peter, Carolyn - A Letter from Japan : The Photographs of John Swope
BOOKS026856I: Peterli, Rita - Die Kultur eines Bariba-Dorfes im Norden von Dahome
BOOKS002600I: Peterlini, Oskar - Autonomie und Minderheitenschutz in Trentino-Sudtirol. Uberblick uber Geschichte, Recht und Politik
BOOKS001735I: Peternolli, Giovanni ; & Hashiramoto, Motohiko ; editors: - The Future of Historic Cities. An International Symposium, Kyoto 7th and 8th October 1995
BOOKS013782I: Peters, F. E. (Francis E.) - Muhammad and the Origins of Islam
BOOKS014833I: Peters, Rudolph - Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century
BOOKS010143I: Peters, Robert Henry - A Critique for Ecology
BOOKS009904I: Peters, Jimi - The Nigerian Military and the State
BOOKS027779I: Peters, Carl [1856-1918] - Die Gründung von Deutsch-Ostafrika : kolonialpolitische Erinnerungen und Betrachtungen
BOOKS007959I: Peters, Joel - Israel and Africa: The Problematic Friendship
BOOKS029958I: Peters, Louis-Ferdinand; & Chauvel, Patrick - Kunst und Revolte : Das politische Plakat und der Aufstand der französischen Studenten [with a 56x40cm poster]
BOOKS003679I: Peters, Gerhard - Uber die Entwicklung eines indirekten akustischen Messverfahrens fur das Windfeld in der planetarisch Grenzschicht
BOOKS027969I: Peters, Wiebke [geb. Tiedemann] - Die Nachhaltigkeit als Grundsatz der Forstwirtschaft, ihre Verankerung in der Gesetzgebung und ihre Bedeutung in der Praxis.,.,.
BOOKS026076I: Petersen, Niels Matthias [1791-1862] - Bemaerkninger om danske og norske stedsnavnes oprindelse og forklaring
BOOKS029913I: Petersen, Ivar [1867-19??] - Undersřgelser over den gonorrhoiske Prostatitis
BOOKS012888I: Petersen, Erling Ladewig - Ali and Mu'awiya in Early Arabic Tradition : Studies on the Genesis and Growth of Islamic Historical Writing ..,.
BOOKS026126I: Petersen, Niels Matthias [1791-1862] - Bidrag til Rasmus Kristian Rasks Levned (Rasks Samlede afhandlinger, I.) 1834
BOOKS026155I: Petersen, K.N. Henry - Řm Klosters Feide med Bispen af Aarhus i Midten af det trettende Aarhundrede
BOOKS008749I: Petersen, Jürgen H. - Mimesis, Imitatio, Nachahmung : Eine Geschichte der europäischen Poetik
BOOKS002474I: Petersen, Aage - Quantum Physics & the Philosophical Tradition
BOOKS025689I: Petersen, Richard [1838-1905] - Jens Baggesen og Sofie v. Haller : en kćrligheds historie
BOOKS009190I: Petersen, Niels: editor; - Betćnkninger fra Christian VIII’s Tid om styrelsen af det danske Monarki.
BOOKS007284I: Petersen, Adeline & Nielsen, Hans F., editors: - A Frisian and Germanic Miscellany. Published in Honour of Nils Arhammar on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, 7 August 1996
BOOKS026847I: Petersen, Jřrgen Elg ; Dollerup, Preben ; Olesen, Břrge; Scharnberg, Carl ; editors: - Rapport : 3. Ĺrgang nr. 19 - 27 [januar - december 1967]
BOOKS007156I: Petersen, Johs. Boye - Studies on the Biology & Taxonomy of Soil Algae
BOOKS006471I: Petersen, Juergen H. - Erzaehlsysteme: Eine Poetik epischer Texte
BOOKS002761I: Petersen, Eggert ; Arcel, Elefteria Tata ; Siorazi, Gretty K.- Mirzahi; Schreiner, jane; & Trelsen, Hans Tage - Gaestearbejder i Křbenhavn : En undersřgelse foretaget av Mentalhygiejnisk Forskningsinstitut for Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
BOOKS006144I: Petersen, Will. Wald. - Das Vorhandensein der congenitalen und erworbenen Divertikel am Digestionstraktus des Menschen und der Haussaugetiere...
BOOKS027639I: Petersen-Roil, Almuth - Nias : Supplement / Nachtrag
BOOKS005690I: Petersen, Johs. Boye - Some Halobion Spectra (Diatoms)
BOOKS004357I: Petersen, Carl S. - Brevvexling mellem N.M. Petersen og Carl Save. Et Bidrag til Skandinavismens og Den nordiske Filologis Historie
BOOKS019113I: Petersen, Niels Matthias [1791-1862] - Nogle uddrag af forelaesninger, vedkommende de nordiske sprog
BOOKS018627I: Petersen, Aage - Quantum Physics and The Philosophical Tradition
BOOKS004832I: Petersen, Aage Nordahl [1900-1944] - Dansk Daad paa Řstfronten : Bogen om Frikorps "Danmark
BOOKS031769I: Petersen, Leif - Podzols and Podzolization
BOOKS021023I: Petersen, Jan - Bosetningen i Rogaland i folkevandringstiden
BOOKS020702I: Petersen, Robert - Settlements, Kinship and Hunting Grounds in Traditional Greenland : A Comparative Study of Local Experiences from Upernavik ..,.
BOOKS025581I: Petersen, Jens A. - Landbrugskrisen i Danmark : Landbrugskrisens lřsning gennem vaerdiernes sikring mod konjunktursvingninger..,.
BOOKS024633I: Petersen, Poul - Ein fřroysk bygd
BOOKS003080I: Petersen, Erling Ladewig - Ali and Mu'awiya in Early Arabic Tradition : Reprint of the 1964 Edition Supplemented by Two Earlier Papers
BOOKS027638I: Petersen-Roil, Almuth - Nias
BOOKS025403I: Petersen, A. - Frederiksborg Slots Inventarium af 1650
BOOKS007353I: Petersen, Johan - Sange og Kampeviser skrever af Johan Petersen, Dalum Hřjskole den 10 Januar 1868
BOOKS011758I: Peterson, Janice & Lewis, Margaret; editors: - The Elgar Companion to Feminist Economics
BOOKS011680I: Peterson, Anna L. - Being Human: Ethics, Environment, and Our Place in the World
BOOKS009380I: Peterson, Anna L. - Martyrdom and the Politics of Religion: Progressive Catholicism in El Salvador's Civil War
BOOKS018770I: Peterson, Christian A. ; & Mrázková, Daniela. - The Modern Pictorialism of D.J. Ruzicka / Moderní piktorialismus D.J. Ružicky
BOOKS018044I: Peterson, Anna Lisa - Martyrdom and the Politics of Religion : Progressive Catholicism in El Salvador's Civil War
BOOKS014911I: Peterson, Scott - Me Against My Brother : At War in Somalia, Sudan, and Rwanda : A Journalist Reports from the Battlefields of Africa
BOOKS003914I: Peterson, Jean Treloggen - The Ecology of Social Boundaries : Agta Foragers of the Philippines
BOOKS015179I: Peterson, T. Sarah - Acquired Taste: The French Origins of Modern Cooking
BOOKS006475I: Peterson, Harold Leslie [1922-1978] - The American Sword, 1775-1945 : A Survey of the Swords Worn by the Uniformed Forces of the United States .,.,.
BOOKS022298I: Peterson, Peter; translator: [ Sayana ] - Sayana's Preface to the Rgvedabhasya
BOOKS028427I: Peterson, Peter ; editor & publisher : - Trafik : Internationales Journal zur libertären Kultur und Politik : Heft 23 & 25 [Oktober 1986 - März 1987]
BOOKS000822I: Pethe, V.P. - Demographic Profiles of an Urban Population
BOOKS010122I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900 : Tome I : Moyen Age (des Origines ŕ 1500) ..,.
BOOKS024155I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900 : Tome III : Seizičme sičcle
BOOKS024279I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900 : Tome VII : Dix-neuvičme sičcle, période romantique
BOOKS024130I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900 : Tome IV : Dix-septičme sičcle : I. partie : 1601-1660
BOOKS020411I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900 : Tome VI : Dix-huitičme sičcle
BOOKS024948I: Petit-Dutaillis, Charles [1868-1947] - De lacedaemoniorum reipublicae supremis temporibus (222-146 B.C.)
