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BOOKS011084I: Nilsson, Martin Persson [1874-1967] - Timbres amphoriques de Lindos : publiés avec une étude sur les timbres amphoriques rhodiens
BOOKS003527I: Nilsson, Jan - Plurala ortnamn på Island : morfologiska iakttagelser
BOOKS013590I: Nilsson, Tage [1905 - ] - Versuch einer Anknüpfung der postglazialen Entwicklung des nordwestdeutschen und niederländischen Flachlandes ..,.
BOOKS010879I: Nilsson, Nils Ola - Metrische Stildifferenzen in den Satiren des Horaz
BOOKS002191I: Nilsson, Martin P. (Martin Persson) [1874-1967] - Die hellenistische Schule
BOOKS009742I: Nilsson, Sten; editor: - Aspects of Conservation in Urban India
BOOKS025257I: Nilsson, Håkan - Österlens folkdräkter
BOOKS018215I: Nilsson, Tage - On the Application of the Scanian Post-Glacial Zone System to Danish Pollen-Diagrams
BOOKS025067I: Nilsson, Alexandra - Hama and Gabla : Water-colours 1932-1961 by the Danish Architect Ejnar Fugmann
BOOKS000936I: Nilsson, Carl-Axel - Järn och stål i svensk ekonomi 1885-1912 : En marknadsstudie
BOOKS019482I: Nilsson, Nils Åke - Osip Mandel'stam : Five Poems / [discussed] by Nils Åke Nilsson
BOOKS019526I: Nilsson, Sven [1787-1883] - Skandinaviska nordens ur-invånare, ett försök i komparativa ethnografien..,.Första Banden: Stenålderen
BOOKS019527I: Nilsson, Sven [1787-1883] - Skandinaviska nordens ur-invånare, ett försök i komparativa ethnografien..,.Andra Banden: Bronsålderen
BOOKS001644I: Kraisri Nimmanahaeminda - Sankampaeng Glazed Pottery / Khruang thuai Sankamphaeng
BOOKS009560I: Nimr, 'Abd-al-Munim an- - An-Nihla al-laqita, al-Babiya wa'l-Baha'iya : tarih wa-wata'iq
BOOKS028644I: Nippa, Annegret - Haus und Familie in arabischen Ländern : vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
BOOKS031458I: Niraula, Di. Bi. - Bandana [Vandana] : Varsha 13, anka 4 : 2040
BOOKS030141I: Nispen tot Sevenaer, Octaaf van [1867-1956] - De Republiek Indonesia : haar leiders en haar soldateska : De eer van het leger is de eer van het volk
BOOKS013571I: Nissen, Andreas - Ole Rømer: Et Mindeskrift. Udgivet af Rundetaarn paa 300-Aarsdagen for hans Fødsel den 25. September
BOOKS007462I: Nissen, C.A. - Forsog til en Middelnedertysk Syntax
BOOKS022589I: Nissen, Ingjald [1896-1977] - Strukturen av kulturvidenskapenes metodelære
BOOKS003197I: Nissen, Iver H. - Daekshuses medvirken i langskibsforbandtet.
BOOKS028459I: Nisser, Marie ; editor : [International Conference on the Conservation of Industrial Monuments] [Nordiska Museet] - The Industrial Heritage : The Third International Conference on the Conservation of Industrial Monuments..,. Transactions : 3
BOOKS028974I: Nissim, Gabriel M. - L'uomo che fermò Hitler : la storia di Dimitar Pesev che salvò gli ebrei di una nazione intera
BOOKS029047I: Nistor, Ion I. [1876-1962] - Die auswärtigen Handelsbeziehungen der Moldau im XIV., XV. und XVI. Jahrhundert : Nach Quellen dargestellt von dr. J. Nistor
BOOKS028293I: Nistor, Jancu J. [ Nistor, Ion I. (1876-1962) ] - Die moldauischen Ansprüche auf Pokutien
BOOKS024254I: Nithi 'Ieosiwong - Watthanatham kradumphi kap wannakam ton Rattanakosin
BOOKS007505I: Nitisastro, Widjojo - Population Trends in Indonesia
BOOKS000840I: van Nitsen, R. - Le Pian
BOOKS014906I: Nityananda (17th / 18th century) [Panda, Bhagabana; editor] - Sivalilamrtamahakavyam / Srimadagnicitpanditanityanandaviracitam ; Bhagavan Pandasarmmana sampaditam.
BOOKS003437I: Nitzsch, W.v. - Uber Wasserbewegung und Porositat des Bodens und ihre Beziehungen zur Bodenbearbeitung
BOOKS021947I: Niven, Rex, Sir [1898-1993] - The War of Nigerian Unity, 1967-1970
BOOKS011611I: Nivson, David S. & Wright, Arthur F.; editors: - Confucianism in Action
BOOKS025015I: Nixdorff, Heide - Europäische Volkstrachten : I: Tschechoslowakei
BOOKS016775I: Nixon, Mignon - Fantastic Reality : Louise Bourgeois and a Story of Modern Art
BOOKS001041I: Niyogi, Tushar K. - Aspects of Folk Cults in South Bengal
BOOKS001042I: Niyogi, Tushar K. - Folktales and Myths of Riang and Tripuri Communities : A Study of their Cultural Profile.
BOOKS023400I: Niyogi, Roma - Money of the People : A Survey of Some Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Tokens of India
BOOKS010534I: Nizami, Khaliq Ahmad; editor: - Theodore Beck Papers from the Sir Syed Academy Archives
BOOKS022107I: Nizhny, Vladimir [ Nizhnii, Vladimir ] - Lessons with Eisenstein
BOOKS005675I: Nizsalovszky, Endre - A Legal Approach to Organ Transplantation and Some Other Extraordinary Medical Actions
BOOKS027331I: Njegovanovic-Ristic, Natasa [ Muzej africke umetnosti (Belgrade, Serbia)] - Frizerske i berberske table afrike / Hairdresser and Barbershop Signs in Africa
BOOKS016917I: Noack, Bent - Satanas und Soteria : Untersuchungen zur neutestamentlichen Dämonologie
BOOKS003585I: Noack, Bent - Spätjudentum und Heilsgeschichte
BOOKS012896I: Nobel, Park S. - Remarkable Agaves and Cacti
BOOKS015573I: Nobel, Park S. ; editor: - Cacti: Biology and Uses
BOOKS024988I: Noble, Frank [ Gelling, Margaret ; editor: ] - Offa's Dyke Reviewed
BOOKS008813I: Nobo, Jorge Luis - Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extension and Solidarity
BOOKS030089I: Nobs, Ernst [1886-1957] - Die bürgerliche Jugendbewegung der Schweiz
BOOKS022857I: Nobs, Ernst [1886-1957] - Marxist oder Grütlianer?. Eine Auseinandersetzung über Lenin
BOOKS012335I: Noe, Constantin; & Popesco-Spineni, Marin - Les Roumains en Bulgarie
BOOKS010781I: Noe-Nygaard, Arne [1908-1991] - A Group of Liparite Occurrences in Vatnajökull, Iceland
BOOKS001961I: Noe-Nygaard, Arne - Die Palaeozoischen Eruptivgesteine von Canning Land
BOOKS003447I: Noe-Nygaard, Arne - On the Geology & Petrography of the West Greenland Basalt Province. Part III: The Plateaubasalts of Svartenhuk Peninsula
BOOKS010631I: Noel, J. - Le Cholera a la Maison Departementale de Nanterre
BOOKS015549I: Noel, Daniel C. - The Soul of Shamanism: Western Fantasies, Imagined Realities
BOOKS016320I: Noel, Daniel C. ; editor: - Seeing Castaneda: Reactions to the "Don Juan" Writings of Carlos Castaneda
BOOKS006716I: Noer, Thomas J. - Briton, Boer and Yankee : The United States and South Africa, 1870-1914
BOOKS004376I: Noetzel, Thomas - Authentizität als politisches Problem : ein Beitrag zur Theoriegeschichte der Legitimation politischer Ordnung
BOOKS030917I: Noetzli, Albert - Vergleichende Grammatik des Esperanto und Ido
BOOKS023919I: Noever, Peter ; editor : [Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst (Wien)] [ Schütte-Lihotsky, Margarete (1897-2000)] - Die Frankfurter Küche von Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky : die Frankfurter Küche aus der Sammlung des MAK
BOOKS027721I: Nogueira, Rodrigo de Sá - Temas de linguística banta : Apontamentos de sintaxe ronga
BOOKS000110I: Nogueira, Oracy - Familia e Comunidade. (Um Estudo Sociologico de Itapetininga)
BOOKS025933I: Nohara, Kiuici ; translator : [ Confucius ] - Granda lernado kaj Doktrino de mezeco : unuaj libroj de Konfuciana biblio / el cinlingva originalo tradukis Kiuici Nohara.
BOOKS020542I: Nøjgaard, Morten ; editor: - The Telling of Stories : Approaches to a Traditional Craft : A Symposium
BOOKS017037I: Nolan, Rita - Cognitive Practices : Human Language and Human Knowledge
BOOKS007119I: Nolan, Mary - Social Democracy & Society. Working-Class Radicalism in Dusseldorf, 1890 - 1920
BOOKS028268I: Noll, Alfred - Die Lebenskraft in den Schriften der Vitalisten und ihrer Gegner
BOOKS027517I: Noll, Ferdinand - Über die Behandlung der Nasen-Rachenpolypen durch temporäre Resectionen am Oberkiefer
BOOKS027515I: Noll, Rudolf - Über Pankreas-Nekrose
BOOKS005471I: Nollau, Gunther & Wiehe, Hans Jurgen - Russia's South Flank: Soviet Operations in Iran, Turkey & Afghanistan
BOOKS028123I: Nollendorfs, Valters ; & Oberländer, Erwin ; editors : - The Hidden and Forbidden History of Latvia under Soviet and Nazi Occupations 1940-1991 : Selected Research .,.,.
BOOKS023001I: Nolte, Vincent [1779-1856] - Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres; or, Reminiscences of the Life of a Former Merchant..,.Translated from the German .
BOOKS015740I: Noman, Omar - Political Economy of Pakistan, 1947-85
BOOKS015397I: Nonckiewich-Durczak, Krystyna ; & Durczak, Eugeniusz - Od Fabryki Bawelnianej do za Wiercianskich Zakladow Naprawy Samochodow 1875-1987
BOOKS026576I: Noodt, Wolfram - Marine Harpacticiden (Cop.) aus dem eulitoralen Sandstrand der Insel Sylt
BOOKS015626I: Noordman-Vonk, Wietske - Retrieval from Semantic Memory
BOOKS014017I: Nooteboom, Bart - Inter-firm Alliances : Analysis and Design
BOOKS027774I: Nooter, G. W. ; editor : - Life and Survival in the Arctic : Cultural Changes in Polar Regions
BOOKS009616I: Nooy, Juliana de - Derrida, Kristeva, and the Dividing Line: An Articulation of Two Theories
BOOKS016399I: Nooy, Wouter de ; Mrvar, Andrej ; & Batagelj, Vladimir - Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek
BOOKS019332I: Norberg-Hodge, Helena - Ancient Futures : Learning from Ladakh
BOOKS002448I: Norberg, Kathryn - Rich & Poor in Grenoble 1600 - 1814
BOOKS018141I: Thinley Norbu - A Cascading Waterfall of Nectar
BOOKS010151I: Namkhai Norbu [1938- ] - Bod kyi lo rgyus las 'phros pa'i gtam Gýu nor bu'i do sal bzugs so / [Nam-mkha'i-nor-bu]
BOOKS031298I: Nord, Rudolf - Volksmedizin in Waldeck : Eine volkskundliche Studie
BOOKS013953I: Nord, Jenny - Changing Landscapes and Persistent Places : An Exploration of the Bjäre Peninsula
BOOKS010318I: Nordberg, Henric [Federley, Berndt] - Athanasiana [bound together with: Nordberg "Athanasius and the Emperor" + one other unrelated monograph]
BOOKS009242I: Nordberg, Tord O:son - De la Vallee: En arkitektfamilj i Frankrike, Holland och Sverige: Jean (I), Marin, Simon
BOOKS030033I: Nordberg, Markus Yrjö - Transaction Costs and Core Competence Implications of Buyer-supplier Linkages : The Case of CERN
BOOKS027371I: Norden, Hermann - Auf neuen Pfaden im Kongo : quer durch das dunkelste Afrika
BOOKS019161I: Nyt fra Norden - Nyt fra norden : 1. årgang, nr. 1. Marts 1944
BOOKS003801I: Nordenfelt, Lennart - Causes of Death: A Philosophical Essay
BOOKS009996I: Nordentoft, Johs. - Blandt Danske i America : Rejseskildringer.
BOOKS031705I: Nordh, Arvast ; editor : - Libellus de regionibus urbis Romae / recensuit Arvast Nordh
BOOKS001618I: Nordhjem, Bent - The Phonemes of English. An Experiment in Structural Phonemics
BOOKS001802I: Nordholt, J.W. Schulte & Arkel, D. van ,editors: - Acta Historiae Neerlandica. Historical Studies in the Netherlands: IV
BOOKS001800I: Nordholt, J.W. Schulte & Faber, J.A., editors: - Acta Historiae Neerlandica: Historical Studies in the Netherlands, II
BOOKS001801I: Nordholt, J.W. Schulte & Faber, J.A., editors - Acta Historiae Neerlandica. Historical Studies in the Netherlands: III
BOOKS001799I: Nordholt, J.W. Schulte & Faber, J.A., editors: - Acta Historiae Neerlandica. Historical Studies in the Netherlands: I
BOOKS001039I: Nordholt, Nico Schulte - Opbouw in Opdracht of Ontwikkeling in Overleg? De Camat-lurah relatie binnen het spanningsveld tussen de norm ...Midden-Java...
BOOKS001803I: Nordholt, J.W. Schulte & Arkel, D. van , editors: - Acta Historiae Neerlandica. Historical Studies in the Netherlands, V
BOOKS006078I: Nordin,Svante - Interpretation and Method. Studies in the Explication of Literature
BOOKS002637I: Nordin, John - Forebyggande av Olycksfall inom Bageriindustrien
BOOKS015309I: Nordlinger, Eric A. - Isolationism Reconfigured: American Foreign Policy for a New Century
BOOKS002560I: Nordmann, V., editor: - Summary of the Geology of Denmark
BOOKS000846I: Nordmann, V. - Molluskfaunen i Cyrinaleret og Mellem-Europas Andre Eem-Aflejringer : studier over Interglaciale aflejringer I Danmark..,.
BOOKS000180I: Nordstrandh, Ove - Den aldre svenska pietismens litteratur
BOOKS030423I: Nordström, Hans-Åke ; & Knape, Anita; editors : - Bronze Age Studies : Transactions of the British-Scandinavian Colloquium in Stockholm, May 10-11, 1985
BOOKS029722I: Nordstrøm, Jon - Dansk tatovering : skrevet, redigeret og tilrettelagt af Jon Nordstrøm / Danish Tattooing : Written and Edited by Jon Nordstrøm
BOOKS019469I: Nordyke, Quentin - Animistic Aymaras and Church Growth
BOOKS022887I: Noreen, Adolf [1854-1925] - Utkast till föreläsningar i urgermansk judlära, med hufudsakligt avseende på de nordiska språken ..,.
BOOKS019680I: Norell, Mark ; Dingus, Lowell ; & Gaffney, Eugene S. - Discovering Dinosaurs : Evolution, Extinction, and the Lessons of Prehistory
BOOKS009523I: Nørgård, Lars ; & Jessen, Dueholm Jes - Øje og sind : billedsprog og betydninger : om maleren Robert Dueholm Jessen og hans tegnekunst
BOOKS012063I: Noriega, Ignacio de - Notas sobre bases navales
BOOKS011710I: Norindr, Paniviong - Phantasmic Indochina: French Colonial Ideology in Architecture, Film and Literature
BOOKS025563I: Norlind, Wilhelm [1895-1982] ; editor: [ Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601) ] - Ur Tycho Brahes brevväxling / från latinet av Wilhelm Norlind
BOOKS025287I: Norling-Christensen, Hans [1909-1970] - a collection of 12 extracts, offprints and newspaper clippings concerning Scandianvian archaeology, ca. 1936-1968
BOOKS021660I: Norling-Christensen, Hans [1909-1970] - Katalog over Aeldre Romersk Jærnalders Grave i Århus Amt
BOOKS024286I: Nørlund, Poul [1888-1951] - De gamle Nordbobygder ved Verdens Ende : Skildringer fra Grønlands Middelalder
BOOKS031747I: Nørlund, Poul [1888-1951] - Gyldne altre : jysk metalkunst fra Valdemarstiden
BOOKS025043I: Nørlund, N. E. (Niels Erik) [1885-1981] - De gamle danske længdeenheder
BOOKS021119I: Nørlund, Irene ; Cederroth, Sven ; & Gerdin, Ingela ; editors : - Rice Societies : Asian Problems and Prospects
BOOKS023497I: Nørlund, Poul ; Jessen, Knud ; Nørlund, N.E. ; Knudsen, Gunnar; Mathiassen, Th.; Becker, C.J.; / Degerbøl, M. - Trelleborg
BOOKS016582I: Norman, Jerry - Chinese
BOOKS022541I: Norman, Karin - A Sound Family Makes a Sound State : Ideology and Upbringing in a German Village
BOOKS025551I: Normand, Théodule Elzéar Xavier [1812-1887] - Galerie des saints et des saints qui protégent la Belgique et les Pay-Bas / par M. l'Abbé Normand
BOOKS002033I: Noroit, Michel - Niaouli. La Plaie Caledonienne.
BOOKS006250I: Noronha, Antonio de - Um Livro. (Carta ao dr. Julio Goncalves, autor dos 'Problemas demographicos da populacao goeza')
BOOKS000759I: Norregaard, Jens - Studier over Spencer, Lotze og Grundtvig
BOOKS017948I: Nørregard, Jens Skouboe [1887-1953] - Augustins religiøse Gennembrud : En kirkehistorisk Undersøgelse
BOOKS004355I: Norretranders, Bjarne - The Shaping of Czardom under Ivan Groznyj
BOOKS023090I: Norrie, Gordon [1855-1941] - Kirurgisk Akademis Historie 1803-1841
BOOKS023089I: Norrie, Gordon [1855-1941] - Chirurgisk Academis Historie : Academiets stiftelse
BOOKS023088I: Norrie, Gordon [1855-1941] - Georg Heuermann 1723-1768 : et bidrag til dansk-norsk medicinal- og kulturhistorie.
BOOKS026035I: Norrie, William [1866-1946] - En Løsgænger
BOOKS014429I: Norris, Pippa - Radical Right : Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market
BOOKS005318I: Norris, C.C. - William Empson and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism
BOOKS018900I: Norris, Margot - The Decentered Universe of Finnegans Wake : A Structuralist Analysis
BOOKS012028I: Norris, Kenneth S.; Wuersig, Bernd; Wells, Randall S. ;& Wuersig, Melany - The Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin
BOOKS010034I: North, Michael - Reading 1922: A Return to the Scene of the Modern
BOOKS017556I: North, Robert C. - Moscow and Chinese Communists
BOOKS015060I: North, Gerald - Observing the Moon: The Modern Astronomer's Guide
BOOKS020789I: Northcott, D. G. (Douglas Geoffrey) - Ideal Theory
BOOKS015984I: Northrop, F. S. C. (Filmer Stuart Cuckow), [ 1893 -1992 ] - Philosophical Anthropology and Practical Politics
BOOKS003764I: Norton, John Bruce [1815-1883] - A Letter to Robert Lowe... from John Bruce Norton, Esq. on the Condition and Requirements of the Presidency of Madra
BOOKS009622I: Norton, Anne - 95 Theses on Politics, Culture, and Method
BOOKS013352I: Norton, M. P. (Michael Peter); & Karczub, D. G. (Denis G.) - Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analysis for Engineers
BOOKS004944I: Norton, Eloise Speed, editor: - Folk Literature of the British Isles. Readings for Librarians, Teachers & Those Who Work with Children & Young Adults
BOOKS029625I: Institutum Romanum Norvegiae - Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia : Volumen VI
BOOKS023824I: Norway, Lagmannsrett (Eidsivating lagdømme) - Straffesak mot Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonassøn Quisling
BOOKS017722I: Norwid, Tadeusz - Till Malagas vinstänkta redd : Spanien i skuggan av Franco
BOOKS018831I: Noskova, N.D. ; editor: - Slovar' literaturnykh tipov. Tom 4: Aksakov
BOOKS022766I: Nössler, Bernd ; & Witt, Margret de ; editors: - Wyhl : Kein Kernkraftwerk in Wyhl und auch sonst nirgends : betroffene Bürger berichten
BOOKS001068I: Nosti, Jaime - Climatologia de los Territorios Espanoles del Golfo de Guinea
BOOKS001546I: Noszczyka, Wojciecha, editor: - Zarys dziejow chirurgii polskiej
BOOKS003365I: Nota, J.G. - Sediments of the Western Guiana Shelf
BOOKS022283I: Noth, Jochen ; et al. - China avant-garde
BOOKS027514I: Nötling, Wilhelm - Ueber Halswunden im Allgemeinen, insbesondere aber über Wunden der Luftröhre
BOOKS024331I: Notosoetarso, R.M. [ Noto Suroto Raden Mas (1888-1951)] [ Noto Soeroto ] - Het drama van Indië
BOOKS024319I: Nougaret, Louis - Analyse verbale comparée du De Signis et des Bucoliques
BOOKS024994I: Nour, Aly - To Koranion kai to Vyzantion
BOOKS008008I: Novak, Bogdan C. - Trieste 1941-1954: The Ethnic, Political and Ideological Struggle
BOOKS020444I: Novak, Laszlo ; & Sztrinko, Istvan - Mezövárosi népmüvészet : Kecskemét, Nagykörös, Cegléd
BOOKS026649I: Novakovic, Damir - Stamps and Postal History of Trieste, Pola, Fiume, Istria and Slovene Littoral under Yugoslav Military Administration, 1945-1947
BOOKS010806I: Novotny, Vladimir V.; editor: - IInd Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka: Proceedings...September 3-7, 1979
BOOKS008306I: Novotny, Vaclav [1869-1932] & Urbanek, Rudolf [1877-1962]; editors - Sborník Blahoslavuv, 1523-1923 k ctyrstemu vyrocí jeho narozenin
BOOKS005061I: Novotny, Bohuslav - Slovensko v Mladsej Dobe Kamennej
BOOKS005060I: Novotny, Buhuslav - Luzianska skupina a pociatky malovanej keramiky na Slovensku
BOOKS000418I: Novotny, Vladimir V., editor: - Anthropological Congress dedicated to Ales Hrdlicka
BOOKS000913I: Novy, Lubos - Dejiny techniky v Ceskoslovensku, do konce 18. stoleti
BOOKS006983I: Nowak-Dluzewskiego, Juliusza, editor: - Koledy Polskie Sredniowiecze i Wiek XVI. Tom I & II
BOOKS012103I: Nowak, Zenon Hubert & Tandecki, Janusz; editors: - Ksiega lawnicza sadu przedmiejskiego Chelmna, 1480-1559 (1567)
BOOKS024097I: Nowakowski, Wojciech; Szela, Andrzej ; & Kucharzyk, Grazyna ; editors: - Officina archaeologica optima : studia ofiarowane Jerzemu Okuliczowi-Kozarynowi w siedemdziesiata rocznice urodzin
BOOKS023286I: Nowotny, Eduard - Römerspuren nördlich der Donau : Bericht über eine im Auftrage der Limes-Kommission der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften
BOOKS030994I: Noy, Tamar [ Yizraeli Noy, Tamar (1926-1997)] - Six Neolithic Sites : A Sample From Six Different Geographical Zones of Israel
BOOKS031638I: Noyers, H. de [ Leroi, Martin ] - L'horrible massacre des prêtres de Paris
BOOKS020408I: Nozick, Martin - Miguel De Unamuno : The Agony of Belief
BOOKS028002I: Nozsicska, Alfred - Die Grammatik der Negation : (am Beispiel des Deutschen und Russischen)
BOOKS006369I: Nozzolillo, Constance; Lea, Peter J. & Loewus, Frank A., editors: - Mobilization of Reserves in Germination
BOOKS030523I: Hà Thi Nu - Giá tri van hoá trong nghê thu công dan lát cua các tôc nguòi Viêt Nam
BOOKS019327I: Nu, U [1907-1995] - Ta-Tei Sanei Tha [ Ta-Tei - Saturday Son ]
BOOKS000178I: Shibli Nu'mani [1857-1914 CE] - Umar the Great : The Second Caliph of Islam / by Shams-u'l-'Ulma' 'Allamah Shibli Nu'mni.
BOOKS021447I: O Nuallain, Colm ; & Hoscheit, Jean-Marc ; editors: - The Presidency of the European Council of Ministers : Impacts and Implications for National Governments
BOOKS012410I: Nüchel, Hans-Jürgen - Die Grundwasserregime in Deutschland
BOOKS021294I: Nuechterlein, Donald Edwin - Thailand and the Struggle for Southeast Asia
BOOKS011703I: Nugent, David - Modernity as the Edge of Empire: State, Individual, and Nation in the Northern Peruvian Andes, 1885-1935
BOOKS016952I: Nugroho, Bambang Daru - Hukum adat : hak menguasai negara atas sumber daya alam kehutanan dan perlindungan terhadap masyarakat hukum adat
BOOKS008473I: Numbers, Ronald L.; editor : [ Brown, Arthur I.] - The Antievolution Works of Arthur I. Brown. Edited with Introductions
BOOKS006015I: Numbers, Ronald L.; editor : [ Clark, Harold W. , & Marsh, Frank Lewis ] - The Early Writings of Harold W. Clark and Frank Lewis Marsh. Edited with Introductions
BOOKS004747I: Numelin, Ragnar - Native Contacts and Diplomacy: The History of Intertribal Relations in Australia and Oceania
BOOKS000548I: Numelin, Ragnar - The Wandering Spirit: A Study of Human Migration
BOOKS004222I: Nunes, Maria Luisa - The Craft of an Absolute Winner. Characterization & Narratology in the Novels of Machado de Assis
BOOKS018294I: Nuñez, Angel M. - Lucha de sociedades
BOOKS019933I: Nur, Muhammad Mustafa - al-Fulklur wa-al-hayah al-shabiyah fi mintaqat al-Hamdab
BOOKS012284I: Nuraj, Lilo Dushan - Velca: Toponima dhe antroponima
BOOKS009369I: Nurkse, Ragnar [1907-1959] - Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries
BOOKS017557I: Nurmi, Virpi - Lasinpuhaltajan ruoka ja juoma : tutkimus tehdastyöläisten ruokakulttuurista 1900-luvun alkupuolella
BOOKS012700I: Nussbaum, Martha Craven [1947- ] - Upheavals of Thought : The Intelligence of Emotions
BOOKS013064I: Nussbaum, Martha Craven - Women and Human Development : The Capabilities Approach
BOOKS017042I: Nutini, Hugo G. ; & Bell, Betty - Ritual Kinship : Volume 2: Ideological and Structural Integration of the Compadrazgo System in Rural Tlaxcala
BOOKS005053I: Nutini, Hugo G. & Roberts, John M. - Bloodsucking Witchcraft. An Epistemological Study of Anthropomorphic Supernaturalism in Rural Tlaxcala
BOOKS012425I: Nuttall, Simon - European Foreign Policy
BOOKS012127I: Nye, David E. - Image Worlds : Corporate Identities at General Electric 1890 - 1930
BOOKS016974I: Nye, Robert A. - Masculinity & Male Codes of Honor in Modern France
BOOKS017104I: Nye, Joseph S. - Pan-Africanism and East African Integration
BOOKS008771I: Nye, Robert A. - Masculinity and Male Codes of Honor in Modern France
BOOKS005874I: Nye, Mary Jo - Science in the Provinces : Scientific Communities & Provincial Leadership in France, 1860 - 1930
BOOKS024002I: Nyegaard, Hans Haagen [1824-1893] - Digte / af H.H. Nyegaard
BOOKS019856I: Nyerere, Julius Kambarage [1922-1999] - Socialism and Rural Development
BOOKS008445I: Nyerere, Julius K. - The Honour of Africa
BOOKS007710I: Nygaard, Georg: editor [Rorbye, Martinus] - Maleren Martinus Rorbyes Rejsedagbog 1830.
BOOKS004699I: Nygaard, Gunnar - Hydrographic Studies,especially on the Carbon Dioxide System, in Grane Langso
BOOKS025801I: Nygård, Frederik Sixtus Otto Alfred [1845-1897] - Jacob Chr. Lindberg : Den danske Kirkesags Forkæmper : Et Mindeskrift
BOOKS028504I: Nygren, Rolf - Subordination och enskild integritet : studier kring ett militärt rättssäkerhetskomplex
BOOKS025799I: Nyholm, Hans Christian [1832-1914] - Nogle Bemærkninger i Anledning af Forfatningssagens Forhandling i Rigsraadets Folkething
BOOKS030018I: Nyklícek, Ivan - Hypertension and Appraisal of Aversive Stimuli
BOOKS005560I: Nykrog, Per - Les Fabliaux. Etude d'histoire litteraire et de stylistique medievale
BOOKS005280I: Nykrog, Per - La Pensee de Balzac dans la Comedie Humaine. Esquisse de quelques concepts-cle
BOOKS017986I: Nylander, Ivar - Das kirchliche Benefizialwesen Schwedens während des Mittelalters
BOOKS013332I: Nyman, A. Katarina - Non-regressive Schizophrenia : Clinical Course and Outcome
BOOKS017502I: Nyoiti, Sakurazawa [ Dufty, William ] [Ohsawa, George ] - You are all Sanpaku
BOOKS020017I: Nyrin-Heuman, Ella - Källkritiska, textkritiska och språkliga studier till Ericus Olai: Chronica Gothorum
BOOKS025906I: Nyrop, Ejnar - Mælkehygiejne
BOOKS028178I: Nyrop, Camillus - Kjøbenhavns Skomagerlav 1509 - 4.Oktober - l909 : historiske Meddelelser
BOOKS011329I: Nyrop, Johan Ernst [1892-1959] - The Catalytic Action of Surfaces
BOOKS002290I: Nyrop, C. - Den danske Enevoldsmagt og Lavene. En Lavshistoriske Undersogelse
BOOKS000162I: Nyrop, Kristoffer - Adjektivernes Konsbøjning i de romanske Sprog. Med en Indledning om Lydlov og Analogi
BOOKS026097I: Nyrop, Camillus [1843-1918] - Fra de sidste år : Digte
BOOKS028997I: Nys, Karin ; & Åström, Paul - Cypriote Antiquities in Public Collections in Denmark
BOOKS006838I: Nystrom, Staffan - Ord for hojder och sluttningar i Daga harad. En studie over betydelsen hos tva grupper terrangbetecknande appellativ ...