BOOKS025165I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900: Tome II: Moyen Age (des Origines ŕ 1500) : 2čme partie
BOOKS025265I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900 : Tome VIII : Dix-neuvičme sičcle ..,. (1850-1900)
BOOKS024096I: Petit de Julleville, Louis [1841-1900] - Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise des origines ŕ 1900: Tome V: Dix-septičme sičcle: deuxičme partie:1661-1700
BOOKS006244I: Petkov, Petio Petrov, editor: - Mathematical Logic
BOOKS018440I: Petleshkov, Nikola Khr.; & Ieremiev, Ivan K. - Istoriia na Bratsigovskoto vuzstanie
BOOKS023636I: Petmecky, A. [ Petmecky, Adelheid ] [ Petmecky, Adele, Hauptabteilungsleiterin (1908 - 19??)] - Bolschewistisches Frauenschicksal im Spiegel der Sowjetpresse und Gesetze
BOOKS026314I: Den, Petr [pseudonym of Ladislav Radimský (1898-1970)] - Dva essaye z Pocitadla
BOOKS008453I: Petrácek, Karel - Altägyptisch, Hamitosemitisch und ihre Beziehungen zu einigen Sprachfamilien in Afrika und Asien: Vergleichende Studien
BOOKS012413I: Petrey, Sandy - Speech Acts and Literary Theory
BOOKS027200I: Petrich, Mario - Categories of Algebraic Systems : Vector and Projective Spaces, Semigroups, Rings and Lattices
BOOKS001281I: Petriconi, Hellmuth - Spanisch-Amerikanische Romane der Gegenwart
BOOKS009329I: Petrie, Duncan - The British Cinematographer
BOOKS002161I: Petrie, G. & Kennie, T.J.M.; editors: - Terrain Modelling in Surveying and Civil Engineering
BOOKS011806I: Petrinovich, Lewis - Darwinian Dominion: Animal Welfare and Human Interests
BOOKS011118I: Petronotes, Argyrios - Greek Traditional Architecture : Arcadia
BOOKS021598I: Petronotis, Argyrés - Zum Problem der Bauzeichnungen bei den Griechen
BOOKS031408I: Petrosyan, Armen - Hay zhoghovrdi tsagman khndire : ar'aspel, patmut'yun, varkatsner
BOOKS011331I: Petrov, Sergei Mitrofanovich - Vozniknovenie i formirovanie sotsialisti-cheskogo realizma
BOOKS021712I: Petrov, V.I. (Vasilii Il'ich) - Catalogue des monnaies russes de tous les princes, tsars et empereurs depuis 980 jusqu'ŕ 1899
BOOKS013713I: Petrovic, Sreten - Mitologija raskrsca
BOOKS009414I: Petrovic, Danica ; & Stefanovic', Dimitrije E. - Osmoglasnik u muzickoj tradiciji Juznih Slovena
BOOKS000272I: Petrusan, Gheorghe - Iosif Vulcan si Revista 'Familia'
BOOKS016279I: Petry, Carl F. - Protectors or Praetorians?: Last Mamluk Sultans and Egypt's Waning as a Great Power
BOOKS028619I: Petry, Carl F. - The Civilian Elite of Cairo in the Later Middle Ages
BOOKS027608I: Petsas, Photios Michael - Pella : Alexander the Great's Capital
BOOKS017062I: Petschar, M. - Die soziale Zustände und das Gymnasium: Ein Beitrag zur Sozialreform
BOOKS003983I: Petschen, Juan - La notion du moi dans le cadre de la phenomenologie et de la psychologie
BOOKS002934I: Petshali, Jugal Kishore - Jai Bala Goriya
BOOKS031305I: Pettenkofer, Max von [1818-1901] - Die Cholera in Syrien und die Choleraprophylaxe in Europa
BOOKS022332I: Petter, Helen Mary - The Oxford Almanacks
BOOKS024576I: Pettersson, K. J. - Äventyr i Central-Afrika : Skildringar frĺn Kongomissionens första tid : I-II Delen
BOOKS028181I: Pettersson, Astrid ; & Tornehed, Stig - Karlarna hövla, kvinnorna polera : möten med Lindomebygden
BOOKS019348I: Pettersson, Hans - Gregor Paulsson och den konsthistoriska tolkningens problem
BOOKS018431I: Pettersson, Gertrud ; & Platzack, Christer - Översikt över svenska dialektkartor
BOOKS020802I: Pettersson, Olof - Chiefs and Gods : Religious and Social Elements in the South Eastern Bantu Kingship
BOOKS013129I: Pettersson, Anders [1946 - ] - Realism som terminologiskt problem: Naagra definitioner i modern litteraturvetenskap och deras giltighet
BOOKS004151I: Pettersson, Thore - On Russian Predicates: A Theory of Case and Aspect
BOOKS030369I: Pettersson, Karl-Henrik - Groveda : om en bondgĺrds ekonomiska historia 1786-1950
BOOKS027355I: Pettifer, James ; editor : - Albania and the Balkans : Essays in Honour of Sir Reginald Hibbert
BOOKS009330I: Pettinger, Alasdair; editor: - Always Everywhere: Travels of the Black Atlantic
BOOKS012004I: Pettis, Michael - The Volatility Machine: Emerging Economies and the Threat of Financial Collapse
BOOKS009971I: Pettit, Philip - The Common Mind: An Essay on Psychology, Society, and Politics
BOOKS018038I: Pettit, Philip - A Theory of Freedom : From Psychology to the Politics of Agency
BOOKS024302I: Pettitt, Thomas ; & Sřndergaard, Leif ; editors: - Custom, Culture and Community in the Later Middle Ages : A Symposium
BOOKS002339I: Petzall, Erik - Strausdebatten i Sverige. En Kyrkohistorisk Undersokning
BOOKS007207I: Peucker, Brigitte - Lyric Descent in the German Romantic Tradition
BOOKS013090I: Peus, Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. ; firm of - Auktion 405 : Sammlung Prof. Dr. Eckhart Pick: Mainzer Münzen und Medaillen : 3. November 2011
BOOKS012582I: Peus, Busso - Das Geld- und Münzwesen der Stadt Münster i.W.
BOOKS025046I: Peyer, Bernhard [1885- 1963] - Über bisher als Fährten gedeutete problematische Bildungen aus den oligozänen Fischschiefern des Sernftales
BOOKS021736I: Peyer, Bernhard [1885- 1963] - Protornis glaronensis H.V. Meyer : Neubeschreibung des Typusexemplares und eines weiteren Fundes
BOOKS027377I: Peyerimhoff, Alexander - Lectures on Summability
BOOKS031208I: Peyfuss, Max Demeter - Die Druckerei von Moschopolis, 1731-1769 : Buchdruck und Heiligenverehrung im Erzbistum Achrida
BOOKS015959I: Peyman, Gholam A. ; & Schulman, Joel A. - Vitreous Substitutes
BOOKS005350I: Peyre, Henri - Writers and Their Critics: A Study of Misunderstanding
BOOKS022868I: Peyron, John - Zur Morphologie der skandinavischen Schmetterlingseier
BOOKS019195I: Pezzoli, Keith - Human Settlements and Planning for Ecological Sustainability : The Case of Mexico City
BOOKS027328I: Pezzoli, Gigi - Dall’archeologia all’arte tradizionale Africana : atti del ciclo di incontri organizzato dal Centro studi archeologia africana
BOOKS014013I: Pfaff, Donald W. - Drive: Neurobiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Sexual Motivation
BOOKS028435I: Pfalz, Anton - Beiträge zur Kunde der bayerisch-österreichischen Mundarten : I Heft : Suffigierung der Personalpronomina im Donaubairischen
BOOKS028234I: Pfannenstiel, Max ; & Forcart, Lothar - Das Quartär der Levante : Teil IV : Der Kalktuff von Bursa
BOOKS028224I: Pfannenstiel, Max - Das Quartär der Levante : Teil I : Die Küste Palästina-Syriens
BOOKS002720I: Pfeffer, Washek F. - The Riemann Approach to Integration : Local Geometric Theory
BOOKS016201I: Pfeifer, Rolf ; Blumberg, Bruce; Meyer, Jean-Arcady ; & Wilson, Stewart W.; editors: - From Animals to Animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
BOOKS030581I: Pfeiffer, Maximilian - Theater-Elend : ein Weckruf
BOOKS017747I: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; & Wojtowicz, Robert, editors: [ Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)] - Frank Lloyd Wright and Lewis Mumford: Thirty Years of Correspondence
BOOKS028217I: Pfeiffer, Martin - Indische Mythen vom Werden der Welt : Texte, Strukturen, Geschichte
BOOKS028869I: Pfeiffer, Rudolf [1889-1979] ; editor : [ Callimachus ] - Callimachus : Volumen II : Hymni et epigrammata / edidit Rudolfus Pfeiffer
BOOKS027185I: Pfersche, Emil [1854-1916] - Die Bereicherungs-Klagen
BOOKS023005I: Pferschy, Gerhard ; editor : - Siegmund von Herberstein : kaiserlicher Gesandter und Begründer der Russlandkunde und die europäische Diplomatie
BOOKS006853I: Pfiffig, Ambros Josef - Einfuehrung in die Etruskologie : Probleme, Methoden, Ergebnisse
BOOKS028706I: Pfister, Alexander [1876-1961] - Jörg Jenatsch : sein Leben und seine Zeit / herausgegeben von der Jörg Jenatsch-Stiftung.
BOOKS027015I: Pfister, R. (René) - Textiles de Halabiyeh (Zenobia) découverts par le Service des Antiquités de la Syrie dans la Nécropole de Halabiyeh .,.,
BOOKS002900I: Pfister, Alexander ; editor : [ Jenatsch, Georg (1596-1639)] [ Jörg Jenatsch-Stiftung ] - Jörg Jenatsch : Briefe 1614-1639
BOOKS022786I: Pfitzner, Josef [1901-1945] - Bakuninstudien : Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte
BOOKS030985I: Pfizmaier, August [1808-1887] - Die Auslegungen zu den Nachrichten von den Söhnen des Gotte I-za-nagi [together with 4 other extracts by Pfizmaier]
BOOKS026391I: Pflaum, H.-G. (Hans-Georg) [1902-1979] - Les procurateurs équestres sous le Haut-Empire romain [text + tableaux]
BOOKS022268I: Pfleiderer, Otto [1839-1908] - The Philosophy of Religion on the Basis of its History. Vol. I & II
BOOKS021415I: Pfuhl, Wilhelm (1889-1956) ; [ Kruszynski, Jan ]; [Diamare, Vincenzo (1871-1966)] [Chauveau, Auguste (1827-1917)] - Das Plasma der Klasmatocytren und Fibrocyten im normalen lockeren Bindegewebe..,. [bound with 19 other offprints & monographs]
BOOKS007075I: Phan-Thien, Nhan & Kim, Sangtae - Microstructures in Elastic Media: Principles & Computational Methods
BOOKS006330I: Pharr, Susan J. - Political Women in Japan. The Search for a Place in Political Life
BOOKS021821I: Phatahasimha [ Phataha Simha ] ; editor: - Rathaud vas ri vigat. Rathauda ri vamsavali [ Rathauda vamsa ri vigata evam rathaudam ri vamsavali ]
BOOKS013066I: Phelan, James [1951 - ] - Worlds from Words: A Theory of Language in Fiction
BOOKS012990I: Phelps, Anthony [1928 - ] - La béličre caraďbe
BOOKS031344I: Chhay Hok Pheng [ Chay Hukpheng ] - Patubhut, pativattan dade! : Mirage..,. une révolution nulle
BOOKS030680I: Kham'on Phetdaohuang - Kho mop dae Mae phu mi phakhun / Kham'on Phetdaohuang, huaphuam
BOOKS029405I: Khamta Hosongluang ; & Khamman Phetphuviang - Pavatsat lć kannampha tosu Muang Samoi / khonkhwa kepkam khomun lć hiaphiang: Khamta Hosongluang, Khamman Phetphuvian
BOOKS024295I: Philip, Lotte Brand - The Ghent Altarpiece and the Art of Jan van Eyck
BOOKS027848I: Philipon, Marie Michel [1898-1972] - La doctrine spirituelle de Soeur Elisabeth de la Trinité
BOOKS003939I: Philipp, Marthe - Phonologie des graphies et des rimes : recherches structurales sur l'alsacien de Thomas Murner (XVIe sičcle)
BOOKS013702I: Philippa-Apostolou, Maro - Greek Traditional Architecture : Paros, Andiparos
BOOKS031404I: Philippides, Dimitris - Greek Traditional Architecture : Kynouria
BOOKS014789I: Philips, C.H. ; editor : - Handbook of Oriental History / by Members of the Department of Oriental History, School of Oriental and African Studies
BOOKS027028I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Vierter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1839 : Zweiter Band ]
BOOKS011257I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Achtzehnter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1846 : Zweiter Band ]
BOOKS025638I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Siebzehnter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1846 : Erster Band ]
BOOKS018806I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Neunzehnter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1847 : Erster Band ]
BOOKS026109I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Dritter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1839 : Erster Band ]
BOOKS016002I: Phillips, George - Die Wohnsitze der Kelten auf der Pyrenäischen Halbinsel [contained in 'Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie'..,. 1872]
BOOKS013593I: Phillips, Jack [1923 - ] - Freedom in Machinery: Volume 2: Screw Theory Exemplified
BOOKS014804I: Phillips-Martinsson, Jean - Swedes As Others See Them : Facts, Myths, Or a Communication Complex?