BOOKS005678I: Nystrom, Samuel - Beduinentum und Jahwismus. Eine soziologisch-religionsgeschichtlicht Untersuchung zum Alten Testament
BOOKS013277I: Nyström, Urban - Poèmes français sur les biens d’un ménage depuis l’Oustillement au villain du XIIIe siècle jusqu’aux Controverses de Gratien ..,
BOOKS000724I: Nystrom, Paul C. & Starbuck, William H.; editors: - Handbook of Organizational Design. Volume 1: Adapting Organizations to their Environments
BOOKS013333I: Nyunai - 10 Poemes
BOOKS030956I: Nzhdeh, Garegin (1886-1955) [ Artsrunin, Vruyr ; & Harut'yunyan, Anahit ; editors :] - Bantayin kyank', namakner, grarumner
BOOKS031490I: Nzhdeh, Garegin [1886-1954] - Ordineri payk'are hayeri dem
BOOKS017941I: Nzita, Richard ; & Mbada - Niwampa - Peoples and Culture of Uganda
BOOKS007437I: Nzodom, Epato P. - Sur les pistes d'aventure (Roman)
BOOKS006877I: Nzodom, Pierre Epato - Soleil Ensoleille (Poemes)
BOOKS011203I: Oakland, John - Contemporary Britain: A Survey with Texts
BOOKS011036I: Oakley, Ann - Experiments in Knowing: Gender and Method in the Social Sciences
BOOKS031477I: Ch'obanyan, P. A. (Pavlik Ashoti) - Otar aghbyurnere Anii masin : (X - XIX dd.) / pataskhanatu khmbagir P. A. Ch' obanyan
BOOKS018223I: Obdeijn, H.L.M. - L'enseignement de l'histoire dans la Tunisie moderne (1881-1970)
BOOKS019316I: Ober, Kenneth H. ; compiler: - Bibliography of Modern Icelandic Literature in Translation, Supplement, 1971 - 1980
BOOKS007956I: Ober, Josiah - The Athenian Revolution: Essays on Ancient Greek Democracy and Political Theory
BOOKS005549I: Oberg, Arthur - Modern American Lyric. Lowell, Berryman, Creeley, and Plath
BOOKS001371I: Öberg, Arndt - De yngre mossorna och deras utlandska bundsforvanter 1765-1769: Med sarskild hansyn till...
BOOKS009696I: Oberhauser, Karen S. & Solensky, Michelle J.; editors: - The Monarch Butterfly: Biology & Conservation
BOOKS030544I: Oberleitner, Karl [ Ankershofen, Gottlieb von ] - Die Stadt Enns im Mittelalter : vom Jahre 900-1493 ..,. [together with: "Urkunden-Regesten zur Geschichte Kärntens " ]
BOOKS022562I: Oberling, Pierre - The Road to Bellapais : The Turkish Cypriot Exodus to Northern Cyprus
BOOKS013340I: Obermeyer, A.A.; Lewis, John; & Faden, Robert B. - Xyridaceae - Juncaceae [Flora of Southern Africa, Volume 4, Part 2]
BOOKS031192I: Obesekara, Mirando - Sri Lankave purana angam sastraya : atmaraksaka satan muladharma ha vikasanaya
BOOKS003328I: Obeyesekere, Ranjini - Sinhala Writing & the New Critics
BOOKS004940I: Obiechina, Emmanuel N. - Language and Theme. Essays on African Literature
BOOKS023101I: Moskovskii soiuz potrebitelskikh obshchestv - Kooperativnii teatr : Ezhemiesiachnye sborniki. No. 1, 1926
BOOKS022965I: Ocak, Ahmet Yasar ; editor: - From History to Theology : Ali in Islamic Beliefs
BOOKS022971I: Ocak, Ahmet Yasar - La révolte de Baba Resul, ou, la formation de l'heterodoxie musulmane en Anatolie au XIIIe siècle
BOOKS022613I: Och, Gunnar - Der Körper als Zeichen : Zur Bedeutung des mimisch-gestischen und physiognomischen Ausdrucks im Werk Jean Pauls
BOOKS027843I: Odd, Orvar [pseudonym of Oscar Patric Sturzen-Becker (1811-1869)] - Grefvinnan gruffiskan : djurgärdslandskap med figurer
BOOKS027842I: Odd, Orvar [pseudonym of Oscar Patric Sturzen-Becker (1811-1869)] - La Verande : valda feuilletoner i alla arter
BOOKS027845I: Odd, Orvar [pseudonym of Oscar Patric Sturzen-Becker (1811-1869)] - Grupper och personnager från i går : estetiskt historiska utkast
BOOKS027844I: Odd, Orvar [pseudonym of Oscar Patric Sturzen-Becker (1811-1869)] - Brunt och Rosenrödt : en vandrande harpspelares melodramer
BOOKS022866I: Oddo, Bernardo [1882-1941] - Il magnesilpirrolo ed il suo irupiego per la sintesi di composti pirrolici
BOOKS025819I: Odeberg, Hugo [1898-1973] - Die mandäische Religionsanschauung : Zur Frage nach Wesen, Grundzügen und Herkunft des Mandäismus
BOOKS022926I: Odeberg, Hugo [1898-1973] - Trito-Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66) : A Literary and Linguistic Analysis
BOOKS021308I: Odell, William Wallace ; & Hood, Ozni Porter - Possibilities for the Commercial Utilization of Peat
BOOKS018767I: Odén, Birgitta - Lauritz Weibull och forskarsamhället
BOOKS008536I: Odén, Birgitta - Rikets uppbörd och utgift : statsfinanser och finansförvaltning under senare 1500-talet
BOOKS016877I: Odhner, Clas Theodor - Sveriges inre historia under drottning Christinas förmyndare
BOOKS020828I: Odhner, Clas Theodor [1836-1904] - Sveriges deltagande i Westfaliska fredskongressen och grundläggningen af det svenska väldet i Tyskland
BOOKS027034I: Ödman, Olof Herman Ranfast - Volcanic Rocks of Mt. Elgon in British East Africa
BOOKS019314I: Odom, William E. ; & Dujarric, Robert - America's Inadvertent Empire
BOOKS014531I: Odouard, Nadia - Les années folles de Raymond Radiguet
BOOKS022206I: Ødum, Hilmar ; & Christensen, Werner - Danske Grundvandstyper og deres geologiske Optræden
BOOKS022389I: Oe, Kenzaburo - The Pinch Runner Memorandum
BOOKS007409I: Oelrich, Karl Heinz - Der spate Erasmus und die Reformation
BOOKS027246I: Oertzen, W. von ; editor: - Deep-Inelastic and Fusion Reactions with Heavy Ions : Proceedings of the Symposium Held at the Hahn-Meitner-Institut .,.,.
BOOKS014634I: Oester, Jakob [ Oster, Jakob ] [ Øster, Jakob ] - Mongolism : A Clinicogenealogical Investigation Comprising 526 Mongols Living on Seeland and Neighbouring Islands in Denmark
BOOKS021565I: Oesterley, William Oscar Emil [1866-1950] - The Sacred Dance : A Study in Comparative Folklore
BOOKS010146I: Offe, Claus - Modernity and the State: East, West
BOOKS023847I: Great Britain. Foreign Office. - Correspondence Respecting the Affairs of Venezuela
BOOKS002656I: International Labour Office - Social Problems in Agriculture: Records of the Permanent Agricultural Committee of the I.L.O. (7-15 February 1938)
BOOKS002097I: International Labour Office - The Representation & Organisation of Agricultural Workers
BOOKS001874I: International Labour Office - The Minimum Wage : An International Survey
BOOKS001780I: Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India - Lakshadweep...Census Atlas
BOOKS020887I: Great Britain. Colonial Office - The Kenya Coastal Strip : Report of the Commissioner
BOOKS023886I: International Labour Office - Social Problems in Agriculture : Record of the Permanent Agricultural Committee of the I.L.O. (7-15 February 1938)
BOOKS021505I: Ofreneo, Rene E. - Capitalism in Philippine Agriculture
BOOKS029691I: Oftedal, Sven-Inge - Multiple Sclerosis in Vestfold County
BOOKS001016I: Ogali, Ogali A. [ Sander, Reinhard W. ; & Ayers, Peter K., editors: ] - Veronica, my Daughter, and Other Onitsha Market Plays and Stories
BOOKS015718I: Ogbomo, Onaiwu W. - When Men and Women Mattered: A History of Gender Relations Among the Owan of Nigeria
BOOKS011338I: Ogborn, Miles - Spaces of Modernity: London's Geographies, 1680 - 1780
BOOKS021605I: Ogilvie, Astrid Elisabeth Jane ; & Trausti Jónsson ; editors: - The Iceberg in the Mist : Northern Research in Pursuit of a "Little Ice Age
BOOKS016697I: Ogmen, Haluk ; & Breitmeyer, Bruno G. ; editors: - The First Half Second: The Microgenesis and Temporal Dynamics of Unconscious and Conscious Visual Processes
BOOKS021441I: Ogot, Bethwell A. ; & Kieran, J. A. ; editors: - Zamani : A Survey of East African History
BOOKS001378I: Ogot, Bethwell A., editor: - History & Social Change in East Africa. Proceedings of the 1974 Conference of the Historical Association of Kenya
BOOKS001277I: Ogrissek, Rudi - Siedlungsform und Sozialstruktur agrarischer Siedlungen in der Ostoberlausitz seit dem 16. Jahrhundert
BOOKS025700I: Oguibénine, Boris - Three Studies in Vedic and Indo-European Religion and Linguistics
BOOKS031964I: Oguibénine, Boris - La déesse Usas : recherches sur le sacrifice de la parole dans le Rgveda
BOOKS008481I: Ogura, Kiyoko - Kathmandu Spring: The People's Movement of 1990 (An Account Based on the Oral Testimony of 1050 People)
BOOKS007019I: Ohgren, Edvin - Die Udo-Legende: Ihre Quellen und Verbreitung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Ubersetzung ins Russisch-Kirchenslavische
BOOKS026917I: Ohira, Suzuko - A Study of Tattvarthasutra with Bhasya : With Special Reference to Authorship and Date
BOOKS009907I: Ohkawa, Kazushi & Rosovsky, Henry - Japanese Economic Growth: Trend Acceleration in the Twentieth Century
BOOKS024276I: Ohly, Friedrich - Schriften zur mittelalterlichen Bedeutungsforschung
BOOKS000403I: Ohnishi, Eiji ; & Ishizaki, Hironori ; editors : - Molting and Metamorphosis : In Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Soichi Fukuda's Discovery of Prothoracic Gland ..,.
BOOKS000469I: Ohno, Susumu - Sound Correspondences between Tamil and Japanese
BOOKS023404I: Ohnsorge, Werner - Abendland und Byzanz : gesammelte Aufsätze zur Geschichte der byzantinisch-abendländischen Beziehungen und des Kaisertums
BOOKS007628I: Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko; editor: - Culture Through Time: Anthropological Approaches
BOOKS015214I: Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko - The Monkey as Mirror: Symbolic Transformations in Japanese History and Ritual
BOOKS008423I: Ohrgaard, Per - C. F. Meyer: Zur Entwicklung seiner Thematik
BOOKS002796I: Ohri, Vishwa Chander - On the Origins of Pahari Painting. Some Notes & a discussion
BOOKS005943I: Ohrt, F. - Die altesten Segen uber Christi Taufe und Christi Tod in religionsgeschichtlichem Lichte
BOOKS011950I: Oi, Jean C. - Rural China Takes Off: Institutional Foundations of Economic Reform
BOOKS019480I: Ojaide, Tanure [1948 - ] - Children of Iroko and Other Poems
BOOKS000005I: Okabe, Mitsuaki; editor: - The Structure of the Japanese Economy: Changes on the Domestic and International Fronts
BOOKS013247I: Okan, Acar ; & Al-Hirmizi, Ershad [ Hürmüzlü, Ersad ] - Resael meftuha ila's'ababi't-türük mani fi'l-Irak
BOOKS029791I: Okarvi, Muhammad Shafee Sahib - From Darkness to Light / By Al-Haaj Maulana Muhammas Shafee SZahib Okarvi (An Answer to Book "Dars-e-Tauheed")
BOOKS002190I: Okasaki, Chris - Purely Functional Data Structures
BOOKS005686I: Okay, Vahap - Modern Propaganda
BOOKS028635I: Okday, Sefik - Der letzte Grosswesir und seine preussischen Söhne
BOOKS004633I: Oke, Isaiah & Wright, Joe - Blood Secrets. The True Story of Demon Worship & Ceremonial Murder
BOOKS013922I: Okely, Judith - The Traveller-Gypsies
BOOKS022494I: Okhitovich, L. ; editor : - Kamernyi teatr : stat'i, zametki, vospominaniia
BOOKS007430I: Okhotnikov, J. & Batchinsky, N. - La Bessarabie at le Paix Europeenne
BOOKS012628I: Okladnikov, A. P. (Aleksei Pavlovich) [1908-1981] - Ancient Population of Siberia and its Cultures
BOOKS005027I: Okland, Jan - The Eutrophic Lake Borrevann (Norway) - An Ecological Study on Shore & Bottom Fauna with Special Reference to Gastropods...
BOOKS011285I: Okpewho, Isidore - The Epic in Africa: Towards a Poetics of the Oral Performance
BOOKS016506I: Oksala, Päivö - Adnotationes criticae ad Catulli Carmina
BOOKS002925I: Oksala, Teivas - Religion und Mythologie bei Horaz: Eine literarhistorische Untersuchung
BOOKS005496I: Oksala, Paivo - Die griechischen Lehnworter in den Prosaschriften Ciceros
BOOKS001513I: Oksbjerd, E. - Rødgranens og nogle andre nåletræers jordbundsdannelse på fattig jord
BOOKS008280I: Oksbjerg, Erik - Naturbegrebet
BOOKS021854I: Sojuz 17 Oktjabrja [ Octobrist Party ] - Vozzvanie Sojuza 17 Oktjabrja
BOOKS010199I: Okulicz, Jerzy - Pradzeije ziem pruskich of poznego paleolitu do VII w. n.e.
BOOKS020043I: Okuma, Thomas Masaji - Angola in Ferment : The Background and Prospects of Angolan Nationalism
BOOKS024196I: Ol'govskij, S. A. - Skifo-Anticnaâ metallooobrabotka arhaiceskogo vremeni
BOOKS031454I: Ch'olak'ean, Hakob - K'esapi barbare
BOOKS003245I: Olarte, Juan B. - San Millan de la Cogolla
BOOKS027461I: Olbrich, Hubert [ Zucker-Museum (Berlin) ] - Melassetechnologie im Zucker-Museum
BOOKS012183I: Olcay, Selahattin - Erzurum agzi: inceleme, derleme, sozluk
BOOKS028498I: Ölcer, Cüneyt - Sultan Abdülmecid devri Osmanli madenî paralari
BOOKS028499I: Ölcer, Cüneyt - Sultan Murad V ve Sultan Abdülhamid II dönemi Osmanli madeni paralari
BOOKS028500I: Ölcer, Cüneyt - Sultan Abdülaziz Han devri Osmanli madenî paralari
BOOKS028501I: Ölcer, Cüneyt - Avrupa müzelerinde nadir Osmanli madeni paralari : Kopenhag, Budapeste, Ashmolean, Viyana, Münih, Berlin, Leningrad
BOOKS008495I: Olczak, Jerzy - Produkcja szkla w rzymskim i wczesnobizantyjskim Novae w swietle zrodel archeologicznych (Mezja Dolna)
BOOKS029660I: Oldenberg, Hermann [1854-1920] ; editor : - The Vinaya Pitakam..,.Vol. III : The Suttavibhanga, First Part (Pârâjika, Samghâdisesa, Aniyata, Nissaggiya)
BOOKS008964I: Oldenburg, Evelyn - Sukas IX : The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Periods
BOOKS020353I: Oldenburg, Marie - Slægterne bag Christian Merete og Claus Oldenburg. Første del: Oldenburg
BOOKS006703I: Oldenburg, Philip - Big City Government in India: Councilor, Administrator, & Citizen in Delhi
BOOKS022575I: Oldenburg, Elard von [ Oldenburg-Januschau, Elard Kurt Maria Fürchtegott von (1855-1937) ] - Erinnerungen von Elard von Oldenburg-Januschau
BOOKS019895I: Oldenburg, Evelyn ; & Rohweder, Jørgen - The Excavations at Tall Daruk (Usnu?) and 'Arab al-Mulk (Paltos)
BOOKS010527I: Oldendow, Knud - Printing in Greenland
BOOKS000895I: Oldendow, Knud - Bogtrykkerkunsten i Grønland og maendene bag den. En boghistorisk oversigt.
BOOKS007025I: Oldenhage, Tania - Parables for Our Time : Rereading New Testament Scholarship After the Holocaust
BOOKS012808I: Oldham, James - The Mansfield Manuscripts and the Growth of English Law in the Eighteenth Century. Volumes I & II
BOOKS000692I: Oldham, Linda ; El Hadidi, Haguer ; and Tamaa, Hussein - Informal Communities in Cairo. The Basis of a Typology
BOOKS005192I: Oldroyd, David R. - The Highlands Controversy. Constructing Geological Knowledge through Fieldwork in Nineteenth-Century Britain
BOOKS003886I: Kongelige Nordisk Oldskriftselskab - Christian Jurgensen Thomsen 1788 - 29 december - 1988
BOOKS007839I: Olechnowicz, Andrzej - Working-Class Housing in England between the Wars: The Becontree Estate
BOOKS007718I: Olesen, Jes, editor: - Headache Classification & Epidemiology
BOOKS007717I: Olesen, Jes & Moskowitz, Michael A.; editors: - Experimental Headache Models
BOOKS006269I: Olesko, Kathryn M. - Physics as a Calling: Discipline and Practice in the Koenigsberg Seminar for Physics
BOOKS000459I: Ølgaard, Anders - Growth, Productivity and Relative Prices
BOOKS007017I: Olin, William F. - Escape from Utopia : My Ten Years in Synanon
BOOKS002889I: Olinder, Björn - Porticus Octavia in Circo Flaminio : Topographical Studies in the Campus Region of Rome
BOOKS017707I: Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret) [1828-1897] - A Beleaguered City : Being a Narrative of Certain Recent Events in the City of Semur, in the Department of the Haute Bourgogne
BOOKS004680I: Olivares, Julian, Jr. - The Love Poetry of Francisco de Quevedo: An Aesthetic & Existential Study
BOOKS026349I: Olivecrona, Rosalie (née Roos) [1823-1898] - Mary Carpenter : hennes lefnad och verksamhet
BOOKS022271I: Oliveira, António de [1867-1923] - Loucos sem Juízo, Doidos com Juízo
BOOKS013173I: Oliveira, J.R. Abreu de - As eleicoes em Inglaterra e a Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act, 1883
BOOKS020925I: d'Oliveira, Luis de Lemos Mendes - Da Cadeia (Cartas d'um Recurso)
BOOKS014157I: Oliver, Paul ; editor: - Shelter, Sign & Symbol
BOOKS008655I: Oliver-Smith, Anthony & Hoffman, Susanna M.; editors: - The Angry Earth: Disaster in Anthropological Perspective
BOOKS018213I: Oliver, Paul ; editor: - Shelter in Africa
BOOKS017464I: Oliver, William Irvin ; editor & translator: - Voices of Change in the Spanish American Theater : An Anthology
BOOKS020223I: Oliver, Paul ; editor: - Shelter and Society
BOOKS024342I: Oliver Foix, Arturo - La cultura de la alimentación en el mundo ibérico
BOOKS000721I: Oliverio, A., editor: - Genetics, Environment and Intelligence
BOOKS010878I: Olivier, Georges & Moullec, Jean - Anthropologie des Cambodgiens
BOOKS024812I: Olivier, Jean Jacques - Pierre-Louis Dubus-Préville de la Comédie-francaise (1721-1799)
BOOKS011937I: Ollard, Richard Lawrence - Man of War : Sir Robert Holmes and the Restoration Navy
BOOKS017805I: Ollard, Richard Lawrence ; editor: - Clarendon's Four Portraits : George Digby, John Berkeley, Henry Jermyn, Henry Bennett..,.
BOOKS024355I: Ollfors, Anders - Studien zum Aufbau des Hexameters Lucans
BOOKS005206I: Olney, Clarke - Benjamin Robert Haydon. Historical Painter.
BOOKS024072I: Oloruntimehin, B. Olufunmilayo - The Segu Tukulor Empire
BOOKS014530I: Olphe-Galliard, G. (Gabriel) - Un nouveau type particulariste ébauché. Le Paysan basque du Labourd a travers les ages.
BOOKS023178I: Olsen, Björn Magnússon [ Björn Magnússon Ólsen (1850-1919) ] - Om Gunnlaugs Saga Ormstungu : en kritisk undersøgelse
BOOKS013053I: Olsen, Poul Zander - Prediction of Recovery in Bell's Palsy
BOOKS026703I: Olsen, Olaf Heymann - a collection of 17 offprints, extracts, and clippings concerning Danish archaeology, ca. 1962-1990
BOOKS007021I: Olsen, Erling - International Trade Theory & Regional Income Differences : United States 1880 - 1950
BOOKS025495I: Olsen, Albert [1890-1949] - Danmark-Norge i det 18. aarhundrede
BOOKS025516I: Olsen, Max William - Den danske Kirkeordinants af 1539, og andre Aktstykker vedrørende den lutherske Kirkereformations indførelse i Danmark
BOOKS005842I: Olsen, Hedvig - Etude sur le syntaxe des pronoms personnels et reflechis en roumain
BOOKS005698I: Olsen, Wallace C.; editor: - The Literature of Crop Science
BOOKS005526I: Olsen, Michel - Les Transformations du Triangle Erotique
BOOKS005327I: Olsen, Stein Haugom - The Structure of Literary Understanding
BOOKS031774I: Olsen, Bjørnar - Bosetning og samfunn i Finnmarks forhistorie
BOOKS022521I: Olsen, Sven J. - Undersøgelser over gruppe L-streptokokker : Forekomst og infektioner særlig hos kvæ og svin
BOOKS019477I: Olsen, Albert - Studier over den danske finanslov 1850-1864
BOOKS019825I: Olsen, Olaf ; & Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole - The Skuldelev Ships (II) : A Report of the Final Underwater Excavation in 1959 and the Salvaging Operation in 1962
BOOKS020651I: Olsen, Gorm Rye - Political Power and Economic Change in the Arab World : A Comparison of Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia
BOOKS027809I: Olsen, G.H. (Gottsche Hans) [1760-1829] - Duplik eller fornødent Giensvar paa Hr. Translateur Heibergs Replik, Tu si tacuisses &c
BOOKS026551I: Olsen, Michel - Goldoni et le drame bourgeois
BOOKS023444I: Olsen, Olaf - Hørg, hov og kirke : Historiske og arkæologiske vikingetidsstudier
BOOKS005282I: Olson, Lester C. - Emblems of American Community in the Revolutionary Era: A Study in Rhetorical Iconology
BOOKS024377I: Olson, Glending - Literature as Recreation in the Later Middle Ages
BOOKS005138I: Olsson, Nils William - Swedish Passenger Arrivals in New York 1820-1850
BOOKS004881I: Olszewski, Wieslaw - Polityka Kolonialna Francji w Indochinach w latach 1858-1908
BOOKS001224I: Olteanu, Stefan - Les pays roumains à l'époque de Michel le Brave (l'union de 1600)
BOOKS002627I: Olthof, Hindericus - Far Infrared Observations of Galactic HII Regions
BOOKS001003I: Olthuis, James H.; editor: - Religion with/out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo
BOOKS015418I: Oltmanns, Friedrich [1860 - 1945] - Morphologie und Biologie der Algen. Erster - Zweiter Band
BOOKS002430I: Oluwasanmi, H.A. ; Dema, I.S., et al. - Uboma : A Socio-Economic & Nutritional Survey of a Rural Community in Eastern Nigeria
BOOKS025183I: Oluwide, Baba - On the Current Divergencies
BOOKS022435I: Olwig, Karen Fog - Global Culture, Island Identity : Continuity and Change in the Afro-Caribbean Community of Nevis
BOOKS029658I: Oman, Charles - The Coinage of England
BOOKS029327I: Oman, Wizarat al-Turath al-Qawmi wa-al-Thaqafah - Uman fi amjadiha al-bahriyah
BOOKS024367I: Oman, Charles Chichele [ Victoria and Albert Museum ] - English Silversmiths' Work, Civil and Domestic : An Introduction
BOOKS023681I: Omcikus, Marko ; & Pejic, Svetlana - Cultural Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija
BOOKS025235I: Museumsforeningen for Holstebro og Omegn - Holstebro Museum Årsskrift [a collection of 26 volumes ca. 1969-2001]
BOOKS011142I: Ominde, S.H. - Land and Population Movements in Kenya
BOOKS026120I: Ommerbo, Peter [1869-1958] - Digte og rimede Smaaforedrag / Trykt som Manuskript
BOOKS008381I: Onar, Ali - Aaa!!!
BOOKS010069I: Ong, Aihwa - Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline: Factory Women in Malaysia
BOOKS017921I: Ong, Walter J. - Fighting for Life : Contest, Sexuality and Consciousness
BOOKS024362I: Önnerfors, Alf - Mediaevalia : Abhandlungen und Aufsätze
BOOKS008811I: Ono, Kiyoharu - A Study of Syntactic and Discourse Phenomena in Japanese
BOOKS030155I: Onrust, Hendrilk - De functie van thiamine pyrophosphaat bij de oxydatieve decarboxylering van pyrodriuivenzuur in dierlijk weefsel
BOOKS011399I: Onuk, Taciser - Osmanli çadir sanati (XVII-XIX. yüzyil) / Ottoman Tent Art (XVII-XIX. centuries)
BOOKS026628I: Ooka, Makoto [1931-2017] ; & Fitzsimmons, Thomas - Yureru kagami no yoake : renshi / Ooka Makoto, Tomasu Fittsushimonzu
BOOKS021504I: Oommen, George ; & Webster, John C. B. ; editors: - Local Dalit Christian History
BOOKS027248I: Oort, Frans - Commutative Group Schemes
BOOKS028538I: Oost, Joseph van [1877-1939] - Chansons populaires chinoises de la région sud des Ortos..,.
BOOKS003547I: Oosterhoff, P. Th. - The Variable Stars in Messier 5
BOOKS003448I: Oosterhoff, P. Th. - A Study of the Double Cluster in Perseus, based on Photographic Magnitudes & Effective Wavelengths derived from Plates taken...
BOOKS004241I: Van Oostrom, Frits Pieter - Court & Culture : Dutch Literature 1350 - 1450
BOOKS010502I: Opie, Iona - The People in the Playground
BOOKS030075I: Öpik, Ernst Julius [1893-1985] - Analysis of 1436 Meteor Velocities
BOOKS030073I: Öpik, Ernst Julius [1893-1985] - Observations of Meteor Velocities 1931 - 1938
BOOKS030077I: Öpik, Ernst Julius [1893-1985] - On the Relation of Absolute Magnitude to Colour, Spectrum and Proper Motion
BOOKS030147I: Öpik, Ernst Julius [1893-1985] - Photometric Measures on the Moon and the Earth-shine [together with 8 other publications, ca. 1924-1943]
BOOKS030071I: Öpik, Ernst Julius [1893-1985] ; & Lukk, M. - Stellar Distribution and the Law of Chance : With a Special Discussion of the Paris Carte-du-Ciel Zone Delta
BOOKS030072I: Öpik, Ernst Julius [1893-1985] - Stellar Structure, Source of Energy, and Evolution
BOOKS021955I: Opitz, Marion - Monumentale Höllendarstellungen im Trecento in der Toskana
BOOKS020081I: Opland [ pseudonym of Rob Wout (1928-2001) ] - Wegwezen : Prenten verschenen in De Volkskrant en De Groene Amsterdammer
BOOKS012590I: Oppermann, Theodor [1889-1945] ; editor & publisher : - Volk und Welt : Deutschlands Monatsbuch : [a collection of 7 issues from Februar 1936 to Juli 1938]
BOOKS014710I: Oppermann, Ludv. [ Sehested, F. ] [ Bergsøe, Vilhelm] [ Pressler, M.R.] [ Nielsen, Carl Ludv.] [ Boas, J.E.V.] [ Jespersen, J.F] - Skovkampen i 1850 - 55, I. [bound together with 12 other pamphlets concerning Danish forests & forestry, ca. 1855-1914]]
BOOKS025849I: Oppermann, Rudolf Theodor [1827-1865] - Den danske Rets Bestemmelser om Stiftelser (Legater, Klostre, Hospitaler m.m.)