BOOKS005907I: Phillips, Anne - The Enigma of Colonialism : British Policy in West Africa
BOOKS027024I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Siebenter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1841 : Erster Band ]
BOOKS027026I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Zweiter Band [1838]
BOOKS027030I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Fünfter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1840 : Erster Band ]
BOOKS016807I: Phillips, William D. ; & Phillips, Carla Rahn - The Worlds of Christopher Columbus
BOOKS021432I: Phillips, C. E. Lucas (Cecil Ernest Lucas) - The Vision Splendid : The Future of the Central African Federation
BOOKS004233I: Phillips, D.C. - Holistic Thought in Social Science
BOOKS004040I: Phillips, William H. - St. John Hankin. Edwardian Mephistopheles
BOOKS000557I: Phillips, Henry - From Obscurity to Bright Dawn. How Nyasaland Became Malawi: An Insider's Account
BOOKS022522I: Phillips, Derek L. - Looking Backward: A Critical Appraisal of Communitarian Thought
BOOKS027032I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Zehnter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1842 : Zweiter Band ]
BOOKS027025I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Sechster Band [Des Jahrgangs 1840 : Zweiter Band ]
BOOKS027027I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Erster Band [1838]
BOOKS027029I: Phillips, George [1804-1872] ; & Görres, Guido [1805-1852] ; editors: - Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland : Fünfzehnter Band [Des Jahrgangs 1845 : Erster Band ]
BOOKS016621I: Phillipson, David W. - African Archaeology
BOOKS025760I: Philogrog - Nu gaaer den godt igjen! eller Lidt Hovedbrud i Form af 50 Logogripher forfattede, nedskrevne og udgivne i Trykken af Philogrog
BOOKS002237I: University of Warsaw. Institute of Romance Philology - Le Prophetisme & le Messianisme dans les Lettres polonaises & francaises a l'Epoque romantique. Actes du Colloque...sept. 1982
BOOKS020208I: Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Dept. of Slavonic Philology - A Thousand Year Heritage of Christian Art in Russia : Symposium, Hernen (the Netherlands), September 1988.
BOOKS024757I: Philon, Helen - Early Islamic Ceramics : Ninth to Late Twelfth Centuries [ Benaki Museum Athens, Catalogue of Islamic Art, Vol. 1 ]
BOOKS008264I: Philonenko, Marc - Les interpolations chretiennes des Testaments des Douze Patriarches et les manuscrits de Qoumran
BOOKS002957I: Philoponus, John [active 6th century CE] [ Charlton, William ; translator: ] - On Aristotle’s "On the Soul 3.1-8" / [attributed to] ’Philoponus’
BOOKS010684I: Philoponus, John [6th century] [Williams, Christopher John Fards; translator] - Philoponus on Aristotle’s On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 1.1-5
BOOKS010535I: Philoponus, John [6th century] [Williams, Christopher John Fards; translator:] - On Aristotle’s On Coming-to-be and Perishing 1.6-2.4
BOOKS010738I: Philoponus, John [6th century] [Stephanus, of Alexandria] [Charlton, William; translator] - On Aristotle’s "On the Soul 3.9-13" / [attributed to] ’Philoponus’. With On Aristotle’s "On interpretation" / Stephanus
BOOKS000201I: Huan Phinthuphan - Prawattisat Muang Lopburi
BOOKS026935I: Phipps, John S - The Stamps and Posts of Albania and Epirus, 1878 to 1945
BOOKS025008I: Kham'on Phitsalat - Lu'at nang yang du / hom lu'angsan khian doi Kham'on Phitsalat
BOOKS026832I: Phlourentzos, Paulos - Ta eidolia tes prostorďkes Kyprou
BOOKS010993I: Pho, Hai B. - Su Quan Ly Cong Cong Cua Viet Nam.../Vietnamese Public Management in Transition: South Vietnam Public Administration 1955-1975
BOOKS018279I: Phoebus, Philipp [1804-1880] - Bemerkungen über die heutigen Verhältnisse der Pharmacie..,. [bound together with one other item by Phoebus]
BOOKS025219I: Naowarat Phongphaibun - Ban Kao 1
BOOKS013931I: Kidaeng Phonkasśmsuk - Nithan phunmuang Lao : lem 1 / hiaphiang doi Kidaeng Phonkasoemsuk
BOOKS025369I: Kidaeng Phonkasoemsuk - Nithan phunmuang Lao : lem 2 / hiaphiang doi Kidaeng Phonkasoemsuk
BOOKS030679I: Thongbai Phothisan; editor : - Hom botkavi langvan 'Sirai' Lao : langvan vannakam sangsan yotyiam haeng Asian / Lao S.E.A. Write Awards Winners Collection..,.,
BOOKS021752I: Petzold KG Photographica (Augsburg) - A collection of 15 auction catalogues ca. 1976-1981
BOOKS029897I: Phrankou, Marina [ Frangos, Marina ] ; & Stamates, Giorgos - Pharmakeia tes Hellados : apo to chthes sto semera / The Pharmacies of Greece : A Historical Journey
BOOKS029321I: So. Phuangdokson - Fa pian si : hom luangsan
BOOKS026334I: Pho. Phuangsaba - Nithan thao daoruang / thot pen khamlao thammada doi Pho. Phuangsaba
BOOKS023480I: Phukan, Satyakam - Tonkori : Affinities of the Ainu Language of Japan with Assamese and Some Other Languages
BOOKS004146I: Phukana, Nilamani - Silpakala darsana
BOOKS024978I: Sumit Pitiphat ; Samoechai Phunsuwan - Thai lć Chuang nai monthon Yunnan, Satharanarat Prachachon Chin : botwikhro chak khomun phak sanam
BOOKS021651I: Sumit Pitiphat ; & Samoechai Phunsuwan - Khon Thai lć khru'ayat nai Monthon Hailam lć Kuicho, Prathet Satharanarat Prachachon Chin
BOOKS024977I: Sumit Pitiphat ; Samoechai Phunsuwan [ Mahawitthayalai Thammasat. Sathaban Thaikhadisuksa ] - Khon Tai nai Sumao, Monthon Yunnan, Satharanarat Prachachon Chin : prawattisat, kanmuang, sangkhom, lć watthanatham
BOOKS021689I: Samoechai Phunsuwan - Sanyalak nai ngan chittrakam Thai rawang Phutthasatawat thi 19 thung 24
BOOKS030442I: Ván Phyan [ Vong Pheng ] - Kamnáp bhujanganag : qacchariya Ka-005 / nibandh toy Ván Phyan
BOOKS022823I: Phythian-Adams, Charles - Desolation of a City : Coventry and the Urban Crisis of the Late Middle Ages
BOOKS026070I: Piatnitski, O [ Piatnitskii, Osip (1882-1939) ] - Quelques problčmes urgents : le mouvement des chômeurs. le travail du Parti et des syndicats dans les entreprises..,.
BOOKS030194I: Picardat, Auguste Jean Baptiste - Les mines dans la guerre de campagne : exposé des divers procédés d’inflammation des mines et des pétards de rupture..,.
BOOKS003908I: Picardi-Montesardo, Anna - Die Gastarbeiter in der Literatur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
BOOKS009675I: Piccato, Pablo - City of Suspects: Crime in Mexico City, 1900-1931
BOOKS002762I: Piccone, Paul - Italian Marxism
BOOKS031086I: Pichat, Louis-Philippe Alphée - Géographie militaire du bassin du Rhin..,.
BOOKS019488I: Pichlerová, Magda - Nové Kosariská : Kniezacie mohyly zo starsej doby zeleznej
BOOKS016147I: Pick, Hella - Guilty Victim : Austria from the Holocaust to Haider
BOOKS025061I: Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace, Sir, [1873-1952] - Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy
BOOKS017605I: Pickering, George White - Hypertension : Causes, Consequences and Management
BOOKS027398I: Pickett, Velma Bernice - The Grammatical Hierarchy of Isthmus Zapotec
BOOKS009209I: Pickett, Velma; compiler: - Vocabulario Zapoteco del Istmo: Castellano-Zapoteco y Zapoteco-Castellano
BOOKS008391I: Pickett, Velma; et al; compilers: - Castellano-Zapoteco / Zapoteco-Castellano. Dialecto del Zapoteco del Istmo
BOOKS030850I: Piddubnyi, Serhii V. - Perechytuiuchy dzherela : Ukraďns'ka tsyvilizatsiia
BOOKS030897I: Piddubnyi, Serhii Vasyl'ovyc - Ukraďns'ki sviatyni ta symvoly : 1 knyha : Vil'khovs'kyi sakral'nyi kompleks, Buzhivs'kyi rel'ief..,.
BOOKS028934I: Pide, A. Suriyaman Mustari - Hukum adat : dahulu, kini, dan akan datang
BOOKS022753I: Narongchai Pidokrat - Manutsayadontri witthaya, dontri phunban Phak Tai
BOOKS010198I: Piel, Albert - Geschichte des altesten Bonner Buchdrucks: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur rheinischen Reformations-Geschichte und -Bibliographie
BOOKS009352I: Pielou, E.C. - The World of Northern Evergreens
BOOKS015927I: Pienkos, Angela T. - The Imperfect Autocrat : Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich and the Polish Congress Kingdom
BOOKS013615I: Pierangeli, Fabio ; & Barbaro, Patrizio - Pier Paolo Pasolini : biografia per immagini
BOOKS005391I: Piercy, Josephine K. - Studies in Literary Types in Seventeenth Century America ( 1607 - 1710 )
BOOKS009504I: Pierpaoli, Walter; Regelson, William; & Fabris, Nicola; editors: - The Aging Clock: The Pineal Gland & Other Pacemakers in the Progression of Aging & Carcinogenesis
BOOKS022751I: Pierson, Stacey - Blue and White for China : Porcelain Treasures in the Percival David Collection
BOOKS005392I: Pierssens, Michel - The Power of Babel. A Study of Logophilia
BOOKS009097I: Pieske, Christa - Das ABC des Luxuspapiers: Herstellung, Verarbeitung und Gebrauch 1860 bis 1930
BOOKS019890I: Pieske, Christa ; & Brückner, Wolfgang ; editors: [ Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main ] - Die Bilderfabrik : Dokumentation zur Kunst-und Sozialgeschichte der industriellen Wandschmuckherstellung zwischen 1845 und 1973
BOOKS007957I: Pieterse, Jan Nederveen; editor: - Christianity and Hegemony: Religion and Politics on the Frontiers of Social Change
BOOKS022447I: Pieterse, Jan Nederveen ; editor: - World Orders in the Making : Humanitarian Intervention and Beyond
BOOKS003820I: Pietri, Alejandro - Ecos de un Proceso. Breuer,Moller & Co. contra la Bramon Estates Company
BOOKS031718I: Piette, Édouard Louis Stanislas [1827- 1906] ; & Laporterie, Joseph de [1850-1935] - Etudes d'ethnographie préhistorique : V : Fouilles ŕ Brassempouy en 1897
BOOKS031710I: Piette, Édouard Louis Stanislas [1827- 1906] - Les subdivisions de l'époque magdalénienne et de l'époque néolithique
BOOKS024691I: Pietzsch, Gerhard - Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der Musik am Kurpfälzischen Hof zu Heidelberg bis 1622
BOOKS031895I: Piganiol, André - Les documents cadastraux de la colonie romaine d'Orange
BOOKS015143I: Piggott, Stuart - The Druids
BOOKS020824I: Piggott, Stuart ; editor: - The Prehistoric Peoples of Scotland
BOOKS006089I: Pignato, Nicola - Motoriii!!! : le truppe corazzate italiane : 1919-1994
BOOKS031392I: Pigozne, Ieva - Krasas un to nozime baltu 3.-13. gadsimta apgerba / Colours and their Meanings in the 3rd-13th Century Baltic Dress
BOOKS031920I: Pigulevskaia, N. V. (Nina Viktorovna) [1894-1970]; [Struve, V. V. (Vasilii Vasil'evich) ; & Starkova, K. B.; et al.; editors : ] - Ellinisticheskii Blizhnii Vostok, Vizantiia i Iran. Istoriia i filologiia. Sbornik v chest' semidesiatiletiia N.V. Pigulevskoi
BOOKS027720I: Pih, Irene - Le pčre Gabriel de Magalhăes : un jésuite portugais en Chine au XVIIe sičcle
BOOKS022157I: Pihlström, Sven - Kortstavighet och stavelseförlängning : hur nĺgra av de gamla kortstaviga orden erhĺllit sin form i svenskt rikssprĺk
BOOKS013821I: Pike, Nelson - Mystic Union : An Essay in the Phenomenology of Mysticism
BOOKS011029I: Pike, David L. - Passage Through Hell: Modernist Descents, Medieval Underworlds
BOOKS008112I: Pike, Ruth - Penal Servitude in Early Modern Spain
BOOKS007933I: Pike, J.G.; & Rimmington, G.T. - Malawi: A Geographical Study
BOOKS024802I: Pilbeam, Pamela M. - The Middle Classes in Europe, 1789-1914 : France, Germany, Italy, and Russia
BOOKS024733I: Pilbeam, Pamela M. - The 1830 Revolution in France
BOOKS004211I: Pilcher, George William - Samuel Davies. Apostle of Dissent in Colonial Virginia
BOOKS020365I: Pilditch, James - Talk About Design
BOOKS019406I: Pilgrim, Edward Trapp (fl. 1785-1837) - Poetical Trifles. Written on Various Subjects, Serious and Comic. By Edward Trapp Pilgrim, Esq.