BOOKS004458I: Oppert, M.J. - L'Etalon des mesures assyriennes, fixe par les textes cuneiformes.
BOOKS008227I: Opremcak, E. Mitchell - Uveitis: A Clinical Manual for Ocular Inflammation
BOOKS012344I: Opriou, Mihai ; Motoc, Honorius ; & Curculescu, Marian - Dambovita: Localitati si monumente
BOOKS003840I: Oqueli, Arturo - El Brujo de Talgua (Novela Folklorica)
BOOKS029270I: L'Orange, Hans Peter [1903-1983] ; & Torp, Hjalmar - Il Tempietto longobardo di Cividale : Parte terza : La scultura in stucco e in pietra del Tempietto
BOOKS029598I: L'Orange, Hans Peter [1903-1983] ; & Torp, Hjalmar - Il Tempietto longobardo di Cividale : Parte prima : Tavole e rilievi
BOOKS029599I: L'Orange, Hans Peter [1903-1983] ; & Torp, Hjalmar - L’architettura del Tempietto di Cividale [ Il Tempietto longobardo di Cividale, Parte seconda ]
BOOKS031946I: L'Orange, Hans Peter - Nuovo contributo allo studio del Palazzo Erculio di piazza Armerina
BOOKS011099I: Orban, Guy A.; Singer, Wolf; & Bernsen, Niels Ole; editors: - Cognitive Neuroscience: Research Directions in Cognitive Science: European Perspectives Volume 4
BOOKS027856I: Orbell, Margaret Rose - A Concise Encyclopedia of Maori Myth and Legend
BOOKS018838I: Ording, Arne [1898-1967] - Østerrike
BOOKS002451I: Ordonez, Ezequiel - El Volcan de Paricutin
BOOKS020784I: Orensanz, Aurelio L. - Presentations of Art in Society : Scandinavian and American Encounters of the Visual Arts
BOOKS006679I: Orenstein, Alex - W.V.O. Quine
BOOKS014327I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2003: Volume VIII: Pages 3271 to 4388
BOOKS014251I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2003: Volume VII: Pages 2699 to 3270
BOOKS014252I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2004: Volume V: Pages 1873 to 2481
BOOKS012721I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume I: Pages 1 to 409
BOOKS019167I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2005: Volume IV: Pages 1277 to 1796
BOOKS017073I: Islamic Propagation Organization [ Sazman-i Tablighat-i Islami (Tehran, Iran)] - Confessions of the Central Cadre of the Tudeh Party
BOOKS016200I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2003: Volume II: Pages 487 to 961
BOOKS016199I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2004: Volume III: Pages 923 to 1533
BOOKS005271I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2000: Volume III: Pages 1187 to 1672
BOOKS005203I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2000: Volume II: Pages 573 to 1185
BOOKS005170I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume III: Pages 847 to 1386
BOOKS005064I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 1998: Volume III: Pages 697 to 1176
BOOKS004888I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2000: Volume V: Pages 2235 to 2620
BOOKS012694I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume XII: Pages 6011 to 6478
BOOKS012695I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume VIII: Pages 3303 to 4047
BOOKS012693I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume V: Pages 1819 to 2070
BOOKS004543I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume VIII Pages 3043 to 3594
BOOKS004494I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 1997: Volume II, Pages 589 to 1082
BOOKS012690I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume III: Pages 777 to 1292
BOOKS004272I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume V Pages 1777 to 2074
BOOKS004219I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 1998: Volume VII: Pages 2753 to 3324
BOOKS004194I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2000: Volume IV: Pages 1673 to 2234
BOOKS004024I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume VI: Pages 2075 to 2697
BOOKS003855I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2000: Volume X: Pages 4591 to 5118
BOOKS003852I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume VII: Pages 2579 to 3042
BOOKS003735I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume VI: Pages 2071 to 2575
BOOKS012666I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume IV: Pages 1293 to 1776
BOOKS012696I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume IX: Pages 3595 to 4077
BOOKS004687I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume XI: Pages 5479 to 6010
BOOKS004686I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume II: Pages 587 to 846
BOOKS004666I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2000: Volume I : Pages 1 to 572
BOOKS012692I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2002: Volume IV: Pages 1387 to 1818
BOOKS012691I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume VII: Pages 2699 to 3301
BOOKS004732I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2001: Volume IX: Pages 4049 to 4693
BOOKS022115I: World Trade Organization - Dispute Settlement Reports 2007: Volume VI: Pages 2149 to 2700
BOOKS030990I: Hellenic Culture Organization - The Bull in the Mediterranean World : Myths and Cults
BOOKS022197I: International Congress of Orientalists (24th : 1957 : Munich, Germany) [ Franke, Herbert ; editor: ] - Akten des vierundzwanzigsten Internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses München 28. August bis 4. September 1957
BOOKS018574I: Origo, Iris [1902-1988] - A Need to Testify : Portraits of Lauro de Bosis, Ruth Draper, Gaetano Salvemini, Ignazio Silone and an Essay on Biography
BOOKS023246I: Orii - Ukraina pid Isusom
BOOKS007029I: Orii - Kozatstvo chy kosatstvo? Han'ba chy slava Ukraïni
BOOKS019051I: Orii - Haidamachchyna-koliövshchyna : masons'ko- "pravoslavna" provokatsiia
BOOKS011248I: Orii - Petliura-zradnyk Ukraïny
BOOKS019831I: Orii - Synahoha v tserkvi : 'bohoobrana' matroska
BOOKS023652I: Orii - Vsesvitnii Izraïl'
BOOKS002671I: Orii - Symbol rabstva (koloniï) v ukraïns'komu prapori
BOOKS026390I: Orissa (India), Revenue (Special Relief) Department - Drought in Orissa during 1954 and 1955 : Final Report
BOOKS003699I: Orlich, Leopold von [1804-1860] - Friedrich Wilhelm der Grosse Kurfürst : Nach bisher noch ungekannten Original-Handschriften / von Leopold v. Orlich
BOOKS010092I: Orlin, Lena Cowen - Private Matters and Public Culture in Post-Reformation England
BOOKS014493I: Orlova, E. - Ocherki o russkih kompozitorah XIX - nachala XX veka
BOOKS006087I: Orlowski, Karol Stefan - Orlowscy : historia jednej rodziny
BOOKS001133I: Orlowski, Boleslaw - Antoni Krauz (1801-1831?) : zapomniany pionier nauk technicznych, wynalazca i popularyzator
BOOKS025281I: Orluf, Fr. - Gisningskritiken mod Thyre Danebod
BOOKS011747I: Orme, Bryone - Anthropology for Archaeologists: An Introduction
BOOKS015707I: Ormerod, J. G. (John G.) ; editor: - The Phototrophic Bacteria: Anaerobic Life in the Light
BOOKS019017I: Orozco, José Clemente [1883-1949] - The Artist in New York : Letters to Jean Charlot and Unpublished Writings, 1925-1929
BOOKS005413I: Orr, Linda - Headless History: Nineteenth-Century French Historiography of the Revolution
BOOKS019558I: Orr, Charles William James, Sir [1870-1945] - The Making of Northern Nigeria : Second Edition
BOOKS020150I: Orren, Karen - Belated Feudalism : Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States
BOOKS022321I: Ørsted, Peter - Roman Imperial Economy and Romanization : A Study in Roman Imperial Administration and the Public Lease System ..,.
BOOKS006396I: Ørsted, Peter - Roman Imperial Economy and Romanization : A Study in Roman Imperial Administration and the Public Lease System ..,.,.
BOOKS025565I: Ørsted, Hans Christian [1777-1851] [ Schimmelmann, Ernst Heinrich von (1747-1831) ] - Mindetale over ..,.Hans Excellence Geheimestatsminister Herr Ernst Heinrich Greve af Schimmelmann
BOOKS028522I: Ortayli, Ilber - Studies on Ottoman Transformation
BOOKS006629I: Ortega Monasterio, Maria Teresa - Estudio masoretico interno de un manuscrito hebreo biblico espanol. Codice no.2 de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense
BOOKS005455I: Ortega, Julio - Poetics of Change. The New Spanish-American Narrative
BOOKS001725I: Ortega Saavedra, Daniel - 1986 -- After 25 Years, All Arms Against the Aggression!
BOOKS002244I: Orti Belmonte, Miguel Angel - La vida en Caceres en los siglos XIII y XVI al XVIII,
BOOKS001060I: Ortiz de Landazuri, Maria Carmen Galindo - Condiciones de existencia y nivel de vida de Calatayud
BOOKS010227I: Ortner, Sherry B. - Life and Death on Mt. Everest: Sherpas and Himalayan Mountaineering
BOOKS015556I: Ortner, Sherry B. - Sherpas Through Their Rituals
BOOKS009844I: Orton, William Aylott [1889-1952] - The Economic Role of the State
BOOKS001331I: Orton, Clive - Mathematics in Archaeology
BOOKS025762I: Ørum, Jacob Christian Martin [1823-1905] - Et Indblik i den danske Folkekirke, som Forsøg til en Orientering i vore kirkelige Forhold : af en theologisk Candidat
BOOKS007978I: Orwin, Donna Tussing - Tolstoy's Art and Thought 1847 - 1880
BOOKS002208I: Orzack, Steven Hecht ; & Sober, Elliott ; editors: - Adaptationism and Optimality
BOOKS030877I: Osadcha, V. M - Obriadova pisennist Slobozhanshchyny : navchalnyi posibnyk
BOOKS012550I: Osborne, Harold; editor: - The Oxford Companion to Art
BOOKS009611I: Osborne, Catherine - Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy: Hippolytus of Rome and the Presocratics
BOOKS016427I: Osborne, Patrick L. - Tropical Ecosystems and Ecological Concepts
BOOKS017387I: Osceola [pseudonym of Karen Blixen (1885-1962)] - Eneboerne [her first short story, contained in 'Tilskueren', 1907] [together with 36 other periodicals & pamphlets by Blixen]
BOOKS007529I: Oshima, Harry T. - Economic Growth in Monsoon Asia : A Comparative Survey
BOOKS019676I: Oshinsky, David M. - Polio : An American Story
BOOKS029663I: Osing, Jürgen ; & Nielsen, Erland Kolding ; editors : - The Heritage of Ancient Egypt : Studies in Honour of Erik Iversen
BOOKS003263I: Osinga, Ronald - Sedimentation & Degradation of Organic Matter produced by Marine Phytoplankton
BOOKS031406I: Oskanyan, Sh. B. (Shoghik Babkeni) - Dprots'n u krt'ut'yan zargats'ume Osmanyan T'urk'iayi hayashat gaght'ojakhnerum (1850-1920 t't'.) : usumnakan dzenark
BOOKS017206I: Osler, William, Sir [1849-1919]; [ Hinohara, Shigeaki ; & Niki, Hisae ; editors:] - Osler's 'A Way of Life' and Other Addresses: With Commentary and Annotations
BOOKS001169I: Osler, Mogens and Charoong, Pasuwan, editors: - Seminar on Utilizing Existing Infrastructure for Provision of Family Planning, Pattaya,Thailand,January 19-25 1986.Report.
BOOKS015600I: Osman, Taib - William Crooke : A Folklorist
BOOKS004926I: Osmong, Rosalie - Mutual Accusation. Seventeenth-Century Body and Soul Dialogues in their Literary and Theological Context
BOOKS021698I: Ossietzky, Maud von ; & Leonard, Hans ; editors: - Die Weltbühne : Wochenschrift für Politik, Kunst, Wirtschaft: VII. Jahrgang, Nummer 1-2, 4-18, 20-22, 24-53 [Jan. - Dez- 1952]
BOOKS008946I: Ossman, Susan - Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City
BOOKS000368I: Ossowski, Miroslaw - Der "Berliner Roman" zwischen 1880 und 1900
BOOKS000833I: Östenberg, Carl Eric - Luni sul Mignone e problemi della preistoria d'Italia
BOOKS020381I: Ostenfeld, Carl Hansen [1873-1931] - The Flora of Greenland and Its Origin
BOOKS027534I: Ostenfeld, Erik Nis ; Blomqvist, Karin ; & Nevett, Lisa C ; editors : - Greek Romans and Roman Greeks : Studies in Cultural Interaction
BOOKS002463I: Osterberg, V. - Prince Hamlet's Age
BOOKS022878I: Österberg, Eva - Mentalities and Other Realities : Essays in Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavian History
BOOKS022889I: Österberg, Edvin - De Ephetarum atheniensium origine, commentatio academica
BOOKS010737I: Østergaard, Asser Høgsbro - Calculus vesicae hos børn : studier over blærestensygdommens epidemiologi og ætiologi i historisk perspektiv
BOOKS021975I: Osterland, Martin - Gesellschaftsbilder in Filmen : Eine soziologische Untersuchung des Filmangebots der Jahre 1949-1964
BOOKS025727I: Ostermann, Hother [1876-1950] - Den norske Grönlandsprest Provst Jörgen Sverdrup : et arktisk livs- og tidsbillede fra det 18de aarhundrede.
BOOKS001064I: Ostertag, Wolfram - Chemische Mutagenese an menschlichen Zellen in Kultur
BOOKS027536I: Osterwalder, Adolf - Krankheiten und Fehler der Obst- und Traubenweine : ihr Wesen und ihre Behandlung nach den neuesten Forschungen
BOOKS030265I: Osterwalder, Marcus - Dictionnaire des illustrateurs, 1890-1945 : XXe siècle, première génération, illustrateurs du monde entier nés avant 1885..,.
BOOKS010017I: Ostfeld, Adrian M.; Kasi, Stanislav V.; D'Atri, David A.; & Fitzgerald, Edward F. - Stress, Crowding, and Blood Pressure in Prison
BOOKS024721I: Osthoff, Wolfgang ; Becker, Heinz ; & Quandt, Reinhold ; editors: - Quellentexte zur Konzeption der europäischen Oper im 17. Jahrhundert
BOOKS012818I: Ostler, Jeffrey - The Plains Sioux and U.S. Colonialism from Lewis and Clark to Wounded Knee
BOOKS031824I: Östman, Margareta - Les précepteurs muets : étude sur l'utilité morale du roman en France, 1699-1742
BOOKS008983I: Østmo, Einar - Helleristninger av sorskandinaviske former pa det indre Ostlandet: Fylkene Buskerud, Akershus, Oslo, Oppland og Hedmark
BOOKS008982I: Ostmo, Einar - Etableringen av jordbrukskultur i Ostfold i steinalderen
BOOKS006822I: Ostor, Akos - Puja in Society
BOOKS010990I: Ostrander, Rick - The Life of Prayer in a World of Service: Protestants, Prayer and American Culture 1870-1930
BOOKS025066I: Østrem, Eyolf ; Bruun, Mette Birkedal ; Petersen, Nils Holger ; & Fleischer, Jens ; editors: - The Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals : Genre and Ritual
BOOKS026573I: Østrem, Eyolf ; Fleischer, Jens ; & Petersen, Nils Holger ; editors: - The Arts and the Cultural Heritage of Martin Luther
BOOKS008647I: Ostriker, Alicia Suskin - The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions.