BOOKS031475I: Pilikian, Hovhanness I ; & Hakobean, Karo - Hay"-ere, arajin "mard"ere : mardatesaki tsagman ev zargats'man mijukayin tesut'iun
BOOKS002373I: Pillai, S. Devadas - Rajahs and Prajas. A Princely State. Then and Now
BOOKS006708I: Pillai, Padmanabh Vijai - Perspectives on Power: India & China. An Analysis of Attitudes Towards Political Power ...between c. 7th & 2nd Centuries B.C.
BOOKS020969I: Pillai, Bertram Bastiam - Survey of Conflicts Among Communities in Sri Lanka in Modern Times
BOOKS021763I: Pillai, Bertram Bastiam - Survey of Conflicts Among Communities in Sri Lanka in Modern Times
BOOKS027981I: Pillat, Jürgen - Untersuchungen zur funktionellen Bedeutung der paralemniskalen Zone der Hufeisennasenfledermaus Rhinolophus rouxi
BOOKS019440I: Pillat, Cornelia - Variatiuni pe teme date in arta medievala romaneasca
BOOKS022015I: Pillemer, David B. ; & White, Sheldon Harold ; editors: - Developmental Psychology and Social Change : Research, History, and Policy
BOOKS023702I: Pilling, James Constantine [1846-1895] - Bibliography of the Salishan Languages
BOOKS022987I: Pilling, James Constantine [1846-1895]; compiler: - Bibliography of the Iroquoian Languages
BOOKS014427I: Pillsbury, Richard ; & Florin, John William. - Atlas of American Agriculture : The American Cornucopia
BOOKS014516I: Pilnik, Samuel; editor: - Common Breast Lesions: A Photographic Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
BOOKS014867I: Pilnyak, Boris - Chinese Story and Other Tales
BOOKS031176I: Piltz, Anders ; et al. ; editors : - For Particular Reasons : Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist
BOOKS029610I: Piltz, Elisabeth - The von Post Collection of Cypriote Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery
BOOKS026948I: De Pimodan, Georges [1822-1860] - Souvenirs des campagnes d’Italie et de Hongrie
BOOKS013338I: Pina, Mariano [1860-1899] - O caso do Diario Popular
BOOKS030019I: Pina e Cunha, Miguel - Determinants of Product Innovation in Organizations : Practices and Performance in the Portuguese Financial Sector
BOOKS020844I: Pinart, Alphonse Louis [1852-1911] - Notes sur les tribus indiennes de famille Guarano-Guaymies de l'isthme de Panama et du Centre-Amerique
BOOKS010021I: Pinborg, Jan - Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter
BOOKS022547I: Pinborg, Jan ; editor: - The Logic of John Buridan : Acts of the 3rd European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Copenhagen 16.-21. November 1975
BOOKS028479I: Pinckert, Johannes [1879-1956] - Hymnen und Gebete an Nebo
BOOKS010622I: Pincoffs, Edmund L. - The Rationale of Legal Punishment
BOOKS007591I: Pindborg, J. J. (Jens Jřrgen); Kramer, Ivor Robert Horton; & Torloni, H. - Histological Typing of Odontogenic Tumours, Jaw Cysts, and Allied Lesions
BOOKS006584I: Pindborg, J.J. - Atlas of Diseases of the Oral Mucosa
BOOKS026727I: Pinder-Wilson, Ralph H. ; editor: - Paintings from Islamic Lands : Essays
BOOKS029097I: Pinder-Wilson, Ralph ; editor : - Momtaz Islamic Art : Ornament and Inscription
BOOKS013437I: Pinedo, Encarnacion - Encarnacion's Kitchen : Mexican Recipes from Nineteenth-century California ...,.
BOOKS021974I: Pinette, Matthieu ; editor: - Autun-Augustodunum, capitale des Eduens : guide de l’exposition : Hotel de ville, Autun, 16 mars-27 octobre 1985
BOOKS009785I: Pingle, Vibha - Rethinking the Developmental State : India's Industry in Comparative Perspective
BOOKS006825I: Pingle, Urmila & Furer-Haimendorf, C. von - Gonds & their Neighbours. A Study in Genetic Diversity
BOOKS006125I: Pingree, David - Sanskrit Astronomical Tables in England
BOOKS028121I: Piničs, Jean-Pierre - Figures de la sorcellerie languedocienne : brčish, endevinaire, armičr
BOOKS000734I: Pink, Karl - Die Munzpragung der Ostkelten und ihrer nachbarn
BOOKS024814I: Pinkalicuranar; [ Jakannataraja, Mu Ku ; translator: ] - Kalapuranotayam
BOOKS024734I: Pinkney, David H. - Decisive Years in France, 1840-1847
BOOKS014989I: Pinkus, Benjamin, - The Jews of the Soviet Union : The History of a National Minority
BOOKS014940I: Pinn, Anthony B. - Why, Lord? : Suffering and Evil in Black Theology
BOOKS019815I: Pinoteau, Hervé - Cinq études d'héraldique et de symbolique étatique
BOOKS029757I: Pinsent, John, [1922-1995] - Military Tribunes and Plebeian Consuls : the Fasti from 444 V to 342 V
BOOKS019752I: Pinset, Raphael ; & Auriac, Jules Eugčne d' - Histoire du portrait en France
BOOKS000354I: Pinsky, Robert - The Situation of Poetry : Contemporary Poetry and Its Traditions
BOOKS024835I: Pinto, Edward H. ; & Pinto, Eva R. - Tunbridge and Scottish Souvenir Woodware : With Chapters on Bois Durci and Pyrography
BOOKS028624I: Pinto, Fernăo Mendes [ Catz, Rebecca D. ; editor & translator : ] - The Travels of Mendes Pinto
BOOKS006751I: Pinto, Marcos [ pseudonym of: Sousa, Manuel Bento de (1835-1899)] - A Parvonia : Recordaçőes de viagem
BOOKS030291I: Pinto-Jayawardena, Kishali - The Rule of Law in Decline : Study on Prevalence, Determinants and Causes of Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman ..,.
BOOKS005622I: Pinto, Diana; editor: - Contemporary Italian Sociology : A Reader
BOOKS001357I: Pinto, Benedicta F. - Woman Power: Technical Education & Development
BOOKS021293I: Pinto, Marina R. - Metropolitan City Governance in India
BOOKS022924I: Pinto-Duschinsky, Michael - The Political Thought of Lord Salisbury, 1854-1868
BOOKS025593I: Pio, Jul. V. - Sandheden om Ministeriet Zahle : Et Ord til Vćlgerne : Udgivet af Nationalfonden for Konservatismen i Danmark
BOOKS026633I: Piola Caselli, Fausto - La costruzione del Palazzo dei papi di Avignone (1316-1367)
BOOKS017337I: Piot, Charles - Remotely Global : Village Modernity in West Africa
BOOKS002268I: Piotrovskii, R.G. - Formirovanie Artiklja v Romanskikh Jazikakh (Vibor Formi)
BOOKS003835I: Piotrowski, Bernard & Mrozewicz, Boleslaw, editors: - Die Literatur des modernen Durchbrucks in Skandinavien
BOOKS024692I: Piper, Wolfgang - Grundprobleme des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums in einigen südosteuropäischen Ländern in der Zwischenweltkriegszeit
BOOKS018940I: Pipes, Richard - The Degaev Affair : Terror and Treason in Tsarist Russia
BOOKS010236I: Pipping, Gunnar - The Chamber of Physics: Instruments in the History of Sciences Collections of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
BOOKS024340I: Piraccini, Orlando - Verifica e progetto : i servizi museografici della citta di Cesena e del suo comprensorio
BOOKS006805I: Pirak, Anta - Jahttee Saamee Viessoom
BOOKS027003I: Piras, Giuseppe - Martin de Funes S.I. (1560-1611) e gli inizi delle riduzioni dei Gesuiti nel Paraguay
BOOKS028863I: Pirchegger, Hans [ Stolz, Otto ] - Die Pfarren als Grundlage der politisch-militärischen Einteilung der Steiermark [ Geschichte der Gerichte Deutschtirols ..,]
BOOKS007974I: Instituto de Estudios Pirenaicos - Artropodos epigeos del Macizo de San Juan de la Pena, (Jaca, Prov. de Huesca) Volumen I & II
BOOKS025932I: Pirenne, Henri [1862-1935] - Belgian Democracy : Its Early History
BOOKS027528I: Pires de Lima, Augusto César [1883-1959] - Estudos etnográficos, filológicos e históricos : 1.a volume
BOOKS027529I: Pires de Lima, Augusto César [1883-1959] - Estudos etnográficos, filológicos e históricos : 3.a volume (Tradicőes Populares de Santo Tirso)
BOOKS027526I: Pires de Lima, Augusto César [1883-1959] - Estudos etnográficos, filológicos e históricos : 2.a volume
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BOOKS004585I: Pisati, G. & Pucci, E. - Sulla Lungheza del Pendolo a Secondi
BOOKS006213I: Piskulic, Zvonimir - Pod Uzunovicem
BOOKS007287I: Pisyan, Najaf Quli, author. - Az Mahabad-i khunin ta karanah'ha-yi Aras / bih qalam-i Najaf Quli Pisyan ; tarjumah bih Kurdi Shawkat Shaykh Yazdin ..,.
BOOKS029612I: Pitarakis, Brigitte - Les croix-reliquaires pectorales byzantines en bronze
BOOKS019542I: Pitcairn, Frank [pseudonym of Claud Cockburn (1904-1981)] - Als Reporter und Mitkämpfer im spanischen Burgerkrieg
BOOKS011387I: Pitchai, A. - Tamil Nattuppuraviyal Ayvin Varalaru
BOOKS020000I: Pithart, Petr ; Valenta, Jaroslav ; & Vít, Jan - Listopad ’89
BOOKS024979I: Sumit Pitiphat - Chumchon Thai nai Phama ton nua : Rat Chan ton tai, Phak Manthale lć Khamti Luang
BOOKS018148I: Sumit Pitiphat - Satsana lć khwamchua Thaidam nai Sipsong Chu Thai, Satharanarat Sangkhomniyom Wiatnam
BOOKS018283I: Pitman, Sir James ; & St John, John Richard - Alphabets and Reading : The Initial Teaching Alphabet
BOOKS027802I: Piton, Camille [1842-1917] - Le costume civil en France du XIIIe au XIXe sičcle
BOOKS006093I: Pitt-Rivers, J.A. - The People of the Sierra
BOOKS020762I: Pitt, Harry Raymond - Integration, Measure and Probability
BOOKS022196I: Pitta, Francisco - Lendas e tradiçőes do Alto Minho
BOOKS024350I: Pittaluga, Stefano - La scena interdetta : teatro e letteratura fra Medioevo e umanesimo
BOOKS001670I: Pitte, Jean-Robert - French Gastronomy : The History and Geography of a Passion
BOOKS007530I: Pittelkow, Hans - Das Weser-Wiehengebirge : ein morphologische Studie
BOOKS017331I: Pittoni, Laura - Dei Pittoni, artisti veneti
BOOKS008266I: Pitts, Walter F., Jr. - Old Ship of Zion: The Afro-Baptist Ritual in the African Diaspora
BOOKS022886I: Piutti, Arnaldo - Richerche sull'Elio
BOOKS021389I: Pivano, Fernanda - Beat & Pieces : A Complete Story of the Beat Generation / In the Words of Fernanda Pivano, with Photographs by Allen Ginsberg
BOOKS018144I: Piven, Frances Fox ; & Cloward, Richard A. - The Breaking of the American Social Contract
BOOKS022288I: Pivko, Ljudevit [1880-1937] - Val Bella [ Rame ob ramenu, 3. Knijga ]
BOOKS019123I: Pixley, Jocelyn - Citizenship and Employment : Investigating Post-Industrial Options
BOOKS019581I: Pizzey, Graham - A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
BOOKS017282I: Pizzo Russo, Lucia - Che cos'e la psicologia dell'arte
BOOKS024328I: Pjatnizki, O. [ Pjatnitskii, Osip Aaronovitch (1882-1938)] - Die vom II. Weltkongress der Komintern angenommenen Aufnahmebedingungen der Kommunistischen Internationale ..,.
BOOKS016739I: Place, U. T. (Ullin Thomas) [ Graham, George ; & Valentine, Elizabeth R. ; editors:] - Identifying the Mind: Selected Papers of U.T. Place
BOOKS024061I: Placek, Miroslav ; & Futák, Petr - Páni z Kunstátu : rod erbu vrchních pruhu na ceste k trunu
BOOKS021950I: Plachynda, Serhii - Slovnyk davn'oukraďns'koď mifolohiď
BOOKS020877I: Placzek, Siegfried, Dr. med. [1866-1946] - Freundschaft und Sexualität
BOOKS008563I: Plaggenborg, Stefan - Revolutionskultur : Menschenbilder und kulturelle Praxis in Sowjetrussland zwischen Oktoberrevolution und Stalinismus
BOOKS006447I: Plain, Gill - Women's Fiction of the Second World War: Gender, Power & Resistance
BOOKS024634I: Plamenatz, John Petrov - The Revolutionary Movement in France, 1815-71
BOOKS012801I: Plane, Ann Marie - Colonial Intimacies: Indian Marriage in Early New England
BOOKS006084I: Plans, Antonio - Estudio Sintetico del espacio proyectivo de base no finita numerable
BOOKS012739I: Plant, Raymond - Politics, Theology, and History
BOOKS000186I: Plant, Helmut R. - Syntaktische Strukturen zu den Monseer Fragmenten. Ein Beitrag zur Beschreibung der inneren Form des Althochdeutschen.
BOOKS003348I: Plas, Leendert van der - Petrology of the Northern Adula Region, Switzerland (With Particular Reference to the Glaucophone-bearing Rocks)
BOOKS009884I: Plass, Margaret Webster - African Miniatures: The Goldweights of the Ashanti
BOOKS031156I: Plat, Wolfgang - Die Stellung der deutschen Sozialdemokratie zum Grundsatz der Gleichberechtigung der Frau auf dem Gebiet des Familienrechts.,..
BOOKS021122I: Plateau, Felix Auguste Joseph [1841-1911] - Recherches expérimentales sur les fleurs entomophiles peu visitées par les insectes rendues attractives au moyen de liquides..,.
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BOOKS016470I: Platek, Steven M. ; Keenan, Julian Paul ; & Shackelford, Todd Kennedy - Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience
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BOOKS026792I: Platon, Nikolaos [1909-1992] - Zakros : to neon Minoikon anaktoron / hypo Nikolaou Platonos
BOOKS025463I: Platou, Olaf - Vĺre kirkeklokker som musikalske monumenter
BOOKS001406I: Platt, Tony and Takagi, Paul, editors - Crime and Social Justice
BOOKS009222I: Plattner, Stuart, editor: - Economic Anthropology
BOOKS008508I: Plattner, Stuart; editor: - Economic Anthropology
BOOKS010058I: Platzer, Matthias - Die Eskimo der Keewatin Region: Ein Beitrag zum Kulturwandel in der kanadischen Zentralarktis
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BOOKS026342I: Plazy, Gilles - Voyage en Gracquoland
BOOKS012905I: Pleines, Jochen; editor: - La linguistique au Maghreb / Maghreb Linguistics
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BOOKS015980I: Pleshoyano, Dan V. - Colonel Nicolae Plesoianu and the National Regeneration Movement in Walachia
BOOKS003943I: Plesner, Johan - L'emigration de la campagne a la ville libre de Florence au XIIIe siecle
BOOKS031385I: Chatillon-Plessis - La vie ŕ table ŕ la fin du XIXe sičcle : Théorie pratique et historique de gastronomie
BOOKS030266I: Pleticha, Heinrich ; & Augustin, Siegfried - Lexikon der Abenteuer- und Reiseliteratur : von Afrika bis Winnetou
BOOKS017852I: Plischke, Elme - Berlin : Development of its Government and Administration
BOOKS004594I: Pljaku, Panajot [1919 - 1966] - Nasilje nad albanskom revolucijom
BOOKS024688I: Ploebsch, Gerd - Alban Bergs Wozzeck : dramaturgie und musikalischer Aufbau. Nebst einer Bibliographie der Schriften und Briefe Bergs ..,.
BOOKS004855I: Van der Ploeg, J.P.M. - The Christians of St. Thomas in South India and their Syriac Manuscripts
BOOKS004614I: Plog, Fred - The Study of Prehistoric Change
BOOKS001138I: Plonka-Syroka, Bozena - Recepcja doktryn medycznych przelomu XVIII i XIX wieku w polskich osrodkach akademickich, w latach 1784-1863
BOOKS000862I: Plotz, John - The Crowd : British Literature and Public Politics
BOOKS004390I: Ploug, Gunhild - Sukas II : The Aegean, Corinthian and Eastern Greek Pottery and Terracottas
BOOKS004538I: Ploug, Gunhild - The Graeco-Roman Town [ Hama, Fouilles et Recherches, 1931-1938 ; III, 1]
BOOKS021573I: Ploug, Gunhild ; Oldenburg, Evelyn ; Hammershaimb, E. ; Thomsen, R. ; Lřkkegaard, F. - Les petits objets médiévaux sauf les verreries et poteries [Hama, Fouilles et Recherches, 1931-1938 ; IV, 3]
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BOOKS023078I: Plum, Niels Munk - Forsagelsen ved daaben : en liturgisk-historisk undersřgelse
BOOKS018575I: Plunkett, Richard J. - Epidemiology and Mental Illness
BOOKS025817I: Plüss, Eduard - Dürers Darstellungen Christi am Oelberg
BOOKS011486I: Pluvier, J.M. - Overzicht van de Ontwikkeling der nationalistische Beweging in Indonesie in de jaren 1930 tot 1942
BOOKS008552I: Poate, C. D.; & Daplyn, P.F. - Data for Agrarian Development
BOOKS031687I: Pociute-Abukeviciene, Dainora - XVI - XVII a. protestantu baznytines giesmes : Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste ir Prusu Lietuva
BOOKS016702I: Pockett, Susan ; Banks, William P. ; & Gallagher, Shaun ; editors: - Does Consciousness Cause Behavior?
BOOKS017014I: Poddar, Ram Prakash - An Introduction to the Uttarajjhayana
BOOKS012424I: Poddar, Ram Prakash - An Introduction to Karpuramanjari, with Text and Hindi translation
BOOKS001507I: Poddar, Arabinda - Renaissance in Bengal : Quests and Confrontations 1800-1860
BOOKS001321I: Poddar, Arabinda - Renaissance in Bengal : Search for Identity
BOOKS031015I: Poddubnyy, Serhiy - Velesova Knyha : Vedy Ukrayiny-Rusi
BOOKS012257I: Podipara, Placid J. [1899-1985] [ Koodapuzha, Xavier ; editor: ] - The Canonical Sources of the Syro-Malabar Church
BOOKS003077I: Podpera, Josef - Conspectus Muscorum Europaeorum
BOOKS028502I: Podskalsky, Gerhard. - Griechische Theologie in der Zeit der Türkenherrschaft (1453-1821) ..,.
BOOKS014544I: Podvigina, H.L. - Ocherki sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi i politicheskoi istorii Novgoroda Velikogo v XII-XIII vv.
BOOKS018480I: Podvoll, Edward M. - The Seduction of Madness : Revolutionary Insights into the World of Psychosis and a Compassionate Approach to Recovery at Home
BOOKS022876I: Poel, Klaas G van der - Theory and Practice of Information Strategy : A Study of Contemporary Practice in Six Large Organisations ..,.