BOOKS031836I: Ostrogradsky, M. [ Ostrogradskij, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1801-1862)] [ Ostrogradskiy, Michail V.] - Note sur la théorie de la chaleur (Lue le 5 Novembre 1828)
BOOKS000305I: Ostrow, Matthew B. - Wittgenstein's Tractatus : A Dialectical Interpretation
BOOKS001139I: Ostrowska, Teresa - Przedstawiciele nauk medycznych i ich dzialalnosc naukowa w Towarzystwie Warszawskim Przyjaciol Nauk, 1800-1832
BOOKS015061I: Ostrowski, Jan K. - Land of the Winged Horsemen: Art in Poland, 1572-1764
BOOKS031842I: Ostwald, Wilhelm [1853-1932] - Die Attribute der Farben [together with 'Grundsätzliches zur messenden Farbenlehre' (I.-II. Teil)]
BOOKS023192I: Ostwald, Hans - Rinnsteinsprache : Lexikon der Gauner-, Dirnen- und Landstreichersprache
BOOKS015411I: Ostwald, Martin - From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law: Law, Society and Politics in Fifth Century Athens
BOOKS026594I: Ostwald, Wilhelm [1853-1932] ; International Committee of Monism - La Monisme comme but de la civilisation
BOOKS002757I: Panstwowe Muzeum w Oswiecimiu - Heft von Auschwitz, I
BOOKS011561I: Otani, Masaru [1911- ] - Kierukegoru ni okeru shinri to genjitsusei
BOOKS011562I: Otani, Masaru [1911- ] - Kierugoru ni okeru jiyu Masaru Otani
BOOKS004772I: Otani, Chojun - Les problemes de la foi et de la pratique chez Rennyo a travers ses lettres. Ofumi.
BOOKS007621I: d'Othee, Xavier Janne - Le Chateau de Streversdorp et ses anciens Seigneurs. Les comtes de Belderbusch
BOOKS007329I: Othman, Nina - Synliga och osynliga identiteter : maskuliniteter och performativ identitetsframställning i Paul Austers "Invisible
BOOKS029485I: Otkhmezuri, G. ; Mchedlidze, G. ; Zhghenti, D.; Surguladze, M; Bakradze, A. ; Enukidze, T. ; & Kldiasvili, Darejan ; editors: - Pirt'a anotirebuli lek'sikoni : XI-XVII ss. k'art'uli istoriuli sabut'ebis mixedvit' [Volume 4]
BOOKS031012I: Otroscenko, Vitalij Vasyl'ovyc - Vzajemozv'jazky kultur epoch bronzy i rannogo zaliza na terytoriï centralnoï ta schidnoï Jevropy : zbirka naukovych prac ..,.
BOOKS022054I: Ott, Heinrich - Apologetik des Glaubens : Grundprobleme einer dialogischen Fundamentaltheologie
BOOKS006673I: Ottaviano, María Alejandra - La otra cara del marzo paraguayo : impunidad, persecuciones y torturas en el Paraguay 1999-2001
BOOKS006003I: Ottaway, David and Marina - Algeria: The Politics of a Socialist Revolution
BOOKS022094I: Otte, Marline - Jewish Identities in German Popular Entertainment, 1890-1933
BOOKS019894I: Ottenjann, Helmut ; editor: [ Stiftung Museumsdorf Cloppenburg ] - Zur Bau-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialstruktur des Artlandes im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
BOOKS029146I: Ottenthal, Emil von [1855-1931] - Die gefälschten Magdeburger Diplome und Melchior Goldast
BOOKS024195I: Otterlo, Willem Anton Adolf van - Beschouwingen over het archäische element in den stijl van Aeschylus
BOOKS013860I: Ottesen, J. - The Life Cycle of Hen Erythrocytes
BOOKS021990I: Otteson, James R. - Adam Smith’s Marketplace of Life
BOOKS022437I: Otto, Ton ; & Borsboom, Ad ; editors: - Cultural Dynamics of Religious Change in Oceania
BOOKS003363I: Ottomeyer, Klaus - Anthropologieproblem und marxistische Handlungstheorie: Kritisches und Systematisches zu Sève, Duhm, Schneider ..,.
BOOKS010350I: Ottoo, Richard E. - Valuation of Corporate Growth Opportunities : A Real Options Approach
BOOKS025521I: Ottosen, Johan [1859-1904] - Peter Hiort Lorenzen's historiske gaerning
BOOKS017599I: Ottsen - Der Kreis Tondern : Bilder aus der Erdkunde und Geschichte des Kreises
BOOKS021020I: Otwinowski, Stefan [1910-1976] - Wielkanoc: dramat w trzech aktach z prologiem
BOOKS002278I: Otzen, Benedikt - Studien über Deuterosacharja
BOOKS009920I: Oualalou, Fathallah [Walalu, Fath Allah] - La pensée socio-économique d'el Makrizi
BOOKS003174I: Ould Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud - Tribu et état en Afrique
BOOKS015315I: Ousby, Ian ; editor: - The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English
BOOKS001782I: Ouseph, A.V.; James, P.V. ; & Habibullah, Wajahat - Town Survey Report : Kavaratti
BOOKS028856I: Oussaid, Lahsen - Tayri d tallst : ungal
BOOKS029608I: Ousterhout, Robert G. ; & Brubaker, Leslie ; editors : - The Sacred Image East and West
BOOKS015393I: Outhwaite, William - Habermas: A Critical Introduction
BOOKS015804I: Ouweneel, Arij - Shadows Over Anahuac: An Ecological Interpretation of Crisis and Development in Central Mexico, 1730-1800
BOOKS002652I: Ovalles, Omar - La fuerza de la ecologia en Venezuela
BOOKS019494I: Ovcharov, Dimitur - Omortag Kana Siubigi ot Boga vladatel na Bulgarite
BOOKS003975I: Ovchinnikova, E.S. - Tserkov Troitsi v Nikitnikakh. Pamjatnik Zhivopisi i Zodchestva XVII Veka.
BOOKS027838I: Over, Hermanus Johannes - Ecological Biogeography of Lymnaea truncatula in the Netherlands
BOOKS024172I: Overbeck, Fritz - Moore [ Das Känozoikum in Niedersachsen (Tertiär, Diluvium, Alluvium und Moore), 4. Abteilung ]
BOOKS029995I: Overeem, Marie Antoinette van - On Green Organisms Occurring in the Lower Troposphere
BOOKS022515I: Overing, Gillian R. ; & Osborn, Marijane - Landscape of Desire : Partial Stories of the Medieval Scandinavian World
BOOKS002441I: Overstreet, Gene D. & Windmiller, Marshall - Communism in India
BOOKS020116I: Overton, Mark - Agricultural Revolution in England : The Transformation of the Agrarian Economy 1500 -1850
BOOKS002928I: Owen, Richard [Sloan, Phillip Reid; editor:] - The Hunterian Lectures in Comparative Anatomy May-June, 1837
BOOKS009707I: Owen, Stephen - The End of the Chinese 'Middle Ages': Essays in Mid-Tang Literary Culture
BOOKS017016I: Owen, Roger ; & Pamuk, Sevket - A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century
BOOKS003744I: Owen, Robert Dale - The Wrong of Slavery, The Right of Emancipation & the Future of the African Race in the United States
BOOKS002031I: Owen, W.J.B. - Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballads. Edited with an Introduction & Commentary
BOOKS027820I: Owen, Trefor M. - Welsh Folk Customs
BOOKS013109I: Owens, D. R. - Human Insulin: Clinical Pharmacological Studies in Normal Man
BOOKS003747I: Owens, J.T. - J.H. Mason 1875 - 1951. Scholar - Printer
BOOKS009832I: Owona, Gregoire [Noubissie Ngankam, Emmanuel; interviewer] - Un Bateau dans le tourmente? Cameroun: Des raisons d'esperer. Entretiens avec Emmanuel Noubissie Ngankam
BOOKS013335I: Oxenstierna, Eric Carl Gabriel [1916 - ] - Die Urheimat der Goten
BOOKS024924I: Oxenstierna, Eric Carl Gabriel, greve [1916-1968] - Die Urheimat der Goten
BOOKS009676I: Oxfeld, Ellen - Blood, Sweat, and Mahjong: Family and Enterprise in an Overseas Chinese Community
BOOKS003641I: Oxholm, Ole; Olsen,Moses & Lynge, Finn, editors: - Ukiune Halvtresine Kalatdlit-nunane Radiukut Nalaortarnek
BOOKS013776I: Oyewumí, Oyeronke - The Invention of Women : Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses
BOOKS015850I: Özbek, Yildiray - Osmanli Beyligi mimarisinde tas süsleme, (1300-1453)
BOOKS028728I: Özcan, Azmi - Pan-Islamizm : Osmanli devleti, Hindistan müslümanlari ve Ingiltere, 1877-1924
BOOKS028731I: Özcelebi, Ali - Claude Farrère et la Turquie
BOOKS017580I: Özelsel, Michaela M. - Forty Days : The Diary of a Traditional Solitary Sufi Retreat with an Accompanying Interdisciplinary Scientific Commentary
BOOKS022993I: Özer, Ibrahim - Tanri ve insan : kemalât yolu
BOOKS008386I: Ozer, Kemal - Gul Yordami: Siirler
BOOKS019816I: Özgen, Mahmut Ihsan - Devlet adamligi ve devlet yönetiminde esaslar
BOOKS008385I: Ozguven, Ozgul - Yagmur Tutan Guzellik: Siirler
BOOKS012244I: Ozkan, Fatma - Osmaniye Tatar agzi
BOOKS016138I: Özkirimli, Atilla - Toplumsal bir baskaldirinin ideolojisi : Alevilik-Bektasilik : arastirma-inceleme
BOOKS015894I: Öztan, Yüksel ; & Arslan, Mükerrem - Ic Anadolu Bolgesi ekolojik kosullarina uygun Sukkulent (etli yaprakli) bitki turlerinden peyzaj mimarlgi calismalarinda ..,.
BOOKS008155I: Özüekren, Sule ; & Kempen, Ronald van ; editors: - Turks in European Cities : Housing and Urban Segregation
BOOKS008694I: Tshe-rin-rdo-rjes rtsom 'bri byas pa - Bcins'grol snon gyi Nag-chu rdzon tsho sog khag gi lo rgyus mdor bsdus
BOOKS029738I: Paaby, Per - Changes in the Concentration of Water in Plasma During Pregnancy
BOOKS016421I: Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. (Aida Beatrijs) - Topological Semigroups
BOOKS030777I: Paananen, Unto - Sallust's Politico-social Terminology : Its Use and Biographical Significance
BOOKS026396I: Pabanó, F. M. [pseudonym of Félix Manzano López]. - Historia y costumbres de los Gitanos : Coleccion de cuentos viejos y nuevos, dichos y timos graciosos, maldiciones y refranes.,.
BOOKS008695I: Pacey, Philip - David Jones and Other Wonder Voyagers
BOOKS014476I: Pacey, Arnold - Meaning in Technology
BOOKS016964I: Pachai, Bridglal ; editor: - The Early History of Malawi
BOOKS012524I: Pacheco, Arthur - Typos cellulares dos ganglios espinhais do homem no estado normal e em alguns estados pathologicos
BOOKS009403I: Pachmuss, Temira - Zinaida Hippius: An Intellectual Profile
BOOKS027205I: Pacholski, Leszek ; Wierzejewski, Jedrzej ; & Wilkie, Alec J. ; editors: - Model Theory of Algebra and Arithmetic : Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic.,.,.
BOOKS023413I: Pachow, W ; & Mishra, Ramakanta - The Pratimoksa-sutra of the Mahasanghikas : Critically Edited for the First Time from Palm-leaf Manuscripts Found in Tibet
BOOKS012170I: Pachter, Henry Maximilian [1907-1980] [Bronner, Stephen Eric; editor] - Socialism in History: Political Essays of Henry Pachter
BOOKS019412I: Paciorkowski, Stanislaw, Adwokat - Snobizm i Grabszczyzna : Mysli o Sanacji Panstwa
BOOKS023775I: Pack, S. W. C. - The Wager Mutiny
BOOKS008141I: Packard, Randall M. - Chiefship and Cosmology: An Historical Study of Political Competition
BOOKS006074I: Paclisanu, Zenobius - Der Ausrottungskampf Ungarns gegen seine nationalen Minderheiten nach magyarischen Geheimdokumenten
BOOKS026756I: Pade, Marianne ; Kragelund, Patrick ; Lange, Carsten Hjort; Dal Santo, Gitte Lønstrup; Sørensen, Gert ; et al. : editors: - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici : XXXVII : 2012
BOOKS030128I: Pade, Marianne - The Reception of Plutarch's Lives in Fifteenth-century Italy
BOOKS023567I: Pade, Marianne ; editor: - On Renaissance Commentaries
BOOKS019424I: Padel, Wilhelm ; & Steeg, Louis [ Steeg, Camille Louis (1865-19??)] - De la législation foncière ottomane / par W. Padel et L. Steeg
BOOKS002679I: Padmanabha, P - Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns: Sringeri
BOOKS020489I: Padmanabhan, Martina Aruna - Trying to Grow : Gender Relations and Agricultural Innovations in Northern Ghana
BOOKS026885I: Padmasundarasuri [fl. 1556-1575. CE] [ Ravala, Di. Pi. ; editor: ] - Yadusundaramahakavya / Padmasundarasuriviracita ; sampadaka Di. Pi. Ravala
BOOKS026931I: Padmasundarasuri [active 1556-1575 CE] [ Shah, Nagin J. ; editor: ] [ Saha, Nagina Ji. ] - Jnanacandrodayanataka
BOOKS029339I: Padmavati, Chintala - Telugu vari muggulu
BOOKS008598I: Padmavati, Chintala [1957 - ] - Intinta manchivanta: nan vejeteriyan
BOOKS006854I: Padua, Antonio de - Davos-am-Platz. Estacao Climaterica de Inverno. Alpes Grisois (Graubunden) [bound together with 2 other items]
BOOKS013719I: Paff, William J. - The Geographical and Ethnic Names in the Thidriks Saga: A Study in the Old Germanic Legend
BOOKS014420I: Paffenroth, Kim - In Praise of Wisdom : Literary and Theological Reflections on Faith and Reason
BOOKS010838I: Pagano, Jo Anne - Exiles and Communities : Teaching in the Patriarchal Wilderness
BOOKS026907I: Pagariya, Rupendrakumara ; editor: - Bhagavaticurnih / sampadaka Rupendrakumara Pagariya
BOOKS031374I: Pagariya, Rupendrakumara ; editor : [ Sricandrasuri (active 12th century CE)] - Sri Candrasuri's Munisuvratasvamicarita
BOOKS009358I: Page, Ian - Parallel Architectures and Computer Vision
BOOKS006906I: Page, Caroline - U.S. Official Propaganda During the Vietnam War, 1965 - 1973 : The Limits of Persuasion
BOOKS015136I: Page, Frederick [1879 - 19??] - Patmore; A Study in Poetry
BOOKS014845I: Pager, Harald - Stone Age Myth and Magic as Documented in the Rock Paintings of South Africa
BOOKS023437I: Rajiva Veda Prakasa Pahava - Meri saheli [11 supplementary volumes completely devoted to illustrations of mendhi (henna hand tattoos)]
BOOKS001037I: Pai, Pushpa (Karapurkar) - Kokborok Grammar
BOOKS011944I: Paik, Jeom Kee ; & Thayamballi, Anil Kumar - Ship-shaped Offshore Installations : Design, Building, and Operation
BOOKS006450I: International Association for the Study of Pain - Pain. Volume 2 (1976). [Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain]
BOOKS006449I: International Association for the Study of Pain - Pain. Volume 1 (1975). [Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain]
BOOKS018642I: Painter, Muriel Thayer - A Yaqui Easter
BOOKS013815I: Pais, Abraham - Subtle Is the Lord : The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein
BOOKS009986I: Pais, Abraham - A Tale of Two Continents: A Physicist's Life in a Turbulent World
BOOKS008349I: Paivinen, Risto; Vanclay, Jerry; & Miina, Saija; editors: - New Thrusts in Forest Inventory: Proceedings of the Subject Group S4.02-00 'Forest Resource Inventory and Monitoring' ...