BOOKS000187I: Pogany- Balas, Edit - The Influence of Rome's Antique Monumental Sculptures on the Great Masters of the Renaissance
BOOKS028133I: Pohanka, Reinhard - Burgen und Heiligtümer in Laristan, Südiran : ein Surveybericht
BOOKS025557I: Pohl, Eva - Ćstetisk messianisme og kunstnerproblemet
BOOKS030784I: Pohl, Ingrid - The Iron Age Necropolis of Sorbo at Cerveteri
BOOKS026614I: Pohlhausen, Robert - Zum Recht der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen im 19. Jahrhundert
BOOKS001146I: Pohlhausen,Henn - Das Wanderhirtentum und seine Vorstufen : eine ethnographisch-geographische Studie zur Entwicklung der Eingeborenenwirtschaft
BOOKS016563I: Pohlmann, Karl-Friedrich - Studien zum Jeremiabuch : Ein Beitrage zur Frage nach der Entstehung des Jeremiabuches
BOOKS013390I: Poinar, George O. - Life in Amber
BOOKS027109I: Poinssot, Claude - Les ruines de Dougga
BOOKS017875I: Poirier, Richard. - The Performing Self : Compositions and Decompositions in the Languages of Contemporary Life
BOOKS017676I: Poirier, Richard - The Renewal of Literature: Emersonian Reflections
BOOKS015950I: Poirier, Richard - The Renewal of Literature: Emersonian Reflections
BOOKS005394I: Poirier, Richard - Poetry and Pragmatism
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BOOKS024448I: Pol, Max van [1881-1948] [ Netherlands, Departement van Zaken Overzee, Afdeeling Publiek Contact ] - Indonesië in het Parlement, mei 1946 / met een voorwoord Van Max van Poll, lid van de Tweede Kamer ..,.
BOOKS006255I: Polakow, Avron - Tense and Performance. An Essay on the Uses of Tensed and Tenseless Language
BOOKS020348I: Poland, Petrokov [Piotrków] Government - Otchet o veterinarno-sanitarnom sostoinii petrokovskoi gubernii za 1905 god'
BOOKS006401I: Polanski, Tomasz - Ancient Greek Orientalist Painters: The Literary Evidence
BOOKS012743I: Polchinski, Joseph Gerard - String Theory. Volume II: Superstring Theory and Beyond
BOOKS020029I: Polchinski, Joseph Gerard - String Theory: Volume 1 : An Introduction to the Bosonic String
BOOKS030433I: Polemis, Ioannis D [ Polemes, I. ] - Theophanes of Nicaea : His Life and Works
BOOKS029950I: Polén, Rietrik [1823- 1884] - Johdanto Suomen kirjallishistoriaan : yliopistollinen kirjoitus
BOOKS012616I: Polezzi, Loredana - Translating Travel : Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation
BOOKS023559I: Polge Montalbert, Jules - Aux electeurs du Puy-en-Velay et de la Haute-Loire
BOOKS010591I: Polhemus, Robert M. ; & Henkle, Rober B.; editors: - Critical Reconstructions : The Relationship of Fiction and Life
BOOKS012069I: Poliakov, Leon - La condition des juifs en France sous l'occupation italienne
BOOKS022413I: Polinard, E. (Edmond) - La géographie physique de la région du Lubilash, de la Bushimaie et de la Lubi vers le 6° parallčle Sud
BOOKS004580I: Polinard, E. - Le Socle ancien inferieur a la Serie schisto-calcaire du Bas-Congo. Son etude le long du chemin de fer de Matadi a Leopoldville.
BOOKS004581I: Polinard, E. - Etude Petrographique de l'Entre-Lulua-Lubilash du parallele 7:30' S. a la frontiere de l'Angola.
BOOKS004467I: Polinard, E. - Contribution geologique de Bassin de la Bushimaie entre la Mui et la Movo (Congo Belge)
BOOKS004468I: Polinard, E. - Constitution Geologique et Petrographique des Bassins de la Kotto et du M'bari dans la region de Bria-Yalinga (Oubangui-Chari)
BOOKS010763I: Polisensky, Mirek B. - The Language and Origin of the Etruscans
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BOOKS002209I: Polish Academy of Sciences,Institute of History & Centre for Studies on non-European Countries - Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures & Societies. No. 4. Contributions 1987
BOOKS002332I: Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee for Studies on Asia, Africa and Latin America - Studies on the Developing Countries. Nr. 4, 1987
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BOOKS012456I: Polkam, D. B. - Merolu Telugu
BOOKS014475I: Pollack, Henry N. - Uncertain Science ... Uncertain World
BOOKS028450I: Pollak, Hans Wolfgang - Phonetische Untersuchungen : I. - II.
BOOKS010890I: Pollard, Andrew - Reflective Teaching in the Primary School: A Handbook for the Classroom
BOOKS001348I: Pollard, John F. - The Unknown Pope : Benedict XV (1914-1922) and the Pursuit of Peace
BOOKS020141I: Pollard, Tessa M. - Western Diseases : An Evolutionary Perspective
BOOKS022351I: Poller, R. C. - The Chemistry of Organotin Compounds
BOOKS005520I: Pollock, Thomas Clark - The Nature of Literature. Its Relation to Science, Language & Human Experience
BOOKS019506I: Polonczyk, Eugeniusz [ Polska Partia Socjalistyczna ] [ Niemojewski, Andrzej ] [ Lutoslawski, W. ] [ Sliwinski, Artur ] - 2. Nadaremnie : Haslo (Czterdziesci i cztery) [bound together with 5 other Polish books & pamphlets, ca. 1915-1931]
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BOOKS024683I: Polth, Michael - Zur kompositorischen Relevanz der Zwölftontechnik : Studie zu Arnold Schönbergs Drittem Streichquartett
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BOOKS019868I: Pombo, Francisco Justino da Silva - Cosmographia: Estudos sob o patrocinio Jesus, Maria e Jose. Appendice a 2a edicao. Terceira Parte: Geometria dos Ceus
BOOKS020947I: Pommerol, B. - Comptes-rendus des publications d'anthropologie de langue allemande
BOOKS010974I: Pomorska, Krystyna - Jakobsonian Poetics and Slavic Narrative: From Pushkin to Solzhenitsyn
BOOKS009602I: Pomorska, Marzanna - Middle Chulym Noun Formation
BOOKS020289I: Pomorski, Edward [ pseudonym of Jedrzej Moraczewskiego (1870-1944) ] - Lud a Sejm
BOOKS013099I: Pomper, Philip; translator & editor: [Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940)] [Felshtinsky, Yuri; editor:] [Felshtinskii, IUrii; editor:] - Trotsky’s Notebooks, 1933-1935: Writings on Lenin, Dialectics, & Evolutionism. Translated, Annotated, & with Introductory Essays
BOOKS004262I: Pond, Wilson G. & Houpt, Katherine A. - The Biology of the Pig
BOOKS020299I: Ponroy, Arthur [1816-1875] ; editor: - Le spectre blanc : Revue hebdomadaire. No. 51 17 Novembre 1872
BOOKS027459I: Pons Bartran, Ricardo - Contribución al estudio de las demencias preseniles : enfermedad de Alzheimer y Pick
BOOKS000134I: Pons y Boigues, Francisco - Ensayo bio-bibliográfico sobre los historiadores y geógrafos arábigo-espańoles
BOOKS006478I: Pont, Adrian C. - The Type-Material of Diptera (Insecta) Described by G.H. Verrall and J.E. Collin
BOOKS003125I: Pontecorvo, Giulio; editor: - The New Order of the Oceans: The Advent of a Managed Environment
BOOKS021187I: Pontoppidan, Morten [1851-1931] - En dansk prćst : studier over Peter Rřrdam
BOOKS010099I: Pontusson, Jonas - The Limits of Social Democracy: Investment Politics in Sweden
BOOKS004874I: Pool, Robert, - Beyond Engineering : How Society Shapes Technology
BOOKS014254I: Poole, Keith T. - Spatial Models of Parliamentary Voting
BOOKS006362I: Poole, R.K. & Trinci, A.P.J., editors: - Spatial Organization in Eukaryotic Microbes
BOOKS015293I: Poole, Roger ; & Stangerup, Henrik ; editors: - The Laughter Is on My Side: An Imaginative Introduction to Kierkegaard
BOOKS010896I: Poole, Michael; editor: - Human Resource Management, Volume III: Emergent HRM Issues for the New Millennium
BOOKS012249I: Poovey, Mary; editor: - The Financial System in Nineteenth-Century Britain
BOOKS019189I: Poovey, Mary ; editor: - The Financial System in Nineteenth-Century Britain
BOOKS026575I: Pop, Simion - The Merry Cemetery : A Sentimental Monograph
BOOKS013435I: Pope, Richard Thomas Pembroke [1799-1859] ; & Maguire, Thomas - The Authenticated Report of the Discussion Which Took Place between the Rev. R.T.P. Pope and the Rev. T. Maguire ..,.
BOOKS015493I: Popescu-Puturi, Ion ; & Deac, Augustin - La Premičre Internationale et la Roumanie
BOOKS005209I: Popescu, Dumitru Radu - The Royal Hunt
BOOKS029415I: Popham, Mervyn R. - The Destruction of the Palace at Knossos : Pottery of the Late Minoan IIIa Period
BOOKS010634I: Popkin, Cathy - The Pragmatics of Insignificance: Chekhov, Zoshchenko, Gogol
BOOKS016703I: Popkin, Richard Henry - The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza
BOOKS020298I: Poplawski, Mieczyslaw Stanislaw - L'apotheose de Sylla et d'Auguste
BOOKS005594I: Poplazarov, Risto - Grckata politika sprema Makedonija vo vtorata polovina na XIX i pocetokot na XX vek...
BOOKS014495I: Popov, Rachko; Gramatikov, Georgi; editors: - Trakietzut i negoviiat sviat, tom 2. Dokladi ot tretata nauchna etnografska konferentziia "Trakietzut i negoviiat sviat
BOOKS014492I: Popov, Rachko; Vaseva, Valentina; Stamenova Zhivka -editors: - Trakiietzut i negoviiat sviat. Materiali ot VIII-ta Natzionalna konferentziia na bulgarskite etnolozi. Haskovo'95
BOOKS009798I: Popov, Georgi - Die türkische Post in Bulgarien : philatelisches Handbuch und Katalog : 4. Auflage 2014
BOOKS012231I: Popov, Zheko - Rumuniia i bulgarskiiat natsionalen vupros (Makedoniia i Dobrudzha) 1903-1913 g.
BOOKS009812I: Popov,Georgi - Der Krimkrieg in Bulgarien / Krimskata voina v Balgariia : philatelisches Handbuch und Katalog..,.
BOOKS000620I: Popov, Vladimir A. - Etnosotsial'naia istoriia akanov v XVI-XIX vekakh : problemy genezisa i stadial'no-formatsionnogo razvitiia etnopoliticheskikh.,
BOOKS015765I: Popov, Racho; Rakshieva, Svetla; & Boncheva, TSvetana ; editors: - Rastitelniiat i zhivotinskiiat sviat v traditsionnata kultura na Bulgarite : Dokladi ot 10. th Natsionalna konferentsiia..,.2003
BOOKS026360I: Popov, G.B. - Notes on the Behaviour of Swarms of the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forskäl) during Oviposition in Iran
BOOKS028736I: Popov, Georgi - Die österreichische Levantepost in Bulgarien (Staatspost, Lloyd, DDSG) : philatelisches Handbuch und Katalog
BOOKS000154I: Popovic, Tatyana - Prince Marko. The Hero of the South Slavic Epics
BOOKS017726I: Popovich, Vo'iin - Prilozi termogenezi ohlachenor homeoterma
BOOKS000770I: Popovici, Zaharia - Los estudios de hidrobiologia en la Argentina, sus relaciones con el plan del Superior Gobierno.,. y sus proyecciones futuras
BOOKS000897I: Popovskii, Mark Aleksandrovich [ Popovsky, Mark ] - Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvaiut : posledovateli L.N. Tolstogo v Sovetskom Soiuze, 1918-1977 :dokumental'nyi rasskaz o krest'ianakh
BOOKS026368I: Poppe, N.N. - I : Bemerkungen zu G.J. Ramstedt's Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft ; II: Ein altes Kulturwort in den altaischen..
BOOKS024743I: Popper, Karl R. (Karl Raimund) [1902-1994] - The Poverty of Historicism
BOOKS014145I: Popper, Karl Raimund, Sir [1902 - 1994] ; & Eccles, John Carew), Sir - The Self and Its Brain: Argument for Interactionism
BOOKS018615I: Popper, Karl Raimund [1902-1994] - The Poverty of Historicism
BOOKS030444I: Acción Popular (Peru) [ Belaúnde, Fernando (1912-2002)] - an original painting of an Acción Popular electoral rally, ca. 1980-85
BOOKS018707I: Association maghrébine pour l'étude de la population - La fécondité dans le Maghreb
BOOKS003287I: Porrenga, Daniel Hittjo - Clay Mineralogy & Geochemistry of Recent Marine Sediments in Tropical Areas as Exemplified by the Niger Delta...
BOOKS006337I: Porret, Michel - Le crime et ses circonstances : de l'esprit de l'arbitraire au sičcle des Lumičres selon les réquisitoires des procureurs ..,.
BOOKS005418I: Pors, Mette, editor: - The Vitality of the Arthurian Legend. A Symposium
BOOKS014570I: Porsild, A. E. (Alf Erling) [1901 - 19??] - The Vascular Plants of the Western Canadian Arctic Archipelago
BOOKS024663I: Porter, Roy ; & Teich, Mikulás ; editors: - Revolution in History
BOOKS024737I: Porter, Roy ; & Teich, Mikulás ; editors : - The Renaissance in National Context
BOOKS024662I: Porter, Roy ; & Teich, Mikulás ; editors: - Romanticism in National Context
BOOKS008527I: Porter, David; editor: - Internet Culture
BOOKS007177I: Porter, Gavis - Vietnam: The Politics of Bureaucratic Socialism
BOOKS013322I: Porter, Roy, & Rousseau, G. S. (George Sebastian) - Gout: The Patrician Malady
BOOKS018374I: Porter, Charlotte M. - The Eagle's Nest : Natural History and American Ideas, 1812-1842
BOOKS015064I: Porter, Roy - The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine
BOOKS012301I: Porter, Valerie - Pigs: A Handbook to the Breeds of the World
BOOKS003729I: Porter, J.M. & Vernon, Richard, editors: - Unity, Plurality & Politics. Essays in Honour of F.M. Barnard
BOOKS000024I: Porter, Robert - Russia's Alternative Prose
BOOKS020170I: Porter, Joy ; & Roemer, Kenneth M. ; editors: - The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature
BOOKS006378I: Porterfield, Todd Burke - The Allure of Empire: Art in the Service of French Imperialism, 1798-1836
BOOKS016721I: Porterfield, Amanda - Healing in the History of Christianity
BOOKS028077I: Portmann, Adolf ; editor : - Eranos-Jahrbuch 1964 : Das menschliche Drama in der Welt der Ideen [Band XXXIII]
BOOKS015793I: Portugal, Ministerio dos Negocios da Marinha e Ultramar - Projecto de Organizacao Administrativa da Provincia de Cabo Verde [bound together with 3 other reports on Cabo Verde, 1892-1914]
BOOKS002470I: Comite Marxista-Leninista Portugues - Revolucao Popular. Edicao Completa 1964-65
BOOKS013672I: Portuondo, José Antonio [1911 - ] - La emancipación literaria de hispanoamérica : [ensayos recogidos]
BOOKS003635I: Posadowsky, Graf - Weltwende. Gesammelte politische Aufsatze
BOOKS003901I: Poschl, Viktor - Romischer Staat und griechisches Staatsdenken bei Cicero. Untersuchungen zu Ciceros Schrift 'De Re Publica'
BOOKS019693I: Posen, Barry R. - The Sources of Military Doctrine : France, Britain and Germany Between the World Wars
BOOKS002260I: Poser, Paul v. - Die Landschaft von Lovanger in Nordschweden. Ein Beitrag zur Landschaftkunde
BOOKS031465I: Posman, Sarah ; Reverseau, Anne ; Ayers, David ; Bru, Sascha ; & Hjartarson, Benedikt ; editors : - The Aesthetics of Matter : Modernism, the Avant-garde and Material Exchange
BOOKS016527I: Posner, Daniel N. - Institutions and Ethnic Politics in Africa
BOOKS019689I: Posnock, Ross ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Ellison
BOOKS002241I: Pospiech, Andrzej - Majetnosci na Sprzedaz. Szlachecki Handel Ziemia i Przemiany Struktury Majatkowej w Powiecie Kaliskim w Latach 1580- 1655.
BOOKS015735I: Pospishil, Victor J. ; editor: - Code of Oriental Canon Law : The Law on Marriage; Interritual Marriage Law Problems. English Translation & Commentary
BOOKS009424I: Pospisil, Leopold - Kapauku Papuan Economy
BOOKS007511I: Possi, Gianfranco - The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction
BOOKS025024I: Post, Lennart, von ; Oldeberg, Andreas Emil [1892-1980] ; & ; Fröman, Ingmar - Ein eisenzeitliches Rad aus dem Filaren-See in Södermanland Schweden
BOOKS008098I: Post, Jonathan F.S. - Henry Vaughan: The Unfolding Vision
BOOKS001043I: Post, Alb. Herm. - Die Anfange des Staats- und Rechtslebens. Ein Beitrag zu einer allgemeinen vergleichenden Staats-und Rechtsgeschichte.
BOOKS003006I: Post, Ken - Revolution, Socialism & Nationalism in Viet Nam: Volumes 1 -2 -3 -4
BOOKS012659I: Postal, Paul Martin - Three Investigations of Extraction
BOOKS010414I: Postal, Paul M. & Joseph, Brian D.; editors: - Studies in Relational Grammar 3
BOOKS009520I: Postal, Paul M - Masked Inversion in French
BOOKS017877I: Postal, Paul Martin - Cross-Over Phenomena
BOOKS023199I: Postan, M. M. (Michael Moissey) [1899-1981] - Fact and Relevance : Essays on Historical Method
BOOKS004327I: Posthumus, O. - On Some Principles of Stelar Morphology
BOOKS004002I: Posthumus, N.W. - De Uitvoer van Amsterdam 1543 - 1545
BOOKS028976I: Württembergisches Auktionshaus für Postwertzeichen - 124. Auktion: 21 März 2015: Deutsche Kolonien & Auslandspostämter mit Sammlungen Dr. Helmut Schmidt, Gerhard Sauer, Peter Wenzel
BOOKS013496I: Posy, Bonnard [1931 - ] - Les chants du silence: Poemes.
BOOKS021948I: Potamkin, Harry Alan [1900-1933] [ Jacobs, Lewis ; editor: ] - The Compound Cinema : The Film Writings of Harry Alan Potamkin / Selected, Arranged, and Introduced by Lewis Jacobs.
BOOKS007512I: Potash, Robert A. - The Army & Politics in Argentina 1928 - 1945: Yrigoyen to Peron
BOOKS015333I: Pothen, K. P. - A Socio-Economic Survey of the Christian Community in Malwa
BOOKS015726I: La Potin, Armand Shelby ; editor: - Native American Voluntary Organizations
BOOKS001577I: Pótó, János - Emlékmuvek, politika, közgondolkodás : Budapest köztéri emlékmuvei, 1945-1949 : így épült a Sztálin-szobor, 1949-1953
BOOKS010727I: Potocki, Henryk - W krainia massajow
BOOKS019399I: Potop, Anna - Un patriotta romeno: Nicola Balcescu
BOOKS013901I: Potter, Clare; compiler & editor: - The Lesbian Periodicals Index
BOOKS009563I: Potter, David M. - Japan's Foreign Aid to Thailand and the Philippines
BOOKS015697I: Potter, Karl H. ; & Bhattacharya, Sibajiban ; editors: - Indian Philosophical Analysis: Nyaya-Vaisesika from Gangesa to Raghuntha Siromani [Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies, Vol. 6]
BOOKS010512I: Potter, T.W. - A Faliscan Town in South Etruria: Excavations at Narce 1966-71
BOOKS017012I: Potter, Sulamith Heins - Family Life in a Northern Thai Village: A Study in the Structural Significance of Women
BOOKS002568I: Pottle, Frederick A. - The Idiom of Poetry
BOOKS017606I: Potts, Daniel T. - The Pre-Islamic Coinage of Eastern Arabia
BOOKS026547I: Poulantzas, Nicos Ar - Political Power and Social Classes
BOOKS002674I: Poulik, Josef; Filip, J.; Chochol, J.; Kramarik, J.; & Vanecek, V.; editors: - Origine et debuts des Slaves. Recueil d'etudes sur les antiquities slaves: VII/ Vznik a pocatky slovanu. Sbornik...VII
BOOKS026063I: Poulsen, Knud [1881-1946] - Breve fra det Fjćrne
BOOKS024844I: Poulsen, Erik Mellentin [1900-1985] - Biological Remarks on Lepidurus arcitcus Pallas, Daphnia pulex De Geer and Chydorus sphaericus O.F.M. in East Greenland
BOOKS022675I: Poulsen, Vagn Häger [1909-1970] - Les portraits romains : Volume 1. République et dynastie julienne. [1] Texte. [2] Planches.
BOOKS027399I: Poulsen, Knud [1881-1946] - Ungdom
BOOKS002920I: Poulsen, Holger - A Study of Incubation Responses and Some Other Behaviour Patterns in Birds
BOOKS026546I: Poulsen, A.S. - A. F. Krieger : Sřrgetale i Vor Frue Kirke
BOOKS007800I: Poulsen, Frederik - Probleme der Romischen Ikonographie
BOOKS007279I: Poulsen, Erik M. - Freshwater Entomostraca [ The Zoology of East Greenland ]
BOOKS006742I: Poulsen, Frederik - Aus einer alten Etruskerstadt
BOOKS005840I: Poulsen, Frederik & Rhomaios, Konstantinos - Erster vorlaufiger Bericht uber die danisch-griechischen Ausgrabungen von Kalydon
BOOKS022667I: Poulsen, Frederik - Römische Privatporträts und Prinzenbildnisse
BOOKS022146I: Poulsen, Jacob E. - Diabetes mellitus : Lectures Held in Cairo and Alexandria, January 1966
BOOKS002540I: Poulsen, Jacob E. & Snorrason, Egill, editors: - Nicolaus Steno 1638-1686. A Reconsideration by Danish Scientists
BOOKS026426I: Poulsen, Ebbe ; Skov, Flemming; Sureeratna Laknavichian ; Sornprach Thanisawanyangkura ; Borgtoft, Henrik ; & Hřiris, Ole - Forest in Culture - Culture in Forest : Perspectives from Northern Thailand
BOOKS030325I: Poulsen, Frederik [1876-1950] - Delphische Studien
BOOKS026554I: Poulsgaard Markussen, Erik - Painted Tombs in Etruria : A Catalogue
BOOKS012494I: Poulton, Hugh - Who are the Macedonians?