BOOKS008348I: Paivinen, Risto; Roihuvuo, Leena; & Siitonen, Markku; editors: - Large-Scale Forestry Scenario Models: Experiences & Requirements. Proceedings of the International Seminar & Summer School 1995
BOOKS003615I: Pajewski, Janusz - Stosunki Polsko-Wegierskie i Niebezpieczenstwo Tureskie w latach 1516-1526
BOOKS009364I: Pakdaman, Nasser & Yalfani, Mohsen ; editors : - Cesmandaz: Revue trimestrielle. No. 1; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 17; 18; 20; 21 [1986-2002]
BOOKS008699I: Pakes, Anthony G. & ;Maller, R.A. - Mathematical Ecology of Plant Species Competition: A Class of Deterministic Models for Binary Mixtures of Plant Genotypes
BOOKS000294I: Pakhomova, A.S. & Zatuchnaja, B.M. - Gidrokhimiia Kaspiiskogo Morja
BOOKS012357I: Communist Party of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) - Evaluation of the Freedom Struggle of Bangladesh
BOOKS017375I: Pakrashi, Satyesh Chandra ; & Pakrashi, Anita - Spice of Life : Magical Healing Power of Turmeric
BOOKS018446I: Pakyntein, E.H. - A Village Survey of Laisong [Census of India, 1961, Assam Village Survey Monographs]
BOOKS023699I: Pal, Satya - Genetic (DNA) Research Proves that Upper Castes are Aryan Eurasians
BOOKS011510I: Pal, Pratapaditya - Vaisnava Iconology in Nepal: A Study in Art and Religion with 110 Illustrations.
BOOKS021192I: Visnu Pala [ Sen, Sukumar ; editor: ] - Visnu Pala's Manasa-mangala
BOOKS025372I: Palacio, Manuel del [1831-1906] - Blanca : historia inverosimil
BOOKS017320I: Palacios Lleras, Miguel [ Lleras, Miguel Palacios ] - Investing in Human Capital : A Capital Markets Approach to Student Funding
BOOKS022274I: Palacuntaram, Ca. ; editor: [ Balasundaram, S. ] - Tanippatal tirattu. 2m pakam : polippuraiyutan [ Thanippadal thirattu (Part II) ]
BOOKS016344I: Musée du Petit Palais (Paris, France) - Le symbolisme dans les collections du Petit Palais : [exposition] Musée du Petit Palais, 21 octobre 1988-19 février 1989
BOOKS012295I: Palamarev, Emanuil H. & Petkova, Adriana S. - Fosilite na Bulgariia, VIII, 1: Sarmatskata makroflora
BOOKS000860I: Palangurski, Milko Stoianov - Liberalnata (Radoslavistka) partiia v sistemata na bulgarskata parlamentarna demokratsiia, noemvri 1900 - iuni 1904 g.
BOOKS023606I: Palanichamy, S. - Development of Indian Railways in the Madras Presidency 1853-1947 : A Case Study in British Colonialism
BOOKS022150I: Deutschen Verein zur Erforschung Palästinas [ Kuschke, Arnulf ; Mittmann, Siegfried ; & Weippert, Manfred ; editors : ] - Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins : zugleich Organ des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts..,.[Band 83 - 86 , 91 - 93]
BOOKS022128I: Deutschen Verein zur Erforschung Palästinas [ Kuschke, D. A. ; & Noth, M. ; editors : ] - Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins : Zugleich Organ des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts..,.[Band 75 - 82 (1959-1966)]
BOOKS023951I: Palau Martí, Montserrat - Le roi-dieu au Bénin, Sud Togo, Dahomey, Nigeria occidentale
BOOKS015973I: Palayer, Pierre - Lexique de plantes du pays sar : plantes spontanées et cultivées : Tome I & II
BOOKS003660I: Palek, Bohumil & Janota, Premysl; editors - Proceedings of LP 90: Proceedings of the Conference Linguistic and Phonetics: Prospects and Applications, Prague...1990
BOOKS012322I: Paleshutski, Kostadin - Makedonskoto osvoboditelno dvizhenie sled Purvata svetovna voina: 1918-1924
BOOKS015760I: Paleshutski, Kostadin Ljubenov - Makedonskoto osvoboditelno dvizhenie 1924-1934
BOOKS010258I: Paley, Julia - Marketing Democracy: Power and Social Movements in Post-Dictatorship Chile
BOOKS001384I: Palgrave, R.H. Inglis - Bank Rate and the Money Market in England, France, Germany, Holland & Belgium 1844-1900
BOOKS020894I: Palivala, Krshna Vallabha - Islama Isaiyata aura Hindu dharma
BOOKS020646I: Paliwal, K.V. - Islamism and Genocide of Minorities in Bangladesh : Rise in Islamic Extremism
BOOKS026374I: Paliwal, K.V. - What Hindus Should Do
BOOKS029670I: Paljor, Kunsang [ Kunsang Paljor ] - Tibet, the Undying Flame
BOOKS008902I: Pallesinu [b. 1948] - Ragapanktulu: geya kavitvamu
BOOKS000648I: Pallis, Svend Aage - Essay on Mandaean Bibliography 1560 - 1930
BOOKS021850I: Pallis, Svend Aage Frederik Dichmann [1894-1972] - Mandæiske studier I. Forholdet mellem mandæismen og de ældre religioner.
BOOKS000699I: Pallis, Svend Aage Frederik Dichmann [1894-1972] - Chronology of the Shub-ad Culture
BOOKS014625I: Pallottino, Massimo - The Etruscans
BOOKS024643I: Palludan, Birthe - A-Avitaminosis in Swine : A Study on the Importance of Vitamin A for Reproduction
BOOKS013233I: Palm, Christine - Wir graben den Schacht von Babel" oder Kafkas "Urteil" : Versuch einer semasiologisch-textlinguistischen Analyse
BOOKS005955I: Palm, Lars - On va a la Mouff'?". Etude sur la syntaxe des noms de rues en francais contemporain
BOOKS016960I: Palma, Károly Ferenc [1735-1787] - Notitia rerum hungaricarum : Editio III : Pars I - II - III
BOOKS022289I: Palma, Ricardo [1833-1919] - Peruvian Traditions
BOOKS020916I: Palmadesso, Peter J. ; & Papadopoulos, Konstantinos ; editors: - Wave Instabilities in Space Plasmas : Proceedings of a Symposium Organized ..,.July 31-August 8, 1978
BOOKS027342I: Palmberg, Mai ; editor: - Encounter Images in the Meetings between Africa and Europe
BOOKS011466I: Palme, Sven Ulric - Soederkoepings riksdag 1595
BOOKS013125I: Palmella, Jose - A queda de Napoleao III, esboco biographico
BOOKS003165I: Palmer, Bryan D. - Descent into Discourse : The Reification of Language and the Writing of Social History
BOOKS028962I: Palmer, Alan Warwick - The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
BOOKS014341I: Palmer, Vernon V. (Valentine); editor: - Mixed Jurisdictions Worldwide: The Third Legal Family
BOOKS002963I: Palmer, Robin - Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia
BOOKS006152I: Palmer, William - Dissertations on Subjects Relating to the "Orthodox" or "Eastern-Catholic" Communion
BOOKS017243I: Palmer, Abram Smythe - The Folk and their Word-lore : An Essay on Popular Etymologies
BOOKS029674I: Palmer, William [1811-1879] - Notes of a Visit to the Russian Church in the Years l840, 1841 ..,. Selected and Arranged by Cardinal Newman
BOOKS005262I: Palmer, John - Political Characters of Shakespeare
BOOKS003590I: Palmer, R.R. - From Jacobin to Liberal: Marc-Antoine Jullien, 1775-1848
BOOKS002734I: Palmer, Dennis - Introducing Pattern : Its Development & Application
BOOKS000694I: Palmer, Mabel - The History of the Indians of Natal
BOOKS004799I: Palsule, G.B. - Verbal Forms in the Rgveda (Mandala VI)
BOOKS019083I: Palu, Priya - Keram vilaiyata karrukkollunkal / Priyapalu [ Carrom vilaiyada katrukkollungal ]
BOOKS023221I: Paludan, Ann - The Chinese Spirit Road : The Classical Tradition of Stone Tomb Statuary
BOOKS027169I: Paludan, J. - Landsdommer Tøger Reenberg til Ristrup : Et Digterliv for 200 Aar siden
BOOKS013536I: Paludan-Müller, Frederik [1809 - 1876] - Amor og Psyche: lyrisk Drama
BOOKS025888I: Paludan-Müller, Frederik [1809-1876] - Adonis : et mythisk digt
BOOKS026159I: Paludan-Müller, Frederik [1809-1876] - Luftskipperen og atheisten : et digt
BOOKS025720I: Paludan-Müller, Caspar Peter [1805-1882] - Kort Fremstilling af det kirkelige Kalendervæsen : Nærmest til Brug ved Studiet af Danmarks Historie
BOOKS003870I: Paludan-Muller, J. - Gullands Forhold til Danmark og Sverrig i det 14.,15., og 16. Aarhundrede. En historisk Monografi.
BOOKS029528I: Paludan-Müller, Frederik [1809 - 1876] - Trochæer og Jamber : En poetisk Polemik
BOOKS023517I: Paludan, Knud - Contributions to the Breeding Biology of Larus argentatus and Larus fuscus
BOOKS026199I: Paludan-Müller, Frederik [1809-1876] - Kjærlighed ved Hoffet : Skuespil i 5 Akter : Af Forfatteren til de fire Romanzer: Leire, Frodes Død o.s.v
BOOKS031689I: Palukaitis, Juozas [1913 -1990] - Lietuvos karininko ..,. / Memoirs of the Lithuanian Military Officer Juozas Palukaitis : Norilsk Concentration Camp
BOOKS011001I: Palumbo-Liu, David - The Poetics of Appropriation: The Literary Theory and Practice of Huang Tingjian
BOOKS000412I: Palumbo-Liu, David & Gumbrecht, Hand Ulrich; editors: - Streams of Cultural Capital: Transnational Cultural Studies
BOOKS017151I: Palumbo, Patrizia ; editor: - A Place in the Sun : Africa in Italian Colonial Culture from Post-Unification to the Present
BOOKS018179I: Palustre, Léon [1838-1894] ; editor & translator : - Adam : mystere du 12e siecle : Texte critique, accompagné d'une traduction, par Léon Palustre
BOOKS003140I: Palva, Heikki & Vikor, Knut S., editors: - The Middle East: Unity & Diversity: Papers from the Second Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies...1992
BOOKS020467I: Pályi, Eduard [1865-1930] [ Pályi, Ede ] - Das mitteleuropäische Weltreichbündnis gesehen von einem Nicht-Deutschen
BOOKS017656I: Pamegama, Tarua Candra; compiler: [ Datta, Birendranath; editor: ] - Folksongs of the Misings
BOOKS030640I: Stichting Pamflet - De AS : anarcho-socialisties tijdschrift : Nr.s 25 ; 29/30 ; 32 ; 54 [1977-1981]
BOOKS030082I: Pamuk, Orhan - Istanboul : poli kai anamneseis
BOOKS006101I: Panabokke, C.R. - Soils and Agro-Ecological Environments of Sri Lanka
BOOKS007460I: Panafieu, Louis - Le premier Discours du citoyen Louis Panafieu à l'assemblée nationale de Bordeaux, parlant au nom du peuple de Paris,..,.
BOOKS002223I: Panafieu, Louis - Deuxième discours du Citoyen L. Panafieu sur l'outrage fait a Garibaldi
BOOKS013239I: Panagiotakes, Georgios I. - The Dictaean Cave
BOOKS012372I: Panaino, Antonio ; & Sadovski, Velizar - Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, I.
BOOKS013610I: Panaiotova, V. N. - Makedoniia v tvoreniiata na Kiril Khristov
BOOKS020386I: Panaitescu, P. P. - Obstea taraneasca în Tara Romîneasca si Moldova : orînduirea feudala
BOOKS021515I: Panchal, Goverdhan - Kuttampalam and Kutiyattam : A Study of the Traditional Theatre for the Sanskrit Drama of Kerala
BOOKS025677I: Panchev, Spas ; Madzharov, Nikola ; Hitzler, Tomas ; & Nakri, Yakup - Stamps and Postcards of Eastern Rumelia and South Bulgaria 1878-1885 / Poshtenski marki..,.
BOOKS005220I: Panconesi, Emiliano; editor: - Dermatology in Europe: Proceedings of the Ist Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology...1989
BOOKS006778I: Panda, Pramoda Kumari; compiler: - Didayi [Grammar, Texts, Dictionary]
BOOKS017162I: Panda, Bhagabana - Satakamala
BOOKS015193I: Panda, Bhagaban ; editor: - Ksudracampusamkalanam. By Different Poets.