BOOKS009436I: Poulton, E.C. - Behavioral Decision Theory: A New Approach
BOOKS016350I: Pouncy, Carolyn Johnston ; editor & translator: - The Domostroi: Rules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible
BOOKS005596I: Pound, Ezra [ Berg, Řyvind ; translator: ] - Metriske ruiner : utkast og brokker av Cantos CX-CXX
BOOKS027994I: Poussin, Catherine - Elektrophysiologische und neuroanatomische Untersuchungen an Neuronen des colliculus superior der echoortenden Fledermaus .,.,.
BOOKS014207I: Pouvourville, Albert de [1861 - 1939] [ Matgioď ] - La question d'Extręme-Orient
BOOKS030358I: Poviliünas, Virgilijus - Lietuvos respublikos meru regalijos : Parodos katalogas
BOOKS004178I: Povinelli, Daniel J.; & Eddy, Timothy J. - What Young Chimpanzees Know About Seeing
BOOKS010988I: Powell, John Duncan - Political Mobilization of the Venezuelan Peasant
BOOKS010605I: Powell, Grosvenor - Language as Being in the Poetry of Yvor Winters
BOOKS006462I: Powell, J.M. - An Historical Geography of Modern Australia: The Restive Fringe
BOOKS005852I: Powell, Arthur B. & Frankenstein, Marilyn , editors: - Ethnomathematics : Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics Education
BOOKS021312I: Powell, Ivor - Disillusion by the Nile : What Nasser Has Done to Egypt
BOOKS014605I: Powicke, Maurice [Powicke, Frederick Maurice (1879 - 1963)] - The Christian Life in the Middle Ages and Other Essays
BOOKS023941I: Powicke, Maurice [ Powicke, F. M. (Frederick Maurice)] [1879-1963] - The Loss of Normandy, 1189-1204 : Studies in the History of the Angevin Empire
BOOKS005409I: Powicke, F.M. - Modern Historians and the Study of History. Essays and Papers.
BOOKS007020I: Powys, John Cowper [1872-1963] - Letters of John Cowper Powys to Louis Wilkinson, 1935-1956
BOOKS012074I: Powys, John Cowper [1872-1963] - Letters to Nicholas Ross
BOOKS009108I: Srpsko narodno pozoriste - Spomenica 1861-1921
BOOKS019072I: Prabhakara Variar, K.M.; editor: [Prabhakaravariyar, Ke. Em.] - Studies in Malayalam Grammar
BOOKS014673I: Prabhakara Variar, K.M.; editor: [Prabhakaravariyar, Ke. Em.] - History of Malayalam Language
BOOKS031877I: Prabhu S., Govindraya ; & Pai M., Nithyananda - The Alupas : Coinage and History
BOOKS026934I: Prabhu, Em Sesagiri ; & Pai, Payyannur Rames - Konkana Brahmanarute caritram
BOOKS020179I: Prabhu, Pandharinath - Hindu Social Organization : A Study in Socio-psychological and Ideological Foundations
BOOKS029061I: Prachner, Gottfried - Die Sklaven und Freigelassenen im arretinischen Sigillatagewerbe : epigraphische, nomenklatorische ..,.
BOOKS030021I: Pradhan, Menno Prasad - Labour Supply in Urban Areas of Bolivia and the Role of the Informal Sector
BOOKS007784I: Pradhan, Mangala - Bronze Statues Made From the Lost Wax Casting Technique and Their Meaning in Contemporary Thailand : A Case Study ..,.
BOOKS015347I: Pradhan, Atul Chandra ; & Patnaik, Ashok Kumar ; editors; - People's Movements in Orissa During the Colonial Era
BOOKS023486I: Pradhan, Sarangadhar - Je:da Johari (Devotional Songs in Kui)
BOOKS002307I: Pradityo, Sigit - Satrio piningit
BOOKS013088I: Prados, John - Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby
BOOKS002919I: Pradt, M. de (Dominique Georges Frédéric), archevęque de Malines, alors ambassadeur ŕ Varsovie) [1759-1837] - Histoire de l'ambassade dans le Grand Duché de Varsovie en 1812
BOOKS006280I: Prager, Jeffrey - Building Democracy in Ireland. Political Order & Cultural Integration in a Newly Independent Nation
BOOKS028748I: Prager, Eugen [1876-1942] - Geschichte der U. S. P. D. : Entstehung und Entwicklung der Unabhängigen Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands
BOOKS000466I: Prais, S.J. - The Evolution of Giant Firms in Britain. A Study of the Growth of Concentration in Manufacturing Industry in Britain 1909 - 70
BOOKS017850I: Prakasam, Vennelakai - The Linguistic Spectrum
BOOKS010430I: Prakasam, V. - The Linguistic Spectrum
BOOKS029770I: Prakash, Vidya - Coinage of South India : An Introductory Survey
BOOKS002434I: Prakash, Buddha - Political & Social Movements in Ancient Panjab (From the Vedic Age up to the Maurya Period)
BOOKS008738I: Prakash, B.R. & Madhusudan, N. - Pada sancaya: sadrsyarthaka padakosa
BOOKS007579I: Prakash, Kala - Aarsia Aado
BOOKS018973I: Prakash, Buddha - Glimpses of Ancient Panjab
BOOKS020259I: Prakash, Ravi - Verb-morphology in Middle Indo-Aryan
BOOKS009338I: Prang, Helmut - Formgeschichte der Dichtkunst
BOOKS009252I: Prang, Helmut ; compiler: - Begriffsbestimmung der Romantik
BOOKS003738I: Prange, Wolfgang, editor: - Herzog Adolfs Urteilbuch 1544 - 1570. Schleswigsches Rechtsleben um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS024614I: Prasad, Bindeshwar - Rajak-Darpan
BOOKS008969I: Prasad, Bal Ram - Mising Grammar
BOOKS011379I: Prasad, B.N. - Radicalism & Violence in Agrarian Structure : The Maoist Movement in Bihar
BOOKS000900I: Prasad, Yuvaraj Deva - The Indian Muslims & World War I : A Phase of Disillusionment with British Rule 1914-1918
BOOKS022717I: Prasad, Gajadar - Arya : Niti Ka Bhandaphod
BOOKS003627I: Prasad, Neelkamal ; & Mookerjee, Sivatosh - Morphogenetic Analysis of Ecotypes of Indian Hydra
BOOKS001835I: Prasad, Rajendra; Saxena, S.C. ; & Bhargava, V.G. - Tasar Weaving Craft of Quadirganj, Puraini & Bhagaia Villages [ Bihar. Handicraft Survey Report ]
BOOKS000508I: Prasad, Shashi Bhushan - The China Factor in Indo-Nepalese Relations 1955-1972 (A Study of Linkage Phenomenon)
BOOKS001654I: Prasad, Rajendra, editor: - Ends and Means in Private and Public Life
BOOKS000538I: Prasad, Onkar - Folk Music and Folk Dances of Banaras
BOOKS000371I: Prasad, Prabhu Nath - Banking Development and Credit Imbalances
BOOKS022425I: Prasad, M. Madhava - Ideology of the Hindi Film : A Historical Construction
BOOKS021486I: Prasad, Manohar Chandra - Broken God, Broken People : Plight of Dalit Christians
BOOKS028108I: Prasad, Manohar Chandra - Dalit Christian Consciousness
BOOKS004364I: Prasad, Nand Kishore - Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
BOOKS001578I: Prasad, Leela - Opposition to British Supremacy in Bihar 1757-1803
BOOKS023596I: Prasada, Sucita Narayana - Mahamati Prananatha prerita Srikrshna pranami vanmaya
BOOKS028469I: Prásek, Justin Václav [1853-1924] [ Kluge, Theodor ] - Kyros der Grosse [bound together with three other monographs of the series 'Der Alte Orient' ]
BOOKS003255I: Prasetyo, Andreas Budhi - Production & Microbiology of Traditional Indonesian Kecap
BOOKS025003I: Thongsavat Prasoet - Lao Lan Sang samai farang pokkhong / nu'anai khonkhwa lć hiaphiang, Thongsavat Prasoet
BOOKS021883I: Zachodnia Agencja Prasowa - Transfer of the German Population from Poland : Legend and Reality
BOOKS028297I: Prass, Reiner - Reformprogramm und bäuerliche Interessen : die Auflösung der traditionellen Gemeindeökonomie im südlichen Niedersachsen, 1750.,.
BOOKS007608I: Prasse, Karl-G. ; Blandford, Katrine ; Moestrup, Elisabeth A. ; & El-Shoubary, Iman ; editors & transcribers : - 5 Egyptian-Arabic One Act Plays : A First Reader / 5 masrahiyat 'Arabiyah Misriyah min fasl wahid
BOOKS002090I: Prasse, Karl-Gottfried - A propos de l'origine de "H" Toureg (Tahaggart)
BOOKS027022I: Prat, J.M. - Histoire du Pčre Ribadeneyra, disciple de saint Ignace
BOOKS006053I: Pratap, D.R. - The Dietary Habits and Nutrition Status of the Chenchus
BOOKS030705I: Mahesa Kavi ; [ Agaracanda Nahata (1911-1983) ; editor : ] ; Rajasthana Pracyavidya Pratishthana - Hamira raso / Mahesa Kavi viracita ; sampadaka, Sri Agaracanda Nahata
BOOKS030406I: Pratje, Andreas [1892-1963] - Die Anwendung stereoskopischer Methoden in der Anthropologie
BOOKS025992I: Pratt, John Tidd (1797-1870) - A Collection of the Late Statutes, Passed for the Administration of Criminal Justice in England; .Comprising 7 Geo.IV. Cap.64..,
BOOKS000045I: Pratt, Sarah - Russian Metaphysical Romanticism: The Poetry of Tiutchev and Boratynskii
BOOKS007887I: Prauss, Gerold - Platon und der logische Eleatismus
BOOKS025643I: Pravin, Shahid [1915- ] - Must We Fight?
BOOKS028555I: Prawdin, Michael - The Mongol Empire : Its Rise and Legacy
BOOKS017107I: Prawer, Siegbert Salomon - Comparative Literary Studies : An Introduction
BOOKS029702I: Praz, Narcisse-René - Das Zuviel-Verteidigungs-Buechlein : sei wachsam und stark: Dein Arbeitgeber wird frei sein! Dem EMD gewidmet..,.
BOOKS013741I: Rada zidovských nábozenských obcí v Praze [Iltis, Rudolf; editor:] - Zidovská rocenka: 5715 [1954/55] - 5716; 5719 -5722; 5724 -5725; 5727- 5732; 5735 [1975] [15 volumes]
BOOKS019052I: Narodni technicke muzeum v Praze [ Majer, Jiri ; editor: ] - Studie z dejin hornictvi / Studies in the History of Mining
BOOKS019012I: Moravsko-Slezská beseda v Praze - Slovenská cítanka. Sesit 2
BOOKS012608I: Prebish, Charles S.; & Baumann, Martin; editors: - Westward Dharma : Buddhism Beyond Asia
BOOKS031000I: Précheur-Canonge, Thérčse - La vie rurale en Afrique romaine d’aprčs les mosaďques
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