BOOKS002413I: Panda, P.K. - Contribution of Orissa to Sanskrit (Creative Literature)
BOOKS014932I: Panda, Bhagaban; editor: [Govindakavibhusanasamantaraya (1736 - 1793)] - Surisarvasvam / Govindakavibhusanasamantaraya viracitam : Bhagavan Pandasarmana sampaditam [Parts I & II]
BOOKS025435I: Pande, Bishambhar Nath [1906-1998] - Basic Oneness of All Religions : With Special Reference to Hinduism and Islam
BOOKS023433I: Pande, Shyam Narain [ Pande, Syam Narayan ] - Ancient Geography of Ayodhya
BOOKS017524I: Pande, Anupa - A Historical and Cultural Study of the Natyasastra of Bharata
BOOKS004539I: Pande, Susmita - Medieval Bhakti Movement (Its History and Philosophy)
BOOKS021511I: Pande, Girija - Aupanivesika abakari
BOOKS014276I: Pandey, Prakash [ Pandeya, Prakasa ] ; editor: [ Acarya Harinatha ] - Sanketa-Kaumudi (With Hindi Translation). A Work on Phalita Jyotisa or Indian Astrology
BOOKS002888I: Pandey, Gyanendra - The Ascendancy of the Congress in Uttar Pradesh 1926-34 : A Study in Imperfect Mobilisation
BOOKS019042I: Pandey, Hirak Subhra - Tarasankarer upanyaser angik vichar
BOOKS018820I: Pandey, Shyam Nagina ; & Dinesh, M.R. - Mango
BOOKS019768I: Pandey, S.N. (Shyam Nagina) - Pineapple Leaf Fibres
BOOKS003721I: Pandey, Prakash ; compiler & editor: [ Pandeya, Prakasa ] - Mudravimarsa / Mudra-Vimarsa: A Collection of the Definitions & Description of Mudras Traditionally Used in the Tantric & Smarta
BOOKS001866I: Pandey, B.B. - Festivals of Subansiri
BOOKS004370I: Pandey, R.K. - The Concept of Avatars (With Special Reference to Gita)
BOOKS011362I: Pandeya, Ramavadha ; & Misra, Ravinatha ; editors: - Pali-Prakrita-Apabhramsa-sangraha
BOOKS022423I: Pandeya, Prakasa ; editor: [ Pandey; Prakash ] - Kalipujapaddhatih : vistrtabhumikaya parisistadibhirvibhusita / sampadakah Prakasa Pandeya
BOOKS021866I: Pandeya, Rupanarayana ; editor: [ Pandey, Rood Narain ] [ Baudhayana ] [ Awasthi, Brahma Mitra ] - Bauddhayanasrautasutram : Darsapurnamasabhagatmakam
BOOKS000181I: Pandit, Prabodh Bechardas - India as a Sociolinguistic Area
BOOKS018479I: Pandit, M.D.; Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit.; University of Poona. - A Concordance of Vedic Compounds Interpreted by Veda
BOOKS009817I: Pandit, Miti Lal; Meldgaard, Helle & Garde, Mike; editors: - Identity in Conflict: Classical Christian Faith and Religio Occulta. Essays in Honour of Prof. Johannes Aagaard
BOOKS023560I: Pandit, S.N. - Kashmir Hindu Sanskars (Rituals, Rites and Customs): A Study
BOOKS019410I: Jagannatha Panditaraja [ Ojha,Kedaranatha ; editor: ] - Rasagangadharah / Panditarajajaganna-thaviracitah ; Srikedaranatha-Ojha viracitaya Rasacandrikakhyaya vyakhyay
BOOKS030300I: Pandor, G. A. (Gulamhusen Ahmed) - History of Muslim Education in Surat
BOOKS023456I: Pandurangi, K.T. (Krishnacharya Tamanacharya) ; editor: [ Laugaksi Bhaskara; Ramesvara Bhiksu ] - Arthasangraha (With Kannada and English Translation) .,.
BOOKS023650I: Pandya, Anandshankar - Indian Secularism : A Travesty of Truth and Justice
BOOKS008986I: Pang, Eul-Soo - In Pursuit of Honor and Power: Noblemen of the Southern Cross in Nineteenth-Centure Brazil
BOOKS013278I: Pang, Valerie Ooka; & Cheng, Li-Rong Lilly; editiors: - Struggling to be Heard: The Unmet Needs of Asian Pacific American Children
BOOKS003252I: Panhuysen, Carolien Isabel Maria - Genetics and Natural History of Asthma
BOOKS010722I: Panhwar, Khan Mohammad; editor: - Shaikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi: Life & Achievements
BOOKS005275I: Panigrahi, Lalita - British Social Policy and Female Infanticide in India
BOOKS029855I: Tryn Panjarun - Qangkar narak / The Leaders from Hell
BOOKS030180I: Pankhurst, Richard - An Introduction to the Medical History of Ethiopia
BOOKS030202I: Pankhurst, Richard - A Social History of Ethiopia : The Northern and Central Highlands from Early Medieval Times to the Rise of Emperor Tewodros II
BOOKS017202I: Pankow, Gisela - Structure familiale et psychose
BOOKS027578I: Panse, Friedrich ; & Schmidt, Heinrich J - Pieter Bruegels Dulle Griet : Bildnis einer psychisch Kranken
BOOKS031349I: Pansier, Pierre [1864-1934] - La pratique de l'ophtalmologie dans le Moyen-Age latin
BOOKS009554I: Pant, D. - Economic History of India Under the Mughals
BOOKS021499I: Pant, Kusum - The Kashmiri Pandit : Story of a Community in Exile in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
BOOKS023414I: Panta, Subodha Candra - Jhamsisvaricaritam : Jhamsirajyasyadhisvarim "Laksmibai" madhikrtya viracitam nutanam mahakavyam
BOOKS012992I: Panteleeva, Khristina - Konditsionalut v suvremenniia bulgarski knizhoven ezik
BOOKS023130I: Pantham, Thomas - Voting Behaviour in Baroda City : A 1967 General Election Study
BOOKS006988I: Pantin, C.F.A. - The Relations between the Sciences
BOOKS024545I: Panvini Rosati, Franco - La moneta romana imperiale da Augusto a Commodo : catalogo della mostra / a cura di Franco Panvini Rosati
BOOKS000929I: Panwar, R.D. - Economic Federalism
BOOKS015497I: Papa-D'Amico, Lucio - La lettera di cambio : formazione storica
BOOKS006233I: Papacosma, S. Victor - The Military in Greek Politics. The 1909 Coup d'Etat
BOOKS009982I: Papadrianos, Ioannes A. - Hoi Hellenes paroikoi tou Semlinou, 18.-19.ai: diamorphosetes paroikias, demographika stoicheia, dioketiko systema...
BOOKS024060I: Papajík, David - Páni ze Sovince : dejiny rodu moravských sudích
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BOOKS002916I: Parsloe, Guy, editor: - The Wardens' Accounts of the Founders' Company 1497 - 1681
BOOKS014538I: Parsonage, N. G. (Neville George) ; & Staveley, L. A. K. - Disorder in Crystals
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BOOKS001098I: Parthasarathy, Indira - Vaisnavisam in Tamil Literature Between the 7th and 9th Centuries
BOOKS000819I: Parthasarathy, Jakka - The Yerukula : An Ethnographic Study
BOOKS026140I: Demokraticheska partiia [Bulgaria] - Godishnik na Demokraticheskata partiia. Godina III (1912). [bound together with 3 books concerning Bulgarian politics 1907-1922]
BOOKS029375I: Rossiiskaia sotsial-demokraticheskaia rabochaia partiia - Sotsialisticheskii vestnik : Sbornik No. 2 : 1964
BOOKS025377I: Vsesoiuznaia kommunisticheskaia partiia (bolshevikov) [ Stalin ] - Bolshevik : politiko-ekonomicheskii dvukhnedelnik TSK VKP : No. 23-24 : 31 Dekabria [1928]
BOOKS019748I: Bulgarska komunisticheska partiia - Informatsiia za plenuma na TSK na BKP, sustoial se na 16 noemvri 1989 g. v zala "Georgi Kirkov".
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BOOKS021103I: Latvijas Socialdemokratiska Stradnieku Partija [Centralcomitee der Socialdemokratie Lettlands] - Der Tätigkeitsbericht der Socialdemokratie Lettlands pro Jahre 1907, 1908 und 1909
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BOOKS013194I: Partridge, Hilary - Italian Politics Today
BOOKS019551I: Partridge, A. C. (Astley Cooper) - Studies in the Syntax of Ben Jonson’s Plays
BOOKS002506I: Partridge, Eric [1894-1979] - Shakespeare's Bawdy : A Literary & Psychological Essay, and a Comprehensive Glossary.
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BOOKS005774I: Parussa, Gabriella - Les recueils francais de fables esopiques au XVIIe siecle
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BOOKS013941I: Pas, Julian F. - Visions of Sukhavati : Shan-tao’s Commentary on the Kuan Wu-liang shou-fo ching
BOOKS006086I: Van der Pas, H.T. - Economic Anthropology 1940 - 1972. An Annotated Bibliography
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BOOKS012182I: Pascal, Andrés - Relaciones de poder en una localidad rural : Estudio de caso en el Valle Hurtado, Coquimbo
BOOKS002570I: Paschen, Joachim - Demokratische Vereine und preussischer Staat. Entwicklung & Unterdruckung der demokratischen Bewegung ...Revolution von 1848/49
BOOKS015699I: Pascon, Paul - Capitalism and Agriculture in the Haouz of Marrakesh
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BOOKS021506I: Pasha, S.M. - Gujarat Genocide & Saratul Burooj
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BOOKS008605I: Pasinetti, Luigi L.; editor: - Essays on the Theory of Joint Production
BOOKS031947I: Pasini, Francesca - Ostia antica : insule e classi sociali : I e II secolo dell'impero
BOOKS024529I: Te Paske, Bradley Alan - Rape and Ritual : A Psychological Study
BOOKS003152I: Pasquier, Roger F., editor: - Conservation of New World Parrots. Proceedings of the ICBP Parrot Working Group Meeting, St. Lucia 1980
BOOKS019840I: Pasricha, Swaran ; & Rebello, L. M. - Some Common Indian Recipes and their Nutritive Value
BOOKS012530I: Pasricha, Hans Raj - The Swatantra Party: Victory in Defeat
BOOKS014663I: Passarge, Siegfried [1867 - 1958] - Die Urlandschaft Ägyptens und die Lokalisierung der Wiege der altägyptischen Kultur
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BOOKS014455I: Pasternak, Burton. - Guests in the Dragon : Social Demography of a Chinese District, 1895-1946
BOOKS000177I: Pasternak, Jaroslav - Ruske Karpaty v Archeologii
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BOOKS021257I: Paszkowicz, Adam - Listy z Angoli : (afrykanskie opowiadania kolonjalne)
BOOKS010261I: Pasztory, Esther; editor: - Middle Classic Mesoamerica: A.D. 400 - 700
BOOKS013631I: Patchoff, Dragomir & Katzeff, Danail V.; editors: - Les atrocites roumaines envers la population bulgare de la Dobroudja emmenee en Moldavie.
BOOKS013604I: Patchoff, Dragomir; Katzeff, Danail V.; & Todoroff, Peter; editors: - The Roumanian Atrocities over the Bulgarian Population of Dobroudja Abducted into Moldova
BOOKS000818I: Patel, S. - Tibetan Refugees in Orissa. An Anthropogenetic Study
BOOKS002753I: Patel, J.K. & Parikh, J.K. - Survey Report on Village Tavadia
BOOKS002729I: Patel, J.K. - Survey Report on Selected Town Vadnagar
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BOOKS008505I: Patel, Paramananda - Sadri [Grammar, Texts, Dictionary]
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BOOKS003985I: Patel, B.M. ; & Patel, J.K. [ India. Director of Census Operations, Gujarat ] - A Portrait of Population : Gujarat
BOOKS001822I: Patel, Jagdish K. - Survey Report on Village Abhapur
BOOKS000916I: Patel, Dahyabhai V. - Madame Binh - The Unwelcome Visitor
BOOKS001823I: Patel, Jagdish K. - Gujarat. Handicrafts Survey on Woolen Blanket
BOOKS022614I: Patela, Abdullah Ema. - Hajharata Sahealama (Raha.)
BOOKS015624I: Pateman, Carole - The Sexual Contract
BOOKS024220I: Patemann, Reinhard - Bremische Chronik, 1981-1986
BOOKS016107I: Paternostre de la Mairieu, Claude René ; editor: - Tablettes du Hainaut : généalogie, histoire, héraldique : Tome V
BOOKS008795I: Paterson, T.T. - Eskimo String Figures and their Origin
BOOKS026646I: Patetta, Luciano ; & Bellini, Amedeo ; editors : [Museo Butti] - I Longhi : una famiglia di architetti tra manierismo e barocco
BOOKS021626I: Patgiri, Jagadish [ Patagiri, Jagadisa ] - Asamar bhasa paricay
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BOOKS007161I: Pathak, Padmadhar - Derasri Sangraha Ke Dastavejo Ki Suchi
BOOKS009019I: Pathak, Padmadhar; editor: - Achaldasa Khichi Ri Vachanika
BOOKS008781I: Pathak, Susmita - Parichiti
BOOKS005157I: Pathak, Sunitikumar - Canakyarajanitisastram ( A Tibetan Text with Sanskrit Parallels)
BOOKS004315I: Pathak, B.D., et al - Geology & Groundwater Resources in parts of Jaunpur, Azamgarh, Ballia, Allahabad,Sultanpur & Faizabad Districts of Uttar Pradesh
BOOKS003767I: Pathak, Jagannath [ Pathaka, Jagannatha ] - Pipasa : Samskrta-gajalagitisangrahah
BOOKS001585I: Pathak, S.K., editor - Album of the Tibetan Art Collections (Collected by Rahula Samkrityayana from Nor, Zhalu & other monasteries in 1928-29 & 1934)
BOOKS000814I: Pathak, D.S. - Working of the Monetary System in India
BOOKS020927I: Pathak, Suniti Kumar ; editor: - Aryabhadracaripranidhanaraja / Phags pa bzan po spyod pai smon lam gyi rgyal po
BOOKS029668I: Pathak, Madhusudan Madhavlal - Similes in the Ramayana
BOOKS021194I: Pathaka, Saccidananda ; Dvivedi, Candra Kanta ; & Jha, Jagadananda - Paurohitya-karma-prasikshaka
BOOKS009434I: Sammana Bailan Thua Pathet (1st : 1988 : Viangchan, Laos) - Sammana Bailan Thua Pathet Khrang thi 1, van thi 10-13 Mina 1988, thi Nakhon Luang Viangchan
BOOKS006847I: Pathil, Kuncheria - Models in Ecumenical Dialogue. A Study of the Methodological Development in the Commission on "Faith and Order" ...
BOOKS031306I: Pathmanathan, S. [ Patmanatan, Ci. ] - The Temples of Tirukkonesvaram and Tampalakamam
BOOKS018847I: Patiala and East Punjab States Union (India), Government - Patiala & East Punjab States Union since Inauguration
BOOKS002387I: Patijn, Rudolf Johan Hendrik - Geologische Onderzoekingen in de Oostelijke Betische Cordilleren
BOOKS006801I: Patil, C.S. & Gouder, B.Y.M. - Freshwater Invertebrates of Dharwad (Karnataka State, India)
BOOKS001263I: Patil, R. K. - Gold and Silver Thread Industry of Surat : A Socio-economic Study
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BOOKS011800I: Patji, Abdul Rachman ; editor : - Bahasa, kebudayaan, & pandangan tentang kebahasaan masyarakat etnik (lokal) Kafoa di Alor Nusa Tenggara Timur
BOOKS027437I: Patmanata, Ci - The Temple of Tirukketisvaram
BOOKS010389I: Patnaik, N.; editor: - The Saora
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